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Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The City, Wells Around The World .

Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The ity ...b95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and

Jul 26, 2020



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Page 1: Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The ity ...b95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and

Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The City, Wells Around The World .

Page 2: Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The ity ...b95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and

John 4:14 “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

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table of contents 2 2 2









Meet The Team

Steve’s Story

Jon’s Story


Our Strategy

Spiritual Growth


Start Up Cost


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Steve and Nikki were born and raised in east Tennessee

and have spent most of their lives ministering in east

and middle Tennessee. Nikki has been a Christ follower

since she was 6 years old while Steve has been a

believer since he was 21. Steve has been pastoring in

churches for 19 years and has served as Student, Associate, Evangelism, Discipleship

and Senior Pastor in different churches. Nikki has been teaching middle and high school

students at churches for many years. Nikki also has started a cleaning business and has

been working in it for 10 years. Steve and Nikki have been married 22 years and have 2

beautiful teenage daughters, Marlee and Mariah. Steve and Nikki have a passion for the

West and want to be a part of what God is doing there!



Jon and Emily were born in middle and west Tennessee. They

met at Campus Crusade for Christ during their undergraduate

work at Middle Tennessee State University. Emily has been a

Christ follower since she was 8 years old while Jon has been a

believer since he was 10. Jon has been a worship leader for 9

years, a minister to college students for 2, and a Middle

School Pastor for 3 years at Englewood Baptist Church. Emily has a passion to minister to

young girls, especially those in crisis, and has spent multiple Summers with Lakeshore

Camp for teens. She currently serves as a middle school girls small group teacher at

Englewood. Emily is also a Nurse Practitioner and is excited about practicing in

Las Vegas. Jon and Emily have been married for nearly 6 years and have one beautiful

girl named Emma Joy. Jon and Emily are extremely excited to join the Church in

Las Vegas to be a part of what God is already doing there!

m e e t t h e t e a m

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Growing up in Knoxville, Tennessee I had parents

who practiced their faith. They were faithful in their

church attendance. I remember my dad having his quiet time in the morning

before he went to work and my mom keeping the church books at Lyons Creek

Baptist. I knew the religious motions because since birth I was a regular Sunday

morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night attendee of church. At age 7, I

“went down front” , was baptized and was a member at Lyons Creek Baptist

Church. The problem was I did not have a relationship with Christ, I simply had a

head knowledge of Him. The church invested Truth in me but I was not there yet.

I did not darken the door of a church throughout college. I was deep into the

throes of a self-destructing lifestyle. I knew my days were short, yet I rejected

considering if God was real. Then my life changed dramatically! At my workplace there was this beautiful

brunette named Nikki who my co-workers dared me to ask out. I’ve never been afraid of a dare, so I did it. To

my surprise she said yes! I took her to a great restaurant in Johnson City. Before we even started the “date

chatter” she asked me if I was a Christian. I responded to her question by giving her the only answer I could,

“Yes”. I lied of course, but I knew all the “Christianeese”. She asked me what church I attended, and I told her

I had not narrowed it down yet. So she asked if I would go to Harmony Baptist with her, and I did. I sat under

a pastor who preached the Gospel very clearly and without apology. A few weeks into our relationship I left

church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and asked Jesus to forgive me and come into my life.

A few years later we Married and ended up in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Nikki and I drove through that little

town looking for a church, and pulled into First Baptist Spring Hill. Nikki and I began training the deacons and

leaders of the church in Evangelism Explosion (The Gospel), and we were seeing several people come to

Christ. 5 months into serving there, the Lord impressed on me that He wanted me in vocational ministry. I

came forward to announce my calling, and 6 weeks later the church asked me to come on staff as Youth and

Associate pastor.

That year the Lord brought a local youth pastor into my life and he mentored me in student ministry. The

Senior pastor Amos, also mentored me on being a pastor. It was such an amazing experience as we saw the

student ministry grow quickly, and of those first kids we have several who are now in full time ministry. The

church grew to well over 300 people in weekly attendance during our service there.

Four years later, I received a call from a church in Elizabethton, Tennessee. I agreed to meet with them, and

after much prayer Nikki and I accepted the call to become pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church! I was also

beginning to help teach Evangelism Explosion Clinics around the country which is something I still do today.

Four years later, I received a call from Thompson Station Baptist Church in Middle Tennessee. The Senior

pastor shared that the Lord had spoken to him about me coming there as their Evangelism and Discipleship

pastor. I was not looking and had not sent out any resumes. Nikki and I prayed and felt the Lord was in it. I

accepted the call and I am here today serving in this great church!


Steve’s Story

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In late October of 2014, I received a phone call

from my mentor in the faith and youth Pastor,

Steve Witt. When he called me, he was initially letting me know that

Thompson Station Church was in the process of searching for their next

youth Pastor and what that meant for Steve and what that might mean for


Steve shared with me that God had pressed on his heart to move to an ex-

tremely lost city to share Christ and see the lost saved. He initially spoke

for over 40 minutes sharing his heart and ultimately ended that

conversation encouraging Emily and I to begin praying about whether God

would move us there to join him or support him in some other way.

Honestly, at first, we told him that we didn't see ourselves moving out there due to Emma Joy and what

God was allowing us to be a part of at our church, Englewood. However, we began praying individually

about this, God was moving both Emily and I in the same direction - burdening our heart for this lost city

called Las Vegas.

Steve contacted us in January for the first time since late November to reintroduce the idea of moving/

partnering as a Church with he and his family out there. We continued to pray and started becoming over-

whelmed by the fact that over 93% of 2.1 million Las Vegans will go to bed tonight not knowing where

they will spend eternity… Thinking of this many people going to hell if the Gospel is not shared began to

break our hearts. At that time, we decided to go on a vision trip to see if that was indeed what the Lord

was calling us to be a part of.

God confirmed this call while we were in Vegas this past April 2015. We fell in love with the people and

met believers that were already on the ground running. We began to envision the body of Christ rising up

in this lost city with not even 20 churches to minister to over 2 million people. We were very encouraged

to hear that the people in Vegas are hungry for relationships, lonely, and searching for a hope that the city

of sin can’t offer them - Only Jesus can! The charge that is sustaining us is this certain hope that the city of

lights will truly be transformed by Jesus and one day become a city of the one true light! This is why we

have to go.

In August of last year, my pastor at EBC, Jordan, took some staff to Nashville for a staff retreat and he be-

gan to charge the staff to dream bigger with God, and to believe God for more. I had no idea what this

meant for me and my family. I honestly thought I would be a youth pastor for 20+ years to reach the city of

Jackson, but God was showing me something different! He was getting me a little uncomfortable!

In October, Pastor Jordan shared the 2020 Vision with the entire staff! What’s crazy about this is that God

was burdening my heart to minister to people of all ages instead of one specific age group at the same

time God was setting the stage for the Church plant in Vegas. Vegas happens to be one of the 5 ‘Send

Cities’ of the North American Mission Board and a part of Englewood’s 2020 Vision!

Jon’s Story


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It is not a coincidence that God is weaving this all together - we couldn't be more excited! Although this is

bittersweet for my church in Jackson, we know its of God. To imagine that Emily, Emma Joy, and myself will

be 3 of the 25 people being sent out of EBC on mission for God excites me more than anything. It humbles

me at the same time that Englewood believes in us to carry on this vision clear cross the country!

Our prayers for each of you are that you would consider these ways of supporting us - praying, giving, and

going. Please begin praying for The Well church plant in a city that is more than 93% lost. Thats nearly 2 mil-

lion people that don't know Jesus in a space the size of Jackson. Is God laying on your heart to give of your

resources to this plant through Englewood. Or would God urge you as a single person, a married couple, or

family to pack up your things and go with us? Luke 10:2 says, “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the

workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” However

God moves, we just ask that you say Yes to Him and that you don't look back!

Emily and I want to thank each family, student, and friend from EBC that have been a part of our lives the last

3 years and have grown us to where we are today. We could not imagine being sent from any other more

supportive Church than Englewood.


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I went on a North American Mission Board Vision Trip in October of 2014. I was there with my Senior Pastor

Tom McCoy. We were there to evaluate the need to help fund church planting in the west. On the second

day, while standing on a hill overlooking the city of Las Vegas, I was moved by God, to join Him in reaching

this city. Las Vegas is a desert both literally and spiritually. People cannot live without water, not just the

water we drink to hydrate us physically, but also the “Living Water” we drink to give us life Spiritually! The

city is close to 95% unreached and God has called me and my family to join Him there to serve this desert

city! It is my heart to begin “The Well Church” and invest the Gospel to the people of West Las Vegas. I

believe the Lord is wanting to place “Wells” all over the city. In the story of Jesus meeting the “Woman at the

Well” in John 4:13-14 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but who-

ever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will

become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

The Lord is at work in Las Vegas, He is drawing people to Himself. Jesus is calling us to His harvest to love the

people and invest Truth in this great city!

Matthew 9:35-38,” 35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues

and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw

the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without

a shepherd.37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore

pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

ELL W W h y Th e


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o u r s t r at e g y

We want to Evangelize the city of Las Vegas by Loving the People and Engaging Them where

they live, work and play. We have identified 6 areas where we have ability to engage the


We will have a store called “The Well Store”. This is a business that will

focus on healthy living. We will distribute health supplements and

“Kangen Water”. Kangen water is a highly alkaline, rich in antioxidant

water. We will build relationships with people who are seeking to get

healthier physically and then share how they can receive true Spiritual

Health through the Gospel!

The drop out rate in the high schools in Clark County Nevada is very high.

We will have people on our team who will join with the school system to

teach. As they educate and build relationships with the students and other

teachers they can then engage the people with the most important

information which is how they can know for sure they can be with God in

Heaven! We believe as we love and invest in these students it will change

the dynamic of the school and the drop out rate will decrease.






We will seek to coach in the local middle and high schools so we can build

relationships with students and other coaches. Through coaching and

teaching the students how to be better in sports we will also share how

they can be better in life as we invest the Gospel through these


People who are struggling physically need care and encouragement. We

will have nurses who will work in the medical field. As they minister to

physical sickness they will also share how to be cured from spiritual


We will have students involved in local College and High Schools who are

passionate in the Arts and Music area. Through sharing their passion for

these areas we will introduce them to the Gospel and allow them

opportunities to use their gifts and talents in the arts at the Well Church.

The Las Vegas area is very focused on how people look. We will have Christ

followers who are gifted in Fashion, hair and make-up. Through their gifts

they will build relationships with the people so they can look beautiful on

the inside as our people share Christ with them.


Health and wellness

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5 m a x i m u m s o f s p i r i t u a l g r o w t h

We want to share life with the people by developing the 5 “Maxims” of Spiritual Growth:

Bible Study, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship and Sharing our Faith. After we reach these people

by engaging them where they live, work and play we must disciple them in these Maxims so

they can become a functioning, maturing and reproducing member of the body of Christ!

Here are the 5 areas in more detail.

Walking the people through how to listen to God through His Word and then acknowledge what He is saying

to us. Matthew 6:9-13,” And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they

think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you

need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.10 Your

kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12 and

forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver

us from evil.

Lead the people to give of their Time, Talents and Resources to God. Lead them to serve God out of a loving

relationship because He has given us eternal life! Matthew 22:37-39,” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love

the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and

first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Bible study Teach the people how to study the Bible and help them develop a daily study time 2 Timothy 3:16,”All

Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in

righteousness, 17 that the man of God] may be complete, equipped for every good work.”




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It must be a priority for the community of faith to share life together. The discipleship process is made

possible as we make time to learn from and encourage each other. Hebrews 10:24-25,” 24 And let us consider

how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of

some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Sharing our faith


This is a discipled process and (Matthew 4:19, And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish-

ers of men.”). It is God’s instruction to us all to communicate the Gospel (2 Corinthians 5:18 -20, 18 All this is

from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is,

in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and en-

trusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his

appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.)


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These are several ways you can join the mission of “The Well”. Please prayerfully

consider what God will have you do in partnering with us!

Pray Join with the mission of “The Well” in prayer. Pray Weekly for the our team of ministers and for the Lost of Las Vegas. Pray that the Lord would Redeem The “city of Sin”!

Give Join in the mission of “The Well” through monthly or a one-time offering to fi-nancially support this ministry in Las Vegas. There is significant cost involved in this ministry and your partnership is a vital part of this vision!

Go Maybe the Lord would speak to your heart about this opportunity to join Him in what He is doing in Las Vegas. Prayerfully consider the Lord relocating your pro-fession in Nevada! If you have been a Christian for 5 years and understand the basics of Scripture you are capable of engaging the culture and discipling the people!

If You are interested in partnering with us through Praying, Giving or Going

please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Give at: then click On Line giving then click on The Well

Church Plant

Phone: 615-499-0030 615-499-0022 Facebook: Steve Witt

partnership with the well


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Start Up Cost

Annual Budget


Furniture, Technology, Build Out, Marketing, Development

Y E A R 1

Y E A R 2

Y E A R 3

Leadership Ministry Expenses Admin. Expenses Facilities Rental

Outside support total



2016 2017 2018

Y E A R 1 Y E A R 2 Y E A R 3

$375,000.00 $300,000.00 $325,000.00

90% 70% 30%

$337,500.00 $210,000.00 $97,500.00

$37,500.00 $90,000.00 $227,500.00

J a n u a r y — D e c e m b e r J a n u a r y — D e c e m b e r

Outside support Tithes/offerings

J a n u a r y — D e c e m b e r


Page 16: Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The ity ...b95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and
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Page 19: Loving People…..Teaching Truth Wells Throughout The ity ...b95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · church, went back to my apartment, got on my knees and
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