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LaRouche in Europe LYNDON LAROUCHE IN EUROPE Compiled at Greenbase November 25, 1993 INTRODUCTION: This is a summary of news articles about the activities of far-right extremist Lyndon LaRouche in Europe. LaRouche is currently in prison in the United States, charged with evading taxes and fraud. He has taken an extreme anti-environmentalist stance, and his supporters have harrassed "greens" in Europe. In addition, LaRouche’s European groups find friends in Nazi sympathizers in countries like Latvia and Croatia. They have been labelled anti-semitic by the Jewish community; and are hostile to homosexuals, saying that all AIDS victims must be "quarantined". OVERVIEW IN EUROPE: "European supporters of American extremist Lyndon LaRouche number only about 1,000 and have never elected a candidate in Western Europe. LaRouche’s followers are united by the European Labor Party, which is active in West Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden and Italy. The party campaigns on a platform combining a vitriolic anti- Soviet stance, support for nuclear power and, more recently, loud calls for warnings against acquired immune deficiency syndrome." - Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC "Despite an often confrontational style, law enforcement authorities say the group is not now known as violent. The last serious violence associated with it occurred 13 years ago, when LaRouche ordered members to attack Communist Party members. There were several dozen clashes in this country between LaRouche’s associates and Communists."

LYNDON LAROUCHE IN EUROPE - Amazon S3 · far-right extremist Lyndon LaRouche in Europe. LaRouche is currently in prison in the United States, charged with evading taxes and fraud.

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LaRouche in Europe


November 25, 1993


This is a summary of news articles about the activities of far-right extremist Lyndon LaRouche in Europe.

LaRouche is currently in prison in the United States, charged with evading taxes and fraud. He has taken an extreme anti-environmentalist stance, and his supporters have harrassed "greens" in Europe.

In addition, LaRouche’s European groups find friends in Nazi sympathizers in countries like Latvia and Croatia. They have been labelled anti-semitic by the Jewish community; and are hostile to homosexuals, saying that all AIDS victims must be "quarantined".


"European supporters of American extremist Lyndon LaRouche number only about 1,000 and have never elected a candidate in Western Europe.

LaRouche’s followers are united by the European Labor Party, which is active in West Germany, France,Denmark, Sweden and Italy.

The party campaigns on a platform combining a vitriolic anti- Soviet stance, support for nuclear power and, more recently, loud calls for warnings against acquired immune deficiency syndrome."

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC

"Despite an often confrontational style, law enforcement authorities say the group is not now known as violent. The last serious violence associated with it occurred 13 years ago, when LaRouche ordered members to attack Communist Party members. There were several dozen clashes in this country between LaRouche’s associates and Communists."

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- The Washington Post March 19, 1986


"It’s an anti-Semitic political cult combining elements of the left and right," said Mira B. Lansky, Washington fact-finding director of the Anti-Defamation League.

"The wild-eyed fanaticism you see in the eyes of his followers certainly to me seems cult-like," said Milton R. Copulos, a senior policy, analyst at the Heritage Foundation who has written about LaRouche.

Dennis King, a free-lance journalist who has written often about LaRouche, says he thinks many of LaRouche’s attention- getting statements are calculated to distract attention from a "neo-Nazi" ideology. He calls LaRouche a "strange mixture of shrewdness and craziness."

- all from Associated Press. April 14, 1986


"On domestic issues, Bialkin reiterated the ADL’s longstanding belief that Lyndon LaRouche and his followers ” do constitute a danger to society” and that they adhere to ” a distinct anti- Semitism.”

He said the group should be viewed as a ’’messianic cult” around LaRouche and that it is ’ ’a group without a coherent and measurable philosophy ... with a potpourri of positions” including some ’’legitimate conservative positions” that are ’’interspersed with absolutely idiotic propositions.” "

- Kenneth Bialkin, head of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, United Press International July 1, 1986


"In their campaign against the anti-NATO Greens, the LaRouche movement has found a cause in common with the Christian Democrats. The governing party has sharply attacked the Greens for their support of violent anti-nuclear demonstrations and issued a pamphlet detailing various far-left political origins of

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the Greens.In Wiesbaden, the LaRouche movement’s publishing house Spuren

und Motive last year put out a thick book on the Greens to justify a demand that the party be legally banned because of purported Communist and terrorist connections. For several years, LaRouche militants have systematically harassed Petra Kelly, an American-educated founder of the Greens, picketing and disrupting meetings where she speaks."

- The New York Times June 30, 1986

The European Labor Party "distributes leaflets against "Green Environmental Fascists." It also claims the Soviet Union is planning a nuclear attack on the West, which can only be prevented by the U.S. "Star Wars" program."

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC



In the 1986 state election in Lower Saxony, Germany, a party called "Patriots for Germany" won 11,287 votes. The party was heavily pushed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, wife of Lyndon LaRouche.

Other major supporters of Patriots for Germany were

"retired German military officers, including Adm. Adolf Zenker and Gen. Paul Albert Scherer, who was dismissed as the head of West German military intelligence in 1977 because of illegal eavesdropping by the agency.

In an interview, Admiral Zenker, who fought in World War II and helped build the West German Navy after the conflict, said he had often met with Mr. Larouche in West Germany, and he praised the American as a proponent of ” a strong Western alliance.” "

- The New York Times June 30, 1986

Germany is a pivotal country for LaRouche and his German wife:

"From his writings and statements, it is clear that Mr.LaRouche attaches great strategic importance to West Germany. His

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apparently well-heeled European headquarters is in Wiesbaden, and one of his chief lieutenants, Anno Hellenbroich, keeps a video-shielded house for Mr. LaRouche in a nearby suburb. There, even the garbage is kept under surveillance before it is collected.

’’LaRouche’s aim is to build a worldwide movement, and the United States and Germany are the main centers of his activity,” said Dennis King, an American who has written extensively about the group and its panoply of front organizations and publications. ’’Wiesbaden is the command center for intelligence gathering and dirty tricks. ’ ’

- The New York Times June 30, 1986


In 1974, LaRouche married former journalist Helga Zepp Ljustina, and the two were founding members of the European Labor Party (also known as the European Workers Party).

" the mid-1970’s, the group [European Workers Party] turned its wrath on Willy Brandt, the Social Democratic chairman, and militants took to disrupting his meetings, jeering and casting aspersions on his patriotism because of his Scandinavian exile during the war.

Mr. Brandt sued the group for calling him a ’’C.I.A. agent” and won a $10,000 settlement. An aide said the Social Democratic leader had recently initiated another suit because of a European Labor Party poster in Munich that read: ’’What do Willy Brandt and AIDS have in common? They both weaken the defensive system.” "

- The New York Times June 30, 1986

"A West German Parliament study in 1984 put the European Labor Party’s membership at between 250 and 300, but Helmut Lorscheid, a journalist who has studied the group, said it might have as many as 2,000 followers in West Germany. Militants are known to rotate between LaRouche operations in Europe and the United States."

- The New York Times June 30, 1986

[C] SPY LINKS"Mr. Hellenbroich, the No. 2 figure in the LaRouche network in

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West Germany, is the brother of Heribert Hellenbroich, who from 1983 to last August headed West Germany’s counterintelligence organization in Cologne. Shortly after being named to head the Federal Intelligence Service in August, he was removed from the post in the midst of a sjfy scandal.

In an interview, the former intelligence chief said that he regarded his brother’s political views as ’’rubbish” and that he had met only once with Mr. LaRouche to see if his brother might be wooed away from the movement. As the head of the Cologne-based counter-intelligence organization, Mr. Hellenbroich said he purposely left all decisions concerning the European Labor Party to his deputy and had nothing to do with the removal of the group from a list of extremist organizations prepared by the agency."

- The New York Times June 30, 1986


"The Patriots for Germany, run by the wife of the controversial U.S. right-wing politician Lyndon Larouche, have plastered the West German capital with campaign posters showing a German astronaut on the moon and demanding "Stop AIDS."

Their broadcast explains with the help of a graph that unless all AIDS carriers are quarantined, by the year 2010 the disease will have wiped out the whole of Africa, moved to West Germany and killed 50 million people..."

-Reuters January 19, 1987


"Und erklaertermassen global und weltpolitisch orientiert ist bekanntermassen die stets praesente sektenaehnliche Gruppierung um den in den USA wegen Steuervergehen hinter Gittem sitzenden Lyndon LaRouche und seine deutsche Frau Helga Zepp- LaRouche, die ihre skurril anmutenden Thesen nach der Europaeischen Arbeiterpartei und den Patrioten nun in einem besonders dreisten Fall von Plagiat als Buergerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet an den Mann zu bringen versucht."

- Sueddeutsche Zeitung August 28, 1993

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HEADLINE: Buergerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet Neue Verpackung fuer alte Ideen

"Anhaenger Lyndon LaRouches sind in Muenchen wieder aktiv Von Christian Rickens r.y

Die Anhaenger des amerikanischen Millionaers und Politikers Lyndon LaRouche sind in Muenchen erstmals unter einem neuen Namen aufgetreten. Als Buergerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet organisierten sie in Muenchen Aufenthalt und Auftritte von James Bevel, einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter Martin Luther Kings und jetzigem LaRouche-Vertrauten. Nach Angaben der bayerischen Landesvorsitzenden Elke Fimmen hat die am 22. November 1992 gegruendete Buergerrechtsbewegung in Bayern mehrere hundert und bundesweit mehrere tausend Mitglieder und will bei der naechsten Bundestagswahl antreten. Bundesvorsitzende ist Helga Zepp- aRouche, die Ehefrau Lyndon LaRouches.

Die Forderungen der LaRouche -Gruppe kann selbst der bayerische Verfassungsschutz nicht in sein Rechts-Links-Schema einordnen. Die Thesen sind wirr, wir wissen nicht, was wir davon halten sollen, sagt Karl Schuendel von der Staatsschutzabteilung. Forderungen nach einer fuer die Entwicklungslaender gerechteren Weltwirtschaftsordnung mischten sich in der Vergangenheit mit der Forderung nach dem Ruestungsprogramm SDI (Frieden schaffen mit Strahlenwaffen), Vorbehalte gegen Homosexuelle mit radikalem Kampf gegen die Abtreibung. Skurril wirken die Verschwoerungstheorien LaRouches. Laut Wall Street Journal ist fuer ihn die britische Koenigin Drahtzieher des intemationalen Drogenhandels.

Das Programm der Buergerrechtsbewegung klingt gemaessigter. Entmachtung des Weltwaehrungsfonds, Eintreten fuer Kemenergie, industrielle Entwicklung der Entwicklungslaender und des Ostblocks, mehr Hilfe fuer Bosnien. Nichts,was die Verfassungsschuetzer interessieren muesste. Die Landesvorsitzende Elke Fimmen bestreitet nicht, dass die Buergerrechtsbewegung bewusst als Reaktion auf die allgemeine Parteienverdrossenheit als breites Buendnis aller Buerger gegruendet worden ist. So

So gelang es der Buergerrechtsbewegung sogar, mit den bayerischen Gruenen ins Gespraech zu kommen, die die Fortschrittsglaeubigkeit der LaRouche -Anhaenger gewiss nicht teilen. Die gruene Landtagsabgeordnete Christine Scheel hatte

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einen Aufruf unterzeichnet, in dem die neue amerikanische Regierung aufgefordert wurde, den politischen Gefangenen Lyndon LaRouche freizulassen. LaRouche war 1989 in den USA wegen verschiedener Finanzdelikte zu 15 Jahren Gefaengnis verurteilt worden. Aus einer Naivltaet heraus habe ich das damals unterschrieben; jetzt habe ich deswegen ganz schoen Bauchschmerzen, distanziert sich Christine Scheel von den LaRouche-Anhaengem."

LANGUAGE: GERMAN; DEUTSCHE- Sueddeutsche Zeitung February 12, 1993



"In Sweden’s 1982 national elections, the party got fewer than 140 votes. In the 1985 parliamentary elections, it received 387.It is believed to number only 20 to 30 active members.

Although Norway has no branch, several party members from Sweden and the United States staged a small demonstration at the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony last December in Oslo. They displayed a poster that said, "The Soviet Union spreads AIDS.""

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC

"The group [European Labor Party], known by its Swedish initials as E.A.P., is associated with the American right-wing political figure Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Mr. LaRouche’s wife, was described as the chairman of E.A.P. in an October 1983 press release distributed by the Executive Intelligence Review, an organization founded by Mr. LaRouche. "

- The New York Times March 19, 1986


"The [European Labor] party also appeared in Sweden in the early 1970s. Its newspaper, "New Solidarity," once called Palme, a Socialist, a "madman ... the devil of the devil.""

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC

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Lennar Viktor Gunnarsson was arrested and questioned for a week by Swedish Police in the murder of Socialist Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. He was released, and never charged.

The accused victim successfully sued a Swedish newspaper for libel, after being blamed for Palme’s death:

"The pro-labor daily Arbetet in the southern coastal town of Malmo was ordered to pay $16,000 in punitive damages and $13,000 compensation for lost income to the 34-year-old plaintiff."

- Reuter June 10, 1987

The Swedish branch of the European Labor Party (ELP) admitted Gunnarsson has been a member the year previous, but denied any current links with him, and any link to the assassination.

"The organization [European Labor Party] ran a hate campaign against Palme for more than 10 years, once describing him as "a raging beast, an ax murderer, the devil’s devil."

Ericson said the European Labor Party’s main objection against Palme, a Socialist, was that "he tried to sell out Sweden to the Soviet Union."

- Los Angeles Times March 19, 1986

"The EAP — which refers to itself as a "co-thinker organization" of LaRouche’s — supports President Reagan, the U.S. military buildup, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and nuclear power as an energy source. It is intensely anti-Soviet and anti-Palme, they said.

LaRouche publications in the United States have called Palme "a Soviet asset" and charged that a recent biography of him is a cover-up because it omitted a "missing chapter" about Palme’s links to Nazis. Swedish newspapers quote EAP literature there as describing Palme as "a lunatic," "a raging beast," and "the devil incarnate.""

- Los Angeles Times March 19, 1986

^DENMARK"Poul Rasmussen, head of the European Labor Party in Denmark,

said the Danish party had about 200 members, of whom 10-15 are active."

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- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC [Note there are other Danish politicians with the same name

(Poul Rasmussen) - do not confuse them.]

"The respected newspaper Berlingske Tidende reported recently that the Danish Defense Command felt compelled to warn officers about the party in 1984, after the party had made repeated efforts to establish contacts with leading military personnel."

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC

*ITALY"In Italy, the party has offices in Rome and Milan and

distributes anti-drug and pro-nuclear power pamphplets.The party ran in three districts in the last parliamentary

elections, in Milan, Bergamo and Rome, and polled a total of 8,266 votes, not enough to win any seats."

- Associated Press March 22, 1986 By NESHA STARCEVIC


In April 1986} the Paris offices of "the far-right European Labor Party" were bombed. A group calling itself "Black War" claimed responsibility.

"An earlier letter said the organization was formed after French secret service agents blew up the Rainbow Warrior, flagship of the Greenpeace environmental protest group, in New Zealand last July 10."

- Reuters April 7, 1986

However, The French branch of the European Labor Party blamed the Libyans:

"The party’s leader, Jacques Cheminade, linked the attack to a recent meeting of Third World resistance and guerrilla groups in Libya..."

- The Washington Post April 8, 1986 HEADLINE: LaRouche Ally Blames Libya in Blast

"According to its own figures, it [the European Labor Party] collected a total of 50,000 votes in last month’s parliamentary elections in France, a figure representing less than 0.2 per cent

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of the electorate...The French branch of the European Workers’Party claims 800 paid-up members, of whom 30 or 40 are "extremely active."

Its weekly newspaper, New Solidarity, claims a total circulation of 10,000."

- The Washington Post April 8, 1986


Father Henryk Jankowski signed an appeal for Lyndon Larouche’s release, running as a paid ad in The New York Times of March 20, 1992. In a letter published in Gazeta Wyborcza No. 80,3 April 1992, p. 2, Father Jankowski withdrew his signature:

"I want to declare that at the moment of signing this document I was not aware of the man’s activities. I knew nothing about the charges which he was facing. I was familiar with the activities of the Schiller Institute from Germany which had organised seminars on economic issues in Poland, also in Gdansk Shipyard. I signed this appeal on the Institute’s request."

Father Jankowski was set up by the Schiller Institute to further the ends of Lyndon LaRouche.


The United Croats of Canada, continue to hold the pro-Nazi Croat Ante Pavelic as a national hero, despite his reputation for exterminating Jews and Serbs during World War II.

The Croatian Cultured Centre in Vancouver "have several times had Speakers from the Schiller Institute, a front group for American neo-fascist Lyndon Larouche, have regularly been given a platform at the centre."

- The Vancouver Sun December 19, 1991

Another invited guest: "Holocaust-denier David Irving was scheduled to speak at the Croatian Cultural Centre, but was turned away at the last minute after intervention by the Vancouver Multicultural Society."

- The Vancouver Sun December 19, 1991

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During the Second .World War, the Latvian militia called the Aizsargi paticipatedln a pogram (killing) of Jews on a massive scale. This groups is blatantly pro-Nazi, still. In Latvia, people are still erecting monuments to honor Hitler’s dreaded SS.

"The Aizsargi is baick, as the armed branch of one of the country’s most right-wing political organisations, the LatvianCitizen’s Committee......The Citizen’s Committee hasinternational connections; last year it sent volunteers to fight in Croatia, and Visvaldis Brinkmanis, its spokesman and a Waffen SS veteran, has spoken at conferences on eastern Europe prepared by Lyndon LaRouche’s Schiller Institute and Otto von Habsburg’s Pan-Europa Union."

- The Guardian February 12, 1993


[Note Canada included here for future reference]"The race for fourth place in today’s Canadian election is

almost as compelling as for the first.Eight parties are bidding for the votes of Canadians

disillusioned .with the platforms of the three main streamers. They range from the Lyndon Larouche -inspired Commonwealth of Canada Party ...

- Financial Times November 21, 1988


"Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is a "Soviet agent-of-influence," as is Walter Mondale and other prominent Americans.

Zionism is "crazy ... cult nonsense." The Holocaust was "mythical." Israel "is ruled from London as a zombie-state."

The Queen of England is involved in drug trade.

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Former Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos "was opposed to me and he fell as a result."

Poland’s trade union Solidarity is "British-infiltrated" and threatens Poland with "‘economic ruin, starvation and social chaos."

The FBI and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith share "complicity in the assassination of (India’s) Prime Minister Gandhi and the killing of the 329 passengers on the June 23,1985, flight of Air India flight 182."

The United States faces economic collapse this year,President Reagan’s economic policies are unchanged from the Carter administration’s and U.S. defense capability "is being destroyed right now" by budget cutting."

- Associated Press. April 14, 1986

"Asked to explain his claim that the British royal family is involved in drug trade, LaRouche responded: "The Westminster Act of 1787, which put the British government in the drug business, and they’ve never gone out of it. They don’t happen to be the dominent force in the drug business today, but they’re still in it. And they shouldn’t be, should they?"

A spokesman for British Information Services at the British consulate in New York, Stewart Grainger, said he had never heard of "the Westminster Act of 1787" and could find no such reference in the index of acts of British Parliament.

Westminster is a section of London where Parliament is located, and some Parliament actions dealing with that area are known by the name. But there were none in 1787 and none that deal with drugs, he said.

"If they say the Westminster Act of 1787, there’s no such thing," Grainger said."

- Associated Press. April 14, 1986

"LaRouche doesn’t hesitate to declare his own importance."I’m probably the best economist living today," LaRouche,

who has no college degree, said in the interview."- Associated Press. April 14, 1986


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"The federal court rejected LaRouche’s libel suit against NBC and ordered him to pay the network a $200,000 judgment in a countersuit charging LaRouche followers made repeated threats and posed as NBC and Senate aides to falsely cancel an NBC interview with a senator.”

- Associated.Press. April 14, 1986


Lyndon LaRouche lost a suit against Soviet writer Vladimir Pustogarov, about an article in the magazine Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn (International Affairs) on March 3, 1987 - in which Pustogarov named "American neo-facist Lyndon LaRouche" as the founder of the European Labor Party.

LaRouche had to pay costs.[source: TASS April 6, 1988]

"The author of the article also quoted statements by western publicists who called members of the European Labour Party and other extreme right-wing organisations as "nazis without swastika"."

- TASS April 6, 1988

[This is not a comprehensive list of legal actions by LaRouche.]