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In Remembrance and Honor of the Brave US ServicemenWho Made the Ultimate Sacrifice in the Marianas Campaign During World Wer II The Flag Circle at the American Memorial Park in Saipan 2nd Publication dbt E4

List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Jan 05, 2017



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Page 1: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

In Remembrance and Honor of theBrave US ServicemenWho

Made the Ultimate Sacrifice in theMarianas Campaign During World Wer II

The Flag Circle at the American Memorial Park in Saipan

2nd Publicationdbt


Page 2: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


The entrance to the American Memorial Park, the Court of Honor and the Flag Circle

Page 3: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

In Remembrance and Honor of the

Brave US Servicemen WhoMade the Ultimate Sacrifice in the

Marianas Campaign During World War II

In Celebration of Memorial Day 1997

Compilied and PrePared bY the

Office of the Resident Representative

Juan N. Babauta2l2lR'. Street N.IV.

Washington' DC 20008











May 1997

Page 4: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

MICR,O}VESIAhi SEMIN^ARF.0. Eox 1@Fohnpei, Federatecl Statesof Micronesi a 96941

Dear Readers:

In June of T994, the Office of the Resident Representative to the United States published thebooklet entitled, In Remernbrance and Honor of the Brave U.S. Servicemen Who Made the (IltimateSacrffice in the Marianas Campaign During WWil. Since that publication, we have acquired severalnames from dog tags that were found by individuals on Saipan, plus an additional 20 names broughtto our attention by a member of the United States Army Air Corps of the 7th Fighter Command Unitstationed on Saipan during the war. Their participation in the Marianas Campaign was not recordedin our first edition.

We have received good feedback over the past two years about the first edition. This is theonly book of its kind which compiles listings from government agencies and various organizationsof those killed in action in the Marianas during the war. Copies have been sent to the president, VicePresident, the Pentagon, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Marine Associations, Archives inthe DC area, and all national veterans organizations. We have included some of the responsesreceived from these places in this supplement.

The greatest significance of this booklet is that it memorializes the brave service of thesemen whose lives were lost in the war. Family members will look at this publication and remember-and know that others also will remember-the ultimate sacrifice their love ones made for our country"This is our goal. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to these men. We must never forget.

Dangkulu na si Yuus Maase.


ruAN N. BABAUTAResident Representative

Page 5: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


The Cornmonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Office of the Resident

Representative to the united states, recognizes the hard work and dedication of

Mr-. Alejandro M. Falig in compiling the names of United States Servicemen of

the 2nd-and 4th Marine Divisions, and ttre Army 27th Infantry Division killed in

action during wortd war II in the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Battle of

the Philippine Sea.

Between 1992 and 1993 Mr. Falig extracted the information from the Navy

Annex, Arlington, virginia, the washington National Record center, suitland'

Maryland, und thu Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D'C' This

pu-pttt.t also acknowledges the assistance of the staff at these archival centers.

Listing of the Navy Servicernen killed in action were subsequently extracted

from records examined in 1994 at the Naval Historical Center, Operational

Archives Branch, Washington, D.C., by Ms. €Remedio N. Magofna, also a staff of

the Office of the Resident-Re.niesentative.

I would also like to acXnowtedge a debt of gratitude to Ambassador F.

Haydn \ililtiams of Ssn Fiancisco, Catifornia for his generous donation of the

Beti Tower and Carilton."This beautiful memorial is part of the American

Memorial Park and inscribed:

*IntoTh, Hands O Lotd*

This carillon Is A Gift Frotn Ambassador F. Haydnwiltiams To allThe Peoptre ofThe Commonwealth Af The Northern Mariana Isl'ands,In Menory Of The Devotion

And valor of Those Yaung American Marines, soililers, sai/ors, And Airmen

Who Gave Theb Lives In The Liheration Of These Islands, And To The Innocent

Chatnonos And Carolinians Kitteil Dwring The YVortd War II Invasion And Battle

For Saipan In June ,4,nd JulY i944.

May The sound of These Ringing Belts Be A Rerninder of our Debt To These

Ilonired Deail, The Nabte Cause Af Freedom, And The Eternal Hope Af Mankinil

For The Feace Among All Netions Of The Warld'

Dedicated Ntvember 1 1, 1995

Page 6: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


The Bell Tower and Carillon, a monument at the American Memorial Park in Saipan. (Donated byAmbassador F, H aydn Williams.)

Page 7: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Table of Gontents

U.S. Army ,271h lnfantry DivisionKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

27lnf. Div. HQp 3

727 Ord.LM. CO.p3105 Inf. Regt. p 3106 Inf. Regt. p 8165 Inf. Regt. p l1Organization not RecordedP 14

l06FABN 155MMHP 14


102 Eng. C BNp 14

r02Med. BNp 15

27Inf. Div. BandP 15

Army Personnel @ody not Recovered) p 15

Army Personnel @uried at Sea) DOW-Saipan p 15

U.S. Marines, 2nd Marine DivisionKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

Saipanp 17

Tinianp 25

U.S. Marines,4th Marine DivisionKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll 28

Saipanp 28

Tinianp 34

U.S. Marines Killed in the Marianasdivisions unknown and istands not recorded 38



U.S. Navy and Marine CorPsKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

4th Marine DivisionP 42

2nd lvlarine Division P 42

Tinian Capture and OccuPation P 43

Battle of the PhiliPPine Sea P 44

U.S. Army Air CorPsKllled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

?th Fighter Command Unit P 45



Page 8: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


IEVELING GARAPAN - View overlooking the town af Garapan as Naval and artillery shells poundthe cily dnd sarrounding areas just beforc Msrtrc infantrymen maved in ta capturc this administrativecenter af Saipan. Note tke warship offshore at the extreme left. OffrcialU.S. Marine Corps Photograph.


Page 9: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


--.srYd,t *


- @gElF" v@}

I^AST FAuEWEIL-Marineswho tandedin theftrstassaultwave atsaipan,bidfarewell totallen comrades

who have been prepareitfor burial. officiful Il.s. Marine cvrps Photograph.


!iqo66.' ; 'W4peel,a66Eidi : . :qBtsFl,4lOdddd,: :, . 'qEEl! 66d; i:t 9erd4;nnx::9tbdddii.r!19,. ir66

Inscribed in thc Court of Honor at the,4meritan Memorial Fark in Garapan, are the nawres of those

servicemen who iticd in the Marianas Campaign. Tlae tisting is based on the lst eilition of this bookleL

Page 10: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Killed in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

27 lnl. Div. HQ.Bailey, louie 8., Pvt

727 Ord. LM. CO.Willingham, William F., PFC

105 lnf. Fegt.Aaron, Henry, StfSgtAbbott, Comelius R., PFCAckermann, Louis F., CaptAdams, Leo F., SgtAddincton, Kenneth N., SgtAdsit, Robert C., SgtAhlschwede, Leonard L., PFCAlbert, George, SgtAlbertson, Broadus L., StfSgtAlbertson, Russell, SgtAlewine, Matthew C., PvtAlexander, Robert L., PFCAllan, Robert M., PFCAllen, Melvin L., PFCAlois, John A., SgtAlvardo, Enrique C., Tec5Andersen, Hans A., T SgtAnderson, Bert 8., PFCAnderson, Clement L., PFCAngell, John H., StfSgtAngrisani, Salvatore F., StfsgtArnold, James D., FvtArnold, Norman C., lst LtArthur, Maurice J., FvtAshman, John W., PvtAugustine, Gerald T., PFC

Bachrik, Joseph, 2ndLtBaczewski, John J., PFCBailey, Johnnie H., PFCBaker, Thomas A., SgtBallard, Herbert N., PFCBaralis, William, SgtBarbaro, William M., StfSgtBarbour, Hubbard, PFCBarnes, Harry T., PFCBamhart, Herman, SgtBarrett, Everett J., SgtBarry, David M., PFCBarth, Clarence W., Sgt

U.S. Army, 27lh lnfantry Division

Barton, Joe F., PFCBartsch, Emest J., PFCBass, William P., PvtBassman, Fred W., PFCBaygents, Charles R., PvtBean, Richard N., PFCBeard, Bruce, PFCBeard, Melvin M.. PvtBeard, Richard E., SgtBeattie, Amos O., PFCBeaubouef, James I., StfSgtBeaudette, Henry L., SgtBeaupre, Thomas J., PFCBecker, George H., Jr., PFCBecton, Charlie E., PFCBeddia, John S., PFCBellis, Edward J., StfSgtBelote, Hugh O., PvtBenefiel, Hershell W., PFCBennett, Herman J., PFCBennett, Lee R., Jr., StfSgtBennett, Winfred W., StfSgtBenning, Jessie R., PvtBenson, Alden, PFCBenson, Lesley S., PFCBenz, George J., PFCBerg, Vernon O., PFCBerg, Wallace, PFCBernardi, Joe, PFCBersack, Pincus, PFCBertagna, Frank, PvtBethel, Merril E., PvtBetz, Paul B., PFCBianchi, Joseph, PFCBianco, Anthony J., PvtBielecki, Joseph E., PFCBigley, Charles A., PvtBignell, Kenneth K., PFCBilger, Emerson C., PFCBirdwell, Leonard C., PvtBinittier, Frank S., PFCBishop, James M., PFCBishop, Philip C., PFCBlack, Clingman R., SgtBlack, Glenn E., PFCBlack, Roy P., PFCBlackwood, Calvin F., PFCBlakeslee, Hobart W., CaptBlakley, James S., PFC

Blassi, Thomas R., PFCBledsoe, Cleo R., PFCBledsoe, Emerson L., PvtBlondo, Paul P., PFCBlum, kven I.,Te*4Boak, Harold 8., PvtBode, Frederick M., PFCBogan, Edward A., SgtBogatay, Andrew, PFCBoggs, Hershel8., PFCBolha, Joseph M., SgtBonds, Marshall, PFCBornick, Elmer A., PFCBouchard, Alexander C., CaptBovee, Claude A., PvtBoyles, James R., PFCBoynton, David M., PvtBradley, Jones H., PFCBraly, James M., lst LtBrewer, George H., PFCBridges, Clement J., PFCBrittain, Arthur G., PFCBroady, Kenneth N., SgtBrockett" Albert D.,2nd LtBrocksmith, James J.,PvtBroome, Boyce O., PFCBrost, Charles 8., PvtBrought, Lawrence B., PFCBrown, Ellis C., PvtBrown, Forrest F., PFCBrown, George L., PFCBrown, James H., lst LtBrown, Melvin, PvtBrown, Miles I., PFCBruick, George, PvtBuchert, Albert B., PFCBuelter, Edwin,2ndLtBufkins, Benjamin F., Jr., CorpBurgess, James W., PvtBurkhart, Andrew, PvtBurkhart, Richard J., SgtButts, Harold K., CorpByars, William W., Sgt

Calianno, Martin A., PFCCameron, John, 2nd LtCaprarelli, Frank, Tec4Cardin, Alfred F., CorpCarneal, William T., PFC

Page 11: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Carpenter, Ralph J., PFC

Carson, Robert A., PvtCarter, Jasper H., PvtCate, Winford D., PFC

Cavic, Roy E., PFCChapman, Harmon, Sgt

Chase, James S., PvtChiccarelli, David A., PFC

Chrisman, l.ewis M., PFC

Ciccarelli, Carmen J., StfSgt

Cipriani, Pasquale, PvtClanin,l-ewis E., T Sgt

Clark, Lloyd G., Tec5

Clinton, Buck, T Sgt

Clouser, Clarence L., PvtCocopoti, Augustus J., PFC

Coffman, Henry 8., PFC

Cogdell, Leonard W., PFC

Cohen, Melvin PFC

Coker, Marion C., PvtColangelo, Alterigio, T Sgt

Colbert, Howard V., StfSgt

Collins, Jess W., PFC

Collins, Norman E., StfSgtCombest, Jerry W., CorP

Conder, Thomas B., StfSgt

Conrad, Jack, SgtConroy, Charles W., PFC

Consola, Anthony T., PvtContini, Victor B., PFC

Cook, Harold E., StfSgt

Cooksey, Johnie R., PFC

Cooper, Irving L., PvtCooper, James E., PFC

Conigan, Charles F., PFC

Corum, Harold L., Sgt

Corwin, Willard R., Jr., PFC

Coulter, George 8., Sgt

Coward, Earl D., lst LtCravens, Chades B., PFC

Crawford, George 8., Sgt

Crean, John N., PFC

Crissman, Sanford L., PvtCrownover, William L., PFC

Croyle, Leonard S., PFC

Crutchfield, Josef H., PFC

Cunningham, Kenneth V.' PFC

Cupo, William J., Sgt

Curcio, AnthonY J., PFC

Curcio, RudolPh C., PFC

Cybuck, Paul, StfSgt

Czemiawski, John, T Sgt

Dagliere, Frank, PFC

Dagostino, Carmen J., PFC

Danko, John F., StfSgtDapkeavich, Stanley, PvtDavis, Edward L., PFC

Davis, Hugh L., 2ndLtDavis, James J., PFC

Davis, Jerome N., Jr., PFC

Davis, Willie, PFC

Davy, Frederick C., StfSgtDay, Alma H., PFC

Delessio, Parick J., PFCDeVito, Frank, PFCDeadmond, Ervin D., Tec4

Delbreugge, Leonard W., PFC

Demaree, Samuel M., PFC

Deming, John G., PvtDennis, John 8., PFC

Denue, George 8., PFC

Dewhirst, James 8., PFC

DiDonato, Pasy J., PFC

DiMeo, Dominic D., StfSgtDiVirgilio, Peter J., PFC

Dickey, Cleo B., StfSgtDickon, Robert L., PFC

Dioguardo, Dominick M., StfSgtDistad, Arthur M., PFC

Doddo, Louis S., StfSgtDolliver, George B., Jr.,2ndLtDominguez, Percy V., PvtDrovis, Seymour P., lst LtDrummond, Walter A., Sgt

Dubill, Paul P., PFC

Duncan, Malcolm I., PFC

Duncan, Olin N., PFC

Dworkin, Sol, PFC

Dykes, Bruce, PFC

Dykstra, John, Tec5

Earlywine, Louis S., PFC

Eaton, Danel L., PFC

Eckardt, William H., PFC

Edgmon, WilburE., PFC

Edwards, Burnum S., StfSgtEdwards, Irving S., Tec5

Elias, Nicholas, PFC

Eline, William F., PFC

Elliott, Henry J., PFC

Emig, Charles E., PFC

Engesser, Herbert J., 2ndLtErb, Robert F., PvtErbach, William F., PFC

Erbe, Harold B., PFC

Erickson, Robert L., PFC

Ernsthausen, Clayton E., PFC

Estrada, Atanrcio C., PvtEubanks, Dallas, PvtEves, Herbert J., PFC

Fahnestock, George L., PFCFaiferlick, Walter M., PFC

Fairhurst, Edwin, StfSgtFallsgraff, Francis R., PFC

Fawbus, Chesley A., PFCFeathers, Earl W.,PFCFeeser, Archie H., PFC

Ferns, William M., Jr., CaptFerrante, John, Jr., PFCFenis, Theodore R., PFC

Fierro, James A., Jr., PFC

Fijaldowski, Walter, PFC

Fitippone, Nocholas A., PFC

Fisher, Clifford W., SgtFisher, George J., SgtFisher, James W., Jr., PvtFlynn, Lawrence D., PFC

Foley, John J., T SgtFonte, John A., PFCFrancik, Elmer R., PFCFraser, George, T SgtFreeland, Braxton H., lst LtFreeman, George I., PFC

Freese, John L., PvtFreitas, Fred J., PFC

Freitas, Manuel, PFC

French, Phillip R., PFC

Friedland, Sidney, PvtFriling, John M., Jr., PvtFuentes, Jose P., PvtFuselier, Murphy C., Pvt

Gabri, Stephen C., CorpGaddy, Eugene M., PvtGalardi, Lawrence L., PFC

Gamble, James L., Jr., PFC

Gamble, Melvin E.,PFCGarcia, Arnro J., SgtGarciaEladio E.,PFCGarcia, Manuel 8., Jr., Tec5

Garcia, Pablo, FvtGarcia, Pedro T., PFCGarrison, Earl, PvtGasior, Stanley J., Jr., PvtGaspara, Vido J., PFC

Gasoon, Robert B., lst LtGawin,Bernmd, PFC

Gayhart, Bumam, PFC

Geib, Williarn N., PFC

Gellerman, Francis J., Pvt

Page 12: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Gensrich, Willys S., PvtGentillet, Caston J., PvtGeorge, Fred, SgtGeorge, Irvin A., PFCGeren, James 8., PFCGeschke, Carl O., PFCGhidossi, Walter E., SgtGibbs, Elliott, Jr., PFCGill, John L., lstLtGilley, Homer 8., lst LtGillitzer, Amold A., PFCGizzi, Arthur M., PFCGlover, Robert L., PFCGmelin, Emery J., StfSgtGoclon, Walter, PFCGodby, Melvin L., PvtGoldenberg, Harry A., PFCGoldenberg, Albert, PFCGoldsmitl, Harry S., PvtGolenbiewski, Edward R., SgtGong, Gang, PvtGonzalez, Ramon T., Tec4Goo, Richard T. K., PvtGooden, Frank W., PvtGoozda, John R., T SgtGordon, David L., PFCGordon, James 8., PFCGordon, John B., PvtGoretzki, Marvin J., PFCGosa, Ernmitt A., PFCGougler, Clarence J., PFCGower, Charles P.,2nd LtGrams,l-ouis H., PFCGrant, Vem L., SgtGray, Richard W., PvtGreathouse, John R., PFCGreenwell, Cecil A., lst LtGriffith, Jackson, PvtGrossman, Leo J., PFCGrover, Norman C., PFCGrua, Bernard E'., PFCGuice, Paul, PFCGunn, Donald I., 2nd LtGurgul, Edward J., PFCGuyll, Orville, PFC

Haaf, Clarence 8., lst LtHagen, Mynor A., PFCHagman, Willard L., PFCHajek, Carl N., StfSgtHall, Melvin A., PvtHallman, Glen S., PvtHansen, Elrner F., PFCHansen, Robert W., 2nd Lt

Hardcastle, Frank A., PFCHarris, James 8., Jr., StfSgtHarris, Maurice A., PFCHartnett, William J., PvtHatcher, EmestP., PFCHarcher, John J., PFCHaverly, Allan W., lst SgtHawver, John A., SgtHazen, Robert P., StfSgtHeapes, John J., PFCHeidelberger, S. S., T SgtHemrich, Lloyd J., PFCHenderson, Charlie C., PFCHendley, Mahlon W., SgtHendrix, Billie M., PFCHemdon, Harry G., SgtHerrera, Albert F., PFCHenick,Irving H., PFCHicks, Harold W.,2nd LtHiddleson, Willis 8., PFCHier" Winton R., PFCHill, Donald G., PFCHilla, Emile J., PFCHinkle, Vetter H., PFCHockensmith, Sylvester, PFCHodgen, James P., Jr., PFCHoffman, Nocholas J., PFCHolcomb, WilburR., SgtHolden, David M., PvtHolland, William J., SgtHollifield, Jay B., SgtHoornweg, Pieter A. A., PFCHjough, Charles E., 2nd LtHouse, Louis 8., PvtHoyt, Edward L., PFCHruby, Charles, PFCHuckaby, Erwin F., PFCHudgins, Floyd W., PvtHudson, George H., PvtHue, Felicien, Jr., PFCHughes, John I., StfSgtHume, Robert L, PFCHurlburt, John E., SgtHussey, Alexander, PFCHutchinson, Henry O., PFC

Inkster, George 8., PvtInsko, Wesley C., 2nd LtIverson, Edwin J., Pvt

Jackson, James R., PvtJacobsen, Clarence C., PFCJandrew, William W., PFCJaycox, Wallace S., PFC

Jensen, Henry M., SgtJerrel, Keith M., PvtJohns, Henry J., PvtJohnson, Chester, PFCJohnson, Elmer E., SfSgtJohnson, Fred H., PFCJohnson, Kenneth, S tfSgtJohnson, Wallace V., PFCJollett,Iron M., PFCJolley, William H., PvtJones, Andrew S., PFCJones, Leroy, CorpJoseph, Frank A., StfSgtJoseph, Levon R., lst LtJung, Carl E'., PFC

Kahle, Martin P., PFCKalis, George A., Tec4Kane, Edward P. J., PvtKasten, Paul L., PFCKattau, James J., StfSgtKautz, Fred J., PFCKeates, George W., PFCKeiko, Walter J., PFCKenchelian, Michael M., PFCKeniry, Charles L., PFCKennedy, Lewis H., PFCKing, Herman W., Jr., PFCKing, Hugh P., lst LtKing, Joe W., PvtKing, Joseph J., PvtKing, Lewis L., PFCKing, Thomas L., SgtKing, William R., PFCKinyone, Joseph F., PvtKirksey, Pat A., StfSgtKirsch, Cyril F., StfSgtKlein, Albert J., PFCKolakoff, Louis, SgtKolsun, Stephen, StfSgtKopsa, Andrew J., T SgtKorowajczyk, Joseph W., T SgtKovac, Steven, Jr., StfSgtKowalczyk, Adolph S., SgtKowaliszyn, John, SgtKracht, Wallace H., PFCKrarner, Roland, PFCKratky, Joseph F., Tec5Kuchta, Walter A., PFCKuder, John W., T SgKula, Edwin J., PFCKunz, Kennetlt O., PFCKutch, Herman C., PFCKuykendall, Leonard O., Pvt

Page 13: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Kuzel, William F., Pvt

LaRoche, James E., PFCIaSorta, Anthony J., PFCIacky, Richard D., PFC

I:ke, George L., StfSgtlamboin, Eugene H., PFC

lanc, Michael E., StfSgILandor, Michael P., StfSgtI:ng, Donald M., PFC

Lansing, Guy E., PFC

I-arsen, Louis E., Jr., PvtIarson, Donald L., PFCL^att€r, Milton H., lst LtLauridsen, Melvin P., PFC

[:wson, Roy, PvtIrfebwe, Raymond D., T Sgt

Lehman, James 8., PvtI-elkes, Louis J., PFC

Iimieux, Henry A., Tec5

Icnhard, Joseph P., Jr., PFC

I-enzini, Vito, PFC

Ironard, Leon 8., PFCLevesque, Leo J., T SgtIrvesque, Vinal T., StfSgtLevin, Lawrence, Tec5

Lim, Daniel, PvtLivelsberger, Cyril L., PFC

LoCurto, Joseph, J., StfSgtLoftis, Curtis W., PFC

Logan, Wilson A., CorP

long, Paul D., SgtI-ongo, John, PFCLapez,Juan C., PFCInw, Seth, PFC

Lubich, Martin, Jr., PFC

Lucwinko, John P., PvtLund, Leo W., PFC

Lutz, Arthur G., PFC

lvlaeder, RudolPh F., StfSgtMager, Meyer, SgtMagilligan, Austin D., M Sgt

Makarowsky, Michael, T Sgt

Malik, John V., Sgtlvlancini, Vicor L., PFClvlann, Thomas H., PFC

Mansey, Frederick, PFC

Marbut, Albert G., PFC

lvlarchewka, Walter R., PFC

Marcum, Homer, PvtMariane, Jacob D., PFC

lvlarinelli, Alfieri A., PFC

ldarion, Edmond F., PFC

Martin, Charles O., Tec4lvlartinez, Augrlio R., PFC

Martinez, John I., PFCMartinez, LeonardPFCldar[inez, Pascual L., PFC

Mast, Frank T., PFCMattison, Joseph 8., PFC

Mattson, Chester A., PFC

Mauskemo, Clement L., PFC

McCurley, Ocie B., PFC

McGarvin, MamesJ., T SgtMcGuire, Francis 8., StfSgtMcGuire, Roben J., lst LtMclntyre, Irwin L., PFC

McMahon, Earl W., PFC

McMahon, John D., PFC

McNeil, Elmer, PFC

McNeill, John C., SgtMcSheffrey, Thomas J., Tec5

Medeiros, Edwin P., PvtMerrill, Lewis O., PFC

Messer, James, PFC

Meyer, George J., Tec4Meyers, Edwin P., Tec4

Mikeles, Donald, PFC

Militante, Herman L., PFC

Miller, Henry F., StfSgtMills, George W., PFC

Mole, George T., T Sgt

Monaco, John A., Sgt

Moran, John J., Tec3

Moretz, Alonzo L., PFC

Morong, Leo A., PFC

Morozowsky, Peter P., Sgt

Morrison, James 8., PFC

Moser, Lawrence L., PFC

Mudd, James R., PFCMueller, Martin, PFC

Muether, William H., PFC

Mulligan, John J., StfSgtMurr, Allen A., Pvt

Nadratowski, Henry S., 2nd LtNacy,louis, SgtNance, Leon S., PFC

Napiorkowski, R. J., StfSgtNapoli, John A., Sgt

Neilsen, Norman H., PvtNelson, Karl A., PFC

Nelson, Odes, PvtNelson, Roy L., PFCNesmitft, Douglas R., Tec5

Nickel, Albert C., PFC

Nixon, Chauncey M., Tec5

Nord, Russell8., lst LtNorder, Raymond C., StrSgtNowala, Anttrony D., PFC

O'Brien, William J., Lt CO'Donnell, James F., PFC

Ogle, i.,ee R., SgtO'Neal, Norman 8., PFC

O'Neill, James H., Tec4

Osbonlighter, Fred T., T SgtOsbome, Henry B., PFC

Owen, Linguin F., StfSgt

Pack, Garland L., StfSgtPalmer, Dale E,., PFC

Palmer, Jack V., PFCPardue, Paul, PvtParisi, Carmelo C., PFC

Palker, Charles H., SfsgtPaschall, Polk R., SfSgtPassero, Samuel N., lst Sgt

Pavese, Oreste, PFC

Paxton, Thomas W., PFC

Pecorella, S tefano, PvtPelkey, Gerald N., SfSgtPenson, Arves Y., PvtPesock, George A., PFC

Pesterfield, Robert L., Sf SgtPet€rsen, Clifford C., PFC

Petschauer, Norman F., PFC

Petters, Robert J., lst LtPeyre, Roger P., lst LtPhillips, Edison C., PvtPhillips, Ruby G., PFC

Picard, Gaspard O., lst LtPickard, John W., PFC

Pidgeon, William C., lst LtPilat, George W., Sgt

Pimental, Walter M., Stf SgtPittman, Leon 8., PFC

Poldino, Frank, SgtPollard, George W., PFC

Pollock, Bernard J., PFCPonialoski, Fred V., Tec5

Pontes, August J., PvtPoochigian, Bergh, PFC

Poplowski, Robert A., PFC

Posipanko, Michael C., PvtPotts, Cecil, PFChatscher, Wilfred A., PFC

hatt, HaroldE.,PwPrice, Clyde, Tec5

Priddy, William A., PFChoduit, John B., PFC

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Pryor, Gordon L., CorpPuglisi, John G., PFC

Randle, Walker, SgtRatchford, Thomas A., PvtRaulston, Max 8., PvtRayca, Henry S., PFCRector, Charles R., PFCRedmon, WalterF., PvtReed, Woodrow, PFCReese, Luther V., SgtRehm, Harold M., Stf SgtReilly, John J., Jr., PFCReilly, Lawrence J., lst I-tRenshaw, John, SgtReplocle, Walter J., PFCRevercomb, Edgar T., PFCReynolds, George E., PFCReynolds, Joseph A., PFCRhodes, James F., Stf SgtRice, Lester, PFCRich, Nicholas M., Tec5Richardson, Robert L., 2nd LtRickard, Eugene L., PFCRiise, Mark A., Sf SgtRinaldi, Orfeo V., PvtRipo, George, PvtRising, Joseph S., SgtRitner, Ilarry M., PFCRizzi, Juliano P., PFCRoberts, Fred, PvtRoberts, Ival H., PFCRoberts, William D., PFCRobinson, Earl A., Stf SgtRobinson, Paul 8., PFCRocco" Michael J., PvtRockwell, Lewis N., PFCRoden, Donald A., PFCRodrigguez, Guillermo, PFCRodriguez, Robert G., PFCRoe, Charles 8., Stf SgtRogg, Maynard J., PFCRomano, AlbertL., CorpRose, Louis H., PFCRose, Ray M., PFCRoseman, Williarn F., Pvt'Rosling, Carl A., PFCRospo, Leo J., T SgtRoss, Fred, Jr., Stf SgtRoss, Ralph T., Tec5Rufener, Louis E., lst LtRyan, Edward M., PvtRyan, Richard F., CaptRyan, Thomas E., PFC

Sabo, Michael, PFCSaetes, Frank N., PFCSahargun" Steven J., Str SgtSalado, Alfred A., PFCSalas, Robert, PvtSaldana, John C., PFCSalomon, Ben L., CaptSanders, Onie W., PFCSanderson, Jay C., PFCSandlin, John M., PFCSandoval, Andrew, PFCSanzen, Peter J., Stf SgtSchaffer, David F., 2ndLtSchaible, Robert W., PFCScherer, Joseph, PFCSchillinger, Harry P., PFCSchlagenhauf, John H., Stf SgtSchmidt, Arthur L., lst LtSchmidt, Dean P., PFCSchmidt, Lyman C., PFCSchmidt, Raymond C., PvtSchwartfeger, Henry H., PFCSchwartz, Alvin, PvtSchwartz, Harold J., Stf SgtScivinsky, Steve, PFCSeidel, R.obert P., lst LtSekatyouma, Jacob, PvtSenteno, Eddie G., PFCShafer, Roy C., PFCShandler, Edward M., SgtShaugnessy, William J., CorpShepard, Milron F., PFCShreve, Monroe J., PvtShull, Thomas, SgtSiefken, Eldon, PFCSiegel, Morris, PFCSiepak, Frank J., PvtSierota, Paul P., PFCSilva, Antonio R., PFCSimons, Anttrony, Sgt.

Simonson, Vernon, PFCSims, Homer 2., Stf.Sgt.Sims, William R., PFCSkene, Charles P., Jr., PFCSkiba, Joseph J., Stf. Set.Slusarz, Daniel F., PFCSluzas, Walter C., Capt.Smit, John K., Pvt.Smith, Clinton F., Capt.Smith, Donald P., PFCSmith, DwightP., Stf. SgrSmith, Homer W., PFCSmith, Lester C., PFC

Smyth,I.eonard C., PFCSnelling, Nonis E., Pvt.Sniezek, WiUiam A., PvtSomers, Judson., PFCSorokoski, Freddy A., SgtSpeanburg, Kenneth, Stf.S gt.Speecle, Charles, PFCSpe,sky, Benjamin, PvtSpires, Ories L., PFCStahl, William L., PFCStanczak, William D., Sf. Sgt.Stark, James R., !st, Lt.Steele, Judson C., Jr., PvtSteen, Conrad P., SgrSteffen, Fred A., PFCSteffen, Reymond F., PFCSteinforth, Ernest E., PFCStevenin, Edward L., PFCStiles, Clifford W., PFCStockslager" Charles, PVTStopera, Barney S., SgtStrauch, Lawrence E., PvtStrauch, Robert J., PFCStrauch, Joseph L., PvtStreets, Joseph L., PvtStreifl Carl T., PvtStreiEnatter, Floyed L., Tec5Stroech, Arthur C., PFCStuart, Kenneth C., PFCStucker, Raymond P., PvtSutka, Frank A., PvtSwan, James C., PFCSwenson, William A., PFC

Tavolara, Kenneth R., PFCTaylor, Benjamin W., SgtTaylor, John N., SgtTelles, Sam, PvtTessnear, Richard C., PFCTesta, Slavatore, PFCTexeira, George, PvtTheuman, Edgar L., SgtThomas, Oscar W., PvtThomas, Allan K., PFCThompson, Charles C., lst Lt.Thompson, Scott W., PvtThornberry, Ernest O., PvtTibbs, Herman F., PFCTilley, Milton, Stf Sgt.Tillson, Lambert O., PFCTipton, Paul H., PFCTitterington, John E., lst Lt.Topete, Nicholas, PFCToucan, Bemard A., lst. Lt

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Toy,William H.,PFCTrentadue, Joe, PFC

Truisi, Victor, PFCTurdici, James L., PFCTurner, Harold H., PFC

Turner, Roy J., PFCTurner, Sam, PFCTwitchell, Wirt B., lst LrTyson, Harvey L., PFC

Uidenich, Joe G., PFC

Underdahl, lawrence M., PFC

Underwood, Edward O., PvtUnderwood, Claude W., Tec 5Urbaniak, Edward, PvtUtz, Harold E., PFC

Vanderzanden, Herman V., PFCVega, Cados F., Jr., PFC

Vestal, Alexander F., PFC

Voellmecke, John J., PFC

Vogel,Isadore, PFC

Vocelpohl, Edward G., PFC

Vrancheff , Theodore, PFC

Wachsman, Frederick A., PFC

Wages, Robert O., Jr., Sgt

Wagner, Harold A., Stf Sgt.

Wagoner, Anry, PFC

Waooner, Archie A", PFC

Walker, Wesley F., PFC

Wallace, Virgil L., CorP.

Walters, Virgil, Tec 5Ward, William T., CaPt.

Watson, DavidD., PFC

Watts, Ernest E., PFC

Weber, Howell B., Stf. Sgt.

Wehrnann, George W., Pvt

Weinbauer, Erwin L., PFC

Weingates, Theodore W., Stf. Sgt.

Weinstein, Solomon, Sgt.

Welcus, Morton, PFC

Wells, Robert H., PFC

Westwood, Herbert H., PFC

White, Lawrence W., lst Lt.Widirstky, Peter, Jr., Pvt

Widman, Edward E., PvtWiebe, Theodore R., PfcWilchynski, Joseph, Sgt.

Wiley, John T., Tec 4Williams, James F., CorP.

Williams, LoydL., PFC

Williams, Wayne C., PFC

Wilson, Bruce T., PvtWilson,Willis S.,PFC

Winkelmann, Ray, PFC

Winters, Mark W., PFC

Witek, John T., Sgt.Witherspoon, Marvin J., PFCWitkifski, Ambrose W., PvtWolcast, John E., PFCWomble, Robert G., lst Lt.Woodruff, Leo J., Corp.Wright, John T., PFC

Wrye, Milburn R., PFC

Wulfl GilbertE.,PFC

Yang, Ralph, PFCYawney, William, PvtYeatman, William G., Corp.Yeazell, John P., Pvt.Young, Peter G., PFCYoung, Robert D., 2nd Lt.Yount, Cecil B., Sg.Yousch, John V., PFC

Zabka,John, PFCZapotowski, Joseph A., PFC

T,eim,George A., Jr., PFC

Zilinskas, Bernard J., lst. Sgt.

Zimandel, Ernil S., PFC

106 lnf" Regt.Abrams, Arthur, PFCAdams, ErnestW., PFC

Adams, Raymond F., PFC

Akiona, Arthur J., PFC

Albertson, Ernest H., PW

Aliano, Leon, Sgt.Allander, William, Sgt.Allen, George W., Jr., PFC

Alley, Alex S., PFC

Allie, Charles R.; PFC

Amato, Antonio J., 3rd Sgt.

Annis, Frank J., PFC

Arner, Newell W., PFC

ArmsEong, James D., PvtAmold, Daniel O., PFCArroyo, Antonio, Pvt

Bailey, Newell R., Tec 5Baker, Robert C., Sgt.Bales, John L., PFCBarbato, Michael J., PFC

Barnes, Afton D., PFC

Bamhard, DonaldL., SgtBasler, Roy V., PFC

Bates, Robert T., Capt.Batle, Edward F., Sgt.

Beattie, John S., PFCBecker, George C., PFC

Bedoya, Atalfo O., PFCBeers, Dad A., PvtBehler, Cad E., PFCBell, Martin W., PvtBenardo, Chades J., PFC

Bender, Harold M. Sgt.

Bender, Marlyn B., PFCBennett, George H., Corp.Bentancur, Catarion, PFC

Bemal, Heraclio, PFC

Bernard, Bruno C., PFC

Bemis, Ben, Jr., PFCBiliski, Martin, PFCBilodeau, Richard F., PFC

Bissinger, Martin G., PFCBlacksher, James, H., PFCBoatman, AlbertF., SgtBogovich, George E., PFC

Bojorquez, Hector P., PvtBonazza, Thomas, Tec5

Bonnecarre, Joseph V., PFC

Bonner, Robert J., 2nd LtBooker, Glenn F., PFC

Borst, Lester C., PFCBorysink, Paul, PFC

Botelho, Eddie, Stf Sgt

Bova, Bemard D., SgtBradford, Burl W., PFC

Bradford, Herman M., PFCBradley, Thomas E,., PvtBramble, Jessie E., Jr., PFC

Brewer, Gilbert E., PvtBrindley, Nelson C., PvtBroadwell, Leonard H., PFCBrown, Douglas, Tec4

Brugman, Dwayne R., PFCBucci, William J., PFC

Buckmaster, Glen R., SgtBuonanno, Thomas R., PFC

Burchill, William C, Jr., PFC

Burgner, Melvin L., Stf SgtBurke, Swannie H., PFC

Burt, Joseph J., PFCBybee, Richard L., SgtByerley, Russell F., PFC

Cable, George E., PFC

Cabral, Stanley A., PFC

Cahill, James A., Stt SgtCamarena, Gerardo, PFC

Cambra, Clarence P., PFC

Cannon, Edward W., Sgt

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Cardoza, Isaac, PFCCarney, Jerome V., PvtCarroll, Thomas B., Stf SgtCasalese, Salvatore L., PFC

Cassady, Elwin F., 2nd LtCaulkins, Chester J., PFCChamberlain Edwin E'., PFCCimino, Carmen A., PvtClause, William W., Stf SgtCogar, Fred C., Jr., PFCCoghill, Monroe M., Tec5Collins, Jack B., PFC

Condra, Lewis M., Stf SgtConner, George L., CorpConradt, Roland W., Tec5

Cooney, Charles, SgtCooney, Harry, T SgtCorhan, Julius P., PvtConea, Donald M., PFCCorrea, Ernest, PvtCortes, Salvador, PvtCowgill, Duray E., PFCCross, Marlie, PFC

Curtis, Rolla E., PvtCyburt, Stanley, PFC

Dalton, Willis R., PFCDanforth, Glenn 8., Stf SgtDaniels, Hoyt, PFCDavis, Henry J., PFCDavis, William J.,2nd LtDawson, George M., SgtDay, Joseph C., PFC

DeJulio, Anthony P., PFCDeaver, RobertL., PFCDebourg, Robert G., PFCDedert, Frank J., PvtDeily, Allen I., PFCDelMasso, Marco M., PFCDeshotel, Varance L., PFC

Deutsch, John J., SgtDiaz, Anthonio E., PFCDieglio, Peter, PFCDonofrio,Iouis, T SgtDonze, Frank A., PvtDorn, Harold F., SgtDorsa, John C., PFCDriscoll, John P., PFCDudey, Robert H., Stf SgtDuke, Raymond B., PFCDuncan, Harry F., lst LtDunich, Tom M., PFCDunn, George N., SgtDuren, George D.,PFC

Durham, Fred A., PFC

Eades, Alvin J., lst LtEdwards, William J., PvtEinstein, futhw,PFCEllinger, Carl J., PFCEmmerich, Albert L., PFCEmmsley, Thomas, Jr., PFCEngelkes, Omke G., PFCEsposito, Michael T., SgtEssary, Lee, PvtEstavan, William J., PFCEvans, Joe E., Sgt

Farmer, Robert N., PFCFasino, Antlony J., SgtFingar, Russel W., SgtFinley, George R., PvtFisezi, John, PvtFitchue, John J., PFCFitzgerald, Daniel 8., SgtFizgerald, Bernard F., PFCFleming, Edward J., PFCFleming, Harry 8., lstLtFogle, Dean O., Stf SgtForgione, Salvatore M., PFCFowler, Raymond H., Stf SgtFranco, John G., PvtFranks, Marion L., PFCFreeman, Millard L., PFCFreeman, William, PFCFrench, ka E., PFCFultz, Glen E., PFC

Gabrielson, Arthur R., PFCGallacher, Henry F., Stf SgtGallo, Carmen, PvtGarwol, Edward A., Stf SgtGatton, John R., PFCGattuso, Philip N., PvtGavini, Joseph O., PFCGearing, Rayrnond W., PFCGeier, Allan N., Stf SgtGeier, Howard L., Stf SgtGennardo, Joseph F., PFCGerdes, David F., PFCGersema, Raymond, PFCGettys, George F., 2nd LtGibbons, Thomas 8., PFCGlaze,John J., PFCGoff, Charlie W., SgtGomes, Norbert R., PFCGonsalves, Joseph, PFCGorman, John P., PFCGrabowski, Edward P., PFC

Graham, Carlton R., PFCGraham, Edmund J., lst LtGrant, James 8., Jr., Stf SgtGreen, John P., 2ndLtGreenawalt, Samuel F., PFCGriffin, Kenneth C., PvtGrom, CasperL., PFCGrudzina, Alexander J., T SgtGuinan, James J., PvtGunnish, Michael, PFCGuntly, Robert PFC

Halvorson, Efriam S., PFCHamilton, Harold F., PFrC

Hammler, Henry E.,PFCHanger, James O., PvtHanley, Albert N., PFCHansen, Richard, PFCHarden, John S., PFCHeMon, Eldon I., PFCHeck, Frederick R., Stf SgtHein, John PFCHeminway, William T., CaptHennebelle, Robert H., PFCHemandez, Sixto G., PFCHerring, Alvin O., PFCHicken, Bert M., PvtHill, George F., PFCHill, Reginald F., SgtHill, Thomas G., PFCHilton, Frank J., PvtHolbrook, Chester F., Stf SgtHomiski, Frank P., Jr., Srf SgtHoward, Emie A., PvtHruby, Roben F., PFCHughes, John T., PFCHulslander, Albert P., PFC

Imperato, Frank E., Corp

Jager, George A., PFCJames, Ralph J., SgtJanik, Frank D., T SgtJaramillo, Andrese, PFCJax, John R., PFCJestings, Alfred W., PFCJohns, Alexander C., PvtJohnson, Dean A., PFCJohnson, Leslie J., Stf SgtJohnson, Wayne C., PFCJones, L. J., Jr., PFCJones, Robert K., Sgt

Kalavik, James J., PFCKalinske, Edward W., Pvt

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Kanaszyc, Edward A., SgtKarczmarczyk, Edward, S gtKeaton, Lester J., PvtKelley, Harrison A., PFC

Keuck, Edward A., PFC

Kierbow, Glenn M., Jr., PFC

Kieman, Charles P., Stf Sgt

King,Ilarold F., PvtKingdon, Keittr M., PFC

Kish, Daniel, Str SgtKlein, Arthur, CaptKnouse, lvlartin G., PFC

Koepp, ElmerW., PFC

Kolinsky, Joseph G., PFC

Kolling, John P., lst LtKolumbar, Frank J., lst LtKoon, Vernon A., PFCKoozmitch, Walter, PFCKory, Amold V., Stf Sgt

Koshar, Anthony, Tec5Kralemann, John W., PFC

Kramer, Bemard G., htKrawczykowski, W. C., PFC

Kre.sloff, Isadore, PFC

Kruger, Martin G., Jr., PFC

I-aMagna,Eco C., Sgt

LaRose, EmestE., PFC

LaRue, Russell C., PFC

Lam, Joseph C., PFC

I-amphiear, Clifford C., PvtLance, Charles A., PFC

Lane, Albert 8., PFC

Lang, Albert B., PvtI:rson, James M., PFC

Larson, James S., PFC

lassere, Jaspard, Pvtl,atta, Angelo M., PFC

Law, Clarence W., CaptlrWay, Andrew D., Stf Sgt

Lehrman, Louis, PFC

Ironardo, Frank G., Tec4I*pper, Bert C., PFCIpvine, Harry, CaptLevine, Seymour M., PFC

Irvoff, SeymowR., PvtLudwig, Jacob C., MajLukowski, Stanley, PFC

Lusardi, Joseph J., Tec4

Mackenzie, George G., Tec4

lvlagnarini, Vincent C., PFC

lvlainard, Burton H.,2nd LtMajemik, Joseph R., Tec5

Manghue, DwightF., PFCMannon, George, PFC

Mansfield, Canoll A., SgtMarechek, Paul PFC

Marino, Jerome J., PvtMarino, Ralph T., PFCMarkin, Charles F., PvtMa$hall, Fred A., PFCMartin, Donald J., PvtMartin, Earvin 8., SgtMartiniano, D. J., PvtMartone, Joseph V., PvtMason, Fred A., PFC

Mason, Fred, PFC

Mayo, Lloyd S., CaptMcCarty, John R., PFC

McCleish, Michael A., PvtMcGregor, John T., lst LtMcGue, Thomas F., Jr., Stf Sgt

McMahan, Edward S., Tec5Meaux, Maxie T., PFCMellott, Clyde A., PFCMenafee, Thomas A., PFC

Mendonca, Anthony F., PFCMessineo, Patrick F., Sgt

Meyer, Harold C., lst LtMeyer, Kenneth R., PFC

Mignano, Mario, PFC

Milevsky, Ben, PvtMiller, James R., PvtMiller, Theodore W., Stf Sgt

Miner, John N., PFC

Mintun, Leo P., PFC

Mizony, Harold I., Lt CMolinari, Alfred W., PFCMonlanino, Sam, PFCMontgomery, David P., PFC

Morra, Benjamin R., T SgtMorris, George, PFCMorrison, William D., SgtMunos, Joseph, PFC

Murphy, Dan, Jr., PvtMurphy, HaroldR., M Sgt

Mursko, Frank P., Capt

Namy, Leo, SgtNapoletan, Anthony V., PFC

Napthen, Thomas E., PFC

Neighbors, Lester A., PFCNelson, Maynard O., PFCNeville, Joseph, PFCNewby, Orval S., PFC

Nichols, John M., MajNorris, David D., PFC

Occhipinto, Vincent J., PFCO'Donnell, Daniel M., SgtOlson, Edward C., PFCOsipovich, John, SgtOtten, Martin 8., Pvt

Pacana, Michael J., Tec5Papa.costa, Kemon G., Stf SgtParker, Amberse A., PFC

,Patron, Archibald R., PFCPa6on, Glenn W., PvtPayne, Charlie 8., PFC

Pearia, Warren P., Stf SgtPellowski, Lawrence J., PFCPeterick, Joseph R., PvtPeters, Robert C., PFC

Peterson, Lawrence L., PFC

Pfeiffer, Charles J., PFC

Podlesak, Andrew J.,PwPoe, Harry H.,2nd LtPolesovsky, Frank S., PFC

Pollack, Rudolph F., PFC

Possumato, Anthony A., PFC

Price, Ernest S., T SgtPrice, Herbert W., T SgIPrzywara, Bronislaus, Stf SgtPutnam, Paul N., PFC

Quintanilla, Amador M., PFC

Rael, Cecilio J., PvtRamsay, Emerson L., PFCRatcliff, Donald M., PFC

Rauchfuss, Paul8., SgtRay, Luther H., PFCResado, Eulalio R., CorpRichard, Ralph E., PFCRichardson, John D., Tec5Ringley, Carlos, PFCRivera, Ralph S., PFCRoberts, Hollie W., PvtRoberts,James W., CorpRobinson, Kenneth R., PFCRocaski, Steve, Sd SgtRomanchak, John,PFCRose, Ruie, PvtRossum, Royce D., PvtRoth, Melvin W., PvtRoyalty, William H., PFCRubin, Edward, PFCRuman, Joseph A., PFCRush, Jack W., Sf SgtRussell, Edward W., Jr., CaptRussell, James W., lst Lt


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Sachs, Hyman S., PFCSagrafina, Fred A., PvtSandoval, Manuel PFC

Saputelli" Joseph P., PvtSara, Rosario A., PFC

Sbrazza, Enrico, PFCScates, Joe H., PFCSchacher, Fred H., PvtSchaefer, Charles G., SgtSchmidt, George, T SgtSchreiner, Edward, PFC

Schuck, Robert C., SgtSchumacher, Julius L., PFCSearfoss, Patrick H., PvtSeay, Richard L., PFC

Segar, Charles G., M SgtSelvidge, W. H., PvtSenese, James V., PvtSerafino, Michael D., PFCShannon, Wilford L., PFCShaw, Herbert W., PFCShaw, Vachel L., Stf SgtShelby, Leonard W., PFC

Shough, Claude A., PvtSiegei, Joseph D., PFCSierra, Augustin, PFC

Siko, Bela, PFCSise, Charlie E., Stf SgtSkaggs, James W., PFC

Skurski, Mathew, PFC

Slingerland, William, Stf SgtSmith" George F., Sr., PvtSmith, Olley, PFC

Smith, Warren F., 2nd LtSorensen, Oscar, PFC

Sparacino, Michael A., T SgtSpargo" Henry J., PFCSpencer, David K., PFC

Spencer, Milford, T SgtSt Germain, Oscar, PFC

Stanislaus, Arthur D., PFC

Scasilowicz, Walter F., Stf SgtStephenson, Norman F., PvtStevenson, Rex K., PFC

Stornelli, Louis, Jr., Pvl.

Strickland, Rufus H., PFC

Strimel, Edmond C., 2nd LtStromayer, Peter J., PFCStrubel, Charles 8., PFC

Stuart, Dale, PFCSuddith, James R", PFCSuper, Louis S., Stf SgtSupka, Augustine J., PFC

Sweet, Harold R., PFC

Sweigart, Marvin R., PFC

Tagliafeni, V. J., Tec5Tallman, Clark W., Jr., Stf SgtTarrant, David B., CaptTeply, Marion L., PFCThero, Karl E., PFCThess, Donald D., PFCThibodeaux, Ellsworth J., Stf SgtThomey, VincentR., PFCThompson, Robert L., PFCThrasher, William, PFCTillman, Eugene W., PFCTindol, James P., PFCTkacy, Philip, PFCToppin, Thomas E., SgtToth, Francis J., PFCTrebisky, Elmer J., PFCTrempe, Jack H., SgtTripepi, Joseph, PvtTrujillo, Liberato, PvtTucker, Dewey L., PFC

Urdiales, Ricardo S., Pvt

Valerio, John, PFCVan Gilst, Case J., PFCVan Wicklen, William F., PFCVandegrift, Richard 8., PFCVaught, Ray O., SgtVerchereau, Joseph M., SgtVis, Gerrit J., Fvt

Wager, William C., SgtWaite, R.obert G., PvtWalton, Thomas J., PFCWare, Ralph D., PFCWarkentin, Iro J., PvtWatson, Sidney E., PFCWeidmann, Walter K., Stf SgtWeir, Walter F., PFCWest, Frank L., PFCWest, Shirley, CorpWhebbe, Edward A., PvtWhetsel, Boyd A., PFCWhitlow, Billie M., PFCWhitworth, Robert O., Jr., PFCWilliams, George R., CorpWilliams, William C., Jr., PFCWilliford, William E., Stf SgtWilson, John L., PvtWinget, Kenneth C., PvtWise, Francis M., PFCWolfgong, Melvin C., Corp

Wolpert,Irving, Tec4

Yago, Ralph J., PFCYelle, Benjamin L., Stf SgtYoung, James J., Stf Sgt

Zager,Max, SgtZagrovich, John E., PFCZansky, Vlade, PFCZiganwitz, Michael, Stf SgtZwarka,Paul G., Sgt

165 lnf. Rgt.Abelin, Apollo C., PFCAlymer, James P., T SgtAndersen, John A., PFCAnderson, Arthur O., PFCAnderson, Clarence L., Stf SgtAnderson, Emery T., SgtAnderson, Richard V., PFCAndrews, Albert H., lst LtAngelli, Fred, PFCAnfonacci, Fred A., T SgtArnone, Orlando, PFCAshby, David G., Jr., PFC

Bailey, Edgar H., 1st LtBaker, Harvey 8., PFCBandurski, Victor J., Stf SgtBardin, Harris H., PvtBarnett, Earl F., PFCBarry, John R., PFCBenfer, Spencer W., PvtBennett, Alvin S., PFCBenton, Norman A., PFCBogie, Homer 8., SgtBolin, Edward F., PFCBonker, Burton 8., PFCBooth, Elmer M., PFCBottke, Elmer F., PFCBowe, Thomas F., .Ir., lst LtBower, Robert B., Tec3Bowling, Edgar H., SgtBoyle, John J., PFCBrady, Robert 8." CorpBray, Edward G., Tec5Brewster, Glen W., PFCBrousseau, Gregory, MajBrown, William H., PvtBuckley, Lawrence T., 2nd LtBurgess, Scott 8., PvtBurke, Andrew C., PFCBurns,RoyW., lstLt


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Butler, John W., PFC

Byrd, Lee, Stf Sgt

Campanello, Michael, PvtCampbell, Thomas A., PFC

Carroll, Thomas J., PFC

Carroll, Vemon 8., PFC

Carson, Andrew F., PvtCaselli, Ferdinand, Stf Sgt

Cassidy, Frank P., Stf Sgt

Chappetta, Edward D., Stf Sgt

Chasmar, Paul J., CaptChrisco, Carlson, PFC

Christel, George A., T Sgt

Clark, Charles R., PFC

Clark, James F., PvtClark, Marvin H., PFC

Clifton, Minor P., PFC

Clubb, Robert W., PFC

Coccagna, Frank, PFC

Coffey, Joe B., PvtComer, James T., PFC

Connell, John W., PvtConroy, James G., ColContreras, Lawrence, PFC

Cook, Edward T., PFC

Cook, Paul R., PFC

Cosco, Frank A., PFC

Cost, Bennett S. 8., PFC

Covuoto, Vincent P., Tec5

Cowart, Haden C., Tec5

Cox, Clarence H., Stf Sgt

Crosley, Ernie F., PvtCunningham, Alonzo E., PvtCurtis, Edward D., PFC

Daniel, Dennis H., Stf Sgt

Davis, Thomas J., T Sgt

Davis, Thomas E., PFC

Dawson, Harry 8., PFC

Dawson, Richard T., T Sgt

Day, William J., Stf Sgt

Denney, Raymond O., PvtDennis, Carl D., PFCDiFortuna, Nicolo, Stf Sgt

Didrick, Harold A., Sgt

Didrick, Paul R., Stf Sgt

Doan, Hayne J., PFC

Dooley, James A., MajDorsey, Nathan G., Jr.,2nd LtDoss, Albert J.,2ndLtDougherty, William T., Sgt

Dougrten, Edward M., PvtDouglas, Jesse P., PFC

Drake, Francis A., PFCDrew, William S., PFC

Dubiel, Stanley M., Stf SgtDuffek, Robert, Stf SgtDuggan, James J., PvtDunn, Frederick J. P., PFC

Edmonds, James D., CorpEdwards, Warren T., PvtElliott, Robert A., lst LtElser, Martin M., PFC

Farnsworth, Efton L., PFC

Farrand, Frederick C., Jr., Tec4

Felder, John H., 2ndLtFellipone, John, PFC

Fields, J. M., PvtFireshafer, James P., PFC

Fitzhugh, Thomas L., PFC

Fitzpatribk, James J., PFC

Foley, Loo F., PFC

Foote, Bernard A., PFC

Fowler, Kenneth F., PFC

Frayer, James R., PFC

French, John C., PFC

Funderburk, James E., Pvt

Gagnon, Jack A., PvtGarcia, Vicente L., PFC

Gathercole, Terence J., Stf Sgt

Gilmore, John J., PFC

Gladdin, Joe M., PFC

Glass, Edward B., T Sgt

Gleason, DaleF., PFC

Goddard, Billie J., Sgt

Gola, Theodore, Sgt

Gough, Neil N., PFC

Grande, Francis J., PFC

Granito, Carmine J., PFC

Gunter, Thestieus 8., Jr., PFC

Hadden, William L., PvtHager, Craven V., Tec5

Haggerty, John F., 2nd LtHaibe, Dean C., Stf Sgt

Hall, Ernest F., Stf Sgt

Hall, William F., PFC

Harper, Cecil R., PFC

Harrelson, John T., Jr., PvtHarren, Kenneth G., Tec5Hayford, Eugene R., PvtHeaps, ElmerL., PvtHeath, Daymon L., PFC

Hecker, Leo C.,PFC

Hendrickson, John J., PvtHenry, Charles J., PfCHenry, Clinton C., PFC

Herring, Alvin B., Jr., FvtHicks, Amos O., PvtHickson, Albert N., SgtHigdon, Chester L., Tec5Hill, HaroldW.,PFCHill, Howard M., PvtHill, Ralph, Stf SgtHoag, Charles, PFCHobart, Oliver H., T SgtHockensmith, Kenneth, Stf Sgt

Holden, Vincent H., Stf SgtHolding, Allen M., Sgt

Holloway, George C., PFC

Holub, Basil, PvtHopper, Frank, PFC

Horton, John R., PFC

Hough, William P., SgtHubner, Kenneth M., PFC

Hudson, Buford 8., PFC

Huggins, Richard E., PFC

Hughes, Ralph H., Sgt

Illingworth, Robert H., PFC

Ingram, Amos J., PFC

Ingram, Ralph, PFC

Innes, Harold W., PFC

Johnson, Alro W., PvtJolly, Vincent M., PFC

Junkins, James 8., Stf Sgt

Katilewas, Charles P., T SgtKeech, Howard E., PvtKelley, Benjamin H., Jr., PFC

Kelly, Arland E., Tec5

Kennedy, Oscar C., PvtKennedy, Robert C., PFCKepley, Byron R., PFC

Kice, William D., Tec4Kilcullen, Joseph E., PvtKilyanek, Stanley P., PvtKirby, Vemon H., FvtKirkland, Walter R., Stf SgtKolman, Donald L., Stf SgtKopec, Karl A., Stf SgtKramer, Frank J., PFC

Kuffel, Vincent T., PFC

Kyle, Kenneth A., Stf Sgt

LaCorte, Andrew, PFC

LaMarca, Leonard M., Sgt


Page 20: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Iackey, James L., PFCIake, Monis, Tec5I-amb, Lonnie G., PvtLamb, RobertL., PvtLand, Presley B., Sgt[.andis, Donald D., PvtLarsen, Robert S., SgtLaughlin, Philip A., PFCLawrosky, John, SgtLee, HaroldW., PFCleonard, Francis P., CaptLinnstaedter, Leroy, PFCListon, Robert G., PFCLombardi, Charles A., Stf SgtLough, Crummett 8., Tec5Lynch, Lawrence 8., CaptLynch, Patrick F., Stf SgtLynn, Audley E., Pvt

Mackey, DonaldW., PFCMagna, John, Stf SgtMagnesen, Robert B., PFCMahnken, Fred M., Jr., PFCMalack, Carl, PvtMalecki, VictorL., PFCMalek, Carl, Jr., Stf SgtMalko, Michael, PFCManda, John E., PFCMandelberg, Irving A., PFClvlangum, Wesley W., PFCMannah, Carl M., SgtMarsh, Lonnie E., SgtMartin, Terry J., PFCMartinez, Gilbert M., PvtMatejka, Charlie J., PFCMathis, Fred F., PvtMatthews, Paul V., PFCMattiace, John J., PFCMaurer, John M., PFCMazur, Henry, PFCMazzola, Frank J., PFCMcArdle, James J., Stf SgtMcAuliffe, Edward B., T SgtMcBride, Sam A., lst LtMcCallie, Delbert W., PFCMcCarttry, John T., PFCMcCinley, Thomas R., T SgtMcClaine, Albert, Jr., PFCMcClendon, Jack W., PFCMcClure, Morris L., PFCMcCormick, Marion F., SgtMcCoy, Kenneth W., PFCMcDonald, Eugene C., PFCMcFadden, Emmett J., PFC

McFarlane, Roy R., SgtMcGinley, Everett W., lst LtMcGrath, W. M. F., PFCMcGuire, John, Tec5Mclntyre, James V., Stf SgtMcKelvey, John J., PFCMclclland, Donald L., PvtMcl-eod, Robert W., lst LtMcManus, Arthur H., lst LtMcNeel, Robert 8., PFCMedina, Melchor R., PFCMedlen, Elmo M., PFCMenietti, Domenico, Str SgtMerriman, James O., PFCMeyer, Charles, T SgtMiazga, Frank, Jr., PFCMills, William G., Stf SgtMohr,John, PFCMonson, John W., PvtMooney, Alphonso, PFCMoore, George A., PFCMorgan, Joseph A., PFCMorrow,HenryR., lstLtMulvane, Glenn R., Stf SgtMyers, Joseph A., Sgt

Nagle, Gerald R., PFCNance, Willie W., PFCNeconie, George, PvtNolfo, Benedict C., Stf SgtNoonan, Francis E., PFC

Ohlsen, Max O., PFCO'Neal, Otis L., PFCOrourke, James J., Stf SgtOrzechowski, Casimir, PFCOttole, John P., PFC

Paprocky, Stephen T., Tec4Parker, David R., PvtParrish,Iewis M., PFCPassey, Weston, PFCPauley, Odell W., PFCPaulman, Francis R., PFCPearson, Carl8., SgtPecolar, Frank G., PFCPenwell, Russell H., Stf SgtPequeen, Menit L., 2nd,LtPerez, Eliseo, PFCPerez, Raul F., Tec5Perkins, Oris P., PFCPerkins, Thomas Q., PvtPersiani, Guido, Stf SgtPetti, Angelo J., Stf Sgt

Phillips, Charles, PFCPhillips, Orville R., Tec4Platell, Henry T., PFCPoore, Wallace S., PFCPope, Roland F., SgtPorter, Willis A., PFCPost, Lawrence R., PFCPrendergast, John J., Jr., SgtPressley, William T., PFCProctor, Daniel H., PFCPurdy, Darcy A., PFC

$les, WalterJ., PFC

Rackley, Keith L., SgtRacz, George, Tec4Ranieri, Nicholas, Stf SgtRasmussen, Douglas G., Stf SgtReilly, Daniel F., SgtReynolds, Edward L., PFCRichmond, Jakes R., PFCRicker, James H., PFCRimbach, John, SgtRitchie, Paul H., PvtRobinson, Eugene 8., PFCRogers, Dale E., PFCRoyal, Edward L., Jr., PwRussell, Charlie M., PvtRyan, Paul8., Capt

Salocker, Daniel C., PFCSammons, Jack H., PFCSamuels, Carl, PFCSanders, John Homer, Jr., PFCSayre, Millard F., PFCScaggs, Chester R., PFCScheibner, Maurice M., MajSchmidt, David C., SgtSchmidt, Steven M., Jr., PFCSchmitt, Emil, Jr., PFCSchram, Victor G., PFCScott, Donald L., PFCScriven, Harold J., SgtSears, Ivan L., PvtSepulveda, Jose T., Tec4Sharkey, John F., PFCSheehy, Roger J., Stf SgtShelton, James L, PvtShore, Carrol E., PFCShuart, Vernon L., PvtSilva, Albert, PvtSimmons, Charles C., PFCSinnott, John W., Stf SgtSinor, Cleave E., PFCSipula, Joseph M., T Sgt


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Sivolello, Frank P., PFCSixkiller, William F.,2nd LtSmith, Edward R., PFC

Smith,EveresG., PFC

Smith, Francis 8., PFCSmith, Henry T., PFC

Speer, Lawrence 8., PFC

Stabile, John F., 2ndLtStachowicz, John W., PFC

Stas, Jack 8., PFC

Steele, Alfred H., PFCSteele, Theodore M., PFC

Stewart, Myron J., PFCStucklon, C. 8., PFC

Storhaug, Peter S., PFC

Stout, Millard H., PFC

Strahan, Jack R., 2ndLtStrommer, Frank V., PFC

Suggs, Edmond, PFC

Sullivan, Jas P., Sgt

Surber, Earl O., PFC

Swift, Thaine O., SgtSwitzer, Alfred, PFC

Talbot, Doyle L., Stf Sgt

Terry, Charlie T., PFCTerry, Stephen D., PwTeshon, Albert J., Stf Sgt

Thompson, Edgar D., PFC

Thompson, Howard E., SgtThompson, Howard O., PFC

Todd, Russell H., PFC

Tritsch, Charles J., PFC

Ungerer, Stanley F., CorP

Vail, Charles 8., PFC

Valenzuela, Claudie Q., PFC

Van Buskirk, John C., PFC

Vandiver, Harold P., PFC

Vanicek, Joseph C., PFC

Vamey, Aubrey D., PFC

Verbert, Joseph C., CorP

Vollanovitch, Peter J., PFC

Walter, Luther L., PFCWard, Rolla M., PvtWarner, Raymond 8., F\tWashbum,Noah C.,PFCWebb, Odon, PFC

Webb,William M.,PvtWeber, Lloyd D., PFC

Webster, Everes L., SgtWebster, George J., Sgt

Welch, Herman R., PvtWelsh, Lloyd, lst LtWest, Ferd, PFC

Wetzel, Robert C., PvtWhitaker, Roy E., PFC

White, Donald D., SgtWhittle, Robert, PFC

Wileman, MackW.,PFCWilliams, B., Jr., PFC

Williams, Donald 8., PFC

Williams, Harlan B., PvtWilliams, Jerry A., PFC

Willis, Perry V., PFC

Organization not Re-cordedKnapp, Glenn S., CaptKuracina, Alex F., PFC

Matich, John PvtMcCann l,ouis F., PFCMcEveety, John J., lst Lt

Navarro, Norman E., PFC

Noble, Jack H., Tec5

O'Neil, James W., lstLt

Slavik, John T., CorpSmith, Henry J., Corp

Toft, Bernard A., Capt

Welliver, Clarence A., PFC

106 FA BN 155 MMH

Dobson, Charles E., PFC

Sandburg, GeorgeM., lst LtStanes, Thomas B., PFC

27 RCN TRP MArrnstrong, Edward 8., 2nd Lt

Elizondo, Lucio G., Jr., PFC

Ferguson, Herbert E., PFC

Harvey, Holstein III, 2nd Lt

Johnson, Wanda F., Pvt

Murphy, Wilson M., Stf Sgt

Prestwood, Calvin A., Tec5

Quigley, Thomas J., lst Lt

Sexton, Raymond F., Tec5Sim, James H., Tec5

Smallock, John W., Tec5

Wagaman, Robert C., PFCWolf, Arthur A., lst Lt

Zumstein, Arthur R., Tec5

102 Eng. C BN

Avalos, Jesus, PFC

Bandurak, Thomas, PvtBarbour, William W., lst LtBirely, Harlan C., PFC

Cline, Lester E., PFC

Congi, Tony J.,

Deli, Manuel, PvtDonohue, Thomas J., PFC

Ebbert, Charles W., Jr., Pvt

Fisher, Raleigh F., Tec5

Gabrielsen, Andreas, Tec5

Garcia, Claudio N., PvtGibson, Jack A., PvtGoldenstein, Rudy H., PvtGribben, William, Sgt

Hankins, Ruby B., PvtHans, Charles J., PFCHodos, Frank M., CorpHowe, Charles V., Tec4

Jacobs, Bill, Pv[

King, Cecil W., PFC

Kohler, Melvin J., Sgt

l,awrence, Charles T., PFC

Lee, Paul A., SgtLoveall, Jasper S., PFC

Lynch, James J., Tec4

Malinowsky, Walter, PwMcKenzie, George 8., PFCMclaughlin, Edward J., Tec5

McNeill, James J., Corp

Olivas, Raul M., PFC

Owens, Berlin, Pvt


Page 22: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

PefiL ClarenceE., Pvt

Ray, JackP., lstltRichter, Joseph, Sd SgtRiveland, Olaf, Tec4

Schweitzer, Frank F., SgtSmith, Oran A., Pvt

Tripp, George W., Jr., Pw

Vitak, Albert G., Pvt

Whit€, Glenn, PvtWidirstky, Samuel J.,SgtWilson, FloydJ., Sgt

102 Med. BNAvila, Aciano, PFC

Decker, Raymond F., Stf Sgt

Ferguson, Reginald E., PFC

McGregor, John C., PFC

Parker, Lloyd 8., PFCPadrs, Nelson G., lst SgtPlummer,Ioyd A., PFC

Roper, Ilarlond H., Tec5

27lnt. Div. BandGardocki, An8rony C., Tec4Giambalvo, John J., Tec4

Army Personnel(Borly not Recovered)

Alexander, Melvin J., Tec5

Crow, Perry E., Staf Sgt

Jenkins, Thomas, PFC

Mansfield,lililbur D., 2nd Lt

Thomas, William, PFCTrenkenschuh, Peter M., PFC

Army Personnel(Burled at Sea)DOW - SaipanChavez, Salvador C., PFC

Davis, Gilbert T., PvtDiltz, Arthur J., Tec5

Goodman, Ilanold L., PFC

flarris, William G., Tec5

Jones, LeRoy, Tec5

Powell, Harry E., PFC

Woehrman, Elmer H., Pvt

7-aletel, Iouis F., Corp


Page 23: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


TAKE COVER - The lirst wave o! Marines to hil the Saipan beach, take cover behinil a sand dune while

waiting for supporting waves to land and start the drive inlaNd. Ofiiciul U.S. Marine Corps Photograph.


Islan Managaha, a populnr tourist sile while vacatinning on the island af Saipan. Courtesy picture lrom MtThomas Camacho.

Page 24: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

U.S. Marines, 2nd Marine DivisionKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll


Abbe, Rufus Lee, PFCAbeyta, Bonnie, PFCAckerman, Waren Richard, PFCAdamaitis, Charles Joseph, PFCAdams, Glenn Gene, PFCAdelman, Stuart Martin, SGTAdkins, McRae, PFCAdler, Glen Milton, PFCAgerholm, Harold Christ, PFCAlgoe, Roy Jeffries, Jr., PFCAli, Robert Thomas, PFCAllen, Edgar Warren, PFCAllen, Robert Kirby, PVTAllred, John Alfred, SGTAlt, John, PFCAltizer, Emmett Carelton, ACKAltman, John Jack, PFCAmaniera, William Ferdinand, PFCAnderson, Edward, Jr., PFCAnderson, Ilarold Thomas, PFCAnderson, John Yancey, PFCAndrews, James Benjamin, PFCAndrews, Oscar Delbert, PFCAndrews, Peter Nicholas, PFCAndruss, Clarence Joseph, PFCAnsley, James Bliss, PFCArey, Floyd Eugene, PFCAronovits, Israel, PFCAnandale, Ralph Henry, CPLArsenault, Norman, PVTArthur, Clifford Allen, PFCAshenfelder, Everett A., Jr., PVTAshworth, Jack Gordon, Jr., PFCAuer, Roy Noble, CPLAureli, FIarry Lawrence, P.FC

Avery, Edward Buel, PFC

Babcock George Vernon, PFCBailey, Robert Amold, PFCBaker, David Hammond, SGTMAJBall, ldarvin Curtis, PFCBallew, John Benjamin, PFCBarber, John James, PFCBare, George Vernon, Jr., SGTBarefoot, Edward Duncan, PFCBarker, John Christian, SGTBarnes, Kelsey Green, CPL

Barnett, Bob Wade, PFCBarnhard, Kenneth Wayne, PFCBamrs, James Orin, PFCBarton, Lee Emest, Jr., CPLBaumgartner, Homer Eugene, PFCBawhus, Howard Thomas, PVTBazlak, Charles Walter, PFCBeach, Raymond Marcus, PFCBeard, Robert Eugene, PFCBeasley, Norman Carl, ACKBecker, Charies Daniel, PFCBecker, Martin Phillip, PFCBedford, Warren James, SgtBehlert, Helmut Fred, PFCBejgrowicz, Joseph Thomas, pFCBelluardo, Joseph Louis, PFCBennett, James Lee, CPLBenning, Frank George, Jr., CpLBentley, Delbert Grady, CPLBerberich, William Graham, PFCBerg, Newell Thorpe, ISTLTBerger, Alvin Iswald, PFCBergstorm, Theodore Raland, SGTBemdl, William Joseph, CPLBerry, Herbert Charles, CPLBetack, Michael John, SGTBetts, Worthington Winfield, pFCBida, Lawrence Joseph, PFCBiller, Harold Francis, PFCBirk, Robert Herman, PFCBistline, John Anthony, Jr., pVTBlake, Charles Edward Jr., PFCBlakeslee, Theodore hatt, pFCBland, Walter Leonard, pFCBlough, Robert LeRoy, PFCBlumenshine, Harold Clair, GySGTBoe,llarold Alvin, PFCBolen, Ralph Kirk, 2NDLTBolin, Harvey Gfeen, PFCBolinger, George Edwin, PFCBond, Bruce Elverett, PFCBorgen, Robert Thomas, PFCBossick, John Walter, PFCBouchard, Bernard C., PFCBoulware, Clarence Warren, PFCBowden, Charles Robert, SGTBowden, Willie Climons, Jr., CpLBower, Guy Joseph, ISTLTBowling, Maurice Lee, PFC

Boyd, IIarry I-€e, Jr., 2NDLTBoyd, John Fowler, PFCBracey, Wayne Brooks, PLSGTBrandt, James Lorin, 1STLTBrehm, WalterJohn, PFCBrenton, Robert Louis, SGTBrewster, fukard Orville, PVTBrixey, Lloyd Aaron Jr., PFCBrougham, Edwin James, PFCBrown, Hubie Hardin, CPLBrown, Kenneth John, PFCBrown, Robert l€e, PFCBrown, Tommy Elton, PFCBrown, Walter Paul, CPLBrowns, Robert Edward, SGTBrunch, Stanley, PFCBruzelius, James Albert" CpLBuchholz, Carl Ralph, PFCBuckshot, Edward Stanley, PFCBuneckis, Albert William, PFCBunnell, Dewey William, Sr., pFCBurchfield, Roberr Edward, PFCBurdick, Earl Douglas, PFCBurgess, Coy, CPLBurgess, Percy Bill, PFCBurke, Martin James, PFCBurkett, Alva Andrew, PFCBurkhardt, Albert Castelli, pFCBurkhardt, Robert Frederick, SGTBurkhart, Denton Clifford, pFCBurleigh, Edward Ralph, 1STLTBumer, Joseph Luther, PFCBurns, Robert Charles, PVTBums, Ufa Seno, SGTBurrows, Liston Blakely, CpLBurton, Lowell Iaranyo, CPLButler, Jay Schuyler, PFCByers, Richard Barrett, PFCBymes, John Charles, CpLByxbe, Henry Nelson, GYS

Caffey, Francis Stokes, pFCCagle, Donald Eugene, PFCCaldwell, Alvin Otto, pFCCaldwell, James William, SGTCallison, Billy Ray, PFCCambron, Carl Devane, PFCCampbell, Ray llarm, PFCCampbell, William David, PFC


Page 25: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Cannon, Herbert SibleY, FMICCarder, RaY Mitchell, PFC

Cardiff, William Lee, 1STLT

Carey, Ernest Marion, CPL

Carlson, DelwYn Reuben, PVT

Carlucci, harry JosePh, PFC

Carmody, Alfred JosePh, Jr', CPL

Carney, Richard Thomas, CPL

Carr, Charles Robert, PFC

Carroll, Marion Benoni, CPL

Carroll, William JosePh, 2NDLT

Carstensen, MYron B, 2NDLTCarter, Frank, PFC

Carter, Jack Alston Jr., PFC

Case Franklin GaYlord, PFC

Casey, Jack Allen, 1STLT

Casey, John JosePh, PFC

Cashman, Daniel Francis, PFC

Castle, Frederick John, PFC

Cav aluzzi, Michael Louis, PFC

Cayton, Leon Deforesq PFC

Cederbloom, Clifford Alvin, PFC

Cezar,Elmer, PVTChaney, Merial Louis, PFC

Chaput, Aflhur Clriac' SGT

Chavez, Alfonso Arias, SGT

Christman, Jed Theodore, PFC

Cieber, LloYd Albert, PFC

Clark, Murrell Howard, PFC

Clark, Robert Vemon, PFC

Clarkson, William HLazelett'Jr', CPL

Clawson, Norman, Jr., PFC

Cleary, Frank Leo, Jr.,2NDLTClemens, Cecil Willard, OPFC

Clement, George, Jr., PFC

Clement, Laurent Clifton, PVT

Clements, Russell Dale, PFC

Clemmensen, Verner Carl, SGT

Clifford, Kenneth Charles, PFC

Closson, Loren Edwin, PFC

Clymer, Robert Henson, SGT

Coats, Carl Thomas, GYSGT

Cochran, Robert l-ee' Jr., PFC

Cocio, Wiliiam Conreras, CPL

Cohen, Gordon, PFC

Cohen,Irving, PFC

Colbettr, James Edwin, PVT

Collard, Ellis Martinus, PFC

Colley, Eugene, PFC

Collins, Donald JosePh, PFC

Collins, Vorous William, PVT

Colombo, Salvatore Bern, PFC

Colyer, Warren Frank, PFC

ConnellY, Charles Edward, PFC

Conner, J.D., PFC

Conner, Vemon Charles, PFC

Contos, Thomas AnthonY, ACKCooksey, Marven Earl, PFC

Cooper, Harold WesleY, CPL

Cooper, Olin Duane, CPL

Cooper, StanleY LaVerne, PFC

Corrado, John Ernest, Jr., CPL

Cosby, Edward Harold, PFC

Costa, John Peter, PFC

Costenson, Oliver Kenneth, CPL

Costner, WYtle Nonis, PFC

Coughlin, Jeremiah John, PFC

Courchaine, Roland Alfred, PFC

Couros, Manuel Sam, PFC

Covington, Dale Golden, PFC

Cowart, Dorman, PFC

Cox, Ellis Thorton, CPI

Cox, James RaYford, PFC

Cox, Raymond Junior, PFC

Coyne, James Edward, CPL

Craiglow, RaYmond Ronald, CPL

Cramer, Frederick Wilson, PFC

Cramer, Wilmer Bruce, PFC

Crandall, Rex FloYd, PFC

Crane, Donald Sterling, trVTCrane, Edward, CPL

Creel, John Benjamin, 2NDLTCrimmins, John Louis, PFC

Crnkovic, JosePh Matthews, CPL

Crook, Albert Edwin, CPL

Crook, Clifford ThomPson, PFC

Cropper, RodneY, PVTCross, Albert Edward, PFC

Cross, William Charles, PLSGT

Crouch, William Lee, MAJ

Crowell, Robert Micheal, CPL

Crowl, Henry Alexander, PFC

Crowley, Eugene, PFC

Cuglar, Bemard Lawrence, PFC

Cunha, Edward, SGT

Cunningham, Edward, Plum, CPL

Cunningham, Harold Edwin, CPL

Curley, Thornas Albert, PFC

Cunan, James Donald' PVT

Curtis, Dennis Wilson, PFC

Curtsinger, Dee WaYne, SGT

Czekala, Richard RaYmond, CPL

Daberry, James Herbert, PFC

Dailey, Virgil Elmo, CPL

Dajchak, Walter, PFC

Dale, Harry Richard, PFC

Dale, Roy Elwood, PFC

Damon, Donald Warren, PFC

Davich, Steven Thomas, SGT

Davidson, JosePh Martin' PVT

Davies, Bill Eugene, CPL

Davies, Warren Delbert, SGT

Davis, John Benjamin, Jr., PFC

Davis, William WesleY, GYSGTDawsey, Calud, PVTDay, Oral George, PFC

De Barge, JosePh Bernard, PVT

De Jong, John T., PFC

De Rouen, Conrad C., Jr., 2NDLTDe Wane, Walter james, PFC

De Witt, Howard Jackson, PFC

De Witt, Norman Francis, PFC

Deady, JosePh Leo, Jr., PVTDean, Charles Edward, CPL

Dean, Gilbert Patrick, PFC

Del Balso, Michael Williarn, PFC

Del Cioppo, AnthonY, PFC

Delgado, JosePh Vincente, Jr., PFC

Dencer, Clifford RaYmond, Jr., PFC

Deneen, Fred Alexander, CPL

Deneke, Raymond LeRoY, CPL

Dentino, Vincent, SGT

Denton, Hugh Verl, PFC

Devenny, Fred, Jr., PFC

Di Siena, Pasquala AnthonY, PFC

Dial, James Harry, CPLDighera, JosePh Neil, PFC

Dinkel, George James, PVT

Dixon, Grover ClaY, PFC

Dixon, Ire Artice, PFC

Doccolo, Santo Armando, PFC

Doggett, Clifford Wanen, CPL

Dolph, Williarn Henry, PFC

Donahoe, John William, PFC

Doolittle, William JosePh, CPL

Dorr, Linwood Burnn, PFC

Donis, George James, Jr. PFC

Douglass, RalPh Marsh, PFC

Douthit, Milford Mansfield, Jr., PFC

Dowd, Robert Roland, PFC

Dowling, Robert Frink, 2NDLTD*ry, Jaunice Roberts, PFC

Dudek, SranleY JosePh, FFC

Dufau, Derard Couturier, PFC

Duey, Floyd Doran, PFC

Dujsik, William Michael, SGT

Duncan, Fred RoY, Jr., CPLDuncan, Paul Kermit, PFC

Durawa, Thaddeus JosePh, CPL

Durfee, Charles Russell, CAP'IDwire, Floyd RaYmond, PFC


Page 26: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Dyche, Lawrence Wilburn, PFCDyess, Ilarlan Burke, PFC

Eartly, Authur, CPLEastis, Truman Dozier, Jr., CPLEberhart, Fred David, PFCEddy, William Sprague, Jr., PFCEdelen, martin Spaulding, PFCEdge, Kenneth Wallace, SGTEdwards, IIarry Wilson, CAPTEichman, Robert I€e, CPLEisenberg, Edwin Milton, PFCEllerman, Austin O. K.,2NDLTElliott, Hary Maxwell, 1STLTEllis, Arnold Gardner, PFCEllison, J.C., SGTElser, Warren, PFCEner, martin Alva, CPLEpperson, Ilarold Gleen, PFCEpperson, William Russe, 1STLTEpps, Didney mcNeil, TSGTErickson, Dwain Chester, PFCEstrada, George Charles, PVTEstrada, Martin Carrillo, PFCEvans, Donald Lee, CPLEvans, George Lemuel, Jr. PFCEvans, Gus Eugene, PVTEvans, Herbert Phelan, PFCEvans, Nathanael, PFCEvans, WalterLee, PFCEvering, Charles Clemment, PFC

Fabisack, Edmund Jerome, PFCFarmer, Sammy, PFCFary, Casimer Joseph, PFCFaulkner, Maurice Loring, CPLFears, John Joseph, PFCFeliciano, George, PFCFennimore, James Benedict, PFCFerguson, Albert Franklin, CPLFerreira, Armand Santos, PBTFerrell, Benjamin Banks, PFCFetz, Inuis Aloysius, PFCFiddler, Edward Paul, PFCFields, John Ortan, PVTFields, Wendell Max, CPLFillion, Roger RAlph, PFCFinco, Aurellio Mado, PLSGTFirkus, Anton Alfred, PFCFischer, herbert Charles, PFCFitzgerald, john Earl, PFCFitzgerald, Thomas Joseph, PFCFitzpatrick, John Franklin, PFCFleischer, George, SGT

Fletcher, John Robert, Jr., CPLFlood, John Francis, PFCFluck, Alan Richard, PFCFlynn, Emest Howard, PFCFolks, Robert William, PFCForbes, Frank, PFCForrest, Douglas Vencent, PFCForsyth, Ralph Edward, LTCOLFoust, William Homer, PFCFowler, Oscar Maurice, PFCFrancis, George Joseph, PFCFrandsen, Richard Farley, PVTFraney, Michael Joseeph, PFCFreeman, David, CPLFreeman, Jack Monroe, SGTFreeman, Jay Crown, SGTFreeman, John Newton, 1STLTFrench, James Fleming, PFCFriedl, Patrick George, PFCFrishman, Jack Sylvan, SGTFrost, Donald Allen, PFCFurtick, John David, PFC

Gahr, Benjamin Franklin, SGTGailinas, Joseph, PFCGarcia, Julian Lucian, Jr., PFCGardner, Elijah Walter, PFCGardner, Jack Raymond, PFCGarey, William Joseph, CPLGari, Joseph, FMICGamer, James William, CPLGaskey, J.W., PFCGaston, Wilburn Kenneth, PFCGay, David Miles, CPLGeil, Robert Nicholas, CPLGeisler, John Franklin, PFCGentilcore, Anthony Daniel, PFCGeorge, George Peter, PVTGerga, William George, PFCGibson, Gerel Elwin, PFCGibson, Thomas Eugene, PFCGifford, Vernal Curtis, PFCGiorgione, Edmund Raymond, PFCGirtz, Aloyious Nickolis, PFCGladden, Luther kvin, PFCGlenn, lrigh Wilson, PVTGoettler, Albert Otto, PFCGolden, Robert Webster, CPLGolding, Joseph Terrence, CAPTGomez, Theodore, SGTGood, Robert Dalton, CPLGooderham, Eugene Roy, PFCGonzalez,Raul, CPLGott, Tony, PFC

Grable, Howard Dewey, PFCGraham, Alfrred Fulon, SGTGranfield, Parick, PFCGrapen, Robert John, PFCGraves, Donald Eade, PFCGray, Terry Avery, PFCGrayczyk, Edward Peter, Jr., PFCGreaber, Micheal Walsh, PFCGreen, Eldon lrster, CPLGreenawalt, Richard Gale, CPLGreenberg, Junior Allen, CPLGreenhaw, Charles Dewit, CPLGregory, Joseph Boyd, PFCGrein, Roscoe Thomas, 2NDLTGrennan, Peter Francis, SGTGriffeth, Raymond Wayne, PFCGriffith, Delbert Harold, PVTGriffittr, Robert Basil, PFCGriffiths, Thomas George, PFCGriffy, William Marion, CPLGronau, Glenn Kenneth, CPLGrove, Claude Alvin, PFCGroves, Howard Dean, PFCGrzegorek, Michael James, PFCGuest, Howard Emerson, PFCGuill, William Thomas, PVTGuizio, Joseph, Jr., PFCGustafson, Guy, PFCGuszak, Henry Joseph, PFCGuthrie, Gene Allan, CPLGuthrie, Marvin Earl, PFC

Flagen, Clarence Leroy, PFCFlaggard, Claude Swanson, CPLHall, Charlie nelson, FLDCKFlall, Edward Francis, PFCHall, Joseph Granger, PFCHalliday, James Hurst" FMICHamalain, Harold W., 2I.IDLTIlamilton, Guy Junior, PFCHamley, Donald Frederick, PFCIlamrick, Haven Edward, PFCIlanby, Francis lvlarion, PFCIlanchera, Lyle Francis, PFCFlandberg, Robert Peter, CPLHandyside, Kenneth Day, CAPTIlankey, Jack Selden, CPLHanley, Harry Roland, PFCHannigan, John Joseph, Jr., PVTHansen, Leonard Russel, PFCflardeman, Robert N., III, PFCIlardie, Frank Russell, PVTHarding, Warren Glen, PFCHarman, Harper Panick, PVT


Page 27: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Harmon, Darden Cecil, PFCHamish, William Everet" PFCIlarper, Wayne, PFCIlarrell, Eugene Jackson, PFC

Ilarriman, William Robert, PFC

Ilarrington, John Raymond, PVTIlarris, Lloyd Lynn, PFC

Ilafi, James, M., PFCIlartig;an, James Parick, 2NDLTIlartkofl Alfred Walter, CPL

' Hartley, Chad Ried, PFC

Ilartley, Roger Norman, PFCIlartman, Arttrur Joseph, PFCIlartman, David Eugene, PVTIlarty, Francis Joseph, CPLIlarvey, Eugene Williams, PVTIlarvey, Richard Wilde, CPLHarvick, Loyd Sidney, ISTLTI{arwell, Julian Lee, PFCIlatch, Homer T., PFCIlayden, John Charles, PFC

Ilayes, Vemon William, PFC

Heckert, Elbert Adolph, PFCHedderly, Loren Fletcher, ISTLTHeegeman, Theodore John, PFC

Heflebower, Jack Ambros, PFC

Heinrich, Albert Edward, PFC

Hellrung, louis Joseph, PFC

Helwl, Thomas Jesse, CPLHemstreet, Carl Wilber, PFC

Henderson, Edward P., Jr., PFC

Henderson, Randall T., Jr., CPLHenger, Joseph Anton, CPLHenry, James Claud, PFC

Hester, Clive Louis, PFC

Hewitt, Gerald Wayne, PFC

Hewitt, Harry Leroy, PFC

Hibbard, Raymond JosePh, PFC

Hicks, Vincent Thomas, GYSGTHiggins, Frances Thomas, GYSGTHight, Charles Francis, 1STLTHildreth, Philip Alfred, PFC

Hill, FredEugene, PFC

Hilliard, Robert, SGTHihon, Leonard Francis, PFC

Hinds, Clifford, PFCHinojosa, Jessie Cavazos, CPL

Hinojosa, Manuel Cortez, PFC

Hinte, Herman, Jr., PFC

Hiter, James Calvin, PFC

Hobart, Art William, PFC

Hoberg, Glen Roland, PFC

Hobneck, Gilbert James, PFC

Hodanbosi, Stephen Michael, PFC

Hodnette, Roy Payton, PFC

Hoel, Gene Doran, PFCHoffer, John Phillip Jr., PFC

Hoffman, harold Gustav, PFC

Hoffman, Wilfrid Donald, PFCHolbrook, Ilarold James, PFCHolley, Louis Malcolm, WOHolley, Wayne Edward, PFCHolliday, Burnice, PFCHolloway, John Anthony, CPLHomewood, Thomas B., PLSGTHooper, Wallace Edgar, PFC

Hopkins, Richard Amos, PFC

Hoppe, William Dale, SGTHopping, Herbert Elliot, SGTHornyak, George Bela, PFC

Horton, William Arthur, PFC

Howard, James, PFCHoward, John David, PFC

Hoyer, Bertram Ottro, PFCHoyt, Raymond Archie, PFC

Hoyt, William David, Jr., PLSGTHubler, Earl Francis, PFC

Huff, Garlin, PFCHull, John Everett, PFC

Humphrey, Oville Fred, CPLHunlsr, Fred Cooper, SGTHylton, Cecil Herbert, PFC

Ikenberry, Loren Gilbert, CPLIrvin, Norman lee, PVTIrwin, Donald John, CPLIsenogle, Robert Lee, CPL

Jabour, Thomas Elie, PFC

Jackson, Robert William, CPLJackson, Shelby Ray, PFC

Jacobs, Alfred Paul, SGTJacobs, Billy Monroe, PFC

Jacobsen, Al Sigurd, PFC

Jagger, Gleen Nole, PFC

James, Clyde Nelon, PFC

James, Marvin Thomas, SGTJarnes, Roland William, CPLJamros, Francis James, SGTJankola, Josef Stifi, SGTJarnagin, Merle Ralph, SGTJay, Gus Everett, TSGTJazdzewski, Donald James, PFC

Jeffers, Lee Edgar, GYSGTJenkins, James Bennie, PFC

Jensen, Charles Eugene, CPLJensen, Myron Ervin, PFC

Jernigan, Vaunel, PFC

John, Donald Willis, PFCJohnson, Andrew Walter, Jr., PFC

Johnson, Bernard Fuller, CHCKJohnson, Cody Hubert, PVTJohnson, Eric H., PFC

Johnson, Lawrence Reuben, CPLJohnson, Philip Arnold, PFCJohnson, Ray Monroe, PFC

Johnson, Russel Gottha, TSGTJohnson, Sven, PFC

Johnson, Teddy, PFC

Johnson, Wilbur Farringlon, CPLJones, Henry, Jr., PVTJones, Ralph Burton, PFC

Jones, Robert Francis, Jr., 1STLTJones, Robert Jack, PFC

Jordan, Donald Allen, PFCJordan, Donald Raymond, PFC

Jordon, Lawrence Paul, 2NDLT

Kacin, Emil, PFCKalapp, Ernest Wade, PVTKaltenbach, Otto, PFCKams, HerbertJohn, PFCKarlson, Richard Sheldon, PFC

Kaschner, John Joseph, PVTKatzer, Howard William, PFC

Kavanaugh, Nick Carl, Jr., PFC

Kay, Clyde David, PFCKay, William Thomas, PFCKearney, Andrew Edward, Jr., CPLKedrowski, Edmond Leo, PFC

Keeney, Joseph Albert, CPLKeith, Robert Joseph, PFCKelley, Frank .A.mbrose, SGTKelsay, Fred Rogers, PFCKelso, Edgar Lee, PFCKemp, Aubrey l,ee, SGTKemp, Otis Anderson, PFCKemper, Arthur John, SGTKennedy, Ovia Edwmds, CPLKenny, Daniel Joseph, PFC

Kent, Edward Ray, PFCKenyon, Edgar Martin, CPLKen, George Tures, PFC

Kershaw, Philip Horace, PFC

Keys, Wallace Frederick, PFC

Kielb, Walter Frank, PFCKiely, Thomas Francis, CPLKiley, David James, PFC

Kilgore, John Russel, PFC

Kilgore, Marvin, PFC

Kimball, Forrest Rollin, PFC

Kimmerle, John Paul, PFC


Page 28: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

King, Edward Nelson, CFLKing, William John, 2NDLTKirby, Alfrred Lawrence, SGTKirkparick, Frank Louis, PFCKitlen, Charles Francis, PFCKiEke, Leroy Ironard, PFCKizzia,RobertLee, CPLKleinlnight, Robert Lloyd, Jr., SGTKlimko, Edward Joseph, PFCKlinger, Richard I€e, PFCKnapp, Woolsey Ernest, 1STLTKnight, lt{arvin Allen, PFCKnop, Lawrence Charles, PFCKnox, Frank Robert, PFCKoepnick, Henry Chester, PVTKohl,llarry Arthur, PFCKonkoloski, Thomas Francis, PFCKoskela, OscarEli, CPLKrawecki, Raymond, PFCKreiner, Cad Vincent, CPLKrieger, Augusnrs, Jr., ISTLTKromm, Robert, SGTKrueger, Francis August Jr., PFCKrupski, Peter Joseph, PFCKruse, Johannes George, PFCKruse, Lawrence Francis, 1STLTKunz, Bertram John, PLSGT

I-a Brue, George Raymond, CPLI-a Panski, Lewis Lee, PFCLair, Kenneth Eugene, PFCIaird, Billy Baughn, PFClamb, George Herman, PFCIambert, Charles Robert, PFCLampp, ha William, PFCLandis, Donald Read, PFCI-angenegger, Robert Albert, SGTLangley, Chester Edward, PFCLanzendorf, John William, SGTLapan, Robert Russell, PFClarimer, William Charles, PFCI-andry, Robert William, PFCl,arance, Norman Harley, SGTI-ansen, Leor Bryant, 2NDLTLatsen, True Wayne, PFCLarson, Birger Oliver, PFCI*rson, Donald Albin, 2NDLTLarson, William Lowell, PFCLasher, Thomas Elwood, PFCI"asley, Clifford, PVTlassiter, Emory Carter, SGTlaubrich, George Henry, PFCIauderman, Robert Gene, PClaughlin, John Raymond, PFC

lauth, James Edward, PFCIawer, Russell, PFCI-awyer, James Woodrow, PFCLe Penski, Donald John, PFCI€bert, Harry, PFCLebo, Claudi McCoy, PFCIre, Floyed Robert, CPLLeonard, Parick George, CAPTLester, Kermit Charles, PFCIrttow, Everett Marlyn, CPLI-€van, tlaney IJe, PFCIrvi, Stephen Joseph, PFCIrwis, Edward Pico, PFCIpwis, Robert Bryan, PFCLindahl, Charles Robert, PFCLindquist, Sheldon, GYSGTLipinski, Leon Stephen, PFCLipscomb, Ilarold, Jr., PVTLittle, William Arthur, CPLLitwin, Chester Paul, PFCLively, Claude Elwood, GYSGTLively, Erskine Luttrer, PFCLocke, Wayne Woodward, PFCt ckhart, Richard Jean, CPLLodato, Patrick Sebastian, PFCLogan, William Elliott, PFCLook, Irroy LamberSon, PFCLopez, Manuel Ruiz, CPLloudon, Jerrel Everetr, CPLLoughman, John Philip, 2NDLTLove, Benjamin Cody, FLDCKLove, Loren E., 1STLTInvejoy, Maurice Revere, PFCLucero, Jose Rafael, PFCLugar, Truman Lavern, PVTLujan, Gilbert, 1STSGTLynch, Maurice Joseph, 2NDLTLynch, William Francis, 2NDLTLyons, I{arold Fredrick, PFCLyons, Joseph Patrick, PFC

Mack, John Francis, CPLMacNeill, Stephen Fox, WOldadden, Thomas Leo, SGTMadison, Ralph Shepard, CPLMahan, John William, SGTMaier, Kenneth Arthur, PFCMaines, Graden Junior, PFCMallick, Clarence Francis, CPLMaly, Joseph George, CPLManias, Theodore Junior, CPLMannila, Armos, CPLMannin, Buford, PFCManning, Robert Gerald, PFC

Manski, Leo William, CPLManwaring, Robert Nelson, PFCMarck, John Andrew, CPLMaresco, Ernest, PFCMarinello, lvlauio Mike, PFCMarinko, Andrew, PFCMarkasky, Frank Edward, PFCldarkley, tlarley Martin, PFCMarkulis, Mack Sanley, PFCMarmion, Vincent John, PFCMarshall, Robert I-eonard, CPLMartin, Edward John, PFClvlartin, Elrner Woo4 PFClvlartin, Paul Van Dyke, Jr., PVTMasek, Robert Bohumel, PFCMasloski, Stanley Arthur, PFCMassalo, Anthony Michael, PFCMassengale, Iponard David, PFCMathews, Robert Lewis, PFCMathias, Lawrence George, PFCMaxwell, I.eon Joe, PFCMays, Albert Thomas, PFCMcArdle, James Joseph, PFCMcBride, Thomas Edward, PFCMcCarley, Baker Thomas, PFCMcCarthy, Charles Joseph, PVTMcCary, Patterson Boone, CPLMcCausland, Walter Philip, PFCMcClay, Burton Franklin, PFCMcClenahan, Ilall Baker, PFCMcClure, Chades, PFCMcCollum, Esca Percy, PFCMcConnell, Russell Sheldon, PFCMcConnico, William Morrison, PFCMcCord, Fred John, PVTMcCulloch, Morris Jessie, CPLMcCurtain, James Blain, PFCMcCush, Daniel Robert, PVTMcDaniel, Paul Menill, PFCMcDonald, Leo Edward, 1STSGTMcGough, Raymond Eugene, SGTMcGowan, Thomas Edward, PFCMcGreevy, Bernard Patrick, ISTLTMcGrew, Lavern Stanley, PFCMcKenna, James Charles, PFCMcKibben, Frarik Wilson, PFCMcKuin, Varneld Dean, PFCMcl:ne, Ilarotd Raymond, PVTMcl-eod, Kenneth Finley, LTCOLMcMaster, Thomas Melvin, PFCMcMillan, Carl Earl, PFCMcNamee, Joseph George, CPLMcNeil, Thomas Roe, 2NDLTMcPherson, Carl Rheem, Jr., SGT


Page 29: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

McVey, Merle Charles, PFC

Meadows, BobbY RaY, PFC

Medvec, John, Jr., CPLMeetz, Victor Gilbert, PFC

Meiners, Frank Edward, PFC

Menane, Frank Wallace, SGT

Mendes, James AnthonY, PFC

Mendez, Carlyle Jack, CPL

Merrill, Veme Harland, PFC

Merritt, Elmer Arnold, PFC

Meyer,IIarry Clark, CPLMeyers, JosePh AnthonY, PFC

Michalsk!, Henry Frank, STFSGT

Mchalsky, Everett James, PFC

Middleton, Charles RaY, PFC

Mihalek, John William, PFC

Mikos, John Michael, PFC

Milan, Robert Cole, CPL

Mles, Willie Hanis, Jr., SGT

Miller, Channing Bernard, SGT

Miller, John HenrY, Jr., PFC

Miller, lvlaurice Linwood, PFC

Miller, Wilfred Emmerson, PFC

Miller, William Harold, PFC

Mills, Julian B., PFC

Misenhelter, fuon Woodrow, SGT

Mirchell, James Vickers, PFC

Mitchell" Kennettr TommY, PFC

Mockerman, Emerson Armon, PFC

Moldver, Irving Arthur, PFC

Molnar, Stephen Frank, PFC

Monchen, Waldemar Jerome, PFC

Moneagle, Edward AloYsuis, SGT

Moore, Charles Roscoe, PFC

Moore, CharleY StockleY, PFC

Moore, James Roscoe, Jr.' SGT

Moore, Thomas Travis, SGT

Moretti, Thomas,'PFCMorgan, Herbert Leon, PFC

Morgan, Jack Harold, PVTMorgan, Walter ClYde, PFC

Morris, Jewell, PFC

Morrissey, William Francis, PFC

Morrow, Cadton Arvin, PVT

Moseley, John Preston, CPLMouser, Edgar Ellis, PFC

Moxon, Selmo Junior, PVT

Muellner, Comelius Francis, CPL

Munie, John Eugene' PFC

Murdock, George Richard, PFC

Murphy, MYron Cline, CPL

MurPhy, Robert Emmett, PFC

Myers, Kent Lamar, PFC

Mysiewicz, Eugene James, PFC

Nalder, Lewis Morgan, PFC

Nasatsky, Julius Arttrur, PFC

Naue, Earl Christian William, PFC

Neal Donald Carlton, PFC

Nelson, Eddie Byron, PFC

Nelson, Gordon Canol, PFC

Nelson, William George, PFC

Ness, Daniel Willie, CPLNetzlaff, Curtis Herbert, PVTNeumann, Oscar Edward, GYS

Neundorfer, Oscar D., 2NDLTNewcomer, Thomas JosePh, PVTNewman, Walter Owen, PFC

Nichols, Carl Dennis, PFC

Nichols, Jerry, PLSGTNielson, Enoch Garth, PFC

Nix, John Douglas, PFC

Noe, Kenneth Earl, PFC

Noel, Joseph, PFC

Norman, Johnnie Noel, PFC

Northup, Clair Edward, PFC

Nowaczyk, Louis JosePh, PLSGTNye, Paul Lynn, PFC

Nyomo, Andrew Steven, PFC

O'Briant, Perry Crawford, PLSGTO, Brien, Roland JosePh, PFC

O'Hearn, Frank William, Jr., PFC

O'Malley, Patrick Michael, CPL

Odom, Valter Allen, SGT

Oftedahl, Willis Odean, PFC

Oja, August, PFC

Olcott, John William, PFC

Olesen, Julius, Jr., GYSGTOlson, Conrad Edgar, PFC

Opolka, John JosePh, PFC

On, Edward Walker, Jr., PFC

Osenkarski, AnthonY J., CPL

Overby, Robert Malcolm, PFC

Overfelt, Earl Webster, CPL

Overstreet, Fred LeroY, Jr., PFC

Owens, Charles Patrick, CPL

Pace, Robert Carl, SGTPahlka, Howard Vincent, PFC

Painter, Tom HenrY, PFC

Palmer, Joseph Bean, 1STLT

Palmer, Thomas Eugene, Jr., PFC

Pankake, Warren Benjamin" PFC

Paolozzl Alfonso, PFC

Papera, Mervyn Daniel, PFC

Park, Mailon Marlow, PFC

Parker, Leroy Don, PVTParrish, marvin Everett, PFC

Parry, Robert Henry, PFC

Parse, Frank Andrew, PFC

Parsons, Grady Lytle, PFC

Passons, James Pery, 1STLTPate, Thomas William, Jr., PFC

Patton, J.8., PFC

Pavone, Concetto, PFC

Payne, Edward Carroll, CPLPease, Philo RalPh, 2NDLTPeck, William Wilson, PFC

Pecot, James Buchanan, 1STSGT

Fena, Alexander LoPez, PFC

Pendergrass, Eugene Scott, PFC

Perkins, Norman Eugene, CPL

Perry, Charles Allen, PFC

Perry, George Williams, PFC

Pelerson, Robert William, PFC

Petrovich, Milton, PVTPetterson, Gordon Alvin, PFC

Peuckert, Donald August, CPLPhagan, Doyle Wayne, PLSGTPhillips, Robert George, PFC

Phipps, Dean Smith, PFC

Pickens, William WileY, PVTPierce, Paul Eugene, PFC

Pierson, Emmett Chester, PFC

Pikur, Thomas, PFCPinckard, Earle Burtch, PLSGTPinney, George Edward, PFC

Pistole, Charlie Lewis, PFC

Plake, William Earl, PFC

Pletcher, Leo, PVTPlummer, Norman Evans, PFC

Podger, Frank, Jr., PFC

Podobnik, RudolPh AnthonY, PFC

Poleshunk, Fred Steve, SGT

Ponder, John Tenell, PVTPonder, Lester, CPLPopadithch, Albert, PFC

Pope, Douglas Alden, PLSGTPorter, Norman I€e, PLSGTPoynor, Albert Rufus, CPLPratt, Robert Eugene, PFC

hesta, Bruno Harry, PVTPrsuss, Justin Henry, PFC

Pribble, Billy GEne, CPLPrickett, James RobeG 1STLTPriest, Willard Roland, PVTPrine, Donovan Dale, PFC

Prirchard, Nathan, MckinleY, PFC

Pritchett, John Edward, PVTProsise, Laurence Irving, Jr., PFC

Psajdl, Charles John, PFC

Pulliam, George SeroYer, Jr., CPL


Page 30: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Putz, Frank Morgan, CPL

Queen, Edward Joseph, PLSGTQuigg, Byard Gordon, 2NDLT

Rachitsky, John, PLSGTRadley, John Walton, PFCRado, Mike John, PFCRamsey, R.obert Lewis, 1STLTRankin, Harry Milton, SGTR.anney, Frank CAPTRappoccio, Anthony James, PFCRaterman, Joseph Theodore, PFCRatliff, Virgil Eugene, CPLRau, Donald Andrew, PFCRay, George Washington, PFCRay, Hansel Robert, PFCRayburn, John Edward, PFCRaymond, John Leslie, PFCRedmon, John Leslie, PFCReed, Richard Hubert, Jr., PVTReeder, Jesse Lawayne, SGTRees, George Sims, 2NDLTReeves, William marcus, Jr., PVTRegan, Cornelius Francis, PFCReinhard, Raymond F., 2NDLTReinhardt, John William, GYSGTRejowski, Ernest John, STFSGTR.emm, Roy Elwood, PFCRevane, Joseph Francis, PFCRhoades, Harold Martin, PFCRhoden, Emmette Durwood, CPLRice, L.N., CPLRich, Daryl Wighr, PFCRichardson, Charles Dale, PFCRichardson, Lloyd Wayne, PFCRicheson, Richard Louis, PFCRichmond, William Edward, PFCRidgaway, Eugene Salter, CPLRieder, Herb Raymond, SGTRiley, Robert Dale, PVTRittenhouse, Robert, PFCRitter, Leonard Bolder, Jr., PFCRoach, Joseph Edward, 2NDLTRoark, William Calvin, PFCRobbins, Marion Gilkey, CPLRober, Joseph Fiakon, PFCRoberts, Arthur, PFCRobertson, Earl Charles, SGTRobertson, Norman Wilson, Jr., PFCRobertson, Roy Leon, PFCRobinson, Donaid Ray, PFCRobison, Commie Leslie, PFCRobles, Merardo Daniel, PFC

Roden, Marshall Benton, CPLRodenbaugh, William Maurice, PFCRodger, Paul Henry, CPLRodin, Victor, PFCRogers, Floyd Ray, PFCRogers, Ralph Hayse, Jr., PFCRogers, Raymond LeRoy, PFCRognrud, Gordon Everett, CPLRomp, lesterFred, PFCRoos, Richard James, PFCRoscoe, Thomas George, 1STLTRoss, Robert William, PFCRoss, William Nixon, Jr., PFCRoust, James Arthur, PFCRowe, Arthur Albert, CPLRowland, Robert Archie, PFCRudden, Edward Charles, PVTRunner, Philip Loudon, PVTRussell, Delbert Wesley, SGTRussell, Jack Lowell, PFCRutkowski, Joseph John, CPLRutter, Roland Miller, PFCRyan, Martin John, SGT

Sacker, August, Jr., 2NDLTSallee, Gilbert Wiley, PVTSalmon, Canoll Lee, PFCSaltz, Albert Herbert, PVTSanders George Leroy, jr., PFCSanders, John Franklin, ACKSatter, Russell Keith, PFCSauvageau, Paul Marcel, PFCSawyer, Gerald Wilson, PFCSawyer, Wayne Virgil, PVTSayer, Burton Claude, PFCSayre, Glenn William, 2NDLTScivetti, Chester Robert, PFCSchimke, John, PFCSchleicher, Theodore Nicklos, PFCSchmaltz, Frank Ludwig, SGTSchmidt, Donald William, PVTSchrnidt, Howard Charles PFCSchmitt, Edward Kessler, PVTSchneider, Mark herbert, PFCSchneider, William F. Frank, SGTSchultes, Richard Edward, PFCSchultz, Peter,2NDLTSchwartz, Anttrony Paul, PFCSchweer, Jacques Lincoln, CPLSchweitzer, Frank August, PFCSchwindler, Damon Carl, PFCScinto, Rodney James, PFCScott, Alfred Charles, CPLScott, Charles Allison, CPL

Scott, Michael John, PLSGTScott, Robert Edward, PFCScott, Wilson Ray, PVTSeeling, Elmer Henry, PFCSelf, Howard, D., GYSGTSepulveda, Frank Emilio, PFCSevey, Cecil Alvin, PFCShannon, William Thomas, PFCSharp, James Leroy, PFCSharp, James Richard, PFCSheehan, Frank Vincent, PFCSheehan, Walter Daniel, Jr., PFC

. Sheets, Walter Ivan, PVTShelly, Jack Edward, SGTShelton, Elwyn Julius, PFCShelton, Harold Lavern, PFCShemas, Louis John, PFCSheperd, Marshel Ernest, Jr., PFCShiley, Richard Harold, CPLSholtis, Stephen Joseph, PFCShriver, Henry H. Neales, CAPTSiegel, Bernard, PFCSillars, Welton, PLSGTSilvaroli, Elmer Anthony, PVTSimmons, Paul Eugene, PFCSimpson, Alfred Lawrence, PFCSimpson, Robert Leroy, PFCSinclair, Alvin Gross, PLSGTSingleton, William Harding, ACKSirks, Clifford Dean, PFCSise, Rodger Everett, PFCSkelton, Kenneth Dale, CPLSkillman, Robert Calvin, CPLSkinner, William Merril, 2NDLTSlayton, William I-ouis, SGTSloan, Bernard Donald, PFCSloat, Richard Oral, 1STLTSlowick, Stanley, PVTSluyter, Hany Alfred, PFCSmart, Llewellyn Rudolph, PFCSmelser, Elmer Earnest, PFCSmiley, Roberr Sranley, PFCSmith, Don King, PVTSmith, Donald Eugene, FMICSmith, Donald Wayne, CPLSmith, George Robert, PFCSmith, Harrison Morton, PFCSmith, James Robert, PFCSmith, John, GYSGTSmith, Kenneth James, ISTLTSmith, Leo Philip, PFCSmith, Paul Lanis, PFCSmith, Raymond Howard, pFC

Smith, Roscoe, Jr., PFC


Page 31: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Smith, Stanley, James, PFC

Smith, Vernon Thomas, PFC

Smith, William Eugene, PFC

Smurlo, Chester, PFC

Snarey, John Henry, PFC

Snell, Donald MurraY, SGT

Snider, Roy Ellis, CPLSnyder, Vincent Kieran, PFC

Sollien, John StanleY, SGTMAISolomon, Alexander, CYnrs, SGT

Solseth, Raymond llanis, PFC

Soltys, Stanli, PFC

Somen, Faul Francis, PFC

Sorben, HilmerG. Edward' 1STLT

Sotirakis, Pete, PFC

Spatz, JohnWilliam, PFC

Spear, Michael, GYSGTSpenello, Louis, PFC

Spiess, Kenneth, CPLSpurgeon, Calvin Bardell, PFC

Srstka, Steven John, PFC

Stafford, Dale HaYden, CPL

Soamm, RobertJohn, PFC

Stanley, Russell Jack, PLSGT

Staples, Clesson Harry, PFC

Star, Roy, CPLStauber, Edward Wenzel, S GT

Staugler, Walter Jerome, PFC

Ste€rs, Joseph Barnes, Jr.' PFC

Stefe, Raymond John, PFC

Steger, Edward, Jr', PFC

Stephenson, Charles Marshall, CPL

Srcvens, Homer Edward, PFC

Srcveni, Orville HalleY, CPL

Stevens, R.obert Lewis, PFC

Stevenson, Loomis Clark, PFC

Stewart, Hoyt McClure, 2NDLTStickles, Bryant Fred, SGT

Stiver, James Williarn, FFC

Stoddard, Ilorace Warren, Jr., PFC

Stokes, Jessie Eloit, PFC

Stokes, Troy hentice, PFC

StonesEeet, Claude Benjarnin, PFC

Story, Elrner Ernest, PFC

Stout, George, Jr., PFC

Stovall, James Lewis, PFC

Strang, David Crawford PFC

Straus, Frank, PFCStroebel, George Herman, PFC

Strong, Boyd Thomas, PFC

Strong, Charles Russell, PFC

Strong, Harry William, PFC

Strong, Jos Clinon, PVT

Stroski, Clarence Alexander, PFC

Strosnider, Jack Thomas, PFC

Strout, Donald lrwin, PFC

Stuart, Louis Francis, Jr., PFC

Stulb, Timothy Joseph, CAPTSuddath, Jack lafayece, 2NDLTSullivan, Robert J. Banigan,2NDLTSumpf, Vincent Raymond, FFC

Sunyog, Oliver Gerald, SGT

Supteiny, Theodore, GYSGTSutterfield, William Arthur, Jr., PFC

Syroka, Henry John, PVT

Talley, Kenneth Edward, PVTTate, Jacob Allen, PFC

Taylor, Clarence RalPh, Jr., PVTTaylor, Denver Askew, PFC

Taylor, Glenn Wakefield, PFC

Taylor, James Herbert, PFC

Tekip, Richard Edward, PFC

Telles, Ramiro Garcia" Jr., PFC

Tepper, Samuel, PFC

Teran, Hemy, PFC

Terry, Jim Reed, SGTTessier, Leon AnthonY, SGT

Thatcher, Donald Robere, PFC

Thieman, Francis JosePh, PFC

Thomas, Clair Paul, PVTThomas, Iloward Henry, PFC

Thomas, Norman Karlson, CAPTThomas, Robert Eugene, PFC

Thompson, Adam Peter, PFC

Thompson, Charles Walter, CPL

Thompson, Eugene Percival, ACKThompson, Glynn Marshal, PFC

Thompson, I-eonard WesleY, PFC

Thompson, Perry Russell, PFC

Thompson, Paul Jones, Jr., CAFTTipsord, Winston Dean, FFC

Tischler, James JosePh, PFC

Ticconi, Leo AnthonY, PFC

Tillman, Joseph Graham, CPL

Timmerman, Grant Frederick, SGT

Timmons, Glenn Ward, PFC

Torvinen, Leonard John, PFC

Tollett, James Raymond, PFC

Tomasek, Charles JosePh, PFC

Tomaszewski, Richard T'., PFC

Tonnell, Harland Harry, PVTTorrez, Atodocia TommY, PFC

Touchet, Linus, PFC

Townsend, Willie, PFC

Trautrniller, David Paul, PFC

Trittipo, Lavern Elmer, PFC

Trimmier, Billy Joe, PFC

Triplec, Charles Hector, Jr., CAPTTrueba, Frank, PVTTruppi, Rudolph Robert, PFC

Turk, Robert Henry, PFC

Tumer, Gordon Howard, CPLTumer, Samuel Cordell, CAPTTyler, John Henry, Jr., PFC

Utley, John Tom, Jr., STFSGT

Utter, William Earl, PFC

VanMunster, Herman, Junior, PFC

Vandevere, AdolPh Maurice, PFC

Vanghel, Michael,PFCVanzile, Harry Rex, PFC

Vasko, Andrew Steven, PFC

Vaupel, Charles Eugene, PFC

Vehnekamp, Ralph Albert, PFC

Vehon, Milton John, PFC

Veith, Emmettl,ee, PFCVenezia, Joseph Dominick, PVTVetere, Edward l,awrence, PVTVicario, Peter Rocco, SGTVicknair, Robert Paul, PFC

Viola, Charles James, PFC

Vish, Leo Charles, PFC

Visser, James Alfred, PFC

Vrchota, George John, Jr., PFC

Wadness, William Edwin, PFC

Wagner, Marvin Lee, PFC

Walcott, Vincent Horatio' PFC

Waldecker, Harold Dumont, PFC

Walkor, Clifford HemY, PFC

Walker, Jack Harold, CPL

Walker, Roderick Marian, PFC

Walker, William JosePh, PFC

Watl, Philip John, PFC

Wallace, Robert Williarn, PFC

Walsh, Joseph Parick, PFC

Walters, Herrnan Richard, PFC

Walters, Kenneth Jack, PFC

V/arclwell, Virgil Emery, Jr., PFC

Warner, Asa Collins, PFC

Way, Donald Irslie, PFC

Wears, William Henry, FFC

Weatherholt, Carl Robert, PFC

Webb, Charles JosePh, CPLWebb, Gerald Richard, CPLWebb, Harold Fordson, CPLWebb, Jack KeeleY, PFC

Webb, James Halford, STFSGT

Webb, Kenneth Arnold, PFC

Weber, Henry LeoPold, PFC


Page 32: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Weinberg, lvlartin Harold, 2NDLTWeinstock, Ralph, CPLWelch, Oscar, PFCWells, Earl lrroy, PFCWells, Grover Marcus, CPLWelton, Stanley Calvin, PVTWest, Charles Franklin, PFCWestlake, William Cyms, PFC\Veston, Earl Raymond, Jr., CPLWever, Thomas Emil, SGTTVhannell, Thomas Scott, Jr., SGTWhetzel, Robert Lloyd, PFCWhiffen, John Milton, PVTWhite, H. A., PFCWhite, James George, 2NDLTWhite, Leo Joseph, PFCWhite, Robert Eugene, CPLWhitehead, James Hertzell, PFCWhitehead, Stewart, PFCWhitelaw, Robert" PFCWhiteside, John W., Jr., PLSGTWhitrnan, tlarold Eugene, PFCWhihey, Harry Edward, PVTWinkler, Raymond Elzy, PFCWinter, William Calvert, SGTWibholm, Ole Christian, CPLWick, Meryl Duane, PFCWiggins, Harold Arthur, PFCWilkinson, Franklin Eugene, CPLWilliams, Frank Steve, PFCWilliams, Harry Blaine, lSTSGTWilliams, Van Wood, Jr., CPLWilson, George Warren, PFCWilson, Hugh Cubberley, PVTWilson, Wallace Lorrain, CPLWindham, Sidney Ransom, 1STLTWoerdeman, Aloysius C., Jr., PFCWojcison, Joseph Robert, PFCWolf, Clarence Richard, PFCWolff, Norman Albert, CPLWollsadl John Henry, PFCWood, ArthurPaul, PFCWood, Clark Junior, PFCWood, Edward Kenneth, PVTWood, Ilarold Lansford, PFCWood, James Aldridge, PFCWood, Ralph l-eslie, PFCWood, Raymond Carlyle, SGTWoods, Floyd Henry, PFCWoolson, Thomas Oscar, PFCWoosley, George Russell, PFCWright, Dwain Arthur, PFCWright, Vernon Leslie, PFCWrobleski, Sylvester, SGT

Wroblewski, William Joseph, CPLWroe, James Edward, PFCWuertz, William, Jr., CPL

Yablunosky, Joe Vincent, PFCYacyniak, Wasil, PFCYadwinski, Edward, PFCYarrow, Joseph Edwin, PVTYates, Jay Junior, PFCYatsko, John Joseph, PFCYoder, Ross Alvin, PVTYork, John Riley, PFCYork, Walter Keith, PFCYoung, Paul Hogan, CPLYoungblood, Roscoe, Jr., CPL

Zebelsky, Thomas, PFCZinkm, Howard Joseph, PFCZitta, Victor, PFCZikowski, John Joseph, PFCZimmer,John Peter, Jr., PFCZimmerman, Irwis Nelson, PFCZulev ic, Frank Vincent, PFCZutz, Joseph William, PFC


Aden, GeneJustin, CPLAloia, Nocholas, PFCAndersen, Wesley Wayne, SGTAnderson, Elman Adair, SGTAndrews, Charles Wilson, PFCAnthony, Harold Edward, PFCArmstrong, Clarence Donald, PFCAsselin, Norman Alfred, PFC

Baccaro, David James, PVTBacon, Harry D., PVTBallard, Bettrel Edwind, PVTBaysinger, Philip Bruce, PFCBellotte, Byron Trouton, PFCBennett, Vance Earl, PFCBert, Gerald Dayne, Jr., SGTBierman, Glen Richard, PVTBittenbender, Emest R., CPLBlair, Earl Pershing, CPLBooker, Jesse Wooton, trI, 2NDLTBowen, Llewellyn Norman, PVTBowes, Joseph Elmer, PFCBoykin, Harley Ray, PVTBrady, John Joseph, CPLBrannan, Melvin Eugene, PFCBremer, Richard William, ACKBridgham, Kenneth Earl, CPL

Busalacchi, John, PFCButler, Jack Darwin, 2NDLT

Cameron, Donald Alan, PFCCarrizales, Joe Angel, PFCCarter, Earl Joseph, PFCCauterucci, Joseph James, PVTChilds, Milton, SGTClamon, Charles Wayne, PVTCollins, Alvin Ernest, PFCCooper, Raymond Edward, CPLCowan, John William, PFCCrawford, Wilbur lpon, PFCCrowther, Kenneth Roy, PFC

Davidson, Kenneth James, PFCDavis, James, PVTDiacetis, Carlo, PFCDuffey, James Edmond, PFCDunham, Donald Ausrin, Jr., PFCDunsim, Louis Frederick, CPL

Easley, John White, LTCOLEllis, Rolland Eugene, PFCEllis, Timothy Howard, PFCErickson, Raymond Kenneth, PFCErlick, Joseph Ziggy, PFCEvans, Carl Ray, PFC

Feller, Frank Joseph, PFCFerguson, Wayne Junior, PFCFriedriechsen, Elmer Jerone, PFC

Gallagher, Charles Robert, PFCGatto, Joseph Diamond, PLSGTGeahos, Steve, PFCGeers, James Joseph, PVTGodomski, John, PFCGolebieski, Henry, PFCGorball, George William, SGTGrabowski, Anthony Daniel, PFCGrant, Edward Thomas, PFCGribben, William Ellwood, PFCGrote, Harry Edwin, SGTGunter, Luther, PFC

Hall, John Edward, CPLHancock, Joseph Alonzo, PFCFlarmon, Sherman Milo, CPLIlarris, Marion Ruling, CPLHass, Roy Chartland, PFCHazel,RobertI-ee, PFCHill, Floyd Louis, PVTHolcomb, William M., GYSGT


Page 33: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Holcome, Walter Lynn, PFC

Houpt, David Lynn, PLSGT

Ibinson, Thomas Joseph, PFC

Jackson, James Noel, PFC

Jenkins, George Arlistus, PFC

Jones, Donald, PFC

Just, August Verner, CPL

Kaufmann, Robert Hamon, PFC

Kelleher, David Augustine, CAPTKeough, Sranley George, PFC

Kirsten, Richard Albert, PFC

Kline, Gerald Edward, PFC

Knittle, Frederick Cristinia, PFC

Konetsko, Stanley, CPLKordalski, Joseph, PFC

Krauser, Paul Phillip, Jr., PFC

Lafleur, Roger Joseph, CPLLangoll Harold Frederick, PFC

Lav ezzo, John William, CPLIawrence, Clyde Barber, Jr., PFC

Leese, Robert Dale, PFC

Lingeman, Lawrence Henry, CPLLitton, Aubrey Adraine, PFCLuckeneill, Ray Edward, Jr., PFC

Lysinger, William Long, PFC

MacDonald, Paul C., Jr.,2NDLTMacGuire, John Derek, 2NDLTMau, David Louis, PFC

McKee, Glenn Irwin, PVTMclaughlin, Joseph Hugh, CPLMetz, Joe Vinton, FLDCKMinner, Robert Vemon, PFC

Mize, Winston Monte, PFC

Mohacsi, Otto Guy, SGTMosley, Lloyd Wayne, CPLMotley, James Coleman, Jr., CAPTMuncy, Thomas Blanton, PFC

Muniz, Pilar, Jr., PVTMuoio, Ronald Vincent, PFC

Newbold, Thomas Scott, CPLNorquay, David Reginald, CPL

Oxley, Gibson Robinson, CPL

Palencsar, Henry Bernard, PVTPanell, John Milton, PFC

Paris, Herbert Jennings, PFC

Parker, Forrest Birdell, PFC

Parr, Horace Warren, CPLPeckenpaugh, tsdward W., SGTPensyl, Alvin Ambrose, PFC

Pooley, Paul, CPLPowell, Lee Benien, SGT

Quisenberry, Raymond H., PFC

Rader, Clarence Edwin, Jr., SGTRegan, Martin Alvin, PFC

Reichert, Donald Lamb, PFC

Ripple, Kenneth Wayland, PFC

Rouk, Louis Clay, PFC

Rutkowski, Mitchell Anthony, SGT

Saltamaftini, John, PVTSalzmann, Julius Alexander, PFC

Schultz, Kenneth Arthur, PFC

Schwartz, Harry Barwick, Jr., CPLSeianas, Ralph Julius, PFC

Seltzer, Melvin Daniel, CAPTShea, Daniel, PFC

Sheen, Owen Clifford, PFC

Shodolska, William, CPLSmith, Robert Eugene, PFC

Snider, Rennie Clement, PFC

Sohigian, Robert Gregory, 2NDLTSt. Pierre, Claude Joseph, PFC

Strobel, Arthur Fredrick, PFC

Stromquist, Hulen lrroy, 2NDLTStulLz, Paul Kassing, PFC

Stumpp, Elmer Alonzo, Jr., PFC

Sugar, Louis, PVTSurbaugh, Jesse Russell, PVT

Templeton, Ralph Waldo, PFC

Tenorio, Sam, PVTThorson, Donald Louis, PFC

Tipton, Robert Eugene, PFC

Tobey, Ronald Duane, PFC

Townsend, Elery Jefferson, CPLTrent, Alvin Earl, PFCTrigg, Kenneth Dale, PFC

Wade, Wayne Vernon, CPLWagner, Leo Hubert, PFC

Walker, Cecil Ezra, PFC

Watson, Glenn Alvin, PFC

Webb, Gerald Dee, PVTWebb, Jim Frederick, PFC

Weldon, Perry, Jr., PVTWheeler, Clarence Samuel, Jr., CPLWilhite, Everett, Raymond, PFC

Wilson, Robert Lee, PFC

Womack, Hewett Hiliard, PFCWoods, Leo Wilson, PFC

Woolley, George Henry, PFC

Yankee, Russell Joseph, PFCYoung, William Eugene, CPL

Zaleski, Joseph John, PFC7.eigel, Warren Wade, CPL


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bm l,SnOnE - Marines dig-in on the beach at Saipan in preparation for the attack on Japanese inlandposilions. In the background, one of the amphibious tracton used by the ftrst wave af assault troops, burnsfuriously, the result of a direct hit by Japanese artillery. Official II.S. Marine Corps Photograph.



The Tanapag Harbor is a port of entry for all imports fron around the warld to meet the consumers needsinthe CNMI.

Page 35: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

U.S. Marines, 4th Marine DivisionKilled in the Northern Marianas During WWll


Adams, Henry Augustus, Jr., CorP

Adams, Walter Higbe, Jr., PvtAdams, Wilford Erwin, PFC

Adcock, Jack Clinton, GySgtAeby, Jack Winton, Sgt

Ahasay, Ctrifford John, 1st LtAlbers, Keith William, CorpAlbert" Charles Edward, PFCAlden, Hmtley Weston, CorpAlick, Isaac Hashim, PvtAliff, Melvin Patrick, Sgt

Allen, George Leon, CorpAman, Henry William, PvtAnderson, Pete Ignatius, CorP

Angstadt, Jay Gerald, PFC

Antonucci, Nocholas, PFC

Armson, Edward Blake, Sgt

Armsfiong, John Bruce, lst LtAsh, Warren Ead, SgtAshkar, Joseph Tanfuk, CorpAuClair, Elliott Earl, PFC

Auerbach, George Anthony, CorP

Auge, Joseph Armand, CorP

Avery, Robert Washington, CorP

Azbeil, Joseph Wayne, Pvt

Bagnowski, Casmere William, CorP

Bailey, William Joseph, PFC

Baker, HilbertLee, PFC

Baker, Stephenson Warren, PFC

Baldeshwiler, Robert Edward, PFC

Bamberger, George John, FM1CBanas, Mike, PFC

Bangert, Wallace Alfred, StfSgtBanks, Norval Thomas, CorpBardwell, Hubert Wayre, PFC

Barker, Owen Justin, CorpBarlik, John Thomas, PFC

Barnes, Robert Earl, PvtBartlett, Raymond Edward, Sgt

Bartow, Frank Ambrose, PFC

Bass, Charles Joseph, PFCBass, Rupert, PFC

Batarla, Francis Maurice, PFC

Baxter, Menel, PFC

Bayne, Paul Monroe, Jr., PFC

Bazine, Robert Louis, CorP

Becker, Otto Henry, PFCBell, Lee Albert, PFCBelon, Tony James, PFC

Bennett, Elmer Eugene, PFCBetts, Eugene Edward, PFC

Bianca, Ignatius Joe, PvtBieber, Wayne Benjamin, PlSgtBingham, Robert Hall, lst LtBirdsall, Matthew Donald, PFC

Blaese, George, SgtBlaine, Harrison Tweed, lst LtBlair, Charles Madison, SgtBlanford, IIarry Patrick, PFC

Blanton, George, PvtBlevins, James Howard, PFCBloomfield, John Wesley, PFC

Bobo, Alvis Barnes, PFC

Bobst, Elmer Thomas, PFC

Bogdanski, Bernard Joseph, PFC

Bolar, Jack Clifford, AstCkBolduc, Joseph Raymond, PFC

Bolik, Joseph John, PFCBolson, Robert Charles, PvtBonds, Cecil Bradford, PFC

Bonovitch, Otto, CorpBoone, Sterling Dan, PlSgtBorges, Joseph Manuel, ACkBoslosky, Bernard Vincent, PFC

Bowen, Merton Arthur, PFC

Bowling, Ralph Roy, GySgtBowman, Charles Story, CorpBowman, Harry Sharp, PFC

Boyd, John Skinner, CorpBoyd, Rex Vernon, PFCBoyle, Alexander, PFCBrackett, George Berlen, PFC

Bradford, Francis Eithel, PlSgtBrandt, Herbert Ervan, PFC

Brannaman, Ray Junior, PFC

Brannon, Louis Alfred, PFC

Bratton, Ottis Lathaire, PFC

Bray, Charles William, PFC

Breckenridge, Harry Carl, PFC

Breeden, Aubrey Earl, CorpBreeher, Waren Bernard, CorpBreslin, Robert Lee, PFC

Bridges, Rex Edward, PFC

Brissey, Calvin Lee, PFC

Britton, Charles Bernard, Pvt

Brizich, Vincent Peter, Jr., PFCBroaddus, Robert Earl, PFC

Brock, Jarvis Tilman, PFC

Brokaw" John Quick, PFCBroocks, Ben C., Jr., PFC

Broome, Roger G. Brooke, MajBroomfield, Torn Junior, PFC

Broughton, Emest Geddes, PFC

Brown, Alton Truman, CorpBrown, Dawson Donnell, PFCBrown, Jack Shelton, CorpBrown, Wiltam Francis, CCkBrown, Woodson Perry, PFCBruce, William H., lstLtBrugger, William Ervin, CorpBrunjes, David William" PFC

Brunson, Billie Ashleigh, CorpBryan, Lawrence Elmo, PvtBuechler, Harley William, PvtBugnacki, George Robert, PvtBuie, Carey Mullins, Jr.,ZdLtBuiniskas, Frank Joseph, CorpBuller, William Warren, SgtBullock, Archie Newton, PvtBurcham, Jim Tom, PFC

Burg, Keith Gerald, PvtBurke, Thomas Gerald, PFC

Burket, Ralph Sylvester, PvtBumowski, Albert Roman, SgtBurton, Charles Filmore, PFC

Butchko, John, CorpButzke, Robert Edward, PFCByczynski, Joseph John, SgtByrd, Robert Morrison, Corp

Cairns, Michael John, Jr., CorpCalabrese, George Joseph, PFC

Callaway, John Lynwood, PFC

Calvin, Jack Cornelius, PFCCameron, Peter James, PFC

Cammack, Alvin Lamar, CorpCampbell, Edwin Ray, CorpCannon, Ocie Randolph, PFCCannon, Sidney Lewis, PFCCarbeau, Charles William, Jr., lst LtCarbino, Milford Arthur, PFC

Cames, Howard C., PvtCamicelli, Charles Carmen, PFC

Carpenter, Horace. Collier, Pvt


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Carr, David Ralph, SgtCarrozzo, Angelo Bemard, CorpCarter, Thomas William, Jr., FldCkCasey, John Francis, Jr., pFC

Castanier, tlarry Joseph, pFCCellucci, Carmine, PFCChainey, David Crockett" pFCChambers, Leslie Morris, Jr., CorpChancey, Leslie Ervin, pFCCharette, Joseph Gerard, pFCChase, Emery Freeland, pFCChechlowski, George, pFCChristopher, Fred Lee, pFCChucci, Nicholas, PFCClark, Vincent Ambrose, pFCClark, William Willis, pFC

Clarke, Thomas Edward, CaptClinton, Wesley Reginal, pFCClukies, Sydney Emest, CorpCobb, Horace Winters, CorpColagerakis, Jimmy, CorpCole, Henry Roland, PFCColeson, William Francis, pvtColeai, Annino Francis, pFCColgan, Timothy Bernard, pFCCollin, John Anthony, CorpColwell, Roberr Linden, pFCComer, Jack Calvin, PFCConner, Luther Roy, Jr., pFCConrad, Alberr B., Jr., FMCorpCook, Maurice Lacy, GySgtCook, Steve, Jr., PFCCooley, Jack Clifford, FMICCoons, David Warren, PFCCoram, Nicholas Thomas, CorpCowell, Clifford Jay, PFCCoyle, Frank Joseph, CorpCraft, Dale Willard, pFC

Criner, John Venton, PFCCronin, James VincentCrosby, Edward Wilson, pvtCross, Raymond John, PFCCrum, Allen Kenneth, pFCCullom, Malcolm Leslie, pFCCulp, John Raiford, PFCCulver, Robert Francis M., CaptCurley, Eugene Bernard, SgtCurry, James Joseph, lst LtCustance, Robert Walter, PFC

Daigle, Alfred Joseph, CorpDalhaimer, John Frank, pFCDaly, Lawrence Joseph, pFCDavars, Hershel Maynard, pFC

Davis, Clarence l*roy, pFCDavis, Dempsey, CorpDavis, Fred, Jr., PFCDavis, Robert William, CorpDay, EdgarEugene, pFCDeeds, Mynard GaramoEeo, pFCDeGuglielmo, Viclor Joseph, pFCDeJean, Aaron Allen, pFCDeloreto, Andrew Anthony, pFCDeMarco, Dominic Joseph, pFCDemchak, George, SgtDeMoss, Arttrur Clay, pFCDenman, W. L., CorpDennis, Robert Henry, pFCDeNoble, John Dennis, pvtDiCesare, John Francis, pFCDiCorpo, Philip Anttrony, CorpDietrich, Dewitt Landre, Jr., pFCDillon, George John, Jr., CorpDionne, Leon Joseph, SgtDisco, Alec, CorpDismukes, Abbie, PFCDixon, George Everett, pvtDombal, Edwin, PFCDominguez, Eugene Ferdinand, pvtDominick, James Charles, pFCDonegan, Thomas Joseph, lst LtDonovan, James Richard, lst LtDom Robert Charles, pFCDougan, Desmond James, SgtDougherty, David Leslie, pFCDovel, Thomas Hudson, pFCDoviat, Joseph Victor, CorpDowney, Edward Joseph, Jr., pFCDowning, Charles Donald, pFCDowning, Harry James, pvtDoyle, Thomas Joseph, pvtDraszkiewicz, Herman Leo, pFCDressler, George Gilbert, pFCDucarpe, Lionel Louis, Jr., SgtDuclos, Edward Joseph, CorpDudlo, Anthony Joseph, CorpDudman, Neill FrankDuffy, Frank Aloysius, plSgtDuggan, John Patrick, pFCDunagin, Charles Ado, lst LtDunn, James Bruce, PFCDunspaugh, William Edward, CorpDurrett, George West" CorpDuryea, Albert Benjamin, Corp

Easton, Robert Gillen, lst LtEck, Arnold Robert, lst LtEckles, James Robert, Sgt

Edwards, George Clifford, pFCEisman, Malcolm Charles, pFCEisten, George Andrew, pvtEkstrom, Wamer Albert, pFCElder, Allen Edwin, SgtEliott, Lee, CorpEllis, Elmo Doyle, PFCEmich, Henry William, pFCEnglert, Stanley Schmidt, pFCEnglish, Elmuth Doris, pFCEngram, A. L., SgtEngstrom, Donald Dennis, pvt,Eppolito, Alfonso Louis, pFCErburu, Lawrence Michael, pFCEret, John Emil, PFCEricson, Herbert Edwin, Jr., pvtEros, Robert Volney, CorpErvin, Arthur B., SgtEvanich, George, pFCEvans, John t{akes, lst LtEvans, William George, Jr., pFCEverett, Walter l,awrence, pFC

Fagadore, Thomas, Jr., CorpFansler, Tennyson Wilber, CorpFedele, Frank, PFCFenley, James Edward, pFCFennell, Charlie Bunyon, CorpFentress, Alonzo Eric, Jr., CorpFerraiuolo, Joseph Anthony, pFCFerrera, Alfonso John, pFCFields, Bobby Earnest, pFCFields, Emest Runyon, pFCFiore, Martin John, pFCFiscus, Stanley James, pvtFish, Opher, Jr., PFCFisher, Alvin Marvin, pvtFisher, Derald Dean, pvtFisher, William Lee, pFCFitch, Dwight Sturtevant, pvtFizpatrick, Michael Lawrence, pvtFlechsig, Lester Carl, pFCFletcher, James Wilson, pFCFlynn, John Charles, CorpFlynn, Robert Collins, pFCFoley, Edward Thomas, pFCFoley, Glenn Richard, pvtForrester, Albert Bradford, S gtMajForsyttre, Harold paul, pFCFoster, George Howard, GySgtFostick, Gene Ivan, pFCFothergill, Samuel, CorpFox, EmestEugene, pFCFragale, Joseph Vincent, pFC


Page 37: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Francis, Lyle Niel, PFC

Fransen, Edward, PFC

Fratella, Phillip, PFC

Frey, William Edwin, PFC

Frost, Raymond Charles, CorP

Frydenlund, Harold Arthur, PFC

Fulgo, Edwin Stephen, CorP

Fuller, David Wittier, PFC

Fullerton, Donald Ray, PFC

Furbush, Hollis Chase, 2dLtFurino, Ralph William, PFC

Gaboda, Frank, PFCGaffney, Francis James, ACkGage, Raymond Charles PFC

Gagnon, Joseph Leonard, PFC

Gagnon, Wanen Albert, PFC

Gallagher, Edward JosePh, PFC

Gallegos, Lupe Martinez, PFC

Galloway, Donald Richard, PFC

Gambell, Leroy Louis, PFC

Gambrel, John Richard, PFC

Gardner, Frederick Ferris, PFC

Garratt, Henry Frank, PFC

Garrett, Sperling Green, PFC

Garrett, Woodrow Thomas, CorP

Garrison, Hubert Dan, PFC

Gaughan, Hohn Martin, PFC

Geddes, James HenrY, PFC

Gehr, Paul Miller, PvtGentile, Gaetano Albert, PFC

George, William, PFC

Gerlach, Richard Lee, PFC

Giandonato, Anthony Vincent, CorP

Gibbs, Marvin Hill, Jr., CorP

Gierhart, Robert Grant, PFC

Gimson, John, Sgt

Gish, Carl Knickerbocker, Jr., PFC

Givogri, Neal Bernard, Jr., PFC

Gleason, William John, PFC

Glenn, James William, PFC

Gluch, Edwin JosePh, PFC

Goforth, James William, lst LtGold, Jay William, PFC

Golob, Harold RalPh, PFC

Goodrow, Gordon Lionel, SgI

Gordon, George JosePh, PlSgt

Gosselin, Henry George, PFC

Gould, William, Jr., PFC

Grabow, Clifford George, PFC

Graham, Earl Edward, Sgt

Graham, Leslie William, GYSgt

Graham, Norman Russell, PFC

Grant, Joseph kwin, PFC

Grant, Thomas Francis, PFC

Gravina, Edward John, CorpGreenberg, Albert, PFC

Griffin, William Andrew, PFC

Griffith, Gorden Leon, PFC

Grimm, Ervin Elwood, CorpGroccia, Faust Louis, PFC

Grossman, Carl Edwin, CorP

Grubb, Woodrow Wilson, PFC

Guritz, Lyall Winson, CorP

Guseman, James Carter, GySgt

Hahn, John Donald, CorpHall, Benjamin Theodore, SgtHall, Erwin Grover, Jr., lst LtHallacy, William Patrick, III, ACkIlalliday, Joseph James, PFC

Hamblin, Arthur Leroy, PFC

Hamilton, Malcolm Edward, CorpHamlet, Samuel Woodrow, 1st LtHammond, Harvey, Jr., PFC

Hampton, Charles Edward, Sgt

Haney, James Arthur, PFC

Happ, Lee Morris, Jr., lst LtHarlow, Donald Dryden, PvtHarrell, Walter Jerome, SgtHarell, William Jackson, PFC

Hanist, Sidney Teal, FMlcHarry, Clinton Carl, PFC

Hart, Clarence Raymond, PFCHart, George Anthony, CorpHartigan, David Parick, SgtHartin, Ronald Francis, PFC

Hartman, William Adolph, CorP

Hawey, Donald Evans, PFC

Harville, Jess Earl, SgtHayes, Gerald Eldon, CorP

Hemmendinger, Henry N., CorP

Henicle, Glenn Robert, lst LtHenkel, George Adolph, PFC

Henrikson, Henry Hugo, CorP

Hepburn, Rolfe Howar d, ?l LtHerbold, Robert Lee, Sgt

Herron, George Tony, PFC

Hester, Frank Roscoe, PFC

Higgens, James Darrell, PFC

Higgins, Robert Llewell, PFC

Hileman, Robert Eugene, CorP

Hilkerbaumer, John Willis, CorpHill, Lee Cornell,PFCHill Perl laVern, PFC

Hill, Richard Hamilton, PvtHill,William Albert,WOHilliard, Robert Edgar, PFC

Hobson, A. D., PFC

Hodson, Wendell Blood, PFC

Hoenck, Hubert Gregory, PFC

Hoffer, Herbert, PFC

Hofferman, Robert Lee, PFC

Hoffman, Robert Curtis, PFC

Hohn, Charles Melvin, CorpHolden, John William, PvtHolder, l,eland Whitfield, PFCHolloway, Alexander Jameson, PvtHolm, Eugene Charles, PFCHolmes, Lee, SgtHolwig, Raymond Harry, ACkHood, John Gregory, PFC

Hooper, George Edward, CaPt

Hostetler, John Emerson, PFC

Houde, Albert Joseph, PFC

Hough, James Rogen, SgIHoward, Ambers Herbert, PFCHoward, Francis Ray, PFC

Howard, Herbert l-eo, PFCHoward, Robert Charles, PFC

Howe, John Williams, PFCHowington, Orville John, lst LtHubbard, Cecil Frank, PFC

Huddleston, Hemy Elmer, PFC

Hughes, Arthur Millon, CorP

Hughes, Morrell Pershing, lst Sgt

Hughes, Vernon Romine, PFC

Hulse, Harold Emest, PFC

Hundley, Harry Leonard, Jr., WOHunget, Robert Leon, CorP

Hurston, Charles Jackson, PlSgt

Huszarik, Joseph, Jr., CorP

Hymer, Cleo Cliffton, PFC

Iadanza, Moses Anthony, PFCIjames, Norris Gifford, PFC

Ippolito, Joseph Angelo, PFC

Izzo, Albert Warren, PFC

Jackson, William Charles, Jr., PvtJacobsen, Albert, PFC

Jalosz, Walter, Jr., CorP

Jarrell, Kenneth, SgtJohns, Donald William, PFC

Johnson, Lincoln, PFC

Johnson, Lowell Ingram, lst LtJohnson, Robert Daniel, lst LtJohnston, Warren Calvin, PFC

Jolly, Louis Francis Granville, PFC

Jones, Charles, Jr., PFC

Jones, Jack Henry, PFC

Juhnke, Charles Robert, Sgt


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Juth, Raymond Myran, PFC

Kalil, Philip, PFCKalinowski, Matthew Stanley, PFCKalafatich, Stephan Joseph, CorpKampsen, John Henry, Jr., PvtKass, Cyril David, CorpKatsounakis, Michael N., CorpKauzlarich, Joseph Edward, PFCKeating, James Joseph, PFCKeenan, Thomas Walter, Jr., CorpKeenum, Willie Ray, FldckKemp, Merton Ray, Jr., PFCKemper, Richard Allen, CorpKennedy, Dale Walter, PFCKennedy, Leslie Calvin, PFCKent, Eldon Duane, CorpKessier, Morris Edward, lst LtKidder, Lawrence Ernest, Jr., PFCKijewski, Norman John, PFCKinder, John, Jr., PFCKing, B. H., PFCKing, Billie Glen, PFCKing, Clifford James, PFCKing, Joseph Milton, CorpKing, William Wallace, MTSgtKingcaid, Samuel Daniel, PFCKinser, John Alvin, PvtKirby, EmmetFenel, PFCKirby, Granville Gamet, CorpKirby, Robert Stanley, CorpKirk, Albert Edward, CorpKisela, John Peter, PFCKiser, Virgil Valentine, CorpKnight, Laurie Kuehner, CorpKnight, Lawrence Elmer, PFCKnisley, Glen Howard, PFCKnotrr, John Joseph, PFCKochaniewicz, S. Felix, PvtKohn, Bernard Michael, PFCKolson, Stephen Michael, SgtKovar, Frank Eugene, PFCKrakow, Percy Rubin, CorpKmsinski, Henry Felipe, PFCKraus, Raymond Carl, CaptKrawetz, William, SgtKreischer, Homer Clifford, PvtKress, Harold Gustave, PFCKrivecky, Albert, PFCKruger, Floyd John, CorpKruse, Davis, Vernon, PFCKsiazek, Anthony Robert, CorpKuehl, Eugene Ewald, SgtKukla, Ernest Grant, Corp

Kuntz, Charles Xavier, CorpKusnyer, Arthur William, PFC

Labash, Michael, CorpLaBombard, John William, PFClachance, Ronald Joseph, PFCL,affin, Wallace t{arvey, PFCLafontaine, Joseph Thomas, PFCI-aFrance, Louis Nelson, PFCLamson, Howard Jewett, lst LtLaporte, Nelson Joseph, lst SgtLarsen, Gerald T., PFCLawhon, Andrew Ferrell, lst LtLayton, Robefi, PvtLeary, James Stanley, Jr., lst LtLeaver, William, Jr., PFCLee, Herbert Elton, PFCLee, Norwood E., lst SgtLee, Thureman, CorpLeeder, James Christopher, CorpLees, Vern Franklin, Sgt[,egge, Joseph Henry, CorpLehman, George, Jr., GySgtLeisure, Arrnond DeVeau, SgtLemerise, Gerald Joseph, CoqpLemoine, John Cass, Sr.,PFCLenge, Joseph Anthony, PFCLenling, Floyd Cast, PFCIcsko, Joseph George, SgtLewin, Dale Thomas, CorpI".ewis, Douglas Keith, PFClrwis, James Albert, PFCLewis, Thad Quinton, SgtLewis, Wray Cleveland, lst LtLibbey, Robert Guy, PFCLibhart, Harold Nelson, PFCLilja, Ralph, lst SgtLinaweaver, R.alph William, PFCLincoln, James Martin, CorpLinker, Henry, GySgtLipfield" Morris, SgtLiptak, Edward, PFCLitowinski, Nester John, CorpLittle, James Robert, SgtLittlefield, Joseph Micheal, PFCLivingston, Robert Alvin, PFCLockwood, John Lawrence, lst LtLogan, James Alan, PvtLong, Francis Edward, PFCLong, llarold William, PvtLopicka, Peter, PFCLovell, Marshall Sterling, PFCLubowicki, Bernard Robert, PFCLucarini, Paul Thomas, Sgt

Lucas, Frank Paul, CorpLucas, Robert Edwin, PlSgtLuffman, Samuel, PFCLugar, James Ashby, CorpLusk, Marion Douglas, Corp

MacDougall, Gerard Thomas, PFCMachowicz, Theodore, PFCMagaurn, Charles, PFCMaheski, Stanley Anthony, SgtManning, Robert Edwin, CorpManning, William Clarence, PFCManson, John Lloyd, PFCManzanares, Nicholas, PFCManzi, Vincent James, PFCMarchese, Arttrur Joseph, CorpMarchiano, Frank John, PFCManh, Jack Clifton, PFCMarsh, James Gay, PvtMarshall, Walter Eugene, PvtMartens, Meredith Joseph, PFCMartin, Henry Ford, PFCMartin, L. J., PFCMashburn, Hugh Darrell, 2d LtMasi, Daniel Herbert, PFCMass, Jacob Louis, PFCMassi, Americo Michael, PFCMathews, Charles Louis, PFCMattice, Lawrence Christian, PFCMaultsby, Jefferson W., lst LtMaxwell, Gilbert Melvin, CorpMcAnally, Bernard A., Jr., CorpMcArthur, Cecil Maurice, SgtMcBain, Marvin, PFCMcBride, Arthur William, Jr., PFCMcCaleb, General J., PvtMcCard, Robert Howard, GySgtMcCay, Thomas Francis, CorpMcClue, Howard Leslie, Jr., CorpMcCormick, James Boyle, PFCMcCormick, John Calvin, PFCMcDaniel, Herbert Harison, PFCMcDaniel, Zeb Shipley, lst SgtMc Donald, Bernard Joseph, PvtMcDonald, John Thomas, SgtMcElreath, Perry Douglas, SgtMcElroy, Edward Solornan, Jr., PFCMcGinniss, William Winn, lstLtMcGlathery, Ralph Marcus, PFCMcGowan, tnuis, PFCMcGowan, Patrick John, PFCMcintosh, Charles Linn, CorpMclntosh, Lewis Oscar, PvtMcKnight, Robert Williarn, Corp


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Mclaughlin, John Francis, PFCMcTaggart, Claude Frederick, CorP

McTigue, Joseph Daniel, PFCMeads, lre Burden, PvtMegahan, William Sheridan, PFC

Meinberg, Richard Curt, PFC

Meissen, Nicholas Charles, CorpMeredith, Howard Lee, PFC

Merritt, Bruce David, CorpMessenger, Otmer Floyd, PFC

Micko, John, PFC

Midkiff, Roy, PFC

Miller, Clarence Walter, PFC

Miller, James Wesley, PFC

Miller, John James, Jr., Sgt

Miller, Paul Edward, PFC

Miller, Ralph, PFCMinnichbach, Irslie Thomas, PFC

Minnick, Myron Kelley, lstLtMinor, Richard Monis, Jr., Coqp

Mitchell, George Newon, PFC

Mitchell, John Newton, PvtMitchell, Paul Charles, CorpMirchell, Robert Lee, PFC

Mitchell, Robert Roy, lst Sgt

Mittuch, Martin Eugene, CorpMixter, Orland Alpha, Sgt

Momme, Frederick William, PFC

Moore, Anthony Thomas, lst LtMoore, Charles Burton, GySgtMoore, Claude Swanson, Jr., PFC

Moore, Eugene Leroy, PFC

Moore, J. S., PFC

Moore, Walter McKinley, PFC

Moran, Joseph Bernard, ColpMorano, Lawrence John, PFC

Morgan, Wanen G., PFC

Morris, Thomas Anthony, PFC

Morrissey, Francis Jerome, Jr., CorP

Mosey, Merlin Joseph, CorpMotovidlak, Raymond Carl, PFC

Mosola, Stephen Rocco, Jr., CorP

Mundo, James, SgtMundy, Robert Earl, CorpMurphy, Joseph Terrence, PFCMurphy, Lloyd Dennis, GySgtMurray, Arthur Green, PFC

Muscatell, John Paul, Jr., PFC

Nadalin, Guy Walter, PFC

Nairns, William,CopNa"tions, William Arthur, Jr., PFC

Nawodczynski, Felix Stanley, CorP

Neal, Carl Richard, PFC

Neal, John Marshal, PFCNelson, Ioreen Arttur O., CaptNelson, Robert Andrews, lst LtNemeth, Billy James, PFCNeri, Victor larry, PFCNewberry, Aldrian Francis, PFCNewbury, Robert Edward, CorpNichols, Glenn Erwin, SgtNichols, William Joseph, CorpNiese, Robert Sylvester, PFCNightingale, George 8., StfSgtNightingale, Wendal Maurice, PFC

Niles, Robert Clifford, CorpNinham, Joseph, PFCNobliski, Stanley, PFCNorth, Ralph Seymour, PFCNorthern, Vigil Clarence, PFC

Norton, Francis Allen, CaptNorzagaray, Anibal J., PvtNyegaard, Harry William, PFC

O'Brien, John Joseph, PlSgtO'Connell, Edward Joseph, PFC

O'Connell, Frederick Paul, CorpO'Connor, James Wilson, PFC

O'Connor, Leo Francis, PFC

O'Connor, Marvin Jack, PFCOdom, Joe Lee, PFCO'Donnell, James Francis, PFC

Oestereich, Edward Frank, PFC

Ogg, Fonest Milton, SgtOldroyd, Frank William, CorpOlejar, John Aloysius, CorpOlson, Arnold Donald, CorpOlson, WilIiam Joel, PFCO'Malley, Joseph Michael, PFC

O'Neal, J. W., PFCO'Neil, Franklin Herbert, StfSgtO'Neill, Stanley Joseph, PFC

O'Reilly, Ray Coleman, PFC

Orrok, Richard Louis, 2d LtOrtega, Telesfor, PFCOverton, Maurice David, PFC

Paich, Paul, PFCPaley, William John, Jr., CorpPando, Victor Sotir, PFC

Pareigis, Charles Edward, PFCParente, Alfred Anthony, CorpPariseau, Daniel Herbert, PFC

Park, Houston Saffold, Jr., lst LtParker, Carwin Oakley, PFC

Parker, Leonard Earl, PFCParks, George Eugene, Pvt

Parrish, Bill Jack, PFCPartin, James Arthur, PFCPatterson, Robert Irvin, PFC

Patton, Archie Campbell, PFCPaulus, Donald Nicholas, PFCPeace, Charles Edward, PFCPearsol, Harry Kress, CorpPebley, Vergil Calvin, PFCPedroza, Daniel Romo, PFCPelucacci, Settenio Joseph, CorpPence, Everett Dewane, PvtPerry, Wesley Joseph, CorpPeterson, John Francis, PFCPetrarca, Gene lronard, CorpPfaff, William Andrew, PFCPhillips, Frank Edward, Jr., CptPicklesimer, Granville, PFC

Pilkenton, Colon Alfred, PFCPinkus, Augustus Edward, PFCPitts, Robert Edwin, PFCPlasha, Mike, SgtPlochick, Frederick, PFCPole, Albert Edward, PFC

Pole, Russell Edward, SgtPolk Joe Scarce, PFCPolk, Oscar Lawrence, PFC

Polly, Jack Luther, PFCPorod, Eugene Lambert, PFC

Porter, George Alexander, PvtPorter, Ray William, PFCPorter, Robert Joseph, PFCPosrrts, Louis John, SgtPowen, Richard, PFCPowers, Theodore, FM1CPrecopio, Michael Frank, CorpPreece, Lovel Don, PFCPrew, Robert John, PFCPribble, George Willis, PFC

Price, Leonard George, PvtPrince, Maurice Edmond, PFC

Pringle, Lawrence Britton, CorpPritchett, John Waller, Jr., lst LtPurkerson, Wallace Roland, Corp

Quadrozzi, William Joseph, PFC

Queen, Charles Edwin, Pvt

Quick, Merrill Cecil, Corp

Rafferty, Gerald Anthony, PFCRagsdale, William Ronal, CorpRalston, Milton John, SgtRamsey, Cecil Norrnan, PFC

Ramsey, Donald Willis, PFCRandazzo, William Thomas, PFC


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Raskin, Marvin Jay, lst LtRatkos, Henry Joseph, PFCRatzman, Norwood Raymond, PFCRaum, William Howard, PFCRay, Fred Robert, SgtRay, John Birch, Jr., PFCReaney, Thomas John, PvtReber, Norman Henry, CorpRecka, Edward John, CorpReed, Harold Alvin, PvtReed, Zeno Oklaif, Jr., PlSgtReid, Thomas Howard, CorpReifsnyder, Lyman Earl, lst LtReimer, Frederick Leroy, Jr., PFCReinhold, Charles Funston, CptRelic, Nikolas, PFCRendako, Raymond Joseph, PFCRentz, James Hervey, PFCReynolds, Francis John, PFCRhyner, Roy Emil, PFCRice, James Joseph, CorpRichard, Norman Joseph, FM1CRichards, John Homer, CorpRichards, Thomas Edmund, PFCRichardson, Arnold Ross, TSgtRichardson, Edward Wallace, PFCRichardson, Malcolm Trone, CorpRiley, Blaine, PFCRiley, Lloyd Milvem, PFCRiley, Martin Lee, PFCRivard, Joseph Victor D., CorpRivers, Raymond Edward, PvtRivet, Dewey Joseph, PFCRoberts, James Wiley, PFCRoberts, William Thomas, PFCRobertson, Peter, PFCRobinson, Francis Edward, SgtRobitaille, Phillip Earl, PFCRocchino, Dominic Anthony, PFCRockwood, Charles Robert, SgtRogers, George Henry, PFCRogers, James George, PFCRogers, Joseph Warren, PFCRomano, George Rocco, PFCRomano, Joseph Gabriel, CorpRoof, James Troy, SgtRoss, Harry Grafton, SgtRotl, Carl John, lst LtRoy, George Richard, PFCRoyal, Benjamin Franklin, Jr., lst LtRugur, Frank Warren, PFCRule, James William, PvtRupert, Robert Allison, SgtRussell, Ernest Raymond, Corp

Ryder, Robert Chades, PFC

Sabatino, Tony, CorpSabo, Joseph John, PFCSadlowski, Walter George, PvtSafrit, Harry lre, CorpSalamy, William Edward, PFCSalome, Joseph Ferdinand, Jr., lstLtSam, Willie Charles, lst LtSamson, James Lyon, PFCSamuels, Jack Sproles, PvtSanchez, Forrest Paul, Jr., PvtSand, Dewayne Curtis, PvtSanders, Jack Howard, CorpSantilli, Alexander, lst LtSarmento, Harold George, PFCSaucedo, Ruben, PFC

Savage, Norbert Edward, CorpScarpato, Michael Anthony, PFCSchlenker, Russell Alan, PFCSchmidt, Frederick l,awrence, PFCSchneider, Chades Vincent, SgtSchohn, Eugene Carl, PFCSchonerstedt, Frederick Paul, SgtSchorle, Emanuel F., Jr., FM1CSchroeder, Bernhard Edward, 2d LtSchultz, Maynard Conrad, LtColSchultz, Thomas Arthur, 1st, LtSeals, Howard Kenneth, PvtSeaman, Lester Louis, PFCSebring, Robert Joseph, CorpSedler, James Richard, CorpSeeley, Francis Brooks, PFCSeeley, William Robert, PFCSelage, Stephen August, PFCSemanoff, George Gene, SgtSereni, Julio, PvtSergent, Donald Wallace, PFCShaban, Alfred Francis, PFCShackelford, James Carr, PvtShafer, Lavon Harris, PFCShaffer, Golden Howard, PFCShaw, William Edward, Jr., CorpShears, William Marshall, PFCShelor, Charles Edward, CorpShelton, Curtis Clinton, PFCSherlock, Warren Frank, Jr., PFCSherman, Richard Garth, PFCShimkus, Albert, PFCShope, William Andrew, Jr., PFCShort, George Thomas, PFCShultz, Ernest Frank, CorpShytle, Joseph Edward, lst Lt

Siegel, Hilbert, StfSgtSikes, David McCall, PFCSilverman, Joseph, PFCSimoneaux, Allen Francis, PFCSimons, Donald Sprague, PFCSinley, Wilmer Curtis, CorpSisk, Thomas Aubrey, PFCSizemore, James Louis, lst LtSkeens, William Harry, PFCSkowronski, Henry, PFCSlight, Russell Marvin, CorpSmagon, Henry Ignatius, PFCSmart, Wendle Dale, PFCSmith, Alan Milton, PFCSmith, Arlo Dwain, PFCSmith, Daniel Tollie, SgtSmith, David Milton, SgtSmith, Joseph Arthur, Jr., PFCSmith, Marwood Baldwin, PvtSmith, Norris Elliot, PFCSmith, Terrell Griffing, SgtSnow, Thomas Eugene, PFCSnyder, Jimmie M., CorpSnyder, Thomas Joseph, CorpSnyder, William Arthur, PFCSobon, Edward Joseph, PFCSouth, James Hubert, PFCSowerby, Stanley Edward, PFCSpark, Donald Wimpie, PFCSporer, Lawrence Charles, PFCSpradlin, Edward Douglas, PFCSpratt, Alexander, CorpSpurr, Gerald Arttrur, Jr., PvtSt. John, Edward Vincent, PFCStaebell, RobertPFCStafford, Claude Robert, PFCStapleton, Cyril Gerard, PFCStarkie, Raymond, PFCStarr, J. C., PFCStauffer, John Walter, SupSgtSteciow, Joseph, PFCStefanelli, John Vincent, PvtStevens, Carlos E., PFCStevenson, Robert Emmet, lst LtStewart, Ralph Leonard, PFCStewart" Raymond Gregory, PFCStickel, Charles Richard, PFCStilts, Stuart Delos, PFCStockton, Claud Calvin, PFCStoops, Ivan Lionell, PFCStout, Billy Ray, PFCStrantz, Sranley Aloysius, SgtStroud, Stanley William H., SfSgtStrunk, IIarry Daniel, PFC


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Stump, John Robert" PFC

Sulphur, Alex Lee, Jr., CorP

Supsic, Charles Franklin, PFC

Suskevich, Nicholas, Sgt

Sutherland, Clayton Comer, PFC

Swain, Donald Victor, PFC

Swearingen, Roy William, PFC

Sweet, Charles Nonis, CorpSwift, Stanley Emil, Corp

Tafoya, Dale, PFC

Tassche, Louis Emel, PFC

Tate, I.eo Arttrur, PFC

Tavel, Alfred Linning, Jr., PFC

Taylor, Grover Clifton, PFCTaylor, Herbert Springer, PFC

Taylor, William Eugene, PFC

Temm, Edward Joseph, PFC

Thies, Gilbert Ivan, PFC

Thomas, Edward Chades, PvtThomas, Ellis Wiley, CorP

Thomas, James Owen, PFC

Thomas, John Wayne, PFC

Thomas, William James, PFC

Thompson, John Robert, CorP

Thompson, Robert George, PFC

Thorn[on, James Michaiel, PFC

Thrower, Calvin, PFC

Thurstonson, Francis Amund, PFC

Tibbetts, Herbert Mark, Sgt

Trojanowski, Joe John, PFC

Trujillo, David Gutierr, PvtTucker, Ancel Bernard, PFC

Tucker, Frank Allen, Sgt

Tucker, Harold, Jr., PFC

Tujague, Leon HenrY, Jr., Sgt

Turkaly, Joseph Anthony, CorP

Turner, Francis Albert, PFC

Turner, Paul Jasper, 2d LtTumer, Richard Sprague, PvtTwombly, Ronald l,eroy, CorP

Umstead, John Wesley,III, CPt

Urbanski, John Marion, PFC

Vadnais,Lew, PFCVail, Robert William, Jr., PFC

VanderMeer, Gerald Eugene, PFC

Vansickle, Robert Allen, PFC

Vardel, Edward, PlSgtVarga, Bert Steve, PFCVaskenetz, Emil, PvtVassie, Andrew John, CorpVeatch, Chester Arthur, PFC

Venokur, Paul Ruby, PFC

Vergne, Windfred Darius, PFC

Verhagen, Clayton Joseph, PFC

Vieites, Joseph, PFCVinson, William Edward, PFC

Viscone, Angelo Anthony, CorpVise, Ralph Edd, CorpVoelker, Robert Arthur, PFC

Volaskow, Walter Theodore, Pvt

Wacyra, Stanley Frank, CorpWahl, Raymond Merlyn, PFC

Waite, William James, Jr., PlSgtWalker, Carl Collins, Jr., PFCWalker, Crichton Trent, PFC

Walker, Joseph John, CorpWalker, William Stokes, lst LtWalsh, Eugene John, Sgt

Ward, Harry Calvin, PFC

Ward, John James, Jr., lst LtWare, Vincent Henry, SgIWaring, August Gardner, PvtWarner, William Theodore, PFC

Wasko, George Phillip, Jr., PFC

Wayton, John, SgtWebb, Jack, SgtWeeks, Johnnie Winslow, PFC

Weinberg, Philip Isadore, AstCkWeininger, Robert L,awrence, GySgtWelch, Ellis Ray, PFC

Wentz, Russell l-ee, Jr., PFC

Werme, Carl Victor, PFC

Wertzberger, Robert, PFC

West, James, Melvin, PFC

Wheelock, John William, CorpWhite, Chauncy Tom, PFC

White, Edward Harlib, PFC

Whiteside, Armour Davis, PFCWhitmore, James Alfred, PvtWigginton, Owen Ading[on, Pv[Wilchinski, Peter, CorpWilkins, O. C., CorpWillenborg, Carl Joseph, CorpWillett, Clernent Charles, PvtWilliams, Bill Jefl PFC

Wills, Robert Leslie, PFC

Wilson, Charles, CorpWilson, William Thomas, CorpWinnekins, John Erwin, PvtWinter, Duane Ernest, CorpWitczak, Frank Victor, PFC

Withers, William Thomas, PFC

Witt, Everett Jackson, PFC

Wittie, Frank Delco, PFC

Wolfe, Glenn Eugene, PFC

Wolfe, Glenn Lawrence, PFCWollenberg, lawrence Lange, PFC

Wood, James John, PFCWood, Philip Emerson, Jr., lst LtWoodruff, William Carrade, CorpWoods, Benjamin Francetis, SgtWoods, Henry Niles, PFC

Woodward, Cleveland Crosby, CorP

Woodward, Robert Edwin, PvtWorden, Gordon William, PFC

Workhoven,m Irving Frank, 2d LlWray, LaCounte Lee, CorpWright, Joyal Lavem, PvtWright, Orville Earl, PFC

Yaquinto, Anthony Michael, PFC

Yardley, Robert Jack, CorpYockey, Rene Bruce, PvtYocurn, Russell George, CorPYoung, George David, PFCYoung, Richard Herman, SgtYounglove, John Case, lst LtYow Burley Green, Jr., PvtYush, David, Corp

Zachariason, Earl Thomas, PFC

7,amora,John, PFCZion, Kenneth Irvin, PFC

Ziankoski, Walter Joseph, PFCZielinski, lro Joseph, PFC

Znm, J ene Reinhardt, PlsgtZuleski, Alex Chester, PFCZtrbo,Toufy, Pvt


Almond, Robert Edward, PFC

Anderson, Gustav Adolph, PFC

Angelucci, David, PFC

Archacki, Joseph Stanley, PFCArnett, Jesse Willard, PFC

Ater, Welker Nevin, PFC

Atwood, Dean Winfield, lstLt

Bain, Eldred, Jr., CorpBartlett, Charles I-ouis, PFCBell, William Sander, lst LtBeveridge, James Francis, PFC

Bird, Charles Francis, CorpBishop, Orville Brooks, PFC

Bledsoe, Alvin Amold, Jr., CorpBoisclair, Joseph Claude I., FMICBolis, Henry Rene, GySgt


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Bowen, William Amold, PFCBoynton, William Stoner, PFCBranch, Eldridge Dunn, PFCBraswell, William Fred, PvtBrewer, Dawson James, PFCBrock, Harold Paul, PvtBrodnicki, Richard Joseph, PFCBroome, Thomas Erwin, Jr., CorpBrown, Walter Edwin, PFCBrowning, Joe William, CorpBruce, Minor Hobert, Jr., PFC

Caissey, Joseph Albany, PFCCameron, John Archibald, 2d LtCarbaugh, Ray R., PFCCarlson, David James, SgtCarmichael, Thomas Murry, PFCCarson, Hayward Leroy, PFCCarter, Clarence, Jr,, Pvt.

Carwile, Eugene Paul, PFCCedrone, Vincent Anthony, PFCChastain, Gordon Britton, PFCCiccone, John Alexander, PFCClark, Floyd Harel, PFCCloyd, Wayne, PFCCochran, James Vernard, FFCCoffey, Tom Richardson, lst LtCope, Llewellyn Robert, CorpCowles, Harry i{ubbard, CaptCox, Joe Alvin" PFCCrynes, Wane, PFCCurry, George Fercy, Corp

Daigle, Alfred Joseph, CorpDay, Arthur Lenwood, PvtDay, Vemon Ernest, CorpDonnelly, Willard Lawrence, CorpDoyle, William, PvtDroszcz, Theodore, PFCDyer, Nelson Joseph, PFC

Eadie, Eugene Harris, PFCElizelde, Louis Raymond, FldCkEngholrn, John Willis Richard, PFCEvers, Marvion Lee Orian, PFC

Faulkner, George W., Jr., CorpFields, Freddie Leo, PFCFinn, Joseph Patrick, CorpFling, James Frederick, PvtFrihauf, Michael Anthony, SgtFry, Thomas Mcelhenney, MajFulz, Carl Oliver, Corp

Garcia, Phillip Martin, Jr., PFCGasper, Steve Gustave, ACkGennari, Louis Reno, PFCGibbs, Irving George, lst LtGilmore, Raymond Joseph, PFCGlatki, Alphonse Adrian, SgtGodfrey, Raymond Lonaine, PFCGolino, Louis Anthony, PFCGrady, James Joseph, PFCGranier, James Albert, lst LtGregg, Ellis Bailey, III, lst LtGregoire, Tucker Allen, PFCGrimes, Samuel King, Jr. PFCGrosch, Richard Theodore, CorpGruber, Raymond Valintine, PFCGuyot, Armand Louis, PFC

Haefner, Richard Warren, PFCHanson, Harold Webster, PvtHardy, Arthur Ray, PvtHarper, Victory Cordy, PvtHart, James Edwin, PFCHauser, Henry Carl, PFCHayes, Richard Avery, PFCHealy, Thomas Kenneth, PFCHeath, Leroy John, PvtHenderson, Claude T., Jr., CorpHendricks, Floyd Howell, PFCHollenbach, Glen Richard, PvtHopkins, Morris Reed, SgtHovey, James Francis, CptHunzeker, Arthur Talley, PFC

Janes, Guy Wanen, PFCJohn, Lacy, Jr., CorpJohnson, Harry Edward, PvtJones, Fred Martin, Jr., PFCJones, Minot Harry, PFCJones, William Corwin, lst LtJordan, Hayword I-ouie, PFCJoy,l,eroy Cecil, PFC

Kable, Harry Elborn, Jr., PFCKasper, William John, PFCKelly, Earl Floyd, PFCKildow, Walter Stille, PFCKimbrell, John Ralph, PFCKoon, James Edwin, GySgt

Lance, George, Alois, Jr., SgtLane, Frederick Mark, PFCLattman, James Francis, PFCLauney, Joseph Malcolm, PvtLazore, John Edward, Pvt

I-ee, Curtis Julies, PFCIrgg, William Charles, PFCLinkins, William Pinkney, Jr., SgtLittle, Raymer Leon, PlSgtLjevak, Stephen John, PFCLloyd, Edward Thomas, PFCLoughrey, John Joseph, 2d LtIovett, Horace Grafon, SgtLunsford, Lewis Harry, PFC

Malok, Julius Anthony, SgtMarhaug, James Allan, PFCMarsh, Jack Anderson, PFCMarvin, Robert Russell, GySgtMatthews, Constantine, CorpMcEuen, Theodore Paul, PvtMcGorray, James Warren, PFCMcGuinness, Cornelius Joseph, PFCMcRae, Joseph Allen, CorpMcVey, Robert Duane, PvtMidock, Joseph, PFCMikoft Nockolas James, SgrMiller, Curtis Mack, SgtMiller, Keith Argyle, SgtMiller, Richard Franklin, PvtMontgomery, John William, CorpMoore, Paul Scott, CorpMoore, Samuel Cannon, CorpMorrison, John Henry, CorpMorse, Donald Wightman, PFCMorse, Frederick Clarence, PFCMosbach, Cletus James, CorpMosty, Kenneth Wayne, PFCMulhern, William Francis, PFCMundell, Edward Clarence, Pvt

Neisler, David Odell, PvtNorlon, Edward Robert, Jr., PFCNye, John Henry, PFC

Ouderkirk, Harold William, Jr., PFCOverlock, Wendell Robert, SgtOzbourn, Joseph William, Pvt

Pappalardo, Samuel, CorpPearson, Elbert Alexander, PFCPeckay, Frank Robert, PFCPetri, Liberty, PFCPierce, Ralph Iarmar, Jr., PvtPiette, Frederick Stanley, PFCPimm, Oliver Seavers, PFCPinan, Roque, CorpPratt, Frank Edward, Pvt


Page 43: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor




reffirq:ile+#BRINGING HIM BACK ALM - Shielileit fram enemy machine gun lire by the tank at the right, Marines

effect the rescue of a comrede who was wounded in action at this Japanese infested cane tield on Saipan'

Offtc ial U.S. M arine C or ps P h oto grap h.




Kan paciJic at Marpi area is evidence of today's opportunity to better the accomplishment oI the ihy before'

Yesterday, this specffic area was tittered with bodicslfom the dead of war.

Page 44: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Ratcliffe, Richard Peyton, PFCRaub, Charles Harold, Jr., SgtR@ce, Maurice Raymond, PvtRightsell, Jack Ervin, PFCRinker, Carl Wallace, PFCRomano, Gregory Frank, PFCRowland, William Dantzler, PFCRuggiero, Ferdinand George, PFCRuiz, Joseph Antonio, Jr., PFCRussell, Clarence Hershel, PFC

Saccomanno, Joseph Carmen, PFCSantillo, Orest Joseph CorpSchmidt, Lloyd Albert, pFCScholzen, Edward David, PvtSchroeder, Herman William, Jr., PvtScott, Clarence Earl, Jr., PFCSeader, Charles Edward, PFCSeth, Joseph Edgar, SgtSexson, Joseph Dale, PvtShowers, Orville Hartley, PFCSiemienski, John, CorpSkinner, Harold Heilman, PFCSlockbower, Thomas Joseph, PvtSmith, John Lawrence, Jr., PFCSolper, John Christopher, CorpSoucy, Albert Joseph, PFCStanek, Chester John, PFCStarr, Eiman, FFCStefani, Louis Dante, PFCStenbeck, Paul Harry, PFCStevens, Paul Russell, 2d LtStube, Sherman Douglas, CorpSullivan, Bernard Joseph, PFCSuskey, William Albert, PFC

Tanner, Earle David, PvtTart, William Paschal, PFCTaylor, James Edwin, Jr., lst LtThibodeaux, Richard Melon, PFCTimboe, Allen Lloyd, SgtTisdale, Frank Pritche t, 2l LtTuthill, Merton Charles, SgtTyne, John James, Corp

Usry, Bowdre, Pvt

Valle, Frank, Jr., PFCVanaskey, Andrew, PFCVaughn, Chester Ray, PFC

Walkley, Edwin, PFCWallington, Leonard Edward, SgtWalter, Howard Robert" PFC

Wanick, John Paul, SgtWeinke, Dale Herman, PFCWildman, BlairNile,PFCWilliams, Howard Charles, pFCWilson, Samuel Richard, PvtWolbert, Eugene llarold, Jr., SgtWright, Daniel Davis, pFC

Yeaple, James Chester, PFC

Zimmer, tlarry John, LtCol


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U.S. Marines Killed in the Marianasdivisions unknown and some islands not recorded

NOTE: The following Marines were identified as "killed in the Mariana Islands area" (Guam included) during WWI.Information about specific areas (islands) they were killed and/or the divisions they were with were not often recorded.The total number of Marines listed below is 103.

Abbott, Chester Gilbert, PvtAnderson, Arthur Albert, PFCAnderson, Charles Victor, PFCAmett, Jesse Willard, PFC

Bakos, Stephen, 2ndLtBarnes, Lewis Elyn, PvtBeard, Elmer Canoll, PFCBell, Cecil Clair, PFCBostick, James Wilbur, 2nd LtBouckart, Albert Joseph, PFCBrandow, Melon Elroy, PvtBrown, Raymond, CorpBunch, Everard Leroy, PlSgtBurks, Rex Ray, SgtBurridge, William Albert, lstLtButler, John Crosby, Jr., lst Lt

Callahan, Richard Frederick, PFCCarlson, Harold Joseph, PFCCarreiro, Manuel Cabral, PFCChamberlin, Dale, Jr., lst LtChampitt, Robert Leland, StfSgtCoffman, Franklin Watts, CorpColley, Ernest Frederick, PFCCooney, John Joseph, Corp

Davis, Lonnie Rob ert, PFCDenman, Clifford Carl, PFCDyer, Martin Russell, Jr., Corp

Early, Walter Frank, CorpEber, John Robert, PFC

Fleming, William Robbin, 2ndLtFrahm, Lyle Richard, 2nd LtFrew, Robert,2nd,Lt

Gerding, Lester Joseph, CorpGill, William Joseph, lstLtGranlee, IIarry Bertram, Jr., SgtGregory, George Albert, CorpGross, John Martin, CorpGross, Roy Edward, PFC















Grossman, Solomon, PFC

Hanson, Vernon Eugene, PFCHarper, Leonard, Jr., PFCHarris, Joseph Parter, CorpHenebery, Patrick John, CorpHigh, Phillip Robert, WOHodges, Aubrey Dee, StfSgtHoward, Stanley Lee, PFC

Johnson, James, PFC

Kelly, Artie Devoid, CorpKrol, Leonard John, PFCKrook, Glen Gillis, Corp

LaFleur, Raymond Joseph, PFCleBel, Joseph Henry, CorpLittle, Thomas Vest, MTSgtLittleton, Robert La Follette, PFCLowe, Richard Alan, PFC

Maines, William Howard, lst LtMartin, Frank Thomas, PFCMason, Clifford Dale, PFCMcDonald, Franklin Wayne, PFCMcGee, Paul Julius, PFC

McGill, James Robert, PFCMclaren, Kenneth Wesley, CorpMeacci, Eugene Paul, CorpMichael, Eugene Shear, CorpMiletich, Dan Stephen, PlsgrMiller, Lawrence, Jr., PFCMoeling, John Justin, TSgtMurphy, Richard J., Jr., StfSgt

Ne Smith,William Alonzo, PFCNearhood, John M., Jr., lst Lt

O'Neill, John Emmett, PFCO'Sullivan, Francis W., lst LtOwen, Edward Finzer. PFC




Page 46: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

itriUips, Glerrn Ashle y, 2nd LtPool, Lionel Neal, Maj

Rawie, Robert Lee, SgtReiher, Thomas Allen, SgtRobinson, Preston, PFCRose, Ilarold Lloyd, PFC

Sailors, George Whittaker, PFCSeals, Irroy, PFCSearle, George, Morton, PvtSebinski, Peter Paul, CorpSheets, Jack Burthel, PFCShepard, Leon Andrew, PFCSheppard, George Glacie, Jr., PvtSlater, Dick Guest, PvtStallings, Gordon Allen, lst LtStevens, James Edward, Sgt


Stowe, Merle John, PFCSupple, Millard Edwin, 2nd,LtTaylor, Clifford k y, Sr., PvtTaylor, Gerald Ray,2nd LtTibbs, Kenneth Jewel, PFC

Vanover, Fred, PFC

Weeks, William Earl, PvtWeikle, James Herbert, PFCWise, Milton Eugene, PvtWitherspoon, John Lorten, PFCWilliams, Robe( N., Jr., lst LtWilson, Verner, Adolph, QMSgt

7.emq,hel, Donald Frederick, PFCZilliox, Edward Lyman, PFC








Page 47: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor









AIR VIEW OF CHALAN KA,NOA - Inta the ruins of, the town of chalan Kanoa on saipan' Amerban units

unload vital suppties for troops on the front lines. The large stucture in the center was a Japanese sugar

refinery. Official Il.S. Marine Corps Photograph'


Aerial view o! Hotet Nikko afive star hotel at san Roque village on saipan'

Page 48: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

U.S. Navy and Marine CorpsKilled in the Northern Marianas During WW ll

Albright, Roger R., AMM3Armstrong, Robt L., PHM3Avila, Geo J., SEAI

Bacon, Jack D., AMM2Badyrka, Peter., PHM3Bauckhalter, Wm E., LTJGBechtol, Roy A., LTJGBirds, Edmund A Jr., LCDRBlack, Robt A Jr., GMlBlazevich, Michael M., ARM1Bolander, Kenneth R., SEAIBoley, Mitchell., CM3Branson, Guilford F Jr., LTJGBrewer, Chas W., CDRBright, Mark K", LTBrockmeyer, Homer W., ENSBrown, Rich T., LTBruce, Jas L.ITJGBuchanan, Jass., ARM2Burrell, Hershel S., SEAIBurton, Leland S., ARM2

Canaerlinck, Bemard V Sr., SEA2Carney, Donald E., LTCarrithers, Clias C., SEA1Carson, Harcld H., LTJGCarter, Rayrnond L., SEA1Carter, Vanburen., LTJGChristensen, Robt V., SFIClark, Marvin N., PHM3Clark, Thos R Jr., LTCleary, Fred K., PHM2Clem, Henry C., LTCollins, Glen L., ENSConner, Wm L., SF3Crandall, Garland L., AOM2

Danley, Noah 8., MM2Dayley,Irel., AOM2Debell, Jas A., LTJGDelmore, John T., ENSDooner, Edw J., LTJGDougherty, Jos H., ENSDuff, Howard B., LTJG

Eickling, Bobby W., A,OM3Elezian, Haig G Jr., LTJGElliott, Conrad., LTJGEllis, Keith 8.. ENS

English, Geo., SEAIEvarts, Robt S., LTEvins, Robt C., LCDP

Feehan, EdwL., ARM1Flanagan, Lawrence F., ARM3Folkedahi, Willis H., LTJGFoote, Harold H., ARM2Fraser, Robt S., ENSFrye, Richard D., ARM2

Gammon, Robt D., SEAIGarmen, Cyrus P., ENSGoodwin, Warren A., AOM2Grabill, Ernest, PHM2

llacker, Donald, SEA2Hallowell, Thos E., ENSHancock, Frank Jr., LTJGHarber, Emmit D., SC3Harris, Jos J., SEA2Hawks, Wm C., GM2Hayes, RobtC., ARM3Henderson, Paul M Jr., LTHenderson, Raymond W., AMM2Henry, Guy D., ARM3Hepp, ClaudeW., CM3Hicks, WL., ARM2Hindenland, Warren A., ENSHogue, Jack, ENSHudson, Biliy F., ENSHuges, Hollis M., ARM2Hutchman, John D., PTR1

Ivey, John R." LT

Jones, Victor 8., AOM2

Kaiser, Geo E W., WTlKasperson, Elmer H., LTKelekian" I{arry., WT3Kenney, Leo T., LTJGKirchwey, Earl W Jr., LTJGKluge, Hugo L., ARM2Komorowski, Jos Jr., AMMI

Leblang, Peter A., SCILeboutillier, John., LTJGLeonard, Jas G., LTLimmon, Rolla S., LCDRLizarta, Simon F., ST3

Lloyd, Demarest Jr., LTJGLloyd, Garland L., Plvtr2Lowe, Wm J., ARM2I-owery, Veanice., ENSLuchs, Tilden L., MM3Lynch, Jas T Jr., PHM3Lynn, Edw W., ENS

Macmahon, John C., SPA1Madsen, John P Jr., ENSMartin, Geo S., SEAIMassenburg, Geo A Jr., ENSMcConnell, Wm D., ARM2Mcllwaine, Robt D., ENSMolanick, Francis., SEAIMontesi, Marcello G., FlMooney, Pierced., LTMoore, Franklin J., PHM3

Nisi, Alberto C., ENSNixon, Thos D., ENSNolte,Wm 8., ENS

O'Flara, Olin M., GMI

Parker, Paul A., ENSParsons, Edw J., SEAIPayton, Arthur MJr., LTJGPfahnl, Jos F., LTJGPooler, Robt W., EM3Powell, Murphey D Jr., ENSPowell, Winston S., AOM3Power, Jos Jr., ENSPuder, Jas A., GM2

Rader, Geo H., ENSReeves, Donald E., LTJGReinert, Earl C., ENSReinheimer, llarold R., PHM3Richardson, Rich R., ENSRivers, Howard M., ARM2Roberts, StuaflW., LTRoehs, Melvin A., ARM2

Sanborn, Carl H Jr., LTJGSaylor, Wm Jr., SEAISchneider, Wm F., AOM2Schults, Wm D., ENS


Page 49: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


Schuncke, Geo W., LTSchwartz, Raymond A., AMMIShandley, John W., SEA2Simms, John J., LTJGSimon, Warren B., AMM2Simpson, John C., LTJGSnowden, Isaac J., LTJGSorem, LennardL., AMlSpivey, Jas., ENSStearns, Robt L., LTSteffen, Earl J., AOM2Stephens, Jas G., F2Stinger, Allen, K., AOM3Stoner, Wiley A., LT

Tarr, Thos Jr., ENS

Thomas, John J., AMM3Thompson, Hoytter., AOMITodor, Harry., SEA1Toves, Frank I., STM3

Vanderwall, Clarence J., ENSVenegas, Jess M., SEA2

Warmoth, Walter O Jr., ARM1Waszkiewicz, Lawrence J., SEA1Whitson, Neil H., AMM2Wili, Albert T., WOWilson,Paul J.,LTJGWood, Ernest W Jr., LCDRWoodhouse, Lloyd F., ENSWright, Robt H., ENSWynn, Robt P., ARM1

Youngs, Myron E., PTR3

4th Marine DivisionBane, Wm K., ENSBarnett,Robt Jr., STM2Beener, Dean I-., SEAIBone, Freddier., SEA2Burghardt, Frank., PHMIBums Robt G., Fl

Carkhuff, Wm H., PHM2Cate, Jas S., LTClark, Chas C., PHM2Compton, Robt AJr., SEA2

Davis, Robt G., LTJGDesmarais, Cyril A., RM3Dicrocco, Phil P., LTJG

Duncan,Wm E., CPHMA

Eddington, Garland S., SEA2Egner, Jos D., SEA 1

Elliott,Wm L.,PHM3

Fields, Edw., WTIFoss, Leslier., GM2

Gaddess, John B Jr., ENSGatlin, Jas D Jr., F2Gebhardt, Henry A., SEA1Gomez, John E., SEA2

Hammersmith, Geo A., SC2Hanis" Waren D., RDM3Hayhurst, Dewey A., SEA2Hebert, Ellis J., SEAIHeidler, John C Jr., HA2Hendricks, Wm F., PHM3Hicks, Hollis W., SEA2Holladay, Darwin A., PHM2Houff, Clayton l.,HA2llrapchak, Jos ., PHM2Hunter, Jos A., SEA2Hunter, Sam E Jr., SEA1

Johnson, Harold D., MM2

Karako, Steven L., COXKeesee, Eustace N., LTKemmie, Howard J., PHMIKeville, John P., HAIKozloff, Benj B., PHM2Krayer, Authur D., RMI

Lamar, Gainer B., PHM3Lang, Robt F., HAlLangley, Ralph M., STM1Lehman, Stephen M., LTJGLeibik, AlbertJ., PHM2lrinbach, Barto J Jr., PHM3Levine, Bernard., PHM3Long, Lynn S Jr., SEA2Lupshu, Chas., HA1

Maggard, Woodrow 8., SEA2Magnan, Jas A., PHM3Maker, Bion 8., CPHMPMarousky, lronard L., F2Marquis, Robt C., BM2McCann, Francis J., HAlMcKenzie, Kenneth K., SEAIMcKinney, Geo H., PHMI

Meili, Robt R., GM3Metropolis, Chas., PHM3

Oldham, Herschel T., CMMAOwens, Buster J., SEA2

Parks, Ralph E., COXPruchniewski, Jerome J., QM3

Riordan, Wm J., HAI

Sander, Jerry., HAlSaylor, Clyde 8., CCSPSchuerman, Jas H., MOMM3Sherwood, Jas E., PHM3Shupe, Willard L., PHM3Skoskie, Stanley J., F2Spaugh, Gerald E., BMlStanciu, Victor D., PHM2Stecky, Edw., PHM3Steelman, Benj S., PHM3Stein, John H., ARM2Stookey, Byron E., MM3

Titze, Herbert C., HAITodd, Donald F., HAI

Ward, John E Jr., SEAIWebb, Donald R., HAlWeidner, Albert G., SF2Willcutt, Boyd B., MM3Wilson, Jas A., PHM3Woods, Don E'., SEA1Wooldridge, Robt M., SEA1

2nd Marine DivisionAdams, CecilL., PHM3Ahlers, Henry J., PHM3

Bagan, John P., PHM2Baker, Oliver F., PHM3Bell, Jas H., HAlBlackwell, Ernest S., PHM2Boatman, Saml W., PHM3Bond, Beecher O., PHM3Brooks, Calvin 8., PHM3Butti, Jos P., SEA2Byrd, Floyd B., HAI

Callihan, Clyde Jr., HAlCanter, Lloyd M., LTJGCarey, Jas E., ARM1


Page 50: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Carr, Stanley E., AOM2Clement, Theo, ENSClevenger, John T. Jr., AM2Cloninger, Ivan L., pHM2Cummings, Jas M., SEAI

Dana, Paul, LTJGDavison, fufux 8., HAIDelgado, Frank M., LTJGDellinger, David L., ARMIDenison, Albert I., pHMlDiskin, Edw J., AOM3Drummond, Hany M., SEAI

Earl, Robert S., PHM3

Forsberg, Robt L., pHM3

Gardner, Chas L., HA2Greene, Russell G., ENSGreenwald, Sylvester T., pHM2Griffith, Edwin C., pHMlGuill,John C., COXGutowski, Thos M., PHM3

Hargrove, Wesley R., AOM2Hodges, Saml Jr., PHMII{*lr, Jas E." pHM3

Isley, Robc i{., CDR

Jackson, Kenneth L., ARM2Johnson, Geo J., ARM2Johnson, Robt J., PHMIJones, Alfred A., LTJG

Keller, John H., LTJG

lancaster, Jas M., AMM3[,andon, Newbold R., LTJGLeist, Frank J., PHM2Lewis, John B., LTLitka, Raymond W., pHM2Long, W. S. Jr., PHM3

Maddox, Jas L., AMM1Marks, Geo F., EM2Marsh, Arnold, ARM2Mclean, Dan G JR., ARMIMcRae, Alexander D., ENSMenell, Norman Jr., LTMesser, John A., Jr., pHMlMongraw, Harold E., ARMIMulkerrin, Vincent C., HAI

Munroe, Arthur R., pHM3

Normandin, Alfred p., AOM2

Paige, Eugene S., pHM3Payne, Harold G. Jr., LTPittington, Ira F., pHM2Potisman, Paul J., pHM3

Robbins, Harry E. Jr., pHM3Roberts, Darwin A., SEAIRobie, Jas L., SEAIRobinson, Coleman W., pHM2Robinson, Jas W., pHM2Robles, Joe A., SEAIRyan, PatrickW., pHMl

Shrom, Amos R., pHM2Sowell, Don R., pHM2Speaks, Louis R., ARM3Stone, Jas H., ARM2Swenson, Franklin R., LTJG

Thompson, John C., GMI

Vanriper, Ralph A., AMM2Verkuilen, Ronald W., pHM2

Walmsley, Jos V., pHM3Wapmbrodt, Fredk L., pHM3Webster, Edw R., ARM2Wilder, Robr A., SEAIWildhack, Geo A., LTWilliams, Jerry T., ARMIWitzke, John P. Jr., AMM1Wright, Marvin B., pHM3

Zemovich, Frank, SEAl

Tinian Capture andOccupationAllen, John C., ENSA"trip, Ebert E., EMIAustin, Garland., SEAl

Banos, Raul F., pHM2Bentrup, Lloyd T., SEAIBladt, Jacob A., TM3Boyd, Bill F., SEAI

Carnahan, Ralph R.,TM2Clark, Merle J., SEAIColyer, Wesley A Jr., SEA1

Cook, Stanley H., LTCorbin, Emmett D., SEA1Craig, Harold C., HAICraig, Robt A Jr., TM3Cramer, Rich K., HAICraver, Bates B Jr., ENS

Davis, Owen J., SEA2Delaney, Henry E., pHM3Deluca, John M., BM2Dennison, Jos J Jr., pInvI2Dick, Harold L., GM2Diebert, Niles R., LTDilkes, RobrE., SEA2Doan, Ellis J., F2

Ekleberry, Bernard., SEA IErichson, Ralph., ARM2Erno, Dan S., SEA1

Farabee, Albert E'., TM3Farmer, Noyes D Jr., LTJGFerrier, Lavane H., HAI

Garst, Eugene E., SEA2Givens, Arthur., SEA2Godwin, Norman B., SEA2Gordon, Jacques., ENSGottlieb,Jacob M., pHM2 .

Hawks, Jas E., SEA2Heindryckx, Vatlier F., SK3Hermley, Wm., SEAIHerren, Wm J., ARM2Holiday, Robt B., ENS

Kauffman, Harry., SEAIKeetch, Jim M., PHM2Kemeos, John J., SEA2Kenher, Robt E., SEA2Keyser, Jerome D., LTJGKipper, Carl K., SEA1Klinga, Tauno T J., SEA1Kmiec, ZegmondW., SEA2Kugel, Ralph R., FCIKwapick, Frank S., eM2

Landreth, Robt., MUSIl.each, Clayton M., GM3Ledbetter, Edw H., pHM3Lloyd, Lucious W., pFfM2

Macidyn, Frank J., BM2Madej, Paul P., SEA2


Page 51: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Malley,Ilarry., HAlldartinez, Moyses A., SEA2Mathews, Benj F., SEA2McAvoy, John S., MUS3McC;allum, Jack E., PHM2McClung, Harvey J., PHM3McDonald, Chas Jr., FlMcKnight, Carl H., PHM2Moore, John., COXMurray,Iron G., ARM1

Nichter, Geo A., HAINizzardi, Wm 8., PHM3

Oehme, Paul R., CGMPOffer, John P., PHM2O'Malley, Robt C., PHM3Owens, Seymour D., DCR

Palmer, Pual W., ARM2Parker, John J., SEAIPassmore, Duward N 8., SEAIPatten, Robt A., LTJG

Roberts, Raymond M., SEAIRobey, Raymond K., HAlRowden, Arthur Jr., FCR2

Salas, tlarold, SEA2Santaro, Gabriel 8., SEA1Saylor, Harry W., SEA2Shea, Robt L., HAIShore, Earl, PHM2Slaton, kaN., SEA2Smith, Glen F., SEA2Smith, Jas L., SEA1Soja, Thaddeus , ARM3Spink, Chas W., CMlStenson, Owen P., AOMIStoner, Robt F., LTStout, Chas B., PHM3Sultzer, Jos C Jr., LTJGSwartzwelder, Rich, SOM3

Teague, David F, Bld2

Webb, Thos L., COXWilliams, Billy D., HAl

7*hner, Scott P., SEA1hphU Eugene W., AMMI

Battle of the Philippine SeaAcierto, Antonio, CKlAshton, Harry W., ARMI

Baker, Oren P., SEAIBall, Charley 8., WT3Barnett, Herman D., SEAIBartlebaugh, Kenneth E., ARMIBemshimol, Robt S., LTJGBridges, Alfred J., GMIBrown, Geo P., LTJGBruggman, Alfred B., SEA1Buchhop, Albert T., ARM2

Carlson, Robt L., LTJGCavender, Garnett L., SEA2Chaney, John D., SEAIClark,John H., SF2Colangelo, Leonard V., EM2Connett, Ilarold Jr., ENSConnor, John S., ARM2Cotton, Kenneth E., LTCrout, Jacob V., ARM2Cubetz, ArtiurE., ARM2

Davisson, Norman L., LTJGDillard, Jack J., ST2Doyle, Reginald F., STMI

Fullenlove, John J., ENS

Goforth, Rich L., SEA2Gustafson, Dew W., SF2

Ilaff, Henry J., LTJGIlanmep, Wm Jr., ARM2Henneberry, Geo, COXHorton, Myron B. Jr., SEA2Hunton, ArthurC., SEAI

Lantron, Conrad A., ARlvl2Lawrence, Kenneth E., LTJGLemay, Leo O., ARM2Linder, Wallace R., SEAILutts, Earnest R., SEA2

Mclntire, Jas O., LTJGMiller,Wm H., SEAIMonis, Caroll E., SEAIMurphy, John, MM2

Nardiello, Alexander, SEA2Neill, Peter A., ENS

Nelson, Chas W., LTNimmo, Raymond H., SEAI

Pethick, Richard B., ENSPuzerski, Albert R., SEAI

Robitaille, Robr 8., ARM2Runyon, Robt C., ACRMA

Schacht, Herbert L., ARM2Shea, Michael V., AOM2Shields, Jas A. Jr., LTJGSilverman, Bernard, ARM3Skelton, Herbert G., SKlSmith, Chas D., LTJGSmith, Hasting J. Jr., ST2Stanley, Thos F.A., ENSSterling, RobtE., LTJGStieglitz, Fredk R., LTJG

Taph Ilias, Geo F., SEA1Touw, Palmer I., LTJGTrau, Chas A. Jr., ARM2

Ulin, Arne A., AMM3

Varmette, RobtN., ARM2

Wells,Jack H., LTJG

Young, Lyle L., AOM2Youngchild, Robt P., SEAI


Page 52: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

73rd SquadronClark,Louis G.?LTCumpstone, Robert L.2WDuhamel,I€oA. PvLGreek, C-arson F.2UfMcCaul,OwensR. ILTShidler, JacobA. Sgr

333rd SquadrnnGoodwin, I"awrence M. ?IitMoreman,William ?Lf

506th Grouplvlansfield, Wilb€r T. 2LT



a$lcers of thc 6th Night Fighter squadron of the xlnited states Army air corps, Tth Fighter command unitstationed at Kagman Point on Saipan.

us Army Air corps, 7th F'ighter command unit'6th SquadronDuvall, Clayoon N2UfFrancis, Walt€r C. 2LIHenderson, Preston B. f'lONearn,AlfrenC.P/O

19th SquadronDoheny, Donald E.2LTHerefor4 Clarkson B. lufKobler,WayneF. llifPorter, James H. ILTSchafile, Alberr C. UifViles, RobertT. Capt.Wieig, RichardB. lLjI

trr'" rra list of the us-Army Air corps, 7th Fighter command u:rit was blought to our attention byMr' Robert L' Ferguson, squadron Representative 6th"NFs, 7th Fighter command,q,slociation. Mr. Fergusonwas a member of the Unit and was stitioned_on Saipan. The listiig was extracted from Mr. fohn W.larnbert's book entitled "The pineapple Air Force pearl Harbor to:rokyo..


Page 53: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

United States Marine CorpsTo our readers:

On two seperate occasions this office received requests from individuals in theCNMI to assist them and locate two former marines that fought in the Battle of theMarianas Campaign. The intent of this search is to return dog tags that were found onthe island. We have called the 2nd and 4th Marine Division Associations to locate thetwo individuals and weren't successful. However with the assistance of theLeatherneck Magazine in Quantico this office has placed two ads in the Lost and FoundPages of August and September 1.996 issues. To this day, we are still searching for Mr.Robert P. Beckett, and Mr. ]ames S. Ferguson to return their dog tags. If you have anyinformation as to the where abouts of these two gentlemen, please contact our officeand we will make the arrangements for the return of the tags.


Courtesy of the United States Marine Corps, Leatherneck Magazine

Page 54: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor









Page 55: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Letters of Ap preciation

Page 56: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


Augrust L9, 1994

!{r. iluaa N. BabautaResideat RepreseatativeCommonwealtb of the Northe::n

Mariana Islanda2L2L R Street, N.W.lfashington, D. C. 2OOO8

Dear iluan:

Thank you for sharing your memorial booklet,.f r. meant a lot to me.

As we remember the fiftietb anniversary ofthe crnrcial world war rr battles for-saip;';eTinian, it, is f ittiug to honor those rr.o- mad,e theultimate sacrifice. your booklet wirl eD.ElLre thatthose brave men who fougbt so fiercely on Ebeislands of Saipan and Tinian, particuiarly thosewho lost their lj.ves, will 1on! le remembered,.

Thanks again for sending the moviag tsribute.Sincerely,


Page 57: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

:W:trlr. Juan N. Babauta

3l3l'lr:H:';l.Y 2ooo'

Dear }{r. Babauta:


July 2O, 1994

r rant to- take this oPPgr:Eill ::-lli"l,rv?H"til'i:*:'nI rant to- taRe Enls '[t';;ii;i irtoii or'tle trlarianasao*-orat,ivc-booklet fo"^--

-azr a6,-.rrrrAoement "ort

-tr}ti offE:ffi:il;' : i:' f :ilu' :iii:it " ::l.:ii:!; ii*' : !,*;":?;; ;:' i ;"uCanpaigtt-1li_fot tbe supPorE arrt' E'b-";;;;-i"r'"tlering me into DG. ccrtai;iv;-i -eiitrv aPprcciate


t,bis ray.

Asyouknou'Iearerorking.bard.toneetthenanyctral'}enges::::ti;:i;,::tHl' "u:.!:g;%t';iFii:l

"?u'l!it!!"""overrherned bv the outpour;qg-i{ ;}; riii"t"s--ind' generositv of

the Anerican 'peop'e, tld in]i"iauals tii""gh""t th; nation have

conrinued to -cternonsrrare ;;;;;;-"na p"Jiiii" ner;91a1 suPPort' r

genuinery am ;;;;;;"a uy-iil"in""-"r voi:r friendshiP'

Again, thanh you {o.' your-tl":91:fulness' Please accept my

rarmest best-wisrre-s and hoi""-to' yo"t-Jo"ii""ta success in the




Page 58: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

otrocrars6.v. trolil Yl lofl?Goratv. Es3tsslnoot totff^tos. cat tfor'luETlc{A

'?LTGATE OHOLrrl €va,.s. truxrots

tErHY J. |rrtv. rt||r{flsollJ. ru iowr-^xo. Gtotcu.t slr^t?trv. t^t!t^rSatr L rtrrtoY [. r^3slcHusrTntcl(n6t a srracrlErslti. i,riio.3ll L Lot G5 no. xcl.. tDw^D3. rDa:tSlIra waTfis, clutoiNaan ct:Ltxr. rtir.cssExta tl.Ntt clrJFoittrax rEJaoA rDr/agtrJ:3 v. GuftnE!' (!a.olrtSCOTTY

'd3 TT tET'ruCIY

$FOID al!$ro?. caoactaJa'El t. CLYIU-a. aogtll C.^rcUx^It rrajol-Cl, W siaF.Gt(,.cun€ dfiowr n-oau


R.a{racttrtt occ?oi

^ro c'{G c&rrsa

EU.lrcJ{rsaoa 3lult

^raoxcrfrstoria l( gaTl{ x€w i€tsEYoar llrttu, rq^xaGl{ 4,tllrArlr.Rono^lrglt -t EG€ ftt{r3YlveROD 3aEE SqrTx crr(tui^tt rt,?ct-tol.lia,|s^IstlilavtrE'".a.r^r^3"trft atrYE,ElrJ CrqJrrE!yoilt'Acll rrot,s. lr^r^r^-otr,l'o3l 6EoGtcl.rf 3tllEt ROf,O^tttn t rrG. f,w Yorx


llarfdngtq& ]3C 20515

July 13, 1994

l{r. Juan lf. Babauta, Resi.dent RepresentativeCommonuealtb of tbe Norttrern trlariana IslandsOfflce of tbe Resident Representativeto tbe United States212l R Street, NWlfashlngton, DC 2OOO8

Dear Representative Babauta:

rt sas a- grreat pleasure to join both you and congressmanUndervood at tbe reception cornnenorating tie sotb grrniversarlr otthe lltarianas

. canpaign of ?rorld l{ar rr. The people of theNorthern F{ariana rs}ands can prou4ly celebrate iirty years offreedon since the end of tlre War in-tbe Pacific. f sls bonoredto be one of your gruests and enjoyed speaking with you.

Thank you so nuch for tbe remembrance booklet that honorsthe 5'267 brave United States servicemen vho lost their lives inthe ltarianas CanpaiEn. fhe Anerican people will always be grate-ful for their sacrifices in defense oi freedou.

_ r want you to know how rsuch r appreeiate the support ofCongressman Undenrood, for veterans bills we take to the EouseFloor. He is alrrays there when we need hin. IrB sure veteransappreciate his orrtstanding work in the Congress on their behalf .It is a great pleasure t,o work srith hin.

As chair-aran of the comnit,tee, r want to do whatever rr/e canto help you.and your people and we will vork closely withRepresent,ative Underrsood any way that lre can.





QH.5. frousc of Sryrsgcntrtibsg

GW: ibgChairman

Page 59: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Gongra/,i of tbc ?g'nitt! strtssAontc of ScpracntEtfbag

Cagtingtoc 3€ 2O5rH3f5iluly 21, L994

The Elonorable iluan N. Babaut,aReEideut RepresentativeConnonwealth of t,he Northern2L2l iRi Street,, l\ntglashingiton, De, 20008

Dear Represent,ative Babauta

Thanlc you for sending methe united States serivicemenTinian. Your t,houghtfulnessappreciatsed.

Mariana fslands

a copy of the book sith the names ofkilled in the Bat,tleE of Saip-'' andin providing it Eo me is genuinely

I surely did enjoy the conmemoration ceremony and know itt,akes a Iot, of hard work to do them so well.

Please let me hear if ever t,here's anythiag I might do. Wit,hnry best wishes and bighest regiards, I am


E (Kika)



Page 60: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


2 September 1994

The Honorable Juan N. BabautaReside nt Represe ntative2121 R Street, NWWashington, D.C. 20008

Dear Mr. Babauta

Jhank youlorthe copy of the pamphlet prepared by yourotftce in calebration of tha Soth Anniversary cbrninernordtibn.otw*rld war Two in the Marianas. our Nation must never lorgetthe etforts and sacrifices of the men and women who have foughtirs ?:re name of freedom - it is a wonderfultribute to their memdry.

Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated, and pleasepqss on my thanks to Mr. Alejandro Falig and ids. RemedioMaEofna for their diligent and worthwhile efiorts.

WIth best wishes and wann regards.

of the Joint Chieis of Staff

Rgcr.';El -ir - * :gg4


Page 61: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


I i Jttt lsf

l{r. iluan N. BabautaResident RepresentsativeCommoawealtb of Nor:tbe:ra

Uariana fslands2L2L R Street, NWlfashington, D.C. 20008

Dear llr. Babaut,a:

Thank you for your receat let,ter and thebooklet,. Your efforts to recogxrize and bonorour fallen heroes are comnendable. They shouldaever be forgotten.

Again, thanks for writing and for t,hebooklet,. f t was kind of you t,o think of me.


4ryREcEniED ji.!t lg i3'I4

Page 62: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor



AUG 3 1 1994

T?re Honorable Juan N. BabautaResident RepresentativeCornrnonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island2l2l R Streef ItS/Washington, DC 2OOO8

Dear Mr. Babauta:

Thank you so much for sending mc a colrjr of the booklet which lists thenarnes of those who fell during the Marianas campaign in world war tr.

All of those nat'ed in tlle booklet are heroes- I ara grateful to you forhelping to perpettrate their memory. Or:r gratitude to them, and io theircomrades who sunrived, is enorm,ous. we are all in their debt.

You arld your staff are to be congrahrlated for rhis work of historicalsignifrcance. Please accept my warrnest regards and best wishes.


?*Rtr'^^-Jesse Brown


Puttin Veterans f'lisl


Page 63: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor



Jaly 77, 7991

I,tE. rluaa lf. Ba.bautaResident Representa tj'reCow,olevea-l.ti of, Anllorthera l.{ariana I,sJ',and-s

2722 R Street, NllFashia,g;Xoa, rc 2OOO8

Dear I'lr. llabauta .'

Thar* you so nuch for prosirti ng ne a copy of &e firstis.sue of &,e fuk vhich is dedie.ted ie rsz.onnhrance andhor:or of the brave A.S. Se::vicemen rho u,ade tle ultirrr:tssacrifrce irt ?he t4arjanas C'-ry,aiga &tringi florld l(ar II.

This is a yery r,ice dpdication to tlose vD'o se;:ved andI'm, very pleased to lzave a copy for ay bjstorjca;, fiJ.e.

ft ras dj.c,e vjsiting ritlr you as veII at tJze ,fune 25ttt?Irea,th Ceruony and I look fonazd to seei:eg youagain.


J"UJLHershel 'tt. Gober

Page 64: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


August 30, 1994

Honorable Juan N. BabautaResident Representative tothe United StatesCoumonwealth of the Northern

llariana fslands2L2L R Street, N. W.Washington, D. C. 2OOO8

Dear l[r. Babauta:

- . - Thank - you for tbe booklet on ttre farr.en heroesof the ltarianas ca:npaign: rt does an exceltrent jobmemorial.izing those emericans kirlea auiing-th; fit-tles of, the Northern Marianas. The bookle€ rillrgmgiS. an inportant source d,ocr:rnent for the centerof Hilitarlz History.

General Kicklighter briefedof your recent s0tb AnniversarySaipan and described the beaut|Memorial Park. Both will ensureof the Battles of Saipan and Tini


ne on the successCornrnemoration onof the Americanthat the memory


Frl t .a t rt ,-.q

Prtr-d cr @etrt : 1 €94

nrqAcO hpl

Page 65: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


wAsHtxGToN, DC 2qroo10l7

14 July 19EU

5!il irrafilrtlrv c loltD ual Icoxlrnl'tugslTll

I'lr. Juan N. BabautaResident RepresentativeCom:nonwealth of tbe Northern

Mariana fslands2121 R Stree!, NI{Washington, D. C. 2OOO8

Dear ltlr. Babauta:

Thank you for your recent letter and ttre bookletli.sting the Americans who gave their lives in tbelfarianas Canpaign in World l{ar II. The booklet will bevery to our Pacific Division nhen respondingito questions from Veterans lfrouPs and otherorganizations.

Thank yorr for your superb efforts to thank andhonor the Veterans vho served so valiantly 5O years490.

Very respectfully,

rln i +.ezl g| a|-4c lraErr Pet i-=gd.Exesutive Director

W, )tp \ (u)-"& \t u-*'r-r-""nc

\ .^)'^\L \o 7-+&,-

r"' I I ':gg4

it-de' t{.- Kibkri-enant G6nera1,


Page 66: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

MARNE CORPSASSOCIATIONSince 1913 ... gialifin at{Jcru*:e


FILEJune 27, L996

Juan N. Babauta2121 R. Streer, NW

Washingtoa, DC 20008

Dear Mr. Babauta:

ltauk yon for sending us the booklet on those kl-lled ln action durLngthe battles Ln the Northern Uariana.Islands. It obviously took a lot ofYork to put It all together and ls a very valuable reference source. Italso provldes an ercelleat uemorlal to those who night othersl-se be for-got.teD..

If we can be of aay further asslstance to you please l-et us know.


?r?a<Zt*Willtan V. E. I{hite

EditorLeatherneck Magazine


Box fn5 . Quentico, Virginir 2ZlA . Telcphooc (ZO3) d40-ff6fr-aqt-336{t291 . EAX (7(L}) 6a04t21

Page 67: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


P. O. Box 8180 Camp lejeune, N.C. 28547 (910) 451-3167

Col. C. W. VmHornc USMC (Rcr.)Eseaftioe Secratory


Representative Juan N. BabautaConnonwealtb, of tbe Nortbern llariana Islands2L2L R Street, NI{l{ashingrton, D. c. 20oo8

Dear Representative Babauta,

JUL 2 1 1991

On belralf of the Second t{arine Division Association I wish to tbankyou and the people of, the Conmonwealth for tbe nagrnificent bookletioo prepared to- bonor th,e brave uen vho gave their lives in ttrelfarianas Canpalgfn during l{orld lfar II. Itm pleased to accept -acopy of ttre fiist issue of this booklet, and I will nake itavailable to our merabers.

This year the Second llarine Division Associat,ion is holding itt45th annual reunion during Septenber at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.During this reunion we vill be recognizing and honoring our memberswho are veterans of tbe campaigns on Saipan and Tinian. We wouldbe honored if you and your wife sould consider attending thereunion as a grrest of the Association. I e:rtend tbis invitation onbehal-f of the Association President, l,lr. Willian F. Graharn and theReunion Chainmen, Frank Ttrrse and !tr. Bill Banning.

The renuion is being held at tbe Valley Forge Sheraton llotel andConvention Center from L2 to 18 Septenber, sith najor eventsconcluding on Saturday, Septenber 17th. We would particularly likeyou to attend a luncheon and a reception and banquet on September17th. Other notable guests will include our guest of honor,General Alfred trl. Gray, IISUC(Ret.), former Co'nnandant of the ltarinecorps, and Ambassador John l{ood fron l{ew Zealand.

If there is any additional infonnation you need, please contact meat the above address and telephone nu:nber, We hope you are able toaccept this invitation and look fonrard to hosting you at ValleyForge "

SFger Fidelis,,, -

U.4"rL U'*-itu*Chuck Van Horne


Page 68: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor



Qnetrtlco, vL 22L34-SLO7(703) 5{0-{68s14s38(FAr) 703-6{0-{305(DsN) ?78-168514s38

20 ,July L994

'Ju:n N. BabautaResident Representativeconunonwealth of the Northeru, Mariana rsLandsoffice of the Residentr Representative to the united, states2L2L R Street, NWWashington, D.C. 2OOO8

Dear Representative Babauta :

we are in receipt of tbe publication, IN REMED1BRANCE At[D IIONORoF TIIE BRAVE lts SERVICEMEN rntb ueoE TIrE uLTrltATE sAcRIFIcE IN t:EEII{ARIANAS CAltPArGDr DI'RTNG WWr r . Thank you so rmrch f or sending us acopy of the first, issue. rt will- be placeb wirh our wwrrcolLect'ion and indeed will be a vely valuible add.j-t,ion Eo thiscollectioa "

rf in future, w€ can be of any further assi-scance t,o you,p191se do not hesitate to contact me. Again, chank y9u for t.hepublication.


-a.$*^heaA. Kerry Strong (Ms)Archives Director

Page 69: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

united states Deparunenr of the Interior ffi'



Washington, D.C. 200llnfl

JL 25 Bg4


Honorable Juan N- BabautaResident RepresentativcCommonwealth of the Northcrn

Mariana Islands2l2l R Street, l{SrWashington, DC 20008

Dcar Mr. Babauta

On behatf of Director Kcnncdy, thank you for the booklct llsting our fallenherocs of the Marianas Caryaigr during World War IL I looked with arethrough the thousands of namcs listcd and rcflccrcd on the sccncs depictingthis battle. It is a good compilation of the vetcrans that fell therc.

We appreciate you thinting of us and we wilt add this to otrr library.


-- :t^=S. QS.-oc-,r- ,,ff'olert C. Milne t \)36*' office of rnternational Atrairs


Page 70: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

S upporting Le tt ers of Ve rific ati.o n

fromThe American Banle Monuments Commission

for Northern Mariana Islands KIA of theArmy Air Corps

Page 71: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


2LT Louis G. Clark0tl lt57World War tr Tablets of tbe Missing

2LT Wilbur D. lvlansficldwzl4&WorldWar tr Tablcs oftb Missing



ILT Alb€rt C.0797723

ILT Lawrcoce M. Gmdrin0103700tWorldWar tr Tablets of the Missing

ILT Ow€n R Mdaul0737t79WorldWar tr Tablas ofthc Missing


WorldWar tr Tablas of tbe Missing

Honolulu MernorialNational Memorial Cenretery of tbc PacificHonolulq t{awaii

Commonwealth of tbc Northern Mariana Islands

Office of tbc R€sid€nt Representative to the Unit€d States

ATTN: Juan M. Babauta2l2l R SL, }{*rWashington, DC 2000t

D€ar Mr. Babauta

Refer€nc€ is made to your letter of February 12, 1996.

2LT Cladq ILT Goodrin, 2LT Mansfiel4 ILT Mdaul and ILT Schaffle were

:rmong those memb€rs of our Armd Forces of World War tr who were Missing in Action orlost or burid at s€a. In accordance with our government's program of honoring the rnernory ofqnrr War Dead whose rernains were not recovered or identifie4 their narnes were permanently

inscrib€d on the Tablas of thc Missing National Memorial Cerretery of the Pacific, Honolulu,

Fhwaii. fu the time of his, August 22,1944,2LT Clark was scrving with tbe 73d

Figbter Squadron, 3ltd Figbt€r Group; ILT Goodwin was scrving with the 333d Figbter

Sqnadroa 3186 Fighter Group at the time ofbis darh, Dec€rnb€r 22,1944; 2LT Mansfield

r*as sewing with tbe 4576 Figbt€r Squadroq 5066 Figbtsr Group at th€ time of his deatb, April27, L945; lff UcCant was serving with the ?3d Fightsr Squadroa 3 I ta Fighter Group a the

time of his d€'rth, November 27, 1944 and at the tirne of his dearL July 2, t944, lLT Schaflewas serving with the l9e Figbter S+radron, 318'h Fighter Group. Inforrnation about thc

rnernorial may be found sn the tabb€d pages of tbe enclos€d pamphlet

Page 72: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

Following the war, by decision of nac-of-kin, tbc rsnains of tbc following War Dcad were iucnedas shown bclow:

2LT Watter C Francis '0'i/46076, Section E, Grave 236, National Merrorial Ceruery oftbc pacificPlace ofTernporary Iuterm€nt - 2?,h Division Cenuery, Siapaq Marianas Islands

2LT Prston B. Heodcrsm - 02054066, prirratc ccoetery in sc 566 sf rndienaPlacc ofTernporary Imerment - 2f Division Cerracry, Siapa4 lvlariams IslaDds

lLTWape F- Kobler - 0s06697, Sectim I\4 Grave 1246, National Memorial Ccuretery ofthc pacificPlace ofTemporary Inrcrment - Amerien cemctery, Tinia4 lvtarianas Islands

CAPT Robcrt T- Viles - 0727591, Section E, Grave 85t, National Memorial C€mctery of tbc pacificPlace of Terrporary Imerrmt - Arnerican Cermaery, Tinian, Marianas rqhnde

2LT Donald E. Doberty - o763526,prirrarc ccrrci€ry in the state of IuinoisPlace ofTernporary Inerm€fit - 274 Division Cerrcery, Siapan, Marianas Islards

P\ro l^eopold A Dubame I'31149225, Privat€ cenrtery in tbc statc of Rhode IslandPlace of Terrporary Interment - 27'h Division Cemetery, Siapa", lvtariams Islands

2LT clayton N. Duvall - M65922, privare csnetery in tbe state of rerasPlacc ofremporary Interment - 27tb Division cernetcry, Siapan, ffi1iemq Island

ILT c. B. F{ereford, Jr. - 01553466, private cemetery in the state of lGnsasPlace of remporary Interment - 226 Division cerretery, Siup"q fy{31ian:s Islands

ILT william Mereman - 0759053,.Arlington National cernetery, Ft. Myer, vAPlace of Ternporary Intermant - 27h Division Cemeter-v, Siapaq Maria"as Islands

FLTO AJeed c. Nearn, Ir. -T192673, Memphis National cemetery, Meinphis, TNPlace of Temporary luterment- 2?6 Division Canetery, Siapaq ldarianas Islands

ILT James H. Porter_- 0794979, Q*p Nelson National Cancter.v, Nicholasville, tr(yPlace of remporary Intenaent - 22& Division cemetery, si"purr, Marianas Island

SGT Jacob A. Shideler - l5o4z7oo, private cernetery in the state of IndianaPlace of Ternporary lntermerft -27b Division Cemeter.v, Siapan, fy{41jenrs Islands

lLT Richard B. wiuig 47s4708, camp ButlerNarional cemetery, Springfield,ILPlace ofremporary Inrcrrnent - Americen ceoetery, Tinia4 Marianas Islatrds

Therc are no listings in neither this Commission's *Register of World War II Dead lnterred orCommemorated on the Tablets of the Missing at the emerican Militar.v Cerneteries on Forcign Soil- nor thecomplete "Register of World War tr D@d" rnaintained b.v the Deparrnent of the Army by tbe nanres of2LT Robert L- Crumpstone and 2LT Louis G. Greek. Ifyou can provide additional information, zuch asserial numben, we will b€ happy to search these records again.

Page 73: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

It is requested rfi4 Oris offcc bc prwided a copy of pur publication €ditle{ an Rcmeinbranccand tlonor of tbc Brarc US Seryiccrnea Who l4adc tbc tftimarc Sacrificc in tbc Marianastampaign duri:rgWcld War II", as ulell alr a copy ofthc rostcr of thosc nrrrcs inscribcd m tbc Merrcrial Wall at theAmican Mmrial Parlc

Ifuc may bc of crher assistare to yug pleasc lc us lmw.


Coldcl, USAFDirector, Operatios and Finan€e


Page 74: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor



I.r r,:;ly rcfcr tor.llg.16'

SilBEdf: fntclltgcrrco Bcpo*t.

10. : Coe*'nClng Gen:ra!, Ef Flo-ltar Cc=.:lnd, LlFr. A.p.O. i gje.

1. fn coapltancc rlth lettcr, laailqnartcrt, Scvcnth ltr ]€cc, drtcdl0 Dcccabcc l943t.aubJcct_ard ftlo ir rbovr, thr ioltortru;"dt ii'*Iiiteafor thc pertod l-f,uprst l9l.r. to 3l fqsult lgtl fnofurin.- - -r- - -

r. B6pct of cobct rcttr!.tlcrr(1) lotal aorttcc iltrpatcbcd.

19th Flgbtcr Squailra #z3rd tlgbtcr Sqoa"dlro t'?'2333d Flghtcr Squr&oa 2306th lflght ltghtcr Squrdboo Itsfrl. ?6t

(Z) ?ot^al sctl,cc ab*-tl,rr.19tb tlghter Squailro U,?3rd Flebter Squaibca W333dTFlghtcr Sqr:a&oa

#(f) totrl bob toonagc iboprpcd.

19th Flghtar Sqpadroo 86.j (ab*t toar)73rd Flgbtcr Squedroa ]:OZ.?t (rhet tcrt333d f&htcr squadra 6e.O (cbort tor)

-Frt-rEt.a.tLlb {iJo12 ttaErE toa!,Flrc Bobr (Scc par 5bclc'r) e.q (atrct toat)

cnrxD fCnll %|.2j(a) ?ercent^age of bcbr la terrat rrFrr'o

1$th Flghtcr ftuedroa ,r8.rt?3rd Flgbter Squactrm E .lt333d Ttebter Sqr.radrca 80,lt

cclEIXEg tB€rlrcE

aL- - (51 fa adrlltJ'on to !r_e_ry4]er tyDc 5@ lb C,p. bcEbr droeood,!c Squribone of, *,"-9I-*p iro,ppai l3^2, 165 galloa rlng taut t1rr boab.l loiof thcse boabs rerc filled rlth !!epaL:r eod Garollnc rtilnrc, rtffc tba ir-Tdttffe 16 coatrlned regular awlatioa Gacollnc. ito rnrl*er 6f hab of thlrtyln itroprpcd by ecch Squadrca rero ar fol!.orr.

19th Slshter Sq:adrar f6?fi Flgbter Squibca t533Irffi+,er Squailrca


1 Scptcabcr l9l,l,.

- f- - (r!€1.1)

Page 75: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor


(6) ?otaf. ranodc of asunltloa.

^qO eallbor rt:?:!rr t&n.Igth-rtittcr s+aarcr 90;!6 rdr.?rd ff;btcr Squeilroo YtrUO t{o.333d Ffghter 9quatoo -%.384 itt.TCEAL 775rt4 t{c.

1,.( {neh roetatri?3rd Ftghtor Squadroo E!

?st L' t:7

(z) orr camaltlcs.

(") f,rrlod 2

(t) lounded 2

(c) uloelng I

(8) Otr r!.craft tbarcl.

llrbclcaa.(") cobrt

a nc cnrtout on take off. eta ft", C"rtsgrf- Cf"l,

roat dcrraat aea, 6 lugust,

ras lclllcd, 8 AuffT;ileni rhuag bcaboxplodedl rLl1o ladlng after coaplotloaof a hgau daatoa.l

(s/SEt Gorald B. Iangnecler ebot LLr-aoll la tbc rhlla coaductlni ai-ff arua lnspcctloa, 26 fugprt. t/sfif,lltsa Shors ras round..rd ln tho bnct tqabnpnol fta a rbil4 b@bt lblch-folloff ird oxploded rhllc plano rar laod-lngr'28 lugust.)

( fcrread totott eut 1/4 aflc South-f,eat of ruraytPacen Alrfloltl, 22 Au*-rntr Ed bar scrtbeoa pdched up.)

2 P-lJtt

ntq,/?4/t rtrLko on

at- L/L darlr;o, 22 Ausrut')

(t) horattoral 2 ?-Otg

(o) Ihrknovn L ?-lt?

(t P-az cngbod at aea rtca crgloccut ont oo tatl olfr 8 luglst.1 P-4? ocropld.e$r dcatrrycd $oorbuot b@br arcrppca 63 rb41P ::ad-rd;d "-pbd.e;

28 luguct.)

(Ptanc noat lcto a ff':rt aP4a at-irOcot I pllot ra.e uaablo to 3n11*rt ani toffea out at 3COt. ?llugrrtt,)

(f P-az lodl at eoa, 2 lug'odt



Page 76: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

(g) gaory ftrcrsf,0 loctcr !ooe.

(fo1 y*rtdrnt Ccrlqt toccl.

cr*e orsasod "ooffi.S"T:tlJfjHt ao plaaor or tbc

'l8tl tlgbtcc

sEcREt.'") Eaeuy lctlol O

(u) olhoc .! P-42r"

Toe thc Group Cmdlcr

(, t-tttt lcrtrrycl br f!.!e.?! fquat. r|rar I plrm,l-d-l rttb tro tOO lb.-Clb.rbrr ce,r4ht llro lLtiot"tot fc-fllghtel. hc toltrrplodr{. rttla3 firc to aotlor il:Ocr rhtch wrctotd !ocnr.)

frill. Llu^riC$RrEt A.-tDo

Captsla, Air 3oqn,AtJttartr


Page 77: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor



Wdiugtc, D.C.203f4.{XXl1

December 30, 1996

2LT Robert L. Cumpstone 2LT Carson F. Greek0763510 0810356World War II Tablets of the Mssing Nashville National CerneteryHonolulu Memorial Nashville, TennesseeNational Mernorial Cemetery of the PacificHonolulu, Hawaii

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsOffice of the Resident Representative to the United StatesATTN: Juan M. Babauta2I2I R St., NWWashingtor\ DC 20008

Dear Mr. Babauta:

Reference is made to your letter of September 3, 1995.

2LT Robert L. Cumpstone was among those members of our Armed Forces of World Wartr who were missing in aaiorl lost or buried at sea. trn accordance with our government'sprogram of honoring the memory of our War Dead whose rernains were not recovered oridentified, his name was pennanently inscribed on the Tablets of the Mssing of the HonoluluMemorial, National Memorial Cernetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Please note thespelling of 2LT Cumpstone's name as Cumpstone rather than Crumpstone as shown in yourletter.) Information concerning the memorial may be found on the pages of the enclosedpamphlet. At the time of his deattq August 8,1944,2LT Cumpstone was a member of the 73dFighter Squadron, 3 l Stt' Fighter Group.

This Commission's "Register of World War II Dead Buried or Commemorated on ForeignSoil" does not contain a listing for ZLT Louis G. Gree( as shown in your letter. However, theunit report which was enclosed with your letter showed 2LT Greek's name as Carson L. (A copyof the report is enclosed.) Therefore, the records of the Department of the Army CU.S. TotalArmy Personnel Command, TAPC-PED-F,2461Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, VA2233l weresearched on your behalf. The "Register of World War tr Dead" maintained by that organizationrevealed that following the war, the remains 2LT Carson F. Greeh 0810356 were repatriated tothe United States for interment in the Nashville National Cemetery, Nashville, Tennessee.

Page 78: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

If we may be of any other serrrice, please let us know.


fr/4"-AI{THOT{YN. COREAColonel, USAFDirectoq Operations and Finance

Page 79: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

(6) ?otal roundr

-<O eallbor


of asunltloa.

en:r.:n{t! on -

19th Flghttr Sguctlrcn73rd Flghter Squadroo333d Flghtcr Sgr:adron


1.5 {neh reet.'.r:?3rd FlChtar Squadrcn


(?) Or casolltic..(a) xrrroa z

(t) lor:nded 2

(c) rlcelng I

(8! Oc slrcrafi, !o:ser.

Itrbcrac.(a) cobrt 2 ?-ot t

oqt on tako off. znd Lt. Sq!g!-I.-SIgrarlclIlcdr8iffie:ploded rhllo landfug after cocplotl:of a Fagaa dcrlcrr.)(s/Sft Gcrald F. tangr:e"1.t

"1t6; !{r-

aolf ln tbr bscd rh11c cooductlng acnal1 ana !.nspcctloa, 26 ln6r:rt. tArtr't.- eL--- --- --.-.1-t t- a!'a LorL Lrla4gvla vrlwc -oo aq19.s !l -ahrapnol flo a thrng b@b'r rbtch fol1off ard o:glodcd rhlla plano rae laoC-tngr'28 luguEt.)

( fcrccd tobc1l cut l/L atlc South-Eest of rzrrra:Pann A1rf1old, 22 ,tug:etr rd bel nctbeoa plchod up.)

ront dcrnugust,

(t f-n lost at aoa, 2 lu*rr*,

9Or5CO rtr.77r6la ttt.81 .281, tfls.

75ri.?J. trds.


tu{,rr4/f wed frco I

(t) Oporattorul 2 ?-L?rc. (l p-fz crnrbodl a! aea rtea arg{rccst crat oo tatc offr 8 lugrrrt.1 P-1.? oooplate\r dertrcYeit rboa'lnrng bcnb- drq'Pcd off rhtle L:dfug irn orplrd.d; 28 lq:st.)

?-lr" (Fhao noot !.g?o a !1:rt cPda etSrCCOt I pl1crt ras unablo to fl1*rt and Utfea out at 1@t, A*Augurt.)



strLko on cI aLd rr rlstrll

ot L/^ daErSo, 22

(o) Itnlcnora

Page 80: List of Individuals Commemorated by the Court of Honor

(g) gaonV Atrcrsft locaer f,ooc.

(fo) lo6ttdrn! 361o1 Rocc!.

Grcnp onsagod .ooffi.*."fit:Ji"iTHt no pltaos or tte ,18th Elght€

SECBETlloaJirbcrac.(a) Eacqr letloa O

(u) othcc .) p-g7tt (3 ?-tlt t dadrryel Ir fbe. -

"J fqust, rtat I pbne,

l-d-l vltb tro 5OO tt.-Clberbr. c:r4ht ltro rbliob"log lee-iltehtel. Oac botrrplodrd. rcttlng tt-E! to 2rtlor pl:ger rhleh rerectotal loesre.)

ltilt. Lo'^r,GIERIEL l- tlll

Captela, fl.l lc1n,fdjtrtrrlr

l* the Group Coqndorr