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Listenings (Viewpoints 1)

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)






    1 Read the notice below. What is


    a. a way o showi g peope's pe soa li testogh art

    b. a way o c an gi g a d mproving one 'spesoaty

    ( a way of a alysi g pesonali ty by ookig ata ace


    ave you met someone new?

    Would you lke to know

    what they are like?

    YOU CN-

    by ooking at

    their face!

    Lecture by popuarspeaker and author


    St Gies'Conty Hall

    Staford oad

    ednesday, 5th Ocober8.00 pm

    STAY CALM- If you don't u nderstand

    one part o a istening passage, dont pan ic! Keep

    listening an d focus o n un derstandng as much o

    the passage as you can .

    isten to the begin nng of Esa Full er's lecture.

    Which of the foll owing can personology beused for?

    id  u:

    a. wat job to look fo

    b. we re to l ive

    c if someoe is a sutab e girend I boyend

    d. if someoe is a good worke r

    e . if yo shold se a cetan prodct

    3 Lisen to the rest of the tal k. Decide whi chof the photos below is Matthew



    4 Listen to the second part of the lecture again

    What do ea ch of the fol lowing features show

    about a person? Two answers are correct.

    1. wide acea. cofidetb. a at ural leadec th ks ca refu ly beoe taki g acti o

    2. ro ded nosea. selfis

    b. elpfulc. osy

    3 eyes ar a parta often lateb cac. good at detai ls

    • Do you believe that personology is accurate?What other ways are there of ana lysing a

    person's persona lity without actuall y

    knowing them?

    WEB EXTRA F nd ut hw appeaance can affect your l ife at:u•'ewpoints 1

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)






    1 . The folloing jobs are onsidered to be some of the most dangerous i n the orldWhy do you think eah job is dan gerous?

    • costructon worker • firefighter

    • pol ice offcer • piot

    • secret agent I spy

    • ar correspo ent

    • taxi driver • pizza deliverer • mier

    REA D CAREFULLY - When you have to a nswer mut ple-choice q ueston s, aways

    read a the opt on s carefu y before you sten Some opton s may not use exact y the same

    words as the passage so sten carefu y for a ternat ve expresso ns synonyms an d oppo stes .

    2. To students, Elli e and Chris, are disussi ngone of the jobs above Listen to the first

    art of the onversation and hoose theoret ontinuat ion fo eah sentee.

    1 l ie is dong edia sudes because

    a i sods l e ub. i 's a easy co rsec . i w l e p her i her careerd. se ad res he teache

    2 C h ri s . .a wold l e o be a wa correspodeb. nks e 's dea is goodc as ead about wa correspond entsd. t ks ie s mak i g a stae

    3 Accod ng to the pogram e, warcorrespondes . . .a ae raey sho a

    b. ae in constant dagerc. are usua y soldersd say beh d te font i es

    3. El li e and Chris see eah other a fe eekslater Listen to thei onversation andomlete the sentenes using 1-4 ords

    1 The corespod e bel evesshe s uc ky

    2.Soeies e coespondent doeso n. for a wee.

    3 El l e enjoys moai bik ig becasese l i es v ng

    4 Ch ris be eves n· n· can ' be copaedo ouna n b ng

    5 War coespod es want peop e toow how

    • If you had to hoose a job from those sted i nExerise 1 , hat ould it be? Why?

    WEB EXTRA Find ou about o the r dangerous jobs at : www burlingtonbooks es 

    ewpons I

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)






    1 Look at some of the me n's 1 00-metre sprnt records snce 1 960 Why do you th nk therecord tmes keep mprovng?

    Ha West Geman

    C ewis US �D Baile Caada ,.,M Ge US T Monto er US � Powl Jaaia

    U Bot Jamaca

    2. Lsten to the frst part of a rado ntevewabout sport and techno ogy and comp lete thechart below.


    Locat ion


    Number ogod medals



    Tme (seconds)

    ne , 1 960 1 0 .0

    Sepember 1 988 9 .92

    ly, 1 996 9.84

    Jne , 1 999 9 .79

    Sepember, 2002 9 .78

    Sepember, 2007 9 . 74

    Augus, 008 9 .69

    3 Lsten to the second part of the ntervewAre the fol owng statements true or false?

    � 1 At Be ij ng, ewe ecods wee broken i nswmmi ng than n other spos

    2. Peope today ae born aser and sronge r thanhey wee n he pas.

    f 3 . Mchae Pheps wasn' the only swm mer towear the ZR swms uit

    4. Lsten to th e thrd part of the ntervew and

    answer the questons

    1 Wha does a y Hayes comp are the atest sposequpment o?

    Wha new echno ogy was used at he MontealOym pi cs and what effect di d it have?

    3 Does Dr Caseman be eve that athees odayneed echnology o perorm we?Why o why no?

    • In you r opnon, s usng technology n sportlegtmate? What do you thnk the lmts are?

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)





    1 Look at the pctures of landmarks in various countries Whic h words beow can be

    used to describe each pcture?

    skyscrape • glass • stone • ancient • unusua l • steel • ta l l • modern

    Empire State Bulding,

    New York Ciy USA


    Towers of San

    Gimignano Itay

    2. Listen to three guided tours. Whi ch of the

    andmarks above do the tours visit?

    TAK NOTES - When you a re senng

    to a passage takn g notes can be he lpfu . Don't

    to wrte down everyth n g you h ear Writedown keywords or im porta nt phrases, but not

    sentences t s more mportant to keep l stenn g !

    3. Lsten to the gu ided tours again. As you l isten,

    take notes of the most mportant facts about

    each pace


    iel ower

    Pari Franc


    CN ower orono


    Use your notes to answer the questionsbelow

    Wc adark . . . ?

    1 . was con sdeed vey gly when was i

    2 . as 1 02 soreys

    3 . was b t as the est of a com peto a ong

    am ies4 as a ace up its stai rs evey yea

    5 as 73 eevators

    6. was te wod 's a es strcu e o 40 years

    7 was designed to sow its itena stcure

    8 was once pa of a grou p of 72 owers

    •What famous landmarks are there in your areaor country? Describe one What do you know

    about it?

    WEB EXTRA Read about some unusual buiding rvia a: ·•iu•poins I

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)





    1 . Many young people choose to becomevegetarians. Look at some of their reasonsbelow. Which do you agree with?

    1 . Ea i g meat is cel

    2 . Mt is unheathy

    3 Cattl e farms damage he envronmen

    2 Listen to the fi rst part of the conversatonbetween two friends What is the differencebetween a eea and a ea?

    3. Listen to the second part of the conversationand complete the sentences Use 1-2 wordsfor each blank.

    1 . Accord ig o Ryan, t s wrog fo humaso • o a ma ls

    2 Rya doesn' wear H H made from a mas

    3. Amy says tha getting woo H · · · · he sheep

    4. Many farm aima ls ae kept i . , where h eycaot

    LISTEN FULLY Listenn g to the

    speaker 's tone of vo ice w l l he l p you deduce the r

    op in ions a nd ee i ngs. Are they hap py, an gry, sad

    or neutra l ? This w i l l a so he p you pred ct the r

    responses and understand what they mean .

    4 Listen to the third pa rt of the conversationWho says the followng?

    1 A imal s aren't os o exp lo

    2 . An ma c icses ae er b le

    3. Zoos help proec endangeed animas

    4. Crue y-fee cosmetcs have a specia symbo

    5 . We have he r gh o se an mas fo he goodof humas

    • Are your opi nion s closer to Ryan's or toAmy's? Thin k about the various is sues they

    discussed (zoos, circuses farm animals, testingmedicines and cosmetics) and give reasons

    Approximately three million people

    in the UK are vegetarians.

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)



    SK LLS



    1 Look at the pictures beow and describe what you thi nk is happening in each one

    ._   _MAKE P CTIO S - Read the

    q uestions ca efu l ly befoe you isten, as t hekeywords give you some c u es about the

    content of the passage. Pay attention t o the type

    of information you need to lsten for to answer theuestons. (pce, eson e nm be e tc.}

    2 You a re going to hear four authent ic news

    reports about the pictures above Listen to

    reports 1 and 2 and decide if the statements

    are true or fase

    Rpr 1

    . Ma was i hs ow e we e adstruc.

    2 The use was desyed by e orado

    3 N her persn ha s l ved ater beingthwn so ar by a tornad .

    Rpr 2

    1 . Exeme weate wil l be e resl glba wag .

    2 . F dng ad d ougts w l l appe i ne sae places.

    3. e scentsts' wai g is abot enea fuue.

    3. Now l isten to two more reports and choose

    the correct answer.Rpr 3

    Western meeoogists .

    a. use clo ud see ing i many paces

    b. ae scepca abo cd seedi ng

    c. ca m ha co d seedng creases ran

    d ae e lp ing C na i is f g aga ist doug

    Rpr 4

    e ce b ocks

    a. were nt as big as ha

    b. need clds n order to rmc have neve cased actua damage

    d. ae ot ndersood by scie iss

    • Do you think goba warming is a serious

    problem? What do you think we shoud be

    doing to stop it?

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)


      SK LLS




    1 Read the advert below What is meant by a diferent perspective?


    Book a flight on the

    Lon don EyeSee Lond o from a dieent perspectve.

    Fo moe informaton :

    Cusome r Services

    870-9908883 o hp ://www.lon done yecom

    LISEN FO DEAIL Many i sten in g

    tasks focus on specif ic i nformatio n. Read the

    quest ions carefu l ly an d dec ide whet her you have to isten for a person's name , a time a pri ce etc.

    2 Caud ia call s to find out when the London Eye

    is open . Listen to the recorded information

    and answer the questions.

    1 ow may days of he year is the LondoEye ope?a 363 b 364 c. 365

    2 .

    Wa are he opei ng hors i he wter?a 1 0 00 am - 900 pmb 930 am 800 pmc. 1 0 00 am - 800 pm

    3 We does he cke oce ope?a 900 b 9 30 c 1 0 00

    4. How log is a "fl gh " ?a 3 0 mnes b 40 mintes c 50 mnues

    5. Wi c o te ollowng ems s no proib itedon he London Eye?a skaeboards b. s itcases c baby bgges

    6 We a re tere long q uees a te London Eye?a. early mor ng b mdday c. ae afernoo

    3. Listen to the second part of the recording and

    answer the questions.

    1 ow mc is a s i ge t cet you do want owat i e queue?

    2 ow muc s a ticke for c ld re nder ve yearsold?

    3 ow mc wi l a se ior citizen eed o pay ife I se wans to "y" a te weekend?

    4. Claudi a is on the Tube to the London Eye. She

    hears the fo lowing announcements. Listen to

    the third part of the recording and fi l in the

    missing information

    . Seperd's B ush staio s c osed because

    of2 f yor ggage s oud n ateded, workers

    w ad may H it

    3 ere is nowere were yo can H. on teUdergrod.

    4 Servce on e H • i e s delayed Te ex raw l come

    • Why do you thi nk ma ny tourist sites use pre-

    recorded messages? Do you prefer getting thi stype of information from a recorded message

    or would you rather speak to a person?

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)


     � SKILL.



    1 Read the home page of the website beow What experiment was conducted?


    Pau Kinsella of Il l i nois, USA,

    was wondering how honest people

    are, so he conducted an experiment:

    he eft 1 OD wallets in different

    places around town and waited

    to see if people woud return them .

    I See Paul's website at www wallettestc om

    2 Listen to th e first part of a radio interviewabout the experiment and answer the


    5. Listen to the second part again. Which of the

    two pi e charts accurately shows the results for

    young peope?

    1 . Why di d Pa cod ct ths expemet?

    2. Whee n Bel lev le d id he dopthe wa lets?

    3 What dd he vdeotape?

    4 How log di d he wat fo people toret the wal ets?

    3. What do you thin k? Were most of the people

    in the experiment honest or dishonest?

    4. Lsten to the second part of the interview

    to see whether your prediction was correct

    As you listen decde whether the fo owing

    statements are true or fase

    1 Paul is optimistc aot most people's honesty.

    2 Me n were moe hoest than women.

    3 Pal was ot su rprsed by the d fferecese ween men a d wome

    e people wee the most honest

    : e-aged peope wee the least honest


    Dishonest •

    A B

    190 1



    40 l8 O 56

    • From your own experience, do you thin k age

    and gender affect honesty?

  • 8/19/2019 Listenings (Viewpoints 1)


     � SKILLS


    LISTENING � . . .


    1 . When yo decide on a fil m to see, which of the fol lowing

    inflences yor decision?

    1 . f r ends ' ecommendaons 3. vewers' commens on te I nene

    2 . fim revews 4. poses, adverts and raiers

    2 Yo are going to hear three film reviews on the radio Listen and tick thepoints mentioned in each review What has been om itted from each review?

    1 . The Act ing

    4. Audience Appeal

    5 Recommendaion

    Review A Review B

    The Dark

    Revew C

    3. Listen to the reviews again As yo i sten take notes of the positive and negative points

    in each film Compare yor notes with a partner's.

    • Do you thi nk that fi lm critics have an effect on whether a film is sccessfl ? Why or why not?