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Lift Restraint; Bus Service May End OUT ■THURSDAY -« Home All Week COYERLNG MATAWAN BOROUGH" AND THE TOWNSHIPS OF MATAWAN, MARLBORO, MOLMREL and MADISON looth YEAR — 42nd WEEK * Member- N a ti^ M .UftwspapdC AKsnclJitlon MATAWAN, N. J„ THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 Mcralwr >3>.*W Jersey i^reaa Association Single Copy Ten Cents Hi - NEWS THIS WEE IN THE BAYSHORE AREA 11 New Octagonal School Takes Shape WEEK K I Stale-Conniy . . The New Jersey Department of Community Ai* fairs is conducting <a ^eries of orientation, sessions de- sttfned^n-V'aenviaint' local 'government officials \vi.ih tha ^ latest information’ on,: computers : and y automatic; data 'I'-processing equipment. - s— .Thn-nolentiai. aL.lofiest.JEirci. _throughout __ the state winiriues to fte'Tjf Titriiost’ concern, Kotjert ’Ar Itoa-,' Com - . Bvissioner of *the New Jersey Department of Conserva- tion and Economic Development, said recently. Essential ^repairs on,' concrete, bridge decks will re- sult in1o lane closing and traffic delays on the New Juc- fey Turnpike beiween-lhlvruhiuiges 14 and 10-18. Corti- " plex, Starting ,this -week.” if'w as aimounvcci by Turnpiks .....Authority Chairman, Joseph Morecraft Jr. ..................................... ' •- Tpe : Republican and ' Democratic Organizations in Monthoufh County-have'selected candjdiites for office fit the primary election, presently scheduled foe Jui>« 3. Municipal Monmouth County’s regular Republican nnd Democratic or- gnni/.alions Sunday i-hose their primary election candidates. 1hu Republicans, meeting In tlio West Limn Urnnch Iloruu^h Hall, home base fur their ailing leader, J. Russell Woolley, came up with two ni'W Assembly can- didates to replace Iho GOP In- cimibcnts forced out by thi* lat- est couit ordered reapportion- mont. Candidates [or the two Assem- bly Kcati lu thu new western diHlvict aro Freehold Mayor Jolm Dawes, nnd Spring Lake IIei;;M.'i Mayor Joseph Roblnsnn. & Incumhcnis Josupli Azzollna of Middletown mul .lames Coleman Jr, of Asbury Park, were attain NOTICE Downstair) In Uptown ■Thurs, thiii Sim, at Blivlaw's Cliffwood Inn Ratlirki'IIer.Hwy. 35 Cliffwood Av». , WJ fp 4/17 .-.,'^«»i>|HiM)giiigv:their.'>'ComMnerf:zati!orts‘'..ta*'.,*Make;'M ataw an First," Independent and two Republicans have won the uniiriinl.?!:*-endors(3mGnt of tho local GOP screening ' committee In their bid to capture, the mayoralty and •i?'.two Borough Council seats. Heading the ticket is the Independent, Zoning Board Attorney Thomas F. Ryan. His running mates for council are Matawan Grammar Bshoor Principal Mark • C. Bendon and Ocean County College Selene* Department Chairman Dr- Richaid B. lluiui, 1 , ‘ Possible discrimination at the Cliffwood Pool in ’ Cliffwood Beach and discriminatory practice;, in mid- , ' ■ ' d ie class ^housing wen" two main topics discussed by the newly organized Human Relations Council' of Matawan Township, at,'its first open meeting Monday night.' Matawan Township Councilman Daniel H. Do'vuej’, '^Sfrho was bypassed by the Regular Democratic Grgantza-. 11 tion when it selected candidates last week, has announc- ed he, will seek reelection as an Independent in Novem- ber. Newsmakers Thomas E. Walsh jr. of Matawan has Joined New '- JerMy BeU'a legal department in Newark aa an attor- • • • l>ey, Mr. Walsh had been associated wHth tha lnw firm , Carpenter. Bennett and Morrissey in Newark prior S'i't# Joining the telephone company. He had served earli- ;' ; ; for two years in the Newark regional office of the , i' National Labor Relations Board. ; Realtor G. J. Sterling Thompson, president, Sterl- Ing Thompson & Associates, with offices iu Matawan, \Middletown and Rumson, reports that-Mrs. Laura I-ehr* kinder, of the firm’s Matawan office, has been cited by - Northern Monmouth Multiple Listing Service for out- standing achievement in selling multiple listings only in ' 1968. ’/"'■i:/,v: - . . .■ Robert F. Hickethier, Point Pieasant, has been pro- moted from: district sales manager., to regional sales manager for ATCO Ceramics Corp. The promotion was announced by Robert K. Multer, ATCO president. Industry For the second time in three yours the Bell Tele* phone Laboratories is planning a mass transfer from the; shore area. Approximately 250 scientists, engineers and technical assistants will be transferred In August and September from the Holmdel laboratory to a new switching development center to be built in Denver, ■coi: : ■ , .. The Insertion of fuel into the nuclear reactor of Jer- fey Central Power & Light Company’s Oyster Creek Nuelear-Fueled Generating Station in Lacey Township was begun this week, according to Ralph F. Bovier, iresident of JCPL and New Jersey Power St Light ompany. Religion A recognition service was held Sunday for the New Light Baptist Church Mission nt the church on Center Bt.j Cliffwood. The church held its first service on Dec. 1, 1968, under the leadership of the Rev. Edward Jones, -founder-.and pastor. An organ recital on the newly-installed Allen organ will be given in the First Presbyterian Church, Matn- wan, on Sunday evening at 7:30 The guest artist ., will be Kenneth Landis, Harrisburg, Pa. A service1 of dedication will bo held-in connection with the recital. Democrats, GOP Pick County Primary Slates Newcom ers In Additions lo Ihe Matawan Regional School comp lex on Broad St., Matawan, employing an octagonal design, arc jnnnvu Hs-cviiauueuoii procecua vii tlm bui!u««'g» scheduled fa; opening.::}- :;e,i! Septe;:lber. The photo was taken (rotn tho former High School building. Award Contracts For New Schools : -Long fight of the residents of Courtland l.tmc against the building of an access road for school buses pust the rear yurds of their homes ended in failure Monday when the Matawun Rcginnui Board of Education accepted a bid for the con* atructlon of Cambridge Park elementary school by Gumina Construction Co., New Brunswick, l lio' /contract passed over ".Alternate'. No. 32'' which represented the use of Clover Way as the exit rouui for school buses,from Jha: school int. KIchaidt J.'Kaplan; a spokesman for the Court- latid Lane residents, had protested vigorously •gainst the integrating of the Crest Way - Chilton lane route with the base, bid and the adding of the Clover Way proposal, favored by them, as on- ly a “far out’' alternate,) : : Mr. Kaplan and hi* neighbors have cnutioaod In their formal protesting at board meetings that there was a possibility thnt they would go to court to seek a restraining order un llw signing of a con tract providing for tho' construction'M the Crest Way - Chilton Lane school bus road. Facilities Left Out Edward Scullion, school business administra- tor, confirmed Monday the bids accepted that night had been laken with a number of desired facilities in the bulidlngs left out because of thu need to keep total costs for both buildings wilhin tlio $4,530,000 bonding, set up when the Ipflalion of huilding costs was far les? pronounced than it Is today. Mr. Scullion noted, however, that an al- ternate that wor'd have provided a J43.000 deduc- tion on the-cost" of .Cambridge Park schoot was passed by and there would be walls separating the classrooms. The {4-1.000 would have been allowed if the contractor- did not have to build walls sep- arating the rooms. ....... : i ; The board secretary wax nf the opinion that a number of the. facilities omitted could be added (conrinutd oti page four) : . , i . Pledging their combined efforts to "Make Mat- awan First,'' un Independent and two Republicans have won the unanimous endorsement- of the io- ; cai COP -scrcenina- eonuoittue' in their, bid io cap-.:. : ture: the niaybraity' jind iwo Borough Coiiricirseats; . . Heading the. iiJSec is the Independent, Zoning Board Attorney3'hoir.as1 F. Ryan. - His'.running mates for ;rotmo|r are Matawan Grammar' School/. Principal Mark C. Bendon and Ocean. County Col-, lege Science tieixirtnient Chairman. Or. -Richard'’ B. Munn. .. . ,.. "■ 'Annoiinqing tlie' endorsehicntij, Screeiiing' .Coiii*1 niittee Chairinan Cocncilnijn Laurence .1. Bucco. lepoiied; ?')-rnilkiy, we view tiie candidaeic-S ol Mr-. Ky!in. Mr. Hi'mlon unfl Hi Mtinn .'ts ;i Tlr;’am ticket. Their (jt.:al!f!Ca».:uns to serve.'Matawan are.; outstanding and-.they have outlined a program of goals, for the borough which' wj!! capture the cn-. thuaiastlc. support of voters of ai! political' per-.; . suasions. - - '■ - . . '- - “‘lhcy approach the borough's problems In a down-to-earth fashion, -listing' (he conditions in With which, thev personally are unhap- . py. Already, they are mapping : plans for. remedy- ing these conditions. , r ; . Drawniji hiyu pi ioiil^; in jiiaiinitig ave m- cieasitiB drug abuse within the borough, coatinu- ini{ problems of rusty water, inadequate recrea- tional facilities, a recent slowdown in the growth • of .industrial and commercial ratable.* and hous- ing deterioration in small areas of the boiough. ; "Of particular concern to these men, especial* ly to Or.' Munn who Is. a marine-biologist, is ihe 'lack of sewers in a large portion of the commum- ' ty.and the borotigh’3 inability tn obtain state and; federal funding for advanced treatment ot sew- the existing plant. ;■ - .I‘‘They have demonstrated a practical grasp of municipal problems and' they are evaluating ex* istlnK and anticipated revenues In order to estab- iish a sysiem ui pnoritiKs so that progress is as* sured without adding to the burden ol overloaded taxpayers. --- . - - "The candidates will be presented at the An- nual Republican Dinner - Dance May 3 in Mag- nolia tnn, Freneau, nnd we are qonfident our rec- ommendation for their endorsement will be sup-' ported'wholeheartedly.''- . -S., 5 — -'ffiv62’,i CcunciiTflan Btieoo; ^ tet m expi/ea at tha - ' . endJ of this1vein'.:has declined to seek reeiection.. Also stepping .dowii are Mayor.'.Kdwa^yg^'ffyrniiT and Councilman .George T. Connor. PUC Hearing Is Continued For Marathon Buses Ih e Snperioi Court yesterday lifted a r«* atramt order aj-nin1 .; th« Marathon Dus Co.» which blockcd ii irom hunting bus service on Its bayshore line. The order wai lifted on assur- ances from its attorney that service would Se continued on the line for at least three raort weeks Residents Urge Council To Approve Waldbaum Variance David Engebrotson. Rav/ne Dr., Matawan, led a delegation of residents Tuesday night who urged the Matawan Borough Council to accept tlu; recommendation of the planning and zoning buaras and approve conaifuciiuii l-* a W<i]ui/aun« supurmurkcl at Koike 34 and Mill Rd. Although it received a recommendation from tho zoning' board over a month ago, a use vari- ance to permit construction of the shopping cen* ter, council has not ucted. ................. The delegation noted the $500,000 ratable would bring in taxes of close to $20,000 a year. The far.n land on which the market would bo con- structed, now is taxed for approximately $800 a year. Councilman Stanley Yacker salt, the council has the recommendation for a variance front tiie zn»iii|> botird under “active consideration." To Probe Discrimination endorsed to run in the new east- ern district. paly Replacement Replacing Freeholder Marcus Daly, who had to withdraw tor heallh reasons, is Middletown Mayor Rrne-st KmMlek. Free- holder Harry Lnrrlson will run for re-election. Freeholder Benjamin Dauskin will run Tor county cleik to ie- place Mr. Woolley, who is still ill in Monmouth Medical Center. Assemblyman I. o u I s Ailtins, Malawan llornugh tiiturney, "ho Is being lorced out of lie; seat by tin; realignment, was chosen to run for surro|;iile nuainst tlio Democratic incumbent, Donuld Cunnlnphnm. (continued on pnjju four) OLD WAGON FARM Dost soleclloii A/.nlcafl, Hhodo* dendrons, Roses, P.vorgreeiw ond bare root materials, Kt. 39 ft Laurbl Avc., llolmdel, WJ fp 4/17 Possible discrimination at the Clifl'wood I*ool In Cliffwood Deach und discriminatory practices In middle class housing will be Investigated by tiie newly-organized Humau Relations Council of Matawan Township. Mrs. Rhoda Yucht, council chuirmun, said tho group would look into the question raised by oouncil member St. Clair Parris. The question of possihle discrimination followed a discussion of the township's recreation programs. Criticizing the programs wero Mr. Purris and Rabbi Henry M. Weiner, council co-chairman. Both men agreed that the recreation problem win one of most pressing in the borough Rubbi Weiner said that he had been surprised to see how many parks the commission listed, However, he said a check of the sites showed many to be in poor condition, and ''not fenslblo for public recreation." Another council member, Philip Gtimbs, nsked why thu schools were not being used for recre- ation functions. Ho cited the school in the Cliff- Wood section, which has a large Negio population. Although no member of the commission was present to answer Mr. Gumbs’ question, Mrs, Yucht s.iid she would Invite the recreation com- missioner to the council's next molding May 12, Frederick W. Norton, a field representative ol the S'uilu Division of Civil Rights and a new township resident, refxirted lie recently had ex- perienced wlial he believed to bo racial discrimi- nation. "Five months ago I tried to renl an upui Imciii NOTICIi TO RESIDENTS OF MATAWAN nOKOUOIf The Municipal Cleric's Office, IHO Mum Stivet, M.uawmi. N.'J. will ho open for voter registration Thursday, April 24, IMS from 7 l‘.M. tn B P.M. (The foregoing la In addition to ruguliir office hours). VERNA li. HORIIAL, Uornugli CWk J fp 4/17 in ihe Matawan urea," he said. "I was (old an apartment was mine, so I proceeded with my plans to move. However, a month before ( wai supposed In mine In. I wai told the apartment was no longer available." He said [lie council should become Involved In exposing such discrimination, and offered hii help in testing urea apaitments fur such practices. The council agreed, and asked Mr. Norton to meet with them to discuss the matter. Although the meeting was the council's first, three members, Franklin M. Gilbert, Leonard Golden, und Mins Patricia Freeman wera absent. "We. just haven't readied a decision yet,” ht added. - ........... ' ; - . William Lanzaro, chairman of ihe zoning board, also urged council to approve the variance to pormit commercial use of tne property--uuw zoned partly residential, 1 lie application was filed by Malawan 103 Inc., a wholly-owned sub- sidiary of Waldbaum Supermarkets. .. '. Borough Attorney I.ouis Alklns reported the State Division of Tax Appeals had upheld the bor- ough in its appeal against assessment reductions for two apartment complexes for 1967.; : : He said new assessments for that year, ip*-'- ; proved by the state are {358,000.against the Ra- Vine Apartments and <• similar umuuui against tho Tree Haven Apartments. The judgment results In a net gain of $3800 over the original 1967 assessment fixed by the borough. The ruling hy the state wipes out an assess- ment reduction totalling $152,200 for 19G7 which had been approved by the Monmouth County Board of Taxation. Council praised Mr. Aikins fm his1 success- ful efiorts in having the assessments restored, (continued on pugo four) A State Public Utilities Commission hearing of the proposed discontinuance of bus service in' the bayshore area is scheduled to - resume tomor- row in Newark. The hearing opened last Friday at the pliC offlce.s In Newark. The hearing was called after Marathon .Bui Co. o! South Amboy announced! several weeks ago that 11 would terminate bus service between .' Perth Amboy and, Keansburg beginning Mar. 3U. Tha bm line, which has; operated between these two .municipalities since 1921, lias cited fl* -nancial problems as the main reason for itiipro* posed stoppage. <- , " Keansburg Mayor I.eonard S. Belleira • find i Councilman Alphonsus McGrath and borough at- torney Howard A, Roberts who also represented Hazlet Township. appeared at the hearing Friday to protest the bus stoppage together with Key* port attorney Mis., Julia,.Ashby,>who also .repra- ■ acnted Matawan Township■ ;and Union* i torney Philip J. Biunda Jr. 1‘welve: Keansburg residents and two from .-Union .Beach who rely on the but for transporta*- tion to-and from their place of employment also offered testimony Friday before the coinmis* Sion. They all cited tho undue hardship they would suffer If tlio bus service was,discontinued, John E. Toolan, attorney for the bus firm, told the commission that "the company Is hope* lessly insolvent. He gave warning that tit*' company may not be able to continue its opera* ■ tion until tomorrow because of its alleged dir* financial condition.' H ie attorney said the firm's assets totaled, between $7000-$3000 and hai liabilities of approx- imately $25,000 ...................... . ' Mr, Roberts presented the hearing officer "With nine letters of protest plus a-29-page petto tion bearing 600 signatures. . (oontinued oil page four) , , T o K im .As Iiulepeiuleiit Matawan Township Councilmun Duniel H;. Downey, who wns bypassed by thtf Regular Umno* eratic Organizatiun when it selocM cnwlKttues last wi*ek, has announced, ho will sock reelectlon us an Independent .in November. ' “ I was lofi wilh no alternative since the or-; ganization decidcd not to .support me,” he com* muntcd. . . Mr. Downey served two terms on tho Matawan Township Committee before the form <>( Kuvwrn* 'meal was chatij;cd tc?'cwm«il - manager. He tl \ completing his first council term. Winners In Baby Contest NOTICK Mnlnwan Twp. Vo'er Reglslrnliou Muuiclpjl IHilldliig, 117 i.owrv Main .Sired, April lOlli, 1711 1, 2lst nnd 2-lth, Ififi!) front saven p.m. to nine p.m, (Foregoing in addition to renin- ti'allons taken during hualni'M huiirs In Clork't Office In Municipal liiiiltllng), KOSI-', K. Wt'.NZliL, Towiiblilp Ciork i fp 4/10 - 4/W Day Care Center Election Held Nino members nf n 16-member Purents Ad- visory Committee were clccted yesterday during voting at the Bayshore Day Care Cciilcr, Holm- del, and the llayshora Noigliborhood Servkci Center, Uroad St., Keyport. Only those persons in tnrRct areas served by the liayshore Neighborhood Service Center of tho Monmouth Community Action Program, Inn. wer« permitted 10 vote. Business, Mrs, Mnry Alien Major, K»‘V|)oit: Clergy, Rfv. b'.dward Jones, CliffwonJ. Rev. Vincent Pettit, Kryport; C'*mmunily Or^nnli’-aHwi, Jir» luiwajJ.s, Malawan low ivinip; lJtiblle Official, Jnlm A, Andujar, Keyport; Sehnol, Mrs. liarrici Uumos, i\liii,n\an; Si)(’i;»! S'M'viees, Mrs, HonKhy Cast-y, !%«•>•- pot I; (continued on pane four) JMmiJC N(VJ Tie1 Matawan Township Iicp.nim-'ii' will ilnsii tin* Township u'.it.'r (i^ Garilcns, Clil'r.Mioil, l.akcvirw, ( I.ik Sli.nlt April ilJrd, IMih nnd Mth, hetwt'i'n |he hoin-‘i of 10 P.M. and 5 A.M. There may lie i slljil'i dl.'i> coloration of Ihe wnt(*r as well m low water press nit! riuvint’ the above period. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Matawan Township Wutor Unpariment J tp 4/17 A llahy (outesl, spamnred |>y St. .lames A,M. I'. Zion Clnireh, Af In nl Ic St., Mutav.iin, win h?M at the church Siilnrday jiiUrnnM»n. Wlnnrrs ptelurud, h’ll lo i ‘(;ht, lire I.inda Itice, Matawan, second plat’C, winn)-; of yjj; D/j/Kun, New Vork ( ity, Jlrsl, nnd An,!<'!'■ 1tii'ii'.'r, Matawan, third, Si.i. Othi'ri In Ihe eootesi were Dawn Jai'lisnn, Nf.ark; Harhle Crosby, Cllffwnml; Sjiviu I.ef, Keyport; Mnrlel Taylnr, Asbury Park; Rodney Armimr, (icrald McCoy, Michel WilS'tn, llarald llnnley ]r, nnd Chris- topher Wilson, Matawmi, Kunners-up were nlven st»Hie»l nni> » as <'mjsolai on prl/es, A >Vrleom« kiu fdvea f« the* habv participants and their mat hers Ity DnvJd Nealy, Malawan, And fl reillalloa wai fliven hy Vernnlea Hyman, Keyport. Mrs. Florence .lad.son. Mrs. Anna P, (ioodwln and Mr** Gertrude Shaw weru lu charge. More than 100 at tended aud dccunitloiift wera In pink und bluo.


May 25, 2020



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Lift Restraint; Bus Service May EndOUT


All Week





looth YEAR — 42nd WEEK * Member- N a ti^M .UftwspapdC AKsnclJitlon MATAWAN, N. J„ THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 Mcralwr

>3>.*W Jersey i^reaa Association Single Copy Ten Cents

H i -




11 New Octagonal School Takes Shape


Stale-Conniy .. T he N ew Je rs e y D ep a rtm en t o f C o m m u n ity A i*

fa irs is conduc ting <a ^ e r ie s of orientation, sessions de-

sttfned^n-V 'aenviaint' loca l 'gove rnm en t o ffic ia ls \vi.ih th a

^ la te s t in fo rm a t io n ’ on,: com pute rs : a n d y a u to m a tic ; d a ta

'I'-processing equ ipm en t.

- s— .T hn- no len tia i. aL .lo fies t.JE irc i. _th ro u g h o u t __ the state

w in ir iu e s to fte'Tjf Titriiost’ concern, K o tje r t ’A r Itoa-,' C o m ­

. Bvissioner o f * th e N e w Je rsey D ep a rtm en t of C onserva ­

t io n a n d E co no m ic D eve lopm ent, sa id recen tly .

Essen tia l re p a irs on,' c o nc re te , b r id g e decks w ill re ­

s u lt i n 1 o lane closing a n d tra ff ic de lays on the N e w Juc-

fe y T u rn p ik e be iw een- lh lv ruh iu iges 14 a n d 10-18. Corti-

" p lex , S tarting ,th is -week.” i f 'w a s a im ounvcci by T u rn p ik s

.....A u th o r ity C h a irm an , Joseph M orecra ft Jr......................................

' •- T pe : R e p u b lic an a n d ' D em ocra tic O rgan iza tio ns in

M o n th o u fh C o u n ty - h a v e 's e le c te d cand jd iite s for office

f it th e p r im a ry election, presen tly schedu led foe Jui>« 3.


Monmouth County’s regular

Republican nnd Democratic or-

gnni/.alions Sunday i-hose their

prim ary election candidates.

1hu Republicans, meeting In

■ tlio West Limn Urnnch Iloruu^h

Hall, home base fur their a iling

leader, J . Russell Woolley, came

up with two ni'W Assembly can­

didates to replace Iho GO P In-

cimibcnts forced out by thi* lat­

est couit ordered reapportion-


Candidates [or the two Assem­

bly Kcati lu thu new western

diHlvict aro Freehold Mayor

Jo lm Dawes, nnd Spring Lake

IIei;;M.'i Mayor Joseph Roblnsnn.

& Incumhcnis Josupli Azzollna of

M iddletown mul .lames Coleman

Jr, of Asbury Park, were attain

NOTICEDownstair) In Uptown ■ Thurs,

th iii Sim, at Blivlaw's Cliffwood

Inn R a t lir k i 'I Ie r .H w y . 35

Cliffwood Av». ,

WJ fp 4/17

.-.,'^«»i>|HiM)giiigv:their.'>'ComMnerf:zati!orts‘'..ta*'.,*M ake;'M a ta w a n

F ir s t ," In d ep ende n t a n d tw o R e p u b lic a n s have w on

the un iir iin l.?!:*-endors(3mGnt of tho lo ca l G O P screen ing

' com m ittee In th e ir b id to capture, the m a y o ra lty a n d

•i?'.two B o ro u g h C o u n c il seats. H ead ing the ticke t is the

Independen t, Z o n in g B o a rd A tto rn ey T hom as F . R yan .

H is r u n n in g m a tes for counc il a re M a ta w a n G ra m m a r

B s h o o r P r in c ip a l M a rk • C . B en do n a n d O cean C o un ty

C o llege Selene* D e p a r tm e n t C h a irm a n Dr- R ic h a id B .

l l u i u i , ‘ 1

, ‘ Possible d is c r im in a tio n a t th e C lif fw o o d P oo l in

’ C lif fw o o d B each a n d d isc r im in a to ry practice;, in m id ­

, ' ■' d ie class ho us ing w e n " tw o m a in top ics d iscussed by the

n e w ly o rgan ized H um an R e la tio ns C o u n c il ' o f M a taw an

Township, a t,'its first open m ee ting M o n d a y n ig h t . '

M a ta w a n T ow nsh ip C o u n c ilm an D a n ie l H . D o 'v u e j’,

'^S frho was bypassed by th e R eg u la r D em ocra tic G rg an tz a- .

11 t io n when i t selected cand ida tes las t w eek , has announc ­

ed he , w ill seek reelection as an In d ep ende n t in N ovem ­


NewsmakersT hom as E . W a lsh jr . o f M a ta w an has Jo ined N e w

'- J e r M y BeU 'a lega l d epa r tm en t in N e w a rk aa a n attor-

• • • l>ey, M r . W a ls h h a d been associated wHth th a lnw f i rm ,

C a rpen te r . B en ne tt a n d M orrissey i n N e w a rk p r io r

S ' i ' t # Jo in ing th e te lephone com pany. H e h a d served earli-

■;' ; ; fo r tw o years i n the N ew ark re g io n a l office of the

, i ' N a t io n a l L a b o r R e la tio ns B oa rd . ;

R e a lto r G . J . S te r ling T hom pson, p res iden t, S te r l­

In g T hom pson & Associates, w ith offices iu M a taw an ,

\ M idd le to w n a n d R um so n , reports th a t- M rs . L a u ra I-ehr*

k in d e r , o f th e f irm ’s M a ta w a n office , h as been cited b y

- N o r th e rn M o n m o u th M u lt ip le L is t in g S erv ice fo r o u t­

s ta nd in g ach ievem en t in se lling m u lt ip le lis ting s only in

' 1968. ’/"'■i:/,v: - . . .■R o b e r t F . H icke th ie r , P o in t P ie asan t, has been p ro ­

m o ted from : d is tr ic t sales m anage r., to reg ion a l sales

m anage r fo r A T C O C eram ics C orp . T he p rom o tio n w as

a nno unced b y R o be rt K . M u lte r , A T C O p residen t.

IndustryF o r the second tim e in three yours the B e ll Tele*

phone L abora to ries is p la n n in g a mass trans fe r fro m

t h e ; shore area. A p p ro x im a te ly 250 scientists, engineers

and techn ica l assistants w il l be trans ferred In A ugus t

and Sep tem ber fro m th e H o lm d e l labo ra to ry to a new

sw itch ing deve lopm ent cen ter to be b u i l t in D enve r,

■ c o i : : ■ , ..

T h e In se rtion of fu e l in to the n u c le a r reactor of Jer-

fey C en tra l P ow er & L ig h t C o m p an y ’s O ys te r C reek

N ue lear-Fue led G ene ra tin g S ta tion in L acey T ow nsh ip

was b eg un th is week, accord ing to R a lp h F . B ov ier,

iresident of J C P L a n d N ew Je rsey P ow er St L ig h t

om pany .

ReligionA recogn ition service w as h e ld S u n d ay fo r the N ew

L ig h t B ap tis t C h u rch M iss ion nt the chu rch on C en te r

Bt.j C liffw ood . T he chu rch he ld its first service on Dec.

1, 1968, u n d e r the leade rsh ip of th e R ev . E d w a rd Jones ,

-founder-.and pastor.

A n o rgan rec ita l o n the new ly- installed A lle n organ

w ill be g iven in the F ir s t P resby te rian C h u rc h , Matn-

w an , on S u n d ay even ing a t 7:30 p .in . T he guest a rtis t

., w ill be K e n n e th L and is , H a rr isb u rg , P a . A service1 of

dedication w ill bo he ld- in connection w ith the recita l.

Democrats, GOP Pick

County Primary Slates

N e w c o m e r s I n

Additions lo Ihe M atawan Regional School comp lex on Broad St., M atawan, employing an octagonal

design, arc jnnnvu Hs-cviiauueuoii procecua vii tlm bui!u««'g» scheduled fa; opening.::}- :;e,i! Septe;:lber.

The photo was taken (rotn tho former H igh School building.

Award Contracts For New Schools: - Long fight of the residents of Courtland l.tmc

against the building of an access road for school

buses pust the rear yurds of their homes ended

in failure Monday when the Matawun Rcginnui

Board o f Education accepted a bid for the con*

atructlon of Cambridge Park elementary school

by Gum ina Construction Co., New Brunswick, l lio'

/contract passed o v e r ".Alternate'. No. 32'' which

represented the use of Clover Way as the exit

rouui for school buses,from Jha : school int.

K Ichaid t J .'K ap la n ; a spokesman for the Court-

latid Lane residents, had protested vigorously

•gainst the integrating o f the Crest Way - Chilton

la n e route w ith the base, bid and the adding o f

the Clover W ay proposal, favored by them, as on­

ly a “ fa r ou t’' a lternate,) :

: M r. Kaplan and hi* neighbors have cnutioaod

In their formal protesting at board meetings that

there was a possibility thnt they would go to court

to seek a restraining order un llw signing of a con

tract providing for th o ' construction 'M the Crest

Way - Chilton Lane school bus road.

Facilities Left Out

Edw ard Scullion, school business adm in is tra­

tor, confirmed M onday the bids accepted that

night had been laken with a number of desired

facilities in the bulidlngs left out because o f thu

need to keep total costs for both buildings w ilhin

tlio $4,530,000 bonding, set up when the Ipflalion

of huilding costs w as far les? pronounced than it

Is today. M r. Scullion noted, however, that an a l­

ternate that w or'd have provided a J43.000 deduc­

tion on the-cost" of .Cambridge Park schoot was

passed by and there would be w alls separating the

classrooms. The {4-1.000 would have been allowed

if the contractor- did not have to bu ild walls sep­

ara ting the room s. ....... : i

; The board secretary wax nf the opinion that a

num ber o f th e . facilities omitted could be added

— (conrinutd oti page four) : . , i

. Pledging their combined efforts to "M ake Mat­

awan F irst,'' un Independent and two Republicans

have won the unanimous endorsement- of the io-

; cai COP -scrcenina- eonuoittue' in their, bid io cap-.:.

: ture: the niaybraity ' jin d iwo Borough Coiiricirseats;

. . Heading the. iiJSec is the Independent, Zoning

Board Attorney3'hoir.as1 F . Ryan . - H is '.runn ing

mates for ;rotmo|r are M atawan Grammar' School/.

Principal M ark C. Bendon and Ocean. County Col-,

lege Science tie ixirtnient Chairman. Or. -Richard'’ B. M unn. .. .

,.. "■'Annoiinqing tlie ' endorsehicntij, Screeiiing' .Coiii*1

niittee Chairinan Cocnciln ijn Laurence .1. Bucco.

lepo iied; ?')-rnilkiy, we view tiie candidaeic-S ol Mr-. Ky!in. Mr. Hi'mlon unfl Hi Mtinn .'ts ;i Tlr;’am

ticket. Their (jt.:al!f!Ca».:uns to serve.'Matawan a r e .;

outstanding and-.they have outlined a program of

goals, for the borough which' w j!! capture the cn-.

thuaiastlc. support of voters of ai! political' per-.;

. suasions. - - '■ - . . '- -

“ ‘lh cy approach the borough's problems In a

down-to-earth fashion, -listing' (he conditions in

With which, thev personally are unhap- .

py. Already, they are mapping : plans for. remedy­

ing these conditions. , r ;

. Drawniji hiyu p i io i i l^ ; in jiiaiinitig ave m-

cieasitiB drug abuse w ithin the borough, coatinu-

ini{ problems of rusty water, inadequate recrea­

tional facilities, a recent slowdown in the growth

• of .industrial and commercial ratable.* and hous­

ing deterioration in sm all a re a s of the boiough.

; "O f particular concern to these men, especial*

ly to O r.' Munn who Is. a marine-biologist, is ihe

'lack of sewers in a large portion of the commum- '

ty .a n d the borotigh’3 inability tn obtain state and;

federal funding for advanced treatment ot sew- the existing plant.

;■- . I ‘‘They have demonstrated a practical grasp of

municipal problems and ' they are evaluating ex*

istlnK and anticipated revenues In order to estab-

iish a sysiem ui pnoritiKs so that progress is as*

sured without adding to the burden ol overloaded

taxpayers. - -- . - -

"The candidates w ill be presented at the An­

nual Republican D inner - Dance M ay 3 in Mag­

nolia tnn , Freneau, nnd we are qonfident our rec­

ommendation for their endorsement w ill be sup-'

ported'wholeheartedly .''-.. -S., 5 —-'ffiv62’,i

CcunciiTflan Btieoo; ^ tet m expi/ea at tha -'

. end J of this1 ve in '.: has declined to seek reeiection..

Also stepping .dowii are M ayor.'.Kdwa^yg^'ffyrniiT

and Councilman .George T. Connor.

PUC Hearing Is

Continued For

Marathon BusesI h e Snperioi Court yesterday lifted a r«*

atram t order aj-nin1.; th« Marathon Dus C o .»

which blockcd i i irom hunting bus service on Its

bayshore line. The order wai lifted on assur­

ances from its attorney that service would Se

continued on the line for a t least three raort

weeks ■

Residents Urge Council To Approve Waldbaum Variance

D av id Engebrotson. Rav/ne Dr., Matawan, led

a delegation of residents Tuesday night who

urged the Matawan Borough Council to accept

tlu; recommendation of the planning and zoning

buaras and approve conaifuciiuii l-* a W<i]ui/aun«

supurm urkcl at Koike 34 and M ill Rd.

Although it received a recommendation from

tho zoning' board over a month ago, a use vari­

ance to perm it construction of the shopping cen*

ter, council has not ucted. .................

The delegation noted the $500,000 ratable would

bring in taxes of close to $20,000 a year. The

far.n land on which the market would bo con­

structed, now is taxed for approximately $800 a year.

Councilman Stanley Yacker salt, the council

has the recommendation for a variance front tiie

zn»iii|> botird under “ active consideration."

To Probe Discrimination

endorsed to run in the new east­

ern district.

p a ly Replacement

Replacing Freeholder Marcus

Daly, who had to withdraw tor

heallh reasons, is Middletown

Mayor Rrne-st KmMlek. Free­

holder Harry Lnrrlson will run

for re-election.

Freeholder Benjam in Dauskin

will run Tor county cleik to ie-

place Mr. Woolley, who is still ill

in Monmouth Medical Center.

Assemblyman I. o u I s Ailtins,

M alawan llornugh tiiturney, " h o

Is being lorced out of lie; seat

by tin; realignment, was chosen

to run for surro|;iile nuainst tlio

Democratic incumbent, Donuld


(continued on pnjju four)


Dost soleclloii A/.nlcafl, Hhodo*

dendrons, Roses, P.vorgreeiw

ond bare root materials, K t. 39 ft Laurbl Avc., llolmdel,

WJ fp 4/17

Possible discrim ination a t the Clifl'wood I*ool

In Cliffwood Deach und discrim inatory practices

In m iddle class housing w ill be Investigated by

tiie newly-organized Humau Relations Council of

Matawan Township.

Mrs. Rhoda Yucht, council chuirmun, said tho

group would look into the question raised by

oouncil member St. C la ir Parris. The question

of possihle discrim ination followed a discussion

of the township's recreation programs.

Criticizing the programs wero Mr. Purris and

Rabbi Henry M . Weiner, council co-chairman.

Both m en agreed that the recreation problem win

one of most pressing in the borough

Rubbi Weiner said that he had been surprised

to see how m any parks the commission listed,

However, he said a check of the sites showed

many to be in poor condition, and ''not fenslblo

for public recreation."

Another council member, Philip Gtimbs, nsked

why thu schools were not being used for recre­

ation functions. Ho cited the school in the Cliff-

Wood section, which has a large Negio population.

A lthough no member of the commission was

present to answer M r. Gum bs’ question, Mrs,

Yucht s.iid she would Invite the recreation com­

missioner to the council's next molding May 12,

Frederick W. Norton, a field representative ol

the S'uilu Division of Civil Rights and a new

township resident, refxirted lie recently had ex­

perienced wlial he believed to bo racial discrim i­


"F ive months ago I tried to renl an upui Imciii



The Municipal Cleric's Office, IHO M um Stivet,

M .uawmi. N.'J. will ho open for voter registration

Thursday, April 24, IMS from 7 l‘ .M. tn B P.M.

(The foregoing la In addition to ruguliir office hours).

VERNA l i . HORIIAL, Uornugli CW k

J fp 4/17 ’

in ihe Matawan urea," he said. " I was (old an

apartment was mine, so I proceeded with my

plans to move. However, a month before ( w a i

supposed In m ine In. I w a i told the apartment

was no longer available."

He said [lie council should become Involved

In exposing such discrim ination, and offered h ii

help in testing urea apaitm ents fur such practices.

The council agreed, and asked Mr. Norton to

meet with them to discuss the matter.

Although the meeting was the council's first,

three members, Franklin M. Gilbert, Leonard

Golden, und Mins Patricia Freeman wera absent.

"We. just haven't readied a decision yet,” h tadded. - ........... ' ■ ■ ; - .

W illiam Lanzaro, chairman o f ihe zoning board,

also urged council to approve the variance to

porm it commercial use of tne property--uuw

zoned partly residential, 1 lie application was

filed by M alawan 103 Inc., a wholly-owned sub­

sidiary of W aldbaum Supermarkets. ..

'. Borough Attorney I.ouis Alklns reported the

State D ivision of Tax Appeals had upheld the bor­

ough in its appeal against assessment reductions

for two apartment complexes for 1967.; : :

He said new assessments for that year, ip*-'­

; proved by the state are {358,000.against the R a ­

Vine Apartments and <• sim ilar umuuui against

tho Tree Haven Apartments.

The judgment results In a net gain of $3800

over the original 1967 assessment fixed by the


The ruling hy the state wipes out an assess­

ment reduction totalling $152,200 for 19G7 which

had been approved by the Monmouth County

Board of Taxation.

Council praised Mr. Aikins fm h is1 success­

ful efiorts in having the assessments restored,

(continued on pugo four)

A State Public U tilities Commission hearing

o f the proposed discontinuance of bus service in'

the bayshore area is scheduled to - resume tomor­

r o w in Newark. The hearing opened last Friday

a t the p l iC offlce.s In Newark.

The hearing was called after M arathon .B u i

Co. o ! South Amboy announced! several weeks

ago that 11 would term inate bus service between

.' Perth Amboy a n d , Keansburg beginning M ar. 3U.

Tha b m line, which has; operated between

these two .m unicipalities since 1921, lias cited fl*

- nancial problems as the m a in reason for itiip ro *

posed stoppage. <- , "

Keansburg M ayor I.eonard S. Belle ira • find i

Councilman Alphonsus M cG rath and borough at­

torney Howard A, Roberts who also represented

Hazlet Township. appeared at the hearing Friday

to protest the bus stoppage together w ith Key*

port attorney M is ., Ju lia ,.A shby,>who also .repra- ■

acnted Matawan Township■; and Union Beach .at* i

torney Ph ilip J . B iunda Jr. ‘

1‘w e lve : Keansburg residents and two from

.-Union .Beach who rely on the but for transporta*-

tion to-and from their p lace of employment also

offered testimony Friday before the coinmis*

Sion. They a ll cited tho undue hardship they

would suffer If tlio bus service was,discontinued,

John E. Toolan, attorney for the bus firm ,

to ld the commission that " th e company Is hope*

lessly insolvent. He gave warning that t it* '

company may not be able to continue its opera* ■

tion until tomorrow because of its alleged dir*

financia l cond ition .'

H ie attorney said the firm 's assets totaled,

between $7000-$3000 and h a i liabilities of approx­

im ately $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ...................... . '

M r, Roberts presented the hearing officer

"With n ine letters of protest plus a-29-page petto

tion bearing 600 signatures. .

(oontinued oil page four) , ,

T o K i m . A s IiulepeiuleiitMatawan Township Councilmun Duniel H ;.

Downey, who wns bypassed by thtf Regu lar Umno*

eratic Organizatiun when it se locM cnwlKttues

last wi*ek, has announced, ho w ill sock reelectlon

us an Independent .in November. '

“ I was lofi wilh no alternative since the or- ;

ganization decidcd not to .support me,” he com*

muntcd. • . .

M r. Downey served two terms on tho Matawan

Township Committee before the form <>( Kuvwrn*

'm ea l was chatij;cd tc?'cwm«il - manager. He t l \

completing his first council term.

Winners In Baby Contest

NOTICKMnlnwan Twp. Vo'er Reglslrnliou

M uu ic lp jl IHilldliig, 117 i.owrv Main .Sired,

April lOlli, 17111, 2lst nnd 2-lth, Ififi!) front saven

p.m . to nine p.m , (Foregoing in addition to renin-

ti'allons taken during hualni'M huiirs In C lork't

Office In Municipal liiiiltllng),

KOSI-', K . W t'.NZliL, Towiiblilp Ciork

i fp 4/10 - 4/W

Day Care Center

Election HeldNino members nf n 16-member Purents Ad­

visory Committee were clccted yesterday during

voting at the Bayshore Day Care Cciilcr, Holm-

del, and the llayshora Noigliborhood Servkci

Center, Uroad St., Keyport.

Only those persons in tnrRct areas served by

the liayshore Neighborhood Service Center of tho

Monmouth Community Action Program, Inn. wer«

permitted 10 vote.

Business, Mrs, Mnry Alien Major, K»‘V|)oit:

Clergy, R fv . b'.dward Jones, CliffwonJ. Rev.

Vincent Pettit, Kryport;

C'*mmunily Or^nnli’-aHwi, Jir» luiwajJ.s,

Malawan low ivinip;

l Jtiblle Official, Jnlm A, Andujar, Keyport;

Sehnol, Mrs. lia rric i Uumos, i\liii,n\an;

Si)(’ i;»! S'M'viees, M rs , H onK hy Cast-y, !%«•>•-

pot I;

(continued on pane four)

J Mm i JC N(VJ

Tie1 Matawan Township Iicp.nim-'ii'

w ill ilnsii tin* Township u'.it.'r ( i ^i .cr

Garilcns, Clil'r.Mioil, l.akcvirw, ( I.ik Sli.nlt

April ilJrd, IMih nnd Mth, hetwt'i'n |he hoin-‘i of

10 P.M. and 5 A.M. There may lie i slljil'i dl.'i>

coloration of Ihe wnt(*r as well m low water

press nit! riuvint’ the above period.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Matawan Township

Wutor Unpariment

J tp 4/17

A llahy (outesl, spamnred |>y St. .lames A,M. I'. Zion Clnireh, Af In nl Ic St., Mutav.iin, w in h?M at

the church Siilnrday jiiUrnnM»n. Wlnnrrs ptelurud, h’ll lo i ‘(;ht, lire I.inda Itice, Matawan, second plat’C,

winn)-; of yjj; D/j/Kun, New Vork ( ity, Jlrsl, nnd An,!<'!'■ 1 tii'ii'.'r, Matawan, third, Si.i. Othi'ri

In Ihe eootesi were Dawn Jai'lisnn, N f . a r k ; Harhle Crosby, Cllffwnml; S jiv iu I.e f, Keyport; Mnrlel

Taylnr, Asbury Park; Rodney Armimr, (icrald McCoy, Michel WilS'tn, lla ra ld llnnley ]r, nnd Chris­

topher Wilson, Matawmi, Kunners-up were nlven st»Hie»l nni> » as <'mjsolai on prl/es, A >Vrleom«

k iu fdvea f« the* habv participants and their mat hers Ity DnvJd Nealy, M alawan, And fl re illa lloa

w a i fliven hy Vernnlea Hyman, Keyport. Mrs. Florence .lad.son. Mrs. Anna P, (ioodwln and Mr**

Gertrude Shaw weru lu charge. More than 100 at tended aud dccunitloiift wera In pink und bluo.



Thursday, April 17, !

Maks-s Ror Mrtjvah

; CKB*on C. Oadmri- A to W s ta ^ i 4tr «T Oft Carden State Cultural Art* Grater aim guest speaker at

' £ .ppogpcaiw ■ »*•»»“ «*; S" Jifc™-

wan Jiaaier W ooW * Glufc. Jntro- 4M9MS hy M n S»l#h Babnsky,


ipekc w UK o* * •cu rm t m u m a»< the *****

»»— * * * ft"8*8*- '

Dr. MeKcBM T«

S p e a k M o n d a y

• r . Jeb * McKanaa, a » « i »

I i i f c t i f ike Matawan T om aM p

fSy*S*«n. will -ba tha guest a t tha ■eetir* a< ti*

>'« Club «( Matawan Ma*-4ay, Apr. 31, in tha rlwbhouse.

<®r, >.lc&enna Hill -discuss the aakaal ajwt»i* and aaewt; ||m» dtasa-paaadbr tiw wejnfcef*. ■

lin. **wm H. >*«*initV- «hsfenaan af the youth aaaaarv- "«** ' an# education defertsent, Wtfl+t***nt tha guest ^aahar,;

*w *» h*«*-

' T * H ono r T « r ii

A m l* ■ daaee Jmaaria*

> • . la u * Taati, c a n M M fa r t*v-

« m t , wiB ba held by the Hetm- OH TewnsMp Democratic C h*aa (toy ' 17 a t tha Mwwtain b n •» « W t Highlands. M iak w « ba

,* a * v iM by the 4jaylwo». »> «« aa-ebairmea *r* ,M n. JH*n A. .Mvdafck Jr., m n » , aad F nu* at A arirau* It., M4-SKT, M l ¥

^s Ju fc lT b a Holmkt Demwiat-} t C b t M**sha*as ly l U m H t it.' ' i eaaiidacy Mat, i t

At the tewsess session */f tha meeting, presided over by ?.lr». Edward Potts, president, the fol- tewioj; slate of officers were «lect- _ •ad Jot Ok lS*t-70 clufc -yew: Mr*, tack Cottrell, president; Hr*, l i r a Krstr, vie* president; Mrs. Francis F ir th , treasurer; Mr*. Bebert Abbott, receding apse- Iury, and Mrs. Richard Ellis, cm- resgendwg secKtai?.

A free Mea»fe».;jaecirf;CBo!c wiii fee beU fcr Matawan reai- « * « » T/,vrrfsy, Apr. -34. :al * a.m Dr. 5. l-ajow, the Mat- awaa Hegiwal Scbool : doctor ataaf with «a**ert-«f th* Ju»- iaii, »W .:visit Er=*d S»- Sctool, Maviae Ik . «*!■*«*, Cliflwee* ■each Vhaol, and Strathmore School imiotHtetin* children from aa* year to niae yean eld who have MX bad natural measles, 7- 4a; MaaJM, «r f « v « » mrn~ lie vactlaatMia. -

CMMnnoho have had either el tb*«e are already imfflvne asdMcil m addtticnal ^te<tH )«.

IwaiJwia^ afafa m i * W r*«*<<"' ts

tke i lU t will «la:t each aae wiH ba ana«unre< at a later date. Mr*. J a n n Atkin*, yw lh their- ■an, fa in ct»r«e af arsanuiog

Hospital Auxiliary Has Regular April Meeting

k C h k a

. § 2 ^

- Aa appeal fci Wood dencn to help rrahac the Ule et a alx-yrar- •ld child (uderinf from leuke- c u ha* 1 jes mwle to nKtnher* kt M n . John Schaa^*uf. The Americw Ciw** BSaodnw&il* wiK visit Temple Beth Ahm, l » Uoyd M-i « • Sunday between 18 a.m. and 1 9 « . No prevwus ap- teiMinant i* nMeawry. Any

.'iMMber willing to:derate tUfld HmtUk itmtact M n . Schaanpeef. :

R e n t m m t h e r e . . .

v a u n t s * &

t M M S O N A L L O A N S%-L J l ' V t V ^ ^ u ‘ , >

X \ >» • \ ' J



Jeffrey Turk, J# Juniprtr W„ Matawan, war reed e portion cf the Terah on ihe occasion «t hi* Bar Mitzvah. aa Saturtlay at 11:36 a.m. at Temple Shalom, Mata wen

Jeffrey » * seventh grade )>ui*>r student at the Llojd Nd. SchtwL He enjoys howlm*. base­ball and hmteback riaiing and delivers newspapers.

A lunrhwm for Uie family and invued guests will be held fol- luwing the s*r\’lc*s at the Poet’*i-i*> %:++r+{*tf Amrm* thn^r »t-

tendu^t to* Andr«a T'uih,Jeffrey’s sister, maternal *rand- parmts, Mr. and Mrs. Miltnn Wachs, Brooklyn, and paternal jrawtfatner, Stmiitl 9. Turk, also ef Brooklyn. .

Monmoiith €YO

Awards DinnerThe Rev. Lou>* A. L«yh, CYO

Moderator of Holy Spirit. Asbury Park, will receive the Monmouth County Catholic Youth Or«anua- tion's “Padre ef tte Year" award at th* County's Awards Dmner- B«ace. Father Leyh was chosen bM'aiue of hia assitunce and par- ticipatioo in the programs spon­sored bv the county and because of his interest in today’s youth, particularly at Holy Spirit fetish,

* The Awards Dinner - D^nce will be. held May * at the Ter­race Carden*. Wanumausn, at *

A full-course dtnrtr will b*

i■■ *ervtd and dencmj! to “ John* Hopkins” will ft'itow Pf*: imitation of award*. ‘

AH CYO member*, friends, CduK advisors, coachcs, pareate

' and CYO moderators sie urjed to attend this affair. Furtlier in­formation •rd tickets may b*M>- tained by contacting Richard Nler- Kne, Social A dv iso r , Washington

Ave., Avon, or Diane Ugattula. Youth Social Chairman, Mayfalf

M , Holmdel.

The M ataw an Borough Auxili­

ary to Bayjliu re Hos.

ftital fe«:W ita Aj>ril »*e€tirig Mbis-

m y tv «n i» i( i t the Trinity f ’p »

cfps l + hui f.)i H all, West Court,

A report w#s made *n th#

lfiishio(i S!mw - Lunch«)n to be

heW Saturday at 12 e’cieck im*m . at the Holiday Inn, Route 33, Mia-

let. FashMirs will he rhown hy Wilt)elniina Dobbin* Ltd.

- Ticbftto IMI im'u't*may b« by tn«chairman, Mrs. Jac Cushman.

Mrs. Barbara Tomlinson from

the Monmouth Museum ah«»ed

slides and spobe about the work 4if Ihe jnuaeum. She explained how they had classes for }«ung-

ater* to nature study a id «lher workshop* available and ai-*) t«td about the nature trsrh snd an t

ilia Is in their h; cation «n Tele-

yraph Hill. A» th* present time

there is an t iM i lu m on 5{«ce

-Ct_. W w l■..... •■■■ • t«*V. ^ —

National l.ibiary Week will bs

thMcved frem Apr. SO la J*. Tha

Free Public Library «f Madison

1'iiwWitp fai Ksrbct. tponsored by the Woman’s Dub tf laureace Harbor, will partic- ipale by waWinf fines on all ov- , erdue booka and vsmduttlng a •fin* fr*«" w**k. Mr*. Lawr- tncfl Bokien, pi«*w*ni, «rg « att wader* bohbni! everdue txwba to asahe eveiy aHert ki

■ retum th* b*««» during tki* .

tae fret”

the rouseurn headquarters in

K«d Sank.

Mrf. Ct!«hFn*n Mimmaied the

new’ «l«le ef officers tor sicxt year: Mrs. Jeha Thaler, presi-

4ient; Mrs. itoberl Goldfcath, vic« president; Mrs. Hiehard Siss,

treasurer; Mrs. Klaus fleck, r«-

coiding, secretary: Mra. (if«r$e McLaughlin, cerrespending secrc-

Ury- . . . .M em orial cards are available

by MDtatUni Mrs, Alfred Hickey.Ike next loetting wiii be m m

en M iy II snd the guest speaker will be Mrs. Hits Levine, whe wiH speak •* interior decoration. She haa taught at th* adult a u- catiea tlaasee » MaUwan Re-

gMial High SchtteL

S<tbiR<'i<ler J o i n s

Pershing Rifles'Ewjberi SchiU-iotr. 121 jRaviiv^

Dr., Mai&, n frtsb'Tian hi P e nnsy lv an ia M ilifa ry College *){

PMC Colleges, Ch«ter, Pa., «?•rtntly was tnltiatwi inlo 15ih rfg>- jRer>!ai H*r*idqu«i<rr5 o l FVieJiijig


Fer»lnn|& Hilles is - a - natjcnal

)wrH*rary military •erifriy. 'J 13th rcg in ic r .tc ! Iw a d tju a ite rs * t

PMC h#s ttaff responsibilities for

thrf»se units *ttac^f«d to t©U*gW

iind iinivtrsities jocalcd in North­

ern VirginiM, Msrylfind, Ewt«rn Peflnsylvani* »nd Driaawairt.

the l*th lfgl'

niM ial head^uarterft’ Activitkn is

•ponsorehip th« awiual «aat

cMRt tavitaliowil 4fill »*« t. Mort ih*n 31 units a(Uch«4 to

and universities ni/rnoal

ly |#rf«rn) nt the iM €t

^ w m v/ w w 'w w ^ 'in «>/ '■w w■ f . . : .

w ... .......... ...


HELP WANTEDW - ST* Iw Awkj wK« en joyt In tw iw

D e c o r a t i n g t o «#M W a l l p a p e r « ik J P a in t . -

A p p l y In P a n o n

GALE’S26 W « t F ront 5 t.

Kay port, N. J.

Feeds your lawn anddoes four [extra jobs

. P ievceH enfegnsa,

I f u b i l , | W M irM <

. Cta an e«t Aindaiisei,Z pUaUta, kMsWwni

. C w b m tMafc— r t ,

I «t>w, Mi * m m m m

. P ra ta d i town » f ^ « a l

4 a n ti, gniba, akalafa





Scott’s April SaleSAVE $2.00

6,000 sq. fl. b e g f*Q- l»-95 N O W U - W

Alw t l off 2,500 tq. W. beg Reg. M S N O W l . ? 5


n* £f

[ e r f i o n e ' s S r e e n h o w e s wHighway 35 I ^ ,

B «fw a«n H as le t ft M id d W » w n , H o lm d a l J

- — Open 7 Dey» — *W IU W V / V %i W W W W W W

PUBLIC NOTICETJt» Cliffwood Bm c K Water Company wiii commence fluthing

o f f i r o h y d r a n t * f r o m : - : ■ ■. :■■■■■.■.■■■,. . ..;

Moiidayi April I4lh through April 2.r»ili,

tnckulv*. during tho hour* of 10 P.M. to 4 A.M.1 Y ou r coope ra tio n du ring thi> p e r io d # f t im e will b e g roatly ap­

p rec ia ted . ^


’S S I S S B

f 1 11 1 1 ! >

b s s s s s e b 1^ ■ 4 | § | i s

A l i i









^ Double Cheeked Used Care





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j-s-J )*” -a*. Ti _ jS'1 2=-

f i ;

But Chevyhas a better car.! W ho says so? T ie m illions v/ho choose Chevrolet ov«r fill o lh e f M l * . . . '

V M r a fter ye^rB fte^y^i rca50ns are Chevy's yc«rj-Dh«ad IcoK »n d »PUn^

u lus Its cut-rluht belter value, they toon accum ulate c d d tt l reason* w h«n t h w IW* ■ .

With Chevy’s famous GM build.The way It holt's up. Tim way lt saves nn costs. :

; B ut the final c lincher co ines a t trad ing lime, w hen the v » y C h * v r « «

h M M Its style, sizzle nnd so lid ride pays ofl In h igher trade-in value . f ; ; t

You hear lots o f loose talk. B u t abk the m illions who keep Chevy Tint .'"i. . .z ; ^

They’D toll you Chevy has a better cor.

C h e v y skives! ^ y -

' l i i L i \ ' u ‘ : ' l 'L


‘ i. '* .

Muller Chevrolet is where it's at!R o u te 3 4 , M a ta w a n


17 . I f& f THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, H/ X Peas Thrs*

‘'Israeli Art” '.vMeeting J ’opic

, Gif Wednesday, Apr. 23, Its*

?43ttt.w3tt Cha;>t£r of -Hadaasoh

: and .the Bayshore Section of N i­

tron* 1 Council of Jewish Women v.-il! jhold a joint’ discussion group

Award For Suggestion





Israeli Art” at the home ot

Jack Sherin, J) CymbalifjiS; LtJwrUga Went, a t S 30 p .in .

d « of the Chagatt ■window* a t hadtsnah, »..Hebrew Umrir- Mediral Center and the color

films(jrip "A rt of Israel" will ba ,sho4n, Visual aids are provided

Matawsn: Chapter of Mar

d a ii.'; , mini N'CJ V w'ui iwmz thm program. *- >' • - • *■

. ^ ..........- / . 1 * '

<GH3QEBNt h » * m ;

WCODFMSMWm f lo o r * - ruMNtirgMi ~

’ M NUIN* *

mm n im t u i mmm nm f m. . : fu paneling, antique* and con­temporary untiniaMtf furniture. ImpMta • W(iH. twid rubtwd atwi. iT ^ y tew T aM ibodam color*.

fLM tt 1UT U f l l I K I H lM ilM I5»<t» tha finish In th* wood—IwvMi »*\ brittle wrface ts aerate*, tot'popular tom*. ;

ntm H A in • M a n m -i n w i is • « u u !


C « U M M A w « k l f

i i r a i u v i 9

‘ American Hardware Star* ,

• ,HOM I •F A R M• G A R D E N Supplies

, R d . (tty R .R .)


2 6 4 - 2 2 1 1

\ t h t . . B u t t HM , CUHwa e i , rweirw a C J u v ln p bond I r m

M e h a id f c h a id t , vice presidest e f (ha People* National Bank ef

M*« » a »tt Coiurty, Haxlet. far her suggyrtlan for a method to spaed

V tha hindttnf •flM ta llm tflt loan*. Th* bank monthly awards a

ww ht t •( III atafj (or auggesUooa to Improve lb* hank’s service*.

M n . Hill’s saggntioa waa la lactate all pertinent information or, the

IftsitUmeet loan reminder cards mi that » V « th« tss tja s : - s # t

h l« the bank, time will not be waited leaking up records.

Temple Forms Needlecraft Guildgation with feme skill In em­broidery or other line needlework,

has been formed Lo make approp- ’ riate linen items such as cliali:ih

covers, .-Torah wrappers, ;i r.hup- iirtlr, or wedciiiig efiViopy, or iap-'- estries for tha temple's use. .

Original designs. based on bib­

lical themes, will be ''.created for ! the needlework by other members

of . the congregation with, back­grounds in art and fabric- manu­facturing. '

The volunteer sewing group v/iil;

meet weekly at tha temple. In­

struction will be provided for .»ny

interested women who have not had previous experience In fine; needlework. Further information

on the Guild and its projects may be obtained from Mrs. Morris

Bogdonoff, ; 102 Irongate Lane,

Matawan, telephone. 569-9594.

The newly - organized Temple

Shalom Needlecraft Guild will meet Tuesday afternoon ut 12:34

/p.m . at the Temple, Church St. and Ayrmont Lane, Matawan, to

plir. lts first project.

Tho group, composed of mem­

bers and friends of the congre-

. . Plan Card PartyMr*. Murray Goldman, fund­

raising chairman, has announced

. that the Matawan Chapter of Deb­

orah will sponsor a card party

’.Tuesday, -’ilia affair, will be held

atTempie Shalom, Ayrmont Lana

and Church St., Matawan, and

.. will begin at 8; 30 p.m. Coffee and

deasert will be terved. For fur- tber information call Mrs. Gold­

man a t 566-7253.

Request Marking

Of Historic.'Site'David Piitasafct, of the New Jer­

sey Department of Conservation

and Kconoiuii! Development, His- tone Sites Commission, visited

the Madison Township Historical

Society building on Route 516 Apr. 9. The visit was ini re&pgtise t# a

request fur ari hiptorica! marker at the once head pf navigation on

. Creek, rfesigrnj.tiiig

-Thomas Warne. proprietor, aa a

unique landholder in bori) Madi­son Township and Matawan.

- Musf of thf* Ea«t Jersey pro-

prietofs ulu ifot evefi cor^e tu ihe<

colonies to see their lan<i TTwnj- as Wai ne not only saw{ his, he

Jived on some of it a- shprt lime

and his descendants are stjil to

be found in the surrounding

areas. Property owned; by him on the Matawan Creek; now LaJte

I.^fferts, probably had.. &. .great deal to do with the creek being a

seaport for ocean going vessels dui ing the 17th century an«t flour­ishing during th^ 18lh.a»d 19th

century. - " ’ . .

Documents were presented to Mr. PoinssU by Mrs, J , Nelson

Smith and Mrs. Ebner R. Marlin to substantiate the credibility for

the marker. If approved it is hnD^d that it will be placed whert Route 516 crosses Like I-effert*

before Madison Township’s Cen* tenni&l: year is over. This is in

conjunction with the naming of the Thomas Warne Historical Mu- seuin and Library, whose dedica-

(ion will take place on Sunday, May 18, ut 2 p.m. A dedication

dinner will be held at tha

Dlnujoiid Jim Kfsiiiurunt, Fri­day, May 9, at ft p.m: Tickets are

suil avuil^ble and may be por- chas<«l from any member.:The : keynote speaker will be the noted New Jersey historian and author, John T. Cunningham. 1 .

The next regular meeting of the society will be held at the mu­seum Tuesday.

T H E F I N E S T L A W N S A R E A U T O - L A W N S

A u to - L a w nAN lawns Arc


CUSTOM BLENDS'To Your lawn Condition*


24. ONLY

9 5

For up fo 4,000 iq. If, ar*«. Each additional 1,000 tq. ft. | l.


------ CUSTOM BLEND PROGRAM------ --------

• SOIL ANALYSIS• SEED 50% MERION- (1 lb. par 1,000 iq. 0.)





v/i Lbi, NITROGEN Ptr 1000 Sq. Pf. P«r V«ar

(4.000 iq ft. minimum) Pric« Include! All, 4 S«rWcoi

, ft Soil Apatyili


S«od (2 Lbi, P*r 1000 Sq. Ft.)

PrO‘Em«r^«nl Cr«b brAu Confrol

drub Proofing

Spot W«od Coiurol

Ftrtil'U 4S-0-0

Fartilim 20 10-10

Pow#r AflMf#

Powrtr Roll



OKIneh Bug Confrol

lod Wob Worm . Control

Army Worm Confrol .

Pungut Confrol • . '

P*rtllli» 45 0-0

fortlli>« 18 Uft

ComploU We*d Control

Poit<Gm«r9*nt Crab Grdii Control

CMnth Bug Control '

Sod Web Worm Control 1 •

Army Worm' Control Fungm Cunfrol F»r(ilii® 45 0 0 Fortiiltd 38 UP

Sead (2 Lbt. P«r

1000 Sq. Ft.)

Spot W«»d Confrol

Pirtiliio 45-0-01

Ptirllllio 20-10*10 , . • i

Powar AortU .

Pow*r Roll







' O

;:l .f lA L .r .MKMIIKII


Indinlflfll ^iid I .sIHhII'mmI Imii"’!''* IfwHoJ,

DoflfortMpI -‘inti DUlribul'''sinpi AvflilibU • Informatiun Upoo ftnquoit

l j . V i . ' \

Gift Certificate IX.NCIIIiON

-LaiwAson,-. p ir n s too, non be­

fog sefved. prom 13:M A...M.

Thurs: it F r id a y only, at

Burle.v's Ciiffwo-fd Inn. Rwv. 35

Sister Mary Brian, principal uf St. Joseph's School, Keyport, presents a $5M gilt certificate at Bam-

bergei's, awarded by SL Joseph's Parent-Teinber Association, to Mrs. WHIUuq Reioer, U Chestnut Dr^


Bloodmobile Visit May 3 In Matawan


p a c k a g e : c o o d s

Advance appointments tire be*

Jng'arranged for donors who wiU take part in the Community . Blood Program, sponsored by five area religious grour/s. Saturday.

;May 3, at Temple Sh^lonij MatraWUn. > ' '• • ' r ■’ -

A "Red Cross -Bloodmobile will

be at the Temple, Cliurch St.‘ and .Ayrmont Lane, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 pn» on that day to accom­

modate the members of the spun- . soring groups and any unaffiliat-

Food Sale Apr. 26Tho Woman's Society o! Chrij-

ttan Service of the First - United

Methodist Church of Mutavvan ; , will hold a food sale on Saturday, ;- Apr. 26 at the church, sMrting at 10 a,m. •> ' '

Township GOP To MwrtThe regular meeting of th*.' Matr \

awan - Township Republican Club will be held this Thursday at the

Masnolia Inn, Freneau, at 8:30,- p.m. A short business, .meeting

will be held and council member*

will be present to answer ques­

tions. \


i s n ' t h a l f s o

h e c t i c . . .1 When it is - followed by a

W e lcom e W ag o n call!



0Vor go/ a lo n g

wifhouf one /r



You c»n io out wh«n th* dl»h«fl

to Ini No Pie-Rinsing— No H tnd cf*plogl No F ilt«n to

Cl«>n, with Qtt Soft food W«»t« Dit|X>»*fl

Pow*r A m W akh/fi^ ficiJon t alt around, FN>*<Mful Hwr|.

Aniline] action allpotf and (Unvl fWU

tiiiliiun Q u iiJ Tub, C«li4 ituKK«)*i Olu* Rachs! HitnUks Up hilvor

Easy Milling 0a»lorHSnnp on Faucet Conn«ctoii

H0 DOWN HmCNU E/Si' TCRMSI'Minimum R«In1 Pur*

Vou m»y Ofdur tM rrplel Ki-oujhVI jour funcMjrl Gl. ileiier, Sm Oxf iUfltat ditplljf, pner) irvj Inin-, '



— 2 Storf- —.136 Mtiin S i M


J’10 W. Froni Si. K o y p - ' i l i !

I'., '

ed persons who wish to give

•blood lor the many uses.'of the Red Cross. : : '"

, Prosiiective doiiors are’ asked

to ..c-ortact the following Blood Program Chairmen of the par-

‘ ticipafing organizations-> First

: Presbyterian Church ot Matawan, Mrs. Alexander Keilea. or Willard

Patton; tiie First United Metho­dist Church, of Matawan, Mrs,

Maurice Rcussil’on or the Rev,

OonHld T. -Phillips; Temple Sha-

ioiii, M r s . Dudley Roberts or Stanley Levy; St. Benedict’s

Church, llazlel, Haydn A. .Johns;

St. Joseph's Council, Knights of . Columbus,Keyport, Joseph S.: Rossi jr. . .

> Further inform atiau oil the vis-;.,

it, or on the interfaith Corrmiuai-

ty Blood Program itself, nitty be

obtained, from Mrs. Roberts, Com-

in tim ty Co-ocdir'ator, 25 Green-;

brnok D r., M atawan, telephone

56C-5C3S. . , ' '


566-3797LOCATED AT THS 1







Biltmoro mower with 3 h.p. 4-cyeie,

Briggs and Stratton enjine. .20” cut,

easy-spin starter. Rentote fingertip

throttle arid stop. Aditistable

cutting h«ight llV 'tO 3".

, Reg, 49.95

\ 44.99

P S S R s i '

w : "D U C K SET ^

15” Mother duck with

three ducklings.

Reg. 2.99


25V1" high, 17’' diameter. In whim

plastic. Fill basa with sand for

added woiglil, <■ q a

Reg. 2,99 I «v J i»


Protect your flowers with a whito

vinyl-cooled wire fonco,

10 ft, lonfl, 13'i high. A r t * .


1n i

Ih- K '


Whits wood fence to

border llower beds, .

3G" long. TY" high pickets.

Reg. 39o 4 f9r 9 9 ( J ;


B0 ft.lanolli.TwopIv' plastic lioso with Imiss


Rog. 2.40 1,99


Pistol ;rf|i. Din cost L'"-—v ' ^ ' 1

lio /rlu w ilh I n ,V i i lv a . ’’ Vi\'s.

Adi'r.l:; fmm wide cone \ V

lo rti liijh* r i f , ’ A “

H"(i, 1,19 yy<p ■*<

^ J . T . M U V l l 2 j



Famous Billmorn Laioit A N D TRAY

interior wall paint. Dries Lab tosted throe-

In one hour, Wash rollur or pioco sot including

tirush wilh water. Whito, plus paint lollor andtwelve decorator colors. steel troy,

Reg. 3.99 q g g Reg. UBc O u l f


Acrylic LnUK semi aloss

onaniel. Our own lab-tosted

Billmorn brand, Easy to wash,

White and eifllit dccoifilercolors.

2.29 ql.


Vi", 1", 1'//' find 2 " bun,lies, Just iiijhl foi touch up nnd .mtKimnii,

llcq. ti'Jc


Our own Diltniom

brand. Pcnolrntos

and se;ils for a


.... 1.39 qt.3 D R O P C L O T H S

Clear olastio drop

dollis. O' X 1?.' to

p ioton funiilure, ruos.

fir-]. i)7c

V i

. . .*.■ •

J. J. NIiWBl'RRY17 W. r-ROMT sr., KEYPORT, W, J.

Sloro Hcur;; D, i!/ 9:10 - !i;!IO — I ritltiy 'lil 9


r d ge poor THE MATAWAN JOURNAL M. h . \ bu C'oy ' ■“- *.r\- •' fcSr-'ipfS* I I . * rut*


FKTAUUJSHKt* IMfr IMcpbor* &8A-181C . -

Published ev«ry Thurcday at 146 fcbihs S t . Matawan, H . J .BY BROWN PUBLISHING AJCP PRIKtHSfO COMPANY

J, &U&*1 Brown,. Editor — 0*ra}<M*u» V, Brown. Associate Editor . George T. McCarthy. Kanigmg Editor

. Th*. Matawan Journal i* a a«wspaj^r "o f the people, by tte jv^pl®, and for Its aim Is io serve, the best interests of Matawan andvicinity; to present *Jl' of tlx# hewe ol iht «««K without 9ia« or prejudice lit .at dean,< sane, conservative manner, refpectinjg the inaliea*bl«' rifhia ; ft? vur clUxeaa, ind thereby making ilsclf "worthy ot t,hejT conlid^ne*. , .

“ SaMRfibclase. JP o a taw .lW M a iaw a n . New

vr BetfpCdtifoUUa tor typographical * a « 5 te' 2UslS£4 '$s• cp&ceoccupied by aauta error, . -

SubefiriptJoQ rale* payable In advance

Sc m l to 14f M e in S t , ,

- MaUwan.N. J. 07747 ’ *• f

• Out Year (within Mai?)T|^ee Month# ...... ....... 91.90

n.M(outside etete) ............ « «

HrfrnowAi mcw>w «

" m Mm R N M M B T H M M

* * * M T I f l I MM


Mrs. Edith D. Ackersow

f K e y p a d has lost one o f ' i t a r m o s t h ig h ly respected

c itizens i n th e d e a th o f Ed ith ; D . Ackerson . S he was a n

v u ts ta n d in g w o m a n ' in every w ay and- devo ted m a n y

years of he r life to p ub lic setv ice . • ,

M r s .A c k e r s o n w as a crusader in p u b lic hea lth ,

bo th in he r co m m u n ity a n d M o n m o u th C o u n ty . She w as

ex trem e ly in te rested in education , dem onstra ted by h e r

iCejTKi^i o f ■Education a n dy e « r » « » k i j » t a iU ; r o i _h e » ac tive p a r tic ip a tio n in th e M o n m o u th C o u n ty B ra n ch

o f th e A m e r ic a n A ssociation o f U n ive rs ity W om en .

A s a g en u in e ly g rac ious . w o m an M rs . A ekerson

was a sh in in g exam ple . A n y o n e who, has h a d the good:

tor tune t o : b e * guest in h e r hom e, - w h e th e r sing ly , w ith

• sm a ll group or a la rge one, recalls h e r charm , g ra ­

ciousness a n a w a rm th of hosp ita lity . S h e a lw ays m ade

Ite r guests feel:? th a t th ey w ere rea lly w an ted and iio th- ■;,

Ing w h too m u c h troub le fo r th e ir com fort a n d pleas-

\ U r* .- ............................................. ‘ .

Mrs. A ckerson w a s '* w * m a n w ho g a te unse lfish ly

i f herse lf - h e r t im e a n d h e r ta len ts . The w orld is t r u ly

A b e t t * r p la c * , because she w as a p a r t of i t a n d a v i t a l '

:part, - : S h e .haa le ft a w o nd e rfu l m em ory as a 1 devoted

w ife, -mother, : g randm o th e r a nd -friend.

:4-*iVf* i ex tend ; o u r sym pa thy to h e r fam ily and hope

th a t th e im press ion she m a d e 'o n a ll those w ith w h o m

she cam e in contact w il l he of some com fort to them in

th e ir great lo w . -

/ f ' litters To The Editor ]

•To"tbe .Editor '-v1" - ^Vt/• l\ th ink-M ^ry^H tis ios id 'h- 'ih*«

right man to t# elected the new. governor ol N.J. He Is a man o t : progress in a time of prcgrera. '

,C*gres£m«n Hel»tosKi has «er- v e d 'N .J .a s a n educator (teacher

, and ’principal), as < a ; councilman;

•ndm ayoro f his home town, East -' Rutherford.! He has spent the but touri years I f *•< Representative in <Cnngrea* from New Jersey’*

Nlatyk District ■

Ml* experience u an' educator- give* him the .understanding nec-

’essary to ifeal with'the problems of this state ;«rhich ia 50th in per

capita expenditures <m ; higher education. At a time when a col-, lege education Is becoming a pr»-' requisite lor success, Henry ttel-

st^ski. II - cluctcd governor, would provide for the rapid growth ot

• our state coUefie system no that

oven one-half of INtiw Jersey's fu-

stujoj college students are-not fur. cc(i .to leave the state in purtuil

ofithclr education, -

• ... (Signed). ; ; Stfve Merkel

• :-105 Atlantio Ave.. Matawan

,!«b<ould;ip«akrout on current is>

suet thatr affect the borough.'

You way not agree with a ll I have to say, but I hope to gain your respect as an individual* who docs and will present his

views in an open and forthright way, . .

(Signed) " I. -. . Donald T. Day ■ - >

To, the ■ Editor:: .........

'{‘Sensitivity" and “ Mrs. Car­roll." Sound unrelated? Not real* ly,', We are talking about tilt sen­

sitivity that the borough offi­

cials, have displayed over the .

pa it five years In the physical £i<[wth of our community. Mrs.

Carroll la Just the objcct of a ruient lack of a sensitivity that

noi only will directly affect her, but will detract from the resi- dm tlal character of the Middle- ae^ Kd. area In which &he lives,

T-his lack of aeniitivity Is In

th^, form of , a large, a very water tank, i i feet in dl-

anicter and some 103 feet high. Besides providing the, borough

with. 1,200,000 gallons of water

slofage. It will also provide anijile, but sliadc forMrs. Carroll's properly, being'

locjitcd only about SO feet from the', southerly side of her home

nmf about 15 feet from her prop- c ily lin e . .

’Ijlie; fact that Nlrs. Carroll was not' pursonnlly notified abuut the

tanjt;. was an unfortunate over­sight/And the fact that the cmi- cieio'Wii.s poured' to finalize the foundation on tliu very day Hie rcfiidontfi were to meet with the

Council about the problem wa«, al Ibcst. poor community rela­

tions.. Possibly more than pour community relations ate involv­

ed, in the recent issuance ot tlio temporary restraining order

slopping eoiistructloii. ,We.'.ill tlgrec that this storage.

tunl< Is needed, but ninny of us Will wonder if tlw;re w.t* not an-

ether wore desiralile and less obvious location fur Hi Ih im­mense limdmark,

1 feel that us a Primary Can­didate for Borough Council 1

' c a r d o i ' t h a n k s

The family of the lute Victor l.nndry Jr. wfsli to thank all friends and relatives for their

iilndneus doting their recent be­reavement, especially ilie llolm-

dcl Police, Slate Police, The Keyport Police, Ilie Mehleubec.k

Funeral Home, The lledle Fu- nortil: llonie. Senior Class of

Keyp’orl lllijt- School and Ralph

F.rrarn,. . ,

V J Ins 4/U

'Proclamations' WHEREAS, , • the AmericanCancer Society, under its sym­

bol, the Sword ot Hope, is a voU , untary health organuation fight­

ing cancer through a most cf- fective program of Research, Educatidn aad Service; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Division of the said American Cancer Society, through volun­

teers. ln the Mnnmoutli Cotinty

Unit, is carrying on a year* ,f(iutKl,.t(lort.iri alert the public

to the necessity , of regular health check-ups and at the same time helping those already stricken; and 1

WHEREAS, in IMS nn esti­

mated 12,400 men, . women and children died of cancer ill New

Jersey alone; and : 'WHEREAS, more and more

funds are needed if these pro­

grams arc to- be carried; out and

the cause of cancer found through Research,, now, there­fore,

I, Mayor of Matawan, do de­clare the month of April to lie

Cancer Control Month in Mata-

wan in Monmouth County, New

Jersey, and urge the residents to support the Monmouth' County Unit. American Cancer Society,

New Jersey Division, Inc. and

its cancer control programs through Voluntary assistance and contributions.

(Signed) .Edwnrd E, Hyrne,

;Muyor *

WHEREAS, The Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Jersey huvc* dedicated {iiumselves

to the promotion of good will nmunfi men und lo the advance* ment nnd bclferhjent 0/ mankind *

in Oftch oily und coimmiiiiiy in Which (Ih'V exist; nnd

\VHI‘ HV;:AS. Ihtv Indt'pcuvH'tif Order of Odd 1'dlows 1 fits* yciir

flftminonioralo iheir 1511th Anr.i-

vrrsary y\\ lin; IJn|th /\ineu{i|i>

(innlint'iil, and their Mist Anni- vtn.saiy in 11>«‘ S'.ue of *<‘W J f,r*

jii;v; *uul \VHl-:RliAS. lilt', n ffuv is mid

Members of The lmli’pemleiu Or­

der of Odil lreilt)w.s t'f New ,lor* !»ey have u-quesU'd thut ilu* week

of Apr. -ll ihnm^h Ajn. as Ihe Indepeiuli'jU ()rder uj Odd I :ellows

Weeh:NOW, T ill:U i:i t)HF, I, KICH-

ARP J. liur.m -s, Governor nf

Iht* Stale of New Jersey, do here*

hy proclaim Apr. 20 to Apr. 26,

11)09 as Independent OrdfM* of Odd Fellows Week in New JDrney.

(»!VI'!N, inwler my lismd anti (he Great Seul of Ilie State of New Jersey, thin 11 lit tiny of April in Ihe year of Our Lord onu ihMJWmd nine hundred and >,ix*

ly-nlne and In the Independence of Ihe Pelted Stales the one hundred and ninciy-.third.

n ith a rd 'J , Huiih**, - •


STwo.Madison Tmynrfnp bpaihcrs, Bris«, Wt'ibtuv

Rime, and eight-yea^ld Craig Wilbur dron-ntd

Fiiday nlteaWM when theyslipped tow® the Du- fceroa! Lake Dam Into the deep waters of the lake.

Thfl tx^B, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wil-

li»U'. 107 Park Ave., Old Bridge, had been out

playing in th* vicinity of the lake, located on the

bordrt of Madison Township, 'East Brunswick and Spotswocd. , . ;

; The, lake is about three blocks hom the boys*

home, ’ ..........They apparently parked their bicycles along

<i>e «dge of Ui* lake, lift ens pair of shoes. *™j one pair ot sneakers nearby and went splashing

In the shallow water alon£ th* top of the dam.

' The rush of the water across the top of the

concrete dam apparently swept one boy , over the edge and into the deep waters of the lake.

Witnesses to/d police the other hoy tried to save his brother.

According to Mrs. David Chiera of Madison Cardens, the boy tried to reach his brother by

sliding off the dam, holding onto the edge and

yelling for help.

■ The water washed him off the dam, according to Mrs. Chiera, who saw the accident from her

' car.

By ihs Urt\? sfrs hf-r hii.-jUjfwv v.-l'i*.-

fishing nearby,: tiie boy* hao dis;'^pcoi<i3

the surface, ■ ................... ,

A witness railed police, from an Englishtown

Rd. gas station’ anil the BsHermen and other' chil­dren playing in the area, watched helplessly as

the dragging operations began. " '

Children there tentatively identified the boys

they had seen playing on the dam; Mrs. Wilbur

, later identified her sons’ shoes, sneakers and bi­

cycle# along the lake edge.

'Waltnr.Hp_oyer,. a ^m d iv e r »itH the Old Bridge

Ambulance and^ JiSrssrgcT.oy " stiuad, TOeiiicu: the

body of eight-yeai-old Brian at 6:13 p.m. in about five feet of water about -40 yards from trie dam.

The body of Craig was located by the East Brunswick Rescue Squad dragging crew more

than an hour later in about J5 feet of water near

tiie edge of the dam.

The boys were pronounced dead on arrival at Perth Amboy General Hospital.

The Wilbur boys, who were two of the six chil­dren in the family, drowned in the lake which has

taken seven lives in 13 years, according to one township police officer. :

Accident Cases Are HeardThree accident cases involving injury to driv­

ers were heard by Acting Municipal Judge Har­old Stem, Union Beach, Tuesday, presiding in

Mntnwnn Township court in the absence .of Judge Lloyd D. Elgart. Township fiist aid me'r, trans­

ported the injured to hospitals.

, Patricia V. Sbarbaro, 21 Middlesex Hts., Mat-

awan, was hospitalized after her auto hit the standing auto of Crispuolo P. Rodriques, 340 Ab­erdeen Rd., Matawan, teb. 26. Judge Stern de­clined to justain a careless driving tickct after

hearing tbe report of Patrolman Walter Cauldtr.Two young women, Brenda 1. Bing and Susan

Ench, Villas, were hospitalized when their car

was rammed in the rear by one driven by Frank

S u e . Red Batik, at Route 3S and Cliffwood Ave.

A w a r d T a n tru « * tvM<"' M%/«rK^ i .............. -

; (continued from page one)

by including them in the 1970-71 budget as items of capital outlay. He noted the course of construc­

tion on the schools would not be that advanced

but thu features to be financed through inclusion

in the 1970-71 budget could be built-in on schedule.

Total costs of the schools cannot be known yet •s plumbing contracts on both schools and the,

: electrical contract on 'Matawan Ave. School ar*

being tebid. First figures were regarded as ex­cessive and such bids returned.

“ Inflation has hit us hard.” M r.. Scullion com-

mected In noting that bids had been accepted on

■ the following restricted basis: ■Cumina Construction Co., New Brunswick, was

successful'btdder on genetfal cunsuuclion for both

schools, with a bid of Sl,06li,200 on the Matawan

Ave. School and J638.600 on the Cambridge Park

School.At Matawan Ave., the board chose nlternaies

leading to deductions of $81,800 from the Gumina firm's base bid of $1,148,000. Eliminated were

such items as scats ,for the school auditorium, bleachers for the. gymnasium, counters, taps and sinks for classrdoms,, paving for piny areas, » folding door for the gymnasium and paneling for the principal's office.

At Cambridge Park, the board chose alternates which reduced the base bid $28,400. eliminating

folding partitions in the multi - purpose room and

the cafeteria and replacing Interior walls with a

substitute item. !The board awurded Vena lilectric Co., Cliff­

wood, a $75,179 contract for electrical work at

Cambridge Park School, but rejected electrical bids on Matawan Ave. School.

;■ .Alternates,.tolaling 'dcditction? of ?17,511 were chosen, hy the board for (he Vena Electric Co.

' award, tflimiuaied :vic ;i:jI-1 on the budd­

ing and grounds and a : public address system.

Changes in lighting fixlutfs account tor more timn $90CO in deductions. ; ' . .■■■■'■

Elcctricul bids on Matawan:Ave. School were rcjecte<l because the low bidder. Freehold Electric Co. Inc., Freehold, Has toon,-) to be f;m|M:i}if:ivl,

Mr. Scullion reported. Mr. Scullion will advertise

for new bids to be,opened ut p.m. Wednesday, .

Apr. 30. . .......' A 1151.995 contract for structural steel work at Matawan Ave. School was awarded J.G, Schmidt

Iron Works, Inc., Passaic, low bidder among live.John Multese Iron Works Inc,, North Bruns-

witlt, received a contract iu the. amount of $73.­000 for structural steel work at Cambridge Park

School. The Maltese firm was low bidder among seven. :

Robert W. I’atiersnn Inc., Branch, re­

ceived contracts for heating and ventilating In both schools, bidding the Matawan Ave. job at

$234,200 and Cambridge Park at $138,400. 'The board voted lo H'ject alj hids ou food ser­

vice equipment for bolh schools’and on demounta­ble and operable walls lor Matawan Ave- School

only. Further bids will not be asked. Food service

equipment would cost about S(;.ri,(X)0: tjie operable walls would cost a few hundred dtillars more.

Day ( lare Center(continued one1)

Target Area Representatives, Mrs, Tccda ^ee,

M aiaw ai’ Township; Mis Hortha llym an, Key*

poit. • ;The Office: f'f iu'Ononne Opportunity, which al-

femlv has funded ijie rhiv earn centtr, requires

active pan-nt paji(« >|»aticM and #’Mpulat‘,i> that

seven jtje/nl)' r>; u[ '.he .•mn'iiutt /i khjm ht; paieais

whoso ehildn.i! art* j <']' (I In lh« center. Tht’Ktt

niemlier.'i <;t< fl Mar. 2$.

Fliev m«:hid'‘ Mi.-i. Jana ( l at i i ty of Kt.-amluirj’ ,

Mr:*. Jud ith ("ohm of I'ai^U He^ch, Mrs. Shirley

Lev of lirvpori, Mrs; Ann i>! Malavvan

Tti’vre-liip, Mi ! I'tia I i . f n i‘ <if Matawan, Uariy

Krnshier or l'*’V|.uit, and Mrs;. Sally Ward of Mat-

awan Township.

PUC Hearing(viiniiniicil froin pufit-' one) '

Mlddtrsev (Va.inty A'semhlvmun Robert WIN

entr. told the. comtnission thnt there rnny be some state funds available to suhsidi/.e Ihe llnu and

added tlml tho company should ho forced to con-

tlmm operation until tho legislature has tlmu to look Into thu problem. .

Kale Ool Hus:.ReliefA letlnr from lluclsou llos Co., Jersey Cily, op­

erators of an Intorslnle bus route over lite snme streets as followed by Marathon Ilus Co. buses be. tween Kennshurg and Perth Atnlioy, staled to tha

llailet Township Cotnmltlee Tuesday that the Hud­

son company was iu no position to make extra

runs at golng-to-work hours lo make up for th« Im* pending loss of Mnrnthon service.

Mr. Saxe paid $15, and $5 costs on a ticket from

Patrolman Michael Wagner. Two. New York men,

Sidney Sahn and Michael Indich, driving sepa­rately, were hospitalized after their cars collided

on Route 34. in, Iront o t the Mrainmore arioppipg Center Jan. 16. . Patrolman Kenneth Wirklunrj is­

sued a ticket to Mr. Indich un which $10 and $5 costs was paid. . ; . v .

One driver, Savara Sheren, 21. Idaho Lane,

'Matawan, was cleared of the charge brought against her by Sgt. Zon Macon jr., that of driving

an unregistered vehicle Jan. 10, but she was fin­

ed $25 for ignoring the re'urn date on the suni^ mons. Martin W. Livingston, Newark, chose to

ignore a delinquent inspection ticket given him

last May 12 by Patrolman Clifford Martin jr He

had to pay $5 and $5 costs for the offense and $15 for contempt.

Spinning wheels cc:t Stanley De:?chs!!y. Cliffwood Ave., Cliffwood, $15 and $5 costs on a summons from-Patrolman William Andrews Mar.

22. Barney E . Cloficld, Red Bank, paid $10 and

$5 cos's on a ticket for racitij? from Sp.t. Macon.

Jerome Daniels, 117 Milton Ave., Cliffwood, had

to pay sis and $5 costs for syU'-ai.nj; tues on

County Rd. Mar. 19 on a ticket from Patrolman Caulder.

Radar on Cliffwood A,ve, picked up ■ Douglas V. Field, - Scotch Plains, Mar. 16 and he had to

pay $10 and $5.-costs. Anthony De Angelo, 105 Di­vision: St., Keyport, was charged by Patrolman Gary Pricciante with running a stop sign on I.loyd

Rd. Mar. 1.5, and he had to pay $10 and $5 costs. -

failing to have, their vehicles under control

cost Robert: Rooney, Middletown, stopped by Pa­

trolman D. Gary Dickey Dec. 31, and Carmine J. Falco, Hoboken, stopped on the Garden Mate

Parkway, each flS and $5 costs.Mary Lester and J . C: Johnson, both o! Coun­

ty Rd., were each given, suspended sentences

und assessed $10 costs for an .altercation between -them, , ■ :, ■, . ■

f c i g a r t I ’ resM ie-S '- '---;

I n B o r o u g h C o j i r E

, l-.foy£ O F.b■ft'isrt, 7vI«t6wiVn..;T6'V/-whip. &cted ii‘» Jh6 .bcriMiph court Tha/^Jay- ij* {he o{ Ralph S.Heuser Jr. ,

Judge Elgart declined to accept -argument by Aogelo Bearese, Oi-

ai,iC’“n£? h i Vsnxite Covitl-

ic, Matawan, that ihe defendant could not have knowingly been guilty -of careless driving when

he caused an accident on Route

34 Oct. 25 because of being hit In the head, v.ith a bottle '.hat

stunned him. Mr. Coviello waft on

his way to seek help al a pfiysi-

dan, the attorney a.-sued.Judge Elgart sustained the ac-

tlcn of Patrolman Charles Farrell

in issuing a summons, noting that

if the defendant had the power of decision remaining to get in a car

and go in search Of a doctor in­

stead of seeking help from the first aid squad, Mr. Coviello could

also; haye had the ayoreness Jo

drive properly. A fine was im­posed. . ,. .

Thomas Dee, 74 Beverly Dr.,

Cliffwood Beach, was fined $100 and given 90 days suspended sen­

tence in the county jai! for ma­licious .mischief on complaint of

Jack Dolan, 31 Weldon Rd., Mat- awan. Ronald W. Schlosser, Mat-

awan, and Miguel Rivera, Perlh Anjboy, were fined on inspection•Wlillts. - ..................... ............... .

Crash Is Fatal To Matawan Girl

D*jnna Lynn Knapp, 13, of 10 Bec*e.hwo6d Terr.,

died. Sunday, Apr.’ 12,- at-Perth An?h^y Gen­eral Hospital from injuries sustained in an uuto-

mobile accidcnt in Madisun Township Thursday, Apr. 10. . . .

According to township p.dice Lt. J»rn«?s Ad- azns, Donna was a jpa/»iun$ci Tri a ear driven by her father that collided w’th u vebieie. driven by

• George Wiswhfl. of Hrick Township when the ac­cident: oet:un<H| ft( 7 p.m. on Route 34. ■'

Kij^ht other persons lyere injured in the crash

including Donna's twin sister. Gayle, who is still

in the intensive care unit of Perth Amboy Gener­

al Hospital with critical head injuries. .Other members ot the Knapp family who

'were hospitaii/ed in Perth Amhoy were Mrs, June Knapp, no«e injuries. Colleen, S, with scalp cuts, and Mr. Knapp sr., multiple fractures, cuts

and bruises, \nolher child, Robert jr.. escaped

injury. Two other persons injured in the Knapp car were Mr. and Mrs, George beal of 8 Crescent

PL, iMat awan.Two Itricktown residents, the driver and pas*

genuer of the second vehicle, were also treated

■t the hospital. Admitted in fair condition for

treatment of multiple <uits and head injuries w ai Mr. Wissint*, 37. Rina Romano, also of Bricktown. was treated for cuts and released.

Donna Lynn was born in Long Branch and had been a lifelong resident of Matawan. She was

the daughter of Robert A. and June (Strother)

Knapp.She was a communicant of St. Cleinent’a

Church, Matawan, and a student at the Lloyd Rd. Elementary School.

Resides her parents she ia survived by a

brother, Robert A, Knapp, at homo; two sisters, Gayle Knapp and Colleen Knapp, both at home;

maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Strother sr., Matawan; paternal grandpar­ents, Mr. and Mrs Robert A. Knapp hr, Mata­

wan, and maienud ^real-KiandpamUs, Mr. and

Mrs, A, 1.. Loti, also oi Matawan.A t.qu.t.ii! hij;!i m.V'K was offered in St. Jo­seph's rhuiTh of fvVyport ti( y<'*tt'rd<iy.

IntenneiM u:aK i ti e diieitiim of the Hay 1’• neral llmne of Kiv|ort. .vas in Old Irnnent (.e-

metery, ’tenaei:t.

Residents Urge('( nntiim rd tiDin p;t?’e e,ei )

The eiiiinnl „t!t!n-i i/i-rl Hi-* lti-ereiumn ('otni)ilr.- sion lo t.ii.i ",.-„i lurlsilictinn of the Clinton St.

playground, i\!nch was (icnuireil by the. lntroui;l'. jHBt Oetoher. t imiu il j.,I'siib'u! fieorjti' Connor

explained the lesnmtinn was to clarify tho ml-■'■!> ul the phiyi’roimd, and pave I'm; way for a summer pini'i'am el the site.

The council authorized it ru iiliae t n»’l to eveced

$2,'ilHl to New .le is iy S.veeping Und Maintenance

Co, t(* tueep 111,, boiouuli streets threu times

during the year. iCouncil accepted tho resignation of l :r,,nria

tm m o n s from thu Recreation Commission. Mr. Emmons cited the pressure of business ns lilc

reason for bowltif! out.Council decided to hold it public hearing nt Its

next session. May (I, ou Uio site plan approval granted by the Plnnning Doartl to permit Poet'u Dream, Inc,, to build apartments In P'reneau. The hearing was requested by Mr. Itnd Mrs,

Eugeno Reuseh of Tremiau, despite tiio barough'a adoption of an ordinance to ban all fuluru apart-

went building by ordinance last month, So ftir,

a building purmit h u been denied the develop*/,

Rubort Kay*.

e s e x m i fepair


ElectedOffice! & were nominated and

elected at a meeting of the La- ' dies Auxiliary to Guadalcanal

Post 4745. Veterans of Foreign. Wars, MaUwan Township. Mrs.Xtpnhnnia HiMnKxinrti nrcicwlftnt


Elected ivere: President, Mrs Kathryn Brazauckas; sen iorvce

president, Mrs. , Mabel Faron;

junior vice president, Mrs. Ann Mitchell; treasurer. Mrs. D^rothy- Smith; chaplain, - ^ Irs .. - Edith

Kern; conductress/ M isj Mary Ann Jouvm; guard, Mrs. Cather­ine- Schleetmg; trustees, Mrs,

Pauline Behr and Mrs. llilde- brandt. ... ■■

, : Joint installation of officers of the post and the auxiliary will be

, held Saturday, May : 10, in the

■ -VF.W-.Post Home, Cliffwood Ave.,Cliffwood. ..... '

It was announced by the hos­pital chairman, Mrs. Rita Scar­borough, that Ihe. auxiliary will

hold a bingo party . at Marlboro

State Hospital on May 13.

Mrs.‘ Ann. Mitchell will be in

Charge of a bus trip on JUne 4 to

Meudowbrook Dinner Club in Ce­dar Grove. The production will

be “ Irma L.a Douce.” Anyone

wanting lo attend may contact Mrs. Mitchell, .

The. hospitality committee in­

cluded M|>., Hildebraridt, Mrs. Behr, Mis. I. -,ie matuvCik and

Mrs. Dorothy S^.th .

A meeting of the auxiliary will

be held tonight at 8; 30 p.m.

The Mats wan Eo-wuKn, lUcrer,-

iion Commission met Apr. 7 at. the Borough Hall. M is. Marie Hanna was appointed budget di­

rector, re p lac in g George Den/,

who bad accen ted the assignment, on a te m p o ra ry Basis.

Victor Fabrovic, grounds chair­

man, informed the commission he had received an estimate from Aneii Devlno for the raising and repair of the. dugout at Uic Mid­

dlesex Rd. baseball field, in die

ajrwimt ol $546. It was decided to accept the estimate aad the work will be done in the near future.

D a n Vanderbilt, chairman,

stated that due to lack of attend­ance plus conflicts in the sched­uled evenings, the modem dance program had been discontinued. There is a possibility a similar program will be offered later this

year. He reported that the two

twirling programs being conduct ed at the Ravine Dr. School were nearing completion and had been successful ventures.

Dorothy Formon, buildings chairman, advised she had not

been contacted by representatives

of various groups and oiganiia-

(ions using the Jackson St. and Middlesex Rd, buildings for meet­

ing purposes. As she expects to update and clanfv the existing

schedule of the'buifdings, she may be reached at MI-9359 regarding

existing , dates and clarification,

oi,, said new aluminum combi- -: nation storm doors had been in­

. stalled at the Middlesex Rd. building and also that fluorescent

lights had been replaced at Jack- ion St.

Mrs. l iu in i reported that due

to inclement weather the Easter

- a . , v: ;

toft*- V;^'eggs.'wtri? disfruiuEwl »■. ihe son SL recreation Imddin^. Mr, *

Vanderbilt and 5»lr. Faiiravic . sisted in ‘ lining up ihe children

and handing out the. eg£>> Eaci;- : . child wrote his name an<3 adtJrest . ■

on paper and deposited-it in A box. A t tb« conclusion of the pro. ; . gram nine names wer« drawn and each of those picked received, . a p iiir . Tlifr yuung&tcis receiving

the large chocolate rabbi I prae%^;

were: First prize. Fffv.l - R e w tii S3 New Bnmswjck Ave.: second,

Jimmy Jerram, 20R Ravine Dr;

third, Jimmy Phelan, 252 Hard.-

ing Blvd.; fourth, Ray Giblock,

53 Johnson Ave.; fifth, Carla Bon- gart, 176 Jackson St.; sixth, Chris Beil, 6 Indian Trail; seventh, ; Brad Hfdl, 142 Broad St.; .eighth,

James Casey, 1$4 Jackson St.,

and ninth, Randy Wilson, 31 Park

Ave. ■■ ' ■■.: : ■ ■ ‘v ■ ■

Mrs. Hanna, on behalf of th#

Recreation Commission, express­

es appreciation to the following local Brownie troops and leaden

who were responsible for cutor-

ing the eggs: Troops 645, 7(1 and 214. Also ihauks is exiended

the Borough Police and Hourihan, chief of maintenance,

who assisted with the large groupnf 1'r'itnnrfni‘e im, tVia ■ nrnn'i4rij ...

quarter,. '

Local residents are reminded

that the special education pro­gram, a joint venture between

Matawan Borough and Township currently is being conducted un

Saturday mornings at the Mata- ■ •

wan Regional High School gvm -r■

and w ill continue until the end cf ■

^ . ,

Spring Concert Apr. 24

First Meeting Of New PT A Apr. 2^

The first meeting of the newly organized Parent - Teacher Asso­

ciation of the Ravine Dr. School in Matawan will be held on Wed­nesday evening, Apr. 23, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium.

The organizational committee has been working since October planning interesting and informa­

tive meetings for the 1969-1970 school year.

Next week’s meeting will in­clude the chartering of the PTA

and election of officers for the coming year.

Refreshments will be served.

All parents arc urged to attend.

This yeor the annual spring

concert given by the choral mus­ic department of -Matawan Re-.: gional High School, under the di­

rection of Mrs., Anne Hannah, will

be Apr. 24 at 5:15 p .m .’ In the

".auditorium. Tickets are now on sale and may b- purchased from any chorus inr r.

The program . ytlll include all types and styles of music, from the Renaissance period lo mod­

em day and from sacred music

to modern Broadway musicafi.

Highlights of the program'will include a selection of songs from Man of La Mancha by the mixed


Officers ,Mrs. George Morey was nomi­

nated as president of the Mata- wan American Legion Auxiliary

176 at a meeting held in the honti 1

of Mrs. William Donnonworth, Aberdeen Rd., Matawan.

The nominating coniMit’Uee also named Mrs. Russell Walling as

first vice president; Mrs. Daniel Consalone, second vice president; Mrs. Orville Reynolds, treasurer: Mrs. Robert Smith, seciclary;

Mrs. Eugene Needham, chaplain; Mrs. Janies Martin, historian,

and Mrs. Theodore Ryer, ser­geant-at-arms.

The nominating committee In­

cluded Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. Donnenworth, Mrs. Margaret Me-

Donald and Mrs. Robert Smith. Elections are scheduled for the

May meeting.

Mrs. Dorothy Rinear, poppy chairman, announced plana for the. sale of poppies, date* to b«

announced later.Mrs. Reynolds, president, con­

ducted the business session and

reported that the Country Store, conducted by the Monmouth County American Legion Auxili­ary in the Matawan Legion Hall

Friday was very successful.

chorus of 180, a solo aria from the Messiah by Richard Brov.i* ‘

and the spiritual "Deep River'1 - sung by the SO members of Vaf- ■,■; '

sity Singer*. -The Madrigal Croup of 10 will v! '

. ling an American folk song

“ Black Is 'fhe Color of My Tru* .: Love's Hair" , and a Bach fugut | with rhythm , accompaniment. Th* .: *; -

11 students who ' represented

MRHS at the All Shote Concert : f

have chosen to ling VO Vo* Om- nes" by Pablo Casals and V J .

popular song "Windy.” “I l ie Men's Chorus will take part

In the program with the Biitish Grenadiers and the Girls' Chorus ; .will sing two numbers, ' ‘Hymn ; :

to Musle” by Chopin and a popu* : ' lar French song. ■..=

Set Observance .> H. * • --- s-i -ivV.-.M-- Jf/..-

For Arbor Day ^Arbor Day was started,,on ;« " E j

state ■ by stale basi^ "liH',ft72/?It i j . was a day set aside for trees to [ '

be planted in order to replace ■' - thnsp m t down by the demand* of a growing population. • ■

A tree provided by the Lake- ‘ ridue Garden Club of Madison 1 '

Township will be planted on the ? ;

grounds of.the Schirra School, J ■ Awn St.. in the Sayre \Voo4. ft Soitfh section'of Ma'dtsim Town­ship, on Friday, Apr. 23, at 1:30 p.m. The ceremony will be con­ducted by the fifth grade student*

under the supervision of John Becker, resource, teacher at the .

school..The tree is a northern red oak which is the state tree ot Now Jersey. In case of rain, the ceremony and planting will be ., held on Tuesday, Apr, 29. ut 1:30 p.m. at the school. The public i*

invited to attend the ceremony.

Tricky-Tray Nets $550The Soroptimist Club of Twin

Lights held its monthly meeting at tfafcr's Landing, Highlands, on Thursday. with Mrs. Edward

Downey presiding.M tf. Everett Fenwick rep<»rted

on the sue.fssfu! Tricky - Tray held recently which realized n net

profit in excess H

(iuet-i .speakers for the evening

wete Rojier Bueki lew, adminis-

tratur cf Knmh Amlmv Mi nn uni

Jh«*p»tal; Mis. (.him- I . t ' /aidl l i ,

c\e(wtive .secul.tiv ,oid Jr.mes

A. Kyan, i h a m n a n <d 1'nddinn

and prouiids M i. Hm'kt h-.‘. i-tfei-

ed a plea for assi^iame to this

and other or^anvai!e>i- 0 / )i' Ip

youth Amhoy Jh “ pnel remam in


1 ho hospital had been rU iif.ed

fe de ia l lonn p.rants ft*i im p iove-

nieuts am i add itio i.s because ol

i! , l(>cation in I ' is t i ic t 17. U .e

h i'sp ita i H-nes Die nan .ii Ipa lilie *

of .Soutn AndMiy. S ay ievd le , Mad-

Iron Ti °r P iver,

nua ii, S[titsv."<:d nnd neij'hlx-nn}/


7hi) miiijJnftiinr rmiimitiee pre- nented the slate of officers for the

cominK yenr ns follnwB: Mrs. Dou'ftey, preni<lent; Mrs. Ca/nillO Crentile, vit'o pre.sirlent; Mrs.

Cieoi 'ft Oror.t, corresponding &ee- reiary; Mrs. August Pittius, ro» cording mcretary; Mrs. Lari <5. Stultz. trflflsuror, and Mrs. Her- \>eit Staer, newly appointed direc­tor joining the IncumbentN, Mri,

TcnEyck Ronson nnd Mrs. David

UnKebrettoti. Memben of the

nominating commlttc« were Mri,

Joseph Dempsey, Mrs. Richard; Fenwick and Mrs. John Duhrs, J

v■ A Joint Installation dinner w ill: be held on June 2 and the partici­

pating clubs wdl be Asbury Park. Freehold, Red Bank nnd South Amboy.

The annual spring hall wilt he held on Saturday evening, Apr.

26, al the Lavender Teiraic R oom . Magnolia Inn, Fivneau. Am i k l.n i p .o ty ’.Mil ;>t 7 M

p m . and m any surprises will he

p lnnned , ' l i t l i i ’is m ay he fhtain-

Ld fro m any neM uhtr or the com-

in no 'e , M is . C ifi.n le , c lia irm a i.;

f r n u k Touriru: jr . , Mr«.\

])ro‘ t, M r« h a i a l M rs,

l.V f.n tt I 'erw it k, M rs. R k h a id

Lni'A it.I;, M 'v (.ha rles Kit-'inan

and M rs. Dow ney ,

MeinhejH nn< lulip}; \\ert M ip . Staer, Mffl. l<on'nn, Mrs. I ’ itlius, ?»lrs. pt-wnev. Mis. Drost in.d

Mrs. J7.nnebret.son, Matfiwun; Mrfi. Fniie I'rvstal, Madison

Township; Mis. Stull/ and Mi s.

KUrman, Keyport: Mrs. Nicholas

RulsI, Miildh town; Mrs. George Burch, Leonaido; Mrs. Joseph Dempsey and Mrs. Alex Hahrs,

On Swim PoolsJoseph Rlfkin, building inspec­

tor of Matawan Tnunsiiip, asks

all |H*rh«nH owning h.tckyaid SUlinminK potds f,i i nhtemplalui|4

Installing one, to " m'PY the mifiiH ipnl ordiitnnee oo lymln

10 IM they conform,

Democrats, GOP(continued from page one)

Meeting fct a union hall in Ked

Bank, ihe Democrats, hoping crack the longtime Republic,-jr* monopoly on Assembly seats' « tiie county, cbose Little Sllver'i Mayor Gordon Litvin, Freehold

Borough Attorney Richard O * Connor, Monmouth Boach law- yor Richard Bonelio and former

Mayor Benedict Nicosia of Red Dank. ,

Pau l K ie rn tn jr . , who lost the

1UG5 election for county clerk by

777 votes, will try aj'Uin this

year. For tho two freeho ld^

posts, the Democrats picked WVSr*5

liion M<'CSovt>rn, a Fieelmld law­

yer and Philip Ch:nmd, a Brad-

fey Ih iieh com ini.^ioiwr.

lUvaa ( essftd candidates for As­sembly District ,P»A were foimer

Walhjr ( of M.da- Tov.n.ship, .Stejjhen I );t\ is of Manilapioi '|'<m>iship and tuhn

I'ioriao, Malavsari real i.iatc? flK»*nt.

Awardod Oil PainiinqMis, ( ail . in' j>ie

srntf'd with the o'l pnintin;.! “ Mol­

ly Pitcher on thu Ihdtl'-fiMd" bv

professional artist, Wmi Sm .oi of

I' i'vho ld . 7 ho pamtin;' v . - i e-

ated at a meetinj' (if The Wmu-

all's Club of Matawua when \V,n|

.Smart was thn speaker. It

waa framed and presented bv

Mrs, A.IL Lnhisser, chaiitn;m of

th‘i wnyfi ami means dtpai i tuent

of thn chih, at hor fund - uosn.;*

desst'ft rnrd parly Lndav, Apr.

11, in the eluhliouse. Mis. I nhis-

Si r oxtends her a|ipr et i.itmn to

thnM> who helped iiihI attended

tiie mu rcssful p.u jy.

- . r


Your favonte way tit Iiu rL w ’a

f Ii f f win uf Inn, Ihvy. »l.r» A I'llff-

uiKtd Av«. •

W J hu> 4/17


n ng t v tm n r v m i . ~}’--*\jf>.i'tf\Lv fl, , a

Youth Lounge Make Finai F 'Mns fo r HOA-Dvtvn1 Every Kses»f«F o? Tensjsls Shn-

.■;bra. M s te r a , ?mrii'.the tf-.fefK

. ’ jp in d p a r w t co. the smallest child,

a j;;; jj£i~ ia v iiA d .to ' ■ »!!4 ;kS a

ijptiaeiviifming party to- fauuich th#

youth loungo in the new wing ot

tha temple. C liuich St. M d Ayr-

, n o a t Lane, Sucdsy at f p .m .

: [it chara;®. of activities for ‘i ie

lounge warming are Michael Wot- kis *nd Chtistopiiet' Poliak, mem-.

.■b^not tiio Senior Youth Group, Mtiiic for cfie evening, will i>& jra-

vlded hy .anoUwr member; Barry i Preiser,.and hi* five • piece band.

eats have, been a*ke<i to br ing im aU gtfti to. he lp equip.

tli» liwnje. . . • ....' .-■'. Already inaujled lit ths teen-

&|J9Il»r ffyj'W 1 juii.'T TO

coke machitia, teliviiiuii sit, two

pin? pong. tables,; .and.% .supply Uf {flaying i:si>js. Sines tiie 1248 tquoef-.foot r m a .m il douols as

cisjsrpom space when needed by tit# religious sffituMi,. ».rnp!e *fajir,.

aga d.tsats and shelves Uave been fculit ta }io.y the aqti'prasnt whnfi

it is not ut use by-ows youth Grcup,

Schedule* tor the use ol the

toiaigi by . tha Strm»jrs, trw .nn'lii through 12th grade group, and tha Juniors, ths seventh and eighth

graae group, stit> Deing coinpnt.Ni

by ths youth committee,--headed by Mm. Richard Attinson, In con­

Junction with Dan Bach, facilitis* chairman. . A meeting ot the committee to make final p laa i f«r the “Tell It Like It li HAO-Down" (home, arts

■nd out-of-doors) show was held at Hie home oi Mrs, Theod rc Elder, Matawan, HAO-Down chairman.

Pictured, left to right, are Eftie Nicas, Long Branch, Senior Plainlog Board president; George Dunn,

Long Branch, advisor, with skimmer to be worn by men do traffic control committee; Mrs. Elder, Mat­

awan, chairman, and Ciody Dorl. Keyport. former G irt Scout; member at newly formed Alumna,- fjroup.

The show will feature S3 demonstration areas and ni fie stag* shews, actively involving 311 Troops, (309

Girl Scouts in the big Monmouth Council event to be held Saturday from I t a.m . to 4 p.m. ot Convention

Halt, Asbury Hark. Alumnae group wilt have a booth tor former scouts tv check in and meet with

frieods. Monmouth Council now serves well over 17,00* g irk and adults. Tickets may be purchased at

door on Saturday.

MataNeva Of Yon Aad V ou Family b t p r n c t a M M t a ; Time

Call Mra. Lorraine Smith. Tel SN-lttl

wan ersona items


WHOL* - , - - ■


7 9 *


6ftEASTS 10 Ik bn



PATTIESs a n d w ic h '


S lb. bsi

5 1k. Ihk

HIPS OF BEEF 35 lb.:: CUTS SIRLOIN steam .

39£4 9 1

7 9 !

6 . 7 5



WE DELIVER 566-1787

Mrs. Raymond Churchman,

Jackson St , vvas..;.the’--ftaes'i of

honor ac a birthday luncheon at^ |*« ,m n - .4./ ....V'.J. ■ . .*■..<* osloio.

Clover Hill Rti.r on Tuendiy;

Other guests attending were Mrs.

W illiam Donnewprth.jM rt; Jam es

O'Donnell, Mrs, Edw ard France/

-., and son, Edward,- and Charles

Kelly, Cliffwood

Mr. and Mrs. George Younk-

heere and children' spout tiie

weekend in Middlebucgli, N.Y.

M r. and Mrs. -Morris Yucht,

Biyukiyii, vycie iiie Sunday gimsts

of their son and daughter-in-law,

Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Yucht.

Miss Gwen Harris has returned

to her studies at Ashland College,

Ashland, uhio. after spending her-

/ springs vacation with Ker parents, .

. Mr. and Mrs. bdward Harris.

Peter Rasmussen and sons, Pe­

ter and Ham id; ‘15 Sutplun Ave:,

h ave . returned barm'. aUor. spend- •

Ing last we«k in the Catskills.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Seimcs and:

- children, ■ Stephen . and Karen.

Raneocas Woods, were the Mon­

day guests ot Mr. and Mrs; Rob-

•r t Butter.

W illiam T, Curtia was the

weekend guest of Miss Kathy

Alexander, Kdina, Minn.

Mrs. Leo Holland and Mrs

Richard Applegate and son,

Stephen, returned horns on Fri­

day after spending two weeks visiting Pompano Beach, Marco

' Island and. St. Petersburg, Fla. •Mrs. Charles F . Permit! and

Mrs. George C. Barrett were the

prize winners when Mrs. Hayard

Lamborn entertained at bridge on

Thursday evening. Other guests

attending were Mrs, Rosj Mag-

han, Mrs, ■ Arne Kalma,. Mrs.

Johnson Caftan, Mrs, Harry

Pitcher and M is . Lawrence t.e-


M r. and Mro. Fred Dietrich

dined ai Larrison's Turkey Farm ,

■Chester, on Wednesday'.

. Mrs. Frank 'BSiss entertained

at bridge urt Wednesday. Pri/.e

winners were M i i . Leroy Sickeis,

Mrs. Gerard Devlm and the host­

ess. Other guests were Mrs. Mar-



1 Yd*. Embroidered Lac* TrimFREE

with Purchase of J.OO or More


Reg. |,98


R e g . 1 .98

KETTLECLOTH 45" wideSALB $ 1 .5 9

MEN'S WEAR LOOK 45" vide$1.49sale

BONDED CREPE 45" wide2.79 & 2.90 SALE $ 2 .3 9

Sc h i f f l iE M B R O ID E R Y C E N T E R

HWY 36 264-3600 KEYPORT


OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. ■ TUHS. & FRI, 10 A.M, - 9 P.M, — SUN. 12-5M N t m a t M M N * » * » « » « ♦ * » * * • » tm # e

guerite T^aird* Mrs. l-'rederick l)e*

derick, Mrs. Joseph Dcrnberfter,

Mrs. W illiam J . RaljuL and M is,

- ...

Mrs. David Marlin. Main St..

ha.^ rciurned home after spend­

ing the winfer in Stuart. F la, .7 :

Mrs*- Em m anuel VimderbJIe. o p i ’

Mr,; and Mrs. V inc^U Larkiu'and-

children attended the Saturday

pcrfonna iue of the RingHng B ios : -

Circus in N^sv York. - : . • \

Mr. and Mrs. George Rangos

and children, Ceres and George,

Srjuth fiam pion, Fa.: RivnniU'-

Clemo, Locust Valley, L.I., and:.

Miss Kaye ' Rarigas, Brooklyn,

were the Sunday guests of Mr.

ar.d Mrs. Saia Rangos.

. .Timothy Tpomer, son of Mr. and Mra; -Wtlliatn : Toomet, Rat-

viiie» Dr., has returned hgine aft- >

er visiting his b.rother-ttt-law and

sister, M r; and Mrs. Johu Rerrv, ’

H<m ell Township. T

Mr and M is . Alfred Oakes.

Pompano Beach, My.. ur<? visiting Mrs. Darnel Heany. T

Miss Etelka : Schaffer. New

• Y«?rk, ,was the-Sunday •auest-of;

Mr. and -Mi's: Winston Schiiffar!^

Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Laude-

man, Cincinnati, Ohio, were the.

guests last week of Mr* and Mrs*

Raymond Cnrter. < •

Mr. and Mrs. D tjudd Lmvi.-j and

sou wc*re the Sunday guests o(

Mws Flo Gruudei, Deltoid. •

- Russs»U‘ Ra.f»|40K, a : s t u d e n t ut

Rutj»er3 ; lM tiv«sity . - spent , the

weekend ut the home' o f his par­

ents, M r. and Mrs. Sam Rangos.

Mrs. George Sueiro and daugh- k

ter, Janet, have returned Isoms

alter spending twow i'eks in Puer­

to Rico.

Edward Gueri> ElgttrL sou of

M i. and Mrs. DcrnarJ Iil^a rL

has returned to his siudU*s ut die

Univevsuy o f Wisconsin

spending a vn-ck v. his parents.

h !r . a n d M rs. J«u:k B^.rst and

M r. and r*irs S lu ’ i.'y

and ch itdren , Ross, Lou .arn| .y i;i»

cy ,.w iM « the S und .ij guos.t^-i>f M r.

rtnJ ,\tr3. l,a .)a Uo Iu m i i , L.’J .c

H i i ^ a t h a ,

Mr. and Mr.^. M arhu ‘Tosutto

entertuinod ou Suti«rd;jy evening.

Tliftir-fjtn’^is Mt. and M ii .

Jum cs Gaila^hot' ' an<i family.

Nassau. Balu'.tnas; Mr. and M is.

1'iiomas Llovd. Massjp:*qu;i, I. I ,

Mr. and Mi'.v Michael HalKcau,

RlauveU, N . Y : Mr. a< vt Mi:>-

John Flvnn, The Bron**: Mr. and

Mrs. Bernard 5i;os-,, Miss Pefuy

Smith. Mrs, M a i^a i f t Smiih,

Mrs. T 'a lin 'ta TohiUU). New*

York: Fred Soelman and Mr «nt!

Mrs. Il*!«ry Kavana^h, Bt'DOklyu.

Mi*». F-'dward W. Currie, Mrs.

T l'uim> Wcl.stcad, Mrs. Margur-

t tie I.aird, Mrs. W illiam K. Crai^.

Mrs. l.eroy Sickels, Mr-J. P-ut

Kijan and Miss Catherine Mac­

Donald were the T hurs^jy after­

noon bridge guests 0 ' M rs. Ger­

ard Devlin. The prize winners

were Mrs. Currie, the hostess and

Mrs. W eU iead

Mrs. Daniid Rlnear Jr- ha» rs-

Uirned home after spending a

week vacationing In Stuart. Fla.

Arthur Ward. Fduewater Dr.,

Iu h rtMurned hom« nfier being a

surgical patient in Monmouth

Medical Center.

Charles W oodm an Is a patient

In M o nm o uth M ed ica l C 'oiil^r.

M i. :utd M rs. Gt'nr:>'‘ C l.u k *nd

Mr.i. A lti'H i G lid-w eli *.ver^ flit*

Sunday afternoon j»uesis »f M r

And M rs. SV'alter M ih n i, Mon-

n im nh Beach.

Mi'=*. C am illa D. C e iiii la and

( lu ld 1 i'll, I .y !'•>-*. " i 1 r t " ‘i ^ ‘>ck,

and \Ii«. F<»irano hi'.i* ij-

tu rned hotn-* nfi-'i' Kpi*nf|m.» i,‘" ‘ oral ( li iv i a I Mu ( !<«c*t F i r m . I .a l i ­

enator, P a .

M r. and M r*. !( • • : '!/

iViMi* th«* Sun>l->V I’Venli'j; ?*ii',.-.ti«

Of ^ l i . u nd Mi-*. F i «k1 f) ie n ic h .

Vi’ilhiiin T. Cm 1 n- Im-. t<'imtK*d

ta Ills siudUH ai P .h ^ iih Ctdk*j<-)(

FuirfieUI Iowa, ati-'i st»'M(lin?

V* spHnm vncallon vnl i h*i p if-

outH, Mr. ond Mr'*. I.dw a id W.

Currio.MiHil ,1. M tih fl H io ’.vit, In' 1 v jio t f (

M in Mill '■ I 'mi " t Si m s V--.7

Moiminutlc Mi

P-Mlh Amho’

Wheelei a*'il

M«*f»d:UV 1 d.t"-

II DmuihirlliNi 1 ! ■ IK V. Me llllilhru; I- 1

Itlrllu /.iv al Mi-

Sh tiirrttty*. ' 1

t IH,! I.i.HI.

Ml . !«■


\h-. I i]u'

!• !•'. it‘

«i;t I

B n lu r td ln G u a i t i

‘iiht M u. Willi un Mill- m fi'H Shai>< < >(n >'ii ,.t, . ' • I M'.irh, re'tM-dy ''iiI'T-

1 Mr, and Mr<. Kober. v. -A\4 ti.1.1 diUghUM', Il ibu i.-'t

*:, a id M;». WiJ'MT- jl ,, Vt» , «**■■ I M r . M l •

-,y n.ddndhr, 'm.



| tine,

Will 'On'Ape, W t


:?t rta'-• ' lVi i i? :iv;f

Nlr*t Cj?or7.> •Jslvftr'i.wrjj.

lu \ z*T.;-st Maf:*

Mo’, A^r. 28, ai

v:. Miss Ann Churchman, returned /hpjnc on Thursday after spend-

iag: the vvlnt«5t In Floiida ae fh.o. - yii ‘.‘5v. «? Mr. Mrs-

Brucc*. Fort Lauderdale. •

: Mr. and Mr». Ro!IiuT..Richards

enteruined recently iu t e o r o f their san, Bruce, who was cele* bratini' his birthday. Gueste at­tending die. movie party vv;ctfi-

Mftrk and John Ayanian, Johrr, and. Brum McQuarrie, Andy Noy­es and Kri? Frank, \

Mr- and Mrs. Camillo D. Gun-

m o . rtttwn. u c . ium,

Mr. and Mis, Frank Tourine jr. and Mr. and Mrs, Earl C. stuitic spent week ac Mt: Airy

:Lodge. Poconi), Pa... aUendmg ini* .distisvr conference oi the Rotary International. - . -

. ‘Ml- and Mis. Wdilam C.

dinga returned, home on F i lh y after spending - three .\vo«ks-

irg ; tneuv son-in-law, and- daugh- teiy-Mr. ai\d ^rs. Aibert Laehder.- .3*Uvyi<i, Mo. 'Ihey spynr 00c wc-ck

touihi^tiie lancoln lleritaftv l'tail

.-thrpufth' . Kentucky and H'.nMS with -Mvs. .Laehder iatui children and Visited Mr. and Mi* rnonus Noddmgs, Wustem Spilnj*, Hi.

Mr. and Mrs. J;C, t e ^ i i Ii, Plainfield, were the Frida/ L’u e ^ O? h ii mother, Mi's. J,C." Uv«vn.

: Miss Sandra Richards eutcrtam ed at a farewell party in honor

Of. David Smith, fion'of Mr. yr.d

Mrs. Hlwwd Smith, '.vhj Unt

C^utly for the U.S. Air Foro* Guests attending were Jo KHen...

Mye:s, Debbie Siniili, Nancy t:a.s-

enheis, Mike TomaseHo, Ami i^* online, Mike Herb. C;'ilteee. L5?r* rain^ham, Mike Li.uueu. T-xa

Sclil'.uyi'.-iuer, Chris ar;d

I.ynu 'l urhy M r. and Mrs. ,Vacn Uarst and

grandchildren, Lon and Stacy

Seaman, iveie tho Monday quests i>f Mr. an'f Mr*;. Sanforti P.'^eer, P'^MvV.v. L.I.

'.'is 'Vei!(,>(’*• Spf*te. and daoi’h ;*•. . M a r jo r ie , \ver«» Uu* giuistt las ,vw.'-k of Mr. and Mi s. R,iy. nwvr. I h-ASsford. Jei'.^-v Ci-y.

Mrs. Palmyra To^etto, Ne’-; York. Is visaing Mr. and M m Man in T^seito.

M r nnd Mr.?. H e:urn Hurke

d ‘ ."d ei Uu- Bean Kiva(.*e, Spring

i ak-* Hfiyht.s, Saturday evening.

?*tr. and M n , Jack' Burst were

the Sauirday guests of Mr. r..‘j M»w. Morris Hack, Rrookh';.

Mr. and Victor \ir,u iind

cluldren, Gregory nV. .fason. Ke;v

York, uere th« Cafurday 3 uesI?

of M i. and M.s. Stanley Seaman.Mr. -md Mrs. Walter Jones and

chi Id iv'., Duuglas and Kendra,

* returned honu* afier visit- j ,>* ihe Kev. and Mrs. Robert Ad- di», Ain;u.sta, Ga.

Mr- olid Mrs. Aldo Barsotti and tfuidritn have relumed alter vl»-

Uinff Washington.' D.C.. and set*- injc Ihe cherry blossom*.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jacoh

have returned home from a trip to Chicago, Hi.

Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Crane entertained at a Hippie pdrty on Saturday evening. Their guests

wera Mr. and Mrs. .V Smith. S;<- ver Spring, Md.: Mr. and Mrs I.avvPMica Conlin, Hartsdale,

N.Y.J Mr and Mrs. B.F. Lewis, M i. and Mrs. Stove Nolan, Mr-» William Levenson, Mr . and Mrs. R.ibeit Blish. Mr, and Mt.v W;'-

!iam I fin hius aud Mr and Mis.

OmrliiMV lladdtK'k. Prl/.o wlnn.n*

fin ni.* most authentic cnsUimei \\erw B.F. Lewi* and Mrs. Hid- l in k '

Mr. and Mrs. Marwtd Hotinei mill J in^liter.1, .loanno and .fat.- qei'lm*. I<;ivinu Dr., and Mi*.Ifnlnew ’ f.-ither, Mit liarl Havtan, Cllff.vofvl, havd rftturned to tlxMr

h\\\M nftor Rpendin^ a week’s

v u fa jb n wdlh lha ilo lm o i’ dau^h*

t »r mid sondndaw, Mr. and Mr#.

R .m tld Artalll, Daytona Reach,

1 0 . ' i)r . ami M rt, EM . Lazov/ hnv i

Vtf'urn.»-l from a f-va week stay

A) tn i Dnral Coimtiy C(uU In

NT'tii MImmi. Fla.


A N'atiesA; run<iftWn srnn Crowr* for K,itu>e.r-iit” rtt'i' ini :Mtrr*iuiJ |V*r;;Man

thv* Js'JV'ish. ■i'ttnd', J NF, jew-*

ih i t)ej»innin|» o[ ’his. f ir y . have had -i vital Mak? h± the building of Und of fsrael. Urn// before th-* H?rih!i;)ir.>eni 'A the state, tho JNF Bluo Box had

becom-j 1 syudKJi of ihe deter* rnhiation of Jews to survive a« a ptKjple.

Also through ti\e safe of treo certificate:!, Hadassah has plant­ed vast forests in Israel, named

in honor of great personalities, on

tha stony slopes yf Galilee..--Sae- maria, and the Jerusalem hili.9.

.These names hke Henrleua Swld,

founder of Kacbs-sah, Stephen Wise, Eddie Cantor, Eleanor Roosevelt, have l>et*u perrnajienc-

Iy rooted in the soil of Israel.On the program for the evening

will ba two cosmetician* from Adrian Arpel who wilt roaJce uo alt imeresied 7;onten. EyeUshes"'iii. OC- el’Vvt'. uo-a tKKjf prize.’

G i r b R i f l e C l u b

Are C h a m p i o n s

T*h*j e’ti.'r.pionahip of the j^lrl’s

:divi.stOii. .of tha ie.uuul lw.«i,Sr

sectidfiais reremiy h^fd a t Som­

erville, wax .von hv cha Red Rank

Jun ior R ifle Ciub'.i Girls’ Team

vvitji a.scyv^ o f Out o f a poa-

sibl?.. -IfifiO. point?, Theic

placed seventh in ' the cvtfcaU team rosulta. . - •

Their individual- scoro results

were; T.ymi - S-eidou, . Red 'Bank,

UW;. Terry ; Teynaiiun. New

Shrewsbury, 347: kathie-Cfodiui,

Mataw-jo, 3i5, and Joy Ericson,

M ’dui'Ciovvn, • J4a. The girls a il

finished in dvi top third 0 * the

individual cwnpettttam •

K'v*b>>?- C bd iu i. a snpho»ny?:»> i t

iMatawan. .•kegio.nat -High School,;

has. been. siiop'Hng’.vvijh the club

for four;years and hoM< the rank

of SharpshooL?c Bar 9. She. play*}

tiie '.barUyne hifcn.. la <;h« high

school band iind is a; .member of

a trio cs.Ued C a r o l M u s i Q a i

G^iusO .vrf hJ a.'-jii U * Sf £■? • 1 ' !.r wKtch :

plays at- adult functions.- consists-

of -iC'aroiifiiii'CusAn^ano,^ Union.'

Beuch^XH'gaii;'' Judy Muller, Mat-

awan, drunis, and Kathie oa gui­

tar, .'

CAFETERIA MENUM u f f t w a a K e g i o a i a l I l i g b . -

, -. ■ rjijyd ft-aid

(ivKiN- >£A-P> Ltara.rv,k, C#We*SA .-. ■■,.■.■

■ ot ApriS. l\, '■ ■ ...

' ■' MONDAY ■ v

■ - - ■ v - 5 J.irtCthP'lli’V •' : ,

<h-en C-rrf.ieri Frankiurwi*


Paafttveliic R-5fS J«*d Buctw ' ’ - ■'

Ll Cirl'3 Sr(«Ci4W ■■■ -

C'oii SUcjxJ Ciuck«n Ss‘&ii O'ai'.ifr 9 ii» i *n4 9uHM

H am and C h e e u SsiH lw ich .......... .

Wuc««tt Ittoa S!wp with tracker*

■ n ju s o A V .:

Hut Luactooa

Hot EtoMl Stef SaaJwlith with Oravy

Creamy Whl^^jod - Svttored O an lM Sjafatadk

Bu'cer Julo4

A L l C»ci» S fM la li

Tmw FUU S»I» i Plstwi: . ... ■ B n t J M d ButteC

Calami Sandwicli

a-of Soup Hltb Cracker*

- ' " ' WEDNESDAY . , ; " -

. .. ■ ' '. H'>{ Luothao* - ■ :■ .

Spaghetti with Meat S tuca , . ,-i-.

It&'ltui Sroad aitj Butter Xo m J 5«il«d with SrcMiay

A L» Cart« Sp*c!a!a - -

R»M »w Salad P la tte ‘ * >

Baked Ham $»»4w!.fe . . -- —

Garden Vegetable Soup witfc Cracker* -


H»t Luncheoffi ■ ■■■■■ ■ - - "■

ChoptKd Sirlola Steak

Hailj B ra w a P o ta to * ! Puucrtd Preach :

Hatf.iwrgir Ben and Buttei: Komai i

. .. ..' A L* CarW SfietlaU . .

C'll-J Cut Silad Platter Vua Ktti BhUM

. Chicken Salad Ssadwicli .

Yaultefl iteaa Swp with Cf*cker* ,

■ " , ' V- ■ . FR ID A Y ■ ■ ’ ■ - ■

Hot Umcheooi

Ovutt Baked. Fi-ih. Stlckv v iiit Tattar Sauc*

P iu a Pie CoU Slaw

Bread and Buttec Fruited Iei(«

A La Carte Si^eclali .............

tsjs Saiait f'witer Br»»d aad Butter

Anterictw Cheea3 and To ill a to Sandwich . . ..

Crc-nm of Toniuto Soup wlih Crackers

WCM'WUM99© W®msiMW® vmim:

i \ i m IIII ...

1 Style V m q^

» M i d i C i k i

,. P is r C d k s S a b

The - M»uawan Jaycee - sUfts*' second C'ak‘3 Sa^o w iil ba held

Sutuniay morning Stanii^ wi!: by set up out^d'J Foodcown, Mah\ S t .1

and" Acme in the Sttalhmorci

Shopping C'J,'v^r, it')uie 3L M at­

awan, , ■ -


S+or® HoursjMON. THRU FRI. » A.M. - ♦ P.M — .SAT. I A.M. -

. . SUNDAYS 1:10 A.M. t» I JO P.M.


, m

»rl\tc *A».l\li'l'J UN KCAK U r OUILUIM^

The F&M

Loan Officer




.......and he says we canarrange AUTO FINANCING now

— before we buy!!"

B o rro w P a y B a ck * N o . P a y m s n ts M o . P a y m e n t *

$ 1 ,0 0 0 1 16 0 . 20 16 i2 .4 S

$ 2 ,00 0 2 3 1 6 .7 6 16 64 .91

* N»v-' Car Financing, Including Credit- Lifo Insuranco.

Farmers & M erchants


V/odnosrJay Niql.l'.Slrilli ’'H ,» <.Mi : \

Tliur-. J vj/ N irjM

CM!. ». \ Oil •>

F rl I,-iy M i q l l f i

1.1 ,» • i < »»|m A


P a re n ls W e lcom e New A rr iv a ls 'axemen isfrmnuaF

- -Mr. aiK? f e . -,H.erbtr* K ,-<-h-

j-tr, ‘s Hii's.irtorpe Ct. Old

B r lilge. mv C'e i.‘» V? js

4aughtar: bQm M a i ,»27, aS«?, in

: St. Peter's Hospital.

Pvterwit... ..A.-tfiuigftiW'-was'.barn. ?4af. 28,

15t*r»j ii) iT f r i 's H u ^ u i I ll;

. Mxi and . R tibert Ppti'irsjifi,

R D 7, Box 217 D , Opiircll S<i .•

Matawan,'.: 1 ■.-.. . .

/> ftruslein■ Mr. and M rs. Joel Brustein,

M Shoshone St.. 0id Budge, are.: 'hA- paivnts.'of a son. 'born .M an

28,if IS69, in St. Peler’s !!osp:tt!.

’ " Casey ■ ■ ■

- , -A, sou;, was bopi Monday, Apt.:

'7 , 1S69, in P enh Amboy Genera!

Hosjfifal w M r. and Mrs. Lav/t-

«nc i'C ase y , 264 Prospect Avtf.,

... L s u m ice Harbor.

* ' Gsnzale*

. M r . and Mrs. Ernest Gonza-

k'Si Arcade Gardens, ' 0 J d

KrW(je, are <')<> p r im us c l a

"-(butjbtM '. bo rn 'A p r;; 1, 1969,: in

: Somerset H o s p ita l. -"■•;■ ■

. (khhifter

:>■: A: «on was born Apr. I , . 1369.

, In Somerset Hospital tg Mr; 'nnd

'Mr*.. Kenneth Schlouer;. 87 HiJ-S i! * Undpfi... ..-. ....

■. ■ G rac* i

M r. and Mrs. Thomas Grace,

/ 13 Orchard Pkwy., Mwganville,

• r e : the parents ot a daughter w in Monday, Apr, 7, 1969,- in

Amboy ■:■. tie net» IH aop i m i.

' : M *'*\ daught<:i'wss bom Monday,

“Apr,. 7. , 136S., in P enh Am buy

Hospital to M r. and

M rs, John Kelly, 8 Gerard Ave..

O ld Bridge.

T m

N r . and Mrs. Raphael Toro/, M ornin^kle Ave., Xaurencs

arbor, ;are the parents of a son born Tueid»y, Apr. 8, 1069,' in

fe r th Amboy General Hospital.

. , Herbater

A daughter was bom Mar. 29. 19*9, in Somerset Hospital to

M r. and Mrs. John Herbaler,

M2 Cindy St.. Old Bride*- feielU

M r. and Mr*. Theodora Intel-

U, I Farm dale Rd ., Haxlet, ara

’ th a . parent* o( a * M born Fri-

■ day, Apr. 11, IM *. in Riverview

Hoivttal. '

- A aon wa* b o m Friday, Apr.

11, 1W9, in R ivatvlew H o tp iu i

lo M r. and Mr*. Gerardo Kca-

<t*iao. • K utgerf St.; H a z l e t , ' '

t . ' K la a ' 1

' M r . and Mrs. W illiam K ing.

41 Center Ave., Keansburg. ara

tb * parents ot -a daughter born

F riday , Apr. I I , 19W. in fiiver-

L'f: . ' ; ... ' '

•A daughter w ai bo m -Mar.- 27,

lt t t , in St. Peter’* HotpiMI to Mr, and Mr*. .W illiam Suiv

mann, 2t Culver Ct.. Old


. M r. and Mr*. Robert Fayard,

V7-A Beacon Blvd., Keansburg.: are the parents ot a son born .falurday, Apr. 12, 1969, In Mon­

m outh 'Medical Center.

I ; A daughter wa* born Satur* day, Apr, 12, 1969, in Monmouth

; Medical Center to Mr. and Mr*. - Raymond Behr, Morristown St., ‘ Haslet. •' «• '

. .. . • XlrwnttclDr. Nati Kiremitd and Mr*.

■ ; Kiremitci, Marlboro ; State Hos­pital, are the parenta of a datiRh-

. ter born Sunday, Apr. 13. 1969,

v in Monmouth Medical Center.

. GarfieldA daughter was born Friday,

Apr. 11, 1969, in Jersey Shore

Medical Ceritef to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garfield, 28 Appletrt*

Lane, Old Bridge... : '■ ■ .- . . Dwyer ■ - •■ Mr. and Mrs. Dennl* Dwyer,

f t t Riverside Dr., Keyport, aie {lie parent* of a daughter boin

Saturday, Apr. 12, 1969. In Riv-

trvlew Hospital.Mnurer

A aon was born Sunday, Apr. )*, 1969, in Riverview Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maur­er, 13 Overlea Lane, Matawan.


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bailey, BW-A Crosa Rd., Matawan, ara

tlia parent* of a daughter born ^unday, Apr. 13, 1BW, In River-

View Hospital. 'Tunlson

. A daughter was bom Sunday,

Apr, 1». 1961, In Riverview Hoa- 4 it a l to Mr. and Mr*. Gerald ^unison, SIO-A Crosa Rd., Mata-

wan. :

Mr. and Mrs. Charle* Miller, )| Claremont Rd., Hmlet, ar* tfh* parents of a daughter born

Sunday, Apr. )J, 1968, in Rlver-

Vi«w Hospital.Roaalo

A daughter was lo rn Sunday,

Apr. 13, 1969, in Riverview Ho»-

bital In Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ro-

JiBlo, 104 Thorcso Ave., Keyport,

DentingM r. and Mrs. R ichard Dcming.

SOI Fifth St., Ut.lon Bench, ar*

kite pnrents of n dmightcr Ixirn

Wednesday, Apr. 9, 1969 In Riv-

grvlcw Hospital


Check With U» I

Atkerson, Van Busklrk & Elliott, !n(,


. , 1 1 , Front Sf. — Koyport

loi. 3M III6


■ A si-it ssiii Iwfil- i;; !\i»v -tnrf .

■■ - M rs ,, -ifnrics K/ok-v.;-1.2 AJ^r.oifiyn

RtJ., iMr.'Kiiji, WcdntfitiKy; Apr.

S, a t Eiyrirr-i-A'

t a m p a n

.Mr, ana--Mrs Jtfw i.'Cam jtsB :,

.... i35. Edjteview Rd.-,-Keyport, are j a i e t i t s ni is -dsiifthtcr-. t,ic j *

, Wedni-fdtiy, Apr. 5. a% 3 in Riv*

f f ' j e v '

. ■ " ■ ' . ■■ K tlly ■

Mr.: uni) Mi'S. ’A iih am Kflly,

M i tylorninjjSide Ave,. U a i u n

Beach, are parents o f a douj^nter

. bora 'Wednesday, Apr. 9, S969 in

Kiverview nofipiiai,

j Chapman

A son was born in Riverview

Hospital to Mr, and Mrs. Rich­

ard Chapman, 33 Warren St., Keyport, on V/ednesuiiy. Apr. 9,



M r. and Mrs, Jchn Truex, 119-

CS Beers St.. Holindel, arc the

parents u t a son, born Tuesday,

Apr, 8, 1969, ipi Riverview H<j.v

. pital.

. WinkeimauA son was born Tuesday, Apr.

I . Iii69. in Riverview Hospital to

M r. and Mrs. Edw ard . Winkel-

m an, 53 Brookside Mobile Ct.,VI.,>UI .......... . ' . . . :..........................

Ciagiin :M i. and Mrs. M ichael Ciaglia,

420"Atlantic.Ave., Matawoji, are

the parents o l a ilaugliter, born

Tuesday, Apr. 8, 1969, in R iver­

view Hospital;

'. • •'. Crane

A son was born'Tucsdny, Apr,

8, 1SS9, In , Riverview' Hospital tq

M r. and Mrs. Joseph Crane, 1

Liberty. St., Matawan.

KibbleM r. and Mrs. Ihom as Kibble,

Parkview - at - Madison,, l.aur-

ence Harbor, are the parents of

a daughter btirn Tuesday, Apr.

8, 19*9, in Riverview Hospital.

■" v ■. ... Yahara : ■■■■. ■ -

A daughter was born Tuesday.

Apr. 8, 1969, in Monmouth Medi­

cal Center to Mr. and Mrs. Chap-

le* Yahara, 12 Seaview Ave.,

Keansburg. , ,

,.■ '" ■’ 1; ■ "Abtf... ■ . ,Mr. and Mrs. John Aber, 211

Atlantis Sr., Keyport, are tho

.parent* Ol a daughter, born

Tuetday, Apr. f, 19(9, in Mon* Bwuth Medical Center.

.: KUgM

Mr. and Mr*. Walter "Knight, 9* Roosevelt Ave., Laurence Hat*, bor, are th* parents of a sons

-born Apr. J, 19M, in Perth Am­

boy General Hospital.’ Scully

A ton wa* born Apr. S, 1969, in

Perth Amboy General Hospital

to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scully, 13

Cedar St., Keyport.• v ■■■■ Beicbner ■ ■

Mr. and Mr*. Delbert Beich- ner, 379 Beverly Dr., Cliffwood

Beach, are the parents of a ton, bom Apr. t, 1M9, in Perth Am­boy Central Hoapital.

lam ela

A daughter wa* born Apr. (, 19*9, in Perth Amboy General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Einan- tie)* Lamela, 12 Woodlawn Cir­Cle, Cliffwood Beach.

.. Rusnak 'M r. and Mrs. Robert Rnsnak,

St. Georg* PI., Keyport, are the

parents of a second child, a daughter, born Wednesday, Apr.

.1, 1969, in Riverview Hospital.

The baby has been named Beth

E llen. Their other ch ild is a son,

Robert. Mrs. Rusnak is the for­

mer Miss Kathy Benedict.

C om m luo

M r. and Mra. Louis Commisso,

• Raccoon Dr., Hazlet, are par­

enta of a daughter born Thurs­

day, Apr. 10, 1969, in Riverview


CagalandM r. and Mrs. Joseph Cagaland,

8 Woodland Rd.. Hazlet, are par­

enta of a daughter born Thurs.

day, Apr. IU, IM9, In Riverview


A son was born in Riverview

Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert

Manfre, 206 Newark Ave., Union

Beach, on Thursday, Apr. 10, 1969.

. Lomanlo 'A Hd) was born to Mr. and

Mr*. Carm ine Lomanto on Thurs-

(lay, Apr. 10, 1969, in Monmouth

Medical Centfv.Jensen

Mr. and Mra. Thoma* jtn ie n ,

M Forest Dr., Jackson, ar* tho

Jiarents ol a daughter born M ar.

7, 1963, at Perth Amboy Gener­

al Hospital. The Jensens are

former residents of M alawan. Tho«np»cn

Mr. and Mra. William Thomp- ton, 137 Matawan Ave., Mata­

wan, are th* parent* of * aon born Monday, Apr. 14, 1969, in

Riverview Hospital.Ma.’iuccl

A daughler wa* born Monday,

Apr. 14, 1969, in Riverview Hos­

p ital to Mr. and M rs. John Ma-

riiiccl, 13 Maywood D r., Marlbo­

ro Township.IvricaMiii

M r. and Mrs. Paul Ericsson,

Aberdeen East, Matawan, ar*

the parent* of a son born Mon­

day, Apr, 14, 1969, in Riverview

Hospital.A leal

A son was born Monday, Apr.

14, 1969, In Riverview Hospital

to' M r. and Mrs. Chnrlea Ale*!.

1C Oakwood Dr., Hazlet.

Services' Tuesday' For A r e a F u n e r a l S e r v i c e s

' H e n r y e r s i m . :


M r. and M is W i)liant: H.

Speed, 151 Ivyh .ll P r., Matawan,

a n n o u n c e the engagement of

their daughter, Joan Louise,, to

Robert Devino, son of M r, and

Mrs. Frank Devino, 27 June P!.,

Matawan, . /'

Mjss Speed is a graduaie of

Matawan Regional H igh School

and is employed by Bell Labora­

tories in Holmdel.

M r. Devino vtac also gradual*

ed from Matawan Regional H igh

School and is attending Jersey

Cuy State College.

'Ihe w»dding Is planned io?

Aug. 16.


T _ - ^ <4^^!


\ir. and Mrs. G e u r ^ F t

Warsih, 381) West f^ruspect A v e ,

Cnffwood, announce th^ tngage-.

m iiit o f .th v ir dku^hter* Jac q u e s

'line,.‘‘ to.''rvfi\ R ichard C. Conklm;

son of, Mr. \d M rs. R ichard A.

Conklin^ 260 \ DermiU Ave,, Is­

land H e ights/ •••

‘ ' Miss' w arsr/jg r a ' i ^ b graduate’:

o f M aU *.an . Regional. High

School 'a n d is employed by

Gevrcc* Marsh and i>ons. >ler fi-

anco 'is servjng j.o the 17. S. Ar-: vr/;.y and is stationed at Foct,

Leonard Wood, .Me?. .........

. No; da le has been set for ih#

weddn)^. , ...

Brcii-SimmonM ....... - -

.«(.• ?Vic t-y-

.. ' i':-r M;*.

... Ed ith |i_CaJef j : \rntUf Homi ■

Henrv E. Ackerson tr.-.

v.wha, a ie e -S‘y'uriI.i r ; n^ her te rn ;, i\U M<*.p’if

; t i . ; Key p o r t . '

;• Thi^ Rov. Sharon T, St holic-iv

pastor of the church, olUcidied

a^d undvr the Ohvt-tion :of the Bedie Funeral Homf-,.

Keyporl, was m Molrndei Came.- tery. ,

Mrs. Ackerson was born ia

• Iladdan i, Conii., and was ihe

daughter of ihe late Or. Fraht.j<

and Laura (H«lchinson) Calef.-

• When she w#ds a young woman,

she came to; Keyport as a high

scnool !e«<cher and was married

to Justice Ackerson 59 years ago.

- Mrs. AtKerson waa active fcr

j many years . to rivic. saritfi ij.f.-d.

political a lla irs ol lhe borough,

/.Count;/ ar.d state. She was noicdl

for her hospitaiiiy and many

meetings, large and small, were

held at her home- For many

■ years the Ackersons entertained

St, 0p'J2. *»> . rU risJn^a '

Eye,- an. occasion attended hy

<r, nt€- KprcvirL

"College, Soijt.b Hadley, Ma.ift,

Alts. A i't '.i’Iil.-fl. n pyct

?d«nf and very active jn -ne

?.1o*unouth CouiUy h ruu rn 'u f ihe

. Asscti&JinW c*,vV'/>rj',i;r:v • ;' '&<).':■ r'i of Phe R*r-

form»:d Church aud of t *i e

church’s Women's Guild. Mrs.

Ackcr«OH nerved for many years

as a rr'eniber and a psa. presi-

dern ol tne Hoard o f' -Managers

of Afi«-invtitHl ^t>spttai and as a

member, ol the board of Mon­

mouth Coumy Organization iv: Social Service. -• .

M rs. Ackerson t^jok an active

port iji the organization of Lhe

Keyport-public. Health. Nursing

Association and served as its

president. She also was a nseuv*

bp r'o f ihe Kevj;ort Boaru 'Ed '

uc'-iiton and. harden Ciob RPD.

■ In. addition to her husband,

M rs. Ackewon, is survived by a

son* Cornelius Ackerson, and r

grandson, - Henry li. Ackerson

III , both of Keyport.., Another

smv ralfif,. died when he w as a smali child. -


Mr. and Mrs. John F , Gorzyn*

ik i, 358 Grant Ave., Oradcll, am

nounce the engagement ol their

daughter, Patricia, to D r. Joseph

W . Wallace, m u gf-Mr.-^nd Mrs.

J c i « p h D . Wallace, Cliffwood

Ave., Cliffwood.

Mis* Gorzynskl ittendcd Im ­

maculate Conception Nigh School

and U presently attending St.

Thomas Aquinas College.

D r, Wallace is a greduate cf

Matawan Regional High School,

Seton Hall University and Fair-

leigh D i c k i n s o n Universiiy

School of Dentistry. He served

nine months in V ietnam with ih»

U.S. Navy and is presently sta*

iicneti in Pori Hueneme, Calif.No wedding date has been set.



M r and Mrs, Harold Simmona

Jr., ^ Therese Av*,f Keyport,

announce the engagement o f '

their daughter. Suzanne Elj/a-

beth to Francis M ichael Breil;

son of M rs. Anabt'lie Breil. 531 •

Lorillard Ave.. Union Beach,

•n d the fate Harry Bred. >Miss Siimnons is t graduate

et Keyport High School, Class of

J9C8. and the United School of

M edical and Dental Assistants,

East Brunswick. She is employ­

ed as a dental assistant in the

office of D r . George A. Rooney,


Her fiance is a 1965 grnduate

o f Keyport High School. He at­

tended the Academy of Aero*

nautics, Long Island, N. V. He

is employed as a pctro-chemical

operator a t Humble O il and Re­

fining Co., Linden.


Meet In NeptuneThe rtiKuliir m onlhly meeting

nf tho Monmouth Co'mty Build­

ing Inspector*’ Associalion w A *

held at thc New .Trr.wy Nnlurnl

Gafi C’ompnny W illhun L. Mamlo

Scrvlcentcr, N(‘pt\me. An Inforni-

ntivo tallv wnn jtiven hy H. A.

Martin, IM-;., 1 S. Tim snbjtct

dffiCUSRCd whn ’ 'solid wn6to dlfl-

pnfial," which beconu’N Incrcrts*

lngly imixtrlunL

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Osipowil*,

398 Freneau Ave., M alawan, an­

nounce ihe engagement of their

daughler Joan, to Andrew Pa-

terna, HB Summer St., E liza­


Miss Osipmvitz Is a graduate

of Matuwan Regional High

School and is presently a junior

• t Montclair State College ma­

joring in French.

Mr. Paternn, a graduate ol

Thomas Jefferson High, lillza-

bcth, also attends Montclair

State College. He ha* accepted *

position at Montclair In Septem­

ber as the Co ordinator of the

Teacher Assistants Program fnr

the College.

The wedding )s plnnned foi

£epl. 6, I960.


Mr. and Mrs. Mody Walling,

270 Main St., Matftwnn, announce

the engagement of their daugh­

ter, 'Theresa Lynn, to A. John

McKcnnn, son of Mrs. Harold

McKenna, 337 Main St., Mam-

wan, «nd the late Mr, McKenna,

Miss Walling, a gnulunto of

Mulawnn Regional H igh School,

l i employed by the Matuwan

Iioard of Education.

Mr. McKenna n m e d t h r e e

years In tho U.S. A rm y n i a

radar repnirmnn, He has an

A.A. U) enuJneerinfi, it U.S. In

M rnm liiiy (d tuaiion , and Ik pres-

Midy purmting grdduate Mudies

nt Trenton State. Mr, McKenna

is a mombor of the ti'iichmg

slulf nt Mntuwnn Hci'jdnnl Ml^h

SohrKfl and codirrctor of Inwtriic-

llniinl riM lniiilh .

A binnnH'r wedding In planned.


Announcement has been mnde

by M r. and Mrs. Frank Jordan,

1048 Ju lia St., E lizabeth, of the

engagement of their daughter,

Barbara Ann, to F.dward Wnl.'h,

son of M r. and Mrs, Edward

Walsh ar.t 516 Matawan Ave ,


M isa Jordan ia employed by

London and Compriny in E liza­


M i. Walsh is employed hy IJ ly

Tulip Cup Corp., Holmdel.

JFK Lodge I ’luns Dinner-Dance

Stan Gardner, Chancellor Com­

mander of J l ;K Lodge IM ,

Knights of Pythian, Malawnn, an.

nounced that final hrrnngemenli

have been made for their fifth

annivtrsnry dinner - dance tu ba

held Salurdny evening at th« llolidny Inn, lltu le t.

A gala avenjng hsa be«n plan*

red Including « cocktail party, 4

seven course dinner, an unriivci^

in ry enke ceromony and a *p%

«J«I program to honor P/»ft Chan*

celloiN Saul Rosenstock and

Ja n e s Gali.igher, for thWr ser*

vi(') in the i.odpc.

A complete entertalonHMil fchow

will begin nt 11:110 p.m . featuring

enmJc I'Vankie M aitin , song 6iy.

list Mnrcie Lynn and dancing

mufile by the Garden Stdto or-

k’lu'Stru. Membois or iiu im k de­

Hiring to smihfl resei'vatlon/i

hlldUltl l>4)n Ii'K'H, 6ti(]

1750 or M o it Levine, 5tl(l 1070,

; Charles N . BilJin«itoi>

v.:::-. Charles .N; v B ’llinjL’ ton.; 69.

479 Hilltop Ave,, Cliffwood, died

Sunday, Apr. 13, J9S.9. at Kmery

. M anor Nursing Home, Mata-


Mr. B illington was born in

JerScy City and had resided in

Cranford until moving to C!!*f-

wood seven years ago.

He. retired fiom the Lehigh

Railroad as a carpenter in fs*52

and a lso retired as a . machinist'

from the A ir Reduction Corp. of

Union in 1965.

He was a member of Gcthse-

mane Lutheran Church, Key-

port: a member o f ih * St.

John 's Senior Citizens Ciub of

Hiizlet and a member cf the

Machinist's Union Local 315 .>!

Union. ;

H e was the husband of the

-late Dorothy (Porter) Bjiiington.y

Surviving arc two daugh te is^

Mrs. Hrnest Schar, w ith whom

he lived, and M rf. A l«n P.m-

kucb, Somerville; a brother,

Harry, Stafen Jstsiidt and

grandchildren. . .

Funeral services were held at

11 a .m . Wednesday a t Gethse-

mane Lutheran Cnurch with the

Rev. Henry K ircher officiating.

Interment, Under the direction

of tho Day Funeral Home, Key*

port* was in New York Bay Ce­

metery, Jersey City.

Mrs. Jun ior M urray

Mrs. Sarah Louise Murray, 49,

of Jeeter St., Cliffwood, died

Monday, Apr. 14. 1969, in Perth

Amboy General Hospital, after

a brief illness. '

Born in Athens, G a ., she had

lived lii Cliffwood 15 y^a.r*,

moving from Hartford, Conn.

She was a member of the Union

Baptist Church of Asbury Park.

. Surviving are her husband,

Junior; her mother, Mrs. Birda

Hill, Athens; three sons, Charle*

Lee. Florida: Jun ior Lee, Old

Bridge, and David, Cliffwood;

/our sisters. Miss Corrine Hull, .

Aihc^ns; Mrs. M ildred Brown,

Gaines, Gfl.; M ia . Eva. \lae

Brown, Keyport, and. Mrs. El-

Ixnta Fredrich, Cliffwood, find

five grandchildren,

Funeral surviccs w ill be h d d

this Thursday at 1:30 p.m . at

the Union naptisl Church with

the Rev. Arthur McGee, officiat­

ing. Burial will be in Shojtlar-d

M emorial Garden, Hamlet.


Gi ve ReportsThe regular meeting of ihe M on­

mouth Couaiy American Legion

Avixihury whs held Friday night

ut Matnwan Post 170, M ain St.

The meeting was conducted hy

tha president. Mrs. W illiam Hire,

After Ihe opening coremoniea,

the president called on the chair­

men to report. Mrs. L ilia n Ap­

plegate, Americanism Chairman,

announced the two winners In an

essay contest held recently were

Jeff Brown, Atlantic Htghlundt,

and Doreen Fluhr, Neptune.

Mrs, George Rineur, child web

fare chairman, reported on dn-

tnbu im g cundy and loya to the

children at Marlboro and Bris­

bane, for Faster.

Mrs. Annabella Breil, G irls'

ItatQ Chaiim an , asked thni t i l

unit chnirmon lend in Girlt>‘ Stata

deleg«lc« aud alternates to hei

io thnt Invitations can be «unt tq

t)># girls to atlend a tea in their

honor, June ), Rt Iho Keyport poM


Membership ehftlrmen, Mrs,

JfHinw l.etta And M rJ. Robert

Oodblod, snld V2 m o ie m em beii

he ro needed to make Monmouth

County a quoin county. All U n iti

fkero urged lo gtft their member*

|hlp In so Monmouth Couniy fnay

Ohtnin thnt ponl.

Poppies n r ie dlstribuled to all

Units attending ihu inerjiinn.Pnppv pi'sici s, poppy pmcms

and poppy i:urs,i^is w i l be judged

lit thu May DHM'ting at Uio AK-

bu iy r*nk Post Home*

A nuin i i y Horti wns held imd

i ( ire?ihini'iiln wviu >.ene<! lo f'1

hh' i iiIji jh by the miNilia.y of

■ ^hes<er J . Parent

Chester J, ., ■ of 5f»7

Cc.ean Ave., Lakewood, died Friday, Apr. JL i m at Paul Kimball Hospital, Lakewood.

He :wai in Burlinglon.Vt., and had lived in Lakewood' more than. 40-years,'.

M r. Parent \vas a laundi’y

manager at Lakehurst Naval Air

Station, Lakehurst. :

Among his survivors is a

son, Chester R., Matawan Town­

ship. • • ' ‘ / . "

The W. David De Roche Fu­

neral Home, Lakewood, was in charge of arrangements.

Edw ard Kudow

Edw ard Rudow, M , of 161

Center Ave.. Keansburg, died

Saturday, Apr.: at his

home after a sudden Illness.

M r. Rudow was-born in North '

Bergen and had been a Keans*

burg resident 17 years. He was.

recognized en a musician

throughout the Hudson and Mon­

mouth. Couniy aiews.

A former ctv iL defense duec-a

tor of the Borough of Keana-

burg, Mr. Rudow waa Cubmas-

ter of Pock 51 and a member of

the Moose Lodge and the Regu-

Jar Democratic C iub, « i) of


Ife served as a special police

officer in Keansburg in 1961 and

1962 and had been employed In

engineering and control clerk

processing at Todd Ship Yard,


Surviving are hia wife, Mra.

Lena (Volpe) Rudow, and iwo

ions, Ronald and M ichael, both

al home. .

Funeral services were held at

S p .m . Monday in the John J .

Ryan Home for Funerals, Keans-

burg. Burial was private at the

convenience u l the fam ily. •

'. .. Er-d'ftvu-'J T. ft^hV-v . .

. 1'• * f ('--»•> i ' f-t'f'r '.Ci.;>

^ 'i- D:rr>': th*- B'/'A’y

i i-r..'! I !».• PVir. '\u>: i; d-

■ vi'-ir-r'F, of.?/ i>r

■ 'Apr.. t h) tj«e P.r^sbvo^rjan

N.»w •’i'V.iii: ;/*■,?; R¥;v. U .T i t r y

KrDjt pn'ilor of..the, Cup.:.ry.J H-vp-

"fjst Cnurcn. At'iant’>c I i.i^niiii’o'w.i.tlt ,J art)' ( u,,<S i,f

CrHinn?02'yv L iihIcu, gi>Friduy.

,r -3om in Bri>.i);‘ryT', '.Mr. KijlJcv- had iiviid :n Vala'A'an ihe

pa«t 25 vflars. lie was an advvr-

rising's?j,!csrnan. . .survjvinjj; nis witt, ”>irs.

Mary CNo'!) Kelley, iU’-d a broth­

er, Ilipmas KeUt-y Kcns.selaer.N .y . • ' :

Victor S. Landry Jr.

Kiinerul services were held Sat­

urday for Victor Stephen Landry

jr., 3.S, of 33 Walnut St., Keyport,

who was fatally Injured, Wednes­

day, Apr. J), 19US, m an aai«nn»>

bl’3 accidf'iti on K(.'V|)ort; - Hcltn^

del Rd. in Holmdel Towa>bip.

■ Services, were held at 8:15 a.m. from the Bedle Funeral Home, Keyport.

A requiem mass was held

at 9 -a.m. in St. .Joseph's Church-

Cemetery, Keyport.

, Bom in South Amboy^ Mr. Lan­

dry was a senior at Keybort High School. He was a pan^ioner of

S t Joseph’s Church, Keyport.He is survived bv his pixrQws,

Mr, and Mrs. Victor Laiv^ry; a brother, Glenn, at home; h“> ma- ternii . ^rnndpa.reni's, . Mtm and Mrs. Harvey Andrews ol Morgan- viUe, und his pai.crnal grHndpar- enis, Mr, and Mr* Alheri Rbi- landei^ Keyport,

Mrs. ■}>



Chapter Meeting lu Hazlet Monday

A meetinp, of ihe Town and

Country Chapter of M izrachl

Women was held at the. home oL

Mrs. Sadie Ollnsky, 53 Lafayette

Dr., Ila 2 let. Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Henry Gluck, president, pre-

*»ided. , .

The opening prayer was rrad

hy Mrs. Max HuUer, Sayreville.

Reports of chairmen wpre given

by Mrs. Hutter, journal dnd

friendship page; Mrs. Sam Fleish­

man, tiees; Mrs. Ralph Roseff,

Israeli merchandise, cumlolume

nnd f ifi cards; Mrs. Sam Miller,

house boxes and dime banks;

Mrs. Fiop.-nce Shapiro, seals and

Mrs, Gluck, Mi/.rachi - pu in n .

Ih e chapter members will at­

tend a membership rally en Mon­

day. Apr. 28, hi rhu W«i)do;f A v

loria, New Vork City, Town And

Country Chapter is one of tha

chapters to receive an Israeli

K«vtl, made in Israel, and given

lo each rhapter with dues puld

up by Dec. 31.

P la n t were made for members

to attend the evening Donor to be

held at Goldman’* on Sunday,

June 8. Plans nlso were made for

the chapter to send for tickcts for

the show in New Vork, “ A Tea- l:.\oiy Four Hours.”

Mrs. Mutter, cultural chairman,

gave a iradm g on the story of

Shevnut. I lie next meeting will

ba held Monday, May 12, at tha

home of Mrs, Jock Goldberg in


M rs. Charles M tua

. A high requiem muss was of­

fered 3t 3 i ,m . ,Saturday in St.

Benedict’s Church, Hazlet, for

Mrs. Greta Shaw McGrath Maas,

76. of South Beers St., Holmdel,

who died Tuesday, Apr. S,In Port Jervis, N .Y ., while visit­

ing her sister, Mrs. Anna Hogan

In Sparrowbush, N.Y. Informant

was in ResUtmd Memorial Park,

East Hanover, under the dlrecr

tfon o f the John W. Mehienbeck

Funeral Home, H a ile l,

M r*. Maas was born in New-,

ark and lived in Laurence Har­

bor for 16 years, before moving

to Holmdel 10 years ago. She

was the widow of Charles Maas

and .-waa a retired seamstress. .

She was a communicant of St.

Benedict’s Church.

:: ; Also surviving ate two daugh­

ters, M rs. R ita B, Coll, with

whom she lived, and Mrs. Kaih-

erlne M. Kroll, Laurence Har­

bor; four other sisters, M rs .,,

Alice Schipper. arid Mrs. Eliza*,

beth Kregeloh, both of U n l o n j

Mrs. Kuthetine Ohlmann, Bay-

ville, and--Mrs. Jean Leonard,

Hillside, and two grandchildren, .

George M ar*

Funeral services were held

Friday a t i t a .m . at the Scott

F u n e r a l Home, Belford, for

George Marx, 77, of SS Florence

Ave., Leonardo, who died Tues­

day. Apr. 8, 19fi9. at his home,

a iter a shurt illness. Inlei'ment

was in Bayview Cemetery, Leo­nardo.

A m o n g his survivors is ft

daughier, Mrs, Edna Quick, Key-


John M . McCarthy

A requiem high mass wa* of­

fered Saturday in St. M ary’s

Church, Port Monmowh, for John

M . McCarthy, 78, of 222 Wilson

Ave.f Port -Monmouth, father of

John J . McCarthy, Keansburg,

who died Thursday. Apr.-iO, 1.W9,

In Riverview Hospital. Burial, un­

der the direction of the Scott Fu­

neral Home. Belford. was in Mt.

Olivet Cemetery, Middletown.

Born in Jersey City. Mr. Mc­

Carthy was fhc son of (h* late

John McCarthy and Marie (Mc- Dermoit i McCarthy.

A resident of Port Monmouth

45 years, Mr. McCarthy retired

11 years ago as an installer for

Mew Jeisey Bell Telephone Co.,

where he was employed 44 year*.

He was r member of St. Mary's

Church; ihe church Holy Name

Society, and McCully Chapter,

Telephone Pioneers of America.

Paul Nelson

Paul L. Nelson. 43. of Cliff-

wood, whose body was recover­

ed last week from the Rariian

R iver, was buried Saturday

morning In Christ Church Ce­

metery following a private fu­

neral service at the Gundrum

Service Home for Funerals, 237

Bordentown Avt\, South Amboy.

An Arm y Veteran of Wuiid

War H, he had resided on Cliff-

wood Ave. Ue js believed to

have jumped from tlie Kdison

Bridge Feb. 1. 1M>9.

Ho is Mirviyed by his wife,

a;u.* *!,••>- at horaf:; " Vl* 'hr-r, Mi’S. Sy<wn Neliii/n.

•i'SiVonpor*, • a ^ c r ^ ' Us.Jjiyv^ J/oois <>f bf‘Ho’}ui'rf, !n- wh; -*»u tsvo h iu lw % llarwiil of

h/w-ft, «nd Raymond.,

i/rrvirii? 1 n \*ne U. S. Arn'.y*' ’


Momoriar sc-rvj'ces '.vf-r«. he’<| •

: ■ $ ? J iv t-h* t'-'rjyn-

. Chun.ji, Buiie, Mont., for E t*^«n ;

- Op:^,. (k Stiii'.veil Dr.,

del, who died Mar; 28, 'iSOS, a i

iiie >L-?,

John D.. Rossheiirt, Alexandria,

Vo.;.; Interment ■■ was »r. Sunset

Menaorial Cer etery, Butte/

Mr. Opie was born in Corn-

wul!, England, and lived in Butie

for 80-years, moving to Holmdel

two - and - one - half -.years

a«o. Ho. was. a ticket agent for

the Union and Northern Pacific

Railroads for . 47 years, retiring

16 years ago. - :

Besides his daughter,- he is

survived by .a son, W illiam R ., -

with whom he made his home,

and five grandchildren. / y

Mrs. Robert Percy

■ KnnrtraJ services for Mrs. J.ijjia.

M. King Percy of R 4 Aberdeen

; Hast, Matavvan, were, held a t

9:45 a.m . Monday from the- Re­

" rem Funeral Homen East Bruns-.,;:

wick. A high maiss of requiem was

offered at Kl'ZW a.rn. in St. Thom- ;

us’ Church, O ld Bridge. Mrs. Per--

cy wa.s: buried in j>t. Peter’s :

Cemetery1/ New Brunswick; ■’.•!

M rs . Percy. ; IK, died .Wednes^ /

day, Apr. 9, 1969, in on automo-;

biie accident u i Hoimdel. The car

in which she wus a

struck a utility pole*';//-;/ ,

Born in Newark, Mrs. Percy

resided in Matawan 10 years. She

. was. a pAirishioner o f S t/ Joseph**

Church, Keyport.

She W as the wife of Robert

•P e rcy .to whom she was married

last September cn St. Joseph’*

Church. He survives with her

parents, M r. and Mrs. John La*

bazzo and two sisters, Ursula and-

Vita of Mataw'nn; her m aternal

grandparents, Mr. nnd Mra. Jo ­

seph. Labazzo of Matawan, and

paternal grandparents, Mr. and

Mrs. John K ing of Petersburg.

..... N ik £ , WalMov /

Services were held Saturday

morning in the-John W. Mehlt-rt- •

beck .Funeral H om c/<H azU fp% v

Nils Kric Walfdov/ 73, of W .'Bea-

con Ifill Rd.. Morganville. w ho

died Thursday, Apr, 10. M&V

M onmouth Medical Center. -

The Rev. Henry W. Kirchner,

pastor of Gethsemane Lutheran

Church, Keyport, officiated* In*

"‘ terment was in RoM-Hill Crema­

tory, Linden. ■ • • ■

Born In Sweden, Mr, WalldoV

came to this country In 1923. He

was a retired carpenter and a

mem ber o t the Perth Amboy lo­

ca l of tha<Uhlted Brotherhood o f

CarpenUrs and Joiners.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs.

Klizubeth (Aschan) Walldov; two

daughters, M rs. Margaret Par­

ent, Matawan, and Miss E liza ­

beth Walldov, New York Cityi

two brothers, Gustave WaDdov,

Tennent and Axel Walldov, Stuck*

holm, Sweden;, two sisters,

Ann - Ida Tecswald, Stockholm,

and Mrs. Karen Widlund, Kal­

m ar, Sweden; and two grand­

Children. ... .

Mrs. Matthew Zappulla

Funeral services were held

M onday for Mrs. Josephine

(Messina) Zappulla at St. M a­

ry's Church. Nutley, where a , {

h igh requiem mass was observ­

ed. Mrs. Zappulla,- a resident of

Belleville, was the. mother of

Lawrence Zappulla, civil tic-

fense director of Hazlet Town­

ship. She died Apr. 9, 1969.

She was thc widow nf Matth-...

ew Zuppulla. Surviving, bes idc t.

her son, are two other sons,

Domcmrk and Joseph, bo th ,,o f

California; two daughlers, f**4.

Ljll/an Kinnon, Jrv in ^ou , and

Miss Teresa iiappulia, Belle*

ville; eight grandchildren; two

brothers, Ralph Messina, New-

nr,k, und Charles Mussina, Vero­

na; and two sisters, Mrs. Anna

Otio, Houston, Tex.; and Mrs.

L illian Curciu, Bloomfield.


Highway 36(N««r M«in St.)

Keyport, N. J.

Select Your Memorial From Our Display


Call 264-1124

Wills rib aFred W. Kortenhmts

Fred W, Koj|t*nh»i;s, Malawan

Township, who died Mar. 27, |»*6A,

left >iln e/ifafo to hiA ritmghterf,

'vlrs. C flio liii r . Nnu, who It

listed as em u tr iM , and Mrs. Jan*

K . Freu.

Walter T, Ijiydcn

Waltor T. Layden, Matawan

Township, who died Mar. 77, IPfill,

di Kij'.naled hia wile, Mrs. Rosa NL

1 nydm , as sole beneficiary rnd

{ x iriiH ix of bis cstnte.

Stephen Hradtnh

fil(.ph‘"i Hredarh. M:ii!l.<*ni,

vJio dud Mar, in, lelt VI0O to Mu

tbmphter, Ani>n hr.ul.n h. i • <1 tbe bnlhiiit1 uf lilh isitiie lo hi*

wift . Mmy lirndaeh, iu juu will

of < u t. (J, J'J48.


- s .r




M a r l b o r o iw r .


And Xiiffcufidlng C." 'mmuniti.l



StiriN O

HWY. 79MORGANVIU.t 566-5300

ruMCPAL CI IAPfH AV/, 11 A lit E IN I I .Y.C.


Thur^vf. Aw8 !7. !*?6? TH£ MATAW i j Ci ii (v j'-i ix j Pago. Soves


- -J-ltri}

= '- .r f ;

\2j= - £ - ~ I - _a ■ '-_ 7-_~ -I."- ■-

W U L U H U D I f i U Y

V i 4 iiriLr - -- ni-— ;■= i i

S ' t iL S lt in t 's t ' ' I : : " l- l i

-,L rr&- _--rlL -- J-

ki Jts ! K i ™ - jt-l!!-_- ,.4-.< ^r.l-• d in marriage." The parents of

the -couple ate hjMi". and Mrs.

Robert Lawrence. 49 V irginia

Ave., Hd7let. and Mr. and M i» .

E dw ard Reilly sr., 15 Ravatt

H d „ Port Monmouth.

The Rev. John. B. Cook, pas-

to ),, officiated a t the ccrc'noiiv.

KatuiMay, Apr 12. )9t>9.

M r. Lawrence escorted W»

’ itepdaughrer to the altar. She

D u r e a hire gown with full skirt,

Ip jig sleeves; scalloped neckline

( n d chapel train. . Her fingertip-

length -veil of French illusion

was held by a crown of crystals

_ end pearls and s h t carried a

cascade bouquet of white carna-

tlons, centered with white orch­

ids. .

Mrs. Frank Servedto, Hast

Keansburg, was tin; matron of

bonor fur her sister. She wore a

ftoor-leneth gown of powder blue

lace, over-taffeta w ith a rcdin-

fOSfl skirt and sleeveless bodice

. A circular veil fell ovm her

w atch ing > bow headpiece and

•ha. carried a. heart-shaped bou-

p«.= » rd a.t-.r Ik o r . v

f'L-j k__ u-„t . L.k J-:r-%F*:. i_ :... ~^i, ':z r :; (i :f |L:

; Sue wore m int green ana : car­

ried a heart-shaped bouquet

w ith a green center bordered

with piiik flowers.

T ina Servedio, East Keans­

burg, niece of the bride, was the

flower g irl. She wore pink and

carried a Ucart-shnped bouquet

witlv u p ink center and green

:'iwrd6r.'':;)'r i :•' 'V;.v' [ z ■ v

■ Edward . Reilly , at homa.

brother of the bridegroom, was

the best man. Huwurd Searolag-

ki. Jersey City, brother of tli*

bride, ushered; ;

A reception followed In the

West Keansburg Kirs House.

When, they; return from a motor

trip through the New fc.ngland

States, they w ill reside in: South

Amboy. . . . . . . .

The bride attended Lakeland

Regional High School, M idvale.

She was employed at Lily-lutip

Cup Corp.. Holmdel. The bride­

groom was graduated from

Middletown Township High

School. He is employed by Bay-

shore Chrysler-Plymoutli Co.,

A tlantic Highland*. ;■ ,

{ '


Miss Fiances Marie Grand*

became the b iu le nf Robert Al­

an Kaeser Saturday. Apr. 12,

■ 1909, in St. Joseph's Church,-'

Keypori. Ihe ■ patents of t}i«-

couple are Mr. and Mrs Vi(ii J,

Grande, WS Greenwood Ave.,

Cliffwood Bench, and ' Mr, anil

Mrs. Harry Kacser, 910 Green-

woor| Ave., Cliffwood, Beach. ’

. The. Rev, .(elm A. Dzenia offi­

ciated at the double nn;; cere­

m ony .' ’ : ' ' - " ,

; Tha biklo \yas given in iv.a’r-

riagu by her (ailier. She wore a

satin floor-lcngth gown with long

sleeves and a chapel train em­

bellished With lace appliques.

H er shoulder-length veil ot

French illusion fell from a tier­

ed pearl coronet and she car­

ried a cascade bouquet ol while

roses. .

Mrs. !yilchr.el Grande, Cliff-

wood lleach, was Ihe matron nf

honor for her sister-in-law. She

wore a floor-length long-sleeved

blue chiffon gown. A circular veil

le ll over her matching headpiece

of clustered polals mill she car­

ried a cascade bouquet of

m atch ing carnations.

The bridesmaids in the rain­

bow wedding were Miss Carol

■for t h e vacation of Your Dreams

bnfor# you go , , .

coritult with u\

wa da Oi* pUnnlnij and

arranging. What"* roof*

You h®vn th* fun

thoro'i no cod for

our t«rvic«t.

U ty Callv; V«l(c.\ fl-tl Ii — M I SmllH HI., I ’tr lli ,\M«U..y

1 lUondwR)’, Koyjiorl — M |h( f.O I 'JlllslOlU

Brown Travel Bureau

< » !* ' ;tfif b r itfc '*{■'?%.' Fviir;;;:#

-Joiitw, J-'lirit Siij-t'disy. At>>. 12,

!IWi!; i:r Uw 'CalhwliC.'CJwiJW. Nn>

2 a t Fort Moossoat/). The- par--

eirls or V'At M r , rimJ

Ihii'o, John S ifiiiii, 4 l) joiins.oil

Ay*.. IjR inn 13e«ph,. and. M?;. M id

. Mrs, pona ld . .Flint. 104. .W aldo

■..Aye., Jersey Cay. ; . ...

k C a p t .; S igmand Brambcila,'

. chajiliiin,:; cviebraied: vlie II.: 15:

a.m . n u p t ia l1 mass.

'tiie bride, was given in m a r­

riage by her Jtfiher. *

vfhite w t i i j bridu] gown einbe!-

iished1' wr.rr. f apravi» of fiowciS 1 and terijjinating in a chape!

train. Her shoulder-length veil

o f French lilusioo was heid by a

two-tiered: crown of sequins and

pearls and she carried a Cas­

cade bouquet o f whita carna­

tions. 1 :Ml^s Florence Durnan, Union

B'Hich, was the maid uf honor

for her cousin. Kha .wor* a lloor-.,

length sleeveless gown of white

laca over veliow satin. A circu-

Ihr veil fell over her headpiece

off clustered petals and she car­

ried a nosegay of yellow carna-

■lions. . ■ : ■. . ■

M u . Edward Evans, Jersey

Lily, sister or the oi idegroom.

was the bridal attendant. Sha

wore blue and carried a nosegay

of blue carnations.Francis tra c e , Jersey City,

cousin of the bridegroom, was

tfca . best-«<man, Josepli Frace,

Jersey City, cousin ot clia bride­

groom, ushered. -. \

A ":teceptiba; foilpjA'ed in ths',:

parish hall of St. Peter's. Church,

Jersey City. When they return

from a motor trip to V irginia,

they will reside in Union Beach.

Tlio bride was employed by

Vitale, Hazlet, Tho bridc-gioom

was employed In tha trucking

business before: enlisting in th#

U. S. Army.

Grande, Hazlet. w lm wore yel­

low. and Miss Jud ith Anderson,

Union Heaeh, apricot, cousins of

the bride; Miss Samira l.oy,

Matawan, green, and Miss Deb-

oi ah Kacser, Iselin, pink, niece

or the bridegroom. They wore

ilia I ching headpieces and car­

ried cascades of matching car­

nal ions. •

Clyde Kacser, Iselin. brolhor

of the bridegroom, was the best

man. Ushering were Charles

Kaeser, Scotch plains, cousin of

t h o bridegroom; Richard

Cirande, llazlei, cousin of the

bride; A lan Kaeser, Haskell,

and Krank Keit/, Hazlet, neph­

ews ot the bridegroom.

A reception followed In the

Jernee M ill Inn, Sayreville.

When they return from the i'o-

conos, they will reside in tha

London Terrace Apartments,


H ie In ide was graduated from

Keypori High School uiul w ,n

employed hy Mosaic Tile Co,,

M alawan. Tliu bridegroom was

graduated from Matawan Re­

gional High Schnol. lie is em ­

ployed by I'alniM.s (u. , Moun­


Miss Jervis Married

M b s Robin E lisabeth Jervis,

daughter of Mrs. Doris E. Jervis.

S - fJavesink ’ Ave., East Keans-

burg, and-. Robert Jervis, Port-'

land, Ore., became the bride of

Cpl. Charles J o w s Mack, U, S.

Marine Corps,: son of M r. and

Mrs. Charles Muck, 8 libe rty St.,

Middletown. Saturday, Apr, 12,

1969. ‘ '. . P®%» -Tn m B : pnsfttr,

celebrated the nuptiat m as i and

officiated at the double ring cert1-

monv, In St. Catherine’* Church,

Hast Keansburg.

Ceorge Smith, East Keansburg,

escorted his . niece to the a ltar.

She .wore a whtte silk, organza

gown that cascaded into a csihed-

t'aMrain."Daisies were embroider­

ed down the sideseams, around

thn hemline, bordering the short

ileeves and on the bodice. Her

six-tiered French Illusion veil was

heid by a bow and daisies and

she carried a white prayer book

adorned with white orchids.

Miss Jeanne McGowan, M iddle­

town, was the muid ot honor. She

wore a light blue silk organza A­

line gown with short sleeves end­

ing In ruffles. Ruffles were re­

peated at the hemline, and neck­

line. Her three - tiered circular

veil fell over her matching bow

headpiece and she. carried a cas­

cade bouquet of blue-iipped white


Dennis Bonner, Keansburg, un­

cle of the bride, was the best

m a n . Robert Ostor, Middletown,

brother-in-law of Ihe bridegroom,


A reception followed in the H ar­

ris Gardens Fire House, Union

Beach. The couple traveled by

cur to Concord, Calif., where they

will reside.

The hride Was graduated from

Middletown Township H i g h

School, Slut was employed us an

operator by the New Jersey Hell

Telephone Co. in Red Bank.

I lie bridegroom attended M id­

dletown Township High School un ­

til his four-year enlistment in the

Marinos, lie served n months in

Vietnam during his two-year ser­

vice, He is station 'd in the Nu\al

Weapons Station at Concord.

Toriili Fund licuefil Sol

The Central New Jersey Hranch

of National Women's I.cnj;ue, ot

which Temple Beth Ahm , M al »-

wan, la a pa il, will presont a

rhampngw? matinee (or tho Torah

I’ iiihI Resilience! Hall Campaign uf

the Jewish Theological Seminary

today at Temple Beth LC1. Cran ­


Munies collected for ihe Tinah

Fund Cumpaiun provide scholar*

ships for student rahbis, can ton

and ielij;ious school teache r.

Tart of this money wilt »Nn help

equip ft new Residence Mall for

women students.

Fur further information, eall

Mrs. IXivid I.andau at ntiii-MaS.




Mon And Boy*’ Fiirniildn<ji


W. F.anf Sf. K«vi>o^

Tlyupfiak For

Miss Cera mi


M iss Rose A n n France* ueiia-

pietro, daughter of Mr.. and

Mrs. Frank M . Dellapietro jr .,

52 Bedli* R d .. Haz'et. became

the bride of George J ; Sullivan

jr ., son of M rs, George: J . SuJli-

vail sr,. 100 Seeley Ave., Keans-

bur^, nnd the la te M r. Sullivan,

Saturday, Apr. 12, 1969, In St.

Joseph’s Church, Keyport.

. The Rev, Jo hn A; .Dzema offi­

ciated at the doubie ring cere­

mony.' . ■ . - ‘ .

The bride was given In. mar-

l'iaye by her fattier. She wore a

peau do scie ojid French Alen-

coo lace gown styled w ith Oil

Em p ire bodice, A-llne skirt, ap-

pliqued w ith lace and pearls,

and detachable Watteau., train

that fell Into chapel length. Her

bouffant cathedrat veil ot pure

feilk English illusion was. held in

place by a cloche of pearls and

crystals. She carried a cascade

bouguet of Eucharist lilies and

sn.-phanotis. .

Miss Agnes Dellapietro, > at

home,- wus the . maid o f honor

for her sister. She wore a (or-

mnl-length apricot chiffon gown

trim m ed w ith matching - satin.

A chapel ve il waa held by a

matching cloche and she car­

ried a prliicess basket of yellow

pompons and white daisies, with

apricot ribbon. ;.

Tiie bridesmitUls were Mtss

L inda Rollczza, Miss Pam ela

Bellezza and Miss. Judith, Fatvel-

li, a ll of Keansbutg, and a ll

cousins o( ths bride; MiijS. L in ­

da K a lp in ,and Miss Joanne Pel-.,

legrino, both o f Hazlet. They

wore nile green chilfoy gowns

trim m ed w ith matching satin.

Chapel veils were held by

matching cloches and they car­

ried princess baskets of yellow

pompons and whita daisies with

nile green ribbons.

Brian Young, M ataw an, was

the best man. Ushering wera

Francis. Pesce, Keansburg, cous­

in of tlio bride; Joseph Xavier,

Harrison, N. 'i'.; R ichard Nor-

roii.e, Matawan; Dougins Pet-,

ers, Nutley, and Donald Gililiaf-

tin. Union Beach.

For her daughter,'5 , marriage,

Mrs. Dellapietro selected u. cock-

tail-length yellow chiffon dress

with a matching feather head­

piece, matching accessories and

u white Georgianna orchid cor­

sage. .

The bridegroom ’s mother

chose a street-length blue net

dresj accented w ith matching

.bows. She wore a m.-itrhinp noi

headpiece, matching accessories

and a whits Georgianna orchid

corsage. .

A reception Followed at Ken­

ny Acres. Woodbridge. When

they return from Puerto Rico,

they w ill reside in Madison Gar­

dens, Madison Township. For

traveling, the bride wore a gray

linen s u it . with pink- accessories

and a white orchid corsage, .

The bride was graduated from

Raritan. H igh Sclicol. She Is a

member of tha Bayshore P lay­

ers, a dram atic group In Keans-

burg, and is employed a» a sec­

retary by the U . S. Arm y Elec­

tronics Command, Fort Mon­

mouth. , . .

The bridegroom waa gradual-

ed from Middletown Township

High School. He attended Mon­

mouth College and Rutgers Uni-,

versity and is employed as a

computer programmer by Rut-

gets University, • New Bruns­



hciincHlj, ;i!.’-ar-jii.icy AI" : i : i-'i'. -a ,iu 'v'--:.

Augusta G, Heir, l-VJ Seventh.St.,

ncuo.’ d. and '.fee late Stanley A.

Kelt, Saturday, Apr. 12; in

St. Ana's CburciJ. Keajisburs. ,

The Rev, Frcdsrj;:!; ValeiitiKa

officiated al. the doublo ring certi-


The bride was given in mar­

riage. by her fauiet:. She wore »,

silk organza and Chantilly lace

gown, re-embroidered with pearls

bodice, long sleeves of laca and

an A-line sltirt bordered with

lace. Her boufrant veil of iliusion

was held in place by. a coronet

of lace and pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of while carna­

tions and roses. :

M iss D iane Cs^is/.ar, Hillside,

was the m aid of. honor .'.for her

cousin. She vvo:e a formal length

gown of lemon peel chiffon ac­

cented with matching lacs a t tha

neckline. A buuf/ant veil was held

by a matching D ior bow and she

carried a colonial bouquet of

spring flowers.

Miss Dawn Hclt, at home, sis­

ter of tiie bridegroom, and Miss

M ary Cestarc. Red Bank, wera

ths bridesmaids, They wore nec­


Kenneth Raub, Middletown, was

tha best m an, Ushering were

Charles T im m , Belford; R ichard

Chevalier, Port M onm outh ,. and

V incent E . Cerqua Jr., at home,

brother of the bride.

A reception followed in the Era-

ora ld Room of, Sm ith's Restau­

rant, E ast Keansburg. When they

return from a motor trip to Flor­

ida, they w ill reside in Keyport

The bride was graduated from

Red Bank High School. Sho is

employed by Two Guys, Middle-,

town. The bridegroom was grad-

uutod from Middletown Township

H igh School. He is employed by

Atlantic Trucking Co.; Atlantic


- i

. . a ? - -


Miss C la ir* L illian "Cundy” /rd e r satin gowns with purpi*-»»►

Friedrich, daughter o f M r, and ' in sleeveless coats. Their laven*

Girl Seouls To

Assist lu Park. Croiving; things are a m ajor fo­

cus of G lt l Scouting, from Brown­

ie through Senior age leve l activ­

ities. Conservation and beautlfl-

cation are areas In which G irl

Scouts are active a ll over th* na­

tion. M onm outh Council G irl

Scouts work on m any projtcte,

one of th* latest being^. "Opera­

tion • Let’s Try I t " a conserva­

tion service project which w ill in­

volve i t Jun io r tfqops of the Mat-

awan Neighborhood oi G ir l Scout*

during April and May.

Troops planting seedlings at "AN

la ir* State Park under the direc­

tion of Charles Doyle Jr., Natural­

ist, w ill be: Troop <196, Mrs,

Fred Lorher, Leader; Troop 553,

Mrs, Seymour Rubin, Leader, and

Troop 509, Mrs. Ernest Gold,

Leader. Troop 659, Mrs. Stanley

Johnson, Leader, wili transplant :

the w lldllower, colic root, to a

protected area. Troops clearing

new trails w ill be Troop 339, Mrs.

John Chappell, Leader; Troop 529,

Mrs. John McCarthy, Leader, and

Trnop 115, Mrs, George Zuillcky.


Troops working on the Erosion

Control Unit of the State of New Jersey Youth Conservation Pro­

gram at Cheesequako State Park,

supervised by John Bay less. Park

Superintendent, are; Troop 36,

Mrs. Donald M acM illan, Leader;

Troop 334, Mrs. R. Coinerford,

Leader; Troop 305, Mrs. Paul

Zeiglcr, Leader, and Troop 3d,

Mrs. D . B. M acM illan, Leader.

This project was co-ordinated by

Mrs. Charles Lubow, Jun ior Con­


Mrs. W illiam Friedrich, 100 West

F ront St., Keyport, became th»

brlde o t Joseph, Gabriel AHocco,

soil of Mrs. Joseph AHotto , Un­

ion Aye,, Hitzlct, and the law

Joseph Allocco, Suiidsy, Apr, 13,

men. . .

The Rev. ..Eugene Prus offi­

ciated. at the double ring cero-

iiwny In St. Stephen’s Church,

Perth Amboy. : -: ,. ...

" The b iid e w a j given...' iii . mar-

rlago by her''lather. S he : wore on.

embroidered satin, gown Eeatur-

ing long bell sleeves and high

stand-up collar. H er headpiece

oi iace, pvarls anu «> » lu !s

Was held by a ihree-tlered floor-

lenglh veil of French Illusion.

She carried a cuscade bouquet

of white rosea and Uty-cf-lhe*


Misa Paula C a llam ata i, M«t-

(w iu i, was tha m a id o f honor.

, Tho brida l attendants w-erfr Miss.

Taffy Friedrich, at home, sister

of tlje 'bride; Mrs., W illiam

Friedrich. Say 1 evil!?, sister-in-

law of the bride; Mrs. Albert

Orchard. Keyport, sister of th*

bride; Mrs. Albert Pollard, Mrs

Edw ard Rinkewich and Miss

Jud ith Granato, a ll of Keyport,

and Miss Yvonna Spade, Holm ­

del. Susan Orchard, Keyport,

niec* o i the bride, was the ilow-

«r girl. ' 1 1 • ■ ' .

They wor* iioor-length laven­

der shoulder-length vei,l| foil ovv

or ■watching bow headplocc*.

Each atlHidisnt carried * bou--

quet of lavender carnatloHJ and

violets with a lortcr spelling out

the, r.amea. "C andy " Ht'd ‘’Ji.w.".

The flower g irl carried a baske*

o f violets und lavender and p u p

pie carnations." : ;

Coniie l Ccrclello, Belford,

cousin of the bridegroom, wa»

the best man. Ushering w er*

F rank AHocco, Holmdel, cousin

o f tho b r id e g r o o m ;W il l ia m

Friedrich, Euyrevillo, b ic tner ot

the bride; Larry Notarcola, UtK

„,ii IlGuth; C arry Thorne,. Ber­

nard Zyluxsici and M ichael M » ,

ooski, all of Holmdel, and Stovfl

Garc ia, Keyport. John O rchard ,

Keyport, nephew of th* b r ld ^

was the ring bearer. , -

A reception for 250 gu**1* WU

lowed In T h» Barclay Hoi*i,

Belmar.-W hen they, return front

their Jet flight to Montego Bay , Jam a ica , thcy w iii resid* . ift

lto lm de l

Xh* bride was graduated from ■

Keyport H igh School and th*

Wilfred Academy of l la lr and

Beauty Culture, A tbuty Park.

She Is employed by: Yorktown*

H a ir Fashion Salon, O ld Bridg*,

Ih e bridegroom was graduated

{corn Raritan H igh School. He I i

employed by Auto Lawn, Mat*-

wan.: ..: - ■. .......

Miss Gladys Jardot, daughter

of Mr. .mil Mrs. Joseph A. Ja r ­

dot, -II Third St., Keyport, be-

caint* tilt* bridi* ot John M. far

nutint> jr. on Saturday, Apr. 12,

t'tfi'l, al I!' n'elnrk noon in Si.

Ann's Clmrt h, Koanslmtg.

Tilt’ In idc^rnnin is I hi1 sun of

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Taranti­

no sr., SI CnmiHim Ave., West


The Rev. Frederick Valentina

officiated at tiie wedding.

Given in marriage hy her

father, the bride wnro an A-lin*

wedding gown <if silk organza.

Tlio Irish lace Ixidico w ith el- hnw lengih scalln|ied slecvei

was triniincd w illi send pearls

nnd appliques of tiie Inco and

seed piiirls triinined th« bottom

of the gmvn and (fit* tleiachahltt

Iraln. Her alhow-lt'iiglh veil of

illusion was caught in a Jewel­

ed pelnl hendplece and shu car-

rletl a cascade of mixed whlla


Mrs. Wi l l iam II. Venn, Sm ith -

ers, Wesl Va , ulster of Ilia

hriihgromn. was thn m illion of

honor, Siie wore 11 llglil pinli

gown nf chiffon over taffeta, a

matching lu'iuliii< 1 n and I'nr-

tied a li.iskcl uf |iiuk and while

iipiing fiiiwer.i.


The bridesmaids, Miss Gall

Thorne, Keyport, and Miss Shar­

on Hammond, Llnerofl, cousin

of the bride, woro sim ilarly at­

tired and also carried baskets ot

pink and whit* spring flowers.

W illiam H, Vena. Kmilhera,

West Va., brother-in-law ol 111*

bridegroom, was the best mini

and ushers war* Robert Shep­

pard, West Keansburg, and Je lf

Porattl, Keansburg.

For the wedding, thn hride't

mother choso » dres.i of relety

silk shantung with matching ac­


The bridegroom's mollier wai

Bttired In a light h im crap*

dies* w ith matching lata coat

end *cccs»oriej,

Aftor tho reception nt Colony

I 1111, Union Ileuch, th* coupl*

luft (ur a wedding trip to Sea­

side. They will resid* «t 41 Third St., Keyport.

Thu brldu was graduated flout

Koyport High School, Class of

I9IIH, and is employed us a sen-

rotary by Gale's Hnnlwnr* Co,,


Tho bridegroom was gradual-

ed from P.aiilan High School,

Class of I M , and It alluiidlng

Uceun County College,

Art Show To Be

Sponsored Mav 4The beauty of nature will en­

hance the m anm ade beauty at tho

art show ot the National Council

of Jew ish Women. Bayshore N .J.

Section, to be held on Sunday,

M ay “I, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . at

tliu Levitt Mansion on Symmea

Rd. and Koute 1), Manalapan.

The Levitt mansion is curient-

ly used by Levitt & Sons as their

office headquarters (or this area,

but oiliceiike it definitely Is not.

It is a beautiful old mansion, set

on a sloping hillside, surrounded

by trees.Only professional artists will h*

shown. The display Includes oils,

watercolors, graphics and litho­

graphs. Originals will bn featured

with » (ew prluls available. Pic­

tures will he of all sizes, framed

ami tinfrnmcd. All painting-1 will

ba for sale.

Discussra {(ole Of

Denial AssislanlsDr. Robert flrott, Spring l4 k «

and Florliain Park, was »prnk(M*

ut thu meeting nf Tit* Monmouth*

Ocean Cntmfy l> n !u ! AssH tnau

Association held Apr. 8 ot ths Ad­

m ira l's J<d>)«, Went J>eal.

Dr. Scolt used “ Four Hand Dan*

Hslry" an his ihemu, pnlutinn out

Mint o deatitt a lwayi woikit with

im aHsl-itanl at hin side. l l« dirt-

cussed thu rola of tho denial »»•


F la m wcrt madt) by himiu ■>! the meinhcia to attetid the Nev\

Jarsey Slalu (!ouvcntiou to bu 11lM

In Atlantic City.

Mrs. Judy Thompson, education

chuirman, will Hpenk on "O ral

HyKlenH" at th» May IJ meeting.

v “tZiirrift~:f MRS. JA M ES

Miss Jo-Ann O ’Connor, daugh­

ter of Mrs. John O ’Connor, 260

Haven D r., Matawnn, and tha

late John O'Connor, became the

hride. of Jam es P . Clarko, son of

Mrs. jam es P. Clarke, 410 * BKth

St., Brooklyn, and tha latw

Jam es P. Clarke, Saturday,

Apr. 12, 1 \m.The Rev. Melvin Stanczews-

kif pastor, celebrated tha 11

fi.m. nuptial mas and ofl'icluted

at the double ring ceremony, in

St. Lawrence.’}* Church, Lutir-

•neo Hnrbor.

Francis X. 0 ‘Cunnor, M iddle­

town, escorted his rdccn to t|i«

altar. Sho wore a silk orftaimi

and iaco gown designed with a

cathedral - length train. Her

shmilder-len^tU veil o l French

Illusion was held by a ciowu of

aunurt boiealia cryslals and aho

carried a caMadu bfMHpuJt of

whito roses centered with «

v.’hitii orchid.

Mrs. John Uarj?ct, Brooklyn,

lifte r of tha bjide, was thn mn*

Iron of honor Tho bridal ut-

tend.uita wero M r i, I'atrlck Cill-

h'^plc, y, N. Y , tvv in sis-

toj uf tlio hi»d«, und M ri. Fred*

«n< iv UUci-m, Uc;v City, N. Y .f


sistor of the bride.I ’hoy ware floor-lfenpth b ‘u i

horizon chiffon gowns, C irc u la r

veils fell over the:;' headpiece*

of clustered potals and they car­

ried coloninl boiuiueU u f pastal

blue carualions.

John O'Connor. Brooklyn,

brother of tha hride, was th*

best man. Ushering Wfjre Rob­

ert O'Connor, l.e.vlttown. I .. t.»

brother of the bride, nt|(i a twit brother of the matron of honor,

Mrs. John Burgut, and Clement

Allwell. Brooklyn, brother-in-law

of tho bridegroom.

A reception followed at But­

tonwood Manor. Matawnn, Whan

they return from a Jet fliuht to

Ucnmula, they will ivsid* ta

nay Kld^e, Mrooklyn.

Tho hridt» wan Krndunled from

Southside Senior Iligli School,

Rockville Center, 1.. t. Sh« tl

employed by Smith Iiorney A

Co.. Ktock brokers. Now York.

Thft bri(lo^,ro(im w ai hi 8 Ju* ^

ed Irom Fort tlandlton Hitfh

School, 1.. I. Hi) *«rvi'ii In tha I ', y. Army and i i employed In

th« ronstm ction nf tba nan

Wi/ild I tmJu ( enter, Nuw

S t u d i o sV U O T O G I t A P l f Y




na/i-i/wir/- UvLKritri&y;. Apr/) J79' !.$£?


V'--“S " S t C t o f a iV t lw (4 fc ; 1

SfeiiKwss ft»£iisas! Mij'h Scls<»l AtUntie Av<*., M alaw an

■ R.w Joseph W.tijjisifcici - i -

Mntiss me i:<'ieb,at/».! Sunday * t .7 . f. » , S i# , JfcM dnti i ! . «

fi-95; .

■ 1 $«. -Xist-ph's Chtm il -

: . IMtofile FL,K*ypert ,.■ - jsyv; Cuinemis J, f^ane, Pastor

tossM,* will I* It ld Sunday

: morning s t ®:30; 7:30,- <;£>, S;45,■ I I a , i» , a jiu 12if3 p . ia \

.■'■■■■■:■. .-: :" Cftwtb;«N fa tt ■....... ...... • C «eb» l A.v«. uff. V®«» Av*. ■

: Union Beach

B cv .C J . ■Talkingtai, Pastor

' Sunday School is held at 10 a.m .; morning worship, i l a.m.;

... *vaot!<i«tiK service, 7:30 p.m.

OnvM’ti TaberniHie- ■.... - Af »»i»llc F a i t * ............

H ig M d * ,A w , M i la o u

Evsngtltst Ruth Depree, Pastor

- Sunday School will tie held at

s : I I ji.iij;; , »uiroii)g . aervice, 11 : afternoon aervice, 3:3* p, io.

and tv ta in f service. 7:3* ( m .• «vl?J • vn <* ■ •<•*•«*!*»#■

. *wryl(e<lne»d*tf a t 7 p.m;

f f n l Spiritual C k w e b 'l

M yin«H a»f

tn Mata St., BeMordl

. J(;v. Phuebe Pall^y, Pastor

Services are held Sunday And Tuesday %ven'ug°. a t S-pm,

■ 1 S t BeiM^kl'a Church 1Bcdm syRd.H l

Rev. Edward P. Blnska, pastor Masses, are licit) Sunday nt

7:30, 8:30, 9 45, 1) a.rn. and fl: 15 p.m.

Gtthseroan* Lutheran Cburch

Maple Fl„ Keyport

-Rev. llenf'y W. Kiccher, - Pasloi

’ On Sunday servtas a te hull, al■ 6:TU), fc4li ,axul 11, n.m. Church

- * (H itiMy Sclioo! is itdd

Lutheran Church «l tlw CiimmI Shepherd

■ RoutesJ and 510 . Madison Township

; r JRev. Harley E. Meyer, Pastor .

’ family,- ib le hour Is held at fr. 1J a.m . w Sunday u id family

, wwship, Vk,& a.m.

" r » 8 Gauw l Ta^crnacl*„ Tl M a ia » . , K ^ r l

Hev. Danny (lentil*, Pastor

. Service* «(iU be hek^ Suiilay, ftom ta* worship 11:31 a.m. ao4

' evening m v lce . 7p .m . . ,•„ ■/..

■ fra y a r 'm e e tin g ‘will be held K«4neiday at 7 p.m.

F aa rtkM t Fitealra

Spiritual Chn<k 1 M S M e M , Uotoa >ea<h

Sev. Katharine Miller, Pastor

Sorvicea ar* held on Sunday (nd Thu^aday cveninft %( • p.m .

■ and «a Friday «l<ernooaa a t > p.m.

K lag H Kia«a U itkcru i Church

d e n y T w *■’« « » * i .. M dd lc^w a

Hev. IfilHam A. Hanson, Pastor...... Sunday School: 9:15 ii.m. to

I t : .14 a.m. - Ciurcli Services 8 : a.m. and 10:46 a.m. ................

llira iu ttha .Conservative Baptist

i , Church

' .:' ; KeyperMlwlmdel Rd.

,, ' M ulct, Sev, Lowrence Reed, faator

■ ■ -'Bible .Sctiuol on > Sundiiy con-vene»> at 1 S:45 a.m.; morning

I , worship. IV a.iri. when the pas- tur* message will be "import

(eel love ." l i ie (amily gospel

houf ttatta at 7 p.m. «t which time the pastor's topic will be «Uy Faith." . -

Praise and prayer hour la held Wednesday at 7:3* p m.



B ttutelS , Brow»tt^ru

R«w. Franci* Cnntt.l. Srahior

is «c:>d ?r^n» 9:4J5

b> A5- a m . w id ifte ciwrch. ser*

vitit is inan 1! ii.m. unu i 12 o'*

n; Kv«?.rvoni9 b

liu«dc4 McOwkiwrf.

$t> Isirted. Ave., Uf?iaa Beach

Rot. Fra/uu.vo HVBsitf i*-f rnnivt

Wnr<ihip SflL’ViC® 'J St IB A TO.

and Surulay Sehoui at 1C h ni, with classea lor all ajses, Junior

MVP nveela Friday a l 7:30 p.m.

and Senior MYF on Saturday al

7:38 jt.m. ......

- Cliiat b p lw t Clwrch•i' : S*„ M > U » m ■; -, .

: Kcv, Psui l„ Jacksin, I'astur

Church School will be held

Sundsv (or all Hgt* a.L IMS a.m. and morning worship, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Th* Paalor'i iermon

topic will be “Open tiates.” A luperviaed nurwry la providedr . t j ». . . . *. !.:•IUL Ulltlt. ? MjlTIV^Qi' • '"VHt«v>V»K 'church ia at 11 a.m. The Senior

lligh and Junior High BYFGnmpi) meet a l 8:30 and Junior Croup, 7 p.m.

Midweek serviceJs held Thuis-

day at 8 p.m .

. i ir s t Presbyletiaa Churck

Houle M and Franklin SL - Matawan.

Rev. Chester A. Galloway. Pastoi

^Morning worship scvvices Jian-

dav afe at 9:15 and Jl Church school meets a l 9.15 .'nul Tl a.m. The special class U:r broin-damaRed children meets

at 9:1^: u.m. only, Chil.l care- is provided for children unJer three years pf aRe. At 7..10 p.m (he new Allen Organ will he

dedicated. Kenneth t . tandis,

Hflrrisburg, Pa., will be guest artist. The public is welcome to

. attend. : . : ■

Irln ily fhufeb (kplseopal)< -West Court and Byers Laue


Hev. Carroll B. Hall, Rector

Maltln* and Holy Communion Sunday will be at ? a.m:: mum-

Ing prayer and Family Euchor- > 1st, church ichool, nursery for

Infanta; IQ a m.

, ’Holy Communion will b# cele­

brated this Friday a t 8:3* a.m ., and on Wednesday at S a.m.

FbM United Metkedlst Church

- 147 Mala SI., Matawaa

Rev. Donald T. Phillips ar.

. . Minister-

Morning worship Sunday i* at

1:30 and 11 a.m. when the pas­tor will begin a aerie* of *er- inon topics pn “The Ntw Tesla-

ment "Church and Our*.” Tliia week’s sermon is entilled “The Proclaiming Church (Kerygm?.)"

- 1 Cor. 1:23-24. There will bs baptisms and speclal music Ht both services. A nursery is pn- vidcd (or infants and toddlers in the church house. Clwrcl’ eT^nl

wilh classes for all aces Includ­ing .adults meets ut 9:30 a.m.; program (or children ages tin eo

to nine in tho church house, U

a.m.; Junior, Jr-Hi aiul Sr-llj Fellowship mcetinp,s, 7 p.m.

. Reformed Church ol Keyport

Warren and Osborn Sts.’ K fliw rl

The Rev. S. T, Scholtcn, Pastor

Morning Worship is held at

IO:*!? a.m. The Sunday School meets at l:30 ».m. The youth

Fellowship ; wiil meet at 6:30

: p.m.^ v ■ ■.. -

If yo u c a n fe rtiliz e , re s e e d ,

a e ra te , a n d ro ll y o u r la w n

$ 2 4 9 5 • • •

i o u m u s t b e a m a c h in e

Lawna-maTi m cwniONMS wk-mi

M 9Sf,1M ZW

I MM » t»i

• MiniNS (I ft p*(I no »ft It 1

U-ili 101• powi/MIMIC* ,

. foniinaims

$3 9

95> »i»i» u*i)ii/»• rcwii ioiimc• MIlUlMMM MU'W

• MUiP'ICill «. hi icwtij ni

• mu <otPtf.kHW

3 *MU



’ trmtt4 fo«tt *tlll(N • **+•<« f**«e tcilmm • f*~*t* Irnn/*ipnm|i HW •• • ftt ld ii'l -1 • Ml Ut I t I0»t jif*'0?.,.l!..,l'— i-..h • In

IMNM4I rce>rf Kutiot

• f*r (io| .♦/V/tr >ti h u ? i all 4 i f n u r n

* I r livl* prtd Conlo i* Culi Cnii ru'il el t tiiM4h »V| UMlH

mi« r#*ni fr.ii<ni■ I eifilirtti’ft in 11 ICH■ D«t«|ii'’'i I Hi (in

t I'M to ll *<» <fd isttd ( i "lifrl• C<"* f I f «t'Of

fSell I.AWN A-W4 / in .i/«.t iviy Unw. m y if<i* meluih’itj .Vn<u/.n-s- loi f f\t6 ttrtd I’rny o l S*civt o l I. an it Uiuwty " Vu uthyution,


8 4 2 - 2 5 1 9

7 4 1 - 3 6 4 7

2 9 1 -10 13

4 3 1 - 1 1 1 7

SVfaQnvfcK.h 1«;rv*pte^-S.V4,*Bjt7iore A^vt;.,

Rabbi Kdw.ird £ !ientegc» , YJ.'d. Mortmoutb. Kefifimr Tewple • bv*.

cck-bration of its 10th annt*

v«r&jif'v with s, spec^l. aunivei1-,

?«5ry Ssbhath s trv 'fe Vvkhvy &l. b:% ' p.ii). Rabbi AlexsuiiJerScnamil^f; ; v??;e nc^iritrni q? th«r

lhw )r, n t A toprii'xrt Hebrew Crn'ir

prrpnuoriS, iv iii be u*iC ^u<-jl

' pitxkcbaw- His topic {s. “ Is R.clfg-

Inn Rel€yaI^t?,, ladies of the

Sewing Croup »>.t..Mon/iK»y$h. Re-,

form 1>mple have volunteered to

fJhe. Oneg. Shnnhat imme-.

diatf.-iy following liiEjrvices.

Festivities w ill continue with a

dinner - dance held in the Temp!«

Social Hall Saturday Ht 9 p.m .

All religious school classes ha ve

bc^n cancelled on Sunday^ how­

. ever, Bernard 'Bfanu-;eri#, ri^iiL of the Club <tt Mo;i;

jnouth Reform r<?mp?e. has an*

nounccd a special father and child

break fas t at; 10 a.m . in the *oc id

hull. Bagei.f apd lox H’ilf b-r? se ^

ved and unlertainment will follow.

Calvary United Metkodisl Church

Third S t* Kcypvrt

C!!Hr*ea A. bffiincr,- jr.; .Viiuiaict

Frank Sanfiel, Assoc. M inister

Morning Worship: English scr*

vices at 8:30. a^n, In-the: Chapel

end a t 10:45 a.m* io the Sane*

tuary. Spanish service at 12:.‘i0

m the / Sanctuary. Church ;

Sch^)l ftt &.'.30; a.m . for nil yooog

persons up to. the Senior year in

high school. Speaking at the

Fnplish Services will be

B i;ndvr.

Tlm Charge Gmferfcnce _ ‘ for ■■ 1A&69 vviii bft held, bt^im iir.jj

vvA suppur «Tt S. p.iji. An elec­

tion oC- {.ruslees will also, be, held

during ihe business portion of

th e . ; . !'

Ti'inplo Brf‘th Ahm

Lloyd Rd., Mataw.m

Cons^iviiiivc. Temple ;

Kabbi Morris Rubinstein

Sabbath evening services 'V«H

be held (oniorriv-v Ht Si-15. P-n.

at 'iempJe B<;th Ahm, U oyd

Rd., M aiaw ao::A t: t he .cnnoluslon.

of services, thoro wtJJ be un On-;

eg Shybi,\'it hosted by M f. ■ and

Mrs, Gerald Ritz in honor -tl

the Bas/Mi.Uvah/ of their daugh-

tor, Susan, who-will pa ftk ’ipale

in this Mjrvtce.

Sabbath m orning services w ill

be hc!d on Saturday at 9:30 a in.

a t the Temple. Sunday m orning

ie iv lce a t 10 a.m .

Ih e public ia invited to woir

|hip ui a ll services.

l e h ^ a h ' i W k|nt)s»

Keyport Congregation

K ingdom Ifa il, 13 Division St.

. . . Kryport ... . - - . .

A Bible talk entitled “ Your

Part in Keeping the Longirjjiv'

tion C lean” w ill be given by C.

peaq, Sunday 9; 30. a.m . . Imme-;

diately - (oilowinj*. at 10:30 a .m .,

The Watchtower T Bible StiKly

w ill bo h.cld. The subject ti.eme

under discussion will hv “ M ak­

ing Your Advancement Ma.iifcst

by Responding to God's Word,”

based on Philippians 3:16, ^

Temple Shalpm

The Reform Coiw t^JU icn

Ayrmont T ane and Church St,

. Matawan

Habbi Henry M. WeimT

Snbbath eve .st'rv'cv^ '•'-‘■I ^ held tomorrow a i 8:45 p.m . at Temple Shnhun o\\ Church -St.

and Ayrmont Lain in Mwi.i'van.

Rahbi Weiner will spenk al*«>v«l

"P rn inoy's Complaint,M by I'Mil*

Ip Roth. This will l»e a review of

the book by Kabbi Woinrr.

Seated on the Bmna w ill be

Styuk'y I iv y J*»‘>d Mrs. Haila At-

linson. The Sabbath iiRhts will

be blessvd by Mrs. I.awrmtco

Turk. Ushers for the even’tig

will he Bernard Pressei,

tm l Attinson. M un is Kaplap,

Stnnley Hr.inn, Sdul M adltn and

Anudd DcMonte.

Flowers w ill be presented by

Mr. an(i M is . l.awrence Turk ia

honor nf the. Uar M itzvah of

their son, Jeffrey. An Oiteg

Shahbat w ill be held immediate­

ly following te iv icw , .spon.vued

by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence

Turk, a* hoat^.

Saturday nl ll:.W a.m ., Jef­

frey Turk will he called to thw

Torah as a bar Mitzvah.

Church Of Our Saviour

episcopal Church

In Madison Township

K .D . I Uax I8.I-A, l arinRton Rd.


The A lfar-riu ild meeting «iU

be held .U tlu- church tlm

Tlmrsday Ht 8 p.m.

HuI.y L.ut Uiirusl will be rein-

brau-d l: iidav al (• lit) and a.m .; Srarair.i.nt t>f PciiiirH**1, ft

p.m. ••

Snndav. 11“ '\' I u« lui i r-t >’* i'i

be ai «MO a.m .: Hulv 1 ui hat ist

, mul church rehnul, US ii :n.

I Inly b'uchansl will be M‘>1*

dny and WnlnrMl.iy HI


hible class meets fit tiie

rlu in h Tm sdiiy at H P ni.

Second Baptist Church

2J1S Atlantic St., Keyport

Rev. Moland Hunter, Pastnr

Sunday School convenes nt

1:30 n.m. with ch.sses h>r nil

fi^rs ihioujili adults, ^^oniing

\>ui'}ihip ia al 11 a.m. >v11h mm;-

lr by the Senior Choir under tho

diierlin ii of M is. Viola Hanki,

ori'.ani^t. Ihe Siauhiy .School and

'/IT’.l I, department* w ill present

n " I 'a im ly Talent f 'to jira in ” at

3 p.m . H. l ' l l . meets at p.m.

Prayer and I ’ralso meelmj'.n are

hold b’ilday nt 0 p.m . nnd Tues­

day at 10 a m.

i'tfsi c-f i:hiisU Sc/twUsfi ,

BfVAd St.,

''W hat doth tn«? Lurd rtquirit

<ii iMent bt't u? d»> to1‘jv e toervy, aad.,.*^ walk humbly

jJ,V (*<4?’' ThiS t>»rli.yr. .

■Micah. the' ■ ».hrrni*y Af ths

B ible khsoh-ienrion oo <4Doci.r;ne

of: Atoviwaeur- Y/hich a!iU b«

!>w.rd SundAy' 5n ' Chri-sfJaA

Science churches.

. fv:-r,>ce? '4ic at./ ,a i .First Church of Christ, Sc^n iis t.

£4 , KvyiMV'!*..............

A correlative passage from the

uCuL'iiVi n«iUonCkJ _ o

tner-ts; “ live 17 pang of repent­

ance and suffering, every effort

for reform, every good thought

and deed, will help us to undcr-

sUnd H*soa' atonement for sin

and a id its efficiency; but if the

sinner continuos to pray and re­

pent, s»> Hpd b« suf.r.y. he has

IUt|« part in the »toncm*'nt,-in

ihfc at-«mement w ith God.-fur be

lacks the practical repentance, '

which reforms, the heart and en* .

able* man to do the w ill of wis*■ dom*' Science and Health with

Key to. the Scriptures by M ary

Eaker. Eddv. . .. ,

Sunday School convenes at IU

a .m . a/id Wednesday testimonial

meetin&s are held at 8 p.m . ■

The Faith Reformed ('hnreh

Middle Rd. and Poole Ave,Hazlet

Kcv. Theodore C, Muller, Pastor

Sunday School, fs held nt 9:30

and H. y.m,; morning, worship is

at 9:30 and Jl a .m , when the pas*

tor w ill preach on ’C in b lu u m y

and the New Morality.” ;

St. M ary ’s Episcopal Church

East Front St., Keyport

. Rev, A'incent K. PeUit, Rector

. On Sunday there wiil. be mom*

hij» pray.-r and Jloiy l-j.Kiiansc,

7:45 a .m ., Holy liud iarisi; and

C'hurcii!, - .9:’ 5 a; m.

morning prayer and sermon, i l

• e.'ri!. • ■

Weekdays there wilf be Holy

Kueharisl .Friday :--t. VMS a.n*. •

and Wednesday at 9,

H rst Baptist Church

M ain and W. Third Sis.


On Sunday fit 1:30 a .m . there

jyi.U- -b«. Sunday School" for all,

Aj;es rhtough' a du lu , 10,4.1 a .m .,

m orning worship service with

guest minister, the Hev. Wil*

)iam Bisgroye, of New Mon­

mouth. Rev. p isg rov* . will be

speaking on "The Unchanging

God in a Changing World.”

Fam ily supper will be h e l d ' U .

I p .m . h i Fellowship Ball; 1 p.m ., evening service with a

missionary speaker and 8:1$

p .m ., Young Adults meeting.

Midweek prayer fellowship is

held each Wednesday ut 7:45..

p .m . - ' -

. Cross of Gtor?

Lutheran Church


Cambridge Dr.* Matawan

■ Roy. Arthur \V. i-bischhach


Sunday Services nt Cioss of Glory I.mheran Chinch will be

' held at 'J a m., w<th » tu c u.tU?

<:l worship, t\rd :5t 10 ilO 1 m.,

Tho Service, with Holy C<mv«

municn. The scvnum title chos?

en by Pastor Ebischbach is

‘ ‘The Shepherd nf 1 tfe.!’ Tho

Sunday Churrh School contintifM

tn mecf at 9 a .m . w ith classes

from gnuhf I through adult, ex­

cept v.radf'S -t and l> \vb*eb m.'et

at 10.30 a.m . ttlon®, with Nu rv .

ery and Kindergarten classcs.

A C ’^ss of inslrurtion for ’itnv

momberfl desiring to join :i<'d

who are nol of a T ulheian back­

ground is beinp formed. Inter­

ested persons should contact the

F asior,.5M -lll8 .

'(lie l.utheran Church Women

hicvo been invited to be quests

tif the Sisteibood <*f Temnlo

Beth Ahm on I loyd Rd. Jn Ma>*

awan, Tuesday at 8:30 p.m.

Both groups w ill have presenta­

tions on various asnrcts of

church life with a discussion

period fnllmving.

Friday at 4:!W p.m. the con-

firmaticm class wiil iuwe tk®

final examination for the year.

Friday evening the Central Pis-

trict of the New Jersey Synod,

Lutheran Church in America,

will have its assembly In N?<tiv-

h v Lutheran Church, Hast

Brunswick. The meeting, schni-

tiled for 8 p.m ., will be preced-

<d by fl dinner at 6:30 p.m . The

program is contort’d around a

consideration nf u change in

ai’es fur t.'onfi« mation und Fi iM

t'ojiirmmiriii. ’) Iv speaker w ill be

lb . I'dward I'. Horn, of Ph ila­

delphia, F a , « th 'ijivm an who

i<, a nu inlu r of ihe spei tal Na*

tiiiual CoinmisMon appointed to

coiuim t the study. D inner reset-

\ ,t 1 u'iiv iiu1 n jjucsted by Apf.


Calvary Baptist Church

Mhhlle Ril , Ha/let

Hcv. Cieoj^- «!• lilliott, Pastor

(in Sunday Bible Sch(M»l for id] will be held at 9;45 n .m .

M w n m u fetvice w ill ba at 11 and tv tn in jl gospel service

at 7 p.m. The Pabtur will ptea<h

u\ both Mrvlcf*.

Braver meeting is held on W.'d

lu-sdiiy cveiiinu at li p m.

U .S. Savmi/j.s Sliunps, sold at

post offices nnd ih iou i'h Iho

Si hool SaviiiRfl Broftrnm, m e nn

iiiip.irliiiit part of tho nationwide

Saving, ttonda Broyrom . Fiuoiir-

younyutero to develop tho

ii.ihit of thrift by buying Kavhifc.i

Sttunps which they m ay ryrhiuifld

for ltonda when they occumulnie

tho prico uf A Bond,

S i s t e r h o o d . Ha*F i i s s o v e i ! ' E v ;€ i * t

'in 'pii'pj.nt.iy-Ki for h*;;;d^y.

<'i» -Pa.^fver. -kf" V.'OiJie:’ J-.-;/Tl>L'- •

vi ii'. • • W.ii.rki hi ip;

f:sv'ci'vde. . by. v"'?.-

Krani and JewiKh famiiv 'ivinv

f.i.-.rrrn.^Ures c>i ?.hf S.’.nJm i'K

'iVr>;;;!e B*fh Ahm..: •»{-.'«£- .-^-..^^1^ U„,U AUrj, jl.fl,

program b t^a n with fin explana­

tion Of the Seder Tabic, ^hvt.U

wi»s- set With ihe apprq>r.^(«

Ccrtrnotjiid (rxxis and riiual ob-

icrity. The sign.ific.arce und his*

lory of the were ex­

plained, 3:3 wa.'i the oxdc.r o?

Seder." • *boul. pviiiiit-

ted foodaw ere also an.swered.

Following. ; ■ the discnsr.iou,

theifc was. a oot>king demonstra­

tion a t which the women ob­

served the making of the traoi- Passover fo*xis. Included

iii the menu were Charoset. a

ceremonial dish resembling the

mortar used, for buildinK with

bncks b i Eftypb a, Fussover r»\\t -cake,'a, meat m ain dish, nnd a

special pancake recipe. Kach

woman, tasted the food that was

cookcd. - :

■“Community- Helper** Visits Cioss

During 1 program of visits nf "com iniin ily h i ip fm " (v th* Nursery School ol th* F irst Prtsbyterlaa

Church, M am waii. Mrs. Shirley Elder. Matawan, ■ (•g litc rad n u iic , v iilted a c la iw ol luur-ycar-ildi »nd

explained her du tiw . Pictured wilh Mr». F.IUet »M m em b en at UK data,. Tha N urw ry School, d lr c d t*

by Mrs. Koberl Wilkinson, is completing its lecood y tu Mod apftlicauU lor the fall lern» a r t now being

registered, in e i O w I . apm l i th r£ i a s i !r'!.r i ’'»r-«W «-MWre« resldentu el tb* area. ................ .

New Pastor Installed By

Cliffwood Beach Church

J!£*®PBT3afc5T ^ ’i


A») organ recital on the newly-

Installed; Allen origan will be iV-

en i in the. First Presbyterian

Church,' Matawan, on Sunday eve*,

ning at 7:30 p.m. The guest art­

ist vyill be Kenneth Landis. Har­

risburg. Pa. A service of dedica­

tion : will, be held in connection

with the recital.

Mr. I.nndis earned his Baehe*

Tor and Master of Music De^re^s

from .Westminster Choir College, ,

Vrluceton. He studied organ with

Donald McDonald and Aiexo.uder

McCurdy. He presently is orj;a»

nist and director of music at M a r

kct Square Presbyterian Church

. in Harrisburg, where he has con­

ducted premiere performances oj

> several choral works with 01 c)»es-'

tra. Thi.? season, Mr. Landis w ill

play, concerts in 10 states, iuclud*

ing several other dedletttory re­

citals on now instruments.

Tho new orgim is a three-man-

oal mslrumLMU with 5*t speaking

stops. Also included Ss a cr.mplcto

aatiphonal or echo nnum in tho

balcony of the church. Carillon,

biirp jmd celesta speak thr«>U‘*h

tin amplification system from the

church Met pie. t he oit^ui waa

^ivcn in nn.-motv e,f Helen (Tcr-

biihe) Schock by the .svheck J'am-


Mr. Landis1 program ’-nil in-

duds works by J.S. Barb, Siy-

fr:.l Karj; - l-.lcrt, Cbarles Ives,

Tran inn;*,lain ami Maui»‘_e l>ii*

-uP.e, A recephoit will fol’ow he

jju i^ i.un . 'Hie public i;; invited lo

atieiuL ,

The Kcv, Charles Henry M an­

gold was installed. «s pastor of

the P-ivvifW PresiiyJeriiitl

Church. CUffwood Peach, at a

5Iervice of Installation Sunday n

the church. He succeeds tSe

Rev. David Buccl w h o is rn;w

serving at the Pieshylerian

Crfurclh Yonkers.

!bn Rev. Harvey Douey, P'^*

tor of die Rumsc'n Presbyterian

Cnur«,h and moderator of C>e

7-domnouth Piehbytery of the«. - .1 \^ni Icr.r 1 >. m/j ia »»**»•^ev, prc'sided, Pasrors of neigh-

congregations and of the

• Presbytery participated.

Ihe Rev. Archibald C‘lark, of

tru* Sayrtvtlie Presbyterian

Church, gave the charge io 1 the

pastor and E lder, Harold -Lin*

/ ’ demand officer for PresbytcpT,

Vsnnisteriol relations, gave , the,-

charge to the conijrcgtttlon.

Iho Rev. Alex. £ ; Woodward,

of Red Bank Presbyterian

Church, gave t,hc Call to Wor-

.ship. The Rev- Robert, fc. Bo»>-

ham of the First Church, U»or

Branch, formerly associatt at

tiie Avenel Church, preached

the sermon.

Scripture passages were road

by Rev, A. T Watei.s of C hony

I l i lL Methodist Church and Her-

bet! Smith, elder of the Bay-'

. view Church; Rev. Francis Ost«

erstock of the Philtipsburg Pres­

byterian Church, former paftor

of Hayview Church, gave the­


Kev. M ango'd.pronounced.

closing bcnedjction. Following

that, t h e congregation and

friends in the cc>n»n'iu\ii.y wef-

co.nied Rev. M:i»«^old and Ins

r.;fe, .Mrs Kathryn Mangold,

ond their two chddrtm, John

Cnlvin and Patricia, ut a iccvp-

lion in the church bail.

Rev. MuuKotd comes to Bay-

view Church from a nine ond

one-half years pnsioraie at Wil-

key . M emorial presbyter'jm

Church, Philadelphia- . He. previ­

ously soivcd in the United Pres­

byterian Church at Mdlstoms

r'errin»;vi!le. He served iii th<j.

U. S. .Army Chaptnin Corps dur-

■ big-four-years of World W ar U

•n d three yea ts oj( the l<or«4t;


Born in Camden, he atteodod

Camden schools und was gradu­

ated ‘ l io m the University ot Pennsylvaniii and Philadelphia

College of the BiW*. Rev. Muih.

gold cootinued preparation for

<h« m inistry at Brown P^epaiai*

lory College aud the *Dttolog!eal

. Seminary o f 'th e Reformed Epis­

copal Church. Graduate studio*

wore taken at Glasgow Uuiver&r

Ity, .Scotland, and Temple Uni­

versity, Philadelphia, •


Missionary Program

A n n o m ie e F ve n ts

A l S i. I M a r y ’ s

O n S iifu lay ut 4 p .m . thrre

w d l be a convocation m eeting a t

St. ' lh m n ab C hm ch , Red B a .ik .

'H ie Kcv. Noel A m ad i, of

ia , w ill be the speaker.

The Jun ior Altar Guild nnd

advisors of St. M ary’s Episcopal

Church, Keyport, w ill journey to

Washington, IX C\, this weekend

vhe ie they will make a pil^rim-

mape to line National Cathedia'

Fpisropal Scouts in Monnumth

Coo»«iy w ill make h weekend re-

iicut “’cer tiie weekend,

Ihe Rev. Muy Weber, ft rclir-

td pi i ' st ri<>in the i:»iucese (d

I.nui* Island, will be the cele­

brant fit the Jiuchaiist a\ i l .

M aty4.'* Church this weekend.

T !.iifl w ill be a pa i !*■.!» huh

*»»p lone H to New lb»pe. Fa.,

ii id Feddlfi'a R ' M'!

lions ‘ i.ou’d f- nirtde !hnM:)di

the he ,1, Vinceut PettU, rero»r.

h ’n i n i l y T iih-n t

Show A l C h n re h

A * I a 1111!>r I'ah nt I ’i ;<.<i,f

H|univi,iul i-v »h'* Surid.iy Si ho d

,r.i:d lr l *f 'I'M'iM-tinM !1. id Iho

Set ond HaptiM ‘ hitm h. tifi Al-

)aniI'. Si , Ki’ypt-i f, ill be pi e-

sent-- d :»ii.»«L.%’ al -i p m ’’biny

f.innln *, ha\e bci tl F * r-’nng

II,cm ..' K 's io r th.*. 1*1 ">a io.

'Ih , ir u d l • e i,Mi‘.i.-d M-ler-

lions. '.f.iK .o a l .-I *'U r-

tillO1’ .

Pastor Davo Pollock of Sayre

Woods Baptist Church iu Brov.n-

town announces the Annual M is­

sionary i.ontcrinco to 'm-ld

tomoiniw thrfu p h Suud-ty.

Friday vveniog s-’iv ce vc'dl

start at ‘r: t5 p .m . v.‘i:h tm fotro*

duv'tion given by tach nv;,'.s;>'u-

ary. F f:\\ P oy i‘ i will b»,:ng

the nu’s.’-oue

Rev. i ’w.y.Mi i.1? with tin? r»u>.-

et Testamr-nt l.eague m \S»-st

c.'-rmaiiy.Saturday moroin;.1. at 8 a nj.

there wdf be the Men's I c tiow-

*hip breakfast tvit.h die mis*:oii-

aiies m attendame.

Satuitlay evening at 7 p nt.

Kev. She<ld will speak. Rev. and

Mrs. Shedd arc doing the L o id ’s

vvtuk in Chile, South Amorita

Saturday «it noon the P'ootTr

On Is will have a luncheon, In

at;< ndancc v, dl be th? mission­

aries, mothers and p<d.s.

Sunday sclm nt for both adu lts

and teens w ill hey in a t ft’ 45

u .m . w ith m iss ionaries partiei-

pa tm g . R e gu la r service sU o is at

l l a.m. Speaker w ill bu the Rev.

Kenneih .Jones who has been

w ilh (he Bible Christian Union

U‘i the p.r;t 2'J T h ^ m ■ jiucrdcnoininaiioi.Cil m i S •> i 0 11

}.j '-enrimg the. gospel via broad-

c- ts , it?e<aiure, Youth Camps

3 n d persotral evangelism

thrnm’hout H u rtii* and Tho Unit­

ed Starvs.

Thyir will be a tyniposium nt

4*. 3(1 p.m. on Sunday for yoUftg

pet;:ilu. ;es will bo

nviiiJahlfi for imy r(ueslious tlm

i'n.y-' mul v'nib m i^lit IiitVi1 in r&-

Jiili<>ii.'.;i:|) l« Hu.' jnissiimary in

lh<: (k ill.SV.di'S w ill i.;: t lim vn u t 6:30

p . m , -S ii'v icc .sm ulay ..cvenn ig

v,;i:h a inpssaKC iiy Rf-v. Viii-

Itov . '-.I*s. V im x n t nvo

w u h the W y J i f l t ' B ib le Transln-

h u s am i un* p ic sv n tly t'ii|:a|:c(l

in t in i ‘s la lm j' liie N ew 'IVnUi-

n i i i . l l i i i n n a

i iu y m o k i:in w ilh Uic Tui-

rm :t (Hnplc in ’ -t'W (ju.nt-ii.

>,uiM‘ry will i'O pruviiieii uiifh t \ i l : ^ i’tiiiliMtiu:j.

Recognition Service

f:m 1 is I" ■> •' 1011 n-

,1, , !-i \:\"v OiH'lv 10 p. o iiil.i. ie ! *' >‘ 'd

.! be UM-d by

, ii Me. A nn,1

,i,! of the p ro ­

...... .. Me M .,i Ii-

MU’J ie ^ 'i of m e *

11 h , 11 i< *■. prh rshn i'M iiH e .ill bo

fe iv e d In ih n * ln m h dm m fi

lo o m fo llow ing tho p ro u n io l, All

M g Juv lted to a ttend.

Mn m I 111 o

1111i • -

pro jector I

the c it ln e

.lo'.ey is >

g 1 a in and

<11 w ill be

1 ii i

d is


A recoj’ iu iton service was held

Sunday for tho ntw L ight Nap-

lis t t!h urc ii iNbs^imt at t hu

church on C en te r St., Chffw ncd .

'Ihe church he ld its first set

on IX c . 1, UHi8, under the b ad*

ersh ip <*f the Kev. 1 d w n td

Jones, founder and pastor.

) hi si t ’.’n e w .ri ht id 1-',' thti

S i.j ; o.iM lh .p tist As'Ot iation.

Ihe hev. Howe H. I ’eiry. p.'s-

0 >1 uf the N eiond hapto-l

( nisi 1 ti, M .itaw ,i -s i'i

e hm pe , '1 lit; M 't ip iu io Was re. d

by \lie lie-.' I jo i. IL I |;i 1 ’’ “ ■

fi.islot <d the I 'l iM h a i'tis t

! )iim cl>, 15) b n a i J Jn 1' 1

l*« 01 j;U C li iu le y , pastor en « u

tos of the S iM h St F.ipiiSl

1 m il l II, i.,»M At.nd, led thu |> «.y

e r. Music was by the < iio i i ’. of

tlio Set ond Ih ip in d C h in ch , An­

bury I ’.n k , and L a lv a iy lb ip ti'it,

P« il jtioik.

Ihe Kev. Vernon T. Matihr-w,

S n o o d IhipMst CJn»f< h, /i.-bujy

P a tk . d' bve ie tl ihe he im on . I ha

* >1.1 r jm* to the new d im i l l w n i

1'iM ‘ii by the Pev . I nleh p., C a i^ ,

lit Ihany li.ip b s t t lunch, I aim -

in j'il '■ .

I 1 It1!, \\a» is h 'n d e il P.)

li.i- j*. .• 11 mi jt/ Iln; !<' '. . fl,

M arsha l of M l. O live t B aptis t

C JniJtl), Ih- lnuir.

M inih le i -, mu« ndinp, I 1 l ion to tiiiise . i l ’ i . id v ini 't io ’a d ,

wer« the Rev. C. )*. W lllhunM ,

K fcom l Bapliet O i o k I)* L ook

I'.i.c 'ib , tlu* R* v, P u ire ll Ball,

C ah a i y Pap.iist i hun >1 P e j

Bank: tbf He''. W illiam J . Hut*

ch-"on 1 im* r ^m eiitos of Hue-

ond Hapnst iich , M atawau,

nod ;i:e Hew Calvin Wood,

Wu her M* u.<n o'd H ?, p t i £ I

C iii'id i, M u /• oi' dii:.

.' ' • !•!» v. s pro-

JH 1.1 i l l i . V. JI .. S’.'l.

S lu d e u t l >la v

A t St. Joseph 's

’I he ‘.1.11 d .o m aa l 1 tiiih ;-t pro-

<1i' O • ■ ‘-I f- |'ll 1 lOlJj Kivport , smII Ob heal <.11 Suiid.iy.

A|m. nt [\ p.i.i .it iLi M'htioj

nuiliO i uon Fh-i.m'.s vni 11 be used

to 11• 1 1 ' • j.i M •. n r t!n 1 hth'

pi ;;ih j 1 .oluaiaai t r -p niuj also thA

Cohiii.onion Bliakt:i*;t.

'Hub y e a r 'i p rm h ic tin n I# en-

In h d “ M u n o i ic s " ..... I is d o e it*

•tl oy M ra . 1. I mdv.a, Mi' . J„ ( li i lh e r r tJe , M ' •<. H Pu\. o, M r»,

V/, Hy 11 n a id M.?.. I '-l.dion.

Mum* v. ill oil jil'i Miih;il ly Jo-

te p ii So* ;-'iiv.

t ir O' r . ' in I * i;.j- ih h;e< dflro 1 1 • 1 1.' 1 'I 1 v Mr., I . I ’aii onu,

Mr-:. I li- r .mI-m .111, ^dr*, 1 < mi-

f o '. I ' 1 . ! .0 i'V, M i ;•». II, SiiuooU,

M r . I ' ■n / i y , Mih. W.

m . , ' I . tl B ir io in g h n m . M m ,

A. ........... Mifi. W. Iv b .^ and

Mrfc. C , C o m id ln n ,

S*rvic«Or. Sunday,-Apt. 27, at 3;30

p .m ., the* pastor, combined'

choirs, members and friend3 cf

ihe Second Baptist Church. 205

Atlantic St., Keyport*- w ill give a ;

benefit service io the Clinton,

Chapd A M E Zion Church, Mid-

dlv*0V'0- i ' i ;u chuicH a

fire some time ago *>hd a new

chuiTh was cuasiruct'-d. Due to

0 smalt membership and. ti lack

Of funds they, syot out letters.

m m ;y churches -m the a iea ^ak-*.'

Ing for aid. The n\csr.bcsr» oi Sccond 1 Bap5*a;f. Cburoli decided

to p,o down in large num ber* .-

(ind raise as much money a»

they could to support the build-

Uig plMftlU.J., . ,

W ill Hold

Plant Sale'S^rmgtinri? is here n^a in and 0*

M ay 3 the fiarden Club' R F .D ,

w ill ho ld ita annual plant «» !» a|

the Acme parklnR lot in L in c t^m ^

The s u it ha* been divided i n t * , ^

Wtegoi'H-s ii nd vhairnn'n h a v t

been selected, in ch a r je n l “ an*

iiuuls” w ill tie Mrs. Rohcrt Bolifc

a nd getanium sale* w ill be he l4 ■

under (be supervisipn of M,r*»

M inor B . Tilton. Mrs. Peter c lub prtiidvn.t, w iil be cliiurma®

o l the w ild (lower group, a Iw

voritc among ihe peoflc. who nk >

(en<l the Gawlep C lub (ilom sain 1 Mrs. Thomas Guest v,as sc-lrct

ed chairm an o l the perennial,

anti Mrs. Jiihn Batlistrada, c!|

in iin of the b'roaf»leaf-«v«ctirceiiJw -,

The newest categoiy ’« ! ,n ' '

, t lu iled in t!>e sale w ill be window

bvx flowers. Mrs. Rubfci I B<iyki.n

w ill be 'cha irm an am i Mrs. Wul>

le r ’/imiiH-icr will be in chnrgo ;

c t selecting' ground covers.-

Slnginj! and hospilaliiy. m e iu

be uiuler ihe direction ol M ia*

J jm n s S lam as i-'i'd M r.s .'R .J. Ma?.. r

fcliire. ' . , -:V ^

Thu Garden Club expres'jed ap- .

precintion tp ihe puhiip v.’iiy at- ..

tended the lecture “ Flower Ar*

rang ing in Yesterday’s Treas-

u ie s ” and plan Id have snore lee-

tu n y open to the general piiblle.

, The prt-videnl, Mrs. lyt'ad. wort

a red ribbnn in liie Pine Rar.!*eJ> .

Category at tiie New Jersey Statq

F lower Show held in Morristown. .

Will Teach MusicMiss Janice Lawlor. dauphtcr

o l M r. nnd M is. .lames l.nw lor,

2.10 iltoa il St., Keyport, w ill b<W

Hin teaching priviue music lc »

wins on Saturday. Miss Lnwlur it atiendine .Montclair State Colleg*

where (ihe is majoring in musitfc

Be a

Checkmaster account today No minimum

balance required( _____-

X .. ''1 1 41 i *

Pay bills at home a n d Dojfl

more leiauro tlrnn Can wo help you?

i ( ^ J § Service Is our

big o o itn fo e t .


i .? 4 *,71-ic j v iA lAWAN JOURNAL, N. J,

.- w v A J u r . ; a u

w i n r { f a r * S e c r e t a r i e s ' W e e k ' This. 'M o n t h

■' E%r tfr* M ,''eiw$$fcy!>y«

-.^S, Wfc■ IwU. wwk.-.itt Aprii has.

£ } - i iR Q ? R 4 C T IC

n c >v pwy.;,, .:■.

, BY ■.Af'ffpWjMS.MT .... ./

* 0AY5 A VrtfK.

Honors# 566-9484

- t>f5. A. P. Ke.lHvo '" '

' until fi. H. -WIhJ*.’’. 1


bttfn ■ *des'gnai«<j -.'iti,.. #5cfcr.«4fc,rj#* •‘Wi-f-fej ■ whh ijxioftiry,'

- bvArihv.pzrA»wUmx jcv itn obse.?.-.'vo??Ctf.: rh$ «w?eh; ?.•< Apr.2#-26t ' ?vH*n thf,; AV.«d-nvsctay, Apr. 23, s»-r aside as Sec­retaries Day.

This ivtjtk, cponstirtyj by theKvUfiptti, Stt«viiiiIcaAi^u»-iaLiOil,'th* v»orl».!V leading sccretariril a.*- swhuiori,/ ‘lio.WfS iU stfctetenes everywhere regardless of NSA

jqiemhfe^sMp .sviye* ns a. rc- ipjndcr to, secretaries ot their tu- sponsibililies. to their employers noU to their profession. .

‘ jcfliricia Omnui, Perth. A?rK

toy, t ’haiv)»a»‘s nt Ss>:> vX&riK’H X'T thi* Xiil'itie.N Bh>

• te?,. tinwuxc^ ■ h-jp-'*1

•been.-. mato to .tifoc*' -in

■mmto'w iff' ir? v*Ki lo-• titi cifit4?.:,. lhe ?&jyor Vuwii.Sim Township jm Nchtduitii to sipn a pt'iK'i!>7'*sU;j;i • ;;»*'!£ raliv oper,i(rtg •Spcifiaries Week. To finalize the

i*f» A jr. 2lv ‘hfvR«n?ar; Hay Chapter members wijj iuio the NfiV H}?jn.vv«'k k C •‘•nbfirson a nip 1 ■

AL ihe April .. mcnmp; ,,M.iss Maureen EroaObcnt. t.rantord, secretary■ *j> WiJisuns.'F. nTi;i*'n,a>'iu.l^nsoii, >Uv:& 5ruji:;y;Htk, ;• v.'ss.


K 3 f• S j S " *





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^ C ROUND TRIPS DAILYM k I DUtECT l« Port Authority Terminal






for foil Zenith handcrafted quality■ Zenith Handcrafted Color TV Chassis

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Zcnilli 1 Year Color Picture Tube Warranty> CnrjK.f mot) ihr tolt>r fintoie luW in llie Zenithmu >s J.ti^n In ic to 1' In i- /u-m ill /» cis in filiUm*!ti'-.ic \t<( two (ran Ircirti of o"iMirn»rm\ W«<u>nt|* unc'ts n r| «<Jor |>uiuie tobr, of r» plaimn-ntI'luull <olor |>-i tm«_•, ihrotif it .my 4t<lli<iM<<tl 2i>nilh dealt*'

un* iHvncf Hi.iy Im1 uf mi'.r: Ultor «n<] nivir#• turjiri .mt jlir t>l■Ii>mi,cm i-( ilu irArt'f. ii jtm-nn-nt lul,c h«hb wjtunifi) lur ill* lull uiu pli«4) wim ol Um otiiln l \wu-yut<fMn|y.

why not gat the boat I CALL

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Uj'iih h ‘,tO|.*hy rs^f^no/.■';Se*;H,tciiy'of

-ivi,- Vt-fl i' * ,!»>?* .th* Ch&pitr. ■ 3>hws4 >,nt- ti:- nf.-& F in»l<st''K ’\S. y ,. XY, she ■' 'wii.J

' -.vSAv-'-i !>{.l)era 'fnr .Oat. liivbifji; tW . ' .,, •. . •

Also s» t?){- Ap::i! mwtipgt Mrs. S a n ii I ReiT‘J*;»gerf. QUf;vo«-.fd

‘i^crerary _ fit the IBM. Coip., Daycon, Mas fidectetj as

’'Sctrti&ry/vf lhe Month.*' fui*■ Ai>nK . . ; ' . ..J,---. . . M?*y' 14: ft.-'

closed mienne - whereby 'onlyirsernbti/s of Ihe cliLjpiet. will.; bfc

present. A t this m£AUng ♦jlectioijs

•.viil be held ToporUs, Kubmil-

iot tiv aJ! conir^'r.ic^. The pri)* gram schviluh-rj 5?*r- that ni|?hf. vi'5ij

b« pr<?WJitc<J by Evelyn WOutl Re iihng Dynam ics. . ■ V

The next open meeiing will-be'

the J.uhs 11 instalJaLspn, Ulnner-

niefting, ipcu* secretaries ifiicr-

cstcU in KUejHJmg-then or.'vusji*-

ing further informai.ion regarding

;h f ; R iu juu i bay Chapter .

Irene Cavanaugh, Rt) lj Box 106, MorjjanviJJc, 5SJ* m4. ■ '. •

i J i t i r c K S o c i e l v

8 t - 1 i .. \f . - - * m r . t t* * '

? ht.-r S A iti /ur ;,j''t'! Xt',': j‘iff

i:t.i?'-h-bthS t\s. I h.ii-WV ih*. r ‘>V<;UM-. Ti,.' Mv,. v.lha-'«t!i '‘fcu-tttwi. .jpwttl i>!'..

u -!|- £ prove*.

D r a m a F e s t i v a l T o d a y


J! >S, TO

IVITC-. RivrliCfintnunt*; rrp,.ji • Si;.U S I1.

th<? sun,shine fuml.

. Kctreshmtms • \we wtv«J i-.v ihi! atiMftSKt* Mrs.. Ma.fF.tsao.amJ -Mrs- Arthur McFartefxi. -M.»' nut

. Jnectio* will be May !, i>. ihe CSiuri.h rluusc wilh Mrs. Kcnnuid Ccaltia'js and Mrs. William Hitch- cork •>*- t.he

‘ Others &U<;r<uin^ vvere Mrs,

N o im im S tun , Mrs. J. I.(.on

Schiiiic'lf -sr., Mr.s, Harry Wcllry,

Mrs. Gladys Maier Miss

A m tlic Haum ^aiuier.


‘Hie American Regular Armywas, born on June !1, i?1;*.

-Will Hold Sal©Tht Ar.sociatioi] of

Calvary United Methodist

t ’bunh, Keyport, wilJ hold a

pimmiijj* sale st tlie church, Os*

bnm and Third Sts., nn Tue&d<iy

ajsd Wednesday.

7he }v;slu !V'K',, v.-jll iu'iw. [;) ree'j:? v! ti’r. c;a:". vul i.'.f 5;FVUVUliit'fl oi V« I; bt’ V-itf T'-.iii HJf!V aj.

0>,n;n;^:v i ‘2.ivli jy'Ht. .

Mis. H. OfviUf? Hrrmjon.*..5ih }».■•»? tntt ■. Cninv-

.v i i J»>).',ram ni:d lhe !.;r«.ma LVp;:iS-

«;.r c.Jub.s wilt ' *-nt• ie /or awards.- ru.?<:a

cai! tr: ;iny tiixnl onc-act play,

u iiinny t or pubiishod. or hr.y set jn* fr o ^ n foil - k-ngih jjiay

which is complete in itself. The

lim e lim it for cyoh play is 40 inln-

utcs and the cast must con.'-bl

of not less than three nor .ntor^ I ban p)ayi-rs.

(^ompetin^ in thiv y<s*«r's con­test u)!l be the Woman's Club of Little ,Silver with “ScDaralc Ta-

the Red Oak V/omftn** Ciub of Wall Township with' “StrflnRc Victory” »nd 'I’he Vil-

Wyman's Club of Middle­town with ‘'Sorry, Wrong Num* her/’ •

Costumed \ dollfl

vyy*, • • (,;t •k'ut d-

>.y? i

Chw.krUr:* 1-M

(J* d '.'ir.l r.

<i’:S .-i. <•? •'> or 1 ■;*?'-• hico»i'»mnm»u;!;4Jn of th«» 75*h Ai»*.

>;i ;/><: (v ,5. Si nit i-'t'i- erii^or. v.f VVojirt'Ji’s Ci;ib.s.

i'SrUC-iVu frjLtiS «i|Ibv- Mf.a. iiViNjhl T. BUbv. Ti t*n-

Somhcrn. Vice P;i-;-H*c'rir ui . V.<s. Mt.]-v»n A. Fhilo, Key^ni, 5:h t>is- • irict Vice Preii»ifen>.: Kd-.ward Mills, Tcnarty, Sune Lhaiunan; Mrs. E.C, Chase of South A::ibov, Ch;*;rp<«ti of bHerruitio.iul Affairs; Mt,*;. Ray­mond Warner, fMmar, fj.atc Am* erican llonie Chainran, and. Mis, Carl F. Schon^ar, Stftip Pitrlja- j))(:nta:ian. •

' ' . .. , ‘ ,

. M o b i l e C a k e S a l e

T o A i d H o K » i ! a i ;' -■■ • ■ ■ s ; > .

_ Mrs. jyir.iufe ; Sharpy... }:<■■■&■■ D r . ;yi;iU;v;vn; ‘jjt >?t±a-

t.'j. irr. JMr=u;:J »,yo»--j'•**

i* :>y/•lioa-.v^n j '.'•'Aii.'jrtljj Aox{i.*ary • he Kay*horo H/jti*

p i t ; }u; c.MJte b<s*s f<)Jiou-s. Cuvt-ring fhe’ Strath-■'Iiril>- ki.1 I:.!.. ,.t ).. ..

thip, Mrs. Ri.;ha«l. Pat/a ,WSi! cow.. »r 'lit 'L>" (Stciiom M(.si. Ror.atd Smi/.h ami MrA/Atteis M'jpe'y, Ui# Mi M'ci1'):!; INtrs. Cery.'jn Wejg.!'-: 1 ar*t Mrs. Uonuld Shanosky, : ,,ht^,‘f•; ', •

' Anyone Kving utisidt* ot Uie&i,.' Rtea3'w)5jj. vKOMii.ukei-iihe d?5piay ‘ oi' cakes brought should cail Mrs. Shanosky ui 530G-*frt)3.


4'F*rf:dorti onarcs’' Iravi;! arm-

'n-arrrj avilh' U.S. Savings 13uj)<J&.

Buy them *h'OM£h the Payroll

-Savings Plan, .whera you work; the “Bonu-A-Month” PJan, where you bank, or "over the counter** at your bank, in combination with an E Bond of 'be name or larger denomination.

. P T A M e e t in g

On Tuesday, Apr. Ti, at 8 p.m.#

the. regular business’ meeting of

St* Joseph’s Parent - Teacher Atr..

sociatiori will bt* held at the school

.auditorium in . Kcypoit. Following

the meeting, the guest speakei will be Sister Theresa Mari*, ■;

O.F.F. Director of the Franciscan

.Sisters of Mount Loreito School, Suten Island, N .Y.

savcwiu iu* V">ToM/fa Q ity Ffrcfa

' tu i .M MO«A •.MIU» A A .


Ch ic ken b r ea st s , 5 S Ci v t t T u u > w / u n 1 J A .


ilAJi JOCmOOlM* . v . 'r " t o A

BOILED H AM r, 5F' • WHyOMttATEWTM' ’ ' A A n



.MAM Rt*0V8ft 1

m m NM r

frCOEU ro® • .; . •;•::■ : 04 qa STHUIIT •C H lC K E N n iB A SK E T t. l SKINLESS FRANKS % 6 5 'NOCMMVUMIMKT €410 6UWIW- e-^o

BOLOGNA onuAw ib. *1 CALVES L IVER ■*.*¥*sw im m«JUNi«o*» ■ turn u n o t i i ia i .

SAUSAGE :, . 6 5 c SLICED BACON - 8 5 c



fefefelTMKV'Mt OM YOU

Chuck Roast

T / i o ^ f x t T i w w ^• MR. 6 CHINK I t CUT


uuuicMuaMitrea . 'R A a

LARGE co rrE E Mu ;c 7 9 c

c a u liflo w er 3 ; 7 9 c

P M s T c u i o n 6 ^ 9 9 *

APPLE JUICE 5 - 7 9 enourmc«iiLiriowiio«

p o t a t o e s AWATUK V t 3 9 CW«m* • -- a a .

spinach s o ir rL E 3 9 c’ MINUTE MAIP /


4O I S 'cars a a



: A A a


CHEESE RA V IO L I • V 5 3 °

p o l a r w h i p 2 : ; 4 S C


COLDCWAWB CNWtCOLD CUTS - 3 ^ 9 9 e sSbimp Cocktail 3 ^ 89* UGMT CHUNK



CALIFORNIA Steak » 7 9 '


K r k » s~ ~ K 79*■NUCVT . " 1 n f l a


’,-r S 9 C

FRtSHBAKK K!f-/o Si7£

- JV JaM£i{_


WHITE BREAD3 1 1 7 9 '

BASCTITVN DA HUH . A PI r.c o r r e e r i n g t c 4 5 cuacuim n n .

LEMON PIE « 5 5 c

S»' i*m »ir«T<mci4Siiii«tiiwiaMD ANGEL FOOD » u

coldcits^2'99' haddock ram .79 | r 8IARKIST TUNA....................................................... '

CMi I v S B

PORKAIEANS -39*' mm mm' ■ • ■ . - -

catsup 3 ^ 8 9 *IMMOMWAiMWl.MiaMASPAGHETTI SAUCE ^ 5 9

to m a to es 3~,1##VamluWaixks 3i, ,l##irnm w iirw tt : ;* A A .



/ tir m J 1 5 1 '.KU.CCCS


DINNER Napkins 2 -ST 5 5 s»l lk V n n

ASSORTMENT 5 5 cUPUIL PM lloni74l\T 01 A ,. M A

BEEF C H IN K S 2 - 5 9 ceOCOIKK - . _ A i »iM ARGARINE £ :34‘ HI-HOcRACKtus V 2 9 e

Penn. Dutch Noodles 3 rCamDDeirsSouD6 79 NlDlets Corn «>•■« 5 ■■ 'l“

5 nt.w u



7 5 c

Deal «k| " o l 100

inpuui wr-muD



l ^ k <=la 6 lM B f e i t !V"0* o»* 3 -'ok »oi imi #*oo ;i >*i ' -«*.

IPfSH CAtir. ffeffe^

Asparagus Z9ffiM CRiSP n A A *

Cucumbers 3 29GOLDEN KIPC A f l i i

pineapples ..29'ASSORTfO-TROf.C Al O A A 4

Fntit Drinks * 39*FtORIDA RIO EHi>5 m p | | l

Potatoes s r* 5 59

^ 2 5 c

^ 3 9 *


i1.: mc.itppies - 10 69*west. VAUNCIA I H RBiiA

Oranges 12-59*SNOW WHI1C F if e

Mushrooms 59*NA.SFEDU3S M m f t i j

Srapelrull 5 59VINt RIPfNfcD 1 1 1 .

Cantaloupes Av

----- X)aifuj^~fo<}(k —— ■



BABY GOUDArauBviTtuuAimROLLS tntM•iluid » [Tamil




jA u i i


TOQTHPASie6 .7 5 0 1 .


n Dillon



_ CHOCKSy I Wirrx uiiuw u uj mj wiv»y u i


. tn I H B . 9 E B - > <- ,u; m B m M

J j y j j- a u M Q a h .


CORN .7 "" ,I,U

wur CAircT

GRASS SEEDtoil cowni rtowi fa



’ s'’^ 1 « " i S z E R 5 0 ’ . $2 M ! 2 ; : ,U 9B to pso il 50 -9 8 1

r»A c«'/q iMroirrD MoitAitD £ f t r

5 0 ; . J1/9 flowering .mn , ,, 69








vvmrmii coupon «. rucousi ofOtll -- 6-Ol. JAR OlAMli UMION vvnn iin' (ouitim f. punniA'.i, of. _ (jut I’Wli (.Mil l) JI N S T A N T m i t r u i t f l a v o r e d


miiMiuiroui'f.M *hn rnacviAM otVf C Ot 40 UIC Oil JUPiR


T A M P O N Sr n Cfn*w<r.roriiiniM*T «p« itik rr>i«"<>«K.iiiH nm m i «n t«<h (fin .................... . *r» l1"H p'UMftirtrci**!* nwnnwn ............ ... ..viiwit it«n i • - ui i i. nn ii

u*?r fjuiir? w ?r? iru nin ................. AlWil tVil. .»[ fcl'.lfc/l lilt VII .Ilf IO 4 l/A | J CjlJAHI||||>PRK.IS tllH tivl 11



THE- MATAVVAN JOUR'NAi, hV Thm<^Y. Ap-fil ,17, 1V6?

M&iatvan Jx JtOf Madison Teams In HP Relays W i l l E n t e r t a i n

'"Bpji;'KJgtT S f w i i i Have ca- :'.tCB'8tS;‘ KSti!ua!> Highiimd.

”'3Pa\i VpS^yv.. to-'' fee-;, :^tfais':S»tafoi-y:, liHikfasi. Bfii!

Iii the -MO, tlw 880. the t»o-

jnile a a a w n i pm . Spitr-

tsms w ill go strongly foi tha

dashes. even thouen tiiev have t*

d isiayco foursome or t.vo going.

- - in o&sr je jts . thev personnel

of Matsvwm watr.n would !iav? tweis inowii aireatiy, but uiiv is ti different year. Tiie Hitikie; have gone 'Inwu to detect ii! j« o

: dual meets so far this season, an

I'lrf'eM’L0'! of their lack of ih»: death that carried tnem along un-t

uPiliji in piior years, Madison

■Socks: » : hit stronger,: but Coach Pete Carlson, too, will be piec­ing out his relay teams thia

,,'yfcTC M.RH3 OiJiSin BUI. & »» £ * ., -

av'J'RJii/ i'he, qtibofrt1 fii ..perforis- . ajtreit, Ju a dual- meet. .against At:

bury Vh rk Ih.-;;. wofiic !>ci,'ore d-.’ -

eidiiig oa who win fir. in '.v!i?;-e


Matawan lost to Middletown 77-49 Saturday, hut it was an aci •.T!*hsij j i ii:cnc,

points. Brace Gardner, tho half

jntier, '-Get. a new school, record in the Sflfl, a-1:37A Jeff Wal-sOK, ths t{arc«a 3£d Steel's , two-

mjfer, Duo set a record mark, a tilazLrtg 10:*?. With these two ttvaiiable, MRHS Coach George

-, Is h- lf-Y i) iiL-iu-- tJ> i'.t-J Uvo-mik-.

Andy tseuamy rcuuctts tne need to one naore man (or he run I

commendable 4:50 In finishing third in the mile against Middle­







l*rn (*9uU{; p«y wh!(« yQU;trftn plui Biu« Cro**, llu« SliM'J, groOp

insur«i^*« p*id ho!idftyi «!id vacation!, W«rk iocilly and iav«

: timt and cjwnty fry m l ttmmutlng. : : • ,, ; v ,


-. , Da ly 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. - , &&, April I ) - 9 A M tot 12 Noon

^Diraatlaiui .On (fca Northbound Un* of Hwy. I J at 8«rd»n $*•)• ■ '

r-, lntM<lMn|«k

. J.#, &£r f.Ia.jj.hifti, .Lite :;ave

.^nd BviWy .Oaie. bv;C th.L* old d a . y & - . v o n^anv

aspi/anL-?'.-ths.t' thcr^.. ui*:*;; r.tron .

iplaces in the 440 and 880 events

are gone. MstSis0n; ii) in tiie short distance events wsiii Bub Ba.n’Ctl.,- R«i.v i<m ■L w ond Truce Gner. Crtcr m a.ti

SS0 maw, but he pu?7)p ai V'e shohjeiT <diaiafuies. Vlnrcly BriUk.,. the footballer, who-i» norniahy

a hurajfrf’. can aisa jmpre<sfG

lor the 440-8W1 action.

The. Spartans have Jim GiSI, a

Ujifyi: a* tiie 4^jw ’UUt l!>C|t' it/LQ] UKIUIUItVl »uu»v

diBLuiice tsvems Is. nvi a eai. dvui lo present hi Group IV com­petition. They showed in tn# -North Bergen relays tlw? Britt-

Boyci-ti.vBunvIt cotnbmo m Uieir chance to sxcel, .

The shot put i# also within reach of the Spartans with Barry roldman. Gary Norrtstram and

Chuck Robin,soa available. Ths Huskies have a heavy No. 1 man i n Tom Cholwea, but iack the

eveoed-out streugtb of the Spart­ans.

In track meets of the jinst week, these in event* not adapted, to Matawan and Madison relay potential to stand out were Tony

Russell, who hit the low hurdles in 21.3 and the high Jump In g

. ft. to i^vrK- a U-JUUiC ['or iritt M,1-

rnon and Steel in their 77-49

(loss) meet with Middletown. H ssey took both dashes for tha Huskies, - - ■ ■■: - •

These performances, coupled

C- J.s 11 m m o f -

■O'.,. inou:-.:o 1 -'jMV .c-u.fftv..

nnm m me -;-r;:l M::'--

going to lie iieum


A p^rfonn^r for fch/* Sparraas is not .lax- /{oith a1 ni

U R o g e r ; g o i n g up1ovi>r i l

fv. in.J.ha polc vault.' Rici; C-rAV-ers c^Jiw dow-n to 10: i>t in the

95-31“ viciory '-over Carklrer. n* the two mile;, Barrett's 7,2 sec­

onds in ihe 220 and - Bore's 3J.6 ir. Thr.--._5a0;.' nurir,7 t!;«t ca*i

-Htr-m ;nfr»: tOp-flijlht —IV ^nmria|itiAn a# . - ijjo , (innorin

pujvei along the meet? run over better trucks.


Fastball Tilcliiiig

Help To MarlboroA baseball- team, of interesting .

potentia l, .is developing at tha new Marlboro Township High

.-School, nlanked by Occau Coun­

ty Southern Regional In their opening game, tho Mustangs iiiVo CCiViv buCk iO nli. iS-:i yvcr

Jackson Township and white­wash’-Pt. rieasant Beach U 0 Monday. :

The Mustangs ara beginning to get real pitching out of hard- throwing . R l fk . Nacozmak and

steam bailer SUn I.ukoic Tha Utter hurled » one-hitter rfgainst the Garnet Gulls. Nojrojniak fan­ned eight in the Jackson gam*

' and Lukolc:sent 14 Gull batters

down by. the strikeout route,

Tom Patterson started for Point Beach, -with Scott Pearca doing the concluding duty on tha mound. In between Kevin' hie-

Donough and Bill Sprague at­tempted to coul oft Marlboro'*

bats ,- MarlboiO - hud thrua Innings

for three runs each, with lour

lu m com ing up in tha fifth.

Doing tiie slugging for Marl­

boro i.owara Lukoic, and Peta

Vanderwell and Torn Wendel, a home run and three-bagger eat*.

Coocl Pilch, No

Iiit Al MadisonCoach Mika L^poi'i.', Ijas^bj!",

Madison Township High,“ is get­ting the pitching to tarry his

team to the heights, but it is not complemented by sdequato

.stick '.rork. iti their first three!

games, the Sjiartans have been

shut out twice, 1-0 by Cyloma and 2 0 Monday by Woodbridge. Saturday they won one, hobbl­

ing Perth Amboy 4-2. With hardW=U l in in g ...up.- witn st. t'et-er’s. New Brunswick, home 4 p.m., Saturday and Edison

away Tuesday, the Spartans will have to improve dramatically if

they are going to make any­

thing of this season.

Doug-Beyle pitched- ths- losing, shutouts, i l ie win over Perth

Amboy was shared by Marty

Coa and Dan Scala on the

mound. Boylo was touched: for ’ five --hits by WooilbritiRe .Mon­

day, Two of them going to- Frank ivtatiisck, a siofjle iu the

first to score. Totiy Russomanno and a triple in the third to scora

Joe Taillfer.

The Sparlans :diu not mount a

real threat agaiu>t Tony Aquila, ,

Woodbridge pitcher, uatil the last inning. An error and Sieve

Keller’s "hit----put.... Sparun run­

ners on first and second with one out. But Aquila fanned Richie Cronus and Boyla smash*/

ed out to first to end the game. ■

Boyle had fanned four and walked only one.

Keys Trmk ¥s, Mmrlhoro'1

2U -4~/ ^

& ,'4CcmJc Frankie M»rtin and song stylist Marcie Lynn will enter­

tain along with the Garden State Orchestra at the anniversary dinner,

dance of JFK Centennial Lodge 109,, Knights of Pytliias, Saturday

cslgiit at tha HolWay Inn, Xoute 33, Hazlet, „ .

Braves To

Lose De vinoNeil Llevuio, f o r 12 years

Coach of the Matawsn Braves in

the Bayshore Babe Ruth League,

Is stepping down. Ho Is not quit­

ting boys baseball entirely, hav­

ing agreed to handle the um­

pires for games involving Mata­

wan teams.

The league -for: boys 13-18

years will go down from tha ti“n

teams of las! year to, eight this

year, Al Caruso, Keypori,. the

commissioner, announces, ,T h »

.teams an<i‘ their managers are

as follows: Matawan Mustangs,

Phil Kramer; Matawan HawKs,

Wilbur Brown: Matawan Braves,

Doc Manning: Keyport Aces, An­

gelo Lu rieslu; Union Beachers,

Jiiti Thompson; Strathmore Guiis; Ken Rupp; Matawan Township

PAL, John McCiinty; St. Jo­

seph's CYO, Rich Volpe. Th*

teams being discontinued are tha

Strathmore Falcons a n d tha Cliffwood Vets. I h e Falcon*

holdover player? wilt accrue to

the Gulls and ilia Vets to tha

PAL. .

Bowling StandingsMUNHOUTU COUNTY CATHOLIC Sliirmony WuNy), Middlowwn, N.. J .

St. Jofjeph .........Holy Family 3St. Alary r

W... 53 ... 52



Matawan First Loss To

Ocean; Play Sayreville■ Matawan High’* balltossen

tvera upended a first time thia

season Tuesday when Ocean Township invaded the Matawan

diamond to score a 3-1 triumph.

The Scarlet Spartans' John Vii-

lapiano controlled the long ball hitters in the Huskies’ lineup with ease, setting down 12 Ma­

roon and Steel batters by strikes while walking only two. Bob Hanna absorbed the loss for

Matawan, whiffing tin Ocean

batters while walking (our.

The Huskies should eet back on tha winning side against a

lub-par Asbury Park team at tho Blue Bishops' field today.

But,, on Saturday, 1 p.m., they,

come to their most difficult as­signment o f : the season when they take on Sayreville at the Bombers' field. Coach John

Whortley's team made mince­

meat out of Si. Mary's, Perth Amboy, pitching in two jests.

The Amboyaris are otherwise unbeaten in high class competi­

tion, so Matawan pitchers had better get plenty of rest before this one. The. Huskies will re-

turn to “ B" - competition Tues.

day when they play host to a •tumbling iloweir tide,

The S h o r e Conference “ B'* leadership went over to Ocean with their victory at Matawan. They remain unbeaten in thre#

games. -

Ken Gruber got things started

for/Ocean In tho first ■ inning with g single and took second on

a passed bail. Bruce Bat'tjer blooped out a single with Grub, cr pulling up at third, Frank Mazza walked loading up the bases. Gruber scored on a sac­

rifice fly and Rich Bcutel singl­ed chasing Baltjer home. ‘

The Huskies cut the. margin to 2-1 in the" fifth.- Paul Serle took

second on an error, went to

third on a! wild pitch and scored on Hanna's single.

Ocean added an Insurance run In the last inning. Randy Rose walked and lefl in [avor of pinch hitter Ron Virgilio, Greg Brooks got on base by an error and Joe

FiUco’j bunt brought homa Vii-


At Strand Theater



[60 MAIN ST. 566-6100 MATAWAN |

■Ji ilj' VI f . I I T ; , , , mu W j (-- - -J m-W

Do you have a mortgage oil your house?Then your family ihmild be pro­tected against (he possibility of your doI b«ing Around to complete tha payments. Wo can r*ovu!u that family ^ectwity witn om Mortg*#a ('anccll&tion Plnn. If lomelhinuiliould Impnen to you, It gunron-Im « tha c u n to nny youria full. O r our plan cun be used U>Mtnhlinh n permnnenl ntliliiion io your lifo iimjinnce when the niorv

in pnid o(T. l 'oi all (lie details, oonloct m«;

JAMES KUDRICK 3V E. Front St.P. O. Box 870

Red Banlc, N. J.842-3100

l(fJu i& Janc< x£^

Knv«horV rntW ,v 1 12St, A^fiea 2 l.Z'...'!...—... 47^i :39*iHoLv Farntly 3 ..... ........... 3 0 'i 40‘ j

1 Bayshore Catholic .Mt*u.-3 48 41St. Agnes 1 .................. . 451, 4l»-iSt. W ary 1 ........................... 45Va 4.lVaH jy rkcro Catholic 43 42 'Bayshoro Catholic M en S 44 43St. Catherine 1St, Catherine 2St. Ann 4 ...... ....St. Aiin«? -S -St. Ann 1 ............s t.'M ary z .......St. Ann 3 ............St. Benedict .......Si. Ann 2 Alatek* D('l 2 HuJ.v Fatuity 1Jr>5. Juftios ....Alfltof Pci I ^... ;

44 : 43' . , . .- 4 4 -43 ....... 43 44.. - . .

'Z Z 42'4 '-44*4....... 42*.•» : 44 Va....... 4J 40 :....... 40 Vi 48 ‘V...... 37 41) V4

S7. 50S^'i 50^

. w 35 "




Hazlet. S'. J .—Apr. !l

w Loo =- aa

Colts Ncck Inn ......... •H’ 51 .15Lily Tulip Cup Corp. Betsy Hoss Agexii'.v ...

04 38w 38

Monlonc’5 Sat\liar.v Serv, 5'J 37Byffim> Wines ............. 30>i 3314i . k \ r , ....................... 30 AV ,Charllos Fnrm Mnrk* t 4J)ii 40 V*Dearborn Fruit Farin 49 41 'Colfax T V . . . . 4tt. . 41Huritan Itnllan Kitchen 49 41

. , Crate* flevi*ragfc«s ....... 46 'i 4.TUA. Dolnn At Sou- 44Tola's i'y rd Inc. 4* 40U.iy.tct KoUle Shop ... 44 46StiirJItijr 'nvomp3oa Ing 431^ A€\iBor go’s Bakery .......... .... 45 4U

! ;;c ity N cw.3 Corp. ..M 4Z 43..V.Wflgnolia Tim . . . ..... 4 0 ^ ‘49‘, i

CarTq ..Tcxaoo Servico- : Heruiles. Tavern ........ .

«.• 38 5L38 52

: ; fihore Insurance Agency MAirport Bar & Liquor* ao^Heetwood Cnrpet ...... 35 55

• ,W . Ti T, Mason ..... . .. Zi 67SchancK** Fuoi Oil ... 2« *4


W LV ill* M erla ................. n itK ey. Pky. Atlantic ... .... s r : 36Leonard's Ment Wkt. .... 51$i • m ii>lc*kste]n A«soc.......... B1 A3,.-Tom ’a Ford ................ 40>i 43 U

' Mel O ariner .................. 4J)U 44>!• Strttthmora I^ n e » ....... .... 47 463 D's ....................... ... 4<] 47

'frucklng ....... . .... 45 40 -Kliig P ins .................. ...» 42!iBob Steiner ............. 41! 61Bob’s AtlanUo -........ ..H 41V* BP,i

B2 •Harris Diauu>ntU ....... 4)Lair.v 1,enter .............. ... 31 tVi

^ v /;t A T y Ai h n x'.vj;, “<i.

Tt 1 1 » l S rAt.''

tf J V- f T ’ &

(C V I 1 J I J’Ir e d io id Rti>ional oval. The Red

zud 'M f * > f fnd inathe season on a vvhon


U Ct in owe. byycr .

u*'w cTiii^it,1 Art G ^ r g e , ■ .

,. *il . rufjiavJ t»i - -

and gull when Siiore Ilegional

bijuisced them 'dow a 10S54 to 'Sii j

Apr. '9. The Sea Raiders did not ■ garner a single first jil'jcei- Iioug1

Shcurer, their lullct, coiiiliig tn second to Shore's Larry Bova,

near the 5-muiute mark, made tha best showing for the keys. This weeK the Red Raiders were slated

to have a dual meet with Pt,

-Pleasant Beach. This is an even more hopeless assignment than was the Shore meet, the Garnet Gu'is sgsiir being wiiii/jndob tor

state Group 1 honors. It will be »'

relief to the Keyport trackmen to

get back to the fairly even com­petition Marlboro' represents.

Arid the Mustangs should be

that for they;'too, had a ■ dual meet with Shor9 Regional, and

the Blue Devils handed Marlboro

- a polnc nvnr jtUn p.. 1 the- M ‘J"-

tangs did get four firsts out of it,

their Rog Carpenter taking th<!

100; Nick McKenzie both the 220

and the 440 and ..Jerom e Young the high hurdles. McKenzie’s 0 5,1

in tha 440 was especially good,

But It will be noted the Mus­

tangs were a blank - cut in the field events and this is Keypon's

chance. Tho Keys will come out ot tha running action behind, on

points, bat thn field events could : . make: them, winners. Tho nicer

al 11 a.m. '


too yard Dash—won by Pappn» <S) -acmid LaCon.te tK) third Smith (S ). T ims I I 3. :- ■

220 yard Dath—Won b.Y. Smith fS) second I.aConta - tK) Jw.c. i i i; . Tima 24,9. ' . . .

440. Hiif. — V - ,v.:. .‘S'yy:*?. Vai !■’’ '

iisX"T.nw. -■$*. ' . - - . •• i i ,-,: • W

iip ii. v>i;; 2-. ' . ;M.flv V1i;r..--V/.->;!', . IV*» Tu'-T'’1'-

ts,1 ' > • ' ■ ■■K'- K wrfi-hn .■>s:-. Tm7. j .4*-54..o. .- '

Hiy.h Hurf.ios — sVnti ov 1 .s :rf>i*j Oi.ivvii.n-ii, ‘.jijrd: - -C-.-i-v TU;»e is-;;- I.ov Hun?WK—-W»v-«T'fty

■ Cniw-Mrd Uii-ti, Ci Uo-->, Yim-f ^ 5. . .-

-- -Won fty-

^ . “ Ic?.

w— \Vun by V8tt>?ha !8>- « W l !»> ib lrd SkKsi»»i»

cwi4 Vauglni

iihot Put— tew,(fi) J?-««

Jivelin-r'Won )?y ond Den.’j'cX (S) LhJia V nmeUo

155-i. .. ,I ^ n g Jum p— Won by Pipo.'tc

Mconri Smith s (S) Miir*L L^C :(K j. Diutajicy ltf-'t-’’*. V ;

f St tea- ',

(sVLaconia t

: U i^h J u m p —Wun by T'ivtop (f l) ’ *fecdnd MflcWln (K) ’hint ,hmss iK) : Height 5-4, ,

Pole Vault—Woti hy Worlca (SVv; second “Wright (S) tht^t (H),Bonr.act (IC). Hetgtn lo-o. ■ y .• Tw* Wile Ru;i--WUii trv Ja (S) sec<md Brem m ar ‘SoHa (S>. Tla\« i i ‘ t. .1. ;

SIIOKE2 87, M AH UU JK O Wk .IW yd. flash— UO.Hi— I. Ho;.

CurptnUjf tM)i 2. I l3j>.‘«' (Sfti;John Yc*urt£ (M).

220 yd. i . Nk’kMcKcmic IM); ;2, ;v,ri>ei'tev iM); • z. SrnSth >:V:;

440 yii ■ -dauh-OVvii 1., Nk-k . : MoKen/.ie ( M i r i!. Trt.vloj' -jo h a You.')rf (M ). .

88Q y d J- d a s b - C 2 :0 7 .C i’ 1-. :Jo! Sumraonte fSFU:

.- Vraidi-sp.'-iSi-t);- ••• "AUJ« run-f4:i

Bova (SR); 2.JenkJnsoo t.M>. _ -

Two mile rur.—(11:-7.°5~1' 'r.v B rcm m er (SK) ; 2.:, Jacyoa

- ® « W H s « aiS im 3. GigUO (SR'r,

160 yd. low hura: os— - 1 '

v , u i i~ ; i o , « «u a . . IS B I .


■-Paul.' -W rig li^ iSR i 2;3. Worlcs

;. J im ' Ps&pas

3, Smith,Shot Put— (Vi.- ‘ : v

Dave- Vauuhan CS*nv; ; 2. CSU); 3. Seiizman ••(srti.

Discus-(i2&.....T MVa-jghan jSli); 2.; 'o. .,. 'Javo lln—(1(15

-2.Grinkfivicli (M ).

One Game Lead

Iu Tin Leanue.. O :

St. Joseph’s, Keyport, hc.!ds a one game lead over Holy Family 3, Union Beach, who moved into sccond place by winning Iheir

three games in the Moimmith

County Catholic Howling League. Sit, Mary 2, New Monmouth, drop­

ped back into third place and

Bayshore Catholic Men 1 remain­ed in fourth.

Jack Ward hit « 6,13 series with

games of 200, 227 and 206, Bob Balhnd rolled games of 18-1223 and 214 for a 621; George Muller

bowled 181, 236 and 202 (or 619, and Jim McGivncy had a 1103 with gomes ot 225- 106 and 212. Ed Kohlbecker had games of 200 and

ZOO; Chuck Ciecierski 214 and 202 and Duko Sweeney 214 and 204

but all failtd in their bid for a COO. John Prk-C hit high game of

tho night will' 240.



SALE!« 0NLY • **

250 Shopping

Days Left






Cliff Hobtrtson and Clalra Bloom star »« Ilia two.lender Invera

In "Charly" now playing at the Strand Theater, Keyport.

33 |

’68 CHRYSLER 300I Dr. llnrdtop, Aut«>. Trans , 'aotory A ir Cond., Pmvpr Stoer-

lux P<*\ver f jrake i, I’uu im umdoM'n Silver, Black 0 ^ 0vimm m’"i

'68 FORD Galaxie 500I O r . F iu n ii i l h . in l to p C nupo . tl C v l., Auto, T r« iv < , Ptiwor SU‘eunj{,

$2495'68 VALIANT V-100

I Dr. HotLm. fl Ci I., < I 7 7 cAuto. Tram, WhiU f l / * 3

'68 CHEV. Impala4 IJ im r. H a rd to p , I C> 1 . A u lo Trims., P<H*.»«r Stuo ilnx , lilue

'67 CHEV. ImpalaDoor Hardtop, fl CyJ., Auto.

$1995Tram ., l ’ower Sit-titli.Ki Ciitrea.

’67 T-BIRD2 Dr. Hardtop, Auto. Trniis , Powwr .■<t*TrlnK. 1‘tnvar P isa HrnketJ, Chinn|».<)(n«Ml5t $2595

'67 CHRYSLER 3002 l)-ji>r Itflrdiup. IViwer H iftiina , f ’nAt'r ftrnln-i, Power SeMs

» ....... $2575•66 CHEV. Impala

4 Door Hnrritop. R

$1695Auto. T i ( M , P u u e i S l«er O .trk B ln*

•66 BUICK LeSabreI Door Scitait, fl C .M indor*, r n w ^ w i S ten rliiR . P o w e r B rakes Autn, T ra m ., O r fe n . J | Q 2 5

'64 PONTIAC Grand PrixVinyl Hoot. White, Auto. T ra in ., t*ov\»*r Hl«erln^, Power Hr.ikfS.

A ir C ond. $1350

'64 PONTIAC CatalinaSta tion W n«m ', Auto, T i.u t* ., Pow e i t | *)Crt

rn,tiv<-s. c.:i* v f U 3 U

•63 LINCOLNruntinehtnl Antu Trfl'i« . h nil P»hm-i, Karim i Ati Coiidltlunfd lH .u k < I J O S\ V M tfT (p f l * T 9


............. .............. ............................. ....



lALESt 264-01 f I SERVICGi 244-?0?6


April I T AO

Huskies Clip Squan,

Top “B" Race Rival

-’fit*..!** i A T *\Af A K t I !***« iO M A i ■ K*nn..!?/“**?;■>* > w w v ^ v w ags e is v w

1 I lk {.«!>' jK 3 pcVikI V u ’ j

. yi'41 ,fi trtl&Cbtili. illti in ib ii1

-Ihe •”jSmta|,rfr;d •• w i -al ■ Tqelr- /.w.s.v

.■ ch<iJ;r p r in c ip a l r iv a l 10v.SrCtstfiintt th? Shrre OinS'erence

. »••.!%• Kt'.J KUttU\J. .I«UIIU-

sWjuan fi-2 civ 7,r,« W arriors «wn

ifeiWi-ths- !.lush,ies:h« S<liM.n;S tie.M-

O-tr. M iller, freely w! i!<

jf te (£ 0 « » mountisrnan, Daryl L«n-

Tcnet, fir;v“f<3 plenty of staying. in .- n iYvU *»r?y l f ra ir r^

Tne Huskies. cam m and al

i fti;: p ue s t oa a -.. Isni;. home run

, wallop by John Szvar'.o w:tfr two

Out in the fust. They then.. vviih- ■

Itow i en early Squan bid. An er­

ror, a hit and a .Wild pitch put

B ig Blue runners on second am!

third In the f» s t , : but I.ondow’ r

sped Ijje th ird strike past Bus

- Morton to .■■twin, the side witmmt

s w in g . Squan got Nick Arn-i.'d

■ m o u n d i» ,Uj!rt!.wiU.i. t-.yo -out#, «••

; the second, but Londoner got Mar­

. ty Itv in on a popup:. : ,

, The Maroon, anti Steel had a

. chance'-lo stack the gapit a »ay

In th* top of the fourth. Szyarlo

get a life when Arnois dropped

' this-fly in oenterfield. Twillie Cur-n - P m ^ I j i r l i £2.C?l

f-ccd. to put » tight play oa Buly ’■Casagrunde'a grounder • to fahort ' »nd John. Jurewici was the third

cut on an infield grounder.This loss of runs was bad I,Mr

Squan did score ut- the bottom ol





Did ycu know that . . *

aieaiuiiiiip im v e ia ..faster ut

celd water than ‘ In warm

water? Steam condenws fast­

er ia the cold element . . .

Cervantea - and Sh*k«npeart

both oled on April 23. 1*18; yet they , did not die oo the a*me diy. Why? England and; Spain u(*d dilferent calen­dar* ia the- Myenteecttii ceit- tury. liter* was a difftrencej ol lea daya between the lull- aa calendar uied by England •nd the Gregorian calendar adopted:by Spain .' Psalm 51:1-4 saved more than 8M.GM people from - execution be­tween 13N and 1841. Any criminal under sentence of death could plead th* "bene­fit of clerjty" by reading the four verse*. If he waa un­able to read, he was, out of

w d E f . - f J ,

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.Butch, cf ....fcorm.m, ** ...

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Markin, 2b ......Svlvesttr, lbMiller. p ......Whitman, n M oitvn, tl ......Ariinlii, c( .....

; ClAl k , M ........- Ffcftchtr. r f .

H trsf, ph . Irvin 3b

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Garden State Park Will Get Jersey Macing Under Way

• Sh** - vi'-ji-h

sv*t </^t ’*«< Jut by b

PrMA.hv.4 C*«f?L A ! U,'';3

H i fe&coiuJ, Morton pawfj t ; tnir'.-jv

Here th& Huskies mfuMd failed to. 4fLr* « m.i.

scored a cuubie stea:. Londou-

t r M art Jrleut.e i, but

t i f f i n hm our. of & hoi©

w uh ft iooljsh try to sie»] rhird.

r WiRi» fsKO'' out in tfte top- of, tn«

sent Vi !,ing

n m down the right field !m« to

put the Maroon, and Steel tn tfie.

vc:i Then, w n u i,wu L-Ui u i

the tup ot the sixth, the Matawan

victory waa sealed when Serie

crashed out a two - bagfjer and

B illy Ca-sagrarcde fallowed wtlh

the third Matawan homer of ths

day. .

W ith two out in the bottom o f

llni- sixth, Londoner .lost conl n ,l

i n d filled the bases v/alks.

Chip Hirst was sect in .to bat Im

M art Fletcher by Squan. London­

er worked Hirst into a 2 i situa­

tion, then sent the third s in k *

past ibe ace Maaasquaji athlete.

The Huskies Rut lwo gift runs

in the. top of-the sixth un sloppy

Sm ian fielding rn e«.*?*a out of tho

gam e and take any remaining

pressure : off Londoner, The bi*5

righthander w ill probably get. the

ca ll tc pitch against- powerhouse

Sayreville in a 1 p .m . game Sat­

urday a t the Bombers !i«ld,. Mat-

aw an ’s overall season la u n g .w iH .

be highly affected by this one.

Lonuonur struck out bix unii waik-

t d five. .......

The horse* will go to the post a first time next W edanday to open a new racing sea sen !n New Jersey. Garden State Park , Cherry -Hill, shown »hiW , w ilt start Its 28th

year ol rac ing with its annual spring meeting to run (e May 3*. l l ic horses will then move on to Monmouth Park at Oceanport f«r a 5 W * y meeting from M ay 31 io Aug. 7.

F la t racing w ill continue in the state until Garden State e lm s its fa ll meeting In mid-November,

J a . i i . v v M ‘ l i l ! i w h e t * '

f?albig:; At- Wail'» * J c-niki-:

'h ‘r a.* ct;;

' fr?vt lit nt thU -'5 r.-iv.? is .

vvliOa the-rac’n^ ^rivers took

sr.. ir/K.k'? <;i'

■ Tv.n .Okt •'■i.ri*- .

•Vi-rs, rorrnuv ami Frarikii? .Epjv-

lit* were *.v

' i:rent _ /ur i}** 25-lnp feaiUie. am i 1 I ; v . lim ited.

• • ' '

"Wii33 S l^di'ir" i«f*i pr-oj’...

tj«:c scavions yv'tckcuds waiihjg for

ihe M iiy 3 night opening at

track. Norm Janwich* Morgaru

vlllc, champion of the Novice di­vision. iftsJ vrar in rhp or» .

the West Belmar cva), hus been

stopped 'Jp to lim ited sporUmen

ra iin^ for the 1.569 season, Jennie

Nicoi, track promoter, announces,

. Jam vlcb wnn one HXi-fap rac«?'and..

w>e 50*lap rs.ce cn Ws way- to «it-;

p i’sin.Q honors !«? fhe(y^ar

in his divisioii i/i 1968. ■ ,

-Ihe upward revision of his rat­

ing means Janw ich w ill be driv-

big a 31S cu. in . flathead of eithec

; six. ni- eight gyUndijr overhead tn-

^ine. The noyict. i.ype Jnachi.n^ o * ..

Jasf, year was lim ited to 29(1 eu. •

j!i. uag'jic vfiLJ!'3y u^cii'scauD. 'm i* •

change was made a t the bidding

o f the drivers, the management,

reports. T ner^ w ill be three heat

races, a cohsy and a 35-lap fea«

ture fo r Die lim ited when racing

starts M ay 3. - -


io ( •

AW K nI D -1

0 l>0 I 0 0 9 0 1 0

- Tne spr)i»)4 niecu?i{£ nt (.lArden

State P a rk .w ;Il be 'v/itlwut rhf

*‘darK'’ :Mo.'ii!ay.‘j:.jor-ft lirsc

this year, the prograni rumtirig

eacn svef’ki’av to lh(? May 30 c!os*

it5g. And there vvtU be r.o gap. as

in former year.s, between the G ar­

den State closing and the Mnn-

mouth' Park opening, the horf»^s,

joclcvys and trainefs. making an

overnight hop from the racing

plant at Cherry HUl m Souih J«r-

sey to the Monmouthi (rock, nt

Oceanport. •

AmOiig the owners moving iheir

borMS »n i t Garden State Park

this weekend will b« Anthony G.

Nappi, Miitav/Art, who -has; takea

stable, spac^ for Lb^ ?jprioR ,meet­

ing for his. .hpr.sf^^K^unc&'-'Noe'-

jr .4 racing ; sect eta ry &t: “Gardoiv1

. Stated ■'-reports.; M r. ; Nappi has

. been racing' bis horses a t.H ia lt^h

and Gulfstream durjng the wmtor,

He is a men?ber of tbe .'niorcuRh-

bred fltteders AsMJiriativr. of N»:w

Jersey, and is one of those m em ­

bers who sponsor sn event for

two-year olds. He owns ^he Lilac

Acres Farm , Marlbcro.

At least seven oihvr owners

having horse fa tm ) m the Hoirn-

de l - Colt* Neck area, w ill iLso

be racing their horse* Ia th t Gar­

den State spring meeting*

M 1 4

Hard Pitch SoftballOpening gam e of a new imrd-

pitch softball teason w ill take

place Sunday 1 p.m. at Oak

Shades field against Cala I iiii,

Northvale, George Jacobs, m an­

ager of the Bayshore A.A. an-

nounccs. The Bayshore contingent

w ill run into an early test of th*

facilenras of their lo tting eyes a>

Cala is sending (o the mound Vito

Coloprico, one of the top lefthand-

*rs of the state and a pitcher who

blazes the ball in.

The Bayshore A .A . lineup w ill

b* about ihe same as last year

exccpt for the battery. To make

up for the loaa of Ken Clarke, tiie

Bavshora management has sien.

ed Ralph Bauer, a leading pitch­

er from the Pt. Pleasant area.

The catching department has been

implemented w ith Ihe bringing in

of Rudy Blozen, who has been

playing iri the Union County

League, and Bob Raney, a G .l.

a t Ft. Hancock.

Raney is subject to the unpre-

diclablenes* of those orders, that

rome in to move, but it is expect­

ed that he will at least be avail­

able until the veteran H a n k

Cleary, confined, with sickrless

w inter, regains his good health,

Cleary was able to work out light­

ly with the team in its practice

sessions of the past two Sundays.

Bayshore Lineup

Bayshore will take the field with

Jacobs at first, John Tomasello

or A de Cottrell at second, Lenny

Sasso at shortstop iind Jack Sny­

der at third. Cottrell missed most

of last season when troubled with

a bad back, but th* onetim* «*ar

Keyport High athlet* appear* tn

have regained hi* total good

health by his showing in pre-sea-

*on workouts.

Spencer Madsen, another play­

e r to mis« last seasor. from in­

juries, is returning to make a bid

for an outfield job. But he w ill

have a hard tim e breaking into

an outer garden of Frankie Wash-

iftgton. Bill Hogan and E d Flynn.

B illy Conway and Bob Borwinski

a re also very much iij^ the out­

field picture.

Soflpiteh softball w ill wait two

weeks for its start, when the col­

orful Strathmore Sunday morning

league will take to the fields.

Another Gill Out

Set For Toni«hl. . . . O

At the second meeting of the

Keyport Youth Athletic League,

hfcld Apr. 9, it wrs announced that

call out for Little League base­

ba ll will be held this Thursday

• t the Atco field, Beers St. and

Pershing PI,, Kevporr. The time

w ill be 6 p .m . am i boys eijiht to

12-ytars-old are eligible. Any boy

turning 13 Aug. 1, 1065, will not

be eligible, A call out also was

hold last evening.

The association voted to pur­

chase three trophies, for first,

second and third places, also

shoulder patrhes for the first

place team members.


AS IS SPECIALS U908 *65 T-Bird, with U923 *61 Rambler . . .



Wholesale «» it............ $1295............ 95


J E E P . . . . : $ 8 9 54 Wh«vl Drlva with fnow Plow, R«d.

SOME OF OUR BIG CARS I "67 Cadillac ’65 Lincoln Convertible’67 Buick Electra ‘65 Lincoln 5ed«n‘65 Cadillac '65 Pontiac Grand Prlx'60 T-Bird Landau A dr. '64 Cadillac, Air Cono,

SOME OF OUR WAGONS '67 Country Squire '65 Country Squlr*'66 Ford Squiro, ’64 Buick Sltylork Wag.

10 Pass., Air Cond. '66 Buick Spec. We^on




During that period, eight slake*',

sviirth 5285,001), wiii be contested

a*d tliey have been scheduled by

.thu '-Racing. Secretary w j"s s !&

jlira .t’t ihe partiv.i-

pants. As p<-r custom, all stakes

were well patronized and a wealth

vl talent is on .each roster, . .

I ne meeting w ill get off to a flying start with the-$25,000 add

ed Betsy Ross Handicap, for 3

year-old fillies, on opening day.

'Ihen follows the J25,00ft Cherry.

Hill Handicap, Apr, 26; $25,IKK)

added Delaware Valley handicap.

May 3; , added Valley •

Forge Handicap. May 10: $25,000

added Colonial Handicap, May 17;

J40.000 added Camden Handicap,

May 24; {20,000 added Rancocai

Stakes, May 28, and, o l course,

America's oldest derby, The Jer-

*ey Derby, on, M em oria l Day. ,

Ih e opening day crowd will at*

en parade a number of high rank­

ing candidates for divisional bon-

ors when the Betsy Ross field is

RIIS Track

CompetitiveR a n la ii High'* track ita m hu.s

proven to be the- surprise of tli»

spring sports siiasun to . date.

Working under nigh to. impossi­

ble comlitionsl Coaches Mike Ul­

rich and Stevfe Popp have cornu

up witlt a tea at was able to

defeat Brick Township 75*31

Apr. 9, then lost out only by

close scored to powerful paro­

chial high fichuol squads in this

• r c a /R e d Bunk Catholic win­

n ing 7IfoMVi Friday and M atei

Dei 74^-51^ Monday,

The Rockets w ill still have to

move out their times and dis­

tances to be competitive in

Group 111. Most heartening Ot*

velopment in their three meets

wns a 4;-»2.8 mile m ark set by

Joe Deely against Matc-r Dei.

E d Resch showed continued im ­

provement in the sholput, get­

ting out beyond the *15 ft. n u tk .

Ron Gordon ran a 10:30.5 two-

mile against Ktid Bank Catholic

and was close up to Brick's

John Diiley and Mater Dei's

Chick Che'ton in raccs where he

was edged out in about the .same


Tom HisnMimnn, Vic Bayers.

Buck Lamb, Jeff Herman nnd

Dennis Gavnor were good p<;i»'t

winners for the Rockets. Ih e ir

pole vaultcrs, Don Collahnn a»'d

George Richards put on very

good performances in The thied


called to, post. This scJeei: group

includes Hiberon. Farm s7 Process

: Shot; Tarta.n Stable's half - sister

io Dr. Fa iter, Ta V/sllkm

i a n sn ‘3 Francis : M o w er;' M'-

chael Phipps1 Bold Heiress and;

\vhite Amass ana Crown Stable’*

Gulden O r. ,

- Other Betsy Ross eligibles

elude Brooklield F a rm ’s Is Cer­

tain, Christiana Stable’s Pimento

D ram , Kclm ora F a rm ’fi I r I * h

Course; H.C. Hoffberger’s Je ra li;

Walter M . Jefford'a F ig h t , On;

Gustave R ing 's Ju lie t and Roktr

by Stable’s Gently Dream ing.

Top liders at the- meeting will

include Waiter B lum , R »y Brous­

sard, M ike 'H o le , Joe Culmone,

Garth Patterson, B ill Gavidia,

Dave Hidalgo, Craig Ferret, Ed*

die Maple and perhaps a few of

the talented jockeyetiea who hav<

successfully invaded t m an 'i


Among the trainer* w ill b«

Charlie Robbins, J . Bowes Bond,

F rank Bonsai, J im m y Croll, Ed»

die Kelly, Del Carroll, Syl Veiteh*

S tev i D iMauro, D an Perlswelg,

F rank Cundall. W alter A. Kelley

and l.arry Jennings.

Post T ime for tha first four

days, Apr. 23 through Apr. 2f, w ill

be 1:45 p.m . E.S.T. Commencing

Monday, Apr. 28, and for the r *

rriaimltf of the meeting, the posit

time v.:)H be t p .m . E.D .S.Tk- ; -

Nine races w iij be scheduled

d*Uy, Monviay th iough' Saturday,,

with no “ Dark Days” on ihe agen­


Ncv/ Jersey fist Tucing w ill fncs

compelitioii from Pennsylvania &

first time this year when the Con­

tinental Racing Association start*

a flat- racing season at Liberty

BelL Park, But the Pennsylvania

State Racing Commission hat

scheduled Its fla t racing at Phil­

adelphia to Mart M ay 31, so there

w ill be no competition w ith the

Garden Stata spring meeting.

Monmouth Park m ay feel t h i

competition to some extent. -

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A t Hafm iisS M o tw lr w

; J*ssi.#f. • YqwiSssir,; jfn faatoc1 at

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-ths Bucnetof.*.: ASso'*:. S itu ra i;; ■

night the Inn vrifi. f?»tu«, t'~Z .Psr...

Xsporo. Trio. .fin; .‘(Iwmbj;,'. 'fhsr-9. .

'-■wiU..bc ^vSiB^liss Cliib

tut Tim's E.i>...'!4t jj’! o « i 1. 5

(>.!ti. Tb(S.:;pipinjj}'.. i ’i t ) tbe public. : " ■.......

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fit tr.dw

»{(•» girivr-' ■* i

<** »«rsongs. /Jranuc!

''CubufV irtn A ; : r . 7 ■' i r iS

‘--viK r,«A si- Co::*

£fSg4:10il Ada I h .Av»,,.Wt>:>30fk *-V > :. '


mi f # m ;v ; . :| I h ; ,b v J? t i i,';- i3 io J

H£u> QV£R 2nd 81G W50C"- •ACAPEM.Y -AWA.a.p. WiNNp|


Rosemary Priitt Aiid Willinm An<Jruwl ar>! starting in ‘ A t.irl

Could tie!. Lucky,” now playing at tlie Ciub B«ae Dinner Ihcatcr ia

■ S l.irs ja : . ■ . . . . . . . . ! •


r m m m iw ooi

’ Trtu!« aint iribu tatbrS ’/ joyji asvi

l\»ijriMCrh?3, hath real and imV,- wv ;uiUOiu

nit the stage i t Clio. C lub Bono

.D inner - .Tlwatcr iivMorgan. montti la "A Clri CoujJ &«'’ : ,

' Tiia, iwo-ae.t 'cairwdy by. Don Ar


D/MEA t C f f t t a g c

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4 - 8 P M

FOR . . .



reef frohi TV,.Broadway'arid off- B.ruadw.ciy sttows, . , :

vVutciuiigviiic UfiUUiiHu; iiVuC-s 5*

Aiidy Willard, ». New YOrli cull-

bie, played by Mr. Andrew* an*

the New York w orking'g irl, IV-n.

ny M b m played by Misi P?:ns:

*,* 't l« ^ . Adjust to married ! i t * ,

pe!l .stal'd l'v Piw£, whu i o -tk'ja for an .

phiy^'l .';Peni'.y':' f:)r I't y^iars :n iun^ ac Club J3RU9. . . .

tiia TV serial wA i th s WorHl it ’s iljjijt («r». w» sed In P«t*

Turns" and W illiam Andrews,. ny>4 York, apaftn tsot lepl^M

... .. ' ... ......... .......witiv pyiirsiiiffcd c lostti, under*

stocked refrigerators, undersized'

bet!, and Imposslbla budgar* w d

bank "accwinU.

Before Rosemary P r im becama

i fta^ional by-wurd iu A^v-ricd!\

iiomes. as a a'sult of her creating

the character uf “ I’eimy." in iK-a

V- V’si. i.ndef a tig tble day - liuw'-

serial,“ ‘As. tlie World Turns.'* sh* ..

appeared w Broadway and: in

NationaS Companies of “ Joan •>(

I.'irra ine ," ' ‘Kiss and Teli,” “ T >

tu-;hl il‘. Saniark;iL'd," ‘“ Lit1.!*..

Love,” and “Tha Gray Eyed Poo-

[lie.1'.:-.";-'; •; ■

Miss P rim '* name at .iumnia(

arid winter stock Itheaties in re­

cent years throughout the coun.

try have guaranteed pnxluccr*

box office record - breaking weeki

where she has proven a herculean

bonanza in such vehicles as “ Two

for the Seesaw,” "t.u llaby ,"

" M a r y . M ary.” *'P«te>(>at,''

•'Voice ot the Turtie,” and ‘ ‘Kind

’S ir ." ' •

No stran>;r to musicals.

m ary has s taned in “ Point Y ou r

W aitin'' and “ Tlie UnJinkabla

M olly Brown'' to ectuui audienca

anrl cntical accfaim in addition

to her guest star appeirantea »»

^ \'.nMli'<t ."1:1 everv niajot tele­

vision show.

Mr. A ud rw s appeared oss molt

ot tha m ajor live TV iihe'.vj in

. Nev.- York, indudiiit; Studio One.

Omnibus, <'id Yaa Are I here. \t-

ler four years ;>t TV, Broadway

ai:J nfi - Uryadway, Mr, Andtaw j

retm ned to Chicago wlien; rie suc;-

cesifully auditioned for a 11 avt play w ilh Constance llemieit.

Since tiien he has ul lyi-d opposit.i

such stari as Spring Byinyni'-.,

■ •L inda'Darnell. Margaret Troitiau,

Margaret O 'liiien , Marie Wdsoit

and oypsv l t o e Lee. His roiei

have rani^t-J from 'M r.' Roberta

to Charley's Aunt, from Born Yes­

terday to Mary, Mary. Mr. An*

drew , has recently appealed iu

the dual tolo ‘..f aLtoi - director

iti Two For Tne Seenaw.

Margaret Truman ha i been

signed tor Cloh Bene's naKt a t ­

traction, ‘ Nevtt IVm I.atii" ached-

uled May 3 through June 1.


Special Sale.A fter midnight when most other places are closed, our .special niidniglit-lo-stfvuu lates iiie in c llecl. Ca ll from New Jersey (o any oilier stale in llie con liiu 'iila l U .S .A ., cxcept A laska , and tall lliree n iinuiM for 75pf or lens, plus lux. These special «fter-niiclniyht ratC3 np|ily to all s l:it i.»n-tc'-s111ion cail'i dialed d itcc lly from non-coin |ilioiios,

W ho’ .', up at m idni|;!it? Lots o f people. A fte r alt. when it ’s, it ’n only 9 o ’clock on llio West C oasl.

So if you're it n iylil o w l, wliy iml lake M iv f in t n g c o r

(n ii'sp tcia l in idn ifjit s t I l‘ :i nd make a call toiiijjhi'f

Naw J'Brsuy Bell

liaslern Time /.unu Ci'nlral Time /.am

Part of f11' I'I il. ri'fii I-* IL*'! j iiitm

M utiiila in liu ii) /,'JHO racilh: I line L one



n AIDE Ql nnM«SH»W UUTttHL. ld-\JUlti

noMCDlM' KCMMdft'

Kiddi’9 Show Sat. and Sun. #t 2 P.M.P U S S N B O O T S '





Tim CASCACia . Z20U0Tha 5'<rt) ih is J i‘in

portahla TV InA moMaJ'twO-too?Color CN»»^oa! coiorMi;,t col'V. Top Cnn'i'yItanJij. Mj'iapoM Ant,*nr'Ji.

* 1 2 9 '(89

Vr'nH m i CART

HANQGRAFTEOCredUfFaw«f sarvica .

pfoblamil . :; : ■ • Cimsi* . •

coiindcitoincirflf'iliy haiidwir Jl -. '!

20,000 VOLTS or < PICTURE POWER...

Dfor uiserpirail

pictun enjliiiiatt

M'J cjldtifl

w h y not aer th» bsst



Ten Eyck R o n s o n , I n t .

283 Upper Main St.NC-a R HWY. 14

MATAWAN 564-1600

NOW thru TUfcS. APRIL.16 - APRIL 11





nomat*'’ nwiww

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pn>t*st h*#* SAVE FREE T.V.B » P N B * P N B « P f t l * P Nl B • P N B » P N B « P N B»






If your hou.a ii too small for youi* cash, exparh can help you enljrga

It. Gat tho c*sh you naod now for that dormar, e*fra


m : j n . vvcd. a n i j Fi'.iOAy t jo to i p.m0 ^ (; i r (Jj |i| Afrjioil Plm (l) Umm


C O U N T Yi' k '*'< i ii j V *»i i .i i i » n


! NOTES-■ .

A±ed M s n aoc) W f . jR e f i

m th e

Armed Services1

Union Beach Soldier

Spends R&R In Gympie

Keumbarg Marine Adopts Vietnamese, Tammy'Thu

t-'BED J . GARRISON j r .

Pfc. Fred J . Garrison jr., V-: S.": Arrryv ■ sjjjv‘ -c£ Mrv*-

■■■■” ' Mrs..' Fred J . GuFilSGn, 729. Buy-.

View..Ave.,-.Union Beach, while k f was stationed in Vietnam,

BP-'ot i n R t R in. Gympie, Aus­

' • On Aircr»I4 C in it r

U. S. Airman Apprentice • C'-.r(cs 'A\ tavvion jr.. II. S. Na­

vy. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles

■ W. Lawson sr., 108 Maple PI., ' Keypwt, is serving aboard 1 the

*"ack aircraft carrier USS .... Franklin D. Roosevelt, current

. ly undergoing overhaul at the ■ Norfolk Naval Shipyard, .v.

Estimated at a cost o f , |44,. : WO.OOO, thi> Is the: largest single

■ evethaul ever to be .undertaken -,4t- the Norfolk Shipyard.

,; ,The. Fiaiililin D.. . Roosevelt , R ng :- has; beta known i s the

’ ’Mfdit^rranean Carrier" Out of

K y ean v l active Naval ter-

\lre, the - carrier ■ h*»' (pent U ; Jrfirs In the Mediterranean Sea.

v v, I t made its i/th deployment in

. i Auguat 1987, setting a record other carrier can match.

trail*, which he1 ’ wjilj long re­member. Two . boomerangs, were presented to him as souvenirs of

his slay. He retumud to this country In March, and is now

spending a leave at. home.

An account of liis visit which appealed. m. ‘ 'The (iympie Times follows; , "Ptc. Garrison

flew to Sydney from Vietnam and arrived in Gympie on Sun­day night (Feb. IS).

“ He has been the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rehardt, of

Jones Hill, and will return tq Sydney today (Feb. 20).

"P ie , Uarrlson, who co/nee from Union Beach (pop. WOO) in New Jersey, joined the U. S. Ar­

my a* a volunteer for a three-

year period ending in August 1S79. He has been in Vietnam

with 24th Trans. Co., A.P.O., for the past 11 months nnd expects

to return to America in March, u "He and Mr. Rfcharilt have

b«en priifrieudi fur about IwO

years, having 'met' through a

short-wave fan club which broad­casts through Radio Nethcrtand.

"■ VPtc, Garrison hopes: to be­

come a : radio announcer when

he leaves the army.

"He said that everyone hud been most helpful to him since

his arrival in Australia.

“ MqdiU's Scrvice . Station

made a car available to Pit. Garrison to points of interest In

Gymp'e and district during his stay here. Drivers were Messrs.

Bill Mulhotlaiid .and Leo -Wi-st- buty, o l the Gyinple branch of

the Road Safety Council.'' <

: After 11c. Garrison's visit, he expressed his;- appreciation for

the hospitality to t'. S. Army Attache in i Canberra, Australia.

Col. H, R. Dunn, who wrote ta Mr. Rehardt. saying that he was

-‘delighted (but of course not surprised) that Pfc. Garrison got a generous dosage of typical

Australian hospitality" in Gym-

pte. ,-j ! i j

“ I a m 1 sufe it constitutes an

occasion he will 'remember for


Twins Serve In Vietnam

• In 1M6, th* carrier made its comb*t'VJthe

f jtr If-ast. 'for ejght^itimths- It „ <!•»« re*to f hi* life, ^ind you and ' ~ ' ' * “ ir* ;, wrt«t.^ly.i;;jr»<e

your^fXincirh and-

' *f, In Fighter Squadron.......

' , JJ. Marinp. Staff/Sgt. Alex-.

M<ier>U,v.W^lsh:jK)n’, of Mr. and ' Mrs. - Alexander-;”J ; ' 'Welsh, 11

Newman St., West Kransburp,

and husband of the former Miss.

JoAnn K. Tappin; Eatontown, (s •e.rving with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 323 In Viet? num. .............

His squadron, a unit of Ma-

fine Aircraft Group, 13, firs t . Marine Aircraft Wing, provides

dose air support for the U. S. and Allied Forces. ,

-The squadron employs the . F -1H ' ‘Phantom" Jet which is

tjpsb!*! cf supersonic speed. !t

can intercept and destroy en­

emy aircraft under all weather conditions, or it can assume the

role o l ■ ground attack air*

craft. . ■

Eada Course In Texas

V. S, Army Pvt, Richard C.

Jinbinsw, 19, roil of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Robinson, 56 West Shore ;st., Keansburg. com-

plrted advspced Individual med­ical liuiniliu Mai. U at Ft. Sam

Houston, T«t. :

' ’liie IO-wt)elc course features

Instruction, in military first «id. medical tjvaciintlim practices, and combats and hospital patient curt.


Serve* ;Atitarl Carrier


U. S. Navy Seaman Appren­tice Clifford Cook, son of. Mr.

and. Mrs. Kenneth Cook, 308 Mar* Way, Cliffwood .Beach, has been isslj-ned aboard tha car­rier U.S.S. Yorktown. A 1968 graduate of Matawan Regional

iligh School, Seaman Cook com-, piftcd basic training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station,

111. liis address is SA Clifford

Cook, Division S IM . USS York­town, (CVS-10), FPO New York, 095tll.

Airman 1C Lester F. Johnson

atid -Robert-' i-‘. Johnson. if> hvin- sohs of Mrs., Faye Johnson, -415 Atlantic Ave., Matawan, have been dssigneti -to-'duty at Tan

Sod Nhut Air Force Sase in Vi­etnam. .

iney arc tn aircratt maintc-

Complete Course

V. S. Marine Pfc, Jr,seph E. Mettle jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Ii. lleitie, 1755 Union

Ave., and Marine Pfo. Herbert- it. Lorenz jr., son of Mr. and

Mrs. Herbert R. Loreni sr., 47

Buc.kneli Dr,, boui uf riti/.'ri,

were graduated from Aviation M e e h a n i c a 1 Fundamentals

School «t the Navai Air Techni­cal Training Center,1 Memphis,

Tenn, : -

DurinR the four-week course

they studied mathematics, phys­ics, and the principles of elec­

tricity. They also learned atorn- Ja ciriu'iurp. .fitfltii1. anil dvnnniic.

electricity, ma(>nctic theory, and the theory nnd construction of

aircraft batteries.

This course provides selected

Navy and Marine Corps person­

nel with the basic skills requir­

ed for- beginning Aviation Mu- chinist Mate School and the Av­iation ■ Structural Mechanic

Schools. - - - ■- - ■ ■ ■......i , . .

- Assigned la Vietnam -

U. S. Army Pfc. Edward C. Fanning, son of Mr. and Mrs;

Thomas Fanning, 12 Amherst Lane, Hazlet, wus assigned Mur. 13 to the lAmercal Division near

Chu Lai, Vietnam.

An infantryman in Company

D, Third Battalion, 21st Infantry

of the division's 196th Light In­fantry Brigade, Pvt. Fanning

entered the Army* in March 19t8, completed basic training

at Ft. Dix, and last was station­ed »t Ft. Carson, Col.

The 29-year-old. soldier gradu­

ated from Raritan Township

High School in 19€5.

• P.vno PromotedU. S. Marine Pfc. Lnrry P.

Pyn.e, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Tliomas Pyne, 86 Morningside Ave., Laurence Harbor, and hus­

band of Mrs. Joann E. Pyne, 707 Branch St., Union Beach, was meritoriously promoted to Pri­

vate First Class upon gradua­

tion from recruit training at tha

Marine Corps Recruit . Depot,

Parri9 Island, S. C.

His promotion reennphrd hi*

outstanding performance of du­

ties during recruit training.

He has been sent to Camp Le- jetine, N. C., for tour weeks of

infantry combat training and

four weeks of basic training in his military occupational spe­


Agar Is Rlllc-man .U. S. Army Ptc. William

Agar, 20, son of Mis. Evclycn ' Agar,. 42 Maple Ave., Keans­

burg, Wns assigned Feb. 15 to the F|r»t Cavalry Division (Air­mobile) In Vietnam, as. a rifle­

man.His wife, Karen, live* at 1

Maple Ave., Keansburg.

I l l l Fit The Little One

Marine Lance Cpl. KfiHy S, Smith, 91 AiMunin l.une, Mnlownn, piivsca out clothing io n ViotnmrK^A

woman And children during a palrol nortliwcot of Dn Nang. Cpl. Smith, a riullo operator n id i Iho ! orco

roRhtle Commanil'i PrvvblonHl RU1* Co., rccolv^i tho uIoiIiIiih from homo tu illMrlbuiu thu viw<

*omw.e, i : \' 1; , ' ....... ■ .

nance and Lester was recently

rm<de assistant t;tw -chief;

Before their assignment to Vi- etnain, they served at Wustover Aw. Force Base,.Mass. They are graduates of Malawan Regional

-HJgK.Schoo?, Qass. <>f. 1967... .


h' U‘>v'-V? T<t

rlui.DcUuiU li h v.i lA'-iif. ihe

jxi'Jiri 'J , !-u: . ',f:«»hCT‘ifcii, . ’

.SraifySL't. .. Charles . F. H o lf. . Kt. L-jij'. iv such Mruir.e.

. .iJurinV. <,m his tour in Viet-

aam he worked' find v,aiU;d i?)roujih prOi;t'(liir(?s !,c- adopt 'a

.snjaii girl, now T-£ Kiuaihs old. Her narot is Tam­my Thu.

liis efforts paid rtIvI re­

cently, Sfit. Hofl and:r'TamniV VHfrii? umuuj'?-, Okir-av.<j, hcTtdrd

for the United States, and home.

Staff/Sgt. Hoff arrived in Vi­etnam in January last year to

bei’in.his tour us the firs!. Ma­rine Division Air Officer with

Headquarters Battalion, Near DKNan£, rlc making trips

to the SacreO Heart Orphajjiig-^. at China Beac^. It was liere that l»e found • Tam my, and hef;An:

making regular trips, to visit her.

“1 bet’arc writing home to my wife," Sgt. Hoff staled, “ and

sending pictures" of • the c>>ildL, hinli/]** at adoption.” .

. W:ii\ V: .

'la^^ny. "m v.rys. h Apri),

Skc. Hojj began adoption procc-

aided by Sister Acgela,

Mfsthvr Superior i t Sac­

red Orpbarai/Lv. «nd ly

J ajnes H,'H-^vtardof New' Jersey.

- F q: o ’»K>sr nine mO!ith£, S^;(

Bof* uaiteu lor wort; ttfout The He vibitt-i the orphan­

age regularly, and fec-pi his wife

informed of the baby's we'} t>e-

•jig. His wife sent clothes for

the child, acd u lk e d of tht;

p’ttJii i h t acid Diau£- (OF Ton'lfTiy

when she finally come tolive with them.

The time ot waiting and won*

dering was hard for Sgt. Hoff

and his wife, but it finally paid

otf. He was due to leave Viet­

nam on Feb. 9. and only stvea

days pr»or to this he received

the final adoption, papers. Tam­

my was his... ,

But his lfOt.ib)es were not quite ever. He knew that on his

v,ay back to the U. S. he had to step.- on Okinawa for processing

■s y .

? was

. *-

which ?ysk ^♦ t-r 0.'- yr>- -Hi S' fu'wh-k'

v , i ( u:- ;i,h Tij rnty;y

))« Vrt S •

Sgt; fioff soagiu • ihfr' h‘>ii

Sat Fsirl B. 'Wiikins-ort,

SerK«a.«i .Major' of; Cajjir?- ley D. Butfer, who was then m

DaN.’tnjj. Vu-fnaa'tj, with C-v«l

i l .E .L ^astiow , varr-p i^ it 'e r s

Cunsmaiviin^ Officer, to ■

tl'.’ M arine Lfaixufi; w ctloo thtry.

• W hsn Sp.t M a i. WilfcinoMi ?e-

turned to Okinawa, he inadfc gr-

rangements to get Sgt. Moff pro­

cessed at the airport, On the

flight to Okinawa. MUs Huguet^

te Monier, a stevvitrdess wish

Continental A irlines, heJped Sg*:.

Ilu fr i c m t r o r [he bany. m e

airline a!.<s:» furnished him w ith

extra diapers, Wankets, etc.

UfHjn arrival &t Kadena Air Base, St&ff/Sgt. Hoff was met

by Mrs. Sbirity Moore, a family:

ic-rvic'2 volunfi'er, ftnd Wo.n'um Miii’ine O'urine iy Sgu Cv:i Czm- pos, Non-Comraussmnsd Officer-

in-Charge c*f the Camp UutJer Adjutant's Section. The .ladies took charge of Tammy while

Sgt, Hoff was processed.

Lew than two hour# aUet ar­

riving in Okinawa. Staff/Sgt.

V / . t»iO V n ‘V j . j u c j Ij

my ii iijjiiit - r.'^ci

:.iw. U. b. ■■ '

;,..v‘V TA'.ncZ cr?rt

K*y.t K? Iftdi?:itr

he'd be glad, io ch^’

diaper t.hO't? .io 'Mrs... Mv.vft, . ju'et

hs soon as 'he and bi4 liu^.V /av-

gefiw jT ie. . : ■

' Se*ix*eK

Ccn>truction JUecu’sc^tn

C t o S„,

. Na.vj% «>;?.■ of Mrs, M<iiy .Vaircar'

relja. 9 ^ lek ling Ave., K$ar*S"

burg, «nd husband of the for­

mer Miss Joan Kaisk.v, Main

St., Keyport, s e m n g wsth

U. S. Nava]-Mobile Construction

Battalion E ig n i at C am p n a »

kins South, Red Beach, Danang,

Vietnam. •

The Seabee Battalion current­

ly U on its fourth tour of doty in

' Vietnam.:

, Xn Vietnam, ' tH* 4'S<'ahe(«^

.provide technical csswiance. w

villagers w ifh construction pro*

jeets. Tliey also build aLrstiip^’

temporacr hcu-"ing, port facill

ties, fuel storage tnuks, d r il

water wells, and construct otb«*,

facilities as they become wfcet

fiary, . ,

«MKln« An*«*; ip, 1*6?,QwfiWjr rsAH •

' Mr**U »•> ;(»• ,

0m piete FREE each weeki—m tnmm

PIIC! OK UtVtMB WMI1 WEI|FOB THC MUT M WEEXt .Slirtwg Aptif Iftk aai tor *t' mi W«,m U fw • iR pt'doi tfrvtni |tea at fen il»(id ' ^mMN Im «Mi k ktm'i ••♦Ityw nw «»< lwi ti.M pwiknc V mti; Wki! m <rtnrtiMn nnii^iiif, tali pi*M •> |tw- ■ m fa Ufita} i i

E«tf Jbwriu* Cadi |iM ■•mNSi Uft«iM M MlKM tM, iMu| ihIUrcM t»yanrtaUi wnm. ITa 4n**n I h i uryi««W|l II I kf Iwafcatfi il l iiiiw N tut nha« pa afcawt *» W —#fwnw.

IM IU I '. '

DMtMHID SIIIVIKtt U l llltt* l|U llkD ,« i

M i l lrOOTBOCANpy M M

IN 'I b t l lk U .W .

-; M n n . . MBPOU K IN :

; : r ic ^ iir tn it^ tw

■: . -M«nK : - lOM BCO tM U Kt<NL


-V '•PIU*AM4toNlIM .


ItU'Matlh liNM

H K M v CRIAHif r :

ill*tT.MM -M M IR


^ •** m Mt M IM i M

! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

IMVfIKBtVIDf 0 l l l t tH OMII

■ I r t l f O iM .M H ---


5 tetter Pmnl SUmn



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9 9 ‘UWSfyWAfltff DELI DitY.

tUCIO 10 ^OBOfR DOMKtlCUNCA TU MM® tOfliiUtt IHf <0AV .

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G r o u n d R o u n d ............... t b 8 9 * B o n e l e s s C h u c l i ^ . . « . t t > 8 9 4 S w i s s C h e e s e . . . . . . . n ib .5 9 * S

; -> - • UHCASt|« MAND CHOCK- ' ' " _ , . .

C a l i f o r n i a S l e a k . . . . * > 7 5 * B o i l e d H a m . . . . , . , . . 5 9 '

l lO W f f O T iM l lT S W W W f iM in n ^


SO ST AM M S & HWith purdMw pi arn

PICTURE FRAMEKAMI, . ; ................. .

ADOCttS . . . . . . . . . .fc «. I —Hi *n *». THI.UMfT CM COIMM fW I U H I , ..


Beef Tongue 6 9 ' B e e f A r m S l e a k



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H i - C D r i n k s . . .

31-01.• K 59

4 44-oa.

<o«, R

Vniiiofpki< Froita f itd la t/n f ifCMOrPIO Of LIAr INtiat

S P I N A C H■ m as i v i . m u

2 'X ‘-3 3 ‘ | 2 ^ -1 9 *SARA Ift SIHAWBffiWY CKtAM

Cheese Cake .tArJCAM CR 0*AN P 5UC50

Tu rkey & G ruvy


T i d e D e t e r g e n t . . 1 9 9CAAAnCU'S WOETAWAN CM : _

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3 3 * w r a p 2 3 *


IWrjf 0*pt.

com m !±*!* C L A Df l o i s c h n M M i n ' s

M a r g a r i n e ..........


O r a n g e J u i c e .fHILADFLPMiA BRAND

•r» ft*. AM •**••.BM tewoti tm (iuiv. ___ _



3 0 ^ S & H•Wi puttKoM mt hm *m*

ID E A L T OM RATO S O U P iHAIM...................

t- ‘ ‘ J M.IKf.UMn «m coiro. nt im t .

Unbealokh l i lltnf D*#f. t fW .f l IN STAY-FRSSH POIY BAGSS U P R E M E B R E A D

U * I M C r e a m C h e e s e

b o lt )■ *tfnl I

X .1 9 ' S lic e d W h ite 4S P R I N G C R O P

I IW I 5 2 9........... r m .o n A n r . r o 6 (

Nnvcl Oranges ... 10 i> SI91 Yellow O nions...... Red R«dist*cs.... 2 i»rwr-ii

35* S o u th e rn Y a n i s .......

'6 W f6 W T O (1 0 ? M S ()W 0 W ^


3 0 IT A M P f S& Hwith fXMctuHfl ol dny two loov.i


. , ________________ ______ . J c w O ' )

^S5.W 0W <tQ?.0 W ? v.v 0£fiVo 5 o r -I ■-v ,r ■ ■ -- ■ a a r > \s


Bmking Potatoes..


a i om


A v o c a d o I P u a f s . . 2


tji u-ii f’Kii'tiUl til'Ji** ram f.u tin j iPicinifBic , wr*!ii N-mi'.n

U ' X 10’ PiclUIL'B 2 Iiir 5‘)' IZ"x24 I'iclliri-5 2 99* IV* 14" Picture* 2 lo. 79* 16"* 20” PiUuu:, 2 M 99*IMI'OkUHN-ACME S IHf.tPICUiat OFI FR txenri 5AI. APHIl IV, I9A9

3 0 e

lowofHi purchniu of om1 1 ? - o». pl-g.


IVORY LIQUID12-ox.hll. hll.

33‘ 57 D A S H


74 C S0-o>. nhg.

Ivory Snow y, 85(. . V-- 37'uouid icmon St c>rr w nrp






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h V ')7 t,t bll.

BQW W fFBssec sowmm

44‘ ,31'

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pmsi m&ps

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REAL ESTME FOSI SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ,M»W^!drov«»W>Wa*.WWii^ < » WM^ilT«wW ' . wew»iw#wvw*www9«aw»r !ww>**arov»«s»!«rwv

1 HOLMDELt;-' ■'£* Bftdrbdiii - lixsv ii’

jjROJ v' rfl$lng; yo<iJCT4. j: wtH W*<ikta*l room. tocraaium

. | X'MUl *ft|i 2Vj T^Oi beA'.l-

I" tfjy lij;:1 : bvjyj*'' ia". ••JftM*.• &.U$., c<x'. i /&&{&■. vu'fi .iHf -iisres,. a.

j£': •?# ifs' Tbi cii ’ ,f$ 72-<- plii# a.. 5Hr£«' &.w<r' tf fo'og e.? • Cfyil..'' 114;; rj>vv 1 fc-t '■ >iWj«.

: tot- - liyWt'. ‘


A j s w a K ^ ' l t w

v: M*iniior- Multipl* littinf



, LARGE LOT 7,000 sq. ft, with

mjUiy >lnde tree* la nice oeigit-

bothood. 254-784Q. tf


■ Ha acr«9 ol Iind, nice area, ! bedrooow, kicchcn. living room, bu em «n t, parage, only $15,WO.

RANKL & WEBER. Re»Uy Co., Realtor*

Hwy. M Mataww, M, J.


_______ j _________ ,______________AW


- * BEDROOM COtQNIAL Largt living room with working

1 flrepltc*; family room - dining town; *at-in Kitchen; l>/3 baths;1 ear detached garage; children’s

pteyhnue; city sewers All t it ­

' ^ a t$ i on » 100x250 coiner lot

Writ- bu em en t. A ll thia (or the

LOW , LOW price oI $29,900. Call

. lo w (or ftjipointnient 201-2M-2918.• ■ <■■■•■■ -. !!..*»»• ft t i n n t i n / i : . .......................■ r-.M-- Jlc>r t9A*v/4\v< •• ■■•• • . ■ ■■

: or S Bedroom, dining room, living room, modern kitchen, modem enclosed bath, gas hot

v , * l r Aluminum storm and K rtcn w indow oa 50x100 lot.• ‘ ” --T^Iccd W 116,900; ;



M M AIN ST.. K E Y PO R T . N. J .

2 6 4 ,2 9 1 4 ,

i^ \ t> „ , ' ■ 4/1 7 .


•M , 3 bedrooms, IV i baths, rec.

tow n, garage, basement, $i?,W0.

STE8UN© McCANN» e * i ; EstMt# . . -




j W t E BUNGALOW in good ■ condition. Wall-to-wall oarpet-

vfny.' New beating system, I ; (thicks, (rom Catholic Church in ' Xaure/ip* Harbor.' ' Priced ' lor

quick sale $10,090. Nodown pay-.

ment for right party. H a i G.I. & J?HA approval. Cfell 566-0100. Ask

(or Bob Rago. 4/17



Ciift ut -for information on propar way fo telt your homo and

•rMnga ta purcbs*a a new horn* through' our «c!u»lv» RoforralSyttam, ; " ■ ; • " • ■ >

S T E R H N G - T H O M P S O N

: A tM K ia t« s- R e a llc H r i

Momb«r Multiple UiHhg


566 0400

. UNKfet 5&AOT Si.Mty, flW&v*; 3L .

Shi'Uif- V*SUVtSlN'Ci -LOTS', fur-- 55 ic. ik)kit*; B ^ c h . 3f.s

v x l 100x100 Park Ave, $3,500.

reuiy lo P.O. Box i£7.

Union Beach. ,N. J . &

. 'jp*ujg. £4-nig** wUiii ft?.lot. Check t ? 3owe ,

lov^y wiihb'it .reciai, n&xt 'U*4; ^v4ryrbir)g.. Cf«ll di’.yjs

.'After ii p.m. tfij-SA'jO ., i/UA/2^

ra rJ BEDROOM htmii- wanted bv

fiiiuily just tomviiif; in area. Any style home, but they want Keyport-Maiawan vicinity. Pi Ice

must be below $20,008. If you have such a home for sale,

please , call T))t Kirwan Co. Realtors, Hwy 38, West Kcsirw-

burg, N. J . 787-WHW. 4/17

^ t O T s T A g R E A G E ^

KEYPORT - Building iot z<mcd

I or i 2 families 47.bxn7 ft., city water and sewerage, $3,000. 2*4-1117, tf

CENTER of Business District,

Matawan, inquire Sandford Pharmscy, 12* Main St., Mata­wan. ' ■ 4/17-4/24:

""WANTED T 6 f e lN f ~

1 OR 3 ROOM AFT. furnished

or unfurnished Settled busl- neaa couple. Reasonable. Wnto

Box A e/o Keyport Wcefcly, 4/17


LARGS Furnished room available for gentleman. Call 264-7639 nr

inquire 129 Atlantic St., Keyport. Call before 6 p.m. tf

KEYPORT furnished room. New- iy decorated. Men only. On

bus line naer center of town. Private entrance. Off-street park­

ing. 264^661. : ..., , 4/17

LARGE single room furnished, ‘men only, privato entrance,

payment required week in ad­vance. Tel. 566-5979. 4/17

HELP WAKlTEbATTENTION JOB APPLICANTS The Keyport Weekly and The Matawan Journal do not know­ingly accept Help-Wanted ads

from employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act if they

offer less than the legal minimum

wage or fail to pay at least time •nd one-half (or overtime hours. Tho ■ minimum wage /or employ­

ment covered by the FLSA prior .u the 1968 Amendments is $1.60

an hour with overtime pay re­

quired after 40 hours ft week. Jobs covered as • result of the

1866 Amendments require $1.15 an hour iqinimum with overtime pay

required after 42 hours a week.

For specific:- information, contact tha Wage and Hour Office of th* U.S. Department of Labor,. Fed­

eral Building, 970 Broad Street, Newark. . tf



Requires R.N. to .work perman­

ent 4-12 shift modern medictjl

dnpnrtro<:nt. Liberal, .fringe 'berin-

,fits plan. Apply In .porson to

personnel, department .

MIDLAND GLASS CO .Cliffwood Ave. ‘

; Cliffwood, N. J .

*n equal opportunity employer

• ' 4/17

LPN Mount rieasan t Manor

Nursing Home, 566-lltfH. tf

W AITRr.SS over 21, some cxpeii-

enco required Tel. 2(54-1161.

. ; :i/27 - 4/17

M AIDS. Daily or \m.-kly. Start at

' $1.40 per hour plus free door

to door transportation. Free paid

Vacation. Free insurance cover­

age 264-9021. tf

C LER ICA L - Part lime, 9-1, S

days, office experience. In sur­

ance hackfiround desirable. 5K6-

0700 for appointment. 4/17

[Service D ire c to ry■ /yy^yy.. »Nys>j



Bathroom and kitchen, real tile.

F rea estimates, W ork guaran­


264-31)63wj tl



Iqctil stilt's nnd service. Cull 5(iO-2li24. w jlf


Hgcd men nnd women. Slnto

llctinsi'd. Call 500 (Hill, Malawan,

N.,Ti wjtf

W l(liliL CHAINS, crutches, cam's

etc., for vent or siiIl’. Cluiif-.o

Nxuunli, invited. Mal.uv.m Drugn,

" li i. Mam St it'd , Mul.twan. ('.ill

f io-pn:?!. _____wjtf



HELP WANTEDC.tEAMJNG wosrtaa 1 day a. v?k,

O’ffrt ifoai.i)<>riatio"j. • Relercncesi

•. -n). . ' -V 'J

■ N U 8 S ^ ' M m ^ ^ a S ^ s T ^ y '

Moynt P«ai-aitt Silatwf

mg Houwr, 566-4633. 4/17


Musi, fie experienced, good sai-

« ry . ‘V.’iy in in-, win. w'anttr's vi Sw-iiierltWii, ,Mid(i!eio>vn SSiop-

pji!;1, Crnttir, H ay . i ’".. ryVttOk'tuAA.

ti; ■■ " M M ' ' 1?'

■ V/O^-IAS <<?f ?. dtiyd.

week. A.ppfy Srfwkdsie -.‘i;?'.-

ing Home, V.'fhwiy Jj, Hazlnt.

____________ __ 4/1?

P A R T ~ flM K . Fji'rn $Tfld -’ S200

per month... Demonsnate new,

quality line of home care prod­

uct!. S av i hou*:ftw lu^e IV1L1LARS

not pennies! Weekly training,

t a i l Mr. or Mrs. l-.rdmann at

563-7901 day or evra,, kir ir. hom-t interview and samples. tf

cOSTOfilANS- - O ^h ? . “ weekT-

i l ::>0 . sevtirai pennanent

pDsitions immediately ■ available.

Experience, helpful but not ue cos.

sary. Credit will De Klv^n for

previous experience. C u r r e n t

starting salary J4,ffi.5 w ith steady

increments to $6,175, Biack Seal

license $200 extra per yr. Paid

holidays, vacations 4 uniforms.UniiAitniUT^i/tn n " 'l rtpncirtrt nl«r>

Madison Township Board of Ed .,

Rt. 516, P . O . .Matawan. Call

5(6-1000 E n t. 354 tor application.



Diversified and challenging po»t”

tion available for high school

graduate w ith good steno und

typing. l.ii>eral fringe benefit

plan. Join a company that is oa

the mov«sl Apply in person io

personnel department,


Cliffwood, N. J . . .

Au equal ujjpuL turnip cui}jiuyer

___________ __VL7i lA SO N - Steady year round

work. P a id vacation. Cali

Chas- F. D avid, 59M3S6. 4 /17

MAN N E E D E D for kitcher. work,

cooking ele. Apply Keyport Fishery Co., W. Front St., Key­

port. . . . . 4/17

. S A L E S P E R S O N ^ M emorial- i’ k.

located in Hamlet full or part

time. Good commission plus bon­

. us. Call 264-3630: . ; _ 4/17

SH IPP IN G Clerk “ apply T racer

M etal Products, 26 New Bruns­

w ick Ave., Matawan 568 4676.

......... ' . '• ' 4/17


Immediate PERM A N EN T open-

1 Ings for m ales ' and females.

? MUST work rotating shifts. Slart-

Ing salary $2.35'/j per hour, on

April 1 2.47>4 per hour plus

shift differential. O VERT IM E.

Excellent fringe benefits. Apply

In person at personnel office.


An equal opportunity cmplover

' ' tf

GAS STATION attendants. Days

and evenings. Apply M alawan

Borough Shell, Route 34 & M id­

dlesex Rd., Matnwan. 4/17

PART TIME- Slale Stock CieritT

3 - 6 , Apply in person Clothes

Closet. Hwy 34, M atawan .. 4 /17

MASON'S Hel|ier - steady year

round '.York. Paid vacation.

Call Chas. F . David r.Ol-llWG.

_ _ ’ 1/17 SALES EXECUTIVE..Who has or knows o» somccnvi

who has owned or muiutgcii a

business nr Jms a management

or adm inistrative background &

hus earned il0 ,M 0 • $30,00^ a yr.

und would like to enm $25,0011 -

$75,000 a year. Top commissions,

• over rides,' profit sharing and

rutitemenl pidn! ! !A 19G!* fully

e<iuipned 4 donr hardiop l.incoln

Continental avallablo (or all .

qualified per.son.s.

Call or WriU*


Peter L. Stamp

1 Main St.

Eatontown N. J .

542- 661

4/nMAN for porter work, full ur

psrt time. Apply in person

Downe* Pontiac, 02 Lower M ain

St.. M atawan. 4/17


B ICYCLR need fixliv’ ? Bring it In

to Weslern Auio, 112 M ain St.,

Matawan. We repair all makes, tf

B ICYCLES domestic and foreign

repairs our specialty. Dayshora

Hardware Co., Front St.. opposite

Post Office, Keyport. Call

204-1145. t l

YOU bust 'em wi»’ll fix ’em.und scre'.-n repair.*;, llayshoto

Hardware Co., T*ron( Sl., opposite Office, KoyjKJit, Call 2(11* 1HS. tfUPHOLSTERY




G U A R D SFull & Part Tima

All Skifti AvrtlUbl*

Top Bonvfiil Free Uniforms

No Etparianeo R»qultod Immoai'ilc’ Opuntngi

LocaI A fin

Apply WtieVdrty*9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Tuel. tn S P.M.

$jt. 9 A.M. • I P.M. or C aII 247-I0i!0

Security Ssrvicoi525 MWtown Rd.

hi<5. Bflllliwitl

Ground Fir. opp. B. J. Korvctffl


Tirof/ of U'inq ffilimrl? Of |ntt

WJid ti joh lo fil YOUR sclii'JuId?

Pinkerton's Inc,ll HO* It > M:. - J ill lliil U.iyilujm *». ■>«».

C/ill it »w f >f nn inlt'i\i 'W And

imiu,,((i.itn jdb [il.icciv.rtil.

609 - B87-7550

FENCf* E ^ A 'i 'O R i -

: ' chrMl! iij'Sk 't >.U) lie fiUb-CO.

pvwiiy ‘ !>( /Aurk .Vv.'v. I'.-..’..

OUf-'v.. A’afJ thnudy ip 'ti. ■>;!?., i- Sun.

VAyl'W I-ence 74''-!>4 «?vt

671-ijW2. ’ ■

h ig h ' SCrioOL^raduate toif/ Oi I iC«r 5::j . «iiV V w *

■ iAOist leave Lti t\' and bj>-jkk0^pu;^. Vi'rUt* r- ’ P, O..’ -Bo.v I it*', ?., N. ..L .. ' , :

oa'y, ..

1: ,v




yp>'vn . 3.iuirv



’A 'll,!, ! ; ') b«Au>‘ iti r-oy

boine, .701 Clark, Ave.. l/jiiou •

Beiicii, Tel. 264-3272, .4/2-4/V!

M tH H tK OK wil! watch

d icn days for working mof,her,

private home.. Reasonable. 264*

r>54D. ........... tf

WILL DO 1KON1NG in .m y home

2W-27J7. .. ... 4/L?


Reliable person from this area

fr scrvice and roilt'cc - from

automatic dispensers. No eApL-ri-

• r^ccdcd ...........lva

»c.counts for you. Car, refer­

ences and $985.00 to $1785.00

cash capital necesiary. 4 12

hours weekly nets excellent

monthly income, Fu ll time more.

For local Interview; write, , in­

clude 'telephone number, 'Eagle.

Industries, 47215 Excelsior Blvd.,

St. Louis Park, Minnesota 554)6.

: : .-. ViT.



call Miss Jan ie* X,awlor. 26 Ir-

40U, Keyport. 4/17-4/24


Sowing macliino opnrMofi, buHonl tuwori, button hola oparatori and* floor holp.






From Friday 5 P.M. to Monday 9 A.M,tOO Free Miles oniy $18.88

Mill(o Your Rosorvcition NOW,

W A L LLINCOLN MERCURYSinowr,bury Avontio ill Sy Comoro747-5400

.TKMCO Kat’- floor terrace

Fivii £■)«:<; gan t tm t (swatr

■ " ., ' ... ; . • 4/1?■ r)$£liP.KK$ suil' V jneli n'ack plastic pipe. Cheap!

. . . ' ^ _ ...... .......4 / 1 V

b a c k 'A G A IN "for Spring Deiiv'- fry it , y«ii iiavi:

p m b k ja i' n« for fres1 advice.

. i t yd.

F iil ^j.ri Drivvvvay yrav-

"■ai .All '.£yp^s"ol >Lvk. .

fw ‘ ra^nage'. ^ -d^vewaya.. ?»Va-' tr ia ls F.O.B, delivery, service'

avuiJable. Lumber Super Miirt < formerly. Fro;i»ei* Lumber) Carr Av»*. & R.R., K>aiJ3bur^;. 7.Vn

S100. 5S6-W>- 4/17


• Biiiit MJc® - haw Electric

Iwjdge irim nier $10. CaU-721-7655.■ 4/17

LARGE. .SELECTtoNnSlque 'iTceramics, glass, Chinese wall

p!ai|i..:.a and jeweled chew; Jewel

Client, Hwy. 35, between I'Jiiun i Kouc L.i , 11.t/.i(■!., fin.ji's M::n.

thru Sat. Friday ’til 10. 264-0404.

. Ef

1 *1 W O RLD BCK)K, up-to-date

with a ll suppleinerib, like new.

$75. Tel. 56S-34SI;; 4/17

4 PC. M U M W - 2 crabafsT

high hat seat, *15(1. Cull 56S-

■. . . .4/1? :

M i s a * F O R S A L E .


. ' & fcwtb.

' V v 'J i- ./?.!,’• C;> . r.'.vTli

iy /u I[)..>.,'iya, oli'j yjr- KWi'l'sX-Wn 1. C ‘{!x»>iis-«>niy. ,' / r t ,•}_.{/

3 GRAVES. . Green Gravo Ceme-

. .ifi.ry ■ Kevpyrt. C ^ i 7S7-iM;iL

_ .3/27-4/17

SLOOP, 20 ii. Daysailer. r<isi.b«.nmy,. tttsfo jftib ie bo-it

good J id J iji record. Ali e^u:p-

menr, li'r ii^r, B w offar qvvt $950. te//. 6. p,y«. • tr



FREE kittens, fully trained, six weeks old. Call 5t56-%y2.. , 4/17

isva^tca, 4 niC’tii!— dd. AKC. Good temperament. Exct'Licnt with children. Also Gvnnaa short hair jx;inter. £x* client hunter. 56-1251. 4/i7

'38 m 10c^Jtchy Ct

O s .

. , Crfi-VV Ciiprk'?

lenr cond., new trr^s. .

~ "furyiLardtop. aiiwWR'.i*';., p o ^ e i

. bru-kei» A bucket s.wis,

A-.I i 204-23^,.

■ ■ ; V11

Kiwd eoniiil'/Wt, a»;l

Avl0,-5m . . . , 4/13-

isttl V A lX ^ N l^ ^ a T T T - r 'h ^ rT r

top. ti cvi. srirk shire." U iw d '

shape.. 1500. CaU 2&4-IH39 at 5

p .m • -1/L7

P O O H N G & RO O F RH I'A iU S —

Iree eatunute. C a ll ChnrHe 264­

4652. . ' ^

■ LANDSCAPING - - Lawns cut, swept, general trim m ing. 566>

5728 or 264-5044; _ «

“ *■ D R A P K S / CURTAINS,

Slipcovers, Window Shades

* . Reasonable —* 727-2788

1 4/17-5/8









ECKEL’S TRUCKING Morganville, N. J.

SLOOP 20 It. Dtiyuaiter. Fast

beamy, comfortabld bout w ith

good racing record. A ll equip-

i»i»nt trailer. Best offer over

' £950" or w ill trado for sportecar

o f comparable value!. 264-5050 After fl p .m . 4/17

CLEARANCE196* Ziti Zag Sewing Machino.s

never ased, built in controls (o

make button holes, sew on buK

tons, .. blind hem dresses, make

fancy stitches, 5 year guaran­

tee. . Reduced to 537.76 or $4.72 . per mo. 1'ail warehouse manager

till 9 p .m . I f toll c a ll collect,

561-2IJ00. :.■■■ ■ : tf

55 GAL. M ET A L DRUM S $2,110

each. 2 only. Keyport Weekly,

52 W. Front St.. Keyport or call

264-3030. . . _____ tf

S P IN E f ' p T a n 'O . R ^pon s ib l?

party wanted to take over low

monthly payments on ii si>inci;

piano. Can bo seen locally. Write’

Credit Manager. P .O . box 35,

Cortland, Ohio. 3/27-4/17

WHITE RABBIT with pink e v « .

— ■ 4/17

S IAM ESE k illens - last of litter,

, reasonable. Cal! 2IH-641a. 4/17

lqsT~BEA G LE * Very fat, spayed fe-1

mate, brown cars.w h ite , black,

• Im iwn markings, sn>all lump on

chest size ci quatter. Reward

$25. Box .131 Wilson Ave., M'atu-

wan, 5US-SS55. ......... 4/17


Agents for-1 Engel Bros , Inc.

Local and long distance, fully in­

sured, containerized storage, 556­

1104. 380 W. 1’rospect Ave., Cliff-

wood, N .J. . . : if

AUTOS FOR SALE’59' M ERC U RY Parktane, auto-

nititic transmissum. p o w ? r

steering, power brakes, R & H.

new battery, good tire.s, uxcei*

lent ccaditivS J2CC' firm . Call

Mrs. Murray, 264-303?), After ti

p.m . 727-M4U tf

m i: PO ffi'lAC CiUuliua - 1 t o r

hardtop, power steering an«l

brakes, automatic trans., ra.dio,

white walls.-excellent cond. Call

583-1636. . . tf

lflr,7. ! ANinAU T-Rn?n 4 H f ^ air

co/id., fully equipp’d, privately

owned Cali 560-4633 or 566-2643.

’ U

WANTED TO BUYIt ’J JL D lN G LOTS, Middletown,

Matawan. Holmdel, Raritan,

Marlboro, K.eyixjri, ctc. W ill pay

top dollar. Call Jack Bostock,-

. '486.2S00. ti

CASH, scrap copper, brass, al!

types non ■ fri ivu3 iiieu la .

Prompt pick up jprvice. C a ll S48- BPII - . . . . tf

2-3 BEDROOM house,- o jt aero

. or more,, residential mm, .near."

Park.ivay. Reasonable, principal

only. Write Box D c/o Keyport

Weekly. 4/17 - 5/1

1 — 2 ACRES nice areti; n<nr

Parkway, Hoirnde! - Point Pleas­

ant. principal only. Write Box D

c/o Keyport Weekly. 4/17-5/1

~ WANTEDWILL PAY $100-up for fruited or.floral-.-hanging-.domes, it iso will buy table iampa, old glass and thioa, jewelry, picture frames, dolls, furniture from early ISW’s tr before, elc. Cali 462-23*81.J _ 4/10-4/24F o r B e s t R e s u l t s

U s e C l a s s i f i e d

C a l l 2 6 4 - 3 0 3 0

591-9707' Wjtf

J u s t A R R IV E D 10.000 rolls pre.

pasted wallpaper while it lasU

$.75 SR also handle lots 10 single

rolls for $2.98. Paint-Latax in-

leriur $1.95 gai.. O rr's Decorac-

Iiuj Cenier, Hwy. 36 at Seagate

Ave, Jughandle, Union B tuch,

264-I9in. ;. tf

K E E P CARPETS beautiful de­

spite footsteps of a busy fam ­

ily, Buy Blue Lustre. Rent eU'c-

tlie uluimponi’r t l . Harris Hard­

ware, I3U M ain St., Matawan.

___________;_______________4 /n

BOTI'LED gas stove,.good con.

dition, very reasoiiublo, 56a- 4953 uwningb. .4/17

UND ER WOOD" E lectric- a d d 'l l

machine $50. An old model

typewriter $10. Call before 3

p.m . 264-7720. 4/17

OSTI-.RIZER Imperial 8 blender

with 8 pusli buttons for various

operations. Excellent cond. SL’O,

5C6-4S37. 4/17

W A N T E D !

J* i r & s i

U S E D C O M E T S !


Comet Owner Loyalty Sale


_ MERCURYStilus cV Service Co., Inc.

H W Y . 9 <k 3 > I . ' r e o l io U i C J ir o k F I E f f l C I L P 4 6 2 - l § 1 8

; S I T f t ;

MullerA P P R O V E D


'68 CHEVELLE. - C-onc.oisr« C o ' t p s .

.Aif Coro^ioned.. 7 J

'67.-'CHEVROLET |Caprice VS' Spo'* C w p* |

Fully iquippod. jAir Condiftonad. 1

. ’67 CHEVROLETImpdiA V8 5porf Sod an

Fvlfy_Equipped, " | Q Q C

'U TEMPESTCustom V i’ SVagsn . .

FuJIy Equipped. I DOCAir Coaditionfii. '

*•£_ o * o r 11 a u ... 9 0 V I U 8

. Starfira Spcrt Cogp<» 7

Fully- Equipped,"Sbowf< Cond.11 1995

‘66 PONTIAC V8Cal*>ina5«ddn .

Folly Equlpp.d.,: . f J A lCA B»ufyl I 4 7 J

•&6 CHEVROLETImpale Vfi Sport Sodan

Fully Equipped, 1 A Q ^ Power Stooring. - SO

'66 FORD V8XL Sport Coupo

Maroon, Vinyl Top. 1 * 7 0 C Air C.ond. , I / 7 »

‘66 TEMPESTG.T^O. " 8“ Sport Coups•

4Spood, l O O C'AirTGood!ttor»od./>.‘i:' ; l # #4#

'65 PONTIACC*tjl‘rta 4 Door Hardtop ..’

Fully Equipped.

Yir.y! Interior. It#

*65 BUICK1Wildc»t. ^poii.-Coups. .

Fully Equipp.J, 1 '4[Ofc P/S. Lik. N»w». 1 0 7 ^

’65 CORVAIR -. CoiiYiirlib!, .

Fully' Equipped,' f A O C Red. A Doll! l U i f j

’65 BUICKRlvi.ra Sporl Coup*

Fully Equipped,"A'Uoll" . I / 7 J

'65 CHEVELLE ,Malibu ConvorHbU*

Fully Equipped.powci scoring, I ‘J Q CBucket Iw / J

‘65 BUICKGr<m Spoft Convertible

Fully Equipped,White. Black Top.

'65 CHEVELLEMalibj SS Cor>vor+)bU»

Futiy tqiiippud, 1 1 Q C Povrr Mewing. I J #«#

‘6 5 T R I U M P H

Sprito Roadilef


'64 JAGUARX£ S|>nrt Cotip*

"A» ItNw«d» Minor Wor'r. lM » i J

'63 FORDFdirlana Sport Coupo

Fully Equipodd, 7 0 QBuriol Sm H. ■

'63 TEMPESTSpar' C-y.,pi*

Standard rr fi\- i\- lion. M.»<} WIhicU. /



M u lle riM - jia j

H I G H W A Y 14

M A I 'A W A N




b m a s i^ u / y r u T jm *P7 v N<vrM:ijf PUBLIC .’KOITCE;, * ! AftJ? JMy& C C W *

~ tftj3*scK:i VOtftfStt***-. ta»:-.-MATAVAyf- ■••• ■

;;,:.i • !•• f^tiice- iai M'jOi'- ttqiftjv •:-< ■ ••. Uif-d- voVai'-w.; Of-■'*£*«»'. JwiVMGW of •■•• .©'itiift, -fic<4. &<bht - ■

:•• !<«•■• iS'A'S.- OtJ'..’ .•'A‘-, > •. J t rM y t&'Vttzhtitt' rwa*^

trfibor* ttia>. Oi unyV ’tolto th* T</*o»hip C5*rk, or tiOLtylaid clerk of chs*g* vt t&ittiw.*.- *,$.

- , 5Jfi«r filsrl4/ * office, M-U^'PSl 9Wj{.,.• W?;Lsvi*r Wjbma; St.,. in ihe r?.!4'Ps:»jo.. rf M a l iw u during f»u*t«e*a hours.

to •. *he CommiR^OMi. fi/’ ke^tlStflrtJor; 1ft fciWiltfM. . . . .

. • O n ’I ’rojrsdtfy, Aj,*nL :44th. >&£?.■ th* j*gbwii*a!i*h h411 Jj* ' v^oKe.d urv

•' ' 41 : altvr.r ii ta fo r ih c ^ t i ' .o ig P r iin o iy •'.• •: •-■« : tot-. hg l* oo Tutfifteyu

hn* 3r<* i$m*Wot)*# &l chttii&i. txt. lesidenr.* er

■ ■■■■!’ wplutAtfoA for fra.»*?*r. of tegj&tra* B h ill feem ade either hy wni- ;

,&■/* jm f«quc«t iinwnna&d W> the T*wj> lip Clexfc v* Um County lkuu*l ol' *l|............................. .

Jticc lions mo fcnng provided by atitf township C lerk er Be*rd or ¥y r»)l- tag- in persoe n t t h t t t t lo i o f thetownship Clerk cr County Board of rhtrHnne Tin to an*i. isoturflh*-Aiuti .MU), IMS. " ' * ' '

IfelUc* !• fctrefcy g ittn that. ih* Boards ef Election. u 4 JU#-

kfcry in . *n# h r th« Town*fcip ef lUUwan, . CeuAty W Moomouah,,

. of Krwv.F*£««ty wHt nseet *t - tfc»- H a t* hereinafter <?e«!go*tal wt VVKSJJAY, /UNV H M ' loivftea .hour« i>7. 7 » h>. «M 4 P *». <4!s«tKTa Duyji^n(.Tins*), for th* purpose cf coiwiutt- 1W *> primary ekcticBJfcr (#» ftc>m- loMInn et luv:

• <iov#rn«w ■ '.'. ■■ -••.' m-- ■ :. : . .■ ■ ■ ■

Tvko Mwbti'1 ol tfc* Uon«]«Uih . Conaiy o£ FijcthcWtr*.

Croc Cewty Clirli -. ,„r. ©*» fii>rr«rfate ■ ■ ■■■••■ . ■ . ■

«n* -nua) *nd *n« “ Ijiiifii* os*n>b*i- cl tb* RtpuWJcun

M t o C om io itit* . .................T M tici'Uoa « i « m » * } • $suI <»•

i»m*l*. iMMtwr .Ml . lb* UfintocrstJo.... ’ SUU CfcnifiitlM.!%• yjMfiuua ot #n# jujiW nn4 r«* I i m I k nM*mi)«r of te* StpublSvAs €(fUnDr. SamuISn* Ccmniltu* lot «Mfc

TIM tlMtlo& «( :am ajaJft wid ftflM lt m m N f of tn* b im w ra tk C u M tf EMCUtiv* Co«Q «lU «l fw .:■■■■■•■ dlftrkl. ■ ;. , .•' ■■,:"■> . M.uM priaiAry •ktctkw nom>r>«* fiM akmll *kw te m*da in tls«.%««.lUfc'

tvra oiuniclval cfticera; ltm CMincUm«f)*«t*L*rft th«

<P>^ O M CouncUr»*j^«vi*rf* J** «K«

fi«re».v,y;:-■ :* . bttjrfrby sir«a «b*i qoaU* P d v^«ni «f lb* Towiu^lp «t Mat-;-''•»}»* IMl «If«J»oy J7l a*MiTOwvrtip :ua6«r fee: of W*w f*w»y gwiMn ytawm ;r«fi.'1 ««Uo» m«y iTMlfftor with, th* T«wi»> •Up C^#rk, or M ife u U c»erte «ffM«MM • ( i m Mm c l M ttM ctevk'«frtkw, _ M u p ic lp a jK M g ., 1*7.; J jo w tr

«a s . tfunag hour*, or <U-v n l lo th« << JU*J*liiUQa >n FirMrfsokS lMtvr«in W«<in**»t y; Sum iUi,' vm , »»d Th\itrd*y,[>(e>»Ur 35th, itKkd..

HoU«« i or c&cflf* in reAktent:* or •nlivaUcn #er trmucfer «r#oe «h*)t ft* m«lw «Mb*r by writ-

n forwarded to th* To^n-lip C lt ili «r th« C»inmi«iion«r ««.;

ttco » f r w ^ M oft torn* (WwvWhnd by M id .l^whaiiii? Cl«rlC •»’ vomm iuiM ir or by ealrfng tn p»*>

■ m t»t ^ - aMcW <4 lb* Towa#fcip. CWrk vr CvwmlMtoncr •* Kfglrti**

s5k *U T <n4. ^ Olfc fnwfiday, itp ttp ibw . W k .

i« f1»U«tioi^ bcn*ht will b«. ' fkS id i until AlWt Om ivrtfmntog . . C tH ia l Bbetkw M TiMiwla^ M«- <-

Vtmbtr 41k, 1W .N « )U » 'r i| f t* y (IvM t t l l Ibt

V>!strlct Boud of lUflkupy *Md C)*c- llon m and^ior tho TswrvMhip d BMbwan, County of Monmouth ar^lft it« of N«w J m * j t wlU m*et Mr4M sUcm Horoinaflor *dt«ifCB«t»d oa W K 9 D A V , N O V S M ft lA « * . MCI

■ , W i « t o tM hour# 'ot 7 a ^ : ?»B4-':

vf «2«ctlon fc» Um ii . ".-. 'Governor' :■ ..... ••' .•' ■ " ..' ' r

T>»o t i» Bfi bitg « . ih t 0*9|rtl A«-■ • ttihU y ■■... ■. • ■ " ■ ■ ■ •■ ■■ ■ ■ ■-.

Two Mtrabtri ol th« MoAfnoutii • County Bo«i:4. o/ .r»#«V>kl»r»k- ’ OrM* Cousty Clark *..•• - • , -

' <&!}% t ■ , . .■■ VJw«. h>» i </

■ . . •■ .1 ' */«••. .&*-»' ii.• wiZfiwrirt'- w™ . ; • :' .

’y’sle --.*«rai«.lWi. ■CoftjrvJ '.Ai W-Ji4 fti t>;e» 5 .;Uivuv

. inf.. i.iifWi ■ .ffrirT r>JU T lO»

bvuuci^fi hormerh' »y: l N l'^ ,l*r JAV

15 i»>. ,Cr.’G«>f‘.An4i... Jx»v*U»fcjS> »1fi’>7C-(.'.r-way ime o f''

tha C ard ra Staas i Joik-.vjiy, W «u;r- 3y toy W37AUiS<i Jivw. . .:•- • ' .,....

. Jfoiiut# i-itfiwwA Voiuri;ie*r■ Pit*. f7«. - K-ir* St.r* " ' ■ . . ■ I ■ ■ ' :, .-.- SE.COWD-- &JX-CFiQ& W ST ftiC T '

. .iJudJflAP- ’i'cttn/rfcif., «•<■«♦.:• tt«..stie'r*v by Cr;:fcard 2j.. Hau'thc-m..??{.. pn<3 »i!o

.o*ut*T**i;st*rly' ccntj.-«»»8joh of Har-* ' InuvM St. Ui M ^ ^ ’-vaa Crt«k, vrlY' by' M«t0<A.*n X ou i« 5?.c ;,r ;„ .^ a -^. a'v^ ,

.Wfc*U*rly .lte » . V. and L. B, RaiJ- .rgh4, C<(/,fw«c«L A vr.. Van C/»af •

t<o .S»!*m Pf. and S«I«m PI.: PoiUnf pIyca: Ciitfwood Volunteer F ir« uo ., r ir a JSous*,. Angela,. S t , . ...

-'. C'Hlx-wvov. - ■ • •■ • •- • -.. • -•••T H IR D ItL,ECT10H DISTRICT

fiound«d Nortii«pr)y by Cot)- .n u r i t oad South Coiirouric, Bait< « t !y ^ Rpiuitin Boy; .Southerly by Matawan Cre»b, We«le>iy by Maw* tborn S^. ^ d itfi ^u*h«JMf*/-!y von* tiniiatS^n to M«tftWan Crwrli.

Pol.Mnf fj’flce' Aid* CwAtti -Arnboy 8d. t Fiotitmit A ve.,. Cfltfwricd. . . . .

frOUMTM; EL IC^flO f* JUJSYHIC'f B*)v;n^fd Northerly by Whola

Cretfc; KaaUmly by Aaritan Bay. Souihert.y by Soyth C^nctMirMt «jkI Sfeor* C«noour*e, West®rly. by Haw* Ifcom St. aad firehard St.

Pvlijr.g y.'ace: Vzt+mr.s MftiV.oiiil Horr>*; Cliffwood. Ave. A-Hav.'thom St.. Cliffwood. . -- TJPTH ELECTJO.H DISTRICT

Bounded Nortnerly by the Mata* 'w^ri'Madison Tov/n««hip line. ttu*t*r-•y by Salem. P I and it* Southeaster*Jy eofltinuaUon to Van Cleaf Lmm, Vaji CJ**f Lane.-Cliffwood Ave. and.

... 79. v / and L b, iioiiu>ei(yand Westerly by U># northerly out- ilM ( M i « Boroufh of Mntawan.

Po)Ung plat;*: CUtt*ood Memoria}. BcbtioJ. Cllf/’ ood Ave., CIJffwo#d,

. S IXTH ELiCCTlON !)1ST»1CT Bounded Northerly by F, and A.

M. BaUroad, Easte ily by Lloyd, ltd... BouiSeriy by Chu^oh St. iirjd Weit- • r ly by Atlantic Ave.

place;.Mat*.wan JtegitHihi':•' filtfh School, AiJanUc Ave.SEVENTH ELECTION DISTRICT

Bounded Easterly by Lin* Bd., Southerly by Church St., anri We«v •r ly by Uoyd Bd.

Potll&tf plat'e: Tlrat AJd BuJldmtf, Cburch St. - .

, - EKSHTH IL IC T iO N DISTH5CT . Bounded Wortherly by MatHivan

Creek, Easterly- by the M afuw «n ' TowcahSp*Keyport BDr«njfh Line, the

9 . ‘ and A . R . B a llroad/ A tia iitic Ave .( Ckurch St., .sou th AtlanticAvw. miui WutnwesterJy by a ctrai^it iine from where the eenier Jin* of

. Cbltton f.ane interne*!* Vouib Atlfti)* t^c Ave. to the center of Route 34 where Mata.wan-Township and Mata* wan .Borougb,. cwrtjec, norihtiii . ol Oalord Lane, and Westerly by the Matawau IVwnphJi^Matawan Boi'> «u«h 11/)# and MaUwaa Creek:

Polling plaee: Matawan Towsshjp •oee A Chemical Co. Tit* Hvuee,7S. l^w er Main St. v n in t h ELECTION DISTRICT Sounded'Northerly by -Church St.

. Sacteriy by Line lid.. Southerly by Hobinfaoft-Brook; Lloyd Rd.. the: tea t Joi UAe oM he loU fa«in« the

S utk stde of Cambridae Dnv«, »ute M; Westerly by a straight Ime

wdere Matawan Towhebip and• Matawan Borough corner in Route . H Iw t m r lh «( CafMtf Lane to thecenter o l South Atlantic Ave. op» '

Chiltor. Un>e, and '^uuth At-

fo iling place; Strathmore School, Cboroh St. .

TENTH KLECTION DISTRICT Bounded Northerly by Mohlnfaos

Brook, - 'Easterly by Line Hoad. Southerly by the dividing line be* tween tot* 17 .and 11. Block UO, a#^

'•ho>\-n' on mirp.: dfv-lvy ;:H«t 'Fitrli; ^ Bee. U. the center of the blovlt be* tween' Irongate Lane andJnnerhlll L*a* u> opposite the norkbjeasterly -. fioloagatlea ef the .fitnBBr-v Hn# ct Idleetone Lane.'Tdieetone Lene and Vaa .BratUe Road, Westerly by Iteida HIH Hoad and Llo^U Road.

Polling placet Maitawan Township

B/v*#. Co. 3 * ^ .ior.s^r .a?,Hi Cii'fiK1! ?‘v- :SiijsivKXTn d

•’rtbeity bv tSjf r'ri.nj; Hr-# f v i iy w i ints J7.: jJ), - lilvn-K. . ■\t<i A!.v rryv-v-‘i urr wi'. ft;.- j?.;U' Fiirk; Sot. I? . Lh«- 'i*?** Mf.-ri:. ‘Iror.tU.iti '

L'.?iw ><,* t^e.<-atitriy prolonjfsli'.ut *>( liw «.“«n l«rin® of *_j'd;i*> or*+>fane-, V .^ . Ks/Arf. Pw**»rj;iv .try Lina ?«oi»c!; 'im i:. Lvnr M iriiw ac Hoiincifrl Town«h.:o U n*.

'. bv 5lU? Wnla'a'iSai'Wj-rfborn U n « , W w U d y ':>> n . 'from •

' \lm ttf .3* ■ '.Mar?lw>io TsnvttATiiju’, i?r*a U«. ‘.}>t iij- U>*M*.-tiQn--??f toe- f ’tftlcr )ine-'of V'w!j' Sir***!** ai, i iiLnr 'if'# ofluy;Why. ’■ .- :■-.; ‘ . . .-■; .. .•'.: . '.

JPoni^g Tow.tfljiip .H(cmi Ut C&»JwJriJ Co. ' fJ.'.e H i‘««wv Currar IJoy.-rt. H4, *.^d {C'fur^h St.. . :

T*tV«ELFTH. fi£Ll«-TION DISTHICT- Bo»^d^d Nfjrthofly by th* r*«»r

line of,1 kit* lii-iOR tiie iw utheily feitie of Cam bridge Drlv*. Easterly by R e id r H iii Rd. and V’mo B i 4ct*l«

•ectien o f 5% , cw jler l7ne . of. Van & a c & e Road, a t ihe center of Ivy Way. to th* int*it»*;tion e f th* ro»v* <m v line of Route 34. with the M^ta*. w*»rt.*jvJa,‘ ibor*» Ttowwfthip liae, Suuth* -esrRy by theT^wnTatip life , XV«.»ij»rJy- b> Ll«yd Nd. ar»d RoMte 34.

• ]»%*iWnE>iai>e;. IJo.yd Xe^<*oL■ U evvt( fW. ' ■


T ract One:ftkmndtwi N«*t^hef !y *y RouUt 3e,

K im Jtriy >»y Uo.vd Rd.. Souiheviy by UAtswan * Mwi'boiro T«u>itflhjp Unr,

- Westerly by jr,o W aU w an Towrjbt.ip- Mata.w«n B4>rwugh U n* . .

Tract- Two: -

. Northerly and. Ea*i*Jiyby the M ataw an Towopb.’p - Mata* wan Borough Line, Southerly by the Matawan - Marlboro. Tovnuilvip Liite and W eeto iy by th* Matawan » liadIwvn Township Line. ..;•. ; Polilfin Mcsnwajv ht-won-a l H igh Sehool. Atlantic Ave.

ROSE K. WS'NZKL - - TownjihipClorJf- j 4 - h m /it »rra.«s ,



. WfUce i* hew by ffivon. ihat qi'jii- ' fled voterg of l»?« Wnt» -a * a n not aiready rvgieLervd in a&iH Borough uiitWt- th* laws of New Jtr- -a»y governing p+rm*ntii(, r»ginu-a-

regiater oz tn in ^ fw -ftith the I>o'oafh C lark, or notify ecid clerk of change of, teffidencc, » t Lb* clerk'a oftlce. B//rou*h. Hall. ? » M a in St.. Matawan; durin* hunio#htr hour* or direct to the C*mKmls6io»*t

•ef JiegUtretion. ir. prMh*fid.

Oo Thursday, April M th, lftdB, the refftatratlon bookM wil! be closed un*Ut alter the forthcoming P rim ary E lection to be held oil Tuesday. June 3id, JW9.

Notic* Of chang* tA orapplication for tranafet of rrvlM ia* tion t>h«lL b* inaiie either by vvrlv- *en i« jue irt U>*'* m d*d to tha Bor- owgh C lerk 'or Bu*»id or oy cdliln* m • person a t the office of ihe H<wfu|fh Cltfrk or County Bo*rd of Eleellona Up to end including April 34th. 1M0,

Notice ne rH v given that ihe D istrict Boards ot E lection and Reg* latry Ia «nd fo r the Borougb v i Matav»aR, - County ef Monmomh. State of, N ew :J*r**y , w ill meet at the vleeee.hereinafter dea;gnatc4 on

tV B S O A f , 1UKB l l « * I Mb between, .the hour* c t 7 a .m . and• p .m . tEaatern Daylight Saving T im e), for th e ; pu tpw e . o)( conduct­ing a prim ary •lection for the rvuiv ination of vandidatea for

t i over nor.Two. Merober* of tbeJGeneiu l A#-

•em b ly • ■■. . ■■Two. Member* of Oi* Monmoi*th

County Bo*rd of Fietholder# .One County C'lerb-One Surrogate .The eleetion of one male and one

fem ale mem ber of the Republican I j i jte . C o m m i t t e e . ..;. ' • . ^ X » # ;e}ectio «oF 'enen>a 'Je 'an^o iie f tm a ^ ^ n e m b e r of The Dem ocraue . (Mate Committee. - '. The ejection of one m ale and one • • fem ale mem ber of tlie Kepublioan County ExrvuUv* CVmmittve for each district.

T^e. election of one m ale and one fem ale .member ot the DemootaUu

. f/AHUvty .0&iv;a>iitU'« -Six''MiV.h. cixri.ncV , ■•.■■'■At frfti-li. frrtfk**J.'t itisJ'V/<.*a w*i »vi;n}.-

'•.tlor.f..- vhnlij ij/.Mt -V* wmi* V# voji .ojf‘;«cero:. 1 • • -

’.. . ;., •;.:••• .'' ..-: .'•■ .

. . ' C f , 4 i * f %i\r eh* fw'a.twwv-

Tsx: 'fw: iii-e’-fvi.i..■ NoUre Isl fsweby |fiv«n lh a i. quaU-

v«t«r* of the Boroa*# hfal»-. 'AKA not ^jr.+r>dy r#tfit'ter*d; w a*i<i Wornugt?. under .’ the 5awa of JJe^w

: ^t>v«rnjr:^ psrmpxientregtsr T. to.*- . Be;-

to/jh O e rk , or RotJfy ."W-d cltsh of , f-nung* of i^3dw>e« ot the f.lerk'0

Sor*rVfhi BaU.- .3 to MaItj $*., '•'Metawaij,' hCMi'ff iardirect (he Co«}/r>3»sK*n«»' of H*g^ {ptxaiion, ..'» Freehold. . er; :trm* fe^y't-^n W«id«M>dny,. June 4ih,and Stfi>i«rrtl>w;...Sf.,. l.W i ■

'• hUf!if>^-:bWl?», ; :- •■: N m u a Of; t-hanMc of' refodftttce-■• &£

»>q?ic«tjniv for vf> re^iKtra-tfi>.n sh«Jl toe made^jrithec by. written te»»u*<t forwfsrft’d? ‘! to , .U>* Borough Clijrk or B o*rd or by callinflt in per­son a t ».,h* office of. the Boroy#rh

" v ' la ittup to and including September 29th, ! * » . . .■' .

On T huiw iay . fep iem be r. 24th, WG9, the roglj^tj at»on book** will. b«i p!of»rf until after the forthovmLeg- G rjjera i Blection an Tueeday, )fo- v*a«0er-*th. lifSm, ' ' . ■’ ' - ' ’ ; ...

?ifotii.**: is hereby "given" tha I Dis» toSrr of Ri«)tion. gild:' Regia?try in a rd for Lho Borounh of M»t*itiw«,r), C**i)niy ut Wuninoulh, State ofNew Jersey, wlil meet a t the plaeet hereinafter dewlgnated on

^OVCMBSB- « * , ) * * b«<<*oKi (he Isoiur uf 7 * .m . and. £ p.rn. for th* purpose of roJiduclJTTg' the gen«aal etcoUort for the eiecU«/n e f . . .': ■ .. ■.

Governor "•'.'*rw« Mexnbere o f th* Ce’.'ci-el Ajt*

eembly ’Two Member* of . the Monmouth

County &4»rd of Ereeholdei'e ©no County Clerk . -.. .9 ne Surrogate ' ,

Two Cuuncifjiien for tn* full* t*rm Tax .AsRenMK for the fviH term ?Dhc **r%EJom? ot the Hegtstry-

B«>ard.v w ill be, held a t the follow­ing placeH: ‘ . , ; .

r m s T e l e c t i .c n d i .s t r ic tA ll that part of the Borougii o l .

OEGlNiVLNG aL h point-' wh*r« the rniUtc line of M ain Street . intecsacta ' the: boundary line of the Town4hi|> of .Matawan.'■■ and running ■ thence t l ) nlong th* aald center iine- of M ain Ktrtet in a southerly direi'- tion io ihe bridge on Main Street eonth of SouUi; Strett;. ther.c* (21 ■long a ilne drawn down the center of the gully crossed by. the caid -bridge, to X a k e Lefferts; thence f3) ia tl northerly direction along ti>« '. •MU'terly adge of Laike Lefferta to P rocptct Po int; thenre (4) along a line drawn acrosa' Lake Letferta from Pvonpect Point in a northeast- eriy dirrvtton to the point of Inter* aection of Havine Drive with Mata* wan Croek; *b*nce (3) northerly tiotig- the lin* of MatawanCre*k following U>e vonoua courw-* thereof to Aberdeen Road; thence {6) w«*ieriy along the cent«r line ot Aberdeen Nokd. to. it« intersection with M otaw an Avenye; thence iTt northerly along the center line of M ataw an Av*nue lo Its point of i»~ tersection \*ith ^he boundary line 0( the 1'owiibhip of Matawati; thence (•> *a itr r ly thence *outh*rly theoce ra*t*rly along ihe * a !d ' boundary.' line of the TownirhJp of Matawan to the point or place B eiinn ing ,

Polling piece VMCA Buiidfng, Jauk m n St. '

SECOND ELECTION D ISTRICT A ll lhat pa rt o f. the Borough ot

Matawan BEG IN N IN G ; « t e point wh*ir* the center- line of M ain Street interaevtn the center^. Un* of Chutch Street;, ikence i t ) Id an «afit» •rty-'direction along the cefiter.iine of Church Street; thence (J) in an ea^lerlv direction along the center )in« of Church Street to a point where aaid center line of Church Street intersects the boundary line of the Township nf Matawhn; thence

;(4> along «a id boundary line of the TownsMp' of Matawan to a point -where m id boundary^ line intersects the center Bne of 'A llantic Avenue; thenre 't4V 'a long caid center line of Atlantic Avenue to a point uh^re the ta id center line of A tlantic Ave­nue intersects the center lin* of M a in Street; thence (S) along sAid center line of..Main Street in a south* ‘


A New Service Has Arrived In The Bayshore Area

Limousine Service To Ail Airports,. Weddings And All Occasions. Available

By The Hour Or Day. Cadillac Or Station Wagon. Inquire About Group Rates

BAYSHORE JITNEY SERVICET/A Matawan Radio Cab And Limousine




. . K i S i J C V f f f l f R . . . . . . .

C/iy d>A*.etiou to th*- n>r •' ' - '

rv;.l>!T}.' ii,-, x:.,{ri}:n£.%';;tr,;ir>y h'u :-> . «#n?av. i.n j'Jlt™ —•■••fti, . ■ •

r«;pt}-i:?.3L'/;T?0W .Dl.ST.ftKT . ^ .•A’ii. Oirtl !. ‘.if sn#. ^(rt'pjjTTi ■fiV

Vr.iav^'/i fiE.CiiNHTj'M'f r.l a >vhere the f.-cator iio* of Main S u e « 5nterae.ct^ th« rw le r line r? Churrh J?|j-eet.: thence f ;v ir, ft ’ u ih c ,

-iur.g the *a)d center ilne of M ain Street te thf* u n ilh v! Touii, Sfrw-t; Sdwrnce. (2) » Jo t^ u*e.-.•-rf; CCMI'Cjr UUi rjih ft T^fievtw; rtxrus* <■}}. in v, « ‘UlJwrrJy direction aiong the cu&*i- ;y of Lflke IM te rU to th*rrnt<r ?v«r. <,? Mt*** .^ghwstV '34: • IhfUct* »*<• fcionK th« va;d zvttt+v nnc-. of 5Ut<r Hi|(h>»y tn w ^rf-rtion U> n /Hiirn • whn'f? ir-^. s-eMj/jrr iine of 3e. i.v.vdYi.frt’r* li'.r hf.Vi'.iia^y )j‘.r& of m * ToiVOA-hi» Of U.«kr.«4k.■wiuthfrrly »}&>% tl’e bour-4U*v- I/p* of tho Tflwn.Nhip a

v\)ierw »jj:d )j»ie ntcrtects: tn* w riter ?^e of Ne1* B tunnv iflr Ave^ aue; chenc* (g) in e r.onhvny direct-

itiutm tit* easU'i iy mtgv ot L AM*io f fe r t* to the gully I'x^alrti. ’.verier* iy fA JSdKeniere Drive; thooce tV) 60uth*«sterly «tonn a Un«» dr?.Hn. down t>c center of *aid *uUy to ii* intersection with the reer )Uw » f llte properUcb fronting oil me roaiherly aide n f Edatm ere Drive; fhetK-*- !»> westerly- along the r«nr line of pJoiwrtieft to »•:* «ouIh«»rt.tti:ly (.or. w r of Iy,t 37 Vft ^ Ar-«rf^3*ncnt Mr.p of ,M^ia;vur. Buii-u#jh. thence ^9} westerly a.*ong the M)uih» r r ly property, line or a i d Block *7, Lot 37, to the? center line of M«)n

.fttr*!*; thence * 10> along the line of Main Street in a northerly direction to a point vvSere tftt r»i!d center lin*. of Mam S tric t ir>t>r- ■k-Js the renter line of State Hijjh- ^a.y 34; thence i l l ) along Ihe oon- l*i- lin r <.“f St&te; Hl*;hw».y ui * aodtiieasleri.y dj.tecHon to a point where rtih3 center line of State H igh­way 34 intersects the rendtwd vf tl»* Central Ni*i)r«»«d of. MtrA Jersey; thence M21 alone w»id *0 ^pornt where ~sjtid.yriiuiih*d tnter^ecLC''' xbtr center line of Churrh Street; thence <13} along th* K^id c«niter i*ne of Church Street in a v.e*-terly direction to the point-or place of Beginning.- . _

Pniiing P'ace. lMlOv;d>- Ho^e Fir* Bouse,. Wn.shtnglon Street

POURTH ELECTION D ISTRICT AM that .part: o f. Uie Bor«)iJKh of

Mrtri'A'an bounded 0 ,-;. t^e «.-id nortrieaftt by the boundary line i/f the Town.ship of Matnwan, on the anuin by the norlheriy boundary . I)*rn of tt;e Township oi Marlboro, on the weuL by the .boundary ttn* *.f

..the Township of Mutawan and on the .north by k Mne ex Und? eg 1.5 fol­lows to wit: BEG INN IN G hi * pf«r»t where the center line of New B runv wick Avenue inters*H*ted i>v ;he bound«»'y lii?.c i-(. ihe Township of M atawan: thence f 1) In « northerly di;efJc.r: —o n , tv.t r.«'.»in»> mJh* of Lake Leffertu to the (fully lne»ifcd westerly of R d ^ ‘>nere l>r»v«; Uitnce i2) southeasterly nlgng .1 iirro drvtwn dov\n the center of *?ijid fc*wl)> to tt« in teraction v>ith Uh* r«at line o! Iht* properties frcoting on the south­

. erly A'de 0 / EdK^mere lU-ive; thence O ) vvesferi.y a?«ni? the reor Iln«r of aaid propt'rlies u> i,he soolhwesterly corner of Block 47. L'.t ‘M on th* AMe*>sment Map of Matawan Bor­ough; thence (4) westerly along the eoutbet ly property lin* o f«a id Block

. 47. Lot • 37, -lu - the center line of Jdnln Street; them**’ «3i along the *ald. center line " t Main Street in a

. northerly directio/i to a point where the said center line of Main Street intersect* the-center line of State

: H«ghWA.v 34; thenre <*) along th* ,* * id center Itr.c of AUte Highw»y 34 In a >>'0()the»LStM:i,v-dirert>on to *

. ■wint'iv.’ie re 'the j.j»id center line of State Highway 34 intersect* the roadbed of the Central Kailrcad of New Jersey.

Polhng place; rreneau f»rehon»e, iVeneau Ave.

r iF T H KLEC’T ION D ISTRICT A ll that part of the tk>rouKh of

V a ta .van BKC.1NNING at a psnnt Wbeie the center line «»f St»te High* wav 24 in tfis n 'ts the boimdury lit<e t f the Township of Mf.d»son: theoce U> tn a southo j^teily diructjon alonp tho'center line of State tlifh* way 34 to 3 pmnl where tht* easter­ly edge of Lake Lefferts *nUr.»ecis aaid center line of st.'tte Hlulirtay 34; tnence <2) along die easterly ed*te of Lake Leffertv in a norther, ly direction to Prospcct p-.i-it; thence i'Ji westerly mid f ’en ie uortherty along the tenicv line >'f the cove nnd jiull.v brlween ?‘ e Lo.Nohslea Heights and Hawne Driveareas to a po;nt in the pH-pe'irv l»r»e b^i»v*»»n ! l>f .V !d ^ !rc :; *V : ii Park' and Hnvire l»nve Si.‘ho<»l; thvncc 14> northerly alon^ n I't-e pa rn lld with said gu !h t<- Ihe cert- mon Lxiumiary line ‘ U tu c tn the pr*>perti<?s Irontfng on riavne D-: e srifl Middleve> Hond; T’ »norlht'ily along sulrt coinrnun »>n,ind. ary line to the porthO'!'. '> 1 of m«ck- 71. UU 9A on ihe M iia ^w n Huioiiith AvseKt.iri*nt Map: ihc ie (6> westerly along the m nlhcH- 1 ’ -e of said Block VI. PA to the center line of M nld'*> ix iu>i-.u; thence t?) northerly along the c«--n. ter line of Middlesex RhjhI it. ,‘t* intersection with ihe center l i ’e of Havine Prive; th*rtn-e <8j no; I:.»•-’>• *l«ng the center line of hn\>>r D rive to its in tertccliou Abu*•teen Road; thence t!ii conunw'ng northerly along the center U..e of Cross Road to iUi intersection vMth the boundary line of the Township of Matawan; thence (10» northerly •n d thence wenterlv hlong the t-ntd boundary Un« of the Toun^hip of M adm an to Us InierkecUon with the boundary Jjn* of the To«n*hip cf Madlm*!!, Mitldle.veK County; thence t i l ) voutnerlv along the bmindhry line Ijetween the Tov.n»tup (»f Madison, Middlesex Countv and lho Borcugh of M tU u ^ n , to the point or plnco of Beginning.

Polling place. Borough Hmidinx ou Middltf.ea Koad

SIXTH ELECTION DISTINCT All that part «f tt»e Itoroujih of

M ataw an BEC.INN1NC, m (l ,.<wnt v,her* the ewslcrlv edj-e of L.aUe ).<rfferta Intersects P r o je c t P0 i.1t and ninniii#; thence «H we>terlv and tiienre northerly along the renter line of the cove and gullv bc-meen th«* Ixtchslea Heights and IUivui# D rive area* to a point in the prop, erty line between tho Mi(l(tie»>e^ H*»ad Park «>d Ravine On\e School; thence »a> m>nhei)\ *-loog * line paralle l u itti s»id k:iI1v to t)>«

rCI-iiv . . .

fcoiijirf£r>- lire br^jrs-n ' iVooOrrg' or. ?<‘ 9 d it *>>:•, e-.

• pii-i .vj rljCiL'7**a .!ic;ifV. u-il-C-7 3'.or.* rui. uv/r .Jll'% . bn»’ ' r-:y. lUn-t --‘-: iu’:* ' «.?W*H »• !?A. 00 «* ,

<< 1 .‘ ♦■-sterf-. -r>'0}’K 1 -iO ‘'O’. oi s*:d F;iot« 73. L>.>t f>’A t-,; tfte ren­ter iine of Mjatiit'sev Ftosd; ihmurfc (,Vr '’i*r*hef‘v »*fonc t>i«? center -|ne of M ii’di^iesi I-trJiii \t< .'!,v fi>ier!,i ; ;1.i< r- v ith ^c*. rwitw. }ir>* of

1 ./Vive; rrjcov'av ifiy ^o-ri;wj}v.. v;'t- •.er.Li.-t hne f i . ftavj:*-. ynv»\ ’in

ftc. 5nL«*ir‘;wrt>o«i. w.'Ky vifc».'rc|e*n Roi*rt; . \rwto.-t' ! i ;> r.'Oni.ivfii'ig' nortntr jy

. Aknfg center ‘’.e h4. Cr .*.> Jiuid., to y.Tff •* ;dv the-boundary

i/Jjfr iho T 'iff' Mrf’ av. 7,; ' ?.h*^ioo ttf) eastti-'y ii^d. chfiuoe i.cuihvrl.v" jfcirwjg she fti-id boundary !in«r. «»f Hi*.' To^^fchjp o f !vf kUiv-s:--: to 'i l l v.ju!i Aberdeen' Hoad;th«*c<v essVrr'ty and thenre»«>rtn«si'i.v «.rii!nui:fg aiong nwd Vo;indx<ry. line to its r**i'U«ws*i-rfir» >r.ith Aberri«yo R*;*d’ thence • < lo ) esjuneriy a iorg the center line of Aberdeen Koad lo a po int oppoMl«

34. i»n ihe ^ssessinertt M ap of M«- »t:vn u r th* skid line »projected run"therl>; #he*)c* . ♦ 1 1» eoutheri> aitK>g tht^ tvwyierrly tin* of Wloctt W-K, Lot* 34, •; 7, •; S, 4 w.tT 1 t* '.he r«*Mter ;*we of D»of*I Drive; Dt*fite HUj *o;:thei'ly along the <»imiDon bound&ry itne between tin? fn » pt't ‘irr. ' JJ'o;iOr/.er tr>-\ N*>d D riv# and, Che»4j>ut Street to toe ponler nf-th» gidly K in g ,tOuthe"lv of Ned Drive; the ice <13) easterly •nd thence eoutheily a long the cen­ter line of said RuUy following th* ■various cour&ea t h e r e o f t o the r , ter of riavine Drive; theoc* ‘ U ) weirterly ulong t)je center of Ftavin* D rive to a point* the wester­]> line aI Block Si, Lot 15 on ihe A.«.s*»fcmenl. M ap of Matawan Bor*

: oiig'b; thcoce *Ii). southerly . along the said westerly line u f Block 112. Lot 13 aforeeald. ok »tcnde< l north* *xlya to lh« n«*rtherly edge of Lake Leff*rts; thence <!#) southerly

- ac roas Lake L*-f/erijr to the point orjwai'e or oegm otng................ r- -- --- -

Polling pJrte*. H avip« D i i y c School.

SEVENTH ' ELECTION D1STP1CT A.II that part of the Borough of

Maia;.\azj J.tftX*WN.ING ot a pn:ni where Ihe 'easterly- e<lge of L.«ke Lefferlfl intersects Profrpect Point •mi (umiiiiK I i it iu e > i) along « drawn across Lak<* LeifertH fromProAi-t«-t Po<nt in a northeasterly direction' to. Hits point of int.ersec*. bon of Ftftvio* U riv* with Mutawcn Cr«.’t,k; thence roriherly t'oi-.g

, tho lent*!* |).-i<v of MalawaA Creek following ihi> vario;w coorw# theie- of to Aheidccf! Hiiud. th*;ict !2) •AefcierJy aJong the cenler I j i* of Aberdeen Road to 'ita..intersection w»?h MotH‘va /1 Aypnue; thence ft) northerly the center line ofM at; i'tvan'Av«mi«’ t<i lt.«. f^jint erf in. te rw U o n with the boundary line of the Township «f .M ata*«in;*iu'*-(5) westerly and th«0 i*e soitt.herjy

■along the >,nid t'oundury lit;*- of i>ie 7‘owoAhJp of M ataw an following the various course* thereof to !t> point of intersection v-iih the center One of Aberdeen Ho?d: thenoe ifl| o;isl. *rl> along the ceuter }‘ r>e of Ahej- deen Ko*d to >• PM*nt <»pposjto the westerly line of Mlotk SS-K. Lol :?4 . on the Assessment Alap of M atauan . Borough as the sa id ..line Is pm* Jert*d northerly; thence (7), south­erly along the westerly hn» o f Block 05-r, Loth .14. 0, 2. • . 3. 4 and 1 tv the center hoe. or Daniel Drive; thence iyi/sooLhcitv alonir the wm*

, Boon bouhdarv une--between Die ptcoei ties _ fj-ontinis on Wed Dnve and Cheytniil Street 1o iVie venter of {he gully ' lying southerly oi Ned Drive; -..thence. *!♦) ea.Merly «od thence aot.thtrly- ulong the center Jine of said gully following , the v«ri*-.. ous courses thereof, to the center of Having Drive; thence ilO ) wehte»ly alor.c the center of Ravine Drive to * point -opposite the westerly line of block 82, lx»l 15 hn the A^ses** ment ..M ap of Matawan Borough; thence ( 1 1 ) soutnerly ulong the said •ivoKteriy line of Bh'ck U2. L o t. 13 aforesttid, a* extended northerly, to the northerly edge of Lithe Lefferi*; thence « ii) southerly acLoss Lake Lefferis- I7 . the point or place "of.Bt/honing,

Polling place, Havine D r l v t School.

VERNA M ORllALBorough Clerk

J 4/JO-4/17 1276.1 2

NOTICE TO HIDUKHSNonce is hereby given that

sealed pr^pobiil- sire Invited find will be received by ihe Mayor rotd Council of the Borough of Mata* rt.oi. Mooinuuth County. New Jer* w ;,. a l a a .#ul.M n-.*:*-ting of to* Mayor and Council to be held in the Ut.rough Hull. I5y M ain Street, MuUtAAn, N. J . <• ti Tuesday, May JJ0. ■ ltd*!,* hi b P.M. iot the iutiiish- ing of liquid cnlorine, liquid caus> tic and f’^ke toosUc. Tiie ct:t;rr»- ated a mount <-f liquid chlorine is • tfO.WO pounns in 150 lb. cilindeis . the estimated an m m t of liu\nd c«u>tlc i1; «Ti.0iX) KHllon.s 111 1,200 giiilnri trailer tn iik lo^ds wnd the e.'timatcd a^ooivd of tlake c:.u-ti« is ari.OOO pounds in 40(i. pound t-teel d, o;n«.

S'l»ecif!CJili*-r-K Jor the pwpourd v..-,k ait- 0,1 file in the tlorcuiih Hall and tn;*y L-i in^pefted b> pro.-'.I"* ! live biiiiJers.

K;o.-h bid must be «>n standard proposal f 'jih i nnd inusi be hccuiii. panied bv a cfrtilicd check pay­able to the Borough of Mntawan, or casIi , in the Mint of at least K ri of the amount bid. aih! en> rlosed iti * sealed envelope marked on Vie outside "P roposa l".

T»:e Mayor sr»d Council reserve the r igh t to reject any and all bids.


DalwJ. A|ii h 15, I'tiV Attest: Verna K. Hoibal

1U<i-oui;'i C141Uj i/n tn.mI .M iA L NOTIt'K

<*nnlr>\cl \o. .V ♦ Ktrctrtcal Hork SFALt'.l) BIDS will be rrccived

until K.05 P M . prevailing t‘1:11* on April .‘<0, l ‘W«i. t<ir ihe KW-rtiuni Work involved t:i the io : 1 *• 11 net I" m of Mntflwjin Avci’ue Muldk- Sc.n.'t, M a tauan . New .lersev. Ti.e M;Ma* vvan HeKtonal V<*l»oo| i»istr»ct Hm.rd of I'din-iitii.n \»ill ic« vive v t ’d t ils •intil < .‘it* P M . on ilnt* i ’'eOffnc <1 Hie Su 'i 'in i ’m i>ii».d Street, M HI im »it, M J Tt'en w't* r.

yw • „ r : v Porsche volvo .OPEC' mg saab , TOYOTA V v BMW fi^RpEpES TRIUMPH

th© most complete line

^||fnite?l^0tia! und Radial-Ply Tires.

Hy, one of ttifo p * '* v jforr.’n&M nWrtffiMrtut iii.iniiUii.tiitor..

pppl | :M|r CROWNm TIREsJ Mighw<iy 36

P01I Monrnoulh 787-7272

' miHJe SKKE ... " ■bids wiiJ tu? rec«v/.>d at i i i t Ctil?* v c.*.-j' ■ >tcfr.<-,”i;;3 . 0 ? / : J ,Avonue. Mniri". o'.-'! -N J i 1 V.-b+? w - ti.r.f.r h ! > ; ■ bid.v. "’>■ >; Mi. •yy'.-i'.M'Z “O XI ■ t?

' i i» )C. ; Kj {-'l&ifi'l ■ i. <>»rTJ-T.a:t;s «•:, f-<rpv,viai OJs.r.Kf h >«.'( bt: /'irmfN ti N.-. p.Li vf. f-isv.'A.rv by the ^.rcr.rieelA and .h; ffsti^nnt- tag %h«i>i fci*te tl-e artioutii Ootii in h ifj/es jj^d m writing* r*»r iije'v *iU do /'>e work.

■ FU4KS AND S l^ C in C A r iO N S -. rn^.v Of--t-.biaiofid . lit* at

th+* Office y>e- JJrrtu-d Se» S+H/iied. at. ao Bi«.-oO; Stit-et, Moiu*V.\ia, >r .;. . : ;

A LL Bl/>S w usi 1» aw rn iparded by- ;i t.trrdljto i./itek* or tutnk draft m ade peyabte to the fAoard nf JBd* oc&t.'on, a twvUi'^cloa-’.r bid. exei'yied by tiie hid^iet' or accept- s.hlr fcorety ei^.ual to tun tW ) per cent of tiie, t»ld b inding thenidoer *0 rr.e rcntrwH ifa-.vardud to him .

CONTRACT DOCUM ENTS ^ i i l be !osn«d to upplicants* upon a de* (.xiait ...0/ $100,00 for tvCh . SChtHil, »ucn com; hcx'occurnenter. m cluaing drawings ajid specifications shall remair. the property <*f th* A rchi­tect* and shall be reiur'ied to in» B oard> of/ic* u llh in five duv* after the tfate o£ opening, of bids-,_ at which i'fpf- the d spo s i wii; be »ef’jnd«Kj. Any non-bidder return­ing- his set in *nod /v»:»l:tio>t Hill, bo tc?Ur’ded JiSG.trfi- T"i;e '

lx* rorfeiiufj if ' liw nut Mtorottd ist ituu^l htn/ve.

CONTRACTORS Ui whom, con- trucU riiiiy be a'A&r(i*d snail fur- •tJsh a suretv c-jmpany b>nd sa*i?> factory to Use Board of Education « tu a l to 10CV» io«e hundred te r rent) of the contract price a*r pro- v{derJ;, for in m e specifications.

THE BOARD Of* EDUCATION re*:erv*:s »ce riuht to Mny or*11 bids, waive any Informalities and award contracts In part 0/ as a whole, ear may be deemed be-t for the ititerenl of the Board of Education, . . .

;• . Bv O rd s r 'O f: .....• ...............THE MATAWAN REGIONAL. SCHOOL DI??PH1CT BOARD OF EDUCATION By: Edward J , ;Scu,*lton

Secretary . .Date: April iV, lt;6!#J 4/ i 7 |£1.85

BOAT FOBMTake notice thnt Donald K.

Hager he*! npphed Lo the • Director ■ ef tiie Division of Alcohol)*- B*v« e ta^e Coutroi. foi ,1 Plenary He- tail Transit license 5o ;se>l atcnho;:c beverage-- 'or cooMJ'tipiioii only oji the bout named S w wh)ie inlr«:>.%il - within.--th* State of Nc// Je ia ry . • ■ • - -' -

Obiectjonjr. i/ any, should be made immediately in v.ridrtg to the Director of the Division of A'coholic Beverage Control. 1100 flayinor.d Boufward, Newark, K .J .o n o i. ............. .

Xb>nald K. Hager Abetdeefi Apt. K. 15 Matawan. N. J .

J, 4.07, 4/^4 %'•*.« •

R o s a r y - A l i a r . U n i I

M a r k s . i O t k ' . . V c h j ^ v

. f>o. '"M uv- 4, BtrriiW

Oi‘.1 'h’Ri’fsury - Attar S’ocntiy, k%. ho!*} --.Ik ;.ior-ud5 TOunion Breakffis; ir, inajk its Iffth ajipivci's^ry. . . .• -­

1 hv breakffesf, wi)J b«». ijro- wedle!y iolky.m'ijw )>.- 3#: ' liutM at ih^J ilol/Ticlf.l Lvi*Sreure 35. Cii-yuai&n, .Ti-Irs

Ffjrfiusoii, anmri*.nc«« princi­pal guest, will- bo the1 R#v. VicL-'u*: R . Yiifiue})!, S.J:, P T ^^e r ji of $t. Peter’s'College, Jt'iM y C ty ., lii*;- trrrjinence as h 1 sp m itr ia vitllkn(.:>An. : ■ • ■•■•■.

\Us. Rab«rt Brunei} w3tl !»• t<Ui.slm>stress; Ticket Miles will U»

iwmiir^i by ,\irs. jksymoixl An-

Ketl, 2W-2464.

' Fatjc f lHeen

R « a d v * r + is * F o r l id * -

Matawuii Se^fonal '•!<

KducabVm wgs sial!«*d Ajjr., T l» • rrwring, on acctrpUncc t'f .for the construct on■ ® r Ih # ||f»-

)X)5ctJ NUitaH'Kn Ave. School *n<l' the Cambridge Park demtf-iia-v

ry school when it was found m«~

ccsssiry .io readvenise for hkts

m the plurr.bmg cgle^ory. E*l~ we.'t) St;uJ!i('t>, $rh»*)lgdminislrator, reported ih* Jew

Ipaiw bid. on the work at. the •wan school, 12^6,577, snd thatAn ' ( 'rtrr«b-.‘^VC I'HtU. J • '

exceeded the estimates flf* >fe»v

ry Finne, KMzabeth. for Whut ■ these jobs should cost. .Niew bi«Js ’ i»n plumbing wdl be token Apr. :

3f'. ’




SYLVIA MYERS. R. N. EUctrologiit

Member of Elecboloqhts-Attn N. J.




STEREO 107 '• — Nc.w —: ■■■24 HOURS A DAY,' ' ■ ■ ■ .;<s

A Split PtfnunmliiyS t a t i o n O f T h v S lw r #


SUBWAY1 From MiJnite fo-t. A,Mr


IN ST fftfO ' -

........ Fmm 4 A .M . lo 19 A .M .

W illi LARRY B R IN N A N ' -



»t 12 Nocn — •< I P.M.

Spring Special


Except Hi-Performance EnginesCall For Appointment Now 11 Good With This Ad Only.

FARE PLANBudget Terms For Ail |


Low Monthly Paymentsliisiflni Credit Appioval To Locnl Reiidonl* wifh A Major Credit Cord.

T O M 'S F O R D-IIP,HWAY 35 2W-I600 K L r P O R T



Pag* Sijtieen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, April 17, ! 96<?

Brim lb Register VotersfeVi! r£fpons?b\?-v-.-'

i iy the 'drive jg an attempt

to m&>t it.

“ Th£- drive v>stf bo^complc-teiy.

non-p/irtiyar,," a a id ^M jchae l J .

• C i^rJ ‘=r-.;Jaycee, rncrrJjcr wording .­

cm. tihtr p ro jec t “ Not or;.‘y is it

-good. citfzenship u i |)« a, rea&ier-

>.d v<iter;’?, said My* Cronin,

siflCFj bo^y :tho- Ujfmocratic aud

Kep*j|)hcttQ• pan ic s took- ronvan l

i<> Cfwtesled. prirriaiies,; Lb«s year,

i t also ‘ promises ; b ^ bo th '

.•“The- drive w ill be ••escu?»ttaily.

.youUi. o r ien led/\./concluded M r. ' ‘Cronin. “Statistics show t b a t

young people have ’ th?i ppoccst

voting; habits w i t h low turnout

rotes. The* Jaycecs hope to re*

verse-'-'this trend in Matawun,

Since th ii youth theme is upper­

most anyone who knows qf per-

iony Hoiyrr^n; the o i JtKiS

• who are. not registered are urged •

tn contact,i4r. V/t?bst*?r, who wiU endeavor to; help such persons -

; exercise their voting;' rights.” 7

Another vote? registration drive

Is . b&ng conducted b y . ih« Lea*

f*»w of Women Voters of Maiu-

- wan.' ' ;•"■ ' ■" r. v : ; ; _-

Present Check For-Flagn At HospitalThe MsW-.-'Stn

•d to d jiy ; that t f e ,or(iaf<ilpU«)n ;

!%vSI conduct a voter registration •drive during thi? aoxt week in

'MatawaM. .- . .. .: . , ,..

AU::<.*u-.'.h ;hw U ai.i

lted. only to. J*ye«ati . the•Jay- will endea a ; it m.n ■

i’ipiiM:- to:vrcgjster-' ^ach ,' Jayc«e

r; m id his <ta»iily ;,!>rtor; tp. the , Apr.

i i deadline tor this y t i r ’s $Ie«-

The Malawan Jaycees w i t h ntifi'iy liO members art" one of

the .fastest..growing, miils in trn>.rni»r».:U .Wl'ticf *;!■- M

cee Vice President m charge of

; the praj^ct, .f;to|ed ‘ that u* good

citizens every resident has an

ohligptfoiVi to . pa-rticipate in the

electoral. process; The Jaycees

ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE?PutCharlie . - . ■on the job!

. II .you want fofcf• lervic# on your collection ,

| prooteirnfr—• •••'>: -v call ut.

Monmouth Credit Adjusters

Mtrtin J. S*»pilo*;, AvjSjsSX

n . ‘ W f % 3 ;IJ» f . i r M*v.» Rd.

Fair Hjvar,, 741-245* . ; ,

Senior Citizens To Meet Tuesday

i The M atswan; Townsh ipSenior

■ Citizens will infect Tuesday a t V

p.m . at the V I'W Hail, Cliffwood

Aye., C iiflvood Hc2 c.ii. .. .

P lans for n covered dish

luncheon to be held in May will

- be : di3ffussi;d. A t :the -meeting-

■ :gamc9 will be played. Some,

members w jll work on a doll

‘.-project and;.'.community singing

w ill be .enjoyed.--'Refreshments -

will bi! served Mrs. Nat .Gold,

president, will preside.

School Board AgendaMafawan Regional Hoard Of

7:55 p.m. Cliffwood School

Su^ut.'.filvnucm -> Kc^lii L.1eacl;.cr tntpm yw snt, ! tur-

reiit 'Yoir,

CoiUitv S u c it to ts Approval.

Leave ol Af.'Sttnr.e.

le a che r .t-ntpl-.iyment - Next


. 'le a c te r Resignutan.

C!CTf»-.rV{/jat tumit.

Individual Instrucnon.

‘lu itio ii Pupi] Approval.

M iss Arncntja P aucm t.

Class 'In ps .

1969-70 School Calendar.

Summer School Approval.

Student F.nnchmenr Progrnm.

Thanksgiving Day Football


Pivvsical irdcofiiion Federal


A<to um*i o * bupt;'inl(::idi.:rit s Report.-

Secct,L-j;y,.s Report; . -

Custodift.n & Umgn --

tioji. ■

benefit Prc-§ra:7>. .

lem oorcirv Fmancu?);. .........

Ma'jifena'ice Venicic p u tv ;: - -

thnse. • • . • .

Project.* Professioftiii Ssrvlc-..-

es, . . ■■■. . • *

Ccavo of Absence* •= : -

Scnool Supplies Award*• i

PlUptJitll Auvctuacu^ut* -

Cafeteria Reports.

F inancial Rt;port. . ,■■■■..■* Monthly B ills /Payro ll.. " .

O ld Business:

School Auditor.

New Business: ... .- ■

. Bidding - Insurance, - •:.

Committee Reports:. :

Meeting Open 'J ;> ^ubi:c: *

Adiouru. . : . ...

Advcrtisenivr.t Advertisement

Read Grass Seed Label

Keyport Local 81)35 Ui (he Woodmen «[ the W utld Life Insurance S ociely pr«iientfd a check to die Biiyshore Ccinriiiiiiiy lluspiiu l !' a

rccent meeting uf the hospital Ho,jrd of Trustees, The funds ore to be used for the purchase nnd liistallulion of a flag pole nt liie hospital.

W ctured at the presentation ceremony, left to right, are M rs. W illiam Sakowski, president ol the Keyport Unit; M rs. F ran co Bryan, watch­

m an of the un it presenting check to D . Louis Tonti, president ef the Bvard ot Trustees and Miss J . Mabel Brown, second vice president; and

M rs. John Lir.v, local field representative. The 40-foot pole wiil stand on the hospital patio, Mrs. Brvan indicated that jjlans are beini; nuule

to present tiie llag io be iised oil die staff. The Keyport Unit of W oodm en of (lift World bas eneaged In local community service lo r the

past 40 years. 1

Express You rse lf.

TMSOSavigeThe i*etefey«tuift <n«ior* oyc»*l » hp, 4u«l>purpo«eEndro, s ipeed (r4<Mm>eetefVPOB?-FC»»aft:Oll Jijlj, 11 ■%

$789 a**m 4M|W

SuniM % 9


3 3 4 M A I N S T .

$ 6 6 - 2 2 2 4


Iliishnnd Former Resident Dies

Theodore W. Drummond, 63,

O? XXI. E d inbur" R.d., TrciUcn

died Tuesday, Apr. 15, 19fi9, in

S t. Francis Hospital, Trenton,

l ie was the husband . of Alice

(Bedle) Drummond, a former

resident of Matawan. '

He' was bom In Alfred, N. Y .,

and was a graduate of Alfred

University. He had lived in Tren-

: ton for 30 years and was a re*

tired ceramic, engineer with the

Wer.czel Tile Co., Trenton. He

was * member j f the Union

United Methodist Church, Tren­

ton. - 1,1 s.1 :

Surviving, besides his wife,

• r a • daughter, Mrs. Tedda Hp-

pincott, and a grandson, Roger

Scott, both of Hamilton Town­


Funeral services w ill be held

F riday at 2 p.m . at tlm Saul

Colonial Home, 3793 Nottingham

W ay. Hamilton Squure. Inter­

m ent w ill be in Colonial Memor­

ia l P a rk Cemetery, Trenton.

Read and


“<4» N

We've Been Here £ Long rime1 8 6 9 - 1 9 6 9




The jVIulawmi Journal and The Keyport

Weekly will eolehrate their Centennial this year.

The Anniversary Editions of Tlio Journal

nnd The Weekly will he published July 31 and

August 7 respectively in celebration of I li J s


We look forward to your participation in

this historic issue.


Matawan Jayeee Notes

use tho Classified

» y S ian Yackcr

CuiiiiiiiiiiUy Survey -

Early In May, the M atawan

Juycees will commence a sur­

vey of Matawan Borough and

Matawan Township in' order to

determine the needs a n d ihe

preferences of the community.

The results w ill be tabulated

and released early in June.

The Stowaway B c tlaum n t on

Route 36 In Highlands w ill be '

the scene for a wives’ night out

on Saturday. A cocktail huur

w ill commence at 7:31) p.m . fol­

lowed by dinner and dancing.

A ll, Jaycees and their friends

and guests are invited to attend..

Dinner Chairm an Walt Zerren-

ner can be contacted a t 566-41SS

tor tickets and information.

Congratulations to John E m ­

ery for winning the Jaycee of

the Month award for conducting

tho highly successful blood drive

in March. John succeeds two

other deserving winners of the

award: M ike Hoover in Decem­

ber and Larry Fernandez In Ja ­

nuary. Mike was project chair­

m an [or ihe annual Christmas

party held by the Jayci.cs for

underprivileged children, and

Lurry is largely responsible for

the revision of the monthly news­

letter, the "Matawan Jaycees

O rganizer," of which he * Is the

new editor.

M ichael Kidzus of the M ata­

wan Mineraloglcal M useum ; will

sponsor and produce the M iner­

a l and Gem Show on Apr. 26

and V. The program will got

under way with opening cere­

monies at 10 a .m . on Apr. 26 at

the Mutawan Regional Hli;h

S rhw ! . .The, Jaycr*.-s

are offering their co-operation

this year and will, assise in the

parking and other details cf the


Library Report

Given For MarchAt the .regular monthly meet-'

ing of the Board of Trustees of

the Free Public Library of M ad­

ison Township in Laurence’ Hur-

bor, sponsored by the Woman's

C lub of Laurence Harbor, Mrs.

L»wrence Holden reported that

during the month of M arch 559

books were circulated, 292 a d u lt '

and 267 Juvenile. Seventy-six

books were received from the

South Middlesex Libraries Book Exchange.

Mrs. Holden reported that the

following books were added to

the Seven-Day Shell: Louis Au-

chincloss. “A World of P ro fit ;"

Edw in Corley, “ Siege;" Arthur

Hailey, "A irpo rt;’’ Jerry K ram ­

er, “ Instant Replay;” -Alistair

MacLean, "Force 10 From Nav-

erone;" W illiam Manchester,

“ The Arms o( K rupp ;" Leo Ros-

ten, "T iie Joys of Y id ju .1 ,,"

Ph ilip Roth, "Portnoy ’s Com­

plaint," and Jess Steam, "The


The New World Book Ency­

clopedia and a dictionary in

two parts also have been pur­

chased. : .

Mrs. David Watson Is In

charge of scheduling librarians

for the month of April.

Conduct Tours Of Local Temple

Temple Beth Ahm, ' Malawan

Township, the ccn-trvativc . ~::v

gregution of the bayshore area

ha« begun n unique service. Be­

cause of the Interest in seeing

the new and unusual multi-pur­

pose building,' the Temple recent­

ly heid an "Open House" during

Brotherhood Week.

Recently members o f Junior

G ir l Scout Troop 149 Cliffwood,

w ith leaders and parents, attend­

ed. a tour of the Temple conduct­

ed by Mrs. Morton J. Wall. Sis­

terhood Social Action Chairman.

Mrs. W iill was assisted by Glenn

Wilson and Bobby Greenfield.

Mrs. Wall has announced that

any group wishing to see th*

synagogue, may moke »rr^ngo-

ments by contacting the Tempi*

office, 583-1700.

Sponsor Pow WowRaritan Council Boy Scouts of

America U sponsoring a Pow

Wow on Sunday from 12 o'clock

noon until 6 p.m. at the Wood-

bridga Vocational School, Con-

very Blvd., in Woodbridge.

Scout leaden from the south,

central and northeast districts

ar* urged to attend. Informa­

tion on pack planning, crafts

and skits, etc. w ill bo present­

ed. Registration m ay be mad*

by calling, council headquarters

in Perth Amboy.

Typewriters& Adding Machines




SERPICO'S101 Monmouth Si., Red Bank

Phono 747-0485

( f e r i t y M b ,

n mum*


S U P P O R T STAPiNa mn< u

OLD HAT)Tent Dm m r r d e r l iu

R ib S u p p o r t !

Tractlm Ktta

Nuraloy HvmMkUroltfGarmiDUtvtUlclftlDr*MtaCervical fo lU n

'*> 9 9 9 SURGICAL r /S 't APPLIANCE

i D R u a co .

IT W. Front St., Keypon ( J fe it te P M p lu N sri Biefe)

MaraUine Hua«« Pai<Our boor

■pMAelbdnf le All Trp** 9ut|lc&l JkftdtaucM M l G trtaanu


ity i„ee uognrr ..............

Due to certain b o d in g pro­

cedures accepted nv the seed in­

dustry and en fo ld ’d bv tiie gov-

em inent, the label on a . box of

seed can be vcrv contusing- to

the untrained eve.

The percentages on grass seed

labels are represented in

nouiuis. when acteally thpy

should: be represented by seed

county ’’Pounds do -not grow,

seeds do ," For example: in a 1.

lb. box of seed labelled 95 pec

cent Morion, 5 per cent Bent,

here's, what could happen; Mer­

lon Blue grass contains approx-

Imatciy 2 million seeds to tho

pound, some bent grasses con­

tain as many as 10.million, secdj

per pound, so that (ho actual

percentage by seed count could

come out to approximately 80

per cent Merion end 20 per cent

Bent. Assuming you attained

100 per cent germination, that Is,

*11 the seed grows, you would

have an 80 per cent - 20 per cent

mixture in your lawn • not th*

95 per cent - 5 ;pcr cent mixturo

represented 011 th« box.

This m ay also happen , with

weed percentages. Don’t b« tool­

ed by the statement, ‘ no nox-

(ous weeds." M any weeds which

arc uncesiruDie m me mwn ori - - -

not considered noxious weeds b y ^

envernrjiep!:...... standal’ds, -=

these undesirable weeds |iave -

very high seed counts.-

Inert materia! is another way

to cneapen seed ana -fool the

buyer through labeling. J ille rs -

suoh as chaff and ground ctfrn- :

cob a re mixed with the .seed,; ’

tncse titiers urc m u c i iiRhter '

than seed, and will grow. In es­

sence, a' 5. per cent;; inert could .

represent twenty or th irty per .

cent of the size ol the package

if a light enough material is us-

cd as filler or inert.

When using a nationally ad­

vertised brand o t a t least a

brand which is shipped Intij

..N ew .Y ork . Staio. ihu packawur- .

must list seed count for annual

blue grass or poa annua. Never

buy seed with this impurity I f

you are looking for a. good and

lasting turf. Annual biue giase

is a very prolific seed producer.

I t dies in the sum m er leaving -

unsightly patches In. the lawn,

only to re-appear again in cool ,

weather when previously pro­

duced seed germinates.

Buy your seed from a reputt-

ble dealer who can ’answer ques­

tions as to what is actually In ‘

_t_he bo*. ,



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