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  1. 1. Loss grief and bereavement counseling Teachers Information Session: How can we help? 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C1 Effects of Death on children: Losing a Mother
  2. 2. What is loss (Death) 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C2 Loss: This is the feeling of grief after losing of someone or something of value. Death: Death is defined as the cessation of all vital functions of the body including the heartbeat, brain activity (including the brain stem), and breathing.
  3. 3. What Mother Represents 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C3 The person who gave birth: Life source Life support Head of the house The provider of physical and psychological needs Only source of security
  4. 4. Ways child can lose his/her mother 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C4 Accidental death Perlonged or Acute illness Homicide Suicide Childs birth Abandonment Sudden mental illness
  5. 5. Terms To Describe lost of The mother 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C5 Maternal Orphant Mother-less Maternal Deprivation
  6. 6. How the child feels? 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C6 Sadness , anger, guilt and confusion, accompanied by the grieving process. These are: 1. Denial: Disbelief or thinks she is sleeping. 2. Anger/Blaming: Rage and blame others 3. Bargaining: An ultimate promise if she comes back. 4. Depression: Numbness, loss of appetite, shuts out others, unable to function. 5. Acceptance: This can take months or years for some children.
  7. 7. Behaviours to expect 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C7 Behavioral patterns may change with losing a mother. Some expected are: Irritable Crying with Temper tantrums Eating habits may change Stomach aches Headaches
  8. 8. Behaviours cont. 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C8 Reversion to baby habits (thumb sucking, comfort blanket etc.). They may suddenly be afraid of the dark, suffer periods of sadness, anger, anxiety.
  9. 9. How can teacher help the child? 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C9 Never have child believe you dont care. Listen carefully to what the children say about things. Sometimes their grief is not obvious. If the children are very young you may not realize that they are suffering badly, but in a different way, from the loss. Try to encourage children to express their grief. It may be by drawing pictures of their mother; it may be by talking about death.
  10. 10. Teachers help continue 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C10 Home visit Encourage class participation; dont allow child to feel left out because mother is dead. If other children wants to, you can allowed to participate at the funeral (with permission) Provide love and emotional support. Be a role model Make sure children understand that all sickness does not end in death. Fears and fantasies should be dealt with.
  11. 11. When to refer the child? 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C11 Teachers as soon as you know that the childs mother dies you must refer the child to the guidance counselor or school psychologist because they are specialized in that area. You will help the child in whatever way you can but you must be careful because some children may become attached or tries to use you to replace their mothers. If behaviors persist or get out of control the guidance counselor or school psychologist will refer to the appropriate area of specialist.
  12. 12. What does the child needs? 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C12 These children need a secure, stable environment. Try to keep to the normal routine. They will need attention and love. Children need to know that death is nothing like sleeping.
  13. 13. Inform the father of caregiver 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C13 Tell the father or the present caregiver to contact the child's principal, day care supervisor or school teacher so they can be alert to any problems facing the child. If worrying behavior or distress persists get professional help and support. Some fathers or relatives will just say the child is missing the mother and allow situation to escalate into bigger problems. Children need to know that death is nothing like sleeping. The think they are helping to tell the mommy is sleeping.
  14. 14. References 3/31/2015Tanecia Stevens 4th year BA G&C14 Human Development and Family Science Bowlbys Attachment Theory