Top Banner
I 7 I T1TK STJN, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 187Z. I oiikm,' ofi'iit, iinwMr win nr. ni mi fti!ouwY WANTED IOUAY. IXMIRH ('IIAMIII.HVIAIDs VMM I II "WAIIIH "l.H 'HMIII, NCIi.S IV1MIII. IV '..sit I) lltlllKI l! W AM I II tHIlls I Ml I LASHED H.1MIII, l.AIIII ' MUtu U.t'.U'D. YOt M. Gllll.l (UMHl hi I .r rfi i ?lrl lothd 'lonii a ( .!.!. ni I c El tl )'!) Ba)a ttal- - I. III.- - beat ntllee In II II). ( IIMT. AMI l A -- W1. NTKII I rt-r- l aiU-- la.llra'fnr nifr j lura, r, bona, trimmlnga, and paraanl depart-xneni- i ,,od mini nri'l aleidy atluatlona to well ripe-tuacc- bauds; tir 4Tlirr m d"i H r. s1MI Mien. MI'i ar. 'i i.i, i ii. I t ,ld. vinu.c-- , i tr' i mi1l a Clll. t'.ai'r lilclv h,l,'l l, wanting jimd lv a. rail Imilifdlitti 11 al WAI. Mil's. If Mil al , ui r 'linn adore. a itTii i i i. I'l.iiu i;ie-- . i. '..i iiti i. wjnf. J A t'd o.l at j hllil! i work "HCn 'II hotllc , hour leal Hit h( it w orka r lucil npplr. A. LOPI'fN.iilW'cBl Houston st. A - 100 OIT,lf.TOItS uii Wllrnt A (.Hdii and J Wheeler A: V.llauii machine, lor lldles' aultai alio small girls In hem and rihi'i. at A AKONsoN'S. r.l ItrnadA ly A -- SI l'KNOlt bmdige miki r i. anted: tn H il com! Ii iriln ateadi i mpln) mem nnd It t 'In I prl a paid, Apply to A. rilll.l.lH, 3M liruulwai, wlthlcl. Itr A Iiuiid. A t'O.II IT.TKNT sslrswiiuiati In liolbiiti wihlrd to it go n sln-i- li am f out of w Vt.ik pi itt II. V. IJIJI 1, Mis, ,ii llr.iiHlo j), uii lu .l). .nt at I'. tJOIIII plri In tin ci li'Hii'niMk In ntnAll rl J Btr fiiiilly iiitil li fluimil n 4fln r iintl triai r, Hiid cltf kmhI left n i ff. Apti'i ai W t liMti'ii A IITII'ICI I. ri.OWIlIt"."-- " .IH'.I linmr.ll. V 1 l' w. ';1 (."! 1iriiirhpm vn, f, jn, ill lnn.i'l J wiy.rntiiijui' il 'Ifri-- r "t.. iu dii'ir. A WOICU .irn nul til lli lnalii tirli r in imj J (nr Prf i'It- - tvlnir lilnt'n. thtlitH .rei'. III.AKV A rilNU.ll Atlnr il irr mill IK "IhH A - ."ill I ' I It "T-- ( I, V -- ni'TalMr. Ai.t.'.l mi sum 1 mill I lojkv I SI. MjtV' liUlr.Mh -- I. MIUUI.I TON' A I'I'lt i;NTIri'.H mi lm collar wlio tan work on IV WIIICUX 4 l.ti'i' IIIHl till 4. MVCIISIIN A W.rT, IHI!rn.1-a)'- . A Nil. I r if mil ttMir nil I iy Inl4llnirlil4: ci. k J ni hli'li ir ulw II III I'VOliflliKCi lPllHU'llilU In c. So Itimiri A I t.M' .'nii11 I'liN In wnrli nt Ijn' ; a inn i !' ml' w . A (i. niiihini' jirrlnrtil. It l,n-iini- ""' A I'l It I. A "per it r ami ml ' nlirnn in- - J tout lri.14. 9 HiWt.i I diinr neat of Ut hi. A tiilOII dri k"inkrr U'intril. 411 ttl ai .liclwron J .Mil mill vtiih t.. 41 floor. A I'ATI'.lt iiniU mirr vtsunil. i P.mili l.i m", H ii, wlilHiiitlmrKli. TJOOK,H"nil VTltrlifri JiHMrMclit; J work to oM tiaitiin. I'allliirmii nn.k. B HAMKI,Si-priiri- - t. HH TA sTI-tr- flit 1 ntiUticrmiiiiUI on ftnr Mmfico.-tt- Jl tirfriidrmi.l i.i.,3il tloor. Imitilrt l! INi' wn'k. tTUU mi i'iiii' uiilti ii ia Hnnli'il; mk'. sjiircr F J ) ialil. . Mnllli illiiiiiitiiiroli. lyAt' fiiiltifp, mil nrvMiiwu 'in nni'. "h J IMrlflon H. t ill ill Ih. xirk. I,MIII, TJ' "Tl.'", Imn la M.nili'.lln tillia worli II Mllf. AlIll' J) 41 . lal Mill tJlltlli"iii.i!i-rkiiiini- . 1 li.VMlM I A llH.IN-iiS- . VlLIIAIv lUM'.ll'-'.l- k ml ii iranM."l ' rla ai till at I.illIKi', I.WI.nlil l comer nf i.rart'1 ai' I rt.rfa tral. T1iri.ll HI NT fur all li-- . rl.ililf f nut, . In Jl J Mnlit ,f .." al. .1 lr liti In ii it f i nil ml rirXrla, JlMltll'l.-- i ol, ml ,1,11.1 , ,1 oil,, . . , u ,,rt. "ITi.Vrnt I f. I'.D orri.tnnr n tin. - ii i m'h" my wiio me im'i 'iiiin.,1 in ilontilt ii' ,,ii lii'imre lir two ilaja ll.ulrrlunl at., llilnl 11 X I'lTiTl V.i uTnTiiiiU on iKicVcllxiTan I in. JTi pr, rirml : uUn KirUtu Irirn. in Chat-ha- . ,1 ttcor. I'l'.lt M'.M II!) "I'or.ilor" m.iiiIi',1 mi ln,'n' Ji in Ai mol lllicti ilrau : alt itv w ttk nt pi,i,l tirli ra, ki in mi. a in n iit'iK k, cinii at iri.Vrilltir.M I'.ll lirinnii'ra'oii WillcoiA iMbt J2i lii4Clnll'a, mii 4 Hitler on riltnilltfa. A. V ll-- . in llro,lwajr. ITiXIM'.UH.M l.ll ilnln kll'ili-r- " on CrMrr A Jj llakrr'n In it liinva , ulao tilivralora iiq HhuihI atilrla. at nil I al Mii TTTiX l'i:il I IA( r.!)"lnn"rfl,,nu-7t,ntT'lle,l'i'ii.- l ili tktt jii . umr nrli k t. lIUST! L B" tlroaiuakfra Mlm tiintrrraiil J I1 Irtiiiiiilit . ulao impruii r oul aiproittlot-a- . L41I L 111 M nv.. n- .1 utiiit vr. 1 ?AM'V ttriw at-r- irinttsl; fil,, han I J 1 hllll'l.T. A lli:t III'. 'nMrrrrrat. PaVJ l?l'll i'.It- -. ttan'teJ at WILLIAM IIAII1IH A V Ctl.'t. '. r'rmiVlin H.. top Boor. PAVJ f1 I It I, h wan' 'tflo learn ifat niaVlQj.onrriiln;, tn-- J VT linll.i',!: pa I J Knllc teaming, Vantl'.bllt K it., ItrooV.t " BtVfV fHCI. w.iit i? to uwk on papi-- r Ii' it 1 xperl- VT ini'r l liaii la uitlr ui 'il appli at I! Itteknun it. PflVa riOIIII Ol' TOI( nn'nnc wlilt'- t. " a". F Ot KtilltMAN. lit; llr.ia lurf .ror uii at., ii,i ,:nr. BH ridOII tlnlah-r- on altlrta, Ittmii .liulrl) . .-- paj , J Jt atcatl) work. '.M ta il., near;! hv. f 1 DIM) Iron r. ,n,l w.i.ln r lont'-U- . At plr at lau n Ur iirj.n t , t iKiuMonat. BaV Hllll 11 ' ,. rale on ilium! iMrlii ulao ulrli to Kyj VX Ira' " " a . 11, .or. HVJ f 1 1 II liX jutwi for t'4i wrorli. Applrat II Mircor U llltfl, 0 III l.x w initil In 111 piprraT Appl) al Slllulon VI .le, BSbJ "If Mls r; 'rifii,. rlf work lntoiiT, knot, anil Li (in in hfra. ADAIIh A II MIN, lal llroadta ir. 1 ( lcl ...1, ,,r 1'. M.irk. Appl; it 1: Men rr SI atr PAVJ 1 N atuhili ' I'nllr. 4 ? trlrl to tin linwaa- 1 ,. k. " r. - Appl) -- t itt Weal il.tat . tie- - tr.',i 1 A M. .i I 1' BYJ "77 vvr.i.i.rir -- . t 'nt"i; TiiTi liitTTirnnT tl li'Mf!!) ; mI'o n tiijcliliiiat tn llllki Ji'Htrr' tntila. Ml 1.1 I'IIII A (I.. I lloliil at., l It, .or. PAVj I AltilW Mori fi.mla'lit'il ut Ikiiiic tn pa)r for VVt't',1 J I J nntl Ii ,V U, at'Wlliu lliailillil'a on ltit III- j inenta li ''nun iti fiii lurk Muclilur htltcli- - Inc put.i nif t t. BSVJ "jr A HI l t i'i.i.i ,pi'ratiiiir. ahirMiuklniri"1 all J Xj klndi of tut .rk IIJ Mli uv.. btl. .ll.Uu I ill PAVJ li:it 'rillt. A lew more firal cliHi opt rutora j on . A . a fur litltea' To Mf .urliMi.rk wh, i .r rouinl will Ii iMurani.'! .1 in f the tailor . u a yood lit'iniui r on V. A ti.'a in it liiti". t IT J N IMII'IC t,r,il,llttif tnselitne: 1100,1 wj?i e nilltutfl) pild to yot. I operator. 91) llroijiiar, id bbj ,0L' VAVA Vi el C'rilllS nil Iner fruo'la, nut of tin' lioitac K in f 1.1 ,'iperli'net'il lisuUi neeil appl; . SJLIiptn. BVj J I'Klf TOI!Hn.oTtiiiiniiole uuki ra w inte.t for 'lii alo... Mila.ul s, I', t AKMIlllACI.'s.allClh BSpJ 7 'hit TOII w mli'il on ilTiTnel-ali- irla ; at. nil HHB f ork lili i , In twrt'ti Ala. II an.l I , ai ir . J 1 IT.II ATlllfx 1111,1 imlaVra 011 II 1,, Jli'l n.1,,11'1 H 7 ,.,i,i ( .' In.M ii); rail for t ila) a. BSVJ I'lllt Til II -- wiini ui nn shmi r'a in il ium' to wotx H V .111 tiwnliigi.ut l."l lli'oi'lni). J t I . If ATIIII-a- mi flitl-l- ii ra fur aUnp cXtT: ccod J lw4l.Ml' til'iki t. BH l'i: 'l'lllt"ii wiutoTl.ltla, SHroibyal VJ "ll'i:it IIIIV r.l." rhTwiniTilon u'ltieauil paali m .1 w ..k p." 11 jimI 4,'.t,r finpl,,) niriit. V KISlI, f. Vinnatrr BK JJM'l.l: IIO l,-Wil- l' I'tt IfewEin.l lianla on J .1 (,'lttfiinil 1,9,1 .,iik. M. KI.AKSlTV.rilUVjrl at BBBJ IJAri'.ll IIMI A iHini iniu l.i-- l.i h' l, In J 1 tltf fai'it,r lprllu4l BBS Jl I'NTV of wollt nl IiIkIi prii ra In pljr tiT ii 10J i It hviilii lill'ii. I','. ,11, ,t BH aJKlUT IIAMI- - I'riaairi, hiiiI Imiii.hT- - f p . ra w.ini, . Iarii"r lukt ,I.H ll.ll 1 , j; r.iisl lltli at uet of I tilnn 1'intre. BBm W M'llll - k'tni'l op, rat, 11 on Mnsrr'a iiHeliliiel 1 1 nl ti i;lrl t,i ,1,1 in neral ltri,wnrk . tiernuu tirt . BWJ frrtt.l. Appl) ut '11 Hi,, iilwti), Htinliu alinp. BB "VX"''I', I II 111,11 mi Mhia Ii rA Wilaun'a uo'l Wifl it col A l.'lia'a nut liiut a. yii'I iroi.cra j II.Slllti,(,r.n,il ,t. BBBJ "VVAN i ril si .. ral i ".i. tit nrcil opi' r.iior. t,i work ll on Mi k' t'f n m lnr inai't Ini on I rti velllnn ln-s- PPJ . III.I.I.IUI, J Munai at. BBB1 WXN'I'KIt Hi ' r ilnra, biiai,.ra. nn,l pri'a-it'r- ,n llt"e fl ' "1 ' "ii work iirt kuo,1 pri"i'. Apply bVI 41 r. til. I BBBJ V A N i l. II I 1.1,111 p. .,plL. In nut liitiua' new tl r.'tiri.iriiia tn prcaa ; ref'Ti niv r- 'inlri'.l Ill uliainlit r, BBBj ' " rl "enTiT In, irk ; K,,o,l 11, it an, I In, hit. Appl .it IJ1 Wtal Mh at., J tl'i.'r. after ti. Tv.iNTKII Uiilc trlrl In beu,eui In familr of fflfS IT I mi. keei.linr itnre 1111 orpliiu pn ftrri.l, nt tiM piH llroailwray, offltf 5, BawawJ VrA.NTr.) trumi. inikera and Kn,nl wlreri. Aps ' pi) to I II. I.l sMII K A CO,, UII llruadaar.up AVE itiln. BBBj ATl STi;ll A lull,inlo ii,,rk on rtlnm icna. IJfJH 11 A I at 137, 1'ormr taual and llonrrr, UN floor. PPJI 0. MKIIIX. PjVB A,V(ltl' the iftKheif prlrei fiirnlilieil tn nay fur J 11 10 w eaajr lermi. I.'dur BBBJ V A VI'KII A k'on l roitk, waaher and Ironer mual PjVJI J1 liaicit.ii'lcllyriferiuee. ApplyatlMI Henri at, BBS W A .NTi:il- - Kliat.rlaaa ilrraainakera r.n oilier need JBJI 11 ap,h, li Mil. llKliVri'S, IWha.t Mill at, BBBJ Tr A V'I'llll I" uneraln'ra on W. A It. for PJlHj 1 ' al.lrlaamlatiiia ,1. M MOKNIIIIK, 81 Howard it, BJBB W'AA'11'1' iilrl oter 1.1 yean of aiiH at KA- - JBU 11 HI 11 pern II fclor. fool ,t liaat lllter. BBBl UM NTI'.II :"op, ratnra and fliilalura ournata a!3l JpjB JIT Stw ll.j. r ..pnir. tall all Hie week. BBBl VANTi;i fllrlaloaew onfurcapa. pSB J) Lyji1 4 "K1N. 'r' ""I l f'l'Ull 5th r. BBBJ AVANTHII A Klrl toiioK'ii. nl liouaouork. Apply pVVJ jVljil l; Kaal 5.1,1 al , rail f,,r lilija BBBJ WAN.TIJII tllrla on poektlbooka, afu KAUMK'lH papj 11 ill Ilium al., riar. BBBJ VIII Ml (UII ,s ran obtain aliualloiirfrce, Imln". I A Iniia and inrala at f.c. cudi, or limirtl at tl Ma wct.a, PJBJ Sl''e "IiI'I'IkIiii: lluuae, 'n hi Mark'a plaec. BJBm I OI'KII A TOIIH, 4 baiteri, learnera oiTieaiT. fJJ iVlllu'iiaVuritn "v,'k'', ,l VJ ll0U" ,,u' liroop ay., BBBl rl A'.'M t1'1' wantrd"foa7eitaurnt , two for Ilia ,Vr SX"l;uf.m'U.h0U' Apply on Iob. SJliinltbcfimnlfs. VHII I IIT.H, fl'nneland whllo, olren nul toiarll(vi buy a. wlnir mar.hlnea on Inatatlmaiita nnly aniali part ou niaeiiinr , raat. p4,i fr work. riS, I4-- . thnrchal. VIITII'M'I ila fliwera- - Wanlnd, branrlicrAnd ali tn learn paid while Mrnlni K. HAT 11.11, Si, lanai al. A 1VA VI'UII- - Kipt 11 npi'Mlnra on Wheeler A lt lla'in ru utilrii a f.n l.itllea' tii.ilerffarin.'iita, at hl.MOS BU.IISi'S, s Ureal Jonraat. 4 l'Uli:MM.I'.aSl'rolrata."nljlrlieanfliitla"tem. ila poiary Itfiitie and lute alttiallnna proeiired fur tliein at the Wnumira Altl M.Ulcty.ll 7th 41 ..cor. 1.1th t. V" who can take chaTgn or a ItKN. Hlllls, tireenpolnl.l., I. l"l (M'lilt ATOIIS on YT A Wa, Klllplle, 4nd L It tilt oa A (llbba'a inarlillii a ; atan llnlatiera on aultai pa? liy wrrk. t! ill all week. l Ml lltnlanu at. VT.I. kimla ofarnanta find plaira Immedlalely at I UN A ( O.'S, Ml r.tti a., licit mii !., tornietly will. II,, tilt at. inaeltlnea on InaTillinenta i aldrta and V.-KWI- MJ undetirartnenta itlveu out. IA'i t hiirth al. VI II It I. for hoiiaewnrk i tntiat be irnod plain ook, waalti rand ironer. fall at Ul M ( at Slit at. VII Tl I' I V I A lifloi era'Tuitiirbranrlierrwanled, tine iirk. llll.l. A t'UTIn. M Uroadway. VlTl II Ii tn np.'ralr on Slnirer'a, for coati i only a one need apply M lihlalnn at., aernml lloiir. VIITiririAI.'flnwera. sm.ill at. banda ind'allkiTT VUlltliatiniit 11, willing al. id make lierieif crnerally I A Kit" for iliop and cmtnm work tW and MrlaT Il fnrciialoiinrin. IIIIANI)T,IHJ Ar. A, bet. am and tih ala., rear. "IJ". operalora, nnlabera. and buttonhole I f inaltera. t atl at 1 l.etrli at.,V floor. IAsT;lts and flnlahrra on riiatnm panta. Call all Dwtek. hit prlri a paid. 1111 cntrr al. Bl TTIIMIOI.K linkera on iiiatom ahltta wanted al Mll.l.l.ll'et.t.thnl.and .Mai. HA MTKIti and operatora on vcitaT Call at IU lie- - latiery at., ad floor. (tlMI"ir.T"i. Operatora wanl.'tl on Rlnirerinarhlneai ork .ml to raprrleured hands. The Hurt It tl Curat Cntttpini , II Weal llrnadway. IIMT fiiilatur- - wTtiiril. ""Apply a KlMlts'l.KV V, V IM ilolt at., r.wni fi. front bnuae , call fur 3 d.iya, Oil laa li T.IIM wnnl.-tl.a- l ""MrdlKN Will?. IIV'M, ICl nt., between llth and lltti ala. J 111 K- - II A Iv CUM want, d ; alio ai.prentl, fu .1 ' t'.i-- l llroidway. randy More. Mln A. I. MI. 1all,"r:ttir.rKII I' nT1inni aklrt makiri'i lii llrand al. "tl lllltll TTmi fMlT-l- . "Ilea nauted nl SI lathr jrlneai. I nil lor f.'itr daia I?l HHT-l'- li faa iii.Mt.ira on IV.Jti 'a tiiarltlue a dn aaiiiuker nnd crr.i'nl irlrl. t, ill at in Kail llth al. (1IIOII baalera, nnihera. nperalnra m W. A W. with their own tn ii hlne, or fine while lratai Ihnaeot ripitlcucc ujl). Call at t 6th at., corner of llower),3d floor. (i llllll operalnri and tlttlala ra fnr ah.ip roll a t ateady wnrk and good prleoa paid. Inquire at III) rill al.. rurner htantnn. Ct till 1 nperalnra and nnlaher im ahnp coil a. II llow. it). Il fluor. I all all ll.e w 'rk. mi ltuw,.'a inacuine on ladl, a' fine (OIIDoprr'itiira ,nrllno . (t (KM) i j'eralnrn and bi-t- e a on fine aliop coata. In. ipiltr nl vlColiinibli ai. MA III WIIA 1 Hit- -, w inled at" (Il JllllSSilll" riiiftii.A-uii'itr!- . i a. TV t;V ahlrl Irnnira; u work ; 1' cinta a ililrt. II 1 ro Ijniiidr). 'i l.aiat "ih t. OIT.It TII1I wanted im tine tlann sl.tria ," iroik out alan balida to hem and I'lAltlt ateaily u .irk to auli l.b hu,.ta refer net a ii.iii..,l. Iiiure at lie ahlrt luauufai tor), lit ,.th at , Ala. ( and II. Ol'lllt A tTIIOU .A W.'aimilil ; a'.n.npi r T tiitlr riw-- iiiaititn.a, l,ui,-r-- , and plain aem ra uu while l cat. .Mr. CHOW I.DV. tl New Chi lticra .1 I'IIII 'i'tll( (or ntir and bulne cnj ; lo, O Cirl t,i luale atnl pull oul. 141 Irwlsat lillw-.'it- l Ii nn, Hilt na.. tup floor. II. I.UDU l!NM I IS. Ol' Tolls and tiuti.inhnle ntaketa n ante flo lu ahup on cuaioi t ablrla. (.. II i o hill'. !4 Ilroadw ay. OI'KII ATIIII"! on Benta'i iinijri-- and ladlra' but. an .1 blittnuliiilr air. rator. Tsii:il, r.i Watren al. I'l'.lt ATO Itt. biatt ra.ltnlaliera, an I Klrla to learn O pantal, inn tuikliif, uir) IV.irl at,, St tloori the but pllee pild. A 'I'IIII and ind linlinra. IH 0 tJ f wnrfea. lltlljll IliiUltull It , rear houai'. t )p floor. I'THl Al'Olt- - nn W.Ailll.ln'a"andSliirr'a ramlly O- - tllirliluc. on ladlea' aulta; alao flntalu ra. 1 Mierltf al.. top floor. and puter wanted nn llnwe'a ma. OI'KIIATOII u'aalioei. "I Aleniie 1 . lop floor. tiiiler. nnd flnuhera nn .anta OrmiATOII.. puod prleea, Il Murray at., ltd toft. O" I'KIIATO lira and fllltrmn flrwahon: llnweand Luipire uiaehlnea. '13 Colleire place, 3d floor. I'l'.lt ATIIII, nntaltrri, preaamen nn I b.iaii ra on O hlnirer'a on aliop coita, 8, Kaaei al.. room I. TOIt wanted nn tine abni-- , llnwe'a ma. Ol'mi .al i.'l ):. Cthat. work the year round. O I'l'.lt ATOIt rn Wheeler A Wllann marhitic on ruilolil ahlrt-- . Appl) at II Thonm at., up atalra. I'l'.lt A Til II nn ahnpcnita nn Kinrrer'a tnaihlneai O waiteafroin III) lot 1.1 a wiek. -I Taal Kith at. Til It wanted cnW.A IV .itid W. A ti.'a OIT.It ladlea aiiita. at a; l'eiri at. OI'liTt T01t wanted on tln while ahirta fraliall ItilllllDitt'iUat. C KKMI'H: OI'i:it ATOIt w inled hi U A VV. on lm) a' clollkr I t all tn Kvtli at.. HI flour. OIT.ItATOItonmeu tlnnahoei. 11 Warren al., O" I'lllt VTiritsau Ua.l r oti i, ata. Cait at 01 lib at . rear In. li . 1 ltll.i:. (Hrli wantrin paate work"; :il-- o r. i prlni: at. IJIM'I) COO II uilori f.e lo work on cualom rnili In I t..i . .h.iii. ,IAK ( I l.l.l.N.UHI ntniliat between 8d and lnn. rilll TA 1 1.0 II lr..- - tVo k.,)u pinlabinn lutnla . II t .in opiate , Pio, u i, at hand. JOl l.aat Mill al , kirk Mmp f 1V O ttunil t.iilnrea.i'a w ante on etiatum panfa at ii .1 Vaud.'waler at.. top floor, trout room. Call for two da) a. 'IH 1 1. OH i:l'. want.'d llaatera on tti.t.iin and 1 aliop pautalo.ij., at 215 ( anal al. top floor. I1A I I.OIll'.sjs w aided lo fliilih cualom nnd aliop patila. New Itnuir). top floor. C. KOX. l'lT inui r wanted to bale an I tlnUhi nona but I Biiod liaaida nied apply. CI1 Kail Mh at, W.VSTI'ill I'rr.onawho miirio" learn to operate II on f.t.viV acta imr maehlno i lautiht on the heal of lallora aorki alao, cooil aewera to learn pantaloon liiaklni;. M lit Brat Muor, back room. VA VTSO-- A operator lo make ftenta' KaTleri I lam llnwe'a irhlne. atradr work to a Kood hand. ? Kill al , lieinfrgiM an I HI a'!. TV A .VTI1I) -- Operator and finlahera nn boya' fancy II aulia , none but t'tiod liandi need jppii tallat.'-iH- llopen formerly N. lat.liet.Clh andlth.vvlllUuialiurith. "V AN operatora on Atnerlean 11 liutiiii.liole uiaehlnea, III' ICIllSti, Sv 1.1 JrlJ-- it., hat-- inecl. W VV'TKII iperlrnrcd rutlera nn la, Ilea' rloaka 11 and aulia. Apply to ltnlealrucllblr KulDe Co., HI ntid v'V. ( anal at VATi:il Hrai Jlan operatora on flnjr'a tin-- 1 a. Appl) in Klsi IIIUil'l'rritA UKUTI.KIt. CJJ And bth nr. W A VIT.H Oirla n( euainmril to wrap patent liiedb 1 1 none tint eip.'rent-tt- hanua need apply .1. II. Hum: a Co.. m llrnadway. VVNTi:l InineilUlily,-rlralil- a.i braneli "i 11 It '"! waii'a paid. Appl) to UII'AMQI'l!, 4i Uroadway. New York Vi'''"'-,m"'Blr,"iwl- io have worked it lmo 11 Mnillnir, pneketbooka, or Auu papHr boxea, al U Anuat , third llonr. A' t M'llll alrlclly lioneat. cuii'i-- i jnunj wmnan l.tonllindatorei houn front toC, Addroaa MAI). AVIK, bo III, hun iifflce, AT A T II I ) A Klrl to cut aprnna. Applyfer I 11 o'clork. .VK IIKII.BT Iiuk aril t. WAViT.II-- at fnodlirlm Ultchera nnd cover ma. 11 ktraon hla. 11 (Mir) rile at., near Canal, up atalra. W A M'llll Aitlrlaa operator on llowe'a itiathlno 11 on Ki'ntleiiieii a ualtcra. II Delaucey at., baaement. V 1 MT.II- - A few inod tiead wnrkera and learnera". 11 Mi I eitiiKton ai ,)atr lllekor) at., Hrooklyn. W.V M'KII- - l ll (Irand atTa eleatiT amirt nirlT) J 1 tin plain rooklu j, alao, a rhambi'rm ild. "W'l NTIlll A ( nnk nnd ham'. ei. n ml for u reatauT Jlant. Apply alSJIIIe-rke- r at. Iiifuri 11 V A NTKII Inllorraaea nn CO. Imn lianla; pl,.ee"or 11 w,ek. tn luihn., lat av. J tills I.N'llltilir. V A ir.'M'" '1l'er,"lor n ladlea' aulta unWIIIcox Jl A (llbh.'a jnachlneApply al i llowery. AVi Mill) (lood bow banda, none uied apply uu-1- 1' a. eiperleneed, atatei lir lotiu n V A. TJ.,, -- l'teraa and buttonhole ma'kcTa ouv eita 11 nl AHth at , rear bulldlmr. VT A NTKII -- A t'ti'id lilrl fur housework, und one to 11 k.i crtandi, al Ul Clh nr. V' NTKII-- A amarl, wllllnir ul7l for BeTieraThouae" 1 work. Callat3ISVVeata6ihat. W'A for coataTilao bait era. 1 1 Apply al Ifil Homlon .1., lit Hour. V A NTi:-- A fear itood pant flnlahrra, 77.' Clh at. 1 1 Cull all the week. VA NTKII-- A llrat rTau OtlrrTiTlTdlerl.ov "Ap-- ' ply al Hi Weal lf.Ui at. W NTKH A Klrl lo cook, waili, iiimI h ' iiT 11 ntcniie. tiOOl) npei itnra and 11 kihmI tint-i- . ,' in J ami oul of the hiui.e. 1)1 IlldrPU. i .iu. ton i call for three ilaya. a) Tl ll,Oltl'.aar.on cuato7li reita 111 l.aat lltli j tt Ural floor, (ill.illtli) T. IIDIIN Allli. V 111 III. wanted to tinUhoiTlinur ill Houtli 3th Willi,, near Canal at. r liOOII fur icwcra on (hildren'a blue and white. jtl aclai bral ill) prli ca paid, 'M lid ar. N KW ahlrl Ironi ra, ami a liuaom atari her, beat J) price paid, 4Ja VV'ial 31lh it, f.ii I'lltMT.CI.Ahrt operatora for ladliM'"umfe7 fill Karmrnta andlufauU'roheai wotk Klrcu out. ill r nil I It I. s l.rlweei7tTii) aiteaof 10 and Mo learn aJUIomake toy lorpcdoea i ateady work all year, tn Warren at., up atalra. 'Xft lii0.,,."r''w ""era wanted i alio, iilrl to learn. V II N, lit at., bit. Clh anil 1th (.., VYlliliuuuura-li- , SMlimttb---JfTttiIx'- trlren Wit toriay foraewlna; mvlilnea ib) Inatallmenla i Inatruetlon free. ,1. 1. mkn-I- , I., 61) I'tiiion ar., near ICayinotid at., Urooklyn open cirnlnirs. A l'lTlpT.U.SS lallnreaa tnwnrk nn fine coitTi afl. can operale preferred. Ill Kail Ith at HAHTI'ltS nnd btiltnnhnl makera on linen rcatai ta VViet tithal.,bct.1th and Slhnra, IIMS1I A K I'.UwanleTimmedlalelyTonly flrar. rlaaalnndaneed apply. C. Ht'NAllKL, t)l3 llroad. way, bet 'ithand JUUla., Sd floor. IjU'lt ri:VKtlH wanted In and nut of the home. at., Wllllatnahurith.near tlrand at. Ci I II I. wanted to waah dlahea In dlnlnn aaloom'llT 6th ar. IADH'.m tatmtil perfecTiyTat the acwlnff maehlna ion llleeeker al. 100 wanted i plenty uf alter learutnii;i all new Blnger'a machlnra aut.i a j inonthly lu work. I A hi r.4 taught nn Plnircr'a and Wheeler A VVHann'a J machtnea tn hem. lurk, nullt, for II i llowe'a on leaiher. Mm. THOMPSON, 1B3 Kat ,1tlli it., between lit ami M nl", l'KIt ATOItf. bailera, and flnlahrra on panla wanled i alao, a cood preaaman can hare ateady work. Ml l.aat 9th at., between Ala, II and C. A TO IIS. baitera and flnlaheraon cuatnm nnd OIT.It paula i good prlcca. 319 Canal ilrrrl.M floor. ll.l'AYNK. ATOIt baatera. finlahera and apprcntlcei OIT.It Call at J.M tlrand at.) call for daya. on ihon rnala. Inquire OI'KllATOH,nt',liiirer'a l'lHUrd 1II10H. OIT.It A TO HS and bailera on white mil wanled ".thai floor. OI'KII ATOIt wanled on fine cualom atilrta, to In ihop or at home. & White at. OIT.It ,T(Ht. and nnlahera on ahop coata. Call at Ialun it., ad floor, room I, 'I1A I I.OIIK Onewhoean flnlah and tnake but. JL tunholea on line work. IM Clinton it., 2d floor V A NTKO-- A iteaily ulrl for neneral homework In ,11 . amall family Rood rcferinee rctiilrcd, Apply al AVANTKII A flrat claaa talloreaa nn rnala, ln 11 quire nt'.Hi:aal llth al. JA.MKS HAHT. AV NTKII 1 drraamakera at 311 Kaat 1h 11 al t come prepared for work. f?llinltb--Jlillt- I. -- TIIIIKK 001.1) frKCTACl.t: MAKKlli, II V j a OOCI.HV A WADHVVOIiril, 81 JtHINST; V HI. CK-1- Til atidAwheelwrli:ht,Ktioi!wnrk. men. Apply in IIIOM. v. NOONAN,.liraey Clly HeUhla. near the Klre Cornera. I. IIOOII blaekarnllh. one thai linderalanda hnrar. A ahodnirand lobhlni:, at 1.. MA XVVKI.I.V, 95th at., between 3d nnd 4th ma., vorkrllle. wanled lo aell the "Safety Apparatua" VIII'.NTr lampa i nta any lamp i retalla for 2Tic. C. IIKMKK.VMI C arl at., New York. VTOtil. forcer tooli, wanled i one who II accuitomed lo VVVI..IOIINSON, lledenberu Worka, Newark, X J 1I MIT boyni meaaenuer. Apply at the Iieroe M'fir. ( ii. 'a oruce. tlrcciipolnt, L. I., near brldnc, New luw n t reek. STIM'T boy, to take cire nf wo horara and help In an ' cream depot. Apply at til Ith ar., alter o'clock V. VI. nf boya and clrla wintel for V Initil a with farmrra In the VYuat. Applr at 11 llat llhal. JJ 4 IKIirfl plutnlK-- r wanted. Apply t I- '- MUllTlTl 'tt, i Nil ill nr. VltOY. alimit II In Id teara of age. In a crockery Hilda in at. 01 ri wanted I a trip tnliaeen ; alan lioya In learn to ! atrip. Appl) t.H A CO., clirar mauufaC' lltri-- 110 .lohli at. I0 wiit.i. d li. b arn the lmal buibllnit trade i tiiual I) Ini e part-li- t " Ililni Vppli al IMii:i;4ol.l.M, iKiftoulh al.. lOo'clnck llor l)rara old. who apenka Krerirh and Kni;. 10, lor wlnealnre. Apply al IM Weal Jllh at., be twi ih and Mh aia. Hit V tn wnrk lu hlackamtlh ahop i one that haa work ai the tuiaineaa. :tl t'urmin al., Urooklyn. wanted lo line and tletmahoea. Apply to II. IIIXItV.ftl(lreenwlehil..dlltior. HANI) AV.-- A a,t. younit man to run a bandfaw. jyooK foldera wanleifal It Spruce ti. JO V wanted In a clirar alore. 345 Kal Uroadway. (1IM I. earttnan wanted, at corner l.rilmrion r.r. and at ; mu.t be a I'rotritanl, boneit an I tetuperalc, with reruiiimt-udatlnu- . ( It II I IIK pilntera wanted. CMt .1. VANl Vj OKA vv ivtt li,. Kalh at ., Ilro.ikl) n. (1 A It lilt wanted toririr dinner from 11 tol, and one dinner man, at IT), South at. lONI'KCTIOM'.lt Kood cream run-- m ra. al UVMlKl.'s, ll Col al. 1,1 VII'I.O VII KT for coaelTmen. cardenera, firm. J-- J t ra, mm on icenllemen' place. In atorea. Ac. other iTeairabli' lacarulea now upen al I VVrat Itti l . room IS) Immedlati' employment. n. It N K"iTa U Kit wanted work fori mm that a pmii workman, aoher and atead, Anply Immediately l'. II WAIIMllt. Abeel iU t, N. Y I'A Nml Oon.1nn7ck7rlpe7arnlrJ at HllK lll'CKIIIltis'., It'aad ttjltf.iny place -- oujliTlrookl) n. I Oil competitor wanted al '.. TT. SKKII S, 10 Wr.7 lib I at., only tood workmen neM nppl) . "f AI '1 1 1MT wanled, who under-tan.- putting tin ill nukeauf Itftthurch al., up atalra ASKS w uit.'il fur T.oteli, atorea, harteudera, ware til houar. bonkkoeprra, at llnw cry. N'tlTII'fl. Aaaiatance and Inf.irtiiatinn irlrtnt ifatn children who wiab to pn et. Apply at It l.aat Mi at Company ,:oini Aprllll. IWIlTKIt. waltera, bartendri, and irardenera. J. Apply at Induatriil Aitene) , (f! .M,.titk'..m-r- ; at., Jcraey c.ti. up at lira 1J 1TTKIIN HAM: It. Wanted, a flr.l claai atorc pat. rn tiiaki-r- Oho. V.. IT f llll.l,, I7 Hank at. 1)IH'.i)lll;N on maeiilne, and hania on coata i tlO , nt th at., near Ar. H. J IIOI'.ll A K I'.IIS wanted Kite cnoTl "men on chi- lis drcn'e turn la. ka , hiKhe-- t watea nt II5( lilillnn it. CTOl'THOV work at waon palutTjT. il apply nt Y lat at TAlltlt I I.Tir.ll. A firit cU.i man to work on ralla 11 New Chun h at. riTN rani wanted i,, almw merrhania the I aell fi e llnir fuuntaln Inuah Appl) b. lweintan,l llo'clock. KtU.VMIN(.s. 1st fiiltonat. 'IIO COACH II A KKIt, -- Wanted a eeneral wood JL worker, nt O. ll. 1 oi'Mi'.-)- , usih it., near SI ar. "1A I I.OIt Three f.n ruatotn coata and Two on pvnta to wore In llorfcor. HIM tand sdar. 'llAII.OIt wanled on rnatotn work on coat I and I panti, nt 17 Kut Ilotiiton it, ty 1 1. Oil wantedrill llower- y- IT . AV v. Wanted, flrat and areond ( laaa Are-- a nu n. ordinary ai amen, rartichtrri. nnd mecluuka or landinien, at ta lurk al Urooklyn. THOM.WJiVliNS, U.II llltr.l.l.Ar. Wanled, men who underrtand inaklnit. Appy at I J Walker at., up atalra. VAM'K l' lahoren o7i""liecttnn a oMhe Nuw II lork. Ibiuaaiiinic and Northern Itallroad, two mllra aboie White I'lalni. W'iua, 11.73 per day. MIIM,iA MACIIOXAI.II. ( Unlraetora. V A .NTKli-- ln i ahawl mill, a thnrniiichly eompclent 11 man In in inane Cromptnn broad Inoma. and who full) utitltTaUiida the .laenuir.l uiaehlnea. Addreaa M A.N AtlKIt, box I.W6, NewVork I'oat otllce. WAM'Kll-lE.i- ol bart indera for a aiimmer liouaTii 11 Inqulryof ITTKII ASICS, nr JKltiahY .H.MVIY, rnruer of Itowiry and lleatir at between 10 and 11 o'clock VATI.O it nit Jnl'itilnir tlnaiiiltrTTiinne need 11 API',1) ,un b'aa 4.ibi.r and work the y.ur nndUHthkia "AUI,:I'"' ''lili ur . Iiilwicn I17U1 V ANTKI1 -- Avenlatnlntrn.iTieeTi) aimprfih'Mi,"! 11 attraetiie ami tnklni; little urtli ie uui, ft per iliy cloired eaally i eiery peraou wanli one. il liroadway. otllce t, V'ANTKI) An eiperleneed Molhhainilciwirtif. 11 ler . a lumiii lent man can aecure a inind alliiailnni referenda required. Addreai box 711, I'oat (mice, Nuw lork. AV ANTI',11 A llrenaed enulneer tn take rharire nf a 11 amall bieomollre boiler i waKea, tin per week. AP ply at i.l William at,, between and III nVlock A. M. AV NTKI-A- n engineer to fake i harite of a amTil 11 lioltcr ami enk'tne, aud make hliuaelf iicnernll) Hie-fu- l Apply al ta) linane at. befoie 9 o'clock thla monilnit. ' A NTKII -- All the newabora and new a.lenlera In 11 Hie ell) in aell the I'eople'a I'oekel I'allitlnder. Ap- ply ut the American New a Cn 'a, lit Naaaau at. VANTKII A flrat-cl- miller' initat the tlie7c7y 11 beat of tn character, ill, lllty, Ac. at Hruokl)ii Clly Mllla. 3 Kiilluu al llronU)ii. WAM'KH-- A fireman tn ualni; almv-,1- i"K' Al ply before 8 A. M. 1.. II. ITIIUV A CO., ID Weal IHlli al. WANTI'.O "A bn7 at r'lt A N I ll'V cnrrl.ipe far: 11 tiirj.itn and lia Croaby at.; muit board wllti till parent. V A NTKII A )ounii man arqiialnie l with nuranry 1 1 and ilorial dcparlinenli. Addre.a box uii Youkera I nat tlltll'.' AV A NTKII A ruttor for boya1 and elilldren'a elnth. 11 Im.'- t.J V rauklln at. A. I.KVVlNsuN A Hltos, AVT A NTKII -- Blx pond fannera, rriiteatanlarinarTied 11 andtlnnlei at 10 Uroadway, yd flour, fur a da) a. WANTI'.II A clerk, lniniedialelT.Apnly to Ny". 11 and llaitfurd 1'uh, kg., II I'ark row, V A NTKII I'i.'ture frame lolnera. " CA.VirilKI.I.AKKIIIIl'SON. ll'JAtid 151 lUxlerat. AVA NTKI1 A tailor to work on rnila, al 111 KaaT 11 imh at,, one lllitht of ilalmjn the front. V A NTKII at onen -- A irood Iron bound cooper. ' An-1- 1 ' ply, at 371 (ireenwleh at. WA NTKII -- Two carrlago palntcra. Apply at 1,141 11 llroadnay, Irnm 8 In 10. AVM'K' An oltlce boy, amall.Aipy at I0J l'u. 11 tin-- at mom Ii). '. NTKII A younit man to woik ai the baking II 1,'nl Walcr at. A NTKII Waltera In a dining aaloou. 389 101 h ar. VI'I'tTi wanted to aaila7"i7i kei plinj7"toik In order, X Ac, lu tallor'i alore, III ll i'air). k HOYS t ali(n paiutlniti llioaii whohare worked at J Wu palnllnK ur allow tarda, and can All In, mar ep. ply alii Murray at, "IIKN to work on a fArinj no oblecllon If lately ;) landed. Mr. IIKNlllllUKSON, 111 Atlantic at', Urooklyn. ( (lOOII tioarjlnir maitera wanted, Aeply at once. Ktnnftb-'Sni- tli. AT NewYprlt Kmplormenl Houae. ltd Weat llth at., Clh nr. Wanted, Knullah. Irlih, Scotch, (ler man, Hwedea, Danea, and Nnrwrglana, aa rnaehtnen, frardenera. farmera, oiefnl mn. An., experienced and !,"'.,JC.,n'":,, ,K,lu married and alnRle i alfuatlona readr for Iftialnnle men and 30 married people i no charge till engaged, A IIOOII rnat maxer WAntedi Alio one tn do buahel-- J ling by lha week In the atorei none but good handi pedlappjy. lWCourt t., llrooklynT Ull.I.ltlt. AHOlVahoiit 13 to III reara of age, In a lalloralere, oy. imcKKNTHAI.KIt A I.ANIimt. AI'illHT-lll.AS- H plnmber wAnled. "JOItN M. jajellroadway, between th And 17th tU. A V.OI'Ntl man that haa worked at hotiao" painting i Alao a Journeyman, Apply at ooeih ar. A SlllTII'S helnrrrnno 'light curtain coach Tor JV aale, al ahop, Uii .Ih nr. Al'HUl'lIUT Piurnber wantMti iTeaTeTaT; mi.i.iiitiinjKi iiuoa. 1'I.IMI lll'.lt and gaa niter wanted at tl (loldau lltOOKI, Yli("ii7rne77na"nTail7ir'a Unlon.-T- he re l gtilar quartn-l- y mertlng nf llila Union will b held At the Club llnuae, ?13 Atlantic at., for Iranaartlon of Imalneaa and Ihe Initiation of new membera. I'uncluat attendance la rrqtieated by order of the t'reaident, lUtAKLXA IlAArr, Secretary. TH08. 0'CQNNiill. TJOY tnfeedA nillng7nirhlne"Andona lo run crranda J83 William it., corner Maiden lane TAH Kit wanted A alrong.ACIIre Iwy to work In A Jeake bakery. KJ1 Hh at. f 1A It I'KNTKItH WintedTl I It la morning br DOW. V UNO 1i WKYOOI.I), carpenlen and bulldora, 1M 71lhal, r 1IIIA II .11 A KI'.IIS and atrlppTa wanted at SAM V t)i:L HTIIAtlB'S, 71 Wllllimat. II AND boy wanled. Apoly before 8 A. M., at m ll Weat 37th at., rear building. GI.AHS atalner wanted I a general handi ateady Alao a good lead glazier. Appply cor. At- torney and ltlrlnztnn at., between If) and 13 n'clnek. JAMKS DOtMIIIKHTY.OIaaa Cutter. HAItNKSS .ItAK KIt wAntedT South 3lh aVT, at., New York. for whaling and U.S. Navy. Apply M wValt..orllVVrat I) It KS.1 KN, bnlbinhnle makrra; alao til1n7eaaea tobaate tine frneka ; wagea nn nbj.-rt- . Call for ono wei-k- , at .1. risl'.ll'S, iuci llowery, lop 11 ior. 1JAINTKIIS.-- A or 1 good bullae palntera wantetl I for inalde work, at s.VH Ill's, 306II1 al., .lersev Clly. l,l .Vlltl'.lt v inieii. " ApMyat 6 New llowery, June-- I Hon nf l'eiri at. Jjrl NTKltS wanted nt 31 Cou-- t at., cornTr liemacn, S IIOI'.ll A II Kit wantedinnne Ti7r'gor)d, aobeT, . ilcaily man need apply, al 111 Cheriy al. V. MA1IKKT. UTOI'K I'lTTKII.-Wanted.nneatn- Tii rilerlnlhe 1 ahne manufactory of A. Al.TJIA YKIt. 317 Clh at., near the llowery. IIHVO IIOOII wn'elwrlghta lo whom alea,. work I will be mien. Apply to THOMAS UODlltlLS, aj Weat 13th at. flit) TA 1 1. (MM. -- coat handann rtiatnm enala.but-- I tonhole maker, lallurraaeBi good wagea paid. 10 I'rlncoat. i1V(Mallora and two tatlnreaai one nn Slnger'a ma" I chine to work on fine coata. 10 Kaaex at., room 11. "VANTKDIn go a abort dlatanrein the entinlry. a II man competent to work al trimming and painting Alan a young man wlm baa anmetlmenf painting and tlealrea 4 iroml chance tu perfect hlmaelf. ( all at MONKS A IIIVINii'S carriage ahop, IU1 Caurcna at , be. fore 11 A. M. AVANTKI) At nice, nn erangrtic man, with twin 11 to J,'i. aa treaaurer for n flrat claaa dramatic cum. ranyiinuat be atrletly aobcr and reliable ; reference mqnired; tn the right man eitra Itiduro-111- , nta will be ottered. Addreaa "l.KK," 17 Kaat llth al., clly. Ar A NTKII- - A r.impniltnri nne who tinderalaulT 11 Betting up orala 11. al and lAty:lo work by the lob pr ferreJ. Apply At COOKK, SMITH & CO.'i?. 113 Chamhera t. AV' NTKII- - A blacksmith who h(o-e- T 11 ahneing and lobbing. Applr at 31 Newark at., near ltbiotn field. llolKixen. N. J. JOHN O'liONNKI.I.. AV'1'l'.",r'""r more penleel men to ranraaa 11 for agenta Inlhla city nnd auburba ta new article). Apply In market, 3d (Ireenwleh ar. AV- - MT.Il-- A good American confectioner to a 11 good man tie hlghcat wagea paid. Appl) at tl Madlaon at. AV ANTKII-I'alnt- eri nied to wAgon work, Aa good 11 atrlpcrai ateidy work. Apply at 716 3d ar bo. tween 81th 4111I 1h ata. VANTi:i)-- A )nung man who hia worked at 11 nlumblhg fir 3 or I )eara. ins Hamlllon Ar., Ilrookljn. AV A NTKII. Ten llratlaaa tmnk And trn flrat claaa 11 Job comiinaitnra wanted. Applyatnnee. WKMl. I'All.sONS A CO.. Albany, N. Y. AV NTKII - Niy, I J or HyearTof 7irinqcJ;Ta 11 the picture frame itorc,31 3d ar. i.. n. arnvAitT. AV A NTKII good paint brua'j maker and nailer! 1 1 ateady employment Ihe ie.r round. JOaKl'H ANIlli'.tlr. A CO.. lis Duaneat. AV A NTKII yeara nf agerin tmtcher 11 ahop Swiv.Vat 37ili at. Inquire from 7 tn a nVlock. M. MKNDLK. "VVOOII worVmm 01 light wagona Alan, trimmer 11 and boy to learn trade. Cith il. and HroadwAy, ltouleiard. V.NTHil lx ahaw I wearera on Croniplon lonma, 11 Apply to TOWNSCM). HOWDY A Co., Walden, Orange county. N Y.. br l.rle Itallroad. AT: lTi:i A boy to wnrk In a furnilTirr linre", one 1 1 that haa been In the bualneaa preferred. Addreaa II. I... Iiox IM.Sun ntllee. AVANTKII I'mir atnnt men; inttat be aober and 11 aieidr and well recomineuded i none othera need apply. viManglait V A NTKII A Oordnn preaaman who nnderitindi 11 making tea ly Addreaa I. M. N., box 103, Sun otllce. AV A NTKII A Herman boy, with good accurlly 11inuai wrllexood Kngllah. T. bVION,7S Duane al. V A.NTKI- I- V good plumber one that umlrretandi l 1 Kaa OttiDg. Apply al 151 Cullon at., New York. AV A NTKII-- A innrt Imy Ira wall ou lahlra In a 1 1 aalmin, Ajply al at. AV A NTKII -- A good Blnut boyioue Hard to lining 11 and lying ahoea, Gl Church at, AV A NTKII A I iler, heeler, trimmer, aliTlTitlriith. 11 cr, top floor, A3 Warren it. AV AN'TKI-- A good itrnng Imr. Apply lo packing-1- 1 box ahop.SHinlai.n at , New York AVANTKII-A- n rxperlmred ahlrT cutter at II LU 1 1 penard at alao. ahlrt lian la wanted " AVA N T Kl) Ad7maprea7"fea'dl)y; Jl .1 HIIAdV, 31 Itoae at., near rnnkfort. AV A NTKII good coat maker to work In the 1 1 alore. ;KI 1th ar. V A .NTKII-- A wheelwright corner 96th it and 3d av. ,4 I'A I NTKIt.H to go a abort dlatanee In the country. ",5se""T",u iil")Ktore,.Monda),fromto 10 A t n0 fI.;iJ.:,,tH. "n.d "yrewea for elilldren'a T ' atl it a ; beat prlcca paid. 131 and 133 I (WW) iJil'''? Agenta wanted-lte- at aelllng . Iirgeat iiiii,iiaa,ina paid. ' '"'"'ready. New 1 ork a l'uliliahlngCom.iny, 11 I'ark row. SJ I i A HA Y cnally made at IIHNaaanuat , room 2). - " tll.O, L, I Kl.TON A CO. Siliiations iWlimltb. 4 Bteady young man wanla a illiutlonaa i porter, nr In traielwllhan Inrnlld or family, or to work around A ccnlleman'a plare clly reference. Addreai iTltAVKI.KK.liox ID, bun otHc A J illuatlon In Apr7rAlti faiiiibT 1 na chambermaid, Call after II h! Win l.tni. low il.,aecpnd bouie from thorornerof Itlrlngtiin at.. room a. on Ihe top floor good reference can be glum. A SIT! ATION wanted In a grocery atnre by "a l )oung man lining 0 year' expern ni e In fie biiat '."'' I.,.11."ln..10 mM blniailf generally uaiful. 1.01 111. Sun nlllce. A SITI ATItIN wanted lu u prliaTe" f inTTl) , aa J l haintierniB dor wallr aa. Addreaa .1 II11VVA 111, 3 3lh at., or call between the h.ura nf Band 1 1'. M A SITUATION lrantedby n rcape.-lal.l- -- 1 girl In nn Atnerlean fmulfiia c...ik, or for general hnuacwork. Applyjit T.7 3.1 av.. top floor 1 .,.Yri,".r"rmfr,i mechanlea, and PupT 1) piled with boyiat Newibo)' Home. It I'ark pi ice. '110 TAIMIItS.-- A Bteady.reaperlahle ulrl wlal.Ta I ailiuAtlon where ahecan Improrcher knowlclgo ot the irndn; throughly underatimla Ihe running of Mnger'a. tl. A ll.'a, and empire machlnea. Can be mvii fortwu daya at 31(1 Klliubeth at., lal Hour. 'fill IIOss lllllt'ltl.A VKIts, - Vanteil, by a I )t;ung man ) yeira of nge, wlm hn bien twelve tnomhaat a altllillnn with a.iun-b.n- brb k 11,,',l,,'r"1" trade. Apply to CHAN K CON-HO- Claim llle.t nun. V A 'l'l'.ll Hi' a ri apeiTTble wriow l.ulj ,i bring a ,1 1, '''bri'l'nii lib Hlle ami take g,,nd cure of it. Mra. Mi NA LU ,i l.aat al, t all for two ,1 i)a 3fttlllt(S. IOIIN H.tiOI'CH will (lellrirhla celebrated Ice lure 011" ClretimitaiK'eB' In Ihe Academy of Mualo lueaday crenlng, April V. Tlckata Wc. , rcaericd aeata ftk.'. exlra. for ante al II. Slradler A Cu.'a, 137 Naaaau at. I I'oudAlo.'a, M7 llrnadway (1. Schlnner'i, 71)1 Hroad. wa), ornt lhe Aradtiny. I'craoni holding tlcketa for J r. (lough'a lecture on Dec. tl, may have them ex. fcluaf 7 fvWa ,0 "' HTHAI1LKY & CO., 137 Haa- - '0!irb 1111b Booms, A feai'eelable young men, alio two young i ladlea, can be aeeiiimiinilateil with good board and pleaaant roomi at 31) Weal 30th at. AIII'.l'Kt;;TAIII.K I'roteataut girl In board In a moduato. Call at ir.M llroome Bii room ii A I'I'.IV young men aceonmiodatcd wliu,t J rooma.aluglo beda.and Buod board. l Ollror at. lermi moderate. AI'KIY young men ran harr good board WcilJCtli it" d.rj.o-- i .KiaVakeii. A HI I I.K and randy atore for Bale, oppnalte a pnhlio JiY acliuul, nt 610 LaaWlth at., bitwrcn Ala, A and II. A iV'i'. IP"" men can liavu good board, aluiilo VJicila, at l.) per week. M Henry at. A '')V'.nur?! lAdlea and gentlemeu cnu be uccom-J- inodaled Willi board, al 'AM Mh at. II11VO reapectaldeladlei can obtain bewjd Inanulet .1. place, or would let a f urnlahed room, 131 W. llth at, AV A "Tai"-- " l' town, a room iuiitorCali 11 forMIW, Br'cI.AlII, I J3 llleeeker H, I "a YKST 3..T1I ST., noar Droadway. Af jv JI gentlemen can obtain comtttable rooma, with fM u0rd' V9' wfek oath, Ac.) dlnurr at 1 A 1 UTII A V.Kurnlahed front rooma far Udk'l X'Jb I muiwmtnli. QliYftil'IC TIIKATKK. " I . VX1tiPJY UMITV 1lKMOT)f:T.t-I.D- . l JL BIlSSoWo. .IL Tmciili! BKNHATI0H8. Ithkmhxdoub HITS, I THK MAHTKN8' NKW flONOrl. I tiKMPir DUMPTTi J j "TTiTtVllaoo'lirothera5 i FK A IIIMI I. FHATB. J ITIIKKIIIAI.FYS'DANCKi IN TIIKAIIt. I FOtH LTMK BTATUKSJT f'.? FUN I IThe Falrlea.i FANUIt.l F O X TIIK OrtKAT Da'ncK IN THK Alltl TIIK AI.I'IIAIIKTlCAl, IIAI.I.K.T I TIIK I'YIIAMID SOMKHSAIII.TI NOVF.I.TIKS AND VVONDF.Its WITHOUT NtlMnKtll MATlNKKH WKDN'l'.SDAYS AND SATUHDAYB At 1. BKCUItli YOUII SKATS. Q 111.11. (701,1), (lOI.I). nitOADWAT TIIKATKK, 0 OITOwITK NP.W YIIIIK HOTlIT 0 WII.1. OI'KN THIS KVKNINtl. Al'llll, 1, n " under new management, with tbo beautiful r. domeatlc drauiAot I, Ily Mlaa JKAN IIUItN'RinK, tn which ahe will appear, aupportcd br the ' farorltea, H.TAYLOIt, 0 Mr. U.K. II ALTON, w.c. IIUTLEIt, W T. WILLIAMS, n A.C. Mnreland. T.OHrer, T. Walker, J. llaker. Mine. IVAN C. MICIIKLS. Mra. I). 0 t IK. ItALTON, Mtaa llattle Ihorp, and 4 full " company. " Intlrely new and magnlllcentaeenery, by n j:s. htllKLLandoaalatanla. New and elegant furniture and appoint menta. 11 The theater haa lieen altered and thoroughly n yennraled, O TIIK MAN flKMKNT 1IAVF. TtlT, Flllll II KVKIIY KFFOIIT TO MAKK , THIS HOCSK VVOIITIIY TIIK I'HKS- - ' KM'K AND Ari'ltOIIATION OK A UK- - L 1, l'INKD THKATCH (IOINO I'I'ltl.lC. ' Mtialral direction under O. I. llurnard. Ilox oince now open. HOLD. GOLD. GOLD. AVAI,I.A(K'S. ,11 1.A1T NIGHTS Of TIIK VKTKttArf, In conacqueuce nf at.prnacbtng nniertlea, KxcniNo kfVkctof TIIK LAST (IIIKAT TAHLKAtT, Till! CHASH Of TIIK FALLING I'ALACK. TIIK CHAKGK OK TIIK HIIIIILANDKItS, A CHKF U'll'.IIVIIK. STAltTI.INO INCIIIKNT, AND SKII.rni. lll.KNDINll OK COLOlt AND COSTDMK. vir. I.eater vv'nllark. Mr. .Inhn llrnugham, Mr. .lolm Ollherl. Mr. ( harlea I'laher, Mr. J. ll Folk. Mr. Charh a Hot kw ill. Mra. (lira .lennlnga, Mlia KUle (Icrmon, Mmc. l'unlal, Mlaa Helen Trac) . KVI.IIY I.VKNIN'O. Notice will be glren nf Ihe proditetlnn of 1'AHTNI.ItS I'oll l.ll'l!. which will lie preaente w Ith n w tnenla. and In which Mil. UlAlll.KS MATTIIKUS will make bla reappearance. iooTii's Tin: tiiu. i.k clmicq. I J l'roprletor and Manager Mr. KDWIN liooril. Tlllltl) AND LAST VVCHK HUT (INK. ot the charming and aceotnt.llahed artlate. MISS CAHLOTTA I.K Cl.Kllft). who will apiiear on Monday. Turaiiay, VVe.nea,lay. and Saturday aa MADAMK DK FtlNTASUK), AND PASSION." to be followed bv the liuirhahle Ctunedletta of tU3 "HOfllll DIAMOND." On Thuraday nnd l'rida) eienlnga, ad Saturday Matinee at 1 .11 MISSLKCt.Kttco a i'NKrAItr.W, In "A SIIKKI IN WOLF'r Cl.O'i 1IINII," And Al Jl'LIANA, In " Th nONKY.MOON." Monday, April tt. frapp. aw ice and farewell engage mentatKr. HOOTIL C"T. .1 AUKS TffF..TIti:, Hlh at."and llrnadway. O f llOVVUr.I) HOCSKS. (IKKAT Sl'CCKsS, The enbat amuamg entertainment In the clly. MirK.VOY'S NKW HIHIIKNH'O.Ni Or. 1IIKLAND IN AMK1IICA. lir,vlu-n- i the famnna HAiiNKY, Tim oriDE. and concludlnr; with the acreamlng farce, HAIINKY AND TIIK GHOST. "Thta popular Irian entertainment, which blendi farre.muale. panorama, and humor all Into one per- formance, wai Inatalled at the St, Jamra Theatre Mon. day night, greatly In the delight of our Hibernian cltl. tens, who flocked thither In such a multitude that the theatre waa enttrrly Inadequate to aernmmndate all de alroua of admliaton, Thnaewho did get In were thnr nnghlr entertained, and the enjoyment wai of the hearlleat deaerlpilnn," Telegram. Mallnee Wedneaday and Saturday 3 P. M. Orchealra chalra. 7Jc ; dreaa circle, a'.i gallery, S.V. Matinee dreaa circle. 33c .1 children, 15c. "Viin.o's i.A!tiKN 1 SIXTH WEEK OK MIIS. .IOIIN WOOD. GHAND srCCKSt OK I'OI.L AND I'AIITNKII JOE. SIAIIY MAYIICD. MILS. .IOIIN' WOOD With the celebrated aonguf " Ills HKAIIT W AS TUCK TO COLL." hIVIMONS A SI.Ol'I'M'S MINsntLLs In number) will appear lu an KTIIIOI'IA.N bCENT. KNTIIll: NTVV HCKNF.IIY. CHAItACTKIIISTtf COSTCMl:-- and lIKACTH't'l. HI OlIATlOXS. mtim:k satchdai at.' Al I. I.K. I'llltlsTJNA NI.'.ON' ill LAST MAtlNKKS. Manrlee and Max straknaeh reapectfully an UOUnce Ihe TWO lii l,AM MATINKKs. Ml I.E. CIIII1STINA NII.SSON and the STIiAkiiM II ITALIAN OI'KII V COMPANY IV A At K'S. saturdiy.AprlH-MAHTIIA.- au 3). Iliioril'S. Mnnday. April at !::). Seata and tlcketa now at the Strikoach Opera ticket otllie, Kierett llouae. Entrance lath al. anil 4th av. - itnio- - soi a rn; Tiir.ATiti:. L H. VV'. ItC,l.l:it Manager THE hl'VNISH MISSTIIKLS. Mlaa MILLIE COOK. Mr. WELSH KDWAHDS. YOCJt LIFE'S IN DANUEIt. Mr. GEO. ATltKs. Mr. filri WILLIAMS, llttOHKV IIOI'OHEIITY. Maater HAIINKY. Mlaaea .1ENN1E KIMIIALI.. MISNIK JACKSON. AN. NIK WOOD. Mattueea And SATHI1IIA Y. THE YOKES M!XT WEEK. THE VOKF.s. liOWKit v"Tiir.ATiti:, 13 TIIK 11EAU rlKlll. SlIOKniNDEli OF LYNN. Tn commence with ANTONY AND CLEOl'ATHA. Matinee Saturday, at 3 o'clock. Jilt A NO C'O.Nt T.ItT AND lU.LTn, oivkn nr MANAIIAN'S SIX l IlKOfMf'NT ItWD, At ADEMY OF MUSIC. April lit. 1171, can i'ii Nrii('o jiiNTiii:i.s. Is IMMENSK hf( CESS. CHOVVDEI) HOl'SKS. IIIIICH, WAMIIOI.D, IIKIINAIID. AND HXCKl'S'l BAN IHANUISCO MINSTIILLS. HI'.IIHKW llenerolent and Orphan Ai7lnm Soclely, membera whu b) reaaun nf remoiAl or other rauao hare nol received Ihelr lurllallona towth annlreraAry relebrallon tn lake place on Ihe crenlng of April 11. will plraa notify me at nnee, and rerclie lame. blMON 11. STKltN.'Aaa't Sec.3U Uroadway. I OTTKIt I Kj,-I1- H per cent allowed on all In eT J menta. ,) .Mcl.NTlHE, ! Chatham it., IS! Kaat Hutiaton it , UtOlllt ar. BlllilUSS Ctlj.'llUH. 4 mtAWINlit i . KFNICCKY srVlElllI IKIIIKD. KEN I'l l KY l:ritaCLAM.So WV, April 6, 17!. 77, VI, (17. 3, 5, 5 i, 03, At, HI, S, a KENll.'CKY (1.144 Nil iai. April I. ITTI. ij. in. '', v. n. ra. it, irj, jn, 33, 117 I'ADI All Ei r ii (1.14 No ir,5. April r., I i?V w, Ji., il. 11, 1. m, u. si. la. h. ll l'Alll'l No. Ifa',, April at, Hf. 71. IV. ll), 01. 31. 11, II, tl. ID, 7. rf. I. SIMMONS A 10., Managera, Corlnglon, Ky. Iiifnrmatlnn furnished and cretilars sent by .1 CLCTr. Hrnker, Jt. Uroadway, lii l'ulton at., and i I'ark row. 1 . O. Ilox l,!jt. A I'l ATI: prodiieo comniiasion stand for i aalc. Applyatatamli, foot of Murra) at. 1A K Kit V fur aaln on the bt at part of MiiiT,- n., 1) doing u bualneaa of irai a week in er Ihe iltinli-- rent fur atnre and ahop. 1 14 a month I )nara from lat May next. I'rlee, fl,iii). 3u M)rtl ar., IVnoklyn, II 11 A It STO 11 K for aale cheap ut 313 l.tidaon it.- "-' 1" .Mill "I.K".f.iiii will buy the aliek. tools, and niiurea of a well eaiahllahed (In wara aplee box and Jobblug cstabllihuient. For further p .rtlculara addreaa W. II. I'AHuKH, Troy, N. Y. I.itllt, SA I.K cheap The'itock and flxturea of a and l ariely alore doing a Rood bujIucMt rent low, at sCN Ea.t llth at. s A l,K A bakerr dnlnga good caih builnen. llrookfyn l JWEVil st"lW!l. 13 Tlllarj L, li,i'Jlt ifA !'1.' "'"'I'-"- '" and atallonery at.7reTc7 1 yeainine ot tlie beat atanda down town muit be Bold at uui e. Apply on premlaes, It Ami si, 1,iOlt SA 1K-- A stmll but good pay.v"7ealauranri only 13 per naoulli i price, tin? A South at. Ti,i,.,ILHaVla.R ".'' "roeery st'.re, lock".nd"iiT ItltUeat., near Urand at. Jf'J j 'K cl"aP --A erorcryilore. 131 Wcit nj.U(lt'KllY'4ud candy tUtro fnr aalei the rvaiou ' X Klreu for e dllug. n) Caaniiou al. AT 1 1. It lllll TK foralu. Calfat .I1 613 Writ 33d al. MaKltOI'TK for oale cheap. Inquire at ltd 3d Si1! l1' established 'l'i;nrttinUy.-T- ho well pa lug. 8 clgij- alore, with ami iiimyI i'fpnt Allajhed, mil l7e sold c iri on i crJiuift of d.aH. lamlly.Jnqutro In the itore , to NvilletV . CKI.IilN'tl OIT.-Onl- ya few diyi e"fi a PI canned peaeaea, freah aloek, at doreu nil. Vr,.ri,:S;..,;,6,",,;r',i ' '" eiaVs , Ck ei barrels, kegs, Ao Ac. 197 Iteade at. r1,T)VmTAAi,i"TMr ''"Vry wu'h nxtureir ApTdy to Urooklyn. ' Culu'"bl ''i cutaer btitc at., AVA,,T,(, A wlinla wlllitTglii partner, work, with a capital of ,, In a w II ea ahllal r'l tiusmea- - iiljikA,WT '""" rvir' mnwmtnls. rr 1 T. "AnNI JlS' (HIKAT SIIOW. 4 LAST WKKK, LAST WKKK, I.AJ1T WliKK OFTIlROttl!T ATTIIKKVII'lItKHINK, TIIIIII) AVKMIK AND SIXTI flllltDSTIIUKT. rim awsmriui M,lv ItI.VKA.?srKU'0 H W C"KV- - ALL HAHK-ltAC- Tiii.V.KV.A.l,a.p?1.MKNA,l;ll' IN AMEBIC A LIVING (IIHAI FK MOVSTRIt RI'.A MON'rl. lS-Rl'- l'OJlnr)firfsiijn 1KB, KAI1TI1, AND Alll I'L'T CNDEH CONTHI- 1N',T HIOVVS IN ON'K ' !;l.KK T "VMI IIKFOIIK BEEN rATKOMZKD 1IY TIIOHSANDM OF THK ELITE KVKIIYTHINO CHAm:JS(j;VlNKI), AND Sfl'K- - naAr"fflnlnrV.,Afr.l'v':lhVlUnn'"? eenl.4 , cbiMfen lion to all those purchaalng the I'irtutial Life ot' ir T. Iiarnum, ton pagea, redueedfrntn H.v) In ll.'a). Dooiaopeu at I and 1 o'clock, Performance In the Hlppndrorie e nmmenees at t and a. Will exhibit In .leraey ( ity, MONDAY, April Hi IV I'llral.elh, Wf.l)NKS April 11 , .New Ilruniwtck, IHL'ltSPAV, Apr.lll. TINA KUtVIN'S TilliATJtK. ' CHAPMAN fiLANnilK. CHAPMAN. ELLA a.,Fi,..ST.. CHAPMAN. APPE MtAN'CK MONDAY, (HAPMAN. Al'llll. 1. LITTLE DON (alOVANNI. I1LANCIIR. UI.ANdlK. IILANCIIK. 1.1POIIEI.LA. Fl.t-A- . ELLA. ELLA. NKW SONGS. NEW DANCES. Nl W SfENl NEW SONGS, NEW DAMES NEW KKNll Y. NEW BONOS. NEW DAM ES NI'W PCENKHY IttrfMW '''fe.THILEK. 7 J . . li0T's oa";i"'10n JLU;'J ."Nd 1 CHAPMAN SISTEItl. - f53 : oiovanni. ; gS : HLANIIIK. KLLA. : r a ta. ' r1 v MONDAY KVKNING, April s.and ererr Evening, and WEDNESDAY AND SAtI'HDA Y MAIINEKi', LITTLE DON GIOVANNI. ClIAr.VIAN MsTI.HS. HEKNANDKZ FAMILY. G"" ItA.Nil OI'KII A IIOIlsK, lOCHIII Whl K OK LAI.I.A IIOOI5II'" The fairy beauty of the acener). gorgeouaneai of prop, ertlea and aeeeaaiirli-a- , rlcbtieaa of material nf ll.e cna tuinea, Bwectneas of the tnualc, and Intcnall) of Int. ret of theatnryot I.ALLA HOOKII, dramatically told KVI.IIY NIGHT AND SATIM1DAY MATINEE, to atirprlard and d. llghted audle nera nf OVI'll Tlllll.l. lllol'SAND ENCHANTED PEOPLE, aggregating an alien, lance lo date of SIXTY ! lllll.E THOCSAND, lualty stamp It na the UltANDhsT AND M09T RHCCl'saKHL SI'Ef TACtJ LAlt PIECE i'HODI't ED! IT HAS 1IIK MOST IIAVISIIING DAM ha MOST IIIIILLIANT PIIOCESSIONS' MOST IIKACTIIHL LADY AHTISTES! ..IT W"1!'' yl'IVEIW WITH llEAl'TVI IT IS AB DELIGHTFUL AS TIIK FIltMT DAWN or L0VE1 Trinaformatlon Scene at II o'clock. ACAUKillV.-TIIUrM- PII OK PAIIEt'A HOSA, WAt:llTKL, BANTLKY. THE OHANI) ITALIAN OPKHA COilDlNATION. f" Alll. I (14 A and A. NKUENDOIH F Directors U. DK VIVO ....llualneaa Manager MONDAY. April Fourth Hul.aerlpllnn Night, IIIHIlVhTTO. ltKIOf.l.TlO. Mmc.PAIIEI'A-IIOSA- , Mill PHILLIPS, Mr. WACIItKL. Mr.SANTI.EY. ..Also Meaara. Cook, llyae. And Ilallln thecait. A NKI'ENIiOltKF . .Mti.lenl Director nnd Cnnduelnr. EDSESDAV (by general reqiieali. II, THOVAIOIIh. PA I PHILLIP'S. VACIITEISANTI.EY. BATI IIDA Y, OIIAND MATINEE, DON GIOVANNI, N It. seau for MATINKl't ami ANY nlghl iinl secured at the Academy of Music and III llrnaJnay TVKIV 1 OHK rllllT, 11 I lib st ,0ppoBlteAcadcti.y6fMuile 1.. It I ENT Dirretfir MATINEES WEDNESDAY AN'il SATt llDAI AT i' 1 VKIIY UrFNIVO AT 1. last weei: Fif' ciiicirs season I'omTIVEI.Y LAS r WEEK OK t lilt I w SEASON. CHICl'S SEASON CLOsKH SATI'IIDW. APII1L 13. h'EVV AND BCPEItlt I'EATI'IIES t'NITID Is HIE 1.AS1 ENTKItrAINMENTS. F11WT WEEK OK TIIK I'NI'AIIAI.I.EI.KD Alt' OF TIIK (IIIKAT .IOIIN 1IENIIY I'OOKK ON MX IIAHEHAIK STEEDS, the most exciting and novel eqti"atrlinlui ever wit lier.l NIl.I.lV. fAltOMNF. Ni. t'HAIII.ES W.KISII ind WILLIAM DUTTON In their elaaale and daring eqneatrlaii feata. TIIK IIIIILLIANT CMH CS PKIIKOItVI ANCKS will conclude w lib ihe ainualng pantnmlne of JACK TIIK OIAN iViidii'H nijii:rii. woodb. 11 :THA Al rllACTIOS'S. THIS EVENING AT h, TO DAY AT 3, the Thr charmlnix Artlate. llurleaque Eilraiaganxa, MISs LACII.C KEENE.I LIMILlNKi In the great drama, Or, THE K SIGHT lii'MlD Down', i and i hi. nai iw. New- - Caiatumea, scenry, and the 3. act conn dr. and superior I at. 11 VPPIEsT HVY Salurda) Matinee at 3 (IE MY LII t. rtTll AVI'.NKK TIIKATIIK. The .New Parlaltn Penilti n, "AKTICI.K 17," KVEHY NIGHT AND SATtMlDAY MATINEE. N EA It .11 ar. ANOrHKH OIIEAT NOV Kf.1 Y 1 HIS WEEK. FIltsT WEEK OK Ml Si) POLLY DALY AND II Kit .GIIEAI FKMAI.K MINS111EL 1IIOLPE OF TVV LLVE II AN DM) VIE YOt'NO LADIES AND Ot'lt (IIIKAT STAIt COMPANY. MATINEE.sTCESDA Y AND FHIDAY. J.ADIES INVITATION NIGHT Fill DAY KVKNIN'O. '""lM KATII K CILIMHI'I'.. 311 IHtOADWAY. .1 .losfl IIAItT . Manager. Klrat week of ahe Nan tlu,t.a.u. Ilt.ACK EYED SI'SAN, Ir.lrodurlnglhe WOIIUEI.L MKTI.lis, Mlaa SOPHIE. MlallllBNE, Mill JENNIE. The new Local Drama, NOLL, Till' VEVVSltOY The new Negro Skeich. sVVAMP ANGELS. Matin. e dnea.lay and Siturday. ''ON I'A STO H'r OIT.It A llor'i'i'.i I., I lrt appearance of the gnat ( omlc Duelllata, IlAKEll.- FAHIIEN. (IIIOII stji i: COMEDIANS. A new comic trlrk pantomime, riitllled TIT'1 1 K 1 VI 1'LI HKItNAMiEZ FOSTEIt na TITTI.K TATTLE. tony psion'i giiian nt foviiii.riov. Malineea Tueada) and Salurday I ndles tree on Fridays. HltY.yVrSOI'KHA HOI K. a7.. neartlli afternoon, April 11, 1173, grand complimentary benefit to Mr. N. lae Sey- mour, commencing at '.' ai'cluck preclid). In coniunc. Hon with the Hrynt entire troupe, the following nrllatahare kindly volunteered by permlaalnn of thmr reapecttre managera: Mr. Gua. wdliams, Mr lltighi-- DnuKhcrtr. Mr. I rank Kerns, Master Harne), Mr. John Queen, Mr. Geo. Coes, Mr. Frank GlraM. and others. A ffneiarictyof comic acta mil be Introduced, the per- formance concluding with Ihe aucccaaful burlerqtle nf Julius snreier, Introducing Mr. Dan llryant In the of Caaalns and Maik Anthony. 1 V'VASJ'lJU'i:!. ihiI'sk- - 3111 sihei.t. HIT. IMMENSE st('( l Ss OK It'LICS SNKEZEIt. I .11'1.11'S JULIl'B bXF.E7.iai. I JLLIUS SNEKZElt. Tit) NOT I'A 1 1, to aee .VIAIINEII, the hn7e e,1u. .1 I cator, and hia wonderful ponlea, EVE1IV KVI N ISO, and SAT CHDA Y at i 1 he moat ricloui horaia tamodever) evening lorn alio 1 tlmeonl). JUrsonal lolitti. l,l. aoljlrfa cn'tate before July 31,1 , for 1 yean, nndwnluwa. can get )V bounly. K P. Illitiiili, lale of I', s. .s.mltary Comuiiisloh Agtfr,lll at. .?,0,l1,l,!) To:iL ?,'j31. 1I'.T Lehigh and Lniuat Mnunlaln cn. store, igg, l and furnaee. IC; large uui, 13 30 rtrton of lha., scrci ni'il and detlveri-- THOs SIOKI.a, corner U at. ond 10th av. 1 lilibita). " One of the gretleal iut',11, al dlacnicri, a of theae, thereautta uf ihlrt) i .ara' prai-tli'- o( a liirniau ph)al Clan. Sea tired br tclfera palillit. ciireapllea and all other combined therewith. I'ri pir.! by Dr. I'll , a: or . W llihinaburgh. JOHN I. IILMIY, bole Agent, tl Collage place, Sew York. CENTAL exhauallun, nerrnua ileblllty, aamlnnl r wt .gneas, ilrlrlura. plica, and all pruati illi,-.- i,( the kldneiaur bladder cured. Inlervb-w- trnm H A M. lo Ji p, m. fo detention from buaineai Vegriable mcdlclaoa tiled. Ilonurable Irealim nl and iniideratr caariji'a. Clinton Medical Inailtuli, 117 Kail 1Mb at., 4 DAT aKl AVa 2ft9'.il Jflotitts. CITItKlli; 10 1'ltT fit) and County of New t?,u,k M.rV K t'ompiou, plaint IIT. agalnat ( ecclla I). t baae and Sarah J. Meeks, Sii'nn.ona for relief.-- In I ecella 1). chaao, one ot the ahoiii-name- dul'mlsnu lull are herebi auilimoued ami required t" inlaw ir the ciitniilalut In Ihlanetlnu, which la Died In the ntllee of l'rk.';f l'11?'. ,a'i ' "' N,'"r York, at the Newt ourt llouae, lu aald ell) uf New York, nntl to jervc a cum of your an.rer In the aal.l complaint on '.."..'.'"''i'1'' V h,u "."'.'" ""'"'" r II Pine aired. I Vork, within twent) da) a alti r the of this aullieiutil on you, eicllialio nf the day ol rV".111rlr.'.,T .inJ..,r n." ! ner time aforeaiid. the plalnitn in tl,i, i uu will Miplyio the Cuurt fur the rt lief demaiided In the Dated Januiry '.'l, nr.'. i.LIIIU HOOI . I'laiiitlifa Altorner, It Pine atr. el. New lurk. The coinplilnt In hia arllon wai flb-t- l In Ihe nmce of the I lerk of lha clly and county of New York, at Ihe tijauua7)"lir."'J 7U'NcwVu'k' un ai ELIIIU HOOT, PlalnlllTi Allorpry. (rJropos:ils. " CKA IiKM 1'HOI'OSA I.S nH r.';c .L'1'11 J:T commlltee on Kormsl Col- lege, nfllcu of nl Hie XSi.V ,K,tt!"ai."0, "'" a Mm and i.'nd l!,'!' ,''i'duea,lay, the 17th day of April, rj. c,ork M, on s ild day, fur the iiml.-rHI- . a new ichool building m br i retinloo libUhBl?i"etsVl'UU0' lcUl'cu "''el.lilti auj Maty- Plana and specifications maybe aean al Ihe nrl'mnf ilretl 't'hlrll flnor'1 "u"'""'!" 4llJ H'l'sl'si l'" '"nl Proposals will be rerclred fnr each branch of Ihe work Beparately. and to be (uracil " Propoaal for Maa.iu Work, " Propoaal for Cut Stoe," "Propoaal foi ork." " Propoaal for Painting.'1 rhanimeaot two reapunaliile sureties In accompany each proposal. Propoaala will not be i re.l ul,lr.a itiretli a aio named aud are enlin-l- aauifai.loiy to the committee. 1 he romiullteii reierves Ihe ruht to reject my or all Of the propoaiila ottered. Wll.llAM vvoon. M.,v1,.xs,!i'(i,.,,vrv c'::!1".'.. iV.WVVA,NrV.V.,;J,'jSorB,'tlR' Ni York, April i. H.i 'I'll Hl.'ll.llF.lts, SealeTF'irf.iTlhTbnTid" of a s, hoiil liouiceltherof wood orbrl k , , h',t " l''"s Aud Itlcatloua lu hand, uf tl,,. ! be received prior to, and opene.1 he i, oV Kdui-a- t on of rtcnojl Dlatrlet Ni, 3, at l"e a dion Jiae W hiteatotie. on the litli day im at S I' M l he Hoard reierrn Ih. right r cjei'l aui bid For further . 1 StxUmblTillj Kllb SlliltOTltrJ. . 1,1 It IK ltAII,VA,V.--WIV- r' 'arrAnmeTnT trains taking eltea t Dec. tl, 171. Prom Chiiil.1 I at. depot. (Fnrfad at .ire note below.) j V.9J A M. t Inrlnnall and Chicago Hay Kinreaa Ing Itiom I oachea tn liuffalo and Niagara FaIU i?i i Bleeping Coanhi a to ileailnallon. 11:00 A. M. Kxpreas Mall for Hulfalo an I Nlsgirs Kalia. .cw1!et,olan:,,' "i'i tndN la'ga'ra'! e',Y,,r;,l,rf '' SlffPln CoAChca to nOr.Jjl. (dally) ( Inrlnnall and Chicago Night Rr. g;F7,?;,,v,o,;v;:cV;r,,ffi s jrAtf m- - n" " 15 a' . aif',.'.r i'f.n"! ml H'l'llelown, 7 .i), ati, tin, ir) a0i ll''piup M. 1 or W ai trlrk. bhi, inn, And tlbll A. M 4 31 P. M for Newburgh, ' di, V i), and 11.30 A. M., 3..M, I i,4jij 3 M,f.Ii,ii.V" " - I . .'!"!'. IV 1 tl .11, Injn, li ,n, i, i, fVl 'J.'.'UM'.' 1 "' r,llJ' ,'li '3), lu J y.'IIOnP.M.atid'lliiimiilnlghl i ..."".""""rd Park and PaaBalc,.ll,,7..Y, tim.tOnn M:;.d.!rnW.uU7iU'3W'",U ',l lor llackenaaek and Way, and 113 A. M.,tl IS I tilgfit ,3':W't-:- l''M'i i"1 salurdaya only, Uui) tin I for 'll IjlBjtAl eand Way, J.OO and :IJ A.M., IMS, I ' urX,M&&lli& mv7i'-W- i A"I J;;'yi;,""v,i.S("i 11V ma. m i.m, su,n, S haturdaya only,llfl)inl , nl for'creaaklll, iv.'s-ima- . M .1:1), 311, iij,v n j' i.andt'7 iM; M. Saturdaya nnly. ll ii midnight. !:"! J.'f I1." I lermnnl. si, 7 IV, ' A. M lii, I i ilglit; ' 1,51 M- Saturday a only, 1311) und- - , ,or" I'l'0.11'1""' ' f 1 tl ,1 l).andill.1P,M. Salur,layBnnly,ll()mldnlght., ' .l,iJ""". ,M,lJ!r'. Chambrra alrrcl am eren houri huurs, leate 2id street flflaen mlnutea earllri ,.'!,..l.''".r."n".VTh5 im A M- nil 13 tt) mldolih start from Chsmhcrs street nnly. N H -- Tralns on the N II. It, nf N. .1. tearing Chim ' ben alreet nn quarter hotira, Irate 'irniitny I minutes earlier than above time. Tickets for paaasge and for apArtmanta In drawtn. I room and sleeping roarhea can bo obtained, and ordara fnr Ihe checking and Iranafer of baggage may he left al tlieCnmpin)'a otnrea.3ii,3i,and mniroailway : cnr. P'ro.''.'!'n and Ad ar , Harlem i I Cnurt at., ttrnok l)ni I0I llrnadway. llliamaliurgh i at the Comnaarl dtjHila i and of aiienta at Ihe principal hotela. INlnck'iiiil"'1"1 ' unl' l(i0,l"'ni Bundaya only, L D.Kl;'t7KEIt, WM H.IIAIIIt, Oen'l sup't. Hen'l Paaa'r Ant. T ONI1 ISLAND II ' X.mVA,?,'..Yollowr,'d'5' "l'' a'' U,ln' ?i"iA. V"?nMirl Mill Train. A. M..ltnal)n. Glen Cure, Lnenat Valley, Ilunlln ton, and Northportl'aaaenger Trains iA1,,,;M"lVr'"'-',."r"- ! K "A'lior Express, Ihronw Greenpnrl nn ,.1 .',' M... Kipreaa I rains fnr !tolrn, Olcn Core, laller, Hiinllngtiin, and Norlhpnrt. 3 3d P. .VI., Norlhport Way Train. All trains cnnnrci at llranrh for llompsie.'. Sunday trains for Huntington, Nortnpnrt, rtoslyn, (Urn Coir, and Lncuat Valley leaic llaptrr'a Point al .) A. M. and 6 P. M. 1" 7011 TltTll" 111 HKCT. CITiKNS'STKAMHOAl 'CO., OK THOY steamers "uuuy side andThom! ' Powell, dally, (Salurd.' will learr pier u foot of Spring at. at t P. 'I. Paaengira ticketed and bar gage rhrckcdrla llrnsaclarr and and Trv and lloaton rauroada. JOSEPH COHNELL. Supl. 1 F.iriirTION' (Tl' N VII1ATIO.N on ths IV lluisbn llltrr --The atraui. r si. John, Drew, ant I Drao rtKlimond of Itiu I'r. ia.1, line rotmnenee then L rinlar Irlna to Albany nn Saturday, the Clh Inat., at I i o'clock P l. 1 ". Sljip"ii9. 1 ' t NCIKIIt I, INK STKA.HKIIS. . Sail ciery Wedneaday and Saturday lo and from ' Oliagow, l.lierpool. Londondrrry, nnd (Jueenatown. ' Paaaengera tmoked to and from any railway atallon Id I ' Great Hrllaln, Irelaud, Norway.Swrden, Iienmark,Uu many, Holland, lli lglum, and (he tfnllnl statea, I AT LOW Est' CCHIIENCY HATES. Drafta on Ihe old country fnr any amount. Appl) at the Company 'a utflrea, 7 Howling Green. IIENDI.KSON IIHOIIIKIts, Agenta. , I VII AN "LINK Edit (JI'EENSTOVVN I pool. Hti)al Mall ate vppoluted to sail a, follow: t ITY OK llltlSTOL. Thuraday. April 11,7 A. M. CITY OK MONTI1EAL, Saturday, April 13, A.M. CM Y OF ANTVVt'HP.Ihurada), April 1S.JP M. CITY OF NKW YOHK, Saturday, Apt II 3 P. M , and each succeeding Saturday and Thursday, from llei 13, .North liner. ItATKS OF PASGK. 1 FIHSTCAIHN' . .973 gold. Nl KKHAOK 1 Paaaengera alao fnraarilrd lo Pari. Ilarre. Hamburg I bweden, Niirwuy and Denmark at reduced ratca. I TP keta can be Imuglit here at tnnderatc rales by pP aona wlahlng In aenil for thrlr friends, 1 For lurtlur lutorniatlon apnli at the Company's offlca I JOHN (I. DALKAgrnl. I 13 Uroadway, New York. I JL WEEKLY TO OI'EKNsroVVN AND 1,1 VMlI'lltll. I FOIITMOIITI.Y lo and from LONDON Dllll'.ci, 1 from Fieri Hand 11 North Hirer. .T? QI'ENSTOWN AND I.I VEItPOOL. ' i'h9!'Ah'J( Andrews, Saturdsy, April , at 3 P. M. i A.i.'r;i Thomson, Saturday. April 13, at it A. M. I.OYl'T, Grogsn, Saturday, April), al t P.M. FOIt LONliON MULCT. HI NMAttK, Sumner, Wednesdsy, April 10. at 7 A. M. ( aldn paaasge ill and pa currenry. Bteeragr i1 currency. Prepaid steerage tickets from Llrrrpool.Uurenslown, Lnndonderr), Glaagow, or London, If) currency. lor further Information anplr al thefumpany'aofrtrr, Nn.Ot, Uroadway. F. vf. J. IICIIST, tlanager. ()M'V HlltKI'T I.IM'TO CHANCE. TIIK OENEItM, THANH TLANTIC COMPANY'!! MAIL SIK.AMSHIPS IIKrVVtEN NEW YOHK AND HAVHE. CALLING AT IIIIEST. Hie ailciidl,l vraarla on aula ri'tile tlia Continent will sail fruui Pier 3d, North Hltcr, at a : PEIIIEHH. Danre.Salnrdiy, April'. ST. LACHES r.l.emilre W ASHISGTON1. Itouaaeau, hatliriar, Slay I, VILLI. 1)1. l'AIIIs,uruiont, Saturday, May tl. I'HICE OF I'ASSiGE IN GOLD (Including wins) TO HIIEsr (III IIAVKK. Flrat cabin, lia : second cabin. II, Excursion llckels al reduced ratca. These ateaun ra do nol rarrr alrcrage paaaengera. American trareilcra going to or rcurnlng from tin continent of Europe, hy laklng thr aleamrra of tliu line, avoid both trauait br Kngllah railway and Ihe ill comforlanfcroialngihe Chauuel, bealdea sating inn, trouble, aud ctpetiai.. GLOIIilH MACKENZIE, Agent, M Proadway jri:i:,NTtMVN ano i.i vehpool, J.. . .Sl"in "" I stati a Malta. Me'lneadAl. 10, at 3KP M. WISCONSIN aalla Wedneaday. Mirll 17. al t I'.M (abln passage, fid, gold, sietragi, jo, currency. Drain ou Englaud. Irrliml. Ac WILLIAMS A OCION. 1 llruadway. New York'. i O'IKINOVAN HO.;. Will IE STAIt LINK. i Paaaoge tickets and drafts at lowest raloa. ' -1 Ilroadw ny, New York, and SI Fulton at, tlrooklyn lo(:sion! Jiubj, I A 'J V!"a!".Ii" .,P,1JI.U,", COItllKT? L ii,KK"2'i'!:' P "'" Nw .v"rl I'nlreralty iMeali i' p?:;. ' burgeons. London), can be consult- - with strlctMl Pr vary on diseases of the sciuil or gsia A practice uf W yeara enables him to itn-ea- nervous aud general debility, giiarauicid V luallra.cB, Ojlb e. 3ii Centre st., near Ctiamllers a. TTKNTION" jPnr A perfecl, thorough cure ol ffir.iMt'in, ,'Ll ' """' !,,1l ""i'l nervous conitilt the beat rihislrlan. . "r. UK II ACT, Hi llleeckfr it. Ilt. lit A Mi LIN, 1"1 llleeeker st. " lJwrnl) tear' l'iu-la- u h,,apiial eiperlenre. Piles and all Skill luTliiaii. eiiretl, h llhoul luer i ur)' Coniultatl'in free ( all ur write. Dll. 1VKT. olllce III Weat 33th St., baring mall dllciaea of th" sexual nrgana a apeclalty, C4n l( i or, an ted t "iitl.l''titlally. and 4 apeedy cure guarantees tin all complilula, from wtiateier cause. 11.1. special dlaraaea, nlan nerlntia ili'blltty and Imi'Otimy. conaull Dr. ,11'I.IEN, 311 Pearl at., oul ilnor from nlre. French goods for aale. 'I'll i: dlaeiard and dihllllattd reqtiiiing akllftil treat I nn nt will do well to call on Dr. Ill's 1 Ell, M llocl al in ,11 )iw. r lalal.llalieil .))eara . . s'lclogij. j VIII'SIN'KsS and medli'-- i clairrnjAnt who haa Ba I ami H the lad) whotirat adrer I tlaidln ihta city and lioetHni and UM"J reward I of I fried to any pi raon whu tan aurpasu berluglilng cor I rect Information on loat nr atolm gomla. law aulta, at, 1 sent (rleiula, and bualneas malti-'- of all kinds. If yo Iiaic troubii., no matter how. serloni ahe can allay It f u jou. site alao preacrlhis for all ,11. ra cs, ann la maanii ciin s. N. II. I hia la no hutnhiiit. imr ."!' . wish lo lmpnao upon tlia unwary, pleaae te.' Itemember, llila la the only Indepen lent rlaln ''?'' hia city she can refer In the moat pruiiilnent In Sew lork. Phlladelphll, Itnalun, and clher ctl."i Mine. Cl.lFl'ON, 3I VVe.1 JllhaU, bclaeenlth an.Hlh aia. A TTr.NTIONt ATTF.NTMIN 'Wr'F.VnOM V ,. '".'V " 'El ElED HY 111" Mill H :'t.'iJ'''i' Loin, and All VHaira, fit) To 139 IIS s .l.p IIUO.VDWW S ll 7111 AY. 111.1111 KKVV Villi loll E(JI'I. Conaull the In t 1.1. run mi of (he age l, lla erery. thing, gne luck In 11 in. I hnaineaa, l.rlnga tog. Hut I; loin: ;. ir .1. i, :j n 1, rl 11 a. Picky nutiibi ra, Hewan of Imm'iu.a. j at at , hel. llroadm) audita uiiuue, "i TTKN'TI ON I " lb- e irnT7,7,trnnr " 1 Couaull tl nl) rue uriiniiiit In Ihe city, 111. (whu run 111 11 KgUAi. Luckr niimticra, naiii nf, ir. ami one )nu marry SHE1EI.I.S VVI1II I N HIKING lEHl AINTY. (.Ivitl lock in line and bualneaa, Ibowa llkepeaa,' btlnga llioae long aeparnted. cauaea tpeaidy marrlagea in t l"th si. , bet. Uroadway und tlh ar t HI. VI, a, iiiitle aatrol iger, Pruf.ld VHS, la ctiiv ; lulled by la, lb s an 1 gents fnr good luck In busmen, ipi'cih marriages, llkuieaa, ntmea, da), Ac. HI Id ir, uearlSlhst. 3nc.tul. Hu li Us true, VHON V, I'l Ili:ievenlh'd7t7g"hter thai anuua'iiTe tills namca, aud cuuaes marrligea, la Ma lams M.,ial l.aat llomton it., beluw lit ar. c , no "4. TOT. Madam llVI!ON,Tiilr7iua7iit . coti.ult tier ; 011 all adits vl hit, al st) lib ai., belweeii tU aial illhsls. A ?Tltor.O(lTl -- Midaniii UvriUl.E, from i Purls. ith av. I.adua, J5e . geut-- , v. UruukoU' ueas curedln a week. It KA I. on attain Vuf life , uew No , as South th at , llliauiaiiariiti. "I'.liA UK 11. I, HI lll'.IIT-O- N, ( lahrnyaiiTI Vuo aatiiln tlou no pay. I 'l t ltli it uiar titer AI.lli:. I,.' III. NCII K, Hie gran iioilv.if 111 leu and at'irnlllii inr. Ileal latrvovaut and aeereal ot Ihu ulni'tieiith ,. 1,1,111 m be cniiiulted n tht paal, prea-'iit- , und funire, lut k) numbers. Iiktinaaof I luture liiiahati'l r w,f, tl, wiuderlul Peraian i inna or amtilal cauaea Im au I ape, ,1) tn image. Ib-- ,1 'j-- and otllce, 115 Weat ,",tii t .between tllh and Tin aia. Mill. UK I'llltTEII.S, ereaa-llc- luiht norlT her f, r 1. rittiirg t,i:uiln-r- F' i taX'. .'3i mult at to nr llli-e- ker, l4i r tu Mill ill ITT., mi'i rt 'lal. I I a- VV J.,tti at r 11 I,. we. n ' and 1)1101' I.IVFKIt, utr ig, r 1,11 j . - n 1 Hit ily from llnat in a t.rielie waal a', and caii be coniulled upon all iitairs I nfr st nil r"t deuce II Leilnton ar .bslweeu Uth and Ktn iU lit Ui" tT"c'V. ' "' ' 1 J, '

lt '' i'i .IL JL jrAtf · ,,od mini nri'l aleidy atluatlona to well ripe-tuacc-bauds; tir 4Tlirr m d"i H r. 'i s1MI Mien. MI'i ar. i.i, i ii. I t,ld. vinu.c--, i tr'i mi1l a Clll.

Sep 21, 2020



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Page 1: lt '' i'i .IL JL jrAtf · ,,od mini nri'l aleidy atluatlona to well ripe-tuacc-bauds; tir 4Tlirr m d"i H r. 'i s1MI Mien. MI'i ar. i.i, i ii. I t,ld. vinu.c--, i tr'i mi1l a Clll.


oiikm,' ofi'iit,iinwMr win mi fti! WANTED IOUAY.


IV '..sit I)lltlllKI l! W AM I II

tHIlls I Ml I LASHED H.1MIII,l.AIIII ' MUtu U.t'.U'D.YOt M. Gllll.l (UMHl

hi I .r rfi i ?lrl lothd 'lonii a ( .!.!. ni I cEl tl )'!) Ba)a ttal- - I. III.- - beat ntllee In II II).


A -- W1. NTKII I rt-r- l aiU-- la.llra'fnr nifrj lura, r, bona, trimmlnga, and paraanl depart-xneni- i

,,od mini nri'l aleidy atluatlona to well ripe-tuacc-

bauds; tir 4Tlirr m d"i H r.s1MI Mien. MI'i ar.

'i i.i, i ii. I t ,ld. vinu.c-- , i tr' i mi1la Clll. t'.ai'r lilclv h,l,'l l, wanting jimd lv a.

rail Imilifdlitti 11 al WAI. Mil's. If Mil al , ui r 'linnadore.a itTii i i i. I'l.iiu i;ie--. i. '..i iiti i . wjnf.

J A t'd o.l at j hllil! i work "HCn 'II hotllc , hourleal Hit h( it w orka r lucil npplr.

A. LOPI'fN.iilW'cBl Houston st.A - 100 OIT,lf.TOItS uii Wllrnt A (.Hdii andJ Wheeler A: V.llauii machine, lor lldles' aultaialio small girls In hem and rihi'i. at A AKONsoN'S. r.l ItrnadA ly

A -- SI l'KNOlt bmdige miki r i. anted: tnH il com! Ii iriln ateadi i mpln) mem nnd It t 'In I prl a

paid, Apply to A. rilll.l.lH, 3M liruulwai, wlthlcl.Itr A Iiuiid.

A t'O.II IT.TKNT sslrswiiuiati In liolbiiti wihlrd toit go n sln-i- li am f out of w Vt.ik pi itt II. V.

IJIJI 1, Mis, ,ii llr.iiHlo j), uii lu .l). .nt I'.

tJOIIII plri In tin ci li'Hii'niMk In ntnAll rlJ Btr fiiiilly iiitil li fluimil n 4fln r iintl triai r, Hiidcltf kmhI left n i ff. Apti'i ai W t liMti'iiA IITII'ICI I. ri.OWIlIt"."-- " .IH'.I linmr.ll.

V 1 l' w. ';1 (."! 1iriiirhpm vn, f, jn, ill lnn.i'lJ wiy.rntiiijui' il 'Ifri-- r "t.. iu dii'ir.

A WOICU .irn nul til lli lnalii tirli r in imjJ (nr Prf i'It- - tvlnir lilnt'n. thtlitH .rei'.

III.AKV A rilNU.ll Atlnr il irr mill IK "IhHA - ."ill I ' I It "T-- ( I, V -- ni'TalMr. Ai.t.'.l mi sum

1 mill I lojkv I SI. MjtV' liUlr.Mh -- I.MIUUI.I TON'

A I'I'lt i;NTIri'.H mi lm collar wlio tan work onIV WIIICUX 4 l.ti'i' IIIHl till 4.

MVCIISIIN A W.rT, IHI!rn.1-a)'- .

A Nil. I r if mil ttMir nil I iy Inl4llnirlil4: ci. kJ ni hli'li ir ulw II III I'VOliflliKCi lPllHU'llilU In c.So Itimiri

A I t.M' .'nii11 I'liN In wnrli nt Ijn' ; a inni !' ml' w . A (i. niiihini' jirrlnrtil. It l,n-iini-

""'A I'l It I. A "per it r ami ml ' nlirnn in- -

J tout lri.14. 9 HiWt.i I diinr neat of Ut hi.A tiilOII dri k"inkrr U'intril. 411 ttl ai .liclwronJ .Mil mill vtiih t.. 41 floor.

A I'ATI'.lt iiniU mirr vtsunil. i P.mili l.i m",H ii, wlilHiiitlmrKli.

TJOOK,H"nil VTltrlifri JiHMrMclit;J work to oM tiaitiin. I'allliirmii nn.k.B HAMKI,Si-priiri- - t.

HH TA sTI-tr- flit 1 ntiUticrmiiiiUI on ftnr Mmfico.-tt-Jl tirfriidrmi.l i.i.,3il tloor. Imitilrt l! INi' wn'k.

tTUU mi i'iiii' uiilti ii ia Hnnli'il; mk'. sjiircrF J ) ialil. . Mnllli illiiiiiitiiiroli.lyAt' fiiiltifp, mil nrvMiiwu 'in nni'. "hJ IMrlflon H. t ill ill Ih. xirk. I,MIII,TJ' "Tl.'", Imn la M.nili'.lln tillia worli II Mllf. AlIll'J) 41 . lal Mill

tJlltlli"iii.i!i-rkiiiini- .1 li.VMlM I A llH.IN-iiS- .

VlLIIAIv lUM'.ll'-'.l- k ml iiiranM."l ' rla ai till at I.illIKi', I.WI.nlill comer nf i.rart'1 ai' I rt.rfa tral.

T1iri.ll HI NT fur all li-- . rl.ililf f nut, . InJl J Mnlit ,f .." al. .1 lr liti In ii it f i nil mlrirXrla, JlMltll'l.-- i ol, ml ,1,11.1 , ,1 oil,, . . , u ,,rt."ITi.Vrnt I f. I'.D orri.tnnr n tin. - ii i m'h"my wiio me im'i 'iiiin.,1 in ilontilt ii' ,,ii lii'imrelir two ilaja ll.ulrrlunl at., llilnl 11

X I'lTiTl V.i uTnTiiiiU on iKicVcllxiTan I in.JTi pr, rirml : uUn KirUtu Irirn. in Chat-ha-

. ,1 ttcor.

I'l'.lt M'.M II!) "I'or.ilor" m.iiiIi',1 mi ln,'n' Ji inAi mol lllicti ilrau : alt itv w ttk nt pi,i,l tirli ra,

k i in mi. a in n iit'iK k, cinii at

iri.Vrilltir.M I'.ll lirinnii'ra'oii WillcoiA iMbtJ2i lii4Clnll'a, mii 4 Hitler on riltnilltfa.

A. V ll-- . in llro,lwajr.ITiXIM'.UH.M l.ll ilnln kll'ili-r- " on CrMrr A

J j llakrr'n In it liinva , ulao tilivralora iiq HhuihI nil I al Mii

TTTiX l'i:il I IA( r.!)"lnn"rfl,,nu-7t,ntT'lle,l'i'ii.-

l ili tktt jii . umr nrli k t.

lIUST! L B" tlroaiuakfra Mlm tiintrrraiilJ I1 Irtiiiiiilit . ulao impruii r oul aiproittlot-a- . L41IL 111 M nv.. n- .1 utiiit vr.

1 ?AM'V ttriw at-r- irinttsl; fil,, han I

J 1 hllll'l.T. A lli:t III'. 'nMrrrrrat.PaVJ l?l'll i'.It- -. ttan'teJ at WILLIAM IIAII1IH A

V Ctl.'t. '. r'rmiVlin H.. top Boor.PAVJ f1 I It I, h wan' 'tflo learn ifat niaVlQj.onrriiln;, tn--

J VT linll.i',!: pa I J Knllc teaming, Vantl'.blltK it., ItrooV.t "

BtVfV fHCI. w.iit i? to uwk on papi-- r Ii' it 1 xperl-VT ini'r l liaii la uitlr ui 'il appli at I! Itteknun it.

PflVa riOIIII Ol' TOI( nn'nnc wlilt'- t. " a".F Ot KtilltMAN. lit; llr.ia lurf .ror uii at., ii,i ,:nr.

BH ridOII tlnlah-r- on altlrta, Ittmii .liulrl) . .-- paj ,

J Jt atcatl) work. '.M ta il., near;! hv.

f 1 DIM) Iron r. ,n,l w.i.ln r lont'-U- . At plr at lau nUr iirj.n t , t iKiuMonat.

BaV Hllll 11 ' ,. rale on ilium! iMrlii ulao ulrli toKyj VX Ira' " " a . 11, .or.

HVJ f 1 1 II liX jutwi for t'4i wrorli. Applrat II MircorU llltfl,0 III l.x w initil In 111 piprraT Appl) al SlllulonVI .le,

BSbJ "If Mls r; 'rifii,. rlf work lntoiiT, knot, anilLi (in in hfra.

ADAIIh A II MIN, lal llroadta ir.1 ( lcl ...1, ,,r 1'. M.irk. Appl; it 1: Men rrSI atr

PAVJ 1 N atuhili ' I'nllr. 4 ? trlrl to tin linwaa-1 ,. k. " r. - Appl) -- t itt Weal il.tat . tie- -

tr.',i 1 A M. .i I 1'

BYJ "77 vvr.i.i.rir -- . t 'nt"i; TiiTi liitTTirnnTtl li'Mf!!) ; mI'o n tiijcliliiiat tn llllki Ji'Htrr' tntila.Ml 1.1 I'IIII A (I.. I lloliil at., l It, .or.

PAVj I AltilW Mori fi.mla'lit'il ut Ikiiiic tn pa)r for VVt't',1

J I J nntl Ii ,V U, at'Wlliu lliailillil'a on ltit III-

j inenta li ''nun iti fiii lurk Muclilur htltcli- -

Inc put.i nif t t.BSVJ "jr A HI l t i'i.i.i ,pi'ratiiiir. ahirMiuklniri"1 all

J Xj klndi of tut .rk IIJ Mli uv.. btl. .ll.Uu I illPAVJ li:it 'rillt. A lew more firal cliHi opt rutoraj on . A . a fur litltea' To

Mf .urliMi.rk wh, i .r rouinl will Ii iMurani.'! .1 inf the tailor . u a yood lit'iniui r on V. A ti.'a in it liiti".

t IT

J N IMII'IC t,r,il,llttif tnselitne: 1100,1 wj?ie nilltutfl) pild to yot. I operator. 91) llroijiiar, id

bbj ,0L'VAVA Vi el C'rilllS nil Iner fruo'la, nut of tin' lioitac

K in f 1.1 ,'iperli'net'il lisuUi neeil appl; . SJLIiptn.

BVj J I'Klf TOI!Hn.oTtiiiiniiole uuki ra w inte.t for'lii alo... Mila.ul s, I', t AKMIlllACI.'s.allClh

BSpJ 7 'hit TOII w mli'il on ilTiTnel-ali-irla

; at. nilHHB f ork lili i , In twrt'ti Ala. II an.l I , ai ir .

J 1 IT.II ATlllfx 1111,1 imlaVra 011 II 1,, Jli'l n.1,,11'1

H 7 ,.,i,i ( .' In.M ii); rail for t ila) a.

BSVJ I'lllt Til II -- wiini ui nn shmi r'a in il ium' to wotxH V .111 tiwnliigi.ut l."l lli'oi'lni).J t I . If ATIIII-a- mi flitl-l- ii ra fur aUnp cXtT: ccodJ lw4l.Ml' til'iki t.

BH l'i: 'l'lllt"ii wiutoTl.ltla, SHroibyalVJ "ll'i:it IIIIV r.l." rhTwiniTilon u'ltieauil paali

m .1 w ..k p." 11 jimI 4,'.t,r finpl,,) niriit.V KISlI, f. Vinnatrr

BK JJM'l.l: IIO l,-Wil- l' I'tt IfewEin.l lianla onJ .1 (,'lttfiinil 1,9,1 .,iik. M. KI.AKSlTV.rilUVjrl at

BBBJ IJAri'.ll IIMI A iHini iniu l.i-- l.i h' l, InJ 1 tltf fai'it,r lprllu4l

BBS Jl I'NTV of wollt nl IiIkIi prii ra In pljr tiT ii 10Ji It hviilii lill'ii. I','. ,11, ,t

BH aJKlUT IIAMI- - I'riaairi, hiiiI Imiii.hT- -

f p . ra w.ini, . Iarii"r lukt ,I.H ll.ll 1 , j; r.iisllltli at uet of I tilnn 1'intre.

BBm W M'llll - k'tni'l op, rat, 11 on Mnsrr'a iiHeliliiel1 1 nl ti i;lrl t,i ,1,1 in neral ltri,wnrk . tiernuu tirt .

BWJ frrtt.l. Appl) ut '11 Hi,, iilwti), Htinliu alinp.

BB "VX"''I', I II 111,11 mi Mhia Ii r A Wilaun'a uo'l Wiflit col A l.'lia'a nut liiut a. yii'I iroi.craj II.Slllti,(,r.n,il ,t.BBBJ "VVAN i ril si .. ral i ".i. tit nrcil opi' r.iior. t,i workll on Mi k' t'f n m lnr inai't Ini on I rti velllnn ln-s-

PPJ . III.I.I.IUI, J Munai at.

BBB1 WXN'I'KIt Hi ' r ilnra, biiai,.ra. nn,l pri'a-it'r- ,n llt"efl ' "1 ' "ii work iirt kuo,1 pri"i'. ApplybVI 41 r. til. I

BBBJ V A N i l. II I 1.1,111 p. .,plL. In nut liitiua' newtl r.'tiri.iriiia tn prcaa ; ref'Ti niv r- 'inlri'.l Illuliainlit r,BBBj ' " rl "enTiT In, irk ; K,,o,l

11, it an, I In,hit. Appl .it IJ1 Wtal Mh at.,J tl'i.'r. after ti.

Tv.iNTKII Uiilc trlrl In beu,eui In familr offflfS IT I mi. keei.linr itnre 1111 orpliiu pn ftrri.l, nt tiMpiH llroailwray, offltf 5,

BawawJ VrA.NTr.) trumi. inikera and Kn,nl wlreri. Aps' pi) to I II. I.l sMII K A CO,, UII llruadaar.upAVE itiln.

BBBj ATl STi;ll A lull,inlo ii,,rk on rtlnm icna.IJfJH 11 A I at 137, 1'ormr taual and llonrrr, UN floor.PPJI 0. MKIIIX.PjVB A,V(ltl' the iftKheif prlrei fiirnlilieil tn nay fur

J 11 10 w eaajr lermi. I.'durBBBJ V A VI'KII A k'on l roitk, waaher and Ironer mualPjVJI J1 liaicit.ii'lcllyriferiuee. ApplyatlMI Henri at,

BBS W A .NTi:il- - Kliat.rlaaa ilrraainakera r.n oilier needJBJI 11 ap,h, li Mil. llKliVri'S, IWha.t Mill at,

BBBJ Tr A V'I'llll I" uneraln'ra on W. A It. forPJlHj 1 ' al.lrlaamlatiiia ,1. M MOKNIIIIK, 81 Howard it,BJBB W'AA'11'1' iilrl oter 1.1 yean of aiiH at KA- -

JBU 1 1 HI 11 pern II fclor. fool ,t liaat lllter.BBBl UM NTI'.II :"op, ratnra and fliilalura ournata a!3lJpjB JIT Stw ll.j. r ..pnir. tall all Hie week.BBBl VANTi;i fllrlaloaew onfurcapa.pSB J) Lyji1 4 "K1N. 'r' ""I l f'l'Ull 5th r.BBBJ AVANTHII A Klrl toiioK'ii. nl liouaouork. ApplypVVJ jVljil l; Kaal 5.1,1 al , rail f,,r lilijaBBBJ WAN.TIJII tllrla on poektlbooka, afu KAUMK'lHpapj 11 ill Ilium al., riar.BBBJ VIII Ml (UII ,s ran obtain aliualloiirfrce, Imln".

I A Iniia and inrala at f.c. cudi, or limirtl at tl M a wct.a,PJBJ Sl''e "IiI'I'IkIiii: lluuae, 'n hi Mark'a plaec.BJBm I OI'KII A TOIIH, 4 baiteri, learnera oiTieaiT.

fJJ iVlllu'iiaVuritn "v,'k'', ,l VJ ll0U" ,,u' liroop ay.,

BBBl rl A'.'M t1'1' wantrd"foa7eitaurnt , two for Ilia,Vr SX"l;uf.m'U.h0U' Apply on Iob.


VHII I IIT.H, fl'nneland whllo, olren nul toiarll(vibuy a. wlnir mar.hlnea on Inatatlmaiita nnly

aniali part ou niaeiiinr , raat. p4,i fr work.riS, I4--. thnrchal.

VIITII'M'I ila fliwera--

Wanlnd, branrlicrAndali tn learn paid while

Mrnlni K. HAT 11.11, Si, lanai al.

A 1VA VI'UII- - Kipt 11 npi'Mlnra on Wheeler Alt lla'in ru utilrii a f.n l.itllea' tii.ilerffarin.'iita, athl.MOS BU.IISi'S, s Ureal Jonraat.

4 l'Uli:MM.I'.aSl'rolrata."nljlrlieanfliitla"tem.ila poiary Itfiitie and lute alttiallnna proeiired furtliein at the Wnumira Altl M.Ulcty.ll 7th 41 ..cor. 1.1th t.

V" who can take chaTgn or a

ItKN. Hlllls, tireenpolnl.l., I.

l"l (M'lilt ATOIIS on YT A Wa, Klllplle, 4ndL It tilt oa A (llbba'a inarlillii a ; atan llnlatiera on aultaipa? liy wrrk. t! ill all week. l Ml lltnlanu at.

VT.I. kimla ofarnanta find plaira Immedlalely atI UN A ( O.'S, Ml r.tti a., licit mii !., tornietly

will. II,, tilt at.inaeltlnea on InaTillinenta i aldrta andV.-KWI-


undetirartnenta itlveu out. IA'i t hiirth al.

VI II It I. for hoiiaewnrk i tntiat be irnod plainook, waalti rand ironer. fall at Ul M ( at Slit at.

VII Tl I' I V I A lifloi era'Tuitiirbranrlierrwanled,tine iirk. llll.l. A t'UTIn. M Uroadway.

VlTl II Ii tn np.'ralr on Slnirer'a, for coati i only aone need apply M lihlalnn at., aernml lloiir.

VIITiririAI.'flnwera. sm.illat.

banda ind'allkiTT

VUlltliatiniit 11, willingal.

id make lierieif crnerally

I A Kit" for iliop and cmtnm work tW and MrlaTIl fnrciialoiinrin. IIIIANI)T,IHJ Ar. A, bet. am andtih ala., rear.

"IJ". operalora, nnlabera. and buttonholeI f inaltera. t atl at 1 l.etrli at.,V floor.

IAsT;lts and flnlahrra on riiatnm panta. Call allDwtek. hit prlri a paid. 1111 cntrr al.

Bl TTIIMIOI.K linkera on iiiatom ahltta wantedal Mll.l.l.ll'et.t.thnl.and .Mai.

HA MTKIti and operatora on vcitaT Call at IU lie- -latiery at., ad floor.

(tlMI"ir.T"i. Operatora wanl.'tl on Rlnirerinarhlneaiork .ml to raprrleured hands. The Hurt

It tl Curat Cntttpini , II Weal llrnadway.IIMT fiiilatur- - wTtiiril. ""Apply a KlMlts'l.KV V,

V IM ilolt at., r.wni fi. front bnuae , call fur 3 d.iya,

Oil laa li T.IIM wnnl.-tl.a- l ""MrdlKN Will?.IIV'M, ICl nt., between llth and lltti ala.

J 111 K- - II A Iv CUM want, d ; alio ai.prentl, fu.1 ' t'.i-- l llroidway. randy More. Mln A. I. MI.

1all,"r:ttir.rKII I' nT1inni aklrt makiri'ilii llrand al.

"tl lllltll TTmi fMlT-l- . "Ilea nauted nl SI lathrjrlneai. I nil lor f.'itr daia

I?l HHT-l'- li faa iii.Mt.ira on IV.Jti 'a tiiarltluea dn aaiiiuker nnd crr.i'nl irlrl. t, ill at in Kail

llth al.

(1IIOII baalera, nnihera. nperalnra m W. A W. withtheir own tn ii hlne, or fine while lratai

Ihnaeot ripitlcucc ujl). Call at t 6th at., corner ofllower),3d floor.

(i llllll operalnri and tlttlala ra fnr ah.ip roll a t ateadywnrk and good prleoa paid. Inquire at III) rill al..

rurner htantnn.

Ct till 1 nperalnra and nnlaher im ahnp coil a. II Il fluor. I all all ll.e w 'rk.

mi ltuw,.'a inacuine on ladl, a' fine(OIIDoprr'itiira ,nrllno .

(t (KM) i j'eralnrn and bi-t- e a on fine aliop coata. In.ipiltr nl vlColiinibli ai.

MA III WIIA 1 Hit- -, w inled at" (Il JllllSSilll"riiiftii.A-uii'itr!- . i a.

TV t;V ahlrl Irnnira; u work ; 1' cinta a ililrt.II 1 ro Ijniiidr). 'i l.aiat "ih t.

OIT.It TII1I wanted im tine tlann sl.tria ," iroikout alan balida to hem and I'lAltlt ateaily

u .irk to auli l.b hu,.ta refer net a ii.iii..,l. Iiiureat lie ahlrt luauufai tor), lit ,.th at ,

Ala. ( and II.

Ol'lllt A tTIIOU .A W.'aimilil ; a'.n.npi r T

tiitlr riw-- iiiaititn.a, l,ui,-r-- , and plainaem ra uu while l cat.

.Mr. CHOW I.DV. tl New Chi lticra .1

I'IIII 'i'tll( (or ntir and bulne cnj ; lo,O Cirl t,i luale atnl pull oul. 141 Irwlsat lillw-.'it- l

Ii nn, Hilt na.. tup floor. II. I.UDU l!NM I IS.

Ol' Tolls and tiuti.inhnle ntaketa n ante flolu ahup on cuaioi t ablrla.

(.. II i o hill'. !4 Ilroadw ay.

OI'KII ATIIII"! on Benta'i iinijri-- and ladlra' .1 blittnuliiilr air. rator.

Tsii:il, r.i Watren al.

I'l'.lt ATO Itt. biatt ra.ltnlaliera, an I Klrla to learnO pantal, inn tuikliif, uir) IV.irl at,, St tloori thebut pllee pild. A 'I'IIII and ind linlinra. IH0 t J f wnrfea. lltlljll IliiUltull It , rear houai'. t )pfloor.

I'THl Al'Olt- - nn W.Ailll.ln'a"andSliirr'a ramllyO--

tllirliluc. on ladlea' aulta; alao flntalu ra. 1 Mierltfal.. top floor.

and puter wanted nn llnwe'a ma.OI'KIIATOII u'aalioei. "I Aleniie 1 . lop floor.

tiiiler. nnd flnuhera nn .antaOrmiATOII.. puod prleea, Il Murray at., ltd toft.

O" I'KIIATO lira and fllltrmn flrwahon: llnweandLuipire uiaehlnea. '13 Colleire place, 3d floor.

I'l'.lt ATIIII, nntaltrri, preaamen nn I b.iaii ra onO hlnirer'a on aliop coita, 8, Kaaei al.. room I.

TOIt wanted nn tine abni-- , llnwe'a ma.Ol'mi .al i.'l ):. Cthat. work the year round.

O I'l'.lt ATOIt rn Wheeler A Wllann marhitic onruilolil ahlrt-- . Appl) at II Thonm at., up atalra.

I'l'.lt A Til II nn ahnpcnita nn Kinrrer'a tnaihlneaiO waiteafroin III) lot 1.1 a wiek. -I Taal Kith at.

Til It wanted cnW.A IV .itid W. A ti.'aOIT.It ladlea aiiita. at a; l'eiri at.

OI'liTt T01t wanted on tln while ahirta fraliallItilllllDitt'iUat. C KKMI'H:

OI'i:it ATOIt w inled hi U A VV. on lm) a' clollkrI t all tn Kvtli at.. HI flour.

OIT.ItATOItonmeu tlnnahoei. 11 Warren al.,

O" I'lllt VTiritsau Ua.l r oti i, ata. Cait at 01 libat . rear In. li .

1 ltll.i:. (Hrli wantrin paate work";:il-- o r. i prlni: at.

IJIM'I) COO II uilori f.e lo work on cualom rnili InI t..i . .h.iii.,IAK ( I l.l.l.N.UHI ntniliat between 8d and lnn.

rilll TA 1 1.0 II lr..- - tVo k.,)u pinlabinn lutnla .II t .in opiate , Pio, u i, at hand. JOl l.aat

Mill al , kirk Mmp

f 1V O ttunil t.iilnrea.i'a w ante on etiatum panfa at ii.1 Vaud.'waler at.. top floor, trout room. Call for two

da) a.

'IH 1 1. OH i:l'. want.'d llaatera on tti.t.iin and1 aliop pautalo.ij., at 215 ( anal al. top floor.

I1A I I.OIll'.sjs w aided lo fliilih cualom nnd alioppatila. New Itnuir). top floor. C. KOX.

l'lT inui r wanted to bale an I tlnUhi nona butI Biiod liaaida nied apply. CI1 Kail Mh at,

W.VSTI'ill I'rr.onawho miirio" learn to operateI I on f.t.viV acta imr maehlno i lautiht on the heal of

lallora aorki alao, cooil aewera to learn pantaloonliiaklni;. M lit Brat Muor, back room.

VA VTSO-- A operator lo make ftenta' KaTleriI lam llnwe'a irhlne. atradr work to a Kood hand.? Kill al , lieinfrgiM an I HI a'!.

TV A .VTI1I) --Operator and finlahera nn boya' fancyII aulia , none but t'tiod liandi need jppii tallat.'-iH-

llopen formerly N. lat.liet.Clh andlth.vvlllUuialiurith.

"V A N operatora on Atnerlean11 liutiiii.liole uiaehlnea, III' ICIllSti, Sv 1.1 JrlJ--

it., hat-- inecl.

W VV'TKII iperlrnrcd rutlera nn la, Ilea' rloaka11 and aulia. Apply to ltnlealrucllblr KulDe Co., HI

ntid v'V. ( anal at

VATi:il Hrai Jlan operatora on flnjr'a tin--1 a. Appl) in

Klsi IIIUil'l'rritA UKUTI.KIt. CJJ And bth nr.W A VIT.H Oirla n( euainmril to wrap patent liiedb1 1 none tint eip.'rent-tt- hanua need apply

.1. II. Hum: a Co.. m llrnadway.

VVNTi:l InineilUlily,-rlralil-a.i

braneli "i

11 It '"! waii'a paid. Appl) toUII'AMQI'l!, 4i Uroadway. New York

Vi'''"'-,m"'Blr,"iwl- io have worked it lmo11 Mnillnir, pneketbooka, or Auu papHr boxea, al U

Anuat , third llonr.

A' t M'llll alrlclly lioneat. cuii'i-- i jnunj wmnanl.tonllindatorei houn front toC, Addroaa MAI).

AVIK, bo III, hun iifflce,

AT A T II I ) A Klrl to cut aprnna. Applyfer I11 o'clork. .VK IIKII.BT Iiuk aril t.

WAViT.II-- at fnodlirlm Ultchera nnd cover ma.11 ktraon hla. 11 (Mir) rile at., near Canal, up atalra.

W A M'llll Aitlrlaa operator on llowe'a itiathlno11 on Ki'ntleiiieii a ualtcra. II Delaucey at., baaement.V 1 MT.II- - A few inod tiead wnrkera and learnera".

11 Mi I eitiiKton ai ,)atr lllekor) at., Hrooklyn.

W.V M'KII- - l ll (Irand atTa eleatiT amirt nirlT)J 1 tin plain rooklu j, alao, a rhambi'rm ild.

"W'l NTIlll A ( nnk nnd ham'. ei. n ml for u reatauTJlant. Apply alSJIIIe-rke- r at. Iiifuri 11

V A NTKII Inllorraaea nn CO. Imn lianla; pl,.ee"or11 w,ek. tn luihn., lat av. J tills I.N'llltilir.V A ir.'M'" '1l'er,"lor n ladlea' aulta unWIIIcoxJl A (llbh.'a jnachlneApply al i llowery.

AVi Mill) (lood bow banda, none uied apply uu-1-1' a. eiperleneed, atatei lir lotiu n

V A. TJ.,, -- l'teraa and buttonhole ma'kcTa ouv eita11 nl AHth at , rear bulldlmr.

VT A NTKII -- A t'ti'id lilrl fur housework, und one to11 k.i crtandi, al Ul Clh nr.

V' NTKII-- A amarl, wllllnir ul7l for BeTieraThouae"1 work. Callat3ISVVeata6ihat.

W'A for coataTilao bait era.1 1 Apply al Ifil Homlon .1., lit Hour.

V A NTi:-- A fear itood pant flnlahrra, 77.' Clh at.1 1 Cull all the week.

VA NTKII-- A llrat rTau OtlrrTiTlTdlerl.ov "Ap--'ply al Hi Weal lf.Ui at.

W NTKH A Klrl lo cook, waili, iiimI h ' iiT11 ntcniie.

tiOOl) npei itnra and 11 kihmI tint-i- . ,' inJ ami oul of the hiui.e. 1)1 IlldrPU. i .iu.ton i call for three ilaya.

a) Tl ll,Oltl'.aar.on cuato7li reita 111 l.aat lltlij tt Ural floor, (ill.illtli) T. IIDIIN Allli.V 111 III. wanted to tinUhoiTlinur ill Houtli 3thWilli,, near Canal at.

r liOOII fur icwcra on (hildren'a blue and white.jtl aclai bral ill) prli ca paid, 'M lid ar.N KW ahlrl Ironi ra, ami a liuaom atari her, beatJ) price paid, 4Ja VV'ial 31lh it,

f.ii I'lltMT.CI.Ahrt operatora for ladliM'"umfe7fill Karmrnta andlufauU'roheai wotk Klrcu out. ill

r nil I It I.s l.rlweei7tTii) aiteaof 10 and Mo learnaJUIomake toy lorpcdoea i ateady work all year, tnWarren at., up atalra.

'Xft lii0.,,."r''w ""era wanted i alio, iilrl to learn.V II N, lit at., bit. Clh anil 1th (.., VYlliliuuuura-li- ,


trlren Wit toriay foraewlna; mvlilneaib) Inatallmenla i Inatruetlon free. ,1. 1. mkn-I- ,

I., 61) I'tiiion ar., near ICayinotid at., Urooklynopen cirnlnirs.A l'lTlpT.U.SS lallnreaa tnwnrk nn fine coitTi

afl. can operale preferred. Ill Kail Ith at

HAHTI'ltS nnd btiltnnhnl makera on linen rcataita VViet tithal.,bct.1th and Slhnra,IIMS1I A K I'.UwanleTimmedlalelyTonly flrar.

rlaaalnndaneed apply. C. Ht'NAllKL, t)l3 llroad.way, bet 'ithand JUUla., Sd floor.

IjU'lt ri:VKtlH wanted In and nut of the, Wllllatnahurith.near tlrand at.

Ci I II I. wanted to waah dlahea In dlnlnn aaloom'llT6th ar.

IADH'.m tatmtil perfecTiyTat the acwlnff maehlnaion llleeeker al. 100 wanted i plenty ufalter learutnii;i all new Blnger'a machlnra aut.i a

j inonthly lu work.

I A hi r.4 taught nn Plnircr'a and Wheeler A VVHann'aJ machtnea tn hem. lurk, nullt, for II i llowe'a on

leaiher. Mm. THOMPSON, 1B3 Kat ,1tlli it., betweenlit ami M nl",

l'KIt ATOItf. bailera, and flnlahrra on panlawanled i alao, a cood preaaman can hare ateady

work. Ml l.aat 9th at., between Ala, II and C.

A TO IIS. baitera and flnlaheraon cuatnm nndOIT.It paula i good prlcca. 319 Canal ilrrrl.M floor.ll.l'AYNK.

ATOIt baatera. finlahera and apprcntlceiOIT.It Call at J.M tlrand at.) call for daya.

on ihon rnala. InquireOI'KllATOH,nt',liiirer'a l'lHUrd 1II10H.

OIT.It A TO HS and bailera on white mil wanled".thai floor.

OI'KII ATOIt wanled on fine cualom atilrta, toIn ihop or at home. & White at.

OIT.It ,T(Ht. and nnlahera on ahop coata. Call atIalun it., ad floor, room I,

'I1A I I.OIIK Onewhoean flnlah and tnake but.JL tunholea on line work. IM Clinton it., 2d floorV A NTKO-- A iteaily ulrl for neneral homework In

,11 . amall family Rood rcferinee rctiilrcd, Apply al

AVANTKII A flrat claaa talloreaa nn rnala, ln11 quire nt'.Hi:aal llth al. JA.MKS HAHT.

AV NTKII 1 drraamakera at 311 Kaat 1h11 al t come prepared for work.


I. -- TIIIIKK 001.1) frKCTACl.t: MAKKlli, II Vj a OOCI.HV A WADHVVOIiril,

81 JtHINST;V HI. CK-1- Til atidAwheelwrli:ht,Ktioi!wnrk.

men. Apply in IIIOM. v. NOONAN,.liraey CllyHeUhla. near the Klre Cornera.

I. IIOOII blaekarnllh. one thai linderalanda hnrar.A ahodnirand lobhlni:, at 1.. MA XVVKI.I.V, 95th at.,between 3d nnd 4th ma., vorkrllle.

wanled lo aell the "Safety Apparatua"VIII'.NTr lampa i nta any lamp i retalla for 2Tic.C. IIKMKK.VMI C arl at., New York.

VTOtil. forcertooli,

wanled i one who II accuitomed loVVVI..IOIINSON, lledenberu Worka, Newark, X J

1I MIT boyni meaaenuer. Apply at the IieroeM'fir. ( ii. 'a oruce. tlrcciipolnt, L. I., near brldnc,

New luw n t reek.

STIM'T boy, to take cire nf wo horara and helpIn an ' cream depot. Apply at til Ith ar., alter

o'clock V. VI. nf boya and clrla wintel forV Initil a with farmrra In the VYuat. Applr at 11 llatllhal. JJ4 IKIirfl plutnlK-- r wanted. Apply t I-'- MUllTlTl 'tt,

i Nil ill nr.

VltOY. alimit II In Id teara of age. In a crockeryHilda in at.

01 ri wanted I a trip tnliaeen ; alan lioya In learn to! atrip. Appl) t.H A CO., clirar mauufaC'

lltri-- 110 .lohli at.

I0 wiit.i. d li. b arn the lmal buibllnit trade i tiiualI) Ini e part-li- t " Ililni Vppli al

IMii:i;4ol.l.M, iKiftoulh al.. lOo'clnck

llor l)rara old. who apenka Krerirh and Kni;.10, lor wlnealnre. Apply al IM Weal Jllh at., betwi ih and Mh aia.

Hit V tn wnrk lu hlackamtlh ahop i one that haa workai the tuiaineaa. :tl t'urmin al., Urooklyn.

wanted lo line and tletmahoea. Apply to II.IIIXItV.ftl(lreenwlehil..dlltior.

HANI) AV.-- Aa,t.

younit man to run a bandfaw.

jyooK foldera wanleifal It Spruce ti.

JO V wanted In a clirar alore. 345 Kal Uroadway.

(1IM I. earttnan wanted, at corner l.rilmrion r.r. andat ; mu.t be a I'rotritanl, boneit an I tetuperalc,

with reruiiimt-udatlnu- .

( It II I IIK pilntera wanted. CMt .1. VANlVj OKA vv ivtt li,. Kalh at ., Ilro.ikl) n.

(1 A It lilt wanted toririr dinner from 11 tol, andone dinner man, at IT), South at.

lONI'KCTIOM'.lt Kood cream run--m ra. al UVMlKl.'s, ll Col al.

1,1 VII'I.O VII KT for coaelTmen. cardenera, firm.J--

J t ra, mm on icenllemen' place. In atorea. Ac. otheriTeairabli' lacarulea now upen al I VVrat Itti l . room IS)Immedlati' employment.

n. It N K"iTa U Kit wanted work forimm that a pmii workman, aoher and atead,

Anply Immediately l'. II WAIIMllt. Abeel iU t,

N. Y

I'A Nml Oon.1nn7ck7rlpe7arnlrJ at HllKlll'CKIIIltis'., It'aad ttjltf.iny place -- oujliTlrookl) n.

I Oil competitor wanted al '.. TT. SKKII S, 10 Wr.7 libI at., only tood workmen neM nppl) .

"f A I '1 1 1MT wanled, who under-tan.- putting tinill nukeauf Itftthurchal., up atalraASKS w uit.'il fur T.oteli, atorea, harteudera, waretil houar. bonkkoeprra, at llnw cry.

N'tlTII'fl. Aaaiatance and Inf.irtiiatinn irlrtnt ifatnchildren who wiab to pn et. Apply at

It l.aat Mi at Company ,:oini Aprllll.

IWIlTKIt. waltera, bartendri, and irardenera.J. Apply at Induatriil Aitene) , (f! .M,.titk'..m-r- ; at.,Jcraey c.ti. up at lira

1J 1TTKIIN HAM: It. Wanted, a flr.l claai atorcpat. rn tiiaki-r- Oho. V.. IT f llll.l,, I7 Hank at.

1)IH'.i)lll;N on maeiilne, and hania on coata i tlO, nt th at., near Ar. H.

J IIOI'.ll A K I'.IIS wanted Kite cnoTl "men on chi-lis drcn'e turn la. ka , hiKhe-- t watea nt II5( lilillnn it.CTOl'THOV work at waon apply nt Y lat at

TAlltlt I I.Tir.ll. A firit cU.i man to work onralla 11 New Chun h at.

riTN rani wanted i,, almw merrhania theI aell fi e llnir fuuntaln Inuah Appl) b.lweintan,l llo'clock. KtU.VMIN(.s. 1st fiiltonat.'IIO COACH II A KKIt, -- Wanted a eeneral woodJL worker, nt O. ll. 1 oi'Mi'.-)-, usih it., near SI ar."1A I I.OIt Three f.n ruatotn coata and Two on

pvnta to wore In llorfcor. HIM tand sdar.'llAII.OIt wanled on rnatotn work on coat I andI panti, nt 17 Kut Ilotiiton it,

ty 1 1. Oil wantedrill llower-y-

IT . A V v. Wanted, flrat and areond ( laaa Are--a nu n. ordinary ai amen, rartichtrri. nnd

mecluuka or landinien, at ta lurk al Urooklyn.THOM.WJiVliNS,

U.II llltr.l.l.Ar. Wanled, men who underrtandinaklnit. Appy at I J Walker at., up atalra.

VAM'K l' lahoren o7i""liecttnn a oMhe NuwII lork. Ibiuaaiiinic and Northern Itallroad, twomllra aboie White I'lalni. W'iua, 11.73 per day.

MIIM,iA MACIIOXAI.II. ( Unlraetora.V A .NTKli-- ln i ahawl mill, a thnrniiichly eompclent

11 man In in inane Cromptnn broad Inoma. and whofull) utitltTaUiida the .laenuir.l uiaehlnea. Addreaa

M A.N AtlKIt, box I.W6, NewVork I'oat otllce.WAM'Kll-lE.i- ol bart indera for a aiimmer liouaTii11 Inqulryof ITTKII ASICS, nr JKltiahY .H.MVIY,

rnruer of Itowiry and lleatir at between 10 and 11o'clock

VATI.O it nit Jnl'itilnir tlnaiiiltrTTiinne need11 API',1) ,un b'aa 4.ibi.r and work the y.urnndUHthkia "AUI,:I'"' ''lili ur . Iiilwicn I17U1

V ANTKI1 -- Avenlatnlntrn.iTieeTi) aimprfih'Mi,"!11 attraetiie ami tnklni; little urtli ie uui, ft per iliycloired eaally i eiery peraou wanli one. il liroadway.

otllce t,V'ANTKI) An eiperleneed Molhhainilciwirtif.

11 ler . a lumiii lent man can aecure a inind alliiailnnireferenda required. Addreai box 711, I'oat (mice, Nuwlork.AV ANTI',11 A llrenaed enulneer tn take rharire nf a11 amall bieomollre boiler i waKea, tin per week. APply at i.l William at,, between and III nVlock A. M.

AV NTKI-A- n engineer to fake i harite of a amTil11 lioltcr ami enk'tne, aud make hliuaelf iicnernll) Hie-fu- l

Apply al ta) linane at. befoie 9 o'clock thla monilnit.' A NTKII -- All the newabora and new a.lenlera In

11 Hie ell) in aell the I'eople'a I'oekel I'allitlnder. Ap-ply ut the American New a Cn 'a, lit Naaaau at.

VANTKII A flrat-cl- miller' initat the tlie7c7y11 beat of tn character, ill, lllty, Ac.

at Hruokl)ii Clly Mllla. 3 Kiilluu al llronU)ii.WAM'KH-- A fireman tn ualni; almv-,1-

i"K' Al ply before 8 A. M. 1.. II. ITIIUV A CO.,ID Weal IHlli al.

WANTI'.O "A bn7 at r'lt A N I ll'V cnrrl.ipe far:11 tiirj.itn and lia Croaby at.; muit board wllti tillparent.V A NTKII A )ounii man arqiialnie l with nuranry

1 1 and ilorial dcparlinenli. Addre.a box uii YoukeraI nat tlltll'.'

AV A NTKII A ruttor for boya1 and elilldren'a elnth.11 Im.'- t.J V rauklln at. A. I.KVVlNsuN A Hltos,AVT A NTKII -- Blx pond fannera, rriiteatanlarinarTied11 andtlnnlei at 10 Uroadway, yd flour, fur a da) a.

WANTI'.II A clerk, lniniedialelT.Apnly to Ny".11 and llaitfurd 1'uh, kg., II I'ark row,

V A NTKII I'i.'ture frame lolnera. "CA.VirilKI.I.AKKIIIIl'SON. ll'JAtid 151 lUxlerat.

AVA NTKI1 A tailor to work on rnila, al 111 KaaT11 imh at,, one lllitht of ilalmjn the front.V A NTKII at onen -- A irood Iron bound cooper.' An-1- 1'ply, at 371 (ireenwleh at.

WA NTKII -- Two carrlago palntcra. Apply at 1,14111 llroadnay, Irnm 8 In 10.

AVM'K' An oltlce boy, amall.Aipy at I0J l'u.1 1 tin-- at mom Ii).

'. NTKII A younit man to woik ai the bakingII 1,'nl Walcr at.A NTKII Waltera In a dining aaloou. 389 101 h ar.

VI'I'tTi wanted to aaila7"i7i kei plinj7"toik In order,X Ac, lu tallor'i alore, III ll i'air).k HOYS t ali(n paiutlniti llioaii whohare worked atJ Wu palnllnK ur allow tarda, and can All In, mar ep.

ply alii Murray at,

"IIKN to work on a fArinj no oblecllon If lately;) landed. Mr. IIKNlllllUKSON, 111 Atlantic at',Urooklyn.

( (lOOII tioarjlnir maitera wanted, Aeply at once.

Ktnnftb-'Sni- tli.

AT NewYprlt Kmplormenl Houae. ltd Weat llth at.,Clh nr. Wanted, Knullah. Irlih, Scotch, (lerman, Hwedea, Danea, and Nnrwrglana, aa rnaehtnen,

frardenera. farmera, oiefnl mn. An., experienced and!,"'.,JC.,n'":,, ,K,lu married and alnRle i alfuatlona readrfor Iftialnnle men and 30 married people i no charge tillengaged,

A IIOOII rnat maxer WAntedi Alio one tn do buahel-- Jling by lha week In the atorei none but good

handi pedlappjy. lWCourt t., llrooklynT Ull.I.ltlt.

AHOlVahoiit 13 to III reara of age, In a lalloralere,oy. imcKKNTHAI.KIt A I.ANIimt.

AI'illHT-lll.AS- H plnmber wAnled. "JOItN M.jajellroadway, between th And 17th tU.

A V.OI'Ntl man that haa worked at hotiao" painting iAlao a Journeyman, Apply at ooeih ar.

A SlllTII'S helnrrrnno 'light curtain coach TorJV aale, al ahop, Uii .Ih nr.

Al'HUl'lIUT Piurnber wantMti iTeaTeTaT;mi.i.iiitiinjKi iiuoa.

1'I.IMI lll'.lt and gaa niter wanted at tl (loldau

lltOOKI, Yli("ii7rne77na"nTail7ir'a Unlon.-T- he rel gtilar quartn-l- y mertlng nf llila Union will b held

At the Club llnuae, ?13 Atlantic at., for Iranaartlon ofImalneaa and Ihe Initiation of new membera. I'uncluatattendance la rrqtieated by order of the t'reaident,

lUtAKLXA IlAArr, Secretary. TH08. 0'CQNNiill.

TJOY tnfeedA nillng7nirhlne"Andona lo run crrandaJ83 William it., corner Maiden lane

TAH Kit wanted A alrong.ACIIre Iwy to work In A

Jeake bakery. KJ1 Hh at.f 1A It I'KNTKItH WintedTl I It la morning br DOW.V UNO 1i WKYOOI.I), carpenlen and bulldora, 1M71lhal,

r 1IIIA II .11 A KI'.IIS and atrlppTa wanted at SAMV t)i:L HTIIAtlB'S, 71 Wllllimat.

II AND boy wanled. Apoly before 8 A. M., at mll Weat 37th at., rear building.

GI.AHS atalner wanted I a general handi ateadyAlao a good lead glazier. Appply cor. At-

torney and ltlrlnztnn at., between If) and 13 n'clnek.JAMKS DOtMIIIKHTY.OIaaa Cutter.

HAItNKSS .ItAK KIt wAntedT South 3lh aVT,

at., New York.

for whaling and U.S. Navy. Apply MwValt..orllVVrat

I) It KS.1 KN, bnlbinhnle makrra; alao til1n7eaaeatobaate tine frneka ; wagea nn nbj.-rt- . Call for ono

wei-k-, at .1. risl'.ll'S, iuci llowery, lop 11 ior.

1JAINTKIIS.-- A or 1 good bullae palntera wantetlI for inalde work, at s.VH Ill's, 306II1

al., .lersev Clly.

l,l .Vlltl'.lt v inieii. "ApMyat 6 New llowery, June-- I

Hon nf l'eiri at.

Jjrl NTKltS wanted nt 31 Cou-- t at., cornTr liemacn,

S IIOI'.ll A II Kit wantedinnne Ti7r'gor)d, aobeT,. ilcaily man need apply, al 111 Cheriy al.


UTOI'K I'lTTKII.-Wanted.nneatn- Tii rilerlnlhe1 ahne manufactory of A. Al.TJIA YKIt. 317 Clh at.,near the llowery.

IIHVO IIOOII wn'elwrlghta lo whom alea,. workI will be mien. Apply to THOMAS UODlltlLS, ajWeat 13th at.

flit) TA 1 1. (MM. -- coat handann rtiatnm enala.but-- Itonhole maker, lallurraaeBi good wagea paid. 10

I'rlncoat.i1V(Mallora and two tatlnreaai one nn Slnger'a ma"I chine to work on fine coata. 10 Kaaex at., room 11.

"VANTKDIn go a abort dlatanrein the entinlry. aII man competent to work al trimming and paintingAlan a young man wlm baa anmetlmenf paintingand tlealrea 4 iroml chance tu perfect hlmaelf. ( all atMONKS A IIIVINii'S carriage ahop, IU1 Caurcna at , be.fore 11 A. M.

AVANTKI) At nice, nn erangrtic man, with twin1 1 to J,'i. aa treaaurer for n flrat claaa dramatic cum.ranyiinuat be atrletly aobcr and reliable ; reference

mqnired; tn the right man eitra Itiduro-111- ,

nta will be ottered. Addreaa "l.KK," 17 Kaat llth al.,clly.

Ar A NTKII- - A r.impniltnri nne who tinderalaulT11 Betting up orala 11. al and lAty:lo work by the

lob pr ferreJ. Apply At COOKK, SMITH & CO.'i?. 113Chamhera t.

AV' NTKII- - A blacksmith who h(o-e-T

11 ahneing and lobbing. Applr at 31 Newark at., nearltbiotn field. llolKixen. N. J. JOHN O'liONNKI.I..

AV'1'l'.",r'""r more penleel men to ranraaa11 for agenta Inlhla city nnd auburba ta new article).

Apply In market, 3d (Ireenwleh ar.AV- - MT.Il-- A good American confectioner to a11 good man tie hlghcat wagea paid. Appl) at tlMadlaon at.

AV ANTKII-I'alnt- eri nied to wAgon work, Aa good11 atrlpcrai ateidy work. Apply at 716 3d ar bo.

tween 81th 4111I 1h ata.

VANTi:i)-- A )nung man who hia worked at11 nlumblhg fir 3 or I )eara. ins Hamlllon Ar.,Ilrookljn.

AV A NTKII. Ten llratlaaa tmnk And trn flrat claaa11 Job comiinaitnra wanted. Applyatnnee.

WKMl. I'All.sONS A CO.. Albany, N. Y.

AV NTKII - Niy, I J or HyearTof 7irinqcJ;Ta11 the picture frame itorc,31 3d ar.

i.. n. arnvAitT.AV A NTKII good paint brua'j maker and nailer!

1 1 ateady employment Ihe ie.r round.JOaKl'H ANIlli'.tlr. A CO.. lis Duaneat.

AV A NTKII yeara nf agerin tmtcher11 ahop Swiv.Vat 37ili at. Inquire from 7 tn a nVlock.

M. MKNDLK."VVOOII worVmm 01 light wagona Alan, trimmer

11 and boy to learn trade. Cith il. and HroadwAy,ltouleiard.

V.NTHil lx ahaw I wearera on Croniplon lonma,11 Apply to TOWNSCM). HOWDY A Co., Walden,

Orange county. N Y.. br l.rle Itallroad.AT: lTi:i A boy to wnrk In a furnilTirr linre", one

1 1 that haa been In the bualneaa preferred. AddreaaII. I... Iiox IM.Sun ntllee.

AVANTKII I'mir atnnt men; inttat be aober and11 aieidr and well recomineuded i none othera need

apply. viManglaitV A NTKII A Oordnn preaaman who nnderitindi11 making tea ly Addreaa I. M. N., box 103, Sun otllce.

AV A NTKII A Herman boy, with good accurlly11inuai wrllexood Kngllah. T. bVION,7S Duane al.V A.NTKI- I- V good plumber one that umlrretandi

l 1 Kaa OttiDg. Apply al 151 Cullon at., New York.

AV A NTKII-- A innrt Imy Ira wall ou lahlra In a1 1 aalmin, Ajply al at.

AV A NTKII -- A good Blnut boyioue Hard to lining11 and lying ahoea, Gl Church at,

AV A NTKII A I iler, heeler, trimmer, aliTlTitlriith.1 1 cr, top floor, A3 Warren it.

AV AN'TKI-- A good itrnng Imr. Apply lo packing-1- 1

box ahop.SHinlai.n at , New YorkAVANTKII-A- n rxperlmred ahlrT cutter at II LU

1 1 penard at alao. ahlrt lian la wanted"

AVA N T Kl) Ad7maprea7"fea'dl)y;

Jl .1 HIIAdV, 31 Itoae at., near rnnkfort.AV A NTKII good coat maker to work In the1 1 alore. ;KI 1th ar.

V A .NTKII-- A wheelwright corner 96th it and 3d av.

,4 I'A I NTKIt.H to go a abort dlatanee In the country.",5se""T",u iil")Ktore,.Monda),fromto10 A t

n0 fI.;iJ.:,,tH. "n.d "yrewea for elilldren'aT ' atl it a ; beat prlcca paid. 131 and 133

I (WW) iJil'''? Agenta wanted-lte- at aelllng. Iirgeat iiiii,iiaa,ina paid.' '"'"'ready. New 1 ork a

l'uliliahlngCom.iny, 11 I'ark row.

SJ I i A HA Y cnally made at IIHNaaanuat , room 2).- " tll.O, L, I Kl.TON A CO.

Siliiations iWlimltb.

4 Bteady young man wanla a illiutlonaai porter, nr In traielwllhan Inrnlld or family, or towork around A ccnlleman'a plareclly reference. Addreai iTltAVKI.KK.liox ID, bun otHc

A J illuatlon In Apr7rAlti faiiiibT1 na chambermaid, Call after II h! Win l.tni.low il.,aecpnd bouie from thorornerof Itlrlngtiin a. on Ihe top floor good reference can be glum.

A SIT! ATION wanted In a grocery atnre by "al )oung man lining 0 year' expern ni e In fie biiat'."'' I.,.11."ln..10 mM blniailf generally uaiful.

1.01 111. Sun nlllce.

A SITI ATItIN wanted lu u prliaTe" f inTTl) , aaJ l haintierniB dor wallr aa. Addreaa .1 II11VVA 111,3 3lh at., or call between the h.ura nf Band 1 1'. M

A SITUATION lrantedby n rcape.-lal.l-

-- 1 girl In nn Atnerlean fmulfiia c...ik, or for generalhnuacwork. Applyjit T.7 3.1 av.. top floor

1 .,.Yri,".r"rmfr,i mechanlea, and PupT1) piled with boyiat Newibo)' Home. It I'ark pi ice.'110 TAIMIItS.-- A Bteady.reaperlahle ulrl wlal.TaI ailiuAtlon where ahecan Improrcher knowlclgo

ot the irndn; throughly underatimla Ihe running ofMnger'a. tl. A ll.'a, and empire machlnea. Can be mviifortwu daya at 31(1 Klliubeth at., lal Hour.

'fill IIOss lllllt'ltl.A VKIts, - Vanteil, by aI )t;ung man ) yeira of nge, wlm hn bien twelvetnomhaat a altllillnn with a.iun-b.n- brb k11,,',l,,'r"1" trade. Apply to CHAN K CON-HO-

Claim llle.t nun.

V A 'l'l'.ll Hi' a ri apeiTTble wriow l.ulj ,i bring a,1 1, '''bri'l'nii lib Hlle ami take g,,nd cure of it. Mra.Mi NA LU ,i l.aat al, t all for two ,1 i)a

3fttlllt(S.IOIIN H.tiOI'CH will (lellrirhla celebrated Icelure 011" ClretimitaiK'eB' In Ihe Academy of Mualolueaday crenlng, April V. Tlckata Wc. , rcaericd aeata

ftk.'. exlra. for ante al II. Slradler A Cu.'a, 137 Naaaau at. II'oudAlo.'a, M7 llrnadway (1. Schlnner'i, 71)1 Hroad.wa), ornt lhe Aradtiny. I'craoni holding tlcketa forJ r. (lough'a lecture on Dec. tl, may have them ex.fcluaf 7 fvWa ,0 "' HTHAI1LKY & CO., 137 Haa- -

'0!irb 1111b Booms,

A feai'eelable young men, alio two youngi ladlea, can be aeeiiimiinilateil with good board andpleaaant roomi at 31) Weal 30th at.

AIII'.l'Kt;;TAIII.K I'roteataut girl In board In amoduato. Call at ir.M llroome

Bii room ii

A I'I'.IV young men aceonmiodatcd wliu,tJ rooma.aluglo beda.and Buod board. l Ollror at.lermi moderate.

AI'KIY young men ran harr good boardWcilJCtli it" d.rj.o-- i .KiaVakeii.

A HI I I.K and randy atore for Bale, oppnalte a pnhlioJiY acliuul, nt 610 LaaWlth at., bitwrcn Ala, A and II.

A iV'i'. IP"" men can liavu good board, aluiiloVJicila, at l.) per week. M Henry at.

A '')V'.nur?! lAdlea and gentlemeu cnu be uccom-J-inodaled Willi board, al 'AM Mh at.

II11VO reapectaldeladlei can obtain bewjd Inanulet.1. place, or would let a f urnlahed room, 131 W. llth at,

AV A "Tai"-- " l' town, a room iuiitorCali11 forMIW, Br'cI.AlII, I J3 llleeeker H,

I "a YKST 3..T1I ST., noar Droadway. A f jvJI gentlemen can obtain comtttable rooma, withfM u0rd' V9' wfek oath, Ac.) dlnurr at

1 A 1 UTII A V.Kurnlahed front rooma far Udk'lX'Jb I

muiwmtnli.QliYftil'IC TIIKATKK. "

I. VX1tiPJY UMITV 1lKMOT)f:T.t-I.D- .


JLBIlSSoWo. .IL Tmciili!


Ithkmhxdoub HITS,



j "TTiTtVllaoo'lirothera5 i








Q 111.11. (701,1), (lOI.I).


WII.1. OI'KN THIS KVKNINtl. Al'llll, 1, n" under new management, with tbo beautifulr. domeatlc drauiAot

I, Ily Mlaa JKAN IIUItN'RinK,tn which ahe will appear, aupportcd br the '



n A.C. Mnreland. T.OHrer, T. Walker, J.llaker. Mine. IVAN C. MICIIKLS. Mra. I). 0

t IK. ItALTON, Mtaa llattle Ihorp, and 4 full "company.

" Intlrely new and magnlllcentaeenery, by nj:s. htllKLLandoaalatanla.New and elegant furniture and appoint

menta.11 The theater haa lieen altered and thoroughly nyennraled,O TIIK MAN flKMKNT 1IAVF. TtlT,



' Mtialral direction under O. I. llurnard.Ilox oince now open.

HOLD. GOLD. GOLD.AVAI,I.A(K'S.,11 1.A1T NIGHTS Of TIIK VKTKttArf,In conacqueuce nf at.prnacbtng nniertlea,




SKII.rni. lll.KNDINll OK COLOlt AND COSTDMK.vir. I.eater vv'nllark. Mr. .Inhn llrnugham, Mr. .lolm

Ollherl. Mr. ( harlea I'laher, Mr. J. ll Folk. Mr. Charh aHot kw ill. Mra. (lira .lennlnga, Mlia KUle (Icrmon,Mmc. l'unlal, Mlaa Helen Trac) .

KVI.IIY I.VKNIN'O.Notice will be glren nf Ihe proditetlnn of

1'AHTNI.ItS I'oll l.ll'l!.which will lie preaente w Ith n w and In which Mil. UlAlll.KS MATTIIKUS willmake bla reappearance.

iooTii's Tin: tiiu. i.k clmicq.I J l'roprletor and Manager Mr. KDWIN liooril.Tlllltl) AND LAST VVCHK HUT (INK.ot the charming and aceotnt.llahed artlate.

MISS CAHLOTTA I.K Cl.Kllft).who will apiiear on Monday. Turaiiay, VVe.nea,lay. and


to be followed bv the liuirhahle Ctunedletta of tU3"HOfllll DIAMOND."

On Thuraday nnd l'rida) eienlnga, adSaturday Matinee at 1 .11MISSLKCt.Kttco a i'NKrAItr.W,


Monday, April tt. frapp. aw ice and farewell engagementatKr. HOOTIL

C"T. .1 AUKS TffF..TIti:, Hlh at."and llrnadway.O f llOVVUr.I) HOCSKS. (IKKAT Sl'CCKsS,

The enbat amuamg entertainment In the clly.MirK.VOY'S NKW HIHIIKNH'O.Ni

Or. 1IIKLAND IN AMK1IICA.lir,vlu-n- i the famnna

HAiiNKY, Tim oriDE.and concludlnr; with the acreamlng farce,

HAIINKY AND TIIK GHOST."Thta popular Irian entertainment, which blendi

farre.muale. panorama, and humor all Into one per-formance, wai Inatalled at the St, Jamra Theatre night, greatly In the delight of our Hibernian cltl.tens, who flocked thither In such a multitude that thetheatre waa enttrrly Inadequate to aernmmndate all dealroua of admliaton, Thnaewho did get In were thnrnnghlr entertained, and the enjoyment wai of thehearlleat deaerlpilnn," Telegram. Mallnee Wedneadayand Saturday 3 P. M. Orchealra chalra. 7Jc ; dreaa circle,

a'.i gallery, S.V. Matinee dreaacircle. 33c .1 children, 15c.



SIAIIY MAYIICD. MILS. .IOIIN' WOODWith the celebrated aonguf


In number) will appear lu anKTIIIOI'IA.N bCENT.


and lIKACTH't'l. HI OlIATlOXS.mtim:k satchdai at.'

Al I. I.K. I'llltlsTJNA NI.'.ON'ill LAST MAtlNKKS.Manrlee and Max straknaeh reapectfully an


STIiAkiiM II ITALIAN OI'KII V COMPANYIV A At K'S. saturdiy.AprlH-MAHTIIA.- au 3).Iliioril'S. Mnnday. April at !::).Seata and tlcketa now at the Strikoach Opera ticket

otllie, Kierett llouae. Entrance lath al. anil 4th av.-itnio- - soi a rn; Tiir.ATiti:.L H. VV'. ItC,l.l:it ManagerTHE hl'VNISH MISSTIIKLS.




liOWKit v"Tiir.ATiti:,13 TIIK 11EAU rlKlll. SlIOKniNDEli

OF LYNN.Tn commence with ANTONY AND CLEOl'ATHA.Matinee Saturday, at 3 o'clock.

Jilt A NO C'O.Nt T.ItT AND lU.LTn,


At ADEMY OF MUSIC. April lit. 1171,

can i'ii Nrii('o jiiNTiii:i.s.Is IMMENSK hf( CESS.CHOVVDEI) HOl'SKS.


HI'.IIHKW llenerolent and Orphan Ai7lnm Soclely,membera whu b) reaaun nf remoiAl or

other rauao hare nol received Ihelr lurllallona towthannlreraAry relebrallon tn lake place on Ihe crenlng ofApril 11. will plraa notify me at nnee, and rerclielame. blMON 11. STKltN.'Aaa't Sec.3U Uroadway.

I OTTKIt I Kj,-I1- H per cent allowed on all In eTJ menta. ,) .Mcl.NTlHE, ! Chatham it., IS!Kaat Hutiaton it , UtOlllt ar.

BlllilUSS Ctlj.'llUH.

4 mtAWINliti . KFNICCKY srVlElllI IKIIIKD.KEN I'l l KY l:ritaCLAM.So WV, April 6, 17!.

77, VI, (17. 3, 5, 5 i, 03, At, HI, S, aKENll.'CKY (1.144 Nil iai. April I. ITTI.

ij. in. '', v. n. ra. it, irj, jn, 33, 117

I'ADI All Ei r ii (1.14 No ir,5. April r., I i?Vw, Ji., il. 11, 1. m, u. si. la. h. lll'Alll'l No. Ifa',, April at, Hf.71. IV. ll), 01. 31. 11, II, tl. ID, 7. rf. I.

SIMMONS A 10., Managera, Corlnglon, Ky.

Iiifnrmatlnn furnished and cretilars sent by .1 CLCTr.Hrnker, Jt. Uroadway, lii l'ulton at., and i I'ark row.1 . O. Ilox l,!jt.A I'l ATI: prodiieo comniiasion stand fori aalc. Applyatatamli, foot of Murra) at.

1A K Kit V fur aaln on the bt at part of MiiiT,- n.,1) doing u bualneaa of irai a week in er Ihe iltinli--rent fur atnre and ahop. 1 14 a month I )nara fromlat May next. I'rlee, fl,iii). 3u M)rtl ar., IVnoklyn,

II 11 A It STO 11 K for aale cheap ut 313 l.tidaon it.-"-'

1" .Mill "I.K".f.iiii will buy the aliek. tools, andniiurea of a well eaiahllahed (In wara aplee box andJobblug cstabllihuient. For further p .rtlculara addreaa

W. II. I'AHuKH, Troy, N. Y.

I.itllt, SA I.K cheap The'itock and flxturea of aand l ariely alore doing a Rood bujIucMt rentlow, at sCN Ea.t llth at.

s A l,K A bakerr dnlnga good caih builnen.llrookfyn l JWEVil st"lW!l. 13 Tlllarj L,

li,i'Jlt ifA !'1.' "'"'I'-"- '" and atallonery at.7reTc71 yeainine ot tlie beat atanda downtown muit be Bold at uui e. Apply on premlaes, It Ami si,

1,iOlt SA 1K-- A stmll but good pay.v"7ealauranrionly 13 per naoulli i price, tin? A South at.

Ti,i,.,ILHaVla.R ".'' "roeery st'.re, lock".nd"iiTItltUeat., near Urand at.

Jf 'J j 'K cl"aP --A erorcryilore. 131 Wcit

nj.U(lt'KllY'4ud candy tUtro fnr aalei the rvaiou'X Klreu for e dllug. n) Caaniiou al.AT 1 1. It lllll TK foralu. Calfat.I1 613 Writ 33d al.

MaKltOI'TK for oale cheap. Inquire at ltd 3d

Si1! l1'established'l'i;nrttinUy.-T- ho well pa lug. 8clgij- alore, with ami iiimyI

i'fpnt Allajhed, mil l7e sold c iri on i crJiuift of d.aH.lamlly.Jnqutro In the itore , to NvilletV .

CKI.IilN'tl OIT.-Onl- ya few diyi e"fi aPI canned peaeaea, freah aloek, at doreu nil.Vr,.ri,:S;..,;,6,",,;r',i ' '" eiaVs , Ck ei

barrels, kegs, Ao Ac. 197 Iteade at.r1,T)VmTAAi,i"TMr ''"Vry wu'h nxtureir ApTdy toUrooklyn. ' Culu'"bl ''i cutaer btitc at.,

AVA,,T,(, A wlinla wlllitTgliipartner, work, witha capital of ,, In a w II ea ahllal r'l tiusmea- -

iiljikA,WT '""" rvir'

mnwmtnls.rr1 T. "AnNI JlS' (HIKAT SIIOW.






MOVSTRIt RI'.A MON'rl.lS-Rl'- l'OJlnr)firfsiijn 1KB,




naAr"fflnlnrV.,Afr.l'v':lhVlUnn'"? eenl.4 , cbiMfenlion to all those purchaalng the I'irtutial Life ot' ir T.Iiarnum, ton pagea, redueedfrntn H.v) In ll.'a).Dooiaopeu at I and 1 o'clock, Performance In theHlppndrorie e nmmenees at t and a.

Will exhibit In .leraey ( ity, MONDAY, April HiIV I'llral.elh, Wf.l)NKSApril 11 , .New Ilruniwtck, IHL'ltSPAV, Apr.lll.





IttrfMW '''fe.THILEK.7 J . .

li0T's oa";i"'10n JLU;'J."Nd 1 CHAPMAN SISTEItl. -f53 : oiovanni. ;gS : HLANIIIK. KLLA. : ra ta. ' r1 v




The fairy beauty of the acener). gorgeouaneai of prop,ertlea and aeeeaaiirli-a- , rlcbtieaa of material nf ll.e cnatuinea, Bwectneas of the tnualc, and Intcnall) of Int. retof theatnryot I.ALLA HOOKII,dramatically told

KVI.IIY NIGHT AND SATIM1DAY MATINEE,to atirprlard and d. llghted audle nera nfOVI'll Tlllll.l. lllol'SAND ENCHANTED PEOPLE,aggregating an alien, lance lo date of

SIXTY ! lllll.E THOCSAND,lualty stamp It na theUltANDhsT AND M09T RHCCl'saKHL SI'Ef TACtJ




Trinaformatlon Scene at II o'clock.ACAUKillV.-TIIUrM- PII OK PAIIEt'A HOSA,


f" Alll. I (14 A and A. NKUENDOIH F DirectorsU. DK VIVO ....llualneaa ManagerMONDAY. April Fourth Hul.aerlpllnn Night,


Mr. WACIItKL. Mr.SANTI.EY...Also Meaara. Cook, llyae. And Ilallln thecait.

A NKI'ENIiOltKF . .Mti.lenl Director nnd Cnnduelnr.EDSESDAV (by general reqiieali. II, THOVAIOIIh.PA I PHILLIP'S. VACIITEISANTI.EY.

BATI IIDA Y, OIIAND MATINEE, DON GIOVANNI,N It. seau for MATINKl't ami ANY nlghl iinlsecured at the Academy of Music and III llrnaJnay

TVKIV 1 OHK rllllT,11 I lib st ,0ppoBlteAcadcti.y6fMuile1.. It I ENT DirretfirMATINEES WEDNESDAY AN'il SATt llDAI AT i'


last weei: Fif' ciiicirs seasonI'omTIVEI.Y LAS r WEEK OK t lilt I w SEASON.



ON MX IIAHEHAIK STEEDS,the most exciting and novel eqti"atrlinlui ever witlier.l NIl.I.lV. fAltOMNF. Ni.t'HAIII.ES W.KISII ind WILLIAM DUTTONIn their elaaale and daring eqneatrlaii feata.

TIIK IIIIILLIANT CMH CS PKIIKOItVI ANCKSwill conclude w lib ihe ainualng pantnmlne of


iViidii'H nijii:rii. woodb.11 :THA Al rllACTIOS'S.THIS EVENING AT h, TO DAY AT 3, theThr charmlnix Artlate. llurleaque Eilraiaganxa,


lii'MlD Down', i and i hi. nai iw.New- - Caiatumea, scenry, and the 3. act conn dr.

and superior I at. 11 VPPIEsT HVYSalurda) Matinee at 3 (IE MY LII t.


The .New Parlaltn Penilti n,"AKTICI.K 17,"






Klrat week of ahe Nan tlu,t.a.u.Ilt.ACK EYED SI'SAN,Ir.lrodurlnglhe WOIIUEI.L MKTI.lis,

Mlaa SOPHIE. MlallllBNE, Mill JENNIE.The new Local Drama,

NOLL, Till' VEVVSltOYThe new Negro Skeich. sVVAMP ANGELS.Matin. e dnea.lay and Siturday.

''ON I'A STO H'r OIT.It A llor'i'i'.iI., I lrt appearance of the gnat ( omlc Duelllata,

IlAKEll.- FAHIIEN. (IIIOII stji i: COMEDIANS.A new comic trlrk pantomime, riitllled

TIT'1 1 K 1 VI 1'LIHKItNAMiEZ FOSTEIt na TITTI.K TATTLE.tony psion'i giiian nt foviiii.riov.Malineea Tueada) and Salurday I ndles tree on Fridays.HltY.yVrSOI'KHA HOI K. a7.. neartlli

afternoon, April 11,1173, grand complimentary benefit to Mr. N. lae Sey-mour, commencing at '.' ai'cluck preclid). In coniunc.Hon with the Hrynt entire troupe, the followingnrllatahare kindly volunteered by permlaalnn of thmrreapecttre managera: Mr. Gua. wdliams, Mr lltighi--DnuKhcrtr. Mr. I rank Kerns, Master Harne), Mr. JohnQueen, Mr. Geo. Coes, Mr. Frank GlraM. and others. Affneiarictyof comic acta mil be Introduced, the per-formance concluding with Ihe aucccaaful burlerqtle nfJulius snreier, Introducing Mr. Dan llryant In the

of Caaalns and Maik Anthony.1V'VASJ'lJU'i:!. ihiI'sk- - 3111 sihei.t.HIT. IMMENSE st('( l Ss OK

It'LICS SNKEZEIt. I .11'1.11'S'B bXF.E7.iai. I JLLIUS SNEKZElt.

Tit) NOT I'A 1 1, to aee .VIAIINEII, the hn7e e,1u..1 I cator, and hia wonderful ponlea, EVE1IV KVI NISO, and SAT CHDA Y at i 1 he moat ricloui horaiatamodever) evening lorn alio 1 tlmeonl).

JUrsonal lolitti.l,l. aoljlrfa cn'tate before July 31,1 , for 1 yean,nndwnluwa. can get )V bounly. K P. Illitiiili,

lale of I', s. .s.mltary Comuiiisloh Agtfr,lll at.

.?,0,l1,l,!) To:iL ?,'j31.1I'.T Lehigh and Lniuat Mnunlaln cn. store, igg,l and furnaee. IC; large uui, 13 30 rtrton of

lha., scrci ni'il and detlveri--THOs SIOKI.a, corner U at. ond 10th av.

1 lilibita). "

One of the gretleal iut',11, al dlacnicri, a of theae,thereautta uf ihlrt) i .ara' prai-tli'- o( a liirniau ph)alClan. Sea tired br tclfera palillit.

ciireapllea and all other combinedtherewith. I'ri pir.! by Dr. I'll , a:

or . W llihinaburgh. JOHN I. IILMIY, boleAgent, tl Collage place, Sew York.

CENTAL exhauallun, nerrnua ileblllty, aamlnnlr wt .gneas, ilrlrlura. plica, and all pruati illi,-.- i,(the kldneiaur bladder cured. Inlervb-w- trnm H A M.lo Ji p, m. fo detention from buaineai Vegriablemcdlclaoa tiled. Ilonurable Irealim nl and iniideratrcaariji'a. Clinton Medical Inailtuli, 117 Kail 1Mb at.,4 DAT aKl AVa

2ft9'.il Jflotitts.

CITItKlli; 10 1'ltT fit) and County of Newt?,u,k M.rV K t'ompiou, plaint IIT. agalnat ( eccllaI). t baae and Sarah J. Meeks, Sii'nn.ona for relief.-- InI ecella 1). chaao, one ot the ahoiii-name- dul'mlsnulull are herebi auilimoued ami required t" inlaw ir theciitniilalut In Ihlanetlnu, which la Died In the ntllee of

l'rk.';f l'11?'. ,a'i ' "' N,'"r York, at theNewt ourt llouae, lu aald ell) uf New York, nntl tojervc a cum of your an.rer In the aal.l complaint on

'.."..'.'"''i'1'' V h,u "."'.'" ""'"'" r II Pine aired. I

Vork, within twent) da) a alti r theof this aullieiutil on you, eicllialio nf the day olrV".111rlr.'.,T .inJ..,r n." ! ner aforeaiid. the plalnitn in tl,i,i uu will Miplyio the Cuurt fur the rt lief demaiided Inthe Dated Januiry '.'l, nr.'.

i.LIIIU HOOI . I'laiiitlifa Altorner,It Pine atr. el. New lurk.The coinplilnt In hia arllon wai flb-t- l In Ihe nmce ofthe I lerk of lha clly and county of New York, at Ihe

tijauua7)"lir."'J 7U'NcwVu'k' un aiELIIIU HOOT, PlalnlllTi Allorpry.

(rJropos:ils."CKA IiKM 1'HOI'OSA I.S

nH r.';c .L'1'11 J:T commlltee on Kormsl Col-lege, nfllcu of nl HieXSi.V ,K,tt!"ai."0, "'" a Mm and i.'ndl!,'!' ,''i'duea,lay, the 17th day of April, rj.c,ork M, on s ild day, fur the iiml.-rHI- .

a new ichool building m br i retinloolibUhBl?i"etsVl'UU0' lcUl'cu "''el.lilti auj Maty-

Plana and specifications maybe aean al Ihe nrl'mnfilretl 't'hlrll flnor'1 "u"'""'!" 4llJ H'l'sl'si l'" '"nl

Proposals will be rerclred fnr each branch of Ihe workBeparately. and to be (uracil " Propoaal for Maa.iuWork, " Propoaal for Cut Stoe," "Propoaal foiork." " Propoaal for Painting.'1

rhanimeaot two reapunaliile sureties In accompanyeach proposal. Propoaala will not be i re.l ul,lr.aitiretli a aio named aud are enlin-l- aauifai.loiy to thecommittee.

1 he romiullteii reierves Ihe ruht to reject my or allOf the propoaiila ottered.

Wll.llAM vvoon.M.,v1,.xs,!i'(i,.,,vrv c'::!1".'..iV.WVVA,NrV.V.,;J,'jSorB,'tlR'

Ni York, April i. H.i

'I'll Hl.'ll.llF.lts, SealeTF'irf.iTlhTbnTid"of a s, hoiil liouiceltherof wood orbrl k , ,

h',t " l''"s Aud Itlcatloua lu hand, uf tl,,. !be received prior to, and opene.1 he i, oV

Kdui-a-t on of rtcnojl Dlatrlet Ni, 3, at l"e a dion JiaeW hiteatotie. on the litli day im at S I' M l heHoard reierrn Ih. right rcjei'l aui bid For further

. 1StxUmblTillj Kllb SlliltOTltrJ. .

1,1 It IK ltAII,VA,V.--WIV- r' 'arrAnmeTnTtrains taking eltea t Dec. tl, 171. Prom Chiiil.1 I

at. depot. (Fnrfad at .ire note below.) jV.9J A M. t Inrlnnall and Chicago Hay KinreaaIng Itiom I oachea tn liuffalo and Niagara FaIU i?i iBleeping Coanhi a to ileailnallon.11:00 A. M. Kxpreas Mall for Hulfalo an I Nlsgirs Kalia..cw1!et,olan:,,' "i'itndN la'ga'ra'! e',Y,,r;,l,rf '' SlffPln CoAChca to

nOr.Jjl. (dally) ( Inrlnnall and Chicago Night Rr.g;F7,?;,,v,o,;v;:cV;r,,ffi

s jrAtf m- - n" " 15 a' .

aif',.'.r i'f.n"! ml H'l'llelown, 7 .i), ati, tin, ir) a0ill''piup M.1 or W ai trlrk. bhi, inn, And tlbll A. M 4 31 P. Mfor Newburgh, ' di, V i), and 11.30 A. M., 3..M, I i,4jij

3 M,f.Ii,ii.V" " - I

..'!"!'. IV 1 tl .11, Injn, li ,n, i, i,

fVl 'J.'.'UM'.' 1 "' r,llJ' ,'li '3), lu Jy.'IIOnP.M.atid'lliiimiilnlghl i

..."".""""rd Park and PaaBalc,.ll,,7..Y, tim.tOnnM:;.d.!rnW.uU7iU'3W'",U ',l

lor llackenaaek and Way, and 113 A. M.,tl IS I

tilgfit ,3':W't-:- l''M'i i"1 salurdaya only, Uui) tin

Ifor 'll IjlBjtAl eand Way, J.OO and :IJ A.M., IMS, I


urX,M&&lli& mv7i'-W- iA"I J;;'yi;,""v,i.S("i 11V ma. m i.m, su,n,

S haturdaya only,llfl)inl,nl for'creaaklll, iv.'s-ima- . M .1:1), 311, iij,v n j'

i.andt'7 iM; M. Saturdaya nnly. ll ii midnight.!:"! J.'f I1." I lermnnl. si, 7 IV, ' A. M lii, I i

ilglit; ' 1,51 M- Saturday a only, 1311) und- -

, ,or" I'l'0.11'1""' ' f 1 tl ,1l).andill.1P,M. Salur,layBnnly,ll()mldnlght., '.l,iJ""". ,M,lJ!r'. Chambrra alrrcl am eren hourihuurs, leate 2id street flflaen mlnutea earllri,.'!,..l.''".r."n".VTh5 im A M- nil 13 tt) mldolihstart from Chsmhcrs street nnly.N H -- Tralns on the N II. It, nf N. .1. tearing Chim 'ben alreet nn quarter hotira, Irate 'irniitny I

minutes earlier than above time.Tickets for paaasge and for apArtmanta In drawtn. I

room and sleeping roarhea can bo obtained, and ordarafnr Ihe checking and Iranafer of baggage may he left altlieCnmpin)'a otnrea.3ii,3i,and mniroailway : cnr.P'ro.''.'!'n and Ad ar , Harlem i I Cnurt at., ttrnokl)ni I0I llrnadway. llliamaliurgh i at the ComnaarldtjHila i and of aiienta at Ihe principal hotela.INlnck'iiiil"'1"1 ' unl' l(i0,l"'ni Bundaya only,

L D.Kl;'t7KEIt, WM H.IIAIIIt,Oen'l sup't. Hen'l Paaa'r Ant.

T ONI1 ISLAND II 'X.mVA,?,'..Yollowr,'d'5' "l'' a'' U,ln'

?i"iA. V"?nMirl Mill Train.A. M..ltnal)n. Glen Cure, Lnenat Valley, Ilunllnton, and Northportl'aaaenger Trains


K "A'lior Express, IhronwGreenpnrl nn,.1 .',' M... Kipreaa I rains fnr !tolrn, Olcn Core,laller, Hiinllngtiin, and Norlhpnrt.

3 3d P. .VI., Norlhport Way Train.All trains cnnnrci at llranrh for llompsie.'.Sunday trains for Huntington, Nortnpnrt, rtoslyn,

(Urn Coir, and Lncuat Valley leaic llaptrr'a Point al.) A. M. and 6 P. M.

1" 7011 TltTll" 111 HKCT. CITiKNS'STKAMHOAl'CO., OK THOY steamers "uuuy side andThom! '

Powell, dally, (Salurd.' will learr pier ufoot of Spring at. at t P. 'I. Paaengira ticketed and bargage rhrckcdrla llrnsaclarr and and Trvand lloaton rauroada. JOSEPH COHNELL. Supl.

1 F.iriirTION' (Tl' N VII1ATIO.N on thsIV lluisbn llltrr --The atraui. r si. John, Drew, ant IDrao rtKlimond of Itiu I'r. ia.1, line rotmnenee then L

rinlar Irlna to Albany nn Saturday, the Clh Inat., at I io'clock P l. 1

". Sljip"ii9. 1


t NCIKIIt I, INK STKA.HKIIS. .Sail ciery Wedneaday and Saturday lo and from '

Oliagow, l.lierpool. Londondrrry, nnd (Jueenatown. 'Paaaengera tmoked to and from any railway atallon Id I '

Great Hrllaln, Irelaud, Norway.Swrden, Iienmark,Uumany, Holland, lli lglum, and (he tfnllnl statea, I

AT LOW Est' CCHIIENCY HATES.Drafta on Ihe old country fnr any amount.Appl) at the Company 'a utflrea, 7 Howling Green.


I VII AN "LINK Edit (JI'EENSTOVVN ANUI.IVl.ltI pool. Hti)al Mall ate vppoluted to sail a,follow:

t ITY OK llltlSTOL. Thuraday. April 11,7 A. M.CITY OK MONTI1EAL, Saturday, April 13, A.M.CM Y OF ANTVVt'HP.Ihurada), April 1S.JP M.CITY OF NKW YOHK, Saturday, Apt II 3 P. M ,

and each succeeding Saturday and Thursday, from llei13, .North liner.

ItATKS OF PASGK. 1FIHSTCAIHN' . .973 gold. Nl KKHAOK 1Paaaengera alao fnraarilrd lo Pari. Ilarre. Hamburg Ibweden, Niirwuy and Denmark at reduced ratca. ITP keta can be Imuglit here at tnnderatc rales by pPaona wlahlng In aenil for thrlr friends, 1

For lurtlur lutorniatlon apnli at the Company's offlca IJOHN (I. DALKAgrnl. I

13 Uroadway, New York. IJL WEEKLY TO OI'EKNsroVVN AND 1,1 VMlI'lltll. I

FOIITMOIITI.Y lo and from LONDON Dllll'.ci, 1

from Fieri Hand 11 North Hirer.

.T? QI'ENSTOWN AND I.I VEItPOOL. 'i'h9!'Ah'J( Andrews, Saturdsy, April , at 3 P. M.i A.i.'r;i Thomson, Saturday. April 13, at it A. M.I.OYl'T, Grogsn, Saturday, April), al t P.M.

FOIt LONliON MULCT.HI NMAttK, Sumner, Wednesdsy, April 10. at 7 A. M.( aldn paaasge ill and pa currenry.Bteeragr i1 currency.

Prepaid steerage tickets from Llrrrpool.Uurenslown,Lnndonderr), Glaagow, or London, If) currency.

lor further Information anplr al thefumpany'aofrtrr,Nn.Ot, Uroadway. F. vf. J. IICIIST, tlanager.



Hie ailciidl,l vraarla on aula ri'tile tliaContinent will sail fruui Pier 3d, North Hltcr, at a:

PEIIIEHH. Danre.Salnrdiy, April'.ST. LACHES r.l.emilreW ASHISGTON1. Itouaaeau, hatliriar, Slay I,VILLI. 1)1. l'AIIIs,uruiont, Saturday, May tl.


Flrat cabin, lia : second cabin. II,Excursion llckels al reduced ratca.

These ateaun ra do nol rarrr alrcrage paaaengera.American trareilcra going to or rcurnlng from tincontinent of Europe, hy laklng thr aleamrra of tliu

line, avoid both trauait br Kngllah railway and Ihe illcomforlanfcroialngihe Chauuel, bealdea sating inn,trouble, aud ctpetiai..

GLOIIilH MACKENZIE, Agent, M Proadway

jri:i:,NTtMVN ano i.i vehpool,J.. . .Sl"in "" I stati a Malta.Me'lneadAl. 10, at 3KP M.

WISCONSIN aalla Wedneaday. Mirll 17. al t I'.M(abln passage, fid, gold, sietragi, jo, currency.Drain ou Englaud. Irrliml. Ac


llruadway. New York'. i

O'IKINOVAN HO.;.Will IE STAIt LINK. iPaaaoge tickets and drafts at lowest raloa. '

-1 Ilroadw ny, New York, and SI Fulton at, tlrooklyn

lo(:sion! Jiubj, I

A 'J V!"a!".Ii" .,P,1JI.U,", COItllKT? L

ii,KK"2'i'!:' P "'" Nw .v"rl I'nlreralty iMeali i'p?:;. ' burgeons. London), can be consult- -with strlctMl Pr vary on diseases of the sciuil orgsia A practice uf W yeara enables him to

itn-ea- nervous aud general debility, giiarauicid Vluallra.cB, Ojlb e. 3ii Centre st., near Ctiamllers

a. TTKNTION" jPnr A perfecl, thorough cure olffir.iMt'in, ,'Ll ' """' !,,1l ""i'l nervous

conitilt the beat rihislrlan.. "r. UK II ACT, Hi llleeckfr it.Ilt. lit A Mi LIN, 1"1 llleeeker st.


lJwrnl) tear' l'iu-la- u h,,apiial eiperlenre. Pilesand all Skill luTliiaii. eiiretl, h llhoul lueri ur)' Coniultatl'in free ( all ur write.

Dll. 1VKT. olllce III Weat 33th St., baring malldllciaea of th" sexual nrgana a apeclalty, C4n l(

i or, an ted t "iitl.l''titlally. and 4 apeedy cure guaranteestin all complilula, from wtiateier cause.

11.1. special dlaraaea, nlan nerlntia ili'blltty andImi'Otimy. conaull Dr. ,11'I.IEN, 311 Pearl at., oulilnor from nlre. French goods for aale.

'I'll i: dlaeiard and dihllllattd reqtiiiing akllftil treatI nn nt will do well to call on Dr. Ill's 1 Ell, M llocl

al in ,11 )iw. r lalal.llalieil .))eara

. .s'lclogij. j

VIII'SIN'KsS and medli'-- i clairrnjAnt who haa Ba Iami H the lad) whotirat adrer I

tlaidln ihta city and lioetHni and UM"J reward I of Ifried to any pi raon whu tan aurpasu berluglilng cor Irect Information on loat nr atolm gomla. law aulta, at, 1

sent (rleiula, and bualneas malti-'- of all kinds. If yoIiaic troubii., no matter how. serloni ahe can allay It f ujou. site alao preacrlhis for all ,11. ra cs, ann la maanii

ciin s. N. II. I hia la no hutnhiiit. imr ."!' .wish lo lmpnao upon tlia unwary, pleaae te.'Itemember, llila la the only Indepen lent rlaln ''?''hia city she can refer In the moat pruiiilnentIn Sew lork. Phlladelphll, Itnalun, and clher ctl."i

Mine. Cl.lFl'ON, 3I VVe.1JllhaU, bclaeenlth an.Hlh aia.A TTr.NTIONt ATTF.NTMIN 'Wr'F.VnOMV ,. '".'V " 'El ElED HY 111" Mill H

:'t.'iJ'''i' Loin, and All VHaira,fit) To 139 IIS s .l.p IIUO.VDWW S ll 7111 AY.111.1111 KKVV Villi loll E(JI'I.

Conaull the In t 1.1. run mi of (he age l, lla erery.thing, gne luck In 11 in. I hnaineaa, l.rlnga tog. HutI; loin: ;. ir .1. i, :j n 1, rl 11 a. Picky nutiibi ra,Hewan of Imm'iu.a. j at at , hel. llroadm) auditauiiuue,"i TTKN'TI ON I

"lb- e irnT7,7,trnnr "

1 Couaull tl nl) rue uriiniiiit In Ihe city, 111. (whu run 111 11 KgUAi.

Luckr niimticra, naiii nf, ir. ami one )nu marrySHE1EI.I.S VVI1II I N HIKING lEHl AINTY.

(.Ivitl lock in line and bualneaa, Ibowa llkepeaa,'btlnga llioae long aeparnted. cauaea tpeaidymarrlagea in t l"th si. , bet. Uroadway und tlh art HI. VI, a, iiiitle aatrol iger, Pruf.ld VHS, la ctiiv

; lulled by la, lb s an 1 gents fnr good luck In busmen,ipi'cih marriages, llkuieaa, ntmea, da), Ac. HI Id ir,uearlSlhst. 3nc.tul. Hu li Us true,

VHON V, I'l Ili:ievenlh'd7t7g"hter thai anuua'iiTetills namca, aud cuuaes marrligea, la Ma lams

M.,ial l.aat llomton it., beluw lit ar. c , no"4. TOT. Madam llVI!ON,Tiilr7iua7iit . coti.ult tier; 011 all adits vl hit, al st) lib ai., belweeii tU aialillhsls.A ?Tltor.O(lTl -- Midaniii UvriUl.E, fromi Purls. ith av. I.adua, J5e . geut-- , v. UruukoU'ueas curedln a week.

It KA I. on attainVuf life , uew No , as South th at , llliauiaiiariiti.

"I'.liA UK 11. I, HI lll'.IIT-O- N, ( lahrnyaiiTIVuo aatiiln tlou no pay. I 'l t ltli it uiar titer

AI.lli:. I,.' III. NCII K, Hie gran iioilv.if111 leu and at'irnlllii inr. Ileal latrvovaut and aeerealot Ihu ulni'tieiith ,. 1,1,111 m be cniiiulted n thtpaal, prea-'iit- , und funire, lut k) numbers. Iiktinaaof Iluture liiiahati'l r w,f, tl, wiuderlul Peraian i innaor amtilal cauaea Im au I ape, ,1) tn image. Ib-- ,1 'j--and otllce, 115 Weat ,",tii t .between tllh and Tin aia.

Mill. UK I'llltTEII.S, ereaa-llc- luiht norlTher f, r 1. rittiirg t,i:uiln-r- F' i

taX'. .'3i mult at to nr llli-e- ker, l4i r tu

Mill ill ITT., mi'i rt 'lal. I Ia- VV J.,tti at r 11 I,. we. n ' and

1)1101' I.IVFKIt, utr ig, r 1,11 j . - n1 Hit ily from llnat in a t.rielie waal a',and caii be coniulled upon all iitairs I nfr st nil r"tdeuce II Leilnton ar .bslweeu Uth and Ktn iU litUi" tT"c'V. ' " ' ' 1 J, '