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EDISON'S CONQUEST of MARS Garrett P. Serviss ICopyrlgbt, 18DS. by Gnrrett P. Scrvlss.] SYNOPSIS. The Inventive genius of Thomas A. Edi- tion makes possible an attack of the earth upon Mars. This is done to prevent a sec- ond Invasion of tho Martians, who arc trying to relievo their overpopulatea planet; the first having failed through the breaking out of disease and not human et- fort. Edison Invents a practical electrical air ship, and an engine of destruction called tho "Disintegrator," which win cause the constituent particles of uny ob- ject at which It may be directed to so vibrato that tho object will bo Immediate- ly and completely dispersed. A large neot of air ships armed with disintegrators and manned by two thousand men, among whom are many famous scientists, seta out. When several million miles from Mars the expedition comes upon a party of Martians upon a small heavenly body- one of the asteroids. The Martians are of giant stature, human In form, but of somewhat repulsive aspect. The astero... Is of solid gold, and to get the precious metal is doubtless the reason for tho Mar- tians' presence. Another party from Mars arrives in one of their aerial cars, and an encounter follows. In which, how- ever, the superior efficiency of the disinte- grator over the enemy's engines of war is ably proven, and the fleet leaves for Mars. Hut victory has not been won un- til several shins have been destroyed, and many men killed. The Meet arrives above the land nf Hellas, on Mars, and llnds a host of air ships on tho watch. The Mar- tians cover their planet with a thick cloud of smoke, which the visitors pierce with their disintegrators. The Martians launch their thunderbolts, and do much damage to the Edison fleet, which Anally drops beneath the smoke curtain and engages the enemy, In their ships, ln dose com- bat. The destruction is awful, both on land ami In the air, and the ships from the earth withdraw but sixty In number. The next move Is a strategic plan pro- posed by Colonel Smith, an army officer. The majority of the ships arc concen- trated at a certain point where the at- tention of Martians Is held, while a few arc sent to the other side of the planet to effect a landing, and if possible obtain some much needed provisions for tho fleet. Colonel Smith's ship descends near v largo building. The Colonel and the narrator approaching, hoar strains of beautiful music issuing from It. Enter- ing, they are amazed to find a young girl ?a human being?playing on a strange in- strument for the amusement of several Martians, The latter are ipiloklv dis- patched with disintegrators, and the girl Is taken back to the main squadron, to- gether with large quantities of com- pressed food that are found In the build- ing. Although none can understand the girl, it is perceived that her language is of human origin. The whole squadron re- pairs to tho farther moon of afars. Def- ines, In order to glvo the linguists of the party time to acquire the- girl's speech [ for Mr. Edison believes that she can give them Information that will lead to a suc- cessful routing of the enemy, XIX Deimci proved to be, as we bad ex- pected, about six miles in diameter. Its meun density is not very great, so that the acceleration of gravity did not ex- ceed one two-thousandths of the earth's. Consequently the weight of a man turning the settles at 150 at home was here only about one ounce. The attraction of this little satellite was so slight that we had to be very careful nut to move too quickly in going about lest we should involuntarily leave the ground and sail out into space, as, it will be remembered, had happened to the fugitives during the fight on the asteroid. Not only would such an adventure have been an uncomfortable experi- ence, but it might have endangered the success of our scheme. Our present distance from the surface of Mars did not exceed 12,500 miles, and we had reason to believe that the Martians possessed telescopes powerful enough to enable them not merely to see the electrical ships at such a distance, but also to catch sight of us individually. Although the cloud curtain still rested on the planet it was was probable that the Martians would send some of their air ships up to its surface in order to determine what our fate had been. Accordingly strict orders were given, not only that the ships should be moored on that side of the satellite which is perpetually turned away from Mars, but that, without orders, no one should venture around on the other side of the little globe, or even on the edge of it, where he might be seen in profile against the sky. Still, of course, it was essential that we, on our part, should keep a. close watch, and so a number of sentinels were selected, wlics* duty It was to place themselves at the edge of Deimos, where they could peep over the horizon, so to speak, and catch sight of the globe of our enemies. At the suggestion of Colonel Smith, who had bo frequently stalked Indians that devices of this kind readily oc- curred to his mind, the sentinels all wore garments corresponding in color to that of the soil of the asteroid, which was of a dark, reddish brown hue. This would tend to conceal them from the prying eyes of the Martians. Finally, after about *a week had passed, the Martians evidently made up their minds that they had annihi- lated us, and that there was no longer danger to be feared. Convincing evi- dence that they believed we should not be heard from again was furnished when the withdrawal of the great cur- tain of cloud began. This phenomenon first manifested it- self by a gradual thinning of the va- porous shield until, at length, we be- gan to perceive the red surface of the planet dimly shining through it. Thin- ner and rarer it became, and, after the lapse of about eighteen hours, it had completely disappeared and the huge globe shone out again, reflecting the light of the sun from its continents and oceans with a brightness that. In contrast with the all-enveloping, night to which we had so long been subject- ed, seemed, unbearable to our eyes. Meanwhile, the object which we had in view in retreating to the satel- lite was not lost si;;ht of, and the serv- ices of the chief linguists of the expe- dition were again called Into use for the purpose of acquiring a new lan- guage. The experiment was conducted in the flagship. The fact that this time It was not a monster belonging to an utterly alien race upon whom we were to experiment, but a beautiful daughter of our common Mother Eve, added zest and Interest as well as the most con- fident hopes of success to those who were striving to understand the ac- cents of her tongue. Still the dilllculty was very great, notwithstanding the conviction of the: professors that her language would turn out to be a form of the great Indo-European speech, from which the many tongues of civilized men upon the earth had been derived. The learned men, tv tell the truth, gave the poor girl no rest. For hours at a time they would ply her with In- terrogations by voice and by gesture, until, at length, wearied beyond en- durance, Hhe would fall asleep before their faces. Then she would be left undisturbed for a little while, but the moment her eyes opened again the merciless pro- fessors Hocked about her once more, and resumed tho tedious iteration of their experiments. Our Heidelberg professor was the chief inquisitor, and ho revealed him- self to us In a new and entirely unex- pected light. No one could have antici- pated the depth and variety of his re- sources. He placed himself In front of the girl and gestured and gesticulated, bowed, nodded, shrugged his shoulders, screw ed his face into an infinite variety of expressions, smiled, laughed, scowled and accompanied all these dumb shows with posturing, exclamations, queries, only half expressed in words, and ca- dences, which by some ingenious ma- nipulation of the tones of his voice, he managed to make expressive of his de- sires. The girl looked on, partly astonished, partly amused, and partly compre- hending. Sometimes she smiled, and then tlie beauty of her face became most captivating. Occasionally she burst Into a cheery laugh when the professor was executing some of his extraordinary gyrations before her. It was a marvelous exhibition of what the human intellect, when all its powers are concentrated upon a single object, is capable of achieving. It seemed to nio, as I looked at the per- formance, that If all the faces of men who had been stricken asunder at the foot of the Tower of Babel by the miracle Which made the tongues of each to speak a language unknown to the others, could be brought together again ut the foot of the same tower, with all the advantages which thou- sands of years of education bad in the meantime imparted to them, they would be able, without any miracle, to make themselves mutually understood. And it was evident that an under- standing was actually growing between the girl and the professor. Their minds were plainly meeting and when both had become focused upon the same point, it was perfectly certain that the object of the experiment would be at- tained. Whenever the professor got from the girl an intelligent reply to his panto- mimic inquiries, or whenever he be- lieved that he got such a reply, it was Immediately jotted down In the ever open note book which he carried in his hand. And then he would tun to us stand- ing by, and with one hand to his heart, and the other sweeping grandly through the air, would make a pro- found bow anil say: "The young lady and I great pro- gress make already. I have her words comprehended. We shall wondrous mysteries solve. Jawohl! Wunder- licb! Make yourselves, gentlemen, easy. Of the human race the ancestral stem have I here discovered." There was one thing which gave some of us considerable misgiving, and that was the question whether, after all, the language the professor was ac- quiring was really the girl's own tongue or one that she had learned from the Martians. But the professor bade us rest easy on that point. He assured us, in the first place, that this girl could not be the only human being living upon MarS, but that she must have friends and relatives there. That being so, they unquestionably had a language of their own, which they spoke when they were among themselves. Here finding her- self among beings belonging to her own race, she would naturally speak her own tongue and not that which she had acquired from the Martians. "Moreover, gentlemen," he added, "I have in her speech many roots of the great Aryan tongue already recog- nized." We were greatly relieved by this ex- planation, which seemed to all of us perfectly satisfactory. Yet, really, there was no reason why one language should be any better than the other for our present purpose. In fact, it might be more useful to us to know the language of the Martians themselves. Still, we all felt that we should prefer to know her language rather than that of the monsters among whom she had lived. Colonel Smith expressed what was in all our minds when after listening to the reasoning of the professor he blurt- ed out: "Thank God, she don't speak any of their blamed lingo! By Jove, it would soil her pretty Hps." "But also that she speaks, too," said the man from Heidelberg, turning to Colonel Smith with a grin. "We shall both of them eventually learn." XX. Three entire weeks were passed in this mapper. After the first week the girl herself materially assisted the lin- guists ia their efforts to acquire her speech. At length the task was so far ad- vanced that we could, in a certain sense', regard it as practically com- pleted. The Heidelberg professor de- clared that he had mastered the tongue of the ancient Aryans. His delight was unbounded. With prodlgous industry he set to work, scarcely stopping to eat or sleep, to form a grammar of the lan- guage. "You shall see," he said, " it will the speculations of my countrymen vindicate." Immediately nlmost every man ln the squadron set vigorously to work to learn the language of this fair crea- ture for himself. Colonel Smith and Sidney Phillips were neck and neck in the linguistic race. One of the first bits of information which the professor had given out was the name of the girl. It was Aina (pronounced Ah-ee-na). This news was Hashed throughout the squadron, and the name of our beautiful captive was on the lips of all. After that came her story, it was a marvelous narrative. Translated into our tongue it ran as follows: "The traditions of my fathers, hand- ed down for generations so many that no one can number them, declare that the planet of Mars was not the place of out- origin. "Ages and ages ago our forefathers dwelt on another and distant world that was nearer to the sun than this one Is, and enjoyed brighter daylight than we have here. "They dwelt?as I have often heard the story from my father, who had learned it by heart from his father, and he from his?in a beautiful valley that was surrounded by enormous moun- tains towering into the clouds and white about their tops with snow that never melted. In the valley were lake's, around which clustered the dwellings of our race. "It was, the traditions say, a land wonderful for its fertility, filled with all things that the heart could desire, splendid with flowers and rich with luscious fruits. "It was a land of music, and the people who dwelt in it were very happy." While the girl was telling this part of her story the Heidelberg professor became visibly more and more excited. Presently he could keep quiet no longer and suddenly exclaimed, turning to us who were listening, as the words of the girl were interpreted for us by one of the other linguists: "Gentlemen, it is the Vale of Cash- mere! Has not my great countryman, Adelung, so declared? Has he not said that the Valley of Cashmere was the cradle of the human race already?" "From the Valley of Cashmere to the planet Mars?what a romance!" exclaimed one of the bystanders. Colonel Smith appeared to be partic- ularly moved, and I heard him hum- ming under his breath, greatly to my astonishment, for this rough soldier was not much given to poetry or music: "Who has not heard of the Vale of Cashmere, With its roses the brightest that earth ever gave; Its temples, its grottoes, its fountains as clear, As the love-lighted eyes that hang over the wave." Mr. Sidney Phillips, standing by, and also catching the murmur of Colonel Smith's words, showed in bis handsome countenance some indications of dis- tress, as if he wished he had thought of those linos himself. The girl resumed her narrative: "Suddenly there dropped down out of the sky strange gigantic enemies, armed with mysterious weapons, and began to slay and burn and make deso- late. Our forefathers could not with- stand them. They seemed like demons, who had been sent from the abodes of evil to destroy our race. "Some of the wise men said that this thing had come upon our people be- cause they had been very wicked, and the gods in Heaven were angry. Some said they came from the moon, and some from the far-away stars. But of these things my forefathers knew nothing for a certainty. "The destroyers showed no mercy to the inhabitants of the beautiful valley. Not content with making it a desert, they swept over other parts of the earth. "The traditions say that they carried off from the valley, which was our na- tive land, a large number of our people, taking them first into a strange coun- try, where there were oceans of sand, but where a great river, flowing through the midst of the sands, created a narrow land of fertility. Here, after having slain and driven out the native inhabitants, they remained for many years, keeping our people, whom they had carried into captivity as slaves. "And in this Land of Sand, it is said, they did many wonderful works. "They had been astonished at the sight of the great mountains which surrounded our valley, for on Mars there are no mountains, and after they came Into the Land of Sand they built there with huge blocks of stone moun- tains in imitation of what they had seen, and used them for purposes that our people did not understand. "Then, too, It is said that they left there at the foot of these mountains that they had made, a gigantic image of the great chief who led them in their conquest of our world." At this jfolnt ln the story the Heidel- berg professor again broke in, fairly trembling with excitement. "Gentlemqn, gentlemen," he cried, "is it that you do not understand? This Land of Sand and of a wonderful fer- tilizing river?what can it be? Gen- tlemen, it Is Egypt! These mountains of rock that the Martians have erected, what are they? Gentlemen, they are the great mystery of the land of the Nile, the Pyramids. The gigantic stat- ue of their leader that they at the foot of their artificial mountans have set up?gentlemen, what is that? It is the Sphinx!" The professor's agitation was so great that he could go no further. And indeed there was not one of us who did not fully Rhare his excitement. To think that wo should have come to the planet Mars to solve one of the standing mysteries of the earth, which had puz- zled mankind and dolled all their ef- forts at solution for so many centuries! Here, then, was the explanation of how those gigantic blocks that constitute the great Pyramid of Cheops had been swung to their lofty elevation. It was not the work of puny men, as many an engineer had declared that it could not be, but the work of those giants of Mars. Aina resumed her story: "At length, our traditions say, a groat pestilence broke out in the Land Sand, and a partial vengeance was granted to us in the destruction of the larger number of fur enemies. At last the giants who remained, fleeing before this scourge of the gods, used the mysterious means at their com- mand, and, carrying our ancestors with them, returned to their own world, in which we have ever since lived." "Then there are more of your people In Mars?" said one of the professors. "Alas, no," replied Aina, her eyes filling with tears, "I alone am left." For a few minutes she was unable to speak. Then she continued: "What fury possessed them I do not know, but not long ago an expedition departed from the planet, the purpose of which, as it was noised about over Mars, was the conquest of a distant world After a time a few survivors of that expedition returned. The they told cttjised great excitement among our masters. They had been successful in their battles with the in- habitants of the world they had inva- ded, but as in the days of our forefath- ers, in the Land of Sand, a pestilence smote them, and but few survivors es- caped. "Not long after that, you, with your mysterious ships, appeared in the sky of Mars. Our masters studied you with their telescopes, and those who had re- turned from tha unfortunate expedi- tion declared that you were inhabi- tants of the world which they bad in- vaded, come, doubtless, to take ven- geance upon them. "Some of my people who were per- mitted to look through the telescopes of the Martians, saw you also and recognized you as members of their own race. There were several thousand of us altogether, and we were kept by the Martians to serve them as slaves, and particularly to delight their ears with music, for our people have always been especially skilful in the playing of musical instruments, and in songs, and while the Martians have but little mu- sical skill themselves, they are exceed- ingly fond of these things. "Although Mars had completed not less than five thousand circuits about the sun since our ancestors were brought as prisoners to its surface, yet the memory of our distant home had never perished from the hearts of our race, and when we recognized you, as we believed, our own brothers, come to rescue us from long imprisonment, there was great rejoicing. The news spread from mouth to mouth, wherever we were ln the houses and families of our masters We seemed to be power- less to aid you, or to communicate with you in any manner. Yet our hearts went out to you, as in your ships you hung above the planet, and preparations were secretly made by all the members of our race for your re- ception when, as we believed would occur, you would effect a landing upon the planet and destroy our enemies. "But in some manner the fact that we had recognized you and were pre- paring to welcome you came to the ears of the Martians." At thi3 point the girl suddenly cov- ered her eyes wth her hands, shud- dering and falling back in her seat. "Oh, you do not know them as I do!" at length she exclaimed. "The mon- sters! Their vengeance was too terri- ble! Instantly the order went forth that we should all be butchered, and that awful command was executed!" "How, then, did you escape?" asked the Heidelberg professor. Aina seemed unable to speak for a while. Finally mastering her emotion, she replied: "One of the chief officers of the Mar- tians wished me to remain alive. He, wth his aides, carried me to one of the military depot of supplies, where I was found and rescued," and as she said this she turned toward Colonel Smith with a smile that reflected on his ruddy face and made it glow like a Chinese lantern. "By-?!" muttered Colonel Smith, "that was the fellow we blew Into nothing! Blast him, he got off too easy!" The remainder of Alna's story may be briefly told. When Colonel Smith and I entered the mysterious building which, as it now proved, was not a storehouse be- longing to a village, as we had sup- posed, but one of the military depots of the Martians, the girl, on catching sight of us, immediately recognized us as belonging to the strange squadron in the sky. As such she felt that we must be her friends, and saw in us her only possible hope of escape. For that reason she had instantly thrown her- self under our protection. This ac- counted for the singular confidence she had manifested In us from the begin- ning. Aina bad said that Mars had com- pleted 5,000 circuits about the sun since her people were brought to it as cap- tives. One circuit of Mars occupies 887 days. More than 9,000 years had there- fore elapsed since the first invasion of the earth by the Martians. But from these speculations and re- trospects we were recalled by the com- mander of the expedition. "This is all very interesting and very romantic gentlemen," he said, "but now let us get at the practical side of it. We have learned Alna's language, and have heard her story. Let us next ascertain whether she cannot place in our hands some key which will put Mars at our mercy. Remember what we came here for, and remember that the earth expects every man of us to do his duty." This Nelson-like summons again changed the current of our thoughts, and we instantly set to work to learn from Aina if Mars, like Achilles, had not some vulnerable point where a blow would be mortal. XXI. It was a curious scene when the momentous interview which was to de- termine our late and that of Mars be- gan. Aina had been warned of what was coming. We in the Il.tgship had all learned to speak her language with more or less ease, but it was deemed best that the Heidelberg professor, as- sisted by one of his colleagues, should act as interpreter. The girl, flushed with the excitement ot the novel situation, fully apprecia- ting the importance of what was about to occur, and looking more charming than before, stood at. one side of the principal apartment. Directly facing her were the interpreters, and the rest of us, all with ears alert, and eyes fo- cused upon Aina, stood in a double row behind them. As heretofore, I am setting down her words translated into our own tongue, having taken only as much liberty as to connect the sentences into a stricter sequence than they had when falling from her lips in reply to the questions that were showered upon her. "You will never be victorious," she said, "if you attack them openly as you have been doing. They are too strong and too numerous. They are well prepared for such attacks, be- cause they have had to resist them be- fore. Their enemies from Ceres have attacked them here." "But there must be some point," said Mr. Edison, "where we can." "Yes, yes," interrupted the girl quickly, "there is one blow you can deal them which they could not with- stand." "What is that?" eagerly Inquired the commander. "You can drown them out." "How? With the canals?" "Yes, I will explain to you. I have already told you, and, in fact, you must have seen it for yourselves, that there are almost no mountains on Mars. A very learned man of my race used to say that the reason was because Mars is so very old a world that the moun- tains it once had have been almost completely leveled, and the entire sur- face of the planet has become a great plain. There are depressions, however, most of which are occupied by the seas. The greater part of the land lies below the level of the oceans, ln order at the same time to irrigate the soil and make it fruitful and to protect themselves from overflows by the ocean's breaking in upon them, the Martians have con- structed the immense and innumerable canals which you see running in all di- rections over the continents. "There is one period of the year, and that period has now arrived, when there is special danger of a great de- luge. Most of the oceans of Mars lie in the southern hemisphere. When it is summer in that hemisphere, the great masses of ice and snow collected around the south pole melt rapidly away. "Yes, that Is so," broke in one of our astronomers, who was listening atten- tively. "Many a time I have seen the vast snow fields around the southern pole of Mars completely disappear as the summer sun rose high upon them." "With the melting, of these snows," continued Aina, "a rapid rise in the level of the water ln the southern oceans occur 3. On the side facing these oceans the continents of Mars are sufficiently elevated to prevent an overflow, but nearer the equator the level of the land Kinks lower. "With your telescopes you have no doubt noticed that there is a great bending sea connecting the oceans of the south with those of the north and running through the midst of the con- tinents." "Quite so," said the astronomer who had spoken before, "we call it the Syrtls Major." "That long narrow sea," Aina went on, "forms a great channel through which the flood of waters caused by the melting of the southern polar snows flows swiftly toward the equa- tor and then on toward the north until it reaches the sea basins which c xist there. At that point it is rapidly turned Into ice and snow, because, of course, while it is summer in the Southern hemisphere it is winter in the north- ern. "The Syrtis Major (I am giving our name to the channel of communcatlon in place of that by which the girl called it) is like a great safety valve, which, by permitting the waters to flow north- ward, saves the continents from inun- dation. "But when mid-summer arrives, the snows around the pole having been completely melted away, the flood ceases, and the water begins to recede. At this time, but for a device which the Martians have employed, the canals connected with the oceans would run dry, and the vegetation, left without moisture under the summer sun, would quickly perish," "To prevent this they have built a series of enormous gates extending completely across the Syrtis Major at its narrowest pednt (latitude 25 degrees, south). These gates are all controlled by machinery collected at a single point on the shore of the strait. As soon as the flood in the Syrtis Major begins to recede the gates are closed, and, the water being thus retained, the irrigating canals are kept full long enough to mature the harvests." "The clue! The clue at last!" ex- claimed Mr. Edison. "That is the place where we shall nip them. If we can close those gates now at the moment of high tide we shall Hood the country. Did you say," he continued, turning to Aina, "that the movement of the gates was all controlled from a single point?" "Yes," said the girl. "There is a great building (power house) full of tremendous machinery, which I once entered when my father was taken there by his master, and where I saw one Martian, by turning a little handle, cause the great line of pvates stretching a hundred miles across the sea, to slowly shut in, edge to edge, until the flow of the water toward the north had been stopped." "How is this building protected?" "So completely," replied Aina, "that my only fear is you may not be able to reach it. On account of the danger from their enemies in Ceres, the Mar- tians have fortified it strongly on all sides, and have even surrounded it and covered it overhead with a great elec- tric network, to touch which would be instant death." "Ah," said Mr. Edison, "they have got an electric shield, have they? Well, I think we shall be able to manage that. "Anyhow," he continued, "we have got to get into that power house, and we have got to close those gates, and we must not lose much time In making up our minds how it is to be done. Evidently this is our only chance. We have not force enough to contend in open battle with the Martians, but if we can flood them out, and thereby render the engines contained in their fortifications useless, perhaps we shall be able to deal with the airships, which will be all the means of defence that will then remain to them." This idea commended itself to all the leaders of the expedition. It was de- termined to make a reconnaissance at once. But it would not do for us to ap- proach the planet too hastily and we certainly could not think of landing upon it in broad daylight. Still, as long as we were yet at a considerable distance from Mars, we felt that we should be safe from observation, be- cause so much time had elapsed while we were hidden behind Deimos that the Martians had undoubtedly conclud- ed that we were no longer in existence. So we boldly quitted the little satel- lite with our entire squadron and once more rapidly approached the red planet of war. This time it was to be a death grapple and our chances of victory still seemed good. As soon as we arrived so near the planet that there was danger of our being actually seen, we took pains to keep continually in the shadow of Mars, and the more surely to conceal our presence all lights upon the ships were extinguished. The precaution of the commander even went so far as to have the smooth metallic sides of the cars blackened over so that they should not reflect light and thus become visi- ble to the Martians as shining specks, moving suspiciously among the stars. The precise locaton of the great pow- er house on the shores of the Syrtis Major having been carefully ascer- tained, the squadron dropped clown one night into the upuer limits of the Mar- tian atmosphere, directly over the gulf. Then a consultation was called on the flagship and a plan of compaign was quickly devised. It was deemed wise that the attempt should be made with a single electrical ship, but that the others should be kept hovering near, ready to respond on the instant to any signal for aid which might come from below. It was thought that, notwithstanding the wonderful defences, which, according to Ainu's account, surrounded the building, a small party would have a better chance of success than a large one. Mr. Edison was certain that the elec- trical network which was described as covering the power house would not prove a serious obstruction to us, be- cause by carefullywsweeping the space where we intended to pass with the disintegrators before quitting the ship, the netting could be sufficiently cleared away to give us uninterrupted pas- sage. At first the Intention was to have twenty men, each armed with two dis- integrators, (that being the largest number that one person could carry to advantage) descend from the electrical ship and make the venture. But, after further discussion, this number was re- duced; first to a dozen, and finally, to only four. These four consisted of Mr. Edison, Colonel Smith, Mr. Sidney Phil- lips and myself. Both by her own request and because we could not help feeling that her knowledge of the locality would be in- dispensable to us, Aina was also in- cluded in our party, but not, of course, as a lighting member of it. It was about an hour after midnight when the ship in which we were to make the venture parted from the re- mainder of the squadron and dropped cautiously clown. The blaze of electrio lights running away in various direc- tions indicated the lines of innumerable canals, with habitations crowded along their banks, which came to a focus at a point on the continent of Aina, west- ward from the Syrtis Major. We stopped the electrical ship at an elevation of perhaps three hundred feet above the vast roof of a structure, which Aina assured us was the build- ing we were in search of. Here we remained for a few minutes, cautiously reconnoitering. On that side of the power house which was op- posite to the shore of the Syrtis Major there was a thick grove of trees, lighted beneath, as was apparent from the il- lumination, which here and there streamed up through the cover of leaves, but, nevertheless, dark and gloomy above the tree tops. "The electric network extends over the grove as well as over the bulding," said Aina. This was lucky for us, because we wished to descend among the trees, and, by destroying part of the network over the tree tops, we could reach the shelter wo desired and at the same time pass within the line of electric de- fences. With increased caution, and almost holding our breath lest we should make some noise that might reach the ears of the sentinels beneath, we caused the car to settle gently down until we caught sight of a metallic net stretched in the air between us and the trees. After our first encounter with the Martians on the asteroid, where, as I have related, some metal which was in- cluded in their dress resisted the action of the disintegrators. Mr. Edison had readjusted the range of vibrations cov- ered by the instruments, and since then we had found nothing that did not yield to them. Consequently, we had no fear that the metal of the network Would not be destroyed. There was danger, however, of arous- ing attention by shattering holes through the tree tops. This could be avoided by first carefully ascertaining how far away the network was, and then with the adjustable mirrors at- tached to the disintegrators focusing the vibratory discharge at that dis- tance. So successful were we that we opened a considerable gap in the network without doing any perceptible damage to the trees beneath. The ship was cautiously lowered through the opening and brought to rest among the upper branches of one of the tallest trees. Colonel Smith, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Edison and my- self at once clambered out upon a strong limb. For a moment I feared our arrival had been betrayed on account of the altogether too noisy contest that arose between Colonel Smith and Mr. Phil- lips as to which of them should assist Aina. To settle the dispute I took charge of her myself. At length we were all safely in the tree. Then followed the still more danger- ous undertaking of descending from this great height to the ground. For- tunately, the branches were very close together and they extended down with- in a short distance of the soil. So the actual difficulties of the descent were not very great after all. The one thing that we had particularly to bear In mind was the absolute necessity of making no noise. At length the descent was succesfully accomplished, and we all five stood together in the shadow at the foot of the great tree. The grove was so thick around that while there was an abund- ance of electric lights among the trees, their illumination did not fall up <n us where we stood. Peering cautiously through the vistas In various directions we ascertained our location with respect to the wait of the bulding. Like all the structures that we had seen on Mars, it was com- posed of polished red metal. "Where is the entrance?" Inquired Mr. Edison in a whisper. "Come softly this way, and look out for the sentinel," replied Aina. Gripping our disintegrators firmly, and screwing up our courage, with noiseless steps we followed the girl among the shadows of the trees TO BE CONTINUED. The Best Man at a Wedding. During the old days of Sweden there were" several best men, and the terra was applied in its full literal sense. The duty of the best men in those times was to defend the groom and his pros- pective bride from a rival, who, accom- panied by several retainers, was sure to appear while the wedding procession was on its way to church and make a stubborn light for possession of the wo- man. The Scandinavian warrior considered it beneath his dignity to court a maid- en's favor by gallantry and submis- sion, and therefore generally preferred to wait until she was on her way to be married to another man, when the at- tempt was made to carry her off by main strength. It was then that the best men?if they were the best men- came into good play. Hence the custom is still preserved in the "best" man of to-day. Smallest Book in the World, A book small enough to about cover the thumb nail of a man would be a curiosity in any circumstances, but when it is the smallest volume in the world it is easy to understand why it is very valuable. This mite of a book is five-eighths of an inch long, seven- sixteenths of an inch wide and three- eighths of an inch thick. It has 205 pages of closely printed matter. The letters are so small that a pin point would obscure one of them, and a mag- nifying glass is necessary to enable one to read them. The type of the title page Is about the size of this that you are now read- ing. The book weighs about a quar- ter of an ounce and is valued at $750, which makes it worth more than its weight in gold. It was printed in Italy, in the town of Padua, and on the Salmln press. Brushes From China, A large proportion of the hog bristles that are made into brushes of all sorts are obtained from China. Before Chinese ports were opened to foreign- ers the residents of China made no use of the bristles, but now they have be- come one of the important exports. The hog bristles used in making fine brushes are usually not less than three inches long, but the black Tien-Tsln bristles of north China are often more than twice that length, and are famous the world over. The animals from which the black bristles are - taken closely resemble the wild boar of Eu- rope, "The Young Lady and I Great Progress* Make Already." LOS ANGELES HERALDi SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1898.

LOS ANGELES CONQUEST ofMARSCONQUEST EDISON'S ofMARS GarrettP.Serviss ICopyrlgbt, 18DS. by Gnrrett P. Scrvlss.] SYNOPSIS. The Inventive genius of Thomas A. Edi-tion makes possible an

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Page 1: LOS ANGELES CONQUEST ofMARSCONQUEST EDISON'S ofMARS GarrettP.Serviss ICopyrlgbt, 18DS. by Gnrrett P. Scrvlss.] SYNOPSIS. The Inventive genius of Thomas A. Edi-tion makes possible an




ICopyrlgbt, 18DS. by Gnrrett P. Scrvlss.]

SYNOPSIS.The Inventive genius of Thomas A. Edi-

tion makes possible an attack of the earthupon Mars. This is done to prevent a sec-ond Invasion of tho Martians, who arctrying to relievo their overpopulateaplanet; the first having failed through thebreaking out of disease and not human et-fort. Edison Invents a practical electricalair ship, and an engine of destructioncalled tho "Disintegrator," which win

cause the constituent particles of uny ob-

ject at which It may be directed to sovibrato that tho object will bo Immediate-lyand completely dispersed. A large neot

of air ships armed with disintegrators andmanned by two thousand men, among

whom are many famous scientists, seta

out. When several million miles fromMars the expedition comes upon a partyof Martians upon a small heavenly body-one of the asteroids. The Martians areof giant stature, human In form, but ofsomewhat repulsive aspect. The astero...Is of solid gold, and to get the preciousmetal is doubtless the reason for tho Mar-tians' presence. Another party fromMars arrives in one of their aerial cars,and an encounter follows. In which, how-ever, the superior efficiency of the disinte-grator over the enemy's engines of waris ably proven, and the fleet leaves forMars. Hut victory has not been won un-til several shins have been destroyed, andmany men killed. The Meet arrives abovethe land nf Hellas, on Mars, and llnds ahost of air ships on tho watch. The Mar-tians cover their planet with a thick cloudof smoke, which the visitors pierce withtheir disintegrators. The Martians launchtheir thunderbolts, and do much damageto the Edison fleet, which Anally dropsbeneath the smoke curtain and engagesthe enemy, In their ships, ln dose com-bat. The destruction is awful, both onland ami In the air, and the ships fromthe earth withdraw but sixty In number.The next move Is a strategic plan pro-posed by Colonel Smith, an army officer.The majority of the ships arc concen-trated at a certain point where the at-tention of Martians Is held, while a fewarc sent to the other side of the planet toeffect a landing, and if possible obtainsome much needed provisions for thofleet. Colonel Smith's ship descends nearv largo building. The Colonel and thenarrator approaching, hoar strains ofbeautiful music issuing from It. Enter-ing, they are amazed to find a young girl?a human being?playing on a strange in-strument for the amusement of severalMartians, The latter are ipiloklv dis-patched with disintegrators, and the girlIs taken back to the main squadron, to-gether with large quantities of com-pressed food that are found In the build-ing. Although none can understand thegirl, it is perceived that her language isof human origin. The whole squadron re-pairs to tho farther moon of afars. Def-ines, In order to glvo the linguists of theparty time to acquire the- girl's speech

[ for Mr. Edison believes that she can givethem Information that will lead to a suc-cessful routing of the enemy,

XIXDeimci proved to be, as we bad ex-

pected, about six miles in diameter. Itsmeun density is not very great, so thatthe acceleration of gravity did not ex-ceed one two-thousandths of theearth's. Consequently the weight of aman turning the settles at 150 at homewas here only about one ounce.

The attraction of this little satellitewas so slight that we had to be verycareful nut to move too quickly in goingabout lest we should involuntarilyleave the ground and sail out intospace, as, it will be remembered, hadhappened to the fugitives during thefight on the asteroid.

Not only would such an adventurehave been an uncomfortable experi-ence, but it might have endangered thesuccess of our scheme. Our presentdistance from the surface of Mars didnot exceed 12,500 miles, and we hadreason to believe that the Martianspossessed telescopes powerful enoughto enable them not merely to see theelectrical ships at such a distance, butalso to catch sight of us individually.Although the cloud curtain still restedon the planet it was was probable thatthe Martians would send some of theirair ships up to its surface in order todetermine what our fate had been.

Accordingly strict orders were given,not only that the ships should bemoored on that side of the satellitewhich is perpetually turned away fromMars, but that, without orders, no oneshould venture around on the otherside of the little globe, or even on theedge of it, where he might be seen inprofile against the sky.

Still, of course, it was essential thatwe, on our part, should keep a. closewatch, and so a number of sentinelswere selected, wlics* duty It was toplace themselves at the edge of Deimos,where they could peep over the horizon,so to speak, and catch sight of theglobe of our enemies.

At the suggestion of Colonel Smith,who had bo frequently stalked Indiansthat devices of this kind readily oc-curred to his mind, the sentinels allwore garments corresponding in colorto that of the soil of the asteroid,which was of a dark, reddish brownhue. This would tend to conceal themfrom the prying eyes of the Martians.

Finally, after about *a week hadpassed, the Martians evidently madeup their minds that they had annihi-lated us, and that there was no longerdanger to be feared. Convincing evi-dence that they believed we should notbe heard from again was furnishedwhen the withdrawal of the great cur-tain of cloud began.

This phenomenon first manifested it-self by a gradual thinning of the va-porous shield until, at length, we be-gan to perceive the red surface of theplanet dimly shining through it. Thin-ner and rarer it became, and, after thelapse of about eighteen hours, it hadcompletely disappeared and the hugeglobe shone out again, reflecting thelight of the sun from its continentsand oceans with a brightness that. Incontrast with the all-enveloping, nightto which we had so long been subject-ed, seemed, unbearable to our eyes.

Meanwhile, the object which wehad in view in retreating to the satel-lite was not lost si;;ht of, and the serv-ices of the chief linguists of the expe-dition were again called Into use forthe purpose of acquiring a new lan-guage. The experiment was conductedin the flagship. The fact that this timeIt was not a monster belonging to anutterly alien race upon whom we wereto experiment, but a beautiful daughter

of our common Mother Eve, added zestand Interest as well as the most con-fident hopes of success to those whowere striving to understand the ac-cents of her tongue.

Still the dilllculty was very great,notwithstanding the conviction of the:professors that her language wouldturn out to be a form of the greatIndo-European speech, from which themany tongues of civilized men upon theearth had been derived.

The learned men, tv tell the truth,gave the poor girl no rest. For hoursat a time they would ply her with In-terrogations by voice and by gesture,until, at length, wearied beyond en-durance, Hhe would fall asleep beforetheir faces.

Then she would be left undisturbedfor a little while, but the moment hereyes opened again the merciless pro-fessors Hocked about her once more,and resumed tho tedious iteration oftheir experiments.

Our Heidelberg professor was thechief inquisitor, and ho revealed him-self to us In a new and entirely unex-pected light. No one could have antici-pated the depth and variety of his re-sources. He placed himself In front ofthe girl and gestured and gesticulated,bowed, nodded, shrugged his shoulders,screw ed his face into an infinite varietyof expressions, smiled, laughed, scowledand accompanied all these dumb showswith posturing, exclamations, queries,only half expressed in words, and ca-dences, which by some ingenious ma-nipulation of the tones of his voice, hemanaged to make expressive of his de-sires.

The girl looked on, partly astonished,partly amused, and partly compre-hending. Sometimes she smiled, andthen tlie beauty of her face becamemost captivating. Occasionally sheburst Into a cheery laugh when theprofessor was executing some of hisextraordinary gyrations before her.

It was a marvelous exhibition ofwhat the human intellect, when all itspowers are concentrated upon a singleobject, is capable of achieving. Itseemed to nio, as I looked at the per-formance, that If all the faces of menwho had been stricken asunder at thefoot of the Tower of Babel by themiracle Which made the tongues ofeach to speak a language unknown tothe others, could be brought togetheragain ut the foot of the same tower,with all the advantages which thou-sands of years of education bad in themeantime imparted to them, theywould be able, without any miracle, tomake themselves mutually understood.

And it was evident that an under-standing was actually growing betweenthe girl and the professor. Their mindswere plainly meeting and when bothhad become focused upon the samepoint, it was perfectly certain that theobject of the experiment would be at-tained.

Whenever the professor got from thegirl an intelligent reply to his panto-

mimic inquiries, or whenever he be-lieved that he got such a reply, it wasImmediately jotted down In the everopen note book which he carried in hishand.

And then he would tun to us stand-ing by, and with one hand to his heart,and the other sweeping grandlythrough the air, would make a pro-found bow anil say:

"The young lady and I great pro-gress make already. I have her wordscomprehended. We shall wondrousmysteries solve. Jawohl! Wunder-licb! Make yourselves, gentlemen, easy.Of the human race the ancestral stemhave I here discovered."

There was one thing which gavesome of us considerable misgiving, andthat was the question whether, afterall, the language the professor was ac-quiring was really the girl's owntongue or one that she had learnedfrom the Martians.

But the professor bade us rest easyon that point. He assured us, in thefirst place, that this girl could not bethe only human being living uponMarS, but that she must have friendsand relatives there. That being so, theyunquestionably had a language of theirown, which they spoke when they wereamong themselves. Here finding her-self among beings belonging to her ownrace, she would naturally speak herown tongue and not that which she hadacquired from the Martians.

"Moreover, gentlemen," he added, "Ihave in her speech many roots of thegreat Aryan tongue already recog-nized."

We were greatly relieved by this ex-planation, which seemed to all of usperfectly satisfactory.

Yet, really, there was no reason why

one language should be any better thanthe other for our present purpose. Infact, it might be more useful to us toknow the language of the Martiansthemselves. Still, we all felt that weshould prefer to know her languagerather than that of the monstersamong whom she had lived.

Colonel Smith expressed what was inall our minds when after listening tothe reasoning of the professor he blurt-ed out:

"Thank God, she don't speak any oftheir blamed lingo! By Jove, it wouldsoil her pretty Hps."

"But also that she speaks, too," saidthe man from Heidelberg, turning toColonel Smith with a grin. "We shallboth of them eventually learn."

XX.Three entire weeks were passed in

this mapper. After the first week thegirl herself materially assisted the lin-guists ia their efforts to acquire herspeech.

At length the task was so far ad-vanced that we could, in a certainsense', regard it as practically com-pleted. The Heidelberg professor de-clared that he had mastered the tongue

of the ancient Aryans. His delight wasunbounded. With prodlgous industryhe set to work, scarcely stopping to eator sleep, to form a grammar of the lan-guage.

"You shall see," he said, " it willthe speculations of my countrymenvindicate."

Immediately nlmost every man ln thesquadron set vigorously to work tolearn the language of this fair crea-ture for himself. Colonel Smith andSidney Phillips were neck and neck inthe linguistic race.

One of the first bits of informationwhich the professor had given out wasthe name of the girl.

It was Aina (pronounced Ah-ee-na).This news was Hashed throughout

the squadron, and the name of ourbeautiful captive was on the lips of all.

After that came her story, it wasa marvelous narrative. Translated intoour tongue it ran as follows:

"The traditions of my fathers, hand-ed down for generations so many thatno one can number them, declare thatthe planet of Mars was not the placeof out- origin.

"Ages and ages ago our forefathersdwelt on another and distant worldthat was nearer to the sun than thisone Is, and enjoyed brighter daylightthan we have here.

"They dwelt?as I have often heardthe story from my father, who hadlearned it by heart from his father, andhe from his?in a beautiful valley thatwas surrounded by enormous moun-tains towering into the clouds andwhite about their tops with snow thatnever melted. In the valley were lake's,around which clustered the dwellingsof our race."It was, the traditions say, a land

wonderful for its fertility, filled withall things that the heart could desire,splendid with flowers and rich withluscious fruits.

"It was a land of music, and thepeople who dwelt in it were veryhappy."

While the girl was telling this partof her story the Heidelberg professorbecame visibly more and more excited.Presently he could keep quiet no longerand suddenly exclaimed, turning to uswho were listening, as the words of thegirl were interpreted for us by one ofthe other linguists:

"Gentlemen, it is the Vale of Cash-mere! Has not my great countryman,Adelung, so declared? Has he not saidthat the Valley of Cashmere was thecradle of the human race already?"

"From the Valley of Cashmere tothe planet Mars?what a romance!"exclaimed one of the bystanders.

Colonel Smith appeared to be partic-ularly moved, and I heard him hum-ming under his breath, greatly to my

astonishment, for this rough soldierwas not much given to poetry ormusic:"Who has not heard of the Vale of

Cashmere,With its roses the brightest that

earth ever gave;Its temples, its grottoes, its fountains

as clear,As the love-lighted eyes that hang

over the wave."Mr. Sidney Phillips, standing by, and

also catching the murmur of ColonelSmith's words, showed in bis handsomecountenance some indications of dis-tress, as if he wished he had thoughtof those linos himself.

The girl resumed her narrative:"Suddenly there dropped down out of

the sky strange gigantic enemies,armed with mysterious weapons, andbegan to slay and burn and make deso-late. Our forefathers could not with-stand them. They seemed like demons,who had been sent from the abodes ofevil to destroy our race.

"Some of the wise men said that thisthing had come upon our people be-cause they had been very wicked, andthe gods in Heaven were angry. Somesaid they came from the moon, andsome from the far-away stars. But ofthese things my forefathers knewnothing for a certainty.

"The destroyers showed no mercy tothe inhabitants of the beautiful valley.

Not content with making it a desert,they swept over other parts of theearth.

"The traditions say that they carriedoff from the valley, which was our na-tive land, a large number of our people,taking them first into a strange coun-try, where there were oceans of sand,

but where a great river, flowing

through the midst of the sands, createda narrow land of fertility. Here, afterhaving slain and driven out the nativeinhabitants, they remained for manyyears, keeping our people, whom theyhad carried into captivity as slaves.

"And in this Land of Sand, it is said,they did many wonderful works.

"They had been astonished at thesight of the great mountains whichsurrounded our valley, for on Marsthere are no mountains, and after theycame Into the Land of Sand they builtthere with huge blocks of stone moun-tains in imitation of what they hadseen, and used them for purposes thatour people did not understand.

"Then, too, It is said that they leftthere at the foot of these mountainsthat they had made, a gigantic imageof the great chief who led them intheir conquest of our world."

At this jfolnt ln the story the Heidel-

berg professor again broke in, fairlytrembling with excitement.

"Gentlemqn, gentlemen," he cried, "isit that you do not understand? ThisLand of Sand and of a wonderful fer-tilizing river?what can it be? Gen-tlemen, it Is Egypt! These mountainsof rock that the Martians have erected,what are they? Gentlemen, they arethe great mystery of the land of theNile, the Pyramids. The gigantic stat-ue of their leader that they at the footof their artificial mountans have setup?gentlemen, what is that? It is theSphinx!"

The professor's agitation was sogreat that he could go no further. Andindeed there was not one of us who didnot fully Rhare his excitement. To thinkthat wo should have come to the planetMars to solve one of the standingmysteries of the earth, which had puz-zled mankind and dolled all their ef-forts at solution for so many centuries!Here, then, was the explanation of howthose gigantic blocks that constitutethe great Pyramid of Cheops had beenswung to their lofty elevation. It wasnot the work of puny men, as manyan engineer had declared that it couldnot be, but the work of those giants ofMars.

Aina resumed her story:"At length, our traditions say, a

groat pestilence broke out in the LandSand, and a partial vengeance wasgranted to us in the destruction ofthe larger number of fur enemies. Atlast the giants who remained, fleeingbefore this scourge of the gods, usedthe mysterious means at their com-mand, and, carrying our ancestorswith them, returned to their ownworld, in which we have ever sincelived."

"Then there are more of your peopleIn Mars?" said one of the professors.

"Alas, no," replied Aina, her eyesfillingwith tears, "I alone am left."

For a few minutes she was unable tospeak. Then she continued:

"What fury possessed them I do notknow, but not long ago an expeditiondeparted from the planet, the purposeof which, as it was noised about overMars, was the conquest of a distantworld After a time a few survivors ofthat expedition returned. Thethey told cttjised great excitementamong our masters. They had beensuccessful in their battles with the in-habitants of the world they had inva-ded, but as in the days of our forefath-ers, in the Land of Sand, a pestilencesmote them, and but few survivors es-caped.

"Not long after that, you, with yourmysterious ships, appeared in the skyof Mars. Our masters studied you withtheir telescopes, and those who had re-turned from tha unfortunate expedi-

tion declared that you were inhabi-tants of the world which they bad in-vaded, come, doubtless, to take ven-geance upon them.

"Some of my people who were per-mitted to look through the telescopesof the Martians, saw you also andrecognized you as members of theirown race. There were several thousandof us altogether, and we were kept by

the Martians to serve them as slaves,and particularly to delight their earswith music, for our people have alwaysbeen especially skilful in the playing ofmusical instruments, and in songs, andwhile the Martians have but little mu-sical skill themselves, they are exceed-ingly fond of these things.

"Although Mars had completed notless than five thousand circuits aboutthe sun since our ancestors werebrought as prisoners to its surface, yetthe memory of our distant home hadnever perished from the hearts of ourrace, and when we recognized you, aswe believed, our own brothers, come torescue us from long imprisonment,there was great rejoicing. The newsspread from mouth to mouth, whereverwe were ln the houses and families ofour masters We seemed to be power-less to aid you, or to communicatewith you in any manner. Yet ourhearts went out to you, as in yourships you hung above the planet, andpreparations were secretly made by allthe members of our race for your re-ception when, as we believed wouldoccur, you would effect a landing uponthe planet and destroy our enemies.

"But in some manner the fact thatwe had recognized you and were pre-paring to welcome you came to theears of the Martians."

At thi3 point the girl suddenly cov-ered her eyes wth her hands, shud-dering and fallingback in her seat.

"Oh, you do not know them as I do!"at length she exclaimed. "The mon-sters! Their vengeance was too terri-ble! Instantly the order went forththat we should all be butchered, andthat awful command was executed!"

"How, then, did you escape?" askedthe Heidelberg professor.

Aina seemed unable to speak for awhile. Finally mastering her emotion,she replied:

"One of the chief officers of the Mar-tians wished me to remain alive. He,wth his aides, carried me to one of themilitary depot of supplies, where I wasfound and rescued," and as she saidthis she turned toward Colonel Smithwith a smile that reflected on his ruddyface and made it glow like a Chineselantern.

"By-?!" muttered Colonel Smith,

"that was the fellow we blew Intonothing! Blast him, he got off tooeasy!"

The remainder of Alna's story maybe briefly told.

When Colonel Smith and I enteredthe mysterious building which, as itnow proved, was not a storehouse be-longing to a village, as we had sup-posed, but one of the military depotsof the Martians, the girl, on catchingsight of us, immediately recognized usas belonging to the strange squadronin the sky. As such she felt that wemust be her friends, and saw in us heronly possible hope of escape. For thatreason she had instantly thrown her-self under our protection. This ac-counted for the singular confidence shehad manifested In us from the begin-ning.

Aina bad said that Mars had com-pleted 5,000 circuits about the sun sinceher people were brought to it as cap-tives. One circuit of Mars occupies 887days. More than 9,000 years had there-fore elapsed since the first invasion ofthe earth by the Martians.

But from these speculations and re-trospects we were recalled by the com-mander of the expedition.

"This is all very interesting and veryromantic gentlemen," he said, "butnow let us get at the practical side ofit. We have learned Alna's language,

and have heard her story. Let us nextascertain whether she cannot place inour hands some key which will putMars at our mercy. Remember whatwe came here for, and remember thatthe earth expects every man of us todo his duty."

This Nelson-like summons againchanged the current of our thoughts,

and we instantly set to work to learnfrom Aina if Mars, like Achilles, hadnot some vulnerable point where a blowwould be mortal.

XXI.It was a curious scene when the

momentous interview which was to de-termine our late and that of Mars be-gan. Aina had been warned of whatwas coming. We in the Il.tgship hadall learned to speak her language withmore or less ease, but it was deemedbest that the Heidelberg professor, as-sisted by one of his colleagues, shouldact as interpreter.

The girl, flushed with the excitementot the novel situation, fully apprecia-ting the importance of what was aboutto occur, and looking more charming

than before, stood at. one side of theprincipal apartment. Directly facing

her were the interpreters, and the rest

of us, all with ears alert, and eyes fo-cused upon Aina, stood in a double rowbehind them.

As heretofore, I am setting down her

words translated into our own tongue,having taken only as much liberty asto connect the sentences into a strictersequence than they had when falling

from her lips in reply to the questionsthat were showered upon her.

"You will never be victorious," shesaid, "if you attack them openly asyou have been doing. They are toostrong and too numerous. They arewell prepared for such attacks, be-cause they have had to resist them be-fore. Their enemies from Ceres haveattacked them here."

"But there must be some point," saidMr. Edison, "where we can."

"Yes, yes," interrupted the girlquickly, "there is one blow you can dealthem which they could not with-stand."

"What is that?" eagerly Inquired thecommander.

"You can drown them out.""How? With the canals?""Yes, I will explain to you. I have

already told you, and, in fact, you musthave seen it for yourselves, that thereare almost no mountains on Mars. Avery learned man of my race used tosay that the reason was because Marsis so very old a world that the moun-tains it once had have been almostcompletely leveled, and the entire sur-face of the planet has become a greatplain. There are depressions, however,most of which are occupied by the seas.The greater part of the land lies belowthe level of the oceans, ln order at thesame time to irrigate the soil and makeit fruitful and to protect themselvesfrom overflows by the ocean's breakingin upon them, the Martians have con-structed the immense and innumerablecanals which you see running in all di-rections over the continents.

"There is one period of the year, andthat period has now arrived, whenthere is special danger of a great de-luge. Most of the oceans of Mars liein the southern hemisphere. When itis summer in that hemisphere, thegreat masses of ice and snow collectedaround the south pole melt rapidlyaway.

"Yes, that Is so," broke in one of ourastronomers, who was listening atten-tively. "Many a time I have seen thevast snow fields around the southernpole of Mars completely disappearas the summer sun rose high uponthem."

"With the melting, of these snows,"continued Aina, "a rapid rise in thelevel of the water ln the southernoceans occur3. On the side facing theseoceans the continents of Mars aresufficiently elevated to prevent anoverflow, but nearer the equator the

level of the land Kinks lower."With your telescopes you have no

doubt noticed that there is a greatbending sea connecting the oceans ofthe south with those of the north andrunning through the midst of the con-tinents."

"Quite so," said the astronomer whohad spoken before, "we call it theSyrtls Major."

"That long narrow sea," Aina wenton, "forms a great channel throughwhich the flood of waters caused bythe melting of the southern polarsnows flows swiftly toward the equa-tor and then on toward the north untilit reaches the sea basins which c xistthere. At that point it is rapidly turnedInto ice and snow, because, of course,while it is summer in the Southernhemisphere it is winter in the north-ern.

"The Syrtis Major (I am giving ourname to the channel of communcatlonin place of that by which the girl calledit) is like a great safety valve, which,by permitting the waters to flow north-ward, saves the continents from inun-dation.

"But when mid-summer arrives, thesnows around the pole having beencompletely melted away, the floodceases, and the water begins to recede.At this time, but for a device whichthe Martians have employed, thecanals connected with the oceanswould run dry, and the vegetation, leftwithout moisture under the summersun, would quickly perish,"

"To prevent this they have built aseries of enormous gates extendingcompletely across the Syrtis Major atits narrowest pednt (latitude 25 degrees,south). These gates are all controlledby machinery collected at a singlepoint on the shore of the strait. Assoon as the flood in the Syrtis Majorbegins to recede the gates are closed,and, the water being thus retained, theirrigating canals are kept full longenough to mature the harvests."

"The clue! The clue at last!" ex-claimed Mr. Edison. "That is the placewhere we shall nip them. If we canclose those gates now at the momentof high tide we shall Hood the country.Did you say," he continued, turning toAina, "that the movement of the gateswas all controlled from a single point?"

"Yes," said the girl. "There is agreat building (power house) full oftremendous machinery, which I onceentered when my father was takenthere by his master, and where I sawone Martian, by turning a little handle,cause the great line of pvates stretchinga hundred miles across the sea, toslowly shut in, edge to edge, until theflow of the water toward the north hadbeen stopped."

"How is this building protected?"

"So completely," replied Aina, "thatmy only fear is you may not be able toreach it. On account of the dangerfrom their enemies in Ceres, the Mar-tians have fortified it strongly on allsides, and have even surrounded it andcovered it overhead with a great elec-tric network, to touch which would beinstant death."

"Ah," said Mr. Edison, "they havegot an electric shield, have they? Well,I think we shall be able to managethat.

"Anyhow," he continued, "we havegot to get into that power house, andwe have got to close those gates, andwe must not lose much time In makingup our minds how it is to be done.Evidently this is our only chance. Wehave not force enough to contend inopen battle with the Martians, but ifwe can flood them out, and therebyrender the engines contained in theirfortifications useless, perhaps we shallbe able to deal with the airships, whichwill be all the means of defence thatwill then remain to them."

This idea commended itself to all theleaders of the expedition. It was de-termined to make a reconnaissance atonce.

But it would not do for us to ap-proach the planet too hastily and wecertainly could not think of landingupon it in broad daylight. Still, aslong as we were yet at a considerabledistance from Mars, we felt that weshould be safe from observation, be-cause so much time had elapsed whilewe were hidden behind Deimos thatthe Martians had undoubtedly conclud-ed that we were no longer in existence.

So we boldly quitted the little satel-lite with our entire squadron and oncemore rapidly approached the red planetof war. This time it was to be a deathgrapple and our chances of victory stillseemed good.

As soon as we arrived so near theplanet that there was danger of ourbeing actually seen, we took pains tokeep continually in the shadow ofMars, and the more surely to concealour presence all lights upon the shipswere extinguished. The precaution ofthe commander even went so far as tohave the smooth metallic sides of thecars blackened over so that they shouldnot reflect light and thus become visi-ble to the Martians as shiningspecks, moving suspiciously among thestars.

The precise locaton of the great pow-er house on the shores of the SyrtisMajor having been carefully ascer-tained, the squadron dropped clown onenight into the upuer limits of the Mar-tian atmosphere, directly over thegulf.

Then a consultation was called onthe flagship and a plan of compaignwas quickly devised.

It was deemed wise that the attempt

should be made with a single electricalship, but that the others should bekept hovering near, ready to respondon the instant to any signal for aidwhich might come from below. It wasthought that, notwithstanding thewonderful defences, which, accordingto Ainu's account, surrounded thebuilding, a small party would have abetter chance of success than a largeone.

Mr. Edison was certain that the elec-trical network which was described ascovering the power house would notprove a serious obstruction to us, be-cause by carefullywsweeping the spacewhere we intended to pass with thedisintegrators before quitting the ship,the netting could be sufficiently clearedaway to give us uninterrupted pas-sage.

At first the Intention was to havetwenty men, each armed with two dis-integrators, (that being the largestnumber that one person could carry toadvantage) descend from the electricalship and make the venture. But, afterfurther discussion, this number was re-duced; first to a dozen, and finally, toonly four. These four consisted of Mr.Edison, Colonel Smith, Mr. Sidney Phil-lips and myself.

Both by her own request and becausewe could not help feeling that herknowledge of the locality would be in-dispensable to us, Aina was also in-cluded in our party, but not, of course,as a lighting member of it.

It was about an hour after midnightwhen the ship in which we were tomake the venture parted from the re-

mainder of the squadron and droppedcautiously clown. The blaze of electriolights running away in various direc-tions indicated the lines of innumerablecanals, with habitations crowded alongtheir banks, which came to a focus ata point on the continent of Aina, west-ward from the Syrtis Major.

We stopped the electrical ship at anelevation of perhaps three hundred feetabove the vast roof of a structure,which Aina assured us was the build-ing we were in search of.

Here we remained for a few minutes,cautiously reconnoitering. On thatside of the power house which was op-posite to the shore of the Syrtis Majorthere was a thick grove of trees, lightedbeneath, as was apparent from the il-lumination, which here and therestreamed up through the cover ofleaves, but, nevertheless, dark andgloomy above the tree tops.

"The electric network extends overthe grove as well as over the bulding,"said Aina.

This was lucky for us, because wewished to descend among the trees,and, by destroying part of the networkover the tree tops, we could reach theshelter wo desired and at the sametime pass within the line of electric de-fences.

With increased caution, and almostholding our breath lest we should makesome noise that might reach the earsof the sentinels beneath, we caused thecar to settle gently down until wecaught sight of a metallic net stretchedin the air between us and thetrees.

After our first encounter with theMartians on the asteroid, where, as Ihave related, some metal which was in-cluded in their dress resisted the actionof the disintegrators. Mr. Edison hadreadjusted the range of vibrations cov-ered by the instruments, and since thenwe had found nothing that did notyield to them. Consequently, we hadno fear that the metal of the networkWould not be destroyed.

There was danger, however, of arous-ing attention by shattering holesthrough the tree tops. This could beavoided by first carefully ascertaininghow far away the network was, andthen with the adjustable mirrors at-tached to the disintegrators focusingthe vibratory discharge at that dis-tance.

So successful were we that we openeda considerable gap in the networkwithout doing any perceptible damageto the trees beneath.

The ship was cautiously loweredthrough the opening and brought torest among the upper branches of oneof the tallest trees. Colonel Smith,Mr. Phillips, Mr. Edison and my-self at once clambered out upon astrong limb.

For a moment I feared our arrivalhad been betrayed on account of thealtogether too noisy contest that arosebetween Colonel Smith and Mr. Phil-lips as to which of them should assistAina. To settle the dispute I tookcharge of her myself.

At length we were all safely in thetree.

Then followed the still more danger-ous undertaking of descending fromthis great height to the ground. For-tunately, the branches were very closetogether and they extended down with-in a short distance of the soil. So theactual difficulties of the descent werenot very great after all. The one thingthat we had particularly to bear Inmind was the absolute necessity ofmaking no noise.

At length the descent was succesfullyaccomplished, and we all five stoodtogether in the shadow at the foot ofthe great tree. The grove was so thickaround that while there was an abund-ance of electric lights among the trees,their illumination did not fall up <n uswhere we stood.

Peering cautiously through the vistasIn various directions we ascertainedour location with respect to the waitof the bulding. Like all the structuresthat we had seen on Mars, it was com-posed of polished red metal.

"Where is the entrance?" InquiredMr. Edison in a whisper.

"Come softly this way, and look outfor the sentinel," replied Aina.

Gripping our disintegrators firmly,and screwing up our courage, withnoiseless steps we followed the girlamong the shadows of the trees


The Best Man at a Wedding.During the old days of Sweden there

were" several best men, and the terrawas applied in its full literal sense.The duty of the best men in those timeswas to defend the groom and his pros-pective bride from a rival, who, accom-panied by several retainers, was sureto appear while the wedding processionwas on its way to church and make astubborn light for possession of the wo-man.

The Scandinavian warrior consideredit beneath his dignity to court a maid-en's favor by gallantry and submis-sion, and therefore generally preferredto wait until she was on her way to bemarried to another man, when the at-tempt was made to carry her off bymain strength. It was then that thebest men?if they were the best men-came into good play. Hence the customis still preserved in the "best" man ofto-day.

Smallest Book in the World,A book small enough to about cover

the thumb nail of a man would be acuriosity in any circumstances, butwhen it is the smallest volume in theworld it is easy to understand why itis very valuable. This mite of a bookis five-eighths of an inch long, seven-sixteenths of an inch wide and three-eighths of an inch thick. It has 205pages of closely printed matter. Theletters are so small that a pin pointwould obscure one of them, and a mag-nifying glass is necessary to enableone to read them.

The type of the title page Is aboutthe size of this that you are now read-ing. The book weighs about a quar-ter of an ounce and is valued at $750,which makes it worth more than itsweight in gold. It was printed inItaly, in the town of Padua, and on theSalmln press.

Brushes From China,A large proportion of the hog bristles

that are made into brushes of all sortsare obtained from China. BeforeChinese ports were opened to foreign-ers the residents of China made no useof the bristles, but now they have be-come one of the important exports.The hog bristles used in making finebrushes are usually not less than threeinches long, but the black Tien-Tslnbristles of north China are often morethan twice that length, and are famousthe world over. The animals fromwhich the black bristles are - takenclosely resemble the wild boar of Eu-rope,

"The Young Lady and I Great Progress* Make Already."