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LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL (Action B1 Development of integrated planning tool for sustainable grassland management) Beneficiary responsible for implementation: BEF LT Synthesized by: Kestutis Navickas Vilnius, 2015 The project “Integrated planning tool to ensure viability of grasslands” (LIFE Viva Grass) No LIFE13 ENV/LT/000189 is cofinanced by the EU LIFE+ Programme, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, Latvian Environmental Protection Fund, Estonian Environmental Investment Centre and the project partners. Working doc.

LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL - Integrated planning tool for ... · LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL!!(Action!B1!Developmentof!integrated!planning!tool! for!sustainable!grassland!management)!! Beneficiary

Sep 21, 2020



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LOGICAL  FRAME  OF  THE  TOOL    (Action  B1  Development  of  integrated  planning  tool  

for  sustainable  grassland  management)    

Beneficiary responsible for implementation: BEF LT  

Synthesized by: Kestutis Navickas  

Vilnius, 2015    

The  project  “Integrated  planning  tool  to  ensure  viability  of  grasslands”  (LIFE  Viva  Grass)  No  LIFE13  ENV/LT/000189  is  co-­‐financed  by  the  EU  LIFE+  Programme,  Ministry  of  Environment  of  the  Republic  of  Lithuania,  Latvian  Environmental  Protection  Fund,  Estonian  Environmental  Investment  Centre  and  the  project  partners.  




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Table  of  content    

Table  of  content  ...............................................................................................................................................  2  Introduction  ......................................................................................................................................................  3  Abbreviations  ...................................................................................................................................................  4  Goal  and  function  of  the  Tool  ......................................................................................................................  5  Stakeholders,  ES  experts’  expectation  on  the  Tool  ...........................................................................................  6  

Structure  of  the  Tool  ......................................................................................................................................  7  Status  .....................................................................................................................................................................................  8  Policy  objectives  (for  municipal  or  national  level)  ........................................................................................  12  Land  use  options  ...........................................................................................................................................................  13  

Technical  requirements  for  development  of  the  Tool  ......................................................................  13  Map  tool  functions  ........................................................................................................................................................  13  System  functions  ...........................................................................................................................................................  14  User  groups  .....................................................................................................................................................................  14  Use  of  the  map  tool  .......................................................................................................................................................  15  

Main  use  cases  ................................................................................................................................................  17  ES  assessment  ................................................................................................................................................................  17  Ecosystem  services  analysis  .....................................................................................................................................  19  

Software  architecture  ......................................................................................................................  24  Principal  software  components  ...............................................................................................................  24  Database  structure  .......................................................................................................................................................  26  Scale  ....................................................................................................................................................................................  29  

References  ...........................................................................................................................................  30    





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The   aim   of   the   document   is   to   provide   guidance   for   the   programmers   of   the   „Integrated  planning  tool  for  sustainable  grassland  management”  (Tool)  to  be  able  to  respond  to  the  vision  of   the   LIFE  VivaGrass   project   partners.  On   the  other   hand,   this   guidance   shall   help   the  work  package  leaders  and  experts  of  the  project  with  one  document  illustrating  the  progress  of  the  Tool  development  and  to  be  able  to  define  missing  issues.    

The   goal   of   the   Tool   is   to   function   as   an   instrument   to   support   planning   processes   and   to  facilitate  decision-­‐making  for  better  grassland  management  in  the  three  Baltic  States.    Also  to  help   planners   and   decision   makers   to   understand   the   overall   value   of   ecosystem   services’  impact  to  its  value  by  changing  land  use  and  interaction  with  different  stakeholders  groups  and  their  added  value   for   the  society.  On  the  other  hand,   the  Tool  shall  help   to  see  and  simulate  different  driving  forces  causal  of  socioeconomic  factors.    

The   Tool   shall  map  and   valuate  all   relevant   to   grasslands   Ecosystem  Services   (ES)   as  well   as  consider   major   social   and   economic   factors   governing   driving   forces   that   are   currently  impacting  the  loss  of  Valuable  grasslands.  

Present  document  describes:  structure  and  outputs  generated  by  the  Tool;  its  operational  logic;  ES   assessment   process;   additional   indicators   based   on   socio-­‐economic   criteria;   requirements  for   the  design  and  accessibility  of   the  Tool;   specification  of  processes  and   their  management  structure   (actors,   responsibilities,   and   other   organizational   issues);   specification   of   software  requirements   and   solution  architecture  design;   the   input   criteria   (factors)   that  will   formulate  specific  data  needs;  intended  results;  technical  and  program  solution.  





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Term   Explanation  ES     Ecosystem  service  ES  Category  Unit   Smallest  area  for  storing  indicator.  Combination  of  grassland  

category,  slope  category  and  soil  bonitet  characteristics  in  area.  ES  Assessment  Block  

Group  of  ES  category  units,  mainly  defined  by  grassland  boundary.    

The  Tool   Integrated  planning  tool  for  sustainable  grassland  management  





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Goal  and  function  of  the  Tool    

The   goal   of   the   Tool   is   to   function   as   an   instrument   to   support   planning   processes   and   to  facilitate   decision-­‐making   for   better   and   efficient   grassland   management   in   the   three   Baltic  States   –   in   particular   attention   should   be   given   to   marginal   (both   from   physician   and  socioeconomic   perspective)   high   nature   value   grasslands.   It   shall   help   planners   and   decision  makers   to   understand   the   overall   value   of   ecosystem   services’   and   its   changes   according   to  land  use  or  management  practice  change.    

The   Tool   is   meant   to   help   to   plan   and   improve   various   agri-­‐environmental   and   nature  conservation   measures   which   will   be   develop   by   applying   ecosystem   planning   approach,  consider  and  socioeconomic  circumstances.  Furthermore,   the  Tool   shall  help   to   illustrate  and  understand   the   linkage   of   main   socioeconomic   factors   driving   to   land   use   change   and  grasslands  abandonment.    

The   Tool   shall   work   based   on   spatial   available   data   sets,   experts   valuation   of   different  grasslands   categories   attributed   to   each   ES   indicator;   however,   additional   data   from   the  selected  sites  could  be  integrated  to  generate  more  precise  information  about  values  of  ES,  to  create  functional  maps  and  features.  





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Stakeholders,  ES  experts’  expectation  on  the  Tool    

Summarising   interviews   with   different   stakeholders   from   Baltic   States   on   their   expectation  from  the  Tool  we  synthesised  the  following  suggestions:  

● The   Tool   should   be   able   to   provide   proposals/ideas/hints   for   effective   resource  management  by  helping  to  find  alternatives  for  grassland  maintenance,  business  cases  and  indicate  the  risk  of  abandonment.  

● It  should  be  an  advisory  instrument  in  decision-­‐making  process  to  calculate  and  display  most   valuable   grasslands   based   on   ES   valuation   criteria   and   indicators   and   help   to  decide   locations   of   “perspective”   sites   to   ensure   optimal   provisional,   regulatory   or  cultural  ES’  output.    

● The   Tool   should   provide   a   generalized   information   on   best   measures   in   terms   of  biodiversity   conservation   or   in   terms   of   income   generation;   it   shall   identify   strengths  and  weaknesses  of  both  and  help  the  planner/decision  maker  to  see  what   is  the  most  beneficial  activity  in  a  particular  area.    

● It  should  provide  some  hints  on  concrete  measures  to  be  applied  and  propose  scenarios  for  economically  valuable  grasslands  management  without  RDP  payments.  

● It  shall  broaden  the  view  of  planners  on  the  planning  process  itself  and  support  strategic  planning  processes.  





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Structure  of  the  Tool    

The  Tool  will  consist  of  3  integral  blocks:  ES  status;  Land  use  options;  Impact  to  ES  through  ES  trade-­‐offs.    


Figure  1.  Structure  of  the  Tool  (municipal/national  level)  





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 Figure  2.  Structure  of  the  Tool  (farm/site  level)  



At   this   stage   the  Tool   should   calculate   and  display   current   values  of   ES.   The  assessment   and  mapping  will  be  done  by  applying  3  different  methodologies  for:  the  provisional  and  regulatory  ES;  cultural  ES  and  risk  for  abandonment.  

Provisional  and  regulatory  ES  assessment  and  mapping    The   assessment   and  mapping   should   be   done   for   each   provisional   and   regulatory   indicator.  Matrix  presented  in  the  Table  1  was  developed.  Cultural  ES  will  be  assessed  applying  another  approach.   5   of   the  provisional   services   and  8   regulatory   services   ES   indicators  were   selected  according   to   the   Common   International   Classification   of   Ecosystem   Services   (CICES)1  classification,   as   the  Tool  will   consider  grasslands,   arable   land  and  abandoned   land  only.   The  value   of   the   indicators   is   set   based   on   the   following   land   use   classes:   grasslands   types  (cultivated,  permanent,  semi-­‐natural);  soil  quality  (bonitet)  and  relief  type  (50  classes  in  total)  (Table  1).  



                                                                                                                         1  The  Common  International  Classification  of  Ecosystem  Services.    




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Table  1.  ES  assessment  matrix  

 ES/LU  class   Provisioning  services   Regulating  services  

    Cultivated  crops  

Reared  animals  and  their  outputs  


Biomass-­‐based  energy  source  

Herbs  for  medicine  


Filtration/storage/accumulation  by  ecosystems  

Control  (water)  erosion  rates  

Pollination  and  seed  dispersal  

Maintaining  habitats  for  plant  and  animal  nursery  and  reproduction  

Weathering  processes/soil  fertility  

Chemical  condition  of  freshwaters  

Global  climate  change  regulation  

Grassland  type  1-­‐N  



Arable  land                                            


Abandoned  land  



Based  on  these  indicators  an  ES  assessment  matrix  was  developed.  At  the  matrix  intersections,  the  capacities  of  the  different   land  cover  types  to  supply  particular  ES  are  ranked  by  selected  experts  on  a  scale  from  0  (no  relevant  capacity  of  the  particular  land  cover  type  to  supply  the  selected  ES)  to  5  (very  high/maximum  relevant  capacity).  

Experts   should   be   selected   considering   following   criteria:   his/her   expertise   relevance   to  indicator   or   land   use   classes;   understanding   ES   concept   and   assessment   approach;   basic  understanding  of  spatial  planning  and  GIS  engine.  It  is  highly  recommended  to  have  one  or  two  key   experts   for   appropriate   indicators   i.e.,   botanist,   pollination   expert,   soil   expert   and   etc.  Besides  of  quality,  the  quantity  (number  of   interviewed  persons)  of  experts   is  also   important.  Although   it   is   difficult   to  provide   a   generally   valid  number,   8-­‐12  experts  may  be   sufficient   in  most  cases.  It  has  to  be  considered  that  the  interviewed  persons  need  to  be  (at  least)  familiar  with  the  region.  A  background  in  ES  science  and  application  is  highly  advantageous  but  can  (due  to  the  novelty  of  the  approach)  not  be  expected  in  all  cases.  Then,  the  concept  and  the  aim  of  the  grassland  ES  assessment  need  to  be  clearly  explained  (the  best,  based  on  prepared  material  and  commonly  accepted  definitions).    

The  final  assessment  matrix  filled  by  the  project  partners  and  experts  is  available  at  Annex  No.  1.    




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Finally,  the  ES  shall  be  mapped  by  the  Tool  linking  the  assessment  values  to  the  functional  units  (natural  boarders  of  grasslands  type,  arable  and  abandoned  land).  

Cultural  ES  assessment  and  mapping    The   cultural   ES   assessment   and  mapping   has   two   dimensions:   if   the   relevant   to   cultural   ES  object  has  point  based  record  then  spatial  “impact”  zone  is  drawn  by  visual   impact  criteria;   if  object  has  spatial  dimension  than  overlapping  areas  with  assessment  polygon  will  have  a  value.  Criteria  in  details  are  presented  in  the  Table  2.  

Table  2.  Criteria  for  cultural  ecosystem  services  

Ecosystem  services  

Indicators   Criteria  to  calculate  impact  zone    

1.  Physical  and  experiential  interactions  (recreational)  

● 1.1  Rural  recreational  enterprises    

–  3km    

Binary  value  1/0  (there  is/there  is  none)  

● 1.2  Watching  towers   1km  radius.  Binary  value  1/0    

● 1.3  Trails   300  m  distance.  Binary  value  1/0    

● 1.4  Social  gathering  sites   300  m  distance.  Binary  value  1/0  

● 1.5  Camping  sites     300  m  distance.  Binary  value  1/0  

2.  Educational   ● 2.1  Educational  trails   300  m  distance.  Binary  value  1/0    

● 2.2  Educational  sites   300  m  radius.  Binary  value  1/0    

3.  Cultural  heritage  

● 3.1  Monuments  in  rural  areas   300  m  distance  or  actual  buffer  zones  where  available.  Binary  value  1/0  (excluding  manor  houses)  

● 3.2  Farmsteads  before  and  in  19th  century  

300  m  distance.  Binary  value  1/0,  (manors  from  monument  list)  

● 3.3  Traditional  land  use     Binary  value  1/0.  Each  national  team  should  come  up  with  land  use  types  which  could  be  considered  “traditional”    

4.  Aesthetics   ● 4.1  Share  of  abandoned  land   There  are  no  abandoned  land  in  300m  distance  value=1,  there  is  value=0  

● 4.2  Scenic  roads   300m  distance  or  where  available  actual  sight  zones.    Binary  value  1/0  





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Risk  for  abandonment    Farmland   abandonment   is   a   complex   process   with   interlinked   economic,   environmental   and  social  aspects  and  is  often  associated  with  social  and  economic  problems  in  rural  areas.  It  can  be   defined   as   the   cessation   of   agricultural   activities   on   a   given   surface   of   land   (Pointereau,  2008).  Abandonment   includes  a  change   towards  a   less   intensive  pattern  of   land  use   (Baudry,  1991)   thus   elimination   and   polarization   of   landscape   mosaics   and   loss   of   landscape  heterogeneity.   Grasslands   are   agricultural   ecosystems   which   are   exposed   to   higher   risk   of  abandonment   than   other   types   of   farmland   due   to   their   rather   marginal   economic   position  (Strijker,  2005).  

To  assess  a  risk  of  abandonment  we  used  composite  method  of  combining  analysis  of  number  of   drivers   for   abandonment   at   several   scales.   At   site/farm   level   we   have   chosen   to   base  assessment  on  both  biophysical  and  socio-­‐economic  factors.  To  evaluate  biophysical  conditions  we   have   chosen   variables   that   have   been   proved   to   have   greater   impact   on   farmland  abandonment:   land   quality   (expressed   as   bonitet),   relief,   land-­‐use   and   size   of   grassland  (Vinogradovs  et  al.,  2016).  Based  on  calculations  of  relative  risk  hierarchical  matrix  of  risk  levels  for  grassland  categories  were  created.  

Additional  site  level  socio-­‐economic  factors  (Terress,  2013)  were  explored  through  questionary  of  land  owners,  thus  supplementing  previous  studies  and  revealing  importance  of  such  factors  as  farmers/land  owners  age,  residence,  presence  of  successor  and  spatial  parameters  of  farm  (size,   fragmentation)   as   well   as   legal   status   and   possible   burdens.   It   would   be   possible   to  improve  results  by  adding  data  on  comparison  of  farm  income  compared  to  regional/national  average  and  share  of  subsidies  in  farm’s  income.  

To  represent  situation  on  national  level  and  clarify  context  of  site/farm  specific  risks  (works  also  opposite)   we   analysed   drivers   of   farmland   abandonment   on   regional/municipal   level.   At  regional   or   national   levels,   imbalanced   economic   development   between   sectors   (agriculture,  industry  and  services)  increases  the  risk  of  abandonment.    Same  has  been  reported  for  inactive  land  market  (Terres  et  al.,  2015).  Presence  of  high  share  of  abandoned  land  (>20%)  and  natural  afforestation   is   considered   as   important   indicator   of   risk   of   farmland   abandonment.  Remoteness   from   regional   centres,   low   population   density   and   decline   of   population   are  traditional   indicators  for  marginalization  and  thus  were  used  for  risk  assessment  as  additional  correction  indices.  

Matrix  for  risk  of  abandonment  was  created  (Annex  No.2);  as  base  categories  were  used  -­‐  class  of  dominating  site  level  risk  (where  available)  or  dominating  land  cover  type.  We  do  not  intend  to   equalize   these   divisions   but   rather   substitute   former  with   later   as   a   potentiality   to   assess  rough  results  before  detailed  assessment  was  done.  The  weight  of  the  indices  is  assessed  using  expert  judgment  method.  Till  this  is  done  default  index  +1  is  used.  






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Policy  objectives  (for  municipal  or  national  level)    

The  Tool  should  have  a  possibility  to  simulate  ES  trade-­‐offs  in  the  scope  of  management  plans  with   spatial   dimension   (landscape  management   plans,   nature   frame,   NATURA   2000   network  and  etc.).  This  should  help  for  decision  makers  or  planners  to  plan  interventional  measures  or  develop  managerial   and   financial  measures  based  on  ecosystem  approach.   It   should  allow   to  calculate  ES  value  in  selected  polygons  and  see  ES  trade-­‐offs  by  changing  land  use.  

Summary  of  cross  logic  of  relevant  policies  targeted  to  the  grassland  management,  developed  within  action  A1,  concluded:  

Environmental/nature   conservation   policy   has   high   positive   impact   in   the   Baltic   States.   It  creates   preconditions   for   management   of   semi-­‐natural   grasslands,   sets   objectives   for  restoration,   maintenance   of   ecosystems   by   grazing   and   mowing,   biodiversity   protection  provides   guides   and   rules   for   good  management   of   grasslands,   defines   conditions   for   nature  conservation  subsidies  for  management  of  semi-­‐natural  grasslands  (case  in  Estonia),  etc.  It  also  defines  concrete  targets  to  be  reached  e.g.:  

● Rural   development   policy   gives   strong   direct   and   mostly   positive   impact.   Besides  providing   support   and   subsidies   for   farmers   and   landowners,   it   sets   requirements   for  management   and  maintenance  of   biologically   valuable   grasslands,   ensuring   long   term  (at   least  5   years)  management.   It   requires  not  decreasing   the   total   area  of   supported  grasslands,  requests  mowing  and  gazing,  removal  of  the  excess  grass  from  the  meadow,  prohibits   land   cultivation,   requests   elimination   of   invasive   species,   and   provides  guidelines   for   management   of   biologically   valuable   grasslands.   However   there   are  several  policy  shortcomings.    For  example,  in  Latvia,  subsidies  are  envisaged  only  for  the  already  existing  and  approved  biologically  valuable  grasslands,  thus  not  contributing  to  the   increase   of   overall   coverage   of   grasslands   in   the   country.  Moreover,   the   support  available   for   maintenance   of   grasslands   is   in   the   range   from   55-­‐330   EUR/ha   (for  maintenance  by  grazing  25-­‐58  EUR/ha)   that  might  not  be  attractive  enough.  Subsidies  for  cultivation  of  arable  land  are  more  beneficial  than  for  maintenance  of  biodiversity  in  grasslands.  Even  for  organic  farming  subsidies  are  higher  (97-­‐485  EUR/ha).    

Agri-­‐environmental   measures   of   RDPs   in   general   contribute   mostly   positively   to   delivery   of  ecosystem  services,  with  exception  of  measures  for  afforestation  of  non-­‐used  agriculture  land,  which  are  limiting  the  potential  for  provisioning  of  crops  and  products  from  reared  animals  as  well  as  resulting  in  loss  of  cultural  landscape  and  related  services.  The  measures  for  support  of  agriculture   production,   including   single   area   payments,   mostly   have   positive   impact   on  provisioning  services,  while  can  have  adverse  impact  on  regulating  and  cultural  services.  





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Land  use  options    

The   Tool   shall   provide   to   planners   or   decision   makers   the   possibility   to   simulate   land   use  change  and  to  see  variations  of  ES  values.  The  users  should  know  whether  and  to  which  extent  land  use  change  will  affect  the  delivery  of  an  ES  and  to  see  identified  its  optimum  location.  The  model   of   the   Tool   shall   help   to   decide   on   the   current   ES   values   and   provide   a   proposal   for  optimal  land  use  and  to  see  an  assessed  risk  for  the  land  to  be  abandoned.  The  model  shall  help  planners  to  understand  which  land  use  composition  will  generate  biggest  value  of  public  goods.  However,  for  this  purpose  the  model  must  not  only  consider  grasslands  land  cover  but  also  the  arable  and  abandoned  land.    


Technical  requirements  for  development  of  the  Tool  

Map  tool  functions    

Integrated  planning  tool  functions  are  performed  interactively  using  a  map  tool.  Tool  should  be   supported   by   the  main   Internet   browsers   (Internet   Explorer,  Mozilla,   Chrome)   without   a  need  of  additional  plugin  installation.  

Map   tool   integrates  map   data   review   and   analysis   functions,   detailed   in   the   table   below.  Business  specific  functions  for  grasslands  assessment  and  analysis  are  detailed  in  chapter  “Main  use  cases”.  

Table  3.  Map  functionality  

No.   Function   Description  1.   Navigate   Use  map  navigation  functions:  display  map,  pan,  zoom.  2.   View  data  layers   Review  accessible  layers  list,  turn  on  or  off,  show  legend.  3.   Authenticate  users   Provide  authentication  dialog  for  non-­‐public  map  applications.  

Check  user  roles,  limit  displayed  content  to  user  groups.    4.   Find  location   Find  location  on  the  map  by  entering  place  name.  5.   Identify  objects   Show  attribute  information  of  selected  object.  6.   Show  attribute  tables   Display  attributes  of  current  layer  in  table.  Attribute  table  must  have  

interactive  selection  methods,  capabilities  to  limit  attribute  count  by  currently  visible  map  area.  

7.   Filter  attributes   Interactively  filter  attribute  list  in  the  table  by  constructing  queries.  8.   Edit  attributes   Edit  and  update  attribute  information  of  selected  object.  If  the  

attribute  is  used  to  display  features,  cartographic  symbol  must  change  to  correspond  new  value.  

9.   Measure   Interactively  measure  coordinates,  length  and  area  on  the  map.  Allow  to  change  measurement  units.  

10.   Swipe  layers   Select  layer  in  list  and  swipe  it  over  the  rest  of  visible  layers.  This  functionality  provides  capability  to  interactively  compare  two  layers.  




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11.   Communicate  with  geoprocessing  services  

Map  tool  must  have  capabilities  to  interact  with  services,  providing  server-­‐side  processing  functionality,  review  results  as  text,  tables  and  graphic  objects.  

12.   Analyse  ES  in  area   Interactively  perform  summarization  of  ES  indices  in  defined  area.  Detailed  description  in  use  case  “Ecosystem  services  analysis”.  

13.   Assess  ES     Interactively  assign  ES  assessment  index  value  to  units  in  selected  area.  Detailed  description  in  use  case  “ES  assessment”.  


System  functions    

Supportive  functions  to  maintain  and  update  data  are  required  for  the  map  tool.  Functions  are  performed  by   a  GIS   professional   in   internal   network   and   are   related   to  data  update   and  map  publishing.    

Table  4.  System  functions  

No.   Function   Description  1.  Limit  content  to  

authenticated  users    Allow  user  authentication  functionality,  enable  control  user  groups,  limit  access  to  content  to  specific  user  groups    

2.  Upload  data   Load  data  into  database  using  direct  connection  to  database.  3.  Assign  assessment  data  to  ES  

units  using  external  tables  Join  tables  from  external  data  sources  (provided  by  experts)  and  calculate  assessment  values.  

4.  Add  new  assessment  index   Manual  configuration  of  data  structures  and  services,  required  to  introduce  new  assessment  index  to  system.  

5.  Update  administrative  division  of  Assessment  Unit  

Tool,  which  automatically  updates  assignment  of  unit  to  country  and  municipality  by  performing  spatial  intersection.  

6.  Update  municipality  assignment  to  country  

Tool,  which  automatically  updates  assignment  of  municipality  to  country  by  performing  spatial  intersection.  


User  groups    

Map  application  must  be  publicly   available  on   the   Internet  with   capability   to   limit   specific   content   to  user   groups.   Public   user   has   a   capability   to   use   map   navigation   functions,   view   and   identify   layers.  Functionality   related   to   data   editing,   services   assessment   and   analysis   are   limited   to   professional  experts.  GIS  administrators  are  a  specific  user  group,  performing  data  maintenance  tasks  on  the  internal  network.  

Table  5.  User  gruops  

No.   User  group   Description  1.   Public  user   Not   registered   user,   has   an   access   to   public   map   data   and  

functions.  2.   Analyst   Analyses  particular   area  and   indicators.  Has   an  access   to   analysis  





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3.   Assessment  manager   Assessment   of   ecosystem   service   values   in   particular   area   using  assessment  form  and  map  application.  

4.   GIS  administrator   GIS   data   administrator,   has   a   capability   to   directly   access   and  manage   data   stored   in   database.   The   role   is   responsible   for  classifiers,  GIS  data  management,  services  publishing.  


Use  of  the  map  tool    

The   map   tool   is   main   component   of   the   integrated   planning   tool,   providing   user   interface   to   map  services  and  analysis   tools.  Map   tool  has  a   control  of  displaying  map,   attributes,   identification   results  and  specific  analysis  functionality.  



Figure  3.  Principal  user  interface  of  the  map  tool  


Thematic   layers   are   grassland-­‐related   layers   displayed   in   the   layer   list.   The   base   layers   are   used   to  provide   information   on   topographic   situation.   User  might   change   base   layer   from   provided   list   (ESRI  background  layers,  open  street  map).  Thematic  layers  are  published  on  GIS  server  and  must  be  shared  to   user   group   accessing   the   map   tool.   Identification   and   display   of   attributes   is   related   to   active  thematic  layer.  

Specific  analysis  tools  are  placed  in  widgets  having  user  interfaces  for  an  input  parameters  and  output  result  display.  Analysis  requests  are  sent  to  GIS  servers  geoprocessing  tasks,  results  returned  to  user  and  added  to  map  and  output  form.  Specific  functionality  and  user  forms  detailed  in  „Main  use  cases  “.  





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Figure  4.  Principal  components  of  the  integrated  planning  tool  map  application  


Table  6.  Map  layers  and  layer  groups  

No.   Layer   Colour  scheme,  symbol  1.   Administrative  division  –  country  boundaries    2.   Administrative  division  –  municipality  boundaries    Layer  group:  “Grasslands”.  Grassland  categories  and  components  of  grassland  categorization  displayed  as  separate  layers.  3.   Assessment  units,  symbolized  by  grassland  category   Symbols  of  33  grassland  category  units  

provided  separately  4.   Soil  fertility  

 5.   Slope  category  

 6.   Grassland  naturality  category  

 Layer  group  “Ecosystem  services”.  Current  values  of  ecosystem  services  in  grassland  assessment  units  




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7.   Cultivated  crops    

8.   Reared  animals  and  their  outputs    

9.   Fodder    

10.   Biomass-­‐based  energy  sources    

11.   Herbs  for  medicine    

12.   Bio-­‐remediation    

13.   Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation  by  ecosystem    

14.   Control  of  erosion  rates    

15.   Pollination  and  seed  dispersal    

16.   Maintaining  habitats    

17.   Weathering  processes/soil  fertility    

18.   Chemical  condition  of  freshwaters    

19.   Global  climate  regulation    

Layer  group  “Ecosystem  services  in  case  of  abandonment”.  Values  of  ecosystem  services  in  grassland  assessment  units  in  case  of  abandonment.  Layer  names  and  symbology  corresponding  to  layers  7-­‐19.  Layer  group  “Ecosystem  services  in  case  of  arable”.  Values  of  ecosystem  services  in  grassland  assessment  units  in  case  of  converting  land  to  arable.  Layer  names  and  symbology  corresponding  to  layers  7-­‐19.  


Main  use  cases    

Use   cases   described   in   this   chapter   require   business   specific   data   processing   functionality.  Specific  server-­‐side  geoprocessing  tools  are  constructed  to  support  this  functionality  and  user  interfaces  (forms)  to  interact  with  services  must  be  developed.    

ES  assessment      

Ecosystem   services   assessment   is   performed   by   authenticated   expert,   having   required  knowledge  and  familiar  with  particular  territory.  The  main  principle  of  assessment  is  to  assign  evaluation  index  by  ecosystem  services  to  grassland  type  in  particular  area.  

Steps  of  ecosystem  services  assessment:  




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1. Select  one  ES  to  be  assessed.  2. Select  analysis  area.  Area,  which  intersects  with  assessment  blocks  will  be  included  into  

assessment.  a. Administrative  unit  allows  selecting  countries  and  municipalities  to  be  analysed.  b. Define   area   on   the   map.   Area   is   defined   by   interactively   drawing   rectangle   or  

polygon  on  the  map.  c. Upload   zipped   shape   file.   First   polygon   of   first   polygon   feature   class   found   in  

shape  file  must  be  used.  3. Enter  indices  for  each  grassland  type.  Indices  vary  from  0  to  5  (-­‐1  is  used  for  unassessed  

units).  4. Click  “Update  assessment”.  5. System   assigns   indices   to   ES   Category   units   by   grassland   category.   Report,   containing  

count  of  assessed  ES  units  is  provided  to  user.    




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 Figure  5.  Ecosystem  services  assessment  form  


Ecosystem  services  analysis      

Ecosystem  services  analysis  performed  by  authenticated  specialist  (analyst)  is  oriented  to  get  summary  information  and  recommendations  on  particular  territory.    W


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 Figure  6.  Analysis  input  parameters  

Steps  of  analysis:  

1. Select  analysis  area:  a. Administrative  unit.  Allows  selecting  countries  and  municipalities  to  be  analysed.  b. Define   area   on   the   map.   Area   is   defined   by   interactively   drawing   rectangle   or  

polygon  on  the  map.  2. Select  (mark)  ES  to  be  included  into  weighted  sum  of  indicators.  Define  weight  of  each  

selected  service  to  weighted  index  by  %.  Total  sum  of  percents  entered  must  be  equal  to  100.  

3. Click  “Calculate”  and  wait  for  results.  Results  include:    a. Summary  report.  b. Analysed  area  drawn  on  the  map  and  added  as  layer.  



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 Figure  7.  Output  summary  information  


Mean   value   of   one   selected   ecosystem   service   is   calculated   by   summarizing   assessment   values   in  selected  territory.  Each  assessment  is  multiplied  by  unit  area  and  divided  by  whole  territory  area.  

𝐸𝑆𝑆 =𝑠!𝑆



∗ 𝑎!  

𝑠!  –  Area  o  one  partial  unit  

𝑎!  –  Assessment  value  in  one  partial  unit  

S  –  Area  of  selected  territory  





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Example.   Selected   area   on   the  map   includes   5   ecosystem  assessment   units,  with   fodder   values   as  follows:  

No.   Area  of  unit  (��)   Assessment  value  (��)  1.   10   2  2.   20   0  3.   20   5  4.   40   3  5.   10   4     Total  area(S):  100   -­‐  


Mean  assessment  value:  (10/100*2)  +(20/100*0)  +(20/100*5)  +  (40/100*3)  +  (10/100*4)  =  2,8  

Weighted  index   is  an  average  of  user  selected  ES  and  is  calculated  considering  user-­‐defined  weight  by  %  of  each  index  value.  Mean  value  of  each  service  is  calculated  using  method  described  above.  

𝑊 =𝐸𝑆𝑆! ∗ 𝑤!100




𝐸𝑆𝑆!  -­‐  Mean  value  of  selected  ecosystem  service  i.  

𝑤!  –  Weight  of  selected  ecosystem  service  i.  


Example.  User  has  defined  4  ecosystem  services  and  their   influence  to  weighted   index  as  shown  in  the  table.    

Ecosystem  Service   Calculated  mean  value   User-­‐defined  weight,  %  Reared  animals  and  their  outputs   2   30  Fodder     5   40  Herbs  for  medicine   2   10  Weathering  processes/soil  fertility   2   20       Total:  100%  


Weighted  index:  2*30/100  +  5*40/100  +  2*10/100  +  2*20/100  =  3,2  


Calculating  cases  of  abandonment  and  turning  to  arable  land.  

There  is  a  scenario  to  which  land  category  type  land  will  turn  in  case  of  abandonment  and  after  turning  into   arable   land.   Abandoned   and   arable   land   have   different   default   (predefined)   ecosystem   service  indices.    

Simulation  workflow:  




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1. Define   target  category   type   in  case  of  abandoned  or  arable.  Table  CAT_CHANGE  must  be   used:   FROM_CAT   –   current   category;   TO_CAT   –   category   to  which   index   changes;  CHANGE_TYPE:  ABD  –  abandonment,  ARR  –  arable.  

2. Use   default   assessment   value   of   defined   target   category.   ES   assessment   values   are  defined   in  table  DEFAULT_ASMI.  CAT  –  target  category,  ASMI_CODE  –   is   the   index  for  which  the  value  is  assigned,  VAL  –  index  value  for  category.  

There   must   be   separate   simulations   made   for   abandonment   and   arable   land.   Results  summarized  in  table  (Annex  No.  1).  





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Software  architecture    

Principal  software  components    

Software   architecture   is   based   on   ArcGIS   products   family.   Data   management,   map   design,  publishing  tasks  are  performed  in  the  internal  network  of  hosting  organization  using  ArcGIS  for  Desktop   (ArcMap).   Map   services   published   to   ArcGIS   for   server   are   managed   on   Portal   for  ArcGIS.  Portal  allows  to  limit  access  to  specific  map  and  geoprocessing  task  resources  to  specific  user  groups;  using  portal  map  different  map  services  are  combined  into  one  map  resource.  This  map  is  basis  for  the  web  map  application.  

Web  map  tools  are  built  as  application  using  ArcGIS  Web  application  builder.  Software  itself  has  a   rich   set   of   configurable   tools   for   controlling   map   appearance,   layers,   measurement,   etc.  Specific   functionality,   required   to   perform   ecosystem   assessment   and   analysis   are   python-­‐based   geoprocessing   tasks   published   to   ArcGIS   for   Server,   included   into   web   mapping  application  using  customized  user  interface  for  input  and  output  parameters  (custom  widgets).    Web  applications  are  built  internally  and  then  deployed  to  web  applications  hosting  site.  Web  applications,   map   and   geoprocessing   resources   can   be   limited   to   specific   user   groups   using  Portal  authentication  mechanism.    

To   ensure   reachability   of   the   internal   web   applications   in   the   Internet,   hosting   organization  must  configure  external  web  server  (reverse  proxy),  to  forward  requests  to  ArcGIS  web  adaptor  and  Web  applications  hosting  site.  

Table  7.  Software  components  

No.   Component   Description  1.   Reverse  proxy  server   Proxy  server  of  hosing  organization,  allowing  to  communicate  

external  requests  and  specific  internal  resources.  Enables  access  of  portal  and  web  application  sites  on  public  internet.    

2.   Internet  information  services   Web  server  based  on  IIS  (internet  information  services)  technology,  used  to  host  web  applications.    

3.   ArcGIS  Web  Adaptor   Web  application,  forwarding  web  requests  to  Portal  for  ArcGIS.  

4.   Portal  for  ArcGIS   Web  application,  supports  organizations  map  resource  sharing,  user  management  and  controlling  access  to  resources  to  user  groups.  Portal  is  used  to  combine  layers  from  different  map  services  into  one  map,  displayed  in  web  mapping  application.  

5.   ArcGIS  for  Server   GIS  server,  which  supports  publishing  of  map  image  and  feature  services,  used  as  layers  in  the  map.  Specific  data  analysis  and  processing  functionality    




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6.   ArcGIS  Web  application  builder  

Tool  for  constructing  web  applications  with  maps.  Tool  is  used  internally,  built  web  application  is  copied  and  hosted  on  web  applications  hosting  site.  

7.   Web  applications  hosting  site   Built  web  applications,  published  to  internet.  8.   ArcGIS  for  Desktop   Desktop  software  for  internal  management  of  data  structures,  

map  services,  preparing  maps  for  publishing  (cartography).  9.   Database  engine   Database,  supporting  spatial  data  technology.  PostgreSQL  

data  base  engine  will  be  used.  Data  base  is  spatially  enabled  using  PostGIS  and  ArcSDE  extensions.  



Figure  8.  Communication  between  software  components  

According   to   the   required   functionality,   published   services   count   recommended   system  requirements  are  provided  below.   It   is  recommended  to  have  3  separate  server  machines  for  database  server,  GIS  server  and  web  publishing.  ArcGIS  for  Desktop  must  be  installed  on  local  GIS  administrators’  computer.  

Table  8.  Server  hardware  requirements  

No.   Component   Characteristics  1.   Processor   4  CPU  2.   RAM   16  GB  3.   Disk  storage   500  GB    

Table  9.  Required  licensed  software  

No.   Component   Characteristics  1.   Windows  operating  system   Windows  Server  2012  R2.  2.   ArcGIS  for  Server  (4  cores)   Standard  edition.  Including  ArcGIS  for  portal,  at  least  5  named  

users.  3.   ArcGIS  for  Desktop   Standard  edition,  compatible  with  ArcGIS  for  Server.  




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4.   PostgreSQL  database  engine   Open  source  database  engine,  supported  by  ArcGIS  server    


Database  structure      

The  main  business  table,  storing   information  about  ES  values   in  grasslands   is  assessment  unit  (ASM_UNIT).     Values   of   indices   are   stored   in   separate   columns   for   each   index   (ASM_UNIT),  index   types   are   described   in   table   CLS_ASMI,   column   names   must   match   index   code.  Performing   analysis   and   evaluation   of   grasslands   it’s   important   to   analyse   whole   block   of  grasslands   (ASM_BLOCK).   Each   grassland   unit   is   assigned   to   country   (COUNTRY)   and  municipality  (MUNIC).  

In   case  of   abandonment  and   turning   land   to  arable   information   from  views   (conv_abd_view,  conv_arr_view)   is   used.   Table   CAT_CHANGE   represents   category   change   from-­‐to,   table  DEFAULT_ASMI  represent  default  assessment  index  value  for  each  land  category  type.  





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Figure  9.  Database  diagram  



Table  10.  ASM_BLOCK  -­‐  assessment  block.  Group  of  ES  units  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.  OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.  BLOCK_ID   Long  integer   Assessment  block  ID    

ASM_UNIT   (Polygon)   –   Assessment   unit   (ecosystem   services   unit).   This   is   the   smallest   unit   to   be  evaluated,  assessment   index  values  are  assigned  to  every  unit.  This   feature  class  contains  columns  for  ecosystem   services   (or   other)   assessment   values.   Assessment   column   count   and   types   have   to   be  defined  in  table  CLS_ASMI.  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  




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1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.   CATEGORY   Text,  50   Current  category.  Values  from  domain  

LAND_CATEGORY  3.   LANDUSE   Text,  20   Current  land  use.  

GRASS  –  Grassland  ARR  –  Arable  ABD  –  Abandoned  

4.   BLOCK_ID   Long  integer   Assessment  block  ID  5.   COUNTRY_C   Text,  50   Country  code  6.   MUNIC_C   Text,  100   Municipality  code  7.   RANIMALS   Short  integer   Reared  animals  and  their  outputs  8.   FODDER   Short  integer   Fodder  9.   BIOMENG   Short  integer   Biomass-­‐based  energy  sources  10.   HERBS   Short  integer   Herbs  for  medicine  11.   ERCONTR   Short  integer   Control  of  erosion  rates  12.   HABITM   Short  integer   Maintaining  habitats  13.   WEATNG   Short  integer   Weathering  processes/soil  fertility  14.   CHC   Short  integer   Chemical  condition  of  freshwaters  15.   CLIMATE   Short  integer   Global  climate  regulation  16.   CUCROPS   Short  integer   Global  climate  regulation  17.   BIORM   Short  integer   Bio-­‐remediation  18.   ACCUM   Short  integer   Filtration/storage/accumulation  by  ecosystems  19.   POLLIN   Short  integer   Pollination  and  seed  dispersal    Table  11.  ASM_UNIT  (Polygon)  

   Table  12.  COUNRTY  (Polygon)  -­‐  country  territories  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.   CODE   Text,  50   Country  code  3.   NAME   Text,  100   Country  name    Table  13.  MUNIC  (Polygon)  -­‐  territories  of  municipalities  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.   CODE   Text,  50   Municipality  code  3.   NAME   Text,  100   Municipality  name  4.   COUNTRY_C   Text,  50   Country  code  (COUNTRY.CODE)    

Table  14.  CLS_ASMI  -­‐  classification  of  assessment  indices.  Indices  described  in  the  table  will  be  added  to  ASM_UNIT  layer  as  columns.  For  column  name  attribute  CODE  will  be  used  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  




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2.   CODE   Text,  10   Assessment  index  code,  field  with  code  name  will  be  created  in  ESS_UNIT  table  

3.   GRCODE   Text,  10   Assessment  index  group:  PROV  –  Provisional.  REGM  –  Regulation  and  maintenance.  CULT  –  Cultural.  

4.   DESCR   Text,  50   Description,  explanation  of  index  5.   VALTYPE   Text,  10   Type  of  value  (Text,  Integer,  Double)  6.   MINVAL   Text,  50   Minimum  value  of  index  7.   MAXVAL   Text,  50   Maximum  value  of  index  8.   NDVAL   Text,  10   No  data  value  


Table  15.  CAT_CHANGE  -­‐  category  change  used  for  land  use  change  scenario  (turning  into  arable,  abandoned)  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.   FROM_CAT   Text,  10   Current  category  3.   TO_CAT   Text,  10   Category  to  which  land  changes  4.   CHANGE_TYPE   Text,  50   Type  of  category  change  (scenario):  

ABD  -­‐  abandonment  ARR  -­‐  arrable  


Table  16.  DEFAULT_ASMI  -­‐  default  assessment  index  values  by  category.  Values  may  vary  in  different  territories  -­‐  countries  and  municipalities  

No.   Field   Type,  length   Description  1.   OBJECTID   ObjectID  (Long  integer)   Object  ID,  controlled  by  system  2.   ASMICODE   Text,  10   Assessment  index  code  (CLS_ASMI.CODE)  3.   CAT   Text,  50   Category,  assigned  to  unit  4.   VAL   Short  integer   Default  value,  assigned  to  category  5.   COUNTRY_C   Text,  50   Country  code  6.   MUNIC_C   Text,  50   Municipality  code  



The  project  team  agreed  that  the  minimum  unit  for  data  gathering  and  processing  will  be  from  municipality  level  down  to  farm  level;  accordingly,  the  map  scale  shall  be  ranging  from  1:50  000  to  1:  5  000.  







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Strijker,  D.,  2005.  Marginal   lands   in  Europe—causes  of  decline.  Basic  and  Applied  Ecology,  6(2),  pp.99-­‐106.  

Terres,  J.M.,  2013.  Assessing  the  risk  of  farmland  abandonment  in  the  EU.  Publications  Office.  

Terres,  J.M.,  Scacchiafichi,  L.N.,  Wania,  A.,  Ambar,  M.,  Anguiano,  E.,  Buckwell,  A.,  Coppola,  A.,  Gocht,  A.,  Källström,  H.N.,  Pointereau,  P.  and  Strijker,  D.,  2015.  Farmland  abandonment  in  Europe:  Identification  of  drivers  and  indicators,  and  development  of  a  composite  indicator  of  risk.  Land  Use  Policy,  49,  pp.20-­‐34.  

Pointereau,   P.,   2008.   Analysis   of   farmland   abandonment   and   the   extent   and   location   of   agricultural  areas  that  are  actually  abandoned  or  are  in  risk  to  be  abandoned.  EUR-­‐OP.  

Baudry,   J.,   1991.   Ecological   consequences   of   grazing   extensification   and   land   abandonment:   role   of  interactions   between   environment,   society   and   techniques.   Options   Mediterraneennes.   Serie   A:  Seminaires  Mediterraneens  (CIHEAM).  

Vinodradovs   I.,  Nikodemus  O.,  Tabors  G.,  Krūze   I.,  Elferts  D.  2016.  Assessment  of   factors  of   landscape  change  in  mosaic  type  landscape:  a  case  study  of  Vidzeme,  Latvia.  Proceedings  of  the  19th  Conference  of  Junior  researchers  "Science  -­‐  future  of  Lithuania.  Vilnius  






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T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 1 . E c o s y s t e m S e r v i c e a s s e s s m e n t m a t r i x



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1. Cultivated grassland on plain relief, low soil fertility 0 3   2   2   1   2   2   0   2   2   2   2   2  

2. Cultivated grassland on plain relief, medium soil fertility 0 4   3   3   1   3   3   0   2   2   3   3   2  3. Cultivated grassland on plain relief in, high soil fertility 0 5   4   4   1   3   4   0   2   2   4   4   2  4. Cultivated grassland on plain relief, organic soils 0 4   3   3   1   4   4   0   2   2   0   3   3  5. Cultivated grassland on gentle slope in low soil fertility 0 3   2   2   1   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2  6. Cultivated grassland on gentle slope, medium soil fertility 0 4   3   3   1   3   3   2   2   2   3   3   2  7. Cultivated grassland on gentle slope, high soil fertility 0 5   4   4   1   3   4   3   2   2   4   4   2  8. Cultivated grassland on gentle slope, organic soil 0 4   3   3   1   4   4   0   2   2   0   3   3  9. Cultivated grassland on steep slope low soil fertility 0 3   2   2   1   2   2   3   2   2   2   2   2  10. Cultivated grassland on steep slope, medium soil fertility 0 4   3   3   1   3   3   3   2   2   2   3   2  11. Permanent grassland on plain relief in, low soil fertility 0 2   1   1   3   3   2   0   4   4   2   3   3  12. Permanent grassland on plain relief, medium soil fertility 0 3   2   2   2   4   3   0   4   3   3   4   3  13. Permanent grassland on plain relief, high soil fertility 0 4   3   3   2   4   4   0   4   3   4   5   3  14. Permanent grassland on plain relief, organic soils 0 3   2   2   2   5   4   0   4   3   0   3   4  W


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T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 1 . E c o s y s t e m S e r v i c e a s s e s s m e n t m a t r i x


15. Permanent grassland on gentle slope, low soil fertility 0 2   1   1   3   3   2   4   4   4   2   3   3  16. Permanent grassland on gentle slope, medium soil fertility 0 3   2   2   2   4   3   3   4   3   3   4   3  17. Permanent grassland on gentle slope, high soil fertility 0 4   3   3   2   4   4   3   4   3   4   5   3  18. Permanent grassland on gentle slope, organic soils 0 3   2   2   2   5   4   0   4   3   0   3   4  19. Permanent grassland on steep slope, low soil fertility 0 2   1   1   3   3   2   5   4   4   2   3   3  20. Permanent grassland on steep slope, medium soil fertility 0 3   2   2   2   4   3   5   4   3   2   4   3  21. Semi-natural grassland on plain relief, low soil fertility 0 1   1   1   5   4   2   0   5   5   2   3   4  22. Semi-natural grassland on plain relief, medium soil fertility 0 2   2   2   4   5   3   0   5   4   3   4   4  23. Semi-natural grassland on plain relief, high soil fertility 0 3   3   3   3   5   4   0   5   3   4   5   4  24. Semi-natural grassland on plain relief, organic soils 0 3   3   3   4   5   4   0   5   4   0   3   5  25. Semi-natural grassland on gentle slope, low soil fertility 0 1   1   1   5   4   2   4   5   5   2   3   4  26. Semi-natural grassland on gentle slope, medium soil fertility 0 2   2   2   4   5   3   4   5   4   3   4   4  27. Semi-natural grassland on gentle slope, high soil fertility 0 3   3   3   3   5   4   4   5   3   4   5   4  28. Semi-natural grassland on gentle slope, organic soils 0 3   3   3   4   5   4   0   5   4   0   3   5  29. Semi-natural grassland on steep slope, low soil fertility 0 1   1   1   5   4   2   5   5   5   2   3   4  30. Semi-natural grassland on steep slope, medium soil fertility 0 2   2   2   4   5   3   5   5   4   2   4   4  31. Arable land on plain relief, low soil fertility 1   0   3   3   1   1   1   0   1   1   1   1   1  32. Arable land on plain relief, medium soil fertility 3   0   4   4   1   1   2   0   1   1   2   2   1  33. Arable land on plain relief in, high soil fertility 5   0   5   5   1   1   3   0   1   1   3   2   1  34. Arable land on plain relief, organic soils 2   0   4   4   1   2   3   0   1   1   0   3   0  35. Arable land on gentle slope in low soil fertility 1   0   3   3   1   1   1   0   1   1   1   1   1  36. Arable land on gentle slope, medium soil fertility 3   0   4   4   1   1   2   0   1   1   2   2   1  37. Arable land on gentle slope, high soil fertility 5   0   5   5   1   1   3   0   1   1   3   2   1  38. Arable land on gentle slope, organic soil 2   0   4   4   1   2   3   0   1   1   0   3   0  39. Arable land on steep slope low soil fertility 0   0   3   3   1   1   1   0   1   1   1   1   1  40. Arable land on steep slope, medium soil fertility 0   0   4   4   1   1   2   0   1   1   2   2   1  41. Abandoned land (with shrub) on plain relief, low soil fertility 0 0   0   3   3   3   3   0   3   3   3   4   5  42. Abandoned land (with shrub) on plain relief, medium soil fertility 0 0   0   2   2   4   4   0   3   3   4   5   5  W


g do


Page 33: LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL - Integrated planning tool for ... · LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL!!(Action!B1!Developmentof!integrated!planning!tool! for!sustainable!grassland!management)!! Beneficiary

T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 1 . E c o s y s t e m S e r v i c e a s s e s s m e n t m a t r i x


43. Abandoned land (with shrub) on plain relief in, high soil fertility 0 0   0   1   2   4   5   0   3   3   5   5   5  44. Abandoned land (with shrub) on plain relief, organic soils 0 0   0   3   2   5   5   0   3   3   0   4   5  45. Abandoned land (with shrub) on gentle slope in low soil fertility 0 0   0   3   3   3   3   4   3   3   3   4   5  46. Abandoned land (with shrub) on gentle slope, medium soil

fertility 0 0   0   2   2   4   4   4   3   3   4   5   5  

47. Abandoned land (with shrub) on gentle slope, high soil fertility 0 0   0   1   2   4   5   5   3   3   5   5   5  48. Abandoned land (with shrub) on gentle slope, organic soil 0 0   0   3   2   5   5   0   3   3   0   4   5  49. Abandoned land (with shrub) on steep slope low soil fertility 0 0   0   3   3   3   3   5   3   3   3   4   5  50. Abandoned land (with shrub) on steep slope, medium soil

fertility 0 0   0   2   2   4   4   5   3   3   4   5   5  

                           Explanations:                          plain relief: 0-3°                          gentle slope: 4-14°                          steep slope: >15°                          low soil fertility value: ≤ 30                          medium soil fertility value: 31 -50                          high soil fertility value: > 50                          

                           Abandoned land - not used for more than 10 years and overgrowing with shrubs and trees

                                                     * - Polution retention - Filtration/storage/accumulation by ecosystems -

in case of draned soils the value shall be lowered by 1 unit                          




Page 34: LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL - Integrated planning tool for ... · LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL!!(Action!B1!Developmentof!integrated!planning!tool! for!sustainable!grassland!management)!! Beneficiary

T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 2 . Matr ix for r i sk o f abandonment



Correction  indices   Additional  correction  indices  



Grassland  categories   Level  of  risk  of  abandonment  

If  area  of  a



block  is  <  5ha


If  area  of  a



block  is  <  3ha


If  farm

ers  a

ge  is  >60


Not  local  residen



ted  farm


Great  sh

are  of  

subsidies  in  income  



Legal  burde


Lack  of  farm  


Low  income  <2

5%  of  


nal  average  

1.  Cultivated  grassland  on  plain  relief,  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

2.  Cultivated  grassland  on  plain  relief,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

3.  Cultivated  grassland  on  plain  relief  in,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

4.  Cultivated  grassland  on  plain  relief,  organic  soils   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

5.  Cultivated  grassland  on  gentle  slope  in  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

6.  Cultivated  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

7.  Cultivated  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

8.  Cultivated  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  organic  soil   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

9.  Cultivated  grassland  on  steep  slope  low  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

10.  Cultivated  grassland  on  steep  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

11.  Cultivated  grassland  on  steep  slope,  high  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

12.  Permanent  grassland  on  plain  relief  in,  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

13.  Permanent  grassland  on  plain  relief,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

14.  Permanent  grassland  on  plain  relief,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

15.  Permanent  grassland  on  plain  relief,  organic  soils   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

16.  Permanent  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

17.  Permanent  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 Wor



Page 35: LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL - Integrated planning tool for ... · LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL!!(Action!B1!Developmentof!integrated!planning!tool! for!sustainable!grassland!management)!! Beneficiary

T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 2 . Matr ix for r i sk o f abandonment


18.  Permanent  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 19.  Permanent  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  organic  soils   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

20.  Permanent  grassland  on  steep  slope,  low  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

21.  Permanent  grassland  on  steep  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 22.  Permanent  grassland  on  steep  slope,  high  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

23.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  plain  relief,  low  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

24.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  plain  relief,  medium  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 25.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  plain  relief,  high  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

26.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  plain  relief,  organic  soils   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

27.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  low  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 28.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

29.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  high  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

30.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  gentle  slope,  organic  soils   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

31.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  steep  slope,  low  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

32.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  steep  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

33.  Semi-­‐natural  grassland  on  steep  slope,  high  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

34.  Arable  land  on  plain  relief,  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

35.  Arable  land  on  plain  relief,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

36.  Arable  land  on  plain  relief  in,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

37.  Arable  land  on  plain  relief,  organic  soils   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

38.  Arable  land  on  gentle  slope  in  low  soil  fertility   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

39.  Arable  land  on  gentle  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

40.  Arable  land  on  gentle  slope,  high  soil  fertility   LOW (1) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

41.  Arable  land  on  gentle  slope,  organic  soil   MODERATE (2) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

42.  Arable  land  on  steep  slope  low    soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 Wor



Page 36: LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL - Integrated planning tool for ... · LOGICALFRAMEOFTHETOOL!!(Action!B1!Developmentof!integrated!planning!tool! for!sustainable!grassland!management)!! Beneficiary

T h e   p r o j e c t   “ I n t e g r a t e d   p l a n n i n g   t o o l   t o   e n s u r e   v i a b i l i t y   o f   g r a s s l a n d s ”   ( L I F E   V i v a   G r a s s )   N o   L I F E 1 3   E N V / L T / 0 0 0 1 8 9   i s   c o -­‐ f i n a n c e d   b y   t h e   E U   L I F E +  P r o g r a mm e ,   M i n i s t r y   o f   E n v i r o n m e n t   o f   t h e   R e p u b l i c   o f   L i t h u a n i a ,   L a t v i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   P r o t e c t i o n   F u n d ,   E s t o n i a n   E n v i r o n m e n t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   C e n t r e   a n d   t h e  

p r o j e c t   p a r t n e r s .  

LOGICAL FRAME OF THE TOOL A n n e x N o . 2 . Matr ix for r i sk o f abandonment


43.  Arable  land  on  steep  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 44.  Arable  land  on  steep  slope,  high  soil  fertility   HIGH (3) + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 45.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  plain  relief,  low  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   46.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  plain  relief,  medium  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   47.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  plain  relief  in,  high  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   48.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  plain  relief,  organic  soils   DIV/0!                    49.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  gentle  slope  in  low  soil  

fertility   DIV/0!

                   50.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  gentle  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   51.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  gentle  slope,  high  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   52.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  gentle  slope,  organic  soil   DIV/0!                    53.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  steep  slope  low  soil  

fertility   DIV/0!

                   54.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  steep  slope,  medium  soil  fertility   DIV/0!

                   55.  Abandoned  land  (with  shrub)  on  steep  slope,  high  soil  fertility   DIV/0!



