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LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17

LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

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Page 1: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

LIS901N: Style sheet

Thomas Krichel


Page 2: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

Style sheets

• Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document

• We will cover Cascading Style Sheets CSS version 2.

• This is a new lecture.

Page 3: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

inline style

• You can add a style attribute to a tag

<tag style="style">

where style is a style specification• Example:

<h1 style="color: blue">I am so blue</h1>• Such a declaration only takes effect for the

element concerned

Page 4: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

Document level style

• Add style tag as part of the header<head><style></style></head>• <style> admits the attributes

– dir– lang– media

• "screen" is the default• other values are available

– title– type

• always "text/css"

Page 5: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

linking to an external style sheet

• <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css"

href="URL">• where URL is a URL.• The link tag must appear in the <head>, it can

not appear in the <body>, sorry!

Page 6: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

importing an external style sheet

• Within a style sheet, for example the contents of a <style> tag, you can import another file using the @import command

@import url(;• or

@import "";• these two ways appear to be equivalent

Page 7: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

media dependent styles• CSS knows about the following media

– tty --tv --projection --handheld --print– braille --embossed --aural --all

• Using @import, you can import different types for different media

@import "URL" medialist

where medialist is a list of one or more media, separated by comma

• Example

@import “challenged.css" embossed,braille

Page 8: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

basic style syntax

• selector {property1: value1; property2: value2 … }

• selector is a comma-separated list of tag names

property is the name of a property

value is the value of a property• all names and values are case-insensitive• Examples

– h1 { color: grey; text-align: center}– h2,h3 {color: blue}

Page 9: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

more selectors

• You can require to apply a style only if one element appers within another, by listing several tags without comma separation.

• Example

h1 em {color: green}

will set the color green if <em> is used inside <h1>, as is <h1>She is <em>new</em>.</h1>

• "*" is the universal selector, it selects all elements.

Page 10: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

Other selectors• tag[attribute] selects only tags that have the

name tag and attribute attribute.• tag[attribute="value"] selects only tags that have

the name tag and attribute attribute that takes the value value.

• tag[attribute~="value"] selects only tags that have the name tag and attribute attribute that contains the value value.

Page 11: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.


• Classes are defined with special selectors starting with a dot.

.class { property1: value1, property2: value2 …}• Later on, you can apply the class

<tag class="class">

will apply all the attributes of the class class to the tag tag.

Page 12: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

style classes

• You can attach classes to elements by appending the class to the selector. Suppose you want to define a paragraph in quote style

• p.quote {font-style: italic; margin-left: 3cm;

margin-right: 3cm}• Then if a paragraph is an abstract

<p class="quote">This is a quote.</p>• Class names (“quote" our example) are case-

sensitive. Don't ask me why!

Page 13: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

important properties

• We will now look at the properties as defined by CSS. These are the things that you can set using CSS.

• We group properties into six groups– fonts– colors, and background– text– boxes and layout– lists– tag classification

• We can not be exhaustive here

Page 14: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

font properties I

• font-family: accepts a comma-separated list of font names

• font-size: accepts sizes as npt, n%, +npt, where n is a number, or some sizes like– xx-small --x-small -- small -- medium– large --x-large -- xx-large --larger --smaller

incremental font sizes may not be handled properly by the browser.

• font-style: can be either "italic", "oblique" or "normal"

Page 15: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

font properties II

• font-variant: can be either "normal" or "small caps"

• font-weight: is a number between 100 for the thinnest and 900 for the boldest. 400 is the normal

• (there are other properties that are not well supported by browsers)

• (Thomas advises to go easy on fonts.)

Page 16: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

color & background properties

• background-repeat: can take the value "repeat" (default), "repeat-x", "repeat-y", and "no-repeat".

• background-color: gives the color of the background

• background-image: url(URL) places a picture found at a URL URL.

• color: sets the foreground color of an element.

Page 17: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

text properties I

• line-height: sets the distance between several lines of a tag's contents, in pt, %, with a number or the word "normal"

• text-align: can take the values "left" "right" "center" and "justify".

• text-decoration: can take the values "underline", "overline", "line-through" and "blink".

• text-indent:, margin-left: take length units but are best expressed in the relative "em" unit.

• float: can be set to "left", "right" and "none". • width: and height: can also be set.

Page 18: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

text properties II

• vertical-align: can take the values "baseline", "middle", "sub", "super", "text-top", "text-bottom" "top" "bottom", as well as percentages.

• text-transform: can take the value "uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize" and "none".

Page 19: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

box properties

• they derive from the assumption that there is a conceptual box around the element contents

• the total width of a box is the sum of– left and right margin– left and right borders– left and right padding– the width of the box' contents

• A similar reasoning holds for the height of a box.

Page 20: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

box properties II• border-color: can hold up to four colors,

separated by blanks• border-with: can hold up to four widths, for

example "thin think medium 2mm"• border-top-width, border-bottom-width, border-

left-width and border-right-width also exist. • same properties exists for margin- and padding-• border-style: can be "dotted", "dashed", "solid",

"double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset" • height and width can also be set

Page 21: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

list properties

• list-style-position: can take the value "inside" or "outside".

• list-style-image: define the bullet point of a list.• list-style-property:

– takes the values "disc", "circle", "square", "none" with an unordered list

– takes the value "decimal", "lower-roman", "upper-roman", "lower-alpha", "upper-alpha"

Page 22: LIS901N: Style sheet Thomas Krichel 2003-01-17. Style sheets Style sheets are the officially sanctioned way to add style to your document We will cover.

Thank you for your attention!