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Lucky. loomed – The tornado loomed large in the distance and it threatened the community.

Jan 18, 2018



Marion Parker

gaunt – The boy had a gaunt look after the war, he looked like he hadn’t eaten in weeks.
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Lucky loomed The tornado loomed large in the distance and it threatened the community. gaunt The boy had a gaunt look after the war, he looked like he hadnt eaten in weeks. progressed The water from the flood progressed down the river. flooding everything in its path. To Sleep or not to Sleep incessant - continuing without pause or interruption. The incessant interruptions would just not stop, it was driving be crazy to have to keep stopping to repeat over and over. secretion - The process of secreting a substance from a cell or gland. The secretion, or production of brain cells, works best when you get a good nights sleep. precedence - the condition of being considered more important than something else. My mom set a high precedence for my grades, they must come first before anything else. What a Sister Should Be simultaneously at the same time. I heard the noises simultaneously, they happened at exactly the same time. chauffeur a person employed to drive a private automobile or limousine for the owner. The chauffeur picked me up at the movie theatre and gave me a ride home like he always does. disarray - a state of disorganization or untidiness. The room was in disarray when I left so I couldnt even find what I was looking for!! disdain - the feeling that someone or something is not worthy of one's consideration or respect. He spoke with such disdain that it was easy to see that he did not like the man. hypocrite - someone who complains about something but finds themselves doing exactly the same thing. He is a hypocrite because he tells me to do something and then turns around and does just the opposite. swiveled - turn around on a point or axis. I swiveled my head around so I could see the source of the argument. Ask The Science Wizard bacteria - microscopic living organisms, usually one-celled, that can be found everywhere. resistant proof against something or someone. Ex. Resistance to drugs. immune system - the organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection and toxins. virus - an extremely small living thing that causes a disease and that spreads from one person or animal to another procedures - an established or official way of doing something. bacteriophage therapy a therapy used to combat bacterial infection. Riding the Orphan Train immigrants - A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another. gateway - an opening that can many times be closed by a gate or a way into a country for immigrants. vagrants - a person who has no place to live and no job and who many times asks people for money. platform - a raised level surface on which people or things can stand. streetcar - a public vehicle running regularly along certain streets, usually on rails, as a trolley car or trolley bus. silos - a tall tower or pit on a farm used to store grain. congregation - a large gathering of people. stability The strength to stand and endure. Something that is not easily changed or moved. Enterprising to go after opportunity or take the initiative. pursue To follow or chase. Disoriented confused, mixed up Lineage common descent of ancestors. Family tree. Pastime how you spend your free time. substitution To replace something or someone. etymology Study of the origin of words and their meanings. lexicon The vocabulary of a person or knowledge of a person. timeless Not affected by passage of time. gypsying publicized encroached savvy conversely replicas swindles edicts accommodate impairments assistive Synthesizer initiative Making Lemonade robust something that is sturdy. resilient tough long lasting promotional to advertise or make you aware of a product. advertise publicity sarcasm - the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny irony mockery ridicule traitorous a characteristic of one who betrays ones country or ones trust. two faced unfaithful betraying disloyal sauntered - walk in a slow, relaxed manner meander ramble tarry dally posse - a group of people who have a common characteristic or occupation friends clique gang Beetles Species - is one of the basic units of biological classification. entomologists a scientist who studies insects. aggressive - ready or likely to attack or confront. predator - an animal that naturally preys on others. larva - is a distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. aquatic animal or insect that lives most of its life in water. distinctive - characteristic that serves to distinguish it from others. Pinning Pity to the Mat fluke - A lucky or improbable occurrence. adversity - a difficult or unpleasant situation. surmount - overcome (a difficulty or obstacle) encumbered - restrict or impede (someone or something) that makes action or movement is difficult. prosthetic - a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for a missing or defective part of the body Congenital - a disease or physical abnormality present from birth