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WEDNESDAY ".,J\IORNING .JUNE 14, 1911. I tF-atnre in its correct value' The both horizontal and \ erUcal. are ',contlnuou..ft. the walls runnlnJi; up to meEt the· ceUlng In one grdcetul f sweep Three tremt:ndous arches spJ.n • I the house, rising from tho 'I worked .:rut in 1vory 1 ('If gold. and a rose garland I.. ' ft't.' cl that I fs C'barmtn2_ These mf'f't In tl!rpt> I domes in th-e ceiling, a cent€'T one O1 l\d , lwC\ ams.lIer de dl'\mt."!: , aU or num lear. a. ne' ... and mo&t etrec'l\U treatment. especially under the con- • I cealed lighting. A series or panel, in I I fretwork. tinted in deep h'ory. f':epa.r- ate theBe. Enough gold leaf Is u"ed In the!e to make thfl'm e-ffec tlve . bl:t not ga.udy Over 1he boxes are hand- some shell etIects with center IMn cls, and over the arch of the IS a large group In bas-rellef. and ;:...,;0 Masques and other na.tural decora- ttve features are frequent, but ne\ .. : obtrush'e. Tlle arch ot the strl;::C frame 18 ot the same charact (·r. I worked out mostly in gold, but wlth a relle! In the same shades or old -- .•. _ ..... _ . .-.-- \,. -'" , ... L\.rt Details in and Upon the X e"\,t Orpheulll, structure .... hICh, III Its combination of beauty. modernity and practical utility, is a representative t ... entieth century American edifice. Architcct's Dream. mOniOUS to the last degree color is merehr hint('cj, ..Lnd Is 'lot I scheme oC Mr Landsburgh is har-, rose " nd gend'arm c blue. but this OJ\IE WONDERS A T The story of the bUIlding is (or ced upon 0ne Th e lJe x front " of marbl e and granite. severely Plain. , r c" pond ! ng with the arch. and 011 U NEW ORPHEUl\{. lobbl' to the offlccs. with two eleva- of cool. Itg-Ilt Inost grilc4 . tors in bronze grills, and at the north ful In 1:1 :8 WHrn1 f'lima.le SlJ"PERB CO\!BT:'{ o\TIO:,{ OF & RT end IS the lobby to the gallery. Each 'rh o ':1.1.1\,(''' In tho, 'lrch I. In t;,o - . .... - IOf these runs through to the open blue, ..1nd handsome Th e AXD GEXER..-\L 'UTILITY. court at each side of the bUilding, taln I", Ir. uld rose, and th'c dr op and the south one runs through to lain i! very handsome. a paintIng by - lh e alley ln the r ea r d. ce le hrated New York art l st. 11 1 HarmonIc Construction of House The ma r-q uee o ... ·E" r the main theater harmonious co ns o nance with the entrance Is in bronze, most whole All th e lIghting nxture, . Lr ", graceful in sweep of d esi gn. and high-I in heavy bronze. and CSPE-C)') lly ly ornanlental. two immense wrought wrought, and very Iron lamps are used on the bUllding treated The carpets In the alsh!' and front above the entrance. and two boxes are of similar tone, Clnd 'the bronze Hlumi nated displa y fram es at se als a!"e upholst e red to co, I aOO 116 Decorations-Strange Com .. binations and N cw Lighting Ef- fcc,,-];'our Panels in ReHer Highest Type 01 Art in the 'Vest. the lobby entrance complete the ex- LIGHT1:<IG. buildIng stands on a lot 122x Th e lIghting of the new Orphe l lln IS "T hen the time came that the new 150 feet . to a tweh'e-foot alley in the a story In Itself. The SYSl em. ot Orpheum 't\as more than a dream and rear T he theater auditorium is 100 course, IS wholly electrIC',11 dnd IS so yet not a r eali ty. it lJrought upon th e I ff>flt wI1c hy 70 fC'ct deep , and its extensive that, for the onl y case on arch.tect th e probl em of Indicating to I ' al'erage hel!;ht Is 70 teet The stage record. the supply company h as put In th e pubhc that be hmd a com- (ee t. the st eel gndlron Is a. direct Install at IOn from its bU1lding \'\'a s to be pla ce d a iO f ee t abo\e the stage. and the distribution syst e m, at a cost of $35,- gorgeous th e ater Th e dlfllculties were proscenium arch Is 40 feet wide by 000 tremendous 1 1 38 IS of c onc r et e and E ve o' hght In the house 18 first i The Jin es o( the f acade were n eces· steel throu,:;hout, so a bsolutely fire co ntrolled ft'om an Imnlense s""lt ch I BRTil y determ me d by th e stores and I proof that it 15 Indest ru cllb le. It Is board, one of th e larges t e\er made. 10ffi.,:c5 t.o ve l.. VBt2t.lnl!U uy the com-I thoroughly protected b}' a complete on the 'rhl& 1s so arrang-e1 1 me rclal ' stru c ture. , .. hICh curtains the automa.tic fi re (>xtJngulsher system, that more than 7000 combinations v( auditorlum proper from the street. and all th e hand auxiliarIes that can may be made from 1t- n 1 It was constantl y bearIng this dual be concE:hed It h as tWenty-two ex- pr ced t' d b B tai uhn lts Th e only wood In the house \s e en e num er, do t Ifl nature of the lnllldlng ]n mlnd. and the fto o nng, a me re protect lo n over tungsten lights. th e latest form a careful and art Is tic conception or the soUd co nc rete base, and the tnm- are used .. c ly, and so powe rf ul bot h, that th e wonderful success now ":)[ the seats IS th e Illumination on the that an act ualit y '\a5 achIeve d DECORATIONS it has been fo u nd necessary to In- ArtistIC and careful seJec- ,\Vah a co mmendable deSire to a\old stall the s}stcm in all dr esb ing- lion or det aI ls th e first reqUi SIt e all o'\-c r exccss In d ecoratton, and rooms. that actors may make up by it. The use of co lor for the first time especially to get away (rom the usual oth e rwis e they wou ld look ghastly on I here was anoth er feature 6ouJ;ht In typ Jc al of the ordInary th e stage itself A11 the vari-co1ored this dlr eCtlO n A facade In the tt\' Je ligh ts us ed in the stage 'wo rk are ot of the mod e rn Renaissanc e theater , the Or ph E;>um has gone in for bl e\\. n 1n true colors. In· selected, and m at gla ze d tile and tap- a pla i nn ess In Its embellishment that ste ad of being m e r t::ly dipped , thus do es t!")," brIck of c ream l\'ere selec ted is at the same time mcst gratifyIng not change hu e with the heat as as the prIn cIpa l mat e rlals. Wlth a them were h lended po ly<,hrome tcrra ducd tInts Instead o! flashiness. well as the fO'lt :l nd house hghts cot ta. the first time In the West t hat there is a subdu.:-d effect or richness Th e auditorium prop er Jb by thJs rnater'a l was utJlJzed. And, too, and elegance. The atmosphere is not a concealed soft ann pleasIng more colors \\(" r e sccu!'ed at on e bllrn- theatrI C but homelIke. cosy a nd com- to th e and re-stful w f'll In Ing than 1"\ pr before attempt ed fortable. Ri Ch. not gaudy. Is the idea the domes and penetrations of th e Th ese are permanent, noth in g of the scheme , and 1t5 success 1s cei lin gs Sire artfully concealed lamps can change or fade them A h ighly , manifest to one compares the and finO. UI1::f; wor k IS es- o rnate and cornice tops the I A'cneral /? ffcct With that seen in most pec1a ll y pleasi ng In Its llghtlng up of fa ca Lle. and br ea ks the skyline )n ' pia) hou ses i the a lurninum dome-s o glow most E'fTf>ctl\' C manner Below. t he : h·ory. burnished bronze and gold, I softly ;tnll gne n sky-like eff ec t These first top story lS peculiarly deSigned as I' wJth old rose and gend'arme blue.] ar e the main source of light in th e to wmdo,,"s, gn Ing a. festive etrect .. are the only tones employed in the auditorium, though UndE'T th e baJ- stln bel ow. g-r t: Ctt ar· ;hes nre se en to I df'corath'e s che me. They are blended ! and hl)xes An d in llaneIs on their rise from th e hase, each arch Out. 1 m()st skllfull } and delighttul1y. There ' front a rc ground globes that 5t hprj hned In polyc hrome. Numerous 115 no dash , no o,\crplay of hues. no ! mild o ve r all In th e lo b by amples of th e s ame Vo/ ork are uspd obstruslvc co lor plan It Is all hormo- ! are I<l. rge bronzp ch a.ndelie rs for nf the arches, and C!m- 1 nlous, bp Rutit'ul, restful t of m os t'u nlQue dC's\l::n. "i1kh wIt h the be llishment '3 here and there All i Tho old rose is employed fOf the T COfnlce groups of Jights. gIve It bru- cornices. spantlrc!s, keys and fri eze s I SIde wal1s throughout the house; de('Op I Han ce, 0, er each rxlt h, a panel or are worked out In cOMonancp, t he 1 at the b ase line. and oft' 1nt.." ornamental t':'lth a rf>d e xit light c olor b$?JnJ;:' ::1 pplled ltberally but not : mello'n'er tints as it a.scends, The : cp ntpf IHgn and the di sUn r-tl\e : clI?lUn;;5 under balconies and boxe8 ; ("tC" ri nr of thE" bu ildmg Will n( the stru c turA ar':-' :! !'- ' -tiP )n I \,"I T ). wl th !n H!!e !' ! :-:; .... o; ! ent t\t a glnn C' e I the hl ne a. nrl rose, In hilt : il1umlOation y .. t se l"n In th is part or thp hfghpst type nr th p' rif"\ 010 uttprly or the usual hldl.:0 1PI the c(,u ntry thn\l<:;dnd tllng4 :tTt to bp found In the \Vest o:Irp 1hp I c;t(>n('ll 'Poork_ The rea.r·'! in ! :!!!1;:' '' b .... lJ '-Nl, r'!l" ,c:fnl; fr('m 1 fnur pant>}<:I; In on the ( rlint i \,htt-.! marhlp The are 111 ! twe nt :, -fh.:o to 100 ';\A tt8 f'ach . The l of the bUII d.I ng, ea(,h being typi c al or '\\tth gold caplta.a. Thf'l :1OX marqul'(' IS IIIl. min fll l'd with lamps or : \ a lu) p\ llIt'. In On t or Its ph;HJPS d rapt'n pc; In blu p with old ro., ..: a smd il l r <.a iltH.r m t)s t &l'lluctheb • rO!..!f pa.noPlc; m odele d ho,- Do- . HI tht>m of! E.a1!,s to the EOtA.P'c; thf' I }l"n..tu\, ,!:r.,. sixty tnrchps r mingO) ;tr _ l'mlr:.ent Sp.JniRh I ' .t nd Inge:! in brass, '('o r 100 \\att ll=1m; lc; Thf'.-r- to [1"1"- 1 "" .... \\ Y <l rk. v.ho Hut It JT( tlH) main ;!Ultltnrtum i f'he<l 0 \ . r thi' 1<1("1:101 1 ('\ half) (It . J:low- A're at l). mt1 r, -. tt"'d In :\Ir L:i.ndsburgh fI ! pnrtl on of the hnU6E:: that the m;iC r tt di tt ll< " !l !C'h r",a.rht:'s and 1 ill m:jSl l' .! m(1st oeautlIul. it had I mak('H \\ nnl ·· i brHltant In dram:.. COn1 (> uy and the dnnc e. In I L pf'n very happy There Is n:l old- ! th e p ,1nr- '<., IIr "ll r th ·" c orniei' r1. r f' ct thoiOUghl; :Il ot h'rn I f.t :,i d"n; d arch or so und- InnrC' Idl b l" \\ l) H'r. l ll::;nt up til ", E;'uhle. th p t\\ (, heing mosl dchs,:-htfIJlI .. 1n,; board. no dual conlposltinn o! tnc : and \'\md,, \\ I.( .t n d lit nalcon:, blend4>d in tho one ne-ure. Th& hand C"t-tJln& but a conU'luouslv ,..( t'-l,. thlr d ... ;Irl' "r th4! true rlru.t •• In evidence I t!eail'n 80 tied to,;-eth4!:' that J hun()rl,d lamp! wh!C'h lllu- tllroughout Ihll work, and '.h .. colol 1 each element la In It. place IUld e .... ll! :he < ,[ the building.

Los Angeles Times (14 June 1911): Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles · Los Angeles Times (14 June 1911): Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles

Jan 16, 2020



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Page 1: Los Angeles Times (14 June 1911): Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles · Los Angeles Times (14 June 1911): Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles


I tF-atnre in its correct value' The l1nt~~. both horizontal and \ erUcal. are

',contlnuou..ft. the walls runnlnJi; up to ~ meEt the· ceUlng In one grdcetul f sweep Three tremt:ndous arches spJ.n • I the house, rising from tho ~o~r.

'I worked .:rut in 1vory -~- 1tt1 Id~l1 !j~Il;,", 1 ('If gold. and a rose garland I..' ft't.' c l that I fs C'barmtn2_ These mf'f't I n tl!rpt>

I domes in th-e ceiling, a cent€'T one O1 l\d

, lwC\ ams.lIer ~ de dl'\mt."!: , aU or'

.o~~~~~~~~~~~~ num lear. a. ne' ... • and mo&t etrec'l\U treatment. especially under the con-• I cealed lighting. A series or panel, in

I I fretwork. tinted in deep h'ory. f':epa.r-

~~~~~~~~~~ ate theBe. Enough gold leaf Is u"ed In the!e to make thfl'm e-ffec tlve. bl:t not ga.udy Over 1he boxes are hand­some shell etIects with center IMn cls, and over the arch of the st.a~"" IS a large group In bas-rellef. and ;:...,;0 Masques and other na.tural decora­ttve features are frequent, but ne\ .. : obtrush'e . Tlle arch ot the strl;::C frame 18 ot the same charact(·r.

I worked out mostly in gold, but wlth a relle! In the same shades or old


-- .•. _ ..... _ . .-.-­\,. -'" , ~

... L\.rt Details in and Upon the X e"\,t Orpheulll, structure .... hICh, III Its combination of beauty. modernity and practical utility, is a representative t ... entieth century

American edifice.

Architcct's Dream. mOniOUS to the last degree color is merehr hint('cj, ..Lnd Is 'lot I scheme oC Mr Landsburgh is har-, rose " nd gend'armc blue. but this

~ OJ\IE WONDERS A T The lO"~er story of the bUIlding is (orced upon 0ne Th e lJe x front cor~ " of marbl e and granite. severely Plain. , r c" pond!ng with the arch. and 011

U NEW ORPHEUl\{. ~~r~leotn.OffA:ht~en~~~ !~~e-~~k~t fspr~~ g~~rot~he~. ~~~e~~~: c~l~rh!~ :~U:fr~~I~ lobbl' to the offlccs. with two eleva- of cool. Itg-Ilt IldintJne~5. Inost grilc4

• . tors in bronze grills, and at the north ful In 1:1 :8 WHrn1 f'lima.le SlJ"PERB CO\!BT:'{ o\TIO:,{ OF & RT end IS the lobby to the gallery. Each 'rho ':1.1.1\,(''' In tho, 'lrch I. In t;,o

- 4 ~. ~.a.. . .... - IOf these runs through to the open blue, d~cp ..1nd handsome The ~l..&r AXD GEXER..-\L 'UTILITY. court at each side of the bUilding, taln I", Ir. uld rose, and th'c drop ~Ul'

and the south one runs through to lain i! very handsome. a paintIng by - • lhe alley ln the r ear d. cele hrated New York art l st. 111

HarmonIc Construction of House The m a r-quee o ... ·E" r the main theater harmonious consonance with the entrance Is in wrou~ht bronze, most whole All th e lIghting nxture, .Lr", graceful in sweep of d esign. and high-I in heavy bronze. and CSPE-C)') lly ly ornanlental. two immense wrought wrought, and very h[tndsOlllel~ Iron lamps are used on the bUllding treated The carpets In the alsh!' and front above the entrance. and two boxes are of similar tone, Clnd 'the bronze Hlumi nated display fram es at s eals a!"e upholst e red to co, I L~ J lO.Hl

aOO 116 Decorations-Strange Com .. binations and N cw Lighting Ef­fcc,,-];'our Panels in Ba~e ReHer Highest Type 01 Art in the 'Vest.

the lobby entrance complete the ex- LIGHT1:<IG.

tc~~~ buildIng stands on a lot 122x Th e lIghting of the new Orphe llln IS " Then the time came that the new 150 feet . to a tweh'e-foot alley in the a story In Itself. The SYSlem. ot

Orpheum 't\as more than a dream and rear T he theater auditorium is 100 course, IS wholly electrIC',11 dnd IS so yet not a r eali ty. it lJrought upon the I ff>flt wI1c h y 70 fC'ct deep, and its extensive that, for the only case on arch.tect the proble m of Indicating to I' al'erage hel!;ht Is 70 teet The stage record. the supply company has put In the pubhc that b e hmd a purch~ com- ~o; 3~x110 (eet . the s t eel gndlron Is a. direc t InstallatIOn from its m~1ll mer<~ial bU1lding \'\'as to be placed a iO f eet abo\e the stage. and the distribution syste m, at a cost of $35,­gorgeous theater The dlfllculties were proscenium arch Is 40 feet wide by 000

tremendous 11

38 T~~:t s~;~~tu re IS of c onc rete and E ve o ' hght I n the house 18 first I i The Jin es o( the facade were n eces· steel throu,:;hout, so a bsolutely fire controlled ft'om an Imnlense s""ltch I BRTil y determ med by the stores and I proof t h a t it 15 Indestrucllb le. It Is board, one of th e largest e\er made. 10ffi.,:c5 t.o v e l..VBt2t.lnl!U uy the com-I thoroughly protected b}' a complete on the sta~e 'rhl& 1s so arrang-e1


m e rclal ' struc ture. , .. hICh curtains the automa.tic fi re (>xtJngulsher system, that more than 7000 combinations v( auditorlum proper from the street. and all the hand auxiliarIes that can li~hts may be made from 1t- n 1

It was constantl y b~~ bearIng this dual be concE:hed It has tWenty-two ex- pr ced t' d b B tai uhn lts The only wood In the house \s e en e num er, do t C~ Ifl nature of the lnllldlng ]n mlnd. and the fto onng, a m e re protectlon over tungsten lights. th e latest form mad .~ . a careful and artIstic conception or the soUd con c rete base, and the tnm- are used ~Aclusn .. c ly, and so powe rf u l bot h, that th e wonderful success now ml~~ ":)[ the seats IS the Illumination on the that . an act uality '\a5 achIeve d DECORATIONS it has been fo u nd necessary to In- '

ArtistIC g~oupln~ and careful seJec- ,\Vah a commendable deSire to a\old stall the s} s tcm in all dresbing- ; lion or detaI ls W4.~ th e first reqUi SIte all o'\-crexccss In d ecoratton, and rooms. that actors may make up by it. I The use of co lor for the first time especially to get away (rom the usual othe rwise they wou ld look ghastly on

I here was anoth e r feature 6ouJ;ht In "~m;;erbread" typJcal of the ordInary th e stage itself A11 the vari-co1ored I this dlreCtlO n A facad e In the tt\' Je ligh ts use d in the stage 'work are ot of the mod e rn Renaissance '\~·as theater, the Orph E;>um has gone in for bl e\\. n ~lass 1n th ~l r true colors. In· selected, and m at glazed tile and tap- a plainn ess In Its embellishment that stea d of being m e r t::ly dipped , thus do I es t!")," brIck of c rea m l\'ere selected is at the same time mcst gratifyIng not change hu e with the heat as

as the prIncIpal materlals. Wlth ~~l~r~~~tt~:~!f~! a I~l:~~~n:fof~~t: g!,';.~~~ °J~:~t~O jJh:;~f!~~~ f~~:d!~~S ~~ them were h lended p oly<,hrome tcrra ducd tInts Instead o! flashiness. well as the fO'lt :l nd house hghts cotta. the first time In the West t hat there is a subdu.:-d effect or richness Th e auditorium prope r Jb lI~htcd by thJs rnater'al was utJlJzed. And, too, and elegance. The atmosphere is not a concealed s~stem , soft ann pleasIng more colors \\(" r e sccu!'ed a t one bllrn- theatrI C but homelIke. cosy a nd com- to the (,~ f>, and re-stful a~ wf'll In Ing than <W r!..~ 1"\ pr before attempted fortable. RiCh. not gaudy. Is the idea the domes and penetrations of th e 1 Th ese color~ are permanent, noth ing of the ~·h olc scheme, and 1t5 success 1s c ei lings Sire artfully concealed lamps can change or fade them A h ighly , manifes t to one ~ho compares the and r~ r,ectoT8, finO. UI1::f; work IS es- ' o rnate and serr~ t('d cornice tops the I A'cneral /? ffcc t With that seen in most pec1all y pleasi ng In Its llghtlng up of faca Lle. and brea ks the skyline )n ' pia) houses i the a lurninum dome-so whl~h glow most E'fTf>ctl\' C manner Below. the : h·ory. burnished bronze and gold, I softly ;tnll gne n sky-like effec t These first top story lS peculiarly deSigned as I' wJth old rose and gend'arme blue.] are the main source of light in th e to wmdo,,"s, gn Ing a. festive etrect . . are the only tones employed in the auditorium, though UndE'T the baJ­stln below. g-rt:Ctt ar·; h es nre seen to I df'corath'e scheme. They are blended ! cQn1~s and hl)xes And in llaneIs o n their rise from th e hase, each arch Out. 1 m()st skllfull} and delighttul1y. There ' front a rc ground gl o bes that 5t hprj ~ hned In polychrome. Numerous ex~ 115 no dash , no o,\crplay of hues. no ! mild radlanc~ ove r all In th e lob by I amples of th e same Vo/ ork are uspd obstruslvc colo r plan It Is all hormo- ! are I<l. rge wrou~ht bronzp c h a.ndeliers I for ke~~("lnr:s nf the arches, and C!m- 1 nlous, bpRutit'ul, restful t of m ost ' u nlQue dC's\l::n. "i1kh wIt h the b e llishment '3 here and there All i Tho old rose is employed fOf the T COfnlce groups o f Jights. gIve It bru-l cornices. spantlrc!s, keys and fri ezes I SIde wal1s throughout the house; de('Op I Hance, 0, er each rxlt h, a panel or are worked out In cOMonancp, t he 1 at the base line. and shadtn~ oft' 1nt.." ornamental ~ ork t':'lth a rf>d exit light color b$?JnJ;:' ::1 pplled ltberally but not : mello'n'er tints as it a.scends, The : cpntpf IHgn o\·erpow('rin~ I~ . and the d isUn r-tl\e : clI?lUn;;5 under t~le balconies and boxe8 ; Th~ ("tC"ri n r o f thE" bu ildmg Willi ~hara(' tp. T n( the struc turA 1~ ar':-' :! !'- ' -tiP )n I \,"I T ). w lth tra(,ln~ !n H!!e !'! ~~:i::":-:'i!.:i':tc: :!":. ~ :-:; .... o; ! ':~,"i':~ e!~,t"':-= 1 ent t\t a glnn C' e I the hl ne a.nrl rose, In ~anel ~rrect. hilt : il1umlOation y .. t s e l"n In th is part or P()~~l ll! .\ thp hfghpst type nr th p ' rif"\ 010 uttprly or the usual hldl.:0 1PI the c(,u ntry ~ e\'pr~l thn\l<:;dnd tllng4

:tTt to bp found In the \Vest o:Irp 1hp I c;t(>n('ll 'Poork_ The rea.r ~'Hl1Ft·'! in f't~n ! :!!!1;:' '' b .... I'1~ lJ '-Nl, r'!l" ,c:fnl; fr('m I 1 fnur pant>}<:I; In u:ts·r(>lJ~! on the (rlint i \,htt-.! marhlp The pi1~ers are 111 ! twent:, -fh.:o to 100 ';\A tt8 f'ach . The I l of the bUII d.I ng, ea(,h being typi cal or I\nr~. '\\tth gold caplta.a. Thf'l :1OX marqul'(' IS IIIl .min fll l'd with lamps or : \ a lu) p\ llIt'. In On t o r Its ph;HJPS Thf.~~"' , d rapt' n pc; .t r~ In blu p• with old ro., ..: a smd il l r <.a iltH. r m t)s t &l'lluctheb i • rO!..!f pa.noPlc; wpr~ m odele d ho,- Do- . HI ~rt tht>m of! E.a1!,s to the EOtA.P'c; ~\hO't · thf' I }l"n..tu\, ,!:r.,. sixty tnrchps I r mingO) ~f f) r ~. ;tr_ l'mlr:.ent Sp.JniRh I' bo"(f"~ .t nd Inge:! (\r~ in brass, poJl8h~1 '('o r 100 \\att ll=1m; lc; Thf'.-r- o;;:p,~ m to .

r.;c u~ptl)r [ 1 " 1"-1 "" .... \\ Y <l rk. v.ho b"'~,lm D Hut It I ~. JT( tlH) mai n ;!Ultltnrtum i f'he<l 0 \ . r thi' 1<1("1:101 1 ('\ half) (It . J:low- ' A'reat l). mt1 r , -. tt"'d In :\Ir L:i.ndsburgh fI ! pnrtl o n of the hnU6E:: that the whoJ~ m;iC r tt di tt ll< " \~ !l !C'h r",a.rht:'s do~." and I

1 td'{url~ ill .::l ~ ~.;~:;. lher~b:.· m :jSl l' . ! ~I'lp:nr l~ m(1st oeautlIul. Ther~ it had I mak('H ~n ," \\ nnl ·· i or n J ~e brHltant I n ~ dram:.. COn1 (> uy and the dnnce. In I Lpf'n very happy There Is n:l old- ! th e p ,1nr- '<., IIr" l l r th ·" c orniei' r1. r f' ~Ixt\ , s('m l-c l~ ~!., ~ ct thoiOUghl; :Il o th'rn I f.t :,id"n; d pr.-.~: ,cn !urn arch o r so und- InnrC' Idlb l" \\ l )H'r. l ll::;nt up til ", p ""r ~ E;'uhle. th p t\\ (, heing mosl dchs,:-htfIJlI .. 1n,; board. n o dual conlposltinn o! tnc : and \'\md,, \\ I.( .t nd Il~'un lit thl~ nalcon:, i

blend4>d in tho one ne-ure. Th& hand C"t-tJln& but a conU'luouslv ha.rmnnh"~fi' H'1~ ,..( t'-l,. thlrd ~~or ... ;Irl' SU'V~f'nl , "r th4! true rlru.t •• In evidence I t!eail'n 80 thl)r~u&'hlY tied to,;-eth4!:' that J hun()rl,d b!'IlII~lnt lamp! wh!C'h lllu- I

tllroughout Ihll work, and '.h .. colol 1 each element la In It. place IUld e .... ll! :he b,~e <,[ the building. i