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LK'iSVlf.!.!: JOURNAL Pit- - k "AUta . of the Mn rfutmm. Court iU, ,.f the Cirum hrU the PU-- Circuit or AUKw, Ju Shi.rt.-- sntfeient to snMnta a ,f "aim enemj- - m.v.i..n fo. i.f -- II civil aciiom l.rouht of ci 9: ate. iut' o onme rv'lt mny cases brought by In nUViff. ridut-i- u the State were suinmsnly nt.-K- ExrUl AD TWO MRS KlLI.KU A tx'iU-- cn the Michi-a- n Southern U.ilrfwJ ex;,ltl d aUmt eiW miles from Chicago on IbnrHljy, killing the tircuiiu, dld enir.eur. . This War Nation. The f,n..p:ct be I we a the I'uitecl States ! varmni-ti- urd iho Cor:fo5er.t.te hlufcM rcndeia tc, jr jutv into the Uw o" nation cn this uib-Je- s propyl ictorerttii!'. What are the Wal C4!0ni-C- 3, ul'J what the practical bear- - i.V. f a e'ale or war upon me iouiwuu.u nuio ofcituens of tbo two Confederacies baviDffdeal Ipi-- "wl h eieh other, uro questions which should will" bo c!e.ir1y andenttnud. A a contribution from ami etni. Iiid authority to the general stock of Waowl yoi -- .t...i th unite, we nuote txme extracts' .from Comaiuntarla as found in Lecture third, on tbe Law of Nat loir, vol. 1: hdkivm of Gmmctriul Intercourse. One ? of the imnitdute and important fmKijuou. , the dcUrtinn of war ia tba absolute interrnptics of and mwdiciion of U commercial corrwj'ondeuce the subjects uf and dealinje between the two contriea. The idea that auy commercial iutercouree r paritic dealiuK can lawfully suusut beeen the of the powers at men andirhnt a peci .1 licse. ii utterly in- - interdiction flows, neces The of e n.a-- of wr. wriir, from the principle already stated, that a fftate'Kf warpa-aallth- member of the two re petivlv iu hostility to each other ; and to tuSr individuals to carry on a friendly or com-- cUl lotercurMs while the two Governments were at war, would be placing the acts of Gov- ernments and the acts ot individual in contradic- tion to e?ch other. It would counteract the op- era ions of war, and throw obstacles in the way of the puMic effTts, and lul to disorder, lmbe-olli- ty and treason. U follows as a recpssarv consequence of tae a ,f tha illeeslitv of all mtercourse or traffic, wi hmt expre permissions, that all tb enemy made during the war are utterly void. The Insurance of any enemy's pro- perty is au illegil contract, because it is a tpo(ies of trHde and intercourse itb the enemy. The drawing of a bill of exchange, by au alien enemy, on a u' Ject t f the adverse country, is an illegal and vi'iu contret, becaa-- it is a c 'mmunication and contract. The pu.chace of bills on theeu-mv- 's count rr, or the remission and lepoit of funds tber.-- , is a dangerous and illetral at-t- , be--c uje it may le cherihhirg the resource? and the wants of the enemy. The rem is ion of funds in monev or bil's. in su' jec's of the enemy li unlawful. "Th inliibitinn roaches 1o every rommnrlcitio", direct or circuitous, f All en- deavor totrwdwi b the enenry. bv the inter-mlo- n of a third Down, or by partnerships have eqnallv fatM, and no artitice has succeeiled to leg-lia- th trade wiibout the express pennis ion of the Government. ir dog mi'jioih-- the exK'tpnce of civil con- tracts anu relations, and a reference to courts of iuRiic; and it is therefore, necwsarily oontra-dictor- v ia att:ita(if war. It atl'rd aid to an enemy in an eff c'uil manner, by enabling the merchants of the enemy's country to support their government, and it facilitates the means of r.iveirg Intelligence and earn ing on a traitor- ous correspondence with the enemy. These con- sideration a plv with peculiar f rce to maritime S'a'es, where "the principal object is to destroy the marine nd commerce of the enemv, in or- der to force them to peace. It is a well seMlcd riortri e in the Fnlih courts, and with the Kn gii-- h jnriats that there cannot exist, at the m lime, a war of arum und a peace fur com- merce. i uo war puts an end at once to all dealing and rournuniraiLoa with each other, and places everv indivl Inal of the respective Governments, an well a- - ttie G vrnmn'8 themselves, in a state of hos- tility. TLls is iqual'v the doctriue of all the duthVritative riitTM on the law of nations, and vf the n'aritiine fidinarces of all the great Pow- ers of Europe. I: is equally the received law of f;i e cuntn , and wi? dcid.d frequently by 2 the t'onirre-- s of the United States during the Kev lutinirirv V;ir. and ag'ila by the Supreme O'-ir- of the Ui iied &ta e dariug the cour.fe of the Us' war: and i: 'n difficult to conceive of a of dojtrine more deeply or extensively root-i- d in xhf general maritime bwof Europe, and iu ti universal and immemorial usage of the whole community of the clviiiz-- wor'd Lvry relaxation of the rule tends to corrupt the aMMzi f the ru J cr, and prevents the war from fulrilli g ls end. The only exception to this mi io a r'g MOtn rule of international juris-pru- eii e is the c f ransom bills and they are c n rics of necesMty, fourdwl on a state of and enicemWed hy its vii'lenc-- . It is also a fur-T- hr C His'qiience of tha inability cf the subjects of ihe iw-- Slates to commune or carry on anv cor- - respnnderice or together that all commer-c- i il par'na ?h p, exi-tin- g between the sn! jectt. i f tri two parties prior t" the war, are riissulved by ihe mt-r- ft'reo aiid act of the war i'self, though oth?-- r contracts exinting pri t to the war, are not ex ln.rnish-d- . but the remedy is only supenoei and i fnm th inability of au alien enemv to sue or to U4'; i in tlm lnu::ge of the civilians, a prrtia standi in jiidicio. 'I hi h.ila of taisd'ctrine respecting the ille-gli- of anv conin:fcrciul intercourse between the inh bitnn s of ti,e two nations at war, was reviewt-d- . and the principal authorities ancient und modern, fureign aod domestic, wero accurttt-l- v ex trained and be p isitioue which have Iti'd down eiaUL-be- in the case of Gris- - Witt v cieCMea in idr Hupreu.e Court of ttli S ate, and afterward allirmed on error. rfWhen tho American flag was hoistod over the Custom.-hou.-- 6 in Baltimore, on Wednesday, there waa nniverfal rejoicing. The San says: It wis greeted with repeated cheers, and the "Smr Spargbd B.tnuer' and "Columbia, Gem of tli3, were fuug. Thero was also another fi rir, of pmnller size, raided on a statT' at the top of the buiHing. Tbre was no othr excitement thin the cherlng at d sinking, and the throng rii ptr(d r.ipiily than it had gathered. Thnu hnut the whole time there was apparent god feeling, nor wer there any unkind expres-bion- s, calcula'ed to disturb the peace. About two o'cijek, when only some twenty or tlsir'y persons were standing near, nearly the wit do of the pobce force having been withdraw", a yotmg man George Lemmo l fooiiehlv w.lkednp 'he porch and severed the halyards wii h his pxkt't ki i e. Instantly a cry was made by th,v;;e outonle, and Lemmon ran into thecus-ton-hi-u'- A crowd quit kly ga herei and thrtaned him with d"a'h if he could be found. P.'hcemen Mnran and Sutherland, who were near ki h .I'd, f d owd Lnmiiin in'o the custom-hous- e and 'o.ik him into custody. AVitbout, the crowd furious and a rope was procured with which to execute their threat, bnt the police offered t tj r aid'arce to protect the party to the cen- tral pohc- - sta ion, which they did, though the th'wtig f-- lowed c'o-e'- y after, and sometimes at-t- e nptd to get bold of Lemmon. After rBacbiug tli police station the civwd acd Lem-r- n n w siibfq iently taken before the L'nittd C 'inmisoK-ndr- whj held bim to bail for a furrber h aring. In ihe afreru-jo- the flig wasagain pat up. and it - rot probalde that it will lie aain as such conduct is deprecattd by all good cituens. ITEMS. The Atlanta (Ga) Intellieroer offern, in its edvertMpj? columns, S'J ap ece for tifteeu de-t- c? i,trs from the Confederate army. Td, wbi, and blue are the colors now being put lu the Bilmoral skirts by the manufacturer!). The bombardment of Gaeta is said to li3e rort 2),000,OvO fraDca, aud yet it was a j;ood The raise f the ve?Bls and other property 'urfolk, Vi., ia estimated at 610.- - 000 CK'O. The deaths in St. Txnis, Mo., last week, 8, of which So were children under five of ape. A' out 80,000 troops have left or napaed through Ntw York city, on their way to Washington. An order for 1.000 r fiVs, for Tennessee, was ncjirtd at Colt's on Saturday. It was not h;i-d- . What is the difference between Charlotte Am and Ann Eli? Que i a quaik and the other a chtmiBt. J low so? Why, the former ia a char-Uta- n and the latter an analyzer. Daniel W'tbster'a bod, Fletcher, ia rauint; in Bo ton a regiment of volunteers. "Out of thi Fryin-pa- n into the Firo" A num- ber of women have ficd from Charleston and taken refuse in ti more. The Volunteer Fund in Milwaukie, Wis., Vviir TnUed by private subscription, amount to QZZ Cf.:0. The Yirtclni. State authoritirtg have contracted wir h p:irtiert in Richmond foralterinp 10.000 ti'int-J.c- k into percns.-io- and the work has u'reidy btn commenced. AVl'er Cnnnlnph-iDi- , a boy four years old, wae turned to dath, the other dav, by the firing of the dead grade on one of tha hills near Maiden Sli-a- . ' Moranatlc-marristj- e are those which occur pirtio of unqml rank, and where the (u rot (o ucced to the title or property of lh.hnbai.d. ' beven'v-si- Siera of Mercy in Providence hva their ervicea for hospital duty in attendance nnoa the Rhole Island rejdment. ' Ir i esppc ed that the I'ensacola and Montgom-f- 7 (Ala ) Railroad will be completed in live oa; a. There ace from six to aeveu nulea yet to iron. Gen. Lor, who h at the head of the Virginia tn id the con of ihecalebraU4 "Liht IJorr-- Ji irry. " of the Eevoiution. A correfporjdent of the Charleston Mercurv writing from Penpal la, aypa fietre of six mouthd t xp c ei btfore Fort Fit kns ia tiiken. 1 h tailor shops in the Wisconsin fState Prison hive had orders to turn out nothui but military ch'hinff. 'J'eT ihnand doll ire have been voted bv the ( umden and Amboy Railroad toward the suprjort of th fimilioa of volunteers gjing from Szvr J An elderly woman, wife of Lbenezer C. Thayer, of Q'lincv, Mee., hun herself on Saturday to the bd post io hor chamber. Momentary insanity va as the cinse. (0!!UCIAL. Cincinnati, May 1, M. lonr 6rm at 8 7r fir eupeiiiae. Whiaky N'it ung doing in Provitioua; p ice remaiu uomlual. i;i-r- ij a fair deuii-i- ('t Groccri-- s. New Yociu May 1, M. rocka without change or activity, jiouuy and ti-c- J)? pv-en- t UO now leaturea. aiena and Chicago f'V! Il.iuols Cuutrni S"rlp (f', Pauama U3, Harl'm ditto prcftrred Slitf Pacilic ilaij 70X aiichipan O-- -- :rJ ir.V K id'o X "iir 30 dayp, Miebiian South- er . Uaf. docuarunfced S, New Vori Ofentrl 78, Erie il, Hitui t"C i d St Joiwph RiilroAd 3ii, Harlem H6, II v9on lit bovd- - 1 5, Missouri rt'a 39, North Carolina .fl'. Virginia Tennrdene 47, Trea-ur- 7a Ivi, Luitil State 'yi'd rgl t'T.-- U to v. UL co.i, oni 4 Cliruia 7' Tl'-- i i MAD. D l'o. u j.1 r to Mrvirt Kali, AMI IMPOItTFK Op MAMrM'Tnil'll ,y t"cc-- rrloi. EPAU- - F.TVFti. gV.'O'ti a, S.VHi'.S, RL'IS, F.A NNI ,K TAraSELS, STATE GUaU. mil L 6 BUTTONS, All oirdm'o pr.ajpTl hUei and at eboit notion. sp3ldff W rf-i- thf i(i .it tli - l.mroin. :iderou at Hall, oi B?ro. t ttfwn 4'!av & Shelby et'-- 'Iho iiiidf-r- or luu'. . . L. it. ( ow !i")f, Rii-- Kinwiin "t0 i.vv on hmid receive and drill K ntiiek'"nft tu-- uu ready to mliai't t ' (Imhw f lavv or vili W rou' ritiitr w irh hup ia KV"TON' Rcf;'.Krf. C ANN EL COAL. "K f.vt t 'fT n'f'iv H 3. (vir-- pui't'ly ot th:- - tni'v f iv it' ll a:ti'-i- i.i' Coal Klv-- Pttnna lmml font, tlin ai ri :li ii(iit'd auf summer u ji IjiMfM jouro'iltrn ut Kc hb' old rtt nd, on mntli dd T'lird. 'i''''f iliultt.!, aad eouthwc.-- t corner liiKiK and ajodh,. T.M3TEAD ft Q'CONNt)R. HUGH FFOUit'K. DAVID FUltGLSO. H. FEEGUSOW & SON, Wholesale aud Dealers in JlLTTJr FLOUB, I'iith treet, out door uorth of Maiket, LOUldMLLi; KV. r.ST BRANDS OF FAMILY I'LOtft coubtaatly oa baud. MTTIour delivered to aoy put of the cltvfVof now OPEN ! HOW OPfiNI A moet elegant etock of MKN'8 AND BO V a' CLOTH LN 9 T J. 1. A.llTROXi'H. Ou Main street, oypoeite the National, HI ITS. . Sl'lilNO it ITS, Auk) (ot Childreii'e aod Vouthe' wear. Together with a great variety of GENT LEM D S FL'KNIfilHlSQ GOODS, &c For nate elienp forwh at AKMSTKONU'8. dut o- - o q :p a- - -- 113 Main street. 413 MARK db XJOTTVUS IIvo now in a lull and complete itock of STAPLE AD DOMESTIC (OODS Of the bent, fabric, uch aa TABLK. LINBN8; BED LINKNN: fKlKTINO LlNKNg; TOWELINtiS: FKU1T FINE DIMITIES; MAREHXEa 8PKKADS; BU1BTINQ COTTONS; 0SNABLKO8, colon-- and whit; FULL STOCK OK WU1TK GOODS; MOURNING GOODS of all kiude. v Tup- - GochIs were all bought for rn-- h at the lowect ebb of th uiai t. find r now offoivd at auch jn icea uiiift all iarU?!. Call auu f wuiiua atoclt and unc at WAK2I & POWNB'S, Dl3 4J MAIN STREET. THB G2Ha Of TEH SEASON, 'utl' by Mdiime k,. variau jamea CV -- rVianrt tim (treat tenr, Mr. AJmiiB, uow fc'jj SO NKAtt AND YET SO FAR" from Tti iennan oi wuu Enelih and UurniKn words, and eni- - bolhslif-- with an Uegut iithogravuts utle. rrlce only AiJo-BT- TN' MY DF.KAMS," hy VoWy TTalL aulinr of "Ever of rhoe," with aauie lithographic title. ) A ?. Tljttte ar rrm of Snnc, and pelMnr rapidly. Call at th Ceutiiii Siu-i- Hotio Sli Yf-- ffrreon HtVt "17 WM. M"'RRl'I,T.. Who are taking, up Canute ihould not put thorn down apaiK without the PATENT CARPET L1NINO, procura- ble only at WILKIN3', west aide Fonrth, be.eii Main and Mavltet trwt. IIJIILLKERY GOODS. U DONVFT3, FLOKKS, cUILDKFN'i) FLATS CUtUt f'c), BONvr WTRR9, and WHALEBONE A rood aavwtmnt. of LACE, HALF LACK, and " V lLX M ' ,Witv Iu hard t ttut Invent fi riiil'&ACBTXQ AND PRES3ING at Sirs. V7TK. OSBORNE'S, a) aiP r?on rt ;l Ij J WALL PAPER Partly damaged by the recaut fiiChIch is to be sold WITHOUT HEGtAIlD TO C03T OH QVAZilTTt As It ia cur Intention to cln&r our utock entliuly. Call eoou for GItE.T BAKUAINd at LAP? & BnOTHEIVS, 303 Fourth street. IlLTWEKN MARKET AND JEFFERSON STREETS. a!5 IB1P0RTED CIGARS! Directly Imported from Havana, COMPRISING A LOT OF THK FINL3T It RANDS Londme IntimMd, Prevgp Intfciidad, Londree M V.?ni KriUa Roman, Ht'iR. Pormo, ltea. Wa')itnKtonT Mda Rea. Iltraldo, Didtraction, KagA. Luoiru, i.'.. In store and for sale low by X2DW. P ETNA CO, r9 31 Wftln Ft,, Baowtrifnt IxiO'Cville Hotel. oSJ ew -- Arrival ol' MILLINERY GOODS! 1HAV8 ,I ST of R1XX1YKD BY EXPRESS FNGLIST1 STRAW RONNKTA, MIB3K6' I50CLKVRD HATS, UtALTltLL FLtiWKRB, RIBBONS fle., Ac. T am iMrml"Ml to wll cheapfor cat-h- , and ptirchasen will llad it to their aavautagb to givu tuu a call. HR3. EI. J. BilYANT, alS 314 Fourth ., et. Market and J flVrn. SPRING MILLINERY. MRS. JI. T.WEAVEB, No. 4l:t Jeffcreoast sontbnldes hHow Fourth, Offppi to th- iHdo'a a Ann and ramfully selected "t cprlne millinery, via; HtrAw Ujum-tB- , Fancy do., MlrWfl Hit, t:hHdren'- - do., Rittbon, Vo A1.; Alwv Pattrne of the latest siylet, uet received, h or cut to njeaur t F.very attention given to drew making. ia vA whlin mu. tine old received per rail road aud fr pule by CO' - tiy.-c- e CoOM.-Nu- by and for tato by m7 V. D. OA ETA NO CO. WL''AR Iiki bhla Lovpnng'e Crushed, Granulated. 0WQred Sugar jm-- t received and tor pale by mU OAKDNKK a CO O KFINfc.1) SFUA- R- bbl? CirrlM A New York It- - ;nuhed In store aud for ale by n 13 WM. n.AY. RIO OFia.K ttoo ba.9 good lair and nniuo arrivin fr gale by ni1 HAWpnv. T(DD. CO. GULDEN 8IRi;P-- 8o bbl and 1H k8B Belches i n. 1 LD BOt'KHON WHiSKV bb's cf very euut- - mi quality and U veare oM fnr e;df hy FL D. Nt.WrOMB A FHO. treh Cocoa-Nut- e to arrive eale Dy mU V. T. fi AFT A NO A CO. car load prime Potatoes Just re- ceived and for eale by AND'W P CCU AN AN ft CO. llOLAB3lS - h'l P'?ntrlon lacidiua troni iJ eWoiner Woodford and for al 1 by KAWH11N. TOT"T. A CO l,LOLtt-- M' bblP Flour In rtore and lor tale bv ai TAl i', ANDbRSON. A JU., Ho Fourtl ht. RIO COFFLK titio bags tali to prime ta ttora aud for aie by r ALLEN, MOOP.P, A HADEN. 1 ACKIIREL Htio bbli Noa. 1, a, and a Mackerel io i." A atoie and tor alt by W. & U. tU H. Xtt AWT. AGENTS FOit iXx b bi'KAM DRIED UOL1ED CORN-MKA- a veiy supehor article. rfORN-ME- 9 buiih- - Flu-p- ft Co.'t Bt.m v rjrid Bolted Orn-Mil- , Id in'biubel and bushel bapt, in store and for ualn bv ai8 W, a H. HLKKH ARDT. 417 Market at. rj ICE 16 c&eka Rice received per m&ilboat and for aie by n;-- R AWBON. TODD, ft CO. IVAJLS 76 ky- - NsUif, awrt'd sixc lu ptore and tor 1 hOe by LmWj U1HHI Tf C SON. CITY DIRECTORY, Arranged Alphabetically in Regard to BUSINESRjfc NAISIES. K:hn, L. ft Co. nTh pide Main, bt. 4tU and fito, , Th" .A Co., Main ptmt, Henry, Samuel O. A Co., Main Bt. tt. 3d and 4th. Spuncer, O. C, Miliu et. , 8d aud 4!h. Artcnlturnl luipleuienth mid MefMl. II. A Co., f" Wain at. ?hen.iari A Rro.. til Mnin, btwien Sixth and Seventh. ?iT'in Si . ronir of f)rfn and tfth. Pitkin, Wiard, A Co., BIB Matu st. Caiitif A tWchauau, ii Main et, Dnrnrrreotyp tJallcrte. J. C. E!r.i,fa (formerlv Uarria's) Gallery, Ms!n, be- tween Fourth and Fifth Wubcter A Uro., 5UUi tt., between Fourth and Fifth. A- - Hinnli Itook.Mano- - Maxwell A Co., Main st., hot. 6th and th. RoI(wel!er, Stntlonera, V Perforllmil Irnlera- - Rohrton, O. W.. Co., Fourth etreet, ner Main, A. H.. 2?a Tliird street. Divi'lcnii. A.. &I et., U i Jpftuvon ard ?fKrkot. Madden, 1., Id at., bet. Jcraon and Bngftlna; and Uopn. Hunt. Tbop. IL A Co., Main ft., bet. Sd and Zi. ItntiLera. Curtis ft Warren. 471 Main ft. Bo e net I$pnrir. CMHirfe. Mrp. Wm., JetT-rs- pt hot Fd and 4ti. ( !ot;5Dff and Cei:tleaienn ritmttliln fJooa. VmdfvHfe, J. C, A Co., Wxin. hoK Second and Third. i. .1. M.. Hii (inn ;.iftni tp. Sj'i !! Ai . c.uu. r Vh and Min pt. t ItMha nnd Cii'MlK rHen's ooib-- J. Vou Bonh-- ft Co., !' M::in ft... bet. B.'llitt and otb. t arpf It, OL' t tui!;, uu;I ( nilR-- lio&O. IIIV A V.-.- rt.. and 4th. Mi.niii-I- l tit Uktlnh'.n, ith, IkI t and Watn. 4 Iui'J'h, .tIuuOHa. ccd Vni letire. Mentiutxi, C. T., A.k tt utar Main. Ctaiiri. Pr., inut. KJ., i:t., UL 6ih and 7th. Ch I11 ai lid iiliUMWsr' rivr.tMy A ficitnp. IrA V '.hi t?t. t u.r a M.i .'rt ad'. 41 i Mt'.ii pt. Ja. tKit A. A Co., 4Lb at., bei. Im kot and Jbtferaon, ( out leii!era CrittwudeJi A Gautt, nt., h -- t. Main anfl Market. J. N., Sd sf., . Jvhi rpv,u sjui , i lieiubtn nud ApoihecRrlea. Danea, S. F., corner 4ih tad Jefi'.ivan iti. OuienU Mcllnr.y, F-- , JTaln t1.., bet. 7th aud ?Lh Ft. C'arilu fiie iMtniiifiieturt-ra- . Stooe, T. F. A Co., tn pt., b t. -t and Prook. llruicH, lxtiir, filS, FiiliiSa, iVf- - M.n ip, J. 8. A K i'jh, fit Malu it. lwtjlueon, K. A. & Co., "rUui ft.. It, 5th and 1th. V'1(fi, Pttr, A Co., tii Main at. V Ja--- E., si. Dry iocU, ( loilia, dr. Pt itv, J. Ti1or, ,T''fT"rKOu !tret, Masonic Temple. Du s!l, C. A Co., MhIii ftrwjt. liftwepn lid and i'j. M irk A Douns, Mtn ptrpt't, Indwi-e- 4th and Mh. Martin A ;nitn.ueh. 4tli. h' tw-- Market A Tahb, G. !., comer 4th and Market, (urn nnd Fur (oobj. Cralr, A., Main gtret, between tith and 7th. Fancy liood, Knjbroderion, an1 Trhnuilna;i. Rauchfu?s, Charles F., 4th street, b- -t. Markut and Jeff. Flnhlns Tackle, (hum, 11 ml PhioK Dickou A (Jihnoro, yd ptret t, bet. Main and Market. Gi i lb. tli, J'Jeept 6th street, bt t. Main aud Market. Forelfrn and Domestic Fnilla, Candiea, Ac Gawtauo, V. D. A Co., Main street, between 7th and Bth. Fire, Dltuiue, aod l.lfn Insurance C'o.'a and AjtcniA. Amwican Ins. Co., H. D nt. Sc, M;iin, bet. 3d aud 4th. Jrrlcr?ou Ins. Co., Win. Muir. Sec., Mnin, bet. id and Louisville lus. Co., Eo'ut, At wood, , Jiaiu, bet, iJ and 4th. Muir, John, Mitio rt bft. 3d and Id. Roes. Wm., Malu tt., Nt. ad and M. lua. Co., Wm. Rot, Sec, M?.la st., bet. 2d and &. ientIeiocoa Furnish In 41ooH. Armftrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main pti. Blanchaiu, Geo. A Son, cor. 3d and Main rt. Chi Fitters, Plumbers, iVr, Donallj' ft Strader, 3d st., bet. Market and JefTf reon. roceiic, i.lqiiorn, nnd Tobacco. 8twart A Harter, 546 Main street. LWjuors, Winers nud Alcohol. Hart A Clark, 3d ft., bet. Miin and Market. MnnkK, , 3: Main Ptn;. Srhroed'.-- r A Wall xt.. . Main and Wu'wr. Zancne, A. A Son, 6th st., bet. Main and Watr. Itnnbcr, Hafth. Doors, A c, Alexander, Ellis, A Co., cor. Preeton, A Walnut ft Main, between let aud 2, Breden, J. N.. cur. Main ft Weuzel and Waluut, between Ft & Floyd. Charle, Stephen, Main, between Campbell ft Wensell 3IUI Fnmtshlcn. Herbert ft Wripbt, It, 3d dtreet. Printing Pnper Iinnnfnctnrer. Dnpont 4 Co., Main street, between 4th aoi 6th, Powder. Dupont A Co. ,Maln prc et. bi'tween 4th and 5th. Davis A Srtd, WJ Main street. Patent .Ic;Mr!nc8 nud Pcrfunifn. Raymond ft Tyler, 4th ptreet, betw een Main ft Market. lifstnnrojit. Cawtln, J. A Co. fWalkerV), Sd, between Market A HiibQVr, C. C. tat. Cluuieo). 6th, IW. Market and iihin. Stove Founder, Wall-ice- , Lithgow. ft Co., corner M and Main streets. Vpwinjj Iiichlne. Barber, C. T., A trout for G rover U liaker's 3ewiug Ma chiu- '3 Fourth st, Sumner ft Co., Jeh'erwu atrett, bet. 4th and 6th. Steamboat A trcnt nnc CommWoo acd For- - wnrdiitf Jlerchantit. IJenMict, D. S. A Son, Main, bet Sd and 4th. Carter Fmnk, CUrt M'iin street. Erwin A Co., Wail street. Moorhead ft Co., nil street, brt. Main ard Watar, Toy a, Varieties, nnd Fancy 4 o ol. Cannon, Shrrrill, A Co., 413 Main street. TeoniI Fancy iroceiie. Laxiham ft 8d , bet Market aud Jeifriou. Tobaccnltt. McOlll, S. B., Green st., but 8d and 4th. Tobacco Comn'llon. Nock, Wicks, ft Co., 613 Main street. L'ndeiliLher. W Wyatt, ror. 7th and Jjffei&ou ptrwets. Wbitolend end Linseed OIL Wilson, Peter, ft Co., 4 S3 Main etreet. Hardware nnd Cutlery McBride, A., 5 Third street. Oruuby, CoilLi, 606 M.iu dtieet. Ilnl and (Jnp 3 1 ufn oturw. Craic, A., cor. 4th and Miu, aud Main hot, tUh and 7th. Prather, Smith, A Co., Main streot, bet. Filth aud sixth. Iron, Mice I, Nnibs Ac Belknap, W B Co., comer Third aod Main. Jewelry, Wutcjea, and PInte, Fletcher A ItenDf-tt- , Main . 4th aa.l 5th. Ker.drivk, W nu, ;M ft., t. M.trk"t and Mala. Kamaey, M. C, Maiu St., lelow 4Th. Voght & Klink, aa it., bet. Maiu aud Mai'ket. Iron 1 nut leu. Fancy (fistlnpi, Ac Wa'.lar?, Lithgow, ft Co., corner 3d and Main ets. I.uiJipd, Kornlua Fluid, C oal Oils, dLo. Uaidy A bealty, 4lh street, hetwwu Maiu aud Market. Kajiawhn Sitlt Aeiit. Uiooki, W. (!., W ft., Mnin and the river. 4euerul i'roduc nnd Provlalon Brokers, Talt, Anderson, A CJ.,4 Fourrh ptreet. Allru, Mwoiv, a Hajd. o, M tin it, hut. dd and 3d 4V,., ii, Vaiti ;iid river. Rrannin ft Summer-- , M;'.tn, le.t. lr;t and ltd. W. dr U Market, bet. 4huuMa, tViM.'Q, .1. tc, W U1 t. H:h!iiit , .Vark. t, h t. and 3d. Cood ft M.nnlv. Wall et., h; t. Mmu and the rivrt (;uatl-niiL- ti A ioihlff. .;a Main et. (Jai.lniT ft Co., i y Jlaiu Wm., (w Maiu .-i t llalbeit, M. ft Co., - Mai.t ptreet. .lack ft Hrother, 5l Main Moiria, lieo, W., Tliird ntwt, bet. Main aud Watar. New tomb, H. D. A Co.. W:ill Ctrer K A Men, Sixth stiv lt. Market and Main, RiHfon, Todd, A ( o.. 14 M iiu stiwt. Suyd'T, John, Market treer, bet. Fhstand Brook. Welby, Geo., oirj Main street. Igents Wanted 2 : TO SliLL TICKETS IN TUK Library Association Company's s xTH rpr&T niQTDioiiTin M on TO BE DRAWN AT PADUCAH, TATa-- X, 1861. 0XE TIIOrSAM) PKIZES I. MOXET! Tickets Limited to 5,000. SINGLE TICKETS $3, OR SIX TICKETS FOR $10. Terms to Agentn very Liberal. w For Tickets, Sl.em. or AReneloc, itdre's or ap- ply to BVMtl V. CXK.HKNTK a 4 dtf No. 3i5 .lelfercon stnwt, U'tiisvlliH, Ky. Dissolution. C A. BLACK ft CO. liav- - this davdie-olvP- d part- nership by mutual consent. All iufVh!-..- to -- aid ftrm aie miie,;-- to and uttle, and all who have ciaiius nc?.intt tt e nfinewiil prtnt thevn for eeUleniout to W. C. D Whips wh alone authorized to rottltj. W. C. I WHIPS. April 1H, 1W1. c. A. HLAUK. W. C. D. WHIPS will continue the biidtneH a? lmretof re at the ol cand corner of FUth and Given, Jerlereon street, between Third aud Fourth etreU, lHI"OBTFa AM MANlTAOTlrREH OK ZiADX22d' DHESS TRIUflJUINGS,: IWs leave to announce to the lad'ea of 3 Louipville and vicinity that he ha juet eeivfd his stock ot 8 prim? Coodn. rnnht-I- n of tlie richest n.n-- httst dyle- - of Dre Tummmc, tic man and SlutUnd Wool, Ctuivtis, t hrnille Pattnif, Nef-dl- Pnrttfl Hcn, FilliiiK and Kmbroidery S'lkft. Hold and Silver Lac, Braid., ord ftf Uitp.aud rrin- - Net!; Couirw Hall r t itj iil p,ni Fani". a da great variety ot Fiill-.ti- a j French Fancy Ai't!rlps. T-f- l ' rnnee-- , HuTtoo, tVtid?, Ta?selp.Ac., I'M inMle to onie-- at the phortet notice aud on WUi t reasonable term. y voumrj iueruiauie euppneo ' no-- COTrONAHKS, Ac td Ojttonadia: 4 dj ( aiii'et Jein; 5 do Fitrnifr- Drill G o N"(fo Pialds and Stripes; tS halep Dentins Received and for utile cheap h" a.-- T. A R PLTVTN A CAT). JUNDRII'S J bti boxes No. 1 Fan'il? Boap; 12 do No. 1 ieniaji do; VJ do No 1 Palm d; Vi do No. 1 Fancy ao; bl do No. 1 9ar Candit; a5 do aidhox's Tallow Candle-- ; alo a few box Parattine d; S1! do and Mboxes S'rch; for Palo bv nia H1K1TT PON. REFINKD Pl'oAKS- - 2"" bbl Cm-hc- Powdered, L'af, aud Soft Crushed Sugars in store and tor Bale by 13 AVTVW m'CTTANAV A f'O. F.FINKD 8COARS 1'10 bbtp Crushed R and Powdered arrlvinc nnrl for snle bv 27 RAWS IN. TODD. A :o. HUiA- K- lmt bols Baltimore B Soft i Crudhed received and for pale by 13 RAWHON. Tf DP, A CO. WOODEN WARK-T- ub, Keeler-- , Bucket-- , Broom, fenirhH-- . ( :hurne. sh Boards, BofVla, ftc tor sale by art RIO COFFEK ICO btg3 good to piima Kio Cotfee store and tor sale by M AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. 3 bTes of tine (jualitv in stre ',d for ia bv I I B 1 IT A SON. Wcftfea 10 4 hrown Sheet iujts; l .i r'.o 1 M bleached do; b do do do; Jutt itccived aud tor ale by JAM I' 3 LOW A CO. 0ft DUZ MADRAS UANDKXRGilUJFS; JiJ v u do. GU do; 0 S'.ik Received aad fi.r ta-- e hv JAMF.3 LOW ft CO., Jf 'Jin S'x'h ONDON PORTKR AND SCOTCH ALB U 1,') doen London Portei W) do Scotch A Sold by the doirtiu or nft' to ;n!t piri fiae.r-- hy vil I. P. THOV - N. 'x. fourth t. T.LOCR- - 60 bbls hi F'.re acd for xale 1. T u,jl TA IT, ANDERS j.N, A CO., ItW Fourta rt. Know Thyself. MC ANN if5 a rerulr,7 educatd PtiMeUn and DR. the true oundition aud locality of by the polite and ir laritiea without th I.itl. nt anvuestlOJi". ID,-- ' - to no thie yet are cnreJUt to isa on;e leadie uuTous in order to obtain a clue to t;ip dlneape. W do iMthing of kind, and have invariAbiy given satbilaciwn. Couaultatioua aud examLUaticu 2j.ra.:j3E2 403P oxazAXica-E- . inSES OF THE THROAT AND LUNG 3 rrept- - :s Pilw ni(.tt,od o: Medicated ItthalfUioM and rontl-t.,- t. ,'lreff!ie'tt. Weorfrvou new re!iedi- -. entirely TOr-.- r, wlitch have proved a flpwdr aud otfrtnal in i J("Yi':a uJi''. v"-- "i"'"- o' 01 4r.H thA Heart. Htoiuach. Li-.- -? f'Mi Kiiiaev-- , Dr.ipsev, En .'.t'v Chronic Liters. Ne iralpia, Paivrta, Kiptula, "ite, Di wares ot the Kye and 1'ar Weakue,-- , Skin Dbfaes, Rupture, Diar- - in ihort. alt enable cireasea. W e ar? not a cur all" and will luideitaae no use wttb- - oat a talr prospect of rocoveiy. Femal-- f twMiWed with Pt:ppr.-??1o- n IrrrrJariyee, a or V7t'ie, Fr1I!"S of Hie Womb, Polypus of the Utrui Tunm of 'iv kind. l;flrTonne?s, all I. rmary I'tiinr t' or piirinilt Mpiw' ruation, Nervoi'f r, Ac . vili ilil7 cured without the nae ot poi- - i.iu dnR?or in!!iricn.'Tuuielatable medicines of any t:ivi. in calling no dlilerence what rHjr may b-- I do iu(t eiect von topioce your-ee- i: ii!'d-- r tn rreiltnent nnleew you pninr 't. Ali 0'i:nimiif-tinn- Lhcij- - conrldentjal. The ft'rict-e- d ".re turtivllr invited to cll and af uiy tht mtmlvos. Huii Strf nt.. t'tweeu Market and JetierKu et?.. Kmipvllle. Kv. All leterp artdreeil to enr cure, en- - clc;i.ii a ernu.n, rt"in(i s;'ppouie And nature ot diear, t,;.!! re ie nrtnt inu ilvdicinf arit to &i rr:,P-,l- " f'civd BuUa. 0:-- boaru from e A. U. to Boy' Olotlaixxg ,T.M. AIMSISTIlONGr, Oa nialn Mrect, opposite the Nnilonal lie! el. TTA8 iuct recivod tome very beautiful new styles 11 SPRING SC1T3 For Bojb aud Chuditu'e wear, Al :o M1CVR CilSTa' rCRMSHlN'G U00D8, HO! It H, II O I K V , GLOVLS, Ac. WStrh b will rrioup for ch. m -- 113 lain street. IV'Ell THIS DAY Reci: KilJ Ol Ve.f, aatorUa; t: CM"i:SSlNE; WASHINGTON G 7J': FM.L1SH and FRENCH CHINTZ; PLAIN BLACK Hi.E.8; For 'ale at low prices, mil MARK A T 'WNH, 4UI Main st. "1 V' ure now recelvine a cood stock of H'lNNLTH, Rl(iBJ3, t'llll DKF.VS and MISSKS' HATS, MILLI- - goods, lacks, vkii.s, fm- - BROIDF.RIKS, FANCY GOODS, and 811AK KK (.OUl3. to which we invite the attention of Milliuerd and Me- rchant. CANNON ft BYLK3, t?JtS iInln atreet. Nearly opposite Louisville UoteL 3.x o v ja. Xj MOORE'S URMTIRS DEPOT Has been removed to north tldo of Market street, bet ween Thir 1 and Fmith. MATTSESSS3, fitc, fee, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. an'?t dlr ren nvrSm CIGARS! CIGARS! V DIHCCT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, ooii neijj a lot oi the very btjot brauu, sucli ar: BRKVAS INTIMIDAD; LONDRE8 INTiMIDAD; CONCHAS WASHINGTON; CONCHA 8 LUCKRO; KIGALI A WASHINGTON; ILKOAL1 A LLCKRO; KKOALIA LOS ANDKS: LONDitKi DISTRACTION, Ac. Always on hai.d aud for rale at wholce ile and retail bj ED WD. PU'S'lVADO, m4 No. Hlft Main ?t., muler tho Louievllle Hotl. jVV.Tt AND 4T O XJ TLERY . North altlr Unin bU, between 'Jd nnd 4th VINO dailv larfe additions to our stock ot iFCF.T cort?dirinti of Auviis, W.'s, Ijoks, Uinpej, Scii'vh, holf. Plane", Saw?, Cofl "J tin, Nrti.ft, Sa.1i Vt'etSiitJ, toopfr's and Cr'.rreTit" To. i,r '..if m- - f W7yii I 'Ol.f ,1S OHMS BY HOT 3X:0-XN"C-- S. HOT EPP.INO COUNTY, ARKANSAS. ''pnF ILtels at Hot Horlt'.jr? flhile and Proct-o- nonfiea X hve beeu blend'd auj made to iW't'Oiinuodite vwiiiT uiMiKKi) at auy time tbrouirour the r,ir. lne-- iOi;Gt'rJul pnriurt" popitie ly cure Rhenmatism, Contracted JitUita. NVuralpla, Li!Lbiiro, Para!viis, Oont, St Vlturt'e , UvKte.t'ia, Sterility, Im potency irorn , Vnpnal t.rcurepi (. Seitula aud Glandular a leasee. rjid ai! loriue ol flam dreei. K. 8. CLAYTON, Proprietor. Dr. Q. W. Lawrence, thn Medical exnrulner of Hot Spn ntrs a ill ttupply cii'cuUrs to applicaut-- . N. B. Mercurial, Iodine, Sulphur, and othr medl er,t"d v.iivrtrp fnrni?hfd when rriiiir"d. ian'JS dip DIARIES Oil 1801. We bave a largo varitty of these useful MKMORAN DCM BOOKS, many of them of fine Turkey morocco with POCKET-BOO- attached. For sale by MAXWELL 26 CO., Main st., near Fifth. PREPARE for SPPJNG. 18(31. J. M. AKMSTRONG, Ou I3a.hi, opposite the Nniloual Hotel, now Iu i of some nice CLOTHS aud CASSI Mt K1.3, to which he In v it" the at tentiou of thue in waul ot a nic; Drtws or Business suit. Hie stock of KEAT - CLOTfiII.G 1 now Urge and both for men and boys Alo Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, TJadorwear.&c For sale chep for otfu or to prompt customers w no HVE PAU Ti'llllt JANUAI'.Y hlH.P. ('1 IN"ew Importations, CKtJTCSSIC &ISIcCIlI3 AST, At No, dTJ Maui stretft, three doors below the Louisville Hot!, Apy now recoivli" Urm additions to their pfock of aod Quoent-wHre- . On hand and arriving a Ui jh aud handnOLue of 0!fware, Brit, and Plated Caetors, LookUiff-Cl:i-T-- Lintenia. Water-CI- h. Toilet Set-- , and Fruit Jan-- , all of which will Imj at at low fibres ae can bv found iu the markut. t7 AfAPLK HCOARVX) lbs pure Maple ufe'ar Just re- -i J ceived and tor fnle bv pi?.'i W. II. BI'RtfHAROT. 4'7 MRrM t. pUl'NTKY MOLASSES A prime article in store and tor pale hy mi' w if. BITtTTHAROT. 417 MarW t. IXTltA FAMILY FLOt R 60 bMn choice White Fl"iir jut reit ive-- and for said bv n"B W H rn'MlfPAHin' H7 K'orket t Hailroad btock ior ale. WIX SHARK8 Lexint;t--!- i j:d Frankfort Railroad Stock for sale. QCIOLKY, LYON 3, A: CO. S. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. this day a full assortinout of DRESS GUUDS, viz: Summer Bmhazinps; Black Point de Vnie- - Tammarflnef, black and colored; Beretfe Hernaui Back Moussi.liue. IV We aire daily addiiiff to oar stock. mS5 MARK A DOWS. 413 Vpln st. MAt KKKKL w Nob. 1. 2, and 3; lite V .in d j; yxi hlt do-i- igbhls White VUh; frr sale bv C ASTLKM AN, MCtlRKLL. ft CO. OTTON YARN Vy 15it bjfii a ifoi d immbers; lill d t. MJ-- I hft 111: fce bales ( ct 'on T'vinw; hU di Caudle-Wir- llH) Uo No. 1 Brttring- - for mq by wJi CAdTLF.MA "J. MLKKKLL, A CO. ANDLK AND SOAP J boxee rj:tr Caml'ea; do Mold do: no conunoQ bar Sap: fin do ( iermun d?, 6"J d) T.iiht d. M dj Cattl'e do; for aale hy OASTLF-M- V, MCRRKLL. CO. MOLASSF.S Plantation; l'xi do; bb's Sugar-'foue- Nt ijdo do; 60 whale, M. a"' M hMs Oolden Rinip; for sale by ci2 CAhTi.KMAN, Ml'URl'LL, ft t;n. G- - HHDH SKIAR iut received per steamer Wood- - toi d and tor saie by TYLF.R ft MARTTN. WUNDRIFS-- O 15 hbls Pecan"; 1') - VHbeif-S- t bbis Tarraoua Almonds; 1' h..l? do; W bblfl Slcllv do li bbls Fusll-- h Walnuts: 'o kepjt French Prunes; ras ' " Id glass; B frail- - s: H1") parkasea M. R. and Layer Raisins; 6'f drum Sun rua 13 capet Sardine!, ?J and 14. boxee; 10 caks Zaote Currautu; In store and tor sate bv TV," nVO. W. MORRffl. t?M TMr t. WL'NDRIESY w lrno hbis Flour; iXJ bbla Api'le: 8 :0 bbls Potater. ft'J bhlc Oniooi--: Joii bagrt Buckwheat Floor; In store, and tor sale by i"h .Tonv svvrtrn co. AISINS- - l,iJ boxftd London Layers; 1"G do M. l"i do and Layer?: rO diuiud bultana sale hv m5 Ol ". W. MORRIS, Third st. COPFY'S LADY'S BOOK for April. Price j. MAOAZINK f.n- April. Price c. FRANK LLSI.IKS ILLLSTRATKO NXWSPAPLlt, the ilhi"traf ion of the Raieiiig ef the S'arf aud Strips at tiw Price 1jc per copy. At. F. MADDLN'3 BOOKSTORi:, m!5 : rfJl Third 't. fcPOOL OOTTO- N- O i,.,co dc Code's C t3, au:crtc3; c.j d, Kad'v. - s Co; Just rtioeld auij for TAMKS LOW Jr m K? fr an-- i Ij v.ent ?'de Sixth ., COCNTRY LAP.D-.I- nrt recetved a quantity in kes and cn retail ty m:::i lilBHITT .t; RON. 1At'.A.l"l INK iI.'iMiIj! I'ara.Uut) Cj.!niiei W'l hy HIBBITT & SON. OUSINES8 CARDS. W. WYATT. I7NDEBTAZ&S. Improved Metal Burial Cases CombuilLUt Beauty, Durability, and Lightmsa tVOrfice corner Seventh and Jeflerson, Louleville. ''piiv: above CapkMa are made of Comnrated flhwt 1 Metal and with Cnittn 1'erchaor iniia Rubber o as to be Air and Water Tight. All oniere promptly attended to. dlH drf j. vow e on ni us & com OliOTII HOUSE, ULOTT!?, CA8SIMKRFS. VFRTTNn TAILORS '1 K MM I N .S AN l i ENTLEMK V3 FTKN I SU- ING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 4H6 Mnln afreet, between BuIIIlt and Fifth. Onr stock Is now rrv !rM nit mmnit. m whUh however we are addinj daily all the latent itylos of poods u mr line. mE I bnl Nti 8 RFFINKD Hl'OARrt All hhlf. ( Irnahed J and Pulverized received mniiboftt and for sale bT rm' RIWSV Ti'iUh. (. lavawirrRK-ia- o mats choico old Java in store " ana lor sale by rawsov. Tonn rrt 1 MO COFFElfi-l- t igs pood arrivii ir and for sale by n2rf WWON. T nn. C.n. W W7H i.. . . . ... """y Amencan prtnt-- . to wnich we invite the rtttentinn of cn-- oulv, a we can and will theni cheaper than any Western houe. uu mil itiiuru uj ao it. .TAVKfl LOW CO. i;i3H- - 1-- .Vhhls White FUh; VlmlB Trout; Just received per iUllroad and for sale br OA RON PR ft CO. S. . MAKK, (j. F. DOWNS. JLCEIVEO TUIS DAY Lawnn. avd Jaconets; Pa:!,- - p: in ted Krllliautc; Checks Chnlliee; Trench mid Fpcllh Chlotz ard Calicoes; Bna-- and B- - lt Kibboni; And a general atock of Dunu'Mi-- " anfl O'ods. MARK A DOWNS. 4'3 Main st. NGTICS. For fine. Champaue ami Catawba Wines, A Per fine old Fort, Madeira, aud Sherry fXi E i Wines, t. ; For fine old Copnac Brandies, KiM For fine old Bourtion County Whisky, For line old Peach and Apple Brand. For Scotch Ale. Loudon Porter, aud Brown Stout, ana 101 even rnniw ele ood in tlie Liquor Hue, lio ro the "OLD BLLE HOLSF," and vou will curely uuo it. J. r. 1HOMPSON, J Proprietor. I INKS OOODS AJ 25 pieces uperfit:c Table Damaskt lu c.vee! Iiih Linena, S do Si nai ii L:ut-tl- ; 5 do lilfnie do; 8,'XHJ pair brown Linen TmWo troths; 8 bown Llueu DritMt ga; 3 do bleached do; 8 do fancy d': Received and for sale by JAMES LOW ft CO., anrf Jlti widt i.te Sixth t. 1 E BON TON for April, A fLANTlO MONTHLY tor April. For nate at r:?S V. MAPDFN'S. W Third kMRl :tl pcVj;ej extra Golden Sirup, In whole f5 au d hall bbia aud retivt per mall boat aud or Fftla by ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO.. Comer Reeond and WnMneton tr IKI'P St. Lcuin aud L"virujif'fl extr Golden Sirup in aegj ana o tutan by m V. HTnpITT WW. 11 a F, 'i'l MiAtJiJO Browu's aud lloiiiud's, of au ex- - a ra t.iftlity, tor sale by ui2i y HIBBITT ft SON. ACKEREL AND SALMON in whole, half, and 1" i- uumter Lbls and on rtjil hv HIRHITT HON. LEMONS AND NUTS Me-- ia L"inous; 6 tierces Cocoa-Nuts- : 11 nocks Npl"a Walnuts: Reeeivvd by steamer Woodf'.rd and for sale by V. D. OAKTANO ft CO. AOKEREL 2i w bole and half bbls No. 1. St, aud it a Mackerel in store and lor nale bv AND'W BUCHANAN CO. lLorn- - A Itm bol8 Fine Flour; bhl No. 1 Extra Flour; In store and lor Hale bv ANTVW PI'CHAMIM J cr ni27 Corner Sron1 nnd Waphiucton eg. RIO CO FEF 6"0 b..e pood fair and prime R o in 'ore and for sale bv m27 AND'W BUCHANAN CO. IAPLE MOLA8SKS ,Just received 2 bbia prim ' JiuiaMcs in storo ana lor eaie or HIHRTTT A SON. 30l .ASHES U 7 bbl- - Plantation landing from (team er il at uta and tor le liv RAWSON. TODD. A CO. Rfl-;i- BEEF AND TONGUES-e- tw lbs Dried Beef '' lilPBTTT ft BON. tMEF.SH PECANS 10 bushcld fresti Pecans Just and for ?ale by W W. fi H. HlUKllARDT. 417 Market st. CATAWBA WINE 10 hhl? Bland's pure Catawba v me in Ptore ana ror .ie nv m09 W. A H RITtKH APDT. 417 Mark- CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR-- K0 bbls No. 1 Extra Wheat Flour, selected exrreulv forfamilv ufp, inr sale bv man W A Tf. BURKTTAKDT. 417 Market rt r.( CASKS 5UEET ZiNC, superior article, for C sale by al WALLACE. LITHGOW, ft CO. CL VEIt-Sr.- i D 75 bas prune Clover-See- Juat re- - iuid lor salo 1V S0 Main. Tltlrd aod Frnrth t xa CHOI E TEAS 5 piirVatrea choice Oreen iT unci Hliiek 1'hiU. frHKii arrivnl In ator Anil for I H ?a)e hy TO HP ITT ROV. J AVA COFFEE ia bags received per mailboat and t t r aale by TYLF.R ft MARTIN. tLOUR 1'Hi bbls Kiilpbt town MWU XX Family J. Flour received per .! iSVivonville Railroad nnd toi lie by i vine nr'iHv. j . Cifier Seot,rt nff WaeMncton Ao. l,!HKj packages, whole half, and quar ter unis and Klta, ail unmrwirs. tor iale by ml A LI FN, MOORE, it UADEN. CHEESE boxea Wertern Reserve Cheese: 4.0 do Hamburg d"; do F.milih Dairy do; In store and tor eaiu bv m!9 Main, between Third and Fourth nta. PRINTS Hamilton plple Prints: S do do fancy do; 2tl do new atvle Srac;ws do: 2 do uo do lrritnack Print 25 do do do Sprinir Dress Goods; Just received and for sale by JAMES LOW ft CO., rr9 w and SH o wst side Si s th tf. LOV2E3 OF TijQ UNION 1 TOTE PAPER AND FNVELOPS, beautiful v em bellished with tne Flag of our Union pri u ted in colors, mauulactured and lor ale e.t F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, ali 1 Third st. GAR SO hhda fair to prime Surar received per re toua and John Kaiue and lcr pale by mU COOD A MOODY. rINE BRANDY, WHISKY, ftc. A 1') doz n pale Cou.c Brandy; IU do o!d Bourbon cotiuty Vhisky, n do old Apple Hrandr; 6 do Whitney's Cluh House Gin; 6 do old Jamaica Rum- - if m7 J. P. THOMPSON'S. 7fi rt. IOLA8SES 2 Ooo bblB a..d half bbls prime Li I yuality, and In Glac's superior vtv raee, for pale by mil H. D. NKWCOMB ft BRO. ILOSS. ftc A full t of bilk. Linen, and Klof.3, and a full of Hoop Skirts ol all aLzea, Juat received and for aale bv JAMES LOW ft CO., W ami 910 west ide Siith rt, WLNDHlKs O 1 i,bi- Sw&t Cider; b'J bale new Hops: &l) Vltolr; Wbltu Fiah; To Xlbble Herring: ell V.blds Pickeiel; 5J tirkins Button bV) bushels 1'H) dozen Bi ooms; tor sale by nuil TAIT. ANDERSON, & CO., l Fonrth rt. SLATS, SLATS, SLATS, OF ALL SIZES AN ColRS, OF ALL Si.ii AND COLORS, OF ALL Sli'.S AND COLORS AT F. MADDEN'S HOOK STORK, AT MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE; GOLD PENS! GOLD FENS! From the best manufacturers, A. MORTON ft CO. and DAWSON, WARREN, ft HYDS, For ile cheap at F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, 331 Main street. Jast Received by Express, w A A SECOND eupply of splendid rv pern from the Oenusn, "TllOf ART A"',4 SO NEAR. AND YET SO FAIL" with X Oi ) elegant iithoriai-hi- title 35 cent. wNtj '"Still in rav (reams Thou rt Near," by author ot bverot ThcB 25 e'egant lithottraph ic title. A1k, a large lot. of new Vucic, vocal aud in ctruiuental, bv euch compos rvaH Brinley Richa'df, il S. BiaiuMd. Dreweler, lplt-r- , A. W. Berp, Arc . to which the attention of ihe nmeicl ptiblic is P' cirtlly culled. Call wou, it vou would have a copy of that iie.w r .rip from It ia the gem of the svasou, ana lu eelliu rapidly. WM. mc;arreu apl.'l No. !tll Wert Jeffernon nOSIKKY-5- ou Mlses white Cotton Hore; 2.IMI0 do Ladies' do do do; 2,"U0 do do mixrd do do: S'KI do do black do do, Mon do do slate do do. aerted; do: Received and for aale by JAMES LOW ft CO., mt Si and 81(1 Slxrh st. Iron, Nails, and Steel. 700 Tl Nd Charcoal and fatonecoal Iron, assorted 2,ik keKi Nails, from 9 to Md otai do Spikes, cn' and roueht: luO tuns Stel, Cast, b(ab?. Wings, and American Blifer: In store and for sale very low by rt'O W. H. BELKNAP A CO. WUGAR 30 hhds prlnie Sugar received pr Baltic and iTor h- - GARDNER ft CO. t Or Y EE R4I baB? prime Rio C nVe Juat received pvr stuuur John itaiue and ioc sale by WM. GAY. HAMBURG DAIRY CHEESE 30 boxes Hamburg etore and tor sale bv nift W. A H. MUitKUARDT. 417 Market rt. OATS-1,0- 00 bushels Wisconsin Oato now being n and for sale bv trCl TMT AVDVRSOV. CO. 4o Fourth rt CAMILY FLOUR 36u bbls No. 1 Ex La (RashvUle I MilU) In store and for cale bv rria ALLEN. MOORW, ft IT ADEN. SBHXO STOCK Men's Clothing, Youths' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Children's Clothing, AIfo MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, CRA- VATS, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, ftc, ftc. Fresh, nirw, full stock for Spring and Summer wear just opened st J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, mil On Main street, - the National Hotel. RIED FRUIT 76 buehels Dried Peaches in store D in" for hv H I KRIET A SON. ISH Salmon. Mackerel, Herri ug, and Sardines iu package aud on retail by m'.ti HIBRITT ft SON. ASSES ml bbH pnrae N.O. Plantation in store TllOLASSES- - libit prime plantation received per l'J steimer E. II. rairc; .i!d ard for fiiie b" 14 ALTJ;N. w.rn'i'. t HAW. Iar:-- j. t hl? rtrirtty prime Leaf Lard 75 keg- - do no ao T;rFi" nv GAKDNf R A CO. IR whole and half drums large Codfish CODFISH and tor sale by iU ND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. rt ht B"NJ"-- ' MADDEN'S ;:J1 Third rt. liUSIWESS CARDS, NOCK, WICKS, & CO., Wholesale Grooora Aftenti for Tobaccos, Uqnora, and Cotton Ytrni, Hoc 1( and 317 Main st., bet. Tliird and Fourth, LOnSVTLU- - KY. mil JOHJi TAIT. ELY D. ANDKRSON. UfcO. W. TAIT. TAIT, AND2RGOV .U CO., Commission and Produce Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WSIT2 FISH. EUTTDH, PROVISIONS, GRAIN, FLOUR, DRII1D FRUITS, 61'KDS, AND ALL KINDS OF PKODLCK. No. 49 Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. '"Liberal advanrea made on Consimmenta. John B. Mcllvalu A HonJ ti.ii-lUc- h Rtfcr to) d Atkinaon. Ku., and Coicinuati merchants generally. TT17 Wliolesale and Retail Dealer tc and ruann fact' ire r F1aiis and vTechanics, Tools, No. 65 Third Streiett. J. E. MOORE, (idone sou to wm. finodam. ropvrardin; Ql Commis-aio- TAlercIiat STEAMBOAT AGENT, AUO, Freight Agent for Ptnna. Centra Railroad. No. 42 FOCKTU (OK WALL) STREET, sepl dtf Louisville, Tv. . riTiaii. wii. u r. wiaan. . r. a tut. PITKIN. WIARD, &C0 Sueeeasrs to Pitkin Brothers!, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. SEED S. AGPJCILTIRAL MPLEMESTS, Machines, Trees, Plants, Hydraulic Cement, Lime, Plaster, &c. psi dtf roi isvm.F. hv. F FRENCH BL RKS-A- I1 sues and kind. B'ilnVi t:f,(lTHS-A- lI mimhera herf mk IMPROVED PORTA BLK MILLS WithaoUdrranoh b .ihj d and made on heat knowu plan. bMi i MA'. 11 KB Severs! kind. Mill Irons, Scre-vn- . Scruuas, Btltiun. Piaster Paris, and Mill articles generally. We have 0:1 bund a larire stock of the d articles. For saie low and nual-t- warranted. HERBERT A WKICHT, rep27 dtf No. 16 Third st.. bvt. Main and river. Drn& Prescription StorcW MOZART HALL, Corner Fourth and Jefferson street. rPrescrlptions and aocuratAlv at all hours day or night. n.21 HIBBITT & SON, Wholesale end Retail No. Market St., bet. Second and Third, HAVE IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF FINE and solicit the nt.rnn Jay's Cliiisa Palace, IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE, . COHNEH FOURTH AND GKEEN. I have juet now opeund and ready for sale or inspec tion the laigest and most eloant atock of China, Glass, and Queensware Ever offered In this or any other olty in the North or South. I have also 011 band and intend always to bare tlie stock of SILVER-PLATE- WARE, CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN AND WIILLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES In the coontry, and which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times Personn harliiK old Chandeliers. Lrtmp?, Ac, can ret them cleaned and made look u well ae new at a very tililin expen. I am alr-- prepared to mn GAS and STEAM PIPE Into Buildings or Steamboat at the shortest notice. sl3 NSW G0033. WE are now in recti pv t a line and of all articles in our line, comprilni' ( :of h, CajsimenM, , and Trimming?, to which we call the attention of the trad-1- J. VON fUlFRTFR CO.. 414 Mn --t. WHITEWASH BRUSHES, Ac.- -A full awortmeut ot all sizoa Whirra-h- , Shoe, Scrub. Hearth. Paint. Parlor, and Dusting Bni-h.- in store and for sale low by ORRIN RAWSON. m EJW Main -- t.. n Tliird nd Fourth j FRESH TEAS ha'f cheats r.hoice Oreen and Black: MTheae Teas me fret h aad hue. Juat received and lor aale b TlTRWTT SOW i pvi tr.ii i.t ; i steamers 0tJ Diaua and J. H Ford and for ale by TYLER A MARTIN. N AILS by SVO kega assorted Naiia in etore and for sale al f A RKfTA LL H ALBERT CO. HART & CLAHS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS TN CIGARS, and FANCY GRO- CERIES, No. & Third street, have In store aud tor alt 5o bbls snnerior Bonrbon WhLsky, 4 yean Old; lift) do do do do, a 10 casks Cognac Brandies; 10 ' ao do (o; lu do Rochells do; H H uo Fort Wifie; 15 H do Madeirado; li V do Snerry do; 9 bb'.B old Bran3r, pnre; 81 bbls old Apple Brandy, pore; Champagne Wines, varioiie brands;' N. & Co.V and J. McMiMpn's Native Wines Rnctlf-- and Scotch Pale Ales and Porter; Claret in case; Anisette; Abaynthe; Maraschino; (lamwa, te. A'eo a lai ee and stock of Fresh Frnlta, Fickle, and Hermetically Sealed Goods of aU desc-t- Mon a lowt nnr)At prir" m'" A VINES 5J cases Claret Wine; au c?kg Madeira Wine; 6 r do Sh. ny do; 6 do Mshi?a do; In store and tor sale by J. MONKS, ht North "id" Mnui. t. S.'venh and Eighth rtw. JXIOLASSh'S it A 75 bbls Molasses; ,'vdo do; 6o hM.- 40 bbls Sirup; In store and for eale by VAP3HATT, HATPVFT ft V.O i IDKh Hallou'c Crab and common Cidur and Wine Vinef.u- - for sale by J. SMITH SPEED, Main rt. P. flfl LBS ENGLISH BANCA BLOCK TIN beet uualHv, for fale hv WALLACE, LITHGOW, ft CO. BBLS AND HALF BBLS ST. JAMES cl'UAR-llou(- 200 Molasee In atore und for PAle by 9 TYLER ft MARTIN. REFINED A Baltimore Surar; 6 bbls Lovering'c) Cruche.1 d.-- ; ao bbls do Giauulated do: 40 bble Soil Cruthed do- for sale by p.3 Gardner a co Hrass-bou-ad Cedar Fails. Pf DO.l.N Cedai Pails, 8 6iisf, juot celved and lor sale low by ORRIN RAWSON, al 8 Main s., hetweeu and tilth. IRON MANTLl'-- AND GRATES MARBLU1Z.KD kept couetautly on baud and tot sale low by al WALLACK. TJTHGOW. ft CO. TUNS COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAR- assorted fji U eLzttf, lor eal to the trade, nt I jw trices by al WAM,A'E. LITHCO IW ft CO. IAMILY HAMS of various brandy u a:id country cured, ou liaud and lor sale retail aud w holt aale by ai J. SMITH SPEED, Main st. fcJUNDRIES O 6 bbls Apple Brandn 60 bbls Domestic do; lvu bble imt. B. VTiisky; 100 bbls Kectliled do; 40 X and l4 rip'1 fine French Brandy. In store and for sale hv alcl .1. MONK3. X aw packages Gunpowder Tea; Jo nail" cheats Black aud Oiteu Tea; In store and for sale bv alo MARSHALL HALFFRT (TO. gevarg CHOICE TEAS We have iurt, received a fr11 nipp'V ol the choiceet Black and Green r 2 Teas, to which we invite attention, J. T. LAN 11 AM A CO., niI4 Tmrorters ot" Tea. e., SIS Third rt Cash ior Wool. JE wil pay caJi for wool. jat TIIOS. H. HUNT 4 CO. H ROOMS 4(0 dozen Brooms, assorted sbsea and qual- ities. In stern ou consignment and lor sale at man ufacturers' price by 11" AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. y"A8H BOARDS-1- 00 doxen Zinc Wah-Board- s just leouivod and for sale by ORRIN RAWSON. wlg flt Vntn st.. btwepn Tliiril WHAKER HRODMS IK doiwu of au extra quality Just received and fcr sale by HIBBITT ft SON. IaCY PIPES 2 stops fancy Clay Pipes and Ilea In etore and for sale low hr ORRIN RAWSON. ft' Main .. between TVi'M nd Knnth. ni ACKLIN HAMS A choice lot sngar-cure- Hams a on i country Baeonjuet received in store aud foi sale hy ni 25 W. ft n. BURKHARDT.417 MarV st 2' bb's Baltimore Golden Sirup- - 2t Vdo "ao do do; Jnd; received and for eIe hy a GARDNER ft CO. RIO COFFEE 400 bars rood to etrlctly prime Rio in store and for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO., aI3 Corner Second and Washington sis. kjrO lR 25J hhln fiilr t prime iriirar In store and for j sale by alaj AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. Ouinaesss Extra Stout, Just received, T steamer Mawit. 15 caej Guinneif's Extra Dublin Siit, and for sale by J. H. 6CHROEDER ft S' N, W-.- st. 11AOAIONI AND OIL '25 caes Italian Macaroni: 15 do do Oil; Received by Chaucellor and for sale by ai V. D. GAETANO A CO. UOAR &0 bhds fully fair to prime landing from tteamer John Ralue and for sale by m RAWSON. TODD, ft CO. tMiESH FRUITS, Green Gages, Aprixts, Tomatoes, Greco Corn. Green Peas, also Preserves, Jel'lct?, Ac. tor sale by J. T. LAN HAM ft CO., wt14 Tmrortr of Third t JAVA A supply ol superior old Java Cof for ale by J. T. I NHM A CO., TmriorW" of T Third Cotton Hope, A FULL arwnrtmeut of ail Mices Cotton, Manilla, j a. Jute, and Hemp Rcpe; Cothu, Ueuip, aud Flax Twine; Seine Twine; Chala Lines, Fuh Lines, Trut Ltoe, Staging, 4ic; )iel received and for lov- - by ORKIN KAWriON, ml3 Miin st . htwor. Third nd r oorHi. T ICE 10 Heroes prise landing from mailbcar aud It for hI hv .Til crOD MOftriY. toj,ASSKS-1- 00 bble received per steamboat Louis-1- vllle and for sale hv ALLEN, MOORE, TTADEV. SUGAR 2!M) bbls Loveriug's Crushed, Powdered, and in etore and tor sale bv nig ALLEN. M(M)RE, A HADEN. j?KM O.'.'IS.- - j.e"nj i,f pui' uilittyd North cuv.l i; lift ir'jwavJ J, A. PENTON, iar No.l-- fiirtlt rtrwet. RAILROADS. Louisville and Frankfort and Lei-incrJo- n and Frankfort RAILROADS. ON AND AFTF.K MONDAY, April 53, 11, Trains will leave LJuldvilio daily (Sundays excepted) aa follow a; FIRH1 TRAIN A. M-- , stopping at all tationi whenflaKned, exc-p- t Fair (innind. Kaci Course, Browna-bor- and Belieview.connecttn' at Fruinence with staves for New Castle; at Frankfort lor LawTeneebur, Harrods-bnr- and Danville; at Midway for VerTaLlle?; at Paynea Station for and at Lexington via railroad and stare for Nlcholaxviile, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orciiard, Someraet, Richmond, Jit. Sterling, and all In- -t nor town. SKCOND TRAIN 2:Vj P.M., ston'InR at all stntlom when ltacrd, except Fair Grounds, Point- - Rare Cours, Ormi'by'a, PTOwnpboro,Hurkner'a, aud Nortn rnson; by stace at F.ujincoce tor New Cattle; and at Pavne'" for Ocorgotowu. THIRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at 6:00 P. M..stoppiim at all Suimnrt; and returning, will leave Lagrange at M. , atonpmg at all station, and ar- rive at Loutavf lie at H:f5 A. M. Trains arrive in Louisvilh- - as follows; First, Train at 10 4i A. M.; second Train at C:.j P. M.; Lftgrauge n at Hrlo A. M. i reight Train? leave Louisville dully (Sundays esoept-ed- ) fi:;:;i A. M.. arrivliK in Loxitu,tn at P. M. FrohTuC Li received and duchaied from 7;0U A. M. to C P. M. t "Throuch Th tn for DanvtH'-- , TTrrodebnrr, Crab Oitl's'.rd, Soinert-t- , Versailles, (i(or?etjiwu, and all .r iiii'onnnion can be h ml at Uie Depot In LouieTllle, coruor ol Jenerson and I! rook ptree'. SAilUKL OILI Superintendent, 37 dtf L. F. and L. A F. R. R LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE ANrt Xaeniphis and Louisville RAILROAD COMPLl'.TION Or THi: MEMPHIS, CLARKS-VILL- AND LOUiSVlLLL RAILROAD, FuKM-1N- 0 A DIKF,' T L LINE FRU rt LOUIS- VILLE TO MCMPHiS AND NUW ORLEANS VIA CLARKbVILLK. Conuucuclrff April I I, IStil, Trnlns will run ne folloimi Leave .I2:fVt noon, 1?:(K) olitht. Airive at (Jave Citv .. :tv r. h. 3:r'i a. u. Nashville ?':oU ' lark iile !eD " " Humboldt 4::i0 A. U. 4: A) P. Meiiiph'3. !hao Time (Louiivllle to Meiijptiie; ! hours. CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANS. Leave Humboldt 4:S5 a.m. 4 '.5 P. m. Arrive jit .Ivckiou, 'i'enu :I5 A m. f:15 P.M. Arrive at Canton Mls 7:15 p. it. 7:l'i A.M. Arrive at Ne ortfiii rh a. m. :15 p. m. Time t Louisville to New Orl.-au- 42'4 hoirn. FOR BARUSTOWN, LEBANON, AND ELIZABETH- - TOWN. Leave LouiviM 7:0U A. m. p. m. Anlve at Bmi uptown 7::;o Flizalw.'thtowu 7:uo Lebanon 1 :"" A. M. M5 The 7:hj A. M. Traiu from Louisville nneetJ at u wl'h fta-- :- f r ?p iiiue!d, Danvil.e, aud point In the Interior ot ktntiickv. RETURTING: Leave Lebanon MO, a. m. LuO p. m Lave Eiz;i el Ii town f,;nQ Leave Bsrdfdown l il Arrive at Louisville i:o " 5;30 p. M. Trains from M(.mphir and Nhville arrive at Louis- ville at 1:30 P. M. and ll:ao P. M. The l'J noon Tiaiu frm Ijouisville will run dally. The 13 uiht Traiu will leave Louisville on Sunday niglit. hut wi!l not nin ou Ssturdiy nlht. Procure Turoi;h Tickets at the Depot, corner of Ninth and Broadway, aud at No. 7y Fourth street, opposite the Hotel. alo dtj JNO. B. ANDERSON, Superintendent. NEW TI ME TABLE. LOU IE VI NEW ALBANY, & FCRST,L01IS,CKICAG0, DETROIT And all Points West nnd Northwest. THE GREAT WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN SHORT LINE ROUTE. 1860. Summer Arrangement. 1861. TWU DAlijV TRAINS TO ST. UUIS, CINC1N-NAT- AND CHICAGO. kNnd afr-- r Monday, April 1.1, 11, Pa.anmrTrani ' will leave New Albany (opposite Louisville) fol- - lows: ?3i w. ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO EXPRE8S MAIL (Daily except Sundays). P. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (DaUy Satiudave). 7:4i P. M. NIOIIT EXPRESS, for St. Louis, Cairo, Cincinnati, Fittbura, B.iltimore, Cleveland, Buf- falo, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Two Trains dallv (except Sundays) for St. Loult at 7:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Two Trains dally (2Jtept Sundays) for Cairo at A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Two Trains ds.ily - rpt Sundays) for Memphis at 7:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Two Trains daily (except Sundays) for New Orleans at 7:!l. A. M and 7:4 i P. M. Two TraioB dtvllr (except Sunday) for Chlaago at 7:30 A. M. and7:4 P. M. Two Trains dailv (except Sundays) for Detroit at 7:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Two Trains dailv (except Sundars) for Jefferson City, SiTaciirte. St, Joseph, HanuihahQiiincy, BloominR- - t"n. SfrinnSetd, Decatur, Jackdonvllle, Peoria, Liirlinutn, Iowa City, and all points West and Noi t h we-- One Train ou Sunday evening at 7:4V rVTinifl to St. Louis, YAH hours: to Jefferson City, SI hours: to St. Joseph, 44 hours: to Cairo, 15 hours; to Memphis, 3 hours; to New Orleans, 4V noun. Only ona CAan-- q Car to St. Louis, Cincinnati or HyBappage checked through and all trancfera free. Trains leave St. Ixiuis at 7::t0 A. M. and 410 P. M-- , conneciinR at Mitchell with Trains South; arriv- ing In LouidviUe at A. M. aud 8:t(o P. M. All trains connect ciosely with all Passenger Trains on the Ohio and MWIenipm Railroad, and wait indefinitely for O. and M. trains when they are delayed, thereby in- suring to Jilishie Connections at Mitchell, to oi' from St. Louis or Cincinnati. ttf Pa!sent;ers and Bapyatre taken to and from any part of The Ciry and th Car Free of Oharpe. Both Throiiifh Trius couuecrina closely at Greencar-tl-e with thfi Terre Haute aud Ricfunoud Railroad, West for Trre Haute and St. Louie, and East for Indianapo- lis; at Lafavettn with the Toledo and Western Railway; aud at M. S. Croasinji with tlie Michlpan Southern d for Toledo aud intermediate Stations. Aleo at Michigan City with the. Mlcbipau Central Railroad for Cbicatro and all polut West and Northwest. Also for Detroit and ullpointe East. TUROUOU TICKETS and further information can beobtained at their RAILROAD TH 'KET OFFICE, Soutu-ef- t corner of Third aid Main ptreet, occupied by A. v. Maiingeld) Louisville, Ky. :aTr.iiD8 are run by Louiaville time. S. S. PARK. lilt. Agent, Louisville. R. E. BICKER, Sup't New Albany, April 1?., 1F1. uo dtf FAST LINE EAST Via Cincinnati, Co iam end tig j uue 1 L. Columbns and Xenia Cincinnati, Hamilton, & Dayton 18G0 mmzg32 186C FROM CINCINNATI TO Borton in 33 V hoars. New York in )! hoars. Philad. Iphla in a hours. Baltimore in 34 hours. Saratopa Springs in 36 h'rS. Albany In 36 hours. BuHalo in to horn's. Dunkirk in 14 hours, Cleveland In H hours. Pittpb'iip lu liH hoimr. Wheeling lu JK hours. StenberrTiUe in honrs. Cre?tllue In rt hours. Ziinertville In 6 hours, Sandusky in l'J botire. Toledo In !4 hours, t in 124$ hours. Tbrongh s Iftave linclnnatl taa foUoww T:J A. M. EXPRESS-Fro- m Little Miami Depot and from Cincinnati, Hamilton, A Dayton Depot, connect viaColumlci-- . Cleveland, Dunkirk, and Buffalo; viaCo-- : Inrobus, Crfrtliue, and Pittstmrg; via Columbus, Fei-vill- and Pin-bu- i; via Columbus, Bellalr, and Pitts- burg: via Col u ai hue, Beiiaood, and Pittsburg. 7:.i(J A. M. EXPRESS From Cincinnati, Hamilton, & Dayton Depot, also connects via Lints--, Toledo, De--j rrolt, and Canada; via Dayton, Clyde, and Sandusky. 10 A. M. EXPRESS-Fro- m Little Miami Depot, eon-- I nects via (johunhus. Be I lair, and Ben wood; via Colum-- i bus, Bellalr, Pittsburg; via Columbna, Creetllne. and Pine burg- via Columbus, Cleveland, Dunkirk, aud Buf falo. 6 P.M. KXPRF-SS-Fro- ClnclnnatL Hamilton, ft Dayton Deput, connects via Lima, Toledo, Detroit, and Canada: via Dayton, Clyde, aud Sandusky. Alvdf nt tiUvjnnv Cars on iht Train ma Toledo. 11 P. M. E X P R ESS From Little Miami Depot, con- nect via Columbus, Steulwuville, aud Pittsburg; via Coinnibus, Bel lair, and Pitthhurg; via Columbus. Bell-ai- r, and Ifetiwood; via Columbus, Creetliue, and Pitts- burg; via Columbia Cleveland, Dunkirk, aud Buffalo. Modem alee-pin- Cars on thin Train. fWpawngpre for Lake Steamers, leaving Cincinnati at 7:3y A. M have 5 hours in Cleveland. Leaving at 10 A. M., make direct connection. tWThe P. M. Express, Saturdays, makes all con- nections as tdvenifed except for Detroit aud points in Canada. The Night Erpress runt Duilyy Saturdayt excepted. All other Trams run Daily, Sundays excepted. IfF IValns run by Columbus time, which Is 7 minutes faster than Cincinnati time. Baggage Checked through to all Eastern Citiei. tSfprwc-nger- should bear in miud that the "CIN- CINNATI" is the OLD and FAVORITE ROUTE. Con- nections are made promptly, the Roads are thoroughly BALLASTED, and all modem improvoments adopted Insuring ei, oom pobt. aud SAFETY. THROITGIl TICKETS Are sold at all the PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES in the WK8T and SOUTH. Ask for Tick- ets via CINCINNATI. P. W. STRADER, General Tickent Agent, V Cincinnati. TliA IN S PORT ATI O IN . Steam to Londonderry, Glas- gow, and Liverpool. - J The Montreal Ocean Steamship Clyde - built steamer: N. SoolUn.Capt. Mr Master. I N. American, Capt Alton. Bohemiau, Car-t- . (rrupe. Anglo-Saxo- "Daliaiitlue. North Briton, Borland, j Hibernian (now buildiug). Canadian, Capt. Graham. Norwegian (now building). Carrying tlie Canadian and United States Mails. One of the steamers of the line will sail from Liver- pool every Thursday, and from Portland every Satur- day, calling at Londonderry to receive on board and land mils and p.i?sent'ers to and from Ireland and Scotland. Glaecow are turnished with free palace tickets to and from Londonderry. Rale of passage rrom Quebec to Londonderry, Glas- gow, or Liverpool: First Clw (Recording to accommodation). .$tf6 and $"0 Steerage (found wil h cooked provisions) jUj An experienced Surgeon at tar hod to each steamer. Return tickets iatu d at reduced rales. Certificates issued for bringing out pansenrers from all the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland at the following low ratea: Londonderry to New York $30 00 Glasgow " S3 0 Llvpernoo " 33 00 From auy B- - R. Station In En el and 40 no From " " " In Ireland SJ W From Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, and Rot- terdam to New York 45 00 Ticb-'t- s Issued at redi-ce- rates per Washington Line of Saiuug Packets, leaving Llveipooljor New York weekly. For passage, apr-l- at the offic of th Company, 33 RroWay, New York, SAB EL A SEA RLE, General Agents. Jyl9 dly ew & Improved Stationery Ranges, FOB HOTEL AND FAMILY USE. sr constantly manufacturing the above Cooking T Range, of various sizes, adapted to family ue or the largest cta-- s hotels, and which nave given such uni- versal ?atlslactioo since their Introduction in this cite. These Knnces are the niot complete and successtul arti- cle of t he kiud ever offeied to the public. Call and ex- amine them at a4 WALLACE, LITHGOW. A CO.'S. jn CASES FANCY PRINTS, Spra'oVe, Ameri-Ow- can. Dunn-Il'- '. and Tacouv: M0 ;ASLS l.MON FANCY PR1NTP; Received to day aud lor sale tor ca-- h oulf by JAMES LOW A CO., al'O - 30fc aud dio weet side Sixth at. WHITE ..1NE 5 bbls Haut Sautenie In store and ' tor aale bv r:al--- J WM. GAY. CUEESE fio boxes W. K Cheese ju?t received per lor sals by ai' OARDNPR ft CO. UG AR 0 hhds riiine landing from steam ere Wood ford aud Jchn Raine and ri r hv nii rawhon. fmnn. a no C HANDLES A full snpply Para ffine, Wax. Speim,Star, aud Mold Candlrs vt store and for sale by mrt W. A H. BITKVHARDT. 4)7 Market, OI.A4:KHEKRY WINK -- A cbol.-- article of puiv i ry Wlue In tftoit) and lur sale by tLs Lar rel bv W. a. 417 MtU it. VIKEGAll! VIiEAIH VIMGAIt! J.H.COLSTOK&CO.. Zo. 133 Fourtli, between 3a.1zx Ann MANUFACTURERS OP CIDER, APPLE, AND WINE VINEGAR, No Acid or other dehterim m&xtrnv turd WARRANTER TO "ANNW'PH FOR AI,I. PCKPOSF.N FOR U Mii A laiw supply alwari in store axidTor sale U TlK4.Aci i OTADI ALSO DEALERS IB JPurcBourbon and Hy e MViishu. )yflty RAILROADS. JZirrEKBONVlXX-- S haixuhoab. Change of Time. TRAINS will leave JefferaonviUe, opposite Louisville, fitlO A.M., P. Iff., and IMit A. II. , 6;' A. M.-- 8T. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI EX- PRESS Connectn st Seymour for Vinceiine, Uvhh--vill- Snndoval, Cairo, St Lou if; St. .Jon-p- h, and all pintain the Vst and NrtJiweet a' d for Cincinnati, connecting with local tiaiuM fur all points iu boulherii Ohio. 2-- P. M. -- LIGHTNING F.XPRFB3 FAST Dally (Su- - diiysexti-pt'd- rnunectinc at Seymour wilh trains on tne Ohio and MiHndppi lUilroad t n Cioetnuati, Colundius.New York, Boston, Phlladi Iphla, Bfllthrioie, and all Eastern Cll ; aimiat IndiaiiHpli- - with line for Cleveland. Pittliii'"A Phi lade' poi, Baltimore, nnd Ml th pi lucii.le ntn (; f:.-t- : alo with Trains on rite Terre Ila.ut and Ijtlay th u for St. LomU, l.hirnwo. Ro-- Irlaud. O'jlncey, linnnh'rtl, St. arid all the ot Jtr principle ci! ltii in the Weit and NorGiwe . P.VaiA. M. NHiHT EXPRESS-DhI- Iv (SutiiiJuyex. ceted), connectimi at Svmour with tr.ilna ou the Ohio and Minrb-ip- l P.uilroad for CItjciddM'i and all Eastern tiiies; nt Indianapolis al'b the ne Line 'or Toleilo, iMru t, t'leveland, Buflaln. New York, Boou, Philadelphia. Haltluior,v and all point iu the Cant; and with tli'- I incn unti and ( 'Mo aro air line, Ter e liitute aud Riehniond fl'id l.afv-ctt- o Railroads for Chicago. St. Pa" I. St. Jveph St. Louis and all poiutu iu the West ;iud Ni tSwcrt. CLINTON JOHNauN, Agent al.'tdtf A. 8. CROTHERS. 8ip't. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI BALTIMORE A?JD OHIO RAILROAD. Fast ITreierlit Line TO & Baltimore, Philadelphia. Xew York, and Boston, via Cincinnati and Parkersburff. FOUR DAYS TO AND 1 ROM BALTIMORK. FOUR AND A HALF DAY'S TO AND FROM PHILA- DELPHIA. FIVE DAYS TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Arranitaments are completed by n bich freight is rrant ported over ibi Short Line of Railway to aud from Cin- cinnati in the time aa stated above. "Over Charges and Damages Promptly Adjusted. A. Waters, General Freight Ageut, Cincinnati Depot D. B. Brown, Affent, No 8 Burnet House, R. T. Keys, Atfeiit, Baltimore, Md. Calhoun Houston, Agent, Sixth and Chestnut street, Philadelphia. C. W. Pervell, General Afwnt. or W. H. Dnrllnit, Agent. B. & O. R. R., at Btoadway, above Astor, New York. Edwin S- - Coles, Agent. 70 Washington street, Boston. SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. Please direct Eastern correypondent to mark "Via B. & O. b M. . C. K Km aud chip by Ba tiniore t, Ohio LOUISVILLE SHIPPERS. For throui;h bills ladlnie apply to H. B. CLIFFORD, Aeeot, 143 Fourth street, between Main and Water. Shippers can have, their choice of all rail or rail and water from Louisville. A. B. WATERS, Gen. Freight Artent, CluciauaU. E B. Bboww, Gen. Western Freight Agent, nlft rtlv Sr. T,on!. Mo. Baltimore and Ohio RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ItOUTE. AT WASHINGTON AND TERMINATES East, and Wheeling, Beuwood, and Parkorsburg on the Weet. at which places it unites with railroad, steamers, Ac, for and from all points In the WEHT, fcOLTllWEtST, ANI NORTUWEMT. TIIKEE TRAINS DALLY For all the Eastern Cities. tlf This I? the only routet o Wa"hlnr;ton City. Paenp-r- by this route can visit Baltimore, Phila delphia, New York, nnd Boston at the cost oi a ticket to lioc'ton alone hy other line. Through tlckt to the Eastern cities can bo procured via Washington City at an additir.-- j charge of ij3. Time as quick and fare ad low bv anv other rtxite. nf Inquire for tickets via BALTIMORE ANT) OHIO RAILROAD at any of the principal lUilroad Offices in the West. E. F. FULLER, General Western Agent. L. M. COLE, Oeneral Ticket Agent. W. P. SMTTH, Master of Transportation. s24 18601 18601 aSlr Sfiigd ifirr5r RAILROAD. 260 Miles Ihrabb TracL The CnptLctty of this Road la now equal to ainy In the Country. THREE TSROrGH Passenger Trains BETWEEN PITTSBUEG ASD PHILADELPHIA, CONNECTING direct In the Union Depot, at trains from all Western cities for Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Baltimore and Wash- ington City, thus furnishing facilities for the transpor tation of passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by anv other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia without change ot cars or conductors. 8moklng cars are attached to each train; Woodruff's Bleeping ( ars to Kxrret and fast- l rains, l tie PRESS RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fast Line Sundays excepted. Three Daily Trains connect direct for New York. Express aud Fast Line connect for Baltimore and Washington. All Through Passenger Trains provided with Lough ridge's Patent Brake speed luider perfect control of the Engineer, llius aaaiug mucn to use saieiy oi traveiera. Six Dally Trains between Philadelphia and ew York Two Dailv Trains between New Bork and Boston Through Ticket (all rail) are good on either of the above Trains. BOAT TICKETS to Boston are good via Norwich, Fall River, or Stouiugton Lines. Boston passengers transferred free of charee throueh New York. TICKETS EASTWARD may be obtained at any of the Important Railroad offices in the Wert; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mis- sissippi and Ohio Rivers; aud at the Craces of the Com pany in Boston, New York, Baltimore, or rmiaaerpma. Faro always aa low aod time aa qulok ao by any other Route. ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURG. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad make this the Direct Xine Between tho East and tho QHYJAT WEST. The connecting of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage and ferriage of Freight, together with the eavlng of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight aud the Traveling For Freight Contract or Shipping Dilutions apply to or address either of the following Agents ol the Com- pany D. A. STEWART, Pittsburgh; H. S. Pin-- e A Co., Zaneevllle, O.; J. J. Johuston, Ripley, O.; R. MrNelv, Mavsville, Ky.; Ormsby ft Cropper, PorteimHi'h. Ohio; Paddock ft Co., JrnVrwmville. Ind.: II. W. lirowo ft Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern A Hibhert. Cincinnati O.; R. C. Meldrum. Madison, Ind.; Jot. IC Moore, 1,viisville, Ky.: P. G. O'Rilev A Co., Evansvllle, lud.; N. W. Grshnm A Co., Cairo, III.; R. F. 8a, Shaler A Ola-- St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Hairis, Nachville, Tenn.; Harris A Hunt, Memphis, Teun.; Clark ft Co.. Chicago, 111.; W. H. B. Koontz, Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different point in the West. The Cirenteet Facllltlet offered for the Protec- tion nnd fcieedy Trucaportniioa of STOCK. And Good Accommodations, wttb nsoal privileges for persons travelllug in charge thereof. rnuiaHTs, By trils route freights of all descriptions can be for- warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boeton, or Baltimore, to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indisua, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, or Missouri by railroad direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad alr connects at Pittsburg with steamers, by which goods can be torwruded to any Port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illiuoia, Wisconsin, Miectouri, Kaunas. Arkansas, aud Red rivers: and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago with steamers to all port on the Northwestern Lake. Merchant aud Shippers entrusting th transportation of their freight to this Company can rely witn confi- dence on its aneedv transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Weet by the Pennsylvania Raihoad, are at all times as favorable as are charged by a:iy other Railroad Com pan ie. tYBe particular to mark packages "Via Prawa. R-- R. K. J. SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW A KOONS, w North street. Baltimore. LEECH A CO., No i Astor House, or No. le William street. New York. LEECH A CO., No. 77 BUte street, Boeton. H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent, Phllad4ihla. L. U HOUPT. Oeneral Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. TTTOS. A. SCOTT, General Sup't, Altoona. Pv 5 dtf 413 Main street, NOW IN STORE TUK HAVE of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods in the city, and. having ben purchased under th most favorable clrcums taucts, will be rld a low as tlie low- est. sA MA. K A DOWNS. New Books New Books. RECESSION. COERCION, AND CIVIL WAR: The Story of il. BAtmd iu cloth. Price VI it. MESSAGE FROM THE SEA AND 1HB I NC'H- - mercial Tiavelr, by Chas, Dlckeua. Price in. THE CROoSED PATH, by Wilkie Collius. Piice 1 FATHER TOM AND THE POPE Price e At F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, Third t. 2no bas prime Rio received by Juo. Raine COFFEE and for sale by ' fto Tt. w. ron. W UG AR SI hhds prime received per steamer B. J. Adams and John Raioe and tor sals by w RAWSON. TODD, A CO. VTJTSKY ftO bbls superior 8 and 6 year old Bourbon ' Wblakr on conslnnment and for sale by afl W. A H. BUKKH ARDT. 417 Market st. COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAR- 60 tuns light country such as Skillets, Ovens, English Pote. Stew Pots, Sugar Kettles, and Dog Irons, on hand and lor sale to the trade at low prices by s4 WALLACE, LITHGOW, A CO. BO! rOR THB SOUTH! ENVELOPS and NOTE PAPER embeLlfbed with r J Flag of Southern CiufVdracr. Price of Envelo ps Jrj per l,uui; hols Paper, A4 w p;T nm at F. MADDEN'S Bookstore, 37 Third at. KVSamples sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents In monv or stetri. 1 fWI BBLS CAROLINA TAR in store and for sa a JWWhv faJ-- l TYLER A MARTIN. 11 -- lou boxes scaled Herring just received .1- nii p.abtivpp w fn UGARS Crushed Granulated, Powdered, and Loaf J also BiOftQ uid Clanhed, tor sale bv .1. T. LANHAM ft CO., ml4 Tmporters of Tea, Ac., Third st. IV LOUR A 7uy bbls A No. 1 Extra Flonr; to bbls one do; In store and receiving dally and for sale bv AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.. mf Corner Second and ss r.MGS casks prime Borro rirs to arrt-- e an1 for x sale by mil V. D. GAETANO A CC SOUTHERN RANGES We keep onustantlv on hand o' thse celebrated Rauee, and are pre- pared to put thera up at short notica. For hotel or lam-il- y use they are uasuroasoed. For sale by al WALLACE, JJTHGOWJ B CO. ORANGES AND LEMONS MfWtu and Pftlermo Oianrr: 4U do do To arrive by the W. mU Adms and for iiie by V. , GAETANO A CO. L. A. CIVILTj & WOOD Kooks, Stationery, V ALL-rArL- K, WIKDOW-SHADE- S. ZsOckiB fit picture Frame, I!iK-- acd Jvb Printers and Binders. 431 MAIN ST., BETWEEN FOURTH Avn ntra Kv. JOHN SKTDEB & CO.. Wholesale Grocers, rionr and Com mission Merchants, K Main etreet, between Third and Fonrth, LOUISVILLE, KY. PARTICULAR ATTF.N U I YEN TO THE SAL Flonr and , d to us. J. 13. CALDVTSLx, & CO- - BSa Cheotnut street, opposite Oirard Hooaa PHILADEIJ-UIA- . NEW IMPORTATIONS FINE WATI BI Patlt, Phillipft, A Co., Watehes, In Cefipva. Charles Frodeham's London TlineKeepera, new eerfe all sizes in Hunting Cases and Open Fmb, "Sole Aiithoried Agent? for abovn. rOold and Silver, E- - flish and Swtsa WATCHR. Rich Jeweln", new delens. Diamonds, Pearls, and nil the Fashionable stylea. SHpot Ware, unsurpasMl in t !e, uuality, and 0niaa tWRrrangers vUltlng Philadelphia are Invited to amine their MiW MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. A visit entailing no obllrsMon to pnrchaae. '."Uniform Prices, In plain figure, and no varlarioa, Jnlvi di JOHIST FLECK, Lard Oil and Candle MANUFACTURER. rf. 1 00 Third st., between .Tfnln and the Blrt And No. 7 Jefferson st., north side, between Clay and Shelby, Ijoulsvlllo. Je31 dly GUNPOWDER DUPONT'S RIFLE ASD ELASTICS POWDEH, IN METaii KEGS Water-tl- nt acd Fir proot We have In magazine II supply w iie above cele- brated brand of Powder, put up lu jxUssw iron swa, ana for sale at same price as wooden kegs b? A. V. DuPONT Ac CO, lVN. B. For sale bv all the LoulHle merchant. T. n, eatAjo....ruiixir viaamo....a. a. taoabo. V. D. GAETANO 4 CO. Wholesale Fancy Grocers anu rai-nt- in Manufactu of X Candy, Sirups, and rreserves. 10 Main alrre-t- , fcrtweeo N!V.tth bumI Risbfh, LOUISVILLE, KY. ff Z.I0.07IZ COIYIP. (Dr. 8tbt; OIALATD OP CBIHTJWi PHOFTlUAiyilNZ; VACCINE TOATTZa O'reeh and reliable); Fora il e by THOS. F. TENKTN8 A CO., al" lorner Third and Walnut st". Fresh Roll Butter JUST received from the North and for sale 10 bbls Roll Butter for table use. O. FHOAIS, all) 318 Third st., between Main and Market. LOCK SjO bbLi A No. 1 Family Flour for sale by OA RDNKR A CO. WHITE WINE ft bbls Haut Sauterne la store and bv la WM. GAV. CODFISH AND MACKEREL V 6 drums Cod hah; 4 do do; bo packages Mackerel In store aud tor sale by 14 ANTVW RT'CmNAV A CO, CORN 300 sacks White Com In store and for sal by TAIT. ANDERSON. A 4 :.. 4u 0. liLOURlUD bbls Extra Flour for sale by r 13 GARDNER A CO OATS-I,o- no prime Black and Whle Seed hist received and tor sale ry T K TT WHCKUMN :0 . UnFnnitha WUGAR O 50 hhds prime N. O. Sugar; T5 bhls Powdered and Crushed Sagar; 1". bbls Laf Sugar; In store aud tor cafr by al MARSHALL TT ALBERT A CO. OFFICHJAI. PILLS, Sugar-Coate- d. THE attention of the Prof-s-d- and the public Is to our Increased faulltie lor supplying in anv qu&nMtit the handsomest and mo- -t reliable Sugar Con ted Pi I If in the country at the lowest prices. Circulars sent on application to a&i THUS. K. JENKINS A CO. Newfoundland Cod Liver Oil TO be found only at TUOS. E. JENKINS CO 8 1 Diug Store. DRESS new style Amer'can Lawnr; 6 do do do Freuch d 1 CHsa do do do Chlut2; ciiee' awrted Poplins; Received aud for salo cbeip by ai5 T. A R 8 LEV IN ft CAIN. rR NTS Iw cnsAs new ctie Prtute; 6 do black and black and whit Prints; 2 do HovIh's purple do; Kecrtvod aud for sale cheap hv a'io T. A R. SLEVTN A CAIN. WHI8KY- - 1 J luu bbls sTctra Rectified Whisky: bit hols ltourbon d ; K0 bbls copper distilled do; 40 bhte old Ky-- e do. In store and for sale by f MARSHALL HALBFRT A CO. JAVA CO FF 40 pocaete prime .lava Coffee or by rtV HIBBITT SON. SUGAR CURED HAMS In etore and for sale by W. A H. IU RKHARDT. 417 Market -- t. 0fl DOZ RAILROAD CORSETS AND BODICES rJ' asorted 75 doa Vi rox's Hoop Skirt", ssrted; 1,000 pieces atwrted 4. ioc4iet Braid: do do do Trimming; Received and for aale by JAMES LOW A CO.. m! itiw aud 310 Malo st. IAYER RAISINS rv boxes Layer Raisins Just and for sale by n,J4 V. D. GAETANO A CO. NA I LS 7un kftgc IVdniont lor sale bv 21 CASfLEMAN. MURRKLL. A CO. Tl I OLASSKS ftOO t bls landing from Magenta and for i'l sale by fmJ H. D. NEWCOMB A BBO. 14 :K 80 casks In store aud for sale by B kawhon. Tonn. CO. OVERINO'S REFINED SUGARS- -. 00 b"l Ctushed, L Powdered, sud Grauulatd ret.'elved and for mle by aJ4 RAWSON, TODD, & CO HIEAL llo bags Cora-Me- received on eon-- 1 1 bluiuent aud for sale hv a I. SMITH SP ED Main st. HAMS of vailou-- j brnud-- , uar-cue- country, aud Ham , tor Bale by B :l .?. M'TTT SPKfD. Vi -- t. -l- ou bbls Plautatiou Molaets iu store MOLASSES b WM. OA Y. SUGAR T5 bbls New York Circle CRUSHED 3ugr in btore and tor sale by WM. GAY. ACKEHEL 100 kits No. I MarJwrel for sal, low M to oIom eousigument by at WM. GAY. CHAMPAGNE -- 2 bixee pints and quarts in store low to cloae couuigi met bv " WM. OAV. LARET 4casks superior Claret in store nnd for salo J by aa WM. GAY. 1 j NES 21 cam's Claret Wln, for family use; 50 do do do, vtry flue; W caks do do; lu do do do, fine for table nse; luo canes White do, Haut 8iuterrai 2A b'jls do do, do on; oca-k- i Iirt d. ; lh do Sherrv an t Madeira Wine; 3 boxes Muscat' Wine; bti do Cb impaeue, ota, pts and Sfipts; In store and for sale by ANTHONY ZAN4JNB A B'N, 21 Fifth street. lelow Mmin. is UNDRI- S- 611 pkes Brandies, some very fine; ami bhls Bourbon Whiuky; 4 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons sw Km laud Rum; 2 d Jamaica d ; 3i esses Brandy Cherries; 3 do Macaroni; 3i baskets 4)live OP; ti do id and 3i boxes Sardines: for sale bv ANTHONY ZANONE A SON. aOT Fith st.. helow Mam. WINR-- -i casks Madeira Wine: o casks Fort do; la s Muscat dr; 26 bhls Malaga dn; 5 bhls Oirurer doc In store and for sale bv MARSHALL HALBP.RT A CO. CRAB C1DER--- 7 bhls Crab Cidor Just received for sale bv JNO. r. HOWARD A CO.. f3 Uln. iwtwMn Tblr1 and F AND Mr A L SIEVES 50 doz-- ton mon ILOL'K Wire Sieves ,ust received and for sale by OKR1N RiW-;ON- . ail 8ry Main st.. betwoen Third and 1'ou-th- . OFFEB Lnno bags Rio Coffee, fair to prim equality v in store and for sale by l WM. GAY. SCOTCH ALE. IFCF,IVF,D this aay per nilrod casks R. AnnV Brrwerv, and for sale bv -1 ,L II. KCHHOEDER A SN. Wall R 8. MARK. G. F. DOWNS. IV KCKIVKD THIS DAV-- A few patterns of New styte Brocade Silk- - in spriug colon-- Check and small plaid Spring Silks Kid Gioves, &t. For sale at very low price sau MARK ft DOWNS, 4T3 Main st. IANCY SOAP liu boxes Fancy Soap of various A' kinds Just received and tun Msln st . TIHrd nnd hh. 1 j... in n.'ltita a.rrliiiC OIO SUGAR tl bagb gova r It aud ior sale by RAW Brsndy. tfepreb PIKITS. WINKS, c. French Rnui, rtoiiruon rt ni- - j Whieiy, Holland s .r.i'.auwba Wine frsle. kles, fort, auerrv, duwi : n r f,.nteLUo .Ve are soloagenUlnLoui"-- ' VUAM & Cu Champagne. of Ac, Tliird s mi4 AOIASSEl! 1'A m bbls Plantation; Vido x . . ua frtr ,.ie hr AI ! " Siiina. In good cooperaie; by LuViJ 7

Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ln.rnish-d-. but the remedy is only supenoei and i fnm th inability of au alien enemv

Feb 21, 2021



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Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ln.rnish-d-. but the remedy is only supenoei and i fnm th inability of au alien enemv


Pit- - k "AUta .

of the Mn rfutmm.CourtiU, ,.f the CirumhrU the PU--

Circuit or AUKw, Ju Shi.rt.--

sntfeient to snMnta a,f "aim enemj-


m.v.i..n fo. i.f -- II civil aciiom l.rouhtof ci 9: ate.iut' o onme

rv'lt mny cases brought byInnUViff. ridut-i- u the State were suinmsnly


A tx'iU-- cn the Michi-a- n Southern

U.ilrfwJ ex;,ltl d aUmt eiW miles from Chicago

on IbnrHljy, killing the tircuiiu,

dld enir.eur. .

This War Nation. The

f,n..p:ct be I we a the I'uitecl States !

varmni-ti- urd iho Cor:fo5er.t.te hlufcM rcndeia tc,jr jutv into the Uw o" nation cn this uib-Je-

s propyl ictorerttii!'. What are the

Wal C4!0ni-C- 3, ul'J what the practical bear- -

i.V. f a e'ale or war upon me iouiwuu.u nuioofcituens of tbo two Confederacies baviDffdealIpi-- "wl h eieh other, uro questions which should will"

bo c!e.ir1y andenttnud. A a contribution fromami

etni. Iiid authority to the general stock of Waowl yoi

--.t...i th unite, we nuote txme extracts' .from

Comaiuntarla as found in Lecture third,

on tbe Law of Nat loir, vol. 1:

hdkivm of Gmmctriul Intercourse. One ?

of the imnitdute and important fmKijuou. ,

the dcUrtinn of war ia tba absolute interrnptics ofand mwdiciion of U commercial corrwj'ondeuce

the subjects ufand dealinje betweenthe two contriea. The idea that auy commercial

iutercouree r paritic dealiuK can lawfully suusut

beeen the of the powers at

men andirhnt a peci .1 licse. ii utterly in- -

interdiction flows, necesTheof e n.a-- of wr.wriir, from the principle already stated, that afftate'Kf warpa-aallth- member of the two

re petivlv iu hostility to each other ; and

to tuSr individuals to carry on a friendly or com--

cUl lotercurMs while the two Governmentswere at war, would be placing the acts of Gov-

ernments and the acts ot individual in contradic-

tion to e?ch other. It would counteract the op-

era ions of war, and throw obstacles in the wayof the puMic effTts, and lul to disorder, lmbe-olli- ty

and treason.U follows as a recpssarv consequence of tae

a ,f tha illeeslitv of all mtercourse or

traffic, wi hmt expre permissions, that alltb enemy made during the war are

utterly void. The Insurance of any enemy's pro-

perty is au illegil contract, because it is a tpo(iesof trHde and intercourse itb the enemy. Thedrawing of a bill of exchange, by au alien enemy,on a u' Ject t f the adverse country, is an illegaland vi'iu contret, becaa-- it is a c 'mmunicationand contract. The pu.chace of bills on theeu-mv- 's

count rr, or the remission and lepoit offunds tber.-- , is a dangerous and illetral at-t-

, be--c

uje it may le cherihhirg the resource? andthe wants of the enemy. The rem is ion of

funds in monev or bil's. in su' jec's of the enemyli unlawful. "Th inliibitinn roaches 1o everyrommnrlcitio", direct or circuitous, f All en-

deavor totrwdwi b the enenry. bv the inter-mlo- n

of a third Down, or by partnershipshave eqnallv fatM, and no artitice has succeeiled

to leg-lia- th trade wiibout the express pennision of the Government.

ir dog mi'jioih-- the exK'tpnce of civil con-

tracts anu relations, and a reference to courts ofiuRiic; and it is therefore, necwsarily oontra-dictor- v

ia att:ita(if war. It atl'rd aid to anenemy in an eff c'uil manner, by enabling themerchants of the enemy's country to supporttheir government, and it facilitates the means ofr.iveirg Intelligence and earn ing on a traitor-ous correspondence with the enemy. These con-

sideration a plv with peculiar f rce to maritimeS'a'es, where "the principal object is to destroythe marine nd commerce of the enemv, in or-

der to force them to peace. It is a well seMlcd

riortri e in the Fnlih courts, and with the Kn

gii-- h jnriats that there cannot exist, at them lime, a war of arum und a peace fur com-

merce.i uo war puts an end at once to all dealing and

rournuniraiLoa with each other, and places evervindivl Inal of the respective Governments, an wella- - ttie G vrnmn'8 themselves, in a state of hos-

tility. TLls is iqual'v the doctriue of all theduthVritative riitTM on the law of nations, andvf the n'aritiine fidinarces of all the great Pow-

ers of Europe. I: is equally the received law off;i e cuntn , and wi? dcid.d frequently by 2

the t'onirre-- s of the United States during theKev lutinirirv V;ir. and ag'ila by the SupremeO'-ir- of the Ui iied &ta e dariug the cour.fe ofthe Us' war: and i: 'n difficult to conceive of a

of dojtrine more deeply or extensively root-i- d

in xhf general maritime bwof Europe, and iu

ti universal and immemorial usage of the wholecommunity of the clviiiz-- wor'd

Lvry relaxation of the rule tends to corruptthe aMMzi f the ru J cr, and prevents the warfrom fulrilli g ls end. The only exception tothis mi io a r'g MOtn rule of international juris-pru- eii

e is the c f ransom bills and they arec n rics of necesMty, fourdwl on a state ofand enicemWed hy its vii'lenc-- . It is also a fur-T- hr

C His'qiience of tha inability cf the subjectsof ihe iw-- Slates to commune or carry on anv cor- -respnnderice or together that all commer-c- i

il par'na ?h p, exi-tin- g between the sn! jectt.i f tri two parties prior t" the war, are riissulvedby ihe mt-r- ft'reo aiid act of the war i'self, thoughoth?-- r contracts exinting pri t to the war, are notex ln.rnish-d- . but the remedy is only supenoeiand i fnm th inability of au alien enemv to sueor to U4'; i in tlm lnu::ge of the civilians, aprrtia standi in jiidicio.

'I hi h.ila of taisd'ctrine respecting the ille-gli-

of anv conin:fcrciul intercourse between theinh bitnn s of ti,e two nations at war, was

reviewt-d- . and the principal authoritiesancient und modern, fureign aod domestic, weroaccurttt-l- v ex trained and be p isitioue which have

Iti'd down eiaUL-be- in the case of Gris- -

Witt v cieCMea in idr Hupreu.eCourt of ttli S ate, and afterward allirmed onerror.

rfWhen tho American flag was hoistod overthe Custom.-hou.-- 6 in Baltimore, on Wednesday,there waa nniverfal rejoicing. The San says:

It wis greeted with repeated cheers, and the"Smr Spargbd B.tnuer' and "Columbia, Gem oftli3, were fuug. Thero was also anotherfi rir, of pmnller size, raided on a statT' at the topof the buiHing. Tbre was no othr excitementthin the cherlng at d sinking, and the throngrii ptr(d r.ipiily than it had gathered.Thnu hnut the whole time there was apparentgod feeling, nor wer there any unkind expres-bion- s,

calcula'ed to disturb the peace.About two o'cijek, when only some twenty or

tlsir'y persons were standing near, nearly thewit do of the pobce force having been withdraw",a yotmg man George Lemmo l fooiiehlvw.lkednp 'he porch and severed the halyardswii h his pxkt't ki i e. Instantly a cry was madeby th,v;;e outonle, and Lemmon ran into thecus-ton-hi-u'-

A crowd quit kly ga herei andthrtaned him with d"a'h if he could be found.P.'hcemen Mnran and Sutherland, who were nearki h .I'd, f d owd Lnmiiin in'o the custom-hous- e

and 'o.ik him into custody. AVitbout, the crowdfurious and a rope was procured with which

to execute their threat, bnt the police offeredt tj r aid'arce to protect the party to the cen-tral pohc- - sta ion, which they did, though theth'wtig f-- lowed c'o-e'- y after, and sometimes at-t- e

nptd to get bold of Lemmon. After rBacbiugtli police station the civwd acd Lem-r- n

n w siibfq iently taken before the L'nittdC 'inmisoK-ndr- whj held bim to bail for a

furrber h aring.In ihe afreru-jo- the flig wasagain pat up. and

it - rot probalde that it will lie aainas such conduct is deprecattd by all good cituens.

ITEMS.The Atlanta (Ga) Intellieroer offern, in its

edvertMpj? columns, S'J ap ece for tifteeu de-t- c?

i,trs from the Confederate army.Td, wbi, and blue are the colors now being

put lu the Bilmoral skirts by the manufacturer!).The bombardment of Gaeta is said to li3e

rort 2),000,OvO fraDca, aud yet it was a j;ood

The raise f the ve?Bls and other property'urfolk, Vi., ia estimated at 610.- -

000 CK'O.

The deaths in St. Txnis, Mo., last week, 8,

of which So were children under of ape.

A' out 80,000 troops have left or napaed throughNtw York city, on their way to Washington.

An order for 1.000 r fiVs, for Tennessee, wasncjirtd at Colt's on Saturday. It was noth;i-d- .

What is the difference between Charlotte Amand Ann Eli? Que i a quaik and the other achtmiBt. J low so? Why, the former ia a char-Uta- n

and the latter an analyzer.Daniel W'tbster'a bod, Fletcher, ia rauint; in

Bo ton a regiment of volunteers."Out of thi Fryin-pa- n into the Firo" A num-

ber of women have ficd from Charleston and takenrefuse in ti more.

The Volunteer Fund in Milwaukie, Wis.,Vviir TnUed by private subscription, amount toQZZ Cf.:0.

The Yirtclni. State authoritirtg have contractedwir h p:irtiert in Richmond foralterinp 10.000 ti'int-J.c- k

into percns.-io- and the work hasu'reidy btn commenced.

AVl'er Cnnnlnph-iDi- , a boy four years old, waeturned to dath, the other dav, by the firing ofthe dead grade on one of tha hills near MaidenSli-a- . '

Moranatlc-marristj- e are those which occurpirtio of unqml rank, and where the(u rot (o ucced to the title or property of

lh.hnbai.d. 'beven'v-si- Siera of Mercy in Providence

hva their ervicea for hospital dutyin attendance nnoa the Rhole Island rejdment. '

Ir i esppc ed that the I'ensacola and Montgom-f- 7(Ala ) Railroad will be completed in live

oa; a. There ace from six to aeveu nulea yet toiron.

Gen. Lor, who h at the head of the Virginiatn id the con of ihecalebraU4 "Liht IJorr--

Ji irry. " of the Eevoiution.A correfporjdent of the Charleston Mercurv

writing from Penpal la, aypa fietre of six mouthdt xp c ei btfore Fort Fit kns ia tiiken.1 h tailor shops in the Wisconsin fState Prison

hive had orders to turn out nothui but militarych'hinff.

'J'eT ihnand doll ire have been voted bv the( umden and Amboy Railroad toward the suprjortof th fimilioa of volunteers gjing from SzvrJ

An elderly woman, wife of Lbenezer C. Thayer,of Q'lincv, Mee., hun herself on Saturday tothe bd post io hor chamber. Momentary insanityva as the cinse.

(0!!UCIAL.Cincinnati, May 1, M.

lonr 6rm at 8 7r fir eupeiiiae. WhiakyN'it ung doing in Provitioua; p ice remaiu uomlual.i;i-r- ij a fair deuii-i- ('t Groccri-- s.

New Yociu May 1, M.rocka without change or activity, jiouuy and ti-c-

J)? pv-en- t UO now leaturea. aiena and Chicagof'V! Il.iuols Cuutrni S"rlp (f', Pauama U3, Harl'm

ditto prcftrred Slitf Pacilic ilaij 70X aiichipanO-- -- :rJ ir.V K id'o X "iir 30 dayp, Miebiian South-

er . Uaf. docuarunfced S, New Vori Ofentrl 78, Erieil, Hitui t"C i d St Joiwph RiilroAd 3ii, Harlem

H6, II v9on lit bovd- - 1 5, Missouri rt'a 39, NorthCarolina .fl'. Virginia Tennrdene 47, Trea-ur- 7aIvi, Luitil State 'yi'd rgl t'T.-- U to v. UL co.i, oni4 Cliruia 7' Tl'-- i i

MAD. Dl'o. u j.1 r to Mrvirt Kali,

AMI IMPOItTFK OpMAMrM'Tnil'll ,y t"cc-- rrloi. EPAU- -

F.TVFti. gV.'O'ti a, S.VHi'.S, RL'IS, F.A NNI ,KTAraSELS, STATE GUaU. mil L 6 BUTTONS,

All oirdm'o pr.ajpTl hUei and at eboit notion.sp3ldff

W rf-i- thf i(i .it tli - l.mroin.:iderou at Hall, oi B?ro. t

ttfwn 4'!av & Shelby et'-- 'Iho iiiidf-r-

or luu'. . . L. it. ( ow !i")f, Rii-- Kinwiin"t0 i.vv on hmid receive and drill

K ntiiek'"nft tu-- uu ready to mliai't t ' (Imhwf lavv or vili W rou' ritiitr w irh hup ia

KV"TON' Rcf;'.Krf.

C ANN EL COAL."K f.vt t 'fT n'f'iv H 3. (vir-- pui't'ly ot th:- - tni'v

f iv it' ll a:ti'-i- i.i' Coal Klv-- Pttnna lmmlfont, tlin ai ri :li ii(iit'd auf summer u ji

IjiMfM jouro'iltrn ut Kc hb' old rtt nd, on mntli ddT'lird. 'i''''f iliultt.!, aad eouthwc.-- t corner liiKiK and

ajodh,. T.M3TEAD ft Q'CONNt)R.


H. FEEGUSOW & SON,Wholesale aud Dealers in

JlLTTJr FLOUB,I'iith treet, out door uorth of Maiket,


r.ST BRANDS OF FAMILY I'LOtft coubtaatly oabaud.

MTTIour delivered to aoy put of the cltvfVof

now OPEN !

HOW OPfiNIA moet elegant etock of


J. 1. A.llTROXi'H.Ou Main street, oypoeite the National,


Sl'lilNO it ITS,

Auk) (ot Childreii'e aod Vouthe' wear.Together with a great variety of



For nate elienp forwh atAKMSTKONU'8.

dut o-- o q :p a- -

--113 Main street. 413

MARK db XJOTTVUSIIvo now in a lull and complete itock of

STAPLE AD DOMESTIC (OODSOf the bent, fabric, uch aa




0SNABLKO8, colon-- and whit;FULL STOCK OK WU1TK GOODS;

MOURNING GOODS of all kiude. v

Tup- - GochIs were all bought for rn-- h at the lowectebb of th uiai t. find r now offoivd at auch jn icea

uiiift all iarU?!. Call auu f wuiiua atoclt andunc at


THB G2Ha Of TEH SEASON,'utl' by Mdiime k,. variau jamea

CV --rVianrt tim (treat tenr, Mr. AJmiiB, uow

fc'jj SO NKAtt AND YET SO FAR"from Tti iennan oi wuuEnelih and UurniKn words, and eni- -

bolhslif-- with an Uegut iithogravuts utle. rrlce only

AiJo-BT- TN' MY DF.KAMS," hy VoWy TTalL

aulinr of "Ever of rhoe," with aauie lithographic title.) A ?.

Tljttte ar rrm of Snnc, and pelMnr rapidly. Callat th Ceutiiii Siu-i- Hotio Sli Yf-- ffrreon

HtVt "17 WM. M"'RRl'I,T..

Who are taking, up Canuteihould not put thorn downapaiK without the PATENTCARPET L1NINO, procura-ble only at WILKIN3', westaide Fonrth, be.eii Mainand Mavltet trwt.



CUtUt f'c),BONvr WTRR9, and

WHALEBONEA rood aavwtmnt. of LACE, HALF LACK, and

" V lLX M ' ,Witv Iu hard t ttut Inventfi


a) aiP r?on rt

;l Ij J

WALL PAPERPartly damaged by the recaut fiiChIch is to be sold


As It ia cur Intention to cln&r our utock entliuly.

Call eoou for GItE.T BAKUAINd at

LAP? & BnOTHEIVS,303 Fourth street.


IB1P0RTED CIGARS!Directly Imported from Havana,


Londme IntimMd, Prevgp Intfciidad,Londree M V.?ni KriUa Roman,

Ht'iR. Pormo, ltea. Wa')itnKtonTMda Rea. Iltraldo, Didtraction,

KagA. Luoiru, i.'..In store and for sale low by

X2DW. P ETNA CO,r9 31 Wftln Ft,, Baowtrifnt IxiO'Cville Hotel.

oSJ ew --Arrival ol'MILLINERY GOODS!

1HAV8 ,I STof




T am iMrml"Ml to wll cheapfor cat-h-, and ptirchasenwill llad it to their aavautagb to givu tuu a call.

HR3. EI. J. BilYANT,alS 314 Fourth ., et. Market and J flVrn.


MRS. JI. T.WEAVEB,No. 4l:t Jeffcreoast sontbnldes hHow Fourth,Offppi to th- iHdo'a a Ann and ramfully selected

"t cprlne millinery, via;HtrAw Ujum-tB- ,

Fancy do.,MlrWfl Hit,t:hHdren'- - do.,Rittbon, Vo A1.;

Alwv Pattrne of the latest siylet, uet received, h

or cut to njeaurt F.very attention given to drew making.

ia vA whlin mu. tine old received per railroad aud fr pule by

CO' - tiy.-c- e CoOM.-Nu- byand for tato by

m7 V. D. OA ETA NO CO.

WL''AR Iiki bhla Lovpnng'e Crushed, Granulated.0WQred Sugar jm-- t received and tor pale by


O KFINfc.1) SFUA- R- bbl? CirrlM A New YorkIt- - ;nuhed In store aud for ale byn 13 WM. n.AY.

RIO OFia.K ttoo ba.9 good lair and nniuo arrivinfr gale byni1 HAWpnv. T(DD. CO.

GULDEN 8IRi;P-- 8o bbl and 1H k8B Belches i


1 LD BOt'KHON WHiSKV bb's cf very euut- -

mi quality and U veare oM fnr e;df hyFL D. Nt.WrOMB A FHO.

treh Cocoa-Nut- e to arriveeale Dy

mU V. T. fi AFT A NO A CO.

car load prime Potatoes Just re-ceived and for eale by

AND'W P CCU AN AN ft CO.llOLAB3lS - h'l P'?ntrlon lacidiua troniiJ eWoiner Woodford and for al 1 by


l,LOLtt--M' bblP Flour In rtore and lor tale bvai TAl i', ANDbRSON. A JU., Ho Fourtlht.

RIO COFFLK titio bags tali to prime ta ttora aud foraie byr ALLEN, MOOP.P, A HADEN.

1 ACKIIREL Htio bbli Noa. 1, a, and a Mackerel ioi." A atoie and tor alt by

W. & U. tU H. Xtt AWT.AGENTS FOit iXx b bi'KAM DRIED

UOL1ED CORN-MKA- a veiy supehor article.

rfORN-ME- 9 buiih- - Flu-p- ft Co.'t rjrid Bolted Orn-Mil- , Id in'biubel and bushelbapt, in store and for ualn bv

ai8 W, a H. HLKKH ARDT. 417 Market at.

rj ICE 16 c&eka Rice received per m&ilboat and foraie by

n;-- R AWBON. TODD, ft CO.

IVAJLS 76 ky- - NsUif, awrt'd sixc lu ptore and tor1 hOe by LmWj U1HHI Tf C SON.

CITY DIRECTORY,Arranged Alphabetically in Regard to


K:hn, L. ft Co. nTh pide Main, bt. 4tU and fito,, Th" .A Co., Main ptmt,

Henry, Samuel O. A Co., Main Bt. tt. 3d and 4th.Spuncer, O. C, Miliu et. , 8d aud 4!h.

Artcnlturnl luipleuienth mid MefMl.II. A Co., f" Wain at.

?hen.iari A Rro.. til Mnin, btwien Sixth and Seventh.?iT'in Si . ronir of f)rfn and tfth.

Pitkin, Wiard, A Co., BIB Matu st.Caiitif A tWchauau, ii Main et,

Dnrnrrreotyp tJallcrte.J. C. E!r.i,fa (formerlv Uarria's) Gallery, Ms!n, be-

tween Fourth and FifthWubcter A Uro., 5UUi tt., between Fourth and Fifth.

A-- Hinnli Itook.Mano- -

Maxwell A Co., Main st., hot. 6th and th.

RoI(wel!er, Stntlonera, V Perforllmil Irnlera- -

Rohrton, O. W.. Co., Fourth etreet, ner Main,A. H.. 2?a Tliird street.

Divi'lcnii. A.. &I et., U i Jpftuvon ard ?fKrkot.Madden, 1., Id at., bet. Jcraon and

Bngftlna; and Uopn.Hunt. Tbop. IL A Co., Main ft., bet. Sd and Zi.

ItntiLera.Curtis ft Warren. 471 Main ft.

Bo e net I$pnrir.CMHirfe. Mrp. Wm., JetT-rs- pt hot Fd and 4ti.( !ot;5Dff and Cei:tleaienn ritmttliln fJooa.

VmdfvHfe, J. C, A Co., Wxin. hoK Second and Third.i. .1. M.. Hii (inn ;.iftni tp.

Sj'i !! Ai . c.uu. r Vh and Min pt.t ItMha nnd Cii'MlK rHen's ooib-- J.

Vou Bonh-- ft Co., !' M::in ft... bet. B.'llitt and otb.

t arpfIt, OL' t tui!;, uu;I ( nilR-- lio&O.IIIV A V.-.- rt.. and 4th.Mi.niii-I- l tit Uktlnh'.n, ith, IkI t and Watn.

4 Iui'J'h, .tIuuOHa. ccd Vni letire.Mentiutxi, C. T., A.k tt utar Main.

Ctaiiri.Pr., inut. KJ., i:t., UL 6ih and 7th.

Ch I11 a i lid iiliUMWsr'rivr.tMy A ficitnp. IrA V '.hi t?t.

t u.r a M.i .'rt ad'. 41 i Mt'.ii pt.

Ja. tKit A. A Co., 4Lb at., bei. Im kot and Jbtferaon,( out leii!era

CrittwudeJi A Gautt, nt., h -- t. Main anfl Market.J. N., Sd sf., . Jvhi rpv,u sjui ,

i lieiubtn nud ApoihecRrlea.Danea, S. F., corner 4ih tad Jefi'.ivan iti.

OuienUMcllnr.y, F-- , JTaln t1.., bet. 7th aud ?Lh Ft.

C'arilu fiie iMtniiifiieturt-ra- .

Stooe, T. F. A Co., tn pt., b t. -t and Prook.llruicH, lxtiir, filS, FiiliiSa, iVf--

M.n ip, J. 8. A K i'jh, fit Malu it.lwtjlueon, K. A. & Co., "rUui ft.. It, 5th and 1th.V'1(fi, Pttr, A Co., tii Main at.

V Ja--- E., si.Dry iocU, ( loilia, dr.

Pt itv, J. Ti1or, ,T''fT"rKOu !tret, Masonic Temple.Du s!l, C. A Co., MhIii ftrwjt. liftwepn lid and i'j.M irk A Douns, Mtn ptrpt't, Indwi-e- 4th and Mh.Martin A ;nitn.ueh. 4tli. h' tw-- Market A

Tahb, G. !., comer 4th and Market,(urn nnd Fur (oobj.

Cralr, A., Main gtret, between tith and 7th.Fancy liood, Knjbroderion, an1 Trhnuilna;i.

Rauchfu?s, Charles F., 4th street, b- -t. Markut and Jeff.Flnhlns Tackle, (hum, 11 ml PhioK

Dickou A (Jihnoro, yd ptret t, bet. Main and Market.Gi i lb. tli, J'Jeept 6th street, bt t. Main aud Market.

Forelfrn and Domestic Fnilla, Candiea, AcGawtauo, V. D. A Co., Main street, between 7th and Bth.

Fire, Dltuiue, aod l.lfn Insurance C'o.'a andAjtcniA.

Amwican Ins. Co., H. D nt. Sc, M;iin, bet. 3d aud 4th.Jrrlcr?ou Ins. Co., Win. Muir. Sec., Mnin, bet. id andLouisville lus. Co., Eo'ut, At wood, , Jiaiu, bet, iJ

and 4th.Muir, John, Mitio rt bft. 3d and Id.Roes. Wm., Malu tt., Nt. ad and M.

lua. Co., Wm. Rot, Sec, M?.la st., bet. 2dand &.

ientIeiocoa Furnish In 41ooH.Armftrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main pti.Blanchaiu, Geo. A Son, cor. 3d and Main rt.

Chi Fitters, Plumbers, iVr,Donallj' ft Strader, 3d st., bet. Market and JefTf reon.

roceiic, i.lqiiorn, nnd Tobacco.8twart A Harter, 546 Main street.

LWjuors, Winers nud Alcohol.Hart A Clark, 3d ft., bet. Miin and Market.MnnkK, , 3: Main Ptn;.Srhroed'.-- r A Wall xt.. . Main and Wu'wr.Zancne, A. A Son, 6th st., bet. Main and Watr.

Itnnbcr, Hafth. Doors, A c,Alexander, Ellis, A Co., cor. Preeton, A Walnut ft Main,

between let aud 2,Breden, J. N.. cur. Main ft Weuzel and Waluut, betweenFt & Floyd.Charle, Stephen, Main, between Campbell ft Wensell

3IUI Fnmtshlcn.Herbert ft Wripbt, It, 3d dtreet.

Printing Pnper Iinnnfnctnrer.Dnpont 4 Co., Main street, between 4th aoi 6th,

Powder.Dupont A Co. ,Maln prc et. bi'tween 4th and 5th.Davis A Srtd, WJ Main street.

Patent .Ic;Mr!nc8 nud Pcrfunifn.Raymond ft Tyler, 4th ptreet, betw een Main ft Market.

lifstnnrojit.Cawtln, J. A Co. fWalkerV), Sd, between Market AHiibQVr, C. C. tat. Cluuieo). 6th, IW. Market and iihin.

Stove Founder,Wall-ice- , Lithgow. ft Co., corner M and Main streets.

Vpwinjj Iiichlne.Barber, C. T., A trout for G rover U liaker's 3ewiug Ma

chiu- '3 Fourth st,Sumner ft Co., Jeh'erwu atrett, bet. 4th and 6th.Steamboat A trcnt nnc CommWoo acd For- -

wnrdiitf Jlerchantit.IJenMict, D. S. A Son, Main, bet Sd and 4th.Carter Fmnk, CUrt M'iin street.Erwin A Co., Wail street.Moorhead ft Co., nil street, brt. Main ard Watar,

Toy a, Varieties, nnd Fancy 4 ool.Cannon, Shrrrill, A Co., 413 Main street.

TeoniI Fancy iroceiie.Laxiham ft 8d , bet Market aud Jeifriou.

Tobaccnltt.McOlll, S. B., Green st., but 8d and 4th.

Tobacco Comn'llon.Nock, Wicks, ft Co., 613 Main street.

L'ndeiliLher.W Wyatt, ror. 7th and Jjffei&ou ptrwets.

Wbitolend end Linseed OILWilson, Peter, ft Co., 4 S3 Main etreet.

Hardware nnd CutleryMcBride, A., 5 Third street.Oruuby, CoilLi, 606 M.iu dtieet.

Ilnl and (Jnp 3 1 ufn oturw.Craic, A., cor. 4th and Miu, aud Main hot, tUh and 7th.Prather, Smith, A Co., Main streot, bet. Filth aud sixth.

Iron, Mice I, Nnibs AcBelknap, W B Co., comer Third aod Main.

Jewelry, Wutcjea, and PInte,Fletcher A ItenDf-tt- , Main . 4th aa.l 5th.Ker.drivk, W nu, ;M ft., t. M.trk"t and Mala.Kamaey, M. C, Maiu St., lelow 4Th.Voght & Klink, aa it., bet. Maiu aud Mai'ket.

Iron 1 nut leu. Fancy (fistlnpi, AcWa'.lar?, Lithgow, ft Co., corner 3d and Main ets.

I.uiJipd, Kornlua Fluid, C oal Oils, dLo.Uaidy A bealty, 4lh street, hetwwu Maiu aud Market.

Kajiawhn Sitlt Aeiit.Uiooki, W. (!., W ft., Mnin and the river.

4euerul i'roduc nnd Provlalon Brokers,Talt, Anderson, A CJ.,4 Fourrh ptreet.Allru, Mwoiv, a Hajd. o, M tin it, hut. dd and 3d

4V,., ii, Vaiti ;iid river.Rrannin ft Summer-- , M;'.tn, le.t. lr;t and ltd.

W. dr U Market, bet. 4huuMa,tViM.'Q, .1. tc, W U1 t.H:h!iiit , .Vark. t, h t. and 3d.Cood ft M.nnlv. Wall et., h; t. Mmu and the rivrt(;uatl-niiL- ti A ioihlff. .;a Main et.(Jai.lniT ft Co., i y Jlaiu

Wm., (w Maiu .-i tllalbeit, M. ft Co., - Mai.t ptreet..lack ft Hrother, 5l MainMoiria, lieo, W., Tliird ntwt, bet. Main aud Watar.New tomb, H. D. A Co.. W:illCtrer K A Men, Sixth stiv lt. Market and Main,RiHfon, Todd, A ( o.. 14 M iiu stiwt.Suyd'T, John, Market treer, bet. Fhstand Brook.Welby, Geo., oirj Main street.

Igents Wanted 2 :TO SliLL TICKETS IN TUK

Library Association Company'ss xTH rpr&T niQTDioiiTin Mon


0XE TIIOrSAM) PKIZES I. MOXET!Tickets Limited to 5,000.

SINGLE TICKETS $3, OR SIX TICKETS FOR $10.Terms to Agentn very Liberal.

w For Tickets, Sl.em. or AReneloc, itdre's or ap-ply to BVMtl V. CXK.HKNTK

a 4 dtf No. 3i5 .lelfercon stnwt, U'tiisvlliH, Ky.

Dissolution.C A. BLACK ft CO. liav- - this davdie-olvP- d part-

nership by mutual consent. All iufVh!-..-to --aid ftrm aie miie,;-- to and uttle, and all

who have ciaiius nc?.intt tt e nfinewiil prtntthevn for eeUleniout to W. C. D Whips wh aloneauthorized to rottltj. W. C. I WHIPS.April 1H, 1W1. c. A. HLAUK.

W. C. D. WHIPS willcontinue the biidtneH a?lmretof re at the ol candcorner of FUth and Given,

Jerlereon street, between Third aud Fourth etreU,lHI"OBTFa AM MANlTAOTlrREH OK

ZiADX22d' DHESS TRIUflJUINGS,:IWs leave to announce to the lad'ea of

3 Louipville and vicinity that he ha jueteeivfd his stock ot 8 prim? Coodn. rnnht-I- n

of tlie richest n.n-- httst dyle- - of DreTummmc, tic man and SlutUndWool, Ctuivtis, t hrnille Pattnif, Nef-dl-

Pnrttfl Hcn, FilliiiK and KmbroideryS'lkft. Hold and Silver Lac, Braid., ordftf Uitp.aud rrin- - Net!; Couirw Hall

r t itj iil p,ni Fani". a d a great variety otFiill-.ti- a j French Fancy Ai't!rlps.

T-f- l ' rnnee-- , HuTtoo, tVtid?, Ta?selp.Ac.,I'M inMle to onie-- at the phortet notice aud on

WUi t reasonable term.y voumrj iueruiauie euppneo ' no--

COTrONAHKS, Actd Ojttonadia:

4 dj ( aiii'et Jein;5 do Fitrnifr- DrillG o N"(fo Pialds and Stripes;tS halep Dentins

Received and for utile cheap h"a.-- T. A R PLTVTN A CAT).

JUNDRII'SJ bti boxes No. 1 Fan'il? Boap;12 do No. 1 ieniaji do;VJ do No 1 Palm d;Vi do No. 1 Fancy ao;bl do No. 1 9ar Candit;a5 do aidhox's Tallow Candle-- ;

alo a few box Parattine d;S1! do and Mboxes S'rch; for Palo bv

nia H1K1TT PON.

REFINKD Pl'oAKS- - 2"" bbl Cm-hc- Powdered,L'af, aud Soft Crushed Sugars in store

and tor Bale by13 AVTVW m'CTTANAV A f'O.

F.FINKD 8COARS 1'10 bbtp CrushedR and Powdered arrlvinc nnrl for snle bv27 RAWS IN. TODD. A :o.

HUiA- K- lmt bols Baltimore B Softi

Crudhed received and for pale by13 RAWHON. Tf DP, A CO.

WOODEN WARK-T- ub, Keeler-- , Bucket-- , Broom,fenirhH-- . ( :hurne. sh

Boards, BofVla, ftc tor sale byart

RIO COFFEK ICO btg3 good to piima Kio Cotfeestore and tor sale by


3 bTes of tine (jualitv in stre ',d foria bv I I B 1 IT A SON.

Wcftfea 10 4 hrown Sheet iujts;l .i r'.o 1 M bleached do;b do do do;

Jutt itccived aud tor ale byJAM I' 3 LOW A CO.


0 S'.ikReceived aad fi.r ta-- e hv

JAMF.3 LOW ft CO.,Jf 'Jin S'x'h

ONDON PORTKR AND SCOTCH ALBU 1,') doen London Portei

W) do Scotch A

Sold by the doirtiu or nft' to ;n!t piri fiae.r-- hyvil I. P. THOV - N. 'x. fourth t.

T.LOCR- - 6 0 bbls hi F'.re acd for xale 1.

T u,jl TA IT, ANDERS j.N, A CO., ItW Fourta rt.

Know Thyself.MC ANN if5 a rerulr,7 educatd PtiMeUn andDR. the true oundition aud locality of

by the polite and ir laritiea without thI.itl. nt anvuestlOJi". ID,-- ' - to no thie yet arecnreJUt to isa on;e leadie uuTous in order to obtaina clue to t;ip dlneape. W do iMthing of kind, andhave invariAbiy given satbilaciwn. Couaultatioua audexamLUaticu

2j.ra.:j3E2 403P oxazAXica-E- .


:s Pilw ni(.tt,od o: Medicated ItthalfUioM and rontl-t.,- t.

,'lreff!ie'tt. Weorfrvou new re!iedi- -. entirelyTOr-.- r, wlitch have proved a flpwdr aud otfrtnal er.rein i J("Yi':a uJi''. v"-- "i"'"- o' 01

4r.H thA Heart. Htoiuach.Li-.- -? f'Mi Kiiiaev-- , Dr.ipsev, En

.'.t'v Chronic Liters. Ne iralpia,Paivrta, Kiptula, "ite, Di wares ot the Kye and1'ar Weakue,-- , Skin Dbfaes, Rupture, Diar- -

in ihort. alt enable cireasea. W e ar? nota cur all" and will luideitaae no use wttb- -oat a talr prospect of rocoveiy.

Femal-- f twMiWed with Pt:ppr.-??1o- n IrrrrJariyee,a or V7t'ie, Fr1I!"S of Hie Womb, Polypus of

the Utrui Tunm of 'iv kind. l;flrTonne?s, all I. rmaryI'tiinr t' or piirinilt Mpiw' ruation, Nervoi'f r,

Ac . vili ilil7 cured without the nae ot poi- -

i.iu dnR?or in!!iricn.'Tuuielatable medicines of anyt:ivi. in calling no dlilerence whatrHjr may b-- I do iu(t eiect von topioce your-ee- i:

ii!'d-- r tn rreiltnent nnleew you pninr 't.Ali 0'i:nimiif-tinn- Lhcij- - conrldentjal. The ft'rict-e- d

".re turtivllr invited to cll and af uiy tht mtmlvos.Huii Strf nt.. t'tweeu Market and JetierKu et?..

Kmipvllle. Kv. All leterp artdreeil to enr cure, en- -clc;i.ii a ernu.n, rt"in(i s;'ppouie And nature ot diear,t,;.!! re ie nrtnt inu ilvdicinf arit to &i

rr:,P-,l- " f'civd BuUa. 0:-- boaru from e A. U. to

Boy' Olotlaixxg,T.M. AIMSISTIlONGr,

Oa nialn Mrect, opposite the Nnilonal lie! el.

TTA8 iuct recivod tome very beautiful new styles1 1

SPRING SC1T3For Bojb aud Chuditu'e wear,

Al :oM1CVR

CilSTa' rCRMSHlN'G U00D8,HO! It H,


Ac.WStrh b will rrioup for ch. m

--113 lain street.IV'Ell THIS DAYReci: KilJ Ol Ve.f, aatorUa;


For 'ale at low prices,mil MARK A T 'WNH, 4UI Main st.

"1 V' ure now recelvine a cood stock ofH'lNNLTH, Rl(iBJ3, t'llll


goods, lacks, vkii.s, fm- -

BROIDF.RIKS, FANCY GOODS, and811AK KK (.OUl3. to which we invitethe attention of Milliuerd and Me-rchant.

CANNON ft BYLK3,t?JtS iInln atreet.

Nearly opposite Louisville UoteL

3.x o v ja. Xj


Has been removed to north tldo of Market street,bet ween Thir 1 and Fmith.


an'?t dlr ren nvrSm

CIGARS! CIGARS!V DIHCCT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA,ooii neijj a lot oi the very btjot brauu, sucli ar:


Always on hai.d aud for rale at wholce ile and retail bj

ED WD. PU'S'lVADO,m4 No. Hlft Main ?t., muler tho Louievllle Hotl.


North altlr Unin bU, between 'Jd nnd 4thVINO dailv larfe additions to our stock otiFCF.T cort?dirinti of Auviis, W.'s, Ijoks,

Uinpej, Scii'vh, holf. Plane", Saw?, Cofl"J tin, Nrti.ft, Sa.1i Vt'etSiitJ, toopfr's and Cr'.rreTit"To. i,r '..if m- - f W7yii I 'Ol.f ,1S OHMS BY

HOT 3X:0-XN"C-- S.


''pnF ILtels at Hot Horlt'.jr? flhile and Proct-o- nonfieaX hve beeu blend'd auj made to

iW't'Oiinuodite vwiiiT uiMiKKi) at auy timetbrouirour the r,ir. lne-- iOi;Gt'rJul pnriurt" popitiely cure Rhenmatism, Contracted JitUita. NVuralpla,Li!Lbiiro, Para!viis, Oont, St Vlturt'e , UvKte.t'ia,Sterility, Im potency irorn , Vnpnalt.rcurepi (. Seitula aud Glandular a leasee.

rjid ai! loriue ol flam dreei.K. 8. CLAYTON, Proprietor.

Dr. Q. W. Lawrence, thn Medical exnrulner of HotSpn ntrs a ill ttupply cii'cuUrs to applicaut-- .

N. B. Mercurial, Iodine, Sulphur, and othr medler,t"d v.iivrtrp fnrni?hfd when rriiiir"d. ian'JS dip

DIARIES Oil 1801.We bave a largo varitty of these useful MKMORAN

DCM BOOKS, many of them of fine Turkey morocco

with POCKET-BOO- attached. For sale by

MAXWELL 26 CO.,Main st., near Fifth.


J. M. AKMSTRONG,Ou I3a.hi, opposite the Nniloual Hotel,

now Iu i of some nice CLOTHS aud CASSIMt K1.3, to which he In v it" the at tentiou of thue inwaul ot a nic; Drtws or Business suit. Hie stock of

KEAT - CLOTfiII.G1 now Urge and both for men and boysAloShirts, Hosiery, Gloves, TJadorwear.&cFor sale chep for otfu or to prompt customers w noHVE PAU Ti'llllt JANUAI'.Y hlH.P. ('1

IN"ew Importations,CKtJTCSSIC &ISIcCIlI3 AST,

At No, dTJ Maui stretft, three doors below the LouisvilleHot!,

Apy now recoivli" Urm additions to their pfock ofaod Quoent-wHre- . On hand and arriving a

Ui jh aud handnOLue of 0!fware, Brit, andPlated Caetors, LookUiff-Cl:i-T-- Lintenia. Water-CI-

h. Toilet Set-- , and Fruit Jan-- , all of which will Imjat at low fibres ae can bv found iu the markut.


AfAPLK HCOARVX) lbs pure Maple ufe'ar Just re- -i

J ceived and tor fnle bvpi?.'i W. II. BI'RtfHAROT. 4'7 MRrM t.

pUl'NTKY MOLASSES A prime article in storeand tor pale hy

mi' w if. BITtTTHAROT. 417 MarW t.

IXTltA FAMILY FLOt R 60 bMn choice WhiteFl"iir jut reit ive-- and for said bv

n"B W H rn'MlfPAHin' H7 K'orket t

Hailroad btock ior ale.WIX SHARK8 Lexint;t--!- i j:d Frankfort Railroad

Stock for sale. QCIOLKY, LYON 3, A: CO.

S. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS.this day a full assortinout of

DRESS GUUDS, viz:Summer Bmhazinps;

Black Point de Vnie- -

Tammarflnef, black and colored;Beretfe Hernaui

Back Moussi.liue.IV We aire daily addiiiff to oar stock.mS5 MARK A DOWS. 413 Vpln st.

MAt KKKKLw Nob. 1. 2, and 3;

lite V .in d j;yxi hlt do-i-

igbhls White VUh; frr sale bvC ASTLKM AN, MCtlRKLL. ft CO.

OTTON YARNVy 15it bjfii a ifoi d immbers;

lill d t. MJ-- I hft 111:

fce bales ( ct 'on T'vinw;hU di Caudle-Wir-

llH) Uo No. 1 Brttring- - for mq bywJi CAdTLF.MA "J. MLKKKLL, A CO.

ANDLK AND SOAPJ boxee rj:tr Caml'ea;

do Mold do:no conunoQ bar Sap:

fin do ( iermun d?,6"J d) T.iiht d.M dj Cattl'e do; for aale hy


MOLASSF.S Plantation;l'xi do;

bb's Sugar-'foue-

Nt ijdo do;60 whale, M. a"' M hMs Oolden Rinip; for sale by

ci2 CAhTi.KMAN, Ml'URl'LL, ft t;n.

G-- HHDH SKIAR iut received per steamer Wood- -

toi d and tor saie byTYLF.R ft MARTTN.

WUNDRIFS-- O15 hbls Pecan";1') - VHbeif-S- t

bbis Tarraoua Almonds;1' h..l? do;W bblfl Slcllv doli bbls Fusll-- h Walnuts:'o kepjt French Prunes;

ras ' " Id glass;B frail- - s:

H1") parkasea M. R. and Layer Raisins;6'f drum Sun rua

13 capet Sardine!, ?J and 14. boxee;10 caks Zaote Currautu;

In store and tor sate bvTV," nVO. W. MORRffl. t?M TMr t.

WL'NDRIESYw lrno hbis Flour;

iXJ bbla Api'le:8 :0 bbls Potater.

ft'J bhlc Oniooi--:Joii bagrt Buckwheat Floor;

In store, and tor sale byi"h .Tonv svvrtrn co.

AISINS- -l,iJ boxftd London Layers;1"G do M.l"i do and Layer?:

rO diuiud bultana sale hvm5 Ol ". W. MORRIS, Third st.


the ilhi"traf ion of the Raieiiig ef theS'arf aud Strips at tiw Price 1jcper copy.

At. F. MADDLN'3 BOOKSTORi:,m!5 : rfJl Third 't.

fcPOOL OOTTO- N-O i,.,co dc Code's C t3, au:crtc3;c.j d, Kad'v. -

s Co;Just rtioeld auij for

TAMKS LOW Jr mK? fr an-- i Ij v.ent ?'de Sixth .,

COCNTRY LAP.D-.I- nrt recetved a quantity in kesand cn retail ty

m:::i lilBHITT .t; RON.

1At'.A.l"l INK iI.'iMiIj! I'ara.Uut) Cj.!niieiW'l hy



Improved Metal Burial CasesCombuilLUt Beauty, Durability, and Lightmsa

tVOrfice corner Seventh and Jeflerson, Louleville.''piiv: above CapkMa are made of Comnrated flhwt1 Metal and with Cnittn 1'erchaor iniia Rubbero as to be Air and Water Tight.

All oniere promptly attended to. dlH drf

j. vow eonnius & com



4H6 Mnln afreet, between BuIIIlt and Fifth.Onr stock Is now rrv !rM nit mmnit. m whUh

however we are addinj daily all the latent itylos of poodsu mr line. mE

I bnl Nti 8 RFFINKD Hl'OARrt All hhlf. ( IrnahedJ and Pulverized received mniiboftt and for salebT rm' RIWSV Ti'iUh. (.lavawirrRK-ia- o mats choico old Java in store

" ana lor sale byrawsov. Tonn rrt

1 MO COFFElfi-l- t igs pood arrivii ir and for sale byn2rf WWON. T nn. C.n.

W W7H i.. . . . ..."""y Amencan prtnt-- . to wnich weinvite the rtttentinn of cn-- oulv, a wecan and will theni cheaper than any Western houe.uu mil itiiuru uj ao it.


i;i3H--1-- .Vhhls White FUh;

VlmlB Trout;Just received per iUllroad and for sale br


S. . MAKK, (j. F. DOWNS.


Lawnn. avd Jaconets;Pa:!,- - p: in ted Krllliautc;Checks Chnlliee;Trench mid Fpcllh Chlotz ard Calicoes;Bna-- and B- - lt Kibboni;

And a general atock of Dunu'Mi-- " anfl O'ods.MARK A DOWNS. 4'3 Main st.

NGTICS.For fine. Champaue ami Catawba Wines,

A Per fine old Fort, Madeira, aud Sherry fXiE i Wines, t. ;

For fine old Copnac Brandies, KiMFor fine old Bourtion County Whisky,For line old Peach and Apple Brand.For Scotch Ale. Loudon Porter, aud Brown Stout,ana 101 even rnniw ele ood in tlie Liquor Hue,

lio ro the "OLD BLLE HOLSF," and vou will curelyuuo it. J. r. 1HOMPSON,

J Proprietor.

I INKS OOODSAJ 25 pieces uperfit:c Table Damaskt

lu c.vee! Iiih Linena,S do Si nai ii L:ut-tl- ;5 do lilfnie do;

8,'XHJ pair brown Linen TmWo troths;8 bown Llueu DritMt ga;3 do bleached do;8 do fancy d':

Received and for sale byJAMES LOW ft CO.,

anrf Jlti widt i.te Sixth t.

1 E BON TON for April,A fLANTlO MONTHLY tor April.

For nate atr:?S V. MAPDFN'S. W Third

kMRl :tl pcVj;ej extra Golden Sirup, In wholef5 au d hall bbia aud retivt per mall boat audor Fftla by ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO..

Comer Reeond and WnMneton tr

IKI'P St. Lcuin aud L"virujif'fl extr Golden Sirupin aegj ana o tutan by

m V. HTnpITT WW.

11 a F, 'i'l MiAtJiJO Browu's aud lloiiiud's, of au ex- -a ra t.iftlity, tor sale by

ui2i y HIBBITT ft SON.

ACKEREL AND SALMON in whole, half, and1" i- uumter Lbls and on rtjil hv


LEMONS AND NUTSMe-- ia L"inous;

6 tierces Cocoa-Nuts- :11 nocks Npl"a Walnuts:

Reeeivvd by steamer Woodf'.rd and for sale byV. D. OAKTANO ft CO.

AOKEREL 2i w bole and half bbls No. 1. St, aud ita Mackerel in store and lor nale bv


lLorn--A Itm bol8 Fine Flour;bhl No. 1 Extra Flour;

In store and lor Hale bvANTVW PI'CHAMIM J cr

ni27 Corner Sron1 nnd Waphiucton eg.

RIO CO FEF 6"0 b..e pood fair and prime R oin 'ore and for sale bv


IAPLE MOLA8SKS ,Just received 2 bbia prim' JiuiaMcs in storo ana lor eaie or


30l .ASHES U 7 bbl- - Plantation landing from (teamer il at uta and tor le liv


Rfl-;i- BEEF AND TONGUES-e- tw lbs Dried Beef

'' lilPBTTT ft BON.

tMEF.SH PECANS 10 bushcld fresti Pecans Justand for ?ale by

W W. fi H. HlUKllARDT. 417 Market st.

CATAWBA WINE 10 hhl? Bland's pure Catawbav me in Ptore ana ror .ie nvm09 W. A H RITtKH APDT. 417 Mark-

CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR-- K0 bbls No. 1 ExtraWheat Flour, selected exrreulv forfamilv

ufp, inr sale bvman W A Tf. BURKTTAKDT. 417 Market rt

r.( CASKS 5UEET ZiNC, superior article, forC sale by


CL VEIt-Sr.- i D 75 bas prune Clover-See- Juat re- -iuid lor salo 1V

S0 Main. Tltlrd aod Frnrth t

xa CHOI E TEAS 5 piirVatrea choice OreeniT unci Hliiek 1'hiU. frHKii arrivnl In ator Anil forI H ?a)e hy


J AVA COFFEE ia bags received per mailboat andt t r aale by


tLOUR 1'Hi bbls Kiilpbt town MWU XX FamilyJ. Flour received per .! iSVivonville Railroad nnd toilie by i vine nr'iHv. j .

Cifier Seot,rt nff WaeMncton Ao.

l,!HKj packages, whole half, and quarter unis and Klta, ail unmrwirs. tor iale by


CHEESEboxea Wertern Reserve Cheese:

4.0 do Hamburg d";do F.milih Dairy do;

In store and tor eaiu bv

m!9 Main, between Third and Fourth nta.

PRINTS Hamilton plple Prints:S do do fancy do;

2tl do new atvle Srac;ws do:2 do uo do lrritnack Print25 do do do Sprinir Dress Goods;

Just received and for sale byJAMES LOW ft CO.,

rr9 w and SH o wst side Si s th tf.


TOTE PAPER AND FNVELOPS, beautiful v embellished with tne Flag of our Union pri u ted in

colors, mauulactured and lor ale e.t

F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE,ali 1 Third st.

GAR SO hhda fair to prime Surar received perre toua and John Kaiue and lcr pale by


rINE BRANDY, WHISKY, ftc.A 1') doz n pale Cou.c Brandy;

IU do o!d Bourbon cotiuty Vhisky,n do old Apple Hrandr;6 do Whitney's Cluh House Gin;6 do old Jamaica Rum- - if

m7 J. P. THOMPSON'S. 7fi rt.

IOLA8SES 2 Ooo bblB a..d half bbls primeLi I yuality, and In Glac's superior vtv raee, for paleby mil H. D. NKWCOMB ft BRO.

ILOSS. ftc A full t of bilk. Linen, andKlof.3, and a full of Hoop Skirts

ol all aLzea, Juat received and for aale bvJAMES LOW ft CO.,

W ami 910 west ide Siith rt,

WLNDHlKsO 1 i,bi- Sw&t Cider;

b'J bale new Hops:&l) Vltolr; Wbltu Fiah;To Xlbble Herring:ell V.blds Pickeiel;5J tirkins Button

bV) bushels1'H) dozen Bi ooms; tor sale by

nuil TAIT. ANDERSON, & CO., l Fonrth rt.




GOLD PENS! GOLD FENS!From the best manufacturers,

A. MORTON ft CO.and

DAWSON, WARREN, ft HYDS,For ile cheap at

F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE,331 Main street.

Jast Received by Express,w A A SECOND eupply of splendidrv pern from the Oenusn, "TllOf ART

A"',4 SO NEAR. AND YET SO FAIL" withX Oi ) elegant iithoriai-hi- title 35 cent.

wNtj '"Still in rav (reams Thou rt Near," byauthor ot bverot ThcB 25 e'egant lithottraphic title. A1k, a large lot. of new Vucic, vocal aud inctruiuental, bv euch compos rvaH Brinley Richa'df, ilS. BiaiuMd. Dreweler, lplt-r- , A. W. Berp,Arc . to which the attention of ihe nmeicl ptiblic isP' cirtlly culled. Call wou, it vou would have a copy ofthat iie.w r .rip from It ia the gem of thesvasou, ana lu eelliu rapidly.

WM. mc;arreuapl.'l No. !tll Wert Jeffernon

nOSIKKY-5- ou

Mlses white Cotton Hore;2.IMI0 do Ladies' do do do;2,"U0 do do mixrd do do:

S'KI do do black do do,Mon do do slate do do.


Received and for aale byJAMES LOW ft CO.,

mt Si and 81(1 Slxrh st.

Iron, Nails, and Steel.700 Tl Nd Charcoal and fatonecoal Iron, assorted

2,ik keKi Nails, from 9 to Mdotai do Spikes, cn' and roueht:luO tuns Stel, Cast, b(ab?. Wings, and American

Blifer:In store and for sale very low by


WUGAR 30 hhds prlnie Sugar received pr Baltic andiTor h- - GARDNER ft CO.

t Or Y EE R4I baB? prime Rio C nVe Juat received pvrstuuur John itaiue and ioc sale by


HAMBURG DAIRY CHEESE 30 boxes Hamburgetore and tor sale bv

nift W. A H. MUitKUARDT. 417 Market rt.

OATS-1,0- 00 bushels Wisconsin Oato now being nand for sale bv

trCl TMT AVDVRSOV. CO. 4o Fourth rt

CAMILY FLOUR 36u bbls No. 1 Ex La (RashvUleI MilU) In store and for cale bv


SBHXO STOCKMen's Clothing,

Youths' Clothing,

Boys' Clothing,Children's Clothing,



Fresh, nirw, full stock for Spring and Summer wearjust opened st

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,mil On Main street, - the National Hotel.

RIED FRUIT 76 buehels Dried Peaches in storeD in" for hv H I KRIET A SON.

ISH Salmon. Mackerel, Herri ug, and Sardines iupackage aud on retail by

m'.ti HIBRITT ft SON.

ASSES ml bbH pnrae N.O. Plantation in store

TllOLASSES- - libit prime plantation received perl'J steimer E. II. rairc; .i!d ard for fiiie b"

14 ALTJ;N. w.rn'i'. t HAW.

Iar:-- j.t hl? rtrirtty prime Leaf Lard

75 keg- - do no ao T;rFi" nvGAKDNf R A CO.

IR whole and half drums large CodfishCODFISH and tor sale byiU ND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.

rt htB"NJ"-- ' MADDEN'S;:J1 Third rt.



Wholesale GroooraAftenti for

Tobaccos, Uqnora, and Cotton Ytrni,Hoc 1( and 317 Main st., bet. Tliird and Fourth,

LOnSVTLU- - KY. mil


Commission and Produce Merchants,AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN



No. 49 Fourth St., Louisville, Ky.'"Liberal advanrea made on Consimmenta.

John B. Mcllvalu A HonJ ti.ii-lUc- hRtfcr to) d Atkinaon. Ku.,

and Coicinuati merchants generally.TT17

Wliolesale and Retail Dealer tc

and ruann fact' irerF1aiis and vTechanics, Tools,

No. 65 Third Streiett.

J. E. MOORE,(idonesou to wm. finodam.

ropvrardin; Ql Commis-aio- TAlercIiat


Freight Agent for Ptnna. Centra Railroad.No. 42 FOCKTU (OK WALL) STREET,

sepl dtf Louisville, Tv.. riTiaii. wii. u r. wiaan. . r. a tut.

PITKIN. WIARD, &C0Sueeeasrs to Pitkin Brothers!,



Machines, Trees, Plants,Hydraulic Cement, Lime, Plaster, &c.

psi dtf roi isvm.F. hv.

FFRENCH BL RKS-A- I1 sues and kind.B'ilnVi t:f,(lTHS-A- lI mimhera herf mk

IMPROVED PORTA BLK MILLS WithaoUdrranohb .ihj d and made on heat knowu plan.

bMi i MA'. 11 KB Severs! kind.Mill Irons, Scre-vn- . Scruuas, Btltiun. Piaster Paris, and

Mill articles generally.We have 0:1 bund a larire stock of the d

articles. For saie low and nual-t- warranted.HERBERT A WKICHT,

rep27 dtf No. 16 Third st.. bvt. Main and river.

Drn& Prescription StorcWMOZART HALL,

Corner Fourth and Jefferson street.rPrescrlptions and aocuratAlv

at all hours day or night. n.21

HIBBITT & SON,Wholesale end Retail

No. Market St., bet. Second and Third,

HAVE IN STORE A FULL STOCK OF FINEand solicit the nt.rnn

Jay's Cliiisa Palace,IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE, .


I have juet now opeund and ready for sale or inspection the laigest and most eloant atock of

China, Glass, and QueenswareEver offered In this or any other olty in the North orSouth. I have also 011 band and intend always to baretlie stock of SILVER-PLATE- WARE,CUTLERY, BRITANNIA WARE, WOODEN ANDWIILLOW WARE, and GAS FIXTURES In thecoontry, and which 1 will sell at prices to suit the times

Personn harliiK old Chandeliers. Lrtmp?, Ac, can retthem cleaned and made look u well ae new at a verytililin expen.

I am alr-- prepared to mn GAS and STEAM PIPEInto Buildings or Steamboat at the shortest notice.


NSW G0033.WE are now in recti pv t a line and

of all articles in our line, comprilni' ( :of h,CajsimenM, , and Trimming?, to which we callthe attention of the trad-1-

J. VON fUlFRTFR CO.. 414 Mn --t.

WHITEWASH BRUSHES, Ac.- -A full awortmeutot all sizoa Whirra-h- , Shoe, Scrub. Hearth.

Paint. Parlor, and Dusting Bni-h.- in store and forsale low by ORRIN RAWSON.

m EJW Main --t.. n Tliird nd Fourth

j FRESH TEASha'f cheats r.hoice Oreen and Black:

MTheae Teas me fret h aad hue.Juat received and lor aale b


i pvi tr.ii i.t ; i steamers0tJ Diaua and J. H Ford and for ale byTYLER A MARTIN.


SVO kega assorted Naiia in etore and for sale



CIGARS, and FANCY GRO-CERIES, No. & Third street, have In store aud tor

alt5o bbls snnerior Bonrbon WhLsky, 4 yean Old;

lift) do do do do, a10 casks Cognac Brandies;10 ' ao do (o;lu do Rochells do;

H H uo Fort Wifie;15 H do Madeirado;li V do Snerry do;9 bb'.B old Bran3r, pnre;

81 bbls old Apple Brandy, pore;Champagne Wines, varioiie brands;'N. & Co.V and J. McMiMpn's Native WinesRnctlf-- and Scotch Pale Ales and Porter;Claret in case; Anisette; Abaynthe;Maraschino; (lamwa, te.

A'eo a lai ee and stock of Fresh Frnlta,Fickle, and Hermetically Sealed Goods of aU desc-t-Mon a lowt nnr)At prir" m'"A VINES

5J cases Claret Wine;au c?kg Madeira Wine;

6 r do Sh. ny do;6 do Mshi?a do;

In store and tor sale by J. MONKS,ht North "id" Mnui. t. S.'venh and Eighth rtw.

JXIOLASSh'Sit A 75 bbls Molasses;,'vdo do;

6o hM.-

40 bbls Sirup;In store and for eale by


i IDKh Hallou'c Crab and common Cidur and WineVinef.u-- for sale by

J. SMITH SPEED, Main rt.

P. flfl LBS ENGLISH BANCA BLOCK TINbeet uualHv, for fale hv


BBLS AND HALF BBLS ST. JAMES cl'UAR-llou(-200 Molasee In atore und for PAle by9 TYLER ft MARTIN.

REFINED A Baltimore Surar;6 bbls Lovering'c) Cruche.1 d.-- ;

ao bbls do Giauulated do:40 bble Soil Cruthed do- for sale by

p.3 Gardner a coHrass-bou-ad Cedar Fails.

Pf DO.l.N Cedai Pails, 8 6iisf, juotcelved and lor sale low by

ORRIN RAWSON,al 8 Main s., hetweeu and tilth.

IRON MANTLl'-- AND GRATESMARBLU1Z.KD kept couetautly on baud and totsale low by


TUNS COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAR- assortedfji U eLzttf, lor eal to the trade, nt I jw trices byal WAM,A'E. LITHCO IW ft CO.

IAMILY HAMS of various brandy ua:id country cured, ou liaud and lor sale

retail aud w holt aale byai J. SMITH SPEED, Main st.

fcJUNDRIESO 6 bbls Apple Brandn

60 bbls Domestic do;lvu bble imt. B. VTiisky;100 bbls Kectliled do;

40 X and l4 rip'1 fine French Brandy.In store and for sale hv alcl .1. MONK3.

X aw packages Gunpowder Tea;Jo nail" cheats Black aud Oiteu Tea;

In store and for sale bvalo MARSHALL HALFFRT (TO.

gevarg CHOICE TEAS We have iurt, received afr11 nipp'V ol the choiceet Black and Greenr2 Teas, to which we invite attention,

J. T. LAN 11 AM A CO.,niI4 Tmrorters ot" Tea. e., SIS Third rt

Cash ior Wool.JE wil pay caJi for wool.

jat TIIOS. H. HUNT 4 CO.

H ROOMS 4(0 dozen Brooms, assorted sbsea and qual-ities. In stern ou consignment and lor sale at man

ufacturers' price by11" AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

y"A8H BOARDS-1- 00 doxen Zinc Wah-Board- s justleouivod and for sale by

ORRIN RAWSON.wlg flt Vntn st.. btwepn Tliiril

WHAKER HRODMS IK doiwu of au extra qualityJust received and fcr sale by


IaCY PIPES 2 stops fancy Clay Pipes and IleaIn etore and for sale low hr

ORRIN RAWSON.ft' Main .. between TVi'M nd Knnth.

ni ACKLIN HAMS A choice lot sngar-cure- Hamsa on i country Baeonjuet received in store aud foisale hy

ni 25 W. ft n. BURKHARDT.417 MarV st

2' bb's Baltimore Golden Sirup- -2t Vdo "ao do do;

Jnd; received and for eIe hya GARDNER ft CO.

RIO COFFEE 400 bars rood to etrlctly prime Rioin store and for sale by

AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.,aI3 Corner Second and Washington sis.

kjrO lR 25J hhln fiilr t prime iriirar In store and forj sale by alaj AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.

Ouinaesss Extra Stout,Just received, T steamer Mawit. 15 caej

Guinneif's Extra Dublin Siit, and for sale byJ. H. 6CHROEDER ft S' N,

W-.- st.

11AOAIONI AND OIL'25 caes Italian Macaroni:15 do do Oil;

Received by Chaucellor and for sale byai V. D. GAETANO A CO.

UOAR &0 bhds fully fair to prime landing fromtteamer John Ralue and for sale by


tMiESH FRUITS, Green Gages,Aprixts, Tomatoes, Greco Corn.

Green Peas, also Preserves, Jel'lct?, Ac. tor sale byJ. T. LAN HAM ft CO.,

wt14 Tmrortr of Third t

JAVA A supply ol superior old Java Coffor ale by

J. T. I NHM A CO.,TmriorW" of T Third

Cotton Hope,A FULL arwnrtmeut of ail Mices Cotton, Manilla,j a. Jute, and Hemp Rcpe; Cothu, Ueuip, aud Flax

Twine; Seine Twine; Chala Lines, Fuh Lines, TrutLtoe, Staging, 4ic; )iel received and for lov- - by

ORKIN KAWriON,ml3 Miin st . htwor. Third nd r oorHi.

T ICE 10 Heroes prise landing from mailbcar audIt for hI hv .Til crOD MOftriY.

toj,ASSKS-1-00 bble received per steamboat Louis-1-

vllle and for sale hvALLEN, MOORE, TTADEV.

SUGAR 2!M) bbls Loveriug's Crushed, Powdered, andin etore and tor sale bv


j?KM O.'.'IS.- - j.e"nj i,f pui' uilittyd Northcuv.l i; lift ir'jwavJ

J, A. PENTON,iar No.l-- fiirtlt rtrwet.

RAILROADS.Louisville and Frankfort and Lei-incrJo- n

and Frankfort


will leave LJuldvilio daily (Sundays excepted) aafollow a;

FIRH1 TRAIN A. M-- , stopping at all tationiwhenflaKned, exc-p- t Fair (innind. Kaci Course, Browna-bor-

and Belieview.connecttn' at Fruinence with stavesfor New Castle; at Frankfort lor LawTeneebur, Harrods-bnr-

and Danville; at Midway for VerTaLlle?; at PayneaStation for and at Lexington via railroadand stare for Nlcholaxviile, Danville, Lancaster, CrabOrciiard, Someraet, Richmond, Jit. Sterling, and all In- -t

nor town.SKCOND TRAIN 2:Vj P.M., ston'InR at all stntlom

when ltacrd, except Fair Grounds, Point- - Rare Cours,Ormi'by'a, PTOwnpboro,Hurkner'a, aud Nortn rnson;

by stace at F.ujincoce tor New Cattle; and atPavne'" for Ocorgotowu.

THIRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at 6:00P. M..stoppiim at all Suimnrt; and returning, will leaveLagrange at M. , atonpmg at all station, and ar-

rive at Loutavf lie at H:f5 A. M.Trains arrive in Louisvilh- - as follows; First, Train at

10 4i A. M.; second Train at C:.j P. M.; Lftgrauge n

at Hrlo A. M.i reight Train? leave Louisville dully (Sundays esoept-ed- )

fi:;:;i A. M.. arrivliK in Loxitu,tn at P. M.FrohTuC Li received and duchaied from 7;0U A. M. to

C P. M.t "Throuch Th tn for DanvtH'-- , TTrrodebnrr, Crab

Oitl's'.rd, Soinert-t- , Versailles, (i(or?etjiwu, and all .r

iiii'onnnion can be h ml at Uie Depot In LouieTllle,coruor ol Jenerson and I! rook ptree'.

SAilUKL OILI Superintendent,37 dtf L. F. and L. A F. R. R


Xaeniphis and Louisville





Conuucuclrff April I I, IStil, Trnlns will runne folloimi

Leave .I2:fVt noon, 1?:(K) olitht.Airive at (Jave Citv .. :tv r. h. 3:r'i a. u.

Nashville ?':oU 'lark iile !eD "

" Humboldt 4::i0 A. U. 4: A) P.Meiiiph'3. !hao

Time (Louiivllle to Meiijptiie; ! hours.CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANS.Leave Humboldt 4:S5 a.m. 4 '.5 P. m.Arrive jit .Ivckiou, 'i'enu :I5 A m. f:15 P.M.Arrive at Canton Mls 7:15 p. it. 7:l'i A.M.Arrive at Ne ortfiii rh a. m. :15 p. m.

Time t Louisville to New Orl.-au- 42'4 hoirn.


Leave LouiviM 7:0U A. m. p. m.Anlve at Bmi uptown 7::;o

Flizalw.'thtowu 7:uoLebanon 1 :"" A. M. M5

The 7:hj A. M. Traiu from Louisville nneetJ at uwl'h fta-- :- f r ?p iiiue!d, Danvil.e, aud point In

the Interior ot ktntiickv.RETURTING:

Leave Lebanon MO, a. m. LuO p. m

Lave Eiz;i el Ii town f,;nQ

Leave Bsrdfdown l ilArrive at Louisville i:o " 5;30 p. M.

Trains from M(.mphir and Nhville arrive at Louis-ville at 1:30 P. M. and ll:ao P. M.

The l'J noon Tiaiu frm Ijouisville will run dally.The 13 uiht Traiu will leave Louisville on Sundayniglit. hut wi!l not nin ou Ssturdiy nlht.

Procure Turoi;h Tickets at the Depot, cornerof Ninth and Broadway, aud at No. 7y Fourth street,opposite the Hotel.

alo dtj JNO. B. ANDERSON, Superintendent.


FCRST,L01IS,CKICAG0, DETROITAnd all Points West nnd Northwest.


1860. Summer Arrangement. 1861.TWU DAlijV TRAINS TO ST. UUIS, CINC1N-NAT-

AND CHICAGO.kNnd afr-- r Monday, April 1.1, 11, Pa.anmrTrani' will leave New Albany (opposite Louisville) fol- -


MAIL (Daily except Sundays).P. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (DaUy

Satiudave).7:4i P. M. NIOIIT EXPRESS, for St. Louis, Cairo,

Cincinnati, Fittbura, B.iltimore, Cleveland, Buf-falo, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.

Two Trains dallv (except Sundays) for St. Loult at 7:30A. M. and 7:45 P. M.

Two Trains dally (2Jtept Sundays) for Cairo at A.M. and 7:45 P. M.

Two Trains ds.ily - rpt Sundays) for Memphis at 7:30A. M. and 7:45 P. M.

Two Trains daily (except Sundays) for New Orleans at7:!l. A. M and 7:4 i P. M.

Two TraioB dtvllr (except Sunday) for Chlaago at 7:30A. M. and7:4 P. M.

Two Trains dailv (except Sundays) for Detroit at 7:30A. M. and 7:45 P. M.

Two Trains dailv (except Sundars) for Jefferson City,SiTaciirte. St, Joseph, HanuihahQiiincy, BloominR- -t"n. SfrinnSetd, Decatur, Jackdonvllle, Peoria,Liirlinutn, Iowa City, and all points West andNoi t h we--

One Train ou Sunday evening at 7:4V

rVTinifl to St. Louis, YAH hours: to Jefferson City,SI hours: to St. Joseph, 44 hours: to Cairo, 15 hours; toMemphis, 3 hours; to New Orleans, 4V noun.Only ona CAan-- q Car to St. Louis, Cincinnati or

HyBappage checked through and all trancfera free.Trains leave St. Ixiuis at 7::t0 A. M. and 410 P. M-- ,

conneciinR at Mitchell with Trains South; arriv-ing In LouidviUe at A. M. aud 8:t(o P. M.

All trains connect ciosely with all Passenger Trains onthe Ohio and MWIenipm Railroad, and wait indefinitelyfor O. and M. trains when they are delayed, thereby in-suring to Jilishie Connections at Mitchell, tooi' from St. Louis or Cincinnati.ttf Pa!sent;ers and Bapyatre taken to and from any

part of The Ciry and th Car Free of Oharpe.Both Throiiifh Trius couuecrina closely at Greencar-tl-e

with thfi Terre Haute aud Ricfunoud Railroad, Westfor Trre Haute and St. Louie, and East for Indianapo-lis; at Lafavettn with the Toledo and Western Railway;aud at M. S. Croasinji with tlie Michlpan Southern d

for Toledo aud intermediate Stations. Aleo atMichigan City with the. Mlcbipau Central Railroad forCbicatro and all polut West and Northwest. Also forDetroit and ullpointe East.

TUROUOU TICKETS and further information canbeobtained at their RAILROAD TH 'KET OFFICE,Soutu-ef- t corner of Third aid Main ptreet,

occupied by A. v. Maiingeld) Louisville, Ky.:aTr.iiD8 are run by Louiaville time.

S. S. PARK. lilt. Agent, Louisville.R. E. BICKER, Sup't

New Albany, April 1?., 1F1. uo dtf

FAST LINE EASTVia Cincinnati,

Co iam end tig j uue 1 L.

Columbns and XeniaCincinnati, Hamilton, & Dayton

18G0 mmzg32 186C

FROM CINCINNATI TOBorton in 33 V hoars. New York in )! hoars.Philad. Iphla in a hours. Baltimore in 34 hours.Saratopa Springs in 36 h'rS. Albany In 36 hours.BuHalo in to horn's. Dunkirk in 14 hours,Cleveland In H hours. Pittpb'iip lu liH hoimr.Wheeling lu JK hours. StenberrTiUe in honrs.Cre?tllue In rt hours. Ziinertville In 6 hours,Sandusky in l'J botire. Toledo In !4 hours,

t in 124$ hours.Tbrongh s Iftave linclnnatl taa foUoww

T:J A. M. EXPRESS-Fro- m Little Miami Depot andfrom Cincinnati, Hamilton, A Dayton Depot, connectviaColumlci-- . Cleveland, Dunkirk, and Buffalo; viaCo-- :Inrobus, Crfrtliue, and Pittstmrg; via Columbus, Fei-vill-

and Pin-bu- i; via Columbus, Bellalr, and Pitts-burg: via Col u ai hue, Beiiaood, and Pittsburg.

7:.i(J A. M. EXPRESS From Cincinnati, Hamilton,& Dayton Depot, also connects via Lints--, Toledo, De--j

rrolt, and Canada; via Dayton, Clyde, and Sandusky.10 A. M. EXPRESS-Fro- m Little Miami Depot, eon-- I

nects via (johunhus. Be I lair, and Ben wood; via Colum-- ibus, Bellalr, Pittsburg; via Columbna, Creetllne. andPine burg- via Columbus, Cleveland, Dunkirk, aud Buffalo.

6 P.M. KXPRF-SS-Fro- ClnclnnatL Hamilton, ftDayton Deput, connects via Lima, Toledo, Detroit, andCanada: via Dayton, Clyde, aud Sandusky.

Alvdf nt tiUvjnnv Cars on iht Train ma Toledo.11 P. M. E X P R ESS From Little Miami Depot, con-

nect via Columbus, Steulwuville, aud Pittsburg; viaCoinnibus, Bel lair, and Pitthhurg; via Columbus. Bell-ai- r,

and Ifetiwood; via Columbus, Creetliue, and Pitts-burg; via Columbia Cleveland, Dunkirk, aud Buffalo.

Modem alee-pin- Cars on thin Train.fWpawngpre for Lake Steamers, leaving Cincinnati

at 7:3y A. M have 5 hours in Cleveland. Leaving at 10A. M., make direct connection.

tWThe P. M. Express, Saturdays, makes all con-nections as tdvenifed except for Detroit aud points inCanada.The Night Erpress runt Duilyy Saturdayt excepted.

All other Trams run Daily, Sundays excepted.IfF IValns run by Columbus time, which Is 7 minutes

faster than Cincinnati time.Baggage Checked through to all Eastern Citiei.

tSfprwc-nger- should bear in miud that the "CIN-CINNATI" is the OLD and FAVORITE ROUTE. Con-nections are made promptly, the Roads are thoroughlyBALLASTED, and all modem improvoments adoptedInsuring ei, oom pobt. aud SAFETY.


OFFICES in the WK8T and SOUTH. Ask for Tick-ets via CINCINNATI.

P. W. STRADER,General Tickent Agent,

V Cincinnati.


Steam to Londonderry, Glas-gow, and Liverpool.

- J The Montreal Ocean SteamshipClyde

- built steamer:N. SoolUn.Capt. Mr Master. I N. American, Capt Alton.Bohemiau, Car-t- . (rrupe. Anglo-Saxo- "Daliaiitlue.North Briton, Borland, j Hibernian (now buildiug).Canadian, Capt. Graham. Norwegian (now building).

Carrying tlie Canadian and United States Mails.One of the steamers of the line will sail from Liver-

pool every Thursday, and from Portland every Satur-day, calling at Londonderry to receive on board andland mils and p.i?sent'ers to and from Ireland andScotland. Glaecow are turnished with freepalace tickets to and from Londonderry.

Rale of passage rrom Quebec to Londonderry, Glas-gow, or Liverpool:First Clw (Recording to accommodation). .$tf6 and $"0Steerage (found wil h cooked provisions) jUj

An experienced Surgeon at tar hod to each steamer.Return tickets iatu d at reduced rales.Certificates issued for bringing out pansenrers from all

the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland at thefollowing low ratea:

Londonderry to New York $30 00Glasgow " S3 0Llvpernoo " 33 00From auy B- - R. Station In En el and 40 noFrom " " " In Ireland SJ WFrom Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, and Rot-

terdam to New York 45 00Ticb-'t- s Issued at redi-ce- rates per Washington Line

of Saiuug Packets, leaving Llveipooljor New Yorkweekly.

For passage, apr-l- at the offic of th Company, 33RroWay, New York, SAB EL A SEA RLE, GeneralAgents. Jyl9 dly

ew & Improved Stationery Ranges,FOB HOTEL AND FAMILY USE.

sr constantly manufacturing the above CookingT Range, of various sizes, adapted to family ue or

the largest cta-- s hotels, and which nave given such uni-versal ?atlslactioo since their Introduction in this cite.These Knnces are the niot complete and successtul arti-cle of t he kiud ever offeied to the public. Call and ex-

amine them ata4 WALLACE, LITHGOW. A CO.'S.

jn CASES FANCY PRINTS, Spra'oVe, Ameri-Ow-

can. Dunn-Il'- '. and Tacouv:M0 ;ASLS l.MON FANCY PR1NTP;

Received to day aud lor sale tor ca-- h oulf byJAMES LOW A CO.,

al'O - 30fc aud dio weet side Sixth at.

WHITE ..1NE 5 bbls Haut Sautenie In store and' tor aale bv r:al--- J WM. GAY.

CUEESE fio boxes W. K Cheese ju?t received perlor sals by

ai' OARDNPR ft CO.

UG AR 0 hhds riiine landing from steam ere Woodford aud Jchn Raine and ri r hv

nii rawhon. fmnn. a no

CHANDLES A full snpply Para ffine, Wax. Speim,Star,aud Mold Candlrs vt store and for sale by

mrt W. A H. BITKVHARDT. 4)7 Market,OI.A4:KHEKRY WINK -- A cbol.-- article of puiv

i ry Wlue In tftoit) and lur sale by tLs Larrel bv

W. a. 417 MtU it.


CIDER, APPLE, AND WINE VINEGAR,No Acid or other dehterim m&xtrnv turd

WARRANTER TO "ANNW'PH FOR AI,I. PCKPOSF.N FOR U MiiA laiw supply alwari in store axidTor sale U TlK4.Aci i OTADI


JPurcBourbon and Hy e MViishu.)yflty


Change of Time.

TRAINS will leave JefferaonviUe, opposite Louisville,

fitlO A.M., P. Iff., and IMit A. II. ,

6;' A. M.-- 8T. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI EX-PRESS Connectn st Seymour for Vinceiine, Uvhh--vill-

Snndoval, Cairo, St Lou if; St. .Jon-p- h, and allpintain the Vst and NrtJiweet a' d for Cincinnati,connecting with local tiaiuM fur all points iu boulheriiOhio.

2-- P. M. -- LIGHTNING F.XPRFB3 FAST Dally(Su- - diiysexti-pt'd- rnunectinc at Seymour wilh trainson tne Ohio and MiHndppi lUilroad t n Cioetnuati,Colundius.New York, Boston, Phlladi Iphla, Bfllthrioie,and all Eastern Cll ; aimiat IndiaiiHpli- - with

line for Cleveland. Pittliii'"A Phi lade' poi,Baltimore, nnd Ml th pi lucii.le ntn (; f:.-t-: alowith Trains on rite Terre Ila.ut and Ijtlay th u

for St. LomU, l.hirnwo. Ro-- Irlaud. O'jlncey,linnnh'rtl, St. arid all the ot Jtr principle ci! ltiiin the Weit and NorGiwe .

P.VaiA. M. NHiHT EXPRESS-DhI- Iv (SutiiiJuyex.ceted), connectimi at Svmour with tr.ilna ou theOhio and Minrb-ip- l P.uilroad for CItjciddM'i and allEastern tiiies; nt Indianapolis al'b the

ne Line 'or Toleilo, iMru t, t'leveland, Buflaln.New York, Boou, Philadelphia. Haltluior,v and allpoint iu the Cant; and with tli'- I incn unti and ( 'Moaro air line, Ter e liitute aud Riehniond fl'id l.afv-ctt- o

Railroads for Chicago. St. Pa" I. St. Jveph St.Louis and all poiutu iu the West ;iud Ni tSwcrt.

CLINTON JOHNauN, Agental.'tdtf A. 8. CROTHERS. 8ip't.



RAILROAD.Fast ITreierlit LineTO &

Baltimore, Philadelphia. Xew York,and Boston, via Cincinnati and



Arranitaments are completed by n bich freight is rrantported over ibi Short Line of Railway to aud from Cin-cinnati in the time aa stated above.

"Over Charges and Damages Promptly Adjusted.A. Waters, General Freight Ageut, Cincinnati

DepotD. B. Brown, Affent, No 8 Burnet House,R. T. Keys, Atfeiit, Baltimore, Md.Calhoun Houston, Agent, Sixth and Chestnut street,

Philadelphia.C. W. Pervell, General Afwnt. or W. H. Dnrllnit,

Agent. B. & O. R. R., at Btoadway, above Astor,New York.

Edwin S- - Coles, Agent. 70 Washington street, Boston.SHIPPING DIRECTIONS.

Please direct Eastern correypondent to mark "Via B.& O. b M. . C. K Km aud chip by Ba tiniore t, Ohio

LOUISVILLE SHIPPERS.For throui;h bills ladlnie apply to H. B. CLIFFORD,

Aeeot, 143 Fourth street, between Main and Water.Shippers can have, their choice of all rail or rail andwater from Louisville.

A. B. WATERS, Gen. Freight Artent,CluciauaU.

E B. Bboww, Gen. Western Freight Agent,nlft rtlv Sr. T,on!. Mo.

Baltimore and OhioRAILROAD.


Parkorsburg on the Weet. at which places it unites withrailroad, steamers, Ac, for and from all points In theWEHT, fcOLTllWEtST, ANI NORTUWEMT.


For all the Eastern Cities.tlf This I? the only routet o Wa"hlnr;ton City.Paenp-r- by this route can visit Baltimore, Phila

delphia, New York, nnd Boston at the cost oi a ticket tolioc'ton alone hy other line.

Through tlckt to the Eastern cities can bo procuredvia Washington City at an additir.-- j charge of ij3.

Time as quick and fare ad low bv anv other Inquire for tickets via BALTIMORE ANT) OHIO

RAILROAD at any of the principal lUilroad Offices inthe West. E. F. FULLER,

General Western Agent.L. M. COLE,

Oeneral Ticket Agent.W. P. SMTTH, Master of Transportation. s24

18601 18601

aSlr Sfiigd ifirr5rRAILROAD.

260 Miles Ihrabb TracL

The CnptLctty of this Road la now equal to ainyIn the Country.



CONNECTING direct In the Union Depot, attrains from all Western cities for

Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Baltimore and Wash-ington City, thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfortby anv other route.

Express and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphiawithout change ot cars or conductors.

8moklng cars are attached to each train; Woodruff'sBleeping ( ars to Kxrret and fast- l rains, l tiePRESS RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fast Line Sundaysexcepted. Three Daily Trains connect direct for NewYork. Express aud Fast Line connect for Baltimoreand Washington.

All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake speed luider perfect control of theEngineer, llius aaaiug mucn to use saieiy oi traveiera.

Six Dally Trains between Philadelphia and ew YorkTwo Dailv Trains between New Bork and BostonThrough Ticket (all rail) are good on either of theabove Trains.

BOAT TICKETS to Boston are good via Norwich,Fall River, or Stouiugton Lines. Boston passengerstransferred free of charee throueh New York.

TICKETS EASTWARD may be obtained at any ofthe Important Railroad offices in the Wert; also onboard any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mis-

sissippi and Ohio Rivers; aud at the Craces of the Company in Boston, New York, Baltimore, or rmiaaerpma.Faro always aa low aod time aa qulok ao by


The completion of the Western connections of thePennsylvania Railroad make this the

Direct Xine Between tho East and thoQHYJAT WEST.

The connecting of tracks by the Railroad Bridge atPittsburg, avoiding all drayage and ferriage of Freight,together with the eavlng of time, are advantages readilyappreciated by Shippers of Freight aud the Traveling

For Freight Contract or Shipping Dilutions apply toor address either of the following Agents ol the Com-pany

D. A. STEWART, Pittsburgh; H. S. Pin--e A Co.,Zaneevllle, O.; J. J. Johuston, Ripley, O.; R. MrNelv,Mavsville, Ky.; Ormsby ft Cropper, PorteimHi'h. Ohio;Paddock ft Co., JrnVrwmville. Ind.: II. W. lirowo ft Co.,Cincinnati, O.; Athern A Hibhert. Cincinnati O.; R. C.Meldrum. Madison, Ind.; Jot. IC Moore, 1,viisville, Ky.:P. G. O'Rilev A Co., Evansvllle, lud.; N. W. Grshnm ACo., Cairo, III.; R. F. 8a, Shaler A Ola-- St. Louis,Mo.; John H. Hairis, Nachville, Tenn.; Harris A Hunt,Memphis, Teun.; Clark ft Co.. Chicago, 111.; W. H. B.Koontz, Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads atdifferent point in the West.The Cirenteet Facllltlet offered for the Protec-

tion nnd fcieedy Trucaportniioa ofSTOCK.

And Good Accommodations, wttb nsoal privileges forpersons travelllug in charge thereof.

rnuiaHTs,By trils route freights of all descriptions can be for-

warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boeton, orBaltimore, to and from any point on the Railroads ofOhio, Kentucky, Indisua, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, orMissouri by railroad direct.

The Pennsylvania Railroad alr connects at Pittsburgwith steamers, by which goods can be torwruded to anyPort on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee,Cumberland, Illiuoia, Wisconsin, Miectouri,Kaunas. Arkansas, aud Red rivers: and at Cleveland,Sandusky, and Chicago with steamers to all port on theNorthwestern Lake.

Merchant aud Shippers entrusting th transportationof their freight to this Company can rely witn confi-dence on its aneedv transit.

THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any pointIn the Weet by the Pennsylvania Raihoad, are at alltimes as favorable as are charged by a:iy other RailroadCom pan ie.

tYBe particular to mark packages "Via Prawa. R--R.

K. J. SNEEDER, Philadelphia.MAGRAW A KOONS, w North street. Baltimore.LEECH A CO., No i Astor House, or No. le William

street. New York.LEECH A CO., No. 77 BUte street, Boeton.

H. H. HOUSTON.General Freight Agent, Phllad4ihla.

L. U HOUPT.Oeneral Ticket Agent, Philadelphia.

TTTOS. A. SCOTT, General Sup't, Altoona. Pv 5 dtf

413 Main street,NOW IN STORE TUKHAVE of

Fancy and Staple Dry Goodsin the city, and. having ben purchased under th mostfavorable clrcums taucts, will be rld a low as tlie low-

est. sA MA. K A DOWNS.


Story of il. BAtmd iu cloth. Price VI it.MESSAGE FROM THE SEA AND 1HB I NC'H- -

mercial Tiavelr, by Chas, Dlckeua. Price in.THE CROoSED PATH, by Wilkie Collius. Piice



Third t.

2no bas prime Rio received by Juo. RaineCOFFEE and for sale by '

fto Tt. w. ron.W UG AR SI hhds prime received per steamer B. J.

Adams and John Raioe and tor sals byw RAWSON. TODD, A CO.

VTJTSKY ftO bbls superior 8 and 6 year old Bourbon' Wblakr on conslnnment and for sale byafl W. A H. BUKKH ARDT. 417 Market st.

COUNTRYHOLLOW-WAR- 60 tuns light country

such as Skillets, Ovens, English Pote.Stew Pots, Sugar Kettles, and Dog Irons, on hand andlor sale to the trade at low prices by


BO! rOR THB SOUTH!ENVELOPS and NOTE PAPER embeLlfbed withrJ Flag of Southern CiufVdracr. Price of Envelo ps

Jrj per l,uui; hols Paper, A4 w p;T nm atF. MADDEN'S Bookstore,

37 Third at.KVSamples sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents In

monv or stetri.1 fWI BBLS CAROLINA TAR in store and for sa aJWWhv faJ-- l TYLER A MARTIN.

11 -- lou boxes scaled Herring just received.1- nii p.abtivpp w fn

UGARS Crushed Granulated, Powdered, and LoafJ also BiOftQ uid Clanhed, tor sale bv

.1. T. LANHAM ft CO.,ml4 Tmporters of Tea, Ac., Third st.

IV LOURA 7uy bbls A No. 1 Extra Flonr;

to bbls one do;In store and receiving dally and for sale bv

AND'W BUCHANAN A Corner Second and ss

r.MGS casks prime Borro rirs to arrt-- e an1 forx sale by mil V. D. GAETANO A CC

SOUTHERN RANGES We keep onustantlv on hando' thse celebrated Rauee, and are pre-

pared to put thera up at short notica. For hotel or lam-il- y

use they are uasuroasoed. For sale byal WALLACE, JJTHGOWJ B CO.

ORANGES AND LEMONSMfWtu and Pftlermo Oianrr:

4U do doTo arrive by the W.

mUAdms and for iiie by


L. A. CIVILTj & WOODKooks, Stationery,


ZsOckiB fit pictureFrame,I!iK-- acd Jvb Printers and Binders.


JOHN SKTDEB & CO..Wholesale Grocers, rionr and Com

mission Merchants,K Main etreet, between Third and Fonrth,


Flonr and , d to us.

J. 13. CALDVTSLx, & CO--BSa Cheotnut street, opposite Oirard Hooaa


NEW IMPORTATIONS FINE WATI BIPatlt, Phillipft, A Co., Watehes, In Cefipva.Charles Frodeham's London TlineKeepera, new eerfe

all sizes in Hunting Cases and Open Fmb,"Sole Aiithoried Agent? for abovn.

rOold and Silver, E- - flish and Swtsa WATCHR.Rich Jeweln", new delens.Diamonds, Pearls, and nil the Fashionable stylea.SHpot Ware, unsurpasMl in t !e, uuality, and 0niaa

tWRrrangers vUltlng Philadelphia are Invited toamine their

MiW MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT.A visit entailing no obllrsMon to pnrchaae.

'."Uniform Prices, In plain figure, and no varlarioa,Jnlvi di

JOHIST FLECK,Lard Oil and Candle

MANUFACTURER.rf. 1 00 Third st., between .Tfnln and the Blrt

And No. 7 Jefferson st., north side, betweenClay and Shelby,Ijoulsvlllo.

Je31 dly



Water-tl-nt acd Fir prootWe have In magazine II supply w iie above cele-

brated brand of Powder, put up lu jxUssw iron swa, anafor sale at same price as wooden kegs b?

A. V. DuPONT Ac CO,lVN. B. For sale bv all the LoulHle merchant.

T. n, eatAjo....ruiixir viaamo....a. a. taoabo.

V. D. GAETANO 4 CO.Wholesale Fancy Grocers

anu rai-nt- in

Manufactu of X

Candy, Sirups, and rreserves.10 Main alrre-t- , fcrtweeo N!V.tth bumI Risbfh,


Z.I0.07IZ COIYIP.(Dr. 8tbt;


VACCINE TOATTZaO'reeh and reliable);

Fora il e byTHOS. F. TENKTN8 A CO.,

al" lorner Third and Walnut st".

Fresh Roll ButterJUST received from the North and for sale 10 bbls

Roll Butter for table use.O. FHOAIS,

all) 318 Third st., between Main and Market.

LOCK SjO bbLi A No. 1 Family Flour for sale byOA RDNKR A CO.

WHITE WINE ft bbls Haut Sauterne la store andbv la WM. GAV.


4 do do;bo packages Mackerel

In store aud tor sale by14 ANTVW RT'CmNAV A CO,

CORN 300 sacks White Com In store and for sal byTAIT. ANDERSON. A 4 :.. 4u 0.

liLOURlUD bbls Extra Flour for sale byr 13 GARDNER A CO

OATS-I,o- no prime Black and Whle Seedhist received and tor sale ryT K TT WHCKUMN :0 . UnFnnitha

WUGARO 50 hhds prime N. O. Sugar;

T5 bhls Powdered and Crushed Sagar;1". bbls Laf Sugar;

In store aud tor cafr byal MARSHALL TT ALBERT A CO.

OFFICHJAI. PILLS,Sugar-Coate- d.

THE attention of the Prof-s-d- and the public Isto our Increased faulltie lor supplying in

anv qu&nMtit the handsomest and mo- -t reliable SugarCon ted Pi I If in the country at the lowest prices.

Circulars sent on application toa&i THUS. K. JENKINS A CO.

Newfoundland Cod Liver OilTO be found only at

TUOS. E. JENKINS CO 81 Diug Store.

DRESS new style Amer'can Lawnr;6 do do do Freuch d1 CHsa do do do Chlut2;

ciiee' awrted Poplins;Received aud for salo cbeip by

ai5 T. A R 8 LEV IN ft CAIN.

rR NTSIw cnsAs new ctie Prtute;

6 do black and black and whit Prints;2 do HovIh's purple do;

Kecrtvod aud for sale cheap hva'io T. A R. SLEVTN A CAIN.


1 J luu bbls sTctra Rectified Whisky:bit hols ltourbon d ;

K0 bbls copper distilled do;40 bhte old Ky-- e do.

In store and for sale byf MARSHALL HALBFRT A CO.

JAVA CO FF 40 pocaete prime .lava Coffee orby rtV HIBBITT SON.

SUGAR CURED HAMS In etore and for sale byW. A H. IU RKHARDT. 417 Market --t.

0fl DOZ RAILROAD CORSETS AND BODICESrJ' asorted75 doa Vi rox's Hoop Skirt", ssrted;

1,000 pieces atwrted 4. ioc4iet Braid:do do do Trimming;

Received and for aale byJAMES LOW A CO..

m! itiw aud 310 Malo st.

IAYER RAISINS rv boxes Layer Raisins Justand for sale by


NA I LS 7un kftgc IVdniont lor sale bv21 CASfLEMAN. MURRKLL. A CO.

Tl I OLASSKS ftOO t bls landing from Magenta and fori'l sale by fmJ H. D. NEWCOMB A BBO.

14 :K 80 casks In store aud for sale byB kawhon. Tonn. CO.

OVERINO'S REFINED SUGARS- -. 00 b"l Ctushed,L Powdered, sud Grauulatd ret.'elved and for mle byaJ4 RAWSON, TODD, & CO

HIEAL llo bags Cora-Me- received on eon-- 1

1 bluiuent aud for sale hva I. SMITH SP ED Main st.

HAMS of vailou-- j brnud-- , uar-cue- country, audHam , tor Bale by

B :l .?. M'TTT SPKfD. Vi --t.

-l- ou bbls Plautatiou Molaets iu storeMOLASSES b WM. OA Y.

SUGAR T5 bbls New York CircleCRUSHED 3ugr in btore and tor sale byWM. GAY.

ACKEHEL 100 kits No. I MarJwrel for sal, lowM to oIom eousigument by at WM. GAY.

CHAMPAGNE -- 2 bixee pints and quarts in storelow to cloae couuigi met bv

" WM. OAV.

LARET 4casks superior Claret in store nnd for saloJ by aa WM. GAY.

1j NES21 cam's Claret Wln, for family use;

50 do do do, vtry flue;W caks do do;lu do do do, fine for table nse;

luo canes White do, Haut 8iuterrai2A b'jls do do, do on;

oca-k- i Iirt d. ;

lh do Sherrv an t Madeira Wine;3 boxes Muscat' Wine;bti do Cb impaeue, ota, pts and Sfipts;

In store and for sale byANTHONY ZAN4JNB A B'N,

21 Fifth street. lelow Mmin.

is UNDRI- S-611 pkes Brandies, some very fine;

ami bhls Bourbon Whiuky;4 pipes Holland Gin;4 puncheons sw Km laud Rum;2 d Jamaica d ;

3i esses Brandy Cherries;3 do Macaroni;3i baskets 4)live OP;ti do id and 3i boxes Sardines: for sale bv

ANTHONY ZANONE A SON.aOT Fith st.. helow Mam.

WINR-- -icasks Madeira Wine:

o casks Fort do;la s Muscat dr;26 bhls Malaga dn;

5 bhls Oirurer docIn store and for sale bv


CRAB C1DER--- 7 bhls Crab Cidor Just receivedfor sale bv

JNO. r. HOWARD A CO..f3 Uln. iwtwMn Tblr1 and F

AND Mr A L SIEVES 50 doz-- ton monILOL'K Wire Sieves ,ust received and for sale byOKR1N RiW-;ON- .

ail 8ry Main st.. betwoen Third and 1'ou-th- .

OFFEB Lnno bags Rio Coffee, fair to prim equalityv in store and for sale by

l WM. GAY.

SCOTCH ALE.IFCF,IVF,D this aay per nilrod casks R.

AnnV Brrwerv, and for sale bv-1 ,L II. KCHHOEDER A SN. Wall


IVKCKIVKD THIS DAV-- A few patterns ofNew styte Brocade Silk- - in spriug colon--

Check and small plaid Spring SilksKid Gioves, &t.

For sale at very low pricesau MARK ft DOWNS, 4T3 Main st.

IANCY SOAP liu boxes Fancy Soap of variousA' kinds Just received and

tun Msln st .TIHrd nnd hh.

1 j... in n.'ltita a.rrliiiCOIO SUGAR tl bagb gova rIt aud ior sale by


Brsndy. tfeprebPIKITS. WINKS, c. French

Rnui, rtoiiruon rt ni- -j Whieiy, Holland s .r.i'.auwba Wine frsle.kles, fort, auerrv, duwi : n r f,.nteLUo.Ve are soloagenUlnLoui"-- ' VUAM & Cu

Champagne. of Ac, Tliird smi4

AOIASSEl!1'A m bbls Plantation;

Vido x . . ua frtr ,.ie hr

A I !"Siiina. In good cooperaie;

by LuViJ