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Business Case




Foreword .................................................................... 3

LGMA Propeller Programme Participants 2019 4

1. Executive Summary ............................................. 5

2. Background.......................................................... 6

3. Objectives ............................................................ 8

4. How It Works ....................................................... 9

5. Roles & Responsibilities .................................... 14

6. Benefits .............................................................. 16

7. Challenges ......................................................... 18

8. Where to Next .................................................... 21

9. Conclusion ......................................................... 22

APPENDICES .......................................................... 23

1. Fact Sheet 23

2. Expression of Interest Form 23

3. Deliverables Brief 23

4. Nominee Checklist 23

5. Host Council Checklist 23

6. Outcomes Report 23

7. Host Council Feedback 23

8. Case Study 23


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



Local Government Managers Australia (Qld) Inc. (LGMA) is a not-for-profit member based

association established in 1950 for the purpose of promoting excellence in local government

management. LGMA’s core activities are to represent the interests of members and the wider

sector through lobbying and advocacy; and to enhance the professionalism of local government

officers through the provision of education, training and information.

LGMA’s Propeller Programme is a professional development program designed to develop

future leaders in local government. Using a blend of expert input and experiential learning, the

programme exposes participants to a broad range of local government experiences and insights

at a shire, city, regional and aboriginal council perspective.

Topics covered during the programme are varied and can include governance, communication,

change management, leadership, economic development and tourism. In small teams,

participants self-manage 1-2 workshops, necessitating the use of good communication skills,

high level negotiation and influencing skills, project management and interpersonal skills.

Throughout the programme, participants visit eight (8) host Councils across Queensland in both

rural and metropolitan settings, learning about the unique challenges and opportunities of each

local government. The programme offers participants practical hands-on experiences, skills

development and the opportunity to meet with their professional counterparts at host Councils

to create valuable networks. These interactions can often highlight opportunities for

improvement in business processes and systems within the respective Councils.

At the culmination of the programme, participants are required to complete a group project, with

criteria being set by LGMA.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


LGMA Propeller Programme Participants 2019

Brian Nesbit

Supervisor Planning, Building & Engineering Compliance

Cairns Regional Council

Chris Gaschk

Natural Resource Management Officer

Western Downs Regional Council

Jessica Brown


Mackay Regional Council

Joshua Gimm

Infrastructure Team Leader

Isaac Regional Council

Lisa Tonkin

Manager Business Services

Isaac Regional Council

Luke Porter

Project Manager

Western Downs Regional Council

Michael Belby

Senior Environmental Health Officer

City of Gold Coast

Monishaa Prasad

Senior Infrastructure Planning Eng. Floodplain Management

Rockhampton Regional Council

Nadia Bannerman

Environmental Health Officer

Gympie Regional Council

Neeta Silwal

Civil Projects Engineer

Mackay Regional Council

Pauline Coles

Corporate Accountant

Noosa Shire Council

Rod Chapman

Governance Coordinator

Livingstone Shire Council

Sam O'Brien

Finance Officer,

Revenue & Treasury

Banana Shire Council

Stacey Wallis

Team Coordinator Service Performance

City of Gold Coast


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



In order for local governments to thrive sustainably, innovate, and adapt to changing norms,

Councils need to create (and support) an environment that fosters collaboration and learning for

its employees.

Municipal problems are comparable across Councils, and as such, Council officers can learn a

great deal from each other. For example,

• A Finance Manager in Brisbane will encounter many of the same logistical challenges as

their counterpart in Townsville.

• A Water and Wastewater Technical Officer in Moranbah could easily swap notes with fellow

Wastewater Administrators in Redland City Council.

• City Planners in Cairns Regional Council looking to revitalize their downtown, might find

great merit in sharing lessons and experiences in smart city planning and policy with

colleagues in Noosa Council or the City of Gold Coast.

Broad differences in location, size, or culture do not diminish the shared sense of purpose

amongst local government employees and, indeed it is this shared purpose that moulds the

foundation of fresh solutions to old problems.

The Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE) program is designed to encourage the

exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best practice to support the showcasing of local expertise

and to stimulate dialogue on local and regional issues. Through participation in a program that

facilitates the collaboration of Council employees in sharing knowledge and practices, while also

gaining experience in a Council different to their own, Councils can generate (and leverage) a

highly-skilled workforce while improving business processes, increasing efficiencies and

retaining intellectual property.

Councils continue to face ever increasing demands for their limited resources, from changing

stakeholder expectations, competition for financial resources and difficulties in attracting and

retaining staff. The LGKE program endeavours to provide an avenue for Councils to invest not

only in their staff but in the long term sustainability of their organisation.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



A key element of the LGMA Propeller Programme is the completion of a group project. The 2019 programme participants were required to:

Identify an opportunity for cross-council collaboration that could be effective almost anywhere in the state and prepare a business case to present to the Executive Management teams of the respective councils.

The initiative must:

Serve to enhance sustainability (in its broadest definition) of the councils involved

Be applicable to different sized councils

Be cost effective

Be feasible

In total, Local Government raises approximately 3% of all the taxation revenue in Australia

however they are responsible for the management of 33% of all public assets1. Prioritisation of

Council resources is therefore, essential to ensure they are sustainable into the future.

Demand on Council resources is further compounded by the rapidly increasing expectations

from the public regarding the roles, responsibilities and funding of local government.

While the evolution and application of new technologies certainly contributes to improved

efficiencies and service levels in Local Government, not all Councils are equal; meaning they do

not always have access to the financial and human resources required to take advantage of

such technologies.

A consistent message encountered by participants throughout the program was the ability of

Councils to attract and retain staff, particularly in remote and regional areas. Of further concern,

was the aging population of existing Council employees. The Local Government Workforce and

Future Skills Report Australia2 reported that in 2016, 53.7% of the Australian local government

workforce was over the age of 45. The risk to Council’s in losing valuable intellectual property

and experience as these employees exit the workforce is, therefore, high. Replacing these

resources is also proving more challenging as people gravitate to metropolitan and coastal areas

1 Local Government Association of Queensland. Article: Toowoomba calls for fair share. 2 Local Government Association of Australia. Local Government Workforce and Future Skills Report Australia (Sep 2018).


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


and other industries which offer more attractive career progression and remuneration


On average, employee costs equate to approximately 31% of the total operating revenue of

Queensland Councils, and in some Councils this can be over 50%3. More importantly however,

is the fact that staff are the foundation of a Council, day-to-day operations and capital projects

would not occur without them. As such, a significant factor impacting a Council’s sustainability

lies with its staffing.

After considering the above, the group identified the following key areas to be incorporated into

an initiative which would serve to enhance sustainability across Councils:

The result was the concept of the Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE), a

facilitated professional development program which places a focus on organisational

improvement and efficiency while at the same time creating collaborative networks.

Simply put, the LGKE is about providing staff from all levels of Council an opportunity to identify

areas within their Council where there may be knowledge gaps or opportunities for business

improvement that could be more efficiently resolved or implemented by learning from (or

observing) Councils who are known for best practice, have access to a broader knowledge base

or have prior implementation experience.

3 Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs. Queensland Local Government Comparative Information


Invest in people

Reward, retain and upskill existing and new staff

Build Knowledge Networks

Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience within and across Councils

Expedite Implementation - Avoid "Reinventing the Wheel"

Utilise the learnings and skillsets of other Councils to provide efficiencies in identifying opportunities for operational improvements; developing best-practice policies and procedures; and evaluating organisational systems and equipment


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



A key message throughout the Propeller Programme was that Councils across Queensland

(QLD) face similar challenges and that there are many opportunities for Councils to share their

knowledge, skills, experience and resources with the view to benefiting other Councils and the

communities they serve.

The primary objective of the LGKE is to:

“Provide an avenue for Councils to invest in the professional development of their employees while

deriving value through increased operational efficiencies leading to enhanced organisational


This can be further broken down into the following key focus areas:

Focus Area Outcome

Cross-Council collaboration Foster a culture of collaboration for mutual benefit

Build long-term networks and relationships

Provide peer support and advice particularly for smaller Councils

Share ideas/information Encourage the adoption of consistent approaches and policies across Councils

Increase staff satisfaction and retention Build staff loyalty, engagement and improve organisational culture

Professional development Improve the skills base and experience of staff

Business improvement Identify opportunities for operational efficiencies and improved processes already implemented and tested by other Councils

Succession planning Retain knowledge in the local government sector as employees transition to retirement

Cross Council


Building long term

networks and relationships

Share ideas and


Increase staff satisfaction

Professional development

Business improvement

Sucession planning


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



The LGKE program supports the creation of a proactive, executable strategy for professional

growth and career advancement within the local government context. The program encourages

staff engagement and retention through experiential learning and development opportunities,

while also building the cumulative knowledge of Councils and increasing organisational


The program has been tailored to suit local government officers from a range of backgrounds

and career levels, and is centred around peer-to-peer collaborative learning. Participants can

expect to experience the following:

an increased level of awareness about (and understanding of) local government issues,

gain insights and knowledge from first-hand experience and observations of other

Councils work practices,

generating fresh ideas and adopt best practice approaches from their Host Council, and

networking and establishing long-lasting relationships with their counterparts.

As employees learn to refine and streamline their own work processes and how they can

positively impact Council operations, they are better able to make decisions, solve problems,

and conceptualise new ideas.

The LGKE program differs to other local government exchange programs on offer in that it:

is available to employees from all levels of local government, not just executives and


has a two pronged approach to benefit employees as well as Councils through achieving

pre-approved deliverables.

involves shorter placement timeframes (1 – 10 days) to make it more appealing to staff

by reducing the impact on their home life and outside commitments.


The LGKE program is designed to be delivered seamlessly and efficiently, utilising existing

governance structures of the LGMA and Councils Human Resource (HR) departments where

possible. A facilitated approach has been adopted, with LGMA proposed to fill this role, as

previous attempts to undertake similar exchange programs on an informal basis have failed due

to a lack of awareness and clear guidelines on how to access and operate the program. A

nominal administration fee of $550.00, payable by the Host Council to LGMA, is proposed to

cover the additional cost of administration incurred by LGMA.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



There are a number of assumptions that underpin the delivery of the LGKE program. These


LGMA consenting to act as the program facilitator, with support from the HR departments

of each Council.

Host Councils consent to the payment of an administration fee to the facilitator (LGMA)

to cover the costs of facilitating the program.

Placement timeframes will be between 1 - 10 days (2 weeks) with actual timeframes to

be agreed between the Host and Nominee Councils.

Selection of participants will be based on professional experience, interests and personal

objectives in participating.

To be eligible for the program, applicants must be current employees of Council, in a

permanent or fixed term role, and have been employed in local government for at least

12 months.

Ideally, the Nominee Council is able to host an exchange counterpart for up to two weeks

in a reciprocal arrangement at their own Council. It is acknowledged however that in

some instances there may not be a two-way exchange as larger Councils may consent

to act as Host but not see benefit from their employee undertaking a reciprocal placement.

Participants must obtain approval from their Manager/Supervisor to participate in the

program and to be away for up to two weeks. Final approval for participation in the

program must be provided by the Council CEO.

Nominee Councils will be responsible for covering the cost of providing their employee

with accommodation, travel, and meal allowances etc. for the duration of the placement.

The agreed program deliverables will be structured and aligned with the desired

professional goals of the employee, as well as the Council’s objectives to ensure that

there are meaningful outcomes from participation in the program.

The Nominee Council’s insurance policies will continue to cover the nominee during the



Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Getting started

Nominees are required to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) form (refer Appendix)

detailing their reason for participating in the program, the employee’s skill level and area of

expertise, high level desired outcome (i.e. observe operational processes, gain experience using

particular business software etc.), preferred placement location and timeframe.

The nominee will then need to have the EOI signed by the Nominee’s Manager/Supervisor and

CEO to show that they have consented to the Nominee’s participation in the program and have

agreed to cover the associated costs.

Once the EOI has received sign-off, the Nominee prepares the Deliverables Brief (refer

Appendix) which outlines the detailed deliverables to be achieved during the placement. The

Nominee’s Manager/Supervisor will then review and approve the Deliverables Brief before it is

forwarded to the facilitator (LGMA) together with the EOI and a copy of the Nominee’s current


The Deliverables Brief has been included as a key part of the program in order to provide all

parties with a clear focus for the placement, accountability in achieving the agreed deliverables

and a mechanism to help measure the effectiveness of the program.

Councils who wish to act only as a Host Council, can complete the relevant sections of the

Expression of Interest (EOI) form and submit this to the facilitator for consideration.

The program facilitator (LGMA) will review the submissions and liaise with the respective

Councils to pair individuals of similar levels and skillsets from different Councils to ensure

maximum benefit for all parties involved. Selection will be based on the Nominee’s professional

experience and interests, as well their personal motivation and objectives for the exchange.

While every effort will be made to fill placement requests it must be noted that this may not be

possible for all submissions. In this instance the facilitator may carry over the submission to the

next round of the program, subject to the consent of the Nominee Council.

Once a match has been agreed, the facilitator will provide the contact details to the respective

parties to liaise and agree the placement itinerary and timing. The facilitator will then issue a tax

invoice to the Nominee Council for payment of the administration fee.


Prior to the commencement of the placement, the Host Council is to work with the Nominee to

agree on an indicative itinerary outlining the activities they will undertake in order to achieve the

agreed deliverables. When developing the placement itinerary, both parties should take into

consideration any impact it may have on their day-to-day operations and where possible seek

to minimise any disruption.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


The Host Council and Nominee Checklists (refer Appendix) should be completed prior to the

commencement of the placement to ensure that both parties are prepared for the placement and

maximum benefit from the program can be achieved.

The Nominee Council is responsible for arranging all travel requirements for their employee.

Where appropriate, the Host Council should provide the Nominee with a copy of their Code of

Conduct so they can familiarise themselves with it prior to placement commencement.

Should the Host Council require the Nominee to sign a specific confidentiality agreement (to

protect privacy or intellectual property), this should be provided prior to the placement for the

Nominee to review. A signed copy of the document should be provided by the Nominee to the

Host Council on commencement of the placement.


Throughout the placement, the Nominee must strive to achieve the agreed deliverables as

outlined in the Deliverables Brief. Upon completion of the placement, the Nominee must

complete the Outcomes Report (refer Appendix) detailing how the agreed deliverables have

been met, any challenges they encountered and feedback on their Host Council and LGKE

program for evaluation purposes. This report must be completed within 4 weeks of the end of

the placement and be signed off by the Nominee’s Manager/Supervisor before being submitted

to the facilitator (LGMA) for review and feedback.

The Host Council is required to complete the Host Council Feedback (refer Appendix) report

within 4 weeks of the end of the placement and to then submit it to the facilitator for review.

Assessment & Feedback

The facilitator will then collate the Outcomes Report and Host Council Feedback report, for

each placement, and provide a summary report to each of the respective Councils.

The LGKE program will be reviewed for improvements after each round of the program and

continuously developed over time to ensure that it continues to prove beneficial to Councils and

employees. LGMA as facilitator will provide an annual report each year which tracks the

performance of the program and includes feedback received from participating Councils to

gauge if the program has met expectations, along with what improvements can be made.

It should be noted that it is not intended that the LGKE program framework be overly

cumbersome for participants and Councils. The framework has been developed purely to

provide clear guidelines and structure for those involved and to ensure all parties are focused

and accountable. For further assistance, a Factsheet answering frequently asked questions

about the program together with an illustrative example Case Study is included in the Appendix

to this report.

The diagram below provides an overview of the LGKE program and how it works.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Process Map: LGKE – How it Works

Note: templates referred to in the above process map are contained in the Appendix to this report.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



An overview of the various roles and responsibilities of the participants of the LGKE program

are outlined below:

Role Responsibility

LGMA / Facilitator

Administer and facilitate the LGKE program

Undertake marketing initiatives to build awareness and participation in the program

Review submissions and match Nominees with Host Councils

Collate and review post placement reports and provide summary reports to the respective Councils

Provide and maintain a page on the LGMA website specifically for the LGKE program

Update and maintain LGKE program forms and templates as required

Act as the liaison point for Nominees, Host and Nominee Councils and HR departments

Identify and implement improvements to ensure the LGKE program continues to provide benefit to Councils

Complete an annual performance assessment of the program to gauge the program’s effectiveness and outline any improvements to be made

Nominee / Participant

Complete and submit all program forms and checklists by the respective due dates

Strive to achieve the agreed deliverables during the placement

Review and comply with the Host Council’s Code of Conduct and any Confidentiality Agreement requirements

Act as a representative of their Council and behave in a professional manner at all times

Follow all instructions and health and safety requirements provided by the Host Council

Advocate and promote the LGKE program to potential participants


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Role Responsibility

Nominee Council

Cover the cost of the program administration fee and all travel costs associated with the employee’s participation in the LGKE program

Ensure the employee continues to be covered by insurance policies during the placement

Host Council

Prepare and deliver a placement itinerary which endeavours to provide every opportunity for the Nominee to achieve the agreed deliverables

Ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Nominee during the placement

Provide the Nominee with any PPE or system/equipment access required to complete the placement

Complete and submit the Host Council feedback report by the due date

Manager / Supervisor

Endorse the Nominee’s participation in the program and allow the candidate to take leave from normal duties to undertake the placement

Provide support to the Nominee and ensure arrangements are in place to cover the Nominee’s workload in their absence

Assist in the development of the agreed placement deliverables

HR departments

Actively promote and encourage participation in the LGKE program by their Council

Assist the facilitator in matching or identifying Nominees and Host Councils for the program

QLD Councils

Commit to supporting the LGKE program and proactively encourage the participation of their employees


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



The LGKE provides the opportunity for local government employees to access a facilitated

Cross-Council short-term staff exchange with numerous benefits for the Host Council, Nominee

Council and their employees.

Host and Nominee Council

By hosting or exchanging a LGKE participant the Host or Nominee Council can expect:

Business Improvement

The setting of agreed deliverables to be achieved during the exchange provides a clear focus

for participants to identifying opportunities for process improvement, consistency in policy and

procedure development, accelerate implementation and decision making ultimately leading to

improved business practices and efficiencies for the participant’s Council.

Cross-Council Collaboration

Cross-Council collaboration is mutually beneficial for all Councils and their staff. It can enhance

and ease the pressure associated with project/system implementation, operational decision

making and the development of policies and processes. The exchange of ideas, knowledge and

experience of staff from different Councils will provide an alternate perspective and support

mechanism which will assist in achieving better outcomes.

Long-Term Networks and Relationships

The program will facilitate the development of long-term networks and relationships which

continue long after the exchange has ended. The hope is to encourage Councils to build long-

term, mutually beneficial networks which will foster collaboration and support into the future. It

is envisaged that remote and smaller Councils will benefit the most from the knowledge and

experiences shared by larger Councils with greater resources.


The sharing of experiences, knowledge, processes and policies across Councils will result in

improved consistency of local government business practices, both internally and externally,

across Queensland.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Increased Staff Satisfaction and Retention

Councils investing in the professional development of staff through their participation in the

program will cultivate staff loyalty, engagement and improved organisational culture, leading to

improved staff satisfaction and retention. This will in turn reduce the cost incurred by Councils

as a result of staff turnover (i.e. recruitment, training, backfilling vacancies and loss of knowledge

to the organisation).

Succession Planning

As previously mentioned, over 50% of local government employees are over the age of 45.

Many of these employees have decades of knowledge and experience which has the potential

to be lost as they transition to retirement. The LGKE program endeavours to capture, share and

retain this intellectual property in the local government sector.

Program Improvements

The LGKE program framework also incorporates mechanisms for feedback after each

placement. This ensures that opportunities for continuous improvement can be identified and

enables the assessment of how effective the program has been in providing ongoing benefits to

Councils and their employees.


Employees involved in the exchange will see benefits from both visiting another Council as well

as hosting a LGKE program participant, as follows:

Professional Development

LGKE participants will gain practical skills and experience relevant to local government and their

particular specialty, as well as increased organisational, social and personal development by

training and welcoming another LGKE participants to their Council. Studies show that

employees who continuously grow and develop their skillset feel more engaged and valued by

their organisation, which in turn leads to increased employee satisfaction, staff retention and

improved organisational culture.

Long-Term Networks and Relationships

The networks and relationships formed during the placement will continue long after the program

is complete. This provides ongoing benefits to individuals by utilising these networks for the

exchange of knowledge and ideas, as well as acting as an informal support mechanism.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



Despite the many benefits of the program, there are several challenges that will need to be

considered and overcome. The information provided throughout this report including the

attached templates and checklists have been provided in order to assist Councils and

participants to reduce any potential impact arising from these challenges.

Host and Nominee Councils

Quality of Placement

It is important that participants and Councils are matched appropriately to ensure deliverables

can be achieved and all parties derive benefit from the program. LGMA as facilitator, will assist

in connecting Host and Nominee Councils with matching appropriate areas of expertise and

interest. Both Councils however, will need to be diligent in communicating and ensuring the

participant’s experience and skillset are at a suitable level in order to achieve the desired

deliverables, prior to progressing the placement.

Time Constraints

The program allows flexibility for the Host and Nominee Councils to determine the appropriate

amount of time required for the participants to achieve the agreed deliverables during the

placement. The suggested timeframe of 1 – 10 days is directly related to minimising costs

associated with travel and accommodation and the impact on business as usual for both

Councils. Managers/Supervisors should consider the agreed upon deliverables and work with

the Nominee to determine a suitable length of time for the placement before authorising the


Breach of Confidentiality

This program relies on a willingness to share information and may, at times, involve the

disclosure of confidential information. There is an unavoidable risk associated with sharing

confidential and/or sensitive information with any staff member, internal or external, to an


Local Government employees should have an existing understanding of confidentially and most

Councils will have a well-developed culture of sharing information and learnings to better benefit

communities while adhering to confidentially requirements.

The inclusion of a confidentiality clause within the EOI application, for each party to the

placement, is equivalent to most inter-Council operations and additional confidentiality

agreements or training can be provided by the Host Council if desired.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Poor deliverables

If the proposed deliverables are too vague or inappropriate then Councils will not likely be able

to derive maximum benefit from the program. To mitigate this, the Deliverable Brief needs to

be authorised by the participant’s Manager and CEO before being submitted to LGMA as

facilitator. By documenting and agreeing the desired deliverables prior to the exchange occurring

and requiring the completion of an Outcomes Report post placement, participants are more

likely to achieve maximum benefit from the program.

Impacts to Productivity

While the participant is visiting the Host Council, the Nominee Council will need to ensure that,

where appropriate, the employee’s role is backfilled or covered for the length of the exchange.

Depending on the desired deliverables, the Host Council may have more than one employee

impacted while hosting the participant. It is the responsibility of the participants and the Host

Council to develop an indicative itinerary prior to commencing the placement to ensure that the

disruption to normal day-to-day operations for their Council is minimised. This will also require

the support of the Manager/Supervisor of each Council.

Cost / Budget Implications

Minimal financial costs are anticipated for Host Councils. It is acknowledged that some larger

Councils may not always see a significant benefit in sending a staff member to a less resourced

Council area and may decide instead to opt for hosting participants only. This would allow the

Nominee Council employee to achieve their desired deliverable from the Host Council without

the reciprocal visit.

The majority of the Nominee Councils cost will be travel costs associated with their employee

attending the placement. Other than the program administration fee, there are no additional

costs for training courses or conferences as the participants will learn from the knowledge and

experience of other Council officers in a normal work setting. Having pre-agreed deliverables

and restricting the length of the placement will help focus the exchange and reduce the

associated costs while still allowing for significant benefits to be achieved.

Poaching of Staff

Some Councils may be concerned their participants will be at risk of being “poached” by the Host

Council. The likelihood of this occurring is limited by the fact that local government employees

are generally linked to a geographical area due to social and family ties and are therefore unlikely

to relocate unless there is a significant incentive to do so.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Generally, employees are only inclined to change jobs when they feel undervalued or are not

receiving opportunities for development in their existing positions. The purpose of the LGKE

program is to provide the opportunity for Councils to invest in their employees and show them

that they are valued, trusted and worthy of development.

Nominees / Participants

Impact on Home Life

Participants are required to commit to achieving agreed deliverables as part of the program and

as such the placement timeframe will need to be adequate in order for them to achieve these.

This will mean that Nominees will be required to be away from home for between 1 – 10 days.

Nominees must be aware of their obligations under the program and be willing to participate in

all required aspects. Employees should not express interest in the program unless they

understand and can mitigate any potential impacts to their home life.

Personal Workload

By committing to the program, there may be additional expectation and potential workload

associated with the learning experience. Participants should consider this and discuss ways of

managing their workload with their Manager/Supervisor prior to submitting an EOI. By involving

the Supervisor/Manager and having them authorise the employee’s participation in the program

they are acknowledging the potential impacts to their workload and should ensure adequate

support is available to mitigate these impacts.

LGMA (as facilitator)

Lack of Interest

If Councils are not engaged and are reluctant to nominate participants it will be difficult to

facilitate an appropriate match for those wanting to be part of the LGKE program. This would

result in LGMA having to rely heavily on Human Resource (HR) departments within Councils to

identify potential placement opportunities thereby creating additional workload.

To reduce the risk of this, a commitment should be sought from all Councils, particularly CEOs

and HR department managers, to support the LGKE program with a view to ensuring it is

successful and sustainable. In addition to this, a marketing campaign, utilising LGMA and

Council communication channels, will need to be undertaken to build awareness and maximise



Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case


Administrative Burden

As facilitator, LGMA will be expected to undertake marketing initiatives, facilitate the matching

of participants with Host Councils and assess the ongoing sustainability of the program. A

program administration fee has been recommended to compensate LGMA for any additional

workload required as a result of acting as the LGKE program facilitator.

After each placement the LGKE framework requires the Nominee and Host Council to provide

feedback on the success of the program and any opportunities for improvement. LGMA as

facilitator, will then compile this feedback together with their own observations and will review

and assess the effectiveness of the program. Accordingly, improvements to the program and its

facilitation will occur based on the feedback received.


Should LGMA in conjunction with Councils, determine that there is sufficient benefit to proceed

with the implementation of the LGKE program the following steps are recommended:

Pilot Program

To gauge interest and support for the program and to identify any areas that may need to be

improved it is suggested that a Pilot program be undertaken in early 2020.

Following the success of the initial Pilot Program it is recommended that the program would call

for expressions of interest from local government employees for two (2) intakes during a year.

The coordinated timing of these intakes at intervals would seek to minimise the administrative

burden to LGMA that may result from receiving applications randomly throughout the year.


Building awareness of the program will be critical to its success. Councils and their employees

will not get involved if they are unaware the LGKE program exists. Indeed, previous attempts to

facilitate similar exchange programs on an informal basis have failed due to a lack of awareness

and clear guidelines on how to access and operate the program.

LGMA and Councils will need to utilise their communication channels to build awareness and

get the messaging out to potential participants. The following communication channels have

been identified as potential marketing options.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



Corporate Website

Newsletter and emails

Social Media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter etc.)

Conferences and Workshops



Newsletter and Emails

HR Department (distribution of collateral via noticeboards and internal email


Word of mouth

Online Portal

Depending on the initial success of the program, an online portal could be developed and hosted

by LGMA to facilitate submissions of Expressions of Interest and other program documentation

to streamline and reduce administration pressures on LGMA and increase the timeliness of

matching participants with Host Councils.


In an ever-evolving environment, Councils need to look to new ways of utilising resources,

improving efficiencies and generally coping with continuous change. Councils must

acknowledge that employees are their underlying foundation and without them, day-to-day

operations would cease. Furthermore, employees comprise the largest financial cost to Councils

and as such they hold the key to building organisational sustainability.

So how can Councils maximize their investment in employees? Simple, by maximising their

return on that investment and the LGKE program does just that. The LGKE is not just a

professional development program to be used to reward, engage and retain staff. The program

is also about collaboration across Councils to achieve operational efficiencies, implement best

practices approaches, expedite project implementation and retain intellectual property within the

local government sector.

There is therefore, no doubt that the implementation of the LGKE program is a win-win for both

Councils and its employees and ultimately the communities they serve.


Local Government Knowledge Exchange

Business Case



1. Fact Sheet

2. Expression of Interest Form

3. Deliverables Brief

4. Nominee Checklist

5. Host Council Checklist

6. Outcomes Report

7. Host Council Feedback

8. Case Study


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Below are some frequently asked questions about the Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE) program, what it is and how it works. This should give you a clearer insight into whether this program is for you.

What is the LGKE Program?

The LGKE is a professional development program designed to facilitate cross-council collaboration through knowledge and skill sharing, with a focus on organisational improvement and efficiencies.

The program provides the opportunity for local government employees (at all levels) to participate in a short-term placement within another Council, facilitated by Local Government Managers of Australia (LGMA), with the aim of achieving pre-defined and approved deliverables.

The employee is required to identify an area within their Council where there may be knowledge gaps or opportunities for business improvement that could be more efficiently resolved or implemented by learning from, or observing Councils who are known for best practice, have access to a broader knowledge base or have prior implementation experience.

How does the LGKE program work?

Interested Councils are to submit an Expression of Interest form detailing the Nominee’s skills and experience, the desired outcomes expected from the LGKE program and preferred placement locations. LGMA will review all EOI and pair nominees with appropriate Host Councils for a short placement of between 1 and 10 days.

The Local Government Knowledge Exchange Program (LGKE) provides a unique opportunity for in-service Council staff to participate in a professional exchange with a counterpart from another Queensland Council for up to 2 weeks (10 business days).

Some Council’s may elect to participate in a ‘swap’ whereby an employee (A) from Council A attends a placement at Council B and then at a later time, employee (A)’s counterpart (i.e. employee (B)) from Council B attends Council A for a placement.

Alternatively, some Councils may elect not to ‘swap’ employees, and instead only offer to host employees from other Councils in order to share their Council’s experience and expertise.

Some examples of the types of improvement outcomes that could be submitted for consideration in LGKE program are:

Observe a specific type of machinery in operation by the Host Council that your Council may be considering acquiring. This may also include review of documented operational and safety procedures and maintenance requirements.

Experience the use of scanning software as part of the accounts payable process. Observe and document the process and discuss with the Host Council’s their implementation experience and any issues they may have encountered. Review AP process documentation and any changes required to internal control processes.

Attend site to observe how the Host Council lays a new formula of road base that your Council is considering. Discuss and document the application of the road base, any issues encounter and any safety measure required.

Review Host Council policy and procedural documentation on the adoption of new legislative requirements. Document external and internal communication plan and attend sites to observe the new legislation being enforced.

How much does it cost?

LGMA charge a program administration fee of $550.00 for facilitating the LGKE program. A tax invoice for this amount will be issued to the Nominee’s Council for payment upon LGMA successfully pairing the nominee with an appropriate Host Council. Please note, should the placement not proceed for any reason this will not entitle the Nominee Council to a refund of the administration fee.

The Nominee Council is also responsible for covering the normal wage cost for the employee during the placement and any for any travel costs (flights, car hire, accommodation, taxis, fuel, meals etc.) required for the employee to complete the placement.

There is no cost to the Host Council, however they will be required to provide the Nominee with any protective PPE, equipment or systems access required in order to complete the placement.


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What does LGMA provide as facilitator of the LGKE program?

Facilitates and administers the LGKE program

Provides a central point of contact for EOI’s for the LGKE program

Provides templates and documentation necessary for participation in the LGKE program

Collates and reviews EOI’s and pairs nominee employees with appropriate Host Council’s and agrees placement dates

Ensures Deliverables Briefs, Outcomes Reports and Host Council Feedback are completed and submitted

Review placement documentation and collate feedback for distribution to the Nominee and Host Councils

Undertakes marketing of the LGKE program

Undertake an annual performance assessment of the effectiveness of LGKE program and identify opportunities for improvement.

How do I apply to be involved in the LGKE program?

If you would like to be involved in the LGKE program speak to your Manager about the specific outcome you would like to achieve from participating in the LGKE program. Once you have the support of your Manager you will need to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form (which can be found on our website) and have it signed by both your Manageryou’re your Council’s CEO before submitting to LGMA buy the due date. You will also need to complete the Deliverables Brief, which outlines the specific deliverables you will achieve during your LGKE placement and have this signed off by your Manager. Forward these two documents together with a copy of your current resume to [email protected].

Councils who are interested in participating only as Host Councils can also apply to be involved in the LGKE program by simply completing the relevant sections of the EOI form, having the form signed off by both the Manager and Council CEO and then forwarding it to [email protected] for consideration.

LGMA will then review all EOI’s received and undertake to match Nominees with an appropriate Host Council. Please note, this process could take up to 1 month.

How long does a placement last?

The exact length of each placement is dependent on the deliverables the Nominee is looking to achieve, the level of expertise of participants and the complexity of the topic. Typically placements are minimum of 1 day up to a maximum of two weeks (10 days).

To maximize the experience and value to their Council, Nominees may wish to consider completing their placement in conjunction with attending a nearby technical event or similar, where possible.

How are the pairings made?

The pairing of Nominee and Host Council is coordinated by LGMA who collates and reviews the expressions of interest submitted for participation in the LGKE program to identify possible matches. In making the determination LGMA will take into account the deliverables to be achieved, preferred placement location, the Nominee’s skillset and physical locations of both the Host Council and Nominee.

Where there is not an obvious match LGMA will contact Human Resource departments within various Councils to see if a potential Host Council can be secured in order to facilitate a match. During this process LGMA may share information contained in the EOI form and Deliverables Brief so that the various Councils can ascertain if they are the right fit for the program.

Once a pairing has been made LGMA will provide the contact details of each party to the placement so that they can coordinate the specifics of the placement (i.e. itinerary, timing etc.).


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What happens if a candidate is not partnered immediately?

The LGKE program makes a good faith effort to place all applicants. However, depending on the volume of applications, and the number and type of applications received from Councils, it may not always be possible to find an appropriate match for all parties in the year they apply. When this is the case, LGMA will contact the Council to find out if they wish to carry their application over to the following year or are happy to wait for a suitable placement opportunity to become available.

What could a LGKE placement look like?

The specifics of each placement are to be worked out between the Nominee and Host Council. The Host Council is to prepare an itinerary for the Nominee prior to commencing the placement which endeavours to give the Nominee the best chance of achieving the approved deliverables.

This may include:

“Shadowing” each other through the course of a typical work day, attending council and community meetings, site visits, meeting with other departments, review of policies and documentation or hands on practical experience with equipment and systems.

The Host Council may also arrange for his/her counterpart to meet with colleagues in neighbouring communities, other levels of government, local non-profits, and/or private-sector organizations that work closely with the Host Council (e.g. a local Natural Resources Management body).

As long as the activity is relevant to the Nominee achieving the approved deliverables and complies with the respective Councils Codes of Conduct there are no restrictions.

Why is a Deliverables Brief and Outcomes Report required to complete as part of the LGKE program.

While the LGKE is a professional development program it is also a mechanism for assisting with decision making and driving efficient implementation of business improvements.

The Deliverables Brief is essential in order to ensure the focus of the placement is clear and that the Nominee and Host Council are held accountable to achieving the agreed outcomes. Assessment of whether the outcomes have been successfully achieve during the placement can then be determined from the review of the Outcomes Report and Host Council Feedback report.

What should I do if I need to reschedule my placement dates?

If for some reason you are not able to participate in the placement on the scheduled dates, you should contact your Host Council contact or Nominee as soon as possible to arrange alternate placement dates. Once new placement dates have been agreed you are to advise LGMA of the change.

If you are unable to agree alternate placement dates you should contact LGMA to see if alternate arrangements can be made with another Council.

Who should I contact for further information?

For additional information, please visit our website or alternatively you can email LGMA at [email protected] or by phoning (07) 3174 5005


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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This form is to be use to express an interest in participating as either a Nominee or Host Council in the LGMA’s Local

Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE). The completed form should be emailed to [email protected] no later than

DD MMM YYYY in order to be considered for the current round of the program.

Are you applying to . . . (please tick one box below as appropriate)

☐ Visit another Council to expand your knowledge

☐ Be part of an exchange to both visit another Council and also to host their representative

☐ Host an employee from another Council and share knowledge

Complete all sections Complete all sections Complete sections 1,3 & 4


How did you hear about the Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE) program?

☐ LGMA Website ☐ Council Intranet ☐ Internet Search

☐ LGMA Newsletter/Email ☐ Council Newsletter/Email ☐ LinkedIn

☐ Marketing brochure ☐ HR Department ☐ Facebook

☐ Internet Search ☐ Work colleague ☐ Twitter

☐ Other : (please provide details) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What interested you in participating in the LGKE?


Nominee Details

Employee Name:

Position: Dept. / Branch:

Council: Location:

Time in current role: Years in Local Govt:

What are your main areas of expertise?

Outline your skill level and the main responsibilities of your current role?


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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What are your expected outcomes from participating in LGKE?

Detailed deliverables are to be outlined in the “Deliverables Brief” once your Council has approved your participation in the program.

How will your Council benefit from your participation in LGKE?

What are your preferred placement locations? (Note: preferred placement locations are not guaranteed)

☐ Please attached a copy of your current resume including details of relevant qualifications, certificates and experience.


Placement Details

Preferred length of Placement: (minimum one day / maximum 10 days)


Please advise what days and times you are available to participate in a placement

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekends

Start time:

Finish time:

Please advise what months you are available to participate in a placement

☐ January ☐ February ☐ March ☐ April ☐ May ☐ June

☐ July ☐ August ☐ September ☐ October ☐ November ☐ December

List any specific dates that you would not be available to participate in a placement?

Contact for coordination of placement:

Contact Name:

Contact details: Phone: Email:


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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List any areas of expertise that may be of interest to participants in the program (Host Council only)

Does the nominee require any specific qualifications, certificates or experience? (Host Council only)


Nominee Acknowledgment (Employee)

I understand and agree to use my best endeavour to achieve the approved deliverables during my participation in the program and upon the completion of the placement I will complete the Outcomes Report for review by my Manager and submission to LGMA no later than 4 weeks post completion of the placement.

I understand that during the placement with the Host Council I may have access to sensitive and confidential information. I agree to maintain an appropriate standard of confidentiality during the placement and will not use or disclose any such information (including personal information kept on computer or other media) outside the proper course of my role and should I fail to do so this would be treated as a serious disciplinary offence.

As a representative of the Nominee Council, I agree to act professionally at all times and will comply with the requirements of both Councils codes of conduct. Nor will I participate in behaviour that may be unsafe or damaging to the reputation of either Council.

I acknowledge that the submission of this Expression of Interest does not guarantee me a placement or that I will be paired with a Council at one of my preferred placement locations.

I acknowledge that my participation in this program is of a collaborative nature and is intended to be mutually beneficial to all parties and confirm that I will not act contrary to this intent.

I provide my consent to information disclosed in this form being distributed to other participating Councils and further consent to LGMA using this information for marketing purposes where appropriate.



Name: Position:

Nominee Council Acknowledgment (please sign on the next page)

We consent to our employee participating in the LGKE program and for them to take time away from their role, which is convenient to all parties, in order to complete the placement.

We acknowledge that as the Nominee Council we are responsible for covering the wage costs for the employee during the placement and any travel costs (flights, car hire, accommodation, meals etc.) required for the employee to complete the placement.

We confirm that the employee will continue to be covered by our Council’s insurance policies during the placement.

We agree to the payment of a $550.00 administration to LGMA for facilitating the program. (A tax invoice will be issued to the Nominee’s Council upon the successful pairing of the nominee with an appropriate Host Council).

We acknowledge that should the placement not proceed for any reason this will not entitle the Nominee Council to a refund of the administration fee. In addition, should the placement dates need to be rescheduled this is to be coordinated between the Nominee Council and the Host Council contact. (LGMA is to be advised of any new placement date)

We acknowledge that our participation in this program is of a collaborative nature and is intended to be mutually beneficial to all parties and confirm we will not act contrary to this intent.

We provide our consent to information disclosed in this form being distributed to other participating Councils and further consent to LGMA using this information for marketing purposes where appropriate.


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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Nominee Council Acknowledgment (continued)



Name: Position: Supervisor / Manager



Name: Position: CEO

Host Council Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that as Host Council we are responsible for assisting the Nominee to the best of our ability to achieve the approved deliverables.

We also confirm that we will compile an itinerary agreed by both parties prior to the commencement of the placement to ensure that program outcomes are maximised.

We will provide any PPE, equipment or systems access appropriate for the placement.

We will allow access to and provide copies of relevant documents that relate specifically to achieving the Nominee’s approved deliverables.

We agree to complete the Host Council Feedback form and to submit this to LGMA no later than 4 weeks post placement.

We acknowledge that our participation in this program is of a collaborative nature and is intended to be mutually beneficial to all parties and confirm we will not act contrary to this intent.

We provide our consent to information disclosed in this form being distributed to other participating Councils and further consent to LGMA using this information for marketing purposes where appropriate.



Name: Position: Supervisor / Manager



Name: Position: CEO


Confirmed placement dates: Start date: ___ / ___ / ___ Finish Date: ___ / ___ / ___

Host Council:

Nominee Name:

Consents received: Nominee Council ☐ Nominee ☐ Manager ☐ CEO

Host Council ☐ Manager ☐ CEO

Deliverables Brief received: ___ / ___ / ___ Resume Received: ___ / ___ / ___

Outcomes Report due: ___ / ___ / ___ Outcomes Report received: ___ / ___ / ___

Host Council feedback due: ___ / ___ / ___ Host Council feedback received: ___ / ___ / ___

Invoice Issued: ___ / ___ / ___ Invoice No: Invoice Paid: ___ / ___ / ___


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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Nominee Details

Employee Name:

Current Position:


List the expected Deliverables from participating in the Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE)

Deliverable 1 (e.g. See how other Councils have adopted scanning technology into streamlining their Accounts Payable function)

Deliverable 2 (e.g. Experience how other Councils finance system works for processing supplier invoices)

Deliverable 3 (e.g. Observe Accounts Payable internal controls and processes and identify opportunities for business improvements)

Other special interest you would like to pursue as part of the exchange (if applicable)

Nominee Agreement

I understand and agree to use my best endeavour to achieve these deliverables during my participation in the LGKE program and upon the completion of the placement I will complete the Outcomes Report for review by my Manager and submission to LGMA no later than 4 weeks post completion of the placement.



Participant’s Name:

Manager / Supervisor Acknowledgement

I have reviewed the above deliverables and are satisfied they are appropriate to the nominee’s position and will be beneficial to our Council.



Name: Position:


Version: 2019.10-1


This checklist is to be completed prior to and post completion of the LGKE program placement.

Host Council Contact Details

Host Council contact’s name:

Host Council:

Contact details: Phone: Email:

Placement: Start Date: Finish Date:

Deliverables to be achieved during the placement

Deliverable 1:

Deliverable 2:

Deliverable 3:

Prior to Placement

☐ Provide the Host Council contact with your contact details.

☐ Confirm placement dates with the Host Council. Remember to also agree placement dates with your Manager.

☐ Discuss and agree the placement itinerary with the Host Council.

☐ Confirm a time and place to meet on commencement of placement. Print/download directions/map to take with you.

☐ Ascertain where to park during placement (if required).

☐ Provide copies of any qualifications/certificates that the Host Council may require (if applicable).

☐ Familiarise yourself with the Host Council’s Code of Conduct.

☐ Print a copy of the itinerary, Deliverables Brief and blank Outcomes Report to take with you.

☐ Confirm meal allowances limits with HR if not being paid set amount.

☐ Organise travel arrangements (flights, car hire, accommodation etc.) to attend the placement.

Placement Commencement

☐ Meet Host Council contact at pre agreed time and place.

☐ Provide a copy of your drivers licence and your “in case of emergency” contact details.

☐ If appropriate, advise any medical conditions that you may have (allergies etc.).

☐ If provided with building/site or IT and systems access as part of your placement, ensure that keys and passwords are kept secure and confidential.

☐ Review and discuss the placement itinerary and how best to achieve the pre-approved deliverables during the placement period.

☐ Complete any online or site specific inductions required by the Host Council.

Post Placement

☐ Return any PPE, keys or other equipment to the Host Council contact prior to leaving.

☐ Thank the Host Council contact for hosting your placement (either in person, via email or phone).

☐ Complete the Outcomes Report within 4 weeks of the placement and forward to [email protected].


Version: 2019.10-1


This checklist is to be completed prior to and post completion of the LGKE program placement.

Nominee Details

Employee Name:


Contact details: Phone: Email:

Placement: Start Date: Finish Date:

Deliverables to be achieved by the Nominee during placement

Deliverable 1:

Deliverable 2:

Deliverable 3:

Prior to Placement

☐ Provide the Nominee with the contact details of Host Council’s representative for the placement.

☐ Confirm placement dates with the Nominee.

☐ Prepare and agree itinerary for the Nominee’s placement.

☐ Confirm time and place to meet on commencement of placement.

☐ Advise Nominee where to park during placement (if required).

☐ Obtain copies of any qualifications/certificates from the Nominee (if required).

☐ Provide a copy of the Host Council’s Code of Conduct for review by the Nominee.

☐ Advise HR / Training team to organise any inductions requirements.

☐ Organise a desk and access to IT equipment and systems (if required).

☐ Organise building access for the Nominee or alternatively determine logistics and protocol for Nominee attending site during the placement period.

Placement Commencement

☐ Meet Nominee at the pre-agreed time and place

☐ Obtain a copy of the employee’s drivers licence and their “in case of emergency” contact details.

☐ Familiarise the Nominee with the site (i.e. toilets, lunch room, evacuation points, where they will be located).

☐ Introduce Nominee to other team members and staff.

☐ Provide details of systems access and/or issue any PPE (if required).

☐ Review and discuss placement itinerary and how best to achieve the pre-approved deliverables during the placement period.

☐ Ensure any online or site specific inductions are completed.

Post Placement

☐ Collect any PPE, keys or other equipment from the Nominee before they leave.

☐ Advise IT and HR to remove all building and systems access.

☐ Complete the Host Council Feedback form within 4 weeks of placement and forward to [email protected].


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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This report is to be completed within 4 weeks of the end of the placement facilitated as part of the LGKE program and a

copy emailed to [email protected]

Nominee Details

Employee Name:

Managers Name

Managers Contact details: Phone: Email:


Host Council:

Placement: Start Date: Finish Date:

The below deliverables should be consistent with the approved Deliverables Brief submitted to LGMA For each of the deliverables below please provide details as to how these deliverable were met.

Deliverable 1

Deliverable 2

Deliverable 3

What challenges did you face during the program? How were these overcome?


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

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What aspects of the exchange did you find most beneficial?

What aspects could have been improved?

What advice do you have for future participants?

How did your Host Council help you meet your deliverables?

Do you have any feedback or comments regarding your Host Council?

Nominee Acknowledgment

I confirm that the information I have disclosed in this Outcomes Report is true and correct and may be distributed as feedback to the participating Councils. I also provide my consent to LGMA to use this information for marketing purposes where appropriate.




Manager Acknowledgment

I confirm I have reviewed the information on this form and am satisfied that the Nominee has successfully achieved the pre-approved deliverables as part of the LGKE program. I also consent for this information to be distributed as feedback to participating Councils and to be utilised by LGMA for marketing purposes where appropriate.



Name: Position:


Privacy Notice: Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) is collecting information you supply on this form for the purpose of facilitating the Local Government Knowledge Exchange program (LGKP). Some of this information may be provided to participating Councils as part of facilitation and feedback process. Your personal details will not be disclosed to any other person or agency external to LGMA and the participating Councils, without your consent unless required or authorised by law.

Version: 2019.10-1


This report is to be completed within 4 weeks of the end of the placement facilitated as part of the LGKE program and a

copy emailed to [email protected]

Nominee Details

Employee Name:


Host Council Details

Host Council:

Host Council Contact:

Contact details: Phone: Email:

Placement: Start Date: Finish Date:

Did the Nominee show enthusiasm and initiative in meeting their Deliverables? How or why not?

What challenges (if any) did you encounter during the program? How were these overcome?

What advice do you have for future Host Councils?

Do you have any feedback or comments regarding the Nominee?

Host Council Acknowledgment

I acknowledge that the information I have disclosed above may be distributed as feedback to the participating Councils. I also provide my consent to LGMA to use this information for marketing purposes where appropriate.



Name: Position:


Version: 2019.10-1


Example of the Local Government Knowledge Exchange (LGKE) program in action

James Potter, a Civil Operations Coordinator responsible for roadworks in Toppodogga Shire Council, decides to undertake an

exchange with a metropolitan Council to gain an understanding of the efficiencies and processes implemented by the Civil

Operations (roadworks) team for addressing potholes, sub-grade issues and fish passage culvert maintenance.

He discusses his intentions with his Manager, and together they agree on goals and core learnings for the proposed placement.

James fills out an Expression of Interest form (EOI) and the Deliverables Brief for the Local Government Knowledge Exchange

(LGKE) program and sends these, together with a copy of his current resume, through to LGMA the facilitator, care of the Human

Resources team at Toppodogga Shire Council.

James is successfully matched with the Civil Operations team in Redland City Council where he undertakes a 5-day placement

shadowing his counterparts - Civil Operations Manager and Roadworks Technical Officer. James observes their procedures and

operations through the course of a typical workday in the field. James also attends their regular council and community

meetings, site inspections, and meetings with different council departments. James gains an understanding of how they are

structured and funded, and what services and programs are managed by the civil operations team at Redlands City Council.

At the end of his placement, James returns to Toppodogga and completes the Outcomes report. He shares his learnings with his

team, supervisor, and Manager. With the approval from this Manager, James begins to implement some of the best practice

protocols he learned and witnessed during LGKE. For instance, he has learnt that there are efficiencies in being able to complete

the repair of potholes within 3 days of the appearance of the pothole, as opposed to 10 days that has been standard practice at

Toppodogga Shire Council. This practice ensures that the integrity of the subgrade is not compromised and reduces frequency

and cost of road repairs. Within the first 6 months of adopting this practice, the Civil Operations team note considerable savings

and find that potholes repaired within the first 3 days are less prone to damage, reducing manpower and resources.

A few months after James’ placement with Redland City Council, Colin Hanks, the Civil Operations Technical Officer at Redland

City Council undertakes a 3-day exchange to Toppodogga Shire Council to learn about how the Civil Operations team in

Toppodogga undertake road maintenance on high traffic dangerous goods routes, and in areas with underground mine shafts

and explosives. James Potter and his Manager take Colin to several sites in the shire, and over the course of 3 days give Colin

an insight into the full spectrum of considerations to be employed when undertaking roadworks within such environments.

James shares copies of Toppodogga Shire Council’s work procedures with Colin. Colin returns to Redland City Council equipped

with this specialised knowledge and now feels more informed and confident in undertaking roadworks within potentially

dangerous areas. Colin shares his learnings with his Manager and the team. Colin goes on to use his learnings to develop a safe

work method statement and procedures for his team to ensure that they are aware of all pitfalls when undertaking such work.

Colin Hanks and James Potter develop good working relationship and decide to keep in touch via LinkedIn, email and phone so

they can consult each other for advice regarding upcoming projects, training or maintenance requirements for new field


LGMA has reviewed the feedback provided in the Outcomes report and Host Council Feedback report and prepared a summary

report for each of the respective Councils.

Both Toppodogga Shire Council and Redland City Council have expressed their appreciation of the LGKE program and the

efficiencies they have been able to achieve within their respective Councils as a result.