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Lifespan Lifespan Development Development Developmental Psychology - psychological changes across the entire life span Themes: – Stages – Critical periods – Gradual changes – Heredity vs environment

Lifespan Development

Feb 03, 2016




Lifespan Development. Developmental Psychology - psychological changes across the entire life span Themes: Stages Critical periods Gradual changes Heredity vs environment. Genetics. A.Chromosomes, DNA, Genes B.Genotype/Phenotype C.Dominant/Recessive Genes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Lifespan Development

Lifespan DevelopmentLifespan Development• Developmental Psychology -

psychological changes across the entire life span

• Themes: – Stages– Critical periods– Gradual changes– Heredity vs environment

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• A. Chromosomes, DNA, Genes

• B. Genotype/Phenotype

• C. Dominant/Recessive Genes

• D. Sex-Linked Recessive Characteristics– Color blindness, night blindness, hemophilia

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Prenatal DevelopmentPrenatal Development• Germinal period— 0-2 weeks

• Embryonic period— 2-8 weeks

• Fetal period— 8 weeks to birth

• Provides very different qualitative info than “trimesters”

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8 week embryo

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12 week fetus

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18 week fetus

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20 weeks (5 months)

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24 weeks (6 months)

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28 weeks (7 months)

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32 weeks (8 months)

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• Amniotic sac• Umbilical cord• Placenta• Teratogens—any agent that causes

a birth defect (e.g., drugs, aspirin, ibuprofin, radiation, nicotine, alcohol, viruses)

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Reflexes – inborn behaviors that have Reflexes – inborn behaviors that have been selected for b/c they have survival been selected for b/c they have survival


• Blinking • Rooting (orient head/mouth)• Sucking • Grasping • Stepping • Babinski (toes)• Moro (startle)

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SensesSenses• All senses functioning before birth• Vision• Visual acuity (fuzzy)• can see color, but prefer bold B/W

contrast• minimal tracking of moving objects• will mimic facial expressions in first

month• Hearing – can orient toward sounds• Smell – will turn head away from

unpleasant odors• Taste - prefer sweet to sour tastes• Touch – will react to virtually any

touch, especially painful stimuli

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Physical DevelopmentPhysical Development

• Brain and neuron development– At birth, brain is 25% of adult weight

• By 5, brain is 95% adult size

– Body weight is only 5% of adult weight

• Motor skill development– 3 mos – grasping– 6 mos – standing– 12 mos - walking

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Social and Personality Social and Personality DevelopmentDevelopment

• Temperament - inborn predisposition to react to stimuli - physiological

• Easy — adaptable, positive mood, regular habits• Difficult — intense emotions, irritable, cry frequently• Slow to warm up — low activity, somewhat slow to

adapt, generally withdraw from new situations• Average — unable to classify (1/3 of all children)

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Attachment – John BowlbyAttachment – John Bowlby

• Attachment-- emotional bond between infant and caregiver

• Parents who are consistently warm, responsive, and sensitive to the infant’s needs usually have infants who are securely attached

• Parents who are neglectful, inconsistent, or insensitive to infant’s needs usually have infants who are insecurely attached

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• Attachment

• Survival value – protection

• Contact comfort

• Separation anxiety

• Culturally influenced

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Ainsworth’s Ainsworth’s Strange SituationStrange Situation

• Used to study quality of attachment in infants• Observe child’s reaction when mother is present

with the child in a “strange” room• Observe the child’s reaction when mother

leaves• Observes the child’s reaction when mother


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Attachment stylesAttachment styles

• Secure

• Avoidant

• Resistant

• Disorganized

• Internal Working Model – schema

• Secure style 70% likely to continue

• Insecure styles 30% likely to continue


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Gender Role DevelopmentGender Role Development• Gender—cultural, social, and psychological

meanings associated with masculinity or femininity– Different than “sex”

• Gender roles—various traits designated either masculine or feminine in a given culture

• Gender identity—A person’s psychological sense of being male or female

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Gender DifferencesGender Differences

• Toy preferences• “aggressive” play• “rigidity” in sex-role stereotypes

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Social Learning TheorySocial Learning TheoryGender roles are acquired through the basic

processes of learning, including reinforcement, punishment, and modeling

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Gender Schema TheoryGender Schema Theory•Gender-role development is influenced by the formation of schemas, or mental representations, of masculinity and femininity•Trucks are for boys and dolls are for girls

•Girls can be mommies and boys can be daddies

•Gender permanence – age 5

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Piaget’s Theory of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentCognitive Development

• Jean Piaget (1896–1980) Swiss psychologist

• Constructivist - “children are active thinkers, constantly trying to construct more advanced understandings of the world”

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• Jean Piaget’s stages• Adaptation

– assimilation– accommodation

• Sensorimotor 0-2• Preoperational 2-7• Concrete operational 7-11• Formal operational 11 +• Object permanence,

egocentrism, conservation

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Sensorimotor Stage Sensorimotor Stage (birth – 2 years)(birth – 2 years)

• Use of senses and motor actions• Child perceives and manipulates but

does not “reason”• Symbolic thought emerges with brain

maturation, experience, and language development

• Object permanence is acquired

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Preoperational Stage Preoperational Stage (2–7 years)(2–7 years)

• Emergence of symbolic thought• Centration• Egocentrism• Lack of the concept of

conservation• Animism

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Video of Megan

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Concrete Operational Stage Concrete Operational Stage (7–12 years)(7–12 years)

• Increasingly logical thought

• Classification and categorization

• Less egocentric

• Ability to understand that physical quantities are equal even if appearance changes (conservation)

• Inability to reason abstractly or hypothetically

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Formal Operational Stage Formal Operational Stage (age 12 – adulthood)(age 12 – adulthood)

• Hypothetico-deductive reasoning – can manipulate problems in the mind

• Emerges gradually

• Continues to develop into adulthood

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• Transition stage between late childhood and early adulthood

• Sexual maturity is attained at this time

• Puberty--attainment of sexual maturity and ability to reproduce

• Health, nutrition, genetics play a role in onset and progression of puberty

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AdolescenceAdolescence• Puberty – rebirth into adulthood• Menarche – spermarche• Biological growth precedes cognitive,

emotional growth• “Storm & Stress”?• Body Image• Peers become more important,

distance from parents (individuation) Search for Identity

• Coming to terms with new emotions (& hormones and moods)

• Popularity and acceptance

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Social RelationshipsSocial Relationships

• Parent-child relationship is usually positive

• May have some periods of friction

• Peers become increasingly important

• Peer influence may not be as bad as most people think.

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Erikson’s TheoryErikson’s Theory

• Biological and Social • Eight psychosocial stages - crises• Outcome of each stage varies along a

continuum from positive to negative

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Identity DevelopmentIdentity Development

• Identity vs. role confusion - adolescence• Successful resolution leads to positive

identity• Unsuccessful resolution leads to identity

confusion or a negative identity

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Stage 1 (birth–1)Stage 1 (birth–1)Trust vs. Mistrust Trust vs. Mistrust

• Infants must rely on others for care

• Consistent and dependable caregiving and meeting infant needs leads to a sense of trust

• Infants who are not well cared for will develop mistrust

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Stage 2 (1–3 years) Stage 2 (1–3 years) Autonomy vs. Shame and DoubtAutonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

• Children are discovering their own independence

• Those given the opportunity to experience independence will gain a sense of autonomy

• Children that are overly restrained or punished harshly will develop shame and doubt

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Stage 3 (3–5 years)Stage 3 (3–5 years)Initiative vs. GuiltInitiative vs. Guilt

• Children are exposed to the wider social world and given greater responsibility

• Sense of accomplishment leads to initiative, whereas feelings of guilt can emerge if the child is made to feel too anxious or irresponsible

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Stage 4 (5–12 years) Stage 4 (5–12 years) Industry vs. InferiorityIndustry vs. Inferiority

• Stage of life surrounding mastery of knowledge and intellectual skills

• Sense of competence and achievement leads to industry

• Feeling incompetent and unproductive leads to inferiority

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Stage 5 (adolescence)Stage 5 (adolescence)Identity vs. ConfusionIdentity vs. Confusion

• Developing a sense of who one is and where one is going in life

• Successful resolution leads to positive identity

• Unsuccessful resolution leads to identity confusion or a negative identity

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Stage 6 (young adulthood)Stage 6 (young adulthood)Intimacy vs. IsolationIntimacy vs. Isolation

• Time for sharing oneself with another person

• Capacity to hold commitments with others leads to intimacy

• Failure to establish commitments leads to feelings of isolation

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Stage 7 (middle adulthood)Stage 7 (middle adulthood)Generativity vs. StagnationGenerativity vs. Stagnation

• Caring for others in family, friends, and work leads to sense of contribution to later generations

• Stagnation comes from a sense of boredom and meaninglessness

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Stage 8 (late adulthood to death)Stage 8 (late adulthood to death)Integrity vs. Despair Integrity vs. Despair

• Successful resolutions of all previous crises leads to integrity and the ability to see broad truths and advise those in earlier stages

• Despair arises from feelings of helplessness and the bitter sense that life has been incomplete

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Kohlberg’s Theory of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral DevelopmentMoral Development

• Assessed moral reasoning by posing hypothetical moral dilemmas and examining the reasoning behind people’s answers

• Proposed six stages, each taking into account a broader portion of the social world

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Levels of Moral ReasoningLevels of Moral Reasoning

• Preconventional—moral reasoning is based on external rewards and punishments

• Conventional—laws and rules are upheld simply because they are laws and rules

• Postconventional—reasoning based on personal moral standards

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Adult DevelopmentAdult Development

• Genetics and lifestyle combine to determine course of physical changes

• Social development involves marriage and transition to parenthood

• Paths of adult social development are varied and include diversity of lifestyles

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Types of Love – Robert SternbergTypes of Love – Robert Sternberg• Passionate love (romance, lust, infatuation, physical)• Intimate love (closeness, truly knowing another, sharing

yourself, emotional)• Commitment (enduring, walking toward the future side by


Intimacy (emotional)

Passion (biological)

Commitment (rational)

Passion + Intimacy = romantic love

Intimacy + commitment = companionate love

Passion + commitment = fatuous love

Passion + Intimacy + commitment = consummate love

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Parenting Styles - Diana Baumrind Parenting Styles - Diana Baumrind – p. 387-388– p. 387-388


High Low








Demand obedience

Promote high SE, SC Promote high SEBut low SC

Promote low SE, SC

Angry, resentful,antisocial

Impulsive, depressed,lonely

High social skills,Achievement, identity Self-centered, entitled

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Late AdulthoodLate Adulthood

• Old age as a time of poor health, inactivity, and decline is a myth

• Activity theory of aging—life satisfaction is highest when people maintain level of activity they had in earlier years

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Death and DyingDeath and Dying

• In general, anxiety about dying tends to decrease in late adulthood

• Kubler-Ross stages of dying– Denial– Anger– Bargain– Depression– Acceptance

• Not universally demonstrated