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Los Angeles and vicinity— Cloudy on Saturday, with showers; fresh southerly Coast Showers on Saturday; fresh southwest wind. SAN FRANCISCO, March 30.—The •torm has extended slowly eastward •Ad now overlies the whole Pacific \u25a0lope. Rain has fallen from Tatoosh island to San Diego. The following heavy rainfalls are reported: Eureka. 1.60; Bed Bluff, 1.48. The rivers In al \u25a0ectlons willrise rapidly Saturday and Sunday. The following stages are re- ported: Red Bluff, 17 feet, rising; Sac ; ramento, 25.7. rising: San Joaquln, li feet, standing; Rio Vista, 10.9 feet, ris- ing. Forecast Weather Conditions THE WEATHER PART I? LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1909. -O9 ANGELES. March 80, 1908. \u25a0 Tlmc| Ther. | llum.|Wlnd| Velo. | Wth or^ 4a.m.| 68 I 79 IN I 4 (Cloudy. Ep.m.| 65 [ 69 |SW I 8 |Clear. Maximum temperature 69. Minimum temperature 56, 4 WANTED Help—Mala HUMMELBROS. & CO., —EMPLOYMENT AGENTS— A strictly first-class, reliable agency All kinds of help promptly furnished, Your orders solicited. 116-118 East Second street. Between Main and Los An_elea sts. Largest and best equipped offlot* on the Pacific coast HUMMEL BRO3. & CO.. 116 and 118 E. 2d St. Telephones Main 609. Rome 808. ___ 100 LABORERB WANTED BEFORE Tuesday; work In city; wages $2.00 day. Call 229 SO. MAIN ST. All kinds of hotel help wanted at once. 229 SO. MAIN ST. Painter and man for tinting, at once; $3.60 a day; 8 hours, steady Job. Carpenters at once, steady work. $3.50 a day, 8 hours. Call 229 SO. MAIN ST. EARN $25 TO $50 A WEEK; LEARN our system of designing and cutting men's, boys' and children's clothing I patterns, taught by mnil. Designers I and pattern makers always In demand. 1 Write today for particulars. ROCH- 1 ESTKR DESIGNING ACADEMT, 611 to ; 621 Broadway, New York. I WANTED-OASH BOYS; MUST BE 14 1 years old. Wages J3.60 per week. Steady work. Apply to manager. VILLE DE PATHS, 319 S. Broadway. J After 8:30 a. m. COLLEGE GRADUATE, FIVE YEARS' experience In teaching and newspaper work, wishes to locate in Southern California. Will do clerical work. Ad- dress OTIS M. CLARKE, Richmond, Va. Box 950^ ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn cood Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. PRESS SY.NDI- CATE, Lockport. N. Y. WANTED-LIVELY, HUSKY BOYS for carrying papers. Must have bicycle or horse and cart. Oood salary. Apply Circulation Department, THE HER- ALD. WANTED 15 PAINTERS AT ONCE; wages $3.50 per day; city work. Phono 6924 Main. SANDBURG & LAUMAN, 229 South Main street. fob LABO^3RS~WANTED AT ONCB, $2.00 per day. Phone 6924 Main. SANDBURG & LAUMAN, 229 South Main street. PERRONS EVERYWHERE TO Dis- tribute samples; $20 weekly and ex- penses. Address MANAGER, 4 Wells street, Chicago, HI. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples etc.; no canvassing. UNI- VERSAL ADV. CO., Chicago. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE). Situations guaranteed. Moler System College, 113 E. 2D. Help Female GIRL OR OLD LADY FOR GENERAL housework; light work: wages fair. Call nt ofiO Woodward avenue at end of Temple street car line. Ask for C. W. HARRISON. WANTED—FIRST CLASS COLORED female help for general housework; wages $20. $25. $30. BARNES & WIL- LIAMS, employment office, Maple ave- nue, 835<4 Main SR3I: Home 7371. LADIES^TO DC> PIECEWORK AT home; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped en- velope to ROYAL CO., 34 E. Monroe, Chicago. WANTED—GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; good home for the right party; wages $15 without laundry, or $20 with. 926 DIAMONDST., Main 2586. WANTED-A GIRL TO DO MASSAGE work at 612 S. BROADWAY. Room 10. Call Sunday or Monday forenoon. WANTED A GOOD SKIRT HAND. MISS DAY, 1000^4 S. Main street. Situations Male INTELLIGENT MAN AND WIFE want work; fruit or stock ranch or take charge of place. Address BOX 914. Herald office. FIRST-CLASS HELP FURNISHED free on short notice at SANDBURG'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 229 South Main. Main 6924. FIRST-CLASS HELP FURNISHED free on short notice, at SANDBURG & LAUMAN, 229 R. Main st. Phone Red 882. Real Estate WANTED-REAL ESTATE, CITY OR country. Let me know what you have that will appeal to me as cheap. F. O. WAKELEY, 238 Bradbury Bldg. To Purchase Real Estate WANTED— ~ DO YOU WANTTO SEIX YOUR PROP- erty or business, no matter where lo- agent for closing tho deal? Do you want to buy property or a business of any description In any locality? If so, write for full particulars, or call on THE CRAY REAL ESTATE CO., Home 0718. r,:o-.~_l Stlmaon Mrtsr. Buyers, get sellers' price, not "agents." WANT YOU TO LIST YOUR HOUSES and lots here. We havo the customers; some want to pHy small payment down, one wants to exchange stock at cash price in corporation: one wants to ex- change 88 building lots: 87 others want to exchange orange groves and ranches nnd many others exchange property; other cities, states. See PHOENIX, 202 and 204 Grant building. TO PURCHASE— LOT ABOUT 60X150, for manufacturing. Owners only. State price and terms. BOX 721, Her- ald office. To Rent WANTED— ALL OWNERS OF RENTAL PROPERTY— TO KNOW THAT WE DO A RENTAL BUSINESS— DON'T WORRY . IF YOU WANT A TENANT— LIST YOUR PROPERTY— WITH US MINI-'.S A FAMISH. 815 SOUTH HILL STREET. I WILL LEASE ANY GOOD LOS ANGE- Ies unimproved property for a term of years. W. H. OBEAR, 408-9-10 Johnson bldg. Money WANTED^SIS*OO~ON~GILT EDGE IM~- proved city property worth at least $3500 cash, on a fine corner,7oxlso, with buildings, etc. GEORGE WILLIARD, IGOS Sunset boulevard. To Purchase Miscellaneous WANTED TO PURCHASE—THREE second hand pool tables; must be in good condition. BOX 320, Herald. FEATHER BEDDING PAY 45C POUND. Send postal. RYAN, box 4, Arcade sta- tlon. Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY— FURNITURE! AND household goods. If you are going to sell we will pay you one-third more than others. Phone us. Main 1117. Home 2154. COLYEAR FURNITURiS CO.. 323 S. Main st. WANTED-DEALERS AND PAPER- hangers to write for samples of bur- laps; exclusive wall papers for the c past; paints, varnishes, mouldings. WALTER BROS.. 627 S. Spring. PIANOS PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS— Pianos rented at low rates. A. G GARDNER PIANO HOUsA LtdT 1U Winston it TeL Black 2221; Horn* FOR BALE Housei FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— LARGE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ON SOUTH MAINBTREET; CLOSE IN, STRICT- LY MODERN AND WELL BUILT; ROOMS NICELY ARRANGED AND IS A FINE HOME FOR SOME ONE, AND A GOOD INVESTMENT AS WELL. PRICE $5000. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS SEE O. L. BTRADKR, SOLE AGENT, 516 S. SPRING. HOME 6927. _ FOR SALE— $1500 $1600. Nearly new two-story, 5-room house with reception hall, porcelain bath, toilet, pantry, cooling closet; large porch in front; screen porch In rear; 4 chicken yards and houses; houso alone worth price; owner willtake SMALL PAYMENT & EASY TERMS. J. R. M'CLINTOCK, 217 Grant Bldg., 4th and Broadway. Phones, Home 7295; Main 624. FOR SALE—A NEW 6-ROOM MODERN cottage with attic and solar heater, size 33x46, withoutside and screen porch; attic large enough for eight more rooms; two lots 92x160, modern barn 18x24, two corrals, 32 orange trees, 12 years old; other varletiy of fruits, peaches, pears, grapes, pomegranates, loquat, fig, dew- berries, blackberries and raspberries, grapes; large shade trees west side; reason for helling, want lower altitude. 316 CHURCH ST., Redlands, Cal. $1750— READ THIS In south, at a big sacrifice, a new 6- room modern bungalow; bath, fire- place, etc., corner lot, 67^x150 to alley; cement curb and pavement; high ground; 1 block from car line; special reasons for sacrificing. Call today. l-HAMv I/. MILLER. 435 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Phones Home 2265. Main 6022. COZY HOMES-DON'T BUY UNTIL you see our list; pretty new houses; everywhere you want to go; special bar- gain, 5 swell rooms all modern, south- west, $2850, take $500 down; another out there $200 and balance as rent; also bargain, $1250, take little down; also ask you go see 147, 151 and 155 So. Clarence street, $2200; small payment down. Sea PHOENIX, 202 Grant building. {15fiO-ONLY-$250 DOWN, BUYS A NEW 6-room cottage, with mantel, fireplace, etc. High lot, 60x125, within 200 feet of Hollywood car line; 5c fare. Builder went broko on this and property must be sold at ones to straighten out ac- counts. Under other conditions this property would sell for considerably more money. EXCHANGE REAL ES- TATE CO., 816 Fay Bldg. Home 6238. WILL SELL ON INSTALLMENT PLAN, $3(O-$5O0 down, balance very easy, like rent; new six-room cottage with all modern Improvements; well situated and right on car line; a fine chance to own a home. Don't wait but look me UP ABRAHAM JACOBY, sole agent. 242 Byrne. Bldg., Third and Broadway, Los Angeles. Phones, Home 7186; Sun- set Broadway 4813. OWN YOUR OWN HOME— ~~ We will buy you a lot and build to suit you a modern 6 or 6-room cot- tage for a small payment down, bal- ance same as rent. If you have plans ready for building let us give you our price. WESTERN BUILDING CO., 403 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 8640. Home 980. $2,100 ONI-Y for fi-room cottage on East Thirtieth street, close to Maple avenue; lot 60x 125; street work all done; sewers con- nected; $250 down, balance $25 per month. COOPER * CVDDEBACK. 218 S. Broadway. Room 237. FOR SALE-MUST SELL THAT COT- tage and lot with all those fine roses, posies and shrubbery; good lawn, fruit trees and garden spot. You can spade among the rnses and enjoy life In a home like this. 238 Bradbury building. F. O. WAKELEY. FOR SALE DO YOU WANT A HOMK In tho southwest part of the city? If so we have one of the swellest 5-room bungalows in that section and it is a bargain. BROWN & WOODS, 812 Fay building. FOR SALE- Near Occidental college In Highland Park. Seven-room up-to-date house, finished in latest style. Large lot. THOS. J. HAMPTON, 119 60. Broadway. FOR SALE— EASY TERMS; FORCED sale: new 6-room house, 43d street be- tween Moneta and Flgueroa; well ar- ranged, convenient house; neighborhood excellent and should appeal to most par- ticular. 238 Bradbury building. F. O. WAKELEY. FOR SALE-HOUSE: SIX ROOMS, modern, close-In, half block north of Washington st. ;$1500, cash $500, balance 6 per cent. Dirt cheap. Phone MAIN 7555. 16 COTTAGES, E. ADAMS TRACT; cash or terms. Agent's commission. BIDDALL, 207 Copp bldg. $1000 EQUITY IN S-ROOM HOUSE FOR lands or lots. BIDDALL. 207 Copp bid. City Lota and Lands GREAT SPECIAL OFFBRa Look Into them. It will cost you nothing. We pay the fares. FREE EXCURSIONS Every day every hour. GRIDER <& HAMILTONTRACTS Present the most attractive variety and choice, and the greatest profit- making certainties of any property on the market Our lots are offered at prices less than adjoining acreage can be se- cured for, and our terms bring ther within the reach of all. $."iO DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH. $50 DOWN AND *10 PER MONTH. Our New Tract FLORAL. PARK. FLORAL PARK. Acres and Halt-acres. Whole acres for the price of town lots Just beyond beautiful Eastlake park. Close In. Wait for It It will pay you to do so. HIGHLAND PARK. The gem of one of the most at« tractivo residence sections of Los An- geles. Five-cent fare, transfers. Mod- ern street work. Lots from J350 to $850. HOLLYWOOD TRACT. In the best part of Hollywood; It Isn't necessary to say more. Mod- ern improvements; fifty-foot lots; building restrictions. Prices from $500 to $1000. VERNONDALE. - Where values will double within a year. In the great manufacturing district of the southeast, where so many great enterprises are under way and projected. The best tract in the district. First-class street work and other modern Improve- ments. Lots from $450 up. Do not fall to see these tracts, - whether you are looking for a home or for profitable Investment. GRIDER & HAMILTON, 225 WEST SECOND STREET. Home 1100. Main 834. FOR SALE- ~~ ' Lot In Strong & Dickinson's Flgueroa Blvd.. near car line. Half cash; balance monthly. THOS. J. HAMPTON, 119 So. Broadway. FOR SALE-BAD REPAIR, OLD 110I 10 " 8 , 6 !.!™' w ? u located lot on the hills; but little cash required; buy this, fix it up and make money for yourself; Its a bargain. _. O. WAKELEY,238 Bradbury. Bldg. FOR RENT r Flat* MODERN FLATS—WATER FREE- tIO 3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont. 110 3 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa. $13.50 3 rooms, 221 N. Flgueroa. $12 3 rooms, 212 N. Fremont. |1« 3 rooms, 1011 E. 9th; furnished 111 3 rooms, 1003 B. 9th: furnished M«— S rooms, 204 N. Fremont; furn 1118—3 rooms. 218 N. Fremont: furn. $16—8 rooms. 334 8. Flgueroa; furn. $16 5 rooms, 1019% Dlnmond. $16—2 rooms. 1141 W. First. $17—8 rooms. 1133 W. First: furn. $18 3 rooms. 222 N. Fremont; furn. T. WIESENDANGER. N. W. cor. 7th and Hope sts. TO LET-FROM 3 TO E ROOMS, FLATS, hot nnd cold water to every flat. 220 N. GRAND. Flats Furnished FOR $16 MONTHLY YOU CAN RENT furnished complete 3 nice sunny out- Bide rooms: electricity, (fas range, hoi \u25a0water, phone; closo In; at 1020 WEST COLTON ST. I FOR $16 MONTHLY YOU CAN RENT \u25a0 furnished complete 3 nice sunny out- Bid© rooms; electricity, gas range, hot ! jwater nnd phone, at 1003 E^jftNTH. I f^r~si^~m6nthly~yo"u~cXn~rent furnished complete 3 nice sunny out- side rooms; rlwctrlcity. gas ranee, hot \u25a0water and phone at 1011 E. NINTH. Houses NORTHWEST CORNER ORANGE AND I,oomls sts., facing: Kip st.; 1 rooms; $30. 1627 EAST (ADAMS) 26TH—6 ROOMS, corner; $14. 2519 LONG BEACH AVENUE, COR- ner 26th: B rooms; $14. 6*25 LOOMIB RT\ BETWEEN FlG- ueroa and Kip; 7 rooms; $30. Stores and Offices TO LET—STORES $26 1017 W. First St. and rooms. 26 1019 W. First st. and rooms. 20 1028 W. First st. and rooms. : 20 1030 W. First St. nnd rooms. 26 1032 W. First st. and rooms. ! 18 102 9. Reaudry aye. and room. MB H4 s. neatidry aye. and room, i 16—321 S. Figueroa. $20 100R E. Ninth St. $25—1011 E. Ninth St. $10—2102 E. Ninth st. $12 2104 E. Ninth st T. WIESENDANGER, N. W. Cor. Hope and Seventh sts. TO LET^AT 41~fi% PO. SPRING ST., Large second floor rocm, fronting 40 ft. on Spring St.; also 10 rooms above It. Fine fnr tailors, photographers, real es- tate offices, wholesale Jewelers, dentists, etc. Rent only J125 for all. OWNER, 447 Wllcnx Hldg. OFFICES— OFFICES-OFFICES! Are you looking for them? If so, look at those In the New Helta building, sit- uated Bt 42K-2R-30 S. Spring St., and built fnr Anderson & Chanslor Co. H. MONROE RERNHEIM, Agent 31" Bryson Block. FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE ON THE ground floor withlarge show window In front; withuse of both phones. See LEAHY &SON, 223 Mercantile place. Rooms FOR RENT THREE ROOMS. TJNFUR- nlshed. 1926 CORDOVA ST., Washing- ton car. SANITARIUMS MRS. M. HERBERT, SANITARIUM— Massage, electric, tub. vapor, steam baths, chiropody, manicuring, scalp treatment, facial massage. 225 % W. First. Homo 3809. BATHS AND MASSAGE TInFiBR^wir^SSAGEJPARLORS^" HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? ROOMS 6 and 7, 610% S. SPRING ST. THIS PALATJAL. Eastern trained graduate operators. Baths, massage, magnetic and elec- tric treatments. 127% N. BROAD- WAY. Hours 10 to 12. Home 5298. ELECTRIC TREATMENT, VAPOR AND spongo bath and massage, oil, alcohol rubs. 612 S. BROADWAY, room 10. New attendant from the east. THE MITCHELL BATH PARLORS^- vapor tub baths and massage, alcohol and oil rubs. 218 N. MAIN ST.. office 11. Open Sundays. MASSAGE, VAPOR AND PERFUMED baths. Refreshing, invigorating. Select patronage. Parlors, 116, 444% S. SPRING STREET. THE ALDA BATHS REOPENED AT 609 SOUTH SPRING ST. Electric tub baths and massage. Open Sundays. Room 4. FROM LONDON-MANICURE AND massage; 131% SOUTH BROADWAY, "Aloline," rooms 7 and 8. Select patron- age^ ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. 220 FRANKLIN street, including baths, massage and electric blanket sweats for rheumatism. YOU ARE NOT HURRIED WHEN YOU go to 125 Temple street for bath and massage. Best of patronage solicited. 653 S. BROADWAY, SUITE 9, SClEN*- tlfic baths and massage; tub baths a specialty by experienced masseuse. SULPHUME, VAPOR. ELECTRIC AND tub baths, massage and chiropody. 701% Broadway. Phone Main 3133. MEDICATKD VAPOR AND TUB baths and massage. 419% SOUTH MAIN. Hours 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. FOR A GOOD TL'B OR VAPOR BATH and massage go to 738% SOUTH GRAND AYE. Phone 6660. THE BEST MASSAGE OR BATH, Rooms 12 and 14. third floor. 444 SOUTH SPRING ST. VIBRATION INSTITUTE—VAPOR, OIL and alcohol rubs, massage. 254 EAST FIFTH ST. MASSAGE FORMERLY AT 625% S. Spring now at room 3, 609% S. SprinK. BATHif-309 W. TEMPLE ST., ROOM 2. Phone Home 6076. SPECIAL NOTICES HEADQ UAKTE"RS~FOR BURLAPS— 76- ln. burlap between molding and base makes a beautiful Bolid wall without seam; also have 3S-inch and 40-inch, all colors. Good wall paper and border for 12-foot room, $1. Best paint, $1.50. Roof and barn, 90c. Opaque shades. 35c. Best floor wax, 45c. Floorene, the var- nish for linoleum and floors, qts., $1; pts.. 50c. Our enamels make things shine like a mirror. Paints, enamels, brushes. 10c up. WALTER BROS.. 627 S. Spring. Home 1056; Main 1055. CLEAN WATCH 60c: MAINSPRING 60c: warranted: old gold $1 pwt. 451 S. MAIN. DENTISTB tJOxiii' jjMAN JJJiNXA-Li CO., ' 107 N. Spring Bt.-Painleaa extracting, tilling, crown and bridge work, flexible ruober plates. Pure gold fillings. 750 up; all other fillings. 500 up; cleaning teeth. 600 up; gold crowns and brldea work, $0.00 up; sets teeth, $5.00 up. Also open evening and Sunday fore- noons. DR VVM. BACHMAN, THE WELL- knowu Minneapolis dentist, perma- nently located 209-210 Johnson Bldg., 4th and Bdway. Home 6832, M. 64*5. FRANK BTEVENB. »24^ SO SPRIKQ. PHYSICIANS UK. AJMLi ALKS. CjChsFZh. 'buCTvJiiiiiP tully treat all femala diseases and Ir- regularities; 20. years' experience; con- sultation free Houru, D a. m. to 8 p. a.; Sundays, 10 to M a. m. 204 MKR- CANTILE FIACB. over 643 8. Bprlng. BOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUR- liik confinement; homes found for children. DR. C. E. SMITH, 727 Sun- set boulevard. Tel. Main 2364. DR. TAYLOR—FEMALE SPECIALJBT and oostetrlca. BELASCO THEATER, Main St. FOR SALE Houses ________ ' BAHRAIN'S IV HOUSES. $7000 11-room house with all modern Improvements, recently painted throughout; largo front veranda, largo barn: lot 50x150 to alley. Close to west Adams street, in excellent locality. Offered for quick sale for about half Its cost a few year ago. Terms % cash. •4000— New 8-room bungalow, excep- tionally well built; has large veranda, large lot on 100-foot boulevard; Huntlngton Park Junction. Six car lines, 5 cent fare; family reasons for selling. $4000 S-room 2-story houso, modern in every respect, especially well built, good lot; fine location, close to car; ten minutes from business center; terms less than ono-half cash. $2300 New 5-room house with 60 foot lot, good location, near West Jefferson street; terms one-half SlOO0 4-roiim California house, 2 lots, 55x120 each; one lot is fenced; ferpetual water right, noar vanhoe Junction; terms $200 down, balance $10 per month at 7 per cent. KOOTK lIBAI.TYCO., 718-719 O. T. Johnson building;. . Homo 8806. Sunset Main 4623 * $r»50O A nEAITTIFUI, MOIH3RN BUNGALOW ON VERMONT AYE.. NEAR 10TH STREET, IN THE WESTMORE- LAND TRACT. THIS RESIDENCE HAS SEVEN LAUGH ROOMS, CON- VENIENTLY LOCATED AND AT- TRACTIVELY ARRANGED. THE FIRST FLOOR HAVING FIVE LARGE, WKLL ARRANGED ROOMS, RECEPTION HALL AND PIAZZA, WITH CEMENT STEPS. HARD- WOOD FLOORS, MANTELS AND GRATER, BUILT-IN SIDEBOARD AND BOOKCASE; COSTLY COMBI- NATION FIXTURES. THE SECOND FLOOR HAS TWO LARGE ROOMS, CLOSETS, GOOD BATH. THIS HOtTSE MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP- PRECIATED. LOT 50X145 TO AN ALLEY: WELL IMPROVED WITH BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND FLOWERS. TERMS CAN BE MADE TO THE RIGHT PARTY. lH(.lli:s * PECKHAM, UO4-;,.K. 7 UNION TRUST BLDG. COR. SrRING AND FOURTH STS. MAIN 3221. HOME 6373. BUY THIS DFISinAHLB HOME! ON EASY TERMS, $2650 Thlß Is on« of the best propo- Kiil.-.o sltions we have had In a desir- SWtr.o able home on easy terms. Seven i|i_n.'O room, two-story house located f2mn near corner of Vermont and 22d S8«."0 sts. You can get It for $360 fr'MT.n cash, balance like rent. If ln- s_aM> terested in a proposition of this Sannn nature, you positively cannot Fi.Mi.-iit nfford not to investigate this. £2030 See us Immediately. AT/THOITSE UnOS., Bleraliem 1,. A. Ilenlty Ilonrd, 234 LaiiKhll- Illflg. Mnln 203. Home Ex. 263 i-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; GAS, electricity, sewer; on Ilth St., west of Central aye., for only $2800. $400 down, bal ensy terms. 5-room modern cottage, close to Wash- ington and Central aye., for $2400. A snap! $400 down; $15 month. B-room, modern cottage, gas and elec- tricity; close In, for $2150. 4-room, snug little bungalow; bath, lawn, trees, barn, corner lot, for $2200; like finding it. R. B. IBBETSON &CO., 316 Trust Bldg, Main 2212. 2d and Spring. FOR SALE— * 3-room house on East 87th st. near Maple avenue; 50x160. $2100; $400 cash. 4-room house on Lacy St.; well Im- proved; $1500, part cash. 6-room house on Newton Bt. 40x140; $2600, $400 cash. 6-room cottage on East 23d St. Mar- shall-Sterns lixtures: $2200, $100 cash. 6-room cottage on Adalr st near Maple avenue; $2600, $600 cash. 6-room cottage on North Burlington avenue near Ist St.; $2800. 7-room house on avenue 52; up-to-date; $3500, $1800 cash. 8-room house on East 31st St.; 40x140. Near G.-lffith avenue; $L'tiOO. THOS. J. HAMPTON, 119 8. Broadway. L. A. R. B. TOR SALE—NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM bungalow on lot 50x190; gas, electricity, cement steps and retaining wall; fine location; close to car line. Price $3100 $l«no cash, bal. 6 per cent. Modern 6-room cottage, southwest; barn, fence, lawn, (lowers, etc.; price $1575—5 500 cash, balance monthly. 7-room, I^-story; lot 50x158; fine view; chicken pens, etc.; price $1975—5500 cash, $20 per month. 5-room cottage near Sunset blvd.; lot 60x125; price $1650; $200 cash, $20 per month. fi-room cottage, lot 50x125; price $1450 $150 cash, bal. $20 per month. BOTTEMA, DEVENS & BOTTEMA. 227 Laughlin Bldg. Home Phone 8321. Broadway 4750. _________ A beautiful lemon grove subdivision, located on the corner of Melroae aye. and Western avo. In the rapidly devel- oping district between Hollywood and Wilshire boulevard. The new- Western aye. car line passes the property. Large level lots on Improved streets, with ce- ment walks and curtj. A choice resi- dence property, with adequate building restrictions. Lots at proportionately less than adjoining acreage. Huy now. Prices, $500; terms $60 cash. $10 monthly, 6 per cent Interest net. To see the tract take Colegrove car to West- ern are. Branch ofttce on the corner; open every day. CHAM. 8. MANN,Hii W. Fourth St.; phone Home 1171, Main 4688. (6000— Residence completely furnished, par- lor white enameled, brick mantel; din- ing-room Flemish oak, sideboard, elab- orate pass pantry, large kitchen, gas range. Instantaneous heater, screen porch, laundry tub, W. C. and brick cellar; library cathedral oak, elegant mantel, bookcases, seats; center ball, front and back stairs, large front porob and lawn; 75-foot frontage; upstair*, 4 bedrooms, elegant bathrcom, 2 porches, high-class restricted neighborhood; southwest. T. WIESENDANGER, N. W. cor. 7th and Hone ats. FOR SALE A VERY PRETTY BUNGALOW $3400—-Six rooms, entirely ni-w, wetilhervil only IlulMliand (ink floors In linll. Ilviugroom nnd dlnlnir roam) brick mantel, bailt-ln bulYct, pretty lighting fixtures; tbree bed rooniKj lot 50xl_5$ oiled fttreetf lot fenced) liiwn in. Terms $UOO vaali, $23 per month, MSEDiuM & McGregor, wn-4 Fay bldg., cor. Third and Hill «t«. LEAHY& SON. 223 Mercantile Place. For sale—ti-room cottage, lot 41x143 to alley, in Boyle Heights, one block from car; this is fine buy for $1300. Terms $10!) cash, $15 per month. LEAHY & SON, 223 Mercantile Place. For sale— 6-room modern brick veneer cottage, 300 feet from car; was built by owner for home; line cement cellar and everything In finest order; lot 40x120. $2600. LEAHY & SON, 223 Mercantile Place. ;_Bo(>— —$2300 BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ROOM MOD- ERN COTTAGE; BATHS. TOILET 3, GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. LAWN. TREES AND FLOWERS; CLOSE IN; FIVE-CENT FARE; FINE LOT, GOOD LOCATION, FINE VIEW; $400 CASH, EASY PAY- MENTS. BERRY & DUNCAN, 222 WEST 6TII ST. HOME 7250. MAIN 3859. J6200— BELOW COST PRICE -$6200 To make quick sale: Weßt Washing- ton; high ground, grand view of moun- tains; lot 60x170. This is a well built, complete home at snap price. J. B. WATF-RBURY & CO., 634 Chamber Commerce. Home 1138. Main 6828. DETECTIVE SERVICE— PRIVATE DE- tective, 12 years' experience as opera- tive; best references and rates reason- able; consultation free and strictly con- fidential. Address P. O. LOCK BOX 629. MARRIAGE LICENSES SANDERSON-SEPPI-Karl Alser San- derson, aged 22, a natlvo of California and resident of Whittier: and Edith Mary Seppl, aged 20. a native of Cali- fornia and resident of Lo» Nletos. EOAN-ULERY— Joseph Galloway Doan, aged 21. a native of Illinois and resident of Paclflo Grove; and Lelta Pearl Ulery, aged 18, ft native of lowa and resident of Whittier. HAAFF-HEILBRON— MaurItJ! de Haaff, aged 28, a native of Holland and resi- dent Of Los Angeles; and Rachel Heil- bron. agod 26, a native of Texas and resident of Los Angeles. GRANT-WOODS— Ulysses S. Grant, aged 32, a native of Malnn and resident of Los Angeles: and Charlotte M. Woods. aged 86, a native of Maine and resi- dent of Los Angeles. DEOKMAN-McCOMßS— Carlos E. Deck- man, aged 20, a native of California and resident of Los Angeles; and Ethel G McCombs, aged 21, a native of Kansas and resident of Los Angeles. GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ— Anada Garcia, aged S!». a native of Mexico and resi- dent of Santa Monica: and Andrea Rodriguez, aged 25, a natlvo of Mexico and resident of Santa Monica. BWANGER-FORMAN— Edgar G. Swan- ger, aged 22, a native of Oregon and resident of Los Angeles; and Agnes B. Forman. aged 22, a natlvo of Illinois and resident of Los Angeles. COLE-BARTLETT— John T. Cole, aged 39, a native of Wisconsin and resident of Palceus, Cal.; and Anna Bartlett. aged SO. a native of Wisconsin and resi- dent of Palceus. POWELL-HITCHCOCK— AIfred C. Pow- ell, aged 21, a native of California, and resident of Santa Monica: and Anna F. Hitchcock, aged 1", a native of lowa and resident of Newhall. DEAJHS MULLINS Letha, County hospital na- tive of Illinois, nephritis, March 28, aged 18. HARCOURT Thllllan, First and Los Angeles streets, native of California, suicidal, March 28, aged 30. THOMPSON Mary, 728 Banning street, native of Indiana, heart disease, March 27, aged 63. BIRTHS STRODE George and wife, 1201 East Twenty-fth. Maroh 26, a boy. BROWN M. J. and wife, 127 N. Main, March 15, a. fflrl. GRIJALBA Ramon and wife, 2729 New Jersey, March 19, two girls. INIJADA— ManueI and wife, La Park tract, March 18, a girl. 6HUE Don Wah, 1319 Santa Fe street, March 2. a girl. KELTERER— F. J. and wife, 227 East Seventh, March 29, a boy. LOGAN Stephen A. and wife. 1407 East Twenty-seventh. March 26, a girl. MUSSEY Bruce D. nnd wife, 268 North Avenue 22, March 29, a boy_. Peck & Chase Co., undertakers ana embalmers; lady assistants. 433 S. Hill. Tel. Main 61. BRESEE BROS. CO. ?K P _% ONB BROADWAY AND SIXTHSTREET. I___!______l"_!M^ T A K l_. S CUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR UNDERTAKERS, have removed to 1031 El. Grand avenue. Phones Main 403; Home 403. DIED You are requested to attend the fun- eral of our late comrade, I>ouls A. Weidenhammer, to take place at W. H. Sutch's undertaking parlors, R42 South Flgueroa street, on April 1, at 2:15 p. m. sharp. A. C. F. DEE. C. J. Mix, Adjt. Commander. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY We have money to loan in sums of $1000 to 15000 at 7 per cent on either improved or unimproved property. Jones k Ryder Laii Co. 218 W. Third SL I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF UOOD bKCURITIf IN HUMS TO SUIT AT CURRENT RATES. JAMES B. THRELKELD, Ml FAY BLDG.. 326 W. THIRD ST. TELEPHONE; SUNSET MAIN 393, HOME 8253. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER. CASH CONFIDENTIALLYLOANED TO salaried persons on noto, without se- curity, without employer's knowledge and without lndorsers; easy payment*, positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to 8:80. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO.. 628-63 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE IMMEDIATELY AVAIL- able several thousand dollars private money to loan in amounts from $1000 to $2500 on Improved residence prop- erty at 7 per cent. Apply in person today. VALE-DENNIS BROKERAGE CO., 228 Byrne bldg. Main 609. Home phone 8744. MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOUNT. On Diamonds, Jewelry, Furniture. Warehouse Receipts, Real Estate. Private Consultation Room. J. C. Ol.l vbb, 143 IF YOU HAVE A LOTiIkWILL' FUR- nish the money and plans and build for X?Ji, on easy Payments. E. S. WILLIAM- SON & CO.. Bullderß, 202 Grant building. KERNER BROS. LOAN ON DIAMONDS a n nd^. furnl t u C c: low rates; any amount. 201 Frost bldg., 2d and B'way. Ph. 9022. MONEY TO LOAN-T»OMAS S. WADS- WORTH, 319 & 820 Douglas bldg., will lend money on city or county real estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE" Bldg. loans our specialty. TRUE & CLEVELAND, 607 H. W. Hellman bel MONEY TO LOAN, 6 PER CENT, ON inside property. In sums to suit. I. H. PRESTON, 608 Laughlin bldg. 1 MAKESTRAIGHT BUILDING LOAN& W. H. OBEAR. 408-409-410 Johnson Bldg. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR diamonds. 11. B. DUKEMAN, 413 John- son building. PRIVATE MONEY, 6 TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART & SON. 309 W. First St. PERSONALS FEATHER BEDDING RENOVATED^ modern methods, scientific machinery. GLOBE BEDDING CO., 533 E. sth st. MININGAND ASSAYINQ SPECIAL For 30 Days Only THE ONLY CHANCE TO BUY Barstow Mnnflmig amid. Mulflfleg 1 . Commpairny Stock at 50c per Share The management of tho Barstow Min- ing nnd Millingcompany has placed on (ho open market 10,000 shares of the Treasury stock nt a special mice, of only 60 cents per share— par value $10. This company is not a fake in any senso nnd Is not a promoters' scheme or a wild-cat proposition like some of the companies that have been floated. We nre Helling stock nn the real merits of our own mine, and not tho record of pnmo other mine. We have our own ore and do not have to refer to what others havo done or might do. Tho first Intention of the company Is to put mure men to work next Monday. Thn next Is to begin building a 20- Btamp custom mill, for which we have ore, to run day and night for three years. Now all we can say Is that we ne"d more money for this work, and in re- turn will give you a. fair, square deal and real work for every cent Invested. There is not one man In the company who Is a promoter, or ever has been. We are miners and have n mine, and not schemers who have a scheme,. Wn run make you money, and that means money for us. The Barstow Mining and Milling Company 427 Chamber of Commerce Bids., Home phone 4137. Sunset 777. C. W. ROACH, President. G. E. LEONARD, Secretary. JININO STOCK BARGAINS CAN BE had by attending the public calls of stocks at the Southwest Miners' Stock Exr-hanse, IUA SOUTH BROADWAY, where stocks are bought and sold at their market valife. BUSINESS PERSONALS i ; L^RENC : i~WHrrEI NOTET) NEW York Psychic, will hold a test seance. Sunday and Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Parlors 653 S. BROADWAY. Admission 25 cents. A test to each one. .lADAME FRY, PSYCHIC MEDIUM, tells past, present and future; gives names, dates and births; reading by mall. Rooms 5 and 6, GRAND PA- CIFIC HOTEL, 423 Vi S. Spring st. LEATHER PILLOWS RENOVATED AT ACME FEATHER WORKS. 758 San Pedro st. Tel. Sunset Main 1166; Home RO4l. 'ERSONAL— MRS. MARTIN, HEALER and psychic, card reader; card read- Ing 25c. 6261& R SPRING ST., room 8. :russes, electric hosiery, med- ical batteries, etc. Matthay, 129 S. Spring st. ICZEMA IF YOU WANTA CURE AD- dress McClellan, sr.. 133 W. sth St. PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS •I?E^Imi^CNI : JTV^RSARY~OF MOD- em spiritualism will be celebrated by a union meeting at Harrlman hall, 337% South Hill, beginning Saturday evening, March 31, continuing all day Sunday. Best of talent. Addresses, messages and music. Bring lunches. Silver collection at the door. IRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS-CIRCLE FOR full forms, Impersonation and transfig- uration at private residence of Mr. Spink, 2130 E. STH ST., Wednesday evening; 50 cents. Friends only. Private readings. IRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS— CIRCLES for full forms, Impersonation or trans- figuration Thursday, 2 p. m., Friday eve., 50c. Friends only. 423V4 S. SPRING. Private readings dally, $1.00 only. dRS. PARKER. RELIABLE PALMIST and clairvoyant, 444 8. Spring: room 1. BICYCLES 3ICYCLES— With the same amount of exertion you can walk 5 feet, ride a bicycle 17 feet, or ride a racycle 22 feet. Why walk or ride a bicycle when it would be so easy for you to get a racycle? Come in and talk It over with us. If you can't afford a new one, wo always have some splendid bargains in slightly used wheels. Big stock of tires and supplies constantly on hand at the RACYCLE STORE, 412 South Spring street. TRANSFER AND STORAGE "~~^COL^£AK^WAK^Htsir__r_ar^~*' 415-417-419 -an Pedro Bt. -lain office £24 South Main Phones Main 1117, Home 2154. New and absolutely fire proof storage; private locked rooms for bric-a-brac, planoa, fine furniture, etc. Trunks, boxes, etc., stored, 2i>c to 50c per montn. We solicit your patronage. LOST AND FOUND iioST^ETWESj MASO>? OPERA house and Levy's, hunting: case gold watch; monogram B. L. G. Leave at ticket office. Cth and Main streets, and receive $10 reward. _OST—S. P. PASS, TOURIST BERTH, insurance and special rato tickets. Finder please phone SUNSET EAST 1279 and get reward. NOTARIES O. U. JON-IS, Notary Public. 117 -uutii Broudwar. Fire Insurance and Loans. All kinds of legal papers drawn. Always In. Always Correct Residence 1507 Santee Street. At home evenings and mornings. ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW SATu^TMJ_pAT?_rT ; H^3_^FE^_A^QrA speclaifft No fee without succesß. El. P. MOREY. 521 Stlmson hlk., cor. 3rd and Spring. Phone 6715. Open evenings. DIVORCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE: NO fee without success; private. J. H. SMITH. 122 W. Third St.. Room 104. 1 to on m. PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS lUVvN-_;N_>, LYON. UAC-LL-i- & KNIGHT. PATENTS OBTAINED IN ALL COUN- tries, trademarks and copyrights regis- tered; patent, trademark and copyright \u25a0ults In all courts. ROOMS 501-7. Mer- chants Trust Coupany building. Tele- phones. Home 811)'. Sunset Main 8129. HAZARD & HAKPHAM. PATENTS. Plnn<w>ra MPTIINn JL K'mT 11,.,, - >r_» CHURCH NOTICES CHRIST Jt R«v. Baker P. Lee, CHURCH C$»L Rector Cor. Uth _nd ll 1 W Flower ll | WELCOMEI Sunday services at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.; early celebration holy communion on third Sunday nnd Saints' Day, at 7:30 a. m. Strangers especially invited. Uni- versity cars pass the door. Those desir- ing telephono connection for "Shut-ins" telephone 7912. Church physician at the church every morning from 8:30 to 9:30. Services and medicine free to all. Church opon daily for private prayer from 8 a. m. until S p. m. BENJAMIN FAY MILLS,PERMANENT minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship, will Bpoak at Masonic hall, 431 South lIHI street, at 11 o'clock, on "The Lord's Prayer." Miss Helen Tappe, soprano, willsing "Thy Will Be Done (by Mar- ston), and Alfred E. Walper, violinist, will play "Melodle In F' f (by Rubin- stein). Doors open nt 10:30 a. m. Tho pubic Is cordially Invited. Thore willbo no evening service. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Reynold E. Blight, superin- tendent. IMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH cor. Tenth and Figueroa; Rev. Hugh K. Walker, I). D., pastor. Morning service nt 11 o'clock; sermon by Rev. O. R. Millnr of Washington, D. C; subject, "Good News From the Na- tional Capital." Evening service at 7:30 o'clock; sermon by Rev. T. C. Ilorton; subject, "Three Great Chap- ters." The chorus choir will nßslst In the evening service. Strangers In- vited. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- TIST—Simpson Auditorium, 734 S. Hopa street. Services Sunday 11 a. m. and S p. m.; sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly; subject, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Children's Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednes- day evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, 510-611 Herman W. Hellman bldg., Spring and Fourth streets., open dally, Sundays exccptfcd, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. BABA BHARATI. THE HINDOO SAGE of India, will lecture this evening at 8 o'clock in the. SYMPHONY HALL (Blanchard building), entrance 232 South Hill st. Subject, "The Science of Crea- tion." All am welcome. Silver collec- tion at the door. The Baba'a famous book, "Krishna," pronounced by the press as "the grea.test book of the. century," for sale at the door. Price, morocco, $3; cloth, $2. PENIEL HALL, 227 SOUTH MAIN Btreet A noonday prayer meeting Is held each week day, 12 to 1 o'clock. Gospel meeting every night at 7:50 p. m. Sunday services as follows: 9 a, m., men's prayer meeting; 9:45, Sabbath Fchool mid Bible class; 11 o'clock, preaching: 3 p. m., holiness meeting; evangelistic service at night. Rev. T. P. Ferguson, Mrs. M. P. Ferguson and G. B. Studd superintendents of the mission. iT\ JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 514 W. Adams, near Flgueroa street. Key. Lewis G. Morris, rector; Sunday Eervlces, 7:30 a. m., 11 a. in., 4.30 p: m. This Is a FREE church and all aia cordially Invited. Take the Grand avs- nue car to Adams street and walk one block west. Take the University car to Chester place, walk through Chester place and one block east on Adams street. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- ciatlon—Mrs. 11. O. Barrle, returned missionary from China, will speak at the 4 o'clock vesper service on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Perfect will sing "MyRedeemer and My Lord" (Dird- ley Buck). The third of the series of Lenten addresses willbe given Thurs- day evening, April 6, by Rev. E. P. Ryland, subject, "Christ. Our Lib- erator." Soloist. Miss Juliet Hogan. ST. PAUL'S PRO-CATHEDRAL 523 P. Olive street (near all the leading hotels). Rev. J. J. Wilkins, D. D., dean and rector. Sunday services: 7:30, 9:30 and It a. m., 7:30 p. m.; Young People's meeting 6:45 p. m. Rev. Dr. Nichols will preach morning and evening. This church Is open dally. Strangers will receive a cordial Christian welcome. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hope, near Ninth Seats free. Rev. William Horace Day, pastor; Rev. W. F. Day, D. D., pastor emeritus. Morn- ing services, 11 o'clock, and 7:30 p. m. Midweek service Wednesday 7:45 p. m. Strangers invited to all services. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES vvanted^a" masj tTS make~a email investment in a first-class au- tomobile coast agency of two of the best machines manufactured; the in- vestor to take the office of secretary on salary; the company has a long lease of near-in site with garage and warehouse. RULE-BELFORD CO., Real Estate, 809-315 Homer Laughlin, Los Angeles. FOR SALE— $1200 grocery dojng $50 a day bus- lner.s and will invoice $1500; owner has to leave city at once and will sacrifice; business established for years; come quick it you want this. F. E. KNAPP &CO., 206 % So. Broadway, Room 18. FOR SALE— S32OO BUYS ONE OF THE oldest established transfer businesses In Los Angeles. We can show you that this business is positively clearing $300 per month. If looking for a good es- tablished business look this up. We are sole agents. LOS ANGELES BUSINESS EX- CHANGE, 206H S. Broadway. lUST LIKE BANKING—ANY ORDERS for decorating or house painting en- trusted to our care willrelieve you of much anxiety. Try us. Work and prices giraranteed. Pure oil and lead. WALTER -.ROS.. 627 S. Spring St. NEW YORK OFFICE AND REPRE- sentatlon for corporations or individ- uals Interested in floating stocks or bonds. Successful record as promoter and broker. A. B. MORLEY, 41 Wall St., New York. ifOUNG MAN WILLINVEST $500 TO $10u0 in straightforward business enterprise; must bear close Investigation; full par- ticulars or no notice taken. Address ROBERT CHARLES, box 394 Provi- dence, R. I. $300 WILL BUY A CORNER GROCERY with living rooms; good Main street corner; chance with little money to step into paying business, informa- tion 903 S. GRAND AYE. WANTED—A PARTY TO HELP ME develop 160 acres line agricultural and fruit land in the artesian well belt. Liberal interest given. IDA B. INNES, 1211 E. 27th St. FOR SALE CHEAP STOCK HOUSE furnishing and hardware; must be sold before April 1. 105 E. STATE ST., Red- lands, Cal. FOR SALE FURNITURE BUSINESS and lease. A snap. GODDARD FUR- NITURE CO., 435% S. Broadway, basement. $1600 BUYS PART OF ONE OF THE best paying stores in this city; go see It. See PHOENIX, 202 Grant building. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SALOON for close-In city property; long lease, lowrent; call at once. 343 EAST FIRST. FOR SALE—A RESTAURANT AT 903 East First street; must be sold this week; price no object. DO YOU WANT A BAItfiAINf If so, we can transfer an established ground floor Ilenl Estate office com- pletely furnished; 2 desks, map book, ownership book, etc. Owner enters a mercantile business April 2. Fine lo- cation, low rent, reasonable price- Would consider a cheap lot. A most oxcellent opportunity. CALIFORNIA REALTY CO., 629 So. Main St. FOR SALE— SWELL CAFE AND lunch counter at your own price this week only. 630 WEST SIXTH ST. BILLIARD ROOM, THREE FINE standard tables; rent reasonable. Apply S6O SO. LOS ANGELES ST. * - ~ i __\u25a0_._.-\u25a0 i\u25a0 liiii.-TnJiiM-h hM1

Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San… · Los Angeles and vicinity— Cloudy on Saturday, withshowers;

Aug 11, 2020



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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San… · Los Angeles and vicinity— Cloudy on Saturday, withshowers;

Los Angeles and vicinity—Cloudy onSaturday, with showers; fresh southerly


Showers on Saturday; freshsouthwest wind.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 30.—The•torm has extended slowly eastward•Ad now overlies the whole Pacific\u25a0lope. Rain has fallen from Tatooshisland to San Diego. The followingheavy rainfalls are reported: Eureka.1.60; Bed Bluff,1.48. The rivers Inal\u25a0ectlons willrise rapidly Saturday andSunday. The following stages are re-ported: Red Bluff,17 feet, rising; Sac;ramento, 25.7. rising: San Joaquln, lifeet, standing; Rio Vista, 10.9 feet, ris-ing.


Weather Conditions



-O9 ANGELES. March 80, 1908.\u25a0 Tlmc| Ther. |llum.|Wlnd| Velo. | Wth or^4a.m.| 68 I 79 IN I 4 (Cloudy.Ep.m.| 65 [ 69 |SW I 8 |Clear.

Maximum temperature 69.Minimum temperature 56,





A strictly first-class, reliable agencyAll kinds of help promptly furnished,Your orders solicited.

116-118 East Second street.Between Main and Los An_elea sts.

Largest and best equipped offlot*on the Pacific coast

HUMMELBRO3. & CO..116 and 118 E. 2d St.


Main 609.Rome 808. ___

100 LABORERB WANTED BEFORETuesday; work In city; wages $2.00 day.Call 229 SO. MAIN ST.

All kinds of hotel help wanted atonce. 229 SO. MAIN ST.

Painter and man for tinting, at once;$3.60 a day; 8 hours, steady Job.

Carpenters at once, steady work. $3.50a day, 8 hours. Call 229 SO. MAIN ST.

EARN $25 TO $50 A WEEK; LEARNour system of designing and cuttingmen's, boys' and children's clothingIpatterns, taught by mnil. Designers Iand pattern makers always In demand. 1Write today for particulars. ROCH- 1ESTKR DESIGNING ACADEMT,611 to;621 Broadway, New York. I

WANTED-OASH BOYS; MUST BE 14 1years old. Wages J3.60 per week. Steadywork. Apply to manager.

VILLE DE PATHS,319 S. Broadway. JAfter 8:30 a. m.

COLLEGE GRADUATE, FIVE YEARS'experience In teaching and newspaperwork, wishes to locate in SouthernCalifornia. Will do clerical work. Ad-dress OTIS M. CLARKE, Richmond,Va. Box 950^

ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAYearn cood Income corresponding fornewspapers; experience unnecessary.Send for particulars. PRESS SY.NDI-CATE, Lockport. N. Y.

WANTED-LIVELY, HUSKY BOYSfor carrying papers. Must have bicycleor horse and cart. Oood salary. ApplyCirculation Department, THE HER-ALD.


15 PAINTERS AT ONCE;wages $3.50 per day; city work. Phono6924 Main. SANDBURG & LAUMAN,229 South Main street.

fob LABO^3RS~WANTED AT ONCB,$2.00 per day. Phone 6924 Main.SANDBURG & LAUMAN, 229 SouthMain street.

PERRONS EVERYWHERE TO Dis-tribute samples; $20 weekly and ex-penses. Address MANAGER,4 Wellsstreet, Chicago, HI.

GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHEREto tack signs, distribute circulars,samples etc.; no canvassing. UNI-VERSAL ADV. CO., Chicago.

MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE).Situations guaranteed. Moler SystemCollege, 113 E. 2D.



GIRL OR OLD LADY FOR GENERALhousework; light work: wages fair.Call nt ofiO Woodward avenue at endof Temple street car line. Ask forC. W. HARRISON.

WANTED—FIRST CLASS COLOREDfemale help for general housework;wages $20. $25. $30. BARNES & WIL-LIAMS, employment office, Maple ave-nue, 835<4 Main SR3I: Home 7371.

LADIES^TO DC> PIECEWORK AThome; we furnish allmaterials and payfrom $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped en-velope to ROYAL CO., 34 E. Monroe,Chicago.


good home for the rightparty; wages$15 without laundry, or $20 with. 926DIAMONDST., Main 2586.

WANTED-A GIRL TO DO MASSAGEwork at 612 S. BROADWAY. Room 10.Call Sunday or Monday forenoon.


A GOOD SKIRT HAND.MISS DAY, 1000^4 S. Main street.



INTELLIGENT MAN AND WIFEwant work; fruit or stock ranch ortake charge of place. Address BOX914. Herald office.

FIRST-CLASS HELP FURNISHEDfree on short notice at SANDBURG'SEMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 229 SouthMain. Main 6924.

FIRST-CLASS HELP FURNISHEDfree on short notice, at SANDBURG &LAUMAN,229 R. Main st. Phone Red 882.

Real Estate

WANTED-REAL ESTATE, CITY ORcountry. Let me know what you havethat will appeal to me as cheap.

F. O. WAKELEY,238 Bradbury Bldg.

To Purchase—

Real Estate


DO YOU WANTTO SEIX YOUR PROP-erty or business, no matter where lo-

agent for closing tho deal? Do youwant to buy property or a businessof any description In any locality? Ifso, write for full particulars, or callonTHE CRAY REAL ESTATE CO.,

Home 0718. r,:o-.~_l Stlmaon Mrtsr.Buyers, get sellers' price, not "agents."

WANT YOU TO LIST YOUR HOUSESand lots here. We havo the customers;some want to pHy small payment down,one wants to exchange stock at cashprice in corporation: one wants to ex-change 88 building lots: 87 others wantto exchange orange groves and ranchesnnd many others exchange property;other cities, states. See PHOENIX, 202and 204 Grant building.

TO PURCHASE— LOT ABOUT 60X150,for manufacturing. Owners only.State price and terms. BOX 721, Her-ald office.

To Rent






IWILLLEASE ANY GOOD LOS ANGE-Ies unimproved property for a termof years. W. H. OBEAR, 408-9-10Johnson bldg.


WANTED^SIS*OO~ON~GILT EDGE IM~-proved city property worth at least$3500 cash, on a fine corner,7oxlso, withbuildings, etc. GEORGE WILLIARD,IGOS Sunset boulevard.

To Purchase—


WANTED TO PURCHASE— THREEsecond hand pool tables; must be ingood condition. BOX 320, Herald.

FEATHER BEDDING PAY 45C POUND.Send postal. RYAN,box 4, Arcade sta-tlon.


WANTED TO BUY—FURNITURE! ANDhousehold goods. If you are going tosell we will pay you one-third morethan others. Phone us. Main 1117.Home 2154. COLYEAR FURNITURiSCO.. 323 S. Main st.

WANTED-DEALERS AND PAPER-hangers to write for samples of bur-laps; exclusive wall papers for thecpast; paints, varnishes, mouldings.WALTER BROS.. 627 S. Spring.


PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS—Pianos rented at low rates. A. GGARDNER PIANO HOUsA LtdT1UWinston it TeL Black 2221; Horn*




FOR SALE— $1500 $1600.Nearly new two-story, 5-room housewith reception hall, porcelain bath,

toilet, pantry, cooling closet; largeporch in front; screen porch In rear;4 chicken yards and houses; housoalone worth price; owner willtakeSMALL PAYMENT & EASY TERMS.

J. R. M'CLINTOCK,217 Grant Bldg., 4th and Broadway.

Phones, Home 7295; Main 624.

FOR SALE—A NEW 6-ROOM MODERNcottage with attic and solar heater,size 33x46, withoutside and screen porch;atticlarge enough for eight more rooms;two lots 92x160, modern barn 18x24, twocorrals, 32 orange trees, 12 years old;other varletiy of fruits, peaches, pears,grapes, pomegranates, loquat, fig, dew-berries, blackberries and raspberries,grapes; large shade trees west side;reason for helling, want lower altitude.316 CHURCH ST., Redlands, Cal.

$1750—READ THISIn south, at a big sacrifice, a new 6-

room modern bungalow; bath, fire-place, etc., corner lot, 67^x150 to alley;cement curb and pavement; highground; 1block from car line; specialreasons for sacrificing. Call today.

l-HAMv I/. MILLER.435 H. W. Hellman Bldg.,

Phones Home 2265. Main 6022.

COZY HOMES-DON'T BUY UNTILyou see our list; pretty new houses;everywhere you want to go; special bar-gain, 5 swell rooms all modern, south-west, $2850, take $500 down; anotherout there $200 and balance as rent; alsobargain, $1250, take littledown; also askyou go see 147, 151 and 155 So. Clarencestreet, $2200; small payment down. SeaPHOENIX, 202 Grant building.

{15fiO-ONLY-$250 DOWN, BUYS A NEW6-room cottage, with mantel, fireplace,etc. High lot, 60x125, within 200 feet ofHollywood car line; 5c fare. Builderwent broko on this and property mustbe sold at ones to straighten out ac-counts. Under other conditions thisproperty would sell for considerablymore money. EXCHANGE REAL ES-TATE CO., 816 Fay Bldg. Home 6238.

WILL SELL ON INSTALLMENTPLAN,$3(O-$5O0 down, balance very easy, likerent; new six-room cottage with allmodern Improvements; well situatedand right on car line; a fine chance toown a home. Don't wait but look meUPABRAHAM JACOBY, sole agent.242 Byrne. Bldg., Third and Broadway,Los Angeles. Phones, Home 7186; Sun-set Broadway 4813.



We willbuy you a lot and build tosuit you a modern 6 or 6-room cot-tage for a small payment down, bal-ance same as rent. Ifyou have plansready for building let us give youour price.

WESTERN BUILDING CO.,403 Chamber of Commerce building.

Main 8640. Home 980.

$2,100 ONI-Y™

for fi-room cottage on East Thirtiethstreet, close to Maple avenue; lot 60x125; street work alldone; sewers con-nected; $250 down, balance $25 permonth.

COOPER *CVDDEBACK.218 S. Broadway. Room 237.

FOR SALE-MUST SELL THAT COT-tage and lot with all those fine roses,posies and shrubbery; good lawn, fruittrees and garden spot. You can spadeamong the rnses and enjoy life In ahome like this. 238 Bradbury building.F. O. WAKELEY.


DO YOU WANT A HOMKIn tho southwest part of the city? Ifso we have one of the swellest 5-roombungalows in that section

—and it is

a bargain. BROWN & WOODS, 812Fay building.

FOR SALE-Near Occidental college In Highland

Park. Seven-room up-to-date house,finished in latest style. Large lot.THOS. J. HAMPTON,

119 60. Broadway.

FOR SALE—EASY TERMS; FORCEDsale: new 6-room house, 43d street be-tween Moneta and Flgueroa; well ar-ranged, convenient house; neighborhoodexcellent and should appeal to most par-ticular. 238 Bradbury building. F. O.WAKELEY.

FOR SALE-HOUSE: SIX ROOMS,modern, close-In, half block north ofWashington st. ;$1500, cash $500, balance6 per cent. Dirt cheap. Phone MAIN7555.

16 COTTAGES, E. ADAMS TRACT;cash or terms. Agent's commission.BIDDALL,207 Copp bldg.

$1000 EQUITY IN S-ROOM HOUSE FORlands or lots. BIDDALL. 207 Copp bid.

City Lota and Lands


Look Into them.

It will cost you nothing. We pay thefares.


Every day—

every hour.


Present the most attractive varietyand choice, and the greatest profit-making certainties of any property• on the market

Our lots are offered at prices lessthan adjoining acreage can be se-cured for, and our terms bring therwithin the reach of all.


Our New Tract


Acres and Halt-acres.Whole acres for the price of town

lots Just beyond beautiful Eastlakepark. Close In. Wait for It It willpay you to do so.


The gem of one of the most at«tractivo residence sections of Los An-geles. Five-cent fare, transfers. Mod-ern street work. Lots from J350 to$850.

HOLLYWOOD TRACT.In the best part of Hollywood; ItIsn't necessary to say more. Mod-ern improvements; fifty-foot lots;

building restrictions. Prices from$500 to $1000.

VERNONDALE. -Where values will double within ayear. In the great manufacturing

district of the southeast, where somany great enterprises are underway and projected. The best tractin the district. First-class streetwork and other modern Improve-ments. Lots from $450 up.

Do not fall to see these tracts,-

whether you are looking for a homeor for profitable Investment.


225 WEST SECOND STREET.Home 1100. Main 834.


Lot In Strong &Dickinson's FlgueroaBlvd..near car line. Half cash; balancemonthly.THOS. J. HAMPTON,


110I10"8,6!.!™' w?u located lot on the hills;

but littlecash required; buy this, fix itup and make money for yourself; Itsa bargain._. O. WAKELEY,238 Bradbury. Bldg.



—3 rooms, 204 N. Fremont.


3 rooms, 334 S. Flgueroa.$13.50

—3 rooms, 221 N. Flgueroa.


3 rooms, 212 N. Fremont.|1«

—3 rooms, 1011 E. 9th; furnished


3 rooms, 1003 B. 9th: furnishedM«—S rooms, 204 N. Fremont; furn1118—3 rooms. 218 N. Fremont: furn.$16—8 rooms. 334 8. Flgueroa; furn.$16

—5 rooms, 1019% Dlnmond.

$16—2 rooms. 1141 W. First.$17—8 rooms. 1133 W. First: furn.$18

—3 rooms. 222 N.Fremont; furn.

T. WIESENDANGER. N. W. cor. 7thand Hope sts.

TO LET-FROM 3 TO E ROOMS, FLATS,hot nnd cold water to every flat. 220N. GRAND.



FOR $16 MONTHLY YOU CAN RENTfurnished complete 3 nice sunny out-Bide rooms: electricity, (fas range, hoi\u25a0water, phone; closo In;at 1020 WESTCOLTON ST.

IFOR $16 MONTHLY YOU CAN RENT\u25a0 furnished complete 3 nice sunny out-

Bid© rooms; electricity, gas range, hot! jwater nnd phone, at 1003 E^jftNTH.If^r~si^~m6nthly~yo"u~cXn~rent

furnished complete 3 nice sunny out-side rooms; rlwctrlcity. gas ranee, hot\u25a0water and phone at 1011 E. NINTH.


NORTHWEST CORNER ORANGE ANDI,oomls sts., facing: Kip st.; 1 rooms;$30.

1627 EAST (ADAMS) 26TH—6 ROOMS,corner; $14.

2519 LONG BEACH AVENUE, COR-ner 26th: B rooms; $14.

6*25 LOOMIB RT\ BETWEEN FlG-ueroa and Kip; 7 rooms; $30.

Stores and Offices



1017 W. First St. and rooms.26

—1019 W. First st. and rooms.


1028 W. First st. and rooms.:20

—1030 W. First St. nnd rooms.


1032 W. First st. and rooms.!18

—102 9. Reaudry aye. and room.


H4 s. neatidry aye. and room,i16—321 S. Figueroa.$20

—100R E. NinthSt.

$25—1011 E. Ninth St.$10—2102 E. Ninth st.$12

—2104 E. Ninth st

T. WIESENDANGER,N. W. Cor. Hope and Seventh sts.

TO LET^AT 41~fi% PO. SPRING ST.,Large second floor rocm, fronting 40 ft.on Spring St.; also 10 rooms above It.Fine fnr tailors, photographers, real es-tate offices, wholesale Jewelers, dentists,etc. Rent only J125 for all. OWNER,447 Wllcnx Hldg.

OFFICES— OFFICES-OFFICES!Are you looking for them? If so, look

at those In the New Helta building, sit-uated Bt 42K-2R-30 S. Spring St., andbuilt fnr Anderson & Chanslor Co.

H.MONROE RERNHEIM, Agent31" Bryson Block.

FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE ON THEground floor withlarge show windowIn front; withuse of both phones. SeeLEAHY &SON, 223 Mercantile place.



THREE ROOMS. TJNFUR-nlshed. 1926 CORDOVA ST., Washing-ton car.


MRS. M. HERBERT, SANITARIUM—Massage, electric, tub. vapor, steambaths, chiropody, manicuring, scalptreatment, facial massage. 225% W.First. Homo 3809.




ROOMS 6 and 7, 610% S. SPRING ST.

THIS PALATJAL.Eastern trained graduate operators.

Baths, massage, magnetic and elec-tric treatments. 127% N. BROAD-WAY. Hours 10 to 12. Home 5298.

ELECTRIC TREATMENT, VAPOR ANDspongo bath and massage, oil, alcoholrubs. 612 S. BROADWAY, room 10.New attendant from the east.

THE MITCHELL BATH PARLORS^-vapor tub baths and massage, alcoholand oil rubs. 218 N. MAINST.. office11. Open Sundays.

MASSAGE, VAPOR AND PERFUMEDbaths. Refreshing, invigorating. Selectpatronage. Parlors, 116, 444% S. SPRINGSTREET.

THE ALDA BATHS REOPENED AT609 SOUTH SPRING ST. Electric tubbaths and massage. Open Sundays.Room 4.

FROM LONDON-MANICURE ANDmassage; 131% SOUTH BROADWAY,"Aloline," rooms 7 and 8. Select patron-age^

ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. 220 FRANKLINstreet, including baths, massage andelectric blanket sweats for rheumatism.

YOU ARE NOT HURRIED WHEN YOUgo to 125 Temple street for bath andmassage. Best of patronage solicited.

653 S. BROADWAY, SUITE 9, SClEN*-tlfic baths and massage; tub baths aspecialty by experienced masseuse.

SULPHUME, VAPOR. ELECTRIC ANDtub baths, massage and chiropody. 701%Broadway. Phone Main 3133.

MEDICATKD VAPOR AND TUBbaths and massage. 419% SOUTHMAIN.Hours 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.

FOR A GOOD TL'B OR VAPOR BATHand massage go to 738% SOUTHGRAND AYE. Phone 6660.

THE BEST MASSAGE OR BATH,Rooms 12 and 14. third floor. 444 SOUTHSPRING ST.

VIBRATION INSTITUTE— VAPOR, OILand alcohol rubs, massage. 254 EASTFIFTH ST.


FORMERLY AT 625% S.Spring now at room 3, 609% S. SprinK.

BATHif-309 W. TEMPLE ST., ROOM 2.Phone Home 6076.


ln. burlap between molding and basemakes a beautiful Bolid wall withoutseam; also have 3S-inch and 40-inch, allcolors. Good wall paper and borderfor 12-foot room, $1. Best paint, $1.50.Roof and barn, 90c. Opaque shades. 35c.Best floor wax, 45c. Floorene, the var-nish for linoleum and floors, qts., $1;pts.. 50c. Our enamels make thingsshine like a mirror. Paints, enamels,brushes. 10c up. WALTER BROS.. 627S. Spring. Home 1056; Main 1055.

CLEAN WATCH 60c: MAINSPRING 60c:warranted: old gold $1 pwt. 451 S. MAIN.


'107 N. Spring Bt.-Painleaa extracting,tilling, crown and bridge work, flexibleruober plates. Pure gold fillings. 750up; all other fillings. 500 up; cleaningteeth. 600 up; gold crowns and brldeawork, $0.00 up; sets teeth, $5.00 up.Also open evening and Sunday fore-noons.

DR VVM. BACHMAN, THE WELL-knowu Minneapolis dentist, perma-nently located 209-210 Johnson Bldg.,4th and Bdway. Home 6832, M. 64*5.



tully treat all femala diseases and Ir-regularities; 20. years' experience; con-sultation free Houru, D a. m. to 8 p.a.; Sundays, 10 to M a. m. 204 MKR-CANTILE FIACB. over 643 8. Bprlng.

BOUTHERN HOME FOR LADIES DUR-liik confinement; homes found forchildren. DR. C. E. SMITH,727 Sun-set boulevard. Tel. Main 2364.





—11-room house with all modernImprovements, recently paintedthroughout; largo front veranda,largo barn: lot 50x150 to alley.Close to west Adams street, inexcellent locality. Offered forquick sale for about half Itscost a few year ago. Terms %cash.

•4000— New 8-room bungalow, excep-tionally well built; has largeveranda, large lot on 100-footboulevard; Huntlngton ParkJunction. Six car lines, 5 centfare; family reasons for selling.


S-room 2-story houso, modern inevery respect, especially wellbuilt, good lot; fine location,close to car; ten minutes frombusiness center; terms less thanono-half cash.


New 5-room house with60 footlot, good location, near WestJefferson street; terms one-half


4-roiim California house, 2 lots,55x120 each; one lot is fenced;

ferpetual water right, noarvanhoe Junction; terms $200

down, balance $10 per month at7 per cent.

KOOTK lIBAI.TYCO.,718-719 O. T. Johnson building;..

Homo 8806. Sunset Main 4623*$r»50O





MAIN3221. HOME 6373.


$2650 Thlß Is on« of the best propo-Kiil.-.o sltions we have had In a desir-SWtr.o able home on easy terms. Seveni|i_n.'O room, two-story house locatedf2mn near corner of Vermont and 22dS8«."0 sts. You can get It for $360fr'MT.n cash, balance like rent. If ln-s_aM> terested in a proposition of thisSannn nature, you positively cannotFi.Mi.-iit nfford not to investigate this.£2030 See us Immediately.

AT/THOITSE UnOS.,Bleraliem 1,. A. IlenltyIlonrd,

234 LaiiKhll- Illflg.Mnln 203. Home Ex.263

i-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; GAS,electricity, sewer; on Ilth St., west ofCentral aye., for only $2800.

$400 down, bal ensy terms.5-room modern cottage, close to Wash-

ington and Central aye., for $2400. Asnap!

$400 down; $15 month.B-room, modern cottage, gas and elec-

tricity; close In, for $2150.

4-room, snug little bungalow; bath,lawn, trees, barn, corner lot, for $2200;like finding it.

R. B. IBBETSON &CO.,316 Trust Bldg,

Main 2212. 2d and Spring.


3-room house on East 87th st. nearMaple avenue; 50x160. $2100; $400 cash.

4-room house on Lacy St.; well Im-proved; $1500, part cash.

6-room house on Newton Bt. 40x140;$2600, $400 cash.

6-room cottage on East 23d St. Mar-shall-Sterns lixtures: $2200, $100 cash.

6-room cottage on Adalr st nearMaple avenue; $2600, $600 cash.6-room cottage on North Burlington

avenue near Ist St.; $2800.7-room house on avenue 52; up-to-date;

$3500, $1800 cash.8-room house on East 31st St.; 40x140.

Near G.-lffith avenue; $L'tiOO.THOS. J. HAMPTON,

119 8. Broadway. L. A. R. B.

TOR SALE—NEW. MODERN 6-ROOMbungalow on lot 50x190; gas, electricity,cement steps and retaining wall; finelocation; close to car line. Price $3100

—$l«no cash, bal. 6 per cent.

Modern 6-room cottage, southwest;barn, fence, lawn, (lowers, etc.; price$1575—5 500 cash, balance monthly.

7-room, I^-story; lot 50x158; fine view;chicken pens, etc.; price $1975—5500 cash,$20 per month.

5-room cottage near Sunset blvd.; lot60x125; price $1650; $200 cash, $20 permonth.

fi-room cottage, lot 50x125; price $1450—

$150 cash, bal. $20 per month.BOTTEMA,DEVENS & BOTTEMA.

227 Laughlin Bldg.Home Phone 8321. Broadway 4750._________

A beautiful lemon grove subdivision,located on the corner of Melroae aye.and Western avo. In the rapidly devel-oping district between Hollywood andWilshire boulevard. The new- Westernaye. car line passes the property. Largelevel lots on Improved streets, with ce-ment walks and curtj. A choice resi-dence property, with adequate buildingrestrictions. Lots at proportionatelyless than adjoining acreage. Huy now.Prices, $500; terms $60 cash. $10monthly, 6 per cent Interest net. To seethe tract take Colegrove car to West-ern are. Branch ofttce on the corner;open every day. CHAM. 8. MANN,HiiW. Fourth St.; phone Home 1171, Main4688.

(6000—Residence completely furnished, par-

lor white enameled, brick mantel; din-ing-room Flemish oak, sideboard, elab-orate pass pantry, large kitchen, gasrange. Instantaneous heater, screenporch, laundry tub, W. C. and brick

cellar; library cathedral oak, elegantmantel, bookcases, seats; center ball,front and back stairs, large front poroband lawn; 75-foot frontage; upstair*, 4bedrooms, elegant bathrcom, 2 porches,high-class restricted neighborhood;southwest. T. WIESENDANGER, N. W.cor. 7th and Hone ats.



$3400—-Six rooms, entirely ni-w,wetilhervilonly IlulMliand (ink floors Inlinll. Ilviugroom nnd dlnlnir roam)brick mantel, bailt-ln bulYct, prettylighting fixtures; tbree bed rooniKjlot 50xl_5$ oiled fttreetf lot fenced)liiwn in. Terms $UOO vaali, $23 permonth,

MSEDiuM& McGregor,wn-4 Fay bldg., cor. Third and Hill«t«.

LEAHY& SON. 223 Mercantile Place.For sale—ti-room cottage, lot 41x143 to

alley, in Boyle Heights, one block fromcar; this is fine buy for $1300. Terms $10!)cash, $15 per month.LEAHY & SON, 223 Mercantile Place.

For sale— 6-room modern brick veneercottage, 300 feet from car; was builtby owner for home; line cement cellarand everything In finest order; lot 40x120.$2600.LEAHY & SON, 223 Mercantile Place.




HOME 7250. MAIN 3859.

J6200— BELOW COST PRICE -$6200To make quick sale: Weßt Washing-ton; high ground, grand view of moun-tains; lot 60x170. This is a well built,complete home at snap price.

J. B. WATF-RBURY & CO.,634 Chamber Commerce.


tective, 12 years' experience as opera-tive; best references and rates reason-able; consultation free and strictly con-fidential. Address P. O. LOCK BOX 629.


derson, aged 22, a natlvo of Californiaand resident of Whittier: and EdithMary Seppl, aged 20. a native of Cali-fornia and resident of Lo» Nletos.

EOAN-ULERY—Joseph Galloway Doan,aged 21. a native of Illinoisand residentof Paclflo Grove; and Lelta Pearl Ulery,aged 18, ft native of lowa and residentof Whittier.

HAAFF-HEILBRON—MaurItJ! de Haaff,aged 28, a native of Holland and resi-dent Of Los Angeles; and Rachel Heil-bron. agod 26, a native of Texas andresident of Los Angeles.

GRANT-WOODS— Ulysses S. Grant, aged32, a native of Malnn and resident ofLos Angeles: and Charlotte M. Woods.aged 86, a native of Maine and resi-dent of Los Angeles.

DEOKMAN-McCOMßS— Carlos E. Deck-man, aged 20, a native of California andresident of Los Angeles; and Ethel GMcCombs, aged 21, a native of Kansasand resident of Los Angeles.


aged S!». a native of Mexico and resi-dent of Santa Monica: and AndreaRodriguez, aged 25, a natlvo of Mexicoand resident of Santa Monica.

BWANGER-FORMAN— Edgar G. Swan-ger, aged 22, a native of Oregon andresident of Los Angeles; and Agnes B.Forman. aged 22, a natlvo of Illinoisand resident of Los Angeles.

COLE-BARTLETT—John T. Cole, aged39, a native of Wisconsin and residentof Palceus, Cal.; and Anna Bartlett.aged SO. a native of Wisconsin and resi-dent of Palceus.

POWELL-HITCHCOCK— AIfred C. Pow-ell, aged 21, a native of California, andresident of Santa Monica: and Anna F.Hitchcock, aged 1", a native of lowaand resident of Newhall.


—Letha, County hospital na-

tive of Illinois, nephritis, March 28,aged 18.


Thllllan, First and LosAngeles streets, native of California,suicidal, March 28, aged 30.


Mary, 728 Banning street,native of Indiana, heart disease,March 27, aged 63.


—George and wife, 1201 East

Twenty-fth. Maroh 26, a boy.


M. J. and wife, 127 N. Main,March 15, a. fflrl.


Ramon and wife, 2729 NewJersey, March 19, two girls.

INIJADA—ManueI and wife, La Parktract, March 18, a girl.


Don Wah, 1319 Santa Fe street,March 2. a girl.

KELTERER— F. J. and wife, 227 EastSeventh, March 29, a boy.


Stephen A. and wife. 1407 EastTwenty-seventh. March 26, a girl.


Bruce D. nnd wife, 268 NorthAvenue 22, March 29, a boy_.

Peck & Chase Co., undertakers anaembalmers; lady assistants. 433 S. Hill.Tel. Main 61.



I___!______l"_!M T̂AKl_.SCUNNINGHAM & O'CONNOR

UNDERTAKERS, have removed to 1031El. Grand avenue. Phones

—Main 403;

Home 403.


You are requested to attend the fun-eral of our late comrade, I>ouls A.Weidenhammer, to take place at W. H.Sutch's undertaking parlors, R42 SouthFlgueroa street, on April 1, at 2:15 p.m. sharp. A. C. F. DEE.

C. J. Mix,Adjt. Commander.


MONEYWe have money to loan in sums of

$1000 to 15000 at 7per cent on eitherimproved or unimproved property.

Jones kRyder Laii Co.218 W. Third SL




CASH CONFIDENTIALLYLOANED TOsalaried persons on noto, without se-curity, without employer's knowledgeand without lndorsers; easy payment*,positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to8:80. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO..628-63 Chamber of Commerce bldg.

WE HAVE IMMEDIATELY AVAIL-able several thousand dollars privatemoney to loan in amounts from $1000to $2500 on Improved residence prop-erty at 7 per cent. Apply in persontoday. VALE-DENNIS BROKERAGECO., 228 Byrne bldg. Main 609. Homephone 8744.MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOUNT.On Diamonds, Jewelry, Furniture.Warehouse Receipts, Real Estate.

Private Consultation Room.J. C. Ol.lvbb, 143

IF YOU HAVE A LOTiIkWILL'FUR-nish the money and plans and build forX?Ji,on easy Payments. E. S. WILLIAM-SON &CO.. Bullderß, 202 Grant building.

KERNER BROS. LOAN ON DIAMONDSannd^.furnltuCc: low rates; any amount.201 Frost bldg., 2d and B'way. Ph. 9022.

MONEY TO LOAN-T»OMAS S. WADS-WORTH, 319 & 820 Douglas bldg., willlend money on city or county real estate.MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE"Bldg. loans our specialty. TRUE &CLEVELAND, 607 H. W. Hellman belMONEY TO LOAN, 6 PER CENT, ONinside property. In sums to suit. I.

H. PRESTON, 608 Laughlin bldg.


HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FORdiamonds. 11. B. DUKEMAN,413 John-son building.



FEATHER BEDDING RENOVATED^modern methods, scientific machinery.GLOBE BEDDING CO., 533 E. sth st.


SPECIALFor 30 Days Only


BarstowMnnflmig amid.Mulflfleg1. CommpairnyStock at50c per Share

The management of tho Barstow Min-

ing nnd Millingcompany has placed on(ho open market 10,000 shares of theTreasury stock nt a special mice, ofonly 60 cents per share— par value $10.

This company is not a fake in anysenso nnd Is not a promoters' schemeor a wild-cat proposition like some ofthe companies that have been floated.We nre Helling stock nn the real meritsof our own mine, and not tho record ofpnmo other mine. We have our ownore and do not have to refer to whatothers havo done or might do.

Tho first Intention of the company Isto put mure men to work next Monday.

Thn next Is to begin building a 20-Btamp custom mill, for which we haveore, to run day and night for threeyears.

Now all we can say Is that we ne"dmore money for this work, and in re-turn will give you a. fair, square dealand real work for every cent Invested.There is not one man In the companywho Is a promoter, or ever has been.We are miners and have n mine, andnot schemers who have a scheme,. Wnrun make you money, and that meansmoney for us.

The Barstow Miningand MillingCompany

427 Chamber of Commerce Bids.,

Home phone 4137. Sunset 777.

C. W. ROACH, President.G. E. LEONARD, Secretary.

JININO STOCK BARGAINS CAN BEhad by attending the public calls ofstocks at the Southwest Miners' StockExr-hanse, IUA SOUTH BROADWAY,where stocks are bought and sold attheir market valife.

BUSINESS PERSONALSi;L^RENC:i~WHrrEI NOTET) NEWYork Psychic, willhold a test seance.Sunday and Tuesday evenings at 8o'clock. Parlors 653 S. BROADWAY.Admission 25 cents. A test to each one..lADAME FRY, PSYCHIC MEDIUM,tells past, present and future; givesnames, dates and births; reading bymall. Rooms 5 and 6, GRAND PA-CIFIC HOTEL, 423Vi S. Spring st.


'ERSONAL—MRS. MARTIN, HEALERand psychic, card reader; card read-Ing 25c. 6261& R SPRING ST., room 8.

:russes, electric hosiery, med-ical batteries, etc. Matthay, 129 S.Spring st.


IFYOU WANTA CURE AD-dress McClellan, sr.. 133 W. sth St.


•I?E^Imi^CNI:JTV^RSARY~OF MOD-em spiritualism will be celebratedby a union meeting at Harrlman hall,337% South Hill,beginning Saturdayevening, March 31, continuing all daySunday. Best of talent. Addresses,messages and music. Bring lunches.Silver collection at the door.

IRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS-CIRCLE FORfull forms, Impersonation and transfig-uration at private residence of Mr.Spink, 2130 E. STH ST., Wednesdayevening; 50 cents. Friends only. Privatereadings.

IRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS— CIRCLESfor full forms, Impersonation or trans-figuration Thursday, 2 p. m., Fridayeve., 50c. Friends only. 423V4 S. SPRING.Private readings dally, $1.00 only.

dRS. PARKER. RELIABLE PALMISTand clairvoyant, 444 8.Spring: room 1.


3ICYCLES—With the same amount of exertionyoucan walk 5 feet, ride a bicycle 17feet, or ride a racycle 22 feet. Whywalk or ride a bicycle when itwouldbe so easy for you to get a racycle?Come inand talk It over with us. Ifyou can't afford anew one, wo alwayshave some splendid bargains inslightly used wheels. Big stock oftires and supplies constantly on handat the RACYCLE STORE, 412 SouthSpring street.


415-417-419 -an Pedro Bt.-lain office £24 South Main

Phones Main1117, Home 2154. New andabsolutely fire proof storage; privatelocked rooms for bric-a-brac, planoa,fine furniture, etc. Trunks, boxes, etc.,stored, 2i>c to 50c per montn. We solicityour patronage.


house and Levy's, hunting: case goldwatch; monogram B. L. G. Leave atticket office. Cth and Main streets,and receive $10 reward.

_OST—S. P. PASS, TOURIST BERTH,insurance and special rato tickets.Finder please phone SUNSET EAST1279 and get reward.



Notary Public.117 -uutiiBroudwar.

Fire Insurance and Loans.All kinds of legal papers drawn.Always In. Always Correct

Residence 1507 Santee Street.At home evenings and mornings.

ATTORNEYS.AT.LAWSATu^TMJ_pAT?_rT;H^3_^FE^_A^QrAspeclaifft No fee without succesß. El. P.MOREY. 521 Stlmson hlk., cor. 3rd andSpring. Phone 6715. Open evenings.

DIVORCE LAWS—ADVICE FREE: NOfee without success; private. J. H.SMITH. 122 W. Third St.. Room 104. 1to on m.


KNIGHT.PATENTS OBTAINED IN ALL COUN-tries, trademarks and copyrights regis-tered; patent, trademark and copyright\u25a0ults In allcourts. ROOMS 501-7. Mer-chants Trust Coupany building. Tele-phones. Home 811)'. Sunset Main 8129.




CHRIST Jt R«v. Baker P.Lee,CHURCH C$»L Rector

Cor. Uth _nd ll1WFlower ll| WELCOMEI

Sunday services at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p.m.; early celebration holy communionon third Sunday nnd Saints' Day, at 7:30a. m. Strangers especially invited. Uni-versity cars pass the door. Those desir-ing telephono connection for "Shut-ins"telephone 7912. Church physician at thechurch every morning from 8:30 to 9:30.Services and medicine free to all.Churchopon daily for private prayer from 8 a.m. until S p. m.

BENJAMIN FAY MILLS,PERMANENTminister of the Los Angeles Fellowship,willBpoak at Masonic hall, 431 SouthlIHIstreet, at 11 o'clock, on "The Lord'sPrayer." Miss Helen Tappe, soprano,willsing "Thy Will Be Done (by Mar-ston), and Alfred E. Walper, violinist,will play "Melodle In F' f (by Rubin-stein). Doors open nt 10:30 a. m. Thopubic Is cordially Invited. Thore willbono evening service. Sunday school at9:30 a. m. Reynold E. Blight, superin-tendent.

IMMANUELPRESBYTERIAN CHURCHcor. Tenth and Figueroa; Rev. HughK. Walker, I). D., pastor. Morningservice nt 11 o'clock; sermon by Rev.O. R. Millnr of Washington, D. C;subject, "Good News From the Na-tional Capital." Evening service at7:30 o'clock; sermon by Rev. T. C.Ilorton; subject, "Three Great Chap-ters." The chorus choir willnßslstIn the evening service. Strangers In-vited.

SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN-TIST—Simpson Auditorium, 734 S. Hopastreet. Services Sunday 11 a. m. andS p. m.; sermon from the ChristianScience Quarterly; subject, "Are Sin,Disease and Death Real?" Children'sSunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednes-day evening meeting at 8 o'clock.Reading rooms, 510-611 Herman W.Hellman bldg., Spring and Fourthstreets., open dally, Sundays exccptfcd,from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

BABA BHARATI. THE HINDOO SAGEof India, will lecture this evening at8 o'clock in the. SYMPHONY HALL(Blanchard building), entrance 232 SouthHill st. Subject, "The Science of Crea-tion." All am welcome. Silver collec-tion at the door. The Baba'a famousbook, "Krishna," pronounced by thepress as "the grea.test book of the.century," for sale at the door. Price,morocco, $3; cloth, $2.


—A noonday prayer meeting Is

held each week day, 12 to 1 o'clock.Gospel meeting every night at 7:50 p. m.Sunday services as follows: 9 a, m.,men's prayer meeting; 9:45, SabbathFchool mid Bible class; 11 o'clock,preaching: 3 p. m., holiness meeting;evangelistic service at night. Rev. T. P.Ferguson, Mrs. M. P. Ferguson and G.B. Studd superintendents of the mission.

iT\ JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH,514 W. Adams, near Flgueroa street.Key. Lewis G. Morris, rector; SundayEervlces, 7:30 a. m., 11 a. in., 4.30 p: m.This Is a FREE church and all aiacordially Invited. Take the Grand avs-nue car to Adams street and walk oneblock west. Take the University car toChester place, walk through Chesterplace and one block east on Adamsstreet.

YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO-ciatlon—Mrs. 11. O. Barrle, returnedmissionary from China, will speak atthe 4 o'clock vesper service on Sundayafternoon. Mrs. W. H. Perfect willsing "MyRedeemer and MyLord" (Dird-ley Buck). The third of the series ofLenten addresses willbe given Thurs-day evening, April 6, by Rev. E. P.Ryland, subject, "Christ. Our Lib-erator." Soloist. Miss Juliet Hogan.

ST. PAUL'S PRO-CATHEDRAL 523 P.Olive street (near all the leadinghotels). Rev. J. J. Wilkins, D. D.,dean and rector. Sunday services:7:30, 9:30 and It a. m., 7:30 p. m.;Young People's meeting 6:45 p. m. Rev.Dr. Nichols will preach morning andevening. This church Is open dally.Strangers will receive a cordialChristian welcome.


—Seats free. Rev.

William Horace Day, pastor; Rev. W.F. Day, D. D., pastor emeritus. Morn-ingservices, 11 o'clock, and 7:30 p. m.Midweek service Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Strangers invited to all services.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESvvanted^a" masj tTS make~a

email investment in a first-class au-tomobile coast agency of two of thebest machines manufactured; the in-vestor to take the office of secretaryon salary; the company has a longlease of near-in site with garage andwarehouse.


809-315 Homer Laughlin, Los Angeles.

FOR SALE—$1200 grocery dojng $50 a day bus-lner.s and will invoice $1500; owner

has to leave city at once and willsacrifice; business established foryears; come quick it you want this.


206 % So. Broadway, Room 18.

FOR SALE—S32OO BUYS ONE OF THEoldest established transfer businesses InLos Angeles. We can show you thatthis business is positively clearing $300per month. If looking for a good es-tablished business look this up. We aresole agents.


206H S. Broadway.

lUST LIKE BANKING—ANY ORDERSfor decorating or house painting en-trusted to our care willrelieve you ofmuch anxiety. Try us. Work andprices giraranteed. Pure oil and lead.WALTER -.ROS.. 627 S. Spring St.

NEW YORK OFFICE AND REPRE-sentatlon for corporations or individ-uals Interested in floating stocks orbonds. Successful record as promoterand broker. A. B. MORLEY, 41 Wall St.,New York.

ifOUNG MANWILLINVEST $500 TO $10u0in straightforward business enterprise;must bear close Investigation; full par-ticulars or no notice taken. AddressROBERT CHARLES, box 394 Provi-dence, R. I.

$300 WILL BUY A CORNER GROCERYwith living rooms; good Main streetcorner; chance with little money tostep into paying business, informa-tion 903 S. GRAND AYE.

WANTED—A PARTY TO HELP MEdevelop 160 acres line agricultural andfruit land in the artesian well belt.Liberal interest given. IDA B. INNES,1211 E. 27th St.



STOCK HOUSEfurnishing and hardware; must be soldbefore April1. 105 E. STATE ST., Red-lands, Cal.


FURNITURE BUSINESSand lease. A snap. GODDARD FUR-NITURE CO., 435% S. Broadway,basement.

$1600 BUYS PART OF ONE OF THEbest paying stores in this city; go seeIt. See PHOENIX, 202 Grant building.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SALOONfor close-In city property; long lease,lowrent; call at once. 343 EAST FIRST.

FOR SALE—A RESTAURANT AT 903East First street; must be sold thisweek; price no object.

DO YOU WANT A BAItfiAINfIf so, we can transfer an established

ground floor Ilenl Estate office com-pletely furnished; 2 desks, map book,ownership book, etc. Owner enters amercantile business April 2. Fine lo-cation, low rent, reasonable price-Would consider a cheap lot. A mostoxcellent opportunity.


FOR SALE—SWELL CAFE ANDlunch counter at your own price thisweek only. 630 WEST SIXTH ST.

BILLIARD ROOM, THREE FINEstandard tables; rent reasonable. ApplyS6O SO. LOS ANGELES ST.* - ~

i __\u25a0_._.-\u25a0 i \u25a0 liiii.-TnJiiM-h hM1