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LOIiSVlLLE JOURNAL Sixth ward appeared, presented oerunaB.r f electi0n and oath of orhce, ana w anninlaii rkftirmftn of the Committee 'if . Tut Naval Expedition General Smkr-uan'- b Orders. General Sherman, the coin - manUiag ollicer ot the lanu lorcea in ine naval expedition, Iiab isiuod the folluwirg order, giving directions for tiio manner of landing upon tha enemy's coa3t: E. C, StJEAH'iLR ATLANTIC,) Oct ter 2bf lbbl. f 8TRCIAL OIOKIiS NO. 13. 1. This romro-Ac- will aii fur it deatinalion In k very few days, urtler couvoy ot a naval commantioa by iomTaoaer Uapoiit. ibairatvporw win mare in lure columns, ana In rear of the main body of the tquadroa. Aha transports beJonrin to the rirtjt brieado will . - ,1 t i. . i. A I Ta-I- ami rtiinl Rhode Islind regiment the (;vire, and theweof tha Third briirade, and the mtulion uf vutuotecr eninoora, the third col- - unn. tMoh vessel 'vill retain ltsonler in column, and t he colurnna will Lei lines enui-dis- t, rjulating from the ri'U. Tho .mil rmselb and other t.rn;-or- ?, iaud Lite to thu task of failing with tha tiaet. b lowed by fach 6ieamr ad the Chiof Q a r lor mister mav desig- nate. Comm:ndar Dupnnt, in ion with ibe land force, ha kii.dly made snch an arrange- ment ( f tU tleet e will eecure the trannorla S?ar.r.rv.n -1- .1 into the rriL of and conform to these arrange-- I merits a corv of which will be dnly pven. I 2. Ifce (jnerl ccmroandinp announces to the corpi it is t?i touted to wtix a Tcr.:? T ."" VrtTf ever;' oiHcer and man of hia command. In con- - I eideratlon of tba t'jstnora and holiness or our cam, of the ardent bitrioiiira which hid prompt- - ed ineMriuouj anii n.uaaiua ' "4 v.. .h.wi k.i; Iti k aiii i Rnd efficntlv bud- - lril in hid efforts to overthrow a zealn'm, ac- - live, ard wily ftv whose cau?e h naholy and priPolpUs ontanbl. 8. On the approach of tl. transpurU to the pUce oc embarkation, ac!i bnruda co"' practiwbU end will at the proper time ouptrin- - tfend the diftmharkation of hia biiado. The surf hfiHtfl. other means of dieerabark-lio:- on hmd, ern bclvtd to bo uopsMo of lardir.g at nnco from turee to four thousand men. inoMirt 3 tr ii uiutfrBut m ' ( l 'T"vl Z,. . 7o 70 rv cr,n h nrowti The other means tif transportation nwv take the remainder of a I t rida, v:ith proooiy ono or two sactiona of n.Jd artiuerj'. (ires. Tha ht Jme will be the bnide ol ijo. AVripht, fiaLkd by two sections of Hamilton's Lbrht B itter. accompanied bv toe taua oi re- - Lr (wrDiia ai.d minftrj, ami ftfocorop tries ot Sr- - reli'ii vi'lartcor ecciovcr?, with a aufli-:ien- Fupply ot" tol3 and gand-baf;- The second line will b the brig?d of Gen. Sevens, and, if iiecBHiv. acconiDinied bv a suction ot Jriamu- ton'e: bailcry and two field pieces, to be manned b" a company of the 3i Khode Island regimput. The reserve will hi compoetd of Gen. Vieles briirade, the roraammc portions of rverrell s vw- - nateer ODjjiu--er,- ( and the 3d Rhode Itland rejfi-me- and will bj of aooording tociicura- - dances. fi the boaia cf not on!v each company, but cf I caeh regiment aod will land abreait, as I fir as prioticaw, and la tne oioer or pai. w to land immodLatelv fiom ths liirhten, then tbe suit beat?, whew emptied, will iinmrdiatfly pro- - I wed to tbe rapid lardinif of too men from tbe hkihterr, and sa poon as tbe who.e line is Untied, all the bons wui ret am ani unng wrwra in imu manner the trcops of the or bne, acd eo with ft The iMna! officers air I comomndera if ba- - tailota. &.c . will be furnisbed in time with a plan f deacot and tbe particular ordr of battle, it is crobuLitt that tbe lirit lioe will have to con- - quer the Rrounu un wc . n to es an:uu iuii, anu 'ppoa,y Kr"r-'- "' ; .A i ..Hn,,.: ., iha tirst line, ov ercom- - L immwliaie'difficnlii-- s, will oniioue to drive backward tbe caeuiv, l.ut will not venture bo- - cu;orlH: uistance in m the shore, lefore tne !a;.d:i:2 '.f toe Gansrai coianjaoaing. or wun- - Uf D(S CPeJul I' I silora tn at in unchincc and roanninc t.fae furf boa's, and be aroeala to the patriotism f the mieViM, ir.a:, and sailers of the aeverai transput, to larr.istt on additional numyar oi ar.a Any aeiiciency oi ra liijn in fcurl' wiil be aupolied f.nm tbe pla :r.i tv, board of rwuectivelv. eo ihat e.uh wbr-- rjdv. nii'.v Its rapid! v ruw The ooHItr co.r':inen will land and fnm with t hir 8.' aii l heia omcors, wr.n liar ir refrxc- - inM itfl u ill eiQB?vo" to obtain laadinjs boafs t t tbeiuilv8, acd the n?ccsary cosfiwaiu3 acd from the trassr.irta aod otbr 1 ired vee ls of I he titjeL 9. The eo:or offievrs cf tbe tmopa on baird e;.ch tranrvrt win Hrr;;n-- ; with tho master for rlantarv he pi ot this kir.d which may be r.ctd- - trt and cto be cn-e- ana win mike a a?eciai re- - t I n !. II BS?MiaiWi i"i a re: ou, Irt a aAAn ll Inline sba! have beon ef-- .cteii. the surf cr lanlin bratawiil re-- j?t to lha CMef tioirtermaster for immediate 1J. Tho dick ai. ;:on .lf. ot'is-- men T.nll romaiu on txjrd the toV' Tiil traruprts until provision cm he mad for them ahoro. the non :1ecH-,'- i' will 'oe e?pec;ally charted with tho care ' f the , undc-- tbf directions to be left bv tbe r;pciiv medical t 3ii ?Jtfi tui'jera, eicepfing ote from each bricade. Ui dfsinated bv tba repi-etlv- voii;j.1t) orf.rnart'io:. v ;.M lwi with) thi tro(-p- 'rho f lui'jioal ctfic'iM left afloat will, under ibe direciion f the Mt.'dicil Director, divide the itutv bv vip.ili;; nil tbe sick on board, including: i!nrTn .f tho Third Khoda Island reim?ni, nnd tba of Voluntoei Kuineo3. Hf o:d';r nf Uric- - Can. T. V. SiiFroiAx. I, 13 11. PkUJIY.IT, Capt. 1Mb Inf., ASH t Adj't bonfwi. fcjfU ii int?rer-tint- in cur present stru-pl- e to f.i ur to lb beginning of the military career and the preparatory educition received by the morrt renowned captains and commanders dnring ie wars of tbe lirat inarter cf this century, r,-..- . ... i, fm;i;a. (u.,riJ t,L.,TOnf J a it'.,,.;,: Tt,. n n, n.. uu a.mnp.uw. .WW.B lilitM ULiiL k'Q con tern mi' ineir codiu.oi arioa shows how few of them received jwy scientitic rsilitary education, their talents ami (Renins b- - ing rovfiM in aotlons on tho Held of battle AugereaQ "Scarcity educaUf; ha enlisted as a vMint3')r la ihs rank anu hlo. H'urher N militarv wlucAtion Military eninerr; he was always in llif s'aiK nver commar.'Mnt; troM. ;iM-aic- fliirdreaser; enlisted as a volunteer Ir. tho rink and bis, Cluuibl No preparatory cducatlor; rank and tie. I)avnu3t r Mm miiKary ic.w i at onenne, b . I. . . .. n ..-..n-x .1 .iti TLWni. m,xt ti NatV.laon. te No niiiitsiv oducatioc; ho beiran B3 a voiuntcr m the rank and nle. ii?uvi u St. CYr Drawrcg teacher: a volun- - tor in th3 r.i"k Hrd hia. tho ruuk and fil. No militarv education; he rose frorn tho nnks. Hectic No militfijy education; a volunteer in thn rnk and ne. Kiiber Architect; r military education; he becan m tbe regular infantry. KUi t No fp'clat militarv education. M icvlonald So sptci d ntilitarv cdiita'in. Mirmcn: for tbe miii'arv. Maseoa No military education; a volunteer n t ao rar.k and tile. Mai?on No military education; a volunteer in the rar k ard file. Mnntebello (Lanne?) Oyer; a volunteer in the rank and hie. MorHer- - No military eduvition; a volunteer in tbe rank and. hie. Soult No SDociM military education; a vulun- - wr In tbe rank ard hie. Juoot I'alillc tchcul edncatloc; a volunteer in the rack and file. Morejiu Lvwyer; a volunteer in th raok and t! Any one parti ficg this li.t will be able to make fur hunstlf the natural dtJuctiune, and will ain conJent ia voluutodr?, fiom wbo:a ha-- o come tbe Tvatest cutnber of renoHDe-- i ouitiianders in te French armis3. liLEEL EiRBAitnrEa. Tbe Loington Ubaer- - v?r and Rpjrter gives the following exiract a letter writicn by a highly estimable lady liviDg rjfear norkiislie to a friend In its vicinity. The writer ia weli known to the editor, and her state- - loaiiU my be impiiutly rolUd tipn. Tbe provi.'usly reieivud cf the barbaivus con- duct of xJuckrjer and fcia foiiuwera towards tb cltizons of that portion of the State is fully uorro'.-- rated by thij extract; Rev. T.noa Campbell and bis family have been driven from their home. Mrs. Campbell, eshib-itinj- r dlstrefiq at being ordered to leave her own reidace. waa told by the traitors that the kitch- en waa pijod encunh for her, aud tbey wtre rnth-liii- y tomcd out of hou-i- and home in order to make way for tl rebel goI.Hara. ftlr. is a Christian miniator, a ntphew cf the vl'stirjiishcd Alexander Camp-bbi- l, acd had chirr not only of the Chris: iaa church at ilopkiD&ville but of a large and mo-,- t j. rwperuua female coiiee thore. The buildiog occupied by him waa a vary cipicious one, com- pletely fcdapNjd to tba purpurea of a co!liat inatii"t?, aiid hia 6chtKl waa most exteusively patrr'-)- by the people of Green River. But neither his clerical character nur hb education- al charge ofTertd tbe slightest fiomptka for LifU and hie dependent tamiiy from the iierdiah tha urprtntipled He vaa a lorai ci'lzeu, ard that waa crime enough - b;lng hrn uridyl the ban of the fJonclerate army. Ji'jck&er, when he invaded the 8tate, 'l ft proclamation in ha promised pro. fvctiw to all the citi?eniof t he Commnnwenltb; th treatment Mr. Campbell received at his bsS is a fair cample of the kind of protection I n'aJ pcf ic assy Wrf ri fr.ta hiwi OFFICIAL. BOAED OF COMMON COUNCIL. Thubsday, Oct. 31, 1SG1. Fresenl J. M. ArmMroDjr. President, aQ(i & tbe members exoept Mr. Irvine. The reading of the ioumal of the previ ous session nB dispensed villi. Mr. Philip Tcmpert, member elect of the Common Council from the Second ward, appeared, picseulp J certificate of his eleo tioa and oath of oflice, when he waa appointed chainnin of the Committee on Emotions. t i. n v Cnrr mf.TT.hiT elec t Ir ore the - 1 fcfUUU - V V f 11B on , m m erl F . ine lunju.- - r'" " - following oflioers, wtnea were severally referred to Finance Committee, viz: l m Unffffg. Market Master of housed . i ., n"im Konw of the Work- - i'.,. v. i r house. 1'hilip loafcri, Jr., Interpreter flf the City Court. A. Aker3, P. W. McUoiran. W. Wcbuire, E. Ilogue and Lewid Coon, Policemen. CUims of 'J 31 and $b -- o, in tavor ot .taj ibu. & Co. for dr7go,U the Mayor and Workhouse, were referred to t inanoe Committee. yQ6 wharf Master's report to Oolober jj rtfl;m, t0 Committee on A claim of $18 in favor of N. J- - Car- - pentfr, for mueic furnished Home Guard, W63 referred to t inanoe Committee rjp0rt 0f Thomas lleese, Market Master of house No 4, to Jinuary 14, iwz was read and filed Tho trginecr eubmitted an apportion- - ment cf the grading and paving of the pidewaiks on both sides of Chestnut, from Fifteenth to Lihteenth streets, John Brady, cotraotor. which was referred to Street Committee Western District The Eogincor eubmiUrd a grade cf the alley bttween Chestnut and Gray, ilauoock and Clav streets, whioh waa rtferred to the Qtreet Committee Eiatern L'istriot The rCjiRDation of Dr. K. Vaughn, a3 Coal was read and received. Caruth presented resolution racing a joist res-io- n thiaevenlog, a.eighto clock to elect en Assistant City Attorney and Cosl lofpeotor, to fill vacancies, wcich was adopted JJ1NT SESSION. The two Board- having assembled. Judge William fci. Bouley was ciocted Asbietant Cit' Aalomey, and w. Av. Talbot was elect ed CrI Inspector, when the joint cession arost J 6ETAHATE BLStflO.N Mr. Overall presented a petition ihere for, wiih a resolution to reduce the wharf age on boats lying up at Portland to $1 per wefk, whioh wad rejected. Mr. Baxter presented n petition from C Lichtcn & Co , to reduce the amount of ihf ir tsxea. which was referred to Finance D nonftlj nrescnted a rpeolution author permna 10 uniuu omitB nuiunfrs, pmrjuvu the Government pay their expensed, which was adopted Weiman, from Ravidlon Committee rpnoTtd ihaf iher waa a vtcam-.- in tho (f TobaQCO lMpeotori and was dis- - cuaigu "iu mnuir l.i me fiunwt Wr. Garutn presented a resolution ulreo ip? (he Mavor to buv six hundred bushels of cob1 for (he ci- - 0ftjceB which was adopted Mr. Welman prented a petition to have Ma-k- et street bowldered from Floyd to Preeion per ordinance i, which was refer red to St reet Committee Kistera Uistriot r- - TiirVw rrpentpr! an nrdinanA to nr,Lih;i i ha rtrntitn r,t Ionian hniLlinu referreu o Kevieion Comniittoe Mr. Ciruth, froai Finance Committee, reported a resolution from the Board of Aldermao, allowing Pearaon & Klnjr $230 for cortins, with an amendment allowing $131, which ameunment was uoncurred in, and same was adopted by tho fallowing vo'e. Yeae Fresident Armstrong, and Messrs. Tcmpert, uaA'er, Iwyman. Backner, Ca- ruth, Duck? all, Gr iBger, Gregory, Light- - burn, and 8!ory 12 Nays Messrs. Crow, Caldwell, AVool, Gverail, ttunel, lucker, vna Welman . iUr. tyaruth, from t lnauce Ooroimt'ee, reported aanst the petiiion of Mvy AdkinH hor.i tn ruln.ic thAli-ki- . and the ' ,i ,,.1 , l , Mr r'cuwu iuiuuu ui reonng me engineer to require mi con- - tractors to rcpiirthe oieferns lately com plei.ed by tbem, and for him to reoeive no more cuterDB until they nave been thor oughly tes'ed, and the Mayor to have repaired all cUterna which do not bold water, which waa adopted. Mr. rjtory, from Street Committee, Lant- ern Disfrii'. reported a resolution from the Board of Aldermen, opproving the Engin- eer' cf the digging and walling of a well at Hanoook and Lamptoo, J. Fitzgerald contractor, which was adopted. Mr. Story, from the e&me, rpprrted a resolution from the board of Aldermen, approving the Engineer's apportionment of (he diffffinfr and w.illinc nf a wnll M. Firnt ttn, rr.a Satff. Sr Flhira :r ,r i,b:. :: : ? cuDirfMjioia, wuiou waa auyp'eu. Mr. Liehtburn presented a resolution requiring the diebauded companies of Home Guards to roturn to the Q lartermastcr their guns and equipments, which was adopted Mr. Light burn presented a resolution "quiring me organizea companies oi uome Guards to report to Uoa l ope, and author I irtr no w Unndfl tn hn tnVan fnr remi nmni a " i - r vheM 9 captains and tho?e giving bonds heretofore have resiguc 1, whiua was adopted. Mr. Tucker, from Committee on Taverns acd Groceries, Eastern District, reported a resolution granting ooffoe-hou- se license to Jno. MunohotT, at Treston and Green etrests, which was adopted Mr. Twytuau, from CorarniMeo on Tavern a and Groceries, Western District, reported a resolution granting ceffee notice license to Watts & Rogers, at Fourth and Ureen etreets, wmon was auopiea. CLAIMS ALLOWEO. Hospital, ?j40 H'j, expenses for Soptem. Dpr oOI. ihos. liAnnoa, qft-- to, lor worn, on High street. tl 1 UoVor Id fiO fnr rennlrfl nrmiml Mr. Tucker presented an ordinance fo grade and pave tho sidewalk on the nor1 b side of Mad i3on, between Preston and Jack- son elrcets, whioh was referred to the treat Committee Eastern District. A resolution from the Board of Aldermen, allowicjr Charles PfeilTor 518 40, Prfs. Means 50, and Brown & Bro. 1 75, ft eundiiea lurnibhed Street lnppector, was referred to Street Committee LaBlern Dis- - j triot. A resolution from the Board of Aldermen, allowing A. Iuva!l $7 7G, for services as Auditor, waa referred to Finance Com xnlLtee. Resolutions from tbe Board of Aldermen, allowing A. Brisvalder $9 23, for sharpening pick?; William Rogers $ti, for repairing ditch; and street hands, Eastern District, $18- - 50, for work on the streets, were pct- - l n r i i . i. at i 1C. lu luo A resolution from tho Bard of Aldermen allowing J. F. Teareoa the utie of a room In the Rescue engine house on Sabbath even-iog- a, f'jr Sunday school purposes, was adopted. The report of the City Marshal, for 8ep. tember, wa-- j read and filed A resolution to adjnurn until Thurtdiy evening, November 11, 18G1, at. 7 o'olook, was adopted, whea the Bo rd adjourned. J. M. Vaughan, Clerk. Bundries. DRIF.IJ FRriT,- - l.V- tl pilme DiicJ Applet ?uat itnd for b1- - bv iX U B. MATTHEWS, No. IM Fourth eL VtThV.S M bhlfl Rmi!tnttv W nale bv J. U S. MATTUKWS, No. I'M Fourth ft. If A V'. awl balf Clowr and Tlmothr for sale to clove coi)elfen(m-u- C. L. 8. MATTHbWrt. x- - Nf. Vi et. STAfiO iiamh-- a let tbeie wtcel'eut llmu jutt aua for iale by "11 ' HTTtBTTT SON. If LOl K aiv Ktra Family Flour of dtrTreot a. brands iu itooj aud for tale n HIHRITT BON. IXTKA UOLUKN BIRUP-- Ai fahla, half bhip, and jlj KeKJ in more fit t Oolien Sirup iu store and for sale by ANTVW KCftlANAN A TO. f ATCMKS - l I IS cat9 Mitohei" of varimi" A yl? Aio 7j grv-'- s Water-pro- f MuMi-- fitb-.-u- t bnniH'nue); Jnst rCfivt-- at No. tf Main ahwt, between Third aud anit'or elijwby aJ4 ORWH HAW SON. TOHrNSON'3 AI.OF.HKV 11 SAK KNT'3 STANOARD Sl'ttLLKR. UlflTijKV OF T1IK luSlTii') CTATKS, by a PincU- - ci) 'IVaehfir Boke for the City School; for sale by si- - iu a. urvrtL. RtO, LAOV AVUA, AtD AVA t'i. Klt'J f'e t CITY DIRECTORY, Arranged Alphabetically in liejrard ti A:lorr.ii, Th- .A 43' M?'o trv I!euiy, 8afn;s! A ' i. M" et. bt. M anfl iih. iJ(f9iicor, C C, Main ex. bot. Kd iuu Arr1oKlOim.l Fm:l"ixteat(i nn3 M Jt. nrrnt, II. ft Co., WT Main ft. S"rraiin A IJrv, &i tUn, SLrtb RJVl 3nentO. JWtmi i l., coiner ct pjh1 lb. JhtVin, Wianl, ft Co .'S Main rt. Carter Ruchnnan, I M:(.ii rt. Vnrtetlrs, Y' Bui I'nifry Gooffs. B'wa, I?o. iSti toiirth ... bf t. a:d lniiptTet pe Cstirricu. J. J. KirM'a fformArir Hv.rij'i) GrUry, Mt.ij he- t.wt? Kwrth 1'iffh v.e. VBbtjr & Jlro., Main ct., ltwm Fw.rih anfl Fifth. Roo knelicrpj, KtoLi:on:rw, Sc Perloiltnol ltmtn. , , M at , btf .Tftfbirjoo amt Ma? kgfc, Middfu, F 3d at , bei Jehr;ou and Marlrot, Iin.nL era. Cnrt!i Varren, 4"! M.iin it, Xtounet lilaobr. Ua.borte Mr. Vnv, at., bo. 23 &! rniii-jlrVo- n ad Forirnrilhg M.VTTrWt?,C I. S.,0imimt3in A: Forwaidin 111 Fourth wf st cid j, bet. lirer. C'lot'ihieT nod Gfrntlr uif.rtt? Fnra'uhlnz tetKt. Arnwtrone. T. M.. rirnfr 4th pd Main rta. Sproule & Maadevlll, oruer 4th utf Wain ett. 'nrtxt). OH :iotb nnd Curtnln IJond. Hlte Small, filaia rf--, bttt M aad 4th, t'toaka, rn:ti)!luy. and Varl', Morrfmvt, C-- T..1) rt., near Mali. i..t t?a., M&ia Bt., bt- - 6th fta 7ii CiwMftV & KcTi!(!r,a, t;A M'.io ct. A HcCrtft'iy, 41S rt(A!n rt (Jvijeit, A. & Co., 4th 8t., bet. Market JdfTwiwn. CrlttAndwt A, rt.. r.'Ai.t Bifl MArkei. K;tlof. .1. N., j,it, ,f,:ifpr-- ajid Maifl. fbeTiKia ami Ai?ofherfti1. Dawc. B. F., nrr.w 4th a:ul JpfT'cn U Mfiiatry, F , Main ft., t 7th and &ti t. Carrina DlnnufKWr.ier. Btnae, I F. & Co.. et bet, Irt and Morrlip, .7 S A M"in at R'.lmioou, K A. Co , at , bet, fcth aa! lh. Wion, IVttr, i Co, , 4fi afrJc it, Wilder, B,,44, Mar A 7ovrd. Main tr'.irt, brttro0 4"b Fth. 'i'abb, G. B., rb ! .Vf.rfcet. Fut and Far C?fd. Crrtr, A., Main etre, Oth and 7th. Coarlef F., 4th ffr3et,jfc?-t- Mari)t aod Je6E. n 3i CUtnorA, M ffrst, bet Main anil Marit. tinlCth, Jospb, 6:h etiet. Iwt. Main and Market. Fire, ffurlo, and I JTn Insurance t'o.w auid Aseote. Afnerirw Ins. C., IT. Put, $c , b?t. ?1 th Ijo;iiaviie Inc. , iicbt. Atwood Sac., Mitu, bet-S- d atifl Mole, John, Main rt, bf-- W and !:).. ti'i??, Vi,, Main . and iai. C?., VTui. Kwe, Sso., Main ai., tzi, 1A . .1 o.f Artcrtrcng, J. M., co 4th ftnd Mitn rts. iae 1 Itier, numbers, Acc DonaQy & Stradr, Bd Pt., bet. Mark an-- i JeiTrtia. Oroc?r!r-s- . Ikjsora, and Tebacro. fltowait A Partor, Vib Main ttrcL-t- . lienor, Wlitig, Rod A!cch, Tlnrt A CM ivl --7 . )."t Af;n yual Matk't. M n'-- 'i' 5s:i cirect. flfl!TO"lHT fc Son, Y.'.-.- ft , Nt Min an "'A"i,r. Zfciunc, A. & Bon, Mh t;t , LilL wiJ Waia, I.nmbrr, Mitb. Ueors, l-- Al&nnfler, K:l:a, ft Co., cor. Preetoa, & VTalnnt ft Main, iieTWfmi if aid an. BroJP. J. N., C'r. Main & Wansel and Waluu, between iCaat at loyd, rierbfrt A Wrfpht, lc rfitr, F'rtiJtlng rnpt-- biuufnei'jrsjTB. Dopant & Ca.-- -. itr-- , botwc;u 4th.aufl la. Fowttet. TVipAfit A Co.jM ibs b.iwvoQ 4t!i .c4 --t'i. Oati AS ?' JiIaju elrBet. Ranttoua V eufft, Utwtin Main A Market. Cn-f- ln, J. ft (W!fcT,.i3d. frttwwi Market A Kaln Kof.llcr. J. C (St. hot. Mu.-f- and Min Bi.l' c, C. T., . 'il i',r Giyver & liivkcr'D Sewiun Ma StianboRt AsmU rn;l i'omiuNiloij aiH For- - tfttroiiin ,'Z relink if. rm-tj- A Co., Will str- -; Mouihead & Co., Wa!! ?trr-et- , bet. Ms.ln aafi W..tet Teai? niifl Kmirv Oroortec, Lin bam A Co Sri trr, bot. ?Tar and jHtTeuoii Tofcnrro Coujsc1i0b Nock, Wlcki, A Co., f,:2 Muiii ftrtvt. J'n.'irnntirr. TV "VVratt, cor. 7.i; Btreat. Wooflco nnd V!11av V.Lr, liioctoa, CLrdnx A- c. KAWSON, '"RiilN, 3U8 Mala ft rest ViiilJ,fir- - urn IJnM9l fM WUewi, FeWr, A Co., 4.ij i'iu ffreoT. Es.r!iTr nnd IkUw. UlDr, fit-- , S' Min r7?r-,- . iliit n.:U lYy j'i.:injfo?rr!i-CrrJjs- , A , cor 41 h auu Maoi, and Mibi 6th n4 !b iton, Strel, Will in, V7 iJ Co , eoreor Tulril an-- , W'utchrri, and Iiti:. Fb tbr A Re: mii t, Mil'j rt. het 4 Hi eiri W ri , 'M 'it , lxt Market and Mam. Votfil at itiinit, ya at . hut. Mum aud MaiAet- KauipM, Kuril 3ns iu!0, tcnl Olio, & o. Dar J' A Dealtr, 4th street, fcoteen Miin and Market, Ctnrrnl irodnre acd lrovl-,io- a lirokpsn. R.irliaiinii A Co., Sit, b"t- Min and rlor, w. A H., MarkeL h- 4; auJ fib illV'n A , Mart;vt, Iw:. ;4 nod . Cotn) A Mnody, W.-- bt tbe rivtK r A Ci, 4l Miiiti troct. (Jay, Wc , Main nri-.-- t Ha'Vrt, M A . M iLt re-it. J.v.-- A Protber, r,'." "treer M nn in. i V , Third bet Main aofl ?ater. N ;wwmt), II. V 6Twa)if,iM. lr A Allr;i. ixth d're-- t, t Market cod SfaJ.i, Kaivfian, A Co .h Mam str.t- Snyder, Joiin, Market ntrnt-.t- , hf t, Firat Brook. G?n, ZtlcZcellan's Lai-l- , ARMltJ KtROpVU-DeiiU- of MHitr-Svpft'iu- . ad ptin tle-i- r aihsidaiw U. irrimiiug Kc ""t t thn 1,'riin an Vr W I om ul ii. r rti-- o mi Apjis eontinin g K cula-tio- for il.' E i Id bi'i'vicc .t Cav.itn- - in t.iir"t v;nr. nl I.. A. 1.. Not to bn found elson-htrd- ! WI.VCH.LI1 ITARY Ft"' '.V'! JONt? in? inb'e ut ih- rrefnt tim. litejnii."ii work. ot the Enaiidi aui I"PTJi!i Anuy ,.iic ! iai meiit IV. I SAM'S hLlK-.LLlu- P.LCOHD for Vat t IVjLLM. I CCKWJlt'AT VLOL'R- - bA acV? fre h FenHr-rtva- uii ' h'lC'ur r ccivid per s'eanb'.at and tor enib by JNO. F, FIOVARD A CO-- M'ii. bIveon Tnivd mil K.mrtb ut. VVTR arf to fiwni-- Butlers aud othci-- with TuntJ at ehj:t uoiicu. .TAMES LOW A CO- -, JUST iecived cn counigajnent alt' barrttscf tv;o U 'iirbon. fS C L. MATTHKWH, 1 Fonrth K tioKl-'kl- bo nagd ttl (Mlw :i t'.re ai i r ta.'o by flMIt: LA TE CKNijLS Jast published. Oni.lete, 1 j'jc Uy mail i i. ol-- L. A C1VILL. wuNLurr- - kj coi!ry Win nnd KaTi; tniiut ti Lait, Dib.1 .ir.: For ftmlty ubk ioc o rt ,H plpa Rochtlla Rrandy: It) '4 piye t.'.rni, it Co. Brauir W do A-- bi,Tietio d 50 tt.!e .'of York d.,; In stora aod for ealw 03! V ARStlALL RAI.RK.KT CO. ri dpim? Codil-h- . 4 ' b.ix".- d . Jnpt received aad lor f ,de by oi31 iOFKKE 4 tsriift irttuo Java Lawu'yra, w Ro CoUtiti lor aaif ov m RirrTT BON Gold Tens ior oldit rs at Half Pric. ruiLD Pen aod Poocil wi-.- flllvur Cias worth qil 6:1, va hr So. (eld IVna. d nl with 8Mv-- t Caw, worth W, for i. Gold fei aud pencil wltii Oliver Ca t worth tl 6 i, for fiotd Pen and Pencil with atlvor Ca.o, worth fftJ, for 4i 6i. Gold P"n and Pencil nith Silrijr Case, worth $3 at), f r rfct Old Vn with llotfr a- - il Pjx., vn'h M, f'-- Si 75. U"M Pe l O'-- l ie- - d 4, hr i Gold Pen with U'.'lJur a'd Kos, wiLh ijw. fo- - :fj 1. A. CIVU.L, Bookelii- - and Hinr. KAI-1.N- 8 boxr-- j l.Avnr Kalpin; ;',n Vt do do d : 6J do do . d", If.' bojie-- . M. R do: b'i W do do do. 60 i do do ; for r.le by ANTUONV XANONB & SON, 0$ Fiftb t... hhlow Mam. TBNT YAKDtt TiiNT CLOTH In atore and for 75,000 iaie i.y JAMES T.OW A CO , S'l an-- Jin wfi-- t 8td flirtb rt-- SC1AKS-7.- 5 Lorerliia'aCru-hed- , IOVKi:iNfi'3 Grii'i-iti- iu atore and lor 93.1 by elll fiw JtljCii na KV (JCOl Lia Cf.rVn .vworted Pric''': W dj OiJton Flaiiijpl?; 3D do Apron aud ri urtiug : 4o do FIohc!,! Cuioa; 20 bftl"? Wool Kiannif: RAretred aud for nale chf'p by Hi T R BLF-VI- CTV. XouiaiArja Ttonoy Wanted. LOijISLvNA Bank Not- - wanted by ANU'W RUCHANAN A CO., ay (Vimi'r Hcirnn.l fnd Woihtnt"in t. OIO COFFE.E-- til haw rriie Kio Coffee lacdiug per XI nj4llboat and tor nui AND W BUCHANAN ft CO, Corner Sror,fl Vrcbin(tin mm COTTONADKS, ?ttonad: 4 do t:nuilet .Joans, f do NejiT" Plaids aud 3tiiM; btiea Mf lved nd for al chen b ii 'tr. A R 8F,!VtN A CAIN FAINTED BUCKt'-i'S- , ai'jlod Uuct-h- s, aH irolot?, M do B. b '.'drdj, eU;i. )i do Otii W"ll no; 'A do Zin! W Jnt njcttvr-- and f ?i en.le loy hi iRtsrN RAV50N, a54 B8?M'o t ,. h"tg.'l bird ud I omtn. ft M!5 tJ WH. CAY. T. A. IIARBQW. Comer Min bu rf ill K NATIONAL HOTEL le siruatfn in tne;ver7 rooter ot tne oii8inw fhi i. m me, ..." 1 roal 'i'eiejCiAt'h l'rcw (Jifice, the llookn, and place of amuweioent, and within one t V h,.nes- - and i in bor ror.dlllon cow than It wm ever sona visiting tlm city lor budiQeea or p eauie cners every Tb-nn- s 1 50 W. 13. WILSON (Siieoerscor to Gr. W. Bashaw), WHOLESALE DEALEK IN CIIOICFi FIELD AM Agricultural and Horticultural Implements and Machines of all sorts, rLASTEH, CEMSWT, WEITD BAKV, AND XtllS, Main bL, bet. Third and Fourth, opposite Bank of Louisville, IjOUISVIXiIjE, TJLTkT. StlJSINS CARDS. C. L. S. MATTHEWS, CeW!MISS!QN & FORWARDING And 3?rocluco Doaler NO. ! ?l FOl KTtr STRl'ET, WKST grrE, BKT. o- M UN ANIl TtIK M VLK. Kii. J. wilboist. Veterinary Qwrs; o--r si Dr. W. respectfully a!tii" - tb tbtt he is nrarticinn the nbie pr'ifep pion in r vfaioiij bram-hea- , and trwt? by trlct ateitieu. t mm It tbfir t .ituve r ropfla'1. Advlct-- , Herer a:i Jnt'ie Mfdu-in"- , Liniiii3iit9, ic, may ht-- w ut bis itrai r Anvly t Stable, ScVtQtb, btdiroen MarJitrt end juif r o. MILITARY ROOOS&TRiMMiNGS AT MAD. D. RUHL'S, roarlhi!troof,riext door to Mozart Hall J P I (ONKTANTI A' OM UANi) AND M.VJH TQ OBDKR 9 WO Kl)3. BASHi Id. IJJ5I .T8, 0 H ! aud 81LVKK ItitAlfS, A KM Y :td MILITAIU' LACKS. U. 8. and KUTTON. Knihrot-tpif- SIlMCIDt'i HTKAPS Kr ritfv. of ditT-re- rank p. Tjr,LS. f'Olif'S, Y UINOViS. A".. C";41 to ord-- ut Hin lovest dtf WArrs, civifN. & uo. Paduca'i, Ky F.vHt'SriU, ItuL WATTS, CRANK. & CO., Commission Merchants, 45 UKO I) ST, NEW YOliH CITY. VTK barij o:r-- Hntje in the City cf N'"? Yc fur tbe I'nle oi T'TltHxn and W.-'en- Prodnre. fli'd rcvpec Ii'll v w.iirt a ?h;un of Won bji-- pttroiage. yropi-ieiu- g our b;.t i ibn ta lor thii iutatftjta of oiir coirepcnd-e;:t- Wf hav.i fivrj- oinOdonce tn Tobacco BIUrg readUy a, full pilc-v- . iu round lo: 8, titrefuro twlvie bhiimentp to ti." Nt-- ir-- irai kt Mr. I 'AVin iTw, ; Watr?, iHv.-n- , 4 L Fadncnh. and f it v ii. Cj . New ori ii isiiy ye-- tH'ai'.ijir n'.tii t:..; . .b tia.if, v 'U lit pt'isci:.ii i.t txiition tT tUAt- divi"t"''-- t M" I. A. Ck1, ot C:a:iy A livn, l!l attend Jifoctlp to tl" WeotL-M- f'rt.'diice V,ATT3, CRANK- - A C. Nrw V,Mr. Time 1. Oi'K). CATIIRALL, ManufactT-re- r and Dealer in Tobacco and igai& Southeast comer of Second and Cfdlowhill ks , PUILADKLPIIIA, PA N. R. An a.iortriPnt of om raillion Domewtifl C?ari CL32STSAD & O't'Cri.TOR dsaiks KTTBSa awe A id Solo Agentx foi the .Tos.osroy Coal. ORDFKT anv cf the ibovtj t;;iaN iVfTfuJIr pi:iujtli' Ciitd at Hie lowt Cjirk'.t rric-1- -. Or.f'anOy on hv.i a lae wiyrof the n' TON A CANNKL" r:d rKACOf TtJMKHV wbb-- tor kltSeu, parier, or chacibor lire bare no u per ".or. Off ci No. Third s'.rect, between Market "id at, tfobb't old sr and- id at No. utbwcjt COiMftr HrooV Aii'J Mrrk t rtii wip, dtf II 51iLL!.EHV GOODS. II .BONNrrs, fr'lS!- I Lf'f-Kr".- , (aie-- tye), LuNMC? WIRK3, ana W?LT.fcBOriR, A fftoa of LACK, HALF LACK, ar.d BUCKRAM FRAMES a'wcyi on bnd at the lowest Crb anh FKSSINQ at a :il Jefirtrsn ft A2fD HOPS For Sale. Cash paid for Barley AT TO 3 RKMI'CKV JI1LT HOUSE, f0!TTII HfrfE rtlAItliKT STREET. BettFea and S3rrh. )a?3flf JOHN FNOfT.N CO Now Importations. At Mo. 877 Mvn ttrcft, tbrc floore bplnw tbe Iionbn'tUe U!lCl, A 5? W nrtw ror,tr!rt tnr additions to thplr stock of Cbi:ia e.nd On hand and arriving a lri and iiaiidoane of Glawara, Uril n.nd Fisted Looking-- ' ilnecHi, I.aui-t- Het 3, and Fruit Jar-, all of which will be offered at ai Ion- figure ai can be ioacd la tbe market. aT Improved Metal Burial Oases CrniMnlnx Reant.y, irablKty, and lirbtrr'pii. '' (JrTic? frtrni.r Serouth aiid Jeieran, IJo.dsvUie..fa atye (.".vk?t? aro cinJfi cf Crmjc'-ef- l Pbret TIT5 ari.i li.i.'.i K'.th (.Jf.ttft percha or Ind'ARobbOf o an to be Air and V'ator Tiffbu. All O'dflra pirnp'.if flittrid;-- ! to. d.!3 (Itf HAST CZaAHR. 'MrtiRTKItd AM. WliOl.K3ALK VVALWR9 IN 1 VINK3, LIOIJOK3, CIOAR3, a:-- FANCY OP.O-- CRRIK3, No. oS TIJjA atrwt, have ito re and fr W) M'?i tnperlor Ponrboa WhiVy, yeara ; I'm do do d- - d, a m io H carte Coijniic Sreidtre; Jlfl do .Vj i do Rfr',-''.(- i di; drt rr,r y, i;i I 4 do M ul-- ado f- H flo he';-- drt; 9 bhU oid P.'jv-- Hrand", rx. PI h'7lF rd Ar pl Itmn.iy, is Cl,an:j-f,- W Uir, various hranfft;! tifH-tt;- oo.V ttnii J. Mr.hliilBn'i Nr.tivsWlBflt RutiLiffc; and icoh Aiee and Portar; Claie tit rwf. Anitwte; Abe n'n; Mara TbiDo: ('i':nxa, Am?. A!o a iar' aiid wpH aiportil ntcck of Y f fh Kralta, , aud norTr 'tWally SealS Gooda o all deaeHp-t.o- t nl((t r.ncft nifil Save Yur Fruit! A LARGK SL'I'LLY OF V M S5 1S"3 FRUTT CANS; Wll.IjtTGIiBY " roN". ' RPIX'iK h fr .Ui at panio prioa. tnW H. :fdF7AV Sr HOJ1. BlUfl CATI5VET, 1( YAilDS BLUE SATINET on haul and A v for ttti .TAMES LOW ft CO., nri vt wiiin Wxh t. ibir, YARDS BLUE CLOTH o;i hand and for nale )V JAMES LOW ft CO , 8 ft and aid weft -- ideSlnh-t- WrUOAK- - o aft ht. l. N O fn-r- !' bbL' P'twdorvd ami Crashed Sugar; lo hois Lat fctiar; In atore and tor aaJo by oH MARSHALL flAT.PFRT ft CO. Wnisw- - f ll1 lib's R'Tttft 1 i!'-- (n ijhln f t rt". 7fi bb yTr di't'iijifl a bblf ("e !d C':ji i. bM Cne o! live d'., In rore aod foj aeia rr t n v at v it a; rf.r p Ai i'o rpAilLE .) LT i bbls rims Table Salt, packtd in ?tb i tw, foi iivlti hy ANDWPW BH'MANAN ft C t I IARrH's MAGA2INK fr Oc&Mr cottaiai AS di ByuivQ Nw pirm eu1.!.-- - stla Oi'.. -1 4 Hi sU LOUISVILLE, KY. i before, and to tire travel iun community and per inducement tor patrooog1 Price to suit tbe timtB. Per T&y. GARDEiU SEEDS, IHJSIINES8 CARDS ABNER COOPER, Wholesale Commission Merchant Butter, Cheese, & Produce. 43 VTaU strcot, ronicvL!le, Ef. NOCK, WICKS, & CO., CO 3X1 E 3 ION" JCSBSOH &VT9, Agents for Tobacco, 11 j non, eod Oottoa Yerj?, No, ill and 8:7 Mpin ct tt, Titrd ai.d Fourth, LOIII3VTLLB. KY. mil J. B. MOORE, JJID STEAMBOAT A a ENT. Frmghi Agmi fnr Per.wi. C?ro VjtaItqcuL Ko. 41 FOURTH (OB WALU PTBCTT, LonlsvlIW fv. a. w. pmc. ww. t. r. W1AJSD. PITKIN, WIARD.& CO, fBnoooMTf to Fltyji Brothftn-l- , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SEED S, AGRICULTURAL IHIFLEMEAT8, Machines, Trees, Plants, TJydranlic OomeDt, I I me, Flaator, &. OlfJ XLXaIjx street, or1 dtf l,OC ISVFIJ K. KT- - kill rtrEmsniwo. lirRKff-A- II fiM ard kinda. IT'RPVCTJ CI1T11S AM nuinbrd lwvt miH IMTRO'T-- PORTAHLF, MILLS-W- ith fOUd Prcnoh anbrt" nd made on bwt kuuwn . fsMUf MA CM ! N d fferent klm5t. Kill Irota, 8crewa, Bcrcona, Belting, PhuUir ParU, and U'H articlea generally. We hae on hand a lare atock of the above-name-d rtlrlea. r or aale low and doaliry warranted. IlKRRKRT ft WRIGHT, aepr7 No. IS Third at., bet. Main and rtv" J Orn?& Prescription Sicre, MOZART HALL, Fourth and Jeffpraon atreoi. anrately ecrppoon:Vd a't a!! hmn dap or mbL iiiii JIIBBTTT & SON, VAioIeaale and Real! No. 499 Maiket t , bet. Eecond and Third, a I AVb IN PTOP.R A FTJLL 8TOC OF" i a Grccerlea, and pollp'.t fcbo rtrpnAi! of h JOHN SNYBEE & CO,, Wholesxla Ofoc?, Floor d 0 mlfiaion SXercb.acts, t4 Main rot, bofwetta Third and Fcrtb. LOUISVILLC, KY. PARTT'JiLAR ATTBN GIV!TN TCTBP ?.! j'rodiloo d to na. aa?l GUNPOWDER. PUPONTS RIFLK AD RLASTIS POWPRH IN MTTTAij F05 We have In nmaaiuc il ancily f fre aboro eele brattd brand of Powder, pnt tip hi pxtmitrcn keg aao for Bale at laroo m wooden kega bp A, V. D:iP&NT A CO. F"S. B. For aale bp all the onivtlle merchant!. (Jay's China Palace, LN TilE MASONIC TEMPLE, coaNsa roxrHTH and aacsrt I ba?o at now ppraed and ready for tale or Lnt pac tion the largest and moat elegant rtock of China, Glass, and Qucensware Fiver offered ! this er any other oity in the North or South. I have a'X) on band and intend always to have the atork of 81 L VE TED WARE, CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARP, WOODRN AND WIILLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES iu the eonntry, and which I will sell at prices to eult tbe timet Pereona having eld Chandeliers, Lamps, &., can get I'nr'ix cieancd and ruado look aa well aa Dew at a very triunic expeaee. I am also prepared to mn GAB and 8 TEAM PIPE Into Buildings or titoamboats at the eUorteet colics. alS 31ilitary Sailtffery. K In anttrirfitloii of eraorihia- - JC'X rT demndi tor Military Kin;p-- . 9 i imve miw.' 'Jtira pin.- - - i m 4ii rntioiistofiU all ordeJd rntnut.-pj- l. to ni"! ftiin rrompLnBsa ana fiesnrirt ti. 8i7 Third at., between Miiin and Market. f!4 dm 8im of tli Ojlrinn Huddle WUGAR-HOUS- MOLASSES V bbls 8t Janiee 8q Mtlaqse in eTois ai.fl tor hy o AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. COFFEE-aai- VX) ba.go Rio Coffee In store and for by ANTrTV PUCUANAN ft CO, fllACKERP.L-fj- n package Mackerel in atoro and i" I for naJn bv AND'W PUCHANAA A CO. COFFVJV Rio, good and prime; ! do Lamarra; UO do Java (in pooketl; fr file hr O UaWSoN. To I ID. A CO. mUOAR-IIClU-.- HAMS -- 4 ca ke for aale on cnnelgn- - 7 neut bj RATRON. TODD, ft CO. (CIGARS, TOBACfJO, Havana Cigars and frr sa!e by ANTHONY ZA NONE ft SON WCOTT'8 MILITARY DICTIONARY, new anpp'y; ai other Military llo:ta, 'f ctlc. &c ot L. A. CTVILL. JT. P. THOUIPBON, r kkalkr y F WINKS, BRANDIES, WHISKY, 'ftftttNo. 19 Pourth at , bet. Main and Market. o4 iKINE TWINE, ftc-- A good assortment of S.ine Twine, Cdalir-Lin- i Pi ;b Lioe. . Hemp, Flax and Cotton Twine-- , 4c , i tre and for pale by OK KIN KAWBON, o! fK4 Main at. , between Third and Fourth. K DT TY OF CHRISTIANS TO CIVIL GOV ERNMENT, by KidtrS E bhepard, A M ,M D. SheuM be In tha baitda ot every citicou at this particu- lar tiu.e. By mail six cents, n' L. A. C1V1LL (ta ARDINE3 311 caeea boxea Savdinea for aale by O ANTHONY ZA NONE ft BUM, 08 l"i1b treHt. btnw Main. BLUII r&ANNJQZa. BALES BLUE FLANNEL on hand and for sale 13 by JA!1M3 lAJVt & CO., 017 3i8 and Hit wt aide Sixth at. ajjTAGG HAM i A IM of these choice Him.', alw a quantity oi country Haaa an 3 Sidwp. i j3re and jor eale hy oUl HIHRITT ft S. HIBBITT V SOST. W'Hi'LLjJAI E AND RKT.VL ORiKiEKY, FLOUR, it mi 'i k. SI oio;, N. 2:n MatStt street. bi- tween Second aud 'I Mrd. oul li iiiie IOVERING'S BUGARS-- M bbla Ivertnaj'r Gvanu 9,iar in rfore and tor pale by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO., n Corner Second and WaehinBton tta. REMOVAL. REMOVED TO THE EAST SIDE OF 1HAVR at,rt, between Mabi and Market, oi .1 I i'mmMPSON. . WODA Pi kga NwwcasOe ncslvt-- by jKtlereon villa Ka lroad and for uGe by o9 RAWSON. TODD, ft CO. To Broom-make- rs. T fi .'Uift HKOOM IIANDLES: U,.''vl nu i,t .jjHiity Biry)m Coid, 50 Ins t quality SMviog Twine; ir1) Ui- - b- -t niaii'ycol'd l " 7 in ll vt ijuHlity Platp.l Wiie; Iimi bJ! Cit- Partt; Fr le pt tbe Y'J-- n vv : yd Hpcoui t(ir?, Nf, 58 jfliip f,f iirB 'It'il Flirtb, 9il VfUiXR KAwByp, RAILROADS. Lonlsrille aa4 FraBkfort and Lei-int- on and Friskfort ( M AND AFTV.H MONDAY, v. 4, ITfii, Traini ' will leave Louiavllb daily (Sundayi excwptwJ) aj KIKS1 rHATf 6 tV A M, ptopplo? at alt 7a1twi hen flai;t'd, Ricirt Fair Omvuda, hacCoare', Rrowna-pt- j ard tellview: ennnerting 'it Eminence withetarej! fer New Cfti'He; at Fra-hf- .rt f.r , HriTid-Hnrs- and Unnville: at ?yn'a t:r Gj'jrU n; ad at Ittiinirton ia nil ra.vl s,i:d f!i(fe f?r Nicbolv-vitl- Danville, Laneostor, Crab r)iciiar. Bom9.--t- , pieiimv.d. Mt. 8pi Unhand ail it rior tove. SECOND TBAIH 2:r. P. M , piu at all etatiem when tupijed, exwpt CiouuJa, Oibai.. Race vrar.o, urrnsoyX browBtioro, s and Norlh Rctuaoa;e.ii!ctinn by etajn? at Ktn'iunc for Newco-tl- at far SholbyviUB, and at PljTie'B for (lonrF'own TRfHI) THAINACOOMMOn AXIOM Tvr. t 1 10 P M, stopping at ftlt Starionp: and rnttimhii. will Irvb aerange at 7:':o A. M, itonniii at all etatioiw. and ar rive At LoiilsrLMe ai A. M. Tralmi arrive in ! .f).nriH fuMnwj. Flr.tTr!n-- t 11:40 A. M.; Borond Train at 7:(.0 P. M.; Laxra;Ue n at :.h) A M. r ndKbt Train leave Lonivil'dftllvCPr.fWv exeunt. etl' at 6:3" A M, arriving bj Loxiirtrtn at 4 IF. P. M r reuist T raing leave L4iiinton daili- - dund t f. A. K., arrlv.-t- i i L'juivill nt 4:4 i P.M. rrejht Is recaiv&d mr.d discharged from 7:Sn A. M. to I BTThroigh Tick-- f for Df.riil!?e. Hr.rred.MTivi. Crab Oiehanl, fiomeret, Hiibnjo'-.d- . Mt. St tHtsc. Wloche- - t, NnhoIi'MiHa, Georgftowu. einihi-villu- iud other towiu in tl'j iut-ri- r fr a!H. and all in'onr.'i-tiof- t can bi baft at thn l.'t tn Lcubv-Uia- , of jetYanfn and fcr&ok i"tnrt c'dtf r.Mr vr, r.TLL. BuperintPnen LOUISVILLE AUD NASHVILLE RAILROAD. urn wm&TZzmwzmi Notice to Passensrers. COMMEN'INO Bepemf-e- V. Tran-- on tbe AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD will leave Louisville as IoLIoki: Lebanon Tia'.n (Sund;ys excepte.) 7:""1 A M- ' . . .. P M. sJP dtf J. B. ANDERSON, IMPORTANT Fa&s8ngers shotiM bo careful in pur- - chasiji Tickets to St. Joseph or poinig in Kansas to see that thoy road by th North Silissoiiri Kaiiroad, It is the only ail rati and diroct rooto froni St. Itouifl to fit. Joseph. t.Miteoo hHMs qntcfer, fare lovr aa any other route. ISAAC H HTl'RGFON, Prec't and Gen'l eup't Nortli MwaouH R. R C- - , div st. I, ut. Mo. OZaOAGO UAXX.XIOAS. FOSl ST.L0VIS9r HM ;A0, DETROIT 19$, SnTTjrar A.rraoo-Rrr.fi3t- . 1551, i"iN after Tneslar, tvt. 1, is1, Pasae;gev Tralna will leave Now Albany as folio : 10 V M. cmCAOO ei!y spt Pno- - dya), connecting for T ire Hanti and Indianapo- lis, and connecting cloel- at Lafayette for Chicvo. aw Through from New A'baby to Chicago in Iti hoJrs. - P. M. HT LOUIS NIGHT EXPRESS (Daily f'Mci St. Looia at:' A M and Cincinnati at S A. M. f bta Tialo nine to Mtt'-hui- l only. Retumirc. RT. LOUIS EXPRESS airives at New .Mpinr at 4 iJ A. M., iDikhi? cAcs from 8t- - Inis aud Cincinnati, teaching LTUU-viil- at frrlft A. M. The CHICAGO MAIL at 7 'JO P. M, leachtnf Loohrviile at 7:45 P. M- Oniv one CKttngt of Cw fo Pil. lsi&, Ciudnna'U w Vteeaco. Th throueh Tra'n mikes ftrod connftftipnn North and South at Ortwaf a ! Lstavelt, I.JiCritx, and Michigan City for all points La-t- , We, and North- - Wf,t. aTWTralna arc mn bv Ioni'Tiilf time. Yr-F- THROUGH TICKETS and flirt hf , aoply at the OENKRL RAILROAD , "onthTCft corn'T ol Third aad M rtre"ts, Loataville, Fy. A. B CULVK.t, 8.ipt. 6. 3. PARKER. Arn nlJ -- f FASTEST LIE EAST 5 via. ciiMo:rrjMTi, COMMEN' Uid APRIL M 1"61 Columbus and Xonia i8(5i mm?m isgi KAJ LlfOADH. FP.'M CINCINNATI TO fvtn in d hn'!. Nov York :i?' Kntra, Finish Tph'a tn Tt 'i hoir i'Ml-yr- n i fipvi;!iB inv)r'Ah're.Ai!mn in t !:;ra. P'iffa!o in Ui hr.:im bi ClTOIanJ In hours, PlttnlKir? in 18 j bours Wii"Hi:g In U'b hoora. f V in U e fn hoars. Sinue- vlile ir ; toj-.s- , Bacnaity in 9,fi hoisra. 'Py.t ilo in i" hoj;ra. Detroit In boara. Ykrciiirh Trs-In- tsava t'!iioLii(i'ti as foiiwei A V EXPRESS - Fr-- m Ctntnn3f, Ham- ilton, A Dayton Dtpot, coniiuata via )oido, , and Canada. T:W 4. M CINCINNATI PXPUE9S From LHMe Mie.riii Depot, connects via Column-is- , Cb:velard, fci'k, and Pnf7o: via Croslii(;, j,nd rtttfi. Kirs;; via ChiTubiia. t'tenb-nvil- 't. and Piticbuif.: aud via Coiamhua, ReUair, and Rrnwood. : A M PTPKPfl MAIL tovi F itt Mnn! Dep t, conueeta via Eel'ir, Riid V'iUun ii: via Cchimb'jfl, (Je'tline, Rnd Pittalm:: via CIumhue, Cleveiaud, DimXrrA. and fiyrf.'.lc. P M. Er p; lifter. A Dsyton Depot, Ciuiiecta via Toledo. Detrc: aad Cana- da. 10P M NIGHT EXPRESS -- From Cincinnati, rfsm. Utoii. A Davtru Dr.pot, ciWHiecta via Cobiinhna. lilts and Fltt3bnrtr; via (iidumb-in- "eitlie. Kd Pittabnrir via fJolomhue, Clew lnd, Dnr.airk, ad ria Cobirobns, EeUMr, nnd liuowood; and via Bellair, and PitrimrK. Medsrn SUeping Cam en this Train. tWFtuoeng'in for Laie Oteauera will tse the morn- ing Train. fWThe LIS P. M Stir!y, for TolMo only. The Night Expr-e- mns Putty, 8atnrdo$ erupted. AU other Trams run Daily, Sundtnn excepted. WTralna rno by C'.lninbna time, whitb I? 7 miootea faetsr than CincinDatl tlm. BRgage Chocked through to all Eastern CitJi. fTafwnRere ahonld bar In ralcd that the "CIN- CINNATI" ia thn OLD and FAVORITE ROUTE. are made promptly, the Reacts are thoronrhly BALLASTED, and ail modem 'rorrevcraenta adop Inaaritig pexU oomkort. and 6S i'KTY. TIITIOFTGH TICRETH Are-ot- d at all the PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TICKET Of TICKS in hp WKsr aud BOUT a. At for fkk-at- ti via C1NCINNATL P. W. BTSADrtR, General Tifcent Jel CinrmnafL nUCKWHKAT hi) bc ii'W pGiin:vh-ani- Riirk- - ivhfat received per Marmoja tn ater aud for ail OX w. a h. TrrRfrrTAprvr. 41 1 ftrrt ei. HOMINY-1- " bM new Hominy recti ved aud fur aale o:-.- W. A n. KI'RTIIARDT. 417 Uarfci. at. ill OLA 9315860 bb!e Plwdit'oi Mclawos in etnre IT ai and for eale bv 0 8 w h. nt'ittriTAno URBARFAST RA'Jf)S Du(H-- d Ham Char gidea, in atoo and f"r w.le by oi3 W. A H. PlfCHAKPT. 41? j of BULLION, Embroidered aCd i Fatect Met.Ulie PHOUI Di;R STRAPS, ORNM TNT3, BASHK9, Ae, alirKaon baud and D:ad to ordor at C. .7. RA1BLK 3, fa-- Jitleran street, mm M ml between Third and Fourth. mm 8- Ofhcere aupplkd at 1pm chan Ctnciruiati prbw. o'5 T KFINED SUGARS -f- W) bbls White ad Yellow la atore and tor eale by RAWSON. TODD, A-- CO. OLA8SKS- - 1F1 45 bbla MolvfW- - 3n Vfo dor 4.1 bbt S'lffar-Bou-- Sirup; In atore and for aale hy 014 MARHTTALL HA PPRT A CO. MACKKRBIj 3 larr Mackerel. 26 kits No. 2 do, lu atore and for aale by o14 M AHSTF ALL WALWBHT CO. iJTARCU 164) boxee 8tarch in etore and tor sale bp k7 a11 MAKHMAM, HAl.Ma.KI' JTARO- H- O fj boxea J J. Wooda Colurobua Pearl Starch; Son , do do do do do; Jnat recvivM and tor eale by (1ARDNPP. A CO. r ICORICK Li lit ftdrB i.inez Smcbof . 7 do E. fir aale bv i9 hawuon. Tonn. a co. 'or't'EK-- - Ly I.iaaj hica pod aod p:lrue Rio; 11 d' t jftfivra; lis.' do Java (in pocVetl: for aa!p hy al HAWSON. TUDD. A CO. IPLOt'R bt) bble Eitra FamUy Ulofir in ttiy aud for fSl W. A H. RUr.RHARDT, 417 Majk"tft. ti XT HA FAMILY SOAP l. Wvrk'a aupeil'V J Family Soap twelve, and for ml1 bp fSl W. A H. p.UUK ti MIDI1. 417 Market tt. r?IO CC.FFKP- - Ti bsp? Ric Ctrl e received and for aale by w tt ormn-iiAKr- 417 Mfih't at. ItlOLASSES- - 1TA 10 bbla prin e PK"tt(..u Mwe. ft.) bbl? prtnu 3t. .fiiift Sufcvi Hcue M '!!. In store and ior sale by Pit AND'W miCHANAN A CJ. rM!K HKBKLLION RECORD. A ti!ty of Arn-- M cn Evfi.iJ. Thret nmnthlv rir- - e:b 6 UOLrS ADDitFSS IN 1 A'L li VILLU- AND Tl,U TO J. P. SPEED. 1" et. EVEREfTS FOURTH fF J.LY UR.VilON IN NEW YOltX. 16 tt-- . as I: A. CIVM1L C'lDEK VINiGAR-Lo- h) galloua pure Viuegsr, of uiaituracinn for eit'e by a W. A H. HURKflARDT, T Marknt t. RAILROADS jErrsHfEowvri,i.n raiz.zkoas. Change of Time. rpPjAIS wiU leave Jelleraoavllle, oppoai LcclsvCll '; F. N. and p.UO A. m. I;30 P M LIGHTNING EXPRKBS PAPT-Da- ilv (8undcyi!t'xrect"d ronnertin at Sivnrnir with trains cn tbo Ohio and Mississippi Railrosd for Cinriniati, CobiTnb'j,Nw York, lioetoo, Pniladeli-bia- . Pfiltiicre, aod a'l F.astru Cttif; andat InrtinnapoHF with four tiue lino f.T leveland, Pitth;i.ig, Kli ! art1! phi, RHitioor. and allth piinrinlt, citiee in the Knar: with Trains on the Terra liaiite and Lafavettn Rail- roads for 8t, Ijoiii?, Chloae. Iwv k Inland, Gulncey, HanniMI, Bt Jnaeul.. and all theotlier principle citiea In the vf and North wpft P- - M, NIGHT KXPRKSS-Da- ll- (Saturdays cottnecthid at Seymour with train ou th Ohio and Mieplwitpi Railroad for Ctncinnnti and all V.pte,rn cities; at Indianapolis with the Ilfllffoun-tan- e Line for Toledo, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, New York Boeton, Philadelphia, ItKltlmorts and sll pointa in the East; and with Ine Cincinnati and Oh'. ao Haute and Rirhmoud and Lafay-ett- Itailroada for ChlcafO,St Paul. St.. .Joseph, St. Lonla, aud all points in the Wft and Northwest CLINTON .JOHNSON, al5 dtf A. 8. CROTHEllH, KnpX ' i nrnnniu isimi H AIL I IO . D Is a First Class Road In all rerpexta, WITH 285 MILES DOVBLE TRACK, THIIKE DAILY TRAINS ( With Connection from all Pvints Went) From Pittsburg to Philadelphia ALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK, Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Line, Night Express, 0r. Tliia DAIL f FB0 FITTSBURG TO SEW YORK WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS. VIA AJ.LBHTOWN acd EA8T?N, WHb Dii'eet Connections WeHeio Citiea, Arriving Rartrg IN ADVA NCR OF OTHER ROUTES. 1 T'ilE rofl BOSTOH ft If Haft or A'lil J.av. Express Train Runs Daily Others Sundays ExcepU1! NINE Dally Tralna fiom Philadelphia to Nev York. liitc.t gooti on any Lino or Trnln. New York ot Doaton Tickete via Plttaburg good VIA PHILADELPHIA OR ALLEXTOWN. BOAT TICKETS GOOD TO BOSTON VIA ANT OF THE BOAT LINES. Two IPf thf 1'onnct4on from Marriabnrf to Baggage Checked Through AH Trans fers Free r ARE ALWAYS A3 LOW A3 ANY OTHER ROUT?-- . BUY TICKETS VIA riTTSfiVRC. Tickets for Sale at all Main Office a. Py thU rretyhta of all dewrtptioTK fn be for- warded to and from Philadelphia, New Yort, Roaton. or Raltiracre. to and from any jwtnt on tbe RaUruada of O'rio, K"iT.cky, Indiana, litinoU, Wisconain, Iowa, or Mi by ra'lroad direct The Pennsylvania Railroad alwoonnecte at Pitteborg rttli fVsuiere, hy which ooda can be forward! to any Port cn the Ohio, Mufkmpipi, Kentucky. Tenne:e, Cumberland. Illinois, Mbifaeiipi, Wieconalo, Mi'sou1!, Kata?, Ajrtipj, anfl yi rivera; aud at Cleveland, Sa'idueky, and Chicago with atoomera to all porta on the Northwestern LaVe.3 Mcrciiant-- . and Sliinyera ontrnatlng the trancportation of tiiKir t'reifli to t)iB Company cn rely with coaa-den- on (ti fjieeciy tranait. i ITS RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Wwt by tho Pennsylvania Railroad, we at all tiiMiB rj favorable ae aro cnargwd by any other Baiiroad Companies. ta'Iie particalar to mart packages "Via rmA. E. R P. J BNEP.DER, PhiladelrhU. MAGRAW KOON3, hi) florth etioot, DaltUflOre. L&tA ;ii A Oi t . No 2 Aator Home, or No. I South WB- - U'i (trset. New Yor l'CH A CO No. 77 6iate areet, Doaton H. D. UOt STOr?. Geucral Freight Agent, Pbiia4e!phia, L. L HOUPT, General TL-k- Agent, Philadelphia. CNOCU LEWIS, Gtnerai Sut't, Altoona, Fa. ti.', drt MADAME ISABEL SNELL. DOGTRESS & ASTHOLOGIBT, Eighth at , second door fiom Grayton, VSTGULD reflpectfully inform the ettlteuf of Lcni- - V ville thtit phe ia able to tell any' bin th?y have in ti'eir mind, aid can huip people out of tiielr trouble. do i;iattr what tt ia. She wu horn with a i:t tha enables ber to eurpasa any one elje in TELLING FOR- TUNES. She can l nod out through hr rwret all circom-itance- of picuee. and can tell what will cure, a.e tiiere are roota growiua: for every diaeaae in the ir or Id. I 8. la the only one that can make DR. lILfL AMI'S LIFK ESSENCE pnre. Tiii mixt-.- i jood lor a1 Miseaan, and can oiiiy be rhiusbt in hr cfiiee. No 6'C Fiebth atreet, aecond dr from Grayson. P.vcry pervou that ia depie.p!t:-- and troubled abut War ahnidd call on her. aa one la the only one thtt in- herited ti"? secret troni A'r?'fl, the ret Fort that Napoleon of pnince ia all hia uudr t.iki'ica, and ma ie bioi uc;eefi't in all 'lis battles. Sh wajera I .(MM) that no one enn anrraw her. Please cjifl and aeo her, and yon will be relieved. T':oee who are too poor can come without money; a'Mj those who don't call at la o'clock at uight afkd alie will make them believe. Jol2 dly BUTT PR P.UCKKT3-- W R:itter and Sugar nut received and for "ale by OHKIN RAWSON, s2 Main t.. ttweon Fourth and Fifth SHERRY, MADEIRA, AND FORT WINES 8 do.-- fine pale Sherry; ci) out Madeira; b 8 d.i old Port; in atore and for tale in ipiantitlee to anit porrhaaera by a:!U J. P. THOMPSON, 7 Fourth at. llTTprm r!h. military Hooks at Civill'. VRMY Recnlationa (lwl new edition, nardee'e vole ). Cavalry Tactic, (. vohO Gib- bon's Artillerist' Manual, illujinited. very vahiabU. Koliertf'w lUnd-Roo- of Arti'lerv for tle HtvIco of the U S. Gn. Aadcr?on'B livobnioiii of Field IKtt riea, with plnt'i (bv order of Wur Di p.wnient) Nauoieon'a Maxims of War. Galton's Art of a Manual t r KcJdiers and othen who have to "imiph '" make abifra, Ae. Standinfi Orderi1 of the N. Y. Soventh RhU ment (Durye ). inrui' Condensed Military Pocket MamiiiL Kelt"n'a New Manr:al of the Havnuet for t ito I'. 3. Annv. Iteiriroan'a MllitfaminV Manual nnd Sword PUv, Ac Triplet ', Hand-B-x- k fr Gie MUitvy f nrRfxin. (invn'a Mnmial of Miiltjvr Surncery. Mute's Prairie Traveler, a Haud-Doo- fr Overland Expedi-tion- L. A. CIVILE. if RxfkseUer. EIEEITT at &ON, H30LPSALK AND RETAIL GROUP BY. FLOUR, 1 f and Tl-'- STORK, No. ZA Market atrt, betwn Second and'Third. aoiitb aida, Louiaville. Ry. e!4 LOVERING'S SUGARS -- K o bbla Love.ina'BCnisbed, Granulated Sucara in Bt-- and fot hT fl A MTV W WIjOHANAN Tf. t HANDLES 1'iO lioxea StAv Candle; J4 do Mold do; In !tore and for siate by tJ MARSHALL n ALBERT A CO. 1KIMR LARD fiO ke(rs prime cennti v Lard In srore nale hy IlliiBFfT A SON. 1R(ME COFFEE sacks Lapurra and Java hy al41 HIKItlTP SO 4. C1ANDLK-WIC- X 75J hj Candle-Wfck- . eatra receired and tor al bv ORRiN RAWSON. kM W Main atreet. hetwtvn Third and Enarth 1,'LNB SUGARS 4 hhla Cnished, Granulated, and rhiaars for fude bv TTTTtniTT A PON. CRUSHED SUGAR 34 bbla Loverins's Cruehed Siv per mulbo-i- and for aale by a24 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. CHAMPAGNE WINES 26 ca?ea V. Cliwpiot; fin do DelmOQifo; !l banketa Verzeny; 25 do Hiedtdck d Co.: In at Jre and for sale in (nutnlitle to anlt pnribaam? by e J. P. THOMPSON, 7H Fourth sU tfTorma Own. RICE to caaks ri rcwivrd and frr -- a'c by RAWSON, TOIr. A 5n. , trt bbla WhlU lift fined Suxar: bbl? Yellow do do; In tore and for sale by a23 RAWSON, TODD A CO New and Important Boohs at CiviH's CARTHAGE AND HER REMAINS. Excavations, ifd S) SEASONS WITH THE Sporting Ad vent urea, Ac IDuitratod. lis I lh FRAMLEY PAR30NAGE. ByTrollope. Illustrated. OlilECTLPSSONS FOR TCACUERS AND PA. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. Fart 8 4ue ABiiOTT S UIsTORY OF MARGARET OF ANJOU. fc. UAicrER'S GREF.K AND LATIN TEXTS-Caj- sar, Cioxo, Luc ret I ue. Each 40c 1" L. A. CIVTLL. Main st. VrZilitary Dookev VIELTTS HAND-BOO- FOR ACTIVB SERVICE A Practical Book. (S12&. THE M' LIT! A MAN'S MANUAL AND SWORD-FLA- EXKRCISES, At, including Drill. 1 a. WILCOX'S RIFLE AND RIFLE PRACTICE, with deacriptione of Rifles, Ac HANO.l5oK OF ARTILLERY FOR UNITED STATPS SERVICE. tl. MAI. ROBERT ANDERSON'S EVOLUTIONS OF FILED BATTERIES. 1 L. A. CIVILL- - iiOlTON YARNS, CARPET CHAIN, AND BAT-TIN- aworted. for aale by HIBBITT A SON. SUNDRIE- S- O Jni baxa Cotton Yarn, assorted numbers; I'XJ balea No 1 Batting; tVJ do Extra do; Tf; do No. J do: bn whte Carpet Cb; aa do colon d do !iiJ do t'and'e-Wic- 60 do Wrapping do; for sale by a3 GARDNER A CO. If RANDIES t w pk ga Pelleolain Brandy; tin Pruard Co. do; 15 do Piao&t do, very fine; Iu store and for aale by ANTHONY ZANONK A BON, FUb at., below Main g "oFFH! f'a IU? re&lre Of BB itzi wwawi ana m ftt vf 5 804. f 1 Ji R sivi tblaj Dan ((H VD8 NEW AND RKUTn-"lT- j STYLES V,vUW M:RKIMACK &8PRAGUE,S FBINT8 Ni:W STYLE CLOTH CLOAKS; SHAWLS of every dritt&n la Hurr EV) Pi'F'vn FRRNCa MERiiJOFS. RI; PRINTKD M'RINOKS: RICH PRINTED DC LAINT3. S'JLID COLORED REPTd AS VALOURS; Hpj PIEUE3 AMERICAN FlilNTED HE LAINES, K1CU SCOTCH PLAn8 AND MRINOES; BLACK AND FANCY DRE3S BILKB;; MOURNING GOODS t variety; HOSIERY of every description; DOZEN COATB S COTTON; HEAVY TWILLED CLOT" 3 AND JEANS; EXTRA HEAVY PLAID LINSKYB; LADIES' AND GENTS UNDERWEAR; ft U PTEOTJ3 WOOL KLANNELSt WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS; DOMESTIC STOCK COMPLETE; All of which we pircha?d pre ions to the, rise, for cash, and will bd old rorreepoudiuaily cheap fr the came. HAnTIN St OHTJBIBAU3H, c"t 'tb fA I'onTrh t. bet. Market and .lefTnmM), NEY7 DAYTON ALE Al TUT r.eMAurrs KfTAiinATV: Fifth rtreot, between Main and Merket. fUST RECETVED A iT OF Wlt.TER ALE, o ten, Ohio. I hre hsen apantuted arent for LouievWe of the ahoro Ale, and I will keep a latpe atork f irime eon-- t ttyoa Lane?, in harrflj, half barrvli, keips aod to Intt and try tbe Dayton Ale e the BT. CUARLE3. i C KCEFKH, Propr etor. Walker's Exchange, THIRD ST, BKTWLEN MAIN AND MARX8T ItECElYE RAFXY PER EXPBKNH, SI1RLL OY3TPBS. YOUNG OHOITSP!, FRKU WoiUMJO- K, BLL'K-WIN- f Dt'CK. SQriRRP.b, riSii. and all other luxuries the market tff r a. iit BKR ia alaya with the choiceit kinds nf Wineis. and ( 'arf. ud Amtrkau Ales in bottle? and on draght. ojib JOHN i.AWKlN A CO. N B- - Malth-'-e (C. M .) Can Oyrteiu, f"r famitv n?e. alaya on h.vtd. JC A CO. AT CRAIG'S: Army Hats; Army Caps. OFnCPRS' TRIMMED DRESS HATr: OFFICERS' FATIGUE CAPS; HATS AND CAPS FOB INFANTRY, CAVA1'V AND ARTILLERY. GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL BATS AND FOR PRtVATi:3. AH the aboTH, and rverythlnij In the Hat and line, on hasd and ira-l- to order. . onAia, aOT iAh 4'rnr Pannh ft1 fatwl! mtn. GOLD FOB, FAPEB, BEST AKD CHEAPEST O n srifet s.rx x 3rlft& VOGT Ac KIjINK, Perporfnlly nfTor fr InapHon aale ft rarf od srlertd1 TJGttment cf of nrerior orbn'anhtp and faablonaWe atlea, Dl icond, Caral, Carlm-'e- , P"arl. A. artidw te'.y gor flue, end btan'.Kul and everything be!oniina Vi onr iir.', of Piip-.-a- troport, New Yor fabric an oof ovn mafcp !Iavu boni irrrf-t- by onysnOTf toCIOS1" OUT and tell at any rather than relurn gooda, and, fnr. iiur, to tbf b?-- firji". 'tj t I T NO CA&H v U8TOMWR 00 ou the reore cf price?, we invite our frienfli and te public to ca'J and our eto.h, and rea tawire that tbalr waU and wiThii rJl ard ebnll be mtified. t VOGT A EXINK'S, A "a. 3ji Third atrf JUST RECEIVED AT TU Oilier ij JjacrR Btor SOD rtiCBTB 8TBIFT. LACK LOVE VEILS, new wtttera. II HlMk Ci;n ' ;oarettes, entirely new; Lioon Mak-R- latent Fiutb; Mvjhinee, at artleis in mirkV JaccL--- Rviers, Musiln ds; Narrow Footlojr; Ds B Im Lr.';'-- ; Coata'a best, 35 Cotton, el? And ft ei,ft a irto for ea?h nplf a COARLES r RAUHFUP'S, rr38 1A Fourth ?t ftd 6B15AT REDUCTION Engravings, Giit Fiasos, Lookiflg-Glassc- s, Walking Ca A frie aaaortment, and CBEAFKR THAN EVB fi: i.J.r Mrt-r- t rt.,btwen tuirl Th!rst IA, VV. eorvrr .ntr.M and Preston ata.. At UUND A KNOFRL S h' COAL! COAL! PiSACH ORCflAIiD, COAL! CO AJ. Of the laat quality and at tt lowest prices, for aale CR'TT-rSDE- N OA NTT, Wi- -t id cf Thied mav4 J b Min and 4 t ' Books Now Sooks, OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS, hf HISTORY 4. NOTE3 t)N SCRIPTURE, by Joel !cnea. 6a THE UiBLS AND TUB CLASSICS, by Bishop Mead. $3 &!. ANNALS OF IHE AMERICAN METHODIST FUL . PIT, by W. a 3"racisn- - P. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Vol. I, woi;kmpn and treir difticulttrs, by mm Bayley. 6"C-- SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' TEXT BOOK, by Bf J, K. D. D. im. GODKY'8 IADfS liOOS for May. Jct rooeivod by A. DAVIDSON, a1 7 fjh Third rt,. near MrkM ESO S.RDUrV3. FAMILY and aeveral ainarle aentlemen can be A with tioe rivama aodaxd botird by applying at Mil'. R. W GARY'S, Sixth at, itamedUtsly oppoaite St. Paul'i Church, m-- 4 bA VOODEN WARE-Ce- d.r Tubs Choim, Buckets, i V itfteitfta, Ac- - 00 hand hand d for aa'e by 13 HIFP1TT A RON. f lo caakr Madeira Win lit do Port do, fl GiojreT d".; fi bbla Malaga do; In and for sals by oji MARSHALL HALPBRT A CO. IV KW MILITARY DK'TlONABY Military Tactiea, 1 1 'Voxt txxik&i &c A vaiiety tor ?ale. L A. CIVTTJ,. I FAMILY FLOUR, bbli Extra Family Flour of djll.ront branda In atore and lor ale by r.12 HIBRITT A SON-- I AP OP KENTUCKY -- New Shfft and Pocket Maps 11 ol 'Kentucky. Tennessee, Missouri, A. 1J L. A. CIVILL. (CAVALRY TACTICS AT PEDU;ED PRICE tel eiOoii M vols ) tor ail by the at much le. tba. 11 tbo prlcv OtTnen can ruaXe very advatttavr-o'i- aiTanioenU with mo. o L. A. C'VIU. BRANDIES' pkf- - y ren-- h randy tor sale by ANTUifNV ZANONE SON Kiith et below Main. VINES bvxei Claret Wine; 1(H) do Sautenie do; hi) do Muecst do; il5 caJcs t 'lret do; f t bhla WUit de; 2") pkes Sherry do; Vt oVt do; Iu atore and for sale by ANTHONY ZANONE A BON. fid Kiiti o.t. helow Main. fcJ' NDRtES - O mi cMf h eud Y urxa Sardhtee; B tM.? Olive i bbla h!ky: P'.PPE 'iollW'l till)' t1 .tamai-'f- enfl St Ct: For eale by ANTHONY ZANONE- A 8N. ft" Fifth at.. w Ml, UNDRiES-l.- AI bb'a No. 1 3M" ao bblH fin1 TpMe . 7 bbls Cider Vinsr; 'Jt Ou?! Mfcr.he; 75 dou'Q Bfomuff. 6" bh!a Mackrel; ti Jftdo, do; 40 kits do; do coila Graai hpe; SO coib (Jetton do. ;i5 roiV Hemp do. bo dozn Orarf 6.1 do llfiup do; W bal-- RaUinc: boix Stone Piir; t'hA) G V tlap; I cAt'e Carir. Io ttoreand fot aale br MARSHALL BALHERT 1 . mn Mtp at. B TAROHI 8TAH0H! nl BOXES Pl Krt PKRL bTARCH, manufae. ;UU tnd by tbo Madison Pearl Starch Company, Io lo lot W A y r,! poNT A CO,. Aaeuta In thi ctF, 41 Mvn at OIO COFFV.E siit baga Rio CIee. fair to prtiue. In "iiRKW BUCHANAN A CO , fner 1 nd Wnhlnrton ft 1 ni.Aura- - 11 bbl:! prime Planiatiou Molaaaer. 00 bo! St. Jane 3aar-UAw- e In tore and for sale by 4NnW HI CHANAN A OO. pUAK SIDES AND BRtfiAJtFAST UACON-- A oodaupplytor.alebyflv(iTM PAl KR WKAI'PJNO fraw Wrapplos; Paper; J.wt rvtl At tbiV"do Ware Jw Jr,

Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 transports beJonrin to the rirtjt brieado will. -,1 t i.. i. A I Ta-I-ami rtiinl

Oct 12, 2020



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Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 transports beJonrin to the rirtjt brieado will. -,1 t i.. i. A I Ta-I-ami rtiinl


Sixth ward appeared, presented oerunaB.rf electi0n and oath of orhce, ana w

anninlaii rkftirmftn of the Committee'if .

Tut Naval Expedition General Smkr-uan'- b

Orders. General Sherman, the coin -

manUiag ollicer ot the lanu lorcea in ine navalexpedition, Iiab isiuod the folluwirg order,giving directions for tiio manner of landingupon tha enemy's coa3t:

E. C, StJEAH'iLR ATLANTIC,)Oct ter 2bf lbbl. f

8TRCIAL OIOKIiS NO. 13.1. This romro-Ac- will aii fur it deatinalion

In k very few days, urtler couvoy ot a navalcommantioa by iomTaoaer Uapoiit.

ibairatvporw win mare in lure columns, anaIn rear of the main body of the tquadroa. Ahatransports beJonrin to the rirtjt brieado will

. - ,1 t i. . i. A I

Ta-I- ami rtiinl Rhode Islind regiment the(;vire, and theweof tha Third briirade, and themtulion uf vutuotecr eninoora, the third col- -

unn.tMoh vessel 'vill retain ltsonler in column, and

t he colurnna will Lei lines enui-dis-

t, rjulating from the ri'U. Tho .mil rmselband other t.rn;-or- ?, iaud Lite to thu task offailing with tha tiaet. b lowed by fach6ieamr ad the Chiof Qa r lor mister mav desig-

nate. Comm:ndar Dupnnt, in ion withibe land force, ha kii.dly made snch an arrange-ment ( f tU tleet e will eecure the trannorla

S?ar.r.rv.n -1- .1into the rriL of and conform to these arrange-- Imerits a corv of which will be dnly pven. I

2. Ifce (jnerl ccmroandinp announces to thecorpi it is t?i touted to wtix a

Tcr.:? T ."" VrtTfever;' oiHcer and man of hia command. In con- - I

eideratlon of tba t'jstnora and holiness or ourcam, of the ardent bitrioiiira which hid prompt- -ed ineMriuouj anii n.uaaiua ' "4

v.. .h.wi k.i;Iti k aiii i Rnd efficntlv bud- -

lril in hid efforts to overthrow a zealn'm, ac- -live, ard wily ftv whose cau?e h naholy andpriPolpUs ontanbl.

8. On the approach of tl. transpurU to thepUce oc embarkation, ac!i bnruda co"'practiwbU end will at the proper time ouptrin- -

tfend the diftmharkation of hia biiado. Thesurf hfiHtfl. other means of dieerabark-lio:-

on hmd, ern bclvtd to bo uopsMo of lardir.g atnnco from turee to four thousand men. inoMirt

3 tr ii uiutfrBut m ' ( l 'T"vlZ,. . 7o 70rv cr,n h nrowti The other meanstif transportation nwv take the remainder of a I

t rida, v:ith proooiy ono or two sactiona ofn.Jd artiuerj'.

(ires. Tha ht Jme will be the bnide ol ijo.AVripht, fiaLkd by two sections of Hamilton'sLbrht B itter. accompanied bv toe taua oi re- -

Lr (wrDiia ai.d minftrj, ami ftfocorop tries ot Sr- -

reli'ii vi'lartcor ecciovcr?, with a aufli-:ien- Fupplyot" tol3 and gand-baf;- The secondline will b the brig?d of Gen. Sevens, and, ifiiecBHiv. acconiDinied bv a suction ot Jriamu-ton'e: bailcry and two field pieces, to be mannedb" a company of the 3i Khode Island regimput.The reserve will hi compoetd of Gen. Vielesbriirade, the roraammc portions of rverrell s vw- -

nateer ODjjiu--er,- ( and the 3d Rhode Itland rejfi-me-

and will bj of aooording tociicura- - the boaia cf not on!v each company, but cf I

caeh regiment aod will land abreait, as I

fir as prioticaw, and la tne oioer or pai. w

to land immodLatelv fiom ths liirhten, then tbesuit beat?, whew emptied, will iinmrdiatfly pro- - I

wed to tbe rapid lardinif of too men from tbehkihterr, and sa poon as tbe who.e line is Untied,all the bons wui ret am ani unng wrwra in imumanner the trcops of the or bne, acd eo with

ft The iMna! officers air I comomndera if ba- -tailota. &.c . will be furnisbed in time with a plan

f deacot and tbe particular ordr of battle, itis crobuLitt that tbe lirit lioe will have to con- -

quer the Rrounu un wc . n to es an:uu iuii, anu

'ppoa,y Kr"r-'- "' ; .A i

..Hn,,.: ., iha tirst line, ov ercom- -L immwliaie'difficnlii-- s, will oniioue to drivebackward tbe caeuiv, l.ut will not venture bo- -

cu;orlH: uistance in m the shore, leforetne !a;.d:i:2 '.f toe Gansrai coianjaoaing. or wun- -

Uf D(S CPeJul I' I

silora tn at in unchincc and roanninct.fae furf boa's, and be aroeala to the patriotism

f the mieViM, ir.a:, and sailers of the aeveraitransput, to larr.istt on additional numyar oi

ar.a Any aeiiciency oi ra

liijn in fcurl' wiil be aupolied f.nm tbe pla:r.i tv, board of rwuectivelv. eo ihat e.uh wbr-- rjdv. nii'.v Its rapid! v ruwThe ooHItr co.r':inen will land and fnm with t hir

8.' aii l heia omcors, wr.n liar ir refrxc- -inM itfl u ill eiQB?vo" to obtain laadinjs boafs

t t tbeiuilv8, acd the n?ccsary cosfiwaiu3 acdfrom the trassr.irta aod otbr 1 ired vee

ls of I he titjeL9. The eo:or offievrs cf tbe tmopa on baird

e;.ch tranrvrt win Hrr;;n-- ; with tho master forrlantarv he pi ot this kir.d which may be r.ctd- -

trt and cto be cn-e- ana win mike a a?eciai re--t I n !. II

BS?MiaiWi i"i a re: ou,Irt a aAAn ll Inline sba! have beon ef--

.cteii. the surf cr lanlin bratawiil re--j?t to lha CMef tioirtermaster for immediate

1J. Tho dick ai. ;:on .lf. ot'is-- men T.nll romaiuon txjrd the toV' Tiil traruprts until provisioncm he mad for them ahoro. the non

:1ecH-,'- i' will 'oe e?pec;ally charted with thocare ' f the , undc-- tbf directions to be leftbv tbe r;pciiv medical t

3ii ?Jtfi tui'jera, eicepfing ote from eachbricade. Ui dfsinated bv tba repi-etlv-

voii;j.1t) orf.rnart'io:. v ;.M lwi with) thi tro(-p-

'rho f lui'jioal ctfic'iM left afloat will, underibe direciion f the Mt.'dicil Director, divide theitutv bv vip.ili;; nil tbe sick on board, including:i!nrTn .f tho Third Khoda Island reim?ni, nndtba of Voluntoei Kuineo3.

Hf o:d';r nfUric- - Can. T. V. SiiFroiAx.

I, 13 11. PkUJIY.IT, Capt. 1Mb Inf., ASH t Adj'tbonfwi.

fcjfU ii int?rer-tint- in cur present stru-pl- e tof.i ur to lb beginning of the military career

and the preparatory educition received by themorrt renowned captains and commanders dnring

ie wars of tbe lirat inarter cf this century,r,-..- . ... i, fm;i;a. (u.,riJ t,L.,TOnfJ

a it'.,,.;,: Tt,. n n, n..uu a.mnp.uw. .WW.BlilitM ULiiL k'Q con tern mi' ineir codiu.oi arioashows how few of them received jwy scientiticrsilitary education, their talents ami (Renins b- -

ing rovfiM in aotlons on tho Held of battleAugereaQ "Scarcity educaUf; ha enlisted as a

vMint3')r la ihs rank anu hlo.H'urher N militarv wlucAtion

Military eninerr; he was always inllif s'aiK nver commar.'Mnt; troM.

;iM-aic- fliirdreaser; enlisted as a volunteerIr. tho rink and bis,

Cluuibl No preparatory cducatlor; rank andtie.

I)avnu3t r Mm miiKary ic.w i at onenne, b. I. . . .. n ..-..n-x .1 .itiTLWni. m,xt ti NatV.laon.

te No niiiitsiv oducatioc; ho beiranB3 a voiuntcr m the rank and nle.

ii?uvi u St. CYr Drawrcg teacher: a volun- -

tor in th3 r.i"k Hrd hia.

tho ruuk and fil.No militarv education; he rose

frorn tho nnks.Hectic No militfijy education; a volunteer in

thn rnk and ne.Kiiber Architect; r military education;

he becan m tbe regular infantry.KUi t No fp'clat militarv education.M icvlonald So sptci d ntilitarv cdiita'in.Mirmcn: for tbe miii'arv.Maseoa No military education; a volunteer

n t ao rar.k and tile.Mai?on No military education; a volunteer in

the rar k ard file.Mnntebello (Lanne?) Oyer; a volunteer in the

rank and hie.MorHer- - No military eduvition; a volunteer in

tbe rank and. hie.Soult No SDociM military education; a vulun- -

wr In tbe rank ard hie.Juoot I'alillc tchcul edncatloc; a volunteer in

the rack and file.Morejiu Lvwyer; a volunteer in th raok and

t!Any one parti ficg this li.t will be able to make

fur hunstlf the natural dtJuctiune, and will ainconJent ia voluutodr?, fiom wbo:a ha-- o cometbe Tvatest cutnber of renoHDe-- i ouitiianders in

te French armis3.

liLEEL EiRBAitnrEa. Tbe Loington Ubaer- -

v?r and Rpjrter gives the following exiracta letter writicn by a highly estimable lady liviDg

rjfear norkiislie to a friend In its vicinity. Thewriter ia weli known to the editor, and her state- -loaiiU my be impiiutly rolUd tipn. Tbe

provi.'usly reieivud cf the barbaivus con-

duct of xJuckrjer and fcia foiiuwera towards tbcltizons of that portion of the State is fully

uorro'.-- rated by thij extract;Rev. T.noa Campbell and bis family have been

driven from their home. Mrs. Campbell, eshib-itinj- rdlstrefiq at being ordered to leave her own

reidace. waa told by the traitors that the kitch-en waa pijod encunh for her, aud tbey wtre rnth-liii- y

tomcd out of hou-i- and home in order tomake way for tl rebel goI.Hara.

ftlr. is a Christian miniator, antphew cf the vl'stirjiishcd Alexander Camp-bbi- l,

acd had chirr not only of the Chris: iaachurch at ilopkiD&ville but of a large and mo-,- t

j. rwperuua female coiiee thore. The buildiogoccupied by him waa a vary cipicious one, com-pletely fcdapNjd to tba purpurea of a co!liatinatii"t?, aiid hia 6chtKl waa most exteusivelypatrr'-)- by the people of Green River. Butneither his clerical character nur hb education-al charge ofTertd tbe slightest fiomptka for LifUand hie dependent tamiiy from the iierdiah

tha urprtntipled He vaa alorai ci'lzeu, ard that waa crime enough -

b;lng hrn uridyl the ban of the fJoncleratearmy. Ji'jck&er, when he invaded the 8tate, 'l

ft proclamation in ha promised pro.fvctiw to all the citi?eniof t he Commnnwenltb;th treatment Mr. Campbell received at hisbsS is a fair cample of the kind of protectionI n'aJ pcf ic assy Wrf ri fr.ta hiwi



Thubsday, Oct. 31, 1SG1.

Fresenl J. M. ArmMroDjr. President,aQ(i & tbe members exoept Mr. Irvine.

The reading of the ioumal of the previous session nB dispensed villi.

Mr. Philip Tcmpert, member elect of theCommon Council from the Second ward,appeared, picseulp J certificate of his eleo

tioa and oath of oflice, when he waa

appointed chainnin of the Committee onEmotions.

t i. n v Cnrr mf.TT.hiT elec t I r ore the- 1 fcfUUU - V V f


on, m m erl F .

ine lunju.- - r'" " -following oflioers, wtnea were severallyreferred to Finance Committee, viz:

l m Unffffg. Market Master of housed. i .,

n"im Konw of the Work- -

i'.,. v. i rhouse.

1'hilip loafcri, Jr., Interpreter flf theCity Court.

A. Aker3, P. W. McUoiran. W. Wcbuire,E. Ilogue and Lewid Coon, Policemen.

CUims of 'J 31 and $b -- o, in tavor ot

.taj ibu. & Co. for dr7go,Uthe Mayor and Workhouse, were

referred to t inanoe Committee.yQ6 wharf Master's report to Ooloberjj rtfl;m, t0 Committee on

A claim of $18 in favor of N. J- - Car- -

pentfr, for mueic furnished Home Guard,W63 referred to t inanoe Committee

rjp0rt 0f Thomas lleese, MarketMaster of house No 4, to Jinuary 14, iwzwas read and filed

Tho trginecr eubmitted an apportion- -

ment cf the grading and paving of thepidewaiks on both sides of Chestnut, fromFifteenth to Lihteenth streets, John Brady,cotraotor. which was referred to StreetCommittee Western District

The Eogincor eubmiUrd a grade cf thealley bttween Chestnut and Gray, ilauoockand Clav streets, whioh waa rtferred to theQtreet Committee Eiatern L'istriot

The rCjiRDation of Dr. K. Vaughn, a3Coal was read and received.

Caruth presented resolution racinga joist res-io- n thiaevenlog, a.eighto clockto elect en Assistant City Attorney andCosl lofpeotor, to fill vacancies, wcich wasadopted


The two Board- having assembled. JudgeWilliam fci. Bouley was ciocted AsbietantCit' Aalomey, and w. Av. Talbot was elected CrI Inspector, when the joint cessionarost J


Mr. Overall presented a petition iherefor, wiih a resolution to reduce the wharfage on boats lying up at Portland to $1 perwefk, whioh wad rejected.

Mr. Baxter presented n petition from C

Lichtcn & Co , to reduce the amount ofihf ir tsxea. which was referred to Finance

D nonftlj nrescnted a rpeolution author

permna 10 uniuu omitB nuiunfrs, pmrjuvuthe Government pay their expensed, whichwas adopted

Weiman, from Ravidlon CommitteerpnoTtd ihaf iher waa a vtcam-.- in tho

(f TobaQCO lMpeotori and was dis- -cuaigu "iu mnuir l.ime fiunwt

Wr. Garutn presented a resolution ulreoip? (he Mavor to buv six hundred bushelsof cob1 for (he ci- - 0ftjceB which wasadopted

Mr. Welman prented a petition to haveMa-k- et street bowldered from Floyd toPreeion per ordinance i, which was referred to St reet Committee Kistera Uistriot

r- - TiirVw rrpentpr! an nrdinanA tonr,Lih;i i ha rtrntitn r,t Ionian hniLlinu

referreu o Kevieion ComniittoeMr. Ciruth, froai Finance Committee,

reported a resolution from the Board ofAldermao, allowing Pearaon & Klnjr $230for cortins, with an amendment allowing$131, which ameunment was uoncurred in,and same was adopted by tho fallowingvo'e.

Yeae Fresident Armstrong, and Messrs.Tcmpert, uaA'er, Iwyman. Backner, Ca-

ruth, Duck? all, Gr iBger, Gregory, Light- -burn, and 8!ory 12

Nays Messrs. Crow, Caldwell, AVool,

Gverail, ttunel, lucker, vna Welman .

iUr. tyaruth, from t lnauce Ooroimt'ee,reported aanst the petiiion of MvyAdkinH hor.i tn ruln.ic thAli-ki- . and the'

,i ,,.1 , l ,Mr r'cuwu iuiuuu ui

reonng me engineer to require mi con- -

tractors to rcpiirthe oieferns lately complei.ed by tbem, and for him to reoeive nomore cuterDB until they nave been thoroughly tes'ed, and the Mayor to haverepaired all cUterna which do not boldwater, which waa adopted.

Mr. rjtory, from Street Committee, Lant-

ern Disfrii'. reported a resolution from theBoard of Aldermen, opproving the Engin-eer' cf the digging andwalling of a well at Hanoook and Lamptoo,J. Fitzgerald contractor, which was adopted.

Mr. Story, from the e&me, rpprrted aresolution from the board of Aldermen,approving the Engineer's apportionment of(he diffffinfr and w.illinc nf a wnll M. Firntttn, rr.a Satff. Sr Flhira:r ,r i,b:. :: : ?cuDirfMjioia, wuiou waa auyp'eu.

Mr. Liehtburn presented a resolutionrequiring the diebauded companies of HomeGuards to roturn to the Q lartermastcr theirguns and equipments, which was adopted

Mr. Light burn presented a resolution"quiring me organizea companies oi uomeGuards to report to Uoa l ope, and author

I irtr no w Unndfl tn hn tnVan fnr remi nmni a" i - rvheM 9 captains and tho?e giving bondsheretofore have resiguc 1, whiua wasadopted.

Mr. Tucker, from Committee on Tavernsacd Groceries, Eastern District, reported aresolution granting ooffoe-hou- se license toJno. MunohotT, at Treston and Green etrests,which was adopted

Mr. Twytuau, from CorarniMeo on Tavern aand Groceries, Western District, reported aresolution granting ceffee notice license toWatts & Rogers, at Fourth and Ureen etreets,wmon was auopiea.

CLAIMS ALLOWEO.Hospital, ?j40 H'j, expenses for Soptem.

Dpr oOI.ihos. liAnnoa, qft-- to, lor worn, on High 1 UoVor Id fiO fnr rennlrfl nrmiml

Mr. Tucker presented an ordinance fograde and pave tho sidewalk on the nor1 b

side of Mad i3on, between Preston and Jack-son elrcets, whioh was referred to the

treat Committee Eastern District.A resolution from the Board of Aldermen,

allowicjr Charles PfeilTor 518 40, Prfs.Means 50, and Brown & Bro. 1 75, fteundiiea lurnibhed Street lnppector, wasreferred to Street Committee LaBlern Dis- -

j triot.A resolution from the Board of Aldermen,

allowing A. Iuva!l $7 7G, for services asAuditor, waa referred to Finance ComxnlLtee.

Resolutions from tbe Board of Aldermen,allowing A. Brisvalder $9 23, for sharpeningpick?; William Rogers $ti, for repairingditch; and street hands, Eastern District,$18- - 50, for work on the streets, were pct- -

l n r i i . i. at i1C. lu luo

A resolution from tho Bard of Aldermenallowing J. F. Teareoa the utie of a room Inthe Rescue engine house on Sabbath even-iog- a,

f'jr Sunday school purposes, wasadopted.

The report of the City Marshal, for 8ep.tember, wa-- j read and filed

A resolution to adjnurn until Thurtdiyevening, November 11, 18G1, at. 7 o'olook,was adopted, whea the Bo rd adjourned.

J. M. Vaughan, Clerk.

Bundries.DRIF.IJ FRriT,- - l.V- tl pilme DiicJ Applet ?uat

itnd for b1- - bviX U B. MATTHEWS, No. IM Fourth eL

VtThV.S M bhlfl Rmi!tnttv W nale bvJ. U S. MATTUKWS, No. I'M Fourth ft.

If A V'. awl balf Clowr and Tlmothr for sale to clovecoi)elfen(m-u- C. L. 8. MATTHbWrt.

x-- Nf. Vi et.

STAfiO iiamh-- a let tbeie wtcel'eut llmu juttaua for iale by


If LOl K aiv Ktra Family Flour of dtrTreota. brands iu itooj aud for tale n


IXTKA UOLUKN BIRUP-- Ai fahla, half bhip, andjlj KeKJ in more fit t Oolien Sirup iu store andfor sale by



l I IS cat9 Mitohei" of varimi" A yl?Aio 7j grv-'- s Water-pro- f MuMi-- fitb-.-u- t

bnniH'nue);Jnst rCfivt-- at No. tf Main ahwt, between Third aud

anit'or elijwbyaJ4 ORWH HAW SON.


ci) 'IVaehfirBoke for the City School; for sale by

si- - iu a. urvrtL.

RtO, LAOV AVUA, AtD AVA t'i. Klt'J f'e t

CITY DIRECTORY,Arranged Alphabetically in liejrard ti

A:lorr.ii, Th- .A 43' M?'o trvI!euiy, 8afn;s! A ' i. M " et. bt. M anfl iih.iJ(f9iicor, C C, Main ex. bot. Kd iuu

Arr1oKlOim.l Fm:l"ixteat(i nn3 M Jt.nrrnt, II. ft Co., WT Main ft.S"rraiin A IJrv, &i tUn, SLrtb RJVl 3nentO.JWtmi i l., coiner ct pjh1 lb.JhtVin, Wianl, ft Co .'S Main rt.Carter Ruchnnan, I M:(.ii rt.

Vnrtetlrs, Y' Bui I'nifry Gooffs.B'wa, I?o. iSti toiirth ... bf t. a:d

lniiptTet pe Cstirricu.J. J. KirM'a fformArir Hv.rij'i) GrUry, Mt.ij he-

t.wt? Kwrth 1'iffh v.e.VBbtjr & Jlro., Main ct., ltwm Fw.rih anfl Fifth.

Roo knelicrpj, KtoLi:on:rw, Sc Perloiltnol ltmtn., , M at , btf .Tftfbirjoo amt Ma? kgfc,

Middfu, F 3d at , bei Jehr;ou and Marlrot,Iin.nL era.

Cnrt!i Varren, 4"! M.iin it,Xtounet lilaobr.

Ua.borte Mr. Vnv, at., bo. 23 &!rniii-jlrVo- n ad Forirnrilhg

M.VTTrWt?,C I. S.,0imimt3in A: Forwaidin111 Fourth wf st cid j, bet. lirer.

C'lot'ihieT nod Gfrntlr uif.rtt? Fnra'uhlnz tetKt.Arnwtrone. T. M.. rirnfr 4th pd Main rta.Sproule & Maadevlll, oruer 4th utf Wain ett.

'nrtxt). OH :iotb nnd Curtnln IJond.Hlte Small, filaia rf--, bttt M aad 4th,

t'toaka, rn:ti)!luy. and Varl',Morrfmvt, C- - T..1) rt., near Mali., M&ia Bt., bt- - 6th fta 7ii

CiwMftV & KcTi!(!r,a, t;A M'.io A HcCrtft'iy, 41S rt(A!n rt(Jvijeit, A. & Co., 4th 8t., bet. Market JdfTwiwn.

CrlttAndwt A, rt.. r.'Ai.t Bifl MArkei.K;tlof. .1. N., j,it, ,f,:ifpr-- ajid Maifl.

fbeTiKia ami Ai?ofherfti1.Dawc. B. F., nrr.w 4th a:ul JpfT'cn U

Mfiiatry, F , Main ft., t 7th and &ti t.Carrina DlnnufKWr.ier.

Btnae, I F. & Co.. et bet, Irt and

Morrlip, .7 S A M"in atR'.lmioou, K A. Co , at , bet, fcth aa! lh.Wion, IVttr, i Co, , 4fi afrJc it,Wilder, B,,44,

Mar A 7ovrd. Main tr'.irt, brttro0 4"b Fth.

'i'abb, G. B., rb ! .Vf.rfcet.

Fut and Far C?fd.Crrtr, A., Main etre, Oth and 7th.

Coarlef F., 4th ffr3et,jfc?-t- Mari)t aod Je6E.

n 3i CUtnorA, M ffrst, bet Main anil Marit.tinlCth, Jospb, 6:h etiet. Iwt. Main and Market.Fire, ffurlo, and I JTn Insurance t'o.w auid

Aseote.Afnerirw Ins. C., IT. Put, $c , b?t. ?1 th

Ijo;iiaviie Inc. , iicbt. Atwood Sac., Mitu, bet-S- d

atiflMole, John, Main rt, bf-- W and !:)..ti'i??, Vi,, Main . and

iai. C?., VTui. Kwe, Sso., Main ai., tzi, 1A. .1 o.f

Artcrtrcng, J. M., co 4th ftnd Mitn rts.iae 1 Itier, numbers, Acc

DonaQy & Stradr, Bd Pt., bet. Mark an-- i JeiTrtia.Oroc?r!r-s- . Ikjsora, and Tebacro.

fltowait A Partor, Vib Main ttrcL-t- .

lienor, Wlitig, Rod A!cch,Tlnrt A CM ivl --7 . )."t Af;n yual Matk't.M n'-- 'i' 5s:i cirect.flfl!TO"lHT fc Son, Y.'.-.- ft , Nt Min an "'A"i,r.Zfciunc, A. & Bon, Mh t;t , LilL wiJ Waia,

I.nmbrr, Mitb. Ueors, l--

Al&nnfler, K:l:a, ft Co., cor. Preetoa, & VTalnnt ft Main,iieTWfmi if aid an.

BroJP. J. N., C'r. Main & Wansel and Waluu, betweeniCaat a t loyd,

rierbfrt A Wrfpht, lc rfitr,F'rtiJtlng rnpt-- biuufnei'jrsjTB.

Dopant & Ca.-- -. itr-- , botwc;u 4th.aufl la.Fowttet.

TVipAfit A Co.jM ibs b.iwvoQ 4t!i .c4 --t'i.Oati A S ?' JiIaju elrBet.

Ranttoua V eufft, Utwtin Main A Market.

Cn-f- ln, J. ft (W!fcT,.i3d. frttwwi Market A KalnKof.llcr. J. C (St. hot. Mu.-f- and Min

Bi.l' c, C. T., . 'il i',r Giyver & liivkcr'D Sewiun Ma

StianboRt AsmU rn;l i'omiuNiloij aiH For- -

tfttroiiin ,'Z relink if.rm-tj- A Co., Will str- -;

Mouihead & Co., Wa!! ?trr-et- , bet. Ms.ln aafi W..tetTeai? niifl Kmirv Oroortec,

Lin bam A Co Sri trr, bot. ?Tar and jHtTeuoiiTofcnrro Coujsc1i0b

Nock, Wlcki, A Co., f,:2 Muiii ftrtvt.J'n.'irnntirr.

TV "VVratt, cor. 7.i; Btreat.Wooflco nnd V!11av V.Lr, liioctoa, CLrdnx

A- c.KAWSON, '"RiilN, 3U8 Mala ft rest

ViiilJ,fir- - urn IJnM9l fMWUewi, FeWr, A Co., 4.ij i'iu ffreoT.

Es.r!iTr nnd IkUw.UlDr, fit-- , S' Min r7?r-,- .

iliit n.:U lYy j'i.:injfo?rr!i-CrrJjs- ,

A , cor 41 h auu Maoi, and Mibi 6th n4 !biton, Strel, Will in,

V7 iJ Co , eoreor Tulril an-- ,

W'utchrri, and Iiti:.Fb tbr A Re: mii t, Mil'j rt. het 4 Hi eiri

W ri , 'M 'it , lxt Market and Mam.Votfil at itiinit, ya at . hut. Mum aud MaiAet-

KauipM, Kuril 3ns iu!0, tcnl Olio, & o.Dar J' A Dealtr, 4th street, fcoteen Miin and Market,

Ctnrrnl irodnre acd lrovl-,io- a lirokpsn.R.irliaiinii A Co., Sit, b"t- Min and rlor,

w. A H., MarkeL h- 4; auJ fibillV'n A , Mart;vt, Iw:. ;4 nod .Cotn) A Mnody, W.-- b t tbe rivtK

r A Ci, 4l Miiiti troct.(Jay, Wc , Main nri-.-- t

Ha'Vrt, M A . M iLt re-it.

J.v.-- A Protber, r,'." "treerM nn in. i V , Third bet Main aofl ?ater.N ;wwmt), II. V 6Twa)if,iM.

lr A Allr;i. ixth d're-- t, t Market cod SfaJ.i,Kaivfian, A Co . h Mam str.t-Snyder, Joiin, Market ntrnt-.t- , hf t, Firat Brook.

G?n, ZtlcZcellan's Lai-l- ,

ARMltJ KtROpVU-DeiiU- of MHitr-Svpft'iu- .

ad ptin tle-i- r aihsidaiw U.irrimiiug Kc ""t t thn 1,'riin an Vr W

I om ul ii. r rti-- o mi Apjis eontinin g K cula-tio-

for il.' E i Id bi'i'vicc .t Cav.itn- - in t.iir"t v; I.. A. 1..

Not to bn found elson-htrd- !

WI.VCH.LI1 ITARY Ft"' '.V'! JONt? in? inb'eut ih- rrefnt tim. litejnii."ii work. ot the Enaiidi

aui I"PTJi!i Anuy ,.iic ! iai meiit

IV. I SAM'S hLlK-.LLlu- P.LCOHD for Vatt IVjLLM.

I CCKWJlt'AT VLOL'R- - bA acV? fre h FenHr-rtva-

uii ' h'lC'ur r ccivid per s'eanb'.atand tor enib by


M'ii. bIveon Tnivd mil K.mrtb ut.

VVTR arf to fiwni-- Butlers aud othci-- withTuntJ at ehj:t uoiicu.


JUST iecived cn counigajnent alt' barrttscf tv;oU 'iirbon.

fS C L. MATTHKWH, 1 Fonrth K

tioKl-'kl- bo nagd ttl (Mlw :i t'.re ai i r ta.'o by

flMIt: LA TE CKNijLS Jast published. Oni.lete,1 j'jc Uy mail i i. ol-- L. A C1VILL.

wuNLurr- -kj coi!ry Win nnd KaTi;

tniiut ti Lait,Dib.1 .ir.:

For ftmlty ubk ioco rt

,H plpa Rochtlla Rrandy:It) '4 piye t.'.rni, it Co. BrauirW do A-- bi,Tietio d

50 tt.!e .'of York d.,;In stora aod for ealw


ri dpim? Codil-h- .4 ' b.ix".- d .

Jnpt received aad lor f ,de byoi31

iOFKKE 4 tsriift irttuo Java Lawu'yra, w RoCoUtiti lor aaif ov

m RirrTT BON

Gold Tens ior oldit rs at Half Pric.ruiLD Pen aod Poocil wi-.- flllvur Cias worth qil 6:1,v a hr So.(eld IVna. d nl with 8Mv-- t Caw, worth W, for i.Gold fei aud pencil wltii Oliver Ca t worth tl 6 i, for

fiotd Pen and Pencil with atlvor Ca.o, worth fftJ, for4i 6i.

Gold P"n and Pencil nith Silrijr Case, worth $3 at), f rrfct

Old Vn with llotfr a- - il Pjx., vn'h M, f'-- Si 75.U"M Pe l O'-- l ie- - d 4, hr iGold Pen with U'.'lJur a'd Kos, wiLh ijw. fo- - :fj

1. A. CIVU.L,Bookelii- - and Hinr.


boxr-- j l.Avnr Kalpin;;',n Vt do do d :

6J do do . d",If.' bojie-- . M. R do:

b'i W do do do.60 i do do ; for r.le by

ANTUONV XANONB & SON,0$ Fiftb t... hhlow Mam.

TBNTYAKDtt TiiNT CLOTH In atore and for75,000 iaie i.y

JAMES T.OW A CO ,S'l an-- Jin wfi-- t 8td flirtb rt- -

SC1AKS-7.- 5 Lorerliia'aCru-hed- ,IOVKi:iNfi'3 Grii'i-iti- iu atore and lor

93.1 by elll fiw JtljCii naKV (JCOl

Lia Cf.rVn .vworted Pric''':W dj OiJton Flaiiijpl?;3D do Apron aud ri urtiug :

4o do FIohc!,! Cuioa;20 bftl"? Wool Kiannif:

RAretred aud for nale chf'p byHi T R BLF-VI- CTV.

XouiaiArja Ttonoy Wanted.LOijISLvNA Bank Not- - wanted by

ANU'W RUCHANAN A CO.,ay (Vimi'r Hcirnn.l fnd Woihtnt"in t.

OIO COFFE.E-- til haw rriie Kio Coffee lacdiug perXI nj4llboat and tor nui

AND W BUCHANAN ft CO,Corner Sror,fl Vrcbin(tin mm

COTTONADKS, ?ttonad:4 do t:nuilet .Joans,

f do NejiT" Plaids aud 3tiiM;btiea

Mf lved nd for al chen bii 'tr. A R 8F,!VtN A CAIN

FAINTED BUCKt'-i'S- ,ai'jlod Uuct-h- s, aH irolot?,

M do B. b '.'drdj, eU;i.)i do Otii W"ll no;'A do Zin! W

Jnt njcttvr-- and f?i en.le loy hiiRtsrN RAV50N,

a54 B8?M'o t ,. h"tg.'l bird ud I omtn.

ft M!5 tJ WH. CAY.

T. A. IIARBQW. Comer Min bu

rf ill K NATIONAL HOTEL le siruatfn in tne;ver7 rooter ot tne oii8inw fhi i. m me, ..."1 roal 'i'eiejCiAt'h l'rcw (Jifice, the llookn, and place of amuweioent, and within one

t V h,.nes- - and i in bor ror.dlllon cow than It wm eversona visiting tlm city lor budiQeea or p eauie cners every

Tb-nn-s 1 50

W. 13. WILSON(Siieoerscor to Gr. W. Bashaw),


CIIOICFi FIELD AMAgricultural and Horticultural Implements and Machines of all sorts,

rLASTEH, CEMSWT, WEITD BAKV, AND XtllS,Main bL, bet. Third and Fourth, opposite Bank of Louisville,




And 3?rocluco DoalerNO. ! ?l FOl KTtr STRl'ET, WKST grrE, BKT.


Kii. J. wilboist.Veterinary Qwrs; o--r siDr. W. respectfully a!tii" - tb

tbtt he is nrarticinn the nbie pr'ifeppion in r vfaioiij bram-hea- , and trwt? by trlctateitieu. t mm It tbfir t .ituve r ropfla'1.

Advlct-- , Herer a:i Jnt'ie Mfdu-in"- , Liniiii3iit9,ic, may ht-- w ut bis itrai r

Anvly t Stable, ScVtQtb, btdiroen MarJitrt endjuif r o.


roarlhi!troof,riext door to Mozart Hall



aud 81LVKK ItitAlfS, A KM Y :td MILITAIU'LACKS. U. 8. and KUTTON. Knihrot-tpif-

SIlMCIDt'i HTKAPS Kr ritfv. of ditT-re- rank p.

Tjr,LS. f'Olif'S, Y UINOViS. A"..C";41 to ord-- ut Hin lovest dtf

WArrs, civifN. & uo.Paduca'i, Ky F.vHt'SriU, ItuL


Commission Merchants,45 UKO I) ST, NEW YOliH CITY.

VTK barij o:r-- Hntje in the City cf N'"? Ycfur tbe I'nle oi T'TltHxn and W.-'en- Prodnre. fli'd

rcvpec Ii'll v w.iirt a ?h;un of Won bji-- pttroiage. yropi-ieiu- g

our b;.t i ibn ta lor thii iutatftjta of oiir coirepcnd-e;:t-

Wf hav.i fivrj- oinOdonce tn Tobacco BIUrg readUya, full pilc-v- . iu round lo: 8, titrefuro twlvie bhiimentpto ti." Nt-- ir-- irai kt

Mr. I 'AVin iTw, ; Watr?, iHv.-n- , 4 L Fadncnh.and f it v ii. Cj . New ori ii isiiy ye--

tH'ai'.ijir n'.tii t:..; . .b tia.if, v 'U lit pt'isci:.iii.t txiition tT tUAt- divi"t"''-- t M" I. A. Ck1, otC:a:iy A livn, l!l attend Jifoctlp to tl"WeotL-M- f'rt.'diice

V,ATT3, CRANK- - A C.Nrw V,Mr. Time 1.

Oi'K). CATIIRALL,ManufactT-re- r and Dealer in

Tobacco and igai&Southeast comer of Second and Cfdlowhill ks ,


N. R. An a.iortriPnt of om raillion Domewtifl C?ari


dsaiks KTTBSa aweA id Solo Agentx foi the

.Tos.osroy Coal.ORDFKT anv cf the ibovtj t;;iaN iVfTfuJIr

pi:iujtli' Ciitd at Hie lowt Cjirk'.trric-1- -.

Or.f'anOy on hv.i a lae wiyrof the n' TON A

CANNKL" r:d rKACOf TtJMKHVwbb-- tor kltSeu, parier, or chacibor lire bare no uper ".or.

Off ci No. Third s'.rect, between Market "idat, tfobb't old sr and- id at No. utbwcjt

COiMftr HrooV Aii'J Mrrk t rtii wip, dtf


fr'lS!- I Lf'f-Kr".- ,

(aie-- tye),LuNMC? WIRK3, ana

W?LT.fcBOriR,A fftoa of LACK, HALF LACK, ar.d

BUCKRAM FRAMES a'wcyi on bnd at the lowestCrb

anh FKSSINQ at

a :il Jefirtrsn ft

A2fD HOPSFor Sale.

Cash paid for BarleyAT TO 3


BettFea and S3rrh.)a?3flf JOHN FNOfT.N CO

Now Importations.At Mo. 877 Mvn ttrcft, tbrc floore bplnw tbe Iionbn'tUe


A 5? W nrtw ror,tr!rt tnr additions to thplr stock ofCbi:ia e.nd On hand and arriving a

lri and iiaiidoane of Glawara, Uril n.ndFisted Looking-- ' ilnecHi, I.aui-t-

Het 3, and Fruit Jar-, all of which will beoffered at ai Ion- figure ai can be ioacd la tbe market.


Improved Metal Burial OasesCrniMnlnx Reant.y, irablKty, and lirbtrr'pii.

'' (JrTic? frtrni.r Serouth aiid Jeieran, IJo.dsvUie..faatye (.".vk?t? aro cinJfi cf Crmjc'-ef-l PbretTIT5 ari.i li.i.'.i K'.th (.Jf.ttft percha or Ind'ARobbOf

o an to be Air and V'ator Tiffbu.All O'dflra pirnp'.if flittrid;-- ! to. d.!3 (Itf


1 VINK3, LIOIJOK3, CIOAR3, a:-- FANCY OP.O--CRRIK3, No. oS TIJjA atrwt, have ito re and f r

W) M'?i tnperlor Ponrboa WhiVy, yeara ;

I'm do do d- - d, a m

io H carte Coijniic Sreidtre;Jlfl do .Vj

i do Rfr',-''.(- i di;drt rr,r y, i;i

I 4 do M ul-- adof- H flo he';-- drt;9 bhU oid P.'jv-- Hrand", rx.

PI h'7lF rd Ar pl Itmn.iy, isCl,an:j-f,- W Uir, various hranfft;!

tifH-tt;- oo.V ttnii J. Mr.hliilBn'i Nr.tivsWlBfltRutiLiffc; and icoh Aiee and Portar;Claie tit rwf. Anitwte; Abe n'n;Mara TbiDo: ('i':nxa, Am?.

A!o a iar' aiid wpH aiportil ntcck of Y f fh Kralta,, aud norTr 'tWally SealS Gooda o all deaeHp-t.o-t nl((t r.ncft nifil


Wll.IjtTGIiBY " roN". '

RPIX'iK hfr .Ui at panio prioa.

tnW H. :fdF7AV Sr HOJ1.

BlUfl CATI5VET,1 ( YAilDS BLUE SATINET on haul andA v for ttti

.TAMES LOW ft CO.,nri vt wiiin Wxh t.

ibir, YARDS BLUE CLOTH o;i hand and for nale)V JAMES LOW ft CO ,

8 ft and aid weft --ideSlnh-t-

WrUOAK- -o aft ht. l. N O fn-r-

!' bbL' P'twdorvd ami Crashed Sugar;lo hois Lat fctiar;

In atore and tor aaJo byoH MARSHALL flAT.PFRT ft CO.

Wnisw- -f ll1 lib's R'Tttft 1 i!'--

(n ijhln f t rt".7fi bb yTr di't'iijifl a

bblf ("e !d C':jii. bM Cne o! live d'.,

In rore aod foj aeia rrt n v a t v it a; rf.r p Ai i'o

rpAilLE .) LT i bbls rims Table Salt, packtd in ?tb

i tw, foi iivlti hyANDWPW BH'MANAN ft C t

I IARrH's MAGA2INK fr Oc&Mr cottaiaiAS di ByuivQ Nw pirm eu1.!.-- - stla Oi'..



before, and to tire travel iun community and perinducement tor patrooog1 Price to suit tbe timtB.

Per T&y.



ABNER COOPER,Wholesale Commission Merchant

Butter, Cheese, & Produce.

43 VTaU strcot, ronicvL!le, Ef.


CO 3X1 E 3 ION" JCSBSOH &VT9,Agents for

Tobacco, 11 j non, eod Oottoa Yerj?,No, ill and 8:7 Mpin ct tt, Titrd ai.d Fourth,



STEAMBOAT A a ENT.Frmghi Agmi fnr Per.wi. C?ro VjtaItqcuL


a. w. pmc. ww. t. r. W1AJSD.

PITKIN, WIARD.& CO,fBnoooMTf to Fltyji Brothftn-l- ,



Machines, Trees, Plants,TJydranlic OomeDt, I Ime, Flaator, &.

OlfJ XLXaIjx street,or1 dtf l,OC ISVFIJ K. KT- -

kill rtrEmsniwo.lirRKff-A- II fiM ard kinda.IT'RPVCTJ CI1T11S AM nuinbrd lwvt miH

IMTRO'T-- PORTAHLF, MILLS-W- ith fOUd Prcnohanbrt" nd made on bwt kuuwn .

fsMUf MA CM ! N d fferent klm5t.Kill Irota, 8crewa, Bcrcona, Belting, PhuUir ParU, and

U'H articlea generally.We hae on hand a lare atock of the above-name-d

rtlrlea. r or aale low and doaliry warranted.IlKRRKRT ft WRIGHT,

aepr7 No. IS Third at., bet. Main and rtv"

J Orn?& Prescription Sicre,MOZART HALL,

Fourth and Jeffpraon atreoi.anrately ecrppoon:Vd

a't a!! hmn dap or mbL iiiii

JIIBBTTT & SON,VAioIeaale and Real!

No. 499 Maiket t , bet. Eecond and Third,a I AVb IN PTOP.R A FTJLL 8TOC OF"

i a Grccerlea, and pollp'.t fcbo rtrpnAi! of h

JOHN SNYBEE & CO,,Wholesxla Ofoc?, Floor d 0

mlfiaion SXercb.acts,t4 Main rot, bofwetta Third and Fcrtb.


PARTT'JiLAR ATTBN GIV!TN TCTBP ?.!j'rodiloo d to na. aa?l



We have In nmaaiuc il ancily f fre aboro eele

brattd brand of Powder, pnt tip hi pxtmitrcn keg aaofor Bale at laroo m wooden kega bp

A, V. D:iP&NT A CO.F"S. B. For aale bp all the onivtlle merchant!.

(Jay's China Palace,LN TilE MASONIC TEMPLE,

coaNsa roxrHTH and aacsrtI ba?o at now ppraed and ready for tale or Lnt pac

tion the largest and moat elegant rtock of

China, Glass, and QucenswareFiver offered ! this er any other oity in the North orSouth. I have a'X) on band and intend always to havethe atork of 81 L VE TED WARE,CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARP, WOODRN ANDWIILLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES iu theeonntry, and which I will sell at prices to eult tbe timet

Pereona having eld Chandeliers, Lamps, &., can getI'nr'ix cieancd and ruado look aa well aa Dew at a verytriunic expeaee.

I am also prepared to mn GAB and 8 TEAM PIPEInto Buildings or titoamboats at the eUorteet colics.


31ilitary Sailtffery.K In anttrirfitloii of eraorihia- -JC'X rT demndi tor Military Kin;p--

. 9 i imve miw.' 'Jtira pin.- - - i m

4ii rntioiistofiU all ordeJd rntnut.-pj- ni"! ftiin rrompLnBsa ana fiesnrirt ti.

8i7 Third at., between Miiin and Market.f!4 dm 8im of tli Ojlrinn Huddle

WUGAR-HOUS- MOLASSES V bbls 8t Janiee 8qMtlaqse in eTois ai.fl tor hy


COFFEE-aai- VX) ba.go Rio Coffee In store and forby


fllACKERP.L-fj- n package Mackerel in atoro andi" I for naJn bv


COFFVJV Rio, good and prime;! do Lamarra;UO do Java (in pooketl; fr file hr

O UaWSoN. To I ID. A CO.

mUOAR-IIClU-.- HAMS --4 ca ke for aale on cnnelgn- -

7 neut bjRATRON. TODD, ft CO.

(CIGARS, TOBACfJO, Havana Cigarsand frr sa!e by


WCOTT'8 MILITARY DICTIONARY, new anpp'y;ai other Military llo:ta, 'f ctlc. &c

ot L. A. CTVILL.

JT. P. THOUIPBON,r kkalkr y


'ftftttNo. 19 Pourth at , bet. Main and Market.o4

iKINE TWINE, ftc-- A good assortment of S.ineTwine, Cdalir-Lin- i Pi ;b Lioe. .Hemp, Flax and Cotton Twine-- , 4c , i tre and

for pale by OK KIN KAWBON,o! fK4 Main at. , between Third and Fourth.


SheuM be In tha baitda ot every citicou at this particu-lar tiu.e. By mail six cents,

n' L. A. C1V1LL

(ta ARDINE3 311 caeea boxea Savdinea for aale byO ANTHONY Z A NONE ft BUM,

08 l"i1b treHt. btnw Main.

BLUII r&ANNJQZa.BALES BLUE FLANNEL on hand and for sale13 by JA!1M3 lAJVt & CO.,

017 3i8 and Hit wt aide Sixth at.

ajjTAGG HAM i A IM of these choice Him.', alw aquantity oi country Haaa an 3 Sidwp. i j3re and

jor eale hy oUl HIHRITT ft S.

HIBBITT V SOST.W'Hi'LLjJAI E AND RKT.VL ORiKiEKY, FLOUR,it mi 'i k. SI oio;, N. 2:n MatStt street. bi-

tween Second aud 'I Mrd. oul li iiiie

IOVERING'S BUGARS-- M bbla Ivertnaj'r Gvanu9,iar in rfore and tor pale by

AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.,n Corner Second and WaehinBton tta.

REMOVAL.REMOVED TO THE EAST SIDE OF1HAVR at,rt, between Mabi and Market,

oi .1 I i'mmMPSON.

. WODA Pi kga NwwcasOe ncslvt-- by jKtlereon villaKa lroad and for uGe by


To Broom-make- rs.

T fi .'Uift HKOOM IIANDLES:U,.''vl nu i,t .jjHiity Biry)m Coid,

5 0 Ins t quality SMviog Twine;ir1) Ui- - b- -t niaii'ycol'd l "7 in ll vt ijuHlity Platp.l Wiie;Iimi bJ! Cit- Partt;

Fr le pt tbe Y'J-- n vv : yd Hpcoui t(ir?, Nf, 58jfliip f,f iirB 'It'il Flirtb,

9il VfUiXR KAwByp,

RAILROADS.Lonlsrille aa4 FraBkfort and Lei-int- on

and Friskfort

( M AND AFTV.H MONDAY, v. 4, ITfii, Traini' will leave Louiavllb daily (Sundayi excwptwJ) ajKIKS1 rHATf 6 tV A M , ptopplo? at alt 7a1twi

hen flai;t'd, Ricirt Fair Omvuda, hacCoare', Rrowna-pt- jard tellview: ennnerting 'it Eminence withetarej!

fer New Cfti'He; at Fra-hf- .rt f.r , HriTid-Hnrs-

and Unnville: at ?yn'a t:r Gj'jrU n;ad at Ittiinirton ia nil ra.vl s,i:d f!i(fe f?r Nicbolv-vitl-

Danville, Laneostor, Crab r)iciiar. Bom9.--t-,

pieiimv.d. Mt. 8pi Unhand ail it rior tove.SECOND TBAIH 2:r. P. M , piu at all etatiem

when tupijed, exwpt CiouuJa, Oibai.. Racevrar.o, urrnsoyX browBtioro, s and NorlhRctuaoa;e.ii!ctinn by etajn? at Ktn'iunc for Newco-tl-

at far SholbyviUB, and at PljTie'Bfor (lonrF'ownTRfHI) THAINACOOMMOn AXIOM Tvr. t 1 10

P M , stopping at ftlt Starionp: and rnttimhii. will Irvbaerange at 7:':o A. M , itonniii at all etatioiw. and arrive At LoiilsrLMe ai A. M.

Tralmi arrive in ! .f).nriH fuMnwj. Flr.tTr!n-- t11:40 A. M.; Borond Train at 7:(.0 P. M.; Laxra;Ue n

at :.h) A M.r ndKbt Train leave Lonivil'dftllvCPr.fWv exeunt.

etl' at 6:3" A M , arriving bj Loxiirtrtn at 4 IF. P. Mr reuist T raing leave L4iiinton daili- - dund

t f. A. K., arrlv.-t- i i L'juivill nt 4:4 i P.M.rrejht Is recaiv&d mr.d discharged from 7:Sn A. M. to

I BTThroigh Tick-- f for Df.riil!?e. Hr.rred.MTivi. CrabOiehanl, fiomeret, Hiibnjo'-.d- . Mt. St tHtsc. Wloche- -t, NnhoIi'MiHa, Georgftowu. einihi-villu- iud othertowiu in tl'j iut-ri- r fr a!H. and all in'onr.'i-tiof- t

can bi baft at thn l.'t tn Lcubv-Uia- , ofjetYanfn and fcr&ok i"tnrt

c'dtf r.Mr vr, r.TLL. BuperintPnen


RAILROAD.urn wm&TZzmwzmi

Notice to Passensrers.COMMEN'INO Bepemf-e- V. Tran-- on tbe

AND NASHVILLE RAILROADwill leave Louisville as IoLIoki:Lebanon Tia'.n (Sund;ys excepte.) 7:""1 A M-

' . . .. P M.sJP dtf J. B. ANDERSON,

IMPORTANTFa&s8ngers shotiM bo careful in pur--

chasiji Tickets to St. Joseph or poinigin Kansas to see that thoy road by thNorth Silissoiiri Kaiiroad,

It is the only ail rati and diroct rootofroni St. Itouifl to fit. Joseph. t.MiteoohHMs qntcfer, fare lovr aa any otherroute.

ISAAC H HTl'RGFON,Prec't and Gen'l eup't Nortli MwaouH R. R C- - ,

div st. I, ut. Mo.



19$, SnTTjrar A.rraoo-Rrr.fi3t- . 1551,

i"iN after Tneslar, tvt. 1, is1, Pasae;gev Tralnawill leave Now Albany as folio :

10 V M. cmCAOO ei!y spt Pno- -

dya), connecting for T ire Hanti and Indianapo-lis, and connecting cloel- at Lafayette for Chicvo.

aw Through from New A'baby to Chicago in Iti hoJrs.- P. M. HT LOUIS NIGHT EXPRESS (Daily

f'Mci St. Looia at:' A M and Cincinnati at SA. M. fbta Tialo nine to Mtt'-hui-l only.

Retumirc. RT. LOUIS EXPRESS airives at New.Mpinr at 4 iJ A. M., iDikhi? cAcs from8t- - Inis aud Cincinnati, teaching LTUU-viil- at frrlftA. M.

The CHICAGO MAIL at 7 'JO P. M , leachtnfLoohrviile at 7:45 P. M-

Oniv one CKttngt of Cw fo Pil. lsi&, Ciudnna'U wVteeaco.

Th throueh Tra'n mikes ftrod connftftipnn Northand South at Ortwaf a ! Lstavelt, I.JiCritx, andMichigan City for all points La-t- , We, and North- -

Wf,t.aTWTralna arc mn bv Ioni'Tiilf time.Yr-F- THROUGH TICKETS and flirt hf ,

aoply at the OENKRL RAILROAD ,

"onthTCft corn'T ol Third aad M rtre"ts,Loataville, Fy.

A. B CULVK.t, 8.ipt.6. 3. PARKER. Arn nlJ -- f


via. ciiMo:rrjMTi,COMMEN' Uid APRIL M 1"61

Columbus and Xonia

i8(5i mm?m isgiKAJ LlfOADH.


fvtn in d hn'!. Nov York :i?' Kntra,Finish Tph'a tn Tt 'i hoir i'Ml-yr- n i

fipvi;!iB inv)r'Ah're.Ai!mn in t !:;ra.P'iffa!o in Ui hr.:im biClTOIanJ In hours, PlttnlKir? in 18 j boursWii"Hi:g In U'b hoora. f V in U e

fn hoars. Sinue- vlile ir ; toj-.s- ,

Bacnaity in 9,fi hoisra. 'Py.t ilo in i" hoj;ra.Detroit In boara.

Ykrciiirh Trs-In- tsava t'!iioLii(i'ti as foiiweiA V EXPRESS - Fr-- m Ctntnn3f, Ham-

ilton, A Dayton Dtpot, coniiuata via )oido, ,

and Canada.

T:W 4. M CINCINNATI PXPUE9S From LHMeMie.riii Depot, connects via Column-is- , Cb:velard,fci'k, and Pnf7o: via Croslii(;, j,nd rtttfi.Kirs;; via ChiTubiia. t'tenb-nvil- 't. and Piticbuif.: audvia Coiamhua, ReUair, and Rrnwood.

: A M PTPKPfl MAIL tovi F itt Mnn!Dep t, conueeta via Eel'ir, Riid V'iUun ii:via Cchimb'jfl, (Je'tline, Rnd Pittalm:: via CIumhue,Cleveiaud, DimXrrA. and fiyrf.'.lc.

P M. Er p; lifter. ADsyton Depot, Ciuiiecta via Toledo. Detrc: aad Cana-da.

10P M NIGHT EXPRESS -- From Cincinnati, rfsm.Utoii. A Davtru Dr.pot, ciWHiecta via Cobiinhna.

lilts and Fltt3bnrtr; via (iidumb-in- "eitlie. KdPittabnrir via fJolomhue, Clew lnd, Dnr.airk, adria Cobirobns, EeUMr, nnd liuowood; and via

Bellair, and PitrimrK.Medsrn SUeping Cam en this Train.

tWFtuoeng'in for Laie Oteauera will tse the morn-ing Train.

fWThe LIS P. M Stir!y, for TolMoonly.

The Night Expr-e- mns Putty, 8atnrdo$ erupted.AU other Trams run Daily, Sundtnn excepted.

WTralna rno by C'.lninbna time, whitb I? 7 miooteafaetsr than CincinDatl tlm.BRgage Chocked through to all Eastern CitJi.

fTafwnRere ahonld bar In ralcd that the "CIN-CINNATI" ia thn OLD and FAVORITE ROUTE.

are made promptly, the Reacts are thoronrhlyBALLASTED, and ail modem 'rorrevcraenta adopInaaritig pexU oomkort. and 6 S i'KTY.


Of TICKS in hp WKsr aud BOUT a. At for fkk-at- ti


General TifcentJel CinrmnafL

nUCKWHKAT hi) bc ii'W pGiin:vh-ani- Riirk- -

ivhfat received per Marmoja tn ater aud for ailOX w. a h. TrrRfrrTAprvr. 41 1 ftrrt ei.

HOMINY-1- " bM new Hominy recti ved aud fur aale

o:-.- W. A n. KI'RTIIARDT. 417 Uarfci. at.

ill OLA 9315860 bb!e Plwdit'oi Mclawos in etnreIT ai and for eale bv

0 8 w h. nt'ittriTAno

URBARFAST RA'Jf)S Du(H-- d Ham Char gidea,in atoo and f"r w.le by

oi3 W. A H. PlfCHAKPT. 41?

j of BULLION, Embroidered aCd

i Fatect Met.Ulie PHOUI Di;R STRAPS,

ORNM TNT3, BASHK9, Ae, alirKaon

baud and D:ad to ordor at

C. .7. RA1BLK 3,

fa-- Jitleran street,mmM ml between Third and Fourth.

mm 8- Ofhcere aupplkd at 1pm chan

Ctnciruiati prbw. o'5

T KFINED SUGARS -f- W) bbls White ad Yellow laatore and tor eale by



1F1 45 bbla MolvfW- -

3n Vfo dor4.1 bbt S'lffar-Bou-- Sirup;

In atore and for aale hy014 MARHTTALL HA PPRT A CO.

MACKKRBIj3 larr Mackerel.

26 kits No. 2 do,lu atore and for aale by


iJTARCU 164) boxee 8tarch in etore and tor sale bpk7 a11 MAKHMAM, HAl.Ma.KI'


O fj boxea J J. Wooda Colurobua Pearl Starch;Son , do do do do do;

Jnat recvivM and tor eale by(1ARDNPP. A CO.

r ICORICKLi lit ftdrB i.inez Smcbof .

7 do E. fir aale bvi9 hawuon. Tonn. a co.'or't'EK-- -

Ly I.iaaj hica pod aod p:lrue Rio;11 d' t jftfivra;lis.' do Java (in pocVetl: for aa!p hy


IPLOt'R bt) bble Eitra FamUy Ulofir in ttiy aud for

fSl W. A H. RUr.RHARDT, 417 Majk"tft.

ti XT HA FAMILY SOAP l. Wvrk'a aupeil'VJ Family Soap twelve, and for ml1 bpfSl W. A H. p.UUK ti MIDI1. 417 Market tt.

r?IO CC.FFKP- - Ti bsp? Ric Ctrl e received and foraale by w tt ormn-iiAKr- 417 Mfih't at.

ItlOLASSES- -1TA 10 bbla prin e PK"tt(..u Mwe.

ft.) bbl? prtnu 3t. .fiiift Sufcvi Hcue M '!!.In store and ior sale byPit AND'W miCHANAN A CJ.

rM!K HKBKLLION RECORD. A ti!ty of Arn-- M

cn Evfi.iJ. Thret nmnthlv rir- - e:b 6



as I: A. CIVM1L

C'lDEK VINiGAR-Lo- h) galloua pure Viuegsr, ofuiaituracinn for eit'e by

a W. A H. HURKflARDT, T Marknt t.

RAILROADSjErrsHfEowvri,i.n raiz.zkoas.

Change of Time.

rpPjAIS wiU leave Jelleraoavllle, oppoai LcclsvCll

'; F. N. and p.UO A. m.I;30 P M LIGHTNING EXPRKBS PAPT-Da- ilv

(8undcyi!t'xrect"d ronnertin at Sivnrnir with trainscn tbo Ohio and Mississippi Railrosd for Cinriniati,CobiTnb'j,Nw York, lioetoo, Pniladeli-bia- . Pfiltiicre,aod a'l F.astru Cttif; andat InrtinnapoHF withfour tiue lino f.T leveland, Pitth;i.ig, Kli ! art1! phi,RHitioor. and allth piinrinlt, citiee in the Knar:with Trains on the Terra liaiite and Lafavettn Rail-roads for 8t, Ijoiii?, Chloae. Iwv k Inland, Gulncey,HanniMI, Bt Jnaeul.. and all theotlier principle citieaIn the vf and North wpft

P- - M, NIGHT KXPRKSS-Da- ll- (Saturdayscottnecthid at Seymour with train ou th

Ohio and Mieplwitpi Railroad for Ctncinnnti and allV.pte,rn cities; at Indianapolis with the Ilfllffoun-tan- eLine for Toledo, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo,

New York Boeton, Philadelphia, ItKltlmorts and sllpointa in the East; and with Ine Cincinnati and Oh'.ao Haute and Rirhmoud and Lafay-ett-

Itailroada for ChlcafO,St Paul. St.. .Joseph, St.Lonla, aud all points in the Wft and Northwest

CLINTON .JOHNSON,al5 dtf A. 8. CROTHEllH, KnpX '

i nrnnniu isimi

H AIL I I O . DIs a First Class Road In all rerpexta,


( With Connection from all Pvints Went)

From Pittsburg to PhiladelphiaALL CONNECTING DIRECT TO NEW YORK,

Morning Mail, Afternoon Fast Line,Night Express,

0r. Tliia D A I L f FB0



VIA AJ.LBHTOWN acd EA8T?N,WHb Dii'eet Connections WeHeio Citiea,

Arriving Rartrg


1 T'ilE rofl BOSTOH

ft If Haft or A'lil J.av.

Express Train Runs Daily Others

Sundays ExcepU1!

NINE Dally Tralna fiom Philadelphia to Nev York.liitc.t gooti on any Lino or Trnln. New

York ot Doaton Tickete via Plttaburggood




Two IPf thf 1'onnct4on from Marriabnrf to

Baggage Checked Through AH Transfers Free



Tickets for Sale at allMain Office a.

Py thU rretyhta of all dewrtptioTK fn be for-warded to and from Philadelphia, New Yort, Roaton. orRaltiracre. to and from any jwtnt on tbe RaUruada ofO'rio, K"iT.cky, Indiana, litinoU, Wisconain, Iowa, orMi by ra'lroad direct

The Pennsylvania Railroad alwoonnecte at Pitteborgrttli fVsuiere, hy which ooda can be forward! to anyPort cn the Ohio, Mufkmpipi, Kentucky. Tenne:e,Cumberland. Illinois, Mbifaeiipi, Wieconalo, Mi'sou1!,Kata?, Ajrtipj, anfl yi rivera; aud at Cleveland,Sa'idueky, and Chicago with atoomera to all porta on theNorthwestern LaVe.3

Mcrciiant-- . and Sliinyera ontrnatlng the trancportationof tiiKir t'reifli to t)iB Company cn rely with coaa-den-

on (ti fjieeciy tranait.i ITS RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point

In the Wwt by tho Pennsylvania Railroad, we at alltiiMiB rj favorable ae aro cnargwd by any other BaiiroadCompanies.

ta'Iie particalar to mart packages "Via rmA. E.R

P. J BNEP.DER, PhiladelrhU.MAGRAW KOON3, hi) florth etioot, DaltUflOre.L&tA ;ii A Oi t . No 2 Aator Home, or No. I South WB- -

U'i (trset. New Yorl'CH A CO No. 77 6iate areet, Doaton

H. D. UOt STOr?.Geucral Freight Agent, Pbiia4e!phia,

L. L HOUPT,General TL-k- Agent, Philadelphia.

CNOCU LEWIS, Gtnerai Sut't, Altoona, Fa.ti.', drt


DOGTRESS & ASTHOLOGIBT,Eighth at , second door fiom Grayton,

VSTGULD reflpectfully inform the ettlteuf of Lcni- -

V ville thtit phe ia able to tell any' bin th?y havein ti'eir mind, aid can huip people out of tiielr i;iattr what tt ia. She wu horn with a i:t thaenables ber to eurpasa any one elje in TELLING FOR-TUNES. She can l nod out through hr rwret allcircom-itance- of picuee. and can tell what will cure,a.e tiiere are roota growiua: for every diaeaae in their or Id.

I 8. la the only one that can make DR.lILfL AMI'S LIFK ESSENCE pnre. Tiii mixt-.-

i jood lor a1 Miseaan, and can oiiiy be rhiusbt in hrcfiiee. No 6'C Fiebth atreet, aecond dr from Grayson.

P.vcry pervou that ia depie.p!t:-- and troubled abutWar ahnidd call on her. aa one la the only one thtt in-

herited ti"? secret troni A'r?'fl, the ret Fortthat Napoleon of pnince ia all hia uudr

t.iki'ica, and ma ie bioi uc;eefi't in all 'lis battles.Sh wajera I .(MM) that no one enn anrraw her.

Please cjifl and aeo her, and yon will be relieved.T':oee who are too poor can come without money; a'Mjthose who don't call at la o'clock at uight afkdalie will make them believe. Jol2 dly

BUTT PR P.UCKKT3-- W R:itter and Sugarnut received and for "ale by

OHKIN RAWSON,s2 Main t.. ttweon Fourth and Fifth

SHERRY, MADEIRA, AND FORT WINES8 do.-- fine pale Sherry;

ci) out Madeira;b 8 d.i old Port;

in atore and for tale in ipiantitlee to anit porrhaaera bya:!U J. P. THOMPSON, 7 Fourth at.llTTprm r!h.

military Hooks at Civill'.VRMY Recnlationa (lwl new edition, nardee'e

vole ). Cavalry Tactic, (. vohO Gib-bon's Artillerist' Manual, illujinited. very vahiabU.Koliertf'w lUnd-Roo- of Arti'lerv for tle HtvIco of theU S. Gn. Aadcr?on'B livobnioiii of Field IKtt riea,with plnt'i (bv order of Wur Di p.wnient) Nauoieon'aMaxims of War. Galton's Art of a Manual t rKcJdiers and othen who have to "imiph '" makeabifra, Ae. Standinfi Orderi1 of the N. Y. Soventh RhUment (Durye ). inrui' Condensed Military PocketMamiiiL Kelt"n'a New Manr:al of the Havnuet for t itoI'. 3. Annv. Iteiriroan'a MllitfaminV Manual nndSword PUv, Ac Triplet ', Hand-B-x- k fr Gie MUitvyf nrRfxin. (invn'a Mnmial of Miiltjvr Surncery. Mute'sPrairie Traveler, a Haud-Doo- fr Overland Expedi-tion-

L. A. CIVILE.if RxfkseUer.


1 f and Tl-'- STORK, No. ZA Market atrt, betwnSecond and'Third. aoiitb aida, Louiaville. Ry. e!4

LOVERING'S SUGARS -- K o bbla Love.ina'BCnisbed,Granulated Sucara in Bt-- and fot


tHANDLES1'iO lioxea StAv Candle;

J4 do Mold do;In !tore and for siate by


1KIMR LARD fiO ke(rs prime cennti v Lard In srorenale hy IlliiBFfT A SON.

1R(ME COFFEE sacks Lapurra and Javahy al41 HIKItlTP SO 4.

C1ANDLK-WIC- X 75J hj Candle-Wfck- . eatrareceired and tor al bv

ORRiN RAWSON.kM W Main atreet. hetwtvn Third and Enarth

1,'LNB SUGARS 4 hhla Cnished, Granulated, andrhiaars for fude bv


CRUSHED SUGAR 34 bbla Loverins's Cruehed Sivper mulbo-i- and for aale by


CHAMPAGNE WINES26 ca?ea V. Cliwpiot;fin do DelmOQifo;!l banketa Verzeny;25 do Hiedtdck d Co.:

In at Jre and for sale in (nutnlitle to anlt pnribaam? bye J. P. THOMPSON, 7H Fourth sUtfTorma Own.

RICE to caaks ri rcwivrd and frr --a'c byRAWSON, TOIr. A 5n.

, trt bbla WhlU liftfined Suxar:bbl? Yellow do do;

In tore and for sale bya23 RAWSON, TODD A CO

New and Important Boohs at CiviH'sCARTHAGE AND HER REMAINS. Excavations,

ifd S)SEASONS WITH THE Sporting Ad



Cioxo, Luc ret I ue. Each 40c1" L. A. CIVTLL. Main st.




deacriptione of Rifles, AcHANO.l5oK OF ARTILLERY FOR UNITED





aworted. for aale byHIBBITT A SON.

SUNDRIE- S-O Jni baxa Cotton Yarn, assorted numbers;

I'XJ balea No 1 Batting;tVJ do Extra do;Tf; do No. J do:

bn whte Carpet Cb;aa do colon d do!iiJ do t'and'e-Wic-

60 do Wrapping do; for sale bya3 GARDNER A CO.

If RANDIESt w pk ga Pelleolain Brandy;tin Pruard Co. do;

15 do Piao&t do, very fine;Iu store and for aale by

ANTHONY ZANONK A BON,FUb at., below Main

g "oFFH! f'a IU? re&lre Of BBitzi wwawi ana m ftt vf


804.f 1 Ji

R sivi tblaj Dan((H VD8 NEW AND RKUTn-"lT- j STYLES




HAnTIN St OHTJBIBAU3H,c"t 'tb fA I'onTrh t. bet. Market and .lefTnmM),


r.eMAurrs KfTAiinATV:Fifth rtreot, between Main and Merket.


ten, Ohio.I hre hsen apantuted arent for LouievWe of the

ahoro Ale, and I will keep a latpe atork f irime eon-- tttyoa Lane?, in harrflj, half barrvli, keips aod to

Inttand try tbe Dayton Ale e the BT. CUARLE3.

i C KCEFKH, Propr etor.




SQriRRP.b, riSii. and all other luxuries the markettff r a.

iit BKR ia alaya with the choiceit kindsnf Wineis. and ( 'arf.

ud Amtrkau Ales in bottle? and on draght.ojib JOHN i.AWKlN A CO.N B- - Malth-'-e (C. M .) Can Oyrteiu, f"r famitv n?e.

alaya on h.vtd. J C A CO.



FOR PRtVATi:3.AH the aboTH, and rverythlnij In the Hat and

line, on hasd and ira-l- to order.. onAia,

aOT iAh 4'rnr Pannh ft1 fatwl! mtn.


O n srifet s.rx x 3rlft&VOGT Ac KIjINK,

Perporfnlly nfTor fr InapHon aale ft rarfod srlertd1 TJGttment cf

of nrerior orbn'anhtp and faablonaWe atlea, Dlicond, Caral, Carlm-'e- , P"arl. A. artidw te'.ygor flue, end btan'.Kul and everything be!oniina Vi

onr iir.', of Piip-.-a- troport, New Yor fabric anoof ovn mafcp

!Iavu boni irrrf-t- by onysnOTf toCIOS1" OUTand tell at any rather than relurn gooda, and, fnr.iiur, to tbf b?-- firji". 'tj t

I T NO CA&H v U8TOMWR 00ou the reore cf price?, we invite our frienfli and tepublic to ca'J and our eto.h, and rea tawirethat tbalr waU and wiThii rJl ard ebnll be mtified.

t VOGT A EXINK'S,A "a. 3ji Third atrf


Oilier ij JjacrR BtorSOD rtiCBTB 8TBIFT.

LACK LOVE VEILS, new wtttera.II HlMk Ci;n ' ;oarettes, entirely new;Lioon Mak-R-

latent Fiutb; Mvjhinee, at artleis in mirkVJaccL--- Rviers,Musiln ds;Narrow Footlojr;

Ds B Im Lr.';'-- ;Coata'a best, 35 Cotton, el?

And ft ei,ft a irto for ea?h nplf aCOARLES r RAUHFUP'S,

rr38 1A Fourth ?t ftd



Giit Fiasos,Lookiflg-Glassc- s,

Walking Ca

A frie aaaortment, and CBEAFKR THAN EVB

fi: i.J.r Mrt-r- t rt.,btwen tuirl Th!rstIA, VV. eorvrr .ntr.M and Preston ata..




COAL! CO AJ.Of the laat quality and at tt lowest prices, for aale

CR'TT-rSDE- N OA NTT,Wi- -t id cf Thied

mav4 J b Min and 4 t '


NOTE3 t)N SCRIPTURE, by Joel !cnea. 6aTHE UiBLS AND TUB CLASSICS, by Bishop Mead.



woi;kmpn and treir difticulttrs, by mmBayley. 6"C--


GODKY'8 IADfS liOOS for May.Jct rooeivod by A. DAVIDSON,a1 7 fjh Third rt,. near MrkM

ESO S.RDUrV3.FAMILY and aeveral ainarle aentlemen can beA with tioe rivama aodaxd botird by

applying at Mil'. R. W GARY'S,Sixth at, itamedUtsly oppoaite St. Paul'i Church,

m-- 4 bA

VOODEN WARE-Ce- d.r Tubs Choim, Buckets,i V itfteitfta, Ac- - 00 hand hand d for aa'e by


f lo caakr Madeira Winlit do Port do,

fl GiojreT d".;fi bbla Malaga do;

In and for sals byoji MARSHALL HALPBRT A CO.

IV KW MILITARY DK'TlONABY Military Tactiea,1 1 'Voxt txxik&i &c A vaiiety tor ?ale.


IFAMILY FLOUR, bbli Extra Family Flour ofdjll.ront branda In atore and lor ale by


I AP OP KENTUCKY -- New Shfft and Pocket Maps11 ol 'Kentucky. Tennessee, Missouri, A.


(CAVALRY TACTICS AT PEDU;ED PRICEtel eiOoii M vols ) tor ail by the

at much le. tba. 11 tbo prlcv OtTnencan ruaXe very advatttavr-o'i- aiTanioenU with mo.

o L. A. C'VIU.

BRANDIES' pkf- - y ren-- h randy tor sale byANTUifNV ZANONE SON

Kiith et below Main.

VINESbvxei Claret Wine;

1(H) do Sautenie do;hi) do Muecst do;il5 caJcs t 'lret do;f t bhla WUit de;2") pkes Sherry do;Vt oVt do;

Iu atore and for sale byANTHONY ZANONE A BON.

fid Kiiti o.t. helow Main.

fcJ' NDRtES -O mi cMf h eud Y urxa Sardhtee;

B tM.? Olive i

bbla h!ky:P'.PPE 'iollW'l till)'

t1 .tamai-'f- enfl St Ct:For eale by ANTHONY ZANONE- A 8N.

ft" Fifth at.. w Ml,UNDRiES-l.- AI

bb'a No. 1 3M"ao bblH fin1 TpMe .

7 bbls Cider Vinsr;'Jt Ou?! Mfcr.he;75 dou'Q Bfomuff.6" bh!a Mackrel;ti Jftdo, do;40 kits do;do coila Graai hpe;SO coib (Jetton do.;i5 roiV Hemp dozn Orarf6.1 do llfiup do;W bal-- RaUinc:

boix Stone Piir;t'hA) G V tlap;

I cAt'e Carir.Io ttoreand fot aale br



TAROHI 8TAH0H!nl BOXES Pl Krt PKRL bTARCH, manufae.;UU tnd by tbo Madison Pearl Starch Company,

Io lo lot WA y r,! poNT A CO,.

Aaeuta In thi ctF,41 Mvn at

OIO COFFV.E siit baga Rio CIee. fair to prtiue. In


fner 1 nd Wnhlnrton

ft 1 ni.Aura- -

11 bbl:! prime Planiatiou Molaaaer.00 bo! St. Jane 3aar-UAw- e

In tore and for sale by4NnW HI CHANAN A OO.

pUAK SIDES AND BRtfiAJtFAST UACON-- Aoodaupplytor.alebyflv(iTM

PAl KRWKAI'PJNO fraw Wrapplos; Paper;

J.wt rvtl At tbiV"do Ware Jw Jr,