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VOL. 37 | NO.91 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 /+ &#$ +,$(-, )!-( !& ,&*1 .+$(" 0)+% -.1 *( -) #)& -&%, 0$-# $( $( /$,$- )( *+$& +$1(% ,&! $,)&-, !-+ )+- + -,-, / (&, ’*$"( $( !).,$(" )( ’%$(" (&, ))-#, /$+(- .#/$+ JAMMU, SATURDAY, APRIL 3 , 2021 India declines to comment on Pakistan's flip-flop on bilateral trade 1 ’#$ +, ;16. <; ?61.F 12096;21 A< 0<::2;A <; &.86@A.;@ 396=39<= <; =9.;@ A< 4< 3<? 96:6A21 6: =<?A@ <3 @B4.? .;1 0<AA<; 3?<: A52 0<B;A?F ,2 5.C2 @22; ?2 =<?A@ <; A56@ BA .@ 6@ 2C612;A D2 .?2 ;<A A52 ?645A =.?AF A< D5<: A56@ >B2@A6<; @5<B91 /2 16?20A21 .A @.61 ?6;1.: .4056 )$ ’$)- *) +" Power shutdown ; <?12? A< 0.??F <BA C.?6<B@ B=4?.1.A6<;?2=.6? D<?8@ A52 =<D2? @B==9F A< 5.?4.C. <99242 % 9<08 .;1 .17<6; 6;4 .?2.@ 321 !+ ’2026C6;4 (A.A6<; (.:/. )<D; @5.99 ?2 :.6; .3320A21 <; =?69 3?<: .: A< =: Man, woman found hanging from tree in Jammu, suicide suspected ((/ +, F2.?<91 :.; .;1 . D<:.; D2?2 3<B;1 5.;46;4 3?<: . A?22 6; A52 <BA@86?A@ <3 .::B <; ?61.F D6A5 =<9602 @B@=20A6;4 6A A< /2 . 0.@2 <3 @B6 0612 )52 /<162@ <3 (<: $.A5 .;1 *@5. 2C6 /<A5 ?2@6 12;A@ <3 #.8D.9 D2?2 ) *) +" Officials in Kathua directed to screen travellers entering J-K at Lakhanpur border point ((/ +, BA5<?6A62@ 6; !.A5B. 16@A?60A <3 .::B .;1 !.@5:6? <; ?61.F .@@64;21 1BA62@ A< 16332? 2;A 12=.?A:2;A@ A< 2;@B?2 =?<= 2? 2C.0B22 :.;.42:2;A <3 A?.C 2992?@ 2;A2?6;4 A52 *;6<; )2??6A<?F A5?<B45 ".85.;=B? /<?12?6;4 &B;7./ )52 :<C2 3<9 9<D21 . @B?42 6; %+ =<@6 A6C2 0.@2@ 6; A52 ;2645/<B?6;4 @A.A2@ .@ D299 .@ 6; A52 *;6<; !!$$’- *) +" BRIEF IN )52 <C2?;:2;A <; ?61.F 6; 3<?:21 A5.A ;2D =<@6A6C2 0.@2@ <3 ;<C29 <?<;. C6?B@ %+ 3?<: .::B 16C6 @6<; .;1 3?<: !.@5:6? 16C6@6<; 5.C2 /22; ?2=<?A21 A<1.F A5B@ A.86;4 A52 A<A.9 ;B:/2? <3 =<@6A6C2 0.@2@ 6; .::B .;1 !.@5:6? A< 9@< %+ 12.A5@ 5.C2 /22; ?2=<?A21 3?<: .::B 6C6@6<; .;1 3?<: !.@5:6? 6C6@6<; #<?2<C2? :<?2 %+ =.A62;A@ 5.C2 ?20<C2?21 .;1 16@ 05.?421 3?<: C.?6<B@ 5<@=6A.9@ 6; 09B16;4 3?<: .::B 6C6@6<; .;1 3?<: !.@5:6? 6C6@6<; 00<?16;4 A< A52 1.69F #216. B992A6; <; ;<C29 <?<;. C6?B@ <C61 <BA <3 =<@6A6C2 0.@2@ .?2 0A6C2 &<@6A6C2 5.C2 ?20<C2?21 .;1 5.C2 1621 6; .::B 16C6@6<; .;1 6; !.@5:6? 16C6@6<; )52 B992A6; 3B?A52? @.61 A5.A <BA <3 A2@A ?2@B9A@ .C.69./92 @.:=92@ 5.C2 /22; A2@A21 .@ ;24.A6C2 A699 ;1 =?69 *) +" JK reports 517 new positive cases, 126720 recovered so far (COVID-19) "62BA2;.;A <C2?;<? #.;<7 (6;5. A<1.F 0.9921 B=<; A52 F<BA5 A< 3<99<D &.;16A #.1.; #<5.; #.9.C6F.J@ 612.9@ <3 @29392@@ @2?C 602 A< :.;86;1 05.?.0A2? /B691 6;4 A:.$6?/5.?A. .;1 .@821 A52: A< =9.F A526? 6:=<?A.;A =.?A 6; ;.A6<; /B6916;4 )52 "A <C2?;<? D.@ @=2.86;4 .A A52 .::B !.@5:6? 5.?.A (0<BA@ B612@J ’.7F. &B?.@8.? D.?1 2?2:<;F 52?2 .A <;C2;A6<; 2;A?2 D52?2 52 32 9606A.A21 A52 .12A@ 3?<: C.?6<B@ @05<<9@ D6A5 ’.7F. &B?.@8.? D.?1 2?A6360.A2@ %; A52 <00.@6<; A52 "A <C2?;<? .;;<B;021 A5.A A52 ! 5.?.A (0<BA@ B612@ D699 42A .; .;;B.9 ?.;A6;61 A< A52 AB;2 <3 ’@ 9.85 3?<: ;<D <; D5605 6@ 1<B/92 A52 .:<B;A <3 A52 =?2C6<B@ 4?.;A@ )52 "A <C2?;<? 16?20A21 A52 0<;02?;21 2=BAF <::6@@6<;2?@ A< 0<:=92A2 A52 =?<02@@ <3 612;A6360.A6<; .;1 .99<A :2;A <3 A52 9.;1 3<? 2@A./96@56;4 AD< )?.6;6;4 2;A?2@ <3 ! 5.?.A (0<BA@ B612@ <;2 2.05 6; .::B .;1 (?6;.4.? .@ @<<; . *0,)*, *) +" Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides’ Rajya Puraskar Award Ceremony " LG felicitates Cadets of various schools with Rajya Puraskar Certificates Releases ‘News Reporter’ magazine; Hands-over a cheque of Rs 50,000 to J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides ,$)", +, )52 .::B .;1 !.@5:6? &<9602 6@ :B996;4 ?2C.:=6;4 A52 @20B?6AF 0<C2? <3 92.12?@ CB9;2?./92 A< :696A.;A .AA.08@ .9<;4 D6A5 3?2@5 A?.6;6;4 A< A5<@2 4B.?16;4 A52: 6; C62D ?202;A A2??<? 6;0612;A@ . 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A52 *;6<; )2??6A<?F .1:6;6@A?. A6<; 5.@ .@821 16@A?60A :.46@A?.A2@ A< A.82 . 0.99 <; A52 0<;A6;B.A6<; <3 [email protected] 09.@@2@ 6; @05<<9@ 6; A526? .?2.@ 0<;@612?6;4 @AB12;A@ @.32AF )52 ! .1:6;6@A?.A6<; 6@ @B21 A52 16?20A6<; .3A2? 1<G2;@ <3 @AB12;A@ .;1 A2.052?@ A2@A21 =<@6A6C2 3<? 0<?<;.C6?B@ 6; 16332?2;A 16@A?60A@ :<@A9F 6; ;.;A;.4 !B94.: .;1 B14.: <C2? A52 =.@A 0<B=92 <3 1.F@ 99 16@A?60A :.46@A?.A2@ 6@A?60A 6@.@A2? #.;.42:2;A BA5<?6A62@ 05.6?:2; 6; ! @5.99 A.82 . 0.99 <; A52 0<;A6;B.A6<; <3 .0.12:60 .0A6C6A62@ 62 =5F@6 0.9 09.@@2@ <? <;96;2 09.@@2@ 6; A526? ?2@=20A6C2 7B?6@160 A6<;@ 822=6;4 6; C62D A52 @.32AF <3 @AB12;A@ .;1 =?2@2;A A?2;1 <3 <C61 =.;12:60 6; 16332?2;A 16@A?60A@ . 4<C 2?;:2;A <?12? @.61 <; ?61.F )52 <?12? 6@@B21 /F 2=BAF (20?2A.?F *:2@5 (5.?:. <3 A52 (05<<9 1B0.A6<; 2=.?A:2;A @.61 A52 05623 21B0.A6<; <33602? .;1 <A52? .BA5<?6A62@ D<B91 .@@6@A 16@A?60A :.46@A?.A2@ 6; - *) +" India records highest single-day vaccine coverage 1 ’#$ +, %& ($ "! * $ %’’ +& #$’(& $ ( "’( %)&’ ( ’( ’$", %*& ("" $%+ ( $%$ "( #$’(&, %$ &, ( *$ %’’ $&’ +& *$( &%’’ ’’’%$’ %& ( &’( %’ $ $&’ &* ( ’%$ %’ % *$ ( "( #$’(&, ’ $ ’((#$( #$ ’(&, ’ (’ ’ ( ’( ’$" , *$ %*& ("" $%+ )#)"(*", #%& ($ &%& )$ *) +" Pulwama encounter: 2 militants involved in attack on BJP leader's house among 3 killed ; A52 /.081?<= <3 ?202;A @B?42 6; A52 %+ 0.@2@ .0?<@@ A52 0<B;A?F A52 ./6;2A (20?2A.?F ’.76C .B/. 6; . 564592C29 :22A 6;4 D6A5 A52 5623 (20?2A.?62@ 16?20A21 .99 A52 (A.A2@ .;1 *;6<; )2??6A<?62@ A< @A?60A9F 6:=92:2;A A2@A A?.02 A?2.A @A?.A24F %+ .==?<=?6.A2 /25.C6<B? .;1 C.006;.A6<; A< .11?2@@ A52 05.992;46;4 @6AB.A6<; <3 @5.?= ?6@2 6; A52 ;B:/2? <3 %+ 0.@2@ 5623 (20?2A.?F + ’ (B/?.5:.;F.: .9<;4 D6A5 6;.;06.9 <::6@@6<;2? 2.9A5 #2160.9 1B0.A6<; &?6;06=.9 (20?2A.?F <:2 & <<?16;.A6<; .;1 #6@@6<; 6?20A<? $.A6<;.9 2.9A5 #6@@6<; =.?A606=.A21 6; A52 :22A6;4 ,5692 ?2C62D6;4 A52 @6AB. A6<; A52 ./6;2A (20?2A.?F @.61 A5.A A52 0<B;A?F <C2? A52 =.@A 32D D228@ 5.@ D6A ;2@@21 . @5.?= ?6@2 6; %+ 0.@2@ A52?2 5.@ /22; .9:<@A . A2;3<91 6;0?2.@2 6; A52 ;B:/2? <3 ;2D 0.@2@ ?2=<?A 21 6; 2/?B.?F 2.?962? A56@ F2.? .;1 ;<D 52 @.61 <;@612?6;4 A52 12A2?6<?. A6<; 6; A52 %+ @02;.?6< A52 ./6;2A (20?2A.?F 2: =5.@6@21 A5.A 6A 6@ A6:2 <;02 .4.6; . 0<:=?252;@6C2 .= =?<.05 <3 A52 <C2?;:2;A@ 6; A52 (A.A2@*)@ 6@ .1<=A21 A< :22A A52 05.992;42 AA?6/BA6;4 A52 @B112; ?6@2 6; 0.@2@ A< 0<:=9.02;0F 6; A52 0<::B;6AF .@ . ?2@B9A <3 @9645A 6:=?<C2:2;A 6; A52 ;B:/2?@ 2;16;4 A52 ./6;2A (20?2A.?F 6;3<?:21 A5.A 02?A.6; @A.A2@ 5.C2 .9 ?2.1F 0?<@@21 A526? =?2C6 <B@9F ?2=<?A21 =2.8@ 6; A52 ;B:/2? <3 0.@2@ )52 ./6;2A (20?2A.?F ?26A 2?.A21 A5.A C.006;.A6<; .9<;2 6@ ;< =.;.02. 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A52 <33606.9 364B?2@ ?<@@ () ?2C2;B2 0<9920 A6<;@ 6;09B16;4 @2AA92:2;A 3<? A52 6;.;06.9 F2.? 6; ! @A<<1 .A ’@ 0?<?2@ .4.6;@A . A<A.9 4?<@@ () 0<9920A6<; <3 ’@ 0?<?2@ 6; A52 6;.;06.9 F2.? ?246@A2?6;4 . =<@6A6C2 4?<DA5 <3 =2? 02;A )56@ 6@ 12@=6A2 A52 12096;2 6; =?69 #.F .;1 B;2 D52; A52 () 0<9920A6<;@ @A<<1 .A ’@ 0?<?2 ’@ 0?<?2@ .;1 ’@ 0?<?2@ ?2@=20A6C29F A :.F .9@< /2 ;<A21 A5.A A52 () ?2C2;B2 6; A52 :<;A5 <3 =?69 #.F .;1 B;2 @A<<1 .A ’@ 0?<?2 ’@ 0?<?2 .;1 ’@ 0?<?2 *-.- *) +" )2&/(,$ +, &?6:2 #6;6@A2? $.?2;1?. #<16 <; ?61.F @9.::21 A52 <;4?2@@ .@ 56455.;1 21 D6A5<BA .; B;12?@A.;1 6;4 <3 9<0.9 @2;@6/696A62@ .;1 .@@2?A21 A5.A 56@ 4<C2?; :2;A 1<2@ ;<A @22 =2<=92@ 0.@A2 <? 3.6A5 /23<?2 @2?C6;4 A52: 2 .9@< C<D21 A< A< =?<A20A 36@52?:2;@ 6;A2? 2@A@ @.F6;4 ;< ).:69 36@52? :2; 6@ ;<D 6; (?6 ".;8.; 0B@A<1F 2 .==2.921 A< =2<=92 A< C<A2 3<? &<; ’.15.8?6@5;.; & 92.12? .;1 3<?:2? B;6<; :6;6@A2? D5< 6@ 0<;A2@A6;4 A52 =?69 /F=<99 A< A52 !.;F.8B:.?6 "<8 (./5. @2.A @2=.?.A2 :6;6@A?F 6@ 9<<86;4 .3A2? 36@52?:2;@ 6@ @B2@ )52 #! @B==<?A21 *& 923A A52 36@52?:2; A< A526? <D; 3.A2 .@@B?2 A52 36@52?:2; A5.A A526? @.32AF 6@ $@ =?6<?6AF 32D 1.F@ .4< D2 2;@B?21 A52 ?292.@2 <3 36@52?:2; 3?<: (?6 ".;8. )56@ 6;09B12@ *) +" India has not imposed any export ban on COVID-19 vaccines: MEA 1 ’#$ +, @@2?A6;4 A5.A ;16. 5.@ ;<A 6:=<@21 .;F 2E=<?A /.; <; .;A60<?<;.C6?B@ C.006;2@ A52 #6;6@A?F <3 EA2?;.9 33.6?@ <; ?61.F @.61 A52 0<B;A?F 5.@ A.82; A52 92.1 6; @2;16;4 C.006;2@ ./?<.1 D6A5 <C2? 9.85 1<@2@ @B==9621 A< :<?2 A5.; 0<B;A?62@ A699 ;<D #6;6@A?F <3 EA2?;.9 33.6?@ (=<82@=2?@<; ?6;1.: .4056 .9@< @.61 A52 :6;6@A?F@ +.006;2 #.6A?22 6;6A6.A6C2 A< @B==9F C.0 06;2@ ./?<.1 5.@ /22; C2?F @B002@@3B9 .;1 C2?F D299 96821 /F <B? =.?A;2?@ .0?<@@ A52 D<?91 @ <; 1.A2 B;12? A52 +.006;2 #.6A?22 6;6A6.A6C2 D2 5.C2 @B==9621 . A<A.9 <3 ./<BA 9.85 1<@2@ A< A52 49</.9 0<: :B;6AF .;1 <3 A52@2 9.85 1<@2@ 5.C2 )$ #- *) +" J&K posts 2.94 pc growth in GST collections in FY21

Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

Mar 20, 2023



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Page 1: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...


VOL. 37 | NO.91 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 ��������������� ������

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Man, woman foundhanging from tree inJammu, suicide suspected����������������� ����((/���+,��

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Officials in Kathua directed to screen travellers entering J-Kat Lakhanpur borderpoint����������������� ����((/���+,��

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JK reports 517 new positivecases, 126720 recovered so far





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Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts &Guides’ Rajya Puraskar AwardCeremony

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Releases ‘News Reporter’ magazine; Hands-over a cheque of Rs 50,000 to J&KBharat Scouts & Guides


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J-K police planning to revampsecurity cover of leaders vulnerable

to militant attacks: Official

DMs asked to take call onphysical classes in schoolsamid Covid-19 surge in J&K����������������� ����((/���+,��

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India recordshighest single-dayvaccine coverage

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Pulwama encounter: 2 militantsinvolved in attack on BJP leader's

house among 3 killed


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J&K to focus on fast-track vaccination of eligible persons in4 districts-Jammu, Srinagar, Budgam, Baramulla����������������#���!��"��� ��������������������������������


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Page 2: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3, 2021Obituary2 Glimpses of Future

FIFTH DAYWe regret to inform the saddemise of our beloved Er.Satya Pal Gupta S/o Late Sh.Anant Ram R/o GandhiNagar at present U.S.A. on30-03- 2021. Fifth Day will beperformed on Saturday, 3rdday of April 2021 at our resi-dence i.e. 79-A/D, GandhiNagar, Jammu. Due toCOVID pandemic there willbe no assembly. Kindly sendcondolences and prayersthrough phone Grief :Sh. T.R. Gupta, Ex-CMD TRG Industries Pvt.Ltd (Mob 9419143111) - Brother-in-lawSister-in-law & Brother-in LawSmt. Kailash & M.M. Gupta (Session JudgeRetd.) (Mob-80824-79639)Smt. Sushila Gupta W/o Late Kasturi LalGupta ( Sister-in-law)Smt. Sudershna W/o Late Sh. Yash Pal Gupta(Sister-in-law)T.R. Gupta S/o Lt Anant Ram (Brother-in-law)

Er. Satya PalGupta

10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALAWith heavy heart, we regretto inform that our belovedSmt Rajesh Datt W/o Lt ColJagdish Datt (Retd) R/o H No4, Sector 2, Ext. A, LaxmiEnclave, Trikuta NagarJammu left for heavenlyabode on 25/03/2021. TenthDay / Kriya / Uthala will beperformed as under: TenthDay: At our residence on03/04/2021 (Saturday) at11.00 AM Kriya: At our resi-dence on 04/04/2021(Sunday) at 12.00 NoonUthala: At Shiv MandirSector 3 Trikuta Nagar on05/04/2021 (Monday) from4.00 PM to 5.00PMGrief strickenLt Col Jagdish Datt (Retd) - HusbandSons & Daughter in lawsArvind Kumar (Chief Manager SBI) & BelaRajnish Kumar IOFS & Rohini DattAnupam Datt & Sushma DattGrand Daughters & Son in LawsSaumya & Jatin SinglaShaivya & Varun BansalAishwarya Datt (Grand Daughter)Aishaan Datt (Grand Son)M.No: 9419144993, 9419305400

Smt RajeshDatt

UTHALAWith profound grief and sor-row,we regret to inform aboutthe sad demise of ourbeloved father Sh. Bansi LalNargotra S/o Sh GoverdhanDass R/o W.No-13 H.No-89Lambi Gali Udhampur left forheavenly abode on 31-03-2021. UTHALA will be per-formed at Mahajan Hall nearShitla Mandir on Sat 3rd ofApril 2021 from 4:00 PM to5:00 PM.Grief strickenDaughter-in-laws and SonsBimala & Sh Chaman Lal Nargotra Vinod and Sh Ashok Kumar Nargotra Neelam and Sh Vijay Kumar Nargotra Daughters and Sons in lawsLate Shakti Bala and Narinder KohliBala and Late Sh Anand PandohRama and Sh Rajinder PandohGrand Children: Kanika, Pankaj, Priyanka,Sonu, Pawan, Sandeep, Sonia, Isha, Gagan,Kashish, Rashi, Manu, Tanya, Vishu, Radhika,Vibhuti, Vishal. Mobile :- 9419160342

Sh. Bansi LalNargotra

CHOUBARSIFour years have passedsince you left for heavenlyabode but your sweet andloving memories will foreverremain with us throughoutour lives. Choubarsi of ourbeloved Smt. Bimla Devi W/oLate Sh. Om Parkash Guptawill be performed at our resi-dence Om Niwas H.No. 774,Lane No.6, Talab Tillo,Jammu on Saturday, 3rdApril, 2021 at 12.00 Noon.Grief strickenSons & Daughters-in-lawSmt. Vaishno Gupta & Sh. Yash Pal GuptaSmt. Neelam Gupta & Sh. Ram Paul GuptaSmt. Neeta Gupta & Sh. Kuldeep RajSmt. Sanjeevani Gupta & Sh. Pawan KumarSmt. Meenu Gupta & Sh. Romesh KumarDaughters & Sons-in-lawSmt. Late Kunti Gupta & Sh. Charan DassSmt. Vaishno Gupta & Sh. Ravi LalSmt. Anju Gupta & Late Sh. Joginder GuptaSmt. Radha Gupta & Sh. Raman GuptaGrand Children: Love, Atul, Goutam, Narayan,Megha, Sonia & Dr MansiOm Wooden Furniture & Saw MillsDeepak EnterprisesOm Joinery MillsAtul EnterprisesDeepak Readymade GarmentsPh: 9419185039, 9419183324, 9103045009,9086111786

Sh. Bansi LalNargotra

10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief and sor-row, we inform the sad de-mise of our beloved SmtLajwanti Nag W/o Late AmarNath Nag R/o Ward No. 4Ram Gali Reasi on 25-03-2021. Tenth Day will be per-formed on 03-04-2021(Saturday) from 11 AM at ourresidence W No. 4 Ram GaliReasi. Kriya shall be per-formed on 06-04-2021(Tuesday) at 12.00 Noon atour residence. Uthala andRasam Pagri shall be per-formed on 07-04- 2021(Wednesday) at 2.00 PM atour residence. Grief stricken :Daughters-in-law & SonsNeelam Wazir & Late Parshotam WazirRachna & Pardeep NagDaughters & Sons-in-lawUsha Rajput & Late Chamail Singh JasrotiaSuresh Rajput & Dr Rai Singh JasrotiaLate Ashoka Rani & Khajoor SinghMob No. 7006897130, 9906047213,9596972219, 9797035369

Smt LajwantiNag

10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief and sor-row we inform the sad de-mise of my mother Smt. UmaShawari (Asha Ji) W/o LateSh. Chaman Lal Bhat ofKhanmoo Srinagar R/o (AtPresent) Flat No 6, BuildingNo 81 and Lane No 17thJagti Colony NagrotaJammu, who left for heaven-ly abode on 27-03-2021(Saturday). TENTH DAYshall be performed on 05-04-2021 (Monday) at 9.00 to9.30 am at TRT Nagrota ToolPost.Grief strickenSmt Veena Bhat & Susheel Kumar BhatDaughters-in-law & SonSmt Sunita Koul & Sunil Koul.Daughter & Son in LawMOB: 9906291182 : 7889775868

Smt. UmaShawari (Asha


FIFTH DAYWith profound grief & sorrow,we inform the sad demise ofour beloved and affectionatesister Smt Koushalya DeviW/o Ex Capt Babu RamGupta R/o H.No. 209-A,Gandhi Nagar Jammu on 31March 2021. 5th Day will beperformed at our residencevillage Smailpur on 3 April2021 (Saturday) at 11 AM.Grief stricken:Sisters-in-Law & BrothersSmt Anita Gupta & Late Sh Nand Lal GuptaSmt Neeru Gupta & Sh Kewal Krishan GuptaSmt Renuka Gupta & Sh Karan Kumar GuptaSmt Savita Gupta & Sh Pawan Kumar GuptaSmt Rajni Gupta & Sh Ashwani Kumar Gupta& Samast Gupta ParivarMobile :- 9419135013, 9419194318,9419289263, 9622151269



UTHALAWith profound grief and sor-row, we regret to informabout the sad demise of ourrevered Sh. S.P. Gupta S/oLate Sh. Anant Ram R/o 676-A Gandhi Nagar, Jammu on30-03-2021 at USA. Uthalawould be performed on 03-04-2021 Saturday at 3.00 to4.00 pm at Hari MandirRehari Colony, Jammu.Grief stricken:-Smt. Kamla Gupta - WifeSon & Daughter-in-lawSmt. Nisha & Sh. Vikas Rometra (USA)Daughter & Son-in-lawSmt. Kavita & Babu Ram Jandiyal Grand Children: Vanni, Navya, Mohit & ShivangiBrother & BhabhiSh. Ved Parkash Gupta (Trikuta Nagar)Smt. Kanchan & Parshotam Gupta (Saink Colony)Nephews & Daughters-in-lawSmt. Amita & Sh. Anil Gupta Smt. Deepti & Sh. Sunil Rometra Smt. Sonali & Sh. Aman Rometra Smt. Bhawana & Sh. Vishal Rometra M. 9419192027, 9419187585, 9419145074

Sh. S.P. Gupta

CHOUBARSIFour years have passedsince you have left us butyour loving affections &memories are still fresh in ourminds. Choubarsi of ourbeloved Smt. Neeru GuptaW/o Sh. Suresh Gupta R/oHousing Colony Udhampurshall be performed on 3rdApril at 10 AM onwards.Deeply reMeMbereD by:Santosh Gupta -Mother-in-lawJATHANI & JATHPinky & Anil Gupta9796865520

Smt. NeeruGupta

BARKHIBarkhi of our beloved Lt. ShChajju Ram Goswami S/o Lt.Sh Girdhari Lal Goswami willbe performed on 03-04-2021(Saturday) at our residenceH.No.291-A Shastri Nagar,Jammu.Grief strickenSmt Ratna Goswami -WifeSons & Daughter-in-lawsMr Rajesh Goswami & Mrs Sonia GoswamiMr Deepak Goswami & Mrs Nisha GoswamiDaughters & Son-in-lawDr Anuradha GoswamiMrs Sunita & Mr Vishal DubeyGrand Children: Nivedita, Anuj, Arushi,Archita, Lakshya, Kanav, Aditi, Anshul,Krishna, RujulaCont No. 9419101656, 9419190073, 2432457

Sh Chajju RamGoswami

CHOUBARSIYou are probably lookingdown from heaven up above,sending out smiles with daysof sunshine and showers oflove. Choubarsi of ourbeloved Lt. Sh. JagdishGupta S/o Lt. Sh. DewanChand Gupta (Galak Wale)will be performed on 3rdApril, 2021 at 12 noon at ourresidence H.No. 76, WardNo. 36, Lane 10, IndiraColony Old Janipur Jammu.Deeply reMeMbereD bySon & Daughter-in-lawAnuj Mahajan & Surbhi SharmaDaughter & Son-in-lawVidushi & Sumit MahajanGrand Children : Anaya & Sarthak

Sh. JagdishGupta

KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief & sorrow,we inform the sad demise ofDr. Hari Prakash Magotra(Rtd. Principal SIE) S/o Lt.Sh. Karam Chand MagotraR/o H.No. 134, ChowganSlathia, Near Govt. GirlsHigh School, MubarakhMandi, Jammu. Kriya will beperformed at our residenceon 3rd of April, 2021(Saturday) at 11:30 am. ShriHari Naam Sankirtan fol-lowed by Uthala will be per-formed on 3rd of April, 2021(Saturday) from 3:00 pm to4:30 pm at JMC Park,Chowgan Slathia, Jammu.GRIEF STRICKENBrothers & Sisters-in-lawsSh. Narinder Kumar Magotra & Smt. Jyotsna Smt. Sheela Magotra W/o Lt. Sh. Madan LalSh. Sham Sundar Magotra & Smt. Sudha Lt. Smt. & Sh. Vijay MagotraSmt. Raj Rani W/o Lt. Sh. Jagdish MagotraSh. Satish Magotra & Smt. Urmila MagotraSisters & Brothers-in-lawLt. Smt. & Sh. Sat Prakash SharmaSmt. Adarsh W/o Lt. Sh. Dev Raj SharmaDaughter & Son-in-lawSh. Raman Gupta & Smt. Minakshi GuptaSons & Daughters-in-lawSh. Umesh Magotra & Smt. Divya MagotraSh. Ankush Magotra & Smt. Payal MagotraGrand Children : Aradhya, Adhiraj, SianaPh.No.: 01912566145, 9796800013

Dr. HariPrakashMagotra

10TH DAY/KRIYA/RASAM PAGRIWith profound grief and sor-row, it is informed that ourfather Dr. Kuldeep RajGupta S/o Late Sh. MunshiRam Gupta passed awayon 25-03-2021. The TenthDay shall be performed onSaurday 03-04-2021 at10.30 am at Ram DarbarMandir Shastri Nagar nearSabzi Mandi Nai Basti. TheKriya shall be performed onMonday 05-04- 2021 at 12Noon at our residence 82Shastri Nagar and Pagrishall be performed at 5 pmon the same day.GRIEF STRICKENSmt. Sudershan Gupta - WifeSmt. Swaran Kanta Gupta - BhabiMrs. Kusum & Mr. Happy Gupta -Daughter & Son-in-lawMr. Rajan Gupta & Mrs. Samita -Son & Daughter-in-lawMrs. Meenakshi & Mr. Amit Puri - Daughter & Son-in-lawMaster Jayas Gupta - Grand SonContact No:- 9796030576, 7889891471

Dr. KuldeepRaj Gupta

10TH DAY/UTHALAWith profound grief and sor-row, we inform you about thesad demise of our beloved ShMohit Raina S/o Late ShChander Prakash Raina R/o HNo. 6, Lane No. 7, GreaterKailash, Jammu on 26 March2021. 10th Day will be per-formed at our residence on04/04/21 at 11.00 a.m. Uthalawill be performed at ShivTemple, Sector 3, TrikutaNagar, Jammu on 04/04/21between 4.00 to 5.00 p.m.Grief strickenSmt Ranju Raina (Wife)Bhabi & BrotherSmt Shivani and Rohit Raina Sons and NephewsHarshit, Agasthya, Anikait, Anshuman &Siddhant Mani Mahesh Medicate, GreaterKailash, JammuMobile 9419241200, 9149448684, 9419204045

Sh MohitRaina

10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALAIt is profound with grief &sorrow to inform that my fa-ther Sh. Pawan KumarVerma S/o Late Krishan LalVerma & Late Bimla DeviR/o 147 Arjun Nagar,Janipur Colony RoadJammu has expired on 25-03-2021. Tenth Day will beperformed on Saturday the3rd April 2021 at 10 am,Kriya shall be on 06-04-2021 the Tuesday at 12Noon & Uthala onWednesday from 1 to 2 pm.All Karms shall be held atour residence.GRIEF STRICKENLate Anju Verma -WifeAnshul Verma - SonBrother & BhabhiSwarn Abrol & Kuldeep Kumar VermaSister & Brother-in-lawNeelam & Parveen AnandDaughter-in-law & NephewSurbhi Verma & Amit VermaContact No: 9419190598, 7051108583

Sh. PawanKumar Verma

CHOUBARSIYou are not with us from thelast 4 years. Fragrance ofyour love and affection stillremain in our hearts.Choubarsi of our beloved ShBansi Lal Gupta ji will be heldat 12pm at our residenceward no 10 on 03-04-2021.Deeply MisseD byGUPTA FAMILY RAJOURIPh No 9419170625

Sh Bansi LalGupta

BARKHIBarkhi of our beloved LateSmt. Shanti Devi W/o Sh.Tara Chand will be per-formed on 03-04-2021 at ourresidence 19- B New KaranNagar Jammu at 12 Noon. Deeply MisseD by:Sh. Tara Chand -HusbandSon & Daughter-in-lawManohar Gupta & Sunita GuptaDaughter & Son-in-lawSmt. Sudershana Gupta & Sh. Y.K. GuptaStm. Neelam Gupta & Sh. Ashok GuptaSmt. Veena Gupta & Sh. Kasturi Lal GuptaSmt. Pinki Gupta & Sh. Rakesh ModiSmt. Manisha Gupta & Sh. Ankush GuptaGrand Children:Karmanya Gupta & Miilee GuptaMobile : 9419183779, 6005564863

Smt. ShantiDevi

Page 3: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 20213 Glimpses of FutureLOCAL

NPP Supremo remindsthe world about superbsacrifice of Jesus Christ Jammu April 2

prof. Bhim Singh, president-JKNpp &Sr. Advocate, Supreme Court of india todaysounded the entire world about the superbsacrifice of Jesus Christ who was nailed todeath in Jerusalem by the roman Singh during his world tour onpeace mission visited Jerusalem and site ofcrucifixion in Jerusalem. prof.Bhim Singhconveyed to the East and the West that it wassacrifice of Jesus Christ who was crucifiedwhen he was in the thirties at the time cruci-fixion. prof.Bhim Singh conveyed to therulers of the world to learn from the superbsacrifice of Jesus Christ who did not evencondemn the rulers of Jerusalem. He saidthat Jesus Christ’s message is ever living forthe whole world particularly for those whoare piling nuclear and atom bombs in theirbedrooms threatening the existence of theworld. the lesson of 'Good Friday' shouldreach the entire world particularly to theruthless rulers in different parts of the world.

BJP Kissan Morcha asksfor cleaning of RanbirCanal at fast paceJammu April 2

BJp Kissan Morcha organized a meetingin Zila Jammu rural Block raipur domanain which the State president of KisanMorcha Omi Khajuria requested lieutenantGovernor of Jammu and Kashmir ManojSinha to get the ranbir Canal cleaning doneat a fast pace As soon as possible can be runin the ranbir Canal so that there is Supplyof Water for fruits and vegetables.this year,due to very low rainfall, Farmers are spoil-ing the crop and they are in dire need of wa-ter, in the Kandi area of J&K due to severedrought, many farmers' crops have beendamaged! At this time the wheat crop is get-ting ready and the farmers should be pro-vided with a Campaign machine at everypanchayat level so that every possible assis-tance can be provided to the farmers in theCorona epidemic. On this occasion, raipurdomana Block president Ashok SharmaKerani, district Vice-president & Mandalin-charge Babu ram Bhagat, State KisanMorcha media secretary Vijay Sharma,Mandal office secretary raman dhanlocha,Ajay Sharma and other activists were pres-ent.On this occasion, raipur domana Blockpresident Ashok Sharma Kerani, districtVice-president & Mandal in-charge Baburam Bhagat, State Kisan Morcha mediasecretary Vijay Sharma, Mandal office sec-retary raman dhanlocha, Ajay Sharma andother activists were present.

Jammu March 2

prof. Bhim Singh,president of J&K Nationalpanthers party &Executive Chairman ofState legal Aid Committeein J&K has welcomed thecall of Ms. MamataBannerjee from Bengalcalling on all democratic,secular recognized politi-cal parties at this timewhen democracy and secu-larism is under a seriousthreat by the BJp leader-ship. the Npp Supremourged the recognized re-gional and national partiescommitted to democracy,socialism and secular con-stitution in india. He alsoconveyed his earnest de-sire to the leadership of theregional parties as well asnational political parties

that this is Bengal whichthinks today and the dem-ocratic/secular politicalparties has an opportunityto respond to the call ofMs. Mamata Bannerjee atthis time when india’s po-litical scenario is passingthrough a very criticalphase. this is the time thatthe majority of the recog-nized political parties who

are committed to the secu-lar-democratic school ofthought from Kashmir toKanyakumari and dwarkato imphal should give a se-rious thought to the call ofMs. Mamata Bannerjee. itis true that Ms. MamataBannerjee is facing a seri-ous political crisis in herown state, West Bengal butthis kind of crisis shall only

stop when all democraticand secular forces shall sittogether, talk together andwork out a joint strategy tosave india and its seculardemocracy which is theneed of this time to ensurethat future generationsshall grow together andwork together to build thefuture of india--Bharata.

the National panthersparty is also holding an ur-gent working committeemeeting tomorrow, April3, 2021 inJammu/Srinagar/ladakhto work out a political planto convey the message ofthe united movement bypolitical parties of india tosave this country from cap-italist-communalist ele-ments and strengthen themovement of Nationalintegration.

Call for Secular Unity

JKNPP calls on all recognized/secular political partiesto respond to Mamata Bannerjee’s call for unity

Jammu April 2:

today, Shri KailakhJyotish And Vedic Sansthaantrust organised an honoraryevent in Bantalab where iGCrpF dr.VK Singh was theChief Guest. On this occa-sion, trust’s presidentMahant rohit Shasti said,that on Friday, following so-cial distancing guidelines,Chief Guest dr VK Singhalong with other members of

the trust, bestowed drKamini Gupta (divisionalNutritional Officer, Jammu)with a certificate of apprecia-tion and a memento. Mahantrohit Shastri re-iterated thatit is the trust’s ongoing initia-tive to honor those who areworking tirelessly for the wel-fare of mankind and societywithout worrying about theirlives during this time ofCOVid-19 pandemic. dr. VKSingh said, that everyday

Corona front line warriorsare battling the virus by put-ting their lives at stake. Manyamongst them, while fulfill-ing their duties have even losttheir lives. the honour grant-ed to dr Kamini Gupta willraise her morale and of otherCorona warriors. dr KaminiGupta, expressed her grati-tude towards iG dr VK Singh,Mahant rohit Shastry andother members of the trust.She said that in order to pro-tect ourselves and othersaround us, it is imperativethat we wear mask wheneverwe step outside, maintain 6feet distance with others andfrequently wash our handsfor at least 50 seconds. Apartfrom this, she has been ac-tively advising people to takecare of their nutrition, prac-tice yoga, exercise etc.

Jammu April 2:

Senior Congressleader and formerMinister, raman Bhallahas strongly condemnedthe arbitrary, callous andmindless action of J&Kadministration to intimi-date residents of GandhiNagar Housing Colony forvacating 10 feet frontalstrips of their plots on theground of encroachment.While interacting with thelocals of Gandhi Nagar,Shri raman Bhalla de-scribed this unlawful andwhimsical action of theHousing Board as yet an-other anti-people & anti-Jammu action of the Utadministration and saidthat instead of improvingthe living conditions inGandhi Nagar Colony and

elsewhere in Jammu, theauthorities are terrorizingthe people creating undueuncertainty among thepeace loving nationalistpeople of Jammu. A mat-ter of over sixty years isbeing used to harass theresidents, which is unjus-tified by any count or rea-son. Bhalla said while thepeople in all over the Utare suffering for want ofservices and governance,the authorities havepicked up 60 year old mat-ter to divert the actual is-sue of poor governanceand failure on proving anymodern civic facility to thepeople. instead of devot-ing time in creating un-derground sewerage sys-tem and upgradingdecade-old infrastructurelike roads, public parks,

street lights and sanita-tion, the Housing Boardand MunicipalCorporation have evolveda diversionary tactics tocoerce the residents topart with their land.Bhallasaid that such type of arbi-trary action and harass-ment to the peopleJammu is the natural fallout of abrogation ofArticle 370 as nobody islistening to people prob-lems. He lashed out at BJpleaders for being mutespectator of this type pub-lic harassment and de-molishing boundary wallsof the houses without anynotice. Jammu peoplehave seen the true colourof BJp and their policies.Extending full support tothe residents of GandhiNagar Colony, the con-

gress leader asked the lt.Governor to direct the au-thorities to immediatelystop harassing people andif ever there is no availablerecord of registry and al-lotment letters, the mattershould be resolved by reg-ularizing this additionalstrip as had been done inmany othercolonies.Extending fullsupport to the residents ofGandhi Nagar Colony, thecongress leader asked thelt. Governor to direct theauthorities to immediate-ly stop harassing peopleand if ever there is noavailable record of reg-istry and allotment let-ters, the matter should beresolved by regularizingthis additional strip ashad been done in manyother colonies.

Bhalla slams administration for vacating 10 feetfrontal strips of residential plots in Gandhi Nagar

JAMMU April 2:

Government degree

College thannamandi in-

augurates “Azadi Ka

Amrut Mahotsava” 75

weeks programme to com-

memorate 75th years of

independence on 15

August 2022 with an ex-

tension lecture on india’s

rich culture and heritage

today on 02.01.2021. the

event was organized under

the patronship of prof.

(dr.) Javaid Ahmed Qazi

principal of the college

and coordinated by prof.

raheela Mushtaq, conven-

er cultural and literary

committee GdC


the extension lecture

was delivered by prof.

Qamar rabbani

department of History

Govt. p.G. College rajouri.

the lecture was very in-

formative; the resource

person fully explained to

the students the origin and

establishment of various

cultures and traditions in

the country. He also em-

phasized on the students

to maintain the integrity

of the various religions

and cultures. Students al-

so interacted with the re-

source person. principal of

the college prof. (dr.)

Javaid Ahmed Qazi con-

gratulated the cultural and

literary committee and

stressed upon the students

to participate in the up-

coming events. the formal

vote of thanks was pre-

sented by dr. tejinder


IG CRPF Dr.VK Singh honoursDr. Kamini Gupta

Srinagar, Apr 02:

As Covid-19 raises its uglyhead once again in Kashmir,doctors Association Kashmir(dAK) on Friday called for genet-ic testing of Covid-19 positivesamples to look for any mutatedstrain of the virus that could be re-sponsible for resurgence of casesin the valley. “We were witness-ing a decline in cases couple ofweeks ago, and all of a suddenwith the same behavior amongpeople a fresh wave of Covid-19has erupted in the valley whichcould be because of a mutant,”said dAK president and influenzaexpert dr Nisar ul Hassan.“Genetic testing would not onlydetect the known mutants thatmight have sneaked into the val-ley, but also check whether anymutant has emerged within theregion.”

“picking up mutants is key toformulate appropriate and effec-tive healthy policy that wouldhelp prevent and control theirspread in the community,” dAKpresident said. “Covid-19 has atendency to mutate, which canchange the behavior of the virusand make it more infectious, andeven more deadlier.” “Since the

outbreak, multiple mutated ver-sions of the coronavirus haveemerged that differ from the orig-inal strain,” he said. “the threeforeign strains – UK, SouthAfrican and Brazilian that havefound their way into india spreadmore easily and research is un-derway if they can cause more se-rious disease.” “recently, a dou-ble mutant strain has been foundin Maharashtra that has raisedconcern because its presence hasbeen detected at a time when cas-es are rising in the state,” dr Nisarsaid. “there is a surge in Covidcases in Kashmir over the pasttwo weeks and hospitalizationshave increased too.” “Childrenwho were largely spared in thefirst wave are getting infectednow in large numbers which is be-cause schools have started func-tioning,” he said. “though chil-dren get mild disease, they canspread the virus to others andcause community transmission.”“As the virus spreads, higher arechances of mutations and newstrains to come up, so it is impor-tant to vaccinate as many peopleas possible that too quickly tobreak the chain of transmissionand leave less scope for the virusto mutate,” said dr Nisar.

DAK calls for mutant testingas Covid-19 cases resurge

Jammu April 2

declaration of holiday onAmbedkar Jayanti, the birthdayof dr. B.r. Ambedkar, by theUnion government under primeMinister Narendra Modi hasonce again proved that the BJphas very high regards for the‘Architect of the indianConstitution’ and recognizes hisservices for the nation and theweaker sections in the true sense.

Ever since Narendra Modigovernment came into power, itdecided to recognize the servicesand sacrifices of great leaders ofthe nation, who had served‘Mother india’ with loyalty anddedication but were deliberatelyignored by the previous Congressregimes, which had only concernfor Nehru-Gandhi family.

Jammu and Kashmir BJpSpokesperson, Balbir ramrattan said this while sharingwhat BJp government has doneto keep alive dr. Ambedkar’sideals and memory in the minds

of the new generation with theparty activists in a meeting atparty headquarter.

dr. B.r. Ambedkar, theArchitect of our Constitution,known lawyer and a social re-former, who acted as the Masiahof the down trodden, was keptconfined to the pages of textbooks but never given the nation-al honour which he deserved. Hewas posthumously conferredwith Bharat ratna not by anyCongress government but by BJpsupported government.

the BJp government hasidentified all the importantplaces related to different stagesof the life of dr. B.r. Ambedkarand built memorials not only inindia but abroad as well.

Balbir said that AmbedkarJayanti is an annual festival ob-served on 14th April to commem-orate the memory of dr.Ambedkar. it marks the BabaSahab’s birthday who was bornon this day in 1891. Since 2015,after Modi govt. came into powerit has been observed as official

public holiday throughout india.Keeping in with the same tradi-tion, the govt. has once again de-clared a national public holdingon 14th April this year also, whichis the 130th birth anniversary ofdr. Ambedkar. He told thatBheem Janam Bhoomi Memorialand Museum has been built inMhow, Madhya pradesh,Ambedkar Memorial in delhi,where dr. Ambedkar breathedhis last, Chaitya Bhoomi has beenset up in Mumbai, where he wascremated after his death,deeksha Bhoomuin where dr.B.r. Ambedkar converted toBuddhism. Shiksha BhoomiMemorial has been set upabroad, where the icon lived forseveral years while pursuinghigher studies at the londonSchool of Economics.BesidesBJp Media incharge dr. pardeepMahotra, party activists SanjayKhanna, Ashutosh Gupta,Umesh Kumar Gabbar, ravinderSingh, Gaurab pargal were pres-ent in the meeting.

BJP has recognized services, sacrifices of Dr. Ambedkar: Balbir

Jammu April 2

th. Gulchain SinghCharak, former Ministerand president dogra SadarSabha (dSS), has welcomedthe decision to keep a MiniSecretarial functional atJammu and reduce thequantum of record requiredto be shifted to Srinagar as aresult of e-governance ini-tiatives taken by theGovernment. He, however,emphasised that it is essen-tial that functionaries at asufficiently higher level ineach administrative depart-ment continue to function atJammu to attend to theproblems of the people whovirtually feel abandonedduring these six months, asit is difficult for the people of

Jammu to go to Srinagar forthe follow up of urgent is-sues. He said that such tech-nology is already availablethat if the matters pertain-ing to Jammu province areprocessed in the Secretariathere, the approval/final or-ders of the Advisors and/orthe Hon’ble lieutenantGovernor can be obtainedon line even when theymove to Srinagar. By keep-ing the Secretariat fullyfunctional at both Jammuas well as Srinagar, the peo-ple of both the provinces ofthe Union territory willhave the means available,round the year, for resolu-tion of their problems.

Sh Charak also wel-comed the steps taken bythe Jammu and Kashmir

pollution Control Board byimposing an interimEnvironmental compensa-tion of rs 2 crores to checkthe illegal and unscientificdumping and disposal ofmuck during the 4-laning ofthe National Highway fromUdhampur to Banihal by theNational HighwayAuthority of india. Hepointed out that the dograSadar Sabha has been per-sistently pointing out therampant cutting of the hill-sides from ramban toBanihal without properstudy of the topography andsoil of the area, and in viola-tion of the originally ap-proved plan to constructthis portion mainly as a fly-over on pillars, which isproving disastrous for the

tourist spots and other vil-lages along the way whichare sinking due to landslide.He appealed to the Hon’blelieutenant Governor, ShManoj Sinha ji, to look intothe matter personally sothat further damage and de-struction can be avoided,and work on the project iscarried out in a plannedmanner without affectingthe inhabitants, the tourismpotential and theEnvironment of the area damage and de-struction can be avoided,and work on the project iscarried out in a plannedmanner without affectingthe inhabitants, the tourismpotential and theEnvironment of the area ad-versely.

DSS welcomes the decision to keep a MiniSecretarial functional at Jammu

Jammu April 2

yudhvir Sethi, Vice presidentJ&K BJp on Friday said that thesuccess of party in winning heartsof people and decimating the op-position in polls solely depends onstrength of party at Mandal level.Sethi was addressing the BJp EastMandal’s meeting held tostrengthen party at grassroots lev-el and chalk out arrangementsand strategy for the upcomingevents. the meeting was presidedover by the East Mandalpresident. the meeting waspresided over by parveen Kerni,president BJp East Mandal. VinayGupta, district president, WardSanjoyak and Shakti Kendrapramukh besides Jammu EastMandal team were also present.

yudhvir categorically said thatthe onus of party’s success lieswith the ground level workersability to connect with the massesand once this target is achievedand the people got the pictureabout BJp’s public-friendly poli-cies, no power on earth can defeatthe party in any form of politicalcontest. He said that real ambas-sadors of the party are the groundlevel activists and that is the rea-

son BJp is focusing on making itsMandals and booths vibrant anddynamic so that call from the tophierarchy of the party reaches outto the masses without any distor-tion or disturbance using help ofthese Mandal Karyakartas.

the senior BJp leader in-formed that around 5500 boothsin the Ut are rendering unrelent-ing services to people creatinglarge space in the hearts of massesfor BJp and its prolific policies.He said that in order to cherish thebooth level workers, BJp hascome out with a unique initiativewherein impressive stone carvednameplates will be installed out-side the residence of every boothpresident besides party flags willbe hoisted to inspire and encour-

age party activists to work withadded zeal and selflessness.

Vinay Gupta asked theMandal team to meet more andmore people in the area and dis-seminate information about par-ty’s people-centric ideology andthe public welfare schemes invogue so that no soul in the vicini-ty remains aloof of the benefit ofthe pM Narendra Modi-led gov-ernment’s schemes and pro-grammes which are crafted insuch a benevolent manner that allsections of society irrespective oftheir caste, colour or creed fall intheir ambit. At last, the meetingtook the pledge to work for the so-ciety selflessly and do whateverpossible to make india morestrong and prosperous.

GDC thannamandi inaguratesazadi ka amrut mahotsava

BJP focusing on making Mandals,booths vibrant: Yudhvir

Page 4: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 20214 Glimpses of FutureLOCAL

Sunderbani April 2:

Bharatiya Janata party,Jammu & Kashmir held a ShaktiKendra pramukh Sammelan ofNowshera to teach technical tipsto BJp cadre to strengthen party atSunderbani. J&K BJp Statepresident ravinder raina, formerState president Jugal KishoreSharma Mp lok Sabha, J&K BJpState General Secretary (Org.)Ashok Kaul, State GeneralSecretary Vibodh Gupta, prabharidistrict Nowshera dineshSharma, Seh-prabhari rakeshraina raka, Ex-MlA KalakoteAbdul Ghani Kohli, districtpresident Capt. Bal Krishan andother senior party leaders ad-dressed that Sammelan.Sammelan was attended by partysenior leaders, State OfficeBearers, district team, Mandalpresidents & General Secretariesand party’s Shakti Kendrapramukhs from Nowshera andKalakote.

ravinder raina said that onApril 10, the party flag and thename of the booth chief's namewill be installed on the gate of hisor her house in each panchayat.He said to the Shakti Kendra chiefthat the BJp is moving forward

with the goal of winning the trustof everyone with its core mantra,“Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”, tostrengthen the party at the boothlevel to implement the party's mis-sion and ensure that the policies ofthe party reach the people. JugalKishore Sharma while speakingabout the schemes sponsored byBJp for public welfare said thatmany welfare policies of theCenter are being targeted for theneedy which have been done forthe first time in history. Giving in-formation about several develop-mental projects, he said, theCentral Government is providingheartfelt funds for the all-rounddevelopment of Jammu and

Kashmir. Ashok Kaul also gavemany important information tothe party workers for the strength-ening of the party and to share de-tailed information about theschemes from door to door tomake the workers reach the bene-fits of the government's schemesto the poor. Vibodh Gupta alsosaid about the growing mass baseof the BJp in Jammu andKashmir, especially the areas likeKashmir, where the BJp's base isgrowing rapidly today braving allodds. Balkrishan in hispresidential address, focused uponthe organizational achievements ofthe organizational in strengthen-ing the party at the grass root level.

He also deliberated upon the for-mation and the structure of theShakti Kendras in the organiza-tional district Nowshera. KissanMorcha thakur randhir Singh,Ex-district president Capt. Somdutt, OBC Morcha prabhari Capt.ramesh lal, Ashok Kumar,pritam, Mahila Morcha Vice-president Neena devi, GeneralSecretary district Nowshera ShamMehra, district president MahilaMorcha preeti Gupta, ddC SeriSanjita Sharma, ddC Sunderbanirajinder Sharma, BdC Seri NeenaSharma, BdC Babu Khan, BdCSiot Bal Krishan, yuva Morcharajat Chib, General Secretary yuvaMorcha Abhinav prashar, Mandalpresidents Sunderbani rakeshSharma, devak Ganesh Sharma,Nowshera Sanjeev dutta, lamGanesh Kumar, Soit Madan paul,lamberi Chander parkash,Bhawani Chhotu ram Choudhry,Kangri Bhim Singh, Seri tej Bhan,Kalakote Surinder Kumar,Moughal Vijay Kumar, taryathSatpal Sharma, thanamandi ZahiAhmed, Councillors, panch,Sarpanchs, Booth presidents SCMorcha Bharat Kumar, MinorityMorcha Farooq Choudhary, OBCMorcha Krishan lal and othersparticipated in the Sammelan.

Technical tips taught to BJP cadre to strengthen partyin Shakti Kendra Pramukh Sammelan of Nowshera

JAMMU, April 2:

Condemning mili-

tants' attack on BJp

leader's house in

Nowgam, in which a po-

liceman was killed,

Bharatiya Janata party

(BJp) J&K Executive

Member raman Suri said

that such actions speak of

frustration on the part of

militants who are trying

to establish their rule. He,

however, lauded the po-

liceand indian Army for

identifying militants and

hunting them down in the

shortest span.

According to

cops,militants were iden-

tified who carried out at-

tack at the residence of

BJp leader at Nowgam

Srinagar, in which a po-

liceman was killed and a

rifle was snatched,

raman Suri said, adding

that they were also elimi-

nated. He said, BJp is

committed to foil the ne-

farious designs of ultras

and such incidents won't

deter the cops from elimi-

nating those

involved.this is the rea-

son why Union

Government has given a

free hand to security per-

sonnel for dealing with

those trying to create

trouble in Jammu and

Kashmir He said, BJp's

ultimate goal is to restore

peace in Jammu and

Kashmir, generate em-

ployment, win over mass,

give them a sense of secu-

rity, engage young minds

in productive activities,

bring an order into the

system, give good gover-

nance, establish three-

tier system of governance

and involve everyone into

decision-making bodies.

these agendas are not be-

ing digested by a few, who

are trying to scare people

with their nefarious de-

signs of targeting selec-

tive people. raman Suri

said, people are fed up of

violence and want to see

J&K of yesteryears where

peace, prosperity and de-

velopment were visibly ef-

fective and world looked

towards Jammu and

Kashmir for leisure and

tourism. A handful of dis-

gruntled elements who,

with their cowardice acts

are trying to show they ex-

ist, have actually become

irrelevant, he said, adding

that the indian army and

other security agencies

are capable enough to

deal with such incidents

and eliminate ultras com-


Striking at vulnerable

places or attacking instal-

lations and running away

establishes that militants

are frustrated, scared and

want to create terror. this

tactic, he said, is not going

to work against a system

that is there to help peo-

ple and wipe out militancy

completely. peace, he

said, is the ultimate goal

of Union Government as

well as the Ut adminis-

tration, and every step is

being initiated towards

that only.

Attack on BJP leader condemned

Militants terrorising people eliminated,peace ultimate goal: Raman Suri

INDO- PAK 1971 War:Swarnim Vijay VarshMashaal Tableau At ThariyalMarket, MadhopurJammu: 02 Apr

A grand tableau was organised, with full fervourand fanfare, at the thariyal Market, Madhopur, to ho-nour and salute the Swarnim Vijay Mashaal whichhad been received at Madhopur on April, 01, 2021.tableau was organised on request of residents of vil-lages around Madhopur and thariyal, who were ea-ger to pay their tributes to Swarnim Vijay Mashaaland pay homage to the martyrs of 1971 War Victory.the environment was charged with energy and patri-otism with the chanting of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ rever-berating in the streets of thariyal. All who witnessedthe procession were highly thrilled and motivated bythe inspiring and patriotic tunes played by the pipeBand of the Air defence regiment at Madhopur. thetableau showcased indian Military Victory overpakistan in 1971 war to all generations, young and old,and evoked emotions and spirit of patriotismamongst the audience.

International Children'sBook Day Celebrated InDistrict PoonchJammu: 02 Apr

in continuation with its outreach initiatives forAwam and especially Children, Army celebratedinternational Children's Book day with the student ofKhanetar and Kulali of district poonch (J&K).international Children's Book day is celebrated on 02April every year to inspire children to pick up a book,get reading and make them friend for acquiring pre-cious knowledge. to appreciate the hard working ef-forts made by the students, books were also distrib-uted to the students who have excelled in their respec-tive classes. the students were also told the impor-tance of books in one's life.

the event was attended by 90 Students and 40adults including the teachers and parents. the stu-dents expressed their gratitude towards the initiativetaken by the Army and also desired that such interac-tions should be conducted regularly.

Army Organised WorkshopOn EntrepreneurshipAvenues In District PoonchJammu: 02 Apr

Entrepreneurship involves designing of businessidea followed by launching and running a new busi-ness. typically, it begins as a small business, by learn-ing skills in any field. these skills can then be honedto ensure sustainable growth of region and state.Small scale industry thrives on all these skills and en-trepreneurs. Organising entrepreneurship pro-gramme by indian Army in remote region of districtpoonch (J&K) under the present security situationfurther strengthen the motto of "Jawan Aur Awam,Aman Hai Muqam". doda Battalion conducted aworkshop for such entrepreneur for Automobilesrepair, Welding and Sericulture in its AOr at Sekluwith an aim to promote the goal to strengthen theAWAM-ArMy bond. A total of 12 youth participatedin the entrepreneurship programme.

DC Samba reviews summerpreparednessSAMBA, APRIL 02:

deputy Commissioner Samba, Anuradha Gupta,today chaired a meeting and reviewed the prepared-ness for upcoming summer season. the meeting heldin depth deliberations on various short term andmedium term measures initiated by the serviceprovider departments for smooth and uninterruptedpower supply, availability of drinking water, massplantation drives, pollution control measures .

Jammu Apr 2

Citing number of promis-es which the BJp has fulfilledafter coming to power, formerdeputy Chief Minister,Kavinder Gupta said that hisparty always keeps promisesand is eager to deliver more inthe coming time. in a state-ment issued here on Friday,the senior party functionarysaid that the bold step of abro-gating Articles 370 and 35A isthe testimony to the fact thatBJp delivers what it promises.“No other party had guts orwill to take this utmost neces-sary step which made integra-tion of J&K with india com-plete in all respects”, he said,adding that development ofworld class and restoration ofpeace are the second and thirdsteps in the offing which BJpGovernment is keen to treadin J&K and already much hasbeen done in this direction.

Kavinder categoricallystated that BJp is not a familybased political party rather it

is common masses based po-litical outfit which alwaysworked to deliver its promis-es. “through support and en-couragement of people BJphas become the largest politi-cal party in the world andeveryone is well aware ofindia's growing stature in theinternational arena underprime Minister NarendraModi’s stout leadership”, hesaid while asserting that BJpis a party which executeseverything it promised unlike

Congress and other politicalparties which encourage dy-nastic or family politics.“people are well aware of visi-ble changes in J&K underBJp-led Government howeverthings could be accelerated bygiving exclusive majority toBJp in the Ut also to furtherreach out and serve the peoplefully”, he said, adding thatwhooping funds pumped infor realizing new industrialpolicy in J&K will help in ush-ering new era of developmentand tackling joblessness withcomplete efficacy. referringto AiiMS, iit, General BusStand parking Complex,Cable Car project, etc,Kavinder said that under therealms of pM Modi, develop-ment projects have startedmushrooming and one canwitness this across the lengthand breadth of J&K. “By now,every person in J&K has gotthe firm idea that BJp meansbusiness here and will com-plete its task of restoring pris-tine glory of this region which

was comprised of brother-hood, communal harmonyand a distinct way of life inwhich peace was the main con-stituent”, he said, adding thatit is now matter of days thatthe country and for that mat-ter whole of the world will findthat the sheen which J&K hadlost is back and renowned hos-pitality is calling people to vis-it the place to cherish and rel-ish its matchless splendor.“Bynow, every person in J&K hasgot the firm idea that BJpmeans business here and willcomplete its task of restoringpristine glory of this regionwhich was comprised of broth-erhood, communal harmonyand a distinct way of life inwhich peace was the main con-stituent”, he said, adding thatit is now matter of days thatthe country and for that mat-ter whole of the world will findthat the sheen which J&K hadlost is back and renowned hos-pitality is calling people to vis-it the place to cherish and rel-ish its matchless splendor.

BJP always keen to deliver its promises: Kavinder Army ConductedWorld Autism Day InDistrict PoonchJammu: 02 Apr

An awareness drive on ‘World Autismday’ was conducted by indian Army atBudhal, lam, thanamandi and Kangagali indistrict poonch (J&K) on 02 April 2021.Autism is a development disorder whichrefers to broad range conditions charac-terised by challenges with social skills,repetitive behaviours, speech impedanceand non-verbal communication. WorldAutism Awareness day is observed globallyon 02 April every year. this year is the 13thAnnual World Autism Awareness day. theObjectives behind organising this aware-ness drive was to promote acceptance ofpeople with autism, foster support and in-spire people to accept people suffering fromautism. Autism is a spectrum disorder whichinvolves complex disorders of brain devel-opment. individuals affected by autism mayshow difficulties with social interaction, ver-bal and non verbal communicationand repetitive behaviour. the lecture wasdelivered by Medical Officer and was attend-ed by 120 locals at various locations.

Jammu: 02 Apr

indian Army facilitatedinteraction between expertrepresentative of GratitudeFarms, a Chinnai basedNGO and local farmers atpalma in district rajouri(J&K) on 02 April 2021. theinitiative was taken byindian Army to assist localfarmers in adopting mod-ern technology and meth-ods to improve farm pro-duce as also their income.the local farmers got to in-teract with the best agricul-ture professionals andScholars who have a longexperience in helping farm-ers in increasing their in-comes. the NGO also madethe farmers aware aboutoptimal use of land/ field asper the soil contents for

maximum productivity andprovisioning of assuredbuyers of the produce. thelecture was attended by 38farmers hailing from near-by areas. the event washighly appreciated by all at-

tendees including womenfarmers of the region.indian Army has decided totake this initiative furtherfor betterment of localfarming community of theregion.

Gratitude Farms Bring New Technology For Farmers of rajouri


to sensitizes Self HelpGroups (SGH)s formed underNrlM (UMEEd) on enhancingthe marketing potential of theirproducts, a team of experts fromtamil Nadu based organizationtoday visited district Udhampur.the team of experts interactedwith the Officers/SHGs andshared their experience regard-ing development of various proj-ects under NrlM and farm alliedsectors. the team of experts alsovisited various NrlM sites intikri and Udhampur and inter-acted with stakeholder officers,bankers and SHGs. the said visitwas materialized on the requestof deputy Commissioner, induKanwal Chib. the tamil Naidubased organization headed bydirector Gratitude Farms private

limited, rakesh Koul, interact-ed with officers and Self HelfGroups of J&K rural livelihoodMission Udhampur. they moti-vated SHGs of tikri andUdhampur to inculcate amongthe community the essence of or-ganic farming.

detailed discussion wereheld on various issues which in-clude resource mapping of dif-

ferent sectors likeAgriculture/Horticulture/Floriculture and other farm producewith quantum and area wise de-tails so that value addition canbe done by installation of Solardrive technology. during the in-teraction, the experts gave briefabout the solar drive technologyand its benefits. discussionswere also held on the provision of

necessary handholding by iden-tified agencies under pradhanMantri Kaushal Vikas yojana(pMKVy) for holding capacitybuilding programs for skill up-gradation of SHGs and farmers.

later, a meeting was held un-der the chairmanship of deputyCommissioner wherein it was de-cided that the said organization,in collaboration with districtAdministration, would providesolar dryers to SHGs for addingvalue to the surplus Agriculturalproduce to make dry vegetablesand fruits. Earlier, districtNodal Officer, JKNrlM,Udhampur Bilal Ur rehman gavea detailed power point presenta-tion on the National livelihoodMission in the district. Speakingon the occasion, the dC andguests appreciated the activitiesdone by SHG members of

district Udhampur. She askedthe Experts to chalk out and de-vise strategy and identify the lo-cations for installation of solardryers in the district. the ddClauded the efforts of NrlM forproviding sustainable livelihoodto the poor women of Udhampurdistrict. Highlighting the role ofwomen in the society, the dC saidthat through SHGs they wouldnot only get individual benefitbut also for the family and com-munity as a whole through col-lective action for development.

Among others, rakesh Koul,director Gratitude farms privatelimited, CEO and Managingdirector V p Sharma, StrategicAdvisor, raj Kumar Jani andother district officers of variousdepartments besides Bankersand SHGs were present on theoccasion.


As a part of ‘Azadi KaAmrut Mahotsav’(india@75), a one dayFarmers’ awareness cuminteraction programme onthe benefits of digital indialand recordModernizationprogramme was today or-ganised by was organizedby district AdministrationUdhampur here atConference Hall dC OfficeComplex. deputyCommissioner, induKanwal Chib was the chiefguest on the occasion.

At the outset, ACr,Viqar Giri presented wel-come address and high-lighted the importance ofAzadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.regional director landrecords Survey, Nawabdin gave a detailed power

point presentation on theprogress and benefits ofdigital india land recordModernizationprogramme. He informedthat the land record is be-ing written in three differ-ent languages to benefit thefarmers. He further in-formed that 72% scanningof revenue records with92% quality check hasbeen completed in districtUdhampur. He said thatagainst total 396Jamabandies, 386 havebeen completed.

While highlighting thesignificance of the event,the dC said that the mainobjective of this pro-gramme is to celebrate thecountry's glory andprogress which it achievedin 75 years. She underlinedthe role of all stakeholdersin moving the country on

the path of sustainable de-velopment.

the dC added thatsuch platforms help famil-iarize the farmers aboutvarious Government initia-tives and awareness aboutthe digital india landrecord Modernizationprogram is a step towardsmaking the public awareabout their land rights. Sheadded that it should be theresolve and commitmentof every one to contributetowards nation building.She appreciated the effortsof revenue department forprogress recoded in scan-ning and compilation ofJamabandies and stressedon 100% completion byApril. She asked therevenue department togear up the progress fortimely completion of allpending records.

Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav: Awareness programme on DILRMP held at Udhampur

Group of experts sensitises SHGs on marketing of products at UdhampurDistrict Admin to provide solar dryers to farmers for value addition of farm produce: DC

Page 5: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 20215 Glimpses of FutureLOCAL


i have lost my diplomacertificate having roll No.121216 Session-Bi-annual1994. Now, i am applyingfor duplicate of the sameobjections if any may beconveyed to JK SBOSE,Jammu with in seven daysfrom the date of publica-tion of this notice.

rakesh Gupta S/o lt. Sh Babu rm

r/o H. No. 352, laneNo. 28, Jawahar Nagar

New plot, Jammu


Advisor to lieutenantGovernor, Baseer AhmadKhan today chaired a meet-ing to review the finalarrangements for the tulipFestival commencing fromtomorrow, at SKiCC here.

the meeting was at-tended by divisionalCommissioner, Kashmir, pK pole, CommissionerSecretary, tourism,Sarmad Hafeez,Commissioner SecretaryFloriculture, Sheikh FayazAhmad, deputyCommissioner, Srinagar,Aìjaz Assad, directortourism, G N itoo,Commissioner SMC,Superintendents of police& traffic and Hods of linedepartments.

the meeting heldthreadbare discussion overthe slew of measures put inplace and the plans laid outfor the successful conductof tulip Festival like trafficplans, COVid protocolmanagement, parking ofvehicles, illumination ofarea and venue, contin-gency plan of Fire andEmergency, provision ofmedical and drinkingWater facility, sanitationand other facilities.

lieutenant Governor,Manoj Sinha will be thechief guest on the occasionthe main function of tulipFestival which will start at3pm and continue till 8pm

in the evening.On the sidelines of the

meeting, Advisor im-pressed upon the officers towork in full synergy tomake the festival a grandevent. He said that tulipfestival is the first of its kindand is expected to have farreaching impact on tourismsector here.

Advisor was informedby the divisionalCommissioner that thetulip festival has been giv-en wide publicity to attractlarge number of touristsacross the country and out-side.

Advisor Khan instruct-ed the director Handicrafts& Handlooms to place stallsdisplaying Handicraft andHandloom products as anadditional feature to thefestival. He directed theconcerned to ensure qualityproducts are put to displayand sale for tourists.

Advisor further direct-ed the JKtdC to put up fa-mous cuisines of J&K.

Advisor directed the of-ficers to plan out meticu-lously so that the touristsare not put to any inconven-ience during the festival."they should be facilitatedwith easy access to the ven-ue and convenient stroll inthe tulip garden", Advisormaintained.

He said the way publici-ty of this tulip festival ismaking rounds in the socialmedia and other conven-

tional media, the people inhuge number are expectedto throng this iconic gar-den. regarding traffic plan,he directed for effectivetraffic management withfixed entry and exit plans.He was informed that park-ing area for vehicles hasbeen identified near botan-ical garden, Golf Courseand additional parkingspace has also been ear-marked to avoid congestionon the roads.

Advisor was also in-formed that several vehi-cles have been deployed bythe traffic police to ferrytourists from parking loca-tion to the main venue.Advisor also directed SrtC

and ArtO Srinagar to de-ploy high end vehicles forthe same purpose.

Advisor was also in-formed that one way trafficplan has also been chalkedout during the festival.

Advisor called for en-suring Covid containmentmeasures at various loca-tions and at the garden it-self. He said all the visitorsshould wear face masks andvolunteers should be de-ployed in the garden whowould ensure the visitorswear the masks and followguidelines.

He directed to installfumigation tunnels at theentry points and have peri-odical fumigation done in

the area.Advisor directed

Commissioner SMC to de-ploy staff who would keepthe venue and its surround-ing clean and directed himto hold sanitation drives inadvance besides setting updustbins and mobile toiletsin the area.

Advisor directed theCMO for placing criticaland normal ambulancesnear and around the venue.Besides, he asked to deploymedical and para medicalstaff.

Advisor askeddirectors of tourism andFloriculture to assign theirstaff as tourist Facilitatorswho would facilitate and in-teract with tourists.

Chief Engineer pddwas directed to ensure un-interrupted power supplyand illumination of thearea. Chief Engineer pddassured the Advisor that allarrangements have beenput in place and mobileteams have been kept onstand by mode.

Advisor also directedpHE officers to keep watertankers available in nearbylocations to cater to theneed of drinking water fa-cility.

Advisor also reviewedarrangements made by thestage organizer regardingcreating the set besideslighting and sound system,seating with social distanc-ing arrangement.

Advisor Baseer Khan reviews finalarrangements for Tulip Festival


CommissionerSecretary GeneralAdministrationdepartment and Miningdepartment, MK dwiveditoday released a book titled"think positive and Big" byAjay Vaid and co authoredby Brig. Vijay Sagar daman(retd.) here at CivilSecretariat.

While congratulatingthe author, dwivedi saidthat he found the bookmost relevant in presentscenario where COVid-19has severely impacted thephysical and mental well-being of society.

the book gives great in-sights to these problemsand suggests the remedialmeasures also.

Sharing the detailsabout the book, Ajay Vaidstated that the book " thinkpositive and Big" is basedon the new outlook and

ideas about tackling thepressure and stress facedby people in different situa-tions. He said that due tothe pressure at work placesand at home, people aresuffering from anxiety, de-pression and emptiness intheir lives and losing en-thusiasm and optimism.due to unprecedentedCOVid situation, manyprivate job holders havelost their jobs, he said.

He added that business

sector is also facing lossesand people below middleclass in far flung areas toohave suffered immensely.Cases of suicide and theftshave increased tremen-dously. the book touchesall these topics and givesinsights about the positivethinking and mental well-being, he said.

rohit Sharma, Addl.Secretary GAd and otherofficials were also presenton the occasion.

Dwivedi releases book ‘ThinkPositive and Big’ at Jammu

Book authored by Ajay Vaid and co-authored by Vijay Sagar


in connection with cele-bration of 75th anniversaryof india’s independence‘Azadi Ka AmrutMahotsav,' the divisionalCommissioner (div Com)Kashmir, pandurang K poletoday kick started the plan-tation drive here.

the Vice ChairmanlAWdA, SuperintendingEngineer lAWdA,Watershed Manager, lAW-dA and other senior offi-

cers were present on the oc-casion.

the div Com who wasalso the Chief Guest on theoccasion planted a Kail. Hesaid that the aim to plantmore and moreplants/trees in the catch-ment area of the dal lake isto arrest the soil erosionand to conserve the waterfor conservation of the dallake in the best way.

the Vice ChairmanlAWdA said that in comingdays the Watershed

Management division ofthe Authority envisages toconduct massive plantationdrives across the catchmentareas of dal lake in order toensure that the green coverof the catchment is in-creased in order to arrestthe runoff for better healthof the dal lake.

it was informed thataround 3000 plants/treesof various varieties are be-ing planted at the identifiedsites.

the div Com directed

the Watershed Manager tocomplete the plantationdrive and stressed upon theneed for making the entirecatchment of dal lakegreen by planting more andmore plants.

in this regard theWatershed Manager in-formed that a comprehen-sive Action plan has beenformulated for implemen-tation.

the school children ofvarious local schools alsoparticipated in the drive.

Div Com Kashmir kick starts plantation driveunder ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’


the district developmentCommissioner (ddC) Shopian, SachinKumar Vaishya today chaired adistrict level task Force Committeemeeting to devise a strategy for effec-tive enforcement of measures to checkthe menace of illegal extraction of min-erals in the district.

the meeting discussed variouspreventive measures to control andcurb the illegal extraction of Mineralsincluding sand and bajri from nallahsacross the district.

On the occasion, ddC said that inview of complaints being received bythe Administration against illegal ma-terial extraction in the district, theAdministration is going to act toughagainst the violators.

He directed the concerned officersto ensure that no illegal mineral ex-traction activities are carried out in thedistrict and stressed for Zero toleranceand said that coordinated efforts arerequired to curb the menace of illegalextraction of minerals in the district.

the ddC gave directions to policeand other concerned departments togive full cooperation and support theGeology and Mining departments incontrolling illegal extraction of miner-als from nallahs and stressed for inter-departmental coordination to curbthis menace forever.

He said that field work by all stake-holders is must to make preventivemeasures much more successful.

the ddC said that the develop-mental works should not suffer and in

this regard the extraction of legal min-ing shall be allowed that too after prop-er permission from the authorities.

He stressed for proper checking atall vulnerable sites to curb and stop theillegal mining.

the ddC directed ACr and SdM,Zainapora to monitor and ensure thatno illegal extraction takes place any-where and that the concernedtehsidars, police and other concernedofficers are informed well before thelegal extraction of mining.

it was also decided that theGeology and Mining department shallconduct a comprehensive drive in thefield and install sign boards at all vul-nerable sites, where illegal extractionis done during night hours which iscompletely banned and the need of thehour is to monitor the process strictly.

during the meeting, dMO ap-prised the ddC about the mineralwealth of the district and also raisedthe issues of installation of high techmineral check posts at different placesof the district to keep vigil on the trans-portation of illegally extracted miner-als.

the department of Geology andMining was directed to ensure centpercent control over illegal extractionof minerals from the nallahs as thedMO is regulating authority and thewhole responsibility lies upon him.

Additional deputy Commissioner,Shopian, dr. Sheikh Abdul Aziz, ACr,Jd planning, SdM Zainapora,tehsildars and district Mineral Officerbesides other concerned Officers werepresent in the meeting.

DDC Shopian for effective measures tocheck illegal extraction of minerals


the deputyCommissioner (dC)Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsnatoday chaired a meeting ofline departments to reviewthe progress on works ap-proved under Back toVillage program in the dis-trict.

the meeting was in-formed that under, B2V1137 works were approvedout of which 128 are alreadycompleted and other worksare in different stages ofcompletion.

On the occasion, the dCsought a detailed status ofwork estimation and ten-dering process of the worksapproved under B2V3 pro-gram. it was revealed that252 works are authorized atthe authorization cost of rs1234.80 lakh in the districtout of which 212 works areunder execution and are atdifferent stages of comple-

tion. threadbare discus-sion was also held on thetendering process, feasibili-ty of works, estimate costand other issues that arehampering the progress ofworks approved underB2V3. Keeping in view theimportance of such works,the dC directed the con-cerned that tenderingprocess of pending worksshould be completed in aweek's time and disputesshould also be settled sothat all works are tenderedin time. She stressed forregular monitoring ofworks and sought inter de-partmental coordination

for sustainable develop-ment in the district.

On the occasion the dCreiterated that district ad-ministration is committedto provide all basic ameni-ties to the people and en-sure equitable developmentof all panchayats of the dis-trict. the meeting was at-tended by Chief planningOfficer, irfan GiriGanderbal, AssistantCommissionerdevelopment, BilalMukhtar, SEs andExecutive Engineers ofKpdCl, Jal Shakti and r&Bdepartments besides othersconcerned.

DC Gbl reviews progress underB2V programme


the district developmentCommissioner (ddC) pulwama,Baseer Ul Haq Choudhary today re-viewed the arrangements put inplace by the district administrationfor the ensuing holy month oframadan at dC office Complexhere.

the meeting held threadbarediscussions regarding essentialservices like Water supply, power,ration and Security facilities andsought immediate measures for en-suring these besides improving san-itation and ensuring strict check onquality and rates of essentials.

the ddC directed the concerneddepartments to make adequatearrangements for providing betteramenities to the people and intensi-fy market checking to keep a checkon overcharging in case of daily useitems.

He also asked the concernedOfficers of FCS&CA to ensure an ad-equate supply of ration duringramadan. pdd and pHE depart-ments were directed to ensure unin-

terrupted power and water suppliesat Sehri and iftar to avoid inconven-ience to the people.

the dC also directed the con-cerned department to make properarrangement of street lights in thetown and make sure that dysfunc-tional lights are made functional.He asked the MunicipalCorporation to intensify sanitationoperations and ensure cleanlinessin and around the mosques andshrines.

the meeting held threadbarediscussions regarding essentialservices like Water supply, power,ration and Security facilities andsought immediate measures for en-suring these besides improving san-itation and ensuring strict check onquality and rates of essentials.

the meeting was attended byAdditional deputy Commissioner,pulwama, tral and Awantipora,Assistant Commissionerdevelopment, Chief MedicalOfficer, EO MC, Ex. Engineers ofpWd and pHE, Ad FCS&CA besidesother district and sectoral officersfrom various departments.

DC Pulwama reviewsRamadhan arrangements

Action plan forCovid-19 sampling,vaccinationreviewed atKupwaraKUPWARA, APRIL 02:

On the directions of deputyCommissioner (dC) Kupwara, ameeting of Health Officers anddoctors was today chaired byAdditional deputy Commissioner(AdC), Kupwara, Nazir Ahmadlone to review action plan forCovid-19 sampling, vaccinationand targets achieved in the district.

On the occasion, the BMOsbriefed the chair about theprogress of Covid sampling andvaccination process in their re-spective blocks of the district. theAdC directed the concerned togear up the process of Covid-19sampling and vaccination in thedistrict to ensure targets areachieved within the stipulatedtime frame. He also directed themfor proper sampling of outsideworkers coming to the district.Among others Chief MedicalOfficer Kupwara.


divisional Commissioner met scoresof deputations here at dak bungalow dodaand gave a patient hearing to the griev-ances highlighted by them, here during his2 day visit to this mountainous district.

the deputations were led by districtdevelopmental Council Chairperson &Vice Chairperson, BdC Chairpersons,ddC Members, Sarpanches,representatives of UlBs, Chenabrescuers, and Contractors Association.

the major demands highlighted in-cluded measures for traffic decongestion,multi-storey parking at Bus stand doda,staff placement and vehicles for ddCChairperson, Vice Chairperson and mem-

bers, removal of illegal encroachmentfrom sports stadium doda , transfer ofoverstayed employees in rdd, restorationof defunct hand pumps, purchase of com-puters and furniture for BdC offices, vehi-cles for BdCs, making paryote fruit mandifunctional, repair of Bharat road, sanc-tioning of JK bank branch at daliUdhyanpur, filling of vacant post oftehsildars and Naib tehsildars, shortageof doctors in pHCs and sub centres, ratio-nalisation of teachers, up-gradation ofHigh School Hanch to Hr Sec, allopathicdispensary for rotipadrana, equipmentsand safety gadgets for Chenab rescuers,revalidation of funds of contractors whichwere not drawn from treasury on 31stMarch due to technical issues etc.

Dr Raghav Langer meets scores of deputationsat Doda, listened to their grievances

DC Poonch reviews Covid-19 managementmeasures at Check Point Bhimber Gali


deputy Commissioner poonch, inder Jeet today paid a visit to Check pointBhimber Gali (BG) and chaired a meeting with Senior Officers of the district adminis-tration involved in Covid management. BG being the main entry point to the district,management of this place has a crucial role in Covid mitigation efforts. Sr.Superintendent of police, Chief Medical Office, SdM Mendhar, BMO Mendhar andother officers were also present. the deputy Commissioner took stock of the arrange-ments there and asked the SSp poonch to strengthen security of the place. the ChiefMedical Officer and BMO Mendhar were directed to deploy medical team for Covid-19testing of all the persons having travel history, before entering the district.

DEP for Rambanapproved; willensure protectionof environment ina scientific mannerRAMBAN, APRIL 02:

revised district Environmentplan of ramban has been ap-proved which shall ensure imple-mentation of development plansin an environmentally sustainablemanner and execution of projectsby taking appropriate actions toreduce adverse environmentalimpact during its life cycle. thedEp is of importance as it involvescommunity participation.

the dEp has clearly definedspecific roles and responsibilitiesof all stakeholders to control thenegative impact of human activi-ties on the environment.

the dEp has been framedkeeping in view the topography,geography, climatic conditions,population and requirements ofthe area to ensure sustainable de-velopment of the district.Comprehensive specific planshave also been formed for themanagement of noise pollution,mining activity, air quality,industrial waste, domestic sewer-age, water quality, waste manage-ment, e-waste management, andhazardous and bio-medical waste,and construction, plastic and sol-id waste in the district. Underthe dEp various activities havebeen proposed for preservation,maintenance, rejuvenation .

Rs 10,000 fine real-ized from personswithout masks atKulgamKULGAM, APRIL 02:

On the directions ofdeputy Commissioner (dC)Kulgam, a team of officersheaded by AssistantCommissioner conducted adrive across the districtagainst violation of Covid-19SOps and guidelines.

during the drive, a fineof rs. 10,000 was realizedfrom the persons foundwithout masks at publicplaces.

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industrialisation and tertiarisa-tion in rural areas will generate high,productive employment which willlift a majority of families frompoverty. the Coronavirus-inducedlockdown, which left millions ofworkers unemployed, recently hadits anniversary on March 25.Unfortunately, this coincides withthe start of the second wave of theoutbreak of the deadly virus. duringthe lockdown, economic activitiescame to a standstill and so did theincome of millions. the pandemichas pushed millions of labourersand their families deep into poverty.Many labour-intensive industrieswere shut down during lockdownand even afterwards. the mass exo-dus of migrant workers from citiesand industrial towns on foot and byother means reminds us of the painthat they and their family membershave gone through. theGovernment aid, inoculation drivesand policy stimuli certainly endeav-oured to extend a helping hand; yetthe damages to jobs, income and so-cial equality are irreversible.Economists and multilateral agen-cies have expressed grave concernson the rising levels of poverty and in-equality. in the current scenariodominated by recession and uncer-

tainty, it becomes vital to study thefactors that can help alleviate pover-ty in india. However, poverty andinequality are not new issues in ourcountry. rather, they have been theco-travellers with the journey of oureconomic growth and have startedturning more severe recently due tothe pandemic and subsequent un-certainty that looms large on theeconomy. At the international levelalso, the World Bank’s Millenniumdevelopment Goals put the objec-

tive of ‘poverty eradication’ on pri-ority. Eradication of poverty lifts theliving standard of individuals interms of education, health and so-cial status, thus bringing equality inthe society. poverty is directly linkedto employment which is a derivativeof productive sectors which differ inStates. thus, the poverty levels invarious States are also significantlydifferent from one another.However, the common objective ofall the States is ‘poverty alleviation’.

the historical data from as manyas 23 States were studied in terms ofpoverty reduction and associatedfactors. including unemploymentand growth of productive sectorsagriculture, industry and services.An attempt was made to empiricallyfathom the relationship betweenpoverty reduction and associatedmacro-economic factors. the latestState-wise data on poverty for 2004-05 and 2011-12 were sourced fromthe reserve Bank of india’s‘Handbook of Statistics on indianStates’. With the increasing levels ofindustrialisation, the States havemanaged to reduce poverty levels ina span of seven years. Goa, Andhrapradesh, Himachal pradesh,tripura and Uttarakhand witnessedhighest poverty reduction of morethan 65 per cent. in contrast, Assam,Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh barelylifted their people from poverty,with less than 20 per cent reductionin it. the poverty ratio had declinedfrom 37 per cent in 2004-05 to 22per cent in 2011-12. Historically, ru-ral areas witnessed a higher povertyratio (26 per cent) as compared tourban (14 per cent). poverty reduc-tion rate in States is found to be neg-atively correlated with growth in therural unemployment in a significantmanner, but was found not associat-

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 , 2021

Glimpses of Future

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma,

Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Poverty alleviation: Rural India holds key

Look east with Bangladesh

Plugging the loopholes in the way of India’s skilful futureBy : VAISHALI CHHABRA

Employment generation is defi-nitely not a cinch and requires rele-vant and adequate industry link-ages to make the workers skilledand meet global benchmarks. theinitial bootless skilling setup inindia was nothing but a notion of alopsided skill development. the po-tential of india’s demographic divi-dend was realised with the launch ofSkill india Mission by the Ministryof Skill development andEntrepreneurship (MSdE) on July15, 2015. the Government focusedon developing a comprehensiveprogramme, which would providean aid in removing the stumblingblocks to the mission. the main fo-cus of the programme has been tocreate convergence across the sec-tors and the States in terms of skilltraining activities. recognising thepotential of the india’s youth, a flag-ship programme, pradhan MantriKaushal Vikas yojana (pMKVy),was launched with its six key com-ponents aiming to skill one croreyouth by 2020. Various studies sug-gested that the respondents weresatisfied with the skills trainingsimparted to them, which furtherhelped them in attaining gainfulemployment. the scheme, howev-er, suffered from various loopholesin terms of training infrastructure,limited participation by the privatesector, lack of compliance to inter-national standards and a consider-able gap between the industries’ de-mands and skills supply. A sequel ofthis scheme, pMKVy 2.0, waslaunched the following year with anaim to overcome all the drawbacks

of pMKVy. the scheme was aimedat skilling 10 million youth during2015-16 and acquired a budget of rs12,000 crore. However, it couldachieve only approximately 50 percent of its set target by 2019 andthus failed to stop the mass migra-tion triggered by the pandemic. thecase could have been less intensehad the scheme been successful inproviding employment to people intheir areas only. Apart from this, arequirement of skilled workforce asreported by the National Skilldevelopment Corporation (NSdC)was estimated at 347 million, to beachieved by 2022, which seems adistant dream as india has been fac-ing a shortage of skilled manpowerfor more than a decade now.

the training capacity stands ap-

proximately at 4.3 million, in con-trast to 12 million people which areexpected to join the workforce everyyear for training, thus deprivingthem of effective skill training mod-ules. this makes the scenario worseand is a major obstacle in india’sgrowth. this pattern of escalatednumbers has been witnessed todrain the funds of the State, result-ing in a shortfall of funds for otherimperative areas. A realistic estima-tion of targets along with the flexi-bility for the usage of allocated cashreserve is the need of the hour.Another factor which serves as amajor gap in the skill developmentframework is the ignorance of qual-ity by the training institutes, whichfurther hampers the trust of thetrainees. A Government- appointed

committee highlighted this issue.A sincere resolution to this

problem can be achieved by regularaudit of the training centres, whichthe Government has already beendoing for some time now. in addi-tion, the trainers can be encouragedto upgrade their knowledge and re-warded for their achievementsbased on the students’ feedback.this would undoubtedly enhancethe quality of the trainers hired andthe subsequent trainings providedby them to the candidates.

Nevertheless, the private sector,too, plays a crucial role in the voca-tional training framework. initially,the private sector was quite alien tothis Government initiative; howev-er, it did not remain secluded forlong. the Government realised thatindustry linkages serve as a sine quanon, for the effective training andemployment of youth. With almost90 per cent of the population below60 years of age, and 35 per cent of itbelow 19 years, employment gener-ation is definitely not a cinch and re-quires relevant and adequate indus-try linkages, so as to make the work-ers trained and meet the interna-tional benchmarks. this would con-tribute to enhancing their skill set,making them globally competentand creating new opportunities forthem. despite the public-privatepartnership (ppp) models adoptedby the State, there seems to be a lotof untapped potential for the same,which called for another initiative,called the pMKVy 3.0, introducedby the Government on January 15,2021, in 600 districts. launchedwith a target of skilling 8 lakh youth


Half a century of shared his-tory between india andBangladesh should not be lost.last week, prime MinisterNarendra Modi made his first in-ternational trip to Bangladeshpost COVid-19-imposed inter-national travel restrictions. inmore ways than one it was a wellthought out trip, aiming to ad-dress many issues at domestic aswell as international level. thetrip culminated into a lengthyjoint statement issued by boththe Governments addressing (insome points without specific tar-gets) key topics of the bilateralcooperation.First, let us look atthe trade-related announce-ments and their significance inthe deep economic ties betweenthe neighbours. it would beworth mentioning that the firsttrade agreement withBangladesh was signed in 1972just a year after its creation.Since then the relationship hasgrown to a healthy $9.5 billion ofbilateral trade in 2019-20 nur-tured on shared culture, historyand principles. Against thisbackdrop, one of the thorny is-sues like non-tariff trade barri-

ers (those not directly related tohigher tariffs but more on regu-latory compliance side leading todelay in shipments) was the firstitem discussed. Of late, india hasbeen facing multiple levels ofdissent on these year-old restric-tions imposed on the importsbased on the ‘country of origin’and also sharing land borderswith india. Fears are thatBangladesh’s ports may be usedby other countries to get pastindian Customs without signifi-cant delays. However, india hasconveyed that in the event of aconflict the provisions of ‘rulesof origin’ of the trade agreementshall prevail along with a prom-ise to bring predictability intrade policies, regulations andprocedures. However, india toocomplained to remove restric-tions on the indian companiesfrom participating inGovernment tenders inBangladesh, which was deniedby the hosts. Mutual trust andcooperation in trade agreementscould be a win-win situation forboth. towards bringing a syn-chronisation in product compli-ance standards, BangladeshStandards and testing institute(BSti) and the Bureau of indian

Standards (BiS) would engageclosely to jointly develop testingand lab facilities. Mutual coop-eration on recognising each oth-er’s standards for various prod-ucts would facilitate faster clear-ance at ports and promote acommon market in the region.Next, it was heartening to see arenewed focus on upgradingland Custom stations and landports to facilitate trade between

the nations. the two nationshave had walk-in roads into eachother’s territories due to the in-terlocked nature of the terrainand the next phase of develop-ment has to be achieved throughincreased connectivity.Bangladesh has articulated forindia to provide a railway con-nection to the ‘roof of the world’,Bhutan ,via the newly-opened

poverty on page 7

plugging on page 7

look east on page 7

Glimpses of FutureEStABliSHEd iN 1986

Ensure subsidized food grains to needy

NFSA, passed in 2013, provides for the supply

of subsidised foodgrains through ration shops

to up to 75 per cent of the rural population and

up to 50 per cent of the urban population, which as per

Census 2011, comes to a maximum of 81.35 crore per-

sons. At present, NFSA is operational in a seamless

manner in all states and Union territories, with an in-

tended coverage of 81.35 crore persons across the

country. Overall, NFSA caters to 67 per cent of the to-

tal population. Niti Aayog has suggested policy meas-

ures to the food ministry that envisages various sce-

narios to ensure supply of subsidised foodgrains to the

needy without pinching the union government's fiscal

resources. the scenarios, that have been constructed

keeping in mind the National Food Security Act, 2013,

have been made after the ministry had sought the ad-

vice of Niti Aayog amid increasing demand for sub-

sidised foodgrains in certain states in view of rising

population.the states are asking to enhance the allo-

cation of foodgrains because the population has in-

creased in all the states. the food subsidy is rising at a

very rapid rate. So, what kind of policy measure we

should think about, so that this food subsidy bill re-

mains affordable. it does not become pinching on our

fiscal resources. if one feels that between 2013 and

now 2021, per capita income of people has increased

by 40-50 per cent, then obviously the economic condi-

tion of many people have improved. So, we need to

look at it from that angle. Coverage under the Act is

provided under two categories -- Antyodaya Anna

yojana households to the extent specified by the cen-

tral government and the remaining households as

priority Households. the AAy households are entitled

to 35 kg of foodgrains per household per month, while

priority Households are entitled to 5 kg of foodgrains

per person per month at rs 1-3 per kg through ration

shops. if the coverage of people under NFSA is

brought down, then what will be its implication. if one

has to link coverage of population under NFSA to

poverty, major changes will be required based on what

is the current state of poverty. Foodgrains via ration

shops are supplied at highly subsidised rates of rs 3

per kg for rice, rs 2 per kg for wheat and rs 1 per kg for

coarse grains through public distribution System

(pdS) as per NFSA. While it is difficult to reduce the

economic cost of food management in view of rising

commitment towards food security, there is a need to

consider the revision of central issue price (Cip) to re-

duce the bulging food subsidy bill.


1982 : Argentina invades FalklandsOn April 2, 1982, Argentina invades the Falklands islands, a British

colony since 1892 and British possession since 1833. Argentine amphibi-

ous forces rapidly overcame the small garrison of British marines at the

town of Stanley on East Falkland and the next day seized the dependent

territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich group. the 1,800

Falkland islanders, mostly English-speaking sheep farmers, awaited a

British response. the Falkland islands, located about 300 miles off the

southern tip of Argentina, had long been claimed by the British. British

navigator John davis may have sighted the islands in 1592, and in 1690

British Navy Captain John Strong made the first recorded landing on the

islands. He named them after Viscount Falkland, who was the First lord

Yawning gap

the WEF’s gender gap report should make us want to hang our headsin collective shame. Here’s yet another proof, if ever one were needed, thatthe negative impact of Coronavirus continues to be felt across strata. Apartfrom the blindingly obvious truth that the virus has claimed lakhs of livesand crores of livelihoods, besides forcing several industrial establishmentsto shut down their operations and making migrant labourers trudge backto their native places to lead a life full of drudgery, it has also made the al-ready-poor condition of women in the country more pitiable. the WorldEconomic Forum’s (WEF’s) Global Gender Gap report 2021 has under-lined the appalling state of the ‘fair sex’ in india, thus removing any ele-ment of shock that might have emanated from the devastating fact that ourcountry has fallen 28 places to the 140th spot among 156 countries since

yawning gap on page 7

1982 on page 7


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JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3, 2021NatiONal7 Glimpses of Future

Cilahati Haldibari route and additional road cover-age with Nepal. Bangladesh’s keen interest in beingengaged with india on joint road development proj-ects should be taken up on priority. Even thoughthere is no denying the fact that Bangladesh formsthe central piece of india’s ‘look east policy’, it still isa part of China’s eco-military Belt and road initiative(Bri). the Bri aims to provide economic aid primari-ly in developing infrastructure, thereby establishingdominance in the india Ocean and further into theindo-pacific region. the recently-concluded Quad

summit, of which india is a critical member, also al-luded to the growing military presence of China inthe region while gaining economic advantages. itwill be to india’s benefit if it can push the Bay ofBengal initiative for Multi-Sectoral technical andEconomic Cooperation to achieve critical measura-ble milestones in the next four years. the BiMStECis headquartered in dhaka and could serve as Newdelhi’s enhanced engagement gateway with its SouthEast Asian partners which it has not been able to achieve innearly a quarter of a century of its existence.

Look east ...................................................................

last year. to experience a clearer picture of the kind of lifewomen in india face, just absorb these facts: india is thethird worst performer in South Asia, better than onlypakistan and Afghanistan, while Bangladesh at position 65is the region’s best performer. the Nordic countries areamong the best performers on the index, with iceland be-ing the most gender-equal country in the world for the 12thtime. though there is no denying that the health emer-gency and the related economic downturn have impactedwomen more severely than men, partially re-opening gapsthat had already been closed, the sad home truth is alsothat another generation of women will have to await theirturn for gender parity. india has constantly been slippingin this sphere where, having had a female prime Minister

decades ago and a female president reaching the officeeven before than in the US, we should have had made sig-nificant gains, seeing the all-round progress india’s women havemade across fields: Astronomy, medical sciences, sports, en-trepreneurship, politics and now even armed forces,among others. We are long past the time that, as a nation,we didn’t overlook the situation and, rather than behavinglike the proverbial ostrich, made all-round sincere efforts,individually and societally, to remedy the nagging prob-lem. don’t give them more than what they deserve, per-haps, but don’t hand it over as dole or benevolence. let’sjust start giving them their due, honestly. then the day willactually not be far when we, as a nation, can really mean itwhen we say: “Mhaari chhoriyan chhoron se kum hain ke!”

Yawning .............................................................. .........................................................................................................

of the Admiralty at the time. in 1764, French navigator louis-Antoine de

Bougainville founded the islands’ first human settle-ment, on East Falkland, which was taken over by theSpanish in 1767. in 1765, the British settled WestFalkland but left in 1774 for economic reasons. Spainabandoned its settlement in 1811. in 1816 Argentina de-clared its independence from Spain and in 1820 pro-claimed its sovereignty over the Falklands. theArgentines built a fort on East Falkland, but in 1832 itwas destroyed by the USS lexington in retaliation for theseizure of U.S. seal ships in the area. in 1833, a Britishforce expelled the remaining Argentine officials and be-gan a military occupation. in 1841, a British lieutenantgovernor was appointed, and by the 1880s a British com-munity of some 1,800 people on the islands was self-sup-porting. in 1892, the wind-blown Falkland islands werecollectively granted colonial status. For the next 90years, life on the Falklands remained much unchanged,despite persistent diplomatic efforts by Argentina to re-gain control of the islands. in 1981, the Falklandislanders voted in a referendum to remain British, and itseemed unlikely that the Falklands would ever revert toArgentine rule. Meanwhile, in Argentina, the militaryjunta led by lieutenant General leopoldo Galtieri was

suffering criticism for its oppressive rule and economicmanagement, and planned the Falklands invasion as ameans of promoting patriotic feeling and propping up itsregime. in March 1982, Argentine salvage workers occu-pied South Georgia island, and a full-scale invasion ofthe Falklands began on April 2. Under orders from theircommanders, the Argentine troops inflicted no Britishcasualties, despite suffering losses to their own units.Nevertheless, Britain was outraged, and prime MinisterMargaret thatcher assembled a naval task force of 30warships to retake the islands. As Britain is 8,000 milesfrom the Falklands, it took several weeks for the Britishwarships to arrive. On April 25, South Georgia island wasretaken, and after several intensive naval battles foughtaround the Falklands, British troops landed on EastFalkland on May 21. After several weeks of fighting, thelarge Argentine garrison at Stanley surrendered on June14, effectively ending the conflict. Britain lost five shipsand 256 lives in the fight to regain the Falklands, andArgentina lost its only cruiser and 750 lives. Humiliatedin the Falklands War, the Argentine military was sweptfrom power in 1983, and civilian rule was restored. inBritain, Margaret thatcher’s popularity soared after theconflict, and her Conservative party won a landslide vic-tory in 1983 parliamentary elections.

1982 .......................................................

with 300 courses over 2020-21, the scheme focuses on impart-ing more demand-driven skills and revolves around digitaltechnology and industry 4.0 skills. the scheme is vestedwith a total of rs 948.90 crores and emphasises upon the

role of district Skill Committees and State Skilldevelopment Missions in analysing the skill-demandgaps at a district levels. this scheme looks promising as itexcludes any of the drawbacks of the previous schemes.

Plugging .........................................................................

Contn. from Page 6 ........................................................

ed with the urban unemployment growth. this implies thatthe States with higher reduction in rural unemployment(Goa, Himachal pradesh, tripura, Kerala and punjab) ex-celled in poverty reduction. However, Uttarakhand,Andhra pradesh, tamil Nadu and Madhya pradesh are ex-ceptions to this. these States, despite exhibiting a highergrowth in rural unemployment, managed to gain higher inpoverty alleviation. in contrast, the States that exhibited ahigh growth in rural unemployment (Assam, Jharkhandand Chhattisgarh) had to pay the cost of slender poverty al-leviation. it concludes that the rural employment in theStates holds the key to eradication of poverty. india, wheremore than 65 per cent of population lives in villages, can-not afford to ignore the role of rural employment and in-come generation. to alleviate poverty, employment gener-ation in rural areas is more important than that in urbanindia. this aligns with the fact that rural india exhibitsmore poverty ratio than urban areas. the major source ofincome in rural areas is believed to be agriculture and theallied services. Further, the association of poverty reduc-tions with growth of productive sectors — agriculture, in-dustry and services — in different States is analysed. As ex-pected, the correlation between poverty reduction and thegrowth rates of all productive sectors is significant withvarying magnitudes and directions. the productive sec-tors, with their varying productivities, serve employmentas well as generate income which helps people lift frompoverty. interestingly, growth in agriculture is not suffi-cient to absorb the increasing job requirements in ruralindia and hence is alone not capable of poverty reduction.the States with a higher growth in the agriculture sector(Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh), exhibited lowest gains inpoverty reduction. Notably, these States could not thrive ina higher growth of industry and services sectors. in con-trast, the States with the lowest growth in agriculture buthighest growth in industry and services (Goa, Andhrapradesh and Himachal pradesh) outperformed the otherStates in attaining the poverty alleviation objective. in oth-er words, it is not agriculture but industry and services sec-tor that buttress poverty alleviation across States in india.Between industry and services, services turned out to bemore influential in poverty reduction. this finding echoesthe theory of economic growth and structural change pre-sented by Nobel laureate and American economist Simon

Kuznets. According to the theory, a developing economyshifts from agriculture (primary) to industry (secondary)and then to services (tertiary) sector — a process of ‘struc-tural change’. in this process, employment shifts from thelower to higher productive sector, yielding an overall pro-ductivity and income gain in the economy. india, being adeveloping economy, treaded this path of structuralchange, however, bypassing industrialisation and tertiari-sation. At present, even if industrialisation is promotedwith the primary objective of poverty reduction, india maynot gain much in terms of employment. this is due to thecapital intensification facilitated by higher fixed-capital in-vestment in industries, making them capital intensive.Collectively, this issue of disproportionate growth in em-ployment as compared to output growth is termed as ‘job-less growth’ in industries. in contrast, the services sector,being more productive and labour-intensive as comparedto agriculture and industry, guarantees a higher level of in-come and contributes significantly in poverty eradication.this is substantiated by the findings of the instant study:the top six States in poverty reduction Goa, Andhrapradesh, Himachal pradesh, Uttarakhand, tripura andKerala are the ones with the highest growth and share ofservices in State Gdp. Conclusion: State-wise poverty re-duction is quite heterogeneous due to differences in theemployment scenario and sectoral growth of States. Whilesome States outperformed the others in poverty allevia-tion, others are still struggling to lift their people up frompoverty line. it is important to understand the factors im-pacting poverty reduction in the States of india from his-torical evidences. in terms of employment, it is the ruralemployment that drives poverty alleviation. Whereas, interms of productive sectors, it is the services sector that isthe major source of employment generation and hencepoverty reduction. the key of poverty alleviation lies withemployment generation in the rural india that houses two-third of india’s population. More than agriculture, indus-try and services sectors development industrialisation andtertiarisation must be promoted in rural india. the currentwave of privatisation and production-linked incentiveschemes must consider the inclusion of rural areas. At thesame time, skill development in rural areas is the need ofthe hour to enable the rural population to join the work-force in higher productive sectors.

Poverty .............................................................................

Contn. from Page 6 ........................................................


the delhi High Court has grantedbail to a doctor of SafdarjungHospital, accused of raping a womanon the promise of marriage, on theground that it was "not a case of force-ful sexual assault" and he would notbe in a position to terrorise the victimor tamper with evidence. JusticeSubramonium prasad said there isnothing on record to indicate that theman had promised marriage to theprosecutrix and whether the woman'sphysical relationship was based onher free consent or not will be decidedonly in trial. the prosecutrix is amake-up artist and is a resident ofdelhi. it cannot be said that she is anaive lady. this is not a case of force-ful sexual assault.., the high court saidin its March 22 order.

it added that the accused is a doc-tor working in Safdarjung Hospital

and it cannot be said that he would bein a position to terrorise the womanor tamper with evidence. the courtnoted that the evidence has been col-lected and the mobile phone of theman was with the police. in view theabove, this court finds it just and ex-pedient to grant bail to the petitioner(doctor) in the event of arrest in...reg-istered at police Station Hauz Khasfor offences punishable underSection 376 (punishment for rape)and 328 (Causing hurt by means ofpoison with and intent to commit anoffence) ipC , the high court said. thecourt granted bail to the doctor onfurnishing of a personal bond of rs50,000 with a surety by his relative ofthe like amount. it directed him togive all his mobile numbers and ad-dress to the investigating officer andthat he shall report to the concernedpolice station on every Monday. thepetitioner shall not tamper with evi-dence or exert pressure on the pros-

ecutrix. it is made clear and needlessto state that the observations made inthis order are only for the purpose ofgrant of bail and not on the merits ofthe case, the high court said.According to the woman, her fatherhad suffered a heart attack in January

2019 and she took her to theSafdarjung hospital where the ac-cused was the duty doctor. during thecourse of treatment, he visited thewoman's residence and gave his pro-file for the purpose of marriage andasked for her profile as well, she said.

the woman alleged that later on hecalled her to meet him to know eachother, and once she was called at hisfriend's house where she was given asoft drink after which she lost con-sciousness and on regaining con-sciousness, she realised she has beenraped. When she confronted the man,she was threatened that a video hadbeen taken by him and would bemade viral, the woman alleged,adding that later on she was called atsome hotels and raped again. An Firwas lodged at Hauz Khas policeStation on January 28, 2021 on thewoman's rape complaint. Seekingbail the doctor's counsel submittedthat the Fir was registered on the al-legation that the petitioner took thewoman to his friend's flat on June 9,2019 where she was raped. However,this story has been completely given ago by and now the allegation is thatthe man promised marriage and es-tablished physical relationship with

her, he argued, adding that no usefulpurpose would be served by arrestingthe doctor. the court noted that thematerial on record showed thatthough initially the woman came upwith the case wherein she has allegedthat the man gave her a drink lacedwith sedatives and taking advantageof the fact that she was not conscioushe raped her. this allegation has beengiven a go by and the subsequent alle-gation of the prosecutrix is that sexualrelationship was established on thebasis of promise to marry. there arecontradictions between the initialversion and the present version of theprosecutrix. "this court has perusedall the records and does not find anypromise of marriage. there is no fur-ther material which has to be recov-ered from the petitioner. the sexualrelationship was established on thepromise of marriage or not is a matterof trial and has to be established dur-ing the trial, the court said.

HC grants bail to doctor facing rape allegation, says not a case of forceful sexual assault

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAChandigarh, Apr 2

A Mohali court has re-jected a plea of gangster-turned-politician MukhtarAnsari who sought direc-tions to jail authorities toconstitute a medical boardfor examining him. thecourt of Judicial Magistrate1st Class (JMiC) AmitBakshi said the SupremeCourt has already consid-ered Ansari's plea regardinghis medical condition.

"there is nothing onrecord which cab suggestthat after the apex court or-der on March 26 there havebeen any fresh medical is-sues with the accused," theMohali court judge said. Noseparate order to constitutea board for treatment of theaccused is required to bepassed, the judge wrote inhis March 31 order. Ansari,wanted in Uttar pradesh forseveral cases, was on

Wednesday produced be-fore the Mohali court inconnection with an alleged2019 extortion matter. Hewas in a wheelchair when hewas brought to the court.

Ansari, through hiscounsel raj Sumer Singh,had moved a plea in thecourt for directing the jailauthorities to get him med-ically examined due to"acute ailments and med-ical distress". the counselhad also claimed that theaccused suffered "medical"emergency on March 29,2020 and since then he hasbeen suffering from "acutechest pain". Ansari had aprevious medical conditionand had also suffered twomajor heart attacks. it wasfeared that if he was deniedproper medical assistance,he might succumb to hismedical ailments, it wasfurther submitted. thecounsel had also sought areply from the rupnagar

jail superintendent beforedeciding the application.

the counsel also men-tioned in the plea while re-ferring to the March 26Supreme Court order thatas the MlA from Mau hadto travel to Uttar pradesh,keeping in view his medicalcondition, he be treatedthrough a recognized gov-ernment medical hospitalin Mohali by constituting aboard. the Mohali courtjudge in his order said, "Noreply on behalf of the jail su-perintendent would be re-quired as the jail superin-tendent was duty bound asper law to provide appro-priate medical facility to theaccused as per his medicalcondition (if any), as per thejail manual and also to com-ply with the order datedMarch 26 of the apexcourt." the court also di-rected that as Ansari is injudicial custody in the pres-ent case.

Mohali court rejects Ansari'splea for medical examination


the Uttar pradesh gov-ernment on Friday extendedto April 11 the closure of allschools for students up toClass 8, amid a spike in coro-navirus cases in the state, ac-cording to an official.Earlier, the government hadshut schools for students upto Class 8 till March 31. Uttarpradesh reported 2,600 newCOVid-19 cases and nine fa-talities on thursday, push-ing the state's infection tallyto 6,19,783 and the death tollto 8,820, according to ahealth department bulletin.Chief Minister yogiAdityanath issued the freshdirections during a reviewmeeting at his 5-KalidasMarg residence here. He has di-rected the closure of schools forstudents up to Class 8 tillApril 11, an officialspokesperson said.

UP: Schoolsfor studentsup to Class 8shut till Apr 11PRESS TRUST Of INDIA

Bhopal, Apr 2

the Madhya pradeshgovernment has placed ur-ban areas of Chhindwaradistrict and ratlam city un-der lockdown, while it willcome into force in Betul dis-trict and parts of Khargonefrom Friday night to pre-vent the spread of coron-avirus, officials said. thelockdown in Chhindwara'surban areas and ratlamcity came into force from 10pm on thursday, which will

continue till 6 am on April5, they said. the entireBetul district will be placedunder lockdown from 10pm on Friday and urban ar-eas of Khargone districtfrom 8 pm. the curbs therewill continue till 6 am onApril 5, the officials said.

Meanwhile, talking toreporters here, state ChiefMinister Shivraj SinghChouhan on Friday saidthat separate teams of sen-ior officials have been sentto these four districts to as-sess the coronavirus situa-

tion there and provide as-sistance to the local admin-istration in the fight againstthe pandemic. "in view ofthe spurt in coronaviruscases in Chhindwara, whichshares border withMaharashtra, and to effec-tively control it, a three-daylockdown has been im-posed in the district,"Chouhan said. the Sundaylockdown, which is alreadyin place in several cities inthe state, will continue asbefore, he said.

Chouhan appealed to

the people of the state tocelebrate festivals by re-maining at home and addedthat no rallies or traditionalGair (taken out on the occa-sion of rangpanchmi) willbe allowed to be organisedin the state. He said that eli-gible persons should getthemselves vaccinatedagainst COVid-19. Madhyapradesh on thursday re-ported 2,546 coronaviruscases, which took its infec-tion tally to 2,98,057 andthe fatality count has goneup to 3,998.

COVID-19: Lockdown in parts of4 districts of Madhya Pradesh

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAHyderabad, Apr 2

Six people drowned inthe Godavari river at a vil-lage in Nizamabad district oftelangana on Friday, policesaid. A group of about 25people, all relatives, gath-ered at pochampadu in thedistrict for a family-relatedreligious event and seven ofthem ventured into the riverfor a bath, they said. None ofthem knew how to swim andthey moved into the deeperpart of the river, the policesaid. Seven of them drownedwhile one of them was saved,they said. Chief Minister KChandrasekhar rao ex-pressed condolences to thefamily of the deceased, an of-ficial press release said.

Six drownin Godavari

riverPRESS TRUST Of INDIANew Delhi, Apr 2

Congress general secre-tary priyanka Gandhi Vadraon Friday self isolated afterher husband robert Vadratested positive for COVid-19. in a video message, shesaid she has been exposedto coronavirus and is ac-cordingly self-isolating. Shealso announced the cancel-lation of her poll campaignin Assam on Friday, intamil Nadu on Saturdayand in Kerala on Sunday.priyanka Gandhi has beencampaigning for theCongress and party candi-dates in the states of Assam,tamil Nadu and Kerala,though she has not cam-paigned in West Bengal. "ihave been exposed to thecoronavirus. Although ihave tested negative yester-

day, the doctors have ad-vised that i self isolate for afew days," she said in avideo message.

"Unfortunately, i haveto cancel the programmethat were scheduled for mefor the Assam campaign to-day and for tamil Nadu to-morrow and Kerala, day af-ter tomorrow," she alsosaid. "i would like to apolo-gise to everybody for not be-ing able to be there. i wishall the candidates that i wassupposed to campaign forthe very, very best in the

election. i hope all of you dowell and the Congress is vic-torious," she said, whilewishing for the party's vic-tory in these elections. in aseparate Facebook post,robert Vadra said he hastested positive after hecame in contact with some-one who was COVid posi-tive. "Hi friends, unfortu-nately, i came into contactwith someone COVid +veand have tested positive forCOVid although i amasymptomatic so far. As perthe COVid guidelines,priyanka and i are self-iso-lating although she has test-ed negative," he said in hispost. "Fortunately the kidshave not been with us thesedays and everyone else athome has tested negativetoo. Hopefully we will all beback to normal life soon,"he also said.

priyanka self isolates after robert Vadra tests COVid+ve; cancels campaign in tN, Assam, Kerala

Page 8: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 20218 Glimpses of FutureWORLD

Fire kills 3 in marketnear Rohingya camp inBangladeshCox's Bazar, Apr 2 (AP)

A fire on Friday destroyed more than 20 shops in amakeshift market near a rohingya refugee camp insouthern Bangladesh, killing at least three people, po-lice and witnesses said. local police chief AhmedSanjur Morshed said they recovered the bodies fromthe debris after it took firefighters several hours tobring the blaze under control. the fire broke out earlyFriday when residents of the sprawling Kutupalongcamp for Myanmar's rohingya refugees were asleep.Sayedul Mustafa, the owner of a shop, confirmed thedead were his staff. Emdadul Haque, an official withthe Fire Service and Civil defence, said they had tostruggle for more than three hours to take the fire un-der control. He said several others were also injured.itwas not clear how the fire began. it came after anotherdevastating fire last month in the camp left 15 peopledead, 560 others hurt and about 45,000 homeless.

Aid agencies and the government said they startedrebuilding the shelters after the massive fire lastmonth. Authorities have sent about 13,000 refugees toan island in recent months, promising better life. theisland has been prepared by the government to accom-modate 100,000 refugees. Officials said their effort tosend more refugees would continue. Bangladesh hassheltered more than a million rohingya Muslims, thevast majority having fled Myanmar in 2017 in a majorcrackdown by that country's military.the UN has saidthe crackdown had a genocidal intent, a chargeMyanmar rejects.

Bangladesh has hosted the refugees in crowdedrefugee camps and is eager to begin sending them backto the Buddhist-majority Myanmar, but several at-tempts failed because the rohingya refused to go, fear-ing more violence in a country that denies them basicrights including citizenship. the repatriation effortwas made even more uncertain in February, whenMyanmar's military staged a coup and replaced theelected, civilian government that had been in officesince 2016.

Influx of Myanmarese at Indian,Thai borders likely just thebeginning: UNSG’s special envoyUnited Nations March 2

the influx of refugees from Myanmar at theindian and thai borders and elsewhere is “ominous”and likely just the beginning, UN Secretary General’sspecial envoy on Myanmar has told the SecurityCouncil, warning that regional security could deteri-orate further and no country in the region wouldwant a “failed state” as their neighbour. Myanmar’smilitary toppled the country’s government onFebruary 1 and seized power for one year, detainingtop political figures, including de facto leader AungSan Suu Kyi and president U Win Myint. the coupsparked protests and other acts of civil disobedience,leading to the deaths of hundreds in military crack-down. the 15-nation Council held closed consulta-tions on Myanmar on Wednesday, days after thecountry witnessed the bloodiest day since thedemonstrations against the February 1 coup began,with security forces killing at least 107 individuals —including seven children, on March 27. in her re-marks to the closed meeting of the Council, obtainedby pti, Special Envoy of Secretary-General AntonioGuterres on Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgenersaid that a robust international response requires aunified regional position, especially with the neigh-bouring countries leveraging their influence towardsstability in Myanmar. “the regional security and eco-nomic consequences are getting worse and could de-teriorate further. the influx of refugees at the indianand thai borders and elsewhere is ominous and like-ly just the beginning,” she said. Burgener said she in-tends to visit the region soon, hopefully next week, incontinuation of her close consultations with mem-bers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and other leaders.“the regional securityand economic consequences are getting worse andcould deteriorate further. the influx of refugees atthe indian and thai borders and elsewhere is omi-nous and likely just the beginning,” she said.Burgener said she intends to visit the region soon,hopefully next week, in continuation of her close con-sultations with members of the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other leaders.

Tokyo, Apr 2 (AP)

Japan's prime Ministeryoshihide Suga will visitWashington for talks withpresident Joe Biden on April16, the government saidFriday. the trip had previ-ously been announced, butnot the exact date. ChiefCabinet SecretaryKatsunobu Kato told re-porters that Suga will be thefirst foreign leader to meetBiden in person since hetook office in January.

that by itself is proofthat the United States placesimportance on Japan," hesaid. it is also significant aswe demonstrate the strengthof the Japan-U.S. allianceand the U.S. commitment toengage in the indo-pacificregion." Japan is eager todevelop close relations withthe new U.S. administrationand was hoping to scheduleSuga's visit earlier in April,

or even sooner. Japanesemedia, including the Nikkeibusiness newspaper, saidSuga's trip was delayed be-cause of a request fromWashington. We have beenarranging (Suga's visit) inthe earlier half of April, butthe date is set on April 16, aswe aim to take all possible

measures to ensure successof the prime minister's U.S.visit and preparations forit," Kato said. tokyo hopesto strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance, which it con-siders a cornerstone of itsforeign and security poli-cies, and to discuss ways tocooperate on how to handle

China, North Korea and ad-vance a joint vision of a "freeand open indo-pacific" topromote a rules-based orderin the region. Climatechange and the fight againstthe pandemic are alsoamong key issues. We willreconfirm coordination andcooperation between Japan

and the United States, Katosaid. Because of the pan-demic the size of a Japanesedelegation will be kept to amaximum of about 80 to 90people, and all participantswill be vaccinated ahead ofthe trip. Suga got his firstshot on March 16 and is ex-pected to have a secondwithin days.nd open indo-pacific" to promote a rules-based order in the region.Climate change and the fightagainst the pandemic are al-so among key issues. We willreconfirm coordination andcooperation between Japanand the United States, Katosaid. Because of the pan-demic the size of a Japanesedelegation will be kept to amaximum of about 80 to 90people, and all participantswill be vaccinated ahead ofthe trip. Suga got his firstshot on March 16 and is ex-pected to have a secondwithin days.

Japan PM to hold talks with Bidenin US visit on April 16 Manila, Apr 2 (AP)

Filipinos markedGood Friday, one of themost solemn holidaysin Asia's largest romanCatholic nation, withdeserted streets andchurches following astrict lockdown to slowdown the spread of thecoronavirus. Majorhighways and roadswere eerily quiet afterreligious gatheringswere prohibited in met-ropolitan Manila andfour outlyingprovinces. the govern-ment placed thebustling region of morethan 25 million peopleback under lockdownthis week as it scram-bled to contain analarming surge inCOVid-19 cases.

police-enforcedcurfews in the capitalregion and theprovinces of Bulacan,Cavite, laguna and

rizal were expanded to11 hours starting at 6p.m. the philippineshas imposed some ofthe world's longest po-lice- and military-en-forced coronavirusquarantines and lock-downs, which causedthe economy last yearto contract by 9.5%, theworst economic set-back since thephilippines began issu-ing such economic datajust after World War ii.

it has started to re-open the battered econ-omy after infections be-gan to taper off and al-lowed non-essentialbusinesses to resume,including shoppingmalls, video game ar-cades and beautyshops, to ease unem-ployment and hunger.But infections surgedback alarmingly lastmonth in spikesblamed on the spread ofnew coronavirus vari-

ants, increased publicmobility and compla-cency. presidentrodrigo duterte reim-posed a lockdown in thecountry's most popu-lous region this week,allowing only workersin essential businesses,government securityand health personneland residents on urgenterrands to leave home.the lockdown may beextended beyondEaster if the surge doesnot ease, officials said.the spike and a slug-gish start of the vacci-nation program havebrought duterte's ad-ministration under firefor what critics say wasits failed handling ofthe pandemic. thephilippines has report-ed more than 756,000confirmed cases with13,303 deaths, the sec-ond highest inSoutheast Asia afterindonesia.

Good Friday and virus lockdownempty Manila's streets

London April 2

the most senior Black adviser to UKprime Minister Boris Johnson has re-signed, the government said thursday, theday after a report on racial disparities con-cluded that Britain does not have a sys-temic problem with racism. the govern-ment denied any link between the depar-ture of Samuel Kasumu and the much-

criticized report, which has been accusedof ignoring the experiences of ethnic-mi-nority Britons. the prime minister’s officesaid Kasumu would leave his job as a spe-cial adviser for civil society and communi-ties in May, as had “been his plan for sever-al months.” it denied the resignation wasrelated to Wednesday’s publication of a re-port by the government-appointedCommission on race and Ethnic

disparities, which concluded that Britainis not an institutionally racist country. ButSimon Woolley, a former governmentequalities adviser and a member of theU.K. House of lords, said Kasumu’s exitwas connected to the “grubby” and “divi-sive” report. “(there is a) crisis at No. 10when it comes to acknowledging and deal-ing with persistent race inequality,”Woolley said.

Kasumu had considered quitting inFebruary. He wrote a resignation letter,obtained by the BBC, that accusedJohnson’s Conservative party of pursuing“a politics steeped in division.” He waspersuaded to stay in his job temporarily towork on a campaign encouraging peoplefrom ethnic minorities to get vaccinatedagainst the coronavirus.

the Conservative governmentlaunched the inquiry into racial disparitiesin the wake of anti-racism protests lastyear. the panel of experts concluded thatwhile “outright racism” exists in Britain,the country is not “institutionally racist” or“rigged” against ethnic minorities. Citingstrides to close gaps between ethnicgroups in educational and economicachievement, the report said race was be-

coming “less important” as a factor in cre-ating disparities that also are fueled byclass and family backgrounds. Many anti-racism activists were skeptical of the find-ings, saying the commission ignored realbarriers to equality. “institutionally, weare still racist, and for a government-ap-pointed commission ... to deny its exis-tence is deeply, deeply worrying,” saidHalima Begum, chief executive of therunnymede trust, a racial equality thinktank. the report was also widely dispar-aged by academics and scientists, who saidit ignored the interplay of factors such aspoverty, class and race in creating inequal-ity. the coronavirus pandemic has high-lighted racial fault lines, with Britons fromBlack African and Black Caribbean back-grounds dying from COVid-19 at morethan twice the rate as their white compa-triots. Jobs, underlying health conditionsand deprivation are all factors in the di-vide. Writing in the British MedicalJournal, public health expertsMohammad S. razai, Azeem Majeed andAneez Esmail said “structural racism is animportant factor in ethnic disparities inhealth” and accused the report of using“cherry-picked data” to support .

Beijing, Apr 2

A Chinese border city

hit by a fresh outbreak of

COVid-19 began a five-

day drive Friday to vacci-

nate its entire population

of 300,000 people. State

broadcaster CCtV

showed people lining up

and getting vaccinated in

ruili, where 16 cases

have been confirmed

since tuesday. twelve of

them are Chinese and the

other four are nationals

of Myanmar, which lies

across the border. A city

Communist party official

told CCtV the previous

day that 159,000 doses of

vaccine had arrived in

the city. television

footage showed vacant

streets as officials or-

dered people to home

quarantine and closed

non-essential business-

es. the city has also said

it would tighten controls

around the porous bor-

der to try to stop anyone

crossing illegally from


China has largely

eradicated local trans-

mission of COVid-19 and

quickly rolls out strict

measures whenever a

new cluster emerges.

this is the first time

China has tried to vacci-

nate an entire city in re-

sponse to new outbreak.

the move comes as the

government ramps up a

nationwide vaccination


China aims to vaccinate entire city in5 days after outbreak

Black adviser quits UK Govt in wake of racism report

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAIslamabad, Apr 2

pakistan reportedmore than 5,000 newcoronavirus cases in thelast 24 hours, the highestsingle day spike sinceJune last year, the healthministry said on Friday.

the Ministry ofNational Health Servicessaid that 83 people died inthis period, taking thedeath toll to 14,613. theCOVid-19 tally reached678,165 with 5,234 moreindividuals contractingthe contagion, it said. thenew cases were the high-est since June 20 lastyear. punjab remains theworst-hit province interms of deaths followed

by Sindh, Khyberpakhtunkhwa andBalochistan. Most num-bers of cases have been re-ported in Sindh. till now,265,917 coronavirus caseshave been confirmed inSindh, 225,953 in punjab,89,255 in Khyberpakhtunkhwa, 59,401 inislamabad, 19,610 inBalochistan, 12,984 inpakistan-occupied

Kashmir (poK) and 5,045in Gilgit-Baltistan.

So far, 6,485 deathshave been reported inpunjab, 4,504 in Sindh,2,382 in Khyberpakhtunkhwa, 209 inBalochistan, 572 inislamabad, 358 in poKand 103 in Gilgit-Baltistan. the authoritieshave so far conducted10,297,544, tests, includ-

ing 50,170 in the last 24hours. the data showedthat 607,205 patientshave recovered whereas3,384 are critical.Meanwhile, dawn newsreported that a local phar-maceutical company hassigned a deal with aChinese firm to supplyand produce a COVid-19vaccine in pakistan.Searle Company has con-cluded an exclusive li-censing and supply agree-ment with livzonMapharm inc. for therecombinant NovelCoronavirus Vaccine (V-01). the licensing agree-ment also covers the man-ufacturing transition of(V-01) in pakistan, thecompany said.

Pak reports over 5,000 COVID-19 cases,highest single day spike in 10 months

People enjoy the hot weather on Santa Monica Beach in Santa Monica, California. Half of the state's nearly 40 million people are now in

the state's second-least restrictive orange tier amid low coronavirus case rates and increased vaccinations. Health officials in California

and across the country are urging caution because of a troubling rise in new cases of COVID-19.

Orange (California) April 2

A shooting at aSouthern California officebuilding on Wednesdaykilled four people, includinga child, and injured a fifthperson before police shotthe suspect, policesaid.Shots were being firedas officers arrived at a two-story office building onlincoln Avenue in Orange,southeast of los Angeles, atabout 5.30 pm, lt. JenniferAmat said. “An officer-in-volved shooting occurred”and the suspect was taken toa hospital, Amat said, butshe didn’t immediatelyknow his condition. theshooting was on the secondfloor of the building, Amat

said. Media reports saidbodies could be seen on thebuilding’s second-floorwalkway and in a court-yard.Amat had no detailsabout the confrontation,what may have sparked theattack or why a child mayhave been at the building at202 W. lincoln Ave. Signsoutside indicated a handfulof businesses were locatedthere, including an insur-ance office, a financial con-sulting firm, a legal servicesbusiness and a phone repairstore.By 7. pm, the situationhad been stabilised andthere wasn’t any threat tothe public, police said. in atweet, Gov. Gavon Newsomcalled the killings “horrify-ing and heartbreaking.

Child among 4 dead in shooting at Californiaoffice building

Page 9: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3 20219 Glimpses of FutureHEALTH

the fourth edition of a pan-india sleep

study by ranks delhi-NCr as the

top among those fearing insomnia across

india. in Gurugram, a whopping 42 per cent of

people complained about work keeping them

up late at night -- as compared to 17 per cent

last year.

the 2021 study -- Great indian Sleep

Scorecard (GiSS) 2021 -- sheds light on the in-

terconnectedness between sleep and work-life

balance during the pandemic and discovers an

increased awareness towards sleep health in

delhi-NCr. According to the report, the fear

of insomnia increased from 19 per cent last

year to 24 per cent this year, with delhi-NCr

topping the list of cities where residents are

most worried about sleeplessness. Over 50 per

cent of delhiites reported being anxious about

suffering from insomnia.

the 2021 report reveals that 42 per cent of

Gurugram residents complained about work

keeping them up late at night. last year, the

corresponding number was 17 per cent. With

remote working becoming the norm, almost 1

in 2 respondents from delhi-NCr said that

they worked night shifts this year, as opposed

to almost 1 in 10 last year. there was also a sig-

nificant jump in delhiites staying up to work

on their beds, up from 18 per cent last year to

47 per cent this year. it comes as no surprise

then that people who used their phones just

before sleeping was as high as 94 per cent in

delhi-NCr despite greater awareness about

the perils of using electronic devices before


the blurring boundaries between work

and home has resulted in 81 per cent of

delhiites feeling sleepy during work hours 1-3

times a week. According to Chaitanya

ramalingegowda, Co-founder and director, "this year, while all of india has

been working from home and adapting to a

very different lifestyle altogether, we noticed a

rather sizeable increase in the number of

delhiites working night shifts, recording in-

creases in screen time, sleeping late at night

due to work, and also having the fear of insom-

nia. Our sleep study was curated to help india

pay more attention to sleep and we are con-

stantly working towards educating our coun-

try about the same. the need of the hour is for

delhi-NCr, as a community, to pioneer cul-

tural shifts that can help the city prioritise

sleep health as part of their daily routine."

incidentally, the GiSS 2021 study reveals

that an increasing number of people are now

paying attention to the quality of sleep and the

importance of investing in a good mattress.

Nearly 59 per cent of respondents from delhi-

NCr, across age groups, believed that a better

mattress is the key to better sleep. last year,

the corresponding number was 38 per cent.

the Great indian Sleep Scorecard is an on-

going survey and the 2021 edition received

16,000+ responses, recorded from March

2020 to February 2021. it covers respondents

in all indian cities, across age groups, starting

from 18 years.

Over 80% Delhi-NCR residents oftenfeel sleepy during work: Study

there was a time when heart

diseases and conditions were

associated with old age. that a

youngster could be diagnosed

with it, was an alien concept.

But the times have changed

now. Sedentary lifestyle choic-

es, shift in eating habits and

factors like stress, anxiety and

obesity, have contributed to

heart diseases, including heart

failure, which has been on the

rise for the younger generation

of the population. dr Attawar

Sandeep, founder director and

chair of advanced heart failure,

KiMS institute of Heart, lung

transplantation & Assist

devices, KiMS Hospital, tells that heart

failure is a chronic condition

which occurs when the heart is

unable to pump blood suffi-

ciently to meet the metabolic

demands of the tissues in the

body. A weakened heart results

in inadequate blood supply to

the cells leading to fatigue,

shortness of breath and other

symptoms of heart failure. it is

largely caused due to build-up

of fatty deposits in the walls of

the arteries and high levels of

cortisol from long-term stress.


* Smoking

* High blood pressure

* diabetes

* Coronary artery disease

* Bad heart valves“the con-

dition can create challenges in

daily activities such as walking,

climbing stairs or carrying gro-

ceries, and it can also be fatal in

some cases. Heart failure is a

condition that cannot be re-

versed, and it develops over

time as the heart’s pumping ac-

tion grows weaker. the body

tries to compensate for this

with hormonal and other mech-

anisms and when these com-

pensatory mechanisms fail, and

there is a risk to life,” dr

Sandeep cautions, adding that

according to the New york

Heart Association

Classification (NyHA Class 1-

4), heart failure has 4 stages

and the treatment varies at dif-

ferent stages. “While in the ini-

tial stages, the disease can be

managed with lifestyle, diet

modifications and medications,

in the advanced stages, these

may not work.” in the more ad-

vanced stages, a surgery or

transplant, or a device implan-

tation becomes necessary for

most patients.

treatment for heart failure

Various methods and therapies

are currently available for man-

aging each stage of the condi-

tion. it is a progressive condi-

tion, and with timely interven-

tions, one can live a normal life.

it, however, still stands to be ir-

reversible, so identifying it at

an early stage can be most bene-

ficial. initially, the doctor will

perform a thorough examina-

tion of your body and will check

for the symptoms you have been

experiencing along with your

medical history. this is impor-

tant to reach an accurate diag-

nosis and provide the best

treatment, dr Sandeep ex-


What you need to know

about maintaining your heart

health – Maintain a healthy

weight – Exercise regularly or

engage in outdoor activities

– Eat fruits and vegetables,

whole grains, and lean proteins

– don’t smoke or consume

recreational drugs

– reduce stress

– Get at least 7-8 hours of


Youngsters should also worry aboutheart health; here’s why

With every changingseason, the skincare rou-tine needs to be alteredslightly. in summers, forinstance, stepping out ofthe house without carryinga sunscreen lotion is un-thinkable. After havingspent almost a year in-doors, people are startingto return to their normallife — they are steppingout. if you are one of them,who is likely to spend theirtime outdoors, you willneed to understand a fewskincare dos and don’ts. drKiran Godse, dermatologyand cosmetology,Hiranandani Hospital,Vashi — a Fortis NetworkHospital — has shared askincare guide. read on.“When summers ap-proach, temperatures riseand so does the humiditylevel. Humidity brings a lot

of changes to our skin andhair behaviour. Our skinbecomes sweaty, oily, de-velops acne flare ups,blackheads, whiteheads,and is prone to fungal in-fections, heat boils, bodyodors etc. Even our hairbecomes frizzy with an oilyscalp, dandruff, etc.,” the

doctor says.– Cleanse yourskin well with a gentlecleanser twice daily. incase your body becomesexcessively sweaty,bathing twice daily will behelpful. – Make sure to dryyour skin before layeringclothes. Use some dustingpowder, since it helps ab-

sorb excess moisture, andthus prevents fungal infec-tions, heat boils or pricklyheat issues. – Using sun-screen is crucial, especiallyfor those who suffer fromhyperpigmentation andsun sensitivity. – Wearingclosed footwear for a pro-longed period can give rise

to fungal infections andsoft corns in the webspaces. Using dusting pow-der on the foot beforewearing socks or shoes,aids in keeping your feetdry and clean.Summerhair care is important, toodr Godse says during sum-mers, it is imperative thatyou take good care of yourhair as well.“Cleansinghair at least twice a week isoptimal. For those suffer-ing from an itchy or dan-druff-prone scalp, using ananti-dandruff shampooregularly can help. Oilingyour hair shouldn’t bedone frequently as it canlead to heat boils on thescalp with acne flare upson the forehead and trunk.Just a teaspoon of oil anhour before hair wash,once a week, is case the above steps

Is your skin ready for summer? Hereare some things to know

April 2 is recognised in-ternationally and celebrat-ed as World AutismAwareness day every is a day when memberstates of the United Nationsare encouraged to raiseawareness about people liv-ing with autistic spectrumdisorders including autismand Asperger syndrome.

According to the UnitedNations, the “COVid-19pandemic has exposed andheightened glaring in-equalities around theworld, especially when itcomes to income andwealth distribution, accessto health care, protectionunder the law, and politicalinclusion. persons withautism have long facedmany of these inequalities,which have only been fur-ther exacerbated by thepandemic”. “it’s a problemmade worse by long recog-nized discriminatory hiringpractices and workplaceenvironments that presentmajor obstacles for personswith autism; all of whichcontribute to the unem-ployment or severe under-

employment of a large ma-jority of adults on theautism spectrum,” itstates.the UN statesautism to be a “lifelong neu-rological condition thatmanifests during earlychildhood, irrespective ofgender, race or socio-eco-nomic status. the termAutism Spectrum refers toa range of characteristics.Appropriate support, ac-commodation and accept-ance of this neurologicalvariation allow those on theSpectrum to enjoy equalopportunity, and full andeffective participation insociety. “Autism is mainly

characterized by its uniquesocial interactions, non-standard ways of learning,keen interests in specificsubjects, inclination to rou-tines, challenges in typicalcommunications and par-ticular ways of processingsensoryinformation.”theme forWorld Autism Awarenessday 2021 the UN has had atheme for the celebration ofthe World AutismAwareness day every yearsince 2012. this year, thetheme is ‘inclusion in theWorkplace: Challenges andOpportunities in a post-pandemic World’.

World Autism Awareness Day2021: Know the significance,theme and history

Some hospitalized patients withCovid-19 experience non-convul-sive seizures, which may put themat a higher risk of dying, suggests anew study. the study, published inthe Annals of Neurology, suggeststhat neurological complicationsmay be an important contributor tothe morbidity and mortality associ-ated with Covid-19.

"Most of these seizures are notobvious: Unlike seizures that makea person fall down and shake, orconvulse, seizures in critically illpatients are usually nonconvul-sive," said researcher M. BrandonWestover from the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital.

"there is increasing evidencethat non-convulsive seizures candamage the brain and make out-comes worse, similar to convul-sions," Westover added.

For the study, the team analyzedmedical information for 197 hospi-talized patients with Covid-19 whounderwent electroencephalogram(EEG) monitoring -- tests that de-tect electrical activity of the brainusing small metal discs attached to

the scalp. the EEG tests detectednonconvulsive seizures in 9.6 percent of patients, some of whom hadno prior neurological problems.

patients who had seizures need-ed to be hospitalized for a longertime, and they were four times morelikely to die while in the hospitalthan patients without seizures --suggesting that neurological com-plications may be an importantcontributor to the morbidity andmortality associated with Covid-19.

two positive tests atan interval of at least 102days with one interimnegative test have beendefined as SArS-CoV-2re-infection by indianscientists for establish-ing surveillance systems,according to an iCMrstudy. But a confirmationof the re-infection will re-quire a whole genome se-quencing, it stated.WhileSArS-CoV-2 re-infec-tion is still a rare phe-nomenon, indian scien-tists have developed aneasy-to-use epidemio-logical definition of re-infection for establishingsurveillancesystems.According to thestudy 'SArS-CoV-2 re-infection: developmentof an epidemiologicaldefinition from india'which has been pub-lished by Cambridge inthe Epidemiology andinfection journal, an in-vestigation was conduct-ed with the objective todevelop an epidemiologi-cal case definition of pos-sible SArS CoV-2 re-in-fection and assess itsmagnitude in india.SArS-CoV-2 re-infec-tion is an emerging con-cern and there is a needto define it, the scientistshighlighted. therefore,working epidemiologicalcase definition for re-in-fection was developedand its magnitude wasexplored via archive-based, telephonic survey.

the epidemiological casedefinition for SArS-CoV-2 reinfection wasdeveloped from litera-ture review of data on vi-ral SArS CoV-2 was de-fined as two positive testsat an interval of at least102 days with one inter-im negative test. duringthe archive based, tele-phonic survey, thirty-eight of the 58 eligiblepatients could be con-tacted, with twelve (31.6pc) being healthcareworkers. Majority of theparticipants wereasymptomatic and hadhigher Ct value duringtheir first episode. "toconclude, a working epi-demiological case defini-tion of SArS CoV-2 re-infection is important tostrengthen surveillance.the present investiga-tion contributes to thisgoal and records reinfec-tion in 4.5 per cent ofSArS CoV-2 infected in-dividuals in india," thestudy stated. "takingavailable evidence into

consideration, re-infec-tion with SArS CoV-2 inour study was defined asany individual who test-ed positive for SArS-CoV-2 on two separateoccasions by either mo-lecular tests or rapidantigen test at an intervalof at least 102 days withone negative moleculartest in between," thestudy stated.

"While SArSCoV-2re-infection is still a rarephenomenon, there is aneed for epidemiologicaldefinition of re-infectionfor establishing surveil-lance systems and thisstudy contributes tosuch goal," it said. Somerespondents in the studyhad a symptomatic sec-ond episode as opposedto the first one. the rateand duration of hospital-isation was not com-pared as during the ini-tial phase of the pan-demic in india all caseswere being hospitalizedfor at least 14 days, irre-spective of symptomseverity.

Covid-associated seizureslinked to higher death risk

Two +ve tests at interval of 102days with one -ve defined as SARS-CoV-2 re-infection: ICMR study

Page 10: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3, 2021ENtErtaiNmENt10 Glimpses of future

Kiara Advani reveals what she likes best about her Shershaahco-star and rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra

Shweta Tiwari's husband Abhinav Kohli hitsback after her recent allegations against him

Learn to value life': GauaharKhan gets a stern warning fromFwice as they lift ban on her

Kirron Kher diagnosed with bloodcancer: Suniel Shetty, Riteish

Deshmukh, Neetu Kapoor and othercelebs pray for her speedy recovery

SHOCKING: Late legendary actor Kader Khan's sonAbdul Quddus Khan passes away in Canda

Veere Di Wedding 2, Takht or a webseries What will Kareena KapoorKhan choose for her comeback?

in a shocking develop-

ment, late legendary actor

Kader Khan's son passed away

in Canada on Wednesday. He

was in his mid-fifties. Abdul

Quddus Khan had been bat-

tling age-related ailments for

some time now. while the rea-

son behind his tragic demise is

yet unknown, however, it has

been reported that he had

been suffering from kidney-

related ailments for a couple

of years. in his old age, Kader

Khan had moved to Canada to

live with his son Sarfaraz.

Abdul lived at a 15-minutes

distance from Sarfaraz's

house in Canada. Sarfaraz re-

vealed the news to pti, saying,

"My brother was on dialysis.

He had kidney problems since

sometime. He was in the hos-

pital for the last five months,

trying to fight it out. But yes-

terday in the morning he left

all of us. Sarfaraz Khan's wife,

Shahista Khan revealed the medical

condition of Abdul Quddus Khan in an

interview with times of india. She said,

"Well, Abdul was just in his mid-50s. He

had a renal problem for 15 years, which

aggravated with time. He had been un-

dergoing dialysis for nearly 10 years. He

was in the hospital for the last 6 months.

We saw him talking last on March 24

when he was showing his arms and

telling my husband in sign language that

they were more muscular. Kader Khan's

daughter-in-law revealed that Quddus

slipped into a coma a couple of days ago

and just stopped responding. "post

March 24, Abdul slipped into coma.

After that he never spoke. the end came

yesterday morning. the burial has been

done," she said. the Coolie No. 1 actor

who passed away in 2018 knew about

his son's failing health. Shahista Khan

further added, "yes he knew everything,

but he had his own set of old-age compli-

cations. Abdul used to visit him some-

times in our house and just sit quietly by

his side. it is really unfortunate that we

have now lost Abdul too."

the veteran and politician, Kirron Kher,who has done memorable roles and impressedus with her performances in films like devdas,Main Hoon Na, dostana, rang de Basanti andothers, grabbed the headlines for an unfortu-nate reason as she was diagnosed with bloodcancer. Actor and husband Anupam Khershared the news today with a note, which reads,"Just so that rumours don't get the better of asituation Sikandar and i would like to informeveryone that Kirron has been diagnosed withmultiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. Sheis currently undergoing treatment and we aresure she will come out of this stronger than be-fore. We are very blessed that she is beinglooked after by a phenomenal set of doctors.She's always been a fighter and takes thingshead on. She's all heart and that's why she hasso many people that love her. So keep sendingyour love to her in your prayers and in yourheart. She is well on her way to recovery and wethank everyone for their support and love,Anupam and Sikandar. Soon, after AnupamKher's post, we saw celebs like Neetu Kapoor,Juhi Chawla, Shilpa Shetty, riteish deshmukh,Suniel Shetty and many others prayed for thespeedy recovery of the actress on twitter andinstagram. We are sure the actress will recoversoon and will spread her magic on the silverscreen.

She has done it earlier and she is all set to do it again.Kareena Kapoor Khan, who delivered her second son onFebruary 21, 2021 is all set to get back in shape. She startedoff working out in her home gym, then with her BFF AmritaArora, at her home and then was spotted brisk walking withher friends. We hear that the laal Singh Chaddha actresshas been indulging in light cardio for now to work on herstamina before she gets on to more intense workout andstrength training. Well, knowing how disciplined Kareenais, we are sure it is just matter of days since she gets back toher diva bod. She is anyway glowing and so getting cameraready for the big screen is not going to be a challenge. Butwith this, we wonder which project will Kareena Kapoorpick up once she is ready to face the arc lights. Will it beVeere di Wedding 2 or takht or an Ott project thatKareena will first pick as her comeback? it can be recalledthat both the former projects were announced and wereslated to go on floors in 2020 itself. However, the covid-19situation sent everything haywire. And now, as things getback to normal and Bollywood gets back on its feet,Kareena will be ready to get on the sets too in her all newhotter than ever avatar. there was also noise about her be-ing in talks for an Ott project, after being quite impressedwith husband Saif Ali Khan's Netflix out outing with SacredGames and Sacred Games 2. the actress has already start-ed shooting for her brand commitments and we hear shewill soon start shooting for the next season of her radioshow What Women Want as well. But whatever is it thatKareena chooses to pick, we are sure it will be well worththe wait. And before that, we will see her in laal SinghChaddha with her 3 idiots co-star Aamir Khan. Now, thatin itself is exciting enough. But can we every have enough ofKareena Kapoor Khan? No, right! So let’s hope some amaz-ing, dhamaka announcement comes our way soon.

Kiara Advani and Sidharth

Malhotra will be seen together

in Shershaah, a biopic on the

life of martyred Captain

Vikram Batra. the two have

grown closer during the shoot

of Shershaah. lately, after the

lockdown was lifted, Kiara was

spotted at Sidharth Malhotra's

residence a lot of times. they

have their other projects in the

pipeline, however, Kiara

Advani is almost spotted every

week visiting her 'good friend'

at his residence. the indoo Ki

Jawaani actress and even the

Jabariya Jodi actor had re-

buffed the reports of them be-

ing together. they refrain

from commenting much about

each other, other than heaping

praises on the camaraderie

they share on the sets

Shershaah. And now, as she

gears up for her multiple films,

the actress opened up on her

co-stars of various films that

she has in the pipeline. For the

unversed, Kiara Advani has

Shershaah, Jugg Jugg Jeeyo,

Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, to name a

few. in an interview with a

magazine, Kiara candidly con-

fessed on each of her upcom-

ing movie co-stars, right from

Akshay Kumar, Kartik Aaryan,

Varun dhawan to Sidharth

Malhotra. When asked about

her rumoured boyfriend,

Sidharth, the actress revealed

she got to know him while on

sets "Sid, is someone i got to

know really well through the

shooting of Shershaah. He is

someone who is intelligent

when it comes to scripts and

edits. He is focused when it

comes to his work," the actress

told a reputed magazine.

When asked about her Jugg

Jugg Jeeyo and Mr lele costar,

Kiara Advani said, "Varun

dhawan, is a notorious boy

but has a heart of gold. As a co-

star i had a wonderful time

working with him because he

has soooo many ideas and so

many variations on how he

wants to do a scene. it’s like a

film that raj is making and

then there is a parallel film

that Varun decides to make. So

we had fun. We just wanted to

keep on giving more shots

while raj had already got his

shot in the first take. But he

was kind enough to give us

more takes.

Gauahar Khan had landed in trouble earlierthis month. it was reported that theBrihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)filed an Fir against Gauahar Khan for allegedlysteeping out to shoot despite testing positive forCoronavirus. post that the Federation of Westernindia Cine Employees had issued a non-coopera-tion notice for two months against actressGauahar Khan for violation of the governmentrules on the Covid norms for film shooting. Shehad been debarred for 2 months after floutingCOVid-19 rules. Now, the FWiCE have lifted theban imposed on Gauahar Khan. As per Etimes,the FWiCE have issued a letter which has a warn-ing for Gauahar Khan. the letter reads, "you can-not be so negligent again. One more incident ofsuch kind and we shall reinstall the ban and notlift it for a long time. please learn to value life anddon't endanger others." After the ban is lifted,Gauahar Khan can now start shooting for her webseries from tomorrow. it was earlier reported thatthe producer of Gauahar's upcoming web serieshad gone to the FWiCE pleading that Gauaharshould be let off, else consequently the combina-tion dates of his other artistes will get messed upand he would suffer major losses. FWiCE GeneralSecretary Ashok dubey confirmed the newsabout the ban lifted. He said that they met todayat 5 pm and decided that Gauahar's punishmentcan be laxed. He also mentioned that they havegiven Gauahar a warning letter that she cannotrepeat this again. FWiCE president B N tiwari al-so confirmed that they have given Gauahar Khanpermission to shoot now. Earlier, GauaharKhan's team had issued a statement that said thatthe actor had tested negative in multiple reportsand also that she is a law-abiding citizen.theyhad also requested the media houses to not in-dulge in speculation and respect Gauahar’s emo-tionally lowest low time as she’s just lost her fa-ther 10 days ago and she’s going through every-thing that is expected from her by the BMC.

Shweta tiwari and Abhinav Kohligot married in 2013 and were blessedwith a baby boy in 2016. However,

soon Shweta tiwari decided to get sep-arated from Abhinav. She had levelledmultiple allegations against Abhinav

Kohli and in her recent interview withBollywood Bubble, Shweta tiwariclaimed that Abhinav threatened to ru-in her reputation by saying 'Ek aurat kiimage kharab karne me kya lagta hai,just one post'. Now, in an interviewwith Zoom digital Abhinav Kohli hasreacted to Shweta tiwari's allegations.He said that none of his post wereshared to ruin Shweta's reputation.Abhinav Kohli has said that he is gladthat Shweta has clarified that rajaChaudhary was doing domestic vio-lence and not him. Abhinav has saidthat his account abhinav.kohli024 , is apublic instagram account and thewhole of media knows it. He said thathe is ready to face any woman whofinds any of my posts where i haveabused any lady or ruined her reputa-tion. Abhinav said, "you (Shweta)started the story by saying i was can-cer. When i was taking care of the child(reyansh) and on that very day, youwere saying that i am cancer. you aregiving this interview and the child waswith me in my car, we were having are giving an interview saying thathe is cancer, he is out of my life. youstarted all that. And after that, i havenot put any post which is a lie. i havenot told a lie in any of my posts.

Page 11: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

Lt Governor as order to facilitate the smooth functioning of the organi-

zation, the Education department is also being pitched in withfinancial support, he added.

during his address, the lt Governor, who is also the Chiefpatron of Jammu & Kashmir Bharat Scouts & Guides, laudedthe cadets, trainers, officials and every individual associatedwith the Scouts and Guides movement for working at the fore-front during COVid pandemic; in environment protectionprogrammes, Blood donation, disaster Management etc.

Speaking on the founding principles of Bharat Scouts &Guides, the lt Governor observed that pandit Madan MohanMalaviya, who was a great educationist, reformer andfounder of the Banaras Hindu University has paved the wayfor indian edition of Scouts and Guides in 1918.

At that time, Mahamana along with volunteers managedthe heavy rush of people during Magh mela in prayagraj. Healso established Sewa Samiti society, by involving school stu-dents for selflessly serving the society.

“We must take inspirations from pandit Mohan Malaviya ji,and put our efforts towards the character building of theyouth, which is the foundation of Bharat Scouts & Guides”,observed the lt Governor.

Growth and development of society depends more on char-acter development of the individuals rather than the develop-ment of intellect, added the lt Governor.

Bharat Scouts & Guides is keeping forward the principles ofUnity in diversity, Character building, environment protec-tion, compassion, and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which alsofinds a high place in its training modules. these are the valueswhich gave a different identity to the organization, he main-tained.

the lt Governor lauded the Bharat Scouts & Guides organi-zation for imbibing the spirit of AtmaNirbharta and selflessservice in its cadets, and termed its role as important in effec-tive implementation of New Education policy.

Bharat Scouts and Guides is the best platform for develop-ing individuality. it promotes competitiveness within, whichgoes a long way in knowing one-self, he added.

Addressing the issues of J&K Bharat Scouts and Guides, thelt Governor assured full support of the J&K Administrationto Bharat Scouts and Guides movement. All the genuine is-sues of the organization would be resolved at the earliest, thelt Governor maintained.

in view of the ongoing Azaadi ka Amrut Mahotsav celebra-tions, the lt Governor asked the J&K Bharat Scouts andGuides to include an awareness programme in the activities ofthe organization and reach out to the people with the stories ofcourage and sacrifice of role models like Brigadier rajinderSingh, Maqbool Sherwani, and Mali - a female member ofGujjar Community who played a significant role in safeguard-ing the territorial integrity of poonch.

later, the lt Governor handed over a cheque amounting tors 50,000 to the organization.

On the occasion, the Badge of Bharat Scouts & Guides waspinned to the lt Governor. Quarterly magazine of the organi-zation ‘News reporter’ was also released by the lt Governor.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Nasreen Khan,Administrator, Bharat Scouts & Guides, Jammu Kashmir andladakh, expressed gratitude towards the lt Governor for ad-dressing the long pending issues of the organization.

Sh. id Soni, pioneer of Scouts & Guides, highlighted theworking and achievements of the organization and also ap-prised the lt Governor about various issues of Bharat Scouts& Guides. Wg Cdr, MM Joshi presented the Vote of thanks.

Sh. Alok Kumar, principal Secretary, youth Services andSports; Sh. ranjan prakash thakur, principal Secretary to theGovernment, industries & Commerce department; dr.Saleem-Ur-rehman, director General, youth Services andSports; Sh. Ajay Singh pathania, Air Officer Commanding;Sh. Anshul Garg, deputy Commissioner Jammu; dr. raviShanker Sharma, director School Education, Jammu;teachers; instructors and a large number of students fromvarious schools attended the award ceremony.

DMs taking such decisions. the order referred to the earlier gov-

ernment orders and guidelines on Covid-19 containmentmeasures and said it has been observed that the surge of thepandemic has wide variation among districts.

Pulwama that the other two are at large.Kumar said the attack in Nowgam was carried out jointly by

four militants of the lashkar-e-taiba (let) and the Al-Badroutfits, and an Slr rifle snatched from policeman raja onthursday was recovered from the encounter site at GhatMohalla. Addressing a press conference at the police controlroom here, the iGp said that the security forces solved the casein less than 24 hours. Kumar said police have arrested threepersons in connection with the attack on Ahmed. "police pur-sued a lead and arrested an OGW (over ground worker)ishfaq Ahmed, who provided names of two more persons. Wearrested both of them as well. On further questioning, we gotto know that three terrorists were hiding inside a house inGhat Mohalla. A cordon was laid and at 4:35 am and firingstarted," he said.

the iGp said the militants refused to surrender and tookfour to five civilians hostage.

"that is why the operation got delayed. We took thehostages out and then the encounter started in which threeterrorists were killed. the slain terrorists were identified asSuhail Nisar lone and yasir Wani, both residents of Khrewarea of pulwama, and Junaid Ahmad from prichoo,pulwama. All the three had joined (militants ranks) this year -- two in February and one in March," he said.

Kumar said that two of them were involved in thursday'sNowgam attack along with two others from Srinagar.

"lone was the one who was wearing a 'burqa' on thursday(during the attack). two of them were affiliated with the Al-Badr outfit. We recovered one AK-47 rifle, one pistol and theSlr rifle from them. this is the same Slr that was snatchedduring the Nowgam attack which proves they were involvedin yesterday's attack," he said.

He said the two militants, who were part of the Nowgam at-tack and are on the run, are of the lashkar-e-taiba and hailfrom Srinagar.

"Efforts are on to trace the two Srinagar-based militants.We will get them soon," he said.

the iGp said a vehicle used by militants in the attack has al-so been seized.

"the vehicle was found outside the house where the en-counter took place (on Friday). it belongs to the house's own-er. We will arrest him under UApA (Unlawful Activities(prevention) Act)," he said.

He said a woman suffered a bullet wound in her leg duringcross-firing near the encounter site, while three civilians suf-

fered pellet injuries. "All are stable," Kumar said.Asked how many militants were active in Srinagar, the iGp

said there were six of them including the two who are wantedin the Nowgam attack case.

"We are working on leads and very soon they will either bearrested, killed or brought back," Kumar said, adding "we willnot allow the situation in Srinagar to turn bad".

JK till date 1524644 persons have been enlisted for observa-

tion which included 41614 persons in home quarantine in-cluding facilities operated by government, 3215 in isolationand 123890 in home surveillance. Besides, 1353922 personshave completed their surveillance period.

providing district-wise breakup, the Bulletin said thatSrinagar has 29392 positive cases (including 173 cases report-ed today) with 1257 Active positive, 27662 recovered (includ-ing 73 cases recovered today), 473 deaths; Baramulla has9010 positive cases (including 86 cases reported today) with484 Active positive, 8345 recovered (including 17 cases recov-ered today), 181 deaths; Budgam reported 8322 positive cases(including 88 cases reported today) with 260 active positivecases, 7942 recovered (including 08 cases recovered today),120 deaths; pulwama has 6006 positive cases (including 04cases reported today) with 83 Active positive, 5831 recovered(including 09 cases recovered today) and 92 deaths; Kupwarahas 5829 positive cases (including 12 cases reported today),87 Active positive, 5645 recoveries (including 01 case recov-ered today), 97 deaths; Anantnag district has 5206 positivecases (including 12 cases reported today) with 66 Activepositive, 5044 recovered (including 02 cases recovered to-day), 96 deaths; Bandipora has 4782 positive cases (includ-ing 14 cases reported today), with 47 Active positive and 4672recoveries, 63 deaths; Ganderbal has 4732 positive cases (in-cluding 09 cases reported today), with 36 Active positive,4647 recoveries and 49 deaths; Kulgam has 2869 positivecases (including 21 cases reported today) with 108 Activepositive, 2707 recoveries (including 01 case recovered today)and 54 deaths while as Shopian has 2653 positive cases (in-cluding 02 cases reported today), 22 active positive cases,2591 recoveries (including 06 cases recovered today) and 40deaths.

Similarly, Jammu has 26035 positive cases (including 62cases reported today) with 542 active positive cases, 25112 re-coveries (including 39 cases recovered today), 381 deaths;Udhampur has 4366 positive cases (including 01 case report-ed today), 31 active positive cases, 4277 recoveries and 58deaths; rajouri has 3906 positive cases (including 07 casesreported today) with 23 active positive, 3827 recoveries and56 deaths; doda has 3462 positive cases (including 06 casesreported today) with 10 Active positive, 3388 recovered (in-cluding 02 cases recovered today) and 64 deaths; Kathua has3364 positive cases (including 14 cases reported today), 72 ac-tive positive cases, 3239 recovered (including 07 cases recov-ered today) and 53 deaths; Kishtwar has 2756 positive caseswith 17 Active positive, 2717 recoveries and 22 deaths; Sambahas 2870 positive cases (including 03 cases reported today)with 22 active positive cases, 2807 recoveries and 41 deaths;poonch has 2551 positive cases with 17 active positive, 2508recoveries (including 06 cases recovered today) and 26deaths; ramban has 2162 positive cases (including 03 casesreported today), with 24 active positive cases , 2117 recoveriesand 21 deaths while reasi has 1665 positive cases with 07 ac-tive positive cases, 1642 recoveries and 16 deaths.

According to the bulletin, among the total 131938 positivecases in J&K, 13541 have been reported as travelers while118397 as others.

the Bulletin said that the breakup represents districts fromwhich the patients have been traced or are ordinarily residing.

the bulletin added that there are 1091 COVid dedicatedbeds, 962 isolation beds with 912 vacant beds and 129 iCUbeds where 107 beds are vacant in Jammu division whilethere are 1570 COVid dedicated beds, 1484 isolation bedswhere 1356 beds are vacant and 86 iCU beds where 75 are va-cant beds in Kashmir division. there are a total of 2661COVid dedicated beds, 2446 isolation beds with 2268 bedsvacant and 215 iCU beds with 182 vacant beds in the Unionterritory of Jammu and Kashmir.

the Central Government is continuously monitoring theevolving situation of Covid-19 in the Union territory and isproviding all necessary support towards effective contain-ment of the spread of Covid-19 and better clinical manage-ment of positive cases.

the government has also started free tele-consultation gen-eral Opd services by Specialists/MBBS doctors for the resi-dents of J&K under National tele-consultation Service.people can avail these services from Home by registering on-line on web portal the servicesare available on Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00pm. people can also download and install esanjeevani Opdapp from google play store.

Besides, 24x7 rapid Antigen testing facility for COVid-19has been started outside the emergency of GMC HospitalJammu. the facility will be very useful for segregation of pa-tients in emergency wing of GMC Jammu.

Meanwhile, a 24x7 COVid Control room has been set upfor redressal of the grievances related to COVid-19 positivepatients admitted in the Associated Hospitals of GovernmentMedical College, Jammu and Government Hospital, GandhiNagar, Jammu. patients or attendants can call at 0191– 2585444 (Control room), Exchange: 0191-258 2626 / 258 5542 /258 4290 /258 4291 / 258 4292 / 258 4293/ 258 4294 for as-sistance.

the bulletin has informed the people that, the best way toprotect themselves from COVid-19 is by maintaining physi-cal distance of at least 2 meter from others, frequently clean-ing hands with an alcohol based hand sanitizer or washingthem with soap and water and following good respiratory eti-quette and hygiene.

people can also call on toll-free national helpline number1075; J&K COVid-19 Helpline Numbers 0191- 2549676 (Utlevel Cell), 0191-2520982, 0191-2674444, 0191-2674115 (ForJammu division), 0194-2440283 & 0194-2430581 (ForKashmir division) for support, guidance, and response tohealth-related queries on Novel Corona virus disease(COVid-19).

the bulletin has informed that the directorate of indianSystems of Medicine, J&K is distributing AyUSH Medicineshaving immunity boosting, immuno-modulator, anti-oxi-dant, rejuvenator, anti-stress, metabolism regulator, anti-al-lergic, anti-pyretic, anti-tussives, bronchodilator, etc. proper-ties during the COVid-19 pandemic. the department so farhas provided medicine to 15.26 lakh people that include vari-ous frontline workers, senior citizens, pris, police/paramili-tary personals and general masses. Moreover, preventivemeasures and yoga therapies are also being advised to thepeople to take care of lifestyle/mental disorders so that physi-cal and mental health is ensured during this pandemic.

public is advised to strictly follow the advisories issued bythe government from time to time and rely only on the infor-mation released by the government through the daily mediabulletin to print and electronic media.

people are also advised to refrain from spreading rumorsand pay no heed to them at the same time.

India (6,87,89,138) vaccine doses have been administered

through 11,37,456 sessions, as per the provisional reporttill 7 am on Friday.

These include 83,06,269 healthcare workers (1st dose),52,84,564 HCWs (2nd dose), 93,53,021 frontline workers(1st dose) and 40,97,634 FLWs (2nd Dose), 97,83,615(1stDose) and 39,401 (2nd dose) beneficiaries aged more than45 years with specific co-morbidities and 3,17,05,893 (1stDose) and 2,18,741 (2nd dose) beneficiaries aged morethan 60 years, it said. Eight states account for 59.58 per centof the cumulative doses given so far. These eight states areMaharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Ben-gal, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala.

The ministry further said that Maharashtra, Chhattis-garh, Karnataka, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Delhi andUttar Pradesh reported a steep rise in daily new cases.India's total active caseload has reached 6,14,696. It nowcomprises 5 per cent of the country's total Positive Cases."A net incline of 30,641 cases recorded from the total activecaseload in the last 24 hours," the ministry said. Five states,namely Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Kerala andPunjab cumulatively account for 77.91 per cent of the totalactive cases in the country. "Maharashtra alone accountsfor nearly 60 per cent (59.84 per cent) of the total activecaseload of the country," it said.

J&K dertake priority vaccination with provisions of geographi-

cally targeted vaccination in clusters witnessing a surge inCOVid cases.

in a brief presentation during the meeting the HealthSecretary informed that there has been a sharp growth in thedaily reported cases and the average daily deaths across thecountry since June last year, it was told that 11 states includingMaharashtra, Gujarat, delhi, punjab, Chhattisgarh etc., arecontributing maximum number of cases and deaths due toCOVid-19 in the country.

Besides, testing, contact tracing, and containment the pres-entation also focused on strengthening of public privatehealthcare resources including isolation beds, oxygen beds,adequate oxygen supply and strengthening of ambulanceservices. it also underlined ensuring of COVid appropriatebehaviour through legal and administrative provisions.Saturation vaccination of priority age groups in districts re-porting surge with a help of time-bound plan was also high-lighted.

the States/Union territories were advised to have the dis-trict action plans prepared and also to review hospital wisecase fatality rate and then to devise a plan to address the issue.

during the meeting i&B Secretary also gave out a commu-nication strategy to mitigate laxity in observance of COVid-19 precautions, false sense of confidence, vaccine hesitancyand communication fatigue.

Various states including Maharashtra, punjab, Karnataka,Chhattisgarh etc, also gave a brief on assessment of the situa-tion in their respective states during the meeting.

the Chief Secretary, J&K informed that the government ofJammu and Kashmir would be carrying out a fast-track vacci-nation drive to cover all persons in the eligible age groups infour districts including Jammu, Srinagar, Budgam andBaramulla showing maximum number of COVid cases.

He added that through concerted efforts the Government isconsistently monitoring the COVid trajectory among its localpopulation with a special focus on districts with an increasedtourist footfall.

J-K Police sonnel deployed for security duties. We will accordingly

take concrete measures to ensure fool-proof security cover tothose facing threats from militants. i assure you if there is an-other attack, it will be foiled and our jawans will neutralise themilitants, Kumar said.

the iGp said that new standard operating procedures(SOps) will be put in place to strengthen the security cover to"vulnerable" politicians.

"Our men deployed on duty for protected persons will getfresh training sessions, and new SOps and advisories will beput in place. local personal security officers of protected per-sons will be changed as they leave for their homes early if theybelong to the same area where the protected person is living,he said.

it is a challenge to provide security, but the Jammu andKashmir police (JKp) is taking all measures to strengthen thesecurity system, Kumar said.

"Many changes will take place, there will be revamping inthe pSO (personal security officer) system. protected personsor the JKp jawan are vulnerable as they are soft targets. this isa challenge, but we are taking measures," he said.

"We will get more manpower during the (Amarnath) yatraand complete security deployment, he also said. the 56-dayyatra to the Himalayan cave shrine is scheduled to start fromthe twin routes of pahalgam and Baltal on June 28 and culmi-nate on August 22. registration for the pilgrimage began onon April 1.

two of the four militants who attacked Ahmad's residenceon thursday were killed in an encounter with security forcesin pulwama district on Friday. the other two are on the run,according to officials.

the iGp said that pakistani handlers of militants were frus-trated after the successful elections to district developmentcouncil (ddC) polls which remained incident-free.

the ddC elections were incident-free which has frustratedthe pakistan handlers (of militants) and they will attempt toattack public representatives especially of the panchayati rajinstitutions. But, we are taking measures to beef up their secu-rity. We cannot give security to all, but those who face threats,are vulnerable and consult us, will be provided enough securi-ty cover, Kumar said.

J&K Posts respectively. despite pandemic, GSt revenue showed posi-

tive growth during the second half of the financial year. thereasons for the buoyancy in revenue are several measures tak-en by the Government alongwith the economic relief packageannounced in the month of September, 2020 for boosting thebusiness and the other ailing sectors that had suffered due toadverse impact of COVid 19. the surveillance and monitor-ing by the State taxes department in preventing the tax eva-sion also complemented the efforts of the Government in thisregard. Similarly, under Motor Spirit and diesel Oil tax(MSt) the collections for the Financial year 2020-21 in theUnion territory of J&K stood at rs 1459.89 crores against rs1421.69 crores in the Financial year 2019-20 thus registeringa positive growth of 2.71 per cent.

Under Stamps and registrations the collections stood at rs268.29 crores against rs 289.13 crores.

Overall for the Financial year 2020-21, the total revenuecollections stood at rs 6618.53 crores against rs 6472.24crores in the financial year 2019-20 leading to an overall posi-tive growth in revenue collections by 2.26 per cent.

India has been supplied as a grant, 357 lakh doses on a commercial

basis and 182 lakh doses through the COVAX initiative,"Bagchi said at an online media briefing.

With regard to the demand for made-in-india vaccines,many countries across the world have been requesting fortheir supply, he said.

"i don't have an exact number for what is the demand (forthe vaccines) because it is a request based on the requirementof countries," Bagchi said.

the 'Vaccine Maitree' initiative has been extremely success-ful and very well liked by our partners across the world and"we are continuing to try to supply to the extent possible givenour domestic requirements", Bagchi said.

Asked about reports that Nepal has approached india toprocure 5 million more vaccine doses but has not got any re-sponse, he said india has taken the lead on sending vaccinesabroad. "No country has shared with the world the number ofvaccines that india has while vaccinating its own population.till now, we have supplied vaccines to more than 80 countriesacross in the world and we have already stated that our exter-nal supplies would be done keeping in mind our domestic re-quirements," the MEA spokesperson said.

"At this time, i hope our partners understand that vaccinesare primarily purposed for domestic consumption. i want toemphasise that we have not imposed any export ban on vac-cines," Bagchi asserted.

regarding the concerns of other countries, india's positionhas been suitably conveyed through its official channels, headded. india is one of the world's biggest drugmakers, and anincreasing number of countries have already approached itfor procuring anti-coronavirus vaccines.

PM fishermen and four boats from tamil Nadu. Currently no

indian fishermen is in Sri lankan custody," he said.While his party and government focused on develop-

ment,the opposition has reduced itself to a 'dynastic club.' "Allthey want is secure positions of their own children, grandchil-dren and they are not bothered about your sons and daugh-ters."

in tamil Nadu, senior dMK leaders who worked closelywith late party patriarch 'Kalaignar' M Karunanidhi were feel-ing suffocated due to 'the newly minted crown prince,' he said,addressing a poll meeting here.

He was obviously hinting at dMK chief M K Stalin's sonand youth wing secretary Udhayanidhi, who is debuting fromChepauk-triplicane Assembly constituency in Chennai.

in central delhi, 'very valuable real estate' was given forthe memorial of one 'dynasty' (Nehru memorial), but his gov-ernment created a memorial for former president A p J AbdulKalam in tamil Nadu.

"We believe the sweat of every indian makes the nation,not four generations of one or two dynasties.

today the mood of the nation is clearly against the politicsof nepotism and entitlement."

the opposition loved calling people anti-democratic, butthey should see the 'nearest mirror,' said.

Modi reminded the rally that Congress invoked Article356 several times and both dMK and AiAdMK governmentsin tamil Nadu had been dismissed by that party in the past.

Having Congress, hence, in any coalition meant having ahigh handed ally that does not understand local sensibilities,he alleged.

Man recovered from phalain Mandal and sent for post-mortem,

a police official said. He said preliminary probe suggests theduo, believed to be lovers, have ended their own lives. No sui-cide note has been recovered and further investigation is un-derway, the police official said.

Officials territory, which recorded five fresh fatalities and 517 new

infections on Friday.the order issued by district Magistrate and Chairman of

district disaster Management Authority, Kathua, rahulyadav citing the increase in the coronavirus cases and expect-ed increase in the number of travellers due to the upcomingNavratra festival and Amarnath yatra.

the chief medical officer of Kathua was directed to ensure100 per cent sampling for COVid-19 of the travellers and suf-ficient staff for ensuring hassle free management at samplingcounters at lakhanpur the gateway to Jammu and Kashmir.yadav asked the Senior Superintendent of police of Kathua toensure all necessary security arrangements for upholding theSOps to be followed by travellers especially to check and verifythe vehicle numbers, persons sitting in the vehicle and thetime of entry in the Ut from their entry passes. the order saidexecutive engineer of the public Works department (roadsand Buildings) has been assigned the duty to ensure propersitting arrangements for the officials deployed for evacueemanagement, sampling and other related counters. He wasalso directed to put in place CCtV cameras at the help desk aswell as dispatch counters and put flex boards related toCOVid related guidelines and proper signage indicating dif-ferent counters set up for the purpose. yadav directed the ex-ecutive engineer, Jal Shakti and president, MunicipalCommittee, lakhanpur to ensure uninterrupted water sup-ply to travellers and staff deployed for COVid-19 duties andmake water AtMs functional. the Executive Engineer, powerdevelopment would ensure uninterrupted power supply inand around the offices being used for COVid 19 manage-ment, the order read. the officer shall ensure that the ad-dresses and phone numbers given by the travellers on selfdeclaration forms are correct, it shall be randomly checkedand verified so as to avoid the fake entrants, yadav said in theorder.

India declines Spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs

(MEA). His response came following questions on the is-sue at a media briefing.

in a volte-face, pakistan's Cabinet on thursday reject-ed the proposal of a high-powered committee to importcotton and sugar from india. Foreign Minister ShahMahmood Qureshi said there can be no normalisation ofties until New delhi reverses its decision to revoke the spe-cial status of Jammu and Kashmir. the somersault came aday after the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC)under newly-appointed Finance Minister Hammad Azharon Wednesday decided to buy the two key items fromindia, lifting a nearly two-year-long ban on their importfrom the neighbouring country. Asked whether india isplanning to restore the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) sta-tus to pakistan, Bagchi said he does not have any informa-tion on it.

JAMMU SAtUrdAy April 3, 2021cONt.11 Glimpses of future

cONt. frOm pagE 1....................................

Page 12: Lt Governor attends J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides' Rajya ...

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Highways construction touchesrecord 37 km per day: Gadkari


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Cricket Administrator and Sports Promoter; DistrictGovernor Rotary International call on Lt Governor

CBSE not to reduce syllabus for studentsof classes 9-12 for academic year 2021-22

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India pitches for early disengagementin remaining areas in eastern Ladakh

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Flyover inaugurated in Lucknow; foundationstone laid for another flyover project

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Congress speaking language of defeatin Assam: Union minister

Mamata runs govt on 3T model of Tolabaji, Tanashahi,Tushtikaran; to lose from Nandigram: Shah����������������� ��

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Kerry on India visit from Apr 5-8, will discussupcoming US-hosted leaders summit on climate

Amit Shah seeks EC probeinto Assam EVM row����������������� ����,$("�)%��/1�#�.$�� 1� '#$���+,��

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