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Look before you leap! - IDRC Digital Library

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Look before you leap! •I .. '. ,:.;_,••

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A number of rooms have been reserved at preferred rates. (See reservation deadlines for individual hotels.) Please mention the GER '97 Conference when making a reservation

Westin Hotel The Westin Hotel overlooks the Rideau Canal, is minutes from Parliament Hill and is connected to the Congress Centre and the Rideau Centre shopping complex. There are 478 luxurious guest rooms including 35 suites and ten rooms fully equipped for disabled persons. Non-smoking floors are available as well as a fi tness club, squash court, indoor pool, indoor parking, Daly's Restaurant, the Post Meridian Lounge and Hartwell's.

Special room rates extend until April 18, 1997. For reservations call: (613) 560-7000 or toll free: 1-800-228-3000. Single or double - $138.00.

Novotel Just a few minutes' walk from Parliament Hill, the Congress Centre, the Rideau Centre, the National Gallery of Canada and all major downtown attractions, the hotel has 300 rooms, indoor parking, an indoor pool, and an exercise facility. The Cafe Nicole is open from 06:00 - 24:00 hours.

Special room rates extend until April 18, 1997. For reservations call: (613) 230-3033 or toll free: 1-800-221-4542. Single $89.00 or double - S104.00.

Chateau Laurier Ottawa's finest Four Diamond Hotel, the Chateau Laurier, next to Parliament Hill and the Byward Market, is a short walk to theatres, restaurants and all major Ottawa attractions. There are 450 rooms and 40 suites offering excellent views of the city. Superb dining is available in Wilfrid 's and Wilfrid 's

1 Grill, serving Canadian and French cuisine, or Zoe's Lounge, a piano bar offering light snacks and afternoon tea.

Special room rates extend until April 24, 1997. For reservations call: (613) 241-1414 or fax (613) 786-8030. Single or double - S125.00.

Des chambres ont ete reservees a des tarifs preferentiels.


(Pour connaitre la date limite de reservation pour chacun des h6tels, consulter la liste ci-jointe) Veuillez mentionner la CONFERENCE GER 1997 au moment de la reservation.

Hotel Westin l..'.h6tel Westin, qui surplombe le canal Rideau, est situe a proximite de la Colline du Parlement. II est relie au Centre des congres et au centre commercial Rideau et comprend 478 chambres luxueuses, dont 35 suites et 1 O chambres pourvues de toutes les installations necessaires pour les personnes handicapees. l..'.h6tel offre les services suivants : centre de conditionnement physique, court de squash, piscine et stationnement interieurs, le restaurant Daly's, le Post Meridian Lounge et Hartwell's. Certains etages sont reserves aux non-fumeurs.

Tarif de groupe en vigueur jusqu'au 18 avril 1997. Pour reserver, composez le (613) 560-7000, ou sans frais le 1-800-228-3000. Occupation simple ou double - 138 S.

Novotel Le Novotel se trouve a quelques minutes seulement de la colline du Parlement, du Centre des congres, du centre Rideau, du Musee des beaux-arts du Canada et de tous les principaux attraits touristiques du centre-ville. Outre ses 300 chambres, l'h6tel offre une piscine et un stationnement interieurs ainsi que des installations de conditionnement physique. On y trouve egalement le Cafe Nicole, ouvert de 6 h a minuit.

Tarif de groupe en vigueur jusqu'au 18 avri/ 1997. Pour reserver, composez le (613) 230-3033, ou sans frais le 1-800-221-4542. Occupation simple - 89 Sou double - 104 S.

Chateau Laurier l..'.h6tel quatre etoiles le plus repute d'Ottawa est situe a cote de la colline du Parlement et du marche By, et a courte distance de marche des cinemas, des restaurants et des principales attractions touristiques de la ville. Ses 450 chambres et 40 suites offrent une vue superbe d'Ottawa. Le restaurant Wilfrid's et le Wilfrid's Grill offrent d'excellents mets canadiens et franyais, et le piano bar Zoe's Lounge des repas legers et le the en apres-midi.

Tarif de groupe en vigueur jusqu'au 24 avril 1997. Pour reserver. composez le {613) 241-1414, ou envoyez une telecopie au (613) 786-8030. Occupation simple ou double - 125 $.

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COMld EXfcull: -Ga 19'11 COMni ORGANISAlEUR • GER 1997




General information Administration Conference Manager: Rose Barthe (CIG), 588 Booth, Room 333, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OY7

For inquiries or to register by phone, please call (613) 992-4902 or (613) 996·2817. We can also be contacted by fax.: (613) 947-7059 or by e-mail: [email protected]

NOTE: a special telephone number will be available for the week of the Conference only · (613) 230·1997.

Advance Registration A registration form is provided for your convenience to send by mail or fax. Please indicate whether you wish to participate in the social program, as we are required to plan ahead for catering purposes. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

Registration Hours The registration and information desks, offering bilingual services, will be located !n the west lobby next to the Colonel By Room, and will be open during the following hours:

Sunday May 25 13:00-15:00 Monday May 26 08:00-17:00 Tuesday May 27 08:00-17:30 Wednesday May 28 08:00-17:00 Thursday· May 29 08:00-14:00 "(fnformation Desk· extended hours on Thursday) 08:00-17:00

Working Languages Workshops will be given in English and in French (see section on Workshops) . Papers may be presented in either English or French, with simultaneous interpretation available for both languages.

Proceectl11gs Accepted papers will be published in CD-ROM format in the language in Which they were submitted. Abstracts will be published in a printed, pocket-size booklet in the language(s) in which they were submitted. The booklet will be included with the delegates' registration package.

Additional copies of the CD-ROM will be available at the exhibit booths of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics and the Directorate of Geographic Operations, Department of National Defence.

Bank Exchange Accu-rate Foreign Exchange, World Exchange Plaza 111 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Renseignements generaux Administration Gestionnaire de la Conference : Rose Barthe 588, rue Booth, piece 333, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A OY7

Pour les demandes de renseignements ou pour vous inscrire par telephone, veuillez composer le (613) 992-4902 ou le (613) 996-2817. Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec nous par : telecopieur: (613) 947-7059, ou par courrier electronique : [email protected]

NOTE : Pour la semaine de la Conference seulement, un numero de telephone supplementaire le (613) 230-1997 sera aussi disponible.

Preinscription Un formulaire d'inscription est fourni pour votre commodite, vous pouvez nous le retourner par la poste ou par telecopieur. Priere de nous indiquer si vous desirez ou non participer aux actavites sociales, afin de nous aider a planifier a l'avance nos besoins en service de tra1teur. Votre collaboration est grandement appreciee.

Inscription Les bureaux d'inscription et d'information, qui offriront des services dans les deux langues officielles, seront situes dans le hall ouest pres de la salle Colonel By et seront ouverts aux heures su1vantes :

Dimanche 25 mai 13 h oo -15 h 00 Lundi 26 mai 08 h 00 -1 7 h 00 Mardi 27 mai 08 h 00 -17 h 30 Mercredi 28 mai 08 h 00 -17 h 00 Jeudi• 29 mai 08 h 00 -14 h 00 ·Le jeudi 29 mai, le bureau d 'information sera ouvert de 8 h a 17 h.

Langues de travail Les ateliers se derouleront en anglais et en franira s (voir la section sur les ateliers). Les communications peuvent etre presentees en franvais ou en anglais; des services d'interpretation simultanee seront offerts dans les deux langues.

Actes de la Conference Les communications acceptees seront publiees sur CD-ROM dans la langue dans laquelle elles auront ete soumises. Les resumes seront reunis dans un livre de petit format dans la langue dans laquelle ils auront ete soumis. Les trousses des participants contiendront un exemplaire du livre de petit format.

Des copies supplementaires du CD-ROM seront distribuees au stand de !'Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques et a celui de la Direction de la geographie (Operations) de la Defense nationale.

Bureau de change Accu-rate Foreign Exchange, World Exchange Plaza 111 , rue Albert, Ottawa (Ontario)

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Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the sponsors and organizers, I take great pleasure in inviting you to attend Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT (GER '97), to be held at the Ottawa Congress Centre from May 25 - 30, 1997. This year's Conference promises to be one with a truly international flavour, with the focus

- on global results from Canada's first earth observation satellite -RADAR SAT.

Under the GER '97 'umbrella', an integrated program will bring together a wide range of programs, symposia and technical sessions. The ADRO Program supports over 350 projects using data from the satelhte in more than 42 countries. The first and second GlobeSAR Programs support applications investigations in over 20 developing countries around the world. The 19th Canadian Remote Sensing Society meeting will showcase new developments in all aspects of remote sensing and GIS. Indeed, as you will see from the range of presentations being given, GIS and remote sensing are becoming increasingly integrated in a vast range of uses and applications.

Special features will include a large number of high quality exhibits, workshops in all fields, technical tours of Geomatics Canada, the Gatineau Ground Receiving Station, the David Florida Laboratory and the Canadian Space Agency in Montreal. In addition to these events there will be an outstanding Technical Program covering all geomatics activities but focusing on RADARSAT and its applications to all fields.

Sunday and Monday are the days scheduled for the workshops, which we are certain will interest everyone. There are 16 workshops to choose from - be certain to register for the workshop of your choice as space will be allocated on availability. The Technical Program begins Tuesday, May 27 and runs to Thursday, May 29. The awards for best papers and other awards will be presented at the Gala Closing Ceremony on Thursday evening.

In the morning and afternoon there will be exhibitor breaks during the technical program. long enough for you to take in all the technological advances on display in the Exhibit Hall. On the social side, Tuesday will feature the Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception, and on Thursday evening, you are invited to join us all for the Gala Closing Ceremony.

The technical tours are scheduled for Friday, May 30, in order to give everyone ample time to participate in the Technical Program. A number of associations will hold meetings during the week of the Conference: the 90th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics; the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Geomatics Industry Association of Canada; and the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors.

All this and more awaits you the week of May 25 - 30, 1997 at Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT - GER '97. In order to find out about the latest in new research advances, technology, interpretation and image analysis as well as trends in business -be sure to join us in Ottawa.

We look forward to seeing you!


Cheres collegues, chers collegues,

Au nom des parrains et des organisateurs, je suis heureux de vous convier a la conference La geomatique a l'ere de RADARSAT (GER 1997), qui aura lieu au Centre des congres d'Ottawa du 25 au 30 mai 1997. La conference de cette annee aura une saveur tout a fail intemationale. puisqu'elle s'attardera aux applications a l'echelle mondiale du premier satellite canadien d'observation de la Terre -RADAR SAT.

GER 1997 sera le theatre d'un large eventail de symposiums, de seances techniques et d'exposes concernant divers programmes. Par exemple, on y traitera du programme Developpement d'applications et possibilites de recherche (ADRO), dans le cadre duquel au-dela de 40 pays utilisent des donnees RADARSAT pour executer plus de 350 projets. II sera aussi question des programmes GlobeSAR I et II, qui appuient l'etude de diverses applications dans plus de 20 pays en developpement. La 19" reunion de la Societe canadienne de teledetection presentera des fails nouveaux dans toutes les disciplines de la teledetection et des SIG. Comme vous le constaterez en examinant les activites prevues au programme, les SIG et la teledetection trouvent des applications dans un nombre croissant de secteurs.

Nous vous proposons de nombreux stands de qualite, des ateliers dans tous Jes domaines et des visites techniques a Geomatique Canada. station de reception de Gatineau, au Laboratoire David Florida et a l'Agence spatiale canadienne, a Montreal. A cela s'ajoute un programme technique exceptionnel couvrant toutes les facettes de la geomatique, et en particulier RADARSAT et ses diverses applications.

Seize ateliers seront repartis sur deux jours, le dimanche et le lundi. II y en aura pour tous Jes gouts - assurez-vous de vous inscrire, car Jes places sont limitees. Le programme technique se deroulera du mardi 27 mai au jeudi 29 mai. Des prix pour Jes meilleures communications et d'autres recompenses seront remis au gala de cloture du jeudi soir.

En avant-midi et en apres-midi, Jes activites seront entrecoupees par des pauses-exposition qui vous laisseront assez de temps pour apprecier toutes Jes nouveautes technologiques presentees par Jes exposants. Pour ce qui est des activites sociales, Jes participants seront convies a la reception cordiale du mardi et au gala de cloture pr9vu" pour la soiree du jeudi.

Pour que tous aient la chance de participer pleinement au programme technique, les visites techniques se feront le vendredi 30 mai. Par ailleurs, diverses associations tiendront des reunions tout au long de la conference : ii y aura la 90" Assemblee generale annuelle de !'Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques, la 38• Assemblee generale annuelle de !'Association canadienne des entreprises de geomatique et la 13" Reunion annuelle de !'Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada.

Ce ne sont la que quelques exemples de ce que vous reserve La geomatique a l'ere de RADARSAT - GER 1997, un rendez-vous a ne pas manquer du 25 au 30 mai 1997. Pour en savoir plus sur Jes decouvertes Jes plus recentes dans les domaines de la recherche, de la technologie, de l'interpretation et de !'analyse d'images ainsi que sur les dernieres tendances du milieu des affaires, soyez au rendez-vous a Ottawa.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!

Dr. Fret.I Campbell Conference Director I Directeur de la Conference 5

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Fred Campbell Manager, Program Development, Earth Sciences Sector/ Natural Resources Canada Gestionnaire, Developpement des programmes, Secteur des sciences de la Terre/ Ressources naturelles Canada

Susan Pugh Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Geomatics Oirectrice executive, Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques

Ian Ross Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute lnstitut aeronautique et spatial du Canada

Brian Brisco Canadian Remote Sensing Society Societe canadienne de teledetection


Conference Director Oirecteur de la Conference

Technical Program Director Directeur du Comite du programme technique

Conference Manager and Social Director Gestionnaire de fa Conference et Directrice du programme d'activites sociafes

Workshops Ateliers

Exhibits Exposition

Treasurer Tresorier

Audio-visual and Technical Tours Audiovisuef et visites techniques

Registration Inscription

Speaker Liaison Rapport avec fes conferenciers

Secretary Secretaire

French Editor Redactrice-reviseure du fran9ais

English Editor R8dactrice-reviseure de f'angfais


Publications and Graphic Design Publications et conception graphique

Protocol Protocofe

Publicity Pubficite

Transportation Transport

Proceedings/CO-ROM Actes/CO-ROM

Fred Campbell ESS/NRCan' - SST/RNCan ..

Marc D'lorio ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Rose Marie Barthe Canadian Institute of Geomalics Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques

Christian Prevost Richard Boudreau ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Doug Baker ESSJNRCan - SST/RNCan

Pat Lloyd ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

David Stafford ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Terry Bonacci ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Stefan Palko ESSJNRCan - SST/RNCan

Connie Johnson ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Diane Blondin ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Barbara McAulay ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan


Marguerite Trlndade ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Antoine Terjanlan ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

Christine Hutton ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

William Bayer Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc.

Berthe Boucher ESS/NRCan - SST/RNCan

• Earth Sciences Sector I Natural Resources Canada .. Secteur des sciences de la Terre I Ressources naturelles Canada

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Marc D'lorlo Chairperson/President Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Jill Mariner Secretary/Secretaire Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Frank Ahern Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Neil Anderson Nautical Data International

Johanne Boisvert Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada

Graeme Bonham-Carter Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Brian Brisco Canadian Remote Sensing Society Societe canadienne de teledetection

Ron Brown Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Salvatore Carboni Canadian Space Agency Agence spatiale canadienne

Frank Carsey Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Marc Deblois Del Degan, Masse et Associes

Claude Duguay Laval University Universite Laval

Tom Farr Jet Propulsion Laboratory

David Goodenough Pacific Forestry

Laurence Gray Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Ron Hall Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Denny Kalensky Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Ed Kennedy Geomatics Industry Association of Canada Association canadienne des entreprises de geomatique

Christine King BRGM

Lim Hock National University of Singapore Universite nationale de Singapour

Ken Link Canadian Space Agency Agence spatiale canadienne

Chuck Livingstone Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Mike Manore Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Dennis Nazarenko RADARSAT International

Doug O'Brien Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Norm O'Neill University of Sherbrooke Universite de Sherbrooke

Stefan Palko Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Alain Pietroniro National Hydrology Research Institute lnstitut national de recherches en hydrologie

Jeff Labonte Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Terry Pultz Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Dianne Richardson Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Benoit Rivard University of Alberta Universite d'Alberta

Bob Ryerson Terrain Resources Ltd.

Doug Scott Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Vern Singhroy Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Karl Staenz Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Louiselle St-Laurent Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Phil Teillet Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Paris Vachon Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

f'l!oo'"_- - .


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T 90th Annual Conference of the ~D oB Canadian Institute of Geomatics

La 909 Conference annuelle de I' Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques


~VP" The 90th Annual CIG Conference is being held from May 26-29, 1997, in conjunction with GER '97 - Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT. CIG members, including new members joining prior to the Conference, will benefit from a $45 reduction in the GER '97 registration fee. Members are encouraged to attend the technical sessions and to use this opportunity to become acquainted with national and international colleagues involved in the broad field of Geomatics.

During GER '97, CIG will be holding annual meetings of the Executive Committee, Council and the various Technical and Ad-hoc committees. An informative and stimulating technical program will be offered to CIG members, who will also enjoy a number of social events.

As agreed by all CIG Branches, the host Branch will now set the rules for the competition for the Jim Brady Trophy. This year in Ottawa, a golf tournament will be held on Tuesday, May 27, at the Emerald Links Golf Club, just south of the Capital. The Jim Brady Trophy will be awarded to the CIG member or employee of a CIG sustaining member with the low gross score. Tee-off times begin at 10:00 hours. Buses will depart from the Congress Centre at 08:30 hours and will return in time for the evening Icebreaker. The cost of $40.00 includes green fees, golf carts (mandatory), transportation and prizes.

The CIG Annual General Meeting {AGM) will be held at 15:30 hours on Wednesday, May 28, 1997, in the Governor General Room of the Westin Hotel. At the conclusion of the AGM a wine and cheese reception will be held for CIG members


and members of the Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CASS). The Annual Awards will be presented during the GER '97 Gala Closing Ceremony on Thursday, May 29, 1997 at 17:00 hours. Tickets for this function can be purchased at the Information desk or at the CIG booth.

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics {CIG) 162 Cleopatra Drive, Suite 120, Nepean, Ontario K2G 5X2 Canada Tel.: (613) 224-9851 ; Fax: (613) 224-9577 [email protected]

Rose Barthe, Conference Manager Tel.: (613) 996-2817; Fax: {613) 947-7059

Lou Aubrey - Tel.: {819) 568-91 71 Wally Winges - Tel.: {613) 733-6979 Golf Tournament Organizers

L'Associalion canadienne des sciences geomaliques (ACSG) tiendra sa 90' conference annuelle du 26 au 29 mai 1997, conjointement avec GER 1997 - La geomalique a l'ere de RADARSAT. Les membres de l'ACSG, y compris ceux qui se joindront a !'Association d'ici la Conference, beneficieront d'un rabais de 45 $ sur les frais d'inscription a GER 1997. Nous encourageons les membres de l'ACSG a participer aux seances techniques et a profiter de !'occasion pour faire connaissance avec des collegues du Canada et d'autres pays qui reuvrent egalement dans le vaste domaine de la geomatique.

Les assemblees annuelles du comite executif, du Conseil ainsi que des divers comites techniques et speciaux de l'ACSG se t1endront a !'occasion de la conference GER 1997. Un programme technique a la fois informatif et tres interessant sera offert aux membres de l'ACSG qui pourront egalement parliciper a plusieurs activites sociales. •

Comme convenu par toutes les Sections de l'ACSG, la Section h6te etablira desormais les reglements de la competition pour le trophee Jim Brady. Cette annee a Ottawa, un toumoi de golf aura lieu 1e mardi 27 mai au club de golf Emerald Links, situe au sud de la ville. A. l'issue du tournoi, le trophee Jim Brady sera remis au membre ou au membre de soutien de l'ACSG qui aura reussi le plus bas pointage brut. Les heures de depart commenceront a 10 h. Les autobus quitteront le Centre des congres a 8 h 30 et seront de retour a temps pour la reception cordiale. Le coOt est de 40 $ et comprend les frais d'entree, les voiturettes (obligatoires), le transport et les prix.

L'ACSG tiendra son assemblee generale annuelle le mercredi 28 mai ~ 997, a 15 h 30, dans la salle du Gouverneur general de I h6tel Westin. A la fin de cette assemblee, les membres de l'ACSG et les membres de la Societe canadienne de teledeteclion (sen seront convi8s a un vin et fr~age. Les prix annuels d'excellence seront remis lors du gala de cloture de GER 1997, qui aura lieu le jeudi 29 mai 1997, a 17 h 00. Les billets pour le gala seront en vente au bureau d'information et au stand de l'ACSG.

Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques {ACSG) 162, Cleopatra Drive, Suite 120, Nepean {Ontario) K2G 5X2 Canada Tel. : (613) 224-9851 ; telec.: (613) 224-9577 [email protected]

Rose Barthe Gestionnaire de la Conference Tel. : (613) 996-2817; telec.: (613) 947-7059

Lou Aubrey - Tel. : (819) 568-9171 Wally Winges - Tel. : (613) 733-6979 Organisateurs du tournoi de golf

in conjunction with the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG).

The CASS Executive Meeting will take place in the Ontario Room of the Westin Hotel, 2nd level, on Wednesday, May 28, 1997 at 08:00 hours.

The Annual Awards will be presented during the GER '97 Gala Closing Ceremony on Thursday, May 29, 1997, beginning at 17:00 hours. Tickets for this function can be purchased at the Information Desk.

Th~ Canadian Remote Sensing Society, 130 Slater Street, Suite 818, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2 The AGM will also be held in the Ontario Room at 15:30 hours

on Wednesday, May 28, 1997. Several important issues, as a follow-~p to the Vancouver Conference, are on the agenda. Following the AGM, there will be a wine and cheese reception

Tel.: (613) 234-0191; Fax: (613) 234-9039; E-mail: [email protected]

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The Geomatics Industry Association of Canada {GIAC) will hold its Annual General Meeting and Annual Luncheon in conjunction with GER '97 - Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT. The AGM will be held at the Novotel Hotel, next door to the Ottawa Congress Centre, on Monday, May 26, 1997, at 09:00 hours.

Following the annual meeting of the members, there will be a number of business presentations on topics of current interest to GIAC Member Firms. Members will then have the opportunity to meet informally with key government contacts over lunch. The Association's Board of Directors will meet during the afternoon. Each year, this event provides a primary opportunity for GIAC Members from coast to coast to network with each other and with government contacts in Ottawa.

Ed Kennedy, President Geomatics Industry Association of Canada 170 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 1204 Ottawa, Ontario K1 P 5V5 Canada Tel.: (613) 232-8770; fax: (613) 232-4908; E-mail: [email protected]

CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB) Committee on Geomatics (COG) 171 /l Meeting

The CGSB-COG is responsible for standardization efforts in geomatics within Canada. The committee currently has 44 Voting Members and 90 Information Members representing government, industry and academia across Canada. The committee has recently been reorganized into five subcommittees to reflect the structure of the 150!TC211 : Framework and Reference Model; Geospatial Model and Operators; Geospatial Data Administration; Geospatial Services and Profiles and Functional Standards. The 15th meeting of the CGSB-COG will be held in the Governor General Room of the Westin Hotel on Wednesday, May 28, 1997.

The Committee is also responsible for Canada's participation, through the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC), in ISO!TC 211 (Geographic lnformation/Geomatics) of the International Organization of Standardization. While the CAC meets separately, individuals are encouraged to attend the CGSB­COG meeting as well as the GER '97 Conference.

Dr. David Coleman, Chairman Tel: (506) 453-5194 Fax: (506) 453-4943

Mr. Phillip Miller, CGSB Tel.: (613) 941-8709 Fax: (613) 941-8706



I --- The 13th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS) will take place in the Governor General Room of the Westin Hotel on Friday, May 30, 1997. ACLS is working in cooperation with the organizing committee of GER '97. Delegates to the Conference, who have an interest in CLS affairs, are invited to attend as guests. A workshop will be held on the new 3rd edition of the CLS Manual of Instructions from 09:00 to 12:00, and the AGM will commence at 13:30.

Jim Simpson, Executive Director Association of Canada Lands Surveyors 162 Cleopatra Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2G 5X2 Canada Tel.: (613) 723-9200; fax: (613) 224-9577; E-mail: [email protected].



L'Association canadienne des entreprises de geomatique (ACEG) tiendra son assemblee generale annuelle et son dejeuner annuel a !'occasion de GER 1997 - La geomatique a l'ere de RADARSAT. L'assemblee generale aura lieu a l'h6tel Novotel, voisin du Centre des congres d'Ottawa, le lundi 26 mai 1997 a 9 h.

Cette reunion sera suivie de divers exposes commerciaux portant sur des sujets d'interet pour les entreprises membres de l'ACEG. Pendant le dejeuner, les participants auront !'occasion de discuter avec des personnes-ressources du secteur public. Le Conseil d'administration de l'ACEG se reunira en apres-midi. Chaque annee, les membres de l'ACEG de tout le Canada profitent de cet evenement pour creer des liens entre eux et avec des representants gouvernementaux a Ottawa.

Ed Kennedy, President Association canadienne des entreprises de geomatique 170, av. Laurier Quest, piece 1204 Ottawa (Ontario) K1 P 5V5 Canada rer. : (613) 232-8770; telec. : (613) 232-4908; courrier electronique : [email protected]

OFFICE DES NORMES GENERALES DU CANADA (ONGC) Reunion du Comite de geomatique (CG) 171 /l

Le Comite de geomatique de l'ONGC (CG-ONGC) est responsable de la normalisation dans le domaine de la geomatique au Canada. II comprend actuellement 44 membres votants et 90 membres observateurs representant le gouvernement canadien, les industries et les universites a travers le Canada. Le comite a recemment ete reorganise en cinq sous-comites afin de refleter la structure du comite ISO!TC211 : cadre de travail et modele de reference; modele geospatial et operateurs; administration des donnees geospatiales; services geospatiaux et profils et normes fonctionnelles. La 15• reunion du CG-ONGC aura lieu le mercredi 28 mai 1997, a la salle du Gouverneur general de l'h6tel Westin.

Le Comite est egalement responsable de la participation du Canada, par le biais du Comite consultatif canadien (CCC), au comite ISO!TC211 (Information geographique/geomatique) de !'Organisation internationale de normalisation. Pendant que le CCC tient une reunion separee, nous encourageons les personnes interessees a assister a la reunion du CG-ONGC ainsi qu'a la conference GER 1997.

David Coleman, President Tel. : (506) 453-5194 Telec. : (506) 453-4943

Phillip Miller, ONGC Tel. : (613) 941-8709 Telec.: (613) 941-8706


La 13• assemblee generale annuelle de !'Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada aura lieu le vendredi 30 mai 1997, a la salle du Gouverneur general de l'h6tel Westin. L'AATC travaille en collaboration avec le comite organisateur de GER 1997. Les delegues de la Conference qui s'interessent aux activites des arpenteurs federaux sont convies a assister a la reunion a titre d'invites. Un atelier sur la nouvelle 3• edition du Manuel d'instructions pour l'arpentage des terres du Canada se tiendra de 9 h a 12 h et l'assemblee generale annuelle debutera a 13 h 30.

Jim Simpson, Directeur executif Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada 162, Cleopatra Drive, Nepean (Ontario) K2G 5X2 Canada re1. : (613) 123-9200; te1ec. : {613) 224-9577; courrier electronique: [email protected]. ======:19

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Monday, May 26, 1997 09:00-17:00 Glassroom, 4th floor Ottawa Congress Centre

The Canadian Forum on Earth Observation Calibration and Validation Coordinator: Phll Telllet Scene Physics and Analysis Section Canada Centre for Remote Sensing 588 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1 A OY7 Fax: (613) 947-1383 Email: telllet@ccrs

Le lundi 26 mai 1997 9h OO a 17h OO Salle vitree, 4• etage Centre des congres d 'Ottawa

Le forum canadien sur l'etalonnage et la validation des donnees d'observation de la Terre Coordonnateur : Phil Telllet Section de physique et analyse des scenes Centre canad1en de teledetection (CCT) 588, rue Booth Ottawa (Ontario) Canada K1A OY7 Telecopleur : (613) 947-1383 Courrler electronlque : telllet

The forum will provide an oportunity to discuss and exchange Le forum foumira aux participants !'occasion de discuter et d'echanger de information on Earth observation calibaration and validation !'information sur l'etalonnage et la validation (etal/val) des donnees (cal/val) from a wide perspective that addresses the requirements d'observation de la Terre dans une perspective etendue afin d'aborder les of many institutions and industries, from instrument and data preoccupations d'un grand nombre d'organismes et d'industries, depuis Jes providers to mainstream consumers seeking reliable sources of fabricants d'instruments et les foumisseurs de donnees JUsqu'aux quality information. Current cal/val activities and plans at CCRS consommateurs ordinaires recherchant des sources fiables d'information de will be presented. qualtte. Les activites en cours et les projets du CCT en matiere d'etal/val

seront presentes.

Thursday, May 26, 1997

RADARSAT, the First Year of Operation in Review Place: Governor General's Room. Westin Hotel Time: 08:30 - 10:30

PRESENTER: Canadian Space Agency, Space Operations

The aim of this information session is to review RADARSAT operations and analyse performance from a user's perspective. Among the topics for discussion will be the establishment of new receiving stations, the Antarctic mission, the RADARSAT databank acquisition plan, operational priorities and the prospects for RADARSAT II. More importantly, CSA would like to take the opportunity to verify and discuss the extent to which clients' expectations have been met and to determine what improvements are feasible within the system's limits and constraints.

RADARSAT Products and Service Forum Place: Governor General 's Room. Westin Hotel Time: 10:45 - 17:00

This forum provides a platform for selected companies and organizations, each of which will have 15 minutes to present its products or services and field users' questions. This format gives users a chance to find out about the many products and services that have been developed to exploit the potential of RADARSAT data and to act on those opportunities that appeal to them.

Le jeudi 29 mai 1997

RADARSAT la premiere annee d'operations en revue Endroit : Sa lle du Gouverneur general. Hotel Westin Heu re : 8 h 30 6 1 O h 30

PR~SENTATEUR : Agence spatiale canadienne, Exploitations spatiales

Celle seance d'information propose de passer en revue les activites de RAOARSAT et d'analyser sa performance du point de vue de l'utilisateur. L'impact de la venue des nouvelles stations de receptions, la mission Antarctique, le plan d'acquisition de la banque de donnees RADARSAT, les priorites des operations, l'avenir de RADARSAT II seront discutes. Mais plus encore, l'ASC aimerait profiter de !'occasion pour verifier et discuter la mesure avec laquelle RADARSAT rencontre Jes attentes de ses clients et prendre note des correctifs a etre apportes a l'interieur des limites et contraintes du systeme.

Tribune des produits et services de RADARSAT Endroit : Salle du Gouverneur general, Hotel Westin Heu re : l 0 h 45 a 17 h 00

Cette tribune est mise a la disposition de compagnies et organisations pre-selectionnees qui, pendant une quinzaine de minutes, viendront presenter leurs produits ou services et repondre aux questions des utilisateurs. Ce cadre de presentations offre aux utilisateurs la chance de prendre connaissance de plusieurs produits et services developpes pour supporter !'utilisation des donnees RADARSAT et de prendre action concemant les opportunites qui les interessent.

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ADRO Project General Meeting and Seminar for GER '97

When: Where:


Monday, May 26, 1997 at 10:00 hours Quebec Room, 2nd Floor. Westin Hotel Ottawa, Ontario Free for ADRO teams

1. Introductions to ADRO Program staff

2. Status update on acquisitions to date

3. Ordering and delivery of RADARSAT data - Use of SPA, installation and set-up, configuration files - Interpretation and submission of results - Conflict resolution process and its affect on

ADRO projects - Lost acquisitions: causes and re-planning procedures - Delivery: effects of multiple ground station acquisitions - Confirmation of delivery requirements and objectives

4. CEOS format reading and data processing - CEOS format reading - Revision of data quality of images, cal ibration - Statement on how the images should appear considering

the diffrent modes - SAR data processing considerations - Data image output considerations - Multi-layered mapping output considerations for

SAR data

5. Publication of results - Periodical reports - Publishing hardcopy images - Publishing electronic format images - Use of WWW and ftp sites · - Mid-term reports - Final report

6. Misc. - Communication with the ADRO Coordination Office - Messages from the ADRO Office - ADRO WWW site: contents - Suggestions from the research teams - Examining of project quotas

Who Should attend : Attendance is restricted to ADRO Project Leaders and co-investigators.


Reunion generale et seminaire du programme ADRO pour GER 1997

Date : Le lundl 26 mal 1997 a 10 h 00 Endroit : Salle Quebec. 2- etage. Hotel Westin

Ottawa (Ontario) Cout : Gratuit pour les equipes ADRO

1. Presentation du personnel du programme ADRO

2. Mise a )our concernant les acquisitions des donnees RADARSAT pour les projets ADRO

3. Commande et livralson des donnees RADARSAT - Utilisation du SPA, installation et organisation, fichiers de

configuration - Interpretation et soumission des resultats - Resolution de conflits d'acquisition - Consequences sur

les activites ADRO - Acquisitions perdues : causes et procedures de replanification - Livraison : consequences de !'acquisition des donnees a partir du

reseau de stations de reception des donnees RADARSAT - Confirmation de iivraison des donnees : besoins et objectifs

4. Lecture des donnees en format CEOS et traitement des donnees RADARSAT

- Lecture des donnees en format CEOS - Qualite et etalonnage des donnees - Considerations sur les differents modes d'acquisitions de

RADARSAT - Considerations sur le traitement des donnees RADARSAT - Considerations sur les produits photographiques et

cartographiques provenant des donnees RADARSAT - Considerations sur !'integration de donnees ancilliaires et

des donnees RADARSAT

5. Publication des resultats - Rapports periodiques - Publications des images sur papier - Publications d'images en version electronique - Utilisation du WWW et des si tes ftp - Rapport de mi-parcours - Rapport final

6. Divers - Communication avec le bureau de coordination ADRO - Messages du bureau de coordination ADRO - Contenu du site WWW - ADRO - Suggestions provenant des equipes de recherche ADRO - Mise a jour de i'octroi d'images pour les projets ADRO

Qui devrait assister : les chercheurs principaux de projets ADRO ainsi que les membres de leur equipe de recherche.

1 1

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TECHNICAL TOURS/VISITES TECHNIQUES All tours will take place on Friday, May 30. Tours will begin and end at the Ottawa Congress Centre. Delegates may participate in one tour only. Tour prices are for transportation costs.

TOUR # 1 David Florida Laboratory

The David Florida Laboratory is a world-class facility for the assembly, integration and environmental testing of spacecraft. Located in Ottawa, its facilities include: three large "clean" rooms which offer a dust and contaminant-free environment for the assembly of satellites and other space hardware; a range of thermal vacuum chambers and an infrared testing system for verifying the thermal design and workmanship of spacecraft; and vibration plus model analysis for the qualification of structural aspects and launch simulation. Anechoic chambers, shielded rooms and antenna ranges allow for the evaluation of antennas and radio frequency (RF) payloads, whi le facilities for spacecraft mass properties measurement provide mass, mass moments of inertia and static and dynamic balance testing.

Duration - 3 hours (morning)

TOUR #2 Gatlneau Satellite Receiving Station s The Gatineau Satellite Receiving Station receives data from many satell ite systems: SPOT, LANDSAT, ERS, JERS, MOS and RADARSAT. It is the primary archive for RADARSAT data and the site of the RADARSAT Canadian Processing Facility operated by RADARSAT International. The site is located in Cantley, Quebec, about a 40-minute drive north of Ottawa in the picturesque Gatineau Hills.

Duration - 3 hours (morning)

TOUR #3 Canadian Space Agency at St. Hubert. Quebec.

$40.00 A tour of the Canadian Space Agency facility at Saint Hubert, Quebec. You will see the Space Operations Support Centre, the High Bay, and the RADARSAT Mission Control Centre. A complimentary lunch will be provided by CSA. The travel time to St. Hubert is about three hours by bus. The bus will arrive back in Ottawa around 17:30 hours.

Duration - 8 hours

OUR #4 Geomatlcs Canada 20.00

This visit to Geomatics Canada will showcase the latest in geomatics technology and innovation. Participants wi ll see the National Atlas Data Bases, Internet communications technology and the latest developments relating to the Canadian Earth Observation Network (CEONET).

Duration - 3 hours (morning)

Toutes les visites auront lieu le vendredi 30 mai. Le point de depart et de retour de toutes les visites sera le Centre des congres d'Ottawa. Les interesses ne peuvent participer qu'a une seule visite. Le cout des visites servira a couvrir les frais de transport.

VISITE 1 Laboratoire David Florida 25 $ Le Laboratoire David Florida est une installation de reputation internationale destinee a !'assemblage, a !'integration et aux essais d'engins spatiaux. Situees a Ottawa, les installations comprennent trois grandes salles blanches, exemptes de poussiere et de contaminants, qui servent a !'assemblage des satellites et d'autres materiels spatiaux; plusieurs chambres thermiques sous vide et un systeme d'essai aux infrarouges pour verifier la conception thermique et la qualite d'execution des engins spatiaux: un systeme d'essai aux vibrations et des systemes d'analyse modale pour la qualification structurale de l'engin et les simulations de lancement. Des chambres anecho'ides, des salles blindees et des posies d'essai d'antennes permettent d'evaluer Jes caracteristiques des antennes et Jes charges utiles en radiofrequences (RF) . Dans d'autres installations destinees a la mesure des proprietes massiques d'un engin spatial, les specialistes peuvent faire des essais de masse, de moments d'inertie et d'equil ibre statique et dynamique.

Duree: 3 heures (avant-midi)

VISITE 2 Station de reception de Gatlneau 25 $ La station de reception de Gatineau capte les donnees de la serie de satellites SPOT, LANDSAT, ERS, JERS, MOS et RADARSAT. On y fait l'archivage principal des donnees RADARSAT, et la firme RADARSAT International Inc. y effectue le traitement des donnees du satellite radar canadien RADARSAT. La station est situee a Cantley au Quebec, a environ 40 minutes de voiture d'Ottawa, dans la belle region de la Gatineau.

Duree: 3 heures (avant-midi)

VISITE 3 Agence spatiale canadleme a Saint-Hubert (Qu8bec)

40 $ Visite de l'Agence spatiale canadienne. Vous pourrez y voir le Centre d'appui des operations spatiales, le hall d'integration et le Centre de controle de la mission RADARSAT. Le dejeuner sera offert gracieusement par l'ASC. Le temps de deplacement pour se rendre a Saint-Hubert est d'environ 3 heures par autobus. l..'.autobus sera de retour a Ottawa vers 17 h 30.

Duree : 8 heures

VISITE 4 Geomattque Canada 20 $ Geomatique Canada vous presentera les technologies et les innovations les plus recentes en geomatique. Les participants pourront voir Jes bases de donnees de I' Atlas national, la technologie des communications par !'Internet et les plus recents developpements du reseau canadien d'observation de la Terre (CEONET).

Duree: 3 heures (avant-midi)

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Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception 18:00-20:00 Exhibit Hall

An invitation is extended to all registered delegates to attend the Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception. This is an opportunity to take time out from the Conference sessions to enjoy a relaxed and informal get-together. Light refreshments and a cash bar wil l be available. (please check your registration form; extra tickets will be sold at the registration desk if you wish to bring a guest)

Reception cordiale des exposants 18 h 00 - 20 h 00 Salle d'exposition

Tous les delegues inscrits sont invites a la Reception cordiale des exposants. Les gens auront alors !'occasion de faire connaissance et de jaser dans une atmosphere de detente. II y aura un bar payant et quelque chose a se mettre sous la dent. (Veuillez consulter le formulaire d'inscription; des billets supplementaires seront en vente au bureau d'inscription).

Gala Closing Ceremony 17:00-21 :00 Colonel By Room

This event promises to be the culmination of the most exciting and vibrant Geomatics Conference to date. In the comfortable setting of the Colonel By Room, the evening's festivities will begin with before-dinner drinks - cash bar at 17:00. Dinner will be served at 18:00. Following dinner, a number of speakers, including one of our Canadian astronauts, Marc Garneau, will provide us with their views on the road ahead. Awards of Excellence in a variety of categories within the field of geomatics and remote sensing will be presented by the participating Associations.

This gala event is included with full registration or, tickets can be purchased. All tickets for the Gala must be picked up in person at the information desk.

Be sure to attend this important function!

Gala de cloture 17 h 00 - 21 h 00 Salle Colonel By

Cet evenement promet d'etre le point culminant de la Conference de cette annee, elle-meme la plus animee a ce jour. Dans le contort de la salle Colonel By, on entamera la soiree avec l'apero - le bar payant ouvrira a 17 h. Le diner sera servi a 18 h. Par la suite, des conferenciers, dont Marc Garneau l'un de nos astronautes canadiens, partageront avec nous leur vision de l'avenir. Les associations participantes remettront des prix d'excellence dans diverses categories en geomatique et en teledetection.

l..'.invitation au gala est comprise dans !'inscription, mais des billets peuvent aussi etre achetes. Vous devez prendre possession de vos billets en personne au bureau d'information.

Soyez des n6tres!


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An international conference to examine the policie , initiatives technologies and application leading to national and international spatial data infra tructure :

• standards, formats and protocols • system architectures and core services • data holdings and supplier interfaces • client requirements and user interfaces • value-added services • copyright and other legal issues • applications and demonstrations

1 o• Conference internationale sur la g,eomatique

INFRASlROCTORES OE OONNEES SPATIAlES Les donnees geospatiales sur l'autoroute de !'information Une conference internationale au cours de laquelle on e penchera sur les politiques. le in itiative , le technologies et Jes applications a ociee aux infra tructures

nationale et intemationales de donnees spatiales : • normes, formats et protocoles • architectures des systemes et services principaux • archives de donnees et interfaces avec les fournisseurs • besoins des clients et interfaces avec les utilisateurs • services a valeur ajoutee • droit d'auteur et autres questions juridiques • applications et demonstrations

Conference Director, Spatial Data Infrastructures c/o GeoAccess Division Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Geomatics Canada, Natural Resources Canada Room 650, 615 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE9 Canada

Phone: Fax:

Directeur de la Conference, Infrastructures de donnees spatiales, a/s de Division GeoAcces Centre canadien de teledetection Geomatique Canada, Ressources naturelles Canada 615, rue Booth, piece 650, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A OE9 Canada

e-mail: Tel.: 1-613-947-1244 Telec.: 1-613-947-2410 C. E. : [email protected]

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The World's Premier Radar Image Analysis Software! = .... fi le fdit Yiew Iools ~lassify

Radarsat image ef Bogota, Columbia {fine beams data acquired during Radarsac I commissioning phase). ocanadlan Space llgenzy. 1996. Recefred qy Canada Cenrre.for Remote Sensing. Image courre!fY ef Radarsar tmemational.

R adar imagery from satellite and aircraft has become a significant tool for a wide range of Remote Sensing applications. Dara from sources such as Radarsat, ERS and JERS provide timely and consistent sources of information, regardless of weather conditions or illumination. Radar imagery on its own, or fused with optical data, provides a wealth of new information on the earth and its features.

With the expanding use of radar imaging systems comes the need for new processing tools to extract useful information. Imaging radar data requires special handling and analysis techniques. PCT has developed RadarSoft precisely to meet these needs.

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RadarSoft is available for PC, UNIX and Mac OS platforms.

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j contact us by Email: [email protected] OR visit our Web site: http:/ ; PCI and RadarSoft arc registered trademarks of PCI. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

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On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am delighted to welcome you to Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT (GER '97).

The sustainable development of the world's natural resources is vitally important to our future. Geomatics plays a key role in meeting this challenge. As a world leader in this high technology sector, Canada's geomatics community makes a major contribution to job creation, economic growth and sustainable development, both at home and around the world.

GER '97 celebrates the success of the fast growing geomatics industry. This year's international conference will focus on the global results from Canada's first observation satellite, RADARSAT. Over the next several days you will hear results from successful applications of RADARSAT data from around the world.

At the conference, you can attend a wide range of meetings and workshops as well as take in tours to discover the latest advances in research , technology, image analysis and business trends. In addition, you will have the opportunity to share ideas about the challenges facing the industry in an international forum.

Natural Resources Canada is proud of its partnerships with the geomatics industry. I wish you the best for a successful and informative conference.

A. Anne McLellan


Au nom du gouvernement du Canada, je suis heureuse de vous souhaiter la bienvenue a la conference La geomatique a l'ere de RADARSAT (GER 1997).

Le developpement durable des ressources naturelles de la planete revet une importance fondamentale pour notre avenir, et la geomatique nous aide grandement a relever ce defi. A titre de chef de file mondial de ce secteur de pointe, la communaute canadienne de la geomatique apporte une contribution majeure a la creation d'emplois, a la croissance economique et au developpement durable, tant au pays qu'a l'etranger.

GER 1997 celebre la reussite de l'industrie de la geomatique, un secteur en pleine expansion. Cette annee, au cours de cette conference intemationale, on se penchera tout particulierement sur les resultats generaux du premier satellite d'observation canadien, RADARSAT. Au cours des quelques prochains JOurs, vous entendrez parler des resultats de la mise en application des donnees RADARSAT qui a porte fruit partout au monde.

Au programme, des reunions, des ateliers et des visites pour tous les gouts vous permettront de decouvrir les plus recents progres dans les domaines de la recherche, de la technologie et de !'analyse d'images ainsi que les toutes dernieres tendances du milieu des affaires. Une tribune internationale sera aussi !'occasion ideale de partager votre vision des defis qui attendent l'industrie.

Ressources naturelles Canada est tier du partenariat qu'il a forge avec l'industrie de la geomatique. Je vous souhaite a tous une conference des plus enrichissantes et fructueuses.

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,• ·~~~i

-21.,,j ~..,..;.


Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the sponsors, organizers and many volunteers from all the sectors of Geomatics, I take great pleasure in welcoming you to the Geomatics in the Era of RADARSAT '97 Conference (GER '97). This year's Conference promises a truly international flavour, with over fifty countries represented.

As you can see from this Program, there is an extremely wide range of programs, symposia and technical sessions. As well, there are some 57 Exhibitors here at GER '97, representing all aspects of our profession. They are among the best in their fields in the world, and their continued support of the Geomatics Conferences is greatly appreciated.

Once again, the Technical Program Committee has put together an outstanding Symposium. This year, there are over 450 papers being presented, which is a reflection of the growing global interest in, and importance of, all aspects of geomatics. The special focus on data and imagery from Canada's RADARSAT at GER '97 highlights a major Canadian success story. GER '97 is being held shortly after the first anniversary of the full operational capability of RADARSAT, and celebrating an important period in Canada's earth observation capability.

A number of associations will hold meetings with us: the 90th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics; the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Geomatics Industry Association of Canada; the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors, and the 19th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Remote Sensing Society. The Planning Committee for Geomatics '98, led by Dr. Bob O'Neil, will also meet. The theme of the '98 Conference will be Spatial Data Infrastructures - SDI, and promises to be just as exciting as our meetings have been since they began several years ago.

We are sure you will find GER '97 a dynamic and exciting Symposium, and that you will have many opportunities to explore new and dynamic approaches to the challenges of all areas of geomatics.

Dr. Fred Campbell Conference Director/Directeur de la conference

Cneres collegues. chers collegues,

Au nom des parrains, des organisateurs et des nombreux benevoles issus de tous les secteurs de la geomatique, je vous souhaite la bienvenue a la conference La geomatique a l'ere de RADARSAT (GER 1997). L.'.edition de cette annee aura une saveur tout a fait internationale, puisqu'elle reunira des representants de plus de cinquante pays.

Comme vous le constaterez en parcourant le programme, la conference sera le theatre d'un large eventail d'exposes, de symposiums et de seances techniques. Elle accueillera en outre quelque 57 exposants representant toutes les facettes de la profession. Les participants comptent parmi les leaders mondiaux de leurs domaines respectifs, et nous leur sommes reconnaissants d'appuyer l'evenement annee apres annee.

Cette fois encore, le Comite du programme technique a mis sur pied un programme exceptionnel. Plus de 450 communications seront presentees tout au long de la conference, ce qui montre bien l'interet croissant que suscitent les differentes disciplines de la geomatique et !'importance qu'elles acquierent partout dans le monde. L.'.attention particuliere qui sera accordee aux donnees et aux images RADARSAT mettra en lumiere cette importante reussite canadienne. GER 1997 se tient peu apres le premier anniversaire d'exploitation de RADARSAT et souligne un point tournant du programme canadien d'observation de la Terre.

Diverses associations tiendront des rencontres dans le cadre de la conference : ii y aura la 90' Assemblee generale annuelle de !'Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques, la 38' Assemblee generale annuelle de I' Association canadienne des entreprises de geomatique, la 13' Reunion annuelle de !'Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada et la 19• Reunion annuelle de la Societe canadienne de teledetection. GER 1997 accueillera aussi une reunion du Comite de planification de Geomatique 1998, sous la direction de Bob O'Neil. Cette conference, qui aura pour theme Infrastructures de donnees spatiales, promet d'etre tout aussi captivante que celles des annees precedentes.

Nous sommes persuades que GER 1997 s'averera une conference dynamique et excitante qui vous donnera de nombreuses occasions d'explorer des fa<;ons nouvelles et efficaces de relever les defis qui se posent dans le domaine de la geomatique.

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Note: Papers will be presented in either English or French as indicated by the titles in this program. Simultaneous interpretation in English and French is available for all sessions.

Tuesday, May 27 Le mardi 27 mai

Opening Session 09:00 - 11 :00 Salons A and E

Opening Remarks and Int roduction of the Minister of Natural Resources Canada Marc Denis Everell, Assistant Deputy Minister, Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada

Welcoming Address and Presentation of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Thailand, Maha Chakrl Srlndhorn The Honorable A. Anne Mclellan Minister, Natural Resources Canada

Address Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Thailand, Maha Chakri Srindhorn

Introduction of Keynote Speakers Fred Campbell, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada

Keynote Speakers

Ed Shaw Director General, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada GEOMATICS AND SATELLITES - A Marriage Made in Heaven

Mac Evans President, Canadian Space Agency The CSA's Commitment to Leading Earth Observation Space Technologies

Robert E. Tack President, RADARSAT International One Year of RADARSAT

Welcoming Address Jean-Noel Lechasseur, President, Canadian Institute of Geomatics

Welcoming Address Steve Franklin, President, Canadian Remote Sensing Society

Message of Thanks and Overview of the Technical Program Marc D'lorio Chairperson, Technical Program Committee

Opening of Exhibits 11 :00 - 12:00 Exhibit Hall (main floor) A ribbon-cutting ceremony will mark the offical opening of the Exhibit area. Coffee will be served inside the exhibit area.

May 27 - 29, 1997 Du 27 au 29 mai 1997

Note : Les communications seront presentees en frant;ais ou en anglais. Les titres contenus dans le present programme indiquent dans quelle langue chaque communication sera presenree. Des services d'interpretation simultanee en anglais et en fram;ais seront offerts a routes Jes seances.

Seance d'ouverture 9 h 00 - 11 h 00 Salons A et E

Mot d'ouverture et presentation de la Minlstre de Ressources naturelles Canada Marc Denis Everell, Sous-ministre adjoint, Secteur des sciences de la Terre, Ressources naturelles Canada

Dlscours de blenvenue et presentation de Son Altesse Royale la princesse de Tha·11ande, Maha Chakrl Srlndhorn L'honorable A. Anne Mclellan Ministre, Ressources naturelles Canada

DI scours Son Altesse Royale la princesse de Thailande Maha Chakri Srindhorn

Presentation des conferenciers d'honneur Fred Campbell, Centre canadien de teledetection, Ressources naturelles Canada

Conferenclers d'honneur

Ed Shaw Directeur general, Centre canadien de teledetection, Ressources naturelles Canada LA GEOMATIQUE ET LES SATELLITES - Un mariage celeste

Mac Evans President, Agence spatiale canadienne !..'.Engagement de l'ASC a la mise au point des technologies spatiales pour !'observation de la Terre

Robert E. Tack President, RADARSAT International RADARSAT : Un an plus tard

Dlscours de blenvenue Jean-Noel Lechasseur, President, Association canad1enne des sciences geomatiques

Dlscours de blenvenue Steve Franklin, President, Societe canadienne de teledetection

Remerclements et aper~u du programme technique Marc D'lorio President, Comite du programme technique

Ouverture de !'exposition 11 h 00 - 12 h 00 Salle d 'exposition (rez-de-chaussee) Une ceremonie marquera l'ouverture officielle de la salle d'exposition. Du cafe sera offert aux delegues a l'interieur de la salle.

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Tuesday Moy 27

Session A-1 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 1 B

Seance A-1 13 h 30 - 15 h 10 Salle Capital IB

Chairperson/President : Vern Singhroy Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Geology I Geologie radar I

13:30 13 h 30 Analysis of Geology Styles of Deformation Using Radarsat Data: Examples from the Southwestern Grenville Province of Quebec Analyse des patrons de deformation geologique a l 'alde de donnees Radarsat, exemples du sud-ouest du Grenville au Quebec Benoit Rivard, University of Alberta; Louise Corriveau, Centre geoscientifique; Lyal Harris, University of Western Australia

13:50 13 h 50 Rock Structure Extraction In Satellite Images by ART2-A Neural Networks Z.L. Wang, M.M. Gupta and P.N. Nikiforuk, University of Saskatchewan

14:10 14 h 10 RADARSAT Investigation of a Circular Feature in East Central Jordan Ghassan Abdelhamid, Natural Resources Authority, Jordan

14:30 14 h 30 A Lake Beneath the Selima Sand Sheet, Southwest Egypt: Evidence from RADARSAT Data Cordula Robinson and Farouk El-Baz, Boston University, U.S.A.

14:50 14 h 50 Guidellnes for the Selection of RADARSAT Beam Modes for Geological Mapping Vern Singhroy and Robert St Jean, Natural Resources Canada

Session A-2 13:30 - 14:50 Capital Hall 2B

Seance A-2 13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Salle Capital 2B

Chairperson! President : A. Pietroniro National Hydrology Research Institute lnstitut national de recherches en hydrologie

Watershed Characterization Caracterisation des bassins versants

13:30 13 h 30 Detection and Mapping of Wetlands f rom Multi-Temporal Polarimetric Data Nehme Baghdadi and Monique Bernier, Universite du Quebec; Robert Gauthier and Ian Neeson, Natural Resources Canada

13:50 13 h 50 Integration de donnees multisources et propagation des erreurs dans un modele hydrogeologique Michelle Fortin, Keith P.B. Thomson et Geoffrey Edwards, Universite Laval

14:10 Radarsat Applications In Watershed Management T.J. Pultz, Natural Resources Canada;

14 h 10

D.I. Jobin, J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc.; Y. Crevier, Noetix Research Ltd.; P. Lehman, Mississippi River Conservation Authority

14:30 14 h 30 Monitoring Wetlands in Northern Australla Using RADARSAT Anthony K. Milne, University of New South Wales, Australia

Session A-3 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 3B

Seance A-3 13 h 30 - 15 h 10 Salle Capital 3B

Chairperson/President : Zdenek Denny Ka/ensky Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

~ducation and Training Education et formation

13:30 13 h 30 Technology Transfer, Education and Training: The Changing Shape of Geomatics C. Hoogsteden, University of Otago, New Zealand; G. Ellis, Department of Land Information, Australia

13:50 13 h 50 Geomatics Education and Research at the Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge Derek R. Peddle. The University of Lethbridge

14:10 14 h 10 Critical Mass Human Resources Development Requirement in Africa in the Field of Earth Resources and Environmental Information - Opportunities and Constraints and the Critical Role of RECTAS J.A. Ogunlami, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys, Nigeria

14:30 Socio-Cultural Considerations for Geomatics Training

14 h 30

Corinna Vester and Carolyn Goodfellow, Natural Resources Canada

14:50 Are You Ready for the Digital Image Revolution?

14 h 50

Clark Beattie, Linnet Geomatics International

Session A-4 13:30 - 14:50 Capital Hall 4B

Seance A-4 13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Salle Capital 4B

Chairperson/President : Ridha Touzi Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Methods I Methodes radar I

13:30 13h30 A New Adaptive Speckle Filter for SAR Images Carey J. Gibson, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Le marr:l1 27 rna1

13:50 13 h 50 A Least Commitment Approach to SAR Image Filtering Jean-Marie Beaulieu and Maher Janeh, Universite Laval

14:10 14 h 10 X-SAR Backscatter Slope and Aspect Dependance David Pairman, Stephen McNeill and Stella Belliss, Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand

14:30 14 h 30 Control Systems Principles Applied to Speckle Filtering and to the Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters through RADARSAT and ERS Bayesian Data Fusion Edmond Nezry, lwan Supit, Francis Zagolski and Francis Yakam-Simen, PRIVATEERS N.V. Private Experts in Remote Sensing, Netherlands Antilles

Session A-5 13:30 - 14:50 Capital Hall 5B

Seance A-5 13h30-14h50 Salle Capital 5B

Chairperson/President : Paris Vachon Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

SAR Processing Traitement RSO

13:30 13 h 30 Measuring Clearings and Tree Heights with Stereo RADARSAT Data in a Troplcal Forest Environment Thierry Toutin, Natural Resources Canada; Silvana Amaral, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil

13:50 Coastal Change Detection through RADARSAT Imagery

13 h 50

V. Singh and J. A. Buckley, Royal Military College of Canada

14:10 14 h 10 Geometric and Radiometric Calibration of RADARSAT Images David Small, Francesco Holecz, Erich Meier, Paolo Pasquali and Daniel Nuesch, GIUZ University of Zurich, Switzerland

14:30 14h30 Estimating Flow Rates of the Lowell Glacier with Satellite lnSAR Data Ian Cumming and Joe Zhang, The University of British Columbia


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Tuesday, May 27

Session A-6 13:30 - 14:50 Salon A

Seance A-6 13h30-1 4h 50

Salon A

Chairperson/Presidente : Louise/le St-Laurent Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

GIS Applications I Applications SIG I

13:30 13 h 30 Geomatics and Municipal Planning Comparison Between France and Quebec Geomatique et amenagement en milleu municipal comparalson France/Quebec Stephane Roche et Yvan Bedard, Universite Laval

14:30 14 h 30 RADARSAT SAR Azimuth Ambiguity Patterns -The Ghost Fleet of Hallfax Harbour and Implications for Appllcatlons Work Dirk Werle, AERDE Environment Research

14:50 14 h 50 Operational Marine and Coastal Information from the ERS SAR Gordon Campbell, SERCo Servizi, under contract to ERS Data Utilisation Section ESA-ESRIN

Session A-8 13:30 - 14:50 G lassroom

Seance A-8 13 h 30 - 14 h 50

Salle v itree

Chairperson/President : Claude Duguay Laval University

13:50 13 h 50 Universite Laval Conception d'un SIG-Transport de prospective de la demande Ali Frihida et Jean-Pierre Thouez, Universite de Montreal; Yves Baudouin et Yves Bussiere, Universite du Quebec a Montreal; John G. Rice, Universite McGill

14:10 14 h 10 Using Geographic Information Systems for Electric Utility Local Integrated Resource Planning Richard Parlett, R.S. Parlett & Associates; Jeff Sutton, NUSANTARA Geomatics Services Ltd.; Giuliano Todesco, Marbek Resource Consultants; Jane Scott, Ottawa Hydro

14:30 14 h 30 Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic lnfonnation System for Cassava Monitoring, Northeast Thailand: Problems Still Exist Apisit Eiumnoh, NRC/STAR/SERD/AIT, Thailand

Session A-7 13:30- 15:10 Salon E

Seance A-7 13 h 30 - 15 h 1 0

Salon E

Chairperson/President : Bob Beal John Hopkins University Universite John Hopkins

Coastal Zones I Zones cotieres I

13:30 13 h 30 Merging LANDSAT TM and Airborne SAR for Generating Maps of Louisiana's Coastal Zone to Facilit ate Oil Spill Cleanup Anthony J. Lewis and DeWitt H. Braud, Jr., Louisiana State University, U.S.A.


13:30 13 h 30 Use of SSM/l 85 GHz Passive Microwave Data for Investigating Great Slave Lake Ice Freeze-up/Break-up Variations A.E. Walker, Environment Canada; J.L. Sokol, University of Waterloo; M.A. Davey, Environment Canada

13:50 13 h 50 The Cryosphere: An Indicator of Cllmate Change? Barry E. Goodison, Environment Canada

14:10 14 h 10 Estimation of Large Scale Sea Ice Motion from SSM/I 85.5 GHz Imagery Tom A. Agnew and Hao Le, Environment Canada; Tom Hirose, NOETIX Research Inc.

14:30 14 h 30 Permafrost Mapping Near Churchill , Manitoba Using Optical and SAR Data Claude R. Duguay, Universite Laval; Wayne R. Rouse, McMaster University; Peter M. Lafleur, Trent University

1 Coffee Break 15:00 - 15:30

- Exhibit Hall

Session 8-1 15:30 - 17:50 Capital Hall 1 8

Pause-cafe 15h00-15h30

Salle d 'expositton

Seance 8-1 15 h 30 - 17 h 50 Salle Capital 18

Chairperson/President: Benoit Rivard 13:50 13 h 50 University of Alberta RADARSAT Ocean Feature Workstation Universite d'Alberta Station de travail RADARSAT sur les partlcularltes oceaniques Howard Edel, Fisheries and Oceans

14:10 14h10 Gulf Offshore Satellite Appllcatlons Pro)ect Detects Oil Sllcks Using RADARSAT E.K. Siegert and J.L. Berry, Shell E & P Technology Company, U.S.A.; R.N. Baker, Amoco; D. Dupont, lmagelinks; S. Scantland, Radarsat International

Radar Geology II Geologie radar II

15:30 15h30 A Comparison of Aggregated ObJect and Single Pixel Methods for Slope Unit Classification Phil ip T. Giles. Saint Mary's University


Le mardl 27 mal

15 h 50 Morphostructural Analysis of the South East ~ of Tunisia Using Integrated Topographic Bathymetric and Remote Sensing Data Mohamed Chediy Rabia, lnstitut National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Tunisia; Said Tlig et Foued Zargouni, Faculte des sciences de Tunis, Tunisie

16:10 16 h 10 Mapping Debris Flows in Banff National Park Eric Saczuk and Jim Gardner, University of Manitoba

16:30 16 h 30 From Radarsat Data Marx P. Barbosa, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil; Vernon H. Singhroy, Natural Resources Canada

16:50 16 h 50 Detection of Structural Characteristics 2; through Spaceborne SAR In Ningmlng Basin Guo Huadong, Shao Yun, Lin Qizhong, Yan Shouxun and Li Shuhong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Wang Xueman, Remote Sensing Center of Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, China

17:10 17 h 10 The Use of RADARSAT SAR Images in Neotectonic Studies In the Eastern Great Lakes Regions Eric L. Gauthier, MIR Teledetection Inc.; Keith Benn, University of Ottawa

17:30 17 h 30 RADARSAT Imageries Interpretation for 5 Geological Mapping on the Vietnam-China Border Region Nguyen Xuan Huyen and Doan Dmh Lam, Institute of Geology, Vietnam; Dang Vu Khac and Nguyen Trong Yem, Centre of Remote Sensing and Geomatics, Vietnam: Nguyen Van Can, Centre of Remote Sensing of State Geological Survey, Vietnam; B. Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

Session 8-2 15:30- 17:10 Capital Hall 28

Seance 8-2 15 h 30 - l 7 h 1 0 Salle Capital 28

Chairperson/Presidente : Johanne Boisvert Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada

Crop Monitoring I Surveillance des cultures I

15:30 15 h 30 A Crop Information System Incorporating Multi-Parameter Satellite Radar Data: Applications In the UK and Paraguay M.G. Wooding, A.O. Zmuda and R.E. Brown, Remote Sensing Applications Consultants Ltd., U.K.; F. Pekholtz, Ministerio de Agricultura y Gandaderia, Paraguay

15:50 15 h 50 Moving Towards Regional Scale Monitoring of Agroecosystems in Southern Ontario Bart Hulshof, Richard Protz and Matthew Wood, University of Guelph; John Fischer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

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I I I.

Tuesday. May 27

16:10 16 h 10 Using Extensive Landsat Imagery and GIS to Verify Grain Transition Payments Across Western Canada W.R.A. Harren and D.B. Harker, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

16:30 16h30 RADARSAT In Rice Monitoring Applications R.J. Brown, Natural Resources Canada; S.P. Kam, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines; S. Yun, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, China; G. Staples, RADARSAT International; B.J. Brisco and S. Ross, Noetix Research Inc.; D. Ball , Canadian Space Agency; D. Randall and K. Totin, PCI Enterprises

16:50 16 h 50 Tropical Agriculture Monitoring and Determination of Agricultural Crop Type with Radarsat Imagery over South Sulawesi, Indonesia Mr. lzzat and Mrs. Adi, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia

Session B-3 15:30 - 17:50 Capital Hall 38

Seance B-3 15 h 30 - 17 h 50 Salle Capital 38

Chairperson/President : Frank Ahern Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Forestry I Foresterie radar I

15:30 15 h 30 Multlfrequency and Multipolarization Radar Data for Estimation Forest Volume over Zhaoqlng Area of Southern China Liao Jingjuan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

15:50 15 h 50 Texture Analysis for Forested Scenes Jonathan Wiebe and Michael J. Collins, The University of Calgary

16:10 16 h 10 The Effect of Environmental Influences on RADARSAT Images of Forest Land Donald G. Leckie, Natural Resources Canada

16:30 16 h 30 Radar Imaging Natural Systems (RAINS) Peter A. Murtha, University of British Columbia

16:50 16 h 50 Capabilities of RADARSAT Data for Land Use/Land Cover Analysis In SW Amazonia (Test Site Acre, Brazil) Hermann J.H. Kux and Joao Roberto dos Santos, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Frank J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada; Ron W. Pietsch, Dendron Resources Ltd.

17:10 17 h 10 Using RADARSAT Data for Identification and Assessment of the Deforestation In the lmataca Forest Reserve, Bolivar State, Venezuela Ramiro Salcedo G., Jose Rafael Prieto and Jose A. Arismendi, Institute de lngenieria, Venezuela

17:30 17 h 30 Analysis of the Information Content in RADARSAT, ERS-1 , and JERS-1 Data for Continental Scale Monitoring of Tropical Vegetation Y. Rauste, F. De Grandi and J.P. Malingreau, Space Applications Institute, Italy; M. Simard and K.P.B. Thomson, Universite Laval

Session B-4 15:30 - 17:30 Capital Hall 48

Seance B-4 15 h 30 - l 7 h 30 Salle Capital 48

Chairperson/Presidente : Monique Bernier IN RS-Eau

Snow and Ice Neige et g lace

15:30 15h30 Monitoring Landscape Modification in Iceland as a Consequence of the November 1996 Catastrophic Glacier Outburst Flood (Jokulhaup) via RADARSAT SAR J.B. Garvin, NASA/G.S.F.C., U.S.A. ; R.S. Williams Jr., USGS, U.S.A.; 0 . Sigurdsson and H. Torfason, Nat'I Energy Authority. Iceland; J.J. Frawley, Herring Bay Geophysics and NASA/G.S.F.C., U.S.A.

15:50 15h50 Antarctic Nautical Charts Updating with SAR Images Hector Salgado, Servicio de Hidrografia Naval, Argentina

16:10 16 h 10 Suivi du couvert nlval a l'alde des donnees de RADARSAT Monique Bernier, Jean-Pierre Fortin, Yves Gauthier et Nehme Baghdadi, Universite du Quebec; Jean Louis Bisson, Societe Hydro­Quebec; Pierre Vincent, VIASAT Inc.

16:30 16 h 30 Using Images In a Multi-Source Geographic Data Environment David Fraser, Natural Resources Canada; Eugene Oerenyi, University of New Brunswick; Sherif Fahmy, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Session B-5 15:30 - 17:50 Capital Hall 58

Le mard1 27 mar

Seance B-5 15 h 30 - 17 h 50 Salle Capital 58

Chairperson/President : Laurence Gray Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Interferometry lnterferometrie

15:30 Complex lntergram Utilization for Interferometric SAR Applications

15 h 30 :;.

Jun-Fei Li, Hao Liu and Hua-Dong Guo, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, China

15:50 15h50 Comparison of a Precision DEM with Elevations Derived by Interferometry from X­SAR Images of New Zealand Stephen McNeil!, David Pairman and Slella Belliss, Landcare Research New Zealand

16:10 16 h 10 The Suitability of RADARSAT's Orbit for Repeat Pass SAR Interferometry Bernard Armour and Peter Farris-Manning, Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc.; Paris W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada

16:30 16 h 30 RADARSAT Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry: Results Over an Arctic Test Site D. Geudtner and P.W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada

16:50 16 h 50 Use of Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Data to Measure Land Subsidence Caused by Oil Exploitation Marco W.A. van der Kooij, Atlantis Scientific Sytems Group Inc.

17:10 17 h 10 Information Content of lnSAR In Northern Terrain: Preliminary ADRO Results from the Scheffervllle Digital Transect H.B. Granberg, Richard Audet, Stephane Cote and Patrick Lajeunesse, Universite de Sherbrooke; Paris W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada

17:30 17 h 30 SAR Interferometry with ERS Missions: Key Results and Future Perspectives S. Coulson and G. Solaas, ESA/ESRIN

Session B-6 15:30 - 17:10

16:50 16 h 50 Salon A

Seance B-6 15 h 30 - 1 7 h l 0

Salon A Forecasting Snowmelt Runoff Using Radar Maps Anthony Wankiewicz Maxfield, National Hydrology Research Institute

17:10 17 h 10 Monitoring Snow and Ice Conditions Using a Normalized Difference Index Based on AVHRR Channels 1 and 2 Roger De Abreu, Natural Resources Canada; Ellsworth LeDrew, University of Waterloo

Chairperson/President : Stefan Palko Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

GIS Applications II Applications SIG 11

15:30 15 h 30 Image Maps: A Cost Effective Method of Completing the Cartographic Coverage of Canada at 1:100 000 Sylvain Lemay and Costas Armenakis, Natural

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Tuesday. May 27

Resources Canada; Mathieu Benoit, Viasat International

15:50 15 h 50 Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of the St. Marys Basin, Central Nova Scotia Tim Webster, College of Geographic Sciences; B.J. Murphy, St. Francis Xavier University; S.M. Barr, Acadia University

16:10 16 h 10 A Measure of the Threat to Biodiversity Using GIS Technology Harold Moore, Gregory Geoscience ltd.

16:30 16 h 30 GIS Database Updating From Remotely Sensed Images Mustafa Turker and Eugene Derenyi, University of New Brunswick

16:50 16 h 50 Geomatlcs Partnerships and Cooperative Technology Development Jeff Labonte and Gordon Plunkett, Natural Resources Canada

Session B-7 15:30 - 17:50 Salon E

Seance B-7 15 h 30 - 17 h 50

Salon E

Chairperson/Presidente : Cathryn Bjerkelund Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Coastal Zones II Zones cotieres II

15:30 15 h 30 Analysis of CZCS Images of Annual and Spatial Patterns of Pigment Concentration on the Continental Shelf of China Lingzis Danling Tang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong

15:50 15h50 Integration des Images radar dans un SIG pour etudier ('evolution cotiere a grande echelle du delta du Nil Radar Imagery Integrated in a GIS for Monitoring the Large Scale Coastal Behavior of t he Nile Delta, Egypt D.A. De Lisle et G. Drapeau, INRS-Oceanologie; D.J. Stanley, NMNH Smithsonian Institute, U.S.A.; M. El-Raey, UNARC University of Alexandria, Egypt

16:50 16 h 50 An Evaluation of CASI Imagery for Mapping Coastal Wetlands in the Great Lakes Marilyne Jollineau, Philip Howarth and Barry Warner, University of Waterloo

17:10 17 h 10 Identification of Forest and Landuse g Activities In Thailand Coastal Resources from GlobeSAR Data Supapis Polngam, Surachai Rattanasermpong, Chaowalit Silapathong and Dararat Disbunchong, The National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand; Weerapant Musigasan, The Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand; Thongchai Charuppat and Suwit Ongsomwang, The Royal Forestry Department, Thailand; Suthep Chutiratanaphan, The Department of Land Development, Thailand

17:30 17 h 30 Information from RADARSAT for Off-Shore Resource Development Operations Monitoring and Management Mathias Fruhwirth, Enfotec Technical Services Inc.

Session B-8 15:30 - 17:30 Glassroom

Seance B-8 15 h 30 - l 7 h 30

Salle vitree

Chairperson/President : Barry Goodison Environment Canada Environnement Canada


15:30 15 h 30 La diffusion commerciale des applications des technologies satellitaires : Le cas de RADARSAT I pour la gestlon des barrages D. Martin, J.L. Sasseville et M. Bernier, IN AS-EAU

15:50 15 h 50 Principal Components Analysis of Arctic Ice Conditions Between 1987 and 1995 as Observed f rom the SSMn Data Record Joseph M. Piwowar, Christopher P. Derksen and Ellsworth F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo

16:10 16 h 10 Estimating Snow Thickness Distributions on Sea Ice using Microwave Remote Sensing David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

16:10 16 h 10 16:30 16 h 30 Even " Great" Glaciers Can Slip to Demise

The Incorporation of Spatio-Temporal Information into an Environmental Sensitivity Index Brad Fisher, Chris Bellman and Greg Ellis, Department of Land Information, Australia

16:30 16 h 30 Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Sovereignty and Security Applications of RADARSAT-1 /2 Maria Rey and G. Davis, National Defence; H. Edel, Fisheries and Oceans; M. McKean, Canadian Space Agency; B. Jefferies, RADARSAT International

Melinda Brugman, Columbia Mountains Institute

16:50 16 h 50 Monitoring Ice Freeze-Up and Break-Up of Shallow Tundra Lakes and Ponds Using ERS-1 SAR Data Claude R. Duguay and Bruno Theriault, Universite Laval; Peter M. Lafleur, Trent University

17:10 17 h 10 Estimation of Snow Water Equivalent in the Boreal Forest Using Passive Microwave Data K. Goita, A.E. Walker and B.E. Goodison, Environment Canada; A.T.C. Chang, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A.

Le mard1 27 mar

Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception 18:00-20:00 Exhibit Hall (main floor)

An invitation is extended to all registered delegates to attend the

Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception. This is an opportunity to take time out from the Conference sessions to enjoy a relaxed and informal get-together. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. (please check your registration form; extra tickets will be sold at the registration desk it you wish to bring a guest)

Reception cordiale des exposants l8 h00-20h00 Salle d 'exposition (rez-d e-chaussee) Tous les delegues inscrits sont invites a la Reception cordiale des exposants. Les gens auront alors !'occasion de faire connaissance et de jaser dans une atmosphere de detente. II y aura un bar payant et quelque chose a se mettre sous la dent. (Veuillez consulter le formulaire d'inscription; des billets supplementaires seront en vente au bureau d'inscription).

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Wednesday, May 28 Le mercredi 28 mai

Plenary Session I 08:30 - 10:00 Salons A and E

seance pleniere I 8 h 30-10 h 00

Salons A et E

Chairperson!Presidente : Flora MacDonald Chair, International Development Research Centre, Canada Presidente du Conseil, Centre de recherches pour le developpement international, Canada

International Developments in Remote Sensing

~ Developpement international en teledetection

Guo Huadong Chinese Academy of Sciences China/Chine




Suvlt Vlbulsresth National Research Council of Thailand Conseil national de recherches de la Thailande Thailand/Thailande

Thelma Krug lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 1:3,rasil/Bresil ,. v r.> 1 · , /l 1 > 1 _ · (~,..,_,.,••A~ er ~C.. ..)G. e- ". <....!,/ ~ ' "'7 6eneral Major Chokrl Tbrtri Centre National de Teledetection Tunisia/Tunisia

Pierre Racicot Vice-Presiden~ Americas Branch, Canadian International Development Agency Vice-president, Direction generale des Ameriques, Agence canadienne de developpement international Canada

JJ Coffee Break " 09:50 - 10:20

• Exhibit Hall

Pause-cote 9h50-10h20

Salle d' exposition

Poster Session 1 Seance d'affichage I 09:30 - 12:00 9 h 30 - 12 h 00 Exhibit Hall Salle d' exposition

Quantitative Aspects of the Radiometric Normalization of Multi-Temporal Satellite Scenes In the Creation of Large Area Image Mosaics B. Guindon, Natural Resources Canada

The Extraction of Planlmetrlc Features from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Image Segmentation and Spatial-Based Reasoning B. Guindon, Natural Resources Canada

Identification et cartographle des zones de rebolsement a l'alde des donnees Landsat TM et Radarsat dans la vallee de Cochabamba, Bolivle Monique Desrosiers, Universite de Sherbrooke

jJ Analyse de texture d'lmages ROS Riadh Abdelfattah, Hajer Baazaoui et Mohamed Rached Boussema, Ecole Nationale d'lngenieurs de Tunis, Tunisia

Impact des methodes d'interpolat:lon sur la precision des modeles numenques de terrain N. Farah, A. Bannari, M. Rheault, D. Haboudane et M. Ettarid, Universite de Sherbrooke

Retrieval of Spectral Signatures ofTroplcal Coral through Analysis of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients for lrradlance and Radiance through the Water Column E. LeDrew and H. Holden, University of Waterloo

Remote Sensing of Balsam Fir Forest Vigor Joan E. Luther and Allan L. Carroll, Natural Resources Canada

High Spectral Resolution Remote Sensing of Balsam Fir Infested by Balsam Woolly Adelgld (Adelges plceae) Joan E. Luther and Wade W. Bowers, Natural Resources Canada

Comparison of Multldate Radar and Multlspectral Optical Satellite Data for WeUand Detection In the Great Lakes Region Jinfei Wang, University of Windsor; Brian Brisco, lntera Information Technologies; Ron J. Brown, Natural Resources Canada

GIS for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Estimation In Mongolia H. Ykhanbai and M. Bayasgalan, Ministry for Nature and the Environment, Mongolia

L'lmplementatlon du standard SOTS pour les problemes du cadastre en Roumanle Cornel Oprisiu, Nicolae Apostolescu et George Alexandrescu, L'lnstitut National de Recherches Aerospatiales, Roumanie

Complementarlte entre RADARSAT et ER~ M. Riahi et S. Bacha, Centre National de 1? Teledetection, Tunisie

RADARSAT et la cartographle ecologique : Application a l'ile d'Antlcostl (Quebec) K. Ratte, Q.H.J. Gwyn et J.M.M. Dubois, Universite de Sherbrooke

On the Hausdorff Distance Concept Used for the Evaluation of Segmentation Output.s In Remote Sensing Mario Beauchemin, Keith P.B. Thompson and Geoffrey Edwards, Universite Laval

L'extractlon de l'lnformatlon forestlere des donnees RAS : Projet ADRO #83; resultats prellmlnalres Nathalie Michaud, Keith P.B. Thomson et Geoffrey Edward~. Universite Laval

Understanding RADARSAT Data In Stereo Corinna Vester and Thierry Toutin, Natural Resources Canada

Earth Surface Topography Mapping Using Multlfrequency Interferometric Processing of SIR-Cl)( Data l.V. Elizavetin and E.A. Ksenofontov, ALMAZ Center, Russia

Small Satellites: A New Space View on the Tropical Environment Les petits satellites : Une nouvelle vue de l 'espace sur l'envlronnement tropical A. Bannarl et G. Richardson, Spar Aerospace Limited/Spar Mrospatiale Limitee

Technological Researches and Developments Regarding the Use of SAR­ERS Data Independently and the Integration of this Data with Other Types of Aero­Satellite and Ground Information, as well as Determining their Complementarity; Perspectives to use Radarsat Data, Case Study: Danube Delta and the Continental Platform of the Black Sea Nicolaie Oprescu, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania; Cora Braescu, Institute of Optoelectronics, Romania; Manuel Vais, Romanian Oil Corporation PETROM, Romania

Establishment of a Relationship between RADARSAT Imagery and Soll Moisture E.D. Soulis, F.R. Seglenieks and N. Kouwen, University of Waterloo

Investigation of Influence of Radar Sensing Parameters on the Radar Reflection Characteristics of Moscow Region A.S. Shmalenyuk and A.I. Zaharov, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; A. Ye Orlov and G.P. lllarionov, Moscow State University of Forest, Russia; V.I. Sukhih, A.V. Shatalov and V.M. Zhirin, Centre of the Ecology and Forest Productivity Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Image Modelllng of Forest Changes Associated with Acid Mine Drainage Using a Cellular Automata Transition Model -KamKotla Mine Site, Timmins Ontario Nicholas Walsworth and Douglas J. King, Carleton University

Determination of Mixed Boreal Forest Stand lophyslcal Structure Using Large Scale

Airborne Digital Camera Imagery Evan D. Seed and Douglas J. King, Carleton University

cartographle des champs thermlques dans l'envlronnement des stations meteorologiques a partir des Images NOAA-AVHRR Alain A. Viau et France Paquet, Universite Laval; Jurgen Vogt, Space Applications Institute, Italy

Importance des donnees satellitalres pour la reglonalisatlon et !'optimisation des reseaux meteorologlques de surface Alain A. Viau et Wen Lei, Universite Laval

Reglonalisatlon of Air Temperatures Using Surface Temperatures from NOAA-AVHRR Images Together with Terrain and Landcover Data France Paquet and Alain A. Viau, Universite Laval; Jurgen V. Vogt. Space Applications Institute, Italy

Analyse mulU-e<:helie de la distribution spatlale de la vegetation d'un milieu de toundra alpine Kathleen Montour et Claude Duguay, Universite Laval

L'lndice de developpement cartographlque (l.D.C.) appllque aux pays en vole de developpement Yves Baudouin, Pierre lnkel, Jean Carriere, Luc Champanet, Martin Lapointe et Mathieu Arcand, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

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Wednesday. Moy 28

Mise sur pied d'un systeme d'lnformation geographique supportant l'ecologie industrielle dans la region de Sorel-Tracy, Quebec Richard Mailhot, Benoit St-Onge et Jean-Philippe Waaub, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

Bllan spatial de la biodlversite du Saint­Laurent a l 'aide d 'un systeme d'information geographique Benoit St-Onge, Jean-Philippe Waaub et Fran~ois Bernier, Universite du Quebec a Montreal; Jean-Luc Desgranges, Jacques Leclerc et Bernard Tardif, Environnement Canada; Jean-Pierre Ducruc, ministere de !'Environnement et de la Faune du Quebec

Cartographie forestiere automatisee a partir d'lmages satellltales d'une resolution de un et quatre metres et de donnees auxlllalres Benoit St-Onge, Samuel Alleaume et Martin Couture, Universite du Quebec a Montreal

Automatlsation des procedures de mise a jour du reseau routier : Recalage de la carte sur l 'image a l 'alde d'un reseau de neurones Robert Fiset, M.C. Mouchot, B. Solaiman, F. Cavayas et Robert Desjardins, Universite de Montreal

Evaluation of RADARSAT Data for Coastal Zone Sensitivity Mapping In Nova Scotia Dirk Werle and Brian Tittley, AERDE Environment Research

Mise au point d'un lndice continental d'evapotransplratlon apparente adapte aux regions lntertropicales africalnes Marie-Eve Martin et Alain Viau, Universite Laval; Etienne Bartholome, lnstitut des applications spatiales, Italia

Multiple Incidence Angle RADARSAT Data for Tropical Forest Mapping in Colombia Paul Briand, Photosur Geomat International

Wheat Yield Estimation in the Canadian Prairie Using Climatic and Satellite Data: an Investigation Into Forecasting Techniques Vijendra Kumar and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

The Physical and Dielectric Properties of Wheat and Canola Klaus P. Hochheim and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

On Links between Snow and Ice Temperature Profiles and the Physical and Electrical Properties on Snow Covered First -Year Sea Ice John J. Yackel and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

Applying Variograms to the Modelling of the Spatial Patterns of Snow Distribution over Sea Ice John lacozza and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

Passive Radiometry and Snow Water Equivalence Estimation in the Arctic Archipelago Sheldon D. Drobot and Davis G. Barber, University of Manitoba

The Use of SAR in Defining Ringed Seal Distribution and Population Indices T.K. Nichols and D.G. Barber, University of Manitoba; S. Innes, Manitoba Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Spatial Dependence Characteristics of Multi­Scale Remotely Sensed Imagery M.A. Wulder and E.F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo; M. Anstey and B. Boots, Wilfrid Laurier University; M.B. Lavigne, Natural Resources Canada

Refinement of GIS Forest Polygon Content with Classified Remotely Sensed Image Data M.A. Wulder and E.F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo; M.B. Lavigne, Natural Resources Canada; S.E. Franklin, The University of Calgary

High Resolution Sea Ice Albedo as Determined Using Low Level Aerial Photography and Surface Reflectance Measurements C. Derksen, J. Piwowar, R. De Abreu and E.F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo

«Image Query Assistant» : Un outll logiciel d'aide a la demande d 'images Image Query Assistant: A Decision Making Software Tool Pascale Bellemain et Stephane Houzelle, Aerospatiale • Espace et Defense, France

Images of the Great Lakes Region of Africa Major Michael McKean, Canadian Space Agency; M. Rey, National Defence; U. Kobel, lmagetech; J.P. Paquette, Imagery Exploitation Services; D. Ball, CSNGeoservices

Development of a Gls-based Biodiversity Atlas for the Littoral Region of Lake Malawi Africa Paul Cooley, David G. Barber and Richard Kula, University of Manitoba

Digital Elevation Modelling In Malawi Robert Brook and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

Cross-Calibration of AVHRR with Landsat MSS Data for Suspended Sediment Mapping in Large Lakes Greg McCullough and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba

Enhancements and Applications of RADARSAT Satellite Images Mirta A. Raed, Universidad Nacional de Lujan, Argentina; Jorge M. Gari, Paulo Porta, John lriondo and JavierYebrin, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Argentina; Julio Jacobo Berlles and Alicia Sedano, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Luciano Delisle, Eduardo Vicini and Luis Sanchez, Centro Sensores Remotos, Argentina

Inventory of Mangroves by Using RADARSAT Imageries Bidawi Hasyim, Ratih Dewanti and Taufik Maulana, The Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia; Adi Sasitiwarih and lzzat Farahidy, Indonesia

Le mercredi 28 mot

Utilization RADARSAT Data in East Kallmantan, Indonesia for Integrated of Natural Resources GIS and Oil Spill Trajectory Model Adi Sasitiwarih, lzzat Farahidy, Gatot Fajar Suryono and Tri Agus Prasetyo, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology; Louis J. Armstrong, Woodward-Clyde International

Session C-1 l 0:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall l B

Seance C-1 10 h 20 - 12 h 00 Salle Capital l B

Chairperson/President : Graeme Bonham-Carter Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Geological Data Integration Integration des donnees geologiques

10:20 10 h 20 Preliminary Analysis of Spaceborne Radar Imagery Integrated with Geosclence Datasets for Central Nova Scotia Tim Webster, Don Raymond and M.S. Akhavi, College of Geographic Sciences

10:40 10 h 40 The Application of Integrated Imagery and Geological Data In an Environmental Geoscience Mapping Program, The Oak Ridges Moraine, Southern Ontario F.M. Kenny, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; H.A.J. Russell, University of Ottawa; T.A. Brennand, Simon Fraser University; P.J. Barnett, Ontario Geological Survey; D.R. Sharpe, Natural Resources Canada

11 :00 11 h 00 Integration des donnees multl sources (Images TM, MNT, reseau hydrographlque, lithologie, vegetation et occupation du sol) pour l'etude de !'erosion dans un contexte subhumide (Tunlsie du nord) Yvette Dewolf et Tahar Bouhafa, Laboratoire de geographie physique, France

11 :20 11 h 20 Study of Kimberlltes by Remotely Sensed Data Processing and Interpretation George A. Ladner, Michael Yu, Irina Smirnova, Alexandra A. Rusanova and Alexander S. Nikolsky, Institute of Remote Sensing Methods for Geology (VNllKAM), Russia

11:40 11 h 40 Integration of Different Radar and Optical Data to Study Geology and Petroleum Prospects of Subarctic Areas of Russia Irina Smirnova and Alexandra Rusanova, Institute of Remote Sensing Methods for Geology, Russia

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Wednesday. Mav 28

Session C-2 10:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall 28

Seance C-2 10h20-12h00 Salle Capitol 28

Chairperson/President : Thierry Toutin Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Mapping

1 Cartographie radar

10:20 10 h 20 DEM Generation from Stereoscopic SAR Data Ian Dowman and Zway Gen Twu, University College London, U.K.

10:40 10 h 40 Radargrammetrlc Evaluation of Radarsat SAR Data with Regard to Cartographic Applications Hanes Raggam and Lado Kenyi, Institute for

' Digital Image Processing, Austria


11 :00 11 h 00 Relief Restitution by Radargrammetry Using RADARSAT Images: Examples In Indonesia and In French West Indies L. Marinello and L. Laurore, GEOIMAGE, France

11 :20 11 h 20 Interferometry for Mapping and Terrain Displacement: Effect of Anisotropic Propagation K.E. Mattar, D. Geudtner. A.l. Gray and P.W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada

11 :40 11 h 40 Systematical Cartography of the National Territory at 1 :250,000 Scale Cordillera Patagonlco-Fuegulna Graciela Marin, Secretario de lndustria Commercio Y Mineria de la Nacion, Argentina

Session C-3 10:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall 38

Seance C-3 1 0 h 20 - 12 h 00 Solle Capital 38

Chairperson/President : Robert Landry Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Forestry II Foresterie radar II

10:20 10 h 20 It/ Forest and Land Cover Mapping From

C-Band SAR: Application for Larrache Cork-Oak Forest, Morocco A. Merzouk, H. Ohman et B. Abdellaoui, lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II, Maroc; C. Prevost et L. Cyr, Ressources naturelles Canada; A. Boukil, Administration des Eaux et Forets et de la Conservation des Sols, Maroc

10:40 10 h 40 Classification of Floodplain Habitats (Lago Grande Brazilian Amazon) with RADARSAT and JERS-1 Data Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo and Jose Eduardo Mantovani, lnstituto Naclonal de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil; Frank Ahern, Natural

Resources Canada; Victoria Ballester, Centro de Energia Nuclear para a Agricultura Piracicaba, Brasil

11 :00 11 h 00 Factors Affecting Clearcut Mapping Accuracy from Single-Date RADARSAT Images F.J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada; I. McKirdy, V. Janusauskas and A. Banner, Dendron Resources Surveys lid.; J Russell, Millar Western; T. Balce, Alberta Environmental Protection

11 :20 11 h 20 Initial Results from the Dendron Resources ADRO on the Application of RADARSAT Data In Forest Resource Management U. Nielsen, S. Paterson and I. McKirdy, Dendron Resource Surveys ltd.; F. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada

11 :40 11 h 40 Potential of RADARSAT for Assessment of Forest Regrowth State Robert Landry and Jean-Claude Deguise, Natural Resources Canada

Session C-4 10:20 - 11 :20 Capital Hall 48

Seance C-4 l 0 h 20 - 11 h 20 Salle Capital 48

Chairperson/President : Bob Hawkins Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radarsat Commissioning and Calibration Mise en service et etalonnage du RADARSAT

10:20 10 h 20 Operational Calibration for Radarsat Data S.K. Srivastava, R. Banik and M. Adamovic, Canadian Space Agency; R.K. Hawkins, T.l. Lukowski, C. Cloutier and J. Wolfe, Natural Resources Canada

10:40 10 h 40 Radarsat Beam Pattern Determination T.I. Lukowski, R.K. Hawkins, C. Cloutier, J. Wolfe and L.D. Teany, Natural Resources Canada; S.K. Srivastava, R. Banik and M. Adamovic, Canadian Space Agency

11 :00 11 h 00 RADARSAT I Experience Points the Direction for Future Missions A. P. Luscombe, P.O. Allan and l.D. Ferguson, SPAR Aerospace Limited

Le mer redi 28 ma1

Session C-5 10:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall 58

Seance C-5 10 h 20 - 12 h ()() Salle Capital 58

Chairperson/President : Derek Peddle University of Lethbridge Universite de Lethbridge

Regional Land-Cover Mapping Cartogrophie regionale de la couverture terrestre

10:20 10 h 20 Analyse comparative des modeles dynamlques des ecosystemes terrestres Jacynthe Pouliot, Philippe Martin et Etienne Bartho!ome, lnstitut des Applications Spatiales, Italia; Eric Lambin, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgique

10:40 10 h 40 Estimating Regional-Scale Biophysical Parameters In BOREAS Using Spectral Mixture Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Models Derek R. Peddle, The University of Lethbridge; Forrest G. Hall, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A.; Ellsworth F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo

11 :00 11 h 00 VEGETATION/SPOT for Northern Applications: Preliminary Results Jing Chen, Josef Cihlar and Zhanqing Li, Natural Resources Canada; Larry Band, University of Toronto; Ray Desjardins, Agriculture Canada; Weigang Gao, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.; Samual Goward, University of Maryland, U.S.A.; Alain Royer, University of Sherbrooke

11 :20 11 h 20 Cartographle des milieux naturels montagneux a l 'aide des Images RADARSAT Franyois Cavayas et James T. Gray, Universite de Montreal

11 :40 11 h 40 Utilisation des Images stereoscopiques RADARSAT dans la cartographle ecologlque de grands terrltolres a petite echelle Tingxian Li et Jean-Pierre Ducruc, ministere de !'Environnement et de la Faune du Quebec; Mario Hinse, ministere des Ressources naturelles du Quebec

Session C-6 10:20 - 11 :20 Salon A

Seance C-6 10h20 - llh20

Salon A

Chairperson/President : Michael Manore Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Ice I Glacel

10:20 10 h 20 Utilization of RADARSAT Data In the Canadian Ice Service Bruce Ramsay, Laurie Weir, Katherine Wilson and David Bradley, Environment Canada

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Wednesday, May 28

10:40 10 h 40 Session C-8 l 0:20 - 12:00 Glassroom

Seance C-8 10h20-12h00

Salle vitree

The Use of Remote Sensing In a One­Dimenslonal Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model John M. Hanesiak and David G. Barber, University of Manitoba Chairperson/President : Doug O'Brien

11 h oo Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

11:00 Floating Ice Monitoring to Antarctic Navigation Manuel Picasso, Servicio Meteorologico de la Armada, Argentina

Session C-7 10:20 - 12:00 Salon E

seance C-7 10h20 - 12h00

Salon E

Chairperson/President : Ron Saper Vantage Point International Inc.

Flood Monitoring I Surveillance des inondations I

10:20 10 h 20 Seasonal Mapping of Flooding Extent In the Vicinity of the Balblna Dam (Central Amazonia) Using RADARSAT and JERS-1 SAR Data Fernando P. Miranda and Luciano E. N. Fonseca, PETROBRAS/CENPES, Brazil; Ake Rosenqvist, National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), Japan; Maria Dayse M.A.M. Figueiredo, ELECTRONORTE, Brazil

10:40 10 h 40 Morphologic Dynamic of Amazon River -lqulttos, Peru J.R. Coloma, National Commission on Aerospace Research and Development, Peru

11:00 11 h 00 Hydrogeodynamics of the Wetlands In the Bolivian Amazon Basin S. Moreau, Associaci6n Boliviana de Teledetecci6n para el Medio Ambiente, Bolivia; L. Bourrel, lnstiM franryais de la recherche scientifique pour le developpement en cooperation, Brazil

11 :20 11 h 20 I ( Flooding Risk Evaluation and Humid Zones

Mapping In the Red River Delta, Vietnam Pham Van Cu, Luong Anh Tuan, Chu Xuan Huy and Nguyen Cong Tuyet, National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology of Vietnam; J. Simoneau-Coulombe and P. Lafrance, University of Sherbrooke; B. Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

11 :40 11 h 40 f G Etude des lnondatlons dans le delta du

fleuve Rouge au Viet-Nam a l'alde d'lmages RADARSAT et JERS-1 Judith Coulombe-Simoneau, Ferdinand Bonn, Hugh Gwyn et Pierre Lafrance, Universite de Sherbrooke; Pham Van Cu, Centre de telectetection et de geomatique, Viet-Nam

Data Process and Visualization Traitement des donnees et visualisation

10:20 10 h 20 Spatial Data Resources Inventory Sampling and Integration Jeff Labonte, Diane Lacasse, Peter Paul and Ivy Rose, Natural Resources Canada

10:40 10 h 40 CIQS - A New Web Tool for Accessing CCRS's Image Library B. Turgeon, Cyberspace Research; K Fung, Natural Resources Canada; J.D. Dunlop, Eobion Technologies; L.W. Morley, Teledetection International

11 :00 11 h 00 Using the WWW to Enhance Collaboration within the BOREAS Project J.D. Dunlop, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science

11 :20 11 h 20 Tori: Web-based Analysis and Visualization of Time-Serles RS Imagery Glen Newton, Kimana Software; Paul Budkewitsch, MIR Teledetection inc.

11:40 11h40 Experience In Using a Low-Cost Virtual Reality Tool Y.C. Lee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Session D-1 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 1 8

Seance D-1 13h30 - 15h 10 Salle Capital 18

Chairperson!Presidente : Christine King Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres, France

Geological Mapping Cartographie geologique

13:30 13 h 30 Practical Considerations for Geological Investigations using RADARSAT-1 Stereo Image Pairs In Tropical Environments Marc D'lorio, Natural Resources Canada; Paul Budkewitsch, MIR Teledetection inc.; Nik Nasruddin Mahmood, Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing, Malaysia

13:50 13 h 50 Radar Images as a Source of Geological Information In Northern Barren Environments Paul Budkewitsch, MIR Teledetection inc.; Marc D'lorio, Lori Wilkinson and Jack Henderson, Natural Resources Canada

Le me credi 28 moi

14:10 14 h 10 The Geological Monitoring System for Yamal Peninsula with Ground-Based and Satellite Technology A.N. Zaitzev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; l.G. Protzenko and V.M. Shishmarev, Yamal-Nenetz Committee of Environmenlal Protection, Russia

14:30 14 h 30 Evaluation des images RADARSAT pour la detection des lineaments structuraux et glaclaires dans les secteurs de la rlvlere aux Melezes Philippe Vigneault, James T. Gray, Chris Clark et Fran~is Cavayas, Universite de Montreal

14:50 14 h 50 LITHO - Expert System for Interpretation of Rock Compositions Based on Remotely Sensed Data G.V. Galperov, E.P. Vostroknutov and N.A. Brusnichkina, Institute of Remote Sensing Methods for Geology, Russia

Session D-2 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 28

Seance D-2 13h30-15h10 Salle Capital 28

Chairperson/President : Fran90is Faucher Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

RADARSAT and Aspects of Mapping RADARSAT et aspects de la cartographie

13:30 13 h 30 Evaluation de la geometrle des Images RADARSAT : Premiers resultats Thierry Toutin, Ressources naturelles Canada

13:50 13 h 50 A Training Package on: How to Use RADARSAT Data in Stereo Corinna Vester and Thierry Toutin, Natural Resources Canada

14:10 14 h 10 DEM Generation from Spot Imagery In a Digital Photogrammetric Workstation Hafez Afify and Eugene Derenyi, University of New Brunswick; M. Hosny, Alexandria University, Egypt

14:30 14 h 30 Use of RADARSAT Imagery In Cartography Sylvia Sylvander, IGN Espace, France

14:50 14 h 50 Topographic Mapping from RADARSAT Paul Briand, Photosur Geomat International

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Wednesday May 28

Session D-3 13:30 - 15:30 Capital Hall 3B

Seance D-3 , 3 h 30 - 15 h 30 Salle Capital 3B

Chairperson/President : Paris Vachon Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Oceans Oceans

13:30 13 h 30 Using RADARSAT-1 SAR Imagery to Monitor the Recovery of the Irving Whale Oil Barge Dirk Werle and Brian Tittley, AERDE Environmental Research; Eric Theriault, Environment Canada; Brian Whitehouse, Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing

13:50 13 h 50 Ship Detection with RADARSAT SAR Gordon C. Staples and Wayne Stevens, RADARSAT International

14:10 The Extraction of Ocean Surface Information from SAR Imagery

14 h 10

J.W.M. Campbell and P.W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada; F.W. Dobson, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

14:30 14 h 30 The Ocean Feature Workstation: Experience Gained with RADARSAT Richard B. Olsen and Pat Hoyt, Satlantic Inc.; Paris Vachon, Natural Resources Canada

13:50 13 h 50 Using RADARSAT's Imaging Versatility to Improve Fine Resolution Mapping Capabilities A.P. Luscombe, SPAR Aerospace; DA Furseth and W.C. Jefferies, RADARSAT International; S. Srivastava, Canadian Space Agency

14:10 14 h 10 Adaptive Compensation of RADARSAT SAR Analogue-to-Digital Converter Saturation P.W. Vachon, A.L. Gray and C.E. Livingstone, Natural Resources Canada; A.P. Luscombe, SPAR Aerospace

14:30 14 h 30 Radar Image Modeling of Natural Surfaces with Undulated Topography Fran9ois Meunier, University of Quebec in Trois­Rivieres

14:50 14 h 50 Algorithms for Processing RADARSAT ScanSAR Data Ian Cumming and Yi Guo, The University of British Columbia; Frank Wong, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates

Session D-5 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall SB

Seance D-5 1 3 h 30 - 1 5 h 10 Salle Capital SB

Chairperson/President : Robert A Ryerson Terrain Resources

Urban Regional Planning 14:50 14 h 50 Planification urbaine regionale

Le rnercredi 28 mol

Session D-6 13:30 - 15:10 Salon A

Seance D-6 13h30-15h10

Salon A

Chairperson/President : Bruce Ramsay Environment Canada Environnement Canada

Ice II Glace II

13:30 13h30 Evaluation of the RADARSAT Imagery for the Operational Mapping of Sea Ice Around Greenland R.S. Gill and H.H. Valeur, Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark

13:50 13 h 50 Towards an Operational Use of Satellite SAR for Winter Navigation - Preliminary Results B. Hakansson and M. Moberg, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden

14:10 ICEMAP - An Interactive Ice Charting Application for Ice Services

14 h 10

Robin Berglund, Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) - Information Technology, Finland

14:30 14h30 Operational Use of RADARSAT Imagery to Support Polar Shipping Tom Zagon, ENFOTEC Technical Services Inc.; Gordon Staples and Dennis Nazarenko, RADARSAT International Inc.; Captain David Millar, Canarctic Shipping Company Limited

Wind, Wave, and Current Signatures in RADARSAT 13:30 13 h 30 14:50 14 h 50 R.C. Beal, D.R. Thompson, F.M. Monaldo and S.M. Babin, The Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.

15:10 15 h 10 Mode Selection and Image Optimization for Coastal, Ocean and Ice Appllcatlons of RADARSAT Imagery A.L. Gray, P.W. Vachon, CA Bjerkelund and M. Manore, Natural Resources Canada

Settlement Detection and Urban Land Use Mapping from RADARSAT Imagery Zong-Guo Xia, University of Massachusetts at Boston, U.S.A.; Floyd M. Henderson, State University of New York at Albany, U.S.A.

13:50 13 h 50 Effects of Imaging Geometry on Settlement Detection and Urban Land Use Mapping Zong-Guo Xia, University of Massachusetts at Boston, U.S.A.; Feng Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Republic of China

Ocean and Ice Feature Detection Using the ERS SAR Browse Images Henri Laur and Sverre Dokken, ESNESRIN

Session D-7 13:30-15:10 Salon E

Seance D-7 13 h 30 - 15 h 10

Salon E

Chairperson/President : Terry J. Pultz Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Session D-4

13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 4B

Seance D-4 13 h 30 - 15 h 10 Salle Capital 48

14:10 14 h 10 Flood Monitoring II Department of National Defence Military Surveillance des inondations II

Chairperson/President : Chuck Livingston Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Methods II Methodes radar II

Utllity Evaluation of RADARSAT Data Captain S. Richard, Lieutenant-Commander J. Day and Captain M. Dumont, National Defence; M. Rey, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa; J. Buckley, Royal Military College of Canada; Major K. Chadder, Defence Geomatics

14:30 14 h 30 13:30 13 h 30 RADARSAT andTM Data Fusion for Urban On the Use of the Wavelet Transform for Structure Analysis Sensitivity Analysis of ERS-1 SAR Data S. Tanaka, K. Takasaki and T. Yamanokuchi, Applled to Multlscale Structures In the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, Tropical Forest Japan; K. Kameda, Nihon University, Japan M. Simard, G. DeGrandl, K.P.B. Thomson and M. Leysen, Space Application Institute, Italy

14:50 14 h 50 Risk Management: The Prediction Imperative Major Michael McKean, Canadian Space Agency

13:30 13 h 30 Construction d'un modele de terrain pour la simulation hydrodynamlque de crues majeures : Integration de donnees de sources et de dates multiples Yves Gauthier, Paul Boudreau, Sophie Duchesne, Steve Driscol, Michel Lapointe, Yves Secretan et Michel Leclerc, lnstitut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-Eau)

13:50 13 h 50 Recent-Flood Mapping In the Peace­Athabasca Delta Using Multi-Source Data Steve Adam and Michael Collins, The University of Calgary; Alain Pietronlro, National Hydrology Research Institute

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Wedn• .day. May 28

14:10 14 h 10 Using RADARSAT Data to Monitor Flood Conditions in Bangladesh - An Assessment of Early Results

Poster Session 2 Seance d'affichage 2 15:30-18:00 15h30 - 18h00 Exhibit Hall Salle d ' exposition

"' c 'rea ,o JI

Quality Control and Refinement of the Positional Accuracy of Records In Ontario's Water Well Data Base Using Automated GIS Techniques

Timothy Martin, Environmental GIS, Bangladesh; Dirk Werle, AERDE Environmental Research; Abdul Musawwir Choudhury, Space Research & Remote Sensing Organization, Bangladesh

F.M. Kenny, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; G. Hunter, Hunter GIS; P. Chan, Metropolitan Toronto Transportation Authority Human Activity and Environmental Change

Modelling within the Lake Malawi Biodiversity Conservation Project (LMBCP) Mesur~ d'erreurs d 'un reseau de drainage

14:30 14 h 30 Greg Kaletzke and Bill Norton, University of genere dans un systeme d'lnformatlon Manitoba geographlque en mode matrlciel

Flood Extent Monitoring with RADARSAT: Experience with the California Flood of 1997 R.H. Saper, Vantage Point International Inc.; P.E. Bryant, US Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S.A.; T.J. Pultz, Natural Resources Canada; D.M. Nazarenko, RADARSAT International Inc.

Time Serles Analysis of Riparian Habitat: A Fractal Texture Analysis W. Douglas Hamilton and Mary Benbow, University of Manitoba

Eastern Antarctic as a Test Site for Evaluation of Relief Measurements from RADARSAT SAR Repeated Orbits lnteferometry

E. Quentin, G.B. Benie et D. Clu1s, Universite de Sherbrooke

Presentation du projet PPUR : SYGET Martin Ouellet et Louis Lamarre LBGI ; Marc D'lorio, Ressources naturelles Canada

Study of Landscape Changes In the Areas of Intensive Petroleum Exploitation Using Remotely Sensed Data

14:50 14 h 50 Flood Monitoring and Damage Assessment In Bangladesh Using RADARSAT Data Anwar Ali , Abdus Shahid, Dewan Abdul Quadir, Hazifur Rahman, Abdul Mannan Sardar and A.Z.MD. Zahedul Islam, Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization, Bangladesh

Session D-8 13:30 - 14:50 Glassroom

Seance D-8 13 h 30 - 14 h so

Salle vitree Chairperson/President : Doug O'Brien Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Data Warehousing Stockage des donnees

13:30 13 h 30 Analyse du potentlel de l'approche <<data warehouse>> pour !'Integration de metadonnees provenant de dlfferents georepertolres sur Internet Fran9ois Letourneau, Universite Laval

13:50 13 h 50 Data Warehousing for Spatial Data: Research Issues L'archltecture «Data warehouse» pour les donnees spatlales : Defis de recherche Yvan Bedard, Marie-Josee Proulx, Fran9ois Letourneau and Pierre-Yves Caron, Laval University; Sylvia Lam, National Defence

14:10 14 h 10 The Canadian Hydrographlc Service Bathymetrlc Data Warehouse R. Burke, C. Day, S. Forbes and H. Varma, Fisheries and Oceans

14:30 Geospatlal Data Warehousing: an Architecture

14 h 30

Louiselle St-Laurent, Natural Resources Canada; Henry A. Kucera, Mercator Systems ltd.

J> Coffee Break Pause-cote ~ 15:30 - 16:00 15 h 30- 16 h 00 :ml. Exhibit Hall Salle d'exposition

A.I. Zakharov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Mapping Rainfall Distribution Using Radarsat Data R.J. Brown, D. Wood and B. Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

Evaluation de la constante dlelectrlque et de l'lndlce follalre pour caracterlser le coefficient de retrodiffuslon des cultures de ma"is, bande C Fran9ois Charbonneau, Universite de Sherbrooke

Semi-Automated Oil Spill Detection Catherine Harrison, Gordon Bowman and Stephen Taylor, Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc.; Cathryn Bjerkelund, Natural Resources Canada

Alexandra Rusanova and Irina Smirnova Institute of Remote Sensing Methods tor' Geology, Russia

Crop Identification Using Multi-polarization SAR Data D. Wood, C. Livingston, R. Brown and B. Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

Synergistic Use of Multlspectral Spaceborne Passive Microwave Data for Monitoring Sea Ice Cover Irene Goldbar Rubinstein, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science

Etude des georisques par teledetectlon radar : Exemple du karst de l'ile d'Anticosti (Quebec) Guillaume Pare, Q.H.J. Gwyn et J.-M. Dubois, Universite de Sherbrooke

Fisheries Habitat Assessment Using Airborne Land Cover of Canada: A New Nationally Imaging Spectrometry Co~slstent Satellite-Derived Product Cathy Wrightson and Glen Farrington, Integrated J. C1hlar, J. Chen and J. Beaubien, Natural Terrestrial Systems Inc.; Colin Levings and Resources Canada; Q. Xiao, lntermap Sarah North, Fisheries and Oceans Technologies; P. Hurlburt, Manitoba Remote

Sensing Centre The Use of NOAA-AVHRR Data as an Input Database for Mesoscale Compressible Community Model (MC2) Wen Lei and Alain A. Viau, Universite Laval

Evaluation du radar pour le sulvi des teneurs en eau et des cultures en sols organlques Q.P. Xu, J.B. Boisvert, N. Tremblay et F. Bonn, Centre de recherche sur les sols et les grandes cultures

A Case of Education and Training for Remote Sensing Application with Personal Computer In Japan J. Oshima and K. Kameda, Nihon University, Japan; Y. Suga, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan; S. Tanaka, Remote Sensing Center of Japan. Japan

Using RADARSAT to Map Tillage and Residue on Agricultural Fields H. McNairn, Q.H.J. Gwyn, R.J. Brown and D. Wood, NOETIX Research Inc.

Diurnal Effects on Rice Paddy Backscattering S. Ross, R.J. Brown, Shao Yun and B. Brisco, NOETIX Research Inc.

Multldata Integration Using RADARSAT Images: Studies of Geological, Geomorphological, Land Use, Urban Occupation and Remote Sensing Data Sets from Manaus Region, Amazonas, Brazil A.S. Carvalho, R.C. Haddad, and C.A. Milliotti, Universidade do Amazonas. Brazil

Sulvl du cycle salsonnler de gel et degel de lacs thermokarstlques de la region d'Old Crow, nord-ouest du Yukon, par lmagerle radar Bruno Theriault et Claude R. Duguay, Universite Laval

Evaluating Glacier-Related Hazards on an Active Volcano: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico City Melinda Brugman, Columbia Mountains Institute; Hugo Delgado-Granados, Geophysics Institute, Mexico

An Investigation of the Spatial Modes of Snow Water Equivalent Over Central North America Using Passive Microwave Data C.P. Derksen and E.F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo; B.E. Goodison, Environment Canada

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Wednesday I JV 28

Analyse prellmlnalre de !'emission de la nelge a l 'alde de donnees de mlcro-ondes passives SSM/I : Le cas du bassln versant de la rlvlere La Grande (Quebec) Danielle De Save, Monique Bernier et Jean-Pierre Fortin, Universite du Quebec; Anne Walker, Environment Canada

A GIS Methodology for Geologic Characterization of a Canadian Shield Terrain Robert G. McGregor, Whiteshell Laboratories; Vern Singhroy and Peter Bruton, Natural Resources Canada

Application of High Resolution Optical Imagery to Precision Agriculture R.J. Brown. K. Staenz, H. McNairn, B. Hopp and A. van Acker, Natural Resources Canada

An Hybrid Approach for Forest Regeneration Assessments from High Resolution Aerial Images Franyois A. Gougeon, Natural Resources Canada

Mapping Areas of Coastal Erosion in the State of Paralba Brazil from Radarsat Data Marx P. Barbosa, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil ; Vernon H. Singhroy, Natural Resources Canada

Enhancement of the Geologic Mapping of Anticosti Island Using SAR Data Andre Desrochers. University of Ottawa; Marc D'lorio, Natural Resources Canada

Sea Surface Evaluation by Using Radarsat Imagery Relating to Meteorological and Morphological Conditions over Ambon and Jakarta Bay, Indonesia Mr. lzzat and Mrs. Adi, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia

Optimal Path Dellneation to Multiple Targets Incorporating Analysis of Fixed Cost Distance David Mcllhagga, Carleton University

\,S AlrSAR Data Use and Limitations: A Case Study of a Mountainous District of Uganda Charles Sebukeera, National Environment Management Authority, Uganda

The Appllcatlon of SAR Data for Land Cover Change In North Tibet Ding Shubai, Zhang Zhaogui and Zhang Tong, Lansat Corporation, China

Resolving Projection Issues Using Canadian NTS Dlgltal Data R. Alex Harrington, A.A. Harrington and Associates Lid.

Delivering Geomatlcs Technology to Russia Clark Beattie, Linnet Geomatics International

Monitoring Mangrove Resources with Radarsat Imagery Nathalie Beaulieu, CIAT, Columbia; Christian Asch Quiros, IGN, Costa Rica; Dirk Werle and Brian Trttley, AERDE Environmental Research; Daniel Marmillod, CATIE, Costa Rica

Apport des Imageries LANDSAT· TM & I~ RADARSAT·1 a !'analyse morphostructurale : Cas de la zone de Manzla (Rlf occidental, Maroc) B. Abdellaoui, A. Merzouk et R. Houssa, lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan ii, Maroc; M. Aberkan, Faculte des Sciences de Rabat, Maroc

Integration des donnees radar a un SIG de sulvl de la dynamlque d 'occupation des z..., s ols irrigues : Appllcatlon au perlmetre lrrlgue du Loukkos 0 . Zine El Abidine et A. Merzouk, lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II , Maroc; M. Achkar, Office Regionale de Mise en Valeur Agricole du Loukkos, Maroc

Le "'"I red1 28 mo1 Seasonal Dynamics of the Amazon Floodplain through RADAR Eyes: Lago Grande de Monte Alegre Case Study Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa and Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, lnstiMo Nacional de Pesqu1SaS Espacia1s, Brazil; Frank Ahem, Natural Resources Canada; Ron W. Pietsch, Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.

Cartographle des ressources forestleres par 21 Interpretation vlsuelle d ' lmages RSO Khemaies Salmi, ministere de !'Agriculture, Tunisie

Contribution de l ' lmagerie radar-aeroporte a 2. ~ l 'etude de la desertification et de !'occupation des sols en Tunlsle du sud-est: Cas du " Site Mareth"

Management of Sustainable Coastal Aquifer Mohamed Taibi, lnslltut des regions arides, System of a Watershed, Tamilnadu, India Turnsie John Moses Edwin, Anna University, India

Soll Surface Stoniness Assessment for Agricultural Uses Tharwat K. Ghabour, National Authority tor Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt

Applications of Remote Sensing to Volcanlc Phenomena In the Syrian Arab Republic Moutaz Dalati, General Organization of Remote Sensing, Syrian Arab Republic

Potential of Radarsat Data for Geological Applications In the Tropical Rain Forest Environments: First Results from Carajas Mineral Province, Brazilian Amazon Region Waldir A. Paradella, Paulo Veneziani, Chan C. Liu, Athos R. dos Santos and Pedro A. Bignelll, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil; Ron W. Pietsch, Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.; Richardo R. Dias, State System of Planning and General Coordination, Brazil

Experimental Design for RADARSAT Ground Data Acquisition In Tucurul Reservoir and Lago Grande Floodplain, Brazilian Amazon Jose Eduardo Mantovani, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo and Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa, lnstituto Nacionai de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Victoria Ballester, Centro de Energia Nuclear para a Agricultura, Brazil; Tacachii , ELETRONORTE, Brazil

Pre-Processing of RADARSAT Images of Tucurui Reservoir and Lago Grande Floodplain, Amazon Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa and Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Ron W. Pietsch, Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.; Frank Ahern, Natural Resources Canada

RADARSAT Relative Backscatter and Macrophyte Canopy Variables: Prellmlnary Results for the Tucurui Reservoir and Lago Grande Floodplain Sites of the Brazilian Amazon Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Maycira Pereira de Fanas Costa and Jose Eduardo Mantovani, lnstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Victoria Ballester, Centro de Energia Nuclear para a Agricultura, Brazil

Determination of Repopulatlon Zone of Benthlc Resources In Central Chile, Through SPOT, ERS, NOAA and Field Data Maria Angela Barbieri B. and Claudio Silva G .. Universidad Catolica e Valparaiso and lnstituto de Fomento Pesquero, Chile

GlobeSAR 1 and GlobeSAR 2 -Forum I GlobeSAR 1 et GlobeSAR 2 - Forum 16:00-18:00 16h00 - 18h00 Colonel By Room Salle Colonel By

PCI Geomatics Group Groupe de geomatique de PCI 16:00 - 18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00 Capital Hall 1 B Salle Capital 1 B

From Sky to Map • Total Solution Seminar End to end process flow; airphoto orthorectificallon • satellite image processing -spatial analysis and interpolation - cartographic editing and output.

16:00 OrthoEngine: Desktop Software that Generates Precision Orthophotos Fast • Build map-accurate orthos from scanned air

photos Export precision orthos in ready-to-use formats Use mosaicked orthos to fit under GIS and CAD vector data

16:30 lmageWorks: Leading Image Interpretation Software for GIS and Mapping

Extract land cover thematic maps Maintain and update GIS/CAD data Detect changes in land condition with image information

17:00 SPANS: Powerful Spatial Analysis with Desktop Simplicity

Simplify you decision-making with easy querying and reporting Enhance your strategic planning capabilities with elegant spatial analysis Uncover trends in your data by interpolating between samples

Page 32: Look before you leap! - IDRC Digital Library

Wednesday. May 28

17:30 ACE: The Accessible Digital Cartographic Solution

Increase map production efficiency Enhance quality control with map templates and style tables Integrate vectors with raster for professional cartographic output

Your Total Mapping Solution! The seminar duration is two hours.

PCI Geomatics Group* Groupe de geomatique de PCI 18:00- 20:30 18 h 00 - 20 h 30 Salon E Salon E

15th anniversary Celebration Celebration du l 5e anniversaire

A Corporate Address and Reflection on the past 15 years and a shared vision of the future.

* Visit the PCI Geomatics Group booth for details.

Northwood Geoscience 16:00- 18:00 16 h 00- 18 h 00 Capital Hall 2B Salle Capital 2B

Product Demonstration: Vertical Mapper™ Contour, Modeling and Display Software for Maplnfo Professional™ James Harvie, Northwood Geoscience Ltd.

Vertical Mapper is a powerful new application that implements Raster GIS technology seamlessly within Maplnfo Professional desktop mapping software. Vertical Mapper is designed to generate grid files from point data using several interpolation techniques and data modeling algorithms. Grid files can be displayed as Raster images using thematic coloring, hill shading and 3D surface rendering techniques while grid math operations allow users to combine and compare multiple grid layers. The application supports slope and aspect mapping, intervisibility calculation, viewshed mapping, statistical data aggregation techniques and a number of grid translators for such formats as USGS DEM. A contour generator threads isolines through any grid map to produce attribute coded polylines or complex Maplnfo regions. Check out the Vertical Mapper web site at

ESRI Demo I Demonstration ESRI 16:00- 18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00 Capital Hall 5B Salle Capital 5B

GPS•C, National Real-time GPS Correction Service - Information Session Geodetic Survey Division, Geomatics Canada

Seance d'information sur le GPS • C, un service national de correction GPS en temps reel Division des leves geodesiques, Geomatique Canada

16:00 - 18:00 Capital Hall 4B

16h00-18h00 Salle Capital 4B

The Geodetic Survey Division will highlight GPS•C, a new service based on the Canadian Active Control System (CACS), along with other options for relating GPS positioning to the Canadian Spatial Reference System, including CACS products made available through the Canadian Geodetic Bulletin Board Service. This short session will provide a forum for potential users and value-added distributors to learn about this national infrastructure and the opportunities available to them for improved GPS accuracy, reliable service and potential reduction in associated operational costs.

La Division des leves geodesiques presentera le GPS•C, un nouveau service fonde sur le Systeme canadien de controle actif (CACS), ainsi que d'autres moyens permettant d'obtenir des positions GPS integrees au Systeme canadien de reference spatiale, tels que les produits CACS diffuses par le Service telematique de la Division des leves geodesiques. Cette courte seance permettra aux utilisateurs potentials et aux distributeurs de produits a valeur ajoutee de mieux connaitre cette nouvelle infrastructure nationale et de decouvrir ce qu'elle peut offrir aux plans de la precision du positionnement GPS, de la fiabilite du service et de la reduction des coots d'exploitation.

Demonstration I Demonstration RADARSAT International 16:00- 18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00 Salon E Salon E

RADARSAT International, together with representatives of the worldwide RADARSAT Distribution Network and Resource Centres, will present examples of RADARSAT applications and case study projects, and will provide a look at the new and innovative tools available for learning more about RADARSAT.

Le mercredi 28 mai

Northway Map Technology Limited/ERDAS - Radar Imaging Seminar 16:00- 18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h ()() Salon A Salon A

ERDAS IMAGINE Radar Imaging: An Integrated Approach to Radar Remote Sensing

Today's remote sensing applications are increasingly dependent upon Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery as an indispensable data source. Applications such as ice monitoring, rain forest mapping, and wetlands management have come to rely on SAR imagery because of its all-weather/day-or-night capability, and for its unique imaging properties. Whether it is used on its own, or in combination with other sensors, SAR imagery has become an indispensable remote sensing data source.

Using SAR imagery effectively requires specialized data handling and analysis tools. In order to meet the needs of today's remote sensing professionals and researchers, ERDAS IMAGINE is developing advanced radar imaging tools. These tools will enable users to bring SAR imagery into the IMAGINE environment and to combine it with other data sources such as optical and infrared. IMAGINE's enhanced visualization, model making, and classification tools allow users to quickly develop powerful custom algorithms for their specific remote sensing problems such as:

• Arctic and Antarctic sea ice classification • Soil type and moisture classification • Seasonal change monitoring • Pine forest growth pattern maps • Forest fire history maps • Wet lands monitoring • Rain forest mapping • Imaging of moving targets and ocean waves

IMAGINE's fully integrated environment offers remote sensing professionals a powerful approach for exploiting SAR imagery to meet the needs of today's remote sensing applications.

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Thursday, May 29 Le jeudi 29 mai

Plenary Session II Seance pleniere II 08:30 - 09:30 Salons A & E

8h30 - 9h30 Salons A et E

Chairperson/President : Hassan Karimi North Carolina Supercomputing Center, U.S.A. North Carolina Supercomputing Center, E-U.

Integrating GIS, Satellite Digital Imagery and GPS· Issues and Trends

Integration des SIG, de l'imagerie satellite numerique et du GPS : Questions importantes et tendances

Ed Shaw, Director General, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada Directeur general, Centre canadien de teledetection, Ressources naturelles Canada

Brian Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

Doug Richardson, President, GeoResearch Inc. President, GeoAesearch Inc.

Michael Chapman, The University of Calgary

Richard Nasmlth, LSC 2 + 1

Coffee Break 09:50 - 10:20

ga Exhibit Hall

Pause-cafe 9h50-10h20

Salle d ' exposition

Poster Session 3 Seance d 'affichage 3 09:30 - 12:00 9 h 30 - 12 h 00 Exhibit Hall Salle d 'exposit ion

Identification of Agro-Ecosystem Indicators Using Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Data J.L. Sugden and J.P. Howarth, University of Waterloo

Classification of Reservoir Habitats in the Brazilian Amazon Using RADARSAT Multi­Incidence Data Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa, Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo and Jose Eduardo Mantovani, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil; Victoria Ballester, Centro de Energia Nuclear para a Agricultura, Brasil

Multifrequency Versus Multiangle Radar Data for Ground Target Discrimination: Tucurui Reservoir, Amazon Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo and Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil

Can RADARSAT Improve Methane Emission Estimations In Tropical Floodplains and Reservoirs: Tucurul Reservoir and Lago Grande, Amazon? Victoria Ballester, Centro de Energia Nuclear para a Agricultura, Brasil; Evlyn Marcia Leao de Moraes Novo, Maycira Pereira de Farias Costa and Jose Eduardo Mantovani, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil

A Comparison of ERS-1, JERS-1 and RADARSAT Modes S-7 and S-2 for Lineament Analysis for Central Nova Scotia Tim Webster, Don Raymond and M.S. Akhavi, College of Geographic Sciences

The Radar Based Earth Resource Information System: A Tool for Mineral Exploration and Resource Management Will iam P. Jones, Gerard D. Eddy and Leonard M. MacKenzie, Synmap Information Technologies Limited

RADARSAT Imagery of Oceanographic Features During the Coastal Mixing and Optics Experiment Donald R. Thompson and David L. Porter, The Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.

Classification and Monitoring the Tapaj6s National Forest Region Using SAR (RADARSAT - Standard Mode and SAREX -Wide Swath Mode) and Landsat Thematic Mapper Data Yosio E. Shimabukuro and Silvana Amaral, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Frank J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada; Aon W. Pietsch, Dendron Resource Surveys, Ltd.

Landscape Analyses of Representativeness in the Serra da Mesa Hydroelectric Reservoir, Brazil Roberto B. Cavalcanti and Paulo A. Meneses, Universidade de Brasflia, Brasil; Frank J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada

Evaluation of RADARSAT Data for Phyto­ecological Mapping at Medium Scale in the Test Area of ltacoatlara, Amazonas, Brazil Eduardo da Silva Santos, SUDAM, Brazil; Vincente Raimundo Correa Gama de Azevedo, IBAMA, Brazil

Analysis of RADARSAT Fine Mode Images for Forest Application: Tapaj6s National Forest, Brazilian Amazon Silvana Amaral and Yosio E. Shimabukuro, Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil; Frank J. Ahern and Josee Valiquet, Natural Resources Canada

Utilization of RADARSAT Images In the Evaluation and Monitoring of the Amazonian Environment Myriam Ardila Torres and Hernando Melo Wilches, Institute Geografico Agustin Codazzi, Colombia

Joint and Lineament Patterns In South Central Ontario Revealed by RADARSAT and LANDSAT TM Imagery Dragan Andjelkovic and Alexander Cruden, University of Toronto

Structural Study and Geological Reinterpretation Project, SW Grenville Province In Quebec K.N.M. Sharma and M. Hinse, ministers des Ressources naturelles du Quebec; J. Levesque, MIA Teledetection Inc.; V.H. Singhroy, Natural Resources Canada

Land Resource Information: Application of 2..3 Radar Data S.K. Koimett and M.O. Nyabenge, Ministry of Planning and National Development, Kenya

Use of RADARSAT Data In the Design and Implementation of Sustainable Development In the Kayap6 Indigenous Area, Para, Brazil J.R. Malcolm and B.L. Zimmerman, University of Toronto; R.B. Cavalcanti, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasil; F.J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada; R.W. Pietsch, Dendron Resource Surveys, Ltd.

Initial Evaluation of Multitemporal RADARSAT Data for General Forest Cover Mapping A. Banner, Dendron Resource Surveys, Ltd.; F.J. Ahern, Natural Resources Canada

RADARSAT SAR Investigations of South Coast of Korea for Coastal Management: Preliminary Results Joong-Sun Won, Kim Sang-Wan and Ryu Joo-Hyung, Yonsei University, Korea

Interpretation and Preliminary Texture Analysis for RADARSAT Imagery of the Barnes Ice Cap Margin N.H. Short, E.L. Simms and J.D. Jacobs, Memorial University of Newfoundland

WWW Distance Learning As a Tool to Support Sustainable RADARSAT Technology Transfer David Davidson, Geomatics International; Bill Bruce, Natural Resources Canada; Wendy Branson, Aadarsat International

Estimation of Applications of Microwave 2 lj Remote Sensing in Forestry: A Case Study of Halong Area-Vietnam Vu Anh Tuan, Chu Xuan Huy, Nguyen Tien Cong and Nguyen Trung Thunh, Center for Remote Sensing and Geomatics, Vietnam; Lai Huy Phuong, Forestry Investigation and Planning Institute, Vietnam; Brian Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.

Residential Mapping with RADARSAT: 2.. S-A Case Study In Tienbai, Red River Delta, Vietnam Pham Thank Hai, Pham Van Cu, Pham Quang Son and Nguyen Tien Cong, National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology of Vietnam, Vietnam; B. Brisco. Noetix Research Inc.; P. Lafrance and I. Trepanier, University of Sherbrooke

Seasonal Peatland Monitoring Using RADARSAT C Data M.A. Murphy, 1.P. Martini and M.D. Wood, University of Guelph

Comparison of Electromagnetic Sea Ice Thickness Measurements with RADARSAT Imagery Off the Canadian East Coast 1.K. Peterson, S.J. Prinsenberg and J.S. Holladay, Fisheries and Oceans

Ecological Land Classification Using RADARSAT Data In a Mountainous Arctic Environment: Preliminary Results Elizabeth L. Simms and Trevor Bell, Memorial University of Newfoundland


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Thursday Moy '- 9

First Cut Results on RADARSAT Data Analysis for Monitoring and Evaluation of Irrigation Projects in Monsoon S. Jonna, P.V.N. Rao and S. Thiruvengadachari, National Remote Sensing Agency. India

Remote Sensing Studies of Dykes and Faults Related to Groundwater M.E. Bailey and H.C. Halls, University of Toronto

Using RADARSAT Data to Detect Land Use and Land Cover in Doi Tung, Chiang Rai Wirat Thongma, Land Development Department, Thailand; Ramping Simking, National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand

Suivl du couvert de glace a l 'aide de l'imagerie satellitaire RADARSAT-1 Diane Thibault, PAGANEL lmagerie Inc.; Laurent Bilodeau et Marie-Helene Briand, Hydro-Quebec; Robert Leconte, Ecole de technologie superieure; Isabelle Ouellet, MIR Teledetection Inc.

Evaluation of the SAR Data for Agricultural Land Use C. Mongkolsawat, Chokchsi Rodprom and P. Thirangoon, Thailand

z..$ Evaluation of SAR Data for Land Use and Forestry In Nakhon SI Thammarat Damrong Buapradabkul, Land Development Department, Thailand; Adisak Phetcharas, National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand

Application of Radar Images to Study on Geology and Archaelogy in Thailand S. Sarapirome, Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand; T. Supajanya and K. Vichapan, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand; R. Suwanwerakamtorn and J. Phonprasoetchai, National Research Council of Thailand, Thailand

Towards A Neotectonic and Hazards Evaluation of the Israel-Jordan Arava Valley Using RADARSAT Remote Sensing Yaacov Arkin, Geological Survey of Israel, Israel; Amon Karnieli and Charles lchoku, Ben Gurion University, Israel

Hydrological Mapping of Wadi Araba from RADARSAT Images 0. Radwan, M. Hamza, I. Waynakh, S. Rawashdeh and J. Halasa, Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre, Jordan

Managing Desertification of Amman Region (Madaba) from RADARSAT Imagery 0 . Radwan. M. Hamza, I. Waynakh, S. Rawashdeh and J. Halasa, Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre, Jordan

The Use of RADARSAT Imagery for Mapping Ground-Water Recharge Zone in the Madaba Area I. Waynakh, Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre, Jordan

Geological Interpretation of East Central Jordan from RADARSAT Images Maha A. Tarawneh, Natural Resources Authority, Jordan

Le 1eudl .£ ) r 11

Creative Uses of the Third Dimension in GIS Multisource and Multidate Satellite Data for Analysis Andrew J. Moore, Jules Paquette and Andre Pregent, Natural Resources Canada

Temporal Soll Moisture Monitoring with Multi-Incidence Angle RADARSAT Data T.J. Pultz, Natural Resources Canada;

Crop Discrimination and Early Acreage Estimation P. Mercuri, C. Rebella and F. Damiano, National Institute for Agricultural Technology, Argentina; L. Frulla and A. Gagliardini, Satellite Radiometry Group, Argentina

Q.H.J. Gwyn, University of Sherbrooke Applications of the RADARSAT Image to Evaluate and Monitoring Agricultural

Analysis of RADARSAT Images with Different Resources and Flooded Areas Incidence Angles and. Modes Recorded Over A. Jaureguiberry and A. Lombardo, Direccion de an Agricultural Test Site, Southern Ontario, Planemiento, Argentina; M. Presutti, Direccion Canada de Des Arrolo Foresta!, Argentina Philip Howarth, Joni Sugden, Valdis Kalnins and Joe Piwowar, University of Waterloo

L'acquisition des donnees terrain en regard avec !'analyse des Images RADARSAT Jean Belanger, Laurent-Philippe Giugni, James T. Gray et Franyois Cavayas, Universite de Montreal

Understanding Multi-Dimensional False Color Radar Imagery Anthony J. Lewis, Louisiana State University, U.S.A.

Definition of the Drainage Network In Wet and Dry Seasons in the Plain (Penlllanura) of the Casiqulare River, In the State of Amazonas, Venezuela Carmen Meneses and Roberto Rivera, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, Venezuela

Evolution de !'occupation du sol et son J -~ impact sur la production en sediments : Application au bassin versant de Telata, Tangerois A. Merzouk, H. Ohman et A. Boukil, lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II , Maroc

Evolution morphologique du littoral de ~ 'I Tettouan : Apport de l'imagerle radar et optlque H. Arid, Centre Royal de Teledetection Spatiale, Maroc; I. lbrahimi et M. Labraimi, Universite Mohammed V, Maroc

Change Monitoring for Ontario - A State of the Resources Reporting Methodology - Earth Observation Data Sets Program Project Richard Mussakowski and Bruce Pond, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Flood Hazard Mapping in Del Plata Watershed and Its Incorporation In the National Hydrological Warning & Forecast System Miguel Angel Giraut, Ministerio de Economia y Obras y Servicos Publicos, Argentina; Rubeu Luis Aguglino, Ministerio de Obras Publicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Urban and Agricultural Analysis with RADARSAT Fine Resolution Images In the City of Rosario-Argentina, and Surrounding Agricultural Areas Carlos Collier, Mirtha A. Fuentes, Nestor Mori and Alejandro Ravenna, Argentina

Monitoring of Fields with Hydrlc Erosion Control Structures Hector Salgado, Buenos Aires University, Capital Federal Argentina

Polymetallic Mineral Deposits Prospection in Lago Fontana Area, Chubut Province, Argentina - RADARSAT/SAR Images as a Tool for Lithological and Structural Analyses Daniela Marchionni, Mabel Lanfranchini and Isidoro Schalamuk, Institute de Recursos Minerales, Argentina; Raul de Barrio, UNLP, Argentina

Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring in the Agriculture Lujan River Basin Area by Means Radar Data Maria Cristina Serafini, Mirta Aida Raed, Adrian Edmundo Benitez and Alfredo Rafael Cuello, Universidad Nacional de Lujan, Argentina

The Cenozoic Volcanism of the Puna Region (Argentina) and Its Related Mineral Potential E. Zappettini, H. Martinez and N. Alsina, Servicio Geologico Minero Agentino - Segemar, Argentina

Land Use and Land Cover Mapping of the Artificial Irrigated Zones Cultivated in the Provinces of San Juan and Mendoza in Argentina Graciela Salinas de Samuni and Jose Maraz, University of San Juan, Argentina; Guillermo lbafiez, CONAE, Argentina; Luis Kulichevschi, INTA, Argentina

Contribution of Low Resolution SAR Images to Study the Ocean Dynamics In the South Tropical Convergence Region Domingo A. Gagliardini and Laura Frulla, CONICET, Argentina; Eduardo Colombo, CONAE, Argentina

Satellite Observations of the Delta of Parana River in Argentina - Possible Contributions of Radarsat Images H. Karszenbaum and L. Frulla, CONICET, Argentina; Patricia Kandus, J. Jacobo Bartles and M. Mejail, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Celina Montenegro, Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente Humano, Argentina

Contribution of Satellite Data to the Study of the Rio Dorado Basin in the Province of Salta, Argentina Celina Montenegro, Direccion de Recurses Forestales Nativos, Argentina

Geomorphology and Late Cenozoic Geology of the Northern Side of Tandilia Range, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Gustovao A. Martinez, Centro de Geologia de Costas y del Cuaternario, Argentina


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Thursday. May 29

RADARSAT Validation Activities for Ocean Applications S. Thomas, Noetlx Research Inc.; C. Bjerkelund and P.W. Vachon, Natural Resources Canada; J. Campbell, lntermap Technologies Ltd.

Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture and Texture: Mapping with Airborne C-Band Radar Q. Hugh J. Gwyn, Yves Moisan and Pierre Vincent, Universite de Sherbrooke; Sherif Fahmy, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada; Terry Pultz, Natural Resources Canada

Session E-1 10:20-12:00 Capilal Hall 1 B

Seance E-1 10 h 20 - 12 h 00 Salle Capital 1 B

Chairperson/President : Salvatore Carboni Canadian Space Agency Agence spatiale canadienne

Radar Geology Ill Geologie radar Ill

10:20 Evaluation of RADARSAT Data for Geological Exploration Z. Berger and R.E.L.I. Cartwright


10 h 20

10 h 40 Analyse de la texture d 'une Image RADARSAT pour la mlse a jour de la cartographle geologlque dans la foret equatoriale de Ngoutou, Est du Gabon G.A. Azzibrouck et R. St-Jean

11 :00 11 h 00 Prodults a valeur ajoutee et premieres analyses des donnees de RADARSAT en matiere de geomorphologie structurale : Le cas de la region de Charlevoix, Quebec Robert Desjardins et Steve Iris, Universite du Quebec a Montreal; Thierry Toutin, Ressources naturelles Canada; D.W. Roy et G. Lemieux, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi

11 :20 11 h 20 Comparison of Geomorphological Features In the Canadian Shield as Obtained from RADARSAT FINE Mode Beams 1, 3 and 5 Robert Saint-Jean, MIR Teledetection Inc.; Vern Singhroy, Natural Resources Canada

11 :40 11 h 40 RADARSAT SAR Data Assessment of Oil Lakes In the Greater Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait Andy Y. Kwarteng and Dhari Al -Ajmi, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait; Vern Singhroy and Robert Saint-Jean, Natural Resources Canada

Session E-2 10:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall 2B

Seance E-2 l 0 h 20 - 12 h 00 Salle Capital 2B

Chairperson/President : Daniel Jobin J.F. Sabourin et associes inc.

Soil Moisture Humidite du sol

10:20 10 h 20 Estimating Soil Moisture Profile in Root Zone from Intermittent Remotely Sensed Surface Moisture Contents K.Y. Li, R. de Jong and J.B. Boisvert, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada

10:40 10 h 40 Reponse electromagnetlque des sols organlques au printemps dans Jes hyperfrequences, le visible et le proche infra rouge Electromagnetic Signal of Organic Solis In Spring In the Microwave, Visible and Near Infrared Regions Q.P. Xu, J.B. Boisvert. F. Bonn, I. Rubinstein, R. Protz, N. Tremblay et C. Hersom, Centre de recherche sur les sols et Jes grandes cultures

11 :00 11 h 00 The Research on the Method of Monitoring the Soil Moisture of North China Plain Based on NOAA-AVHRR Data Yu Tao and Tian Guoliang

11 :20 11 h 20 Apport des donnees RADARSAT a l'etude des proprietes hydrologlques des sols -S d 'une zone semi-aride : Cas du bassin versant de Telata (nord du Maroc) R. Houssa et A. Merzouk, lnstitut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II , Maroc; H. Ohman, Direction des eaux et fon~ts, Maroc

11 :40 11 h 40 Initial Observations on the Characterization of Soil Moisture Conditions Along the Oak Ridge Moraine Using RADARSAT Data and Field Measurements Dale A. Dempsey, Laurentian University; Peter J. Barnett, Ontario Geological Survey; Frank Kenny and Carey Gibson, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Session E-3 l 0:20 - 12:00 Capital Hall 3B

Seance E-3 10 h 20 - l 2 h 00 Salle Capital 3B

Chairperson/President : Ron Hall Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Forestry Data Integration I Integration des donnees sur les forets I

10:20 10 h 20 Une strategle multl-echelle pour mesurer l 'indice de surface follaire dans ECOLEAP R.A. Fournier, C-H. Ung, C. Delisle, G. Robitaille et G. Simard, Ressources naturelles Canada


Le ieudi 29 moi

10 h 40 A Methodology for Plantations Monitoring using Thematic Mapper Data Djafar Oladi and Eugene Derenyi, University of New Brunswick

11 :00 11 h 00 Developpement d'un systeme a base de connalssances pour la mlse a jour des cartes forestleres a partlr des Images de teledetection Franyois Leduc et Franyois Cavayas, Universite de Montreal; Ying Li, Centre de recherche informatique de Montreal

11 :20 11 h 20 Remote Sensing - GIS Integration: Defining a Conifer Understorey Classification System for use with Landsat TM Data R.J. Hall, Natural Resources Canada

11 :40 11 h 40 The Use of Remote Sensing Data from NOAA Satellites to Detect Forest Fires N.A. Abushenko, G.A. Zherebstov, V.V. Koshelev, N.P. Minke, S.M. Semenov and S.A. Tashilin, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russia

Session E-4 10:20 - 12:00 Capita l Hall 4B

Seance E-4 10 h 20 - 12 h 00 Salle Capita l 4B

Chairperson/Presidente : Heather McNairn Noetix Research Inc.

and-Cover Mapping Cartographie de la couverture terrestre

10:20 10 h 20 L'apport de la geomatlque et des methodes d'alde a la decision dans la gestlon des paysages forestlers Jean-Jacques Chevallier, Stephane Daudelin et Yves van Chestein, Universite Laval

10:40 10h40 Land Cover Information Content of Polarimetrlc SAR Data of a Boreal Forest, Central Yukon Territory Claude R. Duguay, Universite Laval; David W. Leverington, University of Manitoba; Heather McNalrn, NOETIX Research Inc.

11:00 11 h 00 An Evaluation and Demonstration of Mapping Africa Using RADARSAT for the UN-FAQ AFRICOVER Project David Davidson, Robert van Wyngaarden, Heather Gordon, Mark Menhennet, Sandra Trampe and Beth van Wyngaarden, Geomatics International; Dominique Lantieri , John Latham and Antonio di Gregoria, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Italy; Ron Brown, Natural Resources Canada

11 :20 11 h 20 Prairie Ground Cover Classification: Techniques and Practices P. MacTavish, H. Pokrant and I. Radchenko, Saskatchewan Research Council

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Thursday, May 29

11 :40 11 h 40 Landsat TM and Topographic Map Data in a Stratified Approach for Vegetation Mapping in Sweden Laine Boresjo Bronge, Stockholm University, Sweden

Session E-5 10:20 - 11 :40 Capital Hall 58

Seance E-5 10 h 20 - l l h 40 Salle Capital 58

Chairperson/President : Doug Scott Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada


11 :00 11 h 00 GlobeSAR-11 Program and RADARSAT Applications Review B. Brisco, Noetix Research Inc.; M.J. Manore, R.J. Brown, M.A. D'lorio and F.H.A. Campbell, Natural Resources Canada

11 :20 11 h 20 Land Cover Database and Map of Africa (Afrlcover) Zdenek Denny Kalensky, Natural Resources Canada

Session E-7 l 0:20 - 12:00 Salon E

Seance E-7 10h20 - 12h00

Salon E

Chairperson/President : Jing Chen

Le ;eudi ';Jn a, 13:30 13 h 30 Analyse de l'apport de l'lndlce de vegetation a la classification dans les milieux Mterogenes A. Bannari, H. Anys, D-C He et D. Morin, Universite de Sherbrooke 13:50 13 h 50 SAR Image for Rice Monitoring 7 ,(.

Shao Yun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, .,.. China

14:10 14 h 10 Multltemporal Spaceborne SAR Data for Crop Classification: A Sequential-Masking Approach Yifang Ban, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; Philip J. Howarth, University of Waterloo

10:20 1 O h 20 Natural Resources Canada 14:30 14 h 30 Integration of Neighbourhood Context to a Ressources naturelles Canada Information Processing of Multlpolarlzation

Airborne SAR Data for Early Season Crop Discrimination

Weighting Problem Using Voronoi Diagrams H. Chakroun, G.B. Benie et N.T. O'Neill, Universite de Sherbrooke; J. Desilets, Le Goupe S.M. Inc.

10:40 10 h 40 Conception d'un outil d'aide a la decision utillsant les technologies GIS et GPS pour les missions de recherche et de sauvetage aeriens (SAR) Laurent Geuzaine, Jean-Jacques Chevallier et Rock Santerre, Universite Laval

11 :00 11 h 00 Utility Mapping with GPS Mike Strutt and Lovett Lewis, Cansel Survey Equipment

11 :20 11 h 20 Using Global Positioning Systems to Verify the Location of Ground Control Points Used in Satellite Remote Sensing Pier Franco Pellegrini, Enrico Piazza and ionut Coman, University of Florence, Italy

Session E-6 l 0:20 - ll :40 Salon A

Seance E-6 10 h 20 - l l h 40

Salon A

Chairperson/President : Suvit Vibulsresth National Research Council of Thailand Conseil national de recherches de la Tha"iiande

International Programs I Programmes internationaux I

10:20 10 h 20 The RADARSAT User Development Program: The First Two Years Donald Ball, GeoServices; Jacques Bruneau and Claude Rousseau, Canadian Space Agency; Ronald Brown, Natural Resources Canada

10:40 10 h 40 The Use of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Analyzing Landscape Changes of the Northwestern Arid Coast of Egypt Yasser Ayad, Michel Guenet and Gerald Dornon, Universite de Montreal

Image Processing - Optical Traitement des images - Optique

10:20 10 h 20 Hierarchical Alberta Vegetation Inventory (AVI) Classification Using Aerial Digital Frame Camera Data G. Gerylo and S.E. Franklin, The University of Calgary; A. Roberts, Simon Fraser University; E.J. Milton, University of Southampton, United Kingdom; R.J. Hall, Natural Resources Canada

Paul M. Treitz, York University; Philip J. Howarth and Eric D. Soulis, University of Waterloo; Otto C. Rotunno Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Session F-2 13:30 - 15:10 Capital Hall 28

Seance F-2 1 3 h 30 - 15 h 1 0 Salle Capital 28

Chairperson/President : Ted Huffman 10:40 10 h 40 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Object-Oriented Analysis/Design System for Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada Satellite Image Processing and Management Z.L. Wang, M.M. Gupta and P.N. Nikiforuk, University of Saskatchewan

11 :00 11h00 Fuzzy Neural Networks Applied to Mineral Data Classification Z.L. Wang, M.M. Gupta and P.N. Nikiforuk, University of Saskatchewan

11 :20 Semlvariance Moment Texture In the Assessment of Forest Structure

11 h 20

M.A. Wulder and E.F. LeDrew, University of Waterloo; M.B. Lavigne, Natural Resources Canada; S.E. Franklin, The University of Calgary

11 :40 11 h 40 Classification or Enhancement: A New Method for Digital Analysis of Multichannel Raster Data J. Cihlar, J. Beaubien and J. Chen, Natural Resources Canada; Q. Xiao, lntermap Technologies

Session F-1 13:30 - 14:50 Capital Hall l 8

Seance F-1 13 h 30 - 14 h 50 Salle Capital l 8

Chairperson/President : Ron Brown Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Crop Classification Classification des cultures

Soil Conservation Conservation du sol

13:30 13 h 30 Investigating the Relationship Between Crop Residue Cover and Radar Backscatter Etude de la relation entre le couvert de resldus vegetaux et le coefficient de retrodlffuslon radar H. McNairn, J. Boisvert, C. Duguay, E. Huffman and R.J. Brown, NOETIX Research Inc.

13:50 13 h 50 Objective Training Site Select ion for Regional Scale Satelllte Data Validation Bart Hulshof, Richard Protz and Brian Allen, University of Guelph

14:10 14 h 10 Shortwave Infrared Contribution to the Detection of Crop Residues and Dry Vegetation over Different Soil Backgrounds D. Haboudane. F. Bonn and P. Cliche, Universite de Sherbrooke; F. Biard, GEOSYS, France; A. Banneri, SPAR Mrospaliale

14:30 14 h 30 Contributions envisageables en matlere de technologies geomatiques et de methodologies d'alde a la decision au service de la conservation des eaux et du sol Jean-Jacques Chevallier et Stephane Daudelin, Universite Laval

14:50 14 h 50 Evaluation of Land Degradation In Semiarid lntermountain Valleys with Radar Data Stella M. Navone, Alejandro E. Maggi and Eduardo A. Rienzi, INTA, Argentina

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Thursday Moy "

Session F-3 13:30 - 14:50 Capital Hall 3B

Seance F-3 13h30 - 14h50 Salle Capital 3B

Chairperson/President : Michael Collins University of Calgary Universite de Calgary

Forestry Data Integration II Integration des donnees sur le~ forets II

13:30 13 h 30 Use of Optical and Thermal Infrared NOAA­AVHRR Data as Inputs In the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System Brigitte Leblon and Lisa Gallant, University of New Brunswick; Jin Chen and Marty Alexander, Natural Resources Canada; Hardy Granberg, Universite de Sherbrooke

13:50 13 h 50 Mapping Forest Clearcuts Using Optical and Radar Digital Remote Sensing: The Canadian Experience Brigitte Leblon, Nor Akhi Mahmud and Glen Jordan, University of New Brunswick

14:30 14 h 30 Vicarious Calibration of NOAA 12's AVHRR Channel 1 and Channel 2 Using Snow­Covered Sea Ice Roger De Abreu. Natural Resources Canada; Ellsworth LeDrew, University of Waterloo

14:50 14 h 50 The AEROCAN Sunphotometer Network: A Component of a CAL/VAL Strategy for Consistent Image Correction N.T. O'Neill. A. Royer and P. Romanov, Universite de Sherbrooke; P.M. Te1llet and G. Fedosejevs, Natural Resources Canada

Session F-5 13:30 - lS:lO Capital Hall SB

Seance F-5 l 3 h 30 - l S h l 0 Salle Capital SB

Chairperson/President : Jeff Labonte Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelies Canada

GIS Data Integration Integration des donnees SIG

13:30 13 h 30

~e 1eud1 29 1"1101

Production for RECTAS J.A. Ogunlami. Regional Centre for Training In Aerospace Surveys, Nigeria

13:50 13 h 50 La teledetection et la cartographle appliquees au sulvl envlronnemental et de la crolssance urbalne au Zaire : Le cas de la region mlniere de Mbuji-Mayi Michel Guenet et Henri Moanda Nakatanda, Universite de Montreal

14:10 14 h 10 RADARSAT Applications Research in Central America: The Globesar Program In Costa Rica Carlos L. Elizondo and Luis B. Zamora, lnstituto Geografico Nacional, Costa Rica

14:30 14 h 30 The Role of Geomatlcs Technologies in the Lake Malawi Biodiversity Conservation Project (LMBCP) David Barber, University of Manitoba; Anthony Ribbink, SADC/GEF Lake Malawi Biodiversity Conservation Project. Malawi; Robert Hecky, Environment Canada

14:10 14 h 10 Fire Monitoring in Boreal Forest Region Zhanqlng Li, Josef Cihlar and Bryan Lee, Natural Resources Canada; Louis Moreau and Fengting Huang, lntermap Information Technologies

City of Edinburgh Council, Juggling Multlple 14:50 14 h 50 International Earth Remote Sensing Project PRIRODA - Scientific Program of Land Surface Exploration

14:30 14 h 30 Cartographle du couvert forestler en Gaspesie 8 l'aide des images de tel&detection des satellites Landsat-5 et RADARSAT-1 Patrick Busque, Franvois Cavayas et James T. Gray, Universite de Montreal

Session F-4 13:30- lS:lO Capital Hall 4B

Seance F-4 l 3 h 30 - l s h 1 0 Salle Capital 4B

Chairperson/President : Phil Tei/let Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

CAL/VAL - Optical ETALNAL - Optique

GIS Simon Ellis. Scotland

13:50 13 h 50 Design and Implementation of Algorithms for ARC/INFO to Delta-X Conversion K.M. Badarinath. Otoo Ekow and Zhou Fuqun, lnterobjects Spatial Research; Chaiy Cherian, Natural Resources Canada

14:10 14 h 10 Le systeme MIG, un systeme assiste de transfert et de traitement de donnees graphiques pour la creation, la diffusion et l'utllisatlon de bases de donnees spatiales Alain Mignot, Mignot lnformatique Graphlque inc.

14:30 14 h 30 Research and Development Issues Related to lnteroperablllty Among Spatial Datasets D.E. Richardson, Natural Resources Canada

14:50 14 h 50 13:30 13 h 30, Mapping of Radionuclide Data Fields using GIS CallbratlonNalldation, Stabllity Monitoring, L. Tabachny, Ministry of Emergencies. Ukraine; and Quality Assurance in Remote Sensing: L.P. Khomenko, Intelligent Systems Geo. Ltd., A New Paradigm Ukraine: A. Dyshlyk, Kievgeoinforma!lka, P.M. Teillet, Natural Resources Canada; Ukraine D.N.H. Horler, Horler Information Inc.; N.T. O'Neill, Univers1te de Shert>rooke

13:50 13 h 50 An Accuracy Study of a Low-Cost Dlgital Camera Wolfgang Faig and Xiaopeng LI. University of New Brunswick

14:10 14h10 Estimation de caracteristiques de surface au nlveau sous-pixel 8 partir de donnees slmulees des futurs capteurs Vegetation et HAVIR du satellite SPOT-4 Jean-Pierre Fortin, Monique Bernier, Danielle DeSeve et Stephane Lapointe, Universite du Quebec

Session F-6 13:30-15:10 Salon A

Seance F-6 l 3 h 30 - l s h 1 0

Salon A

Chairperson/President : David L. G/ackm The Aerospace Corporation

International Programs II Programmes internatlonaux II

13:30 13 h 30 Sustainable Cities Programme for UNCHS (Habitat 11) - Urban Management Programme - The Case of Sustainable Ibadan Project (SIP) in Nigeria - Revised Base Map

N.A. Armand, B.G. Kutuza, A.S. Shmalenyuk and Yu. G. Tishchenko, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russia

Session F-7 13:30 - 14:50 Salon E

Seance F-7 13h30-14h50

Salon E

Chairperson/President : Bert Guindon Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Image Processing - Radar Traitement des images - Radar

13:30 13 h 30 Land-Cover Classification In SAR Images by Means of a Backpropagation Neural Network Classifier and the Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm Andre Ndi Nyoungui, Emmanuel Tonye and Alain Akono. Universite de Yaounde I, Cameroun

13:50 13 h 50 Neuro-Vlslon System for RADARSAT: Image Clustering and Recognition Z.L. Wang, M.M. Gupta and P.N. Nikiforuk, University of Saskatchewan

14:10 14 h 10 Cartographle du parceilaire a l 'alde d 'images RADARSAT : Essai d 'algorlthmes de classlflcation spectrale et contextuelle G.B. Benie, R. Rollet, J. Boisvert et S. Wang, Unlversite de Sherbrooke

14:30 14h 30 RADARSAT Reception and Processing at 3-f RSSGS In China C. Li, Y. Xu, Y. Xiao, A. Li, R. Yang and W. Wong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

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Thursday Moy 29

Coffee Break 1 S:OO - 1 S:30

• Exhibit Hall

Session G-1 15:30- 17:10 Capital Hall 1 B

Pause-cafe 1Sh00-1Sh30

Salle d'exposition

Seance G-1 l S h 30 - 1 7 h 10 Salle Capital 1 B

Chairperson/President : Gordon Plunkett Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Geospatial Data Infrastructure Infrastructure de donnees geospatiales

15:30 15h30 Open Geospatlal Datastore Interface (OGDI) Gilles Clement and Christian Larouche, Logiciels et Applications Scientifiques (L.A.S.) Inc.; Denis Gouin, Defence Research Establishment Valcartier; Paul Morin, National Defence

15:50 15 h 50 Operational Concept Modeling of Command and Control Spatial-Based Dec ision-Aids Denis Gouin, Defence Research Establishment Valcartier

16:10 16 h 10 Data Discovery and Access in the Canadian Spatial Data Infrastructure A.A. O'Neil, T. Fisher, D. O'Brien and B. Mcleod, Natural Resources Canada

16:30 16 h 30 Networks and Roadmaps: Agency Issues of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure Mark Corey, Natural Resources Canada

16:50 16 h 50 Building Bridges to Global Geospatlal Information Infrastructure: Mercator Alliance, OGDI and Standards David McKellar, Paul Morin and Jeff Labonte, National Defence

Session G-2 1S:30 - 17:10 Capital Hall 2B

Seance G-2 15 h 30 - 1 7 h 10 Salle Capital 2B

Chairperson/President : Ferdinand Bonn University of Sherbrooke Universite de Sherbrooke

Crop Monitoring II Surveillance des cultures II

15:30 15 h 30 Relationship Between RadarSat Fine Mode Data and Wheat Crop Parameters A. Toure, Devel-Tech Inc.

15:50 15 h 50 Preliminary Investigation of High Resolution, Late Season NOVI and Implications for Site Specific Crop Management (SSCM) M.D. Wood, S. Van Osch, P. vonBertoldi and A. Protz, University of Guelph; P. Shepherd, York University; D. Aspinall, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

16:10 16h10 Identification and Monitoring of Shifting Cultivation In the Rio Padamo, Amazonas State, Venezuela

Session G-4 15:30 - 16:50 Capital Hall 4B

Le jeudi 29 mm

Seance G-4 l S h 30 - 16 h 50 Salle Capital 4B

Ramiro Salcedo, Jose Rafael Prieto and Chairperson/President : Phil Tei/let Jose A. Arismendi, lnstiMo de lngenieria, Venezuela Natural Resources Canada

16 h 30 Ressources naturelles Canada 16:30 Assimilating Optical Reflectance Data to Correct a Coupled Crop Growth and Reflectance Model for Sugar Beet Yield Estimation Chris Duke and Martine Guerif, lnstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France

16:50 16 h 50 Preliminary Results of Analysis of RADARSAT Standard Mode Beam 7 Data for Agricultural Crop Identification In India M. Chakraborty, S. Panigrahy, M.P. Oza and J.S. Parihar, Space Applications Centre, India; A.N. Singh, Remote Sensing Applications Centre­UP, India

Session G-3 1 S:30 - 16:50 Capital Hall 3B

Seance G-3 15h30-16h50 Salle Capital 3B

Chairperson/President: Tom Lukowski Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Radar Processing Traitement radar

15:30 Improvement of RADARSAT Image Localization

15 h 30

H. Rufenacht, Spar Aerospace Limited; A. Proulx and P. Cefola, Draper Laboratory, U.S.A.

15:50 15 h 50 A Common Evaluation Approach of Smoothing and Feature Preserving for SAR Image Filtering Maher Najeh et Jean-Marie Beaulieu, Universite Laval

16:10 A New Method for Extracting Linear Features from SAR Images C.P. Vencatasawmy, C.D. Clark and

16 h 10

R.J. Martin, The University of Sheffield, UK; J.T. Gray and F. Cavayas, Universite de Montreal

16:30 16 h 30 Image Geo-Referenciatlon without Terrestrial Control Points Alberto E. Giraldez, Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Argentina

BRDF Fonction de reflectance bidirectionnelle (BRDF)

15:30 15 h 30 Using a Calibrated Digital Camera to Investigate Directional Effects of Vegetation Canopies John Dymond, Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand

15:50 15 h 50 Sensitivity Analysis of Forest Reflectance using the Modified Forest Light Interaction Model Fraser Gemmell, University of Leicester, United Kingdom; Andries Rosema, EARS, The Netherlands

16:10 16 h 10 Knowledge-Based Inversion for Multlangular Remote Sensing Feng Gao and Zong-Guo Xia, University of Massachusetts at Boston, U.S.A.; Qijiang Zhu, Beijing Normal University, People's Republic of China

16:30 16 h 30 On the Performance of Hybrid BRDF Models over Boreal Forest Stands Zhanqing Li, Natural Resources Canada; Louis Moreau. Quebec City

Session G-5 15:30 - 17:10 Capital Hall SB

Seance G-5 15h30- 17h10 Salle Capital SB

Chairperson/President : Karl Staenz Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Hyperspectral Data Donnees en hyperespace spectral

15:30 15 h 30 Supervised Classification Techniques for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Luis 0. Jimenez, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

15:50 15 h 50 Detection de la teneur en oxyde de fer et en carbonate des sols a l 'aide de la haute resolution spectrale et d'une simulation spectrale TM, pour l'evaluation de la degradation des sols en milieu medlterraneen Caroline Forest et Ferdinand Bonn, Universite de Sherbrooke; Stefan Sommer, EMAP, ltalie

16:10 16 h 10 New Software Technology tor Repeat Pass Spaceborne Interferometric SAR (lnSAR) Processing Bernard Armour, Jim Ehrismann, Marco van der Kooij, Peter Farris-Manning and Shinya Sato, Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc.

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Th Jr~da}". Moy 29

16:30 16 h 30 Hyperspectral Information Extraction Techniques Applied to Agriculture Cssl Data for Detection of Within-Field Variations K. Staenz and R.J. Brown, Natural Resources Canada; T. Szeredi, McDonald Dettwiler and. Associates; H. McNairn, Noetix Research Inc.; R. Van Acker, University of Manitoba

16:50 16 h 50 Site Characterization of Mine Tailings at the INCO Copper Cliff Mine using Casi Imagery J. Levesque, MIR Teledetection Inc.; V. Singhroy and K. Staenz, Natural Resources Canada; D. Bolton, INCO limited

Session G-6 15:30- 17:10 Salon A

Seance G-6 15 h 30 - 1 7 h 1 0

Salon A

Chairperson/President : Leo Sayn-Wittgenstein l. Sayn-Wittgenstein Consultants Inc.

International Programs Ill Programmes internationaux Ill

15:30 15 h 30 Support to Defence and Humanitarian Operations: The RADARSAT User Awareness and Training Dimension Terry J. Thomson, Imagery Exploitation Services; Major Michael McKean and D. Ball. Canadian Space Agency; M. Rey and D. Christie, National Defence; B. Bruce, Natural Resources Canada

15:50 15 h 50 Remote Sensing Program in Thailand Suvit Vibulsresth, National Research Council of Thailand

16:10 16 h 10 International Remote Sensing Overview: 1980-2007 David l. Glackin, The Aerospace Corporation, U.S.A.

16:50 16 h 50 Potentials for SAR Applications In landcover and Geological Mapping in Malaysia N. N. Mahmood, K.F. Loh and S. Ahmad, Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing, Malaysia

Session G-7 15:30 - 16:30 Salon E

Seance G-7 15 h 30 - 16 h 30

Salon E

Chairperson/President : David Goodenough Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada

Image Processing Traitement d'images

15:30 15 h 30 Automated Edge Detection In RADARSAT Images Robert Klepko, Defence Research Establishment Ottawa

15:50 15 h 50 A Comparison Study of Data from RADARSAT, Landsat, A Multlspectral Camera, A Field Portable Spectrometer and A High Resolution UV-VIS-NIA Spectrometer K.A.M. Greber. A.A. Green, E.A. Ough and V. Singh, Royal Military College of Canada

16:10 16 h 10 The Local Environmental Applications Program at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Ko B. Fung, Robert Gauthier and Josef Cihlar, Natural Resources Canada

This event promises to be the culmination of the most exciting and vibrant Geomatics Conference to date. In the comfortable setting of the Colonel By Room, the evening's festivities will begin with before-dinner drinks -cash bar at 17:00. Dinner will be served at 18:00. Following dinner, a number of speakers, including one of our Canadian astronauts, Marc Garneau, will provide us with their views on the road ahead. Awards of Excellence in a variety of categories within the field of geomatics and remote sensing will be presented by the participating Associations.

This gala event is included with full registration or, tickets can be purchased. All tickets for the Gala must be picked up in person at the Information desk.

Be sure to attend this important function!

Get evenement promet d'6tre le point culminant de la Conference de cette annee, elle-meme la plus animee a ce jour. Dans le contort de la salle Colonel By, on entamera la soiree avec l'apero - le bar payant ouvrlra a 17 h. le diner sera servi a 18 h. Par la suite, des conferenciers, don! Marc Garneau l'un de nos astronautes canadlens, partageront avec nous leur vision de l'avenir. Les associations participantes remettront des prix d'excellence dans diverses categories en geomatique et en teledetection.

L'lnvitation au gala est comprise dans !'Inscription, mais des billets peuvent aussl etre achetes. Vous devez prendre possession de vos billets en personne au bureau d'information.

Soyez des notres!

le 1eud 29 mo1

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The 1 O'h International Geomatics Conference

SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRacraRES Geospatial Data on the Information Highway

An international conference to examine the policies, initiatives technologies and applications leading to national and international spatial data infrastructures:

• standards, formats and protocols • system architectures and core services • data holdings and supplier interfaces • client requirements and user interfaces • value-added services • copyright and other legal issues • applications and demonstrations

10° Conference internationale sur la geomatique I

INFRASTRUCTURES DE DONNEES SPATIAlES Les donnees geospatiales sur l'autoroute de ['information Une conference internationale au cours de laquelle on se penchera sur les politiques, Jes initiatives, les technologies et les applications associees aux infrastructures

nationales et internationales de donnees spatiales :

• normes, formats et protocoles • architectures des systemes et services principaux • archives de donnees et interfaces avec Jes fournisseurs • besoins des clients et interfaces avec les utilisateurs • services a valeur ajoutee • droit d'auteur et autres questions juridiques • applications et demonstrations

Conference Director, Spatial Data Infrastructures c/o GeoAccess Division Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Geomatics Canada, Natural Resources Canada Room 650, 615 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario K1 A OE9 Canada

Phone: Fax:

Directeur de la Conference, Infrastructures de donnees spatiales, a/s de Division GeoAcces Centre canadien de teledetection Geomatique Canada, Ressources naturelles Canada 615, rue Booth, piece 650, Ottawa (Ontario) K1 A OE9 Canada

e-mail: Tel.: 1-613-947-1244 Telec.: 1-613-947-2410 C. E.: [email protected]

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May 27 - 29, 1997 Ottawa Congress Centre

Symposium international: , '



Du 27 au 29 mai 1997 Centre des congres d'Ottawa

Page 42: Look before you leap! - IDRC Digital Library

Opening Hours Tuesday, May 27 Wednesday, May 28 Thursday, May 29

11 :00 - 20:00 hrs 09:00 - 17:00 hrs 09:00 - 15:30 hrs

Open to the general public, Wednesday and Thursday. Admission fee $20.00

Heu res d 'ouverture Mardi 27 mai Mercredi 28 mai Jeudi 29 mai

11 h 00 - 20 h 00 9 h 00 - 17 h 00 9 h 00 - 15 h 30

Exposition ouverte au public les mercredi et jeudi, droit d 'en tree 20 $.

Exhibit Director I Directeur de !'exposition Doug Baker

Conference Manager I Gestionnaire de la Conference Rose Barthe During the Conference we can be reach at: Tel.: 613-230-1997 Fax: 613-947-7059

Pendant la Conference, vous pouvez nous joindre aux numeros suivants : Telephone : 613-230-1997 Telecopieur : 613-947-7059

Organized by I Organisee par :







Natural Resources Ressources naturelles Canada Canada

Geomatics Canada Geomatique Canada

Canadian Space Agence spatiale Agency canadienne

This Conference is co-sponsored by CCRS, CIDA, IDRC, NASA and RSI.

Cette conference est coparralnee par le CCT, l'ACDI. le CRDI, la NASA et RSI.

Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception 18:00-20:00 Exhibit Hall (main ftoor)

An invitation is extended to all registered delegates to attend the Exhibitors' Icebreaker Reception. This is an opportunity to take time out from the Conference sessions to enjoy a relaxed and informal get-together. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. (please check your registration form; extra tickets will be sold ($20) at the registration desk if you wish to bring a guest)

Reception cordiale des exposants 18h00 - 20h00 Salle d 'exposit ion (rez-de-chaussee) Tous les delegues inscrits sont invites a la Reception cordiale des exposants. Les gens auront alors !'occasion de faire connaissance et de jaser dans une atmosphere de detente. II y aura un bar payant et quelque chose a se mettre sous la dent. (Veuillez consulter le formulaire d'inscription; des billets supplementaires (20 $) seront en vente au bureau d'inscription).

Gala Closing Ceremony 17:30-21 :00 Colonel By Room

This event promises to be the culmination of the most exciting and vibrant Geomatics Conference to date. In the comfortable setting of the Colonel By Room, the evening's festivities will begin with before-dinner drinks -cash bar at 17:00. Dinner will be served at 18:00. Following dinner, a number of speakers, including one of our Canadian astronauts, Marc Garneau, will provide us with their views on the road ahead. Awards of Excellence in a variety of categories within the field of geomatics and remote sensing will be presented by the participating Associations.

This gala event is included with full registration or, tickets can be purchased (SSO). All tickets for the Gala must be picked up In person at the information desk.

Be sure to attend this important function!

Gala de cloture 17 h 30 - 21 h 00 Salle Colonel By

Cet evenement promet d'etre le point culminant de la Conference de cette annee, elle-meme la plus animee a ce jour. Dans le contort de la salle Colonel By, on entamera la soiree avec l'apero - le bar payant ouvrira a 17 h. Le diner sera servi a 18 h. Par la suite, des oonferenciers, dont Marc Garneau l'un de nos astronautes canadiens, partageront avec nous leur vision de l'avenir. Les associations participantes remettront des prix d'excellenoe dans diverses categories en geomatique et en teledetection.

L'invitation au gala est comprise dans l' inscrlption, mais des billets peuvent aussi etre achetes (50 $). Vous devez prendre possession de vos billets en personne au bureau d' informatlon.

Soyez des notres!

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Booth No. Booth No. N de stand N de stand

10 Alliance For Marine Remote Sensing (AMAS) 69 Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science (ISTS)

6 Array Systems Computing Inc. lnstitut de science terrestre et spatiale (ISTS)

3~38 Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc. 44 Leica Inc.

65 Autodesk Canada Inc. 3 MacDonald Dettwiler and Assoc. Ltd.

30 Noetix Research Inc. 20 Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute

lnstitut aeronautique et spatial du Canada 19 Northway Map Technology Ltd. Canadian Remote Sensing Society

5 Northwood Geoscience Ltd. Societe canadienne de teledetection

27 Canadian Ice Service 4 Pacific International Inc.

Service canadien des glaces 3~38 PCI Enterprises Inc.

1 Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) Atlantis Scientific Systems Group Inc. Tydac Inc Association canadienne des sciences PCI Pacific geomatiques (ACSG)

60 Canadian Space Agency 33 Pentax Canada Inc.

Agence spatiale canadienne 64 Radarsat International

15 Cansel Survey Equipment 45 Research Systems Inc.

23 Carl Zeiss Inc. 34 Spar Aerospace Ltd.

22 Compusult Limited 50-57 SSIG Group Inc. - Groupe SSIG Inc.

Dendron Resource Surveys Inc. BCGT Inc. 17 Geomatics International ltd.

16 Dessauer and Company/ 1.E.S. Imagery Explotation Services Inc. Leipziger Messe GmbH lmagetech Resource Laboratories Inc.

IOSAT Inc. 39 ONO Geomatics/GIS Lab Photosur Geomat International Inc.

Geomatique MON/Lab SIG Satlantic Inc.

18 Earth Observation Magazine 48 Synmap Information Technologies Ltd.

70 Earth Sciences Sector/NRCan 49 Terrain Resources Ltd. Secteur des sciences de la Terre/RNCan

9 Triathlon Mapping Corporation 14 Enfotec Technical Services

26 Universal Systems Ltd. (CARIS) 67 ESRI Canada ltd.

8 Universite Laval 43 Formatek Inc. Centre de recherche en geomatique

47 Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd. 32 Vantage Point International Inc.

28 Geneq Inc. 42 Vexcel Corporation

68 Geodimeter of Canada Ltd. 21 VIASAT Geo-Technologie Inc.

24 GEOIMAGE (France)

7 1.A.C.G. - CMOIG

62 Intergraph Canada Ltd.

2 lntermap Technologies

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Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing Booth 10

The Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing (AMAS) is an international, not-for-profit association of marine remote sensing professionals. With members in 29 countries, AMAS provides a rapidly growing network that links regional, national and international members to the international marketplace.

AMAS is working to make the marine remote sensing community an effective and productive sector with long­term growth potential. To achieve that goal , AMAS creates partnerships with other remote sensing organizations and corporations, facilitates research initiatives, promotes education and training, and collects and distributes relevant and timely information to its members through its quarterly magazine, backscatter, its website, ( and other media.

Atlantis Scientific Inc. Booths 35-38

Nature of Business Atlantis Scientific Inc. specializes in providing products and services involving data acquisition, image analysis, and advanced signal processing applications. The core technologies include: radar simulation and analysis; microwave and electronic hardware and data acquisition; image and remote sensing.

Company Profile Atlantis Scientific Inc. is a provincially incorporated, privately owned company. Founded in 1981, Atlantis employs approximately thirty (30) full time staff members, as well as engineering and science students in conjunction with an extensive network of dealers and subcontractors. All Atlantis technical and research staff possess physics, engineering or mathematics degrees.

Business Description Atlantis has been actively involved in the leading edge of developing innovative software and services for the international Geomatics market through the development and global distribution of its EarthViewrM remote sensing software products. With a network of over one hundred dealers worldwide and an extensive network of technical support personnel , based in Canada, Atlantis continues to dominate a competitive software market in many remote sensing software packages including SAR processing, Image Analysis disciplines, and application-specific software such as automated interferometric product generation.


Array Systems Computing Inc. Booth 6 Array Systems Computing Inc. , a Canadian software development company, designs leading-edge remote sensing products including the following:

FASTSCAN, a real-time Radarsat processor, features automatic data quality reports and catalogues, a real­time moving window display, raw data interface transcription to tape and a browse capability.

PrecisionScan, a high precision, full resolution Radarsat and ERS processor, features precision and ScanSAR processing, survey processing, extensive image analysis functions, and format conversions.

Satellite Groundstations, which can be interfaced to an existing antenna system or be configured to provide a fixed or transportable station, feature a generic data path switch, direct data capture, a comprehensive catalogue and archive and precision processing.

AUTODESK CANADA Inc. Booth 65 Tel: 905-946-0928; Fax: 905-946-0926

Autodesk, the world leader in PC-based mapping and GIS, provides interactive GIS software solutions for delivering richly detailed maps and geographic data. MapGuide™, Autodesk's solution for lntranets and the Internet, is the only vector-based Internet mapping solution available today. AutoCAD® Map is the premier AutoCAD-based mapping software solution for creating, maintaining, analyzing, presenting and exchanging mapping and GIS information in a CAD environment. Both products will be highlighted at the booth.

Autodesk is the world's leading supplier of PC-design software and PC multimedia tools. The fourth largest PC software company in the world, Autodesk has over three million customers in nearly 140 countries.


Creee en 1986, FORMATEK se specialise dans la conception et la realisation de systemes de gestion de donnees a reference spatiale associes aux technologies du CD-ROM. ~equipe de FORMATEK est formee de professionnels et de techniciens ayant une experience etendue en geomatique, en informatique et en conception de logiciels. Les cadres de la compagnie possedent une experience de travail dans plus de vingt pays. Malgre une presence preponderante sur le marche canad!en, FORMATEK a effectue plusieurs mandats aux Etats-Unis, au Venezuela, en Espagne et en France.

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Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Canadian Remote Sensing Society Booth 20

CASI was created to advance the art, science, engineering and application of aeronautics and space in Canada. It is a not-for-profit organization for individuals interested in any aspect of aerospace. The Canadian Remote Sensing Society is a constituent society of CASI. Publications include the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Canadian Remote Sensing Journal, and the CASI Log. CASI and its constituent societies organize conferences on various topics every year, and also host gatherings in many larger centres on a monthly basis.

Cansel Survey Equipment Booth 15

Cansel Survey Equipment is the largest independent supplier of surveying and associated equipment in North America. Since 1996, Cansel Survey has served a growing market. With eight locations in North America, Cansel has become the recognized leader in sales, rental, training, and servicing of Surveying Equipment, Global Positioning Systems, Construction Layout Products, and associated products and services. Cansel offers the largest Global Positioning System (GPS) rental inventory in North America. Headquartered in Toronto, with GPS product specialists in each division office, our GPS division is designed to offer optimum support to the growing GPS and GIS industries. We are the Canadian distributor for Trimble GPS survey and mapping product.

CARIS (Universal Systems Ltd.) Booth 26

Since 1979, Universal Systems has dedicated itself to continuing development of innovative digital mapping, charting, and GIS solutions. By drawing on the experience of its customers worldwide, the Computer Aided Resource Information System (CARIS) was designed. CARIS™ has since evolved into a powerful tool for database creation, maintenance, and management of geographic data.

For organizations looking for a flexible and capable GIS to manage their geographic data, CARIS is a powerful tool for helping people cope with the endless flux of spatial information. Unlike other GIS vendors, which offer only closed , proprietary systems, CARIS has evolved into an open but stable solution - derived from nearly 20 years of development experience.



The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) is devoted to promoting the interests of everyone involved in the field of geomatics across the country. Its main goals are to: • Support the development of geomatics in Canada; • Promote and demonstrate the benefits of geomatics; • Increase professional training for its members; • Promote cooperation between Canadian geomatics

organizations as well as foster common goals and practices;

• Represent and advance Canada's international interests in geomatics.

Professionals in the mapping and surveying sciences have met together at CIG meetings for over a century. The Institute is dedicated to promoting geomatic sciences and welcomes as members anyone wishing to contribute to the success of geomatics, be they managers, producers, users or distributors of geographic data, members of professional orders or associations, teachers and students or goods and services providers.


!.:Association canadienne des sciences geomatiques (ACSG) se consacre a promouvoir les interets de celles et ceux qui oeuvrent dans le domaine de la geomatique au pays. Elle vise notamment : • a soutenir le developpement des sciences

geomatiques; • a mettre en valeur et a demontrer l'utilite de la

geomatique; • a parfaire la formation professionnelle de ses

membres; • a promouvoir la collaboration entre les organisations

liees a la geomatique et a favoriser l'unite de leurs buts et de leurs actions;

• a representer et a promouvoir les interets du pays a l'echelle internationale en matiere de geomatique.

Les professionnels des sciences des leves et de la cartographie sont regroupes depuis plus d'un siecle au sein de l'ACSG. t.:Association se consacre a promouvoir les sciences geomatiques et accueille dans ses rangs toutes les personnes qui desirent contribuer au succes de la geomatique : gestionnaires, producteurs, utilisateurs ou diffuseurs de donnees geographiques, membres de corporations professionnelles ou d'associations, enseignants et etudiants, fournisseurs de biens et de services.

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Compusult Limited Booth 22

Compusult Limited, one of the participants i~ the CEONet initiative for CCRS, has been carrying out systems integration and engineering proje~~~ ov~r the past 12 years. We combine our capab~ht1es in software design and development, geomat1cs, data communications and networking. Internet services and commercial software and hardware procurement and integration for a variety of operational and production environments.

Compusult Limited has significantly invested in research and development in computer software, geographic information systems, expert systems and artificial intelligence, computer graphics, database design and applications, computer communications and networks, physical environmental studies and research on iceberg drift and decay, ice and wind loading on structures, and other meteorological and physical environmental applications.

The company specializes in integrating the best features of a number of applications to provide end users with the optimal cost-effective and innovative solution to their needs.

Dendron Resource Surveys Inc. Booth 17

Dendron Resource Surveys Inc., in association with PCI Enterprises, ESRI Canada Limited and other government and industry partners, has develop~d and is undertaking the RADARSAT Forestry Proiect - funded by the Canadian Space Agency and the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. The goal of the project is to develop, test and commercialize an approach, tool and training package for addressing specific forest monitoring tasks, which will be cheaper and/or better than current means. The product will enable ready access to, and analysis of, required data, including RADARSAT and other . imagery, by operational personnel. The product will be developed for and tested on operational forestry sites across Canada and in Ecuador.

Dendron Resource Surveys Inc. is an Ottawa-based company that provides a variety of technical support services in the field of forest resources management and appraisal. The company also specializes in digital cartographic services to the forestry and other sectors.


Le Centre de recherche en geomatique de l'Universite Laval Stand 8

Le Centre de recherche en geomatique (CRG) de l'Universite Laval a Quebec a pour mission la recherche de pointe et la formation de haut niveau en geomatique. Cree en mars 1989, le CRG est reconnu pour son equipe de recherche multidiscipl!nair~ , I~ qualite de ses recherches et de sa formation ains1 que son leadership dans le domaine. Une centaine de personnes participent aux activites du Centre dont 25 chercheurs. Ces activites se regroupent autour de quatre axes de recherche faisant appel ~ux d'.ffe r?~tes disciplines de la geomatique (cartograph1e, geodes1e, legislation fonciere, photogrammetrie, systemes d'information a reference spatiale, teledetection). Plus particulierement, ces axes sont : la geomatisation d~s organisations, !'acquisition et !'integration des donnees a reference spatiale, les systemes dynamiques pour !'acquisition et la gestion des donnees spatio­temporelles et la geomatique forestiere. Le budget de recherche s'eleve a pres de 2 millions de dollars par annee et provient de subventions et contrats des organismes subventionnaires, de l'industrie privee, des ministeres federaux et provinciaux et de l'Universite Laval.

The Centre for Research in Geomatics of Laval University Booth 8

The Centre for Research in Geomatics (CRG) of Laval University in Quebec City was created in 1989 for the development of highly qualified personnel and high calibre research in Geomatics. The CRG is recognized for its multidisciplinary team, the quality of its research and education as well as for its leadership in Geomatics. A research team of approximately 100 members participate in the Centre's activities. These activities focus upon four central themes that require knowledge of the various disciplines of Geomatics (cartography, cadastral studies, geodesy, GIS, photogrammetry, remote sensing) . Specifically,. the. four central themes of the CRG are the geomat1sat1on of organizations, the acquisition and integration of spatially referenced data, dynamic systems for the acquisition and management of spatio-tempral data, and Geomatics in Forestry. The funding level approaches $2 million annually. All research activities are financed by grants and contracts which are given principally by granting agencies, private industry, the government and Laval University.

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ednesday, May 28

I Geomatics Group roupe de geomatique de PCI :00 - 18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00

apital Hall 1 B Salle Capital 1 B

om Sky to Map - Total Solution Seminar nd to end process flow; airphoto thorectification - satellite image processing -atial analysis and interpolation - cartographic

diting and output. !

p:OO lrthoEngine: Desktop Software that Generates ,recision Orthophotos Fast

Build map-accurate orthos from scanned air photos Export precision orthos in ready-to-use

' formats Use mosaicked orthos to fit under GIS and CAD vector data

6:30 nageWorks: Leading Image Interpretation oftware for GIS and Mapping

Extract land cover thematic maps Maintain and update GIS/CAD data Detect changes in land condition with image information

7:00 PANS: Powerful Spatial Analysis with Desktop implicity

Simplify you decision-making with easy querying and reporting Enhance your strategic planning capabilities with elegant spatial analysis Uncover trends in your data by interpolating between samples

7:30 CE: The Accessible Digital Cartographic elution

Increase map production efficiency Enhance quality control with map templates and style tables Integrate vectors with raster for professional cartographic output

)Ur Total Mapping Solution! he seminar duration is two hours.

Cl Geomatics Group• ;roupe de geomatique de PCI g:oo- 20:30 18 h oo- 20 h 30 Jlon E Salon E

5th anniversary Celebration :elebration du 15e anniversaire

Corporate Address and Reflection on the past 5 years and a shared vision of the future.

Visit the PCI Geomatics Group booth for ~tails.

orthwood Geoscience ~:00-18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00 :apital Hall 2B Salle Capital 2B

roduct Demonstration: Vertical Mapper™ ontour, Modeling and Display Software for laplnfo Professional™ limes Harvie, Northwood Geoscience Ltd.

Vertical Mapper is a powerful new application that implements Raster GIS technology seamlessly within Maplnfo Professional desktop mapping software. Vertical Mapper is designed to generate grid files from point data using several interpolation techniques and data modeling algorithms. Grid files can be displayed as Raster images using thematic coloring, hill shading and 3D surface rendering techniques while grid math operations allow users to combine and compare multiple grid layers. The application supports slope and aspect mapping, intervisibility calculation, viewshed mapping, statistical data aggregation techniques and a number of grid translators for such formats as USGS DEM. A contour generator threads isolines through any grid map to produce attribute coded polylines or complex Maplnfo regions. Check out the Vertical Mapper web site at

ESRI Demo I Demonstration ESRI 16:00-18:00 16 h 00 - 18 h 00 Capital Hall 5B Salle Capital 5B

GPS•C, National Real-time GPS Correction Service - Information Session Geodetic Survey Division, Geomatics Canada

Seance d'information sur le GPS • C, un service national de correction GPS en temps reel Division des leves geodesiques, Geomatique Canada

16:00-18:00 Capital Hall 4B

16h00-18h00 Salle Capital 4B

The Geodetic Survey Division will highlight GPS•C, a new service based on the Canadian Active Control System (CACS), along with other options for relating GPS positioning to the Canadian Spatial Reference System, including CACS products made available through the Canadian Geodetic Bulletin Board Service. This short session will provide a forum for potential users and value-added distributors to learn about this national infrastructure and the opportunities available to them for improved GPS accuracy, reliable service and potential reduction in associated operational costs.

La Division des !eves geodesiques presentera le GPS•C, un nouveau service fonde sur le Systeme canadien de controle actif (CACS), ainsi que d'autres moyens permettant d'obtenir des positions GPS integrees au Systeme canadien de reference spatiale, tels que les produits CACS diffuses par le Service telematique de la Division des leves geodesiques. Cette courte seance permettra aux utilisateurs potentials et aux distributeurs de produits a valeur ajoutee de mieux connaltre cette nouvelle infrastructure nationale et de decouvrir ce qu'elle peut offrir aux plans de la precision du positionnement GPS, de la fiabilite du service et de la reduction des coOts d'exploitation.

Le mercredi 28 mai

Demonstration I Demonstration RADARSAT International 16:00-18:00 Salon E

16h00-18h00 Salon E

RADARSAT International, together with representatives of the worldwide RADARSAT Distribution Network and Resource Centres, will present examples of RADARSAT applications and case study projects, and will provide a look at the new and innovative tools available for learning more about RADARSAT.

Northway Map Technology Limited/ERDAS - Radar Imaging Seminar

16:00-18:00 Salon A

16h00-18h00 Salon A

ERDAS IMAGINE Radar Imaging: An Integrated Approach to Radar Remote Sensing

Today's remote sensing applications are increasingly dependent upon Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery as an indispensable data source. Applications such as ice monitoring, rain forest mapping, and wetlands management have come to rely on SAR imagery because of its all­weather/day-or-night capability, and for its unique imaging properties. Whether it is used on its own, or in combination with other sensors, SAR imagery has become an indispensable remote sensing data source.

Using SAR imagery effectively requires specialized data handling and analysis tools. In order to meet the needs of today's remote sensing professionals and researchers, ERDAS IMAGINE is developing advanced radar imaging tools. These tools will enable users to bring SAR imagery into the IMAGINE environment and to combine it with other data sources such as optical and infrared. IMAGINE's enhanced visualization, model making, and classification tools allow users to quickly develop powerful custom algorithms for their specific remote sensing problems such as:

• Arctic and Antarctic sea ice classification • Soil type and moisture classification • Seasonal change monitoring • Pine forest growth pattern maps • Forest fire history maps • Wet lands monitoring • Rain forest mapping • Imaging of moving targets and ocean waves

IMAGINE's fully integrated environment offers remote sensing professionals a powerful approach for exploiting SAR imagery to meet the needs of today's remote sensing applications.

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Bridge to Westin Passerelle d'acces au Westin

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ENFOTEC Booth 14

ENFOTEC is an experienced provider of information products and services for navigation, surveillance and monitoring of marine and coastal environments. The information products may be processed and delivered in near-real time, on-line, directly to managers/planners at shore based centers and/or to vessel operators at sea. We specialize in satellite image acquisition, analysis, integration and distribution, although we also provide, and can integrate, airborne remote sensing data. Our core near-real time satellite-based services are ICENAV, an ice information/navigation system and TRIDENT, a Coastal Zone Management service. ENFOTEC also offers multi-spectral airborne surveys and information products using a casi sensor.

The TRIDENT and ICENAV services are specifically designed to meet the opportunities available from the new capabilities provided by the RADARSAT satellite. For example, using data derived from RADARSAT, TRIDENT information products can map and monitor oceanographic processes, environmental features, vessel activities or features such as oil spills. All information products are systematically geo­referenced such that real world positions can be easily established and the information can be used operationally. Corresponding raster and vector weather and sea state data may also be delivered to the TRIDENT PC station and integrated with the image products.

Located in Ottawa, Canada, ENFOTEC has ready access to near-real time RADARSAT imagery worldwide from the Canadian Space Agency's Gatineau ground station. ENFOTEC has been able to deliver RADARSAT imagery products to decision­makers in the field , internationally, within three hours of acquisition.

GEO IMAGE Stand 24

La societe GEOIMAGE est une societe specialisee dans le traitement d'images d'observation de la Terre applique a la production de donnees geographiques. Dans ce domaine d'application, nous avons deux types d'activites :

- une activite de service (realisation de projets thematiques, production de donnees standard), - une activite logicielle (developpement d'un logiciel de traitement d'images et de cartographie : le logiciel GEOimage).


ESRI Canada Limited Booth 67

Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Inc. was founded in 1969 as a research organization devoted to developing new techniques for managing geographic information. Since then , ESRI, Inc. has become the leading vendor of GIS software and has been providing software development, data automation, and consulting services to a wide variety of clients around the world. ESRI, Inc. continues to develop new techniques and tools based on the ideas and experience of both outside and in-house users.

ESRI Canada Limited was founded in 1984 as the Canadian member of the ESRI family, with majority Canadian ownership. ESRI Canada provides, for Canadian users, the complete range of ESRI services. In addition, ESRI Canada carries on independent development efforts aimed at providing ARC/INFO solutions for ESRl's users worldwide. Products developed by ESRI Canada included ARC SIF - a Canadian SIF translator, PC TIN - for creating Triangulated Irregular Networks and ArcForest - an ARC/INFO application for forest management.

The ESRI® family of GIS software features a powerful set of tools for supporting all types of spatial applications. The ESRI family includes:

·ARC/INFO · ArcView® · ArcCAD® · INTERNET-INTRANET MapObjects™, ArcView®

ESRI Canada is headquartered in North York, Ontario and has branch offices in Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver, Montreal , Edmonton and Halifax.

Canadian Ice Service Booth 27 Canadian Ice Service is a unique branch of Environment Canada which provides reliable and timely information about ice conditions in Canadian and International waters. Our clients are diverse and include the Canadian Coast Guard, shipping companies, oil and gas companies, marine construction projects, and environmental consulting firms to name just a few.

Our products and services include analyses of data from RADARSAT, ice modeling and forecasting, iceberg tracking and iceberg hazard bulletins, ice reconnaissance Dash-7 charters and, consultation and special products upon request.

For more information please contact Client Services at (613) 996-1550 or toll-free within North America, 1-800-767-2885.

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Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada Booth 70

With the amalgamation of Geomatics Canada and the Geological Survey of Canada, the Earth Sciences Sector provides a knowledge infrastructure that is fundamental to the economic and sustainable development of Canada's rich natural resources. Exciting new changes in remote sensing and in surveying and mapping continue to evolve, and Geomatics Canada is at the forefront of these activities.

The diversity of initiatives reflects the Sector's depth of expertise: from the ongoing production of our traditional topographic and thematic map products to the new range of value-added services, legal and geodetic survey outputs for GIS applications, to improved systems for satellite data archiving and the continuing validation of new RADARSAT applications. Focusing on an effective partnership approach with federal and provincial governments and private industry, the Sector is developing specialized software needed to handle different formats of geospatial data for the establishment of distribution networks such as the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) and the Canadian Earth Obsevation Network (CEONet). CEONet is an initiative by the Canadian government to create a national infrastructure to provide access to earth observation archives and other complementary spatial databases.

The Sector's research and development benefits a diverse range of clients on the national and international front: from those who depend on ISO-standard mapping products, GIS specialists, users of earth observation data for resource management, to the ever increasing number of visitors to our highly acclaimed Internet sites.

World Wide Web address:

The Canadian Space Agency Booth 60


Secteur des sciences de la Terre, Ressources naturelles Canada Stand 70

Regroupant dans une meme entite Geomatique Canada et la Commission geologique du Canada, le Secteur des sciences de la Terre fournit une infrastructure de connaissances essentielle au developpement economique et durable des abondantes richesses naturelles du pays. Les secteurs de la teledetection, des leves et de la cartographie connaissent des percees des plus prometteuses, et Geomatique Canada est dans le peloton de tete a cet egard.

La diversite de nos activites tient a l'etendue de notre expertise. Nous continuons de produire des cartes topographiques et thematiques traditionnelles, mais nous offrons aussi toute une gamme de nouveaux services a valeur ajoutee, des leves officiels et geodesiques pour des applications SIG et des systemes ameliores pour l'archivage de donnees satellites, en plus de valider de nouvelles applications RADARSAT. Fort de partenariats fructueux avec le gouvernement federal, les provinces et l'industrie, le Secteur des sciences de la Terre met au point des logiciels specialises pouvant traiter divers formats de donnees geospatiales, en vue de l'etablissement de reseaux comme !' Infrastructure canadienne de donnees geospatiales (ICDG) et le Reseau canadien d'observation de la Terre (CEONet) . CEONet est un projet du gouvernement canadien qui vise a creer une infrastructure nationale donnant acces a des archives d'observation de la Terre et a des bases de donnees spatiales complementaires.

Les travaux de recherche-developpement du Secteur profitent a une multitude de clients, au pays comme a l'etranger : ii y a ceux qui doivent pouvoir compter sur des produits cartographiques de qualite ISO, les specialistes des SIG et ceux qui se servent de donnees d'observation de la Terre pour la gestion des ressources, sans compter le nombre sans cesse croissant de visiteurs de nos sites Internet, dont la reputation n'est plus a faire.

Adresse Internet :

The Canadian Space Agency, in recognition of the growing worldwide thrust toward global environmental monitoring and protection, has established Earth observation as a key priority of the Canadian Space program, RADARSAT-1 , launched and operated by the CSA, is a keystone in developing a niche for the Canadian satellite-based Earth observation industry.

Come and visit our CSA exhibit (Booth #60) to find out more about RADARSAT operations, the many benefits associated with the latest RADARSAT images, and the commercial opportunities for remote-sensing value-added companies. ( &

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Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd. was formed in 1992 as the Canadian distributor for Ashtech Inc. of Sunnyvale CA. , the world leader in advanced precision solutions for the Global Positioning System (GPS) market.

Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd. offers our client base over 40 years in satellite positioning expertise. This expertise and experience has made Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd. the leading Canadian organization exclusively geared towards the promotion, integration and support of GPS technology and related sub-systems.

Services offered through our two Canadian facilities include: ·· Sales/Leasing of Ashtech GPS Products ·· Complete GPS Training and Seminar Facilities ·· Service/Maintenance of Ashtech and related products ·· Custom product development/engineering services ··Systems integration of GPS with related sub-systems ·· Machine Controlled Integration Services ·· OEM products and services

Lei ca Booth 44

Leica produces and distributes the broadest range of precision equipment available in the areas of surveying and photogrammetry. Our current product offerings reflect our commitment, together with technology partners, to provide innovative and productive solutions based on digital photogrammetry. We are showing the latest version of the DPW770 Digital Photogrammetric Workstations running the latest in Helava's SOCET SET™ software. Other newly introduced products include the top performance DSW 300 Scanning Workstation .


LINNET GEOMATICS is an information technology company with proven expertise developing business applications that incorporate GIS functionality. We implement solutions that are designed to meet specific business requirements. Often this means building simple­to-use spatial query and reporting capability alongside existing mainframe legacy systems, corporate RDBMS, financial and accounting packages and other corporate information technology. Our strength rests on our ability to deliver cost effective solutions to the users' desktop bringing GIS out of the back room. This application benefit focus sets us apart from the GIS industry.


Geomatics International Inc. Booth 50-57

Geomatics International Inc. is a Canadian company with its headquarters in Burlington, Ontario. Specializing in the use, development and applications of, and training in, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies, Geomatics International provides worldwide consulting services to the private sector, institutions and all levels of government using leading-edge technology. Geomatics International offers a complete range of services from data collection and analysis through to systems development, integration and management. Staff expertise is available in the sectors of geography, geology, forestry, environmental management, resource management, municipal affairs, telecommunications, business geographies, information management, systems design and technology transfer and training.


TEL: (514) 397-9866 - FAX: (514) 397-9860 Contact: Ms. Ursula Kobel, Vice-president

IMAGETECH incorporated since 1986, is a full service professional imaging lab specializing in remote sensing. Dedicated to research and development in the photo/digital imaging sector, IMAGETECH has developed technologies which result in improved-quality hard-copy prints on photographic paper. IMAGETECH's ultra-high resolution continuous-tone Col/ochrome prints (patented in the USA, patent pending in Canada) are particularly suited to remote sensing defense, and medical-related imagery because of their precision and the high degree of detail discernible in the prints.

lncorporee depuis 1986, IMAGETECH est un laboratoire photographique et numerique specialise dans la teledetection. Grace a un effort soutenu dans la recherche et le developpement, IMAGETECH a reussi a ameliorer la qualite des impressions photographiques. Les impressions Collochrome, qui sont des tirages de tres haute resolution en tons-continus (brevete aux Etats-Unis et demande-de-brevet au Canada) sont particulierement interessantes pour les domaines de teledetection, de la defense, et de la recherche medicale dO a la precision des details discernables dans les images.

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IOSAT INC. Booth 50-57

IOSAT is a remote sensing company focused on providing operational solutions for rapid assessment applications of satellite and data.

IOSAT's flagship product is the SENTRY, a multi­satellite receiving and processing system, designed specifically for the requirements of tactical, surveillance and environmental monitoring applications. SENTRY provides rapid assessment and direct user control over data reception and analysis. The system is fully self-contained for demanding operational scenarios.

The SENTRY provides solutions for many applications in the areas of agriculture, atmospheric sciences, energy response, forestry, geology, ice monitoring, meteorology, military reconnaissance, oceanography, pollution monitoring, sovereignty and surveillance. I t utilizes data from RADARSAT, SPOT, ERS, LANDSAT and can easily integrate future earth observation satellites.


The Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science (ISTS) is an academic and business consortium focused on space-oriented research. The ISTS consortium includes 11 educational institutions and more than 60 industrial partners.

Research conducted at ISTS is focused on both space and Earth. Science conducted in space, on space and from space can make significant contributions to the quality of life on Earth. For example, satellite-based remote sensing instruments can supply immense quantities of data about weather conditions around the globe, about natural resources and crop conditions, about ice, snow and water conditions and about ship movement. The primary goal of the Institute is to transfer the benefits of the world-class research generated to industry and business.

The Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science is one of seven Ontario Centres of Excellence funded by the provincial Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism.



lntermap Technologies provides digital mapping products and services to major oil companies, governments and development agencies around the world. Clients are assisted in managing their planning and development activities on national, regional and local scales. lntermap produces ortho-rectified images, digital elevation models, topographic maps and thematic information from remote sensing sources which include STAR-31 (airborne interferometric radar), RADARSAT and other satellites and air photo surveys. Processing technologies used include digital mapping, orthophotography and GIS software. lntermap also provides consulting and value-added services and training in data interpretation. Company headquarters are in Calgary, with offices in Ottawa, Denver, and Houston.

PCI Pacific GeoSolutions Inc. Booths 35-38

Developed by PCI Pacific GeoSolutions Inc. of Victoria, British Columbia, PAMAP GIS™ was designed for use in the forestry and land use management industries by both technical and operational users. Our dedication and understanding of these markets is evident in the functionality PAMAP provides to its users.

PAMAP can be easily customized and modified to suit all levels of users, from operational foresters in the field to land use planners demanding intricate analysis capability. PAMAP offers a powerful solution on the PC platform and provides analysis and modeling capabilities of a workstation product.

PCI Pacific is a member of the PCI Geomatics Group Inc.­the world leader in image analysis and GIS software.

Terrain Resources Ltd. Booth 49

Terrain Resources Ltd. is a fast-growing Canadian company with offices in Canada, the United States and New Zealand. It applies advanced GIS and remote sensing tools for natural resources management in North America, the Asia­Pacific region and South America. The company has worked for industry and government clients on forestry, agriculture, mining, oil and gas, environment, and coastal zone management problems. The work has been as diverse as timber stand assessment and harvest planning, crop mapping, watershed analysis, viewshed analysis, land-use change assessment, making image maps, pipeline routing and constraint analysis as well as environmental monitoring.

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Northway Map Technology Limited Booth 19

Northway Map Technology Limited is currently one of the largest mapping and data conversion companies in Canada with a staff of over 50 technicians and professionals.

Northway Map Technology Limited is a privately owned corporation providing a full range of services in the field of Geomatics. Our highly trained staff together with hardware and software resources - softcopy photogrammetric systems, SUN, Silicon Graphics, DEC and PRIME computers, flatbed and colour electrostatic plotters, ten digitizing tables and a fully equipped photolab - allow Northway to undertake projects involving image processing and analysis using satellite and radar data, building geographic databases of above ground and underground services to support municipal, resource and airport facilities management, data loading in support of forest resource management, digital terrain analysis, photogrammetric mapping, digital orthophotography, control surveys and computer/data processing services.

Northway Map Technology Limited is the Canadian distributor for ERDAS IMAGINE products and a beta test site for ARC/Info geographic information systems. Our firm also uses other geographic information systems and automated drafting products which include Intergraph MGE and AutoCAD.

Northway is a ISO 9001-Registered company providing design and production services in the field of Geomatics.

RADARSAT International Booth 64

RADARSAT International (RSI) is a world leader in providing information solutions from space. In addition to distributing satellite imagery from the ERS satellite in North America as well as SPOT, LANDSAT and JERS imagery in Canada, RSI is the exclusive worldwide distributor of data products from Canada's first Earth observation satellite, RADARSAT. Professionals around the world are discovering the benefits of using RADARSAT data for environmental monitoring and natural resource management applications. As radar imagery is a relatively new data source, RSI is developing new and innovative tools for learning more about RADARSAT. For local support to users, RSI is establishing a worldwide network of RADARSAT Resource Centres, Distributors, and Receiving Stations.



Noetix Research Inc. is a Canadian company that specialises in remote sensing and geographic information systems for marine and land applications using a full complement of experts in project management, software and systems engineering, and applications personnel. Knowledge of our client requirements and systems engineering expertise are combined to provide winning solutions for operational problems.

Norland Science and Engineering Limited is a division within Noetix which specialises in sea ice engineering, marine navigation, and remote sensing. The company strength is in their experience in marine and environmental operations within sea ice.

Services include: • Project Management • Information Management Systems for Remote

Sensing Applications • Advanced Software for Information Extraction • Subscription to Crop Condition Reports throughout

the Growing Season • Support for Precision Farming • Operational Ship Navigation Support • Training in Agriculture, Sea Ice, Oceans, and

Hydrology Remote Sensing

Software products available include: • RADARSAT Mission Planning and Scheduling • Sea Ice Tracking and Classification • lceXpert (Sea Ice Computer-based Training Package)

For further information contact: Tom Hirose, President, Noetix Research Inc. 978 Merivale Road Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 6A4 Canada Tel: (613) 729-4899 Fax: (613) 722-3798 email: [email protected]

Research Systems Inc. Booth 45

Efficiently access and analyze any type of remote sensing data with ENVI®, the most interactive, powerful and easy­to use image processing package available. Discover more information and improve identification with ENVl's advanced hyperspectral and radar toolsets. Also, immediately gain insight from your data with IDL® , advanced software for visualization, data analysis and application development. If you analyze data from images, experiments or tests or, write applications for others to use, IDL® will give you clear results faster.

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Pacific International Mapping is a Victoria, BC-based professional service company specializing in digital mapping and GIS for the forest sector.

In business since 1984, we operate in three interrelated modes:

• SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Our MAPS 3D digital mapping toolbox is - modular and works with MicroStation on PC, WIN'95 and NT platforms. Our MARS (Map Access and Review System) provides stand-alone viewing and 'red-lining' tools for spatial datasets.

• GEOSPATIAL PROJECTS We undertake projects to create, expand and - topologically prepare complex datasets for GIS analysis.

• CONSULTING SERVICES We provide specialist expertise in geospatial data and digital mapping applied to forestry.

Synmap Information Technologies Limited Booth 48

Synmap Information Technologies and Synmap International are privately owned, limited Atlantic Canada-based information technologies companies.

Synmap provides consulting services, products, and support for Earth Resource and Environmental Applications - specifically the management, processing, and analysis of map and map-related geoscience data. Synmap develops cost-effective Information Technology Solutions, specializing in the utilization of computerized data processing technologies such as Image Processing and Analysis, Relational Database Management, and Geographic Information Systems.

Vantage Point International Inc. Booth 32

Vantage Point International Inc. is an engineering consulting firm dedicated to helping customers use advanced radar technology and data to solve real world problems. We express this through our motto: RADAR expertise you can count on. This means we provide reliable and correct recommendations and results within the timeframe we promise. Our areas of expertise are flood monitoring and mineral exploration using RADARSAT, electronic counter-measures, radar system studies, data exploitation, and key enabling technologies.

VIASAT Geo-Technologie Inc. Stand 21

VIASAT Geo-Technologie Inc. est une entreprise de services-conseil et de genie-logiciel oeuvrant dans le domaine de la geomatique.

VIASAT est fiere de vous presenter ses produits combinant le positionnement GPS et les systemes d'information a reference spatiale (GPS/GIS). Grace a GISMO™ (GPS/GIS Mobile), realisez en toute simplicite des projets de releve terrain fiable sans perdre une seconde. Le nouveau systeme OUTRIDER™, pour sa part, permet d'effectuer des releves de precision centimetrique avec rapidite (OTF, temps reel et post­traitement). Les domaines du genie, de l'arpentage, de l'hydrographie et des leves cadastraux sont sur le point de vivre un tournant favorable avec OUTRIDER™.

En plus de ses produits de haute performance, VIASAT offre une gamme de services diversifies. Services en positionnement GPS, teledetection, service mobile de localisation, editique cartographique, renovation cadastrale et cartographie numerique.

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"I love your mag­azine. Because your articles and ads are so timely, I am able to spend my limited reading time on issues requiring answers from the latest technology, i.e., GIS, GPS, aer­ial photography, satellite imaging. Thank you for the 'one-stop' cov­erage you pro­vide." Marcia Halls, city plan­ner, Denver, CO

"Insightful, interesting and up to date news iL

the remote sensing and GIS industries. If I

want to find out about new applications in

remote sensing, I turn to EOM for the latest!

Great publication!" Douglas A. Howard, geology

research associate, Tempe, AZ

"Excellent magazine. The qua.llty of the articles a.nd vendor Infer-mation Is first rate." Brian Sa.lam,

i hydrogeologlst, Albuquerque, NM I

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