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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of&oe In Train's Opera House Block. Three Cents Per Copy. VOLUME XXIV. L O W E L L , MICHIGAN, W E D N E S D A Y M A R C H 6. 1889. N U M B E R 36. ^ikvuiI ll»|AX-Uirx ' i), KTOJ, 11'r»- i'; i'hi<-ri iS). KXO: cakf «f iliiari" v<«J; List of the Rest Jobs Held by rucU; Sum's HI iti I Mcu. IHFORMATIOH FOR PLAOE SEEKERS U'livni lltr MimI luipurtaut CtiuiiKP. ' lr ' Likely to lie Made—Tlio Auiuuut uf Dntnu I d Kaeli C om —Ulmt Em- ploye* of the Uorernmvnt Am I'ruiertrtl by the rno-nl Cltll Serrlee Law. Kir. Therv nrv inuro tluui 100,000 jiositioiu uutliT tli» govurnmeilt of the Uuitot Htot.w, but ouly a i-oinporntivcly uunll DumU-r of tbmu will rhsiijio incumbenU on ocivunl of tb" cluuw of aiimliiiitratiun. Id compiling the list givm Ijrlonr, an effort bus l»vn miulo to tbinv only the princ^ul placvo In tbo gov- rrunu'iit i.tvK-o in whlvb chants arc likely to be nuulo. K»mer or later, umlcr IVetiilent Harrlxiu. U'biUi It U true that n vant inn- K ty of tho employe* of tbo goveruiuout i ofDce at thn will o( the appointing power, It hi aim true that the mir.ur em- ploye* am not dltturbcd by party vtclioi- 1 tides. Nearly 30,000 employe* are pro toe tod by tbo civil wnrlca laws. Among tbesoare clerk* in Wjublngton under J3,000 yearly lalary, clerk* and carrier* In many of the Ucgo postotllce* througtiout the counlrv, and tba railway mall tervias wai recently in eluded by Ihe President* order. Three- fourths oi tbo gtneniment mi ploye» In Waibinglou arc Rcpulilicaiu, and three- fourth* of the Democrat* will probably bo left undifturbed. Of tbo employe* at WmJi- Ington and e hewhere, not protected by the dvil •rrice law, a va<t majority ar • |«j»t matters, wbuw loluries arc very suiull, mi l common laborer* or perwiu in merely menial einploynwnt. Judge* << the topreiue. circuit nud district court*, and of thn •-••urt of claims ami su- preme court of the Di> rlct of Columbia, and ^ominiajoned otOcer* i f tbo army, navy and marine corpn, bold offliu during good be- havior, Judges of territorial coum, awUt- ant tiwnrer*, principal officer* of custom* and Internal revenue, govtrnon and recnr Urle* at •crritories, land officers, Indian agent*, perjlon agent*, portnuuter* of Ihe tint, second anil third clacws, dUtrlct at- torney* und mar&hnhi cannot bold officumure than four year^ under tbo «anie comuiinrion. There arelil.OUO |ioitofficc« In Uie United Statew, of which obout 2,600 pay Uteir liu um- benU } 1,000 or more a year, uxl bencv are pruddeiitlitl officm, receiving thoir appoint- ments from the president direct, and nc«dlug the confirmation of the senate. All other offices are filled by tlw nnntmasU'r general. SokriM are fnSiliently adjtuted, and in •ome cwai the ularies now iiald aro not pre- cisely a* itated below, tho figures bore given being taken from tlw lost Ikuu of the official ""^wdrll employes of the government are now said to number nearly 1(10,000, of whom nearly 40,000 are employed la tho postal scr- vie®. Of these I,SOo ure In the general offii-o ^t Washington, 110,000 mall carriers und con- traolors, 1,900 special delivery carrier*, •l.bU) moil mesengers, 5,000 railway mail employes, 8,000 clerks la postofficea, 8,000 letter carrier* and 30,000 poKtuvuten. Twelvo Ihoutand persons are employed lu tbo department* la W u b i c ^ o n , 4,000 In tho Internal revenue, a Urge number in Uia diplomatic and conndar *orvicu and In tho Indian wrvico, tbo officer* and clerks of congress and of tho United BUts* court*, employes of mints, employe* of Uie District of Colombia govemmont, light h o u n employes, and forces engaged in tho manna hospital service, under tho Mladsdppl River commiwion, at navy yards, thn land office* and government printing offices. The list hero following begins with tho Dis- tricuaf Colombia aa tho seat of tho national govammeut and therefore of tho larne*t num- ber of tho moet Important offices. It was tiio original UtoaUoa to includaall tho postoOlaM paying attlory of f1,000 and upwards, but »paca limitations have forbidden this in some of lb* states. cuniULT or ooLmau. EXCCUtlTB. President $50,000 Vleo president 8,000 Prlnta tecnuiy. $3,000 Dtecutlvaerk*® 2,000 Aaslstont S,2U Btoword I.hjO Abo 4 ckrki. i usher, 4 mewngen, t Uoor- kKpm, i watchman and I IIreman. (Probably the only ch.m.-es will be private sccmair and MciiaixL) SUM Deportment—Secretary of ftate, ttOM; assist, -sec. of Mate, 4100; ossWa, (2). 0400; chief clerk;t!S0: translator, 2,10); stenographer, ISM; chief lUp, burrou, £100; chief consular bureau, SIOO; chief Indexes and arclilr.n, C.IOO; chief ac- count*, 2101; chief suUstla. CIOO; chief rolls and UbraottKUQ, Tref;u,7 Departi, 901—Secretary of tho trea*- ury.lBDU): asst. sea, (J), 4300; clerk, SOW; govt, acfuary. taoj; chief of wamnta, etc.,«»; asst., tiufiditk. SBD0; thief uf looua. £400; asst*. IS), VlOO; chief prinUnif, etc., CMO; special sgt (per dlcro). Hi; asst., aofi); siwcialagts. (11, per diem). SS; special arts. (16, i*r dl«mj. Jti; chief ckrk and «ipt. Kibi dkbunlcg olortu (3), SM; chief appolniment*ffTSO;asst.. vKO; chief pub, moneys, cSifcrwt.. £000; Chief int. rev., 2300; asst., aA); chief rev. marine, USB; u*L. SOOO; Insj*. of cu»- turns (48, per diem), $1; tosi*. of Isthmus Pan- n r ^ i e « and laadi, £300; chief cccret service, H00: chief eta*. MM; supt marine hapllal, 40i»; •unteon, . iUB; hup. gen. steamboau. SMI] chief bureau 1 *Uti«le*,ie&| ehW derk. MOi cblef eorravlnd and printing, 4100: asst., ££0; accountant, too); com. nreau nav., WOO; Uinclor of mint, 4.100; ez- ambMr. BOO; cominiler bullion, JBOO; M«ayer, MS; odluMer accts,, uXO; supt. Me »vtog ter- via*, ttOO; asst., 2100; chief clerk llghthome rU-ri, SSiW; chl-f potrm di»,, 2000; supt. doeu iri -nlv iW); as>: att r xen., bO). lio clerks III), K3J to M r ' — — - n ,11. •.WO; e' f Lind*nnd lalluiiy. U'O; chief liidbn olTairx. ); I earl iwe uon »:il>rul»<Jj, 1KX); weoud ' " :rd «p|v,;lii (Jj, to); thfnl l««iil *p|ieali i;!i. 2.ii); 'j«iU; a»iW. »JUJ; dtlef ' . chief examiner. (S), -I itierlul!., S£1V; es.iti.ln< r tmle iiurk« .'»'); I'rln .1,1 ••saiuUien i'.Ti, 2I(»>; com. hi-1 <Ie|iuly,3uaI; secuad >l. pui), . hu r t lerk. ••-iV: bm'i cl<-rk, WO; niedl. id >»<). a - l n f, •.•.' O; mnfeons(Si. *<•'; chief* Hi', mt'f It luin ivintn'r*. Imllau lii"p (3i, it Hi; lnJl .n > 'ii<>l>ii|<( . Mil: Li>< elrrk.lWil ptliH ipol ejiuil, (4UI. IWU; la-ml'i-i *i'**ii Iii (lb), «•»; osn. land oalei\ 4U0II; aw. I, »«ji; chief ek-rk. l»U; law ek'rk* Ui. imu); lawexamlntn(It ). MO; InipeeUiixiSi. '.•'"'I Mm-ial geuUIM.Cnn; com. educallOIL IWOO; conipiMTftaUMcs, HKW; OWL rulloayv 4300; Iwk- keejirr. MOO; engineer, CO; eominb* lalior, Sul; chief clerk. IW); «ui>l rot . naur., •»); prenlil *-nt Deaf anil Unmti in*., 4>u: prufewor*, SW); (iro- fewon (if). 3^1); chief >' nr<liuen'a tuapUal, aiOO; IhtrmUil*' win (B), TM); seo'y, KU); dirxvlur (fo liyleal >iinr},0(»); hlef cntk. MO; ilUlmnln featon (i). 9W0; chief JYeedmen ii hiapltal. SU*); Intentati* " " liyleal mnej.foW; i hlef clerk. 21(0; ilUlmning clerk, 2t(0: meelmnlelau. 2UU; li'irarian, 'J^O; pliofocmiilier, 20l«i; exeoitlvc unioT, DIUI; in-n, 0-i i, Sul; (prokitrfaits (5). M«i SiO; gcolaglaU, (ft). •-%»; ps kitfUU Hi. alio; chief 1-"«raplier, IHOO; polix otoloytal. WO; i oleonlol-> girt. WO; ii(ll*i.lit.4<i;ul. -VV); l alixinloki^UUdJ, »'*); efaemM. 801*1 lieimrtiiH-nl of Jnstlee—Altoniey general S'l" 1 : aollcttur ceneml, n--.i ally, gen*., (*i. li'O: awt. ally* 121 *WI; n—l allv.. (Si, WO; ally, (I), 9X0; Lio clerk. CUI: chief clerk. 'MJ'. luw ek'rks(2i. -JKU Ih'imrtiwnl of AfrtcuKiin'-CVmuul^ooer of agrlcullutv, |H«0; chief .lerk.OO; i<iiiioliii:l»t, 8,00; elieniiil. 2M0: unilthnNi.-UI. 2510: U»li»li cian. tri(0; elii.'f sulnul lmlu» - >, »x»i; etlmolo girts ft).310; ethuol >Kirt (Ii. .'k" ethnolouW (I), au<: (Uh eum . ik.iui: nivt,, i|«-r month), 110; com, of itifiiiei (:i), Wu); •ecn-tan, Ulu); bolanlrt. two; »*•«•„ am; mleruacopM, 2,i«0; rn- UMnolo/lrt, aw; nut*, imiuiuU. 2i'o: chief for- estry rtlv., tWU; eiviiasrvlos com. (Si. Slu); chief examiner, jni); »ecy„ 'AUI public primer, $4*0; 1 hlef rlerk, 2100; furrmriB bimlery. 8100; Bui-» IHJ. Col., ;<••); cuikxlor, Dirt. (Srt. *JO: amlilor. »«0: alty , «IU District (•••vemiiient—('o(miilsi>ioiii>rH of the Di>i. (J 1, |an>: «w»r. *«o; auditor, DoOO; hi .lib oftK-iT. aOW; IioIIim Judge, a»0; iimr>li«l. 0*0; deputy manlul, KXO: r.i;W**r of bills fee*; eoUector. 4iU); allorney. 400; lUlit, of IiolMr, 1«0; U. K, attorney, fc<l); P. JI. Wuhlngtou, 6uO; pension atptnl, 4000; recorder of dw.i<. fiTK Dlplomatio and Consular |oolv coosulalia lay- ing vouoaikl over ar» KlienJ-Slliii-trr to (in-al Britain and ilonilnluns, 9IT.Su): wn i.try k-Katlon. general Calcutta. : iui ; liallfaz. SHU; Umdoo. ulOo; Uelboume, I ji O; Montreal. 4000; consul Iiem-mra. SOU); HOIIK Ki BlrmtfigliiiliiJ^pM Chatham, auu; lork, a"0: Dublin, axO; Dunfennllnr, FTXO; llaiullto-i. (int., 2000; Kingston. Jainalen, tOOU; U-llb. 2UO; U'er- pool, OUI; .VitKSau. jOOD; Port Stanley. 2000; Sherbrooke,,2Uii; Kt. John. N. II,. a00; Tim-.tiJl. ino; Victmik «(V; Manchester, JOOi); |\.rt Umfa, au); Bhenield, i-.O; 8liii:spon*. MOO; Sydney, a'O; Tonsito, atO; miiiU* r l.iVnoi.T ami Ihimlnlons, isr, steiDounw, u«i; .iiooimiL «uu; tw-rara, »«; Ihmdee, 210): Glasgow, Kouir, f«o; Ut>i», au): llelfnrt, WW; 111. WOO; Bradford, HUH; canlllT. tMO; 17.900; •rcntan- l.vntlnii, tSO: consid Bordeaux, «o0; lo ons. *v O; Bheina, aou; consul t:eti_ UXO: consul Hai re, BOO: ManelUac avo; St Ktirtuiu. SXJO; minister to lk*niiany, IT.Ux); m-o. legation. aaB; consul Anna)«>nr. 2M10; Barmen, JXO: Chno nlU, 2UO; Cn-feld, OoO; HberfelJ, 3000; Hamburg, SVX); I*l|»io, axil; consul gen. Ih-rhn. 4,100; Prankfort. UXX); consul Brenn-u, HMO; Bruns- wick. »0; ilmdeii, tMO; Duweldorf, aiO; Nuremberg, aoo; t(aiuwU*rg, £000; mbilster to llilna, 12,uO: w. I.-^ui Uid, OU'i; iimioil cen- eral, HOO; eoimul Canton, SKX); t oo.Chow, XOOj Mosi.i, S<o: mlalster to Ureece, («>•, .-.neoil Atheiu. >rou; minister Italy, I«,UX); coonil |,-en eral, ruil); cuiuul Palermo, aO); consuls (0), IKO; cotusil >Ia(ln;,'ii*car, »UI: IntenT. ' r, SKXi; con. sul Amoy, IKtO; Chin Kiang. SHO; .ankoo, too; Tlen-Trtil, Uai; minUer llma THO: consul general. 4000; mlnirtvrjapan. I2,u«i; see. Ii'irnllon, WE; Interpn-ter, 2W); consul general, »W; eon- *id NagaHakl, BOO; lUuka, &XO; nilnlrtcr to Mexico. I2.(XU; s*v, livi.tlou. IK'J; consul A.11 pot eo, SUM: Vera Cnu, aOO; coikiiI •-*-J.-iul Matu mores, aXO; Mexli-o, tJO): consuls (9). lee*; (2), 1J00; tuhilster to the Nrtlierlonds, 790; consul ' laudl'or, SCJO; deputy, CM; chief* ' auditor (P. O ), MOO; deputy, k, 1000; diiburalng clerk. UCUI; own. ctatom*, 4tol ; deputy, 0; second auditor, an); deputy, -I; fouith auditor, 8C00; deputy, bamti., BBOO; hook- jr, IKO; a n t , , WOO; miim fciher Important omclahi have pay of their army rank, end aro not aifxtcd by chcusc of admlaU- '"I'o^ilce Department—PffWnastcr geoerel, ^ ctiS sa U*., BMO! duff boad dl*.. MOT! fJTC WD- .. tea); cumpcgeiu, BOO; portal card .aanaBMBL Mur office. -•rk, KWi post-J I depictli-.tbu*, UOWi i5VM; clilcf c i'M: lew clerk, .tupt. ry CM, COOJ; vUiu Iwpoetor ^m-xr/ot the Interior! a*1 acCyi 400); c u d P. T. Barnum thinka that bo haa Kpt! tho nineteenth century boom iu Junibo. I but ho must not forget the great ex- citement caused by the nail* of Dr. | Bull't Cough Uyrup. "TAKE IT IN TIMb. "For want of a nail, the shoo was lost; for want of a oboe, a hone whs lout; for want of a home a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first «ign of pneumonia and con- aumptlon can positively lie checked by Ur- Acker"* English remedy for con- eumption* Tutsb & LOOK, Druggiaifl. Lowell. 1000; minister Senia. I1W; eonnul AnuU-r dam, 1300; uilulit<-r I'urvU. WO; IVru. 10,000; am •uludhki. 3.VI1; mlnUter Rui»la. IT,MO: seo. lega- tion. 2KS; consul gen , MIX); consul 'Wncu. SiO; mlnlstvr An-.nlino l^ p.. TW); consul Buenus Ay res. SIX); Bartary ilates. 0*0; inlulrter Bel- glum. TVO; consul Antwerp, BWX): Bnm-ls, SKO; minister Cvn. Am., li),(00: consid gen.. 1X00; Costa Rica, MOO; Salrador. AIXI: mlnlrtcr lo Chili, 10,- 000; consul ValiuraUi. M00; iLintrter Austria, HMO; consul g*ti., SOOO; consul Prarue. a«X); Trieste. «00: mlnliaer llolltla. KXO: minlM.T Bra- *iL 12,(00; convil gen , (XOO: cau'id IVrnomliUco, MOO; Hondurus, avo; Nlcamgua (i), axxi; minister Chin*. 12,000; *ee'y. MB; inirrpiTtrr, SOO; con sul grn., BOX); con>uIs (7). I&X); minister Cuhnii- bla. rvix); omisuI i~-n , aoi; niinlrter Denmark. WOO; consul SI, TbomaK, 2^0; ixinsul Ken Friend- hr I,, SXXi; inlnUter Snaln. 12,000;jronsul gin,, MOO; conml Ciunfuetn». "O; Manila, MOD; Ma t-uaa», mi); Ban Juan, BOO; Santiago de Cub*. BOO; minister Turkey, TVX); eousul gen,, BCOOj consul cen,, MM; iiileriireter, BM; consul Beirut, 2000; JeruHakm. 2UOO; Smyna, WOO; mlnirter Core*, 1000; consul gen, Hmamn, 4000; consul llarannullla. »»); Anplnwall, 8000; consul gen. V^iuadur, MOO; mlnlrtcr Slam. BOO); minuter Swi-den and Norway, TUX: minister Swlwerlaad, fttM; consul Basle. aiOO; lloregn. 200); St. Ilalee, BOO: Zurich, MO); minister \ enetuela. TVO; cim- md Uaruuaibo, MOO XLABIOA. Pitt. alty*. (Sv, $200 and f e w mac. (I), MOO; m»nih«la (A), a o and fees. Internal Rermne- Colloctor Montgonu'ry, KM; deputies (S), WOto IKO. Customs—Coll, Mobile, Sldand fees; assi*. (8), l(00loHi». Portmaatefo—Blrmlnffbatn, BOO; Slobile, tOOO; lI*uilfc'iuucT. 27(0; KufauK WOO; OpulIktL 1300; Tuscaloosa 1700; Annlrton, Do- catur, Demopolin, Floreaee, Omtalen, (Irrcn*. borough, derm uie, Marion, Talladego. Troy, Tu»- cumbla. Tusket.'eo, L'nion Spring*. Uniailowu, KOOtoUOU. iwiinia Dtat ntiys, (Ji.f.'inanJ fees-.nm. (I).W0; mnr •lials(S). aOnndfi-es. Int. Itcv.-Collector. Lit Uo Rock. 2i":o; depullm (0), 000 to 1100, Post- muters Fort SmllB, 2100; Hot Spring*, B00; Little Hock. »X); Dircka hpgs., lull; Koyette- vllle, ISO); Helena, 1700; Pine llluff, I'.OO; Texar- kana. IDOO: Arkndel.Jila, Bateaville. Burtonvilla, Camden, Forrost City, Jonesborouxh, Malreni, Morrill ton, Newport, Oiark, Prescott, Searcy, Van Buren, 1(00 to 1100. exu roasts. DUt. nttv .flOd and fees; asst,, B0Q; atsl,. £000; marshal (Ji. diet ). E00 and fee*; marshal (3. dlsL). MO and fen, U, a suMreosury. San I < nuiclsix>-Axsl. treas.. 4.VU; cashl. r, 300); book- kc-per, BOO; clerks (7), IWJ to 21(0. U, li mint. Ban Franclscu—Supt., iM3: chief clerk, SXO; cashier, BOO; clerks (0), 1M0 to MOO; nasaycr, #i.O; asst, MOO; melter, MU0: asst. MOO: coiner, 8O1O; asst., MOO. Int. Rev,—Collector San Fran- tiaco, 4300; drputlos (17a lao lo MU); eoUector Uacrameuto, SIB; deputlea (10), 1UW lo 1800, Curtoms—Coll, Kureka, £>•'; coll Mn Diego, SVO; coll. Ban Francbco, 7000; nuilitor, &«0; dep- nil-.'* (31, B*a; oust*, oi), WJO to SIO; clerk* (W). 1UO to 1800: coll Wilmington, 21C), IVnslon ngt, Snn Frandsco, 41IO, Surveyor (vnerni San FrancLsco, IfTOOj Ml*. (13). «0 lo «0) Po.t- moster*—Sao Francisco. MM; I-os Angeles, 3100; Oakland, 81M; Sacramento, 8XO; San Jinc, i ill; Stockton, 2300; Mao-vllle, 2100; Nupa City, WOO; Ban Diego, BlU); wmta Barbara, 81,0: Santa (Mu, 2000: Santa Riko. MO); Alameda, IKD; Ber- keley, 1100; Chico. 1700; F.uieka, liU); Ortea Val- ley, KXO; HeakUhurg, UOO; Mereed, 1W0; Uu- desto, 1C00; Nevada City, 100; OrorlUe, IKO; Fetaluma, 1900: Red Bluff, 1710; Rlvewldo, IbU); St Helena, ICO); Salinas, 1.VJ0; San Betoardlno, IHOO; Bun laila Obispo, 1700; Ban Rafael, 1300; Tallcjo, 170): Vlsalla, IMO; Woodland, 17W: Ana- helm, A n o la, Auburn, Bakersfield, BenlcU, Bodle, C*llstob-a. Cloreidalc, Coltoo, ColiL-a. Dixon, Pramu City, Ollroy, llnnford. nsywanis, Hollis ter, Urcnnore, Los Oat.x. Maitlncz, Monterey. Orange. Pasadena. Placerrille. Pomona, Redding, Redwood City, Sou Buenaveotura, Santa Ana, Santa Cbro, Oxnta Monica, Boooma, Booora, Truckee. Tulare. Ckuii, Vacarllle, WaUouviiie. Willow, vruka. tlOOO to 8IM0. OOLOBilXX Dlst. ntty,. SMOand fee*; aaat, 1800; marebal, 5i» and fee* U. a mint, Denver-A«**)er, HOD; melter, 2260; clerks U), 1(00 lo 1800, hit. Rev. —CWkv-or, Deliver, oxJO; deputies (0>, IOX) lo IMO. SurT«)-or gen. at Denver, BMW; chief clerk, 200a Portmarter*—Denver, 840J; Leadvlllc, WO; Colorado Springs, WOO; 11;elilo, 20®; Ostcu, MOO; Boulder, 18(0; ("anon City, iWO; CVntnil City, 1800; Durango, 1700; Fort Collins, IBM; Oeorgo- loxn, 1000: ureeley, 1W0; Ounnlson, I3M: Idaho Springs 110); Longmont, UOO; Sali'la, IUX); Sil- verton, 1000; Trluldad. KM; Alumosa, Black Hawk, D-.'«ua Vlrta, Del Norte, Olemtood Springs, UoWen, Grand Junction, Julcsburg, La Junta. Lovcland, UanltouSprings, Mi<ntru<\ Ouray. 1U\1 Cliff. SduT Cliff, Ttlluridc, 1000101M0. oasncnom. Dt t. atty., 8200 and fees; marshal. Ml and fee*. Int. Rer.—Colloctor, Hartford. 8710; deputies (18), I W lo 170). Customs-Coll,,Tlrtdwpoit. BO and fees; coll,, Hnrtfonl, 8000; assts, (Si, 1000 lo I0i)0; toll.. Now llavtn. 50.0; clerk* (Oi. IOX): coll, I'cw I^ndon, fee*; dc|iuty, IOX); coll, Bumington, 160 and fee*. IHMtmMters—Ansonla, M00; Blrni- BXW; Bridgeport, 8IU); Danliury, KWO; ,8100; Hew llavoa, 8W0: Noithiioct, SUX): forwalk, 21C0; Bo, Non.alk. 2100; Ulllmanlie. W): Ucrldon, 570); Mlddlotoim. Bit); New Brl* .rin. BOO; New Loudon. 23iXi: Norwich. 27.1); lltamford. BOO; Wsterln-ry, KtO; Bristol. IMO; Daniclsunvllle, IMO: (Ireeuwlch, UOO; Litchfield, 1100; Moudu*, 1CO0; Naugatuek, liXU: New MIP ford, 1000; Portland, 1!00; I'ulnain, I7M; Rock- villa, IMO; Boullilngtun, IMO; B. Manchester, ItOOl Torrinelun, 1.00: WalUngford, IMO; W. Winrtcd, ICu); \«lnsl«d. 1000; Bethel, Branford, t'eunr Druok, CUntouvlllo, Colchusur, Culiins- The Time Honored Notre Damn, lialll- more, Md. We have hod ample opportuuity lo convince nunelvea of the efficacy of Uulvntiou Oil, Wo cheerfully Hulmnt our namefl to the public as reference, ReapecUfulljr, Sisters of Notre Dame. AiB(|uitli & Eager Sta*, Baltimore, Md* SHE IH "OEATEFUL." "I saved the life of my little girl by I irompt use of Dr. Acker's Englwh temedy for Consumption Mfs. W u, V. IIarrimax, New York. Ykiteh & L ook, Druggist, Lowell. vlile. iNep Rlrer, Durham. Ea«t lladdam. East Hamilton, to* *,. Famdnetuu. 1 1 .t inbury, (lull- ford. Milford. «oOtuwriH>. M>-iic lliidice. New Cann.'in. New Hurtford. Plalnvllle. I'lintavllk*. Rl.Ig. ti 'kL Seymour. sufToid Hpriiur^ )• toning- Ion. hliatford, Sunield. Tluxniwouii.' Thomas- ton, rnkKivllk', West llaii u. We«tj»*i., W'unlsoe Lockh 1000 to IKO oaxors l^' iimirtirs—Viuil.uin. tax*); Aberdctn. INX); llUiuirvk. SU'): Ikwlsgtid, I7i»; Deill'n Ijik-, l argo,tUO: (iraltoii, It.n niand Forks. 2*0; Ilnro'i, fflu). Juun i iwu. IKii; Milehell. «(0; Itapid f i t ) , IMO; Sioux Fulin ^*'i: Wnlertown. Hw; Wahinou. lis», sni thlit) iso ran Iioin Kioto IKXX lulel justice and 3nou ii.* •• Stto eai li: dirt, ally., £*> and fee.; >•»(, axxi; marshal. 2U)iitid Itra: ckrls (8). («.•»; s u n . ) o r gen. Hulon. aiU OKLawaac. Dirt. ally.. SMO and fees; 0 anhal, HO aixl fees, Curteme-CW. Wiiailitfton. MO aail f-e*; deputy. IKO I'ortnuisteiv-Wllmlngloa, BI'O; Dover. ITio; Hmynin. 1«0; Mlddletown. lax); Mil ford, IIXO; NesarL. UXO; New Castto, 1,(00 rtoaiox. DUt. ally, ind marshal (X. dlst) each $00 and fiis; "JUtliern dirt, same Int. llev -lXll"t'ir JacliMintllle MOO; deputies (0)Mi) lo IWU Cus toiiw-lVil AjMlaehlcola. (.Xxiar Key*, St. Auk\ i » tine. Ferraoaiba, JncUonvlUc, HO and fee*; Col. Key We.t SlW and f w : deputy, tOM: elerta (7) liJOto IOO; CoL Penuicola, ISO I'^luianters- JackMimlUe. UOO i'slatl,.!. axO; I'enaui-ola, CUO; ruiniM, ITlO; Delnmi. K00; Hinamllna, IBU); tlnln.-aiUlu IW: K. y W«*t l.-O); OaeaU. WO: Orlando, ltd; St AUKuatine. 1,100: Kauford, IWO: Tallnliaaw^ I7U); Bario*. Ilrooksville, Cedar Keys, Eustis, Klsslinnav. KOO to IMO. oinadtx. DUt. atty (N,(list 1. ( -.-i.: axtt , *aiO; marshal, fees; dut, alty. (S. dlst. 1, itt) and fee*; inarsbal. less; bit. rev. cuUnior. Atlania, 4100: d*-isillis I IN). IOCO to IMOL Custusns-Cba Bninmrick and M. Marys. SHO and (.•<•»: coll. SaTannah. fees to MOD; ik-iiiitie* (4). I.VO to -JXO, I'cstmast. in -Al- lanla. :c,iii: Augusta. iM"; Oihmilus, MO: Ma. eon, 2710; Rome. 2100; Savannah. MO; Albany, IMO; Ameriein, lao; Allien*, mO: Bninswirk, Ku); Oalnesvilk', IMO; tirilUn, 1100: Mariella, ItXO; TlionuuiUle. 17(0: llahilindce, IlartM-sville, Caiterstllle, Cuthbcrt, Dnhon. Ilnwkinsvllk', la imiu^i', Madison, Mllle<li;i-idle. Newman, yull- imin, Kimlenville, Vnldorta. Washlnglou Cntaa, Wert I'oInt, liou lo IMO, ttuxots, DUt. alty, and marshal (N. dirt ), each, f JUOand fee*.; dlst. ally. TS. dlst I. aouud Itiit; asst.. I.'IO; manilwL foe*: L'. s. siiiitn-n*. Clilcago—Ami. treas , 45a': cashier. 2800: clerks (»•. IMO In lau, hit Rut.-Collector. Chkiva Wo; di-|.utlm and clerks (Uti. n o to 20(0; collector. IVorkL 41ixi: deputies an.l clcrks (121. VOU to aUI: collector, Bprincltekl. C00; ileiiulle* (12). no to aoi); colkv- tor, (alro, 843; deputies. WO to IMX' Customs - Coll,. Chi.ago. 71ij<J; deputlm (4). 2r<0 to800; clerk* (20i, lnO Ui 2KII; appraki r, MCO: tea ex. anilners (3), ICtV to aiX); |ieuslonairt, Chingu. 4u0. PaMmailcn*-Chicago, 0*0; Peeria, sail; QiOncy, SXO; Klgln, 2*0; Aurora. 21u'; Cairo, 21u); t.'anlon. Ins); Ciiamiiali-n, IMO; Daiiiilb-, 2*0; liecutur. 27(0; Dixon, IMO: Knglewoo.1, 2!«<i; Evanston, mm; Furbun;. Iftt); Irwiiort. -<0; (liilena. IWO; llaleshuig. 200i; Ualua. lao; llem- 1700; Hyde Iluk, liiO; Jsck^nvllie, iMou; Joltei, 2ii0; Kankakee, bmi; U Balk-. I8M| Liu colu, 210; Matloun. 2 00; Mendota. 17(0; Mellne, Kid; Jlonmouth, 21W; Morris, 10M; Mount Car roil, 1V>'; Mount Vernon, 1KX); Slock Yanls. 2X0; NouilaL 160; Ook IVirk. 17V\); OIney. K'O; ''t- taw a, a n i ; l-ovla, 160; Paxton. IVO; ivkin, ItO.': IVru, IOO; Palo. ISO; Powla •, 1000; Prineeton. llll 1 ; iMUmao, IKO; Rock Fults. 15 0: llo. kr. nl, .,>0: Uoek UUnd, IKO; Saudun h, l?u, S<i (Id .n/o, 1110; Bprink-llekl. a<«i; Sterling. 2IIO; Mn-..tor, tliO; Sycamore, 17 0; Tatlomlk*, IMK I rbana. I.VO; Wankeyun, Htt); Wright'* tinne, IOX). Alton, 18W; IfaUrla. l»lO; Delle- nlk*. ji'i; IHvld-re, UXX): Bloomlngton. W); KiislinelL IW); CarrDllloii, IKO; Cenfialln. 17iO; CharkatuO. 1000; CUnton, IMO; Dwlght. IHW; la»t St LoaH. IOX); IHj Calb, IKO; Jrrseyvlik, 1W0; Kewaniv. IWO; l a Nark, IMO: Liudilli M. 1110; 3Iont«n, 1,10); Rochelle, UOO: Paris, 1000; Shel byvllle, IMO; South Kvnnston. IIXO; Alilnnlon, AVdo. Amboy, Anna. Arev.l*. Allanla. Auburu. Austin, Blue Inland. BmldKoud, Bunker IIIIL Oambndfe, Curlioo.lale, Canid, ('ortliage, Che- boo, Chester, Tuscola, CoUlen.CoUluivllks Efllng- hum, UmhiUYt Elmsool, FJ i'oho. Eureka, Fair- field, FbrmerCUT. Farmlngton, Mora, Fnmklln (iroviv Fulton, (ilhnun Clly, Harvard. Havana, llavelock, Henry, Highland. Highland I'ark, H11U- borough, llooiieston. llumhukU Park, kellhs- burg, Knoxv ilk*, 1-icon, Ijk« Forest Lomont, L<-lu, U-wlstown. Islington, Lockport, MeLeans- boniugh. Marengo, Mrj.o, Marsedlea, Marshall, Mason Clly, Maywcxl. Metrupoll* City, Mlnouk, Jloiiticello, Morvan Park, Mount Caraiel. Mount Carroll, Mount Morria, Momil Pulaski. Mount Slerllnir. Murphei^U.rough, Kaperrille, Nash- ville, Newtoo, Nokomis, (inarco. Oreciui, I'ala- line, Pecatoalca, I'e'en'jurv, Pituneld. llano, RiibliMon. Romllimw, I'.inliville, Nilnt Carles, &ilem, Savuma. Srtieca. Shawna^own. Sparta. Spring Valley, Stiunton. Sullivan, Toukm, Cpi *r Attou, Vandulla, Vlnlen. Vitgluli Warrm, \\ ar *aw, Waslilnviun. Wstseka. Waverly, Wenoua, Wheaton. White Hull, WUmlnKlou, Wlnohrster. WoaUlock, Wyoming, lux) to 1UU, INDIANA. Dlst ally., fcoo and fiiw; a n t , 1HM; manhal, 20) and foil. I n t Rev, -Collector Lanrencvburg, 4100; deputies (ISi, WO In BOO; Collector Terre Haute, mi; deimties (II). HO lo Ma>. Pen. turl. PMaMNtm — Iml la na polls. 2HO: Term Haute, 2WW); I/> Indianapolis, •>•1, I BOO; Fort Wayne, 2V ganiuurt, HCii. South gonxport, HOJ; houlh Bend, 200; Anderson, 1700; Aurora. IOO); BloomlnKton, IMO; Brazil, IUX); IM- inmhia City, IMII: CoIiiiiiImis, IKO: COnnoniville, IBM; Crawfordsvillc, 2ItO: DuniiUc, IMO; Elk- hart, 2*0; EvatiMllle, 200; Fronkfort, 17VO; Franklin, 1300; Uwben, SIM; Oreencastle, IMO; On-onslmrg. IWO; HimUnclon. ISM; Jrlfenun- siiln, 171X1: Kendallvllle, iSo; Kokomo, IMO; la- fayette, li»0; Iji Porte, 2ll0j MadUon, aftk); Mai ion, I7IO; Michigan d i y . IKO; Mount Vernon, IMO; Muncle. 1M0; New Allieny, IOX); New Cm- lie, 1500; Notre Dame, liO; Pent, MM; Ply- mouth, lift); IVrtlind, Wl Richmonil, ff7M; Rushtille, IOO: Seymour, I7UJ; Bhelbyvllle, IPX); Union City, 10 Vahur:. .0, WOO; Vevay, 10 O; Vincenne*. Ii)' Wabash, IHXi; Warsair, 160; Washington. IUX); Albion, Angola, Attk-a, Au- burn, Bedford, Blufltnn. BoonvlUe. Bourlxin, Brodrrllle, Butler. Camhriilge City, Ooilngton. (Yuwn Point. Decntur. Del|ihia, Edmburvli, Kosr- k'r, (Jatrett, (loodland, Hammond. Hartford City, Hunlin^liurg. Kentkuul, Knlghtioonn, Lacrau^c, Luwrenceburg. Ixbanon, Liberty, Llgnttler, Mar- Unsville, Mitchell. MLdmuaka. Monliccllo. Noblea- vilie. North Manelmter, North Vernon, Peter*- burg, Princeton. llen»-iel*er, Rising Sun. Itocln s- ler. Rock|iurt. Rockillle, Seliiin, HpWcer, Bulll- van, Thornton, Tipton, Waterloo, Wlnamac, Win- chester, Worthinguiu, 1UO lo lixl. tuwx. Dlst. alt'y (N. DUt), $200 and few: ass't 1500: maislial, SU) and fen; d o t att y (8 Dlst ), 200 and fees: a.ti'1* (3), Mti; iikirshal. Mo and ties. Int Rev,—Collector Duouiiue, 2b. 1; deputle* (8), 1000 to I3M; collei tor at Bmlingtun, 8375; deputlea (8), IUOtolMO;|s'nsiuungenll)e«Maloa,«Ma. Pott- mister *—Des Moines, SM); Dubunua, 8X0; Bur- lingtuu. Mod; Daienport. 2ixX); ( VMlar Rnpidi.S9M; Sioux City. ISM; Keokuk. MM; Council Bluffs, S«0; Ottumwa, 20X1; Clinton,B00; Marshaltown, fOO; Iowa City, 2M); MuivaUne. 0400; Waterloo. 2*0; Oskaloo-u. UXO; Creston. B1001 Fort Dtxlue. MM; Atlantic . 2DM; Alois. IMO; Algoua, UOO; Ameo, IUX); Anamosa. IIM; Boon*. 18W; Cairoll, l«0; Cedar Falls, 1M0; lAntervllle, 1X0; Charlloa, 17M; Charle* City, 1700; Cherokee, ISO; darinda, I7<0; Conilag, lUO: Decorab, WO; DenUou, ISO; Eldora, IMO; Kmettshurg, 1300. FoMlekl, 1HM; Ft, Madls-si, 1700; Uriunt ll. IMO; Harlaii. IKO: Ida Orova, I3iO; Indepemlem-e, HM): Indianobi, ISi>i; Iowa lulls , IKO; KnoxvlUe, 15M; Lo Man , 2.(0; Lyons, 1710; MedreKgor, 17vo; Manchester. I7iO; Mniiuakilon, IlkOi Marion. 100; Mason City, IMO; Miuourl Vauay. 15CO; Ml. lleaiant, IWO: NewIon, l7W;0*age.ll>x)'.(M-eula. I610; IVrry.UM: Ri-dO*k, 1000; Bhemuiiluab. WO); Storm Uke, 16.0; loi-do, IWO; Vinton. IOO: WathlDltOO, I7VO; Wav.- rlyJOLO; Webster Clly, 1000; W hat Cheer , 1CM; WUilcrset, I3M; Ackley, Adel, Alton, Alta. Audubon, Avon. Bedford, Bella Planus IWIevue. Hlcm- lleld, Bruol4)'u, Clear Lake, Colfnx, Coltimbu* Junction, (Ycsco, De Witt, Dun lap. Ea^lo drove, Elliuder, Forest City, llkuiwood, (IrevnHeld, (Iris- wold, OruuJv Center , Uulhriu Cenler, lliuuburg, Hamplon, Humboldt, Jefferson, Kinesfcy, Ijui- slng,Xa|<irte(.1iy, Leon, I*ok*o, Malieni, Man- ning, Mapleton, Mareus, Marengo, liuutusuma, Monlleello, Mount A>t, Mount Vcmon, Nashua, Nevada, K* w Hani;/, .n, Northwood, ddebolt Og- den, Unawa, Orangu City, ParkeisburK, Pella, Boo City, Banbora. Sheldon, Sibley, Sigoumey, Biiencer, Btuart. Tama Cily, Tjptou, Trier, vail. Vdllsca, Walnut. Waukoa, West Liberty. West Union, Wlilou Junction, lOOi) lo 1,100 uitua. Dlst. atty., J^X) and fees; asst. 1300; marshal, 200 an.l fee*. Int RaV.—Collector U-uvenwcrth, 2»ri; d.'imtiralJ), 110010 1M0. Peualon sgt. To-, iieks4UA), rotmaxter*—Topeka, 8«0; Wichita KM; Fort Scoll, EM); Arkansas City, IMO; Cnld- nell, 1800; Clay Centre, 1WJ: Cbooordla, I7M; El Dorado, IMO; Oaraclt, lOu); lIor|ift 1700; Hulrh- liiKin IMO; Kingman, 17M; McPhenon, IMO; Atchison, *70); tawrenefl, 26(0; Abelino, SuO; lloioit, 17001 Chinute, IMO; Ootfcjrvlllo, IWO; Council Onive, IMO; Hiswortb, IMO; (ilrsrd, 10M; Hiawatha, IMO; Indeptndence, IMO; Kins- lev, IMO; Maidiattan, IMO; Leaveniiorth S70C; Ijnporia, BOO; Anlhony, 1800; llurllncton, 17(0; Cheney Vale, I7M; Cabunbu*. ISO; Dodg* City, 20W; Kureka, 1700; Ureal Bend. IMO; Helton, IKO; Jimctloo CUT, ISO; lamed, I8M: MarvsvUI*. 1300; Mcdlolne Lodgi*. 1500: Minneapolis, IVO; Sewton, MO); OUthe, 1.00; Ougs City, WO; Uswmo, 17001 Ottawa, CIO); Paula. 171)0; Pursoni, SIM; Pcabodv, I6M: I'lltaburg. L'U); Salins, VIM; Mo* eco, lui: Starling, IMO; 'WaihinHloii, lox)i Wai* Ungton, £M0: W inflsld, SUM; W) *iulo«le. IMOa DUt alty., (20) ami few; asst, IJM; tnanbai, MO and feeo. lut rev,-Collector Kth dUt,, 4500; deputle* O0), 1000 lo 1800; collectur l^silivilie, 4300; deputies and elerka (SI). I0M lo MlO; col- lector Covington, 4100; depuiioa (9), I ax) Iq M.O; colioctor Lexitiytiui, 13 0; dcuutl**(IJ), UOO to 1M0; collector Illchnoud, WTSi deputle* (II), tM Hood's Karsaparllla w jiecullnr lo it- self and iupenor to all other prepara- tiona In Ktrengtb, economy and medi- cal merit* A NARROW ESCAPE. Col. W. K Neloon, of nrooklin. came home one evening, feeling a peculiar lightiie«n in the chest. Ik-fore retir- 1 iir, he tried to draw a long hreulh but found it almost nuposaible. He aulTer- ed four days from pneumonia, and tho doctors gave him up. Aelcers English Remedy for Conaumpllun wived him and he m well to-day* Yeitbr& Look. DruggiBta, Lowell. lu l» o. Custom*—Sunevor UsiKville. and fe.-*.; deiiutieaiO, llMtoltai; pensioaagt Louis- vlllr, 400 IV•(m*stm— LouhvUlc, liXO. Ifiiug ton, 2701; Covington. 260. Newiwrt SW0 Frank- fort, 2S". (jweflaborough, *i(0 Puducah. s»o; Jl.iyiMlle. 9XO. HowIinK Urecn. 19.0; Cynthlaiia. 1J<0: liunvllle, ISO: (leorvctown, IOO: ilarrul» burg, IMO llcadenon, IsU); Hopkinsville, iti"; U'Uuidu, 180); Ml. Sterling, ITlO: I'ailn, Ik*); Rkhniond, HW); SheibyvUle, 1000: WinctK- t'-r, I.'iO: A-Jilsnd, llanlslouu. Carlisle. Cnrrullloii, Calletl-lauv, tUi/abrliitusn, Eminemv, 11* ni liMisburg. Franklin, Fiilum, Glaaguw, lllckmaik lancaster. 1jiMimi-eUirK, Ma.lM>iiillle. JlayH- ki. Nlcholi»\illv, 1 •|ii:«vl011, RuMellvlllv, Bunnrfct .-tuilurd. N erxuliui, Wdliamshurx, IwOt.. liol Loniixxx. nut nil). IE. DUti. J j " ami fees: axt.. tWO: inaishal. Oil and iees; dlst *11). and mai-.h.d IW. Di»t.. O n each and fnn C. R subtreas.. New urliiini- Asst. tnus . «iO; eashl-r. ttU: ek rks . il-. IIXO lu SOO; I", a mint, New Orleans—Supt.. I DUO; nui\er. ns'ller ar.d coiner. SfJeach: ehrka : nil, lluoto-jio. Int rev.-CbU, at New Orleans. I Ml); deputlea IITk UXO to IWO. Cmtocna Call , New iirituns, 7000; depnMea (2). 800: canhler. ; ISO); secy. 2^0; clerk* (411. IOO to IUX); *ppral» | er. »' o; a u u I2i. «n«'; naval ofllerr. lOxi; dep- uty. 2."0' sunryor. Vno; deputy. 23ixi. Surveyor gen.. New OrlMina, IMOand feoi Postmasters- Nci. (it kiuu. *17.0; bbrevt-tiort. CM; Batun Rouge, nul; Monro.-. IMO; S e " llierla, 1401; iH.naklson- rdle. I.tii; Alexsnilna. Franklin. Homer, lake Charli-B, l lniuennne, Thlbuleaux, IIXO to IKO SAIM- Dlst all), and marsbal, (90 and fei-s each. Custum>—Coll. Bangor, f c * to UOO; deputy, IIXO; coll, llalli. fees tu 800; coll., i^utp i t 301 •ml fell.; dejHily, IWIl; coll., Huuhoii. lito and fucs; cull, 1'urtUind, KW; surveyor, 4000; np|*rals- er. aui; twit. 210); deputy colls, (2). 0X«i; dep uty surveyor. 2310; clerk* (II). UXX) to IRXO; |«'n- kloo aci ut, Augusta, 4iXO Postmastens-Auiiiu.ia. IHA); lx-« L.ton. »0; Blddeford. 21.0; Belfast. 1701; Cardiner. IttO; PDrtland. £«0; Auburn, •.•.10; R,. ' land. OOO; Calais, IOO; H011I1011. 10«i; Bangor, ;-<o- iutb. 21'0; Walervllle. SOO; DU- worth, iroi; Saco, 100; Skowbegan. I7U 1 . sud tsmly sli isugiiig from lOUOto UOO, xxKVUom. DUt alloiT.ey. (SCO and fee*; met . IMO; mar shal. fees. I , S, suli. treo*.. Baltmiore-AD-t. tr,iu> . 4100; cakhler. STO); clerk* (K). IOO to 1M0, Int. Rev.-Coll.. Haltiiuore. 4800; de|n.lle* and clerks ( • » . 1000 lo 21X0. Customs-Coll.. Balti- more. 700; deputies (S). SOW; cashier, STOO; *11111- lor, SC1O1; clerks (.11), 1210 lo 1(00; weigher, 0X0; ekTka(14), HO); appralx-ni (S), MO); clerks (7). 14(0 loW«l;i4.irekeepers t i n , ISO) to IHW; natal uflicer, tOO; deputy, afsX); clerk* (3i, 1'JO 10 IMO; surveyor, 4M0; deputy, 2KO; clerk. 1h0. IV"!- masters—Baltimore, 41X10; Frederick, 140; Wesl- uiinster, 17(0; Annaisilix, ISIJO; Hagen.|own, ISO): Salisbury. 140; CoLuberlaiid, ItM); Easton, 17\0; Havre de Ciuce. llel .Ur, Cambridge, Ceiitrevlll*, Ctietleitown, Elktua, Elllcod City, Enmiiiuburg. i'listliiirg, Lonaconlnc, Oakland, Poll lieposlt, Rockville, Tossou, ItOuto IMO. MAsau.1n.1im*. Dlst ally (JO and fees; asst., MOO; ai*t, WO; mar.luil. fns; C. B. kub-treaii,, Bustcu- Aist tr.-ac, t«0; dilef clerk, »0; lell.r, »»; ii«t. «0; ck-rk* (14), IMO lo axo, int R e v - t oll . B*~l. n, lUO: deputie* II7), IMO to SOOO: '.listoniv- Coll,, lloston, 6000; deputies il), 8000; comtitn llrr. 4'*o; clerk* I7i, SoXl lo 260); clerk* and ktrirrkr lAi*(1121, 1(00 lo IWO; naisl offlcer, 5i>0: deputy. '-VII; clerk* (15), U.d to axo; sur- teyor, KOu; ileinity,«S(0; clerk* (B). lUO to CXo; atipralser. 310: iu.»t*, (8), iTvO; clerk* (81), ISO lo l!*o: genetal upiiraiaer. 8000; coll. Bamlahle. Mar|i|elie;ul. Sew Bedfonl, Ne»bur)iiort and Sal.ui. fiea to IklO each: pension agt., IkHton, *XU IV.4master*-Boston. COOO: Lowell. SSOO; iJiwnn.T. 27iO; Haverhill. 2700; Fitch burg, MOO; Wi*llU'ld, 310; Amherst SKO; AU10I, IOX); Cam [.elki, 11a); Cnncoid, 1100: Florence. IUX); Ulou- cesler, uu); Wonxater, 8310; Lynn. 810); Baletn, tTO); Fall River, STou; 1'ittftleld, 26(0: Adam*, 1700; ADdover. 17(0: Allkiboro. 1800; ITiliopce, 17(0; Cottage Clly. lio: FrauLllu, IMO; (ireut liarrinstun, I7UI; Spriniffleld, ItXO; New Iledfonl, >"); l b J) ok e, 2, m; Brockton. 2UXI; Tuun Ion. MoO; Amesbury, ISO); Arlington, IUX); Beverly, 0*0; Clinton, 1X00; East Hnmp- Ion, IJTO; tlurdner, ISC; UreenlU'1.1, SKO; jlyoo Park, |BO; Leominster, ISX): Maiden, 2210; Marblehejil, l"U); Marlborough, Slu); Medford, 18 0 ; Jikldleboro. lino; Milford. IOCO; Mlllon, IDUO; Nantm ket 17U0; Natlck, lUO; Nowborj iwrt, SIM; Neston. "100: Chlcu|>i> Falls, 1300; Imwich. liM; Hudson, I.VO: I--.-, IKO; )Ielro*e, IWO; North' Aihuns. SKO; North Hamplon, SMI; North Atlle- boro, IOO); Orange, IOX); Palmer, IOO; Peabody, 1700; Pituneld. 21X0; I'lymoulh, BCOO; I'tunnce- town, IBM; Qulncy, IMO; Rockland. IW); South Fannlngtun. IttO; Bpcncer, 1710; Bloneham. 1750; Turner * Fail*, llu): Waterlleld, IK*); Walthani, •.'IOO; Ware. IMO; Walertown, IOX); Wellesley, II.0; Wedboroagb, 1700; We*l Newtoo, 11X0; VVlnchcndon, ICO); Wlncheatcr, IMO; Woburn. I'x.O; WeUler. li>0; Ablngtuu. Ashland, Attle- U .rough Fall*, Auburndale, Ayer, Barre, Br*d- fotd, Bridgewaler, Bnoklleld, Uuitoii, ballon, iMuvers, U-dham, East Weymoulli, Everett, Fair- haven. FosboruiiKh. FmnUigham. Franklin. (K-jrgeiusn. Hingham, HuUaton. llyaniiu, Utiox. Lexington. Manchcater, ManxflakL May- 1 noid. Me* I lie Id. Slerrimai-. Methuen, Mlllbur)'. Mnunyn, Newton Centre. Nowtonvlile, North An- I dover Depot, North borough. Not l b Brookllcld, i North Euston. Nortoflakl, North Wllbraliatn. Norwood. Ihmdolpb, Reading. Hock|iort Sand- wich, Bhrllmnu. Fall*, Boathbndge, Fonth Hani- | ner. South Hailley. South Weymouth. Block bridge, Bloiiglitnti. I'xlui.lge, Walpole, Wnn liani. Wur- n*. West i larJncr, Wert Medford. West vulucy. : Wi.yniisilti. WhlllnsviUe, Wmtman, WuUsiiu. town, UXO to 1:0a mcuiai*. DU. atty. (P. dl*t). ISO) and fees; asit, WOO: inanlial. AO and fee*; dlxt atty, (W. dlst), 200 and fees; a w l , UUi; marshal. SoOcnd foe*. Int. Rev.—Collector, Detroit, 4300; depuUt«(IS), 1200 lo lOM; coll, al fimnd Rapid*. SHTS; deputlea (3). 1000 lo lOU, Cunom*—OjO., Detroit loo nnd fee* Io4100; awls, (181. IOX) lo 2M0; coll, Urund Haven, Marqin-lteand I'urt Huron, IOX) and fen.; clerknat Pott Hurun (17), 100) to #0). Pension agt, Detroit 400. Piatnuutara—Detroit fi7io; Klllimtioo, 2HW; tirand Rapids, BOO: Ann Arbor, SKO; llalllo Creek, 20X1; Bay Clly, M00; East Sag- inaw, SOui; Jackson, 2700; Lanaing, SAO; Mnsko- gon, SSOO; Albion, IWO: Allegan, I7W; Ahwoa, 1700; Benlon Harbor, ICOO; Big Rapkls, 1100; Co- dlllan. 17M; Calumet 170); CbarloUe. 900, C1k- I IIXO; Cbklwater, IMO; Dosagiac, llui; IOX); Fenton, 13M; Flint, Sl'O; Omnd - ivifle, I-land. 2101 Auri-ra. 'WO. Crete, 1701 M.Cook, 1:10 I' 170). Schuyler. 1 CO). Volt. IKO. a-.d tifiy six lunging from 1100 to I jw) M-vsns Dlst ally . $So)ai«l fcea; manhnL fii-. f S. mint. Canon Clly Supt SOW: chief clerk, i»); *saver. -UV: clerk (II. I.IOto'-Vm IWmarter* - Virginia »ity. IKO; Iti-no, IMU; Car City, 17.0, Eureka. II0 Winnemmva. IKO: Au»tiu. MX): l.lko. I'M-' .-re 11 \iimti tux Pl-tottv on.1 manlial. fjimnd fee* Int Rer. -Colkvtor. Po-t-moiilli. 3710; depillk's lOi. HX.i to I.VO I'eu-loii BgX. Cow-on1. UO. POStniie-ters-Concord. 2700; PotUinoutb. '.'Ml; Cbuciconl. isu); Hnnurer. IMi; Is-Ikuou. IOO; Rochester. 170); Manehr«tei-. '.•• O; Dover. 290; Exeter. 1700; Iji.nnU, 17(0: Lltilelon, 10*'; Nushuu. 260); Kivne. iSio: (ireut Fall*, 1C00; lamaKter, lyj): Mlifonl, IIU); and 17 ranging Irotn lit'J tu 13,Oii, KKW JLK,«r DUt ally,. S'.iO nnd f.'es; as>t.. WO: inarohsL (Oiat 'l fee* Int. rev —ColL Camden. 2*7. - i; i!c*hi 11« (,".), loOto 1M0; coll Newark. *10); .>put,.* (IN). IOO to UOJ. I'ostmouers Newark, 81(0; tenon. ^O; llalnrtekl. JO"; Ornrfre. MX); Waihlngtoo, »U); Rkomlkld, llui; Capo >biy, ICuO; Engelwocd. Ino; Hackett*- town. I.V'i; MulrUle, IOO; Newton. 1710; lluaalc. WO; Red Bank. IWO; Jers.7Clir.3MO; Camden. #<«i; llolioken. SUX); Asbury l ark. 23X); tlorriituun.-.'KU; Uirdenlown, 170); Dover, IMO; FVechoId, IK"; 1 jimU rtville, 1000: Mout.lair, IKX); IK-ean Giove, lliO; Frineetuc, IKO; Rulherford. IttO. Trenton. Ilto: Ellxalielh. 2 ,000: Atlantic City, tWO; Bridgeton. 220); New Brur.iieick, 2,310: Bur- bwrton. IKO; East Ornoge, InO; Haekenta.'k, l.'KO; U«;t: llrauih. IfcO; Mount Holly, 1KJ0; (Iran... Vallej , IKO: Rabsay, I hXi ; Salem. IBuO; Vlm-iand, I'" 1 : I'erlii Amboy, KU); Weebawken, 16.0; Wwxlbury, I MX); llelvklere, Bergen Point, Beverly, I 'onion. Clinton, Edcewnter. Fleming- ton, (ifcu* -IT city. Haddontleld. Ilammonton. HlghtHo»n>Ke)- Port. l-akeuooX Utile Silver. IxingHnu h d i y . Madison. Matawsn. MUlington. Moorintos n. (Vi-an Beach, PhiUii»iburg. Sea Brigl.t. Smithvllle. Fomervllle, South Ambor, Sou Hi Orange, Summit Tom'* lUver, West End, WesUleUl. West Ilobo'.en. Wojdxtown, IOX) to. 1300* vtw Tout DIM. ally. IN. dk<4.), ISO) and frv*: asst*. Ill), taso; maiihot a o und fee*; ally, (E. dlst)2l» and fiT>. " - - t , WX); marshal. M0 in J feo.; ally, t a o u t ) OO'; awta. m . ISW lo aU); manbal, (era U, S, wili-tn-a*., Ii. Y.—As»t, tren*.. KXO; caslil. r. 4'0; ilcputy nist, lni> . an): sMt caabk-r. S9X'; chief* of div, (S). 'JXO loWOO: ek-rk* (74), 10" I.I 22VO, Int Rev.-Coll.. UnsOtlyn. 43UUI depuii •* (£!). IMO bi »"); coll.. New York, 43W deputies and clerk* (18), IOO to900; coll., N, 'V, lE, ilUt. 1. 4500; deputies and clerk* l2ay, 1130 tu •.HO; coll.. Albany, AVO; depu- lle* nnd cl-rk«, IiXO to ISO, coil, Syra- cuse, IV": deputies, (111, 13)0 lo IMO. Coll llulfaki, 45iO; deputle* (18), IOO to 900. Cuj4iiiiin- C.illector K. Y., 13.000; owt at Jersey City, VOW; auditor, 5000; caxhler *ud chief clerk, MCU: deinitlis (9), M0); clerk* ( « ) , SOX) to 2710; clerk> iW 1. 130) to 1W0; Inspector* (Tft), per diem, 4; stor*x-eper* (Mil, »l*llflji-lin* (4), clerk* (33), 1400; selghen (Hi. is-r diem, 4; data (I to I, IJOu: elern (KX IOO); night innpevtoraand watch- men (30), per diem, 8; naval ofilcer, MM; deisity, 40X); aiuhtor, 1500; chief clerk. 80X'; ck-rk* iBS), IK"' - - surveyor, WOO; auditor, 500; deputy •urveyor, 2300; elerka(U), ISO lo ICU); I.l.-iactors (71, Icr die 111, 4; general npptaUer, axo; chlcf cietk, 2VO; clerks il", 280) to lax); appraiser, 40W: awbi.ilOi.aiO; clerk*(IM). examlucni and samplers. 2r<xit. • 120); oticncr* r.nd packers |12S>. per diem. 8 to 2.73 Cull of OgdensbiirR, IOX) and feet; deputi*-* 'Oi. 1000 lo ICOO; coll. (Kwego, IMO [«r diem. 8 to 2.73. Coll of Ofderabnrg, 10X) : deputlea '0.. 1000 to IfflO; coll (.Kwego. 1(00 foe*; deisiliea (8), 1000 lo ISO); coL Plalta- burg, IOO and f.'-a; dcpuUtW (4), 120) to IWO; coll Rochvslor, 1000 and feea; coll, Suspention Brklgi-. mo and fee*; deputy. SOM; pension *gem New York. 4M0; Syncuie. 4000. Pott mast' -v-New \ork,- BOO; Rochester. 860: Syracuae.^): Klmlrs, 8100; Addbcn. lUO: A11- l.uni. 2101); Batavio. SUO); Cambridge. IKO; Canaa- lota. I VO, (.au.klll.800; City Island. IOO; Clyde. 130': 1 Vmperstown. 17iO; Cuba, 150); IluTTalc, SWO; Ithni. HIO'; Ixukixirt, 271": Blnabamtcn, 8100; Am>lcnlam, Sl'O; uddwlnsvlllo, ISiO; Bath, IMO; Cai.ajoliarie, KtO. (anion, 13M: Ouei^iblo, IOO); CUfloti Spi 'i n 13(0; KobleakuL IMU; Conning, t»'; DatttidtN I.SO; Albany, SIM: Troy. »0; llhaen, ui 0, lltooklyn.SWO; Attica. 160); HflhMn. 170); Brock port I 1 .'"; (aiuuidilgin.fciO: Carthago, I5M;Clialhiiin. 13 0; Clinton, IMU; CohoeaiaOO; Cortland, 210); Delhi, 1300; Dunkirk, 2M0; FUbkill. oo-Hudaiin, li"; Fort Plain, 1700; (K-tieva. 250); (Ksdieii. lOuu; lUrkluur, IfltO; llu'lKin. 231'; Jatuestonn. svo; Lo Roy, ISO; Unrvllla, 1800; Medina, IKO; Mount Vernon. WO; Newburg, 2700; FJlen\:lle. HOI I lushing, IKO. I rnKmia. 9iO Oiena m u , SMO; UoaTaneur, 1700; Hoi UOO; Illkin, wo; Ji.hnstown, IDto; IJttk- Falls, MO; Lynns. 17CO; Miildk-tuwn, Sl'O; Newark, 21X0; Sin Lel-nnun, .UO; Falrport 170); Fort Eduanl, lisO; Fulton, IKX); tlloverbvllle, 4JX); llnnulion, 13(0; iluukii k' Fats I.O>: Jamahs, I3M: KlUAtoa, SIOU; Long Ulatid City. 1M0; Malone, 1M0; 5lori-i*town. IKO, New Brighton, IMO; New Rochdle. 1700; Niigara Falls, IMO; Kyack, IKO; Uneida, —V), Osego, 1200; Penn Von, 1»); Port Jerrla, SIM; Poiqpiacensle, 8000: Rome, 250); SaraloKa, ao; Seutra I'uU-. •;*«'; n Bridge. lo>): War saw, ITlO; Waverly, 9XO; Northbort, IC0J; Og- Jsnsbufg, 23(0; lim-onla, IWO; I'almyra, 1710: I'lattaburg, "JXO; Port Richmcml. 130; RIchlKU fijnlng*, IOO; Rondout, BIOO; liiiugirtlea, i«<i; SuigMng, il(0; Tarrytonn. 170); Waleiloo, IKu; Welkins, I CM; Norwich, IMO; uleau, UKO; (nn-^u, '^riO; Pe.-kskllL 100); Port Chester, 170); I'otMlain, ISX); lUverlmuL IMO; Salamanca, IOO; Schenec- buly, HMO: Stark, IOO; t i-u, 27M; Wuterville, IWO; Salamanca, IOO; Sclienec- :, IOO; Tonawanda, 1700; Wator- rville, IMOi WeUsville, KMjWcat etvklC" i t Nw I'labis, 100; Adams, Amoala, Angelica, Ant km. Ilalnbridge. Bay to-: Haven. 17(0: Greenville, 17M; Hancock. IOO; Hasting*. IOO: Hllbulafe. OXX): llnlland. 150); Howell, IKO; Hudson. ICOO; Ionia, 21M; lsh|i.m | lug. IK"; larl.-r, IMO; Ludhuton, 2b"; ManMee. 210): Mnniuette, *100; Marsliall, 2100; Menumiii 'V, 17M; Muuroc, 1700; Negnuneo. IKO; | Nibs. IWO; owrM, IKO; Petaskey, loo; Ponlloe. ' SOX': IVrt Huron. BIO); Qulner, 1,V0; I +-lnaw, I W"; St. John*. lOtO; St Joaepb, ItM; S; uls, IKO; TecumiMt, 1(0); Three Rivers 17. . Tra* veree Cily, IWO; West Bay City. I.VO: Yrallantl, ! SlW, and suvenly ranging from IMO tu IKO. ctwu, -,w; iiuierYiue, low: neusvuie, iiw; »i*i Troy, I7IO; Yonkers, IIXO; Wmtfleld, IVO; Whlln- halt IKO; West New Brighton, SlW; White ' "" ams. Alfred Centre, Allegany, .Antwerp, .Astoria, Avon. Baby- Bay Shore, Belmont Bolivar, I llruoville, Brewster, C.unden, Canute", Castile, Cliautaiiiiua, Clayion, Cold Spring, U s e r Island, i oxaackie. Deposit. Dobba^ Terry, Dundee Far ! Itockaway, Fayctterlile, ITatbush, IVnda, FYaok- f.'rt, Franklinvlile, Frienilship, Harden cily, (ik-n Cove, (iosanda, (IronvlUe, Urirae, Unvnport (in-enalch, (Itviton, lUmmoodniott. Haiana, llaveistraw, Hemi>ileail, Holley, lluneoyo rails, Homellnilld, Hotaeheads, Huntlngtun, Irvlngton, Islip. Jordan, Katonab, Keeeevllle, Kennedy , Kin- di-rbook, lima, IJvonbt Station, Mamaronecic, Mutteunan, Muyville, Mechanlcsvlllc, Mexico, Mlddk'burg, Millerton, Moaticello, Moravia, Mount KU-o, Jlomit Momn, NarliM. Notth Tarrytown. Norwood. Numla. Oxford, latch ague. Pawllnic, IVrry, Plieh*. Pho-nlx. I'urt Byron, Port Henry, Port Jefferson, I'ulaski.Quccn*, Randolph, lUvea*- wood, Rldnebeck, Rye, Sag Harbor, Salem, Sandy Hill, Schnlmrie. AhuylcisvUle, Sbcrbunie, Sher- nasn, Sidney, Siher Creek, Skuieateli-H, Kouth- uiupbjii. Spring Valley, Surlngville, Tlcouderoga, lompkmciill.% Tmmansburg. L'nadllla, L'nkn Wolden, Walton. Wouplnger'* Foils. " xirt. We.i Held, We.t Dl«l. alty.and marahol, |2Mand fees, Int, Rev, -<'oll,, St Paul, StS; deputlM (IU MO to IKO. Cunlouia—Coll., Dululh, IOX) and fcea; debuiv, 141X1: Coll., St Vincent SMO; deputlea (i fit Pauli, 2 'O; surveyor general, 6L I'aul, l»»i. IWinatleri 8t. Paul, MM; Mlnu<ap.>lli, 8.00; Dululh. 270); Albert Lea, 17M; Anoka, 10"; Austin, IOO: Bralnenl, 17C0; Croalatooe, 170); Faribault, 21(0; Fenrus FQlls, 1*0; Hastings, 17M; lake City, 100; Mankato, StOOl HOOrbeM, 10)'; Nonlifleld, 17M; Uwalonna, 170); Rrdwmg, 290; Rochester, SSM; St, Cloud. 1*0: St Peter. IKO; Stillwater. SIM; Winona. WO): Ada. Alexandria. Benson, Blue Earth City, Chalfleld, Detroit City. Fairmont, UlencocsliraniUi Fall*, La Sueur, Utcn- IK'ld, Uttlo FaUs. Ixiieiun. Marshall, Munluildeu, Moniis New Ulm, (irtonvUki, Pip* Stone. I'n-.iuii, Redwood rail*. St. Charle*, Shakopev.Sleepy Eye, Boring Valley, Tower. Tracy. Walnnlm, Wadena. \\ orrea. Wueca. Wells. WUmar, WlnucbaguCity, Worthmgtau, Zumbrota, IOO) to IMO. MUMiBIVW. DUt ally, and tnarslial (S, dlst), ( 3 0 and fe.-* each; deputy mnrshala (4), fees; dlst oily, (a dlst), 2(0 oml fee*; oast 1SC0; marshal, Sto and fee*, l^tuui-ners-Jsckson, tOXJ: Nalchex,S0M; (ireearlUe, IMO; Vlrlaburg, £W0; AUrdee;., 15W; Yoxco Clly, 13M; Meridian. SMO; Culum bus. IMO; Canton, 14(0; and WTeBteen rang In „- from IWO to IMO. JUMOOa Dtat alty, CE. dlst), $'iX)and fees; tusl., WO; asst., IIXO; marshal, DO end fees. Atty. (W. dlit.j, «0end fees; aist, 1,300; monhfj ftOand fee*. U. S. mb-trea*., St. Loul»-.\ssf. tree*,, IKO; cldef clerk, to); dtrk* |5), loo to IBM Int Rev.—Cull, 8t Louis IKO; deputlco (20), MO to ICUO; coll., Kaoua Clly, tV»; deputkw and Clarks (18), IMO to i a u Customs-Surveyor, $t Loul*. fee. lo 50M;deputy, SKO; ilerkallSi. 1000 to 81X0; appraiser, !UO; exnuilner, ICO) Postmnurs—St. Louis, flux): SpriajdMd, SW0; Carthage, SIM; Boonvllle, ITTO; Caiuerou, 15M; Clinton, 18,0; Holden, IOO); Kimsvlllo, 1700; Lou- Wan*, I7W; Maryvlllo, IWO; North Spiingllel.l, ntO; JUch IlUl, IWO; S t Joseph, ftftl; Honnllial, SIM; Moberly, #XO; Brookllcld, IKO; Carrotttou, lOM; ColuuiliU, 11x0; Independence, IMO: l a Man - , 1»X'; Macon Lily, I7U);Meti^o, IKO; plerie City, 11"): 6 t Charles, IOX); Knnsas Cily, BOM; Sedalla, SKO: Jcfbrson City, 21IX'; Butler, 10.O; ChilllcutLe, 18X1; Fulton. lOu'; Juplln, IflM; la-x- Inglon. 130; Mareholl, 17i'0; Ni-vada, IKO; Pie.iv ant Hill, 15M; Trenton, IKO; Wsrrensburg, l.uO, and fifty ranging from Keu tu IKO. HUXTIXA. PobImasters—Helena, JjOO; Butte City, 9X0; Miles City, l!M; Mi«soula, IKO, and ten ixnginr from lox) to IKO, Chief Justice and three asswl- ates, 8X0; dlst ally., MO and fw-s; mar>lial 2UUand fee*; clcrks (J), fees, lut 1lev.-Coil, Helena, 8100; dspulit* (8). luO lu 140); turieyor geu, Helena, SKO. KKBIUHX. Wkt. ally., (AOand li.w; ftO: marshal 1-0 and fees. lut Rev.—Col Omaha, 4.VO; depu- te* and clerk*, (II), 1M0 to ICo>, PostmasU'W- Omaha. 81(0; Hastings, SSO); Kearney, WOO; Ceu- l.wl City, KM; Falls City. IKO; Norfolk, IOO); lied Cloud, IKX); Tecumi»ch, IKO: Lincoln, 6x0; Frcmuut. 2310; Nebrai.ka City. SOO; Colimibus, I7M; lloldredge, IKxi; North Platte, ICOO; St Paul, IKo; Wihoo, 10M; Ikatrlcv, SSCO, Uraud A PLEASING SENSE Of heullh and rent-wed atrenglh and of ease and comfort follows the tine nl Syrup of Figa, ae It aots in harmony with nature to efToctually cleanse ihe RyHteni when cnative or nilitniH, For mile in iTOc and fil.OO Imttlea by all lead- Ins druggiHts* Remember that Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral bun no equal as a speciflo for colds, coukIih, and all alTections of the throat and lungs. For nearly half a century it has been in greater demand than any other remedy for pulmonary com- plaints. All druggistd have it for sale. Springs, Walden, Walton. V Warwick. Uuterford, Weedii*. Polnt Whitoslone, Wolcott, I IXOUi IKX). KOBTB CxnOLCCi. Dtat. ally. (E. DUt), $2W and fees; asst., IOO): marahll *x) and fi-es; atty. (W, DUt). 15.0 and fee*; o»-u (8), 17W; mandial, fees Int, Rev,- Coll (4lli), 4jiO; deputi.-* (23), IOX) lo IMX); coll., Salisbury, 4o,3; di-pullea (311, KU to 16.0, Customs—Coils, B.'Sidort, Edeu- lull. New Berne, Wilmington, llxO and fees. Piwtnuutetv— WUralnston, stxO; ItalelK-li. SKO; ClinrloUe, 2400; AshovlUe, SUM; (onconl IKO; liurtuim. IMO: FuyetlavUle, 100; (iuldsborough, ino; llrtcnsborough, lax); Now Berne, 170); baWkury, 150); SuteivlUe, IKO: Winston, IMO, end lift ecu ranging from loM to IKXX onto. Dtat. nttv. IN. dtat.), (SM and fee*; a w t , 11*0; morslial, fees: ally. 18. dlst) M0and fees; aast, 12.0; nut,, Io,0; marshal, M) and fee*. U. a sub -Ireah , Cincinnati-Asst treas., 45M; caahler, 9X0; Clerk- ML UOO lo IMU Int Rcv.-Cul. Oft .mnaa 4K)U: deputlea and clerks, IIXO to '.WO; CoL Tokdo. C7;0: deputle*, (8k IMO lo 1730; Ool Clevulaud. •Ui; deputle* (ilk IIW to 11)00, Cus- loms-Rurveyor Cincinnati, KQand fee*; deputy, clerks ill), IMO to 1(00: Col, Cuyaliugo, luo and I TS ; *ppral*cr, 8000; deputle* I BI , luO til 1'tu Columbu* pension agt, 40'i, P.Ntnuutcia—Clnclonot^ CM0; Dayt.iu, Sxo; VoiuiKtlonn. SKO; AUIanoo, Im; Athens, 17(0; BeUeJontilm-. ItO); Bucyrui, IWO; ChiiiL-olho, SIO); i . uneaiil, IKO; Delaware, BM: Klyria, Ftviuoat IKx); Qensvi, ISM; Hilkboro, 17 o; Ctoveuo, S7M; Toledo. MM: Akron, ttOO; ,vditoi,.i, l.u); ItanwavUi*. iko; Belluvu.*, IKO; Cuiubrldge, 1710: Clrdevlll*, IMU; O«hM0ii, IKO; D. Iphos. 1100; Flndlay. IMO; OaUlon. IKO; (iiivnevnle. IKO; Hiram, liffl; Oolnmbus, 3100; Sprlnglleld. Jtixi; Ado, IMO; Alhtabula, IKO; Ikl- lUre, UOO; i-'ryon, IKO: Canton, S7IX); Clyde, IKX); Deilati.e. llnO; Jitst Liverpool. SUM; Fotloria, IMO; (Inllipolls IKX); Hamlllou, M; fronton, IMO; Jockion, I «i; IsincMtw. IJOOirogan, IMO; Ma- rkin. IV,«i; )leiliua. IKO; H i t "MO, Homo, 1M0; N.-w piiiiadel|ihla, IMO; pajrntavDle. WM: Ruvenna, Itoi; Sidney, UOJ; Troy, MM; van West ISO; Wellli«1..ii, IIM; Kent, 15M| Lehanon, I7M; lliuulleld, liou; .MirvsvOle, IflOO; MiddWluwn, 2111; Newnrli, SKO; Norwalk, SIM; Pruua, tf-U); Salem, 21®; SteubenvUlei MM; Upper Sanduiky, 10"'; barren. 21(0; WOmlniton, 10M: Kenton, HOi Lima. 2.-JO; Harietli. tgO; HaMlI'm. MM; Ml. Vernon. SIM; New Ltabon. llOOj Oberlln. SIM; Pi ilsmuuth. 8300; Sandusky. BOO; TUlln, 2^0; I riuica. SKO; WishingtonU IL, IMO; Wooster, SIM; Xenla. S80); Zaneavllle. CiM; London, IKO; le'iea. Bowling Omen, Bridgeport, Cuilij, ' aid* ell. Canal Dover, Cordlngtou, Carey. Cor- rolilon. f'llna, Cliagrio FaUs, Chardon, CViUego lidl Oolumlilana, Columbu* Qrovo, Covlnglon, Cr.-stlin*', Cuyahoga Fall*, Eaton, Franklin. Gar- reltsvlllo. (Irsnvilto, Greeniisld, Hlcksville, Huil- ••u, Jejic. bfiu, Leetonla, Lorain, LouJunville, Marthis Feny, " ^— "" aiubiiunr. Mlddkbun Monroeville, Mount GL NeW lA'llll--tuU, New lA.m Nile*. OmlUe, Ottawa, Oxfi roy. Port Clinton, Richwood, Jir.e, buuil Mary's Shelby, Tipi»canoo Oty, Itrlchsvllle. Veisalllea. Wupakoneta. Wouieon, Waverly, WeUton. Westcrrtlle, Wist Liberty, WlUoughby, Yellow Sptuigu, lOMto IKO. ouoox. Dtat «tty an J marsh*!, SMO nnd fees each, Int Rev. • Coll. I'ortlaLil, 800); depullei (7), IMO lo IKV Customs—Cull, A.-toilo, 0(00; deputle* Avoid apsK'arancos,—A worthy iren- lleman, having an unusually red nose, was long suspected of being a tippler on the sly, by those not well acquainted with his strictly tem|>orance hahlta. His unfortunate ilisflgurntion was read- ily cured by tho use of Aycr'a Samapar- illa. PROMPTNESS. First a cold then a cough then con- sumption then death. "I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumj)- tion the moment I began to congh, and I believo it saved my life."—WALTER N* WALLACE, Washington. YBlTUt & LOOK, Druggists, Lowell, Uilleisburg, NelsonviUe, Now Rlchmund, Ptymoulh, Ponii> cloy. Saint Clalm- iven. (Si. UXO coll. Portland, lOM and lee«; deputM* Sfco tnd axo, appraiser, MU) iwuaatert— Portland. Six); Astoria, IMO; The Dalle*, 1M0| Sal* nin rou; K Potlanl, I6M; Albany, I5Ml Pen- dletuii. IKo, and uino ranging from KU) to I5M. PI>TC*TIVAXU. DUt city n: d h t ) , JMO and fi-e*; aast, SIM: o«it, A00, n'...nhal. fee*; atty. (W dlst ), MOaai fee*;adst/^.o^jit, l.tii; manbal. 200 and fee*. U P. suli-lr. *!.<., Philadelphia—A**t. ireaa,40(~ easliler SMO: lookkeeper, 25M; clerkc (l'.'), HM IWO f 8. mint. PMadwpM* flupt, 45M; i ler, CKO; chief clerk, sa^i; elerka (H), IOX) lo a-suyer, 3X0; asst., SOOU, Int tef.—C,_. I'hiUd. Ipliia. IKO; deputlea (29), 1100 to MM; leet'ir I a neuter. 4100; deputlea IC.'), lOMtoIL... ii*l|i-ctor. V* ilki-.barre, 5500: deputle* (If), MO to IK"- i-ullector, Pittsburg, 4M0; deputies (15), IIM t.. I7ix'. clerks t i n . M0 to 1800. Curtoms -Colloo- tor. Philadelphia. MM; deputy, MoO: cuihler, 2M0; *u<Iilee. tVJ': •Nit . 'AO; chief* 151.'.110; dcrka (021. I.OJ in 21X0; inipector* («), per diem, S lo 4; np; raU-r. .IvO; dei.uliea CI). *6o0; e-*iulner, 2M0; cleiks il". liotu IKO; chin clerk, StxO; surveyor, pilt«bunr, v.1 nr,.| fee*; deputy, IKX); coUcelor, F-rie. li<0 and fi'eirt deputy, UXO; peodoQ agt*., phila.lel|ihla and PUtaburg, 4ixv Pustmaa- ters -Phllailelpbia, MM; Pltubarg, S7M; AU» [ heny, SO); Reading. M(0, Pottavllle, SMO; Isnubuiv, KIM; Allenlown, SOM; AIIooul 200; Ashland. IKO; Athi-ns, IKO; Bethlehem. UM; Beliefente, IKO: Bixlfotd, IKX); lie rem Fails, BJM; Bk.n sburg, I.O); Braild's-k. I.VV- Bradford, MX>: llristol 17(0; BrookvUle. IKO; Butler, IMO; Caibomlale. 17(0: Carli.le. saO; i liamlersborz, S«0; Chester, SW); (leartlel.l, lux); CoalsvIlM, IKO; CWwabU, ISO; Coniu'lUrille. 1M0; CoiTT, SUO; Inmille. IKXI; Doylintus-n. IUX); l5u IUiI*. IUX'. Iiuion, MOO; Erie, SMO; Frcnkbn. '£>•': i ;.ttyvbuiv. IIM); Orren- vilU-, 170; Hiilllda)>hur«, luO; Indiana. 17M; l.u cw.t^r, Ii'vIsi ur, I'O'. McKeysrcrt, axu; Meadevdlo, Sim, Mi icr, IMu Monnngahela City, ui', Newi-juitle, I JX); Phillipaburg, 17M; Plynloiitb, loxi; llanoter, I'OO; lb iiesdaTii, IMO; Johnttown. MX); latrub<<. IKO; Ij •»Istown. ITTO; MalmiKiy Clly, 1700; Mi-clmiiliabiint, I7M; Middle- loan. IKO; IlonlroN*, ISO; N.irrMnwn. axO; Pluruixvllle, I7IO; Pottstoun, IKO; IbiOeton, MM; Huntingdon. iMX); Klttannlng, luO; U I anon, SMO; Lock Haven. 2100; Mauch Chunk, IHUU; Media, 1700; Miltou, lio); New Brighton, ISM; Oil City, MOO; Pitlston.SIOi; Pott.vllk*, 2*0: Renoli... IKO; Shi- midhi, IMO: Shi|.iii>burK. IKX); Struudaburc, IKO; Titusville, IMO); rnlcnlown, I7U1; W*i-nf». boiourh. IWO; West drove, I HO; Yurke, SMO; lUdgeway, IKO: Slmron. IMC; South hethiehem, IfO): Ktuiliury. I7M; Towanda, MOO; Warren, 2400; Wi lleslnirougb, IKO; Wllkesbarre, STTO; S-ranton, VU«1; Slieunmliiali, IIM; Steeltuu, 15M; SusquehiD- ti.-i. IK'); Tyrone. I7TO; Washlncton, SIM; Wert l ii.stir. 2io'; Wlniamspott, SSo; Bangor, Ilarn- hait » Mills. Beaver, Berwick. BlalrsvTUi% Bloca- borg, BroivmrtDe, Bryn Mawr, Canm nxourg, Canton. Cainsaiajua, Clarion, Couneautvllle, Ceo- shohockcn, Cuuderaport, CUrwenaville, Downing- ton ii, Duneanwn, Dumuure, Edensburg. Edlnbor* on^-h, Eldrcd, Emlenlon, Emporium, Eiihratah, Ku-relt. Fan nelts burg, I'reeland, Freeport, Creen.a*tle, Urove Uty, Hawley. Homestead, HouUdak', HumuiclsUiwu, Irwin. Joruy Shore, Knne. Kcnnctt Square, Kingston, Knox. lADsdal*. Leecblnirg, lehightoii, Lilltz. Manslleld, Marl- etla. McchanlcavUle, Meyeridak*, .Mifflinburr, llillllnioHii, UlUereburg, MmcrsvillK, Mount Car- niel. ):ounl Joy, Mount Pleasant. Muncy, NanU- coke. Newport Newtown, Newvlllo, North Ent Ncrthi:ml«rland, Oxford, Parker'* Landing, Par- kcraburg, I'lymoulh, Port Alleiiheny, Punuatlw- D.y. Jtej-noldsvlllo, Rochester, Ralnt Slarj"*. SlltO. burg, Sandy lake. Sayre. Schttylkilf Ha' Sccttilale. belln's drove, Bowlckley, S Shairavillc, ShcOleld, Bhlckshluny, Smetnpott, Someiwt South Oil City, Tamaiua, Tan-mum, Tldlout Troy, Tunkhan'nock, Union City, Walooatown, Wayneaburg, Wert New ten, IVnile lliteu, MUilusburg, lOMto IKO tutons txtaxn. Dlst. nlty. and manbal*, SMO and fera each, (1 touu—Coll, i'roTldence, fee* to MO); uepu- Ii* s (2,i, a>.0, PosUnastera-lTuiideoce, KUJ; Woonsocket SMO; Central Falls. 1M0; Newport, ITlO: Wi-sterly, SIM; E. Oreenwlch, iMO; Paw. tucket SOM; Urlslol IMO; Olnoyvlllo, ISO), and 0 ranging from IMO to UM. socrn ciaouxx. I'M- ally., $80 and fees; asst, MCO; aor., IK' 1 ; imrshal, OX) and fee* lut Rev,—Ooll, Columbia. Ox"'; depullut (II), lOM to 110), Ota* tolus—Coll, Chark-ston, tent lo 0.0)0; deputi«a (»). IOO In avo, IWmastcrs-CharUslon. SMO; Newbcro", IOO; Columbln, BOO: Spartanburg, HO); UnvnvllK IOX); Sumter, 150), end twelva ranging fruiu KOO lo IOO, lUXIMU. I.iM any i K, dut.;, tax) and fee*; aast, ISMi tnaislial, a u and fee*; *Ur. (middle dlst), M0 • nd fr-i: mondial, S0i)and fee*; attv, OV- <il*t), »0;.i,ii feci; ns.M., IMO; marslud, WO and fee*, jut. I lev.—Coll., KnoxvlUe, sua; deputle* (10), l.l'J to 1710; Coll., Nashville, 4250: dept lie* (15), K»') lo SIM. IVnslon agt at KnoxvlUe, «0M. I'i«ima*lei>—Memiihb, SMO; Nashville, SOO; Knuxvllk', SNO; Cbattonouga, 810; UartaavlU*, RMi; Columbia, IMO: Jackson, IMO; Murfre*®- boro, IKO: L'ulon City, IKX), and twenty 'our ranging Irom lUOto IKO. TCJLU. Df*t atty, (N, dlst ) and manrtial, $30 each and f'V.;; alty und marshal (E. dlst), simo: (W. dlst). samn Int Rov.—ColL Austin, MM, depu- lii-sill'i, IllX)tu 1M0; eoU„ Sulphur Spring*, Sb23; derutlm (7), IIXUtuIKO Custom*-C0ll,* villi', 1100and fees- deputhn tai, 140) to IMO: coll, Culvesion. IKO and fees; ilcputy, MM; clerks 17), 12ol to IKX). P.auna.'ilen-dalveston. 31UU; Abba- line. 1XO; Bobham, IKO; Clebum, I7C0; Corslcana, ISO; Q 1*0110, MO); Jeffenon, IKX); McKlnney. ISM; Parts, IMO: Slieruian, SHO; Victoria, I5M; Wcalh- frfurd, 170); Dalia*, MM; Austin, S&O; Brenbim, 17' ); Colorado^ I7M; DcutaOQ, MM; Greenvill* IKO; laimpasas, ITTO; Jlanbal 18M; Sail Angelo, IKX'; Tenill, IMO; Waco, SMO; Wichita Fall*, IKX); Fuit Worth. S7M; Bellon, I7M: Bryan, 1500; Corpus Chrlsll IKX): Denton, IMO; Huiiston, 8830; Laredo, IC7'i; I'alettine. MOO; San Antonio, tSM; Tyler, 170); Wa.xahatchk\ I5M, and llfty ranging from lUOtolKM VUIUONT. List atty. and marshal. f-(0 nnd fee* each. Cii'ton's—Ci l Bilrllugtnn, lOMandfee*; deputlea 117', LOltii 2Jo Pictmast.'r*—, 97M; Burro, IKO: Bradford, U-O; Mlddlabury, IMOi Rutland, SKO: IWlowsF.-Jls. IKO; Brandon, IKX); Uonlpellor, 1900; Brattlcboro, WO; Dcnnlng- lon, 1.0); Fair Haven, IWO: S t Albun, UXO; ami eiKhteeu ruigiug from IOX) lu 1500. VIEOISU. 1 i-t iilty (E. dlst), }J,0 and fee*; asst,, IWO: rui-Jid, J 1 ' nnd fee*; atiy, (W, dlst). So) and f'V.; nsu . ISO; marahal, fee*. Int Rev.-Coll, LK I III Olid. |K>|; liepulii* (27), I0M lo MM; coll, Lynchburg, -IVO; deputle* (31), IMO to IBM. 1 •• ntnusieiv-Ricbmuod, SWO; Peteiaburv, SMO; Alexandria, aj.O; IVedericksbarg, ITM; Leilng- Ion. UO): Itoanake, IMO; Norfolk, KCO; DinrUia 2)0,; Ahblngdon, IKO; Hampton, IOX); Liberty, IKO; W mchnier. IIW; Lynchbura, S7i0; Stiun- l.'li. 210; LuarloUesviilo, IttAI; llunisoaburg, IKO; Portxmoulh, 19.0, and eighteen ranging frcia I.TOto 15.0. wa*uivoTo*. _ Piwtmasters—8«oltI*%(SBO: Spokane FilLs. IMO; T.u-..uiu. 2'IM; Walla Walla, SIM; Colfax, IKO, and •oi ea laucmg from UXO to IKO. Chief Justice and s i sKs-iutin. axo; dist. atty, and marshal, 230 nnl f'-es. Surveyor gen,, Olympia, SOOc; ufctu. (S;, 170), wiiit viantYtx. Dl't nlty, and manbal, f200 and fee* each. Int Rev,—coll, Orafton, MSI: deputlea (7), 1000 to IKX). Postmasters—I'urken.imrir, SMO; Wheel- ing, SMO; Charkstoo, SMO; Charlatown, IMO; Ctorkeshurg, IUX), lliuitlngton, IMO; Jlurtiosburg, 17M, and eleven ranging Irom I0O) to IKX), WIKOXlDt Plst. atty. and marshal (E. dUA £200 mid fee* each! ntty iW, dist i. vxo und f.**; aff-t., 1500; uiarshal, u o ocd fee*. Int. Rm-.-Mdwaiikecv UO; deputlea (11). 110) to IMO Coll, Sladkon, S2K); d.'puiieso)i, utoto loco, f r i t n u i t i n Mn watlktv, 800): Mad lion, CM: Ik-aver Dam, IMO; Chippewa Falls Mm; lond du lac, SIM; Hudson. IKO; Konosilia, IHo; Mimltowos, IMO; Merrill, IlUl; Ocouomowoc, VCO: hbiooycan, 2ICU; Stoush- lon, IKO: ()rli»asli. MM; AlitilcluU, SUM; Belolt wo; Delaian, IKO; 1 ort Atkinson, IKO; Janes- ville, SKO; La Cross*, STOO; Marinette, 21M; Moo- roe. IBM; Portage. I7M; Sparta, 17(0; Walertown, IftX); Ra-lne, 'JXO; Puiraboo, I7M; Be'rlln, 1CM; Eau ( Liiiv. iK»; (liven Bay, 2IM; Jefferson, IKO; Laka (icnevu, IIKX); Menomunle, Iflo); Mevmh. ITTO; Klpou. IUX); Stevens' Point IbM; Wauktulio, MM; Waunan, IKO; Wiuiin, IW); Wbitowiler, IBO^ and .oi t j -M.-reu ranging from lOJO to IKO, Aliak*-Oovernor. fiXO; secy, SSOO; dlst Jodgc, axu; dist ally., marsbal und durk, MM Ariiona-Covertwr, $2CP0: secy.. I9M. PoatmA*- lens—Tucson, MM; Tombstone. ITM; IVescolt IIXO; Pbo-nit. 10.0; Nosales. 10®. Chief JusUca and twoBstu'laitM, Soo each; dbt utty., mar- thai elerka (I), fees. Survey or g.'a Tucson, 2500i Idaho—Governor, IWO': «ecy,, iMO. IWmastera -BMM Clly, lUO; Eagto Rock. UK); Uclleoon, gen,. Boise City, SKO. New Mexico —Governor. JSOO; secy,, 1900. Portmasterv-Santa Fe, hOO; Los VeKos, SIM; Silver City, 100; Socorro, IC0(; Albuiiuiroue, SIO); Di'iiung, Ea^t Loj Vega*, Kingston, Raton, IDMtolKO. Chief jiulluoaud a r.>..ociatc*, UOO; dist ally, and m u^hal. uX) and fees: dorks (4), fees, hit, rev,-Coll Santa Fe,2TKl: uepuUcs (J;, ux) to hm. Surveyor gen. £»cu l e, 2600; aasu. (7), IMO to 2(0u, litdi-Gosetnor,tMX):9ecy„ I D), PcatmaMan -Salt Lake City, 280; Ogden, SSU); Park City, 1WU| Ix-v-an, bXO; Piuvo City, I00O, Cai.f juati.o ami s ants,, 800); ilist ctty, nud taarshul, twund fw*; mut. Stly. IKW; atty., Hu); clerks (4), feea .urveyor^ea. Salt Laku City, ttJ; iluU CO. Wyun inir—Governor s^c,, ItOa Po*C- master. -Cheyenne, OlM; t-ai'suiu, UM: Lara- mi* City, l8Co; RnwUns, 1401; Buffalo, Hw; Oajs' boa, IOO. c.ilef JusUco and i assoclatna, «M|' dlst etty. and nurshsl, SSo and fen; Uccka 60, finu Surveyor gw., Chcyctuo, toM. UNIVERSAL *SAT 1 S F A C T I O N, EVERYWHEKE, Hlll'd English Extract of Ruchn and Cubeh« (fives univeraal satiBfactiou in every case where tried, for all diseaeei of the Kidneys, bladder and tho Uri- nary Organ*. THE MOTHER'S FRIEND Not only shortena labor and lessens juihi but greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child if used a few months before contlnement. Write the Bradlleld Reg. Co.,Atlanta, Oa, Sold by all druggists. % White:—Just as soon ns cold wenthcr «ct < : in, mv hnmh rouphen and crack, I buy the b.-I and m"--! expensive soap my drii^.ai has, but the result is just the same; "ire hands every winter, Uroivn:—1 had just ti;. - same experience, until 1 read one of the Ivory Soap advertisements, about too much alkali in omc soai which draws the natural oil from tin bit- to crack, so I sent out and got ; it all the advertisement promised; m; year round. Mn and leave.- u dry and lis- I ory Soap, and found •".• soft and sinootli the A WORD OF WARNING. There are mmy white soaps, each TpresenteJ tu be "just at good as Ihe ' Ivory' i" they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeiti, lick tlie peculiar and remarkable qualhiet of the Renuine. Ask for " Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. COpyrlfbt 1880, by Procter A <J*mb'.e. LXAXTS Business College (ESTABLISHED 7 YEARS.) Shepard-Hartman Building, Fountain Si. GRAND RAPIDS. INBTRUCTIC-N OIVKN IN Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen- manship and Business Forms* J. TJ. LEAN, sitf. PRINCIPAL To Invalid and Wounded SOLDIERS! The undersigned at the request of many Invalid Soldiers, haa qualified and been admitted to practice in the Interior Department, am) all the bureaus thereot and n now Keadv to Prosecute Claims, for i hone that may be entitled to PEN- SION and BOUNTY, MILTON M. PERRY. Sold in Lowell by W. 8. Wlveoab. I s T E W Lumber Yard. m n M K DKAI.KLLB I.N LUMBER, LATH & SHINGLES. Yard at rear of Train's Hotel, L well Mich. O H A S . L^W-STBR, raorucroa or NATIONAL HOTEL, Naar D., 0. H, & M, Uspot, x-O'w jr.TiT., - auiicir. Fir»t Clu* Board auil Itoom«*t lU'iaonolo Rate* Llr.ry and Feed 8Ub|* In Connectluo* NELSON, MATTER &C0., Retail Rooms, 33, 35 4 37 Canal St., Grand Rapids. - Mich. Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Bedroom Suites, in all woods, Cheap, Medium and Expen- sive. Parlor Suites and Odd Pieces, any combination of colors. Fancy Baskets, Tab- les—Center and Dining, Book Cases, Writing Desks Ladies and Office, Side Boards, Shef- foniers. Lace and Heavy Cur- tains. Largest & Most Varied Stock IN UICHIQAN. Milton M. Perry, Attorney A Counselor at Law, Train's Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. S|i»h;Iu1 attention given to CoUcottona Conveyancing, Loans and Sale of Heal Eatate. J. JOHNS, AUCTIONEER. 16 Years ExDerience Farm or other property sold, Charg- n-imonable and Satlafaction Quaran- teed. Orders left at the Jodhmal office will retnlve promnt attention, a«yi wiujam j. rrvisr. ioiai a*uirru. cuawroraii a. tax iuux, Stuart, Knappen and Van Arman, LAWYERS. IIixjuu 15,18 and 1* New nouwtnan Block. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Auoelata oOloo at HiMtlnt*. Mich. FRANK C. ALGER. Attorney ot Collections Given Prompt Attention MOSEY TO LOAN AT CURREKT BATES. Union Itlock. - LOWKLl, MICH A t J . EL. Lkee's, MEAT MARKET, On the Bridge will Itlwaya be found the choicest cuU of Meat, and &t Prices Alwajs Reasonable. Fish and Poultry in then- Seasons. J.E.LEE. New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of Gfoeeries AND Provisions IN THIS Graham Block Open on and after Sat urday, Nov. 24. Prices low as the low- est . Your Patronage Respectfully Suliciled, SEE OUR STOCK FIRST,! A. S. MOUNT \

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LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of&oe In Train's Opera House Block. Three Cents Per Copy.

VOLUME XXIV . L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N , W E D N E S D A Y M A R C H 6 . 1 8 8 9 . N U M B E R 3 6 .

ikvuiI ll»|AX-Uirx ' i), KTOJ, 11'r»-i'; i'hi<-ri iS). KXO: cakf «f iliiari" v<«J;

List of t he Rest Jobs Held by

r u c U ; S u m ' s H I i t i I M c u .


U'livni lltr MimI luipurtaut CtiuiiKP. ' l r '

Likely to lie Made—Tlio Auiuuut uf

Dntnu Id Kaeli C o m — U l m t Em-

ploye* of the Uorernmvnt Am I'ruiertrtl

by the r n o - n l Cltll Serrlee Law. Kir.

Therv nrv inuro tluui 100,000 jiositioiu uutliT tli» govurnmeilt of the Uuitot Htot.w, but ouly a i-oinporntivcly uunll DumU-r of tbmu will rhsiijio incumbenU on ocivunl of tb" c luuw of aiimliiiitratiun. Id compiling the list givm Ijrlonr, an effort bus l»vn miulo to tbinv only the princ^ul placvo In tbo gov-rrunu'iit i.tvK-o in whlvb c h a n t s arc likely to be nuulo. K»mer or later, umlcr IVetiilent Harrlxiu. U'biUi It U true that n vant inn-

Kty of tho employe* of tbo goveruiuout i ofDce at thn will o( the appointing

power, It hi aim true that the mir.ur em-ploye* am not dltturbcd by party vtclioi-1 tides. Nearly 30,000 employe* are pro toe tod by tbo civil wnrlca laws. Among tbesoare clerk* in Wjublngton under J3,000 yearly lalary, clerk* and carrier* In many of the Ucgo postotllce* througtiout the counlrv, and tba railway mall tervias wai recently in eluded by Ihe President* order. Three-fourths oi tbo gtneniment mi ploy e» In Waibinglou arc Rcpulilicaiu, and three-fourth* of the Democrat* will probably bo left undifturbed. Of tbo employe* at WmJi-Ington and e hew here, not protected by the dvi l • r r i c e law, a va<t majority a r • |«j»t matters, wbuw loluries arc very suiull, mi l common laborer* or perwiu in merely menial einploynwnt.

Judge* << the topreiue. circuit nud district court*, and of thn •-••urt of claims ami su-preme court of the Di> rlct of Columbia, and ^ominiajoned otOcer* i f tbo army, navy and marine corpn, bold offliu during good be-havior, Judges of territorial coum, awUt-ant t iwnrer* , principal officer* of custom* and Internal revenue, govtrnon and recnr Urle* at •crritories, land officers, Indian agent*, perjlon agent*, portnuuter* of Ihe t int , second anil third clacws, dUtrlct at-torney* und mar&hnhi cannot bold officumure than four year^ under tbo «anie comuiinrion.

There arelil.OUO |ioitofficc« In Uie United Statew, of which obout 2,600 pay Uteir liu um-benU } 1,000 or more a year, uxl bencv are pruddeiitlitl officm, receiving thoir appoint-ments from the president direct, and nc«dlug the confirmation of the senate. All other offices are filled by tlw nnntmasU'r general.

SokriM are fnSiliently adjtuted, and in •ome cwai the ularies now iiald aro not pre-cisely a* itated below, tho figures bore given being taken from tlw lost Ikuu of the official

" " ^ w d r l l employes of the government are now said to number nearly 1(10,000, of whom nearly 40,000 are employed la tho postal scr-vie®. Of these I,SOo ure In the general offii-o ^ t Washington, 110,000 mall carriers und con-traolors, 1,900 special delivery carrier*, •l.bU) moil mesengers, 5,000 railway mail employes, 8,000 clerks la postofficea, 8,000 letter carrier* and 30,000 poKtuvuten. Twelvo Ihoutand persons are employed lu tbo department* la W u b i c ^ o n , 4,000 In tho Internal revenue, a Urge number in Uia diplomatic and conndar *orvicu and In tho Indian wrvico, tbo officer* and clerks of congress and of tho United BUts* court*, employes of mints, employe* of Uie District of Colombia govemmont, light houn employes, and forces engaged in tho manna hospital service, under tho Mladsdppl River commiwion, a t navy yards, thn land office* and government printing offices.

The list hero following begins with tho Dis-tricuaf Colombia aa tho seat of tho national govammeut and therefore of tho larne*t num-ber of tho moet Important offices. It was tiio original U toaUoa to includaall tho postoOlaM paying a t t l o ry of f1,000 and upwards, but »paca limitations have forbidden this in some of lb* states.

cuniULT or ooLmau. EXCCUtlTB.

President $50,000 Vleo president 8,000 Prlnta tecnuiy. $3,000 Dtecutlvaerk*® 2,000 Aaslstont S,2U Btoword I.hjO

Abo 4 ckrki. i usher, 4 mewngen, t Uoor-kKpm, i watchman and I IIreman. (Probably the only ch.m.-es will be private sccmair and MciiaixL)

SUM Deportment—Secretary of ftate, ttOM; assist, -sec. of Mate, 4100; ossWa, (2). 0400; chief clerk;t!S0: translator, 2,10); stenographer, ISM; chief lUp, burrou, £100; chief consular bureau, SIOO; chief Indexes and arclilr.n, C.IOO; chief ac-count*, 2101; chief suUstla. CIOO; chief rolls and UbraottKUQ,

Tref;u,7 Departi, 901—Secretary of tho trea*-ury.lBDU): asst. sea, (J), 4300; clerk, SOW; govt, acfuary. taoj; chief of wamnta, e t c . , «» ; asst., tiufiditk. SBD0; thief uf looua. £400; asst*. IS), VlOO; chief prinUnif, etc., CMO; special sg t (per dlcro). Hi; asst., aofi); siwcialagts. (11, per diem). SS; special arts. (16, i*r dl«mj. Jti; chief ckrk and «ipt. Kibi dkbunlcg olortu (3), SM; chief appolniment* ffTSO; asst.. vKO; chief pub, moneys, cS i fc rwt . . £000; Chief int. rev., 2300; asst., aA); chief rev. marine, USB; u*L. SOOO; Insj*. of cu»-turns (48, per diem), $1; tosi*. of Isthmus Pan-

n r ^ i e « and laadi, £300; chief cccret service, H00: chief eta*. MM; supt marine hapllal, 40i»; •unteon, . iUB; hup. gen. steamboau. SMI] chief bureau 1

*Uti«le*,ie&| ehW derk. MOi cblef eorravlnd and printing, 4100: asst., ££0; accountant, too);

com. nreau nav., WOO; Uinclor of mint, 4.100; ez-ambMr. BOO; cominiler bullion, JBOO; M«ayer, MS; odluMer accts,, uXO; supt. Me »vtog ter-via*, ttOO; asst., 2100; chief clerk llghthome

rU-ri, SSiW; chl-f potrm di»,, 2000; supt. doeu iri -nlv iW); as>: att r xen., bO). lio clerks III), K3J to Mr ' — — -n ,11. •.WO; e' f Lind*nnd lalluiiy. U'O; chief liidbn olTairx.

); I earl iwe uon »:il>rul»<Jj, 1KX); weoud ' " :rd «p|v,;lii (Jj, t o ) ; thfnl l««iil *p|ieali i;!i. 2.ii);

'j«iU; a»iW. »JUJ; dtlef ' . chief examiner. (S), -I

itierlul!., S£1V; es.iti.ln< r tmle iiurk« .'»'); I'rln .1 ,1 ••saiuUien i'.Ti, 2I(»>; com. hi-1 <Ie|iuly,3uaI; secuad >l. pui), . hu r t lerk. ••-iV: bm'i cl<-rk, WO; niedl. id >»<). a - l n f , •.•.' O; mnfeons(Si. *<•'; chief* Hi', mt'f It luin ivintn'r*. Imllau lii"p (3i, it Hi; lnJl .n > 'ii<>l>ii|<( . Mil: Li>< elrrk.lWil ptliH ipol ejiuil, (4UI. IWU; la-ml'i-i *i'**iiIii (lb), «•»; osn. land oalei\ 4U0II; aw. I, »«ji; chief ek-rk. l»U; law ek'rk* Ui. imu); lawexamlntn(It).MO; InipeeUiixiSi. '.•'"'I Mm-ial •geuUIM.Cnn; com. educallOIL IWOO; conipiMTftaUMcs, HKW; OWL rulloayv 4300; Iwk-keejirr. MOO; engineer, CO; eominb* lalior, Sul; chief clerk. IW); «ui>l rot. naur., •»); prenlil*-nt Deaf anil Unmti in*., 4>u: prufewor*, SW); (iro-fewon (if). 3^1); chief >'nr<liuen'a tuapUal, aiOO; IhtrmUil*' win (B), TM); seo'y, KU); dirxvlur ( f o liyleal >iinr},0(»); • hlef cntk. MO; ilUlmnln

featon (i). 9W0; chief JYeedmen ii hiapltal. SU*); Intentati* " " liyleal mnej .foW; i hlef clerk. 21(0; ilUlmning clerk, 2t(0: meelmnlelau. 2UU; li'irarian, 'J^O; pliofocmiilier, 20l«i; exeoitlvc unioT, DIUI; in-n, 0-i i, Sul; (prokitrfaits (5). M«i SiO; gcolaglaU, (ft). •-%»; ps kitfUU Hi. alio; chief 1-"«raplier, IHOO; polix otoloytal. WO; i oleonlol-> girt. WO; ii(ll*i.lit.4<i;ul. -VV); l alixinloki^UUdJ, »'*); efaemM. 801*1

lieimrtiiH-nl of Jnstlee—Altoniey general S'l"1: aollcttur ceneml, n--.i ally, gen*., (*i. li'O: awt. ally* 121 *WI; n—l allv.. (Si, WO; ally, (I), 9X0; Lio clerk. CUI: chief clerk. 'MJ'. luw ek'rks(2i. -JKU

Ih'imrtiwnl of AfrtcuKiin'-CVmuul^ooer of agrlcullutv, |H«0; chief .lerk.OO; i<iiiioliii:l»t, 8,00; elieniiil. 2M0: unilthnNi.-UI. 2510: U»li»li cian. tri(0; elii.'f sulnul lmlu»- >, »x»i; etlmolo girts ft).310; ethuol >Kirt (Ii. .'k" ethnolouW (I), au<: (Uh eum . ik.iui: nivt,, i|«-r month), 110; com, of itifiiiei (:i), Wu); •ecn-tan, Ulu); bolanlrt. two; »*•«•„ am; mleruacopM, 2,i«0; rn-UMnolo/lrt, a w ; nut*, imiuiuU. 2i'o: chief for-estry rtlv., tWU; eiviiasrvlos com. (Si. Slu); chief examiner, jni); »ecy„ 'AUI

public primer, $4*0; 1 hlef rlerk, 2100; furrmriB bimlery. 8100; Bui-» IHJ. Col., ;<••); cuikxlor, Dirt. (Srt. *JO: amlilor. »«0: alty , «IU

District (•••vemiiient—('o(miilsi>ioiii>rH of the Di>i. (J 1, |an>: « w » r . *«o; auditor, DoOO; hi .lib oftK-iT. aOW; IioIIim Judge, a»0; iimr>li«l. 0*0; deputy manlul, KXO: r.i;W**r of bills fee*; eoUector. 4iU); allorney. 400; lUlit, of IiolMr, 1«0; U. K, attorney, fc<l); P. JI. Wuhlngtou, 6uO; pension atptnl, 4000; recorder of dw.i<. fiTK

Dlplomatio and Consular |oolv coosulalia lay-ing vouoaikl over ar» KlienJ-Slliii-trr to (in-al Britain and ilonilnluns, 9IT.Su): w n i.try k-Katlon. general Calcutta. :iui; liallfaz. SHU; Umdoo. ulOo; Uelboume, IjiO; Montreal. 4000; consul Iiem-mra. SOU); HOIIK Ki BlrmtfigliiiliiJ^pM Chatham, auu; lork, a"0: Dublin, axO; Dunfennllnr, FTXO; llaiullto-i. (int., 2000; Kingston. Jainalen, tOOU; U-llb. 2UO; U'er-pool, OUI; .VitKSau. jOOD; Port Stanley. 2000; Sherbrooke,,2Uii; Kt. John. N. II,. a00; Tim-.tiJl. ino; Victmik «(V; Manchester, JOOi); |\.rt Umfa, au); Bhenield, i-.O; 8liii:spon*. MOO; Sydney, a'O; Tonsito, atO; miiiU* r l.iVnoi.T ami Ihimlnlons,

isr, steiDounw, u«i; .iiooimiL «uu; tw-rara, » « ; Ihmdee, 210): Glasgow, Kouir, f«o; Ut>i», au): llelfnrt, WW; 111. WOO; Bradford, HUH; canlllT. tMO;

17.900; •rcntan- l.vntlnii, tSO: consid Bordeaux, «o0; lo ons. *v O; Bheina, aou; consul t:eti_ UXO: consul Hai re, BOO: ManelUac avo; St Ktirtuiu. SXJO; minister to lk*niiany, IT.Ux); m-o. legation. aaB; consul Anna)«>nr. 2M10; Barmen, JXO: Chno nlU, 2UO; Cn-feld, OoO; HberfelJ, 3000; Hamburg, SVX); I*l|»io, axil; consul gen. Ih-rhn. 4,100; Prankfort. UXX); consul Brenn-u, HMO; Bruns-wick. » 0 ; ilmdeii, tMO; Duweldorf, aiO; Nuremberg, aoo; t(aiuwU*rg, £000; mbilster to llilna, 12,uO: w . I.- uiUid, OU'i; iimioil cen-eral, HOO; eoimul Canton, SKX); t oo.Chow, XOOj Mosi.i, S<o: mlalster to Ureece, («>•, .-.neoil Atheiu. >rou; minister Italy, I«,UX); coonil |,-en eral, ruil); cuiuul Palermo, aO); consuls (0), IKO; cotusil >Ia(ln;,'ii*car, »UI: IntenT. ' r, SKXi; con. sul Amoy, IKtO; Chin Kiang. SHO; .ankoo, too; Tlen-Trtil, Uai; minUer l lma THO: consul general. 4000; mlnirtvrjapan. I2,u«i; see. Ii'irnllon, WE; Interpn-ter, 2W); consul general, »W; eon-*id NagaHakl, BOO; lUuka, &XO; nilnlrtcr to Mexico. I2.(XU; s*v, livi.tlou. IK'J; consul A.11 pot eo, SUM: Vera Cnu, aOO; coikiiI •-*-J.-iul Matu mores, aXO; Mexli-o, tJO): consuls (9). lee*; (2), 1J00; tuhilster to the Nrtlierlonds, 790; consul

' laudl 'or , SCJO; deputy, CM; chief* ' auditor (P. O ) , MOO; deputy,

k, 1000; diiburalng clerk. UCUI; own. ctatom*, 4tol; deputy, 0; second auditor, a n ) ; deputy, -I; fouith auditor, 8C00; deputy,

• bamti., BBOO; hook-

jr , IKO; an t , , WOO;

miim fciher Important omclahi have pay of their army rank, end aro not aifxtcd by chcusc of admlaU-

'" I 'o^ i lce Department—PffWnastcr geoerel,

^ c t iS s a U*., BMO! duff boad dl*.. MOT! fJTC WD-

.. tea); cumpcgeiu, BOO; portal card

.aanaBMBL M u r office.

-•rk, KWi post-J I depictli-.tbu*, UOWi i5VM; clilcf c

i'M: lew clerk, .tupt. ry CM, COOJ; vUiu Iwpoetor

^ m - x r / o t the Interior! a * 1 acCyi 400); c u d

P. T. Barnum thinka t h a t bo haa Kpt! tho n ine teenth century boom iu Junibo . I but ho m u s t not forget the great ex-ci tement caused by t h e nail* of Dr. | Bul l ' t Cough Uyrup.

" T A K E IT IN T I M b .

" F o r w a n t of a nail , the shoo was lost; for w a n t of a oboe, a h o n e whs lout; for w a n t of a home a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first «ign of pneumonia and con-aumptlon can positively lie checked by Ur- Acker"* English remedy for con-eumption*

T u t s b & LOOK, Druggiaifl. Lowell.

1000; minister Senia. I1W; eonnul AnuU-r dam, 1300; uilulit<-r I'urvU. WO; IVru. 10,000; am •uludhki. 3.VI1; mlnUter Rui»la. IT,MO: seo. lega-tion. 2KS; consul gen , MIX); consul 'Wncu. SiO; mlnlstvr An-.nlino l^ p.. TW); consul Buenus Ay res. SIX); Bartary ilates. 0*0; inlulrter Bel-glum. TVO; consul Antwerp, BWX): Bnm-ls, SKO; minister Cvn. Am., li),(00: consid gen.. 1X00; Costa Rica, MOO; Salrador. AIXI: mlnlrtcr lo Chili, 10,-000; consul ValiuraUi. M00; iLintrter Austria, HMO; consul g*ti., SOOO; consul Prarue. a«X); Trieste. «00: mlnliaer llolltla. KXO: minlM.T Bra-*iL 12,(00; convil gen , (XOO: cau'id IVrnomliUco, MOO; Hondurus, avo; Nlcamgua (i), axxi; minister Chin*. 12,000; *ee'y. MB; inirrpiTtrr, SOO; con sul grn., BOX); con>uIs (7). I&X); minister Cuhnii-bla. rvix); omisuI i~-n , aoi; niinlrter Denmark. WOO; consul SI, TbomaK, 2^0; ixinsul Ken Friend-hr I,, SXXi; inlnUter Snaln. 12,000;jronsul gin,, MOO; conml Ciunfuetn». " O ; Manila, MOD; Ma t-uaa», mi); Ban Juan, BOO; Santiago de Cub*. BOO; minister Turkey, TVX); eousul gen,, BCOOj consul cen,, MM; iiileriireter, BM; consul Beirut, 2000; JeruHakm. 2UOO; Smyna, WOO; mlnirter Core*, 1000; consul gen, Hmamn, 4000; consul llarannullla. »»); Anplnwall, 8000; consul gen. V iuadur, MOO; mlnlrtcr Slam. BOO); minuter Swi-den and Norway, TUX: minister Swlwerlaad, fttM; consul Basle. aiOO; lloregn. 200); St. Ilalee, BOO: Zurich, MO); minister \ enetuela. TVO; cim-md Uaruuaibo, MOO

XLABIOA. Pitt. alty*. (Sv, $200 and f e w mac. (I), MOO;

m»nih«la (A), a o and fees. Internal Rermne-Colloctor Montgonu'ry, KM; deputies (S), WOto IKO. Customs—Coll, Mobile, Sldand fees; assi*. (8), l(00loHi». Portmaatefo—Blrmlnffbatn, BOO; Slobile, tOOO; lI*uilfc'iuucT. 27(0; KufauK WOO; OpulIktL 1300; Tuscaloosa 1700; Annlrton, Do-catur, Demopolin, Floreaee, Omtalen, (Irrcn*. borough, derm uie, Marion, Talladego. Troy, Tu»-cumbla. Tusket.'eo, L'nion Spring*. Uniailowu, KOOtoUOU.

i w i i n i a Dtat ntiys, (Ji.f.'inanJ fees-.nm. (I).W0; mnr

•lials(S). aOnndfi-es. Int. Itcv.-Collector. Lit Uo Rock. 2i":o; depullm (0), 000 to 1100, Post-muters Fort SmllB, 2100; Hot Spring*, B00; Little Hock. »X); Dircka hpgs., lull; Koyette-vllle, ISO); Helena, 1700; Pine llluff, I'.OO; Texar-kana. IDOO: Arkndel.Jila, Bateaville. Burtonvilla, Camden, Forrost City, Jonesborouxh, Malreni, Morrill ton, Newport, Oiark, Prescott, Searcy, Van Buren, 1(00 to 1100.

exu roasts. DUt. nttv .flOd and fees; asst,, B0Q; atsl,. £000;

marshal (Ji. diet ). E00 and fee*; marshal (3. dlsL). MO and fen, U, a suMreosury. San I<nuiclsix>-Axsl. treas.. 4.VU; cashl. r, 300); book-kc-per, BOO; clerks (7), IWJ to 21(0. U, li mint. Ban Franclscu—Supt., iM3: chief clerk, SXO; cashier, BOO; clerks (0), 1M0 to MOO; nasaycr, #i.O; asst, MOO; melter, MU0: asst. MOO: coiner, 8O1O; asst., MOO. Int. Rev,—Collector San Fran-tiaco, 4300; drputlos (17a l ao lo MU); eoUector Uacrameuto, SIB; deputlea (10), 1UW lo 1800, Curtoms—Coll, Kureka, £>•'; coll Mn Diego, SVO; coll. Ban Francbco, 7000; nuilitor, &«0; dep-nil-.'* (31, B*a; oust*, oi), WJO to SIO; clerk* (W). 1UO to 1800: coll Wilmington, 21C), IVnslon ngt, Snn Frandsco, 41IO, Surveyor (vnerni San FrancLsco, IfTOOj Ml*. (13). «0 lo «0) Po.t-moster*—Sao Francisco. MM; I-os Angeles, 3100; Oakland, 81M; Sacramento, 8XO; San Jinc, i ill; Stockton, 2300; Mao-vllle, 2100; Nupa City, WOO; Ban Diego, BlU); wmta Barbara, 81,0: Santa (Mu, 2000: Santa Riko. MO); Alameda, IKD; Ber-keley, 1100; Chico. 1700; F.uieka, liU); Ortea Val-ley, KXO; HeakUhurg, UOO; Mereed, 1W0; Uu-desto, 1C00; Nevada City, 100; OrorlUe, IKO; Fetaluma, 1900: Red Bluff, 1710; Rlvewldo, IbU); St Helena, ICO); Salinas, 1.VJ0; San Betoardlno, IHOO; Bun laila Obispo, 1700; Ban Rafael, 1300; Tallcjo, 170): Vlsalla, IMO; Woodland, 17W: Ana-helm, A n o la, Auburn, Bakersfield, BenlcU, Bodle, C*llstob-a. Cloreidalc, Coltoo, ColiL-a. Dixon, Pramu City, Ollroy, llnnford. nsywanis, Hollis ter, Urcnnore, Los Oat.x. Maitlncz, Monterey. Orange. Pasadena. Placerrille. Pomona, Redding, Redwood City, Sou Buenaveotura, Santa Ana, Santa Cbro, Oxnta Monica, Boooma, Booora, Truckee. Tulare. Ckuii, Vacarllle, WaUouviiie. Willow, vruka. tlOOO to 8IM0.

OOLOBilXX Dlst. ntty,. SMOand fee*; aaat, 1800; marebal, 5i»

and fee* U. a mint, Denver-A«**)er, HOD; melter, 2260; clerks U), 1(00 lo 1800, hit. Rev. —CWkv-or, Deliver, oxJO; deputies (0>, IOX) lo IMO. SurT«)-or gen. at Denver, BMW; chief clerk, 200a Portmarter*—Denver, 840J; Leadvlllc, WO; Colorado Springs, WOO; 11;elilo, 20®; Ostcu, MOO; Boulder, 18(0; ("anon City, iWO; CVntnil City, 1800; Durango, 1700; Fort Collins, IBM; Oeorgo-loxn, 1000: ureeley, 1W0; Ounnlson, I3M: Idaho Springs 110); Longmont, UOO; Sali'la, IUX); Sil-verton, 1000; Trluldad. KM; Alumosa, Black Hawk, D-.'«ua Vlrta, Del Norte, Olemtood Springs, UoWen, Grand Junction, Julcsburg, La Junta. Lovcland, UanltouSprings, Mi<ntru<\ Ouray. 1U\1 Cliff. SduT Cliff, Ttlluridc, 1000101M0.

oasncnom. Dt t. atty., 8200 and fees; marshal. Ml and fee*.

Int. Rer.—Colloctor, Hartford. 8710; deputies (18), IW lo 170). Customs-Coll,,Tlrtdwpoit. BO and fees; coll,, Hnrtfonl, 8000; assts, (Si, 1000 lo I0i)0; toll.. Now llavtn. 50.0; clerk* (Oi. IOX): coll, I'cw I^ndon, fee*; dc|iuty, IOX); coll, Bumington, 160 and fee*. IHMtmMters—Anson la, M00; Blrni-

BXW; Bridgeport, 8IU); Danliury, KWO; ,8100; Hew llavoa, 8W0: Noithiioct, SUX):

forwalk, 21C0; Bo, Non.alk. 2100; Ulllmanlie. W): Ucrldon, 570); Mlddlotoim. Bit); New Brl*

.rin. BOO; New Loudon. 23iXi: Norwich. 27.1); lltamford. BOO; Wsterln-ry, KtO; Bristol. IMO; Daniclsunvllle, IMO: (Ireeuwlch, UOO; Litchfield, 1100; Moudu*, 1CO0; Naugatuek, liXU: New MIP ford, 1000; Portland, 1!00; I'ulnain, I7M; Rock-villa, IMO; Boullilngtun, IMO; B. Manchester, ItOOl Torrinelun, 1.00: WalUngford, IMO; W. Winrtcd, ICu); \«lnsl«d. 1000; Bethel, Branford, t'eunr Druok, CUntouvlllo, Colchusur, Culiins-

The Time Honored Notre Damn, lialll-more, Md.

We have hod ample oppor tuui ty lo convince nunelvea of the efficacy of Uulvntiou Oil, Wo cheerful ly Hulmnt our namefl to t h e public as reference, ReapecUfulljr, Sisters of Notre Dame. AiB(|uitli & Eager Sta*, Baltimore, Md*

S H E IH " O E A T E F U L . "

" I saved the l i fe of m y li t t le girl by

Iirompt use of Dr. Acker 's Englwh temedy for Consumption Mfs . W u ,

V. IIarrimax, New York. Ykiteh & Look, Druggist , Lowell.

vlile. iNep Rlrer, Durham. Ea«t lladdam. East Hamilton, to* *,. Famdnetuu. 1 1 .t inbury, (lull-ford. Milford. «oOtuwriH>. M>-iic lliidice. New Cann.'in. New Hurtford. Plalnvllle. I'lintavllk*. Rl.Ig. ti 'kL Seymour. sufToid Hpriiur^ )• toning-Ion. hliatford, Sunield. Tluxniwouii.' Thomas-ton, rnkKivllk', West llaii u. We«tj»*i., W'unlsoe Lockh 1000 to IKO

oaxors l^' iimirtirs—Viuil.uin. tax*); Aberdctn. INX);

llUiuirvk. SU'): Ikwlsgtid, I7i»; Deill'n Ijik-, l argo,tUO: (iraltoii, It.n niand Forks. 2*0;

Ilnro'i, fflu). Juun i iwu. IKii; Milehell. «(0; Itapid f i t ) , IMO; Sioux Fulin ^*'i: Wnlertown. Hw; Wahinou. lis», sni thlit) i so ran Iioin Kioto IKXX lulel justice and 3nou ii.* •• Stto eai li: dirt, ally., £*> and fee.; >•»(, axxi; marshal. 2U)iitid Itra: ckrls (8). («.•»; sun.)or gen. Hulon. aiU

OKLawaac. Dirt. ally.. SMO and fees; 0 anhal, HO aixl

fees, Curteme-CW. Wiiailitfton. MO aail f-e*; deputy. IKO I'ortnuisteiv-Wllmlngloa, BI'O; Dover. ITio; Hmynin. 1«0; Mlddletown. lax); Mil ford, IIXO; NesarL. UXO; New Castto, 1,(00

r toaiox. DUt. ally, ind marshal (X. dlst) each $00 and

fiis; "JUtliern dirt, same Int. llev -lXll"t ' i r JacliMintllle MOO; deputies (0)Mi) lo IWU Cus toiiw-lVil AjMlaehlcola. (.Xxiar Key*, St. Auk\i» tine. Ferraoaiba, JncUonvlUc, HO and fee*; Col. Key We.t SlW and f w : deputy, tOM: elerta (7) liJOto IOO; CoL Penuicola, ISO I'^luianters-JackMimlUe. UOO i'slatl,.!. axO; I'enaui-ola, CUO; ruiniM, ITlO; Delnmi. K00; Hinamllna, IBU); tlnln.-aiUlu IW: K. y W«*t l.-O); OaeaU. WO: Orlando, l td; St AUKuatine. 1,100: Kauford, IWO: Tallnliaaw^ I7U); Bario*. Ilrooksville, Cedar Keys, Eustis, Klsslinnav. KOO to IMO.

oinadtx. DUt. atty (N,(list 1. ( -.-i.: axtt , *aiO; marshal,

fees; dut, alty. (S. dlst. 1, itt) and fee*; inarsbal. less; bit. rev. cuUnior. Atlania, 4100: d*-isillis I IN). IOCO to IMOL Custusns-Cba Bninmrick and M. Marys. SHO and (.•<•»: coll. SaTannah. fees to MOD; ik-iiiitie* (4). I.VO to -JXO, I'cstmast. in -Al-lanla. :c,iii: Augusta. iM"; Oihmilus, MO: Ma. eon, 2710; Rome. 2100; Savannah. MO; Albany, IMO; Ameriein, lao; Allien*, mO: Bninswirk, Ku); Oalnesvilk', IMO; tirilUn, 1100: Mariella, ItXO; TlionuuiUle. 17(0: llahilindce, IlartM-sville, Caiterstllle, Cuthbcrt, Dnhon. Ilnwkinsvllk', la imiu^i', Madison, Mllle<li;i-idle. Newman, yull-imin, Kimlenville, Vnldorta. Washlnglou Cntaa, Wert I'oInt, liou lo IMO,

ttuxots, DUt. alty, and marshal (N. dirt ), each, f JUOand

fee*.; dlst. ally. TS. dlst I. aouud Itiit; asst.. I.'IO; manilwL foe*: L'. s. siiiitn-n*. Clilcago—Ami. treas , 45a': cashier. 2800: clerks (»•. IMO In lau, hit Rut.-Collector. Chkiva Wo; di-|.utlm and clerks (Uti. no to 20(0; collector. IVorkL 41ixi: deputies an.l clcrks (121. VOU to aUI: collector, Bprincltekl. C00; ileiiulle* (12). no to aoi); colkv-tor, (alro, 843; deputies. WO to IMX' Customs -Coll,. Chi.ago. 71ij<J; deputlm (4). 2r<0 to800; clerk* (20i, lnO Ui 2KII; appraki r, MCO: tea ex. anilners (3), ICtV to aiX); |ieuslonairt, Chingu. 4u0. PaMmailcn*-Chicago, 0*0; Peeria, sail; QiOncy, SXO; Klgln, 2*0; Aurora. 21u'; Cairo, 21u); t.'anlon. Ins); Ciiamiiali-n, IMO; Daiiiilb-, 2*0; liecutur. 27(0; Dixon, IMO: Knglewoo.1, 2!«<i; Evanston, mm; Furbun;. Iftt); Irwiiort. -<0; (liilena. IWO; llaleshuig. 200i; Ualua. lao; llem-

1700; Hyde Iluk, liiO; Jsck^nvllie, iMou; Joltei, 2ii0; Kankakee, bmi; U Balk-. I8M| Liu colu, 210; Matloun. 2 00; Mendota. 17(0; Mellne, Kid; Jlonmouth, 21W; Morris, 10M; Mount Car roil, 1V>'; Mount Vernon, 1KX); Slock Yanls. 2X0; NouilaL 160; Ook IVirk. 17V\); OIney. K'O; ''t-taw a, ani ; l-ovla, 160; Paxton. IVO; ivkin, ItO.': IVru, IOO; Palo. ISO; Powla •, 1000; Prineeton. llll1; iMUmao, IKO; Rock Fults. 15 0: llo. kr. nl, .,>0: Uoek UUnd, IKO; Saudun h, l?u, S<i (Id .n/o, 1110; Bprink-llekl. a<«i; Sterling. 2IIO; Mn-..tor, tliO; Sycamore, 17 0; Tatlomlk*, IMK I rbana. I.VO; Wankeyun, Htt); Wright'* tinne, IOX). Alton, 18W; IfaUrla. l»lO; Delle-nlk*. j i ' i ; IHvld-re, UXX): Bloomlngton. W); KiislinelL IW); CarrDllloii, IKO; Cenfialln. 17iO; CharkatuO. 1000; CUnton, IMO; Dwlght. IHW; la»t St LoaH. IOX); IHj Calb, IKO; Jrrseyvlik, 1W0; Kewaniv. IWO; l a Nark, IMO: Liudilli M. 1110; 3Iont«n, 1,10); Rochelle, UOO: Paris, 1000; Shel byvllle, IMO; South Kvnnston. IIXO; Alilnnlon, AVdo. Amboy, Anna. Arev.l*. Allanla. Auburu. Austin, Blue Inland. BmldKoud, Bunker IIIIL Oambndfe, Curlioo.lale, Canid, ('ortliage, Che-boo, Chester, Tuscola, CoUlen.CoUluivllks Efllng-hum, UmhiUYt Elmsool, FJ i'oho. Eureka, Fair-field, FbrmerCUT. Farmlngton, Mora, Fnmklln (iroviv Fulton, (ilhnun Clly, Harvard. Havana, llavelock, Henry, Highland. Highland I'ark, H11U-borough, llooiieston. llumhukU Park, kellhs-burg, Knoxv ilk*, 1-icon, I jk« Forest Lomont, L<-lu, U-wlstown. Islington, Lockport, MeLeans-boniugh. Marengo, Mrj.o, Marsedlea, Marshall, Mason Clly, Maywcxl. Metrupoll* City, Mlnouk, Jloiiticello, Morvan Park, Mount Caraiel. Mount Carroll, Mount Morria, Momil Pulaski. Mount Slerllnir. Murphei^U.rough, Kaperrille, Nash-ville, Newtoo, Nokomis, (inarco. Oreciui, I'ala-line, Pecatoalca, I'e'en'jurv, Pituneld. llano, RiibliMon. Romllimw, I'.inliville, Nilnt Carles, &ilem, Savuma. Srtieca. Shawna^own. Sparta. Spring Valley, Stiunton. Sullivan, Toukm, Cpi *r Attou, Vandulla, Vlnlen. Vitgluli Warrm, \\ ar *aw, Waslilnviun. Wstseka. Waverly, Wenoua, Wheaton. White Hull, WUmlnKlou, Wlnohrster. WoaUlock, Wyoming, lux) to 1UU,

INDIANA. Dlst ally., fcoo and fiiw; a n t , 1HM; manhal,

20) and foil. Int Rev, -Collector Lanrencvburg, 4100; deputies (ISi, WO In BOO; Collector Terre Haute, m i ; deimties (II). HO lo Ma>. Pen. turl.

PMaMNtm — Iml la na polls. 2HO: Term Haute, 2WW); I/>

Indianapolis, •>•1, I BOO; Fort Wayne, 2V ganiuurt, HCii. South gonxport, HOJ; houlh Bend, 200; Anderson, 1700; Aurora. IOO); BloomlnKton, IMO; Brazil, IUX); IM-inmhia City, IMII: CoIiiiiiImis, IKO: COnnoniville, IBM; Crawfordsvillc, 2ItO: DuniiUc, IMO; Elk-hart, 2*0; EvatiMllle, 200; Fronkfort, 17VO; Franklin, 1300; Uwben, SIM; Oreencastle, IMO; On-onslmrg. IWO; HimUnclon. ISM; Jrlfenun-siiln, 171X1: Kendallvllle, iSo; Kokomo, IMO; la-fayette, li»0; Iji Porte, 2ll0j MadUon, aftk); Mai ion, I7IO; Michigan diy. IKO; Mount Vernon, IMO; Muncle. 1M0; New Allieny, IOX); New Cm-lie, 1500; Notre Dame, liO; Pent, MM; Ply-mouth, lift); IVrtlind, W l Richmonil, ff7M; Rushtille, IOO: Seymour, I7UJ; Bhelbyvllle, IPX); Union City, 10 Vahur:. .0, WOO; Vevay, 10 O; Vincenne*. Ii)' Wabash, IHXi; Warsair, 160; Washington. IUX); Albion, Angola, Attk-a, Au-burn, Bedford, Blufltnn. BoonvlUe. Bourlxin, Brodrrllle, Butler. Camhriilge City, Ooilngton. (Yuwn Point. Decntur. Del|ihia, Edmburvli, Kosr-k'r, (Jatrett, (loodland, Hammond. Hartford City, Hunlin^liurg. Kentkuul, Knlghtioonn, Lacrau^c, Luwrenceburg. Ixbanon, Liberty, Llgnttler, Mar-Unsville, Mitchell. MLdmuaka. Monliccllo. Noblea-vilie. North Manelmter, North Vernon, Peter*-burg, Princeton. llen»-iel*er, Rising Sun. Itocln s-ler. Rock|iurt. Rockillle, Seliiin, HpWcer, Bulll-van, Thornton, Tipton, Waterloo, Wlnamac, Win-chester, Worthinguiu, 1UO lo lixl.

tuwx. Dlst. alt'y (N. DUt), $200 and few: ass't 1500:

maislial, SU) and fen; d o t a t t y (8 Dlst ), 200 and fees: a.ti'1* (3), Mti; iikirshal. Mo and ties. Int Rev,—Collector Duouiiue, 2b. 1; deputle* (8), 1000 to I3M; collei tor at Bmlingtun, 8375; deputlea (8), IUOtolMO;|s'nsiuungenll)e«Maloa,«Ma. Pott-mister*—Des Moines, SM); Dubunua, 8X0; Bur-lingtuu. Mod; Daienport. 2ixX); (VMlar Rnpidi.S9M; Sioux City . ISM; Keokuk. MM; Council Bluffs, S«0; Ottumwa, 20X1; Clinton,B00; Marshaltown, fOO; Iowa City, 2M); MuivaUne. 0400; Waterloo. 2*0; Oskaloo-u. UXO; Creston. B1001 Fort Dtxlue. MM; At lant ic . 2DM; Alois . IMO; Algoua, UOO; Ameo, IUX); Anamosa. IIM; Boon*. 18W; Cairoll, l«0; Cedar Falls, 1M0; lAntervllle, 1X0; Charlloa, 17M; Charle* City, 1700; Cherokee, ISO; darinda, I7<0; Conilag, lUO: Decorab, WO; DenUou, ISO; Eldora, IMO; Kmettshurg, 1300. FoMlekl, 1HM; Ft, Madls-si, 1700; Uriunt ll. IMO; Harlaii. IKO: Ida Orova, I3iO; Indepemlem-e, HM): Indianobi, ISi>i; Iowa lul ls , IKO; KnoxvlUe, 15M; Lo Man , 2.(0; Lyons, 1710; MedreKgor, 17vo; Manchester. I7iO; Mniiuakilon, IlkOi Marion. 100; Mason City, IMO; Miuourl Vauay. 15CO; Ml. lleaiant, IWO: New Ion, l7W;0*age.ll>x)'.(M-eula. I610; IVrry.UM: Ri-dO*k, 1000; Bhemuiiluab. WO); Storm Uke, 16.0; loi-do, IWO; Vinton. IOO: WathlDltOO, I7VO; Wav.-rlyJOLO; Webster Clly, 1000; W hat Cheer, 1CM; WUilcrset, I3M; Ackley, Adel, Alton, Alta. Audubon, Avon . Bedford, Bella Planus IWIevue. Hlcm-lleld, Bruol4)'u, Clear Lake, Colfnx, Coltimbu* Junction, (Ycsco, De Witt, Dun la p. Ea lo drove, Elliuder, Forest City, llkuiwood, (IrevnHeld, (Iris-wold, OruuJv Center, Uulhriu Cenler, lliuuburg, Hamplon, Humboldt, Jefferson, Kinesfcy, Ijui-slng,Xa|<irte(.1iy, Leon, I*ok*o, Malieni, Man-ning, Mapleton, Mareus, Marengo, liuutusuma, Monlleello, Mount A>t, Mount Vcmon, Nashua, Nevada, K*w Hani;/, .n, Northwood, ddebolt Og-den, Unawa, Orangu City, ParkeisburK, Pella, Boo City, Ban bora. Sheldon, Sibley, Sigoumey, Biiencer, Btuart. Tama Cily, Tjptou, Trier, vail. Vdllsca, Walnut. Waukoa, West Liberty. West Union, Wlilou Junction, lOOi ) lo 1,100

u i t u a . Dlst. atty., J^X) and fees; asst. 1300; marshal,

200 an.l fee*. Int RaV.—Collector U-uvenwcrth, 2»ri; d.'imtiralJ), 110010 1M0. Peualon sgt. To-, iieks4UA), rotmaxter*—Topeka, 8«0; Wichita KM; Fort Scoll, EM); Arkansas City, IMO; Cnld-nell, 1800; Clay Centre, 1WJ: Cbooordla, I7M; El Dorado, IMO; Oaraclt, lOu); lIor|ift 1700; Hulrh-liiKin IMO; Kingman, 17M; McPhenon, IMO; Atchison, *70); tawrenefl, 26(0; Abelino, SuO; lloioit, 17001 Chinute, IMO; Ootfcjrvlllo, IWO; Council Onive, IMO; Hiswortb, IMO; (ilrsrd, 10M; Hiawatha, IMO; Indeptndence, IMO; Kins-lev, IMO; Maidiattan, IMO; Leaveniiorth S70C; Ijnporia, BOO; Anlhony, 1800; llurllncton, 17(0; Cheney Vale, I7M; Cabunbu*. ISO; Dodg* City, 20W; Kureka, 1700; Ureal Bend. IMO; Helton, IKO; Jimctloo CUT, ISO; lamed, I8M: MarvsvUI*. 1300; Mcdlolne Lodgi*. 1500: Minneapolis, IVO; Sewton, MO); OUthe, 1.00; Ougs City, WO; Uswmo, 17001 Ottawa, CIO); Paula. 171)0; Pursoni, SIM; Pcabodv, I6M: I'lltaburg. L'U); Salins, VIM; Mo* eco, lui: Starling, IMO; 'WaihinHloii, lox)i Wai* Ungton, £M0: W inflsld, SUM; W) *iulo«le. IMOa DUt alty., (20) ami few; asst, IJM; tnanbai,

MO and feeo. lut rev,-Collector Kth dUt,, 4500; deputle* O0), 1000 lo 1800; collectur l^silivilie, 4300; deputies and elerka (SI). I0M lo MlO; col-lector Covington, 4100; depuiioa (9), I ax) Iq M.O; colioctor Lexitiytiui, 13 0; dcuutl**(IJ), UOO to 1M0; collector Illchnoud, WTSi deputle* (II), tM

Hood 's Karsaparllla w jiecullnr lo it-self a n d iupenor to all other prepara-tiona In Ktrengtb, economy and medi-cal merit*


Col. W . K Neloon, of nrooklin. c a m e home one evening, feel ing a peculiar lightiie«n in the chest . Ik-fore retir-1 iir, he tried to d r a w a long hreulh but found it almost nuposaible. He aulTer-ed four days f rom pneumonia , and tho doctors gave him up. Aelcers English Remedy for Conaumpllun wived h im and he m well to-day*

Y e i t b r & Look . DruggiBta, Lowell.

lu l» o. Custom*—Sunevor UsiKville. and fe.-*.; deiiutieaiO, l lMtoltai; pensioaagt Louis-vlllr, 400 IV•(m*stm— LouhvUlc, liXO. If i iug ton, 2701; Covington. 260. Newiwrt SW0 Frank-fort, 2S". (jweflaborough, *i(0 Puducah. s»o; Jl.iyiMlle. 9XO. HowIinK Urecn. 19.0; Cynthlaiia. 1J<0: liunvllle, ISO: (leorvctown, IOO: ilarrul» burg, IMO llcadenon, IsU); Hopkinsville, iti"; U'Uuidu, 180); Ml. Sterling, ITlO: I'ailn, Ik*); Rkhniond, HW); SheibyvUle, 1000: WinctK- t'-r, I.'iO: A-Jilsnd, llanlslouu. Carlisle. Cnrrullloii, Calletl-lauv, tUi/abrliitusn, Eminemv, 11* ni liMisburg. Franklin, Fiilum, Glaaguw, lllckmaik lancaster. 1 jiMimi-eUirK, Ma.lM>iiillle. JlayH- ki. Nlcholi»\illv, 1 •|ii:«vl011, RuMellvlllv, Bunnrfct .-tuilurd. N erxuliui, Wdliamshurx, IwOt.. liol

Loniixxx. nut nil). IE. DUti. J j " ami fees: axt.. tWO:

inaishal. Oil and iees; dlst *11). and mai-.h.d IW. Di»t.. O n each and fnn C. R subtreas.. New urliiini- Asst. tnus . «iO; eashl-r. t tU: ek rks . il-. IIXO lu SOO; I", a mint, New Orleans—Supt.. I DUO; nui\er . ns'ller ar.d coiner. SfJeach: ehrka : nil, lluoto-jio. Int rev.-CbU, at New Orleans. I Ml); deputlea IITk UXO to IWO. Cmtocna Call , New iirituns, 7000; depnMea (2). 800: canhler. ; ISO); secy. 2^0; clerk* (411. IOO to IUX); *ppral» | er. » ' o; a u u I2i. «n«'; naval ofllerr. lOxi; dep-uty. 2."0' sunryor. Vno; deputy. 23ixi. Surveyor gen.. New OrlMina, IMOand feoi Postmasters-Nci. (it kiuu. *17.0; bbrevt-tiort. CM; Batun Rouge, nul; Monro.-. IMO; Se" llierla, 1401; iH.naklson-rdle. I.tii; Alexsnilna. Franklin. Homer, lake Charli-B, l lniuennne, Thlbuleaux, IIXO to IKO

SAIM-Dlst all), and marsbal, (90 and fei-s each.

Custum>—Coll. Bangor, fc* to UOO; deputy, IIXO; coll, llalli. fees tu 800; coll., i^utp i t 301 •ml fell.; dejHily, IWIl; coll., Huuhoii. lito and fucs; cull, 1'urtUind, KW; surveyor, 4000; np|*rals-er. aui ; twit. 210); deputy colls, (2). 0X«i; dep uty surveyor. 2310; clerk* (II). UXX) to IRXO; |«'n-kloo aci ut, Augusta, 4iXO Postmastens-Auiiiu.ia. IHA); lx-« L.ton. » 0 ; Blddeford. 21.0; Belfast. 1701; Cardiner. IttO; PDrtland. £«0; Auburn, •.•.10; R,. ' land. OOO; Calais, IOO; H011I1011. 10«i; Bangor, ;-<o- iutb. 21'0; Walervllle. SOO; DU-worth, iroi; Saco, 100; Skowbegan. I7U1. sud tsmly sli isugiiig from lOUOto UOO,

xxKVUom. DUt alloiT.ey. (SCO and fee*; met . IMO; mar

shal. fees. I , S, suli. treo*.. Baltmiore-AD-t. tr,iu> . 4100; cakhler. STO); clerk* (K). IOO to 1M0, Int. Rev.-Coll.. Haltiiuore. 4800; de|n.lle* and clerks (•». 1000 lo 21X0. Customs-Coll.. Balti-more. 700; deputies (S). SOW; cashier, STOO; *11111-lor, SC1O1; clerks (.11), 1210 lo 1(00; weigher, 0X0; ekTka(14), HO); appralx-ni (S), MO); clerks (7). 14(0 loW«l;i4.irekeepers t in, ISO) to IHW; natal uflicer, tOO; deputy, afsX); clerk* (3i, 1'JO 10 IMO; surveyor, 4M0; deputy, 2KO; clerk. 1h0. IV"!-masters—Baltimore, 41X10; Frederick, 140; Wesl-uiinster, 17(0; Annaisilix, ISIJO; Hagen.|own, ISO): Salisbury. 140; CoLuberlaiid, ItM); Easton, 17\0; Havre de Ciuce. llel .Ur, Cambridge, Ceiitrevlll*, Ctietleitown, Elktua, Elllcod City, Enmiiiuburg. i'listliiirg, Lonaconlnc, Oakland, Poll lieposlt, Rockville, Tossou, ItOuto IMO.

MAsau.1n.1im*. Dlst ally (JO and fees; asst., MOO; ai*t,

WO; mar.luil. fns ; C. B. kub-treaii,, Bustcu-Aist tr.-ac, t«0; dilef clerk, » 0 ; lell.r, » » ; i i«t . « 0 ; ck-rk* (14), IMO lo axo, int R e v -t oll . B*~l. n, lUO: deputie* II7), IMO to SOOO: '.listoniv- Coll,, lloston, 6000; deputies il), 8000; comtitn llrr. 4'*o; clerk* I7i, SoXl lo 260); clerk* and ktrirrkr lAi*(1121, 1(00 lo IWO; naisl offlcer, 5i>0: deputy. '-VII; clerk* (15), U.d to axo; sur-teyor, KOu; ileinity,«S(0; clerk* (B). lUO to CXo; atipralser. 310: iu.»t*, (8), iTvO; clerk* (81), ISO lo l!*o: genetal upiiraiaer. 8000; coll. Bamlahle. Mar|i|elie;ul. Sew Bedfonl, Ne»bur)iiort and Sal.ui. fiea to IklO each: pension agt., IkHton, *XU IV.4master*-Boston. COOO: Lowell. SSOO; iJiwnn.T. 27iO; Haverhill. 2700; Fitch burg, MOO; Wi*llU'ld, 310; Amherst SKO; AU10I, IOX); Cam [.elki, 11a); Cnncoid, 1100: Florence. IUX); Ulou-cesler, uu); Wonxater, 8310; Lynn. 810); Baletn, tTO); Fall River, STou; 1'ittftleld, 26(0: Adam*, 1700; ADdover. 17(0: Allkiboro. 1800; ITiliopce, 17(0; Cottage Clly. l io : FrauLllu, IMO; (ireut liarrinstun, I7UI; Spriniffleld, ItXO; New Iledfonl, >"); l b J) ok e, 2, m; Brockton. 2UXI; Tuun Ion. MoO; Amesbury, ISO); Arlington, IUX); Beverly, 0*0; Clinton, 1X00; East Hnmp-Ion, IJTO; tlurdner, ISC; UreenlU'1.1, SKO; jlyoo Park, |BO; Leominster, ISX): Maiden, 2210; Marblehejil, l"U); Marlborough, Slu); Medford, 18 0; Jikldleboro. lino; Milford. IOCO; Mlllon, IDUO; Nantm ket 17U0; Natlck, lUO; Nowborj iwrt, SIM; Neston. "100: Chlcu|>i> Falls, 1300; Imwich. liM; Hudson, I.VO: I--.-, IKO; )Ielro*e, IWO; North' Aihuns. SKO; North Hamplon, SMI; North Atlle-boro, IOO); Orange, IOX); Palmer, IOO; Peabody, 1700; Pituneld. 21X0; I'lymoulh, BCOO; I'tunnce-town, IBM; Qulncy, IMO; Rockland. IW); South Fannlngtun. IttO; Bpcncer, 1710; Bloneham. 1750; Turner * Fail*, llu): Waterlleld, IK*); Walthani, •.'IOO; Ware. IMO; Walertown, IOX); Welles ley, II.0; Wedboroagb, 1700; We*l Newtoo, 11X0; VVlnchcndon, ICO); Wlncheatcr, IMO; Woburn. I'x.O; WeUler. li>0; Ablngtuu. Ashland, Attle-U .rough Fall*, Auburndale, Ayer, Barre, Br*d-fotd, Bridgewaler, Bnoklleld, Uuitoii, ballon, iMuvers, U-dham, East Weymoulli, Everett, Fair-haven. FosboruiiKh. FmnUigham. Franklin. (K-jrgeiusn. Hingham, HuUaton. llyaniiu, Utiox. Lexington. Manchcater, ManxflakL May- 1 noid. Me* I lie Id. Slerrimai-. Methuen, Mlllbur)'. Mnunyn, Newton Centre. Nowtonvlile, North An- I dover Depot, North borough. Not lb Brookllcld, i North Euston. Nortoflakl, North Wllbraliatn. Norwood. Ihmdolpb, Reading. Hock|iort Sand-wich, Bhrllmnu. Fall*, Boathbndge, Fonth Hani- | ner. South Hailley. South Weymouth. Block bridge, Bloiiglitnti. I'xlui.lge, Walpole, Wnn liani. Wur-n* . West i larJncr, Wert Medford. West vulucy. : Wi.yniisilti. WhlllnsviUe, Wmtman, WuUsiiu. town, UXO to 1:0a

mcuiai*. DU. atty. (P. dl*t). ISO) and fees; as i t , WOO:

inanlial. AO and fee*; dlxt atty, (W. dlst), 200 and fees; awl, UUi; marshal. SoOcnd foe*. Int. Rev.—Collector, Detroit, 4300; depuUt«(IS), 1200 lo lOM; coll, al fimnd Rapid*. SHTS; deputlea (3). 1000 lo lOU, Cunom*—OjO., Detroit loo nnd fee* Io4100; awls, (181. IOX) lo 2M0; coll, Urund Haven, Marqin-lteand I'urt Huron, IOX) and fen.; clerknat Pott Hurun (17), 100) to #0). Pension agt , Detroit 400. Piatnuutara—Detroit fi7io; Klllimtioo, 2HW; tirand Rapids, BOO: Ann Arbor, SKO; llalllo Creek, 20X1; Bay Clly, M00; East Sag-inaw, SOui; Jackson, 2700; Lanaing, SAO; Mnsko-gon, SSOO; Albion, IWO: Allegan, I7W; Ahwoa, 1700; Benlon Harbor, ICOO; Big Rapkls, 1100; Co-dlllan. 17M; Calumet 170); CbarloUe. 900, C1k- I

IIXO; Cbklwater, IMO; Dosagiac, llui; IOX); Fenton, 13M; Flint, Sl'O; Omnd

- ivifle,

I-land. 2101 Auri-ra. 'WO. Crete, 1701 M.Cook, 1:10 I' 170). Schuyler. 1 CO). Volt. IKO. a-.d tifiy six lunging from 1100 to I jw)

M-vsns Dlst ally . $So)ai«l fcea; manhnL fii-. f S.

mint. Canon Clly Supt SOW: chief clerk, i» ) ; *saver. -UV: clerk (II. I.IOto'-Vm IWmarter* - Virginia »ity. IKO; Iti-no, IMU; Car City, 17.0, Eureka. I I0 Winnemmva. IKO: Au»tiu. MX): l.lko. I'M-'

.-re 11 \iimti tux Pl-tottv on.1 manlial. f j i m n d fee* Int Rer.

-Colkvtor. Po-t-moiilli. 3710; depillk's lOi. HX.i to I.VO I'eu-loii BgX. Cow-on 1. UO. POStniie-ters-Concord. 2700; PotUinoutb. '.'Ml; Cbuciconl. isu); Hnnurer. IMi; Is-Ikuou. IOO; Rochester. 170); Manehr«tei-. '.•• O; Dover. 290; Exeter. 1700; Iji.nnU, 17(0: Lltilelon, 10*'; Nushuu. 260); Kivne. iSio: (ireut Fall*, 1C00; lamaKter, lyj): Mlifonl, IIU); and 17 ranging Irotn lit'J tu 13,Oii,

KKW JLK,«r DUt ally,. S'.iO nnd f.'es; as>t.. WO: inarohsL

(Oiat 'l fee* Int. rev —ColL Camden. 2*7.-i; i!c*hi 11« (,".), loOto 1M0; coll Newark. *10); .>put,.* (IN). IOO to UOJ. I'ostmouers Newark, 81(0; P» tenon. ^ O ; llalnrtekl. JO"; Ornrfre. MX); Waihlngtoo, »U); Rkomlkld, llui; Capo >biy, ICuO; Engelwocd. Ino; Hackett*-town. I.V'i; MulrUle, IOO; Newton. 1710; lluaalc. WO; Red Bank. IWO; Jers.7Clir.3MO; Camden. #<«i; llolioken. SUX); Asbury l ark. 23X); tlorriituun.-.'KU; Uirdenlown, 170); Dover, IMO; FVechoId, IK"; 1 jimU rtville, 1000: Mout.lair, IKX); IK-ean Giove, lliO; Frineetuc, IKO; Rulherford. IttO. Trenton. Ilto: Ellxalielh. 2,000: Atlantic City, tWO; Bridgeton. 220); New Brur.iieick, 2,310: Bur-bwrton. IKO; East Ornoge, InO; Haekenta.'k, l.'KO; U«;t: llrauih. IfcO; Mount Holly, 1KJ0; (Iran... Vallej , IKO: Rabsay, IhXi; Salem. IBuO; Vlm-iand, I'"1: I'erlii Amboy, KU); Weebawken, 16.0; Wwxlbury, I MX); llelvklere, Bergen Point, Beverly, I 'onion. Clinton, Edcewnter. Fleming-ton, (ifcu* • -IT city. Haddontleld. Ilammonton. HlghtHo»n>Ke)- Port. l-akeuooX Utile Silver. IxingHnu hd iy . Madison. Matawsn. MUlington. Moorintos n. (Vi-an Beach, PhiUii»iburg. Sea Brigl.t. Smithvllle. Fomervllle, South Ambor, Sou Hi Orange, Summit Tom'* lUver, West End, WesUleUl. West Ilobo'.en. Wojdxtown, IOX) to. 1300*

vtw Tout DIM. ally. IN. dk<4.), ISO) and frv*: asst*. Ill),

taso; maiihot ao und fee*; ally, (E. dlst)2l» and fiT>. "-- t , WX); marshal. M0 in J feo.; ally, t a o u t ) OO'; awta. m . ISW lo aU); manbal, (era U, S, wili-tn-a*., Ii. Y.—As»t, tren*.. KXO; caslil. r. 4 '0 ; ilcputy nist, lni> . an): sMt caabk-r. S9X'; chief* of div, (S). 'JXO loWOO: ek-rk* (74), 10" I.I 22VO, Int Rev.-Coll.. UnsOtlyn. 43UUI depuii •* (£!). IMO bi »"); coll.. New York, 43W deputies and clerk* (18), IOO to900; coll., N, 'V, lE, ilUt. 1. 4500; deputies and clerk* l2ay, 1130 tu •.HO; coll.. Albany, AVO; depu-lle* nnd cl-rk«, IiXO to ISO, coil, Syra-cuse, IV": deputies, (111, 13)0 lo IMO. Coll llulfaki, 45iO; deputle* (18), IOO to 900. Cuj4iiiiin- C.illector K. Y., 13.000; owt at Jersey City, VOW; auditor, 5000; caxhler *ud chief clerk, MCU: deinitlis (9), M0); clerk* («), SOX) to 2710; clerk> iW 1. 130) to 1W0; Inspector* (Tft), per diem, 4; stor*x-eper* (Mil, »l*llflji-lin* (4), clerk* (33), 1400; selghen (Hi. is-r diem, 4; d a t a (I to I, IJOu: elern (KX IOO); night innpevtoraand watch-men (30), per diem, 8; naval ofilcer, MM; deisity, 40X); aiuhtor, 1500; chief clerk. 80X'; ck-rk* iBS), IK"'-- surveyor, WOO; auditor, 500; deputy •urveyor, 2300; elerka(U), ISO lo ICU); I.l.-iactors (71, Icr die 111, 4; general npptaUer, axo; chlcf cietk, 2VO; clerks il", 280) to lax); appraiser, 40W: awbi.ilOi.aiO; clerk*(IM). examlucni and samplers. 2r<xit. • 120); oticncr* r.nd packers |12S>. per diem. 8 to 2.73 Cull of OgdensbiirR, IOX) and feet; deputi*-* 'Oi. 1000 lo ICOO; coll. (Kwego, IMO [«r diem. 8 to 2.73. Coll of Ofderabnrg, 10X)

: deputlea '0.. 1000 to IfflO; coll (.Kwego. 1(00 foe*; deisiliea (8), 1000 lo ISO); coL Plalta-

burg, IOO and f.'-a; dcpuUtW (4), 120) to IWO; coll Rochvslor, 1000 and feea; coll, Suspention Brklgi-. mo and fee*; deputy. SOM; pension *gem New York. 4M0; Syncuie. 4000. Pott mast' -v-New \ork,- BOO; Rochester. 860: Syracuae.^): Klmlrs, 8100; Addbcn. lUO: A11-l.uni. 2101); Batavio. SUO); Cambridge. IKO; Canaa-lota. I VO, (.au.klll.800; City Island. IOO; Clyde. 130': 1 Vmperstown. 17iO; Cuba, 150); IluTTalc, SWO; Ithni. HIO'; Ixukixirt, 271": Blnabamtcn, 8100; Am>lcnlam, Sl'O; uddwlnsvlllo, ISiO; Bath, IMO; Cai.ajoliarie, KtO. (anion, 13M: Ouei^iblo, IOO); CUfloti Spi 'i n 13(0; KobleakuL IMU; Conning, t » ' ; DatttidtN I.SO; Albany, SIM: Troy. » 0 ; llhaen, ui 0, lltooklyn.SWO; Attica. 160); HflhMn. 170); Brock port I1.'"; (aiuuidilgin.fciO: Carthago, I5M;Clialhiiin. 13 0; Clinton, IMU; CohoeaiaOO; Cortland, 210); Delhi, 1300; Dunkirk, 2M0; FUbkill. oo-Hudaiin, l i " ; Fort Plain, 1700; (K-tieva. 250); (Ksdieii. lOuu; lUrkluur, IfltO; llu'lKin. 231'; Jatuestonn. svo; Lo Roy, ISO; Unrvllla, 1800; Medina, IKO; Mount Vernon. WO; New burg, 2700; FJlen\:lle. HOI I lushing, IKO. I rnKmia. 9iO Oiena m u , SMO; UoaTaneur, 1700; Hoi UOO; Illkin, wo; Ji.hnstown, IDto; IJttk- Falls, MO; Lynns. 17CO; Miildk-tuwn, Sl'O; Newark, 21X0; Sin Lel-nnun, .UO; Falrport 170); Fort Eduanl, lisO; Fulton, IKX); tlloverbvllle, 4JX); llnnulion, 13(0; iluukii k' Fa t s I.O>: Jamahs, I3M: KlUAtoa, SIOU; Long Ulatid City. 1M0; Malone, 1M0; 5lori-i*town. IKO, New Brighton, IMO; New Rochdle. 1700; Niigara Falls, IMO; Kyack, IKO; Uneida, —V), Osego, 1200; Penn Von, 1»); Port Jerrla, SIM; Poiqpiacensle, 8000: Rome, 250); SaraloKa, a o ; Seutra I'uU-. •;*«'; n Bridge. lo>): War saw, ITlO; Waverly, 9XO; Northbort, IC0J; Og-Jsnsbufg, 23(0; lim-onla, IWO; I'almyra, 1710: I'lattaburg, "JXO; Port Richmcml. 130; RIchlKU fijnlng*, IOO; Rondout, BIOO; liiiugirtlea, i«<i; SuigMng, il(0; Tarrytonn. 170); Waleiloo, IKu; Welkins, I CM; Norwich, IMO; uleau, UKO; (nn-^u, ' riO; Pe.-kskllL 100); Port Chester, 170); I'otMlain, ISX); lUverlmuL IMO; Salamanca, IOO; Schenec-buly, HMO: Stark, IOO; t i-u, 27M; Wuterville,

IWO; Salamanca, IOO; Sclienec-:, IOO; Tonawanda, 1700; Wator-rville, IMOi WeUsville, KMjWcat etvklC"

— i t Nw I'labis, 100; Adams, Amoala, Angelica, Ant km. Ilalnbridge. Bay

to-: Haven. 17(0: Greenville, 17M; Hancock. IOO; Hasting*. IOO: Hllbulafe. OXX): llnlland. 150); Howell, IKO; Hudson. ICOO; Ionia, 21M; lsh|i.m | lug. IK"; larl.-r, IMO; Ludhuton, 2b"; ManMee. 210): Mnniuette, *100; Marsliall, 2100; Menumiii'V, 17M; Muuroc, 1700; Negnuneo. IKO; | Nibs. IWO; owrM, IKO; Petaskey, loo; Ponlloe. ' SOX': IVrt Huron. BIO); Qulner, 1,V0; I +-lnaw, I W"; St. John*. lOtO; S t Joaepb, ItM; S; uls, IKO; TecumiMt, 1(0); Three Rivers 17. . Tra* veree Cily, IWO; West Bay City. I.VO: Yrallantl, ! SlW, and suvenly ranging from IMO tu IKO.

ctwu, - ,w; iiuierYiue, low: neusvuie, iiw; »i*i Troy, I7IO; Yonkers, IIXO; Wmtfleld, IVO; Whlln-halt IKO; West New Brighton, SlW; White

' "" ams. Alfred Centre, Allegany, .Antwerp, .Astoria, Avon. Baby-Bay Shore, Belmont Bolivar,

I llruoville, Brewster, C.unden, Canute", Castile, Cliautaiiiiua, Clayion, Cold Spring, U s e r Island, i oxaackie. Deposit. Dobba Terry, Dundee Far

! Itockaway, Fayctterlile, ITatbush, IVnda, FYaok-f.'rt, Franklinvlile, Frienilship, Harden cily, (ik-n Cove, (iosanda, (IronvlUe, Urirae, Unvnport (in-enalch, (Itviton, lUmmoodniott. Haiana, llaveistraw, Hemi>ileail, Holley, lluneoyo rails, Homellnilld, Hotaeheads, Huntlngtun, Irvlngton, Islip. Jordan, Katonab, Keeeevllle, Kennedy , Kin-di-rbook, lima, IJvonbt Station, Mamaronecic, Mutteunan, Muyville, Mechanlcsvlllc, Mexico, Mlddk'burg, Millerton, Moaticello, Moravia, Mount KU-o, Jlomit Momn, NarliM. Notth Tarrytown. Norwood. Numla. Oxford, latch ague. Pawllnic, IVrry, Plieh*. Pho-nlx. I'urt Byron, Port Henry, Port Jefferson, I'ulaski.Quccn*, Randolph, lUvea*-wood, Rldnebeck, Rye, Sag Harbor, Salem, Sandy Hill, Schnlmrie. AhuylcisvUle, Sbcrbunie, Sher-nasn, Sidney, Siher Creek, Skuieateli-H, Kouth-uiupbjii. Spring Valley, Surlngville, Tlcouderoga, lompkmciill.% Tmmansburg. L'nadllla, L'nkn

Wolden, Walton. Wouplnger'* Foils. " xirt. We.i Held, We.t

Dl«l. alty.and marahol, |2Mand fees, Int, Rev, -<'oll,, St Paul, StS; deputlM (IU MO to IKO. Cunlouia—Coll., Dululh, IOX) and fcea; debuiv, 141X1: Coll., S t Vincent SMO; deputlea ( i fit Pauli, 2 'O; surveyor general, 6L I'aul, l»»i. IWinatleri 8t. Paul, MM; Mlnu<ap.>lli, 8.00; Dululh. 270); Albert Lea, 17M; Anoka, 10"; Austin, IOO: Bralnenl, 17C0; Croalatooe, 170); Faribault, 21(0; Fenrus FQlls, 1*0; Hastings, 17M; lake City, 100; Mankato, StOOl HOOrbeM, 10)'; Nonlifleld, 17M; Uwalonna, 170); Rrdwmg, 290; Rochester, SSM; St, Cloud. 1*0: St Peter. IKO; Stillwater. SIM; Winona. WO): Ada. Alexandria. Benson, Blue Earth City, Chalfleld, Detroit City. Fairmont, UlencocsliraniUi Fall*, La Sueur, Utcn-IK'ld, Uttlo FaUs. Ixiieiun. Marshall, Munluildeu, Moniis New Ulm, (irtonvUki, Pip* Stone. I'n-.iuii, Redwood rail*. St. Charle*, Shakopev.Sleepy Eye, Boring Valley, Tower. Tracy. Walnnlm, Wadena. \\ orrea. Wueca. Wells. WUmar, WlnucbaguCity, Worthmgtau, Zumbrota, IOO) to IMO.

MUMiBIVW. DUt ally, and tnarslial (S, dlst), (30 and fe.-*

each; deputy mnrshala (4), fees; dlst oily, ( a dlst), 2(0 oml fee*; oast 1SC0; marshal, Sto and fee*, l^tuui-ners-Jsckson, tOXJ: Nalchex,S0M; (ireearlUe, IMO; Vlrlaburg, £W0; AUrdee;., 15W; Yoxco Clly, 13M; Meridian. SMO; Culum bus. IMO; Canton, 14(0; and WTeBteen rang In „-from IWO to IMO.

JUMOOa Dtat alty, CE. dlst), $'iX)and fees; tusl., WO;

asst., IIXO; marshal, DO end fees. Atty. (W. dlit.j, «0end fees; aist, 1,300; monhfj ftOand fee*. U. S. mb-trea*., St. Loul»-.\ssf. tree*,, IKO; cldef clerk, t o ) ; dtrk* |5), loo to IBM Int Rev.—Cull, 8 t Louis IKO; deputlco (20), MO to ICUO; coll., Kaoua Clly, tV»; deputkw and Clarks (18), IMO to i a u Customs-Surveyor, $ t Loul*. fee. lo 50M;deputy, SKO; ilerkallSi. 1000 to 81X0; appraiser, !UO; exnuilner, ICO) Postmnurs—St. Louis, flux): SpriajdMd, SW0; Carthage, SIM; Boonvllle, ITTO; Caiuerou, 15M; Clinton, 18,0; Holden, IOO); Kimsvlllo, 1700; Lou-Wan*, I7W; Maryvlllo, IWO; North Spiingllel.l, ntO; JUch IlUl, IWO; St Joseph, ftftl; Honnllial, SIM; Moberly, #XO; Brookllcld, IKO; Carrotttou, lOM; ColuuiliU, 11x0; Independence, IMO: la Man-, 1»X'; Macon Lily, I7U);Meti^o, IKO; plerie City, 11"): 6 t Charles, IOX); Knnsas Cily, BOM; Sedalla, SKO: Jcfbrson City, 21IX'; Butler, 10.O; ChilllcutLe, 18X1; Fulton. lOu'; Juplln, IflM; la-x-Inglon. 130; Mareholl, 17i'0; Ni-vada, IKO; Pie.iv ant Hill, 15M; Trenton, IKO; Wsrrensburg, l.uO, and fifty ranging from Keu tu IKO.

HUXTIXA. PobImasters—Helena, JjOO; Butte City, 9X0;

Miles City, l!M; Mi«soula, IKO, and ten ixnginr from lox) to IKO, Chief Justice and three asswl-ates, 8X0; dlst ally., MO and fw-s; mar>lial 2UUand fee*; clcrks (J), fees, lu t 1 lev.-Coil, Helena, 8100; dspulit* (8). luO lu 140); turieyor geu, Helena, SKO.

KKBIUHX. Wkt. ally., (AOand li.w; ftO: marshal

1-0 and fees. lu t Rev.—Col Omaha, 4.VO; depu-te* and clerk*, (II), 1M0 to ICo>, PostmasU'W-Omaha. 81(0; Hastings, SSO); Kearney, WOO; Ceu-l.wl City, KM; Falls City. IKO; Norfolk, IOO); lied Cloud, IKX); Tecumi»ch, IKO: Lincoln, 6x0; Frcmuut. 2310; Nebrai.ka City. SOO; Colimibus, I7M; lloldredge, IKxi; North Platte, ICOO; St Paul, IKo; Wihoo, 10M; Ikatrlcv, SSCO, Uraud


Of heullh and rent-wed atrenglh and of ease and comfor t follows the tine nl Syrup of Figa, ae It aots in ha rmony with na tu re to efToctually cleanse ihe RyHteni when cnative or nilitniH, For mile in iTOc and fil.OO Imttlea by all lead-Ins druggiHts*

Remember tha t Ayer's Cherry Pecto-ral bun no equal as a speciflo for colds, coukIih, and all alTections of the throat and lungs. For near ly half a century it has been in grea ter demand than any other remedy fo r pulmonary com-plaints. All druggistd have it for sale.

Springs, Walden, Walton. V Warwick. Uuterford, Weedii*. Polnt Whitoslone, Wolcott, IIXOUiIKX).

KOBTB CxnOLCCi. Dtat. ally. (E. DUt), $2W and fees; asst., IOO):

marahll *x) and fi-es; atty. (W, DUt). 15.0 and fee*; o»-u (8), 17W; mandial, fees Int, Rev,-Coll (4lli), 4jiO; deputi.-* (23), IOX) lo IMX); coll., Salisbury, 4o,3; di-pullea (311, KU to 16.0, Customs—Coils, B.'Sidort, Edeu-lull. New Berne, Wilmington, llxO and fees. Piwtnuutetv— WUralnston, stxO; ItalelK-li. SKO; ClinrloUe, 2400; AshovlUe, SUM; (onconl IKO; liurtuim. IMO: FuyetlavUle, 100; (iuldsborough, ino; llrtcnsborough, lax); Now Berne, 170); baWkury, 150); SuteivlUe, IKO: Winston, IMO, end lift ecu ranging from loM to IKXX

onto. Dtat. nttv. IN. dtat.), (SM and fee*; awt, 11*0;

morslial, fees: ally. 18. dlst) M0and fees; aast, 12.0; nut,, Io,0; marshal, M) and fee*. U. a sub -Ireah , Cincinnati-Asst treas., 45M; caahler, 9X0; Clerk- ML UOO lo IMU Int Rcv.-Cul. Oft .mnaa 4K)U: deputlea and clerks, IIXO to '.WO; CoL Tokdo. C7;0: deputle*, (8k IMO lo 1730; Ool Clevulaud. •Ui; deputle* (ilk IIW to 11)00, Cus-loms-Rurveyor Cincinnati, KQand fee*; deputy,

clerks ill), IMO to 1(00: Col, Cuyaliugo, luo and ITS; *ppral*cr, 8000; deputle* IBI, luO til 1'tu Columbu* pension agt, 40'i, P.Ntnuutcia—Clnclonot^ CM0; Dayt.iu, Sxo; VoiuiKtlonn. SKO; AUIanoo, I m ; Athens, 17(0; BeUeJontilm-. ItO); Bucyrui, IWO; ChiiiL-olho, SIO); i . uneaiil, IKO; Delaware, BM: Klyria,

Ftviuoat IKx); Qensvi, ISM; Hilkboro, 17 o; Ctoveuo, S7M; Toledo. MM: Akron, ttOO; ,vditoi,.i, l.u); ItanwavUi*. iko; Belluvu.*, IKO; Cuiubrldge, 1710: Clrdevlll*, IMU; O«hM0ii, IKO; D. Iphos. 1100; Flndlay. IMO; OaUlon. IKO; (iiivnevnle. IKO; Hiram, liffl; Oolnmbus, 3100; Sprlnglleld. Jtixi; Ado, IMO; Alhtabula, IKO; Ikl-lUre, UOO; i-'ryon, IKO: Canton, S7IX); Clyde, IKX); Deilati.e. llnO; Jitst Liverpool. SUM; Fotloria, IMO; (Inllipolls IKX); Hamlllou, M; fronton, IMO; Jockion, I «i; IsincMtw. IJOOirogan, IMO; Ma-rkin. IV,«i; )leiliua. IKO; Hit "MO, Homo, 1M0; N.-w piiiiadel|ihla, IMO; pajrntavDle. WM: Ruvenna, Itoi; Sidney, UOJ; Troy, MM; van West ISO; Wellli«1..ii, IIM; Kent, 15M| Lehanon, I7M; lliuulleld, liou; .MirvsvOle, IflOO; MiddWluwn, 2111; Newnrli, SKO; Norwalk, SIM; Pruua, tf-U); Salem, 21®; SteubenvUlei MM; Upper Sanduiky, 10"'; barren. 21(0; WOmlniton, 10M: Kenton, HOi Lima. 2.-JO; Harietli. tgO; HaMlI'm. MM; Ml. Vernon. SIM; New Ltabon. llOOj Oberlln. SIM; Pi ilsmuuth. 8300; Sandusky. BOO; TUlln, 2^0; I riuica. SKO; WishingtonU IL, IMO; Wooster, SIM; Xenla. S80); Zaneavllle. CiM; London, IKO; le'iea. Bowling Omen, Bridgeport, Cuilij, ' aid* ell. Canal Dover, Cordlngtou, Carey. Cor-rolilon. f'llna, Cliagrio FaUs, Chardon, CViUego lidl Oolumlilana, Columbu* Qrovo, Covlnglon, Cr.-stlin*', Cuyahoga Fall*, Eaton, Franklin. Gar-reltsvlllo. (Irsnvilto, Greeniisld, Hlcksville, Huil-••u, Jejic. bfiu, Leetonla, Lorain, LouJunville, Marthis Feny, " ^ — "" aiubiiunr. Mlddkbun Monroeville, Mount GL NeW lA'llll--tuU, New lA.m Nile*. OmlUe, Ottawa, Oxfi roy. Port Clinton, Richwood, Jir.e, buuil Mary's Shelby, Tipi»canoo Oty, Itrlchsvllle. Veisalllea. Wupakoneta. Wouieon, Waverly, WeUton. Westcrrtlle, Wist Liberty, WlUoughby, Yellow Sptuigu, lOMto IKO.

ouoox. Dtat «tty an J marsh*!, SMO nnd fees each, Int

Rev. • Coll. I'ortlaLil, 800); depullei (7), IMO lo IKV Customs—Cull, A.-toilo, 0(00; deputle*

Avoid apsK'arancos,—A wor thy iren-l l eman , hav ing an unusual ly red nose, was long suspected of being a tippler on the sly, by those not well acquainted w i t h his s tr ict ly tem|>orance hahlta. His un fo r tuna t e ilisflgurntion was read-ily cured by tho use of Aycr'a Samapar-illa.

PROMPTNESS. First a cold then a cough then con-

sumpt ion then death. " I took Dr. Acker 's English Remedy for Consumj)-tion t h e moment I began to congh, and I believo it saved my life."—WALTER N* WALLACE, Washington.

YBlTUt & LOOK, Druggists, Lowell,

Uilleisburg, NelsonviUe,

Now Rlchmund, Ptymoulh, Ponii>

cloy. Saint Clalm-


(Si. UXO coll. Portland, lOM and lee«; deputM* Sfco tnd axo, appraiser, MU) iwuaatert— Portland. Six); Astoria, IMO; The Dalle*, 1M0| Sal* nin rou; K Potlanl, I6M; Albany, I5Ml Pen-dletuii. IKo, and uino ranging from KU) to I5M.

PI>TC*TIVAXU. DUt city n: dht) , JMO and fi-e*; aast, SIM:

o«it, A00, n'...nhal. fee*; atty. (W dlst ), MOaai fee*;ads t /^ .o^j i t , l.tii; manbal. 200 and fee*. U P. suli-lr. *!.<., Philadelphia—A**t. ireaa,40(~ easliler SMO: lookkeeper, 25M; clerkc (l'.'), HM IWO f 8. mint. PMadwpM* flupt, 45M; i ler, CKO; chief clerk, sa^i; elerka (H), IOX) lo a-suyer, 3X0; asst., SOOU, Int tef.—C,_. I'hiUd. Ipliia. IKO; deputlea (29), 1100 to MM; leet'ir I a neuter. 4100; deputlea IC.'), lOMtoIL... ii*l|i-ctor. V* ilki-.barre, 5500: deputle* (If), MO to IK"- i-ullector, Pittsburg, 4M0; deputies (15), IIM t.. I7ix'. clerks t in . M0 to 1800. Curtoms -Colloo-tor. Philadelphia. MM; deputy, MoO: cuihler, 2M0; *u<Iilee. tVJ': •Nit . 'AO; chief* 151.'.110; dcrka (021. I.OJ in 21X0; inipector* («), per diem, S lo 4; np; raU-r. .IvO; dei.uliea CI). *6o0; e-*iulner, 2M0; cleiks il". l i o t u IKO; chin clerk, StxO; surveyor, pilt«bunr, v.1 nr,.| fee*; deputy, IKX); coUcelor, F-rie. li<0 and fi'eirt deputy, UXO; peodoQ agt*., phila.lel|ihla and PUtaburg, 4ixv Pustmaa-ters -Phllailelpbia, MM; Pltubarg, S7M; AU» [heny, SO); Reading. M(0, Pottavllle, SMO;

Isnubuiv, KIM; Allenlown, SOM; AIIooul 200; Ashland. IKO; Athi-ns, IKO; Bethlehem. UM; Beliefente, IKO: Bixlfotd, IKX); lie rem Fails, BJM; Bk.n sburg, I.O); Braild's-k. I.VV- Bradford, MX>: llristol 17(0; BrookvUle. IKO; Butler, IMO; Caibomlale. 17(0: Carli.le. saO; i liamlersborz, S«0; Chester, SW); (leartlel.l, lux); CoalsvIlM, IKO; CWwabU, ISO; Coniu'lUrille. 1M0; CoiTT, SUO; Inmille. IKXI; Doylintus-n. IUX); l5u IUiI*. IUX'. Iiuion, MOO; Erie, SMO; Frcnkbn. '£>•': i ;.ttyvbuiv. IIM); Orren-vilU-, 170; Hiilllda)>hur«, luO; Indiana. 17M; l.u cw.t^r, Ii'vIsi ur, I'O'. McKeysrcrt, axu; Meadevdlo, Sim, Mi ic r , IMu Monnngahela City, ui', Newi-juitle, I JX); Phillipaburg, 17M; Plynloiitb, loxi; llanoter, I'OO; lb iiesdaTii, IMO; Johnttown. MX); latrub<<. IKO; Ij •»Istown. ITTO; MalmiKiy Clly, 1700; Mi-clmiiliabiint, I7M; Middle-loan. IKO; IlonlroN*, ISO; N.irrMnwn. axO; Pluruixvllle, I7IO; Pottstoun, IKO; IbiOeton, MM; Huntingdon. iMX); Klttannlng, luO; U I anon, SMO; Lock Haven. 2100; Mauch Chunk, IHUU; Media, 1700; Miltou, lio); New Brighton, ISM; Oil City, MOO; Pitlston.SIOi; Pott.vllk*, 2*0: Renoli... IKO; Shi-midhi, IMO: Shi|.iii>burK. IKX); Struudaburc, IKO; Titusville, IMO); rnlcnlown, I7U1; W*i-nf». boiourh. IWO; West drove, I HO; Yurke, SMO; lUdgeway, IKO: Slmron. IMC; South hethiehem, IfO): Ktuiliury. I7M; Towanda, MOO; Warren, 2400; Wi lleslnirougb, IKO; Wllkesbarre, STTO; S-ranton, VU«1; Slieunmliiali, IIM; Steeltuu, 15M; SusquehiD-ti.-i. IK'); Tyrone. I7TO; Washlncton, SIM; Wert l ii.stir. 2io'; Wlniamspott, SSo; Bangor, Ilarn-hait » Mills. Beaver, Berwick. BlalrsvTUi% Bloca-borg, BroivmrtDe, Bryn Mawr, Canm nxourg, Canton. Cainsaiajua, Clarion, Couneautvllle, Ceo-shohockcn, Cuuderaport, CUrwenaville, Downing-ton ii, Duneanwn, Dumuure, Edensburg. Edlnbor* on -h, Eldrcd, Emlenlon, Emporium, Eiihratah, Ku-relt. Fan nelts burg, I'reeland, Free port, Creen.a*tle, Urove Uty, Hawley. Homestead, HouUdak', HumuiclsUiwu, Irwin. Joruy Shore, Knne. Kcnnctt Square, Kingston, Knox. lADsdal*. Leecblnirg, lehightoii, Lilltz. Manslleld, Marl-etla. McchanlcavUle, Meyeridak*, .Mifflinburr, llillllnioHii, UlUereburg, MmcrsvillK, Mount Car-niel. ):ounl Joy, Mount Pleasant. Muncy, NanU-coke. Newport Newtown, Newvlllo, North E n t Ncrthi:ml«rland, Oxford, Parker'* Landing, Par-kcraburg, I'lymoulh, Port Alleiiheny, Punuatlw-D.y. Jtej-noldsvlllo, Rochester, Ralnt Slarj"*. SlltO. burg, Sandy lake. Sayre. Schttylkilf Ha' Sccttilale. belln's drove, Bowlckley, S Shairavillc, ShcOleld, Bhlckshluny, Smetnpott, Someiwt South Oil City, Tamaiua, Tan-mum, Tldlout Troy, Tunkhan'nock, Union City, Walooatown, Wayneaburg, Wert New ten, IVnile lliteu, MUilusburg, lOMto IKO

tutons txtaxn. Dlst. nlty. and manbal*, SMO and fera each,

(1 touu—Coll, i'roTldence, fee* to MO); uepu-Ii* s (2,i, a>.0, PosUnastera-lTuiideoce, KUJ; Woonsocket SMO; Central Falls. 1M0; Newport, ITlO: Wi-sterly, SIM; E. Oreenwlch, iMO; Paw. tucket SOM; Urlslol IMO; Olnoyvlllo, ISO), and 0 ranging from IMO to UM.

socrn ciaouxx. I'M- ally., $80 and fees; asst, MCO; aor.,

IK'1; imrshal, OX) and fee* lu t Rev,—Ooll, Columbia. Ox"'; depullut (II), lOM to 110), Ota* tolus—Coll, Chark-ston, tent lo 0.0)0; deputi«a (»). IOO In avo, IWmastcrs-CharUslon. SMO; Newbcro", IOO; Columbln, BOO: Spartanburg, HO); UnvnvllK IOX); Sumter, 150), end twelva ranging fruiu KOO lo IOO,

lUXIMU. I.iM any i K, dut.;, tax) and fee*; aast, ISMi

tnaislial, a u and fee*; *Ur. (middle dlst), M0 • nd fr-i : mondial, S0i)and fee*; attv, OV- <il*t), »0;.i,ii feci; ns.M., IMO; marslud, WO and fee*, jut. I lev.—Coll., KnoxvlUe, sua; deputle* (10), l.l'J to 1710; Coll., Nashville, 4250: dept lie* (15), K»') lo SIM. IVnslon agt at KnoxvlUe, «0M. I'i«ima*lei>—Memiihb, SMO; Nashville, SOO; Knuxvllk', SNO; Cbattonouga, 810; UartaavlU*, RMi; Columbia, IMO: Jackson, IMO; Murfre*®-boro, IKO: L'ulon City, IKX), and twenty 'our ranging Irom lUOto IKO.

TCJLU. Df*t atty, (N, dlst ) and manrtial, $30 each and

f'V.;; alty und marshal (E. dlst), simo: (W. dlst). samn Int Rov.—ColL Austin, MM, depu-lii-sill'i, IllX)tu 1M0; eoU„ Sulphur Spring*, Sb23; derutlm (7), IIXUtuIKO Custom*-C0ll,* villi', 1100and fees- deputhn tai, 140) to IMO: coll, Culvesion. IKO and fees; ilcputy, MM; clerks 17), 12ol to IKX). P.auna.'ilen-dalveston. 31UU; Abba-line. 1XO; Bobham, IKO; Clebum, I7C0; Corslcana, ISO; Q 1*0110, MO); Jeffenon, IKX); McKlnney. ISM; Parts, IMO: Slieruian, SHO; Victoria, I5M; Wcalh-frfurd, 170); Dalia*, MM; Austin, S&O; Brenbim, 17' ); Colorado^ I7M; DcutaOQ, MM; Greenvill* IKO; laimpasas, ITTO; Jlanbal 18M; Sail Angelo, IKX'; Tenill, IMO; Waco, SMO; Wichita Fall*, IKX); Fuit Worth. S7M; Bellon, I7M: Bryan, 1500; Corpus Chrlsll IKX): Denton, IMO; Huiiston, 8830; Laredo, IC7'i; I'alettine. MOO; San Antonio, tSM; Tyler, 170); Wa.xahatchk\ I5M, and llfty ranging from lUOtolKM

VUIUONT. List atty. and marshal. f-(0 nnd fee* each.

Cii'ton's—Ci l Bilrllugtnn, lOMandfee*; deputlea 117', LOltii 2Jo Pictmast.'r*—, 97M; Burro, IKO: Bradford, U-O; Mlddlabury, IMOi Rutland, SKO: IWlowsF.-Jls. IKO; Brandon, IKX); Uonlpellor, 1900; Brattlcboro, WO; Dcnnlng-lon, 1.0); Fair Haven, IWO: St Albun, UXO; ami eiKhteeu ruigiug from IOX) lu 1500.

VIEOISU. 1 i-t iilty (E. dlst), }J,0 and fee*; asst,, IWO:

rui-Jid, J 1 ' nnd fee*; atiy, (W, dlst). So) and f'V.; nsu . ISO; marahal, fee*. Int Rev.-Coll, LK IIII Olid. |K>|; liepulii* (27), I0M lo MM; coll, Lynchburg, -IVO; deputle* (31), IMO to IBM. 1 •• ntnusieiv-Ricbmuod, SWO; Peteiaburv, SMO; Alexandria, aj.O; IVedericksbarg, ITM; Leilng-Ion. UO): Itoanake, IMO; Norfolk, KCO; DinrUia 2)0,; Ahblngdon, IKO; Hampton, IOX); Liberty, IKO; W mchnier. IIW; Lynchbura, S7i0; Stiun-l.'li. 210; LuarloUesviilo, IttAI; llunisoaburg, IKO; Portxmoulh, 19.0, and eighteen ranging frcia I.TOto 15.0.

wa*uivoTo*. _ Piwtmasters—8«oltI*% (SBO: Spokane FilLs. IMO; T.u-..uiu. 2'IM; Walla Walla, SIM; Colfax, IKO, and •oi ea laucmg from UXO to IKO. Chief Justice and s i sKs-iutin. axo; dist. atty, and marshal, 230 nnl f'-es. Surveyor gen,, Olympia, SOOc; ufctu. (S;, 170),

wiiit viantYtx. Dl't nlty, and manbal, f200 and fee* each.

Int Rev,—coll, Orafton, MSI: deputlea (7), 1000 to IKX). Postmasters—I'urken.imrir, SMO; Wheel-ing, SMO; Charkstoo, SMO; Charlatown, IMO; Ctorkeshurg, IUX), lliuitlngton, IMO; Jlurtiosburg, 17M, and eleven ranging Irom I0O) to IKX),

WIKOXlDt Plst. atty. and marshal (E. dUA £200 mid fee*

each! ntty iW, dist i. vxo und f.**; aff-t., 1500; uiarshal, uo ocd fee*. Int. Rm-.-Mdwaiikecv UO; deputlea (11). 110) to IMO Coll, Sladkon, S2K); d.'puiieso)i, utoto loco, f r i t n u i t i n Mn watlktv, 800): Mad lion, CM: Ik-aver Dam, IMO; Chippewa Falls Mm; lond du lac, SIM; Hudson. IKO; Konosilia, IHo; Mimltowos, IMO; Merrill, IlUl; Ocouomowoc, VCO: hbiooycan, 2ICU; Stoush-lon, IKO: ()rli»asli. MM; AlitilcluU, SUM; Belolt w o ; Delaian, IKO; 1 ort Atkinson, IKO; Janes-ville, SKO; La Cross*, STOO; Marinette, 21M; Moo-roe. IBM; Portage. I7M; Sparta, 17(0; Walertown, IftX); Ra-lne, 'JXO; Puiraboo, I7M; Be'rlln, 1CM; Eau ( Liiiv. iK»; (liven Bay, 2IM; Jefferson, IKO; Laka (icnevu, IIKX); Menomunle, Iflo); Mevmh. ITTO; Klpou. IUX); Stevens' Point IbM; Wauktulio, MM; Waunan, IKO; Wiuiin, IW); Wbitowiler, IBO and .oi t j -M.-reu ranging from lOJO to IKO,

Aliak*-Oovernor. fiXO; secy, SSOO; dlst Jodgc, axu; dist ally., marsbal und durk, MM

Ariiona-Covertwr, $2CP0: secy.. I9M. PoatmA*-lens—Tucson, MM; Tombstone. ITM; IVescolt IIXO; Pbo-nit. 10.0; Nosales. 10®. Chief JusUca and twoBstu'laitM, Soo each; dbt utty., mar-thai elerka (I), fees. Survey or g.'a Tucson, 2500i

Idaho—Governor, IWO': «ecy,, iMO. IWmastera -BMM Clly, lUO; Eagto Rock. UK); Uclleoon,

gen,. Boise City, SKO. New Mexico —Governor. JSOO; secy,, 1900.

Portmasterv-Santa Fe, hOO; Los VeKos, SIM; Silver City, 100; Socorro, IC0(; Albuiiuiroue, SIO); Di'iiung, Ea^t Loj Vega*, Kingston, Raton, IDMtolKO. Chief jiulluoaud a r.>..ociatc*, UOO; dist ally, and m u^hal. uX) and fees: dorks (4), fees, hit, rev,-Coll Santa Fe,2TKl: uepuUcs (J;, ux) to hm. Surveyor gen. £»cu l e, 2600; aasu. (7), IMO to 2(0u,

litdi-Gosetnor,tMX):9ecy„ I D), PcatmaMan -Salt Lake City, 280; Ogden, SSU); Park City, 1WU| Ix-v-an, bXO; Piuvo City, I00O, Cai.f juati.o ami s ants,, 800); ilist ctty, nud taarshul, twund fw*; mut. Stly. IKW; atty., Hu); clerks (4), feea .urveyor^ea. Salt Laku City, t t J ; iluU CO.

Wyun inir—Governor s^c,, ItOa Po*C-master. -Cheyenne, OlM; t-ai'suiu, UM: Lara-mi* City, l8Co; RnwUns, 1401; Buffalo, Hw; Oajs' boa, IOO. c.ilef JusUco and i assoclatna, « M | ' dlst etty. and nurshsl, SSo and fen; Uccka 60, finu Surveyor gw., Chcyctuo, toM.

U N I V E R S A L *SAT 1 S F A C T I O N, E V E R Y W H E K E ,

Hlll'd English Ext rac t of Ruchn a n d Cubeh« (fives univeraal satiBfactiou in every case where tried, for all diseaeei of the Kidneys, b l adde r and tho Uri-nary Organ*.


Not only shortena labor and lessens juihi bu t great ly diminishes the d a n g e r to life of both mother and child if used a few months before contlnement.

Wr i t e the Bradlleld Reg. Co. ,At lanta , Oa, Sold by all druggists .


White:—Just as soon ns cold wenthcr «ct<: in, mv hnmh rouphen and crack, I buy the b.-I and m"--! expensive soap my drii^.ai has, but the result is just the same; "ire hands every winter,

Uroivn:—1 had just ti;.- same experience, until 1 read one of the Ivory Soap advertisements, about too much alkali in omc soai

which draws the natural oil from tin bit- to crack, so I sent out and got ;

it all the advertisement promised; m; year round.

Mn and leave.- u dry and lis-

I ory Soap, and found

•".• soft and sinootli the


There are mmy white soaps, each TpresenteJ tu be " just at good as Ihe ' Ivory' i " they ARE NOT. but like all counterfeiti, l i ck tlie peculiar and remarkable qualhiet of the Renuine. Ask for " I vo ry " Soap and insist upon getting it.

COpyrlfbt 1880, by Procter A <J*mb'.e.


Business College (ESTABLISHED 7 YEARS.)

Shepard-Hartman Building, • Fountain Si.



Book-Keeping, Short-Hand, Telegraphy, Pen-

manship and Business Forms*

J . T J . L E A N , sitf. PRINCIPAL

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S ! The undersigned a t t h e request of m a n y

Inval id Soldiers, haa qualified and been admi t t ed to practice

in the

Interior Department, am) all the bureaus thereot and n now

Keadv to Prosecute Claims, for i hone that may be enti t led to P E N -



Sold in Lowell by W . 8 . W l v e o a b .

I s T E W

Lumber Yard. m n M K

D K A I . K L L B I . N


Yard at rear of Train's Hotel,

L well Mich.

O H A S . L ^ W - S T B R , raorucroa or

NATIONAL HOTEL, Naar D., 0 . H, & M, Uspot,

x - O ' w jr.TiT., - a u i i c i r .

Fir»t Clu* Board auil Itoom«*t lU'iaonolo Rate*

Llr . ry and Feed 8Ub|* In Connectluo*


Retail Rooms, 33, 35 4 37 Canal St.,

Grand Rapids. - Mich.

Fancy Chairs and Rockers,

Bedroom Suites, in all woods,

Cheap, Medium and Expen-

sive. Parlor Suites and Odd

Pieces, any combination of colors. Fancy Baskets, Tab-les—Center and Dining, Book Cases, Writing Desks — Ladies and Office, Side Boards, Shef-foniers. Lace and Heavy Cur-tains.

Largest & Most Varied Stock IN U I C H I Q A N .

Mil ton M. P e r r y , Attorney A Counse lor a t L a w ,

Train's Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich.

S|i»h;Iu1 a t ten t ion given to CoUcottona Conveyancing, Loans and Sale

of Heal Eatate.

J . JOHNS, AUCTIONEER. 16 Years ExDerience

Farm or o ther property sold, C h a r g -e« n-imonable a n d Satlafaction Q u a r a n -teed. Orders lef t a t the Jodhmal office will retnlve promnt a t tent ion, a«yi

wiujam j. rrvisr. io iai a * u i r r u . cuawroraii a. tax i u u x ,

Stuart, Knappen and Van Arman,

LAWYERS. IIixjuu 15,18 and 1* New nouwtnan Block.

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Auoelata oOloo at HiMtlnt*. Mich.

F R A N K C. ALGER. A t t o r n e y o t

Collections Given Prompt Attention


Union Itlock. - LOWKLl, MICH

At J . EL. Lkee's,

MEAT MARKET, On the Bridge

will Itlwaya be found the choicest c u U

of Meat, and &t

Prices A l w a j s Reasonable . Fish and Poultry in then-


J . E . L E E .

New Grocery. A Clean New Stock of

Gfoeeries AND

Provisions IN THIS

Graham Block

Open on and after Sat urday, Nov. 24.

Prices low as the low-est.

Your Pa t ronage Respectfully Suliciled,



Page 2: LOWELL Journal/1889/03_March/03-06-1889.pdf · benU }1,000 or (more a year, uxl bencv are pruddeiitlitl officm, receiving thoir appoint-ments from

L O W E L L J O U R N A L ; W E D N B S D A Y , M A R C H 0 , 1 8 8 9 .

5 T J A C E 0 I l W T R A D E M A R K ^ I

REMEDY," f ' A l h l F o r H o r s e s a n d C a t t l e .

R e c e n t , P r o m p t , Good R e s u l t s .

L O W E L L J O U R N A L F I F T I E T H C O N G B E S S .

Bwvlllnei, Kiponut, III, Ui j It. l l l l Mr B>ra curst tola rnUt. LIILJ llabi:

lamp Utaoii >04 latinmitloi C.r^ Ur alU It Jlc.kl OU. L. 0 OAIDKCR

Ih» Imi rUw. >E< Ilea C.r Ci The llmt. ll. Clfctr BMc . Toltd*. 0 . Jant. 'I*

' on •• Ik H A El". 3 * 00

I'or lOMonlhi. WliitwK.Taiu. Ju. tV. ' l l Mr ton. «»• h.rt oa Mni U| laOirM ll

mgathi. wftl t.rtd If IL Ji.cob« Oil; h.l T.-p>TB>s>i.l W. J.CLIMI

l^ine-knvvil l ull. Mnt lUtn, 0., J u t 11. 'II. Hftl ft t»lf afiut(4 vlih viik IIMI: ccu4 ool

Wftlll •l|Mrtmtol>4«IUl II. JfttoblOU A taw Ioc4 tobli&st n n J II. II IU! ftkool n i l .al ilr«B|. o . w . m u

r o r Stable I .e. Ab.nt«i.Dftk.. Jalr I. M I IMP I t JotoU Oil lor 1M ll AR lUbltl ftl

BUT Lonti 1 lad ll Uft bill lialB-ol for bmlMl. fftlU, Ac. OIOtQI SETTIX



B u s i n e s s C a r d s .

VLHKRT JACKSON, Atlornry m.J Solici-tor

Q C. MoUAMNKI.U M l»., I'hjrrtn.ii nnd

Uierl /><rell N»I|OII»1 LLATIK.

cIlANNKI.U M II., I't Surfron. Offlct 4C IlildkvHt.

Iti-iu. Offloelli I'ualOlrien Blnck

\ \ 7 T. IIIIOOKS, I'hyalrlan anil Sur-' • . KOIHI. onlw over M. HIIIH'II'H «ion',

Office Houn H to 10 a in . In I ami 7 In N |i. in,

| C. SCOTT. Ilanlirare. Ha*h Imir* and t l , Ulaw. Hllildem llanlvair • upccbUtf, UppMltr FoTMt Mill*

I OIIN UILK4 Jt CO., OroCrn^ an<l I 'mtli r t lout. Orockerr. Hard Ware. .Cc, Unlnr a rk .

CdfcCAKTY, WlinlrKAle anil llnall lirucer. . Bank Uluck

I I_ W. YOUNO. I ' l i j i lelai i and Sur-f l • cenn. Offiw "H'r YVlter i Look'* utore.

Suriceon. Block. Wrtl Side. Caab

practice onlj.

HO, WII.SOS. Contractor ami builder . RealdenroST Hudson M.. Lowell. Mub.


O v e r F o u r t h N n i i o n a l B o n k ,

Canal Street . TnU'phoni' No. 4ii7.


I IT. M A I . C O I . M . Physk fau 1 . Office In I.J


H U N T AT D A V I S ,

Abstracts of Title, Real Estate, Loan and General Insurance Agenis,


W i l l i a m A l d r i e h T a l e u m


o r n c t a : G R A N D R A P I D S ,

940 New Houteman Block. M I C H .

D r 7 E . D . M c Q U E E N , K.-'lHenl Vrlerlniir.v Sure

Onuluate of Ontario V,'ieilnai) CollfKr. forou iu Canada. |,

Atwnda le all Dlioasei cf Emu a id Cattle Hmpital for Lame and IHva.—<1 >ioi..- Call"

« UI rvolre |<roni|>t alieniii.n nlicht or •lay OI'I'ICK AT I 'Kl l l t IVS 1,1 VKit\ HAKN.

E . W . D O D G E .

A t t raey a t L a w , R e a l

E s t a t e Prac t ice in Su i te a n d U. 8 . Cburta.

Money t o loan on (IIMH! Itcal E-state 8e-cu r i ty . Oflico in Bunk Hlock

Bridge St . - Lowell. Michigan

N E W I C A I L l t O A D .


A t C l u r k s v l l l o .

All Kinds of LUMBER, LATH and SHINGLES. CiiKiom I'lanlne and He unwini-.

M A R K S H A N K S <14 S O N .

s - P H I C K S ,

A t t o r n e y , L o u u x , ( . ' o l l e c t i o i i n u u d

I n s u r a n c e . Mone; to loan on real ••dtat* niTiirily in

"uuninof f2f l0and upwardRat cur rcn t ra te f .



H E N R Y X . S T O N E ,

I n s u r a n c e A g e n t ,

Of f i ce with B o w n c , Co tn l i s & S t r i k e r ,

L O W E L L . M I C H .

I'ollilra Written ill the Loueot I'llee*.

prnusnin nvrnr raiDAT, AT

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H . BT

J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 n Y e a r .


AL R E A D Y the Democrats a n d some of thoir organs are Irving to m a k e tho is-»uo in the coming judicial election a soi'tioiml one. " I t seems to be a contest lietwecn the u p p e r nnd lower pemn-Hiiln," snys a prominent democrat in the

I'reo Press, Jwho concludes tha t ••the lower penmisula will carry the l ight ."

Well, now. w e submit lo the fa i r minded voters of Mirliigan Ihe |iro|H>si-lion and ask them what they think ol i t ; Isn't it pre t ty small businesb? As a matter uf jus t ice and wisdom is it not

time to give tho upper peninsula a plao* on the bench of the Supreme Court? I i it not wise and prudent to have a judge on the bench, who is thoroughly rnmiliar with the great interests of the upoer peninsula and the laws govern-

ing them? Again, Republicans of the lower pen-

insula, have you ever asked in vain for help from the upiter peninsula, when you most needed it ? Do we no t owe the upper peninsulasoinuthing? Is there'a good republican anywhere in the lower peninsula who will no t roll u p his sleeves and do his level liest to carry up to the straits a rousing m n j o n t y for J u d g e Claudius B . (Irani, whose eipml tu a lawyer and a judge will not be found among the candidates in thecom-ing contest?

We have no fe'ir or doubt as to the answer that will be given to these ques-tions. The republicans of the lower

peninBiilu will meet this ef for t to m a k e the contest a sectional one with increas-ed vigor and activity in behalf of the i r nominee. Shortsighted democra ts may think it is smar t to raise th is question and a t tempt to make It an issue, but they will know more later on . W e are greatly mistaken if it ilo^s no t coun t against the democra ts in both the up|>er nnd lower peninsula.

If there is a n y t h i n g at all in the mat-ter of location it is certainly in favor of

J u d g e Ornnt, for t h e reason br ief ly giv on above. And the points m a d e in fa-vor of his location are cer ta inly well t tken. The present meuiliers of the su-preme court well know that the elec-tion of Judge G r a n t would br ing to the bench a knowledge of and expenenee

win. the great interests of a large port ion of our state, not possessed by any j u d g e now on t h e bench.

If the Democrats desire to m a k e it a sectional issue let them wade in.—De-troit Tribune.

A D a l l y R e c o r d of E v o n t a in t h o S o n a t o a n d H O U B O .

W E have now A Republican govern-meiit. British f r e e t rado and m n g w u m -pery have left the halls of government and it may bo hoped never t o return.

T H E lute decision of the Supreme Court makes a rustling a m o n g the "Social Clubs" of the State. They will have to go or pay t h e regular retail liqu-or license.

m o T t f E R S ' . ' I FRIEND -

S h o h T ^ J)IMINISMW

DAKGTH T O L I F E or M W ^ C H I L J U .




P H I - S I D F . N T C L E V E L A N D m a d e o n e l e s t

stab at ti e loyal states of the Union by vetoing the Re fund ing Bill. Nothing but his SecesaioniHt sympathies could have j.rompted him to do it.

TllF. Gd. Rapids Democrat heads i u Inaugurat ion t epor t "Na tu re Weeps to Si'O a Republican President ." Wo may

safely add that if tha t is tho cause of Nature 's weeping, she will have to keep right on weeping for the next half cen-tury. '

T H E manner in which the county local option principle has worked in New Jer -sey for one year Is a good i l lustrat ion

and object lesson fo r legislators in o ther States who have to do with temperance issues. In the single year since this law went into operation six count ies have voted under it, mid five have secured for themselves absolute prohibit ion. Warren, Sussex, Hunte rdan , Salem and Burlington counties aro now feeling t h e

benefit of a law tha t enables thom, with-out reference to the rest of the Sta te , to regulate this liquor question in accord -ance with the desire of a ma jo r i t y of their own people. Monmouth and Mor-ris are to vote on the question very soon.

The effect of this law has carried de-moralization into t h e ranks of the Bour bons, nnd has sowed the seeds of disso-

lution in that once com|iact and well-organized body. Here is an example for Republicans in other States. High license, oi high tax, is a good th ing to apply to tho liquor business whe re t h e M-ntiment of the communi ty is against its total sup| resMon: but In most States, and counties in Michigan, there aro a number of rural counties a good major -ity of whose inhabi tan ts desire some-th ing more s t r ingent . In such States, the County Local Option law is a necess-ary supplement to the High Tux or High license law. Once established, the principle of local option will Iw HO firmly fixed that it will be impowible to root it out . Tho way in which it has established itself in New Jersey in s ine indication of w h a t would hap|>en in Michigan.



A m e r i c a n S t e a m L a u n d r y Will di. you ih*- Wrr ll.-*! Work «i OrdlM

I ' n M

F . G . S T O N E , A g e n t . Otiftdft dfllt^nwl the* ••inr Wl-fii



, o l & O n P e c k A v e , . F a s t S u i t - ,


VERY C H E A P For o n c e s and t e n n a apply i>.

A . L . P E C K ,

L O W E L L , M I C H .

E ILEKT 'S EX T R A C T OF T A B & Wii.n ( 'IIF.UBY is a safe, reliable ami pleasant remedy for Cough, Colds, Bronchit is , Asll i ina.and all throat t roubles; will re-lieve and benefit cousuniption. Try it and be convinced. Every bottle war-ranted; price OOc. a n d one dollar |iei IKittle. Sold by all diugi(isls. Prepared by the E m m c r t Proprietary Co., Chica-go, 111.

EILERT'S D A Y L I G H T LIVER PILLS are a boon to sulferers f rom Sick headaches. Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver nnd Indigestion. Sugar-coated , pleas an t to take aud wnrranlr.1 to go th rough by dnylight.

Mothers will find Dr. WincheH'H Teething Syrup jus t the medloine to have in the Imuse fo r the chi ldren; it will euro Coughs, Coldi, Sore Throat , and Regulate the Bowls. Try it.

DR. J A Q U E S ' GERMAN WORM C A K E S destroy worms and remove them from the sys tem. Safe plenaani and elfective.

H A P P Y HOME BLOOD P U R I F I E R in the Peoples Popular Medicine lor pur-i fy ing the blood; preventing or cur ing Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Headachu. Dolls and all F e ' ers and Malarial Disea-

Price .'(Oc. nnd one dollar per bottlo, UNCLE SAM'S . 0ND1T10N i 'OW-

DER will cure DMempcr, Coughs. Colds, Fevers and most of the diM-Hfi-s lo which Boises, Catt le, Sheep, Hogs md Poultry are subject . Sold by all

d ru^g i i t l .

UNCLE SAM'S NERVE & BONE LINIMENT will relieveSpra'iiH,Bruises, Neuralgia and Rheumatlbui. Sold by all druggists.

Han)- Illllt of linportanro Occupy Uia At-tention of the Senats nnd Houte—

.More Terrltorlea Want 'AU-nilMlun—Otbrr Note*.

ncNAtr. WAKittso roN, Feb. 20.—In tlio Senate yps-

terdny the Sioux Ilrservatlou bill was pn/tspd. tho Army Ap|iroprliitlnn bill was dlscusscd. nnd resolutlona on tho ilpnth of Representative l l i imei iMo I wore adopted. Several bills (or lluht linuM.'ii on lakes Mleh-Igan, Erie and Ontario were passed

\ V A » I I I N O T O S , F e b . 2 7 - A bil l f o r t lm re-lief ot Wllllnni I! Wbeaton and I'barlvi II. ('liBiiit)crliiUi, of C'alKunda. vetoed by the President, was pasted over tlio veto In tlie Senate yesterday. Tlip Army Approprla-tiun bll was passed; MKI a bill grunting tlio widow ot lieneral Kllpntrlek a ppnslon ot t r i a month. \n ainendment was mldc I to the Dpflclency bill vn.ibllng the I'reitdont to offer a rpwaid tor the detection and con-viction of the iienmni who nnlnwfully car-ried away and dectroyod the iH)ll-l>o<it>s aud ballot-box of Plutiimervllle, A r t , on the day oft l io last eleotton In that State.

WAUIIXOTOX, Fob.'-fl.—The Senate occupied nearly tbo entire session ,ve«tenlay In dlsviuw-Ing tho conferenco report on the bill amond-ing the Inter State Coinmerco act The con-ference reports on the Agrtcnltnral Appro-prlatfonbill anil theHloux City . l a ) Urldgo bill were ninvoil io. Two bills f<rr the for-mation ami admlssiun of the Stat"!, of Idaho and Wyoming were favorably repor ted

WASHIXOTO*, March I.—The Senate yes-terday cleared up a lot of |H'ndlnir legisla-tion by Uic passage of a km* Hat ot bllli, among them being the To t-Utlice Appro-priation bill. Conference reports on tho Army and rortilicatioiis Approprintlon bllli wcro ugrei'd to, nnd a conferenco was or-dered on tho Naval Appropriation I . I IL

WASHIXUTOS, March i—The conference report on the bill to divide a portion of tho Slonx reservation in Dakota Jnto separate reservations was agreed to In tho Senate yesterday: also tlie conference report on the bill for relief of certain volunteer nnd regu-lar solillen of tho late war and tho war with Mexico. All tho pension bills on tlie calendar—Oftr-two-were passed.

WASIIINOTOX, March 4.—In the Senate on Saturday tho Indian Appropriation nnd Uiu Deflclency bills were passed. A was received from tho President tho Direct Tax bill, and the bill wa ovor tiie veto by a vote of -U to U. A session was held Knnday afternoon to con-sider conference reports.

unt-st. WASHIXOTOX, Feb. 20.—In the House yes-

terday tho time was wasted in fillbuiterlng over tho California contested olection case.

WASHIXOTOX, Feb. 27.—In the House yes-terday tho Sonato amendments to the bill for tlio opening nud settlement ot a portion of thu Sioux reservation In Dakota were concurred la A hill was Introduced pro-viding for the admission of the Territorial ot Arizona, Idaho and Wyominir as States; also a bill providing for the admission of New Mexico. The conference re|>ort on the Pension Approprlatlou bill was agreed to and the Deficiency bill was passed. Tho evening session was devoted principally to speeches on tho Indian policy of tho (iov-eminont

WASHIXOTOX, Feb. 2SL—The Naturallu-tion bill was reported In the House yester-day with a new section which requires that hereafter all persons naturalized ihall be registered in the State Department at Wash-

Tho Indian Appropriation bill was A bill was Introduced prohibiting

amon carrier from engaging in thf or manufacturing bnslnoss. and any or manufacturing concern from en-

gaging In business W A S U I X O I O X , M a r u h 1.

In tho House yesterday for the . of Alaska salmon fisheries and for a building at Kalamazoo, Mich., and once reports on the Sionx City (Iowa) Bridge bill and the bills for the relief of Mexican war veterani and to divide the Sionx reiervatlon in Dakota wore agreed to.

WASHHOTO*, March 2 . - T h e Joint reiolu-Uon was passed in the House yesterday to promote coimnnrdal union with Canada A bill was passed for the sale of a portion of the Fort Dodue reservation to the State of Kansas for the purpose of a Bute Soldiers' Home. The conference teport on tho bill providing that public lands adapted to agrl cultural purposes shall hereafter be disposed of only under the provisions of tho Home-stead law was agreed to. At the evening session thirty-five pennlon hills were passed.

WASHIXOTOX, March i—In thn Saturday the conference report on the Sun-dry Civil bill was non-concurred In. The rejiort on tho Naval Appropriation bill was concurred In. The bill providing that the States of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio may enter suit against tho United States in the Supremo Court to recover money duo on account of salei of public lands ' in those States was passed A session was hold Sun-day afternoon, a t which was passed the Senate bill Increasing to #1.800,000 the limit of cost for the. public bulldlug a t Detroit, Mich., the Land-Orant Forfeiture bill, and the bill granting a pension of t.V) a month to the widow of Uoncral H. J. Hunt.

O T D I E U N O T E S .

W A S H I X O T O X , F o b . 27 .—Tho P r e s i d e n t h a s appointed Brigsdlor-Oeneral Orlando 11. Wilcox irotlrudi Oovernor of the Holders' Homo at Washington, D. C., vice General Hunt, deceased.

WASHIXOTOX, Feb. 2 7 . - T h o collection of internal rovenuo for thn first seven months of the fiscal year ending June 30, l&D, ag-gregated #74,303,800. un increase of #•-'.-001,420 as compaied with tho collections for the corresponding period of last year.

WASHIXOTOX, Feb. 27—Two million silver dollars wore received at the Treasury Satur-day nnd stored In tho great vault Six cars were required to haul them from tho Phila-delphia mint. Tlds consignment filled the vault, making l»l,(X)U,0l*l now stored In l l It was expected that the vault would hold 100,0*1,000 silver, dollars, but owing to the size of the boxes in which the dollars are doitoBlUid, It waa found that the vault fell short of its supposed capacity by #14,0011,0011

WASHIXHTOX. Fob. 28.—The Presidonl hai signed tho bills penslenlng Mrs. Hhuridun aud retiring (leneral llo-ecrans

WAMIIXIITOX. Feb. •Si—A dinner was given at the White House last oveiling by 1 "resident and Mrs Cleveland iu honor of Ocneral an.l Mrs. Ilurii-on.

WASHIXOTOX, March I .—A parcel post convention has linen ooneluded between tho CnUed Slotes and Hawaii

WASHIKOTON, March I. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, the ouly living ez-Vlce-President of the United States was on the Moor of the Senate yesterday.

WASHIXOTOX, March i—Thn statement of tho public debt issued yesterday shown tho total debt to ho #l,«;v,!i74,flU7; cash In Treas. ury, #48,00(1,158; debt leiw cash in the Tress, ury, #1,128,2^0,818. inrreusc d ring Febru-ary, #0,433,815. Decrease since June i f . l:-vi, #37,ar.,ica.

WABBIMOTOX, March 4 .— G e n e r a l lto«ecrioi has been placed on the rttirod list of tho a m y , to date from Match 1, ISJO.

John W Johnston, a United Sinter Kenn-tor from is;ii to I n M died on Wmlnns.lnv nl Ui* home in lllcliuioud, Va., ug.'d > yens .

Injured lij- an Kiploaion. New OIXXAXH. March 2.-Thn boiltira of

Amos Kent's saw-null near Tangipahoa, I A , exploded Friday, doinollshing p u t s of Uie mill ami of adjoining hnlldlugs. and Injuring several persons. The boiler was Uirow-n '.'40 yarda

rnrtlliiNl (ilbliom Dlnfd. WASHIXHTOX, March 2 . - M i * Mac Mister

I-aughton gave a dinner Thursday night ot llxteen covers in honor of Cardinal Glh-b o m 'Ilio occasion was niado the more notablo by tho preaonce of the IVesldenl md Mr* Cleveland

Mother and Child Uurned. AI.UAM, N. V.. Marcha -AtTus ten , N. Y.,

Thursday Mis Nicholas Donohne und her t-year-old baby wuro burnod to death In her bouse. Her hunband was absent at the Uma of tho lire

flank Failure In OMAHA, Neb , March 2 . -The Farmers' and

Uerchunts' llnnk closed Its doors Friday on Kv.-ouut of its inability to collect what was luo it. The asaeta and UabiUUei ate each u>out ra.uou

Klll„l foT"IIU Money. JEXXMSTOWK, Pa., Match I . -The

Qermso Uuilvrirer, an ageil farm. aeor hero, was entered by burgli festerdiiy morning, who tubbed IIS.WU aud then ihut blm dead.

him ul

C A N D I D A T E S N A M E D .

Michlsan rrohlbltlonlita, Union Laborites and Democrata Nominate Tlokats.

LINSIKO, Mich., March 1.—The Prohibition and Union Labor conventions met hers Wednesday. The ITohlhltionists nominated James IL Laing, of Oeneseo, for Snprems Court Justice, and John llussell.of Macomb, and 11 N. Kellogg, of lonla, for Itegents.

Tho Union Labor convention refused to fuse with the Grcenbackers and nominated Lawrence Mcllugli, ot Arensc Coimty, for Supremo Court Justlce. Ilio nomination ot Regents was loft to tho State Central Com-mittee. Tho Oteenbaokets will IndotBe Chlcf-Justlce Sherwood.

ORAXD llArms, Mich., March 2.—Tho Dem-ocratic State convention on Thursday re-nominated Thomas IL Sherwood, of Kala-mazoo, for Supreme Justice. William J. Dally, of Mount Clemens, and John L Law-rence, of Grand Rapids, wcro nominated for Regents.

C H I N A S " N E W E M P R E S S .

The MarrlaKe Ceremony ot thn Kmperur a Moit Oorgeoui Affiilr.

SIIAXOIUI, Fob. 23 ,—The inatriage ccre-mony of the Emperor of China was a most gorgeoui though exclusive nflatr The for-eign diplomats requested the privilege ot paying their respects to hli Majesty, bn t the tenders were politely de-clined. They were entertained at • banquet by the Mlnlsten, however, and re-ceived valuable presents In honor of the occasion. The splendor surrounding tho ceremony nnd tlie vast Bum expended in carrying out tho programme is in marked contrast to the fact that millions of people are starving In tho provinces

Thin (a In Uad Shape. IXOIAXAPOUS. Ind., March 4 . -An investl-

gaUng committee finds things in bad iha jx at the Insane asylum lu this city, a being reported lu the accounts o t " Oaspen and extravagances being charged against one of thu r-ulinary departments. In charge uf the wife of Superintendent Gal-bralth.

Seeking a Dlvorrr. NEW V O W , March Maggie Mitchell hsi

applied for a divorce from her husband, Henry T. Paddock, t h s real-estate broker, who will. It Is said, p a t tn • big bill for serr-lues as her manager for a number of years on ths road. Tlie gifted actreis has two children, a hoy of 17 and a girl of IW.

A Young Lady Drowned. ROCIUISTIB, N. Y., M a r c h 4.—A s o n a n d

danghtet of P. T. Adams, of livonla, while crossing Conesns lake In a sleigh drove into a hole where Uie Ice had beon re-moved. The young man Jumped and was saved, but the young lady and the horse wore drowned.

Two Murderom Sentenced to Hang. PinLAbEt-rraA, March 4.—Jacob Rchroop

has been icntenced to be hanged for tho • of Anton Schilling Christmas day

Thomas J. Cole was also sentenced to I for tho murder of Walter C. Mo-

r, a fellow-workman, July 5,18S8.

General (1.11. m i l l a n i i Ilecoratcd. WASHIXOTOX, March 4. - General George B.

Williams, of Indiana, has liccn decorated by the.Empererof Japan with the order of tho Rising Sun. General Williams was at one t ime Minister to Japan and later organized n Ilnanclal system for that country.

Heavy Failure In Detroit. DETKOIT. Mick, Match 2.—George Motley,

a wholesale lumber dealer ot this city, on Thursday made an assignment to Edmund Hough, his attorney. Tho llabilltlea aro supposed to be less than #10O,(iU0, with as. sets of about #70,000.

Tiro Men Drowne.L I'liOvuiEXCE, IL L, March 4.—Mandus An-

derson anil August Filgton, Swedes, were drowned In Dlackraoor pond, Cranston, hav-Ing broken through the Ico. Mandus loavoi a wife and two childron.

(inndaur l lealen by O'Connor. SAX FBAXCISCO, Match 1 - O'Connor won

the three-niile boat race Sunday in 10 min-utes 45, defeating Gaudaur, who gave up at tho end of a quarter of s mile on account of tough water,


N e w Y O R K , M a r c h ! . LIVE STOCK-Cattle W t T a 4 «S

Sheep — - —

FLOUR—Oood to choice Patents

WHEAT—No,.I Red No.» Chicago

CORN OATS-No.S White..., R Y E — W e t l e r n rORrf-Mci i . . . . LARD—Steam.. CHEESE WOOL—Domeiilc

CHICAGO. BEEVES—ShlpplDif Sleeri , .

Texam Cows Blockers Feeders Uutohers' Stocli Inferior Caul-

BOOS—Live—(I.KKI loCho co BHEKP BUTTER—Creauierv

Ueod :o Choir* ll.. ri EOQS-Fre.h B R O O M CUKS-

Sslf-Work DK Hurl Interior

POTATOES (I.1..1 PURK—Me>i . LARU—Rleum FLOUR—Spr.iiK I'ut nta. . . .

Bakers' Wlnler

GRAIN-Wheal, No, V Corn. No. Oats, No. s Rye. No i Barley, •aiupl* **

LUMBER— Commuiillr*'».d.Si.|iui{.... IV uu Flooring ... »4 ou Common llo,> .1- is uo Kencln^.... • • Lath bhmgiei


Fair tolioud BOOB—Best


Common. .

CATTLE-lies I, Medium .. . .

I O ( J S

I IS W a i ! T5 un 7 10 a 7 IZH

.. . . I0«tt Hit nenic S-.' a 88

n 8! a 4 » . * £0 CJ « VU

I » O 3 00 8 Ul tt 8 70 i T . {5 3 40 *71 i t 3 » 1 « ul 8 75 I 31 O « U

' l U ' S < 18 O »

is a i w


and Neuralgia

These twin diseases cause Doctors admit that they aro i

io do their


suffering, to cure—

Palnc's Celery compound has per-manontly cured Hie wursl casts of rheumatlsin slid ncuralgla-so say th'«o who have used II.

"IIiivInK been troubled with rbeumalttm at the knee and foot fi r nvo years, I was slmosi unable toifet around, nnd was very otu n coiinned

my bed for weeks at a ily one bot-.elery coin, s perfectly

ran now Jump sround, nnd feel as lively ..a a b o y . " F U A X K CASOI.I.

Kuroks, Nevada, "fnlnr ' s Celery compound has been a God*

BHid to me. For the piist two year* I hire suf fered with neuralgia of tho heart, doctor after doctor fulllag to cure me. I hsvo now taken nearly four bottlps of the Compound, ami am frw* from tb.* complaint. I feel very gretsfui t o y o u . " CUAS. B . L E W I S , c e n t r a l Vlluge. Ct

Paine's Celery Compound •1 have Iwcn greatly amicted with acute

rheiimniism. and could find no relief until I used Paine's (viery Compound. After using six boules of this ini-dlclnr I am now cured ol rheumatic troublca"

SAUI-TL HFTCHIKSOX, So. C u r n l s h . N . II .

E f f e c t s L a s t i n g C u r e s . r s Ine'sCelery compound has performed msny

othercuns ui marvelous us the*.-topicso( letters sent to any address, t/i lake. di»-t not disturb, but aids digestion. ;.n.I enllre-ly vpgctuble; a child can lake it. What's ihv uv of suO.'rlus longer with rheumatlrmi ur n.'undgla;

#l.oo. Slxforfs w. Drugglbts. Mammolli testimonial iiivp.T free.

Wi lis, lliCHAiiiisos*tCo..lTO|«.,lliirlln.'lnii VI.


p Jo/f-p U/KII l/irtntol / W / .irr ll<M j. unOICO jiappy, Uiarti. ll h IMtqialtd.




|TEB GREAT Blood Purlller.

^ 1 CO

c o

x.'j* Cancan, Humors, Sores, Ulcen, Swellings, Tumors, Atxceues, Blood rolfonlnf. Salt Rheum, Cutarrh. Erj-aipelai, RhcuniatUre, and all Blood jnd Skin Oiscaiei. Piucr., 31 p. r I'lnt Bottle, or 0 llottln for S \ ilb. can Solid Extract |«S0 , m

J. JL LOOSE RED CLOVER CO.. Dutrott, Uloh.


<5c H U n S T T E R . H T J I S T T (3'eow)

n w W o u i o y o o ^ • • Ihe niPNillni; ol Ilio le ll.l*

and the nalurcol Ihe uie I T U m D m n Ibe.e t » o IMMII.- 11..ti.. ..I i n i n nLHU Irom the l ull. .*1 I'mamiel Sweden borgi

T H E D I V I N E P R O t i l l E W C E , I.Mraelolh. IKMUISVO. I-p KIT I rl... .. MI.,

p ^t-pal.l. " Hit I Urine J'rfjrlilmrf itlh •/•.irnnm: • •

hitiri thrive A.,i, .1,1,1 lllx/oui,"- ilpnli .


Kzlmil.mi. K-mlsv... I 'p.I ' i With fullli . des and Index of Scripture iiii»;, I'llie.Ti.enl., pM oild.

Addn-f* W. II. AI.DKN. V r .C«r. l ldanJChti ln ' t8i i . u ''n

A full ertalntiueof Siviilpiiboru't and . i'*.iki* M III LI.v lo any n.ldn"- on ..ppli, i,, , 4uV niqulium'tbe rheerfully iinnri rt l.jnr i •

8 U0 'it 8 tn it* MU ki s

W-iO SIHU 44 (« si a

l l i l 9. < SO i m m so I *\ ' t 4 35

T h e T e a c h e r Who advised her pupils lo strengthen their minds by tho use of Ayer's Sar-taparilla, appreciated the truth tha t bodily health Is essential to mental vigor. For persons of dollcate and feeble i n s t i t u t i on , whetber young or old, this mediciue is remarkably benellcial. Be •ure you get Ayur ' s S u r s a p a r l l l a .

" Every spring nnd full 1 take a num. bet of bottles of Ayer 's SntsnpMrilln.aiid am greatly benefited." — .Mrs. Junua U. Eastman, Stonohum, Muss.

" J bavs taken Ayer 's Sarsapsrilla with great lienellt to my gonersl health." — Miss Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md.

" M y daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered fur tho past year from

G e n e r a l D e b i l i t y .

A few weeks since, we began to give her Ayer 's Sarsapntilla. Her health has greatly Improved." —Mrs. Harriot H . Battles, South Chelmsford, f



Scales of all Sizes. ; Ton Wagon S a l e wilh Brass Tare Beam and Beam Box, F 60. J-'or free JViee Liilof all iinJi, aJJreii

J O N E S O F B I N C H A M T O N , B I N C H K K T O N , N. V.


B u s L i n e F O R E M A N & T A L B O T , PROP'S.

Order* for Paaaengern or IlsgimM left at Train's Hotel, Davia House or Foreman A Al-

drlch's Market will receive prompt attention.

I Holld Oelii W.oh.* K w C l M . A I L U U I T O . . Ss9>raulUia«WMU.

IUMkM|»r. W.r-, Uff.'J

kllu.LI.F CU M . B..S I .JM , '

1 V « « . U * « fceri lUm LA fmmr IMNM F>t U mmmth* * • • • iktm U UOM

l ) o ^ u


I ^ e r ) t \ ) ?

3 ) E S T W b i c f )

d J l N Z E f ^ S

u 0 L D H O N E S T Y I | Q e n u i n e [ \ a s a

R e d H t i n t a g o n

e v e r y p l u g .

O L D H O N E S T Y i s a c K p o w l -

M C P H E R S O N ' S

B A Z A A R T R A I N ' S O P E R A H O U S E B L O C K ,



The Place to Buy Everything Cheap!

o r d r a n a a r a L t i e w i n q T o b a c c o

o n t h e m a r K c t . T r x l n g i t i s

a b e l t e r test t h a n a n y t a l K

a b o u t i t . G i v e i t a f a i r t r i a l

Y o u r d e a l e r h a s i t .

•IHO. FINZER A BROS., Loi ls i l l le , Ky.

S E E T H E G O O D S A N D P R I C E S A n d y o u w i l l b e c o n v i n c e d ,


F O U L W E A T H E R ! W e don' t have to watch tho weather reports. Wo don ' t have to select

our goods in the l ight or dark of tbe moon.


HURT D O N T D O N ' T D O N ' T

SCARE RATTLE F u s . t ' 8 . U S . U S .

MORTOAOE SALK—Default having been made In thecondltioni of a certain moit-

ica«e bearing date the fourteenth day of March, ! onn tbouaand. eight hundred and aeventy-sevrn, I and made and executed by Hester Brown and Julia D.Brown his wlfe.boln of the city of Orand Oeorre It. Cook,of Byracuie, ! New York; which morteaKe waa received for record and reconied In tho office of tbe regliter ' of deeds of Kent Couuty. Mlcbigan. on the four-teenth day of .March, A. D., IffTiV at 3 o'clock P. 'if,. In liber "S of Mortages on page 190. and upon i said niortKaKo above mentioned and descrll

" " to bo due Ida notice tl

itr-tbree dolL.. M |#473.U] for principal and Interest, which Is the

there being claimed date of thia notice tho sum of

three dollars and fifty five cents.

thereon at the four hundred and

whole amount claimed to be unpaid thereon,and no ault or proceedings al law or In equity having been instituted to recover '.he debt aecurvd by laid mortgage, or any part thereof; ihsrefore notice Is hereby glveii.thal by virtue of tho |>o*er of sale in aaid mortgwe contained, and In pur-nuance of the itatute In riich cave made aud provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Ihe prrinlM'S therein drscribed at public auction, lo the hlgheat bidder, at tho front door of tlie Court

Court houso called. In Ihe cit "i day of April, 1"

ity of 889, at firand Rapids, on . . I

10 o'clock In tlie forenoon of Hiat dsy. to satisfy *ald mortgage debt and costs and expenses of •ale. including the atatutory Attorney |ireralsva belug deacrlbed In said

l l a i ^ l nurth-e«*t oue-quarlrr (N. E. i n ofthi

llowa; All that certain piece or I oa follows, i '.(K.E. Ml

known and detoribed <

west one-quarter [8 W. M] of nine 129] townthlp nine 1»] north, i—,—......j- u,..v |»|..v,..., range eleven III] writ, except one |l] aero sold to •chool dla irlct and ono quarter 1)4) acre deeded to the (lood Templers. County of Kent and Slats of Michigan. Kald piece of laud containing thirty-eight (3(l| and three-quartera acres of land, be Ihe name mure or Ion, acconling to (lovem-m ent survey.

Dated January ICth, IHH9. OEOROE H. COOK.

Enwn F. SiricT. Mortgagee. \lloniey for said Mortgagee.

pitUBATK OttDEK.—Stale of Michigan. Couu 1 ly of Kent. s», Al a session of ihe Pmhate Court for the Counlv of Kent, held al Ihe I'robate

i office. In tlie l i ly of Grand Kaplds, on the 13th 1 day of Ketiruan-. in the y. hnndn d and eighty nine.

' or t i r He'

"About a year ago I begnn using Ayrr ' i Satsaparllla as a remedy lor delillity und neuralgia resulting fiom malarial exposure in the ariny. I was In a very bad condition, but si* iKittles of the Sar- , snparilla, with occasional doses ol Ayer's ual. a Pills, have greatly Improved my health 1 am now able to work, and feel that I i annot aay too much for your excellent remedies." — K. A . Plukham, South Molunctis, Me.

" M y daughter, sixteen years old, l» using Ayer's Snrsaparllla with good ef* feet. —Rev. 8. J , Uraham, I 'nlted Brethren Church, Biickhuunon, W. Vu.

" J suffered from

l'iv»eut. Cyrus E Perkins, Judge of Probate. In Hie Matter of the Estate of

HASIEf. McEWEX, dterased.

An Inairument In wilting purporting lo b« tlie law will an.l iHStamenv of aild di ceased having lieen llleil In Ihls Court for i'rubale.

Il In Ordered, that FniDAV, TUX I5rii u»Y o r MAUCH. KXXT,

atteo o'eloek In thu foren.wn, at Mild Probate Office, I*. dpp..lnlcl for proving said liii.trum<nl.

II l> rurther Ordered, thai a copy of this e Plllillshed ' said dayuf

copy Ibree auueossive weeka pre le.irlng. In tho Ixweli Jour

spa per printed aud elreulatlng In aald County of KenL CVHOH E. PEuRlNS,

IA injeoppy.) Judge of Probate, I UASS W Hiss, Keglsier. — -

C l m n c u r y S i i l » .

CTATE «F MIOIIIOAK.—The Circuit Court for O the County of Keul; In Chancery,

CiunLls T, Wooniso, Complainant. v«.

L«l'BA A. TMOIIAS, Anyxiil). Tuonta AsoCAsrAR Woou, I'efeiil

PUOIIATE ORDEK. Stale of Mlchlran. Cour.y of Kant M. At a seMlon of the Probsts

Court for said County of Kent, held at Ihe Pro-l»le Office iu ihe Cily of Orand Kaplds, on the ttd day of f ehruary. In the year enr ihousand, s (.'hi hundred and eUhty nine.

Present, Cyrus E. Perkins, Judge of Probate. In the nmtlerof Hio estate of „ NOBLE D. STKONO, DecMied. Ettle A. Trask having filled in thin Court a

petition pravinvlhai the admlniatnuion uf said Esiale may be granted lo Emory T. Strong.

It is ordered thai Monday, the Kth day of March, next, at ten o'clock in llui forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for hear-ing aaid pelltlon.

And il Is further unlered thai a copy of this or-der bo puhllshed Hire* suocesalve weeks pre vlous lo said day ol hearing in the LOIVZLL J oca XAL. a newMiaper printed and circulating in said County of Kent,

CYRUS E. PERKINS, (A true eopy^ Judge of Probate.

Frank ' line. Regl.ler. (Mt3)

O r d e r o l ' P u b l i c a t i o n .

CTATE O the (

OF MICHIOAN.—The Circuit Court for the County of Kent: In Chancery.

( I t o n o n A. S V X B T AUD E D W I N F. S W E X T , Executors ot the last will andlesu-ment of Sidney Sweet, deceased. Com-plaiuantM,

\n. CUALXS B. S u o n , L V U A R D. F o i i t r r . JEXXIE A. Jonxsox, Administratrix of the estate of William B. Johnson, de-ceased, and Enwix M. BciXAan, Defendsnta.

Al a Miaion of said Court, held at ihe Court H mse. In the clly of Grand Rapids, In said coun-ty. on theJtad day of January. A. D. I!fc8,

PreKent, Hon. William E. Grove, circuit

InJUils cause, it appearing from affldavlt oa defendant,Lym

departed from his hut and his residence cannot

t,Lyman D. Folleit, has ;known plaoeofjesldenoe

be aacenalned In what state or country '— on motion of Edsrio F. Sweet, Com-

. Solicitor, it is ordered that Ihe ap-pearacce of said non-resident defendant.Lyman 1). Folleit, be entered horuln'wlthln Ave months from Uie date of tills order, and In case of his ap-pearance be cause his answer to the Bill of Com-plaint to IK filed.and a copy lliereuf to be seryed on the Complainam's Solicitor nithln twest; days after M • vie* on him of a copy of said Dill and notice of this order; aud la defanll thereof, said BUI will be taken at confeased by mild too-resident Defendant.

And It Ii further ordered that within twenty days the Complalnani cause a notice of thli or-der lo be publlahnl In Ihe Lowxu. JOI-SXAL, a newapaper nnnied. published and circulailog in said County, and that eald publication be con-tinued therein once In each weak for six weeka In succeaslon, or that he csuse a copy o' ihls or-der lo be porsonally aerred un said non-resldrnl Defendant at least twenty daya before tho llm hove prescribed for his np|>"arance

WILLIAM E. OKllVE, arcult Judge. Examined, countersigned and entered hy me.

Coltxiuia L. HARVIT. Krgliter. Enwix F. SWSET, Cuniplainant's Solictor ana

of Counael. (A true copy, atleat)

Conxcut's L liAaviT, Rtglsler.

WWHHYV N N O o T T ? Becatiflo ou r goods are wor th w h a t we ask for them. Because wo are

a lways low priced nnd {teople are enger for ou r bargains. Noth ing stops t h e crowd tha t t rade wi th

R O B E R T S O N & S O N , T H R S H O R M H N

Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup. SCROFULA u n d o u b t e d l y u WHAT IT It had its origin

All NO* Tl a m o n g t h e IYIICIMI IT. poorer clussci

in new countries where water wai bad, miasmas prevalent, lood with little varietv, cloth-ing IniuRicient, and exposure lo cold and wet common and frequent

SCROFULA. We believe it to be the cause ol nearly all chronic diseases


TREATMENT-- In this, the 1 uii t is of iniportiince, i n d

the hv^iene not to be neglect-ed. T r e s h air, exercise and abundant clothing are all im-porlant. Hibbard's Rheu-m .lie Syrup is the only rem-edv.

I T I S P O S I T I V E . Containing the medicinal

^ virtues of certain Plantt and , • Ronte of kiTown alteraUve

/ -v. , ww ' and Dnpurant Natures, to-gether with such remedies as Poke, Burdock, Winter-grem, diuretic, healing und ln\ igorating, it becomes tne • remedy of all remedies" for this most common and insidious enemy ol man .ind.

A L W A Y S R E L I A B L E S A . F E F A M I L Y M E D I O H M H

AiOtimn ami Wuter , n o u " 1 "- AUaya in K J K « , ifm£. Sum our, U you c»aoo« p. il ol

•vaya In H J I O O , Sfrhf, J direct to uv Pore Jixo; 6 botUes |5a». PlatUn i


-IT BVSON, N . Y . - l have br,n doclorinr for YEARS O F S U F F E R I N G . * . WALKIA, Weil Lebanon, Ind.

lllniHod'. Ilhcuiniiic Svrup and Pinters .crofula, but found DO relief un"? ! c i X S u k ' , Hihl..,,,!'. Hheuma'tlc S>ruP aTpiailers have liiif your Syrup. CooUnuing Ui un- Ii i. few monlh. f;0nr , n o r r . fl'r '"v than any olhcr medicine that I I round mjMlf cured. 1 believe il io IK UIC bui ^ ' " l

el, " . , I l l ' t , n ; '• '• Uu grealtil i.mcdyforla.

'Titduinc in the world. j Pur*' blood, anil l.»r a dv>|>epl'e or u Ciaiitiuated pee. MHS. W I L L I A M S T * A N O . I 'D 'OII^BSIU'CS H ' ' V " : M , " N D N , •

N'o remedv lople.

niedv known io highly endoned by ili home in Ihe Uealmcnl of HhcumalUm and all

G . B . H A K S I I O H , Uber-.y.Tia.

P,op. , ,„',n l h c bwiment of Rheumallim and all I11...I Diseases. Our Medical Pamphlel, Orating . . ' " " " r '.'"Ived Ihe above Irttcr Ih • KI Ilhuonaiumaad all Blood and Fsmals DUea.c». mmkl il la ihe grealcsl medicine in •kui Ircr tn aj pactlioo. Ii ylvtn cuUrc ••liiiactiun !• ali my i R H E U M A T I O S Y B U P C o . , J A C K S O N . M I O H . ! COU K. S . 7 .

this m the

A S U R E C U R E FOR R H E U M A T I B M . Satlslaclory Teas and Coffees

are tkose that

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R .

D U . A . B , S P I N N E Y , O r DETKOIT, .

will be u the Rathbun Home. Grand Kaplds. em tho 8r| of each month only. Special atlenclon given to Catarrh, Kya, Bar, Throat aad Lang Dlseaaea! U B « , a l . UUrtoo and P r i e a t i

BOB VTE ORDEK—Slate ofMichigoB.County of Kent. M. At a waslon of the Probate Court

for aald county of Kent, held«t Ihe Probate nty of OIBcs. In the City of Grand Rapids, oa Uie Wh

ej" | jhty-nlo

Presenl Cyrus K.Perkliu, Judga ef Probate.

day of March, fn Uie year one thouiand hundred anil eigfaty-nhi

Itlng purporting to be ib« l uf >ald deoeaaed havlag ly for probate.

In the Mailer of the Eataic of JOHN M. WATERS, deceased.

An Instniment In writing pai last will and Imlamem of sold been filed In this county for probate.

It Is Ordered, that Friday, the 5th day of April next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon at sold I'rubale Office, be appointed for proving aaid Inslrument, . ' 6

And il is Farther Ordsred, That a copy of this ordrrbopulillidiodlhrrniiiccebdvo weeks pre-vious to aaid • ,"u ' 1— •- • ' JoeaxAL. a ne

t to said day of hearing. In tlio U w i a KAt. a nensnsper printed and " ' '

I Cjiinly of Keui. I circulating ja

N e r v o u s P r o s t r a t i o n , m rllh lama l.aelt an.l l.aadaeha an.l l . . w T 1 1 » ' •""."IS0 suction al the south frol.l door of with lame hack and headache, and have

beno much bsnsflted by the use of Ayer ' i Ssrsapatilla. I am now 89 years of age. and am satisfied that my present beaub and prolonged life aro due to tbe use ol Ayer 's Sarsnparllla." —Lucy Moffitt, Klllingly, Conn.

Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 7r years old. So. Woodstock, Vt., w rites '•After several weeks' suffering from uervous prostration, I procured a bottle of Ayer 's Sarsaparllln, and liefore I had taken ball of i t my usual health re turned."

the Court House, of Kent ( Court block, so called,

*unty, to alt. tho clly of Grand

Kaplds. in sold county of Kent, ou lha fifth dsv of April, A. D., 1W1I, al 10 o'clock A. M . all ihoae

| eermin pieces and parcels of land illusted In tbe i Coui.Hea of Kont and Barry. Slate of Michigan,

knoan and described a>folI<iwa.lo wit: (jom-1 mendng at the north-east corner uf the inuth-

welt quarlerlVl) of Ihe north west quarlr- 1,11] of secUon Isreniy three [il] In townvhlp number four 14} D irtli of range ten |10] weal; Thence rnnufnrf wo»t Iwemy («1 rods: Thence due nuth alxtnui [IB] ruda; Tbence duneoat twenty

Is con-(«] rods: Thence due north [101 rod« ulnlug two acre* of land being in Barry co„,..,. Michigan. al«o Ihe east half of Ihe southwest

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FBXrAUEU DY

Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M a t t Price $1; sli bollles, t i . Worth t i a bollls.

...hlgau. Dalod February 9th, A 1)., 18*3.

DWIGHT 0 0 8 8 . Circuit Court Commissioner,

Kenl County, Mvaog H . W A L X X I ,

Uimplaluant'i Solicitor. (liwT)

CYRUS E PERKINS, Judge of Probate.


vroncE or C O M M I S S I O N E R S ON CLAIMS i ' Stale of Michigan, County of Kent, u Pro. bate Court fur said Count). ^ ^

Estate of SCOTT L. FISHER,

deceased. The undenlgned having lieen appointed by

the Hon. Judge of Probate of ..M county. Commisiloners on Claims lo the mailer of Ml J estate, and six inuntbs from Ihe VSth day 0 t , f i rU, ' r I ' !! 1.M9- l '* , l n ' ! allowed by said Judge of Prolate to all person! having

'.-,1 s*id Estate. In which lo present > iu forexamination aud adjustment

-C I. Hereby Given. TIuil we will meet oa Thurnoar Ihe lllh day of April, A. D. I»». and on Monday,the 30lh day of September, A. D.l8«, ' i M- of each day, al the office of 8. P . H i c k s In th • township and village of Lowell, in sold.cjunty, lo receive and examine lueh claims.

Dated, Lowell. Mich., March !!d. A. D. IBM. SYLVESTER P. HICKS, FRANK C. ALGER,

their clai Notice

The Verdict of the Family at the

BREAKHST OR TEA TABLE recardlnc lle-ae goods and whence they come la

a moat Important una.

W h e r e d i d v o u q e t t h a t

T e a or C o f f e e ? Our experienoe wlUi Teas and Coffeea ena-

blei us lo

G u a r a n t e e S a t i s f a c t i o n ,

or they mar be returned aud money refunded.


Please favor us wi th y o u r • r d e n .


A . F I S H E R & C O .



Every man. woman and child ought trf take a _ _ s f l t a*rr, lUkiont o r t f o


Insurance A G E N C Y .

The fol lowing first n 'orcsei i leJ :

In su rance Company of Nor th A m e n ca "17M" fThe oldett Amer ican Co.)

F i remen s Fund , San Francicco. T h e Old Connecticut , Ha r t fo rd . Detroit F i re & Marine, | r* , .. Mich, F i re & Marine, | D e t r o " ' Wes te rn Assurance, Canada . Also several of tho best

Life and Accident Companies.

j, .. . . I ni,'*llrlnr, ought to "dean houM

VJ .^mlnrol 1>«trollBankarsayi: "liak uutllesof

C H O L A G O G U E M A L A R I A , B I L I O U S N E S S ,

F E V E R A N D A Q U I . . . — •——toooa-htlf lb«

' l ine . CII ASK I lkDICI^K Hell. FaaaAnD, WlLLUMiaiCo.


Do Your Own Dye ing , a t Th y •ill d,s rviryiMng. They sresold evarr-

while. PrualOo. u packa.s. TiMyhavanoa^Jl ' j Strength, llrlghiness, Amouni In Paakam

"t for nf Color ur no>..fa<lliiii UuallUea. iMf do Uv» tnokoriiaiiti fiiOluu. IWtal ib t

H U N T & HUNTER, DruggisU.

D A N I E L S ' "


L O W E L L , - M I C H .

Choicest Meats, Fish and Poultry.

Csih Paid for All Kinds' ot Fal Block, Poultry and Uldes and Pel la.

J . 8 . D A N I E L S .

L O W E L L J O U R N A L ; W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 6 , 1 8 3 9 .

OAII'L ITBIKKR. • Sewing machines. Needles a n d Oils ot : Altheu's.

Bowne. Combs & Striker, y B A N K E R S ,

L o w e l l .

Old Jounutl

pollers niilv 6c per dog. at tbo tl oltice.

lega: wear at Cbas. Althen's .


| Mrs R. T ruax is spending a few days _ M i o h i g a n w " ' 1 ' , e r "olo*, i l f 8 - ^ a u Wood.

Spring Styles Clothing a r r iv ing at Al-„ „ . . . II I. I i then's. Corner Store, Train 's Opera TraiiHact a General n.iiiking Uusiness H„„ u „ -

und Issue Drafts nvnllubli! in nil parts of t h e World.

M . C . G R I S W O L D ,

C A S H I E R .

J . H A R R I S O N R I C K E R T ,

D E N T I S T .

Fine Gold EllliDgs a Specialty. All work Warranled.

L o w e l l , - M i c h .

> L O W E L L

B u s i n e s s M e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n .

Regular Meeting's f i n l Thurtda/ in every

roonih, at B. C. Smith'i ttore,

N . B . B L A I N , P r e s .

C h a s . J . C h u r c h & S o n

B A N K I R ,

L o w e l l , M i c h .

Wecbel, Schein, V e r k a u f t nach Deutch-land und Alia I j tnder ,

Anil freeie bargains at Robertson k Son'i.

M i l l / 4 cents per nuiir t a t n y house, l ' 1 1 1 " f r o m 8 to 0 a . in, nnd f rom 6 to 6 p , m . D , E . S P R I N G .

P n p Q a l o -Soverul choice f a rms lo-l U I O a l O . c j ted m Keene, Vergen-

U O U S K Block.

I Miss Lnum Fisher is home f n m i Kal-| amazoo, wbere slu.-bus U-eu utteudlng ! the Fern. Hem.

| J o h n Wingler bus gone to Wnshlni!-: Territory. E l . Harks and Wilbur Pur-1 d.-i- accompauied him.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. J . C. Scott this Friday. 1'. M., a t 9 30. There will lie u programme.

J . T. Hazxiird has moved his stock of boots nnd shoes to Orand Itupids. Ills Incation is o r I'lainlleld avenue .

Several couple of l/J'Aell people S|M'iil an enjoyable evening nt TIIUM, Daniel's of Keene, one evening Inst week.

Mr. While, the shoemaker , who has bi-en with J T. Hazard, will be In one side of Fuller's llamesN Store hereaf te i .

IliihinesH Men's meet ing to morrow evening. As new officers a re lo be elect-ed. it is lio|ied there will be a large a t -tendaoce.

Elmer Jones lias left the employ of the Furn i tu re Co. nnd goes to Mishiiwu-ka. Ind. . to work with his brother , A. M. J o n e s .

The pa.t ially burned bui ld ing former-ly occupied by IVadle, s s a harm-HHidiop, is being reunite:! and l ieorge It. Fuller will move into it.

Onn hundred nnmbe.'s were fold for the Inatiguriition Par ty , nnd u very e x . cellent t ime is reuorted. It wasprobnli-ly only second to t h e o n e l n WusblngUin.

Subscribe for Urand Kaplds' liest


DM, Bowne and Boston. Als" several houses and lots in tho village of Ixiwell, Can su i t all classes of customers . For f a r t h e r part iculars inquire at t h e office oi 8 . P. HICKS, 2tf over Wes t & (Jo's dru»t store.

Chilblain bargains at Robertson ft I

W a n t f k f i - 7 0 E X C H A N G E A GOOD I t a l l i P U | — - J M f t for a new milch


U A . I E F T A N D T H R E E LOTS TO E X . n U U d C change for a small f a rm near t o w n sui table lor milk business.


~Cold feet bargains at Bobertton t Son's.

New Milks CowswScAhNiTS.FS?

the h ighes t price in cash. Drop a postal 11 m a a n d I will call a t once.

J . 8 . DA N I E L S , Lowell, Mich., P . O. Box 270.

Comfart bargains at Robertson ft Son's.

Pay Up.

• AU part ies owing m e on account will berebv t a k e notice tha t unless their ac-coun t s ure settled immediate ly they will be placed in t h e hands of a collector.

I . U . M A L C O L M .


n B l o c k , L o w e l l , M i c h . L y o

A General Banking Business Conducted.

a.n.4 C O I ^ B O X l o a T Q .

Drafta Sold on all Foreign Ceuntrtea.

H E R E ^ N D T H E R E .

Spr ing like.

Meetings still cont inue at the

brld .•Vie'

paper, Lowe!

, The Dailjr Democrat . Arrives In promptly on 7 3 0 a, in train.

Delivered by S. A. Hush a t I'.'t cenik u week.

In t h e compilation of t b e government olllces on first |iage, the Lowell |K>st ofliee is omi t ted . The salary is 41,-IUO with t^OO allowed for rent , making it virtually |1,600.

Robinson & Smi th Is t h e n a m e of a new firm, who m a n u f a c t u r e barness, halters a n d whip lashiw. They are building a shop near F r a n k Robinson's on the S. i t 8 . aduit ion.

J . M. Walters , an aged a n d res|iected citizen of this villHge, died very sudden-ly of heart disease Inst Tuesday n i g h t . His widow goes to Stanton to ii /v with Mr. Wat ters ' brother, Levi,

Tlie Mason ilt Morgan compuuy gave fon t very fine en te r t a inmen t s In Music Hall last week. Those who failed to see them missed seeing one of the best troupes which have played here this winter.

One half of the principal businesssmiaro of Kalkaska was burned Sunday . Some 8 or 10 l inns were heavy losers. Among those burned out wasUeorgeT. Howard, whose loss was $7,000 wi th (5,U00 in. surance.

Persons wishing to improve their memories or s trengthen the i r power of a t tent ion should send to Prof . Loisette, 237 F i f th Ave., N. Y., for his prospectus post f r e t , as advertised in another column.

Grand Rapids Iwys are p u t t i n g in all their spare t ime killing sparrows.receiv. ing a bounty of one cent each f rom the

A S O F T S N A P .

Thai 's what Hou. I. M. Weston l i a s Re-ceived From Hie President.

By his appoiut inent as Commissioner to examine and pass upon the last sec-tion of the Oregon & Pacific rai l road. Mayor Weston has secured not only a high compliment f rom President Cleve-land but a very plensant and profi table job. The road is a portion ol i heSon ib -ern Pacific system, which pract ica l ly ex tends f rom oeenn to ocean, and is t h e longest line nf any rallroud in the .vurld.

It is contiolied by the l lunt inKton-S ianford i-p.wd, who own IJO (.er cen t , of the stock.

F<<r t h e coni t rnc i ion of the road Ihe company is t o receive a large hind g r a n t , which will prolmbly pny the cost of building it two or three tunes over , and ad thoir get t ing the land depends upon the decision of the Coinmissioners, t h e latter will be t reated with considerable deierence. The president 's pr ivate car will lie pi need at their service, and the company officiaU will see tha t a liberal supply of liquors a re put where they can be reached if needed for medical or o the r purposes. The duty of tbe commission-er* requires them to ride over Ihe road reclining in t i m e cushioned seats, wi th cigars, etc. , in easy reach, und s ta re out of the window, ns they whirl a long a l the ra le of 40 miles an hour. They w ill •bus find out that tho railroad real ly exists, und will report Ih i t fact lu tlie Government which will pay them a handsome mileage lor riding across t h e Cont inent , on free passes, and will throw in a |ier diem for t h e t ime they occupy.

To the reportem yesterday Mr. Weston expressed profoinui ignotaiice as to how the appoin tment Imppened to come his wuy nnd said thnl all the in fonnu t ion he had about il was a brief lelegrnm f rom Don DickiiiMin announc ing that the i tppoinlment bud been made.—TV/E 1/rom ftemlil.

H E R E IS T H E C A B I N E T .

Preatdenl Harrison sends the Numos to Ihe Meuale.

Washington , March 5.—President Harrison to-day sent lo Ihe Senate tbe fol lowing nominat ions:

Secretary of Stute—James (1. Blsin, of Maine.

S ic rc ta ry of Ihe Treaout) —William Windom. of Minnesota.

8. cretary of War—Rod field Proctor , of Vermont.

Secretary of the Navy—Benjamin F. Tracy, of New Yojk,

Secrelnry of thu Inter loi—John W. Noble, of Missouri.

Postmaster General—John Wuna-m a a e r . of PviuiHylvunia.

At torney General—W. H. H . Miller, of Indiana .

Secretarv of Agricul ture—Jeremiah Rusk, of Wisconsin,

Shot al While Praying.

The following incident concerning a former Lowellite occurred recent ly in Churlotie. Thu i tem is taken f rom the Charlot te Leader:

Lewis Harmon had an exper iecce lust Wednesday evening which ha will ru-tnember as long as be d r aws breath , l a wis is engaged iu a t tending hornesfor di l fereni parties in this c i ty , and sleeps iu W . F . Pike's house on J o b n - o n s t r e e t . On the evening in question Le stepped into Turner ' s feed store to get a b a g of bran, and there he met a member of the t r amp f ra terni ty who wus s. eking a place to gut himself between a pair ot sbeetu unti l morn ing . Mr. Harmon 's sytupa-

span mutunl-agreement . nnd tha t be will p .y no more of he r bills. Mrs. Stewar t comes back with tbe dec lara t ion tha t Stewar t got her lo sign a deed of seimra-tion and then continued to l ive wiih her uuti1 it pleuHsd bini to leave. Shu will invoke the law to compel him to support her and their baby.

Twenty thousand young t rnu t will l.e received here Thursday morn ing by Chas. Althen, who » i i h the help of several o ther llsheniU'ii will p lant them al the bead of the several c r reks in this vicinity. All of the small s t reams about here have now been stocked und in most of them the t rout have thr ived, so that t rout ing is now becoming a very popular spurt d u r i n g the season.

Our Sanc tum is graced wi lh a boquot which contains cherry blosoms, present-ed hy Mrs. W, S. Barnes. How ' s that for a s u m m e r resort c l imate ? But i hey sa> confession is good for the soul, so we'll t ry a little dose. Wn a r e not like the immorta l George, whose bir thday was celebrated the other dny ; we can tell a lie about Ihe cherry t r ee , bnt won't. Mrs. Barnes took some brnnclies from a cherry tree and pu t them in wa t . er. In tlie house.

$5 00-5 10 1 10


M E.

i m a d e to order a t B. C, Smith 's , f r o m | IH up.

Andersonville c a m e within about fU of pay ing expenses a t Suranso.

Alleged " W n i t o Caps" aro sending let tera t o residents of Woodland.

Get \ o i | r evening and par ty neck ties a t Althen 's . New invoice jus t received.

Spr ing styles In ba ts and caps jus t re-eeived a t A'lthen's, t h e Clothier & Furn-

i s h e r .

W h y buy pants tha t don ' t fit, when |4 .00 will get you a pair to order at B. C . Smi ths?

George Hall lost tw-p fingers from his lef t hand while a t » o r k in the furn i ture fac tory , last Thursday ,

M A R R I E D . — F e b ' y 28. 1880, by Rev. H W. 'Powe l l , J o h n W. Bliss und Miss Iza Ford, b o t h of Gra t tan .

Dexter Leok, town treasurer , returned |149.08 uncollected Wx, of which only 117.78 w a s S la te and |17.73 county t ax

Wil l iam Mitchell, al ias Graham, a convict , owaped f rom the Ionia prison Wednesday . A reward of $75 is offered f o r b im,

0 . H o f m a n , f rom Chicago, ooens bis shoe store in the Blue Front on the bridge, t o -day . Read his advert isement

where .

rs. Harr ie t Cole of Orand Rapids, is ,109 years old, and still bale and bearly. tHer 103d bir thday occurred Jan . 11, and , she celebrated it w i t h a par ty .

A large company of f r iends surprised Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred Clark March Ist, it

tbeing t b e 10th anniversary of their wed-.d ing. T h o present was a handsome lea-

i « t -County Treasurer Colson's mother

.died a t he r b e n e in Alaska Sa turday . She w a s 90 years of age , and though i te r dea th waa sudden i t was no t unex-gwoted.

A largely at tended a n d very en joya-ble reception was given a t the home of Mr. a n d Mrs. S. E. Hoag, Fr iday even evening , in honor of their son Warren a n d wife, who were recently married.

At Kopf Bros, you will find the finest of Bedroom'Sui t s . Beds, Bureaus, eve r i b o w n in Lowell , all of their manufac tu re . Now is the l ime to

r , a s they offer t hom a t wholesale priobs.

Since the adyont of the cheap little air g u n t b e boyh make very lively t imes fo r tbe Bnglish sparrows Al though the l i t t le peeta don ' t seem to diminish much in number , they aro get t ing shy and d o n t sit a round under foot so impudent-ly a i they did.

Measra. R. J . F l a n n a g a n and A. H, P e c k h a m a r e now the proprietors of tbe Cu t t e r Works former ly owned by t h e S ta r C u t t e r Co., and later by the Cragm M f g . Co. They aro pu t t i ng in a new Bnisell 60-hone engine and will soon be in shape to resume manufac tu r ing .

Michael Farrell , i f Ada. Kent county , ia m bard luck. Ho reared 11 chi ldren,

of w h o m are girls, and to seven of when they were married he gave each. To the remaining daught -. Frrrel l deeded 360 acres of land

$11,000, and now the old man to have the deed set aside as none

of the children w ill cure for h im. I t ' s tlie old, old story,

Mrs Thompson and son. and Mr. Bossier and wife, of Keene. were driv-ing home f rom town in a double seated buggy Sa tu rday morn ing , and when j u s t eoat of the M. E church, their t e a m was f r ightened by some fast driv-ers w h o came.up behind them, and ran in to C. VanDeusen's wuKon w Inch was ahead of t hem. All in the buggy were t h r o w n out , a n d Mrs. T h o m p s o n - w a s qu i te severely bruised.

city, an.l Mlliiuc the c a c a * * - to the th'-tm nature a r . s* .n i u ma jes ty a n d n*

c r n T p l S t ' " W n U o u a l n U u o e ^ S j m u d i * y m p a t h y ^ h a s pies result . | for a man in need t h a t he cooked

E. A. S tewar t , of Ionia, a n n o n i i c i ' h i m a supper tha t would have graced tha t be and his wife have sepamled hy {the table uf a nobleman. Had the

' i r . imp asked for a new suit of clothes he would probably have gut it. Bu i there cume a t ime when Lewis would have seen tbo visitor in Sneol before he would expend to him the honpitality dur u dog .

Mr Harmon is a devout Catholic and says bis prayers every n ight liefore le-t i n n g . Un this evening he had knelt besido his bed and wan about half t hnn igh his prayer , when whiz, bang, went a bullet past his head und Lewis full over on the bed. For u few minutes lie lay us one dead, when the t r a m p caught him by the shuuldor and asked linn il lie was dead, and in bisbewilder-Vient mut tered "yes , " An explana t ion followed. Lewis keeps a revolver lying on a stand in his room, and whi le he was on his bended knees the t r a m p picked the weapon up to examine it when it accideutly wi nt olf. The act ion of t h e t r a m p convinced Lewis t h a t it was purely an accident und the two w e n t tu bed in a few minutes a f t e r w a r d s ami were soon lost in dreamland.

Mr, l i a n n o n says he isstill a l inn be-liver in prayer, but hereaf ter he will let the o ther fellow do the praying mid he will do the shooting.

Pork Bailey Wheat Corn, 35 Oats 114 Rye 40 Buiter 18 Eggs 18 Veal fl Chickens, 10 Turkeys, 11 Onions, 35 Hides, Green 4

The sent iment M-omi to be da i ly grow-ing th roughou t the s ta te t h a t the man-ner uf paying road t ax should he changed. T h a t this tax should be paid in cash instead work, und some caiwble and experienced man then be given

' r g e of the work . The belief is tha t lei tho present system t h e an iouut of

work done for t h e tax is m u c h less than would be dune for the s a m e amnun l ,

pro the men were hired and |iaid by tbe day , in oash, and the work not so well done. The Legislature wilf be asked lo pass a bill in favor of tho new system.—Ex.

Congressman Belknap, w h o is in Washington received the fol lowing let-ter f rom a consti tuent tho o the r d a y :

' •cap Beknap, united Slatou capitol— dear Sir : I see by Tlie P a p u r that a Cabinet Maker Is wanted a t Tho white House i w a n t The Job^ My Brother deck wus A pan te : an u u K a n lei yuu the kind a J o i n t I Kan m a k e he painted Wagens in your shops plese r i le soon and Let m e no i kan m a k e e n n y Tiling f rom u chare to a B u r e n 1 spose Thares more Burers Than eany T h i n g else Wanted in Washington wr i te a t Wunce lo Mo or a leck,"

At the Old Selllera A n n u a l Meeting the following officers wero elected for the coming yea r :

President—J. M. Mathewson. Vice Presidents—J. C. Tra in , Jas . Fox

E. D Parker , R. Vesper, Morgan Lyon, Dr. H. C. Peckham, Gabriel Onan, J a s . Easterby, W, W . Hatch, Orrin H a l ges.

Secretary—H. Nash. Treasurer—N, B, Blain. Marshal—Henry Mitchell. I t was voted to have tho Annuul

meeting and the parly on the same dato ,heri a f te r , and also to bold a picnic some time in the summer .

Among the many d i f fe rent k inds of m a n u f a c t u r i n g which Lowell is peculi-arly titled to carry ou because of its water power and tbe abundance of the

Jaiienvllle, Wis., F e b . 5 . 1880. If our J a n u a r y sales a re an index of

w hat the t r a d e ' d u r i n g the next tn ree months w | | | | iH-ourmuslsauguineexpcct-ai ions w d l l x - m o r e limn realized. An-t icipat ing an unnsiially s t rong demand lor Clydesdale and English Sire b o n e s th is season, we laid in an ex t ra la rge slock of first class •Uilliona f rom 8 to 0 y e a n old last s u m m e r und fall, bu t as our J a n u a r y sales aggregate ful ly th ree t imes as many as same month last year , the prospects a re tha t we will be sold cloeely ou t as usual by middle of April . Our first importat ion for 1889 arr ived safely J a n u a r y 23d br inging our present slock up lo 190 matured stall ions now on hand for sale. We can offer intend lug purchasers a magnif icent selection nut only i a Clydesdalos and Shirus, bu t In Suffolk Punch, English Hackney and Cleveland Bay Horses, and as our buy-ing facilities in Britain th rough our resident par tner a re admit lud to be un-equalled, we a r e enabled to give our customers a substantial benefit in price. Our stock contains more prize winnera and a n i m a l i of tbe highest individual meri t a n d bleeding than a n y establish-n.ent in America and the honors gained by our horses a t the Chicago Show hu t November iu tlie strongest competit ion atlest their excellence. In tending buy-ers will consult their own interests by call ing to see our slock as early as possi-ble Large l i tngraph pic ture of Blyth Ben, the champion shire stallion of 1886 will be Kent to any iddresa on receipt of ten cents in s tamps to pay postage.


A F A T A L P L U N G E .

A T r a i n o n t h e Q r a u d T r u n k R o a d G o e s T h r o u g h a D r l d g e .

The Htrnc ' i re Waa One Hundred Feat High, and Eight Persons Wore Killed

and Nearly Thirty Were l u j u r e d -Llsl or lha Vlcllms.


Sr. GiunuB, Out , Match t.— Tbo Orand Trunk Ht. Louts express, plowing hero cant-bo und at obout 0 o'clock Wednesday even-ing. went through a bridge Just cast of the station. A broken tiro on one of the engine wheoli caused tho tails to spread, and tho

' pnnenget car, a Pullman cot and tho cot went Uirongh tbe middle lec-

tlon of tho btldgo. Tho Pullman car, which contalnod most

of tlie passengers, was thrown clear off the btldgo, tuniod coniplotoly o\er and landed right ildo up. Tho dining-car i tandi on and against a plot. A paraangL't cat reinnlni on the btldgo, having stripped the ties ahead ot It ovor tbe aoctloii that collipsed.

Eight persons were killed and about thirty wounded persons have been token out of the cars

Tlie dining-room cat oontnliind about seven persons besides tho waiters. Supper had Just boon announced, and In a few min-utes the oar would have beon tilled and all must have potisbed. The following Is a list ot the killed;

Oeorge Teggst, of Mitchell; Womp, of London; Ur. 8wan, of Woodstock; A. W. Francla, of Wooditook; Mr. McLean, of lbs Arm of McLean ft Ueecher. of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. Uslnes, of Himllton, a member ot ths Bslvallon Army; Captalo Moore, ol Hradford, a member ol the Salral:oa Army: Mr. Peers, of Woodstock

The auunded are: Thomas L. Doutney, temperance lecturer; Mra. Jennings, of Par:i; Msy Jennings, ol Paris; Mr. nnd Mrs. Uuddio, ol Dorchestor; Mrs. Uiggint, ol Toronto; Mri. McLeod. ol Ingersoll; MmChnCee. ol Pontlae. Mich., Juuics llvilop, ot Qoderlch; Han Pea-cock; It. W. Knight, of Woodstock; J. McKin-Icy, of Detroit, Mich. -, F. Hancock, of London; Oeorge Forbes, of New York; J. It. Marshall, of Regina; Mn. J. R. Marshall, of Reglna; John IL Wilson icolored), of Chsthsm; Mrs. Evani, ol Hamilton; George Mirgetis, dining-car eocducior, of Niagara; Robert Hilton, of BL Catharines; Mr. McLanghlln, ot London; Conductor Rovell. seriously hurt; D. W. Kaln, ot Wuudilock; Wllllsm Bennett, of Banllac, Mloh.; Dr. IL Lequeine, of Cleveland, O.; A. W. Francis, of Wooditook; Mri. A. 8. Kendall, of Detroit.

Tbe bridge which gave way Is 100 feet high. I h e accident was witnessed by some of the townspeople. An alarm was given immediately, and In a few minutes ths itreets were tbo scene of the wildest ex-citement Merchants and tradesmen w e n on their way to supper, but they left their evening meal untouched and hastened toward tbe scene ot tbe wreck. Every avollablo conveyance was hurtled to the bridge, and ss the dead and wounded were taken out of thu debris they were oonvcyed to hotels, private nildenoes, Mechanics' Institute Ball and the lUUon-honse. Ilerolu women turned out to min-ister to the wounded and dying. All the

were soon on hand and attended delay to the inffeters.

A M E R I C A N S ' l N ' A " F I G H T ,

Baptr l . a liatU* at Samoa—A Tankea Mao. of-War Hatd la Have Attacked th* Ger-man Corvette Olga-Raoretary Dayard Says I U Haa Not Heard of the AfflUr. B U U K , Murch 4.—A tumor is In d rou la .

Uon at Kiel that a naval conflict bos t akes place In Hamoan wnten between the Amer-ican war ships stationed t h e n and the Ger-man corvette Olga. Tho Government of-ficials here have no knowledge ol such an engagemcut

It Is alleged that the American vessel fired the l int shot

W A S U I N U I O K , Match 4 .—B o c t o t a r y Bayard said that lio had not beard any thing of ths reported conHlct between a Gennan and an American vessel in Sstnoan wa-ters. Uu regarded inch a conflict as highly Imprubahlu, as there was nn •tandlng that belligerent nc'lon in •hould bo suspended pending tho enoe to bo held a t Berlin. He aUo . out that It was hardly |io~.llile that mstlon of such a state .if affairs would bo known nt Kiel buforo tho news wosrecclvod at Berlin or Washlmrton.


Uie Laud In Which It Is Located to Da Hold a t Publlo Auction.

F U D B u m u c a o . Va. Match a—Within the pteolnct* ut this i-lty Is the grave of the mother of Georgo WashingtuiL Tho old fatm-bonso In which shn died Is also in this vicinity. Hither Waslilngtou came on the way to Us first insugunt lon as President to bid bis mother a last f anwel l before her death. It will shook tho whole oonntry to learn that the grave of Washing-ton's mothor is likely to bo sold at auction

During the administration of Jackson tho c<jrnor-itono of a

monument wns laid, but tho ihaft was never put up. Mcnra Colbert ft Kirtloy, reaU estate ugeuts ot this cily, will offer for sale at Washington, on Tuorlay, March fi, a t public auction, twelve actos of land, on which is the tomb of Mary, tho mother of Washington.

Waslilngton's Coach Handed Down. KKW YOBX. Match 2 .—Tho will of tho lato

rich and oocontrlo Harlem builder, Benja-min lUobardson. was offorod for probate hern Thursday. The celebrated coach In whlohGeurgu Washington rode a century

of his cherislied possessions. The coach, together with h -i homos lead on

river, a te given tho testator's granddaughtur, Ella Blrdssll, and her mother.

Dbastroos Fir* In France. CiunucHoi, March a—The fire which

•tatted lu tho Do Haynln biluk works Wednesday and spread to ton •aoorvoln of tar is Btill burning. Tho flames shoot np to a height of UOO foot and resemble the erup-tion ot fi volcano. The dainsge is estimat-ed at 1,000,000 francs.

Taacbara' Kxamlnatlon.

Examina t ion of t e a c h e n for tho pub-lic schools of K e n t Co. for the spr ing of 18811, will be held in the Supervisora ' Room, Grand Rapids, as follows:

March 7tb, March 29th and April 26th. Apulioants fo r First and Second Grade

Certltlcalea m u s t a t tend Examina t ion March 7th.

For Third Grade cert if icate a n aver-age s tanding of 85 per cent ia required

in 60

B L U D B I L D E R .

The new vegetable touic-a l te ra t ive nnd blood purifier is in the shape of a pieai-iini syrup, and contains in n con-i-entiaied f ' i iin tlie most valuable vege-• able cura i ives . which have been de-

I veloped by modern medical and scien-tif ic refearcb. It acts diret Hy upon tlie blood, througli it i iupart ing tone and vigor to the en t i re system and uradicit-

; ing disease, und is unequalled ns a cure fo r Scrofulous, Cancerous and other hu-

I mors, whether coiisiitutional or other-wist , I ' a lar rh , Rbeuiiintism, Dys|ie|isla, Dropsy, sick and nervous heudacbe, fu-male weakness, and all blood liver and kidney diseases. Pr ice •1.00. Sold by Clark .V W i m y a r .


The ilisposiiion ol the Surplus in the U . S. Treasury engages the htteii t ion of ou r Stalesmen, but u more vital ques-

| lion bus our iitlentiiiii, and t h a t is llie reduction of tlie Surpi . is Consuinplives. since the discovery and introduct ion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-sumpt ion, t b t t o has been a marked de-crease in ihe mor tn l i ty form this dread ed diseane. and il is jiossible lo still fur-the r reduce the nnuilier of (.'onsump-tives. How? By keeping coiiblantly a t hand a Isittle of Dr. King's Now Dis-covery and using according to direc tioi-s, upon the appearont-e ol t h e first svmptons , such as a Cough, a Cold, a Sore Thro'it , n Chest , or Side Pain. Taken tlnis curly a cure is g i iarant is i l . Trial bottles f ree at Hunt te, Huuter ' s Drug Store.


H e will be nominnted by the c o m e n -linn and will IH. elected by the people, because lie " ill come the nearest lo Is*-Ing their ideal Chief Mugistrute. Elec-t r i c Bitters has lieen given t h e higliett place, because no other medic ine lias so well filled the ideal of a jierfect tonic und alterative. The people have indors-ed Electric HiitO's and rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, S tomach and Kidneys. For ull Malari-al Fevers and diseases caused by Mala-rial Poisons, Eleetr ict Bitters cannot be loo highly recommended. Also cures headache and Couslipation. Satisfac-tion guaran teed , or money r e funded . Price OON. and $1. ut H u n t &. Hunter ' s Drug Store.

W e notice a new- depar ture in the t reutment uf disenM) tha t promises to revolutionize tbe medicine business It consists in the collection of Hie sjieclfics used by noted s|ieciali-ts of Europe and America , nnd br inging them within reach of all, F'or instance, the treat-ment pursued by special physicians who t rea t indigestion, s tomach and liver troubles only, was obtained a n d preferr-ed. Thu t rea tments of otherphysicians , celebiated for cur ing ca ta r rh , were pro-cured, nnd so on till theee incomparable cures now- include disease of the lungs, kidneys, female weakness, rheumat ism, nervous debility, and piles. Originated and used by specialists, being a jiosiiive cure for each disease, these preparat ions a r e the best remedies procurable. We advise all to send three tw-o cent stamp* lo t h e Chase Medical Specialty Co., 179 West Adams St. , Chicago, III., a n d re-ceive by re turn mail their interesting hand book.

W h e n S p r i n g C o m e s ,

Davisbtirgh people profess to believe t h a t Dr. Nathan C. Hall is still alive, al tbougli a coffin said lo contain Ins body was recently buried there . The body may be exhumed . Hall was once convicted la Oakland county lor poison-ing bis wife, but secured a new trial und got f ree . _

Lowell StaAm UHU for Sale.

The ^bove mills a re offored for sale a t a ra re bargain , m order lo facil tato tho se t t lement of tbe n t a t o of thu late Alexander McLean. The price is pu t ul tho very lowest—$3,800. Tho ware-house a t the depot is also included. Address inquires to M, M, Per ry , Low-ell, or Mm. Alexander McLean, Ver-gennes.

New Wall Paper. The new styles of wall paper a re b a n d -

Homer than ever. They a r e now largely

aud a fai lure lo reach ' c en t in any

Mia Mamie Davia, a telegraph opentor, remained ut her poatduring theeat l rona-lon uf thu yellow fever epidemic at Jocluon-villa.

B e S u r e If you hive made up your mind lo buy

Hood'i Sariaparllla do not be Induced tu uko any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar

;, posieislng, by virtue ot Its peculiar proportion, and ptepataUon.

lupcrlor to any other artlclc. lady who knew what ihe wanted,

and whoie example Is worthy Imitation, telli her experience below:

T o C e t " In one itore where I went lo buy Hood'i

Samparilla the clerk tried lo Induce me buy their own Instead ol Hood'i; ho told me thelr's would lait longer-, that I might lake It on ten dayi' trial; that If I did not like it 1 need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. 1 told him I knew what Hood'i Samparilla was. I had taken It, was latlilled with ll, and did not want any other.

H o o d ' s When I I was a great that at tl and had

S E Q - W U N

P O U T R Y Y A R D S L O W E L L . M I C H .

Thli Ii the way a hone and a poor blanket look a: the end of winter.

W h y i s i t t h a t of t w o h o r s e

b l a n k e t s w h i c h l o o k a n d feel

e q u a l l y w e l l o n e w o n ' t w e a r a t al l ,

a n d t h e o t h e r w e a r s w e l l ?

T h i s T r a d e M a r k

s h o w s w h y .

H o r s e B l a n k e t s w h i c h a r c s t r o n g

a n d h a v e a r e p u t a t i o n a r c a l w a y s

i m i t a t e d in p o o r q u a l i t i e s w h i c h

l o o k l i k e t h e m , b u t h a v i n g f e w e r

w a r p t h r e a d s a r c n o t a s s t r o n g .

S o m e d e a l e r s b u y t h e s e p o o r

i m i t a t i o n s f o r a f e w c e n t s l e s s a n d

b y s a y i n g t h e y a r e " j u s t a s g o o d , "

se l l t h e m a t t h e s a m e p r i c e a s t h e

s t r o n g b l a n k e t s t o p a r t i e s w h o d o

n o t k n o w t h e d i f l c r c n c e .

Y o u c a n n o t t e l l w h e t h e r h o r s e

b l a n k e t s a r c s t r o n g b y t h e l o o k

o r f ee l , a s t h e w a r p t h r e a d s d o

n o t s h o w o n t h e face . H o w t h e n

a r e y o u t o k n o w ?

I n o r d e r t h a t y o u c a n t e l l a s t r o n g

b l a n k e t f r o m a w e a k o n e , t h e m a n u -

f a c t u r e r o f S-i H o r s e B l a n k e t s

s e w s t h e a b o v e 5 ^ T r a d e M a r k

i n s i d e of e a c h b l a n k e t . T h i s is a

g u a r a n t e e t h a t i t is t h e s t r o n g e s t

b l a n k e t m a d e fo r t h e m o n e y a n d

wi l l w e a r wel l .

M a n y p o o r i m i t a t i o n s h a v e b e e n

s o l d a s 5 ^ b l a n k e t s . R e m e m b e r

n o n e a r e g e n u i n e u n l e s s t h e

T r a d e M a r k i s s e w e d i n s i d e .



PURIFYING tin BLOCO. I M I C H m i l l a l l Die . c a s e s t h a t nrlK.e f r o m a n i s o r t l o r c c i

I . l v e r , Slorasch. e r a u I m p u r e

' U i o o d . It is a I- ", rlul tonic lor

U s e d fo r 3 0 Y o - r s . B o s t P r o o a r a t l o n In t h e Wor ld for tick H e a d -o c l . e , P a i n In t h e ' H i d e ind OJCV, C o n .

Itlp-tion, 1*1 m> pU-ti o n H i s F n c c , 8 K i n D l i ' . e a s o . , Gilt K l i e m n , Boil,,

Il Is III. Btsl Mrdlcin* i* .is-for Peootatlnn IS-BOWOLI. O F A R T BOf I L - - , S 1 . 0 0 . '• nnllle. • --.(1. UvltvrnM • . Soi 'by iK Crugguti i. V . " H N S T O N * I*r n o t r o i t

l.nil ll.

Detroit, G,(iHaveD& Milwaukee I t A I L J W A V

n i l i>1.0 RKLLVBLICKUUTKTO ALLPolKIf EAST A.Sb WEST lu effect b e e . I S M .



C U K E & W D B M t A f t ' S . You will now And In our stock

T H E F I N E S T L I N E O P W A L L P A F 1 R !


B r o w n s i o c t s . p e r d b l . r o l l ; G i l t s 2 0 c t s . p e r d b l . r o l l . Dt t lgn i lu ftet-oruilont tu Muti h.


We iDteml not to tie beaten in acy or llie aboye Lines 0! Goods, R E M E M B E R T H A T !


W . R . B l a i s d e l l & C o , D E A L E R S IN


REDUCE THEIR LARGE STOCK, Anticipat ing a change in some lines of goods, and in order to do so,

will offer tl.i-ir ent i re slock al heretofore



Many lines in our stock we wish to clos" out and discont inue, and others we would grea t ly reduce, nnd those will be

C L O S E D O U T A T C O S T I to m a k e room for .Spring Stock.

OVER 75 COOK AND HEATING STOVES I B a r I r o n , A x e s , C r o s s G u t S a w s , B u i l d e r s ' M a t e r i a l

At Prices Ne?er Olfered Before. Give Us a Trial Trip, Lowell, J a n . 8.


D0/VT BE A SLAVE t o p r e j u d i c e b u t s a v e m o n e y , t i m e ,

l a b o r , s t r e n g t h a n d c l o t h e s b y u s i n g


I t l o o s e n s a n d s e p a r a t e s t h e d i r t

w i t h o u t i n j u r i n g t h e f a b r i c , i n s t e a d

'of e a t i n g u p t h e d i r t a n d t h e r e b y

ro lu i i ! ; t h e c l o t h . D o n ' t b e p u t off

w i t h s o m e t h i n g c l a i m e d t o b e " j : : t

a s g t i o d , " b u t ins i s t o n h a v i n g t h e

g e n u i i'.-- .'111! p r o v f i r y o u r s e l f t h e

a d v a n t a g e s u f t h i s s o a p .

taking Hood's Samparilla teal miserable, suilerinK

with dyipepila, and so weak I could hardly Hand. I looked,

• person In con-

I Ditrolt Kxpruii 6 Through Mall I E»nnlii* Kxpreis 16 Mlvrd 10 M k I U Kxpress

GOINQ WEST; I MoroInK Express,

11 10 1 h 4 SC f k


ilng Expre mjl. Mail, 1 ThrouKh

•J N'lghl r-xprrss..

sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did tno 10 much good that I wonder at myself sometlmci, and my friends frequently speak ol It." Mus. ELLA A . Uorr, ET Tcrraco Street, Boston.

S a r s a p a r i l l a Sold by all dritfliti. (I i itx for $}. Piepated only by C. L HOOD ft CO , Apothecarlai, LowslI, SUn.

I O O D o s e s O n e D o l l a r

m .10 r M 4 '•» PM •• >1 A » I 00 p if

10 10 r *

various kinds of t imber used in t h e ' in l ight colors and t ints a n d floral a n d maunfne ture , a re oval dish, basket, poll I vino tlgures are coming into style again or tub factories, Tbe t imber used 1 for Ixirilera und decorations. Buyers would be elm, ash, basswood, poplar, 1 wishini, to llnd the very latest f a s h l o m beech and hard and so f t maple . Tlie in sucli goods a t the lowest prices, cost of machinery for theee lines uf should visit Clark A Wlnegar 's . b'oc manufac tu re are not very coetly, a .d the i r adver t i sement elsewhere. each would give steady employment to . a goodly number of workmen . If Low. Nolle#, ell people really have t h e wish to s ta i t The books of account of Mitchell 's m a n o f a c t u r i n g which they cla im, be te grocerv ure in the bands of S. P . Hicks aro some lines which they m i g h t follow fo r collection. Fariien owing on said successfully and with no g rea t out lay of books a r e berebv notified to settle their money. If steam instead of water accounts with bun . power slniuld be used, the re fuse would O L ^ E V . SlilELbs & Co. nearly fu rn i sh tbe necessary fuel . I Owners of said books.

uiif kubjecl is a fa i lure lo pass. By order of Co. B'd of School E x a m -

iners. E C U E N K A . C A B P E S T K R , ( ! M W 9 )

l lueklen ' i Arnica Halve.

Tbe Best H A L V E in t h e world fo r cuts, liruiHes, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rhuum, Fe-ver Hores, Tet ter , Chapped Hands , Chil-blains, Corns, a n d al l Skin Erupt ions , and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-quired, I t is gua ran t eed to give per tec t satisfaction, or money r e funded . Pr ice 25 cents per box. For sale by H u n t & Hunte r

' A F E W P O I N T E R S ~ The rcc.-nt s tat is t ics ol tho n u m b e r (f

deaths show t h a t thu large major i ty die with Consumption. The disease m s y commence w ith au apparent ly bann ies s c«ugh which can be cured ii istantly by Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throa t a n d Lungs, which is guaran teed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 30c and $1.00. Trial s u e f ree . For sale by all t lrug-



N continual ly going on in the h u m a n system. The demon of impure blood strives to ga in victory over the consti-tution, to ru in heal th , to d rag vict ims to tlie grave . A good reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsapari l la is the weapon wuh which lo defend one's self, d r ive the desperate enemy f rom t h e Held, a n d restor peace a n d bodily heal th for many yesrs. Try th is peculiar medicine.

Chi ldren Cry f o r P i t c h e r ' s Cas to r i a .

When n*by « u sick, we c o n her CmUiri*. When she KM a Child, ihe cried for Cailorla, When llie became Mill, iho clunj lo Ositorlt, When lha hid ChlUrao, she save thecn CaKorU.

"Suffer Utile chickens lo come unto ui, for ot •uch are our best dlnnen."

P a r t i e s W i s h i n ? E g g s f o r H a t c h i n g From Higli-claii Fowls will plnase write

for prices to

S . A . F O X .

M i x e d . . I O r a n d I t a p l d s E x i i r r M .

I W T I I I * O I I I ; I I t i c k e t s t o a l l p r i n c i p a l p o l n l n E a i l f o r s m - n l t h e C o m p a n y ' s o d l c r , l o K e l l .

N.i- . 7 nnd 10 m n d a l l y ; o t h e r t r a i n ' dully, S u n d a y e x c e p t e d .

A 0 r K V I I L A U F F , W . E . b A V I B . l . u " el l A i c e n l . A s s I . U e n . I ' O M . Ar'l,

C h i c a g o , I I I .

The Mails. O O I S ' J W E S T .

. 4 : t i a . tu.—closed pouch for Grand Rapids .

12:!10 p. m , — W a y mail . -1:00 p, m , — W a y mail,

a o i s o E A S T , '

7:ia a . m.—Closed pouch for Detroit. 11SJ5 a . m . — W a y mull. 4:^0 p. m . — W a y miili.

o b i s a S O U T H .

6:30 a.m.—Mail by carr ier to Chandler , Campbell , W. Campbell, Clarks-ville, Carleton Center .


6K)0 p . m.—Mail received f rom No. I rving, O'Donnell, Freeport , Lo-gan , Bowne, Alto.

o o i s o N O R T H .

1:80 p m.—Mail for Fal lassburg,Alton, l i n m t , Gra t t an .


11:80 0. m.—Mail received f rom above places.

All mails close 80 minutes before t ime above s ta led .

Post Olllce open from 7 n. m . to 7:30 p. m. . s t a n d a n l t ime.


M O R R I S H . , 2 : 2 9 ^

Will be b r e d to a few choice m a r e s early in the season,

a f t e r which lie will be campa igned for a fast record , which

will be close to 2:20, b a r r i n g acc idents .

For far ther informat ion enquire of



-Are the Unesl Importeri 01

BRITISH HORSES lb* wi.rid. Hate Imported three tlmsa ^naoiber oj BrsWlsa ^r la r , n r l a a l a j . %>> pi i><- *W .

i o f t o y d r m In t h * f n l i n l H U t M L U M now on baud fur actual sale over 2 2 0 of -

Clydesdale, English Sli lre, S u f f o l k Punoh , C l e v i l a n d B a y

A n d H a o k n i y S t a l l i o n s . r r l e e s esederale, terms a iu r . Oorra.

spondeace loUiUied. Sua Iwroatal«(MHof

^ O R G - A - i s r sz S ^ E I T H : D E A L E R S I N

SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Builders' Hardware a SDecialty,

Don't fail to see Jewett's i-hole Novelty Ranges. T H E F A V O R I T E C A R R I A G E C O .


FINE VEHICLES FOR THE TRADE. W r i t e for C a t a l o g u e . O I N o i N N A T I , OHIO, U. S. A .

^ ATTENTION! M I t ake ke pleasure in nnnotinciiig lo tho public tha t a t my

R E T A I L BOOT AN D S H O E STORE in t h e Blue F ron t , on the Bridge, I have the La rg -

est and Finest Slock of

Ladies' and Gents' Hand-Sewed and Mis-Fit


SHOES! LAUIES OL'ERA. Which we Sell at the Lowest Pricei,

We are closely connected wi th several large Eas te rn m a n u f a c t u r e r s , and with ready cash wu buy U the very lowest figures.

^ v i £ o n ™ a i 2 > - f U 2 , i 8 h ? o n t h ct

l ! , i e f t L A D I E S ' FRENCH K I D SHOES and OXI 'ORD TILS in French and Opera Heels.

W e also car ry a full line of Boys', Youths ' , Misses and Children 's Kino nnd Medium Grades of Shoes ut R E M A R K A B L Y L O W PRICES.

COME ONE A N D ALL, a n d convince yourselves U-fore purchas ing else-where.


B. HOFMAN, PROP'R., T h e Blue F ron t , on the Bridge. - L O W E L L , M I C H .

Page 3: LOWELL Journal/1889/03_March/03-06-1889.pdf · benU }1,000 or (more a year, uxl bencv are pruddeiitlitl officm, receiving thoir appoint-ments from

I'nUt rTTmwiaii i«fcn


ROYAL « r . T . J " • • n i r n '

P O W D E R Absolutely Puror

T h l i p o w . I e r ni 'v . r rune*. A Marvi ' l p u r iiv rtiri<ne1h a n d »lill«i<>ni' ,ii*->« M ' '<'nn-u m l r n l I b ^ n i l i r o n l l t m r y k lmW. mi ' l . . imi . - t l i r

ild In uo ni'Hlil(.ii wltli thi* low t . t b o r t wrlKlil n l n m o r i i l io - i ihn ' i ' i v m I i t * .

<| .M o n l y In t n n i . I t o y n l B a k i n g I'D" ' r Co , 1 1 W a l l S I - S . V. 0 # - ® )

PATENTS ( ' a m i ! ! . IIIIII T m li ' M a r k " o b l a l n i - l . ftn I "II I ' u t t r n l bii4lneM(0<in*liicl*>l f o r S l O l l K I I A T K K K K S

O O B O K F U ' K I S U l - I M S I T K U S . I 'A I K N T O F F I C E . WV l i n i r no mi l , n f a n c l i »ll I M K I D I - M d i n v l , h(>ncei-aii r rnn-uu-i i m t r n l l i i i s l n r - ^ in leiw l lmi - a n d nl LF.rtS C O S T t l m n l l i o n ' r i 'nw. t , . f r o m W a i h l i i g l o n .

S t n d modi-l . i l r a w l n i r . o r (ilioio, Willi i l f u c r l p t l o n W i - a d v l w If p r t t f n m b l i ' o r mi : , f n - o of c b a n p i . t l n r f i r In n o t d m ' l l l l pali-HI l« M-rHrtrd,

A b o n k . " l l " W i n U l i t n l n I ' a l i ' n l - . • ' « i t l i r e f e r r n c M t o ac ' .ua l c l i e n t * I n y o u r S ' -a '" . c m n l v , o r t o w n , w n l f n t 1 . A i l d r e a a

C . A . S N O W & C O . ,

O p o p u l l e I 'a l i -nt O l l l c e . WanhlnisUin, I ' . C.



HEAD Try the C u r e

E l y ' s Cream B a l m Clcansc-s t h e N a s a l Passages . Al-

l a y s i n l l a m m a l i o n . Moajs t in Soros. K c s t o r e s llu- S o n s i s of T a s i c . Smel l itiiil H e a r i n g .

.% p a r l l r l e M i i p p l i e i l i u i „ i - n r l i i i ' « l r i l n m l l a n u r i r u b l ) . . I ' r l r t - . l l l r . ;il . i l l n r n e -icUtii o r li> m m . Kl.V UIIOTIIKII". War-r e n HI., New York

g* m r A A Genuine American C n D V n h | | M a d e Throughout

I H I l O l - ' V y i R E H I O N WATCHl (So jinlUiil.'ii.l An in I-lre J IT I -W , •Irm-MiniL In.-r-wr. quick Unlnjdakht IIIH'I~.II|ICIIK-!IT- Inimrtcd !<•.« ralchrt, ;n n lllielu r Mllrrlllll CUM1, hinvy. tn IIIMIWI i - . . .1 I I I M T . ( C i i ' n o M h l n l

- I. J'llliv \\ .irr.mlril, Hmd SOC. fur i-tiaw I *11' •end It fue HAiiMm: • n. It ratiffailory aikl a* rr-pn-i'tiiol v n (-.ui |o\ fur It. "Hifr.viw It

will be iwuniol. hi iho <-i i- i. iiirtniti' nf I'n-lilnit Dueber W.ii-h i' i - - c >. tlm li n iiEVfisr HILVUIIKI i*»*. vrill ki^i it"i>'.t*:-1 'xr r\ Ufi-tmie.

V I ' K C I A I . < ' f l l K : I wmii >(ki m liavr my i& ,vnih l . ' i " . li-lnitmiN mill tl.'-n'fan*. fiTnllinllxl Him', uili-. ILI r. i ih I i.ur ll lli.l (iolil I ' l i i l i il L c n i M e i - v e l l i i t l on i i , ,.r I l.iulle-* I j i r o P i n . o r O e n u ' . S e a t f l ' l i i . 1.1 ( V a l - v " ' - K K K B . C u i i x u a m m . \ V . . M O I t l t l S . U ,l.-vrrlry, Sli>tT»«rr, ttotrhi-. .'.Hi I i l l l i .A\i- . , C l i l r u k ' u . III. •«-.4l«ii

I t r f r n n i . - : II- IM-HI I BaUaSL. ChiOffo; .Mr

Kin- |u|* . i - J. .Millor.nnnk.T.. Inn u . i;> SUlo T i n u u t c r ul Utf,

V M 0010 "WI W M "(v •pi»B»M «iu>3y

• - U mm-, M O I ' ' " I . . ; •d» . , - J " I ' I H-j - i»« i


ft , ! ( » » •


!» v. r


J /uinnb jiijii mmrn, ,, ,x., f l i 3 » | ' ' ; c ° u / i | R r t •- : ; | ' . - o c i n x . - i o a j i i i ' . joi 1 ' l i f c i - l IrSH'- '4 • i ' "» •<':n M i#li.-« L«5t | | I . ( i f l .(|un JIIJUI.I'.U ii"-> IIFNOTJI •IIM l j f , ' 1

" a "" '"l T ' " * " *•) W:> -H .1 -ri ij ^ ca i - i - ^ r 'inDT" 'A'-Pf; V-i- ' I i i H d q - ' - ' ui 5»ii>i.*.- - j i l

i l | l jo l ioni '13 J i - o S . ' »"i. i ' I ' "

" ." ,1 1 n " u u u i t i m m i : 6) •-Xhk >i -ii, . J. ti 1'J3IU3AU0.-I • ' '

uiBii <S'irw • f ' ll

H U M P H R E Y S D B . M P H E E Y S ' B O G K .

Cloth & Cold Binding, I I I l - ^ t s >Ilk m n l k n r . . l . t ,

I K L U I I FHKK. u i ™ , r . o. Boi IMO. VV.

In use A yenm.—1 nKtnl ['n-w riptlon* of nn rmlnnnt l-hyalclau. ry mple, Pnfi- nnU f ur r .

\ \ o r n i « . W o r m Ki-vn, W o r m Colli*. , ' i ( r r l u g C ' o l l e . i i r T i v t M n g i i f I n l a i iN .-J .} n i a r r n e n o f I ' h l l i l r e n n r A i l u l w . . , ' i . } I l y a r n l e r y . Orlplnij . Hllluii. f o l i c . . ' i i ( b o l e r n .MorbUK, \<i i i i l i l im roaib . folU. llninihltto..

I Seuni lifln, TiwptU.-he. Incrach-.. Hendarltea, Kick Illmdichr.Veill*'

I llrBPepnln. llilloi» moniai'll I h n p i i r e « « i - d o r l - M l n f u l I ' l - r l o d

\V liiii-«. IIKI l-rnfn-- I-C'IIKU lOraui i . CHUKII. Dinicull lio-nlMtm.,

" hi-mn, Kn»lp.l!i' htuiti n milImn, Hbeuninlle I'alm

. . 'hlU«, tlularla... Illredlnx r Kore, or W e a k K n -

IOMEOPATHIC r . , . r M ..I I.r ll- li. Whooplny i oimb. Vjulinl tou«ti> AalhSia , ftup|ir*Sed Rmilhlr -K a r O l i H ' b u i

S e V K J U e . . i mi-lineM fron Bldins j K i d n e y I l l - e n * , . ... .,J I N e r > OIK f l e l i l l l i i . Semina l « • .ii. I iiikk. or ln^i.iurii-n.. 1,(1 I o r e . l l o i i t l i , ' aiiki-r ,.1

• r l n H r y W i - n l i n e . a , Wet i lnKl i - s i J ' a l n l u t I ' e r l m N , wlUi s i ^ m .1

, l U e n m - n o f I l l - n i l , l -alplUill i- l i . . . 1.11 I I p l l e i i " * . S m - i n . H i . Vltu> I m m . I . I I I M|ibllii-rlii. ' l-t riiliil h-m Thn- " 1 l ' r " 1 " "

P E C I F I C S price.—"

HDMPHnKYB'VETmiiSAtlV RI'K'MKIl Uaed b y n i l o n n e r - o f l l o r « e mnl C u t .

(le, A tv,imilliii'nl»rT~ipyof I':. Hiioiplir.-i-Vetorlnary Jtanmil (W) — Velor tnary s f a n n a l (W) l a k i - i o n t reatmi-nt mi l o r e of I J o m o i t l e Animal-- H u m • , ( u t i l e , HM Hoy* and r o n l t r y —Ih-nt f n c . Hi MI-HHI i,. I l o a r o r i r n i u M r n . C o , Ifti F u l t o n M . .s. Y.


. ^ P r .


I p a m t IN U. S . a Foacioii Conn in in i . 2 WEIQHCO 2 0 0 0 LUC

I s i a o r o a ot loaiPi iCH a m i m oi m m FAMOUI M0*«. Ai»0 r o w n

il_ 8 . SILVER CO. O U V f i a x a . O >. B i k v ^ n ww. — — C k i g n u r aold m bMA I * b n ^ l n * p m p e M l u I f l -

StuJ fur tuu >ul n n t u m l U a w i ^ ' )



Thu friundii mid n l a t i v e s of t i . W . Hatch made t h a t gent leman a very iiti-aiant surprise last Sa tu rday eveninx. f l i t -evening passed away very pleasantly anil all wont away with a feeling of good will.

Work Inn- liegun in earnest on the new ini-iit market . Amos Clemraens hav tile job.

Vacation in one week.

Wha t a blessed good thing it would be if every one, like tin- old man. would pray t h a t the Ixird would i-ut olf his hoe handle so that it would not lie lung

, enongb to ivm-h over into Im neighbor 's I gnrdi-n. Mi-thinks tha t there is r n o u g h I ,lriwi m anyone's life to keep them busy | withnut tronhling tln-inselves about

ithers faul ts .

" W h a t an- aoothers faultH to me • I 've not a vulture 's bill,

To pick at every Haw I m-i-: And make it wider still.

It iii iMiongb for mn to know, I 've follies of my own;

And on mytelf my cares bestow. Lot others faul ts alone."

.Several parties f rom a diatanco are very anxions to become residents of our g rowing town. Their object in coin ing here is to educate their children.

The work on tbe pominary has begun in earnest . J o h n Fletcher ' h a s cha rge of tin- wood work. Mr. Wat ter fa l l , of Detroit, is here assisting in the work. Shoulil weather permit work on t h e wall will Is- pualu-d rapidly, A hoarding house 24x70 will IH- erected and com-pleted as soon as the school building is. board will In- furnished as reasouablv as a t a n y similar school in the state.

Kami hands are In good demand a t $15 to |H-r month , l i ir ls for general house work arc scarce.

Lester McDirmid closed a four m o n t h s SC1KK>I in the Waller 's district last Fri-day.

" T h e r e are nany pleasant days in the win te r a f t e r all ."

Every thing goes well with some peo-ble so long IIH everything works to the i r fancy , but let reverses come when lo, what a change.

Slips Jennie Merrill who has beon s topping a t Kalamazoo is home for a week's visit.

Rev. N. L. A. Eas tman preached last Sabbath f rom the following t<*xt: " A n d cast ye the unprolltable se rvant into outer darkness; there Hhall be weonmg and gnash ing of teeth." Matt. 25; 30.

A gii.xlly number from abroad at-tended services at this place last Sunday .

Clarksvile was well represented at G r a n d Rapids last week.

Earnest Nash goes to Uniml Rapids to t ake a business course. He star ted Monday last.

Your scrilie was highly enter ta ined at t h - Kureka hotel and also the Hotel Minor one day last week.

Our merchants report trade improv-ing.

H o w long before we ore to have tha t s idewalk?

Sunday was a most beaut i ful day wi th us.

*•.'11 gels the very finest striped Cussi-mere suit, lo order, at Smith's.

Gra((nn Oatlierln|{>.

Mrs. S. A. Casner sold li"r I i i h I > - ar s cl ip of wool, al Lowell . Feb. .'O. fo r :10c p<-r pound.

Mr. Will Mhss, of ( i ra t tan and Miss isa Ford, of Vergennes, were marr ied Feb. 28, 1880.

l ' r , G, M. Spcncer was culled to visit Win. Lessiter, March 3d, who is on the sick list,

A council of physiciaiiH in the case of Mis. McUee, mentioned lust week, have decided there Is no hope und denib may occur any time,

Mrs. Wm. Howard who is wi th her ( laughter . Mn>. J . Rodgcrs, reached the age of UH years March 1, 1880. Rela-l ives met with Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers, and this aged mother in remembrance ol he r bir thday.

The remains of J . Murphy, w h o died a t his home near Otisco, were brought to t h e Gra t tan Catholic church , March 3, fo r burial, Mr. M. wan formerly a res ident here.

Mr, Guredon Madison who has lieen visiting the old homo friends here, has re turned to his home in Dakota . Mr. JI . went there several years ago. and is now iho owner of a farm near Groton. also one fa r the r west, wi th n o debts. H e had 8,500 bushels of v heat a n d 750 bushels of (lax seed, last season in the crop line. He sold the llax s t raw for manufac tu r ing purposes.

Miss Carrie Thomas, of Cannon , clos-ed a most successful Winter term March. I iu Dist. No. 5, Gra t t an , mak ing a whole school year taught there showni f t h e unity of both patrons and teachers. Miss Piiebe Byrne and Mclvino Byrne carried off the prizes. Feb, 28 thin school was visited by the teacher and ull pupils f rom the school near t h e Cath-olic church .

Messrs. Claude & Guy Shanks, of Court land, with their siati-r Zoo. visited the families of H. and Burt Lessiter, a n d J . Bresnaban, March 1 and 2, also a t tended the Dramatics at t h e Cen-ter,

"Dot , tho Miner's Daughter , was presented by '.he Grattuii Dramat ic Co„ t h e evening of March 1, liefore a crowd-ed house. Receipts a t the door—10 and I.lcts, wero | 2 0 the dance which follow-ed raised the amoun t to $52.50.

M A U D .

•20 will buy vou a (ino- Scotch chevoit sui t made to lit, a t B. C. Smi th ' s .

Ada l i e ma.

Rev. Mr. Wilcox IIHH b r n contlned ut Ins homo for the last two weeks with Rhumat i sm.

Edgar Osborn and Miss Clara Miller were married last Monday evening by tho Rev. Charles Oldlleld.

Mrs. Lynne Carle was buried ut Ada Feb. 25th. died in Grand Rapids a t the residence of Mrs. Sabins, a tench-

r of the eleventh St , school and also a M-cretary of the Local Ulnipter Order of the Eastern Star

Mrs, Levi Bullock, who died in Grand Rapids, was brought here Feb. 27 for burial .

Mrs. H. Nairacom, while re tu rn ing f rom Miss Carle's funeral , wus thrown f rom a cut ter and received qu i t e a se-vere hurt and was unconscious for a few hours.

Miss Lettie Livingston haa lieen visit-ing hvr aun t in Grand Rapids. Mm, Sid-ney Bradlleld.

Mrs. W m . Uolmes has been visiting he r sinter in Caacaue. Mrs. J o h n Sexon.

D. G. Abbot and family have been here several days visiting their parents .

Mrs, Milton Foster will en te r ta in the Ladies Aid Society next Thursday . Mar. 7th.

Mrs George Sabbagn has gone to Gd. Rapids to day af ter her mother who expor ts to remain with t h e m for a while.

Mrs. Henry Smi th is in Gd. Rapids viHitlng fr iends.

Mrs Clark Washburn is on the sick list. Mrs. fir. Borrows remains about

| the sanio

(Juile an exci tement over lire; It was supposed Mr. Burdlck's bouse was on lire hut it t inned out to IH- the chimney

I burning out . No damage done,

j i -r Mr, Foster is busy pa in t ing his house.

All the latest novelties in sui t ings al I .Smith's.

J { fatoNvT To OMCIV-v/hi(K isfhg best ^ O A P ?

%z fl\ojjw\d5 of ood hous«Kw|»ers who have Tricdif say

2 ^ ™ (D\VS

If your " roco f

•iCr't-iUe wi l l g e t

• for you. '

J. L. HUDSON, CLOTHIER! The Greatest Sale of Years is this

v g , v T ' M e a n d

L / \ b o r .

h a r d n u t - H w ^ h o r


N.K.^tRBANKliCa C H I C A G O .

T H E O L D R E L I A B I L i E . »>


BOOTS SHOES. We carry the Largest and Best Stock in town, comprising

everything in the line of foot-wear.


The " H a r d Times" masquerade last Fr iday n igh t was a very successful af-fair as fa r as e n j o y m e n t und a t tend ance were concerned. Some of the costumes were absolutely "ki l l ing ." Tho prize, a fine a lbum, was awarded lo Mrs. Frank Sayles for hav ing t h e worst looking costume.

Henry Frace has curctiased f rom a herd in Pennsylvania , th ree thorough-bred Dutch Belted calves, t w o heifere and one bull. These cat t le aro entirely distinct f rom tho Hols tem breed and are a t t r ac t ing the a t ten t ion of the leading cat t le breeders of t h e count ry . Mr. Frace expects the calves about tbe first of April .

W m . J . Young and Miss Elizabeth Crooks were married nt Lowell Sunday.

A te legram was received Wednesday evening s ta t ing tha t Will Benedict was injured in a railway acc iden t at Si. George Ont . , that day. Later news shows that he had an arm broken and some bodily injur ies , but was not seriously hur t . His mother. Mrs. A. P . C. Jones, s tar ted yesterday morn ing to care f(T him. The accident occurred on the Great Western Branch of the Grand T r u n k System jus t a f t e r leaving SI George, a iKirtion of tho t ra in going th rough a high bridge. Nino persora were killed and over 25 in ju i ed . Bene diet l e f t Suranac Wednesday to go to Pougbkeepsio, N. Y., whore h e bad a s i tuat ion In a boot and shoe store.

Last Thursday evening was t h e 2Mh anniversary of the marr iage of Mr. und Mrs.W. G. Clark,of this vil lage.and f rom 25 to 30 of their f r iends ar ranged to give Mrs. Clark a surprise vis ' t .—Local.

All the loading styles in str ipes for Pr ince Alberts, a t Smith ' s .

Acker Junet lou ,

The first mail fo r E lmda le c a m e last Monday,and is received twice each day. An agent for the Telegram Herald, f rom Grand Rapids, was nt the P, O. in 48 hours talcing orders fo r t h a t daily. W h a t keen scent theee newspaper men do have.

The daily f rom Grand Rapids arr ives here a t noon on thu t ra in f rom Grand Ledge. This is Don's las t mail we sup-pose.

Logs are being delivered on the SAW mill ya rd .

There aro inquiries a lmost daily by the t ravel ing public where they can get a square meal. Who is tho lucky man to ni l th is want?

Commissioner Head worth , of Bowne, was in town Saturday , looking down the lane t h a t leads to the Junc t ion f rom the south . H e claimed t l i a t C . Richard son had received |100 for two acres of land for r ight of way for a road four rods wide to the junc t ion , a n d found t h a t by measurement (according to the R. R. fence) three rods had bet-u given, and t h e fence occupied p a i l of tha t

A R. R. offlcial was here Saturday. I t la rumored tha t he m a y re tu rn with tho spr ing birds and lake cha rge of the depot . O L D F O O Y

Don' t s tep into B. O. Smi th ' s , for if you do you will surely bniguin foi a sui t of clothes, f rom one of the endless variety of stylish cloths he has on bis iiountera. His prices a re so reasonable chat one cannot olTord to buy ready made goods.

W e a l C a n i p l H - l l .

(Too l a t o fo r l a a t w e e k . i

The donation (for ihe ItenelU nf the Rev. Sir. Townson, the M. E. pastor of this place), which was held a t the resi-dence of J a m e s Post, was well a t t ended , a n d ne t ted $25.00

Revival services will c o m m e n c e at the Schoolhouse next Sabbntb eve.. No preyonl ing Providence.

Earl Drew closed his school lust Fri-d a y .

Oeorge Bloomingdale. Frank Hurley and another young man . whose n a m e we did not learn, s tar ted for the far west last Wednesday.

A par ly of young people met at t h e residence of Will Abbot , last Tuesday evening . A good t ime is ri-|Nirted.

Mrn. Lo' t le Htlgbsoti. w h o ha- hewn employed in Kalamazoo, accompanied b r her fr iend, Mrs, Carpenter , nte mak-ing Mr, ami Mrn. Shanks , who are the pa ren t s of the former , a visit.

Smi th the tailor, has the very laleet New York spring and s u m m e r styles,

K r a e p o r i ,

Fox <& Sou ahipjied a car load of hurd-wood lumber lo Lowell, yestenlay and

ip|M-d a ca Lowell, ;

ano ther Is being loaded.

The L. and H. railroad llnds consider-able to do in the f re igh t line of late, i^irge quant i t ies of wheat , oats and lumber ure being shipped f rom this place.

Josiah Brown informed us tha t h u h a d Iweu missing corn f rom his crib for sonic t ime past and purchased a lock and pu t on it. L i s t Friday n ight someone broke the lock

Miss Myra (Jraig. of Hastings, and MIDH Fannie Rogrrs. of Rut land, have been hlrod to teach the spr ing terra of school m this dmtrict . commencing April 15th.—HentliL

If you wish a suit f rom genuine Im-ported cloths. Smith will make it for you a t less than c i ty prices.

F a l l a t a b u r g l i F a c t a .

Fred Miller is in Mackinaw City.

Mrs. Foro, of Ada , is visi t ing Mrs. A. Richardson.

J . O. Goodsell is slowly recovering.

Mrs. G. A. Myers is able t o be out again .

Rev. A. P . Moore, of Ionia, conducted qua r t e r ly mee t ing services a t this place last Sa tu rday a n a Sunday .

The Fal lassburg auxi l ia ry of the W . F . M. 8 . will meet wi th Mrs. W . H . Moon nex t Sa tu rday a f te rnoon . The society will hold o - T h a n k o f f e r i n g M e e t -i n ^ j a t Keene church about t h e middle

The school at Fal lassburg. and in the W a t t e r s and Marblo distr icts will close on Fr iday of this week. Mrs, Mother has been engaged to teach the spr ing term a t this place, a n d Miss May H u n -ter will tench again in the Marblo dis-tr ict .

V e r g c n n r a V l a l t o r .

Beaut i fu l spr ing wea the r .

Mr. nnd Mrs. W m . Pa rke r have lieen visi t ing the i r childron in Campbell , also f r iends in Clarksvilk-.

Mrs. But t r ick . of Otter U k e . and her f n e n d Mrs.Campbell of Keene have been visiting fr iends he-v.

Mr. and Mrs. Vanleuvcn, of near Ionia, have been visiting their re la t ivis . the K r u m s und Mrs, P. D. Fox.

Miss Sadie Campbell of Olivet is visit-ng a t C. d r u m ' s .

Sirs. Mina Jones of Lowell is teaching a n o t h e r term of school In the Yerkes schoolhouse, commenc ing this Monday.

Sir . and Mrs. J o h n Moxon a m the happy porents of a baby boy.

Sirs. Brown, of C h e m - Creek, N, Y. , is v i s i t i r g her Ulster, Mrs. J . S. Daniels.

Y O U R S T H O L V .

The young foUw gave Miss Matt ie Ulasgow a pleasant surprise Fr iday evening.

Mrs. Hunsburge r and son, Mrs. A . Overhol t . Mr. a n d Mrs. O'Brien and Mr. Hemze lman . ol Du t ton , visited a t E . HelnUelnuin ' s lost week.

Mrs. D. Wooloott , of Freeport , visited at W m . Glasgow's Inst week.

Miss Libbie Coons, of Lowell, ia f imt-ing f r iends here.

Slias l l a t t i e Mesaeoar oloeed a v t r y su tces fu l t e rm of school hero Friday.

B B I D O B T .

Alton Atmna. J a s p e r H. Church , f rom nea r Eva r t is

visi t ing relatives here and a t Lowell.

J a m e s Aldr ich . wi fe and daugh te r Slay, f rom Bowne t ' en te r , visited a t Geo. Fletcher 's S u n d a y , Mrs. A will s tay this week and help nurse her sister's lit-tie sick babe.

The Alton Dramat ic Club will soon p resen t "Cap tured o r t n e "Old Maids T r i u m p h " which is a very laugable Comedy.

Li t t le Maud, one of Geo. Taylors twin babies died last Fr iday night a n d the o the r one is not expected to live.

L A T F . R — B o t h ure dead, and wero buried Monday.

B, C. Smith guaran tees fits which canno t IH> beaten.


All Winter Clothing Jnst One-Half Price! All Odds and Ends Jnst One-Half Price!


Mens' Winter Suits, Mens' " Overcoats Mens' Boys' Boys'

< (


Pants, Suits, Overcoats

• -A .T -

Just One-Half Price!

All Winter



One-Half Price!


Odd Coats, Odd Pants,




Don't waste time with these small, one-horse concerns, "who advertise bargains" that are nothing but wind. We have hundreds of Styles to show you at prices much less than our competitors own them.

FOR TEN OAYS, COMMENCING ON SATUROAY, MARCH 9tll! We Continue to Slaughter Every Article of Winter Clothing in the House at

KZ- 50 CENTS ON THE D O L L A R ! sa This is the last Cut Sale of the Season, and only lasts ten days. Don't Miss It.


J. L. HUDSON, Lowell, Mich.

Eveni ' -g meet ings are to commence a t t h e M. E. church th is (Mondav)eve n ing .

Mrs, Edaon English was very sick on the 27th, but has improved rapidlv ev-er since, a n d we are very glad to report a ma jo r i t y of the sick improving.

Mark F lemming is selling a large quan t i ty of whea t to Sir. Wisnor. of Uiwcl l . who in c rowding Detroit pr icis very close for good wheal . Huch a mur-ke t helps every o ther branch of business in town and he deserves the credit of il

Elegant Scotch suita to order in anv desired color, for $80, at B. C. Smi th ' s

S u r p r l a n I ' a r l y .

ADA, Feb. 27—The young people of tills village proposed to give Mr. E. L. and Miss Sarah L. Osborne a Hurprlse pa r ty on Monday evening, February 25. Eve ry th ing wont well nnd the assembly wero en joy ing themselves very much, when they were very much surprised by seeing a bridal party led by Rov, Chas. Gldfield ma ;ch into the room. Amids t t h e oh'a und art's of surprise he immedi-a te ly pronounced E L. Osborne and Miss Clara A. Miller man and wife .

You will llnd 125 dif ferent lines of goods for sui t ings and aa many .more fo r pants , a t B. C, Smith ' s .

F a r m (or Hale,

100 acres l i m i l e nortl . an 1 i mile west of Bowne Center , good f r a m e house, b a r n a n d ou t buildings, good orchard , 90 acres under good state of cu l t iva t ion . Will sell for <8000, |800 down and balance on t ime to sui t purchaser. Ti t -tle perfect , and free f rom all encum-brance. For f a r t he r par t iculars enqui re o f , or address, M. H. GARDNER,

(8Hw4) Bowne Center, Mich.

A fa rm of th i r ty - f ive acres, one mile no r th of Lowell post office, good build-1

Ings a n d good water , terms easy. (25tf) J . C POST. |


An old physician, retired from prac-tice, having had placod In h is hanoa by an Eaat India missionary t h e formula of a simple vegetable r emedy for the speedy nnd pe rmanen t cure of Con-sumpt ion , Bronchit is , Ca ta r rh , As thma, and all Throa t and Lung Affectlent,alflO a positive and radical cure fo r Nervous Debility nnd al l Nervous Complaints , a f t e r bavin , ; tested its wonder fu l cura-tive powers in thousand of cases, has fel t i t his d u t y to m a k e it known to his suffer ing fellows. Ac tua ted by this motive and desire to relieve human suf-fer ing, I will send free of charge, to all w h o desire it, this receipt , in German, French or English, wi th fu l l directions for prepar ing a n d usinif. Sent by innil by addresaing with a iamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYHH, 140 Power 's Blook, Rochester, N . Y. (IDyleow)


V I C T O R , N . Y , . F e b . 1 s t , 1 8 8 7

Mr, 0 . F, Woodward , Dear Sir : Send me i gross Kemp ' s Balsam, .Wo size, and n few sumpies, 1 cerfalnly know tha t Kemp ' s Balaam is t h e best selling cough cure. I have fifteen o ther cough and lung remedies on m y shelves, and Kemp 's Balsam sells 10 to 1 bost of all Respectfully yours , F. E. COBB. Sold by all druggises a t 60c and $1.00. Sample bot t le free.

I have not used all of one bottle yet . I suffered f rom ca ta r rh for twelve years, experiencing nausea t ing dropping in Ihe throat , peculiar to tha t disease, and nose bleed a lmost daily, I tried vralons rem-edies wi thout benefit unt i l last April , when I saw Ely 's Cream Balm adver-t isement in the Boston Budget , I pro-cured a bottle, and since t h e llrat day ' s use have bad no more bleeding—the soreness is ent i re ly gone.—D. G. David-son, with i h e Boston Budget , formerly with Boston Journa l ,


New Wagon, Carriage, RowlCart or Cntter Or some one of the many articls kept by a first-class implement dealer.

a '

S # / j R « ! S

Now is the Season to Buy Cheap! If you are thinking of buying' a

Harness, Well Tubing, Pump, Hose or Water Works Connections, I have them

And will supply you at bottom figures.

Farmers, Make your Feed go Twice as lar Ay using a Feed Steamer. I have the best one for the money in the country.

I HftVE THE FINEST, LIGHTEST ROAD CART TO BE HAD In Michigan, To see one is to buy it.

When you wish to get any of the above goods at way down prices Call and see me.

I ' r r . c n i t in t h e m o i t t l f j p n t form


F I G S O F C A L I F O R N I A ,

C o m b i n e d w i t h t h e m e d i c i n a l v i r t u e s of p l a n t s k n o w n l o b e m o s t l i e n e n c & l t o t h e h u m a n s y s t e m , f o r m i n g a n a g r e e a b l e a n d e f f e c t i v e l a x a t i v e t o p e r m a -n e n t l y c u r e H a b i t u a l C o n s t i -p a t i o n , a n d t h e m a n y ills de -p e n d i n g o n a w e a k o r i n a c t i v e c o n d i t i o n of t h e

KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. I t i i t h e t ne t t u c d l c n t r e m e d y k n o w n to

fl£M8E THE SYSTEM EFFECTVALLY W h e n o n e i« BUioul o r C o n s i i p a t e d



E v e r y o n e is u s i n g i t a n d al l a r c d e l i g h t e d w i t h i t ,


s i m m p o r B r r c t s MAKUFAOTURID CHLY BY


uwnviue, n. hew row, * i




Only (If-nnlna K . t c m q r H r m n r r Tra t a lo t . Knur Uaaka l.eai nvil la on* reaillas.

All nil wiinil>-rlim ru rn l . firttry rhlld anil a I d K urenllY Ucndflttfil.

OroU l i i J u . m u u a u t . , < J n » . p . i u J r t i » c a , f c « . « ih o i~Vr • «< O r , W i n . A . l i n u i -

" ~ IndDua M r , >"• i.tli.4 Inilll ' i i n u ; 1 t i / r i - i l - ' i r T B i n - i - . on , t i i « « r i " t r<yi-h .1

-fli t . I, .>1 I l n i - k l r r , i> . l l . .n liinrof thn CSn-tiai.

^^"•L'oiH'g^S^rV^li'AY.., N. V

^ . " / . s r r ^ t n p T j T j an . w ill M m . b , l 1 n M M

. .-UU o u t n x k i o i i i I L u D .n.l ,1.. .1, *h. i« ih» ran M*

I v m » • will a n d f r e e n m

vrjzzx j jsj i 'djv" ' • crld. wlik >11 IM UUtknumli "In ilio i m i r r r a i t oann , it our raulr •wi .Umbi. .n

n p u , (• mam *• Mk (Ui JH •» "»•( Wl Mod, M IkM -fc. ir tiu u jn r Mau.oS Ulna

|B«Uk4>ll abill b w e M yigr «wa - i M n t . TWi p u s w k l u N

i V • f i n - Ik, Hlncf-r (niir.i,, >Uk k a n run MI T b r ( m HUII I

• MiliioMlwMa. wkkiM ' K h i a w i , Mil MW Mil, r,r

. •. .O. KtMitnl. nmi BM AUnuik l f , m Ik , wwM. All I .

« « Ik, 5 « ••wtot-wiklnt la Ik, world. M4 Ui, &n..ill,,orwofk,,fblcban,«rr ioc.ih.riB tKorW* ( - u b £ A CO., floa I M . .*u«« ,a ,

A. R . H E N D R I X ,


Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m F i t t i n g a n d P u m p R e p a i r i n g ,

ARTIFICIAL STONE WALKS, FLAGGiRG, ETC A( i r» r«on« Inleniilnt lo lav wsllti, r a r b s t o n n , or u t -

th ine of thai sort, will ItDdlt to liii-lr I D M I V M t O ( t l t a j pries I

I I P A I l l work at Ixiwrst l av ing Rales, a islaction guaranU-ed. %

Take the Lowell Jonrnal F O R 1 8 8 9 .


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