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'MMtiutfMI$flfltiBMMMMtfJMflNNBXMMMMK!jVw ra8OTHBBBBBSHKBK4X i null ; wnMrT ufHTr " 'IPIWI t' ' f ', Vf- - j "" i 'i - '& r 4 r i. J :$ f -- " i;wuv -rr - -- ' vrrrr. mswmmvMmrs raawsm j mummutvfi' wuK7fir vim m , " fw'TfSfilwW ''i'Tt fclryiT SB ir f i- - ai W !? i -- . irmmmm ,. AErV ' vir. r ' l .. . f f ftt V... ' ' ', - llylBip VOL. V. NO. 020. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 18JK5. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN PHINTEU AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT THE OFFICE, Uorchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Dom.aiw a Yeaji. Delivered in Honolulu ot Fifty Cents a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED HVB1K.Y TXJB3SI5A.-!- r At Foun DoM.Aits a Year to Domestic, and Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING 1)0NE IN SUPERIOR STYLE. 250 BOTH TELEPHONES 250 W- - P. 0. BOX 8'J, Address letters for the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using n personal address may cause delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Manager. Business Cards. LEWERS & COOKE, Imi'OKTKRS AND DEALERS IN LUM11ER AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, and.Buildino Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Tort Street, Honolulu. H. HAOKFELD & CO., General Commission Aoents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFABLANE & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE, Importer and Dealer in Oknerw, Mer- chandise. Queen Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Aoent. Mahukona, Kohaht, Hawaii. WENNER. & CO., Manufacturing and Importinci Jewelers. 02 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch- maker. JIukui Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclnerny Block, Fort Streot. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Aoents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Kwiinkh, Siiciar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead Cahtinos. Machinery of Evory Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blaeksmithing. Job Work executed ut Short Notice. O. B. RIPLEY, ABOHITBOT, Complcto plans and specifications for every dehcrlptlon of humting. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of con- struction given when required. Call and examine plans. New designs. Modern buildings. Olllco, Room B, Stircckois' Block, Mutual Tel. W. W. A. WALL, SURVEYOR. ' (Late with thuovuriimunt Survey.) P. 0. Box KB. Mutual Tele. 110. Olllco over Bishop's Bank. W. H. STONE, .A.O O OXJjsrT AJSTT. V, 0, Box 17, THK DAILIBOLLETICO Arc Receiving Now Invoices of BOOK AND JOB STOCK BY EVERY STEAMER AT T1IKIK- MERCHANT STREET. Where they :iro fully prepared to do all kinds of work iu the latest styles, tit the shortest iiotiae and at the most Reasonable Rates. Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty I POSTER PRINTING Executed in tho Most Attractive Manner. BILLHEADS, LETTERHEADS, STATEMENTS, NOTEHEADS, MEMORANDUMS, ETC. Read the following partial list of spec- ialties and get the Bulletin's prices be- fore placing your orders. By so doing you will save both time and money. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Honda, iMcmuraniliiniH, Mills of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping Contracts, Check Books, Legal Blanks, Calendars, Wedding Cards, Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Funeral Cards, Admission Cards, Fraternal Cards, Tinio Cards, Milk Tickets, Meal Tickets, Tlieatro Tickets, Scholarship Certificates, Corporation Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Receipts of all kinds, Plantation Orders, Promissory .Notes, J'amplilolh, Catalogues, Programmes, Labels of every variety, Petitions in any language, Envelopes & Letter Circulars, Sporting Scores & KecordB, Perpetual Washing Lists, General Hook Work, Em.. Etc., Etc., Etc., ami Iljocheil when ih'slicii. tKif No Job In allowed to Icavo Iho of-ll- until II Klvc satiHlaciion. Baldwin Locomotives. iHnlKlH'vil 1 The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands FOR the celebrated Baldwin Locomotives FIIOM THE WORKS OF Burham, "Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Ponn., Aro now prepared to give Estimates and receive Orders for tlieso Engines, of any size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works ARE NOW MANUFACTURING A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE PARTICULARLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which have recently been received at tbeso Islands, and wo will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The Superiority of thebe Locomotives over all other makes is known not only hero but is acknowledged throughout tho United States. WM. 6. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. WM. G. IRWIN (ja CLiinaited) OFFER FOR SAL FERTILIZERS AT.EX. CROSS A SONS1 Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We are also prepared to take orders for MeBsrs. KT. Olilancit Sc Oo.'s If'ex'tilizers, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL! rm.:n t.. ..A.:n. t:i rill ..nn MJF .liila 13 t sliJiullUL i uiu, uii, uuu- - suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, and giving a lasting brilliancy to colors. Used with drier it gives a splendid lloor surface. 3Liim.e, Cement, HEFINEI) SUGARS, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef I'AHAFFINE TAINT CO.'S Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jaruoes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Paint Especially designed for Vacuum Fans. Honolulu Cycling, Armory Building, - Berelanla St. Bici fele Hiding School. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN 3Day & Evening. Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire I1Y THi: DAY OK HOUR. Public Skating: Monday and Saturday evenings, from 7;.'I0 to 10. Friday evening for Ladles and their Escorts only. Bicycle Iissons: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day. Bicyole Repairing Solicited. mi DAILY AND WKF.KLY Hawaiian Newspapers AIIK TIIK Leading Journals In tho Kingdom, The "Daily Hawaii Holonnia," Has the IJirccxl Circulation on tho Islands mid is the liest .Medium for Advertising Mil. Tuns. K. Natiianiki. will rccolvoall advurtUeiiieiiU and trannict all luislnuss matters. OmiT.s " llrttlllg lllock." corner Kiiiiaiiu and (Jiieuu strict. (upitalrs). fKMI The- - Markets of San Fiancisco ARE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOORS ItY MEANS CIV THE EXAMINER PurchasingBureau Which is Operated Diuetly by the Greatest 1 Newspapers THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMIN ER We Are Constantly Making Purchases FOR THE Residents Hawaii Do You Need Something from San Francisco? IF SO Write To Us About It ! Wo can you money; our buyers have seenred hundred" "of special con- tracts which enables us to oiler Watches, Jeweh-y- , Silverware, Musical Instruments, Furniture, Clothing, Dress Good, Agricultural Implements, And Thousands of Other Articles At prices which will astonish you. A LETTER WILL DO IT ALL Write us for iiuotations on any thing that you may need. Ton Can Soo tho Advantages of Purchas- ing Through Us I Wo aro buying for our customers at wholesale and' you reap the benefit. tXF Address all communications EXAMINER PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, San Frnnoisoo, U. S. A. California, - - - FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE HSURAHCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, 86,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, S4,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057. Now York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 8125,947,290.81. C. 0. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, HONOLULU. FOR SALE? 3-KCor- se Power UPRIGHT Baxter Eonoe i Boiler ! D IN 0001) WOltKINO OltDKlt. tttr For iiaiticulars or terms imply to thu BULLETIN OFFICII. Union Gas Engine Co. (Incorporated .May Id, lh:i-- ) -- MANUFACTUBLISH OF TIIK Regan Vapor Engines AMI - PACIFIC GAS ENGINES. Horizontal t Upright, Stationary v Maiinc, liim A. tin- - line LllgilU'x, j'linips a Launches. JOS. TIKKE3I1, filH-t- f Sole Agent fur Hawaiian Islands. Honolulti Carnage Co. IMITII ILL v.-- . Corner l'ort & Mcrcliaul Sts. JltuikH run Ihi IiiiiI in aio Ii'iur of thcihi) Up In IS o'clocl. in nid.i.i'li icriiu to l he Him ' Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 02, C3. C7. 70. 73. 07. 19C It. S. MnoitK, Sujit W. If. T vi or, Pros. list roil J, ni San Francisco, Cal. BUILDERS O- K- Improved Sugar inery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery For Irrigating and Water Works purposes of any capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Yater Pine & Fliwilnrj DAVIDSON IFTJMFS, MATHKSON LOt'lC-.lOl.N- T 1'IIMO, HEINE SAFETY 1JOILKK, Ktc,, Ktc, i:tc. OS"- - Kor further particular ami cata- logues, address Rasdon Ironworks, San Francisco, California. Hem, 411 TKLIM'HONKS Mtni'W. IU j J ii JLj l'. At McKinley Frices ! I Departure Bay Coal S12 Jk. TOIST! t& Delivuicd to anv part of Honolulu HUSTACE & CO. f- - Iting up No. Ill Both 'IVle-r(l-l- phones. CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine INSURANCE AGENTS. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF BOSTON. $tna Fire Insurance Co., OF HARTFORD. Union Insurance Co., OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Wm.(l Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) "Win. G. Irwin, - I'rei-iden- t and Mannger Clans Spreekels, - - - - W. M. Ciillard, - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. ('. Porter --- Auditor -- Siga,r Factors AND Commission Agents. agents or THC Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FKANOISOO, CAL. Orewer&co". (LI.MITF.D) General Mercantile ANI Commission Agents .I.O.Carter . .. . President and Manager (!. II. Bolieitsiiii Treasincr K. F. Bishoi . Heerelaiy W. F. Allen Auditor Hon. C. K. Bishop . . S. 0. Allen Directors ILWuteVhoiise ) CHAS. T. GULICK, Notary Public for tho Island of Oaliu. Agent In take Acknowledgements to La- bor Coin mcts, Agent In grant Mairlage l.lccusus, Hono- lulu, (Mhn, Ageul for the Hawaiian Islands of Pill A Scott's Fielght and Parcel l!press. Agent for the lltirliugloii llonlc. i:i;ai KSTATK ItllOKlIll ami (ii:.N'i:i!AI, AlllINT. ilCI.I. :;if- - TF.LF.PHONi; -- MiniMi. I..ii Jtox 110 OITH'H is Morcliuut st, Honolulu, II. 1. HUSTACE & CO., -- DIULLIIri IN WOOD and COAL. -- AI.MI - White and Black Sand Will will ull at the 'i rv l.oui -- t MarUet ItatiK, Bell 414 - TELEPHONE . Mutual 414 'pun j i'ou L nmiiH ol liili.rokliug lloadlliK .Mailer, luluidi, I!; mailed to furvlgii louiitrlc, $0, Wife's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. C Wli.mat, l're. S. It. Kosk, Sec. I'u-T- . .1. A. Kino, l'ort Supt. Stair. KINAU, CLARKE, Commandor, of Will leave Honolulu at a v. m touching at Labaiua, Maalaea Hay and Makena the same day; MabuUoua, Kawalhao and tho following dav, arriving at Hilo at uiidnicht. LKAVKS HONOLULU: a Friday 'an. IK a TiifMl'av Ian. 21 Frlihiv Feb. S Tueifav Feb. II Friday' Feb. a I Tuesday Mar. 7 Friday Mar. 17 Hcturnlng leaves Uilo, touching at same day; Kawalhae . m.; 10 a. m.; Makena I r. m. ; Maalaea Hay (I i m.j Lahaina S r. m. the following day; anivingat Honolulu (J a. m. Wedncs-dav- s and Saturdays. AltiUVLS AT HONOLULU: Wednesday Ian. 11 Saturday '. Inn. 1!1 Wednesday Feb. 1 Saturday Fob. 11 Wednesday Feb. 1!J Saturday Mar. I Wednesday Mar. in Saturday Mar. Ai JJT No Freight will be received after 12 noon on day of sailing, Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at .1 M., touching at Kahultil, Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipahulu. Ileturniiig wilt arrive at llomilulu every Sunday morning. fff No Freight will he icceived after c. m. on day of sailing. Consignees mU"t be at the landings t receive their Freight, it c will not bold our.-elv- responsible after such Freight has been landed. While the Company use due dili- gence in bundling Live Stock, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of the loss of same. The Comp.iliN will not be responsible for Moiiej or Jewelry unless placed iu the care of Purser". Oceanic Steamship Go. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco : The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sydney anil 'Auck- land on or about January 12th, And will leave for the above port with Mails and Passengers on orabout that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, fiom San Francisco, on or about January 13th, And will have prompt desinatcli with Mails and Passengers for the jovc ports. The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. ICt- $- For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. PacificMailS.S.Co. -- AND Till'. Occidental and Oriental S. S, Co For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Kteamero of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above portson or about the following dates; Htiur. "Oceanic" . .. Jan. 11, IMfl .Stmr. "China" Feb. JO, INK! htmr. "Oaelic" .. .. April 11, 1MJ3 For SAN FRANCISCO. Ktcamens of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their vn from Hong-- . kongaud Yoliohaiua to the above port on or about the following dates: htmr. "llelgie" Feb. S, JNO Stmr. "OH v or Peking" ..Maich III. Ik'KI Hi mr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, INK! Hound Trip Tiokots TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $3G0. F For Freight and Passage applj to H. HACKFELD & CO., jn7tf Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Ta.Tole. LOCAL LINE. ' S.S.AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from H, F. for K F. .Inn. -'" Fell. 1 Fuh. -'- - Mar. I Mar. '."J ..Mar. J! I Apr. in .. , Apr. .11 THROUGH LINE. From Bun FraucLco From Kjiliiny for for Hdnoy. Sail Arritr lliiim'ii'n 1 1 ii if 11 i"i tint it. AI.ASILDA, Jim. I.I MAltlPotfA, Jan I'.' MAItlPti8A.I.b. Iu MOMiWAI, Full. U MtlXiiWAl, Mar. Ill ,I.A.MIEI., .Mar, u ALA.MLDA, April 7 ! MAUII'tWA, April" .MAttlPUSA, May 6 .MO.SUVV.U, Muy I F03EION NEWS. Sucrotfir.v of tlio Navy Tracy is quoted a.s saying that ho would not lio surprised if, in thoootirpo of time, mid not vory far in (he future, (ho troltor will rental, if not oxcoeu iu ppood, tho rtinnor. Tho changes in tho French Cabi- net remind tho Detroit Preo Press tlie erratum onco put, in tho front page of a dialect novel: ''Pago 225, seventh lino from top for bam-boozl- o, read dumswizzlo." A thousand fondlings constituted unicjuo procession in iJow York on recent Wednesday, which was pay-da- y for tho 1000 outdoor wet-nurs- es Who had started tho littlo waifs on life's rough road. Tho Executive Committee of (ho Democratic Pusiness Men's Associa- tion of Now York has adopted a resolution demanding tho election of a Senator capable of ropresent-th- o ing vast interests of tho cit3. Three terrific explosions in rapid succession destroyed about half of tho largo fuse factory of Ensign, Biokford & Co. of Sjimsbury, at Hartford. Conn. Three persons wore badly injured and will pro- bably die. The Buffalo strike cost New York State $li2,000, of which was for pay for tho men and $iil,Lll for subsistence. Four brigades were call- ed out, and tho average attendance of t lie men was over 'Jl percent of the enrollment. Tho tunnel at Niagara Falls has been completed and the power plant will bo in operation b- - next March. It is expected that a current of lo.fHX) electric horse-powe- r will bo transmitted from there to Buffalo and :M),(KK) to other points. Tea grown at Summorficld, S.C., and cured in an ordinary fruit evap- orator, was tested iu Baltimore tho other day and pronounced equal to the best high-grad- e English break- fast, and superior to many grades that come from India anil China. All tho minors and workmen in tho Spring Hill collieries, tho largest iu Nova Scotia, have struck and operations ceased. Ten thousand persons are thrown out of employ- ment and tho business of tho town of Spring Hill is paralyzed. A party of seventy Chinamen saw tins sights in Chicago, and lator de- parted for Francisco, where they will embark for China to bring back with them Chinese actors for the Chinese theatre at tho World's Fair. Kitnmtx Vity filar, Dec. 0. , Tho donation of .SFfijOOO which was given to (ho Chicago Auadomy of Sciences' Building fund six mouths ago by a man who requested that the donor's name should bo with- hold from publication, was contri- buted by .Matthew Laliin, who is eight3--nin- years of ago and very wealthy. There is littlo reason to doubt that tho President will soon issue an order extending the civil service law and its rules to include letter-carrier- s and clerks iu free delivery post-office- s. Tlieso oflices now number liOl and give employment to about 1 1,200 carriers and IKJOO clerks. nt Hayes, in an inter- view at Baltimore, said in case March 'Mi fell on Sunday, tho in- auguration would take place on' March fith. He also said that in 1877, in view of tho complications that threatened, ho was sworn iu twice, privately cm Sunday, and pub- licly on Monday. March 1th falls on Saturday this year. For some time John Voorhis has been a teacher in tho primary de- partment of tho public school at Williamsburg, Col. Ho was also an amateur dentist. When children were unruly ho extracted tlioir teeth iis a punishment, threatening them with greater punishment if tlioy should tell their parents. Ho ex- tracted ton teeth from one Italian boy, who told his parents. This was t lie direct cause of tho mob organ- izing to lynch the man. Voorhis got wind of tlioir coining, and made his escape on horseback. Two California Girla. When Miss Eleanor Calhoun sail- ed for England on Hie City of Paris, a few days ago, it was to join Co-qiiel- in as tho leading lady in the now plays that famous actor lias added to Ids repertoire for this season. MisH Calhoun has previously boon a member of Coquolin's company, and is probably tho only American act ress wlio ever learned French woll enough to be mistaken by an audi- ence for a native French woman, as she wtih. She is a descendant of John C Calhoun, and her finished style of acting lias given her an en- viable prominence iu her profession in England as well as on the Con- tinent. Like Sibyl Sanderson, tho piima donna, site is one of tho num- erous California women who have left here iu recent years to grow celebrated elsewhere, lltirner'u H'ceMu. The success of Chnmborltiiu's Cough Koincdy iu oHoctingn spoody cum of colds, croup and whooping cough lias brought it into great d. Messrs. font ins & Son, ot Cameron, Ohio, say (lint it has gained a reputation second to none iu that vicinity, .las. M. Queen, of Johnston, V. a., says it is the best ho ever used. II. I' Jones, druggist, Winona, Miss., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly reliable, I have always warranted it and it never failed to give the most perfect satisfaction," W) cent bottles for sale by nil dealers, Benson, Smith iV Co,, Agents for thu lluwailau lblaudu, jOL ... ' (F f 4 'I i :' & 'is -- $ o . 1 s

llylBip - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping

May 30, 2018



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Page 1: llylBip - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping


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Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


Uorchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUBSCRIPTION Six Dom.aiw a Yeaji.Delivered in Honolulu ot Fifty Cents aMonth, In advance.




At Foun DoM.Aits a Year to Domestic,and Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



W-- P. 0. BOX 8'J,

Address letters for the paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using npersonal address may cause delay in at-tention.

DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Manager.

Business Cards.




Fort Street, Honolulu.


Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt, and.Buildino Materials

of every kind.Comer Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Tort Street, Honolulu.


General Commission Aoents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Importer and Dealer in Oknerw, Mer-


Queen Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Aoent.

Mahukona, Kohaht, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and Importinci Jewelers.

02 Fort Street, Honolulu.

THOS. LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch-

maker.JIukui Jewelry a specialty. Particular

attention paid to all kinds of repairs.Mclnerny Block, Fort Streot.



H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Aoents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Steam Kwiinkh, Siiciar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead

Cahtinos.Machinery of Evory Description Made to

Order. Particular attention paid to Ships'Blaeksmithing. Job Work executed utShort Notice.


Complcto plans and specifications forevery dehcrlptlon of humting. Contractsdrawn and careful superintendence of con-struction given when required. Call andexamine plans. New designs. Modernbuildings. Olllco, Room B, Stircckois' Block,

Mutual Tel. W.


SURVEYOR.' (Late with thuovuriimunt Survey.)

P. 0. Box KB. Mutual Tele. 110. Olllcoover Bishop's Bank.



V, 0, Box 17,



Arc Receiving Now Invoices of





Where they :iro fully prepared to do allkinds of work iu the latest styles, tit

the shortest iiotiae and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work In Colors a Specialty I


Executed in tho Most AttractiveManner.



Read the following partial list of spec-ialties and get the Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Honda,iMcmuraniliiniH,

Mills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards,Tinio Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Tlieatro Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory .Notes,J'amplilolh,


Labels of every variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores & KecordB,

Perpetual Washing Lists,General Hook Work,

Em.. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

ami Iljocheil when ih'slicii.

tKif No Job In allowed to Icavo Iho of-ll-

until II Klvc satiHlaciion.

Baldwin Locomotives.

iHnlKlH'vil 1

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

FOR the celebrated

Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, "Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ponn.,

Aro now prepared to give Estimates andreceive Orders for tlieso Engines,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number of which have recently beenreceived at tbeso Islands, and wo will havepleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of thebe Locomotivesover all other makes is known not onlyhero but is acknowledged throughout thoUnited States.

WM. 6. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

WM. G. IRWIN (ja




Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared to take orders for

MeBsrs. KT. Olilancit Sc Oo.'sIf'ex'tilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!rm.:n t.. ..A.:n. t:i rill ..nnMJF .liila 13 t sliJiullUL i uiu, uii, uuu- -

suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier it gives a splendid lloorsurface.

3Liim.e, Cement,HEFINEI) SUGARS,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jaruoes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting PaintEspecially designed for Vacuum Fans.

Honolulu Cycling,

Armory Building, - Berelanla St.

Bicifele Hiding School.


3Day & Evening.Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire


Public Skating: Monday and Saturdayevenings, from 7;.'I0 to 10. Friday eveningfor Ladles and their Escorts only. BicycleIissons: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-day.

Bicyole Repairing Solicited.



Hawaiian NewspapersAIIK TIIK

Leading Journals In tho Kingdom,

The "Daily Hawaii Holonnia,"Has the IJirccxl Circulation on tho Islands

mid is the liest .Medium forAdvertising

Mil. Tuns. K. Natiianiki. will rccolvoalladvurtUeiiieiiU and trannict all luislnussmatters.

OmiT.s " llrttlllg lllock." cornerKiiiiaiiu and (Jiieuu strict. (upitalrs).


The- - Markets of San Fiancisco




PurchasingBureauWhich is Operated Diuetly by the

Greatest 1 Newspapers


EXAMINERWe Are Constantly Making Purchases


Residents HawaiiDo You Need Something from

San Francisco?IF SO

Write To Us About It !

Wo can you money; our buyers haveseenred hundred" "of special con-

tracts which enables usto oiler

Watches, Jeweh-y-, Silverware,Musical Instruments, Furniture,

Clothing, Dress Good,Agricultural Implements,

And Thousands of Other ArticlesAt prices which will astonish you.

A LETTER WILL DO IT ALLWrite us for iiuotations on any

thing that you may need.

Ton Can Soo tho Advantages of Purchas-ing Through Us I

Wo aro buying for our customers atwholesale and' you reap the benefit.

tXF Address all communications


San Frnnoisoo,U. S. A.California, - - -





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, 86,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, S4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $6,124,057.

Now York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, 8125,947,290.81.

C. 0. BERGER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands,



3-KCor- se PowerUPRIGHT

Baxter Eonoe i Boiler !


IN 0001) WOltKINO OltDKlt.

tttr For iiaiticulars or terms imply tothu


Union Gas Engine Co.

(Incorporated .May Id, lh:i-- )


Regan Vapor EnginesAMI -

PACIFIC GAS ENGINES.Horizontal t Upright,

Stationary v Maiinc,liim A. tin- - line LllgilU'x,

j'linips a Launches.

JOS. TIKKE3I1,filH-t- f Sole Agent fur Hawaiian Islands.

Honolulti Carnage Co.


Corner l'ort & Mcrcliaul Sts.

JltuikH run Ihi IiiiiI in aio Ii'iur of thcihi)Up In IS o'clocl. in nid.i.i'li icriiu

to l he Him 'Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 02, C3. C7. 70. 73. 07. 19C

It. S. MnoitK, Sujit W. If. T vi or, Pros.

list roilJ,ni

San Francisco, Cal.


Improved Sugar inery


Pumping MachineryFor Irrigating and Water Works purposes

of any capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Yater Pine & Fliwilnrj



OS"-- Kor further particular ami cata-logues, address

Rasdon Ironworks,San Francisco, California.

Hem, 411 TKLIM'HONKS Mtni'W. IU

j J ii JLj l'.

At McKinley Frices ! I

Departure Bay Coal

S12 Jk. TOIST!t& Delivuicd to anv part of Honolulu

HUSTACE & CO.f-- Iting up No. Ill Both 'IVle-r(l-l-



Life, Fire and Marine



New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


$tna Fire Insurance Co.,


Union Insurance Co.,


Wm.(l Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

"Win. G. Irwin, - I'rei-iden- t and ManngerClans Spreekels, - - - -W. M. Ciillard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. ('. Porter --- Auditor

--Siga,r FactorsAND

Commission Agents.agents or THC

Oceanic Steamship Company,OF SAN FKANOISOO, CAL.


General MercantileANI

Commission Agents.I.O.Carter . .. . President and Manager(!. II. Bolieitsiiii TreasincrK. F. Bishoi . HeerelaiyW. F. Allen AuditorHon. C. K. Bishop . .

S. 0. Allen DirectorsILWuteVhoiise )

CHAS. T. GULICK,Notary Public for tho Island of Oaliu.

Agent In take Acknowledgements to La-

bor Coin mcts,Agent In grant Mairlage l.lccusus, Hono-

lulu, (Mhn,Ageul for the Hawaiian Islands of Pill A

Scott's Fielght and Parcel l!press.Agent for the lltirliugloii llonlc.

i:i;ai KSTATK ItllOKlIllami (ii:.N'i:i!AI, AlllINT.

ilCI.I. :;if- - TF.LF.PHONi; -- MiniMi. I..iiJtox 110

OITH'His Morcliuut st, Honolulu, II. 1.


WOOD and COAL.-- AI.MI -

White and Black SandWill will ull at the 'i rv l.oui -- t

MarUet ItatiK,

Bell 414 - TELEPHONE . Mutual 414

'pun j i'ouL nmiiH ol liili.rokliug lloadlliK .Mailer,

luluidi, I!; mailed to furvlgii louiitrlc, $0,

Wife's Steamship Co.

TIME TABLE.C Wli.mat, l're. S. It. Kosk, Sec.

I'u-T- . .1. A. Kino, l'ort Supt.

Stair. KINAU,CLARKE, Commandor, of

Will leave Honolulu at a v. m touching atLabaiua, Maalaea Hay and Makena thesame day; MabuUoua, Kawalhao and

tho following dav, arriving atHilo at uiidnicht.

LKAVKS HONOLULU: aFriday 'an. IK aTiifMl'av Ian. 21Frlihiv Feb. S

Tueifav Feb. IIFriday' Feb. a I

Tuesday Mar. 7Friday Mar. 17

Hcturnlng leaves Uilo, touching atsame day; Kawalhae . m.;

10 a. m.; Makena I r. m. ; MaalaeaHay (I i m.j Lahaina S r. m. the followingday; anivingat Honolulu (J a. m. Wedncs-dav- s

and Saturdays.AltiUVLS AT HONOLULU:

Wednesday Ian. 11

Saturday '. Inn. 1!1

Wednesday Feb. 1

Saturday Fob. 11

Wednesday Feb. 1!J

Saturday Mar. I

Wednesday Mar. inSaturday Mar. Ai

JJT No Freight will be received after12 noon on day of sailing,

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at .1

M., touching at Kahultil, Huelo, liana,Hamoa and Kipahulu.

Ileturniiig wilt arrive at llomilulu everySunday morning.

fff No Freight will he icceived afterc. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees mU"t be at the landings t

receive their Freight, it c will not boldour.-elv- responsible after such Freighthas been landed.

While the Company use due dili-gence in bundling Live Stock, we declineto assume any responsibility in case of theloss of same.

The Comp.iliN will not be responsible forMoiiej or Jewelry unless placed iu the careof Purser".

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco :

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney anil 'Auck-land on or about

January 12th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on orabout that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, fiom San Francisco,on or about

January 13th,And will have prompt desinatcli withMails and Passengers for the jovc ports.

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



ICt-$- For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,General Agents.

PacificMailS.S.Co.--AND Till'.

Occidental and Oriental S. S, Co

For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG.Kteamero of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to the aboveportson or about the following dates;

Htiur. "Oceanic" . .. Jan. 11, IMfl.Stmr. "China" Feb. JO, INK!

htmr. "Oaelic" .. .. April 11, 1MJ3

For SAN FRANCISCO.Ktcamens of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their vn from Hong-- .

kongaud Yoliohaiua to the above port onor about the following dates:

htmr. "llelgie" Feb. S, JNOStmr. "OH v or Peking" ..Maich III. Ik'KIHi mr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, INK!

Hound Trip TiokotsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $3G0.

F For Freight and Passage applj to


jn7tf Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Ta.Tole.LOCAL LINE.

' S.S.AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from H, F. for K F..Inn. -'" Fell. 1

Fuh. -'-- Mar. I

Mar. '."J ..Mar. J! I

Apr. in .. , Apr. .11

THROUGH LINE.From Bun FraucLco From Kjiliiny for

for Hdnoy. Sail

Arritr lliiim'ii'n 1 1 ii if 1 1 i"i tint it.

AI.ASILDA, Jim. I.I MAltlPotfA, Jan I'.'MAItlPti8A.I.b. Iu MOMiWAI, Full. U

MtlXiiWAl, Mar. Ill ,I.A.MIEI., .Mar, uALA.MLDA, April 7 ! MAUII'tWA, April".MAttlPUSA, May 6 .MO.SUVV.U, Muy I


Sucrotfir.v of tlio Navy Tracy isquoted a.s saying that ho would notlio surprised if, in thoootirpo of time,mid not vory far in (he future, (hotroltor will rental, if not oxcoeu iuppood, tho rtinnor.

Tho changes in tho French Cabi-net remind tho Detroit Preo Press

tlie erratum onco put, in tho frontpage of a dialect novel: ''Pago 225,seventh lino from top for bam-boozl- o,

read dumswizzlo."A thousand fondlings constitutedunicjuo procession in iJow York onrecent Wednesday, which was

pay-da- y for tho 1000 outdoor wet-nurs- es

Who had started tho littlowaifs on life's rough road.

Tho Executive Committee of (hoDemocratic Pusiness Men's Associa-tion of Now York has adopted aresolution demanding tho electionof a Senator capable of ropresent-th- o

ing vast interests of tho cit3.Three terrific explosions in rapid

succession destroyed about half oftho largo fuse factory of Ensign,Biokford & Co. of Sjimsbury, atHartford. Conn. Three personswore badly injured and will pro-bably die.

The Buffalo strike cost New YorkState $li2,000, of which wasfor pay for tho men and $iil,Lll forsubsistence. Four brigades were call-ed out, and tho average attendanceof t lie men was over 'Jl percent ofthe enrollment.

Tho tunnel at Niagara Falls hasbeen completed and the power plantwill bo in operation b- - next March.It is expected that a current oflo.fHX) electric horse-powe- r will botransmitted from there to Buffaloand :M),(KK) to other points.

Tea grown at Summorficld, S.C.,and cured in an ordinary fruit evap-orator, was tested iu Baltimore thoother day and pronounced equal tothe best high-grad- e English break-fast, and superior to many gradesthat come from India anil China.

All tho minors and workmen intho Spring Hill collieries, tho largestiu Nova Scotia, have struck andoperations ceased. Ten thousandpersons are thrown out of employ-ment and tho business of tho townof Spring Hill is paralyzed.

A party of seventy Chinamen sawtins sights in Chicago, and lator de-

parted for Francisco, wherethey will embark for China to bringback with them Chinese actors forthe Chinese theatre at tho World'sFair. Kitnmtx Vity filar, Dec. 0. ,

Tho donation of .SFfijOOO which wasgiven to (ho Chicago Auadomy ofSciences' Building fund six mouthsago by a man who requested thatthe donor's name should bo with-hold from publication, was contri-buted by .Matthew Laliin, who iseight3--nin- years of ago and verywealthy.

There is littlo reason to doubtthat tho President will soon issue anorder extending the civil service lawand its rules to include letter-carrier- s

and clerks iu free delivery post-office- s.

Tlieso oflices now numberliOl and give employment to about1 1,200 carriers and IKJOO clerks.

nt Hayes, in an inter-view at Baltimore, said in caseMarch 'Mi fell on Sunday, tho in-

auguration would take place on'March fith. He also said that in1877, in view of tho complicationsthat threatened, ho was sworn iutwice, privately cm Sunday, and pub-licly on Monday. March 1th fallson Saturday this year.

For some time John Voorhis hasbeen a teacher in tho primary de-partment of tho public school atWilliamsburg, Col. Ho was also anamateur dentist. When childrenwere unruly ho extracted tlioir teethiis a punishment, threatening themwith greater punishment if tlioyshould tell their parents. Ho ex-

tracted ton teeth from one Italianboy, who told his parents. This wast lie direct cause of tho mob organ-izing to lynch the man. Voorhisgot wind of tlioir coining, and madehis escape on horseback.

Two California Girla.

When Miss Eleanor Calhoun sail-ed for England on Hie City of Paris,a few days ago, it was to join Co-qiiel- in

as tho leading lady in the nowplays that famous actor lias addedto Ids repertoire for this season.MisH Calhoun has previously boon amember of Coquolin's company, andis probably tho only American actress wlio ever learned French wollenough to be mistaken by an audi-ence for a native French woman, asshe wtih. She is a descendant ofJohn C Calhoun, and her finishedstyle of acting lias given her an en-viable prominence iu her professionin England as well as on the Con-tinent. Like Sibyl Sanderson, thopiima donna, site is one of tho num-erous California women who haveleft here iu recent years to growcelebrated elsewhere, lltirner'uH'ceMu.

The success of Chnmborltiiu'sCough Koincdy iu oHoctingn spoodycum of colds, croup and whoopingcough lias brought it into great d.

Messrs. font ins & Son, otCameron, Ohio, say (lint it hasgained a reputation second to noneiu that vicinity, .las. M. Queen, ofJohnston, V. a., says it is the bestho ever used. II. I' Jones, druggist,Winona, Miss., says: "Chamberlain'sCough Remedy is perfectly reliable,I have always warranted it and itnever failed to give the most perfectsatisfaction," W) cent bottles forsale by nil dealers, Benson, SmithiV Co,, Agents for thu lluwailaulblaudu,

jOL ...

' (F



:' &







Page 2: llylBip - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping




WKWysmyAwipff . i fjK&.; ,f "r OS-"'sill-jit S1 - sic-

NOTICE TO VluXi u&llSOf Goods, Wares and Merchandise

Notice is hereby given tlmt nil applica-tions for Licenses to Vend Goods, Waresnnd Merchandise of 1'orelgn Importationmust hereafter bo lnado in writing midsworn to beforo sonio ollleer authorized byliuv to administer oath.

The form of application under tlio Actapproved Dee. 10, 1S!, must be substun-tinll- y

in tno following form, to wit:

1),.To His Excellency

The Minister of thu Interior,Sir:

Tlio undersigned respectfully innkeshereby an Application for nMerchandise License which expires

1811.., and on his Oath deposesnnd says that thu total amount of sales ofMerchandise for the year 'ending the dateof expiration of last license, as shown by

Rooks amounted to

(? ), being an average of$ per month, and thatplace of business is at

District ofIsland of , and thatdeals in , an'd that

domiciled in this King-dom nnd not Commercial Tra-veller nor Agent of anyForeign House, ns such temporarily inthis Kingdom for the purpose, of solicitingOrders.

Sworn to beforo me this day of, A. D. lb!)..

When application is made for n Licenselit tlio name of a Firm or Corporation, thesignature must bo the name of tlio Firm orCompany and that of thu ollleer or mem-ber of such Firm or Company duly autho-rized to sign the. Firm or Company mime.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, Jan. 3, 1K).I.



Sealed tenders for printing and bindingthe Eighth Volume of Hawaiian Reportsin book form eoriesponding in type, sizoand appearance with the previous volume.

The tender for printing to lie at a liedrate per page of the printed matter. Theedition will lie COO copies to be folded, stitch-ed, bound and lettered in similar maimeras the previous volume. The bids foiprinting and binding may either be com-

bined or -- eparate. The worl to bedelivered in lour months from thu time tintender is accepted.

liiddur. to submit u nmplc of page innto state the weight of paper proposed to In

used, and to addre.-- s tenders to thu Clerkof the Judiciary Department on or belor.tho 12th instant, at 1'J o'clock noon.

As thu work progresses; proof sheets aieto be sent currently to the proof-read- olthe Supreme Court for coriection.

The Court does not bind itself to acceptthe lowest or any bid.

Dy order of the Court.HEN 11 Y SMITH,

Clerk.Aliiolani Hale, January 0, 1SW1.

G17-- 3t


In accordance with Section 1 of ChapterXXVI. of the Laws of lsSii, all pen-on-s

holding Water Privileges or those payingWater Hates, are heieby notified that thoWater Kates for the term ending Juno SO,

1893, will be due and payable at the Olliceof the Honolulu Water Works on thu 1stdny of January, 1MU.

All such rates remaining unpaid forfifteen day.s after they are due will be sub-

ject to an additional 10 percent.Hates are payable, at tlio Oillcu of tho

Water Works in the Kapuaiwn Huilding.JOHN 0. WHITE,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, H. 1.. Dec. SI, 1MI- -'.

(HW-- tf

SALE OF THE, Government Land Known as Laula,

in Holualoa 2, N. Kona, Hawaii.

On TUESDAY, January 10, 18!)3, at 12

o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-olani Hale will be sold ut Public Auctionthe Government Land known as Laula, inHolualoa 2, North Kona, Hawaii, contain-ing an area of 38 2-- acres u littlu more orless.

Upset price $100.'G. X. WILCOX,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oillce, Dec. 12, 18!).'.



All Brands must, by law, boprior to July 1, 1803, or they will be

forfeited, and can theioafter bo appro-priated by any ono.

Hcglstratiou on Oaliu shall be made attlio interior Olllco.

On tho other Islands it hIiiiII bo done attho Olllces of thu several Slierill's.

O. N. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior,

interior Oillce, Dec. 2. 1802. 6si)-t- f


Taxpayers are hereby notified that onand nfter tho fifteenth day of this month,January, ten per cait will be added to all(luliwuient taxes.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy r and Collector, Honolulu,

Approved:P. 0. Jonks,

Minister of Finance,(IM-t- f

January 20, 1803, being tho Second Anni-versary of Her Majesty Queen Lilluoka-hull'- s

Accession to the Throne, falling onSunday, MONDAY, January Vit, lh03, willbe observed as u Publlu Holiday, and allGovernment Olllcux throughout the King-dom will bu ulotcd on that day,

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of thu Interior.

Interior Oillce, Jimtiury 0, 1603.


Financo Department.

Rtmiuu or Customs, 1

Honolulu, Jan. U, 18tW. j

OAl'T. A. N. THU'P 1ms this dny beenappointed Tort Surveyor for tlio Port nndCollection District of Honolulu, Onhu, vice0. L. Crnbhe, resigned.

A. S. OLEGHORN,Collector-Genera- l,

Approved:1' ('. Jusim,

Minister of Vtnnncc.Ml).3t


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water llntes, nro hereby liotillcdthat tlio Hours for using water for Irrlga-lo- n

purposes are from (1 to 8 o'clock a. m.,tncl 4 to (I o'clock p.m., until further notice.

JOHN 0. WHITK,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

G. X. Wilcox,Minister of tlio Interior.

Honolulu, H. L, Jan. fi, 18S13.

017-- tf

The following gentlemen have been thisday appointed a Hoard of Dcntnl Exami-ners for tlio Hawaiian Kingdom, under theAct approved on the lltth day of December,A. D. 18SU:

IlU. J. II. WHITNEY for the 3 VcatTerm.

GEOllGE P. ANDREWS, M. D., for the2 Year Term.

Dl!. 11. W. ANDERSON for the 1 YearTerm.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, Jan. 6, 18U3.317--3t

C. F. HORNER, Emi., has this day beenappointed a member of Road Hoard fortho Taxation District of Itliaina, Maui,for the unexpired term made vacant by thodeath of C. Kaluaklni.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of tlie Interior.

Interior Ollice, Jan. (, 181)3.

Cl'J-3- t

' S. X. K. KAKIXA, Eso... bas this daybeen appointed Xotary Public for theFifth Judicial Circuit.

G. X. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Oflluo, Jan. 10, IS03.20--


Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But Established for the Benefit of All.

TUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1893.

R. W. Wilcox is tbo editor of thoLiberal and so regularly advertisedin that paper's columns. Saturday'sissue of the Liberal said tho actionof those members who tried to oustthe Ministry was "damnable." It.V. Wilcox was ono of tho members.vho voted to oust the Ministry. As

ie declares his own legislative actiono be damnable, Mr. Wilcox perhapsut ends to retiro from public lifo.

Political bosh is the bane of thetimes. A Republican paper of Fallttiver, Mass., is half filled with wail-ing- s,

original and selected, over thoi)luo ruin that is to befall manufac-turing industries owing to Cleve-land's oleetion, but its first localitem reads, "New Bedford mills willincrease wages 7 percent December1st." If Harrison had been electedtho increase of wages in Now Bod-for- d

would have formed tho text forcolumns of party glorification.

It does look absurd for Hawaii tobo sporting gold medals from thoParis Exposition, while making noeffort to secure similar mementoesfrom tho household of hor nearestfriend, at tho coming Chicago Expo-sition. Yet tho difference is all onaccount of altered circumstaucos bo-twe-

times, just as a man may beable to indulge all his desires thisyear and have to beg for leave to toilnoxt year. Tho oxhibition Hawaiihas been making at homo of late inlegislative vagaries would have beena lino ono to have denied herselfalso.

This paper's report of tho heariugof tho 'million dollar case yesterdaywas altogo)her wrong in tho state-ment that tho Chief Justico claimedthat ho had tho right to sit in thocase. Mr. Hatch said ho could not,for want of time for preparation,then arguo tho question of tho ChiefJustice's nllogod disqualification un-

der tho now Act. Then, when ChiefJuf'.'co Judd was asked if ho hadany opinion as to disqualification, hosaid he had not, and ho would notconstrue tho statute on this pointwithout argument on both sides.Our reporter was not present untila fow minutes after this inoidunt,and thu information given to himthoreon wns ontiroly misleading.

Tho Lottory Bill was railroadedthrough tho House this morning, int ho ab.sonco of inoiiiburs who wouldhuvo niado a majority against it. Asit passed by tho narrow margin ofthieo votes 20 to 17 it ought tobo defeated on third reading

Noblo I'otorson has tho dis-

tinction of being tho only whituman who voted for tho foul measure,llo will bo remembered for this bysonio of his former supporters nexttime hn seeks legislative or any otherhonors. Noble Hopkins had not thosand to say ho was in favor of thelottory when seeking election, butsafe in his seat ho proves himselfcourageous enough io justify thoopinions of those .who hold him intho least esteem.


1(57tii DAY.

TnsDAY, .Inn. 10, 181W.

Morning Session.

Tlio Assembly oonviMiutl nt 5)

o'clock for prnyor. Knit cn.ll nndrendinuof miuutosnf provious mootin g. Alunut's npprovctt. n

Hop. Wnipiiilniu. from tho Printing Commit too, reported Bill 211, tolicense the distilling of spirituousliquors,' printed. Ordered to bo dis-tributed.

No other business intervening thoOrder of tho Day was moved nndBill 207, rotating to stamp duties,was road tho third time. I'nssed.

Undor suspension of th6 rules Hop.White, from tho Lottery Bill Com-mittee, reported in f. i of tho billand recommended thu passage there-of. Tho report was signed by niltho members of tho committee, andwns as follows:

"Your committee, to whom BillNo. 185 wns referred, respectfullyreport that said bill purposes togrant to certnin persons thereinnamed n license to establish andmaintain n lottory tinder eortninconditions. Your comniitteo recom-mends that tho name of (John T.Baker crossed out) Samuel Ncnvloinof Honolulu, Onhu, bo substitutedin plnco of Dr. Gilbert Foote, andthat tho following words bo addedat tho end of Section 3 of said bill,'Provided that if any of the condi-tions undor which tliis franchise isgranted bo altered or modified insuch manner that tho sum stipulatedto bo paid annually slnll bo lessen-ed tho said franchise shall bo nullami void.' With these amendmentsyour comniitteo believe that tho en-actment of the bill will bo beneficialand undor existing financial circum-stances of the Government necessary,and recommend tho passage of thobill.'; Signed by Ueps. White, Na-wah- i,

Nobles l'tta, Hopkins andCummins.

Noblo Marsden moved that tho re-port of tho comniitteo and bill beindefinitely postponed.

Rep. Pua moved that tho reportbo adopted.

On motion the ayes and noes woretaken on tho motion to indefinitelypostpone, resulting ns follows:

Ayes --Ministers Wilcox, Robin-son, Jones nnd Brown; Nobles Ena,Kauhane, Marsden, Young, Wnl-bridg- e,

Anderson, McBrydo andDroior; Hops. Wilder, Kauhi, losepa,Smith and A. S. Wilcox 17.

Noes Nobles Hopkins, Pu.ijPeterson, Cummins, Alnile, ITonpihaudKanoa; Hops. Hipikane. Aki,Pun,It. W. Wilcox, Bush, Nawahi, Kauna-nian- o,

Kamnuohn, Nahinu, White,Kauealii, Edmonds and Knliiun 20.

Absent Nobles Borgor, WilliamsJ. M. Homer, Hind, Baldwin, W. V.Horner, Cornwoll, Thui'stnu; Reps.Ash ford, Konhoti, A. Horner, Wai-puiluu- i,

Knpnhu nnd Akiua.The report of committee wns

adopted, 20 to Hi, nnd a motion toreconsider wns lost. The bill wnspassed to engrossment mid for third i

reading on Wednesday.Bill 223 relating to fees of execu

tors, administrators and guardianswas read a third time and passed.

Bill 215 relating to a further ap-propriation of $21,000 Tor roads andbridges on Onhu wns amended toread $35,000 and parsed.

Bill 211, to license the distillingof liquors, came up on second read-ing. On motion the bill wns rendsection by section, passed to engross-ment and ordered for third readingon Wednesday.

A motion to indcr .rely postponetho bill was defeated by. the follow-ing vote:

A3'es Ministers Wilcox, Robinsonand Jones; Nobles Kauhane, Young,Walbridgo and Anderson; RepsWilder, Iosopn, Smith nnd A. S. Wil-cox 11.

Noes Minister Brown; NoblesEna, Hopkins, Pua, Peterson. Cummins, Mailo, Hoapili, Marsden, Corn- -well, Kanon and Dreier; Reps. Bipi- -kano, Aki, Pua, Kauhi, R. W. Wil-- 1

cox, Nawahi, Kamaiioha, Nahinu,White, Edmonds, Kaluna and Akina

21.Absent Nobles Borgor, J. M.

Horner, Hind, Baldwin, W. Y. Horn- - j

er, Thurston and McI5ryde; Reps.Ashford, Konhou, A. Horner, Kn-pnhu, Kanealii and Kaluna.

Noblo Peterson, under suspensionof tho rules, presented a report fromtho Judiciary Comniitteo amendingtho Act to Reorganize the .ludiciarvand relative to appeal, Sec. (19'.Tho report or bill was rend, pnssedto engrossment nnd to third rendingon Wednesday.

At 12:05 (ho House adjourned.

Tho men who take long runs inorder to reduce their weight may bosaid to bo thinning out.

Tho best idea of a Sabbath day'sjournoy is obtained when ono triesto wade through a Sunday news-paper.

"So you don't like to go out in arow-bo- at since your narrow escapefrom drowning" "No; you knowthat a burnt child dreads the lire."

OrrE. JSnllo -- I hear that NedJ3irdso'o has given up his bachelorapartment. Marlboro Yes. Ho haschanged his bachelor quarters for ahotter half.

Sister What are von sroinir to bewhen you grow up? Little JJrot hor

I'm goin' to bo a liou-tani- in acircus. Sister You? Why, you runaway from a dog. Littlo'lJrothorYes, but dogs lnii'l trained not tohurt anybody.

"In buying n cough medicine forchildren, says Jl. A. Walker, a pro-nin- e

nl druggist of Ogdou, Utah,'ncn'i be afraid to buy Chamber-Iain'- s

Cough Koniody. There is nodanger from it and' relief is alwayssure to follow. 1 particularly

Chamberlain's because I

have found it to bohafo and reliable.It is intended especially for colds,croup and whooping cough." fit)cent bottles for sale by all dealers,Benson, Smith tV Co., Agents for tlioHawaiian Islands.


FUPMaitinsvillc, N.J., Methodist Par-

sonage. " My acquaintance withyour remedy, Boselicc's GcrmauSyrup, was made about fourteenyeais ago, when I contracted a Coldwhich resulted in a Hoarseness nud

Cough which disabled me fromtilling my pulpit for a number ofSabbaths. After trying n Physician,without obtaining relief I cannotsay now what remedy he prescribed

I saw the advertisement of yourremedy and obtained a bottle. Ireceived such quick and permanenthelp from it that whenever we havehad Throat or Bronchial troublessince in our family, Boschee's Ger-man Syrup has been our favoriteremedy and always with favorableresults. I have never hesitated toreport my experience of its use toothers when 1 have found themtroubled in like manner." R.BV.W. II. Haggarty,of the Newark, New a SafeJersey, M.E. Conter- -:ncc, April 25, '90. Remedy.

aG.G. GUKUX. Sole Man'fr.Woo.lbnry.N.I.

By Jas. F. Morgan.


Furniture and Pianos!


At my Salesroom, I will will at PublicAuction

One Square Piano,Knirit it Co., N'cw York;

1 So.-u.eir-e Fistno

Alliert Ncwhall, Boston;

1 Square Piano, Jno-M- f "'

One Square Piano, .so..;

All to be Sold. ANo:

One Fine B. W. Bedroom Set !

Mattre-o- s, Lounges, Chain),Ktc, Etc., Ktc, Kte.

Jas. IT. 3yEorga,n.,Ul!)-- AUOTIOXKEll.


VIIlTL'K OF A WKIT OF EXKCU-tio- nBY out of the Supruiuu Court-- ,

nn the !lth day of leeor.i!,er, A. D. 181).',against A. F. flonxalvcs, defendant, infavor of .1. C. Quintal, plain till', for tlio sumof $5'!0.."n, I have levied upon and shall ex-pose for halo at tho Police Station, in thebi-tri- ot of Honolulu, Island of Onhu, ut liio'clock of W'KDNT.SDAY, the !th duy of.ianuarv. A. 1). IWJ.i. to the hiuhest bidder.all the right, title and interest of tlio .saidA. F. (roitsulvi'N, defendant, in and to thefollowing propertv, unless said judgment,Intel t, co-- ts and my expenses be pre-viously paid.

i .ist oi propeity tor taie:All of the riglit, title and interest of A.

F. Goiisalvos in certain house-lot- s togetherwith the buildings thereon, situate on thewest side of Punchbowl sticet, in Hono-lulu, adjoining tho Itoyal School premises,being piemises covered bv Apaua .'! of H.I'. (iOJ, I.. C. A. 2J83, to Kiiamnono Kamo-ha- i,

and duly conveyed to said A. F. Gon-salvc- s,

excepting therefrom a lot contain-ing .07 of an acre on the northerly comerheretofore duly conveyed to Manuel Oor-rei- a,

subject to a mortgage of $l.'!00 to thePortuguese Benevolent Society, datedMarch IS, 1802, lecordcd in Liber I'll, page1U.".

CHAS. 15. WILSON,Marshal.

Honolulu, Dec. 'J7. 1802. (UO-- lt


IS HFUEBY GIVEN THATNOTICll lias been formed,opei ative since the '.M inst., consisting of'I. Aking, Aping, Tong Kee and Lini Fook,all aie residing in Honolulu, Island ofOaliu, II. L, the nature of the business isthe salu bv retail of Dry Goods and Groce-ries, the itrm name is the Aping Company,located at No. 85 Nuuanu street, Hono-lulu, Oaliu.

APING COMPANY,llv Aping, Manager.

Dated at Honolulu, Jan. 7, lbil'l.IKO-l- w

It, can bo proved

Any clay

That tho

Daily Bulletin

Has the



Of airy paper

Jn Honolulu.



Stitjk a




Velurlnary Burgeon and Dealer In ilori-en- ,

comer lierctuiilu and Puuuhlmnl hIn.

Mutual Muleplionu 1177. KJMf

Hawaiian HarflwarB Go., Lfl

Saturday, Jan. 7, 1S98.

Hard times begets crime;crime creates desire for protection and protection sug-

gests night lamps. Thoseopened last week were of suchunique patterns that we havehad a run on them. It's wellto have a light in the room butthere's no reason now forhaving a bright light. Theselittle lamps have shades tomatch the font and the brightglare does not penetrate, justa subdued glimmer, enough toenable you to see the time bythe clock. They are' cheaperthan tapers and more orna-

mental.Just a word to the managers

of plantations and workers in

machinery. The subject ofoils, has given these people asmuch anxiety as anything else.After a great deal of troublewe managed, a year ago, tosecure for our trade a lubri-

cating oil of a very superiorgrade. Engineers who use itsay it is the best; one of themgoes so far as to say that"journals that always ran hotbefore using oils bought of theHawaiian Hardware Co. nowrun cool."

And when it conies to plan-tation supplies 'we think wehave as good a stock as anybody. We don't say anythingabout prices; what is saidabout values in everyday housegoods applies as woll to goodsused on plantations. Not afirm in the Kingdom has beenable to touch us on plowseither in quality or price. TheHendry Breaker has wedgedits way through a hall dozenalleged "standards" until ithas cut a furrow clear throughthem and now stands a lineahead of the front rank. Wehave never sold one to a manbut what he tells us it is thebest plow he ever saw. Ourrice plows give just as goodsatisfaction in their work anddurability as the large plows.We have other articles in dailyuse on the plantations, all youhave to do is to ask for themand we will supply you withanything except a diffusionoutfit.

Has it ever occurred to youthat it pays better to get a

good stove in the beginningthan to buy one whose onlyreputation is its cheapnessboth in quality and price.Everyone who ever used aFischer steel ranee will tellyou that as a fuel saver it willpay for itself in a year.Everyone who has ever usedone of them will tell you thatit is the quickest and bestbaker on the market. V.'vosold them ever since we havebeen in business and havefound that they give generalsatisfaction.

What the Fischer range isin steel stoves tne ransv:. is inthe iron stove line. Among'the cheaper stoves the Pansyis the best we have ever seen.They last longer and burn lessfuel than any iron stove in theKingdom.

A late importation of glassstand lamps in cheap qualitywill enable us to supply allthe small stores in the coun-try. They were selected asbeing just what is wanted by

rei; nve Darreis u you wantthem.

Glassware comes and goes '

and it takes close guessing toUet'p pace with the demand.This last lot commends itself!to anyone wanting really goodand artistic glassware at lowprices.

HaTirniiau IToi'It. rinn Hn T iluu ii uiitiu uui u w ui u uui, u uOppo, Sprockets' lllock,

Fort Street.

By Iiowis J. Iiovoy,

Notico of Snlo of Slmros Held asOollatornl.

rpilK UNmSHSiaXEI) G1VKS NOTIONJL that in pur.sunnco of n power of talocontained in a collateral note given byGeorge W. Mncfnrlnne to IMshop fc Co.,dated March Mil, 18U0, said noto lieing fortho Ktini of One Hundred and Twonty-thre- o

Thousand Three Hundred nnd Korty-fou- rDollars (!fl'2.'i1:tll.07) payable to

the order of Illshop ,fc Co. on or before81, 1MX), and of tho rights of tlio

undersigned ns holdor of said noto nnd ofthe Minros of stock pledged as security fortho payment of the muiic, and in consc-n.uonr- o

of tho failure of said O. W. Macfnr- -llllin to hftv Ml lutln wlinn dun. lin willsell nt Public. Auction nt tlio Salesrooms ofLewis .1. I.evcv, Auctioneer, in Honolulu,on SATIUUMY, the 14th dny of January,A. J). 1893, at 'l o'clock noon, all of thosoOne Thousand One Hundred and Ninety(11IH)) Shares of tho f'anital Stock of theWnlknpu Hucar Conipnliy, na Hawaiiancorporation, being the wuuo covered byCertificates No?. 68. fi!) and 110 in tho nntnoof O. W. Mncfarlnno, being tlio sntnoShares pledged by said George W. Macfar-lan- e

to said ltlslion it Co. ns security fortho pavment of said note. Par Vnluo OneHundred Dollars (!fl00) per Share.

CLAUS SPKKCKEL8,Honolulu, Dec. 31, 18!):!. 013-l- d


For Boys :


For Ladies :




Bruco & A. J. Cartwright.

fo Let or Lease

At Prices to Suit the Times.

NO. 1


urban C'ottaeo on Niln- -niui troet, adjoining thoresidence of Mr. ThomasSorunsfin. nicelv annointed and wltlinurcC'able surroundings, suited to a .small familyand within an easy remove from tlio beatof the City. Tonus $18 per month.

isro. a.'HAT VERY DESIR- -

nble Residence at present occupied by JuiuesLove as a homestead, situate on Einir street onnosite the residenceof Dr. G. P. Andrews. House containsLargo Parlor, Dining-roo- 3 Largo lied-room- s,

Kitchen, etc. Roomy Stables andServant's Quarters in rear; only 1U min-utes' walk to tho Post Ollice. Possessiongiven in March, lb!)3. 5i)3-- tf

NOTE Uoforo seeking or closing bar-gains olsewhore, it will pay you to scan ourcolumn, nnd to at once consult the under-signed at their oillce.

WWo keep property in first-cla- ss con-dition. Our terms aro moderate and nslandlords wo will always bo found reason-able in our dealings.

t& Apply in each ease to


"Cartwright lSuilding," Merchant street.Olll-- tf

The following choice bit of word paintingoccurs in Hawthorne's Marble Faun:

" Women bo they of what earthly rankthey may, however gifted with intellect orgenius, or endowed with nwful beauty, havealways some little handiwork ready to Tillthe tiny gap of every vacant moment. Aneedle 'is familiar to tho lingers of them all.A ijueun, no doubt, plies it on occasion; thuwoman poet can use it ns adroitly ns herpun; the woman's oyo, that has discovereda new star, turns fiom its glory to bend thepolished little Instrument gleaming alongthe hem of her kerchief, or to darn a casualfrav in her dress. And thev Imvu""' I'ivantage of us in this respect. Theslender thread of silk or cotton keeps themuuiieii wiiu me small, laminar, gentle in-terests of life, thu continually operating In- -i

llucnces of which do so much fortho healthof tho character, ami carry oil' what wouldotherwise bo u dangerous accumulation ofmorbid sensibility. A vast deal of humansympathy runs along this eleetriu line,stietcliingfroiu tlio throne to tho wickerchair of the humblest seamstress, nndkeeping high and low in n species of com-munion with their kindred beings."

Housewives, while you ply tho needle,liavo you over rellectcd on the vicissitudesof lifoY See to it that your husbands pro-vide for tho future welfare of their familiesbv ut once implying for a Policy in thoK'il'ITAllLl5 LIFE ASSURANCE SO-

CIETY of the United States. No moresuitable gift could bu ollcred to you.


General Agents for thu Hawaiian Islands,Equitable Llfo Assurance Society of thuUnited Status.



- FOR sale iiv ---

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.iiit-t- f


KALIvSMAN FOR A COUNTRYA morn. n In writing.(ii7-:- tt OKINIIAUM .v. CO.


1V A YUUNG MARItlEI) MAN, Ajj 'iiitiiiu as Clerk or JSuukkcupur, unagive llrnt-cla- recommendations; salarynot so much an object as employment,Addruss "!'. O, itox l.V-'-

," Honolulu.1110-a- t

weSarITiiFislibrand Oil Clothing

Baldwin Locomotives.

--i3isKlSrv:sj5WS Mui(tB3'

Tlio undersigned having been appointed

Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Poun.,

Aro now prepared to givo Estimates nndreceive Orders for tlieso Engines,

of nny size nnd style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number. of which liavo recently beenreceived at llieso Islands, nnd wo will liavopleasure in furnishing plantation ngentsand munngers with pnrticulnrs of same.

The Superiority of tlieso Locomotivesover nil other mnkes is known not onlyhere but is acknowledged throughout thoUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

11. 6. IRWIN & CO.



FERTILIZERSAt.KX. cnoss A sons'

Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared to tnko orders for

Messrs. N. Olxlaixdt 3s Co. 'aFertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!P8T" This is a superior Paint Oil, con-

suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving n lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier it gives u splendid iloorsurface.



Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Recti's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Paint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.

Honolulu Cycling,Armory Building, - Beretania St.

Bicycle Riding School


3D sty Sb Evening.Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire


Public Skating: Monday nnd Saturdayevenings, from 7:!i0 to 10. Friday eveningfor Ladles nnd their Escorts only, llieychilessons: luesuay, wcunesuuyunuxiiurs- -

..j .

Bicycle Repairing Solicited.



Hawaiian NewspapersAltK TIIK

Loading Journals In the Kingdom,

The "Daily Hawaii Holomua,"Has tho Largest Circulation on the Islands

nnd is tho Rest Medium forAdvertising.

Mil. Tnos. K. Natiukiei. will reeolvenlladvertisements and transact all businessmatters.

Offick: "IlreniL' lllock." cornerNuiianu nud Queen street (upstairs).

51(i-t- f

CHAS. T.Notary Public for tbe Island of Oaliu,

Agent to tako Acknowledgements to La-

bor Contracts.Agent to grant Marriage Llcensoi, Hono-

lulu, Oaliu.Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of 11 tt it

' Scott's Freight and 1'nreel Express.Agent for tho Jltirliugtoii Koutu.


Hum. I8 TELEI'HONE -- Mutual lU'J

1. O. llox HoomcK-3- 8

Mvruhuut ut. Honolulu, II. 1,

. .4

Page 3: llylBip - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping

' y. Li

MftMOtt?h&&?L&r'1i: t j..1?" - VfBfe. -- ,.,i.- 4 "-- v. - rHwpf"-'''.'- - 'TrffP.A.1W. 'WsWB - - !, A.

? tr r." V!iJe'.i2JIHiSBRSKZ4 SBW?W3,nMPrS-

- f,!jpf,!rw''w,;-'"ij."- jfratpjT'"?--

-- ;T! "!-- - ,-- . ,. -- v 1'.j JVS.4 --vjca::arawrrTrr ':? "".?iK " iT.spwrwr7'; P ,5fcJ.t, w.m.-- i . v,. r ?:WJ-t-

; ,ii,r . tur n , - , . 9


t I





Time Table


A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Lcavo Honolulu.. .0:16 8:15 1:45 4:35tArrlvo Honoulluli.7:!0 0:57 2:57 5:3.5tLcnv'ollonoaliuli..7:30 10:43 3:13 5:l2tArrlvo llouolulu .8:35 11:05 4:55 0:50t

l'BAitt. City LocalLcnvo Honolulu G:i0 ....Arrlvo 1'cnrl City 5:48Loavo Pearl Oity..U:55Arrlvo Honolulu. 7:30 ....

Sundays cxccptod. t Saturdays only.Saturdays excepted.

lidos, Sun and Moon.

nv c. J. LYONS.

g r oT to ml m 2r1 2DAY.

r. 9 E F Sip p. p c.n -IB

1.111. u.m.'ti.m. n.mMoil. II 211. R 0, .1 0 4 0 0 S3 5 3TiTill'!). 0 .10 4 20 II 0 (ill). 5 31!

a.m.Wed. 0 20 10 30 ft 3D 7 30 0 40 5 37' 1 13Tlmrs 1 10 11 SO IS 0 8 30 G 40 . 2 12 1 30 i u u ;w 11 0 I! 40 r. 33 3 11Sat. 2 1(1 1 40 7 0 !) 40 0 10 5 30, 4 1

Bun. 2 30 2 2Cl 7 2010 2o! 11 401 6 30 .1 5(1

Last Qiinrtcr of the Moon cm the 0th at Uli.Dim. a. in.


TUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1893.

Departures.TiiMilAY, Jan. ICC

Ger bk Itylein, Floeger, for HongkongStinr Clnudine for Maui and Hawaii at 5

p mStinr VV G Hall for Mnui and Hawaii at 10

a inStinr Mikabala for Kauai, at f p mStinr .Tiii Makcu for Kajiaa at 1 p in

Vessels LeavingStinr Wiiialoale for Lahaina and Haiua-ku- a

Passengers.For Maui and Hawaii, per stinr W (i

Hall, Jan 10 For tlio Volcano: FM Lewis,OMBelshaw. For wav ports: K W Ful-ler, It II Makekau, Mrs Kiinoke, Miss"Willis, V Smitliies, J H Stelling, and 30deck.

Vessels in Port.Am sclir Transit, Jorgcnscn, from

San FraneNeoAm bktnci S N Castle, Hubbard, from San

FranciscoHaw Bk Mauna Ala, Smith, from New-

castle, N S WAm bkt Discovery, McNeill, San FranciscoAm bk 8 C Allen, Thompson, San FranUr bk Velocity, Martin, from HongkongGer bk Uylgia, I'loeger, HongkongBehr ltobt Lew-er- a from Port Gamble

Shipping Notes.The steamer Kinau will be due

morning from. Maui and Hawaii..The S. S. Mariposa from the Colonics is

expected to be along evening.. The steamer W. G. Hall left this morn-ing and will arrive again on Tuesdav after-noon.

Tho barkentino W. H. Dimond will pro-bably leave for San Franciscowith a full cargo of sugar.

Tho bark Dylgia departed y forHongkong in ballast. Sho carried aboutforty Chinese passciigcrs and several tonsold iron and broken glass.

The lurk S. C. Allen having finisheddischarging has been moved to the oldCustom House wharf, where sho is beingoverhauled. The Allen will load withsugar for tho Coast.

ADVERTISING NOTES.Seo tho now Floral Sots at Benson,

Smith & Co.

Root Boor on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

G. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for sale.

Perfumes in groat variety at Bon-so- n,

Smith & Co.

Now ideas in Porfumos for holidaypresents at Benson, Smith & Co.

After shaving uso Cuinnnbor SkinTonic. Bouson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu-cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, 131 Port street,abovo Hotel. Chronic and Sugicalcasos. Mutual Telephone 682.

Tho Honolulu Dairy have put in aCreamery will deliver fresh creammorning or aflornoon to suit cus-tomers..

Mechanics' Homo, fill land (51 Hole!street. Lodging by day, week ormonth 23c. and GOc. a night; $1and $1.23 a week.

Wintor & "Winter, DonUHls. Oflli-o- ,

83 Borotania street.Gold fillings $3.00Silvox fillings l.(X)Tooth extracted 50Eastern Prices. Mutual Tolo-phon- e


''For tho past two or tin ) years 1

have been subject to cramping painsin tho stomach," says Mr. v, A.Baldwin, a hardware merchant ofJJoonvillo, Dallas Co., Iowa. "1 havetried a number of diU'oront remedies;tho host ouo being Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhwn Jiomo-dy- .

Ouo or two dohes of it alwaysouroa me." Sold by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for thoHawaiian Islands.

1 ho good people of Luxemburgare gnmtlv oxorufitod over tho mm-bilit- y

of tho orttnbllHhinont of aCarlo" at Moudort, a

summer and winter rot.ort in tho lit-tl- o

U rand Duchy,


Diamond Head, 8 p. in. Weather,clear, Wind light north.

A co-pa- rt noiship notico of thoAping Company appears to-da-

Tho argument of tho million dol-lar suit develops a good deal of spico.

Tho S. S. Oceanic is duo from SanFrancisco for Oriental ports to-morrow.

A nunibor of mou working on thoroads have boon dismissed owinsr tolack of funds.

S. N. K. Kakina has boon appoint-ed a notary public for tho FirthJudicial Circuit.

Certificates ofMutunl Telephonestock aro advertised by S. M. Damonas lost or mislaid.

Jno. Crow-do- r is acting Port Sur-veyor until Captain Tripp is readyto assume his now duties.

J. F. Morgan will hold a sale offurnituro and pianos at his sales-room at 10 o'clock

Kaulua, a native lad of eightyears, was committed to tho PoformSchool this morning for truanc.

Messrs. F. M. Lewis and C. M.Bolshaw were passengers on tho W.G. Hall this morning for tho Vol-cano.

F. Sinclair and wife, C. M. OlTicorand the Misses Daniels aro bookedto leave by the S. S. Alameda for theColonies.

Tho Firo Polico will hold an ad-journed meeting at their hall thisevening, when a full attendance isrequested.

Tho illustrated organ concert atKauniakapili Church this eveningwill bogin at 7:15 o'clock. Ticketsat the door.

Tho steamer Kinau expected fromHawaii morning willbring tho nows of tho progress of thoCosta murder trial at Hilo.

Knlauao, charged with extensivepotty larceny, and Yamavichi, thoJap to whom tho goods wore sold,will appear in the District Court to-morrow.

Captain A. S. Mnhaulu made hisfirst arrest in tho captureof the young thieves who have booncommitting pott 3-

- larcenies for sometimo past.

Tho Paradise of tho Pacific forDeeoinbor is out with a good bill ofcontents. It is illustrated with apicture of Queen Dowager Kapio-lan- i

and views along tho Oahu Kail-wa- y.

As will bo remembered a haul of134 All), tins opium was mndoou thobarkentino S. N. Castle a short whileago. To-da- y the stuff was sold topassengers on tho bark Bylgia at ?8a pound.

Chief Oilicor DowdolTof tho S. S.Alameda, who was hurt on thosteamer's last trip from tho Colonics,is reported as improving rapidly.No one is allowed to seo tho patientat tho Hospital.

Fortj- - Chineso took pas.sago ontho bark Bylgia to-da- v for Hong-kong. They wero packed betweendecks in temporary bunks. It willbo roasting when tho hatches aroclosed as tho vessel gets outside.

A contract laborer with tho Intor-Ishtu- d

Steam Navigation Co. createdamiibomeut at tho departure of thoW. G. Hall this morning. Ho haddrawn some funds and had a goodtimo last night, as evidenced by his"rooky" looks. As ho was to go assailor on tho Hall, ho was soughtfor, and at found. Tho man wasput on a hack and taken down totho steamer just in time to see hermoving out in tho harbor.


A Nutivo Woman Bent on Seeingthe Flowery Kingdom.

There was no lit tlo excitement onthe bark Bylgia this morning over amiddle-age- d native woman, who hadboon sneaked on board by a China-man. According to information re-ceived from relatives tho woman hada great dosiro to seo tho FloweryKingdom. Consequently, when thoChinaman with whom sho had beenliving for some timo proposed atrip, sho eagerly assonted. Thowoman has a fo.stor-so- n who wasasked to accompany them. Tho ladfeared tho Chinaman and consentedfor the time being. Early this morn-ing without tho knowledge of thoirrelatives tho trio packed their trunkson a Chineso hack and headed fortho bark lying at Browor's wharf.Someone got. wind of the affair andtold tho relatives, who wont downto tho wharf. They used lots ofpersuasion but could not get thowoman to come ashore. Tho lad,however, came out on tho deck amidemanded his clot lies, but thoChinaman said they wero packed ina trunk in tho hold of tho ship, andthat it would take some timo to gotthem out. Tho lad persisted and,with the aid of others, secured hisgarments and remained ashore.Some of (ho dock laborers in fun in-

troduced n young man to thowoman, who was oiihcoiihod betweendecks among all sorts of Mongo-lians, as an oilicor to induce her tostay, but it was no uso. Maria wasbout on going, and go she did.

Scottish Thistlo Club.

OIlicorH or tho Scottish ThistloClub for tliu turnout term wore in-

stalled last night as follows: Chief,Tlios, Lindsay; Chieftain, W. 1

Wilson; Secretary, Art hur.McDowall;TroiiMiior, Alex. Garvin; ., D.Logan; Trutii-.s- , I). Logan, W. A.McKay and Dr. .McLennan. HisExcellency A. S. Cloghorn is honor-ary Chief, and .Mr. 11. .Mclntyrohonorary Chieftain. W. A. .McKay,rotiriiigTruiiMiror, pio.sontcd a reportshowing a balance or about i'ltl inhand, with no debt, a portion of thebalance belonging to the libraryfund. The nmoling discussed a pro-posal to celebrate Hums' ittiiilvtirsuryon tho23lli iiibt.


Contest Between Corporations

Over the Waikapu


Continuation of Readings and Pleadings

in the Supreme Court.

Monday, Jan. 9, 1803.

Afternoon Session.

Tho sitting of tho Court was re-

sumed at 1:30.Tho Court ruled Mint tho deposi-

tion of J. D. Sprockols could not boadmitted.

Tho reading of tho ovidonco wascontinued and lasted until 3 o'clock.

Mr. Hatch raised tho point thattho ovidonco road, boing clippedfrom tho Advertiser, was not an offi-

cial copy of tho ovidonco, or a part.of tho record, so that it was nothingupon which an appoal could bobasod.

Tho counsol for tho appellant con-tended that tho evidence boingprinted from a transcript of tho offi-cial stenographer's notes, was a pro-per record of tho ovidonco.

Mr. Hatch for tho dofondnnt cor-poration contended that tho appel-lants wore bound to furnish a copyof tho ovidonco.

Tho Court did not hold that to betho ease in proceedings in equity.

Tho reading of ovidonco boingcomploto Mr. Hatch opened thoargument for tho plaintiff.

Mr. Hatch stated that tho relationof tho parties who woro tenants incommon was very different fromthat of Ono nt

was not uocossariby ontitlod to anaccount. Tho policy ot tho lawshould bo to oncourago cultivation.Thero was no reason in law for say-ing that ono party had occupiedmore than his share, unless tho otherparty had desired and attempted tooccupy. Nothing of that kind wasshown hero. Thoro was no ovidoncoof a wrongful occupation. A nt

is not damaged by tho occu-pation ot tho other. His legal rightsaro not interfered with. Ho musthave boon provonted from occupy-ing to base a claim for an account.Tho evidence in this caso was justtho othor way. Tho Waikapu Com-pany could not have profitably occu-pied moro than thoydid. Mr. Corn-woll- 's

ovidonco shows that. Ho wasmanager of tho company. Tho pri-vate wishos of Mr. Macfarlano arenot evidence or the desires of thocorporation or its action. Thoro isno ovidonco that tho Waikapu SugarCompany or any oilicor of it, ovorgave tho Hawaiian Commercial Com-pany notico that its occupation wasobjected to, or that tho WaikapuSugar Company wished to occupyany of tho land occupied b- - tho Ha-waiian Commercial Coinpan-- . Anouster must bo shown upon clear andpositive evidence. An ouster will notbo presumed. Thoro is no construc-tive' oustor between tonauts in com-mon. No caso can bo found wheresuch an ouster has been hold in ashort period like tho present whorotho statute of limitations has notrun. Tho caso in 35 Ponn. laiddown this doctrine very clearl-- . If atrespasser took possession an oustorwould bo presumed at onco. Butthat presumption did not exist intho caso of an owner, who in enter-ing and occupying was cloarly with-in his rights. Tho legal presump-tion was that a tenant having titleentered in accordance with it, notadvorsoly, but to maintain tho titleof both rs against strangers.(Counsel citod a number of casos insupport of this doctrine, in someof which no presumption of ousterwas hold, although tho statuto oflimitations had run). It was neces-sary for tho defendant in this casoto prove an oustor, and tho burdenof proof was upon tho party sottingit up. Hostile intent was nocossaryto an oustor, and notico of hostileintent in any tenant ontoring uponproporty hold in common must boclearly given. A hostile intentburied in tho hoart would not haveany legal effect. A can-not bring ejectment unless the entryof his nt is cloarly adverse.111, ..1 ..:...! j.. Ji 11..1Vvyuuiimi uiiuu 10 ttliuiv uiinientry, cultivating, taking possessionof rents, etc., was no evidence ofoustor.) Tho entry of ouo tenantwas tho entry of both, and this pre-sumption would hold until sot asideby some notorious, unequivocal act.Vorinout casos laid down tho rulethat hostile acts of a tenant in com-mon must bo as unambiguous asthoso or a losseo to establish a pre-sumption or ouster. That was avery rule. Would it boomt ended that the cultivation bythe Hawaiian Commercial Companyor its own crops would have thatcharacter? Tho ovidonco shows thatthe occupation was friendly. Thisis tho testimony of Mr. Corn well.Mr. Macfarlano s testimony showsthat his own relations to Mr.Sprockets were, on hoiiio occasions,strained, and that ho had strongprivate reasons for not making anyclaim on tho Hawaiian CommercialCompany. This fact tends to showthat lie did not make such a claim.If lie did not do so for private rea-sons of his own, his action wanvoluntary.

After citation of a large numberof authorities for the iiliilutitl's con-tention, tho Court adjourned untilthis, morning.

Tuesdav, .Ian. 10, 1S03.

Mr. Hatch resumed his argumentfor tho plaintiff on the opening oftho Court nl 10 o'clock. lie quotedAmerican decisions on cases r dis-pute between owners or tonauts incommon. It was not attempted tobo shown, ho argued, that tho Wai-kapu Sugar Company had overmanifested any dosiro io go beyondthe Rand hills inoccupation of thocommons. Thoro was no ovidoncoof injury done to the W. S. Co., norof fraud on tho part of the Hawai-ian Commercial & Sugar Company.Ho submitted that if their Honorsconsidered tho eminent authoritiesof the world they would decide thatono of fvo tenants in. common hadno right of action against anotherunless damage or fraud could boshown. Mr. Hatch concluded at10:10.

Mr. Cnrtor addressed tho Courtlor tho defendant, giving a historyor tho controversy from tho start.Ho road from tho testimony 01 Clans'Sprockols, whoro tho witness said hohad renewed with Win. H. Cornwollthe parolo understanding that eachcompany should cultivato tho sideor tho commons next adjoining itsown land. On tho other hand, horoad from tho testimony of W. H.Cornwall and Geo. W. 'Macfarlano,wherein they denied having conced-ed tho privileges alleged by Sprock-ols. On tho small noint that cattlecrossing tho middle lino woro notarrested for trespass, ho said thoCourt below had decided againsttho defendant on thoso momentousissues. Tho arrest ot cattle Tor tres-pass by a friendly neighbor was unh-eard-of. W. H. Cornwoll had ad-mitted that tho sand hills weroregarded as the natural division oftho commons, but he averred at thosamo time that ho always held that,in caso of partition, the WaikapuSugar Co. should receive compensa-tion lor tho excess or acreatro heldby tho Hawaiian Commercial A:sugar Co. Counsol onnosite had

, .....,r..l...l l 1 - ii n... i,p rri " rrra.', i

':"i. Vi r ' , "",,bwoigni was mis reierence. face of tho testimony of ClansSprockols that his company had 5(KK)

acres under cultivation, and thatland of a quality similar to thathad ranged up to a value of .2."i0 anacre. Ho did not deny that therohad boon an agreement betweenHonry Cornwoll and Sprockols. but '

it had been lost sight of and was'

only resurrected al the beginningof thoso proceeding-- . With regaidto tho parole agreement tho deci--jsion of tho Court would have endedtho litigation, but tho Court went '

into tho question of an ouler. It '

deli ned nu ouster correctly and wentonto hold that the parly allegingan ouster must establish tho ouster,It hold that thero mitrht be anouster where a took exclu-sive possession, if his occupancy wasinimical to the interests of the other,. .. ...I Ti F I .111 was 10111111 inai lliedefendant failed to establish anouster because ho had not shownthat a technical and formal demand '

hail ever boon mmln li linn for ad-mission to the land. Proceeding,counsol pointed but a distinct ih.--uo

of veracity between Sprockols andMacfarlano on tho question of anamicable agreement.

Tho Chief Justice ed counselif ho objected to tho opinion belowbecause it did not find that tho sandhills formed tho lino of demarca-tion.

Mr. Carter said he objected onthe contrary because the Chief .Jus-tice did not follow up his reasoningon other points by defining theboundary line.

Mr. Hatch intorposed that theCourt would not define the boun-dary simply because ho, on the partof plaintill, expressly ed that theCourt should bo saved from makingsuch a definition.

Mr. Carter, supported by Mr.Thurston, contended that, as the de-cision was based on the writtenagreement between Ilenrv Cornwolland Clans Sprockols, audi hat agree-ment was one for "part Hon," thouthe Court should have followed upits findings by declaring tho boun-dary as it was mentioned in theagrooment.

Justice Bickorlon asked how theagreement precluded the idea ofamicable occupancy.

Mr. Carter replied that amicableoccupancy was not set up in connec-tion with the agreement. On thematter of adverse occupancy therewas a distinct question of veracitybetween Mr. Sprockols and Mr. Mac-farlano, and in such a contingencytJio matter must bo decided -- -

Chior Justice Judd liy the actsor tho parties. That N preciselywhat I did, Mr. Carter.

Mr. Carton in further pursuinghis argument, maintained that theadverse occupancy was sudden andviolent. Mr. Alarlin, an overseer onMr. Sprockols' plautnt ion, testified toMr. Sprockols' saying to him, "Thoysay you have been taking other peo- -

n iitim. .in, .miiii-.iu.- ii mill neontaken up thero to make a division oftho laud when the parties werofriendly, Nothing was accomplish-ed, and why? Because it would havecost tho H. C. i: S. Co. .?ir0,000 forthe excess of value on its side. Mr.Sprockols said it a- - not easy tomake a partition. Nu, it was easierto say, 'Lot's have luncheon," and itwas easier to sit ilow 11 after luncheonand play poker till next morning,and then for .Mr. Sprockols to say hewas tired and must uu nwnv. liecould imagine Mr. Spieokcls saying,"1 can manage Hilly and George."It was much easier than making apartition to allow Mi. Marlin 111 gi

.,ii. w, .;, in ,, ura .'iiii..'in- -

iii'' tint opinion below, vviioiiOhio! .liiMit'u .liulil ri!iiuirl(( Dial

til? 11411111 i)inl'or if rouiis-u- l wouldinnko n l.w-- m.m.unt d avoid of- -

HillHIVt) IDIliaiics. It was mil plca-a- nt

to luivo lii.i rtiaMiuiiiL' di'.surihcd as"iili.iiril "

.Mr. Cartur wtis nol a warn ho liailiihoil oIluiiKivo tonus, hut if it with miho would withdraw thu rotiiark. itwas his (h'niii) In oli-oiv- o not onlyliropiioly hut couiti's.v in hi aif-ilrun-

(joinjjoii lm lofurrt'il to whathu failed lap.-o-n ol uiiuiuirv ou thupart of (JlatiH .Siut'cliiilH. Whim .M r.lltirl wiill failed to mmi hi til ill 1I'l.itn.dollihia ri'Hanliug thin eaio, .Mr.

Sprockols could not recollect thatanything at all priced between themon tho matter, but that he had re-ceived Mr. ltartwi'U as a friendlyvisitor and shown him oor the re-finery. Approaching tluupiestioii ofoulor, Mr. Carter defonod argu-ment thereon until after recess.

The Court took recess at a fewminutes to 12 o'clock.

Not too Late.EntTon Bi'lu:tin:

Why can't wo exhibit?As a patriotic 'citizen. 1 for one

hopo that the plea of Waltei C.Weedon to "vigorously push J hecoiiccuon aim transport 01 someof tho exhibits for which Hawaiibids fair to become famous, will beundertaken without delay; and thero is reason to fear, leave thesolo burden of national repiesenta-tio- n

to'fall on tho shoulders of theeminent statesman who lias under-taken tho cyclonuna act. Unfor-tunately Mr. Weedon has not ele.nlv

j specified tho species of exhibitswhich ho would have as a sort orfrontispiece to Hank tho cyclotaina,or, as Mr. Weedon nuts it. to irivoHawaii "an honorable place on theexhibit of tho great gathering ofnations, and to convoy to the teem-ing millions who will" form the im-mense throngs which will come fromevery land under tho sun, some ideaof our culture, attractions, produc-tions and resources."

As 1 remarked, Mr. Weedon hasnot descended to fine specifications.I would humbly suggest that a livingselection bo made from tho moilprominent attractions of insular life,and to begin with would name aseries of samples of our polyglotpopulation recently imported."

Hero is a specimen of Asiatictwins, barbers living nevt door toeach othor, on Nuuanu .street.

Ono, a Chinese, sign reads, "Shav-ing and hair cut 10c." The next, aJap, cuts prices to 5c. for the sameworn. IJut a yet newer toiisurinl?rtt iron, Yeddo has a sig.. wi.ii,Doing inter iiieicu leaus, 1 our haircut and a rasher of bacon for 5

. ,,.,...1,." x-- xMm.ims is sureiv in llujilino ol now diversified Industrie-- , andit is rumored that the eyoloramapeople are engaging quite a numberof these new lor Chicago inorder that it may be an inducementto a visitor to the cyeloramato cheer-fully part with his"quartor if he getsa clean shave thrown in. But whyconfine myself to harboring whenthe labor field so carefully tilled In-die great showman of the "cvcloramapresents such a divor&ilied field.Sample exhibits ad libitum can boluriiishod, if not gratis, at 12 dollarsa month. Axon.

Tho trouble is that, when a manneeds his nerve mo.--t ho can't find it.



ai 101! TWKNTYJ Shares Mutual Tvlcpliuuu Stuck,-- Imiiliiip in tin inline of C. Afonj;.

iVrtlli-at- e No. --'!! for Ton Sluin-- s .M11-tu-

Stoi-lj- , Hiiimlhi'' in thename of Henry .Hoiif,'.

(VrtilU-ut- No. a for Ten Slian-- Mu-tual IVlfiihonc Steele, -- luucliiiK in theiianii) of Albert Afiiiif;.

TnuWi'r Iiii i s1ohmI. Khiiler willplca-- o return to


POI!Pure & Fresh Machine-mad- e Poi

F03R, SALEIII fittiiititcsa to private, families or

inilividuiil ruii.-iimur-".


Cor. IJiteeu ami Alalcea -- t.W. V, WILSON,t0 V. O. Ilo. "'.HI. .Nlauajier.

Golden Hi Bazaar.


Spectacles S Eye Glasses


IS-- AT CASH I'1!ICI:k -- Mi

9" Ditlli'iilt ea-- es eaiefullv tested Li-

the J'utent Pioprle Di'uiueter.


Sewing Machines


Lock & Chain Stitch Combined.

Croquet Sets from $1.50 Up.

QTJrT.A.IR.SEl.-.- , Ete. Ete Ete

. n ,. . . m


fPlli; lll'REAII OF IMIJIIMATIOS'";;nd'llo:;;;ion"1of "alal'raUorI

OoilVo Culture, hereby leipm.ts thai all).";"' ,,!,,.I,I5 lal"' ,,l,I,',,u hlr Wv'"ulturti which thiij ar.nleslroui.iif M'lling, sluni-s- , will in- -

foriiiatlou t'ouceriiliig the caiini to theiiiireau.

Give I - Irrl.iliil iiml DiMricl.'J -- Area.It It for sile, Ion est price,I If foi lea-- e, term, rent and .illy spC- -

ciiil condition..V If on shares, condition!J ", iji"nmil will bo wiuijiJIihI unit

IiuaUbml freiiioiuiy um ilwlriiiicAVV, uuJJ.i!f

l u ,TiiuiMi9tbvu'r ili6Iw

o;,taki.1n,1!l.H,iaM(i!,hi,opi,.:aMMi.jiniormauon lioncerning uoneo




UHnnvi'purify the Wood, correct all Disorders of theLiver, Stomach, Kidneys, mid Howcls. Tlicy

and restore to health DebilitatedConstitutions, and aie invaluable in all Com-plaints incidental to Females of all ages.

is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, HadHieasts, Old Wounds Sores and Ulcers. ForSuic Throats, Uroncliitis Coughs, Colds,(join, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, andall Skin Diseases it has no equal.

Manufactured only at rrofessorlloLLOWAV'sK'tablMiment,

?S, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON,Late 533, O.xt- - ird Street,



109 Fort Street., - - - Honolialia, H. I.

ib :e BHLERS &d CO.S8 FORT

Attractions in Elegant

fapancsc Sill: and Crepes, at vcr; low prices.Glove and fund kerchief

Work J, oxen, Ihlln, Etc., Etc., all

Ladies' and Jfisses' Tailor-mad- e Jackets, fromBeaded Silk, Black Capes, al iour own price.

"33F Fans, Jfosiery and Handkerchiefs in yrcat variety.

ZW Dressmaking Under the Management of MISS K. CLARE. .3Christmas & New

Year's !



i: ,t uo, Hold Wuteht;.- -

R Uaiv NOVELTIES for the


Our SOUVENIR EI.Y Itieh Gifts for



NOTHING LIKE. IT IN TOWN o.1:4.-f:.-L:fei.tJf.!jr

TIio Old Stand,


"W12XXER & CO.,

Importing and Maiiufaeturinj,' Jeweler",fitm-li- u

Closing Out SaleOF

Christmas Goodsllss-S- 8


Toys, with or without Meehaiii-m- ,Doll- -, FhiKS, Albums, Satchel-- ,l'ur-e- -, Vn-e-- ., Statue-llron- e

Ware, Moee.i Cup- -,

Thermometers, Watches,Opera and Spy Gla e- -, (warranted lir-- t

ela-.s- );

Minor;,, Frame-- , llracket-- ,Luiiehbabkets,

Perfumery, Fancy Goods,Funs, (oxtra lints);Carpets and Rupt, (jill msm-- );

Etc., Etc., Ete.

Eaeh 1'iece marked with CASHPRICE,


DISCOUNT on Lurgor tu-- h I'ur- -

V EVERYIK'DY invited to an In- -


co" ow


Criterion Htj"i


wH Saloonco



ftNlliD'V Illfll'lTlflVV-'-


IvlUlUUUJ i 1111111111111

,.,.,.. . ,I .

10.M-t- l It'dl Accoiiiiiiodalioin. for Patients,No Risk in Throning iloric.

Improved Veterinary Operating Table.

Villi HIS Mil il:,M.ia.illcll ti.Tulupbulivs: (Mutual Ib,I, V. 0. l!ox l(

W.T. MONtj.MlR.Vt',OttWiy Sutyrlmiry iirKo'n.







Goods for the Holidays!

Jhxcs, Toilet and Manicure Sets,.sold rcynrdlaut of cost.


To Lot or Lon.Be.


A NIOELY FUHXIS1I-i'i- lMim-- e near town.

Enquire at IIim.i.rtin Olllee.Ull-t- f



trnlly loeatod. Inquire ntDui.i.ktin Olllee. 353--tf


HOUSE ON KINAl',Fon-aen- lu Mreet.

Inquire ofk. u. hi;mky,

I07--tf Hawaiian Hardware Co.'k store.

rr i,et."VI KW HOUSE OF FIVEL room-- , on Mauaxiue

-- treetj with Bathroom, pat-ent W. O.. ete. Cuuiiiiiiiidsoneuf the. linest view.- - in Honolulu. Aiiiilvto ( 177-- tf ) J. M. VIVAS.


A NICE COTTAGE ONllcreiiinia street, near

l'iikoi street, eontniuiiigl'ailor, 1 llcdrooms, llath- -room, Diningrooiii, l'nntry mid Kiti'hnii.Servant's room, CarriageTrameiiis pa-- s every Jo minutes. Apply ntollleo of thih paper. 158-- tf


containing Two Itedroom.s.rarlor, Diuiiigrootii, Kitchen ami ltnth-rooi- n;

nl-- o Stable-- , Carriage House andServants' I'unrters; lo rent. Aii-l'- lj

to J. F. HOWLER..'.iU-- tf


Life, Fire and Marine


AGENTS FOItNew England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


ffitua Fire Insurance Co,,


Union Insurance Co.,



Pianoforte TunerAND -

ORGAN REPAIREK,Can be found, as usual, at bisAlakea street, ntixt to hntlsli Club, or livmtissago at O. E. Williams' store, Fortstreet.

All work guaranteed and visited aM'couil 1 time. Prompt attcntioi to nilorders, Tiini'd tho I'iano for concert ot.Miislu, the celebrated violinist. CUMin


Uosiirt at Wiilklki. Trmiiunn iiassthe i:ato. Hoeeial arrnnei'iinitii- - k,,,, lu.imidit for l'liinllv i'ienlcs ami . It,.. .l...l.. - a..l....,.. .11 ,,- - m-- u

For Local Xcws

.Fitly prosunlud

Tiiku tliu


l'Jvitry timo.77ui Ihilly Hultttin U ilrllrimlbu

'SStbr Ar M iwuti per muaj,f



Page 4: llylBip - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, Agreements, Shipping


Br-- '


PP'W""1:fWMr...' NfH; ?. ? --. -- m .. y P1f' i "n "W, p. 'JflU" "" V-''VW-' 'ffW&Wh . ,V. V 114


Commencing January 3, 1893.


All Prices Marked in Plain Figures !

SCSr2' The opportunity isto Order perleet lit guanmteedGoods at Lower IViees thanCity.

offered obtain Clothing1and made High Grade

has ever been offered this


1 Ufll. 1 EIIL IlllLilUri I 0 i



Smith & Co.







ITloricia,, "Violet,"V"erToe3Q.SL, ZEPcwcLers,Floral Sets,

0xt Bottles,Etc., IE3to., Etc.

PACIFIC HAHDWARE CO., Ltd.CvmnLinins' Block, Fort Street.





XJT61- - ' r y jf " '

" Tho World Do Move."


I.umich "Nclllii" I urn rnmr"lto C'lirry 1'iHMinner to nil mi In of tlmHarbor, Kuporior ijnickTliiiuuml ut no Inuruiibu In J'urn. hufmuiil ut floviiriinumt Kout I.uiiilliigWllOII Hilt UUUIIUT'l.


Dally Bulletin, 60 cent a month,deltvertd free,

now toof



Colognes !





Huh oiic'iii'il nu oillcu for trmmnctliig allImitlnuHS in connection with

Trusts, Purchase and Sale oi Bonds,Stock and Real Estato,

Anil In iruinrtil to Audit Accounts.

Ollli'iii "Olil Chamber of Cominemi Itoom,"Campbell Jllock. '. U. lloxCS.

Kubtarlbe. or the Daily Bulletin, CO

cents jier month,


M. k D. Wrought Steel Ranges !





TheHawaiianAnnualfor 1893,Hawaii'sYear ofJubilee,"is aNumberYou

Should see;

It is

Acknowledgedto be theBest yetIssued.Price 75 Cents.





A 1,1, PERSONS HAVING LEFTxjl Watches with mo for runalrs thatremaining on my hands aro herehy notiliedto como and get them heforo tlio'llrst dayof April next, and if the Watches are notcalled for they will be sold at public auctionon account of departure.

C. (I. PARSONS,Watchmaker.

No. 80, Xiuumii St., Honolulu. Ul


INTEREST IN THE FIRM OEM.THE Co. of Mr. Ferdinand Scliles-ing- cr

and Mr. Solomon lesser cesnuithis day by limitation. Tho buinevi will

be ooutiiuied as heretofore by Mr. MarksGreen and Mrs. Sarah Phillip-- , who nowconstitute the uid tirm. Theodore K.Landing and Mtiunic Phillips are eachauthorized to sign our firm name by specialpower of attorney, Mr. LaiiMiii; a'cliiiK asManager. M. PIllU.lPo ,V CO.

Honolulu, H. I., Dec. 31, lWU. tiia-'J- w


A REGULAR M EET1 NG OF CHINAAT Engine Co. No. 5, held WcdncMlayevening, Jan. tth, tho following Ollieerswere elected:

Foreman Chang Kim,1st Assistant Foreman Fook Yee,!M Assistant Foreman Ho Fook,Delegate Ho Foil,Secretary Lau Cbong,Treasurer Sing.

LAU CI10NG,(il"--3t Secretary.


THE REGULAR MEETING OFAT the United Chinese Society, held onthe 3d itibt., tho following were declaredduly elected as Ollieers of the corporationfor tho ensuing year, viz. :

President Goo Kim,Wong K will,

Secretary Clung On,Assistant Secretary. Lau Chock Sing,Treasurer Will Shing,Assistant Treasurer I.imt Sing.

CJI1NG ON,Secretary.

Honolulu, January 3, 1803.(ii"-(- Jt

To Let or Lease.


ANIOELY near town.Enquire at Dui.i.Kn.N

flll-t- fOllieo. g2 ' ' ua.



nished Rooms, cen-trally located. Inquire atHum.f.tin Olllce. 3J-t- f


ON KINAU,HOUSE Pensueola street. KIuuuiro of1',. 11. illi.MIH i ,

fi07-- tf Hawaiian IJitrdwuru Co, 's store,

yr LET.

OK I'M YENKWIIOUB'B Miiiinliuistreet, with llntlirooni, juit-e- nt

. 0.. etc. (,'uninianilHonuol thu llnest views in Honolulu. Applyt,, .i?rf l .,M 'l' J", vuruj m, t.tLtj,


NIOK OO'JTAliK ONA Jlerotania ctrcel. neari'illcol Htrcut. contalnliiL'l'arlor, i UedrooniH, llntli-rooni, DinliiKidoin, 1'iiiiti'v and Kitcliun,Servitni's room. Ciivria no lloum, Ktnlilo, etc,TrnincniH tmss every 2u iiiiuutcx. Anply ntollieo of tills paper, ISs-tf


TO Li:T ONClOTTAdlO) lately oc-cupied by ilrn. i'Moining, JBHiiiixIidScontalnliiL' Two ilciliooins.l'arlor. DlnlnL'iooin. Kitchen and Untilroom: iiImi Ktiilileh. ('arrinuo Uouhc midburvuiitx' iiiurturx reUHOiialilu rent. All-.-

nly to F. llOWIiKlt..vil-t- f


21 HcMirl nt Wnlklkl. TriiincaiH n

the (;uto, Hpcclal iirrnuguiuuntii can lieiniiilu for Kniiilly 1'icnlcrt nnd llvimlni;llutlilng I'nrtles. 6SS.t(


People Who nro Away and Those. Who aro at Homo.

Quiotnoss reigns ovor Konlin andKnpnn, and tho young gontlomonhoro abouls wear a very lugubriousexpression,

Wednesday evening Airs. O. B.Mnkoo, with lior daughter, MissViolet, and Miss Alice Miller loft forHonolulu by the steatnor Jas. Mnkoofor a protracted visit, and "LilyHiglil" on Knob Hill, the homo ofmirth, good cheer and unboundedhospitality, is as solemn, quiot anddeserted as the tomb.

"Sea View Cottago," tho cosy homoof Mr. ajid Mrs. H. Z. 'Austin, whosolatch-strin- g is always pondrtnt fromtho outside, and whoro music andtho Muse wore nlwnys to bo found,is now silent ana closortoil owing totho absonco of tho charming littlelady who presides of this most hos-pitable potito homo. Mrs. Austin isin attendance on hor friend, MissKathorino l?itohio, who has boondangerously ill at Wailuku, Maui.Advices by 's mail aro ratherencouraging, being to tho oh"oct thatit good nursing and skilful medicalattendnnco have an effect, MissRitchie will reoovor, as Dr. Goo.Herbert is indofatigablo in his at-

tendanceWin. O. Barnhardt and a party of

six gontlomon from Makawoli plan-tation, paid us a visit this morning.They woro tho guests of Mr. H. Z.Austin and Mr. Win. Eassio, engineerof the Mnkoo Sugar Co., who con-ducted tho gontlomon about thomill and did tho honors of tho occa-sion. They loft in carriages to takethe steamer at Nawiliwili this morn-ing for Honolulu.

Wo aro pleased to seo Mrs. RufusSpalding suflicioutly convalescent tobo out in hor phaeton this morningfor the bright suushino and balmyfresh air.

Tho weather is warm and clearduring tho da', with cool almostcold nights.

Tho mill is running smoothlynight and day, and everything aboutKealia has tho appearance of thriftand good management.

Kealia, Jan. 7, 181)3.


Roof of Goldon-Boarin- g RockSoven Miles in Longth.

Judge McCarry is just up fromBeaver, says tho Salt Lake Tribune.Ho says White, Billings & Bardorhavo struck it in the tunnel on theirPob Ko3", in Newton district, onIndian creek. Their ledge is morethan twelve feet thick, and the orelooks as if it would average awaj' upin gold. Ho sa3's, further, that sixtyor seventy locations havo boon made,all showing gold; that one reefseven miles long seems to bo goldbearing most of tho distanco, andmany claims havo boon located; thatthe hills aro filled with prospectors,and all seem to bo hopeful.

A mining man recontly returnedfrom Fish Springs says that thocamp has a better outlook now thanever before. Tho Utah mine isdown 281 foot and finds more oroand of a higher grado than over be-fore. Tho Eiiuua mino is a producer,and still ranks as ono of tho bestmines. Tho Ada Consolidated re-cently niado a rich strike, an assayof which shows 214 ounces silverand ((A nornont load. Tho EarlvHarvest mine also made a richstrike. The assessment work on thoclaims thero is all being done, andnobody intends to havo any of thoirvaluable claims jumped.

Gold placers havo been foundabout twenty milos southeast of Og-do- n.

Tho results of panning havethus far proved satisfactory, andnuggets aro found as largo as wlioatkernels.

Deputy Shoriir Fairchild has re-turned to Prescott, A. T., from theSan Juan placer field. Ho says therois lots of gold there, and that thohold extends from tho mouth of theriver to within ton milos below BluffCity. Evory pan of dirt taken outshows color, ovon a milo from thoriver. His party made twenty loca-tions ton miles below Blair City.Two mining camps have been start-ed, ono above and ono below thocanon of tho river. Tho lower campis owned ly the Arizona and UtahMining Company, who havo madeJtX) locations and havo finished aroad to the rivor at a cost of .10,000,They havo the richest claims, and itis probable there will bo troubleover these locations in the future, astho3' aro being jumped. Tho com-pany is preparing to develop theirclaims, and will spend $100,000 indoing it. Thero is lots of ground ontho river not taken yet, but its valueis unknown. Parties are comingfrom everywhere. No largo amountsof gold hayo yet boon taken out, al-

though tho parties working theclaims seem satisfied. S. F. Bulletin.

"In buying a cougli mediciuo forchildren, says H. A. Walker, a pro-niino- nt

druggist of. Ogdon, Utah,"never bo afraid to buy Chamber-lain's Cough Uoniedy. There is nodanger from it and relief is alwayssure to follow. I particularly re-

commend Chamberlain's because Ihave found it to bo safe and reliable.It is intended especially for colds,croup and whooping cougli." TA)

cent bottles for salo by all dealers.Benson, .Smith & Co,, Agonts for thoHawaiian Islands.


llnliy Until Ih comiiu,' heroKur lilcuaiiro, not for hIiuwj

llahy Until Ih welcome hero,To gninilnni'H homo In llnlliilo.

With nil tlio Jluiliilo babies,It etui havo ltd own Hwect wav;

Willi all thu llnlliilo babies,It can laugh and sing anil play.

Her mamma was u baby nncuIn the busy town;

Her iiiniiiimi miis it baby once,And woro it Imby gown.

Timid Youth Sha-slui- ll we goand hit under tho MihsKthol? Demuro Maiden Why notunder tho George?

Carletou Gates Aro you really hohard up? Tramp Hard tip? Why,lions, if suits of clollios wins Mulliii' ata cent apiece 1 wouldn't have iinuughto buy the arm-hol- e of a vest I


Or, Parody on

By Johmon the Shirt Man.

Now tliuro lit n mnn with n (jrent hie; Rnl'iIf you look nt liltn he'll commence to liawl.lie lind some Shirts unci wmiti'il thorn fixedlint without tho money he could nut do

nix, nix,llo started In and tried hN nervo,Hut the looks of him would not ervo.Ho tried with n lawsuit hut without suc-

cess,Thnt dirty limn will die like the rest.(live mo my Slilrti or in nti hour I'll sue,It will cot mo nothing hut he dear for you,For I lmvo n pull nnd in jnil you'll no.And when you tire there you'll lmvo no

show.Ho tried hl dirty gninelmt it did not work,lie K"t hit In the nook mid a good hard

lorK, vHo feels nt sore ns n loner ease,He is ho ashamed to look in your face.Moil Mr-- Do others or they will do you.

Johnson tho Shirt "Maker is at thecorner of King and Alakea streets,whoro ho makes all kinds of Shirts toordor and guarantees a fit. It don'tcost anj" nioro to lmvo your shirtsmndo to order than you paj for yourold store and factor" nuldo goods.Now ploaso bear this in mind andgivo us a call. Satisfaction guaran-teed. JOHNSON,

Cor. King and Alakea Sts.iV. B. No Bluffs taken in Payment

for Shirts.


Seo tho now Floral Sets at Benson,Smith & Co.

Root Beer on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

C. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for sale.

Perfumes in great variety at Ben-son, Smith & Co.

Now ideas .in Perfumes for holidaypresents at Benson, Smith & Co.

Aftor shaving uso Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at once by Cu-cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith Ai Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, 131 Port street,above Hotel. Chronic and Sugicalcases. Mutual Telephone 082.

Tho Honolulu Daily havo put in aCreamery will deliver fresh creammorning or afternoon to suit cus-tomers.

Mechanics' Homo, 59 and 61 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormonth 25o. and nOc. a" night; ?land S1.25 a week.

Winter & Winter, Dentists. Office,33 Beretania street.

Gold fillings $3.00Silver fillings 1.00Teeth extracted 50Eastern Prices. Mutual Tele-

phone 23!).

For pains in the chest there isnothing belter than a flannel clothsaturated with Chamberlain's PainBalm and bound on ovor tho seat ofpain. It will produce a counter irri-tation without blistering, and is notso disagreeable as mustard; in fact ismuch superior to any .plaster on ac-

count of its paiu-roliovi- qualities.If used in tiino it will prevent pneu-monia, no cent bottles for sale by alldealers. Benson, Smith & Co,,Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Daily Bulletin, oO cents a month,delivered free.


-- IN-

Mules, Horses, Carriage,


To lio sold at Public Auction, nt mv plncont J.lTTbK IUUTAIN, Honolulu,

it not heforo sold,

On Monday, February 6, 1893,AT!) O'CLOCK A. M., VIZ.:

40 California Mules, Years4 and


In Lots of 10 Kneli ;

40 Leather Head Halters!4 Saddle Horses,

And ns Oood ns Now

1 Family Carriage,With Polo, Shnfts, nnd Neck-Yol;- e,


1 Fine Sot Double Harness for same

X3f Tho nlinve Pronorty can nil ho m'ciint in v jilnco during one week heforn miIo,nnil Ktocl; must ho rumored from mv Pud-doc- k

on day of halo. TK1SMS ( AMI.

J. N. WRIGHT,w p. o. JIOX n.'


Condensed Milk"BT. OLAK BUAND"

Superior to Any Other !

This Milk Is iirupnicd in Norway fiomtho Pure Uuslvimined Milk of NorwegianCows, fed on mountain grass, Thero isnothing added except (lie Finest rjugar,nnd nothing taken nwity from it hut water,It therefore ipohhms all the original

mill nronm neeullarlo NonveglunMilk.

For Salo ia Quantities to Suit by



AWN MOWK1IK TO LKT BV Till:1.J day, week or iiiuuthi Itupnlrliig,iciiiiiiig nun niini'ieuiug iliuie; j)Uiuciiiu

Pieces furiilhhed when reiulred. Machinescalled for and relumed. Also, Itcpnirlng(hirden lliwi In fact, can do nnvililiigii'iusMiry iirouiiu tliu iioiimi or bliiuii).lllng un' Mutual Teleiihouu lf'.',

Ml-l- l N. K. ill) unices.

ctozecust uott,-- -


Steel & Iron Ranges t

Tifeli I lip

Stoves cSs


Agate "Ware inWHITE, GRAY and

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Rii'b'ber Hose, Lift and Force

Water Water and Soil Pipes.




o RCD2"?




Oi3(Sri CvlMer




Crockery, Pumps,Closets,




Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butterg&r ALWAYS CXNT HAND

Hew Goods by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

fX3?-- All Orders faithfully attended to.boliciteil nnd jinckod with cjre.

LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street -


l:e3"W"i;sU10 111 FORT


ti:li:pjionk iu.- -



& K



& ins.

Satisfaction Islnnd Orders

- Fort and Alakea' r. O. 372.

P. 0. Box 207.


--P. 0. BOX 115.

d to any luirt of thu City free.

&c ICine


s&81 KING ST.


- AND -

i & J. . .

ON 1()H lly cadi ntciiinur of thu O. S. S. Co. from (.'iillfornin Vri'sh California Hollflutter, Frozen Ojturs and California Fruits, Fish, (iaiiie, etc.

A uoiii)lutu linu of Cros-- t IMackwell'.s and .1. T. Mortou'h Canned and liottled Goodsnlway.s un

Just iccuived n Lint) of Cicriiinn Pales and Potted Munti and Bottled PreservedFruits, Lewi-- . A-- Co.'s Mnlte-e- . Brand ,Sui;ar lluiiii and Bacon, New BreakfastCereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Klakes, Sicily Lemons California River-side Oranges, Oregon Burlmnk Potatoes, etc.


New (ioods Beceived hy Kvury Packet from the Kastetn States nnd Kiirojn.


All Orders faithfully attended to nnd Oooda deliverIsland Orders solicited.

Elo-s-t Oorner Ifort


O- - J(xi:w nri.r.i:riN nun k, jikiu'iiast stiu:i.t)

Fire Placed. To.AND


BEAVERThe Best Lunch in Town.

Tea a-xi- Ooiraij, iionis.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS HANI).

KC. J. OSrOLTEJ, Prop,







Ice Cream Freezers!



Bet. Streets.

& oo.7STREET.

rialisfaution gmirnutecd,



Wholesale Retail Butchers


Wallor, Manager.

Groceries and Provisions.Vegotnlilcb,



(satisfaction guaranteed.


G-rooerie- s, Provisions a.nci Peed.OAL1FOUN1A


Insurance Collections AttendedBENTS COLLECTED HOUSES RENTED.



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