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30-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

May 30, 2018



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Page 1: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

30-Day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Page 2: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

The liver is your largest organ, weighing 3-4 pounds, and the most important workhorse in your entire body. It is like

the General of your army! If you remove 2/3 of your liver, it will completely regenerate itself within three months if

provided the proper care. It is the only organ in the body that has that ability. You cannot live without your liver. The

liver is known to do over 500 critical chemical functions in the human body. A few functions include producing bile,

metabolizing proteins, fats, sugar, vitamins, minerals and storing them for future use, detoxifying the blood, producing

cholesterol, metabolizing hormones, and filtering everything that enters the body, including all pollutants, environmental

chemicals and toxins.

The liver is the most critical organ in the entire body when it comes to long-term health. It is the filter that handles

everything that enters the body, both from our food choices and our surrounding environment. If you look at most every

well-known healing protocol that has been successfully healing people for decades (Hippocrates, Gerson, OHI for

examples) you will see a large focus on the liver. The liver is strong and resilient, but it does take time to heal, and

having a strategy is critical. Key strategies are outline and discussed below, with a liver cleanse protocol at the end.

After you cleanse your liver, you will have more life force and energy than you ever imagined!

Why Do a Liver/Galbladder Cleanse?

Page 3: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

• Intolerance to greasy and/or spicy foods

• Weight gain or unexplained weight loss

• Frequent headaches, especially behind the eyes and temple

• Chronic constipation/diarrhea or alternating

• Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis

• Sinus and allergy problems

• Yellowing of eyes and skin

• Loss of appetite

• Fatigue

• Itching all over the body

• Pain over liver (right side of abdomen, under lower rib cage)

• Chronic stiffness or pain between shoulder blades, upper neck and shoulder

• Eyesight problems, eyesight loss and degenerative eye concerns

• Women who struggle with morning sickness, nausea and other pregnancy issues

• Moodiness, anger, irritability and depression

• Food allergies and food sensitivities

• Environmental sensitivities (intolerance to smoke, perfumes, etc.)

Signs of a Damaged or Weakened Liver

Page 4: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Liver & Galbladder Cleansing

** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly. In

general, it is important to have a clean colon, functioning kidneys and a cleaned out lymphatic system before focusing

too much effort on the liver. If your colon/kidneys/lymph are backed up, the liver has no way to dump and remove

the trapped poisons. This is why people can get very sick when cleansing!

This cleanse also will take stress off the liver and gallbladder and allow the body to break down and remove gallstones.

It also includes a gallbladder "flush" for the end of the cleanse.

For some, 30 days is a great cleanse. For those with chronic liver congestion, fatty liver, high cholesterol, hepatitis,

etc. you may need 30+ days. It is best to do colon, kidney and lymph cleanses BEFORE a liver cleanse because liver

wastes drain through these organs.

Page 5: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

ExerciseTo keep the blood moving and to release stagnation from the liver, movement is critical. 30+ minutes of walking or

more high intensity workout would be ideal. Jumping on a rebounder or jumping jacks would be even better. Far

Infrared saunas or other ways to sweat would be also beneficial.

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• Turmerol - North American Herb & Spice: 2 capsules 2x daily, with meals is great

• Chlorofresh - Nature's Way: 1 teaspoon 2x daily in any juice or drink

• Swedish Bitters - Flora: 1 teaspoon 2x daily, refrigerate after opening. Reduce amount if it causes diarrhea.

• Carrot Seed & Lemon Essential Oils *Optional: Massage into feet and liver areas for better results.

• Spirulina - Nutrex: 1 heaping teaspoon 2x daily in any juice or drink

Ingredients for Liver Cleanser Drink:

• Lemons: 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice in each daily liver cleanser drink

• Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar: 1 Tablespoon in each daily liver cleanser drink

• 2 bottles Liver/Gallbladder Tonic - Dr. Morse: 2 full droppers in each daily liver cleanser drink

• Beet Crystals - Flora: 1 teaspoon in each daily liver cleanser drink

Ingredients for Liver/Gallbladder Flush *Optional

• Epsom Salts: 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salts in each Liver/Gallbladder Flush Drink

• Olive Gold O3 or Pure Cold-Pressed Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: 1/2 cup (4 ounces) for each Liver/Gallbladder Flush

Enema Options *Optional:

• Enema kit, Implant-o-Rama or Colema Board

• Enema Options: Lemon, Baking Soda, Organic Coffee (See enema options for more details)


Page 7: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

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Page 8: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

1. Use DISTILLED, De-Ionized or reverse osmosis water during the cleanse for drinking and enemas. If you can’t get those, use

purified water.

2. Please do not force extra water. Get your hydration from fresh fruits, vegetables and juices. ONLY drink water if thirsty.

3. All liquids ideally are room temperature or warm, not ice cold.

4. FOR ALL: NO bananas, dried fruit, figs, dates, potatoes, yams, squash. No cooked foods unless you have digestive weakness.

5. Ideally to get deep into cleansing the liver you want NO FATS! So the best is to juice only, or just eat raw fruits and veggies.

Olive oil is actually good for the liver, so you could mix a bit of that in with salads during the cleanse if you need the fat for

substance. You definitely want NO FAT for the liver/gallbladder cleanse at the end.

6. To have the MOST success for your liver cleanse, please do not eat in the evening. Make your last meal 4-5pm if possible.

Your body goes into a cleansing, healing mode at night and your liver is the most active in the evening. Ideally juice fasting

makes this easy.


Food Guidelines

Page 9: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Food Option 1 (best) - Only raw fruits and vegetable JUICES (juice fasting). This is ideal to cleanse the liver the fastest! You can juice both

fruits and veggies in combinations. Ideally you focus more on veggies and greens, adding fruits for taste. The best foods for liver detox are


the liver. A more complete list includes HIGH water content foods such as cucumber, celery, dandelion, beet, parsley, spinach, kale, lettuce,

carrots, radishes, watermelon, lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, apples, pineapple, grapes and berries. All things RED are great for the liver like

beets, cranberries, cherries, pomegranates, cherries, etc. We would encourage spirulina, chlorella, alfalfa and other greens added to juices to

cleanse the liver as well.

Food Option 2 - Raw fruits and veggies only. With this options you could do juices, blended smoothies, salads or just eat raw fruits and veggies.

Eat fruit on an empty stomach away from veggies. Ideally you want to avoid all fats including avocado, olives, etc. See Food Option 1 for a list of

good foods to eat.

Food Option 3 - Only raw fruits and vegetables with small amounts of protein (one or two eggs or one or two 4 ounce pieces of chicken, turkey

or fish daily). You could also do the VEGA PLANT PROTEIN (1-2 scoops daily, better option than meat). This option is good for beginning

cleansers or those with blood sugar issues and find it hard to fast. With this option make juices, smoothies, eat salads. An idea is to eat only fruit

during the day and a salad for dinner. You could also eat fruit for breakfast, a nice salad for lunch with some substance (chicken, turkey, fish) and

back to just fruit for dinner, or another salad. You can also blend the vega protein powder in smoothies for substance. With this option, it is still

beneficial to avoid all fats. If you feel like you need a little fat for substance or blood sugar balance, choose only small amounts of olives or olive


Food Options

Page 10: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Sunshine Sunshine will PULL TOXINS OUT OF YOUR LIVER. Morning sun is best, so try to lay in the sun for a

couple hours in the morning ideally. Children born jaundiced were healed by putting them in the sun not many

decades ago. Getting sunshine and getting tan will speed your healing process.

Page 11: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Daily Liver Cleanser Drink


• 8oz glass of hot water

• 1 teaspoon beet crystals

• 1 Tablespoon of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

• 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice

• 2 Full droppers of Dr. Morse Liver/Gallbladder Tonic (the hot water will burn off the alcohol

in the tincture. Allow to cool and drink)


Drink this tonic TWICE DAILY, once in the morning and once in the early evening

Page 12: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Cleansing Liver Juice Recipe Ingredients:

• 8-10 carrots

• 6-8 stalks celery

• 1 apple (granny smith best)

• 1 thick beet slice (1" thick X 3")

• Juice of two lemons or limes or combination thereof

• 1 handful of greens (spinach, chard, romaine, kale or parsley)

• 1" slice of ginger


Combine all ingredients in a juicer. Drink at room temperature.

Note: This recipe is only for making fresh juice, not smoothies.

You can experiment with this recipe by using other fruit and vegetable combinations that support the liver

such as: cucumber, carrot, dandelion, bitter greens, beets, apple, turmeric, lemons, limes, grapefruit,

pineapple, etc.

Page 13: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Healing CrisisYou may feel symptoms of detox such as headaches, cold/flu symptoms, sore throat, fever, skin rashes or other

breakouts, night sweats, itchy skin, pain between shoulder blades, stiff upper neck/shoulders, pain on right side

under rib cage, etc. These are normal, and even common with liver detoxification

Page 14: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Cleansing Schedule


Drink 8:00am Morning Enema 9:00am -Add 2 capsules of Turmerol

-1 tsp. of Bitters

-1 tsp. Chloropyll & 1 heaping tsp. of

Spirulina to a juice or drink

Juice or


1:00pm Juice, Smoothie,

Salad 5:00pm -Add 2 capsules of Turmerol

-1 tsp. of Bitters

-1 tsp. Chloropyll & 1 heaping tsp. of

Spirulina to a juice or drink

Juice, Smoothie,


7:00pm Liver Cleanse

Drink 8:00 Evening Enema

Page 15: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

EmotionsEmotions are trapped in the organs. The Lord wants to reveal and heal these emotional issues. If you experience

fear, worry, anxiety, grief, sorrow, anger, irritability, impatience or feel extremely emotional, please understand this

is part of the healing process. It is good to cry, pray, talk to the Lord, take long walks outside, BREATHE DEEPLY

into your diaphragm, write your thoughts in a journal, ask the Lord to bring up a memory from your past, etc. This

is truly a critical part of this healing process! (-:

Page 16: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Liver/Gallbladder Flush

The liver/gallbladder flush is optional. This flush should ONLY be done on both day 15 and day 30 of the

cleanse, or you may choose to do it only on the last day of the cleanse (day 30).

On the day of the flush, drink only juices optimally, or eat only raw fruits and vegetables (preferably apples and

grapefruit). These help cleanse the liver. Eat nothing after 2pm.**Do not eat a single gram of fat. This is the

MOST important**

After cleansing the liver and gallbladder, the body immediately sends more sludge to be removed. You may do this

cleanse multiple times a year depending on your need. It is encouraged to do the flush again within 2-4 weeks

because more gallstones may move down ready to be flushed out. These flushes often need to be repeated upwards

of 6-8 times to fully cleanse the liver and gallbladder.

Page 17: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Liver/Gallbladder Flush Schedule

TIME SUPPLEMENTS 2:00pm Stop all food and drink.

6:00pm Mix 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salts in 8 oz warm water and drink. You may add some lemon to help with the foul taste.

8:00pm Mix 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salts in 8 oz warm water and drink. You may add some lemon to help with the foul taste.

9:30-9:45pm Blend 1/2 cup (4 ounces) extra virgin olive oil (or Olive Gold O3 for OPTIMAL results, the oxygen will actually help to kill parasites and provide a deeper cleanse and flush) and add 1 grapefruit without the peel, OR 4 lemons without

the peel. Put this by your bed.Mix 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salts in a glass of water and put by your bed.

Visit the bathroom. You may be going to the bathroom often after starting the epsom salt water and that is fine. You

may be passing yellow or greenish bile or stones. Stones are usually soft when coming out and will harder later. They

are often yellow or greenish in color and may be the size of a dime or nickel. You may do an enema here just to clear

things out.

10:00pm Drink ALL the grapefruit/olive oil or lemon/olive oil drink and lie immediately on your right side. Prop pillows

around you. Try to stay there at least half an hour before going to the bathroom again. If you can’t stay there half an

hour, go to the bathroom.Then lie on your right side again and try to sleep. You can sleep on your right side or laying flat on your back.

3:00am Set your alarm for 3:00 a.m. (Liver cleansing time) Drink your third dose of Epsom Salts.

5:00am You may eat a light breakfast of fruit or watermelon or a juice.

Eat only juices, steamed vegetables, salads or vegetable soups this day. On the following day, you may begin your

healthy eating program again.Go for a colonic on this day or take an enema or colema.

ONLY Follow the Liver Gallbladder Flush schedule on Day 15 & Day 30 of the cleanse *Optional

Page 18: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Enema & Colonic Options

This is very important to have the optimal cleansing results. The liver must have a pathway for detoxification. If

the colon is blocked in any way, the liver will not be able to cleanse and dump toxins. The easiest way to

accomplish this is using colonics or enemas. The best enema for healing the liver is a coffee enema. This was

made famous by Dr. Max Gerson, who has used juicing and coffee enemas to heal literally thousands of patients

from cancer and other chronic illnesses. Gerson therapy can be studied via their website or documentaries called

“The Gerson Miracle” and “A Beautiful Truth.” You can do up to 4 enemas daily for chronic situations.

** NOTE** We only recommend coffee enemas during a cleanse, and NOT long-term. In fact, we strongly

encourage you to use LEMON instead of coffee, especially those with acidosis conditions, adrenal fatigue, anxiety

issues or caffeine sensitivity. To do lemon enemas during this cleanse, add the juice or 1/2 lemon or more per quart

of water. You can safely insert 2 quarts of water per enema. You can also use 1T of baking soda per quart enema

as well.

Page 19: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

Basic Coffee Enema Recipe


• 1-3 Tablespoons (based on desired strength) organic, SA Wilsons coffee

• 1 Quart of purified water

• Enema Kit or Implant-O-Rama


• Bring one quart of purified water brought to a boil

• Add 1-3 tablespoons of ground coffee (based on desired strength)

• Reduce heat to rolling boil and boil 5 minutes, then cover and boil another 5-10 minutes

• Remove from heat, strain and allow to cool to room temperature

• Insert using basic enema kit or (Implant-O-Rama) and hold 15 minutes if possible, then release

Page 20: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

After The Cleanse

You want to follow a clean, healthy diet such as greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds

and lean meats. For long-term health for the liver, it is especially best to avoid dairy,

grains and complex sugars (maple syrup, agave, cane, etc.). Come off the cleanse slowly

with juices and smoothies and salads. Coming off too fast and eating poor quality foods

can be dangerous.

Love you liver and it will keep you well!

Page 21: Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Draft 1 - Spirit of Health & Galbladder Cleansing ** NOTE ** It is very important not to JUMP into a liver cleanse. You can get extremely sick very quickly.

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