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Waking Life Script with Revisions  by Richard Linklater Table of Contents (based on Waking Life DVD scene chapters) 1. Drea m is De sti ny 1 2. Anchors Awe igh 1 . Life Les sons 2 !. Alie nati on 2 ". Dea th and Rea lit y 1 #. $ree Will and %h ysics 2 &. 'he Ag ing %a rado( 2 ).  *oise + Silence 2 ,. What -s the Stor y 2 1/. Dr ea ms 1 11. 'he 0oly ome nt 2 Read my thoghts and share yor own 12. Soci ety 3 s a $rad 1 1. Dreamer s 1 1!. Ants 1 1". We Are the Ath ors 2 1#. ee t 4orse lf 1 1&. %er for manc e 1 1). 'rap ped i n a Dr eam 1 1,. Wak e 5p6 1 2/. 7nd 'it les (not included here) Waking Life: Chapter 1 - Dream is Destiny 8'wo kids 99 a girl and a boy 99 playing a game of :frog:; 5m< pick a color. =le. =9L9597. %ick a nmber. 7ight. 1< 2< < !< "< #< &< ). %ick one more nmber. 1".

Linklater Waking Life Script With Revisions

Oct 18, 2015



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  • 5/28/2018 Linklater Waking Life Script With Revisions


    Waking Life Script with Revisionsby Richard Linklater

    Table of Contents (based on Waking Life DVD scene chapters)

    1. Dream is Destiny 1

    2. Anchors Aweigh 1

    . Life Lessons 2

    !. Alienation 2

    ". Death and Reality 1

    #. $ree Will and %hysics 2

    &. 'he Aging %arado( 2

    ). *oise + Silence 2

    ,. What-s the Story 2

    1/. Dreams 1

    11. 'he 0oly oment 2

    Read my thoghts and share yor own

    12. Society 3s a $rad 1

    1. Dreamers 1

    1!. Ants 1

    1". We Are the Athors 2

    1#. eet 4orself 1

    1&. %erformance


    1). 'rapped in a Dream 1

    1,. Wake 5p6 1

    2/. 7nd 'itles (not included here)

    Waking Life: Chapter 1 - Dream is Destiny

    8'wo kids 99 a girl and a boy 99 playing a game of :frog:;

    5m< pick a color.


    =9L9597. %ick a nmber.


    1< 2< < !< "< #< &< ). %ick one more nmber.

  • 5/28/2018 Linklater Waking Life Script With Revisions


    1< 2< < !< "< #< &< )< ,< 1/< 11< 12< 1< 1!< 1". %ick another nmber.


    >kay. :Dream is destiny.:


    8'he 'osca 'ango orchestra is rehearsing in a hose;

    Rock ot. Rock and roll. @o strings. =egin. Sara< will yo try that< the thing yo asked me



    Will yo try it a little more sbded


    ibrato. Bst try it and see what yo think. =t what 3 want 9 3 mean< 3 want it to sond rich

    and maybe almost a little wavy de to being slightly ot of tne.

    Do yo want it< m 9

    3 think it shold be slightly detached.

    'hat-s what 3 was wondering.

    4eah< yeah< yo got it.

    >kay< pick p to 2/< please.

    7rik< this is a pickp to 2/.


    1< 2< .

    Waking Life: Chapter - !nchors


    8ain character walks throgh the airport and telephones

    his friend 9 22.//1. 'here-s a girl there< and he sees her.;
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    0ey man< it-s me. 5m< 3 Cst got back into town. 3 thoght maybe 3 cold bm a ride off yo

    or something< bt that-s cool. 3 cold probably Cst take a cab< something like that. 5m 99

    4eah< 3 gess 3-ll hang ot with yo later< something like that.


    8A boat car drives p in front of the airport;

    Ahoy there matey6 4o in for the long hal 4o need a

    little hitch in yor get9along< a little lift on down the line

    >h< m< yeah< actally< 3 was waiting for a cab or

    something< bt if yo want to ...

    All right. Don-t miss the boat.

    80e gets in.; 0ey< thanks.

    *ot a problem. Anchors aweigh6

    So what do yo think of my little vessel She-s what we call :see9worthy.: S9797. See with

    yor eyes. 3 feel like my transport shold be an e(tension of my personality. oila. And this

    'his is like my little window to the world< and every minte it-s a different show. *ow< 3 may

    not nderstand it. 3 may not even necessarily agree with it. =t 3-ll tell yo what< 3 accept it

    and Cst sort of glide along. 4o want to keep things on an even keel 3 gess is what 3-m

    saying. 4o want to go with the flow. 'he sea refses no river. 'he idea is to remain in a state

    of constant departre while always arriving. Saves on introdctions and good9byes. 'he ridedoes not reire an e(planation. Bst occpants. 'hat-s where yo gys come in. 3t-s like yo

    come onto this planet with a crayon bo(. *ow< yo may get the )9pack< yo may get the 1#9

    pack. =t it-s all in what yo do with the crayons< the colors that yo-re given. And don-t

    worry abot drawing within the lines or coloring otside the lines. 3 say color otside the

    lines. 4o know what 3 mean Eolor right off the page. Don-t bo( me in. We-re in motion to

    the ocean. We are not landlocked< 3-ll tell ya that. So where do yo want ot

    5h< who< me Am 3 first 5m< 3 don-t know. Really< anywhere is fine.

    Well< Cst 99 Cst give me an address or something< okay

    5h 99

    8'he gy sitting ne(t to him in the back seat speaks p; 'ell yo what< go p three more

    streets< take a right< go two more blocks< drop this gy off on the ne(t corner.

    Where-s that

    Well 3 don-t know either< bt it-s somewhere< and it-s going to determine the corse of the rest

    of yor life. All ashore that-s going ashore. 0a ha ha ha ha. 'oot< toot.


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    8ain character gets ot< sees a note on the grond< it says look to

    yor right< and he does and gets hit by a car. 0e wakes p and gains

    color< dresses< eats. @oes to class. %hilosophy professor is lectring.;

    Waking Life: Chapter # - Life Lessons

    8%hilosophy professor Robert Solomon< at the 5niversity of 'e(as at Astin;

    'he reason why 3 refse to take e(istentialism as Cst another $rench fashion or historical

    criosity is that 3 think it has something very important to offer s for the new centry. 3-m

    afraid we-re losing the real virtes of living life passionately< sense of taking responsibility for

    who yo are< the ability to make something of yorself and feeling good abot life.

    7(istentialism is often discssed as if it-s a philosophy of despair. =t 3 think the trth is Cstthe opposite. Sartre once interviewed said he never really felt a day of despair in his life. =t

    one thing that comes ot from reading these gys is not a sense of angish abot life so mch

    as a real kind of e(berance of feeling on top of it. 3t-s like yor life is yors to create. 3-ve

    read the postmodernists with some interest< even admiration. =t

    when 3 read them< 3 always have this awfl nagging feeling that

    something absoltely essential is getting left ot. 'he more that yo

    talk abot a person as a social constrction or as a conflence of

    forces or as fragmented or marginaliFed< what yo do is yo open p

    a whole new world of e(cses. And when Sartre talks abot

    responsibility< he-s not talking abot something abstract. 0e-s not

    talking abot the kind of self or sol that theologians wold argeabot. 3t-s something very concrete. 3t-s yo and me talking. aking

    decisions. Doing things and taking the conseences. 3t might be tre that there are si( billion

    people in the world and conting. *evertheless< what yo do makes a difference. 3t makes a

    difference< first of all< in material terms. akes a difference to other people and it sets an

    e(ample. 3n short< 3 think the message here is that we shold never simply write orselves off

    and see orselves as the victim of varios forces. 3t-s always or decision who we are.


    8A blonde woman is talking in a hose 9 Gim GriFan< screenwriter;

    Ereation seems to come ot of imperfection. 3t seems to come ot of a striving and a

    frstration. And this is where 3 think langage came from. 3 mean< it came from or desire to

    transcend or isolation and have some sort of connection with one another. And it had to be

    easy when it was Cst simple srvival. Like< yo know< :water.: We came p with a sond for

    that. >r :Saber9toothed tiger right behind yo.: We came p with a sond for that. =t when

    it gets really interesting< 3 think< is when we se that same system of symbols to commnicate

    all the abstract and intangible things that we-re e(periencing. What is< like< frstration >r

    what is anger or love When 3 say :love

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    what we perceive cannot be e(pressed. 3t-s nspeakable. And yet< yo know< when we

    commnicate with one another< and we feel that we-ve connected< and we think that we-re

    nderstood< 3 think we have a feeling of almost spirital commnion. And that feeling might

    be transient< bt 3 think it-s what we live for.


    8A very intense man is talking in front of a fish tank< gestring wildly 9 7amonn 0ealyh< yeah< definitely. $or e(ample< 3 wake p and it is 1/H12< and then 3 go back to sleep and 3

    have those long< intricate< beatifl dreams that seem to last for hors< and then 3 wake p and

    it-s ... 1/H1.

    4eah< e(actly. So then si( to twelve mintes of brain activity< 3 mean< that cold be yorwhole life. 3 mean< yo are that woman looking back over everything.

    >kay< so what if 3 am 'hen what wold yo be in all that

    Whatever 3 am right now. 3 mean< yeah< maybe 3 only e(ist in yor mind. 3-m still Cst as real

    as anything else.

    4eah. 3-ve been thinking also abot something yo said.

    What-s that

    Bst abot reincarnation and where all the new sols come from over time. 7verybody always

    say that they-ve been the reincarnation of Eleopatra or Ale(ander the @reat. 3 always want to

    tell them they were probably some dmb fck like everybody else. 3 mean< it-s impossible.

    'hink abot it. 'he world poplation has dobled in the past !/ years< right So if yo really

    believe in that ego thing of one eternal sol< then yo have only "/J chance of yor sol

    being over !/. And for it to be over 1"/ years old< then it-s only one ot of si(.

    Right< so what are yo saying 'hat reincarnation doesn-t e(ist< or that we-re all yong sols

    like where half of s are first rond hmans

    *o< no. What 3-m trying to say is that somehow 3 believe reincarnation is Cst a 9 a poetic

    e(pression of what collective memory really is. 'here was this article by this biochemist that 3

    read not long ago< and he was talking abot how when a member of or species is born< it has

    a billion years of memory to draw on. And this is where we inherit or instincts.

    3 like that. 3t-s like there-s this whole telepathic thing going on that we-re all a part of< whether

    we-re conscios of it or not. 'hat wold e(plain why there are all these< yo know< seemingly

    spontaneos< worldwide< innovative leaps in science< in the arts. 4o know< like the same

    reslts poppin- p everywhere independent of each other. Some gy on a compter< he figres

    something ot< and then almost simltaneosly a bnch of other people all over the world

    figre ot the same thing. 'hey did this stdy. 'hey isolated a grop of people over time< andthey monitored their abilities at crossword pFFles< right< in relation to the general poplation.

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    And they secretly gave them a day9old crossword< one that had

    already been answered by thosands of other people< right. And their

    scores went p dramatically< like 2/ percent. So it-s like once the

    answers are ot there< people can pick p on -em. 3t-s like we-re all

    telepathically sharing or e(periences.


    8@y with red face is in Cail.;

    3-ll get yo motherfckers if it-s the last thing 3 do. >h< yo-re going to pay for what yo did to

    me. $or every second 3 spend in this hellhole< 3-ll see yo spend a year in living hell6 >h< yo

    fcks are going to beg me to let yo die. *o< no< not yet. 3 want yo cocksckers to sffer.

    >h< 3-ll fi( yor fckin- asses all right. aybe a long needle in yor eardrm. A hot cigar in

    yor eye. *othin- fancy. Some molten lead p the ass. >oh6 >r< better still< some of that old

    Apache shit. Et yor eyelids off. 4eah. 3-ll Cst listen to yo fcks screamin-. >h< what sweet

    msic that-ll be. 4eah< 3-ll do it in a hospital. With doctors and nrses so yo pricks don-t dieon me too ick. 4o know the best part 'he best part is yo dick9smokin- faggots will have

    yor eyelids ct off< so yo-ll have to watch me do it to yo< yeah. 4o-ll see me bring that

    cigar closer and closer to yor wide9open eyeball till yo-re almost ot of yor mind. =t not

    ite -case 3 want it to last a long< long time. 0h. 3 want yo to know that it-s me< that 3-m

    the one who is doing it to yo. e6 And that sissy psychiatrist What nmitigated ignorance6

    'hat old drnken fart of a Cdge6 What a pompos ass6 Bdge not lest ye be Cdged6 All of yo

    pkes are gonna die the day 3 get ot of this shithole6 3 garantee yo-ll regret the day yo

    ever met me6


    Waking Life: Chapter ' - ree Will and hysics

    8%hilosopher professor talking in his office 9 5niversity of 'e(asH Astin philosophy professor

    David Sosa;

    3n a way< in or contemporary world view< it-s easy to think that science has come to take the

    place of @od. =t some philosophical problems remain as trobling as ever. 'ake the problem

    of free will. 'his problem has been arond for a long time< since before Aristotle in "/ =.E.

    St. Agstine< St. 'homas Ainas< these gys all worried abot how we can be free if @od

    already knows in advance everything yo-re gonna do. *owadays we know that the world

    operates according to some fndamental physical laws< and these laws govern the behavior of

    every obCect in the world. *ow< these laws< becase they-re so trstworthy< they enable

    incredible technological achievements. =t look at yorself. We-re Cst physical systems tooh< well< it-s Cst an historical anecdote. 3t-s sophomoric. 3t-s a estion with no answer. Bst

    forget abot it.: =t the estion keeps staring yo right in the face. 4o think abot

    individality for e(ample< who yo are. Who yo are is mostly a matter of the free choices

    that yo make. >r take responsibility. 4o can only be held responsible< yo can only be

    fond gilty< or yo can only be admired or respected for things yo did of yor own freewill. So the estion keeps coming back< and we don-t really have a soltion to it. 3t starts to

    look like all or decisions are really Cst a charade.

    'hink abot how it happens. 'here-s some electrical activity in yor brain. 4or nerons fire.

    'hey send a signal down into yor nervos system. 3t passes along down into yor mscle

    fibers. 'hey twitch. 4o might< say< reach ot yor arm. 3t looks like it-s a free action on yor

    part< bt every one of those 9 every part of that process is actally governed by physical law. Cob

    of Slavery< 3ncorporated6 'he trth is ot there in front of yo< bt they lay ot this bffet oflies. 3-m sick of it< and 3-m not going to take a bite ot of it6 Do yo got me Resistance is not

    ftile. We-re gonna win this thing. 0mankind is too good6 We-re not a bnch of

    nderachievers6 We-re gonna stand p and we-re gonna be hman beings6 We-re gonna get

    fired p abot the real things< the things that matterH creativity and the dynamic hman spirit

    that refses to sbmit6 Well that-s it6 'hat-s all 3 got to say6 3t-s in yor cort.


    8>ld man sitting at a table. >tto 0ofmann.;

    'he est is to be liberated from the negative< which is really or own will to nothingness.

    And once having said yes to the instant< the affirmation is contagios. 3t brsts into a chain of

    affirmations that knows no limit. 'o say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of e(istence.


    8African9American writer Aklil @ebrewold;

    'he main character is what 3 call :the mind:. 3ts mastery< its capacity to represent.

    'hroghot history< attempts have been made to contain those e(periences which happen at

    the end of the limit where the mind is vlnerable. =t 3 think we are in a very significantmoment in history. 'hose moments< those what yo might call liminal< limit< frontier< edge

    Fone e(periences are actally now becoming the norm. 'hese mltiplicities and distinctions

    and differences that have given great difficlty to the old mind are actally throgh entering

    into their very essence< tasting and feeling their nieness. >ne might make a breakthrogh

    to that common something that holds them together.

    And so the main character is< to this new mind< greater< greater mind. A mind that yet is to be.

    And when we are obviosly entered into that mode< yo can see a radical sbCectivity< radical

    attnement to individality< nieness to that which the mind is< opens itself to a vast

    obCectivity. So the story is the story of the cosmos now. 'he moment is not Cst a passing

    empty nothing< yet 9 and this is the way in which these secret passages happen 9 yes< it-sempty with sch fllness that the great moment< the great life of the niverse< is plsating in

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    it. And each one< each obCect< each place< each act leaves a mark. And that story is singlar.

    =t< in fact< it-s story after story.


    Waking Life: Chapter * - The !ging arado+

    8'wo women are having lnch 9 7nglish professor Lisa oore and athor Earole Dawson;

    'ime Cst dissolves into ick9moving particles that are swirling away. 7ither 3-m moving fast

    or time is. *ever both simltaneosly.

    3t-s sch a strange parado(. 3 mean< while< technically< 3-m closer to the end of my life than

    3-ve ever been< 3 actally feel more than ever that 3 have all the time in the world. When 3 wasyonger< there was a desperation< a desire for certainty< like there was an end to the path< and

    3 had to get there.

    3 know what yo mean< becase 3 can remember thinking< :>h< someday< like in my mid9

    thirties maybe< everything-s going to Cst somehow gel and settle< Cst end.: 3t was like there

    was this platea< and it was waiting for me< and 3 was climbing p it< and when 3 got to the

    top< all growth and change wold stop. 7ven e(hilaration. =t that hasn-t happened like that =7@3* A@A3* ... $R> '07 =7@3**3*@:

    is placed on the screen. A yong male-s face is flashed on the screen< and the proCector rnsot of film.;


    8ain character sitting with a man in a barrestarant. 5niversity of 'e(as at Astin

    philosophy professor Lois ackey.;

    'here are two kinds of sfferers in this worldH those who sffer from a lack of life and those

    who sffer from an overabndance of life. 3-ve always fond myself in the second category.

    When yo come to think of it< almost all hman behavior and activity is not essentially any

    different from animal behavior. 'he most advanced technologies and craftsmanship bring skay.

    8ain character grabs the remote and begins changing the channels on '.;

    ... bareback riding. Eopenhagen William and his horse Same Deal.

    ... for a hat band. Sew it into the inside of the ...

    $or 3 do not await the ftre< anticipating salvation< absoltion< not even enlightenment

    throgh process. 3< 3 sbscribe to the premise that this ... this flawed perfection is sfficientand complete in every single ineffable moment.

    'he =londe =ee< the $irefly< %raying antis ...

    ... lnatic macaroni mnchkin with my googat ...

    ... venerable tradition of sorcerers< shamans and other visionaries who have developed and

    perfected the art of dream travel< the so9called lcid dream state where by consciosly

    controlling yor dreams< yo-re able to discover things beyond yor capacity to apprehend in

    yor awake state.

    ... series< winning back9to9back ...

    ... why don-t yo tell s abot what $eli( is doing ...

    ... a single ego is an absrdly narrow vantage from which to view this ... this e(perience. And

    where most consider their individal relationship to the niverse< 3 contemplate

    relationships ... of my varios selves to one another.

    While most people with mobility problems are having troble Cst getting arond< at age ,2h< a lot of people< a lot of talking. 4o know< some of it was kind of absrdist< like from a

    strange movie or something. ostly it was Cst people going off abot whatever< really

    intensely. 3 woke p wondering where did all this stff come from

    4o can control that yo know.

    Do yo have these dreams all the time

    0ell< yeah. 3-m always going to make the best of it. =t the trick is< yo got to realiFe that

    yo-re dreaming in the first place. 4o got to be able to recogniFe it. 4o got to be able to ask

    yorself< :0ey man< is this a dream: See< most people never ask themselves that when

    they-re awake< or especially when they-re asleep. Seems like everyone-s sleep9walking throgh

    their waking state< or wake9walking throgh their dreams. 7ither way< they-re not going to get

    mch ot of it.

    'he thing that snapped me into realiFing 3 was dreaming was< h< was my digital clock. 3

    coldn-t really read it. 3t was like the circitry was all screwed p or something.

    4eah< that-s real common. And small printed material is pretty togh too. ery nstable.

    Another good tip9off is trying to adCst light levels. 4o can-t really do that. 3f yo see a light

    switch nearby< trn it on and off and see if it works. 'hat-s one of the few things yo can-t do

    in a lcid dream. What the hell. 3 can fly arond< have an interesting conversation with Albert

    SchweitFer. 3 can e(plore all these new dimensions of reality< not to mention 3 can have any

    kind of se( 3 want< which is way cool. So 3 can-t adCst light levels. So what

    =t that-s like one of the things that yo do to test if yo-re dreaming or not< right

    4eah< like 3 said< yo can totally train yorself to recogniFe it. 3 mean Cst hit a light switch

    every now and then. 3f the lights are on< and yo can-t trn them off< then most likely yo-re

    dreaming. And then yo can get down to bsiness. And believe me< it-s nlimited. 0ey< yo

    know what 3-ve been working on lately

    What-s that

    >h man< it-s way ambitios< bt 3-m getting better at it. 4o-re going to dig this. 'hree9si(ty

    vision< man. 3 can see in all directions. %retty cool< hh

    4eah< man. Well< 3 got to go man.

    >kay< later man. Sper profndo on the early eve of yor day.

    What-s that mean

    Well< yo know< 3-ve never figred it ot. aybe yo can. 'his gy always whispers it in my

    ear. Lois. 0e-s a reoccrring dream character.

    8ain character trns the light switch on and off as he-s leaving 9 ! and a half times 9 and the

    light stays on. >ther gy shrgs his sholders. ain character begins and contines floating

    throgh to the ne(t part.;

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    Waking Life: Chapter 11 - The 3oly


    8We enter a movie theatre where< on the screen< we see a film of two

    men who are talking with one another. 'he first speaker is filmmakerEaveh Mahedi 9 to the right in the image below 9 and the second is

    poet David Bewell.;

    '07 0>L4 >7*'

    Einema< in its essence< is< well it-s abot an introdction to reality< which is that< like< reality

    is actally reprodced. And for him< it might sond like a storytelling medim< really. And he

    feels like< m ... like ... like ... like literatre is better for telling a story. 4o know< and if yo

    tell a story or even like a Coke< like yo know :'his gy walks into a bar and< yo know< he

    sees a dwarf.: 'hat works really well becase yo-re imagining this gy and this dwarf in the

    bar and there-s this kind of imaginative aspect to it. =t in film< yo don-t have that becaseyo actally are filming a specific gy< in a specific bar< with a specific dwarf< of a specific

    height< who looks a certain way< right

    So like< m< for =aFin< what the ontology of film has to do is it has to deal with< yo knowbviosly< there-s narrativity to cinema -case it-s in

    time< Cst the way there-s narrativity to msic. =t< yo know< yo don-t first think of the storyof the song< and then make the song. 3t has to come ot of that moment. And that-s what film
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    has. 3t-s Cst that moment< which is holy. 4o know< like this moment< it-s holy. =t we walk

    arond like it-s not holy. We walk arond like there-s some holy moments and there are all the

    other moments that are not holy< right< bt this moment is holy< right And if film can let s

    see that< like frame it so that we see< like< :Ah< this moment. 0oly.: And it-s like :0oly< holyn the way to discovering what we love< we will find everything we hate< everything that

    blocks or path of what we desire.

    'he comfort will never be comfortable for those who seek what is not on the market.

    A systematic estioning of the idea of happiness.

    We-ll ct the vocal chords of every empowered speaker. We-ll yank the social symbols

    throgh the looking glass We-ll devale society-s crrency.

    'o confront the familiar.

    Society is a frad so complete and venal that it demands to be destroyed beyond the power of

    memory to recall its e(istence.

    Where there is fire< we will carry gasoline.

    'o interrpt the continm of everyday e(perience and all the normal e(pectations that go

    with it.

    'o live as if something actally depended on one-s actions.

    'o rptre the spell of the ideology of the commodified consmer society so that or

    repressed desires of a more athentic natre can come forward.

    'o demonstrate the contrast between what life presently is and what it cold be.

    'o immerse orselves in the oblivion of actions and know we-re making it happen.

    'here will be an intensity never before known in everyday life to e(change love and hate< life

    and death< terror and redemption< replsions and attractions.

    An affirmation of freedom so reckless and nalified< that it amonts to a total denial of

    every kind of restraint and limitation.


    8'he same for gys see an old man p on a telephone pole.;

    0ey< old man< what yo doin- p there

    Well< 3-m not sre.

    4o need any help getting down< sir

    *o< don-t think so.

    Stpid bastard.

    *o worse than s. 0e-s all action and no theory. We-re all theory and no action.

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    8'he same for gys see an old man sitting at a bench;

    Why so glm< r. Debord

    What was missing was felt irretrievable. 'he e(treme ncertainties of sbsisting withot

    working made e(cesses necessary and breaks definitive. 'o ote StevensonH :Sicide carried

    off many. Drink and the devil took care of the rest.:


    Waking Life: Chapter 1# - Dreamers

    8ain character is walking along railroad tracks< beside a train. A gy Cmps ot of the train

    with a :$ree Radio: t9shirt on;



    4o a dreamer


    0aven-t seen too many arond lately. 'hings have been togh lately for dreamers. 'hey say

    dreaming-s dead< that no one does it anymore. 3t-s not dead< it-s Cst been forgotten. Removedfrom or langage. *o one teaches it so no one knows it e(ists. 'he dreamer is banished to

    obscrity. Well 3-m trying to change all that< and 3 hope yo are too. =y dreaming every day.

    Dreaming with or hands and dreaming with or minds. >r planet is facing the greatest

    problems it-s ever faced. 7ver. So whatever yo do< don-t be bored. 'his is absoltely the most

    e(citing time we cold have possibly hoped to be alive. And things are Cst starting.


    8ain character is walking with a thin looking boy< who gradally trns into something else

    as he talks.;

    A thosand years is bt an instant. 'here-s nothing new< nothing different. 'he same pattern

    over and over. 'he same clods< the same msic< the same insight 3 felt an hor or an eternity

    ago. 'here-s nothing here for me now< nothing at all. *ow 3 remember. 'his happened to me

    before. 'his is why 3 left. 4o have begn to find yor answers. Althogh it will seem

    difficlt< the rewards will be great. 7(ercise yor hman mind as flly as possible< knowing it

    is only an e(ercise. =ild beatifl artifacts< solve problems< e(plore the secrets of the

    physical niverse< savor the inpt from all the senses< feel the Coy and sorrow< the laghter