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Linear Motion - Kinematics

Apr 03, 2018



Chrise Raj
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  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Current Event Choose an article that is at least 2 pages in length if it is

    in a magazine or at least 1 column if it is in a newspaper.If it is on the internet it should be a 5-8 paragraphs.

    Read the article and write a summary of what the main

    points of the article included.

    On Friday we will discuss the articles. You should beworking from your summary during the discussion,

    though you can bring the article in if you want to.

    You will turn the summary in at the end of the period.

    No late summaries will be accepted.

    This article should concern either physics, weather,

    astronomy or geology. NO BIOLOGY OR MEDICINE!

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Linear Motion - Kinematics

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Key Terms



    Acceleration Free fall


    Distance Displacement

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    Linear Motion

    Motion in a straight line

    This motion can be described several ways: Speed

    Velocity Acceleration



    How can you tell when an object is moving? All motion is relative

    Things that appear to be at rest can move

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    Motion is Relative

    Must compare two objects relative to oneanother. Called a frame of reference

    How can you tell when an object is moving?

    All motion is relative

    Things that appear to be at rest can move Example:

    You are sitting in class in your chair are youmoving?

    Although you may be at rest relative to Earthssurface, youre moving about 100,000 km/hrelative to the sun.

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    SpeedSpeed is one way to describe motion. It describes how

    fast an object is moving using distance and time.

    Average speed is the total distance traveled over the

    total time and instantaneous speed is the speed at a

    particular moment

    For example, 30 milesperhour means object travels

    distance of 30 miles in an elapsed time of one hour. Writeas,

    (SPEED) =(Distance traveled)

    (Time elapsed)

    30 miles per hour = 30miles


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    What is the average speed of a cheetah that

    sprints 100 meters in 4 seconds? How about if

    it sprints 50 meters in 2 seconds?

    A car has an average speed of 100 kilometers

    per hour. How far does it travel in 30 minutes?

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Demo: Ball Races

    Which ball wins the race, A or B?




    Which ball has the larger average speed?

    Which has the larger instantaneous speed at each point.

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    a description of how fast and in what direction

    a vector quantity

    Constant velocity is constant speed andconstant direction (straight-line path with no


    Constant speed is steady speed, neitherspeeding up nor slowing down.

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    Different types of velocity and speed

    Average velocity/speed

    A value summarizing the

    average of the entire trip.

    All thats needed is totaldisplacement/distance and

    total time.

    Instantaneous velocity

    A value that summarizes thevelocity or speed ofsomething at a given instant

    in time. What the speedometer in

    you car reads.

    Can change from momentto moment.

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    When we say that an object is moving at

    constant velocity we mean that it is

    1) at rest,2) moving at an unchanging speed,

    3) moving at an unchanging speed in a straight-

    line path,

    and that its acceleration is

    4) zero.5) constantly increasing (or decreasing).

    6) uniform.

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    The speedometer of a car moving eastreads 100 km/h. It passes another carmoving west at 100 km/h. Do they have

    same speed? Velocity?

    During a certain period of time, the

    speedometer of a car reads a constant 60km/h. Does this indicate a constantspeed? Constant velocity?

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Practice Problem

    A car going 15m/s accelerates at 5m/s2 for

    3.8s. How fast is it going at the end of the


    First step is identifying the variables in the

    equation and listing them.

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Practice Problem

    A car going 15m/s accelerates at 5m/s2for

    3.8s. How fast is it going at the end of the





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    Hidden Variables

    Objects falling through space can be

    assumed to accelerate at a rate of


    . Starting from rest corresponds to a vi=0

    A change in direction indicates that at some

    point v=0. Dropped objects have no initial velocity.

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Practice Problem 2

    A penguin slides down a glacier starting from

    rest, and accelerates at a rate of 7.6m/s2. If it

    reaches the bottom of the hill going 15m/s,

    how long does it take to get to the bottom?

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    AccelerationDefine accelerationas how fast velocity changes

    Acceleration is a rate of a rate (units will have 2 timevalues)

    (ACCELERATION) =(Change in Velocity)

    (Time interval)

    Note: An object accelerates anytime its velocity


    Examples include:Object speeds up.

    Object slows down

    Object changes direction (curved path)

    Best example of acceleration is objects in free fall

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    falling under the influence of gravityonlywith no air resistance

    freely falling objects on Earth gainspeed at the rate of 10 m/s eachsecond (more precisely, 9.8 m/s2)

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    Gravity causes an acceleration.

    All objects have the same acceleration due togravity.

    Differences in falling speed/acceleration aredue to air resistance, not differences in gravity.


    When analyzing a falling object, consider final

    velocity before the object hits the grounds.

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    Galileo first formulated the

    concept of acceleration in his

    experiments with inclined


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    When we say that an object is being accelerated, we

    mean that

    1) it is at rest, 2) it is moving,

    3) it is either at a state of rest or a state of constant


    4) its state of motion is changing,

    and we define acceleration to be

    5) a change in speed.

    6) a change in velocity.

    7) the rate at which speed changes.

    8) the rate at which velocity changes.

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    An object is accelerating if it moves

    1) with constant velocity 2) in a circular path

    3) in a straight-line path

    because it is undergoing a change in its

    4) speed.

    5) direction

    6) net force.

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    A car increases its speed from 60 to 65 miles per

    hour in the same time that a bicycle increases its

    speed from rest to 5 miles per hour. In this case the

    acceleration is greater for the

    1) car,

    2) bicycle,

    3) is the same for each,

    principally because

    4) the car undergoes the greater change in velocity. 5) the bicycle has considerably less mass.

    6) both undergo equal increases in speed during

    the same interval of time.

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    Equation for displacement



    fi vvv




    tvvd fi 21

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Practice Problems

    A car slows from 45 m/s to 30m/s over 6.2s.

    How far does it travel in that time?

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    A cyclist speeds up from his 8.45m/s

    pace. As he accelerates, he goes 325m

    in 30s. What is his final velocity?

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Equation that doesnt require vf

    tvvd fi 21 atvv if

    tatvvd ii 21


    1 atvtd i


    21 attvd i

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Practice Problems

    A ball rolling up a hill accelerates at5.6m/s2

    for 6.3s. If it is rolling at 50m/s initially, how far

    has it rolled?

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    If a car decelerates at a rate of4.64m/s2

    and it travels 162m in 3s, how fast was it

    going initially?

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    An equation not needing t

    tvvd fi 21atvv if

    atvv if


    vv if










    222 if vvad

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    A bowling ball is thrown at a speed of

    6.8m/s. By the time it hits the pins 63m

    away, it is going 5.2m/s. What is theacceleration?

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    The Big 4

    atvv if advv if 222









  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    A plane slows on a runway from 207km/hr

    to 35km/hr in about 527m.

    a. What is its acceleration?

    b. How long does it take?

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Ticker Tapes

    A common way of analyzing the motion of objects in physics labs is toperform a ticker tape analysis. A long tape is attached to a movingobject and threaded through a device that places a tick upon the tapeat regular intervals of time say every 0.1 second. As the objectmoves, it drags the tape through the "ticker," thus leaving a trail ofdots. The trail of dots provides a history of the object's motion and istherefore a representation of the object's motion.

    The distance between dots on a ticker tape represents the object'sposition change during that time interval. A large distance betweendots indicates that the object was moving fast during that timeinterval. A small distance between dots means the object was movingslow during that time interval. Ticker tapes for a fast-moving and aslow-moving object are depicted below.

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    The analysis of a ticker tape diagram will also reveal if theobject is moving with a constant velocity or with a changingvelocity (accelerating). A changing distance between dotsindicates a changing velocity and thus an acceleration. A

    constant distance between dots represents a constant velocityand therefore no acceleration. Ticker tapes for objects movingwith a constant velocity and an accelerated motion are shownbelow.

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Uniform Motion

    Position vs. Time Graph Velocity vs. Time Graph

    Nonuniform Motion - Changing Velocity

    Position vs. Time Graph Velocity vs. Time Graph

    Q: What does the slope

    on a Position vs. Time

    Graph tell us?

    Q: What does the slope on a

    Velocity vs. Time Graph tell


    A: The slope on a Position vs. TimeGraph tells us the velocity. A positive

    slope indicates a positive velocity. A

    negative slope indicates a negative


    A: The slope of a velocity vs. time graphtells us the acceleration. A positive

    slope indicates a positive acceleration. A

    negative slope indicates a negative


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    The slope or gradientof a distance-time graph isincreases with speed.



  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Question 2Describe the motion of the three buses X, Y and Z

    shown in the graph below.

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    Uniformly Accelerating Objects

    You see the car move

    faster and faster. This is a

    form of acceleration.

    The position vs time graph

    for the accelerating carreflects the bigger and

    bigger Dx values.

    The velocity vs time graph

    reflects the increasingvelocity.

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    Velocity-time graphs



    The slope of a

    velocity-time graph



    constant velocity

    or zero acceleration

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    Constant Velocity

    This graph shows that

    the velocity:1. is 1 m/s.

    2. stays constant at 1 m/s

    for 10 seconds.

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Activity #1 Predicting the fall time of

    a ball

    Predict how long it will take for a ball to fall_____ meters

    Show all your work and calculations

    Test your hypothesis and actually time the fall Perform at least 8 trials and find the average

    fall time

    Plug your time and distance values into anequation to find the acceleration (a or g) andsee how close your value comes to 9.8 m/s/s

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Activity #2

    Reaction Time

    Use a ruler/meter stick and calculate

    your reaction time

    Compare this to class/larger sampling size averages

    Have one partner hold a ruler/meter stick vertically. The otherpartner places their hand at the 0 cm mark. Catch the ruler andrecord the distance.

    Record the drop distance in cm 5 times and find the average

    Calculate your average reaction time using the distance formula,

    being careful to make sure your units are converted! The average reaction time for the general population is

    approximately 0.2 0.25 seconds

  • 7/28/2019 Linear Motion - Kinematics


    Activity #3 Tin pan alley Galileo conducted an experiment similar to this to help him

    determine the equation for free fall in relation to distance, timeand gravity.

    Attach a set of 6 inch hex nuts to a string so that the nuts will

    hit the pie pan at equal time intervals

    Place your first hex nut at 15 cm The falling nuts will accelerate (speed up) as they fall due to

    gravity. How will you have to place your hex nuts on the string

    so that the clangs occur at equal time intervals?

    Are there any equations that can help you calculate the proper


    Record the exact spacing between the nuts that resulted in the

    clangs occurring at equal time intervals. Show all calculations!!