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The Love More Project Magazine April 2011 Photograph courtesy of Kathy Pimentel © 2011 all rights reserved. Plant the seed for Personal Growth this Spring Win a Copy of Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Fairies! Embrace the Lessons in Everyday Life and Benefit Spring Cleaning Tips for the Body, Mind & Spirit

Love Letters April 2011 issue

Feb 20, 2016



Love Letters provides content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life.
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Love Letters April 2011 issue

The Love More Project Magazine April 2011

Photograph courtesy of Kathy Pimentel © 2011 all rights reserved.

Plant the seed for Personal Growth this Spring

Win a Copy of Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Fairies!

Embrace the Lessons in Everyday Life and Benefit

Spring Cleaning Tips for the Body, Mind & Spirit

Page 2: Love Letters April 2011 issue

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011 as representative of The Love More Project . Content may be reprinted and disseminated only with written permission from the copyright holder.

April 2011 1

contents April 2011


6 namaste

Our exclusive reading supports you in navigating the month’s energies in order to experience even more Love in your life.

7 recommends

The Love More Project Contributors share their favorite books and products.

15 wabi sabi & the cherry blossom

Looking for hope amidst tragedy and the beauty in chaos.

6 15 7

Editor’s letter (4)

Support (5)

Follow us on:

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contents April 2011

8 stop and smell the...

Embrace the power of Mother Nature to improve your health, enhance your well-being and connect you to your Higher Wisdom.

This month: Spring Cleaning

10 tools for your transformation

Create and embrace change in your life with this holistic and heartfelt guide.

11 chakra talk

Learn about this ancient energy system and the healing properties of color to bring balance and clearing on a multitude of levels.

This month: The Vibrant Red Root Chakra

13 angel fairy tales

Explore the magic and mystery of the realms.

17 soulseeds

A seed of Inspiration created exclusively for The Love More Project 17

8 11

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The Love More Project Magazine

Founder and Executive Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Editorial Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Publisher The Love More Project

Production Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Art Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Web Design and Production Megan Gala, M.A.

We love receiving feedback about how our content. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at:


Or call: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

Have an article or artwork you would like us to publish?

Please email [email protected] for our submission policy.

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About The Love More Project

The Love More Project is an Inspired Media Company and Gathering Place for the next stage of human and planetary evolution. As a holistic merging of media and the metaphysical we deliver content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life. Through this work we fulfill our mission to serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love in this realm.

As Spring Blossoms around us. I invite you to take a moment to enjoy what is fresh and new in your life. On this journey we call life we are blessed with the grace of the ever-changing. Whether this change seems negative or positive, our lives are, in Truth, always in flux. Take this opportunity to acknowledge this. I find great Peace in this knowing, because if things are “bad” then there is always opportunity for them to change into something more positive, and if things are “good” there is the change for them to become even better. We are always in transition, always transforming. Life is such a beautiful adventure! Enjoy the ride!

This month we have some wonderful article to help you embrace the desire for change that is often incited by the transition from one season to the next. Angela Lawson, our in-house Essential Oil expert, shares with us her holistic tips on Spring Cleaning for the Body, Mind and Spirit in this month’s installment of her column, Stop and Smell The… We also have another wonderful article on the chakras and color therapy by Laura

Galvin. This month she takes us to the “root” of the matter as we explore the purpose of the base chakra and how brining it into balance will help us embrace all the changes life has to offer with grace and ease. We also have a wonderful new column, Angel Fairy Tales by Angel Therapy Practitioner© Christina Mosberger. In this month’s article, Christina shares a beautiful healing experience she experienced with the Fairies. It is a touching piece that I believe fully invokes the beauty of the season. And finally, Ian Lawton, Founder of Soulseeds, has shared with us another thought-provoking examination of change and transition, this time set in the learning he gained from the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback and experiences with our content. You can email me at [email protected].

Founder of The Love More Project

editor’s letter Megan Gala, M.A.

April 2011 4

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support April 2011

To Our Beloved Community,

Thank you for allowing us to support you.

From its inception, The Love More Project has been 100% community funded. We choose to make our media platforms and content accessible to ALL who seek it, regardless of economic circumstances. And we hold the vision for this beautiful, thriving community to be self-sustaining and self-supporting.

We are proud to serve as a positive resource and community for you. We are grateful to be a source of Love, Peace and Inspiration in your Life.

Our community thrives on your participation and commitment.

Here are some ways you can interact and give back to the community for the nourishment you receive here:

• Express your Gratitude on our testimonial line: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

• Contribute your story to Love Letters

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• Share us with your friends and family

• Participate in our Gatherings

• Donate money using PayPal to [email protected]

We affirm that all that you give in support of this vibrant community is returned to you 1,000 fold.

We don’t seek to profit from the work we do here at The Love More Project, however, we are committed to meeting our expenses and to be engaged in balanced and harmonious relationships with those we serve and work with. The Love More Project is a for-profit company and your donation is not tax-deductable. Your in-kind donation will contribute to our company as a whole. We are NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but a for-profit enterprise taking part in this donation-based program.

Thank you for supporting us.

Blessings & Namaste

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I invited the Angels and Higher Guides of our readers to bring forward guidance on what opportunities they could follow through on this month in order to experience even more Love in their lives. This month I am using Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Master Oracle Cards (Hay House, 2007):

This month we are invited to Let Go of that which no longer serves us. As you proceed with your Spring Cleaning and Detoxifying, be sure to take a holistic approach– clearing on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. We are especially invited Purify our emotional and mental patterns as these are often deeply ingrained within our psyche. Most of the time these patterns are so habitual that we do not even recognize them. These may be the things that we have always taken for granted considering them to simply be a part of “the way things are.” However, if you are feeling as if you are not quite living the life you desire, if there are those nagging tugs at your heart, those dreams and longings of a different life and a new way of being, this is the time to embrace them. Release the practical, release the notion of “how this world works.” Shift your focus inward and Listen to the voice of your Soul, finally embracing what it is that *YOU* are here to uniquely create in this world. You are encouraged to take time this month to sit in the quiet and allow yourself to become re-acquainted with this Inner Voice, with your Inner Wisdom. Take time to not only ask the questions, but to listen to the answers. Release your fears and really listen. You will be amazed at what you hear.

Megan Gala, M.A. supports people making positive change in their lives. Using her holistic “toolbox” she provides her students and clients with practical, easy to implement strategies to transform their lives. A life long clairvoyant, clairsentient and student of the Mystic, Megan began her private practice after the miraculous healing and reawakening she experienced working with the modalities she now lovingly refers to as her Toolbox:. Megan is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Reiki Master, Atlantean Healing™ Master and Certified Yoga Instructor. To learn more, please visit her website:

Megan Gala, M.A.

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Laura Galvin:

The Color Energy Corporation has a specially made blend called “Red” that contains ylang ylang, vertivert, and cinnamon. This These plant essences strengthen, uplifts and warm the root chakra. They also have a blend in their therapeutic line called “Chi-energy” which is in a roll-on bottle for personal use. This essence stimulates your physical being giving you a feeling of confidence and courage, which are influenced by the health of your root chakra. They can be purchased through their website:

Angela Lawson:

I love the Reference Guide for Essentital Oils (Twelfth Edition) by Connie and Alan Higley. It's taken the information from The Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR), corrected spelling and typing errors and put it into a spiral bound book. It includes all the Vita Flex Hand and Foot Charts, Auricular Internal Body Points Guide, Chakra Chart and more. It lists all the single oils to include their Botanical families, chemical constituents, properties, body system affected, etc. and it lists the Young Living blends and their ingredients and components. Best of all, it's much easier to manipulate and use than the EODR! You can purchase the book through Amazon:

Megan Gala:

I highly recommend The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price. This little book is jam packed with consciousness shifting tips and information. Small enough to carry with you in your purse or pocket, this powerful book is a wonderful reminder of the continuous Abundance available to us. This book also contains a 40-day Prosperity Plan, which is incredibly easy and super transformative. At this writing I am on Day 13 in my own personal journey with The Plan, and I have already experience dramatic and life-changing changes in my prosperity outlook. I am eager and excited to see what comes to me by the end of the process! This book can be purchased through Amazon:

*Note: We are working the 40-day Prosperity Plan in The Millionaires Club during the month of April. To join The Club, please visit:

April 2011 7

Our Contributors Share their Favorite Books & Products

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Most of us instinctually tune in to the pull of spring urging us to make things fresh and new. We begin to clean and de-clutter our homes, detox our bodies, recommit to exercise programs, and feel a need to be in nature where we effortlessly connect to Spirit. I’ve been going through all of these feelings the past few weeks and wanted to share some great tools to enhance your own spring cleaning experience.

Space clearing is always important and part of that includes physically cleaning in addition to energetically clearing the space we inhabit. I recently purchased the Thieves® Household cleaner and can finally endorse it from personal experience. Thieves® Household Cleaner is composed of 100 percent plant and mineral based ingredients and was recently listed in the Huffington Post as one of the top five green household cleaners, The formula is biodegradable, smells wonderful containing hints of cinnamon, clove, lemon, and eucalyptus and complies with EPA standards. It’s diluted so your investment goes a long way. As I spoke of in a previous article, Thieves® is a powerful blend of therapeutic grade essential oils and was created based on a “recipe” given by grave robbers during the time of the Plague in France. It’s been university tested and proven to be 99.9 percent effective at killing airborne bacteria. The ability to use this powerful mélange to rid your house of fungi, viruses, and bacteria leaves no room for contemplation in my mind. Quite simply, it’s miraculous! Please see my website for a short audio clip regarding the benefits of Thieves® in your day to day

life: I used Thieves® on my wooden floors and it cleans like a dream; it cut through the soapy haze deposits on my floors and left them fresh and fragrant. I even used the Thieves® cleaner on my leather furniture and wooden bookcases. The great thing about the diluted cleaner is that you can use it in so many ways. You can weaken it with distilled water in a spray bottle for easy topical cleaning, use it traditionally diluted in a large bucket for mopping and general cleaning, or undiluted for powerful germ killing. There is an entire line of Thieves® home products but along with the essential oil blend for diffusing, topical, and oral use, the Thieves® household cleaner is a must.

Spring is also a time for many of us to start battling the pollen and allergies Ostara ushers in. I am a huge proponent of the Neti Pot and recommend it for everyday use to keep your sinuses clear to head colds and the aforementioned allergies. Here is a link from the brand of Neti Pot I own with a short video explaining how the Neti Pot works if you are unfamiliar. I do not buy any of their salts or sprays so I cannot suggest them. The link is: Sometimes it’s necessary to add some essential oils to aid in the irrigation of the sinuses especially during allergy seasons. A recipe I use for a nasal irrigation blend that clears and decongests sinuses is as follows. Mix 10 drops rosemary, 6 drops tea tree, and 8 tablespoons salt (I use kosher, as recommended in the Neti Pot instructions but this recipe calls for fine salt. Make sure the salt is not iodized regardless of the type selected.). Mix the essential oils thoroughly in the salt and keep in a sealed container. For each nasal irrigation session, mix 3/4 to 1 teaspoon of the salt blend in 1 cup of warm distilled water and simply use as needed. You will really feel and smell the difference by using this blend!

Lastly, spring always makes me very aware of how close Spirit always is to us. Obviously, I believe in the power of oils to enhance our meditation and prayer experiences and although I love blends, keeping it simple is sometimes best. Frankincense is a necessity for any lightworker and healer, period.

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stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Spring Cleaning

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This oil is miraculous for its reparative properties alone and its ability to amplify your meditative practice cannot be argued. Frankincense has long been known for its antitumoral properties and in Oman, where Young Living harvests Frankincense, cancer is a rarity and no cancer wards exist in its hospitals. It has been said that Frankincense can be used to treat every conceivable ill known to man and was mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records, Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian list of 877 prescriptions and recipes dating from sixteenth century B.C.

Besides being antitumoral, Frankincense is an immune booster, antidepressant, muscle relaxant and is used to treat depression, cancer, respiratory infections, inflammation as well as skin conditions to include anti-aging. Frankincense also contains sesquiterpenes which stimulate the limbic system of the brain as well as the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. The limbic system is the center of our memory and emotions and the hypothalamus is the master gland of the human body, producing many vital hormones including those associated with the thyroid and human growth. (Please see Essential Oils Desk Reference, Fourth Edition, Essential Science Publishing for more information). Frankincense is available through Young Living in essential oil and resin forms.

Frankincense’s fragrant influences are many as its aroma increases spiritual awareness, promotes meditation, improves overall attitude, lifts spirits, and I find strengthens my connection to Source. I place Frankincense on my feet and hands to ground as well as to my crown chakra area either before leaving the house for protection or in preparation for meditation. Its fragrance is so exotic yet familiar to me; like it connects me to lifetimes past and transports me to a hallowed, magical temple where I am surrounded by heavenly beings. It’s so sacred and earthy and connects me with the Divine, offering comfort and strength in its scent. Next time you go on a walk, apply Frankincense

to your feet, hands, and crown. As you trek along the soil, feel your energetic roots connecting to Mother Earth with each step and at the same time feel your crown opening to the heavens, reinforcing your connection to Source through your higher chakras. Call on the angels to walk with you and fortify your encounter. Feel the energy of the Divine pulsing down through your crown, into your heart and out through your palms radiating celestial healing wherever you

walk and to whatever you touch. Reach out and connect to the trees, rocks, and plants acknowledging your cosmic bond to each and every member of our blessed earth. Feel yourself surrounded in the protective capsule of this golden, grounding energy.

While we may be most inspired in Spring to renew and refresh, these are simple techniques that we can do year round and reap benefits from for a lifetime. As lightworkers, our spring is continual and we should always be reemerging from our spiritual cocoons fresh, clear, and ready to shine our light into the world. The spring equinox is a perfect time to remind ourselves of this beautiful gift we are given each and everyday.

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Angela Lawson is an independent distributor of Young Living, therapeutic grade essential oils and certified in the Raindrop Technique™, a healing method using reflexology, massage and essential oils to align the energy centers of the

body. Passionate about the ability of plant essences to enhance her healing and intuitive work, Angela now incorporates this modality into her holistic practice. Her website is:

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I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Gross! Why would I want to read an article about acne?!” You’re thinking I’ve totally lost it. And perhaps I have, but I don’t think so. So I am asking for your trust, because what I am *really* writing about is a profoundly healing and shifting experience in my life, and I want to share it with you. I want you to be able to walk away from this article embracing all the subtle ways in which Spirit and Life are our teachers and the numerous opportunities that unfold each and everyday and urge us forward, slowly transforming us into even better versions of ourselves.

One stop on my journey to being a better version of myself, in my mind, involved having the glowing clear skin I had taken for granted up until a few years ago. You see, about a year ago my body began to reject the birth control that I had been on for a decade and a half and I eventually decided to go off of it, hoping to end the terrible side effects I was experiencing. I didn’t realize that having been on this artificial substance for so long that my body would take time to regain its ability to produce its own hormones in a natural and balanced way. One of the many side effects of this transition was to develop adult acne. I wasn’t too worried when I saw the first few spots, I had successfully been using proactive™ for years and assumed that it would continue to work as it had, keeping my skin clear and fresh looking. However, as my body struggled to find balance, I realized nothing I did on the outside would help this internal process. I became very depressed as months and then a year passed and my skin showed little to no sign of improvement. I became insecure and self-conscious. And even though I was primarily breaking out on just my chin, every time I looked in the mirror it was all I could see.

I tried everything, I gave my acne Reiki and Atlantean Healing. I prayed for the Angels to take it away. I did affirmations suggested by Louise Hay in her book, You

Can Heal Your Life. Nothing worked. I would have a few days of “relief” only to be followed by weeks of acne. I was at the whimsy of my body’s struggle to regain its balance.

Then one day I gave up. Not in a good way, though, in a dejected way. I just said, fine, I am supposed to have acne, I will just be resigned to the fact that this is my lot in life and I will act like I don’t care, when I secretly do. Then it hit me, the acne was a symptom of my being out of balance! So I began to

meditate on the perfect functioning and balance of my endocrine system. I visualized the beautiful dance that the hormones did as they flowed through my body’s cycles. My skin didn’t get clearer, but I noticed I felt better. I felt more balanced and to me, that was progress.

Still, though, when I looked in the mirror all I saw was my acne. Then one day while I was looking upon myself in frustration I felt a nudge and heard my angels whisper, “You are more than just your chin.” And suddenly my view widened, my perspective shifted and I realized how clear and healthy the rest of my face looked. Then I realized how clear and healthy the skin on my body looked. In that moment I felt as if I suddenly had the answers to so many of the “problem areas” of my life– I simply needed to expand my view. I saw my student loans for the beautiful opportunity and knowledge they granted me. I saw relationship conflicts as gifts to open my heart to even greater experiences of Love and Acceptance. The possibilities were endless. There was always a broader, more open point of view to take.

Who knew a bout of acne could turn in to such a wonderful blessing?! I have to laugh now when I look in the mirror and I find myself expressing gratitude for those spots on my chin. And even though I may still roll my eyes and cringe a little when I see a new one appear I am quick to follow that with a deep breath and a “thank you.” Then I make sure I draw my awareness to the abundance of clear, healthy and radiant skin that I do have, re-committing my focus to the broader view.

tools for your transformation Megan Gala, M.A.

Acne– The Next Great Teacher?

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The Vibrant Red Root Chakra is the start of our energy system. It is located at the base of the spine and spins over the pelvis and sexual organs. It stimulates and supports us by carrying the life force up our body and back down our legs. This is where we channel the energies from the planet, keeping us connected to Mother Earth.

The root chakra is our foundation of life. It sparks our drive to fulfill our basic life needs such as food, shelter and the need to be part of a family and tribe. Our tribe’s belief system is also stored in the root chakra. At times these beliefs serve us and other times they stop our growth. This is where confusion and imbalances may occur. The root chakra is also connected to our adrenal glands, where we choose the flight or fight response. When we feel fear this will weaken the root chakra. It is important for us to feel safe and secure in our environment to enjoy ourselves and our life.

The red energy of the root chakra is about honor, loyalty, justice, abundance and security. It is a color of unity “we are one” and “to have.” When we experience this healthy attitude we are better able to take “root” in the world. The color red also warms our bodies, revitalizes and awakens our life force, vitality and courage. It is associated with passion and our blood and fire.

A balanced root chakra embraces a strong and determined feeling that life is good and is a place where dreams of abundance and prosperity can thrive. The importance of a strong root chakra is essential for grounding and focus. It keeps us in the flow of life’s abundance which then comes to us naturally and easily.

Building a Strong Root Chakra

Sound is a powerful stimulator for the root chakra. Ringing tuning forks or singing bowls at the note of C will release fear and anxiety,

bringing us back to our center and balance. The C note is also valuable for those who are depressed and feeling disconnected. It is capable of having us feel reconnected to our family and tribe. With this feeling of being grounded a spiritual person will be able to connect the kundalini, or life force energy, of the body.

Aromatherapy is another wonderful way to work with the chakras. The life force of the plant oils are absorbed in to the body and strengthen these powerful energy centers. Some essential oils that strengthen and support the red root chakra are:

*Sandalwood *Myrrh

*Cinnamon *Juniper

*Clove Bud *Spruce

*Vanilla *Ylang Ylang

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chakra talk Laura Galvin

The Vibrant Red Root Chakra

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Crystals and gemstones are also powerful tools to ground us in physical reality. Stones that help balance the root chakra are:







Chromalive Light Red Therapy can also be used to harmonize and balance the root chakra. The light pen may be used on the reflex zones of the hands or face. There will be an immediate positive effect on all the physical areas related to this chakra. The areas that may be affected will be the spinal column, legs, feet, bones, teeth, and large intestine.

Red chakra foods have high iron content such as beets, spinach and strawberries. Honey from red flowers is also a good root chakra food. Meat, salmon, radishes, red cabbage, watercress, tomatoes, cherries watermelon, red onion and any other red skinned fruits and vegetables can also be beneficial in balancing the root chakra. Red drinks such as cranberry, strawberry and tomatoes will also stimulate this energy center. “Sun kissed water” can be made by using a red glass filled with water and placed in the sun for a few hours. This is the best red energy you can nourish your body with as it will stimulate your vitality and courage.

Affirmations are another great tool to transform your mind and body. To use them, quietly settle yourself in mediation with your attention on your red root chakra. Visualize a healing red light surrounding you and then imagine your root chakra as a ruby spinning and

glowing brightly. Then bring this energy out through your being repeating any of these healing affirmations to bring your life force to its highest potential:

*I love my body and trust in its wisdom

*I have abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life.

*I am safe and secure at all times.

*I have the right to express myself and manifest my dreams.

*I say “yes” to life.

*Life is good.

While these techniques are a great start, be sure to tune in

to your intuition and see what uniquely comes forward for you to do to heal and balance your powerful, vibrant root chakra. We invite you to share your discoveries on The Love More Project’s Facebook page!

April 2011 12

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Laura is a warm hearted Lightworker with extensive experience and training to support your Healing journey. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, a Grand Master Reiki Teacher, a Certified Massage Therapist, an Atlantean Healer™ and a certified Colour Biopulsar Analyst. She synergizes

these powerful modalities to benefit your quest for guidance, healing and activating your soul purpose. In addition, Laura creates colorful and meaningful jewelry with the assistance of the Angels. Her website is

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Fairies are magical beings, the guardian angels of nature and animals. As a part of the elemental realm they live with us here on Earth. They have a physical body like humans, but it is much lighter, vibrates higher and is smaller than human ones. That is why most of us can’t see them with our physical eyes.

Fairies live all around us in nature as well as in the plants and flowers that we bring into our homes. Nature is absolutely sacred to the fairies and they have a very strong will to protect it. If you want to be friends with them you have to respect what they love. One of the ways we can connect with them is to pick up trash from nature or use eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

Fairies can help you with manifestation, offer practical guidance with everyday issues and but are also great healers. The elemental realm has its own healing tools and the fairies invited me into their world to see how they heal and to share the insights with you.

I work frequently with Archangel Ariel and the Goddess Oonagh. Ariel is with me all the time and she reminds me to go play with the fairies often. She oversees nature and the elemental kingdom. Oonagh is a beautiful fairy queen who loves to dance on wildflower meadows. She, too, is with me and advised me to go into meditation, so she and Ariel can bring me to the fairy world. So I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths and in my mind’s eye I saw the most beautiful nature scene I’ve ever seen before. One moment later I was standing on a beautiful meadow surrounded by trees and flowers breathing in the cleanest air. Everything looked so magical and I could feel the peacefulness and joy in the air.

As I was looking closer, I saw about a dozen fairies flying towards me and guiding me to lay down on a sunlit moss bed under an old willow. They told me to deeply breath in the fragrances of the flowers around me, to relax and to enjoy this special healing treatment. I didn’t know what to expect. They told me this will be something new for me, it will be a surprise.

In the meditation, I closed my eyes and the fairies began working on my body and energy field. It began to tickle on my skin and I could feel them pulling little particles out of my body. It felt like a cleansing and was very pleasant. My muscles began to relax even more and I felt light as a feather. From the forest came the sound of magical music - fairy music. Never before had I heard anything like it. Everything felt so good, almost like being in heaven.

After a while the fairies were done with the cleansing and began placing clear crystals around me in a circle. Now the real healing began. Every fairy stood behind a crystal, amplifying its energy and sending it towards me. Right over my solar plexus, the energies merged into a powerful energy ball of pure white light. I was told this is to restore and to anchor the crystal energy grid in my energy field.

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angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

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Healing with the Fairies

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With this crystal energy grid I will be able to better integrate high vibrating energy and it will help me to open my channels much more easily. It also protects me from lower vibrations and increases my ability to work with crystals for healing.

The healing session was now over and the fairies encouraged me to stay for a little while and enjoy the music. It felt like I had spent a whole day at the spa, with massages and everything you could wish for. My body felt so clean, my muscles so relaxed, and my spirit so joyful.

I was absolutely enlightened, never totally understanding the healing powers of the fairies until this day. Deep gratitude began to rise in my heart as I felt so much love for this wonderful experience, love for these magical beings, love for this beautiful place, love for the joy of life. I saw all the love the fairies carried in their hearts, for the love of nature, for the love of flowers and for the love of Mother Earth.

As I was saying goodbye, some beautiful butterflies arrived with a flower garland especially made for me. They put it around my neck so I could inhale the high vibrating essences of the roses it was made of. “The essence of roses opens human hearts for love,” one fairy said and she touched my heart with her magical crystal wand.

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

April 2011 14

C h r i s t i n a i s a c o m p a s s i o n a t e i n t u i t i v e counselor, spiritual teacher and healer with an open and loving heart. She is intimately connected with the Angelic and Elemental

Realms. She is also an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD. and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich. Her website is:

Enter to Win A Copy of

Healing with the Fairies

by Doreen Virtue!

Post your favorite tip from this month’s issue of Love Letters to our Facebook page to be entered

in the random drawing!

Post by April 15th to qualify.

Page 16: Love Letters April 2011 issue

A verse in the Jewish text the Talmud says, “Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, Grow.”� What a beautiful image! Today, where I live, I’m watching brown grass squeeze out the last reminders of snow and frost as it strains to kick start its green growth. The sun is doing its utmost to break through clouds and call to the grass to “Grow! Grow! Take my rays of light and reach for the stars with me.” It’s as if the tiny beads of dew are perspiration as the grass prepares for another spring on green duty. Nature has spectacular patterns of growth and change. Mushrooms hover over grass as if they are umbrellas to soften the fall of rain. Every blade of

grass, every leaf and drop of water is part of an elaborate ecosystem. We can learn so much from nature. It’s as if nature is your angel bending and whispering to you, “Grow, Grow. Just a little bit more.” Every turning and falling leaf is calling you to fulfill your personal potential and be all that you can be. They are reminding you that growth is not always a linear process but it always involves change. Human beings grow the same way a leaf falls to the ground- back and forth, two steps forward and one step back. Be prepared to change and fall, many times and then get back up. Sometimes you grow in one area of your life and not in another.

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Wabi sabi & the cherry blossom Ian Lawton

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As Anais Nin said, “Growth is relative. We are mature in one realm, and childish in another.” Celebrate your own crazy, unpredictable and sometimes even erratic, growth. As well as being angelic and nurturing, nature is also wild and destructive. We have seen many examples of this in recent weeks. Nature’s wild outbursts call for a different human response, more active and decisive, but encouraging growth nonetheless. In this case its often courage and resilience that are added to beauty’s inspiration. Among the devastating stories of death and destruction on Japan’s north coast, some awesome stories emerged of survival against the odds. Many people, the elderly and babies included, rose from the ashes days after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. Against all odds rescuers gave hope back to families like a spring miracle of rebirth. Life can be a wild and unpredictable ride, but there is always more to come, more to learn and more to become. Spring is a reminder that nature, like the seasons of personal circumstance, cycles from death to life. Imagine the joy of holding your four month old baby three days after being separated by a massive tidal wave, followed by even larger waves of grief. It is a reminder, like every spring is a reminder, to take nothing for granted and to stay open. Life is a precious gift. Give thanks for every moment of living and loving. Make the most of every opportunity for giving and growing. We tend to want everything NOW, but it may not be time and you may not be ready. There is a time for patience and there is a time to dig in the rubble and get active. Learn from the people of Japan. What a wonderful example of grace under fire. I bow to the

people of Japan and hope that if I am ever struck by tragedy I can respond with just as much character. For a culture that values nature, beauty and order so deeply, we can only imagine the heartache of living in the midst of so much chaos. But you don’t see stories about Japanese people looting or disrupting food lines, and you DO see images of people still bowing to each other and helping wherever possible. Every year at this time Japanese people celebrate the blooming of the cherry blossom tree which bears no fruit and flowers for just a few days. Even so, it represents something incredibly powerful. The cherry blossom is a reminder of new beginnings and the briefness of life. Seeing the seed of change in a cherry blossom, or the cries of hope under the rubble is the essence of wabi sabi, recognizing order beneath the surface level chaos, perfection beneath the appearance of imperfection. It’s this perspective that enables people to maintain dignity and optimism when all seems to be lost. There is a saying, “The cherry blossom among flowers, the warrior among men.” Wabi sabi is an inner strength and perspective that can see a cherry blossom nestled in a pile of debris or hear the cries of a baby from the middle of rubble and know that life is beautiful. Where does this hope come from? It comes from stillness that collapsed houses and disheveled gardens can’t disturb. I can appreciate beauty, but don’t get attached to the beauty because that too will change. From stillness and simplicity, your positive thoughts and acts of kindness create beautiful symmetry in an imperfect world. This story illustrates the power of Wabi sabi- (Continued on the next page)

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Wabi sabi & the cherry blossom Ian Lawton

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Cherry blossoms scattered on a perfectly raked garden are just as disarming as blossoms in rubble. They both shake you out of preconceived expectations and lead to an act of surrender. You can’t control nature, you can’t control growth, you can’t control the timing of events. But you can control your responses to life. The cherry blossom takes most of a year to prepare for its spring splash of color. Growth is like that. It arrives like a stray cherry blossom or a wild wave. You can’t always trace its path and the source of growth may be as random as stray seeds or buried dreams. In any case you often become aware of growth only after being reunited with hope. Nature reminds you to watch and be mindful. Your thoughts are powerful, and wherever you place your attention there you shall dwell. Begin with awareness of change and possibility. Scatter a little positive thought and kind action on your awareness. You are a beautiful flower opening yourself to life, as if to say, “I’m here and I’m growing and I’m ready to bloom.” My friend Richard Powell, author of “Wabi Sabi Simple”, has a profound understanding of wabi sabi. He summarizes the essence of wabi sabi as “nothing lasts, nothing ends, and nothing is perfect.” May you remember that without darkness nothing comes to birth, as without light nothing flowers.

May nature teach you patience as snow covered grass. May the earth teach you courage as the tree which stands tall and strong. May survivors inspire optimism as the seed which rises in the spring.

Reprinted with permission.

Ian Lawton is spiritual teacher and founder of soulseeds. His weekly blog, grapevine, can be f o u n d a t

April 2011 17

Seed of Growth

A verse in the Talmud says, “Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, Grow.” �What a beautiful image! Spring is an angel calling you to grow. The lingering sun, shifting shadows and smell of soil are calling your awakening spirit to stretch and reach for new adventures.

Say ‘yes’ to the joy and adventure

of being alive and awake.

This is a soulseed exclusively for The Love More Project community. For further information about soulseeds and how they can benefit your life, visit

their website:

Sen no Rikyu desired to learn The Way of Tea and so visited the Tea Master, Takeno Joo. As a simple test of whether to accept Rikyu or not, Joo ordered him to tend the garden. Rikyu raked the garden until the ground was in perfect order. When he had fin-ished he surveyed his work. He then shook a cherry tree, causing a few flowers and leaves to fall ran-domly on the ground. At that moment Takeno Joo knew Sen no Rikyu would be one the greatest exam-ple of wabi-sabi way of life.

Wabi sabi & the cherry blossom Ian Lawton

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You are abundant!