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Local Lynx issue 66 June/July 2009

Mar 09, 2016



Robert Metcalfe

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Page 1: Local Lynx issue 66 June/July 2009


2009 ISSUE 66




Page 2: Local Lynx issue 66 June/July 2009


- is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the benefit of ten villages.

We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but must reserve the right to edit or exclude items. The items published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the village representatives.

For information about submitting items for publication, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your village representative, through whom all village news must be submitted.

For general information please send a message to our email address:

[email protected]



CONTACT FOR ADVERTISERS For enquiries about advertising in Local Lynx,

please contact Maxine Burlingham tel: 01328-830375

email: [email protected]

Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £72 for six issues.

Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses

providing local services. Cost: £36 for six issues.

NORMAN LAMB M.P. holds regular advice surgeries in the constituency. He can also be contacted via the constituency office at: 15 Market Place North Walsham Norfolk NR28 9BP Tel: 01692 403752 Fax: 01692 500818 e-mail: [email protected]


BACK LANE BLAKENEY Father Michael Simison 12 Hindringham Road Gt. Walsingham Norfolk Tel: 01328 821 353

PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Father William Wells (the house behind the church)

SERVICE TIMES Mass for Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday 6.00pm. Sunday Mass 11.00am. BLAKENEY METHODIST CHURCH

HIGH STREET BLAKENEY Minister: The Reverend David Greenaway

8 St. Andrew’s Close Holt. Tel: 01263 712 181 Sunday Services at 3.00 pm. For weekday services and details of preachers and any

change in times, refer to the ‘Glaven Valley Newsletter’.

DISTRIBUTION CONTACT: For all enquiries or offers to help,

please contact: Rita White, tel: 01328 830821

WHAT’S ON in our ten villages

JUNE 5th Fri. Saxlingham Church, Gresham’s concert 7.30 6th Sat. Bale Village Fete, Manor Farm, afternoon 6th Sat. Langham Friends Coffee Morning, 10am 7th Sun. Langham Concert in the Church 7.30pm 7th Sun. Morston Crab Supper and Seal Trip, 6.15pm 10th Wed. Langham Ladybirds Strawberry Tea, 3pm 11th Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 13th Sat. Gunthorpe Institute Plant Sale 10-12 15th Mon. Stiffkey WI 17th Wed. Langham Friends Coffee Morning, 10am 18th Thurs. Binham Open Circle, Line Dancing, 7.15pm 25th Thurs. Binham History Group, Houghton Hall 26th Fri. Gunthorpe Friends AGM Fish&Chip supper 27th Sat Gunthorpe 50:50 Club 28th Sun. Stiffkey Church Barbeque, 6.30pm JULY 1st Wed. Morston Parish Council , 7.30pm 2nd Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 4th Sat. Binham Asperger Coffee Morning, 10am-12pm 4th Sat. Langham Friends Coffee Morning, 10am-12pm 5th Sun. Binham Priory Concert, Xuefei Yang, 7.30pm 8th Wed. Langham Ladybirds Flower Arranging, 7.30pm 8th Wed. Langham Leukaemia Grand Sale, 10am-1pm 8th Wed. Stiffkey Fete Open Meeting, Village Hall, 6pm 9th Thurs. Langham Newmarket Ladies’ Day 12th Sun. Binham Coffee + cakes for Quidenham, 11am 14th Tues. Langham Parish Council, 7.00pm 15th Wed. Langham Friends Coffee Morning 10am-12 16th Thurs. Binham Open Circle Garden Party, 6.30pm 18th Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club 18th Sat. Sharrington Garden Fete, 2pm 19th Sun. Cockthorpe Poetry Evensong, All Saints, 4pm 20th Mon. Stiffkey WI 23rd Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 24th Fri. Binham Binham Priory Concert, 7.30pm 25th Sat. Gunthorpe Friends Barbecue, Gunthorpe Hall 25th Sat. Morston Regatta 26th Sun. Morston Oyster Regatta 25th, 26th Sat. & Sun. Langham Craft Fair. 10 - 4.30 25th Sat.–28th Mon. Binham Guild of Artists’ Exhibition 26th Sun. Gunthorpe Fete, Gunthorpe Hall 26th Sun. Morston Norfolk Oyster Regatta 26th Sun. Stiffkey Open Gardens Day 31st Fri. Binham Teas in the Priory 2.30 – 4.30 Most Mondays: Langham Keep Fit, 10-11.30am Tuesdays: Binham Guild of Artists, 10am–12pm Wednesdays (term time): Binham Youth Group, 6-8pm

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FAREWELL TO JOANNA The Barn Dance, held to celebrate Joanna Anderson’s ministry, was a great success, thoroughly enjoyed by Joanna and her family and by everyone who attended. Many thanks to all those who provided delicious food and to everyone who helped on the evening. Joanna’s final service, held in Field Dalling Church, was well attended. The benefice’s final gift was presented to her by Margaret Smith and consisted of a cheque for £768, two prints of Norfolk scenes and a rosebush appropriately named Blessings. Liz Peart and Sheila Harris

FINDING A NEW RECTOR Since Joanna left us at Easter, a committee of

representatives from each parish has begun the task of recruiting a successor. So far we have drawn up information for the position to be advertised, most notably descriptions about the benefice and its nine parishes, the qualities we are looking for in our new rector, and what we would like him or her to do. Final approval for this will be given at a meeting on June 9th at Langham Church at 7.30, when members of the 9 parochial church councils (PCCs) in the benefice will meet to review what as been drawn up.

We hoped initially that we could use much of the same material which was drawn up and published in ’04 and ’05, for instance the descriptions of our churches and what happens in them. We discovered quite quickly that in fact a good deal had changed on these years and much had to be re-thought and re-written. Some photos used last time were already out of date. Stiffkey Church, for instance, was shown in ’05 with its red carpet, which went when the church was redecorated in ’06. Several churches in the benefice have begun to share services regularly, and Binham Priory has had a major redevelopment project.

The position of rector will be advertised in July, with interviews in September and, if all goes well, a new rector taking up residence in Langham in January ’10. It will not happen more quickly, alas! John Adnitt.

Church Services for Bale and Stiffkey Benefice for June and July HC=Holy Communion. FS=Family Service. MP=Morning Prayer. BCP=Book of Common Prayer

All Communion Services are in traditional language except those marked *

Regular Weekday Services Binham: Tuesday, 6.00pm Evening Prayers, Langham: Wednesday, 10.00am Holy Communion

Stiffkey: Friday, 10.00am Holy Communion

Parish 7th June 14th June 21st June 28th June Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am F.S. At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling Gunthorpe 9.30am MP 9.30am HC No service 11.00am HC Sharrington 9.30am MP 9.30am HC 9.30am MP 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am FS 9.30am HC Morston 9.30am HC BCP No service 9.30am HC BCP No service Langham 9.30am FS At Stiffkey At Stiffkey 9.30am HC Stiffkey At Langham 9.30am HC 9.30am FS At Langham

Parish 5th July 12th July 19th July 26th July Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am FS At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling Gunthorpe 9.30am MP 9.30am HC No service 11.00am HC Sharrington 9.30am MP 9.30am HC 9.30am MP 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am FS 9.30am HC Morston 9.30am HC BCP No service 9.30am HC BCP No service Langham 9.30am FS At Stiffkey At Stiffkey At Stiffkey Stiffkey At Langham 9.30am HC 9.30am FS 9.30am HC

M.S. COFFEE MORNING Hayes & Storr are holding a Coffee Morning at their

office in 27 Bull Street, Holt, Friday 5th June, 10am - 12pm. There will be cakes and plants for sale, a tombola and coffee and teas.

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NORFOLK Rural communities are great places to live but they

also have many challenges. Part of Norfolk RCC’s work as rural advocate for Norfolk is to help overcome those challenges at a local and strategic level.

Everyone knows an image captures a thousand words, so we’re on the hunt for images that capture the strengths and challenges faced by rural communities. To help us do this we are running a photo competition, the images from which will be used by Norfolk RCC to raise awareness of rural issues. The three best images will each receive a prize.

Each photo entered must represent one of the 6 quotes below. You can submit entries for as many of the quotes as you like, but only one entry per quote is allowed. 1. Affordable housing - desirable, comfortable, affordable? 2. Services, Access - Are you being served? 3. Rural Isolation - Idyllic or Isolated? 4. Many People, One Community. 5. Healthy Environment, Healthy Community. 6. Live Local, Shop Local.

Prizes. 1st - Wii Games Console. 2nd - £50 of Norfolk Camera Centre Vouchers. 3rd - £25 of Garden Vouchers. Entry Forms from [email protected] or download from website Closing date Friday 12th June, 2009.

DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ NOTES NNDC continues to support locan businesses and voluntary bodies Audit Commission's Annual Audit & Inspection Letter noted that the Council is making a difference in the local Community by being 'increasingly supportive to vulnerable people and those impacted by the downturn in the economy' and pointed to the assessment of NNDC's ‘use of resources’ at level 3 (performing well). This, according to the commission, is the ‘first time an unqualified value for money option has been achieved by the Council’. North Norfolk Business Forum is investigating support for a Round Tale for Agriculture & Food Processing similar to the successful Tourism Round Table Proposed offshore wind-farms. These, despite some reservations, are set to create busines in North Norfolk. NNBF is now working with Scira Offshore Energy Limited to facilitate progress. Waste Service & Grounds Maintenance contracts. NNDC’s aim, especially in the current financial climate, is to maintain service - or improve - yet keep down costs. LiveWire is the magazine for NN Older People’s Forum chaired by Mary Granville-White, (0263 761419 or [email protected]) It represents the interests of people aged 50 and over in such matters as rural transport, post office closures, care in the community in relation to the reduction of hospital beds and advice on health back-up or support. NNDC are delighted to announce that they were the Overall UK Winner of the Clean Britain Award - also a Gold Award Winner in the district Category and a 5* award winner. This is in recognition of the work that the Council does with street cleaning, litter control and fly tipping. Thanks go to all staff in the Environmental Service and Protection Teams as well as the litter pickers. Shoreline Management Plan. Due to the County and European elections, the public consultation period is postponed till September. Details later. Lindsay Brettle

Contact Details Jonathan Savory (01328 820719). e.mail: [email protected] - and - Joyce Trett (01328 710300) e.mail: [email protected] (Binham, Langham & Stiffkey) Mrs Lindsay Brettle (01263 710030) e.mail: [email protected] (Sharrington, Field Dalling,/Saxlingham & Morston) Mrs A.R.Green (01328 878273) e.mail: [email protected] (Gunthorpe with Bale)


Mozart’s Coronation Mass and Haydn’s Nelson Mass Will take place in Fakenham Parish Church on

Saturday, June 13th at 7.30 Tickets £10 on the door (under 18s free)

Or ring 01328 830639

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Since 1805 the NNAB has helped blind and partially sighted adults and children living with sight loss in Norfolk by providing accommodation and care, educational & recreational facilities and a community visiting service. We have 5 equipment centres across the county offering help and support. If you, or someone you know, are suffering with sight loss - please get in touch - we are here to help. How can you help us: One hour, once a year in the area you live. If you can give your local blind charity one hour of your time, once a year, we want to hear from you - NNAB receives no state funding and raises 100% of the funding needed to run our services. We also recycle a number of items for funds - call on us to find out more.

For more information about NNAB please log on to, or call 01603 629558. We will be visiting Holt on Tuesday 17th to Thursday 19th June in Budgens car park in our mobile Equipment and Information Centre - come and see us!

NORFOLK CARERS Free learning grants for Norfolk carers, age 18 & over Carers living in Norfolk, providing unpaid help and support for a year or more to a relative, friend, partner or child who cannot manage because of disability, may be able to get a grant of up to £200 in 1 year to fund, or part fund, learning course fees; grants funded by Norfolk County Council, and administered by Age Concern Norfolk. A wide range of courses is covered, offering distance learning, local college, adult education or other centres, varying in length from half-day up to a year’s sessions, and covering leisure, sport & fitness, employment related, therapy and training courses. Take up of the scheme hopes to enable Carers to have ‘time for themselves, away from the caring role and daily routine’, to help some regain their self esteem by considering their needs as Carers and can give both carer and cared-for a new interest and break from routine. Learning Course Grant application forms available from Jasmine Toombs, Co-ordinator: Tel: 01603 787111. email: [email protected] or Age Concern Norfolk, 300 St Faith’s Road, Old Catton, Norwich NR6 7BJ.

DEANERY NEWS Next meeting of the Deanery Synod:

Thursday June 18th 2009 Baconsthorpe Village Hall 7.15pm for 7.30pm See poster for details of the Speaker. The Big Sing Saturday May 31st Hindolveston Church. See poster for details. Committed to Growth Sunday June 7th. 3.30pm. A service will be held in Norwich Cathedral at which plans will be blessed and handed back to the parishes.


Site Specific Proposals Draft Plan, Public consultations 15th June – 31st July

NNDC has been searching for appropriate development sites to accommodate future growth in N. Norfolk, and, entering the latter stages of the process, will consult the public. Their document includes details of recommended sites for development, showing any resulting required changes to the Proposals Map. Comments relating to the soundness of the document (is it fit for purpose, legally compliant or sound) can be made at the time of consultation. After the consultation any agreed changes will be made to the document before it is submitted to an appointed Planning Inspector. A series of drop-in Exhibitions have been arranged, where residents may discuss allocations with planning officers and collect all the information they need to make comments. Holt’s exhibition will take place take place, 3 - 7 pm, in the Community Centre on Wednesday, 7th July.

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Saturday, 6th June, at 7.30pm In SALLE CHURCH - with - Jayne May-Sysum - soprano

Gavin Horsley - bass Jorge Navarro-Colorado - tenor

Guest Orchestra Leader, Paul Clark. Conductor Rosemary Kimmins

Tickets, £10 at the door.


Gunthorpe historian Ray Steffens was a prolific researcher and some of his work has recently “come to light” thanks to the generosity of the late Fred Wright’s daughter. This is a short article he produced in 1982 on the background to a very important milestone in the UK’s education system, which may be of general interest.

Ragged Schools were free schools for poor and deprived children and were set up by various philanthropists early in the 19th century. Among the pioneers of the movement were Thomas Cranfield in London, John Pounds in Portsmouth and Thomas Guthrie in Scotland. A Free School where the children were also fed was opened in Aberdeen in 1841 and the Field Lane Refuge in London opened in 1843.

In 1844, the Ragged School Union was founded to coordinate the various charitable agencies for the care and instruction of the destitute poor. Day and night schools were established, as well as Sunday schools. The Union was vigorously supported by the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury, who became its first President, and he was largely responsible for extending the influence of the scheme throughout the Kingdom.

The introduction of compulsory elementary education (for ages 5-12) in 1880 somewhat diminished the need for "ragged schools". (Although some sources state that elementary education was free at this time nevertheless many already-established schools made a charge of one penny a week for many years afterwards. Parents could be fined if they did not pay the money.) The Ragged School Union became the Shaftesbury Society and Ragged School Union in 1914.

It is of interest to note that two of the early pioneers were very ordinary people, and not the wealthy philanthropists that might have been imagined. John Pounds (1766-1839) was born at Portsmouth. At the age of fifteen he became a cripple as the result of an accident, and took up the trade of shoemaker. In 1818 he began to interest himself in the poor children of the town and taught them reading and arithmetic, together with the rudiments of useful knowledge. Although Pounds is often given the credit for setting up the first Ragged School, Thomas Cranfield seems to have a better claim. Most reference books give him only passing mention, but a detailed account of his work fortunately survives in a book called "Old and New London" (c.1900).

Thomas Cranfield was a tailor in Hoxton and had formerly been a corporal at the Siege of Gibraltar in 1782. He resolved to establish a Sunday School in Kent Street, then one of the most squalid and deprived areas of London. In 1798 he hired a room and at once undertook, with no help other than that of his wife, to bring education to the "street Arabs" who might be persuaded to come.

The reputation borne by the neighbourhood for vice and profligacy was in itself quite sufficient to deter many persons with any benevolent intentions from venturing into the street. To quote from the book referred to:

“Undaunted by the magnitude of the undertaking, for some months this philanthropic individual, and his wife, travelling every Sunday all the way from Hoxton with three of their children, occupied themselves with the task they had set themselves, and achieved so much success that in a short time the fruits of their self-denying exertions became conspicuously apparent to others, and at last other voluntary teachers summoned up courage to undertake the same work”.

Finding his labours in Kent Street rewarded with success, and now being reinforced by additional volunteers, Cranfield determined to open a similar school in the Mint, close by - a locality even worse than Kent Street. This school also succeeded, and soon after their establishment these schools were incorporated with the school carried on in the Surrey Chapel, under the title of the Southwark Sunday-School Society - the Reverend Rowland Hill becoming the first president. Nine of these schools still exist, and many of the children born in Southwark within the last seventy years owed their education and their position in life to the voluntary instruction given in these Sunday-schools"

Researched by R J STEFFENS Gunthorpe November 1982

BRINTON HALL Wednesday, 17th June, 7.30 ‘DOUBLE-OCTAVE’

music for a ‘Summer’s Evening’ Proceeds towards St Andrew’s Church - Brinton

Tickets £15 include glass of wine/homemade cordial and canapes

Phone O1263 860247 or email [email protected]

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OPEN GARDENS Sunday, 21st June, 11 am – 5 pm

Grove Lane, Holt

Nine varied gardens will be open, with Refreshments and Plant Stalls. Entry point, tickets and parking at Greshams Prep School, Pearson Road (off Cromer Road)

Admission Adults £2.50, children under 16 free.

SUMMER SUPPER Friday, 26th June, 7.00 pm

Curlews, Morston Road, Blakeney There will be a delicious seafood supper, summer fruits with cream, and a glass of wine. Spacious gardens with marvellous sea views. Wine bar. Ample parking. All this by kind permission of the Bullard family.Tickets are strictly limited at £15 per head.

Please apply to 01263 713392.

Profits for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

NORFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST This summer NWT is running a series of events that

will help people to discover more about our coastal habitats and wildlife. Our coast is home to some amazing plants and animals, such as the yellow horned-poppy with its yellow flowers and extraordinarily long seed pods which can reach 25cms in length. From exploring life in rock-pools to art and craft activities there will be something to suit everyone. Visitors to the coast are also asked to take part in NWT’s coastal wildlife survey which asks people to record their sightings of five different animals and plants - grayling butterfly, yellow horned-poppy, harbour porpoise, slipper limpet and sea holly.

Event dates and survey forms are available from NWT’s information service on 01603 598333 or on-line at

CLEY W.I. June 4th As part of our 90th Year Celebrations we

will be visiting Pensthorpe for a Talk, Tour and Birthday Tea. Aim to arrive at 2.15pm – the Talk is at 2.30pm. Anyone requiring transport please contact Jan Hope Tel: 01328 830847.

July 2nd Cley Village Hall 2.30pm. A talk on orchids by David White will be followed by

our usual July Strawberry Tea. It is a special one this year – another Birthday Celebration. Visitors are welcome to join us. Jan Hope

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welcome decoration. On the roadsides and on our camino there are bushes of tufted wild lavender flowering everywhere. I would like to entice some onto my land but they are fussy plants and difficult to transplant. The natural pool is almost done; it needs a few more loads of water and then the shallow planting can be done, of irises and rushes. There is a problem with the solar power and the pool pump; the pump is not the right kind for my system, it sucks almost as much power out as the panels can absorb, so I hope that can be put to rights. At the moment it is oxygenating the water, a job the plants will take over when they get going. Tomorrow morning the solar engineer is coming to check the system out, as there seems not to be much charge coming in. The mysteries of making one’s own electricity are endless. Despite constant sunshine I am spending evenings in candlelight.

EASTER DAY At All Saints Church, Bale

In contrast with the grey gloom of the day outside, the interior of Bale Church was aglow with the light of many candles and the beauty of spring flowers.

Amidst a packed congregation, Iris Croft, aged 6, was lifted up by Canon Cedric Bradbury to light the Easter Candle. He then shepherded the rest of his flock, the smallest and youngest in the congregation, to light their candles in turn and process along the aisle. The celebration of Easter had begun.

It was a joyful and spiritual service filled with the sense of Christian community. Canon Bradbury delivered an inspiring and uplifting sermon. After this the Jacklin family sang the Intercessional Anthem "Now the green blades riseth" arranged by Christopher Jacklin from the Traditional French. For the Communion Anthem they sang "O death, where is thy sting?" by Handel. The beauty of the sounds they created filled the church and had it not been during the receiving of Communion everyone would have applauded.

At the close of the service Easter eggs were distributed to children and adults alike. Our grateful thanks to Canon Cedric Bradbury and the Jacklin family for such a wonderful and uplifting Easter service; also to those who prepared the altar and provided the Easter eggs; to those who cleaned the brass, arranged the mass of spring flowers and who cleaned the church.

BALE DIARY 1st April

My spring garden in Norfolk sadly has to be abandoned for a month, just at the point when the first flush of bloom is taking place, and the first flush of weed growth, and the grass too, both needing attention. In fact everything is about a month late; primroses are dotted about, still in their early stage with many flowers still rolled up tight, the blackthorn has delayed until the day I leave, and of course it’s the best show of blossom since I planted them. I hope there are enough insects for pollination and I get some sloes this autumn. The Banksii rose on one of the pot shed veranda columns has suddenly put on a blaze of little red-tinged leaves, and under it there is a big cowslip.

We leave for the Channel Shuttle on a beautiful sunny morning, and the fine weather continues all the way through France and into Spain. On the second day I start sneezing – tree pollen – take an anti-histamine and have to stop for a nap in one of the splendid “Aires” on the péage, St Leger, a way past the Loire Valley. I wake up to find we are sitting next to a tiny but idyllic patch of naturalised woodland, starred with drifts of huge wood anemones, primroses, celandines, violets and a few bluebells.

The road between Le Mans and Bordeaux is very beautiful, with swooping valleys between rounded hills patched with trees, picturesque old houses and barns, tall woodland everywhere spotted with balls of green mistletoe like some strange decoration on the bare branches.

After Bordeaux, Gascony and Les Landes are flat and dreary, mostly pine forest near the invisible dune coastline of the Atlantic, with the trees all damaged and broken next to the road after a bad storm this winter. Then the last edge of the Pyrenees and the Basque country looms up, misty and green with new leaf, up and down the rounded foothills. As soon as you cross the mountains into Spain proper the climate is dry and cold, spring lags behind and the trees are all bare.

Extremadura is dry this April; spring has come early, aromatic cistus is strong in the air on the autopista and after seven weeks with no rain the spring flowers are sparse. Yellow broom is out all over the sierra and scents the air with a sour pea smell. The white broom is almost finished; I must get hold of some seed pods and spread them around the finca. The big patch of it near the choza (round stone hut) has been decimated by the activities of the builders, but it will come back next year. Tasselled hyacinths are all over the place, intense blue exotic looking flowers. Bushes of rock roses smother the damper parts, their fried egg coloured flowers are a most

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R.N.L.I. COLLECTION I would like to thank the residents of Bale who kindly

contributed to the recent house–to-house collection for the R.N.L.I.. The total sum collected was £ 140.37. CB

BINHAM PRIORY PROJECT When you read this we hope there has been a

successful and enjoyable weekend on 16/17 May, celebrating the completion of the Project. A report on this very special event will be included in the next issue of the Lynx.

The project team wishes to express our appreciation of the huge support received over the last six years in so many ways: encouragement, help and financial contributions. The 12th century Priory has been brought into the 21st century without losing any of its majesty and spirituality. We trust those who have seen the end result feel the effort has been worthwhile. Tell your family and friends what a wonderful building and surrounding site is available in the village.

The church is open every day until 6.00 pm in the summer. Allow time to study the information panels highlighting the sometimes stormy events the Priory has experienced over the last 900 years, and the artefacts, most from the excavations of the 1930’s and never displayed before. There are specific activities for children and a Church trail explaining how the church is used for Christian worship. Our website has been developed for tourists planning their visit to North Norfolk and for students. Access to all parts of the Priory is now wheelchair friendly and a toilet is available. There are also leaflets on walks and cycle-rides centred on the Priory.

Binham Priory is a national treasure and it is a great privilege to have it on our doorsteps.

CELEBRATION CONCERT As well as the events of the 16/17 May, a concert will

be held on Saturday 30 May at 7.00pm also to celebrate the completion of the project.

Jayne May-Sysum (soprano) and Eleanor Turner (concert harp) will perform a wide range of music to suit all tastes. Tickets are £10 to include a glass of wine.

Booking: contact Maureen Frost 01328 830362, or at the door. David Frost

BALE FETE Bale Fete will be held at Manor Farm on the afternoon

of Saturday 6th June. Teas will be on the lawn, accompanied by relaxing live music, and there will be all the usual stalls – home-made cakes, fabric remnants, books, white elephant, hand-knits, jumble sale, plants, and more besides. There will be games and puzzles and raffles, and a good time will be had by all. Please come!

CONSERVATIVE PUDDING 2 ½ oz savoy biscuits or ratafias 2 eggs and 1 yoke 2 tablespoons rum or brandy ½ pt milk 1 tablespoon apricot jam Butter a soufflé tin. Put in the biscuits in layers with a

little apricot jam between. Pour in the rum or brandy. Mix the eggs and milk, and pour over the biscuits. Allow to soak half an hour. Steam 45 mins. Serve with a nice sweet sauce.

VEGETABLE MARROW JAM 4 lb marrow rind and juice of 2 lemons 4 lb sugar 1oz bruised ginger Peel marrow and cut into 3 inch long and 1 inch thick

pieces. Strew some of the sugar over it and let it remain 12 hours. Then put in a pan with the remainder of the sugar and the ginger, and boil till clear, about ¾ of an hour. Add grated rind and juice of lemon just at the end. Pot and label.


MARCH APRIL £25 Haken Bennell £25 Katie Andrews £10 Anne Poole £10 Margaret Barnes £5 Cecily Postan £5 Richard Broughton £5 David Pattinson £5 Margaret Barnes

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Hopi Ear Candling is an ancient and natural therapy handed down by many civilizations, although the practice reached the modern world via the native American Hopi Indians of north Arizona. Hopi means ‘peaceful people’. The candles are still handmade today on the basis of the old traditional formula. Many conditions may benefit by ear candling such as headaches, tinnitus and snoring. Helen Groom, RMANM, is a qualified practitioner of Holistic Facial Massage and Hopi Ear Candling, and also various types of Manicures and Pedicures. Home visits are available. Contact Helen for an appointment in Binham or for more details on 07766 652704.

BINHAM LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Wednesday & Thursday 10th and 11th June

For two days in June it is hoped that Binham will be buzzing with activity as up to 40 well supervised, GCSE students from local schools will be seriously involved digging Test Pits. This will be organised by HEFA – the Higher Education Field Academy of Cambridge University. HEFA was devised and is run by Carenza Lewis of the Department of Archaeology at Cambridge University. Carenza is well known to many from Channel 4’s Time Team. HEFA is similar in the activity it engages in to Time Team’s Big Dig, broadcast in 2003, when people across Britain dug test pits in their gardens. The aim of the Field Academy is (without TV cameras present!) to involve young people, local people and the University in a programme of learning skills development, based around research into their local historic origins. The Test Pits will be just 1 metre square and thanks to kind landowners and garden owners we will be able to provide about 14 different sites throughout the village.

Thursday 25th June 10.30 a.m. A private morning tour of Houghton Hall. Following

the tour we can either have lunch in the restaurant or enjoy a picnic in the grounds and then visit the gardens, which should almost be at their best. £12.50 per person. Booking essential. (01328 830270).

The History Group is most grateful to the villagers who have submitted old photographs for copying but would still appreciate access to more, of local people or of the village in earlier times. For more information on the archive and contents contact Alan Eagle (01328 830031 or [email protected]).


On the original timetable this matter should have been done and dusted by now, but all sorts of people from the Government downwards (allegedly) have been playing games and causing the delay. But surprisingly, the process is still on track, and, provided that the Prime Minister doesn’t call an election during 2009, will continue. Locally (the procedure is also happening in Suffolk and Devon) there are now just two options on the table; one Unitary for the whole of Norfolk, or two, representing a “Greater Norwich” plus another for the surrounding County (this model is known as the doughnut).

The period of consultation ended in mid-May and the Boundary Committee will make a recommendation to the Government by mid-July. One month after that the Minister, Hazel Blears, will announce what will happen. If she accepts the recommendation, an order will be placed before Parliament soon after the summer recess. It is then likely that transitional arrangements will begin, leading to the new Unitary(s) taking over from April 2011.

Those that are against the process are throwing up all sorts of spurious arguments as to why it should not happen:

1) It will cost a lot of money. To begin with, yes it will, but in a very short time it will save money.

2) Lots of people will lose their jobs. Unlikely – yes there will be a several redundancies amongst the “Chiefs”, but they will still need just as many “Indians”!

3) It will be less democratic because 400 existing (County and District) Councillors will become not much more than 100. Firstly, there are not 400 different people out there because there are a lot of “dual hats” – Councillors that serve on both District and County. Secondly, (hopefully) more delegation of services and powers to Parishes will make things more democratic.

I hope that when I next write on this matter it will be to welcome it in, rather than to explain yet another new schedule!

Keith Leesmith, Parish Clerk [email protected] 01328 710261

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BINHAM YOUTH GROUP The Binham Youth Group runs during school term

time on a Wednesday evening at Binham Village Hall starting 6pm until 8pm for children aged 5 – 14 years of age. Cost of entry £1, we also have a tuck shop where they can buy sweets and drinks. There is lots to do, friends to meet and make and fun to be had. All helpers are CRB and first aid trained. During summer months we have the use of the playing field, and from time to time we have visitors come in to talk to the children about their work (i.e. local police and fire service).

For more details contact Andrew or Wendy Marsh on 01328 830178.

BINHAM VILLAGE HALL If you would like to book the village hall for your next

event please ring Liz Brown 01328 830519 for more details and availability.


5 July Sun. 7.30pm Xuefei Yang, classical guitar. Dowland, Domeniconi, Albeniz, Regondi, Tarrega.

24 July Fri. 7.30pm Minstrels Gallery. Tony, Jane and Martin Scheuregger, Tessa Shepherd, playing from a range of over forty medieval instruments. “Puddings and Pies”

2 August Sun. 7.30pm Trio Goya. Philippa Davies, flute, Sebastian Comberti, cello, Maggie Cole, fortepiano. Haydn, Hummel, Mozart and von Weber.

20 August Thurs.7.30pm Trevor Pinnock, harpsichord. Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”

31 August Mon. 7.30pm Eroica, led by Peter Hanson, violin Haydn, Spohr and Mendelssohn’s “Octet”.

5 Sept Saturday 5 Sept. 7.30pm Abbey House Players, led by Jane Carwardine, violin.

12 September Sat. 12 Sept. 7.30pm Trillium Brass Quartet. Sarah Field, trumpet, soprano saxophone, Giles Liddiard, trumpet, Richard Ward, trombone, Alex Kidston, tuba. Purcell, Handel, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Butterworth, Elgar, Prokofiev, Tom Armstrong.

Tickets are £12 and available from Maureen Frost, 01328 830362, [email protected]

Further details can be found on the web site: and in the published brochure.


The following entries were lost in cyberspace prior to the last Lynx - will catch up on time of year next time around

1852 March 1st Our lambs coming rather slowly now but doing very well. Thomas Hinds summoned to appear before magistrates on Monday for assaulting one of his gang. 2nd Poor old Mr Upjohn quite broke down in the service today, obliged to send for brandy and water for him 6th Emily Hill came to dinner today and stayed all night 8th Uncle John came to see the lambs which he was pleased with, showed him my valuation book concerning Hindringham 9th Alas, Emily left us this morning, what a nice girl and how pretty she has grown. Miss Butler also talks of leaving on Thursday, what shall we do then for music 11th I drove Miss Butler to the train on my way to market after having all our favourite music performed and our last Polka together last evening. 31st Heard that John Groom had hired both the Langham farms for young John 1700 acres at £1100 April 2nd Went to dinner at O.W. Uncle John having sent for me to say that John Groom says I need not be afraid of Hindringham. 3rd I wrote to Charlie about my state of affairs and asked his opinion, also to Thomas Hipkis and Edward Tattersall 14th The Governor and I went to dine at Bale, talked politics, Mrs Hill a staunch Stanleyite 15th Called on John Groom about his roan mare which however his wife won’t let him sell. A very nice old hack 21st Finished putting in my marigolds in capital order but very dry dressing 10 loads of muck, 3 cwt of grass and 1 cwt of salt 22nd Governor and I drove old “Paddy” to Fakenham, saw the Holkham young men there - they appear fastish gentlemen. Norah and Richard Lewis

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Sunday July 12th at Abbott Farm, Binham

Everything kicks off at 11 a.m. Coffee, cakes and much more. Watch out for more information, put the date in your diary now. If you would like to help in any way please ring Liz Brown 01328 830519.

BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS The group consists of anyone interested in art or craft,

beginner or otherwise. Artists with professional experience form part of the group and will gladly advise if needed. We meet every Tuesday morning from 10 to 12 in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 per morning includes coffee and biscuits. A demonstration of painting or craftwork normally takes place on the first Tuesday of every month.

In March, James Bucknill gave a demonstration of painting using mixed media. In April, Sarah Caswell gave an interesting and professional talk, and demonstrated painting flowers on a large canvas using acrylic. For further information contact James Bucknill at 01328 830651.

THE OPEN CIRCLE 18th June: An evening of Line Dancing. Please wear loose, comfy clothes and flat shoes. 16th July: Garden Party at 6.30 p.m. at Eve Walker’s Apple Acre, Southgate Road, South Creake. We meet at 7.15pm on the third Thursday of each month at Hindringham Village Hall. New members are always welcome. Just come along or ring Secretary Fiona Thompson on 830639.


The Charity owns 27.26 acres and the Chequers public house from which it receives annual rent. We are a registered charity and therefore are controlled by the Commission in how we conduct our affairs and use our income.

Every Christmas we give away a cash grant to the retired residents of Binham and Cockthorpe who have lived here for much of their lives. Last Christmas we gave away £50 to each person and received many appreciative letters.

We have recently introduced an educational bursary grant scheme, which has been widely publicised. We have received several enquiries and have just given our first grant to a young person who is doing a beauty and hairdressing course at the College of West Anglia. We hope to help more young people with this scheme when applicants reach the age of further education.

William Wales, Chairman

ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION Saturday 25th to Monday 28th July

The Binham Guild of Artists will be holding their annual exhibition in the Memorial Hall on the above dates. For more information call James Bucknill at 01328 830651

PRIORY TOURS From May to September conducted tours of the Priory

are offered at 2.30 pm every Sunday and Tuesday afternoon. Tours last about one hour.

Tours and light refreshments can be arranged for special interest groups at other times by telephoning 01328 830362.

MEMORIAL HALL – 100 CLUB March Winners. £25 David Brief; £10 Helen West; £5 Andrew Marsh; £5 Maureen Frost; £5 Edward Bartram. April Winners. £25 Alex Bartram; £10 Tracy Blackiston; £5 Ann Prockter; £5 Mrs P Newson; £5 Rory Bartram. There are numbers still available if you would like to join. Please phone June Read at 01328 830106 or call at 8 Priory Crescent, Binham.

PRIORY TEAS Once again there will be Teas in the Priory each

Friday from 31st July and then each Friday during the month of August from 2.30 to 4.30 in the afternoon. So do please come and join us.

If you would like to help on the day, or bake cakes or biscuits for us to sell, please let Marie Grange know at 01328 830374.

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ANNUAL BIKE RIDE The Norfolk Churches Trust Annual Sponsored

Bicycle Ride is on Saturday 12th September this year. You are invited to cycle or walk, or use whatever other non-motorized means of transport you wish, to visit our churches and chapels. If there are volunteers who are unable to make visits themselves, they may act as sitters at their church and provide a welcome to visitors – and they can be sponsored for that activity as well.

For more information call 01328 830270.

NEWMAN’S EMPORIUM News from the Emporium. A big ‘thank you’ to all

our customers. The Emporium has been well received, especially for gifts – “So much easier than trying to find somewhere to park in Holt or Burnham Market.” We have been fortunate with the loan of many items for the “Portraits of Binham Priory” Exhibition, especially the John Piper, and work by the late George Bird and Bob Scott. Amongst pictures for sale has been work by Leslie Marr, who once lived across the road from the Emporium, and Lionel Wilde; and the photographs of the Priory at night, by Geoff Scott.

In June we have an exhibition of Norfolk landscapes by Lionel Wilde, and in July watercolours by Elizabeth J Harrison from Cley.

Revised opening times: seven days a week until the end of September. Sue and Roger

01328 830190.

SLOE GIN COMPETITION There will probably be very few entries in the Sloe

classes as there was hardly a sloe to be seen last year. However one or two diligent and somewhat secretive sloe-seekers are known to have been successful.

Perhaps the competition should be renamed the Liqueur Competition. There are so many other fruit liqueurs to be made and enjoyed, such as Raspberry Whisky, Tangerine Ratafia, Orange Shrub, Red Currant Gin – anything that is made with spirits (not wines). There will also be a class for the Prettiest Bottle.

Judging will take place during the week of 20th September (more details later) and the results announced and prizes awarded at the Binham Harvest Supper on Friday 25th September. Carolyn Wright


In aid of Asperger East Anglia, as the final part of the three-event fund raising effort by Andrew and Wendy Marsh of Binham. This has included a Bingo evening and Andrew will be running the Edinburgh Marathon on May 31st. His training is going well at the time of writing. Hopefully a representative from Asperger East Anglia will be present at the Coffee Morning to talk about the condition and to receive the money raised over the three events. The Coffee Morning will include raffle, tombola, cake stall etc, for further information call Andrew or Wendy on 01328 830178.

BOB SCOTT Now that the building of the new path at the Priory is

complete, it has been possible to find a suitable location for the bench generously donated by Bob Scott.

Bob was a much loved member of the congregation, and of the village, who died three years ago this July, aged 92.

Most people in Binham knew Bob. “Hello, my dear,” he greeted everyone with a smile.

The site for Bob's bench has been chosen near the flowering cherry tree, which overlooks the churchyard and the west front of the Priory. We like to think the position would meet with Bob’s approval.

We thank David Rose for installing the seat.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Enjoy the special qualities of today. Today is

very special and lasts for only a few hours.

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to the North Norfolk coastline and as the population increased and settlements spread inland, trade also increased. It is possible still, in parts, to identify in the landscape the early drove road joining Kelling Creek, Cley, Wiveton, Langham (the original Langham by-pass!) Binham, Walsingham etc. inland through Fakenham to the East Dereham area. This sinuous route took advantage, wherever possible, of easily trampled heath land and traces of laid hedge can still be found in places. (Such a hedge allowed cattle to be driven without straying from the track). It is obviously impossible to date such a road but there is evidence of a narrow corridor of settlement elms in odd patches along the route, diminishing in numbers further inland, and prior to the advent of mechanised transport, it is safe to assume drove roads have been in use since trading in livestock began. Cockthorpe is easily connected to this route at Binham

To the north of the present day village are two other much less elevated sites. From observation in the Langham area of settlement sites of approximately 8.5 to 10 acres, assuming managed heath land grazing outside the settlement, modern self sufficiency experiments indicates such a holding will support an extended family of 30-35 people. Studies elsewhere suggest groupings of six or seven settlements often spaced a mile or two apart, possibly functioning as a tribal co-operative. It is therefore likely that the settlement extended no further south than the present east-west road between the cross and the church.

This gives us an estimated population of Cockthorpe in 4491 BC of 195 persons!

© The Langham Research Project. Footnote: If any readers can shed light on any

Neolithic or indeed other finds in the Lynx area we would be very pleased to receive information to build a local record. Please contact Ann Massingham on 01328 830558. Next instalment : The Romano-British Period.

POETRY EVENSONG All Saints Church Cockthorpe Sunday July 19th. 2009 at 4pm.

The theme will be ‘A Celebration of Summer’. A donation will be made to the Norfolk Churches Trust.

Come and join our Poetry Circle in the service at this special little church. All are welcome.

GLIMPSES OF TIMES PAST Excerpts of research, yet to be published, into the

history of settlement in the Langham area When the first settlers arrived in North Norfolk at the

end of the last Ice Age from south eastern Europe about 6,500 years ago, the landscape would have been rather different from what we have today. The great attractions were twofold: a complex network of tidal creeks providing seafood in abundance combined with coastal heath land, easily managed by controlled burning, which provided excellent grazing for the cattle they brought with them.

Cockthorpe, situated at the head of a glacial valley leading down to a natural deep water harbour would have been one of the earliest and safest settlement sites. The tell-tale signs are in the landscape: Neolithic man brought with him a unique commodity in the form of the settlement elm (ulmus minor var. vulgaris) which was used to form a dense enclosure hedge around the settlement. Not only did this hedge contain the cattle but also in late summer, as grazing was becoming exhausted, the foliage was fed to the cattle by means of a form of pollarding called Shredding which generated elongated narrow stumps along the line of the hedge. These elms can still be seen on the track way towards Cockthorpe Common along with an apparent earthwork enhancement to the natural contour giving a much steeper rampart than the normal angle of repose of the local soils. There are three such sites on the western side of the track, easily defended should unwelcome intruders arrive by sea, and one further north-east.

Where man is reliant on a significant proportion of the daily diet coming from seafood the other essential commodity is wood in large quantities for ship building; this being in days before metal tools were in use and ships were built in clinker style of stitched and pegged green oak planks on oak frames. The nearest source of oak in early times was just inland at Binham and then, as the large useful trees had been used up, further inland at Swanton Novers. This explains the relatively straight route directly inland still in existence today only interrupted by the construction of Langham airfield and odd minor realignments south of the A148, possibly brought about by the enclosure boundaries of the early 19th century and /or the construction of the railway a few decades later. (The Romans were not the first people to build straight roads: oxen dragging logs for shipbuilding are difficult to steer). Similar routes project inland from the other coastal ports.

We should not forget the other inlets and natural harbours along the coastline. The massive estuarial systems of the Wash to the west and around the Isle of Flegg in the east (before Great Yarmouth ever existed) were, without doubt, hazardous to navigate in comparison

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We reported Lynx that the Church been offered a major grant by English Heritage and Heritage Lottery Fund, supported generously by Norfolk Churches Trust. This was the culmination of 9 months of consultation, preparation and applications. Progress towards the repairs is moving, but complicated, as all activities have to be in accordance with the English Heritage and Diocese of Norwich procedures.

There are two stages. The first is scaffolding to allow the builders to open up all suspect areas, inspection by architects and engineers and reporting back to all concerned.

This Stage 1 investigation has been taking place in April; ahead of the original proposed time table thanks to the efficiency of the church architect Mrs Ruth Blackman. She has obtained and reported on necessary tenders from builders and other required professionals for Stage 1, and worked closely with the PCC. (She also came to the AGM of the PCC on the 27th March and explained the works and the English Heritage procedures. Her enthusiasm for our small church was manifest. It has been in continuous use since at least 1301, the beginning of the documented line of rectors; before that there is record of one Osgotus de Gunthorpe in 1106 who it is thought ministered here. The tower was built in the mid C15. Other parts of the church date from 1300AD.)

The reports back from the builders and architect after the April Stage 1 investigation are awaited. There come re-appraisals, possibly new costings and a further submission to English Heritage to confirm its provisional grant for the actual repairs as Stage 2.

Assuming E. H.s approval, the full repairs will take place in early 2010. However this is dependent on the church’s finding the shortfall of funding over and above the major contributions tentatively agreed by English Heritage and Norfolk Churches Trust. The PCC is applying to all other possible small charities and foundations, with guidance from the church architect and the Diocese; and is liaising closely with The Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church. Without the financial and other support of The Friends getting the tower repaired would not be possible.

As was apparent at the AGM the whole village is determined to see these essential and overdue repairs through, so that the church can continue for now and centuries to come.

SUMMER FETE Sat 1st Aug from 2 – 4pm

Field Dalling and Saxlingham Summer Fete will take place on Saturday 1st August from 2 to 4 pm at the Village Hall on the right hand side of the Holt Road in Field Dalling, as you drive towards Saxlingham.

There will be stalls, side shows, games, children’s activities, plants and local produce, refreshments and much more including, by popular demand, the return of the live band to entertain everyone.

Helpers and contributions required This is the main fund raising event for both Parish

Churches and the Village Hall and our enthusiastic group of helpers are looking for more volunteers to help make the event a resounding success.

Contributions for the white elephant, tombola, plant, cake and bookstalls will also be most welcome and necessary.

Please contact either Margaret Smith on 01328 830546 or Bridget Nicholson on 01328 830614 if you could help in either way.

We want to make this a bumper year and we need your help!

WHAT’S ON Gunthorpe diary dates (watch notice board for full

details) are included in ‘Whats On’, Page 2 of Lynx:

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Going through some of the papers from Gunthorpe historian Ray Steffens’ work I came across these “Office Rules” – originally published I believe in a J B Priestley book called “Victoria’s Heyday.

Some things have improved!

Godliness, cleanliness and punctuality are the necessities of a good business.

This firm has reduced the hours of work, and the clerical staff will now only have to be present between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Daily prayers will be held each morning in the main office. The clerical staff will be present.

Clothing must be of a sober attire. The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colour.

Overshoes and top-coats may not be worn in the office, but neck scarves and headwear may be worn in inclement weather.

A stove is provided for the benefit of the clerical staff. Coal and wood must be kept in the locker. It is recommended that each member of the clerical staff bring 4 lb. of coal each day during cold weather.

No member of the clerical staff may leave the room without permission. The calls of nature are permitted, and clerical staff may use the garden beyond the second gate. This area must be kept in good order.

No talking is allowed during business hours. The craving for tobacco, wines, or spirits is a human

weakness and as such is forbidden to all members of the clerical staff.

Now that be hours of business have been drastically reduced the partaking of food is only allowed between 11.30 a.m. and noon, but work will not on any account cease.

Members of the clerical staff will provide their own pens

A final note adds that "The owners will expect a great rise in the output of work to compensate for these near-Utopian conditions".

WELCOME A warm welcome goes to Gemma Wright and Richard

Whitehurst who have moved into 7 Swanton Novers Road. Both are from North Norfolk with Gemma hailing from Sheringham and Richard from Fakenham. Gemma works as a supervisor at S&J Shellfish in Melton Constable and Richard works for Banham Poultry.


We also want to record a short summary of the introduction to the PCC AGM given by Lay Chairman Virginia Worsley, who has also asked us, through the Lynx, to publicly thank Faith Bennell for leading a collection for “retiring” church warden Fred Morley, who was presented with a digital radio at the Easter Sunday service. She said:

‘We say good bye and thank you to Joanna who has been Rector here and the 9 other parishes that make up the Group for the past 3 years.

Thank you Joanna for keeping our church alive in this small village despite the falling masonry in the church, the stolen bible and altar cloths and crosses and the wall coping stones from the churchyard (luckily you have confirmed that they are all covered by the insurance policy so will eventually be replaced).

We appreciate everything that you have done for the benefice as a whole. Thank you for taking services during your time with us, and for the diligence with which you prepared your sermons Though it may not always seem so, we are a very positive and optimistic community which has no intention of giving up its support for the parish church; we will continue to have church services and get the church tower mended. The church will always be a place of peace and calm for all, including non church goers.

We thank you again and wish you all good fortune and happiness in your next ministry at Hexham Abbey.’

The Lay Chairman then thanked all those others who had supported the church; most particularly Fred Morley who finally at the age of 85 proffered his resignation as church warden, after 31 years - but who will continue in practice; and John Smith who at a similar age and after many earlier years as church warden had continued as Gift Aid and sponsored bicycle ride organiser.

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If you are attending the AGM, please help by paying your £5 membership fee until the end of May 2010 on the night, and if you have not already joined (and thanks to all who have) your 50/50 Club subscriptions (that is assuming we have won you over as a supporter!). Please also bring cash for the fish and chips and wine. It is a fun gathering, and we can give you more information then.

For those existing and new members who are unable to attend the AGM you can send or drop off your membership fee(s) or donation to either :

John Blakeley, Hawthorns, Gunthorpe NR24 2NT Phone 01263-861008 or Marie or Jeremy Denholm, Gunthorpe Hall, Gunthorpe NR24 2PA Phone 01263-861373.

Please also give us a call if you need further information. Best wishes for a happy and healthy summer to you all. Marie Denholm Chairman FOGPC


March April Bea Kassapian £20.00 John Blakeley £20.00 Victoria L-B £15.00 Alan Roper £15.00 Stephen Burton £ 5.00 Sophie Hinton £ 5.00 Linda Russell £ 5.00 John Rush £ 5.00 John Corney £ 5.00 Marianne Atherton £ 5.00 Adam Raphael £ 5.00 William Worsley £ 5.00 Barney Broom £ 5.00 Dianne Cutterham £ 5.00

The end of the current year for the 50:50 Club will be the May draw – which will also be a bumper one, with £80 of cash prizes. Reminders to renew your membership or join as a new member for the next twelve draws (from June 2009 to May 2010 inclusive) have been circulated widely, and we would like to thank all those members, existing and new, who have already responded so promptly.

You can still join or renew your membership by returning the forms by post, or in person at the May draw, or contact either Peter Everett (012163 860035) or John Blakeley (01263 861008) for more information. The May meeting will be the last chance for you to renew your membership keeping your existing “lucky” number – after that you can, of course, still join, but your number may be changed.


(a registered charity)

Membership Appeal The Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church (FOGPC) is

a charity supported by most Gunthorpe Village residents as well as many people outside the village. The Charity is non-religious, and its purpose is to raise money to maintain the fabric of Gunthorpe Village Church. “Friends” members have a complete cross section of reasons for offering their support. Some members love old architecture, some admire and respect the history and sense of continuity of village life the Church represents, some members wish to be married and/or buried there or have relatives buried there... and some appreciate the Church for these reasons and worship there as well.

Years ago when the charity was formed, at a meeting attended by most village residents, it was agreed that the major fundraising and support of this charity had to come from within the village, and people directly linked to the village, as it is our Village Church, and in this needy world is of very little concern outside Gunthorpe. We are now beginning phased repair work to the Church tower, and would greatly appreciate the financial support of all those who are interested and able to help.

“Friends” membership is a minimum of £5 per year (but larger sums are gratefully received). Please DO continue your membership if you are an old member and join if you are not.

The 50/50 Club, which has been recruiting separately, is our biggest fund-raising activity and costs £12 a year to join. Half of the membership subscription money comes back to the members via a monthly prize draw. The 50/50 Club meets, usually on the last Saturday of each month, in the Village Institute for a coffee morning with cakes, tea, coffee, raffle and a prize draw. Our year runs June to May, so we are now collecting for the next “Friends” year.

We have a number of other functions each year which we hope you will attend, but we know 'Functions' are not everyone's cup of tea. Just your £5 membership and/or 50/50 Club membership helps greatly, and shows a willing local commitment, better enabling us to seek the external grants required for necessary, large-scale work such as the tower repair project now in progress.

Your membership fee(s) alone will be most gratefully received but it helps if you can give us your full name, address, phone and email (if applicable), and also confirm that you are a UK tax payer as, if you are, we are able to claim the your subscription as Gift Aid and get the income tax back which is very beneficial.

The 'Friends' AGM will be held on Friday the 26th of June at 6:30 pm in the Gunthorpe Village Institute, followed by fish and chips and wine. All those who are interested please do come along. We are always looking for more active helpers, so don't hesitate to volunteer, but we are most appreciative for the interest and support shown by your attendance alone.

If you are new to the village - please come to see what it's all about - with no strings attached.

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Flower Garden Plant out your bedding plans making sure they have

been hardened off by standing outside for a few days – give them a good watering if the weather is dry. If watering is needed anywhere in the garden give plants a good soaking as small amounts do more harm than good by bringing roots up near to the surface.

Your hanging baskets can be planted and it is a good idea to mix water storage gel and slow release fertiliser into the compost before planting. You can get these from most garden centres. Keep your roses dead-headed to keep more blooms coming – watch for pests or black-spot and spray at the first sign of pest or disease.

Vegetable Garden You can plant out your tomato plants now and sow

cucumber seed for outdoor planting. You can raise them on a windowsill until big enough to plant out. Choose a sheltered position or plant in large pots. If possible stand pots in a tray so that you can water from the bottom as watering from the top brings roots to near the surface. Hang two or three yellow flytraps in your greenhouse to avoid the build up of white fly – these pests are hard to get rid of if they are allowed to build up, especially on tomato plants.

If you have not already planted your runner and dwarf beans do so now as soon as possible. To get a longer cropping period keep watered well in dry weather. Continue sowing seeds of lettuce, beetroot, carrots, radish and other salad crops. Plant out Brussels sprouts and winter cabbage plants. Fred Morley


There have been continuing, and very positive, developments in the work of Gunthorpe Ward at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and we have received the following update from their Communications Director which will be of interest to all readers of the Lynx.

We hope that we will be welcoming both the Ward Consultant, Kneale, Metcalfe and the Sister in Charge, Kate Myland, to the Gunthorpe Fete in July, where they have kindly agreed to present the prizes.

A quiet revolution has been taking place on Gunthorpe Ward at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital in response to a new strategy for stroke patients.

Linking with the Government’s TV advertising campaign to help people recognise stroke symptoms and seek help FAST, the ward team is working closely with NHS colleagues in the ambulance service and in the community to develop a seamless approach to specialist stroke care.

A new £8 million unit is being built at the Norwich Community Hospital (formerly the West Norwich Hospital) in Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, to provide 24 stroke rehabilitation beds, plus a another 24 general rehabilitation beds, and there will be a new emphasis on providing specialist care and therapy at home for patients who need this support.

The team on Gunthorpe Ward is being boosted with ten new nursing staff – including a special fast-response Stroke Alert team who from 1 June will be able to attend to stroke patients in A&E at any time, day or night.

Extra support will be provided by consultant and medical staff, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, pharmacists and dieticians and a clinical psychologist will also be available in the community to help stroke patients come to terms with the life changes brought about by having a stroke.

All suspected stroke patients will have rapid access to a brain scan to confirm their diagnosis and those who are deemed suitable for clot-busting thrombolytic drugs (around 10 per cent of stroke patients) will receive this treatment in A&E as soon as possible..

Gunthorpe Ward sister Kate Myland commented;

“It has been a very exciting time for the ward as we have been recruiting new staff and developing their skills. It’s marvellous that stroke patients are at last being seen as a high priority.

“Many people imagine that strokes only happen to the elderly and there is nothing much you can do, but research shows that many patients recover well if they have rapid access to specialist diagnosis and treatment.

“We see lots of people in their fifties who have suffered strokes and the youngest I have come across was only 27.”

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MRS. RACHEL NEWSTEAD. Rachel (Ray) Newstead of Priory Crescent Binham

died on 22nd March 2009. She has spent many happy years in Binham with her late husband Walter since their retirement from Cockthorpe Farm in 1977.

In recent yeas she has been immobile but kept a very active mind.

Sheila, Roger, Kevin Steven and Manjiri would like to thank family friends and neighbours for all their help and concern they showed Mum over the years.

Sheila Jenkinson

APCM RESULTS The Vestry Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church

Meeting were held in Langham Church on Friday March 20th 2009. No churchwardens were elected as no nominations had been received.

Reports were read and these can be viewed in full on the church notice board.

We were able to pay our Parish Share in full last year and so grateful thanks are due to all those who came to support our fund raising events. Our reserves are low so it was a relief to hear that our Parish Share has been lowered this year. We do though face considerable expense this coming year in connection with the churchyard and windows in the church.

Sadly there has been a drop in giving. A pledge of a regular donation greatly enhances our budget especially when it can be gift aided. If anyone feels they would like to do this please get in touch with the treasurer. The cost of church running expenses differed only by a £1 from last year and amounts to £233 a week to keep the church running so we still need a lot of help from each one of you.

Thanks were given to all of the people who are so generous in giving of their time, energy, talents and finance to support all the different areas of church life.

The PCC now consists of: Dr. Rex Dawson – Lay Chairman Mrs. Janet Allen – Minutes Secretary Mr. Jerry Allen – Fabric Officer The Reverend Dr.Tim Fawcett Mrs. Ann Sherriff – Treasurer Mr. Ian Spinks – Health & Safety Officer Other Officers: Electoral Roll Officer – Janet Allen Gift Aid Officer – Ann Sherriff Child Protection Officer – Eva Gambrill (Stiffkey) Deanery Synod Rep. – Ann Sherriff.

We are only a handful of people trying to cope with the many jobs connected with the running of a church without a churchwarden, secretary or fund raising officer.

In answer to last year’s plea we were fortunate to be able to co-opt Jerry on to the PCC and we are very grateful for his services.

If anyone feels they would like to help us please contact any of the above names or the Reverend Tim Fawcett Tel: 830 415 who is deputising during the interregnum.

WELCOME We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Sue

Bridgeman, Gavin Haverson, Clare Hayes, Ann-Marie Knowles, Ian, Kyra and Peri Marsham, Mr. and Mrs. Pegden, Lucinda and Sam Weston and family, Sarah Withers and family, who have come to live in Langham. We hope you will all be very happy living here.

FROM THE REGISTER Funeral Mr. Alan Gidney 2nd April 2009 Cremation Mrs. Myrtle Newman 1st May 2009

SISTER MARY JOSEPH Those who knew Sister Mary Joseph, a Carmelite

Nun, will be sad to hear of her passing. She was one of the original nine who came from Quidenham and founded the Langham Carmel. When the Community dispersed she returned to Quidenham with two others but greatly missed the Sisters with whom she had lived for 25 years. She always welcomed callers with a ready smile and gentle humour.

Sister Mary Joseph was 92 years old and in the 72nd year of her Profession. A wonderful record.

Vera Colombe

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LANGHAM CAR SERVICE Schedule to August 2nd 2009 Rate 20p per mile

Weekly duties beginning on a Monday: May 25th Tel: 830 847 June 1st Tel: 830 537* June 8th Tel: 830 056 June 15th Tel: 830 056 June 22nd Tel: 830 537* June 29th Tel: 830 036 July 6th Tel: 830 097 July 13th Tel: 830 731 July 20th Tel 830 731 July 27th Tel: 830 821

* These drivers do not go to Norwich.

The roster will be displayed on the village notice board, in the church porch and the ‘Bluebell’.

As always please feel free to telephone any of the drivers listed if you have a query. If you are a frequent user of the service it is handy to keep this copy of the local Lynx as it covers all the weeks until the next issue. People who use the service are advised to bring along plenty of change.

In the infrequent event that no driver is available you may like to contact Holt Area Caring Society who deal with door to door lifts for medical associated appointments. They require the booking as far in advance as possible, their contact number is Tel: 01263 711243. Ann Sherriff Tel: 830605

FRIENDS OF LANGHAM QUIZ NIGHT On the 2nd April the Friends ran another very

successful quiz evening. Fourteen teams packed the Parish Room to be tested

on such topics as 20th century war and peace, inventions and many others including two picture rounds. In one of these the teams were asked to identify pictures of famous things which had been reversed. It is quite amazing how little one really looks at things!

Eventually the team from Briston won by half a point and collected Easter eggs and wine as their reward. Another very enjoyable night!

David Reville Committee Member

CONCERT IN CHURCH Linda Bryan-Phelps

& The Dave Lane Quartet David Lane – Keyboards Pete Wild – Guitar Justin Myers – Bass John Phelps – Drums “MOOD SWINGS FOR SUMMER”

Sunday 7th June at 7:30pm Langham Parish Church

Tickets £10 from Pauline 830696, Sue 830595 or The Bluebell

LANGHAM LADYBIRDS We had a very interesting talk on Bee-Keeping in April, a fascinating subject.

June 10th 3.00pm Strawberry Tea at No2, The Green. Everybody welcome £3 per head.

July 8th Flower Arranging 7.30pm Langham Parish


Over 25 Craft Stalls to enjoy and Exhibition of Paintings and Photographs in Langham

Parish Room 10:00am – 4:30pm Painting Demonstration – Bob Brandt

Calligraphy Demonstration – Ken Bartlett Refreshments served all day

Free Entry All on Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th July * To hang framed picture – £2.50 each *

* Unframed picture – £1.50 each * * Plus 10% on sold pictures *

Instructions and booking forms available from Pauline Bartlett 01328 830696

Closing date for applications – Wed 1st July 2009 Proceeds to be shared between Langham Street Fayre 2010 funds and Langham Church General Fund


This will visit Langham on Thursdays - June 11th, July 2nd and July 23rd, calling each day at:

St. Mary’s - 10.00am, Old Post Office - 10.25am, Swan’s Close - 10.50am and The Cornfield -11.15am.

Enquiries: Wells Library 01328 710467.


These classes are still going strong. They are not too demanding and are very enjoyable. So do come along and join us – every Monday morning in Langham Parish Room 10.00am – 11.30am . Ring me if you need any further information. Sue Hughes 01328 830 595

NEWMARKET LADIES DAY JULY 9th By coach with tickets for entrance to Grandstand and

Paddock. We can pick you up at Holt, Langham, Binham or

Hindringham. A great day out! If you are interested please phone Maureen Tel: 01328


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CRAB SUPPER The Morston Crab Supper, in aid of Morston Church,

will be on Sunday 7th June 2009, preceded by a trip to Blakeney point to see the Seals and Birds. Boats leave Morston Quay at 6.15pm – with, to follow, a delicious Crab Supper or Chicken Pie with salads and home-made puddings. Bar available: beer, wine, squash etc.

Tickets are £14 per head, not including wine, and are available from Mary Athill (01263-740306) or Hope Todd (01263-740118). Apply soon! It’s FUN!

FRIENDS OF LANGHAM Coffee Morning dates

Sat June 6th Wed June 17th Sat July 4th Wed July 15th

Do come along to these informal gatherings, from 10am - 12 noon in Langham Parish Room.

Meet your friends and neighbours and enjoy a cuppa! We are always in need of volunteers to run these

mornings, so if you would like to help, please give me a ring. John Hughes Tel: 830 595

SHOVELL DINNER 2009 The Shovell Dinner this year will be on Saturday 17th October, as usual in the Anchor. The Speaker will be the historian and author (of five definitive naval history books), Dr. David Davies. He will speak on “Pepys’s Navy: Ships, Men and Organisation”. All proceeds will go as usual to Friends of Morston Church for church repairs and refurbishment.

JOY’S COFFEE MORNING This was held in the Parish Room on April 4th 2009

and was a most enjoyable occasion. he general opinion was that there were not as many

people as last year attending but in spite of this the net proceeds, including a late donation, amounted to £500 for the Langham Church General Fund. Thanks go to Bob and Helen for a generous donation of pictures which gave rise to a new kind of raffle. A big thank you to Helen for donating a group of farm buildings for a written auction and who also, once again, made a lovely quilt and the competition was to guess how many feet of thread were used in the making of it!

Competition results: Quilt 421 feet Caroline Freeth Basket of flowers Jo Valentine No of eggs in the jar 55 Ken Bartlett Weight of the cake 4 lbs 1oz Joan Brown Set of Farm Buildings Edward Allen


THURSFORD Saturday Dec 12th 2pm

Best seats available £32.50 each. Please let me know if you wish to reserve any tickets. Maureen Tel: 01328


LANGHAM PARISH ROOM Lots and lots of goodies.

MORSTON SUNDAY FUNDAY Please put Sunday 23rd August in your diary now!

Morston Fete/Fun Day will take place in Norfolk etc’s field at the southern edge of the main car park from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm. All sorts of stalls and games!

MARINE LITTER The MCS (Marine Conservation Society) Survey last

year reported a 126% increase since 1994 in the plastic content of litter found on beaches - bottles, bags, lids and containers. More than 170 species of marine wildlife, including birds, whales and turtles were recorded as having died after eating plastic. Litter items on the 105 miles of coastline which 4,000 volunteers cleared, contained 346,000 items - an average of two items per yard of beach. [DT, 10.04.09].

“WHITEBAITING” PICTURE SALE The Anchor is kindly displaying for the PCC (“in aid

of Morston Church”) a water-colour by Adrian Taunton entitled “Terns Whitebaiting in the Pit” - which is for sale at £250 ono.

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A SLICE OF SUMMER We are all used to newspapers and magazines writing

stuff about the seals and sailing and the marsh, but Morston Hall is catching up fast with mentions in the national dailies. The Daily Telegraph Magazine of 25th April 2009 devoted six pages to Galton Blackiston’s new book of recipes, “Summertime”, “a book infused…” (writes Francesca Ryan) “…with memories of family holidays by the sea”. “Whim Wham (boozy cream with peaches and almonds)” sounds delicious.


The Barn Dance held on 4 April 2009 in Binham Village Hall to celebrate Joanna Anderson's Ministry was a great success, thoroughly enjoyed by Joanna and her family and everyone else who attended.

All credit to Sheila Harris, the prime mover of the occasion, and thanks to those in the Benefice who contributed in anyway to the happy evening!!

On Easter Sunday Joanna held her final services, Holy Communion at 11.00am in Saxlingham and a very well-attended Evening Service in Field Dalling at which Margaret Smith presented gifts to Joanna from the Benefice including our two villages; the presents were a cheque for £768.00, two prints for Norfolk scenes and a rose bush aptly called Blessings!


Over 40 folk put their best feet forward during an extended Salsa evening given by Marlene in the Field Dalling and Saxlingham Village Hall on 25th April. In the interval everyone tucked into canapes and wine.

A great deal of fun was had by all and over £400 were raised for St Margaret's - specifically to pay for the replacement of the sidegate of the church yard.

Our thanks to the participants, the helpers and Caroline Robson who devised and organised the event.


On Friday 5th June AT 7.30pm in St Margaret's jazz bands from Gresham's School will give their annual concert in aid of Saxlingham Church. The repertoire of the boys and girls includes many well-known favourites and original arrangements.

Wine and canapes (included in the ticket price) will be served in the interval.

Tickets @ £8.00 are available from Caroline Robson (01328 830298) or John Rayner (01328 830564).

REGATTAS The Morston Regatta will be on Saturday 25th July

and the Oyster Regatta on Sunday 26th July.

CHURCH NOTICES An American website claims the following Notices

were displayed outside British churches: “God, you’re great!” “Gambling is a sin! Bet you can’t give it up!” “Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed the snake; and the

snake didn’t have a leg to stand on!” “Down in the mouth? Come in and get a lift!” “All Services are different. We leave the repeats to

TV.” “As you pass this little church, be sure to pay a little

visit, so when at last you’re carried in, God won’t ask: ‘Who is it?’ ”

“Can’t sleep? Don’t count sheep, talk to the shepherd.”

“Almost 2,000 years old, and still has the Maker’s guarantee!”

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“The day of execution” – Monday morning, 5 am, dead of winter, pitch black, drizzling rain, bone chilling cold. There’s not even a half decent omen in sight.

Promptly, at 6 am the Tumbrel arrived. Fortunately one doesn’t have to pay to be transported by this customised French farm cart, adapted to take doomed aristocracy to undergo radical surgery by the clean cut of Dr Guillotine. One may have to pay handsomely for the return journey.

The weary grey mare Josephine had enjoyed her breakfast and topped with several quarts of mead-strong brown ale - “makes her turbo charged” muttered the man at the reins - “we’ll be there in no time”. Clip clopping through deserted lanes and then the streets which were empty save for a few skitting rats and scattering cats, I was unable to plead my innocence except in a hollow desperate manner echoing back from the buildings. Josephine tossed her head and chuntered as though saying “Oh no, not another one of them” and she increased her pace, making life in the desolate cart more uncomfortable. We were heading for the Block and Basket - the B&B - the destination of a condemned man and arrived sooner than expected. “We have arrived”, said the man in charge. “Oh NO! NO! NO! NO this is the N&N NOT the B&B!!” I cried. The awful fantasy was beginning to crumble. “Wait here and I will fetch you a plain zinc trolley and a little brown envelop on a string for your big toe- it’s the least I can do for you” –said the considerate fellow at the reins.

I was shovelled out of the Tumbrel and wheeled to Dr Guillotine’s waiting area. This was full of dejected folk, heads down and muttering in low tones. Names were called, interminable questions were asked, repeatedly – name, address, date of birth, so many times. Then I was told - “you are the first on the list!” Well I thought at least the blade will be sharp and at its shiniest. The next trolley journey took me to a bright white light, where stood bright, white, shining people with needles, syringes, tubing and multiple bleeping contraptions from which shone a blurring of multiple coloured lights and figures.

The fantasy was further disturbed and finally the kind words “ I am going to put you to sleep now” sent me into another world - I could not understand it all because the B&B was obviously only one swing door away.

Some five hours later I awake. My head was on the right way round, with no evident shortening of the neck. I had been treated by kind hands, exceptionally professional and considerate hands and new life given. I decided against a return journey by Tumbrel; the hospital car service is brilliant.

My profound gratitude to N&N Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence “The Best!” AIRBAG

SHARRINGTON CHURCH NEWS The Church looked its best for Easter, decorated with

spring blooms and filled with the scent of flowers. Ven. Michael Handley took the service and it was

lovely to see so many people there to enjoy the celebration, from the under fives to the over eighty-fives.

A couple of days later, on a morning blessed with early sunshine, we had the chance to meet again at Lantern Barn for a coffee morning in aid of church funds.

Claire and Robin Dubbins threw open their house and lovely courtyard garden for visitors to enjoy and browse at the stalls. Robin and Anna presided over a well-stocked plant table, while inside were Ann, Pippa and Lesley in charge of books and cakes. In the kitchen, Claire was helped by Louise and Kirsty, while David persuaded us all to buy tickets for a superb raffle.

No one left empty handed and we all enjoyed the opportunity to mix and mingle with our friends and neighbours. We are all so grateful to Claire and Roger for organising this event, which resulted in a grand total of £320 towards the ceiling repair.

By the time this is printed we should have enjoyed another fund raising event, the Fashion Show of Fugli’s of Fakenham in the Village Hall on Friday 22nd May.

In the meantime please do not forget the forthcoming Garden Fete at Church Farmhouse on Saturday 18th July at 2pm.

Do look out for anything that could go to stallholders when you next clear out your cupboards and remember the plant sale when you sow your seeds! PEL

DOG’S MATTER At a recent Brinton Parish Council (this incorporates

Sharrington) Meeting an issue was brought to the Council’s attention.

It is possible Sharrington at times resembles the streets of Paris in the amount of visible dog poo that is around the lanes and verges. What to do about this? - was the conundrum for the Councillors. Of course we are all aware of the current local by-laws - that it is an offence to allow a dog to foul the pavement or public land.

Fortunately no one suggested that we have a little green mechanical dog poo sweeper and man to ride it. It would be of little value, no pavements you see.

Proposal: could we have an exercise area for dogs with dog scoop bins? Sharrington is spread over a large area, there are around 20 village dogs plus visitors. There is no land available for such a venture and in the context of a conservation village such a facility was thought inappropriate and would not solve the problem.

Conclusion: dog owners of Sharrington must be responsible to clear up their act. Many already do this.


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SHARRINGTON SOCIETY The Annual General Meeting of the Sharrington

Society took place in the Village Hall on Wednesday 29th April. The long serving committee were unanimously re-elected unopposed, by tradition. Debbie Hyslop, Chairperson, Sandra Grunwald, Treasurer, with Gary Grunwald, Robin Hyslop, Brenda & Malcolm Green making the full team.

The villagers present were reminded of the fact that one of the main drivers behind the formation of the Society 20 years ago had been the proposals for a Letheringsett by-pass; a document from those consultations was shown and the preferred route would have brought the new road across the back of the eastern end of Sharrington to join the current A148 just east of the turn off to Blakeney and Langham.

Fortunately the proposals for this by-pass were withdrawn and Sharrington was spared this blot on its landscape.

The activities of the Society in the previous year had been restricted to a village barbecue and a very successful quiz night. In common with many small villages the difficulty in attracting villagers to social events was discussed, proposals for possible future activities were thought to be limited.

A decision has been taken not to hold the summer barbecue this year, but another quiz may be organised.

Photographic slide show After the business of the evening was concluded, we

were entertained and informed by Malcolm & Brenda Green’s presentation of Sharrington past in the form of a photographic slide show.

The slides have been produced over the last few years by Malcolm and Brenda borrowing old village photographs, copying them and creating slides. We saw a large number of images of old Sharrington and not so long ago Sharrington. There were in particular illustrations of the Fish Family’s garage and the Moore Family farm.

It was fascinating to learn that Sharrington was the first village in England to have a village bus.

In the 1960’s Sharrington Village Hall was the venue for the Miss Sharrington Contest. We saw images of the finalist’s line up, the prize presentations, on one occasion by a US Air force Officer from a local airbase. This competition attracted entrants and visitors from across eastern England, the photographs showing a very packed village hall.

A big thank you to Brenda & Malcolm for sharing the fruits of all their hard work in the production of this photographic archive.

If anyone has access to any old photographs of Sharrington and would be willing to let Malcolm Green borrow them to copy - they will be returned unharmed -please contact him on 01263 860818 he would be delighted to hear from you. JHC

BOWLS at Sharrington Village Hall

Have a friendly fun time playing carpet bowls at Sharrington Village Hall on a Monday evening, new members welcome, all equipment provided and your first evening free.

Fee is normally £1.50 for a two hour session, time 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Soft shoes are preferable but not obligatory.

For information please contact Mrs Kathy Simpson tel. 01263 860794 or just come along.


How fortunate we are to have our local hospital. Having had 55 years of experience of hospital, at both the giving and receiving end, I can unequivocally say that I have never experienced more excellent and professional care than that given by Matron and all her staff at Kelling.

They cannot be faulted in their cheerful, considerate, effective and highly comprehensive care. They have a heavy and often difficult task, but nothing seems to be too much trouble - “don’t worry” - “this is my job” - “we will help you get better” - and they do just that, with a smile and their cheery reassuring attitude.

I am pretty sure that I hold the European all comers record for the number of times I pressed the buzzer, day and night, to be helped by the nursing staff.

Always answered, always effective, never any suggestion that I was a miserable demanding old codger.

Apart from the professional nursing care, those who kept the place spic and span were also courteous and helpful. I give a special “thank you” for the lady with “the fastest trolley in the West” who started in the early hours offering hot drinks, biscuits etc.

This service went on until lights went out. So, Kelling Hospital is a gem. Thank you, all of you and long may you continue in

your very important service to our community PJG

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I dreaded Sunday School Anniversary. Every year, on a particular Sunday in June, we were

expected to learn two poems (or "pieces" as we called them), to recite, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening, before a chapel full of people.

To lessen the dread slightly, I would occasionally have a new dress instead of the hand me downs which made up my usual wardrobe.

But nothing could really relieve that terrible feeling of fear and excitement which descended on us all as June approached.

The Chapel was always decorated with fresh summer flowers hung around the walls and on the dais where we all sat on low benches. Brother Webdale would cycle from Wells to take both services. He was very popular especially with the boys, who would almost fight for the honour of sitting next to him behind the lectern.

Friends and neighbours filled the pews, and one by one we stood at the front, our eyes fixed on the green baise door at the end of the aisle, and "said our piece". Sometimes it was all too much, and a child would stand frozen with fear, and not a word would come out... But usually we gabbled our way through and thankfully rushed back to our places.

As a reward for all this, and for regular attendance, each year we were taken to Hunstanton for the Sunday School Treat. We were all given a three penny piece to spend, and were provided with tea in the Church Hall. There was always sandwich-spread sandwiches and Swiss roll!

There was a machine on the promenade which read your palm, and a pier with a little train, and of course the fun fair. There was also an old war-time DUK, which was like a big wooden boat with wheels, which took us for a short ride out to sea. Our pocket money went a long way in those days.

We thought we were awfully grand, because the Church Sunday School only went as far as Blakeney Point! Jill Watson


Last year the fete distributed £2000, shared by the Sports Field, Village Hall & Church. This year we hope to top this figure, as an attractive programme is being drawn for both Saturday evening and Sunday, 29th / 30th August.

At the 2008 AGM it was decided to have an open meeting prior to the fete to decide how to share any profits from this year’s fete. This meeting will take place at the Village Hall on 8th July at 6.00pm. All welcome.

Committee members are few, so if you are interested in joining you will be welcomed enthusiastically. Most arrangements for this year are in place, but new committee members are essential if a fete is to take place in 2010.

If you wish to join the committee please make yourself known at the July meeting, or contact David (830637); Marlene (830878) or Steven (830569).


Stiffkey WI continues to meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the delightful surroundings of the Old Hall.

At our last two meetings we had fascinating talks about Walsingham and Garden Weeds, their uses and beauty - both with lovely illustrations.

In May we will be discussing the present plight of Honey Bees worldwide in readiness for the National Resolution at the Albert hall. We will also be making a collage of our WI's history and there will be time to walk around the Old Hall gardens!

In June we have an illustrated talk about ‘Living in New Zealand’ from an apprentice Kiwi.

Our July outing will be to the flower festival in Old Hunstanton.

Visitors very welcome at all our meetings - ring Helen 830349 or Chris 830701 or just turn up. Chris Halford

A CHURCH BARBEQUE in the churchyard extension

Two years ago it rained all June except for the 2 hours when we barbequed. The soggy tent became quite a fixture before it dried out enough to dismantle. Last year it was the only evening when shorts could be worn.

This year we will hope for even better on Sunday evening, June 28th. Mark Fawcett will play soothing music; the evening sun will shimmer through the trees; meat and veggie treats will sizzle seductively; all will be well with the world…….

BUT ONLY IF YOU COME!!! Corks and cooking from 6.30: food at 7-ish: music

when we feel like it. Tickets from the shop, or from John (830044), Heather (830323), or Steven (830569).

Any modest profit will go to the Church Fabric Fund to help pay for the windows project. John Adnitt

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There has been a tremendous response to the Questionnaire, with over 170 returns by the end of April. Collation & analysis of all this information is now underway.

Thank you to everybody who has responded. Steven Bashforth

STIFFKEY LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Following our social evening in January, Geraldine

Green led a fascinating village walk on Saturday 18th April.

Thirteen members set forth from the Red Lion and followed a circular tour along Greenway, the marsh and back up Church Street and Bridge Street.

We are indebted to Geraldine, Jill and David and their lifetime’s detailed knowledge and enthusiasm. How pleasant it is to have people in our community who can relate vivid snippets of information and bring to life our heritage.

Your committee feels that with a heavy summer programme of village events, the next meeting will be in early autumn.

Meanwhile we will be launching the website, creating facilities to store copy-documents and planning further activities for the winter people.

New members very welcome: contact Geraldine (Tel 830245). Annual subscription is £5.00. Direct debit facilities being set up. Keith McDougall, Chairman


Summer at last! Swallows have arrived and Martins. Jackdaws are menacing our chimneys with nests (too many around) and summer migrants are establishing breeding territories. Ducklings are on the river. It has been a good spring for early bulbs and flowers. Daffodils have never been so vigorous.

After two wet summers surely we are due for a scorcher! But as the farmers will say – not too much, not too little – just right!

Who can recognise the difference between a Marsh Tit and a Willow Tit? And which of these two is the rarest? Do we have any Nightingales in the parish of Stiffkey (or Langham)? The nearest I know of are on Salthouse Heath. Wave a handkerchief at dusk and male Nightjars will think you are a rival male (they show a white streak to their plumage when flighting), and fly closer to investigate! Their churring calls are quite distinctive. Like some Stone Curlews they like dry habitats and are summer migrants from Africa.2

A A group of Red Deer are establishing themselves in the area. Again “not too many” in the crops or browsing trees – but we tolerate a few of these magnificent animals (the largest land animals in the UK).

Fortunately we do not seem to have too many grey squirrels or mink; both heavy predators of nesting birds and alien introduced species. They need controlling to protect our native wildlife. Pightle

OPEN GARDENS DAY Plans are now well advanced for the Open Gardens

Day on July 26th. At least 12 gardens around the village will be on show with some entertainments, or sales, or activities in most. There will be reviving tea, scones and goodies in the village hall.

Tickets will be on sale from the village shop and the Red Lion in July, and on the day.

In 2006 the support was tremendous and we raised over £4,000 for the church.

If you would like to add your garden to the list please contact Keith (830344), Margaret (830044) or Eva (830709). We are a bit short of gardens at the west end of the village (towards Wells!). Manicured lawns and magnificent blooms are not essential. A nice outlook and a warm welcome are more important. Please pray for a fine day and a good turn out.

2006 was tremendous- 2009 will be amazing! John Adnitt


Another season of evenings has ended with John being despatched to a desert island for the summer with his current favourite pieces. It seems he will have to carry on his duties as churchwarden in the time honoured castaway fashion of putting messages in bottles.

In our previous evening in April of French music, mostly on DVDs, the rafters at Kingfisher Barn were raised by rousing extracts from Berlioz “Damnation of Faust”, and some lively Ravel played by the wonderful young musicians of the Simon Bolivar Youth orchestra from Venezuela. We all enjoyed identifying some of Saint Saens’ animals. A rather outrageous production of the opening of the second Act of “Carmen” provoked some controversy. A calmer interval was provided by the Agnus Dei from Faure’s Requiem.

We will re-start in September with a selection of recorded highlights from this coming season of Proms. You are most welcome to join us.

The starting date will be in the next Lynx. John Adnitt

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Langham has been awarded £300 from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust and the school will be using the money to take Classes 2 and 3 to the NWT site at Cley Marshes. Each class will have a day when they can explore a variety of coastal activities that heighten their appreciation of environments and sustainability. More money was raised by the School Friends from an enjoyable session of bingo that packed one room in the school, with headteacher Mike Green having to call the numbers from the next room. His eccentric approach to calling the numbers was not for the purists but seemed to work. A big thank you to Humphrey Boon of Hindringham for a big box of brand new books that Classes 1 and 2 will greatly enjoy.

Parents and pupils alike had a great evening when the bulk of our Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children performed with some Norwich schools at the CASMA (Central Area Schools Music Association) concert at St Andrew’s Hall, Norwich. Following a morning practice the children sang really well in front of a packed audience. It was a great experience for the children. Adding to the entertainment, the choir’s singing was interspersed with the Norfolk Intermediate Orchestra and the Norfolk School Wind Band – they were tremendous. “They even had me humming ‘Mamma Mia’,” says Mike Green. Sheila Harris and Lyn Williams taught the songs for the concert following a theme of ‘show songs’. Well done everyone. Langham’s specially selected group of 15 children have started their innovative sports and ICT programme at Darren Gill’s centre at Sedgeford. Also on the sports front the Norwich City coaches have spent time at the school and we have played other schools at football and table tennis – the children really enjoy good competition and there will be lots going on in the summer too.

SCHOOL NEWS It’s Year 6 test week at time of writing.

Whatever the national controversy about testing, a lot of hard work has gone into preparing for the SATs, so fingers crossed for all the children who deserve to do well.

The school maintains its connections with the wider community. For instance, Class 3 pupils are continuing their correspondence with the pupils of Mme Lefort-Joblin’s class at La Ferté Saint Aubin in France. Class 1 pupils are delighted to have received another parcel of letters from Mikunigaoka Kindergarten in Japan. Here is an extract of a letter sent to class teacher Diana Howes: “They had an Art Festival at the beginning of December at the kindergarten. Of course your photos and pictures were displayed. Parents and neighbours, teachers from adjacent schools enjoyed it. Especially teachers seem to be interested in British kids’ descriptions about themselves. Describing ourselves, we Japanese people have never mentioned the colour of hair, eyes, skin etc…it is very important for kids to understand differences among people and to accept them.” Mrs Howes packed her bag for India at Easter – including tea towels and bags donated by the School Friends, plus a beautiful oak box carved by Finlay Newton’s dad, Richard. Protected by numerous jabs, Diana had a great time, though her family travelling with her succumbed to the sort of tummy troubles that can afflict those not accustomed to local bugs. We would like to share a spicy Indian recipe with you that you might like to try. The dish is called Bhawna’s Kashmiri Dumaloo and the ingredients are: 5 medium potatoes, a pinch of asafoetida (heeng), 2 bay leaves (tez patta), 2 or 3 cloves (loung), a little bit of cumin (zeera), half a tablespoon of turmeric (haldi), 2 tablespoons of red chilli powder (soamf), oil for frying and salt to taste. Boil the potatoes and peel them. Prick them with a toothpick. Deep fry them in oil until golden brown. Heat 3-4 spoons of oil in a pan and ad heeng and zeera. Then add lal mirchi, soamf and haldi and stir well. Add tez patta and loung. Add a glass of water and drop the potatoes in it. Add salt

Page 28: Local Lynx issue 66 June/July 2009

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