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lumen 8ctave This booklet is designed to give you all the information about your body you need in order revitalize your life and to step confidently into your own power. Some of it will be familiar to you, some of it new. The purpose is to give you the full picture of how your soul communicates with you through the body as a tool to assess your current life situation and inspire your continued growth. Activating the LumenOctave Full-spectrum evolution

LumenOctave Booklet

Oct 28, 2014




Intro to LumenOctave
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lumen 8ctave

This booklet is designed to give you all the information about your body you need in order revitalize your life and to step confidently into your own power. Some of it will be familiar to you, some of it new. The purpose is to give you the full picture of how your soul communicates with you through the body as a tool to assess your current life situation and inspire your continued growth.

Activating the LumenOctave Full-spectrum evolution

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Soul Communication The LumenOctave is

8 In your purest form, you are consciousness Consciousness is the light that experiences everything. The instrument through which you experience your light - your body - is created by sound, i.e. atoms vibrating on different frequencies. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter that constitutes the Universe, from the finest elements to the coarsest.

Lumen is the total amount of visible light emitted by a source When the white light of consciousness enters your body, it refracts through seven different organs and glands with seven different frequencies, forming an octave of light (seven + the origin). Each frequency regulates the color of light emitted. For example, when light of consciousness enters the pineal gland, the energy emitted is violet due to the specific vibration of the gland.

Your personal rainbow Sunlight entering and leaving a drop of water to create a rainbow is a simple natural phenomenon exemplifying this principle - the Law of Octaves.

When sunlight leaves the prism of moisture, it is no longer white, but spreads into seven rays of different colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, depending on the angle though which is enters and leaves.

Eight master tones Musical sounds are organized into patterns of harmony: Noise is random, disorganized sounds, whereas tones are created with harmonies. Tones are produced by vibrations contained in an organized way for the musician to control the loudness, quality and duration of the tone. Similarly, the harmony of your LumenOctave - the interplay between your body and soul - is determined by your intentional ability to take charge of the tones within the octave and create harmony instead of disruption and noise. The eight Master Tones are the native sounds of specific aspects of your life. There is a tone for aspects like money, sex, relationships, personal boundaries, love, communication, independence, mental clarity and purpose, etc. Through certain life experiences, each tone communicates clearly about what works within that aspect - and what doesn’t.



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Life Purpose be a light onto


When your Life Purpose Tone is harmonious you feel an unconditional love for yourself and everyone around you knows it. You are connected to your higher self and are living out your purpose, expressing your work on the planet on a daily basis. You are fully aware that your purpose is unique, focused and specific to whom you are. Your brilliance is evident to others.

When your Life Purpose Tone is disharmonious you feel stuck in a dull repetitive job. You feel called to do something great, but you are unable to identify what that is. You don’t have the courage to break away from the secure monthly paycheck, opening the space to discover your special contribution to the world. You feel abandoned by God.


You are a Master Creator Bringing the first tone of your LumenOctave back in harmony allows you to realize your life purpose and take the necessary steps to living it. Although you have momentarily forgotten, you will be amazed at how quickly you remember the amazing beauty and power of the god-like being you are. Tune in to this tone and you will see that love comes pouring in - like a tsunami that overwhelms every obstacle in its way!

The activation point for this tone is on the very top of your head. To activate it - and all of the other tones - send your blood flow and attention to the activation point. You may feel a soft tingling sensation, warmth or pulsations - or something entirely different. Everyone experiences activations in their own, unique way. It doesn’t matter how you feel it; what matters is you try.



Your brain is the super center that governs all other parts of your body. By making a commitment to evolve at this level, you automatically commit to evolving in all aspects of your being.

By accepting your higher self and the life purpose energy of your crown, you inherently accept all parts of your body. By accepting all parts of your body, you accept all parts of your life.

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When your Tone of Intuition is harmonious clarity of mind is a regular and natural state for you. Having a calm, primed mind gives you a powerful presence in this world. You don’t need any external means to stay sharp and clear; in stead, you easily tap into the unlimited resources of your intelligence. Other people respect you for your quick mind and ability to see things clearly. Your life is a series of synchronicities and you feel the flow of life on a daily basis.

When Your Tone of Intuition is disharmonious you feel a lack of mental clarity, good memory or the ability to handle stress. You are unable to stay focused and efficient, and unable of relaxing your mind to heal negative thought patterns that cloud your life. You feel confused and often lose sight of the big picture. You wish could get a bird’s eye view of what is going on in your life, but instead, you feel caught in your mind’s constant chatter.


Natural brainpower Activating your Tone of Intuition helps you restore the power of mind that is yours by birthright. It gives you clarity and mental strength, and the ability to see which choices will make you happy, and which won’t. When this tone is in harmony, you know exactly whom you are and what to do. Your intuition is directly related to the pineal gland in the center of your brain. As with the rest of your body, the things you eat affect the health of this gland. Certain foods improve the health of the gland while others cause it to deteriorate. Fried foods, coffee and fluoride are some of the substances that will calcify and deactivate the pineal gland. A calcified pineal gland causes you to forget that you are indeed perfect, beautiful, intelligent love energy.

The psychic ‘gift’ Many believe that being psychic is ‘a gift’. However, it is ‘nothing more’ than the gift of an active pineal gland. Anyone who has reactivated and decalcified their pineal gland experiences their psychic gift 'return' to them. It is as simple as flexing a muscle. Changing your dietary patterns and gazing at the sun will help you tap into the incredible power of this gland and reactivate your natural physic abilities.

Intuition Mental clarity & intelligence

Through pineal focus and sun gazing, you take charge of your own brainpower and make it your best friend. You gain direct access to the center in your brain that receives cosmic data straight from the source, eliminating all traces of confusion.

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When your Tone of Healing is harmonious you realize that living out your true potential is not defined by right or wrong, good or bad, normal or strange. You live your life in harmony and balance, unaffected by the opinions of others - even if they represent a majority. You have the courage to follow your dreams, free from “I shouldn’t”, “I ought to” and “I must”.

When your Tone of Healing is disharmonious you find yourself caught in a situation because it is expected of you, or in a relationship because it’s ‘wrong’ to get a divorce. You feel uneasy with the unconventional and easily get embarrassed when those around you act out of the norm - especially in public! You care about what others think to a point where you will change your path to conform, even if deep down, you don’t really want to.

For the love of conformity Your life begins with an untouched mind - much like a blank canvas waiting to be colored by life’s experiences. Then, as you grow up, you gradually develop the mental capabilities required to live a ‘normal life’.


EGO limitations You form intelligence, creativity and memory, but at the same time, integrate programs and conditions that shape your personality, morality and norms. Gradually, your true self is overwritten with the noises and information over-load from external influences, like the culture you grow up in, your family and the media. You slowly begin to form a notion of self - a limited version of you - creating what is also known as EGO. The EGO, which is the programmed version of you, interferes with your true expression, causing you to forget the simple joy living in the moment as a free, powerful being. Because programs are stored within your DNA, the most efficient way of installing new, healthy codes is through DNA activation. Your Healing Tone is the home of DNA activation, which makes it one of the most exciting tones within the LumenOctave. Activating this tone lets you choose the exact blueprint for your life you want.

Your own, natural ecstasy Located in your nervous center, the Healing Tone is also the home of natural ecstasy. For that reason, it is the key to feeling high and energized, simply by keeping it healthy. One way of doing that is through exercise. The release of dopamine and endorphins gives you energy, strength and a sense of happiness, which will give you the necessary power to stay persistent and follow your dreams.

Healing Change your programming Change your body Change your life


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Communication: live your truth


When your Communication Tone is harmonious you are not afraid of voicing your opinion, and those around you value what you have to say. They know you are not afraid to speak the truth, even if it makes others feel uncomfortable. You feel comfortable talking in front of large groups of people and know how to keep them spellbound with your words. You are a great judge of character; people often tell you: “I feel like you see straight through me”, and you are able to detect a lie - spoken or unspoken.

When your Communication Tone is disharmonious you feel the certain discomfort of having to deliver a difficult message (to others as well to yourself). Even if deep down you know it is not your truth, you often find yourself accepting things as such: “I'm OK with this”, “I'm glad I lost my job”, “It probably happened for the best”.


The Communication Tone is a largely wounded area Due to our collective programming, many people suffer from the inability to communicate powerfully and truthfully, and it is not uncommon to experience fear related to speaking the truth or conveying your true feeling towards a matter. However, what happens when you ‘correct’ your truth is this: You suppress your thyroid functions, which impacts your hormonal balance and impedes your immune system.

Full-spectrum communication When you activate this tone, it allows you to be influential in all aspects of your communication - verbal AND non-verbal. Consider this: Verbal communication only represents 2% of what we transmit. We also communicate with tonal frequency, body language and facial expressions - and through our minds! When you make life easy for your Communication Tone, you naturally upgrade your ability to know how to say things and get the best possible outcome. It also enables you to pick up thoughts and mental cues from others. Just imagine what that would do to your relationships.


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Tones one to four of your LumenOctave



- activate them to connect with your higher self, physic abilities, mental clarity and healing, truth and communication skills

ACTIVATION POINT: Crown Center, Fontanel Native Energy: Static Native Aspects: Spirit, Higher Self and Self-Acceptance Color: Golden light Purpose: To establish a strong connection to your higher self Symptoms of Dysfunction: Bipolar disorder, ADD, dyslexia, epilepsy, MS, Parkinson’s, memory loss or a personal history of strokes or brain tumor

ACTIVATION POINT: Pineal Gland Native Energy: Static Electrical Native Aspects: Intelligence, Intuition, Psychic Powers, Imagination Color: Violet Purpose: To enhance mental clarity and intuition Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression.

ACTIVATION POINT: Medulla Oblongata Native Energy: Neuro-Electrical Native Aspects: DNA-Activation, Addictions, Social Programming Color: Indigo Purpose: To ensure that messages from the pineal gland are communicated and integrated within your body. The home of DNA programming and re-programming Symptoms of Dysfunction: Teeth-grinding, issues with mouth, teeth, or gums, nervous breakdowns, neurosis, psychosis, anxiety attacks

ACTIVATION POINT: Thyroid Gland Native Energy: Electro Magnetic Native Aspects: Ether, Truth Aura Color: Sky Blue Purpose: To give you the gift of clear, truthful communication Symptoms of Dysfunction: Weakened immunity, swollen throat or frequent sore throat or laryngitis, hormonal imbalances, neck or upper back pain, allergies, thyroid problems, chronic sinus issues, lymphedema or hypothyroidism

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Return to your true, happy, sexy abundant, creative, powerful self The way your return to your true self is through the activation of very specific glands and organs in your body. They are like information super stores that absorb all experiences you go through in life. By changing the information caused by traumas to information about your infinite possibilities, you change your way of life from fear and limitation to ultimate freedom. The change happens through DNA activation - a way of consciously overwriting the noises of your EGO with the light language of your soul, installing its messages directly into your body. It gives your body the opportunity to hold and feel the energy of who you truly are, and not the distorted, polarized EGO-version. DNA activation

works on a deep, cellular level, directly changing each cell's memory. The re-programming happens through your nervous center, which sends selected messages to the rest of your body. By updating your DNA with new beliefs and memories, you enable a powerful transformation from within the body, harmonizing your LumenOctave - the interplay between your body and soul. Master your LumenOctave The Utopian Body Course takes you through a step-by-step introduction and deep integration of the technique. 12 weeks, 3 modules, full-spectrum upgrade. From $899.

Activating your LumenOctave is a skill you learn to become your own master.

It does not involve any kind of teacher-student dependencies, guru idolization or spiritual dogma. It does not involve

expensive gadgets, gimmicks or equipment.

It ONLY involves your willingness to

learn and the courage to step into your own power. We believe it is the only

sustainable way to personal evolution

Learn how with the Utopian Body Course

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Mastering the LumenOctave: The Utopian Body Course The Utopian Body Course is designed to systematically activate your LumenOctave. This 12-week course introduces you to each of the 8 Master Tones, their qualities and activation points, and teaches you how to re-program your DNA with healthy new paradigms that will instantly upgrade your life experience.

Module 1, weeks 1 - 4

In the first module, you are introduced to your soul - your higher self. You will learn to connect with the infinite knowledge of your being, both from this life and your multi-dimensional existence. You will start noticing that your higher self has been trying to communicate with you, using a very tangible means: A clear, strong sensation of bliss. Memories, images and inspirations about your true nature and life purpose will be activated. You learn to identify the stark difference between your true mind and the programmed mind, and start undoing the all the false beliefs that prevent you from simply being who you are. This module is designed to get you well acquainted with the light of your soul, your consciousness: That living being that dwells inside the body.

Module 3, weeks 9 - 12

The most powerful activation occurs when you activate the physical body. In this module, you learn how to ground the spiritual light of your soul and align it to the body, so that your can start living the expression of your highest potential. You learn how to be powerful and assert yourself, so that external pressures no longer affect or weaken you. You learn how to manifest what you want in the physical reality: Money, success, relationships, physical health and beauty.

Module 2, weeks 5 - 8

In this module, you learn about what it is like to be living the human existence. You learn how the DNA of your body can be activated to re-wire your nervous system to be aligned with your native Bliss Instinct. You are introduced to the most effective ways of communicating in order to bring about the greatest influence and impact in your life. You learn how to create a life with happiness, fulfillment and how to be freed from loneliness, depression and other feelings that plague the human life.

For additional information on the Utopian Body Course or to sign up for a free 15min consultation please visit

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ACTIVATION POINT: Thymus Gland Native Energy: Electrical Native Aspects: Air, Happiness, Environment Color: Green Purpose: To create contentment, happiness, love and freedom Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent upper respiratory ailments, chest pain, high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, lung issues, breast problems, poor circulation, carpal tunnel, or problems with shoulders or arms.

ACTIVATION POINT: Womb or Sacrum Native Energy: Chemical Native Aspects: Water, Relationships, Emotions Color: Orange Purpose: To create sensations of beauty, gentility, femininity and creativity. Symptoms of Dysfunction: Gynecological problems (such as fibroids, endometriosis, menstrual or ovarian problems), prostate and bowel disorders, low back pain, or bladder or urinary issues, eating disorder or intestinal parasites

ACTIVATION POINT: Rectum Native Energy: Physical Native Aspects: Earth, Blood, Sex, Money Color: Red Purpose: To make money doing what you love. Have great sex. Manifest abundance Symptoms of Dysfunction: Foot or leg pain, spinal problems, low bone density, adrenal issues, colon problems, hemorrhoids, sexual dysfunction

Tones five to eight of your LumenOctave - activate them to connect with your love and happiness, personal power, beauty and softness as well as physical abundance



ACTIVATION POINT: Solar Plexus Native Energy: Thermal Native Aspects: Fire, Confidence, Strength Color: Yellow Purpose: To create a strong personal foundation and the power to say NO Symptoms of Dysfunction: Diabetes or low blood sugar, digestive difficulties, liver problems, hiatal hernia, gallstones, varicose veins or stomach ulcers.

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Love, Freedom, Happiness & Contentment


When you Tone of Love is harmonious you feel complete in your own being - happy just the way you are. No man or woman can take that away from you. Loneliness is not a part of your life, but the sense of freedom to do what your heart desires is. You never hold grudges, but know the true meaning of forgiveness - of yourself and others.

When your Tone of Love is disharmonious you frequently experience a sense of abandonment; you often wish that people were there for you the same way you are there for them. Happy couples around you remind you of your deep longings to find your one true love – and how lonely you sometimes feel. When someone hurts you, the pain lingers on in you, sometimes several years after. Forgiveness is something you are working on.

Love, sweet love Your Tone of Love is activated through the thymus gland in the lung region, and once you open it, it guides you to joy, freedom and love.


This area of your body is the home of deep satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment. This tone rules over everything green, which is why it resonates the energy much like that of leaves on a tree: Happy, vibrant, playful, moving freely with the wind, but staying connected to the roots. This tone helps you become happy within yourself - and happy in your relationships. When you seek a relationship feeling lonely and empty, you only attract destructive, unhealthy connections. It is when you discover the truth: that you are complete and self-sufficient in creating your own happiness that the most fulfilling relationships will occur in your life. Activating this tone will help you heal this aspect of your life

Quit smoking When you inhale, your fill up your lung region, creating a false sense of companionship, fulfillment and completeness. By activating the Tone of Love, you unleash an unlimited access to the natural energy of contentment and wholeness. It is the simplest, most natural way to quit smoking.

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Be firm Be strong Say NO


When your Tone of Power is harmonious you see the importance of taking care of your own needs before helping others. You are admired for your confidence and charisma, and like to empower others to feel the same. You master the balance between staying true to yourself and working cohesively in a team. You never let anger bottle up inside, but make sure to address a conflict straight away.

When your Tone of Power is disharmonious you allow others to cross your personal boundaries time and time again. However, you don't let them know. You feel angry, uncomfortable, scared or completely powerless when a conflict arises, and you will do almost anything to avoid it - even 'weed out' the people who cause the conflict. You put the need of others before your own, even if they don’t truly appreciate your help. You often feel like the scapegoat - as if people are out to get you.


You have the power! The yellow energy of this tone lets you say NO. Providing clear-cut boundaries, it gives you the power to stop people from walking all over you, taking advantage of you. It allows you to clearly assert yourself in your job and personal relationships, not feeling muddled or weak. It lets you stay strong, confident and courageous in every moment of your life. No matter which curve balls life throws your way, the energy of your inner sun will help you radiate your best.

Healing with the Tone of Power This tone heals the sense of victimization, worthlessness and overall lack of belief in your self. As the visceral knowledge of this tone integrates in you, you will heal any stomach problems, digestive issues and varicose veins.



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When your Tone of Intimacy is harmonious you nourish the beautiful relationship you have with yourself - the most important one in your life. You embrace all aspects of your intimate and emotional life, and let yourself feel vulnerable and cry if you feel sad. You feel beautiful, and love your body just the way it is. Your sense of creativity is expressed in different areas of your life: when cooking, when playing with your children or when making love, only to mention some.

When your Tone of Intimacy is disharmonious you feel an overpowering sense of perfection, leaving little room for creativity. You feel uncomfortable with the unknown and prefer to stick to the plan. Intimacy is a challenging area of your life, and you don’t like showing emotions. You rarely let in people you’ve just met - it takes a while before you let your guards down and trust them.

creativity, softness, femininity, sensuality, relatedness, gentility, fun, connectedness, trust, perfection, friendliness, corporation, beauty, empathy & celebration

Dance! This tone rules emotional energy. Allowing it to flourish resolves your emotional pains, leaving you feeling stable and happy, capable of letting down your guards to return to your natural state of being soft, affectionate and beautiful.


Lose weight with Tone 7 If you’re looking to lose weight, activate this tone. Weight gain happens because you build an unnatural protective layer around your body to guard yourself from hurt and emotional pain. This is why we call it comfort eating; it is a desire to console and comfort pain through the numbness that comes from over-eating. An amazing discovery happens when you realize that you are using your weight to hide your power and true beauty, and to block sexual energy and attention because of shyness, past abuse or insecurity.

Activating this tone helps you find safety in who you are and discard the unnecessary protection you feel you need. Healing this tone also enhances your physical beauty and creative flow.

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When your Tone of Abundance is harmonious you are making money, doing what you love. Other people admire you for your ability to create abundance and opportunities in all aspects of your life - money, sex and love - and to act on them with swiftness and grace. You feel safe in life and never let fear get the best of you.

When your Tone of Abundance is disharmonious you feel trapped in money matters - no matter how much you work, there never seems to be enough. You work to live - not live to work. Your sex life doesn’t bring you much joy, and neither do spiders, snakes, small rooms or large crowds; phobias are not unknown territory to you.

Hot, Juicy, Sexy Love The red Tone of Abundance is the opening to everything rooted in the physical. Anything of solid form is created by the energy of the reds. It is the color of your blood - the magical, amazing elixir that carries your DNA and holds the secrets to creation.


It is the liquid form of your life’s purpose that flows in your body with power and determination with every single heartbeat. It is the source of manifestation. This tone lets you create anything you want for yourself: money, a beautiful body, or a loving relationship - literally anything you desire! The qualities of abundance, loving sex and security are all things you deserve! They don’t have to be something you dream about, but can be naturally occurring elements in your life. Harmonize the Tone of Abundance and they will be yours - forever!

Be Spontaneous! Let loose your inner child There is an immense sense of freedom connected with being free from fear. It is the kind of freedom that lets you feel that uninhibited, child-like spontaneity that makes you dance, sing and do cartwheels whenever you feel like it. When the red energy is blocked, we gravitate towards external substances to help us follow our instinct; for many people that substance is alcohol. Activating this tone well help you feel a natural sense of happiness and freedom - without the alcohol. It simply happens naturally!

8 Abundance Sex Money Earth Blood

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Together we make it


We welcome you. We honor you. We are you. Nature and biology show us that when we stick together, our cycles and rhythms

synchronize. It is an indication that our power exponentially multiples when we join together to create order and harmony in our lives, in the lives of our loved ones and the planet as a

whole. Activation of the human body is the key element in evolving our consciousness as a species and a spiritual race.

We are here to support you, cheer you on, give you advice and listen to you as you unfold your potential. Your evolution and expansion are important to us – because you are us.

The information in this brochure is developed specifically for you, based on spiritual wisdom, personal experience and a lot of love. Take it, use it, and ask if you have questions. You

know where to find us. All copyrights reserved