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Linked Data Mashups: From Query to Visualization Dominic DiFranzo

Linked Data Mashups: From Query to Visualization Dominic DiFranzo.

Dec 20, 2015



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Page 1: Linked Data Mashups: From Query to Visualization Dominic DiFranzo.

Linked Data Mashups:From Query to Visualization

Dominic DiFranzo

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•Triple: Subject Predicate Object

•Use URI for universal naming

•New York has the postal abbreviation NY

•<urn:x-states:New%20York> <> "NY" .

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•I found a new dataset and it has the following triple

•<> <> “The Empire State” .

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•<urn:x-states:New%20York> <> <> .

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What We Have

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Current Technology

• Sunlight Foundation’s National Data Catalog, Socrata, Open311 API, and Microsoft’s Open Government Data Initiative, etc

• Store in some backend, release data through an API.

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• Only ask what its built to answer• No standard - must relearn each time• Opaque - no way for consumers to see, reuse

or improve the data model• Silos of Data - no linking at the data level • VeryTop Down

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What We Want

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Linked Data

• decentralized - sources may be spread out and referenced across the Web

• modular - linked without advance planning or coordination

• scalable - once store in place, it’s easy to extend

• advantages hold even when definitions and structure of the data changes over time.

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•SPARQL is a query language for the Semantic Web.

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SELECT ?node ?title

WHERE{  ?node <> ?title . } LIMIT 1

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SELECT ?node ?name WHERE{  ?node <> ?name .  ?node <> <> . } LIMIT 10

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PREFIX foaf: <>PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT ?node ?name WHERE{  ?node foaf:givenname ?name .  ?node rdf:type foaf:Person . } LIMIT 10

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PREFIX foaf: <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT ?node ?name WHERE{  ?node foaf:givenname ?name ; rdf:type foaf:Person . } LIMIT 10

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Named Graph

PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?graph ?node ?title WHERE{ GRAPH ?graph{  ?node dc:title ?title . } } LIMIT 3

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Named GraphPREFIX dc: <> SELECT  ?node8 ?desc8 ?node401 ?desc401 WHERE{ GRAPH <>{  ?node401 dc:description ?desc401 . } GRAPH <>{  ?node8 dc:description ?desc8 . } } LIMIT 3

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Union PREFIX dc: <> SELECT  ?node8 ?desc8 ?node401 ?desc401 WHERE{ { GRAPH <>{  ?node401 dc:description ?desc401 . } }UNION{ GRAPH <>{  ?node8 dc:description ?desc8 . } } } LIMIT 3

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PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT  ?node ?name ?givenname WHERE{  ?node foaf:name ?name . OPTIONAL{  ?node foaf:givenname ?givenname . } }

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PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT  ?node ?name ?givenname WHERE{  ?node foaf:name ?name .  ?node foaf:givenname ?givenname . FILTER regex(?name, "Biden") . }

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• This is a web service that allows you to query any SPARQL endpoint, and get back the results in any format you want.

• A RESTful way to query any endpoint in any environment.

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SPARQLProxy [required] encoded String of SPARQL

queryquery-uri :[required] URI of SPARQL query (use

as an alternative to "query" parameter. These two parameters are mutul-exclusive)

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service-uri: [required] URI of SPARQL Endpoint – default is the LOGD endpoint

output: output format. ''xml'' - SPARQL/XML (default) : ''exhibit'' - JSON for MIT Exhibit : ''gvds'' - JSON for Google Visualization : ''csv'' - CSV : ''html'' - HTML table : “sparql” - SPARQL JSON

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// compose query $sparqlproxy_uri = "" $params = array(); $params["query-uri"] = ""; $params["service-uri"] = ""; $params["output"] = "gvds"; $query= $sparqlproxy_uri."?". http_build_query($params,,'&') ; //specific for Drupal //show query result echo file_get_contents($query);

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Visualizing The Data

• Many JavaScript API and Libraries to help make visualizations

• Trades in eases of use and control/customization.

• We will focus on the Google Visualization API, very easy to use out-of-the-box but almost impossible to customize outside of what they provide.

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Visualization Example

• Start with a dataset(s) • We will look into State Library Agency Survey:

Fiscal Year 2006

and Tax Year 2007 County Income Data

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• Lets make a map of "Adjusted Gross Income(AGI) per Capita”

• a US map where each state is colored according to the average AGI per person living in that state.

• We obtain a state's AGI data from Dataset 1356 and a state's population data from Dataset 353.

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""><html xmlns=""> <head> <title>AGI per Capita Map</title> </head> <body> <div>AGI per Capita Map</div> <div id='map_canvas'>Loading Map ...</div> </body></html>

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<!-- import Google visualization API --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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<script type="text/javascript">

// load google visualization packages - STEP 1 google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geomap']}); // set callback function for drawing visualizations - STEP 2 google.setOnLoadCallback(drawMap);

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function drawMap() { //Query data - STEP 3 var sparqlproxy = ""; var queryloc = "";

var queryurl = sparqlproxy + "?" + "output=gvds” + “&query-option=uri” + "&query-uri=" + encodeURIComponent(queryloc) ;

var query = new google.visualization.Query(queryurl); query.send(handleQueryResponse); }

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function handleQueryResponse(response){ // Check for query response errors. - STEP 4 if (response.isError()) { alert('Error in query: ' + response.getMessage() + ' ' + esponse.getDetailedMessage()); return; }

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// read data - STEP 5 var data = response.getDataTable(); // create new data - STEP 6 var newdata = new google.visualization.DataTable(); newdata.addColumn('string', 'State'); newdata.addColumn('number', 'AGI per Capita');

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// populate each row - STEP 7 var rows = data.getNumberOfRows(); for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { var state = 'US-' + data.getValue(i, 0);

// AGI figure uses thousand-dollar unit var value = Math.round(data.getValue(i, 1)*1000/

data.getValue(i, 2)); newdata.addRow([state, value]);


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// configure map options - STEP 8 var options = {}; options['region'] = 'US'; // show US map options['dataMode'] = 'regions'; options['width'] = 900; options['height'] = 550;

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// define geomap instance - STEP 9 var viz = document.getElementById('map_canvas'); new google.visualization.GeoMap(viz).draw(newdata, options ); }//end of handleQueryResponse function

</script>//end of JavaScript Tag

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