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Mathias Mejeh Dr. phil. Adress: Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern Phone: +41 31 631 83 38 Mobile: +41 76 439 95 11 E-Mail: [email protected] ORCID: Researchgate: Curriculum Vitae Marital Status: married, one daughter (*2018) Citizenship: german Date of Birth: 07.10.1983 (Saarbrücken, Germany) Education 10.2004 Undergraduate Studies in Educational Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Diploma study program) specializing on “Vocational Education” and “Communication Psychology / Media Education” 05.2005 Intermediate diploma in the diploma program “Educational Sciences” (1.7 [good]) 10.2006 Graduate Studies in Educational Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau specializing on Education of Early Childhood and Special Needs Education 2007-2008 Graduate Studies at University of Zürich (Switzerland) specializing on Empirical Teaching and Education Research and Special Needs Education 2008-2009 Graduate Studies at University of Fribourg i. Ue (Switzerland) specializing on General Education and Special Needs Education 05.2010 Diploma in the diploma program "Educational Sciences" (1.3 [very good]) 10.2010 Doctoral studies at Faculty 5 (Educational Sciences) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Nenniger, University of Koblenz-Landau and Prof. Dr. Peter Lienhard, University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education, Zürich) Title of the dissertation: "Opportunities and limits of a systemic approach to integrate people with special needs". 11.2014 Doctorate at Faculty 5 (Educational Sciences) of the University of Koblenz-Landau

Long CV Mathias Mejeh May 2020 -

Oct 05, 2021



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Mathias Mejeh Dr. phil. Adress: Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern Phone: +41 31 631 83 38 Mobile: +41 76 439 95 11 E-Mail: [email protected] ORCID: Researchgate:

Curriculum Vitae Marital Status: married, one daughter (*2018) Citizenship: german Date of Birth: 07.10.1983 (Saarbrücken, Germany)


10.2004 Undergraduate Studies in Educational Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Diploma study program) specializing on “Vocational Education” and “Communication Psychology / Media Education”

05.2005 Intermediate diploma in the diploma program “Educational Sciences” (1.7 [good])

10.2006 Graduate Studies in Educational Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau specializing on Education of Early Childhood and Special Needs Education

2007-2008 Graduate Studies at University of Zürich (Switzerland) specializing on Empirical Teaching and Education Research and Special Needs Education

2008-2009 Graduate Studies at University of Fribourg i. Ue (Switzerland) specializing on General Education and Special Needs Education

05.2010 Diploma in the diploma program "Educational Sciences" (1.3 [very good])

10.2010 Doctoral studies at Faculty 5 (Educational Sciences) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Nenniger, University of Koblenz-Landau and Prof. Dr. Peter Lienhard, University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education, Zürich)

Title of the dissertation: "Opportunities and limits of a systemic approach to integrate people with special needs".

11.2014 Doctorate at Faculty 5 (Educational Sciences) of the University of Koblenz-Landau

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Accompanying Academic Activities

03.2005 First study-accompanying educational internship at the Protestant Kindergarten Landau-Godramstein

10.2005 Student assistant and tutor at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

01.2006 Student assistant at the Centre for Empirical Educational Research at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau

02.2007 Second study-accompanying educational internship at the Special Educational Centre for Behaviour and Language/Bachtelen (Grenchen, Switzerland)

08.2007 Freelancer at the Special Educational Centre for Behaviour and Language/Bachtelen (Grenchen, Switzerland)

2007/2008 Participation in the research laboratory "Teaching communication and teaching quality" (Dr. Christine Pauli, Prof. Dr. Kurt Reusser, University of Zürich)

2007/2008 Participation in the research laboratory "Teaching in Basic Education - Analysis of Video and Interview Data" (Dr. Rita Stebler, Prof. Dr. Kurt Reusser, University of Zurich)

02.2008 Participation in the SNSF project "Swiss Education Policy and Agricultural Biotechnology: The Challenges of Enabling Students to Make Their Own Moral Judgments" of the Swiss National Fund. (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Fritz Oser, University of Fribourg i. Ue)

Employment History and Institutional Responsibilities 2006-2010 Student researcher at the Centre for Educational Research of the

University Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Germany)

2010-2012 Scientific Research Associate at the Special Educational Centre for Behaviour and Language/Bachtelen (Grenchen, Switzerland)

2011-2012 Employment as a social pedagogue in the boarding school of the Special Educational Centre for Behaviour and Language/Bachtelen (Grenchen, Switzerland)

2012-2015 Scientific Research Associate at University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (Brugg, Switzerland)

2013-2015 Operational management of the SNSF project "Partner schools for professional development" of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Prof. Fraefel, PH FHNW)

2014-2016 Lecturer for Quantitative and Qualitative Methods at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (Institute for Research and Development, Brugg, Switzerland)

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2014-2016 Lecturer for Special Education at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (Institute for Special Education and Psychology, Basel, Switzerland)

2015-2019 Lecturer for Inclusive Education at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland (Institute for Further Education and Consulting, Brugg, Switzerland)

2017-2018 Senior Assistant at the University of Zurich (Zürich, Switzerland) Institute of Educational Sciences, Chair: Special Education - Society, Participation and Disability

2017-2018 Leading of the evaluation project "Evaluation of the current status of inclusive education in Zofingen" (Zofingen, Switzerland)

since 2018 Senior Assistant at the University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland) Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of School and Teaching Research

2019-2021 Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Bern

2019-2020 Substitute professor at the Department of School and Teaching Research, University of Bern

Academic Teaching [FS = Fall Semester; SS = Spring Semester]

FS/SS (2014-2016) Seminars on „Quantitative and Qualitative Research” (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW)

FS/SS (2015-2018) Seminars on „Inclusive Education in School” (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW)

FS (2017) Seminar on „Ethical Implications of Societal Decisions” (University of Zürich)

since FS (2018) Lecture and Seminar on „Mixed-Methods-Research” (University of Bern)

since SS (2019) Lecture and Seminar on „Qualitative Research Methods” (University of Bern)

FS (2019) Lecture on „Heterogeneity in School and Teaching” (University of Bern)

SS (2020) Lecture on „Profession Research in the context of School” (University of Bern)

FS (2020) Seminar on „What constitutes social interaction in school? Social processes and networks in school and classrooms”

SS (2021) Seminar on methodology: „Longitudinal studies and classroom research”

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Other Academic Activities Conference organization 11.2020 “Heterogeneity and Inequality – Differentiation in Education and

Consequences for Educational Inequalities” (together with Dr. David Glauser & Dr. Caroline Sahli Lozano)

Active membership of academic societies

2009-2015 Junior Researcher (JURE) of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

since 2010 Member of the International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP)

2009-2019 Member of the Humboldt Society’s sponsorship programme

since 2015 Member of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Divisions 8 and 15: Motivation and Emotion/Special Educational Needs

since 2016 Member of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)

since 2017 Member of the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF) Scientific further education

2007 Philosophy Days on Anthropology at the University of Roehampton, London (England)

2010-2014 Participation in the colloquia for diploma and doctoral students of Prof. Dr. Peter Nenniger at the University of Landau, Campus Landau (Germany)

2011 Workshop of the German Psychological Association: Introduction to the analysis of incomplete data sets (Prof. Dr. Tenko Raykov, Michigan State University), University of Darmstadt (Germany)

2013 Introduction to the program Atlas.Ti (Dr. Susanne Friese, Max Planck Society Munich), Aarau (Switzerland)

2013 Multi-level analyses with MPLUS (Dr. Guido Möser, University of Siegen), Brugg (Switzerland)

2014 Further education in the field of university didactics: Focus on Teaching at University (Prof. Dr. Markus Weil, University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland), Brugg/Basel (Switzerland)

2014 Analysis strategies with Atlas.Ti (Dr. Susanne Friese, Max Planck Society Munich), Brugg (Switzerland)

2016-2019 Further education as organizational consultant: Supervision, Coaching and Change Management (bso) (Armin Schmucki,

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University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland), Brugg (Switzerland)

2018 Introduction to multi-level analysis with R (Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer, Chemnitz University of Technology), Innsbruck (Austria)

2018 Scaling and item response theory with R (Jörg-Henrik Heine, Technical University of Munich), Innsbruck (Austria)

2019 Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) &Latent Transition Analysis (LTA) (Dr. Michael Goller, University of Bamberg), Bern (Switzerland)

2020 Steps in Conducting a Mixed Methods Study with MAXQDA (Prof. Dr. John Creswell, Michigan State University), Berlin (Germany)

2020 Qualitative content analysis with MAXQDA (Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz, University of Marburg), Berlin (Germany)

2020 Skills and strategies for publishing in English-language research journals (Prof. Dr. Simon Volet, Murdoch University), Bern (Switzerland)

2020 Introduction to Meta-Analysis (Dr. Taulant Muka, University of Bern), Bern (Switzerland)

Reviews for Journals and Conferences Journals: Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, Beiträge zur

Lehrerbildung, Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute Conferences: EARLI, SGBF, INSNA

Activities for the support of young scientists Since 2015 Supervision of various Bachelor and Master theses 01.2018 Organization and realization of the PhD-module „Inclusion in critical

discourse” at the University of Zurich (together with Prof. Dr. Raphael Zahnd; invited guests: Prof. Dr. Justin Powell and Prof. Dr. Winfried Kronig)

Guest teaching/Guest residencies SS 2015 University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. Christiane Spiel, Institute for Applied

Psychology: Work, Education, Economy) FS 2016 University of Landau Seminar: Systemic relationships of conditions in

family, school and society (Bachelor's and Master's degree program) Scientific congresses 2006 Participation in the preparation of the International Conference on Motivation (ICM) in Landau (Germany)

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2009 Participation in the preparation of the DGfE section conference

"Empirical Educational Research"/AEPF-KBBB in Landau, Germany 2020 Organisation des Kongresses: “Heterogeneity and Inequality:

Differentiation in Education and Consequences for Educational Inequalities” at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Guest lectures 06.2013 University of Amsterdam (Pedagogical and Scientific Research Centre) Title of the lecture: Including Children with Special Needs Results from a systemic approach based on network analysis 12.2017 University of Manchester (The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis) Title of the lecture: The Detection of Plot Structures within the Field of Inclusive Education 05. 2018 University of Teacher Eduction Lucerne (Institute for School and Heterogeneity) Title of the lecture: Netzwerkanalyse als Verbindungsglied quantitativer und qualitativer Erkenntnisgewinnung — ein Beitrag zur Mixed-Methods-Diskussion [Network analysis as a link in quantitative and qualitative knowledge acquisition - a contribution to the Mixed Methods discussion] Awards Award for the second best presentation held by a PhD-student: „Including children with special needs: Results from a systemic approach based on network models“ Biennial Meeting of EARLI SIG 15 in Utrecht, 2012 Admission as a supporting member of the Humboldt Society, 2013 Recording instruments Development of a recording instrument to measure plot structures

(Programs: R, NodeXL and Limesurvey; Items: 57) Development of a recording instrument to determine the status of school integration

(Programs: UNIPARK and Paper-Pen; Items: 75) Development of an Interview to determine the current status of school integration

(Program: Paper-Pen; Items: 9 Items)

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Development of an assessment tool for a lecture on inclusive education (Program: Paper-Pen; Items: 15)

Development of an assessment tool for a lecture on heterogeneity in school (Program: Paper-Pen; 15 Items and 2 open questions) Development of an assessment tool for a lecture on qualitative and mixed-methods (Program: Paper-Pen; 10 Items) Development of an online-assessment tool for a lecture on profession research in the

context of School (Program: Qualtrics 15 Items and 2 open questions via E-Mail) Development of an online-assessment tool for a lecture on qualitative methods

(Program: Qualtrics 20 Items and 2 open questions via E-Mail) Activities in further teacher education 2015-2019 Various internal school training courses on the following topics:

- Internal differentiation in inclusive teaching - Multi-professional cooperation - School and class development - Dealing with unwanted behaviour

2015-2019 Workshop leader at various conferences of the Institute for Further Education and Consulting of the University of Applied Sciences & Arts

of Northwestern Switzerland 2015 - 2016 Head of the further training course "Inclusion - competence

deepening in special education" at the Institute for Further Education and Consulting of the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland

2017-2019 Co-Head of the CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) "Heterogeneity and Cooperation" at the Institute for Further Education and Consulting of the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland

2017-2018 Co-head of the CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) "Diagnostics and Learn- Coaching" at the Institute for Further Education and Consulting of the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Northwestern Switzerland

since 2017 Coaching, team supervision and organizational consulting in the education system

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List positions 04.2018 2nd list place for the professorship "Inclusive Didactics and

Heterogeneity" of the University of Teacher Education, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Languages German: Mother tongue Englisch: Advanced French: Good knowledge Computer literacy Windows (Windows 95 to Windows 10), MS Office, Various Internet browsers Data processing and statistics: Excel, SPSS, Stata, R, Programs for graph theoretically based network analysis (e.g. NodeXL) Programs for qualitative data analysis: Atlas.ti, MAXQDA, F5 Secondary activities 2010 Coach of a youth football team at Football Club Bellach, Solothurn (Switzerland) 2020 Coach of a youth volleyball team at Volley Solothurn, Solothurn (Switzerland) Hobbies volleyball, soccer, running, chess, literature Bern, 28 April 2021 Mathias Mejeh