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LENIDO LUMANOG and AUGUSTO SANTOS, Petiti oners, - versus - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respon dent. x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x G.R. No. 182555 CESAR FORTUNA, Petiti oner, - versus - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respon dent. x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x G.R. No. 185123 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaint iff-Appellee, G.R. No. 187745 Present: CORONA, C.J., CARPIO, CARPIO
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LENIDO LUMANOG and AUGUSTO SANTOS, Petitioners, - versus - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent.x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x G.R. No. 182555 CESAR FORTUNA, Petitioner, - versus - PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent.x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

G.R. No.185123 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, - versus - SPO2 CESAR FORTUNA yABUDO, RAMESES DE ESUS yCALMA, LENIDOLUMANOGyLUISTRO, OEL DE ESUS y!ALDE" and AUGUSTOSANTOS y GALANG, Accused, RAMESES DE ESUS y CALMAand OEL DE ESUS y !ALDE", Accused-Appellants. G.R. No.18##$5 Present: CORONA, C.J., CARPIO, CARPIO MORALE, !ELACO, "R., NAC#$RA, LEONAR%O-%E CA&RO, 'RION, PERAL&A, 'ERAMIN, %EL CA&ILLO, A'A%, !ILLARAMA, "R., PERE(, MEN%O(A, and ERENO, JJ. Pro)ul*ated: epte)+er ,, -./.%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%DECISION !ILLARAMA, R., J.' 0or revie1 is t2e %ecision(1) dated April /, -..3 of t2e Court of Appeals 4CA5in CA-6.R. CR-#CNo. ..77, 12ic2 affir)ed 1it2 )odification t2e "oint%ecision(2)dated "ul8 9., /::: of t2e Re*ional &rial Court of ;ueers around andneara+lac>#onda Accord1it2PlateNo. RNA-,,,onastoppositionint2e)iddlelaneofAatipunan Avenuefacin*sout2*oin*toLi+is.&2e8foundt2evicti)Bs +loodied and +ullet-riddled +od8 partl8 slu)ped onto t2e pave)ent at t2ecarBs left door, 12ic2 1as open.&2e front 1inds2ield and slidin* *lass 1indo1son t2e left and ri*2t side 1ere s2atteredF a 2ole 1as seen on t2e *lass 1indo1 oft2eleft reardoor,apparentl8pierced+8a+ullet.6lasssplinters1erescatteredinside t2e car and on t2e pave)ent at +ot2 sides of t2e car.On orders of C2iefInsp. !illena, PO- %a*anta and PO/ 0rancisco assisted +8 a certain Cesar Espiritu,i))ediatel8+rou*2t t2evicti)tot2e;uirinoMe)orial #ospital inProCect =,;uepictures of t2e cri)e scene, and also of t2e victi)at t2e 2ospital.(/)PO-Ma*undacan 1as a+le to pic> up several spent s2ells and t1o 4-5 slu*s, apparentl8fired fro) .=E and : )). pistols.(#)A s>etc2 1as prepared +8 PO- %a*anta 12oalsointervie1edso)eof t2e1itnesses present at t2ecri)escene.(8)&2espotreport and list of recovered ite)s 4includin* a P2ilippine Militar8 Acade)8 *oldrin* on 12ic2 1as en*raved t2e na)e ?Rolando N. A+adilla@5 1ere later prepared+8 PO- Ma*undacan at t2e police station.(0)

On t2e sa)e da8, 1itnesses Cesar 0. Espiritu 412o 1as drivin* 2is car a2eadof t2e victi)5,Aurora $r+ano 4Metro Aide5, Ani C. Icot 42ouse *ardener of t2eA+adilla fa)il8, 0reddie AleCo 4securit8 *uard posted at Eliscon Electrical uppl8store located at -// Aatipunan Avenue5 and Minella Alarcon 4colle*e professor atAteneo de Manila $niversit85 *ave t2eir respective state)ents +efore t2e Cri)inalInvesti*ation %ivision of t2e Central Police %istrict Co))and 4CI%-CP%C5, PNP-National Capital Re*ion 4NCR5 at Ca)p Aarin*al, i>atuna !illa*e, ;ueout.As si)ilarl8 recounted +8 "oel, Lorenillin*of A+adilla: PO-Da2a+Ma*undacan, PO-6erardo%a*anta, MaC. Ed1ard!illena, PIInsp. Ro*elioCastillo, PO-"ose6arcia, "r.,PO9Ro)eo%e6uplaceatt2einvesti*ationroo)oft2eCI%, 12eret2ere1ereot2er privateco)plainantstal>in*toinvesti*ators, andt2ere 1ere a nu)+er of police)en around 12o 1ere not in unifor).#e advised"oel t2at 2e1asfreetouset2etelep2one, andalt2ou*2"oel 2adnorelativespresent at t2at ti)e, 2e 1arned "oel t2at 2is case 1as serious and 2e )ust see> t2eservices of counsel.#e first t2ou*2t of t2e le*al assistance provided +8 t2e Cit8Attorne8, t2ent2at +8t2e Pu+lic Attorne8BsOffice 4PAO5, andlastl8+8t2eI'P.'et1een /-:9. and /:.. p.)., 2e and 2is )en, to*et2er 1it2 "oel in a separateve2icle, left t2e CI% to *o to t2e ;uein* of t2e state)ent at -:.. p.). &2e8 left Cit8 #allat past =:.. or E:.. t2at afternoon.(31)SPO2 Ga5,3a, 5. testified t2at 2e 1as a )e)+er of t2e CI%-CP%C at Ca)pAarin*al.On "une -., /::7 12en 2e reported for dut8, 2e 1as assi*ned +8 PIInsp.Castillo to ta>e do1n t2e state)ent of "oel de "esus. D2ile still inside t2e office ofPIInsp. Castillo, 2eas>ed"oel if2isstate)ent 1asvoluntar8and12at >indofstate)ent 2e 1as *oin* to *ive."oel ans1ered t2at 2is state)ent 1as voluntar8and 2e 1anted to +e included as state 1itness in t2e A+adilla case.&o*et2er 1it2"oel, PO- &arala and PO/ Edil+erto Nicanor, 2e too> lunc2 at t2e +ac> of t2eiroffice +efore proceedin* to t2e ;ue noon,1it2PIInsp.Castillo 12osaidt2at "oelBsstate)ent1ould +e ta>eninfront ofacounsel.At t2e #all of "ustice lo++8, PIInsp. Castillo instructed t2e) to *uard "oelas2e1ouldloo>for acounsel.After )oreor less-Eto9.)inutes, PIInsp.Castillo ca)e +ac> and t2e8 proceeded to t2e second floor of t2e office of t2e I'Pc2apter.&2e8 1ere )et +8 a lad8 secretar8, and after1ards 2e sa1 PIInsp. Castillotal>in* to a la18er 12o) 2e ca)e to >no1 as Att8. Rous.It see)ed Att8. Rouscould not decide on 12at PIInsp. Castillo told 2i) and said 2e 4Att8. Rous5 1ouldfirst as>t2eper)issionofAtt8.ansano. &2e81aitedforAtt8.ansano, 12oarrived in a+out t1ent8 4-.5 to t1ent8-five 4-E5 )inutes. Att8. ansano and PIInsp.Castillo tal>ed for a+out five 4E5 )inutes and t2ereafter, Att8. ansano reHuestedt2e) to leave, +ecause 2e 1ould tal> personall8 to "oel.Att8. ansano and "oeltal>edinsidet2eroo)for five4E5 toten4/.5 )inutes.&2ereafter, 2e, PIInsp.Castillo, PO- &arala and PO/ Edil+erto Nicanor 1ent inside t2e roo) and t2at1as t2e ti)e Att8. ansano announced t2at "oel 1as read8 for t2e ta>in* of 2isstate)ent.(31)

PO- 6arcia,"r. furt2er testified t2at 2etoo>do1nt2estate)entof "oelusin* a t8pe1riter in t2e office of Att8. ansano.#e +rou*2t said t8pe1riter neart2e ta+le of Att8. ansano and a c2air to sit on +eside "oel."oel 1as seated infrontof t2e des> 12ere Att8. ansano 1as sittin*. After co)pletin* t2e ta>in* do1n oft2estate)ent, 2e*aveit to"oel andas>edt2elatter toreadit."oel readt2et8pe1rittenstate)ent and12en2efinis2edreadin*, 2e*avet2esa)eto Att8.ansano. Att8. ansano read all t2e contents of t2e docu)ent and as>ed "oel if 2eunderstood it, to 12ic2 2e ans1ered ?Kes, sir.@Att8. ansano t2en as>ed "oel if 2e1as 1illin* to si*n t2e state)ent, to 12ic2 t2e latter a*ain replied in t2eaffir)ative."oel si*ned t2e state)ent in 2is presence and also t2at of Att8.ansano, 12o li>e1ise si*ned it in 2is presence.PO- 6arcia, "r. also identified2iso1nsi*natureandt2at of PO/Nicanor 12osi*nedt2estate)ent in2ispresence.0ro) t2e office of Att8. ansano, t2e8 proceeded to t2e fourt2 floor int2e office of Prosecutor Ra)on 6erona +efore 12o)"oel su+scri+ed 2isstate)ent.After readin* t2e state)ent, 0iscal 6erona explained to "oel in &a*alo*t2econseHuencesoft2estate)ent 2eexecuted."oel1ascal)andsaid2e1asonl8 a loo>out in t2e cri)e.Earlier, +efore propoundin* Huestions to "oel at t2eoffice of Att8. ansano, t2e latter addressed "oel in &a*alo*: ?Jo!l naiintindihanmo na ang mga itinatanong sa iyo ng mga pulis" #to ba sarili mo o boluntaryo ba$tong stat!m!nt mo na ito hindi ka ba nila tinakot, sinaktan o anupaman"@ D2ile"oel 1as ans1erin* 2is Huestions, Att8. ansano 2alted 2i) fro) t8pin* t2e ans1er*iven +8 "oel to as> t2e latter if 2e could understand t2e Huestion propounded to2i).&2e 1itness 1as also as>ed to identif8 "oel de "esus inside t2e courtroo).(32)Oncross-exa)ination, PO-6arcia, "r. affir)edt2at +efore t2e ta>in*do1n of t2e state)ent, 2e 2ad explained to "oel t2e conseHuences of 2is +ein* astate 1itness, in accordance 1it2 t2e instruction of PIInsp. Castillo.#e specificall8explained to "oel:?#tong stat!m!nt na ito ay puw!d!ng gamitin laban o panig sa$yo sa alinmang hukuman dito sa %ilipinas.#kaw ba ay nakahandang tum!stigo samga sasabihin ng tao dito sa stat!m!nt mo na ito na magiging laban sakanila.@"oel told 2i),?Kes, sir.@PIInsp. Castillo 2ad told 2i) t2at "oel 1as toturn state 1itness +efore t2e latter 1as +rou*2t to t2e I'P Office. D2en PIInsp.Castillo 2ad returned to t2e lo++8 of t2e #all of "ustice, 2e told t2e) t2at t2e onl8person present 12o 1ould act as "oelBs counsel 1ould +e located at t2e I'P Office,and "oel 1ould +e +rou*2t t2ere.It 1as 2is first ti)e to )eet Att8. ansano.As to12et2er "oel 1as also assisted +8 Att8. Rous 12en 2e 1as investi*ated on "une -/,/::7, t2e 1itness said 2e did not >no1.(33)Re*ardin* t2e portion of t2e state)entdated"une-., /::712erein2eas>ed"oel a+out apendin*casea*ainst 2i),12ic2"oel identifiedasarapecase, 2edenied2avin*>no1led*eofan8suc2pendin*case+eforet2eta>in*oft2estate)ent. #ealsodidnot as>"oel if2ealread8 2ad a counsel, or if "oel alread8 >ne1 Att8. ansano.Anot2er la18er, Att8.Rous,1as actuall8 present 12en 2e 1as ta>in* "oelBs state)ent at t2e office ofAtt8. ansano, 12o 1as also present t2rou*2out t2e ti)e 2e 1as ta>in* do1n t2estate)ent of"oel.#edidnot2ear"oel )entiont2ena)eofanot2erla18ertoAtt8. ansano, specificall8 t2at of Att8. %avid as su**ested +8 defense counsel.(3$)SPO2 Ta5a9a testified t2at as a )e)+er of t2e PNP tation in Aa)unin*,;ueed 2i) and 2is co)panions to step out of t2e roo) so Att8. Rous could tal>to Lorened if 2e could assist 2i) durin* 2is custodial investi*ation. #eidentified Lorened in 2is 1aist, 12ic2 t2e8 confiscated.($3)PIr.Insp. Macanasfurt2ertestifiedt2at int2ecourseoft2eirfollo1-upoperations, 1it2 infor)ation +ein* provided +8 "oel, t2e8 1ere also a+le to arrestanot2er suspect alias ?Larr8,@ 12o) t2e8 )et at a dar> alle8.$pon +ein* pointedto+8"oel, t2e8appre2endedLarr812o1aslater identifiedasLorened 2i) and found in 2is possession a cal .93 )it2 and Desson, for12ic2 2e could not present an8 license or docu)ent.&2e8 +rou*2t Lorenillin*.After accostin* "oel at Ca)aro t., 12o)t2e8 identified t2rou*2 a p2oto*rap2, and +efore ta>in* 2i) to t2e CI%-CP%C, 2einfor)ed "oel t2at 2e 1as identified as one 4/5 of t2e suspects in t2e >illin* of Col.A+adillaF t2at 2e 2ad a ri*2t to re)ain silentF t2at an8t2in* 2e 1ill sa8 could +eused a*ainst 2i)F 2e 2ad t2e ri*2t to counsel of 2is o1n c2oice, and if 2e could notafford one, t2e *overn)ent 1ould provide 2i).As to Lorenin*+ac> and fort2infront of 2is post. #e 1as s2o1n +8 t2eprosecutor so)e p2oto*rap2s ta>en of t2e par>in* area 2e 1as t2en *uardin*, 2is*uard post +eside t2e +uildin* and t2e street infront of said +uildin* 4Ex2i+its ?6@,?#@, ?I@ and ?"@($#)5. AleCo recounted t2at t2ere 1as a )an ridin* in a +lac> car 12o 1as s2ot +8four 4=5 persons infront of t2e +uildin* 2e 1as *uardin*.&2e car 1as in t2e )iddlelaneof t2eroad, andt2ecarBsspecificlocation1as foundinone4/5 of t2ep2oto*rap2s4Ex2i+it ?#-=@($8)5.One4/5 of t2et1o4-5 persons2eearlier sa11al>in* +ac> and fort2 in front of 2i) pointed a *un at 2i) 4t2e position of said)an 1as )ar>edas Ex2i+it ?#-E@($0)5.&2at )an 1as 2oldin* a s2ort *un and 2etold AleCo to co)e do1n 4?Baba!@5, +ut 2e did not +ud*e.#e t2en sa1 one 4/5 oft2e assailants 4No. / in Ex2i+it ?#@(51)5, t2e one 4/5 standin* on t2e left side of t2ecar 4left front door5, *ra+ t2e victi) +8 t2e nec>, *et t2e clutc2 +a* of t2e victi)inside t2e car, pull said victi) out of t2e car, and drop 2i) on t2e road.#e t2en2eardanot2er s2ot co)in*fro)saidattac>er 4No. /5.Anot2er )an4No. EinEx2i+it ?#@(51)5 s2outed: Dapawalang makikialam! and t2e rest of t2e four 4=5)en 4)ar>ed as Nos. -, 9 and = in Ex2i+it ?#@(52)5 faced 2i)41itnessAleCo5. Next, t2e co)panion of No. E, 12o 1as earlier 1al>in* +ac> and fort2infrontof 2i) 4)ar>ed as No.7inEx2i+it?#@(53)5, pointeda*un at2i).&2isti)e, 2e didco)e do1n, lo1erin*2is +od8and+o1in*2is 2eadinside t2e*uard2ouse.&2e 1itness identified t2e suspects inside t2e courtroo)as t2epersons 2e sa1 and )ar>ed as No. E 4o+9 d+ +.6.5 t2e first one 12o pointed a*un at 2i) s2outin* ?Baba ka!@FNo. / 12o *ra++ed t2e victi), *ot 2is clutc2 +a*and pulled 2i) out of t2e car 4L+n3do L6;anoed +8 t2e police)en12o arrived re*ardin* t2e incident. #e 1as told to *o to tation 3, 12ic2 1as Custnear t2e place.At tation 3, anot2er securit8 *uard of an adCacent +uildin* 1asalso +ein* investi*ated.&2ereafter, t2e police officers +rou*2t 2i)to Ca)pAarin*al, alon* 1it2 t2e ot2er securit8 *uard.(5/)On cross-exa)ination, AleCo descri+ed 2is *uard post as elevatedF and t1o4-5 ar)Bs len*t2 on t2e left and ri*2t side, t2ere 1as an alle8 Cust +eside t2e *uardpost 12ic2 1as at t2e corner.(5#)&2e victi)Bs car 1as infront of t2e +uildin* 2e1as *uardin*, at a sli*2tl8 slanted direction fro) it 4?&ihis po ng konti@5.#is vie11as to1ard t2e direction of t2e front door of t2e car 4rear end5.0ro) 12ere 2e1as at t2e ti)e, t2e car 1as at a distance of )ore or less ten 4/.5 )eters. &2e firstti)e one 4/5 of t2e suspects pointed a *un at 2i), 2e 1as not scared.#e sa1 four4=5 )en standin* around t2e victi)Bs car, t1o 4-5 on t2e left side, and t1o 4-5 ont2e ri*2t side.#e sa1 onl8 t1o 4-5 of t2e) 4t2e ones at t2e front left and ri*2tsides of t2e car5 s2ootin* at t2e carF t2e8 1ere carr8in* s2ort firear)s.One 4/5 oft2ese t1o 4-5 *ot t2e clutc2 +a* 4at t2e left front side of t2e car5, *ra++ed t2e victi)+8t2e nec> ands2ot2i) once +efore droppin* 2i) do1n t2eroad.Even if 2ecould not see t2e *un 12en t2at assailant pulled t2e victi) fro) t2e car, 2e >ne1t2at t2e victi) 1as s2ot a*ain, +ecause 2e sa1 a *un s)o>e Cust +eside t2e left sideof t2e car 12ere t2e victi) 1as dropped.&2e second )an 12o pointed a *un at2i)s2outed?Dapa!@andt2ereupon2isco)panions4t2eonesat t2eri*2t rearside, left rear side, and front ri*2t side5 faced 2i) for less t2an a )inute.'ecauseat t2at precise )o)ent t2e *un 1as not 8et po>ed at 2i), 2e 1as a+le to reco*nienfro) t2e victi) 1as +lac>.#e could see t2e inside of t2e car fro) 2is *uard post+ecauset2ecarBs*lass 1indo11as not tintedand, +esides, 2is position1aselevatedor 2i*2er t2ant2e2ei*2t of t2ecar.(58) #econfir)edt2econtentsof2is SinumpaangSalaysay 4Ex2i+it ?L@5 +eforepolice)anEdil+ertoNicanor on"une /9, /::7 ta>en at t2e CI%-PNP, Ca)p Aarin*al at /:EE p.). or +arel8 four 4=52ours after t2e s2ootin* incident.(50)AleCo furt2er testified on cross-exa)ination t2at on "une /:, /::7 at around-:.. oBcloc> in t2e afternoon, 2e 1as fetc2ed +8 four 4=5 police)en at 2is a*enc8in Monu)ento and t2e8 told 2i) t2e8 1ere *oin* to 0airvie1.'efore t2is, in t2eafternoon of "une /3, /::7, t2e8 s2o1ed 2i)a picture of a )an 1earin*e8e*lasses, +ut 2e told t2e) 2e 1ould not point a )an in p2oto*rap2s, +ut 1ouldli>e to see t2e )an in person.&2at 1as t2e second ti)e 2e sa1 "oel de "esus sincet2e s2ootin* incident on "une /9, /::7. #e executed a supple)ental state)ent on"une -/, /::7 12en 2e identified said suspect in a police line-up.(/1) On epte)+er -7, /::7, t2e trial court conducted an ocular inspection of t2eplace 12ere t2e s2ootin* incident too> place, in t2e presence of t2e prosecutors,defense counsel, AleCo and MaC. !illena.AleCo 1as as>ed to de)onstrate 2is exactlocation, t2e relative positions of t2e assailants and t2e victi)Bs car, and t2e entireincident 2e 2ad 1itnessed in t2e )ornin* of "une /9, /::7.&2e Presidin* "ud*e12otoo>t2e sa)e positionof AleCoint2e *uard2ouse )ade t2e follo1in*o+servations:CO$R&:0ro)t2is position, t2ePresidin*"ud*ecanseet2ecar ver8clearl8 even if t2e car 1ould +e )oved +ac> +8 anot2er se*)entof t2e ce)ent or even if it is for1arded +8 anot2er se*)ent also,as se*)ent can acco))odate one car of t2e li>es of #ondaAccord and t2e Court o+serves t2at fro) t2e *uard post t2e facesof t2e persons +eside t2e car are ver8 clear.x x xCO$R&:&2e Courto+servedt2atfro)12eret2e1itness AleCo1as2ecanstill seet2e12olecar asit 2as+een)oved+ac>pert2edirective of MaCor !illena.x x xCO$R&:&2eCourt addst2at fro)t2epositionoft2e1itness, 0reddieAleCo, t2eCourt canstill seefaces +e2indt2ecar 12ic2canacco))odate anot2er car.x xxCO$R&:&2e front ri*2t 1indo1 2as +een rolled do1n and also t2e +ac>ri*2t 1indo1 of t2e car 2ave +een rolled do1n 1it2 t2e left frontdoor opened, t2e Court can o+servedt2e t1o4-5 front seatsparticularl8 t2e upper portion, )eanin* t2e 2ead rest and t2e +ac>rest, 2alf of t2e +ac> rest, all t2e 2ead rest can +e seen.x x xIN&ERPRE&ER:4)easurin* t2e distance fro) t2e *uard2ouse to t2e +lac> car5.&2e )easure)ent fro) t2e foot of t2e *uardpost up to t2e ri*2tfront door of t2e +lac> car is fifteen 4/E5 )eters.x x xIN&ERPRE&ER:4Measurin* t2e distance +et1een t2e +ode*a to t2e +lac> car5&2e )easure)ent fro) t2e front portion of t2e +ode*a 4papa8a5to t2e side of t2e +lac> car is //.3 )eters.xx xIN&ERPRE&ER:&2e )easure)entLt2e distance fro) 12ere suspect No. 7 1asstandin* to t2e *uard 2ouse 12en )easured is ,.9= )eters, 8our#onor.x x xIN&ERPRE&ER:&2e distance fro) 12ere suspect No. E 1as standin* up to t2e*uard 2ouse is E./, )eters.x x xCO$R&:After t2e de)onstration 12ile 1itness AleCo 1as de)onstratin*2o1Msuspect No. -N *ot t2eclutc2+a*and2o1Msuspect No.-N*ra++ed t2e nec> of t2e driver of t2e +lac> car, t2e "ud*e 1asat t2e *uard post and sa1 for 2i)self t2at MAleCoN clearl8 sa1 t2eta>in* of t2e clutc2 +a* even if t2e untinted 1indo1s 1ere closedand t2e pullin* of t2e driver of t2e +lac> car.(/1)P7In.8. Ca.-399o, on re-direct exa)ination testified t2at Att8. ansanoactivel8 assisted "oel de "esus durin* t2e ti)e t2e latterBs SinumpaangSalaysay 1as +ein* ta>en +8 PO- 6arcia, "r. &2ere 1ere Huestions propounded to"oel 12ic2 Att8. ansano 2ad told "oel not to ans1er, and advice 1as *iven +8 saidcounsel.&2e8 left ;ue in t2e afternoon andreturnedtot2eCP%C2eadHuarters.#e )aintainedt2at all t2eaccused1ere+rou*2t +efore t2e Cit8 Prosecutor for inHuest proceedin*s prior to t2e filin* of t2einfor)ation in court.(/2)S6.anSa;on-+&A>ad399a testifiedt2at t2eirfa)il8incurredexpensesfort2e +urial of 2er 2us+and, repair of t2e #onda Accord and loss of t2e .=E cal *oldcuppistol andO)e*a1atc2durin*t2es2ootin*of 2er 2us+and.2efurt2ertestifiedt2at s2e 1as ver8s2oc>edandsaddened+8t2e tra*ic deat2of 2er2us+and.'ecause s2e led a practicall8 s2eltered life, it 1as difficult for 2er, as it1as t2e older c2ildren 12o 1ere no1 ta>in* care of t2eir +usinesses, 12ic2 1ereattendedto+82er2us+and12en2e1asstill alive. &2ree495of 2er ei*2t 435c2ildren1erestill stud8in*4Ana, /=F Nico, /9F and'", /.5, andone2adCust*raduated last Marc2 /::,.(/3)Merlito #er+as, in 2is Karagdagang Salaysay dated "une -/, /::7,identified "oel de "esus in a police line-up at t2e CI%-CP%C, Ca)p Aarin*al, asone4/5 of t2ose)en12os2ot t2evicti)on"une/9, /::7.(/$)#o1ever, not2avin* +een presented +8 t2e prosecution as 1itness, 2e testified for t2e defensedeclarin* t2at none of t2ose 12o) 2e sa1 durin* t2e s2ootin* incident 1as presentinside t2e courtroo).#e produced a list of a)ounts 2e 2ad received fro) Ma8orA+adilla, totalin* P9.,...... in support of 2is clai) t2at Ma8or A+adilla did notfulfill 2is pro)ise to *ive 2i) exactl8 t2e sa)e salar8 2e 1as receivin* as securit8*uard4P7,......)ont2l8onl8insteadof t2e P3,......2eusedtoreceiveas)ont2l8pa85, alt2ou*22ead)itted2avin*sta8edfor freeinsidet2eA+adillaco)pound fro) "ul8 //, /::7 up to Nove)+er -7, /::7.#e 1as later told t2at 2e1ould no lon*er +e presented as 1itness +ecause t2e testi)on8 of AleCo 1ould +esufficient.(/5)D+4+n.+ E23d+n,+All t2e accused raised t2e defense of alibi, 2i*2li*2ted t2e ne*ative findin*sof +allistic and fin*erprint exa)inations, and furt2er alle*ed torture in t2e 2ands ofpolice officers and denial of constitutional ri*2ts durin* custodial investi*ation.P7In.8. R+yna9doD. d+G6=;an, firear)s exa)iner andC2ief of t2e0irear)s%ivisionoft2ePNP Cri)eLa+orator8,testifiedt2at 2econductedanexa)ination of t2e slu* recovered fro) t2e +od8 of Col. A+adilla, as per reHuest oft2e CP%C for cross-)atc2in* 1it2 a +ullet also recovered fro) t2e +od8 of anot2ers2ootin* victi), useso de %ios, i.!., 12et2er or not t2e8 1ere fired fro) one 4/5and t2e sa)e firear).(//)&2e result of t2eir )icroscopic exa)ination 1as t2at t2eaforesaid +ullets 1ere fired fro) t2e sa)e firear).(/#)D5. +..+R+yC56+9, )edico-le*al officer of t2eC#R, testifiedt2at 2eexa)ined accused Cesar 0ortuna,Ra)eses de "esus, Lenido Lu)ano* on "une -E,/::7and Lorenenfro)insidet2e#ondaAccordnor 1ast2erean8fin*erprint ta>enof t2elateRolando A+adilla 4onl8 t1o M-N fin*erprints 1ere ta>en fro) 2is car5.D2en as>edif a person opened t2e car 2oldin* onl8 t2e +ac> portion of t2e 2andle, t2e 1itnessans1ered t2at t2ere 1ould li>e1ise +e no fin*erprint on t2e outside of t2e car.(#5)o+9 d+ +.6. testified t2at on "une /:, /::7, at around 9:.. oBcloc> in t2eafternoon, 2e1asat t2eirstreet cornerfixin*2istric8cleand1as1it2 ArturoNapolitano and 0elicisi)o #errera.A van stopped and six 475 ar)ed )en ali*2tedfro)it, a)on*12o)2e reco*nino1 12en t2e8 c2ar*ed 2i) 1it2 rape on "anuar8 /,,/::=,fro) 12ic2c2ar*e 2e 1as acHuitted on "une /:,/::75.#e even *reetedsaid cops, +ut t2e8 forced 2i) into t2e van, and 2andcuffed and +lindfolded t2et2ree 495 of t2e).&2e8 1ere +rou*2t to a certain 2ouse 12ere t2e8 1ere +oxed,>ic>edandsla))edont2e1all.D2en2is+lindfold1asre)oved, t2epoliceofficers 1ere forcin* 2i) to ad)it t2at 2e >illed A+adilla. Capt. Rodolfo 1as alsot2ere and 2e later identified t2e rest of t2ose 12o pic>ed 2i) up as Ro)ulo ales,Lt. Castillo, 'artolo)e 'alu8ot, MaCor Re8es andCataluOa.After 2e denied2avin* an8t2in* to do 1it2 t2e >illin*, PO- &arala tried to suffocate 2i) 1it2 aplastic +a*. #e could not +reat2e and lost consciousness. Recountin* 2is ordeal intears, t2e 1itness said t2at for one 4/5 2our 2is captors repeatedl8 inserted a plastic+a* and +oxed 2i). A 8oun*er loo>in* )an t2en slapped 2i) sa8in* t2at t2e82ad a)+us2ed 2is fat2er. D2ile detained, 2e 1as onl8 *iven 1ater to drin> andnot allo1ed to contact 2is relatives.#e 1as as>ed to si*n +8 Lt. Castillo a seven4,5-pa*e docu)ent, torturin* 2i) if 2e refused to do so. &2ere 1ere alread8 ot2ersi*natures on t2e ed*e and ever8 pa*e of said docu)ent 4SinumpaangSalaysay dated "une -., /::75.#e deniedt2e contents of t2is state)ent +utad)itted t2at 2e 1as +rou*2t to t2e I'P Office, ;ueentot2e;uein*if 2e1as"oel de"esus.D2enLt.Castillo ans1ered in t2e affir)ative, t2e )an Cust si*ned t2e docu)ent.#e denied2avin* )et Att8. Confesor ansano, nor 1as 2e told of 2is ri*2t to t2e assistance ofcounselF 2e even told t2e) t2e na)e of 2is la18er at t2at ti)e, +ut t2e8 Cust said,?'as marunong ka pa sa amin.@(#/)&estif8in* on cross-exa)ination, "oel insisted t2at on "une /9, /::7, 2e 1ent2o)e at around /.:.. oBcloc> in t2e evenin*.#e started pl8in* 2is route at 7:..oBcloc> in t2e )ornin*F 2e 1as 2ired (inarkila5 +8 a passen*er 12o as>ed 2i) to+rin* 2er to an albularyo in Roosevelt Avenue, Novalic2es.#e ad)itted t2is 1ast2e first ti)e 2e )entioned t2is, as it 1as not )entioned in 2is Affidavits(##) 12ic21ere prepared +8 t2e police.Att8. Lupino Lano1s1ast2at 2isco-accused 1ere pic>ed up fro) t2eir place, and 2e sa1 t2e) onl8 durin* t2e pressconference.#eaffir)edt2econtents of t2e SinumpaangSalaysay 2eexecuted+efore Police MaCor 4Pol. MaC.5 Escote 1it2 t2e assistance of Att8. Lano1nas ?&a+on*@ in t2eir localit8.#e also filed a co)plaint +efore t2e C#R a*ainst t2esa)e police officers.(81) C+.a5Fo5-6na testifiedt2at 2e 1as a )e)+er of t2e PNPassi*nedatCa*a8an de Oro Cit8.#e ca)e to Manila on "une ,, /::7, as 2e 1as ordered +82issuperior,Col. Ro+ertoacra)ento, toattendtot2edocu)entsreHuiredforreassi*n)ent of so)e of t2eir co)panions 4as evidenced +8 a used uper 0err8tic>et and an unused return tic>et for "une -., /::75.On "une //, /::7, 2e 1ent tot2e PNP %irectorate for Personnel at t2e office of Insp. Oscar Alcala.#o1ever, ont2e ni*2t of "une /:, /::7, 2e 1as arrested +8 PARAC operatives 12ile 2e 1as att2e 2ouse of an acHuaintance, Ra)eses de "esus,in Ru+8 t., 0airvie1.#e 2ad+rou*2t for repair a0ordMaveric>Model B7:re*isteredint2ena)eof Col.acra)ento. At //:.. oBcloc> in t2e evenin*, 2is )ec2anic road-tested t2e car,+ut since 2e 1as left alone, 2e decided to *o to t2e 2ouse of Ra)eses 12ic2 1asnear t2e s2op.everal ar)ed police)en arrived and entered t2e 2ouse ofRa)eses.Not findin*Ra)esest2ere, t2e8as>ed2i)insteadto*oalon*1it2t2e). #e 1as )ade to +oard an o1ner-t8pe Ceep and i))ediatel8+lindfolded.After one 4/5 2our, t2e8 arrived at a place 12ic2 2e 1as told 1as t2eoffice of PARAC.o)e+od8 approac2ed 2i) and 2e felt a li*2terBs fla)e touc22is c2in.#e t2en identified 2i)self as a police)an, +ut 1as onl8 told: ?Walangpulis pulis dito.@&2e8 >ept on as>in* 2i) 12ere Ra)eses could +e found.till+lindfolded, 2eledt2e)toPal)erau+division12ere2e>ne1Ra)eses2adanot2er2ouse. $ponreac2in* Pal)era, 2is+lindfold 1asre)oved,+ut 2e 1asuna+le to locate t2e 2ouse until t2e8 1ent 2o)e at E:.. p.). In t2e )ornin* of"une -., /::7, t2e police)en told 2i) t2at 2e 1as Cust confusin* t2e) 4nililito5,+ut 2e explained t2at 2e 2ad +een to t2at 2ouse onl8 once. &2e driver of t2e #ondaCivic 1as alread8 an*r8 at 2i) and inserted a .=E cal pistol in 2is )out2.&2e81ent +ac>tot2ePARACoffice, and2e 1as interro*ateda+out t2e A+adilla>illin*.#e 1as infor)ed t2at 2e 1as +ein* i)plicated as so)e+od8 2ad pointed at2i).D2en 2e still denied 2avin* an8 >no1led*e a+out t2e a)+us2-sla8, 2e 1asrepeatedl8 suffocated 1it2 a plastic +a* placed on 2is 2ead 12ile 2e 1as2andcuffed and +lindfolded.After one 4/5 2our and due to 2ards2ip 2e suffered, 2eCust told t2e) 2e 1ould ad)it 12atever it 1as t2e8 1anted 2i) to ad)it. #e saidt2at 2e acted as a loo>-out.&2e8 2ad 2i) cop8 a prepared s>etc2 and 12en 2is+lindfold1asfinall8re)oved, so)eoneintroduced2i)self asCol. 'artolo)e'alu8ot 12o told 2i) 2e Cust 2ad to o+e8 and 2e 1ould not +e 2urt. MaC. 6eor*eRe8es arrived, loo>edat t2es>etc2andsaidit 1as not t2eplace12ereCol.A+adilla 1as a)+us2ed.#e 1as +la)ed for t2at fiasco even as 2e said it 1as t2e812opreparedt2es>etc2.After an2our,t2e8returnedtoPal)erau+division,Novalic2es and t2is 1as alread8 +et1een -:.. and 9:.. p.).After roundin* t2earea, 2efoundt2e2ouse, +ut Ra)eses1asnot t2ere.#e1as)adetosit t2e12ole ni*2t in t2e >itc2en.(81)

0ortuna continued to narrate t2at on "une -/, /::7, 2e 1as )ade to lie do1nona+enc2covered1it2a6Is2eet and1asas>ed12eret2efirear)ofCol.A+adilla 1as. D2en2e ans1eredt2at 2e reall8didnot >no1a+out it, t2e8electrocuted2i)andpouredcold1ateron2is+od8.#etoldt2e)t2at ift2e8needed a *un, 2e 2ad a *un in a)paloc, a .=E cal licensed firear).&2ereupon,t2e8 as>ed 2i) to *o to t2at place 12ere %ante Montevir*en 1as t2e*uns)it2.Onl8 t2e police)en ali*2ted fro) t2e ve2icle and tal>ed toMontevir*en.#e sa1 t2at Montevir*en *ave t2e) t1o 4-5 firear)s,after 12ic2t2e8 1ent +ac> to t2e PARAC office.On 2is licensed firear), 2e Cust +rou*2t t2isfor repair on Ma8 /., /::7, sa8in* ?ayaw mag+automati*,@ 12ile t2e ot2er *un+elon*ed to Capt. Re*is, and t2ese 1ere covered +8 receipts.Next, t2e8 as>ed 2i)a+out t2e Rolex 1atc2 of Col. A+adilla. D2en 2e denied 2avin* an8 >no1led*ea+out it, 2e 1as a*ain electrocuted.#e 2ad filed a co)plaint +efore t2e C#R fort2e inCuries inflicted on 2i) and t2e violation of 2is ri*2ts.Aside fro) t2is caseandt2ec2ar*eof ille*al possessionof firear)s, 2e1asalsoc2ar*ed1it2anad)inistrative case and a cri)inal co)plaint for carnappin* 4of t2e AIAPride5.&2e carnappin* co)plaint 1as dis)issed +8 Assistant Prosecutor A)olinon epte)+er -9, /::7.&2e %ecision issued +8 PIr. upt. Rodolfo N. Caisip oft2e PNP #eadHuarters &raffic Mana*e)ent 6roup also dis)issed Ad)inistrativeCase No. :7-.:-.9. #e insisted t2at on t2e )ornin* of "une /9, /::7, 2e 1as atCa)p Cra)e follo1in* up t2e reassi*n)ent papers of 2is collea*ues, s2o1in* t2eletter-order issued+8Col. acra)ento. #esa1PO9Ra)onMan in t2e )ornin*.#eleft said office as soon as 2e *ot t2e folder, si*ned t2eir lo*+oo>, *ave it to PO=Mercado of t2e Office of PNP Personnel #i*21a8 Patrol.&2en 2e 1ent 2o)e toeat +efore proceedin* to t2e Metro &raffic 0orce, Central %istrict at t2e office ofCol. "uanito de 6ued inside, and 2e for*ot 12at its plate nu)+er 1as.#e ad)itted t2at 2e 1asa+le to use said )otorc8cle in "une /::7 even 1it2 t2e )issin* fender. #e left t2e)otorc8cle at 6ate -, Ca)p Cra)e +efore leavin* for Ca*a8an de Oro Cit8F as to2is car, 2e left it at Pier -.#e ad)itted t2at 2e 1as t2e sa)e person c2ar*ed 1it2>idnappin* and serious ille*al detention 1it2 ranso) in Cri)inal Case No. :7-9/-,12ic2 1as filed on "ul8 /E, /::7 in Ma+alacat, Pa)pan*a a*ainst 2i), Lu)ano*and Ra)eses +8 a certain %r. "esusa dela Cruedstandin* outside at t2e +alcon8.#e sa1 so)eoneBs 2and, +ut not t2e 12ole +od8of t2at personto12o)2e1ass2o1nt2at ni*2t, and2eCust 2eardfro)t2epolice)en 2e 2ad +een positivel8 identified.(8$) 0ortunaBsclai)t2at 2e1asat Ca)pCra)efollo1in*uppapersint2e)ornin* of "une /9, /::7 1as corro+orated +8 Oscar Alcala 4C2ief Cler> of t2eRecruit)ent andelection%ivision5andPO-Ra)onMancontainin*t2erecordoft2edocu)entsandtransaction1it20ortuna, as it could not +e located, as it *ot lost after t2e office renovation in t2eearl8part of/::,.A xeroxcop8oft2elo*+oo>entr81aspresentedincourt4Ex2i+it ?,.@5.(85) #o1ever, said 1itness ad)itted 2e 1as not t2e custodian of t2esaid lo*+oo>, and 2e did not 2ave personal >no1led*e of t2e date and ti)e of t2eentries in Ex2i+it ?,.@F it 1as also PO- Manentr8.(8/)Manenfro))e,ever8t2in* 1as still fres2 and t2ere 1ere so )an8 t2in*s t2at I 1anted to sa8 +ut I1as not a+le to sa8 +ecause masama pa ang aking pakiramdam. Neit2er did 2e)ention it to 0iscal Refuer 2i) a+out it.(88)#e 2ad +rou*2t up suc2 )atter 1it2 2is la18er inanot2er case not +efore t2e sala of t2e presidin* Cud*e in t2is case.(80)Lo5+n=o d+9o. San-o. testified t2at on "une /9, /::7, 2e left 2is 2ouse at0airvie1 and +oarded a +us +ound for ;uiapo.$pon reac2in* ;uiapo, 2e 2eard)ass in;uiapoC2urc2until around3:9.a.).#e arrivedint2eir office at'inondo on "une /9, /::7 at ::9. a.).#e re)e)+ered *oin* to t2e office of t2e0elipe antos 'ro>era*e in t2e sa)e +uildin* to c2ec> on t2e date of arrival of acertain s2ip)ent.&2ereafter, 2e 1ent +ac> to 2is office and sta8ed t2ere until -:9.p.).#e left 2is place of 1or> a+out =:9. in t2e afternoon and 1ent to a client 12oinvited 2i) to drin> at t2e 2ouse of 2is +rot2er so)e12ere in ;ue alon*.&2ere 1ere t1o 4-5 1o)en inside aside fro)police)en, and 2e 1as el+o1ed +8 a police)an to si*n a docu)ent.#e si*ned itout of fear, and t2e docu)ent 1as 2anded +8 t2e police)en to a )an 12o enteredt2e roo), 12o) 2e later ca)e to >no1 as Att8. 0lori)ond Rous. #e 1as +rou*2tto anot2er floor at t2e 0iscalBs Office 12ile 2e 1as still li)pin*. o)e+od8 t2ereas>ed 128 2e 1as in t2at condition, +ut one 4/5 of 2is police co)panions el+o1ed2i) so 2e Cust said it 1as not2in*. A )an 12o 1as pro+a+l8 t2e 0iscal si*ned t2edocu)ent, andt2e8 left at around t2eafternoon.(01) Loren, t2e lo*+oo> entr8 on 2is supposed transaction in t2e Office of t2e%irectorate for Personnel and Recruit)ent at Ca)p Cra)e 1as a )ere p2otocop8,and also, as in t2e case of Ra)eses, 2e never )entioned suc2 di**in* activit8 inPa)pan*a in t2e s1orn co)plaint 2e 2ad filed +efore t2e C#RF 495Au*ustoBs alibi 1assupportedonl8+82is+rot2er-in-la1,andit1assi)pl8notusual for )enfol>, instead of 1o)en, in our fa)il8 culture, to fetc2 a 1o)an 12o2ad Cust *iven +irt2 at t2e 2ospital, aside fro) t2e o+servation t2at Au*usto could2ave *one strai*2t to 0a+ella #ospital in ta. Crual isirrelevant to t2e >illin* of Col. A+adilla inas)uc2 as 'aton*+a>al doesnot appear priv8 to t2e actual co))ission of t2e cri)e of )urder in t2ecase at +ar.If at all, t2ose pieces of additional evidence 1ill at )ost +e)erel8 corro+orative to t2e defense of ali+i and denial of 2ereinpetitioners.PetitionersB alternative pra8er t2at t2is Court ?itself conduct2earin*s and receive evidence on t2e A'' an*le@ is not 1ell ta>en fort2e reason t2at t2e upre)e Court is not a trier of facts.(113) Accused-petitionerBs)otionforreconsiderationoft2ea+ovedecision1asdenied 1it2 finalit8 on Nove)+er -., -../.(11$)On epte)+er /,, -..-, t2is Courtli>e1ise denied for lac> of )erit t2e )otion for ne1 trial and related relief datedApril -7, -..- filed +8 counsel for said accused-petitioner.(115) Pursuant to our decision in %!opl! .. 'at!o,(11/) t2is case 1as transferred tot2e Court of Appeals for inter)ediate revie1 on "anuar8 /3, -..E.(11#)R693n< o4 -*+ CA On April /, -..3, t2e CA rendered t2e assailed decision, t2us:D#ERE0ORE, in t2e li*2t of t2e fore*oin*, t2e i)pu*neddecisionis A00IRME%1it2t2eMO%I0ICA&IONt2at t2eaccused-appellantsaresentencedeac2tosuffer r!*lusionp!rp!tua 1it2out t2e+enefit of parole.In all ot2er respects, t2e lo1er courtBs decision is A00IRME%.Costs a*ainst appellants.O OR%ERE%.(118)&2e CAup2eld t2e conviction of t2e accused-appellants +ased on t2ecredi+lee8e1itnesstesti)on8of AleCo, 12ovividl8recounted+eforet2etrialcourt t2eir respective positions and participation in t2e fatal s2ootin* of A+adilla,2avin* +een a+le to1itness closel8 2o1t2e8 co))itted t2e cri)e.Ont2esufficienc8 of prosecution evidence to esta+lis2 appellantsB *uilt +e8ond reasona+ledou+t and t2e scant 1ei*2t of t2eir defense of alibi, as 1ell as t2e alle*ations oftorture and inti)idation in t2e 2ands of t2e police investi*ator and ne*ative resultsof +allistic and fin*erprint tests, t2e CA ruled as follo1s:%espite a len*t28 and ex2austive cross-exa)ination +8 t2edefensecounsel, e8e1itness AleCostuc>tot2eessentialsof2isstor8,includin* t2e identification of t2e persons 12o >illed Col. A+adilla.#e1as onl8 ten 4/.5 )eters a1a8 fro) t2e lo*us *rimini. tandin* on anelevated *uard2ouse, 2e 2ad a close and uno+structed vie1 of t2e 12oleincident.#e 1as in a vanta*e position to clearl8 reco*niarapatan n* )*a)a)a)a8an na natatala sa ali*an* 'atas 4sa 'ill of Ri*2ts5 a82indi )*a paraan upan* an* isan* tuna8 na )a8 pa*>a>asala nala+a*sa+atas, a8)a>ali*tas sanararapat napa*durusa.An*tuna8nala8uninn*)*atad2anan*i8onn*ali*an*'atasa81alan* i+a >undi ti8a>in na sinu)an* nililitis a8 )a*>aroon n*sapat na pa*>a>ataon at paraan na )aipa*tan**ol an* sarili,+u>od sa pa*+a+a1al n*pa*tan**ap n* >ati+a8an 4evidence5la+an sa >an8a na +un*a n* pa*pipilit, da2as at i+a pan* paraan*la+a* sa >an8an* >aloo+an.@&orepeat, assu)in*t2at appellantsB alle*ationsoftorture1eretrue, t2e sa)e do not exculpate t2e) fro) lia+ilit8 for t2e cri)e 12ic2t2e People 2ad adeHuatel8 esta+lis2ed +8 independent evidence, neit2er1as t2eir clai) t2at t2e results of t2e +allistics test purportedl8 s2o1in*t2at t2e +ullets and +ullet s2ells found in t2e cri)e scene did not )atc21it2 an8 of t2e firear)s supposedl8 in t2eir possession.'ut t2ese+allistic results are inconclusive and can never prevail over appellantsBpositive identification +8 e8e1itness 0reddie AleCo as t2e persons 12operpetrated t2e a)+us2-sla8 of Col. A+adilla.'esides, t2ere is nos2o1in*t2at t2efirear)ssupposedl8foundinappellantsB possessionlon* after t2e incident 1ere t2e sa)e ones t2e8 used in t2e a)+us2-sla8.(110)

In its Resolution(121) dated Octo+er -3, -..3, t2e CA denied t2e )otions forreconsideration respectivel8 filed +8 0ortuna and "oel de "esus.(121)Ra)esesde"esusand"oel de"esusfilednoticesofappeal(122) 46.R. No./3,,=E5, 12ile0ortuna46.R. No. /3E/-95, andLu)ano*and Au*ustoantos46.R. No. /3-EEE5 filed t2eir respective petitions for revie1.On Au*ust 7, -..:,6.R. No. /3,,=E 1as ordered consolidated 1it2 t2e alread8 consolidated petitionsin 6.R. Nos. /3-EEE and /3E/-9.(123)In vie1 of t2e Cud*)ent of t2e CA i)posin*t2e penalt8 of r!*lusion p!rp!tua, said petitions for revie1 are treated as appeals,in accordance1it2 A.M. No. ..-E-.9-C (1m!ndm!ntstoth!2!.is!d2ul!so3Criminal %ro*!dur!to4o.!rnD!ath%!naltyCas!s5(12$)12ic2providesunderRule /-= 4c5:4c5 In cases 12ere t2e Court of Appeals i)poses r!*lusionp!rp!tua, life i)prison)ent or a lesser penalt8, it s2all render and enterCud*)ent i)posin* suc2 penalt8. &2e Cud*)ent )a8 +e appealed to t2eupre)e Court +8 notice of appeal filed 1it2 t2e Court of Appeals.A88+99an-.? A5e a real and 2onest revie1 of t2eappealedcase.&2ere1asafailureof appellaterevie1,renderin*itsdecision void.-. &2e affir)ation of t2e conviction over-relies on t2e testi)on8 of onealle*ed e8e1itness, 0reddie AleCo.9. &2e affir)ation of t2e conviction )isappreciates t2e ali+i evidencefor t2e defense.=. &2e affir)ation of conviction *ravel8 erred 12en it undul8disre*arded ot2er pieces of vital evidence.E. &2e penalt8 i)posed +8 t2e Court of Appeals is unconstitutional.(125)On 2is part, 0ortuna alle*es t2at:I.&2e #onora+le Court of Appeals co))itted serious error and *ravel8a+used its discretion 12en it affir)ed t2e conviction of t2e petitioner and2is co-accused +ased solel8 on t2e incredi+le and contradictede8e1itness account of ecurit8 6uard 4I65 AleCo.II. &2e #onora+le Court of Appeals seriousl8 erred and *ravel8 a+usedits discretion in not considerin* t2e defense of petitioner 2erein despitet2e 1ea>ness of t2e evidence of t2e prosecution.III.&2e #onora+le Court seriousl8 erred in favorin* t2e prosecution ont2e +allistic test s2o1in* t2at t2e +ullets and +ullet s2ells found in t2ecri)e scene did not )atc2 1it2 an8 firear)s supposedl8 in petitionerBspossessionF evidence 12ic2 1as supposed to support t2e t2eor8 of t2eprosecution.D2en suc2 p28sical evidence did not favor t2eprosecutionBs t2eor8 t2e sa)e 1as still ta>en a*ainst t2e petitioner.I!.&2e#onora+leCourt of Appeals seriousl8erredindisre*ardin*alle*ations andproof of tortureand)altreat)ent +8policeofficersa*ainst t2e petitioner in affir)in* 2is conviction.(12/) Appellants assail t2e 12olesale adoption, if not ver+ati) cop8in*, +8 t2e CAof t2e factual narration, as 1ell as t2e ar*u)ents for and disposition of t2e )eritsof t2e case fro) t2e Consolidated 'rief for t2e Appellees, 12ic2 in turn is +ased ont2e)e)orandu)su+)itted+8t2eprivateprosecutors tot2etrial court.&2isano)al8,accordin*tot2eappellants, 12ic21asa**ravated+8t2einsufficientfindin*s of fact and a+sence of actual discussion of t2e assi*n)ent of errors raised+8eac2appellant +eforet2eCA, resultedint2efailureofinter)ediaterevie11it2out an8 independent findin*s and resolution of i)portant issues of t2e case,t2us renderin* t2e CA decision void. #ence, appellants see> not Cust to overturn orreverse t2e CA decision +ut also to declare it null and void, +8 1a8 of ?radicalrelief@ fro) t2is Court. On t2e )erits, appellants principall8 contend t2at t2e CA *ravel8 erred in itsover-reliance on t2e pro+le)atic identification provided +8 t2e prosecutionBs lonee8e1itness, securit8 *uard AleCo.&2e CAsi)pl8 did not rule on Huestionsconcernin* t2e credi+ilit8 of said e8e1itness t2rou*2 t2e ?totalit8 ofcircu)stances@test.&2e8alsofault t2eCAfor )isappreciatin*t2eir co))ondefenseof alibi, t2usdisre*ardin*exculpator8docu)entar8evidenceincludin*ne*ative results of +allistic and fin*erprint exa)inations, and evidence of torture12ic2 appellants 2ad suffered in t2e 2ands of police investi*ators. EHuall8deplora+le is t2e trial and appellate courtsB refusal to ad)it evidence co)in* fro)under*round revolutionar8 forces, in particular t2e A'' 12ic2 clai)edresponsi+ilit8for t2e >illin*of Col. A+adilla, a notorious )ilitar82enc2)andurin*t2e)artial la1era. Appellants)aintaint2at violationsofconstitutionalri*2ts 2ave +een 2eld as a *round for acHuittal or dis)issal in certain cases. In one4/5 case, t2e lon* dela8 in t2e ter)ination of preli)inar8 investi*ation 1as foundto +e violative of t2e accusedBs constitutional ri*2ts to procedural due process andspeed8dispositionofcasesand1ascausefort2edis)issal oft2ecase+8t2isCourt as a )atter of ?radical relief.@ 0inall8, t2e appellants ar*ue t2at t2e penalt8 of r!*lusion p!rp!tua ?1it2outt2e+enefit of parole@)eted+8 t2eCA pursuanttoec.9 of R.A.No.:9=7 isunconstitutional. Article III, ection /: 4/5 of t2e /:3, Constitution provides t2at?an8 deat2 penalt8 i)posed s2all +e reduced to r!*lusion p!rp!tua.@ &2ere is no)entionof?1it2out t2e+enefit ofparole@or?s2all not +eeli*i+leforparole@t2erein. Appellants contend t2at t2e Huestioned provisions of R.A. No. :9=7constitute encroac2)ents or dilutions of t2e PresidentBs +road, if not near a+solute,constitutional po1er of executive cle)enc8, +ased not onl8 on Article !II, ec. /:,+ut alsoonconstitutional traditionandCurisprudence.Alt2ou*2t2esaid sectiondoes not explicitl8 )ention ?parole@ as a for) of executive cle)enc8,constitutional tradition and Curisprudence indicate it to +e suc2.In -!soro ..Dir!*tor o3 %risons,(12#) for instance, it 1as 2eld t2at t2e po1er to pardon *iven tot2e President +8 t2e Constitution includes t2e po1er to *rant and revo>eparoles.&2e aforesaid provision of R.A. No. :9=7 also inflicts an in2u)anpunis2)ent, 12ic2ispro2i+ited+8t2e Constitution, andalsoviolatest2eeHualprotection clause of t2e 'ill of Ri*2ts.O65 R693nforanot2erone.A la18erprovided+8t2einvesti*ators is dee)eden*a*ed+8t2e accused12en2e does not raise an8o+Cection a*ainst t2e counselBs appoint)ent durin* t2e course of t2e investi*ation,and t2e accused t2ereafter su+scri+es to t2e veracit8 of t2e state)ent+efore t2es1earin* officer.(1$2)&2e Huestion reall8 is 12et2er or not Att8. ansano 1as an independent andco)petent counselastosatisf8t2econstitutionalreHuire)ent.De2eldt2att2e)odifier*omp!t!nt andind!p!nd!nt int2e /:3,Constitutionis not ane)pt8r2etoric.Itstresses t2eneedtoaccordt2e accused, under t2euniHuel8 stressfulconditions of a custodial investi*ation, aninfor)edCud*)ent ont2e c2oicesexplained to 2i) +8 a dili*ent and capa+le la18er.(1$3)An effective and vi*ilantcounsel necessaril8 and lo*icall8 reHuires t2at t2e la18er +e present and a+le toadvise and assist 2is client fro) t2e ti)e t2e confessant ans1ers t2e first Huestionas>ed +8 t2e investi*atin* officer until t2e si*nin* of t2e extraCudicialconfession.Moreover, t2ela18er s2ouldascertaint2at t2econfessionis)adevoluntaril8 and t2at t2e person under investi*ation full8 understands t2e nature andt2econseHuenceof 2isextraCudicial confessioninrelationto2isconstitutionalri*2ts.Acontrar8rule1ouldundou+tedl8+eanta*onistictot2econstitutionalri*2ts to re)ain silent, to counsel and to +e presu)ed innocent.(1$$) Att8. ansano, 12o supposedl8 intervie1ed "oel and assisted t2e latter 12ilerespondin* toHuestions propounded +8 PO- 6arcia, "r., did not testif8 on12et2er 2e 2ad properl8 disc2ar*ed 2is duties to said client.D2ile PO- 6arcia,"r. testified t2at Att8. ansano 2ad as>ed "oel if 2e understood 2is ans1ers to t2eHuestions of t2e investi*atin* officer and so)eti)es stopped "oel fro) ans1erin*certain Huestions, PO- 6arcia, "r. did not sa8 if Att8. ansano, in t2e first place,verified fro) t2e) t2e date and ti)e of "oelBs arrest and t2e circu)stances t2ereof,or an8 previous infor)ation elicited fro) 2i) +8 t2e investi*ators at t2e station,and ifsaid counsel inspected "oelBs +od8 for an8 si*n or )ar> of p28sical torture. &2e ri*2t tocounsel 2as +een1rittenintoour Constitutioninorder toprevent t2e use of duress and ot2er undue influence in extractin* confessions fro)a suspect in a cri)e.&2e la18erBs role cannot +e reduced to +ein* t2at of a )ere1itness to t2e si*nin* of a pre-prepared confession, even if it indicated co)pliance1it2 t2e constitutional ri*2ts of t2e accused. &2e accused is entitled to effective,vi*ilant and independent counsel.(1$5)D2ere t2e prosecution failed to disc2ar*e t2etateBs +urden of provin* 1it2 clear and convincin* evidence t2at t2e accused 2adenCo8ed effective and vi*ilant counsel +efore 2e extraCudiciall8 ad)itted 2is *uilt,t2e extraCudicial confessioncannot +e *iven an8 pro+ative value.(1$/) Dit2 respect to t2e ot2er appellants, t2e8 1ere li>e1ise entitled to t2e ri*2ts*uaranteed+8t2eConstitution12ent2e81ere+rou*2t tot2epolicestationassuspects and 1ere, t2erefore under custodial investi*ation.(1$#)#o1ever, t2e8cannot si)pl8rel8ont2oseviolationsof constitutional ri*2tsdurin*custodialinvesti*ation, 12ic2 are relevant onl8 12en t2e conviction of t2e accused +8 t2etrial court is +ased on t2e evidence o+tained durin* suc2 investi*ation.(1$8) As fort2e )atters stated in t2e extraCudicial confession of appellant "oel, t2ese 1ere nott2e +asis for appellantsB conviction.It 2as to +e stressed furt2er t2at no confessionor state)ent +8 appellants 0ortuna, Lu)ano*, Au*usto and Ra)eses 1as used asevidence +8 t2e prosecution at t2e trial. After at2orou*2andcareful revie1, 1e2oldt2at t2ereexistssufficientevidence on record to sustain appellantsB conviction even 1it2out t2e extraCudicialconfession of appellant "oel de "esus. Alleations of !orture and"ntimidation&2eCourtnotes1it2ut)ost concernt2eseriousalle*ationsoftortureofappellants 12o 1ere du++ed +8 t2e )edia as t2e ?A+adilla E.@&2is 1as +rou*2t+8 appellants +efore t2e C#R 12ic2, in its Resolution dated "ul8 -7, /::7, did not)a>e an8 cate*orical findin* of p28sical violence inflicted on t2e appellants +8 t2epolice aut2orities.&2e C#R, 2o1ever, found prima 3a*i! evidence t2at respondentpolice officers could 2ave violated R.A. No. ,=93, particularl8 on visitorial ri*2tsand t2e ri*2t to counsel, includin* t2e la1 on ar+itrar8 detention, and accordin*l8for1ardedits resolutionto*et2er 1it2records of t2ecasetot2eecretar8of"ustice, ecretar8 of t2e %epart)ent of Interior and Local 6overn)ent, t2e PNP%irector 6eneral andt2e O)+uds)an tofile t2e appropriate cri)inal andIorad)inistrative actions a*ainst t2e person or persons responsi+le for violatin* t2e2u)an ri*2ts of t2e suspects as t2e evidence )a8 1arrant.(1$0)As per t2e)anifestation of appellants, t2e %O", after conductin* a preli)inar8 investi*ation,referred t2e )atter to t2e O)+uds)an in -..=.As of "ul8 -..,, t2e case +eforet2e O)+uds)an doc>eted as OM'-P-C-.=-/-7:ICPL-C-.=-/:7E 1as ?stillpendin* preli)inar8 investi*ation.(151) #iht to $peedy Disposition ofCasesAppellantsfurt2ercitet2eco))ent )ade+8t2e$nitedNations#u)anRi*2ts Co))ittee in its Co))unication No. /=77I-..7 t2at under t2ecircu)stances, t2ere 1as, insofar as t2e ei*2t 435-8ear dela8 in t2e disposition oft2eir appeal in t2e CA 1as concerned, a violation of Article /=, para*rap2 9 4c5 oft2e #nt!rnational Co.!nant on and %oliti*al 2ights 4/:775.It provides t2at int2e deter)ination of an8 cri)inal c2ar*e a*ainst 2i), ever8one s2all +e entitled, asa)on*t2e )ini)u)*uarantees providedt2erein, ?to+e tried1it2out unduedela8.@(151)ection/7,ArticleIIIoft2e /:3,Constitution providest2at ?all personss2all 2ave t2e ri*2t to a speed8 disposition of t2eir cases +efore all Cudicial, Huasi-Cudicial, orad)inistrative+odies.@(152) &2isprotectionextendstoallcitiet2econstitutional *uaranteeof ?speed8trial,@?speed8dispositionofcases@isaflexi+leconcept.It isconsistent 1it2dela8sanddependsupont2ecircu)stances.D2at t2eConstitutionpro2i+its areunreasona+le, ar+itrar8andoppressive dela8s, 12ic2 render ri*2ts nu*ator8.(15$) In t2is case, t2e records of Cri)inal Case No. ;-:7-7773= 1ere trans)ittedto t2is Court for auto)atic revie1 on 0e+ruar8 //, -....On epte)+er ,, -../,t2is Court rendered a decision dis)issin* t2e Petition for Certiorari 4Rule 7E5 andfor Extraordinar8 Le*al and EHuita+le Relief 46.R. No. /=-.7E5.'8 "une -..=,all appeal +riefs for t2epresent revie12ad+eenfiledandon"ul87, -..=,appellants filedaConsolidatedMotionfor Earl8%ecision.On%ece)+er /9,-..=, t2e8 filed a Motion for Earl8 %ecision.(155)'8 resolution of "anuar8 /3, -..E, 1e transferred t2is case to t2e CA forinter)ediate revie1, confor)a+l8 1it2 our pronounce)ent in %!opl! ..'at!o decided on "ul8 ,, -..=.AppellantsB $r*ent Motion for Reconsideration of&ransfer to t2e Court of Appeals filed on 0e+ruar8 -=, -..E 1as denied on Marc2-:, -..E.A si)ilar reHuest filedon"une-, -..E1asli>e1isedenied+8ourResolutiondated"ul8/-, -..E.(15/)At t2eCA, appellantsalso)ovedforearl8resolution of t2eir appeal after t2e case 1as su+)itted for decision on Nove)+er-:, -..7.&2e case re)ained unresolved due to a nu)+er of factors, suc2 as t2eCA internal reor*anionin* of t2eti)e involved 1ould not +e sufficient.(158)$nder t2e circu)stances, 1e 2old t2att2e dela8 of 4=5 four 8ears durin* 12ic2 t2e case re)ained pendin* 1it2 t2e CAand t2is Court 1as not unreasona+le, ar+itrar8 or oppressive. In several cases 12ere it 1as )anifest t2at due process of la1 or ot2er ri*2ts*uaranteed+8t2eConstitutionorstatutes2ave+eendenied, t2isCourt2asnotfaltered to accord t2e so-called ?radical relief@ to >eep accused fro) endurin* t2eri*ors and expense of a full-+lo1n trial.(150)In t2is case, 2o1ever, appellants arenot entitled to t2e sa)e relief in t2e a+sence of clear and convincin* s2o1in* t2att2e dela8 in t2e resolution of t2eir appeal 1as unreasona+le or ar+itrar8.C5+d3>393-y o4 Ey+@3-n+.. T+.-3;ony &i)eanda*ain, 1e2ave2eldt2at t2etesti)on8of asolee8e1itnessissufficient to support a conviction so lon* as it is clear, strai*2tfor1ard and 1ort28of credence +8 t2e trial court.(1/1) Indeed, 12en it co)es to credi+ilit8 of1itnesses,t2is Court accords t2e 2i*2est respect, even finalit8, to t2e evaluation)ade +8 t2e lo1er court of t2e testi)onies of t2e 1itnesses presented +efore it.&2is 2olds true not1it2standin* t2at it 1as anot2er Cud*e 12o presided at t2e trialand "ud*e "ai)e N. ala do1n at 2is *uard2ouse.In an8 case, t2e trial court didnot rel8solel8onsaidout-of-court identification considerin*t2at AleCoalsopositivel8 identified appellants durin* t2e trial. &2us, even assu)in* argu!ndo t2atAleCoBsout-of-court identification1as tainted1it2irre*ularit8, 2is su+seHuentidentification in court cured an8 fla1 t2at )a8 2ave attended it.(1#2)De 2ave 2eldt2at t2einad)issi+ilit8of apoliceline-upidentifications2ouldnot necessaril8foreclose t2e ad)issi+ilit8 of an independent in-court identification.(1#3)De also found none of t2e dan*er si*nals enu)erated +8 Patric> M. Dall, a1ell->no1naut2orit8ine8e1itnessidentification, 12ic2*ive1arnin*t2at t2eidentification)a8+e erroneous event2ou*2t2e )et2odusedis proper.&2edan*er si*nals contained in t2e list, 12ic2 is not ex2austive, are:4/5 t2e 1itness ori*inall8 stated t2at 2e could not identif8 an8oneF4-5 t2eidentif8in*1itness>ne1t2eaccused+eforet2ecri)e, +ut )adenoaccusation a*ainst 2i) 12en Huestioned +8 t2e policeF495 a serious discrepanc8 exists +et1een t2e identif8in* 1itnessB ori*inaldescription and t2e actual description of t2e accusedF4=5 +efore identif8in* t2e accused at t2e trial, t2e 1itness erroneousl8 identifiedso)e ot2er personF4E5 ot2er 1itnesses to t2e cri)e fail to identif8 t2e accusedF475 +efore trial, t2e 1itness sees t2e accused +ut fails to identif8 2i)F4,5 +efore t2e co))ission of t2e cri)e, t2e 1itness 2ad li)ited opportunit8 tosee t2e accusedF435 t2e 1itness and t2e person identified are of different racial *roupsF4:5 durin* 2is ori*inal o+servation of t2e perpetrator of t2e cri)e, t2e 1itness1as una1are t2at a cri)e 1as involvedF4/.5 a considera+le ti)e elapsed +et1een t2e 1itnessB vie1 of t2e cri)inal and2is identificationof t2e accusedF4//5 several persons co))itted t2e cri)eF and4/-5 t2e 1itness fails to )a>e a positive trial identification.(1#$)Appellantsnonet2elesspoint out t2ealle*edl8dou+tful priordescriptions*iven +8 AleCo, 12o 1as a+le to descri+e t2e p28sical appearance of onl8 t1o 4-5suspects in 2is state)ent:I8on* tu)uto> sa a>in a8 na>a-asul na t-s2irt, edad 9.-9E, EBE@-EB7@ an*taas, >ata)ta)an an* >ata1an, )ai>li an* +u2o>, kayumanggi.An* +aril ni8a a8tipon* =E o : )) na pistola. I8on* su)a>al sa +i>ti)a at nan*-a*a1 n* clutc2+a* nito a8 -E-9. an* edad, pa8at, )a2a+a an* +u2o> na na>atali, maitim, )a8taasna EBE@-EB7@,)ai>sidinan*+arilni8a atna>a-putin* polo.I8on* i+aa8)aarin* )a>ilala >o >un* )a>i>ita >o uli.(1#5)Appellants clai)ed t2at if AleCo 1as referrin* to appellant "oel de "esus 12opointed a *un at 2i), 2is description did not Ci+e at all since "oel de "esus 1as Cust--8earsoldandnot 9.-9E8earsof a*e, and12ostandsEB:@andnot EBE@[email protected] 1asappellant LenidoLu)ano*12o) AleCosa1ast2e*un)an 12o 2ad *ra++ed t2e victi) +8 t2e nec> after openin* t2e carBs left frontdoor, 2is description a*ain failed +ecause far fro) +ein* maitim,@ Lu)ano* 1asin fact fair-co)plexioned.De are not persuaded.AleCo positivel8 identified "oel de "esus in a line-upat t2e police station and a*ain inside t2e courtroo) as t2e first loo>out 12o pointeda *un at 2i).&2ou*2 2is esti)ate of "oelBs a*e 1as not precise, it 1as not t2at farfro) 2is true a*e, especiall8 if 1e consider t2at +ein* a tric8cle driver 12o 1asexposed dail8 to sunli*2t, "oelBs loo>s )a8 *ive a first i)pression t2at 2e is oldert2an 2is actual a*e.Moreover AleCoBs description of Lu)ano* as dar>-s>inned 1as)ade t1o 4-5 )ont2s prior to t2e dates of t2e trial 12en 2e 1as a*ain as>ed toidentif8 2i) in court. D2en defense counsel posed t2e Huestion of t2e discrepanc8inAleCoBsdescriptionof Lu)ano*12o1as t2enpresentedas 2avin*a fairco)plexion and 1as =. 8ears old, t2e private prosecutor )anifested t2e possi+leeffect of Lu)ano*Bs incarceration for suc2 len*t2 of ti)e as to )a>e 2isappearance different at t2e ti)e of trial. Appl8in*t2etotalit8-of-circu)stancestest, 1et2usreiteratet2at AleCoBsout-court-identificationis relia+le, for reasonst2at,3irst, 2e1as ver8near t2eplace 12ere A+adilla 1as s2ot and t2us 2ad a *ood vie1 of t2e *un)en,not to)ention t2at t2e t1o 4-5 loo>outs directl8 approac2ed 2i) and pointed t2eir *unsat t2e)F s!*ond, noco)petin*event too>placetodra12isattentionfro)t2eeventF third, AleCoi))ediatel8*ave2isdescriptionsof at least t1o4-5 of t2eperpetrators, 12ile affir)in* 2e could possi+l8 identif8 t2e ot2ers if 2e 1ould seet2e) a*ain, and t2e entire 2appenin* t2at 2e 1itnessedF and3inally, t2ere 1as noevidence t2at t2e police 2ad supplied or even su**ested to AleCo t2at appellants1ere t2e suspects, except for "oel de "esus 12o) 2e refused to Cust pinpoint on t2e+asis of a p2oto*rap2 s2o1n to 2i) +8 t2e police officers, insistin* t2at 2e 1ouldli>e to see saidsuspectinperson. Morei)portantl8, AleCo durin*t2etrial 2adpositivel8 identified appellant "oel de "esus independentl8 of t2e previousidentification )ade at t2e police station. uc2 in-court identification 1as positive,strai*2tfor1ard and cate*orical.Appellants contend t2at t2e su+seHuentacHuittal of Lorenin* to and fro infront of 2is *uard post prior to t2e s2ootin* incident, andas one 4/5 of t2e t1o 4-5 )en 12o pointed a *un at 2i) and ordered 2i) to *etdo1n, totall8 destro8ed said 1itnessB credi+ilit8 and eroded t2e trust1ort2iness ofeac2andever8uncorro+oratedtesti)on8 2e *ave incourt.&2is assertion isuntena+le.A verdict of acHuittal is i))ediatel8 finalF 2ence, 1e )a8 no lon*errevie1 t2e acHuittal of accused Lorene t2e acHuittal of t2e ot2er conspirators to )eritt2e reversal of 2is conviction for )urder.(1##)%allistic and finerprintexamination results areinconclusive and notindispensable Appellants deplore t2e trial courtBs disre*ard of t2e results of t2e +allistic andfin*erprint tests, 12ic2t2e8clai)s2ouldexoneratet2e)fro)lia+ilit8fort2e>illin*of A+adilla.&2esepiecesofevidence1erepresented+8t2edefensetoprovet2at t2ee)pt8s2ellsrecoveredfro)t2ecri)esceneanddefor)edslu*ta>en fro) t2e +od8 of A+adilla 1ere not fired fro) an8 of t2e firear)s seiillin*sofuseso de %ios and ot2er supposed victi)s of a)+us2-sla8 perpetrated +8suspected )e)+ers of t2e A''.0urt2er, none of t2e fin*erprints lifted fro) t2eAIA Pride, used +8 t2e *un)en as *eta1a8 ve2icle, )atc2ed an8 of t2e speci)ensta>en fro) t2e appellants. De are not persuaded.As correctl8 2eld +8 t2e CA, t2e ne*ative result of+allistic exa)ination 1as inconclusive, for t2ere is no s2o1in* t2at t2e firear)ssupposedl8 found in appellantsB possession 1ere t2e sa)e ones used in t2ea)+us2-sla8of A+adilla. &2e fact t2at +allistic exa)inationrevealedt2at t2ee)pt8 s2ells and slu* 1ere fired fro)anot2er firear)does not disproveappellantsB *uilt, as it 1as possi+le t2at different firear)s 1ere used +8 t2e) ins2ootin*A+adilla.(1#8)Neit2er 1ill t2e findin*t2at t2e e)pt8s2ells andslu*)atc2ed t2ose in anot2er cri)inal case alle*edl8 involvin* A'' )e)+ers, suc2t2att2e8could2ave+eenfiredfro)t2esa)efirear)s+elon*in*tosaidre+el*roup, exonerate t2e appellants 12o are on trial in t2is case and not t2e suspects inanot2er case.&o+e*in1it2, t2e prosecutionnever clai)edt2at t2e firear)sconfiscated fro) appellants, 12ic2 1ere t2e su+Cect of separate c2ar*es for ille*alpossession of firear)s, 1ere t2e sa)e firear)s used in t2e a)+us2-sla8 ofA+adilla.A +allistic exa)ination is not indispensa+le in t2is case.Even if anot2er1eapon 1as in fact actuall8 used in >illin* t2e victi), still, appellants 0ortuna andLu)ano* cannot escape cri)inal lia+ilit8 t2erefor, as t2e8 1ere positivel8identified +8 e8e1itness 0reddie AleCo as t2e ones 12o s2ot A+adilla to deat2.(1#0) As t2is Court 2eld in :!las*o .. %!opl!(181) --Asre*ardst2efailureoft2epolicetopresent a+allisticreport ont2eseven spent s2ells recovered fro) t2e cri)e scene, t2e sa)e does not constitutesuppression of evidence.A +allistic report serves onl8 as a *uide for t2e courts inconsiderin* t2e ulti)ate facts of t2e case. It 1ould +e indispensa+le if t2ere are nocredi+le e8e1itnesses to t2e cri)e inas)uc2 as it is corro+orative in nature. T*+85+.+n-a-3on o4 @+a8on. o5 -*+ .96699+-. 6.+d and >a993.-3,+%a;3na-3ona5+no- 85+5+A63.3-+. 4o5,on23,-3on. &2e *orpus d!li*ti andt2epositiveidentificationofaccused-appellant ast2eperpetrator oft2ecri)eare)ore t2an enou*2 to sustain 2is conviction. Even 1it2out a +allistic report, t2epositive identification +8 prosecution 1itnesses is )ore t2an sufficient to proveaccusedBs *uilt +e8ond reasona+le dou+t.In t2e instant case, .3n,+ -*+ 3d+n-3-y o4-*+ a..a39an- *a. >++n .6443,3+n-9y +.-a>93.*+d, a >a993.-3, 5+8o5- on -*+ .96+ d3.8+n.+d @3-* 3n 85o23n< 8+-3-3on+5?. +yond 5+a.ona>9+do6>-. MEMP#AI $PPLIE%.N &2e ne*ative result of t2e fin*erprint tests conducted +8 fin*erprint exa)inerRe)edios is li>e1ise inconclusive and unrelia+le.aid 1itness ad)itted t2at noprints 2ad +een lifted fro) insid! t2e AIA Pride and onl8 t1o 4-5 fin*erprints 1ereta>en fro) t2e car of A+adilla. Defense of Alibi Cannot&revail 'ver &ositive"dentificationAli+i is t2e 1ea>est of all defenses, for it is eas8 to fa+ricate and difficult todisprove, and it is for t2is reason t2at it cannot prevail over t2e positiveidentificationof t2eaccused+8t2e1itnesses.(181)&o+evalidfor purposes ofexoneration fro) a cri)inal c2ar*e, t2e defense of ali+i )ust +e suc2 t2at it 1ould2ave+eenp28sicall8i)possi+lefor t2epersonc2ar*ed1it2t2ecri)eto+eatt2e lo*us *riminis at t2e ti)e of its co))ission, t2e reason +ein* t2at no personcan +e in t1o places at t2e sa)e ti)e.&2e excuse )ust +e so airti*2t t2at it 1ouldad)it of no exception.D2ere t2ere is t2e least possi+ilit8 of accusedBs presence att2e cri)e scene, t2e ali+i 1ill not 2old 1ater.(182)%eepl8 e)+edded in our Curisprudence is t2e rule t2at positive identificationof t2e accused, 12ere cate*orical and consistent, 1it2out an8 s2o1in* of ill )otiveon t2e part of t2e e8e1itness testif8in*, s2ould prevail over t2e ali+i and denial ofappellants, 12ose testi)onies are not su+stantiated +8 clear and convincin*evidence.(183) #o1ever, noneof t2eappellants presentedclear andconvincin*excuses s2o1in*t2e p28sical i)possi+ilit8of t2eir +ein*at t2e cri)e scene+et1een 3:.. oBcloc> and ::.. oBcloc> in t2e )ornin* of "une /9, /::7. #ence, t2etrial court and CA did not err in reCectin* t2eir co))on defense of alibi.As to t2e failure of appellant Lu)ano* to ta>e t2e 1itness stand, indeed t2e*rave c2ar*es of )urder and ille*al possession of firear)s 1ould 2ave nor)all8i)pelledanaccusedtotestif8in2is defense, particularl812en2is lifeis atsta>e.As t2is Court o+served in %!opl! .. D!lm!ndo:(18$)An adverse inference )a8 also +e deduced fro) appellantSs failure to ta>et2e 1itness stand.D2ile 2is failure to testif8 cannot +e considered a*ainst 2i), it)a82o1ever 2elpindeter)inin*2is*uilt. BT*+6n+%89a3n+d4a3965+o4 -*+a,,6.+d -o -+.-34y, 6nd+5 a ,35,6;.-an,+ @*+5+ -*+ ,53;+ 3;86-+d -o *3; 3. .o.+53o6. -*a- 89a,+. 3n -*+ >a9an,+ *3. 2+5y 934+ and -*a- *3. -+.-3;ony ;3+-5ay *3;.+94.@Aninnocent person1ill at once naturall8ande)p2aticall8repel anaccusation of cri)e, as a )atter of self-preservation, and as a precaution a*ainstpreCudicin* 2i)self.ApersonBs silence, t2erefore, particularl8 12en it ispersistent, )a8Custif8aninferencet2at2eis not innocent.&2us,1e 2ave t2e*eneral principle t2at 12en an accused is silent 12en 2e s2ould spea>, incircu)stances 12ere an innocent person so situated 1ould 2ave spo>en, on +ein*accused of a cri)e, 2is silence and o)ission are ad)issi+le in evidence a*ainst2i).Accordin*l8,it2as+eenaptl8saidt2atsilence)a8+eassent as1ellasconsent,and )a8, 12ereadirect and specificaccusationof cri)eis )ade, +ere*arded under so)e circu)stances as a Huasi-confession.[185]T5+a,*+5y and E23d+n- P5+;+d3-a-3onA--+nd+d -*+ Co;;3..3on o4 -*+ C53;+ As re*ards t2e presence of treac2er8 as a Hualif8in* circu)stance, t2eevidenceclearl8s2o1edt2at t2eattac>ont2eunsuspectin*victi)--12o1asinside 2is car on a stop position in t2e )iddle of earl8 )ornin* traffic 12en 2e 1assuddenl8 fired upon +8 t2e appellants -- 1as deli+erate, sudden andunexpected.&2ere 1as si)pl8 no c2ance for A+adilla to survive t2e a)+us2-sla8,1it2 successive s2ots Huic>l8 fired at close ran*e +8 t1o 4-5 ar)ed )en on +ot2sides of 2is carF and )uc2 less to retaliate +8 usin* 2is o1n *un, as no less t2an -9*uns2ot 1ounds on 2is 2ead and c2est caused 2is instantaneous deat2.As 1e 2aveconsistentl8 ruled, t2e essence of treac2er8 is t2e sudden and unexpected attac> onan unsuspectin* victi) +8 t2e perpetrator of t2e cri)e, deprivin* t2e victi) of an8c2ance to defend 2i)self or to repel t2e a**ression, t2us insurin* its co))ission1it2out ris> to t2e a**ressor and 1it2out an8 provocation on t2e part of t2e victi).(18/) Evident pre)editation 1as li>e1ise properl8 appreciated +8 t2e trial court,not1it2standin*t2e inad)issi+ilit8 of "oel de "esusBs extraCudicial confessiondisclosin*indetail t2epre-planneda)+us2of A+adilla, apparentl8acontract>illin* in 12ic2 t2e perpetrators 1ere paid or expected to receive pa8)ent for t2eCo+. As correctl8 pointed out +8 t2e CA, AleCo 2ad stressed t2at as earl8 as ,:9. int2e )ornin* of "une /9, /::7, 2e alread8 noticed so)et2in* unusual *oin* on uponseein* t2e t1o 4-5 loo>outs 4appellants "oel de "esus and Lorenin* to and fro alon* Aatipunan Avenue infront of t2e +uildin* 2e 1as*uardin*. &rue enou*2, t2e8 1ere expectin* so)e+od8 to pass t2at 1a8, 12o 1asno ot2er t2an A+adilla drivin* 2is #onda Accord.After t2e lapse of )ore or lessone 4/5 2our, 2e alread8 2eard successive *uns2ots, 12ile in 2is *uard post, fro)t2e direction of t2e )iddle lane 12ere A+adillaBs car 1as surrounded +8 four 4=5)en carr8in* s2ort firear)s.All t2e fore*oin* disclosed t2e execution of a pre-conceived plan to >ill A+adilla. &2e essence of evident pre)editation is t2at t2eexecution of t2e cri)inal act is preceded +8 cool t2ou*2t and reflection upon t2eresolution to carr8 out cri)inal intent 1it2in a span of ti)e sufficient to arrive at acal) Cud*)ent.(18#)

&2etrial court andCA1eret2ereforecorrect indeclarin*t2eappellants*uilt8 as conspirators in t2e a)+us2-sla8 of A+adilla, t2e presence of treac2er8 andevident pre)editation Hualif8in* t2e >illin* to )urder under Art. -=3 oft2e Revised Penal Code, as a)ended.P5o8+5 P+na9-y &2e CA correctl8 )odified t2e deat2 penalt8 i)posed +8 t2e trial court.Att2e ti)e t2e cri)e 1as co))itted, t2e penalt8 for )urder 1as r!*lusionp!rp!tua to deat2. ince t2e penalt8 is co)posed of t1o 4-5 indivisi+le penalties,t2en for t2e purpose of deter)inin* t2e i)posa+le penalt8, Article 79 oft2e Revised Penal Code, as a)ended, )ust +e considered.It provides in part: /. D2en in t2e co))ission of t2e deed t2ere is present onl8 one a**ravatin* circu)stance, t2e *reater penalt8 s2all +e applied.Dit2t2epresenceoft2ea**ravatin*circu)stanceoftreac2er8andt2ere+ein* no )iti*atin* circu)stance, t2e 2i*2er penalt8 of deat2 s2ould +e i)posed.(188) In vie1, 2o1ever, of t2e passa*e of Repu+lic Act No. :9=7 entitled, ?An ActPro2i+itin* t2e I)position of %eat2 Penalt8 in t2e P2ilippines,@ 12ic2 1as si*nedinto la1on "une -=, -..7, t2e i)position of t2e deat2 penalt8 2as +eenpro2i+ited. Pursuant to ection - t2ereof,t2e penalt8 to +e )eted to appellantss2all +e r!*lusion p!rp!tua.aid section reads:EC&ION -. In lieu of t2e deat2 penalt8, t2e follo1in* s2all +e i)posed:4a5t2epenalt8of r!*lusionp!rp!tua, 12ent2ela1violated)a>esuseof t2e no)enclature of t2e penalties of t2e Revised Penal CodeF or4+5 t2e penalt8 of life i)prison)ent, 12en t2e la1 violated does not )a>euse of t2e no)enclature of t2e penalties of t2e Revised Penal Code.Not1it2standin* t2e reduction of t2e penalt8 i)posed on appellants, t2e8 arenot eli*i+le for parole follo1in* ection 9 of said la1 12ic2 provides:(180)EC&ION9. Persons convicted of offenses punis2ed 1it2 r!*lusionp!rp!tua, or 12ose sentences 1ill +e reduced to r!*lusion p!rp!tua, +8 reason oft2is Act, s2all not +e eli*i+le for parole under Act No. =/.9, ot2er1ise >no1n ast2e Indeter)inate entence La1, as a)ended. AppellantsB attac> on t2e constitutionalit8 of t2e a+ove provision on *roundsof curtail)ent of t2ePresidentBsa+solutepo1er to*rant executivecle)enc8,i)position of an in2u)an punis2)ent and violation of eHual protection clause, isutterl8 )isplaced. As succinctl8 explained +8 t2is Court in %!opl! ..4ardon(101)Des2ouldpoint out t2at t2e+enefit of parolecannot +eextendedto6ardon even if 2e co))itted t2e cri)es for 12ic2 2e is no1 convicted prior tot2e effectivit8of R.A. No. :9=7. ec. -of t2e Indeter)inate entence La1provides t2at t2e la1 ?s2all not appl8 to persons convicted of offenses punis2ed1it2 deat2 penalt8 or life- i)prison)ent.@ Alt2ou*2 t2e la1 )a>es no referenceto persons convicted to suffer t2e penalt8 of r!*lusion p!rp!tua suc2 as 6ardon,t2e Court 2as consistentl8 2eld t2at t2e Indeter)inate entence La1 li>e1ise doesnot appl8 to persons sentenced to r!*lusion p!rp!tua.In %!opl! .. ;nrino1n as t2e#nd!t!rminat! S!nt!n*! &aw, cannot +eappliedint2ecaseofappellantsconsiderin*t2eproscriptioninec. -t2ereof, .i9:x x x xIndeed, in %!opl! .. 1sturias, S!rrano .. Court o3 1pp!als, %!opl!.. &ampa9a and %!opl! .. -an, to na)e a fe1 cases, 1e in effect eHuatedt2e penalt8 of r!*lusion p!rp!tua as s8non8)ous to life-i)prison)ent forpurposes of t2e Indeter)inate entence La1, and ruled t2at t2e latter la1does not appl8 to persons convicted of offenses punis2a+le 1it2 t2e saidpenalt8. ConseHuentl8, 1e affir) t2e Court of Appeals in not appl8in* t2eIndeter)inate entence La1, and in i)posin* upon appellants t2e penalt8of r!*lusion p!rp!tua instead.2!*lusion p!rp!tua is an indivisi+le penalt8 1it2out a )ini)u)or)axi)u) period.Parole, on t2e ot2er 2and, is extended onl8 to t2ose sentencedto divisi+le penalties as is evident fro) ec. E of t2e Indeter)inate entence La1,12ic2 provides t2at it is onl8 after ?an8 prisoner s2all 2ave served t2e )ini)u)penalt8 i)posed on 2i)@ t2at t2e 'oard of Indeter)inate entence )a8 consider12et2er suc2 prisoner )a8 +e *ranted parole.(101)0urt2er, 1e cite t2e concurrin* opinion of Mr. "ustice %ante &in*a in %!opl!.. -ubongbanua,(102)addressin* t2e issue 2erein raised +8 appellants, to 1it:No constitutional sanctities 1ill +e offended if persons previousl8 sentencedtodeat2, or persons sentencedto r!*lusionp!rp!tua, aredeniedt2e+enefit ofparole confor)a+l8 to ection 9 of Rep. Act No. :9=7.A. -o 8+5.on. 85+23o6.9y.+n-+n,+d -o d+a-*, 3- .*o69d >+ 5+;+;>+5+d -*a- a- -*+ -3;+ o4 -*+,o;;3..3on o4 -*+ ,53;+, -*+ 8+na9-y a--a,*+d -o -*+ ,53;+ @a. d+a-*. To -*+35>+n+43-, R+8. A,- No. 03$/ 5+d6,+d -*+ 8+na9-y a--a,*+d -o -*+ ,53;+-o reclusion perpetua.Ket suc2 persons cannot clai) t2e +enefit of parole on t2e+asis of t2e !8 post 3a*to clause of t2e Constitution, since an !8 post 3a*to la1 isone 12ic2, a)on* ot2ers, ?c2an*es punis2)ent, and inflicts a *reater punis2)entt2an t2e la1 annexed to t2e cri)e 12en co))itted.@Rep. Act No. :9=7 2ad t2eeffect of ?inflictin*@ a li*2ter punis2)ent, not a *reater punis2)ent, t2an 12at t2ela1 annexed to t2e cri)e 12en co))itted.(103)MEMP#AI $PPLIE%.NC3239 L3a>393-yD2en deat2 occurs due to a cri)e, t2e follo1in* da)a*es )a8 +e a1arded:4/5 civil inde)nit8 !8 d!li*to for t2e deat2 of t2e victi)F 4-5 actual orco)pensator8 da)a*esF 495 )oral da)a*esF 4=5 exe)plar8 da)a*esF and4E5te)perate da)a*es.(10$)Civil inde)nit8 is )andator8 and *ranted to t2e 2eirs of t2e victi) 1it2outneed of proof ot2er t2an t2e co))ission of t2e cri)e.(105)De 2ave ruled t2at evenif t2e penalt8 of deat2 is not to +e i)posed +ecause of t2e pro2i+ition in R.A. No.:9=7, t2e civil inde)nit8 of P,E,...... is proper, +ecause it is not dependent ont2e actual i)position of t2e deat2 penalt8 +ut on t2e fact t2at Hualif8in*circu)stances 1arrantin* t2e i)position of t2e deat2 penalt8 attended t2eco))issionoft2eoffense.(10/)Asexplainedin%!opl!..Salom!,(10#) 12ileR.A.No. :9=7 pro2i+its t2e i)position of t2e deat2 penalt8, t2e fact re)ains t2at t2epenalt8 provided for +8 t2e la1 for a 2einous offense is still deat2, and t2e offenseis still 2einous.Accordin*l8, t2e 2eirs of Col. Rolando N. A+adilla is entitled tocivil inde)nit8 in t2e a)ount of P,E,.......&2e *rant of actual da)a*esrepresentin* +urial expenses, funeral services and cost of repair of t2e #onda car,is li>e1ise in order, +ein* dul8 supported +8 receipts.(108)Dit2 re*ard to )oral and exe)plar8 da)a*es, 1e find t2e a)ounts a1arded+8 t2e trial court excessive and t2e sa)e are 2ere+8 reduced to P,E,......and P9.,......, respectivel8.It )ust a*ain+estressedt2at )oral da)a*esaree)p2aticall8 not intended to enric2 a plaintiff at t2e expense of t2edefendant.D2en a1arded, )oral da)a*es )ust not +e palpa+l8 and scandalousl8excessive as to indicate t2at it 1as t2e result of passion, preCudice or corruption ont2e part of t2e trial Cud*e or appellate court Custices.(100)As to exe)plar8 da)a*es,t2e sa)e is Custified under Article --9. of t2e Ne1 Civil Code 12en a cri)e isco))itted 1it2 an a**ravatin* circu)stance, eit2er Hualif8in* or *eneric.(211)CHEREFORE, t2e consolidated petitions and appeal are2ere+8 DISMISSED.&2e%ecisiondated April/, -..3oft2eCourtof Appealsin CA-6.R. CR-#C No. ..77, is 2ere+8 AFFIRMED 1it2 MODIFICATIONS int2at t2e civil inde)nit8for t2e deat2of Col. RolandoN. A+adilla is 2ere+8increased to P,E,......, and t2e a)ounts of )oral and exe)plar8 da)a*es a1ardedto 2is 2eirs are reduced to P,E,...... and P9.,......, respectivel8.Dit2 costs a*ainst t2e accused-appellants.SO ORDERED.