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Make Your Mess Your Message How to Be Richly Rewarded for Your Life Experience

London Borough of Barnet

Feb 03, 2022



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Make Your Mess Your MessageHow to Be Richly Rewarded for Your Life Experience

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2012 Natalie Hill

I'm a wonderful disaster.

So are you.

We're all a mess.

We're in this culture that says take this pill and you'll be happy, go on this diet and you'll be thinner, have your teeth whitened, people will love you more.

Emilio Estevez

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Welcome to Make Your Mess Your Message!“You are sitting on a gold mine. Your life experiences . . . your life tragedies . . . your life triumphs. That’s how you make a 7 figure business. You make your mess your message and use your life story.” Suzanne Evans

In my darkest days, I didn’t think I’d ever recover from the mess of my life, let alone, recognize it as a gold mine.

If I’d had the wisdom of seeing my Mess as my Message decades ago, I could have shortened my path to recovery while helping others and being richly rewarded for my work.

Ah hindsight!

With Make Your Mess Your Message, I’m going to share with you the process I used myself and now use with my private clients, to help them look back over their lives - the tragedies, the triumphs, the trip-ups . . . all to dig up the treasures that they’ve buried. Treasures that can help so many others while bringing them wealth and fulfillment.

You’re going to learn . . .

★ How to look back over your life to harvest your treasures

★ A method to catalog these treasures so you can easily count your gems

★ An easy way to determine the message from your life experience

★ Techniques to tell who you’d most like to serve

★ How to find the market for your message

★ Ways to make money from your unique message

★ Next steps

Ready to get started?

To your special mess and your unique message,

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Your Life Experience is What Makes You YOU

You may not look back over your life and think it adds up to anything very special. That’s likely true for most of us.

But the truth is, you’ve had a life full of tragedies and triumphs and experiences totally unlike what anyone else has experienced. Your life is unique. A one and only.

And, if you can take stock of what you’ve learned, what you’ve gained, how you’ve grown from those tragedies and triumphs, you can create a business that will reward you richly for your wisdom.

The purpose of this eBook is to help you identify your life experiences that have brought you the wisdom and skills unique to you. And to translate that into a message, a market and money.

Why Your Biggest Mess Can Be Your Best Message

In case you don’t believe me yet about making your mess your message, let me give you some examples.

Every heard of Kris Carr?

She’s a woman who’s living with a rare form of cancer. She turned the journey she took to heal herself turned into the book The Crazy, Sexy Diet.

Kris found a way to pacify her cancer while healing her body and her spirit. Now she teaches others - with and without cancer - to do the same. She’s been on Oprah, now has a second book and is frequently asked to speak at big, big events.

Or how about Randy Pausch? I don’t know if you caught his “Last Lecture,” but Randy actually died of cancer. And during the time he had between his diagnosis

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and his death, he learned so much about living, that wrote a book and gave his now famous, Last Lecture.

A little closer to home is my friend and mentor Paul Evans. With a five-month old baby, his wife Sherry, died in his arms.

From the deep pain of that experience, he created a life of serving, giving, teaching, inspiring others.

And I just listened to a lecture by a woman who suffered from insomnia for 17 years. When she discovered a solution for her anxiety, she couldn’t help but offer her remedy to others.

And me. Like you, I’ve had many messes to clean up and overcome in my life.

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is chronic over-excitement. In my younger years it meant I was a thrill seeker. As I aged it morphed into chronic anxiety.

So I’ve become an accidental expert in helping people overcome anxiety and its damaging physical effects.

In this next section, I’ll help you take a closer look at YOUR special messes and show you ways to catalog them.

Cataloguing Your Messes

Now the fun starts as you look back and dig for the treasures of your life.

This will require some undisturbed time, so print out this eBook before moving on. Get a pen, something refreshing to drink and settle in for some digging.

For each of these topics, look back over your life with an eye for a heading or a short title. Don’t dwell on the experience, don’t relive it. Don’t wallow.

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The event could have happened at any time in your life - from gestation to yesterday. When, is not important.

When you find an event, just notice, and give it a short title. Name it something short like you might see on a book or movie. No story here, just a few specific to remind you. (Better to to be specific with our titles: Your Teeth Are Disgusting, than general: That Awful Time)

Avoid listing the same event or issue more than once. Let each title prompt new memories, new events.


These are the times when you really hurt - hurt in your heart hurt.







Big challenges that appeared before you and you leaped . . . or crawled over . . . the hurdle.





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Similar to hurdles. Let this title elicit some new events from your life.






Now we turn to the good stuff. Think back for your accomplishments - small and large. These can be things others recognized you for, and they can be things only you see as an accomplishment.






Yep, list ‘em here.





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Gather up all the other triumphs that haven’t been listed anywhere else.






Some obstacles are not so easily resolved. They linger, continue to pester and cause pain. List those here.






Go ahead. Pour them out here.





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These can range from birth defects and genetic diseases to personality traits and the burden of your birth order.






Now we get to your passions, interests and things you’ve learned a lot about that you haven’t listed before.




Rate Your Messes

Now I want you to go back to all the titles you wrote above. I want you to read each one and just notice which you feel may have some passion potential for you in them.

So here’s the process.

Read a title, wait a few seconds, and notice when you get an inner response that’s something like, “Yea! I learned some valuable lessons from that. I might enjoy helping others in some way related to that.”

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But don’t jump ahead of yourself here. Don’t start thinking about how you would run a business around this, what you would do, how you’d make money . . . none of that stuff. That comes in a few pages.

For now, just notice which ones you think you could enjoy spending more time on. Put a star beside them.

The Messages in Your Messes

Now that you’ve starred the topics that excite you the most, it’s time to identify the messages within your messes. Here’s what I mean by message.

Let me use an example of one of my Ongoing Struggles: chronic anxiety.

I’m naturally wired to be either excited or anxious and it’s been a lifelong challenge, that’s taught me a lot about how to calm down, techniques for remaining calm, ways to calm the mind and the body, etc. Those are all my “messages.”

Here’s your task.

Write each topic you starred in the spaces below. Then for each topic, identify three messages you learned that could translate into teaching.

Here’s my example:

Topic - Chronic Anxiety,

Messages - 1. Retraining your body for chronic calm instead of chronic anxiety,

2. Strategies when panic hits,

3. Retraining your mind to think calming thoughts

Now it’s your turn . . . I’ve given you a whole page for this. Feel free to print more!

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Topic _____________________________________________________

Message 1 _________________________________________________

Message 2 _________________________________________________

Message 3 _________________________________________________

Topic _____________________________________________________

Message 1 _________________________________________________

Message 2 _________________________________________________

Message 3 _________________________________________________

Topic _____________________________________________________

Message 1 _________________________________________________

Message 2 _________________________________________________

Message 3 _________________________________________________

Topic _____________________________________________________

Message 1 _________________________________________________

Message 2 _________________________________________________

Message 3 _________________________________________________

Topic _____________________________________________________

Message 1 _________________________________________________

Message 2 _________________________________________________

Message 3 _________________________________________________

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Does Your Mess Have a Market?

Next step is to discover whether there’s a market for your particular mess. In other words, are there people out there who want to buy your product?

There are several things you can do to assess the market.

1. Do you know there are others with this mess? You honestly don’t need to take your market research even one step beyond this simple question. If you know there are others with the same challenge, obstacle or hurdle you faced (and you know there are), you can stop your research and start your business.

But in case you want a little more assurance of buyers, or if you want to create a popular blog, or if you want to reach or sell to hundreds of thousands or millions, do the following . . .

2. Is there a magazine about this issue? (Go to a major bookstore and browse the magazine section. Or go to the magazine section of

3. Is there a Dummies book about it? (Google “dummies + your topic”)

4. Do ads show up on the top or right of Google search results on the topic? (If others are advertising for it, there’s money to be made.)

Make notes of your research below and continue on the next page.







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Does Your Mess Have a Market?



















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Ways to Make Money From Your Mess

There are many ways to make money from your mess. One of the most obvious is becoming a coach or mentor. But there are others.

Here’s a list if some ways to make money from your mess:

1. Coaching, mentoring, private teaching

If you need to make significant money fast, this is THE best way to get started. Why? Because you don’t have to build a website, get internet traffic, have a business card or already have a list or following. You simply need to decide on your offer and put yourself in front of potential clients.

How do you do that? You can meet them live - in person, or virtually - on the web.

Live, you can attend meetings, networking gatherings, support groups, conferences, workshops. Anywhere your potential clients gather is a place you can meet them.

You can also meet prospective clients online via your own website, online radio, podcasts, webinars, teleclasses, and telesummits.

2. Teaching live courses in person

3. Speaking or teaching live courses online (webinars, teleclasses, telesummits)

4. Creating home study courses. These can be virtual or hard products.

5. Writing articles (for example, on your own website, or guest-posting on other’s sites), books, eBooks

Make notes on the following page about which methods you’d be most likely to use.

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Ways to Make Money From Your Mess



















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You are well on your way to Making Your Mess Your Message and Making Money While Helping Others. Well done!

Would You Like More Help?

Would you like more help in figuring out your mess and your message?

I’m offering 5 complementary Make Your Mess Your Message Discovery Sessions.

In this Discovery Session, I’ll walk you through:

★ Revealing your most marketable “messes”

★ Discovering what is unconsciously sabotaging you from making your mess your message and making money while helping others

★ Creating a clear plan that describes in detail the steps you need to make money from your mess

★ The one simple step you can take immediately to get into action

Would you like an opportunity for a complementary Make Your Mess Your Message Discovery Session with me?

I’m offering 5 Discovery Sessions this week on a first come, first served basis.

If you’d like an opportunity for one of those coveted sessions, email me at [email protected]. Put “Discovery Session Application” in the subject line. I’ll send you an application right out.

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Make Your Mess Your Message