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1137!* UIBitXkV VALURf BROOf AVF r/wmnms \ * j C o m m e r c i a l B e a i i e r • nH SOOTH BERGEN REVfFW LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 *•<•»« ttaM N M W *a<* •« M t. South Bergen Would Get $293,514 From New State Taxes, NJEA Says gam* of dividing I (Thi* pl*n Hat b*«n submitted to Governor Richard J. tax rn*MM that Hugh*. by th* New J*r*.y Tesch.r* AiMciatiM and ia not «MaML Th# merry up Ihr add* would sccru* tt th* Mate ihuukl ■do** i farm at twot4*m4 m* pro*ram continued thi* wtrk. Thr Bute of N*w Jrnmy m - DC* Iton A woe I*Mon *Ubmlttrd f>l»n that would |tv» South Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1 * 1 * ■Id. This would i v m p *hou: 417 prrcent u against ihr avsr •II county percentage gain at <S I prrcctit It la m*rrly a suggestion that thr Education Association submit- ted -; Gov. Rlchsrd J, llugh*i. pro- pmrnt at an income tax, Mid WO million o I th* mon*> that would Mow In would go lor (late al Th* Education Association dr*w up figures to th* municlpalltl** would NJEA how*v*r, ■P’ iMi m i ■ ii a mmmm Atjfl a* ar ^ ^ ^ ** t I r o p o m “ kj i rwvni Shared Coal Aid Plan Carlttadt #1,514 MJK1 E Rutherford IZ3.1CS 8*44* Lyndhunt 317.M4 21SJM N. Arlington IM.tfXf IM.9M Rutherford 245,455 Ift&JSS Incrwu* 23,457 42414 142,492 HRi M.2M Psrcsat lac 34 SU 47.4 tti SLI Th* cat**. that tax would fa* tar from reducing th* trvtnrndou* load cam rd hy real *«tai* ta the county Lyndhurst. tor instance. wouM rernvr an added S103.09Q under the NJKA formula Hut thr in- creases In Ihr *chrwl and count) budget* a Ion* thu year would ■v allow up any SUrh aiataatani The hum thing goes tar th* other municipalities Caristadt would get an added IU.W , East iturwtnra **z. sin, Mdt-i North Arlington 144,949 ami Ru the tnoom*therford *80,200 Thr aid program wa* twjighted toward ihe high whool Ynroll- ment* *inc* It cotta mar* to ed- ucate a high school «tud*nt than tldoei one in klnd*rgart*«. A district would tvcelve ItlO 50 lot each high school student and only M2 SO lor a child tn kinder- garten. Under the NJKA plan, howev- er. aid tor special classes and transportation would be eUminal-|ilM|| rd. Tht* would PUt setlon*1y frnot**™*1* * Mat* aid given. MissT Directs ompkins ta P la y I hat fat already being m m Miss Jeanne Tompkin*. daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. Edward Tosnp kins of 400 Pag* Avenue. Lynd> hurst, ha* been named director of Lacordalr* High School's an- mini dtamall? production, ' Okla- homa" The muileal will he pre- sented March 10, U, and 12 in ihe school auditorium in Upper Mont- clair. Among Miss Tompkins' other school activities ar* the Glee d u b of which she is president; th* Stu- dent Council, the National Hon- or Society, th* Sodality, the Athletic Association, and the Student Apostdate where she serves as Secretafy. « * j, ^ *,*.-*-■&*:t v Jeanne is no stranger to Ihe LYRWfcUROT IN GERMANY - rive Lyndhurst servicemen had world at theater, having had ^ • ‘reunion ia Rudingen, Germany, January 18, Their t»t year’s pre-(taken aad promptly sent elf to their favorite Lincoln PTA Has Founder's Day Program A fMturr ot (he meeting at last week * merfngt at the l jn- I’oln PTA wa* the observance at futiadM * <ia> by Mr* WtMtMn Wehw, honoring four pot pro- aidants. Mines Prank ituHuwe- rid. Anthony Appu, Joseph Cag- giano and Anthony imtunw Mra Lfwit Aldridge, prwdnK at th* l.yndhut^t R r* C.smmII. waa a gurst Th* third grade Has* taught by Miss Rosemary II* Poto, pre* tented a musical prugram. A ponrl dUKHMskni, wllh Mr* Richard 1’eterson aa modera tor, waa an interesting feature of thr afternoon. Mrs. Arthui Me Mahon, spoke on "What the leacher expects of her pupils Mrs Charles Qlrk spoke on "Parents Responsibility to th. School, the Child and the Home." Four «th grade buys dlseuaeed other theme*. Robert Luaki from i -inrHB Joseph Mein. What Parents can do for the Child, •- bout school"; John Fslcaraiw. "ftTuit Students Expect from teachers ; and John Lo Polls •"RTut We dxpect to Get from an Education." Mra. Anthony Gialmo and Mr eotnmlttee aerved refresh- ment*. School Rowe, Scardino, Frey Winner School Budget Is Turned Dowi MVI tt ti WALTER A- ItOMK ANTHONY MCAR8INO. »HKV K lerli«»n II p m i IK II t lliw lrirlw rVLL TERM DfSTR!CT8 (S YEARS) t Philip De Parto tt Walter A. Rowe 14» Rfehard A Wllesytkl M Jahn A. Meoese !U Walter H. Frey 159 Walter E- Kchember U mentation of “Bonavanture". Iler dramatic contributions also In- clude leading parts ill the class productions in both Junior and senior yehr. 4-H Club Raise Funds For Boy The 4-H Club of Lyndhurst recently completed a house to home campaign for the Joseph Longarzo, Jr. Fund”. These young people did a wonderul job by collecting a total at J532.40 Some of the outstanding girls were Sharon Kuaska, Pat Mc- Grath, Linda Cutro, Daphne Stankiewicz, Susan Ferrari and Lynn Ferrari. Supervising the young people during this campaign were Mrs. La Forgia, Mrs. Stankiewicz and Mra. Csracoio. Mr. William Gannon, Chair- man of the committee, wishes to thank them all for a job well done. picture are; Specialist Fourth Class Peter Msuro ot Harding Ave Hoe, Specialist Fourth Class Raymond Hantelli of Watson Are Private First Class Edward Rotto of Freeman Street, Air man Second Class David Logan of Park Place and Airman Seoond Class Dennis Restlano of Freeman Street. Mauro, Santeltl and Logan were graduated from I,yi»4hnrst High School In 1N4. Rentiano became engaged to Mauro’i sister last Jane when hoik were home sn leave. Truck Ordinance Again Postponed By Commission tfieir ft a board Washington PTA To Have Fair Advance plans for spring fair were made meeting of the executive of Washington PTA on Thursday afternoon at the school. It was reported that the second grade was the first olass in the school to have 100 per cent PTA membership aI parents. The 4th grade also has achieved fhis record. Eight members will attend the 0 ^ ^ ‘^bunZ6»r'”13iy net, Plans for their meeting to be held this afternoon were completed. The program theme will be “Education Is a Family Affair”. (fin- present were Mmes. Anthony Kemps, Arne Hendela, Walter Wagner, Donald Van Dorn, Ir- ving Clapp and Peter Shellham- er. Church Plans Luncheon Final plans have been made for the meat loaf luncheon to be served by the Woman's Asso- ciation of St. Thomas' .Episco- pal Church next Wednesday, Feb- ruary 16th, from 11:30 ».»»• te 1 :30 p.m. Mrs. Bernard Rohm is chairman. " r ~ -"" '. Crash On Riverside Ave. Damages House ^ A car driven by Kmma H curb and crashed into the front /■ of %hom* owned by Jerry Turco, E- 519 Riverside Ave at T:10 p; m fhuraday. , » . •>/ Police said the woman report- I ed that ah* had beoume momon 1 larUy Minded by light* of a car trovriiag horth on Riverside Av- had toil control. The storm daor and win- of the Turco home Were damaged The oar waa to- wed away. No Injorte* were reported. v Votes Cast 381 CURRENT EXPENSES Yea »9 No . 95 SS 99 M 49 154 12 171 27 74 M IS1 1SS 41 44 39 108 56 53 13 IS* 183 M 80 48 19/ 32 149 14 194 49 U 88 59 1Z3 30 48 IS 134 45 199 88 97 74 34 83 Total til 1261 171 957 52* Walter <Hawk) time njiort* rat •Kirtrr, ran off with m th,- Hoard at Tur*d*y ({•■elected w* ■lino, who hind R<Twe Walter Krey, school iithlete, I honor* with 94* him was John ed92S In many ways w a* one at the Iin many years. Iwas no open midget until the budget went down to there must be a The Hoard at meet nhortly lo Uu-r lo <iff*r the to rrduoe TT On the day at Icircular ! ing the budget on ti»*y increases ol | cher. the article let Peter Currio aa the tor thr figure*. Whether Ihe II ‘rlhuted to the defeat of {et Is not known. But Curclo wa* the chief upoiwor of James who waa seeking Neil ftnished fifth, The wa* considered moi> of p m TSa&m £ * ' M IP ** IE * I If >3 , jt If mr, * D mm sad i top hot as* as 1229' *o Curcio than to O'Neil. 274 254 2S1 341 251 232 245 174 251 By William Francis An ordinance that woukl have banned all-night parking by cbm- mercial vehicles on the streets Lyndhunt was held in abey- ance at Monday's Commission meeting because of technicalities. The technicalities were enum- erated by the State Motor Vehi- cle Division, whose approval ol an ordinance chance would have been needed. In reply to a question on these specifications, Mayor Horace R. Bogle, Jr. said that the ordinance could not be adopted until the number of hours affected were worked out. He also referred briefly to other incidental, but he did not define them fully. Bo- gle also said that he and the town commissioners favored an adop- tion of an ordinance that would prohibit commercial parking at night. In a stern warning M citizens, the Mayor urged that all cars be removed from streets when there are warnings of a snow- Feb. 10; Commissioner Peter F. Curtjio moved to adopt the low- esrbid at 1.1110 per gallon or $2220 submitted by the Hess Oil and Chemical Corp. This wa* adopted unanimously. Then the commissioners ^dls- ussed h letter from Magis- trate William L. Bivona propos- ing a schedule change in court from Thursday to Wednesday night. The time for sessions also was changed from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Following this announcement Commissioner Peter CUrcio said that a tentative meeting had been scheduled for Feb. 17 with 13 communities to discuss plans for cleaning up the Passaic Ri- ver. .He also noted that Con- gressman Henry Helstoski had Indicated he would be interested In attending the meeting. In another action. Public Af. fairs Commissioner Peter J. Rus- so announced that during the next couple of weeks inspections would be made of eating plac- Scardino Head Of Red Cross Anthony Rcardino, Jr., ha* been named borough chairman for the Central Bergen Red Cross Chapter fund drive to he held in March. Scardino will direct the fund- raising activities, here of volun- teer district chairmen and soli- citors. The drive will be con- ducted on a house-to-house bas- s. he said. In announcing the appoint- ment, William Wllaon of Ha- worth, general fund chairman for the Red Cross drive, said Scar dino was selected because ol his record at community service. Scardino is a member of the Board of Education, the Kiwan- is Club, the Civic Interest Lea- gue, East End Democratic Club, the Elks, the Italian-American Democratic Club, the Democra- tic County Committee, Boy Scout Explorer Troop 86 and the Jay- cees. A Lyndhurst resident for 20 years, Scardino lives at 485 Val- ley Brook Avenue and is the pro- prietor of the Valley Brook Uquor and Deli. so that snowplow* wmtM throughout -Lyndhurat to . ift stoiiir be able to perform their jobs He said that if this is not done, cars would be towed away and stiff fines levied. In another action at the meet- ing, three bids were received and read for the purpose of 20,- 000 gallons of No. 2 heating oil for the library for a year from Mothers of Troop 85 Plan Party The Mothers Auxiliary of Troop 85, Boy Scouts, met last Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs Leroy Nolan, Forest Ave. Plans were made for a card party to be held in April with Mrs. Jam - es sidletsky as chairman. Others o f Realtor's president William Realtors Go To Washington South Bergen County Board sure that sanitary measures are being followed. Citing one res- taurant as an example of an establishment with many viola- tions, Rusto said the infrac- tions had been corrected a week after ar. inspection was held. The commissioners also dis- cussed several other ordinances. Among them was a recom- mendation for an appropriation of $8,000 for general masonry repair* for sidewalks, steps and the wall on the library build- ing. An additional appropria- tion of J275 for a tractor and a loader was included. This would raise to $5,500 the amount set Empire Cat Club Prize Won By Inky, Lyndhunt Shart.Hal H ^ J Abbott along with the first vice president. John Savino attended {or creating the the National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB) Annu- al Inaugural meetings at Wash- ington D.C, last week. The annual four day affair in which the officials on a National Level are seated, also feature, a try’s Realtor roster and the State's Congressional Represen- tatives. ** Fifteen Hundred local Realtor Board presidents attended the affair which was heTd in the Mon- m«„ik Pn rlf SlwaJfln Hotel. ITSOttui rB»» Oirci»wll aside for this purpose.. The reso-. poHHoi; of a municipal court prosecutor' was also brought before the com- missioners. On one ordinance that con- cerned the purchase, condemna- tion or gift of a piece of land on Baldwin Avenue. Commissioner John C. Garde declared that he was against appropriating the property. This as well, as the other ordinances will be brought^ before ^ BeXT puhHc l»affii|f|1Sf"fl«a owner at on Feb. 21, af 8:00 p.m« mi CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 121 87 119 87 68 87 128 \atm Cast t 9-45 Registered Voter* No*. 2. 1946 1440 1931 1237 1 323 15*1 952 1*09 1919 467 929 Fire Dept. Letter—An An Answer The l.yndhuat Klrr IW-psrtiwent lost this homo, A new method of I* circulating a latter outlining need* ot the department and. In- ddentally, crlilrtelaa l6c Com- mercial Leader. In falrm-w* tn tt* department the letter t, repro iliiofd In full. At the end the edl tor make* a partial answer. The Lyndhurst Volunteer Fir* Department lakes thi* method to appeal to the citizens lo sup- port them in their efforts to se- cure a new ftrebnuso. This is * a critical period in the history of this department ,\nd the present day materials 'o beautify the home is respon- sible for the crises. Years ago, when there wa* a fir* it burned furniture in a particular room, but the solid doors and plaster walls and celling helped hold back t bt- spread of the fire. Now, the plaster is gone, sometimes even Ihe plaster boards are left out. The fire feeds on highly com bustible panelling, cabinets plastic drapes and curtains, ceiling tile also helps feed the fire, from there It Is Just a sliort iump, to the foam chairs and mat tresses in the other rooms. Modern day fires spread toxic fumes fighting a fire such as this should inVe l>een tried and ready for use at (his type of flee. We are ready to try ihis High-expansion Foam System and this would lave been the tim e to test It. An ordinary house fire takes all of our equipment to combat, nothing is available for another fire call, breakdown of in en- gine, or possible extension . of Ihe fire. While we are members of the South Bergen Cover-up Sys- tem, we should be able to take care of any fires with the ex- ception of the larger ones, also, if we send equipment to help (totalled lafomatlon about the plana baa been disclosed. There- fore, there ha* been no objection aa yet to plana which are not yet pubUc. The shocking part of Ihe depart- ment letter, however, demand* at- tention speedily. The assertion that Ihe department auffera for lack of eight smoke masks and two smoke ejectors Is appaling. Apparently every department but the fire de|M*rtment I* well supplb'd with equipment. Certain- Ij. Lyndhurst’* public work* de- partment baa a wide assortment of equipment as any department of It* kind In New Jersey. Only on Monday Ihe Board of Comml* another town we should have aloners adopted ordinance* calling enough left to take care of our own town. We do not have enough equipment for Ibis. We must first build the firehouse and use the $5,000 per year that we asked for for new apparatus to bring our fire defense to par. Lyndhurst Volunteer Fire Department. The plans for the propowed new fire department house, the editor submits, are certainly subject for intelligent dheuwdon. So far little for extensive purchase* of equip- ment. The argument of the depart- ment that Ihe ma«k* and ejeetor* are necessary make* urgent . Why »rn these thing* mot bought? Why are they not bought promptly on an emergency ba*l*T It seems incredible that vital material lo protect Ihe live* of Ihe firemen and the township people I* not acquired when the department asks. ~— The Rdttor O'Neil received 78? voles. Just Vhind him wa* Richard Wilczytv «ki who received 778. Walter R Schember receiv*d 529, Richard Albecker was given 302 and Phil- ip De Parto 251. - M Many confusing situations de- veloped in the electxxi campaign. At Curcio* urging th* Circle Club w in supposed io Jp last J*rne? * cans hacked Rowe and WUcsytv- •kl. The maneuver threw the Or- r cle d u h off has* and the potency ol the club lost itseK. O’Neil re- ceived 149 vote* in the Fifth, stronghold ol the Fifth. T hal summed up the strength (4 the dub in the election, *- Scardino carried the dfttffft wllh 197 but had the Imeking it nis own workers in Ihe district, Scnosc made tfie strongeot dU- trict run of the dny when hi took the First District on 235 votes. Scnrdfno’s 197 in th* S#¥» enlh was the next best Frey showed good strength for a candidate his first bid for public office. The budget’s current expense item was defeated 933 to 826 and its capital 'outlay appropriation 864 to HOT. The Third District cut the budget most heavily, vot- ing it down 123 to 64 and 121 to 70. The fourth also ripped the budget which failed to win maj- or oVer-all support throughout the township. KMPIRE CAT CLUB — Feb. 5 ti 6 - Inky Is the proud winner of a big silver cup, best house hoi pet rosette, three best of color rosette* and three first place blue ribbons. Inky Is a black t white regular domestic rtrort-.halr and * ~ Mr. ' mt r**t you ro on1 ' ter too far in a room without a mask, therefore, we must send as many men as possible into a burning building equipped with masks to seek oyt the source of the fire, extinguish it, then we clear out the smoke and fumes and permit overhaul procedures to make sure fire is completely out. Insiead of the 4 masks we now have, we should have at lfast 12, instead of the 2 smoke ejectors we have, 4 are need- ed. ' We have needed this expatv .iion for several years, but ft has not been as obvious as recently. A fire such -as the one we just had ., on Lake. Avepue points out the need for more equipment. A cellar fire we could barely see from the small windows on the side of the house, a cellar en- trance in the center of the house, which was full of spioke. in less time tMn ft take* to tell it we were down to our last tank of air. If our men had not been able to seek out the source ,, o the fire and extinguish it and allow' us to g e t 1 the heat and PlanningJloard Approves One Application, Holds Up Another The Planning Board Thurs- day night approved one and held another application for a minor subdivision in abeyance. A request by Millar Baking Co., 800 Schuyler Ave. to sub- divide a 40x100 foot section from Swayne Avenue to the property of Standard Tool and Manufact- uring Co., 738 Sohuyler Ave. to increase its present parking lot from' a 75-foot to a 115-fool frontage, was approved by the board. * , ... A joint request by Michael Torrino and Liva-Tuzzio Inc., a real estate office, 459 Ridge Road, to subdivide a 10,350- square-foot plot at 636 Fourth St., was held in abeyance pend- ing action by the Board of Zon- ing Adjustment. The subdivided plots requested -would be 37,83x- 137.79 feet and 15.58x136.42 feet, both substandard according to the required 50-foot frontage re- quirement. Peter Modarelli, 550 Freeman St., and Nicholas Tarraboccia smoke out af this house with isked the Nankervis ol Lyndhurst. ihe snjoke ejectors we would liaveimaae in the study pertaining to taverns and gas stations. They were told the board was still considering the matter. The board announced that the meeting date would be1 changed from the first Wednesday to the first Thursday of the month be- ginning next month. Entertain For Son Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hearh, 311 Roosevelt Avenue, entertain-^ ed on Saturday" in honor of their son,. Airman 3-c Robert Hearn, U.S.A.F., who was home on leave , from the Air Force Base al Dover, row Republican Club, which Special Meeting A Special Meeting to discuss and adopt a budget for the 1966- 1967 School Year will be held in the High School Library at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 10, 1966. The date for the Special Election .fia .llM .l tedgei .hs* been tartative- ly set for Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1966. Polls Will be open p.m. to 9 p.m. y from 3 Senese Thanks Voters, Workers Del. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hearn, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Hearn and children Nancy, Richard, Jacqueline and Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Willi- am Doull, of Belleville, Mr, and Mrs. John Bandstra and daughter Diane, of Totowa, Frank Giova- of Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tedesco and son, Anthony of South Amboy. Miss Feeo Ander- board about progress son of Caldwell, and his own bro- ther, Allen Ilearn, Lyndhurst. !' - '- '-i i!* . 4 mm John A. Senese, who finished fourth in the Board of Educa- tion election Tuesday, today is- sued the following statement: "May I extend my warmest congratulations to the success- ful candidates in Tuesday’? elec- tion. 1 ant confident that they will -give Lyndhurst schools a progressive and sound admini- stration. The Citizens for Better Schools and the Dwight Mor- inIHBl dorsed me, I offer my deepest thanks. I wish to thank, also, the many, many who offered me their help and who aided me in making what I consider a highly creditable showing in my first attempt fdr public office in Lynd- hurit." --------------- - tyim; Miss. Carol Christ of Watsoft \venue is on the Dean’s List at East Stroudsbufgh (P*f) State College.

m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

Oct 05, 2020



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Page 1: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R


U IB itX kV VALURf BROOf AVFr / w m n m s \ * j

C o m m e r c i a l B e a i i e r


LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 *•<•»« ttaM NM W *a<* •« M t.

South Bergen Would Get $293,514 From New State Taxes, NJEA Says

gam* of dividing I (Thi* pl*n Hat b*«n submitted to Governor Richard J. tax rn*MM that Hugh*. by th* New J*r* .y Tesch .r* A iM ciatiM and ia not

‘ “ « M a M L

Th# merry up Ihr add*would sccru* tt th* Mate ihuukl ■do** i farm at tw o t4 * m 4 m* pro*ram continued thi* wtrk.

Thr Bute of N*w Jrnmy m - DC* I ton A woe I* Mon *Ubmlttrd • f>l»n that would |tv» South Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* ■Id. This would i v m p *hou: 417 prrcent u against ihr avsr •II county percentage gain at <S I prrcctit

I t la m *rrly a suggestion th a t th r Education Association subm it­ted - ;

Gov. Rlchsrd J, llugh*i. pro-pmrnt at an income tax, Mid WO million oI th* mon*> that would Mow In would go lor (late

alTh* Education Association dr*w up figures to th* municlpalltl** would


■ P ’iMi mi ■ i i a mm mm A t j f l a * ar ^ ^ ^ * * tI r o p o m “ kj i rw vniShared Coal Aid

P lanCarlttadt #1,514 MJK1E Rutherford IZ3.1CS 8*44*Lyndhunt 317.M4 21SJMN. Arlington IM.tfXf IM.9MRutherford 245,455 Ift&JSS



142,492H R iM.2M

Psrcsatla c

34S U47.4t t iSL I

Th*cat**. that

tax would fa* tar from reducing th* trvtnrndou* load cam rd hy real *«tai* ta the county

Lyndhurst. tor instance. wouM rernvr an added S103.09Q under the NJKA formula Hut thr in­creases In Ihr *chrwl and count) budget* a Ion* thu year would ■v allow up any SUrh aiataatani

The hum thing goes tar th*other municipalities

Caristadt would get an added IU .W , East itu rw tn ra **z. sin,

Mdt-i North Arlington 144,949 ami Ru the tnoom*therford *80,200

Thr aid program wa* twjighted toward ihe high whool Ynroll- ment* *inc* It cotta mar* to ed­ucate a high school «tud*nt than tldoei one in klnd*rgart*«.

A district would tvcelve ItlO 50 lot each high school student and only M2 SO lor a child tn kinder­garten.

Under the NJKA plan, howev­er. aid tor special classes and transportation would be eUminal-|ilM|| rd. Tht* would PUt setlon*1y frnot**™*1* *Mat* aid given.

MissT Directs

ompkins ta P l a y

I hat fat already being

m m

Miss Jeanne Tompkin*. daugh­ter of Mr and Mrs. Edward Tosnp kins of 400 Pag* Avenue. Lynd> hurst, ha* been named director of Lacordalr* High School's an- mini dtamall? production, ' Okla­homa" The muileal will he pre­sented March 10, U, and 12 in ihe school auditorium in Upper Mont­clair.

Among Miss Tompkins' other school activities ar* the Glee d u b of which she is president; th* Stu­dent Council, the National Hon­or Society, th* Sodality, theAthletic Association, and theStudent A postdate where sheserves as Secretafy. « * j, ^ *,*.-*-■&*: t v

Jeanne is no stranger to Ihe LYRWfcUROT IN GERMANY - rive Lyndhurst servicemen had world at theater, having had ^ • ‘reunion ia Rudingen, Germany, January 18, Their

t»t year’s pre-(taken aad promptly sent elf to their favorite

Lincoln PTA Has Founder's Day ProgramA fMturr ot (he meeting at

last week * merfngt at the l jn-I’oln PTA wa* the observance at futiadM * <ia> by Mr* WtMtMn Wehw, honoring four p o t pro- aidants. Mines Prank ituHuwe-rid. Anthony Appu, Joseph Cag- giano and Anthony im t u n w Mra Lfwit Aldridge, prwdnK at th* l.yndhut^t R r* C.smmII. waa a gurst

Th* third grade Has* taught by Miss Rosemary II* Poto, pre* tented a musical prugram.

A ponrl dUKHMskni, wllh Mr* Richard 1’eterson aa modera tor, waa an interesting feature of thr afternoon. Mrs. Arthui Me Mahon, spoke on "What the leacher expects of her pupils Mrs Charles Qlrk spoke on "Parents Responsibility to th. School, the Child and the Home."

Four «th grade buys dlseuaeed other theme*. Robert Luaki

from i -inrHB Joseph Mein. What

Parents can do for the Child, •- bout school"; John Fslcaraiw. "ftTuit Students Expect from teachers ; and John Lo Polls •"RTut We dxpect to Get from an Education."

Mra. Anthony Gialmo and Mr eotnmlttee aerved refresh­ment*.


Rowe, Scardino, Frey Winner School Budget Is Turned Dowi


K l e r l i « » n I I p m i I K I I t l l i w l r i r l w



Philip De Parto t tWalter A. Rowe 14»Rfehard A Wllesytkl M Jahn A. Meoese !UWalter H. Frey 159Walter E- Kchember U

mentation of “Bonavanture". Iler dramatic contributions also In­clude leading parts ill the class productions in both Junior and senior yehr.

4-H Club Raise Funds For BoyThe 4-H Club of Lyndhurst

recently completed a house to home campaign for the Joseph Longarzo, Jr. Fund”. T h e s e young people did a wonderul job by collecting a total at J532.40 Some of the outstanding girls were Sharon Kuaska, Pat Mc­Grath, Linda Cutro, Daphne Stankiewicz, Susan Ferrari and Lynn Ferrari.

Supervising the young people during this campaign were Mrs. La Forgia, Mrs. Stankiewicz and Mra. Csracoio.

Mr. William Gannon, Chair­man of the committee, wishes to thank them all for a job well done.

picture are; Specialist Fourth Class Peter Msuro ot Harding Ave Hoe, Specialist Fourth Class Raymond Hantelli of Watson A re

Private First Class Edward Rotto of Freeman Street, Air man Second Class David Logan of Park Place and Airman Seoond Class Dennis Restlano of Freeman Street. Mauro, Santeltl and Logan were graduated from I,yi»4hnrst High School In 1N4. Rentiano became engaged to Mauro’i sister last Jane when hoik were home sn leave.

Truck Ordinance Again Postponed By Commission

tfieir f t a board

Washington PTA To Have FairAdvance plans for

spring fair were made meeting of the executive of Washington PTA on Thursday afternoon at the school.

It was reported that the second grade was the first olass in the school to have 100 per cent PTA membership aI parents. The 4th grade also has achieved fhis record.

Eight members will attendthe 0 ^ ^ ‘ bunZ6»r'”13iy net,

Plans for their meeting to be held this afternoon were completed. The program theme will be “Education Is a Family Affair”.


present were Mmes. Anthony Kemps, Arne Hendela, Walter Wagner, Donald Van Dorn, Ir­ving Clapp and Peter Shellham- er.

Church Plans LuncheonFinal plans have been made

for the meat loaf luncheon to be served by the Woman's Asso­ciation of St. Thomas' .Episco­pal Church next Wednesday, Feb­ruary 16th, from 11:30 ».»»• te 1 :30 p.m. Mrs. Bernard Rohm is chairman.‘ " r ~ -"" '.

Crash On Riverside Ave. Damages House

A car driven by Kmma H

curb and crashed into the front / ■ ”of %hom* owned by Jerry Turco, E-519 Riverside Ave at T:10 p; m fhuraday. , » . •>/

Police said the woman report- I ed that ah* had beoume momon 1 larUy Minded by light* of a car trovriiag horth on Riverside Av-

had toil control. The storm daor and win- of the Turco home

Were damaged The oar waa to­wed away. No Injorte* were reported. v


Yea »9No . 95











Totalt i l



Walter <Hawk) time njiort* rat •Kirtrr, ran off with m th,- Hoard at Tur*d*y

({•■elected w*■lino, who hind R<Twe

Walter Krey, school iithlete, I honor* with 94* him was John ed92S

In many ways w a* one at the

I in many years.I was no open midget until the budget went down to there must be a

The Hoard at meet nhortly lo Uu-r lo <iff*r the to rrduoe TT

On the day at I circular! ing the budget on ti»*y increases ol | cher. th e article let Peter Currio aa the tor thr figure*.

Whether Ihe II ‘rlhuted to the defeat of {et Is not known.

But Curclo wa* the chief upoiwor of James who waa seeking Neil ftnished fifth, The wa* considered moi> of p


TSa&m£ *

' MI P **I E *

II f > 3 , j t I f

mr, * D mm sad i top hot


a s

1229' *o Curcio than to O'Neil.

274 254 2S1 341 251 232 245 174 251

By William Francis

An ordinance that woukl have banned all-night parking by cbm- mercial vehicles on the streets

Lyndhunt was held in abey­ance at Monday's Commission meeting because of technicalities. The technicalities were enum ­erated by the State Motor Vehi­cle Division, whose approval ol an ordinance chance would have been needed.

In reply to a question on these specifications, Mayor Horace R. Bogle, Jr. said that the ordinance could not be adopted until the number of hours affected were worked out. He also referred briefly to other incidental, but he did not define them fully. Bo­gle also said that he and the town commissioners favored an adop­tion of an ordinance that would prohibit commercial parking at night.

In a stern warning M citizens, the Mayor urged that all cars be removed from streets when there are warnings of a snow-

Feb. 10; Commissioner Peter F. Curtjio moved to adopt the low- esrbid at 1.1110 per gallon or $2220 submitted by the Hess Oil and Chemical Corp. This wa* adopted unanimously.

Then the commissioners ^dls- ussed h letter from Magis­

trate William L. Bivona propos­ing a schedule change in court from Thursday to Wednesday night. The time for sessions also was changed from 7 to 7:30 p.m.

Following this announcement Commissioner Peter CUrcio said that a tentative meeting had been scheduled for Feb. 17 with 13 communities to discuss plans for cleaning up the Passaic Ri­ver. .He also noted that Con­gressman Henry Helstoski had Indicated he would be interested In attending the meeting.

In another action. Public Af. fairs Commissioner Peter J. Rus­so announced that during the next couple of weeks inspections would be made of eating plac-

Scardino Head Of Red CrossAnthony Rcardino, J r . , ha*

been nam ed borough chairm an for the Central Bergen Red Cross Chapter fund drive to he held in March.

Scardino will direct the fund­raising activities, here of volun­teer district chairmen and soli­citors. The drive will be con­ducted on a house-to-house bas- s. he said.In announcing the appoint­

ment, William Wllaon of Ha­worth, general fund chairman for the Red Cross drive, said Scar dino was selected because ol his record at community service.

Scardino is a member of the Board of Education, the Kiwan- is Club, the Civic Interest Lea­gue, East End Democratic Club, the Elks, the Italian-American Democratic Club, the Democra­tic County Committee, Boy Scout Explorer Troop 86 and the Jay- cees.

A Lyndhurst resident for 20 years, Scardino lives at 485 Val­ley Brook Avenue and is the pro­prietor of the Valley Brook Uquor and Deli.

so that snowplow* wmtM throughout -Lyndhurat to . iftstoiiirbe able to perform their jobs He said that if this is not done, cars would be towed away and stiff fines levied.

In another action at the meet­ing, three bids were received and read for the purpose of 20,- 000 gallons of No. 2 heating oil for the library for a year fromMothers of Troop

85 Plan PartyThe Mothers Auxiliary of Troop

85, Boy Scouts, met last Tues­day evening at the home of Mrs Leroy Nolan, Forest Ave. Plans were made for a card party to be held in April with Mrs. Jam ­es sidletsky as chairman. Others o f Realtor's president William

Realtors Go To WashingtonSouth Bergen County Board

sure that sanitary measures are being followed. Citing one res­taurant as an example of an establishment with many viola­tions, Rusto said the infrac­tions had been corrected a week after ar. inspection w as held.

The commissioners also dis­cussed several other ordinances. Among them was a recom­mendation for an appropriation of $8,000 for general masonry repair* for sidewalks, steps and the wall on the library build­ing. An additional appropria­tion of J275 for a tractor and a loader was included. This would raise to $5,500 the amount set

Empire C a t Club Prize Won By Inky,Lyndhun t Shart. Hal H ^ J

Abbott along with the first vicepresident. John Savino attended {or creating thethe National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB) Annu­al Inaugural meetings at Wash­ington D.C, last week.

The annual four day affair in which the officials on a National Level are seated, also feature, a

try’s Realtor roster and the State's Congressional Represen­tatives. **

Fifteen Hundred local Realtor Board presidents attended the affair which was heTd in the Mon- m«„ik Pn rlf SlwaJfln Hotel.ITSOttui rB»» Oirci »wll

aside for this purpose.. The reso-.poHHoi;

of a municipal court prosecutor' was also brought before the com­missioners.

On one ordinance that con­cerned the purchase, condemna­tion or gift of a piece of land on Baldwin Avenue. Commissioner John C. Garde declared that he was against appropriating the property. This as well, as the other ordinances will be brought^before ^ BeXT puhHc l»affii|f|1Sf"fl«a owner at on Feb. 21, af 8:00 p.m«







\a tm Cast t 9-45 Registered Voter*

No*. 2. 1946 1440 1931 1237 1 323 15*1 952 1*09 1919 467 929

Fire Dept. Letter—An An AnswerThe l.yndhuat Klrr IW-psrtiwent lost this homo, A new m ethod of

I* circulating a latter outlining need* ot the department and. In-

ddentally, crlilrtelaa l6c Com­mercial Leader. In falrm-w* tn tt* department the letter t, repro iliiofd In full. At the end the edl tor make* a partial answer.

T he Lyndhurst Volunteer F ir* D epartm ent lak es thi* method to appeal to the citizens lo sup­port them in their efforts to se­cure a new ftrebnuso.

T his is * a critical period in the history of this departm ent ,\nd the present day m aterials 'o beautify the home is respon­sible for the crises.

Years ago, when th ere wa* a fir* it burned furniture in a p articu la r room , but the solid doors and plaster w alls and celling helped hold back t bt- spread of the fire. Now, the plaster is gone, sometimes even Ihe plaster b o ard s are left out. The fire feeds on highly com bustible panelling, cabinets p lastic drapes and curtains, ceiling tile also helps feed the fire, from th ere It Is Just a sliort iump, to the fo am chairs and m at tresses in the other room s.

M odern d a y fires spread toxic fumes

fighting a fire su ch as this should inVe l>een tr ie d and re a d y for use a t (his type of flee. We are ready to try ih is High-expansion Foam System and this would lave been the tim e to test It.

An ordinary house fire takes all of o u r equipm ent to com bat, nothing is available for another fire call, breakdow n of i n en­gine, o r possible extension . of

Ihe fire.

While we a r e m em bers of the South B erg en Cover-up Sys­tem, w e should be able to take care of any fires with th e ex­ception of the larg e r ones, also, if we send equipm ent to help

(totalled lafomatlon about the plana baa been disclosed. There­fore, there ha* been no objection aa yet to plana which are not yet pubUc.

The shocking part of Ihe depart­ment letter, however, demand* at­tention speedily. The assertion that Ihe department auffera for lack of eight smoke masks and two smoke ejectors Is appaling.

Apparently every department but the fire de|M*rtment I* well supplb'd with equipment. Certain- Ij. Lyndhurst’* public work* de­partment baa a wide assortment of equipment as any department of It* kind In New Jersey. Only on Monday Ihe Board of Comml*

another town we should have aloners adopted ordinance* callingenough left to take c are of our own town. We d o not have enough equipment for Ibis. W e must first build the firehouse a n d use the $5,000 p e r year th a t we asked for for new apparatus to bring o u r fire defense to par.

Lyndhurst Volunteer Fire Department.

The plans for the propowed new fire department house, the editor submits, are certainly subject for intelligent dheuwdon. So far little

for extensive purchase* of equip­ment.

The argument of the depart­ment that Ihe ma«k* and ejeetor* are necessary make* urgent

. Why »rn these thing* mot bought? Why are they not bought promptly on an emergency ba*l*T

It seems incredible that vital material lo protect Ihe live* of Ihe firemen and the township people I* not acquired when the department asks.

~ — The Rdttor

O'Neil received 78? voles. Just Vhind him wa* Richard Wilczytv«ki who received 778. Walter R Schember receiv*d 529, Richard Albecker was given 302 and Phil­ip De Parto 251. - M

Many confusing situations de­veloped in the electxxi campaign.

At Curcio* urging th* Circle

C l u b w i n supposed io J p

last J * r n e ? *cans hacked Rowe and WUcsytv-•kl.

The maneuver threw the Or- r cle d u h off has* and the potency ol the club lost itseK. O’Neil re­ceived 149 vote* in the Fifth, stronghold ol the Fifth. T hal summed up the strength (4 the dub in the election, *-

Scardino carried the dfttffft wllh 197 but had the Imeking i t nis own workers in Ihe district,

Scnosc made tfie strongeot dU- trict run of the dny when hi took the First District on 235 votes. Scnrdfno’s 197 in th* S#¥» enlh was the next best

Frey showed good strength for a candidate his first bid for public office.

The budget’s current expense item was defeated 933 to 826 and its capital 'outlay appropriation 864 to HOT. The Third District cut the budget most heavily, vot­ing it down 123 to 64 and 121 to 70. The fourth also ripped the budget which failed to win maj­or oVer-all support throughout the township.

KMPIRE CAT CLUB — Feb. 5 ti 6 - Inky Is the proud winner of a big silver cup, best house hoi pet rosette, three best of color rosette* and three first place blue ribbons. Inky Is a black t white regular domestic rtrort-.halr and

* ~ Mr. ' m t r * * t

you ro on1' ter too far in a room without a m ask, therefore, we m ust send as many men as possible into a burning building equipped with masks to seek oyt the source of the fire, extinguish it, then we clear out the smoke and fum es and permit overhaul procedures to make sure fire is completely out. Insiead of the 4 m asks we now have, we should have at lfast 12, instead of the 2 smoke ejectors we have, 4 a re need­ed. ' We have needed this expatv .iion for several years, but ft has not been as obvious as recently.

A fire such -as the one we just had ., on Lake. Avepue points out the need for more equipment. A cellar fire we could barely see from the small windows on the side of the house, a cellar en­trance in the center of the house, which was full of spioke. in less time tMn ft take* to tell it we were down to our last tank of air. If our men had not been able to seek out the source ,, o the fire and extinguish it and allow' us to g e t1 the heat and

PlanningJloard Approves OneApplication, Holds Up AnotherThe Planning Board Thurs­

day night approved one and held another application for a minor subdivision in abeyance.

A request by Millar Baking Co., 800 Schuyler Ave. to sub­divide a 40x100 foot section from Swayne Avenue to the property of Standard Tool and Manufact­uring Co., 738 Sohuyler Ave. to increase its present parking lot from' a 75-foot to a 115-fool frontage, was approved by the board. *, ...

A joint request by Michael Torrino and Liva-Tuzzio Inc., a real estate office, 459 Ridge Road, to subdivide a 10,350- square-foot plot at 636 Fourth St., was held in abeyance pend­ing action by the Board of Zon­ing Adjustment. The subdivided plots requested -would be 37,83x- 137.79 feet and 15.58x136.42 feet, both substandard according to the required 50-foot frontage re­quirement.

Peter Modarelli, 550 Freeman St., and Nicholas Tarraboccia

smoke ou t a f this house with isked the Nankervis ol Lyndhurst. ihe snjoke ejectors we would liaveim aae in the study pertaining to

taverns and gas stations. They w ere told the b o ard was still considering the m a tte r.

The board announced that the m eeting date would be1 changed from the first W ednesday to the first T hursday of the month be­ginning next month.

Entertain For SonMr. and Mrs. Thomas Hearh,

311 Roosevelt Avenue, entertain-^ ed on Saturday" in honor of their son,. Airman 3-c Robert Hearn,U.S.A.F., who was home on leave ,from the Air Force Base al Dover, row Republican Club, which

SpecialMeetingA Special Meeting t o discuss

and adopt a budget for the 1966- 1967 School Year will be held in the High School Library at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 10, 1966. The date for the Special Election .fia .llM.l tedgei .hs* been tartative- ly set for Wednesday, Feb. 23,1966. Polls Will be open p.m. to 9 p.m. y

from 3

Senese Thanks Voters, Workers

Del. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hearn, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Hearn and children Nancy, Richard, Jacqueline and Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Willi­am Doull, of Belleville, Mr, and Mrs. John Bandstra and daughter Diane, of Totowa, Frank Giova-

of Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tedesco and son, Anthony of South Amboy. Miss Feeo Ander-

board about progress son of Caldwell, and his own bro­ther, Allen Ilearn, Lyndhurst.

!' - '-'-iii!* .4mm

John A. Senese, who finished fourth in the Board of Educa­tion election Tuesday, today is­sued the following statement:

"May I extend my warmest congratulations to the success­ful candidates in Tuesday’? elec­tion. 1 ant confident that they will -give Lyndhurst schools a progressive and sound admini­stration. The Citizens for Better Schools and the Dwight Mor-

inIHBldorsed me, I offer my deepest thanks. I wish to thank, also, the many, many who offered me their help and who aided me in making what I consider a highly creditable showing in my first attempt fdr public office in Lynd- hurit."

—--------------- - tyim;Miss. Carol Christ of Watsoft

\venue is on the Dean’s List at East Stroudsbufgh (P*f) State College.

Page 2: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

t l r fo r t o m - 4 <tm for<


Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days4 M * f U 8. t t M l ( ' a r t l a s»*>

> ,rf Ijndhuist aivt Inert iif lS t Q#>! r il i/l'T* of . *

wr* «n- two ««u J«hn,,1 H n#s *x) ami K.-HMwd J if | , I iko1ii A*«tn*r, with wtejm hi*

Ihnrf; a H l*f«rr Mr* V1* to** .UHilml■ TVn^am » at l>tnl-

n aattrt. M itf Mon uk>t u v M r . tn I ial> . B eiNiKt-

(M M trn -ind 12 irri si grsartnjilH n n . ({it # tfe . Mm Amirttn* {jnpantlo I tan. i n . died it! 1S51, |

Tty* (am ral w »* iM Sthtrda^i mm *hr N w m tc i iM r it r Ilnstir, lnv , 103 'lid g r R>*J, lo’ i .i ( i it ) I k o n H U Q iyrch, w t^ mi ft 30 it m a lligh M * ti» HrfwP

*n» i n <>(frrr4 IntiiflMK wwii St. . O'lttHwy, L>«d-

M r*. Carolina Bristol * eatabluhrd U<rl s.-oul Otmt*| «flf. ttukt a£t»k>

• Ifnnhi mu»t h r C adeltes M il mu*t I* I m an to rem ain in {teottttag another i hn n Lcttrr* appb tag far

I ot ihip* a f t lo h»* m ailed to U tf uiNUait urn) must be inwtmariMi * ) b > la ie r than F rtiru a ry O i l .

(Fortner freipicot* o t eampoi M m 1 are *li ,;ilii*’

'W a rd J t m n n o t M r, CTwtrlei

•aUantrIlf t n | nt) tu r lh f r bttfeiwMi th>

mrttng *ra* . hxfc'd and ail aw M im ed to the grill m em » U rn «fiMhinrnti wttp wtv^i Owr

tart) tor the ti^rrihntM M wa- S tii ( I v tr W I.fWiinii ft ltd n tiflttMRtmiti


NT, MATTllKWH | RVAMflEUKAL MTHKItAS( or»rr V»lt») (Irttnk A*r wsl

Triwn naif. I.sadhitr»fL , H e*. Utsw®e M atter . j

r iidwMS Trnti-n H*<+. I.fnibtintl

< W j* hi - t r l tM ih y Quk m e# tn | at ihf Iwmr uf Mr and Mrs W illiam Malle

M onday. 3*14 — **** p m - Board or Truth**

f f lh n Milford, O w n ,, d au g h ter, I Mr* I Nink-I iw«i.>l.n< Hr.jwti H tt* wtwwi «fce~ H w d, '« rv fn ia ra n d rh Idren and n .n* grtat* | rftm MuMron.

She w at a is e tn b ir of .V ac m f t a r N o 8?% O rd rt < *It*- Kaslera Star. Nit* TO* City, end of ltd' C tr^N Srtw fi I‘man

JiWTl, ol (te* York Qty i $>< uttuv Chipimr, Ordur «<I thi> R a ttm ) S ta r , oowdocti^d a jl itrti»ti*th’ «irr\ ice g | Tii -«rtnyJrvnrfng at the Juhn L tbirk jl'iimtMl Itumc. 13 RiUjji Rn»d. ,pvh»ir*' the Rfv G*tirge f , Mill

(pr, ot St M i t t l m ' i K variffli at I -iihfr in ('m rch iH>mlo^n1

tt rriigi. u» h t v Ic*', ai 10 a m > n t t r d |y InicniMRt warn inU ith n -in rr-irtHwy, Mtddl, Vil-l.tijr. 1 /'in; |«Jand

4 W p.It) • Itib lf <MlO(d W<l # >tt mrettng

■tom day. M l •— - ..(1 HO a.nt * Wi«n«*ti * Am


t KITAKIAV S O ttl T l 1 9 llo ro r and A nn* AtaOO'x

■ wwtajr I r n l r * , i t m i . O kun fe H«4loW Had N aiw ry M tM t w

Photw: m - m $

m u m H» ART K C .« ML K ill

Rtd|r Kd • How in m f Aw.Rt. Rrv Mag*. I w j r u i . Hart *T. T1IUMAS

m fM fli Ai. t m Rdi iHay««MHtt aad For«*»» Av«w»r<

ttmrrt) Otltrr (Durr*Bulltllni fu m t 4w>.

P k w r : 4M-MM Thr IU'*. Marrjr ft. Ha<M«o

U atl) Moral** wad f .v — hag l* ro |v r o t t *# a .oi aad U N p.m .

Soodoj ' Hrr»t. r« 1:00 a in H al) ro n iiu aak w **»:!• ».an F am ily ( »nim naiu« 11:15 a oi Murolnn I 'ra y rr aod

H a l f t ' n m aianloa. M and <rd Mwtdoya M'lrnta* I’r a je r , tad

an d 4 Hi Htuulay*

i l’NDAV. FWJHtlARY U —<S K » x r » t m . ' Sunday >

vix> a .m . * Holy Ounvniumurt A B crakltw t Cor Cburt-H School

X it.m . - Holy C om m union and

11-IS a nt - Morning Prayot and ■ fTwin S i * ' ...T;30 p m . • "F it tu I*- T W " l ’ii>

Cram at Grac* Church, fluthcr- (ord

Monday, 2-14 —.’ 30 p m. - Adult Conf rmatton

d a * * -------------riMnday. 2*15 — t W p tn. • Woman'

Wi dne*d»y. 2-16 —'U iU a .m . - Motttlm: P i u y v v . Ho­

ly Communion, and Bible Clam +1 0 o.m. - Woman s (>uiM l>un-

cheon. open lo Ihr public Thtmdoy. 2-1T —7.00 a.m. - Mornini; prayer. Hi>ly

(totwmunion 6:15 •, Junior Choir llehear*

I - rt«U ll UIUHSaturday. 2-18 —*0:00 a>nt. - Junior Contirniatim

Class65% o f American families are homeowners!

a i . 3 ? “ f*Prf*en" “ »n*.rt»»« of 3 0 % since 1940!A l e r t The reaxm for this rapid m em o uquite itnpt*.

K«1 estate prices are ttftbiiiiing, buyers hmv choOM fjoai a wide selection of hoates, and

Insurance f»™rablc t«rms are hein* oltereJ by mortjtanelenders ss’ith ample funds to loan Perhaps j’i'i

# time that vou rnntider the advantages of homeService o«t»rshfpi Chances are, your monihly payments

might even be lest than s on are pretently pay ing for rent. We haveieveral very attractive listings • • • »*>me with Ifnv down paymeot*. W e'd like to show them to you. ___

SAVINO AGENCY ( € | |251 Ridge Road Lyndhurst, N. J.

GEneva 8-Q121

lable rcfcrenccs will be taker <n*m »s<iiir of Ihe iH'st-lmed Psnlma, Including this vi-rst* “The Lord will perfect that which concemeth me: thy mercy, C Uird, enriureth for ever.”

Thia relttled statrmrnt in Sci ence and Health also will lx? con- Kidefed: • "From Love and frorr the light and harmony whichnw»- -thr -i totie nf-spmr, •awy rrfleoHona of good can co m e.” f '

F o ri^ in jin r l U n n e srs* . _ IN MEMO Ul AMr e r a t n a n a tn n n o r teIn loving m em o ry of M lc^urf

Ferdinando lannono, 341 Lin- V tm ag lla died F t * . 11. 1962. “ In coin A ve., died on W ednesday m y h e art you w ill alwnys *tay .’ evening at B ergen Pine* H o sp l- | M»rii- Aseltatal a f te r a short illness. He was! s---------------- «•H4, w as b om in Italy , and c a m e ' The L yndhurst G olden Age Club fn * n th ere to Lyndhurst in l S l l . will m eet next W ednesday. Feb-

He w as a retired m ason an d m ary 18th a t the; Lyndhurst eonslructlcn w orker. He w as a Afasonic ClUb in Riverside AVe- m t nilw r of Sacred H eart R . .C . |n u t \ at Noon. The bug will pick C hurch and-one of tlie a»Kaiiisters up m enibeis at th e usual stops of SI. Anthony's Society cf L y r i c a l 11:30 a.m . Mrs. Florence Cast- h u rit; and also w as a m em ber leu ia pi-csident.


tW I’IWTI Ml StuyvMHuit Avenue

Telapfcaae : Churrh «K. %-tm »:4S a .m . Bible School ClaMea

far all agea 11 a* ».Mi. Morr.inr Womhlp

Bev. Oasld Poling Interim raster

Sl'NOAY, FEBRUAI’Y 13 - 9:41 a.m. - Bible School classes

for all kges 11:10 a.m. - Morning Worship

Cold Beer Wine & Liquors Free DeliveryComplete Catering Service

W E D D IN G S — B A N Q U E T S P A R T I E S - E T C .


W atter Chiropractor

839 Kearny Ave. Eearay, N. J

B am s Calls Mad*

Rendered In A Homelike Atmo«pher«

Burk Funeral HomeDirectors

John L. Burk — Paul Konarald

Prompt, Efficient, Dependable Service

S3 Ridge Road, Lyndhurat WEbater 9-0490 — — r .... (corner 5th Ave.)

Air conditioned year round

Jersey City Office • 469 Palisade Arc.

H O M E M A D ECole Slaw

Potato SaladBalked Beans Macaroni Salad

221 Stuyvesant Avenut Lyndhurst, N. Jt.

GE 8-12M425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J Clam ChowderW Y . 8-2456GEneva 8-4664

Parking Facilities On Premises N ABISCO RIT2 CRA CKERS SIM SHTNtKRTSPT C R A C K ER S.) ■ -V

Home Made

KlSZKA and XIELBASY> ~ S /\A rtA A «/W W S A ^W W W W V W

Hours Daily: 8 A.M. to JI P.M.

S U N D A Y8 A. M. to 1 P. M.

Dependable Service blntpe 1929


FUNERAL We ronduft all services in keeping with

the accepted and prescribed riInals of

the church of your preference. INDUSTRIAL H A U LA G E C O R P. In d u stria l W a s t e R em oved Delicatessen

4 1 8 PAGE AVE. (Cor. Chase) LYNDHURST, N. J.

WE 9-2950


. GEner* 8-7272

Steever Funeral Home


Air Condition'd For Your Comfort



NOrth 7-8080_____

Page 3: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R



Mr and Mra, Rmcat Reeklund,! MHm Ifct-klund ia a graduate 252 Clinton Terrace, will announce of Lyndhurat High School airi ol Ihe engagement at their daughter, the Prolemional School ol Bua- Carol l.ynn tDeet , to C. Thoma* ineaa, I’mon. She In with the Cua-M cW tllliin* m M 1 ui MlH I "haftfii l*afvt«»r 1 3 ---» » j tu ._ »«■ 111' w* w™ HnM”l fwf r*W* I IMWIH UK «IWTanga. 135 Stat* Street, Hark- 1 H-nvrr-Oik-ago Trucking Comp- enaack and thr tal<- Juim Me- any. North Hergm Mr. MoWil- WUlinnu, at a party of 100 Invited llama attended Hacta-naack High uue*t» ca Sunday February 13th, School ami la an apprentiae aar- i« the Knight* of Columlxw Hall, penter with Overhead Duolx too. Hutheriort!. Hiltaidr — . . . -----------------------------------------


Service Pin* At W eit Hud*on Ho»p

Buff Supper For Marie DeMassiMr. and Mrs. Louis De Massi,

363 Fern Ave., entertained at a buffet supper party for their daughter, Marie, and her fiance, John F. Regan, and their wed­ding party after their rehearsal nn Thtirariav—evening a t Sacred


19$2 OltltmoEoTc D y n a m ic 8 8 '2 d r H .T . P .S P .B . A fa c to ry a i r . Gold w /m a tc h i n g v in y l In­te r io r P rice d to ee ll. $1396

1965 Im p e r ia l C row n 2 d r . H .T . F u ll P w r . F a c t . A ir A m a n y e x t r a s . B at. of 5 /5 0 w a r r a n ty ca ll n o w fo r b e s t d e a l.

1965 C o rv a i r M onza con v . T u rq . w /w h i te v in y l b u c k e t* . 4 s p e e d t r a m . R A H S a le p r ic e d a t

1964 C h ry s le r N e w p o rt, 2 d r. H .T . V $ a u to m a t ic , R A H P .S . B al o f 5 /50 w a r r a n ty

19t» C h ry s le r 300 4 d r H .T . VB, a u to m a t ic . P .S . P .B , b la ck w /b lu e in te r io r . H u r ry on ly

1962 C hevy W a g o n . 6 p a sa . VB a u to , P .S . A F a c to r y a i r . W eek ­e n d sp ec ia l . $£95

1961 V a lian t V100 6 p a s a w agon . 6 cy l. a u to m a t ic . A s i t specia l

64501963 C h ry s le r N e w p o r t - 4 d r. s e d a n . V-8, a u to . P . S. B lack w ith b lu e in te r io r . A m u s t to see a n d drive . O n ly $1495 1961 P o n ta ic C a ta l in a , 2 d r H .T .

VB,, a u to m a t ic . P .S ., R A H , A r e a l s h a rp s i lv e r b e a u ty fo r o n ly $7951963 O idsm ob ile . D ynam ic 88,

4 d r H .T . P .S . P .B . A f a c to ry a i r , A-1 cond. P r ic e d to aeli H u r ry !

1964 C h e v ro le t B e la ir w a( V8, a u to m a t ic , R A H w h ite w /b lu e in t e r io r i 1961 F a leo n A u to , R A H , Blac'<

w /g r e y in te r io r . Id ea l secondcar^ f o r o n ly $595

1964 P ly m o u rtth F u r y co n v . V8 a u to m a t ic , R A H P .S ., P .B . R R ed w /w h i te to p on ly 6000 m iles.

1963 C h ev y Im p a la conv. VB a u to m a t ic , R A H A P .S . M aro o n w /b la c k . Im m a c u la te . H u rry # .i .

1960 B uick L a S a b e r 2 d r H .T , a u to . R A H P.'S. W eekend s p e c ia l fo r o n ly $495

The smart, wise way to pay bills is by check. You lose no money when you lose a check — so it’s safe — you have a record of whatyou spend and where. 9 out of 10 people today pay by check — if you don’t —- check in at any of our 16 offices today and N A T I O N A L . open an electronically controlled C O M M U N I T Y checking account. B A N K M e m b e r F t ) I f

r WEEKEND SPECIAL: ,.r " / , 1 .


16 “Community Minded” offices in Bergen Comity, N .J . , & | | i


Page 4: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R


on m a n y m a g n if ic e n t m o d e ls !


Plus...this $39 90

Remote Stereo Speaker System

for another room!

Amazing Magnavox 4-SpeakCONSOLE STEREO Value'

COME IN IODAY - M.iijn jvox P o itab ic Solid-State Stereo is now priced from only

i t |>hi \H \ hi, H*e*

Btrgmn n m CM*» Kfwwih L DmM. Ar'nj i wm llw ( u i m# pr«ut ♦h****' Am* he* »«- miwrud that N wlU tor a t thr K#«my Fif* iJtonwy. Knni> A** il IU*nty m Thutwtav >!gM* frum S in I # p.m.. and #0y durtat •••"•try how* by *{►

..ihitnmit • t :- •■■■ jI ^ O I f w t f r n t f d IB MottlU11

ttni m Amo itm piim *hu< <t <-«!] m ui>«t *1 « # 4 M Mi'n- >i4yi n m n h I ' r t h y i f ro m ■! a Mi: to 4 t n *< tow • day-.

W IL L S DRILLED F.ttbnaU* Ctieorfutty Q m r

Protect Your**IfAg«in*t Drought

Y nur L n n — Ground* *

* Waah V**ur £m t• Fill Year Pool

ly to the W y-au* . . . U m I * m gaad . Hank family tb* naw* w m M . . fSwW < Di**> oI lit* U«t football player* in New J*rf*» a caa afo, wa* driving along a Narth Carolina h igh* n U I whtn kta car illd off the ro»d iota a S i t AW*Ua. who waa Dub* f)w »«-«ty’. W * qaarterbarit laal taaaoa, w»at for help ha wa* hi c # awl .«ff*r*d a ctu*h*d vertebra . * .T h e fl to th# *id« of th* young .trr ia »h* hoapkal an that ha Witt ha abl* to play footbairagain . . . t rJ on the und*frat*d Middletown TowuAip rlrv m in 1M4 . . . While W«*qaahif and P e te r RMat ( B n out their claaalc rdm e [ t l n w y , r*p*dty gymnasium, Si- Ha## r f wItro th rr, Academy playied their big » * » • ** light in tJ* A»bury fn rk Convent.on Hall aril • a n t . . . Oh, for a Convention HaH up thia way, Haa produced Bolt Veranef Dtok*. ona of the aakrthall a la fa n in tha country . , . R aw

vine* Lombardi, tha greet 0r*4n Bay Pachei

*/i Off Mens Outerwear

7 .5 0 ta 1 5 .0 0Sfc Dillon «>iio haa aarvad In Futop* «ml Korea, *p*nt t l al Mi |i.vMr Army rirrrr la mili­tary law J'rVir ¥hia aaalgiumait In IM* ar**, tia v.aa on duly wittt a rallttary j»4 ir« unit at f a r t Munm- *ith. N 3,

With Potable W ater

W*ter Procurer*N. J. S tate Licensed


FOTIOU IS TH E SCORE* „EaataUb ao pot ant ia tha fact aloog*>dr of

Hon, a buy who «tratchaa a ll feet four Evanfoot kali coaching a ride .c tiv ity ? . . . Down ta tha A p r , araa them ia tha Control Jw*av leag u e for girt ba*k#tbell teams . . . If tha Paaaok VaBey Confato»co raaBv wont* to raiaa tha tamfwratura about • girta' drviiion of tho laa- goa for baaka^hall, volleyball ate.

HI HO FOR ARIZONATha Babe Ruth Laagua will play ila championahip to u rn a­

ment in Dougla*, Ariion*. It wifi taka place August I f to ~’7 and will be the 15th annual.

The league reelected Jack A O'Keefe of Stocbtoo, Calif., president for the aocond succeseive year. Which ia a good .>< tion. O'Keefe hapvena to bo a police chief and that*, the kind of umpire who never calta one wrong.

Last year the Babe Ruth League played out the title tournament in Anderson, Indiana.

A riiona t Douftes baa been planning fair thi* big event for year*. Laat Augvat Ike Skarp, Doogla* High School football coach, who is regional Babe Ruth Laagua director, went to Anderaon to lock up tho choke.

For the l ie lucky boy a who will travel to Ariaona there will be an opening day parade, a tour of Waal aighta—in­cluding tke old trajl* travelled by W yatt E arp—-and a wel­coming banquet. I t ahoold be apnta a aoeeion and a r a d inapiration for the Babe Ruth player*.

Ray ViUanova, Lyndhur«t*s beat dittance runner in jrenra, chaied Ruaa Taintor of Brick Towaahlp to I Pew fWo*mfla record laat Saturday in the Group III «tate scholastic m eat in Jeraey City.

Taintor'a time of 10:04.1 was 14 •econda be tte r than the previoua record eatabliahed by Maurice Hagan of South Side, Newark, in 1064.

ViUanova pulled up aocond in 10:39 after giving T ain tor a run fork in the early stage*. Ray, who promtaot lo pish up plenty of point a fo r Lyndharat ia dual and invitation meet* th i' year, baa fallen off his best form bir m ia af

Sport, K«K or Ftonitel Shirts

2.59 “2 for 5 .0 0

AgakwM Clifton Fofttou sc«nrod I I points. Added to A tn er'i I t and to Charlie Scott** I I and little Sherm Staton's f7 tkat waa enough ta win.

Fotioa broke the game wide open in the play-off when be dropped two bucket shot* in a row.

AND EAST RUTHERFORD PLAYS EM While EastsMa was having it* troubles with Clifton Eaat

Rutherford waa gwttiag back on the win trail by trouncing Lyndhurst for tk a second time « to 0*.

It wa* juet a abort time ago that F a .t RutSerfoM was playing La»taide for the Paaaafe Valiev Conference champ ionsMp. And th e re were many who thought the Wildcat* had • chance. Aa it turned out Eaat Rutherford didn't

And the reaaon ia apparent. Faataide ia aaaky at th k point tha beat baakatbai teem in Now Jeraey.

Eastaide w0 compete ia the Group 4 Aainpinnahip when tho atate toum anaant gets ander way. E ast Ratherforrf wiR be pky taa in GROUP ONEI

lan’t it a fantaetie atcftnre—thia Group I East R uther­ford taking e a a ll the Mg feBows In all sport* everv year— and getting away with il l

When the laat ratings ware prepared Pataraon'a JF Ken­nedy High School team, alao a Pasaaic Valley Conference contender, waa ranked 14th.

Thr re i> little doubt in the nunda t i anybody that Ken­nedy ia one of th e etate’s beat. On some nights Kennedy might I* the superior of Eaetside.

And little E ast Rutherford has to play both of them in the course af tha normal season four time*! And over in Ea*t Rutherford they *ay if their team can get a full *quad of regular* on d ie floor they’ll wipe up moat of tha Group

A N N U A L S A L E S A V E wto $100

Hi Roll Shirts 2.99

Sweaters6.99N EW Solid-State

S T E R E O F MB ecause h ighest reliability

I M n H U h A B I space agn Solid-State Com­ponent* replace all " tu b e s" and dam aging heat, they're guaranteed S years, replaced by u* If defective in normal use . We a lto provide free aarvice for 90 days.

Lyndhurst Mens ShopValley Brook & Stuyvesant Ave.


The Colonist-model 2-RP616. Gliding top « U psnsis give most convenient access to record player, larg* record storage area, and all controls- without disturbing dacorstive top-of s*t accsssories.Also in Trsditionll styling.

Enjoy this Stereo FM and Monaural FM / AM Radio-Phonograph...


ValentineShorts1.50W 0«T S-57 nas ' tw’ffS*

s p e a k e r s w ith c o a x ia l tweatsrs tor thrilling sound.


A vast improvement In tha re-creation of muslclThi* bfg Annual Sale value brings you truly outstand­ing listening « Enjoy exciting Stereo FM • Beautiful noise-free, drift-free FM . Powerful AM Radio, too! • 15-watts undistorted music power * Six speakers Include two 1 2 'Bass Woofers • Exclusive Micromatic Player with Diamond Stylus banishes discernible record and stylus wear • NOW—your records can last a lifetime 1 Swank

I. 0. Bracelets

5.00How the Chines©


NOW ONLY $ ■ * * 0 5 0

Legend has it that Chinese doctors]*]-[ used to be paid oniy while theirI patients were healthy, got no fee

during illness. It almost sounds reasonable. In fact, there are phy­

sicians today who specialize in keeping their patients healthy. Preventive medicine, it’s called. All doctors practice it as much as they can. If you get regular checkups, your doctor fca« » chance to keep you from getting sick. Modem drugs play a large part in this practice, and that’s where we pharmacists conie in. But only you can make preventive medicine v/or.-..-by getting into the habit of regular checkups. It’s a very good idea.

Buffalo of Lodi and in the Im­pound division Ray Buraeskl of Lyndhurst won the decision over Greg Dellabadia of Lodi.

Wonderfully compact and varsatlle-perfect as a table model or for use on shelves. Phonograph model 1-SC601, beautifully styled ih Contemporary or Colo­nial, is only 14" H without detachable legs. Micro, matic Reqord Player with diamond stylus lets your records last a lifetime! Sdlid-State com ponents bring you the most beautiful music you’ve ever heardl Annual Site Priced. ,

We Service What We Sell'

R ad io 298 Stuyvesant Avenue

# Lyndhurst, N. J . f[

SA N T AVE. Open Daily 9 to 6 — Monday

Page 5: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R




6 79




Kearny Federal Savings

TUP. C O ttftfc ftC lA f. LEADER AND S o l t i l BLRGEN ftRVIKW

Medicare AppBcations Sought Fifty Girls M arita ia tm>»»»ro 4JM,

'Rued Construction CAll Typo* of

Home Improvements

Block Ceiling Specw12’* 15' From $80

2nd Ceiling 1^2 Prica Free Ketimataa

Boosters Meet At Swan InnThr North Ariimt»ro HI Kb lt< asters held • Bih iisa v iru r> . Hornet doner l«»

Any at the liioe Swan tiw .! rlli' 1*11111. Honored guest* j William Holtwrt, Hal TUrrv' nd Fr*d Cobh, all ariiw

m - i m( R u tn e t i )

J e m e t T t l c v b l c j hSALES A SERVICE




MIm Michelle Fazsio, daughter be perfounrst at 4 p.m <m Ket> •>1 Mr. and Mr*. Anthony Kawso. niary 38th al Sacred Heart R, C. IS9 Lafayette Ave. l.yndhurxt, Chur oh The recjHlon will he held vra§ guest of honor at a surprise jut Ferrnr*'* Hali, Newark.1 n d ii shower given at the AM-1 The couple plan a honeymoon VKTS huiWInk! m Ne*v York A vt.Jin the Potato*. They wB U*r

1)> .Mas Uartttia i'ju /ki. .ia ium sek. Mm-Fmme ta a gr*d*' ha will be hfci tinier'* maid of.uate erf Our Lady ofCood Counsel

*onor. jHigh School in Newark She ItThree were 67 JMeih coming, with the Lyndhurst office of Ihe

*x>at l«yr*lhurst, Lake Hiawatha, UotlinR Sprint* Saving* and Loan Newark an l nellevHm. Aisoclation. Her fiance, graduate

MIm Faxzio will become the of Central High School. Newark, !>nde of Dario paffan. 8U3 Broad- tt a maintenance man with Seton tt'afc Newark, hr a <ri>fnony to Leather, Newark.





Special on tab eaclorarcs and shower doors Regular ar Safety Glass - Expert Install atlas.

F orte Til® Co No 7-02S3


when talking about SERVICE the first word is K. F. S


4 0 c FRANKS “.tL-.ST a 6 9 c

4* SAiACE tesy *99'

«].. Mummun ,»» 7 5 - FttJiM c sffifne ^


BOLOGNA V 5 St . « -i— x------


SWEET ROLLS 39* DONUTS S L t 12 £ 2 7 c

© coT d M cake

A i f u l

f r e n c h n u n sg&s IQ z99* s h e e n p e a s ° ^ D 6 *1MC^BBLErT 1 2 i 5 9 ' CffiCKENBREAST 5 » F CUTCORN & f t 7 9 ' COFFEE CAKE *Sr65c MACARONI 3 £ *1°° POfpiES & S - &9C sW ff iE A I f t *1” CROQUETTES V f t 5 9 c

©WAND UNION mCREAM CHEESE 2MOZZARELLA f t 4 3 c BLUECSmESEIS aRF CROCKS f t 9 7 ' SHARP CHEESEB lbysuces ft 3 3 ' smokB T hels

E^AP. MILK 6 ^ 7 9 * TOMATO SAUCE 8 ^ 7 9 'Oatmeal 3 f t * lMmmm * ™flOOR S t 57ettrMti Balsa la4 Tari ~ _

MmCBma 2 -38' W an * » »4S'ALCOA FOIL H 3 " i6 9 cWiAiIm’i - -MARGARINE ? S 44cpSg r o o p T ^ 3 : : 4 3 c



DeKcafessan ROAST BEEF * 9 8 c POTATO SALAD a 2 3 '

cwSM s^ ^ 8 9 'WDfEFKHOwn a 59 'f«M*M Fc*mmi4 wm P f l rAmerican Cheesi » 3 3

i> Umm •>» M> CmiiUM *»j|r > ,

fW1 1


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• CJirastmas d u b s

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* A cco u n ts Opened by th e 10th Earn from the 1st

* Accounts Insured Up to $10,000 un £ 9 9 ' O p s ™ - 2 SB7 3 ' I-n » 3 ^ * p ■

you don’t pay lust get more at grand onionThe Oldest financial Institution In Town — Since I tU



, . ! ■ V ......... — -


Page 6: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R


Gallo Wholesale Meal*,- Inc.

WALTER R. STEEVER Steever Funeral Hon*

RUDOLPH MELONE, President Hie Sun Carlos Restaurant, Inc.

VICTOR M. GARDELLA, Pre,ideal The Dag Ajency, Int.

LOULS RUBENS, President Chairman ol the Board

Filigree Foods, lac.

S. J. SISSELMAN E«i Rutherford Industrial ParkWILLIAM C. HILLHOUSE


G n rp T. Cantrello, Inc. ARNOLD A. DEMASSL JR., V. Pres. De Massi Cadilllac-Pontgif Co, Inr. HAROLD A. PARETI ANTHONY SCARDINO, JR., Pr*.

Valley Brook Liquors, Inr.Borough of Carlstadt, N. JJAMES A. BRESLIN Attorney at L*w SOL DIAMOND* P resen t

Diamond Boning Corp. PAUL PRIMER ANO Builder of Homes RAYMOND C. •

RICHARD L. WILSON William J. Wilson * Son*

. '" X & l

PAUL BORGHI, Director The International Gallery

ANTHONY SCARDINO, President Star Cost Manufacturing Co.STANLEY C. PENNACCI1IO

The Lyndhurst FloristGEORGE F. DURY, President Famous Brands, Inc,

FRANK PEZ30LLA General Motors Truck

Sales & ServicePAT CARUCCI, President J*SEPH CARUCCI JR, Secy. I Trtai

J. Carucci ti Sons. Inc.CHARLES A. SCAGLIONE, President

Top Notch Metal Finishing Co.B. ZIEMAK .

White Eagle Monumental Co.PAUL F. LIVA, M.D.VINCENT G. FIETTI, M.D.

A. CAGCIANO. Manager H o m f< inc. __

MICHAEL GALLO, Manager ISoitii Arlingtwi Bowl-O-Drum*


D. P. SAMMARCO, PresidentB frw n S. A I, Annmrfc


PRIETH F. BENEDICT, President Bonedict-Millcr, Inc.

This educational endeavor is made pouible by the cooperation of the following public-spirited citterns who always in the fore striving to make our community a finer and better place in which to live.


B. K. CRAWFORD, President Standard Tuol It Mfg. Co.

H. W. GROTE, President UOP Chemical Company

ROBERT J. KEENAN, President Equity Savings 4 Loan Association

JOSEPH R, POI.ITO, President Joseph R. Polito Agency, Inc.

RALPH W. SHAW, Jr.* PresidentA. R. Purdy Co, Inc. _

AL * TOM APICELLA Tho Lyndhurst Diner


HORACE BOGLE JR. Attorney At Law

HOWARD G. CLAUBERC, President Miles Mercury Corp.

F. S. DICKINSON JR, President Breton, Dickinson & Company

V, K. HOUPT. I vfsideirt___Major Cleaners & Tenderers

JOHN S. LESLIE, President Leslie Company

HERBERT NEWTON The Forest Dairy Co.

THEODORE RICHMOND, President Inter-City Transportation Co, Inc.

JAMES P. TUOHY, President American Truck Leasing Corp.

W. P. VOGT, J r , President , BoiUjig Springs S. & L. Assn. “

PETER A. SANDO, President Th* Copper Hood Flestaunui! Ine.

» * * « W *W * %f W-5 |fWl H is - ■* ■ v- #;

TTtr rOMMKR< UI. i tkim km soiim hfrcfn Rrvir#

To Tamarack Council, which now boasts 4,065 good scouts in 116 troops, a big hand. And to

Lyndhurst, Rutherford, East Rutherford, Carlstadt, Wood-Ridge, Moonachie, Nutley, and Bloomfieldour profound thanks.

Page 7: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

R E N T A CARS5.99 per day

GE. 8 - 666524 hours per day


Sienkiewicx It Well, Helps To Sink Lyndhurst Court Team

ijffldhucst. 4M> Saturday m0*N» PR tr S t » % r « V

f»». H arry rtsnfc . N * « r I 'rw li t * * * - W U rtr. Ttmy C*ttaM . owl K»w«- KMMkoft rwi>rtied Mo Kali dw«i« |>w» Mid J m l*a(«A gol *n Pillar Jar thr UrtdgenMW b r l .m ttw imrtHt w ii fe w . Rum k< n- ttte*. • hr»\ >MTtght »on li) <v c M m fo r Ow aniv trium ph (or t h r M w t h u n t tw u n , w h ic h tc w in ta u i UI <*«h« m s t i h r f , J e r t J * r h a * » n

th# A rm * ut nm ttm rr a r k n am iijuMtlUw. Tt** “World UunnC gniup rnadr twm twga mat » w fHted with rter, taittu . tir»o*. M d tMirtry TW DrawIn* and PWnttng" truup QMfb•d lit* ttadf* «nd tu<t n m r run p. mint* with water ookm. U fr drr Mitt E Uadaay Itrportrr Donna SsUtbo

TROOP 7 - Wr opened Km


VM M M teM Ny G u a r a n tyUSED C A R S T ^

EA R i\ EXTRA 9 % % T em p o ra ry Jo lis


SECY’S KEYPUNCHESF e f * week, month in* hrngerHigh Rates No FeeW ESTERN ( . l l t l L \C .

60 Park Place Newark 6 2 3 -3 4 4 0

The best jacket in your wardrobe comes from EQUITY SAVINGSPER ANNUM Anticipated Rate

Your financial wardrobe may include equity in your home, stock ownership, insurance or bonds, but this prise jacket — a savings account at Equity is the most popular one of all and always in style. Solid, safe liquid cash! Available a t a moment's notice, never fluctuating and always growning with top dividends You’ll like the way it fits your financial plans.



Now is the Time to call us for In terior Decorating. Thousands of 19645 patterns for your fresh slipcover and custom draperies. All guaranteed wash-



► SHOP AT HOM E • V ISIT US f CALL USWe Can Re-Upholster Your Furniture

So That It Will Look and W ear B etter Than New

IM tsn tly • S afety - P .rm » n « itl> by th * ••n M tlo M l

Kadiomattc Electraly* by Gina oI

Agata Beauty Bate*Cam* tn Today for


Gina’s Electrolytic Wynm i 1-1308 ,

m MtatsM AM. AHIsflM, MU.

410 HACKENSACK ST. CARLSTADT, N. J.939-2114 or 2116


Page 8: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

T lfljR S lM Y , F E W U JA iY K). I 'M

K rttn n t) Chnptrr, No. I * Oc4er of Bur Kimrm Star, wW M d • g t m r * p a r ty m i W t6 - ar*Uy rw nlng t ' th r homr al Mrg. C a t! H tn lry M t * l a l W

W f r t* * » . Fa*-rv«'y *1. >Hi

t h * i f i r « •# m nr « l» r « f l «%* r » M *• f t i « * t l | *«*« «H »*•* N» c*#M fC * n g r* tim ai' Fo#*rt*

I t N a m .d T o *•«•**# M tgrt 0* Y w Award

TOwx ; ; . oc ^ v ; ? r ~ Tm * * d o r a o a m t m b n t

Aa A M tltk laiK *1 r . -Mi a . A » i « >>» C haaa * * « « • * . U I

" I W f|i|r-n .t> m m * n d « d «• Mm Ba a *B

Ml th a l M i n n 'M liftin g raal<t«fl»l** *1A ril, la IV a t 0># Iftn tR f O* « U H I , •* iih m M «• •• 'm M th a a***l**« t l • !* • •*♦»» •«- BNton a a it la t t » * i r i dwaMlaa t* • tw a-fam ily rfwaMina, ta a« "A" I*h* . «B« cafilnm iK a i i n .

t t l i r i f l f «hanaa la ylM arim a t * i l . I« iV ol lh« Of.«>nan*a. ** am an#*t

T hada ta rm ina lea *1 lh« l l l r l a t A a iy ttM an t i i availab le fa* maaaacVon a t tha affiaa a t t i l t l * t n l l f » M um dM I B u ltd i» s U ynthural, N a « M i l

B tN JA M IN CAP ACC 10 M a r t i a n*

O a t !Traval

IM* HEART r U NO op««« w itk t r a e a n i . l . o n a f th* A m * # . can H e a r t A a a a c ia tio n * H *art e l th a V * ar A w ard to C o n g raa* m a n J o h n t . F o g a r ty , R h o d t l t la n d , D tm e c ra t , w h o o u rv lv td a h a a r t a t ta c k ta fcacom* t ta d ln g a p a n to r t f m e d ic a l r o ta t r e h l a g ld a t ia n in Hi* U. » . H atiaa a f R tp ra e e n ta t iv e a . A w ard r*cog nt*»* k i t " f a ith , c o u r tg * and « « h i*v*m ** l In m a a tin g til* p tr- to n a l c h a l lm g * a t h a a r t dleeaaa.% C * m e» t0 " I* F * h m a ry 1 «

Robert W. Schmidt 25 Yiars With W E

t Are Unbeaten, Jr. Rec Tie

L IO A L MOTICC TOWNgiMO jw X y^oHohiT h o r i c e t o

W A T I R MAIN C O N T R A C rO Itt t* a iad feid* wHI 0* rac*iv*«

fey ih . B a a rt a l Commi**i**r* M ta t TM iM feta « L n m i M ,Nw Jaraay In In* C cuncll Ream, Tawn H all. V tllav t n a k A y ,. ana, L » n tn u f* t N , J . a t a a t P. M prevailing tim e . Monday. FM rw arir *1 , i* t l la r th* InataH- a tian a f w at*r ra a in a a n t aa-aiWtO#iaW<’aO |0 ||^ f ltd IH VMlityi r a o h A**nti», M*w**n Madf- *«n t l r * * l a n t P o lito A vm u* ana in th* a fareea id P a llia Ava- aua Iran* V*Uay B reak Avenue. N arttw rly . t a a t a i n t aa*ro«i- m ately an* hundred fifty H t t l

Admiral 1#"Admiral 21"



«Tg Franklin Avr.Natlry. HJ.


Airman Guenther Now At Charleston

To the Taxpayersof Bergen County

— Budget Up but Tax Rat* Sean Going Down County Sets Hearing for February 16th

Continuing tho uiual trend in total fundi required by a rapidly growing county, tho 19M Budget Appropriation! total $32,737,285.00. Thi* it an in- creaae of $2,205,808.34, 7 per cent over the 1945 Budget Appropriation* a* compared to a 12 por cent incrtate for 1965 over 1964 and 11 per cent for 1964 over 1963.

The amount to b t raited by taxation thi* year i> $23,564,775.00 a* com­pared to $21,524,487.66 In 1965. Thi* repreient* an Increatt of $2,040,287.34.

However, duo to a numbor of offtetting factor* it it expected that when total figure* on the attested valuationt of Bergen County have been readied by the Bergen County Tax Board and the County Tax Rate it formulated in May, the rate will remain conitant or decrease tlightly compared with pre- Viou* year*. r

Increase* in the 1966tBudget refltcf th* following:1. Provition for th* n*w departments and **ryic**, namely:

Premium Fresh Mined CoalNONE BETTER A T AN Y PRICE

ut or Stove $23.00 Pea Coal $21.00

fjclcwh?at $19.00 Stoker Rice $19.00




a. Community College

c. Narcotic* Clinic

LaCorte Brosidiag - Alterations - Additions

AH Types of Porch Enclosures Windows & Doors

I <•&#'•-< -•r

W E IXSITALL iiPtnt Vinyl Coated Aluminum Siding


k f i - CALL k'E 9 - 7 9 5 5 W E 3 - 5 2 8 4


..........lf , . „ IW JI |,— I ............................................

Page 9: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R


Lyndhurst GE 8-7141... i l l . ' .

I— 1 1« 1


Movies Are Greater Than EverWhere To Go ~ What To Do ~

- • See One This WeeWhat To See In South Bergen

At The Lincoln Theatre W it g iv e h* Mm ! a pp ro v a l "in nummary gt Gm«rr**min

lleiatoskii Bill, ti provides a per- maiwnt program at rdixatkm*] SarUtaiH# lor indtvtdusii arrvinc W thr Armwl r m « l msftwrifwi tftrr January 11. MBS (U t* p

n i and hrtow coHnw *rvrl trwWnt li permitted. Eligibility ttferum i l the rate of ana month of training for one month af eecv ter not Kl mreed J* month* A minimum of 190 day* at sender Ii required to rstsbliah rltjihdiiv

llree thr individual i» discharged r are* irr-< onnrrte^ disability n a n sm ir* an srtlvr duty fw

framing do not accrue eligibility



An rallmated J00 mtpmhrn wwrr in attradam r to witnrs* thr ffUrat Major Iwgrw hr Id In I ,y ndhurat Council» rtubruom.

Thr drgrer exemplified to 115 candidate* wa* under the d im tk» of I* S D George tjrahy a»*t Albrcfcrr.

On Sunday, Feb. 13th. the eoun cM‘a membrrahip will receive Holy Eucharist in an expression af nine ere filial gratitude to thr

Wood-Ridge-—Tte annual mrel- Nerarufcf of thr itatr. ing of South Brrgen Saving, and , w > Ownmunloo will mark

Hinglr lo serve with Mmrs. Wal •er tj*yh I Alt* h l N l t

A freshman party will __ held on February Nth wtth Mn Oirlai m halrman at thr com­mittee of nri ingemrtrts

Mrvwi metWhee* wfl! *Hmd

Wm. Nuwbaum U Reelected

Laurence Harvry to confronted ky D irt Bogards aa Jalle CteM is, Uie rrsaon to r it all. looks on la thia scene from l n i ‘i K U vtae’s Darling." a trnar drama af InternaUooal “Jrt^Sat"moral* now at thr Lincoln Theatre throvgh Tarsday.

Multiple Housing On UpgradeThr tfend toward multiple

housta* in South llergen con­tinued in 1964, according Id stu­dies t»y thr Regional Plan Asso­ciation.

Bergen County had 6.004 auth­orizations for dwelling unit*in 19*4 Of that number. 2.511 were for tingle unit dwelllnga, and 1,493 were for multiple urv lt«. In 1963 thr total aurhorfaa- tions were 6.377 of which 2.763 were single uniu and 3,614 multi-

pie.In South Bergen;Lyndhurst had 87

of which 12 were * ingle family 75 multiple as against In a total of 75 authorised of Which nine were singir family. . *4

North Arlington had S9 author- lied of which 21 wrre single fami-

Loan Association saw Ihr rr-rlee- Hon of all officer* to new one year terms and three directors lo nrw three-year terms WUllam H Nttasbeum, who was re-elected chairman of thr kieid, today an­nounced the aetlvittrs at last night's annual meeting of the as- worlatton’i membership.

Frederick A. Zott was re-elr«ted first virr-clwirman of th r hoard and John E. Bergna, second vice- chairman Michael J. Magi'.h was elected treasurer and F auk R Edwards sgsin named .ecretary

Directors rroamrd to J-yesr terms on Ihr board are Michael i . Maguth and Dominick Mar­

ty I f agntnstin 1963


LAS7 WEEK*#%•*, m , *£ri. Sat. Sun.

8:40 P.M. on stage




S t a r t s F e b . 1 8

Two For The

Seesaw"Tickets $2.40

Students $1.8024-Hour Box Office Phone

9 9 8 - 1 1 0 0155 Midland Avenue

K earny, N. J.

36 of which 14 were singir family. Carlstadt In 1164 had a total of

37 authorized of which six were singir Tamlly oomparrd to 1963 when 32 were authorized with 28 singir family.

East Rutherford in 1964 had a total erf 10 authorized, all stogie family In 1#6» the total author­ized was 33 with 33 again singir family units. »

Ruthrrford in 1964 h»d a tot­al of 30 authorised with 12 single family, tn 1963 the toul author­ized was 32 of which ei<ltt weir singir families. -

Home building figures for the Nrw York Metropolitan * ffcgion for 1964, compiled by * Regional Plan Association,' show that suburban * ctoirtie*' home > struct ion ohvtard tittle compar­ed to 1963 but in Nrw VA#"City (other than Staten island) building wag down nearly 60 per cent.

Preliminary figures for IMS indicate that Manhattan hous­ing constructionq has rebounded but construction in thr other three boroughs and in many sub­urban counties has dropped some- \/hat from 1964.

The trend toward apartments in the suburbs and outer areas of Ihe Region has continued. Ev­en the still-run] counties is thr Outer Ring of the Region — O- range, Dutchess and the outer half of Suffolk — built more than

o j ew*t J o s e p h M a z ia e le c te d t o t h r

their gratitude for thr spiritual and temporal wrtfarr, and lor the intentions of the ArchbMwp. litahopn and auxiliaries of Jersey

Catholic activity chairman Richard Marsh also announced that thr annual Memorial Mass for drcrasrd mrmbers, will be held on Tuesday. Feb. 22nd.9 a m at St. Michael's Church


board a year ago. to fill the un- expired term of Joseph P. Brunrt- ti, was renamed to • full 9-year t«rm. " T "

D. P. Sammarco wm re-elected president of thr institution Those who will srrvr with him all were re-elected to continue through 1966 They include HertJrrt C Hermann, vtoe president; Kath­leen Fisher, assistant secretary, Slid Robert J. CNrill, assistant tm aurer.

Completing South Bergen Sav­ings directorate are Charles W. Kaiser. Arthur M. Ssuer, Domi­nick Marconi, Otto Wlldermann, and D. P. Sammarco, Joseph P.

High School PTA Hear StudentsThe High School PTA met

last Wednesday evening, Febru­ary 2nd, In thr school cafete­ria. wtth M n. Warren Bogle,presidrnt, in charge. The Pledge at Allegiance was followed by a prayer offered by Mrs ArthurTaylor, vice president.

Mrs. Charlrs Christ, mrmhrr of thr Board of Education, ex plained Ihr proposed school bud­get. Anthony Scardino. Jr., also a member of the Board was pre­sent.

The program of thr evening was the presentation, by Miss Angela Wisneskt, of reeordingi made by students from all grades In the school on "What I Like a* bout MY Parents ". Recordings were not signed so that th r students eoukl speak freely.

At thr nominating committee

t im p lr ts d w tth

starting thr||ro t*d so (tear prraaas iatcm trd FrWiy ' f f rly rrsrrvat H%hlof

Mme* Josrph itanso • Herman participating tt thr Operatic Frs-

the t-.Hmdrni^r^y dtnnre « Krb- ^ f e f Psafcr UmU Kosrttl at th* Neptune fun, p „ Cameron. Ro»em,iry Itowmanruary 17lh

Piramils.Fathers' Wight will te ob-

•W 'rd at Ihr nral mretiag of tte PTA to br heid on April 6th

Local Students In State OpfraTwmty - Three students m m

Lyndtamt High School will jofe more than 100 otter stadmts fromNew Jersey high schools a pas­senting thr Wth Annlisl Oprratlc Festival to br held at Governor livings ton Regional High School. Rrrkelry Heights on February 12»i iSsturdayi «t8:15 P M Tte Festival is sponsored by thr Nrw Jrrsry Music Educator s Associa­tion through tteir opera m Musi

Thr Oprrattc Frslivsl will xsn- liine the talents of an 800 voicr chorus, a 1® piece orchestra student soioifts and ensembles In a concert presentation ot Biset's Oprrs ' ‘Carmen." Hie program will also feature a guest artist from the Metropolitan Opera.

Conducting tte opera chorus will be Mr. Dale Smyth of West Orange High School. The orches­tra will te dtreibtrd by Mr Georgr Tomes, Plscatawsy Township HiS. •; ,

The public te cordially Invited to attend this performance. Tick­ed are available through tte mu­sic department of your local high school in advance or at the door A capacity audlmce Is ex-

Mval are under the dtrretton of _Twi oivsTi. rm w wr i n f H nuami tjuwwr Th,» s*tw» TTAw’trll

Lyndhurst Public School*, and tte tnUowing

Ttery Aromando, Nancy Pat Morgans. Shansi Walsh,<jn Beckman, Unds Oirr, Tina Rtao. Jayne Biuurman. Rita

Robert Nixon. Robert Tticter Ranald P%rvin, Alan SrttmriMno, Wayne Dots, John Tobiason, Le­roy Nolan. Frsak Ptnto, Ron Condon. George Kmrrk.

Skip Cavaanero Drops 20 PointsFrank (Sktpi Civsgnaro *cored

10 paints lo parr It. Crellla of Kn- to a SM9 Trt-County

Catholic Oonfrrrnce overtime vic­tory over Queen of Pesor Sunday.

T te win was tte third in right conference games for the Saints It was tte seventh setback for

Qurrasmoi. who had upset ten Catholic in overtime on

.called to tte nirohM J<hn O'Connell of t^irrii ofjliratr t te occasion.

Pea or <«t tte game into the ex- tamo. *nd Mr andtra session by eonvrtlttw two free 'Moftsi ot l.smthurst

with 112 remainaiit m the j Mrs Jerry

for the last sM . but 11 never ma-|and Mrs Anthony Mrialtsrd aa Queen erf Pe««e mlss-jiey fity Mr,

LMt. • scortng chance More Ocllis lustalito of Farrgahwd possrssum with 5 »•©. not be prrsnM. unds left . |

w» UI Z V « ^ ^wm* umitet! to II pntnlA, mt*»wt , jj( U| ^ ^ Onireh iaI long shot and sent the gam- intoL (!inn,,r ^ ,tte ovrrtimr j(|ow m (Vd rr <>ove

Csvagmro put the Sntnts w in . when the/ will | front with 2:25 left In thr game homa," Mrs Joseph to mate tte soorr 47-45 Queen of .» m ,-harge of tickets, < Pracr missed several scoing now availahtr, 43S- chances, before CselHa called ^ r e nsnptrtrd at time out with 3 seconds rrmaiiv meeting which was w ing Chvagnaro took ■ pass from Trctita to sink a lay-up at thei huzzrr and added a free throw for | a 3-polnt play.

Ristainos Wed For 53 YearsMr and Mrs. Pat Ristaino, M3

Third Ave,. were married 5S years yesterday Thter children






LINCOLNArlington — WY I 4644

Now thru Taesday Jolle Law rr aret w r t a i i f - t f a r T r y

"DARLlNt,"Voted te st pictart of year Voted te st actress of ysarSaturday Sunday Matinees

Feb. M * 13 "Clarence thr

Cross eyed l.ion" plus

S Stooge Comedy Kotor Kartoons


. , , rlt sS S l .

Now thru Hugh CiTtRIAN Fabian


m a v mWSCHSBK

MICKEY ROONCT Lea WaltBarker 31m l

“14 HOURS TO KILL" In Technicolor!

Brunettl again was named dlrec-' Members of tte Honor Society

o p a r - .

S e l * » "_ me R..)k

tor rmrrltus.Reappointed for tte coming

as association counsel were arconl and Leder, of Wood- idge, and Prat, Msrwick, Mit­

chell and Company, of Newark, as auditors.

Botanical Garden Ha* Valentine ShowRomance comes Into its own

during thr Valentine Show at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, February 13-27.

On those days, the fragrance of romance will be hravy under tte great dome of the Main Conservatory, with a flaming

a quarter of u te ir 1964 houainR ^ art flcTverV®-,C,Ver‘\ kn0t‘ ^I K »,^rtm enu ^apartments

The inner suburbs built near­ly two-fifihs of their 1964 units in apartments. - ,

The main wave erf home con­struction has now passed through the suburban counties dosfst to New York City and Newark-Jer- sey City to counties farther out. More housing units were built in Suffolk County, Long Island, for example, than in any other cxxmty In thr Region.

H e lsto sk i P la c e s B iteCongressman Henry Helstoski

(D., 9th) has introduced legisla­tion which will provide assistance in the field of education, guaran­teed and direct home loans, non- service-connected medicSl care, employment preference In federal service for men in the military who were discharged after Janu­ary 31, 1955.

"This is the so-called Cold War G.I. Bill and” , said Congressman Helstoski, “by the middle of next week it is expected that the House

a honeymoon cottage, displays of the plant* of romance — ftjrget- mr-not, bleeding heart, love-in- a-mist, hearts ease, touch-me not, tovellrs-bleeding, bachelor’s button and maidenhair fern.

For tte less romantic, there Will be a houseplant show and mass plantings of colorful snap dragqn, stock and other flowers.

Hours of the show are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day including Sun­days. Admission is 25 cents.

helped to tabulate and tape tte findings. Three things were no­ted — most studrnts Hkrd their parents ss they are; parentstrnd to spoil them! and parents could advise them more.

In observance of Founders’ Day. past presidents were hon­ored, Mmes. Thomas Troeoli, Karl Weber, Charles Christ. Walter Leyh. William Muir and Robert Sturges.

Your Instrument i t W o rth le ss

if you can't play it!





Lyndhurst Bar7 R idge R o ad L y n d h u rs t

Presents every Friday & Saturday Night

Radio, TV and Recording Artist

HOTEL VAN BURENSouth Kentucky Avenue

Short Block off Boardwalk

A7LANTIC CITY - - NEW JERSEYThe Van Buren caters to a class of people who demand the best a t reasonable rates. Its location is^the very center of everything in Atlantic City.

. W rite for rates or phone 344-9576ask for Mrs. Bernice Schubert


Facing Boardwalk and Ocean

ATLANTIC CITY - - NEW JERSEYA friendly family hotel located in the finest

sectiop of this world resortSPECIAL RATES FOR RETIRED GUESTS

FOR A PERMANENT YEAR ROUND HOMEWrite for Literature and Family Rate Plan

“TH E DOBRO ■ MAX' and his Country Brothers

Country & Western Entertainment

We ham all the known brands of Liquors, Wines and been. We serve hot lunches. Ladies Invited.

1 * i

Double Barrel’s TavernHot Soup aad all kinds of Cold Cuts, Sandwiches flu* ail kinds of Beverages, Coffee aad Cake.


W Ebater t-9881




Freezing is for Food, Not Folks

"As far as I'm concerted the only freezing footage in tte

-fUM irW nwz?n TOOT cab­inet ... so wc moved. And we made sure that this time we landed in a wall-built house equipped with electric heating. So says one of the many con­

verts to tte fuel-of tomorrow How many! Well, in a five year period over 2,000,000 indi­vidual home owners in the United States adopted elec­tric home heat trig" syfetrTfis. Hie total now stands well above that. And It’s estimated that in 15 years’ time most of the home* in the country — aa well an commercial structures- will be heated by electrici­ty.If you haven’t experienced e-

lectstc heating yourself, vou may be asking "WhyT" The answers, from a sampling of leetrtc heating osers, shows these are the main reasons:- No other method can equal an electric heating system for all-around comfort. There are no hot spots, no cold spots.- Flexibility. With electric heat, warmth can be Increased any hour of the da yor night in any room. Individual thermostats for esoh room let you keep, say, the den warm if you Have to work over income tax tgittl

the W«e hours. Or a little-used room can be brought to oom- fort qUIcWy when guests come- Precision. Electric heating systems are so perfected thut tte temperature delivered to a given area won’t vary m o r e than half a degree at thermo­stat setting even at ceiling height.- Esthetlcally superior. Room decoration is freed because qlectric heating equipment is unbulky, in some cases is ac­tually not visible, Also, apace formerly needed for furnaces, fuel storage, chimneys, etc., is freed ... and can be allocated either to storage or extra living space.- Long range economy. Actual Installation costs of electric heating equipment are low. And electricity is 100 per cent useable; t te only fuel that ia. The systems are extremely long- lived ... can be expected to last tte life of the house.Advance styling. By the time electric heating came onto the mass market, the varying types ot equipment were so highly evolved they won’t be­come dated. Equipment instal­led this year will still be cur­rent a decade and a half from now.


Q. W ill (M e tric M a i «v« r to* av a ila b l* in a p a r t , m a n ia?

A. I t a l r ta d y la! AnS th a u aa q a In m u ltlp la u n i t d w a llln sa ia in c raaa- in s ty a t a n a m a z in g H « T h a w orttf'a ae - CSllad ta ro a a t a p a r t ­m e n t h au a a h aa alao- t r i c h a a t ln g . . . a n d ao , c o u n tla a a o th e r • t r u c tu r e a inc lu d in g tw o a n d to u r fa m ily a t r u c tu r a a . E le c tric h e a tin g c a n give ad -

d w elle ra o o u ld n ’l h av * o th*rw l*< . . . n am e ly a p a ra e n a l cho ice of h a u ra at m a x im u m h a a tln g in d e p e n d e n t of a )a«T iB .'« d e te rm in ­

in g , Alao, i t 'a poaaib le, w ith e le c tr ic h e a tin g fo r th a a p a r tm e n t dw elle r* t a h av e h a a t if th e y ao chooaa on a n u n ae aaan a b ly ootd d a y in a p r in g w h en « c e n tr a l ava tem m ig h t a l r e a d y h a v e cloaed do w n fo r th e seaao n .

O. A le tte r fro m a r e la ­tiv e in th e m id-w eet aaya t h a t th e echool m y n ie ce w ill a t te n d n e x t y e a r le h e a te d b y e le c tr ic i ty . Is th ia

A. M aybe a f ir a t in t h a t c i ty . . b u t no, i tvaf a r fro m being a “ f i r a t .” In f a c t Mat­in g s o f n o n -re s id e n tia l s t r u c tu r e s h ea ted by e le c tr ic ity g ive p ro m ­in e n t p la ce to schoo ls. In a d d itio n to aood ev e n h e a t , e le tr lc i ty ’s f le x ib il ity m ean s ad d - e d econom y w ith no iittfftee of comfort. W h e n n o t in use o v e r w e e k e n d s o r v a c a tio n s , th e r m o s ta t s can be lo w ered , th a n ra le e d b e fo re r e tu rn in g o c ­c u p a n c y . E lec tric e q u ip m e n t reac h ee d e ­s ira b le w a rm in g a t a r a p id r i t e , 2 : : —

Q. W h ich ia th e longeet- la e tin g s ty le of e lec tr ic h e a tin g eq u ip m e n t?

A. T h e th re e m ost p o p u ­la r ty p e s used in yo u r p a r t of th e c o u n try a r e a ll ex p e c ted to g iv e tro u b le -fre e ee r- v ic e fo r yea re an d y o a rs . E lec tric b a s e ­b o a rd s , w a ll p a n e ls a n d ce ilin g cab le by th e w ay , a r e s till th e le ad in g fa v o rite e a- m ong e le c tr ic h e a t u s e r s in th e N o r th ­e a s t .

LARSON'S ELECTRIC SERVICE *Residential C bm m ifcW ' 1

Industrial Wiring Electric Heating Insured - Bonded

24 H r. Service Lie. #599 Belleville PL 9-9292


24 H o u r lm a _ g * n o y ae rv lca

Lie #780.701

K earny WY 1-IS7I


E lec tric a l C on trac to r

L ie. # 1 t

No. A rlington

JO N ES ELECTRIC'• •• -'J' •-V.T-’.r . :

COM PANYLla. #oea

E. Rutherford GE 8-4421


e le c tr ic a l C o n trac to r

;v Lis. #1on - m

Lyndhurst GE 8-45SS


■ lec trla il C nglneera

Lie. *100

Belleville 75M060


■ lec trlea l C ontracto r

Lie. #100*

Lyndhurst GE 8.2132iMBan warn oa a a w a a gawwageeaswwaaWMrgaa


SERVICE imE lec trica l C ontrac to r

Lie. #10S2

991-5551 • 998-4657 No. Arlington .HU 2-8780

Llo. «00

NO 7-0919 .


BAUER ELECTRIC ATOM ELECTRIC >220 Volt Inatalled. electrical Contractor

H enry B ackua A Pete F it L ie. #1007

E. Rutherford933-0752 “ *“ 933


Lie. #80

WY 1-1665Kearny

Page 10: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

g g L .I t R a . N AN N EW J M I I V AMOxvwMkr

typ*',,* V t" “ ,Bl' '* “ * c —^^anter• • « M

« - - Vj w S a r - j wE S E &f HWtld* Ik V H t, n j j f d «*•«« M h U i«M M tt* **«*<• an* »i. u » . r t , , h . H * ,


N *< • t f t m 2 1

. r tw ice in tne

*a l»*at p«ai.MVM!

M ‘d DjSirvL&t erasth en t* e M id C enam erelal L ead

*. 11 '•* * '■ •» » d e te rm in e d l l u l

f c & f e s * ™ !* • * * * •• •* **• T a w * e h * »(

*>• r*»aa« tor f# n

i f CfflNplmeet** a tH«r««f at

Ml i« |4 4

'C.’Ol.-WI m m t i e a**»*.

e fr* d t« « w w i t . in n i l th e « r* t pu 6 ia*.it*a<

I I m - t ? ’JPa-s^sm2 - v | t i i l r . * i i U ii T#M n**^ af

w S s s s :i a c s E » a s ' «rTsasjsa:rr5SS

■"•> . r : . , v . . s t ! :>« fu M .

« ‘,7 pr^ S

af N*w J*re*y >*?*. M o m e n t t e

h u rs t In fo r (f it

r S t 'n r t l l i f Lynii

:b3"F:K™-'' *is therariar* k*r*|>y M t t r n l n M

fsyu.* jnaaL^«„‘KN 'M i r

U w n .h l* ' ^g3U!lMl^ W X iE F V w .. . T S S t t * "* ' * • ' I " . H t U H tt lr . i l l T *E.0U"« •* m«,»yr . . ****r>r !® b* •’• ••m -f it w u fe M for \h * « |(

8 a " * ' i » WHanc* inap*eti>n < ,’ t' p u tt ta a tla a fM *. lag* It i f f * * ,n« '"P en*** I* *3T'■ I " o rd*r tem p o ra rily flu ­

te. t h , im prpyem ent* **' M i 1 In P a rag rap h 1 of thi* »"«e "bond a n tic ip a tio n

2 * " * yi%«d> S ta tu te s of T « i» 4*.r * * * 1* ' '• in • " »■>•“ »* "** toM W * tha i n * of M t.36o.oo. • S i t ? , * \ *hf i l . ***** «*•-S S L fc T S S ? ' M\* Purpoa* fo r which th e y a ra i**u*d and ahaIIa t ^ i S ; * ? i i V l i h * mo“ n U «*<•g *“ .eh « m ay ha da ta rWNnetf by Jteaetu ttan e f th epovM-AIng body A (I m a t t . " wJfi?» f nP.*i* *! “ ' I "««•»• »» t d . te r - *r* t a be h e re a f te r

«MM*t t i » ' a * * “ al 5 *•<" * I) la <*»;C aa k a i Im pravam am P u «p

tb s f«rua*r turn af tt ,-m..&S w i

mi,„ -- ** • " • o r ta^ * « , r* * a ,M. r “ '? « — " •SC’if?* •" !*«♦*?.",' •* th ia ar.

a r« harapy aathp rU ap pwrauM*

SuUW«-# L H« W M « M .M S U p . t.a^aa

ilm M ^ a . ! n * “ I** 1 2 i S I M*fiIfeSp*5? fiPSiB

N a» Jaroay

itlpnM«p __

,w. . *'a*Mtaa af ]1-1« ta 40 1-J«.

JL !* da ta rm m aoam) Paciarad th a t tlw auppw {JM i U M W r a S j f a d .

ty . ***•■ *■>*•* m m law a l N«w i f* * ) n*» k*an auly and

IP lha 0 f««4 «« » p * " p i ^ i J iL w J * '* • Taw nahlp af

£ • 2 ***,!: jpwa iRUnBMsfliV W ia in c ra aard hy thTp *r- K t t »>. IM iH at ta-

MW ab liflillsna au- f l f r t l * y M ir« P P » e a a n w itnm all dap t lim itation* pr*a ri? * f 5 ’v'» m w M tuta* af

' ? fc J**** ♦». CHpptar I.* ' * • •* P rd o f C am m laaionart a ra hereby autP*r.a«o to en te r *5 * f c o n tr* .t* f«rIM pointing . M ntfbiM ting. m a t M»ry rcateretiftfi »c«

a i ii . ® ±fe n a re te * round the F ree . Pub- l*e t lb r a r y , rep lacem ent a# tw a conerat* a tapa in fron t of tha

t lb r p r y lawn a«d pa tch ino a f m «aonry wall atong

the F ree Fublie L ib rary♦ft **Of- T w in ih lpL y n d h u r tt, C ounty of £er*

r .i A

• w# fttat* o f N tw Je rsey ,. „e®»‘ »®t to exceed M.OOOjL

® .n.0. ' covered by th ie

t i l t Revised S ta tu te s of eraay, 40:1-14 to i 'V ^ .by. ln««i and1.1!?. .*h* •uPPtemantal t te m e n t requ ired by th a

aa» h .£ * h . *!? N ,w J , r- *»y Htn been duly m ade andi h ! d 'S, * i* 0 ,1 ic* ef tha Tow n.£r£? *l*‘ T ",hvJ tVc’ S j u f t t m S 2Phip of L yndhurat. pa defined IncrV .'!I5 V ^ ' r * :1' n 'e 'n -

*91 r } ti 0 rd ih*n*a py!& !* * * > • " ? , h «* iaauanca of £ u d . l ia na- a u l beoiaed twrS E sk • « ; 5 ‘ • • r . ; • s s s , * ; . ’■ - J " ' 5 :12 ' n o t covsred byth .s erdrnenea th a n be de ta r-

SSSStS«SCind t,rov,“' Ur lyT P I, ord inance ehall becom e

p l . v W ^ V ' f o . BUbHC,' i0" **PUBLIC NOTICE

*lo*'c» '• hereby given ♦£? „** i m eeting ofth i . i * r - *,!, Oomml**lonar» of » . \ ~ I 0Wr . 15 of ‘-y n d h u ra t. f ? 1rj|W ' C ounty, New Jersey , ? £ « ®" F e b ru a ry ” ,?**• .*>» lb ° « O rdinance waa Ih troduepd and paaeed on Ita «i-at rw d in g and th a t th e aaid O rdtn«p«a ahall be taken up fo r fu r th e r considera tion fo r fina l f t’**!?* aJ * r iB u la r m eeting of P?* J j e ^ rd of Com m lealonera to? t .5 S 2 ^ * * J he 9 0m m i**'»n*reC h a j ip » n , M unicipal B uilding, V ^n^hurat, B ergen C ounty. New

o rg m an c , Jhaii pt d .iw m in M^rkRT^ 5 ?^ feeotution.Thi* o rd inance *hali pacam a

. t t . s t 'v t a t ta r pup iiaatfen pa provided by lew.

PUBLIC NOTICE th ; r = N o ,,ee *e h e r* p . th a t p t * re g u la r m eeting pf the B oard o f C om m laalenerp of

. I ow "* h |B ef L yndhuret, Sfi-B C eunty , New Jeraey , held on Mcnrtay E ebrupry f , 1(jg, th e above O rdinance w aa m troduced and paaaed an It* fir>t read ing and th a t th * paid O rdinance M all be taken up for fa r th e r conalderetion fo r fina l M » * J » At A reg u la r m eeting pf *"• * f » r d of C om m ieelenere to be held a t the Cem m ieaionera Cham bera, M unicipal B uild ing , L yndhurat, S a rg e n C ounty, New°Tt wKjhs-aevening, p reva iling tim e, o r pa e*on th e re a fte r aa aaid m a tte r

*;• *APMed, * 4 whieh tim e I f d P l« e a ll peraone who m ay be in te re s ted th e re in ahall be given an —heard com

— - t e wA T T M T i Feed O. T aub Tow nahio Clerk D ated: F eb ru a ry 10,F E E S : $4200 X ’

an o p portun ity to ba

*££r0 r %o mM I fcn eR■


°“ M»“ day F ab ru a ry-— a t 8i00 o clock In th e

evening, p revailing tim e, or aa W en th e re a fte r aa aaid m a tte r can be reached , a t which tim e end p lace all p e reo n . who m ay be m te rta te d th e re in ahall be given ah o p portun ity to be M ard concern ing th a earn,. A T T e s T - COM M ISSIONERS Fred ; o . T aub Tow nahio Clerk

FEE's>39e00rUary 10 ’966


t A i r M E N T OF TH E COPING T O ftB S TO TH E FR EE y 5 K C* , h '? l3 * P v : FOR ? 5 b

r f e - t ^ S r l^ ® F ' &K »«U A R E ® CE W ALKS W ITH CONCRETE AROUND


e „ '* I e P 8 *N FRONT OFtE PL A C EiR E T E iS , _______ v ,

a PU BLIC l i b r a r yf ^ T C H I N a o f

0*fTl"y‘ n"J:

kNP t h e n e c e S -MRBS'aiB.K

1 . . • " O 'M A N O * NO IMS AN ORDINANCE A U TH O R I2. 'N O T e , t FU R C M A *» O F O h l .

b u r r o u o m * t v f i n o SE N tlM A T IC ACCOUNT-INO m a c h i n e , m o d e l FM»1 c

PANBL*W? n « ’< TlI , ^ C 0 N T " 0L:w ; i s tthh\ ,utS w ° n f

OF L Y N D H U R iT /c o u N : TV OF BEROKN a n d ST A TEp F M «W j * j S * v , a n d m a k - ' * 1 ^ . 7 h e n e c e s s a r y a p .PROFIATION O F 1366.00 FOR IS sEa*rAy M! xApN*°n s°rsH is ii£-WHfiPAY!_____BE HA;>»e o .

The Bo*rd of th« Tow nahip of L

' of ■*-*■

O V Ip 'N Q T H E M E A N S BYiCh f u n d s f o r t h e

y m e n t t h h r e o f H e

af thCbun

Com m iaaionera , , Of ty M h u r e t ,

W of * e ro en and s ta t ef i i lo S S 1 *r **y ' d0 or<,* in »e 1. T h a t th e re ahall be purchaaed nil* 7 0w n**'lp Of L y n d h u n t m ai.ii * t h r o u g h . Typina sen a i-


^i^tevfriMi^aM Uof

... f l « a , th e Tow nth

is neceaaarofVI




,Th* Bo-.rd of C om m issioners mJ the T ow nship of L yndhurst, C ounty o f B ergen and S ta te Of New Jereey , do o rdain a* fallows:ȣ T-tS* i h ,re *hlV l be done by th e TOwhshlp qf L y n d h u rs t the po in ting , eandb laatfng , m asonry rea toeatlon and re p lacem en t of th e coping d o n e* to th e Free Public L ib ra 'Public L ib ra ry : th e rep lacem nt

Fr*e Pub lic L ib ra ry , rep lace ­m ent of tw o co n cre te step* in fropt.® f th e F ree Public L ib ra ry inwn an d (Hutching of m asonry w all alonij th e e id i of th e F ree Public L ib ra ry on P ine S tree t, in th* Tow nship of L yndhuret, County of B ergen and S ta te of New J tra ey , a t a coat notto exceed *8,000.00.

— Hirst an d I t „ „ tfcat the T ow nshh lp of L yr h(ir*t In th * ^Ceunty ef Rerg. «yd S ta te of New J e rn y ~ T h a r | '* e . nioney for th e Purppi s ta ted in Section 1 of th ia O d inao te and th e e s tim ated m a x i­mum am o u n t of money necen H rv to be ra ised from ail aourc-« * a y M * f° r“ * "4 '*?• TI2K« ie hereby app ro p ria ted

r* i. f b* ch arg ed ip th e Im provem en t F und .

7. I ii* , “ r t “ , r « r of M,935.00 i* hereby ap p ro p ria ted for said Purpose and fo r o th e r neceesary e spenses In connection th e re -

a i d th -'l.t , *h« « ro s , d eb t of th e Tow nship of l ly n d h u ra t IS hereby m creaeed by J6.935 004. That in o rder to tem p o ra rily finartc* *he purpoee a* deecrlb- ed In P a ra p ra p h 1 ( d i nance "bond i notes” a re hereby p u rsu an t to the orovii the Revised S t ' t X s !

« r C hap ter T, tn f i t a m o u n t*° exceed th e sum o f $6-

93S.C0. Said note* shall s ta te , in general t*rr*s, th * purpose* li-w S T * !1. lh i y a r ' '» u e d an d»• 'Brst5. It is hereby de term ined th a t the period of usefu lness of th e .iforeaald purpose se t fo rth In

}f fi,v» W year*, w lth - in th e lim lta tlo n sip f th e Reto 40:1*36° f N ' W J ' r ,e y 41S n J 11!* !* ’* h# reby d e ttrm in e d and declared th a t th e iu p p le - mental debt s ta te m e n t re q u ^ e d5 jr . i l* J “?*i -tiMid l*.y» -ot..M *w -f i E f U ? ? M S ’ ^ d * andih i i- i . ?* 0 ,,lc * of th e Tow n-

c l , r f of the Tow nship of M ^ u r e , end th a t such e la te - iM nt so Filed Showe th a t th e

• t e d


#1 Carnw i | i 4iu r i*9 #♦ i

iW M tU W Me Op. M « h * « * ,*awpn# Tyawif

Aif4H»ntiim M*. nine, «W C. w tlh t«H **tr*

wj*. at a <**« net t«

f*M "»*^* MaaHS'pai Buitdm a

e y aa m a , prsvaiU na b m a . o r as M e* !h«r«pM»r a r (Bid m MU> ! «*« be re M M d, a t aa*#** uaa* f M MM* *H perepne who may 1 be in te rs a tM th e re in m * u m !R? * ^ * " M fe r tu n i ty ta be j

e«rd apnrtM H M thp sam e ■ L iO A R O O F C O M M itl lO N IR i

SiiK.'21 ? * 3 p 5 V ? e r . l a r

he i h a .g t d «e th*

I pet be* ' S T S n*ree-* »«:' s t -a teu ta r ea>d

» a4u «e» PUMf « « u u > i ■MMM

A’ deb t«• e7 <4it h , H W vee

*###«’ U t«m|»#rs*tfy♦ pur#«M a* #ae-

af lf»»e

«,n ripsiSFSa alter t. la an anaemal a** t* «*d Wms mum art « * .!» (•* aa«t*s 4h*li aaata in geff*rat t * r * . tn* aa .»a>*aa»« ftar wb|<lk<b*| latusn i n s ah*It p a<»*•>** in gu th i k i m M j M a t

KRMlgelMdA *f , *“*b «'aa»ee a t a»a» bp. W t n L a .• ’ N . t ' ^ r . * . ^ < tu ba bar*M f m m t u r I, I V i t * M re b r d*«priM nM tbaat

■ vS j r^e iad *f aaegfwineaa of th a *t*r*e*.d e u rp r r t ^ t fprth tnP a ra g rap h a ip free <11 yaprp.WHPwa taa# lappa’ • - -''•• •d ‘S ta tu te s «*M-»4 tn m i l‘ That , t .s h a .p b , S M S IM M

d*»»prpd th a t tha supp I* ” »en«»i |t t> t iia tfA tiA t reau irea b , t a . hK *a b*nd aaasa *f I t* *J i r s e r kps b a t . P v ir mad* a .K hlep aa. In* *«*.t . p f thp T *»p . eh o ri*»a of the T tippan ip *a I rn d h u r*t, «tm th a t aaaek *tat*w*nt ““ *“*■* -*■ — -

u , v t K w T l j i lH >t > A V , MvUr t i H ) i d, I*»Sft

*t «*»*r*d bp tha* M M tgrspm ag

*» l . . • h a . M ^ r SN O n «

atMui la n a ttily §*%-an u a u ia r «na#tin§ af

p rf Haaii dHViaitltiaa m in a a t i aa^*-y*na au t yia a m n

t « t ta a «»#§. §f«ff#ed tr>«t«a<r»t af tn# m i * ta s itr v»# jmiMm al

_____ , j« r r» c *MPtlM M M ts p ) a i .e a * reg u la r, anettm aI P# M i w a . i a a a t a <f

sar.*at*« 4 vf€ m ana aaeaad a n Ma f | t raad in* «na «i»jt tn* «a*a o r a «n a m e s*iaH be te*ta*t «# *»f fa f in e r «an»*d^at)an far f t« a t

a l a ra s ^ ia r w>sai » ^ *iWa • a a N ^af „Ca«»iw >iiNMWW t a

ra,.^n d h ^ fe t, i

aart»iU^rt* *#• As4 •** a f U i i a

aiM Ina de*i*ta« «f m in M a a i • f r»«a #*»*%*«t*en t i i r t i t a^ a tl

a a W 'td waan tn a ra a a td t t f

W t S a . I N * w M AT«RIA L> OR OCCUPAM.

m i f .H MAY R a o w R f t

What’s Bothering You?PICK OUT A FIXIT HERE!

GtMS WMT P t n a i i t t


P H B W 1E9 Cmnm r»b#ee Mun*t*aa*

"1 l a r s an ’l 4ar ** an W an ^ e l H , t* m a t SiW avt'i

Jersey .

M M . P r B*

M s W t t S

§(»«<• « n e p p ert« M ig % p a | heard pdhcernm p th p apml,1 BOARO OP C O M M lS iio N B R *

ATTBBTi Frrrf o ▼ sub|* * n * h ia Clark I

kn tw ' *■,m____ORDINANCE MO.

ALTERATIONS Mpsic VnstructTonP i a n o - O r g a i pA . T V M S L L O a S O N

t h OROIN ANCK AOOP t lN O A r i p , M I V B N I ON COOPS 5 * ic f c i» i« to * * o J l a t i o n »

e ™OC . P « N ’NO M *'A R O O U » TO

» 0F »«IT Y FUtJM* p l <5>i i o r .: J h A i

Vm # F F

T aub a Cieak

. . . »• ^

m K*e e r e a f . •b ilgptien* pu th a rifp d h r i* . Orptaaaatce a r . w ithm AN deb t limatAlion* pro-



> . * ! ? , NOF R O I . C U ^ S ’S r

W Im h j p # f l v n o -

.T M B eard e f C em m ipeienert f* the T aw nahlp pt L yndhuret J r . *he (p len ty pf B crpan *p«Sa ' im L ? * " '" * * * <**

: « A ' o n o r OF- NICiRAL C O U R t

s -^ - C u T O RT M ppeataen af M unicipal

fd*e* Frppapcutor in th a Tpwn- L y P M u rst ap hereby

araatad .*M»Mh ». M U A tiFIC A TIO N S-

T he MitaMrppi C ourt Prpppcu ehpu , be ap A tte rn ay a t

'■ • »«al-L ynd

£ ahe« of New ip rapy andI pf th* Tsw nehip of

b u re t, P h a JpresyrifiM *1 APf0," TII“ NT

T h , M unicipal C ourt Pepppapto r phall bp appointed for a term

* f tplar (4> (M rs by the Boprg *f Com m uaapnere pi th p Town- •* i» e# L yndhuret pp prvvtdM fey law: provided, how ever, th a t W e appam tnaent e f th e Muauoa- M l C ourt P raaecu tar m ade In i t * , ehaii tp rm h a t* p t thp pa- p ira tio n pf th e a tfm in ie tratlonInSW*"1 ^Sectipn $. O U T i n

The du tiaa of the M unicipal C ourt P roM cutor ehall be to ap- p e a r in th e MuniAiMi C ourt ef th e Tew nehip of L yndhuret, pnd tp conduct thp o roeecu tioh pf m p tte ra p tn d in o th*r*ln w hen *o r* .u e s ts d by the M ag is tra te er by a n y ppthprixpd effapir of tM governing body of tk e Tow n-

eftlp of L yndhuret p r a n y of Towawhip'* duty c en a titu tedliee, boarde or agenclee.

Itlon 6. COM PENSATION "he M unicipal C ourt Proeacu-

c ff ie e rs a re ehpll be IralJ.

Map*, . . . . AM Wblcn leu of aU te e s . Cost*

a n d any o thp r allow ance* w h a t- eoavpr.

'iS ei!u"T,0, N .# U “ 8 M U ,IN TAll m a tte re not d e te rm in ed

by th is o rd inance shall be de ­te rm in ed by reeolution* to b* h p r*a ft* r adopted.M o tion f . R E PE A L E R .„ All o rd inancea or p a rt* e f o r-

d lnancee Ihconsieten t w ith th * p ro v id e n t of th is o rd inane a re hereby repealed

T h ie o rd inance shall ta k e o f. foo t w hen ad o p tM an d paM>- liohed a* req u ired by law ,

. .. .. .P U B L IC NOTICEPublic N otice It hereby given

th a t a t a re g u la r m eeting of th e Board e f C om m issioners ol th e Tew neblp *f L y n dhuret.■ ceontyr New -jtmrpy;-

on M onday F e b ru a ry 7, th e ebove O rdinance w as

in troduced and paeaed on it* f irs t read ing and th a t th e said O rdinance shall b* tak en up for fu r th e r coneideration fo r fingl paaaage a t a regu lar m eeting of th e B eard of C em m ieeloneri to be held a t th a C em m ieeloneri C ham ber*, M unicipal B uilding. L yndhurat, B ergen C ounty, New Jd fM y, on M endey, F eb ru a ry 11, 1M6 a t S:W o'clock in the evening , p revailing tim e , o r aa

l i r M M M H lr

*r» k*r*tay •a th o r& jp /’ ti~ S d tJ JIh te a c o n trac t ta> M t purshaa*

o i t J ’ ) T r a c t r Model

m *ni**TT r ^ . m T a . ^ u b l V V . ' d u c V ^

Orlve. F * « '

t ^ " ^ i w^ o ? u • ;* * * /roar , I M a •* . g ( iy f X .

Lo;»der. Model No. MO » .th

S 3 ^ ‘a r>fess» » rd M eterM l“ *c- "***»' by raM iiilM tT

a lai ¥ i* L.lC N O T IC t Ih a .“ " t, le l •» h , r eby givenlar-saA s S r L V ”*atO iiiinanca ahall be ta k en up for tw rtho r *snelpoiat>on for final

*« • r e g u la r n ^ e t in a J{ ?** * ? * rd o^ S m iw lo a io n e rt tp

UHMINO A BU RS AU OF F I * . F M V .N T iO N A N O f F R p V T • NO O F F lC iR s t h . r .V o r c*ND DBFININU T M IIR POVV

M R. ANO O u T i « . t h a B oard e f C om w issipnars

of ihp Towhahlp pf LpM hw ret jh ihp County p t B ergen a n d M ate of New Je rse y , do s rd am Pt arilpwe:•e ti 'O h t, O B F IN IT IO N . .W‘••never th* w o rd “ M unk lpali ty ip up*d in thp ri» « PrsvPft- «ien Code it th a t! ba h*ld tuEunrt *h * *r L ynd

- v . "tfk-Mma i-mM,Wwraau e fF T f N a t *>.»'■ h list ta aJaaa m *we atftaa , m w fe i» •# tH eraaf la l a t t f

»«NAi,lTA«% r a n

»y aV aa* m»*« v ia ie teM t ( l#»a m *F<ra F rty an tfan a«wHaa a# fanMMtn a* * h a I♦a*i te « a m a * /w ra tv ie t .e n•Haw sever Aliy and . . .* "* a vary su rb vialatlan

Inancaw piiaM a# ra y a a » * * y, fsu b |* r i to a p o n g np t to oaM M (*200 0 0 1 O oilera In WM Pi th e MaglppM1

■ e< one Pena

in the d ie e r.-i IM sM . f M

poaitaon p t onp Penalty for s h y a >elotion *f th i* O rdtM H M PRdfl not eaacuo* th e vtplptMit ar ppp. m lt it i* c o n tin u e ; and aU puM pprppn*, *han pp rettueetM tp e*repet e r leaaaedr ou*h Viola, tion* pr p*tpct* w .th in g rea- aehabi* tim e : and w hen npe

t if Ip

V!W n i

N O tO t v TH® WATK

- r ? f u . * * UN

be be id a l l l a CM nm ieetsners? a j« N r% M unicipal ft^ildinfl, L yndhurat. Oentan C aun ly , Naw%MHdln«,

/ * f *nfe» **t i 6 * F i T ' F n i , 'f # y P SnrJKaVt’i:• • f " th p ro e fto r a* aaid m at tor

*» » b ic h um * I? * ,* :* * * pereon* w ho m ay be m teree ted th e re in *hall b* J l ' '* " Ah opportun ity tp ft*

J c j a f S o r ' * 0 M*M'ltsTo N E R SF fM O. TAub Tow nship Clarb

« ? a » “ ry 10- *


iaa* 1*1 •dTB .fi h e ld on IM ., th .

— e ro a fte r ** aaid n u t te roan be reached , a t w hich tim e an d place a il persons w ho m ay be m teree ted the re in shall be given p n opportun ity to be h eard eonaernlnp th e *am*.


p Clprk“ •b ru a ry 10, 1966 -~l.40

n ra a o. T.n Tow nship Cl D at*d! Febr F E E S : 123.4


I w f L R

U. IN.


A . W w ^ ^ Y L f S S E 6BEL ENGINE “ LACEM ENT. I^ER S H IF T HON. DOUBL ^ > I N A L D fll’

201 TEN

m f f k M n ^ jy r -m

™"?S® iie

O f *i».oobf ao FOR T H 'i w i i i a a n d p r o v i d i n g t h e M e a n s® ^ v^ H IC H FUNDS FOR THE

5 5 RAe |S « D * " ' 0 F 8H * LL Tbe B oard of Canam ltsionero

? . . * .* T j " n ,h *b •>* L yndhurst. C ounty of a e ro e n an d ‘S ta te r.4 * * » , ***‘ “* M fpk, ; Z 5 * by pa .rcb .se

«r g ift of the fallow ing dear i bed lands and

in _ the Tow nahio of *?£?*• r t Beroen

2 A f f* * .#* N*w J or*ey, for * A u T c -»‘ r **» *» *»• M daeated Beidw m Averfue, be m ade byae Baldwin Avenue, b e mode *h T<?22*hiP ty h d A u re t!

S E O InT i i N q p t » point _ . . “ “ ^ " t r r l y ____line _ I twaw , - mgHhT ' f e n

221.0IS fe e t T io rtheasterly from th e co rn e r form ed by the in- t*r»actlon cf the sa id lins of R idge R end w ith th e north . P»st«rly line of Kle an OootHw ith thd tro rthaaa terly tin t of

»o.*9 fee t- thence ( I ) South. k S.*". 10?°° ,e»‘ 10th e eou theteeterly -IIne of land*hew or form erly , of Gregorio

a long th e sem e 40,00' feet to th e so u th w es te rly U n e a f lands now fo im erly c f J8hn * V ic to ria Saponei thence, (S) N orth 43# 11’ 30" w eat, par-

Wjth the th ird course a n d along th* * o u th w e* U rly , 'tin* of l-.nd* nbw e r form e*

!« * •)oh" * V ictoria Saponefi!l Jlonai th* e«uthw e*t*rly line of land* now or formerly of Leon A D orothy C arter

w esterly thenc*,(J) . N orth 29 * 38* w est par-

S f t j a i f : .tW f ic T * ? ^ -au r-North





AN O PR O V Ip 'N G T H E M EANSb v w h i c h f u n d s f o r t h ePA Y M EN T T H E R E O F SH A LL BE RAISED.

T he Boerd of Com m laaioners of th e Tow nship of L y n d h u rst, C ounty <jf B ergen and S ta te of New Jersey . (To ordain as fol-l*WS:1 T h a t l h e « shall be p u rc h a ,- ed by th e Tow nship, of LyOd- l iu r s t one (1V Ford T rac to r , Model. No. 4500. w W 3 cy linder D iesil engine - 20T CU. Ih. dio- P '^ e n ' l n ‘ i T en Speed Pow er S h if t T ransm lesion , Double R e­duction F in a l Drive, Pow er S tee rin g M echnlcal W et Diac

» p ly '.’ V e s r '* ' T6°9ntx i X : . Tw o H ead ligh ts and ta il l.ig h t and O raw B ar ; and one ( t ) F jr d L oader, Model No. 740 w ith Fu ll H eight L ift C apacity of 3.-750 Ibs., 30 Dearee B ucket ROirback, 1 Cubic Y ird M ate ria l B u ck a t . 7*“ Wide, a t a oeetno t tp exceed ss.eoo.oo.2. I t is hereby de term ined th a t sa id expense ie not a c u rre n t expense of th e Tow nship of

'L y n d h u rs t and i t is .n e c e ss a ry - th a t th e Tow nship of Lynd- •htwst,— Cn u rtty ~of-~Ber--

« • 33’ w est, parallel' w ith the f ir s t courae. 125.55 fe e t to the k o u th e a ste rly line of Ridge R oad : t h n « , (*) 'South 45*

E-:sEif3» essr**35 fee t to th e poin t b r place Ot BEGINNING.

f i.» * herpby de term ined th a tth* a fo resaid Im provem enl

That certa in cod* known aa B i F ir* P rev en tio n CM * r* .

Sim m ended by th* N ational oard pf Far* U n d erw n te re . psmg part.pjatarto th e IMO edi

Jien therep l, a n d th e w h e t, thereof save and a aa e p t such portions a* ar* feprptnefter d e . fe(«d. m odified o r am ended by t e t t ie n 6 *f th ie ordinance, three c o p i.s ef whaah eald C aM

u»en« a a y eupp lem enta l am end-m tnl* to said Cm i . a re ok file In th* *H «te *f th e CMrta of th e T iw nphip of L y n d h u rs t, for a t ■ m, not i on by th a public, ie hereby Incorporated herein ky referw w * r u n u a n t t* Rev.e*d S ta tu tae *f New d*r**y, 40iM .

lestlPA t IN T EN T •J *• l h* in ten tion a n d pairpo**

ef Ih ie O rdinance ta inco rpo ra te by r* f .r* n « . .th* P^*V, B

r« o m m p ad * d by th e N ational Beard a f F ir* Under wrlMr*.*!* F lr* P rev e n tio n Cede ahaH be enforced by th e B ureau S' JL "? P reven tion In th* Fin*

r a w t h t i W S**ta»ii*h*u and w h ich ahall M opera*ed under th* su p trv ls io n • f Ih* Chi*f *f th e F ire D epart- rosnt.(fc) T hp Chief o r in spec to r In charge e f the B u re au of F ire Pr*v.fc*i.a ehall ba *pp*int*d by th* D irector of Pub lic S afety fro*) am ong the ra n k e ef ex . ! S ! % . M*« '* rm ahaU be ta r

t 6’ T ^* •* *Mb|i« Safe-ty of th e D ep artm en t Shall a p .

o f * f Wi^'afeschool tra in in g a n d who have M rved a>o lose th a n tw o yepre. 1 aa £h l* f Of th e F ire P re .

vention b u reau M a il reepm . mend to th e D irec to r of Public

em ploym ent of tech- , . p i t . »uch as build-

H!* M d electrica l In- c to re w hen deem ed necee-

iction «. ESTA B LISH IN G OFO F “ ------------

etM rw i** u>ath a t pr*hipat*d csndatians Arp m ain ta in ed shall c ane titu te a eapa ra te offeApa.(b i Ta p app lication a f tke above ip M aities shall n e t ha R*i«i ta

eafp reed rem oval

EALKRl ' . X o T * T ^ V , 7 I ,ANO R .P S A L tR .

N o th in . hera in e oatafnM ahaH b* a en e tru M id an y w ay ta a ffee t the t* n e* add p r* . viplana of th * Z*nipg Ord<A- an** a r th* •u iM in g Cad* ef th* Tew nahip af CyndKureti Ahy p a r t e f o th e r ordinane** •n*en*l*tent w ith the previaipnp o* th is ord inance and the F trp P reven tion Cede *r* hereby r*.

in*luding O rdm anee N*.

an d am end .Seat ion t t t*na*. eubdlviel

I* an y i ia uaa sen.J iv ie le n , parag raph ,

section a rtic le o r p a r t pf 0 i|g ordm aiw * shall be Adjudgedany co u rt of cpfnap tan t f d ic tion ta be Invalid such , m e n t shall no t a ffec t Im pair e r Inva lida te the rem ainder thorp , ef, b u t shall fee confined In its O peration t s th e c lau te , eon. t**Me, subdivision, parag raph , eec tien a rtic le pr p a r t thereof d irec tly invelvM In the con- •reverey in w hich said jud«- m tn t ahall have been renderM

Thi* O rdm anc* shall taks ef­fect im m ediate ly upon fina l p ea ­se** an d pub lica tion e* required°* ,M »- — -PUBLIC h iO T ie*

Publie Nolle* Ie hereby given th a t a t a re g u la r m eeting e f th e Boerd o t Com m isetenere a f th e Tew nehip of Lyndhuret. B ergen C eun ty , New Jer**y, held *n M onday February », 1»M, th e above O rdinence w ee in troduced endfire t reading

Accor diM


C u m p u M r .nd A t r t t f t f I m Cl«fl . Cdtitury . HvrilAg* and Schuborth Muck Co- 4f

N o w Y o r k C iljrA D l / l .T S m a y . t o o m i ) I m

mttskMuU I m m t t jretf ham CAIX

IR R M W y y W W A R R M M M M

OH Burn

folt — 3

GE 8-4505A. OhflSflr & son

b p W Y n m n


C a a i a t a t a A a t a n i i l t f CMI H r a t i n t I d e t a l l e l l o M OH t t u r n r r C f l k l d M f

O ar S p K lill;H I r r t w p d r l A v r . pf*. A r t l a c t e o

psseod on Its

i C ^ a d v l W r t :u>g. p lum bing a spectora when


Q H L*iTq°uRi ^ ' , n % u ^

- - T«T5 NKS 16^ f t r p ^ s :a w x i ;r a «?akb* „ ^ . Pdro h ib ' 14 Daab'lcte “ A", “ t

* BOU11•ted. a re

felwwe:» 'a ■ - > “ c " M l -5Lu»i^• • , And L ight In .

flre t read ing and th a t tha eald O rdanance ahall be taken up for fu r th e r e en e td e ra tlo n for f ln . l p assage a t e reg u le r m eeting a f th e Board of C em m ieaionera tp be held a t th a C om m ieeionert C ham bers, M unicipel BulM ina, L y n dhuret. B ergen County. New

? • ? & . M r a W d S T I Bbvenlng. p r*vailin s tim e, *r a* ••o n th e re a f te r ae esid m a tte rc*h be reeched , a t w hich tim * end place all pereon* who m ay he in te ree ted th e re in shell beRiven an o p p o rtu n ity to ba

e e rd concern ing th e sam e.B O A R b O F CO M M ISSIO N ER.

A TT E ST :Fred O. T aub fo w n th ip C lerk

i : F e b ru a ry 10. 1906 t«9.60

Anthony J. ManzoElactrfcaJ Contractor

Industrial Residential a Comm. Licatuad and Bonded FR EE ESTIM ATES

Cell 997-1869


> R M A

F e nces

« V s d !

l ! ' . i . T-h * .- ,i ? i** re fe rred to in , V. 16 51 of th e Fie* Pre- V. : ‘ 8" . Co-,* ln w h ,«*’ new bulk S i l 2 i l i . f i flam m able liquids a r* f L k . f !*.11. ,.»r* h e re b y esteb-

b i* O I* tr to ti •■A",' * ' ' ReeioentieT- Buei-ness a n d L ight In d u e tria l Zone* * n c s ' * n th * J o i i n a Ordin- ■Section 5. ESTA B LISH M E N T

p a T o n ? I S f " u a u W i c i PETRO LEUM G A SES fS TOBE R EST R IC TED ...Jr*fg t t» ( t» re ferred to in tion a i- .A ef the F ire Preven-


e n a th a tbe berne by the T*w nbhip of L v n eh u rs t to be M is— ■

, .m provem ent«* A general im provem ent

1 th e «fft»t th e re o f shall *• — TewnshiO ef

e ra l ta x a tio n , ” ” by 9 tn -1. T here ie haaeby appropria ted

aaid sum h,is baan m ade avail

heretDfore been adopted for the

n p prop rie ted for said Improve m en t and fo r o ther necessary expense <in connection therew ith 4. T h e t in o rd e r to tem porarily finance the improvement ae des-

1d J " P * r* 0raph 1 of tiffs ^ L - ? . * * ' t oni1 an tic ipation no tes a re hereby authorised p u rsu a n t to the p'rovleions of th e Revised. Sta tu te* of T itle 40,

r in an am o u n t not to ' i f 5 " i . th e sum of $14,250.00 SJlid notes sh a ll s te te , in geeer. a f term e, th e purpose for whlqh th e y are Issued and shall be

4 £ a S 3 K S V S?h Ih m teV J

■ «a n d declared th a t th e euppie- ” m en ta l debt s ta tem en t required by th e bend law of New J e rse y has b e e r duly m ade andfiled in the office of th e TowK-

!# i£ . afe Ln wbich bu lk store Ti * <l Petroleum gas

restric ted , ar* h e reb y establi M , . *0'lows: D ie trie te “A

a® ' . ,® ■ R esiden tia l; Busineee ? i f * in d u e tria l Zones a*

ehown Tn th e Zoning O rdinance M ane" , A M EN D M EN TS J K t ' i o U c o d s " * ■

« fs ,^ £ ff lS 6 ia cr , afollowing respec ts:

A rtic le 16 by th * additiona* follows^ 6'70' ' * nd ,*70 b

Sesction 16.70.a. NO sslf-s*r- v c s gaso line s ta tio n s shall be

L y n d h u r.t! ' *h* T ° ^

- “ *>;• A perm it sh a ll b* ob-th i ti* i m hs5. Clerk,rat ao ? n°«n ^ hich t h * U b* 0 n * (11.40) p o i ia r for *ach perm it.Each p e rm it to bp fo r ohe sea

♦on a n d one ea tab llshm en t.C hris tm as trees m u e t not bedisplayed any c lo ser to gaspumps or o ther com bustib le*l “7 .“* K*nk* th a n 20 f**t Tree* m u e t not be leaned againstf £ t r a iV 2 3 h“ IW' n# ' b u *iable y * * r"1fl‘ r^p* #r

xau sap.Wc would like to use this

means to express our sincere appreciation to all those who at tended the third annual card 'par­ty and fashion shmv of the La­dies Auxiliary Polish American Citizens Club held on January 28.

The generousity shown by both local and out-of-town merchants also contributed in great part to the success of this affair.

Our thanks go to Mrs. Alice Rylic, who was in chaise of the fashion show; the committee who assisted in arr«ni*rment«. and the membership as a whole for their wholehearted support.

Helen Clwertoski, „ C h a i r m a n

ArHitic Fence Co.AO Tjrjb*. of Wood™ Fence,

and Chain Link Fences — F or Fro* Eatimate


t n CHASE AVENUE LjraAuint Local Rale* Office

Main OfflM A W a r a b a o M

IM R t 17 U pper Saddle River

“ D o -I t -Y o u r s e lf” Plumbing Heating Electrical SuppliesSink*, Bath Tuba, ToOata,

Banns, C m Rangae, a Eloa- trk a l Supplies. Bathroom

Vanities made to order. Mpm Cut A Threaded

To Order

East Rutherford Supply Company

IM U I Paterson Ara. Rutherford WE M 4M -M

wW M V M w y d y iw ib M W w v * * * "A A I V M W W W M VW

Refrigerator Service

Floor Coverings




G E 8-0244

I X X ? * * *n!mw T2‘ *•Section 29,12,d. Kero**ne he*t-

*u ! tow** *hd w a te r h ta te ra , Oil b u rn e rs in a tcvee and range* a n d oil b u rn in g Steve*

gen and S ta te of New Jer*ey , ahall raic* m oney for th e pu r- roee s ta ted in P a ra g ra p h I of th ie O rdinance end th e ee tim ated m axim um am oun t ef m oney


■*.®reey has been duly m ade andfiled in the office of th e Towrf-f JS ria? le rt! o f- T o w n s h ip of L y n d h u r s t a n d th a t a u c h s ta ts - m e n t so f iled show s t h a t th e

■mB f y H t t S r t t f c s r40:1-76 IS increased by th is 'O r ­d inance by $14,250.00 and th a t ieeuance e f aaui obligation* Is p reeenbed by R evised S ta tu te s Of New Je rsey , TR ie *0, Chap-

^ V ° r chim ney-, "arcEy°ndhurst. ‘h ' T o '*"’*h i» o '

s »cti*n* at.S t, » J!n V ’% ** foilcw a: Section 31.01. All r i r e Hy-

dran ta s h a ll be kep t c lear on the c u rb aide of t h e hy d ran t ** F,r. , th e N' J- M otor Vehicle Law. No eneu tnb rancee such as

^ rtowea-s. hedgea o r trees

feet e i tH e r '^ ld e ^ o T V h e ^ y d rsn t8w s ^ s s s a r a s jsslwithin 5 fe a t o( fire h y d ran t a tiS iiS ? , i r *1?* * *dfl* “ ‘’“ ‘ tinaprivate profierty.

Scfion 31.02. Oae ta p a n ts of p u t t i n g p roperty (see 31.01) shall rAtiic ve snow from this hydran t a s per 31.01.

'Section 31.03. All F ire Hy­d ran ts on B usiness o r Industria l

; P ro p e r ti* . shall b* m ain ta ined by the ow n er or te n a n t, subject to Inspectldn and app roval Of the F ire P reven tion B ureau.

No fir* h y d ran t on private property shall be s h u t down " ith o u t no tifica tion to th e Fire D epartm ent.Section 7. MOD IF IC ATIONS.

tion s h a ll hays th e pow er 't o modify a tiy of the p rov isions of

Dear S ir:The 1965-66 Religion In Am

erican life Program got off to a good start, and we are Indebted to newspapers like the Commer cial JLeadei for making it possi­ble. On behalf of RIAL our chairman, Roger Mull, has asked me to thank you for your coopera­tion.

Wc have been informed by The Ad Council that you have made a fine contribution in pro­moting our Faith-lu-Actiop pro­gram. I know I speak rar a&r Board of Directors M gratefully acknowledging this service and RIAL extends to the Commer ciiii Leader its d e e p a p p re c ia tio n .

Your continued cooperation through the coming months would be welcomed, and If there Is any way by which I, or t he RIAL organization can be t>f ser­vice to you, please let ma know.

Sincerely yours,

thef ______P reven tion C oda up©.,

application m w ritin g by the owner o r, laaaee, or hia duly ayiftori*ad a«ant, w han there

Director, Ptiblip RelationsReligion In American Life

Hsidi Dertcke~ ^ is BaptizedMi', and Mrs. Lloyd pericke,

15.1 Coj)eland Av?., had their infant daughter. Heidi, baptized at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Grove Street, East Or­ange, Sunday. A reception fol-

-flWTed'iir T h r recreation “room at fteham e cl Mr. and Mrs. John Donten, also in Copelaod Ave.

There were 28 guests from Dov­er, East-Orange and Irvington.


Roofing & Siding & GuttersCall 933-4981

151 Kingaland Are. Lynd


T. J . Nsultv010 Arne. Arrnup f

Rutherford, N.J.

Phone: Wfibster 9-6922

Storm WindowsP A T L E N C O N S T R U C T IO N3fJA L IT V ALUMIMUM STORM ■ a iff£ J?WA . AND ALUMINUM » i p n.Q a t VERV R E A SO H A iL B

r.A T 3 * CALL F O R FR E Ee s t i m a t e .

W - M W ----------------------

■»«6 River Kd M M

Lyndhunt. K. J y M R M M a a R A W M W R

T,V a S e r v ic e

Custom Kitchens- ROYAL


' ‘ •< ' ' . - Kitchen Cabinets

Formiee TopsAdvisory Serric*

D e sig n in g - In sta lla t io n s

C*U — s. -939-0177 939-6691

MS Paterson Plank Road East Rutherford, N. J.





TV RENTALSD ty - W aak - M onth

C all A nytlm a


**• Ridge R d„ N o rth A rllhgto*

W Y I-4369

JOHN'SK^'io & T.V. Servlte

438 -9120C olor & B. & W.

309 Chase ? A v e ., L yndhutst


(yENSRAL CONTRACTORI;.::: - ■ JfVee Egtkn«eg 'rc ~

Big or Small We Do Any Job At All


Lyndhurat, N. J . Phono, 933-5925 -

Leader Classified Ads - Bring Results

— -------'


SERVICEExpert Color &

Bi clc & White Service


We H ave Color A Black & W hite Set.

V O ur Showroom

Calar Black & White Rentals

*311 Kearny Ave.Kearny, N. J . : ..... i i

i i

Page 11: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

THE C U M M m U A L LRAI>m AM» > Q U H M M M » K4VUWI 111 RMlAY, K t.H Rl ARY 10. l f * t

Held Aid Cn m *w c m m *41

•i thr Tmra Halt at t taeh T tim to f evening « m f W 11 C 1 f‘ TTT w t

< v w » v y y v \ f t At T f iM it m If

| v MARV TROY ttff aP3^

J .r,,. g laugMln Steal C * r*M


M S OtTTAR snd .m pUnff. Uood cm~~ U lth * . R ru on M r. <>01 « * « M I.

Mat.K j....................................... —~it i t M" ■rkttiwi Wrycta, III; tofcto *

« chair*. f*«4, d ir ot tebfct M*M,

COMBINATION etorm window ft loor, I track. Itt» aew. I ear* tramp M a M%. » ‘4 *to. Dmt ft M i * m m » H * « * .CM OKA-ISM. M SLY.MHH'HST

t-FA.MII.V - UaK to *M thin at» amr saver with a 8 room and 11 roam apartment. Steam oil heal tn* copper and fcrasi piwmbki|

MM.M MONTHLY POftSIMJC - home typing. ra il or part time ■Malta 114*. BAR Rracauvk Ea-terpriaaa, P. O- Box IM, Holcomb, Missouri (MSS. M l

SPARE TIME INCOME - RrlUl l«* and cottar ting moary Irani NEW TV Pi; high quality cola


OAIXV-8 I* m p Shop. Ml Stuyve ■•at Av*. Lyndhurst, N. i . From

ttaa. Lamp* repaired. 1-1* *• MAKER — !T T T . -Z rZ - - . ----------------- k w i u s c r e w m a c h in eWHOLESALE Milano t aad I OPERATORSptore knit att|t». shifts, shall*,cotton (alto, hand bag* aad ar- Experienced Applycciaaorka. SSS-SSSI. U S Excellent OpportunityM tVERS m o w ptow. perfect eon- A crept In* applicant* tor lem ers dltkm, hydraulic dash board eon- to operite S w l* Machine. muatI rota, $1ZS. c'all W U H ar *M her® "*f«« *rhoo‘ educalkm.U H f - i t Mechaaleally torltoad.

TWO - 900 X 15 whits wall mow AERO PR KA 181 ON CO.tlrea, 110 aarh. Call MS-01S1. 146 *>ark Lyndhurst, N. J. or call 989-1112

ELEOTROLVX Vacuum cleaner _ ---------------_ _ _ -----------------------with cap and bag. Auto ahot off. i B0Y8 wanted, morning or alter Power control, getting »nd S *t noon. Paper route*. Call 488-0113. tarhment*. Never uaed. 9*5. Call TFMS-M14 alter • P-m. * ! • ---------------------*— ~

H ELP~W ANTED - FEMALE MAIL CLERKYOUNG glrla lor light machine work. Apply Aero Prerialon Co.199 Park Ave. Lnyd. ar call W*- 1111. **•

ea. No selling. To qualify y on muat have ear, w taeiawi*. tee* to flMS cash. Seven to twelve hour* weekly can art excellent monthly Income. Mom lull time, t or persona! interview write P.O. Box 4IC, Pittsburgh, Pa., liM f. Include phone number. 1-11


BRTVtJ IT BTPaper*, raga, aluminum, brass, topper, lead, batteries, and Iran.

KEARNY S O U I1 METAL t n Schuyler Ave., Kearny, N.J.


m t i n t o n S h a rp e n e d and r e Mired

DEL SKIDMOREm a o * Road L yndhurst

Ogneva 1-717*ATTENTION: WE PAY TOPpricea for papers (80) oenta per hundred). Braaa, Lead, No. 1 Cop- per, Rags, O u t Iroa. DeUveied. Alao buyer* at atoll, hattartoa aft! Junk earn. I. ReactoW. M OWon Street, Reltovllle. PLymotrth *■

LACKAWAhNA H o U tl ail R id a * R»*<* » “»<thur*t, N. 4.

M *M *4» • R s s s rv a ■ n n a n » c t l« s al

M D d*m F a m n n w t K o o m . m eS iis in * n m * n s n d V ls ltln f l f t u s t t s

AH Moltrn IsiprsvsnwnU in s lu a ln p A le C b n d lt ls ti ia *

V ER Y H n /a O N A B L I B A tR * <■•1 .M a t t s s *» r *11 trsn a a sra a W e *

Apartment for Rant-Thraa room*, heat and ha t v*sj|*r supplied. Air Coi*ditio«»ns up twmat eTctr». >18#.W per- month.Modem Electric H eat Apartment - Gold Medal­lion Special. Four and a half. Parking and Laundry on pi miaaa. Call immedi­ately aa th ii w o n t lant.Commercial Building for Sale - Lyndhurtt. Annual Income $5,000. Cm be had for quick aale price of $35,MO.

Office Space for Leaae - Prime location in North Arlington on Ridge Road.



....... 438-3030

K x c r l l s n t o p p o r tu n i ty ( s r r s c s n t High school g r a d . No • a a a r t e n e s n tc s M a r y • w ill t r a in . L ib e ra l o tn p a n y bena- f i t s . F o r a p p o in tm e n t ca ll

H U 4-WWA n i s u s l O p p o r tu n ity

B m p to y ar, (M A .F) Rent a HEW Olympia

p recia ion -b u ilt

p o r t a b l a

Liatinga wanted! If von want to n i l let w» multiple Hit your horn*. Expca* your property to th* great* eat n u m W of buyari. A quick aale ta the inevitable re iu lt

FOR SALESITUATION WANTErLYNDHURST Lovely 1 family on extra large 50*150 plot featuring living room, dining room, kitchen on l i t flo®* — * bedroom* snd hath on 2nd floor, detached garage. Convenient to shopping,school* aad transportation, call for appointment.OUT OF TOWNi Only a mile from Lynd­hurst. Beautiful two fami­ly. Lovely residential lo­cation. Four room* in one apt. three room* in other gpt, Live rent free after collection $$1140 yeariy rent.

Two new one family homes. Three p r four bed­room*. Ask us about them.

RfHt w ith option to buy. F ew bedroom Some, auto­matic heat alone to every­th ing.'*180 per month,

I RO N! NO and *ma j mending done In my hom e. 0*11 fflt-IIM

M A L E -F E M A L E

CLEAN Ute factory work In e l­ectronic assembly. Call 991-3090.

C rrre tp o n d e n t Fi«Mf* ClarKe jnfuranld Clark LYNDHURST

COCCIAMor., in»ur*nct ^ rm an English

itant, J r tsx exp A Jet, ind exp

Reid Entate Insurance

2-Family Immediate occupancy of

4-room A bath apt. (new modern kitchen) on 1st floor, and collect excellent income from 3-room & bath apt. on 3ndi Oil heat, ex­cellent residential location. Low d n w i payment to qualified buyer.

2-Family Call t« *** thi* money saver w ith a 5 room and 4 room apartm ent. Steam oil heating, copper and bras* plumbing and 2- car garage. Immediate oc­cupancy. See it today.

b u p e to h e c , g a so lin e exp f i e ld S e rv ic e S u p v e r F o re m a n , s e ro s a l F o re m a n , m ilifnfl m ae.h ine F o re m a n , too lroom F o re rp a p , mach shop F o re m a n , w o o d w o rk in g

WIREWOMEN2 n d Shift


Choice 3 & 4 room apt*. Now available for immedi­ate occupancy.

• > .v-i‘

SAVINOAG EN C Y231 Ridge Rond LyndEhtmt, N. J. CEnera 8-3121

10 - Buses At Corner • 10 NEW JOB LISTINGS


COCCIAEmployment Agency

Open M onday Evenings THI

232 0*ll«vilte P«kf WY I >9080An equal a p p o r t io n * employer.

Page 12: m LYNDHURST. N. J.. FEBRUARY 10. 1966 Rowe, Scardino, Frey … · 2015. 5. 16. · Bergcn'i (tv* rtdgr municlpall- tle* I393.SH of additional *1*1* Id. ... hind R

and toophobw could greatly we thr higher income f*m

er BmrrK would have K> 0V to Nrw Jrrwy U*pay*ni

On thr olhrr hand, Ihr aalra lax I* not deductible front federalincome tu rn

It srrras to mr that on a dollar for dollar Mala and Mil emotional trar thedding amdr. It would be good buatmws for Nrw Jersey to Impose rather *i*n a ta lr i tax

I would like a proponent of thr the sale* tax to arwwer that srgurmrnt.

l e a d e r

CHAMPIONS^ • W ^ J I V i n d ^ by T h e C o m m erc ia l U i d e r P rin tin g (Company


E dito r JO H N

S ero n tM la»» MMpottage itt

13 .0 0 P e r Y ear



T H U R SD A Y , F E B R U A R Y 10, 1066

Letter From Widow Draws Reply

T elep h o n e G E neva 841700-8701


K tiilirrfo rtl, N . J.

Ten Centa Per Copy

Nut *a far its t can ape at] thr argument* m far hav®«rd thr real target- • -and ta only the tnoomr lax pr>> a way of get tint aomr more mon­ey for tte *:*tr Irom what la paid I An income tax would he with Into the federal government (held tBrectly from one'* pay be­

ll It a fart that Income lax fore he would ae* H ar havr tt k paymmt* In the atate v * dr- t|«-nd fo r example; a famtlv duetitole tn the federal tauome tax let.rntfw $4«M That nu jua mat um ladanU swv- wiihhekl

Man To Watchof Mayor William McDowell of

e l the Belle- of Cawnw iM ia atill another

le lit* you thful N orth Arbng-

in North Arlington Me* I » W auch favor in tha borough

«" «be face ot Democratic land- tho notional, atat* and county

ha waa able to win the mayoralty

for himself but for Republican councilman a* w ell »

McDowell eccomphahed hia minor mire ctea by potting forth an impartial and con in te n t effort for good goeemnvent Mc­Dowell thua gained tha faith of hia munity,

Aa president of the Belleville of Commerce, ho ahould prove hi mar If imaginative and capable aa he haa in North Arlington'! government affair a.

Bergen’s Governor?n«xtCounty may produce the

of Now Jartey , But it I aly he’ll bo a Republican. r*aighted Governor Richard J.

ira to have eatehliahed a in Bergen County and the

you aee flying Into the guhef? Miter apace will he Nod Parsekian, atate aenator after a reaidence in

if laoa than tw o yeera.laughable if it w ere not ao

r the Republican* t w het once waa hailed aa the Republican county in the nation

ata ahould boldly bo awiping from under the very chop*

the once mighty Ropublicana ahould make for hilarity.

B ut Ropublicana could hardly join in the fun. They have watched the complete de-

ktion of the party under W alter Jones.n d r

inst ead of moving to refloat the ahip they apparently intend to ait by and watch it hammered to death on the rock a.

Paraekian ran aucceaafully for atate aen­ator in a Republican county. He haan't even lAtbared to take off hia ruuning toga. Ho ta ou t there, w ith the blessing* of Dick

for governor

limited Income* would not pay on the**- ba*lc needs. But under an Income tax depending on ex­emption*, etc.. a lax could be due.

Persona «i!h higher incomes


Hughe*, running like mad And the Republicana?They have won Sam B artoletta of Too

neck. While the Democrat a are on their way to keeping control of the S ta te Houaeand the atate governor, Mr. Jcmea haa won *ey sales ttrx would be aimllarM r. Bartotetta. The su re tt w«y of keeping TS WWWSftlTf tm w r flww> wW>the Republicana dividad aeema aJway* to be the prime intention of Mr. Jonea. And in the Bartoletta inatance he haa dona it again.

But ia there a aane Republican loft who could conjecture what would have happened had Jonea gone along with the Republican party and put through the rediatricting plan that would have given Bergen four aenatorial zones? *

There ia no doubt that under the re- diatricting pleaded for by the Ropublicana of the atate—and cruelly i»botaKr<l by Jonea—Bergen would have elected throe if not all four of th e atate aenatora. And Eaaex, ta rg esF county in New Jersey, would to- day have three Republican aenatora inatead of the four Democrata they have.

If the Hughea-Paraekian maneuver auc- ceeda and the Democrata retain their hold on the State Houae in IMS Jonea ought to be their attorney general. He made it all poaaiblet

tax.morrprt that?

I Hie weomi* tax )(#< solely Uutlr already haa a

it i»|eomv tax A aale reach

* « • Corpsexam* Feb. 24

would h» * a* the

corporate in-

Dear Editor:1 feel a few comment* a rr

necemaary on your view* and "a widow * letter" published In your editorial column. Three comment) are made not becauae I favor one tax over the other but becau* I feel neither of you any *ound argument*

Sales taxe* of neighboring atate* (New York and Pi vanla > exempt eaaentiala auch aa food, medicine and cloth­ing. I gather from your exam­ple that Minnesota taxes these

ntlal* Assuming New Jer-

ehrck - Federal Income Tax. 14 per cent, Social Security Tax 4.2 per cert. New Jersey Income Tax 2 per omt. or la effect hawevery fifth week's pay going dt- fectly lo a government body

Under a tales tax one could Chuaae by selective buyhw whe- Jher or not he wanted to pay Ihr tax, For example. 3 per cent lax on a 115 Iron would be 1 43 Would you refuar to buy the Iron tircauar of tj*r 45 centa* Three

that per cen tax on a $200 TV aet would be 18 Would you apeod he extra 18 if you coukl afford the S200 for the television set?

Then there la a problem of -oUeetla* a sales lax or Income ax. Which tax would he easier or an employer to collect and nalntain records? Which tax vould create more Jobs and mean

aa wall aa individual purcha-

Thr New York commuter. I’m «urt. would rather pay hi* in­come tax to New Jeraey than to New York Or would hr have to i«y both?

These are a few points to be awhile by y M

the better the *tWding of the pnMcma and ben­efits of each lax and the lesa chana* of anyone being railroad­ed or lead drwn a blind alley

Oath, looking back over my eommeirt* it would seem I favor a sales tax but 1 am a commuter aad an Income tax might not coal me one cent more,

Finally a closing comment tn “A widow". Any couple w ho earns $808 a week must be along >n year* Would you trade your children hardship* and struggles to be Ut their position? I would say let them "escape" the taxea you would have to pay. With all 'he taxea they save they could never buy the Joy and happiness you have.

Very truly yours. Neutral.

Beck’s Column

New Law May Helo Aaed Who Formerly Did Not Qualify

Q. My father ia HO years old Hewaa turned down for social secu­rity benefits because hr had not worked long enough to cpiaiify WUi ihe new law help bun?A It may Since be I* over 78, he nosv needs only 3 quarters of coverage to quality, instead of 6. Q. I am over 65 and still work

Q I am over 85 but have never applied for social security be­cause I work and make too much lo be-paia benefit*. U n i have file a claim to be eligible for hos­pital benefit*?A. YeaQ. My daughter waa receiving

The County BudgetT ha county budget ia up for grabs again.

And i t is a thing of beauty—for the old Budget Makar who hide* in a cave.

T he total thia year ia $32,737,285 This compares with $30,531,476.

T ha amount to be raiaed by taxe* (your, taxea since the only big revenue base the county haa ia the municipal treasuries) ia *23,504,775 aa againat laat year's $21,524,-

- m : --------------------------------— * r -l t ia just aa wall Democrata inatead of

Republican* are running the budget thia year. At least, we don't have to liaten to the Republican chatter about how they managed oace again to keep the tax rate down.

Yea, Virginia, the tax rate of Bergen again will not riae. In fact, there will be

T h at ia not becauae our boya in Hacken­sack after continuing their well advertiaed brand of frugality. But only because th e to ta l municipal ratable* continue to climb.

T he Republican chant about that low tax ra te wa* becoming awfully sickening and it ia to be hoped that the Democrata don’t take up the aame song.

T h e fact is the coat of the county gove- ernm ent ia climbing a t a ra te of aacent tha t ia frightening. In 1951 to ta l budgets foie aJl of New Jersey’s 21 counties totalled eidy $110,543,197. By last year the to ta l had climbed to $214,799,366 And this year fhe climb will continue at an even dizzier

Bergen in 1951 waa spending only $10,- 145,005. W hile the rest of the atate since

1951 increased only 100 percent, Bergen, which this year asks $32,737,285, has a bud­get which asks more than 300 per cent more than it did 15 years ago.

Thia would be incredible if it were not so tragic. Almost the full county tax bill is loaded upon the municipal taxpayer. Thia meana real eatate haa to bear moat of the tax

In that 15 yeara span when Bergen* county taxes were tripling, the population had increased only about 80 percent—from 539,139 to a figure of about 900,000 today.

The tax picture ia a lot worae than the printed budget ahows.

T hat the Hackenaack boya are getting pre tty cloae to the bone is indicated by the fact they had available in cash a t the end of the year only $2.8 million this year as compared to $3 j million last year.

Because of the decrease in cash the free­holders could anticipate only $2.5 million cath surplus in the budget. Last year $3 million was available.

The missing *500,000 could have played havoc with th e first budget of the Demo­crats. They got around it, however, by squeezing unexpended balances of almosl $500,000 out of the reserve classification into the current budget.

Unless the Democrats spend on a lot less lavish scale than did the Republicans they are really going to be in the budget soup next year when cash and unexpended both will he down! T

plans to go to Memphis State Uni- vercity thia fall. Can she receive social security benefit*?A. Yes, Since your father wa* Insured under social security, your sister can qualify if she has not married.Q. My only child I* attending Memphis State University. As he is only JO, he can get benefits on his deceased father's social se­curity record. Con J receive mo­ther’s benefits. He lives with me. A, No. You can gel benefits only tf you are 60 or over, or caring for

child under 18 or a child dis­

abled before I*

full-time so I have never applied a monthly check on her decraa- for aooiai aeeyrity retirement ben­efits. Do I need to do anything lo qualify for the hospital insur­ance benefits?A. Yea. You should apply for your social security benefits now When you apply, you establish your eligibility for hospital insur­ance benefitsQ. My father died in November,

ed father's social security record She married last year but is now going to college. Can she requalt- fv as a child?A: No. In addition to being under age 22 and attending school full - time, she must also be unmarried. Q. My huaband died in 1968 and I drew a lump-sutp death payment. I w llrbe 60 in November. Can 1qualify fee a widow's beiwfli?-----A. Yes, provided you have not re­married. Baaed on your hus­band's earnings record, your bene­fit would be 192 80 if you waited until you were 62. By taking your benefit at age 60 your benefit will be reduced to 180.50 Of course, your benefits can’t start until No­vember, the month you reach 60 Q. If I take reduced widow's bene­fits at age 60. will It be increased to the full rate when I reach 62?A. No. The amount of your ben­efit will remain the same, unless you did not receive benefits for all months before you are 62. In



this raa», your lusted at Cl totote u tm m .V» How will Ihe

»sure wurk?A Pvopfc* enrolling in the•ai Insurance benefit wUI pay a |3 monthly which Is m okted by the Federal

w»l Thear payment* will be placed w *•perate supplementary medl al tiwurancr trust fund aad the

money will be used only for medi* si Insurance benefit payments

Q 1 am 611 yeara (rid and havt1 receiving social security for

years. Because of an irvr C "TT,"* "y 1 had jQjjutt our part-m- U ^ ,

A No Disability insurance bene fit* are not paid after 65 Q Is my 63-year-old mother wh receives wife'* benefits, eligible for hcnpital insurance benefit*?A No Hospital insurance lane- fits start at 65Q 1* it true that lean earn up t« f t500 this year without lo*irtj any al my social security checks’A Beginning in 19M> you can ear as much as $1500 and still get all your benefit*. ’

U »h»r*tiy am­

en opportunity to Ovps Ptaaement

« campus. Thursday, F«>- 34. II wdl be given In thr

Unambuilding from 1 to J p.m.* 'Ihe Piee* Corps need* 10,500 now Volunteer* lo enlrr train­ing bsiwsew now and next fall for srrvlar ta 48 developing nation* of Latin America. Africa, a a d

The Placement Teat la designed to help tip Peace Corps

Wanda McGorman At Clara MaassWanda Me Gorman, a senlo

at North Arlington High School has been accepted for enroilmen' in the fall term at Clara Maass Hospital School of Nursing

She is the daughter at Mr tnd Mrs. Donald Me Gorman of 162 Prospect avenue.

300 different kinds lo b§ tilled If the test

a limited language- leamtng ability, for example, the Peso Cbrpe Iriea lo p lm the applicant In an Knglisb- sprakwg country.

The application form tVoluft- iwr Questionnaire , rather than the Placement Te*t, ia the moat important factor In the arlec* •)on of Volunteer* Student* or Xhert available for aervice or advance training within the next ■ear must fill out a Volunteer Questionnaire before taking the teat. The Questionnaire, which is submitted to the teeter, can be •htalned In advance from Daniel Di Salvi. the fVace Corpa (iaiaun on campus, or from Peace Corps, Washington. D.C 50525

The Placement Teat takes a- hout an hour and a half An op­tional French or Spanish achieve­ment teat requires another hour.

Both teat* are non-competitive md requite no preparation.


*Um Q cm1'

W * Repair Coal Furnac«s

CANNEL COAL Fag Tha f i r eplace----------

K o p p v r s i o k v - F u v l O i l

The Stuyvesant Co.Tel: 930-7900

Call for a FREE check-up of your heating equipment . . . no obligation

695 Valley Brook Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J.

by MAX BECKA consumer magazine stated

in a recent issue that you art- very fortunate, if you have a good repairman for your TV, washing machine, automobile flf... <#»er gadfcetii„Miia L mod-

■H alOh, Those County Cops!

_____ Neil F. P arro tt of HasbrouckH eights has joined in the general aw aken­ing th a t Teterboro, home of some of the W galtfmat corporations in America, is get-

.pw ay w ith tax murder [eterboro, jam-packed with industry and

about $40 million of ratables (by its kind aaaeasment) has a single police-

this wealthy o n e c o p t

little burg get

over a list of services the county police force paid to Hasbrouck Heights.

I t makes in teresting reading indeed.In Hasbrouck Heights the county police

force handed oiit 206 summonses, invest! gated. 23 accidents, give a half hour aasis tance at a fire, and broadcast 65 radio alarm s for th e municipality.

Since the Bergen County police depart $1.1 millionm ent is going to coat thisyesu-

ern living. The same magazine encourages shipping for price, running to different stores for the best "bargain". This is about the poorest advice anybo­dy can give. It would be far more appropriate to suggest shopping for a dealer who haa the best service, pay his price and be happy that you found him.

What is a saving of $30. or $40. — compared with the frus­trations of waiting, incompet­ent work and in the end charges, not to speak of the malfunction still existing after

so-called repair. We had a call from a lady last week for the repair of a color set. Since it was not bought from us. we did not take the call, of course She told the writer thgt she has had 6 different men from "factory” service, and t h e trouble she complained about still persisted, fo r 3 weeks she said she did not dare leave the house for fear of missing the repairman. Although number of promises to come at a certain time were rrrtde, not once were these promises kept. She had to’ wait from 2 to 3 days before somebodyshowed up The lady said that her husband was absolutelyfUrious, because he just livedfor television. In her particul­ar cage m atters' were worse because he wanted to buy the color set froirh us, but a neigh­bor induced her to go to a “discount” store where she thought she saved $40. — over our price. By the time the set was in her home,, she, found ou*| that delivery and ‘‘set up'

f . The county police force does moat fo r Teterboro.

*aid th a t since Teterboro taxea to the county it deserves pro- i. T ru e , but o ther municipalities pay to Bergen and must support big

. departments. Haabrouck Heights has t of 25 and they comprise the biggest

coatia Teterboro is not a municipal!-

I t ha* no reaidents, no govern- “ i S S c a p c J ^ j ^ J b i s

the P arro tt complaint merely in- i m ore way in which Teterboro

_ fa ir taxation.r, th e P a rro tt complaint drew an

r from county authorities who w ent

it does not seem on the face of things that Hasbrouck Height* got very much, police- wiae. for the $314,000 the community paid into the county treasury laa t yea r. :------

Councilman P arro tt ahould have per­sisted. He should have asked w hat T eter­boro got in the way of police service last year. .

A year, by the way, in which rich little Teterboro paid only $161,443 into the coun­ty budget,.. I t ia quite possible to aee the need of thecounty force up in the far reaches of the,Qr other nl(lohanic? If didn.( county where civilization has been slow you arp lucky ]ndeed in arriving But why should the rest of us| we. service what we sell Httckers have to pay premium taxea to pro- Beck's Radioj tect the wealthy tax escapeea of T eterboro?|

F o r A N au tica l T h rill!VISIT


PARTS — SALES SERVICE Johnson Outboard Motors

Parts - Sales - Services on Premises Draw Tite Trailer Hitches Teenee - Sterling Trailers Marine Hardware • Rope

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Pick Your Saving

Famous Make Wood Skis "Kastle" Metal SKIS

(Other m akes at LOW SALE prices)


charfpfiTwd consumed $21 the “savings”, not to mention that nothing was done about a bad scrrtcfr --OTd -r dam aged’ comer of the set. She "begged ' us to take care of th«j set at any price, even if it is $100.,! just to have peace in the house again. , !

Who has not experienced something like this some time or another with a repairman,

, I plumber, painter, carpenter, ma- son;—-ftuteinebiie-‘-meef»mrr'-TV

TV, HI-FI, Nutley 667-2275


SPECIAL ON ICE SKATESMen’s 15.95 7.95Woman’s 12.00 6.00Children’s 6.00 3.00




(Men’s & Women's)SKI BOOTS

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ICE SKATES(M en’s — Women’s,

and Children’s)TOBOGGANS


reg. NOW$890 $695 f I

'Complete, less motor I

$19.95 5.00$19.95 15.95

15.95 7.951 2 .0 0 6 . 0 0

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t f * 5 .(Other sizes in stock at low-low prices)

SWEATERS k * » » c e » t o » % j n ; 4 0

SKI PARKAS , '(M rn't & Women's)

HOCKEY STICKS 100 .85(Other price ranges dso reduced)

BASKETBALL SHOES 12.75 8.75L eather Tt>p,- Robber SiAeV (W hite <>r Klack-)- — ■ -. ----

Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., Mon thru Fri—Saturdays ’ti! 6 P .M s '

1 UL 5 H O B B Y a n d S P O R T ' S H O F

(Opp. Acme Market) cor Willow St.

438 - 0192


W Issue Hunting and Fishing Licenses438 . 0192