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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of£io« in Train's Opera Houss Block. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUMK XXVI. I LOWELL, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, NUMBER 29. Dix-L m i t u . Bownc. Combs & Striker, BANKERS, Lowell. - Michigan. TnBMct a Oenenl IlnnklnR Burins and tone Unit* avullaWe in all parlji of Ihi' World. M C GRIS WOLD, CA«inm TEAM Fred G. Stone, AGENT. Collars, 2c Cuffs, per pair, 4c Shirts IOC Leave Rood* or order* at C, G. Stone & Son's Store. LF.SEVERY. DEALER IN mmm siovts ^ RANGES. Tin, ird Granite Wire. Jobbing of all binds done on short notice. E»V» T w r f i - *Dd KBTMO Wort * Sp- cUlty. WEST M A I N S T R E E T , Lcwell - - Mich. TO SAVE A BROtHEH Ohlcajo KnlRhts Templar Olvo ol Tbolr Own Pleah. MTFTI M » « M L J. I. McNAUGHTOH, AIWJIJ* has cm hand a fine aeK-ction ol Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, Fish, Poultry, and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, and it in UK maiket to buy GHOIGB STOCK. CHAS. I CHURCfl & SON, BANKERS, Lyon Block, - Lowell, Mich. An ETPBt TftAt Will IU Hlalorlr il Not Only la Munrlr bat In Hamanlly-. I l e c o r d — o f Self- ncnorr srxTiMitTr. CmcAoo. Jon. 19.—An rvent that will liUUirical not only In Maamtie but In j humanity** n-cord took place Sunday forenoon. Hie dcod* of aelf-Metificfl were iu korptnir with the day. The evont and all it, Mimmndlnyx. personal, moral and vimUflc, were phenomenal. In OMIY to nave the life of John O. IMekeraoo 1W Sir Kniphts of S t llemard I'ora- mandery. Knight* Templar. snhmiUi-d to the Mirpeon's knife, eontributed each hia portion of skin 'Uiced from Uio tender, qniverin? fli-th U> be grafUsd upon the body of their brother. The atrip* ent <r )m Hfl arras wetv trans- planted to Mr. Diekerson and 144 •qnare inches of his body were eorered with these roluntarv conlribntiona. It wus a feat in Mirgery and a demonstra- tion that heroic M-ntimeni is not a Uiinf of the past. Mr. IHeker«on Is 44 years of aje and a widower, bis wife having died several years ago. Since 18T0 he has been re- corder of St. Ilemard Cotnmandery of the Knightx Templar and daring that time has been active in Masonic work. About a year ago he became affected with a cancerous growth on hia thigh and right hip. which rapidly de- veloped into a danperous condition. I.a«\ summer Or. 1'enger performed a Mirgieal op-ratiou, cutting away the diseased portions of the skin and flesh to such an extent that the epidermis could not again join and cover the ex- posed surface In other respec t* the pa- tient improved rapidly. The surgeon made an attempt to cover the place with a piece of goat skin. This prom- ised to be svccessfnl. but the piece n-us too large and had to be removed. Then Dr. Kengr announced that the only certain method of hcal- irj the patient was to graft autall pieces of huii.aii skin on the exposed and tender surface. St Bernard Commandery heard of this and imme- diately offered to furnish as many sub- jects as the surgeons desired. It was suggested that ISO members volunteer to assist in patching up the afSictcd brother. The volunteer* were readily forth- cotning. and Sunday at the emei rency hospital, where Mr. T'ckerson ha* been lying for a long time, a doren surgeons as4sted in transferring strips of epider- mis from the intrepid knights to the body ^ the patient sufferer on the cot When the last patch was neatly set in Surgeon Fenger annonneed with some satisfaction that the operation gave or- cry appearance of being a signal suocesv A General Binking Buiinen Conducted. T -R-. < T . - S * I - . L O Q T .T .TRCTTOIO. Drat, Sold ea aU forWro Caaalrlaa. £,OWELL Business Men's Association. Hecubr «ee(inc't fir* Thundiy »« every month, it B. C. Smith's store. D G. LOOK, Pres. PB.GKHAM'S CROUP REMEDY! THE CHILDREN'S MEDICIWE. r«rC< Id.. c.'Oth^ lltwrw-Bvw. Wbw*- yjtig cuukli. cruop. hlHUM I* louoo In rrny irlr Upon U t.T (UMraaV •nir.«t and Uuw Truub ea. tvulaln. uo .1'lai". "•«» . Ibr iUi«enib. rBrcl '414m mulUt* vbrp couth . tdteiuiJ. "pn arulti art to cUld- . r. n. S.T» iba c-hlldrr... Qw « Iwlllr ti^dy. N ou tun- Kwt. Ii iu illvbi. P'Hil IT air linujtaw F I F T Y D O a E S 26 CENTS. To ci'rc nllfawiwai, Sick lleaSache, Consti- patkm. Kalarla, Urer CotnplmnU, Uio Uie idlo and certain remedy. BILE BEANS far Ibr HMALt.Hlwc '4')lllllr Bran. It. Itib boUlo). TIIET AUETHi: MOirr ommtMBC. SnKnV.lo * o r JU1 ~ Prlcc of either »lr.c.S3e. nSSUNiM II*CB.U>km«t^SUXBtI*«.'^T.l8SIS SIS alien's Oolden HnlrWash. JalWisrw Btort ilcmnn lMt«.fcr LoInaU >> ' <1 iri.ill, f"nO Irt," un i. !• r wakp A v., l>naoiT, fui«U Lraroi|U'. FATALLY HURT. KlPIon :lr» Kelly, or Mlnnnpnll., SSovtaOy I^Jnred In a Konaway tcrident. fir. PAT'L, Minn.. Jan. 17.—Anthony Kelly, the millionaire grocer of Minne- apolis, and brother of P. H. Kelly, of this city, was fatally injured in a runa- way aeddent on Robert street Friday afternoon. When near the Robert street bridge the home became frightened and threw the driver out Mr- Kelly was thrown violently against a tele- graph post, one of his legs being broken. The eoncossion was so violent that the bone was forced through the flesh. The internal injuries preclude the possibility of a recovery. Kartbqnakr Khork la N*w n.lnpahlre. XASHCA. N. H.. Jan. 17.—A severe shock of earthquake was felt In Pcp- perell and adjoining towns between S and 0 o'clock Friday night Sleigh bell* were rung in stables and crockery wta rattled. Tne vibration lasted a few seconds, causing great alarm. It was learned that the vibration extended to Ajrer and Fitehburg and this vicinity. Bumbling saunds v;cre heard in Ilollla. A Coonterfrlt Dlaooverrd. F O K T W A T * * , Ind.. Jan. 10.--Comrter- fcit flve-dollar silver ocrtiflcatcs are in rircnlation in thin .-ity. The hill la of the department series of lim. check let- t e r 11. signed W. S. Rosccrana. liegis- trar. and Isaac W. Hyatt. Treasurer. The paper la poor. tWn aftd of a ycV lowlsh tint The vignette of General Grant is a ray poor Imitation of the original Death at a Vrtaraa of ISIS. KASHVII.i.e. Tenn.. Jan. 17.—Lewis Tenders, the oldest dUtea of LlmesUme Cotmty. died st the rrsidenoe of hi* daughter in Shoalford Beat Thursday afternoon. Be wa* almost ready to celebrate his 99th birthday. He was a soldier in the war of IBIS ond was with General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. He enjoyed fine health all hit life. Italian Kllk Halcm fall. LOVDOX. Jan. 17.—The silk trade ol italy is in a critical condition, and the demand has fallen off to such ex- tent that numerous failures are occur ring. Three large silk factories in Milan and vicinity have been forced V- make assignments with llnbilitifs. ag- gregating 8,000,000 lire. Tctirteen Horwa llornrd. Mn.ronn. Neb.. Jan. 17.—Fire Fri- day morning destroyed Dunufgari's livery stable and fourteen hones were Imnied to death. Troop A, State militia, had rooms over the stable, and while attempting to save accoutrements Captain J. A. Culver was dangerous^ Injured by an explosion. C aid Not Ttear Sorrow. ST. 1/OVI*. Jan. ITT. — M r s . Wollle Barry, of this city, aged 28 years, oom- mitied suicide l»y poison, and before dying took the life of her 6-year-old child In the same manner. She was In- sane over the recent death of hor Lus- hand. Builnoaa Itnprurlnc. Nrw YoitK. Jan. 17.—Dun t Co.*! weekly report says the state of trade at different points in the country show* general Improvement in the volume ol businesK, easier money markets ana a more cheering outlook. MILES' NERVC & L T V E R P 1 L I A An iiii^nriaiit discovery. They scion li.e liver. Kti'macli and bowels through Hie n»r»Mi. A new principle They sp'-edily cure biliousness, Imd 'aste, lor- j»id tiviT. piles finrt oousiiiaitHm. Splen- did for men. women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 80 doses for 25 cenlo. Samjile fret at Yeiler ft Look's DrUgSion' Tbat beuulirul glossy sheen, so much adnnreil in hair. e*n i» seeureil by the IMS- of Ayit's Flair Vigor. Tliere is iHiihlng b.' lier than ihls prepsnilioii for siresgi bening il»c sj-alpand keeping it free horn dandruff and itching erup- FOR A PEOPLE'S PARTY. Th, cillira,- Nstlonal.Iadaatrial AllUasa Will nrtcanlra a" Third Partr. TOPKKA. Kan.. Jan. 17.—Two hun- dred and flfty delegate* who have been attending the Cititens' Alliance con- vention eompleted an organization Fri- day and issued a call for a National convention to bo held at Cin- cinnati between March 10 and 20 to organize a third party. The call Issmtl at the Ocala convention was considered premature and the date was therefore changed. The organiration h intended to give Knights ol Labor and other Industrial organiiations an oppor- tunity of Joining tho people s movs- meut National orgsnlrors were ap- pointed as follows: Captainc. A.Power. Ten* Haute, Ind.; Ralph Bcanmont, Washington. D. C.; Mrs. L. E. Lease, Wichita. Kan,, iiimICaptain 8. N. Wood. Stevens County. Kan. The name of the organization was changed to the Citixens' National Indnstrial Alliance. FINISHED HIS WORK. Qaorc* llanrrnn, th. Hltlnrlan, ran*** Away nt III, Horn- In WA>hln(loa. WAsmxnrox, Jan. 19.—(leorge Ban- croft. the venerable historian, died at his home in this city a t S:40 o'clock oo Saturdsy afternoon. sgr<l 01 year*. Ho had been sick only two days. Mr. Ban- entfl held several Important official positions during his life and rendered his country valuable services, but his most enduring fame will rest upon his history of the United States from the discovery of the American continent of which th» first volume appeared in 1834 and the last In 1889. THE HOSTILE REDS. They Are Ropldlr Burrondering to Oenoral Miles. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS. Rod of t h . BaM-BAll War. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.—The base-ball j war it at an end and the prospect* fora j succcssfnl season in 1891 arc excellent ; Friday night the National League, the I American Association and the remnant of the Players league, in joint session. I formed into two leagttes, absorbing , the Players' and admitting the Western Association to the new National agree- j mcnt Koston. Chicago, Philadeiphia ] (Players' Longnel and Washington were i admitted to the American Association in place of Rochester. Syracnse, Toledo j and the Athletics, Rav. tp th. Ilrht. Stocx CITV, la.. Jan, 19—Officers of j the Law and Order League state that that orpaniration will erase for the | present its efforts to enforce the pro- : hibition liquor law. They ssy it is a hopeless work when the city and coun- ty authorities oppose them Their | funds are exhausted. They have kept | tip a ceaseless and expensive warfare , ever since the killing of Rev. Oeorge C Haddock three years ago. K.w Sj-stem oT llanelnc. CASOX Crrv, Col.. Jan. 10—.Tamea Joyce was executed at the penitentiary here for the murder of a roan named Murray in 18»#. His execution was the first under the new Colorado system whereby the rictim nnconsdonsly hang* himself by stepping cn a plat- form. which put* machinery in motion, and suddenly the platform drops, leav- ing the man suspended by the rope pre- viously placed around his ncclc. Rt-Oorrraor Tbayrr lit LnreoUi. Neb., Jan. 19.—The long vigil of ex-fiovernor Thayer during the exciting scents of the opening of the Legislature, when he remained in his apartment* eighty hours for the purpose of keeping out <»ovcrnor Itovd, has re- sulted in a dangerous nervous attack. He is raving and physicians say his con- dition is alarming. He is nearly 75 years old. Rx-fiovrmor Oclrab; llonorwd. Sp«ixonnj>. IlL. Jan. 10.—The Re- 1 publican S.-natorial caucus last evening . nominated General ft. J. Ogleshy to ' succeed United States Senator FarwelL : Eveiy RcpuhJican member of the Sen- ; ate and House was present. The result | was reached on the second ballot, as follow*: Ogleshy. 64; Farwcll, SO; Grcsham, «; Ross. 1; Hamer, 1. Tho ; nomination of Ogleshy was made unan Illlaol. Cbarltlra. StunrorrtLn. TIL, J a n . 16.—The State board of public charities it holding a meeting here. The finaaeial record for the three months ended December SI, 1890. w-Ol show that the average num- ber of inmates In t h e twelve institutions under the supervision of this board was 6.76a, The gross cort of maintaining them was |U03,M6. and the cost to the State 9m,407. Forty Killedfcyaa Eartbqaak*. | Ai«i>3s, Jan. 19.—I'urther details of the defitruction wrought by the severe ' cart! quake in Algeria reported on the IMh last have been received here. The | towns of Oouraya and Villebourg were partially destroyed the shocks and forty persons were killed by the ialli*g of walls. The amount of damage done to property Is estimated at £30.000. Pwallowed Kvrrx Thing In Raarb. BAI.TIIIOIIK. Md.. Jan. 16.—The 11- months' old baby of Oscar M. Spurrier, living near this city, was relieved of thirty-six different articles which bo had inrallowcd snrreptitiously, includ- ing several buttons, eight tacka, four noodles and eighteen pins. It is be- I licvcd he wil. /ecover. Robbrd tb. Mall. Kssssstm'. Mo., .'an. 17.—A heav- 1 fly-filled mail pouch from this city was stolen from the depot platform at Nich- ols Junction, Mo. The pouch contained o v e r 8,001) l e t t e r s and forty-six regis- tered packages. Thrt— Children Drown.d. ORKOSII. Wis., Jan. 19. — While a | party of nine young people were const- j ing nt Applcton Saturday the sled ran into the river and Jay Brigga. Emma Asid and May Car}' were drowned. Stermgnlred Uojrd. LlJIOOl.*. Neb.. Jan. 19.—The only tiling of interest in the Legislature Sat nrday was the adoption of a resolution by the Senate recognizing James E. lioyd as Oovcrnor. HuObratrd b j <ia., BOBTO*. Jan. 19.—George Clarke, his wife Maggie and •daughter Mary. 5 years old. were suffociited by Uliiinlnat- ing gtif while asleep at Uicir home Is this city. SICK HEADACHE. LOOSE'S RED CLORNI PIU-S OPOT PICK Headache. DvspepeiH, lii.Il Kfstlon, C«n Hiiimnou. S5c. ,wr Box, 6 Hoxe* for f l . Sold by all dragghta. Th.y Are ItUlnrllncd. However, to Part with Ile«t Waapom - sioos Chief Will VUlt Uio Prnl- dent la Wathlngton, BKADT ron PEACE. Ptxr. RIPOE ANESCR, S. D.. J a n 16.— The hostile* all broke camp at an early honr and came into the agency ami took tho positions designated by Gener- al Miles for them. There was noilemon- atratioiL Every thing went along j smooth. They are all peaceful, but hungry. This will end the trouble. Frank Cn urnnl, the scout estimates tht nitml*-r of lodges at T4i though he can net estimate the number of Indians. 1 he latter can net, however, be less than 3,MM. I he Indian camp two mile* from the agency has Wen broken up WASIIIXOTOS. Jan. 16.—A telegram was received at the War Department Thnrvlay from General Miles asking permission for a number of Sionx chiefs to visit Washington for the purpose of conferring with the President In re- gard to their condition. After consult- ing with Secretary Noble Secretary Proctor telegraphed General Miles giv- ing the desired permission. PIXE RIOOK AOEXCY, S. D., Jan. 17.— The question which seems uppermost In the mind of everybody around the agency is whether or not General Miles will Insist upon the complete disarma- ment of the Indians. It is reported on good anthcrity (hat General Miles has ordered civilians to keep out of the hos- tile camp becatue he intends to disarm the Indians if he has to shell their camp to accomplish hi* purpose. The General could not be seen to substan- tiate this. Adjutant-General Corbln wa* asked if General Miles had issued such an order, but he would neither ad- mit nor deny the report He claimed that so long a* the arms w ere being surrendered by the Indians there was no necessity of nsing force to compcl more speed. Friday morning about twenty Indians nnder Little Hawk came into the agency and snrrenden-d thirty-one guns. The weapons were received in the name of General Mile* and turned over to Agent Pierce and tagged with the owners' and chiefs names. Only . fifty-one guns have beer turned over 1 out of at least 1.400 whieh the hostiles are believed to possess. It Is a noticeable fact that the gnns tnm:-d over niv of antique pat- tern. There are no improved W in- chesters or Springfield*. These are being kept by the Indians, but the Government is welcome to the old, worn out sbotgnns and ramshackle Tides. PIXK RrooK AC.EXCT. S. D., Jan. 10.— General Miles held a conference on Sat- nrday with the principal Brule chiefs, who, when the subject of re- turning to their agency at Kosebnd was broached, they said they were in favor of returning if a military man should be placed over them as agent After some pail eying regarding the question Big Road stood np and dramatically proclaimed himself as In favor of peace. At the same time he asked those who wished to join him in restoring peace and working for the prosp<i-ity of their people to raise their right hand toward Heaven. Imme- diately every right hand in the gather- ing was raised and with a general shak- ing of hands the conference came to a close. The situation I* just as it has been j for three days past General Miles in-, sists on having the guns, and the In- ' dians. while fearing the force of soldiers that lairroond them, are reluctant about giving up. Little Wound says that there will be no more fighting ami that the hncka rcalite this, and, while not liking the thought of the surrender of their guns, they will I not use them !• gainst the whites any more. toft s Knife tn III* Vlethn 1 . Hrarl. CHARIOTTE, N. C., Jan. 17. -Joseph Harris was found dead near Morgan- , town Thursday with a knife sticking in hit heart The murderer is supposed j to be John Aiken, whom Harris had threatened to kill on sight on account of gossip connecting Aiken's name with Mrs. Harris. The citiren* are ont en j masse looking for Aiken. Bnrklea'a Arnica Aalre. The Beat SALVE In the world for -mta, Bruisea. Sorea. Uloer*. Salt Rheum. Fe- ver Sorea. Tetter. Chapped Hand*, Chil- blains, Com*, and all Skin Eruption*, and pojltively ourea Piles, or no pay re- quired, It i* guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction, or money refun.Hed. Price S6 cents per bos. For sale by Uimt * Sodden C all. Nrw YORK. Jan. 17.—Robert K. Daviea, i of Uie dissolved C m of R K. Davie* &.' Co.. of 80C llroadway. while reading aa evening paper in his apartments at the Florence Thursday night was suddenly ; stricken with apoplexy and died al- most instantly. The firm of Davies 4 Co. failed alout a year ago for nearly fl.000000. Death la lb. Street. COICAOO. Jan. 19.—'Ihc cover of a mnnhole at Jnekson street and Wabash avenue, in whieh a quantity of gns had aoctimiilated. was blown off with ter- rific force Saturday afternoon. One woman was instantly killed audado*cn persons slightly Injured Iirlven to Crime by Poverty. L r m . K ROCK, Ark., Jan. 17.-At Le- high, Ind. T.. Mrs Muttie HcUiher, a poverty-stricken widow, choked her two little boys, aged 4 and 0 years, to death and then, with them in her arms, jumped Into the spring whieh supplies the town with water. Berred Forty-Six Veara. WASHISOTOX, Jan. 16.—General S . V . Benet Chief of the Bureau of Ordnnuce of the War Department, has l>e»u plaeed on the retired list of the army. His aervices in the army extended over a period of forty-six years. Bl. IVtcmburg'- Population. BT. PETERHBPBO. Jan. 17.—The of- ficial census of St Petersburg, just 1 completed gives the population of the city a* 9M,M. an Increase of 95,000 during the past decade. The I :x I left to Siberia. ST. PCTKRHIII'IIO, Jan. 17.—Official reports show that S00 persons were trans]>orted te Siberia during IS90. It Is known, however, that the number was far greater. Prof, Lolwlle'- Memory Hj.lem T. Creat- ine iniemn dmii ever in all paru or tne eouniry. andreraonn i.Uliiui to ImpniTi- I heir m-m in •bould lentl for nb pnwpecua frer aa an'orumi in aBWhcr culiuss. Tbeiccent speech of Congressman Inc- • Kinley of OhK> In-fore Congreas on Uie 1 pending tariff bill, has just been iwued in i patuplilet from. The speech includes \alu.ible statistical tables, and isancd- unrabie preaentation of the advanutg** ol ilie principles of proetection, iu> em- bodied In lite n' w-THnff Bill. Send a two-oent alanip for a copy to the AMERICAN PNOTECNN IAHW LEAOI'E, 8X Went 23d Street, New York C«y THE STATE BANKS, Apoail IIe|inrt of t'nmmlulnner Slier. wood A tlood Hhnwlng, Bank Commissioner Sherwood in hi* annual report suy* that diirinir the past year lifteen new IKHIUS, « i l h an aggre- gate capital of t'.nr.uoo, have com- menced huHiness. There an- 10T banks in Michigan, and their assets f<sit up tM,64X.4IA, an inercase of «l7,n*<i,wii In the last two year*. Sixty seven of these are saving* hanks, and the 124.000 de- positors have deposit* amounting to 128,000,0)0. He reeommendi-d that banks with a capital of SIS.OOi) be Bulhorlittil to In-gin business in place* whieh have a population of not over l.o>)). Hie only bank closed dup- ing the year was th" ('arcin City Sav- ings IJanlc, which transfemni and a v signed to the Stale Hnnk of the same plate because of the inability of the city to support two Imnliiiig institu- tions. The expense of the commls- sioner'* department for th" year were f7.MM.09: reis-ipts. &'<.619.15. made up of fees from different banks. Ilr.lth In Mlrhl^nn. Reports to the state Board of Beallh by fifty-eight observers in different parts of the Slate for the week ended Jsnuary 10 lndleat>il that inflamma- tion of the kidneys and whooplnf cough increased, and scarlei fever, ma- larial fever, a.eiisies. diphtheria, ty- phoid fever, inllaminatlon of the brain, membranous croup and eerebrvsplnal meningitis decreased In area of preva- lence. DIphlheris was n' nt thirty places, searlet fever at forty-two. typhoid fever st nineteen an I measles at thirty-two pli Mlrhlnn Itsllntad*. Tlie annual n'\sirt of the Railroad Commissioner, John J, Rieh, show* that during the y e a r IS-JKI fifteen new railroad corporations have filed,article* of association. They have a capital stock of (14,000.000 and will build 929 miles of road, pirt of whieh is already nnder constniction. The .wpirate in- debtedness of .-til eompimie* has in- creasetl to ti2(.T0.\.S7r. There are 7,- 01S.T3 miles of r. ilroad in the Slate. The gross earnings for the year aggre- gated 89 S32S,J: .,61; net income, jil,- l>09.2T9..V Swindled SUty-KljM Pamlll-*. A very smooth swindler visited sixty- eight families in Kalamaroo and secured tlM). His method was to give a receipt for IU on a prominent grocer upon pay- ment of four dollars. \\ hen the amount had been traded ••nt and not till the ex- piration of nin.-ty day A the holder of the receipt w as to pay the balance of eight dollars. The firm name of H. A. Odcll Si Co. w as forged on eaeh receipt K«*Hoa« for Or41l*rft. The report of the n-eeivers of the J. E. Potts Salt A Lumber Company was filed at lletroit and piswed a great sur- prise. It was thought at the time of the assignment that the failure was not so serious as it now proves to be. The following is a re.apiliilalion of there- port: Liabilities, S 'W sin.M; balance of liabilities and ••ont'ingent liabilities over assets, $966,240.77. On#* I^Hlta The Newberry Knrnace Company"* plant located at Newh<-rry. w-as the scene of a terrifie explosion. sap,x>--ed to have r- snlt sl firm an atvnmulation of gas A numlh-r "1 men were at work when it oeeurred and one man was killed outright and seven others more or leas dangerously hurt Three Vunthful Thlevrfc William Knivbone. sged 14; Casper Brandlc. aged IS. and Thomas Paul, aged 12 years. Irroke into Darling's titore at ItJipeming and stole a armli. r of pocket knives and other articles They were caught by Officer Payne as they were ler.viug the store. Kliort lim New.r lleiat. Lansing's temperanee record Is SS6.- 160,064 gallons of water consumed dur- ing lt«»0. A leaking gas stove suffocated Charles W. Henderson as he slept in his room at Jackson. In one week over Mill miners were dis- charged on the Gogebie range. The date* for the farmers' institute at Eaton Rapids arc February 9 and 10. The passenger depot at Reed City was destroyed by Cre. causing a loss of 512,- 000, partly insured. Mrs. Anna M. Austin, aged .'>3years, died at the city hospital in Lansing from exhaustion canned by an operation in rcmcvhig a six-pound tumor. At Manistee cn unVnown man and Lawrence Crowley, aged 13 yean, were drowned in the lake. They fell through holes in the iee. Vinnist'e has ma lea tiiirty-five acre addition to its southern limit The Ilnrrow-Spring Company's fao- tory nt Kalama/oo was destroyed by lire, causing a loss of Slfl.000. James O'Ronrk'i. an insane man con- fined in the jail at Iron River s»-t lire to the building and was fatally burned George Bradley a well-known fanner Bring near KnlkmnEoo. enteted the married state for the sixth time. Reed City lost her union depot by fire. William Heerin " .171 H1 (15 years, was found dead in b- at lira id Rapids. Heart disease was supposed to have been the trouble. The Wcrren A Lewis Lumber Com- pany at Hay City filed chattel mort- gages, in favor of hanks and oUicr cred- itors, amounting to Sso.iwo. John 'ludgeon aged 70 years, one of the most prominent men in the vicinity of Kalamazoo and high in the councils of the Democratie party, died of stom- ach troubles, John Stinson. his three sons and their housekeeper were arrested thirty mile* north of Detroit by American and Can- adian offlcer*. A counterfeiting outfit and bushels of ctmnUTfeit American dollars were seized. The George T. Smith purifier plant at Jaekson. over whieh there has been so mueh litigation, was sold to a Cleve- land syndicate representing the Central Oil Stm-e Coinpanv for fi*.,o,t0. The origlnh' e 1 was ftiOU.niiii B R A D F 1 E L D ' S I E M A L E REGRLA- TOR Should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from any disorder pec-u- hsr to her «ex. and at change of life id a powerful tonic; henefii* all who use it. Write the Brad field Reg. Co.. Ailanla. (»a . for rurticulars. Sold by Y'eiier ft I,ook. OLD NURSERY FAVORITES, There was Tuin, the Son of a Piper, JrfC k Sprat, and Merry ICIng Cole. And (he liuee Wive Men of Uothani, Who went to sen in a b-iwl; The woman who lode on a hrnomstick. Ami swept thecubwebbed •»ky. Ami ihe tx'y « ho ,at In the corner, Ealing hi* CliriMuiax pie. These were some of Ihe old favorites, but they have been supnlanted by (he "Pansy and "Chaltetliox" stories, "Little Lonl Fauntleruy," and "Five Little Pepper*." The old fashioned pills and nhy*lc* have been tuis-rseded. and «tsely. too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellet*, a mild, harmless and effective cathartic. They *re pleasant to take—so genlle In their action that (lie most delicate child i nn take the.M, yet sorfTectlve (hat they will cure (he most obttina(e cafes of con snpsthm, stomach, liver and bowel tmubh's. They should !»• In every nursery. As a gentle laxative, only one for a dose. GREAT DISCOVERERS, What Bell snd Edison an- to the (ele- nhone and electricity, say* the Pitts- iiurg News. l)r Fiankliii Mihs, the well known spefi ahst in nervous diseast-*. I* to the nervous system ai d nerve lluid. Among Ins niimen'iis dis- coveries the ReMomiive Nervine is un- doubledly one of (he greatest. It is 111 suri*s*ed in nervousness, dyspepsia. li> adiche. epile|>sy, nenra'gla, hackHclie, n et uicholty. slispli-ssness, change of life, etc, Frr* tnal bottle of it may be had of Yeitcr A l/rnk Dnigsists. All should read bis "Xeirand Startling Fac/t for thf Atftictrd.'n very ali'e, interesting, and finetv illustrated book. Free to ail. PILES I PILES! PILES! l>r. William * Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure lor Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never fails to cure old chronic case* of long standing, Judge Coons, Maysville. Ky,, says: "Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment curedroeafter year* o" suffenng.'' Judge Coflinbury, Cleveland, U..sayi: "1 have found by experience that Dr, William's Indian Pile Ointment gives immeduite and permanent relief," We have hundreds ol such testimo- nials Do not suffer an instant longer, sold by all dmgguts at 50c and | l per b-x. (38y D A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Dr Brown-Sequanl'* elixir of youth may lie an ini|sirtBni discovery. But every one knows that Dr KranUm Mile*" New Heart Cure certainly 1*. It has elven thousands afli cied wiih s-noun bevti disuse a NKW LLASK OF LIFE. Druggists who can observe it* ellec-i* on many customers «-verywl eie si-eak very highly ol it. Mr John Weav- er. of Knightstown, Ind , says: "1 have sold much of Dr Miles' New Cure and have received many good reports." O, Monroe, of Dunkirk, N. V,, reports large »ale*, "And the best part of it every hjttle has given satisfaction," Sold and guaranteed by Yeitcr & Look, Don't experiment with your health. You may be sure of the quality of your medicine, even il you have to take much 01 your food upon trust. Ask your oititgist for Aver# Sarsaparill*. and no other It is the standard blood-purifier th. most flecdve and economical. THE NEW DISCOVERY. Vou have heird your friends and neighbors talking about u. You may \0.1n1elf be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you hav e ever tried it | you are one of its staunch friends, he [ciuse the wonderful thing aliout it is ' ibat when once given a trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place ' in the hou-e. If yon have never used 1 it and should be afllicled with a congh. cold, or any throai.lnng or chest trouble, secure a Inttle at once and give it n fair triaL It is euaranu-ed every time or money refunded. Trial bottles 1revat Hunt & Hunter's drug store. THE M ASCOTTC," 5 Cts Saves Your Rubbers. "That heel plate machine of yours makes mv rubbers last as lung again as they used to," Those Heel-PIales are Money Sayers. "Those plates saved me from buying a new pair of rubbers." "That's where my rubbers wear out first, right 011 t h e bark of the heel. Your plates save them." The above are a few samples of what our customers say of our heel plates for ;j rubbeis. Call and get plates put on your Rubbers and Overshoes, only 5c per pair. We have the only machine in town for this work, it puts plates on to stay. ROB Ell iTSON & SON. Clark & Winegar , DRUGGISTS. WE KEEP, For Medicinal Uses Only , Pure French Brandy, Imported Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Blackberry Brandy. ALL OP FIRST-CLASS QUALITY. "The power of mu«ic. all our hearts allow," but there are few Ignorant per sons who have not learned yet. that id! cold* are cured by Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, Buy It and'try it. 25c, s bottle. '•/ CoprrlrM. IO. . 1 'J-pnrhrre from ordinarv mctlio^s 1ms long been fidopted by tliC makers of Dr. I'iorce's Golden Mo-lical Discoverv. They know what it «III do — .ni l they ffiiarant,- i. Ycor moniy is promptly relumed, if it tails To benefit or ••tire in all diseases arising from torpi l Ta cr <-T impure blood. > o belt r tern • c .uld be asked for. No licit or 1 •: -iy can be had. Xofliing (!se tiuii claims to lie a blooil-pun Leoansc 11 " t t . M. 1» So IIOS-I sold in this way— like the if.- - VTlam is it in its etirctive < t ' • •• nrnut its iinkirs ii: • . . : , i . y are do- ittjr, t;ir' , "s, ou trinl/ It's <:-| . .t.-nt in Ciiring Tetter, liimma, Kry- -ilH'ias, T , < Kur-les, Sore ^yes, c - l . r ll. rk Neck, and nl" s. 'i'uinort and wellingH. < ,.;;i Eating Ulcers apidly Le: 1 tinder iis benign in- ilucoee. World's Dispensarj- Med- i'-al Assoe'itni.n,, coa "Maia"Street, Buffalo, X. Y, FIOJiREMEOY 51 JO h DOTTLF, ETC T0« f 5 TRY IT TO-DAY What is T . E. C."? I T 13 11 harmless, vegetable prepar- ation, of deinonstruted power In t.l (orrus of Kidney diseabe, and the many disorders which attend Kidney trouble. Those are niuiied Legion. If the Kidney derangement be cured, then these Secondary ail- sncuta dlsnpiieur because they ore mere effoetso/pilnr Kidney urtidii, and not original Causes of suffering. Thousands of people suffer for years from these Secondary effects of Kid- ney disease, which is unsuspootod because the Kidney itself may be far gone with disease and yet give the patient ro pain. Beware 1 Tho »ov- ereit'ii corrector of all iheso ill* is T 7C 7 V * Q 4- is more appropriate for a Birthday or V V JLJLCvL wedding present, or for any gift, tlian a nice piece ol jewelry or Silverware. Young man, a present of an engagement ring or any nice piece of Jewelry will bring joy to the heart of your best girl, or your mother or your sister or some other fellow's sister. Father, just remember the partner of your joys and sorrows, by making her a neat little present of a ring, a gold or silver thimble, a brooch, collar stud, earrings, or anything of that sort and see how much joy it will bring you both Has the boy got a watch ? what do you suppose he would like better, just try him on one. Do you know where to buy these things and many others, where the best and most complete line of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Silverware ever brought in this town is kept? Ah Yes! Why of course it is at H. A. SHERMAN'S. THE WEST MIGHI6£N gOSlNESS [JN1VERS1TY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, WE TEACH Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY. IN OUR NORMAL DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A THOEOUGH TEACUEES COURSE. Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art AND ELOCUTION COURSES. We Board and Room our Students for f 1.50 per week. Expenses lest here than anywhere else. Address A. E. YEREX, Pres. BEST COUGH MEDICINE. Rccommcr.dcd by Physicians. Cares where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Chil- dren take it without objection. Sold by ail druggists. F i . c s 8 E i e y 11.00 A BDTTU, SIX fQB S5. TRY ITTO-D*Y .t^ol Ik- «"U'U f." s«lk <1 •• • rraM 1 JOl— •» ' 'T 1 '^ '•••; • mn-.u HALLI rr».o. h... "MO, rorruwi., *.• -.MOTHERS IS" CHILD iTiANTAQ/ A r^s»nhM«'sf t»fimi-t.*i incab i ..i tin) to ' , " *a « Tru'l^ . M&rtn. r-iprriirlr.a, 't#< MUNN & CO.; ."161 iirvntfncr, K.-. ^ url IISSI OiMINISH^ W MOTHERS-] mine met « BRADFIEl^aWT«^> SOLO BY YEITER & LOOK. p y MllchsirsKiijns^ rasters ~V Al'- rbL : b .... Klda'-T»nnd A j r«; ft 11. m to * liro' A; conu'Uon. / C:i dmmic klJocr r-ffercs ray 1)/ \ llK7 r"t no Klv! until I" -T ; JO l MiTCBsax's i" :i> r:.AsT":- , Bolll hrfmcrli^evi'LJ H!II—, e- --nt 1V "-ur. TorMe Ninrplty 1'liuiier V oriln. l^jrreli, ^ If you want to get your money's worth, take the Journal, $1 a year, in advance.

LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb

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Page 1: LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb

LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of£io« in Train's Opera Houss Block. Three Cents Per Copy

VOLUMK X X V I . I LOWELL, MICHIGAN, W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 21, NUMBER 2 9 . Dix-L m i t u .

Bownc. Combs & Striker,

BANKERS, L o w e l l . - M i c h i g a n .

TnBMct a Oenenl IlnnklnR B u r i n s and tone U n i t * avullaWe in all

parlji of Ihi' World.



F r e d G . S t o n e ,

A G E N T .

Collars, 2c Cuffs, per pair, 4c Shirts IOC

Leave Rood* or order* at

C, G. Stone & Son's Store.

L F . S E V E R Y . D E A L E R I N

m m m siovts ^ RANGES. Tin, ird Granite Wire.

Jobb ing of all binds done on shor t no t ice .

E»V» Twrf i - *Dd KBTMO Wort * Sp- cUlty.

W E S T M A I N S T R E E T ,

Lcwell - - Mich.

TO SAVE A BROtHEH O h l c a j o K n l R h t s Templa r Olvo o l

Tbol r O w n Pleah.


AIWJIJ* has cm hand a fine aeK-ction ol

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

Fish, Poultry,

and Game I N S E A S O N ,

O w i c e U t u n d W i n s ,

and it in UK maiket to buy

G H O I G B S T O C K .


L y o n Block , - Lowel l , Mich.

An ETPBt TftAt Will IU Hlalorlr il Not Only la Munr l r bat In Hamanlly-.

I l e c o r d — o f Self-

ncnorr srxTiMitTr. CmcAoo. Jon. 19.—An rvent that will

b« liUUirical not only In Maamtie but In j humanity** n-cord took place Sunday forenoon. H i e dcod* of aelf-Metificfl were iu korptnir with the day. The evont and all i t , Mimmndlnyx. personal, moral and vimUflc , were phenomenal. In OMIY to nave the life of John O. IMekeraoo 1W Sir Kniphts of S t l lemard I'ora-mandery. Knight* Templar. snhmiUi-d to the Mirpeon's knife, eontributed each hia portion of skin 'Uiced from Uio tender, qniverin? fli-th U> be grafUsd upon the body of their brother. The atrip* ent <r )m Hfl arras wetv trans-planted to Mr. Diekerson and 144 •qnare inches of his body were eorered with these roluntarv conlribntiona. I t wus a feat in Mirgery and a demonstra-tion that heroic M-ntimeni is not a Uiinf of the past.

Mr. IHeker«on Is 44 years of a j e and a widower, bis wife having died several years ago. Since 18T0 he has been re-corder of St. Ilemard Cotnmandery of the Knightx Templar and daring tha t time has been active in Masonic work. About a year ago he became affected with a cancerous growth on hia thigh and right hip. which rapidly de-veloped into a danperous condition. I.a«\ summer Or. 1'enger performed a Mirgieal op-ratiou, cutting away the diseased portions of the skin and flesh to such an extent that the epidermis could not again join and cover the ex-posed surface In other respec t* the pa-tient improved rapidly. The surgeon made an at tempt to cover the place with a piece of goat skin. This prom-ised to be svccessfnl. but the piece n-us too large and had to be removed. Then Dr. K e n g r announced that the only certain method of hcal-i r j the patient was to graf t autall pieces of huii.aii skin on the exposed and tender surface. S t Bernard Commandery heard of this and imme-diately offered to furnish as many sub-jects as t he surgeons desired. It was suggested that ISO members volunteer t o assist in patching up the afSictcd brother.

The volunteer* were readily forth-cotning. and Sunday at the emei rency hospital, where Mr. T'ckerson ha* been lying for a long time, a doren surgeons as4sted in transferring strips of epider-mis from the intrepid knights to the body ^ the patient sufferer on the co t When the last patch was neatly set in Surgeon Fenger annonneed with some satisfaction that the operation gave or-cry appearance of being a signal suocesv

A General Binking Buiinen Conducted.

T -R-. < T . - S * I - . L O Q T .T . T R C T T O I O .

Drat, Sold ea aU forWro Caaalrlaa.

£ , O W E L L

Business Men's Association.

Hecubr «ee(inc't fir* Thundiy »« every month, it B. C. Smith's store.

D G. L O O K , P r e s .


THE CHILDREN'S MEDICIWE. r«rC< Id.. c. 'Oth^ lltwrw-Bvw. Wbw*-

yjtig cuukli. cruop. hlHUM I* louoo In rrny

irlr Upon U t.T (UMraaV •nir.«t and Uuw Truub ea. tvulaln. uo .1'lai". "•«»

. Ibr iUi«enib. rBrcl '414m mulUt* vbrp couth

. tdteiuiJ. "pn arulti art to cUld-

. r. n. S.T» iba c-hlldrr... Qw « Iwlllr ti^dy. N ou tun- Kwt. Ii iu illvbi. P'Hil IT air linujtaw

F I F T Y D O a E S 2 6 C E N T S .

To ci'rc nllfawiwai, Sick lleaSache, Consti-patkm. Kalarla, Urer CotnplmnU, Uio

Uie idlo and certain remedy.

B I L E B E A N S far Ibr HMALt.Hlwc '4')lllllr Bran. It. Itib boUlo). TIIET AUETHi: MOirr ommtMBC.

S n K n V . l o * o r JU1 ~ P r l c c of e i ther »lr.c.S3e.

n S S U N i M II*CB.U>km«t SUXBtI*«.' T.l8SIS SIS

alien's Oolden HnlrWash. JalWisrw Btort ilcmnn lMt«.fcr

• LoInaU >>'<1 iri.ill, f"nO Irt," un i. !• r

wakp A v., l>naoiT, fui«U Lraroi|U'.


KlPIon :lr» Kelly, or Mlnnnpnll., SSovtaOy I^Jnred In a Konaway tcrident.

fir. PAT'L, Minn.. Jan . 17.—Anthony Kelly, the millionaire grocer of Minne-apolis, and brother of P. H. Kelly, of this city, was fatally injured in a runa-way aeddent on Robert street Friday afternoon. When near the Robert street bridge the home became frightened and threw the driver o u t Mr- Kelly was thrown violently against a tele-graph post, one of his legs being broken. The eoncossion was so violent that the bone was forced through the flesh. The internal injuries preclude the possibility of a recovery.

Kartbqnakr Khork la N*w n.lnpahlre. X A S H C A . N . H . . J a n . 1 7 . — A s e v e r e

shock of earthquake was felt In Pcp-perell and adjoining towns between S and 0 o'clock Friday n igh t Sleigh bell* were r u n g in stables and crockery wta rattled. Tne vibration lasted a few seconds, causing great alarm. I t was learned that the vibration extended to Ajrer and Fitehburg and this vicinity. Bumbling saunds v;cre heard in Ilollla.

A Coonterfrlt Dlaooverrd. F O K T W A T * * , I n d . . J a n . 1 0 . - - C o m r t e r -

fc i t flve-dollar silver ocrtiflcatcs are in rircnlation in thin .-ity. The hill la of the department series of l im. check let-ter 11. signed W. S. Rosccrana. liegis-trar . and Isaac W. Hyatt. Treasurer. The paper la poor. tWn aftd of a ycV lowlsh t i n t The vignette of General Gran t is a ray poor Imitation of the or iginal

Death at a Vrtaraa of ISIS. KASHVII.i.e. Tenn.. Jan. 17.—Lewis

Tenders, the oldest d U t e a of LlmesUme Cotmty. died s t the rrsidenoe of hi* daughter in Shoalford Beat Thursday afternoon. Be wa* almost ready to celebrate his 99th birthday. He was a soldier in the war of IBIS ond was with General Jackson a t the battle of New Orleans. He enjoyed fine health all hit life.

Italian Kllk Halcm fal l . LOVDOX. Jan. 17.—The silk trade ol

i taly is in a critical condition, and the demand has fallen off to such ex-tent that numerous failures are occur ring. Three large silk factories in Milan and vicinity have been forced V-make assignments with llnbilitifs. ag-gregating 8,000,000 lire.

Tctirteen Horwa llornrd. Mn.ronn. Neb.. Jan. 17.—Fire Fri-

day morning destroyed Dunufgari 's livery stable and fourteen hones were Imnied t o death. Troop A, State militia, had rooms over the stable, and while attempting to save accoutrements Captain J . A. Culver was dangerous^ Injured by an explosion.

C aid Not Ttear Sorrow. S T . 1/OVI*. J a n . ITT. — M r s . W o l l l e

Barry, of this city, aged 28 years, oom-mitied suicide l»y poison, and before dying took the life of her 6-year-old child In the same manner. She was In-sane over the recent death of hor Lus-hand.

Builnoaa Itnprurlnc. N r w YoitK. Jan. 17.—Dun t Co.*!

weekly report says the state of trade at different points in the country show* general Improvement in the volume ol businesK, easier money markets ana a more cheering outlook.

M I L E S ' N E R V C & L T V E R P 1 L I A An iiii^nriaiit discovery. They scion

li.e liver. Kti'macli and bowels through Hie n»r»Mi. A new principle They sp'-edily cure biliousness, Imd 'aste, lor-j»id tiviT. piles finrt oousiiiaitHm. Splen-did for men. women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 80 doses for 25 cenlo. Samjile fret at Yeiler ft Look's DrUgSion'

Tbat beuulirul glossy sheen, so much adnnreil in hair. e*n i» seeureil by the IMS- of Ayit 's Flair Vigor. Tliere is iHiihlng b.' lier than ihls prepsnilioii for siresgi bening il»c sj-alpand keeping it free horn dandruff and itching erup-


Th, cillira,- Nstlonal.Iadaatrial AllUasa Will nrtcanlra a" Third Partr.

T O P K K A . K a n . . J a n . 1 7 . — T w o h u n -

dred and flfty delegate* who have been attending the Cititens' Alliance con-vention eompleted an organization Fri-day and issued a call for a National convention to bo held a t Cin-cinnati between March 10 and 20 to organize a third party. The call Issmtl at the Ocala convention was considered premature and the date was therefore changed. The organiration h intended to give Knights ol Labor and other Industrial organiiations an oppor-tunity of Joining tho people s movs-m e u t National orgsnlrors were ap-pointed as follows: Captainc. A.Power. T e n * Haute, Ind.; Ralph Bcanmont, Washington. D. C.; Mrs. L. E. Lease, Wichita. Kan,, iiimICaptain 8. N. Wood. Stevens County. Kan. The name of the organization was changed to the Citixens' National Indnstrial Alliance.


Qaorc* llanrrnn, t h . Hltlnrlan, ran*** Away nt III, Horn- In WA>hln(loa.

WAsmxnrox, Jan. 19.—(leorge Ban-croft. the venerable historian, died a t his home in this city a t S:40 o'clock oo Saturdsy afternoon. sgr<l 01 year*. Ho had been sick only two days. Mr. Ban-entfl held several Important official positions during his life and rendered his country valuable services, but his most enduring fame will rest upon his history of the United States from the discovery of the American continent of which th» first volume appeared in 1834 and the last In 1889.

T H E H O S T I L E R E D S .

T h e y A r e R o p l d l r Burronder ing t o Oenora l Miles.


Rod of t h . BaM-BAll War. N E W Y O R K , J a n . 1 7 . — T h e b a s e - b a l l j

war it at an end and the prospect* fo ra j succcssfnl season in 1891 arc excellent ; Friday night the National League, the I American Association and the remnant of the Players league, in joint session. I formed into two leagttes, absorbing , the Players' and admitting the Western • Association to the new National agree- j m c n t Koston. Chicago, Philadeiphia ] (Players' Longnel and Washington were i admitted to the American Association in place of Rochester. Syracnse, Toledo j and the Athletics,

Rav. t p t h . I l rh t . Stocx CITV, la.. Jan, 19—Officers of j

the Law and Order League state that that orpaniration will erase for the | present its efforts to enforce the pro- : hibition liquor law. They ssy it is a hopeless work when the city and coun-ty authorities oppose them Their | funds are exhausted. They have kept | tip a ceaseless and expensive warfare , ever since the killing of Rev. Oeorge C Haddock three years ago.

K.w Sj-stem oT llanelnc. CASOX Crrv, Col.. Jan . 10—.Tamea

Joyce was executed a t the penitentiary here for the murder of a roan named Murray in 18»#. His execution was the first under the new Colorado system whereby the rictim nnconsdonsly hang* himself by stepping cn a plat-form. which put* machinery in motion, and suddenly the platform drops, leav-ing t he man suspended by the rope pre-viously placed around his ncclc.

Rt-Oorrraor Tbayrr l i t LnreoUi. Neb., Jan. 19.—The long

vigil of ex-fiovernor Thayer during the exciting scents of the opening of the Legislature, when he remained in his apartment* eighty hours for the purpose of keeping out <»ovcrnor Itovd, has re-sulted in a dangerous nervous attack. He is raving and physicians say his con-dition is alarming. He is nearly 75 years old.

Rx-fiovrmor Oclrab; llonorwd. Sp« ixonn j> . IlL. Jan . 10.—The Re- 1

publican S.-natorial caucus last evening . nominated General ft. J . Ogleshy to ' succeed United States Senator FarwelL :

Eveiy RcpuhJican member of the Sen- ; ate and House was present. The result | was reached on the second ballot, as follow*: Ogleshy. 64; Farwcll, SO; Grcsham, «; Ross. 1; Hamer, 1. Tho ; nomination of Ogleshy was made unan

Illlaol. Cbarltlra. Stunrorr tLn. TIL, Jan . 16.—The State

board of public charities it holding a meeting here. The finaaeial record for the three months ended December SI, 1890. w-Ol show that the average num-ber of inmates In the twelve institutions under the supervision of this board was 6.76a, The gross cort of maintaining them was |U03,M6. and the cost to the State 9m,407.

Forty Killed fcy aa Eartbqaak*. | Ai«i>3s, Jan . 19.—I'urther details of

the defitruction wrought by the severe ' cart! quake in Algeria reported on the IMh l a s t have been received here. The | towns of Oouraya and Villebourg were • partially destroyed the shocks and forty persons were killed by the ialli*g of walls. The amount of damage done to property Is estimated at £30.000.

Pwallowed Kvrrx Thing In Raarb. BAI.TII IOIIK. M d . . J a n . 1 6 . — T h e 11-

months' old baby of Oscar M. Spurrier, living near this city, was relieved of thirty-six different articles which bo had inrallowcd snrreptitiously, includ-ing several buttons, eight tacka, four noodles and eighteen pins. I t is be- I licvcd he wil. /ecover.

Robbrd t b . Mall. K s s s s s t m ' . Mo., .'an. 17.—A heav- 1

fly-filled mail pouch from this city was stolen from the depot platform at Nich-ols Junction, Mo. The pouch contained over 8,001) letters and forty-six regis-tered packages.

Thrt— Children Drown.d. ORKOSII. W i s . , J a n . 19. — W h i l e a |

party of nine young people were const- j ing nt Applcton Saturday the sled ran into the river and Jay Brigga. Emma Asid and May Car}' were drowned.

Stermgnlred Uojrd. LlJIOOl.*. Neb.. Jan. 19.—The only

tiling of interest in the Legislature S a t nrday was the adoption of a resolution by the Senate recognizing James E. lioyd as Oovcrnor.

HuObratrd b j <ia., BOBTO*. Jan. 19.—George Clarke, his

wife Maggie and •daughter Mary. 5 years old. were suffociited by Uliiinlnat-ing gtif while asleep at Uicir home Is this city.



Headache. DvspepeiH, lii.IlKfstlon, C«n Hiiimnou. S5c. ,wr Box, 6 Hoxe* for f l . Sold by all dragghta.

Th.y Are ItUlnrllncd. However, to Part with Ile«t Waapom - sioos

Chief Will VUlt Uio Prnl-dent la Wathlngton,

B K A D T r o n PEACE.

P t x r . R I P O E A N E S C R , S . D . . J a n 1 6 . —

The hostile* all broke camp at an early honr and came into the agency ami took tho positions designated by Gener-al Miles for them. There was noilemon-atratioiL Every thing went along j smooth. They are all peaceful, but hungry. This will end the trouble.

Frank Cn urnnl, the scout estimates tht nitml*-r of lodges at T4i though he can net estimate the number of Indians. 1 he latter can net, however, be less than 3,MM. I he Indian camp two mile* from the agency has Wen broken u p

W A S I I I X O T O S . J a n . 16 .—A t e l e g r a m

was received at the War Department Thnrvlay from General Miles asking permission for a number of Sionx chiefs t o visit Washington for the purpose of conferring with the President In re-gard to their condition. After consult-ing with Secretary Noble Secretary Proctor telegraphed General Miles giv-ing the desired permission.

P I X E RIOOK A O E X C Y , S . D . , J a n . 1 7 . —

The question which seems uppermost In the mind of everybody around the agency is whether or not General Miles will Insist upon the complete disarma-ment of the Indians. I t is reported on good anthcrity (hat General Miles has ordered civilians to keep out of the hos-tile camp becatue he intends to disarm the Indians if he has to shell their camp to accomplish hi* purpose. The General could not be seen to substan-tiate this. Adjutant-General Corbln wa* asked if General Miles had issued such an order, but he would neither ad-mit nor deny the repor t He claimed tha t so long a* the arms w ere being surrendered by the Indians there was no necessity of nsing force to compcl more speed.

Friday morning about twenty Indians nnder Little Hawk came into the agency and snrrenden-d thirty-one guns. The weapons were received in the name of General Mile* and turned over to Agent Pierce and tagged with the owners' and ch iefs names. Only . fifty-one guns have beer turned over 1

out of a t least 1.400 whieh the hostiles are believed to possess.

I t Is a noticeable fact that the gnns tnm:-d over niv of antique pat-tern. There are no improved W in-chesters or Springfield*. These are being kept by the Indians, but the Government is welcome to the old, worn out sbotgnns and ramshackle Tides.

PIXK R r o o K AC.EXCT. S . D . , J a n . 10 .—

General Miles held a conference on Sat-nrday with the principal Brule chiefs, who, when the subject of re-turning to their agency a t Kosebnd was broached, they said they were in favor of returning if a military man should be placed over them as agen t After some pail eying regarding the question Big Road stood np and dramatically proclaimed himself as In favor of peace. At the same time he asked those who wished to join him in restoring peace and working for the prosp<i-ity of their people to raise their right hand toward Heaven. Imme-diately every right hand in the gather-ing was raised and with a general shak-ing of hands the conference came to a close.

The situation I* just as it has been j for three days pas t General Miles in- , sists on having the guns, and the In- ' dians. while fearing the force of soldiers that lairroond them, are reluctant about giving up. Little Wound says that there will be no more fighting ami that the hncka rcalite this, and, while not liking the thought of the surrender of their guns, they will I not use them !• gainst the whites any more.

tof t s Knife tn III* Vlethn1. Hrarl. C H A R I O T T E , N . C . , J a n . 17. - J o s e p h

Harris was found dead near Morgan- , town Thursday with a knife sticking in h i t hea r t The murderer is supposed j t o be John Aiken, whom Harris had threatened to kill on sight on account of gossip connecting Aiken's name with Mrs. Harris. The citiren* are ont en j masse looking for Aiken.

Bnrklea'a Arnica Aalre.

The Beat SALVE In the world for -mta, Bruisea. Sorea. Uloer*. Salt Rheum. Fe-ver Sorea. Tetter. Chapped Hand*, Chil-blains, Com*, and all Skin Eruption*, and pojltively ourea Piles, or no pay re-quired, It i* guaranteed to r ive perfect satisfaction, or money refun.Hed. Price S6 cents per bos. For sale by Uimt *

Sodden C all. Nrw YORK. Jan. 17.—Robert K. Daviea, i

of Uie dissolved C m of R K. Davie* &.' Co.. of 80C llroadway. while reading aa evening paper in his apartments a t the Florence Thursday night was suddenly ; stricken with apoplexy and died al-most instantly. The firm of Davies 4 Co. failed a lou t a year ago for nearly fl.000000.

Death la lb . Street. COICAOO. Jan. 19.—'Ihc cover of a

mnnhole at Jnekson street and Wabash avenue, in whieh a quantity of gns had aoctimiilated. was blown off with ter-rific force Saturday afternoon. One woman was instantly killed audado*cn persons slightly Injured

Iirlven to Crime by Poverty. Lrm.K ROCK, Ark., Jan. 17.-At Le-

high, Ind. T.. Mrs Muttie HcUiher, a poverty-stricken widow, choked her two little boys, aged 4 and 0 years, to death and then, with them in her arms, jumped Into the spring whieh supplies the town with water.

Berred Forty-Six Veara. W A S H I S O T O X , J a n . 1 6 . — G e n e r a l S . V .

B e n e t Chief of the Bureau of Ordnnuce of the War Department, has l>e»u plaeed on the retired list of the army. His aervices in the army extended over a period of forty-six years.

Bl. IVtcmburg'- Population. BT. P E T E R H B P B O . J a n . 1 7 . — T h e o f -

ficial census of S t Petersburg, jus t 1

completed gives the population of the city a* 9M,M. an Increase of 95,000 during the past decade.

The I :x I left to Siberia. S T . PCTKRHIII 'IIO, J a n . 1 7 . — O f f i c i a l

reports show that S00 persons were trans]>orted te Siberia during IS90. It Is known, however, that the number was far greater.

Prof, Lolwlle'- Memory Hj.lem T. Creat-ine iniemn dmii ever in all paru or tne eouniry. andreraonn i.Uliiui to ImpniTi- I heir m-m in •bould lentl for nb pnwpecua frer aa an'orumi in aBWhcr culiuss.

Tbeiccent speech of Congressman Inc- • Kinley of OhK> In-fore Congreas on Uie 1 pending tariff bill, has just been iwued in i patuplilet from. The speech includes \alu.ible statistical tables, and i s a n c d -unrabie preaentation of the advanutg** ol ilie principles of proetection, iu> em-bodied In lite n' w-THnff Bill.

Send a two-oent alanip for a copy to t h e AMERICAN P N O T E C N N I A H W

LEAOI'E, 8X Went 23d Street, New York C«y

T H E S T A T E B A N K S ,

Apoail IIe|inrt of t'nmmlulnner Slier. wood A tlood Hhnwlng,

Bank Commissioner Sherwood in hi* annual report suy* that diirinir the past year lifteen new IKHIUS, «ilh an aggre-gate capital of t'.nr.uoo, have com-menced huHiness. There an- 10T banks in Michigan, and their assets f<sit up tM,64X.4IA, an inercase of «l7,n*<i,wii In the last two year*. Sixty seven of these are saving* hanks, and the 124.000 de-positors have deposit* amounting to 128,000,0)0. He reeommendi-d that banks with a capital of SIS.OOi) be Bulhorlittil to In-gin business in place* whieh have a population of not over l.o>)). Hie only bank closed dup-ing the year was th" ('arcin City Sav-ings IJanlc, which transfemni and a v signed to the Stale Hnnk of the same plate because of the inability of the city to support two Imnliiiig institu-tions. The expense of the commls-sioner'* department for th" year were f7.MM.09: reis-ipts. &'<.619.15. made up of fees from different banks.

Ilr . l th In Mlrhl^nn. Reports to the s ta te Board of Beallh

by fifty-eight observers in different parts of the Slate for the week ended Jsnuary 10 lndleat>il that inflamma-tion of the kidneys and whooplnf cough increased, and scarlei fever, ma-larial fever, a.eiisies. diphtheria, ty-phoid fever, inllaminatlon of the brain, membranous croup and eerebrvsplnal meningitis decreased In area of preva-lence. DIphlheris was n' nt thirty places, searlet fever at forty-two. typhoid fever s t nineteen an I measles at thirty-two pl i

Mlrhlnn Itsllntad*. Tlie annual n'\sirt of the Railroad

Commissioner, John J, Rieh, show* that during the year IS-JKI fifteen new railroad corporations have filed,article* of association. They have a capital stock of (14,000.000 and will build 929 miles of road, p i r t of whieh is already nnder constniction. The . w p i r a t e in-debtedness of .-til eompimie* has in-creasetl to ti2(.T0.\.S7r. There are 7,-01S.T3 miles of r. ilroad in the Slate. The gross earnings for the year aggre-gated 89 S32S,J: .,61; net income, j i l , -l>09.2T9..V

Swindled SUty-KljM Pamlll-*. A very smooth swindler visited sixty-

eight families in Kalamaroo and secured tlM). His method was to give a receipt for I U on a prominent grocer upon pay-ment of four dollars. \\ hen the amount had been traded ••nt and not till the ex-piration of nin.-ty day A the holder of the receipt w as to pay the balance of eight dollars. The firm name of H. A. Odcll Si Co. w as forged on eaeh receipt

K«*Hoa« for Or41l*rft. The report of the n-eeivers of the J .

E. Potts Salt A Lumber Company was filed at lletroit and piswed a great sur-prise. It was thought at the time of the assignment that the failure was not so serious as it now proves to be. The following is a re.apiliilalion of there-port: Liabilities, S 'W sin.M; balance of liabilities and ••ont'ingent liabilities over assets, $966,240.77.

On#* I Hlta The Newberry Knrnace Company"*

p l a n t located at Newh<-rry. w-as the scene of a terrifie explosion. sap,x>--ed to have r- snlt sl f i rm an atvnmulation of g a s A numlh-r "1 men were a t work when it oeeurred and one man was killed outright and seven others more or leas dangerously h u r t

Three Vunthful Thlevrfc William Knivbone. sged 14; Casper

Brandlc. aged IS. and Thomas Paul, aged 12 years. Irroke into Darling's titore a t ItJipeming and stole a armli . r of pocket knives and other articles They were caught by Officer Payne as they were ler.viug the store.

Kliort lim New.r lleiat. Lansing's temperanee record Is SS6.-

160,064 gallons of water consumed dur-ing lt«»0.

A leaking gas stove suffocated Charles W. Henderson as he slept in his room at Jackson.

In one week over Mill miners were dis-charged on the Gogebie range.

The date* for the farmers' institute at Eaton Rapids arc February 9 and 10.

The passenger depot at Reed City was destroyed by Cre. causing a loss of 512,-000, partly insured.

Mrs. Anna M. Austin, aged .'>3years, died at the city hospital in Lansing from exhaustion canned by an operation in rcmcvhig a six-pound tumor.

At Manistee cn unVnown man and Lawrence Crowley, aged 13 y e a n , were drowned in the lake. They fell through holes in the iee.

Vinnist'e has ma l e a tiiirty-five acre addition to its southern l imit

The Ilnrrow-Spring Company's fao-tory nt Kalama/oo was destroyed by lire, causing a loss of Slfl.000.

James O'Ronrk'i. an insane man con-fined in the jail at Iron River s»-t lire to the building and was fatally burned

George Bradley a well-known fanner Br ing near KnlkmnEoo. enteted the married state for the sixth time.

Reed City lost her union depot by fire. William Heerin " .171 H1 (15 years, was

found dead in b- at lira id Rapids. Heart disease was supposed to have been the trouble.

The Wcrren A Lewis Lumber Com-pany at Hay City filed chattel mort-gages, in favor of hanks and oUicr cred-itors, amounting to Sso.iwo.

John 'ludgeon aged 70 years, one of the most prominent men in the vicinity of Kalamazoo and high in the councils of the Democratie party, died of stom-ach troubles,

John Stinson. his three sons and their housekeeper were arrested thirty mile* north of Detroit by American and Can-adian offlcer*. A counterfeiting outfit and bushels of ctmnUTfeit American dollars were seized.

The George T. Smith purifier plant at Jaekson. over whieh there has been so mueh litigation, was sold to a Cleve-land syndicate representing the Central Oil Stm-e Coinpanv for fi*.,o,t0. The origlnh' e 1 was ftiOU.niiii

B R A D F 1 E L D ' S I E M A L E R E G R L A -


Should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from any disorder pec-u-hsr to her «ex. and at change of life id a powerful tonic; henefii* all who use it. Wri te the Brad field Reg. Co.. Ailanla. (»a . for rurticulars. Sold by Y'eiier ft I,ook.

OLD NURSERY FAVORITES, There was Tuin, the Son of a Piper,

JrfC k Sprat, and Merry ICIng Cole. And (he l iuee Wive Men of Uothani,

Who went to sen in a b-iwl; The woman who lode on a hrnomstick.

Ami swept thecubwebbed •»ky. Ami ihe tx'y « ho ,at In the corner,

Ealing hi* CliriMuiax pie. These were some of Ihe old favorites,

but they have been supnlanted by (he "Pansy and "Chaltetliox" stories, "Little Lonl Fauntleruy," and "Five Little Pepper*." The old fashioned pills and nhy*lc* have been tuis-rseded. and «tsely. too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellet*, a mild, harmless and effective cathartic. They *re pleasant to take—so genlle In their action that (lie most delicate child i nn take the.M, yet sorfTectlve (hat they will cure (he most obttina(e cafes of con snpsthm, stomach, liver and bowel tmubh's. They should !»• In every nursery. As a gentle laxative, only one for a dose.

GREAT DISCOVERERS, What Bell snd Edison an- to the (ele-

nhone and electricity, say* the Pitts-iiurg News. l)r Fiankliii Mihs, the well known spefi ahst in nervous diseast-*. I* t o the nervous system ai d nerve lluid. Among Ins niimen'iis dis-coveries the ReMomiive Nervine is un-doubledly one of (he greatest. It is 111 suri*s*ed in nervousness, dyspepsia. li> adiche. epile|>sy, nenra'gla, hackHclie, n et uicholty. slispli-ssness, change of life, etc, Frr* tnal bottle of it may be had of Yeitcr A l/rnk Dnigsists. All should read bis "Xeirand Startling Fac/t for thf Atftictrd.'n very ali'e, interesting, and finetv illustrated book. Free to ail.

PILES I PILES! P I L E S ! l>r. William * Indian Pile Ointment

is the only sure cure lor Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never fails to cure old chronic case* of long standing,

Judge Coons, Maysville. Ky,, says: "Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment cured roe after year* o" suffenng.' '

Judge Coflinbury, Cleveland, U..sayi: "1 have found by experience that Dr, William's Indian Pile Ointment gives immeduite and permanent relief,"

We have hundreds ol such testimo-nials Do not suffer an instant longer, sold by all dmgguts at 50c and | l per b-x. (38y D

A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Dr Brown-Sequanl'* elixir of youth

may lie an ini|sirtBni discovery. But every one knows that Dr KranUm Mile*" New Heart Cure certainly 1*. It has elven thousands afli cied wiih s-noun bevti d isuse a N K W L L A S K O F L I F E . Druggists who can observe it* ellec-i* on many customers «-verywl eie si-eak very highly ol it. Mr John Weav-er. of Knightstown, Ind , says: "1 have sold much of Dr Miles' New Cure and have received many good reports." O, Monroe, of Dunkirk, N. V,, reports large »ale*, "And the best part of it every h j t t l e has given satisfaction," Sold and guaranteed by Yeitcr & Look,

Don't experiment with your health. You may be sure of the quality of your medicine, even il you have to take much 01 your food upon trust. Ask your oititgist for Aver# Sarsaparill*. and no other It is the standard blood-purifier th . most • flecdve and economical.

THE NEW DISCOVERY. Vou have heird your friends and

neighbors talking about u . You may \0.1n1elf be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you hav e ever tried it

| you are one of its staunch friends, he [c iuse the wonderful thing aliout it is ' ibat when once given a trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place

' in the hou-e. If yon have never used 1 it and should be afllicled with a congh. cold, or any throai.lnng or chest trouble, secure a Inttle at once and give it n fair triaL It is euaranu-ed every time or money refunded. Trial bottles 1 rev at Hunt & Hunter's drug store.

T H E M A S C O T T C , "

5 Cts Saves Your Rubbers. " T h a t heel p la te mach ine of your s makes mv rubbers last as lung again as they used to ,"

Those Heel-PIales are Money Sayers. "Those plates saved me from buying a new pair of rubbers ." " T h a t ' s where my rubbers wear out first, right 011 the b a r k of the heel . Your plates save them."

T h e above are a few samples of what our customers say of our heel pla tes for

;j rubbeis. Call and get pla tes put o n your Rubbers and Overshoes , only 5c per pair. We have the only m a c h i n e in town for this work, it puts plates o n to stay.

R O B Ell i T S O N & S O N .

Clark & Winegar , DRUGGISTS.

W E K E E P ,

F o r M e d i c i n a l U s e s O n l y ,

Pure French Brandy, Imported Port Wine,

Sherry Wine, Gin, Rum, Whiskey , Blackberry Brandy.


"The power of mu«ic. all our hearts allow," but there are few Ignorant per sons who have not learned yet. that id! cold* are cured by Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, Buy It and'try it. 25c, s bottle.


CoprrlrM. IO. . 1 'J-pnrhrre

f rom ordinarv mctl io^s 1ms long been fidopted b y tliC makers of Dr. I 'iorce's Golden Mo-lical Discoverv. T h e y know what it «III do — .ni l they ffiiarant,- i . Y c o r moniy is promptly r e lumed , if it tails To benefit or ••tire in all diseases arising f rom torpi l Ta cr <-T impure blood. > o belt r tern • c .uld be asked for. N o licit or 1 •: - iy can be had. Xofliing (!se tiuii claims to lie a blooil-pun Leoansc 11 " t t . M. 1»


sold in this way— like the

if.- - VTlam is it in its etirctive < t ' • •• nrnut its i ink i r s ii: • . . : , i . y are do-ittjr, t;ir' , "s, ou trinl/

It 's <:-| . .t.-nt in Ciiring Tet ter , l i i m m a , Kry--ilH'ias, T , < Kur- les , Sore ^yes, c - l . r l l . rk Neck, and

nl" s. ' i 'uinort and wellingH. < ,.;;i E a t i n g Ulcers

apidly Le: 1 tinder iis benign in-ilucoee. Wor ld ' s Dispensarj- Med-i'-al Assoe'itni.n,, coa "Maia"St ree t , Buffalo, X . Y,


W h a t i s T . E. C."?

IT 13 11 harmless, vegetable prepar-ation, of deinonstruted power In t . l (orrus of Kidney diseabe, a n d

t h e m a n y disorders which a t tend Kidney trouble. Those are niuiied Legion. If the Kidney derangement be cured, t h e n these Secondary ail-sncuta dlsnpiieur because they ore mereeffoetso/pilnr Kidney urtidii, and not original Causes of suffering. Thousands of people suffer for years from these Secondary effects of Kid-ney disease, which is unsuspootod because the Kidney itself may be far gone with disease and yet give the patient ro pain. Beware 1 Tho »ov-ereit'ii corrector of all iheso ill* is

T 7C 7 V * Q 4- is more appropriate for a Birthday or

V V J L J L C v L wedding present, or for any gift, tlian a

nice piece ol jewelry or Silverware.

Young man, a present of an engagement ring or any nice

piece of Jewelry will bring joy to the heart of your best girl,

or your mother or your sister or some other fellow's sister.

Father, jus t remember the partner of your joys and sorrows,

by making her a neat little present of a ring, a gold or silver

thimble, a brooch, collar stud, earrings, or anything of that sort and see how much joy it will bring you both Has the boy got a watch ? what do you suppose he would like better, just try him on one. D o you know where to buy these things and many others, where the best and most complete line of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Silverware ever brought in this town is kept? Ah Yes! Why of course it is a t





Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting



Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art A N D E L O C U T I O N C O U R S E S .

W e Board and R o o m our Students for f 1.50 per week. Expenses les t here than anywhere else. Address

A. E. YEREX, Pres.

B E S T C O U G H M E D I C I N E . Rccommcr .dcd by Physicians . Ca res w h e r e all

else fails. P leasant and agreeable to the taste. Chil-dren take it wi thout objection. Sold by ail druggists .

F i . c s 8 E i e y 11.00 A BDTTU, SIX fQB S5. TRY ITTO-D*Y

.t^ol Ik- «"U'U f." s«lk <1 •• • rraM 1 JOl— •» ' 'T1'^ '•••; • mn- .u HALLI rr».o. h... "MO, rorruwi., *.•



A r s»nhM«'sf t»fimi-t.*i • incab i ..i tin) to '

, " *a • « Tru'l^ . M&rtn. r-iprriirlr.a, 't#<

MUNN & C O . ; ."161 iirvntfncr,

K.-. ^ url



W MOTHERS-] mine met «

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A j r«; ft 11. m to * liro' A; conu'Uon. / C:i dmmic klJocr r-ffercs ray 1)/ \ llK7 r"t no Klv! until I" -T ; JO

l MiTCBsax 's i" : i>. .ar r:.AsT":- ,

Bolll hrfmcrli^evi'LJ H!II—, e- --nt 1V "-ur. TorMe Ninrplty 1'liuiier V oriln. l^jrreli, ^

If y o u want t o ge t your money's worth, take the Journal, $1 a year, in advance.

Page 2: LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N I K D A Y J A N U A R Y 9 1 , 1 8 9 1 .

Business Cards. PHYSICIANS.

• I . w. VOUNO, rhy«lel«n •nil Bur-fl . iuon. Ufflc OTpr Yelter * I/wk'r. wore.

OC. MellANKBLL, M D., PhynJemn and . Uurgrvo. Offle* M Blldn St.

MC.OUK.KNK M. U., riiritejtn «n;l rtnr . Kmn. Office «l HMldrnc#. K llrlilife 8*-

WK. IIUOOKS, PhyilrUn Bnil Cor-, (;«on. Offln OTIT M. Kiibrn'T "lore.

Offlw Hourt—8 to 10 a. m . 3 lo 4 tnil 71" « p. m.


AI.BEBT JACK««>N. Allorncr JWil Hollo!-tor. 0»erj/n»fll Nwlonul ll«n».


L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H .

— i i —

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .

R A T E S F O R A D V E R T I S I N G .

u O. WILSON. Conlnrtor »Bilii bulldw BUILDERS.

.i, n .^-ON. Contraclo, -;•••••-" , BmhlencrS* Hudioa »t.. Ml. h,


| C. SCOTT, Hardware. 8a*h Po-.t* and • I . QIIUMI. Iluildrra HarJwaif a «p«claity.


• olIN GILES * CO., Orowriw an.l l-rotta f ) luna. Omckarr. Ac.

MeCAKTV WbolwaUand Kruli i.rowr. . Bank Block I __

vYfERiNARY. Txiu K. II. McQUKKN. lU«fcl»nt Wrrinarr 1 f SutVHiu. uUlcoal IVrrtn'n Hani. I-.wall. Uli'b.


O v o r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B a n k , Canal BlrwU Tel. plione So. w;.



C L A P P E R T O N & H 1 N E ,

751 .Ton ST.. COO*T BLOC*.

G R A N D R A P I D S , • M I C H .

Local tHUiDMa llrnu 6 ccnta per lino vavh in-•rrtloo.

LiHtal aalcettiaenirnu at •Utule prlcva. Oanli of Tbanka M cenla raoli, r*tr«.iilfM •f

tlie number of Unea. All Iteraa Intendnl to benrflt any one'i liual

nraa will be cbarvrd for at adiroKUlng ram. Iteaoiutloni of condolence, fl.M. Marnagr. death and birth nolicra free. Canla In Directory Column, | l ixr lino per

year. Carda of I In. In Directory, f j per year. Halea for larger adtrrtlaemi-nU made known

at the office.

s . P . H I C K S .

A t t o r u e y , L o a n s , C o l l e c t i o n s a n d I n s n r a u c o .

MONEY tn LOAN on REAL ESTATE SECURITY In auma of I'JOO and upwardi. al current


LOWELL. - M i e n .


f i n e Su i t s , Overcoa t s and T r o u s e r s Flrat floor Weal of K i p m a «)fflre.


Abstracts of Title# Real Estate Under City National Hank,




to buy



is where

you can get

the best goods

for the least




is, where

is that place?

If you


traded with

A. Fisher & Co..

you can

answer it


T h e y always p«y the highest rash

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m ' ? / * *





A T T E N T I O N , O O M B A D F S ! By a reoen enactment

Every Soldier Now Disabled la mtitled to a Pra<ion of fnioi f« t - l i t

per BKMUi. MMCC,

Soldier's Widow ta emitted to a Penaio®. 1 ahall he pl.-a.rd to

proaecnte rial ma. Charjr^ Bxrd by law at |10. So charp* unien Pen

«lon !• procured. A L B E R T J A C K S O N ,

I t .nkl l lsek. - Lowell, Ml'h

For Jus t ice of the Supreme Cour t ,

R o b e r t M . M o n t g o m e r y ,

Bubject to the approval of Republican Stale CunrenUon.


of Kniiww, umde in the Sonalo onu of tho most bnllinnt spet-clics, on the quiit-liou of frit- cuinagp, that has been do-llvcrt'd in tbst place for homu tiiiu> und it wan vlTcctual, for on the heels of the "lieech a fruo coinaRe xulmtilui- |>a«red Iio senate by an overwhelming major-

ity. I t ia a fact conceded by all flnan-ciers that cheap money (by cheap money In meant plenty of money to do the country's businen) is the prime factor of good times. When there is Bufficlent money in circulation to meet all the wants of business, all branches of trade flourishes; the laborer tinds plenty of wprlc at good wages; the far-mer Hnds ready sale for his produce at better than living pnees; while the tradesman finds purchasers for all his wares. Everything booms and life is really worth living. Our good times in days past, have always been those times when there has been an abundance of money. The only class w ho profit by the stringency of the money market is the capitalist, he is in IIIKII feather. His capital is reaping him H rich reward; his role of interest is as high, or higher, than in the balmy days and the purcbus-iag price of his dollar reaches way be-yond hia greatest expectations every-thing, but money, is cheap and his in-come allows him to live in very much better stylo than in the days that aie prosperous to all. And for these reasons the moneyed men of the east are ojipos ed to the free coinage measures. It was due (otheir influence that silver was demonetized in 1873 and to day they are making almost fiantic efforts to block legislation looking towards Ihc re-eetablishment of a double standard. The free coinage measure has passed the senate, but it may be killed in the house, although - it is hardly probable that it will be. The renale is usually the conservative branch of our legisla-tive machinery and very seldom takes a step In advance of the house of repre-sentatives, on any questions of reform, but usually stands in the way of any too rapid advances of the lower houie. If the bill should pass both branches of congress, there is a possibility that it would be vetoed by the President. But, while the bill as it passed the house be-fore Uie adjournment was fairly accept-able, it was not what the people want, and nothing less than an absolute free coinage measure will satisfy them.

It Foolea tka Cop Thrice. "J>»er hear huwthe "id Fort and Third

Strert I'reshyterisn clmrrU got l.iiruod apf" wiiii the old fl reman nt the Wayns itm-t house. " T you didn't it's a funny •tory.

"It wi-. about fifteen years agn. Ths church i« ople conreived the Idea of nin-ninK the ktorei,ipe up tho ateeple to girt more draught to the furnace.

"The first time they lighted up the d» partmetit turned out prouiiitly to luvextl-gatc the cause of the smoke w h ! ^ rolled out of the steeple. Wo >liM»vered «hat the snap was, nod went houio and rubbed up our engioea.

"About a week after, about 9 o'clock ID the morning, a belated dtUen discovered imoke pouring ont of the streple nud lurncd in another alarm. We went down again and looked at the steeple. Then wt drore back and cleancd our engirds.

"Three or four mornitiK* later a new policeman got on to the smoke and turnsd In an alarm. We hustled to the H|iol, saw the policeman and a-'ked, "Where's ths fire?'

'"There, don't you see?' he shouted, pointioc to the smokiiiR steeple. We ex chance.I courtesies sll around, and the lit\* policeman felt pretty small. Then we went back and polished up the engines.

"About a week later the same policeman. sanDterinK down that way early in the loonilng, saw the old church smoking •Sain. A citizen aaw it, too. and screamed at the officer:

" 'Why In blazes don't you call out the Sra department? That church is ajl Rll^e.,

•" 'Yon be biased!' replied the offloer. "I don't bite twice on that kind of thing. That's only ths furnace.'

" 'Kurnace be blowrd!" yelled the citizen, t ba t church is on, and if yon oon't tarn In an alarm 1 wiiL'

" 'If you do I'U lock yon np.' said tba eop. 'Now more on.' The citizen mored on, and In a few mioutea the flamea b u m from all the windows of the chnrch, and she was burned claar down to the cellar."

l.tdlaa Decoratlrs Arv When the Sionx go on the warpath

ia anything like reasonable weather iittj exercise great economy in dreaa. They paint their ponies with red and black paint in crosses. They also wear ^beir hair loose and flowing, and pnt a liberal allowance of red and black pajnt on their faces. Docorativo a r t prevails largely in thrir make np. Bugs, rep tUfla and animals, as nearly as the rude ly artistic mind of tho Sionx can con-trive, are painted on their foruheadj t n d chitu, while a cross of red and black paint ndoma each cheek.—Denver Eepnbiiran.

When O^ld Looks Green. Gold can be beaten ont so thin that it

allows light to iiass through it, in which case, thunch it still appears Lrilliant yel-low by reflected light, it is green aa viewed by transmiason: that is. by the light tbat pas»« through it. This cnrioni affect can easily be observed by laying a piece of gold Inaf n jon a plate of glasa and holding it belwoen the eye and tbe light, when the gold will appear semi tnnspareut and of a peculiar leek green volur.—CluUiibers" JonrnaL

I N C O N G R E S S .

f.»« from OH. The Chicago Jouraal ut Cotumttm fttstcs

that a new process for the uuuiufacture of gas from petndenm has been put Into prao-t4"« at Kiuanniug, I'a., by which it la claimed gas can b« mauaiacturad at ona-haif tbe cos', of the old, and is much better .'or Ulnmiuiitiug purposes. Ths melbod ia a very almple ooe, consisting of a feeder and a system of retorts. These reiorta are kept at a certain heat, and the oil forced through them into a ruociring tank filled with water. When the heated oil strikes the water it turn* into gas, and is conveyed from there to the aapply tank, ready for use. It iaaaid that 4,000 feet of Kascaa be maniifactund from one barrel of U m a oil

A Dai ly Rocord of Proooodlnffs in Bonato and House .

Important Meaaurea DUeuassd at Oreal Lenith -lllila Pa.ied and Othera In-

troduied-Complete Nummary of Consreaalonal News.


WABUIMITOK, Jan. 13.—Senator Quay (Pa.) has lutriKlucod In the Senate a substitute to the Federal election bill. The principal point of difference is In the last section of the bill which is u-s follows:

"When it ahall sppesrte Hie •atintacllun ol the President of tbn United Btutoii tbst (In any locality) the provlntoni of this law ran not otberwlse l>o executed It shall be his duty and be la hereby empowered to autpend there tbe writ of baliea* eerpna and to employ the armed forces ol tbe I'nlted Stairs, natal and military, for Its enforeement and for the praleotloD of the offivers whose dulics are herein provided for."

The rest of the Revdon was devoted to a discussion of the tlnunelul bill.

WAMIIXOTOX, Jan. 14.—In the Senate yesterday a bill was passed transferring smiy officers on tho limil.Ml retired list who have reached the age of 04 to the unlimited list, and providing further that tho number of offlcem on the lim-ited list shall l>e :r>(i. Senator Miennan spoke against the free coinage of sliver.

WABHIKOTOS. . I a n . 1 5 . — A f t e r t h e S e n -

ate had udnpletl the Stewart free-coin-age amendment to the finaneial mcas-nre yestenlny and hud stricken out tho S'JOO.OOO.OOO •.'•per cent bond Issue clause Senator Vest surprised the Senate by offering, as a substitute for the whole affair, u frec-colnntfe bill pure and almple. and the Senate promptly passed it by a vote of 80 to -7. The "bill pro-vides that the unit of value In the United States shall be the dollar, to be coined of l l i j ^ grains of standard silver or 25 8-10 grains of sVindard gold.

WASII ISOTON, J a n . 10 .—A b i l l w a s

passed In the Senate yesterday to credit O. M. Lnrawny. late postmaster at Minneapolis, with Sll.115, the value of postage stamps stolen fmm his ofllce in July, 1886. A bill was Intnidiieed to es-tablish branrh mints at Otnalia. Neb., and lloise City, Idaho. The elections bill wns again taken up and diseussed.

WABIIINOTON. Jan. 17.—In the Senate yesterday a bill was introdneed provid-ing for a tempornry government for Alaska. A bill to e(|iiuli/.e stamlard time in the I'niled States wns intro-duced and the fort i Heat ions bill l£,'i.800,-485) was reported. The elections bill waa then dlseii>sed, th.- s.-ssion lasting all nighL

WABIUNUTON, Jan. 19.—At fl o'clock Saturday evening what few Senatorb were awake adjourned, and the long session whieh had lasted thirty hours In debate on the elections Mil was over.


WABHUtnrox, Jan . 13. — The llomie on Monday adopted a resolution pro-viding for s special committee of five members to Investigate the alleged con-naction of members of Congress in sil-ver pools and to Inquire into tho own-ership of the 12.000,000 ounces of sUrer bullion whieh the I "nit.-.l States Is asked to purchase.

WASUISOTOX, Jan. 14.—In the House yesterday a bill was Introduced to vest the legislative power of Alaska In a Governor and a legislative assembly and that tlie Territory shall have a del-egate to Congrc-vs. The report on Uie liouse apportionment bill was pre-aented and the a m y appropriation bill was diFcussed.

W««UI.NOTOS, Jan. 15.—In the House yesterday the army appropriation bill was passed and the District of Columbia appropriation bill was discussed.

WABUINOTON, J a n . 10 .—A m e s s a g e

from the Senate was received by the House yesterday announcing the pas-saga of the financial bill with a free-coinage subsUtute. The immigrant bill was reported. A committee was named to investigate the silver-pool question.

WASUISOTOX, Jan. 17.—In the House yesterday bills were passed granting a pension of V>0 a month to General Franz Sigel, SI00 a month to (ieneral N. P. Banks. $100 a month to General Isaac Quinby, of Rochester, S. Y., and one increasing to SIU0 a month the pension of Joseph J. Bartlett, of New York. In all seventy pension bills were passed.

WASUISOTOX, J a n . 1 9 . — T l i e i . m e w a s

occupied In the llnnse on Saturday in considering the District of Columbia appropriation bill.


A Bon of tlie Lata I'realilent QarfleM Secure, a llaiidioma Ilrlde.

A notable society event waa the wed-ding recently s t Chicago of .TameaR. Qiufield n son c! tho lato president, to Ulm Heloii Newell, daughter of John Nowell, president of the Lake Shore nnd Michigan Southern railway. Tho cere-mony took place at the 'home of the bride's parents, and was witneved only by relatives nnd Intinmte friends. Rev. James Tnckennan, curate of St. James' Episcopal chun-li, ofllclated.

Paul wns qnlck to perceive that the dl< vine meant no offunse, and, giving a pat M his bagpipes, he made for tha church.— London Tlt-Bita.

MRS. JAMKS H. OARFIEI.D. The brido wore a white satin dreea

and carried n bouquet of white roses. She has blue-gray eyes looking out from beneath brown laahoa, golden brown hair nnd may checks, tho lost being

Color of Eyaa la Uypnotlam. An electrician on Randolph atraet aayai

People who have hazel eyes du nut by pnotiza easily. The lighter tho eye the more eaally tbe work ia douo. People with dark eyea are more nervous than thoaa with light eyes, and It la difficult for tbe former to cunccutrate their alght and thoughta.— Chicago Tribune.

I n E r y p L

Rude Foreigner (meeting Untlah tourist) —Ahl I see II ia true that uo one but a pig and an HiiKlialiman con face tlie hot wlnila.

Britiah Tourist—Evidently, for you and I are the only living things abroad.-Har-per "a Bamr.

TUa Trua Study of Poetry. From early ysan I wns fond of poetry,

and I owe an Immenaa debt to the poets, not only bocauaa 1 hava found In them tha greateat and beat of moral teashera, who revealed to me, or conCrmed In me, tht

6ureal truths on wbloh It Is poaalble to ve, but also becatuc they have lilitml.

natcd many a dark hour and added fraab aunllsht to many a bright ous by twbla leaaona set to natural muslo In nobla words. They have helped mo to bang tha pletare gallery nf Imagination with lovely and delightful icenea, and to take nfuga from any storm which might beat upoa me from without in tbst flood of quenebsble lunshine which they bad kindled for me within.—Canon F. W. Far rar In For;m.

T r a v e l la C h i n a .

Travel in northern China it acoom-plished in a cart, a mule litter, or the

largely due to her devoUon to outdoor saddle. The first method ia the moat exercise. Sho has a pleasant manner uncomfortablo but tho moat rapid, the and a tall nud nttractivo iignre, nnd second tho most comfortable but the ranks as one of Chicago's n.ost beautiful alowcet, tho third ths most independent womeii. Sho met Mr. Qnrfield at Clovo-. but tho moat uncertain. land two years ago, and tho acquaint-1 Tho cart used in northern China has ance there formed ripened into agennine two heavy wheels, with wooden axle, no love match. The young conplo took a Bprings, and a body about four foot long, weddin;: trip to tho coat, nnd after tho nnd Uireo broad, ovor which ia a light honeymoon will make their homo a t . framework top covered with bine cotton.

Two mules driven tandem by a carter aeated on the left ahaft take i t along a t



Minl.ter l.ln.-oln at Ilia Poat. L O M H I S , J a n . 1 7 . — M r . L i n c o l n , t h e

American Minister, arrived ut the ra i l way station iu this city from South-ampton at 10 o'clock a. m. The stuff of the American Inegation were awaiting his arrival, and when he descended from the railway car-riage be waa given a warm welcome.

Moat Pay for Areher"* steallaca. BALTIUOKK. M d . . J a n . 17.—A d i s p a t c h

t o the Sun from Towson. Md.. says that the jury In the Archer bond case has returned a verdict against the surr-Ues for $110,000. Archer was Uie de-faulting State Treasurer. He is now serving a five years' sentence In State prison, pleading guilty to a charge of embezzlement.

Senator Blair Defeated. Coxcomi. N. 11.. Jan. I«.—The Re-

publican caucus t>. nominate a United (jtates Senator to succeed Senator Blair was held last r \ .-ning and resulted: Briggs. 1; Bums, i: Cheney. 18; Blair, 48; Jacob It (iallinger, I'.'O. Mr. Gal-Unger was deelan d nominated. Sena-tor Blair's term expires March 4 next.

A Voung Hoy llange.t, MOXTOUMKRV, A l a . . J a u . 1 7 . — J o h n

Johnson, a negni boy. aged 15, was hanged at Opeliku. Ala., at noon for the murder of Jenkins Moore. Johnson on the scaffold, said he felt ' i ike ho had religion." His last request waa made to the sheriff, w hom he asked to bury hit body nicely.

Couldn't Oel Hid of Tlielr Stock. Lr.MARs. la.. Jan. 17.—Thoma A

Michigan, furniture dealers, bare as-signed to .\ M. Duas. Tbe liabiiiUet are $irt.(ii«i ihe failure is due to a large Btin.iiii! <.l o vdd ~t.«l< HIUI b.^ivy credit l.u in.-itt.fOi the lus! twny.-ats.

A Lawyer VrleO. Padre C Gama, the iirlott for Una eat

of tbe pen ins ii la, while Iu tbe d ty oa thle trip bai nuule inqalrita as to what would be required to admit hi'u to the San Diego bar. He maatettd la*- In Guadalajara while at hi> ecclesiastical studies, and waa adiuilleil there, |.ritclicing for a time In In terlor Mexico before oumin^ to the coast He learned tbat the courtesy could be ex tended to blui on piesentatlon of hit cer Ulicate itorn Mexico, which he will bar* forwardcl. The is-dre does not expect to prartioe iiire. but d.nirm the honor of ad aiissjua.->iiM Uiego L'uiaa.

Society aa He Found It. Mrs. Intrsde—Where it your father? Adnlt Son—He i» a t the eUire, editing

hia edition of "Society as 1 Have Fotmd I t "

Mrs. lntrad. . -WhaU A book? Son—Yes, a ledger, fall of nnpald and

nncollertable bi l ls . -New York Weekly.

TSere Would lie Canaa for Complaint. Politician (angnly>—TUnae newspapeni

tell abominable iiea about me. Friend—And yet they might do worne. Politician—Ou wonel What do yoa

mean? Friend—Tliey iiii^httell the tmlb.—

Kate Field s WashintfUa.

One of Her Shrewdeat Bnalneaa Men Taken In by a Golhant Iluneo Sharp. "The ahrewdml biuiinena men we hare,"

remarked a member of the itock exchange the other evening, "are easily vlcUmlzed whenever they are concerned In matters outside of their own line of butlneat and their own circle of acoualntaucea. A grain speiiilalor who la Invelded Into a real estate deal losea hit HonliK character and becomes a lamb st once. If I were a tmnco man I would lie In wait for the typical businrns man every time.

"A few weeka ago a lumber dealer, whoae name l« well known throughout Chicago, and w hose check la good for a million or two, was taken into camp by a slick young man in New York in a way which makes him liKlitlng mad. The financial loss 1., trifliug—a mere lutgnlolle—but tbe victim Koasha hia teeth whenever he thinks of the ease with which he was politely robbed.

"He hail scarcely registered at the Fifth Avenue hotel In New York before a spruce young man, who familiarly callul him 'Colonel,' ulthough hu never saw military tervice and Is gullUeat of any military Utle, Introduced himself aa the ton of the well known Cleveland millionaire, Dan P. Etlls. Young Mr. Kelia was just returning from s European trip, and waa glad to meet tome ous from the weak It made him think of home once more. Besides, there was another weluhty reason for hit pleasure In inert log a man from the west,

"He bad brought home with him a large number of rare books and paiutiuRS and bric-a-brac, anil waa turprised to And that

a rate of about three miles an hour, and one can make in it an average of thirty-five miles a day, even over the rongheet country. It will carry about three hundred pounds of goods, and one or even two pasaengen; and tho tighter one is squeezed in the more comfortable it will prove, for that, and that alone, will bo a protection from the terrible jolting over the rough country roads.

It is told in some old book of travel in the narrative of the mission of Lord Amherst to the court of Pekin, if I re-member rightly, that one of his attend ants died from the effects of the jolUng he rcccived during a abort jonnioy in one of these carts. But this mode of travel being tho must rapid, I adopted it. Sev-eral years of experience of cart travel in China had made mo bold, to that I did not fear the fate which had overtaken tho Amherst mission man. Comfortably wrapped in my wadded Chinese clothe*, I squeezed myself into my cart, feeling like a delicate piece of chlnaware packed in cotton, and after a hearty farewell to the friends with whom I was staying at Pekin, tho cartera cracked their whlpa, and with a snout to the mules we were off.—Century.


F R A N K J . C U E S E V m a k e s o a t h t h a t he it the aenloi* partner of the firm of F. J . Cheney & Co., doing business In the

the custom house charges bad Increaaed i City of Toledo, County and Slate afore-said, and that taid firm will pay the s u m of O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A H S f o r each and every case of Catarrh that can-n o t b e c u r e d b y t h e u a e of H A L L ' S C A T -ARRH C U R E .

FRANK J . CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subsenhed in

my presence, this 6th day of December, A . I ) , 1 8 8 0 .

, , A. W . OLE A SON, | SEAL | Notary Public.

Hall's Cattarrh Cure ia taken intern-

euormously. He was thunderstruck when Ihe customs officers named the amount of duty he must pay. He was totally unpre-pared for it, but managed to settle the biU. although he had been left slreuded Iu New York. He had telegraphed for money, but wanted very much to leave for home Im-mediately. Couldn't ihe 'Colonel' advance enouKh money to buy a first class ticket to Cleveland? The 'Colonel' could, and did.

"For several weeks ho wailed for a re-mittance from Mr. KelU. i t did not ma-terialize. Then he wrote a polite note to the Cleveland millionaire. This brought a ally and acts direcUy upon the blood prompt reply. It was not pltasant read- and mucoua Burfaces of the tyatem. Ing, but II was decidedly Interesting to tbe Send for teatimonialt, free.

" W E POINT WITH PRIDE" To the "Good name at home," won by Hood a Ssrsapnrilla. In Lowell, Maw., where It ia pre|>ared, there Is more of Hood's SarsaparillaBold than of all other inedlclnet, and it haa given the best of Batitfactlon since its introduction ten years ago. This could nut be if the medicine did not possesH merit. If yuu Buffer from Impure blood, try Hood'i Snrsaparllla and realize its peculiar cur •tive power.

Tlie highest market price paid for wool, pelts and all kinds of fuis a l the Lowell Woolen Mills. (IDniS)


Who left the United Stalei for Liberia last year have lately returned, being un-able to sland the climste. Everybody going to a new climate shonld have a bottle of Sulphur Bitters with them as a safeguard agn'nst disease.—i/artford Couranf.


It seenis the owners of Dr. Urum-mond's Lightning Remedy for Rheuma-liam have a Bonanza, as their remedy haa never been known to fall iu a tingle case. There ia certainly room in the maiket for a medicine that will do what they claim for this wonderful pre|uira-tioc Although the price ia $3 per bot-tle, if it dees one half claimed for it the price ahould be f 100. If the druggist has not got It. the remedy will be eent to any address by prepaid exprew on re-ceipt of prins. Drummond Siedicine Co., 48 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted.


I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. I t proved a cure.—B. F. M. Weeks, Denver.

Ely's Cream Balm ia especially adopt-ed aa a remedy for catarrh which la ag-gravated by alkaline dust and dry windt. —W. A. Mover, Druggiat. Denver.

I can recommend Ely'tCream Balm to all tufferert from dry ca tanh from per-sonal experience.—Uiohael Herr, Phar-maciat, Denver.

Ely's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh. It la In constant de-mand.—tieo. W. Hoyt, Paramaciat, Cheyenne, Wy.

P R O B A T E ORDER.-8 ta le of Hichlcan, Ooun-i ty of K e n t m. At a n a t i o n of ihe Probata Court for tald Goantr of Kcat. held at the Probate Office^ In t h s City of Grand Rapid*, on tbe 8th dayof Jaonarr , Inthe year one t h o u w i d eight hundred and oinaiy one.


Wellington CUley baring A M In Ihla Court hia peuuon praying thai tba admlulatration of aald eatate may be granted to Wealey CUley, of Boaton, Ionia Co., Mich.,

II It ordered that

MOSDAT, r a * »ra e a r o r Fasaoaav, IBSI, at l eo o'clock In tha forenoon, at tald Probate Office, IM appointed for beating tald peUtion.

Ana It U ntr ther Ordsnd, that a copy of Ihlt order be publlabed three tuoceaalTe weeka pre-•ioua to ta ld day of hearing, la the Lowell Jour-nal. a newapaper printed and circulating la tald

of ifcnt. CYRUS B. PEHRINS, Judge of Probate,

( M w t )

County < (A true copy. )

ADOLTB B Miaou, Kuriater.

PROBATEURl)ER.-maM0t Jllemgan,county 1 of Keat^a. At a traalon of t i e Probcte Court tor tald coaMT of Rent, held at tho Probate Of Boe, to the City of Oraad Rapid/ c o the m h dry of Decernoer In tba year ooe Uioiuanu etslil bunilred and ninetr

Present Cyrua K Perklaa, Judge o f P r o h t l e . I t tha mai ler of the estate of


J jbn B. Thompaon having Ihla day filed Is thia Court h i ) petlUon praying that the admlnla-tration dr bonit nun with the will annexed of aald ealate may be granted to himself.

I l la Ordered, thai F a u u v , v s . a>ni DAT or JASVABV. IW1,

a t tea o'clock l a t h e forenoon, a t tald Probate Office, be appointed for bearing aald pelluon.

Chicago lumlier dealer who had ao philan thropically come to the rescue of young Mr. Eells. i t read: 'Sorry for you. ll ' t the same old ustne, though. I have but one son, and he has been an invalid for many years and uas not left my house. Read the papers."1—Chicago Mail.

W i l l C u b a B r e a k la T w o t

F. J . CHENEY & Co , Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggists. 73 cents.


if any one who anffert from Rheuma-tltm would atop and reason a moment before they decide to purchase eome re-medy, ihcy could not help avoid any socalled cure that it sold for 91. Figur

Tne startling discovery has been mails tng the retailera, the Jobbers, and the that Culm is cracking—not simply crack- ' ui.tnufacturett' ptoillaoul of that toll-ing, but bursting wide ojien. Nutnerotit lary dollar, and there It left not over fissures in tho earth have appeared iq ;!u cents for Ihe medicine. Aside from many widely situated localities, but par- its reuutalion, and the fact. Dr. Drutn-(kularly near MaUnzas. One of these mond's Lightning remedy appeals to enormous cracks in nearly eleven English one's good sense. The price m $3 per miles iu length, and has actually hraken a bottle and to anyone suffenng from mountain chain asunder, leavinn a wide Rbeumatitm it is as cheap as it is good gap. Hiiich, but for the fact that the assure and effective. Sent to any address by teem- without bottom, would make a Drummond Medicine Co., 48 30 Maiden tplendid retdway, making Uv eich plants- Lane, New York. Agents wauled. lions iu the valley beyond at. U«st flfty miles nearer Lathios, tbe nearest port, "There ia a slave, whom we have put which i" now reached by rounding the 1" priaon." Aye and we'll keep him spurof the mounUin. Some of ths cracks there, he was a tyrant once, but his reign snd openings within sight of this place are is over, hia sceptre ilea in ihe dust. His 600 to l.ouo fret long, ;i4 to 50 feet wide and uame is Pain, and hia conqueror ia the of unknown depth. | far famed and world-renouned Salvation

These dikturbancta may be and no doubt | Oil. ^ are a uuiiinuaUou of those felt not long ago alontc the south coast of the island, tail the people are not Incliood to view it in that litfhl, regarding all such mani-festotions wiih a superstitions awe, many of them actuall) believlDR that some im-


Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reacnof medicine. They often say, "Oh i t will wear away," but in most cases It weara them away. Could they be induced lo try the tuccsssful medt oie... •. 1. tU peoding calamity U about to overwhelm 1 "T — " V " ~ t ' • • •

the country. SdentisU explain It by say- cine called Kemps Balsam, whiohUsoid lnK Una tlie earth's e n m thickens f rot . I 0 0 • P - iUve guar^. tae to cure, they the sea inland, and that therefore the in- > " o u ' d jmmedutely see^Uie exoelleotef-land pressure it toward the noareu coast Ij*1 . m , , ^ r * * line. The crust there sod In the ooesn be- 'J01'- ""J* ' ' • Trial **** At all yond, le-imj thinner, it more tensilire t« i a r uK8 t o" ' -cenir^ d h a u r t ^ c s a - M a u n ^ Lettaf. A LMy^ M M C O - P ^ I M .

look Out for Tour Hog.. PAINLESS CHILDBIRTH, OUT new book, I believe spoilsmen when iravelln*1 ^ how my woman may become a

shonld 1* as careful of the comfort of mother Kilhuut tuffrring any pa in tokal-their doKs as would the owner of s great i • Also bow lo treat awl overcome thorouKhbred en route to enter for ths : morning sickness, swelled limbs and fall races. The dog Ucrrtaiui) as worthy : evils attending pregnancy. I t is and has by fai the more delicate coustlia-1 reliable, and highly endorsed by physi-tion, yet how many s|>orumcu when oa | cians as the wife's true private compaa-car, steamer or stopping io transit u k s | l o n " bend two oeni t tatnp for descnp the trouble to inspect the quarters of their Uve a rcu la r t and confidential letter, faithful coinpanions? Many of the frster- j sent in sealed envetope. Address nlty 1 know consign their doics to tha u u s of s servant, and trust Implially to hia assurame that they have been well taken care of; the dogs can't Ulk, and tbe glib t e m i o r pockela his fee, and that Is the end of i t

1 have had some rough experience oq that subject, which haa caused me to fo|. low this rigid rule, via.: not only to feed my dogs with my own hands, but lo lusiat upon seeiug their sleeping quarters for ths night. Some hotel keejiers look upon lbs finest bred and best trained dog as they do a brute; sll dom are alike to them, frotq tbe ttump tailed, scalded skin street cuy lo tbe aristocratic tetter or pointer; they make no provision for tbe care of them, snd nil true sporisnieD should carry their custom elsewhere when they tiiscorer that fact.—Cor. Week't Sport.

Mr. S p u i s a e a ' s L o v e f o r B a g p i p e s .

A go<d story lias just come to light about Mr. Spurti'-iu, which gives some idea of the love he eutertsini fur baKpipe playing.

Paul McKillop, the old Highlander whoee body was found in the Caledoaiati canal, Inverness, the othsr week, and who tstf much active tervice in tho Seveaty-nlnth Hitfhlanders, wa. engOKed la play Mr. Spurgeon fMin Dinirwoll otation, when the hue Dr. Kennedy's now cbuilh was opened in that town. McKillop. dressed in fuU regimentals, and with bis pipe ia splendid Older. UnpatienUy awaited the orrival of lbs emlneol divine from London.

Jio sooner »'ad Mr. Spu goon stepped from tlie railway carnage cu lo the plat-form than hia ears were greeted with a stirring Highland march. Mr.-Spurgeoq seemed u; u.lx in the t u ] wart piper ut a glsnoe, asoeruined hit name (Paul McKil-top), and, in a voice hoard above the sound of th# pjpe^exclatned. "Paal, Paul, why

FBAKK THOMAS & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md.

D l t l N K E M N E S S — U Q l ' O K H A B I T — l a a l l t h e W o r l d t h e r e la b a t o n e C a n ,

D r . H a t a e a ' G o l d e n a p o c H U .

It e s s be glet® <a s cup of t s a or eof fe t with-out the k o o w l e d n of the person taking It.ellect-laa a speedy aaa permaaenl c a n , whether ths person Is a m o S e n l e drinker or an alooW-lic wreck. Tbouasaut of druakardt toes been c u n d who have taken the Ootaee U o e d t c In their tee or oeffee without their kauwledge. and to-day beUere they nuit dnakmg of their o v a free wOL No h a m f o l e f f e c u retolUng from Uxlr admlDlatratica. Cures niaraotced. Send for ctroulars and fall particulan. Addreat In

MDSS B r s c m c C o , W Uooe HE.

RUES, n u t s , PILES L o o s e ' s R E D CLOVER P I L E REMEDY, i s

a positive specifis for all forms of the disease. Blind, Bleeding, Itching, Ulcer-ated and Protruding Piiea.—Pnoe 50c. Sold by all duggista.

FINDLAY, O h i o , M a y 1 s t , 1890. J. If Loot Bed Clover Co., pet roil:

Gentlemen: I have been uajng your Fluid Exf rwt of fled Clover for Oouati-pation, and find i( a truly wonderful tnediane, in fact it does more Uun you claim for it. I eheerfolly reecasmcad it to any one Buffering from lhat or kindred complaints. Your* reepectfolly,

FREDERICK L C D E S . I h c above is but one of many such

letters we v e receiving every dsy. If you are ailing try Loose's Extract Bed Clover. If it does you half as much good as Mr Ludcn, you will be well re-paid. If it does you no ffooti after faith-ful trial, return 'he bottle to druggist you purchased of and be will return your money, aa such it our inntructlona. Only try it U alt we asn;. ' For side br all druggist,.

And It la Further Ordered, That a copy of Ihlt 'dee be publlabed three succusalve weeks pren-

out to said day of hearing. In the L o n u . Joe a s AL. a newai ' Ooustyo l

(A true

wapaper printed and clrvulaang In said o f Kent. CYRUS E. PEUEINS,

Register. Juuge of Probate


O r d e r o f P u b l i c a t i o u .

STATE OF MICHIGAN, Tbe Cjcu l t Court tor the County of Ken I—In Chancery.

LTDU A Ivsa, Complainant,

TS Q s o s o s T. Ivsa,


At aUees loa of atld Court, held s t tbe Court House I s l b s O t y of Grand Rapids, U said County, oa the *Xb d » of Deoeober , A. D. 1810.

Present, William E O r o v e , Uroult Judge, l o this cause. It appearing from affidavit on lo. tant the defeodaat, Ueorge T. Ivot, Is not a M d e a t o f Ibis Mala, but thai his prtaanl place

of i v a d e n c e ia unknuw n Os motion of Weasel Hit & Msynatd, Complain,

ant* Solicitors, It U ordervd that the s p p e a r w e e of said aoa-

realaent defeo-iani. Ueuege T. Ivea, be eotered be-eln within Ore months from the dale of this urfer, a a d la cate of hit apoearanoe be oauae hia

ta Ihe Mil of oooula lnt l o b t Sled, and a ooof thereof 10 bt terved oa the Complainant's SoUrttora within twenty days after the service on him of a copy of sskl UUI sad notice of order; and in deftui l thereof, tald Bill will be ta sea a s o o a f e a e d by taid aon resident defend-ant. '

And It Is fuitber ordered, that within twenty a notice cf this

s a to be publlsned la tbe L o w s u . JocutAL, a newapeprr prluted, publlabed, and drealatlng In said County, and that aald puhlicaUoa be con-tinued therein once In each «eek fr-ealx weeks in succession, or that sho cause a copy of this order l o be personally served on said noo rrW-dent defendant a l least twenty days before Uie Ume above prescribed for his s y w a r a n c e .

E . R . C O L L A R ' S


C L E A R A N C E S A L E !


Remnants and Short Lengt DRESS PATTERNS.


Embroideries, Furs, Hosiery, Onderwear, Etc.


D O W N G O T H E P R I C E S .


W e a r e o v e r s t o c k e d .


B e f o r e w e I n v o i c e . .

E . T Z .


Examined, countersigned Circuit and eatered by me

C o a x s u c t L. H s B t s r , MagMar.

West sues £ IUCTW.^

' Atroecopy.atlesl:-O o s t a u c t L HABVST.





When every day we hear these kind of remarks from our customers as they bring in their friends and neighbors to look over our stock: "This is the place to buy your boots and shoes if you wish to save money. It is a fact that they are selling all kinds of leather footwear, rubber boots, shoes, snow excluders, Arctics, Alaskas, felt boots and overs, socks and in fact all kinds of winter footwear for Ladies, Gents and Children at more than 10 per cent, less than other dealers charge for same class of goods. And they tell us the reason

they can do it is simply this: 'they buy for cash, do their own work, pay very small rent, live cheap, and have no old un-

collectable accounts to ask a cash paying trade to help pay in tlie way of profits."

" " t o " " W o . ° l l i ° ^ R ° . b b C T : : : : : ; ; : j | t " " L l r '

Lad ies Wooi-liDcd Beaver S l ipper s . . 75c. a t 65 c t i .

Also a Fine Line of Gents Slippers Below Cost

Y O U W A N T .

K.STkBTAIMIKU while Of i 2

3 4a£3BS^£S'SSR3a

SiawBJWWfflrMjsa 8


OI-EANI.V'i* FHOX HIE I'KFjia-NsUns. " • * d ' i n 0 1

TO BE Kr.yr PDSTHI US m a t i m am. ' S lMo .SS t r r 4 n " u « S r a t a ;



^ T I I I J W E E K L Y ^

DETROIT* f REE* PRESS And Ha Houtshold •uppiemont.

F o r S i . O O a

ters. Ooowrr ^ t r W | S k 2 2 S "

••r mmirj mmd irWi»Mi tobm

ntfrnhu* Ummi Ntfttt tel

Our $ 0.75 Slippers Our 1.00 " O n r 1.25 «•

>0.50 O - 7 5 1.00

We Handle the Boston Rubber Shoe Cos. GOODS,

And a r e buying them frcah every d t y .

Mr White is always on hand to do all kinds of repairing.

First Door W e s t of Althen's Clothing S t o r a

O n c e

m o r e a t

the T r i a n g l e

Store, we are still

Headqua r t e r s for all

kinds of Fancy Glass a n d

Crockery Ware. Priccs, l ike '

the store, have been cut one-fourth^

off from other dealers ' p r ices on t b e

same class of goods . T H R F A I R ,

O. a . HALE.

THAH WEALTH IS a know ledge of Bo^k-keep-—

fa Ctuiti* of Orswl BapfcU, mobM A. a. rABias, Prop.


L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W E D N E S D A Y , J A N I Z A R Y 2 1 , 1 8 V 1 .


J a n u a r y 1 , ' 9 1 .



4% HtXJ r. bo 11 IU Detroit I|V Milwaukee Jet I W • I ' 7 10 11 W


SH BM H iV IK 4t a « io a

io io * *

Lowell U ii> i UK rt Rtpidi

1 lift 6 IS . R f i l Je t « ii)1 6 in

by Sir UUcago by Sir


(I'd Haven Lv MMUI

8 *11 10 W 0.11.5 1. Jot Qraiul lUplds Lbwtll

O v o t t o Jet

Do rand Holly Pontlac Milwaukee Jet D e t r o i t Ar.

* aj I io

8 » | 10 tn 0 Ml' 10 ai 3 15] 10 V.

a ; 10 M, 4 i l l II w | a . m,

T UJ II » « U p. m.

B I0| 1 18! 8 35



Oranges cheap.

Oranges cheaper than apples, at Rick-ert'a.

Jan. A. Scott is Improving tlightly.

For Rent—Houte—Enquire of J . C. Post. S«w4.

Fine Job Printing of all kindt at the J O U R N A L Office.

MVs Will Clark it one of tbe tick, but is now improving.

Lost—Jan. lOtb, between Yelter & Look's drug store and the D. A h . de-pot, a log obaln. Finder please leave a t Yelter & Look s d rug ttore.

8 . 8 . YEITEH.

M. R. Crow, of Grand Ripiits, wua in town a couple of days last week. Word was received here Tuesday that he was ilead, being atricken with heart diaeaso Monday night. He waa quite well known here.

Mr and Mrs 8. P Hicka left laat Wed-nesday for a week's visit to Pom's boy-hood home, Rome, Mich. On their way

filler goes you one better, 13 for $1. ' home they will npend acoupl* of daya

a. m-l » 8i« • 48 7Su 7 45

B 40| 1 47 7 » III lei « « 8 05 10 57 108 8 88 11 88 8 45 8 U 11 8&I 4 u8 B 50

t y C A a i r CVir, Bufftl Car and SUtpInu Car SFTTK*.

""Eastward No. 1*. haa Pullman Hl-eper. Cblca >0 to Detroit. No. 14 haa Wagner Chair and Buffet Car, Urand Raptda to Detroit, ho. IB haa Chair Oar, Grand Rapids to Detroit. No. 8* has Wngucr Sleeper, Grand Rapids to Detroit.

Westward Nn 11 h t s ChalrCar, Drtrolt toGd. RAOIUS NS. 18 baa Wagner Parlor Buffet Car, Detroit to Grand llanlda. Ko. 17 baa Pullman

ir. Detroll to Cblcago. No 81 haa Wagner Hheper, Detroit to Grand Rapids. JNO W. LOUD. '

Traffic Manager. BEN FLETCHER,

Trav. Paaa Agent. A O. HEYDLAUKr.

Local Agent.


L t LowelL (L. A H.) 7 4 0 a • 8 08 "

11 0 1 I A 1 5HPS

8 65 p M 7 08 "

Ar Lanalng 8 85 " 10 a - 4 88 "

" Uelrolt 11 66 "

ooixo wtar . II 00 A a 8 M "

Ar Grand R a p i d t . . . I t 10 r a

Chicigo & West Mich. R. R-

Lv Grand Rapids. Ar Grand Haven.

; Mutkegon •' Benton Harbor " Bt Joseph " Chlcsgo

LvOrand Rapldt.

11 88 r a I 00 r •' 8 OS r • | 8 41 " I 8 40 "

4'J) 8 00 A a1 8 »

7 10

8 18 7 0 8 7 88 8 8 3 B 18

a 880

1 Big Rapids 10 18 " ' B u d w l n 10 « " ' Manistee) M * N . » l « » P l d • Travette c l i y . . . . l U 8 5 I

8 08 r a tS t " 8 55 " 8l« H

8 18 " 10 00 " 10 88 "

a r r w u s LOWXLU OSASD aArtDa ABO o n a o r r .

Ly Lowell Ar Urand Rapids " Detroit

Lv Detroit.

Ar Grand Rapids LoweU

7 40 a a II 00AM a 68PH 18 IOPII 8 to "

II 65 " 8 80 " 10 15 '• 7 06 a «

7 A " i a ip* 6 «, " 8 85 " 8 16 " 7 80 "

Parlor cars oa aU trains between Grand Rapids .sad Detroit.

Parlor c o n oa day tralnt and Wagner rieepert oo Bight trains between Grand Kapida and

.Chicago. GEO. DxHAVEN, Gaol. Pastr. Agent.

Loiell & Hastings R, R. H M E T A B L E ; UL E F F E C T JANUARY I.

Lowell, Pratt Li Lake,


S p P d s .


Detroit, Lv. D., L. X S .


t o . 8 Lv. 1I:U> AM

11:08 A M Ar. 11:18 AM Lv. 11:80 AM Lv.

11-17 AM Ar. Hits A. Ar. 18:10 r M

8^H p a Ar. 8:1*. PM


SO. I T.-OO A a 10.110 A M l;»i p«

1:40 r a 1:50 r a I AM » u 1Mb r a t-.U r a

so. 4 8:86 r a 4.-07 p a 4:11 r a 4ad p a 4:10 p a 4 Ai r a 8 M P . S:|e p •

1CJ8 pa

s o . t 1:18 p a 8^4 p a e:S5 p a 8 80 p a t :« l p a 6:50 p a 7:05 Pa 7:10 p a 7.iao pa L o w . n , Ar.

Trains 'arrive and depart f r o m Front Blreet f Depot.


FOREMAN & T A L B O T , PROP'S. Ordets for PasaengMa or Baggage left at Train'.

Hote l , Davis House or the Bus B a n will receive prompt eoent lon

1,601): IICBIGAN: FARMERS are actual paid - in - advance subscribers to T H E NATIONAL

STOCKMAN AND FARMER. Thev appreciate its ninety-six col-umns each week, filled with well-classified reading matter, complete and accurate market reports and containing only .dean, reliable advertisements, Sind we appreciate their patron-age-

W e have no more intelligent and critical readers than those .in Michigan. We want more of them. With more than .20,000 subscribers in Ohio where our paper is well known w e have no difficulty in ex-

-Ttending our list We want 3,400 more in Michigan in the next sixty days. We would get them and double that num-ber if farmers there knew what we have to offer them> A postal card will bring a sample copy.

Subscription price, $1.50 per year. In dubs of five, J i . The remainder of this year free to new subscribers for 1891, W e will pay 13,000 in cash to our club raisers April 1, 1891. A X T E L L , B U b H & CO. , P u b l ' m .

P I T T B B L ' K O H . P A .

O K A S . I ^ W - S r E R , RSCRUSTOS OP

N A T I O N A L H O T E L . Hear D., 8 . H. A M. Depot,

x.Q'warT.T. .

. L i v e r y a n d P e e d Rtanle In C o n r . e e t l o n

Fine Gloves and Milletit cheap a t B. C. BmithV •

Elegant New Fall Styles In Suitings, .jUttautb'fi.

Warranted the best

Klegant Hamboo Easels, | 1 and up w a r d t a t A . L . COOLS.

B. O. Wilson it very tick, with pros-pecta for the better now.

Fins Bedroom suits $14 and up-wnrdt, nt A. L. Coons'.

Mr and Mrs H. A. Sherman spent Humlay in Grand Rspida.

The finest lot of Florida oranges ever brought to Lowell, at Rickert's.

Cltas. A. Church left, Monday, for Chicago, on a short business trip.

The Vergennes W, C, T. U. will meet ith Mrs Mary Adams, Jan. 29th.

Milk at my house 5 cents a quart. D. B. SPRING.

John Gout, of Grand Rapidt, called on his numerous Lowell friends Imt week.

Wanted—A good man lo do chores, must be a good milker Apply lo D. E. Spring.

Mr and Mrs Fred T. Mason, of Ionia, ipent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T, W, Mason.

H. W. Hull and wife, of Gd. Rapidt, are vixiting relaiivet and friendt iu this vicinity.

Mr and Mrs Clare M Shaw, of Grand Rapids, are happy in the possession of a new son.

A good sound 8 year old mare, in foal, weighs about IISO, for sale cheap.


Good, pure milk. 5 cents per Quart delivered at your door.

( 4 w ) FRANK E . BAYLES.

Why don't yon buy your fins umbrel-las at B C. Smith's. Best for the price in town.

Abe Peck has moved into hit recont acquisition, the Barber place, opposite the Davit House.

Ext ra copies of the JOURNAL will be kept on sale a t tho Fair, tho triangular ttore on the Bridge.

At prophecied last week, Al Shepard received the appointment of Deputy Sheriff for this place.

Tbe next party ot tbe qO gl club will be held a t Train's Opera House Wednes-day evening, Feb. 4th.

Targlerinea from the celebraied Samp-ton grove, Florida, something new and very cheap, at Rickert'a.

Miss Jennie Ball haa gone to Cedar Springs for a few weekt lo visic her sit-ter, Mrs Lizsie M. White,

Mrs Green and daughter, of Port Huron, visited her brother, O. R. Harris, in Keene, last week.

Mrs L. F. Seeley, of Grand Rapidt, and Mra J . Ackerson, of Middieville, visited their sitter, Mrt M. Rubent, last week.

Robert Marshall waa on tbe streets yesterday for tbe flrat lime, after being confined to tbe house for a week by sickness.

C. W. Wisner, H. P., and A. J . Howk left yesterday for Detroit to attend the Grand Chapter R. A. M., which it in sevsion there thia week.

Sam Edmonds wishes ua to tay that he waa ia uo wl«e & candidate. Some of hia over jealous friendt tried hard to have him be one but it wouldn't work.

Josephine Slater, of Lilly station and Frank Haney, of near Greenville, have been arrested for stealing a bone from a Sparta livery stabls keeper.—Dei roil Journal.

Do you want an elegant little home in Lowell? New 7 room house, city water, etc. Your own price will take it. Write J D. Eilinwoud, 254Canfield ave. W., Detroit.

Oh GncioutI how mod eel! The l a t » t fad in New York society it to have a shawl with w b k h to screen the fee— (oh myt> pedal extremities, in getting in and out uf a carriage,

John, Nora and Bessie Hutted and Mary Cotney, spent Sunday with then father. Hits Bessie Hutted returned to Chatham, OnL, where the wdl ra sume her school studies.

Wanted—A woman to do housework. A widow of mature age preferred. Must he capable of taking entire charge of the houte. Small family, but no snap. Apply a t this oSfce.

Died, of cortumpUon, January 18th. a t the home of Her father-in law, In Cat-cad", Mrs Mary A. Harris, nee Mary Crakos. Deceased was well and favor-ably known in this vicinity.

T h e L O W E L L J O U R N A L h a s b e e n a w a r d -

ed the printing of tbe List of Lands to be soil fur delinquent taxes, In Kent County, the first publication of which will appaar !n our iatue of next week.

Editor F. W. Ball, of the Grand Rap Ids Democrat, turned over tba paper to ita new proprietor tbe other day aad hia former employees took that occasion to present him with an elegant gold watch.

Tickets are now on sale at Church's bank to Grand Rapidt, via 1). G. H. & M , tingle and return, including Bus fare at Lowell and Street Oar fare at Grand Rapids, a t the s a u e old rate. Purchase tickets and leave Bus orders early

G. A. Virkerr . of Lexington, Mass., visited his friend. B. E. Quick, a few days last week. This was bis, tirat trip to the west and he was very much pleated with our town. He was espec-ially pleased with our stores, compll menUngthem very highly on account of tbe large and carefully selected stocks they contained. He left Thursday for Chicago and other points west.

Wm. Seabury's team was hitched to a threshsr engine ana when they struck a slippery place near Train's Hotol, Sat-urday, they caused no end of excite-ment by both slipping and falling down. After a struggle, in which every person connected tried to be boss, tbe horses were gotton on their feet and helped over the bad place. It is downright cruelty not to have bones tha?p thod thia t««ton of the year


with Mr and Mrt E. A, Sunderltn, at Lanting.

R. D. Stocking hat a nice ttock of guna which be will aell very low. Any thing from a cheap Flobert to a fine Englith double barrel. Call early and get flrat cnance, at they will be sold very low. Mutt go.

Hard and Soft wood logs wanted. The underalgnt d will pay the highest market price for all kinds of hard and soft wood logs, and will also do custom tawing at prices lo suit Ihe Umes.

K I N O , QUICK & K I N G .

At the next regular meeting of Joeeph Wilson Pott, No. 87, G. A. R , tome very important butinets will Le trans-acted and the attendance of all membera ia d e s i r e d . B E N J . MORSK,


Tbe Baxter Steam Laundry, of Grand Rapidt, bat eslabiithed an agency here and their work will be called for and delivered without extra charge. N. L. Coons lint charge of it. Ordera may be left at A. L. Coona' Furniture Store.

The oopartnerahip heretofore exltt-ing under the name of Hare ft Kisor is thia day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr Hare retiring. All orders for work previous to Dec. I t t and all accounts for and agalntt will be settled by the late firm. Lowell, Mich., Jan. 9,1691.

J . C . H A R E ,

C H A S . E K I S O R .

A Mint Catoa, of Conatantine, loat her voice a few years ago, not being able to speak above a whitper, and since tbat time h u been deluged with offers uf marriage. Lant week she waa vial ting frienda at Kalkaska and waa aeixed with a fit of tneezing and when it waa over found that her voice waa at good aa ever. She can now talk aa faat aa any-body and at the ia three years behind, ia trying to make up aomething she haa lust. If tbn keeps it up "he will be sorry the did'nt snap up some of those offers.

H T. M. Treglown, of Grand Ledge and Relding, spent Sunday In Lowell. Henry Thomaa Mam thinks the busineta outlook a t Belding ia flrat-claas, and to it ie. There ia no uae talking, there ia nothing to builds up a town as manu-facturing. Yon may have tbe beet ag-gncultural region surrounding you that it ia possible to have, but it will only al-low you to grow to a certain limit and that ia toon reached. Get mcnufaclur ing, acme way and manufacturing that paya. If it doesn't pay it is a detriment to the town.

A very pleaaant wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mra E. B Hakes, the parents of the bride, last Wedneaday evening, when Will 8. God-frey was married to Miss Nellie R. Hates, in the presence of about seventy relatives and frienda, by the Rev. J . T. Hutted, of Gd. Rapidt. The ceremony waa performed at 8 o'clock, a harp. R. D Stocking preaided a t the organ. M i s Lua Jones, of Qrandville, waa brides-maid and Fred Lampman, of Byron Center, was best man. The uahere were Ernest R A. Hunt and Harry H. Hunter. Tbe bride and bridesmaid carried ele-gant boqueis of yellow and red roses, and after ths ceremony a neat lunch was served, Tbe newly wedded pan-were the recipients of numerous beauti-ful, uaeful and cosUy presents. They went directly to their home, which they had prepared In advance, and began their new lite in their new home. They have many frienda here, who wish them the best of everything through life.

THE ART AMATEUR for January, ISfll, ia a special number having four colored plates betide tbe eight pages uf black and white'aupplemeuts. The first ia a very powerful landscape, an exact fac-aimile of a painUng by Mr George liiueas, " Io the Gloaming." Thia ia a aunset effect on a river landscape, full uf flne poetic sentiment and gorgeoua but beauUlul color. The aecoud la dainty decorative panel, a group of Mar-icueritiea and Buttei files, charmingly reproduced from the original water color. In delicate painting and skill-ful composition it is sure to be greatly admired for copying or framing. The two other plates are designs for a Crack-er Jar , with Orchid deoorations, and for a plate in the Apple Blossoms, in china patniing. Tbe supplement of working designs includes a Hue set for a Beue-dlction Veil, in ecclesiastical embroidery, by- Mra Barnes Bruce. "Our American Art Hcboolt," this number, is devoted to a paper by Professor Ernest Kuaufft, upon ths luiportant School ol Indutirial Design under Profesaor L. W. Miller, at Philadelptila. This is fully Ulustrat ed witti studies and designs. Mr Roger Riadon concludes bis article on Puvis de Ciiavannes, which lontains tome charming piotures by the great French artist. Notices of ths chief cxhibuiona ol tbe month and uf current literature are especially teaaonaule. A valuable tllustraUxl paper on the terra coita groups of Tauagra ia contributed by Mr baruet Pndlins. An inierview with Messrs. H. C. Edwards and Eaton, illus-tration for periodicals, replaces Profess-or Ernest Kuoufft 's "Pen Diawiug" for this month, and gives tbe practical aide of the tame aubjeou Mr w . L. Lof lie baa a chapter on-PrinWolU-ctlng in bla 'Art at Home" aenet. A double page

of atuilies by various artists, and a sketch by Etcnelberger will be especially interesimg to atudenta,

Tbe Cbtua Paintiog aecUon has an article ou "Blues," by Mra Ailing, a full page lor Nasturtiutu decoration by Mr L. Macofnber, and other studies

THE WORLD'S FAIR. A L o w e l l B o y U o o e W r o n g .

Word reaches us that our former fel-low-townaman, Geo, S. Powlison, baa 1 A Wiwn dntted veil la aald to be lite CM gone wrong and fled from justice, (nest ..nlveranlly btoomlnf u.lhs wearar.

Nothing h«, oom. upon on , t o . n l « ' some time that baa caused to many una Q | | l n ( w i l l b e h t t V 8 w o l | a b r o n j ^ u l

such universal expreaaiont of sorrow, home. Geo. came to thia town in hia early | Ths Rev. C. II. Piino-enn writes from ths childhood and baa grown up among us; wulh of Kranci-thnt he Is Hlnwly but sure-and no young man has ever left a place 'T recovering bis health. leat ing ao many sincere friends as did I To banl.h red ants from th . ranlries B „ „ Mrew whole cloves around the sbslvet. he when be moved to Kantaa. Hia T h # n l s 0 i c r r i l „ I I10l l l

mother (a most eHtimable woman whose extemlnstor. heart will lie broken by this) waa lelt a | Carmen Rylva snys tliat "men study a widow when Geo. waa about 10 years woman ns tbey slutly the barometer, but old and gave him a II rat rlasa training .theydo not understand till lbs day aftar-

and until he left here he waa a »<*«, hot recently bun found that certain dutiful ton, being tbe main support of gnwtha have the powrr of remov-the family after ho waa 14 yeara of age; ing gold from water conutinlng It In sus-at which time he commenced work in pension. Jacobaon & Co't old ttore. He after- I Cowboys and cavalryniou are nsttally

1. f (J o.nnn nmi H I bowlecKed. Uutall bowIe«ge»l people are warda clerked for C. G. Stone and U. , ^ w , | i c h l h l .y , , l u a U 1 u, T. M. Treglown, receiving the largest grateful. talary ever paid in this town for a dry | The flrst metal pen mentioned by modera goods clerk. He waa a favorite with | hisloriHtiH was Hint used by Peter Unlet, all tho cuttomcre and with tociety in the famous wrllittg master to Queen Kliaa-

general and no young man ever s t a r t ed ! ' " 'k . . . . , . „ . . . . . . Tho chemical expert of the sanitary board

out with better prospects. Ho went lo ! o f O | | m | t o r | i M l U t

about i y ean ago and went loto dty drinks about 40.000 paiU daily of buviuett, but WM not a HUCCM. About lu owu a year ago he was married to Maud; Alexander the Great had a t ^ t In hi, i u c

Whitfield, daughter of Nat. Whitfield, n™''. It was therefore fashionable f-.r MecUtlve oommluce ami kiOU lo the of Rapid City" Dak., formerly ^ m | ^ ^ I Ury; u c u. approve tht payment of any

Lowell j It was thought that both were lucky in obtaining so fit a life compan-ion. There can be no doubt of its being our George, aa Will Hino haa been in correspondence with him since he haa been at tbat place and Mr McConnell, hia employer, wrote C. G. Stone con-cerning him before he waa hired. His

Dr. Benner, of Doylcstown, has memlvd lbs broken leu of Philip Rodrock's horse, to that the anlnml lin.- quite recovered tlis use of the llinb. The horto was snspetided In a swing elgbi weeks.

In New Mexico, near Albuauerque, an . ancient smollinK fnrnaci', fllle.1 with ore, | was discovercil n few days ago. Not fur oil a bar of smelted silver was fonntl. Tbe

Tfct Congreaalnnal C o m m i t t e e T h i n k s t h s K i p e n a e t A r e T o o H e a v y .

W A S U I S O T O X , J a n . 10.— I t e p r e s c n t a -

tlve Candler (Mass.), chairman of the aelect eommitteo on tho world'a fair, on Saturday presented to the House tho report of tbe sub-committee that went to Chicago to examine into tho con-dition of mutters there in relation to the world's fair. The report says that the power assumed by the World's Colnmliiiin Commission litis produced confusion as well na caused nnnecesMtry ex|ienditure of public money; that the salnrlea paid tootlicinlN ahou'.d be lowered.' und tlmt the fair can not well be conducted to successful termination under the dual nianage-ment which is now in openitlon. The report closes by sulistitiiting the follow-ing joint resolution:

The Bccretnry ol ts.e T eti ' t i ry Ih d l r t e ted n o t t o approve thu p a j m c n t ol any cxpen«e ut-tcadant upon a meet ing of t b e World 's Colum-bian Oommisalon o r of tlie board of ady mana-gers e i r i p t such mpet in i r . an may be callrd a t tbe t ime ol tbe dedicaliuti a n d opening of t h o world 's fair, nor t o approve t h e payment of any expen«« t l t e n d a n t upon a mee t ing of the execu-tive c o m m i t t e e e x r p p l i u c b uieet lhga a s may 1.0 h r ld nm o f t rn . ' r t l ian once In NIX m o n t h s ; ) nor to app rove t h e p a y m e n t cf an) salary t o any offl .er of the Wor ld ' s Cnlumhlan Com-mlaalos out ol any money whu-u bas been or may be ava i lab le for .uch piirp<nes o t h e r t haa an anntml r a . a r y not In cxcess uf I5.UJ0 to the preMdent. II.UW to the vlce-olialrmtn of t ho

lecro-any s a l a r y

to t ay offlcer of the b aril nf lady tnanaiters In

A n Album OR A

Toilet Set Is a Useful Present at any time and I have got a few very fine goods left over from my Christmas Holiday trade that

I WILL SELL SO CHEAP That it will surprise you. Drugs, Perfumes, and Toilet Articles, Books and Stationery also very cheap.

W . S . W i n S T E O - ^ P l .

exeeas of I5.0UU t o t h e p r r - l d e n t and 13,011) t o tbe s e e r e t a r y : nur tu t p p r o v e the payment of t n y e x p e n . e . ol t t ie W o r l d ' s Columbian Com-mlKlon or of the board uf ladv manager s o t h e r t h t n those he re inbefore mcntimiud which ttatU amount t o tiinr.- t h a n *101)0 pur annum In the aggregate


i B p o r t a n t l . e g i . l a t i o n In Ind l sna P e l a y a d by nn Krror.

J . . . I I "M" . IXDIANAPOI.IS, I n d . , J a n . 1 9 . — T h e all their old fnends in their affliction | l ! l t r i l m | „ | ^ every part by a tyslem of s ta te Senate has dtxeorered that tho that is worte than death. constitutionul amendments adopted by

The following, which we clip from I Frank De Witt Taltnage, ton of the ! the last Legislatun- are void because

the Chicago Herald, is all the informa- ,»mt0"H "T* 1 *, ' ; , P

l ^1 ! " : . I t l ^ . l ! ! r ' n

fK i r - t h e 7 . w , ' r e n , " KP r , ' l , ( l " P o u , l u ' J n Q r n a , #

• w r u i c r u c i i in t . HP 11 a youiiat m a u 01 lion that bus been received here con- of dark complexion, and somewhat rt»ei.i-cerning tbe matter;

MANKATO, Minn., Jan . 16th, W. W. P. McConnell, a prominent dry

goods merchant and postmaster, a year ago laat December employed Geo. H. Powlison, from Kansas, as his bead clerk, and toon after gave htm charge of tbe mail order department. Powli-son began a course of systematic em-bezleing, tending out agents and etlab-lithing thirty tlx agencies in various towns of toutb Minnesota. He kept a complete tyttem of books aud until two weeks ago was able to elude detection. Ho returned a d ra f t to a Wlndom firm which was payable to McConnell atkiug lhat it be made payable to him. Thit firm wrote to McConnell inclosing Powhson's letter and aaked if all w a s right. Constant investigation since has disclosed the fact tbat bis stealings dur-ing tbe past few months aggregate $3,000 to *5,000. Powlison was accused by McConnell of hU wrong-doing and while at first denying it, finally broke down and admitted taking goods to the value of of |2,900. A warrant waa is-sued for hit arrest thit morning, but he canuot be found. He married a most excellent young lady nearly a year ago He had a happy home and haa been prominent in religious affaire, being superintendent of the Mankato S. 8. Be moved in the best society circles and was thoroughly trusted by his employer and all othera. Investigation into hit past record shows that he had swindled •everal parties of various tuma, ranging from $200 to $500, in Kansas and Mich., and also tbat he was involved in an un pleasant affair with a young lady. He baa squandered the greatest part nf his stealings in his living. Bis wife will sue for divorce.

Beds far nyoclntha. In the preparation of a garden bed or

border for hyacinths it is best to take tome special care. Tbe application of stable manure before planting is not de-sirable. as it bos a tendency to cause the bnlbs to decay. But tbe addition of a quantity of leaf mold and if the soil ia heavy a good dressing of sand will be found beneficial. About four inches of tbe top soil can bo removed from the space intended for the bed and laid on one side; spade ovor tbe whole as deep as possible and work in the leaf mold and sand, if desired. With a sandy toU leaf mold olono makes an excellent dress-ing.

Rake over the bed, freeing it from all stones, nnd giving it a tmooth, level surface. Parallel lines can bo drawn and intersecting ones, nnd the bulbs placed to aa to show solid masses of color or designs of auy desired patteruv At tbe point where tlie lines cross presa the bulbs down into the toil even with the surface, "and when all have been set cover the whole bed over with the soil which was first removed, thus leaving them with about four inches of toil en-tirely over them. Before the ground freezes hard tho bod should have a thick covering of leaves for n winter proteo-Uon.—Vick'a Magazine.

H a c b l o o f o r T u r n i n g Hook Laavot .

A company is being promoted for the purpose of introducing u novel machine for automatically turning over tho leaves of books, which is especially adaptable for libraries, hotels, railway stations, shop windows, etc. "The Herald Exhib-itor," as it has been named, is tho patent of Mr. T. W. Tetley, of Bradford, who claims that the machino will work for a week or longer period, according to od juatmeut, without attention, and will turn over nny tlxe or weight of leavee, within reasonablo limits, nllowing suffl den t interval for perusal between each opereUon, When a leaf bos been tamed over in either direction the machine au-tomaUcally reverses, and so arranges it-self ot lo be ready to raise the following leaf, thus giving a continuous motion.

hies his father In facial expression. Ilo shows evidence of havini; been trained in oratory, yet his delivery Is crude and hia Ketlures are not tponlaneotls.

1*1 its accept our children as the kind of people tbey are by nature. Do not let them feel that their fntillt nn- uppermost In our i mlndt when we think of them. The per- I ton who It happy surely facea the world at ^ a ureal adviint«Ke; the person who U un-happy often baa doubtt and suspicions and bittern eM.

Tha D o l p h i n S l m o .

Tho gentle Pliny, who Is fre<|iiently quoted In John Aahton's hook on xuology because of his havinu turned In a para-graph comtnendlnK tbe early Clirisliant forgettlnu up before sun up, was cnpalde of Inlerestint; narratives lie ground out one about a dolphin that struck up an ao-quainumce with a nice lillle Itoy who walked around the Lucrlne lake from Ralie to Puteoll to school every day. This dn|. phln's name wns Slmo, and the nice lillle boy used to whistle for lilm every morning when the first Isdl ranic, and when Slmo would come up thraAbiug aud siilnshiuu around, the nice lillle boy would break off a piece of bun or mayhe a piece of apple pie lhat he had In bit lunch basket, for It teems in those daya the boyt' mothers used to put up pieces for them to eat st noon when tcbool let out.

Slmo hail quite a mouth for pie, and Anally, by way of showing his gratitude, bo used to draw iu his tpines ami have the nice little boy get on a straddle, nnd thut convey him to the tteamer dock at Puteoll. Thia saved the Iwy from walklnu away round. And In the afU-moon after school jet out there would lie old Situo ready to take the lad back. This went on for.some time until the Itoy look down sick with tome malady—Pliny doesn't say what, but It ia lielleved that it waa Inflammatory rheumatism from geUIng his feet wet so often. Hut anyhow he died. After that Slmo came around just the tame, but there wns no nice little boy there, and the artless Pliny snys that fluaily the poor fish jtut gave up nnd died oul of pure grief. Pliny snys thut uns lite talk of the neigh borhoiMl.—Chicago Tribuuo.

T o d e l t h e M o . l Good O u t o f H o o k a .

Vou should treat a book as you would a person with whom you are talking for In-formation; that is. question it, read it over and turn back and try lo gel at the mean-lug. If the Ixsik itself does not answer the questions you rni»e go to some oilier book, oak a diclionnry or enevclopedia for an ex-planallou. And if the iiook treated In thia way dis-s nut le*rh you anything or doet not Inspire you, il Is of uo mure tervice to you than the couvertalinn of a dull, igno-rant person. I just used the word "In-tplre." You do not read nil books for facta or for Infomiatlun merely, but lo be in-spired, lo have your thuughts lilted up t« noble ideas, lo have your tympalhiet touched, your ambition awakened lo do tome worthy or Kreal thing, to liecome a uiati or woninn of character and consldera-lion lu the world.

Vou read the story of a fine action or a heroic character—the death of Socrates, or the voyage of Columbus, or the tncrilice uf Nathnu ilule, or such a poem aa "The Iwuly of the bike"—i- it for itiformalion only, but to create iu you a higher idoal of life, and to give you sympathy with your fel-lowt and with noble purposes. Vou can-not begin too young to have these ideals and theao purpoaet, and therefore the best literature in all the world is the best for you lo begin with. And you will Bud 11 the motl interesUng. —Charles Dudley Warner in St. Nicholas. .

A C o l l e c t i o n o f W a l l K n o w n S a w t .

A boiled eg* never lirtches. Learn of the mole lo plow, tht worm to wears Lawyera', preachers' and tomtits' eggs— there are more uf them hatched thau corns to perfection. A dead llth can go down tlream, but II ink™ a live one tu go up. One Nestor is worth two AJaxea. Noth-ing but money is tweeter than honey. Some are weatherwise, tome are other-wise. Whatever may lie the music of ihe tpheres, how great soever the hanuuny of the slurs, 't ia certain there is no hurniony amoug the star uozers. When it's fair b« sure and take your great coat wiih you. If your head is wax don't walk lu the sun.

Love your nrli{libor, yet don't pull down your hedge. Many foxea grow gray, but few grow uood. Meu ami melout are hard lu know. Pride gels into the coach and abume tnounu boliiiuL Tlie fur that warmed a monarch warmed a hare. None tpeskt better than the a til, aud she aays nothing. The muses love the morning. The muses starve In a cook's shop. Though all men cannoi live on the plana, every one may

In full us reqitirod by iuw. ond tbey will have to IK- adopted tinew and referred to the next Li-gisluture for similar ac-tion before t iny can be .subuiiltcd to tho people. The mnendmcnta provide for increasing the terms of thi-county and Slute ollleer- to l.uir years and to prohibit two Micce.vsive terms; making all able-bodied tn -ii members of militia: making u year's reaidence in the State necessary to a vote; increas-ing the numlier of Supreme Court judges from live to nine and increasing the length of tonus to eight years; pay-ing memliers of the Legislature flx«d salaries nnd removing the limit of length of session, and putting regula-tion of law practice into the hands of tho Legislature.


Str lk* o f TVIr^riiiili 0|N*rtttora and S t a t i o n A c n i U on I h # *ft. I'aul.

CHICAGO, Jan. 17.—A great telegraph-era' strike bus been liuiugurated on ths Chiuago, Milwaukee A St. Paul system. The best itiformalion obtainable Is to tho cffect that oOO operators and sta-tion agents are o u t While it is not now expected that a lie-up will result, such a consequence is more than possible. The mad Is already seriously crippled in Iowa. Minnesota. Dakota. Missouri and in parts of Illinois and Wisconsin. Trains will run under great disadvant-ages.

CHICAOO. J a n . 1 0 . — T h e r e a r e n o n e w

developments ir. tho railway telegraph-era' strike. General Manager Earling, of the Milwaukee A S t Paul road, sayt that only seventy-five men have quit work and that all Uieir places have been filled. At the slrilters" headquar-ters, however, it is claimed that there arc 850 men who have null work.

K«rtl iqui ikr« In Mfii lro.

Crrr op Mnxico, via tiulveston, Jan. 19.—Three earthquakesoccnired Thurs-day at Parrul, In the State of Chihua-hua. The gallery ut the Convent ol the Sacred Heart gave way. killing six persons and wounding nine.

Tli« Pit l lurr R*rord.

N E W YORK, J a n . 1 7 . — T h e b u s i n e s t

failures occurring throughout the com • try during the lust seven days numbei 411, as compared with a total of 403 last week. For the corresponding week ol last year the figures were 3:W.

A H o t e l B l o w n I ' p .

FlMDLAT, O., Jan. 19.—By an explo-sion of natural gas yesterday the Hotel Marvin in this city, valued at 840,000, was lef t in ruins, two girls were killed and seven other persons wore injured, some fatally.


NEW YORK. J a n . 1». f-' io « s 00 4 nu O 5 78

Hon J W ii i M FLOUft—Piilr to Fancy 3 m (ii 5 0)

Minnrtolu Patents 4 «il ft 5 10V WH BAT-No. i Red 1 01 V(t 1 05

No. 8 Red W'tft I 00 CORN—No. * 59 O 5»V,

Ungraded Mixed i'J it 81 OATS-Mixed Western 19 H W RYE—Western - (t to PORK—Mean, New 11 50 ((13 CO LARD—We-tem Steam « 15 <1 8 1TK BUTTKR—Weat-rn freatnery IB it l i

CHICAGO. BEEVES—Shipping Sleera

Cowa Slockcra Feedera Butcbe;>' Steers BiiUs


Good to Choice Hairy.... KOHH—Fre.h BRUOM CiiIlN—

Hur l Self-working Crooked

POTATOES t per bu.i NJ (ft POHK—Me«« 10 ai ftlO LAKD-St- aui !. 75 (b 6 77#

R I C C A R D O IAMUCCI , Industr ial and Artistic Drawing, Modeling, Cast ing and Wood Ca rv ing

Acadcmy .


Orders taken for Artistic and Ornamen ta l Wood-Carving, as well as all work stated above .

Signer lamucci't school haa been estabilahed in this city for nine yeara, and is bated upon the European Sytlem. giving that thorough inslruction In the ele-mentaiy principlee and the foundation of Art. which all must study, who Intend to pursue a succcasful courao in Art as a profession.

Refer by penuisaion to Mrs Chas. Quick.

L o w e l l M a r k c t a .

B a r l e y ? I 2 0 - 2 5 Corn, 55 Wheat, white 9O Wheat, red yO Oats 40 Rye 60 Flour, per hundred 2.00 Bran, per ton, 18,00 Middiingn, per ton )0.00 Corn Meal, per ton JS.OO Corn & Oats, ,, 'J7,0u Butter, 14 Eggs 20 Potatoes, 75 Applee,perbu8 1.00 Clover Seed 3 flO Pork, dreem-d, per hundred, . . 4 00 Beans, per bushel 1,60

N o t i c e .

Having bought the account of the lato firm of Hunt & Hunter, all persona who are indebted to them, will find the books at tbe ttore of Hunter & Son. Ploasc call and settle.



Improved Variable & Friction Feed. Send f o r Ca ta logue and Special Prices.

A. B. FARQUHAR & CO., - York, Pa.

L I V E STOCK—Catl ie . S b e e p .

t* « k . . n n i i . n n o t n i i A i . . i i » k . * i . « i . i m ^ i feel lhetun. Time and patience turn the If t h ' . 'plianc fulllilt all that it claimed m u l u , l c . r l o „ t i n . ^ £ Ridlar la for it by the Inventor, it seems highly B c u m Xrauacrlpt. probable thai an extensive use may be fotmd for it iu public mnscmus, libraries, etc.—Industries.

A Cnrlaalty. u aat u. — , 'Ladi1** ami gentlemen," said the lect-bv Pally Tlium"m'uddTuon'lo'the'color ! n ^ r of Uie dime mnaenm, "thia is the plates noted above. The interest of young mother and her baby that w® Wood-carving and Modellings is well have secured a t a salary of $1,000 per sustained by a large panel designed by Frofcaaut L. W. Miller, another of the net of chair backs by C. M. Jenckes, aud a tet of three tiles in terra cotta. A number of notable subjects In Lou •

week.' "What 's there peculiar about ' e m r

queried an auditor. "What 's there peculiar about 'em?

Why, thia: The baby ia very homely, deire style and many other liemt, make I * 7 ^ - 7 " ' tins p a n au emtuently practical one. M d the m o t h » Ii w f f l l a g to admit that I Price 85 cents ]

MOKTAGUK MARKS, P u b l i s h e r , 2 8 U n iou Squar. New York City.

Ueduced Pare to Uelrolt.

The Lowell & Hastings Bail Road Co., decided to reduce tbe fare from Lowell to Detroit. Ooe way, $4-05; Round trip, $7 80, f f , H. CLARK.


W.ler Rat* a.

Water rates from January to April are now due and payable. Pay prompt-ly and tave the diacount. Receipts are at the cfilue of S. P. Hiokt. call and get them. No discount after January.


It Un't the handBomest baby in the world."—Cape Cod Item.

M . w H o u t a Ea«t a n d W w t .

The Lowell ft Hattlngs Rail Rood haa been opened for trafflo and are now in position to handle both freight and pat fenger business to and from Grand Rapida, Chicago and all points west; Lansing, Detroit and all poiult eatl. Fast Ume aud Union depot changes en-able patsengera to reach their destina-tlng with comparative ease. For fur-ther Information call at Passenger Station, foot of Wksbington St.

W . H . CLARK,


M 15 0 s «o I 45 & 8 75 S UO « » SO s ;ii «t » '.-S •155 a sm I 50 ft 3 00 8 25 a 3 75 8 50 i SO

IN it IT? IS <3 10 'Ji M a

Ml ** Nl (ft »

F L O U R - H p r i n g P a t e n t s W i n t e r n i t e n t s Hakera

G R A I N - W h e a t No. i Corn. S o S Oa t t , Nn. I tye. N o Bsrlcv No. C -h

LUMHKK— S i d i n g . . . F l o o n n t : Common lln-ird-. F s n e l n -L a t h . Ury Bblngle-

ST. l . l )U:R. C A T T L E — S t e e n .

S tockera a n d F e e d e r s B O G B - F n l r l o C i i d c e Heavy . 3 80

1 fO tft 4 75 1 HO H 5 00 S tfl « 8 50

HOW <1 « 48i{ 1'J U OH 71 FT 7IH 74 5T 78

18 Ol flr-a 00 :U UL (&-'4UU


Pants to measure, $3, a t Smith's.

D t a t o l a t l o a N o t i c e .

Hie co-parlnersbip heretofore exist-ing under the style and name of Hunt ft Hunter, is this day diaaolved by mut-ual conaent. All debts due the firm, are due and payable to Arvino P. Hunter , who will also pay all indebtedness.

Dated Lowell, Jan. 2ud, 1891. LEONARD H . H U N T ,

A R V I N E P . H U N T E R .

N O T I C E .

When you want any thing made of all wool, call a t the Lowell Woolen Mills and examine our full line of Hose, Half Hooe, Ladies and Gents Mitts, Homo Made Shirts (of any style) and our Dress Skirting, Shirting and Double width Sheeting flannult. We will bo glad to show our goods, a t any time. l l m S H E N R Y F . C L A R K , P r o p ' r

Children Cry f o r P i t c h e r ' s Cas to r i a .

When R a b r waa licit, wn gave her Cai tor ia .

When t h e w a t a Child, t h e cried fo r Cot tor la ,

When t b e became M i n , i h e clung U> Caatoria,

Whan tho had Chililran, t h o i,-are them Caatorl*.

Milton M. P e r r u , A t t o r n e y A C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

rrain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. Special attention given to Collectiont

Conveyancing, Loans and Sale of Real Estate.

F R A N K C. ALGER. A t t o x n e y a t L a w .

Collect ions Given Prompt At tent ion


U n i o n I I lock . - T o W E L u M I C H

" B o s s w o u l d n ' t b l a n k e t h i m i n

t h e s t ab le . Said it wasn ' t no use ."

FREE—Get from your dealer free, Ihe v i Book. It hna hatldsonu- picture* nnd valuable inforttiatiim aliottt horttt.

Two or three dolluri for a J / I I m t Blanket will make your huiac aonh .dvia and eat leas to keep warm.

5.'A Five Mile

Atk f o r ' 5/A Boss Stable 5/A Electric 5/A Extra Test

3 0 o t h e r t t y l e s at p r i c e s i o t t t i l e v t r y .

bodv. If you can'l get tLcci 6oniymr d e a l e r , w r i t e tifc


ARE T H E STRONGEST. NONC r .rND'MC WITMOUTTMt t 'A LABEL Man«r« b> ' • n . a * «"*«. P h l i a l x . w h o make tn-fiinii"tsllurx- r.rond Ualer Llaaki-U.

T a x P a y o r s N o l l e * .

Notice Is hereby given to the lax pay-era of Lowell townahip, tbat I will re-ceive laxeo a t W. 8. Winegar's Drug Store, each week day, during business hours. All taxes must be paid before February I t t , next.

WLLLAHD 8 . WLNEOAIT, * Township Treasurer.

L l a l o l U n o l a l m t d L e t t e r a.

LADIES—Miss L. E. Abbott: Debbie Bangle; Mra Emma Gardner; Mra Ed-ward Lane; Mra Jennie Roberts; Martha Sainuelt; Mra Melisa Sage.

GENTS—John C. Abbott; Mr Bert Berry; George Davis; Mr Henry 1> yle; Mr D. U. Hicks; Elder Nodoren; Wm. H. Prentias; Mr BiahopThompton; Win, Vandusen; C. A. Vanduscn; Henry Yei-ter.

Pcruona claiming Itin nliovo will please say "Advertised" and give date of this L i s t L . H . H U N T P . M.

An adjourned annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lowell Furniture Company, for the election of olllrers and transaction of other business, will be held at the banking otfloe of Chat. J . Church ft Son, Lowell, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. (standard) Feb. 8d, 18fll.

I R W I N O . C H A S E , S e c .

U ! r « d ( ! ru .u S H E E P

C A T T L E - P r i m e F a n c v P a i r I., (i - I


13 Ti O 8 10 sun o a t s

13 10 a 4 80 i ro u 5 as

75 (ft 4 m 1 lu U. s 88

P l i - i n o g r a p t i a lu H u t p l t a l a .

The telephouB haa for tome lim* U-en used In various hospilola as a wcuna of eummunication between paUents who wore lulferlng from itifocUotiadLswises and their riailiug frionda. It la now proposjd that the phonogruph las brouglit into tho ho* pltil for til* entertain mum uf tho paUents. tnd it Is argiio l that a phonograph In a ward, with a largo aud e.m»Untiy renewed supply of oyllnden, would boa a-mrceof tmuscmetil nnd pluasua1 to the paUentt which would iidmirnbly aupplu.uent thi butpii'il iir.itranut-N.w York O.umai •inl Adv»l l iaur

F n r -Several choice farms lo-rO l OdlCi , n Keene, Vergen-nes, Bow no und Boston. Alsr several liouses and lots in the village of LowelL Can suit all classes of customers. For fur ther particulare inquire at the office ol S. P. HICKS, 2tf over West ft Co'* druy store,

F u r Bnln .

Mv farm containing 178 acres; theD. L. ft Gd. R. Ry. runs through it . taking up 12 acres, leaving 160 aores. 2 houses, good barn, orchard and 2 good sugar bushes. 100 acre* under cultivation. Suitable for two farms. For f unl ier par-ticulare address Moses Livingston, Low-ell, Mich.

- ^ 3 3 3 1

AT J.E.LEE'S MEAT MARKET On tho Bridge, will a l w t y t b t f o u n d the

choicest c u l t of Moat, Fish t n d Poul-t ry In the i r t o t t o n t . a t Price*

Always Reasonable .

J . B . L E E , • Lowell, Mich.

TncriNcsTmwrmpia SSLDCftbfBY y


# A L L AX'S



King's Building on Ihe Bridge.

And Pullen't Building. I •

I guaran tee f l r t l -c laat work, a t I e m p l o y on ly j


Dial-class workmen .

i l . H . S I L . S B Y .

To Invalid and Wounded

S O L D I E R S ] The undersigned a t the request of many

Invalid Soldlere, hat qualified and been admitted to pracUce

in the

Interior Department, and all the bureaus thereot and is now

Readv Is P r o s e c u t e Cla ims , for thoee that may be ccUUed to PEN


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

F l i e a e U o o d a C o n t a i n I k e L e a v e * o r N e e d l e a o f I h c t ' l u o T r e e .

Use Uicm for a pluosant smoke and 'pcedy relief for INFLUEUZA. ACUTE 4A0 CHRONIC CATARRH. CLEHGWEN'S I'RE THRO A T. HAT FEVEH. AH IriMA AND L BRONCHIAL DISEASES; they are freo mi adulteration, us nuUilng le used Uielr manufaclure but the BEST OF



Page 3: LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb

mi '••••

L O W B L L J O U E N A L ; V V B D N B D A Y . J A N U A R Y 9 1 . 1 8 9 1 .

A Grea t Eve t In ono's lire la Ibn d l v o T f r r ol n rcracilv for Wtnc loDf itUNllBs mclaily. Thrpcl*c utf NerorulR it In ycur Mo-ul. You ln::crll>:.l Ii from jour oncolnrs. Will you tratmm ll to yourodsprlnRt In the grcal inilurt ; nl ciwr*, Imtli Cfinsuraptlon anil Ciitarrfc • .ig' Inate In Brrolula. It la tupposoj to I tlie prltrarir *ourco of many otlicr Oornnccr ni« olthebodr. Itcitln at unre lo rltan: /our blood Willi tbe (tandard alterative,

Ayer's SarsapariHa "FOTBOTtral raontlui I wa* Iroaliled with

Mrofulous cruptloni o*nr tho whole Ixuljr. My •ppcilte wat bad, and my »y*ltm to proelrairil that | wan unable to work. Allet trying ii'vcral r. 'oodles in rain, I resolved toloke Arcr'« Saraapirilla, and did fowlilt •uch good eSect that lost than ono batlla

Restored My Hea l th »nd ilrenBth. The rapidity ol the ruro nt-tonlxhed roe, at I cjpectcd tho procotg tol o long and Icdlotn."—Krcdorlco Marli Per nandes. Villa Novn de Uaya. rortugal.

"l"or many ycanil was a »ullori'r from •erolula. until Bl>oul three ye»r« ago, whou 1 began Ihcnscof Aycr't Sar«aparllla.Blneo which tho disease hat entirely dltapprared. A Uttla child of mine, who was troubled with tha itinr complaint, lint also been cured by thU mcdlcln:."—II. Urandt, Avoca, Neb. —

A y e r ' s S a r s a p a r i H a PIUPABID NT

DK. J. 0 . A 7 £ R ft CO., Lowoll, Iffnai. Bold hr nrneft'tt. II.ill M. Wont. K a tuillo.

NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. VUttor* nt Henry E|iU)y's Inat wwk: I Mr and Mrs L J. Robinnon, Mr nnd Mr*

Itown* Cantor. I j? c A | K e r 0 , VtrKcnno*. and Mr nnd Mra Klmo 1« roiKirled dnnRfrously <11 Mr* 0 . Will Bchneulvr and duugliler, of

with llif LaUrip. I Albion.

Wilde and Wron MrDalrmid spent M r Elmondorf hitd the mUfortune to Sunt!-y with frlendg In Byron. j low « Kood 5 yrnr old mare, luBt week,

A rcreplion wn* given Mr and Mra from dUtempvr. Scott, of Elburn, 111. nt the rwldence of | W i n . Farrell, of Ada. will give a lec-Mra Johnson, Wednrtday evening. | t u r e l 0 t | i e p a i j a l uhoolhouM

Orson King, of Elmdnle, apent Sun-1 next Saturday, nt 10;00 n. m. All aro day with John Watta. j inviu-d to attend.

Oeorge Huntington had n valuable | Avery pleaaant meeting of the liierary


KIDNEY AND LIVER CORE Crown Plasters and Tills,

.hey are the only Kafe Reined I f t to UPO for tl 'iwo afflieled wllh llrlglilx Disease. U t e r Com-plaint and Urlnaiy Afteciiom. U r l ) i t ' » • ' p " ' pared In the nnr fiRM are ihe original and Ihe only Kidney an4 Uver Cure t h a t will m t o n * yon

lo pe r fec t hoallh. AM, 1, ADIEt 1-81

C . B . R . A .

T H E C R A I G M E D I C I N E CO. ,

P A S S I A C . N. J .

1BO E C S E Q C i n : 3SCI-I_A.a^.

So J by Yeiler & Look and Clark & Winegar.

H U M P H R E Y S 1

Da. . l u u n n w r t ' f i n d f i a i nn K l m u n i u l i j n i e s n f u l i r prepared prom-rlpUoot: u»e<l f w i n .ny yoin I. prl'alnprBiilcewlitnuee<».aiiilfoiii>.r (billr r-tnmea hy the pmple. E T I T J tlngls j-Clfli- U • •pcclal cure for the dlteor nami-l.

Tun-- s p e e i a a euro wltboat rtruiglni. • • rg-bin 11 loducliiK ih" "Ji 'em, nud areTn fn .ud dvod 'heaover i ' l uu r i n i e d l e a o f l b e t * .I i! .

unornuNcirAi-soa. C-.ujj>. inrcs.

ie r e r a , ' •inp^Uon. I Uammnllm^ .'J ( o r n i t . Worm Kenr , Worm l'olk'.. . ,i.1 r y i n g C a U C t orTeelhlnKor l n f a u u . i . 1 l a r r l i e a , of Children or Adiuli . . . J J n a u i e r r . O r t p l D R . lllUouacolW • o l ern M o r b a * , Vonilllnj D»gh«. Cold, llronehllls-e a r n U l a , Tiyniuuiie.tmrtcln.-

l i e a d a r h r a . f>lLklleadtei« Vtr.i l l y a p e p . l B , Illlljin Blomaeh HnppreMi id or P i i l n f i l l I ' c r l o ; • U'luioa. loo i'n'ru«o i'tilods.. C'ronp* Coo li, Dimmli Hrfnililni*

Mil Icliruin. Ennlpclas Crapu -l e n m n l l o m , Ituenmallo I'alM. .

E C i F I C S over

Itliml or iilecdiutf >pht l i i i lmr t or N>rr, >phlhn h n y . or Nire, or tteok E<.j . 5 0 n l a r r h . Inl l i i -nrn.Old liilLcH -.\d ..JO Vhoaplng t ' o u g b , VWcni CougUt. . .}0 • I h i u a . 0|ipr.»M-d liroaihlnc r

r I l l a e h n r i e a . Impaired Hearing rol 'uli i . F.nlrvrxod Qlands. BwclUng^ fneral l»eliim*.l'hy»lcal\Ve«k|—^

ley l»l kneta . n .kucM from lUdln*.

N e r r a a t . . . -nesmarluvuluuiaryI'bcliaricc*.. i .u<;

Hore M o a i h , ranker ..jO : r l n n r y U e a k n e a a . Welting Bod. .AO • n l a l n l P p f l a d . . wlthBpaim,. . S d l l aenaea ol Uio l l e a r l . r a l p l l s i l o n l . 0 0 Ip l l epn) . -I'omii. HU Vllui' l u i u e 1 . 0 0 i T p k l h e r l n . r ieeraled More Throat ..QQ 'hroBle rongeatlonaJt VnitlU—'JtO

"iol iTny DIUSUIHIH. or arnliiotipnld nn receipt of iThr . l>ii. I l L m n n r i i ' UAfVAL. (IM pagta) rtcfalr bnond In cloth aud fold, rosllid m e . l l a m p b r e y a ' M e d l e l n e t ' n . l ' . t r u l ' o n S t - K Y.

\V -WiV?. VA. o \ \ . U Y . S " V W i T L S .

TKRWAKTBPECTFICS.- . '""vSv^ir" lluiMplireyt'

pare of Domntil.- Animal*- lionet. Cattle, abtep,


i m m

HEAD t h e C u r e

E l . Y ' S C R E A M B A L M Cleanses the Nasa l Passages. Al-

lays Inf lamat ion, H e a l s t he Sores, Res tores the Senses of Tas te , Smell and Hear ing .

A p a r t l e l e la a p p l i e d Into e a c h nnt tr l l nd la a c r e e a b l e . P r l e a flOe. a t D r o f a U t a

horae br»nlt ita li'g luat wet-k nnd was obliged lo bhool tho nnlmnl.

E V A X G E U S E .

Orent reduction in Clothing to order at B. 0 . Smith's.

K l m i l n l e .

Chas. Yeiler and fmnily wefe in totvn tho fiiBt of the week, visiting at Q. U, King's.

Tlie Picket Mill is doing a lively busi-nets.

A car of cedar postB came to town on Friday.

Notice is out that the fare to Urand Rapids from this station will lie (1 for round trip hereafter. Wo nre on a par with Lowell now, but bow about Free-port.

Oeo. King's little girl has been quite uick for several weeka, but Is reported better. -

The Ice harvest u nearly s« cured, but more duBt is wanted.

Chas. Claim 1« home from Dakota.

Look at the label on vour paper and if you owe, pleuMj cull nnd pay up.

C h a i u l C h a t .

It 's a real treat to receive our JoL'R-M L tlie fame we. k it is publUhed Thanks to tho present mannKement of the Lowell Pom Ortloe.

MUa Jennie McNaugbton is improving in In nlth.

I t w aa Roy Gray that was kicked ^y the hoire,

Eugene Rennelln, of Fenwick. and Mios Emma Rennulln, of Gratlnn, visited their tlater. Mm Gray, last Friday.

The school children enjoyed a party al Mra Lucy McMillan's, last Tuesday evening.

AL. Turner returned homo from Ala-bama. several dayn ago, and reports land plenty, taxes low, northern men wel-I'omed nnd climnto nil thut could be de--ired, but Ihe people about one hundred yeara behind ths age. "My Michigan forever." ADA.


Misses Ivy Moulton and Tillie Myret, of Freeport, spent Sunday at 8. Zelner's.

J no. Leecc aud family, of Elmdale, spent Sunday at L. Lite's.

Mii« Mutile and Master Willie Glasgow spent Saturday evening nnd Sundoy with their aunt, Mrs Djra Woluott, of Freeport.

Mrs Phil Hartley, of North Alto, spent (wo duys of last week with her sister, Mrs N. Ford.

W m. OlaRgow sold a cow to Jacob Roush, of Freepi rt, one day last week.

While Voiney Walton was chopping wood Thuftday, his ax caught on a limb which t luew It b.tck, striking him in the neck just above the jugular vien, coming within ono third of an inch of revering that member. A narrow ea cu|ie indeed.

E. Ueintzelman and eon Samuel was iu Urand Rapids Thursday. DIUDOET.

Old papers 85 cents per 100, at this office.

North Alto.

Look oul for March, we aro having a mild January.

Tiie sheds a l the Baptist church are not yet completed.

The Huction sale al t he Jared Miller farm went off i|uietly and the articles went at a reasonably high price.

Tho dance a t Alto Friday was well attended and a good time is reported by those who attended.

Eugene Bryant i« expected home from Nebraska in the noar future.

Lafayette Bryant is section foreman at North Luising on the D. L. & N.

Norman Ford and family, of Logan spent Friday with your correspondent and wife.

We are eorry to hear the serious ill-ness of two of the correspondents and wish they could be restored to beallh again, aa we miss tbeir items very m u c h . PETER.

• n d o r b y m a l l Now York.


Saw $36.50 flckolto California. J. C. J t m w s i 00.'8 partopnll: I •

forma Kteuntoiuln broad xnuvi) Waablng Cm via Denrtr & lllo ()


. .a l lonrtrS llloilrande I.

rdlio luje of the worU) leate Chlcuo t i t • :ilct«) u f l j noon ftaiunlai (if ertif waek.

ind note I'ullmaD

Irande II.1

We will trade a -good work team for lung carriage hone. iKO, Quick & KINO.

a good, stylish young aur iage horse. Kl

South Doatan.

The Oyster Supper at the Grange Hall for the benefit of Rev. J . W. Arney was a grand success. Tbe receipts were about $1M cash, and nothing transpired to mar tho pleasure of auy, lu our kuow ledge.

We hear of several who are on the sick list, but are glad to report that none

- , . UgDnoon Haiunlay 91 ertrr waek, tmh ticartion In ehtrgeof an attcjanlaim-itiiM-Biii'iiyaxcnriliiniuaniser. PallmanlounMilceplng , ' . . . eartinrauiih from lloitonandChieaiioiuSautran- a ro dailireroUBlV Sick.

1 larkBircM.Chlcato,

D F B U L L ^


If Yeu Have CONSUMPTION I COUFIH OR COLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affecticn SCROFULA I Wasting of Fiwii Or (rnp P t o m a t f h m f M Tfceaaf T*mm •ra JnflnrniM, Laek uf Btingth or Knv Fttftr, YOU MM h» rtllowd and Otmd KY


W i t h H y p o p h o B p b l t e s .

PALATABLE A8 MILK. A * for foXI'a rmw'rtan. «rd let no tx-

mootfl a aiAaMfwfa. Sold by all DniQffisU.

tOOTT A • O W H E . C h s t n l a t i a , M.V.

m m

The officers of So. Boston Grange were I installed a t its last meeting.

There will be a meeting a t the Union church, Wednesday evening, for the

I purpose of orgaivsing a Society of Christian Endeavor.

Tlie meetings nt the M. E. church con tinue to be interesting. There were more'tlian could be seated, Sunday eve and four expreseed a desire to become cbrlBtiana.

Mr Starring, who lived here when Uncle Sam was calling for volunteers, but now of New York, Sundayed at F W. Morton's.

D o w n t h e l U r r r .

Mrs J . T. Jcnrs end son Henry left to day (Tuesday), for Centralia, Mo , in response to a telegram from 8. Towlin son, stating that his wife, Mrs Jonea' only daughter, wan dying.

A very pleasant surprise party waa held at the residence of Mrs T. Hastings, for Miss Mae Hastings. I t is neediest to say Uiat she was surprised for her counlonance showed it . The time was .very plesAantly passed with cards and dancing, until the "wee sma hours" 'old the company that they tuusi dispene. A very enjoyable time is the verdict of all who were present.

Seward Wymsn had his fool run over by the hind wheel of a heavily loaded wagon, and it will be some time before he will get the use of his foot again. Mrs Wymaa is improving very slowly.

A L E G E N D .

society was held ut Mrs Frank Erniids lost Snturdty evening. Therv were 09 pi i fent and lim progrsmNie was well carried out. Tbe next mct t ing will be with Mm Alburn Rolf, Saturday eve., January Slst. D. T. R.

Free purl.

William Moore vras in Lowell yester-day p. m.

M. M. Perry, of Lowell, wss in the illage Friday evening calling on J . W.


Joeeph Barkley and wife, of Lowell, are the welcome guests of Jno. Wmans and wife, of Carlton.

Jamee Brew, this township, hns re-ceived an addition to his pension, ac-cording to the Sunday Telegram Herald.

Arthur Morgan, of Lowell, was the welcome guest of his brother Uoorge and family, of Campbell, last Saturday and Sunduy. He made 8. R. Hunt and family a visit on Sunday.

Conrad Schmidt lias been dangerous-ly ill thu poat week but is reported bet-ter a t this writing. His son Jno. Schmidt nnd family, of Ada. hive been here lo visit him tlie past wiek.


F.ill i tnlmrgb Locate .

Geo. McDonuld und wilu left. Monday, for West Troy, where they will remain for an indellnite time.

A good many around here are affiicted with sore throats. Gypsy has it too, lo be in fashion.

Archie McMlllen has been nearly sick Mince lie has lieen here, caused by a cold taken while moving.

Mr Smith and wife, from Chapel, visited Mr McMillen'a people, Saturday.

. .There hns been some complaint lately of corn, etc , coming up missing. We can't believe it is any of our neighbors in the grain business.

Skating on the mill pond is flne nnd the youngbters nnd pome not no young are making good use of it.

After reading them for so many yenra wo miss "Maud's" gntherlngs nnd hope for her speedy recovery.

Tlie P's. of I bad a chicken pie social ut the residence of Wm. Sayles, lust Thursday night. About 60 chicken eai-ers present and a good time.

I l has been decided to bold revival meetings one week longer at the B^wen church.

Geo. Van Wert,of the Soldier's Ilnme, spent Sunduy al the burg. GVPUV.

Since the paiaige of the McKinley bill Smith is selling suits nnd overcoats to order chenper than ever.

F r o m o v e r t h e I l l l l t .

That wss a sweet incident aliout the faithful old horse provided for in itt old sge and allowed to die a natural death. Do wo treat with dun consideration nnd kindness these dumb, patient cretureB*: Many is the noble animal that is a t the mercy of a greater brute. In human shape, than itself, and the cruelty we often see practiced is enough to make the jus t shed tears. Well there is end to all things, and soon these poor ill us^d creatures will sweetly rest for ever on tbe ample bosom of kindly mother nsture.

Miss Jones does not like affairs per-taining to herself to lie mentioned last, aa it were, at the foot, and to appeaae the commendable spirit she shows she now heads the list of news, very like human nature mdeedl Who likes to take a hack seat ?

Col. Smith is tarrying a few doys with his Bi t t e r , Mrs D r o w n .

Miss Smith complains lhat I did not spell her neuralgia right! I did snrelyl I was disciplined on that word in my youth, in u w«y never to forget it. It IB all owing to that imp ot unsavory name who haunts every printing press, from that of the great blanket dailies to the child's paper. And another thing, who ever beard of the word "honej t -n e s s t " TEMPUS FCQIT.

While Hying to remote a rap from n loailrd phell one day lust wiek Geo B I Frost got line ol It e lingers bhot i IT and nara^^eoyns to my mlaI a t -smJ. a i'.ilp,t I

his hand badly I n j u n d . BealHo the 1 wurCi't rw j ' u or draimaJIt.ah. well.It shell bursting in Ida hnnd soniu of the 1 maiiomnot. shot came so clo.e lo I.U side lhat \x blistered it. | And mau inay lia.'n ami hearuen lo Ihe iron lap-

.... , i, . . . . . ful music that ringt There will bo a public lecture-nt tho | f ,18 f N m „ u u ^ laner chimber all tha

Alton Orange Hull m xt Fndav evening.1 • |u*do •, iuiu and mnre. by Mr Woodman. All a .o invited to H ^ ^ a n 1 weuy I - g i n , thil e,ro-. I . Ul. Iirur liim mul t ff eciHlj llio e inu r e s u d if bt u r f r o m u • MUI A 1 introd. all tiioQjhti in lliif (iiii111/•* wor 1; I wlwo-l Ihlux*. Ill tliu Uiangd ttoru. He can tiaarln liis holy twUUfbl how fio bell of

J . H. Andrewa went to Grand Rapids theongrU rinK« And I think llieru U In thia legmuL If wo opea

our eyet to aee. Bomim h:it of an l.inar moaning, my friend, lo you

and me. Let in luoli In our henru and quauioa. Can p-.tre

• liougUi.i enter ta To a anut If It ha alrea ly lbs dwelling of thoughla

of sin I Bo then let in iwndar a IllUe'. trt ut look ta our

heartt and tuo U tha twlU^ht belU of the aagrta could ring for

ua-you and ino -Sommllle Joaraal

Monday wiih IOP imrk.

J . D. Frost and wife '.tavo broke up housekeeping (or the winter and P. W. Byrnes has moved into their house tu look after and toke care of things for them.

\V. R. Mason and wife have relurued from Dakota, where they have been spending the pant year.

M. 8. Winkler, Sr., dressed 34 (at hogs Isal Saturday.

King, Quick & King want to buy hard nnd Bolt wood logs. Highest urice paid for Onk, Ash, Maple, Basswood, While-wood and Tamarao. They will alao do custom sawing. Bring in your logs.

P. of II., .Nu. 113.

ALTO, Mich.

Saturday afternoon, January I7ih, this Grange convened for tho InMulla-lion of ollicers.

The ceremony wis conducted in a highly creditable manner, by Delegate Gaylord Holt, assisted by his wife.

Alter tbn couclusiou of ihe installn-t'on Dro. Hull gave a very intlructive n sume of tlie doings of the Stale


A Wonderfal Piece of Uechanltm That Repretenla the boOrerlnBt nf jetna.

D t niyinn Jncobs, a carpenter, of Bnnz-lan. Prussia, has been credited with con-i t rnc t inga wondcrfnl piece of mechan-ism representing In ioveral eoccessivo tcenea the passion of tho Saviour. All tho actora in tho grand bnt beantifnl drama are carvcd from wood, ond are caclinbont six inchct in height The machinery rnna by clockwork, mid enacts tho variotu parts throe llmca in each winding. Tho panorama first unfolded Is n beantifnl garden, with a fijnre of Jesus kneeling in prayer nnder one of tho Irces. figures ef the three sleeping apcetles being plainly discernible in tho distnnco.

Aa the machinery warms r p the . wheels and tuo figurca move more nij>- | h reakab ic , which

CAtARRh !• a r«N«tltnllnnal nnd not a ln-ti dlteaia. Sad Iherefora II eannot lit cuied by li>-al apptlenllnni. It rcpilret a cniitiitniiiinal remedy ll'se lliSMl't Kiirtajiniilla. ahleh. working througli the bliasl. prndlenlpt tha Impurity •hlcb e.nitet snd promoiet tba dliette. and n iiernnnenl eura. Thoiitsndt of people letli;)' In Ihe tneeeti el llood't Hnrtsinrllla nt n reiimty for eauiib when olher pre|cir.illoi!t had tilled.

BtufTbd-L'p Feeling. " I will say I lis re been inmblad tor lav-

•rat yenrt wllh Hint terribly dltngreealda dlteate. ealarrlt I took lluod't Smsp.v rllla wllh Uie very Iietl retullt. Il cured ma •I that eiintluu-'il dropping In my llinml, and slufled up feeling. It hat altu Inlped my mother, who baa taken II lor run down itau of health and kidney trouble." Uus. B. U. BJUIU, Putnam, Conn.

Hood's SarsapariHa

A. R. H E N Di l i X,


Stcam^ I b t Water Heaters Steam Fit t ing and P u m p Repair ing,

I R T I F I C U L STONE W 4 L R S . F U G G I N G . ETC Anv )>-it<in< Iniendlnr to lav walk*. cnrlMinnea, or any-

thlnif uf llial K.rt, will Hnd II lo their Inirresl lo gel my prl.-ea

lU'AII work ut lowest Living Rates, and Sni iHfnctinii Kunrniiti'ed. 119

•old by alMrnortita. f 11 «li fori*. Prepared only kf a L UOODA CO.. Apolbt.-ailat. Lowell. Uata.

1 0 0 D o s e s O n o D o l l a r

Seeing is Believing.'

And Iho beet I^mp ever trade, AlaJ-dm'a ot old, a "won-derful lampl" A lamp •boolulely noil1

copious notes taken, much lu the edifi-cation of alt present.

Your correspondent took a few con-vetsntiouul notes, bhowmg somowhbl the irea l of thought lu this Society. Now the McKinley Tantf Bill protects the poultry rnising, double the egg pro-duct. Keep the hens clean and they will be healthy, feed farm grains (let tbe patent feeds und drugs alom-), corn largely. Hens cannot produce chalk, or li'.nestone, they secrete carbonate of lime (ihe same as pure chalk or marble), am1, make it up Into egg shells. Six doxen eggs will contain about a pound of thia carbohate, hence feed chalk und limestone; 100 hens will require about W pounds annually.

GRAPES. Prune tho i;ra(>es now; experience

proves tho prnctice lo be correct, and cut loose from stakes nnd trellis: either lay down or let tho vine bway in the wind.


Prune tho npple during this flne winter weallter. Every large limb re-moved, apply some impirvious sub-atance at once to keep out tho tain snd nature will form granulations m the spring time. Mulch trees with manure now, then you may expect an abundant crop.


The dealers or maimfacturera now offer plaster for t'i 6J per ton. We can utford to buy und sow on ihe clover. This may give us the old fashioned wheat yields.

"Clover, Plaster and Wheat," discuss-ed at next meeilng. LECTURER.

P a r u e l l P o i n t s .

"Morse Lake Ripples," we do not think anyone ought lo feel hur t if we are misinformed or mistaken in our items, ss we all mean well and if any are so constituted that they can not ap-preciate a little joke, they a te to be pilied in their benighted condition.

We hear Abe Peck was as good as a side show at the hard times party.

And that Mr and Mrs F. Dewey have tbira da-ighter.

Geo. i . Herrlck & Co.,

Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise,


1 3 F O U N T A I N S T . ,

gariman gall §lock. - Qrand fiapids, glich.

Orange, at its late SeeBlon. Sister Hull , , - , - . . » -eniertalued the meeting by quoting from nnfoldina the last •eeneelu j r i f t " e ' l

. . .k ,„ mui.ii . . . . i~ - t . n . ^ fa i tWy career of Jesus. The last [ m m w ' rapper, tho betrayal, the icmorscfnl look which comes over tho faco of Jndas when he (int realizca tho extent of hia crime, the examination of Jesus before Caiaphas, the uialogno between Pilate nnd the Jews—all flit before tho gnre in a manner so nstonishingly lifelike and real as to mako ono almost believe bltn-iclf at Calvary. After tho sentence has been pronomiced a figure of Jcsns with the cross apiienrs.

The crow is mechanically erected while the little figures busy themselves binding the fignre to be nailed upon it. Ladders a r e r n n n p t o the arms of the cross, a little figure qnietly slips over the rnngs, ' anl taTiVLnmpt, banquet. I.tuiv. then there is a sound of hammers aa two e:Ula, B^au.'NUkeiaiU LiUi'i w r '

Purer and brighter than gai light, aoftcr than electric llzbt, mora cheerful than cither I That lamp IB

" T h e Rochester." And with l: thera Ii ro amck-. no amell,

» htit* l.lckcrlnj. uo sweating no climbing up ef the r.ame, i.o ''tanlruirt p.or annoyance of any kind, and Ii nevci needs trlmmln.T. Its founts (oil retcrvoirti being tourh tolled ieamleas hraaa. with ten-tn.1 draft. It 11 i.lianlutel/ u i ibrekkable , and as ' ' A r ' •' iM'.i

Only ftvs yenra el.l, ar.J HntUmft' -A-maks eu.h

11 must be a OOOU tan-p l j Ulllni succesa. Indeed u Is.

far lamps nay e-rnj and lamps may go, bu. 1 the "Ho:bes:er" shines on forever! Wc

make over s.on artistic vsrleltes.-Hsnglnr " , Vase an.i

ronie, Por-Wrought Iron.

figures hold the oue that is being nailed I Ask tha lamp dealer for It. Look for the .w.n ,K„ trade-marU atamp; " 1" s I oiifrrva. II he to the cross by the fignreson tho ladders.

At last, when all is thought to bo fin-ished. n figure on horseback slides across the platform, draws hia sword jtnd thrnsts it Into tho Bide of the fignre on the cross. Tito last scene shows Jesns in the sepnlcher. with nngels gnarding the remains.

Mr. Adams In bis "Letters on Silesia" says: " I t Is the moat remarkable piece of mechanism-1 have ever seen. The traitor's kiss, tho ecourging. the nailing to the cross, tbe sponge cf vinegar and every seeming pain Inflicted occasion feelings which cannot be felt nt mere description."—St Lonis Republic,

How Fraoh Died. Mr. Leslie was physically strong ond

hearty to tho very hour of his death, all his life being Kingnlnrly free from nchei or pains. Uis death wns cnused by a small tnmor in tbe throat: being jnst beneath the jngnlor win , the tnmor could not be tonched by tho lanco The day of bis death Mr. Leslie took a long walk, littlo thinking that in a few houn he shonl l be numbered with those who have gone on ahead cf ns to the un-known country. They sent for me in the heart of the city. 1 hastened to his bedside with all speed. When 1 arrived he lay sleeping. I spoko to him. He did not know me, or appear to take much interest in my words. Still, 1 felt hoiiefnl. 1 could not believe that be must die. Thoee about tbe bed were wilier.

One said to mo: "Do not deceive yourself: this means death." 1 pnt my two anna over the dying man's shonl-ders nnd looklug into his face asked him

noehester i n J the stvte > o itora It rear, scui to ui

Trrsunnas Visitor.

Mr and Mrs Henry Barclay, of near Freeport, have been visiting Mr and Mrs Silas Collar.

Mra Jane Tunks, of near Fallassburg, recently visiud her old time friend. Mm G. W. Crosby.

Mrs Eunice McWllllaniB, of Grand Rapid*, has been visiting al her brother's. Wm. H. Parker.

Mm Nelson Collar has been visiting her brother in Ralnmazoo County, nnd friends in Od. Rapids. While In the city she had the misfortune to fall on the pavement and aprain her wilst quite badly.

Mr and Mra Rowland Ryder, of Low-ell, visited Mr and Mrs Wm. H. Parker last Thursday.

There was n very pleosant gurpnse party at Mr and Mrs Wilbur Collar's last week.

Mr and Mra James Brandeoerry, of near Fallassburg. Sundayed with Mr and Mrs Oeo. W. Croeby.

Ed. Hoag had the mlsfortuno to pound a nail Into bis knee. There wat a hoard between the hammer and his knee, but nevertheleas his knee is very painful.

Mra Geo. W. Crosby, who sprained her knee six weeks ago, cannot walk yet without the assistance of crutches.

We hear that the young folks reading circle is very interesting. They are making English History a specialty. Albert Blanding i* President.

M. A. C.

Alton Atoms.

Some fish are being caught through the Ice on the mill pond.

Another pioneer gone. Died, at her daughter's on the old homestead in Ver genm s, M n Mary A. Divine, of heart decease, last Sunday morning. She had been feeling as well as common up to nearly Ihe hour of her death. She waa quite aged aud was known by all "Aun t Mary Ann." Funeral at the house Tuesday.

J o h n W . Covert and family, from Grand Rapids, visited her mother here ibti fore part of last week.

And Miss Maggie Tobey, of Saginaw,1 to spca:.' to me. Uo opened his eyes. and Miss kollie Abraham, of M o n r o e , , Wntly, then aaid to me these

IIR.R. P NI.UONI*. I words: "Yon are beantifnl and 1 love are visitors ol E Nugent s . | r H o h n d t h r o w n n l l W s i i f e i u t 0

W. Morgan, of Chicago, is viailmg at bis voice. His head dropped bock -he G. Acken'a. was dead. Yet even in tho face uf death

MIm Jennie fibolwell, of R o c k f o t d , 1 »his man haJ Ume to turn wide from

h t s return, d home after a pleasant t b n e P , u , ~ f . ' • and consecrate his expiring breath to

weeka visit with Uraltan friends. tho lovo and tenderness of wife nnd Rev. E. Da> ton. is holdina a series of home. Ah. sir, snch u life as this could

Interesting mei'tiiig* al the Center.

We were pleased to find "Maud" sil-ting up in her big easy chair Saturday, for the first lime this year, while nurse made the bed. She is bappy and chet iful and seems quite like her dear old self, hut oh. 80 very weak.

Mr ond Mra Jno. Keena. Jr . , buried their nine months old baby Monday.

not have been entirely in vain.—Inler-viow with Mrs. Lealio in Detroit Free Press.

Chari table .

A gentleman haa been comploining to tho papers that bo has dropped a florin by mistake for a penny into the alot of an automatic machine and cannot get i t back: no, nor oven the pieco of chocolate ho bargained for. "Boo, boo, hoof

These parents went to Grand Rapids to j Why, that's nothing to what happened viilt a sick friend and while there their ' to me when I was a much ranaller boy.

1 ond yet I did not cry about it. I waa two little ones look diphtheria and died. This is tbe third little one they have lost in lea# than a year, their eldeot, a bright little boy, being burled the 4ih of July These lonely and heartbroken friends have.the sympathy of the entire com-munity. What Is their loss is heaven's gain.

Last Widnesday evening about flfty of the many ft lends of Prof, and Mra Brown gathered at the hall wllh a band of music, for the purpose of giving ihrm a farewell surprise, which they did in a creditable manner. Mr and Mrs Brown were sent for and when the pleasant greetlngt were over the evening waa spent In dancing. The company WHS called to order nt on early hour by Ear-nest Le.-siter, who introduced Mr Lou Brown as speaher and who presented the Prof with mei'ns for a nice chair as a pleasant reminder of the company's es teem for lilm. His pupils presented him vvith a flne gold pen. lie respond-ed with much feeling. He left fo rOd .Raplds Saturday, where be has been en-gaged ns a reporter for the Telegram-Herald.

Mr J. Doran and Miss l ima Byrne were married Monday A. M., Rev Father Crumley performing tbe Interesting oer emony

stamp hssntlho//»»/»/l want, or If no lamn^tor far free liluatralcd catalogue . prke-lletl, and we wilt bo* and send you any lamp aafaiy by cxpreta, right to your door.

U O C Z I C S T E H I . A ; I P CO. . At Park Place. Now Yor i .

J t e v / n . - t u n n , ami $nli O f n f J r / n ^ X / r t / r P a l m ! ; Tht Jsntt-l 7-—i-i I '-r. < < I t U'erld.

P r o c a t h © B u t t o n . I t O p c n o

n n d L l z h t o . ' Tho Wif!^ 0«ir;M«Mint

The Leading Musical House of Western Michigan, j S T E I N W A Y <St S O N S ,

H A I N E S B R O S . ,

H A L L E T &, D A V I S , ^

A N D E V E R E T T P I A N O S . * E S T E Y , : - a L -

S T O R Y & C L A R K ,

A N D W I L C O X & W H I T E O R G A N S


KRAKAUER PIANOS. One o f Ihe Finest Toned aiid M o s t Durable P i a n o s o n the Market

1 3 F o u n t a i n St . - G r a n d R a p i d s , M l

. •

odtftand Uttla • • w r u a j b d i • • • f b r a MdunetUhg' Addnta Retail DtrtrtoMiiiV'

liar Ump Co.. 87 LuKhj Btrtu, Hew Yt.k.

Or. Owon's Electric B t f t FOR M/W'NOWOMAK

The cnW niY.-tiTi.fe elniilrltttnui'e Cum ASWUIUB. I.NHI. DI.--

nO Wrolif*. VMIU! nOTSUwyl MapUiat.

tual l.srmu-ii.'.i, &.• ..•I tfeMMj. ai. Vliar

Imnotmry. r>n 8eitilr.»l«riiknc*. P«t»

reM.ra weak orgumt

E S S L . O O , . nu loene wlto ful.

and vambl t inrorautlm ana <iror> 0»rmai., Sintluli and Norwegian . W t lis Slats St, CrjcsBO. U.

Do You Want Boots or Shoes ? Y o u c a n g e t t h e m a t

"The Old Reliable

3 1 .


BOOT AND SHOE STORE, W h e r e y o u w i l l a l w a y s find t h e

L a r g e s t a n d B e s t S t o c k i n T o w n C o m p r i s i n g e v e r y t h i n g i n t h e l i n e o f f o o t w e a r . ; w

A. J. HOWK & SON, ' S u c c e s s o r s to H o w k & B o s t w i c k . '

B a n k B l o c k . L o w e l l , M i c h .

• ~ - > i


A Happy New Year, And tlon't forget lo make us happy by cal l ing and at least looking over our I'Xne Stock when in need uf any th ing in our line. W c carry a full line of

Drugs, Patent Medicines, Books and S t a t i o n e r y ^ W a l l P a p e r s a n d C u r l a i r s ,

I D I A R I E S F O R 1 S 9 1 ,

And the finest line of P G r f u m e S in the c i ty .


taken to "call" upon a most excellent clergyman who hud a missionary box npon his drawing room table. The po-lite function hung rather heavy on my hands, und I was nmusing myself with trying whether a five shilling piece—all Uie money I bad In tho world, Invested lu that gigantic coin for safety—would go into tho slit iu the box. I t was % cloce fit. but cnfortcnately it did go and ' tUnped ont cf my fingers. There wns a terrible metallic sp lash-a rock of silver j falling into a tea of coppers—and then | " I knew no more." When I came to myself I found my fajnily and the cler-gyman in raptnrea over my charitable act.—James Poyn.

Rnhber Shoei nclf-t wora tarmfort J-ly Ugbt. gmeraLy alip oJ Uo f« t.

THE "COLCnBST."?." I".: I 'RTR CO. Bial-e all thrlr 'lux-, wllh ln*'<" . i • im-l llnmi with lubber. This o 'LN11.- t to ITII- UIL |P<>>UU UIJ ruUjer tn~j ».lp|ilii-j c2.

Ca'l fi-r l-:o I " A D H E S I U L : C t ; u t . 7 ! : R 0 . , ,





Tho A*tnicA!< PnorrcnvxTABirr T.notnc Is publlshmK 111'..nvt vuluublo Kiie^ of '1 niiff documrnta. These iiro i iv|<arp<l wllh u view tosiatc the fuels and niyuments for I'rotec-

* (nteree I Uon. whether In the inieiest of fanners, j laUirers. murebants or prufislunnl men. , Each Issue of the serios u|>p< ' ' , tngcil In seiuinb- Industries,

olspnr l ) r . ftisen— x o n a r e g e m n g n e a r s i g h t - j S S S d ^ L " ' ^

ed, nmd&m. You sboalu wear guuiaca. | ctfon^blw fnctM -vorai-h^.n-* of Mrs. Gldet—Oh. doctor! TJy nose ia u f ' ' v "

too small to hold eye glasses, and specta-cles are so very unbecoming. What shall I do?—Puck.

A Cloao Approach.

Wife—You look worried; bamed, in t ac t

Husband—Well,' I've not been har-rowed esacUy. tint I'vo been ahnved by t poor barber.—Good News.

THE FIRST STEP. r e fbap t you are'run down, can't eat .

jan't sleep, can t think, can't do any-, thing to your satista'tion. and yoitw on-

The bridal-couple left in the i der what alia you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step to Nervous Prostration. You need o nerve tomo and in Eleclrlo Bitters you will find tbe exact temndy forrestoringyour nervous syHtem to its normal healthy coudilioii. gurpnslng results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alter-ative. Your appvtite retnrns. good di-uestlon is restored, and the liver end kidneys resume beaJthv action. Try n Ixittle. Price 60c. at Hunt & Hunter's drug store.

afternoon for their future home m Mus-kegon, where Mr D. ia employed aa a clerk In a large grocery store. The presents were numerous ond beautiful and a bot.t of frienda join thu writer m wishing them luck and joy in their new life.

Wisner BrOS. have put In a new set of Feed,Rolls and are now prepared lo do gnndlng for all •vho come.

Hall's Hair Reaewer prevenla dand-ruff, andatops thu luir from falling.

DOCTORS I Of all the different schools in the Joiintry. have thousmda die every year of Bnglit'n disease of the Kidneys, who could be living to-day if they had u-ed j citighe. and Uates BO good. The lirsi Sulphur Bilteni. They are unequaled doee helps you. So writes A. R. Arnold. In Uie world for all di-wascs of the kid- engineer on the West Shore Ry.. a t neys . -A«c Uaven Union. Canajoharle, N.Y.

HE YELLED KEMP'S BALSAM. I yell "Take Kemp's Balsam, the best cough cu re . ' I always do when I hear a man cough, and 1 can't help it. Il anved meaud i lwi t l cure you. 1 waa threut-oiied with pueumonia last winter and it broke it up. Ic helps the cblldre- out when their threat)' nre sore, cure* their

nn, and otherargumeu r sliowa^f tbo beneiltaof i'roUttlon.

Anj' single one will b« sent n , receipt of S cents I.Klamiwcxcepl " » Bfca, Living Olid 'lurlff." which will bo sent for 4 cents.

Thu whole list wllllicsent for SUeentaor any twelve lor 10 cents, or any live for 10 oents, puaUige (mliL Urder by number. Nn. I IOCS. I - " Wage.,. L l r l ^ i and TarlH." E. A. n i a i >

mnoi IM S—"TUt Adrautaip-aor a IVHeeilire Tailir lu

the U u u r and ludn.lrli« of Uw t 'ul ed Stale*," Klr.i I'lUc ,tM.iy. i t s . . CKaw-roau n. Hukuu. US

S— Home I'roductlou ludl.priuahle tn a nup-- ' - . a t l/>w Prleit.of t h ' t lanufaeluml

umndlUet mjuirwl lof tbe I i«ple of I I mini SIAU*. auil Ailnjuaie ilom»

~ icllon nf theao i unmodiUit Imp>w-"•'tboul a I'lutecil.e Tailil." Hp. ! Kaeay, IMts 0 . D. Tooo S«

an-Raw Jlalerlola I Wow I f ree Haw " be AU«auta«e.>u» 1.1 tbe Lalnir

— - of Uh- Unlied Slates." j . l v u I l o a r a a DIBOX a

ot 1'mMca.lf " K f Uuaaai... I I S - ' S o n u i Vlewa oo thu Tariff by an Old luial

ueaaUan." Uio. t i iu i -m 32 T - ' T h a no tapUraTar ln ; l i t AdvnulaKva fur

tbeeouih ." C. L. i nwanDt SS a - " Tbe Wool Inlrret i ." J u J r Wa. u « b o c k U

ItutecUcn t». Kree t r t d e . " - A l l l u u t l i . ! Rerlrw. D o . l U a a i a i t to

ID- 'Tho farmer and tho I a n a - Col. T n o m t N. UUDLKT IS

I I - - ' ITntooUona.* I'ubJlc 1-oiley." OKOiuika. bouTwati- 10

Sto the I nali irnl ' i Krei-l rado HA-." H. I', l uarsa S lnniu-n and tne Ti rift "' S

14-" 1 h . Vital goa^lun: Shall Ame h-au liidut-tilet bo Aoaudoue.1 awl Ameiloun liar-

keusurrendendl B Ifr-Ranu. lu Ueiniau, wllh Addlllon... B 10-"Tbe I 'roaieu of o u . -undred Yeara."

Roaan F roar-a BB

r*'l,rtww..M« n. J. ; 'What la a Tariff 1" Answaialua Worklua

13—- Tlu"* ine)k*n*V?wji'lnduiiry H'Wiii- ' aoow*.... s

tS—"Waaaa and Coal of Urine." J. D. Wmu. i ft—"southern Kamilnri luduali'ta." < tS—"ABhorlTallc to }vnrklngTTeii " , _ a a»-- fioteellon and the • armor.- Penuinr R. U.

Cuuxa.... is Tho AanuctJi Eooaoam. wertly.deTotnd to the

dlNouMlon of all pbaut ot 'lie TarlB oueatiou. 13


Amorlean I'rc . Sew Vortt.

ic -.tMiin i i. — , a 'UoM 1.1.11) WW^.L-tJIl^ mi Ihe wc ' >«}«.» t'Mt<k" >l WmtDt I -••«/. "l OUl' I.S«U» l«p«fi*r »«•*% lU-lh Ual'fV'SMdcMU • Miili v.rti $n4 -I

, i.*< ikrg wait '-t W-r* iweiHwwfcew -

fkv*r ••'•i in. •• * H f^rr. Ah im waA

, ^ T h e B e s t and P u r e s t Medlcinc l ^ i ^ . E V E R M A D E ' I '/-Xi^WTtwllldrlvoihoUnmorfromyour J •'..T^Wiy.tem, nnd mnLo your skin

S, K V^aLclunn aisl sainolb. Those ^ . *b . • j^Tlmii lea and rtnlobes

I V / V W

\ i ^ . V 1

wlih li mar your beiuily .arurausol bvlmpuie

blood, nnd ean lie jeinovcllna.lioit Willi*. If you au /j^kwlso nud u-i

hlo'Hlpu .rider.



i v X - *

Tho Dnto l ^ v V \ ' \ *,,%

IM-.I n : id eb ' -am-st , kncBclne. Try Ii. nrw -. yuu «> 111 liO a illsflcd. _ <V.'>

| U o l t l o f y o i j U r u g j l s l . o . ' i r . D o s l W A I T . C l.T IT * . o x c i / ^ . ' r j

III If TOU are fliflbrlns fnnn Kld^K Ml ney l l l a e n ^ . ami » l«h I" t l i e t n % l H Oill a^e . u-c SULPI t t ' l t BITTEIW. I j ! Tbey never all lo cure.

Send 8 S^ent stninps lo A. t'. OntHay « I3O>U>U.UUM., for iHiameil l ralwork pulillUiudf



T i p " School i r Q oys and

Heelad or Wedf: Sizes—Bio 10

f o r i

L n a s m x T B i r j


s a s ^ F A R C O ' S

$ 2 . 5 0 UDIES'BOOT 1 Dongola or CmI . Button,

Open, or Corrmon Santa. Tackleaa n n d F l e x i b l e .


SOLD IS L O W E I L n v 1 ^

A. xl. H o w k & Son"

Female Woaknna, Plesn, Tnmort, Bore-. AU.oc.eea. Illoud Polionlng, HaU lilieuu;, i

Mul nil Blood and HUln Dlteanas. Pucs ti. p«r I'ir.t 1

Uoiila. or 0 11 i'ileiJorJ;._ i Ibctn Solid Lstract



let fori;, l ib ean Solid Litract IN TI;.T r. ; --ercu i u . ritrt '»T..; VataL

i-Tjreardsfaer.lSch'lro, i . w. rrl nna ».! «<eii|4. >. ci - . , Luwc.,

Page 4: LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb



AUDITOR G E N E R A L ' S O F F I C E . j Lanslnft , Mich.. December 31.1800. |

Notice Is hereby given t h a t cer ta in l a n d s Mtnated in t he coun ty of Ken t bid off to t he Sta te fo r taxes of 1887 and previous years , and described in s t a t emen t s which wli l he r ea f t e r be forwarded to the office of tho T reasu re r of said county , will be sold a t public auc t loa . by said Trea>urer a t t he coun ty seat , on t he first Monday of May next, at t he t ime and place designated fo r Ihe annua l t ax sales, if not pre-viously redeemed or canceled according to law.

Said s t a t emen t s contain a full description of each parcel of said lands, and m a y be seen on application a t the office of t he County TreHsurer a f t e r they are received by him.

The l ands s t ruck off to t he Sta te fo r Taxes of 1887, or o ther years, a t t h e t ax sales In May laat, wil l be offered subject to tho r ight of redemption prescribed

. by law. H E N R Y H. APLIN,

Audi tor General .



jTo the Circuit Court for the County of Kent in Cluin-cery: The peti t ion of H e n r y H. Aplin, Aud i to r General of

said S ta te of Michigan, respec t fu l ly shows t h a t t he list of lands h e r e i n a f t e r set f o r t h and marked "Schedule A . " con ta ins a descript ion of all lands in aaid county of Kent npon which taxes were assessed for t he years mentioned there in , and which were r e tu rned aa de l inquen t fo r non-payment of taxes, and which taxes have not been paid; together wi th t he tota l a m o u n t of such taxes, with interest compnted thereon to the t ime fixed for sale, and col-lection fee as provided by law, and the cost of adver -tising and o ther expenses of sale of each of said pa r -cels of land .

Your pet i t ioner f u r t h e r ebows to t he Cour t t h a t said l ands were r e t u r n e d to t he Aud i to r Genera l as delin-quent f o r non-payment of said taxes for said years respectively, and tha t said de l inquent r e tu rns were m a d e prior to t he first day of Ju ly , 1889.

Your pet i t ioner f u r t h e r shows and avers t h a t t he taxes, Interest, collection fee, costs of advert is ing aud o ther expenses of sale, and t he legal fees fo r personal service of subpoena In each case where such personal service Is ac tua l ly made , a r e a valid l ien on t he sev-eral parcels of l and described In said schedule.

Your pet i t ioner f u r t h e r shows t h a t t he said taxes on said described l ands have remained nnpald for more t han one yea r f rom the first day of Ju ly nexi a f t e r t he i r r e t u r n to the Audi tor General , and t he said taxes not hav ing been paid, and t he same being now due and r ema in ing unpaid as above set fo r th , your pet i t ioner p rays a decree in favor of t b e S ta te of Michigan aga ins t each parcel of said lands, fo r t he paymen t o f t he several a m o u n t s of taxes, interest , collection fee, cost of advert is ing, and o ther expenses of sale, as computed aud extended In said schedule, against t he several parcels of land conta ined therein, and In addi t ion t he re to of the a m o u n t of legal fees for personal service of subpeena In each case where such service is ac tua l ly m a d e as provided In Sec. 63 of Act No. 195 of t he session laws of Michigan fo r t he yea r 1889; and In d e f a u l t of paymen t of t he said several sums computed a n d extended aga ins t said lands, t h a t each of said parcels of land may be sold tor the a m o u n t s due thereon as provided by law, to pay t he Hen a s aforesaid .

And your pet i t ioner will ever pray, e tc . H E N R Y H. A P L I N .

Aud i to r General. .

S C H E D U L E A-1 8 8 7 .

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 9 Wes t .

§ * i f i -i * 5 v S £ I * * 5 £ U O D a j ^ C o ~ o

M 2 <!EH . 5 OC* O H

n ^ of n w « _ . . l l 80 $13 Ot | 5 18 | 0 65 SI 00 120 87

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 11 West .

s X of n e of n w fl V 5 37 2 43 92 10 1 00 4 46

.Town 8 North, of Range 12 W e s t b V of n H of w K o f n w * 12 19 25 12 37 4 70 49 1 00 18 60


J o h n Canfleld Addi t ion . lot 6 4 14 1 67 17 1 00 6 88 lot 7 4 14 1 67 17 1 00 6 88 lot 8 4 14 1 67 17 1 00 6 88 I o t l l . . . » 4 14 1 57 17 1 00 6 88 lot 12 4 14 1 67 17 1 00 6 88 lot 32 4 14 1 67 17 1 0(1 6 88 lot 87 2 75 1 05 11 1 00 4 91

1888. Town 6 Nor th , of Ranee 9 West .

gr is t mil l lot. . . .29 5 98 28 01 1 00 2 28

Town 6 North, of Range 9 West .

S e t t less 50 acres , being 67 fods e and w, and 119 rds n a n d s o u t s w cor, and less 32 acres on t h e cor, com a t s e cor of sec, n 133 rds, w 16 rods, s 19 rds, w 26 rds, s to sec line, e to beginning, less R R, lees 34 acres off s side lying between R o l f s a n d Husteel ' s l and .

8 38 10 10 S 64 40 1 00 14 14

Town 7 Nor th . Range 9 W e s t Land bounded n by highway,e by F r a n k Sayle 's land,

s by Mrs. Ful los ' land, w by Mrs Fal las1 land and Fred Hooper 's land

24 60 87 09 01 1 00 1 47 s w t t o f 8 W t t - - 2 4 40 I lot 7 of 24 64 26 1 lot 8 of 24 42 10 f lot 9of 84 389016685 17 86 2 6 5 100 8725

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 9 West . e of s e V of n w * 6 2 0 120 82 0 5 1 0 0 2 6.

e of s e X of n w X 11 20 2 31 60 0 9 1 0 0 400

e p t w s w tt.-H 51 4 57 1 19 18 1 00 6 94 s ^ e X lot 8 . . . .11 9 45 99 28 04 1 00 2 29 lot 4 of 11 49 4 57 1 19 18 1 Ot) 6 94 n w K o f s w K . H 40 2 97 78 18 1 00 4 87 Beginning 18 rods n of ^ post on s s ide sec 15. run-

n ing w 16 rods , n 6 rods, eas t 16 rods, s 6 rods to beginning. 16 60 2 97 78 18 1 00 4 87

8 e X excemt s t r ip of land 16 rods wide e and w and 57tt rods long n and s off s w cor

15 164 19 04 4 95 76 1 00 85 76 n w of s w tt..22 40 1 18 29 05 1 00 2 47 e H of n H of

n e V 83 10 79 20 03 1 00 2 02 s e t t of s e t t . . . . 8 4 40 8 39 88 14 1 00 6 41 s e tt of nw n tt.31 40 1 85 49 07 1 00 8 41 w tt of 8 w tt of s e t t 82 20 2 00 53 08 1 00 8 01

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 9 West .

n w tt of s e tt-- 4 40 8 92 2 82 86 1 00 12 60 n tt of s w tt-- 6 75 83 10 82 2 69 41 1 00 14 42 s w t t o f s w t t . 6 35 60 5 10 1 83 81 I 00 7 70 s e t t o f s w t t — 6 40 5 16 1 33 81 1 00 7 70 s w tt of n w V . 7 30 75 5 48 1 43 22 1 00 8 18 s w t t o r s w t t - 7 88 45 5 4H 1 43 22 1 00 8 18 n e tt of s w tt-- 9 40 7 02 1 83 28 1 00 10 18 s tt of 8 e tt 9 80 18 31 8 46 63 1 00 18 29 8 w tt of n w tt.14 40 fl 89 1 67 28 1 10 9 82 8 e tt of n w tt-.lO 40 9 8 8 2 62 8 9 1 0 0 18 59 e tt of n w tt of s e t t 18 20 2 85 74 11 1 00 4 70

n tt of s w tt of n e t t 84 20 1 61 89 06 1 00 8 96

8 Vi of B w tt of n e t t 24 20 1 51 89 00 1 00 2 96

s e t t o f n e t t . - 2 4 40 5 56 1 44 22 1 00 8 22 s w tt of n w tt-84 40 BUI 1 40 22 1 00 8 03 n e tt of s e tt---84 40 7 28 1 90 29 1 00 10 47 w t t o f s e t t . . . . 2 4 80 12 12 3 15 48 1 00 16 75 s e t t o f f l c t t - - 24 40 6 88 1 72 27 1 00 9 65 n e tt of n e tt -25 40 8 08 ] 72 27 1 00 9 65 s w t t o f n o tt-.25 40 5 60 1 44 22 1 00 8 22 8 e U of n e t t — 2 5 40 6 88 1 72 27 1 00 9 65 n e t t of s e t t . - - 2 5 40 6 08 1 69 24 1 00 8 91 s e tt of s e tt—.25 40 7 28 1 90 29 1 00 10 47 8 w tt of n e tt--88 40 6 91 1 54 84 1 00 8 69

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 9 W e e t

| v |

s o | 6a I cw < 2 5 Of*, o H

8 W t t o f n e t t . . 2 8 40 $3 92 $1 01 JO 16 $1 00 J8 09 s tt of n e tt of n e « 34 10 1 96 62 08 1 00 3 56

s e tt of b w tt J ex the B e V > of same (34 :« a 21 83 18 1 00 5 17

n e tt of n e tt. being n 40 '• acres of lot 1.) 35 40 4 43 1 14 18 1 00 6 76

n e tt of a w tt-.85 40 3 91 1 01 16 I 00 6 08 n tt oi n w tt of • s w tt 35 20 1 61 41 08 1 00 3 0

w tt of e tt of n e X 36 40 4 64 1 21 19 1 00 7 04

w tt of w tt of n w tt 36 40 4 44 1 16 18 1 00 6 77

8 w tt of s w tt--38 40 4 88 1 26 20 1 00 7 34 Town 5 Nor th , of Range 10 Wes t .

s 90 acres of n w ttof 14 90 88 52 7 42 1 14 1 00 S8 08

n e tt of s w tt.-14 40 5 80 1 85 81 1 00 7 76 All the land between the r iver and A. C. Begerow's

land n of t he h ighway in s w cor e f r s w tt 16 8 49 18 02 1 00 1 64

saw mill and yard In n e cor of w f r o f , n w tt J 82 10 68 8 74 42 1 00 14 74

n f r o f s e t t 88 39 6 27 1 87 81 1 00 7 85

Town 6 Nor th , of Range 10 W e s t .

s t t of s e tt W) of road and s ! p t of same e ! of ro td J 2 70

Island N o . 8 . . . . 9 1 e t t o f n e t t . . . I I 80 n e Vof s e tt.-.H 4"! n w tt 15 160

6 09 1 68 24 1 00 8 91 47 18 03 1 00 1 62

11 43 2 98 46 1 00 16 87 5 72 1 48 28 1 00 8 43

25 83 6 72 1 03 1 00 84 58 Town 7 Nor th , of Range 10 Wes t .

ESfof s w tt-,..13 80 9 40 2 44 38 1 00 18 22 w tt of w tt of n e V 14 80 15 06 3 91 60 1 00 20 57

n w t t o f n e t t - 2 3 40 4 94 1 88 20 1 00 7 42 s w tt of n e tt..2.l 40 11 80 2 98 45 1 00 16 77 s w t t o f n e t t -26 40 4 94 1 28 80 1 00 7 42

Town 8 North, of Range 10 Wes t .

w tt of n e tt — 2 5 80 16 49 4 28 66 1 00 82 48

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 10 Wes t .

s o ttof n e t t - . . 6 40 8 26 85 18 1 00 6 23 A piece of land com, a t n e cor. n w fl tt r unn ing s 40

rods, w 20 rods, n 40 rods, e 20 rodo t o place of be-ginning. 6 5 8 45 64 10 I 00 4 19

A piece of land com. 48 1-100 rods e of n w cor of n w fl tt. thence e 48 1-100 rods, s 121 46-100 rods, w 41 1-100 rods, n 121 45-100 rods to place of beginning.

8 M 6 98 1 82 89 1 0C 10 08 N w fl tt. except 35 acres deeded io Vincent Goldsmith

and 85 acres deeded to Mary Goldsmi th and 5 acres deeded to J . M. Landers ,

6 125 80 16 7 84 1 21 1 00 40 21 s e ttof n e tt-.-10 40 1 74 48 07 1 00 3 27 e tt of n e tt of n w tt 12 20 1 71 44 07 1 00 8 22

n e o f t t n w t t - 1 8 40 4 28 1 12 17 I 00 6 55 W tt of s w )< except 2 acres off e s ide of s w fl tt of

s w fl tt. 18 8; 12 66 8 80 61 1 00 17 47 A piece of land com. 65 rods s f r o m n e cor of s e t t ,

thence s 15 rods, w 160 rods, n 15 rods, e 160 rods to place of beginning,

19 15 2 67 70 II 1 00 4 48 N pt of s e tt of s e tt.

19 25 6 78 1 48 88 1 00 8 44 E p tof n tt of 8 e tt except tt ac re deeded to chu rch ,

21 49 8 61 8 83 84 1 00 12 18

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 10 West .

e t t o f n e f l t t - - 1 91 80 17 68 4 65 70 1 00 28 77 n w fl tt of n e fl tt 1 61 69 9 C4 2 61 89 1 00 13 64

8 w tt of 8 w tt - - 1 40 14 01 3 85 5fi 1 00 19 82 s e t t of 1 160 45 52 11 83 1 82 1 00 60 17 w tt of s w tt— 2 80 84 01 625 9 6 1 0 0 8222 n w tt of n e tt- 7 40 4 88 1 18 18 1 00 6 89 s w tt of n e tt.. 7 40 9 39 2 45 88 I 00 13 22 n w tt of s w tt- 7 40 8 42 2 19 84 1 00 11 95 W tt of n e tt of n w tt less 5 acres off e Hide,

9 16 1 18 81 05 1 00 8 64 B e t t o f n w tt-- 9 40 4 19 l 09 17 1 00 6 45 n ttof n e t t - - 1 2 80 28 02 7 28 1 12 1 00 87 4i B e t t o f n e t t - - - 1 2 40 14 01 8 65 68 1 00 19 22 w tt of fl c tt 12 80 6 66 1 45 22 1 00 8 23 Be tt n w tt 16 40 3 50 90 14 1 00 6 64 s w tt of s w tt -16 40 8 87 88 18 1 00 6 88 Com 10 rods n and 4 rods eas t of t h e cen te r of sec 18

runn ing n 8 rodB. e 8 rods, a 8 rods, w 8 rods to begin-ning, 18 91 23 04 1 00 2 18

Com 26 roda e and 10 rods n of t he center nf aec 18. thence n 8 rods, e 4 roda, a 8 roda. w 4 roda to begin-ning, 18 92 28 04 1 00 2 19

Com 8 rodB w of the R. R. line on e and w tt Hue of Bee 18 of t he b w tt of n e t t , thence w 4 roda, n 10 rods, e 4 rods, a 10 rods to beginning,

18 91 28 04 1 00 8 18 Com 18roda wot R. R. line o n e and w l l n e sec 18.

thence runn ing In a souther ly direct ion 118 f t . w 40 f t , n 118 f t , e 40 f t to beginning.

18 79 20 03 1 00 2 02 A piece of land com 9 rods e of a point opposite e tt

line of sec 18, w h e r e R. R. crosaes said line, runn ing n on R. R. l ine 85 rods, w 149 f t , s 85 rods, e 149 f t to R R. line, 18 I 60 42 06 1 00 8 08

Com a t a point where R R line crosses tt line e and w of sec 18. on w side of said R R, r u n n i n g w 125 f t , B 16 rods, e 10 rods to R R line, n to beginning,

18 8 21 84 18 1 00 6 18 Com 10 rods w of t he R R Line on e a n d w line of sec

18, s s ide of s w tt of n w tt. r u n n i n g w 6 rods, n 10 roda, e 5 rods, b 10 rods to beginning,

18 1 86 48 07 1 00 8 40 n t t o f n e t t . . . . 8 1 80 11 82 8 07 47 J 00 16 86 Bett of 8 e t t - - - 2 1 40 8 18 67 09 1 00 8 84 n e tt of 8 w tt-28 40 6 66 1 45 22 1 00 8 23 w tt of 8 w tt of n w tt 27 20 2 19 68 0 9 1 0 0 8 8 8

e tt of 8 w tt 27 80 15 81 8 99 61 1 00 20 91 n tt of s tt of 8 w t t o f n e t t — 8 0 20 1 90 60 08 1 00 8 48

e ^ of n w tt of n e tt 85 20 94 25 04 1 00 2 23

e tt of n w tt—-80 80 4 72 1 28 19 1 00 7 14 n e tt of 8 w tt--88 40 190 60 0 8 1 0 0 8 48

Town 6 Nor th , of Range 11 W e e t

e tt of n e tt of s w tt of s w fl tt 6 6 3 81 85 18 1 00 6 29

Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 West.

e t t o f s w f l t t - 4 72 14 03 8 64 58 1 00 19 23 s e t t of 4 160 47 9( 12 46 1 9?. 1 00 63 80 Und tt of a piece of land 50 f t wide off ne'ly side of

the following described piece of land com a t the intersection of Plalnfleld road wi th h boundary line of n tt of sec 18; thence n 89' SO7 e a long center of said road 12 88-100 chs; thence s 609 8(/ e 18 65-100 ulm; thence s 1° w 168-100 chB to Bald s boundary l i ne ; thence n 89* SC w along said line 81 87-100 elm to beg,

18 6 25 1 82 26 1 00 9 12 e t t of n e t t of n e t t of n e tt except a s t r ip of land 2

rods wide on e aide reserved for Bt. 20 5 1 78 48 07 1 00 8 29

A piece of land on n w tt. f ron t ing on Fulton 8t and lying eof Gafney ' s land, being 4 rodB e and w by 40 rods n and a,

29 1 19 97 5 20 80 1 00 26 97 A piece of laud on n w tt com 20 rods e of n e cor of

cemetery , thence s 10 rods, e 4 rods, n 10 roda, and w 4 roda 29 25 6 70 1 49 23 1 00 8 42

A piece of land on n w tt. bounded n by Bridge st. e and a by Largea ' land, and w by city line,

29 2 79 78 11 1 00 4 63 A piece of land on n w tt, bounded n by Vander -

brook'a land, e by highway, h by Dat imoa ' land, and w by Bockstal 's lantl,

29 10 2 88 74 11 1 00 4 71 N tt of a piece of land on n w tt. bounded n by J j a m -

phere ' s land, a by Phll l lpson's land, e by an alley and w by DeiToung's land,

29 08 2 88 74 11 1 00 4 71 A piece of land on n w tt. bounded n by Bosharen ' -

land, e by Hol land st, B by Koerno l j ea ' l aud and w by Def i i end ' s l and ,

29 26 6 70 1 49 23 1 00 8 42 A piece of land on a w tt, bounded w by Ouack'a land,

n by Vanderberg 'a land, e by an alley, and a by Orchard at, 29 6 27 1 64 36 1 00 9 16

Town 7 North, of Range 11 W e « t

I i

< 2 E S

I t u • I , s 5 a i S

A piece of land on B w tt. bonnded n by Ful ler ' s at, e by Carrol l ' s s t s by Murphy ' s land, a n d w by an al ley, 29 20 S8 56 {2 23 10 34 $1 00 (12 18

A piece of land bounded e by Baker ' s l and , n by < roase's land, w by Stromaand 'a land, and a by Ful ton St. 29 2 -I- 11 40 2 96 46 1 00 16 82

A piece of land bounded n by Phil l ipson's land, e by an alley, w by DeYoung's land, s by Vandyne 'e .

29 14 7 42 1 93 80 1 00 10 65 A piece of land on w tt of s w tt com 14 rods w of n e

cor w tt of s w tt. theuce s 6 chs 16 links, w 1 ch 53 links, n 6 chs 16 links, e 1 ch 53 links,

29 2 17 11 4 45 68 1 00 28 24 A piece of land com 20 rods e of n w cor of s e tt of n w

tt, t hence e 20 rods, s 20 rode, w 20 rods, n 20 rods to place of beginning,

82 2 60 6 83 1 61 23 1 00 8 67 W tt of w tt of n e tt of s w tt.

82 10 21 82 6 68 87 1 00 29 87 A piece of land f rom n end of e tt of n w tt of

83 12 23 28 6 05 93 1 00 81 86 N pt of n tt of s w tt.

34 20 18 62 4 84 74 1 00 25 20 A piece of land on s w tt bonnded s by C lmton road, w

by Miller 's land, n by Reed 's Lake, e by M n i r ' s l a n d . 84 8 6 9 8 1 8 2 2 8 1 0 0 10 08

Town 8 North, of Range 11 West .

N p t o t n e tt of n w tt. 1 20 19 81 6 02 77 I 00 26 10

A piece of land com 38 rods e and 89 rods and 14 l inks s of n tt post, sec 1, t hence e 10 rods, s 16 rods, w 10 rods, n 16 rods to beginning,

1 1 3 21 84 18 1 (10 6 18 A piece of land com a t a point 20 rods e and 14tt rods

s of n tt post sec 1, t hence s 4 rods, e 10 rods, n 4 rods, w 10 rods to beginning,

1 25 1 61 41 06 1 00 3 OS A piece of land com a t a po in t 20tt rods s of n tt post

sec 1, thence s 8 rods, e 10 rods, n 8 rods, w 10 rods to beginning, 1 60 1 61 41 08 1 00 8 08

s w t t o f n e f l t t 8 44 8 02 2 08 82 1 00 11 42 n e tt of s w tt-. 8 40 7 80 1 90 29 1 00 10 49 s e t t o f s w t t - 9 40 6 02 1 80 20 1 00 7 62 s w t t o f s e t t - - 9 4 0 2 2 8 68 0 9 1 0 0 8 9 0 All of w tt of n w tt e of Rogne r iver ,

11 20 8 90 2 82 3 6 1 0 0 12 68 s w tt of n e tt—14 40 7 2 2 1 8 8 2 8 1 0 0 10 89 Land on n end of e tt of n w tt.

14 85 6 02 1 46 22 1 00 8 80 N tt of n e tt of n o tt,

, 16 80 2 79 72 U 1 0 0 4 62 N 10 acres of s w tt of s e tt.

17 10 1 23 82 05 1 00 2 60 10 acreB In Bquare fo rm In t he n w cor of 40 acres of s

end of w tt of s w tt, 19 10 2 60 67 10 1 00 4 87

n tt of n e ...20 80 9 67 2 61 89 l 00 18 67 A piece of land com. a t t he tt post on n side sec 22,

thence s on tt line 10 chs, e paral le l with n l ine of sec 14 chs, n 86tt*. w 7 chs 66 links, t hence n 14°. w 4 chs to sec line, thence w on sec line 8tt chs to begin-ning. 22 10 76 6 71 1 49 83 1 00 8 M

n tt or n w tt of n w tt 85 20 879 99 16 100 5 9 3

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t . w tt of n e tt of

18 03 1 00 1 89

10 1 87 85 05 1 00 2 77 %

20 2 78 70 11 1 00 4 64

n w t t o f n w t t . 1 n w tt of n w tt of n w tt 1

s tt of n w tt of n w tt 1 20 2 78 70

Com a t the n w cor of s e tt of n w tt, thence e 24 rods, a 40 rods, w 24 rods, t hence n to place of beginning.

1 6 2 42 82 10 1 00 4 14 All of n tt of s e tt of 8 w tt w of 9 . R. and I . R. R ,

1 16 1 87 85 06 1 00 2 77 e tt of s e tt of s w t t o f s w t t - 1 6 68 16 0 3 1 0 0 1 8 9

Com 16 chs 71 l inks s and 12 rods w of t he cen te r of sec 1, thence s 8 rods^w 4 rods, n 8 rods, e to place of beginning, 1 20 81 21 0J 1.00 2 05

Com 255tt f t w of where t he w marg in of the G. R. a n d I. R. K. crosses t he e a n d w tt l , n B J a 16 rods, e 4 roda, n to plaoe of

n e tt of n e tt- 8 40 w t t of n e t t — 6 80 B e t t o f n e t t . . . 6 40 n w t t o f n w t t . 8 40 B e t t o f n w tt- 8 40

. . - - 40 40

2 43 4 88

2 74 4 07

388 6 63 6 04


8 23 663

(beg inn ing , 63 10 I 00

1 16 18 1 00 1 64 24 1 00

70 11 1 00 1 06 16 1 00 1 83 19 100 1 16 18 1 00

87 14 1 00 1 44 22 1 00 1 68 24 1 00

68 oe 100

88 18 1 00 1 47 28 1 00

I 85 21 1 00

4 16 6 71 8 70 4 65 6 28 7 12 6 76 6 39 8 10 8 86

8 66

6 19

7 74

n w tt of B w tt-SW ttof 8 W t t - 8 e t t o f s w t t - 6 s e t t o f n w t t - . 1 0 40 e tt of n w tt of n w tt 12 20

n tt of n e tt of n w tt 18 20

BP ttof s e tt - 1 3 40 e tt of w tt of n

w tt 16 20 Com at s e cor of n e tt, thonoe n 10 roda, w 16' rod'e, s

10 rods, thence e to place of beginning, 28 27 07 01 1 00 1 85

Com 10 rods a of n e cor of a e tt. thence w 10 rods, s 40 rods, e 10 rods, thence n to place of beginning.

28 2 60 1 09 28 04 1 00 2 41 B w tt of n e tt . -29 40 2 68 71 11 1 00 4 60 N e tt of s w tt leaa 18 rode n and 8 by 16 roda e a n d w

off n e cor, 29 88 71 2 80 59 09 1 00

s w ttof B e t t — 8 2 40 8 01 1 67 84 1 00 w t t of n e t t — - 8 3 80 7 2« 1 89 29 1 00

8 98 8 82

20 44

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 11 West . 80 11 61 8 99 46 1 00 15 96 82 11 78 8 0 6 47 1 00 lb 84 80 10 86 2 83 48 100 16 12 80 8 11 2 11 82 1 00 11 54 80 10 81 2 81 48 1 00 16 06 80 18 02 8 68 64 1 00 18 68

82 50 8 8 3 69 09 1 00 8 91 62 10 67 277 48 1 00 14 87 40 6 44 1 68 28 1 00 9 88 02 18 88 4 90 76 1 00 25 48 50 11 65 8 0 3 47 1 00 18 16 40 7 92 8 07 82 1 00 11 81 40 7 92 207 82 1 00 11 81 60 11 M 8 03 47 1 00 16 16 40 7 92 207 82 1 00 11 81 40 7 92 8 0 7 82 1 00 11 81 40 648 I 40 22 1 00 8 04

40 6 01 1 67 84 I 00 8 82 40 7 81 1 88 29 100 10 38

Nor th , of Range 18 W e s t 80 18 98 887 62 1 00 17 87 80 8 61 8 88 84 1 00 12 18 40 4 58 1 80 18 1 00 8 96 40 8 68 95 16 1 00 6 78 40 88 18 9 91 162 1 00 60 65

n e tt of n e tt less 7tt acres

s e ttof n w tt-l n e tt of s w tt—(

n w tt of B w tt) less land by T.J-8. & M . R . R . ) 84 40

»* •» ^ W4 U V J

a e tt of B e tt

Town 6 Nor th , of Range 12 West .

E 1 acre of n 6 acres of n tt of n w fl tt, e of Grandvl l l e p lank road,

„ , . , 1 1 4 19 1 09 IT 1 00 6 46 E tt of a tt of w 2-6 of n tt of B tt of n e tt of B e tt.

. J * 98 25 0 4 1 0 0 227 Com a t a point 42 roda a and H92 f t w of tt sec poet on e

side sec 1, r unn ing thence w 60 f t , b 182 f t , e 50 f t n 132 f t to beginning,

1 20 2 25 59 09 1 00 8 93 Com at a point 40 rode s of tt post o n e side of sec 1 and

w 80 rods, e 100 f t to place of beginning, r u n n i n g thence a 165 f t , e 30 f t , n 165 f t , w 30 f t to beginning,

1 U 58 15 02 1 00 I 78 Com a t a point 42 roda a and 942 f t w of tt sec post on

e side of sec 1. r u n n i n g thence w 60 f t , b 132 f t , e 60 f t , n 182 f t to beginning.

, 1 16 84 22 03 1 00 2 09 Com a t a point 40 rods b and 80 rodB w of e tt sec post

on e side sec 1, r unn ing thence s 166 ft , e 100 f t , n 165 f t , w 100 f t to beginning,

1 8 7 2 11 6 4 0 6 1 0 0 8 7 8 n 15 acres of n fl ttof n e t t - . . 8 16 8 18 82 18 1 00 6 06

N w fl tt n of Grandvl l l e road and s of G r a n d river, 8 66 60 20 87 6 48 8« 1 00 28 18

A piece nf land bounded on s by Grandvl l le road .u by J . D.Young's , n by land fo rmer ly owned by N. L Avery, w by tt geol lne, ex I t t a to R. R.

w 2-7 of e 7-16 of s tt of a e tt—12 10

w pt of n w tt of B e t t 12 17

Town 6 North, of Range 12 Wes t .

i i I i

M i l l I I i I I I il ^ u V CM

33 60 10 13 2 83 * 41 1 00 14 17

10 7 02 1 82 28 1 00 10 12

17 12 64 8 29 61 1 00 17 44

w 48-80 of s tt of « e tt 12 43 $28 65 jfl 93 | 1 07 | l 00 135 65

I t t acres off t he n end of s tt of e tt of w tt of n e tt. wild Itt acres being 80 rods In length e aud w by 12 r o d s n a n d s . 12 1 50 gl 21 90 82 *) 05 H 00 $2 58

Com at tho Intersection of t he n line of sec 12 w i th the w line of the <4. R. A 1. R. R. main l ine r u n n i n g thence w on said n line 4 4-100 chs, s 10 chs , e 181-100 chs. lo the w line of said R. R. thence nor theas t -erly along the w line of sa id R. R. to beginning,

12 2 81 2 09 65 OS 1 00 3 72 Com at a point on the n l ine of aec 12, which is 2 70-100

c w of n e cor of w tt of n w tt. r u n n i n g thence w on said n l ine 3 c, s 10 c, e 3 c. n 10 c to beg lnn i -g ,

12 3 1 81 47 07 1 00 3 85 w 2-80 of e 79-80 of s t t of s e t t - l S 2 49 12 02 1 00 1 63

n tt of e tt af n e t t 16 70 21 43 5 57 88 1 00 28 83

N e f l t t of n w f % except a l l t h a t p a r t s of t he R. R., also 1-6 a a t the junct ion of the O. and W . M. R R. and Broadway, owned by Jacob Bogardns, and 1-6 a to W . Misner,.i8 40 16 H9 4 01 62 1 00 21 02

Com a t the n e cor of v a c a n t blk 4 w addi t ion to t he village of Grandvll le , r unn ing thence s 400 f t , w 60 f t n 400 f t along the highway, e along the line of the U. 8. mi l i t a ry road to p lace of beginning,

18 50 1 54 40 06 1 00 3 00 Com 116 f t w of the n e cor of vacant blk 4 w addi t ion

to Grandvll le , running a 400 f t w 16 f t to tt line of 8ec 18, n on tt line of suld sec 400 f t , e 16 f t to begin-ning, 18 16 4 2J 1 11 17 1 00 6 65

Com a t a point on the s sec line of sec 21, which is 86 roda e of t he w tt line of said sec, r u n n i n g thence nor theaster ly to a point whicli u 63tt rods e of said w tt line of said sec, thence e on tt sec line of sec 21 to the w line of L. S. and M. S. R. R.. BO called, thence southeaster ly a long t he w line of said R. R. to the 8 sec line, thence w 38 rods to beginning,

21 44 60 6 14 1 80 25 1 00 8 99 Tha t p a r t of t he s e tt t h a t lies e of L. S. a n d M. 8. R.

R., Kal. div 21 145 61 93 18 61 2 08 1 00 68 62 8 w tt of 22 160 48 28 11 24 1 73 I 00 67 23 n w tt of s e tt—22 40 10 39 2 70 42 1 00 14 61 8 e tt Of 28 160 23 45 6 09 94 1 00 81 48 w t t o f n e t t ---27 80 16 62 4 82 68 I 00 22 60 n w tt of n w tt-27 40 8 81 2 16 83 1 00 11 80 N tt of n tt of B e tt,

27 40 8 82 1 00 16 1 00 6 97 N tt of n tt of n w tt,

85 40 4 62 1 21 18 1 00 7 01 Town 7 North, of Range 12 W e s t

Tha t pa r t of e tt of a e tt s of D., U. H. and M. R. R., 4 6o 63 10 03 1 00 1*88

Com 40 rods e of s w cor lot 2, thence n 20 rods, e to Alpine road, soutlieaaterly on road to s line of lot 2, thence » to beginning.

18 2 9 2 3 2 4 0 8 7 1 0 0 18 00 Com a t w l ine of lot 4 149 f t n of n line of Leonard s t

thence n 60 f t , e IU) f t , B 60 f t , w lOo f t to beginning, 14 2 7Z 71 11 1 00 4 54

n w tt of s w tt.26 40 65 16 14 84 2 21 1 00 72 71 Com a t n w cor lot 7. blk 8. Stoner 's add. theuce w 74

f t s 80 f t to n line of b r idge st, thence southeaster ly to s w cor lot 7, thence n to beginning,

r „ 26 1 24 8b 05 1 00 2 62 Lot 2, except 3 acres, 19 jierches described a s follows;

Com a t n e cor of aaid lot 2, runn ing thence south-erly along e Hue of Bald lot 2 11 elm 12 linkB.,to a post on t he bauk of G i a n d r iver , thence south west-erly along t he bank of u r n n d r iver 2 c h s t o a post, thence n 7°. w 6 chs 90 links, to a post a t t he root ot a large l inden tree, t hence n 23', w 6 chs 40 links, to a post on n line of sata lot 2, thence eas te r ly along n line of lot 2 4 chs 46 links, to place of beginning, containlDg 8 a, 19 percheB, more or less,

84 81 11 06 2 88 44 1 00 16 88

Town 9 North, of Range 12 W e s t

n e t t o f n e t t - - 1 40 3 30 86 18 1 00 6 29 n e t t "f n w )»..12 40 830 86 18 100 529 n e ttof s e t t - - 1 4 40 4 06 1 08 16 1 00 6 28 s w tt of s e tt-14 40 8 13 2 11 83 1 00 11 57

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 12 W e s t

e 4 of n e tt 3 87 10 8 i l 1 65 25 1 00 9 28 a w tt of n e tt- 4 40 8 79 98 16 I 00 6 92 B tt of n e tt of s e t t 4 20 8 79 98 15 1 00 5 92

n tt of n e t t — . 8 92 44 8 77 1 75 27 1 CO 979 n e ttof n w tt- 6 45 76 8 47 90 14 1 00 6 61 w t t of n w t t - . 6 68 18 6 28 I 85 81 1 00 7 78 n e t t , except i school house \ Bite on n e c o r ) 9 159

n e t t o f n e t t - . 1 0 40 BW ttof n e t t — 1 0 40 B e t t of n e tt-.lO 40 n w t t o f n w t t - 1 0 40 B tt of n w tt- — 1 0 80 B w t t o f Be tt-10 40

8 ttof s e t t II 80 e t t o f n e t t 12 80 s w tt of n e tt-12 40 Be ttof b w t t - . 1 2 40

89 54 10 27 1 68 3 48 91 U 3 48 91 14 8 48 91 14 6 83 1 65 86

18 85 4 78 73 848 91 14 6 91 1 80 28

11 51 8 99 46 8 79 98 15 6 78 1 50 83 2 87 74 11 287 74 11

11 51 2 99 48 230 59 09 2^0 69 00 1 90 49 08 2 80 50 00 1 90 49 08 1 90 49 08

11 61 2 99 46 9 27 2 42 87 7 64 2 00 81

38 9 61 2 47 81 38

4 74 1 24 19 2 46 63 10

7 18 1 84 89 820 84 18 2 46 84 10 9 34 2 48 87 1 98 61 08 4 18 1 09 17 1 96 51 06 8 55 8 82 84 8 55 2 28 84 6 69 1 46 88 5 59 1 46 82 1 84 48 07 1 84 48 07 1 84 48 . 07 1 39 87 06

1 00 15 98 1 00 8 98

•• »» ^ U l I I V* . Ill •*«

a w tt of n w tt.18 40 n e t t of s w t t . . 1 8 40 n w tt of s w tt-18 40 s w tt of B W tt.18 40 8 e tt of 13 160 n w tt of 14 180 s w tt of 14 160 s e t t of 14 160 n e t t o f n e t t - 1 6 40 n e tt of n e tt-.l8 40 n tt of n e tt of s e t t 18 30

n w t t o f n w t t . 22 40 n e ttof b wt t - -82 40 n e tt of 23 160 n e t t o f n w t t - 8 3 40 n t t o f Be tt—83 80 Be tt of B e t t - . -23 40 n e tt of 24 160 n w tt of 24 160 a w ttof 84 160 s e t t o f 24 160 n w t t o f n e t t . . 2 5 40 n e tt of n w tt-25 40 n w tt of n w tt .28 40 n e t t of n e t t - 2 8 40

. piece of land com a t the B w cor of e tt of 8 e tt runn ing n 160 rods, e to high hanks of t he r iver! thence in a southeaster ly course a long said high banks to t he Muskegon and Cedar Springs s t a te road, thence w along said s t a te road to beginning

, , " o J1 7 8 M ® 4 71 1 00 24 19

A piece of land com 2 roda w and 8 roda n of 8 e cor of n e tt of s e tt. and runn ing n 8 rods, w 10 rods, b 8 rods, e 10 roda to beginning,

29 60 a e t t p f n w t t - . 8 5 40 - w „„ n i , , 0 e t t o f n w tt-..88 80 4 11 1 08 16 1 00 6 85 n e t t o f 8 e t t . - . 8 6 40 2 66 67 10 1 00 4 32


Town 7 Nor th , of Range 12 Weat . Land beginning 16 roda e f rom a w cor of o tt of s w tt.

runn ing theuce n 40 rods, thence w to R. R., t hence souther ly along R. R to n line of Leonard a t thence e 200 f t t o beginning,

, , , . . 18 16 42 4 28 6C 1 00 22 38 Land lying between t he Grand Rapida and I n d i a n a R.

R. and the Lake Shore Dlv. of the Chicago and W. M. R. R., extending f rom lot 484, Leonard & CO.'B Add., to the n l imits of tho ci ty ot Grand Rapids, except ing the re f rom al l public atB and alleys,

18 8 21 2 14 88 1 00 11 68 Land on s w tt of s w tt. beginning 8 rods w f rom b e

cor. r unn ing theuce n 40 rode, w 12 roda 7 f t . B 40 rods, e 12 rods 7 f t to beginning, except ing ate a n d alleys. 13 21 90 6 70 88 I t t ) 89 48

Land com at Intersection of w line of Fremont st w i th the n line of Springfleld st . thence w to t he w l ine of n e tt of s e tt, thence n 86 9-18 f t e to F remon t Bt. b 86 9-12 f t to place of beginning,

, . , 23 21 64 6 62 87 1 00 29 18 Land com at a line of sec 24,84 rods e of s w cor of said

aec, thence w 60 f t n 100 f t , e 50 f t , a 100 f t to place of beginning, 24 9 47 8 48 38 1 06 18 81

Land com 160 f t n of 6th at on e l ine of F r o n t st, thence n on e line of Front s t 100 f t , e 80 f t , a 100 f t , w to place of beginning,

84 18 94 4 92 76 1 00 25 62

82 17 02 1 00 1 81 2 68 69 11 1 00 4 48


Town 7 N o r t h , of Range 12 West .

^ 5

1 *• c c ii - Ofc. 03 < 2 - O f i O

A parcel of land on sec 28 com a t t h e n w cor of Indl-a n a a m l \ eto sts. r unn ing thence n 100 f l . w para l le l w i t h Veto st 893 f t to w line of b lk 31. Shepard ' s ad-di t ion, produced nor ther ly , t h e n c e s on said l ine 100 fx to n line of \ e t o st, thence e 893 f t to beginning.

„ , ^ OT $2 09 «) 32 | i 00 | | T 48 A piece of land com 2 chs and 5 l inks s and 20 chs e of

t he n w cor of sec 3«. thence s 2tt chs . w 6tt chs, n e ^ o f i , T r ' l r ' , dY"'S a y e ' 2 c h * 611 "nks , e 4

nsed by R I ^ c o b « f n n , n « . except t he p a r t 3 6 63 no 13 79 2 12 1 on 69 pi

^ a t p a r t o f n e t t com 110 f t w of n w c o r Division a n d McConnell sts , thence r u n n i n g n 125 f t w I2t fi s 126 f t e 128 f t to beginning.

.o t H .

lot 28.

52 67

1 00 18 31

86 " 8 9 % 10 83 1 59 1 00 Al lyn 's Addi t ion.

18 93 4 93 76 1 00 25 62 G. M. Ba rke r ' s Subdivis ion.

9 47 2 48 Blssell a n d Har l an ' s Addi t ion .

lot 28 lot 48 lot 82 lot 114 lot 121 2 73 lot 178 5 46

Blssell and Son's Subdivision.

17 1 00 39 1 00

Bostwick and Co 'a Addi t ion.

lot 14 lot 61

5 48 1 42 6 48 1 42 8 83 1 78 2 78 71

71 1 42

4 18 1 09 9 77 2 55

22 1 00 22 1 no 27 1 00 11 1 00 11 1 00 22 100

8 10 8 10 9 88 4 56 4 65 8 10

6 44 13 71

t n i -X <t- ^ ol o ^

ot 2 and n H of 8 . . . 8 |318 88|81 65|12 56 <1 (0 |408 78 O f * U 42 27 11 00 1 69 1 00 55 98

l o t 8 U 204 58 68 19 8 18 1 00 266 96 Brad fo rd ' s Addi t ion .

j o * ' : » f 1 8 1 0 9 1' 1 M 6 44 2 1 3 1 40 86 08 1 00 2 j0J' 8- 7 16 75 4 88 87 1 00 22 78 M J® 10 2 79 78 11 1 00 4 (» l o t * 10 2 79 78 11 1 00 4 6a

J . W . Brown's Snbdivlaion. l o t 1 44 86 11 60 1 79 1 00 69 06

B r y a n and Ball 's Subdivis ion. A piece of land com a t the s e cor lot 1; thenoe nor-

the r ly along t he w line of W a t e r l o o st 28 86-100 f t • thence westerly ai r ight angles wi th aald w l ine of

« " b 5 l n n & W l l n e 0 f ^ 1 0 1 '• l h - n " « S

und 8-16 of lot 20 ^ S 4 J5 U 1 go ' i f s und 8-l6of l o t 2 1 - . . 8 66 89 11 1 00 und 8-18 of lot 22 2 66 89 U l m J X und 8-16 of lot23 2 66 ftp n i m l u und 8-16 of lot 24 . . . . 2 66 69 1 1 no 155 u n d 8-16 of lot 2 6 — 2 as 09 11 1 oo 4 45

und 8-18 of l o t 2 6 . . . . g 65 89 11 1 00 4 45 und 8-18 of lot 2 7 — 2 66 69 11 1 00 4 .;6

A. Oampan'8 2d Addi t ion . lot 18 and n 10 f t of

s ' « f t 'of lot '18' 'ex- 1 5 3 0 0 1 8 ™ « 1 00 69 91 c«Pt * 2 8 f t 3 15 90 4 14 84 1 00 21 88

A. Campan '8 8d Add i t ion . l o t l f l 2 18 25 8 44 63 1 00 18 22

A. Campan ' a P la t , F ra l ick 'a Snbdivlaion. l o t 8 1 24 56 6 88 98 1 00 82 01

A. Campau 's P l a t , Gilbert ' s Subdivis ion, Lot 8. lot 18 1 6 9 2 1 8 0 2 8 i n n m m n tt of lot 20 68 17 03 1 00 ? tto

A. Campau P la t , Morgan and P i e r c e Sub. of Lot 16. 16 87 4 25 85 1 On 22 27

0 1 1 4 10 90 2 83 44 1 00 16 17 A. Campan P la t , P e r k i n ' s Sub. of Lot 1.

l o t 1 2 4 6 6 6 8 8 9 8 1 0 0 82 91 Ca rpen te r ' s Subdiv is ion .

l o t I 2 7 95 2 07 83 1 00 11 34 Canlfleld'a Add i t ion .

l o t I ® 2 65 89 11 1 00 4 45 Clancy 's Addi t ion .

l o t 2 2 4 10 1 0: 16 1 00 6 83 Oolt and Co.'a Addi t ion .

w 26 f t of lot 80 8 8? 81 7 1 0 1 09 1 00 88 60

Colt a n d Cnrtla ' P a r t i t i o n P la t .

P a r t of lot 97. beginning a t a po in t where n line of Leonard at interaeota e line of D., G. H. a n d M R R grounds, t hence e along Leonard 8t 198 f t . thence n 116 f t , thence w 80 f t , thence a 81 f t , thence w 140 f t to Plainlleid aye, thenoe s w a long said ave 46 f t thence s e to p lace of beginning,

69 78 18 16 2 79 1 00 91 72 Converse 's Rep ia t t ed Addi t ion.

n 35 f t lot 10 18 81 58 6 69 88 1 00 28 98 Converse and Tolford 'e Addi t ion.

lot 8 9 16 18 4 20 85 1 00 21 98 lo t 8 14 14 80 8 86 69 1 00 20 24

Corblt t 'a Snbdivlaion. n t t of lot 18 4 10 1 07 16 1 00 6 33

C u m m l n g and F e r r y ' s Addi t ion. n 116 f t of lot 18 18 17 8 16 49 1 00 16 88 n 110 f t of lot 44 . . . . 18 62 8 61 64 1 00 18 67

Dexter F r a c t i o n .

e t t of jot 8 2 6 98 i 81 28 1 00 10 07 e t t o f o t f 2 6 98 1 81 28 1 00 10 07 e t t of l o t s 2 8 98 1 81 28 1 00 10 07 101 6 . . . . . 6 36 60 9 23 1 42 1 00 47 16 w 8 f t of n 74 f t of l " 6 11 2 78 71 11 1 00 4 65 Ot 4 12 27 81 7 10 1 09 1 00 88 60

jot 1- 18 82 97 8 62 1 81 1 00 43 60 Ot 16 14 82 77 8 62 1 81 1 00 43 60

' o t 8 - - - - - - - a i 71 01 18 47 2 84 1 00 9;t 32 fl lots 2 and 3 23 1 87 36 05 1 00 2 78 5 JotB 23 2 73 71 11 1 00 4 65 2 lo t 7. 83 6 48 1 42 22 1 (Kl 8 10 fl lot 10 23 8 19 2 !8 311 1 00 11 66 e 60 f t lots 16.18 and 18 23 188 55 86 61 5 4« 1 00 178 52

Drew and Brown's Addi t ion. w tt of lot 8 1 lot 18 3 lots I and 2 7 lots 8 and 4 7 lots 10 and 12, ex-cept par ts sold to Hage, Ryder and Llndhout

8 87 4 18 4 18 4 18

2 17 1 09 1 09 1 09

1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00

I! 87 8 44 8 44 8 44

2 09 64

El l swor th ' s Addi t ion . lot 14 9 68 00 18 79 2 a >» of lots 1 a n d 2 .19 10 60 2 78 26 f t f ron t on

Goodrich by 70 f t deep off e Bide lot 2

lot 6 24 lot 7 24 lot 8 26

08 1 00 8 71

12 1 00 60 91 42 1 00 14 78

21 4 14 844 1 88 2 07

64 1 nn *21 88 63 1 00 18 sa 21 1 00 7 f» 32 1 00 11 34

44 1 00 16 17

16 90 13 25 6 80 7 95

Fra l lck ' s Addi t ion . lot 18 2 10 90 2 83

Grand Addi t ion . e 44 f t of w 88 f ee t of lots 9 and K) 7 9 28 2 40 87 1 00 18 03

8 0 f t Buchanan st com. 85 f t n of t he a e cor lot 12, blk 16, thence n 80 f t aud of t h a t width 60 ft deep across said lot, 15 10 60 2 76 42 1 00 14 78

Grant ' s Addi t ion. n e tt of lot 14 5 9 62 2 40 37 1 00 ID 03 lot 18 6 18 25 8 44 5!) 1 00 18 22 lot 19 6 15 90 4 14 64 1 00 21 68 e 22 f t lot 11 a n d w 28 f t lot 18 10 5 30 1 38 21 1 00 7 89

Page 5: LOWELL Journal/1891/01_January/01-21-1891.pdf · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ... and Game IN SEASON, Owice Utu nd Wins, ... TruuIbr iUi«enibb



v - A ,

\ *

Grove a u d Brewer 's Nor th St . Addi t ion .

- • , a j

I S . I «; 3 ® *

.2 Ota ^ ^ i S ^ s a a a uii o

I^and beginning 421 f t n f rom the n l ine of Myrt le st runnlDK theuce n on w line of Alpine a v e f t and ex tending w of un i fo rm width I3J f t .

f7 M $2 00 | 0 31 I I 00 110 W

Uogehoom's Addit ion.

lota 1 a n d 7 1 977 2 65 3 9 1 0 0 13 71

S. Holcomh and J . Bur ton ' s Subdivis ion. lot 13 4 04 1 05 W 1 00 6 20

Holbrook's Addi t ion . lot 7 except n 42 f t

. and s * of l o t 8 . . . . i 17 99 4 68 72 1 00 « 4 » 60 f t n and 8 by 133 f t e and w f r o n t on w line Charles

s t com a t 8 e cor blk 2. Son thwlck ' s addi t ion, va-cated. 9 17 73 4 61 71 I 00 24 06

55 f t n and s bv 132 f t e and w. com 8 w cor blk I Sonthwlck ' s add 10 13 64 3 54 55 1 00 18 73

99 f t n and s by 133 f t e and w, com a t s e cor b lk 1 Sonthwlck ' s add 10 24 65 6 38 96 1 U) 33 01

A piece of land com a t a point 16 f t s a n d 100 f t e of s w cor of blk 2, t hence running; e 32 f t , thence s CO f t , t hence w 32 f t , t hence n 60 f t to beginning.

1 63 43 07 1 00 3 13 Hol l l s te r and Boyd's Addi t ion .

lot 6 4 04 1 05 16 1 00 6 26

Homestead Addi t ion . w 36 31-100 f t of lot 74 8 18 2 13 33 1 00 1164 lot 101 6 82 1 78 27 1 00 987 e 32 f t lot 109. less n 35 f t 10 90 2 83 44 I 00 IS 17

lot 119 17 73 4 61 71 100 24 06 lot 131 12 28 3 20 49 1 00 16 97 lot 131 27 28 7 09 109 100 36 46

Hoyt 's Addition. lot 11 40 91 10 63 164 100 M 18

Inn l s & McReynoId's Addi t ion. Land 60 f t e a n d w by 120 f t n and s in n e cor lot 16.

4 U I OS 16 1 00 6 36 The e 24 f t lot 16 and w 26 f t of lot 17. eztendinK s f rom

Crosby s t 130 f t . 3 83 1 00 16 1 00 6 96 C. Jones ' Addi t ion.

lot » 8 18 2 13 33 1 00 11 64

Kellogic's Addi t ion. 100 f t e and w by 190 f t n and s. com ISO f t w of n w cor

blk 2. Holbrook ' s Add.. « 27 28 7 09 1 09 1 00 36 46

Kendal l ' s Second Addi t ion .

s S6 f t of lot 5_ 13 21 85 6 89 87 1 00 29 41

Kent P l a t

e 20 f t of lot 21 2 7 3 71 11 1 0U 4 55 T h a t p a n of lot 23 com 120 f t w nf Ell wor th ave on t b e

n l ine of Oak et, thence n 60 f t , w abon t 100 f t , s SO f t , e a long Oak s t to place of beginning.

26 60 6 89 1 06 16 39 4 » M 18 45 4 80 74 16 39 4 26 66 35S0 9 2 3 1 42 6 58 1 46 23

55 83 14 61

s W X f t o f lot 242... nnd ii of lot 254 — lot 376 lot 383.. . n X of lot 474 lo t s 485.487 a n d 498. lot 667. except pa r t on n w cor f o r S t . .

I 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00

2 33 1 00

35 45 22 31 24 W 23 31 47 15 896

73 66

47 45 12 33 1 90 1 00 «3«8

K e n t P la t , Cana l Basin .

u n d X of s 17 f t of mi l l lot D 10 #3 2 83 44 1 00 15 19

Leonard & CO.'B Addi t ion .

20 100 13 1 00 13 1 00 07 100 09 100 09 1 00

23 35 18 81 7 40 5 2 6 626 3 13 3 8 6 3 85

1 34 23 61 67

100 100 100 100

44 65 8 26

20 97 23 78


Joeeph Penny ' s Addi t ion.

i i h i t S

I I I I U s •ot f

l o t s - 16 43 4 38 C6 1 00 lot 136 13 « 3 57 55 1 00 w X of e X of lot 143 4 K 128 lot 362 3 28 85 lot 354 8 28 85 nnd K lot 373 1 64 42 lot 476_ 2 19 57 lot 478 2 19 57

Long's Addi t ion.

l o t l 4 33 50 8 71 n X of l o t 8 4 6 68 1 46 lot 10 and s * of lot 9 4 IS 36 4 00 lot 11 4 16 75 4 K A triangnLar piece of land com a t t b e in tersect ion of

Ploinfield a v e and Taylor s t , t hence nor the r ly on t he e side of Tay lo r st 85 f t , thenc« eas ter ly on t he s l ine of lot 11 to said ave, thence sou thwes te r ly a long w l ine of sold a v e lo beginning. i

4 5 68 1 46 22 1 00 8 26

L. G. Mason and Co. 's Snbdl vision. lot 13 3 3 01 77 1 2 1 0 0 490 lot 14 3 3 01 77 12 1 00 4 90 lot 15 3 3 01 77 12 1 00 4 90 n X of lot 12 10 6 47 1 42 23 1 00 8 11 Load beginning a t the intersect ion of t he s l ine of

Leonard s t , w i th the w l ine of t b e 6 . B . and L R . R-, r u n n i n g thence w on st l ine 124 f t a n d extending s 180 f t of u n i f o r m width,

16 4 2 4 2 8 6 6 1 0 0 2236 Land beginning a t t he intersect ion of t he s l ine of

Leonard s t wi th the e line of Maskegon st, r unn ing thence s a long t he e line of Mnsketfon s t 2MX f t , t hence e 124 f t . n SHM f t , w to bes inntng .

9)81 5 4 2 83 1 00 2806 L a n d beginning 104 rods n f r o m n w cor of blk 9, r u n -

n i n g thenoe n on e line of Muskegon s t 8 rods and ex tend ing e of un i fo rm width 124 f t ,

4 3 8 1 14 18 1 00 6 70 L a n d beginning 124 f t e of n w cor of b lk 9. r u n n i n g

thence e 20 f t and extending n of u n i f o r m wid th 112 rods. 3 83 1 00 15 1 00 5 98

E . L. McConnei rs Addi t ion . l o t « 12 2 1 8 3 5 6 7 87 1 00 29 36 lot 7 12 16 3 : 4 S 6 5 1 ( 1 0 22 27 lo t 8 12 1364 3 54 55 1 00 18 73

McElwee's Addi t ion . lot 2 24 55 6 « 93 I (0 33 91

McLaren 's Addi t ion.

l o t O 2 5 4 6 1 4 2 2 2 1 ( 0 8 10 Mills' Addi t ion.

lot 10 1 10 99 2 83 44 1 00 15 17 lot 17 i 10 90 2 83 44 1 00 15 17 lot 17 2 10 9 9 2 8 3 44 1 00 15 17 lot 31 4 8 18 2 13 33 1 00 I I 64

n X o t lot 2 6 4 10 1 OT lot 11 6 4 10 1 OT lot 12 6 6 82 1 78 lot 13 6 6 82 1 78 lot 17 6 6 82 1 78 lot 18 6 6 82 1 78 lot 19 6 6 82 1 78 lo t » 6 6 83 1 78 lot 1 6 6 82 1 78 lot 2 . . _ 6 6 82 1 78 lot 3 6 6 82 1 78 lo t 4 6 6 82 1 78 lot 6 6 6 82 1 78 lot 6 6 6 88 1 78 lot 9 c 8 18 2 13 lot 12 6 9 65 2 49 lot 13 6 9 65 2 49 lot 14 6 9 66 2 49 lot 16 6 9 65 2 49 lot 3 7 10 90 2 83 lo t 13 7 8 18 2 13

Por te r ' s Addi t ion. lot 16 6 26 91 6 74

Powers ' Addit ion.

18 18 | 3 13 | 0 33 $1 00 I I I 64 100 100 1 00 100 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00

27 1 00

6 8 3 688 987 9 87 9 87 987 987 9 87 9 87 9 87 987 9 87 9 87 9 87

11 64 13 42 13 42 13 42 13 42 16 17 11 64


1 04 1 00 34 60

1 00 1 00 100 1 00 100 1 00 100 100 1 00 100

Mohrhard ' s 2d Sabdi r i s ion .

lot 43 4 18 K B 17 1 0 J 6 44 Morrison's Addi t ion .

O X of lots 46 a n d 47. 49 11 12 77 1 96 1 00 64 84 47 n e a n d w by 501

f t c and s o u t of V • e o o r k r t 59 I 13 64 3 54 55 1 00 1871

Nor th rop ' s 2d Addi t ion .

lot i 12 28 3 20 49 1 03 !6 97 lot 10 21 8! 5 67 87 1 00 28 36 lot 13 1 2 2 8 3 9 3 49 1 00 16 97

Northrop 's 3d Addi t ion.

lot U - 1 1 64 42 07 n 9 8-12 f t lot !4<

; l 7 . f 2 a a d s 30 f t lot

lot 4.

lot 3 lo t 4 B * O f l O t 8 . . . lot 9 lot 10 lo t 13 lot 14 lot 10 -lot U k * 16 lots 23 aud 34

W — lo t 14 lot U k * 16 lo t 17 lo t 18 lot 19 l o t » i o t a lot 23 l o t » lot 24 lot 13 lot 14 lot U lot » lot 17. l o t »

5 47 1 42 23

Page 's Subdivis ion. I 556 146 23

Joseph Penny ' s Addi t ion .

1 00

1 00

3 13

8 11

100 826

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3

- 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4

87 4 2» 37 4 2 5 16 2 13 37 4 25 37 4 2 5 tr 4 « 37 4 2 5 83 2128 37 4 25 37 4 25 36 ID 86 90 2 83 M 2 83 90 2 6 3 99 2 8 3 90 2 83 99 2 8 3 . 90 2 3 3 93 2 8 3 90 2 83 90 2 83 90 2 8 3 90 2 8 3 90 2 8 3 90 2 8 3 90 2 83 99 2 8 3 VO 2 8 8 90 2 S 93 2 8 3

65 1 0 0 a i oo 33 100 65 100 «5 100 65 I 00 6 109

327 1 (0 65 100 & 1 ( 0

3 0 1 1 00 44 1 ( 0 44 1 ( 0 44 1 ( 0 44 1 (O 44 1 ( 0 44 100 44 1 ( 0 44 100 44 1 ( 0 44 1 (0 44 1 ( 0 44 100 44 100 44 1 ( 0 44 100 44 1 ( 0 44 100 44 1 OO 44 1 ( 0

2 3 r 23 27 II M 23 27 23 27 22 27 23 27

107 37 23 27 23 27

100 30 1517 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 U 17 15 17 U 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17

lots 1 . 2 . 8 . 4 a n d 6 . . 5 lots 7.9 and 10 6 lots 16 a n d 16 6 lots 18, 20, 21. 22. 28 and 24 6

l o t 8 8 lot 4 6 lot 6 6 lot 6 6 lot 7 6 lot 9. except s p a r t •old to c i t r 6

lots 17 a n d 18 6 lot 20 6 lots 21,22,23 a n d 24. 6

13 96 8 63 8 87 2 17 6 68 1 46

16 76 696 279 279 279 279

2 7 9 668 27V

4 36 1 81

73 73 73 78

78 1 46


100 100 100

1 00 100 100 100 100 1 00

100 1 00 100 100

19 16 11 87 826

22 78 10 07 4 63 4 IH 4 63 4 63

4 6 3 826 4 6 3

19 16 18 96 8 63

Powers ' Second Addit ion. lots 1 ,2 a n d 6 1 11 16 2 90 45 1 00 lot 7 8 2 79 73 11 1 00 T h a t p a r t of P o w e n ' Sd Add which lies w of t h e e

Hue of Cl inton s t , s of t he s l ine of Observa tory s t . e of e l ine of N Division at and n of n l ine of Mason st,

W 78 18 16 2 79 1 00 91 73 Remington Addi t ion.

und * of w X of lot 4 6 4 66 1 19 18 1 00

Richmond ' s Addi t ion .

16 61 4 63


Land beginning a t t he s e cor of lot IS, r u n n i n g f t a n d ex tend ing n of un i fo rm

n 24 f t of w H of lot 10 M

a 24 f t of w ^ of lot 10 M

6 47 wid th 100 f t , 1 43 22 1 00

w 40

8 11

3 22 84 13 1 00 6 19

3 23 84 13 1 00 5 19

Rober ts ' Addi t ion. lot 1 6 4 04 1 05 lot 2 6 4 04 1 05

lot 3 lot 4 lot lot 8

20 100 7 40

16 1 0 0 625 16 1 00 625

81 1 0 0 27 34 33 1 0 0 11 OS IS 1 00 626 13 1 00 636

280 43 1 00 1500

23 1 00 8 00

43 20 124 08

20 26 5 27 8 21 2 14 8 28 86 8 28 86

Scr ibner ' s Addi t ion. e 33 f t of lot 1, w

Broadway s t 10 77 s 33 f t of lot 63 w Broadway st ,

5 X 140 Scr lbner a n d Turne r ' s Addition,

w 35 f t of lot 3 14 33 46 8 44 1 80 1 00 lots 13and 14 J3i 94 67 24 63 3 79 1 00

Scr lbner a n d Turne r ' s Second Addi t ion .

lot 14. 1 I t 17 3 16 49 1 00 lot 16 1 4 06 1 OS 16 lot 3 6 24 84 « 33 97

Shepard ' s Addi t ion. lot 12 . 5 12 U 3 16 48 lot 2 11 13 45 8 60 54

A . L. Sk inner ' s Addit ion. lot 28 13 4 18 1 08 17 115 f t off e end lot 13 J 5 U 16 2 90 45

Sk inne r a n d Provin ' s Subdivision.

lot 38 6 98 1 81 28 1 00

Smi th ' s Addi t ion . lot 17 1 68 19 17 72 2 73

Canton Smi th ' s Addi t ion . lots 25,27 and 2(L— 1 47 70 12 40 1 91 lot 26 3 7 95 2 07 88

1 00 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0

1 00 100

16 83 S 26

33 64

16 76 18 49

644 15 61

10 07

1 00 8B64

1 0 0 1 00

63 01 11 34

1 00 1 00 1 U0 1 00

1800 8 11 786 2 42

87 1 00 2986

71 1 00 24 06

1517 4712

Smi th a n d Van Allen 's Addit ion. Land on town lot 2 becinning 254 4-7 f t n f r o m a e cor

of sold lot , r unn ing thence n 43 3-7 f t , and ex tending w of u n i f o r m wid th 110 f t ,

13 14 3 42 • 80 f t of gore block 4 6 47 1 43 lot 7 7 5 80 1 37 • 13 2-12 f t of lot 8. .12 110 28

Sonthwlck ' s Addi t ion. o 8 8 f t l o t 3 1 21 83 5 87 w 34 f t of lots S a n d 4 _ 1 17 78 4 61

Sonthwlck ' s Subdivision. lot 6 2 10 90 2 83 44 1 00 lot 13 2 35 47 9 23 1 43 1 00

S t e w a r t and Ive 's Addi t ion . A piece of land com a t n e cor of n w V b lk 15. run-

ning thence s 7 rods, thenoe w 3 rods , t henoe n 7 rods, thonce e 8 rods to beginning.

15 6 9 8 1 81 2 8 1 0 0 1007

S U w a r t a n d Ive 's Addi t ion. Pagt't Sub.

One a c r e of land In sonare form in s e cor of U k 16. S t e w a r t a n d Ive 's Addi t ion , except 68 f t n a n d s by 20871-180 f t e a n d w on t he n side sold to J u l i a A. C a m p a u , a n d exccpt 50 f t e a n d w by 140 f t n and s tn • w cor to Helm as,

1 9 7 7 2 5 5 39 I 00 1371

S t e w a r t and Ive's Addi t ion.

Skinner and Prorin's Sub. w 34 of b lk I . except lota 13 a n d 14 fo r s t 1 3150 8 71 1 34 1 00

Stocking and Allen 's Addit ion. u ^ o f l o t L 11 4 88 I M 18 100

44 65

6 7 0

T a n n e r Taylor ' s Addit ion.

Lots 2 a n d 4, otherwise known a s lota 7 a n d 8. b lk 3. Long's addi t ion, 1 39 73 10 34 1 59 1 OP S386

Lot 8, o therwise known aa t he n V of lo t s 14 a n d 15, Long ' s a d d . b lk 3. 1 5 58 1 48 22 1 09 8 21

Lot 9. o therwise known a s lo t 13, b k 3 Long"! add i t ion . 1 11 16 2 90 4 5 1 0 0 15 51

Lot U). o therwise known a s lot 15. b lk 3. Long's add i t ion . 1 1 3 9 6 3 6 3 5 6 1 ( 0 1915

lot 24 2 2 8 3 3 5 8 0 89 1 00 30 03 LoU 80, 31 and 33. o t h e m i s e known a s lot 1, blk 2,

L o n r s a d d i t i o n , 5 5 t 8 i l 4 » 2 l 9 1 00 722B P a r t of blk 8, n o t subdivided Into lota, descr ibed a s

f o l l o w r Com a t a point on e line of C a n a l Bt 00 tt s of Legrand at, thenoe a on Canal s t 104X f t , thenoe e t o w One of Ion ia t t 280 f t , thence n on w l ine of Ion ia a t abou t 231 f t t o land owned b y O'Keefe, t heoce w a t r ixb t angles with Ionia s t 100 f t , thenoe • 3D f t , thenoe southwester ly about 115 f t , thenoe w t o e U s e of Cana l s t to b tglnnlng.

3 (S 96 17 41 2 88 1 OO 88 07 P a r t of blk 3. beginning a t a point on e l ine of s tone

t a n n e r y bui ld ing produced a n d 100 f t n of n l ine of Coldbrook s t . t b e a c e w 50 f t , thenoe s HO f t t o n line of Coldbrook s t . thenoe e on MJd n lino SO f t , thence

a i t 0 I 1 ( . L r t s 36 a n d 37. b lk 4, o therwise known a s lota 21. 22.

b lk 3. Long 's Add , 4 2 2 3 3 5 8 0 89 1 ( 0 30U8 Lota 99 a n d 49. blk 4, otherwise known aa lo t s 2 a n d 3.

b lk 3. Long 's Add , 4 19 54 5 0 6 78 1 OD 26 40 Lots 5 and 6. blk 7. otherwise known aa lo t s 5 and 6.

19 54 5 06 146

5 9 8 1 46 558 I 46 5 5 6 1 46 558 146

11 U 2 W 11 Ml 2 90 5 58 1 46 5 0 146

1 00 I 00 1 00 1 0 0 1 (O 1 00 100 I 00 1 ( 0 1 0 0

40 826 e a c 8 2 6 826 h 26

15 51 15 51 8 2 6 826


T a n n e r Tay lor ' s Addi t ion.

J 5

S y - I I j a * 1 2

I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 oo 100 I 00 100 1 00

23 1 00


IS 28 8 28 644 6 44 6 44 6 44 6 44 644 644 6 44 8 28 8 26 8 28 8 28 8 28 8 26

13 71

9 77 2 66 39 I 00 13 71

9 77 2 66 3 9 1 0 0 13 71

9 77 2 66 39 1 00 13 71

6 68 1 46 23 I 00 8 26

6 68 I 44 22 1 00 8 26

9 7 7 2 6 5 3 9 1 0 0 18 71

39 1 00 22 1 00 23 1 00 23 I 00 22 1 00 23 100 23 100 23 1 00 17 1 00


lot 6 9 | 5 68 I I 46 |0 22 | l 00 lot 6 9 6 68 I 46 22 I 00 lot 7 9 4 IS 1 09 lot S 9 4 18 1 09 lot 9 9 4 18 1 09 lot 10 9 4 18 1 09 lot 11 9 4 IS 1 09 lot 12 9 4 IS 1 09 lot 13 9 4 18 1 09 lot 14 9 4 18 1 09 lot 8 10 6 68 I 46 lot 4 10 6 68 1 46 lot 6 10 6 SS 1 « lot 6 10 S 68 1 46 lot 7 10 6 88 1 46 23 I 00 lot 8 10 6 68 1 46 22 I 00 lot 8 12 9 77 2 66 39 1 00 lot 9. otherwise 1 known a s lot 2. blk V 9, Long's Addition) 12

lot 10. otherwise j known as lot 3, blk V 9, Long's Addition) 12

lot 11. o the rwi se ) known a s lot 4. blk > 9, Long's Addition ) 12

lot 13. otherwise J known a s lot 6, blk > 9, Long's Addition 112

lot 13, otherwise 1 known oa lot 6, blk > 9, Long 's Addition ) 12

lot 14, otherwise 1 known a s lot 7. blk > 9, Long's Addition \ 12

lot IS, o the rwi se ) knownos lots , blk > 9, Long's Addition ) 12 9 77 2 SS

lot 6 17 6 68 1 46 lot 21 17 6 68 1 46 lot 23 17 6 53 I 46 lot 23 17 6 68 1 46 lot 24 17 6 68 I 46 lot 25 17 6 68 1 46 lot 26 17 6 68 1 46 lot 1 IS 4 18 1 09 lot 2 18 4 18 1 09 17 I 00 lot 3 18 4 18 1 09 17 1 00 lot 4 18 4 IS 1 09 17 1 00 lot 5 18 4 IS 1 09 17 1 00 lot 8 18 4 18 1 09 17 I 00 lot 7 18 4 18 1 09 17 1 00 lot 8 18 5 58 1 46 23 I 00 lot 9 18 5 58 1 46 23 1 00 lot 10 18 6 68 1 46 23 1 00 lot 11 18 5 68 1 46 22 1 00 lot 12 18 6 68 1 46 28 1 00 lot 13 18 6 68 1 46 32 1 00 lot 14 18 6 SS 1 46 23 1 00 lot 16 IS 6 68 1 46 23 1 00 _ __ T h a t uar t of blk IS not subdivided into lots, cxcept

Krt lon sold to c i ty of Grand Rapids fo r se t t l ing sin and except 100 f t e and w by 60 f t n a n d a in n

w cor thereof to Mra. R y a n 18 3 3 6 0 8 71 1 3 4 1 03 4465

P . Tregen t ' s Subdivision. Land beginning a t t h e n e cor lot 20. thence w 32 f t

a n d extending a, of un i fo rm wid th 90 f t , 6 47 1 42 23 I 00 8 11

a 49K ft of lot 93 2 74 71 11 I 00 4 66 n 49* f t a 148 f t lo t 20 6 03 I 67 24 I 00 8 83

P . T regen t ' s Sub. J. Aldridi Smith Sub. of LoU 7, 8, 9, 70. 77 and 78. lot 1 1 64 42 07 1 00 3 13 lot 2 1 64 42 07 1 00 3 13 lot 2 6 . — 1 64 42 07 1 00 8 13

Tryon ' s Addi t ion. n e X of lot 8 I0 8 S 2 7 0 4 2 1 0 0 14 SO

Van Buren and T u r n e r ' s Addi t ion . n 30 f t of lots 9 a n d

812 2 11 8 12 2 II 8 12 2 11 812 211 8 12 2 U

Watson a n d Weston ' s Addition. 17 73 4 61 71 1 00

W e n h a m ' S Addit ion. lot 8 4 2 1 8 8 6 6 7 8 7 1 0 0 2938 l o t s a n d s IV f t of

60 64

13 71 826 895 826 8 26 8 26 8 26 895 644 644 644 644 6 44 644 644 826 8 26 826 826 835 826 8 26 838

10 6 lot 1 8 lot 2 . 8 lo t 8 8 lot 7 8

lot 88.

38 I 00 38 100 38 1 00 83 1 00 32 1 0 0

11 66 l l 55 11 65 11 SS 11 56

24 06

lot 46 . . . 684

lot 7 S 38 18 9 93 1 53 1C0 W h i t e a n d Cody's Addit ion.

4 10 108 16 1 00 Wl they ' s Addi t ion.

P a r t of lots 1 a n d 2. com S4X ft e of n w cor lo t L being 40 f t e and w by 88X f t n and s. '

8 16 87 4 25 85 1 00 22 27 s 34 of lot 3 8 17 73 4 61 71 100 24 06


lot 21 1 73 19 03 I 00 1 96 lots 11 anda2 2 129 33 06 1 00 2 8 7 lot 4 and w 34 of lot

3 149 38 08 1 UO 2 9 3 l o u 8 a n d 9 3 73 19 03 1 00 1 96 lot 6 4 36 08 01 1 00 1 46 lot 8 4 2 98 77 12 1 0 0 487 lot 1 5 2 2 3 58 09 1 00 390 lot 13 8 2 23 58 00 1 00 390 lot IS 7 36 09 01 1 00 146 lot 18 7 2 6 0 67 10 1 00 4 37

V I L L A G E O F C A N N O N S B U R O . lot 43 and s 34 lot 44. 2 80 6S 10 1 00

V I L L A G E O F C E D A R S P R I N G S .


lot 3 1 lots 1 and n 34 of lot 4 5 lot 1 11 lota 2 and 3.. 11 23 f t off n s ide lot 3.13

1 56 41 08 1 00 3 0 3 2 88 62 10 I 00 4 10

80 t t (B 1 00 2 05 80 28 03 1 00 2 03 77 19 08 1 00 1 90

A piece of land com 33 f t n of s w cor lot 3 r u n n i n g e £ ft, n 17 ft, w 80 f t , a 17 ft t o beginning.

13 77 19 £ 100 199 e 3 4 o f l o t s 5 a n d S . . M 4 86 1 28 19 1 00 7 07 1 8 b r 138 ft o n s s i d e of l o t 2 a n d 4 f t o f f n s i d e l o l 3 -

100 f t back . 20 81 0 4 8 0 8 1 2 4 1 0 0 41 w 34 of lots 2 a n d 3.^281 a n d 20 f t off w side V of lot 3 S i S 34 1 65 25 1 00 9 84

• 34of lo t4 J f ! 80 23 03 1 00 2 06 Com 22 f t • f r o m t h e n w cor of lot 2 r u n n i n g • 28 f t ,

e l 0 0 f t , n & ! f t , w l 0 0 f t t o beginning. ~ 1 55 41 06 1 00 3 08

1 59 41 OS 1 00 806 e n t i r e — 41 block 42 k * w 34 of lots 2 and 3 42

en t i r e 46 lots 1 .4 .5 a n d 8 48 wMot. 48 lot l o f „ M e 34 of lots 5 a n d 8. J 9 lot S <8 lot 2 86 e 34 n lots 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 .8 .7 , 8. .77 en t i re 79 lota 3 ,4 .5 a n d 8 80 lot 5 .85 w 34 of lot 7 M

1 59 41 1 59 41 9 60 2 47

80 28 854 2 23 8 54 2 28 397 1 OS 2 3 8 88 4 77 1 25 8 18 84 8 1 8 84 1 69 41

80 28 156 41

1 00 1 00 100 1 0 3 1 00 100 1 00 1 OO 1 00

13 1 00 13 100 06 1 00 05 1 00 06 100

05 06 38 08 34 84 16 10 19

3 0 6 306

13 35 2 0 6

12 U 12 11 6 16 4 10 721 5 15 5 15 3 0 6 2 06 8 0 8

Town 10 Nor th , of Range 11 We*L Com u w cor of s e 14, s 30 rods, e 20 rods, n 30 rods, w

93 rods, sec 25.2 50-100 acree . 3 97 1 03 IS 1 OO 6 16

C o m IB rods e and 80 rods n o f s w o o r o f n e i 4 o f n e ! 4 , w t o R - R . . n 4 r d s . e t o a p o t n t d a e n o f b a n n i n g , a t o beginning, sec 38.

80 28 (O 100 V I L L A G E O F F I S H E R STATION.

lo t 8 1 31 « 01 1 (0 VILLAGE O F S O U T H GRAND R A P I D S .

lot 18 1 12 29 04 1 00

V I L L A G E O F G R A N D V I L L E . Old Survey ,

V I L L A G E O F G R A N D V I L L E .

Wes te rn Addi t ion .

£ i ° i I a .

I ^ I U lot 5 lot 8 lot 6. lot 16 lot 4 lot 7_

9 9 9

12 17

i io ;is io 09 io oi | i oo 35


1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00

H | 1 46

1 46 I 46 1 46 I 45 1 45

2 0 5

1 46

lot 7 35 08 01 1 0 0 lot 8 35 09 iA 1 ( 0 lot # 35 tb 01 100 lot 10 35 08 o: 100 lo t l l 35 09 01 1 ( 0 lot 37 44 U 08 100 lot 44 SI 03 01 i w l o u 72 .^ ,8$ a n d S . 3 9 8 103 16 1 00 lot MO 2 17 56 08 1 ( 0

W e s t e r n Addition-

lot 1 1 35 09 01 1 (0 lot 2 1 35 at 01 1 0 « k * S 1 35 09 01 1 ( 0 lot 4. 1 35 00 01 100

03 1 00 1 98

off s e n d 1 lot 8 a n d w J i lot 7. . 2 lots l a n d 8 12 en t i re fl 80 lot 6 37 lot 1 a n d 8 fl 42

V I L L A G E O F K E N T CITY, n * of lot 17 16 21 4 21 66 1 00 22 07 lots 19,20 and 21. . . . 4 Td 1 23 19 1 00 7 15

V I L L A G E O F L O W E L L I And com 4 rods e of n end of Hora t io s t on e l ine, n 10

roda, e IC34 f t , s 10 rods, w to beginning, 21 06 01 1 00 I 28

Town 6 Nor th , of Range 9 West .

Land 60 rods n of t he 34 s toke on w line sec 1. e 12 rods-n 4 rods, e 4 rods, n 6 rods, w 16 rods, s to beginning, see 1, 6 !3 I 59 25 1 00 8 97

Land com 33 rods e and 13 rods n of 34 s take on w side sec 1, n 10 rods, e 1634 f t . s 10 rods, w to begli.ning, sec 1, 21 06 01 1 00 1 28

Ave ry ' s Plat-lots 3 and 4 6 1 00 26 04 1 00 2 30 e X of lot 9 8 9 13 1 68 25 1 00 8 97 Land com 23 f t e of n w cor lot 1. s 116 f t . e 19 f t . n 116

f t . w to beginning a n d 16 f t off s eud lot I, 11 6 00 1 30 20 1 00 7 50

Lot 4 a n d 4 rods e and w by 3 rods n and s ou t of s e cor lot 3. 35 25 OT 01 I 00 1 33

lot 10 87 8 16 2 18 33 1 (0 11 62 Chapin & Booth 's Addit ion.

lot 2 a n d w 34 of lot 9 6 76 20

Fox ' s Addi t ion . lota 7 nnd 10 8 60 13 02 I 00 165 lots 3 a n d 4 6 75 20 03 1 00 1 98 en t i re 6 10 64 2 76 43 1 00 14 S3 Ent i re block 11. less 4 acres off e side and 2 ac res off w

end, l l 1 25 83 06 1 00 2 63 Lee's Addi t ion .

lot 1 2 75 20 03 I 00 1 98 lot 4 2 41 10 03 1 00 1 63

R icha rds & W I c k h a m ' s Pla t . e H lot 4, lees 20 ft

6 00 I 66 24 I 00 8 80 20 00 6 30 80 1 00 27 00 11 22 2 91 45 1 00 15 58

76 20 03 1 00 1 98 76 20 03 1 00 1 98 25 07 01 1 00 1 33

Sncl l ' s Addi t ion . Com 32)4 f t souther ly f r o m n w cor blk 3, t hence east-

erly 164 f t , t hence sou the r ly 8334 f t , thence westerly p a r wi th n line 154 f t . t hence nor ther ly 8234 f t to be-ginning. s of and ad jo in ing land owned by J . O. Merron. 3 1 00 26 04 1 0U ? 30

Land com a t a point on the s w cor of blkC, n 8 rods along Hudson st, e 8 rods paral le l with G r a n d st, s to G r a n d st , wes ter ly a long Grand s t t o beginning.

8, 13 68 3 66 S6 1 Ul 18 79 Land com 17 rods n of cor of J a m e s and N o r t h sts , n 16

rods, e 20 roda, a 16 roda and w to beginning. 1 60 89 OS 1 00 295

Land com 25 rods e a n d 3 rods n of 14 s t ake on w line of sec 1, n 10 rods, e 8 rods, n 10 rods, e 4 rods, a 20 rods, w to beginning,

3 60 91 14 1 00 5 66


Com 90 f t n of s e cor lo t L thence w 82 f t , n 21 f t , e 83 f t . a t o place of beginning,

2 92 75 12 1 00 4 79 A piece of l and 10 rods wide off n end of lot 2,

2 93 75 12 I 00 4 79 A piece of l and 10 rods n and s by 8 rods e and w off e

s ide of lots 43 and 102, 8 8 1 1 7 8 2 7 1 0 0 086

Com 86 f t e of s w cor of lo t 44, thence n fiO f t , e 22 f t , s 80 f t , t hence w to place of beginning,

2 9 f 75 12 1 00 4 79 Com a t s e cor of lot 67, t hence w 100 f t , n 45 f t , e 100

f t , s to p lace of beginning, I 95 60 08 1 00 3 63

lot 99 4 86 1 38 19 1 00 7 31 s 34 of lot 106 4 86 1 28 19 1 00 7 31 Com 101 f t n of s e cor of lot 1J0, thence n 41 ft, w 2334

f t , s 41 f t , e 23H f t t o beginning, 49 13 02 1 00 1 64

lots 162and 164 9 7 3 2 6 3 8 9 1 0 0 1385 lots 181 and 188 5 84 1 61 23 1 00 8 58 n 34 of lot 203 1 96 SO 08 1 00 3 53 All of o u t lot 2, less 40 rods e a n d w by 12 rods n and s

off n end , 13 acres , 9 7 3 2 6 3 3 9 1 0 0 13 66 ou t lo t238 , l a c r e . . . 2 92 75 12 1 00 4 79

Town 9 Nor th , of R a n g e 11 West . A lot bounded on t he s by Spr ing st, on t h e w and n

by land owned by W m . J . Black, on t he e by Allen St R icker t ' s mil l ya rd , sec 38.

5 84 1 61 23 1 00 8 68 Com 33 rods s and 8 rods e of n w cor of s e 34 of n w 34,

thence s 10 rods, e 4 rods , n 10 rods, thence w to place of beginning, sec 86.

49 13 02 1 00 1 64 Com 82 rods s and 12 rods e of t h e n w cor of s e 34 of n w

34. thence s 10 rods, e 10 rods, n 10 rods, thenoe w to place of beginning, sec 36,

49 13 03 1 00 1 64

V I L L A G E O F S A N D L A K E .

lots 4 ,5 ,6 and 13. . . . 3 lota 1.2 and 3 a n d e )4 of lot 4 8

lot 10 8 w 34 of lot 11 8 lots 1 a n d 2— 18 lots 3 . 4 .5 and 10—13 lot 1 21 lota 3 and 4 21 lot 21 23 „ A piece of l and com a t t he • e cor of L a k e a n d 4th sta,

r unn ing e a long t he l ine of Lake s t 60 f t , thence y a long R, R. l ine 100 ft, w 60 f t , n 100 f t to

8 85 2 3 9 35 1 00 12 50

17 72 460 71 1 00 24 03 1 77 46 OT 100 3 3 0

88 28 04 1 00 2 14 7 9 7 206 32 1 00 11 37

19 49 506 78 100 28 S3 1 77 48 OT 1 00 330 2 6 5 88 11 1 ou 4 45

63 14 08 100 1 88

t he p lace of beginning . 2 6 5 2 6 5 » 11 100 4 45

W a r e ' s Addi t ion . lot 5 1 88 28 04 100 2 14 l o u 9 and 10 1 88 28 04 1 00 2 14 lot 2 2 2 8 6 68 11 100 445 lot 7 5 88 23 04 100 2 14 lot 8. 6 88 28 04 1 00 2 14 l o u 8,10,11 a n d 12.. 6 8 5 6 93 14 1 00 588

V I L L A G E O F SEGWL'N. lot 28 1 1 88 47 07 1 00 3 38

Town 6 Nor th , of Range 9 Wes t . Land com SOO f t w of Mich avenue ou f r o n t s t , w 40 f t ,

no r th t o R . R . l and , e 40 f t . s t o beginning, sec II, 1 20 31 (6 1 00 2 56

Boynton and J u d d ' s Lake Addition.

Town 7 North, of Range 11 West .

J u d d ' s Sub. of lots 1,13.14.16, 22 and 23.

i •°s' I I • I aa * p i

lots 36 and 60 lots 43 and 43 lots 44, 46, 46, 47, 48 and 49

lots 67 a n d 58

5 o | 1 60 10 39 W 06 |1 00

1 41 37 08 I 00

4 66 1 41

I 20 37

1 00 1 00

H •8 95 2 84

7 04 •3 84

2 4 5

1 45 1 « I 45 ' .45 1 45 1S7 1 40 6 18 3 8 3

145 1 45 1 45 1 45

V I L L A G E O F S P A R T A .

Town 9 Nor th , of Range 22 West .

s e 34 of s w 34, leas I R. R . eec 14, 15 V acres ) 4 75 1 25 19 1 00 7 19

H l n m a n ' s Addi t ion. lot 14. leas 12 f t off I e a i d e f 4 75 1 25 19 1 00 7 19

Nash ' s Addi t ion . n 34 of lo t 14 and a i S of lot 15 134 34 05 1 00 2 73

A t w a i e r a n d Capen ' s Addi t ion .

Town 7 N o r t h of Range 11 Wes t .

lota 10 a n d 11 1 1 08 28 04 I 00 2 40 lots 4, & a n d 8 2 2 7* 73 11 1 00 4 63 Barclay a n d Stevens ' Addi t ion to Ci ty of G r a n d

Rap ids . Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 Wes t .

lot 13 2 3 10 80 1 2 1 0 0 5(C lot 30 r. 2 7 2 71 1 1 1 0 0 454

Boyd a n d Van Le tnwen ' s P l a t .

Town 7 N o r t h , of Range 11 Wes t .

e 19 f t of lot 8 and I w 34 of lot 7 I 2 78 71 11 1 OO 4 54

Boyd a n d Van Leenwen 's P l a t . Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 Wes t ,

lot 28 3 85 1 01 15 1 00 8 01

Boyd a n d Van Leenwen 's 2d Addit ion to City of G r a n d Rapids .

Town 7 Nor th , of Rang* U Wes t .

lota 2 .3 ,6 ,7 ,8 a n d 9. 5 56 1 45 22 1 00 8 28

Ed. L. Briggs' Addit ion to Ci ty of Grand Rapids. Town 7 Nor th , of Range II West .

lot 59 3 75 98 16 1 00 5 88

S. A. Brown's Subdivision. Town 6 North, of Range 12 Wes t .

lot 9 2 40 63 10 I 00 4 13 e 38 f t of lots 41 and 43 4 82 1 26 19 1 00 7 27

w 44 f t of lots 41 and « 2 40 63 10 I 00 4 13

H. P . Carpen te r ' s Addi t ion to t he City of Grand Rapids .

Town 7 Nor th , of Range l l Wes t , lot 10 I 1 88 49 08 I 00 3 45

C. C. Comstock 's Pla t . Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 West .

jot 10 5 5 32 I 30 21 I 00 lot 2 16 3 94 I 03 16 1 00

D. J . Dean 's Snbdivlsion. Town 7 North, of Range 11 Wes t .

lots 12 and 13_ 23 ISO 39 OS 1 00

Dolbee's Addit ion to Ci ty of Grand Rapida.

Town 7 Nor th , of Range II Went. lot 10 5 72 1 49 23 1 00 8 44

Evere t t ' s Addi t ion.

Town 7 Nor th , of Range 12 Wes t . lots 3, 16, 16, 17, 22

7 92 6 13


and 23 1 lot 24 1 lots 12,13,16.17,18,19. 20,21,22,23 a n d 24. 2

8 12 2 11 79 21

32 100 03 100

11 56 2 0 3

14 86 3 87 59 1 00 20 32

F i sher ' s Addi t ion to Ci ty of Grand Rapids. Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 Wes t .

2 11 67 3 01 46 I 00 16 04 572 1 49 23 1 00 8 44 840 2 18 34 1 00 1! 92 5 0 2 1 31 9) 1 00 7 53

lot 16 . . . . 3 5 79 1 31 23 100 8 53 lot 11 . . . . 4 2 70 70 11 100 4 61 lot 23 . . . . 4 2 70 70 11 1 (V 4 61

Fisher ' s 2d Addit ion, Ci ty of G r a n d Rapids. Town 7 Nor th , of Range I I Wes t .

lot 7 3 6 23 I 63 25 1 00

E. P. Fu l l e r ' s Subdivision. Town 7 Nor th , of R a n g e 11 West .

H. H. Dennis ' Sub, lot 24 6 6 70 I 49 23 1 00

Hocks t r a a n d Co.'s Addi t ion to City of Grand Rapids Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

lots 10 a n d 11 7 29 1 90 29 1 00

M a r t i n Hocks t r a ' s Subdivision. Town 6 Nor th , of Range 12 W e s t

lot 2. 90 24 04 I 00 lot 28 90 24 04 1 00

Jenks , Drew and Nichols ' Addi t ion to City of G r a n d Rapids .

Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e e t lot 28 2 89 75 12 I 00

Levi Bros. ' Subdivision. Town 6 Nor th , of Range 12 W e s t

lot 18 84 22 03 1 00

Allen McDowell 's Addi t ion. Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 West .

lot IS 1 71 44 07 I 00

McKee Bros. ' Addition to City of G r a n d Rapids . Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

lot SI 1 5 70 1 49 23 1 00 lot 18 2 3 43 89 14 1 00

John T . Miller 's Addi t ion. Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

lot 6 1 1 94 51 08 1 00

Power ' s Pa r i s Addit ion. Town 6 Nor th , of Range II West .

lot 6 4 58 15 02 1 03 lots 4,6. 6, and 8 . . . . 9 1 58 40 06 1 00

9 11


10 48

2 18 2 18

4 76

2 0 9

3 22

8 42 5 46

3 53

1 75 3 02

R icha rd ' s Addit ion. Town 7 Nor th , of Range 12 W e s t

lot 3 8 2 76 72 11 1 08

Robinson's F a i r Ground Addi t ion . Town 6 Nor th , of Range 11 Wes t ,

w 50 f t lot S3 1 56 41 06 I 00

South wick ft W r i g h t ' s Addit ion. Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

lot 2 lots 3 a n d 4 lots 6 a n d 7 lota 11 a n d 13 lot 13 lo t 14 lot 28.

1 94 61 3 85 1 Ul 3 » 101 3 85 I 01 1 94 61 1 94 61 1 94 51

08 1 00 15 1 00 IS 1 00 IS 1 00 08 100 08 100 08 100

4 SO

3 0 3

3 53 8 01 6 01 6 0 1 3 5 3 3 53 3 5 3

3 53 ^ 4 03 "

S t e w a r t ' s P l a t Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

w 3 ( of 34 2 31 80 00 1 00 4 00

Van Leenwen 's Addi t ion to City of G r a n d Rapids . Town 7 Nor th , of Range 11 W e s t

lot 84 1 94 51 08 1 00 lot 42 2 33 SI 09 100

W h i t e ' s Second Addit ion. Town 7 Nor th , of« Range 12 Wes t

n 34 Of lot 7 1 6 52 1 70 38 s 34 of lot 11 and n 34 of lot 12 1 6 77 I 77

a 34 of lo t 12 and n 34 of lot 13 1 5 S3 I 55 „ . w o

L o U 16 and 17 and n 34 of n 34 and s 34 of s 34 of lot 15. 1 9 08 235 » 1 00 1273

n 34 of lot 18 1 8 12 2 11 w 34 of l o t S 2 6 77 I 77 lot 14 2 4 74 1 23 l o u 15 a n d 16 2 7 23 1 87

1 00 9 48

27 1 00 9 8 1

24 1 00 8 72

33 1 00 27 100 19 100 29 I 00

11 65 9 81 7 16

10 38

A U D I T O R G E V E K A L ' S O m a s . » Laniing, Miehigan, Deeemtter 81.1890. f

Notice is hereby given t h a t t he S ta te of Michigan haa filed In t h e Olrcnit Cour t for t he County of Ken t in Chancery , a pet i t ion of which t he forego-ing is * t r u e copy; t h a t i t c la ims a decree aga ins t each parcel of land there in described fo r t he a m o u n U specified respectively, a n d in addi t ion there to of t he a m o u n t of legal fees fo r personal service of subpoena tn each case where such service Is ac tua l ly m a d e a s provided in Section 63 of Act No. 195. Laws of 18a8: t h a t such peti t ion wil l be brought on fo r a h e a r i n g a n d decree a t t he nex t term of said C o u r t t o be held on t he first Monday of March , 1891. a t Grand Rapids , i r said Coun ty of K e n t t h a t a i l pe r -sons Interested in such lands and dosir ing to con-tes t t he l ien c la imed thereon fo r such taxes or any Pa r t t b e r r o f . shal l a p p e a r in said Court a n d file w i th t h e Clerk thereof , t he i r objection t lie re to. on or before said first Monday of March. 1891. a n d t h a t in d e f a u l t thereof a decree wil l be t a k e n a s p rayed f o r in said pet i t ion.

Not ice is a lso hereby given t h a t on t b e first Monday of May. 1881. t he l ands ae«cribed in said petition, snd fo r which a n order of sa le shal l be made , will be sold fo r t h e taxes , i n t e r e s t a n d charges thereon, a s de t e r -mined by said decree, a t t b e County Treasure r ' s Office in t h e c i ty of G r a n d Rapids, in said Coun ty of K e n t

H E N R Y H . A P L I N . Audi tor GeneraL