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Chinese Guest Teacher Summer Institute 语言能力测试和课业布置 Assessments and Activities on Grading Student Homework Lucy C. Lee 竹露茜 全美中小学中文教师协会 Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS) 七月二十九日 2:00-4:00 pm

Lucy 5 GTSI 2012_Assessments and Homework Activities

Mar 08, 2016



Eva Li

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Page 1: Lucy 5 GTSI 2012_Assessments and Homework Activities

Chinese Guest Teacher Summer Institute


Assessments and Activities on Grading Student Homework

Lucy C. Lee 竹露茜


Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)

七月二十九日 2:00-4:00 pm

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Session Outcomes 希望达到的目标和结果





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•Why we use assessments为什么要评估

•When we use assessments什么时候评估

•What sorts of assessments we use


•What students gain from assessments 评估的结果,对学生有什么帮助


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为什么要考试?考试的目的是什么? (write down 3 reasons)

交换活动 (Give One Get One)


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Can students transfer what they have learned to a real life task?


What is the difference between

what they “know” and

what they “can do”?

Teachers should always think about…

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What is the PURPOSE of assessment?

To demonstrate how well students perform the learning targets of a lesson or unit

(performance assessment)

-to provide grades for record keeping

To determine how well students master particular content (achievement assessment)

To determine students’ language proficiency level (proficiency assessment)

To inform teachers and improve instruction

To inform students and motivate learning

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Formative Assessment


Summative Assessment

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Formative Assessment


Summative Assessment

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Formative Assessment 行程性评价

Vocabulary exercises

Structure exercises

Graded homework

Quizzes / Tests

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Formative Assessment 行程性评价

Vocabulary exercises

Structure practice

Graded homework


Exit cards / questions

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Summative Assessment 总结性的评价

期中考 / 期末考



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Traditional Assessment

THE USE To assess learning outcomes To allow comparisons across test populations


选择题 填空题 是非题 连连看 改错题 问答题

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填空题 Fill in with proper measure words

1. 我 不知道 你 有 两 ______ 蓝 衬衫 。

2. 第 五 _______ 课 是 数学 课 不 是 生物 课 。

3. 实 验 室 的墙上边 有 一 _______ 布 告 板.

4. 床 下 边 有 三 _________ 叔叔的旧雨鞋.

5.在 屋 子 的 中 间 有 一 _______ 咖啡色的椅子. Presentation ©Lucy C. Lee 2012

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选择题 Multiple Choice

1. 中国最长的一条河是哪一条河?

(A) 黄河

(B) 长江

(C) 四川

2. 我可不可以去厕所?

(A) 请你等一等。

(B) 不知道你姓什么。

(C) 我不去上学。

3. 谁现在在办公室?

(A) 你穿大衣出去。

(B) 学校的秘书。

(C) 他不是日本人。

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Matching the appropriate expressions

(A): 你的字写得真漂亮!

(B): ______

(A): 对不起,我忘了。

(B): ______

(A):我想请你帮忙。 (B): ______

(A): 考试考得怎么样? (B): ______












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填表格 Fill in the Form

姓名 : 性别 : 国籍 : 职业 : 出生日期 : 出 生 地 : 年龄 ﹕ 住址: 电话 电子信箱 ﹕ 爱好:

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阅读理解 Reading Comprehension

1.“静夜思”是说一个人出门在外,非常... (A) 好玩 (B) 想家 (C) 疲劳

2. 什么是自信心? (A) 相信别人 (B) 相信自己 (C) 相信老师

3. 我“至今”还不曾寻着那笑的人是什么意思? (A) 一直到今天都没找到 (B) 已经见过那个人了 (C) 我们今天不找了

4. 什么是好习惯?

(A) 上课睡觉 (B) 早睡早起 (C) 不写笔记

5. 要是你听不清楚,你怎么说?

(A) 请你说大声一点 (B) 请你不要开玩笑 (C) 请你走出去

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简答题 Questions with short answers

现在你在什么地方? 你的中文教室在哪儿? 今天是几月几号?星期几? 一年有几季? 中国的首都在哪儿? 你早上几点钟来上学? 你每天有几堂课? 美国最长的一条河是哪一条河? 谁是你的英文老师? 现在是上午还是下午?

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Essay Questions 回答问题 你怎么问别人的年龄?




请解释 “ 全家福” 是什么?


这个周末王教授请我去他家,你说我应该带什么东西去? 为什么?

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What are the features of the Performance Assessment?

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Performance -based Assessments

Show what students can do

Student focused rather than teacher focused

Are activities rather than tests

Show what students know rather than what they don’t know

Can take place in or beyond the classroom

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Features of Performance Assessment Activities

Designed around communicative modes Grounded in standards Include clear rubrics Include informal assessments and/or

formative tasks Include a series of preliminary class activities

that lead to the completion of a final performance / project

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A: 请问,从 数学教室 到 礼堂 怎么走?

B: 从 数学教室 出去……

A: 谢谢,你要去哪里?

B: 我要去 图书馆。请问从图书馆到电脑室怎么走?



Prompt for Interpersonal Communication

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What is Proficiency Proficiency is a


of one's ability to use language.


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Proficiency Rating

content/context 内容

Function 功能

accuracy 准确

Fluency 流利


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ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview 美国外语协会的OPI 口语测试

a face-to-face or telephone interview

between a certified ACTFL tester and


that determines how well a person speaks a

language by comparing his or her

performance of specific communication

tasks with the criteria.


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Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) www.

The written test, lasting up to 90 minutes, requires the examinee to read prompts in English and compose written responses in the target language without the aid of dictionaries or grammar references, on practical, social and professional topics that are encountered in informal and formal contexts. The tasks and prompts are given in English with the responses expected to be written in the target language. The prompts ask for written constructed responses of paragraph length or longer demonstrating narrative writing, informative writing and persuasive writing.


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SOPA (Student Oral Proficiency Assessment)

ELLOPA (Early Language Listening and Oral Proficiency Assessment)

STAMP (Standards-based Assessment of Proficiency)


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SAT 中文考试 -1994 年开始

SAT Chinese Test with Listening

AP 汉语课程与考试

AP Chinese Course and Examination

2006 : 公布课程大纲

2007 : 正式提供考试

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Self-Assessment with LinguaFolio

Language Biography records language learning history

Dossier provides evidence through work samples

Passport formally summarizes competencies, activities & achievements.

I can exchange information about myself, my family & familiar

things using words, phrases and memorized expressions.


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Sample self-assessment

___I can identify my family members.

___ I can name 5 things in a house.

___I can describe my room to a friend.

___I can describe my house in 4 sentences

for a realtor.

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GRADES Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor

Pass/Fail or Complete/Incomplete

Point System (ex. 145/145, 50/50)

A+, A, A- (100-92)

B+, B, B- (91-86)

C+, C, C- (85-76)

D+, D, D- (75-70)

F (69-0) failure

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Homework exercise

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Look at this exercise

Master the following phrases

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Evaluate the Content

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Use the assessments and homeowork as an opportunity for students to show

How Much They Know and

Be Able to Do in Chinese.

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Wrap Up

Questions for Discussion:

What kinds of assessments are used in 21st century skills


Presentation ©Lucy C. Lee 2012