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1 gr?gi.v.'u JOURNAL! APOirrisfKNT or Aiios Lisdkr rtnt Eighth Cr.xsrs " h communi-outiu- n oJ th-- : uf the Interior announces the opporiio;Qr f K. am .ng the sareral St.vw r w e cii.hih ctn-u-- : D: r .'KTttt-v- of thk InthiioiO Uashisoios, July, iWuT. To the F 07 tte ffurt of i! Secret try of ihe Inerior. do lieiyb-- . ( r.jv t:i,!t, i.i dtsuiKr.-- e uf du'y da- - volve ( :';)" U'.r "l1!! if IlH nut Ot Coil- - v. i v jyi. 1n)U, enti I d "An act pr;i r j .ki;--r "t thi sovenih at tl s?ub-- r t; j Sia'e", and 10 lis tbb iv.". ! .'I - vn.:, is ihe House of Rnp- - TW..: i j.i i M.'.id l( r tl'oir luturo tit an-. it. vynA St:ireH.'' I have if jtl ihj J;.; for rlie Thirty- - .,! - ih-- j several Mate na pro-- . videii .. n ill ttio Oire.Mtd hy t tie twenty- lii ft?! "i'.-- ihf. reof. And 1 do hire- s' hy fur li'T U::--- i the foMcwio is a correct nuuih-- r ol K pre.seniatiVt porTloupti tr. et;i h uwte.r the last, or eighth, bs i nn!uliwi of the I cited M:iie.:, in :iwi ttl;j;co with the aci proved I V.iv, , iowi roi'orrcl to, nameh : (i Miiiiitivo'u 1 Ark-m- " 3 v.i- fcvtnpi 6 Ca'i- fi'? i o '.uiin 'J CT.RuC'"i('U 4 Ne.v i Ui . . . o rj),-.xr- 1 N?' Jerev.. 6 f bri.-n- 1 No-- York 31 7 SVrlli Carolina 7 lliin ii I'i O!iio 1 Inri;o.n;i 1! Oregon 1 I ,WR ft I'enafiUraTiia 23 K'Hin 1 i'.hie lJbind 1 Kentucky 8 South Carolina 4 JL- jijin 5 8 Miine 5 Texai i f Ria-v- l (ii i 5 Veimont ,ri 1' Mi.,;.c' 1't filled ir .a 6 Tb? h, nto ;:r two Ijjmdro! and ibirty- - thret. (2; 3) Kopt li;ai.ive,. The T:;rAsci:Y and thk Navy. Tho finan- - Cal p'ovr i nr c iMiiitfni-- bv tht SecroTiiry ot ttio irtiiury ii liroe hundred million. lin liovofl of O.OOO.OMO abould bo v' roirmi riteoniina-- d .inir.ds B 'it bv I.ix.if ii Mi. Mi;2. 'ii; V. tiic:! :i tt p.p- rp ions hive bet-- a 'd COllDflOUO UiQ gJJ'UM.UUU TO d ha ,nd li extinguishment of th pu'iin.- l8b. brjr;- .- rh figure very near the M c TP. Mi nr. n jro? to meet, this ii b. iIm- i,f fiiiiis Der r d laid cn trown h:-- r, if o cb.'i" p'umd on clayed su-i- v i r, of 4 p. r p.'Uiid on lo.-- f and other retint d ol' Jjc-mi'- psr pnur.d on the sirup of f G fen! P'u: d on candv, of 6 contf pt-- i; ;M ,: on mo! and 4 canti per pot- ion on s iir in n' d it i also proposed a div ot' live cenis p1? p.'U-i- bo imposed nn cof-- f, 10 r. n p und oj black te, and '20 cn's per r-- uim! oil i:rt-.-- ton. Th" c )lleti ;n of inter-!- ! iin:i' s on tsull-an- dl.Mi'Ud liquors, ale and be r, to;tcco, b.- k not:, crria;:es, silver w.ire t'd j I'.clry, and on 1'Hrncie, ti rcuu niPnHd .1 !nu. h it i su.n:(vtt:d thir, if pre- ferred !v 0i;w5. th p'an of taxa'iou of real and per n. at property would be 6ucceflafu1 in the mtiie nutr. 'lhe ue of the coufi cited pr- priy o' th;1 robel?, toothr wiih a reduc- tion, tor ibi tin.e at of 10 por cen., upon Salrt: i 8 ar.u .i." $ p;iid ''v the FodemMl-wr- ment, are il o advi-ed- . To r;ti:e the 240 000,-(- thu pr.-- cu ion of the WtiT, thd pr- p a iiationnJ loan of n 't less lh;in 100 C'00,UvJO, to be it'sufd in the form of tri-ii- ' i; iri;fi, bari'u v;ir!y interest of 7 p .rn:!i:'ii ( .n i;itrrt ?t 'qnal to one cent a cbv on lih v and tlv-r-t tore very eiy of clrulatio.') .xrA in auras of 50, $100. gSOO, 000, d 000. brx k io ba . p ned at he TreaB-ur- v Utaoe in . 'shin rion. and at various other , flics- - tiin;u'hot-- Aii Htatori, and sums subscribed to be i.i c:h. In tt?o the national loan & inpnlarii'nT, ii isnn.pntd Unit boudfl. orcertiti-cai- of dt bt, be to lorder in the , or in any f r ii ry. not excedini; in tfia a'trokcate 100,!jiUHiU, to be redeemable at the pieu-ur- of tho Government nfter a period not tjxcet'diii: t'.i'-i- ycarr1, aud bearin an tot cxcMdU.s.I 7"p--- cant. To supply the full amount required fr The sarviue of the tidcal year, it is rcvouni-d- that provi-io- bi m d' for th K-i- i or '1 roaatiry notes f t $10 or 20 each, p ijatdoO'ie y tr from dite, to an amount not exce-dii- : iO.Vul 0f'0 Vee-- notei bearings inTerc- - t ;st the rCrt of 3 G i lO't p"r cent, and ex- - i:h m'is'ile ;it t';8 v. ili of t;'3 holder for Troasurv wiili 7 3 10 r.'.T cent, interest, ur excLequcr bills. 1 no ppcveiiirv of thi I.tvy oek Congress to sar.cucn iha oiwi-u- s which were necessarily tik :i to meet tho Uitlisul'iea treach- ery hud thrown in tho way of the merit. PurrhaBos nnd contracts m:ide the auihotitv for which was f. und in tha x:pnciee of the lime The naval force in cotn:ni-sio- n iJ increased to 82 vessels Ccirryiiitr upvivl of 1,100 yuna. and a complement of 13.000 men exclu-siv- e of t ffi- - cors and ir.;ir:. Th Naval AcKilumy, former- ly a1: An:up:!-- . r.ow rinvd to Nowport. K. l.t in withora !'.: a.:to.,rit!'d number of pupiN. for one thi-i- of tha di,!rit:3 nv;!t.'jt; or refuse ro he reprioDt '. z:A ;!: ih in- - way of supply- - hiix this awhc-pc- frc in ot'nor It - sutr- - j parted j p"in i.ig for the d fictt, und tbit f:r h tf;ii.rJ, at the number in the nul-o- rh' 'jju i.ut ba ifcre-ia- until there is a fall c.'Miemur't or' c.icarii. Tha SotTetary en iHi'o bo appi'inted, to bo known a iho diixctor of urd iiance, who ishall, uu-rl- the D'.:'i!.!t n;, vu thu immediate upr-i"-iua- thii innii'iitiure.'iri'ion, acd sup--I- y, of oidij.ircj 1m Kav, i:i all ita detaih'. Aci:'ni:-- j or rif.Ji itafi"n oi ilia Jjw rufrnlatim; the !tiT yr j.:!'ii i' :.V'.':V.Mod7 l.y which tho ves-nf- i alviiL iliaco ist iniy be rogularlv cpp!itd nUh rj!",;u isbni fovJ. An increase of l ho liiioibur of Sure-:;!- and Aiit;int Jsuroons ib reconimpnd-.'d- : uhr, i.n irxrea-i- of t!ie Marine corp., jrrhapii, an mtiia et" iho cnrp; ai. o, tho aprt intniunt of a proper find compa:c.nt hoarti to iin( nre into ihe exptdiem y cf irc.-cW- d s;r.ii!;ii o iIj.iu;, iMttcue; aUo, An;j- of tho clo'icil forco of tho dvpart-men- t, tO(;e'h-- r wbh th anoointiuut of aa of this Jiavv. pAH!Nf, AN'D nnil.t.T ANT KxPTX-l- OF TWKNTV- - pkvkn K:i.niuck!an. A hm :n from Mount Vtriici jrve us tbj K !l 'v;:n account of a bril- liant ex 1 it of umv-- men. at a p l it onn ii'o filront V3ri A nan liiaret who twrw tjo Mcwnt Vernon hai erect d on ii-- K rtui kv side of tha risers hr,d-soni- A ' r m tin: .f. ;h. "mi-iii,;- tha L'uion men ai v.ti::' iiti i and were vrion tb-- j Srn'S and Shrined were rtsn up. 'J he nevr; t f .ir. Anencm fli having been rrtis l tip rhe "s.-Tt- eoil" of Mr Bur- nett's tho Sot:: hern ht art" of Uoion-tow- n w-- ii"ed," and an exp?driorj was at once gotten up to the honor of the dibtrict ard vl .wn ttio lla. Accordinah' twenty n tnt-- arin-- d. and mount- ed, b:ft Unio-.tow- o:;i n'ui ibis week, a..d at divliu'ht ilrw op bi' t!o arwv tho Dj;in'd fioor who Ii i! d .red ,o pi nit a ll in Union coau-t- y. Part (f tne fore b;;:m cut tint; down the pole, v.'bn ifown jr with a riH acd bxp-n- 3 ed a d 'eriiHiiutiv.n to "hurt eomoO( d." li w:a m :c-1 d io li:- p.itrintthnt tweatv-seve- n too'; wis o;:d. 1'hi view of the case striking him f rci' lv. he a'ond quietly by. while 1h-- ticou.dr cut no A'ti Ins polo, c ptured bi d .;, und rid oif( a tr ti v iu, 5 three cbders for tha Sou Ultra . EvansrtHe (Ind ) Journal, Afkaiks at Jkffkkson Ciiy, Missouri. Wo find the u lloiviui; in the S'. Louis Democrat of jesrCiiy, ut der daie of Jll'iron City, July 11: Tbre va an ncivo niovemtmt ainonnt. the 3 v- this pirtf the country. lUnds cf one hundred to ono hundred ar,d tit'ty armed mm are crossinir 'he rivortr-- Boon and Ciiioway cuniies to j in o forcef, ai:d there is do Governmer,. Bt?unl'oat hare to prevent it. Col. Bjonititein two dvs ag an hundred end riity men, vi Syracuse, to Ode Camp, to take pc-- t there and ml r' the-- e reinforcements for Jark-nc- , und ;apt. A S Biernateiri left, wii h O'iq hundred, and two em311 mountain bowi zr, for tb'i naine uirtction, ar.d a combined movement, sopp rted bv (J 1. Ccm k and the Home Guilds of Col - tamp, racuse, and other will ttiko place, aiid lie country thoroughly cleaned of t he--- armed hands. At the tume time, a of civalry will te pushed forward on the laft lliiik f Gjh. Lvo"'.s c lanins. in order to transmit de.--- '.U.!.e3 and keep open the communi- cations, with the General. ITEMS. Cot ton -- prow ire hxa baeu comtnenced in the Brifish colony of Quttenland, Uceanica, wiih a gOC'd prOSpcCt of 8HCC633. Manv of the E convicts trartRportcd with- in the lait ten yaAn to VVestarn AuatralU have becomo repu'able tnd vealtby men. The 50,000 fire in Milwuii-- e waa caused by a fire which was 1 gbted by an urchin and thrown ir:to a BUh'o coua'-Cto- d villi the Ameri- can Uotei. Kotwiii-icfani-p- ; tho American trouble?, the GlaRi;nw !i r.ild s'iVfl iLiat there have never been 50 man' fetieG 'h'ps ioadinir tad unload- ing in ihe Clyde 3 at tho nt tbao. At length M:cha-- 1 Anur-l- o has received justice a pDt M Lrnm li duiid baa published in Paria iie fir t trn lattoa of his p.etry tba baa been .j. Amonj-- Tha st thera are aorue aoa-ne- U aiid ma 'ria'? uf reat boau'y. Tb A!'"'ina Gzotte states that a wan in Uhz 1'rid.ty one B im who came near merlin;; an ijinomiooua death. He vau pivn t'.iity tainu-'c- to leave town or die, and he 1 ft. The IJ 'S'fln Advri3er m 9 that in aF v irii'jr'i'i at F.iruii:i;irim, Wendy, 1 lipi te- k to dotiouiice tai liipuuiifan party ocfiU Icadij stateiiiea qtite freely. Infcrv- - ii r. reiv-- i by the authori-ih.- it t!6R it Iu.! AuiTim emi.s ini would at-- w tsmpt to h! up tho powder itJz f,. The guards s'r.i ;:ud ncdr thfciii bve, in consequence, been trV'h- and ai! acoc-- to the maiziutis his beea pr U bi'.C-- The f im rce "Klarik ;fl " hxi been birn'jd to d o h or-- , L d a rail way train in Eoj'- - lacd. L rd .Sr. Vuicti:t liaii js.ct five thou-an- d kJ'm--- fjf h;rn. ajd ha waj heavily backed for tho D ;tui m. Leor. The R!;!n.ud pip-;?- p. re rommendint; tbo rossl c"i; , vow Lit'tu;: Millie State t!;ipi-ta- l, to roi'Hct. ih ii:,i't "f j;iihjfe, find the enforca- o: ;n:uns on point by call-i- p upon iherLTi ba!er, "..1 syverin, conuec-tiu- a with ti;a Y intt;e,to .')..! i:.U every vestige of re'.QraUttav-- to tLe lii .tiiu-iu- a of tbj,t urttrtid :m i ii- 'iu. I'rif n , t lie Ainerictiii bAt -- builder, who a rou-ho- of luo tunj by etftini; in houra irom tbe tuic the keel is laid, ha. ;u;-- . ia.;, ii the U rner mJL .Spauldiair sycte-- of ir.d. Ine Lon-o- n b'-- ir j.t?ty acc uiitar d : d r.U vith thi wtioin aide of iu The Tiri M; 'nit our stat th;it a very curious bok of tfreai iutwwt at tho prC ent"cri.M3 in Fpd , h4 ju-tt- bfn rprwduced by the Dentu PuHii-- Lh-- ii the Mor.ila . hi i no mv of Ju ota-- r i::tn ,;..r-- .r ,:na tbe oVuh c: c .i- - in menu xritit fi)r-- t. jronca tux- printed in rs. tru 1.1 jTft rae':.n.-- tr.-.- th una a!i iuo cloj."- ui .nil f :., , ii , C Hip' - i m.i It twll' y - f c tif (joh'o i;ni; ca";.e - - , ;J , r ..r,i vu ,t tte of p ex. .1 Vivo are tv.i- o in 1 i Ui itK.-t- if c.'idtun Viine-i- I'KOF WOOD'S RESTO RATIVc, TEB OKIiT AETICLE TJIJT COi nfilY ON K HA V't? itn rri'isp? !' IT 19 Ri. firs liis mmm Seowhut ft d?t:n7citbc 8t houU Physi- cian saya of it: St. Loma, July 10, O.J. Wood. Fcq.: Deaf Sin Allow rue the plssrotv snd"Ati-fftcr'0- w transmit to pou the bnriicial rtlectr of youriiair after a tritil ot 0?e years. I pnunn'iicwi twinn vour KcritorHtive ia Jftimary, 1855, eliice whirh time I nave not beo without a bottle on ud. Whn I oomoit'riced tb use, my hair was unite tbin, and at leaat d uray. A fw application topp'd it fidlinK. ud iu thrf week?' time there was not a cra hair to te "oimd, uoither u thj been up to this time. After my b&lr wao completely restorotJ, I continnedits fe by Hprlylns two or ttir1 tiruea p'r montli. My hail btie ever continued be?.ltli , soft, kvA plo-y- . and m scalp poilectly Irt from dandm?. I do not iruafrintlit' t:cta above mentiom d will be of iinr particular ad van tiwft t yon, or even littr your vr.nity at. thi lat-- day, &f 1 am el! awtre they are all well anowu already,aud eveo n.jre wonotMi'ul oues, throughout ibe Lcioa. 1 have oow.'wied my tuae io traveling tlie (neater part of tb tii:ia t jt pat thre year, and bve taken pride od p!iii8nie in ivicnrame-ndi- your Kitomtive, aii'iexhio-iTi- g its ott'.'Cif in niy ou case. In aevoral Intantv! 1 Ixav m't wltb pwp!e that have pronounced it a htitu-tm- Ptij'im? thpy h d used It and without efipct. In ev- ery Inttani. however, it provM, by probiu' the mattr, thoy had oct your article at all, but had used torn- now article, c:uJ to be k.kxI h youra, and MtllinK at bout half the price. I rmve uotierd two or three ar- ticles niraif, adfrtiiefl f atwve.wlnch I hve no doubt are humbug?. It a t uihiii that poplf will patron i.e an article of no reputation, when there U one at hand that h- -j ben a doubt . Apparently, .'ome o- tho chanatarui have oot bralnt enoiwh to writ1 to advertisement, as I notice they tanvn copied your., word for word, in eever-- 1 Instances, mere- ly insertion tonie ctliw onie In place of your. I have within the pa- -t tive years, seen talfeed with more than two 'houtnd pnrms that havt usnd yoni pi'4paration with pnw:t uoc- - some for ha1dne?e. (rraj h.dr, oc.iid d indi-uff- . and every dianaw the seal i and head are uhji ct tc. I cal ed 'o ee you, pinon!Iy, at your orifdnal plat- -' of buifoeras heie, but lai ned you now liviun r. Nw Vork. Voum, mi!y, .IAMK.S WJIITK. M. D Wukkb Bpiusae, Perry county, Pa..: June 7th, lu, ( Paor. Wood: Dear S!n I wsa Induced, moiothar a year ago. to try yoiir valuable Hnii Ke. itorative, for purpone uf clean Ing my hed of dandruff. I bad milfcr-t- with it u "o my head lor years, and had never hten able to get auythin! to do me any rood io removing it. alt nou till I had trie mariy prefta ations, until I caw your r.dvertiei. tatit in a Hurrlr-hur- pftjer. HeipjE there at (ho time, I called at (iruis it Kxuinu 'i drug store, au-.- Ijought a Ixittl- -, and am no to recommend it to uinverral mse; tor it has coiupittt-l- rvmov? d all f from my and an appli-utio- nnce In two weeks keew it fri;S :roai a- y itniri(? or othr unp'eas-autnes- 1 must also sLite tiiat my htir had bticomtj yuite white in places, aid by th- - "ihi ol your pi has boo restored to itd oris nal color I am now 5u years of as, and althouxb I nve usd two b.itth-- ol the Kestortive( no one nab auy know ol" h, as I al- low a few :rey halra to remain, in ord r to h.ivf my ap with tuy ano. My head is now of ! ne ti'ouhl- - to nif--, iu feeer-bi- it ch'an, A:c, thau at any timo since 1 have bs3ii a ch'id. I contidcr your preparation oi tfrat va'ue, ftnd although I do not like to xpo e my-- f tiK", I consitl r it my duty to say to. You can u- - thi-- , or ny p rtot it, in any ehape you think proper, if it t worth anything to you. Yoara, Ac, H, EL 1TTER. BLOoamerow, Imm JoivSOth, 1859 Dlau rirK -- 1 here send you a statement that I think you are en" it'ed to tho benefit ot. Iain a resident ol Blooiiiintoa, and have txen lor over thirty yean. I am now over to yen id of ae. For anout twenty years past, my hair hrLH b en tioninp co?i!i.'i-.ihl- v ray, and was almost enirel" white, and very And ur.plis.ut. I hini ttwe & uuntberoi certi catea of toe vnrj wondr-fii- i ehect of your lii'.r K ttoraiive. but HUppoed thrro u tn.-r- titiou tiiaD truth in them; but a Fir ing d'siie to h:iv- - mi hair, if reloied to its orif.iral color ..iid fo'eoiv-t- , ai it was in my younger d iys a liear.tiful r tach, 1 ooncluO-- I would m iko the experiment, commeuciut in a urn ill way. I purchased O' e ol your ftmail buttl-j- , at one dolUr. and c - d upiiis, follow iLiic dir'ctioui-a- s eany m I could, I scon the d:tuor-- rnnoved, n.ud mv i.air, th-- t waj IaU'uk u u I rKe quantities, was coue:d;-Trtbl- tivhten-61!- , aud a radical c.,a:ice taniiiff place in the color. I biiv continued to u e it, t:ll I tuive tim-- thier- ol you; mall bottie1j, ..nd junt estnn on ths foutth. I haveuow an pretty a liad ui dark bmwn or liht black hair ij any man, or a I find in tuv youthful Aa; a. whtn n boy in the hill- - of W etern Vi- sriuia. M' ir iree 01 daDdnitf, and the cair ce;i-- entiiely fallinp off. and i v toft a d hne. fe- la a- - ih , iw housh it wa jim from under th. baud! of a Tru i ; h .mpo ner. Many ot my ft(i!aintriuoc tritteutly nay to me, "Butl-- r, where did you eet that Gue vu-f- I tf tl them itwA the effect o Kentorative. It ie almost imi U convince thera ttiit it the nrujiuru uair of the same old gray bad. i oura, truly, FKiiDHRlCK T. BUTLKB, BIooci.inKtou, Modi'o? county, Irtdiana. FUOF. O. J. WOOD'S ELAIjU IlKSTORATIVB Is the only reliable article for yon to cw, FOR STA TE3MXN J U UQKS, CLXRQYMlSii, Ladies and sreurtemeji, in all :'art of The world, testify to the f Pici. O. J Wf rd'd Hair Restorative, aim gentleuen 01 the pre-- s aiv niianmiotij in Its praise. A fe y Eetbii)rjiril onfy cau be hvre K'iven; eoo circular for torij, aad it will bo iruptf.iW0 for you to doubt. FrOri!380B S. THALBURO, PIANIST, pava on tila srrivai in th- - Lnited Stateu be was rapidly be&'rn'iie gray, but on apvlying Wood'rj balr Kedtor itive bii hair ooq ro- - eoverod it original hue. C11ARLK8 CAKDEW, 13 NASSAU 3TRiiliT. N. iayi the ?rar hair! on his wifeV hvd were, a.i'rer a l?w weeJu' tri.l, turneii ir.t-- t a dark browu, at the aro timo beaiitifyij aui tliic&euiug thtd hair. A. C. RAYMOND, BATH. MAINS, ay he I? now dixty yean old, and hie hfiir and whickers wer e gray, but by the use of two bottltia of Kertorative, the &ray haiiu havo disappeared, both on hie cejKl ana iace, end ia moro joit and clo) for twenty-fiv- years previous. Hie wii'e, at the e of titty-tw- has uaed it with tho same effect. t'iNLEV JOUBOM, ESQ., NEW OIILEAN3, eay that be l(t hi hair by tho Yellow Fe- ver, iu He used WeodV ilair Kubtora-tive- , and hia hair u uow t.hicit and gioasy. M. J. MIDDLETON, LIVINGSTON, ALABAMA, ayn the RptnrRtive hi done much go d in hie part of th country- He used it for liulduoea, and uow has a fine head ol hair. T. L. MOK3E, LEBANON, KENTUCKY, eays be has neen Wood's Uair Reetorative used in huodredn of c&tee, and never feoew it to fiil in accumpiuhms all it. proiewee to do. A, J. ALDEN, MoLANESBORO', ILLINOIS, aj'e be had the scald heed el(ht rearn, and waa bald, but bj- - the liberal u?e of Wood's Hair Restorative, be now has a rich, (rloesy head of balr. Liee-tnn- . Noble eo., Ind., Feb. ft, 1?5H. Pror. O. J. Wood -- Dear Sir: In the latter part of the rear lfJ, while attending the Stnte and National Law ficlmol of the Stati of New York, my hair, from a cau?e unknown to ine, coianit-n- d falling off very ravidly, eo tnat in the thort Biaco of montlia the whole nuper f'art of ciy almoet entiiely bereft of itr ano much of the remaining po. tion upon the fide arid bn'.-- iart of mv head shortly after became isray, eO that 3 011 will not be euiri?ed wheu 1 you that upon my return to the Kt:ite of Indi tna roy more canual eie uut no much at a lo- - to the the rhajitte in uiy avwArance at my more -, acqudiiitatica win 10 lvcofrmre uie at all. I vt on e made app'irarloD to th.' most skillful physi- cian? in the country, bnt, rereiv-'.- no afuraucet IVoni theai that my couid apalu ho redtoryd, I wax forced to becrmie reconciled to my fat, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year K57, your Kttoiative wae noonimfuatl to m by a dniut as being tlie mott Hair Iteetoiative In &. 1 tried one bottle, and found to my ju.'S-- aatifaeti- n that it whj prodnciwn t tie deird eftect. Sine that time-- , I have ued reven wcrthof your Rtu-.tiv-- anil a a rooult have a rich ooii. ot very &ofl inuci bair, waivh no money cau buv. Aa ft mark of mv rrsMt:;d; cr votir Jahor and skill L) the j.rcdi.ction of ao wondn fui au article. I have d to muuy of my frionda and acquaint ajca, who, I am haypy to infoim you, are using it with lli:ee;ietu. Vory reepect fully, yours. A. M. LATTA, Attorney and ton:illor at Law. if Tom U AI K 18 UAKSII, Uaa Prof. Woid'e habr restorative. If year balr is gray. Use Prol. Wood's hair restorative. If y w hair le thin. Use Prof. Wood hair nwtoratlvo. It yoa ai-- baid, Use Prof. Wood's bair reetnrative. If7GUBAve nervous b. adnrJei, Lie ProC Wood't hair restoiative. If yGu have dandrull, Us Prof. Wood hair reatoratii-e- . I: you have uTuption ,U Prof. Wood's bair restorative. If yon desire glossy hair, Uee Prof. Woodn hair restorative, tf you aesdre to preserve the color. Use Prof Wood'a hair restorative. IJ yoa dselra net to lose the cok-r- I'e iTot. W'jod's hair restorative. If yea want a cheap artk'e, Lse PTof jfood tair restorative. If you admire the beautiful lock, . , Use Pr. f. Wood'a hair restorative. ir Aiuiru luq ueauritui nnri't, Use Prof. Wood' bair reatorativw. If yoa wiah a beautuiU corip' L?e r'ro:. Wood's hair retoratIv. If you wLsli a face free froin. piinp'e, L'e Pi jl". Wood' bilr lastorative. If you ?.ib to aytar your.c. 'uee W. .Vi's biir lettoratlve. If yj'i ' tssthn'y ovr rwh.e'ruiiij", tUd caoiiar oi xrot. Wooashair tesiofative. O. J. WOOD & CO., 6: Laia, 444 Broadway, New York. s HjujnlacSurert and Wholesale D sal en Id WD,;-O- PETRR, 4 Cu. Aent- - ,n Lou 3 tlJoiu At Tlldl: iia tTin-- . ld b !i teRlerj In dni In 'IjSmtu'vltl- - Reatncfcy and TouiK-esw- . ap4 deo2Acol4 Dfiii? lj CITY DIRECTORY, Arrttii(-s- i Alphabetically Mi Uegrd tc BURINESS Auctionrurv. IUp-j- , L. 4 (5o. nb Main, ber. ttb aco ti . Anderson, Tbo .A Co., 43o Maio fJtrfflt. Henry, Samuel O. A Co., Main . bet. M and r.. Spencer, C. C, Main at. bet. ad aud 4th. AerrtoultnrAl Implemeat acd Ki. tttmn t Co., corner ot lliwn and -- ti Pllkin, Wiard, 4 Co., Man-b- Cartor 4 Buchanan, 44 Main t. OaunerwotTP ;al,rrle-- J C Blrrtd'i (formerly HarrU'i) Gallery. Maiu, bo- - Vwivin I'ourih and Fifth eta. Webster i Uro.. Main it., between Fourth and Fifth Rookdf-llem- , Kiallonera, Sc Pr1oilol Utaifir. Redford, A. II., 223 Tliird itreit. jiavid-o- A., 3det-- , bet. .loffenjon and Mark Mw'den. F.. 3d et., bet. Jeffereou and Vrkft RaK!ox and Kope. flnn. fhn. n. Oo.. Main it.. bft. 9 v 3S RnnUrra J'r. WarTu 471 Main St. Boonot Bleaotiftr. niKi.-u- M.-- ffm., Jefferson Bt., bet. 3d anrt 4tr. riothlner nad (Jenilrmens FuniUhlnti UnoAn. Maodeville, J. C, 4 'o.. Main, bnt. Second and Third. Armftron?, .1. M., corner 4th ai.d Main pt, Sproule & Mandevilie, corner 1th and Miin git. Ciotbi und ;nrlrmpn'B Furnlnblni; 'oet. Von Borrie & Co.,46S Main at., bet. Bullitt and tih, Cnrpeift, Oil Cloth, and CnruaJD aoI-Hit- 4 Small Main st., bet. 3d and 4th. Marshall A Dickinson, 4th, . Market and Cloaka, ifktntlHas, and Varfot.. Mwrrlraau, C. T., itb near Main. tlartv Pcraade. Ed., Malu frt.. bet. (Sth ana 7th, China and Uiaewwar ''Mseday A nopfeina. h?4 Main st. Crutchr & McCrrady, 413 Main t. Jaeger. A. & Co., 4th t., bet. Market and Jeffenon. Coal Dealers. ( rittflnden ft Cftott. 8d St., bet. Miin an1 Martoi. KeUog. J. N 3d et., bet. Jetferecn and MarKoi. C'hotnMit and Apotheoartec Dawe. 8. F., ocrner 4th and Jederson rrta. C'emcvnt. McHarrT. F., Main et., bet. 7th and th ft. Carriaare Ianufactarre Stone, I. F. A Co., Mf.iu et., bet. lit and Brook. Orura, UyesiniTa, Oils, Palnta. Sec. Morriii, J. S. 4 Sonj, 461 Main st. Robinson, R. A. te Co., at., bet. 8th and th. Wiieon, Peter, ft Co., 42 Main it. Wilder, R,, 44? Mala st ry Ooods, Clothn. A-- Ren-y- , J. Taylor, .J.rTenon street. Masonic Temple. Dnvall, C. A Co., Min street, between 2d and S.i, Mark ft Downs, Main street, between 4th and nth. Tjarun i,ruintaush. 4rh, Iwtweeu Market ft Jefferson i aoo, u. c, corner 4tb and Market. Furs acd Fur oode. Craig, A, Main street, between fitb and 7h. Fancy Goods, Kmbroderles, and Tr,mm!nj. Rauchfuss, Charles F., 4th street, bet. Market and .TnfT FUhfaar Tackle, (inns, and PKtt.f-- . DirVion 4 Oilroore, Sd street, bet. M?itn srd Markflt flriuita, Joiieph, 6th etret, but. Main and Market. Fire, Marine, and Uf. Inniiran- - Co.'a an- - Aenta. American Ina. Co., TT. Dent, Sec., Main, bet. 3d and 4rb .ftterwn In. Co., Win. Muir, Set., Main, bet 3d and Sii Louisville In. Co., Rot. Atwood, fcc.. Main, bet Id and 4th. Muir, John, Main rt., bet. id and M. 'tetWrn., "riain st., imt. 3d and 3d. W aabington In. Co., Wm. Koea, Sec, Male st . tvt d and d, Gorttlrmen's Fumlshlnjr Oooda Anoitrone, J. M.. cor. 4th and Main ie. Hlanchard, Geo. ft Son, cor. ad and Mwin U Hhm Fitters. Pluutbnna, Are. L'nnally ft Strader, 3d st.. bet. Market and JenVr Groceries, IJqnon, and Tobnnno. E"twart 4 Barter. 546 Main rtreet. I.lqiiora, Vlne, and Alcohol. Hart ft Clark, 3d st.. bet Main and Market. Won kit, Jo"ph. arfi Main etropt .Schroeder ft Son, Wall at., bet. Main and Water Zaaoue. A ft Son, 5th bt., bet. Main and Water, Lumber, gush. Doom, A-- Aleiander, KUie. 4 :0., cor. Preetoo. ft Walnot ft Main. between 1st and 2d. Breden, J N , err. Main ft Wenzel and Walnut, between Kast 4 Y loyd. Charles, Stephen, Main, between Campbell A Wenr!- ftltll FnmlNhhicT. Herbert ft Wright, lo 3d street. Prlntlnar Mtinijfnt-tnrer- Dnpont ft Co., Main street, between 4th and Kb, Powder. Dupont 4 Co. .Main street between 4th nd 5th. Davis ft Main Ptroet. Int?nt ."Iid loin en nnd PefTumes. Raymond ft Tyler. 4th etrnet, beWees Main ft Market. Keetaumnt. KR,rl i S (W,krr'8' :M- - betwwn Market A Mam. Charl), nth,. bet. Mark.-- and Um. "?tove Founder. Wallaeo, IJtbgow, & Co., c rner 3d and Main itreer. iV Jt.r 0row B'-er- '' Sumner ft Co., Jefleieon ctrett, bet. 4th and 5th. Steamboat ArrntN and C'o:nm1PMtou and For waroinsr .ttrrrliant. Bwndiot, D. H. A 8on. Main, bet M aDd 4th ctwiti ft Co., Wall rreet. Moorht ad ft Co., Wall street, bet. Main and Water. Tea and Fancy Groceries Laaham 4 Co., 8d street, bet. Market and jrf!rA.i.. Tobaeco CoinmirtH'An, Nonk, Wicke. ft Co., 512 Main street. T'lrieitaUpr. W Wy&tt, cor. 7tb and Ji.ffraon troet. Wooden and Mliow Ware. CordHKe UAWSON, CRKIN 5 itniii itrpfet. wiiaco. , a Co., 4j4 M iu u,i. rJunlwar and Cuttn?v. yrrotihy, Collie. u0 Main street. H:il and Tap Unnotanuren. Crniy. A., cor. 4th and Main, and Main btt. h and ab Iron, r-l, Nalla, Ae. IiLs.i.-- , W B Co.. corner Third and Matr-.- . Jewelry, WatrhoM, and Plat. ft r'nnert. Main st, bet. 4th and 5th. Kendncft, Wo., 3d t bt. Market and Malo, Kamaey, M. C, Main Bt., blow 4th. Voght A Rliuk. 3d et., bet. Maia and Market. Iron mantle,, Fanry I'aotinjrN, Lithgow, ft Co., corner 3d and Main stc. Biimfi; F!ld, Coal Oils, &;o. Hardy 4 Ratv. dih strait butnaan Uoiu Market. 4j!eural Prodnoo aud Provision Broken, Allen, Moore, ft Harden, Main st. bt. 3d and 'M Ruchancn ft Co., id, bet. Main aud river Burkhnrdr, W. ft U., Market !vt. 4th and Sta KibJ'itt ft Sen, Market, bet. 1 and Sd. Cood ft Moody, Wall st., bet. Main and the rivwr Ciwtieruan ft Torhitt, Main st. Onrdn-Tc- i Co., 4i! Main trert (iay, Win., 6ir Main lUlwrt, M. ft Co., Vain street. Jack ft brother, 51 Mam street. Moitj?, Gun. W., Third treet. bet. Main aud Water Newcomb, 11. D. ft Co., Wall -- treet Otter ft Alleu, Sixth utreet. bet. Market and Mala. Rawacu, I'.xld, ft Co., 514 Main street. Snvder, John. Marl-e- r street. bt First aid RrooV Jtflereon Btrtwt, between Third and Fourth streets, IMPOKTFU AMD MAKrrAOTCRI-- Or R, leave to announce to the ladies of -5 ijouwTuie and vicinity that he baa just re ii3 o.ivea lusst.vckot S,iriu Goods, con?t-,p- ! ot t'" rtch'-- and latest style of Dr-s- s ,y. inmmiues,Oe'i!iftn Zephyrs and Shetland 14; ' Wools, t;&nvas, (.honille Patrerns. New. &e',. Pur-- e Flo?, Filling and Embroidery 'tt'Sk aua silver Laces, Brds. Cord tS---:- ' lMeia1nd Ming- - Net?: Comb? Haii V ;'u raus. a da gTet variety ol I'rem-- Fan.-- Ai tides. j:.;- - Fringes, Buttons, Cord?, Ta;sel-.,&c- L'l"H lnd? t0 order at thft ehortaat notice and 00 i the most reasonable term. Y'fc, i " Comttry Merchants sapoUed nt a lib-- - erai aisrounr. apiu dly 4,13 Main street, HAVK NOW of IN STOR15 TUB Fancy and Staple Dry Goods in the city, and. having been purchased nndei the most lavoiabie will be soid hs low as tho os et. a MA g ft D.QWX3. LARD strictly prime Leaf Lard: 76 kegs do do - do do. for sale by - OARDNICK 4 CO. f "WiOI E FAMILY FLOUR Iihi bbla Extra and v-- uousie Kxti Flour tor sale for ca-- h by H BltlT I A RIO v.OFFF-- 40 ba:s good to prime Rio Coileo Id and lor sale bv AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO., ml4 Com t and Wahinton t. KEFINKD SCtiARS m bbN Powden-d- Loaf, and Soft Crushed Sugaro iu Btore and for t?aie by ai8 AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO ( HEK6E A fill supply jnst recivfnl of IIamb:irK. Wee torn Reserve. Nutmeg, Knglish Dairy, and Cheese, turt W. A II 17 Mi'rfcftt sr. UKMNlii.' SlCAtiS :!:. bbU Lovennif's Cnirth d. and Granulated in store and for oatf by m27 .VI. 1.1' , MOoUK. A' tMDi-- NAILS! KAILS:! WAILS.'!! received per st'nter Liiider l,mn k"-- s Nails-hav- ing now iu store and tor &.; t h' manufactu- rers' price's 6.(Hiu keg, inrhidtnr the following kinds; Common sii:ea, from 2 tortud: Fencing Naiie, ti, aud lud; Tob.w-.- Nail-- , Kd. Floorinir Brad?, ft, 8. and lud; Lathi,. Sail-- , art, fine bhi"d; Wrought and H'ii?e-.S'-- Nalts. Wrought and Cn Sri'es. wlit v: p yvi P A CO trJLNDRifc.3 O w N. O Snsar. avi bbi- - MolMjee; Vi Jdo do: 3u bblfl Sugar House Molasses: Vido do Ik) bbls PhiUd-lrhi- a Sinic 6 bb!e St. LoiiM in dn- - w soge uauimote Co do; for p ale by a9 . . GARrNKR A CO. RA1SIN9-3-- )') M. R. aud Layer RaMua; Vn) Vi do do do do do-- I no X do do do do pr.r steamer Diana and ler bhIm 1,.w tn ..ift-- o eorj.iiRumjut bv AKTKON1 ZANONK ft S N, VAN1 bhlff Scounn which t vwrv houv- - perj hi u- for aU by W. If. Hi I, N'.' Imj .uiti' Ctir;;..-t- . t for sab. JNO. F. HOWARD, Main, between Third and F ourth sis VCOTOH ALR-- U-J Wot. Younger ft Co.'t - ! -- nd and for jale be "A 1 '.'Ai ijULKl' i.U"J, a nipenor a. t.cle. lor io by WAT.l Al'H. LITHOOW A CO. w LG R 16i hhds goo.. Uii au 1 rnuie Sugar Ui stor; and for sale b "' AND'W HUCi:ANAN ft CO. SALMON In bbls, ye bble, aod kits, iu store and 10 W. 4 IJ. PURKI1ARIVT, 417 Mrtet rt. COKFKB R!o Coffee yer Rat.i.-t?- 0 pocket- - Juva vrra-iioat- l; just received and for tLn by f'S GAftDKKR A CO. IAMILY HAi3 ol vaiious brande, su aid country cured, ou baud and for sale etail and wholesale by " T. 3M1TH 8PKKD. Main st. 8. 8. MARK. F. DOWNS. OECKIVhT) this flay afoH aawrtiutut of MuURN It ING DRESS GOODS, vu: SuELitnr Bimbaiin Beree Ang':aij- - Eflack PoiDt Ai Venice: . 'I arrunar tines, black and colored; btrcfi fit.raaai fcr"'VVtt uu to yj; t ij! mm MAHtf nnvvwH. 4.3 Wti3 S.iiw"ju-- i a.ifl tor "wIlMr. Tt A CO. bbh Haltv.-rt- r. jit' t received -- li'j boxen scaled lierrin? mst recviid lor 1; ieb? il UARDNKB 6 CO Know Thyself. DR. MoOAWN it A iVfoiartr-Mlumte- d Phytrician and Lite true conn lion and locality of d!een be the pal aDJ it peci:llAim(ffl without asking the paUnut feiiy luestlone. Some rrr.ftBs to do this, yet are e&jeul toa'. some ItJidiuji qocfltion h order to obtain a clue to the dUwase. Wo do nothlnr of that kind, and havp Ir.variabiv aiven atiatartioa. Cjnaultation and fcuipjinatioin OK CHARGE, D.'SSF.8 OF TUK TTIKOAT At-f- LUNGS treat-- ?0 ir.-- nievliod of M 'tioit4d Innidticru and conati- - tn("M ii 'jTistnvji Vo offer yon new remedies, entirely yujt: A.i.j.Ia, winch bav proved a speedy and efTocta&l cure In tn-- t (Oi!owwji diBcaaft- - vizi broochitta. all Dimuwam of ti-- (.'Moat nnd Ltnuf. Dirtaae of the Henrt, Stomach, litvv. aod Drop;, Sant Vim' Danoe, r.'fr.: a. Chronic ImCm.-- , iiueanmtinr.i, NeirulKia Jii'tiytla, Kutnia, e nwmi, o'. th Rye and Ear, Seminal VVeaJmofa, ?kin Disetanea, Rupture, Diar- rhea, and, in r.rt, i Mw.ble tiaaa.ies. v.'o arts not a cTirt all dctur, atid wilt andArtako no w4 with- out a fsir poiwH.t of rocovory. recia! trobl-v- wirh SuprrGeelor.. frremlritlfl. Lmicorrhea or White. Falling of tha Wotib, rolypna of the (. temn, Tfiinore of eny k ind, BtTrenriofti', all Urinari Tleaees, Pa'nf-il- or Dir'ieiilt Menstruati' in, Nervoun De bility, wii! be rpeetiily cured withoo. the use ol pot. eoiioui drnrsor O'edtt-ina- ot any kind. Have no delicat y m calling no differ enco what your troubles may bo. I do not eipecl vi topiac yoar-el- f under my trentment milse yon prefer it. All communicatioua The afflict- ed arecordifJly invited to c'.l and eatlj-f- therneelvea. Omee S?" Firet et.. between Market and Jefferson .. Louisville, Ky. All letters addreseoc to our earn. o- - elcuinx a itnmp, giving symptoms and nature of disease, wiil receive pron-- attonti' no. Medimi'.es sent to all part of the United Stat Office hoar from tA.t. to V. M. AddreM j. e. MeCANN, HI. D. ntn fl4tj &?-1- ; Lonisviie, i SPRING B1ILLIKERI. MBS. M. UVEITER, No. 4 IIS Jpflprnon mt no nth aide, below Fourth OffrTF to the ladifl ft fne and carefully select-- d r,t millinery, via: Straw Bonnets, F!icy do., Wb-i- Hats, O.iiri'en'f do., Flo ''or. A!.; A Ip Patterns o: the latent stylet, Uit received, or cut to rneacure. I r"jverj- - atte'itiou given fi drew m iking. 413 Main street. 413 MARK Jb UOXVUSI Hvp now in tore a lull and stock of STIFLE AS DOMESTIC GOODS Of tho best fithric, such as TARLE LINENS: BED LINENN: SUIKTINO LINENS; TOWFLINOS: FRUIT Ci.OTUrt; FINE DIMITIES; MAR?KI1 L1CS SPREADS: 8H1KTINO COTTON3; 41SNABURG3, colored and whit ; FULL STOCK OF WUITR GOODS; MOURNING GOODS of all kinds. Then Goodr- - were all bought for cash at the lowest hb of th- - mark- t. and aie now otfered at such prion a.-- murt pleaet all partie-a- Cail aud examine stock and prxes at &l DOWNS'S, nS 413 MAIN STREET. THS G3M Off THE SEASON", N." ..As sung by C. V arian James V j'An'' the tenor. Mr. Adams, now fyTy th Mids Fabbri TilUU ART fj. M'.AK AN YI-- SO FAH" j bom the German of R ichaiut, with ann vierinan words, ami eit- - with an elegant lithographic title. Price only ifo Also "STILL IN MY DREAMS," by Foley Flail, .ni r of "Ever of I'hee," with same lithographic title. C These are rem' of Sonr. and selling rapidly. Call soon at the i nt.rft Miic :tln West fr' I' Mfi A It RKI J .. HOUSEKEEPEI13 Wlio are taking up Caipeti should not put them down again without the PATENT CARPET LINING, procura- ble only at WILEIN3 west sido Fourth, between Main and Markets tree t. I! MiLLLXERV GOODS. II r. PONNFTS, Pi ? 'i'i . sTA - UUILDRRN'S FLATS Uatiat style). BONNET W1RRS, and WiiALEHuNE. A f.'rfv.1 as:.rT'nent of LACE, HALF LACB, and HLCkliAM I RAME.S always on hand at the lowest cash VWHl ACHING AND PRESSING at Mrs. WSI. OCORTJXI'S, af V E are now recelvinu a good stock of BONNETS, RIMBONS, MISSES' HATS, MILLI-N'..,- D- - LACKS, YMLS, EM-J- UDEKlErt, FANCY GO' fiS, and SlAkl.K '.nul. to which - invittt the attention of Milliner? and Mer- - CANN N 4 BYERS No. tiH Main trcr,, oppcaito LanisyiUe UotL ni3 m o y a . MOORK'S Mini0TH FrRIVITFRE DEPOT Has bD renveved to north side of Market "rroet, btweu Thirl and CHAIRS. XATTHiDSSES, fitc, &c, WHOL'-.hAL- AND RETAII. d v i 'irr HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. npiIR notlr at tiot Strings fHale and Proctor Hooses m have Ieen blendt--d and improve.ments made to accommodate Enmr UFNiiaED viFiTor.a at anv time tne - car. These ondertul Snring" positive-h- - Khonmatism, Contracted Joints, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Pf.raiy-i3- . Gout. St. Vitus's Dance, Sterility, In t potency from disease. Venereal diseaws. Morcnreal dieetises, Scrofula aud Glaodilar diseases and all tonus Of Skin dideasas. R. S. CLAYTON, Froprtetor. Dr. G. w. Lawrence, the Medical pxaminer of Hoi springs, will supply circulars to applicants. N. B. Mercurial. Iodine. Sulphur, and other mcd cated 1' when rrtiuired. janH dly iSTew Importations, At No. 877 Main street, three doors below the Louisville Hotel, 4 KP now receivhig large additions to their stock oi i Ch:na and Quovus ware. On band and arriving a laree and a&wrtment of Brit, and Plated tutors, Locnting-Gla-w- IxjitrA, Water- Coolers, ioilet SetA, and iruit Jars, all of which will be off" red at as low figures as can be found in the market. a 7 HAMS of various brands, sugar-cure- d country, aud Hun?, tor .rale bv I. - M'Tfl SPPt'D Vn (rt ',f AS ES - i I livi bbis St. James Suar-Hone- e Mola-ee- IHO bbi prime Pliutarion do; Iu store and for sale bv mi!. AND'W RT'CHANAN A CO. MiLDJ-- SMtt'P- - 6i pafKasi-- Bali imore extra Gol- den bit up id store and tor sale ANifW HrniiVAN 4 CO IE: 1NRD bl'GARS - hbls ' iniched Granulated. At Uaf, and Soit Cfu-li- Sugars in etoro aud fr sale by AND W BLCUANAN St CO., i'Bchinoii it.- VL:GAli to an hhrtn prime N. O. Sugar; 75 bbi- - and Cnished Sugar; 3ft bbU Loaf Sugr; In store aud sale bv alR MARSHALL HAT BPRT CO IO COPE igs good arriving and for sale by .lAW-iON- , TODD, A CO. IIKI'.SS GOODS io ciiea new style American Lawns; o oo an ao rToncn ao: I case do do do Chii.ti; 7 ra-- Poplin- - Receiv.d and for ale clicy) by T. 4 R 8 LEVIN A CAIN. PK1NTH new ptyle Prints; 6 do bh'.ck ami k and bite Print; 2 do 44 ii-- i V purple do; Received and for ia!e cheap by Til mo fJO. II' ciiuk t'i r Emiic1 aud foi 'ir.LMlK-.- SLGAR-7- 5 bbU York Circle Cni .lied Sugir la etcr and for sale be ai3 WH. GAY CnAV.PAGNE 2.1 b Tea plots and quarts in stor-- j low t: clo-- e cju?'u--me-- bv Wxt OaY caaos Cl:rei V.'luts, for family ace: t'i do do d". vtr? &i c?.&ks d.i di; tn d.) do do, fine for table use, Ulii res Wliite do, Uj.ut 3a.itcruft; &Li do rto, ao do; .:aks Port d an Vadoira Wine; ry'i iiO C'Ul.i.JlUli'ue. litri, plf, ). pt-'-; I'j etore and for tale o ANTHC.NY ZA iNE iu. 1.,.', sfj". tot rii-- : n- -. uiv'? Ian to prime R V and fur aaie by . Braes-b;u- ud Cedar Iaila. 50 "O.E-- Cedar Piiis, a suvs just re- ceived aud ior nale low br ORHIN RAWSON. s lA.tir.S b"tAR-iK'- ( bti M :.' ASJCS 7ii r Jainntiiigar-liou"- :' M"l.i-:t-- riorn dnd tarpaU by W., AXu'W Bt tJiJAN AN s CO. IOVURINO'3 SUGARS. )Mil Iyvi-ln?- Cruchd ari.-- Gum at- - d bujiiirs received par tanL-i- ' LKuica bud Icr eaif H AND'W CO H',--r P SUliL.- '-- bzth nw crop tor sMh by PITXIN. WIARD. L CO. Zlailroad Btc-sJ- t for a!e. tJTX SilARf:S LfeiitiK'oii anj Frankfort Railrua k r Soci; :or aaie QL'lCrLhY. LY'',v.S, at CO. UGAR . Gus hhdu lair m choice in utore and for sale ' by a AT.T.P'N MGORK. A HADPN. BR oMS dor-e- brooms, aijorted sizes and uual- - In 'torn on couslgQTObtit aud Of etile at man. ilariu'err"' ly iis AVT'W RITHVN'HV f to lt ,i prlie Rio iauUiiiy from Uon. J. Adaind and for Sale oy CCOD i MOODY. (UgAK 57 htidJi triily ir and c.-- :: 1 i- - d.'or u7 H i V'J' rUR-- 1 l.vj liMc K.T'i,hr.'to'va tfi1'? v family 11 loor rrcelviid Kaiirofi-- fin! jaieby AND'W RLCHANa.4 4 CC, AMLES BAGS vGi6 in s.or;i and for (ale by JNO. r . UuW'ARD 4 CO. BUSINESS CARDS X7. WTATT, UNDERTAKER. Improved Metal Burial Cases Combining Beaoty, Durability, and Lightneas nr"Otnce corner Soventh and Jeffersort, LonivlllAa?! 'X'RR above Caskets are made of Corrupted Sheet 1 Metal and lined with Gotta Percha or India Rubtwr 0 as to be Air and Water Tiht. All oruirs promptly attended to. dl3 rttf J. vcr Eoap.iEs & oo., OIjOTIX XXOXJJI3, WHOLXaaLI DTtALESS Ht XOTTT. fAS9IMPRP3, VTSTTNg, TATLORS 1 ?JMlNOf1' AN: GKNTLEM KVa FlTtNiail-IN- GOODS OF EVKRY DESCRIPTION. 466 IIaln street, between Bullitt and Fifth. Onr stock U now vry larg? and complete, to which nowever ne are adding daily all the latest, styles of good In our line. JL Jnst Roceived by Express. VNr. ft A ''DND upply of that splendid t'sa-- k ef"m fror' thp "THOU A HT VVNjJi NKAR, AND YRT SO FAR," with rvi elegant liihopraphic title :;5 cents. T' "'Still in in1 Dreams Thou 'rt Nes.r," by anthoroi "Lvfrof Thee"-- 2o cent: e'egant title. A Ifo, a larce lot of new Music, vocal and b such compos-m- Hrinley Kichai d- -, C. . Braiuird Dressier, Dopier, Kcvhard, A. W. Berg, &c , to which the attention of he musical public is cahed. Call soon, il you would have a copy of that new S tig from the It is the tfein ol the season, and it, ay lung rapidly. WM McCARRKL, No. S10 We-- t Jfrfi-rao- etreet. IMPORTED CIGARS! Directly Imported from Havana, COMPRISING A LOT OF THB FINEST BRANDS Loodrtw Intimidaa, Brevaa IntlmioVd, Londres M Vegas, Rrcalia Pad Roman, Rtip Poreuo, . Washington.. Medea Reca, Heraldo, Loodree Distraction. Kfega. Lucero, &c In store and for tale low by nEW. P2TNADO, ;l!f! Main sr., Lnu -- ville Hotel. WOrT CKtSMED S( GAR f bhts Baltimore U Soft k ' (.rushed fRtplpivl unri for h" RAWSON, TODD, 4 CO. JESS PORK- - 2u bbls for sale bv GARDNER 4 CO. AMES'S SHOVELS AND SPADES Ames's Shoveie; 10 do do Spades; for sale low by ' to O. ORM3PV W' H EE LB A K ROW S Railroad Barrows; 6o 8ide board do: in and far -- ao nw hp TfTll C. ORMWV s2 LGaR i3f Iitids tair and strictly prim- - Sutrar re J ceived yr E. H. Fairchild aud Groy Eagle and fo ,le b- ft"'?; cowii va onY. UGAR 1(H) bbls Lovoring's Crushed, GranulateA O sod Powdered Sugar jnst received and for sale by GARDNER CO rXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-- 50 bhis choice Whit Mid Wheat Flour lust received and for said by W H. l'l'KM V 7 M arlteT Ff OL'NTKV M'iLAbSEb A prime article iu store aud lor sale by H RURKHARDT. 41' 2 UGAR - hhdi! prime Sugar received per Diana aod for ate br m41 GARDNER & CO CiO'rrONAuES, Ac Cottonades: 4 do Camlet Jeans; 5 do Farmer?' Dull: 6 do N"gro Pl&ida and StripOi; 8 bales Denim? Received and for eale cheap by a 'ft T. A R SLEVTN CATN. SUNDRIES O 60 boxes No. 1 Family Soap; 12 do No. 1 German do; ly do No 1 Paha do; la do No. 1 Fanev do; fj do No. 1 Star Candles; 25 do aidk;box s Tallow Candles; also a few bosec Pararhne do; 86 do sail ,5boxe Starch; for sale by a!3 HIBBITT 4 SON. b"1 LGLR b v bbls in ptore and lor sale by mil TAIT. ANDERSON, A CO., 14u Fonrth st. (fcl UGAlt-S- WI hhds fair to prime N. O. Sugar in store and for sale by UiHj WM. GAY. UN OKIES S 15 bbl- - Pecans; Iu bbl- - Flllwits: 26 bbls Tan agona Almonds; lfi bbls Alicaut do; &l bbls Sicily do: 10 bbl? English Walnuts-3- kegs French Prunes: t eaces in glas; B frail Dats: St.) package NL R. and Layer Radius; 6;0 dnnii--- Smyrna Figr; 16 carte Sardine.?. and boxes; Hi casks ?ante (Hirrauts: Id store and far "ale by ":fi W MORRIS. Ii4 Third st. MA (SINS I ITni boxes London Layers; lw) do M iiiti ?jdo do and rU diuns Sultana: for pale by m5 GEO. W. MORRIS, 1:4 Third st REFINED SL'GAR3y5'i bbls Crushd, Powdered Sugars in t.rn aii'l lor nale b.' nv7 srn-w RlTcilA.NN t CO. 7 halt bbls t.ak- - FuU foi eale by I m 'I'AtT. Ani''usoN. ft co.. roir-- t. Percussion Caps. Qfifi HfiH RER( USSION CAPS, various kinds OUWj'MU iu store aud for raie low hj ORRTN R aWSON. p,- - Mtn St.. .itwr.a. rY. S. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. 7"E are now lu receipt of a large portion of our Spring si'.pplv of w FANOT and STAPLE DKY GOODS, uibrnciiig oine few new thing in DREHS GOOOS and LACES. PARASOLS and SUN SHADES, ORGAN- DIES, LAWN and JACONETS DGilEKY, GLOVES and IADERWEAR il MAP? DOWNS. 419 Main t. A 1 ACKEKKL !M whole and 5 bbl. Noi-- . 1, i. and a ' 1 Ma keri'l ti "toie and fo aln by 1''VV RtTHlV'N 'f IN- E- SO casks Port Wine: 26 do Mwieha Wine; 3 do SMerry do 8 do Claret d b do pure Malaga Wlue; tore and ' h .',i'' j.- Eli C- - 4li obid Si ba.'s do; lust received and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD CO., f4 Main h.tweii Third and Font Mist,. SLGAR-a- u Baltimore A Cni-he- d Sugar: in do A Cuftna d- 6 do Co A Pondered do; Jupt received and for sale by fi7 GARDNER CO. PRIVG WHFAT-W- K' hnnhels pure Canada for ials s.- - p; irrv, . '. . - ffi UOEs dozen American I loos, assfutfd low by ft) C. OR fsH V, CHAMPAGNE- - 25 boxs assorted (qi'arta, pint, and and for sale tow by ml2 WM, GAY MOLASSES Plautation; liw jdo do; fk! bhls Sugar-rloo-t- 5o ido do; bii whole, M. vi (3 V hhls Oo!dn 81 mn; for sale bj Q CASTLKMAN. MI RKI'LL. A Co. fjLOUK 100 bbls Extra Family Flour for sale bv GARDNER A CO. CANDLES boxes Star aud MoldCaodle' in utore srIa bv MARSHALL HAL PERT OX PRIME SUGAR45hhds on consi?i:in!it and fo laH .1. SMITH SPEED. Mam CASTOR OIL 10 bbls Blow'a No. 1 Castor Oil for sale by lit AND'W BTTCHANAN CO 1' S K) drruns Smyrna, r lg? ir. f tore aud for sale I fit OKO w uoRRis i:i4 Tird itt S.'--- ClloiCt! FINE TEAS- - v $ 10 n lf cflt'f,t t,uP ri(r Oreeu nd Black Tea-?- ; 11 Sib riLldi!'.; i dl, uite article lor LimiHea: for sa!e by r liJHHI T SON CKL'MHED SbGAKS W bbls Baltimore A u nuii rutuHu ouicars iiui civ'd and lor sale by AND'W BUOHANAA & CO. LOUISIANA BANK NOTES WANTED by AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. J10 Corner S'ond and W ashtnrt n ts SPIRITS, WINES, Ac. -- French Brandy, Scotch Hollaud's Jamaica Rura, BonibooWhis- - Ktns, rort, sherry, Sauterne, and CntawbaWine for sale We are sole agents iu Louisville for Due tv Montobell' Champagne. J. T. LAN HAM & CO.. ni4 poiters ol Traa, 4c, Third st. SUGAR 4 hhdi prime reroivod per steamers Magen B. J. Adams and for ale by Til" UAWSON TODD. A CO 1-- 75 bb!s Mackerel, No?. 1, 9, and 3: 60 do do Nob. 1, 2, and :"; kits do Noe. 1, J, and 3: 2a kits No. 1 Silicon for "ale bv GARDNER A Co run i lA'MKK ii Cu.'a .STEAM DRIED mvuijcu ur.ivaiisAL, a veiy superior article fORN-MEA- SO hnelvl- Fluwr Co.'b Steam Dried Bolted in "Dusnel and bushel begs, in store aud for atle hs ai3 W s h. HURKHARDT. 417Markotst 10LA-SK8- - L'l Jfin hhls choice Plantation Mol- - es; ttj-- j Vjdo do Im fnr- - ,K, H. W. I AVA COFKEE. mat tints old ai'rhiog and lor eale by '7 R AWy N. TOpr ft CO 11 I IO Ot - ao Strict!- ixi'iif- - tVn me receive j thH d- v rnvuirot "t .-e ij ANDRKW BUCHANAN Co., rUNDRI.-- - 7 bj ;jl;ga Braudis some vtry fine; Stf. bbis Itourbon Whislsy; 4 pirxv Hoi lend Giu, 4 puxreheokia ew FuflandRmn; 2 d .Jamaica do 8f- - cases Brandy Cuorriei; 85 do Macaroni; CO baikeN oitv ."; 5 do j and rnx Sfirinps; for sale bv ANTHONY ZANONE A SON, a8 Kit ri it., '.'io-- v Mva. " CiwOts MMdira Wne-- . lo cif-!;-s Kuit do; U do; i--j MaK-f- t 5 bbl- - Giut' r do: lo soi.) and (oj hv S3 MARSHALL a CO. TO MY BLOW AND HA KD. PAYING CUSTOM-Ek- N .t:re Is h.Tphv riven to all whO-- 0 Dt Jao- - y iiriuu,'s hi i not thit.. it r.or i):iid b the l.'th. I rha!l pat-i- them out of my 'ividt? for ml . y, ThOMrtiU:.. 7b ronrrusl. fAPER RAG:5 A mil t of Paper and Ma nilla Ba.. all sin-- , iiut rereive'i ami b tiBKIS F Wf ON. .I3 :3 Main t... b- rw on ( I'ir'' ir mr'h. r'TATATOI.S 3 car loads prime Potatoes just sale by i 4 ND'W BUCHANAN A C'', MOKEREI-K- i' Noa. 1, i and 3; 10' Vd.j d.v, 'Q kifs do' 60 Mcbls Whire Fish; for m25 CASTfjFMAN. MURKLL, 4 I5 A- KFUEIv--L'H- oaekases, vh-il- ha', and mot-H- bbl" and kit- -, ail ani&er?. mis o; WUGAR--8- hhea Jurl ot coi.sigunibnt pi stutinie Allatlir hjiA for sale V M'iT'l SPEED. Ma'n "L 1 PEACHES 75 bushels ynm-- j Dried Peaches MJ ihalve. 1 rnoeive.'l on anfl tor sa.o r.y 11.14 II Ml WUNKlL3-Pickl-a.Ctc:up- A Sauce?, Pra-- of difi-r-- nraud-- , serves ana ;ao Fruit.-.- . Mustard Eitrct, S.rdi'ier, ChonoUta, Cocoa., La:jt;le ai:lan- - cy S ap;, io , fit eiiie by nTBRTTT A S;"N. TOOLS TruM Kw..v j::- inch. COOPERS rt if- U.J C.roe on h'nl wvi for le iif f ' .rf MSrtY. ki i.c bicJ f'r ai t- cn. ri vArtny 11,1 uiiutny h'jO UuOKttrJauGraei Ji for eat-- f , pl'VT'li) tU Ponrth t. 1N;;u it so ' bis BiUlnu'e Vinegar in store and for V' ftk by IfSfrj R.4W30N, TODD, 4 CO. BUSINESS CARDS. NOCK, WICES, Si CO., uro Agetits icr Tobaccos-- , Z.iqaor, acd Oottoa "SarT., So, tlft and 317 rt bet. TMrfl via Fourth, LOriTSVILLR, KY. roll J. In. MOORE, (SCOOWSOB TO WM. BtKOBAJS), rorwtairlirjr fc Oomsriisaiea Elerctatst STEAMBOAT AGENT, AiftC, Freight A pent fcr Ptiitia. Ctrn Railroad. No. 49 IOUETH (OR WALL) 8TURBT, Tl 3tf TiU-jii- i Ky. O. W. P1TK1M. WH. I P. WIAE. . . ATIBt. PITKIN. WIARD.& CO.. Suroewrsto Piikiu BrotheiuJ, WHGLESALS DI5ALI?R8 IN SEEDS, IGRKlLTrUlL LTIFLCMESTS, Blachines, Trees, Plants, Hydraulic Cement, laico, ria&tsr, 5ic. OXO T3T Iia. sjtroet, sl Qt' I.Of'ISVIIJ.K. KY. IpRKNCH BLRRS-A- '.l aizes am kn-- s cLOI'Hi" A'fl bsl mike IMPROVED PORTA BLF M rLLS-W- ith sou mtsh bahiT and msda on be;t known pWn SMI T MACHINESBevei-M- 'lirTvlv-n- kluds. Mill TroLs, Stress. Screeus, Bbltiug, PLast-i-r Paria.anrt Mi'-- l articles generally. We li&TH on hand a larce str,k of the above-nma- ariJcle. For e&le low aod qyaiitr v. arrante-l- . DEUhERT A WRIGHT, sep97 dtf No. I'i T"M-- et.. Mnin and rW- -r Drng& PrescriptioB Store, W MOZART HALL, Comer Fourth and Jetfcrscn itrcats. tW Prescri-Jtlon- e carr fully and accurately eompoonflefl at all horui Jay oruinbL nii HIBBITT & SON, Who'osf.le s.nd Retail aaocEn7,rzoi7K,&7A srona. No. Market et., i;et. Secoed and Thirl, HAVB IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF FINE solicit the patronage of the cablic. a21 a juma ace, IN TILE MASONIC TEMPLE, I have joflt noir opened and ready for aula or inspec- tion the largest and most el jgmt stocii of China, Glass, and Queens-war- Ever offered In this or any other oity ia tho North or South. I have also On hand and iner.rl - tn h.ra the stork of SILVER-PLATE- WARE, CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARE. WOODEN AND WULLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES iu the country, atd which I v. ill aclt at price.' to suit th? times Person? bavins- - old Chnd-Heis- , Lamps c, can get them cleaned and made look as well as new at a very trifling expense. I am a!no preparM to run GAS and STEAM PIPE into Buildings or otertmboats at the short. ci, notico. ei'J NEW OOOCS. rE are now iu oi a hue and w oil 'elected ' ST'J ck n all articles in our lin-- . coiiii'ri-in- ? Caisinierea, and Triimiugs, to which we tali the attuiico of tlii' rrae. m4 J. VON BORRT1S CO.. 434 Mtlrort. WHITEWASH BKl" S, cic. A l''!l adeorfnient ' of all Files W!:itf Snoe. S;rub. Hm-ih- . Paint, Parlor, and Dust in Bpj-- 111 ptorp and fm salelowby OKr.lM RAWSON, niw' Win ht.twn,n Thitd und !'oirth t;:- - FLESH TEAS , tl1 R' half cheftc choice Grsen and Phwk; 3 t 3 cac-- 2 and 4 Ih bejee c.reen Teats. The?e l'eas are tivrh auei fjue. J ml received aud for sale b i TTTIU'TTT P'N. IMl'OHTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, and FANotf GRO- CERIES, No. (i Third street, have iu store aad for sale b'j bbls superior Bom boo Whisky, 1 yen old; Ion do do do do, a 10 ii caati Cotntac Braj3ias; 310 do do do; 10 do Rustle do: 8 H do Port Wine; lft H do Madnirado; 1! U do Shsrry do; fi bbla oM fvach BranJy, pare-- , 3! bh; old Ai i'le Brandr, pure; Chamj'Kpnie Wines, vaiiou? bian.Tri N. Loiifrtvorth A Co.V and J. Mr Milieu's NaMreWioM 5o-li- h and ScnU'h Prtle Ales slid rorttrf; Claret in CKce; Ani;te; Absynthe; Marasciiiuo; Oitaooa, AIki a lre Hud welbaforted stock of Fruits, a;d Hermeticaiiy Svalnd 'loo-Ti- oi a!" Vi-ip-Hr- " "ow.tji. n'Ve rmr r..' Ottoo Kcpe. &c. AFITIjL assortnjeut ot ail s-b Cotton, arii'la., and Hemp Rope, Cotton, H.iuy, and Flax Twines. Sritie Twine; Cblk L'.ius, F.ih Liu Trot LniM, Stan-g- . Ac; mst ree-ivr-- Ritd i ' y ORRIN RAWdON, ml'-- J Main st... between i liiid and I'oiirth. CODFISH Co.lrlsh; 2 boxes rf.v For saie low to closa conetRnnieDt. ft" GADfc.TR ft' f'O FRESH TKAS A birtf. anH deirabln acsoit- - .0 ment ot cb ire Black and trion 'i ':a oa hsud ii aud for saie cie-a- i"1 J. T. T.ANIIAM A CO., Drums and Fifes. tf - lf.r luB''o!H'niw-i.- . f It" U uar'a iu this e'.tv sni St..'.:-- . C.;- - 11.L1.E. r 'i :" 1 3T- - ai b wii icti I hall ho i na'.ied To r.uvyiy, r. A: . ;vii, - .. V. md ou of sfAnrn iimui.u Cf. a'ld exajiine before porchaeiu;' eLew h, ., WI M'('aRHELL. 310 West Jefferson Bt., bet Thiidn.1 l t; . v. f ICE 6 I terete LiC" ji.--t recer d and or salt- b' AND'W BLCIIAN N A ' )S Cornei Second and VV Rl SHED 8LGAR 25 bbla Standar.l Cnit-'ue- Si. gar jer iuaH:.oa d -- .V b. ASH'-.'- , iu 11 , v Ay r.r- 'K EK.'.L-S(- t!j whole ivnci Imit hh'.. Urs. 1, 'i, ai iUi, MacaMcl Iu s. iiv an 4 o- ANDREW BIV'IAVAN O CO.. J'4 Corner Second 'i;id WaEhinf ton T.rtj:-t- SUGAR-2- :j N. O. Sucar; H.1 hots Powdered nnd Crushed 2i bblfi Loat bu.-a- r; In tore and for saie bv j!7 MArtSHALL D ALBERT 4 CO f 4 I et) SACKS OF BIH5I.LED NORTHERN CORN Aw" iu store and for oale by a. rnojsi, 817 Third tt.. W'u M!., :',.1i.-et- . RIO COFFEE -- IG be Bin 'W-- e Uulintr and foi bv A ND'W KI'C.I ANA At 1:0 . ('orniT S- COiid and Wanbii 10 COl- FEE-fii- tt; biws ?ol i.ur aud prime Rio C-- f X tee iu store aud tor bv m'.I7 A'iU'W RIf 'H iVl f:; s I'GAR-HOLS- HOLaSSE ci St, JuGjee ar Houe Mohujes i ftrt- nud for fjue by a4 and'vv i;i'i;n.s.:N r co b Ot ul:'!3, ml wrtd. li'.fj Cd, for saie by J. SMITH ?FEED, Mabi et. (1 TACK ERE L AND Will rEtlSH il 75 ku Noj. 1, j. 6 ilaeierel; 10 JftbbJs WlJteU.h, n store aud for sale cv ml W. A H. PITRKIIARR f. 417 Va- - 9i RCE 12 cakd Rico received w, r railroad ar;3 sab" HJj a CO. RICE 10 tierces pricae R:ce received per niiib-a- for eale by COOP & VOODY. 1 ibbls White Fish; J'J Vtbbis Trout: Just received per Railroad and for sab- fcv m' G AKI rN'KR CO. S. S. MARK. G. F, DOWN. YEVKlVk D DAY OraD'iiea, L&vns. s.".d Jaoooets: Parle pnnrid Briiliants; Chccs-o- French ami !JDtrrh Chintz ar.d Calicoes; Bonoet nl Rivbous: And a genural muck of i ) Jir.i;-t-- c ?.r.i m.Ii r.LRi A DoWNa, ili. tiai-- j ft. FAMILY FLOl'R 6: bbl? ctL'brited Sik w EXTRA Fl;ii in xtnrf and lui f.ilv by mU W. II HI KKIIAiTDT. 417 Markst B.ic!- et?. V'rh-:i'm- 6a, Broonis, Vits, DaEk'it:'. Mops, t'f . In ft 0:0 und 101 salel"- r"'ll MO'?, 'T oW ViF. are daily rC"ivinn American rritiis. to which vr invite tho !.tt''ntiu of - b ivlor ra-'- o;;!y, aa we Can and will tv.i f !: tj cl:iapTtlnii &ny WsUrn hxise. and ciu att jiel 10 do it. md- - .TAVPfl Low v. itlEO vtE'Ji-- ' AD excellent quality at SUfi.r-i:u- D L:ifd for sk.: bi .1 ntjuUTT son. 1 0UDAf E fjiis M'.nir.a d.i, do - d' J"t" uO lny doen Eed'Orde; lun do Ott-'- 00; l;nl do d:.: Im) do Plow-Li- for esl rfa iitn'.fl primo laudmj; Irom uteauier Lalttc O for and sale by ,,,7 K1W'1V 1(1'!IJ. cm. CAN"D.i: ifl'ly Paratfiii , W iT. i!i :ni..STr. store snd or enl RDBKH VKOt J17 r im.-i- a -- 3" bbi fiH rio! 3 i)d "y H'' old EoovVo: ' Wbi-k- y on .!! . niiu nt au.i f'T tfii'.- by KI.RKHAK'tT, 4!1; MH! RAIN BAGS T A,(r a bushel For Rift; S mt ijSj t!.i Oo rt ; S.i'ixi il do MTl; Just received aud for sn.f" br JNO. F. HOWARD 4 CO., n a?oi it .';r f GLASSES picV.acf, biiT-rl- aud :alves, re- - J." 1 ieived per liajtic sum :or a" 'y '1 I. EN. Y;io:;j ft t'.yEN. OKN - Vu bar; pr'n ii; ft'H .t -- 'e r 21 CA&TLKMAN, M I 'RKvXI t 1!0 RAD il.iWO lbs bar Lcafi i bv ALT.LV VO'fKT?. Til 1IR1NG iO bbls vJo. 1 Postou Herybij; lu;l boxe; No. 1 rriltl J'lvt recived and fcr srile lv 111 GEO AM BURG DAIRY CHEKSPl- - boicea CJ"!e;e vi etor and fir Kv w. G. !:i Hfc. ', KHT, V Vnrl e ILOUR Lto bbl XXtra Ftou. b saM bv rn jTi GARDNER A CG TE! INED SUGAR r.hL po' Oered IX, G' anuKUid, aud C 'Ct fA-- v tie f VU ALLEN, 5IOORS, & UV. R 10 ;offi:s 40c goo.: strictly prime Rio VyOile ui nU-i- ai.c 4 co. "t f)nrn.r Y JAVA COFFE-Si- l prime o!ii JavA aud ior s&u. bs COOD 4 MCDDY. tUGAR 3 hhda pilr.ic receded per eteamtrs Ma- - to scuta ii'id P lona mid ior by KAWSON, TvDD, 4 CO. HA1LROADS. FASTEST LINE EAST 1 COMKCj;CINQ APRIL 14 1VU1. Columbus and Xenia Cifirtnn&tl, Siami!tca,& Dayloa 18G1 i-SlC- 1861 RAILROADS. FROM CINCINNATI TO Rot.rj In R'i'i hours. New York in 81 horn's. Pt iift-- u 2" H tiours. UalTimoie In 2f hr. tiprlnes In h'Tt.A Ibany in 2' I hours. Buffalo In U,U hours. D'tuktrk in IJ hours. Clevpir.nd lu hot, Piitbi'.rg tn lsk hours. VhF.-'lngi- liv; hoaw. Btfubrnville in 11 hour. Ores? line In Zine-vit- le in 7 hoar, "d'r-k-y in 4: tonrs. Tilr.lo i V b:ur. DeLioftiu U Lour. Throat h Trains cave Cincinnati as follows! 15 A. M. RXPRES3 From Wnelnnatt Ham. iltfn. As Dnyba Depot, conr,t-o- via Toledo, Detroit, aud C;uiACia. 7:"0 A. M. CTV'INNATI EXPRESS - From Little Vfx.nd Hep't, rir.ii'-.-t- - vn Cn''., levt'laud, vi v (' urines. and Piti3-h-i!- via Ste:.h.Ti viU, mid Pitt; burg; aud via Ccluiiibiu, Bjllalr, r.ud Bruwood. P:AA. M. FXFKUSS MAIL From LittTf Miami G rt, con.,-.-;- -, v1 Corin:h-".- i via Columbus, , and P:t!oura; via Co iambus, Dunkirk, aiid Mi'iltle. - P. M. EXPRPSS-Fr- orj Cincinnati. Hamilton. A Dayton coaj-tt- via Tolodo, Detroit, ai d Cana- da. 10 P. M. NIGHT ITm- - i.U'ji. .tt Oai ton Pvn. c..i.e, vi-- Cal'.imbns, and Pittpbnrr; via Cslumbn, (!rt,HGie, aud PtTUl,.ir-- vlftCoir.rof) it Clevei:md. Dunfciik, and wa Columbus, and Ban wood; and via Co- lumbus, and PitUbni-s- . Htxiem oUej-in- Cars cn thi Train, 7Tp'?fnerB for L0 Steanwn will take the morn- ing T ralri. ItTTbe S:45 P. M. Eiprcas, S&tardays, for Toledo only. The Xinht Krjrren ruta Daily Satvrdaw excevtcd. AU other Irams run Daily, Hundati excepted i rains rnn by ('alitmbuR tline. which is 7 minntes faster thau tune. BSSctJ3 Cliscscd tlirougli to all Eaatern Cities. f::?Pa?n''''rs f'jould twor Im rr'nd that tha is tuOl.D and FAVORITE ROUTK. aro made prompt I v, tiie Roads are thorouichly BA'.LA.Si EO, a:ul all ujoili'-- adoptod iusatiiig speed, ooiiroar. sad SA1- ETY. Tintoron tickrtm Are sold it. all the PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TIC 177! T OFSriLKS m the V. EST and SoLTii. Auk for i .cH-e- viaCiiClNNAIL p. w. eteweh, Tickent A sent, je Cincinnati. Lou3,svis2e and Frankfort and Lex-Int- ca and Frankfort TIlILROA.T3S. ON AND Arir.R MONDAY, April 33, Trains will Itave Louitivilin daily (Sundays excupteu) as follow-- ; FIRSl FRATN ? A. M., sropTilnti at al statiom when except Fair G"ouuus, Kicc Course. Rrowns-bor- and Bi , connects k at ErrJucnr v. ithtaf-e- for Mow Cuctla; at Fran k fort ior Lvre:icebur. llfirrods-h-ir- and Danville; MUWay fcr Veinai!iei;'at Pj r' for Geoiet'wf; naa at LfiinpTou via railruad ami etaj;? fnr N; hois itie, LanviMe, Lauc-tfte- r, Crab Orrhaj.i. So.ueimt, Rictimoud, IV; t. Strliu)i, auu ail in-- t rior SECOND TRAI- N- :U p. M., 9tpplnc at all sUtions when riapi.M. Mtent Fair Grounds, Point, hate Courve. OrmrbyV, and North by sta-;- at Eiaiueuce for Now uaetle; and at Fame's for Georget-i- n. TfGRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at S:2t. P. M .stepping at a!l Stations: a, id , will leav ar A. M., tc; rm? at ail (Uiiotu, and ar- rive at Loniville Ai :cb A jL Trr-ui- arrive in I outovifle ap follows; Fit Train at 0: 4;t A. M.: f.coai Ti&iu at 6:Ju P. M.; Lafaue at !:!U A. M. 1 r, iht Trains leave Louisville daily (Suna-- s eioept-mJ- ) at r.:3. A. M., ani'.-l:- . :n Ijeiicton at 4: P. M. Frcii;lit is received and discharged froai 7:30 A. M. to 6 P M. r" Through T:ckets for Danville, H:irrod?brrr, Crab Orchard, Sim.-rrtet- Vcriiiv (orrtetowD. and ail f:ir-- t her informs. tion can bo hd at tlte in Louisville, eoi icr of JerJijrson and Br.jok ptreots. SAMUEL G1LU Superir.tendout. ai' df L. A F. at.-- L. A F. R. R. LOUISVILLE A?D NASHVILLE Memphis and Louisville SSa? & gjj COMPLETION OF TUB MEMPHIS, CLARK AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD, FORM- ING A DIRECT LUM FROM LOUIS- VILLE TO MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS VIA CiiAKKSVILLB. April 14. INfil, Trnina ill ruo I.csre Lonlsville VZ'Sid noon. MTlMllIsht ArriToai ('nvs Cit.;' Von P. M. f.'J A. li. lioiviint'-GieLa- . lt . ftWl M P:;i0 " C!ar.'oi:lri . P:il) Mr'J " Hurnooldt . A. M. r. m. " Time Cui.'viiie to Alrtijjphis) 'Ji h CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANS Leave Humfcol lt 4n'. 4::i5 p. ji. Arrive ?t .Ji'; , TVua A m. p. m. Arrive at Mi?s 7:1-- p.m. 1: A.M. At rive at New Oii-a- n- 4. m. t :l5 p. m. Time iboutsvillt- to New Orleans; 42' hours. FOR BARD 3 TO IV N, LFRON, AND ULIZABETH- - TO WN. Leave Lou!tfi!!e 7:0U a. m. 5:0 p. m. Arrive at i:rdf-tow- 7 HO tiizsbethtowii 7:ij() " LfihKnon 11:5" A.M. 8:15 The 7:!!f A. M. Train troi.. Louisville counecV at wirh .- for Sy. tog bold, DauviLa, and in n iiiteii'jroi Kcuh-.cky- , KLTURTINQ: l v Iihaiitd fcifl A. . ls.e r. k. L'.ave h.iii ti.ttowa .0 Leave Bardrtown :3'J M Arrive at Louisville :(o p. m. Traini" from Memphi? and N. hville arrive at Louls- - -- rile r y. M. a;id Uti'u P. M. I'K'll night lra:n will Lmiuvilie on Sunday niht. bur 'iU .t rm PAtui-J.-.- y ni'-h- Jerrneure lu;o'i-'t- i 1 ir..t-- at V Deno. i Ninth d y, aua at No. "0 Foui th stnivt. Nitir.ral 'tf fN". t; APFVSnv. Snperintendent FOE ST. LGiTES,C!ifCAG-0- , DETROIT And nil PctntK VYoat Rod Nonhwrrt. lUS QVJZA? WESTERN AND NGRTKWESTKRN SHOR1' Li li & Roirrn. ICOO. summer Arrangement. 1361. ;.WO DAILY TRAINS TO i'. LOUIS, CiNCIN NA'i'I, AND CHICAGO. I ind rifN.r Mondfv, April )', '!, oave Nrw Albany (opto.ite Louisville) as foi Iowa 78: S''. LOUTS AND f!HICAGO ESPRRSS 1LVIL r'&ily eioopt Sindays). UtOO P. M. THROUGH AUCOMUoDATION (Daily ex-- eert Saturday;). 7:45 P. M. NIGHT KXPRKSS. for St. Lonis, CeJro. C;ucwinati. Pitt bur.', B.'.ltimors. Cleveland, Buf filo, Phdadelpliifc, No-- Vurk, aud Bostou. Tvo Trelo- - tczcri.t Sumiiyii for St. Louie at 7:3c A. &L tid 7:13 P. M. TwoTr iiiisoai'y (eicet-- Suudayr) for Cairo at A. M. and 7:Io p. ri. lVo Ttain daily Sundays) for Memphis at A. M. and 7:'5 P. M. Two Tniine dr.ity (eycpi; Spnda--s- ) for New Orleans at 7; i.) A. M ai.-- 7: '5 P. M. Two '1 :ai'( daily (enceot Suoday?) or Chliago at 7:S.t A. M. and P. M. TwoTraine faiy (except Sundays) for Detroit at 7:30 A. M. audTrJS P. M. Two rt ieice,-- Srtndavs! for Joffcrun City, tSyiacn-- St. Josi"-h- B!oom::i- - toa, Sr;onlelu, .Lictouville, Pe.nia, 3i'r'iu.;cu, Ioa City, and all foiuts West and Northv.vt, ne Ti aiu ou Sunday evenluji at 7;4S. rwTimet" St. Louns Wsl hours: to Jefferson City, ;lhouiM: to s. Josoph. h.urs: to Cairo, 15 hours: to 2- hours; to Now OrleKUs, 4H hours. Only otw Cinoe a Cc.r to St. LcuU, Cincinnati, or Chicago. t;rBHR-ti;- checked through and all transfers free. Train" leave St. Louis at 7:00 A.M. and P. M., couMfi-oii- cicely at Mitchi-i- with Trains gouth; arriv-m- ; iu Lo :ibviiia at 6:3-- A. M. and :S'J P. il. A I! trai-i- i conned cloe-'- with all Pas3onr Train ou the, uhio and Vitssiw-ipn- i Railrcs-d- , and ivair for O. and M. trihif O103- are delayed, to I'ai'Sfnu-r- s Reliable Connections at ortr.mi Sr. Lou n or CLinacea. ?'"Puwt't.eri: aird BaF-a;- taken to and from any part of the City nnd ho C.r Free et' Charge. Both Thro!srh Tiriiua counect'iip cloeely at Greencae-tl- e with the j :re ilautp all1 ltichntond Railroad, Wvt f'T Tt ire ("ti-t-- st. iyr-a- and Eat tor Iniuanapo-it:a- t Ltw'sjcite with the Toledo aud Western Railway; .nd at 1. S. Croujinf: with the Michiran Souttieru d for T".-d- o and intniK-dist- yraticna. Aiso at i- - ichiL-a- C itv itn Xt)'. h.Ciin Kiilrriul for '.'hie'!., and s;l yrvut? t and Nwtuwest. Alr-- for ie;riTL s::u rjl r.iiit TIlROi CM TICKETS further information cm i. obtained at iheir RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE, Scuihv.Lr.t c;.n..,f oi ihrd and rtreets, r.rivpi.'ti by A. D. Mnnleld) Louit villa, Ky. lirT:'x!n.- - ;re ifi by Louisville time. S- S, FAKKK, Aent, Louisville. R. K. filCKBR, Bupt. rijw Alfciny, Apvil Uv, lKal. o5 dtf UGAR bbh Itvi Cmehed. powdered, and J (iiauuia'cn in ?to.e :ii K72 FLOTJa I SMALL lot juft iece vi! and (or a'" by i E. FERGUSON A SON, mitt Ftfl-- -- tree, on1 r tnrtri ot" JvE'-IN'-.- b'.tiAK-i- O bhis Curia A New Yors A. '.'ruen-.-- in toi; ind tor nin by mid WM. GAY. L'NTKY LAHD Irt rH ;vc.-- a quantity in keys uui c:i i bti.i f by mR'iT'7' & mis 1 COF FEE t, ,;a uoop rtio CoiTee landiujt vr ti:ier H.iltN- - for ii'1 b.-- a: w h:.i:haNN ft CO.. -- W if.- - in T. FL ii'O iVo; va:i brauilc F! ir; do; for s.?e hv Ml t W. SWiO'.- - lr;NM':T I ALE, in bbls aijcl,bbi; MAiiftilALL'S KEN r ','CKY CKEaM Ciiibi; A it ol jtiit reco.vd ai.u for r;.le oy :2 Not K. WK'KS. A CO. C'uDr-'isi- 15 .ia uid ha';t drums lArge Codtah iiLid for v.le hy irjl l CJ1'"" WO-- WAN CO. "' ijOl R AM) MEAL riiEVErt bo dosen w raou OKStIN RAWJ-'ON- , li?.'- Mahi rt., between TLmi ;ii. Fourth. V'AlI.S---i'- " Ni!, as.rted, just received ptr it Pti'i'tir Rehaiice ind lev .i.e br rj' C. AwrV!R CO. ?OI.A;- K- ion Mol.tsse; 150 7jv0 do it sale hy .D'W BCC!LNAN tir CO. XI T 0 V V. ell 0 varl'-u- khii- . j jLt receivi-- r aie low by !. Ti- f.p-Ht- fiTi'l Print: 5 Ij uj do; D 4J0 C"W 's drj; do t! i do M'jvru-jr.c- PilnV: io 00 d K"-- ' Dre-j- s Goods; Tust rwivfd nod fcr s- -li ay JAMRS LOW & CO., m'-- . -- n't :!Mi wet -- iiie RBANDY, V 'RISKY, Ao 1" a n.'p 'V; 10 do o; iv., FTC A Nf f 'A'"-- ' T? t P.u Tvni Mrt - , ., ..-- ,, ai . in- - rici-i"'- rn iiif.-:- n r .5 son. l R- -r Uudir,- - fVo-- n rc for - lr. f. ifAWJ-ON- , TODP, A CO. RAILROADS Change of Time. RAINS rill leave JefiarsonviUe, opposite Loalsville, 3:.0 P. IH. and I i: JO a. n. P. M. -- LIGHTNING EXPRESS K.AST Daily (StindayseTcepted) connectint.' Rt Sev umr witlj trains on the Ohio and MieWippi Railroad lor Cincinnati, Columbus. New York, Bivton, Phil tdelphla, ariu all rHti m Cititj; anu'at i;iaiauapoio witr. Hi l;o fountaine line for Cleveland. F'biladelr hia, Baltimore, and all the prmch-l- citiyi in the Esul; alro with Trains on the Terre ilaute and Lafayette ? tor St. Loulj, , Rook Island, Qulnrny, llannibil, St. Joceph- aod all theotuer priuciplo citios In the Wert and NorMr.vf 't 12:1A.M.-NIG- HT EXPRESS -- Daily (Saturdays conn.' ctmit at Seymour v. ith trs.ins on the Ohio and Eaiirudd for loclimatl and all Kaetern ritlef; Rt Indianapolis wi'h ti.o Belleiouu-t- a ne Lino br Tolflo. Detro t, Cleveland, BurULo, New York, Boon, PhlladHr.liia, Beltimore, and all point? in the lln-t- snd with the ciueiiiiuiti acd Chic- ago , Ter e Ilaute and Rirhmornl and Lalav-eti- e Railroads lor Chicago, St. Paul. St. Joseph, St. Louii", and all poiuts i" the Wert and Northweet. CLINTON JOHNSON, Agent alT.dtf A. 8. CROTHKKS. Snp't. 18G0I 18G0! Ill FIIIYIMI BSTH rsf - D. 2C0 Mik-- Track. Tha Capacity of Ihls Road H now cual to any In the Country. THREE THROUGH Passenger Trains BEIWKSPnTSEl'EG AND FBILACELPHIi CONNECTING dirct In the Union Depot, at PRrs-bir- C with tbro'":h treirr- - from ali Weetom c iTirs for Philadelphia, New York, Boston, BftUimre and V. C:ty, thus fumiehin facilities for tnc tran?por-latio- of passenrerB UQsurpaased for spatwi and eomtort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia without chanrre of carp or conduct-irs- . Smokine cars are attached to each train; Wnodnitrs St - ; inrCs.: s to Fxpret s and Fast Tn;in. Tho RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Three Lilly Trains connect direct for Now York. and Fast Line couueut lor Biltimore an-- Waebinpion. AH Through Pasaencer Trains provided with ridge's Patent Brake peed under perfect control of the . thos adtlii-- much to the RAfety of travelers. hix Daily Train? brfwetrn Philadelphia and New York Two Daily Trains bcttreen New aTid n. Through Ticket udl rail) are good on eituer of the abova Tmiue. BOAT T1CKT5T3 to n are roA via Norwich, Fs.ll K'.ver, or Stoninetou Linos. Boston paBengers tranfned fr1 of rhaive through New Yo-k- . 'i iCKVTS EASTWARD may be obtained at any of the important Railroad of:iees In tho Vost; nlso on board any of the regular Li.ue of Steamers on the Mis aissippi and Ohio Rivers: and at the Oi Joes ot the C' ia Boctou, New York, Baltimore, or FuiUdelphia, Fur alWHTtt a low nnd time as quick aa by any other Uout. ASK. FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBUKG. The completion of the Western oonneotioni of the Penuaylvania Railroad mate this the Direct Lin a Between the XSatt and tha The cennwrtinff of tracks by the IU II road Bridge at Pitt ?bnrg, avoiding all drayatje and fuiilaineoi Freuht, wit h the ?avi!i of time, are a'vKrtaiie3 readily m'Bciated by Shipirers of Freight and the iravelinfi Pcbiic. For Freight Contracts or ShtpoinK Directions apply to or address either ol" Uo lolicwiaj- - Agents of the Com- pany D. A. STEWART, Fittsbnrch; H. B. Fierce A Co., Zantsaville, O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. WcNVelv, ia' fville, K1.; Ormsby & Ctot-it- roiTsiuouTU, umo; Padrlrrck A Co., J. nTsonvi;!e. Ind.; II. Vr. Brown 4 Co., Cincinnati. O.; Atheru A Hibcert. Cinclunaii, O : K. C. Meldiuin. Mwdisou, Ind.; Joe. E. Mo-r- , Luu-ville- , Ky.; P. G. O'Kib-- A 4:0.. Evausville, Lid.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo, 111.; R F. Sws, Hh.ih r A Glapa, St- Louis, Mo.; Jo itn H. Harris, .enn.; lif.iTi? a num, M rnphis. Chirk & Co., Chicago, 111.: W. li. H. Roontz. Alton, 111.: or to Freight Aut ol Raliroidf at diUt-re- iu the West. ?hr 4'reaten)t Fnci'iileit offered for the Proteo-- 1 tin Hud Hprctly of L.1VE And Geci Accommodattona, with usual prfvUdga for pt rsous tiavelliug iu charpe thereof. By U'ls rour trei-h- ta of all dewriptloni csn to to end from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Mi ltiiuor, to una iVr.m any point on the Raihoads of, K"niiuky. ludiaua, Illinois, Wiscouein, Iowa, or Mip.ourl bv ruilroad riirect. The Pennsylvania Riilroad also connects at g with btear uers. by which Roods can be forwanled to any Poiton the Ohio, Mu?ki:iruni, Ktittu-Stv- . Tenneiee, Cnniberlartd. IHiiioia. Wisconsin, Mi.?ouri, SniMna. Arkfirsif, and R;-- ri"'rs; aud at C'kvelftud, Ssudupky. a?:d Chicago with dteamers to all porta ou the Lakes. and Snippen eutnistict; the transportation of their trei-n- to tun Company cun rely with oa its sneedy tftUfit. THE RATE'S tF FREIGHT to and from any point in tho Wt by the Peuiiivlvanu Railroad, are at ail timej as favoiabk- ae are chared by any othci' RalLoad 'wcs:pauies. ft"Bu ptrticalarto mark packages "Via Pxhka. R-- R. E J SNBDi;R, Pjaflrtriia. A KOONS, j9 Nonh etret, Baltimr. UIFA il A CO., No 3 Astor Uouse, or No. in Williain rTreet. New York. LRfc'Jll ii CO., No. 77 State street, Prti. EL II. not'STON, Goaeral Freight Aseut, Philadelphia. L. L. IIOVPT, General Ticket Agent, Poils'lclphUv TH03. A. SO' HT, General Sup't, Altoooa, Pa. jjdrf VToodon Ware, Ei ooin, Cordage, SU.C FULL of B'i'kets, Tubs. Chuina, A Ce oar Cans, Butter and fcug-- Bu'i-ts- , Wfnrien l 'lr..v, ClotbeV Pii.e (all kind), Rolli-i- Puis. Pot. .to Mubher-i- . Sieves M.'s Deiu'jobii'- - Harvest Kegs. Well buck et. (ill kiu e, Rsrrti , Wrp;pin. 1'a-- r and P:tLT Bair;, Children's ' 'arrives, CiiuCtiPf, 'dot Lines aud Sraiilug, Seine Twine ar-- Fi-- h Line; H inp. and Cottou Tw in-- s; M Heme ?.ud Cotwn Hop ; Wim e.nd fleaitii B ouuis Biack-ie- . Sti'I- aiid Duetiutf Brushes; FuuL-e- a, Snuer-i- Feicus.-io- u Caps. Ac; in stru aud for rale at low- bv ORRIN RAW SON, '?.9 Main ?t.. b twen i'ir" i nd v'o rth. 1 i EF ;ed sr rARS 3U bti- - Grrrinul ted il L hf. and S- l't Crurhed Hniirp tn store anrt ior un.1 by !J'-- AN' W HICHAM. WLNDK1ESY 5 1,U''0 bbla Flour; 2 4 bbls Apphis; S"U bbls Potatoes; 5U buy Onions: fl'ju bari Buckwheat Floor. Iu tore ana icr ?u.le by IOMN SNYTrK CC 4JU--A- 1.1 bhitfl prime, N. O. S troci :r(a, Lou via LouidvlBe end M 'niptn'o d fr - l(o It O IOItlUKK. SUNDRiE? Kuivpjand sj.Si' Hoes ar.d RrUe-- , C" nd Log Chains. Pl '.nea, CjI'i Mills, Saw, Augers and L'biaelc and Sh'-o- Bella, Anvil? and liellown. Ou band a laive a.jeortmrTit ot Hardware and Cotlery, aud, dp.siroit of diposiiig, will at low flguiei to caeh cus- tomers. Cad booh aud get bargains. t" C. (StlVSTtY. 333 Main st.. WTINE- S- I f e bhU Saattrne Wlu; 75 CHes !' do: 4u do Rhme: d ; fell do C ht ui paene; feu caks Madeira and Sherry Wine; do Port Wine for sale by ANTHONY ZANONK SON, V'it'th tret. below Vain. GLASSES luu bbls Plantation Mola-se- in "tor rv 1 L ABET WINK caits Bord' aux Wine; 15 d superior CUret Wine for family use; 2'M.i s Claret Wlno; oi do do do, choice; Iu store and for sale by ANTHONY Z A NONE A SON., t!U Firth t. Vain. S. 8. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. KChlYF.n THIS DAV A few patterns of N' w style Brocade Suk 111 spring colon.; Cberk and cm ali plaid Spring Silks Kid Gioves Ac. For sal at very lo nrires vi- V i. KIT DOWNS. 11 viln -- t WHITE WINE 6 bbls Haut Si.ut. rue ih -- for and D f.t. ieh,. rrol-.'- V'M. HO' t 76 bbis extra Rectlfled Wliisky: Bu bbls liuuhie xtra do; 4d bbls copper distilled do; 76 bb(p liue old Bourion do; 2v bbls fioe old Rye do; In store aud for sale by ru7 MARSHALL HALEEFT A CO. PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE LONDON London Porter; o do SroUrh Ale; Sold bv the or caK to suit nnrchasers by n- - I P THOMIWOM. Seine Twine, Trot-Lin- e, &c. FULL aasortrienr. of tJeiriR Twine, TrotLiue, A StaL'iup, Chalk-L'rie- Fi Plow- - Lines, Flax, Hemp, and Cotton Twines, Manilla, Cotton, aud Hemp Rope, Ac, in store and fo s:i- - !. bv ORRTN RAWSON, 3SR ?ifairi ft., between Tfurd and Fourth. 2UNDRIF.3 iVi baes Gotten Yarn, assorted numbra; I'M) bales No. Baiting; Eu tio Extra do; 75 do No. 2 do: bo haw wh'-l- Carpet Chain; 6 t:o colored do do; 1"U do ' 'and bo do Wrappiu: do; tor sale by GAHDNtfR A CO. (POJEESE- - V buses Western Roaervd Chejtj?; 4u0 do Ilaujtu: Ij; 6ni) do Eagi;. Diry do; la store and fur sale b.- - JNO. P. HOWARD 4 CO., mlS Vin. Third nnd Fourth fts. LMNE BKANDI hS A 3 H casks Otid, Dupuy, A Co Cofrnae; 4 'a no uer.F..9--- y no; 6 -( do Metarly do: B h do Jnlos Rr.hvrti do; 10 hi fipesPellevolsin KJchelle: IS do do do: lu 9.;re and for sale by J. M'INKS, Noithid- - M" S"voth nn.l 1'it'iit;, nt. b'J csEris Claret Wine; St) 'nisiis Meiia Vt'Lne; 6 '4 do do: 5 do MP.irtga do; In ftore and ior eale by J. MONKS, alo North eA- IW. Seventh and Thti'th te. IEITNE0 SUGAR It iou bbls A Cm.hed Baltimore S:ipar; M bsis Lovermg t) ' :ruehed b'lis do (ivanulated do: 4U bbi- - Soft CriuiK-- do- - for eale by al3 GAKONLK I'D FAMILY rLOUR 'J bbl- - No. 1 F.TtT CMl'MOE Wheat Flour, selected expreily for faiuily -- e. for sle bv ni' v,'. & IL BURKHARDT, 417 Market et. MOI-ASSES- - PDjiAflm rtMVlved per learuer R. H. Fairchild and for fHe bv ALT, EM. UOOKK. IArt.N IJ ALLOCS RACKED CIDER judt received and for sale by J. SMITH SPEED, Vin st IjIiOUR I 114 biris Ruhhvltle Mill! Double Extra Fionr; 43U tbltt " ' 7u bhi V'il low Grove" " " In store, ami tor sp.le bv AND'W BUCHANAN A CO., Iron, NaiU, and Steel. ii TUNS uLitrcOid aud Stoueooal iron, assorted 4fJ BZ- - ieft Nlla, from 2 to fiiJ ni'.t do S7ifcep,c:it rvri vrOi:ht: Rt) t jos KtooI, Caet,fcta.b!, Wius, aud Anirlcan Rn?ter: In rtore and for sale very 'ow by rn.l W. H. VKLKNAP A CO. LD BOUKBGN WH15KY- - l ha bbls (feuuiue Bo".r- - " rx.u eon'.ty copror distilled Whisky, made by T- -l rjot .nd i'uh, in and ior sale by t wnvr-- i Lo l'Hrf AM) cASSl.MEttES A vey due ami es Vy c lient ot Clutns and Finrv CfiPf :meres 101 rlm; end life, 01 nt.hle ittt.1 in "tore anr tor e;ie Ol Vi .V Hi IIKTF ( O 4 Vain t exclb'Ul brand of A"G oi rh SI tn(71 HIBBITT SON. l) bas Perpar just received and for sale pEPPER OA UP N EM A CO Kr.S;i 3 1 ALS Iron, Steel, Iad, B'ock Tin, Zinc, and tlronr lri tftoro nnd elo r.t vo- y low m i ei by W. B. BRLiiNAP CO. OOFFKE ? Rio, tote Java; for ste hy CASILKilAr;, (rTURRELL, ft CO. BUSINESS CARD JOHN SJtTDEIl & CO., Whole U Grocer, rioar and Oorr misaioa IfXerchants, tW Msin street, between Third and fourth, LOUISVILLE, KY. PARTICULAR ATTRM. TOTEB 8AL lour aud Produce,, Wtous. iuSl IO Chtnut street, opposite Guard nouaa, PHILADELPHIA. NEW Vmportation!fJnb watch Patvk. rhilliDn, 4-- Co., Watchoa, in Oenevu. ChaGee FrodshatP t Loudon TlraKeers, all sizes lu U.uitlag Casf and Open Face. new serta IW" Sole Aathorlsed Agents for above. rOold and Sliver, Frlftlh and Swiss WATCKEI Rlrh Jewelry, new dfesiros. Diamondf, Pearls, and ail the FashionaM styles Silver are, uasjrpaesvd iu etyle, quality, and flniifc. vieitinfi Philadelphia are invited to amine tfa :r NEW LLVRBLK P3TABLISliME!,T. A visit entailing no ol.liptiori to pcrrhae. l"""u "-- - u iitiu rjiiirtA. ana no varltrioo. GUNPOWDEH, DUPONT'S RIFLE AND BLASTIX9 F0WDER, CI METaa, Water-ti- ff at and irpreo We have la II supply cu; lie above brand of Powdor, put up in paimitron fan?, ana for tale at same price as wooden kegs by A. V. DuPONT & CO. tTyN. B. For ssle bv all the IonlKvllle HAMK eanvjised rianis; 4'Xi p'aio count ry uo; In ttoi and for sale Ly GARDNER A CO. 0(U DOZ MADRAS ELANDKEKCH1EFS tJ ji.iO dz Oil do: 2Ai SllV Receivtxi and for sao by JAME3 LOW t CO., ml 2ov jn, giTTh riioMATOFS FRKSU TM ATES-- hav for X sa' a qinntity ol fine Fresh Tomatoes, which wa are selling cheap tor caah, J. T. LANHAM CO.. m1S fmrtortri' of Tna- -. e.. T'rd t. CHAMPAGNE WINES- - cases Ve Clicquot; do Delionli or 5 baketa Ventf-nay- 15 do Hiedcick & Co.; In store and foraale in quantities to ml . J. P. THOMPSON. RAISINS-- bd I'non Layer; H O do M. ti. Just received and for sale by U nvn W MGRRTfl. IM Third st. CAPS aH'.';v G. D.'s tor sale ry IlERCL'biilON T. HiTH 8PEKD. Main st. SIRUP Baltimore Galden Simp; SW .'do do do; Jof-t- . rtjeeived and for sals by .: GARDNER CO. CO'ITON KOPr.; VAUN.s ai.t HAl'TilsG; WARE; BROGMS: OH 'ICE CK.AKS and oMOKJNG TOBACCO. A large lot of eath In store, and tor dale bv NOCK. WICKS. A CO. CHILDREN'S Cabe, Giga, ami "halejj; 75 Wi'iow Cabs, plain and bronzed; Also Whtrei" and Garir.; arately: Just r;crived at the Voodeu Waie arid Erom Store -0 ior ealo Lw Lv ORK1N RAWSON, all SCS Wain ft.. btve.'u and Fmirth. WUNDRIES O 6 tiMs Apple Brandy; 60 bbl Domestic do; luu bhl imt. B. WLDky; Rio bble RecGli'-- do: 4u and ioe? fine b Brandy. In sttre and for "riie h' f Rtr.1 J. MGNK5I DEES! j bnsH of 6ne quality in tiore !'d for . b r.r.i 0 IB ITT ft SON. RICE I'i tierces prime Kice received by maill-oa- t for sal-- - bv Ulr; H. W. CU4.M). k'iiEK-TINiJS- - I castis lu 4 brown SheeUnts; ltj do 4 blci.chd dc; 6 do P:-- 4 do do; Just received and foi sale by JAMES LOW d CO., ru aud J wett tide Sixth st. CORN sacks rilsed d Com; do While do do: Iu new rerewed receiving per Jetier sonvilla Railroad and for stle bv AND'W BUCHANAN & CO., ml8 Coni.-- r Second and sts. UNDR1ES-K,ttiuii,'- i' - Cot tori Yro', Capet (.hain, Ccttou wiut-- , Cwidiye, ij-.- . ior pali ty j'JQ 'OK I PGrt'', MAII.IK, AND SlIERHlf W LNRS JI pi imt: otil Port fl IJ di fine old .Madeira: U d fine pale lu store and for sale io s to suit purchasers by Jir, .. P H VPSGN 7H h ft. f CLARET VINE- S- A - xidne St. iul'rin. vintftire of 1 "l7; do Fl 'iiac, viniu,uoi le57, V2 25 do St. EjMhe; In store and for sale :ij uutirititler to euit purchasers hy .1. P l HOMI tf"N. 7'. rouitD st. fiAUDWAUE AND O UTLEEY. 3'W Xorth (tide illuln st., between HA nnd 4th RECEIVING daily large additions to our stock of onieiotinf, ol Anvils, Vices, Lwki, Kmgaa, Serena, bd.-- ij n!e?. Piano, Saw", CofTi 0 Nai.s, 8a?h Wt ictus. Cooper's and 'V,ol. or -- .e tow hv cOl.TJS GrVSBY. Gsdar Chost. Im CEDAR CUES i d in sbre and for sale at reduced trices to cioce tiio fconsitfum-'- bf ORKtN RAWSON. rr, - yin trzt. l,etv,.(- -. T'irrf VVnrth J.l';CANS--- 5 bushels fresh Pecans in btore aud for sale mT4 W. A H. BURTCRARDT. 417 Market st. ACKEKEL-'K'n'- r- No. 1 M tcftercl in store and for il ?ile lew ou cciuifc-uuen- by ciib WM. GAY. AND CFMKN r f?e bM- - for ss1 bv in in rp i:iiv. ITLOLR Various brands O; h.u.l. r r,,J ! fMITM HPEI'.D Min I FAMILY IHH R iM" No. 1 Extra Mi 1: In si ore aud for ? 'e ! IP .3 ALT. KM MOORR. I1ADRN. S LG-l- t :;u ithd- - prime Sugar recivv) p. r Baltic and r- -r ine:"i riAKMNE'' ''O. Men's Clothing, Youths' Cioihin?, Boys Clotliias, Children's Clothing, Alto MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, CRA- VATS, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS,-o- , Ac. Fresh, nice, full stock for Spring aud Summer wear just opuued &t J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, m91 On Bfffiin strest. onr -l- i'-1 be Nationl Hot. COUNTRY BACON AND LARD-6,- 00 lbs, prima bv ifltij HIBBITT A S'N. WOLARRFS-l- b qr:s inigr House .vioja?G; - bois do Sirut: Iu store aad for sale by J17 MARSHALL H ALBERT 6 CO. FroKh Dluo Lick Water JN store aud lor eaie by HUGU BP.ENT A CO., iff W...n. n ".'n Tiff l'l"i HELLED COR 1W htte aud unied 3 Corn iu store and for We by AND' A BUCHANAN CO.. n.17 Corner 01 anj Washington sis. I bbls for snie bv L'i Htnorwi1 Q(tTJ IlbH Salmon, MKCkerel, aud Sardines in A p&ckascs aud on retail by mhi HIBBITT 4 SON. I AVA COFFEE A suppiy of superior old Java Cof fee for sale oy ' J. T. I ftNHMf A CO., mil Imiwii-t- f of To c Tliirrl tr "FINED SUGAK K"J bbls Loverin?"s i, IT saie by ALLEN, MOORE, A HAD EN. pu- ll E 16 casks rice received a'd tor sale by . 1 it a vv'in. Tonrt. ( :o. OFFE- - ol'U ba;j Rio Coffee ler saIi- by GAItDNER 0 Ol FEE 7fr baps pnnie Rro Coffee in store aud for sale by ISA KS" ALT. PAI RRT 0, 1DER riaHoti Ciab ad corunioa Cidei and Win inettar tor sale by J. SMI 'J prr.B.'i, Mam sc. FINED SUGARS-- 5o UI' bola Haiti more B Soft (Yushed; :'c do do Powdered; L:i"idins; from uiallboat aud for bv ft UAWSON, TODD A CO- - SUGAR 53 hhds prime Sujtar received per steamer and far le, hy 1?IO ()FFEE---4o- bsjrs good to prime Hio Cotf&e store and for sain ny TTlrV RTTCrMVAV CO Cwni jES 0,1100 tliroH, St Jen, aud Shoulders in aud for sale ny JAVA OOFFiiK-K- ri; mat Due old recsivi-- d per and fcr cje by RAWSON. TODD, A CO V, iiK If, easkPi Madeira Wioa. 10 do Port do; Se btjis Mrdajra do: In store and for salo bv r, 7 MARSHALL H ALPKRT A CO. I? CE .10 casks i1 rd utiKMt and for sale by Oi I'ON YAt 0 l.H b as tmnbiri: do OarpM Cl:e."i 6j bales CoTTm Twine; 60 do Candle-Wica- ; I'JO do No. 1 Hatful j: for s'e by GASYLEMAN, MtJKRKLL, A X). UGAR-r- ? 5'3 bbls A Crualied Sj-.- r lost rceiv:l aud for -- hI- bv ih) (i vRTNE. A r.o. CHOICE Tr'S---- S choice Green 'ffl and Uiack Teas, fro-- trrivai, in store aud for sai by ml 3 HlBTTT SON. 1 RIF-- BEKF AND TONGLEs ) lbs Dried Beef 1 and Ton ties tor sale b CTFPlT PGN. 'Sb &c, A ion iut .1 tiik, i.iuwn, and ILi Flos, and r ml- --o. t iiient of Hooy bkiru of all pizes, just receivrd aua nr i;;e b..' .1AMF.6 LOW A CO., U ftt f,1(i il.. t wi le PiTth t. wUGAR--5- t hhds lully :tr tu prima laadiiyt lrom sveAinnr John Raine and for eie by ln (TO. ft B .'I.ASShs iu'j bo:c PtanratK-- received by 1 1 the Ai'U'Crat and Pet ton ai;l ior ea 11, a i,oor. 'INE TOBACCO Brown's aud UolluJ'. of aa cx- - tra quality, tor sale by RTBRTTT SOK 1KE 16 Rice rectivd per ioailyo t aud A a- - sale by RAWSON. TODD. A W ,'INES AND SP1KI'1S A supy oc hicdor.r i old Wuifcfl and Spirit ior le c. nr 1 uy J. T. LAND A v; ic. " Tnuiorte- -o Tui C 'f AVA COFrLE- - o pockett Btipeiw: c.ff O iu eton Lol b hhie Extra W hue Wo for .ml. M fal liA!.!).- Vf I' (VI Itice rerivd per tnni:1 ot and for UICR-1- 4 by RAWhON, TODD, ft UO. 1 4

Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 · wiili 7 3 10 r.'.T cent, interest, ur excLequcr ... tbit f:r h tf;ii.rJ, ... 50

Mar 07, 2018



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Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 · wiili 7 3 10 r.'.T cent, interest, ur excLequcr ... tbit f:r h tf;ii.rJ, ... 50



JOURNAL!APOirrisfKNT or Aiios Lisdkr

rtnt Eighth Cr.xsrs " h communi-outiu- n

oJ th-- : uf the Interior announces

the opporiio;Qr f K. am .ng the

sareral St.vw r w e cii.hih ctn-u-- :

D: r .'KTttt-v- of thk InthiioiOUashisoios, July, iWuT.

To the F 07 tte ffurt ofi! Secret try of ihe Inerior. do

lieiyb-- . ( r.jv t:i,!t, i.i dtsuiKr.-- e uf du'y da- -

volve ( :';)" U'.r "l1!! if IlH nut Ot Coil- -

v. i v jyi. 1n)U, enti I d "An actpr;i r j .ki;--r "t thi sovenih at tl s?ub-- r

t; j Sia'e", and 10 listbb iv.". ! .'I - vn.:, is ihe House of Rnp- -

TW..: i j.i i M.'.id l( r tl'oir luturotit an-. it. vynA St:ireH.'' I have

if jtl ihj J;.; for rlie Thirty- -

.,! - ih-- j several Mate na pro-- .videii .. n ill ttio Oire.Mtd hyt tie twenty- lii ft?! "i'.-- ihf. reof. And 1 do hire-

s'hy fur li'T U::--- i the foMcwio is a correctnuuih-- r ol K pre.seniatiVt

porTloupti tr. et;i h uwte.r the last, or eighth,bs i nn!uliwi of the I cited

M:iie.:, in :iwi ttl;j;co with the aciproved I V.iv, , iowi roi'orrcl to, nameh :

(i Miiiiitivo'u 1

Ark-m- " 3 v.i- fcvtnpi 6Ca'i- fi'? i o '.uiin 'J

CT.RuC'"i('U 4 Ne.v i Ui . . . orj),-.xr- 1 N?' Jerev.. 6

f bri.-n- 1 No-- York 31

7 SVrlli Carolina 7

lliin ii I'i O!iio 1

Inri;o.n;i 1! Oregon 1

I ,WR ft I'enafiUraTiia 23

K'Hin 1 i'.hie lJbind 1

Kentucky 8 South Carolina 4JL- jijin 5 8

Miine 5 Texai i fRia-v- l (ii i 5 Veimont

,ri 1'Mi.,;.c' 1'tfilled ir .a 6

Tb? h, nto ;:r two Ijjmdro! and ibirty- -

thret. (2; 3) Kopt li;ai.ive,.

The T:;rAsci:Y and thk Navy. Tho finan- -

Cal p'ovr i n r c iMiiitfni-- bv tht SecroTiiry otttio irtiiury ii liroe hundred million. linliovofl of O.OOO.OMO abould bo

v' roirmi riteoniina-- d .inir.dsB 'it bv I.ix.if iiMi.

Mi;2. 'ii; V. tiic:! :i tt p.p- r p ions hive bet--


d ha ,nd li extinguishment ofth pu'iin.- l8b. brjr;-.- rh figure very near theM c TP. Mi nr. n jro? to meet, thisii b. iIm- i,f fiiiiis Der r d laid cntrown h:-- r, if o cb.'i" p'umd on clayed su-i- v

i r, of 4 p. r p.'Uiid on lo.-- f and other retint dol' Jjc-mi'- psr pnur.d on the sirup of

f G fen! P'u: d on candv, of 6

contf pt-- i; ;M ,: on mo! and 4 canti per pot-

ion on s iir in n' d it i also proposed th.ita div ot' live cenis p1? p.'U-i- bo imposed nn cof-- f,

10 r. n p und oj black te, and '20 cn'sper r-- uim! oil i:rt-.-- ton. Th" c )lleti ;n of inter-!- !

iin:i' s on tsull-an- dl.Mi'Ud liquors, ale andbe r, to;tcco, b.- k not:, crria;:es, silverw.ire t'd j I'.clry, and on 1'Hrncie, ti rcuuniPnHd .1 !nu. h it i su.n:(vtt:d thir, if pre-

ferred !v 0i;w5. th p'an of taxa'iou ofreal and per n. at property would be 6ucceflafu1in the mtiie nutr. 'lhe ue of the coufi citedpr- priy o' th;1 robel?, toothr wiih a reduc-tion, tor ibi tin.e at of 10 por cen., uponSalrt: i 8 ar.u .i." $ p;iid ''v the FodemMl-wr-

ment, are il o advi-ed- . To r;ti:e the 240 000,-(-

thu pr.-- cu ion of theWtiT, thd pr- p a iiationnJ loan of n 'tless lh;in 100 C'00,UvJO, to be it'sufd in the formof tri-ii- ' i; iri;fi, bari'u v;ir!y interest of 7

p .rn:!i:'ii ( .n i;itrrt ?t 'qnal to one cent acbv on lih v and tlv-r-t tore very eiy ofclrulatio.') .xrA in auras of 50, $100. gSOO,

000, d 000. brx k io ba . p ned at he TreaB-ur- v

Utaoe in . 'shin rion. and at various other, flics- - tiin;u'hot-- Aii Htatori, and sums subscribedto be i.i c:h. In tt?o the national loan &

inpnlarii'nT, ii isnn.pntd Unit boudfl. orcertiti-cai-

of dt bt, be to lorder in the ,

or in any f r ii ry. not excedini; in tfia

a'trokcate 100,!jiUHiU, to be redeemableat the pieu-ur- of tho Government nfter a periodnot tjxcet'diii: t'.i'-i- ycarr1, aud bearin an

tot cxcMdU.s.I 7"p--- cant. To supply thefull amount required f r The sarviue of the tidcalyear, it is rcvouni-d- that provi-io- bi m d'for th K-i- i or '1 roaatiry notes f t $10 or 20each, p ijatdoO'ie y tr from dite, to an amountnot exce-dii- : iO.Vul 0f'0 Vee-- notei bearingsinTerc-- t ;st the rCrt of 3 G i lO't p"r cent, and ex- -

i:h m'is'ile ;it t';8 v. ili of t;'3 holder for Troasurvwiili 7 3 10 r.'.T cent, interest, ur excLequcr

bills.1 no ppcveiiirv of thi I.tvy oek Congress to

sar.cucn iha oiwi-u- s which werenecessarily tik :i to meet tho Uitlisul'iea treach-ery hud thrown in tho way of the merit.PurrhaBos nnd contracts m:ide the auihotitvfor which was f. und in tha x:pnciee of the limeThe naval force in cotn:ni-sio- n iJ increased to 82vessels Ccirryiiitr upvivl of 1,100 yuna. and acomplement of 13.000 men exclu-siv- e of t ffi- -

cors and ir.;ir:. Th Naval AcKilumy, former-ly a1: An:up:!-- . r.ow rinvd to Nowport. K. l.tin withora !'.: a.:to.,rit!'d number of pupiN. forone thi-i- of tha di,!rit:3 nv;!t.'jt; or refuse ro hereprioDt '. z:A ;!: ih in- - way of supply- -hiix this awhc-pc- frc in ot'nor It - sutr- - j

parted j p"in i.ig for the d fictt, undtbit f:r h tf;ii.rJ, at the number in thenul-o- rh' 'jju i.ut ba ifcre-ia- until there is afall c.'Miemur't or' c.icarii. Tha SotTetary

en iHi'o bo appi'inted, to boknown a iho diixctor of urd iiance, who ishall, uu-rl-

the D'.:'i!.!t n;, vu thu immediate upr-i"-iua-

thii innii'iitiure.'iri'ion, acd sup--I- y,

of oidij.ircj 1m Kav, i:i all ita detaih'.Aci:'ni:-- j or rif.Ji itafi"n oi ilia Jjw rufrnlatim;the !tiT y r j.:!'ii i' :.V'.':V.Mod7 l.y which tho ves-nf-

i alviiL iliaco ist iniy be rogularlvcpp!itd nUh rj!",;u isbni fovJ. An increase of

l ho liiioibur of Sure-:;!- and Aiit;int Jsuroonsib reconimpnd-.'d- : uhr, i.n irxrea-i- of t!ie Marinecorp., jrrhapii, an mtiia et"

iho cnrp; ai. o, tho aprt intniunt of a proper findcompa:c.nt hoarti to iin( nre into ihe exptdiem ycf irc.-cW- d s;r.ii!;ii o iIj.iu;, iMttcue; aUo,An;j- of tho clo'icil forco of tho dvpart-men- t,

tO(;e'h-- r wbh th anoointiuut of aaof this Jiavv.

pAH!Nf, AN'D nnil.t.T ANT KxPTX-l- OF TWKNTV- -pkvkn K:i.niuck!an. A hm :n from MountVtriici jrve us tbj K !l 'v;:n account of a bril-

liant ex 1 it of umv-- men. at ap l it onn ii'o filront V3ri A nanliiaret who twrw tjo Mcwnt Vernon haierect d on ii-- K rtui kv side of tha risers hr,d-soni-

A ' r m tin: .f. ;h. "mi-iii,;- tha L'uionmen ai v.ti::' iiti i andwere vrion tb-- j Srn'S and Shrined werertsn up. 'J he nevr; t f .ir. Anencm fli havingbeen rrtis l tip rhe "s.-Tt- eoil" of Mr Bur-

nett's tho Sot:: hern ht art" of Uoion-tow- nw-- ii"ed," and an exp?driorj was

at once gotten up to the honor of thedibtrict ard vl .wn ttio lla. Accordinah'twenty n tnt-- arin-- d. and mount-ed, b:ft Unio-.tow- o:;i n'ui ibis week, a..d atdivliu'ht ilrw op bi' t!o arwv tho Dj;in'dfioor who Ii i! d .red ,o pi nit a ll in Union coau-t- y.

Part (f tne fore b;;:m cut tint; down thepole, v.'bn ifown jr with a riH acdbxp-n- 3 ed a d 'eriiHiiutiv.n to "hurt eomoO( d."li w:a m :c-1 d io li:- p.itrintthnt tweatv-seve- n

too'; wis o;:d. 1'hi view of the casestriking him f rci' lv. he a'ond quietly by. while1h-- ticou.dr cut no A'ti Ins polo, c ptured bi d .;,und rid oif( a tr ti v iu, 5 three cbders for thaSou Ultra .

EvansrtHe (Ind ) Journal,

Afkaiks at Jkffkkson Ciiy, Missouri. Wofind the u lloiviui; in the S'. Louis Democrat ofjesrCiiy, ut der daie of Jll'iron City, July 11:

Tbre va an ncivo niovemtmt ainonnt. the3 v- this pirtf the country. lUnds cf

one hundred to ono hundred ar,d tit'ty armed mmare crossinir 'he rivortr-- Boon and Ciiiowaycuniies to j in o forcef, ai:d there is doGovernmer,. Bt?unl'oat hare to prevent it.

Col. Bjonititein two dvs ag an hundredend riity men, vi Syracuse, to Ode Camp, totake pc-- t there and ml r' the-- e reinforcementsfor Jark-nc- , und ;apt. A S Biernateirileft, wii h O'iq hundred, and two em311 mountainbowi zr, for tb'i naine uirtction, ar.d a combinedmovement, sopp rted bv (J 1. Ccm k and the HomeGuilds of Col - tamp, racuse, and other pi.intwill ttiko place, aiid lie country thoroughlycleaned of t he--- armed hands. At the tume time,a of civalry will te pushed forward on thelaft lliiik f Gjh. Lvo"'.s c lanins. in order totransmit de.--- '.U.!.e3 and keep open the communi-cations, with the General.

ITEMS.Cot ton -- prow ire hxa baeu comtnenced in the

Brifish colony of Quttenland, Uceanica, wiih agOC'd prOSpcCt of 8HCC633.

Manv of the E convicts trartRportcd with-in the lait ten yaAn to VVestarn AuatralU havebecomo repu'able tnd vealtby men.

The 50,000 fire in Milwuii-- e waa caused by afire which was 1 gbted by an urchin andthrown ir:to a BUh'o coua'-Cto- d villi the Ameri-can Uotei.

Kotwiii-icfani-p- ; tho American trouble?, theGlaRi;nw !i r.ild s'iVfl iLiat there have never been50 man' fetieG 'h'ps ioadinir tad unload-ing in ihe Clyde 3 at tho nt tbao.

At length M:cha-- 1 Anur-l- o has received justicea pDt M Lrnm li duiid baa published in

Paria iie fir t trn lattoa of his p.etry tba baabeen .j. Amonj-- Tha st thera are aorue aoa-ne- U

aiid ma 'ria'? uf reat boau'y.Tb A!'"'ina Gzotte states that a

wan in Uhz 1'rid.ty one B im whocame near merlin;; an ijinomiooua death. Hevau pivn t'.iity tainu-'c- to leave town or die,and he 1 ft.

The IJ 'S'fln Advri3er m 9 that in aF v

irii'jr'i'i at F.iruii:i;irim, Wendy, 1

lipi te- k to dotiouiice tai liipuuiifanparty ocfiU Icadij stateiiiea qtitefreely.

Infcrv- - ii r. reiv-- i by the authori-ih.- it

t!6R it Iu.! AuiTim emi.s ini would at-- w

tsmpt to h! up tho powder itJz f,. Theguards s'r.i ;:ud ncdr thfciii bve, in consequence,been trV'h- and ai! acoc-- to the maiziutis hisbeea pr U bi'.C--

The f im rce "Klarik ;fl " hxi beenbirn'jd to d o h or--

,L d a rail way train in Eoj'- -

lacd. L rd .Sr. Vuicti:t liaii js.ct five thou-an- d

kJ'm--- fjf h;rn. ajd ha waj heavily backedfor tho D ;tui m. Leor.

The R!;!n.ud pip-;?- p. re rommendint; tborossl c"i; , vow Lit'tu;: Millie State t!;ipi-ta- l,

to roi'Hct. ih ii:,i't "f j;iihjfe, find theenforca- o: ;n:uns on point by call-i- p

upon iherLTi ba!er, "..1 syverin, conuec-tiu- a

with ti;a Y intt;e,to .')..! i:.U every vestige ofre'.QraUttav-- to tLe lii .tiiu-iu- a of tbj,t urttrtid

:m i ii- 'iu. I'rif n , t lie Ainerictiii bAt -- builder,who a rou-ho- of luo tunjby etftini; in houra irom tbe tuic the keel islaid, ha. ;u;-- . ia.;, ii the U rner mJL .Spauldiairsycte-- of ir.d. Ine Lon-o- n

b'-- ir j.t?ty acc uiitar d : d r.Uvith thi wtioin aide of iu

The Tiri M; 'nit our stat th;it a very curiousbok of tfreai iutwwt at tho prC ent"cri.M3 inFpd , h4 ju-tt- bfn rprwduced by theDentu PuHii-- Lh-- ii the Mor.ila

. hi i no mv of Juota-- r i::tn ,;..r-- .r ,:natbe oVuh c: c .i- -

in menu xritit fi)r-- t.jronca tux- printed in rs.

tru 1.1 jTft rae':.n.-- tr.-.- th una a!i iuo cloj."-ui .nil f :., , ii , C Hip' - i m.i It twll' y -

f c tif (joh'o i;ni; ca";.e- - ,

;J , r ..r,i vu ,t tte of pex. .1 Vivo are tv.i- o in



Ui itK.-t- if c.'idtun






COi nfilY ON K HA V't?

itn rri'isp? !'IT 19

Ri. firs liis mmmSeowhut ft d?t:n7citbc 8t houU Physi-

cian saya of it:

St. Loma, July 10,

O.J. Wood. Fcq.: Deaf Sin Allow rue the plssrotvsnd"Ati-fftcr'0- w transmit to pou the bnriicial rtlectrof youriiair after a tritil ot 0?e years. Ipnunn'iicwi twinn vour KcritorHtive ia Jftimary, 1855,

eliice whirh time I nave not beo without a bottle onud. Whn I oomoit'riced tb use, my hair was unite

tbin, and at leaat d uray. A fw applicationtopp'd it fidlinK. ud iu thrf week?' time there was

not a cra hair to te "oimd, uoither u thj been up tothis time.

After my b&lr wao completely restorotJ, I continneditsfe by Hprlylns two or ttir1 tiruea p'r montli. My hail

btie ever continued be?.ltli , soft, kvA plo-y- . and mscalp poilectly Irt from dandm?. I do not iruafrintlit't:cta above mentiom d will be of iinr particular ad vantiwft t yon, or even littr your vr.nity at. thi lat-- day,&f 1 am el! awtre they are all well anowu already,audeveo n.jre wonotMi'ul oues, throughout ibe Lcioa. 1

have oow.'wied my tuae io traveling tlie (neater part oftb tii:ia t jt pat thre year, and bve taken pride odp!iii8nie in ivicnrame-ndi- your Kitomtive, aii'iexhio-iTi- g

its ott'.'Cif in niy ou case. In aevoral Intantv! 1

Ixav m't wltb pwp!e that have pronounced it a htitu-tm-

Ptij'im? thpy h d used It and without efipct. In ev-

ery Inttani. however, it provM, by probiu' the mattr, thoy had oct your article at all, but had usedtorn- now article, c:uJ to be k.kxI h youra, and MtllinKat bout half the price. I rmve uotierd two or three ar-

ticles niraif, adfrtiiefl f atwve.wlnch I hve no doubtare humbug?. It a t uihiii that poplf will patroni.e an article of no reputation, when there U one athand that h- -j ben a doubt .

Apparently, .'ome o- tho chanatarui have oot bralntenoiwh to writ1 to advertisement, as I notice they tanvncopied your., word for word, in eever-- 1 Instances, mere-ly insertion tonie ctliw onie In place of your.

I have within the pa- -t tive years, seen talfeed withmore than two 'houtnd pnrms that havt usnd yonipi'4paration with pnw:t uoc- - some for ha1dne?e. (rrajh.dr, oc.iid d indi-uff-. and every dianaw the seal iand head are uhji ct tc.

I cal ed 'o ee you, pinon!Iy, at your orifdnal plat- -'

of buifoeras heie, but lai ned you now liviun r.Nw Vork. Voum, mi!y,


Wukkb Bpiusae, Perry county, Pa..:June 7th, lu, (

Paor. Wood: Dear S!n I wsa Induced, moiothara year ago. to try yoiir valuable Hnii Ke.itorative, forpurpone uf clean Ing my hed of dandruff. I bad milfcr-t-

with it u "o my head lor years, and had never htenable to get auythin! to do me any rood io removing it.alt nou till I had trie mariy prefta ations, until I caw yourr.dvertiei. tatit in a Hurrlr-hur- pftjer. HeipjE there at(ho time, I called at (iruis it Kxuinu 'i drug store, au-.-

Ijought a Ixittl- -, and am no to recommend itto uinverral mse; tor it has coiupittt-l- rvmov? d all f

from my and an appli-utio- nnce In twoweeks keew it fri;S :roai a- y itniri(? or othr unp'eas-autnes-

1 must also sLite tiiat my htir had bticomtjyuite white in places, aid by th- - "ihi ol your pihas boo restored to itd oris nal color I am now 5uyears of as, and althouxb I nve usd two b.itth-- olthe Kestortive( no one nab auy know ol" h, as I al-low a few :rey halra to remain, in ord r to h.ivf my ap

with tuy ano. My head is now of ! neti'ouhl- - to nif-- , iu feeer-bi- it ch'an, A:c, thau at any timosince 1 have bs3ii a ch'id. I contidcr your preparationoi tfrat va'ue, ftnd although I do not like to xpo e my-- f

tiK", I consitl r it my duty to say to. You can u- - thi-- ,or ny p rtot it, in any ehape you think proper, if it tworth anything to you.

Yoara, Ac, H, EL 1TTER.

BLOoamerow, Imm JoivSOth, 1859

Dlau rirK -- 1 here send you a statement that I thinkyou are en" it'ed to tho benefit ot. Iain a resident olBlooiiiintoa, and have txen lor over thirty yean. Iam now over to yen id of ae. For anout twenty yearspast, my hair hrLH b en tioninp co?i!i.'i-.ihl- v ray, andwas almost enirel" white, and very And ur.plis.ut.I hini ttwe & uuntberoi certi catea of toe vnrj wondr-fii- i

ehect of your lii'.r K ttoraiive. but HUppoed thrrou tn.-r- titiou tiiaD truth in them; but aFir ing d'siie to h:iv- - mi hair, if reloied toits orif.iral color ..iid fo'eoiv-t- , ai it was in my youngerd iys a liear.tiful r tach, 1 ooncluO-- I would m iko theexperiment, commeuciut in a urn ill way. I purchasedO' e ol your ftmail buttl-j- , at one dolUr. and c - dupiiis, follow iLiic dir'ctioui-a- s eany m I could, I scon

the d:tuor-- rnnoved, n.ud mv i.air, th-- t wajIaU'uk u u I rKe quantities, was coue:d;-Trtbl- tivhten-61!- ,

aud a radical c.,a:ice taniiiff place in the color. Ibiiv continued to u e it, t:ll I tuive tim-- thier- ol you;mall bottie1j, ..nd junt estnn on ths foutth. I haveuow

an pretty a liad ui dark bmwn or liht black hair ij anyman, or a I find in tuv youthful Aa; a. whtn n boy in thehill- - of W etern Vi- sriuia. M' ir iree 01daDdnitf, and the cair ce;i-- entiiely fallinp off. and i

v toft a d hne. fe- la a- - ih , iw housh it wa jimfrom under th. baud! of a Tru i ; h .mpo ner. Manyot my ft(i!aintriuoc tritteutly nay to me, "Butl-- r,

where did you eet that Gue vu-f- I tf tl them itwA theeffect o Kentorative. It ie almost imi U

convince thera ttiit it the nrujiuru uair of the sameold gray bad. i oura, truly,

FKiiDHRlCK T. BUTLKB,BIooci.inKtou, Modi'o? county, Irtdiana.


Is the only reliable article for yon to cw,


Ladies and sreurtemeji, in all :'art of The world, testifyto the f Pici. O. J Wf rd'd Hair Restorative,aim gentleuen 01 the pre-- s aiv niianmiotij in Its praise.A fe y Eetbii)rjiril onfy cau be hvre K'iven; eoo circularfor torij, aad it will bo iruptf.iW0 for you to doubt.

FrOri!380B S. THALBURO, PIANIST,pava on tila srrivai in th-- Lnited Stateu bewas rapidly be&'rn'iie gray, but on apvlyingWood'rj balr Kedtor itive bii hair ooq ro- -eoverod it original hue.


iayi the ?rar hair! on his wifeV hvd were,a.i'rer a l?w weeJu' tri.l, turneii ir.t-- t a darkbrowu, at the aro timo beaiitifyij auitliic&euiug thtd hair.


ay he I? now dixty yean old, and hie hfiirand whickers wer e gray, but bythe use of two bottltia of Kertorative, the&ray haiiu havo disappeared, both on hiecejKl ana iace, end ia moro joit and clo) for twenty-fiv- years previous. Hiewii'e, at the e of titty-tw- has uaed it withtho same effect.


eay that be l(t hi hair by tho Yellow Fe-ver, iu He used WeodV ilair Kubtora-tive- ,

and hia hair u uow t.hicit and gioasy.


ayn the RptnrRtive hi done much go d inhie part of th country- He used it forliulduoea, and uow has a fine head ol hair.


eays be has neen Wood's Uair Reetorativeused in huodredn of c&tee, and never feoewit to fiil in accumpiuhms all it. proiewee todo.


aj'e be had the scald heed el(ht rearn, andwaa bald, but bj- - the liberal u?e of Wood'sHair Restorative, be now has a rich, (rloesyhead of balr.

Liee-tnn- . Noble eo., Ind., Feb. ft, 1?5H.

Pror. O. J. Wood -- Dear Sir: In the latter part of therear lfJ, while attending the Stnte and National Lawficlmol of the Stati of New York, my hair, from a cau?eunknown to ine, coianit-n- d falling off very ravidly, eotnat in the thort Biaco of montlia the whole nuperf'art of ciy almoet entiiely bereft of itr

ano much of the remaining po. tion upon the fidearid bn'.-- iart of mv head shortly after became isray, eOthat 3 011 will not be euiri?ed wheu 1 you that uponmy return to the Kt:ite of Indi tna roy more canual

eie uut no much at a lo-- to the rhajitte in uiy avwArance at my more -,

acqudiiitatica win 10 lvcofrmre uie at all.I vt on e made app'irarloD to th.' most skillful physi-

cian? in the country, bnt, rereiv-'.- no afuraucet IVonitheai that my couid apalu ho redtoryd, I wax forcedto becrmie reconciled to my fat, until, fortunately, inthe latter part of the year K57, your Kttoiative waenoonimfuatl to m by a dniut as being tlie mott

Hair Iteetoiative In &. 1 tried one bottle, andfound to my ju.'S-- aatifaeti- n that it whj prodnciwn t tiedeird eftect. Sine that time-- , I have ued reven

wcrthof your Rtu-.tiv-- anil a a rooult have arich ooii. ot very &ofl inuci bair, waivh no money caubuv.

Aa ft mark of mv rrsMt:;d; cr votir Jahor and skill L)the j.rcdi.ction of ao wondn fui au article. I have d

to muuy of my frionda and acquaintajca, who, I am haypy to infoim you, are using it withlli:ee;ietu. Vory reepect fully, yours.

A. M. LATTA,Attorney and ton:illor at Law.

if Tom U AI K 18 UAKSII,

Uaa Prof. Woid'e habr restorative.If year balr is gray.Use Prol. Wood's hair restorative.If y w hair le thin.Use Prof. Wood hair nwtoratlvo.It yoa ai-- baid,Use Prof. Wood's bair reetnrative.

If7GUBAve nervous b. adnrJei,Lie ProC Wood't hair restoiative.If yGu have dandrull,Us Prof. Wood hair reatoratii-e- .

I: you have uTuption,U Prof. Wood's bair restorative.If yon desire glossy hair,Uee Prof. Woodn hair restorative,

tf you aesdre to preserve the color.Use Prof Wood'a hair restorative.

IJ yoa dselra net to lose the cok-r-

I'e iTot. W'jod's hair restorative.If yea want a cheap artk'e,

Lse PTof jfood tair restorative.If you admire the beautiful lock,

. , Use Pr. f. Wood'a hair Aiuiru luq ueauritui nnri't,

Use Prof. Wood' bair reatorativw.If yoa wiah a beautuiU corip'

L?e r'ro:. Wood's hair retoratIv.If you wLsli a face free froin. piinp'e,

L'e Pi jl". Wood' bilr lastorative.If you ?.ib to aytar your.c.

'uee W. .Vi's biir lettoratlve.If yj'i ' tssthn'y ovr rwh.e'ruiiij",

tUd caoiiar oi xrot. Wooashair tesiofative.

O. J. WOOD & CO.,

6: Laia, 444 Broadway, New York.

sHjujnlacSurert and Wholesale D salen Id

WD,;-O- PETRR, 4 Cu.Aent- - ,n Lou 3

tlJoiu At Tlldl: iia tTin-- .ld b !i teRlerj In dni In 'IjSmtu'vltl- -

Reatncfcy and TouiK-esw- .ap4 deo2Acol4 Dfiii? lj

CITY DIRECTORY,Arrttii(-s- i Alphabetically Mi Uegrd tc


IUp-j- , L. 4 (5o. nb Main, ber. ttb aco ti .

Anderson, Tbo .A Co., 43o Maio fJtrfflt.

Henry, Samuel O. A Co., Main . bet. M and r..

Spencer, C. C, Main at. bet. ad aud 4th.

AerrtoultnrAl Implemeat acd Ki.tttmn t Co., corner ot lliwn and --tiPllkin, Wiard, 4 Co., Man-b-

Cartor 4 Buchanan, 44 Main t.

OaunerwotTP ;al,rrle-- J

C Blrrtd'i (formerly HarrU'i) Gallery. Maiu, bo- -

Vwivin I'ourih and Fifth eta.

Webster i Uro.. Main it., between Fourth and FifthRookdf-llem- , Kiallonera, Sc Pr1oilol Utaifir.Redford, A. II., 223 Tliird itreit.jiavid-o- A., 3det-- , bet. .loffenjon and MarkMw'den. F.. 3d et., bet. Jeffereou and Vrkft

RaK!ox and Kope.

flnn. fhn. n. Oo.. Main it.. bft. 9 v 3S


J'r. WarTu 471 Main St.

Boonot Bleaotiftr.niKi.-u- M.-- ffm., Jefferson Bt., bet. 3d anrt 4tr.riothlner nad (Jenilrmens FuniUhlnti UnoAn.

Maodeville, J. C, 4 'o.. Main, bnt. Second and Third.Armftron?, .1. M., corner 4th ai.d Main pt,Sproule & Mandevilie, corner 1th and Miin git.

Ciotbi und ;nrlrmpn'B Furnlnblni; 'oet.Von Borrie & Co.,46S Main at., bet. Bullitt and tih,

Cnrpeift, Oil Cloth, and CnruaJD aoI-Hit-

4 Small Main st., bet. 3d and 4th.Marshall A Dickinson, 4th, . Market and

Cloaka, ifktntlHas, and Varfot..Mwrrlraau, C. T., itb near Main.

tlartvPcraade. Ed., Malu frt.. bet. (Sth ana 7th,

China and Uiaewwar''Mseday A nopfeina. h?4 Main st.Crutchr & McCrrady, 413 Main t.Jaeger. A. & Co., 4th t., bet. Market and Jeffenon.

Coal Dealers.( rittflnden ft Cftott. 8d St., bet. Miin an1 Martoi.KeUog. J. N 3d et., bet. Jetferecn and MarKoi.

C'hotnMit and ApotheoartecDawe. 8. F., ocrner 4th and Jederson rrta.

C'emcvnt.McHarrT. F., Main et., bet. 7th and th ft.

Carriaare IanufactarreStone, I. F. A Co., Mf.iu et., bet. lit and Brook.

Orura, UyesiniTa, Oils, Palnta. Sec.Morriii, J. S. 4 Sonj, 461 Main st.Robinson, R. A. te Co., at., bet. 8th and th.Wiieon, Peter, ft Co., 42 Main it.Wilder, R,, 44? Mala st

ry Ooods, Clothn. A--Ren-y- , J. Taylor, .J.rTenon street. Masonic Temple.Dnvall, C. A Co., Min street, between 2d and S.i,Mark ft Downs, Main street, between 4th and nth.Tjarun i,ruintaush. 4rh, Iwtweeu Market ft Jeffersoni aoo, u. c, corner 4tb and Market.

Furs acd Fur oode.Craig, A, Main street, between fitb and 7h.

Fancy Goods, Kmbroderles, and Tr,mm!nj.Rauchfuss, Charles F., 4th street, bet. Market and .TnfT

FUhfaar Tackle, (inns, and PKtt.f-- .DirVion 4 Oilroore, Sd street, bet. M?itn srd Markfltflriuita, Joiieph, 6th etret, but. Main and Market.Fire, Marine, and Uf. Inniiran- - Co.'a an- -

Aenta.American Ina. Co., TT. Dent, Sec., Main, bet. 3d and 4rb.ftterwn In. Co., Win. Muir, Set., Main, bet 3d and SiiLouisville In. Co., Rot. Atwood, fcc.. Main, bet Id

and 4th.Muir, John, Main rt., bet. id and M.'tetWrn., "riain st., imt. 3d and 3d.W aabington In. Co., Wm. Koea, Sec, Male st . tvt dand d,

Gorttlrmen's Fumlshlnjr OoodaAnoitrone, J. M.. cor. 4th and Main ie.Hlanchard, Geo. ft Son, cor. ad and Mwin U

Hhm Fitters. Pluutbnna, Are.L'nnally ft Strader, 3d st.. bet. Market and JenVr

Groceries, IJqnon, and Tobnnno.E"twart 4 Barter. 546 Main rtreet.

I.lqiiora, Vlne, and Alcohol.Hart ft Clark, 3d st.. bet Main and Market.Won kit, Jo"ph. arfi Main etropt.Schroeder ft Son, Wall at., bet. Main and WaterZaaoue. A ft Son, 5th bt., bet. Main and Water,

Lumber, gush. Doom, A--

Aleiander, KUie. 4 :0., cor. Preetoo. ft Walnot ft Main.between 1st and 2d.Breden, J N , err. Main ft Wenzel and Walnut, betweenKast 4 Y loyd.Charles, Stephen, Main, between Campbell A Wenr!-

ftltll FnmlNhhicT.Herbert ft Wright, lo 3d street.

Prlntlnar Mtinijfnt-tnrer-

Dnpont ft Co., Main street, between 4th and Kb,Powder.

Dupont 4 Co. .Main street between 4th nd 5th.Davis ft Main Ptroet.Int?nt ."Iid loinen nnd PefTumes.

Raymond ft Tyler. 4th etrnet, beWees Main ft Market.Keetaumnt.

KR,rl i S (W,krr'8' :M- - betwwn Market A Mam.Charl), nth,. bet. Mark.-- and Um."?tove Founder.

Wallaeo, IJtbgow, & Co., c rner 3d and Main itreer.

iV Jt.r 0row B'-er- ''

Sumner ft Co., Jefleieon ctrett, bet. 4th and 5th.Steamboat ArrntN and C'o:nm1PMtou and Forwaroinsr .ttrrrliant.Bwndiot, D. H. A 8on. Main, bet M aDd 4thctwiti ft Co., Wall rreet.Moorht ad ft Co., Wall street, bet. Main and Water.

Tea and Fancy GroceriesLaaham 4 Co., 8d street, bet. Market and jrf!rA.i..

Tobaeco CoinmirtH'An,Nonk, Wicke. ft Co., 512 Main street.

T'lrieitaUpr.W Wy&tt, cor. 7tb and Ji.ffraon troet.Wooden and Mliow Ware. CordHKeUAWSON, CRKIN 5 itniii itrpfet.

wiiaco. , a Co., 4j4 M iu u,i.rJunlwar and Cuttn?v.

yrrotihy, Collie. u0 Main street.H:il and Tap Unnotanuren.

Crniy. A., cor. 4th and Main, and Main btt. h and abIron, r-l, Nalla, Ae.

IiLs.i.-- , W B Co.. corner Third and Matr-.-.Jewelry, WatrhoM, and Plat.ft r'nnert. Main st, bet. 4th and 5th.Kendncft, Wo., 3d t bt. Market and Malo,

Kamaey, M. C, Main Bt., blow 4th.Voght A Rliuk. 3d et., bet. Maia and Market.

Iron mantle,, Fanry I'aotinjrN,Lithgow, ft Co., corner 3d and Main stc.

Biimfi; F!ld, Coal Oils, &;o.Hardy 4 Ratv. dih strait butnaan Uoiu Market.

4j!eural Prodnoo aud Provision Broken,Allen, Moore, ft Harden, Main st. bt. 3d and 'MRuchancn ft Co., id, bet. Main aud riverBurkhnrdr, W. ft U., Market !vt. 4th and StaKibJ'itt ft Sen, Market, bet. 1 and Sd.Cood ft Moody, Wall st., bet. Main and the rivwrCiwtieruan ft Torhitt, Main st.Onrdn-Tc- i Co., 4i! Main trert(iay, Win., 6ir MainlUlwrt, M. ft Co., Vain street.Jack ft brother, 51 Mam street.Moitj?, Gun. W., Third treet. bet. Main aud WaterNewcomb, 11. D. ft Co., Wall --treetOtter ft Alleu, Sixth utreet. bet. Market and Mala.Rawacu, I'.xld, ft Co., 514 Main street.Snvder, John. Marl-e- r street. bt First aid RrooV

Jtflereon Btrtwt, between Third and Fourth streets,IMPOKTFU AMD MAKrrAOTCRI-- Or

R, leave to announce to the ladies of-5 ijouwTuie and vicinity that he baa just re

ii3 o.ivea lusst.vckot S,iriu Goods, con?t-,p- !ot t'" rtch'-- and latest style of Dr-s- s

,y. inmmiues,Oe'i!iftn Zephyrs and Shetland14; ' Wools, t;&nvas, (.honille Patrerns. New.

&e',. Pur-- e Flo?, Filling and Embroidery'tt'Sk aua silver Laces, Brds. Cord

tS---:-' lMeia1nd Ming- - Net?: Comb? HaiiV ;'u raus. a d a gTet variety ol

I'rem-- Fan.-- Ai tides.j:.;-- Fringes, Buttons, Cord?, Ta;sel-.,&c-

L'l"H lnd? t0 order at thft ehortaat notice and 00i the most reasonable term.Y'fc, i " Comttry Merchants sapoUed nt a lib--

- erai aisrounr. apiu dly

4,13 Main street,HAVK NOW


Fancy and Staple Dry Goodsin the city, and. having been purchased nndei the mostlavoiabie will be soid hs low as tho oset. a MA g ft D.QWX3.

LARD strictly prime Leaf Lard:76 kegs do do - do do. for sale by


f "WiOI E FAMILY FLOUR Iihi bbla Extra andv-- uousie Kxti Flour tor sale for ca-- h by

H BltlT I A

RIO v.OFFF-- 40 ba:s good to prime Rio Coileo Idand lor sale bv

AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO.,ml4 Com t and Wahinton t.

KEFINKD SCtiARS m bbN Powden-d-Loaf, and Soft Crushed Sugaro iu Btore

and for t?aie byai8 AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO

( HEK6E A fill supply jnst recivfnl of IIamb:irK.Wee torn Reserve. Nutmeg, Knglish Dairy,

and Cheese,turt W. A II 17 Mi'rfcftt sr.

UKMNlii.' SlCAtiS :!:. bbU Lovennif's Cnirth d.and Granulated in store and for oatf by

m27 .VI. 1.1' , MOoUK. A' tMDi--

NAILS! KAILS:! WAILS.'!!received per st'nter Liiider l,mn k"-- s Nails-hav- ing

now iu store and tor &.; t h' manufactu-rers' price's 6.(Hiu keg, inrhidtnr the following kinds;

Common sii:ea, from 2 tortud:Fencing Naiie, ti, aud lud;Tob.w-.- Nail-- , Kd.

Floorinir Brad?, ft, 8. and lud;Lathi,. Sail-- , art, fine bhi"d;Wrought and H'ii?e-.S'-- Nalts.Wrought and Cn Sri'es.

wlit v: p yvi P A CO

trJLNDRifc.3O w N. O Snsar.

avi bbi- - MolMjee;Vi Jdo do:3u bblfl Sugar House Molasses:

Vido doIk) bbls PhiUd-lrhi- a Sinic

6 bb!e St. LoiiM in dn- -

w soge uauimote Co do; for p ale bya9


RA1SIN9-3-- )')M. R. aud Layer RaMua;

Vn) Vi do do do do do-- I

no X do do do dopr.r steamer Diana and ler bhIm 1,.w tn ..ift-- o

eorj.iiRumjut bvAKTKON1 ZANONK ft S N,

VAN1 bhlff Scounn which t vwrv houv- -perj hi u- for aU by

W. If. Hi

I, N'.' Imj .uiti' Ctir;;..-t- .

t for sab.JNO. F. HOWARD,

Main, between Third and F ourth sisVCOTOH ALR-- U-J Wot. Younger ft Co.'t

- ! -- nd and for jale be

"A 1 '.'Ai ijULKl' i.U"J, a nipenor a. t.cle. lorio byWAT.l Al'H. LITHOOW A CO.

w LG R 16i hhds goo.. Uii au 1 rnuie Sugar Ui stor;and for sale b


SALMON In bbls, ye bble, aod kits, iu store and 10

W. 4 IJ. PURKI1ARIVT, 417 Mrtet rt.

COKFKB R!o Coffee yer Rat.i.-t?- 0pocket- - Juva vrra-iioat- l;

just received and for tLn byf'S GAftDKKR A CO.

IAMILY HAi3 ol vaiious brande, suaid country cured, ou baud and for sale

etail and wholesale by" T. 3M1TH 8PKKD. Main st.

8. 8. MARK. F. DOWNS.OECKIVhT) this flay afoH aawrtiutut of MuURNIt ING DRESS GOODS, vu:SuELitnr Bimbaiin

Beree Ang':aij- -

Eflack PoiDt Ai Venice:. 'I arrunar tines, black and colored;

btrcfi fit.raaai

fcr"'VVtt uu to yj; t ij!mm MAHtf nnvvwH. 4.3 Wti3

S.iiw"ju-- i a.ifl tor"wIlMr. Tt A CO.

bbh Haltv.-rt- r. jit' t received

-- li'j boxen scaled lierrin? mst recviidlor 1; ieb? il UARDNKB 6 CO

Know Thyself.DR. MoOAWN it A iVfoiartr-Mlumte- d Phytrician and

Lite true conn lion and locality of d!eenbe the pal aDJ it peci:llAim(ffl without asking thepaUnut feiiy luestlone. Some rrr.ftBs to do this, yet aree&jeul toa'. some ItJidiuji qocfltion h order to obtaina clue to the dUwase. Wo do nothlnr of that kind, andhavp Ir.variabiv aiven atiatartioa. Cjnaultation andfcuipjinatioin


?0 ir.-- nievliod of M 'tioit4d Innidticru and conati- -tn("M ii 'jTistnvji Vo offer yon new remedies, entirelyyujt: A.i.j.Ia, winch bav proved a speedy and efTocta&l cureIn tn-- t (Oi!owwji diBcaaft- - vizi broochitta. all Dimuwam ofti-- (.'Moat nnd Ltnuf. Dirtaae of the Henrt, Stomach,litvv. aod Drop;, Sant Vim' Danoe,

r.'fr.: a. Chronic ImCm.-- , iiueanmtinr.i, NeirulKiaJii'tiytla, Kutnia, e nwmi, o'. th Rye andEar, Seminal VVeaJmofa, ?kin Disetanea, Rupture, Diar-rhea, and, in r.rt, i Mw.ble tiaaa.ies. v.'o arts nota cTirt all dctur, atid wilt andArtako no w4 with-out a fsir poiwH.t of rocovory.

recia! trobl-v- wirh SuprrGeelor.. frremlritlfl.Lmicorrhea or White. Falling of tha Wotib, rolypna ofthe (. temn, Tfiinore of eny k ind, BtTrenriofti', all UrinariTleaees, Pa'nf-il- or Dir'ieiilt Menstruati' in, Nervoun Debility, wii! be rpeetiily cured withoo. the use ol pot.eoiioui drnrsor O'edtt-ina- ot anykind. Have no delicat y m calling no differ enco whatyour troubles may bo. I do not eipecl vi topiac yoar-el- f

under my trentment milse yon prefer it.All communicatioua The afflict-

ed arecordifJly invited to c'.l and eatlj-f- therneelvea.Omee S?" Firet et.. between Market and Jefferson ..Louisville, Ky. All letters addreseoc to our earn. o- -elcuinx a itnmp, giving symptoms and nature of disease,wiil receive pron-- attonti'no. Medimi'.es sent to allpart of the United Stat Office hoar from tA.t. to

V. M. AddreM j. e. MeCANN, HI. D.ntn fl4tj &?-1- ; Lonisviie, i


MBS. M. UVEITER,No. 4 IIS Jpflprnon mt no nth aide, below FourthOffrTF to the ladifl ft fne and carefully select-- d

r,t millinery, via:Straw Bonnets,F!icy do.,Wb-i- Hats,O.iiri'en'f do.,

Flo ''or. A!.;A Ip Patterns o: the latent stylet, Uit received,

or cut to rneacure.I r"jverj- - atte'itiou given fi drew m iking.

413 Main street. 413MARK Jb UOXVUSI

Hvp now in tore a lull and stock of

STIFLE AS DOMESTIC GOODSOf tho best fithric, such as



Then Goodr- - were all bought for cash at the lowesthb of th- - mark- t. and aie now otfered at such prion a.--

murt pleaet all partie-a- Cail aud examine stock andprxes at


THS G3M Off THE SEASON",N." ..As sung by C. V arian James

V j'An'' the tenor. Mr. Adams, nowfyTy th Mids Fabbri TilUU ARTfj. M'.AK AN YI-- SO FAH"j bom the German of R ichaiut, with

ann vierinan words, ami eit- -with an elegant lithographic title. Price only


Also "STILL IN MY DREAMS," by Foley Flail,.ni r of "Ever of I'hee," with same lithographic title.

CThese are rem' of Sonr. and selling rapidly. Call

soon at the i nt.rft Miic :tln Westfr' I' Mfi A It RKI J ..

HOUSEKEEPEI13Wlio are taking up Caipetishould not put them downagain without the PATENTCARPET LINING, procura-ble only at WILEIN3 westsido Fourth, between Mainand Markets tree t.


UUILDRRN'S FLATSUatiat style).


A f.'rfv.1 as:.rT'nent of LACE, HALF LACB, andHLCkliAM I RAME.S always on hand at the lowestcash



V E are now recelvinu a good stock ofBONNETS, RIMBONS,



UDEKlErt, FANCY GO' fiS, andSlAkl.K '.nul. to which - invitttthe attention of Milliner? and Mer- -

CANN N 4 BYERSNo. tiH Main trcr,,

oppcaito LanisyiUe UotL

ni3 m o y a .


Has bD renveved to north side of Market "rroet,btweu Thirl and


d v i 'irr

HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS.npiIR notlr at tiot Strings fHale and Proctor Hooses

m have Ieen blendt--d and improve.ments made toaccommodate Enmr UFNiiaED viFiTor.a at anv time

tne - car. These ondertul Snring" positive-h- Khonmatism, Contracted Joints, Neuralgia,

Lumbago, Pf.raiy-i3- . Gout. St. Vitus's Dance,Sterility, In t potency from disease. Venereal diseaws.Morcnreal dieetises, Scrofula aud Glaodilar diseasesand all tonus Of Skin dideasas.

R. S. CLAYTON, Froprtetor.Dr. G. w. Lawrence, the Medical pxaminer of Hoi

springs, will supply circulars to applicants.N. B. Mercurial. Iodine. Sulphur, and other mcd

cated 1' when rrtiuired. janH dly

iSTew Importations,At No. 877 Main street, three doors below the Louisville

Hotel,4 KP now receivhig large additions to their stock oi

i Ch:na and Quovus ware. On band and arriving alaree and a&wrtment of Brit, andPlated tutors, Locnting-Gla-w- IxjitrA, Water-Coolers, ioilet SetA, and iruit Jars, all of which will beoff" red at as low figures as can be found in the market.

a 7

HAMS of various brands, sugar-cure- d country, audHun?, tor .rale bv

I. - M'Tfl SPPt'D Vn (rt

',f AS ES -i I livi bbis St. James Suar-Hone- e Mola-ee-

IHO bbi prime Pliutarion do;Iu store and for sale bv


MiLDJ-- SMtt'P- - 6i pafKasi-- Bali imore extra Gol-den bit up id store and tor sale

ANifW HrniiVAN 4 CO

IE: 1NRD bl'GARS - hbls ' iniched Granulated.At Uaf, and Soit Cfu-li- Sugars in etoro aud frsale by AND W BLCUANAN St CO.,i'Bchinoii it.-

VL:GAlito an hhrtn prime N. O. Sugar;75 bbi- - and Cnished Sugar;3ft bbU Loaf Sugr;

In store aud sale bvalR MARSHALL HAT BPRT CO

IO COPE igs good arriving and for sale by.lAW-iON- , TODD, A CO.

IIKI'.SS GOODSio ciiea new style American Lawns;o oo an ao rToncn ao:I case do do do Chii.ti;7 ra-- Poplin- -

Receiv.d and for ale clicy) byT. 4 R 8 LEVIN A CAIN.

PK1NTH new ptyle Prints;6 do bh'.ck ami k and bite Print;2 do 4 4 ii-- i V purple do;

Received and for ia!e cheap by

Til mo fJO.

II' ciiuk t'i r Emiic1 aud foi

'ir.LMlK-.- SLGAR-7- 5 bbU York CircleCni .lied Sugir la etcr and for sale be

ai3 WH. GAY

CnAV.PAGNE 2.1 b Tea plots and quarts in stor-- jlow t: clo-- e cju?'u--me-- bv

Wxt OaY

caaos Cl:rei V.'luts, for family ace:t'i do do d". vtr? c?.&ks d.i di;tn d.) do do, fine for table use,

Ulii res Wliite do, Uj.ut 3a.itcruft;&Li do rto, ao do;

.:aks Portd an Vadoira Wine;

ry'i iiO C'Ul.i.JlUli'ue. litri, plf, ). pt-'-;

I'j etore and for tale oANTHC.NY ZA iNE iu.

1.,.', sfj".

tot rii-- : n- -. uiv'? Ian to prime RV and fur aaie by .

Braes-b;u- ud Cedar Iaila.50 "O.E-- Cedar Piiis, a suvs just re-

ceived aud ior nale low brORHIN RAWSON.

s lA.tir.S b"tAR-iK'- ( bti M :.' ASJCS 7ii r

Jainntiiigar-liou"- :' M"l.i-:t-- riorn dnd tarpaUby W., AXu'W Bt tJiJAN AN s CO.

IOVURINO'3 SUGARS. )Mil Iyvi-ln?- Cruchdari.-- Gum at- - d bujiiirs received par

tanL-i- ' LKuica bud Icr eaifH AND'W CO

H',--rP SUliL.- '-- bzth nw crop tor sMh by


Zlailroad Btc-sJ- t for a!e.tJTX SilARf:S LfeiitiK'oii anj Frankfort Railruak r Soci; :or aaie QL'lCrLhY. LY'',v.S, at CO.

UGAR .Gus hhdu lair m choice in utore and for sale' bya AT.T.P'N MGORK. A HADPN.

BR oMS dor-e- brooms, aijorted sizes and uual- -

In 'torn on couslgQTObtit aud Of etile at man.ilariu'err"' ly

iis AVT'W RITHVN'HV f tolt ,i prlie Rio iauUiiiy from Uon. J.

Adaind and for Sale oyCCOD i MOODY.

(UgAK 57 htidJi triily ir and c.--

:: 1

i-- d.'or u7H i V'J'

rUR-- 1 l.vj liMc K.T'i,hr.'to'va tfi1'? v family11 loor rrcelviid Kaiirofi-- fin!jaieby AND'W RLCHANa.4 4 CC,

AMLES BAGS vGi6 in s.or;i and for (ale byJNO. r . UuW'ARD 4 CO.


Improved Metal Burial CasesCombining Beaoty, Durability, and Lightneas

nr"Otnce corner Soventh and Jeffersort, LonivlllAa?!'X'RR above Caskets are made of Corrupted Sheet

1 Metal and lined with Gotta Percha or India Rubtwr0 as to be Air and Water Tiht.All oruirs promptly attended to. dl3 rttf

J. vcr Eoap.iEs & oo.,OIjOTIX XXOXJJI3,



466 IIaln street, between Bullitt and Fifth.Onr stock U now vry larg? and complete, to which

nowever ne are adding daily all the latest, styles of goodIn our line. JL

Jnst Roceived by Express.VNr. ft A ''DND upply of that splendidt'sa-- k ef"m fror' thp "THOU A HTVVNjJi NKAR, AND YRT SO FAR," with

rvi elegant liihopraphic title :;5 cents.T' "'Still in in1 Dreams Thou 'rt Nes.r," byanthoroi "Lvfrof Thee"-- 2o cent: e'egant

title. A Ifo, a larce lot of new Music, vocal andb such compos-m- Hrinley Kichai d- -, C.

. Braiuird Dressier, Dopier, Kcvhard, A. W. Berg,&c , to which the attention of he musical public is

cahed. Call soon, il you would have a copy ofthat new S tig from the It is the tfein ol theseason, and it, ay lung rapidly.

WM McCARRKL,No. S10 We-- t Jfrfi-rao- etreet.

IMPORTED CIGARS!Directly Imported from Havana,


Loodrtw Intimidaa, Brevaa IntlmioVd,Londres M Vegas, Rrcalia Pad Roman,

Rtip Poreuo, . Washington..Medea Reca, Heraldo, Loodree Distraction.

Kfega. Lucero, &c

In store and for tale low by

nEW. P2TNADO,;l!f! Main sr., Lnu -- ville Hotel.

WOrT CKtSMED S( GAR f bhts Baltimore U Softk ' (.rushed fRtplpivl unri for h"


JESS PORK- - 2u bbls for sale bvGARDNER 4 CO.


10 do do Spades; for sale low by '

to O. ORM3PV

W' H EE LB A K ROW SRailroad Barrows;

6o 8ide board do:in and far --ao nw hp TfTll C. ORMWV

s2 LGaR i3f Iitids tair and strictly prim- - Sutrar reJ ceived yr E. H. Fairchild aud Groy Eagle and fo,le b- ft"'?; cowii va onY.

UGAR 1(H) bbls Lovoring's Crushed, GranulateAO sod Powdered Sugar jnst received and for sale by


rXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-- 50 bhis choice WhitMid Wheat Flour lust received and for said by

W H. l'l'KM V 7 M arlteT Ff

OL'NTKV M'iLAbSEb A prime article iu storeaud lor sale by


2 UGAR - hhdi! prime Sugar received per Diana aodfor ate br m41 GARDNER & CO

CiO'rrONAuES, AcCottonades:

4 do Camlet Jeans;5 do Farmer?' Dull:6 do N"gro Pl&ida and StripOi;8 bales Denim?

Received and for eale cheap bya 'ft T. A R SLEVTN CATN.

SUNDRIESO 60 boxes No. 1 Family Soap;

12 do No. 1 German do;ly do No 1 Paha do;la do No. 1 Fanev do;fj do No. 1 Star Candles;25 do aidk;box s Tallow Candles;

also a few bosec Pararhne do;86 do sail ,5boxe Starch; for sale by


b"1 LGLR b v bbls in ptore and lor sale bymil TAIT. ANDERSON, A CO., 14u Fonrth st.

(fcl UGAlt-S- WI hhds fair to prime N. O. Sugar in storeand for sale by UiHj WM. GAY.

UN OKIESS 15 bbl- - Pecans;Iu bbl- - Flllwits:26 bbls Tan agona Almonds;lfi bbls Alicaut do;&l bbls Sicily do:10 bbl? English Walnuts-3-

kegs French Prunes:t eaces in glas;B frail Dats:

St.) package NL R. and Layer Radius;6;0 dnnii--- Smyrna Figr;

16 carte Sardine.?. and boxes;Hi casks ?ante (Hirrauts:

Id store and far "ale by":fi W MORRIS. Ii4 Third st.

MA (SINSI ITni boxes London Layers;

lw) do Miiiti ?jdo do and

rU diuns Sultana: for pale bym5 GEO. W. MORRIS, 1:4 Third st

REFINED SL'GAR3y5'i bbls Crushd, PowderedSugars in t.rn aii'l lor nale b.'

nv7 srn-w RlTcilA.NN t CO.

7 halt bbls t.ak- - FuU foi eale byI m 'I'AtT. Ani''usoN. ft co.. roir-- t.

Percussion Caps.Qfifi HfiH RER( USSION CAPS, various kindsOUWj'MU iu store aud for raie low hj

ORRTN R aWSON.p,- - Mtn St.. .itwr.a. rY.

S. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS.7"E are now lu receipt of a large portion of our

Spring si'.pplv of w

FANOT and STAPLE DKY GOODS,uibrnciiig oine few new thing in DREHS GOOOS and


il MAP? DOWNS. 419 Main t.A 1 ACKEKKL !M whole and 5 bbl. Noi-- . 1, i. and

a ' 1 Ma keri'l ti "toie and fo aln by1''VV RtTHlV'N 'f

IN-E-SO casks Port Wine:26 do Mwieha Wine;3 do SMerry do8 do Claret db do pure Malaga Wlue;

tore and ' h .',i''

j.- EliC--

4li obidSi ba.'s do;

lust received and for sale byJNO. F. HOWARD CO.,

f4 Main h.tweii Third and Font Mist,.

SLGAR-a- u

Baltimore A Cni-he- d Sugar:in do A Cuftna d-

6 do Co A Pondered do;Jupt received and for sale by


PRIVG WHFAT-W- K' hnnhels pure Canada for ialss.- - p; irrv, . '. . - ffi

UOEs dozen American I loos, assfutfd uies.trlow by ft) C. OR fsH V,

CHAMPAGNE- - 25 boxs assorted (qi'arta, pint, andand for sale tow by

ml2 WM, GAY

MOLASSES Plautation;liw jdo do;

fk! bhls Sugar-rloo-t-

5o ido do;bii whole, M. vi (3 V hhls Oo!dn 81 mn; for sale bj


fjLOUK 100 bbls Extra Family Flour for sale bvGARDNER A CO.

CANDLES boxes Star aud MoldCaodle' in utoresrIa bv


PRIME SUGAR45hhds on consi?i:in!it and folaH .1. SMITH SPEED. Mam

CASTOR OIL 10 bbls Blow'a No. 1 Castor Oilfor sale by


1' S K) drruns Smyrna, r lg? ir. f tore aud for saleI fit OKO w uoRRis i:i4 Tird itt

S.'--- ClloiCt! FINE TEAS- -

v $ 10 n lf cflt'f,t t,uP ri(r Oreeu nd Black Tea-?- ;

11 Sib riLldi!'.;i dl, uite article lor LimiHea: for sa!e byr liJHHI T SON

CKL'MHED SbGAKS W bbls Baltimore Au nuii rutuHu ouicars iiui civ'd and lor sale by



J10 Corner S'ond and W ashtnrt n ts

SPIRITS, WINES, Ac. -- French Brandy, ScotchHollaud's Jamaica Rura, BonibooWhis- -

Ktns, rort, sherry, Sauterne, and CntawbaWine for saleWe are sole agents iu Louisville for Due tv Montobell'Champagne. J. T. LAN HAM & CO..

ni4 poiters ol Traa, 4c, Third st.

SUGAR 4 hhdi prime reroivod per steamers MagenB. J. Adams and for ale by


1-- 75 bb!s Mackerel, No?. 1, 9, and 3:60 do do Nob. 1, 2, and :";

kits do Noe. 1, J, and 3:2a kits No. 1 Silicon for "ale bv

GARDNER A Co run i lA'MKK ii Cu.'a .STEAM DRIEDmvuijcu ur.ivaiisAL, a veiy superior article

fORN-MEA- SO hnelvl- Fluwr Co.'b SteamDried Bolted in "Dusnel and bushelbegs, in store aud for atle hs

ai3 W s h. HURKHARDT. 417Markotst10LA-SK8- -

L'l Jfin hhls choice Plantation Mol- - es;ttj-- j Vjdo do

Im fnr- - ,K, H. W.

I AVA COFKEE. mat tints old ai'rhiog and loreale by'7 R AWy N. TOpr ft CO

11 IIO Ot - ao Strict!- ixi'iif-- tVnme receive j thH d- v rnvuirot "t .-e ij


rUNDRI.-- -7 bj ;jl;ga Braudis some vtry fine;

Stf. bbis Itourbon Whislsy;4 pirxv Hoi lend Giu,4 puxreheokia ew FuflandRmn;2 d .Jamaica do

8f- - cases Brandy Cuorriei;85 do Macaroni;CO baikeN oitv .";

5 do j and rnx Sfirinps; for sale bvANTHONY ZANONE A SON,

a8 Kit ri it., '.'io-- v Mva.

" CiwOts MMdira Wne-- .

lo cif-!;-s Kuit do;U do;i--j MaK-f- t

5 bbl- - Giut' r do:lo soi.) and (oj hv


TO MY BLOW AND HA KD. PAYING CUSTOM-Ek-N .t:re Is h.Tphv riven to all whO-- 0 Dt Jao- -

y iiriuu,'s hi i not thit.. it r.or i):iid b the l.'th.I rha!l pat-i- them out of my 'ividt? for

ml . y, ThOMrtiU:.. 7b ronrrusl.

fAPER RAG:5 A mil t of Paper and Manilla Ba.. all sin-- , iiut rereive'i ami b

tiBKIS F Wf ON..I3 :3 Main t... b- rw on ( I'ir'' i r mr'h.

r'TATATOI.S 3 car loads prime Potatoes justsale by


MOKEREI-K- i'Noa. 1, i and 3;

10' Vd.j d.v,'Q kifs do'60 Mcbls Whire Fish; for


I5 A- KFUEIv--L'H- oaekases, vh-il- ha', and mot-H-

bbl" and kit- -, ail ani&er?. mis o;

WUGAR--8- hhea Jurl ot coi.sigunibnt pistutinie Allatlir hjiA for sale V

M'iT'l SPEED. Ma'n "L

1 PEACHES 75 bushels ynm-- j Dried PeachesMJ ihalve. 1 rnoeive.'l on anfl tor sa.o r.y

11.14 II Ml

WUNKlL3-Pickl-a.Ctc:up- A Sauce?, Pra--of difi-r-- nraud-- ,

serves ana ;ao Fruit.-.- . MustardEitrct, S.rdi'ier, ChonoUta, Cocoa., La:jt;le ai:lan- -cy S ap;, io , fit eiiie by


TOOLS TruM Kw..v j::- inch.COOPERS rt if- U.JC.roe on h'nl wvi for le iif f ' .rf MSrtY.

ki i.c bicJ f'r ai t- cn. ri vArtny

11,1 uiiutny h'jO UuOKttrJauGraeiJi for eat--

f , pl'VT'li) tU Ponrth t.

1N;;u it so ' bis BiUlnu'e Vinegar in store and forV' ftk by IfSfrj R.4W30N, TODD, 4 CO.



Agetits icrTobaccos-- , Z.iqaor, acd Oottoa "SarT.,

So, tlft and 317 rt bet. TMrfl via Fourth,LOriTSVILLR, KY. roll


rorwtairlirjr fc Oomsriisaiea Elerctatst


Freight A pent fcr Ptiitia. Ctrn Railroad.No. 49 IOUETH (OR WALL) 8TURBT,

Tl 3tf TiU-jii- i Ky.

O. W. P1TK1M. WH. I P. WIAE. . . ATIBt.

PITKIN. WIARD.& CO..Suroewrsto Piikiu BrotheiuJ,


Blachines, Trees, Plants,Hydraulic Cement, laico, ria&tsr, 5ic.

OXO T3T Iia. sjtroet,sl Qt' I.Of'ISVIIJ.K. KY.

IpRKNCH BLRRS-A- '.l aizes am kn-- scLOI'Hi" A'fl bsl mike

IMPROVED PORTA BLF M rLLS-W- ith sou mtshbahiT and msda on be;t known pWn

SMI T MACHINESBevei-M- 'lirTvlv-n- kluds.Mill TroLs, Stress. Screeus, Bbltiug, PLast-i-r Paria.anrt

Mi'--l articles generally.We li&TH on hand a larce str,k of the above-nma-

ariJcle. For e&le low aod qyaiitr v. arrante-l- .

DEUhERT A WRIGHT,sep97 dtf No. I'i T"M-- et.. Mnin and rW- -r

Drng& PrescriptioB Store, WMOZART HALL,

Comer Fourth and Jetfcrscn itrcats.tW Prescri-Jtlon- e carrfully and accurately eompoonflefl

at all horui Jay oruinbL nii

HIBBITT & SON,Who'osf.le s.nd Retail

aaocEn7,rzoi7K,&7A srona.No. Market et., i;et. Secoed and Thirl,

HAVB IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF FINEsolicit the patronage of the cablic.



I have joflt noir opened and ready for aula or inspec-tion the largest and most el jgmt stocii of

China, Glass, and Queens-war-

Ever offered In this or any other oity ia tho North orSouth. I have also On hand and iner.rl - tn h.rathe stork of SILVER-PLATE- WARE,CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARE. WOODEN ANDWULLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES iu thecountry, atd which I v. ill aclt at price.' to suit th? times

Person? bavins- - old Chnd-Heis- , Lamps c, can getthem cleaned and made look as well as new at a verytrifling expense.

I am a!no preparM to run GAS and STEAM PIPEinto Buildings or otertmboats at the short. ci, notico.


NEW OOOCS.rE are now iu oi a hue and w oil 'elected

' ST'J ck n all articles in our lin-- . coiiii'ri-in- ?

Caisinierea, and Triimiugs, to which we talithe attuiico of tlii' rrae.

m4 J. VON BORRT1S CO.. 434 Mtlrort.

WHITEWASH BKl" S, cic. A l''!l adeorfnient' of all Files W!:itf Snoe. S;rub. Hm-ih- .

Paint, Parlor, and Dust in Bpj-- 111 ptorp and fmsalelowby OKr.lM RAWSON,niw' Win ht.twn,n Thitd und !'oirth

t;:- - FLESH TEAS, tl1 R' half cheftc choice Grsen and Phwk;

3 t 3 cac-- 2 and 4 Ih bejee c.reen Teats.The?e l'eas are tivrh auei fjue.

J ml received aud for sale bi TTTIU'TTT P'N.


CERIES, No. (i Third street, have iu store aad forsale

b'j bbls superior Bom boo Whisky, 1 yen old;Ion do do do do, a

10 ii caati Cotntac Braj3ias;310 do do do;

10 do Rustle do:8 H do Port Wine;

lft H do Madnirado;1! U do Shsrry do;

fi bbla oM fvach BranJy, pare-- ,3! bh; old Ai i'le Brandr, pure;Chamj'Kpnie Wines, vaiiou? bian.TriN. Loiifrtvorth A Co.V and J. Mr Milieu's NaMreWioM5o-li- h and ScnU'h Prtle Ales slid rorttrf;Claret in CKce; Ani;te; Absynthe;Marasciiiuo; Oitaooa,

AIki a lre Hud welbaforted stock of Fruits,a;d Hermeticaiiy Svalnd 'loo-Ti- oi a!" Vi-ip-Hr-

" "ow.tji. n'Ve rmr r..'Ottoo Kcpe. &c.

AFITIjL assortnjeut ot ail s-b Cotton, arii'la.,and Hemp Rope, Cotton, H.iuy, and Flax

Twines. Sritie Twine; Cblk L'.ius, F.ih Liu TrotLniM, Stan-g- . Ac; mst ree-ivr-- Ritd i


ml'-- J Main st... between i liiid and I'oiirth.

CODFISH Co.lrlsh;2 boxes rf.v

For saie low to closa conetRnnieDt.ft" GADfc.TR ft' f'O

FRESH TKAS A birtf. anH deirabln acsoit- -.0 ment ot cb ire Black and trion 'i ':a oa hsudii aud for saie cie-a- i"1


Drums and - lf.r luB''o!H'niw-i.- . f It" U uar'a iu this

e'.tv sni St..'.:-- . C.;- - 11.L1.E.

r 'i :" 1 3T- - ai b wii ictiI hall ho i na'.ied To r.uvyiy, r. A:

.;vii, - .. V.

md ou of sfAnrn iimui.u Cf.a'ld exajiine before porchaeiu;' eLew h, .,WI M'('aRHELL.

310 West Jefferson Bt., bet Thiidn.1 lt; . v.

f ICE 6 I terete LiC" ji.--t recer d and or salt-b' AND'W BLCIIAN N A '

)S Cornei Second and VV

Rl SHED 8LGAR 25 bbla Standar.l Cnit-'ue- Si.gar jer iuaH:.oa d -- .V b.

ASH'-.'-, iu 11 , v Ay r.r-

'K EK.'.L-S(- t!j whole ivnci Imit hh'.. Urs. 1, 'i, aiiUi, MacaMcl Iu s. iiv an 4 o-

ANDREW BIV'IAVAN O CO..J'4 Corner Second 'i;id WaEhinf ton T.rtj:-t-

SUGAR-2- :jN. O. Sucar;

H.1 hots Powdered nnd Crushed2i bblfi Loat bu.-a-r;

In tore and for saie bvj!7 MArtSHALL D ALBERT 4 CO

f4I et) SACKS OF BIH5I.LED NORTHERN CORNAw" iu store and for oale by

a. rnojsi,817 Third tt.. W'u M!., :',.1i.-et- .

RIO COFFEE -- IG be Bin 'W-- e Uulintr and foibv A ND'W KI'C.I ANA At 1:0 .

('orniT S- COiid and Wanbii

10 COl- FEE-fii- tt; biws ?ol i.ur aud prime Rio C-- fX tee iu store aud tor bvm'.I7 A'iU'W RIf 'H iVl f:;

s I'GAR-HOLS- HOLaSSE ci St, JuGjeear Houe Mohujes i ftrt- nud for fjue by

a4 and'vv i;i'i;n.s.:N r cob Ot ul:'!3, ml wrtd. li'.fjCd, for saie by

J. SMITH ?FEED, Mabi et.

(1 TACK ERE L AND Will rEtlSHil 75 ku Noj. 1, j. 6 ilaeierel;10 JftbbJs WlJteU.h,

n store aud for sale cvml W. A H. PITRKIIARR f. 417 Va- - 9i

RCE 12 cakd Rico received w, r railroad ar;3 sab"HJj a CO.

RICE 10 tierces pricae R:ce received per niiib-a-for eale by


1 ibbls White Fish;J'J Vtbbis Trout:

Just received per Railroad and for sab- fcv

m' G AKI rN'KR CO.


OraD'iiea, L&vns. s.".d Jaoooets:Parle pnnrid Briiliants;Chccs-o-

French ami !JDtrrh Chintz ar.d Calicoes;Bonoet nl Rivbous:

And a genural muck of i ) Jir.i;-t-- c ? r.LRi A DoWNa, ili. tiai-- j ft.

FAMILY FLOl'R 6: bbl? ctL'brited Sik wEXTRA Fl;ii in xtnrf and lui f.ilv bymU W. II HI KKIIAiTDT. 417 Markst

B.ic!- et?. V'rh-:i'm- 6a,Broonis, Vits, DaEk'it:'. Mops, t'f . In ft 0:0 und 101

salel"- r"'ll MO'?, 'T oW

ViF. are daily rC"ivinn American rritiis. to which vrinvite tho !.tt''ntiu of - b ivlor ra-'- o;;!y, aa we

Can and will tv.i f !: tj cl:iapTtlnii &ny WsUrn hxise.and ciu att jiel 10 do it.

md- - .TAVPfl Low v.itlEO vtE'Ji-- ' AD excellent quality at SUfi.r-i:u-D L:ifd for sk.: bi.1 ntjuUTT son.

1 0UDAf E

fjiis M'.nir.a d.i, do- d' J"t" uO

lny doen Eed'Orde;lun do Ott-'- 00;l;nl do d:.:Im) do Plow-Li- for esl

rfa iitn'.fl primo laudmj; Irom uteauier LalttcO for and sale by

,,,7 K1W'1V 1(1'!IJ. cm.

CAN"D.i: ifl'ly Paratfiii , W iT.i!i snd or enl


r im.-i- a -- 3" bbi fiH rio! 3 i)d " y H'' old EoovVo:

' Wbi-k- y on .!! . niiu nt au.i f'T tfii'.- byKI.RKHAK'tT, 4!1; MH!

RAIN BAGST A,(r a bushel For Rift;

S mt ijSj t!.i Oo rt ;

S.i'ixi il do MTl;Just received aud for sn.f" br

JNO. F. HOWARD 4 CO.,n a?oi it .';r

f GLASSES picV.acf, biiT-rl- aud :alves, re- -

J." 1 ieived per liajtic sum :or a" 'y'1 I. EN. Y;io:;j ft t'.yEN.

OKN - Vu bar; pr'n ii; ft'H .t -- 'e r21 CA&TLKMAN, M I 'RKvXI t 1!0

RAD il.iWO lbs bar Lcafi ibv


Til 1IR1NGiO bbls vJo. 1 Postou Herybij;

lu;l boxe; No. 1 rriltlJ'lvt recived and fcr srile l v

111 GEO

AM BURG DAIRY CHEKSPl- - boiceaCJ"!e;e vi etor and fir Kv

w. G. !:i Hfc. ', KHT, V Vnrl e

ILOUR Lto bbl XXtra Ftou.b saM bv rn jTi GARDNER A CG

TE! INED SUGAR r.hL po' OeredIX, G' anuKUid, aud C 'Ct fA-- v tie


R 10 ;offi:s 40c goo.: strictly prime RioVyOile ui nU-i- ai.c

4 co."t f)nrn.r Y

JAVA COFFE-Si- l prime o!ii JavAaud ior s&u. bs


tUGAR 3 hhda pilr.ic receded per eteamtrs Ma- -to scuta ii'id P lona mid ior by





Columbus and XeniaCifirtnn&tl, Siami!tca,& Dayloa

18G1 i-SlC- 1861


Rot.rj In R'i'i hours. New York in 81 horn's.Pt iift-- u 2" H tiours. UalTimoie In 2f hr.tiprlnes In h'Tt.A Ibany in 2' I hours.Buffalo In U,U hours. D'tuktrk in IJ hours.Clevpir.nd lu hot, Piitbi'.rg tn lsk hours.VhF.-'lngi- liv; hoaw. Btfubrnville in 11 hour.Ores? line In Zine-vit- le in 7 hoar,

"d'r-k-y in 4: tonrs. Tilr.lo i V b:ur.DeLioftiu U Lour.

Throath Trains cave Cincinnati as follows!15 A. M. RXPRES3 From Wnelnnatt Ham.

iltfn. As Dnyba Depot, conr,t-o- via Toledo, Detroit,aud C;uiACia.

7:"0 A. M. CTV'INNATI EXPRESS - From LittleVfx.nd Hep't, rir.ii'-.-t- - vn Cn''., levt'laud,

vi v (' urines. and Piti3-h-i!-

via Ste:.h.Ti viU, mid Pitt; burg; audvia Ccluiiibiu, Bjllalr, r.ud Bruwood.

P:AA. M. FXFKUSS MAIL From LittTf MiamiG rt, con.,-.-;- -, v1 Corin:h-".- ivia Columbus, , and P:t!oura; via Co iambus,

Dunkirk, aiid Mi'iltle. -P. M. EXPRPSS-Fr- orj Cincinnati. Hamilton. A

Dayton coaj-tt- via Tolodo, Detroit, ai d Cana-da.

10 P. M. NIGHT ITm- -i.U'ji. .tt Oai ton Pvn. c..i.e, vi-- Cal'.imbns,

and Pittpbnrr; via Cslumbn, (!rt,HGie, audPtTUl,.ir-- vlftCoir.rof) it Clevei:md. Dunfciik, andwa Columbus, and Ban wood; and via Co-lumbus, and PitUbni-s- .

Htxiem oUej-in- Cars cn thi Train,7Tp'?fnerB for L0 Steanwn will take the morn-ing T ralri.

ItTTbe S:45 P. M. Eiprcas, S&tardays, for Toledoonly.

The Xinht Krjrren ruta Daily Satvrdaw excevtcd.AU other Irams run Daily, Hundati excepted

i rains rnn by ('alitmbuR tline. which is 7 minntesfaster thau tune.

BSSctJ3 Cliscscd tlirougli to all Eaatern Cities.f::?Pa?n''''rs f'jould twor Im rr'nd that tha

is tuOl.D and FAVORITE ROUTK.aro made prompt I v, tiie Roads are thorouichly

BA'.LA.Si EO, a:ul all ujoili'-- adoptodiusatiiig speed, ooiiroar. sad SA1- ETY.

Tintoron tickrtmAre sold it. all the PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TIC 177! T

OFSriLKS m the V. EST and SoLTii. Auk for i .cH-e-

viaCiiClNNAIL p. w. eteweh,Tickent A sent,

je Cincinnati.

Lou3,svis2e and Frankfort and Lex-Int- ca

and Frankfort

TIlILROA.T3S.ON AND Arir.R MONDAY, April 33, Trains

will Itave Louitivilin daily (Sundays excupteu) asfollow-- ;

FIRSl FRATN ? A. M., sropTilnti at al statiomwhen except Fair G"ouuus, Kicc Course. Rrowns-bor-

and Bi , connects k at ErrJucnr v. ithtaf-e-for Mow Cuctla; at Fran k fort ior Lvre:icebur. llfirrods-h-ir-

and Danville; MUWay fcr Veinai!iei;'at Pj r'for Geoiet'wf; naa at LfiinpTou via railruadami etaj;? fnr N; hois itie, LanviMe, Lauc-tfte- r, CrabOrrhaj.i. So.ueimt, Rictimoud, IV; t. Strliu)i, auu ail in-- t

riorSECOND TRAI- N- :U p. M., 9tpplnc at all sUtions

when riapi.M. Mtent Fair Grounds, Point, hate Courve.OrmrbyV, and North

by sta-;- at Eiaiueuce for Now uaetle; and atFame's for Georget-i- n.

TfGRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at S:2t.P. M .stepping at a!l Stations: a, id , will ar A. M., tc; rm? at ail (Uiiotu, and ar-rive at Loniville Ai :cb A jL

Trr-ui- arrive in I outovifle ap follows; Fit Train at0: 4;t A. M.: f.coai Ti&iu at 6:Ju P. M.; Lafaueat !:!U A. M.

1 r, iht Trains leave Louisville daily (Suna-- s eioept-mJ- )

at r.:3. A. M., ani'.-l:- . :n Ijeiicton at 4: P. M.Frcii;lit is received and discharged froai 7:30 A. M. to

6 P M.

r"Through T:ckets for Danville, H:irrod?brrr, CrabOrchard, Sim.-rrtet- Vcriiiv (orrtetowD. and ail f:ir-- ther informs. tion can bo hd at tlte in Louisville,

eoi icr of JerJijrson and Br.jok ptreots.SAMUEL G1LU Superir.tendout.

ai' df L. A F. at.-- L. A F. R. R.


Memphis and LouisvilleSSa? & gjj




April 14. INfil, Trnina ill ruo

I.csre Lonlsville VZ'Sid noon. MTlMllIshtArriToai ('nvs Cit.;' Von P. M. f.'J A. li.

lioiviint'-GieLa- . lt. ftWl M P:;i0 "

C!ar.'oi:lri . P:il) Mr'J "Hurnooldt . A. M. r. m.

"Time Cui.'viiie to Alrtijjphis) 'Ji h

CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANSLeave Humfcol lt 4n'. 4::i5 p. ji.Arrive ?t .Ji'; , TVua A m. p. m.Arrive at Mi?s 7:1-- p.m. 1: A.M.At rive at New Oii-a- n- 4. m. t :l5 p. m.

Time iboutsvillt- to New Orleans; 42' hours.FOR BARD 3 TO IV N, LFRON, AND ULIZABETH- -

TO WN.Leave Lou!tfi!!e 7:0U a. m. 5:0 p. m.Arrive at i:rdf-tow- 7 HO

tiizsbethtowii 7:ij() "LfihKnon 11:5" A.M. 8:15

The 7:!!f A. M. Train troi.. Louisville counecV atwirh .- for Sy. tog bold, DauviLa, and in

n iiiteii'jroi Kcuh-.cky- ,

KLTURTINQ:l v Iihaiitd fcifl A. . ls.e r. k.L'.ave h.iii ti.ttowa .0Leave Bardrtown :3'J M

Arrive at Louisville :(o p. m.

Traini" from Memphi? and N. hville arrive at Louls- ---rile r y. M. a;id Uti'u P. M.

I'K'll night lra:n will Lmiuvilie on Sundayniht. bur 'iU .t rm PAtui-J.-.- y ni'-h-

Jerrneure lu;o'i-'t- i 1 ir..t-- at V Deno.i Ninth d y, aua at No. "0 Foui th stnivt.

Nitir.ral'tf fN". t; APFVSnv. Snperintendent

FOE ST. LGiTES,C!ifCAG-0- , DETROITAnd nil PctntK VYoat Rod Nonhwrrt.


ICOO. summer Arrangement. 1361.;.WO DAILY TRAINS TO i'. LOUIS, CiNCIN

NA'i'I, AND CHICAGO.I ind rifN.r Mondfv, April )', '!,oave Nrw Albany (opto.ite Louisville) as foi


78: S''. LOUTS AND f!HICAGO ESPRRSS1LVIL r'&ily eioopt Sindays).

UtOO P. M. THROUGH AUCOMUoDATION (Daily ex--eert Saturday;).

7:45 P. M. NIGHT KXPRKSS. for St. Lonis, CeJro.C;ucwinati. Pitt bur.', B.'.ltimors. Cleveland, Buffilo, Phdadelpliifc, No-- Vurk, aud Bostou.

Tvo Trelo- - tczcri.t Sumiiyii for St. Louie at 7:3cA. &L tid 7:13 P. M.

TwoTr iiiisoai'y (eicet-- Suudayr) for Cairo at A.M. and 7:Io p. ri.

lVo Ttain daily Sundays) for Memphis atA. M. and 7:'5 P. M.

Two Tniine dr.ity (eycpi; Spnda--s- ) for New Orleans at7; i.) A. M ai.-- 7: '5 P. M.

Two '1 :ai'( daily (enceot Suoday?) or Chliago at 7:S.tA. M. and P. M.

TwoTraine faiy (except Sundays) for Detroit at 7:30A. M. audTrJS P. M.

Two rt ieice,-- Srtndavs! for Joffcrun City,tSyiacn-- St. Josi"-h- B!oom::i- -toa, Sr;onlelu, .Lictouville, Pe.nia,3i'r'iu.;cu, Ioa City, and all foiuts West andNorthv.vt,

ne Ti aiu ou Sunday evenluji at 7;4S.

rwTimet" St. Louns Wsl hours: to Jefferson City,;lhouiM: to s. Josoph. h.urs: to Cairo, 15 hours: to

2- hours; to Now OrleKUs, 4H hours.Only otw Cinoe a Cc.r to St. LcuU, Cincinnati, or

Chicago.t;rBHR-ti;- checked through and all transfers free.Train" leave St. Louis at 7:00 A.M. and P. M.,

couMfi-oii- cicely at Mitchi-i- with Trains gouth; arriv-m- ;iu Lo :ibviiia at 6:3-- A. M. and :S'J P. il.

A I! trai-i- i conned cloe-'- with all Pas3onr Train outhe, uhio and Vitssiw-ipn- i Railrcs-d- , and ivairfor O. and M. trihif O103- are delayed,

to I'ai'Sfnu-r- s Reliable Connections at MitchtU.tcortr.mi Sr. Lou n or CLinacea.

?'"Puwt't.eri: aird BaF-a;- taken to and from anypart of the City nnd ho C.r Free et' Charge.

Both Thro!srh Tiriiua counect'iip cloeely at Greencae-tl- e

with the j :re ilautp all1 ltichntond Railroad, Wvtf'T Tt ire ("ti-t-- st. iyr-a- and Eat tor Iniuanapo-it:a- t

Ltw'sjcite with the Toledo aud Western Railway;.nd at 1. S. Croujinf: with the Michiran Souttieru d

for T".-d- o and intniK-dist- yraticna. Aiso ati- - ichiL-a- C itv itn Xt)'. h.Ciin Kiilrriul for'.'hie'!., and s;l yrvut? t and Nwtuwest. Alr-- forie;riTL s::u rjl r.iiit

TIlROi CM TICKETS further information cmi. obtained at iheir RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE,Scuihv.Lr.t c;.n..,f oi ihrd and rtreets,

r.rivpi.'ti by A. D. Mnnleld) Louit villa, Ky.lirT:'x!n.- - ;re ifi by Louisville time.S- S, FAKKK, Aent, Louisville.

R. K. filCKBR, Bupt.rijw Alfciny, Apvil Uv, lKal. o5 dtf

UGAR bbh Itvi Cmehed. powdered, andJ (iiauuia'cn in ?to.e :ii

K72 FLOTJaI SMALL lot juft iece vi! and (or a'" byi E. FERGUSON A SON,mitt Ftfl-- --tree, on1 r tnrtri ot"

JvE'-IN'-.- b'.tiAK-i- O bhis Curia A New YorsA. '.'ruen-.-- in toi; ind tor nin bymid WM. GAY.

L'NTKY LAHD Irt rH ;vc.-- a quantity in keysuui c:i i bti.i f by

mR'iT'7' & mis1 COF FEE t, ,;a uoop rtio CoiTee landiujt

vr ti:ier H.iltN-- for ii'1 b.--

a: w h:.i:haNN ft CO..-- W if.- - in T.

FLii'O iVo; va:i brauilc F! ir;

do; for s.?e hvMl t

W. SWiO'.- - lr;NM':T I ALE, in bbls aijcl,bbi;MAiiftilALL'S KEN r ','CKY CKEaM Ciiibi;

A it ol jtiit reco.vd ai.u for r;.le oy:2 Not K. WK'KS. A CO.

C'uDr-'isi- 15 .ia uid ha';t drums lArge CodtahiiLid for v.le hy

irjl l CJ1'"" WO-- WAN CO.

"' ijOl R AM) MEAL riiEVErt bo dosen w raou

OKStIN RAWJ-'ON- ,li?.'- Mahi rt., between TLmi ;ii. Fourth.

V'AlI.S---i'- " Ni!, as.rted, just received ptri t Pti'i'tir Rehaiice ind lev .i.e br

rj' C. AwrV!R CO.

?OI.A;- K-ion Mol.tsse;

150 7jv0 do it sale hy.D'W BCC!LNAN tir CO.

XI T 0 V V. ell0 varl'-u- khii- . j jLt receivi-- r aie low by

!. Ti- f.p-Ht-

fiTi'l Print:5 Ij uj do;

D 4J0 C"W 's drj;do t! i do M'jvru-jr.c- PilnV:io 00 d K"-- ' Dre-j- s Goods;

Tust rwivfd nod fcr s- -li ayJAMRS LOW & CO.,

m'--. -- n't :!Mi wet --iiie

RBANDY, V 'RISKY, Ao1" a n.'p 'V;

10 do o; iv.,

FTC A Nf f 'A'"-- ' T? t P.u Tvni Mrt- , .,

..-- ,, ai . in- - rici-i"'- rniiif.-:- n r .5 son.

l R- -r Uudir,- - fVo-- n

rc for - lr. f.ifAWJ-ON- , TODP, A CO.


Change of Time.

RAINS rill leave JefiarsonviUe, opposite Loalsville,

3:.0 P. IH. and I i: JO a. n.P. M. -- LIGHTNING EXPRESS K.AST Daily

(StindayseTcepted) connectint.' Rt Sev umr witlj trainson the Ohio and MieWippi Railroad lor Cincinnati,Columbus. New York, Bivton, Phil tdelphla,ariu all rHti m Cititj; anu'at i;iaiauapoio witr. Hi l;ofountaine line for Cleveland. F'biladelr hia,Baltimore, and all the prmch-l- citiyi in the Esul; alrowith Trains on the Terre ilaute and Lafayette ?

tor St. Loulj, , Rook Island, Qulnrny,llannibil, St. Joceph- aod all theotuer priuciplo citiosIn the Wert and NorMr.vf 't

12:1A.M.-NIG- HT EXPRESS -- Daily (Saturdaysconn.' ctmit at Seymour v. ith trs.ins on the

Ohio and Eaiirudd for loclimatl and allKaetern ritlef; Rt Indianapolis wi'h ti.o Belleiouu-t- a

ne Lino br Tolflo. Detro t, Cleveland, BurULo,New York, Boon, PhlladHr.liia, Beltimore, and allpoint? in the lln-t- snd with the ciueiiiiuiti acd Chic-ago , Ter e Ilaute and Rirhmornl and Lalav-eti- e

Railroads lor Chicago, St. Paul. St. Joseph, St.Louii", and all poiuts i" the Wert and Northweet.

CLINTON JOHNSON, AgentalT.dtf A. 8. CROTHKKS. Snp't.


rsf -


2C0 Mik-- Track.

Tha Capacity of Ihls Road H now cual to anyIn the Country.



CONNECTING dirct In the Union Depot, at PRrs-bir-

C with tbro'":h treirr- - from ali Weetom c iTirs forPhiladelphia, New York, Boston, BftUimre and V.

C:ty, thus fumiehin facilities for tnc tran?por-latio-

of passenrerB UQsurpaased for spatwi and eomtortby any other route.

Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphiawithout chanrre of carp or conduct-irs- .

Smokine cars are attached to each train; WnodnitrsSt - ; inrCs.: s to Fxpret s and Fast Tn;in. Tho

RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fast Line Sundaysexcepted. Three Lilly Trains connect direct for NowYork. and Fast Line couueut lor Biltimorean-- Waebinpion.

AH Through Pasaencer Trains provided withridge's Patent Brake peed under perfect control of the

. thos adtlii-- much to the RAfety of travelers.hix Daily Train? brfwetrn Philadelphia and New York

Two Daily Trains bcttreen New aTid n.

Through Ticket udl rail) are good on eituer of theabova Tmiue.

BOAT T1CKT5T3 to n are roA via Norwich,Fs.ll K'.ver, or Stoninetou Linos. Boston paBengerstranfned fr1 of rhaive through New Yo-k- .

'i iCKVTS EASTWARD may be obtained at any ofthe important Railroad of:iees In tho Vost; nlso onboard any of the regular Li.ue of Steamers on the Misaissippi and Ohio Rivers: and at the Oi Joes ot the C'

ia Boctou, New York, Baltimore, or FuiUdelphia,Fur alWHTtt a low nnd time as quick aa by


The completion of the Western oonneotioni of thePenuaylvania Railroad mate this theDirect Lin a Between the XSatt and tha

The cennwrtinff of tracks by the IU II road Bridge atPitt ?bnrg, avoiding all drayatje and fuiilaineoi Freuht,

wit h the ?avi!i of time, are a'vKrtaiie3 readilym'Bciated by Shipirers of Freight and the iravelinfi

Pcbiic.For Freight Contracts or ShtpoinK Directions apply to

or address either ol" Uo lolicwiaj- - Agents of the Com-pany

D. A. STEWART, Fittsbnrch; H. B. Fierce A Co.,Zantsaville, O.; J. J. Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. WcNVelv,

ia' fville, K1.; Ormsby & Ctot-it- roiTsiuouTU, umo;Padrlrrck A Co., J. nTsonvi;!e. Ind.; II. Vr. Brown 4 Co.,Cincinnati. O.; Atheru A Hibcert. Cinclunaii, O : K. C.Meldiuin. Mwdisou, Ind.; Joe. E. Mo-r- , Luu-ville- , Ky.;P. G. O'Kib-- A 4:0.. Evausville, Lid.; N. W. Graham &

Co., Cairo, 111.; R F. Sws, Hh.ih r A Glapa, St- Louis,Mo.; Jo itn H. Harris, .enn.; lif.iTi? a num,M rnphis. Chirk & Co., Chicago, 111.: W. li. H.Roontz. Alton, 111.: or to Freight Aut ol Raliroidf atdiUt-re- iu the West.?hr 4'reaten)t Fnci'iileit offered for the Proteo-- 1

tin Hud Hprctly of L.1VE

And Geci Accommodattona, with usual prfvUdga forpt rsous tiavelliug iu charpe thereof.

By U'ls rour trei-h- ta of all dewriptloni csn toto end from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or

Mi ltiiuor, to una iVr.m any point on the Raihoads, K"niiuky. ludiaua, Illinois, Wiscouein, Iowa, orMip.ourl bv ruilroad riirect.

The Pennsylvania Riilroad also connects at g

with btear uers. by which Roods can be forwanled to anyPoiton the Ohio, Mu?ki:iruni, Ktittu-Stv- . Tenneiee,Cnniberlartd. IHiiioia. Wisconsin, Mi.?ouri,SniMna. Arkfirsif, and R;-- ri"'rs; aud at C'kvelftud,Ssudupky. a?:d Chicago with dteamers to all porta ou Lakes.

and Snippen eutnistict; the transportationof their trei-n- to tun Company cun rely with

oa its sneedy tftUfit.THE RATE'S tF FREIGHT to and from any point

in tho Wt by the Peuiiivlvanu Railroad, are at ailtimej as favoiabk- ae are chared by any othci' RalLoad'wcs:pauies.

ft"Bu ptrticalarto mark packages "Via Pxhka. R--R.

E J SNBDi;R, Pjaflrtriia.A KOONS, j9 Nonh etret, Baltimr.

UIFA il A CO., No 3 Astor Uouse, or No. in WilliainrTreet. New York.

LRfc'Jll ii CO., No. 77 State street, Prti.EL II. not'STON,

Goaeral Freight Aseut, Philadelphia.L. L. IIOVPT,

General Ticket Agent, Poils'lclphUvTH03. A. SO' HT, General Sup't, Altoooa, Pa. jjdrf

VToodon Ware, Ei ooin, Cordage, SU.C

FULL of B'i'kets, Tubs. Chuina,A Ce oar Cans, Butter and fcug-- Bu'i-ts- ,

Wfnrien l 'lr..v, ClotbeV Pii.e(all kind), Rolli-i- Puis. Pot. .to Mubher-i- . Sieves

M.'s Deiu'jobii'- - Harvest Kegs. Well bucket. (ill kiu e, Rsrrti , Wrp;pin. 1'a-- r

and P:tLT Bair;, Children's ' 'arrives, CiiuCtiPf,'dot Lines aud Sraiilug, Seine Twine ar-- Fi-- h Line;

H inp. and Cottou Tw in-- s; M Heme ?.udCotwn Hop ; Wim e.nd fleaitii B ouuis Biack-ie- .

Sti'I- aiid Duetiutf Brushes; FuuL-e- a,

Snuer-i- Feicus.-io- u Caps. Ac; in stru aud for rale atlow- bv ORRIN RAW SON,

'?.9 Main ?t.. b twen i'ir" i nd v'o rth.

1 i EF ;ed sr rARS 3U bti- - Grrrinul tedil L hf. and S- l't Crurhed Hniirp tn store anrt ior un.1

by !J'-- AN' W HICHAM.

WLNDK1ESY5 1,U''0 bbla Flour;

2 4 bbls Apphis;S"U bbls Potatoes;

5U buy Onions:fl'ju bari Buckwheat Floor.

Iu tore ana icr ?u.le byIOMN SNYTrK CC

4JU--A- 1.1 bhitfl prime, N. O. S troci :r(a,Lou via LouidvlBe end M 'niptn'o df r - l(o It O

IOItlUKK.SUNDRiE? Kuivpjand

sj.Si' Hoes ar.d RrUe-- , C"nd Log Chains. Pl '.nea, CjI'i Mills, Saw, Augers and

L'biaelc and Sh'-o- Bella, Anvil? and liellown. Ouband a laive a.jeortmrTit ot Hardware and Cotlery, aud,dp.siroit of diposiiig, will at low flguiei to caeh cus-tomers. Cad booh aud get bargains.

t" C. (StlVSTtY. 333 Main st..

WTINE- S-I f e bhU Saattrne Wlu;

75 CHes !' do:4u do Rhme: d ;fell do C ht ui paene;feu caks Madeira and Sherry Wine;

do Port Wine for sale byANTHONY ZANONK SON,

V'it'th tret. below Vain.

GLASSES luu bbls Plantation Mola-se- in "torrv 1

L ABET WINKcaits Bord' aux Wine;

15 d superior CUret Wine for family use;2'M.i s Claret Wlno;oi do do do, choice;

Iu store and for sale byANTHONY Z A NONE A SON.,

t!U Firth t. Vain.

S. 8. MARK. G. F. DOWNS.KChlYF.n THIS DAV A few patterns ofN' w style Brocade Suk 111 spring colon.;Cberk and cm ali plaid Spring SilksKid Gioves Ac.

For sal at very lo nriresvi- V i. KIT DOWNS. 11 viln --t

WHITE WINE 6 bbls Haut Si.ut. rue ih --for andD f.t. ieh,. rrol-.'- V'M. HO'

t 76 bbis extra Rectlfled Wliisky:Bu bbls liuuhie xtra do;4d bbls copper distilled do;76 bb(p liue old Bourion do;2v bbls fioe old Rye do;

In store aud for sale byru7 MARSHALL HALEEFT A CO.

PORTER AND SCOTCH ALELONDON London Porter;o do SroUrh Ale;

Sold bv the or caK to suit nnrchasers byn- - I P THOMIWOM.

Seine Twine, Trot-Lin- e, &c.FULL aasortrienr. of tJeiriR Twine, TrotLiue,A StaL'iup, Chalk-L'rie- Fi Plow- - Lines,

Flax, Hemp, and Cotton Twines, Manilla, Cotton,aud Hemp Rope, Ac, in store and fo s:i- - !. bv

ORRTN RAWSON,3SR ?ifairi ft., between Tfurd and Fourth.

2UNDRIF.3iVi baes Gotten Yarn, assorted numbra;I'M) bales No. Baiting;

Eu tio Extra do;75 do No. 2 do:bo haw wh'-l- Carpet Chain;6 t:o colored do do;

1"U do ' 'andbo do Wrappiu: do; tor sale by



V buses Western Roaervd Chejtj?;4u0 do Ilaujtu: Ij;6ni) do Eagi;. Diry do;

la store and fur sale b.- -

JNO. P. HOWARD 4 CO.,mlS Vin. Third nnd Fourth fts.

LMNE BKANDI h SA 3 H casks Otid, Dupuy, A Co Cofrnae;

4 'a no uer.F..9---y no;

6 -( do Metarly do:B h do Jnlos Rr.hvrti do;

10 hi fipesPellevolsin KJchelle:IS do do do:

lu 9.;re and for sale by J. M'INKS,Noithid- - M" S"voth nn.l 1'it'iit;, nt.

b'J csEris Claret Wine;St) 'nisiis Meiia Vt'Lne;

6 '4 do do:5 do MP.irtga do;

In ftore and ior eale by J. MONKS,alo North eA- IW. Seventh and Thti'th te.

IEITNE0 SUGARIt iou bbls A Cm.hed Baltimore S:ipar;M bsis Lovermg t) ' :ruehed

b'lis do (ivanulated do:4U bbi-- Soft CriuiK-- do- - for eale by


FAMILY rLOUR 'J bbl- - No. 1 F.TtTCMl'MOE Wheat Flour, selected expreily for faiuily-- e. for sle bvni' v,'. & IL BURKHARDT, 417 Market et.

MOI-ASSES-- PDjiAflm rtMVlved per

learuer R. H. Fairchild and for fHe bvALT, EM. UOOKK. IArt.N

I J ALLOCS RACKED CIDER judt received and forsale by


IjIiOURI 114 biris Ruhhvltle Mill! Double Extra Fionr;

43U tbltt " '7u bhi V'il low Grove" " "

In store, ami tor sp.le bvAND'W BUCHANAN A CO.,

Iron, NaiU, and Steel.ii TUNS uLitrcOid aud Stoueooal iron, assorted4fJ BZ- -

ieft Nlla, from 2 to fiiJni'.t do S7ifcep,c:it rvri vrOi:ht:Rt) t jos KtooI, Caet,fcta.b!, Wius, aud Anirlcan

Rn?ter:In rtore and for sale very 'ow by

rn.l W. H. VKLKNAP A CO.

LD BOUKBGN WH15KY- - l ha bbls (feuuiue Bo".r- -" rx.u eon'.ty copror distilled Whisky, made by T- -lrjot .nd i'uh, in and ior sale by

t wnvr-- i

Lo l'Hrf AM) cASSl.MEttES A vey due ami esVy c lient ot Clutns and Finrv CfiPf :meres

101 rlm; end life, 01

nt.hle ittt.1 in "tore anr tor e;ie OlVi .V Hi IIKTF ( O 4 Vain t

exclb'Ul brand ofA"G oi rhSI tn(71 HIBBITT SON.

l) bas Perpar just received and for salepEPPER OA UP N EM A CO

Kr.S;i 3


ALS Iron, Steel, Iad, B'ock Tin, Zinc, andtlronr lri tftoro nnd elo r.t vo- y low m i ei by


OOFFKE? Rio,tote Java; for ste hy



Whole U Grocer, rioar and Oorrmisaioa IfXerchants,

tW Msin street, between Third and fourth,LOUISVILLE, KY.

PARTICULAR ATTRM. TOTEB 8ALlour aud Produce,, Wtous. iuSl

IO Chtnut street, opposite Guard nouaa,PHILADELPHIA.

NEW Vmportation!fJnb watchPatvk. rhilliDn, 4-- Co., Watchoa, in Oenevu.ChaGee FrodshatP t Loudon TlraKeers,all sizes lu U.uitlag Casf and Open serta

IW" Sole Aathorlsed Agents for above.rOold and Sliver, Frlftlh and Swiss WATCKEIRlrh Jewelry, new dfesiros.Diamondf, Pearls, and ail the FashionaM stylesSilver are, uasjrpaesvd iu etyle, quality, and flniifc.

vieitinfi Philadelphia are invited toamine tfa :rNEW LLVRBLK P3TABLISliME!,T.

A visit entailing no ol.liptiori to pcrrhae.l"""u "-- - u iitiu rjiiirtA. ana no varltrioo.



Water-ti- ff at and irpreoWe have la II supply cu; lie above

brand of Powdor, put up in paimitron fan?, anafor tale at same price as wooden kegs by

A. V. DuPONT & CO.tTyN. B. For ssle bv all the IonlKvllle

HAMK eanvjised rianis;4'Xi p'aio count ry uo;

In ttoi and for sale LyGARDNER A CO.


Receivtxi and for sao byJAME3 LOW t CO.,

ml 2ov jn, giTTh

riioMATOFS FRKSU TM ATES-- hav forX sa' a qinntity ol fine Fresh Tomatoes, which wa

are selling cheap tor caah,J. T. LANHAM CO..

m1S fmrtortri' of Tna- -. e.. T'rd t.

CHAMPAGNE WINES- -cases Ve Clicquot;

do Delionli or5 baketa Ventf-nay-

15 do Hiedcick & Co.;In store and foraale in quantities to

ml . J. P. THOMPSON.

RAISINS-- bdI'non Layer;

H O do M. ti.Just received and for sale by

U nvn W MGRRTfl. IM Third st.

CAPS aH'.';v G. D.'s tor sale ryIlERCL'biilON T. HiTH 8PEKD. Main st.

SIRUP Baltimore Galden Simp;SW .'do do do;

Jof-t- . rtjeeived and for sals by.: GARDNER CO.


OH 'ICE CK.AKS and oMOKJNG TOBACCO.A large lot of eath In store, and tor dale bv


CHILDREN'S Cabe, Giga, ami "halejj;75 Wi'iow Cabs, plain and bronzed;Also Whtrei" and Garir.; arately:

Just r;crived at the Voodeu Waie arid Erom Store-0 ior ealo Lw Lv ORK1N RAWSON,all SCS Wain ft.. btve.'u and Fmirth.

WUNDRIESO 6 tiMs Apple Brandy;

60 bbl Domestic do;luu bhl imt. B. WLDky;Rio bble RecGli'-- do:

4u and ioe? fine b Brandy.In sttre and for "riie h' f Rtr.1 J. MGNK5I

DEES! j bnsH of 6ne quality in tiore !'d for. b r.r.i 0 IB ITT ft SON.

RICE I'i tierces prime Kice received by maill-oa- t

for sal-- - bv Ulr; H. W. CU4.M).


I castis lu 4 brown SheeUnts;ltj do 4 blci.chd dc;6 do P:-- 4 do do;

Just received and foi sale byJAMES LOW d CO.,

ru aud J wett tide Sixth st.

CORN sacks rilsed d Com;do While do do:

Iu new rerewed receiving per Jetier sonvillaRailroad and for stle bv

AND'W BUCHANAN & CO.,ml8 Coni.-- r Second and sts.

UNDR1ES-K,ttiuii,'- i' - Cot tori Yro', Capet (.hain, Ccttouwiut-- , Cwidiye, ij-.- . ior pali ty

j'JQ 'OK

I PGrt'', MAII.IK, AND SlIERHlf W LNRSJI pi imt: otil Port

fl IJ di fine old .Madeira:U d fine pale

lu store and for sale io s to suit purchasers byJir, .. P H VPSGN 7H h ft.

f CLARET VINE- S-A - xidne St. iul'rin. vintftire of 1 "l7;

do Fl 'iiac, viniu,uoi le57,V2 25 do St. EjMhe;

In store and for sale :ij uutirititler to euit purchasers hy.1. P l HOMI tf"N. 7'. rouitD st.


O UTLEEY.3'W Xorth (tide illuln st., between HA nnd 4thRECEIVING daily large additions to our stock of

onieiotinf, ol Anvils, Vices, Lwki,Kmgaa, Serena, bd.-- ij n!e?. Piano, Saw", CofTi 0

Nai.s, 8a?h Wt ictus. Cooper's and'V,ol. or --.e tow hv cOl.TJS GrVSBY.

Gsdar Chost.I m CEDAR CUES i d in sbre and for sale at reduced

trices to cioce tiio fconsitfum-'- bfORKtN RAWSON.

rr, - yin trzt. l,etv,.(- -. T'irrf VVnrth

J.l';CANS--- 5 bushels fresh Pecans in btore aud for sale

mT4 W. A H. BURTCRARDT. 417 Market st.

ACKEKEL-'K'n'- r- No. 1 M tcftercl in store and foril ?ile lew ou cciuifc-uuen- byciib WM. GAY.

AND CFMKN r f?e bM- - for ss1 bvin in rp i:iiv.

ITLOLR Various brands O; h.u.l.r r,,J ! fMITM HPEI'.D MinI FAMILY IHH R iM" No. 1 Extra

Mi 1: In si ore aud for ? 'e !


S LG-l- t :;u ithd- - prime Sugar recivv) p. r Baltic andr- -r ine:"i riAKMNE'' ''O.

Men's Clothing,

Youths' Cioihin?,Boys Clotliias,

Children's Clothing,Alto MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S




Fresh, nice, full stock for Spring aud Summer wearjust opuued &t

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,m91 On Bfffiin strest. onr -l- i'-1 be Nationl Hot.

COUNTRY BACON AND LARD-6,- 00 lbs, primabv ifltij HIBBITT A S'N.

WOLARRFS-l- bqr:s inigr House .vioja?G;

- bois do Sirut:Iu store aad for sale by


FroKh Dluo Lick WaterJN store aud lor eaie by

HUGU BP.ENT A CO.,iff W...n. n ".'n Tiff l'l"i

HELLED COR 1W htte aud unied3 Corn iu store and for We by

AND' A BUCHANAN CO..n.17 Corner 01 anj Washington sis.

I bbls for snie bvL'i Htnorwi1 Q(tTJ

IlbH Salmon, MKCkerel, aud Sardines inA p&ckascs aud on retail by


I AVA COFFEE A suppiy of superior old Java Coffee for sale oy

' J. T. I ftNHMf A CO.,mil Imiwii-t- f of To c Tliirrl tr

"FINED SUGAK K"J bbls Loverin?"s i,ITsaie by


pu-ll E 16 casks rice received a'd tor sale by. 1 it a vv'in. Tonrt. ( :o.

OFFE- - ol'U ba;j Rio Coffee ler saIi- byGAItDNER 0

Ol FEE 7fr baps pnnie Rro Coffee in store aud forsale by


1DER riaHoti Ciab ad corunioa Cidei and Wininettar tor sale by

J. SMI 'J prr.B.'i, Mam sc.

FINED SUGARS-- 5oUI' bola Haiti more B Soft (Yushed;:'c do do Powdered;

L:i"idins; from uiallboat aud for bvft UAWSON, TODD A CO- -

SUGAR 53 hhds prime Sujtar received per steamerand far le, hy

1?IO()FFEE---4o- bsjrs good to prime Hio Cotf&estore and for sain ny


Cwni jES 0,1100 tliroH, St Jen, aud Shoulders inaud for sale ny

JAVA OOFFiiK-K- ri; mat Due old recsivi-- d perand fcr cje by


V, iiKIf, easkPi Madeira Wioa.10 do Port do;Se btjis Mrdajra do:

In store and for salo bvr, 7 MARSHALL H ALPKRT A CO.

I? CE .10 casks i1 rd utiKMt and for sale by

Oi I'ON YAt0 l.H b as tmnbiri:

do OarpM Cl:e."i6j bales CoTTm Twine;60 do Candle-Wica- ;

I'JO do No. 1 Hatful j: for s'e byGASYLEMAN, MtJKRKLL, A X).

UGAR-r- ? 5'3 bbls A Crualied Sj-.- r lost rceiv:l audfor -- hI- bv ih) (i vRTNE. A r.o.

CHOICE Tr'S---- S choice Green'ffl and Uiack Teas, fro-- trrivai, in store aud for

sai byml 3 HlBTTT SON.

1 RIF-- BEKF AND TONGLEs ) lbs Dried Beef1 and Ton ties tor sale b


'Sb &c, A ion iut .1 tiik, i.iuwn, andILi Flos, and r ml- --o. t iiient of Hooy bkiruof all pizes, just receivrd aua nr i;;e b..'

.1AMF.6 LOW A CO.,U ftt f,1(i il.. t wi le PiTth t.

wUGAR--5- t hhds lully :tr tu prima laadiiyt lromsveAinnr John Raine and for eie by

ln (TO.

ft B .'I.ASShs iu'j bo:c PtanratK-- received by1 1 the Ai'U'Crat and Pet ton ai;l ior ea

11, a i,oor.

'INE TOBACCO Brown's aud UolluJ'. of aa cx- -tra quality, tor sale by


1KE 16 Rice rectivd per ioailyo t audA a- - sale by


W,'INES AND SP1KI'1S A supy oc hicdor.r iold Wuifcfl and Spirit ior le c. n r 1 uy

J. T. LAND A v; ic." Tnuiorte- - o Tui C 'f

AVA COFrLE- - o pockett Btipeiw: c.ffO iu eton

Lol b hhie Extra W hue Wofor .ml. M fal liA!.!).-

Vf I' (VI

Itice rerivd per tnni:1 ot and forUICR-1- 4

by RAWhON, TODD, ft UO.