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Psychic Lotto Formula 3-Step Formula |Secret Template To Lottery Secrets | Module 3 Page | 1

Looto Sevret Formula.

Sep 29, 2015



Ola Timothy

This is system is used to psychically pick Lotto numbers and to develop psychic abilities.
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    Table of Content

    The Psychic Lotto Formula Jackpot to Success System ............................................................................ 4

    Part 1 Channeling the Power of Your Mind to Success .................................................................. 6

    Part 2 Visualization ............................................................................................................................... 12

    Part 3 Integrating Luck and Making it Happen .............................................................................. 16

    Go out there and make it happen! ............................................................................................................. 19

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    The Psychic Lotto Formula Jackpot to Success System

    Are you ready to win the lottery? Are you ready to receive the lessons that are contained here and be on your way to wealth and success? The techniques that I have here for you really work.

    Not usually instantaneously, though there have been a few cases where quick results were recorded, because for most there is years of self-doubt and outdated belief systems to turn around and that takes time and practice.

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    Part 1 Channeling the Power of Your Mind to Success

    You have everything that you need to become a success right now. You can win the lottery, buy the car that you want, get your dream job or travel the world.

    Dont believe me? I am not lying to you right now you have everything you need to win the

    lottery you just dont believe that you do.

    We are born with a connection to the Universal energy but somehow as we grow up we forget how to connect with that power that can help us bring everything that we want and desire into our lives.

    And the way that we connect to this energy is through our subconscious mind. You need to clearly tell your subconscious mind what it is that you desire in this world, being careful not to insert negative thoughts that just may come true instead.

    For instance Helen was a big believer in contacting her subconscious mind and every day she would start by relaxing and then she would do her visualization exercises. Helen was a believer so she was confused when all the things that she was scared of came true instead of the things that she asked the Universe for.

    What she didnt realize was that she was getting exactly what she asked for because she let her

    negative fears intrude when she was meditating.

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    She asked for a new job and at the same time said that she hoped it wouldnt be a bad one. The subconscious heard the word bad and she ended up with a new job that she hated.

    So if you want to harness your power for your success and not your failure be careful of the language you use because the Universe will give you what you ask for every time.

    Spend time really knowing what you want. If it is to win the lottery know how much you want to win otherwise you may win a small amount after all it is still a win but maybe what you wanted.

    Have in your mind the details so that you dont get any unwanted surprises when the Universe delivers your present.

    Techniques and Exercises

    Calling the Universal energy

    This technique will help you be able to command you universal energy at will. If you do not have energy available when you need it then it is impossible to use it to create what you want in this world, such as a lottery win.

    1. To call the energy, at least three times every day stand with your feet wide apart about the width of your shoulders. Close your eyes to shut out any distractions and hang your arms by your sides without your hands touching your body.

    2. Concentrate on your breathing and feel your body relax.

    3. Imagine that you can see the energy flowing into your body. It is coming from all directions. The energy is flowing from the sky above you, the ground below your and it is wrapping you in its warmth from all sides as you stand open to receive it.

    4. As the energy flows into your body, you feel your skin start to tingle and the warmth of the energy as you are engulfed in the bright white light of the energy.

    5. Your practice calling the energy is for about one or two minutes every day, just a short time and you will find that the intensity increases and becomes easier to summon the more that you practice.

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    Pinnacle of power

    What I want you to do is to create an affirmation that establishes your belief in your absolute power and ability to achieve anything that you set out to do in your life.

    This is pinnacle of power affirmation:

    The pinnacle of my power is in this moment. My past I cannot change but I am able and intend to influence both my present and my future.

    My actions and thoughts at this point in time will affect my achievements and my life. Soon I will review my past achievements, I will cast them into my future by acknowledging that I can repeat them regardless of the position that I currently am in.

    I accept that where I am now is a result of my projections in the past and I take full responsibility for these circumstances.

    The pinnacle of my power is in this moment, what I think and cast into the Universe will become a reality as my future.


    1. Sit in a quiet place where you wont be distracted or disturbed. Make yourself comfortable.

    2. Turn your thoughts inward to your breathing and feel yourself relax as you slowly breathe in and out. Relax all of the muscles starting at your toes and working your way up to your head. Feel your body relax.

    3. Now that you are relaxed, read your pinnacle of power affirmation 15-20 times. It needs to be imprinted on your subconscious mind and reading it a number of times helps it pass your conscious through to your subconscious mind.

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    Achievement narration

    Too often we spend too much time dwelling on all of the things that have gone wrong or stressed us in our lives. If you spent the same amount of time or more focusing on your achievements instead you will find that your life will take on the reality that you are focusing on.

    What I mean is that if you focus on achievement and reaching the goals that you set, your subconscious mind will focus on the positive rather than the negative and will work and making this your reality, your future, instead of continued stress and misery.

    Now write down all of the achievements that you can remember from your past, things like:

    When you took your first steps as a child started to walk for the very first time

    When you first hit a home run or scored a goal in a team sport at school

    When you passed an exam that you had been nervous about and received the top score in the class

    When you graduated from high school and gave a speech

    When you learned to play a musical instrument

    When your girlfriend said yes when you asked her to marry you

    When your first child was born

    Write down everything that you can remember you may even surprise yourself with how many achievements you can actually add to the list.

    Each time that you write something down relive the emotion that you felt at the time this is a list of you as a success, push any thoughts of failure away and focus on the successes.


    Now what you do is once you have read through your pinnacle of power affirmation move on to your achievement narration. When you read each achievement on the list take a moment to recall the corresponding emotion.

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    Take as long as you like, if you find that your mind is wandering bring it immediately back to your successes.

    By doing this exercise you are conditioning your mind to focus on achievement, on the positives in your life and to let the negative go.

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    Part 2 Visualization

    Have you heard of visualization? It is a very powerful technique for training the mind to create the reality that you choose.

    For example Darren wanted to win the lottery. He had a dream of winning millions of dollars, buying a big house on a beach for him and his family and driving the latest Ferrari.

    But Darren did more than believe. He loved to research things on the Internet and he read about visualization. He knew that he wanted his dream to come true and his intuition told him that visualization was going to help him make it come true.

    Every morning and every night Darren found a quiet place in his home and visualized his dream. He could see the numbers that he needed to win the lottery and he could see that day that he won and the excitement that he shared with his family.

    He could see exactly what the house looked like and every day he walked through every room, he was a man of detail and had also taken care of the dcor in his visualization.

    He could smell the cake that was baking in the oven in the kitchen, it was his favorite chocolate and when he went out onto the upstairs terrace he could smell the ocean gently lapping the shore and hear the seagulls that were always on the sand.

    He could see his family enjoying the house, hear their laughter and see their smiles. But most of all he could feel the emotions of relief that they finally had their dream home and happiness that he had been able to provide this beautiful home for his family.

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    But Darren didnt just visualize every day. He cut a picture of his dream home out of a magazine and stuck it on his desk at work so that it would be there to remind him all day every day of the goal he was working to achieve.

    Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool and once you master every aspect of visualization you will be able to win the lottery or be a success at anything that you want in life.

    Energetic visualization

    This visualization is different from others in that it is not just a request for help from the Universe but more of a you will give me what I desire approach and is much more powerful in producing the results that you want.


    1. Make yourself comfortable where you will not be distracted or disturbed.

    2. Close your eyes. Turn your thoughts inward to your breathing and feel yourself relax as you slowly breathe in and out. Relax all of the muscles starting at your toes and working your way up to your head. Feel your body relax.

    3. Cast you mind out into the Universe. Imagine that you are traveling away from the Earth at light speed into the Universe, which is a breathtaking spectacle in front of you.

    4. Spread out before you are millions of stars, planets that you have never even seen or heard of and a shimmering light force which is the Universe herself.

    5. Feel the energy of the Universe enter your body, taking over your body so that you and the Universe become one.

    6. Now see yourself winning the lottery, not just any amount but millions of dollars (you pick the amount). See it, hear it and most of all experience the emotions that are attached to the win.

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    Look around you at the people that are with you when you win and bask in the excitements of winning (you can picture anything that you would like to achieve).

    It will take some practice to connect with the energy of the Universe but when you do you will not only be able to change your future but you will also be able to change your perception of the past.

    You will be able to let go of things that have been holding you back and see the past for what it really is, a series of achievements that have shaped you into the person that you are today.

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    Part 3 Integrating Luck and Making it Happen


    This is the most important of the three parts; the first two have created a fertile mind ready for this third where you will define your future.

    For the maximum effect you must have finished the first two parts in a day before doing this final technique. All three should be done at least once every day with at least one occasion when all three are completed at the same time.

    This final technique needs to be undergone just before you go to sleep every night.

    The final technique

    Note: Complete this technique sitting up not lying down in bed and with the light on so that you dont fall asleep without finishing the technique.

    The Psychic Lotto Formula Winning the wealth you deserve!

    1. Relax by looking inward and focusing on your breathing. Breathe slowly in and out and feel your body release the tension one muscle at a time.

    2. Picture yourself walking into the Lottery retailer just before the draw it is busy because everyone wants to buy a ticket at the last minute. The jackpot prize is $25 million and everybody wants to win.

    You know that it is your turn though and you smile to yourself as you buy the last ticket before the registers close for the draw.

    3. See the card that you need to fill out with the numbers and choose the ones that feel right to you.

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    4. Pay for the ticket and meet your friends at a bar where you are having a few drinks.

    5. Over the bar there is a TV and the draw for the lottery is on.

    6. You pull out your ticket and place it to your lips telling your friends that this is the night you win the jackpot.

    7. All of your numbers are drawn and you feel the excitement of winning the lottery.

    8. Your friends and everyone at the bar congratulates you.

    9. You have a big smile on your face as you celebrate with your friends.

    10. See the things that you want to use the money for the next day.

    11. Picture yourself walking into work and resigning because you dont need to work anymore.

    12. See yourself paying off your credit card bill and feeling the immense relief to no longer have it hanging over your head and the other things that you want to do with the money that you win.

    Note: The most important part of this technique is the emotion and without it you will not experience the results that you desire. Know that you can achieve your goal and it is not a one off but that you can repeat your success over and over with all of the goals in your life.

    Spend 10 minutes or so doing this exercise and once you have finished do not keep thinking about your win of the lottery just turn out the lights and allow yourself to fall asleep.

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    Go out there and make it happen!

    Now is your pinnacle of power, you are powerful and able to make anything that you want come to life. You want to win the lottery? You now have all of the tools that you need to make that come true and all you need to do is believe in the techniques that I have included here and practice them.

    Dont leave it any longer get started and soon you will start to see the results that you crave and

    you will know that you are finally on that road to success that has eluded you for so long.