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-- VJf?' fpf u ; ooTn LmI WV y U ST l lifbij? HK j8h( wlkfta imc Ptta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1894. PHICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON IXCtfT SONDAf UT TDI Daily Bulletin Pablisblng Co., L'd., at tuc orriui J28 & 328 vlerotunt St., HoBOlala, B. I. ; HllHHUIttPTIOK-B- ix Dollars a Yab. tiollvered (n Honolulu at Fifty Oekts a ; Month, In advance. THE WHBKLOOLLETIN I -I- B IMIHL1BHK- D- B3VBJR.V TTJTH33DAY At K.itm Dollars a Yiar to Domestic, ' iti.l Fivk Dollar to Foreign Subscribers, payable In Advance BOOK AND JOB PRINTING IKINK IN SOrKBIOR STTLR. MOTH TKI.KPHONF.S t s tm--i o. mox I'm Daily lll'LLr.riM Is prluled and pub- - llshed by I he Dally Bulletin Publishing Company, l.ltnltrd, at lit oftlce. Mer- - client street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. Daniel l)gnti, editor, resides on A lakes street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for the paper " Kdllor IIi'llktin," and liiislncss letters " Manui-e- r Dally Mulletlu 1'iilillslilng L'oiupuny." Usin a oersonnl address may rnusu delay in attention. Buainoaa Cards. LEWEKS A COOKE, tllll'ilHIXIts INU tlKlLKB IN I.UMHKH i tn Minn op llituniNo MTKRui. Fori Ml reel. Iloooliilil. U. UACKFELO ft CO., OSNKK!. ('OMMISStl)S ,HKNT. 'rtir Fornind tjueen Slrefln, Honolulu. JNO. 8. SMITHIES, VreTiiucrr. niOknkhi. IIii.inkh. ast. ' ilwhukoiiB, Kolmla, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, Atiohnkt-at-I.a- h and Nomky I'IIMI.II. No. ij Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAT, M NHPAl'nHIMi JlWRLSH NI Waciii HAKKH, iviikui Jtwulrv specialty Partlmilsr allimtlon paid to all kind ol repairs. Mcllierny Block, Kurt Street. J. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOORAPHER The Only Collnclloo of Ultnd Vlflwt. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, TKAM KNIIINKk, Hl'KAR MlLIJI. IIOII.KRK. !, Ikon, IIiiakn, and I.kah Oastimis, Mnuhliivry ul Kvery Description Made to Order. I'Hrtiuiilur atteutlon paid toBlilpa' Mliu'kMiilthlug. .lob Work niwuted at Bhort Notice. K. A. JACOHSON, W.Vnill.MAKKIt AX ilKWKI.KU ao Fori Htnel Honolulu, II. I i' O. Box ..'87. Mitt uii I Tele. Hi. DR. C. W. MOORE, HOi Van Ness Ave.. H. F.. Cal. Elegant Apartments (or Patients. KtSOTKIeirY IK NKKVOUH IMBKAHKh. ' SB- - Dr. Moore oilers invalids nil Hie oomfortHof home, with constant mid cure-- ' nil inmiineni. llererx to II. 1(. Maefiirliiuo. IHMf CHAS. GIRDLER. - IIIKKCT IMI'llHTKR OP - KNUUHH AND CONTINKNTAI 3Dry G-ood- s V., IS KMHh.itnanii atrext. Cement Sidewalks & Gra-- 1 nite Curbing Laid. Kstluiates given on all kinds ol H'MISE.CONt'ltKTK PI.ABTKK WOUK OkV C'ONI'KP.rK A HpKrlAt.TY V& JOHN F. BOWLER C. B. RIPLEY & ARTHUR REYNOLDS, AROHITHOTB, OrriCKi New Hale Deposit Building, Fort street, Honolulu, II. I Plans Hpeclllcnihius and Nuperinteud- - euce irlveii (or Kverv Descrititlon ol II iiiiiu- - Inc. Old llulldiiigs siirceoslully Itemed eueu am. Miuirgeu DesUfiis for Interior Ueooratloiib. Mans or MiiiIihiiIi'mI llrau. lug. Tracing aud liltte Printing. Drawings for Jiisik or Newspaper Illustration. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. iXjlnaiteci) OFpKII FOIl BALK Thc Domestic Sewing Machine imatM ft(W wfl,w' and 8Wed- - i' i t i i i v i? i a iLtx. caoss oss' Celebrated Htgh Grade Cane Manures. Wr are also prepared to take orders lor Uoaura N. Ohlandt St Co. F'ortlllssera, Injuring (iroinpt tf llrt-- r BOILED LUCOL This Is a superior I'altil Oil. eon- - kuiuIuk 'ess pmuiint than Idnseed Oil, and elvlug a lusting brilliancy to colors. Used with drle It gives a splendid Moor Mirfare. I-iin- a. Oement, KKKINKIIMl'tJAKH. MAl.MON Fairbauk Canning Co.'s Cornod Boo! I'AHAPPINK I'AlNT 'o I Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Heed's Patent Steam Pipe CovirluR. Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel A Ever- lasting Paint KspMHally denlgned tot Vnciiiim I'aiis. FIRE, L.lU'J!i AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Ftro Insurance Co., Assets, $7,109,825.49. London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., ABSOtB, $4,317,052. , Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (l.liulte,!! Assets, $6,124,057. New Turk Lite Ins. Co., Assets, 5137,499,198.99. C. 0. BER6ER, Genoral Ag ent tor Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Win. 6. Irwin & Co. tl.lMITKD) I'reildeut and Manager i.&'svte'- - jfo $$$, Secretary and Treasurer Auditor SUgai" Fca.O"LOrS AND Commission Aguutb AllhNTh OP TDK Oceanic Steamship Company, OF HAN FHANttlHCt) OA1. C. BREWER KO. il.lMli'KDi General Mercantile Commission Agents p. I' Jones Premdeiit tl. II, HoliHrlUU. M.tuagur K. V. IINIioii. Hue rctnry I'leitaitrnr l W. P. Alien Aiiuiior I). M. CooLe II. Wulerhouse ri: .::::;;( Dirsoiorv I. I. C'artr Dn uuiucii awtj DdMai.iluuiuuiuuilu,u,vv,:u,luiluiill-iiU!utw- u W. F. Reynolds, : Prop. All kinds Machine Needles and Attachments to make every woman happy. Guitars to charm with song and leave a happy smile. Spectacles and Eyeglasses to Jit all sights so that both old and young may he happy. Dolls and Toys to make the youngsters happy. Remington Typcut'iters to make the business man happy. Tennis Supplies to assist young men and maidens to achieve hap-pincs- v. Parses awl Card Cum's to make your best girl happy Wallets and Pocket Rook to make your best fellow huppy, Huscbull Supplitit to maki "uur boys" happy. Visiting Cards and Soviet y Stationery tu convey happiness. Office Stationery and lllank Hooks, and to cnmplel the happi- ness of all liny a Stem Winding, Stem Setting Nickel Plated Watch, guaranteed a good timekeeper for jt.l.fiO. " V CIMIAND 1! Q BICYCLE ; CLUB. $10 A MONTH i There Is nothing better than a 'Cleveland," noth- ing iilltu so good ; nnd with the further Improvements made iu the three vital parts- - the Tiro, the Kim, iiml the Hearings it Is now tdmptyunohflllcugenhleund unapproachable. Should a i puncture occur by any un- usual chance, the outer cover can he slipped from the rim, the inner tube re- paired, 3 a Hi I the wheel be riiuniug nguln inniduof live minutes S!I Is a ' Cleve- land" 0 year! 0 H. E. WALKER, Agent, Honolulu. II. I. $ Kerosene OH! THK "ALOHA." A High Grade Oil 1 Price Moderate 1 AT THEO. fl. D AVIES & CO. nut im California Fruit Market, Corner King A Alakea Ht Caiiinriiio's Rrfrigentorc It) F.vrr from Han Fran CISCO with Fresh Fruit, Oysters. Salmon, Poultry,, F.te. Kte. lUKe-t- 6 TO 9 .A.. 1.; I in not forget the lime to ring up ' 152 Mutual Telephone -1- 02. N. V BXJK.CrElSS i still prepared to repair Harden linc. water Tup'., Filing Haws ami sliiirpeuliig all kinds tools, liicludliu.' I'arv- - ing iuivesMiiii neibsors. uiwu .Mowers a iiicelultv. Also betting (llass, ill fuel all i kinds of Jobbing Work called lur and re-- 1 turned IWi-t- l PaflifipMfli.SS f!n In -- AND THK- - Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA o4 BONQIONQ. Bteamers of the abort Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the abovo porta on or about the fotlcvlrjg dates t Htrnr "MKLOIG" .. . .July ft, Mil Btmr "CHINA". September 3,11(1 Htrnr "OO'iANIO" ..October .', IKM tJtmr"UHINA". .. November 12, Isoi Htrnr "OCEANIC". ..December 11, 18!H Btinr"OHINA" January 21, 1810 Stmr "OCEANIC" February 19,1810 Sttur "CHINA" April 2. K For SAN FRANCISCO. Hteamcrs of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong- - kong and Yokohama to the above port on or about the following dates t Btnir "CITY OK Kill DK JANKIltO" ....July 10, IbiM Btmr "BKMHO" August 21 lrl Slinr "OITV OK I'KK1NU'. . . ... October l, I8ll Btmr "OOKANK'" November 111, 1NM Btmr "OH IN A" December .11 I8!M Btmr "OAKI.K'" Kebruarv HI, Iwtt Btmr "l'KIUI" Marefi 2!), Btmr "OAKMC" . . .April IS, 1810 RATES OP PASSAGE ABE A3 FOLLOWS: I W. to roito- - to iiono. KAMA. Cabin II.V) 00 II7A0O Cabin, round trip 4 months. . r. uo Cabin, round trip 12 months (IK M Kuropean Steerage s5 on Its.) 00 i I I ttssencers navltnt full t.r will Im. allowed Ul percent oil return fare II return- - lug within twelve months fsjr For Freight ami I'assskp .lv to H. HACKFELD k CO., -- I7 tf AgeiU. Oceanic Steamship Go. ' ' Australian Hail Service. I ' rorSanFrancUco: Tlir Vw ami Kin. AI Hir.l Hi.nnihl. " " MONOWAI Of the Oceanic .Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Bydneyaud Aurk-- I land on or about June 28th, And Kill leave for the above iKjrt with Malic and Passengers on or shout that date. For Sydney and Auckland : ' I'be New and Fine Al Steal Hteauiibip " MARIPOSA " i ui me oceanic nteamslilp (.ompaoy will be due at Honolulu, from San Fram-lnro- . on or about I July 5th. 111 Malls and Passengers for the above porta. The undersigned are now prepared to Issue I THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. For further tinrtlciilan. Fniighl or I'ussage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd., General AgenU. Oceanic Steamship Go. Time Table, LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu (rum S. F for ri, F. June il June 'Xi THROUGH LINE. From fan Fraiiclsrn Kniiu Hyitney Co? lur riydney han Frannlsno. .In lie llimululu I.finr lltiuiiliiln ; MAltll'OHA. July ft MONOWAI. June 2H MONOWAI, Aug. 2, AI.A.MKDA, Julyai AI.AMKDA. Aug. ,10 MAH1POHA. Aug.a MAltlPOHA Kept.'.'T MONOWAI. Sept. 'JO MONOWAI Oct. 'Jfll AI.AMKDA II. LOSE, KoUry Public, Collector aud Qoueral Business Agent. t lor Seveial ol the lle- -t FIIIKi I.NSrilAM I'. DMPANIKH. Patentee ol Los ChemlC Compound tor Clatilylng Cane Juice. Mnuial leleplioi ne r. ii. noi .iw. Merclian t hired, llouoliilii. Ring Up Both Telephones m i- - v T?vncin xnti u tift c xJAUi ooo. - ritalnl al llolluigii lueeii tr. it near port, anvil JA.MKH IVJI.I.OCK. J is., iis.. Steamers of the l.lno, running In connection with tlie CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hctween Vancouver. B. 0., anil S)dney, N. 8. W., ainl calling nt Victoria B. '., Honolulu ami Suva Fiji,. A.RH3 IDXJB3 A.T HONOLULU In or aliotlt the dates Mow statnl. vlr From Sydney and Suva, for Victoria and Vancouver, B. O.i 9tinr"WAKKlM00" ..Julyl 8tmr"AKAWA" .August I " Soptemlwr I Through Tickets Unti from Bonolaln rxKtmiT and remedies aukstk. D. McNICOl.I.. Montreal, Canada. KOMKHT KKKK. Wlnnlnee. Camula M 5, 8TEKN. Ban Francisco, Cal. BKOWN, Vanrouvor, B. 0. . . . Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE 0. NVlLlisn, I'res. a. II. Ilosa stt. ljArTl j. A. kinii, I'ort Bupt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE. CoBaundtr, Wilt leave Honolulu nt '1 r. u touehlug at iuBiim, .noma ny and .iiaKcua llie sameilav: Maliiikntin. KhhIIiku mi 1.... pahovlioe the following day arrlvlin: at Hllo at mldlilglil. I.KAVKm IIOMM.UI.l" '.i!u.,,ImU- - June Vi hrldav June Tuesday :i Friday .. July J Tuesday July -- '! Friday. Aug. a I'liCMtay . Aug. 11 Friday.. . Aug. 'Jl Tuesday evpt. I Friday ftepU It Tuesday . Bept. i Friday... Oct. .t Tuesday Oct. Ill Friday let. '.HI TuuxUy . .Nov. Friday ... .NOV. 10 Tuemfav Nov. 'J rriua Dee. 7 Tuesi k Dee. IS Uetumliig Hllo, touching at same day; Kawulhue a. m., 10 a. m.; Makena 4 m.; Maalaen Bay Up. m.; Uhalnn s p. u. the following day; arriving at Honolulu ci a y NSVdne. days and Hatunlays. AHBIVKb AT HONtil.lM.C Saturday. June II Wednesday . J li nt. JO Saturday . . . Jumcui Wednesday July II Saturday . July .'I Wednesday . . . Aug. I .Saturday . Aug. II Wednesday Aug. ! Haturday 1 Wednowtoy bept Haturday . rinpt. .' Wednesday OoU 3 Katurduy Oct. I.H 11 iUIIUBUajr .Oct. 'Jt Haturday Nov. 3 Nov. 11 Haturday . Nov. -'I Wednesday .Dec. ft Haturday Dec. I.'. Wednesday Dec. 'J'i No Frelehl will h rweive.1 ir U noon on day of sailing. Stmr. OLAUDINE, 0&MER0N, OomMaBdor, vv lit leave Honolulu every Tllekdat at t p. ., Uiucblng at Kahulul. Huelo. Jlanu, HamoB and Kipalinlu. Heturnlug will arrive at llouoliilii every Huuday morning. tlaT No Freight will he mwlveil alter 4 p, m. on cay ol hailing. Uiuslgnees must be at the lauduigs te receive their Freluht, as we will not hold ourselves resKuslhle after -- null Freight has been landed, While the Uompaii) will use Uoe dill-- I geuce In handling Live blook, we decline lo assume any reHponslblllt) In of the loss ol same. The IVjuipany will not be resiHiusihle for Money or Jewelry unless placed in the care ol Pursers. W. W. AHANA, I Merchant Tailor,; 3S3 ITuuanu 3trt. FINE SUITINGS IN English, SCQlCu and American COOllS. aud Fit luanintie.t 0101111111 & U)ling Mutual Tele. 668. P. 0. Box 144. HII'J Mil IIO YIOX K13K CO.. It Nllliainl St ri . Tinsmiths P nmhtnn. Ktn. .. w... m m -- xl, I'HOl'KCKY and lll.AStiU AUK. lUIJOm cu i.:- - is above July leaves Kept. vi'.i.,,...i rilyle owp uiud , From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0., for Suva and Sydney: Btmr "A It AW A" June 23 8tlllr,VABIIMl)0, July n Btiiir,,AKAVA" . August 2:1 to Canada, United States and Europe For Frrliiht and l'nsnuo ami nil Oeurral Information, apply to unto iegisiaiure is H. DAVIES & to meet for such AgtnU fvr thr llitintltnn lilatul. tentb annual meeting of tub Hawaiian Jockey ciub'astwx" dent." aTT1 June 11, 1894. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME: Races to Commence il 10 i. iu. Slurp. 1st Kaeo -- IHCYCLK UACK. I'rlye: Silver Medal, valued al fz. KtltruiK'u fee f l.!0. I Mlb- - Dicli. Free lor all. 2d Kaee - KALAKAUA ITHSK. $100. Kuiiiilng IImcc. s Mile D:ih. Free for nil. lid Kaee- - HON'OLLI.U PL'KSK. flOO. rrottlng and Pacing, to Hurtiess. J:I0 0lil. Free for all. Mile llentk Iw.t .' in :i. of of of ,. of tll 2 be for re I Free t all. ol m A.,' Wit Kace , ,., ami "as '., Ibi.h. For "for" of section hail .i Race LI II j,,,,,,, Wl firs, "' not re olec- - rrottlng and racing, l llarnc... Free ' lor all. Mile I"- -. I It hi 7th lUce-OCLA- Mt h. S. .,.., flMI. llillllllllg llllie. I Mile ILihIi. For i Hawaiian llred. Hth Kco MALM PUHSK.-flU- l Trotting mid Facing, to Harnri, .1 olas-- . lor Hawaiian llrl. ill .1. titli Haco - KAPIOLAN'I PAUK PUKSE, lillUllillg I'lice. l' Daob Fr. e lor all. Kith Itace KAM K 11 AM K II A flllO. Trotting uud to Hiinn For Hawaiian llred Mile Heats' bt .' In :t. ... All Klilriei. arc tu lie il,, .....,. hufiniiii,, .., .1... ..iti ,,, .re ,, ., ,,j, ,,,i'i.i,i.i. w. r. 11, on before '.' p m. WKD June II, at which they will clo. Kiitry fee tu lie 10 of the pit roe otherwl.e "Iki-- I ' lletl. All ilaces are to U run or trotted under the the lliuwus Jnun n All Horsex are to ilarl uiiU'-- ?. witlidriiun Ii) I'J o noun on All llorcs uiuit anneur on tin Irnck at tlie tan ol bell from tin- .Indue' Stand, otherwise they will he .Mi I 'cuts extra '"i I cut- - l t'lirruges J. l guurler ntreicli lliulge .io W. M. (JIFFAIU), Hawaiian IVJIi'ii WAIAKEAKOA 1 1.1. I'AltTIKh DKHKINIi Totit) In V Waiakeakua Falls iu Mauoa are hereby reiUestcd to obtain a permis- sion from undersigned, otherwise the) will lie prosecuted (or trespass if found on the premises without such j.n. ii. urn it, at the Uud Hnprenie Court llulid Hi.mduin 17 is- - -- Vi it inteimbijAnd pilotaok V ir ,w"v" y"" "'. v,"'"1!'"1 ' u.r. lilainl oilers hl as Pilot tu any Hirt or lauding In the ol Inquire at ollico ol J. H. Walker, over Bpreckeu' lUnk. Fort street. Uo,-- tl 1AITAIN WILLIAM D.WIKS. roll CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Sixth Day. Wednesday. Juno AFTERNOON Skction 2. For tho purposes of such election tbo Setiato oiul tho House of Representatives shall sil together. Tho election shall be by ballot. and thu person receiving a majority vote of all tho elective members to which Legislature is which minority shall incliiilo a maj- ority nil tho Senator, shall be President for tho succeeding term; or for tho unexpired such mien mo CO.. quired election, th I'll torm in case no person shall nave boon elected prior to tho first day of such term Coiiu. Wilder asked how a major- ity Senators could bo ascertained if tho voting was to bo by Mill. Smith said it could be done by diirerently colored ballots. Tho section Section .'I. If Legislature shall to elect a President before first day of January following the President whoo term has then oi pired shall continue to bo tho Presi- dent until his successor is elected and qualified; but such failure to elect shall iu no case discharge the Legislature from their dttt to im- mediately proceed such elec- tion. Min. Smith to insert after "or as Presi- - Del. Carter hold that the jipd f"c- - jtorr I'resitleiit would still lie Presi- dent, and ho thought tho draft as il stood was sullk'iont. Min. Smith a further ex- planation which sntislied Del. Car-to- r. The motion carried. Min. Smith moved to ohnngo "his successor" to "a new President." Del. Uobertsou moved to out "the" before I'resitleiit and in- sert "or net instead. Del. moved to refer the eeetiou and proposed nmeudtueiits to Committee on lixectitivo. It seemed to him a Kood deal of change was necessary to adapt the section to extraordinary conditions. Cotiu. Young seconded motion for I'res. Dole thought was no uecessily for reference The section was only intended to provide tot keeping the filled in u certain contingency. He though Del. Itu amendment an improve- ment iu view of the change already Del. Itoliorlsou's amendment car- - i ried and the cctiou p.i-c- as ,lol, Del. losepa moved at. amendment III. No ,.,,,,,., CUP. added. Iteptihlic shall President for the term yl't Cunning Itace. Mile Ds.h for cup i wit r.iconl immediately following that during of 'Angle l:i.',!t. which he has been President. Min. Hateh proposed a hiibHtitiite - piM.'nmi.'VT Willi. ,(,nvillt, I,iri,li .., ll0 Uo. MANNS CLP, f,t, puUlii President," and llmmlng Ituce. Mite , putting instead "during." Hawaiian lin-d- . Del. tuoveil to strike the ,.,.,., PL out. Since they given Ul), 0I1B they should prevent his lleitts, 1'UKSE, . i iniiiute Mile best J 12.V Mile - PL'KSK, ii......... i Merchant Street, ImiI, time it unee- - ltoli-- o( esia-cte- cltH'k Juiieti, l'tl. lined AiIiiiUjIoii and ill,1deo( eoure. each .IikIii) i'Iiio NOTICE. Valley tlie pcmiiiisiuu. oim-- June steamers, services Hawaiian Islands, best reference. SESSION. tho entitled, portion ballot. passed. tho fail the with moved made strike as" Carter reference. there ollico borlson's eligible Winner added. Vivas Heats; Pnvluc. made. maltlug tlie M'clion allirm llioeligi- - f ,a, 'r.uu for r.t.,.o lion. Mm. Damon said that utiles-- , there was a chance to elect new otllcers every six years, good by to stable government, lie spoke from ex- perience. Pros. Dolo saitl that the long term given the Presitleut obviated to. some extent the objections to re- election. Vet it was the eligibility of a Presitleut to re election which had produced tunny of the evils of republican government iu Central mid South America. It had also caused more or less corruption iu the United Slates. He thought that iu view of the long term it was tie sirable to remote that temptation to Doth the rroMilout ami stilior diuate ollicers by forbidding reelec .:.... mill. Oul the uiuv.-- r voted for nlriUiug out. Mm. Hatch's atiieudmeut carried Akth'I.i. J.. Powi.ii oi Appointment Section 1. The President, with I the approval of tho Senate, shall ap j point the members of the Cabiuet, the Judges of the Supreme ami Cir- - cuit Courts; the Auditor General aud all Diplomatic aud Consular Representatives to foreign countries. Del. Abies believed the otlice of Auditor General was uiiuecei.sarily foisted on this country. He moved "tint Auditor General'' lo struck out Min Smith claimed that the ollico was one of the most important in the country ll was a useful check on the expenditure of public money Ministers might often want to strain the law for what they doomed do sirable purpoos, ami it was well that there chotild be an independent ollicer to check thii propensity. Del. Abies agreed with the Attor ne General as to the usefulness, hut ' Del Carter raied the point of or der that the Auditot General's ollico existed under -- tattite law, ami llu- - Coin ent ion had no right to legislate it out ol existence , Del. Abies contended thai if the , !""'" Has recognied here, the Presi dent would not have (he power to 'A1! ""'"' vi,A' l!w 0,.n.l'', Tl l0.'1 viiiice ami t. iisiom itoiise couiu oe run away with for all the attention I the Auditor General ever paid to them (C'imliniwii on jth 'not,) J

LmI WV imc l Ptta - University of · imc Ptta lifbij? HK j8h(wlkfta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1.,

Oct 03, 2018



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Page 1: LmI WV imc l Ptta - University of · imc Ptta lifbij? HK j8h(wlkfta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1.,

--VJf?'fpf u ;

ooTnLmI WVy

U ST l lifbij? HK j8h( wlkftaimc PttaVOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1894. PHICE 5 CENTS.



Daily Bulletin Pablisblng Co., L'd.,

at tuc orriuiJ28 & 328 vlerotunt St., HoBOlala, B. I.


HllHHUIttPTIOK-B- ix Dollars a Yab.tiollvered (n Honolulu at Fifty Oekts a ;

Month, In advance.



B3VBJR.V TTJTH33DAYAt K.itm Dollars a Yiar to Domestic, '

iti.l Fivk Dollar to Foreign Subscribers,payable In Advance


MOTH TKI.KPHONF.S t stm--i o. mox

I'm Daily lll'LLr.riM Is prluled and pub- -llshed by I he Dally Bulletin PublishingCompany, l.ltnltrd, at lit oftlce. Mer- -client street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands. Daniel l)gnti, editor, resides onA lakes street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for the paper " KdllorIIi'llktin," and liiislncss letters " Manui-e- r

Dally Mulletlu 1'iilillslilng L'oiupuny."Usin a oersonnl address may rnusu delayin attention.

Buainoaa Cards.


tllll'ilHIXIts INU tlKlLKB IN I.UMHKH i

tn Minn op llituniNo MTKRui.

Fori Ml reel. Iloooliilil.



'rtir Fornind tjueen Slrefln, Honolulu.


VreTiiucrr. niOknkhi. IIii.inkh. ast. '

ilwhukoiiB, Kolmla, Hawaii.


Atiohnkt-at-I.a- h and Nomky I'IIMI.II.

No. ij Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.



iviikui Jtwulrv specialty Partlmilsrallimtlon paid to all kind ol repairs.

Mcllierny Block, Kurt Street.


PHOTOORAPHERThe Only Collnclloo of Ultnd Vlflwt.


TKAM KNIIINKk, Hl'KAR MlLIJI. IIOII.KRK.!, Ikon, IIiiakn, and I.kah


Mnuhliivry ul Kvery Description Made toOrder. I'Hrtiuiilur atteutlon paid toBlilpa'Mliu'kMiilthlug. .lob Work niwuted atBhort Notice.



ao Fori Htnel Honolulu, II. I

i' O. Box ..'87. Mitt uii I Tele. Hi.

DR. C. W. MOORE,HOi Van Ness Ave.. H. F.. Cal.

Elegant Apartments (or Patients.KtSOTKIeirY IK NKKVOUH IMBKAHKh.


SB-- Dr. Moore oilers invalids nil HieoomfortHof home, with constant mid cure-- '

nil inmiineni. llererx to II. 1(. Maefiirliiuo.IHMf



3Dry G-ood-s

V., IS KMHh.itnanii atrext.

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-- 1

nite Curbing Laid.Kstluiates given on all kinds ol





AROHITHOTB,OrriCKi New Hale Deposit Building,

Fort street, Honolulu, II. I

Plans Hpeclllcnihius and Nuperinteud- -

euce irlveii (or Kverv Descrititlon ol IIiiiiiu- -

Inc. Old llulldiiigs siirceoslully Itemedeueu am. Miuirgeu DesUfiis for InteriorUeooratloiib. Mans or MiiiIihiiIi'mI llrau.lug. Tracing aud liltte Printing. Drawingsfor Jiisik or Newspaper Illustration.




Thc Domestic Sewing Machine

imatM ft(W wfl,w' and 8Wed- -i' i t i i i v i? i a

iLtx. caoss oss'

Celebrated Htgh Grade Cane Manures.

Wr are also prepared to take orders lor

Uoaura N. Ohlandt St Co.F'ortlllssera,

Injuring (iroinpt tf llrt-- r

BOILED LUCOLThis Is a superior I'altil Oil. eon- -

kuiuIuk 'ess pmuiint than Idnseed Oil, andelvlug a lusting brilliancy to colors.Used with drle It gives a splendid MoorMirfare.

I-iin-a. Oement,


Fairbauk Canning Co.'s Cornod Boo!


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Heed's Patent Steam Pipe CovirluR.

Jarboos' Diamond, Enamel A Ever-

lasting Paint

KspMHally denlgned tot Vnciiiim I'aiis.


L.lU'J!i AND



Hartford Ftro Insurance Co.,

Assets, $7,109,825.49.

London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,ABSOtB, $4,317,052. ,

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(l.liulte,!!

Assets, $6,124,057.

New Turk Lite Ins. Co.,Assets, 5137,499,198.99.

C. 0. BER6ER,

Genoral Ag ent tor Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

Win. 6. Irwin &

I'reildeut and Manageri.&'svte'- -

jfo $$$, Secretary and TreasurerAuditor

SUgai" Fca.O"LOrSAND

Commission Aguutb


Oceanic Steamship Company,



General Mercantile

Commission Agents

p. I' Jones Premdeiittl. II, HoliHrlUU. M.tuagurK. V. IINIioii. Hue rctnry I'leitaitrnr

l W. P. Alien AiiuiiorI). M. CooLeII. Wulerhouse ri: .::::;;( DirsoiorvI. I. C'artr

Dnuuiucii awtj DdMai.iluuiuuiuuilu,u,vv,:u,luiluiill-iiU!utw- u

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop.

All kinds Machine Needles andAttachments to make every womanhappy.

Guitars to charm with song andleave a happy smile.

Spectacles and Eyeglasses to Jitall sights so that both old andyoung may he happy.

Dolls and Toys to make theyoungsters happy.

Remington Typcut'iters to makethe business man happy.

Tennis Supplies to assist youngmen and maidens to achieve hap-pincs- v.

Parses awl Card Cum's to makeyour best girl happy

Wallets and Pocket Rook to

make your best fellow huppy,

Huscbull Supplitit to maki "uurboys" happy.

Visiting Cards and Soviet y

Stationery tu convey happiness.

Office Stationery and lllankHooks, and to cnmplel the happi-

ness of all

liny a Stem Winding, StemSetting Nickel Plated Watch,guaranteed a good timekeeper

for jt.l.fiO."





There Is nothing betterthan a 'Cleveland," noth-ing iilltu so good ; nnd withthe further Improvementsmade iu the three vitalparts- - the Tiro, the Kim,iiml the Hearings it Is nowtdmptyunohflllcugenhleundunapproachable. Should a ipuncture occur by any un-usual chance, the outercover can he slipped fromthe rim, the inner tube re-

paired, 3a Hi I the wheel beriiuniug nguln inniduof liveminutes S!I Is a ' Cleve-land"0 year! 0H. E. WALKER,

Agent, Honolulu. II. I.


Kerosene OH!


A High Grade Oil 1

Price Moderate 1


THEO. fl. DAVIES & CO.nut im

California Fruit Market,Corner King A Alakea Ht

Caiiinriiio's Rrfrigentorc

It) F.vrr from Han FranCISCO with

Fresh Fruit, Oysters.Salmon, Poultry,, F.te. Kte.lUKe-t-

6 TO 9 .A.. 1.;I in not forget the lime to ring up

'152 Mutual Telephone -1- 02.

N. V BXJK.CrElSSi still prepared to repair Harden linc.

water Tup'., Filing Haws amisliiirpeuliig all kinds tools, liicludliu.' I'arv- -

ing iuivesMiiii neibsors. uiwu .Mowers aiiicelultv. Also betting (llass, ill fuel all

i kinds of Jobbing Work called lur and re-- 1

turned IWi-t- l

PaflifipMfli.SS f!n In

-- AND THK- -

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


Bteamers of the abort Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to the abovoporta on or about the fotlcvlrjg dates t

Htrnr "MKLOIG" .. . .July ft, MilBtmr "CHINA". September 3,11(1Htrnr "OO'iANIO" ..October .', IKMtJtmr"UHINA". .. November 12, IsoiHtrnr "OCEANIC". ..December 11, 18!HBtinr"OHINA" January 21, 1810Stmr "OCEANIC" February 19,1810Sttur "CHINA" April 2. K


Hteamcrs of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong- -kong and Yokohama to the above port onor about the following dates t

Btnir "CITY OK Kill DK JANKIltO"....July 10, IbiM

Btmr "BKMHO" August 21 lrlSlinr "OITV OK I'KK1NU'. . .... October l, I8llBtmr "OOKANK'" November 111, 1NMBtmr "OH IN A" December .11 I8!MBtmr "OAKI.K'" Kebruarv HI, IwttBtmr "l'KIUI" Marefi 2!),Btmr "OAKMC" . . .April IS, 1810


to roito- - to iiono.KAMA.

Cabin II.V) 00 II7A0OCabin, round trip 4

months. . r. uoCabin, round trip 12

months (IK M

Kuropean Steerage s5 on Its.) 00 iI

I ttssencers navltnt full t.r will Im.

allowed Ul percent oil return fare II return- -lug within twelve months

fsjr For Freight ami I'assskp .lv to

H. HACKFELD k CO.,-- I7 tf AgeiU.

Oceanic Steamship Go. '


Australian Hail Service.I


rorSanFrancUco:Tlir Vw ami Kin. AI Hir.l Hi.nnihl.

" "MONOWAIOf the Oceanic .Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Bydneyaud Aurk-- Iland on or about

June 28th,And Kill leave for the above iKjrt withMalic and Passengers on or shout that date.

For Sydney and Auckland : '

I'be New and Fine Al Steal Hteauiibip


ui me oceanic nteamslilp (.ompaoy willbe due at Honolulu, from San Fram-lnro- .

on or about I

July 5th.111

Malls and Passengers for the above porta.

The undersigned are now prepared to IssueI THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS


For further tinrtlciilan.Fniighl or I'ussage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd.,

General AgenU.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Time Table,LOCAL LINE.


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu(rum S. F for ri, F.

June il June 'Xi

THROUGH LINE.From fan Fraiiclsrn Kniiu Hyitney Co?

lur riydney han Frannlsno.

.In lie llimululu I.finr lltiuiiliiln;

MAltll'OHA. July ft MONOWAI. June 2H

MONOWAI, Aug. 2, AI.A.MKDA, JulyaiAI.AMKDA. Aug. ,10 MAH1POHA. Aug.aMAltlPOHA Kept.'.'T MONOWAI. Sept. 'JO



KoUry Public, Collector aud QoueralBusiness Agent.

t lor Seveial ol the lle- -t FIIIKiI.NSrilAM I'. DMPANIKH.

Patentee ol Los ChemlC Compound torClatilylng Cane Juice.

Mnuial leleplioi ne r. ii. noi .iw.Merclian t hired, llouoliilii.

Ring Up Both Telephones m

i-- v T?vncinxnti u tift c xJAUi ooo.-ritalnl al llolluigii

lueeii tr. it near port,



is., iis..Steamers of the l.lno, running In connection with tlie

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYHctween Vancouver. B. 0., anil S)dney, N. 8. W., ainl calling nt Victoria B. '.,

Honolulu ami Suva Fiji,.

A.RH3 IDXJB3 A.T HONOLULUIn or aliotlt the dates Mow statnl. vlr

From Sydney and Suva, for Victoriaand Vancouver, B. O.i

9tinr"WAKKlM00" ..Julyl8tmr"AKAWA" .August I

" Soptemlwr I

Through Tickets Unti from Bonolaln

rxKtmiT and remedies aukstk.D. McNICOl.I.. Montreal, Canada.KOMKHT KKKK. Wlnnlnee. CamulaM 5, 8TEKN. Ban Francisco, Cal.

BKOWN, Vanrouvor, B. 0.. . .

Wilder's Steamship Co.


0. NVlLlisn, I'res. a. II. Ilosa stt.ljArTl j. A. kinii, I'ort Bupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE. CoBaundtr,

Wilt leave Honolulu nt '1 r. u touehlug atiuBiim, .noma ny and .iiaKcua lliesameilav: Maliiikntin. KhhIIiku mi 1....pahovlioe the following day arrlvlin: atHllo at mldlilglil.


'.i!u.,,ImU- - June Vihrldav JuneTuesday :iFriday .. July JTuesday July --'!Friday. Aug. aI'liCMtay . Aug. 11Friday.. . Aug. 'JlTuesday evpt. IFriday ftepU ItTuesday . Bept. iFriday... Oct. .tTuesday Oct. IllFriday let. '.HITuuxUy . .Nov.Friday ... .NOV. 10Tuemfav Nov. 'J

rriua Dee. 7Tuesik Dee. IS

Uetumliig Hllo, touching atsame day; Kawulhue a. m.,

10 a. m.; Makena 4 m.; MaalaenBay Up. m.; Uhalnn s p. u. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu ci a y NSVdne.days and Hatunlays.


Saturday. June IIWednesday . J li nt. JOSaturday . . . JumcuiWednesday July IISaturday . July .'IWednesday . . . Aug. I.Saturday . Aug. IIWednesday Aug. !Haturday 1

Wednowtoy beptHaturday . rinpt. .'

Wednesday OoU 3Katurduy Oct. I.H

11 iUIIUBUajr .Oct. 'JtHaturday Nov. 3

Nov. 11Haturday . Nov. -'IWednesday .Dec. ftHaturday Dec. I.'.Wednesday Dec. 'J'i

No Frelehl will h rweive.1 irU noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. OLAUDINE,0&MER0N, OomMaBdor,

vv lit leave Honolulu every Tllekdat at tp. ., Uiucblng at Kahulul. Huelo. Jlanu,HamoB and Kipalinlu.

Heturnlug will arrive at llouoliilii everyHuuday morning.

tlaT No Freight will he mwlveil alter4 p, m. on cay ol hailing.

Uiuslgnees must be at the lauduigs tereceive their Freluht, as we will not holdourselves resKuslhle after -- null Freighthas been landed,

While the Uompaii) will use Uoe dill-- Igeuce In handling Live blook, we declinelo assume any reHponslblllt) In of theloss ol same.

The IVjuipany will not be resiHiusihle forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in the careol Pursers.


IMerchant Tailor,;

3S3 ITuuanu 3trt.FINE SUITINGS


English, SCQlCu and American COOllS.

aud Fit luanintie.t

0101111111 & U)lingMutual Tele. 668. P. 0. Box 144.



It Nllliainl St ri .

Tinsmiths P nmhtnn. Ktn...w... m m -- xl,

I'HOl'KCKY and lll.AStiU AUK.


cu i.:- - is







owp uiud


From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0.,for Suva and Sydney:

Btmr "A It AW A" June 238tlllr,VABIIMl)0, July nBtiiir,,AKAVA" . August 2:1

to Canada, United States and Europe

For Frrliiht and l'nsnuo ami nilOeurral Information, apply to

unto iegisiaiure isH. DAVIES & to meet for such

AgtnU fvr thr llitintltnn lilatul.

tentb annual meeting

of tub

Hawaiian Jockey ciub'astwx"dent."


June 11, 1894.


Races to Commence il 10 i. iu. Slurp.

1st Kaeo -- IHCYCLK UACK.I'rlye: Silver Medal, valued al fz.KtltruiK'u fee f l.!0. I Mlb- - Dicli. Freelor all.

2d Kaee - KALAKAUA ITHSK.$100.

Kuiiiilng IImcc. s Mile D:ih. Freefor nil.

lid Kaee- - HON'OLLI.U PL'KSK.flOO.

rrottlng and Pacing, to Hurtiess. J:I00lil. Free for all. Mile llentk Iw.t.' in :i.




,. of tll2 be for re

I Free t

all. ol mA.,'

Wit Kace , ,.,ami "as

'., Ibi.h. For "for" of

section hail.i Race LI II j,,,,,,, Wl firs,"' not re olec- -

rrottlng and racing, l llarnc... Free '

lor all. Mile I"- -. I It hi

7th lUce-OCLA- Mt h. S..,..,


llillllllllg llllie. I Mile ILihIi. For i

Hawaiian llred.

Hth Kco MALM PUHSK.-flU- l

Trotting mid Facing, to Harnri, .1

olas-- . lor Hawaiian llrl.ill .1.


lillUllillg I'lice. l' Daob Fr. elor all.

Kith Itace K A M K 11 A M K II A


Trotting uud to Hiinn ForHawaiian llred Mile Heats' bt .'In :t. ...All Klilriei. arc tu lie

il,,.....,.hufiniiii,, .., .1... ..iti ,,,.re ,, .,,,j, ,,,i'i.i,i.i. w. r. 11,

on before '.' p m. WKDJune II, at which

they will clo. Kiitry fee tu lie 10of the pit roe otherwl.e "Iki-- I '


All ilaces are to U run or trottedunder the the lliuwus Jnun


All Horsex are to ilarluiiU'-- ?. witlidriiun Ii) I'J o noun on

All llorcs uiuit anneur on tinIrnck at tlie tan ol bell from tin- .Indue'Stand, otherwise they will he

.Mi I 'cutsextra '"i I cut- - l

t'lirruges J. l

guurler ntreicli lliulge .io

W. M. (JIFFAIU),Hawaiian



1 1.1. I'AltTIKh DKHKINIi Totit) InV Waiakeakua Falls iu Mauoa

are hereby reiUestcd to obtain a permis-sion from undersigned, otherwise the)will lie prosecuted (or trespass if found onthe premises without such

j.n. ii. urn it,at the Uud Hnprenie Court llulid

Hi.mduin 17 is- - -- Vi it

inteimbijAnd pilotaok

V ir ,w"v" y"" "'. v,"'"1!'"1 'u.r. lilainl oilers hl as

Pilot tu any Hirt or lauding In theol

Inquire at ollico ol J. H. Walker, overBpreckeu' lUnk. Fort street. Uo,-- tl



Sixth Day.Wednesday. Juno


Skction 2. For tho purposes ofsuch election tbo Setiato oiul thoHouse of Representatives shall siltogether.

Tho election shall be by ballot.and thu person receiving a majorityvote of all tho elective members towhich Legislature iswhich minority shall incliiilo a maj-ority nil tho Senator, shall bePresident for tho succeeding term;or for tho unexpired such

mien moCO.. quired election, th


torm in case no person shall naveboon elected prior to tho first day ofsuch term

Coiiu. Wilder asked how a major-ity Senators could bo ascertainedif tho voting was to bo by

Mill. Smith said it could be doneby diirerently colored ballots.

Tho sectionSection .'I. If Legislature shall

to elect a President beforefirst day of January following the

President whoo term has then oipired shall continue to bo tho Presi-dent until his successor is electedand qualified; but such failure toelect shall iu no case discharge theLegislature from their dttt to im-

mediately proceed such elec-tion.

Min. Smith to insert after"or

as Presi- -

Del. Carter hold that the jipd f"c- -

jtorr I'resitleiit would still lie Presi-dent, and ho thought tho draft as ilstood was sullk'iont.

Min. Smith a further ex-

planation which sntislied Del. Car-to- r.

The motion carried.Min. Smith moved to ohnngo "his

successor" to "a new President."Del. Uobertsou moved to

out "the" before I'resitleiit and in-

sert "or net instead.Del. moved to refer the

eeetiou and proposed nmeudtueiitsto Committee on lixectitivo. Itseemed to him a Kood deal of changewas necessary to adapt the sectionto extraordinary conditions.

Cotiu. Young seconded motion for

I'res. Dole thought was nouecessily for reference The sectionwas only intended to provide totkeeping the filled in u certaincontingency. He though Del. Itu

amendment an improve-ment iu view of the change already

Del. Itoliorlsou's amendment car- -

i ried and the cctiou p.i-c- as

,lol,Del. losepa moved at. amendment

III. No ,.,,,,,.,CUP. added. Iteptihlic shall

President for the termyl'tCunning Itace. Mile Ds.hfor cup i wit r.iconl immediately following that duringof 'Angle l:i.',!t. which he has been President.

Min. Hateh proposed a hiibHtitiite- piM.'nmi.'VT Willi. ,(,nvillt, I,iri,li .., ll0 Uo.MANNS CLP, f,t, puUlii President," and

llmmlng Ituce. Mite ,putting instead "during."

Hawaiian lin-d- . Del. tuoveil to strike the,.,.,.,PL out. Since they given Ul), 0I1Bthey should prevent his


1'UKSE, .


iniiiuteMile best J




ii.........iMerchant Street,

ImiI, timeit

unee- -

ltoli-- o(


cltH'kJuiieti, l'tl.



ill,1deo( eoure. each

.IikIii) i'Iiio







steamers, services

Hawaiian Islands, best reference.


tho entitled,




fail the
















maltlug tlie M'clion allirm llioeligi- -

f ,a, 'r.uu for r.t.,.olion.

Mm. Damon said that utiles-- , therewas a chance to elect new otllcersevery six years, good by to stablegovernment, lie spoke from ex-

perience.Pros. Dolo saitl that the long term

given the Presitleut obviated to.some extent the objections to re-

election. Vet it was the eligibilityof a Presitleut to re election whichhad produced tunny of the evils ofrepublican government iu Centralmid South America. It had alsocaused more or less corruption iuthe United Slates. He thought thatiu view of the long term it was tiesirable to remote that temptationto Doth the rroMilout ami stiliordiuate ollicers by forbidding reelec.:....mill.

Oul the uiuv.-- r voted for nlriUiugout.

Mm. Hatch's atiieudmeut carriedAkth'I.i. J.. Powi.ii oi Appointment

Section 1. The President, withI the approval of tho Senate, shall apj point the members of the Cabiuet,

the Judges of the Supreme ami Cir- -

cuit Courts; the Auditor Generalaud all Diplomatic aud ConsularRepresentatives to foreign countries.

Del. Abies believed the otlice ofAuditor General was uiiuecei.sarilyfoisted on this country. He moved"tint Auditor General'' lo struck out

Min Smith claimed that the ollicowas one of the most important inthe country ll was a useful checkon the expenditure of public moneyMinisters might often want to strainthe law for what they doomed dosirable purpoos, ami it was wellthat there chotild be an independentollicer to check thii propensity.

Del. Abies agreed with the Attorne General as to the usefulness,hut

' Del Carter raied the point of order that the Auditot General's ollicoexisted under -- tattite law, ami llu- -

Coin ent ion had no right to legislateit out ol existence

, Del. Abies contended thai if the, !""'" Has recognied here, the President would not have (he power to'A1! ""'"' vi,A' l!w 0,.n.l'', Tl l0.'1viiiice ami t. iisiom itoiise couiu oerun away with for all the attention


the Auditor General ever paid tothem

(C'imliniwii on jth 'not,)


Page 2: LmI WV imc l Ptta - University of · imc Ptta lifbij? HK j8h(wlkfta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1.,

nil 11 ' - J" tt hi wwn

Jlit sOftU iSulWUn.i

I'Uilyil ( nut hit Sifl mir I'ltrtij,Hut lliilUhi for llir Unit Hi Alt. the


Probably from utifs Hhfii by tliir H

confoilurati" horo, tlui Jiugtnw in

the United Stat"", bnvitiK droppedall thought of Militant ion, havostarted a OMiipaiKti to givn moralsupport to tlio formation of a re-

public elin Hawaii. They will pro,1

bably bo digti9ttd to find, on thepublication of the constitution draft theovur there, that it m only a republiciu uamcuhich ia contemplated liere.Cortaiuly they cannot liud a tr.iceof popular government in the docu-

ment. It in an inpuiou device toporpotuatu the oligarchy


Shu Has n Heavy Passenger ListKntertivlument on Board

The K. M.S. Alameda, H.U. ,

was telephoned carltthis morn nir. It (lavs 15 hours i'J

fuiuutes from San Francisco, l'ur-u- rSutton reports the steamer having l'idischarged Francisco pilot onMay ill at .1:10 p. lit. ; Mopped forHonolulu pilot on Mine 7 at " a. m.The 1'iiitt forty eight hours out tperienced strong X. VV. winds witha rough sea. Thence moderate N.Ii. and li. winds with smooth seaand line weather. She broughtihirlythrce cabin anil forlyeighl"U-erag-e passengers for this port anda large number in transit for (heColonies.

Among the proiniiieit kamaaiuaI .1

who returned on llio Alameda aitMr. and Mrs. .I.O.Carter, from apleasure trip to the Coat. IJt1have evidently profited by their

ll! 11. Williams and K. A. William,return fnuu the Midwinter Fair.

T. M. Siarkey the vocalist comes j

buck to his isla'ud home.Albert It. Ctiulin, sou of K S

Cuiiha of the L'tiiou Saloon, is liackfrom chool ou vacation.

S. AdcNteiu the inamhdiuist arrived and will give eeral chibititins at I he Opera House.

Dr. F. It. Day and wife were011 the Alameda.

A. V. Mormon of the WeMeniHotel. Sacramento, with his partytouostiiig of Mrs. A. X. Morrison.Mi.. Coghlan ami Ml M. II. ,loneare making a short visit to Hawaii.They intend to tour the Island.Mrs. Morrison and Miss Coghlnu artsociety leaders in .Sacramento. Theyhave 'registered at the

Among the through pa -- eager-are

l,'V T. De Will Talmtge aimhi son. Hex- Frank De Wi I Talmage. They an bound for Sydney

Y"sterday evening on board theAlameda tliero ;i held a gram,musical and literary eiiiwriainun'iounder the siage tlirecliou of Let'Cooper, when the following program was rendered:

iiwrtnro I'm vim 1 II I niii-'i-r- i

HoiiK -- A won ol the li vt.i- - I

T. M. rllllki'tit: J. -. Ilnii-.'iiii.- ii

-- one nil. I'kiiiiit Mit ll. I . I'.. Itnll..- I 1 1 Ijiiii mill tin- ,l- -

llliti-e-r l. t'OI,H.smiK liartt l.i'Vi Mr Mi'b-ni- i

Ii- Oillnt; Klf tilt llll Willi DllHII.Ii" IHI

The iierfiirinance was a grand sueccs, every uuinlier being encored.Mr. Cooper wa tieclarcd a prince olgtiotl and a vote of thauli-w- a.

ttuidered to him.Thu S. .. Alaiuiila leaves for Sytl

ii'-- y via Satntia and Auckland at .'1

o'clock tlii- - evening.

Lei Cs BweurIlr-t- lie mU-r- - pniv I II n U ..ll.iMlil-ft--- .

Our Hi" iiiftnm, 'llim nun Ii ,.r ImuUttl-l- l .Villi t- '.''

our I'liiivl, net- - r uml imii -- tiui'lUiu oir,

No matter Imw nil, or Imw inm-l- i y.tiuvur;

And )iiii'v Mtui-i-i in iiiiiiirt 1111 1I11- -1 Ul-

an ll 11 k i ttj-c-.

Win lipiiiit'i' huh tn "No -- iii'li 11


Ynii wnii! 10 li- - 111 11)011 iri'lij ' ta;In iluri: -- It mi-iii- - lint 11 il. .

mIik-k- , h'ilia,'llltiil lilKll. vim r

(io-l- , in I on lliiuull - ixiil,TIiiiIicaj ulili-- y ou Kitrai . nil I


Orilrt-li.l- i .vuurultl until It -- luillIJlruk,'

lli.vt iiiuii) ilt'tir imjiiiln-r- , nniilil .imillllll'k h blue.

Or that ml win -- nine oilier slunleui Imp

II hj mi 1I0I111; tlirv tliin.nlil iIm-- j .'., uliiM--'t

inn ceil I iniirn on Mic-i- r from over liteHow mill) mumlier- - uuiilil rai-t- - IiiiihI- -

iikuui.V11J tur mi) oulli tli it tin') llio iiilii

woiiul nil?e e.iii-- '

l.v l oil", lliev woiil'l puleli 11 thenMHlll ill tllill . Ill' -

With ul-- e luvi. nf 1I01I uml UN iieliiKKniei";

Anil tiu'li wihipiri'rl'OMil 01 lee lleTe,

A xlii'li -- nli'llili IiiuiiiIh'I wi'lll'l -- ni'lir-- Willi'.

Hill tlui "I lllion" ' lipfnrp titi, (.'o nil .miliilii.)i'll" it

Ami, when .miii tire tliiiniuli, tin- - nnilmIk inlt. 1111."

Pruvuntion la Bttltttr

Than cure, and those who are suhleel to rheumatism can prevent a' -

tacks by keeping the bluod piiieainifree from the acid which causes thedisease. V011 can rely 1111011 IIiumI'- -sar.-apnril- la as a remedy fori heninalisiii and catanh, al-- u fur everyform of scrofula, salt rheum, hoilsand other tlimaMis caused by impureblood, ll tones and . iiiilii-- tiew hole sysiniii

Hood's l'i Hi- - are nn- - and penilein till'ecl.

llorsemati Tom Williniif. vvhnwa a through piisMnigor ou the S S.Gaelic, was given a grand scud nilon his deparl ure from San IVanccco.Thu gowrnineiil tendered the unofihoboaidiugHtcamer Waller llackuttand a host of his friends followedthu Gaelic to sea On thu liaukettwas a brasi baud

-miTii,","''"i""' ""'"I PROVISIONAL LEGISLATURE.

V)guhu Uotiorul Besslon of the Exe-- ,outive and Advisory Councils.

President Dole wit in the chair atmeet mil' of the lixecutivo and

Advisor) Council tli'i afternoon,villi him being prc-cn- t: Vicc-1'res- i

dent Wilder, MiuiMer. Hatch. King. TnDamon and Miiith, Councillors D I

Smith, Allen, aterhou-e- .remit., Young, McCatitllest. Nott.Mttrgau. Mentionca anil Kmincluth

Miuitter Hatch reail the followinglelecram from Chanre d'Allaires ItHattituit at WVhttiirton: "Advise I

. ... .

atch tha ui pi.- - resolution - ,

Senate by unanimous iote. (Ap ,

au-e- .) toMiiiiter Hatch alo reported thaiobnoxious clati'c had been with-

drawn from the Chine-- petition.I'ho petition wa referred to the toCotiMiMitional Convention. theMinitter Damon read the weeklyliuaiicial tatemetit a follows:

I'lttN" HI HrmMiii ton int. WftKKNI'lV! Jl M '. KM.

nrrt'in i'i'imnt 'Mlitiii'i' Miv.Hi. MO All, am l!l

iih tirix.lliti'ttur t'r'-miiH'I- I Wl Xi'tititni rt lii s.n.' ST

. . 2,711 imittvt mi1 inmi l"i MI'.i.t iii ym icI'll-- t I.IIIlT 1.1111 ni'InViTiitni'lit ri'iilbiilldli.

lives l.SIs -i'lillifr l'n)Birl 1 .11 no

11 M irkct . i: uiPrl'iHi .'in v'ti'l-tr- v (MVIiv. ri 10

run ii l.niiil v,:itn :tuII.mimI nf IMnnit'eii j. 1 1

-- nit' ill lioviTiitiit-ti- l ImiihI ft.iWI l

.II.UTT IIII'etiil lieit-nr- v IhI iiiim' iiiilovv

All.tlli Jl

'.M"i.'.1l ASof

r.xriMilti 10-- -.

Ivll I.Nt. IV 1. Soillfini'iit"mill l.'nl'liltiire. ) I ttT.1 IAI I

i I r I tni'iil ... ,Vil' 10)r..irlnu'iil I'urrli'ii AHiilr-- 1 .i1ris :

liilcrlnr ii'Mirtini'iit- -' 'Sil'i'lt'i mill ltn"iliMiliil. 1 iiv no 'Uiire.'in e. IMIOli- - Work-- 1 Li'ilt !

llnriMii W utei Vorl . s'J.1 OU,i.f lli-al- :t.."i l wlliiii'uii ui -- nrvev .. 1 use eu

uf V iiVf.viuti't . un hiItiinMM liiiniuriltlell ;'ji iuMl-iv- ll Itleuits 1 111:1 ,v

I'limiK-- e i.'..irlin 'tit' rinl.irlc unit Ini'lili iiiul- - .UVi ,

ItlllTl'-- l ,; uiVllnriii'V lli'liiTHl Puiit. . S.i

ItlHIll tllX- I- III W.' lfl'.l,ll :i.m iiiilmm uf I'ntiilo I'.'.iilT :tt

I'iiv nifie- - mull r "r.'iluii .' I .' i7

1 11.', -- tt.! l

lul lillillliT ntmvrlllll' ..v.'.iyi TT

'.1li.l.',l ."is

lllllotllll'llll 'miih miI reii-u- rt inli .uiwm im

:'i.' P. . llui. mi.l P. M. ii.null- - Kl

Net ll..l'lltl'ilf" f i.ll'.'.Kii la

P. ". IUNK MtMn.

Niitlri.. lilt' 'lulu ui wit I..lriiw.ll iinitiirliii' Jiltlr,

July iiiul Aiiiit.l:'l '',''ii-- li "ii luiii't ' ' '


pii. in il HHIMIIM 4ll1l.

.Mli- i'r.ivllntl.ll I'UVlTII- -iiii-u- i to .Inn- - . L'.'T.llli l

Tin- - iiiii'.iini f.iT ill lii linttn.: miifiiir .

M l" l

iii.IiiiiiIiiii.' rt ll- in- - i ..l.'.mm I

li In tr'ntiry in ifiln'tn all;i'.',imi if

tnl 11 111. xtitt $ .ir.'.mio no

l'.lll nil Ii. mil I'irtiiil MivinnIt ml .Vl.iir.t 111

t.lliin.'i tn nf '.II liii.nllloiir.l- - In I'rea-tir- v .'l..'il .VI

Italmii-i- i In 11 M'lmelllminl In T.ia.! i - i'h-I- i, oiirrpiit ue-i'- tt Ar.'.ilil 77

t ."..r:i7 t."i

Iiii ii'fti' inv nut (r.iin t.l- -

villi'- - loan finul I ;is,i:in mi

Ml" I I IM11I .

I.lii'irii-'IiI nil.'l.imni .1 II- - ml si nnl: talioli T.'i nn

Iti'.l-tni- i .11 noSiiui'iiii M ii

I. ulit I(imii Kter-- . I7.'i is1, -- line A) lilln ..M no'nr,.t- mtil iinr-erli- H .VVi .Vi

I'lihlle t:riiiitnl :i!i.l ikiI'ln. I ',.. 1 1 nil-Il- l . I, n no

Miui-ti- -r laiiiou asked thu opin-ion of Councils on the publishing of"he wvi'kly "taleinelits.

Mr. AII'mi wus In favor of publica-lio- n

Mr I'.mmi'luth thought the papersini"iit to it as news.

Mi Kua tlunight one paper waMioiit'h.

Mr. Allen inovnd to have there-jiui- t

ptibiihi' i and chargntl to theexpeiiMi-o- f tin Provisional Govern-ment. Ciirrii-i- l

Mr. I'.inim Inth pietniitetl a sub-- litute lor the wine bill from the"O'llllllltei.

Mr. IVnuey pit'sented a petitionfrom Merirn, Mtvulgti, I'fttlfer andJai'iib-iu- i for exclusive nrivileL'e ofpiiltiuv, up street signs and houseiiiimlieis. Kelerrcd to Kxecutive.

Mr. Mcl'iuidle'.s askeil if there wusiti truili iu tin-repo- tliat Thco.II. levies hail anki-- for a commisioll to rcprci-eii- l this tiovtiruiueut '

tt the 1 it taw a Conference.Mini.-li--r (latch iu replv reid cor

respouileitce wit 1 Theo. ll. Uavies A,

Co., in vvhirh the Goveriiiueul nhow-- il I heir f rieinlliiieis lo t In Canadinii- - '

AiMrahiiu l.iiu-- , stated that confi- -'

deiiiial ui'gniiatioii were going onibniit tlie I'acilic Cabin, and "re- -

pect fully deelini'd" I he oiler rf Mr.'Diivin- -' piirviees at (.lllaiva. j

MiuiMer Hatch inoveit Hie pas '

--.ago of th military appropriationlull, wlncli carried without the reading of tlie Ii 1 except by till".

Mr Teni.oy asked the Altnrney-liencra- l

to stale iht- - n a'uiis for thesiiililnu activity in eiifoiciug theSunday law.

Miiu'sier Sinilli anweieil sayingthat there had been a eon-la- nl inerea-- e m the aiiioiiul of businessdone on .Sunday. The only way to '

check il was by enforcing thu lawcipially against all store keepers andminus iu the habit of violating it.

The wine lull was then taken upand various ameudiueiil' worn madeto it.

I'rcMih-ii- t Dole aiiiuiuiiccil thatl(cv. I)r Tabling!' was going toprcacli at l null in t 111011 1 iiurciiat .'I o'clocli.

Minister Sinilli said there was!work that should be done beforeuoit meeting day

Mr. Tonnoy moved the meetingadjourn until Saturday at 1:31) p. m

Mr. Emmoluth That Is baseballtlav.

The Councils adjourned at '1 18until Friday at 7 p. in.

Hawaiian Politic torllir Hililor of llir Tinf

ofSik:-()- ii the 12th int, there ap

peared in your columns a One. tcle- -f

grant regarding; elect n in

Hawaii. May I in a few words tu- -

itlain the import of that telegram?lays bare, 111 all its nakedness I ho

IlillUlt''!! I III.' leiliwiill I'MI ll "lliutlll to, , , ,(, MU,p ,,1( Aim,riean,(( ((k(, M4,(l of n ,,.,

which 1 hey had pledged them-selves iu friendship

Five commissioners went to Wash-ington earlv lat year and tendered

tho Uuited Stales Uovernmetitsovereignty of Hawaii. They

Mated that the Hawaiians were d

vviili their native .Monarchy as

and desired annexation to the UnitedStates.

After much inriuiry, Mr. Greshainpublicly declared in a State paportorresideiit Cleveland thai ttio com- -

missioners did not represent the Ha-

waiian nation, that the revolutionhad been accomplished by fraud andforce, ami that I nitod States ollicialshad been parties to it

Thereupon President Clevelandinformed Congress that (he I'uilcdStates were bound iu honor to makereparation.

During the last year ami a tpiarterthe Government of Hawaii has been '

administered by 111 white men, whoassumed control by vote of a massmeeting held iu Honolulu. Theynro men of good social and commer-cial standing, but they havo ucverconsulted the natives nor thu people

any class outside Honolulu.Hitherto these gentlemen have

mill'!! 10 iii men "?i- -

lion 10 1 lie iesi 01 nil niMii ui uiupeople. Finally, they havo feltlln,,'lv,i compelletl to urike someidunv of constitutional deference.and the pillowing is their scheme: -- -

The I'rovisioual Government sum-moile- d

the nation to vote on the 2dof May for 18 delegates to a conven-tion in which they also and theircouncil till iu all) would sit andwould hold thu majority.

They further permit every can tovote who ha been either a soldier

r a policeman for the last fourmonths or a resilient for thu pastyear, provided thai he is not an

iatic, and iimntlfl llml h? ii'illjlful'nki tin 11 till ii vulr hi- - fAi 111

Tlii grotti-tpi- e election ha ac-

tually taken place, and the lesultua announced 111 tour columns 011

Sal unity lal1 learn by cable that ou the inland

from which Hie coinnn.ioners woreeul to Washington, out of a possi-

ble :HHI Hawaiian voters, 281. re-

fused the oualifviug oath; and aInto; telegram informs nut that thenatives have alinn-- t uiiaiiimou-l- y abiniiietl from voting. The I'rovi

sional (jovcruiueut lias i proiiounced illegitimate by tho 1'resident of the l.'uitcil State-.- , it hasreceived leeicuitioii from no otherI'oiver. ami the nation whom it pro-fessed to repre-en- t das utterly

it.If this Government continues to

maintain itself, it must be largelyby Ihc votes of policemen, soldiers,and l'ortugute immigrants, manyof whom had not ceeii Hawaii wheniht revolution took place.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,Tumi. II. Davik.

Sundown, ticket h park. South-por- t. May 1 1.

I, iul m Viiiim, Mny lli

A Treat in Btoro.

Mr. I. .1. l.nvey, the energetic andenterprising let-se- e and manager ofhe Opera House, informs us that

by the IJelgic will arrive 011 .Julviian all-sta- r variety company, twelve ,

in number, known a- - the American- - ,

Vaudeville Company, lis membersare all American anil Kuropeau cele-brities on their way to the Orient.The steamer will be held over for


one night to enable tlieiu to give 11

the privilege of attendingthe show. The ii v lr miinlnnri- - willbe Miss ICIsie Alair iu thu serpen- -

tine dance with the lalest eircctti inllowcrs, scenery, uml photos of celebrated people, vviiich will be givenin a manner never bef ro cipialtt-- d

on the I'acilic.

I. V Morgan sells to morrow apolariscope ami other instrumentsand books which were the propertyof the late Dr. Martin.

I. F. Morgan will sell electriclight apparatus and fittings

m ruing at 111 o'clock.

ltodt ll'-e- r iu bottles, two foi "., "''at the "Kinpire.

Saratoga Springs,I.AKK I'ttl'NI'V. Al..

"The Swlizflrlaud of Ainirl'a."

Sulpimr, Magiii'la, Soda, ami Iron Sprlugs,Hoi Sulphur Bdlbs.

tft. I'll) leluii. ri'i'oiiiniPiiil llin-- ii Witlet's fin rami Kliiu 1M, u-- HIipii-iinili-

mitt llloo.i Iron ilef,

Goud Shooting ami FlsbJny.Tsrms: $10 to JU per Week.

tt9 I 01 f.irilier liifnriiiitiiiin. apiilv ntii.

HlTit-ll- fl anfiitiila lluti'l, S. K.

ALOHA BATH HOUSENK Ml l.i l It) rows

Guod Acconiniodatiori for Bathers

Mutual Telephone S85

MRS. J. II. ItCIST, Proprietress.llll'.' tf


'IMIItl'.K NlfKI.Y l'i It $,- -

1 lllklll'll ItlKllllk lit Nil trvfyL!kI Uanli'ii Lntiii M- -' If

'I'hr Pully Huttrtin, 60 trait fn month



The Senate Onnuimously Votes Non-

interference With Kuwait.

Wasiiinuton'. May '... The iiiim- -

Hon of the right of newfaper cor-- jrcpontlenlt to rcfue to gie Setia-- I

Gray's Hribury ami Sugar Invent nig Committee thu .ources

their information was brought before the Senate today 111 the. report,..,..:,. ho

f , ((f t.r.,,M, Kil- - I

Wf,r(ls M( Schriver to answer one '

tiousIn the morning hour Kyle, in order

avoid furthor conflict over tho (

passage of his resolution declaringtho (ttjiiso of the Senate against tion ,

interference with affairs in tho Ha-waiian Isliuds, agreetl to vvaivu avote 011 his resolution if tho volocould be sccurctl on Hi Turpio reso-- 1

lut ion reported from the Committeo I

011 Foreign lliilations. Vest offereda substitute for Turpie's reso-

lution one declaring that from thufacts and papers before thu Senate itwould be unwise and inexpedient toconsider tho project of annexation;that the highest international inter-ests retpiiro the people of the Sand-wich Islands to choose their ownform of Government and line of policy; ami that foreign interfereiicowith affairs of these isUmls wouldbe regarded as an act. unfriendly to '

the United Slates. A motion byHoar to lay Vest's amendment on '

llio table was tlefeated -- 18 ayes, .111

noes.W.vsiiisotox, D. C, Mav 111. A

resolution was reported from thoSenate Com mit ten 011 I'oreign

ami wa agreed to unani-mously, declaring that it, of right,belongs wholly to the people of thuHawaiian Islands to cstahlbh andmaintain Heir own form of Govern-ment ami domestic policy; that theUnited Slates ought not, iu anyway, to interfere therewith, and thatany intervention iu the political affairs of those islands by any other

riiuiutit would be regarded asan net unfriendly

(Joinnieiiiing on the above the S.l' Dally Ucp ul say: L'nited StatesSenator Kyle rises to remark thatthere is " need of immediateaction to tpiiet a Hairs iu Hawaii."Thero is imbed.. It is due to thepeople of the Islands that theyshould know what the I'liiled Slateswill or will not 1I0 as regards them.Iu the alcence of a majority vote ofthe islander- - iu favor of annexation,the I'uitid Slate- - ha- - no right It)annex: but it would bo mine morel-lu- l

to (he Hawaiians to suppresstheir national liberties and lake,.f.t.-ri.- ',,,j.tlt.ilr,, .11, iii..ll'it. tlnil,,.,.t.t L...III.... I'- -t ..',1 111

-- iiipense, the prey of taction leinlersami conspirators.' The S.'iiato ought '

f,,l"lv tt',wl "'"matter long ago.

By Ja. F. Morgan.

TO-M!OR.R,O- !

Electric Light ApparatusA.1" AUCTION

On Kill DAY." .Inn.' .sib.AT in O'fLDiK A. M.

AT MYhii, -- 11.1 ti it in 11 thin

Dynamos, Wire, Globes,l.lilii. Ilnilerli'.. it'll-- , Hie, I'.ti'

ruriiiurly on at1 1 liy iIipMiiiiI Klet-lrl- r l.lnlitt'.i. iiiul iiitertt inU liv Mr v ul

lirMKC 11I Vtalfiiku.

Jas. F. MorEjan,iuv. : WtC'TIIiNKKU.

T0-210ie.IvlO- '

Administrator's Sale !

On KUIDAY, .June rtth,AT 10 Hi K A. M.

II v nr.l.T nf Mr J. h. llsukfi'll, A.lin'nl-triilor- ol

llii Dr. Viiri u.ili'rui-e- t,

I will ell in I'nliln' Ani'tlnii, ul in) s.ili-- i

Innill, tilt' liillowlli Kllci't;

1 Polariscope and Instruments,I .li'ivi'lt-r'- ' uli'. I Ximiln'i'ii'v'h f'e.'ile,

I ,'ll (Hill TmIh!.- - Itll'l llllllll,

Drugs & ChemicalsliHlknil I'lli'lnl-tr)- ', 'c , lit Kin -

l Autlinl-- , Kill , hi

Jtta V Morgan,lu'i ' Al'tTlDNI'KIt


I 'pu ,.- - on iiKllB- - Avli1 iiiniii rt-i't 1.1 ur Mil- - itiijiiiCial

Irr stn-f- l WXt-it- " lt:JKi5KS


1 KI'li.MhIIKIi ItK-- l- ...( Uflll'l' llll UlTl'lHIIIIl firtt,ttniii'Vi, nir 11111111) nr iM,r4i-- IliKli' uriiliiiiiu'li. T.-ri- Vyi-fS-

nimlnriiH- - Knr nirtiriilnrs iiiil) ut tillCUli-it- . llilO If


'plllir.l. MlKI.Y l'i ll A.nfri .'1 'lt llnullliiill II iiriviiii liiuiily A piil) en?r--

at No ls7 Niiuiimi -- iit'ui.l nlmvn VIlK'Miril Klrtlct

lU'ill tf


Ii lllll'M. I "1DI-.-IIIAIl-


l.(ito with I'ki'i llulll f.T',xitvi'W 111 I'nr 'Mii.irliiMilnr- - iiiiiiU 10

W.M. I.. I'KI'hltMtiN,IU ill l nrlri('llt'' nlllrii


UUIAilK ft) I.KT i.N A.J Klnuii lrMtl. lllll' llll it' u !!,fiom imric cur. all iiuhIitii .kit

liitnrtivt'iiiLiith. u!mi li.irn. KUMalili s mill HtvumI'. linnin A 1111I to

N h. SAI'ilh,irt.', 11 Tori xlriinl


l I W AIMS II ON llll'. I ,.,V lli'iu Ii jC'i'.Sula,

iiiurii'ii for uiu. or two c In- - Out) Il!iJLKli I'C'lllli'in. ii, liniir.l 0i- - iSriaG!tlniiul, ImilniiK fttcllltit-- k"'I 1'or piitti-nillii-

tniiiiiirvlUMf IIULLKTIN OmCU.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'i,,, i

Saturday, June 2, I8l)t.

Section 2 of Article 14 ofthe. Constitution may havebeen considered the "onething needful" by thoe whoprepared the dralt, but it may

. .not meet the views of a UiajO- -

.. .... 11 ui me ueieguies. iu mcman up a tree there is no ap- -

parent reason why J)hn Doe,who carried a musket at thetime of the revolution or hassupported the government bydisplay of arms or the frequentuse of his tongue or pen, shouldbe accorded special privilegesnot enjoyed by his neighbor,Richard Roe, who said nothingand sawed wood. "Substan-tial Service," as we take it,

mwins membership in any ol

thu military organizations. It, '1.1.. .may ue consiruuu. u.s,u, ui 11- 1-

elude the men who were tem-

porarily employed in somedepartments of the government and who supported it atso much per diem. It seemsthat this section can be abusedwithout limit to the detiimentof men, who, while not active-

ly engaged iu the formation .

r SUpport Gf the government,,

nave coiiinouieu w us supportby the payment of taxes. As '

an offrtet to the Kanaka votethe Constitution of 1887 grant-ed unusual facilities to aliens;by that same token, the Constitution ol 1 894 grants simi-


privileges for the samepurpose but with different(pialilications. I hat of 1.SS7

gave the right of suffrage to- - -j

i nuiiuiur ui puuiuc xvno st--i-ii

rl here and boiluht or lcast.'d!intiq a)d bu;,t hom.s;Constitution of 1S9.1 takes tin:ljht from many of thvm tin-les- s

tlicy take an oath to ob-

jure thvir alle4iatu:t: to theirnative land. If John Doe, '

who owns 5200 worth of iinen-ctimber- ed

property, may voleand hold his allegiance to thegovernments ol the l'nitedStates or Iinrope, there is noreason why Richard Roe. who


pays taxes on from one tocwenty thousand dollars worthof property, should not enjoythe same right. The man whoowns property on the Islandshas a greater interest in main-

taining good government than i

he who can pack all of his J

belongings in a grip sack andtake a vessel for Clod knows j

where. Let the voting fran-chise be given only those j

people who become actual citizens and who possess thenecessary qualifications otherthan those prescribed underthe head of "Special Rights olCitizenship." Open this doorand the Special Right clausewill be abused to us great anextent as in granting the privi-leges of the Convention to cer-tain persons who had not wontheir spurs as the law directs.

Speaking of privileges re-

minds us. The brig "VV. GIrwin" brought us Oil Stoveswithout number, all sorts andconditions and enough to supplyevery voter, male or ft male.on the Islands. Oil stoves area convenient article and nohome is complete without one,the high price and difficulty ofobtaining alcohol makes theoil stove necessary for heatingwater in the night in case thebaby has a little colic.

The justly celebrated Keystone Beater has made itsthird appcaranceon our shelvesind this time in sufficientquantity to supply all demands.l;or quick beating of eggs orthe preparation of fruits fordessert the Keystone Beaterhas no equal.

We have another invoice o(I'ansy Iron stoves toplace of those sold since ihtarrival of the Australia. If youwant a really good high gradettove at bed rock prices nowis the tune to 1(ft It, ami thi:I'ansy is the sty lli OU WillU.It burns wood or coal and ineconomic quantities.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., I.'d

0'itlt HlirtTkhlb lllixik..



MIDWAYRobiiisoii Block, Hotel

"We have Just Hoc-e- l ved from Situ perIhc! of

ever into this country,

In bellil 0.1k ami of Hip Very lilfst Ik-slg- Abo,

KttctMoti Tables nil rfv with f liulrs mnl to niatt'li.We Iihvo it eomjitott took of llicsi goiiils.

Dlvmisfiivcri'il with l'orlter are lliornunilvM


Francisco Biirkeutiu.'Pliinti'i,M liiirgest Assortment Furni-

ture importedcomprising

Handsome Carved Bedroom


ViTlCUSH WARE IWe Iibvp lipniitl'nt ile-lj- -n nf lie- -' comb, eiiiitlim nf Hofn, Clinlra, Itockan, Kte. ,

Ktc. ou rn'i tfet tlifp iti'mln lii any llnMi yon iloslro.

CMil M aS 3Parlor t'linlri. i I'lmlr. Kn-Ml-n,' Hi tlr. Olll-- c Chairs, l!iliolteivil I'hslr.,

Illili Clinlls, Klc. I'.tu.

Cribs and Cradles!V IB El ID ID X 23" Or V

IflrRi'tts'ortnii'iit ol Woven Wire Mtutrt'i en I1011I

i.ivi:ui;kk avpsii.k i'i.os koij 111. lows,UlSlniW tJllAHP.s IN Al.l i1.0l!8 A.MISIZKS,



flatlressBs. - Loioeh - fitil OtlilM Fiiniitirel.l-l- ,. I,,.,. t 9 l.l. .Lj.. .1,11 It...... L111.1 .i iir.o .ii 11 1.. -". .iin.1. n. 1 r..--

Cabinet Making - Brauches by Competent Workmenr We mitke 11 fiii'iir.' i.f IX1i:t!H( Dl'.COIt MIND,

uii'lcr lie' Kioiiii! .iin-rvil.ii- i of Mit ili.niiio Onmiv.t All eiir liiKhl nn- - mul

Mllivltll'l.' till 11101 kfi ll'.ll

Our Prlcoi are Positively Placed at Bedrock.

Heu. 525 -- TWIjKPIIOXKS Mi-ti-ai-. 645

OKDWAY & POKTER.Golden : Rule : Bazaar

A Mew

Departure !

With the "A usl rill in" ilfjiurtlii"!Mny 'JCi will no forward or- -

'lers fur full supplies of j

NewspapersAND I

Periodicals.JT 5tilisi-iijtioii- ) arc soli-uitotl

for nil kimlr of Nows-jui-po-

ittitl IVriiuhfuU which willrccoivu Hiri'fiil iiiul prompt

EQ' All siihscrittioiis uniMt Im

puiil ptotu'itly nml in ii'lvuiH'i'just thf --.unit' iim Ihotijjli thchiih-st'rilie- r

cut tlirui-- t to tho puhlishur

t2T In this ww tli'purliiic 1

hope to rt'foivc tin? sunn nhurcof pati'oiingo which has hccii

to 1110 iu nil dim td on mypart liorctofori'. and 1 etui fnythe conlidoiicu thtib nllordud willnot he iiiispliiccd.

W. P.'t-

yXX 4sV

C iV j- V(J v,

XT I s

Wholesale f Retail,

Kl I I. LINK n-

Japanese '.'Goods!Silk anil Cotton Dicsb Goods,

Kit!. Kli. Kl.-- . i, in

yt. I, . 'linin lli.i.'OlIH, IjIIK II (111(1 1 1(101; Ollll W

'ill' i iiMI'l.KlK Sloi K

Mmli lit iiiual'iMi nf Y'lU'iliuimi

vwr- - Wlii'ii ma art' in ni'i'il of mi) Innn' Jii am . I. nml., il- - Urol '.ill hii--

ii vi- - i.iiiif nil ar mi. I "iii

SCO arotv Ol, uuiCvtitemlleuiit



St., bet. Fort & Nuuanu.

IIhIpI tliiti)niit. We have them Invarlijty.

i', Sirlni, llulr. n Wool nml Strsw Mitt- -

mul iii.nfr to nnler.

I'lili Depart uit-ii- l

fniin tint vury l.uli'il lti",l(iu. viilt n

LUCOL -:- -



OIL!Tin? following toHtimoniul

luis beun ruucivud from a pro-

minent plantation owner andiiiaiiiigcr :

ll.iMii.t'iu, II. I., .May '.ti, IH'Jl.I'm llli II viiliMAiir. l'o, I.'n, Honolum.iSriillfhitii -

Von k my opinion nf l.nrol as u 1'nllitoil.

I linvi' i''rliiii'nliil l.ui'ol Oil furiiiil-lil- i' mul li iMirk.iiNu nn Iron tvork.lulntiiit- - my viioniiui I'iin, iiiai'litniTv amiI't'iitrlfu-ils- , will) It mill tlm niHUlt liasl.i'i'ii nm-- i It iirlt-- s Imr.ler,iimU'H u I't'titT Ilniili, hoi", furtliur and UniorK iu iivcry wuy than tl

nil.t'eriuln ii ilnl work nliloh sw alrtuyn

iilli'k) wlili llii-i't'- ii nil, drlfil hard wliuul.nro'l 1)11 utlx UM'il

Your) irnl), Aio. IihKiru.

Direction for Use.I'-- i- LlTiil. Ill oviii)1 itsii't;l in tlui

siinu' uiiiii.irr up ynii vviiulil lliiHirilml, tviiii Hi.' d'uihIi' uxei'i'liun llouyoiiiimy jilil fully iiiit'-iiiiirii- 'r inure Li'col! tn Ihn Miini) (tinniil.v ul iiignunl

ut it ynii vviiulil nt liiihci'il.Ill ; nii'liillir. ViMli'tlitli rt'il, llitt

iiolirt'-- , mul iiiln-- r tlr iimntints, it isitilv jr.ililu to mix Iht' paint ut lt'itnun il.i) lit'ltili; it Is tn In' UM'il, tllUUmid it tliinl until' litctii. mul tlif jntiiitvv il. lit' inn ml tn i'iivi-- i vvt'll itutl luivoU t,'lHlll :lll


Inn liuril surfiit'i's siiiili m- - IIihu-- ,ul' jis, i it., art- - it'iMiirt'il iim liil).i.,t'only, iii'vtu iii--o .luiinis


uml iluui wurkiim riiultlitii ,ipit'.ir.iiit.'f Hi'T ritKY


m i.xi.i), ui licrvvii-c- - the unm t.f llio vm-nir--

iimy lie iri'fi'itiitutl i.r tin- mix-liii- f

iiirilliilI'll! iilllliliun of linin r tu i nl l.i -

'' I" vuruirlm. ili.i'Mu.i rcliu'ti llii'irnr n tlnir lumloninit mul

li.vnii; mul It iiri'Vi'iili- tlioir rriii'lfiiu!.

lhT V l iUI A Ai I 1 1V U.lllWIll I W uVm

LIMITED,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


fy ii



Page 3: LmI WV imc l Ptta - University of · imc Ptta lifbij? HK j8h(wlkfta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1.,

licave 1'enrlMill.

Irfe Mill.I'enrl City



WjFpa T -- .1-.



Time Tablerrftl.M ANt AKI'KH JUNK I InM.

Leuve HonoluluCitv

Arrive Kwa

KhLeaveArrive Honolulu

I'o Kwa MlM




Hatiirilitvsonlv.lMlly.riutiil.ivn excepted.Hatiirtlnvo esoei.ti-il- .












A.r.M.6:12K: in


Arrivals.TlIfR'lUY, .Inni" 7.

fc H Atanu-.ln- , lore. I) tiny 1.1 liuurn tout62 inln (mm Sin Krnin'lro j

Am bktn' i)lrovi'ry, CIiiImIuiihmi. 23 ilny- -from I'ort Oioiifik. I

Am bktuc SO Wilder, Kl'i lu - (mm Sonrrntirieo

Departures.Tiit'RMMY, Juno 7.

It M 3 S Alnnied i, Morn:, for Colonic ut t,i m

Am bktnn Jiint!Son Fniiii'Neu



twcli for raceI. Ji.1iiim.ii.

iUnir Kaala (or Witlaiioe, Mnknleln nmlKaliuku nt 10 ii m

titinr Jnj Miikic for lluiiiiniiinlii at I in

Pnong')r.AUttlVAlJ-- .

1'roin fnn Krfiiifl-ci- .. tx-- r likinc S tl WII-.le- r.

Jiiih'7 -- It I' flint, It W fuller,fr'rinn Sjii frniiet'iit. wr 8 S Alunodn.

June 7 ii Aoi'Mt'lti, JildKe A llrillioii, .1 '

llriini'lcr, .1 Ot'nrier nml wife, I. Ciin-'- r,

Alliert It t.'milin, MN-- ! ('otdiiu, llelirv -

DiUlou, V It I'riH'kur. Mis dc llrcttvlllvmid inuvlillilreii, lr It F Duy mid wife. .1

K Hen emiiii, J M Junes, Juliii l.niiKlilln,J I. McLean mid wife. A W Morrl-o- li millwife i; V IVullnlil. Mr-- A Hultrny. I! fItoliey, Oeo Jmiie. It Ninfunl, ' "Willi He po't-- T

M K Wlllinms II II I as a deserter and a reward of- -

.Ml- -i Ittmleltotll, M UIKI l ' f,,r,.,l f,,r9'evinKu. rur i jii-iir- .iiii--

A 8 Honl.l, Mri K I Lent an. I fourchildren. II W It Ite.Miell.Henry Wrlulit, wife Mini ilmiL'liter 7

Mceruite. nvilnev: illiuni ll linilcr.l- -o Mrs l.ili'li OIiiiiiiIkti, I, .1

Ibvies, (I Iluril-o- ii J I' Celi'ln, It J Jehu-on- ,lfo and tlm elilldn-n- , Henri l.iilu',

Itnv Win It lit tn i4, Miiiirk-- Sliuui-- r

wife, Hr i: Iteln Hnillli Hint wife. Mrh JTreiittr ve, Mlii Trriiunivii, Hen TciimIii'c.Iter T DeWIlt Tiilmiice. Itev I'rnlik DeWIltTaIiihik "f " C Whitney,wife mid 3 children, mid 13 ulii for .SviliiD) : M1i I'iiiiiiIiik. Mr.Kittle. Mlie. Klllle. J I. Ijilnl mid wife. JI. hitniv mid wife, IC 8 Witixiu.

Shipinng NoIhs.

The liflrkelitlmi S (IMcNeill, lirouu hi u rull eara


on Saturd'ay.I lie barkentinu IJ. v. Uiockvr lui lieeii

clmrtcred to pi to Hllo in lnll:it.The hnrkciitlno DUoovery Is from I'orl

llamblu wltn Inmder.

Born.OltOZIKIt-I- n thin ulty, June (I, to the wife

of C'harlc I'mxlc r, a miu.AXDKIIHOX In thl- - ellv. June it, to the

wife of Dr. It. W. Anifcrnui, u -- on.

Diod.YOUNOHU.SIIAND-- At to Ca-M- e Hill

Avniiuu, I''ol ken fnnltitnl. on thuMtli May I '111. t'oi under frank lYguiikIiui1!iiii1, It. X.

Note on tho Convention.

A visitor from Kona mistook theeditor of tho Uru.ETts for CouncillorKinmoluth this morning. A chal-lenge been Usucd.

Delegate Itico is boss chairman.Ho is a as Keed ou the rules,but hn looks daggers at the reporterswhen they iu gab.

Prerogative and the People havetheir light iu the Convention

One Article passed gives appointof all members of the diller-- i

ent boards to and J

another also passed gives ap '

poiutmeul of heads of bureaus to .

Ministers, Thus pietty little con-flicts are provided for iu the future, j

the benefit of the lawyers.Delegate Kahaulelio wanted to

take a holiday ou of tlm"hands oil"' policy adopted byL'uiled Senate. Somehow orother iiieuibersof Convention preferred to keep sober onthe intelligence.

Lrgo Sugar Muchiuory Goiitrucls

The Itisdou Iron Works, of SanFrancisco, have closed with theWestern Reel Sugar Company,whoso factory is at Watsouwllo,California, for a large addition totheir present plant, the main por-tions of which are as follows;

One 12-ce- .'150 tons capacity per twonty-fou- r hours.

One slicing machine, of huiicity.

lie cap. i

Due high and one low pre-su- re

heater, each containing I.'Iihi sipiaiefeet of

quadruple elTect, of twelvethousand nipiare feel of surface.

This will ineieae the output atWatbonvillo forty-liv- e ol

day.The Risdou people have also

doing considerable for theChim factoay, where numeroim

to increase tho capacityare also being made.

I have two little grand childrenwho are teething this summerweather and are troubled with bowelcomplaint. 1 give them Chamber-lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrho--Remedy ami it acts like a cliaim. I

earnestly recommend it for childrenwith bowel troubles I was mv-- ef

taken with severe attack of bloodvtlux, with crumps mid pains in m'v

stomach, one-thir- d of a bottle ofthis remedy cured inc. Withintwouty-foiir- " hours wa- - out of bedand doing my house work WL. Dl.s.vovn, lion-aqu- Hickman Co.,Tenu. For sale by all dealers.sou, Smith k Co., Agents for thoHawaiian Islands


Tim Murray is creating ()ttito ari'putntion fur liiiiis.ilf.

Deputy Miiralial Brown bin k"'"'to tlie other ith of tin"

Tin' Kninulinmitliiis (mil Crown tsplay nit Iiuikui gniui Saturdaynftornoon.

Person having fterptint!" againsttlio Ijitr L'Avvoniro will joo a nolicooIsuwIhto.

J Adinirnl Jiu'Iuoii'm iibailteiitinn b. U. iltlnr.allowed abori.

Tlio rioting oxerefros KnwairtbnoSeminary inld KawaiahaoCluircli Kvciiin.

Captain .latnloson reportedmilieu tt'ortor from

vessel lirifi L'Avtonirc.

Another illiut ratedKov. Itien gitonwaiahao Chnreli Saturday even-ing.

Tho Wilder brought oixtoenhead mules Wright,thirl mules eight horses


dexerter from L'.S.dolphia reported morning

Police Station. helievedhiding Moanalua.

.N I.1UIUI1U11

Wiillii.-e- ,



n onin


ofwill be in


has totlit two his


liyif. will ho at K.v


S. Oof for .1. and

andfor V.

A the S.was tbia

at the H ishe is in at

Don't forget, athletes, that entriesfor the meeting of the HonoluluAthletic Assocint'oii on Mondayclose at i o'clock this evening.

General nd mission, grand standami public stand tickets and uuarter

Stanford, for badge-- , the meeting





Mn- -

in nine 1 1, .in-- uuw mi .i;iiii in ij. i.Lev oy's.

Imitation are out for the mar-riage of Mr. Hobort K. Lee to MissCecilia Houghtailing. tho event tak-ing place on Saturday evening nextat Palama.

Camarinos' refrigerator receivedper S S Alameda, cherries, plums,apricot, orange", limes, apples, enuli-llow-

mid salmon on ice. hareand rabbits ou hand.

A bluejacket jumped overboardfrom II. M. S. Champion lnl night

Hluni-iiiuu- . '",l ashore. ha- - beenHtnrkey, A Wllllni.i-- . up









his recapture.


The iiutt! Preiieh diuiior will lakeplace ai the Hotel urdayeieninrr.The (Juiutet Club will perform dur-ing the meal and the uual dancewill be given afterwards.

The S. S Alameda will lean forthe Culouio.s promptly at o o'clockiiiil.xs Captain Morre'ls infaluat- -

ed with the wild oca at San- -Souci a- - to forget the time.

i Hart have determined toehiMi Ice Cream Parlors ouSundays, lloy- - and girl will havetil lav in a Mtmd of einiilv. idmivinir

W".'!,'ir'..Vn",m" ' giim'aiid cigarstrip. j



wave- -

Those who go to the Coa-- t forhealth will do well to make a noloof the card in this paper of SaratogaSprings. are medicinal watersthere and good shooting and fishing

Kx detect bo Vngnr secured, onMonday afternoon in the DistrictCourt, judgment for .)7 iu a eiulsuit against Captain Carl Klomiiicofthe mounted patrol for Mrvices ren-dered.

It is witli pleasure the llri.Ei:rtNannounces entire recovery ofPur or J. IJ. Sutton, of the S. S.'Ala-- :

ineda, from his recent illne-s- . Thegonial mirror has the thanks of ihi

j paper for news favors.

I While a Tramways Co.'s 'bus wu,being driieu down' the Palauri in- -

cline near the train ways leriuiutf.the mule in the load -l- iii-d audfor the stables. The collidedwith the fence and or whowere Matod ou the front, alro the

i driver, were thrown out. The driverKI.HIJ''II llll- - llllH (lllll wa- - IIMIhU.'.ITho People seems to be the under j , f ynuU, ,.e inules loin

R' i were Mopped. He suH'erod ,omo in- - '!ltunuta



the headthe

State.- -theother the



sugar per







t'liila- -




Co.the lilito






Ho U Told to Howl ul Ditt'.irentPlacet! by a Knhuua.

A native iintm-- MUi.iiilani calldat the Marshal'n otlico tin- - noon, and

I al(e. for a warrant to be forI the arret of a kahuna for receiving! money under fal-- e preiou-o- -. He

wui ed to give a little explnuaI ion. .Mihaulani -- tati'd that he livedwith a certain native wi.mau ro-'- d-

ing at Ivoolau for ome time, untilfinally he niei unollier. Ho loft hisother wahine ami lived with therccoiid. The latter turned out tobe what he do-cub- as "no uke,"then he yearned for Id- - lir- -t loveHut sh -- puriied Inin aud M.haulauidecided to go ton kahuna in town.He met a native who profe--- n d to boone and he laid In ea-- o before him.The suppo-e- d kahuna wanted a tipfirst, and wa- - obliged with liv.i..

liars. The kahuna advi-o- d Milnulam that on hi.-- leiuin to Kooiau nowould stop at the Pad and howl.He would lepnat thl- - twice beforehe got to tho lioii-- e w hen- - thewoman lived, and when ho got iheie

i ho create a big in. in. and tie- - womanwould ru-- h out and welcome him.Mih'iiilaui followed the instruct ion..with the rc-n- lt a- - mentioned. Nowhe wanted revenge. The man wa-- ;told thai ho could gain no redre-- sthrough the autlo'iitio-- . l hadbcoll finkahuna,-- equeilci


ll-- ll en. eigll to beil'-V'i- . tile-- o he lilll- -l -- llller t he con

at PA. atiller ol Newa bottle of (

ek-kl- ll. NI in mii i ii utYork C tv.liainli Mfiiu


pui.-iia-i'i- l

Couglgood lo.-lll-t- wore

obtained from it- - u-- e that sentback to I lie driu'gl-- t fpnu vvlnnu hehad obtained it for I in. ire bottlesof the same loliled.v. When youhave a cough oi ci.l.l give tin- - pre-

paration a trill .mil bio- - Mr .envi nvon will want H win a again in no. dof Midi II l I, ( le.iii.lvof great vvoiili I iieni U'.'i :iml.() cent bottles for sale I. v all dealers.Iloiison, Smith CHawaiian Islands

- Agents for the


fcovouth Day.TitUHSD.iv, Juno 7.

After the reading of tho rui utiles,President Dole appointed tho fol-

lowing standing committees:hrrriilitr UflUlWlU, Ivntlia,

Hatch, Vivas.Jitillcl(iri McCaudloss, Lyman,

llobertson, Abies, Carter.tsijitlattirrW'.O. Smith, Drown,

Ioepa, Watorhouse, Hitchcock.7m?.i Allen, O. N. Wilcox, Da-inoi- i,

Emmoluth, Ena.On motion of Dol. Kohortsou,

Articles 2.) and 21 wore, referred tothe Committe on tho Executive.

Del. losepa moved that tho Con-- 1

vention adjourn on account of thogood news from Washington.

Del. Iliee moved that Mr. losonaho allowed leave of ahsonco to "celo-brate.- "

Conn. Brown moved that resolu-tion and amendment bo laid on thotable. Carried.

Tho Convention went into Com-mit too of tho whole on the Const!tut ion, Del. Itico in tho chair.

Akticlh :):$. CorNsEt.utns or theI'iiksidknt.

. Mr.iiiauufae- -'ilie



The Cabinet shall bo the specialconnsenors tie; and business euro prac-sha- ll

consulted by him ij,.0 Tho proposal wai too vague,ap n thought it would unwise

p.nntuients olllce, and ,,nt priuciple tho Constltu.ters of importance concerning which lim-n1i- t ul.naction is contemplated.

President ohall not be boundfollow tho advice of the Cabinet.

except in the instances where, bythis Constitution the approval o'ftho Cabinet is rciiuircd as a prere-quisite for his action

Passed.AnricLi: :tl. -- i:iiiiits, .

PoWEUS Of Al'fOINTMKXr AMKemovai..

.Suction-- 1. Each member of thoCabinet shall an olllco at the"oil of Government, and shall, notlater than the last Wednesday inI'ebruary iu year, tothe President a full report of theprincipal transactions within hisdepartment during tlio year ending

thirty first last preceding,together with such recommendationsas he may think proper.

He shall also at any timr, whenrciies)ed in writing bv the Presi-dent, make report to the Presidentou any subject with the scope of hisDepartment.

Min. Smith moved to strike out"make" and substitute "him" for"the President" in the last .

Del. Carter moved in insert after "President" iu next to '

last l'it elaue, "or either liou-- o

the Legislature," and strike out"to the President."

Miu. Smith dis-eut- ed from theamendment.

Conn. Itrouii thought the reportoi tun .Minister to llio rroAldont wassulllcient.

I'rus. Dole was that theamendment would tend to make theCabinet dependent on the Legisla-ture like the French system Therewas aunt her provision defining thestatus of the members the Cabinet in the Legislature. This also

I I l.n.l i...!..,....! IN.,j vnvo mibstituto Ministers

of thelaoiuol. :

Del. Car'er withdrew his amend- - t

ami gave notice that onond reading he wouldamendment to A'ticle IU)

this important point.

.sec- -

move anto cover

The seel ion passed with verbalamendments.

Scmov '2. members theCabiiiet shall be responsible for theconduct of depart-ments; and, with the approval ofthe President, shall have the ap-pointment of the following headsbureaus, respective

vi..:The Superintendent of I

the Surveyor General; the'Ifegistrar of tho Superin-- .tcinlent Water Works: the Mar- -

shal; the Collector General of C'us-- ,; the 'lax Assessors Chief'

(lie I'o--t Master General, audinl-- o the heads of any other Bureaus '

created by law.Coun. IJrown understood that the

Fire Couimis.sioiicrs appointed thechief engineer of the hire Depart-- 'mom, ami tiie Aiiuisier oi interior

Commissioners. Hewould move to insert "Hoard ofFire Commissioner.-- " instead"Chief Ollicerof the Honolulu FireDepart iiieut."

Miu Damon moved insert "amiremoval" after "appointment."

Del. Hitchcock wanted the chiefollicerof the Hilo Fire Departmentrecognized.

Coun. thought the FireDepart meiit of Honolulu should betaken out of politics. That was whyhe had moved his amendment.

Couu. Kintucluth moved to strike"the Chief Olllcer of the Hono-

lulu Kile Department."Conn. Brown withdrew his amend-

ment iu favor of Mr.The amendment passedDel. Carter moved to insert after

"Bureaus" the words, "in anv of theliveeuiive departments of the Gov '

wh eh may be."Cou-i- . Kinmoliith spoke of the

possibility of the people's changingthis Constitution to malie some ofthese positions elective.

Pie- -. Dole replied that the Con-stitution did not these offices.Thev be abolished at anytune by law.

Tlio pa ml without Dol.Curler's amendment

i ;i. Lnoh head of a Bureaushall be responsible for the conductof his Bureau, and shall have thuappointment o the ollieorsloin, subject to the approval of

in wlio-- e Department ho isomplovod.

He mav also, with the approval of-- itch Mini-to- r, remove subor

Mm. moved to m-e- rt, "andal-- o at the request of such Mini-tor- ,"

after the word "Mini-tor- " in the la- -t

sentenceMm Smith thought the head- - of

bureau- - should be responsible furfor his subordinated If the thingwent -- o far a- - deadlock betweenthe Minister and the head of aBureau, one or the other would haveto j;u

Tho amendment wa l.nt and thesection passed intact.

Section 4. Tho financial respon-sibility of any olllcer of the

for his own conduct, or thatof his subordinate, shall Ik-- deter-mined by law.

Min. Smith to add as Sec. I:"Tho President shall have tho re-

moval of all ollleers not otherwiseprovided for by law." tarried.

Pros. Dolo was in favor of havingappointments and removals madesolely ou tho merits of tho porousinvolved. He therefore moved toad a as sec. (: more snail Do no

or removals from a acting as President fromotlico solely for party reasons." Hekuew it was objectod by his asso-

ciates that this was A matter to boregulated bv law. but he deemed it

i a principle to bo declared in theI Constitution.

Miu. Smith hoped for the timnwhou thoro should bo a proper civil

I service system. Yet a constitutionalprovision of this kind might be soconstrued as to be objectionable.

Min. Damon thought it would bedifilcult uproot tho political treealtogether. He was afraid that itwould be going too far to incorpor-ate the proposal of tho President inthe Constitution.

Dol. Cnrfer (lirmirlit the n.irtv01 rresuient would itself iu

lm concern- -

ing all matters of public policy, bo toto other mat- - this iu

il.m I'.wl.irli itiit



each present




The of













, his duty perfectly might be retained. in ollice.j Pros. Dole did not think his pro- -

poal would protect a disloyal oil!-- 'rial. It roferred to parties

, within the Republic.Dol. Robertson deemed tho politi

cal tree required pap. If there wasbo no reward there would be no

incentive to political duty.Del. McCaudloss was not in favor

of the amendment.The amendment was support-

ed by Pros. Dole, Del. Hitchcockand Conn. Moudoura

The section passed ns amended.Atmci.E .'l.."Actino President in

Case or Death, Disability oh An- -

I SEME Of PlIESIDENT.! Seciiox 1. In case of the tempo-- ,

rary disability or nbsottco from tho, cnuutry. of tho Presidout, tho Minis

ol I'oreign Allairs, wliilo suchdisability or absence continues, shallact as President; or,

In cae of the disability or nbsencofrom the country of such Minister,tho Minister of the Interior, whilesuch disability or absence of thePresident continue, shall act asPresident; or,

Iu case of the disability or Absenceof both such Ministers, the Ministerof Pi nan ce. while such disability orabsence of the President continues,shall net as President; or,

In case of the disability or e

from the country of tho threeMinisters aforesaid, then the Attoruey General, while such disability or

of the Presidout continues,shall act as President.

Del. Baldwin wanted to know whythere was no provision for n VicePresident.

Pros, Dole replied th tt tho dissatisfaction with this olllco iu the

Drought up tho same Principle that i 1. 1 ... smi., tl...was decided yesterday, of the Presi- - , the Iu

control the action of . turn.





appointed the








Mini-lo- r







Tho section passed.Section '2. In case of the death,

resignation, removal or permanentdisability of tho President, the Min-ister of Foreign Affairs shall there-upon act as President until a succes-sor to tho Presidout is elected iumanner herein designated; or,

Iu case of the disability or ab-sence from the country of such Min-ister, the Minister of the Interiorshall act as President for the timeaforesaid; or,

In case of the disability or ab-sence from the country of bothMinisters, the Minister of Financeshall act as President for tin timeaforesaid; or,

In ca-- o of the disability or ab-sence from tho country of tho threeMinisters aforesaid, the AttorneyGeneral shall act as President forthe time aforesaid.

Tlie section passed.Section II. If at any time during

the absence from the seat of govern-ment, an occasion shall arise requiring a declaration of martini law, orMihpoiiMou (if tlio writ of hnliuati

i corpus, tlio powors in and foiu-orn--,

iiitf MiHi iimttnrH herein urnntud totliu I'mtitlimt, tuny lu morcisoil by

oiio of t ho Cnhiiiiit Ministors, who' clinll ni't in onhir of priority litdownamed, oai'li niiocc.'din iu can. ofdirialiilit or failuro of tlio"i prcvi-iiiihI- v

named, to nut, viz:Tho Ministor of AtTMnr,Tho Miuittttr of Interior;Tho Minister of Finance;Tho Attorney General.1're-i- . Dole inovud to incort after

"I'nwiiluiit," in tho first place, "oftho I'ronidont or aetiiitf rrenidont."

Carried, and tho suction panned.Sixtion I In esse of the death,

resignation, removal or permanentditialiilit.v of the I're'idont, tho Miuinter wiio Miall thereupon net aI'rotddont, shall immediately sum-ii- k

in a special mission of tho Logm- -

laltiro to meet within thirty days,to elect a President to fill tho unex-pired term of tho 1'rosideut who hasdi (I, resigned, hooii removed or locouio permanently disabled,

Pre Iol moved to insert, Im

l wood ''shall" and "immediately,"the wordi. "unit"" the L.'KlrtlatUie i

in Mission " (tarried.Jol Carter moved to insert the

words, "or six months from tho ox- -

piration of his term," after "Presi-dent" iu tho first place

Miu. Smith moved to refer thesection to the Committee on theExecutive. Carried.

Section ii. In eae any Ministershall act as President as heroin provided, ho shall, so acting, haveall the rights aud powers and besubject to all the duties, obligationsaud disqualifications by this Consti-tution granted to or p'resoribod fortho President.

Min. Smith moved to strike out"disqualifications and transpose"and." As it stood it might prevent

appoint monts to Minister






being a candidate for election asPresident.

Carried, and the section passed asamended.Amticle WS. x-Omcto Meviiieiisoe


Tho members of tho Cabinet shallbo io mombors of bothHouses of the Legislature, with alltho rights, powers and privileges ofelected members, except the rightto vote.

Coun. Eua wanted to know s

were to divide themselvesbetween tho two Houses.

Pros. Dole answered that the ideawas to have Ministers free to goaud come in either House as theymight doom expedient.

Min. Smith moved to strike outtho words, "except tho right tovote."

Coun. Brown No, no!Miu. Smith - Tho minority is

sometimes rigid. Iu this case It isright. It was anomalous to havemembers of a body who could notvote. Change his amendment to ,

substitute tho words, "except theright to voto on a question involvingtheir own existence as Ministers."

Couu. Hmmoluth agreed with thoopinion of tho Attorney-Genera- l asto members uot being allowed tovoto. Therefore he moved to stiikotho Article out. (Laughter.)

Couu. Brown thought tiint theproposal would give the Ministersloo much power. Ou any importantqtiostion they would vole solidly,aud four votes in so small a body aseither House would leave the peo-ple out.

Miu. Hatch supported the amend-ment.

Del. Kahaulelio opposed the giv-ing of a voto to tho Ministers. Itwas enough for them to come in audexplain their measures.

Miu. Damon Inquired if it wouldlo competent for either hottfo tocommand the attendance of Minis-ters.

Coun. Brown That would dependon tho rules.

Pros. Dolo would strongly support tho aiticle as it stood. Therewas great dilliculty iu the UnitedStates from tho absence of Ministersfrom Congress. 1 1 placed a greatdoal of work on committees to gelinformation. Tho system of havingMinisters vote for their own meas-ures iu tho past hero wa-- undigni-fied. Under the provisions of thisConstitution there was no reasonwhy the Ministers should havevotes. Let them ami their measuresstand ou their merits.

Min. Smith withdrew his amend-ment and moved to refer the Articleto the Committee ou Legislature.Lust.

Pros. Dole, referring to the neces-sity of adjournment, wished to movea suspension of the rules so as tomove the addition of a section toArticle '2.

The motion to pa-- s the la- -t ecHon road was declared to be thomatter before the commit lee ami itcarried.

The committee rose, reported pro- -

gross ami asked leave to sit again.Adopted.

The Convention adjourned for thotiny at 12:1(1.

lib of

Doiff wi iJ'

June! n

not be fooletl thintlu owner and

trainerH of fine utockHbouhl have the very bestquality of feed for theirIiotuuh. The only placefor such in the



OfFK'K & WAItl-'.IIUUhK- :

Corner Queen and Niinanustreet k.


i 1,1, Ai I ill Si't AUAI.SM rilKllltl--tlli UriK l.'Avveiiiro" imi'.i lie

in tnpil.'uti' ul tlif i.IIIi'.miI Tlii'u, II,l)iiviitA i'o li noon in. I'ltlliA Y tie- tliIII!., olhrrwl-- C till')' will nut I... r .'..(.Mlifit.

nut li



MM--. I'rill. h' Wll.l. I'l.RAHh I AM-- .

nutt.'t (Inn die "Kiiri I iI IIKM I'lHUIH will " on l N I' H

, tlie ruling "I tie' II n i .1 I'ou.'.i !

.nrtiiii'iit im rfi-r- uuli tin- - riiiiiiin of tl.el'i.tlll.lllIIU'llt II It I . III

iat .li


'Aunt Abbey's' Cooked Rolled Oats,'Red Label' Sugar Corn,

'Red Label' Oysters,' Our Taste ' Canned Salmon,

1 Crystal' Rice, (N.wi.

Above Briud will always ba excellent. Ask your lor litem

IvdiLolaoll &c FeLex'son, Ooaat, .A-ge-

Headquarters for White Goods

Jln - S3. S5 c. G ri 3Btao fort street, Honolulu.

Immense Assortment 1 Lowest Prices I

NAIN800KS In Plain, 8 rl)-d-, Oieok nn.l Flaldn.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN ALL UKAHF3 AND i'IUCKH.

DIMITIK3 Iu Utrleerf. t'lnckit, I'lnl.U and Hair hit..INDIA LINONS, BATISTE AND COTTON CRAPES.






LACES AND EMBROIDERIES!KMllltOlimitY KIKIINO.S m Swiss Naluook mid Hninliurit In

All Width- - with ItivrtlriK to Mutch.

All-ov- or Embroidery, Embroidery Flounces and Domi Flounces.

Laces of Every Description in All Widths

Summer Dress Goods

Figured Muslin,

White Dress Goods,

Lawns, Dress Cambrics,

Laces & Scotch Gingham,Eto, Eto.,


M. S. LEVY'STry the "Cleveland" Black Hose 1


French KZici Slxoe a.t $2.25NOTICE.

I liavis bt't'ii infltnictod by Mit. J. M. ik Sa k Silva,proprietor of tint Hawaiian Japavksk Ua.aah, Hoti-- I street,to sell liin stock of .1 A PANES 10 GOODS. Albo, n big



Races M e k c a n t T ailor.FIT AND FINISH GUARANTEED.


luuad Grocer

Oaslimon.vs mid


NKW rirot'K OK

Surges KuceivedfcJXJITS F'ROM UP

Dry OoodB, Fancy Goods. Lawua, Eto., Eto Eto

Gent's Furnishings of Every Description.noi .tin


B 1 4.


Ladies' Purses and Card CasesKI.OMH HII.K I'll.l.OUft In tui, u,. $ ft. i mii.1 .'.

l.tM II'OIHI; WAIST.! fur Ui.liiiKJi:AM:Sb MI I, I. Kit W.l!r for Uuiii.hi' MM Kit Itlll.K.h HI I K for U.llr.

Drosses jiint the tiling for .Summer Wear,

lu fuel OWII1L'

foundthe l.aiKoAt Sti.eli

thi Market

F. EHLERS &c CO.fiOB A fill ITC3R.T f3T,R.H3raT


we are


TH'.M. lil'K-MAK- KU


I lii-j- n. inform 'jMirtuiH Mi-- ami ilir(.(ii.Tiilriilill,ili.u 1 inn .ri.iiiriil toiiml lii'iu .villi- - iiicr .lccrii tioti of

riri'irtn tnui, lilil... uu.l li.ivolv.r,-- killfu l lti't(H'k.-.- . Illiii'lncmi.l II owniiii! .Imii' In mix kIi.i.I.'. t'iri-i'lii- i ..iik- -

iihoiIiii KUiiriinl I i

iitt.'ii.U'.l i...ttt. Ail'lr- .-I'Miin VritKI'IT HOMil.ll.f

lull tf


Till- -W I.I.I KNOWN

AUTISTIC (JATIOUKU.I in w .ri'iiiti'. to l ulrr for taii,iiiciNh'tiil- - I'riv.ltt. llllllliT riirll.', W'clilllii!oi I'.trt n- -, lite , i.. I. ,'iif. it, en. I iii'in niiv liiilli'tnr Ki'iilli'

llll'll Willi Mill kltl'lh ll. I' I),lull If



yardr. fur il.iJnf New tin. id, to



UUIUll iULillUtW linn mi . 1 1, n.r in

LitBors anil Manila Cigars

General Chinese Merchandise

ll. Km' MntiiiiK,I llltll'M' .'Ilk'., ,t, Kti . Kto

Eaijllah and Amoriuan GroceriesIt) Hvor) fo.Ht Ml'lOlUT


Page 4: LmI WV imc l Ptta - University of · imc Ptta lifbij? HK j8h(wlkfta VOL. VII. NO. 1053. HONOLULU, H. 1.,


National Cane ShredderPAlKNIKh I'SDKK rilK I..WVN



these SilHKiiiiKitii ami are now picp.irctl to reocixe orders.The great iul vantage to hu derived from the ue of the National I'ank

tiiiKKDUKK arc thoroughly established und acknowledged bygenerally.

The large uumlier of I'lituters ining them oi the United Stale, OubiiArgentine Itopuhlio, Pern, Australia mnl clewlicrc, witness to tinhIi1V l'li.if.1.

The use of the riiiKKiii'KK very Urg- -l iiugmeiiis tin uiiniitity f cum-th.niillcungrind(ar)ior,0.)

It i a great .fegu.ird, milking known .u once the prtMUiee of hu)lirn nf iron, hikes from ciUk, ur iinyt'iing wliieh would or biible to iliiniagrtin' mill, .mil allowing umpli time to move euine hefnre iliim.igiug the mill.

'Die SilKKiniKK Is vcrx strongly uiiile, uiul from I lie iiiiiuuer ol itn opera-imi- i

ii eut ur teiirc these pieces of wimmI or iron without ofion bre.ikiug llnSiiriKiuKii; .mil if anytliing luenkf. u simplx menf the knives or cutters,which e.iti lie ipuckly ami I'l'iiiiomii.illy repluced. The Siikkiidkii, as itsn. line iuiliciites, U'lir? the ciine into nhrid nf vm viug lengths, peifectly opetciii it ami ntlu'Wiig the mill to llicirunlily prerf mil the juices willmut

i he immense extra mwer tiecessnr) to grind or crush the wholeimih', The SltiiKiUiKK spreads the shredilid cane uniformly and evenly totin mill rolls, unit does away with tin mecssit if spreading the bagasse byliiiml bcluceii the mills, wlieie regrtiiihiiK i in use. No gieater amount oliHiilcr ciipnc.iiy is reiuired to oetuti the SiihkdiiKIi than that which warsiitlleient fur the null, for (he ahioe icasoiis We furnish full workingdrawings fur the installation "f our Siiiikudkhs. eiialiliug any en-

gineer to successfully install anil st.ui them.In ordering SHKKIUiKlis (inni us, pi 'ii-- e send -- nnill sketch, -- Innvlii tie

illiiuietei and wultb ot the mill lolls Willi whnli Siiio.iikkk to le eiuiueeted,:Imi the side ttithei right or left limul us you face . .tell very side of thenull,, upon which tin null engine I lot and, also the height fnui llonr lineIn renter of front mill roll shaft, and center this shaft to front eliilol bed pluie. I'licsc SilliKiniKits are now being Used by the Hilo Sugat Coninl Hani Mill, Kobala, wliere they are uiviiu: vreal atifacliou.

Trires ami furiber particular

WM, G.i (




Fresh California Roll Butter and Island ButterVT ALWAYS ON HAND J03

Goods Received Every Steamer (rom San Francisco

,ll'rs tnltlifilll' itU'inl lo n l.n trnnrHiitci-,- Hr.liTw..iii'lKnl jinl .ji'knl uith cure.

Hi.ik.k, Kimi Sthi:kt. l'our ami Ai.akka Sthcbis

lliMH IKI.hl llnSK .'HI


Dorters, Wholesale

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFrosu Goods Every Calilornia Stoamor.

A .SlMs.CIAIrY.ICK - - - -




andNew (mm Ktisirrii Kitriix-KKKS-

Ai iinlvrs iHUhfnllv alien. li-- i1'iirt .if the

lst.M, tlKllt'tts. SOLIOITKI)

i'Mlrt fcne'l

J. J. EGANti!4 Kort


Latest Styles in MillineryTIIK I.ATKnl IN

White and Colored Worsted GoodsI HI--

,.MUM ntMIM.KrKnl'oi l

DRY :(i()()l)S- IN I'M 'irv

Uressnialiltig Done by Mrs. Keiiiier.

WM. DA V IKS,Rigger and Stevedore,

RffiOKKRKM IM.M'Kh AMI i"ij I i IS is

Al.l. KISh UK

Tlu- - M-h- "MA II IMA HI"Will run rrutilarlv Iwtwi-i-.- i this hii-- i .tintWulalii Kiinnlhiiai, Mnkiili-iit- , Keuuemil nml I'nulkl mi tin- - Isliinil nlKnr h'reiKlu i In.. niil In tin- - l'nilaln

XW- k- lll'juir t ullii'i-- nl J S Wulkt-nvn- r

hirii'KeN t:ink Knrl strci'l '" if


Agent Take Acknowledgments

Wll.l AlTI.Mi In

Maiidemenl ShIo ol Properly


Collecting In All Its Branches.ilrtui Vii liilirtliniiisiri.l

uvtval Tnx.i:r3cci73: su:jlb'lt '









Imveexiwrlutiri-i- l pro-- I'

.lui'nl li (i' ilas mjoiirn In t list lr

Hew by

tLincoln Hit





may lie hail liy applying i

IRWIN &c CO., LU."iilt lurulf fir Ihr lliiiiiithm lilnii'h

O imX .t?2

c in i. ji:


i Helail 11 ni'ii


I O III I A H.'i

to :iml UimxU in hi.ii lt KliKK

SrinKAOTioN (JeKATKKixl k'lM, VniKsTW

Empire Saloon,Coruer Ilutel U Nuuauu Stroetit.

K H. I)

Family Wines Brandies

-- i'1'.i i.n.DMvW CI 1l? KI r

x IV klJ --'ltlS3 Years Old

E. 3ST. REQUA,inji. MANAtiKU lim

NOTICE TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Lnaus


General Futolio '

At Smith's Bus and LiveryStables. King Street.

Mi'ti.iHillinn Mem .Murh-t- )

- In- - In-i- l iiiu't' in low it ytiu can tetUhsm-- iiiiueiti s, lliit'nle- - iinilllurx- -. i will iii you tn call nml

Mill tr el .elii'ieMuturvl Toiephone 408



I Itl.i. Ill TIIK I'l'III.H1 Unit I Iiiim il m ut No. t.VNuuiinii siret'i with reylon Mniiulni'iiir. il

J,"w"lrI.ll ri I'l'iveil mine I'liret eyloll

It. Alto Itnliiin lli.lmiiH uiel Duieuiirf A ln,,1(.,.m f y H.k ,, ,,,.iltnl. w. J.

aW No. IU Nuiihiui ytreet.

11. i;. & HKO.,IMri)IITEIl AM)

OimhIs lts'fivi-i- l liv Kver I'aeki-- i lln- rtlwl."- - mut












wrsKCWS! jtjMg'JP


M I I),,;!,..,,., P, I 1

IIvu,,u 1 I W (V Li '',"""",,1


Another Great Oppoilunity



Soeun. UoniH in un ot tb Most'

Uullifhtrul Localities to li

Found In th iurailirt,

ot the Pacini--.

A ii resort IViirl I'll) lm i

tilniiil) uMfililtslieil mi i'iiv!iitili-riiiiitailnt-

Mnny i;imnI I'lllfi'li- - In this einiiliiillllt)tin uoiiilcrfnl

a .









'Mil iiiiiiii-ilii'n- a, iiml kIvo nitrtulIn tlii relief lln'N liuve uhniist

tiiilneil frimi si'vun1 itinl liiiiceiutiniiiMl mtni'ks nl rtstliimi.

IHi tin I'biiiiUfof 1'i'iirl I'ilyll iis ii imturnl anlturlniii



llil ean I., ini'.'l r ol

I will he liltllletl I

Provisions Feea.;t;::::::,;.Groceries, - - -

rf m








n in tli In ,

his11. nl is

ili i orIn ,



as'l "''''"

I,- - lo wa t.rm ol i as ; n,

a I ,., , ,

lie ,,ut 1 at

I'.. ....! .!..... -- ..II I Ii.. i I...iur I'liriii'iiiiirs, run ill mi iiini-,- .


orun o( in ililIlllll miiii now nils ns WDM lis

iinirfif to lieeoiuttjinnvllig to

l.i irt.. ... i ii .1 '

e)vuof t!iliol!'r, tliutlmftmIII

Companyulll imrrt' iiili(rom tn in morn.

aami (rum to In ;

fl anfter live o'l'loiikl, (or ten cents nay.

I a rate less than 0110 ht ,

on all other trains runniii), i

j iliirlnt; or will he P,mt iiilln llrst nml I Hir


I A ioui is io In In' llie I'enl.isiilu, in tl.iu. lien


nl10 rlile Iree rtKnlur

iM'twiHi to. I- .- !.. ..!.....!..


I'eiirlfii.v. ofmi av for

I'll is to '.'I to uilli".for ten

ImllliTlui'li's ur tonever


fr'nl.rimil f li.-'- r

sola In

,,),. ...yi.dl...L., IlKe ,,r i

the o(at

to Wise is




IWAt-l- f .lsuitKi

(Continued hi

Chairman Eininelutli akoil lor thoPresident's opinion on the point ororder. of

thouulit it was ooinpo- -

the Convention totl.oolliee. H could eten legato it

of existence, ax they were thereto reorganize tho government. of

spoke of the value of tothe ollico lib experience in a

..f Of

of the LegMatiir.-- . If thereanything wauling in the law itselfcould be nuieudcd.

section pacd. aSkition In a vaeaucv in

anv ollico occur while thein session, the Presi- -

fill vneauev grant- -a commission which expiro

at the of the next session of theSenate.

Smith asked the Conventionto on to next section while .prepared an amendment to this

Hatch moved reconsiderationof Section 1 ami carrying ho

to add to tho section,the of the first

the the appointees thePresident Carried.

moxed to ainond See. 2l.cforo ,,;piro" tho

words "unless confirmed." Cnrned.C. ..... l ..!.!..., I -- I...1I

alsoj the approval of thenet, appoint members of theHoard of Health; Board of IMuea- -

tion; Board of luiiuigralion; Hoardof Prison Inspectors and anyHoards of a public character whichmay oocreaieu oy law; uio iistriel .Magistrates.

Damon, referrinc to tlio progiving tho Preident control

of Cabinet passed thisaiked how about these appoint- -

ineiits. Would tho President notcomplete control of the ap- -

of ollicerfanswered Laiiiuei

lotion defined in general provi-sion'' elsewhere.

Del. Carter thought the placingof District Magistrates in cate-gory wus a violation of tlio principlealready adopted of keeping theJudiciary dUliuut other depart-ments of the government.

to strike out "District Magis

Himlutliin M,,, Kveriitneni in itelf.,l"'w,,rl'1' Uel. Carter withdrew a ml

I'noi. A. I.mins iMlni foiiej-- nient nml theseetion nailed,ear niitlinrliy (ur siuiIiik tlmt wuior Autici.i: '.'(i. INnvmi Ii:movm....,.,,! ares. y,l.ll,c..v..r...l tills' T()( Vn.MmX ,,,

,'mn, power, lie approval of theCabinet, to any of tlioolli-en.i- i

uiiiinierated in the lat article,Inducements to Eaily Settlers: i, ..,., ti,o Auditor ueneri,nni the

District Magistrates, shallremovable tirovided hv and

l,ir '" the Supremo and Cir- -

.orh ON bl'hOiAI. ri'.UMK (..vnral. ci 0l,r, jm, ,, rloln,,.si'ltlers. lor tlir.'.- - j(.ruil, M.,f().. 1rt..St.ri ox.i.ii.iitl.s frnin lnl- -. luiiilNT mi.l l.ull.l- - flll(lllM.r, t, Oiliinet,lnK nmn-rlnl-s will s.ii,..I. ami ilollyir- - w,, ,,,, r)llova,l0 ()lly wn,...I Varl i.iwit tin... ,,, ltol,elt of t,u Senate.ever (ilnali.iMl. Oole moved to innert

.I.....I... .I....!.' u.,r.l.i ..f I'r.iLtfl.tiilliiriuiTany the luinlier ilruliirs

I'llN. iivmi

those win)tlmt eitj, will tin well uinhruue.

within iiomr'-I- .

to, hIkI rtrclvo the

years, thisritwt1ttitM Mttil llinlr fmtilllitK

Pearl City Honolulu theIhk (arrlviiiK little wven n'docU

Hnnnlnlu I'eurl t:ity thsuvimiIiik uvIiik Honolulu stutlon little

cent nillii. Timriites iuss,.nKir

tin-ilu- nillii ei'i.ii.rlu. eent mlhi

awunil elu-- s.

"I'IiimiI nliout oM'iirill.e larKe.


U'lilkmeil tiuiimcity .1.11I..11.

forth. reos uttemi.lnK siliool, ilvn ems ,.i,.ipupil. riih

fontsthose .toirint;

homes this cnuilirj luiveliefo..' (ill'i-re- the plllilic.

nils Conipaiiv hitsthe i.rl. all

MU..II.I ..ennnieem.....or...nit ll...

woulillining Pearl fitt

MA Word



from Page.)

Pre. Doletent discuss

Del. lialdwinfrom

..I...- - 11...



such shall waiSenate notdent uiav such by


.Min.go he


thatmoved 'anduntil end session of

Senate ofshall act."

Pros. DoloUy

'PI...with Cabi- -




action morn- -


havopoint incut these

I'res. Uolowan




is(,ml ir.-.- i



who helawj


iii.iol, j.rlreiK'd.ri. lre. after


trates.Min. .Smith said the matter had

received careful Itwas deemed that tint appointmentof District Magistrates was an exccutUe In the United Statesthe I'hecutive appointed tho Judges.

Pris. Dole said that ouo of theJustices of Supreme Court wasconsulted in drafting this provision,ami lie wa not anxious to have the

in the hands of thoJudiciary. Willi tlio power in theliandH of the milierior eolirt Indies,II llllKlit lllleriero Willi t l.eir llldieiaiiaie oi in cieaim nun aji- -

P' Vahl'Mill. Uollion It Wll Ollli nil- -

other step toward having oneexecutive pouor. 1 Here was toeHoard of for itiMnuce,...I.:,.!. frilll. .:, I,,, ,,.,. irml Iiml

.., , ...i..r, ...- - ..,.,.-- , ...fii.i.ji.iwith tile eousent of the Senate."Carried.

Conn. Ilrown asked if the Presi-dent could Itn compelled by theViiiifaf.i nttinwit i mr ti I liij f oillcialN.

rroMUOlll lh)U mpliiMl nil, till)imtmtlvo must lm with the I'roM-ihtu- i

ri... .,nJs..,lAliTICM: 27- .- Rwino.s.

The 1'ri'nidont, with the approvalor the Cabinet and the AdvisoryCouncil, hIihII have the power togrniit reprieves and pardons and tocouiiiitite seiileiii'e.i after conviction,for all cases except ease of UD- -


Aiiiui.i: 1'S. Convkmno tio: Li.oisI.UI'llE.

I The lrtxiiloiit lo.'.v. will, tli.i ni,.

, nhall he from an eneiuv, riot,or insiirreetion......or any daiiL'ero'us

Hdis- -

Min. Smith muted to wlrike out' l"u wordu, "of the letfiHlaturo." Carilel.

The Article passed.Ainui.i: a. Ii.(i:ivimi I'oiihioN Kk- -


I'he I'resideut ehnll receive and....1 1. ..1 11 ir..i

I '" "V" '" " "" ' '"Pioiuauc repre- -

' natives accredited lo tho Kepill)- -

lie hy uther KicruiueiitH.ranseil.

Am(,u. .( MlSAlu;s T(, T1. L.v; ,ATUf AN) A1WMm (;(11 Nt.ti,, .l i'. f'"",deill upon tietiieetiiij,'of lim leKixhituro, or of theAllvisiirv t'oimeil. uiul hiii-I- i

I lines m lie may deem proper, in- -

" "' l" ll,u ,",,'1r(lie Id'pulilii'i or coucnruiuKmailers of public intermit; mid re- -

coiiiiiieinl tin. I'oiirtiileral of fiichuicahliies a to hint nh.'lll iteom liext.

I'ashiul.Ann. t.i. .11. Maiitiai. Lau, hi -

Mo.S in HaIii: Vs C'oill'l h.

7"lv; r ...... r ti... ci.i- -, t .,lhl,.M MS ,r nrovideil.mat. in ease of rebellion or iuvimiou,or ...iiiunen. .Ianer of rebel-io- oriiivasii.ii, whin, the public Mifety re- -

Iiiires it, Mcpeud tho privileuu ofI he writ of halloas rorpus or plncoI Ii whole or anv oart of the Hetiilblie utitlur murtiul law

MihooMiiuiM. i.reele.1 l.y .1. T. Waler- - i ,)rv uf l(m Cahinet, convene thel.onw. Iterlileiit. IIvIiik I'eurl 'U Liinlat ore or the Senate alone, inlicltil.t., iohove Pearl flty stmlnnl ami hl.,.j H'.siouj ami, with hliell ap-thn- e

ImvliiK homes n the IVnllisiila. will nt ..nv,.r.iii...nlon

ivarl un.l In....- oritur, tureei inni any reKUlar or 8pn- -

Those who want loeiiiiilinie mmiiI theii eial sefttioii of Ihu lef,'iHlaturo nlialliihllilri'nloM'hiMiNin Horn, lulu, run luive ' ""111 at houio other lliau therein-'- . on nil ir:il.i to nml I'lr llleetillL' place.(nun .guilt '.11


lieen re.,iiesi.-.- l

to 11.01...limit that

W until, u

iikuIii iicenr (or enrehiiM-







...... Il'!iinti..irnlilmihim

iug shall










inm-cur- e


at i.llinr


Del. Carter asked the meaning of"or ono of tin) Cabinet Ministers asheroin provided."

M, Smith answered it was for anoccasion of tlio absence or disability

tho President.xiio Article pascd.

iBTI1. .)2.-- TRf, th..,.M,nt the approval

the Cabinet, shall have the powermake treaties with foreign gov- -

ernments, subject to tho concurrencet IlO hOliat O.

The President, with the approvalCabinet, Is hereby expressly

authorized and empowered to maketreaty of political and commercial

union between the llepublic of Haand Hie tinted States of Am- -

'". subject to tho coneurrenee of'" Sonnl'- -

1'1 D- - II. Smith moved an amend,"jnt to make the section read,

"The President shall make a treaty,'i'v.Mm. Smith said a resolution might

lse(l ordering Conn. Smith toniarry a wife, but ho eouldii t do itwithout the consent of anotherpafly- - (Laughtor.)

The soetiou passed,Tho committee rose, reported pro- -

gross "lid asked leave to sit agaiu.Adoptod.

llu Convention adjourned for theday at 1 p, m.

Mwhnulw' Homo, corner Hotel"" N,,a" street. Lodging byilfii' week or month. litrma 2o mill

cents per night; II and 1.2ii perweek.

HoocTsCuresEven When Called IncurableTerrible Solge-Qcla- tlo Rheumatism

Mr. Arthur SimonOt Oslato, Ohio.

Thy 91(1 I waj lacurnblr, the doctorsdid, Imt Hie rult ha prorea (tut HcxxT hu- -

mp.i III a able ! rtirr. I had HeLitlarnnlluril to my lint )Viri!' liliMlclaimllil not helnmoKod

Wa9 0ion Ud t0 qis' "M ,n lhU terribta f"nma' ""kU

ts mora bnad r Cmi, I br.ia to tiko nool'lKirnaimrtita. Tim nmt imtiio haJ a lltilo

. .......mi. riMi M.n.i.u tii.i "..... u mv

r:t'ill' Hint I roulil sit up In my chair. My yi-tr-

luiil I'li--n so run Uirnn liy oilier medicine, It took me ciulti. u wlills to nviils-rate- . liyHis tlniK 1 li.iil Liltpu four iMittlsi ot llooil'i Bar- -fnimrllli IrauMwiilknreMail, ami now. aIli.iVK taken six hntlles. I uni rnrrrf ami randon km1 ilay'i w urx. I tio not fovl I can irali

Hood's Sarsaparillatuoiiulu" AHTIUili HimoX, (luliitna, Ohio.

HOOD'S PlLLS ' Hi b" ftr-dli-

Uli,MiUl4J(MUu.cuibl4eli. Trfftbox.

HOIIKON, NKW.MAN A CO.Atienla (or llawnllau IhIhtkIs

K"W"A.II-A.3S- r




Saturday Afternoon, June Bib,

r 3 :30

AdmiBHion,'sj-t- r




"MILK I MAliU,"VOl'S'll, (' .MM VMM II

Will ii ilue nl this I'ort on or ulxititJune islli, uiul will

Leave for Yokohama about July 1,

With nml

IW I'nr further parllruliirs, iipplj in

W. G. 1KW1N Ac CO., 1d,Agents NIikiii Yiisen Knl-hi- i.


Bngines k Launches !


S3?" Tlioy cannot lie MiriusMiil,cu' tivw pouor

JOS. TINKER,iiai " Sole AKent. Niuiimu mrem.

IN TIIK HlltmUT fOPKT OK TIIKI Inthe niiltterot the llnnkrupli'i of II Niikiil- -

?i.JttfiSK,.i!,auro Imri.lii milllleil In eoine In uml nnuetheir ileln's lm(ore the Cinnlt (mrt o( the'i'l.ii.Av!n. in, ty ,( j,,,,,,, S.,. i.m,.,.i, ,.hour ol in oYlocU in the (orennoii .t mlihmuiui iliei-al.lila- t uml ehet un AssIk- -

'" " MWW-EHrkn,l".hv i iIWi- - lot UKU. I.UCAri, Clerk.


LX inl-OVJ"-kh o)

Uy aimmilfacr&ywd Water,

mil cure

4y ttk oj Ctw

CorrwjplaVnt- -

SorSilc vvtfitre 'rugyxl




( islcr irn

BS3 Fort Stront,Wlit-r-e this iliviiliiiilile lion-i'lin- reinnly

mil) liy the


We linve also ljir''st "(Iim'Ii uf

Drugs, Medicines,

Chemicals. Perfumes,

Toilet Articles H

PllOtOgraplliC GOOdS

I'n lie (omul III the i IsIiiiiiIh,


" StOCk CMef ." 13,444.Height. 16.2. Weight, 1,300.



Jy--li Til lMMBt V 1if iilltfriifTf I-r- -i. ."- -. iJ .ri 4 A. rMkUa- --

. . w(JZAJ'CVVIV.". w--

Standard BredSpi'i'lully s..ii'1'ii'il (or llils rimntry.'i..uN- (i knuai.- -

L Inu ili wirvliesiita sinllli.iisiiiiii not.(all.,exI,.,.ln.;ih.-l'.....ll..l..i.l..m- l.

lim no nter In tin-M- i ln.iinilr. Ills sie, color, eoiiloriinillon, ills

j position, tiiiu liM'iillnn ami miht1i trottluuiiiulllli's ilaru him In the (oreinosi ranks.

FEE, S2S.OO.( x'rvli'e. Ilu- -

! ...ffrriSul eil. Inloriiintloii (nr- -

', aiil toA. It. IIOWAT. 1). V. H..

Veterinary Inllrniury.'.i KliiK't , llnno-lul-

loltl tf-- l if




Hotel Street.

Nexi door to Horn's Bakery.liUI-l- f


Drawing and Painting.

D. Howard HitchcockliruwiiiK aini I'ulntiiiK tilniiil hy lim lut-v-

hiiropciin metlioils l'liihe.suvery y

ninl Mitnnliiy loreiinon (rom s t M.

in t'J noon.

I4k I.USSODS (nr I'riv.Oe I'upll- - in sie-ei-

lines ol work ulso nlveii

Vfe- - Tin. Mmllo will lie open ... rs

ever.i Krl.lay itfinruonn ln.Ul tf

Relief I ToothacheDun Woulr'iil riilnep-i- - Itenu-il- t


"OK1Z33L KXJ1V1 DU3ST"wi Cent- - llnllle with Uliei'liolls

IW I'uii'MUiilppllrtlliin i'ur snle l)

Vini8 Wo Tai iS: :; .

"A Trip to the World's Fair"nut T. ci:s in

On Saturday, Juno 9th.At s o .'I.u-- I' M.. in

Kawaiahao OliuroVilf3u lickeis ut Ihriuiin', lluunlluu

Nk I'o.'i uml V M f. A. lOHJ-t- U

"DAI NIPPON"Hotel Street (Arllogloo Block)

lnt llpi'i-lvf- ntiiitlii'r Involi'e nf

Japanese Fancy Goods- AND -


Dress Goods!I'lnln ami Floured Silk nml (7rnpe.

MORNING GOWNS &u'.ult'lnln Silk ami Kmliiolilnrpil.

Silk and Cotton Kimonos811k Knns, (,'nslilons,Klnlirolileruil Milk Ten OoslnnTallin Covers, Jloit tJovers.Silk Snslifs, Neckwear.

Beautiful China Ware!Snlnd Unwls, Iton-lio- n IM-h-

1'lntes, Ktc. Klc., Kte.

Smoking Jackets!Hllk ami Cotton I'njnnins.

JAPJiIIESB SCREENS!ItiiKs, Ktognnt I.ionti lindi's,

HainliCHi Chiips, l.iuicli Ilnkcts.Ilninlxxi Valines, Jniiunesc Trays,

Kle.. Kte., Ktc. Ktu.

Mrs. J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress.

Tho Tugawn Coal Mine in' located in Fuktioka Ken in

the IhIuik) of Kinshui, Japan,und wjih (JiHcoviMcd abouttwenty ycarH ago. It wm

I owned liy the governinentand mined simply for theofOvennnent'H uho.

Great imptoveinentH, how-

ever, were made Hi nee it wasHold to a corporation aboutsix yeatri jio, by importingminiti"" machinerv from 13 pe

and America.

Ttiawa Coal is used moretmm "H ot,U!l' Japanese coalsin the following countries:China, Manila and Strait'sSutllcillClltH. It has foillldu way uvi-- n mi mimiiuy.

Twci cargoL'H havo booniinportud into the HnwniiunIslands it'ccntly, and it Huh

no HiiKi'ioi' in thin market antovi or steam coal.

(i. B. UOAKDMAN,.Sole Agent for K. Ognra it


: YOKOHAMA BAZAAR,Corner Nuiunu & Hotel Streets.


' SllK DreSS GOOUS,- Al.l. UOI.011H-- -

.lArANKSK SILK CKAIK,Plain anil llrocaileil,


Silk Shirts and Night Shirts,Silk lll.mse. Hllk Neckties,

Gold and Silver Scarf Pins,lliiiiiikernlilefH, Phawls, Salies.

lluslury uml Cheiulse.,


.liipniievf TrnyN, llumboo Sorefiis,Ten feu, Kloner I'ots, Kte., Kte.




87 King St. Mutual Tel. 6G2.

ItiiKKAKe I'l.ccUeil (rom HotelH uml Kesi.iluures illri-L'- l to ilesilnnlion. No

H.'.'h.'L'lvli.i; ut sltiuiuiTs.

HiiCKUKe iilnuys put in .Suite Itoouis.

01ia.rg'es Moderate,T. (J. McGUlUE,

IO.--.I lim Munai-er- .

dr. eoward arhitage,M. Ii. r 8. IKiik.) I K. C. I'.d.oail.) ll.

l. H. (University ol I'uniliriilge),lulu of Wuilllt'H, Klllllll.

Hits iisti.l.lisla'il liinisell in the nllli'ii (oriu-url- y

oeeiipieil hy Dr. Kooiu, ut the cornernf lleii'luniii uml i'litii hhowl htrtets.nun h HoiiKs: II to a. M. 'J to If. M.IlllM' M. Hl'MI.Vh! J ll) I I'. M.

Mutual Telo. 234. Bell Tele. 148.tnm-li- n


AM I'ltKI'AllKli Ttl PAINT YDl.'lt1 I'liotoi-ruii- in Witter Cnlom or theit mi n tin. n.or.iur.

I.ussoiiskIvuU In l''lint'r I'nllHMln In Oil,ami I'liuluv'riipli I'nliiiliij! In Wuter ()ulor.

i.i'iivu mi timers nt simili., Alonu rni.lo- -

uriuili (liillerv. 1'iirt street.imf- - Look at the sanmlej in 1'sclLe

' Ilunlware Coiupany' wllnluw.IWl-t- l W. 11. AHH.