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All the Local News D aily P ress Late News ■ By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO. 2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,” 1900:^STX PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT SAVE MONEY; Place your Fire In- surance with the old- est and best com- panies in the world. Represented bf ' * D. C. COVERT sV ' ' 208 Bond Streit^ ' ,'t. . Asbury Park, N. J, ABBUBY PARK and 0 OS Alt &BOVBS I Hot*! Bronswick, ■Owion «I ItAllroQd Depot and • fis il Dangs ATenue, PM*oJpaS Offlm 1.306m iitm m w i (loads iters il at reasons?)!# rates, 1 Telephons ooanoction. P. O,,Box 86?, - - - Abbott fabx ONLY ■ ONE CENT r Will buy » postal card oa which to write ua tliat your clock needs the .doctor. We will seai! for tt at onceTput It in thorough order, and return it to your mantol before you bavo scarcely missed i t, and charge you an honest price for our time a n d HMD, Please atop and think for one mo- ment. Are all your clocks doing as well as they should? it will cost you nothing to let us Inspect them We coyer find Imagi- nary faults nor snake unnecessary repairs. CLAUDE J. WISEMAN, Jeweler and Optician 645 Cookman Ave. Special attention given to fltting_ glasses ^ ,aojDQri^tiaU..-defMta-jiI^Jsl(mOsXAMJL The jury,-"'ns oqT about a hajf hour, whenthey returned u verdict to tho ofjccfc that" the tleTemfan FTiad 1>een found, guilty. Theii* verdict ulsosub forth that Miss Wo.lfT waft n resident of Anbury Park,'and that Horner was tho child's father. Justico Borden will now*nnvko an order to the effect that Ilornpr must contribute tpwurd the support of the child. NATION FREE, ~ C orrect G lasses , . :v ' . ' ARK A HELP to weak eyee and often relieve dizziness and hoadaohe, If you think your glasses iir&not correct call and liava your eyes ex- oujro; ainined FREE OF CHARGE.- 'fin may have your frames repaired and adjusted ;i while you wait. Allwork faUy^mrrantedjjtjiricefl with, -lb reacUof till. -- Willard C- Wiseman ________ ORAgUATB OPTICIAN Asbury Park Optical Parlor, @03 Cookman Avenue, Cor. Embry etreat. A PROPERTY RENTED X "For. this season at Al- lenhurst,withili 500 feet - of-ihe-dcean-front,_-can. be bought for $4,000 less than it cost, on terms to suit purchaser. Investigate, this a rare -investment —- ----- W. H. BEEGLE, - 22 b Main.- St.'t Aabury. Park Asbury Park ana Ocean Grove BANK Corner Mattiaou Avff. sad Mala St., , ASBURY PARK. N. J / 1 ' • " ’ corner Mara Arenoe and PitfNra Pathway . OCEAN QROVB. , HBNEY 0. WINSOR, President. OEO. Vf, BVAN8. VieHTMlloat. •EDMOND a. D kVTnS, OulUer JESSE MiNOTi Assistant Caahtor. DIBSCTORa: f, flU M K APPZJBBY • • DO, J. A* W. QKTBIOK, H. B. BUOHAKOh JOHNHtmiUIIO a C. CUTTON LBWIB MktltKAft • QE<J. ▼. BVAlW ’ OEO* W. TH1AT 1 0. FjmduaoK amm tii/to* • BXM1T 0. WIK80H .. ' Aooounta Rospsoifuily Bollolted.. Sa,fa Dapoalt BQKfss to Rent. , W* laauo Fr.^lgn Drafts and,Let- ' era ofCredlJ. • * HORNER CONVICTED Testimony of Complainant Umlml;«n Upon Crons-ISxamiiration — Court ' W ill Mako Order Upon- Defendant. Tho cuso of Overseer of tho Poor Joseph R. Weir, jr., Ill bohalf of Helen Wolff, vs Willliim Russoll Horner,-which wan tried Iwforo Justice Bordon ntid-a jury In the olt/'council chamber yesterday afternoon, creuted conRldemble interest. Tho caso lias 1'cch ono of long duration, and'tlie de fondant lias since married nnothftrwoirmn Th6 complainant has been omploywl as a doinestlo iu this; city for. about 11 years flhnt. . '■. . ■ Counsellor John F. •Hawkins appeared for the city, and Charles E. Cook, assisted by cx-Goyorhor C. Moyor Zulick of Avon, represented tho defendant. The jury was nmdo up nis follows: Samuel A. Cliver, E W, BollcK, William Glffard, II. K. Under wood, W. C, Cottrell. K. W; Low,floorgo E. liullck, William .Bowen, Richard Wortman, Claude J. Wiseman, A. A. Bredenhcek, W illiam Nosblt. Horner has been lirrested tlireo times on tills charge. Boforo the caso came to trial before Justice Cross tho first time ho made an offorlrtoiscttlo'thn)nattcrr 7-Miss" WolCf Was paid $50tind signed somo sort of an agreomont which is said to ho without force in law. 1 • . Tlio second arrest was followed by thp' ease being thrown out of court becauso of objection to tho jui'y. As a result of the third arrest' Hornet' was. tried yesterday. The court 190111 was crowdcd with' specta- tors when tho caso - was.called, and iifome difficulty was experienced ill empanelling a jury. Counsel on either side exhausted the challenges provided by law. "Tho liret witness was tho plaintiff, who told a straight story, anil the cross-exami- nation failed to shake her testimony. The prosecution then swore witnesses to provo Jliss WoliT's residence. , The' first witness for, the defense was the defendant. His evidence wnsjn-actleally a~eonfossion“of-his“giHitr^-ScvFriiri-othpi'' witnesses xeero swo^n, after whiclT'eofuP' sol sulnmetl up. Counsellor Hawkins’ ar- raignment ofjthe defendant was very se- HI6H SCHOOL CONCERT Entertainm ent Itpflocts Great Credit Upon the Director^ and ‘Those Who Par- . tlcipatfld In the Program. Tho concert given in the High School nudftortttm last evening by the orchestra and glee club was tho finest musical ,ever rendered by tho school. The hall was well flllod and tho enthusiastic encore which cnch number received plainly showed an apprcclatlvo and dollghted audience, Tho mjusic by tho High School orchestra*-which wasas flno astoVer, reflected great credit lipon ,the- director, G. T. Sanford, whose untiring offorts havo resulted In . an un- usually flno band of musicians. The two nmribers given-by the High School oiee olub, under, the direction of Miss Jennie Townsend, were heartily cheered. . The perfect harmony of voices showed great skill of both director and pupils. Since tho entertainment was purely of a musical nature, an interesting and’well wtltton.essay on the'life of Beethoven was delivered by a member of the school. Tho vocal solos and trios received their usual hearty wolcome. Tho scarf drill and zobo numbers, to which the audience had'eagorly looked-forward, wc'ro the'nowcstrand 7nost novel features of the evening. Xlne young ladles, drapod pink robe3, presented a- most beautiful picture from the d^rkonod hall. . •. . : Tho entertainment came to a closd by a ulelfghtfui surprise for tho children. While tho orchestra played “Roosevelts Bough Illders,” a beautiful flag containing many, small flags ,was lowered from the skyilght and was waveii till the orchestra’stopped playing. - ‘ , - The proceeds of tlie evening will be used for the llljra^y and orehestm. ’ .■« EMMONS DIVORCE 'CASE TiEID Dff! 0 F 1 AHbury Park Seleotcil n* the Place a'nd Auffust tho Time—Grand Cominau- dery Ktectu Ofllcers. Tho Gnuul Comiiidm^pry, • Kiiights Templar of New .Tersoy, at their meeting at Trenton Tuestlay, elected thcyfollowlng oflicers:. -1 ' • • Right einlnent gnind eoinmander, Wil- Ham P. Piigh of Ridgefield; deputy grand connnander, Josiah II: UiohaL,dson of WasHingt<»n; jjnind.genemlissimo, Daniel Demarest of Passalcfr grand captain gen- eral, D. C i Adams of t Plainfield; grand senior wanlen, R. A. Shlrrefs, of Kliza- Iwtli; grand treastirerjFmtericfc G. Wiesji of Borden town; grand rt‘ .con]er, Charles Bechtel of 'Trenton; gmml prelate, tho Rev. t Georgy C. Maddock of Trenton;, grand junior warden, John J. Henry of Newark; *gnind swoHI Ixuirer, J aeoirKIrl? Uor of Plainfield; gmnd sbindanl Iwawr, William Carmen of Metuclieu; grand warder, II.'H.'.Mithoefer of Camden. Grand Coimnandcr Peter McGill, In his address upon retiring' from that ofHcj), told of the prosperous condition ;of the order... '. . ' A committee was ^appointed to, arrange the pilgrimage to the -Masonic conclave at Louisville in 1J)01. : V TIunrmumr^eldllay^nibirH^ city In August. • Tho date of the coining of the knights to Asbury Park will be do-r teriiiincd later. ;*/ The grand chapter met yestorday to elect OjTlcers. ; OREOS CLUB EVENTS Ten-Mile Iioud Race <iver .* City Conr«e Afemorlnl Day, May 30—M oonlight lU?n to Bed Dank May 17. The Oreps Wheelmen will hold their nn- nual ten-mile road race on Memorial day 11 tornlng, \Ved nesday, ..May. 1W,'.oyer t he city course, starting at*»10.JM) n. in. fiom Asbury and Ocean aven'iies. .The race columittee’' consists of "HatTy Rushton, James Woodward and Ijowls Bennett. Tho O'reos wheelmen will havo a moon- light run to. Red Bank , and return on Thursday, May 17, starling from Central hull, Mattison avenue, a t 7.J10 p. in. All birrs are invited to join this run. . * ^]Iari,y.*--JIrtrsln“ is-1capt^tiir—nml'“Hurry Rushttjn color beai*or. Tho club Colors are red and purple; Iteleaitos Electrical CaHltip. ''v. « William Pnley has closed a eontjiiet for the electrical casino, Cookman avonue and Webb street, for another season. The deal W'as closed through the Milan Ross agom\v. Mr, Paley will introduce a nuiiibor of new lin«l interesting pictures (Atrinp the com. Ing season. Last season he ,bud the kalatechnoscope and moving pictures, Tho building is owned by the Empire Amuse- ment company* ^ .............. i— . v " " ~ | JT - . 4 Alcohol Cigar Ughter. Exploden. . Wlllium Paley and Lewis pcarinoro wore sllghtly burjicd yostenlay by the ex- plonlon of an alcohol burner such ’as is used for-oigjir lighting purposes.-. Mr. Paloy ^119 in tha»aoFof lighting a cigar whon tho itooidont hapiwncd. It is consid- ered fortunate that tho Injuries sust4dned wt*ro not inoro-sOThm^..... Strawberries and Ico Creain. gorvod by Wost G rove Epworth Ltytgup, Thurstlay, ITriday and SatUhlajr overlings, May'10, U and 19,.ln store room at. 143 Main street. Admission. ‘10 c’ onts, including strawberries and eako. Ice cream on salo. Sjuifotil’s orchestra will play. H>|-ti-8-»-n-13 • . 1 '* Rennot-ino cures indigestion. - XWife on Stand; Denies Husband’H Allega- tio n s—Witnesses Give Strong Evl- . dence In Defendant’ft Favor. —JTbe-dlvorco-suit-oC-Jtobert—ISmmons again at Catherine. Emmonsljf this city was again l)ofore yice-ChanccHor Kmory at Jersey City on Tties<ia.v. The phvintiff and -bis witnesses had testified before the vice, chancellor on April BO to~ acts by the de- fendantwhlch they considered grounds for suspicion of unfaithfulness.. The iMirtlcu- lars. of the ciise ivere^ published in this 'paper May 1. - ■" ' r A dozen men and women from Asbury Park testified yesterday for tho defendant, giving strong eyidonce in her favor, and when she was sworn she dOiiiod in the most emphatic'words the allegations her inrsbjnm^ttt'nTTimcfT^irre^rbrr^hy’is ^ coineiy, fair-paired young woman. She testified in an open and frank way, mak- ing a favorable Impression, says the New- ark Advertiser. * COL. WILUAJl A. MORRELL DEAD. W as Prominent Politician and W ell Known BvulnesH Man oi Elizabeth^ Colonel Wllllanv »A. Morrell, oi^e of Elizabeth’s best known rcsidonts,diedsudr denly^yestenlay^nf-an^Mcute^atta^k^of beart disease lit his home in Ellziiboth. Had he lived uhtiliiicxt Tucsday he would have' celebrated ^ his 70th i>lrthduy anni- versaiy. T, IL Dodge of*-New York Associated W ith W . W . Davin’ Futnlture /Store. T. H. Dodge, a well-known New. Yorli architect and designer of furniture.and Interior decorations, is., now associated with the/furniture establishment of W. ,W. Davis, in this city. _ For many years Mr. Dodge waft sociated with the old firm of Roux&'Com- pany, Twentieth street'nnd Fifth- avenue, New,York. "During'the past five years he. has' heltl an important position with rh^ firm of-iotttef&iStymUsof the samecity While in the. serylee of the above firms Mr. Dodge-deslgn«Ml;, t ho Interior wood- work, furniture and decorations and se- lected the color schemes for the wall hang- ings aiAbHoor coverings for many of the finest residences in tin* United -States, Canada and Mexico. . * ; To those who desire original ideas or treatment of their rooms ordwelllngs Mr. Dodge" will pjaco his services at their dis- posal. Hi«| ussociathm with the Davis' establishment.,will. doubtless 1 X 5 appre- ciated by tho people in t his vicinity*. ‘ C O U N ff APPROPRIATIONS^; Voted by the Board of -Freeholders Tat Their M eeting Yentejrday for tlie *' EnSulng Year. The county Board of Freeholders voted at their meeting yesterday at Freehold to nuv^e the appropriations as follows: Court expenses^ $50,fK)0; court house and jail, $8,000; lunatics, .125,000.;; freeholderst conipensat-lon,. $lilt 000 ; coroner’s fees, $2JX)0; election expenses, $5),000; stationery? $lj000; advertising and .printing, $5^000; incidentals, $4,000;, discounts, WMK); sur- plus fund, $3,840.82; Perrineville road $-105.05; Naveslnk' road, $207.50; Atkins aveime road, Neptune township, $197.10; Red Bank arid Entdntown roud, ?2 ,25)0.78; ^quankum road, $B87J34; public works, $7(55; Memorial hospital, $3,fi(X); armories, ^ 1.000 ;—Bnird road,_ 8 Jiitl; imjuini-Lruad^ $!j00; textbook^ for.cleri;, $HK); Red Bank and Eaton town roiid, $l,(M) 0 ; Long Branch and Asbury “Park rojid, ^1,500; Freehold and Mutawan rdad, stone roiul, fQ0O ^ Mott street road, Key port, $2 ,000 » ' Coldnel Morrell was born in Philadel- phia. When only i7 years of.age ho was mado conductor of. the Philadelphia and Trtjnton railroad; of which his father was trcasu&r. He afterward had chargo, of one of the ferries botwecn Camden and Philadelphia. In 1857 Colonel Morrell went to Elizalwthport, and iben to Port Johnson, whbro for several years ho shipj)ed coal.' He left this business to accept the position as station agent at Asbury ^Parfc for tho Jersey Central, and whon D. D. Withers established the Monmouth Park meo track Coloiiol Morreli was appointed,’ its superintondent. He then returne<l to Kllxabeth and had since; boon engaged in ISui.rcBtifimiUiiiaiiicaa^. ....... j Colonel Morrell Was one of the founders, over 40 years ago, of tho New Jersey State Agriculturalsociety and was on^ of it?, di- rectors at. tho time of his death. He was elected lieutcnant-eoUmei of tho Third New ^Jersey reginicnt in r872, and wHmrCoioiiel Drake resigned in 1870 was proiiioted to the command of the 4'eglinent, which he retained four-years. ' * Colonel ilorreil is survived ,by a .widow and-thrvc*sons, George, Wallace and Rob- ert. One daughter, Mrs. Annie Wlne- lu-enner, a,widow of Philadelphia* also survives him. . - Guests at the'Royal. Tho Royal,"M0 Gnmd^ivonuo, corner Munroe, has started on what promises to be a very prosperous ‘season. The list of arrivals already includes the Misses Flynn of Waslvingtoh-Heights, New York; Miss 10. Patrour, also a-Now Yorker; Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Philadelphia; Mr. aud Mrs. parkdr“and~iliiughterr Mrs.''1"Colo; “Mr. Hlrsoh and fainUy, Mrs. Boano, wife of Goorgo A. Beano, leading comedian.. In Mirylrwln’Ksuecoss, “Slater' Mary;’*”W1 th' two children and maid, and Mr: Dlmvltto of New York.. . l*6p ” Ward’s. Blrthd ay Anniversary. W. W. Ward, better ‘known as “Pop” Ward, celebrated his 72d birthday anni- versary on Tuesday. In tho evening a iwtrtyof 1 ’elatlves and friends from New York and Nowark assembled at" the Kbbltt House for th'o purpose of celobratlug the event.A cood% tinio wa^ enjoyed and all oxteiided congratulations and bentAvlshos for tho future .success and happiness of their host. . • • ... * 7 . "~Keyflort Morougli Election. The (uituull .bbrough oleotloix was .held' at Koyport on Tuesday. Thoro was but one tlokot In tho Hold, dtul the following woi-o rcoloofed commissioners for ono year: B. B. Ogdon,'John G. Sehunck, Jphij Cot- trell and ..Tamos Terry. ITto btmrd of, water commissionoi‘s is as follows: John W. Kooiigli,, Cornollus Ackerson* and Rufus Ogdoii. A Few Choice tFlats . * ■ Still ,left for rent in Keator and ijew Cookmtin avenuo blocks. A ll mo<lern con- vehlonces. Rent $10 Ut $25 per' month. Apply to agents jor ownor. ^ 03 eod tf J A PROM INKS T Dl^IGNJE:R. ONLY STRUCK A MATCH Small In Itself, the A^t Led to tbe. Arrest of William Ilnbbard, Wanted on an Old Charge. William Hubbard was arrested - by Of - ficer VanWickle about2o’clock thlsmorn- hig.j Hc was ^wanted by tlio authorities upon a bhargo of having been nlixetl* ufTTTT a fracas ■which occurrctl last.,fall. Since that timo Hubbard’s whereabouts have been unknown. It was only by chance that tho oflicor saw him this niorning. Hiibbartl w'as in the rear of McCarthy’s blacksmith shop, on Main street, when captui*ed. He struck .a match to light- his pipe, and it being such a kite hoifr, the of- ficer mado an investigation and frillnd^he man he wanted. : . . ;' ^ Police Justice Borden gave him a repri>* niarid aiul siisptyidott scntelice peiidirtg his good behavior. FESTIVAL MANAGED RY MEN.- W ill Servo the Kerr'eshintinttf, W ash the Disiies and Take the Cash. The men’s league of the First Congre- gational church last night decided tb give a^ferawbei'F^^-fesHwifiit—the-lt*ettu,o—l’ooni- of the church on \Vecnesilay and Thurs- day evenings of next wcok, Mny.i7..and_18, The event will be nmingetl and maimged solely , by the men .without any aid from tho women. Numer<»us novel events will bo ’introduced to. make the affair enjoy- able. Tlie men will act as 1 waiters.* wash the dishes, dish the cream and strawberries undrecelvo the nioney. No adni.issioii-fee will be charged a nd every libdy I's i uvitedl t(* 1M i ~ pi*esen fc,_ilctLerea n i. x*nk t a n cL s tiiiiy,*v borrle.^rtllH)e^wiTcdr^ritsl?t>tnrninj*;"btr ohtidhed . after lrriday .night’ fr.oni any membp’r of the league. “*■ ’ ' LODI COI NCIL FIRST,- Royal Arcanum l.odgos Re\var<leti for Increase in Membership. .The Royal Arcanum lodge of Atlantic Highlands woii tlie second award, $40, in the contest for increase in' membership among tlur'lntfgcs of the • state.; Vt-obi Jun. 1 until May I of this year the Atlan- tic Highlands lotlg** gained 118 per cent, in membership. The lodge, at Lodi, Bergen county, gained 12.‘>per cent, and-gbt^firstr money, $bo. The grand council of the or- der-met nfrljakcwood Tuesday. The next session of the griitid council will be held at Atlantic Highlands. , - i ------- 0 . Sherman-Davlsoit Nuptials. Miss* Georgia Davison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John.If. Davison of Manas: qiian, was married 'I’uesday night, at tho homo of tier parents, to Dr. Klbert S’. Sher- niaii of Nowitrk ‘IMie house was bonjitU. fiilfy decorated with, sinllax, apple blos- soms and palms. The wedding mnrehjvns played by Miss. S. Jane Curtis, an Intimate frloml o f tills brhle. Rov.-llenry Cross of the Baptist church at Manastjuan, ofilci- atedk A collut-loii was served after tlio coremony. Dr. and Mrs. Sherman left on the evening train for an ox tended wedding trip tfu’ough the south. S. II. Coombs Appointed Trustee. ' Grahams 'Policy- wi«9* -recently removed by tho-supremo ciutrb as trusteo of the estate of his Sister, Mrs. Sarah Quin, which ho was shown to have mismanaged- Samuel H. Coombs of Allenhurst wasap- ^)ointe<l in his place. The new. trustee gave a boiul of $50,000 as security for tho faithful performance of the trust confided to him, and Judge Maddox approved it yesterday.. __ - ' Ended'His Life by Drowning. William Bronson .Cox, 40 years bid, drowned lilmsrilf at Hea Bright yesterday afteVnoon. W hat caused filujr to end his life Is not known’. , DANGEROUS WEAPONS Filled the Pockets of a West Side Colored Lad When Arrested—Paroled in the Custody of Ills Father. Frank Hues, a colored lad of, the West Side, was arrested by Chief of Police Smith this morning, charged with carrying con ccnled >vcaponsi From the articles which wore taken from the-, boy’s peckets when he was searched in Justice Borden’s olliee, it was evident that ho was preparing for war in timo df peace. He had a revol ver loaded .and ready foi\action, a dark Inn torn, two ra/.ors, a sharpening stone and a brass watch, . _ When questioned as to how he came into possession of this collection of goods the boy replied that, he had purclyised thom. Ap-effort tb find the,store where the goods wcnv bought proved •unsuccessful. Hues! father finally appeared on tho scene ami informed the justice that the boy was not responsible for what he. said or did, bis mind having bpeii affected as the result of illness several years apo. ... ' • It was proven that tho lad had money wrhcn he loft home this morning, and-tlfe story ho told was considered probable, so thrrjusttce" pnrolnl blnv In thinjuTttmiyuR his father. • • . ' / odd F a i ows c E ebrate Eighty-First. Anniversary of Organization of tho Order iri Tlds Country.* ^Muslc,-Spjeechesf Refreshments..,. Tjast. night the liienlbers of Neptune Lodge', No. 81, T.' O. 0;*F. of this oity, cele- brated the Oightyrflrst annlversiiiy of tlie organlzntibn of the order in this country- at Baltimore on April 20,1819. * ‘ Although the celebration Was somewhat belated, owing to a variety of circum- stances having Interfered, the affair last night was none the less enjoyable. . The program presented Included music on the violin and harp by Theodore Grant and TClfils*H. Applegate; buck and wing dauc- ing and John Rbxey and Richie Hyson; guitar*and mandolin ducts by Gates and Borden; sketch of the order’s history by M. L^Ferris. . At the conclusion. <)f the program ice cream and cake were served. The eatables not'used were sold'nt auction J - There was a .fair attendance. Asbury Park Lodge, No. 2.">Jl, celebrated the anniversary in Winckler’s. ball last Monday night with a Special program:"''- * 'LIBERTY TEMPLE SEVEN Anniversary of Institution of Ladles* of the Golden Eagle Lodge Celebrated* Seven New'Members, The seventh anniversary of the institu- tion of Liberty Temple, Noi 0, Ladies of tlio Golden Eagle of this, city, .was appro- priately celebrated last night inWineklor's hall.- ; Seven now moihbors were initiated, making the total number about 1U5. • The temple was honored by the presence of the grand templar-, Miss Lena Stcelman of Somers Point), and JSIr.s. Emmu Sohu- baelV, a member of Silver Sfeto Tcmpjcj, No. 1 of Denver,; Col, Both ludios are a t present the-gubrfts of^ -Miss Lizzlo Taylor, grand guardian of reconls, of this cit- The vislHmTboth nmler:\*c^ interesting addresses. After the business session the gather- ing was entertained'with graphophoiie so-, lections hy j . H«. You mans; piano solo 1 >v little ICva tlnivatt, and Anisic by lluv U . W. orchestra. . . ' Ice creain, c.ake and strawberries were served, and it was after midnight when the pleasures of the evening ceased. ALLE^IlURST CHURCH MUSIC. Coloman’s pharmacy, Fourth mid Kings- ley, lidw open with a full line. Every- thing fresh. - Give us U call/ . 107-14 Prof., Pearinan, to Have Cliarge, Sele?cts» Miss Organist, Prof. T. Williams-Ptyirman of this c,ity hifs:beengivenchargeoLtlHvniusic„at_St. AnwlrpWFlJy:thL«SPffr3ttl onlm rsFrf^oi^lfir ensuing year. Ho -held a. competition fot the position of organist last week, at which there were* three* contestants,-. After an exhaustive test Miss Anna Cuwmnn of West Asbury Park—vvii^«1val’tled tho^posi: tion\ He has also formed a quartette composed of the following persons: Miss Ida Coggcsha 11, soprano; Miss E. Petty, contralto; John ‘Lipplncott,-tenor, and W alter Hubbard, bass/ Prof. Pearman. will train this choir at their i*eheai’siils and will sing With them on Sunday afternoons. Tho new quartette 1 expects to make its first public appearance at. th^upper to bo giveii at the Grand Avenue hotel next Tuesday iu behalf ol’ the isolation hospital. EPISCOPAL CONY e N^IONV Parishes Which Have Not Held Services in Two Years Ruled Out; The 128th. annual convention of the P rotesffint Kplsconal Church of Nyw Jer- sey, in sesslo^.at Atlantic City, adjourned yestorday, colivcntion. The constitutional amend- ment, ruling out of the convention parishes, which, in two years liml not held servicos In their churches.’was adopbul. Consent was given to merge the Church of tlie Re- deemer ami the Chureh of the Holy Cross, ut Xew Brunswick, the%former ceasing to I*’ ~ Kindergarten Chiss Divided. The kindergarten class in-the Anbury Park school roiynVnow numbers OJl schol-^ ars. This enrollment is four times larger than luflfc year and has pi-ovon too much for Ono teacher tb-hhndle. Prof. ShepiMiwl has therefore divided the class Into two sections!. One attends the morning' ses- sion and the othoi^ yje afternoon; The afternoon session is tho shortest,and in or- Xlupto give all the scholars the saiho’ad: vantage the two classes will alternate each week . ... . Reliable Stelnbnch Clothing. - • ^ . Our spriiig stock of clothing represents every slylish giirmont worn .this season, made In the best way, of *the best- mater - ials, In sizes to" lit all shapes. Prices are always right; . v/ , ' •" \ f f . TaittSTKiXBAcit Company.. * - ___ ■ij ^ > Honne^niStor sale at J . mm fight British Pursue.Boers Over Three Different Roads. . ADVANCE NEARER PRETORIA TronHvaal W omen W ant to Flglit.— fKu massl May .Have Fallen—Ico on tlio •, Hudson—Endeavoring to KVenk^ Street Kail way fjtrike at St. Louis—Rain Stops Forest Fires. . London, Thursilay.—Roberts has' won. the fight on the Zand river, und the Boers am in full retreat. Theticspatch announc- ing the victory Is as follows: “Cable,cart, headquarters Zabd river, May 10, 12.J10 p. m. The enemy'"is* in "fujl retrciit. The Boers occupied .a position 20* miles in length, and. ours. was*necesstirlly longer. Witli a widely scattered fiirce. it takessoiiie timo torlearn the extent of the casualties, but I am hopeful that we did not stttfer niucltt- Cavalry Hurt horse artillery are pursuing tho enemy on tjinie different roads/ Roberts.” ' ■ ..RRITISH CROSS ZAND RIVER, Roberts Pushes the Roers Rack and, . - Gradually Nears Pretoria. London, Thursday.—Roberts,- with *his liiain. fjorce,' has crossed the Zand river. This means that another jump, this time Ji 8 miles, has been made to Ward. Pretoria. His report says: “We’ are now across the Zand. The enemy is sjill holding u strong position, but we'are gradually pushing them back; Roberts;” ' WOMEN WANT TO FIGHT: Female Rtirgliers Declare Tliey A^e • Ready to Take Up Arms. "Pretoria, May O' (delayed).—PiDsldent Kt^%rr=hns i*cceived- a telegram from a Wo mad burgher asking if the. time has ar- rived- for the formation of a . corps of ,women.u She says she Ls prewired with a body ot W(iinon w ho Wish to take""Up arm s in dofence of Boer indepondence.- POLICE GUARD CARS. Trying t,o Rreak the Street Railway Strike In St. Louis. ' S t.' Louis, Thursday.—The running"of trbnrlmnTms^vaTTp^inniiil“rhl:nTTDriTlivg; w ith from four to six policemen on 'bach’ caiv At9 o?clock it was announced that 115 c a rs Avere r u n n i n g n n X he*-main line. This is said to lie the usual number. The strike is not* tivcr by any means, but the governor is here to try to, settle the diffi- culties, and a strong: force of police are do- \jig all in their avert the'possi- bility of any trouble. R A IN SHOPS FOREST FIRES. Damage in Pennsylvania Already Rea&hes #1,000,000—Many Persons Missing. -Bradford,- Pa;, Thursdiiy.—?A heitvy rai ii -storm, has practicallyjmt. ah end to the. ”oresTfinTs^wIiIciT"liavoTiieen raging since Monday The flames are now umler con-, trol and will remain so unless dry weather again sets in. Many persons uro missing nd it is feared they have been buriled to teatlT7 ^ ie loss will easily reach a million dollars.,- V_ . ,' THREE MEN ESCAPED From the State Reformatory at Elmira, N. Y,t Last* Night. JL . •Klmlra, N, Thursday.—Arthur Far- rel, stuitenced from Olean, Peter Dumit sentenced fi*om Corning, .and Hugh Don- nelly, sentenced from Dutchess county, escaped from, the Elmira, reformatory last ‘SHIP’S ERRAND OF- MERCY. Sails From New York . With Cargo of 'Food for. India’s Starving ^People. N e w!':Y ork, T hti rsdu y.—The ft tea pier Qu(to.1mle7r-wiTh food siljtplles for tlie" starving people of India, sailed, today.. Prayers-for of the voyage wej^v Offeretl aboard t he vessel before the.; Hues were cut loose from tlu* dock.. . ICE OX THE Ilt'DSON. Formed by Last Night’s Cold Snap. ' I'eaclies and Strawberries Ruined* NyackrNrY” Thursdiiyr=A_^WixrTHddT simp ’struck_hery last, night. 1 Thts— the:i^- inoiiuiter raglstered 25 degtx^s above zer<>. Inch and ,one half. Ice on Hudson. The peacli and strawberry crop .will be a total, loss. -. • . [■ HAS KUMASSF FALLEN ? _I n te yjui p te d ^_ C pm in u cat Ion _ I n d i ca ton. Sueli a Probable Fate. London; Thursday.—A desiwiteh from THE ACCIDENT ; r .:: To the Central „ Railroad 1 train serves as a renjinder of the value of accident insur- ance. . An -accident policy of the Travelers’ Insurance ^Company costing but $2S per- annum to preferred risks pays $50 a' week Jn- dfemnity for a total disability or $ 10,000 for death by ac- - cident while -riding as a pas- senger in any railway pas- senger car." Let usgivs YOU. further particulars. MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 Main Street. Monmouth Trust - AND - Safe Deposit Company Monmouth Building, Asbury Park, if. J, CAPITAL, , SURPLUS, .$ 100 , 000 , •: ■ 35, 000. B*ecuta all triista known to the law. ' • Loanis money on bond and mortgage. Interest on dafiybalJnwS1* a!low* iSSOSSSSZ? K'gI“ ™r “ Agent. conateral.dem®na aad tlme l0“* Safedcpoalt:vivulta. ' ' A. c, T wining , Prtaidcnt. G. D. M. HARVRY, VlcePrMtaent. ii. A. ^ iTINt 3 —etary. i ’ JO. C. COKNSI.I,.treasurer. DIRECTORS: O. n . Brtmu, k. A, TusUHgr - n n Henry Mltchcil, Jf. D. Si » ’ John p. O’Brien, W .J: Kan icon, 'i « ry I! amith. S i; %. * Harvey, s, A. Patterson, georee K Kroehl a. O. Tw iriW Bruce 8. Keator, M. D„ H. H. Vrceland , G. D. W. Vroom, r Higli Tirade Fishing' TacMe ^^paJria^n-Bods-ana-EBisIi.' CICARS-IAND TOBACCO • ; Imported Key West,a«d Dqniestlc Cigars ana all ' J. Smokers’ Articles. The best Cigar that 5 cents can buy h ll S^GER.coo^aW venuc DON'T DRINK INK not made for that pur^ ... ... pose, but we have inks: suited to any use for which_ ink was ever intended. X X X YOU CAN, BUY —— Everyt!ring-in-therSTA“ ' ' TIONERY arid, NEWS :. ■ line of us at popular prices. . - HARRY A. BORDEN ‘ Stetioner-^^M esw iealef- Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ato. HEADACHE munieaflou with Kumussi has been«4nter-' rupt<?d for 48 hours, 'and.the town is i)o- lieved to have fiilien. * ' Rodriguez .Candidate for. Mayor... rTTiivana, Thursday. — pen. Alexandrr Hmlriguez, the new sub treasurer" of- the. isiaiul. lias accepted t he nomination of the national party to be mayor of Havana;; TUe Porte itemalrtiTSilent. • . . '•Wii sh ingtqil* 1' hu rsday*—No * wort I has yet ijoen received from the. Sublime Porto In’apswer to the note from this govern- ment regarding the indemnity claims., -iV . Abliatto Pays Death. Penalty. ’ ; ‘" Camden; Thursday. — Francosesso Ab; *batto was hanged at lO.Jld this morning for the murder of tionora de Fco in May of last year. • . A Frost Again Tonight. AWshington, Thursday, — Fair, with ifrest- tonight \ Friday, fair aiul warmer; fivsh. uorth\yos(urly winds. , , Job printing of every description- at this otil60. pomploto.-stoofe4 new type, new presaas, oompateut workmen and carefu proof readers., prices right.1 Call and see our samples and get prices. Many thousand people suffer from chronic Headache, finding no relief either in medicine, moderation . of ^ work or other remedies. * In many cases the trouble Is caused In. defective eyes, which can be remedied' by skilled adjustment of proper lenses. We examine the eyes for every possible defect and guarantee our. work. .Ex- amination free.. STILES & CO. —J Eye Specialists At'222 Main Street o \m rv F ; [a s. v , H ours:’II to I p. m., 2 to B p. m. OF PARK Mattison Avenue and Bond Street Between PostoHce aria Depci, ORQANlZEb FEPKUARY, ... OFFICERS:,v ' . GEORGE 1C .- KKOHHL, Presldect - - O. H. BROWN, ]at Vlco Proaldbnt M, L. BAMMAN, 2ad Vice Proaideut > ' . M. V. DAGI5U, Cashier 7 M. Hi SCOTT, Aealstant Cashier Patrons’valuables received for'sttfa keeping free of charge. Foreign exchange bought and ao Qoliet; tlohs promptly aqknowledg » YOUR- BUSINESS FAVOBS. RB- SPEPTFULi-Y SOLiCiTED, •

Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX

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Page 1: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX

All the Local News Daily Press Late News ■

By Telegraph



Place your Fire In­

surance with the old­

est and best com­

panies in the world.

Represented b f ' *


sV' ' 208 Bond S treit^ '

,'t. . Asbury Park, N. J,


I Hot*! Bronswick,■Owion «I ItAllroQd Depot and •

• f i s i l D angs ATenue,PM*oJpaS Offlm 1.306m i i t m m w i

(loads iters il at reasons?)!# rates,1 Telephons ooanoction.

P. O,,Box 86?, - - - Abbott fa b x


r Will buy » postal card oa which to write ua tlia t your clock needs the .doctor. W e will seai! for t t a t onceTput It in thorough order, and re tu rn it to your mantol before you bavo scarcely missed i t, and charge you an honest price for our time and HMD,

Please atop and think for one mo­ment. Are all your clocks doing as well as they should? i t will cost you nothing to let us Inspect them W e coyer find Imagi­nary faults nor snake unnecessary repairs.

CLAUDE J. WISEMAN,Jeweler and Optician

645 Cookman Ave.Special attention given to fltting_ glasses ^

,aojDQri tiaU..-defMta-jiI Jsl(mOsXAMJL

The ju ry ,-" 'n s oqT about a ha jf hour, w hen th ey returned u verdict to tho ofjccfc that" the tleTemfan FTiad 1>een found, guilty. Theii* verdict u lsosub forth th a t Miss Wo.lfT waft n resident of Anbury P ark ,'an d that H orner was tho child 's father.

Justico Borden w ill now* nnvko a n order to the effect th a t Ilornpr m ust contribute tpwurd the support of the child.


C o r r e c tG l a s s e s ,

. :v ' . ' ARK A HELPto weak eyee and often relieve dizziness and hoadaohe, If you think your glasses

iir&not correct call and liava your eyes ex-oujro;ainined FREE OF CHARGE.- ' f i n may have your fram es repaired and adjusted

;i while you w ait.A llw ork faU y ^m rran ted jjtjiricefl with,

-lb reacUof till. --

Willard C- Wiseman________ ORAgUATB OPTICIAN

Asbury Park Optical Parlor,@ 03 C o o k m a n A v e n u e ,

Cor. Embry e trea t.


"For. this season at Al- lenhurst,withili 500 feet

- of-ihe-dcean-front,_-can. be bought for $4,000 less than it cost, on terms to suit purchaser. Investigate, this a rare

-investment — - -----

W . H . B E E G L E , -

2 2 b Main. - S t.'t Aabury. Park

Asbury Park ana Ocean Grove

B A N KC o rn e r M a ttia o u Avff. s a d M a la S t . ,

, ASBURY PARK. N. J /1 ' • " ’

corner Mara Arenoe and PitfNra Pathway . OCEAN QROVB. ,

HBNEY 0 . WINSOR, President.OEO. Vf, BVAN8. V ieH T M lloat.

• EDMOND a. D kVTn S , OulUerJESSE MiNOTi Assistant Caahtor.


• QE<J. ▼. BVAlW ’ OEO* W. TH1AT1 0. F jm d u a o K a m m t i i / t o *

• BXM1T 0. WIK80H ..

' A o o o u n ta R o s p s o i f u i ly B o l l o l t e d . . Sa,fa D a p o a l t BQKfss to R e n t. ,W * la a u o F r . ^ l g n D r a f t s a n d ,L e t -

' e ra o fC re d lJ . • *

H ORNER CONVICTEDT e s t im o n y o f C o m p la in a n t U m lm l;« n U pon

■ C rons-IS xam iira tion — C o u r t ' W i l l M ak o O r d e r U pon- D e fe n d a n t .

Tho cuso of Overseer of tho Poor Joseph R. W eir, jr., Ill bohalf of Helen W olff, vs W illliim Russoll Horner,-which wan tried Iwforo Justice Bordon n tid -a ju ry In the o lt/'council cham ber yesterday afternoon, creuted conRldemble interest. Tho caso lias 1'cch ono of long duration, and 'tlie de fondant lias since m arried nnothftrwoirmn Th6 com plainant has been omploywl as a doinestlo iu th is; city for. about 11 years flhnt. . '■. . ■ •

Counsellor John F. • H aw kins appeared for the city, and Charles E. Cook, assisted by cx-Goyorhor C. Moyor Zulick of Avon, represented tho defendant. The ju ry was nmdo up nis follows: Samuel A. Cliver, E W, BollcK, W illiam Glffard, II. K. Under wood, W. C, Cottrell. K. W; Low,floorgo E . liu llck , W illiam .Bowen, Richard W ortm an, Claude J . W isem an, A. A. Bredenhcek, W illiam Nosblt.

H orner has been lirrested tlireo tim es on tills charge. Boforo the caso came to tria l before Justice Cross tho first tim e ho made an offorlrtoisc ttlo 'thn )nattcrr7-Miss" WolCf Was paid $50tind signed somo so r t of an agreom ont which is said to ho w ithout force in law. • 1 • .

Tlio second a rre st was followed by thp' ease being throw n ou t of court becauso of objection to tho jui'y. A s a resu lt o f the th ird a rre st' H ornet' was. tried yesterday. The court 190111 was crowdcd with' specta­tors when tho caso - was.called, and iifome difficulty was experienced ill empanelling a jury. Counsel on either side exhausted the challenges provided by law.

"Tho lire t witness was tho plaintiff, who told a s traigh t story, anil the cross-exami­nation failed to shake her testimony. The prosecution then swore witnesses to provo Jliss WoliT's residence. ,

The' first witness for, the defense was the defendant. H is evidence wnsjn-actleally a~eonfossion“ of-his“ giHitr^-ScvFriiri-othpi'' witnesses xeero swo^n, after whiclT'eofuP' sol sulnmetl up. Counsellor H aw kins’ a r­raignm ent o fjth e defendant was very se-

HI6H SC HOOL C O N C ER TE n t e r ta i n m e n t I tp flo c ts G r e a t C r e d i t U pon

th e D ire c to r^ a n d ‘T h o s e W h o P a r - . tlc ip a tf ld In th e P ro g r a m .

Tho concert given in the H igh School nudftortttm last evening by the orchestra and glee club was tho finest musical ,ever rendered by tho school. The hall w as well flllod and tho enthusiastic encore which cnch num ber received plainly showed an apprcclatlvo and dollghted audience, Tho mjusic by tho H igh School orchestra*-which w asas flno astoVer, reflected g rea t credit lipon ,the- director, G. T. Sanford, whose un tiring offorts havo resulted In . a n u n ­usually flno band of m usicians. T he two nmribers g iven-by the High School o iee olub, under, the direction of Miss Jennie Townsend, were heartily cheered. . The perfect harm ony of voices showed great skill of both director and pupils.

Since tho en tertainm ent was purely of a musical nature, an in teresting a n d ’w ell w tltton.essay on the 'life of Beethoven w as delivered by a m em ber of the school. Tho vocal solos and trios received th e ir usual hearty wolcome. Tho scarf d rill an d zobo num bers, to which the audience had'eagorly looked-forward, wc'ro the'nowcstrand 7nost novel features of the evening. Xlne young ladles, drapod pink robe3, presented a- m ost beautiful picture from the d^rkonod hall. . •. . :

Tho en terta inm ent came to a closd by a ulelfghtfui surprise for tho children. W hile tho orchestra played “ Roosevelts Bough Illders,” a beautiful flag containing many, sm all flags ,was lowered from the sky ilgh t and was waveii till the orchestra’stopped playing. - ‘ , -

The proceeds of tlie evening w ill be used for the llljra^y and orehestm . ’ • .■«


TiEID Dff! 0 F 1A H bury P a r k S e le o tc il n* t h e P la c e a 'nd

A u ffu st th o T im e —G ra n d C o m in a u - d e r y K tec tu O fllcers.

Tho G nuul Comiiidm^pry, • K iiights Tem plar of New .Tersoy, a t the ir m eeting a t T renton Tuestlay, elected th c yfollowlng oflicers:. -1' • •

R ight e in lnent gnind eoinm ander, W il- Ham P . Piigh o f Ridgefield; deputy grand connnander, Jo s iah II: UiohaL,dson ofWasHingt<»n; jjnind.genem lissim o, Daniel Demarest of Passalcfr grand captain gen­eral, D. C i A dam s of t Plainfield; grand senior wanlen, R. A. Shlrrefs, of Kliza- Iwtli; grand treastirerjFm tericfc G . Wiesji of Borden to w n ; grand rt‘.con]er, Charles Bechtel of 'T re n to n ; gm m l prelate, tho Rev. t Georgy C. Maddock of T renton;, grand junior w arden, Jo h n J . H enry ofN ew ark; *gnind swoHI Ixuirer, J aeoirKIrl? Uor of P lainfield; gm nd sbindanl Iwawr, W illiam Carm en of M etuclieu; grand w arder, II.'H .'.M ithoefer of Camden.

Grand Coim nandcr P ete r McGill, In his address upon re t ir in g ' from th a t ofHcj), told of the prosperous condition ;of the order... ' . . '

A com m ittee w as appointed to, arrange the pilgrim age to the -Masonic conclave a t Louisville in 1J)01. : V •

T Iu n rm u m r^ e ld lla y ^ n ib irH ^city In August. • Tho date of the coining of the knigh ts to A sbury P a rk w ill be do-r teriiiincd la ter. ;*/

The grand chapter m et yestorday to elect OjTlcers. ;

OREOS CLUB E V E N T ST e n -M ile I io u d R a c e < iver .* C ity C onr«e

A fem orln l D ay , M ay 3 0 —M o o n lig h t lU ?n to B e d D a n k M ay 17 .

The Oreps Wheelmen w ill hold their nn- nual ten-mile road race on M emorial day 11 tornlng, \Ved nesday, ..May. 1W,'.oyer t he city course, s ta rtin g at*»10.JM) n. in. fiom A sbury and Ocean aven'iies. .The race colum ittee’' consists of "HatTy Rushton, Jam es Woodward and Ijowls B ennett.

Tho O'reos wheelmen w ill havo a moon­light run to. Red B ank , an d re tu rn on Thursday, M ay 17, s ta rlin g from Central hull, Mattison avenue, a t 7.J10 p. in. All b irrs are invited to jo in this run . . * ^]Iari,y.*--JIrtrsln“ is-1capt^tiir—nml'“H urry

Rushttjn color beai*or. Tho club Colors are red and purple;

Ite lea ito s E le c t r i c a l CaHltip. ''v . « W illiam Pnley has closed a eontjiiet for

the electrical casino, Cookman avonue and W ebb street, for another season. The deal W'as closed through the Milan Ross agom\v. Mr, Paley will introduce a nuiiibor of new lin«l interesting pictures (Atrinp the com. Ing season. L ast season he ,bud the kalatechnoscope and moving pictures, Tho building is owned by the Empire Am use­m ent company* ^ .............. i— . v" " ~ | JT - . 4

Alcohol Cigar Ughter. Exploden. . Wlllium Paley and Lewis pcarinoro

wore sllghtly burjicd yostenlay by the ex- plonlon of an alcohol burner such ’as is used for-oigjir lighting purposes.-. Mr. Paloy 119 in tha»aoFof lighting a cigar whon tho itooidont hapiwncd. I t is consid­ered fortunate that tho Injuries sust4dned wt*ro not inoro-sOThm^.....

S tr a w b e r r ie s a n d Ic o C re a in .gorvod by W ost G rove Epw orth Ltytgup,

Thurstlay, ITriday and SatUhlajr overlings, May'10, U and 19,.ln store room at. 143 Main street. Admission. ‘10 c’onts, including straw berries and eako. Ice cream on salo. Sjuifotil’s orchestra will play.

H>|-ti-8-»-n-13 • . • 1 • '*Rennot-ino cures indigestion. - X “

W ife on Stand; D en ie s H u sb and ’H A lle g a ­t i o n s —W itn esses G ive S tro n g E v l- .

d en ce In D efen d a n t’ft Favor.—JT be-d lvorco-su it-oC -Jtobert—ISmmons again at Catherine. Em m onsljf th is c ity was again l)ofore yice-ChanccHor Kmory a t Jersey City on T ties<ia.v. The phvintiff and

-bis witnesses had testified before the vice, chancellor on A pril BO to~ acts by the de- fendantw h lch they considered grounds for suspicion of unfaithfu lness.. The iMirtlcu- lars. of the ciise ivere^ published in th is 'paper May 1. - ■" ' r

A dozen m en an d women from A sbury P a rk testified yesterday for tho defendant, giving strong eyidonce in her favor, and when she was sw orn she dOiiiod in the most em phatic'w ords the allegations h er inrsbjnm ttt'nTTimcfT irre rbrr hy’is^ coineiy, fair-paired young woman. She testified in an open and frank way, m ak­ing a favorable Impression, says the New­ark A dvertiser. *

C O L. W I L U A J l A . M O R R E L L D E A D .

W a s P ro m in e n t P o li t ic ia n a n d W e ll K n o w n BvulnesH M an o i E l i z a b e t h ^

Colonel W llllanv »A. M orrell, oi^e of E lizabeth’s best known rcsidonts,diedsudr denly yestenlay nf-an Mcute atta k ofb e a r t disease lit his home in Ellziiboth. Had he lived u h tiliiicx t Tucsday he would have' celebrated h is 70th i>lrthduy anni- versaiy.

T , IL D o d g e of*-N ew Y o rk A sso c ia te d W i th W . W . D avin’ F u tn l t u r e /S to re .

T. H . Dodge, a well-known New. Yorli a rch itec t a n d designer o f fu rn itu re .a n d In terior decorations, i s . , now associated w ith th e /fu rn itu re establishm ent of W. ,W. Davis, in th is city. _

F or m any years Mr. Dodge waft­sociated w ith the old firm of R oux& 'C om ­pany, T w entieth street'nnd F ifth- avenue, N ew ,Y ork. "During'the past five years he. has ' heltl a n im portan t position w ith rh^ firm o f-io ttte f& iS tym U sof th e sam ecity

W hile in the. serylee o f the above firms Mr. Dodge-deslgn«Ml;, t ho Interior wood­work, fu rn itu re and decorations and se- lected th e color schemes fo r the w all hang­ings aiAbHoor coverings for m any of the finest residences in tin* U nited -States, Canada and Mexico. . *; To those w ho desire original ideas or trea tm en t of th e ir rooms ordw elllngs Mr. Dodge" w ill pjaco his services a t th e ir d is­posal. Hi«| ussociathm w ith the Davis' estab lishm ent.,w ill. doubtless 1X5 appre­ciated by tho people in t h is vicinity*.

‘ C O U N f f A P P R OPRIATIONS^;V o te d b y t h e B o a rd o f - F r e e h o ld e r s Tat

T h e ir M e e t in g Y entejrday f o r t l i e * ' E n S u ln g Y ear.

The county Board of Freeholders voted a t th e ir m eeting yesterday a t Freehold to nuv^e th e appropriations a s follows: •

C ourt expenses^ $50,fK)0; court house an d jail, $8,000; lunatics, .125,000.;; freeholderst conipensat-lon,. $lilt0 0 0 ; coroner’s fees, $2JX)0; election expenses, $5),000; stationery? $lj000; advertising and .prin ting , $5^000; incidentals, $4,000;, discounts, WMK); su r­plus fund, $3,840.82; P errineville road $-105.05; N aveslnk ' road, $207.50; A tk ins aveim e road, N eptune township, $197.10; Red B ank arid Entdntown roud, ?2 ,25)0.78; ^quankum road, $B87J34; public w orks, $7(55; M emorial hospital, $3,fi(X); arm ories,^ 1.0 0 0 ;—Bnird road,_8Jiitl; im juini-Lruad^$!j00; tex tbook^ for.cleri;, $HK); Red B ank and Eaton tow n roiid, $l,(M)0 ; Long B ranch and A sbury “P a rk rojid, ^1,500; Freehold and M utawan rdad, stone roiul,

fQ0O M ott stree t road, Key port, $2 ,0 0 0 »

' Coldnel Morrell was born in P hiladel­phia. W hen only i7 years of.age ho was mado conductor of. the Philadelphia and Trtjnton railroad; of which his fa ther was trcasu& r. H e afterw ard had chargo, ofone of the ferries botwecn Camden and Philadelphia. In 1857 Colonel M orrell w ent to E lizalw thport, and iben to P o rt Johnson, whbro for several years ho shipj)ed coal.' H e left th is business to accept the position as sta tion ag en t a t A sbury ^Parfc for tho Je rsey Central, and whon D. D. W ithers established the M onm outh P a rk meo track Coloiiol M orreli was appointed,’ its superintondent. H e then returne<l to Kllxabeth and had since; boon engaged in ISui.rcBtifimiUiiiaiiicaa^. .......j Colonel Morrell Was one of the founders, over 40 years ago, of tho New Jersey S tate A gricu ltu ra lsocie ty an d w as on^ of it?, di­rectors at. tho tim e of his death. H e was elected lieutcnant-eoUmei of tho T h ird New

^Jersey regin icnt in r872, and wHmrCoioiiel D rake resigned in 1870 was proiiioted to the com m and of the 4'eglinent, w hich he retained four-years. ' *

Colonel ilo rre il is survived ,by a .widow and-thrvc*sons, George, W allace an d Rob­ert. One daughter, Mrs. A nnie W lne- lu-enner, a ,w id o w of Philadelphia* also survives him. . -

G uests a t th e 'R o y a l.Tho Royal,"M 0 Gnmd^ivonuo, corner

Munroe, has sta rted on w hat promises to be a very prosperous ‘season. The list of arrivals already includes the Misses F lynn of W aslvingtoh-Heights, New Y ork; Miss 10. P a tro u r, also a-N ow Yorker; Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Philadelphia; Mr. au d Mrs. p a rk d r“ an d ~ iliiu g h te rr Mrs.''1" Colo; “Mr. Hlrsoh and fainUy, Mrs. Boano, w ife of Goorgo A. Beano, leading comedian.. In M irylrw ln’K suecoss, “ Slater' M ary;’*”W1 th ' two children and maid, and Mr: D lm vltto of New Y o rk .. .

“ l*6p ” W ard’s. B lrthd ay Anniversary. W. W. W ard, be tter ‘known a s “ Pop”

W ard, celebrated his 72d b irthday an n i­versary on Tuesday. In tho evening a iwtrtyof 1’elatlves and friends from New York and Nowark assembled at" the K bbltt House for th'o purpose of celobratlug the e v e n t .A cood% tinio wa^ enjoyed and a ll oxteiided congratulations and bentAvlshos for tho fu tu re .success and happiness of their host. . • • ... * 7 .

"~Keyflort Morougli Election.The (uituull .bbrough oleotloix w as .held'

a t Koyport on Tuesday. Thoro was bu t one tlokot In tho Hold, dtul the follow ing woi-o rcoloofed commissioners for ono year: B. B. Ogdon,'John G. Sehunck, Jp h ij Cot­trell and ..Tamos Terry. ITto btmrd of, w ater commissionoi‘s is as follows: Jo h n W. Kooiigli,, Cornollus Ackerson* and R ufus Ogdoii.

A F e w C h o ic e tF la t s . * ■S t i l l , l e f t fo r re n t in K e a to r a n d ijew

C ookm tin aven u o b lo ck s. A l l mo<lern con- veh lon ces. R e n t $ 1 0 Ut $25 p er ' m o n th . A p p ly to a g e n ts jor ow nor. ^ 03 eod t f


O NLY STRUCK A MATCHS m all In I t s e l f , t h e A ^ t L ed to tb e . A r r e s t

o f W i l l i a m I ln b b a r d , W a n te d on a n O ld C h a rg e .

W illiam H ubbard was arrested - by Of­ficer V anW ickle ab o u t2o’clock th lsm orn- h ig .j H c w as ^wanted by tlio au th o ritiesupon a bhargo of having been nlixetl* ufTTTT a fracas ■which occurrctl last.,fa ll. Since th a t timo H ubbard’s whereabouts have been unknow n. I t was only by chance th a t tho oflicor saw him th is n iorning. H iibbartl w'as in the rear of M cC arthy’s blacksm ith shop, on Main street, when captui*ed. H e struck .a m atch to light- h is pipe, a n d it being such a kite hoifr, the of­ficer mado a n investigation and frillnd^he m an he w anted . : • . . ; ' ^

Police Justice Borden gave him a repri>* niarid aiu l siisptyidott scntelice peiidirtg his good behavior.


W il l S ervo th e Kerr'eshintinttf, W a sh th e D is iie s an d T ake th e C ash.

The m en’s league of th e F i r s t Congre­gational church last n igh t decided tb givea^ferawbei'F^^-fesHwifiit—th e-lt*ettu ,o—l’ooni-of the church on \Vecnesilay and T hurs­day evenings of next wcok, Mny.i7..and_18, The event w ill be nmingetl and maimged solely , by the men .without an y aid from tho women. Numer<»us novel events will bo ’introduced to. make the affa ir enjoy­able. Tlie men will a c t a s1 waiters.* wash the dishes, dish the cream and straw berries undrecelvo the nioney. No adni.issioii-fee will be charged a nd every libdy I's i uvitedl t(* 1 Mi ~ pi*esen fc,_il ctLerea n i . x*n k t a n c L s tiii iy,*v borrle.^rtllH)e^wiTcdr^ritsl?t>tnrninj*;"b tr ohtidhed . a f te r l rriday .n ig h t’ fr.oni any membp’r of th e league. “*■ ’ '


R o y a l A rc a n u m l.odgos R e\var< le ti f o r I n c r e a s e in M e m b e rsh ip .

.The Royal Arcanum lodge of A tlan tic H ighlands woii tlie second aw ard, $40, in the contest for increase in ' m embership am ong tlur'lntfgcs o f the • s ta te .; Vt-obi Ju n . 1 un til May I of th is year the A tlan ­tic H ighlands lotlg** gained 118 per cent, in m embership. The lodge, a t Lodi, Bergen county, gained 12.‘> per cent, and-gbt^firstr money, $bo. The grand council of the o r­der-met nfrljakcwood Tuesday. The next session of the griitid council will be held a t A tlan tic Highlands. , -

i ------- 0 .S h e rm a n -D a v lso it N u p tia ls .

Miss* Georgia Davison, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John.If. Davison of M anas: qiian, was m arried 'I’uesday n ight, a t tho homo of tier parents, to Dr. Klbert S’. Sher- niaii of Nowitrk ‘ IMie house w as bonjitU. fiilfy decorated with, sinllax, apple blos­soms and palms. The wedding m nrehjvns played by Miss. S. Jane Curtis, a n Intim ate frloml o f tills brhle. Rov.-llenry Cross of the B aptist church a t M anastjuan, ofilci- atedk A collut-loii was served a fte r tlio coremony. Dr. and Mrs. Sherm an le f t on the evening tra in for a n ox tended wedding trip tfu’ough the south.

S. I I . C o o m b s A p p o in te d T r u s te e . ' G raham s 'Policy- wi«9* -recently removed

by tho-suprem o ciutrb a s trusteo of th e estate of h is Sister, Mrs. Sarah Quin, which ho was shown to have mismanaged- Samuel H. Coombs of A llenhurst w asap - ^)ointe<l in his place. The new. trustee gave a boiul of $50,000 as security for tho faithfu l performance of the tru s t confided to him , and Judge Maddox approved ityesterday.. __-

' E n d e d 'H is Life b y D ro w n in g . W illiam Bronson .Cox, 40 years bid,

drowned lilmsrilf a t Hea B righ t yesterday afteVnoon. W h at caused filujr to end h is life Is not known’.

, DANG ERO US W EAPONSF il le d t h e P o c k e ts o f a W e s t S id e C o lo re d

L a d W h e n A r r e s te d —P a r o le d in th e C u s to d y o f I l l s F a th e r .

F rank H ues, a colored lad of, the W est Side, w as arrested by Chief of Police Sm ith this m orning, charged w ith carry ing con ccnled >vcaponsi F rom the articles which wore taken from the-, boy’s peckets when he w as searched in Jus tice Borden’s olliee, i t w as evident th a t ho was preparing for w ar in timo df peace. He had a revol ver loaded .and ready fo i\ac tio n , a dark Inn torn, two ra/.ors, a sharpening stone and a brass watch, . ’ _

When questioned as to how he came into possession of th is collection of goods the boy replied that, he had purclyised thom . A p-effort tb find the,store where the goods wcnv bought proved • unsuccessful. Hues! father finally appeared on tho scene ami informed the justice th a t the boy was not responsible for w hat he. said o r did, bis m ind having bpeii affected as the resu lt of illness several years apo. ... ' •

I t w as proven th a t tho lad had money wrhcn he loft home this m orning, and-tlfe story ho told was considered probable, so thrrjusttce" pnrolnl blnv In thinjuTttmiyuR his father. ■ • • . ' /

o d d F a i o w s c E e b r a t eE ig h ty -F ir s t . A n n iv e r s a ry o f O rg a n iz a tio n

o f th o O r d e r iri T ld s C o u n try .*^Muslc,-Spjeechesf R efreshm ents..,.

Tjast. n ight the liienlbers of N eptune Lodge', No. 81, T.' O. 0;*F. of th is oity, cele­brated the Oightyrflrst annlversiiiy of tlie organlzntibn of the order in th is country- a t Baltim ore on A pril 20,1819. *‘ A lthough the celebration Was som ewhat

belated, ow ing to a variety of circum ­stances having Interfered, the affa ir last n ig h t was none th e less enjoyable. . The program presented Included m usic on the violin and harp by Theodore G ran t and TClfils*H. Applegate; buck an d w ing dauc- in g an d Jo h n Rbxey an d RichieHyson; g u ita r* a n d m andolin ducts by Gates and Borden; sketch of the order’s history by M. L ^F erris. .

A t the conclusion. <)f t he program ice cream a n d cake w ere served. The eatables not'used were so ld 'n t auction J - There was a .fair attendance.

Asbury P a rk Lodge, No. 2.">Jl, celebrated the anniversary in W inckler’s. ball la s t Monday n igh t w ith a Special program:"''- *

'L IB E R T Y T E M P L E SEVENA n n iv e rs a ry o f I n s t i t u t io n of Ladles* o f t h e

G o ld e n E a g le L o d g e C e leb ra te d * S even N e w 'M e m b e rs ,

The seventh anniversary of the in stitu ­tion of L iberty Temple, Noi 0, Ladies of tlio Golden Eagle of this, city, .was appro­priately celebrated las t night inW ineklor's hall.- ;

Seven now moihbors were initiated, m aking the to tal num ber about 1U5. •

The temple w as honored by the presence of the grand templar-, Miss L ena Stcelm an of Somers Point), and JSIr.s. Em m u Sohu- baelV, a m em ber of Silver Sfeto Tcmpjcj, No. 1 of Denver,; Col, Both ludios are a t p resen t the-gubrfts of -Miss Lizzlo Taylor, grand guardian of reconls, of th is c i t - The vislHmTboth nm ler:\*c^ in teresting addresses.

A fter the business session th e g a th e r­ing was en tertained 'w ith graphophoiie so-, lections hy j . H«. You m ans; piano solo 1 >vl i t t le ICva t ln iv a t t , a n d A nisic by l l u v U .W . orchestra. . . '

Ice creain, c.ake an d straw berries were served, and it was a f te r m id n ig h t when the pleasures of the evening ceased.


Coloman’s pharmacy, F ourth mid K ings­ley, lidw open with a fu ll line. Every­th ing fresh. - Give us U c a l l / . 107-14

P ro f ., P e a r in a n , t o H a v e C lia rg e , Sele?cts» M iss C aw m U n .u s O rg a n is t ,

Prof. T. W illiam s-Ptyirm an of th is c,ity hifs:beengivenchargeoL tlH vniusic„at_St. Anwl rpWFlJy:thL«SPffr3ttl onlm rsFrf oi^lfir ensuing year. Ho -held a. competition fot the position of organ ist la s t week, a t which there were* three* contestants,-. A fter an exhaustive tes t Miss A nna Cuwmnn of W est A sbury P a rk —vvii^«1val’tled tho^posi: tion\ He has also formed a q u a rte tte composed of the following persons: Miss Ida Coggcsha 11, soprano; Miss E . P etty , con tralto ; John ‘L ipp lnco tt,-tenor, and W alte r H ubbard, bass/ P rof. Pearm an. w ill tra in th is choir a t their i*eheai’siils and will sing With them on Sunday afternoons.

Tho new quartette1 expects to m ake its first public appearance at. th ^ u p p e r to bo giveii a t the G rand Avenue hotel next Tuesday iu behalf ol’ the isolation hospital.


P a r is h e s W h ic h H a v e N o t H e ld S e rv ic e s in T w o Y e a rs R u le d O u t;

The 128th. an n u a l convention of the P ro tesffint Kplscona l Church of Nyw Jer- sey, in sesslo^.at A tlan tic City, adjourned yestorday,

colivcntion. The constitutional am end­m ent, ru lin g o u t of th e convention parishes, which, in two years liml not held servicos In their churches.’w as adopbul. Consent w as given to merge the Church of tlie Re­deem er am i the Chureh of the Holy Cross, u t Xew Brunsw ick, the% form er ceasing to

I*’ ~K indergarten Chiss Divided.

The k indergarten class in - th e Anbury P ark school roiynVnow num bers OJl schol-^ ars. This enrollm ent is four tim es larger th an luflfc year and has pi-ovon too much for Ono teacher tb-hhndle. Prof. ShepiMiwl has therefore divided th e class Into two sections!. One a tten d s th e m orning' ses­sion and the othoi^ yje afternoon; The afternoon session is tho shortest,and in or- Xlupto give all the scholars the saiho’a d : vantage the two classes w ill a lte rn a te each week. ... .

Reliable Stelnbnch Clothing. - • ^. O ur spriiig stock of clothing represents

every slylish giirm ont w orn .this season, m ade In the best way, of *the best- m ater­ials, In sizes to" lit a ll shapes. Prices are alw ays rig h t; . v/ , ' •" \ f

f . • TaittSTKiXBAcit Company..* -___ ■ij >

H onne^niS tor sale a t J .

mm fig h tBritish Pursue.Boers Over Three

Different Roads. .

ADVANCE N E A R E R PR ET O R IAT ronH vaal W o m e n W a n t to F lg lit.—fK u

m a ss l M ay .H a v e F a l l e n —Ic o o n tl io •, H u d s o n —E n d e a v o r in g t o KVenk^ S tr e e t

K a il w a y f j t r ik e a t S t. L o u is —R a in S to p s F o re s t F ire s . ‘

. London, Thursilay.—Roberts has' won. the fight on the Zand river, und the Boers a m in fu ll re trea t. T heticspatch announc­ing the victory Is as follows: “C a b le , cart, headquarters Zabd river, May 10, 12.J10 p. m. The enemy'"is* in "fujl retrciit. The Boers occupied .a position 20* m iles in length, and. o u rs . was*necesstirlly longer.Witli a widely scattered fiirce. it takessoiiie timo to rlearn the ex ten t of the casualties, b u t I am hopeful th a t we did no t stttfer niucltt- Cavalry Hurt horse a r tille ry are p u rsu ing tho enemy on tjinie different roads/ Roberts.” ' ■


R o b e r t s P u s h e s th e R o e rs R a c k a n d , . - G ra d u a lly N e a rs P r e to r i a .

London, Thursday.—Roberts,- w ith *his liiain. fjorce,' has crossed the Zand river. T h is m eans th a t ano ther jum p, th is tim e Ji8 miles, has been made to Ward. P re to ria . H is report says: “ We’ are now across the Zand. The enemy is sjill hold ing u strong position, b u t w e 'a re gradually pushing them back; Roberts;” ' • •


F e m a le R ti rg l ie r s D e c la re T lie y A ^e • R e a d y to T a k e U p A rm s .

" P r e to r ia , M ay O' (d e la y e d ) .—P iD sld en t K t^% rr=hns i*cceived- a te le g r a m from a Wo m ad b u r g h e r a s k in g if th e . t im e h a s ar­r iv e d - fo r th e fo rm a tio n o f a . corp s o f ,w o m en .u S h e sa y s sh e Ls p rew ired w ith a b od y o t W(iinon w h o W ish to ta k e ""Up a r m s in d o fen ce o f B o er indepondence.-


T ry in g t,o R r e a k t h e S t r e e t R a i lw a y S t r ik e In S t. L o u is . '

S t . ' L ou is , T h u rsd a y .—T h e r u n n in g "o ftrbnrlmnTms^vaTTp^inniiil“rhl:nTTDriTlivg;

w ith from four to six policemen on 'bach’ caiv A t9 o?clock i t w as announced th a t 115 cars Ave re ru n n in g n n Xhe*-main line. This is said to lie th e usual num ber. The strike is not* tivcr by any m eans, b u t the governor is here to try to, se ttle the diffi­culties, an d a strong: force of police a re do- \jig a ll in th e ir avert th e 'p o ssi­b ility of an y trouble.


D a m a g e in P e n n s y lv a n ia A lr e a d y R ea& hes # 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 —M an y P e rs o n s M issin g .

-Bradford,- P a;, Thursdiiy.—?A heitvy rai ii -storm, has p rac tica lly jm t. ah end to the. ”oresTfinTs^wIiIciT"liavoTiieen raging since Monday The flames are now um ler con-, trol and w ill rem ain so unless dry w eather again sets in. Many persons uro m issing

nd i t is feared they have been buriled toteatlT7 ^ i e loss w ill easily reach a m illion

dollars.,- V_ . ,'T H R E E M E N E S C A P E D

F r o m th e S ta te R e f o r m a to r y a t E lm ir a ,N. Y,t Last* N ight. JL .

•Klmlra, N, Thursday.—A rth u r Far-rel, stuitenced from Olean, P e te r D um it sentenced fi*om Corning, .and H ugh Don­nelly, sentenced from Dutchess county, escaped from, the E lm ira, reform atory last

‘SH IP’S ERRAND OF- MERCY.Sails F ro m N ew Y o r k . W ith C a rg o o f

'F ood for. I n d i a ’s S ta r v in g P eo p le .N e w!': Y ork , T hti rsdu y .—The ft tea pier

Qu(to.1mle7r-wiTh food siljtplles for tlie" sta rv ing people o f Ind ia , sailed, today.. Prayers-for of the voyage wej^v Offeretl aboard t he vessel before the.; Hues were cu t loose from tlu* d o ck ..

. IC E OX T H E I lt 'D S O N .

F o rm e d b y L a s t N ig h t’s C o ld S n a p . ' I 'e a c l ie s a n d S tr a w b e r r ie s R u in e d *N yackrN rY ” Thursdiiyr=A_ WixrTHddT

simp ’struck_hery last, n ight. 1 Thts—the:i - inoiiuiter raglstered 25 degtx^s above zer<>. Inch an d ,one half. Ice on Hudson. The peacli and straw berry crop .will be a to ta l, loss. -. • • . [■

H A S K U M A SS F F A L L E N ?

_I n te yjui p te d _ C p m in u c a t I o n _ I n d i c a ton . S u e li a P r o b a b le F a te .

London; Thursday.—A desiwiteh from


To the Central „ Railroad 1 train serves as a renjinder of the value of accident insur­

ance. . An -accident policy of the Travelers’ Insurance

^Company costing but $2S per- annum to preferred risks pays $50 a' week Jn- dfemnity for a total disability or $10,0 0 0 for death by ac-

- cident while -riding as a pas- senger in any railway pas­senger car." Let usgivs YOU. further particulars.


208 Main Street.

Monmouth Trust- AND -

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth Building, Asbury Park, if. J,


. $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ,

•: ■’ 35,000.B*ecuta a ll triista know n to the law . ' •Loanis m oney on bond and m ortgage.

In terest on d afiy b a lJn w S 1* a!low*iSSOSSSSZ? K'gI“ ™r “ A gent.

conateral.dem®na aad tlme l0“ *S afedcpoa lt:vivulta. ' ‘ '

A. c , T w i n i n g , P rtaidcnt.■ G . D. M. HARVRY, V lceP rM taen t.

i i . A. ^ iT IN t 3 —etary . i ’JO. C. C O K N S I.I ,.trea su re r.

D IR EC TO R S:O. n . B rtm u , k . A, TusUHg r -n n H enry M ltchcil, J f . D .S i » ’ J o h n p . O’Brien,W .J : K a n icon, 'i « r y I! am ith .S i ; %. * • H arvey, s , A. Patterson, geo ree K K roehl a . O. T w ir iWBruce 8 . K eato r, M. D „ H . H . V rceland ,

G. D. W . Vroom, r

Higli Tirade Fishing' TacMe^^paJria^n-Bods-ana-EBisIi.'

C IC A R S-IA N D T O B A C C O • ;Imported Key West,a«d Dqniestlc Cigars ana all’ ' J . Sm okers’ Articles.

The best Cigar th a t 5 cents can buy

h l l S ^ G E R . c o o ^ a W v e n u c

DON'T DRINK INK• not made for that pur^... ...p ose , but we have inks:

suited to any use for which_ ink was ever intended.


YOU CAN, BUY — — E v e r y t ! r i n g - i n - t h e r S T A “ '

' TIONERY arid, NEWS :. ■ line of us at popular

prices. . - •

HARRY A. BORDEN ‘S t e t i o n e r - ^ ^ M e s w i e a l e f -

Cor. Bond S t. and M attison Ato.


m unieaflou w ith Kumussi has been«4nter-' rupt<?d fo r 48 hours, 'a n d .th e tow n is i)o- lieved to have fiilien. * '

R o d r ig u e z .C a n d id a te fo r . M a y o r . .. rTTiivana, Thursday. — pen . A lex an d rr

Hmlriguez, the new sub treasurer" of- the. isiaiul. lias accepted t he nom ination of the national p a rty to be mayor of H a v a n a ;;

TUe Porte itemalrtiTSilent. • . .'•Wii sh ingtqil* 1' hu rsday*—No * wort I has

y e t ijoen received from the. Sublim e Porto In’apsw er to the note from th is govern­m ent regard ing the indem nity claim s., -iV

. A b l ia t to P ay s D e a th . P e n a l ty . ’ ; ‘ "Camden; Thursday. — Francosesso Ab;

*batto w as hanged a t lO.Jld th is m orning for the m urder of tionora de Fco in May of las t year. • . A

■ F r o s t A g a in T o n ig h t .AW shington, Thursday, — F air, w ith

if rest- tonight \ Friday, fair a iu l w arm er; fivsh. uorth\yos(urly winds. , ,

Job printing of every description- a t this otil60. pomploto.-stoofe4 new type, new presaas, oompateut workmen and carefu proof readers., prices right.1 Call and see our samples and get prices.

M any thousand people su ffe r from chronic H eadache, finding no re lie f e ither in m edicine, m odera tion . o f

^ work o r o ther rem edies. *In m any cases th e trouble Is caused In. defective eyes, w hich can b e rem edied ' by skilled a d ju stm en t o f p roper lenses.

— W e exam ine the eyes fo r every possible defect and guaran tee our. w ork. . E x ­am in a tio n f r e e . .

STILES & CO.—J E y e S p e c i a l i s t s

A t '2 2 2 M a in S t r e e t o \m rv F ; [ a s. v , H o u r s : ’II t o I p . m ., 2 t o B p . m .


Mattison Avenue and Bond Street■ Between PostoHce aria Depci,


... OFFICERS:,v ' .GEORGE 1C.- KKOHHL, Presldect - - O. H. BROWN, ]a t Vlco Proaldbnt M, L. BAMMAN, 2ad Vice Proaideut > '

. M. V. DAGI5U, Cashier 7 M. Hi SCOTT, Aealstant Cashier

P a tro n s’v a lu ab les rece ived for'sttfa keep ing f re e of c h a rg e .

Foreign ex ch an g e bough t and ao Qoliet; tlohs prom ptly aqknow ledg »

Y O U R - B U S I N E S S F A V O B S . R B - S P E P T F U L i- Y S O L iC iT E D , •

Page 2: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX

2 ASBURY PARK DAILY^PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900.*1-1 -i-h -h -h -



30,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACEkE can put the entire Mock of; the next

largest store in» the state in our base-v ment and still have room for el ship­

ping department; the rest of our store will fu lly place the goods contained in, the third, fourth arid fifth largest New. Jersey Stores.

W ith A ll O u r Q reaipess W e Gfcrry tb e )>—— 5 id2lIlest Prices

• For Summer Hotels, Cottages and Private Lodgments, we have a grand and beautiful choice of furnishings .at popular prices.

Summer Supplies for Home ana Person fALL 0T LflWEB PB1CE8 TflflH JIEW Y0B8 STOBES CHflBGE

k k f r io r r a t o r s: SWEATER* •









So Lord Salisbury Sr.ys He Believes. ’


; ; Goods Delivered a t Any Railroad S ta tio n in New Jersey Free of... . . .

Charge. No Extra Charge for Packing.

:: HAHNE & CO., Newark, N.J. ;;


R o s n m o n d ParKunH* i l i i l e o f 5 0 0 M ile s O v e r Sii.o>v.nnil

R osam ond EarSons, tht'f^^-cnr-oU T daughter-of-SIr.-nnd-Srt'sr■■MV-H-.-Earr-

•Kons, lius-arrived in C hicago-from tlie K londike aud Is said to lio -tho youn­g es t child tlia t'ovor m ade th e trip across th e Ice from D aw son to Skiiguny. liit-

tle -iH ss-P a rso u s-lK td -h e ro w tH fle d —ju s t-llkc the o th er m em bers o f the party , a n d seem ed to. enjoy theTiVide of 000 m iles, w ith q u ite .th e sam e sp irit th a t C hicago .children en joy sledding on a

' sm a lle r scale d u rin g the w h iter nionths.' 'M r. and Mrs. Pai!sqn_s a re V isiting nt

- ' t h e honie of. Mji-s. Eifrsolis’ brother'. E..L . W ebster,- til!) liiy iioh l .‘boulevard;

- au d th e m uch traveled Miss Rosam ond • IS envied • by all th e ” children of the

'• .nelghbtirhbod.^XJio I.’iirson'sos it) " ■ ~ ^ ^ ,i r r o “ rtrcn c n n n iiw r^ n rm ~ itt iti--« ,iii-

ta k e tlte ir.'littli. diMifthter back, w ith ' ■ them to their, home iu D aw son City.

M r s . . P arso n s took her d au g h te r to the K londike a little over a year ago; Diir- -lng-their-residence - th e re -1 lio-litt.le-glrl n ev e r lin'd a d ay 's sickness, nnd tlie m o th e r never had Occasion to use the

. m edicines sh e .h n d taken w ith her un­t i l thejj imd go t b ilck .to .this cm uitry.

. Rosanm ud is a ttired in th e p ic tu re in th e clo thes .she . w o re 'd u r in g the trip

1 <ien rest tittle Kim-n sltfifiB in a "basket,. smiling, a t her. •| I w ish I could tell you all th e good I tim es E lsie a n d B eauty; a s slid uuimjd,

her k itty , had together, Tm t I sliiill o i ip {ry to te ll one sa d adven tu re . t ic / fo l ­lowed E ls ie 's - m o th er ' to_ chu rch one

. evening, and a f te r am usihg h im self "in ; CTrf.isliioii b y 'tu i ning soVnoKpanlts and

chasing a f te r h is ta il he th o u g h t he’d try to m ake som e friends, so lie w nlked over to a little g irl and pulled a t her dress, and she. Instead of speak ing Uiiitlly in Iiiin, scow li'd at. liim rso poor B eau ty , hav ing .h is feelings hurt, quick­ly ran , over behind a pew and cried softly . ' ,• .

I H e though t the people Iii th a t cliureh w ere so cross lie. w ould no t speak to

.any one else, a iid lie curled u p and took a c a t nap. W hen lie w oke up , the uhnrcli- w as dark au d cold and every line gone. A nd th e re poor-B eauty hail

• to. stay lo r nearly, tw o w hole days,: w illi nul'hlng to eat' h u t-a n occasional

I t l .k o f G iv in g O p p o r ta a it le a F o rA ccu m u la tio n - o f F o rce* n iid A n m

' to B e Used A ffatnat. Q ueen Show n . I n S ou lll A frica . ‘ \ . * 1~t(,

l.oiululi, ’Alu.v ~1U.--L6ru Salisbury wns greeted with enthusiasm by a vast audi­ence when J ie took the chair to preside at a mveting of1 the Primrose, league. ; In his speech the' prem ier allrided to the change th a t Imd taken place in opinions in regard to empire aud said the doctrine' of the M anchester school was now u tte r­ly condemned. The reaction began whl‘D the disaster of 51hjul;ii. H ill was'fplioiVcd by General Gordon’s death, which had "been avenged. 'U nder the brilliant guid­ance,-of Lord Roberts 200,000 -men are now in a. fair. way. to^ avenge M ajabo Hill, winning back for tlie fiiieerr terrl- torles.'which ought never to 'h a v e been released. T hat was the-Only hope for the, restoration of pence nnd tlie develop­ment niul tranquillity o f South Afrieif. ' "

T |ie sp ir ifo f contempt for—or, if th a t wnfc too stroiig a .word, of .deprecation of —the empire which w as the one great' blot on Mr. G ladstone's'splendid intellect •led him'.to deal -under the influence, of tli?, itanie-ideas w ith the.diilieult and intricate Irish problem, careless of the: future nower of the country arid h is ‘deepest in- teiestS. In an.evil..moment- for„his,fniiic md for Ills party lie nttaehed liimself to the idea uf the separation of Englnild an d jre ln n d . • - - .

I R ta k p t D lilo j-n ltr .,I t failed' a f te r a long and unsuccessAl

struggle. Lord Salisbury added th a t lie did not believe tlm t-a cause once beaten reappeared to any purpose in English history. There w ns no hope that.; the predom inant party would ever consent-to •uve ? Ireland practical independence. G reat B ritain had ; learned something from the South 'African war. She had been w arned how a disloyal government can, in spite of any . precautions, accumu­late m unitions of w ar, artillery and the elements o f n m ilitary force, which, will give, even ngfijlfstji most powerful com­batan t. a most terrible advantage. She now • knew better than she knew ten years ago w lm t.the risk would be if sho gave a disloyal government in Ireland the power of accum ulating forces against tho sovereignty of the queen.

Ho did not therefore apprehend th a t the verdict which had been given on the Irish claim was likely to meet any early or- prompt reversal, but the effect of Mr. G ladstone’s great m istake hnd been upon the constitution of the parties, and the working d f English politics could not be ignored. I t had shattered the Liberal party, which was now powerless <m a factor in English politics. H e earnestlyhoped th a t they would soon get intofighting form, as the present position was bad for t*:e Conservatives themselves. H e did, not think the ingenious invention by-Xord JRosebery-Of a .now -im perin jjinr^ ty would solve the difficulties of the L ib­erals. •; ----------------:— 4r.

S a iv m lll D a r n e d .Rockland, M ass., May 10.—The saw ­

mill p lan t owned and operated by Gideon Studley w as burned this, morning. The loss is $30,000, w ith n small Jrisurance. About 30 hands lose their employment.

! (illtirch m ouse, u n t i l p o o r E l s i e . . w h o i. had" 1 ujritf-fi feveryw liw u e lse , f in a lly ;. looked th ro u g h tlie S u n d a y .selloo£-win-,'w , m id th e re sh e saw B e a u ty s i t t in g

on th e to p o f a p ew sw e e tly sn illiiig . I •m in i fra id Beil i i r y - w o n 't - m u i t t o 'g o t o ch u rch suon a g a in . - 1 •

S n r p r is c d t h e C o n ffrcR n ^ to n ,Tw o little folks w en t to church alone.

I t w as only .jroiiml tlie corner from th e ir home, aiid tliejr m auiina knew they would \ie safe . -

D uring tlie^ long serm oti they g o t tlroil. iind tlie.’older one.- su pnoslng th a t school ru les held good iu church , led Ilis s is te r u tU n rfro n t o f th e p u ip it and said, "I'leas'e niay w e go homeV” ■

Mueh surprised , th e clergym nn gazed a t th em -o v er h is spectacles. T hen lie understood and siiiil:

“ C crtninly, m y cliildrcn." A nd tlio tw o toddled out, w hile the eoiigrega-


ndsAMOsn Asi> h e r * “ pakkk s c i t ." • from D aw son to S kaguay. I t is a one piece garm en t called a “ parko su it” am ! is m ade from tlie sk in of a young. re in d eer, Tht* lioiid is m ade so. th a t it

_Can l)b d raw n tigh tly over the face aud Is' tlie m ost j perfec t pro tection from

. 'K londike w ea th er th a t can be m ade. T h ro ughou t the ou tlre tr ip th e .little lad y insis ted on1 koepiifg 'tlie iiood open, n ltliough tlie therm om ete r w as from

«•((? to 00 degrees below- zero, so tlfa t-she m ig h t see .w hat’ w as going on n round

. lie r.—Chicago J jju e iiT Iera ld . . '

proiTilly to 'n -y o u n g e r acq u ain tance it tab le wliicLr hediaii bought. l ie said It w as .*>00' years old.

“ T h a t is . nothing," rem arked liis young visitor. "1 have in my possession o tab le whlcli is m ore th a n o,000 years old.” ; .- <-,• “ T hree tliousand y e a rs "old!” snid th e host. “T h a t is im possible. W here w asi t • Ill!l(lfiV" ' ... ■ j

. “ P rollahlj’M n 1 nd In.'“ Iu Ind ia! W h a t kltid of a tab le is

It?” ' .“ T h e m ultip lication table.

J.. . .T h e .C a t T h a t W e n t t o C hni^ cli. ■ One inoriim g w lieu little .E lsie w o k e .

up- sh e f a i r l y , Bcreamcd ,wit'h delight, f o r th e re , ju s t ’ by h e r ’ bed, .w as .th e

• i -■

'■ I f troubled w ith a weak digestion, belch-1 ing, sour stom'aoh, o r If you feel dull after- eating, try ^Chamberlain’s Stomach and, X I ver .Tablets. Price, 25 centfl. Samples

req a t T. M. S tew art’s d rug store. *

A ttra c tiv e llanRkcq,Among th e m any cUarnis th a t are a t

trac tiv e is a bangle th a t mny.,be woru^ In m any \r a y s~ a litjle , ojcl fashioned doll, w ith ih e stiffest of ai m s and lege and the fuc^ o f th e baub le enam eled to rep resen t th e crudely m arked w hite ch in a face o f th e dolls ch lld rea used to ix^y. w ith pand buy fo u r o r live fo r a cent. The. charm doll is abo u t a$ Inch long, w ith a ring on Jhe*top of its head.

■ • • • “ -4,CuV this out and take it to S tew ari’a

drujf store and Ket a free sample of Cham.- berlain’a Rtomach and Liver Tablets, tbe best physio/ th e y also cure' disorders of the stomacb, biliousness and headache.

• «M E N U F O R F R ID A Y .

, Keep, cool; and you command everybody;— [.St.: Just. -----

bUeakfast . - - ' -B aked Apples. ,

Poached Eggs- Creamed Fotatoe*. Sliced Cucumbcr and Cream.

W heat Cakes, New Slaple Sirup.' Coffee.

LUNCHEON.Sardmea. Thin BlaclTBreaa,Radish Sandwiches. Lemon. ,

White Cake. Tea. .

DINNER. *Potato Soup. .

Boiled Soft Shelled Cratp.Potatoes a la Provencale. •

. Stewed Cucumbcrs. Stuffed Cabbage ■ Lettuce Salad, Mayonnaise Dressing.

" Peaches and Cream., ‘ XJafe Noir.% .1 »

STUFFED CABBAGE.—Remove tbe heart of a large frelh cabbage. Fill w ith forcc*' meat balls of chicken or veal. Tic the cab*

.^b ^ ;i} rm ly t.^ ] j t \ i» fb /cheesecloth and boll - or two hours in covcredTketlle.* .Serve

very hot w ith browned b u tte r sauce.

“A fte r1 suffering from plleg for fifteen ypMrs.I was cured by using two boxes of -Fh>Witt’s ’Witch H»2h1 Salve,” writes W^,J. Baxter, North Brook, N . C. I t heals every- i hing. * Beware of counterfeits. W . R. Ham, 107 Main street.

P a rk Opera House~ ■» ti/ u unnnii; W. H. MORRIS, nanager



THE KEYSTONE OBRMflTIG GO.In ropertoire of m elodram atio sycceeses. M onday n ig h t th e pow erful comedy

“ dram a-

ESCAPED FROM ^THE LAWscenery, aDd mechanical effects^. Change o f p lay n igh tly . 10 specialty artiBte. Monday, evening any lady w ilt be adm itted to th e b es t reserved sea t for, 16 cen ts fif ticket Ia pu rchased befora 6 P.m. iPopu lar Prices 10c, 2 0 c ,^ 30c

. H atinee S a tu rd a y IO and 20cSeata now on sale at Grenelle’s drag store. ICG 14

M. M, GrosbieD e a le r to ..

New and Second Hand


•. n

6 2 9 C O O K M A M A V E N U E

I 1



P ot Roast. 51 to 8~ - - . * - ■ r.

Prime Rib Roast Beef, such as you p a y .16-18c lb. for. 12*^c lb

Fore Quarter o f L a m b . ' 9c lb

Porterhouse S t e a k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 6-i 8c lb# ' ’ •- . ■ • ’'

Shoulder Lam b Chops. ........... ...... ........ . ’. . 10c lb

Stew Lam b. . . . . . . . . .5 c to 7 c lb

Minced H am ................. 1 . . . . . . . 14c lb'9 ‘ ^ * v ' • ‘ *._* ♦

Chickens• . • • • • • • • • • • • •••■*♦••••••••• •■••••« • • • • • • • • * i j.

• • • » # ♦ • • • • » • »•.* I 2C

• • • •'» •«1 • • % ioc lb

• • • • • • • • .3 lbs 25c

Legs of L am b ................. • ...........

Frankfort.Sausage. * ......... ..........

Bologna• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • «

Cross Ri b••••«•••••«' • • 1 • ■••••••• •• •••»••••;« ««.- 1 ic lb-• •* s. . * *' • • . . • . v

Top Sirloin ••• -•••«••••••• ,*» *•-••• •,•••* j 2 c lb

Extra. Fine Dry Picked Turkeys, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16c lb

Chujk Steak •. • • • • • *. • lbs for 25c

Everything else equally low and best quality.


Pressed Ham, Prepared Ham, Headcheese, L iver Pudding, Blood Pudding, Pigs Feet, Fresh Tripe, Hhms, Bacon

Corned Beef. ■-* 1 _. ....

TELEPHONE 01m.•'••I . .

ED W AR D B. niL.Z,.

Hew StoreJ. L. THOMPSON,

THE GR OCE RNo. 17 South flaJn Street,

opp. 04ean Grove Gates, w ith a choice i seleotlon of

Staple and Fancy Grocerles.

F r e s We g g s

Special BaigaiQS H is SatnrdagB U T T B R I N B -

Beat Creamery .P rin t. .2 0 u pel1 lbJ e s t Creamery .

BUTTERBnttor,-Best P rin t .SSRoper'lbBest C ream ery. ...................... .2 2 c per lb

f ry our I8o golloe •k lb b o x fh'reddedoocoanut.. ' ........ 5oKauoy ev«porated.apple8 Do lb; 3 lba 25oFancy California Fm neB9olb; 8 lb a .. . . .25oS cans o f milk fo r ................ 25cJe lly r . ............................... .So par RlasaLarge bottle ketchup ........................; . . . Bo

Bngar 5o per lb to each customer with other goods. Not ov e rs lba.-

W O N ’ T Y O U ?* You are the owner o l a good

aren’t you?.—Yori~require1 t t o be repaired, -

D on't you!You expcct a good mechanic to repair it, Don’t-youfYou desire it repaired a t a low price, • B o n 'ty o u f ^Y ou have ro t been ploaaed with your re­

pairm an heretofore,Have you? . . '

-j-Do you know wo a re pracHoal meohanics and are the lowest prloed biaycie repairers it tlie city ? ' ,

Now won’t you let us have an opportunl-

do your work ?*tOUR MOTTO—Wo do no t do all tho good, bloycle repairing bu t the repairing we do is good.


CYCO BICYCLE CO, 548 Cookman Avenue

New K eator Block.Bend postal and we w lll c a ll fo r you r bicyole.

Frank H. WalkerPractical Paper Hanger

1112 Mtmro* A venue, We*t Asbnrj Park.. AQENT FOB

D E C O R A T O R S ’ W ALT, P A P E R CO o f N ew Y o rk a n d K A Y S K R & A lih - I fJU I o f P h i la d e lp h ia .W ill Paper from lOo por double roll nnd tp - wanifl.' Hangiug 25o per double roll ana up­wards. Somo stores advertlso^heaper. but thoy moan alnglo rolls. Don’t bo deceived. I as t mo Ishow you m y samples and then com- paw proes w ith others. ......

Crosble Hall Munroe and Wain

The Fbbsb gives more readlng m a tte r for one cent than any o ther newspaper h i As­bury Park. > ' '-


,. ~ ‘ ' . •Tho 8U odard Railroad of Air erica

O n a n a a f te r November 10,1899... .1. _TRAINS LKAVM A*BDRT PAJM-i-W^nt-Da YB

For New Y ork nd New ark, 710 ,8 60 a m , 2 85 ano6 8 8 p m . . • '

For E lizabeth 8 60 a m , 8 26 and 5 88. p m.For Kahway, 8 60 a m 3 26 and 6 88 p m. ‘For M atawan, 8 60 a m , ^ 26 and 6 83 p m, For~LonirBranch,-7-10r 8 50, 11 00 a m , 2 l&. fc fcv

6 8 a ,6 40, 707p m . .For Bed Bank, 710.860 a m. 285and 6 8» p m . F orPhiladelphia, Broad S tree t, and Trenton. 7 **

8 05 a m , 1216, and 4 07 p.m.For Cam den r la T rentvn and. Bordentmwu. r *♦

8 05 a m , 1215 and 4 07 p m.For Camden and Philadelphia *Ia Toma Blvttr

128 p m . 1 .For Tomg Blver, Island Heijchta and tntermoaUto,

stations,^128 p m . ..For Poin t Pleasant- and In term edia te , «atlo» s,

10 59 a m , 8 53,519 and 6 48p tn.F or- New Brunswick, via M onmouth Jfunou* n r

8 06 a m , 1215 and 4 07 d mTBAIHS LXAVX KBW .YORK FOB ABHtmY PAftJl

Fr6m 'W e8fc^i^nty-TTitrdfitreetfltatian,^.& 5 ava­ls 40,8 25 and 4 65 p m . Bundays. 026 a m, an r 4 5 5 p m . . ' ' .

F rom Desbrosses s tree t s tation , a t » 00 a m , 12 60 8 4 0 a n d 5 1 0 p m Sundays, 945 a m ,a n d 5 1» p m . * ; 1 .

From C ortlandt s tree t s ta tion , a t fl OO a m, 12 "V0, 840,a n d 610 p m S undays,946 a m and

. B nS nnday will s to p a t Inttorlaken and a v o d In place of N orth A abary P ark and A sbury Park to «>tioff paaaensers.

tU IN S tiliT K FB1Z>U)XIPEU (Broad f lt it - ♦ ASBURY PA R K ., V-' •; ' 1

A t 820. i t 10 a m , 8 80,4 08 p m week-days. Mar­k e t S treet. W harf, v ia Camden and Trenton7 80,10 80. a m« 2 80. 8 30p m , week-days. Leave M arket S tree t W harf v ia Jam esburg , 780 a m 4 00 p m s week-days





P r>8TOFFiCE B o x 9 0 5 ASBURY PARK, N. J

For Baltim ore and Waahirigton, 8 60,720 8 82, •.-10 20,1128,11 83 a m,(12S6 Lim ited, Dining Car).

118 (D ining C ar), 812,4 41 (6 2f CongreBsiansl' l im ite d , .Dining C ar)t 605. 620, 666 {Dining

- C ar), 7 81 (Dining Car) p m , and 12 20nlghtw »ek

Lim ited, Dining C ar), 6 05 nno (Dining 7 81 (Dining C ar), p m and 12 20 night. T im etab les o f All o the r tra in s o f thesystem

m ay be obtained ai> th e ticket- offices - o r station*J . B. WOOD, Geo. P ass A gt

—J.-Bi-Hutohlnson, Qen. Manaicer.

QEHTRAL R.”Rl _QF NEW JEfiSCVAnthrac.lte Coal Used Exciosively, Insur­

ing Cleanliness «nd Comlort

Time tabio In effect January 6. 19C&

TttAIHa I.IAT* A83UBT PADJLCor New Y ork, Newark and E lU abeth Tla.all ran

ro u te .617,800 a m r l9 1 0 4 0 0 ,6 2 9 p m Bun- days from In terlaken sta tio n , 7 87 a n , ,418 p n .

F or Philadelphia and Trenton via" Elhsabethport, 617 ,8 00 a m . 12 l a 4 00 p m . Sundays from In ­te rlaken station , 7 87 a im 418 p m .

F or B altim ore an d W ashington, 617, 8 00-a m , W 10,4 OOp m . Sundays from In tc rlak ea s ta ­tion, 7 87a m , 4 1 8 p m . ■ •

F or Easton . Bethlehem , Allentown and Mauch Chunk, 617,8 00, a m, 12 10, (4 00 to Easton), p m . Sundays from In terlaken station , 418 p m.

F or W ilkesbarre and Scrap^.n^ 8 00 a m , 1210 p m.For Buffalo an d Chicago via n r,X rft-W *.B . B.,^ 800a^£a, 400 p m .-“ *

.5 J . H , QLHAUSKN, GenT Bupt.0 , P fia& w or, Oen. Pass An* .


! 708 Mattison Avenue'Coffins and Burial Casketa on- hand’Or

furnished tc o rder.- ' :

O - “ W .D IS T R IC T A C E N T FO R

B a l la n t in e ’s B e e rPALE F XTRA v V 9 EX PORT and,LAGER

B o t t le d b y S t e a m P r o c e s s a n d G u a r a n t e e d to k e e p In a n y C l im a teW IN E 8 , LIQUORS ANO FOREIGN Alta DOM ESTIC A LES AND PORTERS - — - j ._ _ „ .G o o d o d o l iv o ro d o n ly .o n o r d o r —f r o o o f o h a r f f o . _

T e l e p h o n e c a l l 6 7 a . S P f ' I NG L A K E , N. J.

Jisbury Parr hotel? JIsDury Parn Roieis

The VictoriaThird and Ocean Avenues

NOW OPEN. Twentieth eeason )MI88 8. KEMPE, Proprietor

Laurel HouseOponJun616.

Second Avenue and"Kingsley Street,

Undoreame management.

F A M X L Y -H D T E L ..rand and Sowall Avenues

OPEN ALL TH E YEAR. 'Bteam boat. Elootrlo llgbts.

All modem lmprovementa Ban parlor. . , ^«asonable prloee

The Staffordc o r n e r F i l th A v e n u e a n d Meek. S t r e e t in All the Yew 7 "

For terms address■ accom m odatlonc f o r b ic y c le *

MBS. A .'iF uU Y .

The Warwick 2C0 .Third avenue. Now open; Large, cheerful rooms.'* Terms reasonable,. .


The Orange 618 Munroo avenue. Open all the year. The most home-like boarding house in town. All modern improvements. Terms moderate. M. J. GENUNG. .

The Royal tfieam5*0 Grand avenue. Homelike hotel. Open all* the year, heat: pleasant rooms. Excellent table. Bates moderate.

I , ■ A. HARVEY.

(FormerlyStr-James).-Corner Oeokman at*' Due and Webb atreet. Open all the year. Com maodlng full view o f. the sea. Broad porches

large, airy,’comfortable rooms. Bteam heated throughout. Service and cuisine excellent, ) l . * E. VAN AEEN.

Coiiimercial Hotel

' Occan 6 rope hotels 0 «an a rm hotels

The Alaska8 an d 5 P itm an avenue, 4 and 6 MoCUntock s tree t. This ho te l t* open all tb e year. Son parlo rs and well heated room s fo r th e oool m onth. The only hote l In Ocean Grove supplied, w ith te a w ate r baths. - The location Is o f th e best, 100 feot from boardw alk and o o a e to auditorium and poet office. N . H. KILMER. P roprietor

Want to Rent Your House ?. . , _ ■ . , . • > * . • . . •.

. Press Special Advertisement Briog Quick Results,

Page 3: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX

Corner Lake' Avenue and Haln Street 604 to 608 Cookman Avenue

A S B U l^ Y P A iiK 'D A I B Y PJ.IESS.

. T H E -- •TUTTLE

S T O R E -



We invite, comparison,

, M A Y 10, 1900.

Thie people are grasping the situation. We are selling goods for less than they cpstWE ARE SELLING MOI^E GOODS THAN AT ANY TIME IN OUR HISTORY. Come— the feast .of bargains is spread foryou. Buy goods at the Tuttle store and then tell your friends, about it. .' ' .












Diamond jewelry. 'v* DiamondsArtistic Silver: ; *• Rich Cut Glass

Ornamental ClocksTHAT’S THE TIME T O COME T O U S .;RICHEST ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND ____: __________. ' ------------------


P r o f e s s i o n a l


OTcrau 3, Anbury P ark , N. J . OlEee hour* 8 to 12 . K. ra.; S to S p. m ;i 6 to 0 p . m . Phone 6.

l U E .H E T R I Q K ,- M .- D .PHYSICIAN AND BUKQKiJN. , 831 CookrjlSn

" nvettUrt. " oalco hbtirs: s a. in. to 10’*. m , 2 p, ' ni. to 3 p. mi. ? p m. to 8 p; in. Sunday*, 8/80 to lu.iio a; in- ttpeciat attention' to eye* ear ana surgery* .Tel. No. 140. . .. r*

DR. F . F . C O LEM A N. N orthw est com er F ou rth avenuo and Kingsitff

~ a tr ie t ,- Ofllce H ours! 9- to 10 a . to .r 1.80 to £.80 p . m ., 7 to 3 p. m . Telephone 1 B.

R . S . B E N N E T T , M . 0 .PHYSICIAN AND BUROEON. 510 Anbury » a

nue, A sbury Turk. om<» hodra: 8 to JO a /m ., 1 to 3 and 7 to 0 p m . 1M-878

DR. M ARGARET Q . CURRIE120 m ain avenue,' O cean 'G rore, N. J . Office

n o u ra : 7 to 10 a .'th .. 8 to B p. in .. 7 to 10 p . m .

:..r ;IDR. ELLA PRENTISS UPHAMI300 T hird avenue, Anbury P a r* , N, J .O B o e

hou rs until 10 n. m „ 18 to * p . m ., tl to 7.80 p . m. Tck'phon" call **01. -

H . 8. K IN M 0N T H . M . 0 .710 G rand M ^nue, and a t K lnm onth ,A jC a*i

„DruK-Btor*9t-J24-Cookmaa-avtnue,^abttrT_PjW|tLN .J . •* '

BURTON BROTHERSDENTISTS, 620 Cookman avenue. A ibu ry P ark ,

Baudouine building, 8. W . Oor. Broadw ay and fiflth s tree t. New Y ork. New Y o rk ’ offloe d o te d from May. until October.

O R . H . 8 . T A Y L O RDENTIST. (G raduate o r U niversity of Pennsyl­

v an ia), oor n«r Cookman avenuo and Kmory street, over LeMaiHtro'B, onpoeite post ofllce; en trance on Em ory s tree t, A sbury P ark . Office hours from

‘ 0 a . m ; to 5 p . in . Telephoue 031. (

" BEOrL. Di TOMPKINS 0 fD rS “D EtiTIST. Boom s a, 8 nail 4 ,Pontoltlc8 Imlld-

A sh o ry P a rk . T eeth e itrn o te d p aln lou ly w ith ­o u t .ronderlp* th e p a tien t unconscious. Gas ad ­m inistered. Onicfl hours: 0 a . tn. to S p . m .

r . F . d o r a n / d . d . s .DRNTI8T. 8uccqssor to the Boston D entists.

715 M attison avenue, luckier Building.

CLAUDE V . OUERINLA.W OFFICES. T ransacts ireneral leoal busi­

ness. A dcnow ledcm enta taken fo r a ll states. Itoom s 9-10 Appleby Building.

" W ILLIA M C . BYRAMa t t o r n e y a t i a ^ a b te i i in o h Yi

“ BST&ppKtyBiiliaiD*; ftgouryPftrt.-N .-Jr'—

WM.C.COTTflELL-AIIOHITKCT. P lana an-i epeoincatlons fur.

nlnbed a t nhort-notlce. - H otel Work a apoclalty 415 Lake avenue, ■ I .SiUOiL A. Bnooac Siinm t A-. Ahkmb

BROUSE &'ARENDArchitects.*' OSI.Cheatnut street^Philadelphia

ForstJtfcbejr B Jtldlng, Trenton, N. J . Appleby Asbury Park* N. J . , •

DR. V. B. HEIGHT, ,VHTEItlNAKY BUJtGKON. Treaty. all a»l

, mala. Ofllce 508 Sewall avenue. Telephone No. 8.‘ .aburyrPar^ir-^TJ _. . ...

DR. H . C. M ILLA RV E T Itn iN A niA N . W Anbury avenue. Tolo-

' phonjl No. 80 f . ,. J)ogs u npedalty .

ICYCLES ..Dayton

"--•L Yalel.;B a in es

T ribune

Orient ' . Cleveland Spalding . White :

Eagle '' Crawford Quaker,-a Sterling,>

Thoso a to somo oftfio wheels I nm selij.BK Ui|«y.etiiKv. : A - t ' v '


H lvThad. Vanrjer^oer is Iir charge of Inly repair shop. This Insures prom pt and re ­liable ropafrlnff. . • ■ , / ,

Lessons Given and Wheels lor Renting.'

. M i L , . F E R R I SCentral Hall 7 (4 M attUon'Avenue

Lawn MowersIf you w ant io hnvo a nent lhwn It regulres frequent cutting, and we have ju s t tbe . machine th a t will do the work, to perfection.' W e have live

-dlfferentrlithaB'to'BGlnntrfromrana'aH we have handled these jnachlnes for the past ten years we are sure they will give satisfaction. Tho prlco stu ris u t $2 50 and runs up to *12.50.

G re e n W ire C lo thWhile the price was low we secured a larffe quan tity of the cloth and are, going: to £lVe cufltomera1 eome bar­gains. We have it In galvanized and copper as well. W e/havo chicken wire th a t we are Rolling by tho roll or less ftt rock Fottom prices. 7

Notice is hereby given tbat George X. Miiler of the TownBbip of Neptune, countv' of‘Mdnmou h, State of New Jersey, hath made a general as. signment of his estate, for the equal benefit of liis creditors. Timr, said assignment - was'made on April lO.'A D., 10)0. That the estate assigned consiats of* personal property and two-lots of

land with bulldinus thereon, located In the Jto^cnshlpjit-Neptuiie^LuJshlclLplacaJthelsaldaa^

tu aa signor carried on airpen'er and building busi­n g s .- Take n:uce; tli at all. claims of creditors against tnid estate must be presented under oath orafllrmali n to the said assigbea a t Room fi, Appleby Building, Asbury Par»r, N. J„ witnln three months fiom of ,said general-a«- fllgnineut, or the same Milt be birred lrorn com* Ing in for a dividend of said estate.

* K A N K b . O A K b b Y , A s s i g n e e . (- . • Iloooi 0, Appleby Bbilding.

A v h u r y P a r k , C L A U D E V . G U E R I N . A t t ' y f o r A s s I g a e 'C

Batea:ApriU9^ifeuo.. , ♦ : • ico-ioo-iiBus

Field and Garden UtensilsStee), ''woed and wire rakes, hoes,

^ , grass _edgerd, pruning shears, handplows, seed drills, cultivators, plows, wheelbarrows and other goods too

. numei'ous to mention. '

Butchers’ Articles eealea^cIeaV£rB,-ataata.-knlyea,-Hai?a^

AU articles are guaranteed to bo as represented.

J . p . N B W I s I N17 3 Main Street


Cime Cables


-AND-THE— - .

HilanlfeCoast EleElriGfi.' B. Go.Via PLEASURE BAY

~I.E A .V E PLEASURE BAY ' ' Wcok days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . T.20a. m., 3.10 p.m..

RETURNING LEAVE NEW YORK -FootAVp3t1StU st.™„,.0-<>0 arin„ S.40 p m."B SttW P a rk . . . . . . . .u^O . “ 8.10. “ -

. BUND AYS.Leave Pleasure B ay...........

N;-YTrfnnb-Wi;stinth at.B attery P a r k . . . . . . . . .

....8.15 p.m.i tm r

...0.30 •“

baggage carried free with nansenKors.T.ike car which leaven Anbnry Park not later

ihr.■» o.tfo a. m. for? 2ua. ni. boat. Kor afternoon boat, take fur not’ later than S.20 p. ni. HuntlaystlniBdino........... . ' -

THE PEOPLE SAY’.. We have the boot lighted stor« In toirn.

We'll, wa u»e tlie TROUBETZSKOY ACET.Y* LENB aAS QF.NERATUR. Call aud hot It. .

LET US REPAIR YOUR BICYCLEarid It will ruaeasler than it ever d li before, .and .• re will do thtf work.cheaper thiiu anyone 61se. yr^ wiu call for your wheel

fjft E b G A R S O O Y> t 512 1-2 Cookman AOpp. Partridge &^cfiard,son*8,


C U R E P lI iK S ,And all rectal disorders or monev Refunded. (Peasant -Not a physic. A radical cure. & Cbas JrBlaokjT. SU-wart, Lt O. Orcnelle, ot\ of Ett’a Drug Co., Philo. Pa. Pleaso try It.


N ew SurreysR unabouts

J agger W agonsand H arness

FRIDAY, MAY IIC o m m en c in g a t 1 p . m ., a t

Rockwell Hotel Yard, Broadway, Long Branch: ' .

Terms—CASH. Everything Bold to the highest bidder. i ■

JACOB C. SHUTTS, Anclloicer

Notiee-of General-Assignment

STE E L AND p o rtn n t C linnprow C'oniItiiy—Cha r ge

AurntnHt iinten Q.uttMhe«l.Now York, May. 10.—The Iloi'iild says

lliflt (•hniigi‘s__o£^iiiii»ortance. in the por- soiiiii'i -of-tlie Aim*ri.eair SK't'l ijiul AViro company inmingt>im>iit lire* to ;he imitle to­day. UnU'ss pri'.sont plaiiH nve' du\^gL*d 1’roHMlcnt John Lanvlmrt will sever, liis connection with the company ami will- he succccdoil iii tin* hoard of directors by President/ K.Steel company. • L. Sm ith arid H er man S ideken are slated to succeed Iieu- ry Sellgimin and Frederick S trauss, who resigned from the.d irectorate 'on Monday.' All three of these .men are close persoiial l’viends of John \V. (»ates< I t is> under­stood -tiiat -these, 'eliiinges w are deehled upon a t u m eeting o f the Streel and W ire ' ilireetors heUV late • yesterday afternoon. The successor of Mr; ^am ber.t as presi­lient has heen tleclded upoin.Uut infor.nia- fIon upon this point could not be ohtuin- ed. PresidcMit O aiy fs selection for a PlaceTiTTTh- S t eTTTuid- W i le - boa rd^sjii guests a closer alliance between the "company imd tlie Kederal Steel company. * ;

A decision favorable, to ifoiui W . Cij\tos;. cliiiiVma n. o f the - boa id ,of directors o f I the American Sleel and WI re company, who

.'was charged witli violnliou' oC s^ytimi (HI <>f the jienal code, was remieVed la s tn ig h t by M agistrate Zeller, who presided t l t th e hearing- in the private ex^minntion .V0oln of the (> n te r* .s trce t‘(ui«>t. T lie. stenog­rapher wrtjs some time in trausc.Hlnng liis minutes, und it' w as U p. m. .before the m agistra te concluded his perusal of theft"! iind aun.nincji'd^his *dee|sipn a t his olliee U T 'tlie B cnnert. buildiiigTr~,,In^my T»plnv~ Ion ," he says. “Fhei'e is no endejiceS\TinP" ev^’r to - Ifold tin* iliiTeiitla n t jmider seetian- 011 -of the penal code. T ^e complaint is 1 herefore dismissed and . the.._dcfendaut_ •iischarged.” - ' - " - / \{ m

_X e w n r k »|* c‘H l>ytcrj- F o r X *>\i: C r e e d ..New York. May ,10.—The Newark j’N.

J.) presbytery has udoptiMU^bo following overt are,-« ir e s e n te d b y t l ie 'H e v . ;-.S.rA. Jilii. m in d : TJ l ii_ p r e s 1 »y4;(» ry—- o tp-Xfiwarlc,.^tliat;* our ehurcli greatly needs a short, shnphMrrecd sta ting tlie essential tru th s o f C ln istian itjv which may he used

n-^iUeri i ative,; f < > ur,ou i^b rose n kJ* ta i i a id s by those Presi>yterians choosing xto do so, and preferring th a t our timo hoh- oretl confession should. reiiiain unchang- eil, hereby overture Ihe gcnerixl assem­bly to appoint a. representative Cqnimit- tco ' to take steps t o . form ulate such .’n creed,’’

S lid Trnit'ctly; I n S c r a n t b i i i ;• ;Scranton,: -Pa.tXXUiy 10.—A d e ^ p e ra te ,

a ttem pt to ’kill lierseif^aml two children- was liuitie yesterday b y . M rs. vMury AVeatlierssVv Usitig"U‘ slinrp tnW e*“lcidfeh she cht’ the th ro a t ol!* hor 'C-yca^-pld tbuighteiv then . gashed her m vii. th roat tiiiie am i again • and “ followed ; hp* by. potimliug herself on the^heiid witlh it liiitchet. She lmd th e hatchot raised over, lici* lO-mpfith-oId child w hen ,slul “A‘ll ex- 4mustefl',fe»‘the~floac^- XUfLdnug)iter,jit' Is t bought,—Avi 11—recorer, b\it tmly small hopes ai^> entertained £pr .the motlipty. */,t V : ’ ii — ^

J , Q. Hood, Justice of the-Peace, Crosby, .MlflB;, m&kes the following. Btot^mentj :“I can certify thafc Onfii, Minute Gough Cure will do all that, Is.claimed,for I t . : My wji'o cotild notr'gethor hreatlr-nTid tho :first dosa of i t tel loved* her. If, has also bcriellto:! my wholo family.” I t acts Imiuedlately and oures. coughs, coldR. croup, gilppe, ■bronchitis, nftthma nnd nil th ro a t and lung troubles. W. t l . Ham, 107 Main street;


. . . FOIt. )VEB^ KXIJfNU MAV 5, 1900.'• V ,N12PTUXK TOWXsillP.W illiani. Boggs u> lieury. D. S tringer;

lo t at> Aslm ry Parte, $1. . , . • • !* .; E dw ard F. M llliken to Francos M. •Wil­liam son; lofc at-^VslMjiy P a rk , *

llenriOfctii -Haiiibleii iiiicl Mnislmnd * to (:b;orgo W . Thom pson; lot a t A sbury Park .$1- -v

H enry D. Strln'g^r to CaVoline P n rk - h a r t: lofc afe A sbury 1‘ark , $1.

W illidni F . Tobin^to Isaac W . R ichard­son;, plcco of liroperty- a t W est A sbury •Park. $1. ■.

W illiam F. Tobit^ to Susan R . Thorne; piece, of property a t West. A sbury,Park, $1.

W illiam F ..T o b in Io Hostel le Jj. lltsvev.; piece of nroperty a t W est'A sbury P ark .^ l.

W ilhehnina Drummond to Jjcwis W . Asiiy; lot a t W est'A sbury P a rk , $204.25.

,T. li. B radley to .lane M. Jjippincott;" ’land a t W[est Aslmry. P ark , ^ 5 5 0 ....

Isaac K. Richardson and others to W il­liam F ..T obin ; lot a t W est A sbury P ark . SI. '■ •

A lexander Kennedy to N athan—Jfr Holm es; tw o lo ts a t Ocean Grove, ?;i,000

Gideon T.' Sinlthenm n, adminrstmttor’ to Ida A.-Maps; lo t a t Ocean GroVo, $1.- - jI o na than rYrM ori‘1 s^:oJ;u\VlST} SKilFrtiT 'lot a t W est Gi'Ove, $7(K). -V.

Mary 15. AHwoikT and huslmnd to George .SIcKles^.lfit a t ‘VYanainassji, $800.

Frederick S; Biirintln to George Clarke;piece of property a t Asbury P a rk , $1.

Elizabeth B. Sm ith arid others to ilelt .T. Sm ith; lo t a t Asbury. P ark , SI.

New : Jersey Building Jjotin association id*lin'.estnTR'nt.c\)inpaiiiy to ilichael Bal-

Ierino: lo t a t W est Asbury Pai’k, $1. -W illian i B .F lav e ll to A rm enia Reid; lot

a t W est A sbury Park , $ 0 5 0 . zi—^ ,.^- Susie T ru ax to John H. T ruax ; lot a t

W'est Asburj^’P ark ; ftl,tH)0.Ocean G roVo'Camp *■ M eeting . association

S tr ik e T lirenten .e’d Iii KnriHn» C ity .K ansas City, May .10.—A strike tfmt

may tic up all thi».lines of the Metro* politan Street R ailw ay company is th rea tened ''and may occur, wlthip the next 24 lifters. The M etropolitan con­tro ls all stVeet railw ay trailie in K ansas City and .K ansas City, K an .,-w ith the 7L\T(flTtlon;nif^hirraili?r^vm ^ofi?r^iO Tf‘ line. The company employs about 1,500 meii. ' A t a meeting last night at which 000 of these employees were represented it wiis voted to serve an 'ultimatum on tlie

H elcif'com pany demaiuling 120 cents au hour fur

to Rachel T ilton ; lot a t Oceiin <3rove, $50.Ocean Grovo Camp M eeting association,

to R ichnrd~M :-~l?nrgu‘?on; ~ lo t' a t Ocean Grove, #250. • * . .

.M ichel T ilton to Murgjirct W in throp : lo t a t Ocean 'Grove, $300.

M argarot W inthrop to A lexander .K en­nedy; lot n t Ocean Grove, $525.

Charles C. Copeland to M. P o rte r T u tt le ;’ lo t Ut BwjUevJii'ach, $1.

M. P orto r 1’u tfly £6 Charles C. Copeland; lot atr’B^adley B«icb?|fl. ; -y ■' Jan n jsA . B'nidleyr to M aryU . Tichenor;

lo t a t Bradley Beach', $700,M trP rospect cemetery to Jo h n Mr Dev;

cepietery lot,,$1.WALL TOWNSHIP:

W . A . Heisley and 'others to Munasquun G in vel company: plccp of -property, $1.' .Hciir>r C. Barer tto .borough of N orth S p d n u Jjak e ; lot at. N orth_Spring LnkLy 2tJ2.w>. |

Emilio P o st to borough of‘N orth Spring I^ako; lot a t North Spring Liike, $202.50.

Ja m es M, Y anN oto ,to Sam uel Havens; lo t a t M anasquan, $1. - '

Charles 11. C lay ton to H arry E rrickson ; lo t a t Sp ring hake, $l25r -

George W . Thompson to H enrietta HanT- blen; .70 lo ts a t Key'Knsty^l.-. ,

Jan o Reiusen to borough STprliig Ijafce?; piece o f property. $t. - '

Sam uel A. Patterson to - . M anasquan Gravel company; pledo of property; $1. *. .Lizzie 35. Jjawsdell and husbantl to Jo h n iiinilcy. 16 t i l t-lvayuEast, -$2,000,

Jo h n Smiley to Lizzie E. Wlws(lull; lu t a t Key-East, ¥2,iHHi. • ' . . . ■

M orton G. Form an to W illuun J.J .B ow ­man;-. lo t iit Key Hast, $5,000.

F ra n k Ij. Janew ay to Holmes V . M. Donnis, j r . ; two lo ts ‘a t N orth Si)rlng Idikc, 11,000. "

Khvood Brand to** F rancis A'. (Slocum; Jo t a t W est Bel mil r / 5700.. A u stin Voorluvs to^Ju lh i M errick; lot n ear M anasquan, .^50 . ....

D avid S. Crater, n^iRtejr. to Jo h n 'H .P a t­terson; land a t Ware’s Creek; $5120. '

.Sheldon A . T iltop imd htislwuul to Arc.h- it>ald .A . T ilton ; .lo ts In liichard T ilton 's cenib tery ,§ l. ' v . • *•.—-K°nVn’« llon'inVtatiro B r i d g e . ....

^^A ru rid g -e-l li- tlre -fo iMnn m n i ■■ w _£eriiyJias-just-bucn opened'at-B ouenfO ir1 th e iRiver. Seine. Tn o rd e r tom void in - tbrferenfce -% vith-sliipptnff,-it_\vus­te rm in e d to p lace .no s tr u c tu r e in the s tre a m , o r iiea r i ts surface,.. J n s te a d of a b r id g e in « n y o t-iho b rd in n ry form s, a h o r iz o n ta l l lo o H fi^ / s iis ta in cd by -stqc| to w ers aiul su spension cables, w as

t r e tcbed^acro^s-t lio _riy e r-a t-a iu e l eva-- tio n i o f 1G7 fitet. .O ri'tliis flooring run . e l ^ t r ically -dr i vpn rollers',' from w in el F is suspended,’ by’s te e l ropes. u, cin 'r^v 11 1 civ - nVdYns, a t , (tlTC“ lTrre l'*o1^tlr(^ \vharVes o n th e river b a n k s . T he c a r is HG fe e t w ide^ind ‘i2 ,fe q t long*, and is lu rn ish e d , lik e \t iferry boa t,, w ith a e : co n m io d a tio n s ' fo r,;carriages an d fo o t p assen g ers. Tlie ro p es1 t ln i t c a r ry th o hang ing , c a r a re in te r la c e d d iag o n a tly j .in ’speh aV m n n n e r 'tlia f th e su p p o r t is .rigid,. hnj;l. ti sw inging m ot ion is avoid- '.c d .^ Y o a th ’s.C.oinpanion. - ... /

TJiUe. Good One—IMi'e d rln k s so m pcli iie w ill tu r ii in to a .B0»t!: !

T lie O thpr One—S|i6,uldn’t w onder. T li e l a st.-tl ’m c 'I s a vv’h t m he w as tu rn in g inttf a sa lo o n l—rN.,Y vP ress. •

B cniir& o f a Co n g li. - * A cou gh Is n o t a d isease buc^^a-syTTipfom;

C om um pcioh and bronchitis, w liich are tho m o st d an gerou s nnd fa ta l diepasog, h a v e fo r th e ir fir st ind ication a p ersisten t cou gh , an d' If pro^bWy tretttea ' aB vsopn as th is coi?gh;appears.are ea s ily cured. C ham hef- la ln ’s C ough R oniady.lias provon w onder- fu l ly successfu l,-and ga ln e^ i t s w ido rep u : ta tiou and ex ten s iv e buIq by j t s su c cess in c u d n g th M ls o n s e s w hjoh ca u se c o u g h in g . I t f t is n o t b en efio iaU t w ill n o t co s t y ou a cent.' F or .sale b f T . 'M. S tew a rt, qornor C ookm at^avenuo and Bond street;

• Mrs. Sophie Hnrrisoi) o f .West Philadelr- is 'Visiting w ith Mrs. R. M. McK uhe

20:2 Seventh avenue, th is ci.tyt : ■ •Simonides- Court, No. *1, Tribe of Ben

Hur, will hold a stm w beriy festival in Odd. ■Fellows’ hall, 22-1 Main street?, F riday eve­ning, May 18. • a .

Mrs. J . K. Black of Pottstpw nj Pa., is a visitor a t tlur home of her daughter,. Mrs. K. E. Ejipehimer, 00 ijaw rence avenue Ocean Grove. . - *• J . B. Thompson has returned from Jack* sonvillo, Fla., to Ids home a t MS Embury avenue, Occam Grove, after filling a re­sponsible* position. since last fall a l the

one of tho J?lijnt> system . hotels; Tomorrow a t -I o'clock the iimtinet* whist

Cor the benefit of th e hospital a t Long Bmnch will- be rosuiucd at the home of Mrs. E. H. W ilcox, <»15 A sbury'avetn^e coriipr. Bond street. The m atinees wen discontinued .previous to the len ten season

Tonight, the stn iw berry and ice cream festival of the West Grove Epw orth I^cagii opens in thu store room .at 14H i la in street, to continue tomorrow and Saturday nights. The adm ission price includes straw hi* it Ic? and cake. Ice cream w ill be.ori sale, San ford’s orchcsti’j iw illfu rn ish ;nti^ic.

. W ife C h a rg e s N o n -S u p p o r t .Charged by His wifej w ith non-support,

Benjam in H, Pcarcciof N eptune township was arrested th is m orning b y ‘Constable Ham pton,/upon the complaint^of Overseer

“o f lh e Poor Jo h n y . W hite. ’ Thecmipi(» do not live together, but th trhusband hiis sig- nilied his w illingness to contribute towaitl his wife’s -sujjport. Pearce, was; reh«islhI pending a hearing; which will take place in Justice B orden 's oithse tonight.

P ttte s V or T r ia ls to b e F ix e d .Most of th e indictm ents foriiid by the

Mav grand j ury, w hieh a(lj()ur.ned .ut Free­hold Tuesday were for nil rioro tie uses. The gm m l 'ju ry , wheii the .indictm ents were taken in to 'co u rt, sta ted th a t the m atters called to th e ir a tten tion by Judge Collins -had been investigated. Judgo Heisley notified the court, constables to have tlie indicted persons arra igned as soon as pos­sible, .in order th a t the dates for tria ls could Ik? fixed a t once.

all men who have been In the employ.of the company for one venr. 10 cents for allothers aipl completed recognition o f tin union.. The men have been working un­der, a graduated scale of. 15 to 20 ccuts-an hour.’ A committee was appointed to present these dem ands to President Holmes.

l lo c l ie i i tc r 'n {jW e lco jn c t o O tU . ;Rochester, May 10.—President II. B.

H athaw ay of tlio -Rochester'Chamber: of Commerce luis received ii telegram from Congressman. O’Grady, who is now in W ashington, saying th a t President Me* KinWy had .set Friday, 3Itiy 11, a t 10 a. m,„ a t whieh t imeJie„wiiLrccch:e_a__eom^ m ittee composed u'f^Mr.* Hathawny>~Mr' O’Grady arid' ex-Congressman B rew ster, who goes, to W ashington tomorrow, to extend an in vital io n to the chief exeeu— tive to be present a t the O cele­bration in th is city .Tunc 15. The com­m ittee will also visit Senators Depew and P la t t , A ssistant Secretary of W ar Hill, Admiral, Dewey anil others and endeavor to secure the assurance of their presencein this city a t the same.time:

J im H o w a r d S u r r e n d e r * .Frankfort,- Ivy.. May lO .^Jim H ow ard

who was named i>y"0ulton and o ther wit- 'Uesses as the uiuu who probably tired tlie shot ^yliicli killed Goebel, surremlereil ift th e 'ja il .h e re . last night. . l ie arrived in ih e custody of Sheriff Beverly W hite of Clay countv and John G. W hite of W in­ch ester. Sheriff W hite says, t ha t H ow- ard told him when his name was lirst niejitioned .in conuectiou with .the assassiuaJion~t!imT^he->yaHiuuoce!jt.and-would- Burrender whenever he wa.s wanted.

ID oIe’i* N o m in a t io n C o n firm ed . W ashington, May 10.—T he.senate has

confirmed the. following nominations: S; B. Dple to be governor, and H enry 10. Cooper to be secretai*y of H aw aii; E. (.’. ' Bellows of W ashington, to be'consul gen­eral a t Yokohama; H enry Bordewieli of Minnesota, to be consul general at C!hris- tiania, "Norway; .T. M. Oat, to he post­m aster a t H onolulu. _______

Payorite Remedy Wins91 Out of Every Hundred ;Using

It Are Cured. :

Never Such Searching Investigations . Given a Medicine Before.

For Kidney, Liver, Bhdder or BIood — D iseases^lt'HasN o" Equal.

Trial Bottles Free.

J f .y-Q.iUiiro .J iu lQ ub t w ho tlier you liaveKidney or Bladder dlsoasoj just put some o£ youv urlno in h glass tumbler and let If. stnnd‘J4_ hours; It It.hnBtt sediment, or u milky oioudy appBaninco, if It is ropy or stringy, pale JS^dlscolored, your Kidneys or HlAdder are sick.

Othor serious symptoms tire pain in the back, fre.iuont denlre to uriimto, especially at night, a lutrainir, sealclinjt pain in pa?a- ing urino or when your urine stains linen..

Tho ono outo euro for-dlseimcs ot tho Kld- noys, Liver, llludder and Blood,’Hhetima- t ism, Dyspepsja, Chronic Constipation and Ihe sicknesses peculiar to women Is Dr. David Kennedy's Kavoilto Hemedy. It. has cured in many cases where.; all olso failed anil lsj!old lit drug stojes rtfr ?1 for a largo 'UaTtTefoi- six bottles for-$5. *

,.By, a speelal arl'sngement with tho rnanu- laeturers w eoltcr ouri-eadeis the oppor-. tuolty of getting a trial bottle of tli's Invn’- uabloTremedy absolutely frce.wliich wlii be sent postpaid to anyoiip who wiH'send llioh- address to the.Dr. DaVld Kennedy Corpora­tion ,. Romlout, -N. Y., and menUpu this paper.'

Tho publlshor'.'of this paper punrontecs. tho genuineness of tills llboral olTur. '

w Our stores are growing in popular favor every day. ’ y y High quality and low prices are bound to be heard : y

¥ f r o m * ' > ; V ■ l ¥ :


EVERY-D AY PRICESCondensed Milk 8c can-'

G o o d P e a rs io c c a n .

B a b y O l i v e s I O C b o ttl< j2 N Ic c M a c k e r e l ib r 7c

; , G o o d K i c e j i - i c lbG o o d Coflfec. ln g r a in 15 c lb '

O u r P r in c c s s C o ffee a t 25c 11> n e v e r fa lls to p le a s e

E x c e lle n t m ix e d T e a 3 5 c l b . / ,

L a r g e gliw s J e lly only 5 c

B e s t & i a i u l l y ,F l o u r 4 9 c s a c ,k 5 l b ' p a i l a s s o r t e d J e l l y 21c

■Worcestershire Sauce 5c bp ttle



Wo guarantee everything we sell to glve0atiflfactlontor your money refunded.:, y Our specials are sold for CASH ONIiY and will not be charged a t these prices,Our specials are sold for CASH ONIjY and will not be charged a t these prices,


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The Twin Cities Best OutfittersSATISFACTORY SUITS

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We h'a e them in different shades of blue, and cut in single or double breasted sack coats. ' 'Of course, we alsojhav&Tthem.-in better grades at $10 and $12. They are satin lined throughout the cpa^and'^ t - _____ .; - ‘ ' ► ' • ; . • “



Lc Maislrc sOlven t# every purchaser of ONE DOLLAR’S WORTH OF

GOODS during ogr Alteration Sale. ‘

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All ild s sprlnR’s designs. Ehper Hanging and Painting a specialty.Paper bought from us wllj bo trimmed fr£» of charl'u^-.. .. .. ..

New jersey Pecor ting Co. 616 Cookman AvenueRmoch, Newark ‘ ^

T h e P r e s s c o n t a i

Page 4: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX


Thi; Daii v P ress,K8TM3USHED 18B7

t J . L. KINMONTff, E D IT O R A R O P R O P R IE T O R .



'dOl .U a ttH o n A v o n u e , A s b u ry P a r k , N* J .

; t b l k p h o w k c a l l s :Editorial RoqmSt, ................BailnesB Office.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T E R M S O F S U B S C R IP T IO N J E v e n in g E d itio n .

One year (strictly in advance}..

n u n ?

Senator Chandler Proposes

Sweeping Reform. ■*


Ope week Single copies

.$3,00 . .06 .. .01

# M orn ing : E d i tio n (Ju iio to S e p te m b e r ) .T en W eeks .....* .............. *......... $100One W eek . . . « . . . -JgSingle Copies - j . ............ .........................

A d T o r tff lin k K a t e * o n - A p p l i c a t i o n . .

R eceives th e t e le g r a p h neves •ser­v ice o f th p P u b l is h e r s P re ss A esocla-' t lb n , a n d ’ th e n ew s se rv ic e o f th e A m e r ic a n P re s s A s so c ia tio n —T w o of t h e bes t.

THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1900.

Th e Populists nn* very busy" holding national convent ions j u s t ’ no\\\ One crowd, thi* fusion element,- a iv yelling

—T dunnsehvshonrstrlnS loux Gi ty, w hile -tho . iniddl(*-of*the;i'oad, simon-pure, uhadul-

terated brand un* equaliy vociferous In 'Cincinnati. The entire aggregation, in­cluding both factions. Will have about as much effect on tiu^ presidential election next fall as the% Prohibition party , which fobbs up 4‘i*enely even’ four years, uomi-

* -nates candidates am i then dlsnppeavVT'. .

'T h e P h ila d e lp h ia S tr ik e . .Plnhitlelphinv M ay -I p.—1The w ar be­

tween the.Allied^Buililin^ Tn\ilu.s Union council, composed of 0 8 trades. w ith-a membership of -5,000, and tiie Brother*, hood of ( ’arpenters and Joiners, with- a

; membership of .4,000, wliieh was begim Inst week as a .result of the .latter organ* izatuyi refusing to affiliate. with the fpj- Jner in .the campaign for an eight hour workday with increased pay will he

.fought to the bitter enil unless a.peaee- maker steps* into the breach. At. a meet­ing of the Allied council yesterday an or­der was issued to »ey i* ry * wo r kman nllili- nted w ith the coiincil j io t to work with a brotherhood carpenter oil arty job. This

* sweeping; action will ha ve the effect , of .. throwing many Tfiofiwinils oP ineii1 out”l)fT . ' work in addition f o ‘the 5,000 mcu now-

idle, The order did not have 111 itch effect yesterday because of the lateness in the

. day when it was issued. - M aster builders and contractors who have granted all the demands made by thi* two lighting labor

. organizations are beginning to complain. ....... and a itumber of them .have. cmragiaUwn ’ I’M'llt"1 Jiw ton

~ unioiPltlboi* in an effort tp tin ish -work

*60 b I P r e v e n t S e n a to r * F r o m R c a i l -Ini? A r t t c le * a n d T h e n H a v e T h e m I n n e r te d In T U c U e c o r d —X o r t li D a ­k o t a T r o o n * .

. W a s h ix o t o S , M ay 1 0 .-^[Special.] —* T lie C ongressional Uecord is a catch a ll for*nearly every th ing , an d a rtic le s a u d le tte rs th a t cannot .am i w oujd not bc“p rin ted any w h ere else iu the w orld a re published iii th is jo u rn a l o f /th e proceedings o f t tie se n a te a ml house of rep resen ta tives, S en a to r C handle r lias, •given not ice of a reform w hich lie in? tends to in au g u ra te so f a r a s th e sen­a te eiid of T he Uecord is concerned, l i e has 'p roposed au am endm en t to the senate ru les w liieh w ilt*exclude every­th in g In the w ay. o f p rin te d m a tte r save th a t w hich is ac tu a lly utteVed lu debate on th e iloor o f th e senate . I t is tru e th a t urnlei* the ru les of the. senate now a u ob jection by a se n a to r^ to the clerk read ing au artic le in the seuiue- w ill compel th e se n a to r to read i t him-, self. S enator C handler’s proi»ositlou is so m uch m ore rad ica l th a n th is rule, however;*' t hat—-It—would-—ex<4utfe~-ull- p riu ted m a tte r an d m ake il th e d u ty of th e presid ing otlicer to even stop sen­a to rs from read in g long a rtic le s fo r the purpose o f p rin tin g them iu T h e Uec­ord. T here a re a g re a t m any a d v an ­tages to a Inan to have an a rtic le p rin t­ed in T he 'Accord, especially if* he W ants to give it .Circulation. A ll, th a t is nec­essary thereafter* is to tak e th is artic le and*have as n ian y eopies p rin ted as he. doslreiC^ind u nder a congressm an’s fran k they can be se n t:to an y p a r t of tlie f l i t t e d S ta te s . M uch o f th e ‘do c-, um en ta ry .111a t ie r p rin ted in Tlie Uec­ord is placed there fo r _fIlls purpose. S enator ' C handler’s- am en d m en t will caiisl‘ considerable talk, b u t it is* fu l if it. w ill ever lit* adopted , a s too m any se n a to rs 'ta k e ad v an tag e o f T he Record’s pages to publish m any a r ­ticles th a t would under no o th e r cir- cu instances see th e light o f day..

’ A G o o d I te e o r d t

within.contract, time.

C ost o f C ro to n S tr ik e .New York. May 10.—County T reasurer

Francis X. Carpenter of W estchester ' county lias received some of the bills of

M ajor General Hoe for the payment of the militia which wflre called out on the rcfpiisitiou.of Sheriff Molloy to maintain order u t the Cornell dam near Croton (luring the recent strike, 'fhe bills re-

..i:ri.vcxl. f«(it..ttii. u “*,0 0 0 . ami. are onlyfor Troop C and Company B of the First

• H*gira**nt o f:. Nfi*tilit A*era«aTT" “AT'tliis rate the whole cost to tlio county of W.eMchcs- te r .of tliV strike will in' souieu |H«p i n iheiii*ighhorh o f $ HUM MM). T b c ^ r a s c o fthe strikers has becu presented 10 thi* W esti'hcstcr .county grand jury, whicfc Inis imitated Aujrcllo Uotillo as beuigouv of the traders «»f the rioter^ and ill others fur part icipat.jnii in it.

- ■ ■ T ! » i ; I c # - C o r l » 0 t T T l « iit,>.. NewO^$i*'kf'--Muy 10.—Charley W hite

'w ill referee the .^heavyweight elianjpion- . i-hip lia'ttleibolwv(-nj.lame'; .1. Jeffries and •blames J . - OirlrtMt in 'th e arena o f , the .tVaside Sporting club at t'*oney Island

, Kriday niglit. , W hite was cliosen a t a meeting between COnsiduu*. representing Corbett, and Itrady, appearing, for. Je f­fries. . ’

H a lifa x E d ito r D ead . H a I ii^ x .-N .J lL J U u y .-.l / L—Alj i in J ln p t . . .

th e -fo u n d er of- Tlie. ^Hrliish Cotonisr Uicwsna.tMMj.- which he ran for 40 year* ' in IIillii'ti.v, and an* intim ate friend of. Charles Tiiii|M*r. ilied last evening, aged is*. The H era ld succeeded The Colonist 25 years ago. 1

Jn a recent- speech fii th e se n a te Sen­a to r H ansh rough ca lle tt a tten tio n to th e good record w hich th e troops from North* D akota had nnide in tlie Philip; fifties. - lie" Va 1(1 *tli7i t Ilfese'Theii cillllP' from the workshops, the olUecs an d th e farm s, an d he presum ed th a t th ey w ere about the. sam e gi*ad(fAif• m en a s catne from o th er s ta te s . B u t lie. instanced th e fact th a t a jiart of the record of th a t regim ent show s ,1 lm t w hen C»en: ;

M a n s i o n i l o U N t * O t t i n v n r n i w i .

London, May lo.—Tin; fund for the re­lief of the vicniiw’Q£*rtie O ttaw a lire has



Admiral IliiiUhorn j;ei»rtits tluti the..baitlcships,Kcaiisatxc.Jand i

Islu^art%S e rio u s d e m o n s tra t io n s a g a in s t tile goVr,

:— mnr r r n t - V- ^ i naur t ; d— j e ntrt.t*U‘;: fro m S n a in . :lnd .th e m i iii s t ry is - s y iY

H'k* g re a t ly n ]n n n cd .. _ . ' * <K'L ig h tn iu z ^ fru ek . "a lo a d e d trU lif^-J.

on th e llo h o k e n -J ’a s s a lc : H n ^ .a m l s««t i t ii tire . A boy nu»i u -w o iiiiiu v rere s lig h tly :

ca lk 'd -fu r a (li'tueliincnt of sQottts Hie N orth D akotn regim ent ofTcted 10 fill'llisl'l nil <if rluMll. T ills tlicgSuei'itl Vo ill 11 uu t allow, a s It would have- eroatwl- sonic jealousy am o n g , o th e r iTKimi‘ins. so. th e re w as a sei«>c-; tlou from tlie various reKlmonts. • Vet, ou t o f the scouts, 10 euuie from tlie X ortli D akota regim ent. T hese w ere, the meu th a t had been tra ined to en ­dure all k inds of h ardsh ips am i pos­sessed o f ‘th e requ isite nerve and to undergo danj-'rious .d u ty . Senator Ilanslirouffh «m tnisted_the..inuuJ!t:QUl. Ills s ta te w ith those from otlfer s ta te s , w here com plain ts.lm d been m ade, unil drew a favoralili; com parison. i

. PrlvfltfKVil. Ilesu lu tiun H .T h e re h a s been q u ite a s h a r p d isa-

g ree tiie tit b e tw ee n S e n a to r I’ry e of M aine, p re s id e n t p ro te m p o re o f th e

.w e» iit» ;rT iirJ~ )^ rf5 r c i i ? iCTrg?7o r y c w ~ U m n p sh ire rt 'j ia n lln K ^ 'tl ie ’ 'l v i l e K e iT e h a ra c le r of re so lu tio n s re la tin g to th e se a ts o f s e n a to rs . I t l ia s a lw a y s been iM)usidere(l th n t e v e ry th in g co n ce rn in g tb e r ig h t of a s e n a to r lo a s e a t iu tlio s e n a te o r a r e p re s e n ta tiv e to a s ea t, in th e h o u se is a m a tte r o f th e h ig h est priv ilege . T h e house m a jiag es th e nyil- te r , w h en a n y c o m e s i is up. b y f irs t ra is in g a . q u e s tio n o f c g n s ld e ra tio n . T iie .r lQ it ' of a n y m e m b e call a c ase

'iT j'ns'si^fllTJrlrlntrtlrt'-lrnttE-T 'Tm rdi'ter^ uiltie w iie th e r o r n o t i t wiH ‘c o n s id e r th e in a tte r . ' S e n a to r ( 'h a u d ie r .c o n te m l- ed d u r in g th e c o n sid e ra lio ii o f th e (Juay e ttse th a t 't l ie s e n a te - w a s - o b l ig e d to ■consider tflf’T 'e lee tio ii V-iise- a iid ' t liiit 11 (.lid iint need a m o tion lo ta k e it up. Senator- I 'r y e he ld to th e c o n tra ry .

'"S en a jjir. ( 'fin n itlc r." sa id lie. “ Is of th e op in ion t_liat a t'esulnl loll..once rep o rted . 'exU m ds i ts e lf o v e r th e s e n a te - ‘e x p ro ­p ria v igore .' an d I a m n o t a t a ll o f th a t sa m e op in ion ." • S e n a to r I 'ry e u sed ail 'im press ion th a t becam e very, com m on iliir iu g .t lie d isc iiss itiu o f th e r o r to Iii-. — ----------- -wrs1-------- -•— ■.,.=.»»*»—


tpsia (iSt— ‘‘A ftet^-B ufrerlha^rrom -severo dyapei over tw e n ty years an d u sin g m.-iny .rj'aie- d ies w ith o u t perraiinent Kwid. \ ttnally took K oiloi nyajfepsln Cure. ?jiH(Ltrie ao ranch

..good I rtf.jmmwnil ii-. tn o t lipT. .1' w ilt .°s ,1 - K. W utklnfl. ' C l w f aifa^nacD raer,—Chrttl"

co llie . Mo. It d ig ests w h at j o u eut. W . U .Ham, 167 Main street.

T ho R o w to F o r tu n e !s ^ U a ro u g li 'p r in te r’£ in k .—P . T . B a ip u a i,

■o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o d o o o o


,It keeps me. in touch with the market wherever I am ; I buy. and sell by wire, and by taking telephonic advantage of a turn

-in the market I have made thousands'of dollars.'

Ih e New York and New jersey Telcplione. Co.

170 B R O A D W A Y " LON(J B R A N C H , N . J .

so m any senato rs 111- "ijii'stittuiou" extelKhsi

'o f its ow n ftircej to i T ( ^ P ^ l t i i '« l - from Spain.

s u c c p . . ; tSt-er know n as

going out. 'a f te r 'alii • j^ r i .^ 'U K ra r i iw l. tiie

L v ^ m ^ n f c ? s r i 5 e m i s inter-in th e in ese rv a tio iro f the Atneriean

'bison. He. secured tlie title of colonel SoinVwhelv ill. the Rocky m ountains,

The Sm ithsonian instlfu tlon . w hich fins chnrge o f tiie National Zoological park, loomed a t W ash^igton. Is anxlpu.s to iiave a, specijneu o f tfm Rocky moun­tain slnjvp.'tjA an im al which.fiome peo­ple' im prbpeiiy re fe r to as the .K oeky m ountain goat. 'T hese slieep a re very hard to. get,. 'A man goes oilt. a f te r them -wffli'fl-lfftJOU long i'tu'i;/e rifle and Hunts for days aud days and even-then falls lo get "tfiese!reiiinrkaUle an im als tiia t m ake tlielr liomes in th e ItoekjLjnotin- tains. bu t.som otin ies s tray to tin* foot- bills ill-, search of a .m ilder cliniale. Ooyijrlinr-Iiousovelt, who is ii.liun tilf of g reat repntntlon; \yho lias klllcd’grizzly and cjim am on bears, WkH,. and o ther large game. w as.never able to come up w ltji a -Itoekv m ountain sheep.. I f “ UiiflaJo",,To«t!s'‘is ab le to ira ji,tb em , he will do more th a n any o th er-m an Inis been aLle to accom plish. •.

A 1m 1t.11 W . D u n n .

J . C K ennedy, Hoanoko, Tentr., sayK can n ot s a y .to o .inuuh'’ for D sW ltt ’a W itch H ale! Salvu. One box o f i l anretf w h a t tlie dootors called a n Incurable u lcer on m y Jaw . ’ 1 C ures p iles and ;>li akin diseases, t o o k our, for w orth less im lta tlou e, W . R . Harp, l i l t M ain s tree t , •' ------- ------ -

ANOTHER YA T ES;i l e p Q l i l l c a n , \ 0111l 111t t e S o u o ( F a

i i u >u h I l I i n o l N ( i o v e r i i o r .

Feoriit, Ills:, ,J\lay 10.—Tlie Itepublicai 5tate cotiveniion yesferday nominated tht following ticket: * For governor, Richara

-Yates of .laeksonyilh*:. for lieutenaiit gov ernoir. William A. Nor.thcott. of lionn

bounty: for secretary <if sfate. Janies A Hose o f l*opc couiity: for aiuiitc>r of slate Jaipes S. McCullough of Champaign; tot staie treasurer, M. O. AVilliamson'*!l"ol (ialcsHung: for attorney general, liow )aiid .1. Hamlin of Shelbyville^-.......

The nomination for. governor was made ou the'fourth ballot after a prolonget struggle..'.. (Jovernor Tanner and Hi? friends worked strenuously for the. nomi ttation' of Judge lOlbridge Ilatiecy of (>hi cago.. It was Ilaneey against a tiehl ot three—Jitdjxe Orrin X. Carter o f Chicago. Congressnian Walter Keoves o f Streatoi and 'Judge lticliard Yates o f Jackson* ville, son of Illinois’ famoHs war govern or. Haneey led on the tirst two ballots On the third ballot a bre^k came, and ’the nomination seetued to be going tc Koeves, —The Haneey lieutenants . then began to transfer tlicit* votes to Yates aud the Jackson villi* man was nmninated nil the. fourth ballot amid great*confu sion. . • •• The resolutions indorse the ndministi'a liim of. Fresident McKinley and reatlinu fl'ie viitire St. .Louis plat form.


I A n o t h e r C a r D y n h m t t e i l - A M i i n M h o

S h o t ? .

N St. Lonis,- Miiy. 10.—A dynam ite ca r tridge.exploded ui|der a car on the Mere

-mac -highhuidK-Hli-vUiou-oC^thu^Suburbak- line with great force yesterday. T h t force of 'the explosion splintered tht trifek. broke off a .section of dnc’‘wheel and cracked the axle. • The car was.occu­pied by a dozen workmen o r the compa ny. iSuccecding tlie explosloii a numbei

hut.,t|ic persons who did the hring w en uot seen and nobdy ou the car struck by a bullet.. ■ . ■

A s a Suburban car on route to the com*, pany’s*'sheds in the w estern p a rt of th t city w as passing the B ap tis t sanitarium ir uum ber o f men gathered in the ground* of the institution threw rocks a t, the,ear. Some one oil the ca r tired a s h o t‘a t the crowd, the imllet Hading lodgment in tht breast olVFrank Lebreciit. . T he wounded man attem pted to 'e n te r the sanitarium , but fell dead on»reacliiug the tliior..

One story is th a t a police otReer on the car liii*d the shot. D an Donovan was placed under a r re s t by the police charged with liting the fatal bullet. Donovan is employed in a m inor capacity by the rail­way company. ' •\

A d m i r a l D e w e y I n X a i i h r i l l e ,’•N ashville, May 10.—Heralded hy .1 lie boom of cannon, the. scream of whistle? antl--shoiUH“of * mul tit udes'^erowding-t htr Streets.'A dm iral and Mrs. Dewey reach eil Tennessee’1* capital last even fug. At tlie Union depot the throng tilled ever> available space aud extended far up the avenues reaching the station. T he iid miral and party w<*re niet by thej^overn

staff in d ress , nnit’onn. a ml e.seoirteal ti,.their carriages*, around which w as drawn

cordon of soldiers, a rem nant of tlu: fam ous F irst"T ennessee 'vohm teers that* Dewey -had known in the Fhilippines. T he presence - of -these hrave._boys wa> quickly noted by. the adm iral, who ex claimed, **Oh, I .know 'em,- and bravt boys they are too!” H e bared his head in their honor and remained standing, in his carriage udtil the line w as passed Admiral and M rs. Dewey rested until 1 o’clock, when they attended a dinner at the'.M axwell given by sta te officials and members of the Chamber of Commerce:1 Today' the grand iloni 1 'p a r a de~ hirfce/ place,—which—\v ilL-Juy:..rc* viewed:. Uj*._thi. city’s distinguished guests.'

V cm iivIun S t i l l V io le n t .Volpe. Italy , May 10.—During Tuesday

night t lie - erupt ion of " Vt'snvhis^sligh tl.v diminished in violence, b u t ,fh e volcano threw projectiles to a* height* o f not less thnu-!»00-meterK-lo28-yards.i.—HoAveveiv there lijis been a recnidescenee. Tlx*seismogmphic instrum ents iu the oliserv- n to ix^and 'the agricultural college^ are violently agitated, which gives fears o f a lateral outbreak on* the eoue above the present crater. Lava wns projected 400 meters (oOil yards). People living around the volcano-are panic stricken,/ (earing the formation of a fresh .crater. Stream s >f lava have even covered the upper part

of the cordoite cone.

D in n e r t o I t o o n e v e lt . «—■Wtitdtingtons'—M ny—.Hlj—■Oovenior^and- Mrs.. U(>oseveIt w w the guests of holloi sit*a dinner given by their host. C’aptajn and Mrs. Cowles, la s t.night. The othei guests inclmfr*il Secre't a ry and Mrs. Hay, Secretary and MrsT IlitcUeoek; Senator M utt of New York', Senator K ean^of New Ji'rsey ami M rs . Beale. The gov­ernor hist night declined to make an.v statem ent respecting his position on the question o f the viee*prcsidontiu! nomina­tion, saying that f he had not talked fhr puljiicaVioti on that, m atter since his a r­rival in W ashington.

G o d d a r d W tiiK l' iK h ( W i t h H vkh.• -X e w V11iJf, .? Afa y ^ lB i—^ ^ i ^ i ^ h t ^ ‘11—ilih=i k l hat ‘Cimrle

lli 'ss not'legally elected, as a del*' egate- to IMiiladerphia by tht* ltepuhiioau convention of the Tew elfth congress ills- tri<'tv.* I ’he court, o rd ers 'th a t a new con­vention be held.- The night the conven­tion was held two inch were debitrVcd fit mi voting *)ii au injunction obtained by I I Vss. He ss was..declared elected by a m ajority «)f one. T ins w as disputed by Captain (JodiFanl, who alleged tim t Iles.s was illegally elected. • * 1

Bloomslnirg, I*a.. May 10.—The first, thunderstorm of the seastifi has swept over this section and proved a ; great blessing, us it effectually stopped thi* forest -fires, so t h a t . the fighters now have them .com pletely under-control, J a ­mison City, which wa>s threatened to be wiped o u the flames, is now out of danger; _______‘_____ . .

S ta tn c o f .V irg in ia .Berlin, May 1 0 ;—Mr. Mo^es Jacob Kzc

kiel, the sculptor, has s e n t lo the United S ta tes by "the Ilandrtirg liner Pennsylva­nia ir m o n u in en t,'/‘Virginia Mo tun in For H er Dead," for* flu*. Virginia Mill* tary lin s titu te , of. which tlie sculptor is a, rradtiate. I t wns tmst in I^riedrichshageiiT

K lifd tv c* .May V lo lt U n i t e d S ta te * .London. • M ay 10.—-'l*lie (Jairo corre­

spondent of T he Dally Mail says: ’’The ithedive when fiivitlg* ilni audience to an A merlcifii expressed the hope th a t he •tiight. he ilbhs to’-visit -tho-Unik'd States, possibly in 1001.” . *

The eaBleat and myat effective method of purifying the fcibofl atifl InvIgoratihBT the system Is *to take D eW ltt’s L ittle . E ir ly Riser#, the famous Httie pUIs for ‘cloajislm? tbe liver and^bowels* W . R: Ham, 10’ Main s tree t,' k

Miss Florence Nowmau, who has been a g rea t sufferer from muscular- rheum atism , says Chamberlain^ Pain Balm Is the only remedy th a t affords her relief. Miss New­m an Is a much respected resident of the village of Gray, N. Y., aud m akes th is sta tem ent for tho benefit of otbnra sim ilar­ly afflicted. wThis liniment Is fo r sale by T. M. Stewart., corner Cookman avenue and Bond etreeet. _ ...

Advertiaementa contam m g not m ore, than tw enty-five w ords inserted under thin heading fo r tw enty-live cents first lueertion and fifteen centa each subsequent ln sem on .

A girl . . . fJ Second avenue.

W A N T E D .for genera l ' housew ork. Call Rt 805

1 IS 14*

W A N T E D .An exnerienco’l w om an aa attend im t'pnd com -

taoion fo r an old lA d y , an iavalid. -Address G. .Jb'ostofilce, A sb n ry> nrk . . 113.113*

S p e c i f J i a o m i s t m j i t t s

S P R A Y V i m V V I L L i ,S pray View Villa, 312 A sbury avenue, ils now

open for th e season. R educed rates to r Mfev and Juno . J. E . 'i Homas, C D . Sm ith *! '100-14*

F O R S A L E .1 onyx soda fountain, com plete, new; i show

case, 4 f t; long; 18 nickel candy trays, 1 doz. B odo> holders, ailver; 8 doz, soda glasses, 2 p a ir fine coun ter scales; also candy ja ra , Ice cream dishes, soda spoons. loo cream and candy boxes, 8 doz. p e n t wood cfiairs, 4 tablce, e tc A pply a t S trick - Tan1 B ro s .\ 618 Cookm an avenue, o r H arry Uuffle.'d, 010 A sbuiy avenue. A sbury P a rk .N . J .

• - VCtf«.

F O R B A L E .Soda founta in (MathewcR) 12 syrups, f

o rau g h ts, good as new ; alsoBabcock ca rbona tert glassw are, silverware, «&c., & c , fo r comple'.e soda fountain outfit. M organ & Parsons, Hotel B runswick. 9?tf

W A N T E D .Man fam iliar w ith th e ca rria«6 and harness

business and col ectlog. A ddress Box 24, P itsS' office. • 312.8*

W A N T E D .By a lady , good room , w tth flrstclass board, in

Rmail co ttage with m odem -conveniences. R ef eroncea given and required. Box 23, P ress office.


w a n t e d .Two produce sa le sm en .' M ust be hu stle rs; one

bookkreper. R eferences required. J . N. S hu rtz , TenBroeck’s m a rk e t, 654 and 550- Cookman ave­nue.- ' | ‘ . 112-14

W A N T E D .A sm all p riva te fam ily w ishes to r e n t one'

furnished room ; te rm s reasonable. Address. Home Comforts, Box H'4, Press office. 112-14*-

B O A ^ D E R H W A N T E D .Boarders can secure first-class accom m odation

a t tho B uckingham ,-804 F o u rth avenue; te rm s reasonable; house heated , gas and electric lights .......... ••••■■----------------------- M rs. Geo.b a th an d .a ll the com rorts o f home,M.Uey 88 tf

. G L O V E CLKAI^lKH.Ladles, clean yo u r kid gloves w ith L a Belle

Qlove Cleaner, It Is n o t a liquid L eaves no o do ran d can be uspd w hite tbe glova Is o h tho band. F o r B a le only * a t Chadwick’s pharm acy , 014 Cooliman avenue. .

T H E C R O W N )145 Main avenue. Ocean Grove. Open al the

year. The most homelike boarding house In Ocean Grove. 8 team heat, baths and all im­provements. Termri reasonable. • . *SS2tf

W A N T E D .Carpets - to -c lean -b y -th e *• tum b ling - p ro cess-

cheapest and beat m ethod . Satisfact on guaran teed. Leave o rders w ith.-W aHnr W . Davis o r Charles J . Dlack, opposite postcflice. 110-15*

F O R R E N T .F irs t floor, fro n t, furnished room; p riva te en ­

trance; su itab le fo r office; apply 514 Bangs ave­n u e . . ; l io t f

T O L O A N .. On first bond and m ort^a^e,

84,000, 83,C0nt 5^600 52.COO a t 5 per. cen t.$2,COO, *t,tW>, $750 - a t S& p e r cent,, %5,000, *3.500, $l,f>C0 a t 0 p e rc e n t

George W. P ittenger, Rootn. 14, • A ppleby Building.

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E .Eleven building lo ts,' 60x200 fe e t, ad joining

O cean Grove H eights. Price one hundred dollarseach. .Apply to I

14tf! F ifth avenue, A sbury Park.

W A T T , A P P t l S G A T B , .Contracting Palnt«» and Deoorator.. EeUcmtes

p ro m p tly given. *

W H E N I N L A K K V O O DHiop a t tbo Tow ere, Main s tree t, opposite L aurel

House..Term. WMOnaWe. ' • _ .

Oh i*. J . H okt. .S a m n u r itsu o n , A t lu t io K ooss, Ooe&n Grove

CLARENCE D; W i t SONArchitect

18 6 B r o a d w a y LONG BRANCH

P.-O. B ox 100,. 69tf .

. C O N C E R N I N G P I A N O S .If y ou were a piano dealer hav tne the m onopo­

ly of piano sales in your tow n, and had been rak ­ing In two hundred per cent, on sales, and If th e m an who tuned pianos fo r you fo r seven .yoara finally decided to s ta r t In on his own acconnt,and if he knocked you o u t of m any of your n e t Mlea and sold th e HAWK piano you sold fo r $150 less, and If in spite of you r august disapproval h e still continued to cuc prices In such a ru inous fashion, w ouldn’t i t JA R you V

In talklnar over the piano business w ith a big New York m an u fac tu re r th e othei^ day h e of­fered to g e t fo r me any nlano on the m a rk e t How would you like to buy ANY piano form erly sold in town, fo r ju s t $ir»0 less than prices the dealer charges ? Corae and 8ee mo if you a ro no t proof against inform ation.The P rinceton, * W . 0 . DOHM,819 Cookman avenue. P iano Tuner 15 yearn.

H ave your piauos tuned o r repaired now. T est tho w ork. If s tisfac to ry pay* during th e season. P ianos for rent.

- a ;

S l i m m e r

Good plain blue or. white gnd striped —Balbriggin Shirts aad

. Drawers that any man can wear ;_r T long and short sleeves; all sizesU n d e r w e a r - at & 5c, We are at present

displaying these in . our _win- — ‘ d o w .\ . . ... . . - ’ - r ; 7 v "



. It pays t o ' buy the best andthat’s "the kind we sell. There ^ .’ a certain style ;and finish■;bout our shirts that you don’tsee1 elsewhere.'. Many styles to,,

!select from. All sizes; separatercuffs; 5 0 c » , 8 Gc. a n d $ l .

- • M id

C a p s '

8 1 , 5 0 t o $ 3 . 0 0 for ourDerbysl, For any head, old or youngs rSund o t square,, long or short, ;'big or little. . ^r 2 5 c . t o JSfv25,for our Gaps. All the newest spring patterns; some plain in color and. some in striking fancy effects.’ ’

Hatters and Men^sjOutfitters

60S Mattison>nue

Newark •‘ -> Dover . '


East Orange..-. i ..... Plainfield

Metuchen' '** . ‘New Market

Raritan - 1• , New Brunswick ■


Bloomfield - - •• Chapel Hill »

Red BankLong Branch —

•— - "ManasquanP o in t 'P le a s a n t^ - i“ =--»--=— ------

WHERE THEY GO• • ................ . o r " . ■■ r v-"

Cities and tow ns w here wc have sold > Pianos during the last year:

' X X X X '


• Freehold ,,, _ v. Princeton

Brooklyn, N . Y. , Staten. I s la n d __________

Bradley Beach ' • * 1 Jersey Gity

Avon” Arlington

Belmar -Lakewood • • ■

Matawan / , . • ' •^ Keyport •

•. . Spring LakeKingston, N. J. -'

PeekskiU,1 N . Y.. ' Eatontown

- :HolmdelNew York City

Cranford ' ’. Asbury Park- .

* ’ Ocean Grove

The other day a customer cal!ed.:tg’',',talk. piano. ’ ’. He

said he wasn't quite ready to pay cash' -yet . However, if

we made ifc an object to him he COULD raise the money in­

stead of paying installments! This time of year our pianos

are worth so much to us for renting purposes that we felt

like.-disgpur|ging time sales, so we offered him a generous

discount and closed. th£ transaction. Selling pianos cheapery . ' •

and on easier terms- than any of our competitors can pos­

sibly do has given us practically all the piano, business"of this

sectionf~-Although-we-propo3e to-continue our- business on

the same lines, and a payment of $ 1 0 will still put a new pane

in your home, we will offer, until September, Special induce­

ments for cash or large payments. If ypu want a slightly

_used instrument here are some tempting;'bargains: ,

B R E W ST E R - M uiitygunycase; used less than a m onth; $J|0 d o w n - and - $8 per

7in o n th r.” - ;- ;- ..- .- i--- ;" '$ 200- • • 1 ■ , ;

$25 d o w n and- $.10 perm o n th . . . . . ‘I . .. . $ 185S pot ca sh . . . $170

1VERS 3 ^ POND — Used 3 tnon th sr w orth new $<80; will sell for $25 down and $10 per mon^h , , < .? $375

$50 down j»nd $15 per m o n th . . . i ; . . . . . $35^ ,. . V , . . $300

. . ‘. J


T aylor & Tusting Bldg, M attlson Avc-i and Bond St.

- K.ROEOER—Oak-case,- token- in exchange lo r a TUSTiNQ, $10 d o w n and $8 |>er nron tJK . . . . . *—i—t—517 5r $15 d o w n a n d $8 per m onth . - . : $160Spot c a s h .................. 145STULTZ & BAUER — Dark case, taken in exchange for a W EBER, spot cash . . $150 ilOZART spot c a sh , ; 7.5 FISCHER, spo t cash ;v 90 PEfilC SQUARE, spot cash . . . .' . . ; . . 40MARSHALL & WEN­DELL, spo t cosh . . 160;

“7 1 ;


J .\

Page 5: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX


Probable Effect of New “Rail' way Plans. .

Reliable Furniture.

The Gas Range Has Come to Stay' No Wonder ■ '


C o n n e c t I orT o f B r o o k ly n W a t e r P r o o f . W ith .M a n h a tta n b y T u n n e l n n d IJrldKOH W ill B H iik D nck CHy’n F o r m e r I 'rc -c ittln c iic c .

•New York, May -10.—-There is to he a grand combination o f tho IN/nnsylvanin,I lie* Now Vork Central, tUe Xow York, NimvIIiivcji and H artfo rd , tin* Kaltiiuorc and Ohio iiiul the 11111113* liney affiliated

'.with tlio so system k to control the* foreign commerce of I liis-port and practically of the wliolo coli.ntry. *

^'e\\‘ York's foreign trade will be reviv­ed. TIm? lighterage system will be abol­ished, imd tlio products, of the “country will lie (lum ped'from the rail road cars into the ocean steamships.•Tlu? plan-contom plates the conversion

of: tlio' Brooklyn w ater front lYoni Fulton street to a point*below Sixty-fifth street, Kay I/idge, intb a line of dock's for tran s­a tlantic steam ers.; |

W o r k in g o n t h e C I^ iu n ^ !r The.-now-Hay lCfd^o ehaiifiel*. with ah

average depth of 40 feet within 1 0 0 feet of the p ie r .lint*, will hi? transform ed "from a ferry-route into one f o r ‘ocean Vessels. Tin? government is deepening the channel now, and yesterday half a dozen dredges were busy in preparation for the big busi­ness th a t will follow.*. • •

— bn e icrrjrfirctm y f r r t ra iu n rr 'f r el^Tir;ri-onf cars to steam ships has’ caused a compjir- ative decrease in the business* at this port. The in terstate commerce commis- siou . has ‘ made several invest tan f ions. (lOveraior Black appointed ii cmnmcve« commission, and Governor Koosevelt has championed the scheme to spend '$W ,j 000,000 on canals with*tin? hope of resur-

.rceting the decaying trade.'H u t the railroads centering here Iiav.c.

heen groat'sufferers through lack-of busi­ness, aud thoir m anagers have not been idle. Lack o£ w ater front accessible to (loop channel* wasn’t lie dillieulty. And where docks, could he had tjiere wn« no chance of railroad ^onueetion. Long: Is­land railroad rights, its lines loading to the w ater’s edge, nnd tin? approved prop*, option to build, a connecting railroad hrjilge across the Krtst river-iivei: Itan- dall's inland solved tlio problem. So the. control of the Long Island system wiis purchased by the Jcdmbinntion.

T n n it c l V n lu n l i lc A h n e t .One of its branches reaches I ho w ater

a t Slxty-lifth streot. Bay Kidge: another goes through a $1,000,000 cut to Thirty- ninth street. Smith Brooklyn; still an­other outlet, unused for *a seoro o f years, hut a valuable franchise, is through a 1 llmiilT t Ifin^t'gin^TieuFliroTFlnt lilfSlf a v~ ' enue station*of*.the Long Island railroad and extends through nnd under A tlantic nvemm to a' point near the term inus of tho Sou tli ferry line. Yet another impor­tant. term inal of-tho Long Island system is the Thirty-fourth stroe t ferry, station

Considering the way it has been welcomed by people who beli.eve in economy, cleanliness and excellence. '

• NOW is a good time to get one. • .W e will be glad, to show you the newest methods if you will

call a t , our office, or we can send a representative to discuss the matter at your own hOrrfe. - -- .V

A new lot o£ lojy priced- desks has just-been received. They are of such excellence and value that we wish to draw special attention to them.

For instance, there is a pretty bird’s eye maple desk for only $5. I t is beautifuliy finished, well constructed and of pleasing design . One in oak, ofthe same style, for $4.50. . -These are leaders and worthy of attention-. - Then there are others in the -lot, of larger size, tastefully carved and .'of various styles at $7.50, -$8.50 and up to $12.

These are all new, never before shown on our floors! • .We consider'them the-best constructed, b est; finished and the cheapest desks for the mondy on the market. - .

M a t t i s o n A . v e n u e

A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J


QUALITY FIRST P R E SS M A R IN E A 1/MAN AO,Grand and Cookman Avenues, Asbury Park,1 N. J,


1 ru e s .,2 tVed.,. •i T h u ra ,4 F ri....5 B a t.... 0 Run..,7 Mon..,8 T uos.. 0 WtKl...0 Thura,

11 Fri . . . U Rat.... 11 Run ,. !4-Mon .. 5.Tucs .. 0 -Wed .

>V Thurs. IB Fri19£3 Pun ...n Mon ,, '2 Tiicfl... 23 WiyJ... ?4 -Tlmra. *5 F ri.... J0 S a i . . . . i7 Run,,.. 28.Mon...20 TutvC.. SOAVuti... 31 Thur*.

WE had hoped long before this to have' jfeld you many things about our new store but .-we did not properly estimate the time it would take to get settled, and we

really are not entirely fixed, yet but you are just as welcome. We wish to impress this fact upon your mind: “I t is your store” for you to feel at home in; to come t& whenever you wish, not always to buy but sometimes just to look around. - W e are always glad to see you. Your attention today is callejd to the following three item s:

ASPARAGUS ‘Fresh Asparagus just now is high and you know not extra fine. If you will try a can of our fancy extra Targe at 35c you will get the flavor of new arid it will be tender.

BAKING POWDER: .Why pay 4 <;c for Rova[l when you iian^buy Gantz-'a-SeaJEoam

• for 30c, not that it’s any better than Royal, but we,assure you it’s just as good or your money back.

COFFEE.... .Unequalled. - Our private-blentl .it..35c....... ...... ... -----------------


o p p . POSTOFFICE. Telephone, 91a j


• Do you want to go ? We can suit your wiahea in the matter surety. No mat* ter how deep you go at our store you are sure that you get you money’s

wortlHn ■:............ --------------; — I

Tailoring. Ready flade Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishings

Money back if not satisfactory.

-~ G .-W 7~PATTERS0 N“—

Tailor, Gioiiiier ; Finnish622 COOKHAN AVE.


B. -We have received today a large shipment of Beef, Mutton,'8 _ Lamb, Veal and Poultry for.SATURDAY’S

- - - - - - MA;EKET;— ----- 7 - “ :-


I HAMBURGER STEAK l l cR GHUGKTSTMk ■: •” ; - " ; 3 lbs 25c§ SAUSAGE', . 8c§ Plate B eef 5c W hole H am s 1214c8 Frankfurters xoc Shoulder Lam b . 7c8 e ,1 n 1 ...... 'ViT Round Steak 2 lbs 25cg Small Bologna 3 .lbs 25c B eef Liver, 1 4% s;25c :

0 Sm oked Tongues, C alves’ Liver, Jersey Fowls ;g and Veal. Extra Fine Hen Turkeys. j1 • • I ■; • JOHN THOMSON. i»OCC50(XX5CJO«>OOOb6oOOOC>OOOOOC>OOOC000003000COCX500000000l


C o n d c iu c d L is t o f C om ing E v e n ts fo r Q u ic k K eferonco .

^flm rsday ;* l O ^ ld ^ f tf aids1 ■ convon ttm rlu P iesby terlan church. Bnlmar, under, auspices Y oung People’s Bociqty Chrls- tlun Endeavor,

Thursday, May 10— Strawberry festival by 'ladies of First Presbyterian church, in: tho church parlora. *

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, H a y 10,31 and 12—S traw berry and ice cream festival of W eat G ^ v e E p w o rth League in atoro room n t 1-iaM aln s tree t.

F riday. M ay 11—Anuu;U b an q u et Company A V olun teers a t Hofei W ellington .

M onday *and TueHday' M ay 14 and 1 5 - S traw b e rry festtval o f E ag le Hook and L adder com pany iu tru c k house, Ocean'

„*_l*Grove ...... .Tuesday, M ay 15—May; concert o f tho As*

..bury -P a rk - and -O oean^Grove Choral.union, in school building- a t Ocean Grove. .* * ..■

Tuesday, U a j 15—BMppor fo r benefit Isol.v — tion 'hosp ita l, a t Grand Avenuo ho tel. W ed n ^d n y , M ay HV-uColletio tea” o f the

A c ^ V e s tm in s te r Ju n io r nocicty in Weat*^>r^hunstor Presbyterian church .. .. ........W ednesday and Thu-tfl «y. M ay Mi and 17 -

S fraw berrv festival of»Motjft T e itrito of F ir s t CotiKroijaiibiW churcli, in leu*ure room of church. ' •

T liu rsJay and FrldVtyr MiiV IT a n d ' IS—" tS traw barry and ioo o re a in ' festival,. JLadieV Aid Society W est P a rk M« E. chiiroh, in cliurcli putlors.'

F riday , iM ay 18—rS tin w herry ’festival of Sim onides C otirt. X o .-J , T rU 'nnf Ben H ur, in Odd Fellows’ hall, 224 Main

- s tre e t . . . 'Tuesday, M ay 22—?tiMWborry festival by

lad ies o f F irs t 31'. 12.* church, a t G raud ABJPUQ JtiQtltL _______ __

Tuesday. AVedtiepday 'and TliursiJny," May- and 2*1— Wineteiutth annual m eet­

ing: Now jHfs^y lJh;trm aceutical associ­a tion , a t W est Emi hotel.. '

• W ednesday. M aj’ 21—O rgan rec ita l n cert in Bradley Heaoli M. E church.

W ednesday, M ay HO-Memorlal day. W ednesday, M ay HO—Memorial day bieycio

rond racnoverct»y course, m anngem ent Qreos A th letic club. . •

S a tu rd ay , Ju n o 2—Form al' opetiiug o t sum ­m er season a t Octfan GrOve by hoard.of tra d e and hidle.V auxiliary .

T uesday, W ednesday nnd Thursday, Juno . 5, 0 and 7—S traw berry 'festival,- Ep*

* w o ith Leaguo of H radloy Beach M. E. °huroh. . • . .

■Wednesday, Juno C OponlntrflrFsion^of General Synod of Reformed Church in America,, to continue onp week. - .

Tin* Xi»w York. Central nnd the Now Haven linef* wilt reach tljeso terutiui nf the Loub Island system over tlie connect­ing railroad bridgt*. Tho „ Penns.vlvn nia n ml-1 he;-Knit in tore amT (Jliio will transfer their cars bp lienvy boats froni New .Jer­sey and S taten Island, To afford facili­ties {he Pennsylvania is preparing to 'ex­tend-its docks in ."Jersey City.

U ltim ately a tunnel under the Xarrows nt Buy Uiiltfe will b<i driven, , Through it and over the connectinj; railroad' bridge, by way of the Long Island tracks, Penn­sylvania eoid can be delivered by rail to. New Knclani] i»oints. Already, tlio IVnn* svlvania. railrohd and ih e ' "New York, Now JIavon-and H artfo rd -h av e .an ;illi- imee.'* The trallic contract,w ill be more eoinplete hereafter.

T he Kew York .Central and the IVnn- 's.vlvania a re allies, and the stockholders of. the hit lor lines are diiniinant,in_Hnlti.v more nnd Ohio, which in tu rn coiiTrois th irterm inals oivStnteii-Island. Beside*.; the oliicers of these big lines a re in <*on-

_tml_i n_4ioauly-*i.v*!uyj»thi!r—1 ina-tliat—ha^-a- tcrmhius in th is .city o r else are instrn-

. nicntal.,in_sliapin^.the..|iolicy.-of..tlie..oTni,'r.' lilies-through linancial associations.

1.1 veil on'.'t.CviitN n Day.Newark, N. .T„ May 10.—An <>I«I wom­

an who appeared in 'th e Second precinct, police 4"onrt .to ask- .T'ndg4‘ Lam bert to cnni|iT*l her husbapd to *»ive her enojurh inoney to keep soul and body together*' sai<l (hat'she had been-feediug aiid cloth- : jn^iim^LLfur_Lu:iL3:t!iu:tLuLt .iumdlu\niiatu; 7if :{-|*L'iits a dji.v. Her. lutsbniid, Arehah- gelo I’a no n e of *13 Sheffield- street, wns sununoned:.t() appear i n • court today an d ' toll his side of the s to ry .. The woman,* ‘ .who has been so starved tliat she is bare­ly able to widk, says he has ^nori* than ^1,000 in the bnnk anil has had four wives ftefore her, ail of whoin>n rc dead- i *

■ I A .11UR 'r ru ii l , •* r .Middletown, N. Y., May 10.—Seventy-

five of the milk producers of Orutigo bounty, with a view of securing better nices ftir milk, have decided to joiuHho Five S tates Milk Producers’ union.

PAWLEY’SF IN E P R O P E R T Y ..on Asbury avenue, i f-2 block

from beach.-- House con­tains 14 rooms— i o bed.

rooms. .N o price given~ Simply want offer. FoF

particulars, laddress,


TO ORDER YOURBicycle ball bearings ap

plied to lawn mowers are a re­cent smprovemept tliat- lias come to stay,for no one wants to push a heavy old style m owerafter using a new up-to date light \ye.ight ball bearing machine. With them it is pos sible to, use a much- wider mower than heretofore with th eold -stylep n rallelbearings, in fact,—’a -^ -in ch - moiver can now be operated as easily as the old. parallel bearing mower only i6 inches wide ; hence th e >vork can be done in much less time than formerly..

O ur mowers are the best ever built L ike lightning in action. Simple ajnd perfect in adjustment. Successful and satisfactory in operationr^Rea- sonable in price, quality con­sidered.

W e are offering- some re­markable lawn-mower Bargains oh a few 1899 machines. First come, first served.' ' -

» Our styles are all in; have, been, in fact, for a week or more. A

li. more complete line it would be hard f |^ to find. Small checks and narrow :W stripes will be the prevailing styles *^ , th is spring. . . .



- ROOMS ia-13


N o r th w e s t C o r n e r M a ttis o n A v e n u e •■•• • a n d B ond S t r e o tAGENT POS KELSEY FURNACEj*

Iteatand BToat'Econond'jM Furnflceo Made •A SB U R Y P A R K , N . J,

E L E C T R IC L IG H T W IRIN G• E le c t r i c G a s L Ightlnar. E le c t r i c B o lls a n d A n n u n c ia to r s .

B u rg la r . A la rm s , E tc . 1


New K oator Block. ‘ ^ Best quality of Allenwood-and Shark River-gravel .. for sale. Deliverfed fn carload lots to all .points along the coasf~at”lowe"st rates. ■ • - -

' V.' t- u 11> '■ y. l't; c i--n ?i t . r 1' 'I’aii;; uv.WiSWSrW'.M?.'— J l’r F I K , ) l “^ :n n t h ' r W l r i ' l I i f f n t t ,p i i i p « l , - . ' -

Y urit. Miiy 10 .—Ai'n i nlinnsl jw n y rir ts i>f S»Wiil> ill iw a n l l» I'lip iX '- im-nt ilii’ .rmnijil aniiimix-cmiMit is iiinrti1 t lm i'A lfre d Y anA crbilt mid .'lissK lsif Kroncli a re to toes' m arried,. Mr*. ( ’oriH'lius Vim<li>iltilt, •? luotlicr #o f tlie yomiff mttii. .vostrnliiy. ftiltliorizctl u s(jtli‘- iim nt t o . t h a t I'lTcct, mu! Amo* T uck F iimicIi. iuotliL-r of t l ' f yotmK tt-oliwn,mmii' him i 1 ii I'.st ;i Ini’on!— Xf'itlUHV. 1 l’s.VKNderbHt nor.M r.- F m tcli set any ilatf for tlie wi'iUlhifr, ju u l it is nut l»pli»yctl it will t i tk O ln w to r a yeur. _________

Democmtic Stato Convention.Slio Democratic voters of Now Jersey.ara

reauested to meet, a t suoli:tlme3 anil placca ns may bo designated by th. ir local com­mittees to elect delegates to tho sta te con­vention to-bo hold a t Taylor’s opera houso : In tbe city o t Trenton on

-THURSDAY—MAY 31, tn00r - -------a t 12 o’clock, noori, for tho purpose of s8- lectme four senatorial and sixtepn district

■i^fignnri'KrilTSTDBllTTJWfftlo ■ uttti&nal- oon^ bo .bold, tn ,th e city of Ktmsos City on tho fourth day of 'July,- 1COO, to nominate candidates respectively for presl dent and . vice president of tho United States., ' • ■

Tho basis of representation will bs one delegate for oiicb'two hundred Democratic votes ci)at a t tho RUbertialorial election of lS«8 and one for eaeli fnietlon of tho same over ono hundred, but ua’ch election pre- clnt’shall bb entitled to a t ieast ono dole gate. , . .

Tbo respeotlvo oounties are’ untitled to yw_numbor of dologiites hbreln sot forth.A tlpntfo ..!____.. . 28 Monmouth . . . . . . . .5 7Hcrarou................. .. 03 Morris. . . . . ' . . . . . . . r.lBurllnirtou...............42 Ocean . .........; 28Cumden ..'. .......... 32 PiiBSulc.. . . . . . . . . KiCapo M ay................ HI Salem ................. . .1 8Cotnberland............ S3 Som erset.. . . . . . . . ,«S«Efisox _____170 Sussex...................... . 21

loucostcr..... . .- . 20 Union ....... 57H udson .... ........172 w a r ro n .. 27Hunterdon.......... : . ' 8 » —Mercer......................*~»7 Total..- 1089M iddlesex....___ '. 45

Nocessnry to a oliolpe, W5Newark, April "(5, 1900. . ‘ > ; . . •_ .

WILLIAM B. GOURLEY, Cbnlunnu Democratic S ta te J^ommi'tteo.

-'f.’ tHiASl K. PKVKttfeux, Seprotary. •

THE MU NA SQUA /V G M HEL CQ.Wilbur A. H£i$iEy/ paEswE$T.


O ffices; Monmouth- Build ing,-Asbury P a rk , N , J . >. '•

N o A 'n tto n n l l/eiip?no;<3nn:es...........New York. May lO. -K n in nnd a street

car strjke preventnI nil the pm ies sehrd* tiled to bet jtlnxcd y-t^icrda.v on the Na tionnl (eaj^uo circuit.* ibid w eather rausml a postponement of the.contests in lh»s- .t o n, ro okl y i L..a i u I J M t.t sbu r^, ..n n d J i : T.otris tlie unsettled condition of trans*- pqrtation to the ^roaad resu lted 'in that m atch . heiiiK^abandoned ,temporarily.^Otln^-KiHUVS-woie;-— — - —♦ ----

111 fluvoluml—MilwnuK'^* Clisvoliinil. 5.In Detroit—Kmuni* Ciiy. *-'0; Detroit. 0. th Khnira—.VllfUtMwn. !»; Klmiru, 8.In Worcester—*\VoiTi**Ifi.. 11; Toronto, 8.Iu Hern n ton—Sennit mi. .Wlllieiliji iv ,^ .In Uiilfulo—Minneapolis, 10; ButTulu, ;i.

Suicide In rro v h lc iifp i * • .Providence, May : James - \Y. Me-

Closlty, for ten year^ local nj'eut of the- -Merchants, and .Miiiers’, kTrausjiontalioii rotnttany, .commiI h*tKs%rfcide b y . hanj’iji^ yesterday afteriibViii Despondency.'wiWthe cause.- ! :

■ It “will certainly pay you to kn ow our store; ~ ...................^ C a s w e l l .

6 3 9 M attison 'A venue

:[. S t o r e T r o o p s F o r ^ n i iie r o o im .Berlin. May 10.—The builKet committee

of the vmeUstni; yesienlay ttinirupriuted lilt additional 81)5.110(1 m arks lor further troop* in '-the, Oainergona ami 252,001) marks" for OeVmati SaihoaV Oovenmor von P u ttkainer ot the C'ntneroons hwj contirm'ed llie report of a Frenelt victory over Chief Itabnh in an ensjtpwmm’t re- eently fottgjkt vn Ciimeroons soil aiid^UaiL reported that to prevent Itabali diivastuf- inj. the l*ameroous d lslrlet It lieenmo uee-- essary to p6 s f u iiirg e force of German troops therfr. ’ •'

A n o t l ie r B r i d g e J n m iie r . ^New^Yoilk^-JIay 10.— Koheil AVetzei,. a

middle akikI Hinjiie. man, jumped fromjhe. Brooklyn bridge late yesteViliiytnfteriqmu. H e is the thinl^lel'SOll who has jumped from this bridge duM ns'the' iast^ three weeks; Tlie mnu wns in ii Hemieoifseious comlitiou when picked up. 'tmd it was with dillieulty that.he (ravu iiis-tmme. He hoou lapsed inti*, nneonseiousiiess, V‘. t- rel’s clothing pave him the apiiearauee of alongslioroinnil. • ■-

“DeW ltt'a Little- E srly Risers acd the finest p'.Us I ovorufed."—D. J . Moore, Mlll- brook, Ala. They quickly cura all liver iind bowel troubles’ W. R. Hum 107 Main, street- •


Mineral Waters, Fountarn Sota, all kiuds of eoft drinks; Cap Ginger Ate a speciatty. Siphoa Vichy. Soltzer and Carbonic, Pfarkliug'Kolafra,. Dispcna- ing Bppnratupe'1 for reot anil for.eale or. .will mdfeo you oue:to order, VVe use the beat- material - tha t money can buy. Buy your goods from us. Call and get priceB. '

Factory, Gil Main StreetS . H I G B T B . J , H A - U S S L I N G V

“ C H I N A H A L L ”Stoves ^ s d Housefarnishing Goods.

No. 162-164 flaln Street AiSBURY PARK- ' A LIB E R A L REW ARD

Ptiid for broken or worn on t parts of Pierce whcola. -Tho bearing* of. a Pierce aro as good a fte r .a year’s ij bo as wbon now. Why no t jisjro 'the best when the eost is tho same? Seyen yearsiae an agent has given me great confidence in it. O a r i lV K R - J O H N S p N we tb ink tb e ' best ;in the m ark o tfo r the price—$25 and 835. Satisfy, yonrself- as to its qnaljtyr - •• . ' .

G . T. SAN FORD<i45 Mattison Avenue

“I t is with «. »rood deal okpieasttre and satisfaction th a t I 'recommend_Cliatulier.- laln’B Colic, CholrtvirjiRd'iDlflTftnsea Home clv,.-’ says Druggist A. W. Sawtelle, ot aa rtfo rd , Conn. '-A li|dy austomer.eeeinjr tbo remedy exposed for sale, oh my slibw ease,- said to mo:. ‘3 really bellovc that liiedicit'O saved my life tho past summer v/nliii nf tile shore,’ anil sbo became so «n- over l‘8 merits th a t > a t once mado up my mind to rtcommeml I t ' in the -future. Recently a gentleman cam« into my btore so overcome with colics pulne th a t ho sank n t once to tho lloor. i gave, him n dose of tills remedy whjcli helped him. I repoiitnd tho dOBe and lu ftftten minutes he left my store 8mlllng’y;lnfprmljnr use th a t lie felt ns well as fiver:" Sold by T. M. Stow- f*rt, corner Cookman avenue and ltond ■streot,

O ar aim is to reaoh tho snperla •tivo in cu r bicycle: repairing - We he'ieve onr efEorls are appreciated, as oiir bneinese^.js-' heavior anti heavier each • year. Satisfied easte­rners b ring the ir friends and 'thns we grow. / •

M ay we n o t Serve yon, ? i . '

35A C H A R I A S & C O .,7*3 B tattlso n A ve.,

U p lio ls te r ln K - .. • ■, a n d D eco ra tin g ..

Page 6: Local News Daily Press By Telegraph Late News · All the Local News Daily Press Late News By Telegraph FOURTEENTH-YEAR. NO.2112. ASBURY PARK, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 10,”1900:^STX



Is the story of o u f spring offerings in every department. all that’s new and de- siratjle in * •

D K B S S G O O D Sfancies o f the'season. The demand for wash fabrics will 'be

enormous; Challies, dimities arid mousselines will prevail-*^

mid-summer use. T o select here means buying right.

is ever at the fronT arid leading com­

petition. • It’s perhaps useless to dwellOurMillinery on the completeness of our stock or the

ability of our designers and trimmers! : .


Ready-to wear g'arments for ladies misses and children,

from the common house wrapper to the most desirable tailor-

made suits and skirts in all cloths and finish.

we pride ourselves'on the stock and styles

w e have to offer in mens’ and boys’ cloth­

ing and hats. .. They are easier shown than

told of; besides the impression is more lasting.

U p


There’s a comfort in our shoe room. Comfort in select-

!ng, comfort in the price and a comfort in th ejw earlng which

can only come from proper fitting, which depends1 on experi-

..cnce.and_<»r£.Q fsdeqtio .n ,_l.__: l _ j l v ____ _______ _


Does it Need Re p a ir [iG ? ,W e do wQrk prom ptly, wfth the best m aterial, and a t the lowest


i i ~ 7 1 2 C O O K M A N A V E . B n a e m e n t

GIFFORD «£ SON JPlaln and. Ornamental Plasterers

B rick lay ing , S o ttin g o f M antels, R anges and H e a t - i. A lso Boiler S e ttin g and ... F oundations E nid. T ile Setting .

E stim ates F u r n is h e d f o b A bo v e , w it h R e f e r e n c e s .

P o s t o f l f o e B o x 4 8 , B r a d l e y B e a o h , K „ J ,


B READO ur New E ngland Bread ■is acknow ledged to . be ' £Ke" 'fieares f ’to Id‘

fashioned home m ade bread- y o u a lw ays

p r a i s e d s o


^T. Jr W IN C K L E R7 1 7 M A T T I S O N A V E :

J i& liV itY >*AJtK

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

P E R C E N T .

— W e-have~ the-nbov 0 sum -to -p lace-in i urge o r sm all am ounts on first m ortgage

-Io&W 'ott: rAabury; P arlt-“ Ix )o lriAT'bcurr A llen h u rst an d Deal business or ripp l­ing property ,

J. W . Hetrick & Son,6 2 5 M atti9pn~A vonuo.

K e a to r B lock; -*

JAMES H. SEXTON F unera l D irector

1S9 P H ST.. HSBOITPIKA tliie line of caskets ou band to-se­

lect from. Flower designs a apecialty. Open day and night... Telephone, 31 a .------, Koaldenoe, 4X0 Sewall avenue. - .

H ljs s a Spool/i! AilVoftispmniltSI lirlng ln: mediate remriUf.

PQP0L1ST CONVENTION.'C h n r l o N A , T o i v i i c ’h S i i p p o r i e r x A r e

1'ixU tiiiK H u n t.Sioux Km Ms* M ay 10 .—Drlcgntes- to th t

I 'n p iilis tif nuiiom il run vi'iit in n ' sw nrnV d in lu .I liis r i lv mill yi-sli'i-dii.v nlt«‘riuKUi betrmi (heir \v»n:U in si big c ircus toil I

-w-bivh w hs di*t*nr;i It'd- wit li Huks aiul burn­ing und liiriiircs of W .i.sinnniini, .Ii*!lVr- SjUL j^ inrohLiyml • Br.y.-Itf. n,T lu tr<y \yun» r><Hl

jlt'IvsiiTi's in rs tnu w hen Tlii*. ronvt'ni'ioiiw a s m ill 'd in u n lc r il l - n 'i’Iock . O f llii’M niih '-ti'u iliN •w en 1 fro iii ( lu* n o r th e r n Mi*- sishi|»|ii vallry■ <1liiVs. *

Tin*, t-iii*Vfiitifin v .a s r'jilli'il to o rd e r by S c n a io r M a rio n J tu tl iT -ol’ ’X o rlli ( ' ju n linn . ch jiirisiiu i n f ihi* n a t io n a l iroinnutti-i*.

I 1. M . j i t in vr«t:i1o n f M iiiu'.*snl;i w n s i<*m p itra ry c h a in n a n . am i T h o m a s I ’a i tc rso n o f . t 'itlu ra ilo \v:is iin au iiiio u s ly d m s r i i a>

j ic r n n in c n i c h a irm a n . Tin* :tfli*l‘fcm»n an*l ev e n in g sos!*i»<ns \>vn.* ilcv o ic il to i-hous- ill* « oin‘n ii t lc c s a iu l plmtziiu^; f • i i*'tin* Yea! w ork fo ilay . -

Tin* (li*li*vr;iii< ;iiv a |) |iy i 'c m ly a s f a r i\> I'ViT fj'i*!ll scM liu* i h e i li ic f i^ o lilc in ol

Tin »- ij im e u au nTrr^FTh.rnrr.uJ’~ l Irrr; n r c " ! m-p p i*- M»*in*y u iiu i in a i io n .- ~ r h i‘* «im*siiiin i-i-pvtM*-

l i r a lly tin* sofi-: tojii<* o f *.,**r.vrr<a;ioij. ati»l H i it i* is * rc a . i l iv r r s i ly o f o p in io n .

Tin* c lcn icn l f a v o r in g th e n o m in a tio n n f forim *f . Jii*prc*:ciilalivc C h a i ic s A . T o w ijf . h a i-lin l l».v tin* M in n i's iita ili*li*tra- lio n , is u i^ g P n jf h a n l I«* w iji. It is tji# i-o jitvn tim i o f th e 'I’ownr*. nn*n th a t tlu- Iii*iinn*i-alic»n a l K a n s a s - ( 'M y > ou |f |» iio t. in vii*u- o f ''ilu*"IS )p»H sts liuhii- n « tin s : r .ry a i i;-“ n » fu != n -T ir~ iiu io rsn ~ th ( 'ir chnici* fo r vici* p tv sh lc n N S e n a to r I ' *1 ti- jrrew s tr o n g ly lirffrs th e n o m in a tio n ol

fT*'»W»e.------- - K - - • • -Tilt* IVooN.vlvmiin U'«rt*Kt' F U rn ,.

iOlntfTli. X. V..1 May 1 D.-'/J’In* property lio.i resulting from the forest' tires at (.-or*, h rtt. l'a>. ami vicinOy is. ahout SiUfMi.OD Mr. ami .Mrs. ({eor^e LoncUs. who -were iv|mill'll a s liurneil to i|i*a( 1|, wore fonml ycstrnlay. alive aiul \vcll. 1 They Inul licen tcsciicd with s iv a t tliilicurty nml taken to n .Iilacv. u£-sn fety-. — Fnnr-oth'cT'ivsiTleiits of Corhe’lt aii* still missiijii'. ami it is fear-1 V(l t hey [HM-isimil. 'I’ho buily^if> Siimiiwl (Jeoixi*' Was# fonml by the..roadside. Me had. biM'ii. burned to A loath .\yliilo li«htinj{ fiie. Ten buildings \veie destroyed in the village iusti'ad of alh a.x was anpposuJ. *

-To It,e JJhrltid Iu -ArUnffttin,Washington. May ,10,—'I’he reifoiins of

First .Lieutenant 12dward 1\ Koyhler, lmttal}on udjutant uf the Ninth infantry, who was killed l»y. Kilipinos at vTinuba, neui* Tarlnc. I1. I.. March -1 last. , have lirriveil IiciV from J aiV (•’rauefsco aiul will In* ■bi.ljjetl iji A rJlu-.'on iMinetei.v,

W. B. MuaRer, Millhelm, Pa., saved tlie life of hia Itttlp Kiri by giving her Ono Mlnuto Coufirh Gufe* when Hhe*wafl dying from croup. I t 1b the only harmleag renae- dy th a t pjvea Immediato reauUfl./ I t quickly eurea eotialis, colds, bronchitis, grippe, ant hum and all th ro a t ami luti^ troubles. W . U. Uam. lCT Main Street.


S p e c i a l B a r g a i n s i nShades, Tinware? Enam el W are, Tubs,. W ringers, Oil Cloth, Wash Boards, Baskets and general m oving time necessities.

Fresh Garden SeedsAT w h o l e s a l e p r ic e s

" W e T T x L c i e r ' s e l l

ALL the l a test st y l e s in I M R S . E . D I L T S 7 0 6


WILL FIGHTTO THE ENDPresident Ste,yn Says He Will

j-Not Desert Kruger.


In tercM th it; ■ Si‘hmIuii o f t h e V olk H - rn n il—B r i t i s h F o r c e S a lt l tb l l n v e C niitureit S o n ek a l — llrn lin n t au il U m it l le A d v a n c e ,

L o n d o n , M ay -IU.—T h ro u g h - r a i jw a j tra tlit; to S in a ld e c l. w ill b e e s ta b l is h e d to tlay.,jict,vtiliri t».:iKdbpatcli_Ci:onL.Biiunt‘.l B u rle ig h to T h e D a ily T e le g ra p h . T h is w ill e n a b le s to re s to lit* p o u re d in to L o rd R oberts* c a m p a t th a t , ju n c tio n a n d p a s s e d .je n s tw a rd o y e r tl ie b ra n c h to (* cn e ra l I a n H a m ilto n iu AVinbur^.'

I f th e field m a rs h a l d e s ire * tn . p u sh> ..■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ,M. . r.-.-■ 1 I - - ----- I 1 iHlMIII

position j t d do so. |»tit U careful com .iimmlei^.suelraN he is will he very iii*will ing to leave on his left Hank the uncoil iiuered llam stn ith district and a inass ot tiphting men with wagons and cattle wliicli nre in ji confused block around Clot'ohVn.

Tlie Boers believe I here is i\ British force a t Senekal. This may well be so. for Lord Roberts did n o t . ride over to Wmlfurg merely for exorcise. If this* link in the chain across the east o f ,tlu F ree 'S tate w as occupied on Tuesday, tin British force, '•inbably mounted nieii/wii) he in JJcllilebeiu today. .

Ftfr the-m om ent tin* .most int’erestinp moves in tb.e w ar game are probably tak­ing place iii the east. An interesting piece of news is a statem ent that Lady-' brand and Fickshurg have lieeii evacuat- eif by the Boers, hut th a t Slcyn is trying to work up the bnrtfliers to m ake a stand nt ( ’Jocolan; which J ie s-mid way between these tw o'places. ,

This story comes from M aseru. Basuto land, and sn»*aUs of Senekal as well a*»WinhtirK being in the possession of tlie British. No eonlirmation o f th is ciiiiu*.* froiTi lit 1 ioFWiii-ees.'

Senekal is -in miles cast of YVinhurjr on t lie. road to Bethlehem. Iu e«sV it i> or lias bei'n captured by Colo.nel Broad-' wood’s eavalrv. advancing from Win- burg. the near Cloi-olau an Invn perilous position, for they ’will soon' have Brabant and'Rim ihe ^ipon llieii. roar and tind tlie roail to tlu* north barred unless they can manage .to escape by .a w i3 i^refofifFVi'i^?iT‘ ea5I'“7iTolT7l7I" 1 ly^Fii riesbttrg to Bethlehem? Kven then theii’ safety would not be assured)

A glance- lit tin* map .ttill show good grounds for the panie oOlhe Boers in that region.-for even it* Senekal is not already seized it s . rap t m e is not likely to .be long delayed. ,

• I n te r v ie w W itl i S teyn .,Uiehnrd H arding Davin sends the fid*-

lowing from Zand River, dated May 7. via l.oureiM'o A|arqm*s. .May 5»:

“ I met P resident * Steyn today... Me baid: •

‘‘ •'We wili light Io the end. Not one of iny burghers is unwilling to tight. WelufATV- iHH-eT^inKisideriMl^tiyrnilfJTriiljr-'tIII'fjVuusvaal: W e will tight at the Vitalriver, a t .r rc t.o r ia and afterw ard iu tlie imiuntnuis. %

" ‘NN’e have nothing to gain from-peace. everything by lighting. • Hvery flight British stK'cess has-been followed 'bv a IcniOJe British defeat. lOIandshfagte had its Cideiiso. lieliuoiit its Modder liiver. Bloemfontein.its Saunas I ’ost. ........... !..

’The iuhi>h are now at Whilarvg aiid Virginia. W e’cxpcet a Ing liaitle to- d ay /

A disnatch, daied P retoria, May 7, via XouTeiTnO liirTpicrCM ii y • 11 r^a .V ’

“ 'J’lie governmeiit on _• S aturday night smumiuied-all llie ahlcbodied men in P re ­toria ‘ io asscjnlde in B u rg h e ^ • sipuire yesterday. . . . .

, “ 'I'he assemblage w as addressed by Vice Presiden t Schalk Burner, who sii ill* Mint- the time had arrived •when the re­publics iieedcd.: aIl-lln'ir'-citicons'*'Jt t'-' t lie ffo'ue FJcace was possibli* only through' the recognititin of tin[» ahsolnte independ**' etice o^ho^h republics. -KnglandV reply to tin; pt*ace proposals made It clvai* th a t

** My \^lfe 5iif!cred for tnauy ycarn from Ncr touj DyHpepsi.if Hick llcoflfictie, Slecplenpncw in I Nervous Debility *' v/rilcs John Kcllccft Phllftdelphin: *‘We tried many pliyhldatiH and- iiiiracrous icmedlcs, but with no until Vneard'Qf Julnison s Dyspepfiia Care. We bon/;hl six boxes, aiid ill*; icmuih far surpa^f^ed .our ex­pectations. Sh^ now cats raid h^eeps well, i* ffalulngin ojul her color, which hod got,to oe yellow and sttkly, is now oh fresh oh wlicu we were firat morried, nnd I tell her that John* »on*B Dyspepsia Cure has made her ten yoan yonnffer." . „ . •L a r g e b o x 1 0 c e n t s , ^ t a b l e t s }

O C N T BY MAIL FOH FIV E 8 -C C N T 3 T A M F * .»Mw b a t T H E JO H N S O N C A B 0 f tA T 0 R lE 8 | Inc . , P h u a .

For 8*1 ci by W. B. Ham and all lea itn s droggtata

nur mtumioii w as to oestrq.?*tfie inde­pendence of tlie iSoers, Thc cneniy w^ro; nearing the borders of th’e T ransvaal, and a critical hour w as approaching.

“A large lulinber volunteered, td hold themselves ia readiness to proceed to th e fron t immediately. t • ‘

ScKitton o f th e V oIh «rn nd ." r*The volksrand, inet today. T he assem­blage w as m ost impressive, coming as it did a t an acute hour o f national peril.

“ P residen t K ruger's address Was re­ceived w ith rap t a ttention by th e cham­ber and the crowd. T he eyes of sthe world, lie said, were lixed on th e ’ Boers’ struggle. The delegates now on their way to America were endeavoring to K eck iulervention to secure peace amistop bloodshed. ■____. “ President Ivruger thanked the foreigtf nations for. the**Red ( Voss aid the T rans­vaal had received and for hundreds of lM ters of sym pathy. H e protested against the British abuse of tin* Red Cross and tlicip treatm ent of the Boer wounded andim soaory...

TEIHMGH’J FOR PRESS GOODS• - - •* • ■ . ; . / .... ■ i- . •

y THIS is going to. be a week of remarkable spring dress goods selling at ou r two modern establishments r .The seasorr'for light-weight gowns is here; the stock is on hand, and the low prices we have fixed on thedesira- . J3le goods will keep-our clerks busy, we feel assured. ‘

lust think of anything desired or required for your wardrobe, then come to Steinbach’s with the'assurance that nowhere else in this sectj®n can , the quality or assortment of spring dress goods be excelled, nor can any establishment hereabouts equal the Steinbach’s low prices. - ;

. SUMNER CLOTHING SATISFACTIONSatisfaction is a great thing in a suit of clothing—the .knowledge that

your garments fit perfectly? have that particular hang that only skilled cut- Ters and expert makers can produce. < Then it's satisfaction,_Joo, to 4cnow that the.material is modish, that the details;of making .'are just ,right--.the inside as, carefully consfructed as the outside parts that show. ! We guaran­tee, satisfaction to patroiis of our made-to-order clothing department.. Ex­cellent suits made to measure for as low. as $15 ; better garments for more" money.,ub.u.t_^aiLp_erfect fit . and perfect finish in every. instance. Light­weight overcoats and^fancy vests built to order for just a trifle more than the cost of the ready-to’-don ones / .

For those who do not care to pay the extra price for clothing made to measure, we have a monster stock of the ready-made garments, the ma­terials and making being perfect in every, detail. Our ready-to-wear cloth­ing is manufactured in Asbury Park, a guarantee against disease germs tso • prevalent in clothing made in sweat shops in the larger cities! The -$75,- 000 stock includes everything desirable and the pricing ranges from $4.98 • to $19 per suit. -

SPECIAL SALE OF MATTINGS ,You W ill not think of anything for the actual furnishing of ' the home

that we cannot supply. This week, however, we dwell upon our unsur­passed stock of China and Japanese mattings—ideal floor coverings for summer time. A score or more of patterns to select from, but e v e r y roll priced' afabout one-lialFvalu^ 'tfiariks tb TeadyOThriB” ttoe‘7ttaaJSls“.n3f^or shrewd matting buyer. W e will sell you one yard or one thousand yards, the price decreasing, of course, when you order one or more rolls at a time

Notw ithstanding ‘the--war the finances of tile government, he ; said ,. were in ’ex­cellent condition.' .

“A fte r a bf*ief session, during which several, inspiiitihg speeches. were..inade, showing th a t the sentim ent a t th a t time was for deeds and not words, the'volks- raail -adjourneil. inost of the members im­mediately taking tra ins to re tu rn to the front.” . >.i\

‘171*7 .«n cuiiK iW ashington, M ay 10."P ractic .\lly the

onfire- session of- the senate ' yesterday was devoted to a discussion of tlu* section of flie uavTU ifpin-rriifntfiiiii’ liill l^-l/ttllig tO arm or aud nrm auieut. The deiiate large1 ly hinged ou the propositicyi th a t,th e gov­ernment should tVeate an arm or plant of its own. Senator Tillm an presented an am endm ent, limiting the' price to be paid l'or arm or to .^500 per ton and providing also th a t the"government should erect a plant o f its ow n.. Senators Tillman. Money and (.'handler advocated, the erec­tion ijFa plant, while M r.^IIalc supported

i h ni mutfnd men t“ i» ro vii 1 i ng-fo r- a plant in the contingency th a t arnior could not be procured for $415 a toil. No action was taken on The proposition. Tlie house, considered the contested ‘ election case of Pearson versus C raw ford from the Ninth N orth1 Carolina district. The report of the m ajority was against the sitting member* a Democrat, on the gen­eral ground that Mr. Pearsoifs election was- prevented by fraud, intimidation, bribery and bloodshed. The,' minority

pointing om that the district is normally Iienioernfie.' T he debate w as on p arty ' lilies. V • .

F l g r h t n l I ’ n r l i i K x p o s K l o n .

Paris, May It).—A serious fracas occur* red yesferday a t the exploit ion annex in the Bois de Vincennes among the navvies, engaged, iu laying w ate r pipes. Thc”fore- nian of the worljs, who owing to his having dismissed a niiinher of men has for some time been on very had\W*rms with the laborers,’w as first grossly insulted and then struck by o ^ /riU a body, tj? s ix work- nieu, l i e relurned Hie hlbAv^Ilf?®striking his asHuilaut w ith a spade. This was the Hignal-foi:-rii-HteneraLlifflit:-’.xFifly-;na.v!rles.: rushed out of the neighbonug buildings and set upon tire‘form er, half killing hipt. l i e is' not expected to recover. In conse­quence of the affair 30 workmen deserted, the work yards. . *

C o n l l i i K : S t a t i o n F o r L’n c l e S a m ,

101 Is worth, Md.,i M ay 10.—The Klls-‘ wprtli attorneys- who., have .represented tlie XJniteU. S ta tes governinciit in ,neg>> . tiations foi'’t he purchase of "propert y for a goyerm nent.coaling station on French- m ail's hay have received notice that the rt it le^lrnv-Uoon-appro vcd~by-thi^a t t omey- general, wilh histriietions lo eldse thi* transactiojj us quickly a s . possible. All the preliminaries have been arranged, •and there will. be little «lelay iu parsing tinal papers. Tlu* trac t embraced iu the purcha*se is a t . Ka^t I.nin'oine, ahout ejght miles from_ BiU* IIiir)»os*..and,’.in*- clUdch-':'!b o n f t!()”acres of land.

C o o n e c U c u t r t c i i u h l l e n n n / '

Hartford,-'^'>iuy 10.—The - Republican sta te convention closed- here Iasi flight. The delegates a t large to the i-onvenliou at Phi In ilcl phi a e lec ted . were. L inus B. Plimpton of "if a rt ford, (Mhir!es*r,\ Brook- or lif Aiisoiibi./ Kdwiil VMIluer of i*biin- ficfd and J . I>emhig* Perkins of Lifehiield. The vote op s ta le committeeui,en w as a def(*at for the forces of 8amucl Fessen­den.. I t resulted id .making the s ta te cen­tra l cnm m iticc"stand 10 for Fyler. 7 for Fessenden aud 1 absent*for chairm an of

#th« conmiiyei*. .The platform adopt{»d In- ilorsetl McKinley and lii^ adm inistration unreservedly. . • "

“I Had stomach, trouble tw enty years and orayeup hope of beincr qured till I began to use Kocjol Dyapepali .Cure. i> I t hfis done bo much prood I enlH t the savior of my, life.” writes AV.dt. 'Wllklnflon, Albany, Tenft, IP digests; w hat you eat. ’ \V. II. Ham, 107 Main street., ■

None too-early "for medium w eight;underwear qrid hosiery. A' once- in-a-iifetime chance to buy a large stock much below cost was. presented recently. Our buyer quickly gobbled up the entire line and the goods^— p e r f e c t a s to manufacture, styles and assortment— are now ready for lively selling. - Better values, quality considered, were never offered in Asbury Park, so i t will be your fault if the good things are purchased by others.

Steinbach Company,“ S E L L E P iS " O F “ M E I ^ C H / \ N D I S E B Y I V f O D E I ^ N M E T H O D S




From $2,000 to* $5,000 of the As


bury Park School Bonds.

T. FRANK APPLEBY,CorTfWn S tree t and MBttlson Avenuc

z o o ,o o o R O L L S O F

)EW WILL WEBfrom all th6 leading manufaoturors.

5c R O L L upwardBFrom

PAPER HANGING.' ,J2Kp per roll ondup^

WALL MOULDINGS,To m atch all papers, 2a a fo o t and up.


541-543 Cookman AVe.

Tlio circulation of tho d a il y Press goes forward stcadlly-and-rapidly. •

Headquf! f torn ia tha Unltea Btates for


a /& p . BAKING POWDERA. & P. 1 M ustard

f G i n g e r 'J,r

C lo v e sA l l s p i c eN u tm e g

SpiCCS J ,c tn n a m o n

A. k P. EXTRACTS ' i t e r n o nV a n ii ia



Han moved Ita main office from 813 Oook- nuin avonue MattiBon avenuo—Koator l i lo tb . j ' - r ’ ! -

, P a t ro n a g e S o l l o i t o d ,

F188T-CLI88 WOffiaml, • Telephone 8 .5b,

'T 'H E vpry choIccHt paper hangings ..o f tlio swelioat Now York slmpss- may lio

saori here, a t prices less th a n . you’d pay If you nont to tho olty.for them, Tho best worltmonto hang them. Wo also do pointing. . > ■

. E . J . S T R O U DS D E C O R A T O R . -f P . O. Box 967 * •

For SaleBusiness propertyj paying io%

Great BargainCome fn and ask '3 concerrtingit. . .

WILUAMGIFFARD22a flain Street

Insurance written ; b est. com-'_ y - panlefe. : :.:V T

Money to loan 5 and 6 per cent

Awnings,- : . . Flags,

TeNts, Bun sees Canvas Covers

m ade o f basL m a te r ia ls . and w orkm anantp a t low­e s t prices.

CAN O PIES to Hire.C A N V A S R O O F I & G


E le v a to r and D u m b W a ite r RiSBinar, S p ilo ln g ,;& o .. .

HBMMBNWJLY’S 6 iT ^ C flo k rn a n , 6 1 8 M «ttIson Ayes.