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LinkedIn For Nonprofits, Spring 2014 Edition

Jun 30, 2015



Socially Good

LinkedIn is an untapped social media goldmine for non-profits. Connect with donors, corporate partners, board members, volunteers and staff.
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2. 1. Why LinkedIn Matters 2. How to get set up 3. Status Updates 4. LinkedIn Groups 5. Board Connect & Volunteer Match 6. You 3. WHY LINKEDIN MATTERS 1 4. 9m members in Canada 5. 55% of LinkedIn users have income over $60k Over 40% are managers, VPs, CEOs, Owners Over 116k non-profit pages worldwide (Stat from 2012) 20% of Canadians are on the site 2 new people join PER SECOND 79% are over 35 years old 6. QUESTION Are any of these groups critical to the success of your organization? Donors? Staff? Volunteers? Corporate Partners? Media?Funders? 7. 8. How to get set up 2 9. Where to find. 10. mpanies 11. CREATE YOUR PAGE Valid Email Address Organization Name You need: 12. CREATE YOUR PAGE Valid Email Address Organization Name You need: 13. CREATE YOUR PAGE 14. CREATE YOUR PAGE 15. ADMIN RIGHTS 16. ADMIN RIGHTS More than 1 person 17. ADMIN RIGHTS GET A POLICY!! 18. 19. No image? 20. No image? 21. ADDING PRODUCTS 22. ADDING PRODUCTS 23. You can request a copy of the recommendations that were present as of March 4, 2014. The recommendations will be available through Customer Support until Friday, May 30, 2014. SHOWCASE PAGES 24. Think about: Do we NEED a separate page for different products / offerings? Will we dilute an already small audience too much? How much time do we have to maintain separate pages? 25. When it might work A hospital with a separate foundation A national org with local chapters who are not already on LI NPs who have multiple brands with unique identities 26. Status Updates 3 27. WHY MAKE UPDATES? YOU WANT AN AUDIENCE YOU HAVE AN AUDIENCE YOU HAVE COMMS / FUNDRAISING GOALS 28. STATUS UPDATES Type a URL here 29. STATUS UPDATES 30. STATUS UPDATES 31. What To Share Useful Interesting Makes people smarter Opportunities to engage Events Cause related news 32. How to get followers Ask people! Put link on website & in newsletters Promote on personal pages of staff In your e-signature Share on other social networks Post share-worthy things 33. What about analytics? 34. ANALYTICS = INSIGHT 35. LinkedIn Groups run by you4 36. USEFUL Volunteer Groups Alumni Groups 37. USEFUL A MANAGER But they need. 38. USEFUL Set the tone Share relevant content Build up advocates Invite & welcome community Manage-manage-manage 39. Board Connect & Volunteer Match5 40. of professionals would be interested in joining a nonprofit board 78% 41. Make sure you are connected to your board first! Use the Advanced Search function Use the LinkedIn introduction feature to contact people or better, get your board to reach out personally Who are you looking for? Connecting with Board Members 42. Volunteer Match 43. How you findTHEM Want a FREE option? h 44. Volunteer Match @LeahEustace says NO! 45. And what about you? Your donors & board are checking your profile Conference organizers need speakers.. Potential & current board members are watching you Your next boss is keeping an eye on you 46. How do YOU look on LinkedIn? Does your profile show: Love for your org? Passion for your mission? What difference you make to your cause? How to get in touch with you? WHAT WOULD A BOARD MEMBER THINK? 47. Have a PROFESSIONAL picture 1 2 3 Fully complete the SUMMARY section with keywords Focus on RESULTS not tasks PROFILETIPS FORYOU 48. Add visuals show off your cause 4 5 6 Change your headline from default job title Check your privacy settings PROFILETIPS FORYOU 49. LinkedIn is a SOCIAL network VISIT DAILY! 50. SHARE ENGAGE COLLABORAT E 51. IN SUMMARY LinkedIn is 11 years old. Dont ignore it! Improve your organizations profile & share Optimize your own profile & engage 52. MORE RESOURCES Presentations Examples Templates @LinkedIn4Good 53. @socially_good |