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VOLUMEXXll ( COPlla8 TW b -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea' bAlweeD 10 me of U.e •oe' brilllao' plaJer. of towo, anti ,h ... aN DO' few) wlll IOOD OOIDe . of, Expec-. ' auoo w oo up-soe.' , EQOlL &o 17,000 P11111 S&Afr' ., · -The- etumtr Polyi4. C.p"lo Guy, arrited 1&. 8&. JohD'e Je •· &erdar. •' aloe o'clock L Ill., aod reportl ror 16,050 JOUDif'C\&fPI; 100 014 harpe'; Ud old booda, &otal -- '- -l'aoal HuRT's llu.toBT-MrJamra Reid'• toboooer Sp,.U,gbird, anit'ld bere JMterdaJ moraiDJ froaa fleart 'e Dellab&. with a load of board boopa. &o The Spri•gbird ia to flO on allp for oter b aa liosr an4 palotlnJC, a oct will &beo prooeed'fO Hean'e llelll(b' to ih oa' for the BaDk l'bbery . Mr Reid dMenea to do well at thia a.hery, for iD the faoe of maDJ dleooarqe. 111eota be baa d etercnlaed to trJ bit lack at that YOJIP ooce mprJ Mr Jacob Hobbe t. apiD to ohartre of the aobooner at the flabery We wlah the Spri•gbird aoc\ ber eottrp1i •ioa owuer a proaperoiU eeaaoD -TBa PAnRT SLIP.-Tbe elip Ia DO beiDa -Pnparatiooa ,re oow belo.r for a muloal . Jo ooooeoUoa" wl. lb the Harbor Urace LlterarJ .Farther partl· ca1an later oo -- -The b&rqa entloe FlorG .a belorloade<1 with 8ah (io druma) for tbe Brealllao aaarh,, aod the brtgt; &.ctor la to load wl&h oll, &o , for the Eaa Jtb . By Tilegrap.n. . -o- · \ IW.u.U. N. 8., Aprl\ 9.-Moie 8ahtlDI baa taken plaot DIU Maolpur . aod aDotbar Britlab oflloer t. npoded amODI the kllled. Bla um• fa uokDon. · A OOU'ftotion of tleberlee lDtptOton of Oaaada will be lield io Ottawa. ooaalder &he *' rea• alatloo1 for problb l\1111 purat Hlrlea for IDIOt• erel. . I • Rullla riOOfCIIlatPriooe Frtdtoud 11 Vloeroy of BoiJl&rla, Oermaoy etnDatbeoe Fer. dloaod'e poeitloo beoaaae Ra•la oootiou .. m&a• iDJ troope oo tbe Sllealao frooder. APalL lU.-IJl•order epreadloJr amooa Marao· &ale, IodiL '£be ooodao& of otbe Ameer of Af · ware, · . . our WHOLE at COST you c.t.n get GREAT BARGAINS it\ · FFANGy . GOODS, Hard- . . are and Glassware. A few Ladita' Win broidered Onstumes sttil on hand. ' t A splendid Li ot Room Papers-ft'om 4 ots. l. IN THE GOURT. ! -- . ' ., . 14 tbe M.'ntter ot 36 Vic.• Cap 8, ud U.e ; Bat bor Grace .Dank Fiahin&' Oomp&Af• , Limited Upon thu r "'' iti11n . or t !.o D itect Ol• · of Lbe a:1id O•JIIIfll .ny, tih•d l hiK 22ud nt J anu. uy, Ktlll ''1\0n Mr Montso,, Cou'nKt!l tor 1 hr.m, It iK m t h"' &.lf u .r .. f 11irt1 Rlld of elm tnitl Col!l P.'AI 1 lie wonnd np ••ntl the u id Comt,.n1 ! rliii· Oh ,.tJ , O JI creflitO NI Of tb .. ltl' id / Co mp11ny lu•"i••:: in· t lltlir · j nae cluiwa '"' ,., . ''" ' ltloJ.Plll or l ltu Coli& pany will • Xtl'lhl .. n.l llnWI-1' Kl uuelwlut •ll in . lbe · 8A i.t Compauy ..,h-.11 wit h in tl u,•t,' l' tOn&. b• c,f th ia or (IP. r .. tu•w fitillicie nt "S"iult. t lte wlniJilll( t l;l otnl di >!&Oi u tiou of tile eald Com• pany. ' • , . 1 at St. 1 olw'a. t Lia 22nd do7 ot Jan .. n ary, A.D. 1 89 1. . Bv tlw Co urt, (Sgl) A . .T. W. MoNzrtv, paebed to the ... lt are waitlo11 their tarue to ao oo , t owoere alrooet begrudJCiog oae aootber their tar A' 6r.t thf'rewaa eome allabt trouble, ba' DOW worke faotorllJ ud witbon' 'fbe oatOber of YHMla takeo ap dace be ellp waa ftrat operated I• tweolJ· ODe, aod tb oomber to go oa 7ea le cooalderable. The wort 1 u tlefaotorliJ atccoded to bJ Mr Wllliam wu:- n tbe maoepr A OOD• eiclerable DQmbu of meo tlnd--pto6lable empl07· abuietaoas:olteuaeploloo . TbeMarqoieofLan•- M J 9o!:w t St t dOWDI deeirftl to re•J iD tbt GonrDmiDI Of Jodia e I . Q ": ·a · er rae Clti';/ C/ork and Regi .tr cu·. On molion of :\I r. Morison l · . Maoipurt. defeated. Mar881 · " . baa !6sed betweeo Caoadlaa aod United Stattt Commlaelooere OQ trade relatloDI. .. T h e Tw Grip bae iooreaeed; the mortallt7 at New York . JlltlrdaJ reaollttd t" aotj elabt per oeot. Tbe lhitleb P. ullameot md Jll\erdaJ after reoeu. . ·· Stron Poin :s of ! L_ _ . _ FLU I D B E E F -Tlla J.ura Anrst.ta.-lble eoboooer, wblob wae parcb ... d aboo• a moo&b aao from M ... ra. Ha,.er II Co. b7 Ur. Lttl P'roe&, aTri ! ed here from Oubooear w.U Sbt I• a ow oo the ellp uoderaoiDI repaln priaotpallr the paWQI Ja of &be rr-:..r par& of a kMI. Her bottom othe,._ wiN Ia aouocl. Ia need of ba• ellrh• repair Her dmberl, ptut .. od oeillog are eouod 1 her tQp· 1idee aDd 1wro ebo• algae of wear, bowenr. bo& oa the whole ehe le a aoboooer for the Lahndor trade Mr ioteuda by· aod- b7 to han top-aida reoewed, be· will tbeo ba"' a aood •-' for hie reqoiremeote Tbe aum for whiob tt.. Ja•• wu purcbued by her prnent o•aer h ta Mi d, waa t260 ; He hu aot aood Al'Btr. 11 . --Uent Grant ba• '000 ¥anlpuret. T he oon,lnu• 'trouble- aome ; fourteen BriLiab lillled. -ARE- lt a lf tbr eat41n ·e a oomplete rupture wltb the United S tatet unlen utilfaotlon 1M al••r;a. The Prince Edward Ialand Govenament bu Ita large perc•raae of St-rength .. Givtng elemants ' been defeated. The Anatraliaoe agree to oomplete federa. tion. ' . AND It l>eui.g .. iii · digested. DBATBS It fulfills the essential condition'• of a Perfect Food. Thl• IDOJ'Oiar. Btonry AndrtWI, •red sa yena." ••11-koowo rotl doot ol lbil towo, Putral oo ldontlAy next At i p. m. Yu te rd"y (FridA y) mornfor , of dSpbtberfa, Woodley DO yopngeat eou of tbe late _. lt:uoder Pareou, OU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE '1 nlue for bil mooey •red 8 A . L. e· . . -- Suddonly, At Antl!r(lnfeh, on Wareb 7, Wr,WIIIilna ' L;tE 'S .· u· NG A' &:!AM. -Tal SliAOOORA.U!l .- Thill Iriah ArcblbAld The de.:J\1011 seutl em.u Wll fathlr-l•·law nf Mr. li nch You•!l\11, fnrmt! rl 'l' """ ol Mr. Tbo!M• NO a-"-E• :.J..,... .. AY. .. - drama ia 'DOw iu ll tu i C\ fu1 .. .... ... -. (C. W. lloH dall t.o•o:-- - ..... L "l T n "•- ..... ,• r.O ...... '' I.. •• ·- ··-- "Harbor Graoe andience b'" companr from Oo Marcb th at 88 1! 4hh Boac!. Wer.l Jte.. COUQH.,ibOLDS; CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C: tbe ObriaU.n the prO<> :£!':;: \ • • • : oeecb to .be iu aid of the fund• orthat aocletr. nf Hunt. Roof•. ct Oo.J In bl• 87th TIAT, IOII· hl· = l be I f ld ri t law of Slr F. Ca n er , Chief oetloe. Tbia •il 1 e partu re rom 0 va 8 Y M St. John'•j on 8th !oat., aflll" a loar nc! pafoful }., I .. _ B E R I E- 8 en nme.ntll w hi oh .hue IJIPn given bere UlnHa, Ellen, ro l c& of &be late W lllt.m Wood8, aPt! M J 1 • . · . . . . , :'1 P ut SAUODL Si••DO the l llllt effo rt of Mt -. 0. yoa ra . h Sh h · Drowo&d at eea, Ah reh 41 b, air Edwl\'d L. lteunfdr in t hi• lint' , 1 8 .au g raun 18 of Boll e Ielo. Rg&d 28 yoa re, leulaa • naotber aAd ' tile 61at of i1.11 kind be ll Ltem p t.ed bare. W c three alet eu u, mnuru t htl r aad loea. -Jl I. P. , ' 11 1. Uln111. Michael Elanooo, •a-d ll2 JMra. AMHRICAI 'be drama, and th li t l he puulio WI u.a\'e no At JPo rdll e Hr., Lyd i a, holo'l'ld wife of Thomu Aa• Oeo&t&lon ' to t heir wit uMii ng it. M r. ety. 11fter " abort lllne11 61 nl oe 11pd b!t yoare, Jobn oh" 1 ge of tbe an d, l•ulog • lerg• tamlly to mo uru t beh ION. Ser eDd judJloi from th e a nooen which bee bi, berto ' , . waited nvou ent.ert.ainruenta in .. hioh be play- ed ·· promi nent pan , it ia only fa ir to Lbir the ooaaioa draaaa wlll "be one worLb T & TWINE CO., Mll1ia. Mom fooodatloo oaooot b• laid thao lhe real Dleril which ie tbe aolid hue for tbe mooumeotal .. of Hood'• 8araaparilla. B. J'ellowa, K . D .• of Rill , N. R .. u71 thet be baa mlde 1111 of W111'4B'I 8At.UX or WILD UBIUT fet tettral aod h baa proftd to be reliable aocl Ia tbe treatmeot of Mflrt aDd loor·ataodloJ ooaab1. He uye tllu Ia lafed the lUe or a& leu' oue of bl'l patlnta . -- .. .... , 8priq," 8a71 q..- Qf tt.e ... , bo!lNWlYit ha New Eo1· 1-q•l, 'l ' We feel tli• aeoe•ltf nf ...taldor a cond to porlry tbe blo :>d . •ud we all take Ho !hre•p•rtlla lt keep" tbe free fro unaon . roJ lu"b.nlf 1• it 1Jii ee bha 1ood 1p te. aatl for myMif 1 am 1ure I .ooalcl Dlftr do lllJ work If '' wu oot for 1pleodld ..... I• •ak .. me fMI etrooa aod ob11rfal, aod 1 •• attu troablad wltb eadicb• or tba' tired feellaJ, aal oHd \o -·- NEW- SE· EDS. .. - Ex Sot.!'dl navlan from,Llverpool, - GARDEN, -.urn- . FLOWER SEEDS. , W. H. THOMPSON & Co. Aprllll DENTAL . ---- ' A •. · L. fVl A t={C H, Den'C18't, lt Jif\ ""l .. t'l ll\ town an ti IPI1 be OOIIJQ 1 1•" Gor•lou \ie will remelo for A F&W DAYS ONLY · Aprlll l Por T HAT UESUlABLE DweWng:House, houses, &c., lttaate. Oil Vlotorla tN fiOpll'tJ of tlle law Cap' M. a5cDarL · _ s-.or fGnbar par&lnlln lPN to · D.- A. JLYD1 Uarbet Graoe, If, 1•1 84 Oomm.ero Street, BOSTON, l{q,p MANUFACTURERS ·OF COD, HERL-tlNG & CAPLIN SEINES. -ALSO- . HERRING -ALL or THII VJIIRY BEST QU 4LITY A YD M OU R- SHEP AR·D -· GOLD l\IEDAL ' . az uas ... m: z:zea _ o== ... - C- ... k .. 5 0 . l ¥ IDgbett awards at Boaton, ) 869 ; Philadelphia. 1876 ; London Fish · erioa Exhibition, ) 888, CPSeocl for Dlutrat.ed O..t&locoe. for aai1l Direclorll, ) J 27 • CARD! , . E. "VVOO.D, . Solici t or. Otnoe- " 'l !il P ,IlrAm" J.>UOK ST. JOHN'S. M ar1 S4i PO :Fl. SALE! A II Wa,tersid.a Pro:perty, 11iLuRt e on on the Beach at H• r bor On1oe; "n;] known 1111 coneilti ng of l:i tore Shop, Wh arf, A l1o, Dwelling llouai.', Y tHd on t he North· Eaat aido of Rottd l eadi ng to ' Bea oh . · For f:.trh er pa rt ioulan apP.lY to · · HEN R '? · '!'HOMEY, or, W. H. 'fi!OM PSON. Uarl>or Post Office Notice. NORTHERN MAIL SERVICE. . Mails \\till he from tlti.c Offi ce ove1lanrt fur al l plaoeA het wuon St. J olm'11 a t1d Weatern Covf! , W hi te Bay , on . TUESDAY, 1-!dt KIH.I 98 h April. al 8 o'olook on mol'n ing cf Boolu •, or any ot h11 r l 1e11vy rnllil n tat• will not lle hy thi11 route. Oor · reapondence poaled in time will remnl n in ' office until tollowini mail. J. 0. F RASRR, Poa t -Maater Genersl Post U ffiot' , S t. J oh n'• ,} i tb...,- 1\n. , 189130 CAKE and PASTRY Delicious. Bread and Biscuits, Light and Flaky PURE AND WHOLESOME _. Aooommndatlbo for Per maon' ap4 T..-nef enL B011 t tlera. · Tra•ellort to a nd tro'ID tlewf 1 • Ill 1\lwava be weloomed , 0on1 ., ,.

LI'N.IME - Memorial University of · VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~] -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea'

Jan 12, 2019



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Page 1: LI'N.IME - Memorial University of · VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~] -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea'

VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~]

-011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea' bAlweeD 10me of U.e •oe' brilllao' plaJer. of towo, anti ,h ... aN DO' few) wlll IOOD OOIDe. of, Expec-. 'auoo w oo up-soe.' ,

EQOlL &o 17,000 P11111 S&Afr'.,· -The-etumtr Poly• i4. C.p"lo Guy, arrited 1&. 8&. JohD'e Je• · &erdar. •' aloe o'clock L Ill., aod reportl ror 16,050 JOUDif'C\&fPI; 100 014 harpe'; Ud ~0 old booda, &otal 16.~. --'--l'aoal HuRT's llu.toBT-MrJamra Reid'• toboooer Sp,.U,gbird, anit'ld bere JMterdaJ moraiDJ froaa fleart 'e Dellab&. with a load of board boopa. .~,.. &o The Spri•gbird ia to flO on \b~ allp for oterbaaliosr an4 palotlnJC, a oct will &beo prooeed'fO Hean'e llelll(b' to ih oa' for the BaDk l'bbery. Mr Reid dMenea to do well at thia a.hery, for iD the faoe of maDJ dleooarqe. 111eota be baa d etercnlaed to trJ bit lack at that YOJIP ooce mprJ Mr Jacob Hobbe t. apiD to ohartre of the aobooner at the flabery We wlah the Spri•gbird aoc\ ber eottrp1i•ioa owuer a proaperoiU eeaaoD

-TBa PAnRT SLIP.-Tbe elip Ia DO beiDa

-Pnparatiooa ,re oow belo.r ~ for a muloal. eote~ome.._ot Jo ooooeoUoa" the Harbor Urace LlterarJ Ioetltot~ .Farther partl· ca1an later oo --

-The b&rqaentloe FlorG .a belorloade<1 with 8ah (io druma) for tbe Brealllao aaarh,, aod the brtgt; &.ctor la to load wl&h oll, &o , for the

EaaJtb mark~•'~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!! . By Tilegrap.n. .

-o-· \ IW.u.U. N. 8., Aprl\ 9.-Moie 8ahtlDI baa

taken plaot DIU Maolpur. aod aDotbar Britlab oflloer t. npoded amODI the kllled. Bla um• fa uokDon. ·

A OOU'ftotion of tleberlee lDtptOton of Oaaada will be lield io Ottawa. ~ ooaalder &he *' rea• alatloo1 for problbl\1111 purat Hlrlea for IDIOt• erel. . I

• Rullla reloae~ ~ riOOfCIIlatPriooe Frtdtoud 11 Vloeroy of BoiJl&rla, Oermaoy etnDatbeoe Fer. dloaod'e poeitloo beoaaae Ra•la oootiou .. m&a• iDJ troope oo tbe Sllealao frooder.

APalL lU.-IJl•order epreadloJr amooa Marao· &ale, IodiL '£be ooodao& of otbe Ameer of Af·

ware, ·

. . our WHOLE ~TOOK at COST

you c .t.n get GREAT BARGAINS it\

· FFANGy . GOODS, .~roceries, Hard-. .

are and Glassware. A few Ladita' Win broidered Onstumes sttil on hand.

' • • t

A splendid Li ot Room Papers-ft'om 4 ots. l.

IN THE SUPREME~ GOURT. ! - - . ' ., .14 tbe M.'ntter ot 36 Vic .• Cap 8, ud U.e ;

Batbor Grace .Dank Fiahin&' Oomp&Af• , Limited

Upon n·,.•liu~ thu r"'' iti11n .or t !.o D itectOl• · of Lbe a:1id O•JIIIfll.ny, tih•d l hiK 22ud d~ty nt J, Ktlll ''1\0n he"1in~: Mr Montso,, Cou'nKt!l tor 1 hr.m, It iK m dt~r('() t h"' • &.lfu .r .. f11irt1 Rlld ~111rri 11Hl,. of elm t n i tl Col!lP.'AI1 lie wonnd np ••ntl tha~ the u id Comt,.n1 l~tt • ! herl'll fl~t· rliii·Oh ,.tJ, OJI creflitONI Of tb .. ltl'id / Comp11ny lu•"i••:: l~t•Pn fiu~t ~<nl i~til'tf in· tlltlir · j nae cluiwa '"' ,.,. "~ ''"' ltloJ.Plll or l ltu Coli& pany will • Xtl'lhl .. n.l llnWI-1' Kluuelwlut •ll in . lbe ·8Ai.t Compauy ..,h-.11 with in tlu,•t,' l'tOn&.b• c,f th ia or(IP.r .. tu•w fitillicient u,lu~a "S"iult. t lte wlniJilll( tl;l otnl di>!&Oiu tiou of tile eald Com• pany. ' • , . 1

D~tted at St. 1 olw'a. tLia 22nd do7 ot J an .. nary, A. D . 1891. .

Bv tlw Court, (Sgl) A . .T. W. MoNzrtv,

paebed to the o~at-tt ... lt are waitlo11 their tarue to ao oo, t owoere alrooet begrudJCiog oae aootber their tar A' 6r.t thf'rewaa eome allabt trouble, ba' DOW ~eobaolem worke •~il­faotorllJ ud witbon' hl~h. 'fbe oatOber of YHMla takeo ap dace be ellp waa ftrat operated I• tweolJ· ODe, aod tb oomber to go oa 7ea le cooalderable. The wort 1 u tlefaotorliJ atccoded to bJ Mr Wllliam wu:- n tbe maoepr A OOD•

eiclerable DQmbu of meo tlnd--pto6lable empl07· mto&a•tbe~

abuietaoas:olteuaeploloo. TbeMarqoieofLan•- M J ~· r~Q.~.; 9o!:w t St t dOWDI deeirftl to re•JiD tbt GonrDmiDI Of Jodia e I ·J~ . 1:.~'(, Q ": ·a ·er rae • ~ Clti';/ C/ork and Regi.trcu·.

On molion of :\I r. Morison l · . Maoipurt. defeated . Mar881 · " . Bl~oe baa !6sed ~. ~~~ ~ O~o~~ ~ra ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Coofe~ooe betweeo Caoadlaa aod United Stattt Commlaelooere OQ trade relatloDI. .. T h e Tw

Grip bae iooreaeed; the mortallt7 at New York . JlltlrdaJ reaollttd t" aotj elabt per oeot.

Tbe lhitleb P.ullameot md Jll\erdaJ after reoeu. .

··Stron ~

Poin :s of ! l dOHNSt(fN~s ·

L_ _ . _ FLU I D B E E F -Tlla J.ura Anrst.ta.-lble eoboooer, wblob

wae parcb ... d aboo• a moo&b aao from M ... ra. Ha,.er II Co. b7 Ur. Lttl P'roe&, aTri! ed here from Oubooear lu~ w.U Sbt I• a ow oo the ellp uoderaoiDI repaln priaotpallr the paWQI Ja of &be rr-:..r par& of a kMI. Her bottom othe,._ wiN Ia aouocl. Ia need of ba• ellrh• repair Her dmberl, ptut .. od oeillog are eouod 1 her tQp· 1idee aDd 1wro ebo• algae of wear, bowenr. bo& oa the whole ehe le a ~tood aoboooer for the Lahndor trade Mr Fro~& ioteuda by· aod- b7 to han top-aida reoewed, be· will tbeo ba"' a aood •-' for hie reqoiremeote Tbe aum for whiob tt.. Ja•• Aiul~ wu purcbued by her prnent o•aer h ta M id, waa t260 ; He hu aot aood

Al'Btr. 11.--Uent Grant ba• defeat~ '000 ¥anlpuret. T he Meran~ala oon,lnu•'trouble­aome ; fourteen BriLiab lillled. -ARE-

ltalf tbreat41n·e a oomplete rupture wltb the United Statet unlen utilfaotlon 1M al••r;a.

The Prince Edward Ialand Govenament bu Ita large perc•raae of St-rength .. Givtng elemants

' been defeated.

The Anatraliaoe agree to oomplete federa. tion. '


It l>eui.g .. iii · digested.

DBATBS It fulfills the essential condition'• of a Perfect Food. • Thl• (~atordAy) IDOJ'Oiar. Btonry AndrtWI, •red sa

yena." ••11-koowo rotldoot ol lbil towo, Putral oo ldontlAy next At i p. m.

Yu te rd"y (FridAy) mornfor, of dSpbtberfa, Woodley DO yopngeat eou of tbe late Pareou, OU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE '1

nlue for bil mooey •red 8 "~"" A . L. e· . . -- S uddonly , At Antl!r(lnfeh , on Wareb 7, Wr,WIIIilna ' L;tE 'S .· u·NG A' &:!AM. -Tal SliAOOORA.U!l.- Thill J IO(llll ~t r Iriah ArcblbAld The de.:J\1011 s eutlem.u Wll fathlr-l•·law ~

nf Mr. li nch You•!l\11, fnrmt!rl 'l' """ ol Mr. Tbo!M• • NO a-"-E• :.J..,... .. AY. .. -drama ia 'DOw iu lltu iC\ fu1 }it1Utlu~LW1t •~• ......... - . (C. W. lloH ~ Oo.) ~ dall t.o•o:-- - ..... ~- L "l T n "•-.....,• r.O ...... ' ' I.. •• ·- ··--"Harbor Graoe andience b'" companr from Oo Marcb th l~lb, at 88 1!4hh Boac!. Wer.l Jte.. COUQH.,ibOLDS; CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C: tbe ObriaU.n Doo~rine AIIOOi~&t.ion, the prO<> ~~r~;·ta!;.oi::;~.a!~~-~r~0j.~~·~:1n~:-~ :£!':;: \ • • • : ~ oeecb to .be iu aid of the fund• orthat aocletr. nf Hunt . Roof•. X"~ ct Oo.J In bl• 87th TIAT, IOII· hl· =

l be I f ld ri t law of Slr F. Ca n er , Chief oetloe. • Tbia •il

1 eparture rom

0 va

8 Y M St. John'•j on 8th !oat., aflll" a loar nc! pafoful }., I .. _ B E R I E- 8

ent41rt.ainme.ntll whioh .hue IJIPn given bere UlnHa, E llen , ro lc& of &be late Wlllt.m Wood8, aPt! M • J 1 • . !S~ · . . . . ~.., , ~ :'1 Put SAUODL Si••DO the lllllt effort of Mt-. 0 . yoara.

h Sh h · Drowo&d at eea, Ahreh 41b, air Edwl\'d ~Diood L. lteunfdr in t hi• lint', 1 8 .au g raun 18 of Bolle Ielo. Rg&d 28 yoare, leulaa • naotber aAd ' • tile 61at of i1.11 k ind ~o be llLtempt.ed bare. W c three aleteu u, mnur u thtlr aad loea.-Jl I. P. , ~"nodoubtL~t~e c~t will do j~~~~ AtHa~M ~~n . ~ ~e S~Io~ . ~uah~q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~

• '11 1. Uln111. Michael Elanooo, •a-d ll2 JM ra. AMHRICAI 'be drama, and th lit l he puulio WI u.a\'e no AtJPordlle Hr., Lydia, holo'l'ld wife of Thomu Aa• Oeo&t&lon 'to re~:ret. t heir wituMiing it. Mr. ety. 11fter " abort lllne11 61 nloe d~t'' · 11pd b!t yoare, Jobn Jlyun ·b ~&a oh" 1ge of tbe oom~y. a nd, l•ulog • lerg• tamlly to mouru tbeh ION. Ser eDd

judJloi from the anooen which bee bi,berto we~• pea!!!:!!!~ce·~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' , . ~ waited nvou ent.ert.ainruenta in .. hioh be play­ed ·· prominent pan , it ia only fair to ~biok Lbir the ooaaioa draaaa wlll "be one worLb

T & TWINE CO., Mll1ia.

Mom fooodatloo oaooot b• laid thao lhe real Dleril which ie tbe aolid hue for tbe mooumeotal Ill~ .. of Hood'• 8araaparilla.

B. J'ellowa, K . D .• of Rill, N. R .. u71 thet be baa mlde 1111 of W111'4B'I 8At.UX or WILD UBIUT fet tettral yea~. aod h baa proftd to be reliable aocl eftle~oloiU Ia tbe treatmeot of Mflrt aDd loor·ataodloJ ooaab1. He uye tllu Ia lafed the lUe or a& leu' oue of bl'l patlnta. --.. ...., 8priq," 8a71 q..- Qf tt.e ... , bo!lNWlYit ha New Eo1· 1-q•l,'l' We feel tli• aeoe•ltf nf ...taldor a cond (qe4~ to porlry tbe blo:>d. •ud we all take Ho • !hre•p•rtlla lt keep" tbe ~blldrea free fro unaon . roJ lu"b.nlf • 1• it 1Jiiee bha a·1ood 1p te. aatl for myMif 1 am 1ure I .ooalcl Dlftr do lllJ work If '' wu oot for ~I• 1pleodld • • ..... I• •ak .. me fMI etrooa aod ob11rfal, aod 1 •• attu troablad wltb eadicb• or tba' tired feellaJ, aal oHd \o ~ -·-

NEW- SE·EDS. .. - Ex Sot.!'dlnavlan from,Llverpool, -


-.urn-. FLOWER



DENTAL f ~ OTICE. . ---- '

A • . · L. fVl A t={C H, Den'C18't,

ltJif\ ""l .. t'l ll\ town an ti IPI1 be OOIIJQ11•" '~

Gor•lou Lou~ee • \ie will remelo for A F&W DAYS ONLY ·

Aprlll l


DweWng:House, with.'Ou~ houses, &c.,

lttaate.Oil Vlotorla ~treet.formtaiJ tN fiOpll'tJ of tlle law Cap' M. a5cDarL · _ •

s-.or fGnbar par&lnlln lPN to · D.- A. JLYD1

Uarbet Graoe, ~ If, 1•1

84 Oomm.ero Street, BOSTON, l{q,p





az uas ... m: z:zea _o== ... - C- ... k .. CE ~ 5 0 . l ¥

IDgbett awards at Boaton, ) 869 ; Philadelphia. 1876 ; London Fish · erioa Exhibition, ) 888,

CPSeocl for Dlutrat.ed O..t&locoe.

for aai1l Direclorll, ) J 27 •

CARD! , . ~. E. "VVOO.D,.

Solicit or. Otnoe- " 'l !ilP,IlrAm" B~liltlina.

J.>UOK WOHl' ~f :STlU~~T. ST. JOHN'S.

Mar1 S4i

PO :Fl. SALE! A II cl~nt. \"aln~tble

Wa,tersid.a Pro:perty, 11iLuRte on on the Beach at H•rbor On1oe; "n;] known 1111 T~1on:ey's E~tate, coneilting of Dwelliu~-Honlie, l:itore Shop, Olfi~. W harf, A l1o, Dwelling llouai.', Shot •, l:ita~Je ~tnd Y tHd on the N ort h · Eaat aido of Rottd leading to ' Beaoh .

· For f:.trher partioulan apP.lY to · ~ · HENR '?· '!'HOMEY,

or, W. H. 'fi!OMPSON. Uarl>or Or~.

Post Office Notice. NORTHERN MAIL SERVICE. .

Mails \\till he ~e~p~lulu·d from tlti.c Office ove1lanrt fur al l plaoeA het wuon St. J olm'11 a t1d Weatern Covf!, W hite Bay, on .

TUESDAY, 1-!dt KIH.I 98 h April. Oloain~ a l 8 o'olook on mol'ning cf Jo•p~t.toh

Boolu•, P"'~'• or any ot h11r l1e11vy rnllil ntat• will not lle forw~~rded hy thi11 route. Oor· reapondence no~ poaled in time will remnln in 'office until tollowini mail.

J. 0. F RASRR, ~ Poat-Maater Go~eral

Genersl Post U ffiot', S t. J ohn'•,} i t b...,-1\n., 189130

CAKE and PASTRY Delicious.

Bread and Biscuits, Light and Flaky •


_. Aooommndatlbo for Permaon' ap4 T..-nefenL B011t tlera. ·

Tra•ellort to and tro'ID tlewf1 ~tndla'"' • Ill 1\lwava be weloomed, 0on1

. ,


Page 2: LI'N.IME - Memorial University of · VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~] -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea'


·lu· Fl·~y ~::pt!:c::ai I a pure eondltton Ia . untvorsnUy known,

. . :~ ;:; ~~~ ,:~~ have perfectly puro

blood. TJle talnt of scrofUla, snu rheum, or o&ller tout humor Ia bere<llted and trnnsmlttcd for reneratloos, call!lng unwld suffering, and we abe aceumUlUo polson and gernu ot dls­eue from ~ tho air wo

!! .. !~b:; vo· u·r :~: !.~~~ we drtnL Tb e r o ls notb, lng ·more con-e~holy · p r o v e n than the p o l tlvo power of Hood's S:lrs3():li1Un over all dlse.'\Scs ot -the blood. Thb medlclue, when fnlrly trtect, does expel every trnco or scro!Wn or salt rheum, removes tho utnt which cntues

*§~ Blood aaalaria, blood ~~-lOlling, etc. lt :Uso • • 11t:lllzes and cu. riches tho blood, thus overcoming tb:lt t ired reeflng, and bulldlng up tho whole system l'bouaands testify to tho superiority or Hood's Sanapartlla .!IS n blood JlUrlficr. Full lnlor-

mauoaH~~d~~re• S , saparilla

lo&4 by all dru ts. Sl: 11% tor e,s. Prcpare4 only '17 C. J. HOOD CO., Apotheculca, Lowoll, :uan .

100 ~es One DoUar


THE Glt.K.A.T l !E:I! l: i n· l'Ol ~

"j,.. ii..J , . .... , ... )'~ .. "" -..) ,':{ C 0 N~ f': 17 ,-:: ~.'\:.':'1 •~ ~\ ~~

.. ".. u ; , :::;: - ~· ;:; ;j_ i ,;·. '.J:/ ~ .: ,. ... ., u t ~ !) .,~

which can l:c e•!r~·<.i !l·.- a . I . . . , t mH: y resort ~n ; 11 1 ~, :--t:t:: · i -

:trd jH'eparat io:1. :1 · i·:•' hv<· i t p r0\'Cd by t he llll::(; n ·c!-.. ;>f tcstimot: i:ils ;·vv. !· ,o:ll ": ;i:e

p m prict ors . !t i - <l, ~ · . .-!fJ·:;I ­{!dgc<l by lt: .:ny )ll'lll 1.: :. ~· nt

I • • I ' p l_\'SJI'li li1S :,~ , ' ! . It' li. ') . ..;t

n•liablc JH'C'p:::·:. i:} : t ( . . ·r i: t­t !'c tl m·t·d fix tl. ·~ n· i! ~-: ;::;d l ··t"e o f 'l l l 7 tl11 '''<' '' ' l'j ' 1 ·tit · ~..: " • ~ - ..J • - C) ... ~ l ' • ' • • . '

u:Hl is o(fe: .. ·d to ~ ;le p ublic , ~:mct.ionctl L\·1 :1e (':~l l ·:·>'nee

· ot OYet· i or~~- yt·ur .... . - \ \' h, :1 ~·c !:;o rt t'd to in !---1.!:<:-o JI it sel­iom fa ils to dl't:t: t a &pccdy !lll'C in i h \:: Jll () ..... t, f' 0 \'C1'0

tnscs of Cough~, B ronchitis, Ct·o t;p, \ Vhooping· Cough, I p rl:~~uza, A ;,th:na Cvltls, :)o 1·c Thro~:t. Pai11s or . _.(II'C­

l l CtiS in t he Chest' n ncl. 'ide, l.Jivcr C oulplail)t, l3le<;cl ing ::t the L11ng::i1 &c. \\- istnr:::; . ~hls~tm docs n ot·· cl t-y up a Cough, nnd lc:1vc tl~o enu~e behind, ns is the~ t::tsc with 1no.:it pt'epnm ti0!1s, but it l oosens · arrt1' 'I cJcat1s:::s tho

. lnngs, nnd ni luys il'l'i ~attoll , thl iS rcmO\'iil '! the caU!,C: of the complai~1t:

l 'lt!:!'.\1!l:D .C\' BJ!'l'R W. l'OWLI: & BOP'S, :Bo.."to:l, ·M~..:lof

• .~ ~ b\' Druav!•t• !Ul"l>""lc-ra~eenomll,y.

• J'ut' ale by T. M cMunln k C.l .. St. J~,J s n's

HQuse of Assembly·· :..~::;:=:.-:ot.~~~parpoee - atateaatDI •hi blt-hrolebed.

(Oolltilf~t,l) . , Oo molioo of boo,\£. P. MorN. lbe bill to

llr 1101118 esplalaed .... •• pnlerild .Ue &be Ylen or a ... ~, ooaaaalttee oo lbe

•"-•for If bt la&rodilotela ilill at abe OD*'- · I& mlgM be looked apoo by IOIDt u ' pelloaal m&&tet. Wilb reaard &o &be oppotlt.loD 1ri&b­holdin~e their aaaie&aooe, &ba• wu a ma&&er wbfob

ToaoAY, Ftb. 2-!th. reffulate tbo Poetal eerYioe of tbe coloo1 wu read a ftrec time an.d q.a!ered to be read a 2~d

NOTlCES OF AI OTWN. time to-mono.w. ~ .. · Mr MomNs-To oslt the bononlblo Receiver Mr. CARTT-'l'o aek; tbe boo. Colonial Secre-Gone~ral (1 ) if J .. C. Juren. of ·£hlgoe. ·wu oon- tary w}!etber tbo cotr!VP.omt.nce aaked for b' vioted 1\t time OfifOIOil»lin~r at Smoky Jlnn., him iu ao addreae t.o t~· Gonrnor bad lleea re· Lobr dor ; (2) ii • ffne wu irupoaetl upoo him oeited by "'' bon Jne.r. by · ~e. Bonrd or Rev~UUtl, 1\Dd fur wbat amo•u'll , Uon COLONfAL.,SECRn4Jl1T Jte had no objeo. (\D c:l..r(~) i£ the RIDOUQ' of the line hat been re- )ion lo aoiJrer the g~ • bQ' the hOD aeutle. ceivea ur remitted, or •bat the Go•ernment roan ie a•ate that he e~Qjld b~Ye stifeo aotioeof la rlropote to do about the matter. • Tbe add rue had befl96freeentea to Hill &aoel­~ B oo H£CEIV£f\ GENERAL in reply to the boo. Ieney. bot op to tile p~eMU(hiereply bad no• ben member elated tbu Mr. J . C . Jerrot~. was eon- reoeind. l. ' victcd of BIDUS!Illi i•ll. aod fined roar boodred ~e Houle thea 11dj0nroed on~ll to. morrow, dollars. That up to tLu present the fioe bad no' l'huradmy. •t four o'olock iu the aftoroooo. been p:~ill, nor l!ot\_ it Leen remitted. Ho pro· ----!-

rM&ed entirtiJ wilb tbeaa, aad be wu a:>t goia1 to ut for it . .

h waa ordered that a ComiDi"ee be appoiottd a«ordfnS!Iy. and tbat tbe lollewlolf entlemen do form tbe committee : Bon .E P ..

Morrie, &k Marpby, Mr. Rallaren .. -Mr Dawe, AJr. Murra,, Mr .Shea and Mr. Speaker. 'Mr. Suu uked \o be excased from 1enfng

on tbe aaid Comulittee and it wu ordered ac­cordingly.

Oo motion of Uon. Mr. Morria I& wu ordered &bat Mr. Fox be appointed on aald oommitt41e.


_::.:.,_ . ·ESTABLI~BED IN .

TBUSTBBS.ADIBBO~PJS Joeeph Wm. Bazeodale, &q. Briatow Borill, E.a. .. Tho Bon. Jamea BlDg. oloha, Cla~toa, .E.q.

J Oct a \'faa ,E. Coope, Etq.-, M.P.

eumetl tbat it would be nollt>cled. ' a" the caao • ' Tnonso.u, Feb. 26. * 11.8 ift the hl\ndt of the Altorti"Y Gcoeral, and Tbe Bonae opened at;• o'olooll:. Mr. J erre' t ,.(lad promised 10 p.~y thl' amount ~· M It hnrl betn ~id thM·therohYI\8 a: dtsiro OD the "'OTICU OF OTIOS. ; oart or tbe Board or Reven ue to clo~k the mat- · Mr. Monuu:-To hk (1) bon. Colonial tcr, aod bo therefore deaired to make a aliGrt Seore tary to lay oa tbe"tnblea atatement tbowlng atntomcot or tbe rel\1 fa.:ts of the cue. On the tbe nmouute paitl for prlotlDg aod adt'ertiliosr by I 11 u Dccl'mber, 1890. just as the late Gorero- th• General Poet ()aloe l)r•ny otbor @OYtromantal UICllt Wl'Te goiu~ OUt or offic~/l'.}minuto of COUn· fnetitutioo ODder hie dwp~rlmen& auriug 18 0 <'il ·.vas m11du by tbem'. in ~hlch t hey rccommen- nud where paid, whicb'. ao not •{_lpeer in tile flod that Mr. J errett be fined $400 ror a breAch Fioanoit~ l Secretary'• •lattmept or amoanta paid ol the.! rcvcua e IBw. An cnq niry \\' liS mArie nt by warrant. and. to w~om •uch amounte were Hrisr ol, Ill' aa to oecert11in whati0Ar11o t••e:veaael paid; (2). to u~ h~oQ . ._.~ecejver <Hoeral for a eal:o!d tho IV, ~ltrll ill aid hAd on bonrd Com. l!irutlar statement ot amonotl dir~olly paid lu ou unlcnlion ~:18 1 wice h11rl with:t herco llector~of 1890 by hia tlepart metic';( (3l.&o a•k the !:ion. Sar· cu~ttJms at Curd iff 1 Ou I be twenty fonrtb or V<')'ur' Geoeral for' a elmilar •tatemeot of amounta

Mr FunN-Td ulc &be bon Premier wbe&ber 'be ia aware tbu it laa beeo coatomarr for eome of the Uomioion light·bouee keepera In S•· Harbe'a to recci.-. in the Domlaioo eapply eteamer ao nouaifl qoao&fty of aooda aod wblob bue 1>..1o eold (alter tbae nadla1 tbt dotlu and frargbt, locldeo& to ordlo~rylmoorr.)· io tbe name 6f eome relation a& lotr rat .. ?&bai ' unfairly competing with tbe lta{tlmate tradera of the cout; and 'wbetbei be will oaaea repre­eentattoo to be made to tbe Caoadlao Gonro­men& with " Ylew to etopplng the ume.

Hcorge Anhu hiler\,.~' Ollarlea E. Goodharl, .a.q. · M. RhocJe Hawkw1 Etq. SlrJoba I.abboct_, Ban., M.P., J',& ,Ubar._ Tbomu ~DOU, Eaq. . Cbarleallfaaa1.7, .t.q. ( L'be Boo. Ed•la B. Portaaa.

~Dadlt1 Bo.belt BIDJU., ~ Wm. Jame• Tbampeoa, r.q. - · ' BON.DIBBOTOB

Uctcl:er we j(Ot a; lltiiiOmt> nt "'hich ~ho .. ·ed tbnt pairl by bia department ia 1890. thu veaae:l had mn e CJi rLtol :on boar~l tbon b1d lloo. COLONlAL, ~B~Ff~RT-lt woold tllke heen reported . Mr. ,Jt'rrett "'"' at that time on tiu.P. to prepare tbe atatemeh t, but It woold be t loc L~tbrndor. Oo bia rclurn to St. ,Job11•8 be re.,dy in ll ehort time In a d•y or two at.tbe fur ­Wl\11 lHousz ht before the rlnA rrl or Rereu11o on tb t>ft, when h would be·lald 'upon tbe table. Tbi~ tht· ~i 1:1n of Novc111 bor, 18tl0,! nnd};nooo;h,ar- arPor•nce alao applied to the information uked in..: " h:H he lsnd to aay coneerninll the rli!Ur· for from olher departauenlt. ence in th11 Cllr~o. the following resolution wu l\lr. ~lo1:1s£-To aaJc. tile bon Colools l Sfore · r"·"•··d : tary if the rtport made J>y JurtJe Dennett op'ou

f:ur-lcld,-'fbat tbe minute pnued by tbe the oper1111on of the lit h Aot (1) ie oow belna ii." ' 'J ou Ueo. 11 , 1890, in rer~rtnoe tb t reto. prioted, (2) b7 whom h la belna prlnte•l. (S)

Hoo the Puurr.n-lle woold Inform tbe boa me•obtr for St 1\ • rhe tbat be wu no' aware of &o) iofrinjllll'\f' "' .. r tbe Coatome La•• lu the matter to wblcll . : .... boo memlter referred. Be •a• awari bowo~ ver, tliat oertaln aooda aecet• aar1 for llt~bl boaau were In dnty fr". a prlrl­ltge •blob had beea accorded by tbe lote Go•­eromeot. He w111 •• anxtoue u aoy bon member io tbe flooae tbat any abase Of tbe prh•iltfl gtnn ebon.Jd be etoppe~. and, If Mr Foara would furoleb tbe Gonrnmeo• with eofBolent proof, nerytblog poulb1o would be done to pat. ao ead to the p'raotlo•. He woald, howner, oommuntoi te wltb·&be Oaaadlaa Gonromea' ou the matter·

Boo Mr Monnrs-For bill to re~tulate &he

JOB11 J . BLOOIURLD, Eeq. WJLLl.ul 0. M.t0Do11At:D,} i&AXoia B. la40DOBALD, Joh&t 81ortlareu

I The •naa~eement.a of thla Oiftoe are'gaaraa

teed by, a aameroaa and weal~hy .Propriet.arJ addition to a ltLrge inveated Capital; ind Ull promptitude and liber<1Uty with whloh oWme bav~ahraya been met, are well-baown eel aoknowJedged • · The· import.ance ot ~he tran•o&lona of th•

PH<ENIX FIRE OFFI'OE ID&J be eaUmated from tbe raoa tbat alooe • Ia 11t&bllahmaot-aow oYer 0111 H 01m&­&be paymeou lD utlafaotJoo of Olahu rw ~ .. ban uoeeded Fooau1M MJLLIOill ~.

lnearaDDte aaaloat Lou b7 lire ucl U,baa. IDi are deot.d b7 the Companr apoa ,,...., deeorip&loo of Broperl7, au tbe. mou flfanblt terme.

h •• o·H•tlrm1

erl . which wae to tho tffeot, lbat Mr. wbote ordert, (4) fot what . prioo. (6) what tbe J ercett aball pay daty 00 all gooda oonlliQnrd total ooat. of the prlntlna wlll probabl7 be, aod ' " aucl ltlnrkcd in th~ cloarsono nf t he ll'u tt n l (li) wben it 'will be completed: aod alto wby the .I! aid. io3 tsu n11 me. 8 8 lllao 011 nil goode ,vbioh rtpn rl h11 not been lahJ on the table of thla IJouu. lae nckno wledgcd to hnv11 recctved by t b:~t!\'oue l Hon CoLONIAL SEOil£TARf-The rep.)rt (1) lUI uot 11p!Jt'Ari11,_ 0 11 e~iu cl.·nrn' 0 .. . llud for the b"i " l! printed. (2J at the E ueniug T t legram croEs iufrac:iou of tht' C ustom& Lbwll. of which otll ll~>, ( S) nodor tbe;.W,dera ~r tile Exccu tlvt~ he hn.a been round ~nilry. he be ti uPcl in rbe ~nm Vouucil, (4) •t tho oetii1'~atee, (6) at Sbe preeeot uf ::-·-HIO 1100 foili n~ to comply with such decis- 1 i01e be could not eaf"11ft at' tbe t o tel coat would

urrioe of the . oolooy. lt waa not OOD· ~mplated that the bill woold make ' " .. pin11 changes, bu' merely u far •• pn .. lble to latro• duct lmproremeota Into tbe eyatem. Ooa oban~re oontamplated wu to reduce tbe poet"ae J • l on lette,ra In tbe matter of welabt Tbe preNn& AD

W. 6 G RENDELL. s•. Jon.'a

J4gerau !.or· Naofn•tllt~~rtl

• :o:; .:\l r, J e:rrett 10 t:e io£ormcd t hl\t tho matter w, nod (til it would be oomplt~ted in threu will be plocl'd in the hllnrls or the Attorney w .. eke, whoo it "'" nld be laid upon the table. Gt!ne rr. l. \Y ilh iost ructioLa 10 proc'!\)(1 agaiost Mr MORINE-TO ut the Fioaooial Secretary bsm lorth11 ith. fo~ the recovery of @&me. _ how much bad been paid aod ia etill doe to t he

.:\l r ~l t:nnAr-To nP k tbe bon.IC.:oloobl ~ecro- 1'·c:illiu!lrrlt ,"J'trtl for punting pampbleta contain­tory if noy appointment bu yet been mRde 10 ioat " An eot to proride for tbe local goYernmeot lhtl l<o•j!fetrnr of Uirlhl, Marri&IIB811lnd D .. Rthe; or IOWDI lllld llettlt mentela tbill colony." 1r 80 w:10 is appointed 10 t ha~ ofiiee : what ia .Ft:U.NClAL SIOIUTAllT-The etatement. wllb thu, Da lnry attscbed 10 that office: when did the otliera. wRA beinv prepared, ond wbea 6ntehod. Hltliln · bl'win 10 IIIIIch. aorl what amount of would be lllid upon tbe 'ttble. Ho bad b,_,ded

caetom wat to obarae threw oeota for nery letter of half an ounce or leu, and double 1 ottage for a letter that e~oeeda that weight b7 uer 10 little. 'fbt propoul now wu t.o let nerylatter wehchlnll ao ounce or leu go tbronah for three ceota. Another point to bo Introduced '"' tbe elltabliahment of a aarlo~ra' bank In connection witb tbe poet offioe, . whlot wool!\ be a ~rreat ad­n.ntartu to the people, who would be able to anll of it · After aome remarks from Mr Atorlqe, tbe blll

, .. rud a·eeo!lod ti~e

. -'tlEAFNES$, ITS OAUSEB AltD _,OUJUD. Sotentlftoally trea'" b7 an aurltt of world·•~• reputatloo. Deafodl ' ertdlct.d alid eatlrelJ oared, of from 10 to SO Je&ra' ataDdiDtr. alter all otber trMtmenta have failed How &be d111l· oalty le reached and the canN remo•td. ID111 e~. plain~ lo olroulara, wilb af!dnita IDd t..UmaDit &II O( CQftl frOID promiDtD' peopte,.aaailtd frtt1

Dr. A. roth·AJN&. . a number nr atatemeata of acoouote to tbe bon enlt~ ry l•ltfl hetn pBid Ufl to lbo preMnt 1111•8. men•ber who would facilitate mattctre by raturo ·

l\lr Gni£N£ •ootd hke to uk tbe boa ReCJiver General if I~ •~re poulble, at an earlJ d"te, to dlatrlbute tbl' O~to~ Fiebermeo'a loaqraooe fqod Jioy 7,11w. tq the reprueotatint of the deceaeed 61bermen ~bo wt~re loat a& ua daring the J"ar \\'ban i~ 'iu eooaldered that eome of tbMe deplorable ouoaUIN took plaoe u loo:su Aaga1t lut,

U Wllt14&b Sa., N.Y. Ajso .. -bot pro{:r<'n boll betn m:ule to oraanise - l 1 Ito 1,ork f\ f thl' c.fllco 11nd und tlr whllt , uper . inlflbe OO!t!J'ilatio.P wl~o t~e ioformst or, ~e oo,.

· h 1\' h h 1 d eon ~tht 0<\ula be kiVtn. . . \' ' liiM I, or li llY ! 0 0 ICe Ill ' eeo, p IIOC • ' •Ir •tllBINl-Tbe he\ par~ of .the qoeatioo

!lou ( '• • LO~IAL Sr.cnr.TARY-An ·aproiotment " ' ' co rh.., c. tlioe hu been medo. 'J'be penon ap- could b11ve beeo Anewer~ by w;ord of moulh , pu iultd was i\lr. Allhyn P ierce: at 0 eRIII ry of Luc ir tho FioauoiRI S.cralarJWM oot loa pJai· S.JOO 0 ye9 r. 'fhu u lary be~an to ottach on tbe tioo to anawer n~>• . he would allow the queuloo ti rat cloy of J u!y IR•t. and ~2~0 blld been paid to thad on tbe'order. ReepeoUog Ilia unt two np 10 1 bnt date No . prnjlrou had heen made notices oo tbe aubjec~ of prlntlog, be aaid that because an ol tern tion In the ao~ wnultl be rt- if t h11 Flo .. ncial tiJor.tar1> would ooueeo• he would

, ~II at hia office God tbua feoilitate 111atlera. q n : rr d 1,) llleet •he v i t! W8 or tho hon. member or I d Bll r t.:<'C> ontl L~tPol lo. T i·o prinoipl\1 in t he office Fl~.\SC• AL S£c !IETARY-He would be i a to W I p u· .. ···r I I. e conlrol or t l.e Uorernmeot. nccomwod.1te ~be ilOP. ~Rember in that way.

~~ r . .:\! un t:AY -:-'l'o nsk !Jle hon. Colonia l Sl'o. Mr. CAIITr-To aalr. ttle bon Oolool"l ~eoret11ry rotnry 1r 11 uy 'l.>wpl,nil· ll bno been made 10 the to l ~ty on the tab!o the report of the eoincnlnloo· l ' • q 11101ater neof'rnl c! urlnjl tho pllat year. of It t· ere appointed to enqalr~ ooooerniDll the Peoheo · tt·rt~ <'Orotninin.: moooy or otbrr v• luable matter. t io. ry 11 Dd tbe Poat-olftoe, llDd also tbe report& of t•oe·l!ol in tide colon, . heine miuln~ i and to fur- auy otber oommtuioo~ra to eoqolre lato other 1 ~~~~ par· ionll\ r& of n ic1 con11Jh.tints. A lso, to public l llniou , and ·all ~Yidenee takoo before 8 i1ecily on what postnl row e. or In whose ouetody BD id eorumiuionera ; a .. d eleo a detailed atate · " •l' 1111uis ~ malter Ia e upposc~ to hllve been at meot of amouota paid oo,accounl of eaob of tbe :ho t ioue or i ta JIIJ\fl(lORriiiCe. Aleo. to alate l aid .:omu.iuloaere. wh:• ~ ~lt·pll have been tnken to lreoo the mluln~t Uop. COLONIAL 8£CR£TA UY-Ht bl d moab u:&t~er, or for ~~ ICOO\'ory, aud with re- olaaaqre In \ajrng OP, tbe table t~e rollowloi re · oul t. porta ;-

l lon. COLO'-' tA L SEOBETAliY- He hatf communi- R11port of D. \V. Prowu; E iq , reepeotlt~i tbe cll lcd · ,~ilh 1 he Poslmutor (i eneral, aod .be P o•t l)ffi 1e •l,. •crl lier>t 11. J890 hn,.rcl tn be able to lny on the table the req uired Report of D W. -Prow11, l!:tq, lo lhe tame h:f-•rmation tomorrow • . matt t:r, dated Noremb\ r 22, 1890.

The H oueo then :uljournod ur.til to morrow, Report of U W. Pro•••· Etq ., lo the ume matter; d"tttd Nonmber i~. 1890.

WEPNE~PAT, f eb. 26. Erldeuce taken in relation to nl4 reports. T he Honse opened a t four o'oloolr. Reprntl of !\leur• C~nroy .• !hokay aod F 11::r, Jl un VOLO~IAL Secn£TAHY, in roply to the reepeptln~ !'h .Jnho'e Ptonltentlary.

tion A$llOCI by tbo hoo 111e1cber for fiurgeo Jtuft'l ( Of' 'he ~enitin\iarf. 11 ,,.1 l.n l'~ilo on T uearlay J~at . relat inu to tJ1e HelurnJ Ia ;.,fatlon to tho PenlttntlarJ Poat l'illoe. bt!!l jlCrl to hand In l.l llatomeot of Cop,v of rllfOrt of s.'!ferlokoden' of ~ullteD· tho miasiDil lettfrll 11 nd t!Je rou'tea upon wllicb tlary. 1• t1u1 1 .. 11,.u brul botm miue\1. E•lrleuol' oJ .T. R McCowaa, u to el mt •

!\I • l''t-:Ar.v vrcaontecl ,. potltiou from Tboon u . Jf, yltlentH' of Dr. Sbaa '&nd olbeu. aa to tame J:u l:in t~nd o•her iuhl\blt~n•ll nr Cnok'a Harbor. A detailed etattmeo' of tbe pa,m~nta made 0 11 t l . ., aul•jt<ct of t l!o abolition or oocltrape. •, on thf<~O aconunti would he made u I OOD II poa. ru1u IN•nl \\' llli~tm Frt~DI'Ih , 11111! n nutnber of the ~l!o)A 11nd would appui hi &be usnal way. lie iultttui•aolll or .I. • .'ci l', prnyln5! thn~ the 1Jo nt 11 w~li 110 t D'IFAro there were aey other oommlaaloue pu s an act probibiliog tbll uee of o 1daeta aud appoiutod, and if ao \hi iofQtm"tloA 'oftld ap· bull rrwP. ,

1 pe11r lu the p11bllo jou~q~l• of eli• A11emb 1

,\ lr \ \ ooo~·otw preu ntod a petition from t he .}t r :\l UHRAY-'l'o uk the boa Premier If bel• inhnni111ut• of l lptae Cove on lbo auuj.:oL of an a !Vu e "'·helber ao eowloeer ou•alde of thle oolooy " :lract11tnrlll roo• I. 'H•e petitiooera requeat tba& tuu . .been rtoi)otl~eed a' a nlar7 ohltcbt,eeu ll 118m of ruooey he Jlrautec:l to eooetruo~ a road hund red dollau per ooom by tbe Munlc1pal le~in" from tloreo Con roacl tQ tilt! 'l 'opaail Conncil aod If ao. wb \ber tble eopgeruul Wll

rn"' '· 1n oo• • nto~ a puin\ oear lrviou atotiQn. made ~))ae there wu no ospable ensrinMr Ia ~I r. l!OL.LS vreaented I peti:ioo rrom tbe n-. thie eplqnyllfailable"'t~ JUl \hi oftioe for wblob

I:. ::i. Cl.arn berloin aod others. of, tbe ootriot of tbe • fo.-, •ctfin~-!Qa eopaed ' ~·nszn . on t ItO aubject of a ferry. ,Ue bad ~kod Jlo.J) &bt !'llqlfCfllit d··ao O'ela) ~nowJedae Of .tno 'GoYeromeo,,laat year to make a ewell at .ooa. tbo \r De&Otioo, a.od >iJ'N. QDIJ ~are P~. '"'I It tioo (I om tbe epeolal lfr&nt, for thla purpbae, ba• watltr of fQIDOQI , .lit dl(l ~Ot l~W Of tU tl• uQtlltpsr had beeo dooe; but be tru.ated c~at bw bJeoce of aDJ po•~r jblob cnilcl eaablf-lllfm lo effurta woul1 be mure auoeetaflll tble •ea•loo. afro tbe boa ~!Jl~-, t~~ ~~.,..., -to ~ Aleo a 1-'eutioo froQl ltbbert Soott, of !;leal Co•e, quutloD 1 ) • •

~·ogo, oil tbe aubjeot of roada. • Hoa SOrt.nTO~~ G~'wcur.....!ll'or · bill Hlltltd No'JICII8 or Monow. •• Ao act to amend, io' ao(, 1'tidt1ed u _. to

Mr. Mo~~PBY-'l'o u1t the boa (Joloni•J ~ore- amead tbe .Pobllo HMl&fa Aot, J889" •'

and none of· tbem later than s t tba la.t t of October, I~ would be unneoeua to a~d bow areatlyln need nf tbe money were tbe wldowe aod motbera of the dtoeued It wu a rery 'rJ• ioa time on ~beae poor people, aod perbape the bon ReoeiYer General would aee bia way olaar to give a eliabt arlnooe to some of them

Jloo RECBI\"ER G&NIRAL-Ile ba~ en4e~ror~d. to'the bl.'lt of hla power. to jlet ~til thp D8ljell4rJ pap11re ra1d1 ; bnt he AUd ao:n11ely remind t~ boo meiJ\btr that the work bad beeo ~tteoded with maob dif'Roalty. p ·nolpally owlni to the fact that aome of the men wbo ao to the Banh b1•e been Ia tbe habt&•of takloa UIDIJ\td oamea, io order, no doubt. to aave their earoin~ta beln~r stopped by formar oredltort Tbla praotloe led to dll!icolty io ld6Dtl8oatloo, which retarded to a areat uteot, the proireea or tbe work Bow­ever, t~e papers ware really all In now, a ad tba work of dletrlbqtloo woqld iO OJJ In It ,_,1 ~bon ti•ll• ~

fl!r 811&.\ would like to know If tbera woahJ be 11ny delay arter all &be rapera were plaoed lo the haudll or the ReoeiYer General

Bon REO ElVER OIN&ru.t.-!>1 o, there woald DO' Tbe amoao' wu eoly a trait food lo bit bentta. 'aod be would dl1tribate It at once

Tb'e boo ATOJUUT UllfiUL, b7 oommaod or H111 ~xceyeoo1 laid oo the table of tbe bonae ( a) copy or eoknowlid~ecnent of noel pta h.J Uta Exoellan~y. "d&t~4 -tfoy ~0. 18Q9.· !'f 401· patola No. 66', of lOs'b !Jlo.r. frOnJ lllf Rlsr~q'!Q~·

..LorJ Knlltaford (b) Oommunlcatloo· from HI~ ~eooJ tlie Goreroor ;to cba boola, tbat o!lr­reapoacltnoe ulatlre to a r.oawal qf a modu• vi· vt'lltli: would abo'rtiJ llt lald btfo~ tble boa,e

{c) ' Commullloatloo from Hie !xoellaDO.J &C · koowltrl jlloa lhe addreu of tble HouM d'elirio~r to be forolebed- trlth copies of correapo)odonoe with refereoe. to eertala olalmt of lobabltaote Qf, '$t qeor~e'( Q'f. fl)r lgllnf4Jd tA ~.aJe'~eea IOI· rained by them Ia &betr berrlolf ~bt_rJ. In QOG·

eeqllfa.~e of tbe aotloq o, tb! Frapa~ (d) CommaololJioo of tJi• E1oelleooy tp tbe

llooee, aokoowltltaiDa tbe addreta of tbe Baue. uklou blm to le1 oefor• the RQD .. Oopl .. of all cprrupoadtDOI rola~ &o tht DIII,Otl&tiOU prb!l tb·e•TJolted K-,U.of .\ll'~eal fqr r.O!Proc:t! tr~d~

Tne bon. Atto~t7 g,q-rel ,.,., ,1ald 011 l]\1 table of tbe HoilH 'report ritltln to i!•.,.n•d· lao~_>.ooo*balarJ ·

lfu _motjo.D of Sir M~rrtr. n ... ordered lh& aecoo4 r~41q,_of &Ill tD raatll•w t~e a-tarellJ· atioD of'.l1tO,; wbiQb IMOf14 ~~,. Wll J"!• ier~r dlaobara•4 from IN order af tbt claf,. do •tahctt111a Jbt order of tbe da7 for Moac1&7 aaa

'fbe boUH' •"•• adJoarDed tp)tll to-morrow. A . I

far1 to ley 0 .; 'b• table of the boule tbe re.,or& Oo motloa of Jaoa ,IP~Or Gebttal, t~1 but am.l accouote of tbt th.'Jobo'ellaDlol,_t Coaoell w.aa rr3 • lira' orcJind tl) ~ ,.. a

/or th• pau Jtlr • -~! BIA-=-~~J~~~1k~~· ._, ipltlftftW ''~d 0. Co llJdaA• a• CO. Uou COLO!U~L 'UliT betat ll to eaylo re- ·~ ••• 68 Vlo., .... dtJA.ol or a'Du .. il Q,,,,,-1' ..... """ af • -"1 .......... of

I tb .. tb • ota b d Dot ye& ~0 - ... rite ......... :fa ... , •• 1 Mil \ftD'b LINIIIaln; P 1

1• • ... .__ ...... , , wu N&CI a lind , ~ , • ""' ~~ fo 1 ~ . Mr. Al11BPB1' at bJa reuoo for adlioll-1 ..... .. :f: ~ d( afttt fit... l •!""'• nlit4... . ~..;;

for. tboM papi ra wu tba' , ... ,. w" a Dttloe oo HoD Mr Moart~~-'1111o.o at • • . GIO•W • ,,e ,ubjeot ttefor...&bellolle. at~d lf tber .;ere oo a aoi.O& oomrDl&tet ler n 1Jf::. Albert 0,. ¥·P• · &b•idle tile-'* -~- lte tDore propt~IJ ciJe· ''d -'!t.e • · ' c. <TlttclrAilil ' Co • . a.atied. c~- "'x••L . •_• • ao- u II 61' CJe•MIIIHilt u•u•-• w · a 1 ..... 1i tol to Mol wltlt a

....., - ~ If ~;~t.:-~&\iib;tQ; ..._ II I Mid MIN· WODid ll. ,.... .. ..... ... Up

~S'l' 4BLISitBi) A. D., l8Sl

- . ·~N01~:T'H ERN'· 4t-ur~nce · Co~.~

ESTAB~lSmiD li86, . • '


Page 3: LI'N.IME - Memorial University of · VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~] -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea'






0\l.ree Dlpbtberia, Croup, Aathm:to, Drouo!>ICU., Neural~&, PlleuD)ODia, Jlbeum•rlem, DIH<tln• at alte

~~~~A,lAA-.BeoklnaOo•ab, W'boopl.lly•Oo~bN,Oacurb.ECl>oi":!'~~D~';: ' anbat .. Jtldll,07 · ouatl.IID ot ••r7 1 'l'rou ble .. aa4 ar<'at ,-al~&e. Z...

8.uaat DUe--. c:r ,-bod,- elloul4 We wiU MD4•Q-M, ba•·• tl>l• l»oolc, ~pal4, \o aU ~u c& tnn•e Wbo wbo eead \hotr e l'r-1 - It wtll kJDee, &a mae- ' •W Or &ltv lhaall \ratecl PaiDJ)ble~ ' • · • luna)' •-.U wbo ~ etorcler cUr.ot fl'orD ua, aDd NqUe.t h , eball reO'\Ift ~ oerUOOAte "-'t toe,... ,.,.,. alaall .. ~edll-tatluAd ... UJ'Mti81le4. Jtetall prloe, 96ote.: tll»otu ... 8 16('1. Bx~upoepal4 ..

--~~:~~LI'N.IME.NT OIREC'tLY·TO TH& ~.-oT.

IliSTMTmffiOUS zn ITS ll~nc:!.

For CRA;!?~, c:~I:.L5, co:.:c, OIARRHCEA, OYSiiNTERY,



THE PAl N·KI L.LER. In Canadian Chole~a and Bowel

Compllllnta Its effect Ia m~loal. It ouroa In a very ahort tlme.



ued ~ llltenla!1Tea4 ~ • ..UqU1ekJT, SOLD'Ini•IWWH•It• Af'. JltJO, A •o"""'•

"u.rrro. \he • ....,.., paaa.


Legtslative. Gouncil Put Youtself In His - J ~~

(C:oRtiMwd.) CHAP'l'Eft Xt .Fwou, Peb. 20. H ~ don't care · abpJJl J&~Qr JJJe&DS. Mr.

Uoo. Mr. Mo¥ttCK w"• "'' l to ban &be ... ~r- CQvent'ry,"· said G,r~, )tltb ~lofty emile. 'lDce of \be bon. Mr. llauYc)' &bat wba& we laaci . • , It ia your amiable cli~no&er tha~ I done wl&~ HJ.!•rrl t.o tht' reciprocity reeolatloae esteem." • . ttoold not. loauJwily, C"wpru•oise ut i• dealloc l• You forgive me for lqvjpg you; for tthb tbe treaty when h abould couatt b.fore the h • th t ' 11 1 t 1-.!. ...1 t llooee ff.r ita oooald"ratlou. lle wo•tld like lO opmg a y ou Wl e me VDU you o aay,bowner,u be ba•t .. id before to tbl! boo. re· my p_qor house there. as my adored wife?" praeotariYe of thtt Go•e-rahsent. that the Ho•- It tiad co'rne ; and, although, abe kne en~men&Jlad, io bi' orlolcr&. macte a miatake io it-wnsepming, yet her fft.C'e was dyed with cbeir manner of de•liol( 1!itb tbla coonouoo : blushes. · · for tbe1 tbem~telYH bad all the oeouaary power. •· I esteem you very much," she falter· ooder tb11 H.ait Act,. to tft&!ct the arraoJ(emeot ed. " I thank you for the honor you do tbe~lrelt, without ref.m:uce to tbe ho"'e me ; but I-oh. pr3 y, let m" think whl\t ~athutltlu"' ""· Aud be IJJOke a•h iee•IIJ wheo I am doing." ')be covered her fl\ce with he R id that Mr lJ11Ine ••• pe•f~ctiJ ht iall~d wltb oar p11wera u.ur1tr that 10,, •nit ••a pre par· her bands, and her bosom pl\nted visibl v ..d to o•~totlaht •lth ua lie q••ea•loued •belber Mr. Coventry loved her sincerely, and '' woplcl n<'t be wiN U tbe Uonrameo& wer• hie own heart beRt high at this moment. lfeD . a ow to droF tba oonnntloo, ADd proceed. He au~rured well from her agitation ; hut uader tbraulb.,rhy of •·•• U.i, Aot. to r~eaoth~h· .present1y he saw somethin~ that puzzled alike ar~aoa .. uumt wltb tbll Uohf'tt "'••tu miola. him, and gave a man of his exn~~orience a ' 'tJ ~t tbt•u foraet the pulhlcal l ~:ulio~ wblob 1 r-had attached lt111f to tb.: Ual& Act, aoll rtco 11oiu qui\ m. "' •• all abnuld th-.t 11ie act ••• oor proteotbre A tear forced its way be.wt\en her flngere; waloatay,11uti the futurf' hope of tho oon'ltrJ. Le• another, and another soon fo11owect. ue ooo6ne ourulv•~ 1n tt.e lawa alreac1J 00 onr Coventry ~aid · to himself, "There's i4atl1~ Hook aod 110 to thrOohed l:ltaaa.and eay some other man., And he sighed heAvily• we will i lttJour liehermao liottoMa to obtain bah hut e\•en in this moment o( true and strong •od Ice frow uur IJH}lle, you, io retura, allowlott feeling he waa on his guard, ao.d said ·•ar 8ab Into JOUr marhta duty fret. He could nothing. · ~o' ue &be nrOHillJ for all tbe trouble &bat bad I hi oero acne to, wbea the matter mlabt aod ahoald t was s wisest course. She was left •••" bteo arraalred by the more almple prooe.a to herself, and an amazing piece of female wbiob be bad pointed oal '!'here wa~ 00 o~n logio came to Mr. Coventry's nid. Sbe •lt1 wbataYer wby &be nqotlatlone ahoold h11n found herself crying, and got frightened .. llmed tbe form of a ·~ad loternatiroal Tr•ty nt herself. That, which would have oalcalatea '<> lo•h• olataldeluterferoooe.'fbeooa · mAde a man pause, had just the opposite dao& of tbe Uouroepeot Ia &ble re~tard rrmlodett effect on her. Sbt felt tnat no good could blm of a atory bt bad read of a arut ftre eblob, • b d ( h ild d bad ooourred lo Cblu• aud deetroyad two or tbr11 come •<' any 0 Y 0 t Ole vr an weak 'Dwna tbere The ~roptror afterward• paued regretl that made her weep. She eaw she tbroawb the locality where •be towoe harla•ood )ftC fo weakneaa and a folly to cure her· and •l••hur tbe r11lna oame aoro .. eome obarrecl aelf ofJ and tbe cure wae at hand . There eubataaoe loto wbloh h• pre•erl hla 8oaer whloh waa a ma1io in marrla1e 1 a g.,ntleman he then p11t loto hie aaoatb. Jieloa '"1 mqoh could, 11omehow. mnke a girl love him pleuad wltb tbe ftnoor be ·~~~~loe4 tbe bodJ when onoe ahe bad married hJ,m. Mr. mora cloeal7 aod dlaoo•er•d it to bo tb•t or a pl~t Coventry 1bould be enabled to make her wblob bad perlebed Ia tbe ftamea Wbeo he 1 • h a~tbaeqoeotlywiabed to todpll• bla taete for roaaL ove htm, e ahould cure h~r of this ttick pork be merelJ oauetd, ton ar teo to be de- of crying I it wonld he tbtt best ~bing for etroyed bJ 6rt. foraettloa or onrlookiPR tbe everybody-for him, for Jael, for Mr. faouba& a far leu t•dloaa aod more ah:ppl• pro· Coventry, and even for beraelt. ceu wu at band for •ntif7ior bla tute for port. She dried her eyes. and said, in a low, He would oomm-ad what he bad .. td aa to the tremulous voice: ·' Have you epoktD to polllbllltJ of our beiDJC able to make the oeoee· papa of--ofthis ?, aarr arnuaameau wltb tbo Uolt.ed State• and .. N I i ed b h 1 ed oan,l•ea to the boo. repr•eotatJne of. tbe Go• . 0 • wa t t.o I aut or I by eromeot, ao tba& eometblna way be d,oe before you. May t speak to btm ?'' "y ..... ,, we aaala beco oar Haot ftebery. He did DOt -wieb to epeak dlapauwloaly of tha boo. Cnlool~t l '' ?thy l tell him f -- -.'' Secre&arJ, ror be 00 doubt do .. rYII oredlt .bn' II Qh, I onn't tell vou whRt to tell hlm. be belieud tllat bad a mao of areater oommer Flow dark it ia 11etdng. Plense tnke me olal npenaoo. beeo ••a• 011 the m•Mioa It would home.'' Another tear or two, . bnt~ bMa to ooudnolaaa Wuboold not eend "'h lt C • h d • 1 d b

No other E,nulaloa la 10 easy to take.

It does nvt aeparate ssor a polL

It is always sweet aa cream. The moat 1e11sltift atomach

an retain it. CURES

Serof'ulous and Wastmg Dlseue&.

Chrome Cough.

M Loss or Appetite.

ental and Nenoua Prostration.

General DebWty, ~

Beware ot alllmitatloaa. A* fw •t!Je D. ttL.,. Eum!s!Oft., aa4 nt&&ae aU otben.

"IUOC .00. A"D t1 .. IUt •onLi.


Normea'a ~LCOrMO.•CtiUTIVI U.l&l aacl laeot ..

I UIII .. QAU&.t.Ku I For the R•U•f •"" Coa~,~r ~ ::luvut.:• Lhllt.ITT. lKDIOUTIO!f, RauuM•'I'Uar iL&&l'LIUNUI. I!IUU4t. \\'uuu . • 1\11 ,..a& !hnoaa Uia.....-. · J.f.atabllab .. l 18H. Coj;. ULT4TIOlC .ucn C ATAt.OOute Fuc A. No...:.

.\l ~, • quuN ST !';. , To~eo"To· O!ft', N.H -1'beH Appllaooea are larcelJiaal...,.

bat oner eqalled. . ; SepUlJtl•

GENERAL AlllfluCI. aoapuf.

FIRE A~o.J D Llf4'E. --ESTA ,J LISdED A 0. 1881

appnatfoee to do jo11roeymaa'e work. lle did + en, oven~ry a no. ove er so HEAD OFFfO&: OA.N ~ON 8'f!l&t.'T, l.ONDON, K.O oo' mean to out re~eol!oo ~poo ~r. Uoad'e elnaledrely, and ldalsho b&eln n 1ll&n or the t' J

oooduot of the aodnt.atlor. btU .e eannqt pu\ wor • he wou ave ~· ternJlf'r I old bead• oo 1oaoa ebooJr.tan. H11 hCS r,pelyed and lf he }lad loa~ hie temper, be would !etten from tlle St't" wbloll oonftrlll•cS blca lo h•vtt loa~ the lady, for 1he uld have

Capital. :-£1.000.000 ltlr ~ hi• oploloa, 1ehed the first fair opportunity to quar·

Hoo Mr. HARV£T-Wltb reaard to the boo l'el. But, no, be took: her hand gent!y geotlemao'a aaaaHtloo d a direct mlu loo to and 11et bimeelf to comfort her. He W11bloatoa, 1 woold .. , tba' tt.e eubj~\ wu poured out his love to her, and promised full7 oooeldtred aod dleoaaMd boro,.baod, aod h~r a life of wedded happlnees! Ife tbe ooaolaeloa anlyed at wu, that there wu oo drew so delightful a piptqJe of their we4, poeelble ooJtne opea to oe bu& tbat wblc\1 bad dfl4 l~ffl, aqd In a voice 10 winning. that beaD taken. ft wu pop1ldarJd ljlfl l 'PJ'el' aud \.. b • b 1 d d h qalokee' .,1 eiFHtlo1 cb11 -fJSqllll~•ot we "eeir- lwe egq "o e conso e , an er teart "d· aad the feet of ita beiDI l~e ~o•' e•pedl .. oeaaed. ' -loua waJ, wea prona br the nrrabort time 11 I believe yon love me." Bhe mur•

tbat bad bteo oooapled Ia tbe oerollatloaa, ool7 mured, '! and I esteem ·you sincerely." tome ftn or el& waeka efapetaa 'rom the tlme •• Mr. Coventry drew a family ring frorn, bad obtained the uMot of kha bome aathorltl11. hie pooket. It.wu a eapphire of unoom• till wa b~d aleo obtaloeal the Amerloao uaeot to mon beauty. wbd ~ruourM for He dld\o& bellaye tba&aoy " Thle was my IJlOtqer'e," ealcl . be, eperoaotlle mao oo11ld ban perfotmed &be dotlte ., 'Vill ~on d" t"'e ft'\e "'o"OP •a -e·r it, better, aad be oooeldered that areat credl& wu ., •• q "" q .. • ~ " • dot &o the aaotlam.a who bad repr ... oted our II a P "dgtt ?'I lnttraeta at \fublolk>D 1111' u to dolo~r aoy. llqt ~hts ~tqal tetter etartled her. l U.lar wl&ho11& tha aaootloD of tbe Home qonra· ~hJqlf, Bh• atarted up, and •aid, u Oh. mnt, Ia wa tboqah• kba' a aqpb a ooqr" we pl*e take me home ftret I It u goiftg to aboald ba" b"A attemp&lal ~Q a:pqQIJ .\od •e mow." bad oo ldM tbar. baylo~r aqooeetJett Ia lltorlac Call her slippery, if you don't llke the ... o, of Ureat. Brltal"· aDJ dltftooltr••tob u her i call her unba PPY and wa~erlng, Jt bad artHa,wo~tld ban oooorred a:l lo~rfert with you do lf'-e her. the ftoal llttlawea& of · the ma\ter Enn the ~ moe& aat11~ pollliolaa could nnar han aoliolpa· )Ir. Coventry smiled now at the at' ted aoJ aaob tbla• lo the faoe of the fact that we tempt to put off thtJqeylt.blo, And oom~ bad !ret obtained the .... a& of Her Al•J•••f• plied at oqce, ,mlulatera. aod had been by thm alno oredeo- - aqt, before they hl\d ROoe a hundred tlala wb1ota aajoed q• ' 119"' to A'r ~lal11e to yal!dl, the snow did really. come and 110 oeaotlate No one, lo t&~~t. woAlrl bn11 tbo~abt hnavWel that the nh waa darkened. tba& a GonroQieat ao reoowoed for boooqr lo all Ita deallo~a would ban 10~4 in 1 matter of

11 e h~d hetter 8~ bnck to the abed

thla tlod lo 1110b a maooor aa bad two .. u abowo till it is over." ealcl Mr. Coventry, l'he appreciated atatemeot of Lord Kuutafor.l. 1' Do yqq ~hln~ 10 ?" laid GttAOI, doubt.' •• appear• b7 &be tel•araphlo deepatob publiebed fqlly. doee aot po& the oaM fairly-while& what be !' WeU,tt there aaye may be correot-Je& h la not antft · And they went haole. ofeatll. etpllott anri arople to !'~·· tbt wboltt 0\le Rut the IDOW dld not abate, and tbA air Ia a •lr lflb• «' r" W••foqodl ... d ·~ per· t d '- 8 b d b G ruh~dto ae1ofl•w. t w ~olted thtt& •e allotald 1° ar"er. 0

• Y an Y• race lUg• laJ &be terll)a aod of de t~e proP9f84 TrMtJ guted that Mr Coventry should ran down befort 'bt Hoate GourtuataJ, aod tla•• ter.. the blll, and ~end Georg, up to her with bad biea etabtaltud aome ••o aaooabtlbefl)rt, aod an umbrella. upoa them we ""'"d *'• Illlperlal .. •o• to "What, and leave yon ben alone ?" aeaotlate The o•rutlattcuaa bed bNa opened eald ~J. · tbea apoa th ... taraa•. wblolt tbe bomt a11tbori· "Well, th~n1we bad better 10 ~o1e~ber,11

t~ .. bad befo,. tbem for a& teaM &wo mootlaa; TheJ 1tane<l ~se~iler. . •••4 twfq.., litem. &oo. n a .. for •\e ptarpoe• of llrubl• ~hue the •hole •round wu ,.,tl., thftr -apprqnt q tbellq. a'a4 tb .. a wbea oove aboa• tb-- lnob• dMp ~· no• &bt ·lf,...,leiR"' Wll aJ latat eleottd, tlte1 ,.. • nrv 1t ftletd U.etr ftul obcaftttMtloo 'l'bll ttrWOIJ It IDOUJh ~ impede tbelr p~ U, lt aaaroe .. r • oa o1r tldt "u app.a .. b7 the had the unfonanate eft'iot.-ofefracdn1 the .oablt d-s-tob,ae pablllnrl ·ne qa•lloa wblob dlatlnot teat a~ ofth•ponud 1 and u the had drawa forda tbla aeaewer •• aot ooneo&. for 4eollnlnc au a ooulcl DO lnnttr ltrUJile 'b• ,....,. be ltad me•doeecs Be ooald not iuooeNluUy tbo~btbe at~oe~~ert,.~tiloil .,,,. wttb &lit Ja,o ,..deawa who Ju•epokea, wu .,,, ll~lf_•nqw, th•1 ,.... ••aa• tbat '" Mitt tt.r M!O•~ItiMd &lila arnDae- 100n laet tbtlr way. "*'' of o•ittlM lh lte le,.t '"• '-' ud unOOiliOloual! to tbe =~.~."" •-• '!ialtlt otar ~Mn .. ta• bad left. OY.r one of tbe lora ot

rro .. OOtlftiiV&D.] • \he aod luto a raYloe; ~., i z:s ~out of taM, &J'd oonduutcl

· -.... to ; for tb•r:: tblDI 'be71M4 Dr. Wl.*n -.~ ... 11 . ..,.~ Oben7 Ia .. • to 4owai- I'IIOb • -'le'f• "Q -·••-.. ..._doe ... .,.,.. IMitill• fot flail .... , - T. -. ..........

...... ....... tllllt '-- ......... ...... l•..... " .... .. ••. lQDft la~ou, aDd !!~ d--._, foucl \IMIDIII~Ytl i1i to ADO&blr•o•a,o•a•

luuranoet effeo~ nn alatod all khu~"' Dt'Opert7 in New{QQndL.nd at~.,.., .... bt • . ;- , ate4,

J. AUGUSTUS OLirr, .&gmt (M"·NN(owtdJW •


~o.U for 0..._., ~.

Queen Insurance CompaR~;· --~APITAL.-.£2,000,000, · ~tetllnf •. ; -QUEEN INSURA.NOE Bl11Lf>tlNQ LIV&RPOOL,


60 GRAOEOHUUOH ~T&lUCT, ' .. · LONJ'\ON. '' · .•

IN THE LIFE DR..\NOil That New Pollor. had beeu lll1liCl '*

l258,990, 7leldina in prerpiam .ct,tta • ..t tbat the total oet~ premlam luoome wai at,• 37-l. That the fli'YwDI\nbl Lo J")hoy~~ were l",rn, aod that the Llfe huacl • 1 ~ b1 .t•o,ooa.

· The &laQOI d OnoJh of Proll~ '"'" X., \\ •fter add~ ~~3,000 to t be Tire' !Pund, ... l) •bowu Q) a~Qount to .tlS,,\98 10. ~ ... · , .. dllpoMd ot a11 toUowa s-...,,008 8 0 Wor Dt9141G4 ........ ' ~ . 11,'701 1'1 0 A44e4 to ..... , ...... .. 10,618 I 60urie4~M. . ~ ..

. Tag I'DJlDS Were ebowu Ua.....,._r to •taad u fellewa"l P~4- qp • ., .,. ... • •• ;.. • .. llJOpOII ' • ......,. •• , •tt ••• ••• ••• •• ••• '" ... ~~· Life 401Q••1Mioal'ud ... ... • • • 111.01 . .. \ A•ettl*J P•acl ... • .. · ... •• •- . .. "' 1&,001 ' liOfA.(, fUNDI Uf HA~U .......... 1~

JOR~ OO&II,t.O a,......,,. · IP•4tur. - ·

AT DRftO,t.l.-:., ...........


Page 4: LI'N.IME - Memorial University of · VOLUMEXXll ( 8Df0~ COPlla8 TWb CENT~] -011 DtT-Tba' a·Oh .. toaraamea'

'\ . ,., .

~~e i-~~~~r ·. {§rau -AND-­


• J

Jzu .romr WBBiln' DIIOU88Iolf.

, , (TO TB& &Df!OB -;;;;I lfAlCD~RD.) _ .•.. , ... --...""1""'-_, __ ~....,_ ................ _ ......... ,, .... ~ ............ , .... ~-

S \ TURO\Y APR(!, II. 189l

...... , .... o~IoND'oii'iiiHii:~-

TuE· E;,~li !i ls m oil to bnnu ye-trtdtty placed us in pos"'l'SjliOn uf n \'~ay inll'' ""}in~, very import.ant,' 'a nd \'f:lrY t imE'~V l t~ttea· lrorn our London correspondPn~ 0 . ,\,, wlan lta•l jost returned from a vi11iL I<' till' \ >u t inPM, nnd at once COIIllliPOCf·d l tlu "''lfutiuu of tlae N~w·

.f l)un•llun•l tlilli.:nl:' •'""I 0

-on r n·wl,·• s wi ll be pleased to ll•un.._:" i tlt N01:tl' t•fl'l'ct , a S iR ev~ dent 1~0111 t . i ,. ltlr.·r_"i'i\!,'·11111~ ~dow. Nor IS thi11 the l' rth • ore Ill'"" ' ' " w h1c la Mr. Allen htts ;,~ _o(Rub"l tlnt i.-1 ""'' ice to Ne wfound­l~tnJ in lu· r ·,·~x,•d li .. ltr••y 1 l i~ l'uto with Fa·a:ace, Tho lt'Cord !i \'C-s ~> 1 ~< 1 ., ill Ji,u in t l1e rremory of on•· 11" ''' !t>. Tit· ,. r.-. 1 ltim­IJOpu llt rft'll lo y tt1,11 l1 •·• r (l',,r tR, with dooao ot t hr: M l11•r f, it> ttcl• ,,f l11 .. Col(lny, UtliJ l,o at­t ent! • .J "i:h t lat· • •t•· .. i"·d t t-tmlt- 111iJ Ll.llt be

rehpondep~ w~a preeent in ~be.Hoa• ofLord•, w~en. ~t1ter a debate u'pon tecbnical education, ar'ruy promotion • ~nd other topioa, Lord Knnl81ord rtlfle and called their LQrdahiJM' a\, w~tion to papera relatin.r to Newroundlend, " and to introduce ·a Bill" I I We who aat tbere ill tbe gallery knew by inatinct it w-. a Coercion Cill I· I Af~r . readior many ex· tr~&cta from the recently pnblitbed B!ae Book .. and pr:~fgafng to aympat~ with 't,be griev· a :ace of NewfCiandlud~ ~ia Lordabip •pro-.· clieded to give the re:asonat .>f the Government for brin~ring in a Bnl t coerce the Now; fllilndlandera, Of courie ius did not call It " ·Coercion", and ~iatinctly disclaimoo 'any wish to interfere wit~. the internal aff.-ira of tile Iatan•l; hut it ia ditticult to 11ee how the ig­noring of the poweraot -Newfonndland conrts ia1 not an interference with the internal af­fttira of 'he Q>lony. Hia LcJrd11hip'a reasons for the baate wi~b which be deaired to legis.

IDtD' IQC.ead ,to \r)' ua(oompel tbe Newf~aod. laodJra. t.,)' a 111• eDao~D&, let O~.f __ali ol~ aad rep•IM Ao& of P .. adiaaeat .(tbe Ao& of Gtorp tbe Foor&h) &IAI•'.~U.. wl.abea of tbe Parllameo& aort people of tbu·Colooy, wbo are aoxloa.a to MUle &be whole ·queatloo b)' boyiog out &be &real)' rigbra ofci'Nooe.

Mr.· SmiLb, the Jeatler oCtbe Boote, aatd he would reply to all \g,. queaLioaa, when be anaw:ered tbe rigbt bo~ t.he ,member (Qr Mid, lothian (la!!.- G..ladetone) •

. ~- (Ooncl~~·~.)

• THE (olfowiog J ll~IJleot, dpea the Baank Fiabety, baa a 8¢.--.... .

afleoting u it peculiar in•·

DJU ~Ill.- • ~our oorreepoodeot • Sympatblaer'a' llut word

Ia a loug ooe. Mille aball be aborter. lfe baa ablrked tbe re~i!at~tloD •• laaae limply ~a~ be: caonot faoe'ri" aod baa ODI)' diaoonred the coroaud' where' t!fe ahoe ploobN. I am DO& qoiDir &oJ:Httdrawo loto aoralde. iaaea. 1 bave ootbfog to jdo witb tbe "Prelatloal " queetlon, •1 tbe wul or woe of Jnunortalll('llrhl," or tbe •• DD• oburoblo~r of aooietl .. or iodlvidoalt" Jf Jobo Weelef foooded · a Cburcll, lie would. bue uld aoinelbio~r about it . He aaya oothin~r. If be b1 bii ramooatl'&ooee aod almoat prcpbetio uuer­aooee uocbarobn ltia l9tb deotarr follower~, 10 muob the wone for tbem. ·

il abe to be oterrldd8D. aad •ooep& •1 ~ u.eo' made? ·n; ... are qaeetloae wldob e~toal• -be anawered lad·faotoriiJ Wort "- Lltfda tare of Newfoaadi&Dd adjoarllt. . .

I would aleo call &be a&&eatioa of )'01lL' llldlri tlrtbe et•temeol 111&4fe tba& 81' Jolla A •. ltlao. donald h11 loYINd Newfoat•dlaDd &o _... a craeh.lber of a dtpa'-doa 10 Waablaato- 'to ~ Potlate a treat)' of NOlpraah)'. l'lale ........ qoeatloa oropa ap. -A• Netrfoaadlaad•ll4 ~ arruaect a ooonn~lon .ub &be UDft"' ~ wblcb a' tbe dlotatloo of Ca!Nda~H p .. verameot refuaed to'ratlfJ-Ia wba& 1rill· Ne .. roaodlaad be, abooJd tba C Dilalla• &ion a fail ? She will be fa &be poeltlon or refa.afDJ t.o carry oo' &he proooeed arraoJrem~ata with bertelf u aa ~dat ooloDJ for &aa. pu.. poae of eo forcing, Cuu&diao· &erma oa &be UDf'-4 Statea. Sir Job::a A 'a •PPMI &o Oaoada ••IDide lo boatllity ·to' tb11 ~oiled Stetea, aDd aa lale ptoa poeala will likely rejected a& \VubiDjlina Ita wbat pocltioD •Ill N wfoaacilaad tltea be t

late were- · ,.

CU.IInRI lliOYANlfiNt,} ' VI.

JoRNROan. G. A.

f :>n• 1l1e 1 .. ,,.;,. • 'f 11 11\ 11~· d ay~. . . T i1i1< i .~ o~!t :: lct:•·r 1 ··f.-,·n d tn, wl11clt will

speak for Jt••· l (. · \Y') lt iJI J o • cl'lu·m:h tld itorial and vd1cr n a< t :t•r itt or•:, ... l1> m••ke IOJt.l for it.

N E \ -v- ·' {} U ~ D IJ1\.ND ...!,.__

In the lmpeiial Pa iament.

1". That the Government bad endeavored in every way lo meet the wiehea of theColoaial Go\ ernmt!nt,and t0 liRhten thfl! btwfene 8SI r .. r as 1 hey could, oon11ic;tently with r~poneibility a~d obligation£ which hatJ been imposed upon tV Colony and England by the Ta·eatif'a I I It W~tll not until after the lJolonial Parli~tmant a nd GovP.rnment had refused to assiat H. M. Government, and their proposala hlld been rfl j~teri hy Frllnce, that t.-h•y bad to take the u1atter nto their o wn bandA.

• Jad~tmeu& or tb• Catir Jomo1. Tbla •otli'ID il broarbt &o r•ooYir 1'2 for tba

price of aooda. oonefatlqar of ftoar. to~•cco, foe. aod aome oaab. altered to have been furoilbt~d ""d J"faid at St.Lawreoce, lo the Diatrict of Rorlo, io tbl11 Colooy, lo May,lSS9. to-- Good­wla. muler of tbe veuaf S11ntD Bird tben proM· oatio rc a baaltlna Yoya(re.,.o( w.hlob t he defeodaa& wu tbe owoer. Tltere ' w4re no apeolal airoum · 1111ncea of exl~renoy whlob .• ,tiawed tbat th81e artl · clu were required for the'aae ~f tba veuel in &'he ,proaeontion of the voy•ge, 'od tbey were appar­ently given oo tbe ware a~plioatlon of &b• rnaater. without eoqairJ bi tbe ' lal~ff, he OODteotedly debhtiort tt.em to tbe de eqd"o& aa owoer.

I bave oo wlab for tbe laat word. Aa far u I am ooooeraed &be di.eotlllloa oow oloeea ( bat:• cooftDed myaelf to broad facta drawo from tbe

.b~&ory, aolll\oa aod espreteed oploloaa of tbe fouutler of Metbodiam. M)' poaitloD remalna ao· ...ilad. Hlatorlcal faota, atrooaiJ txpneaed wtroioga, pabllabed Mrmooa, partlooJarl1 · tbe ' Korab ooe, aod, laa' of all. tbe orfllloat loaorlp· tloo oo hie tooaumaat lo the <.:itr Road Chapel, •• &be frltod aod patroo of lay preacher.;" wbiob bia alooe been matilatetl beoaoM h olaabu wltll tbe preteoliooa of bl1 followor.-all flO coo· olualtely to prou that Jobo Weeley waa tbe foaoder of a lay. h•,.,•bl!rbood, aod aa oonolcllin-11 do &be~y deny h ' ' he waa tbe founder "of a braoob of tbe l' .. · .... tio Cbnrob."

Local and othtr Items.

' 'Soeb a ... t4roout made iaadvarteotlr mlflbt be

deeorlbed (to a•e a wild exprealioo) u " looor­reo&" i but to ~ert It boldl1 and fallloa of p~of raoder1 it ltttlf allor& of a faleeboorl .

-F'IIIJT BANI:IR AWAT.-'l'be Shn-brookt. Capt Kaaroe1. allad tble forenuoa for tbe Weatwarcl for bar aappl)' of bsrrior btl.. Tbe other two Clf &hara. Jobn Mana & Co'e beohrt-tbe Jlerj M. Capt, Nell, aod tbe Epf*. Capt.

will be away the ftrat of nut w .. lr. Tbe Morr • 111 reoeitla~r oonridarable repaln, aod ba1 &o be

2nd. That the time bad come to define tb• I remalo, dear Mr. Editor, nry truly yoara, < r 1 • f 0 ri;!htR of ei ther pany hy arbitration.

'The pr\t.,.,,,.,( tt· • j, ,,J o t II ' n.:l1! o eorge 3•-d.-That aR the Newroundland Govern Jlf. "'"' \·., !:i -iu!: 1"!.."1 uutl:ori ty· t? tho

· --. , . f d mPn.; rfpclined to l e~ia~ate to aeonre R modw R·~i\i .. l1 ~ ·' .,.,, " .::,.,." 1" .: ~·c.· ~ .. ,. ,t" onn . viumtdi fo r next ae1111on, there wa11 no ulter

)uuJII+R f ) ll t Jr~: 1 ,.1tcl .. Sf.o rn, l_;!ll ll lltl~ ll nd be-( .11 d n11 ti\·o in the intereala ot Jll'Aoe and order but li ttli 1 :.: •J ~ ... " " ,.,.i •r • r , ,_,n ~_ •. ,, uu:•u an

1 1. ..

Cotut .. , '' " ... •· 1 ·•· •· • • ~ 1 :;r:• 1 c" "' " n11tnre r· l tO revivetbf'fr.owers ~iver, by t ter aOk.

t o •. 1: fl. ·· . ,.'! (:.,:.~1 .. '1.: c ...... ~if'J, lhu t flO ac · T ho- pos1~ion ia WO,IIe iu 1890, 8R donbtll • · .. · f d f hriVP been 'ca11t u)lon the power of naval

cuun t •I · ~~~· : ,., ,. l.j...-i " .:~ of doe • ieu s ..o officenfto act aad b&caulle Newfoundland l'e~ X"wfvt~n an ~t 1:.111 to 111:er est the , fuR·Ps to fegislateto secure the modm vivendi / , t>11<lt>rs ,, lh'e S T.\ !\ D.\ 110 and the colonial I>Ub· t.ntl lttPtl" ' because the aituation hllR been ag J, ,~:Jenf>l ft:lr. J 6

T l.• clu::h. rJ1,- · kintl""~" of tho. f'cre tan· of grn\'ll t.ed by the issut> of her in . ammator.v no tice fo( oi rcnlittion on tho ooallt. 1l1 b Kirlio-nl L it. .. m l l :: ub y ou r corr~Npondeut •

TLeE'e were the rea'aons hill l.ordabip gn'"e w.1:< ,.I.J,. I ~> o· n ! i ~ t d 1t' "' :II JUHh icspf· M r. J,lor-·' 1 1 fo•· i ntrnducincr the CoJrcion A ct. ' ' ' " · :tl P. (" ,. P r t t' ol otu', who kir1u y put l te

,. Then ''P rOAe white· headed Lord Kimher-r .. ; ·n ,, i ,.:,: .. qu • ·~tin:u; to tho v <>''f•rn mcnt: • d · h · · \\· , ... , l .~ · r tioe Go ,·e• rnucnt ol t• ew o un • !O..T f d lfy, and from the ex· T.i.beral lea t:r 1n ~ e J1111J 111 1J ,·,. di•••c tly ' ~' l "~'~cntrd 'at theurl>i- Honse ofL'lrd~ wa hooed t.> bPilr aome Atrons:

,. . ciPIIUocia tions of the coercive polioy of H. ·M. llat·it~u un tl•o .!::•PilCh :::ih_o, u dilliculty- hy a · • d .1

• GovcrnruPnt. But t.o onr aurpnse an utS· :J,.f;.!!•tt t fi'Om tlu• ('ohn~· . or only th roug h tha r d K rrust hiR Lordship agref'd with ..or nu t11 · Fo ··•:.: 11 U oiJ.:•··" :'11 J .. 111e!l Fer;.:u~on rose 0 11 "' • I

I fc rd that "however relcot.mtly they mtg 1t 11 ... U u' t'l lllllt'IIL H·· uc !t •·~<, and t et~d his rE'p y, • I \I · · ,. II Jli'"'"Ch auoh. a pror•osal, the time had come "l1id1 w11 ~ 11., t .. I e1 • :~.J t•!lty" u u,·ernrnent v ·· H

..... 1 • • when some decish·p antion on the part of . J.,.,e frt,' tl• d t l.o ·' ··wfo lltt· l 11n .... l,o ,•ernn1on.t . .:\I. Q,,\·ernmen~. waa n eceaaary and una\"oitl -to ~t>nd "" ,, tl .·l o · ~ ~~ :,• s.JnH· one int;ru111ely nc- , uhle J 1 I W.!len the Colony ohtainerl rl:!llpOn· ' l""t nl t-d wi t b t he lr cnl :t li .. i•s of the l sltwd ; . f t

, 11i I,Jn Govf'rnmenL, it was cogn1!lan~ o t 1e ' ·•.tL· tt l! \ eL · hud r I'C\'' ' ' d nu delini rc rE' ply. . . . I c:::: · (' t• xis tenoil of tne Tr~tatiell, and ncoepted lta Ju tttiiiW f·~ t11 ,, fn.-tlt.- r uu• · .. t•"•ll •r •• tr .. ·ort.:tt ,.

c.;,. 0 , 1,1Jell. :'11r. ::;,11 11 tt , ti; .. lt>Ad,- r ; fth u H ouse, ((hurte r suhject to those treatiPR Ill lt iR a mllttEU' 'of connratnlation that the !! t id :htt L L··!.:i .. !.ttlool) "1 " 11 ~t'wfuumll.. r.d ur ,. c

Lil.ernl ll!a.len in the Ho'IRe of ommona hti n1 '1\'0tdll ~h <Jttly. lit' in l! ,,lucetl in ~tnother , . d did not apJ~rove of Lord Kimberl~ty a nct1on ltiiiCt; ( t , ... II Oll•t ur Lor cl,) y I t il r COl' I !'11('0 11 • I . Lo d

I!IIL in11111' d in{(·) .'· J·lll J.j , ,,. I il t CUilllll lllllC.<I · r f I · n 11 11 n •nrcsentative. oftlfa Liber. a. par.ty. r ~.- nll'uhurv rose, and drew a VIVId p1ctnl'e o ti <> n with tlu· ~:d11 on1 ol.t loe · ' '.III •HtK L ond on "

1 f the di!i~hilitiea under whiuh the Co ony uitd pro ,· tww~l"'l '" ''i , l,y nwu1111 o II .1

h · lul.ou r~,J · ~~~ id i ts ueople hau been t e ' ' IC-csrc.tL:tt, , ut.w hir: . t l11· tol l., "'"!.. i • .. C' J''': • r ~ ,,

I 1 1 1 ' 1 ti111~ ·• ~tnd the snort .of historic mi.; ,ortuoA, · · [ , till iun , .I r: rc11 J :•tn. ,I . r · \ " " ill ua ~o·RLion of the .oontinuity of the hist ory Sir,-T •~'!! ,,, c . .JI Y'" "' a 'f• nth n •·• the • • h

~O~> rcim.t lli ll lo ln· in t1o ln··l·•l in tot !tf' ll ouso -, 1:' Of P.n!!!nnd J. th~tt she should no w be em tt r ' f t<'l<;l'l! h1· the intrig ues of Hhttet~mPn Of 8 lOr-Lord~ tQ.-d,ty r,_,. L ·.u ~1 1\: nll' .... fo • d i11 re or- t T

1 I lllf' !' "E';.era ti'\n WhO in thO r reKty Of tri'O,It f'nce to tlt e :-; ,,_, f•Htndl:otod F1~h •· • y d iPpUlP. .. I · l d 1d not exttot u atron,c terms u t1ey nug tt

· Six nlQu thl4 ''~ i.~o " ' "::! ~asco ,· •· r t>d tlt"l e ,·er l ~ ·,,n done. Bis Lordllh il) o f course deeply Ri;1c0 the tim•· .. : t: ... n ~ • 4- t h . tht• 13ritish Go· II l ' l' t l1fllOf\C. :h••J ltf-(•n 1.:1f,1rc111 !.: t loto RO ·c.tlled Hn.pathised with Newfonndla~u . (thcy a • o

I I t but IJ, · 11nd dPplored the aotton of France, "Tn·11 ty Ht.:h t:<" of tit!! l•'tt•ncl• wit lOtH 1 1'~1\ h • ll ud was 11ure when the oolo ny 1'\W w a~ wall sanction 11f t h.· (3 , it o,;lt P .. r l it~nae>nt, tlw Ac ts . h

I I hPiJI"' done lty all parliea to. aliena. te t e e ueldpt!{ them to do -~-1) llli\'ih:,: Ot'P.II r!'pO>t Cl .. I in1{he' abo ,·e· rE>i!!n. As Lit i11 ·has rt•t·en t ~ y l>~en J'OIIi t ion it would oo opera te m ao vma one

of t lte ~ost diffionlt intern!llional p robleu.t mlldA pnlllic in ~ ·wfonndlt~nd, tlt •l tishe>rmen d' on the \ Ve11t Cu,•st ha vo expressetl a dete r- wlrioh hAd ever perplexed auccee 102 JlOVe~n­

~en•n 1 1 And eo on in tbe anme old atram I -nination to resist 1he confiscHion o( t he ir .... ..., I · · · The colcmy ahou ld make co. nsiderau e aaon.· nets li Ud fis!tinrr-~eur hy Brit t:~h na,·,tl otlicer11 d b

,.~ \JI,.,nl '11n/ cGtt t rary t .J t ht·ir r igltrs as Iicea, &o., &c. It never oocurre to t Blr .., L llrdsbip" tha t the p olony ha~ ~tl way11. ~1"de.

British PtthjPctF, the sacrifice, itnd eaob aucce~dtD·.( ••entice ill The BritiRh Go,·ernmen t, however, pro · d ~ P• se by tbia L :!gisldtioo to override r hi\ Con · ' foilowPd b)' ruore eatortionale ueman a ,rom

b C I d 1 • te FrllnO~'.

~'tuttun of t 0 0 ouy,"' an 811 Jtillll~ An•l so we liMltned to lh, quiet, gpntle-•• martiaJ.. law"·aa agaiust ~be ciYil uu thol'ity ·

1 1 1

1 · .· ~'the I sland. It is earnelltly hoped thRt manl·y tone11 of theae men Wi t 1 ~ 111 y e ve

l e inflaen'Ce of members of the Hon>~o of paw, who, profeallin!l to pity tbn wo~t of the Colony, wet e goin~ to aoppreu and Inter fere mmons. will be brought to be:tr to prnvent wiLh ltw liberties." .

e puSage of an Act so odious io il8 chnrao- The Blll wtu read a firlt ti~ I Y otlr · fer and,ao well oalculat~ to promote di:~l oyal· d • t

' co ra eRoonJ ent left tbe Hnuae, an. , (lOIPg o ~ in the Island. · - the t~l~>grAph-offlce, cabled the news to the - - !l'he citizens of Newfoundland are peaceable H on. M. Moflroe in St. Jonn'.c: The answer ~.Od s J.i..Wt&Oiding ; OUt • 'the CO~te.mpJ.l~d C IIIII) . hack, no~ only tO mraelf, but tO the Coercion Bill will rouse m tense ·Uldll(fiKiloo ~JJo-tk et· of lhe flduae of Oommrms, the Lord and crell te grave dissatiafac~qn . T he c;.,lony CJhan~ll or, the Government antl tnAilf mem is qJit.e able~ protect all th~~e wlro h~vA · a lte ra of P~trliament, that the NewfouncUI'nti }..J(111 cfaim ~.proteotiop on th ) co11st;_ 118 tt has IA>gialature prayrf to.~ b~rd at th~ &r of iut.eHigent 'tllagiJitratea, a g 'lrxi polacf! f,Jroe, the House of Common• aga~nat any tn~r(.,r ­a nd revenue ve88ellf with w.~,~ioh to pittrol the enoe with the .. Cot?Rtitutiou of ~!"' Colony, coast, an!i-ILilY legislaLio~ eo(orcin2 ~: martial and desirei to . Q~~r " vt-he!Dent. prot.ea~ 3- ul' ia io•direc.t llllt&gOQllllll to t ht~ freedom of . ,. I T l t a ta •:1 againat ... , marliol lqw, te promp ne the Colony.'· . Hoping yoa will l•e nv e to M· with whiob the Q8YI .. ~, ••mt, and •he pro-aiat ua in maintainm g u,,,. indarMt~ld~nce as a test received, took t b~ Pov~Srf}JRent by aar . . ~u·-~o.e~ning colony of Ga ea ~ Brtr.atiO, . ·prise, llnd the Le~tder of '~e 'bt>&JIIP pJ,./1~ .ror · · I am, Sir, youtlf cruly , • time to coo•ider the- potl~a.bp1 fl.orore ~~larm1

.• : ·: . . . G. A L~E!I'. " Lbe aotion o( 'be G9vurnmen~. , ihpru.mting tl~.e Harbor GriuA " StanJu.rd, On Monday ~(~rnoo~ (?'SrC:l) ~yeral qaee,..

• . ... .'fand. tiona • .,..pus OQ tb~ pad~er. abOu' the ooo .

• P.S.:-:-r ~oold point out thAt alto pror.oaed . t.emplatecl aRtiOP:of ~b~t, over,nmeat, ad!ong, • ' o'hara .... ,by ~~atone,, !~qo~irii\J · if· 11gWatio~ bas notbin~ ~do with th• )l rlntra.·; the Govemmen& WORJ 4~J·r th~ paa.!

. tioo ~Ned upon by En'~ lancl and Frtli\D•:.. ~.?~ ot the .QiiL..agti ,,. ·~rln ·fl1. Th~ d'le-• jl. 4·nrival of the old coercion JKIIioy • ·l:l.l~!n~ - i'eom NtwforJIJiiland J 4f'!JODJ~ • Woro}iewloundl.-nct hAd rec:et ved .Rek ~i· '"U4dou . wereAJ.e, .fQllow.lna .by ' o.Jif ·"ble.Gotaronaen-~ aod ~n'onl1 be enful'ot'~ '~ up n ... :.. ~co

d' · or ,.,, ... .,. Kr • • .Mortp~, ,_ ., .~~vurv ,ei!uoipJ( ~- }Aland ~ 'he COD lliOR• · a 1a J IUtiJ indeb~. f~r If Orowa OolODJ. ,1 • • • aaa~n

I woAI alto ftfer yoo to Jhf'•jruJ8ment of. !~ ! trfowadl•nd in .&:ir:( t~-lb:._, _,

·o ..... . ., ....... -,

From tbe nldenop .of tbe defeodant. talteo oat of Court under a Jadge'a order, be awoa11 tbat tbe va, ael ••• ampl)' aupplied with all thloga nror~e.rr for tbe voyeae. aod bad rooro thao • euffioleooy of provialuoa, aleo cub ,itea to tbb matter for .1 be purclla1e of bait aad ioe: a de~ 11\ilerl aoonnnt nf All whloh Ia apneoded to the wrttten nidenoe; aleo that he did DO~ koow 1be .:;lalotiff, aad uner had :aoy deallo{ll whh biru; • lto · ne~er authorlaad the mutu or anyone el•e to obtalo aaob i[OOib, aod koew oothloa of thol r beloa had uatll plalotiff made t: la c laim. nor did 1he maater acqaiinfMm that he required "DY goode. E"rly lo Juoe of tba& Jilt tbe m111ter d11erted lbe n11el! &o. .

( D thia 0&11 there Wll DO lpeolaJ aatborlty conferred oo the muter to obtain additioual aappliee QD tbe •oyaaa, oor wu auy aotborily proud in tbe trade from Ull(e, altboogh aome­tilllee 111 iooidl'••l to Ilia appoiat.lleat, wheo be cannot 'lomruuoioate witb bia owuera or ageota, tile maatera may pled$le tla•ir credit fo~ all auch repair•. for lhe auppfy cf all auoh pro•lelopa u 11rs reuon•bly DI!Celllry for the due proteoutioo of the toyaae In which the ehip Ia eoga~red­LJtltlnll "" Ca11tpbdl 0 E~. ~90 Wtblltr lit Stt~mp. 4 B. 6• tfl-i 36~ ,· Arthur 111 ,&rlore, 6. M. t' W. lSH. 6Y ; l(ay o.ta SMppittg, i79. ·

Io ordar t, oooatltote. a t .alld deroaDd qaloat tile defeodaot it ••• ioo~mbeo' oa tbe plalotilf to ehew tbo 11ppareot or praeumed oeoallit1for furulabloll 1heae artiolea. aod tbat •. the)' ••re reuooably 6t aad proper for the ooouioo. He haa oot teArlerod ""1 nldeoee In tble reapeot. wblle .-a hnve tl:e poeitlve teatlmony of the de­feoda~t. not n1 tcmp!ecl to be cootradioted, tblt rhe elnp wu amply aupplied witb all oeceuar,y

~· C. or E. .\pril. 6tb, 18~1.

P.S.-Siooe aeadlor &be abote for pobllo&tloo. tbe tall eod of " ijJmpatbltar'a " laboQred effo­aioo bu appeared. John \\'eala)' baa beeo ablrk­ed aDd bla •l••• aa& aalde, uo~ry rul9 of loalo

beeo lgaorad 1 aod tba public Ia treated to tbe writer'• oplolooa. 1 am aiCQoat tamptad to write a reply, 'bot will oalr ur tQat If your oor­reepnodaot bad oa• hla mUk.t•etb lo doama&lo tbaoloay. your readara troQid ban beeo apued anob au ,xpoaore of Jaaoraooe of tbt aabjeot. Tha Cburob Ia oot • ro.aoblqe, nor aay oqmber of pieoea of mllobloary woriiDQ' · • wllb m!lre or leu effloaoy aad frlotloo." h Ia a Di•loe Bod)', aod I• oot oompoaed of " nriooa arotloaa call­loll tbemeelyee braoobee," 11 be eupp0111. Cbarobee rloo'c " osll tbamaelu11 EplecQpal," but wbeo oeoded, oao " mate ~ood tbelr claim." 1 ol~i•n that the writer bu bile4 to m•k• good hia orhtloal auertloa l bave therefore oo&bloa farther to aay e•oept that Jobu \Vealey Direr fouadtd a braoob of tho Co&boltc Cborob.

. C. Of E. rwc tbloi oar rudera •Ill arrae wltb qa tha&

tbe tll•oauioa io tbll a.bon rea•rd bu goae far eooqgb, aod •tbat oo (fOOd cao roa11l& ftQm pro· looaloa h. It will qot be dauled el&bar ~at botb aide• baya ball " 1 fair bearloa." Correa, poodea.ta ~Ill P'"•e tb•r~f.ora~rdoQ Ul If •• deolloo to pubhah aoytbloa fa r Ia rHpeot ot tbe aforeuad matter.- Eo. 8T4 A .......



thi nlll for I U8 voy.lle 1

'fhll prQpllr mode of asoe.rtaioiog •betber aop- The Late OonYeotion -Arbitration of the plrea or repaira " ere oecj!~tary, ia to aik wbtther !iewfoundland DifBouUy •• ReciS~rocity et.o

( Ccmcludtd.)

a prudeot o~~rner bil%leelf wqqfcf hafe ordered tbem undr r the oiroucn~taocea if be b•<! b~teA preaeo t. L?ndo

11, ft fa rch lQ

-r- IVtb~te r v• S.d:(rmp. 111pr.4 (TQ Tit£ ED!TOR or nu: f\TANDAaD.~ · Thla •ould be a qoeatloo f~r a Jary if tbe oua l>EAB SJq,- •

h'\d b~ID triud befa re OUjl ; "od Ill W8 are both n e jlt'Dl talaarama inform Ql that t~e Qoaoj_lf.!ODI .J ud~rt~• and J ury. I do oo• lt~~aglue we PAD bave reaolotiQol P"'e41Q both Hoq


1 of tb

11 Iii••·

tbe leaet heaitatloo, from Lbo nideoo1.1. Iii anatrer· foqodlaod LeslalatQre, protea&iQ~ aa1loaL tbe IDP• iog that queation io the ber.tative And clearly preuioo of tbe Traa&y arrngtflliDtl whh tlie thot m:llll!r • poaitioo in tbla oaae waa oot aoob United Stattt~ , at tha dlotaUoo of Sir Jobo A. u to conatiture him tbe autboriaed l(feot of the ~bodooald aod Sir Chu. Topper (tbe Caoadlau defeadaat ao ·aa to pted~re hia oredit T hia Ia a GoYert'ment) bue beeD followed by a Spaaab queatloo or faot whiob io ouealike thla tbe Court from Sl'r Wm. Wblteway tbrowlor cold water oD a lao lt!uea to a J•trr to ana war -A• lAur IIJ LJar - tbe propoaed arraogemaot wllb tba Uolted Statea, lOtJ. 1upra aad atatloa that be bopaa to obr&la a Joao from

Tbe pl•lot .lf doee oot appear to bne troubled tbe Aritleb GnveroDleot of ttro mlllloo nerllog hiUJaclf lo t~e lp~t•t. f1Yeo to 'make enquiry u u to make railwaye" fo NewfooDdlaad. lt will to tbe aotual nepeaalty for t~ .. e to·o•lled 'HP· be loteroatiog to koow If ba eaptott tbe prauot pliea, and there •AJ J t~lo~. aomollilot Ia ~~e l'1 n•l~e of <;oro moP.• to 5rraot tba moa.~y, a ad wbat ~rtiole of toba\)oo alone to .btJI aroqead bte .•AI· ~~~ · ;,.11 t

1111 11, ofl•i• tbU tbe ' RIP. moJ!tlooed will olofoo. llp t beald11 all tbla. lfiD It t~•ra b~td ooa ~e lll•olpqlate" IR &be •A~"''' ofa •Jo41pat. baao a oenou1t1 abewo for aoob' aooda aod oath, of a few oJ the 1 aalt"t,'' ~te hu ~eao ctoot bl tba when tbe ahlp .waa whhlq telawraphlo dJ•faooa of eyodloa•e ououollloa tht Caoadlaa Paclfto &all· tbe dcftodant ,be allould ban baao oommuol~~&tad way Ueli reporttd &o hlYo aald lbU NewfoQnd · whb before bia or'ed lt ooalri ba pledged .. uoleu ·lao.d.Jrad. lo fteb would ao& be loareaeetl by tbt (•bat 11 ao ~ prelenddu to ba .. utatad Ia t hla .propo'Rd arranaameoa. Tbeo bow oama be &o OIH) tbe Dtoelllr)' ~ .. -19 great &bat &ba maa&ar permit bll Colonial Secretarr to ao to w .. hta, • or old no& walt to oooault

1tba ddaod•nt wttboat :too to aatlllt In oeg011atlona? Ia he taklog bla

ooo•ader•ble prejudiee to hlalole~eatt.-Kay, '87, !ou~ lftlm Ltrd Koutaford a& tbe Coloolal Oftl~. ·u,, I ,:a~A IIW'till r i ltd. ;ao-J tbe Caoadlao GoterotAeot? Moat l'remlara

h "_. -..ertjlp iR tbat If tbe ptaio- :paraoe a tptolal poUO)': t..ot, to make a bid for 1ifJ failed tQ regorer. iNP·f?U~~ ·~~ld be . tbe aopport of tbe tradloa ooromoalt)' by eerloaaly preJudicsecl Qp. lflCh • fOJ8fe. ai lo endeav'orjDjl tO On~JD for I bam ~ Jaraer Olaf• Oill or D&OeUII)' DO Ptt'IOQ WOqld JR.k, .. cJf'llet•i ~~~ ,ocf t~IA plJUI(Ri Ch•,, ~bd but l am loo!foad to ttl loll that H bt' dt4 I'JOQftr lA tht hAP'I Af A\IIRt $~• "~" Af 't~lt ~ft•ll· uodu tbe olrcumataoceJ dlaoloaed lo tbla Galt, trflleQ bJ "'Qe proiQlaN of a l~a froiQ Lfrut lt would bue a mach mora damaaloe. elf ot oo Hrltalo, wblcb be . ia not llktl)' to ob~o (qotll tile intere•'• of own3' bo would tbua be •~· afcar tbe neat eleotlon fo Eal(land at !~ rate) poaad to the reokleao , to eat tbe leu&, of looka u If be il \rooklloi &o lbe Urltfah !Joloolal auob maatera u the oom r.oder of tbe Sno111 Bird, Oftlot iud MUior up the old ol'- oppoattloo for ,q4 moreover woald be 4o oootrateotloD of ~~ the b~paa of polltloal pro8t 'Ibera Ia oo reaaoo raooaiii.~d 'pri,~'P.'!'' of- low io like ~ lf wbJ tba treat)' aboold aot be o'loolodad aod the tbot o.-o11r ahoql.l fq&tqd. lo •ht eyeul of emer· Iota al,o/ made 1 bot to blow oold oo tbe one reooy bappeoloa to baye .1111 Ar•alf ·~~· CUf 'llilgll •e,'P.• ~~ble ~f r~llufl~~· ~o4 a~~~~~~&f. fllob a YO:J''i .. be oaa ,..u, e~po~u 'tie CR .. • ,. YllfQt bo(it of l~t o"-" t. AqW' Jer.i u41~ ter to do ao before da!);!rtllrt oo &~\ •oy .. e, pleoe of atalelf'Qauablp, tQd 'fiJI uau•~ llhl1 re-

Aitboaab &be amooa\-_aoarbt for Ia oompara· ault Ia tba old ..,, do• potbiDI'' polloJ • • l'bt tlYaly amall, jet tbi 'prflforpa. la~olnd ID tbla .. \VortlaaiQao'a P•~1'' ctoN oa• QtiQ to dltplaJ cue Ia of oooalde"'ble t,_por•aoe to the Lrade to moab •orllCA&Diblp -ib•J oao'l IM &be rttoola be determloed b1 tbla .Ooa~~~t. aDd I ·maJ mao- off tbe ooaal. &bet ••a• a ""'1 with tbe Uolttd ploa tbat In tbe•oue of AriA.,."' Bartoli, •yra Statll aocllbt)' doD'I waa• , .. aDd tlleJ hope to t61' iij'A Jou!•PDtt lq ·~ aim .. llar. qaeuloa wu R•' aioao of ttro mllllone, a bope aoa llhl)' &o lilA •JJao ji, •~drto'I'M' iq,por._~ •u tbe ba realise~ j 'lll 7..._ Wbeo lbt Ltalalatllrf' ad­mi"er d•• · tQ be tculllpplltJ ·lp~,, ~b"' fqu~ P.l&- .Jo~n'l• "' !h•JI -ocur w~~~ '~Pif h ... broo·b· ·Mfortr.-Qd ~~~0'~lt_,tt18 t"a lror-·aa,Diblp ilitqq &tIn ro~ '~" .-JqJ. Co or\ of .:xobeqt~~• lD '&q.leaw; ,., • -. "op , . ... J.t4TI" Lord Ablqtr atYI•r &W JadriDtD' ol ~· Uourt, ' 'AlarM t' -ro~tllii•AOJ tram Parle 41aDOtl0 ...

•cd emlaeal ota ... lt»eeaJr rt&M•e4.~ "'" aide. lbat tbe 8ritlth aad 1',.oob '""'._ ... '"" I afll tharefore, of o'ploloa tlat d•ftaduat II aarted gpon. ")lt'"ttoa ef "'' If ewfoi.cSitltd

!H~IUtd to tbe Jad,_, pf ~~ Ooart ,~a hll· dUiloal II TIM *"«J f" II to .,. llalalalat4 Jt) : . ~· • .. ~ .. tp&latiODil arbl'tUOrt art DO' Je'

~- l' fu NIJ!IIHM .RJtletfJ i ~r~ o. 9 •. 1 AU• tba bu reaob.d ac.~ •. q .. q~,.,. . . ._ ' t.. ,...,_ ..-.. t~Jll.- 'If II;' ~~ ~·.nn~ .. ,..,.. . :

t ;: la·UWII~,

ftl&ed wUb poaade. &o. . .. -l:i&RRJNo-Tbe looalmarktt hat bteo more

tbaa llbarall7 aapplled •hh fraab berrio2 dorhaa tbe week 'l'he ftah fa of aa ezoellaoa qaallfr-o larlle aod plamp Judaior froro tb• qaaollJt.t- . aeoored b7 boa~ wltb the aid of aat1, there ..... · ba ooaaldorable 10boola abotn, aad ihogJ4 &Ia• roo hap na. oar ftabermao wbo bate. tba DIOeh aary nata eboald be emplo)'ad "' tble ft•ber1_.d po& ap all that oaD be bad Tbe b~trrlor ll aellt loa at 10 t'tDtl per do~au • · ---N&\f Gooos.-Capl 8peLIM!If aohoooer Ala· llina arriYed bare Jut olab& froQJ 8& Jobo'a, •ftfl a full carao nf freiQ'bt-ptlaclpaliT tbe Dew aprl~ aooda of aneral of oar boel.._, ftrrne n.,, aood• were recelted f~m tts. Old Coaa&r)' bj direol Allaa ateamer lA ord~ 'IQ I~ &o tbtf~ ••le qolc~ly aod profttabl1 . tbere fo ou &biD• oeceeary aod that fa Ptfat•r'a Iok •

The umrq (Mr John MoGrJtOr'a acbooaetl alao arrind laat olill& witb tbe aooda of aome of tba ftrma

.... --•r.on ATTDJ Io1.-Tbe •ouoooemeot a. apala~ tal oat tbat, darior tbe ateaaar Folot,.•, trip •• lce-fteJdJ lbl Jott ODf of ber OrtW Damed = a marrled roan. beloollioa to .Cia.!ID.. It ap the pnor fellow fell tbrooab the lot aud wu oar• rltd oft by the qpder oarreot 4Dotlaar oHbf oraw wbo wu about »O 1arde from Noel aaw &be occnrreooe and Immediate!)' rao to hla aafataooe k but ai be bad to oome arouod a plooacle b)' th• time be arrlnd oo tha apot tbere •u ootbloa to be aeeD of the uofortooate mao exoept a mlta' aa4 a•ff. . , ---llnrlolf the Miranda''. PUUJt fN111 Jlllorlda &d ~,. York. welearo thtt Oplfl or t~· or, .... Joet

aamo wu Ed"~rd ~ower, of !tell• ule, U yaara of •a•. oorn-ma<t. Th poqr fjlllott: Wll aloft at tbe tlq'le taklosr to •a ••oln2 aaa fell from tb~ riulntJ Into t htt ••a ant~ wee . n~teillelt after. The ~ptaJo dltt 111! bt oo:1ld to ·aayi bl~~t but to no nee lie leuaa a motber •a'd swo •••• te", wbo rullla fo St. John 's aud " lara-·afnlf of frlande to 1%1oqro ble •.•d loee.- · Htra{d --IH acoordaDot with the provlalooa of s.ot. 81 of tbe Edaoslloo Aot • . l&r/. Bla ExoelleDOJ tbt Go•crnar hu beao pleaa~d to aubdlvlde &he pre. aeot nomaoCatbollo ~daaatlonall>latrlot of Grea' Pt~oeotla loao two l>Juricta of "8&. Bride" al!1 ·• Great Placeatla,'' repectlve lJ, wblcb 1'\•&M• are de8ned u followa :-

8,, 'Bride aball IJ!clnde ~11 J~ltt r>tr' cJ &at Elaotor~l qll&rlo& of t!l•!l!'~ll• 4nd aiL -.arr'l ljjoa ~~&treeR 81P.ifqr4 ~Ad 8blp Oo,e, .HUh lat. olqlffe QllltP<! lo IJ!Ut 4l 8&. arfdt, Qt-t ~laoeotla allall ••tend from Yhlp Uoft,IQiwaal"t' to i'rKbwatar,loglll•lye, Uo•rd to nae" '' U~t l'laaeatl•· .