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5 Remèdes Maison Contre la Cellulite

Libre De Cellulite par Joey Atlas « ✔Livre ✔PDF

Jul 22, 2016




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5 Remèdes Maison Contre la Cellulite

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Combattez la peau d’orange disgracieuse qui apparaît sur les fesses, les hanches et les cuisses avec des remèdes maison simples et accessibles!

La cellulite apparaît quand une poche de graisse sous-cutanée exerce une pression sur les tissus conjonctifs, lui conférant une apparence de fromage cottage. Les femmes y sont particulièrement sujettes, leurs tissus conjonctifs étant moins fermes que ceux des homes. Les capitons importuns se forment généralement sur les fesses, les hanches et les cuisses. Voici des remèdes maisons simples et efficaces pour vaincre la cellulite!

1. Confectionnez une huile de massage

Vous devrez l’appliquer chaque jour en effectuant des mouvements circulaires : versez 200 d’huile de germe de blé sur 1 poignée de feuilles de lierre fraîches et laissez macérer 2 semaines dans un récipient hermétiquement fermé. Filtrez et ajoutez deux gouttes d’huile essentielle de romarin.

2. Raffermissez les tissus conjonctifs

Pelez une pomme de terre crue, coupez-la en tranches fines et appliquez-le sur la peau d’orange. Couvrez d’un linge en coton et laissez agir 15 minutes.

3. Préparez une compresse raffermissante

Cette compresse agira sur les tissus sous-cutanés. Faites bouillir 2 litres d’eau avec 3c. à soupe de feuilles de lierre pendant deux

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minutes. Filtrez et laissez refroidir. Chaque jour pendant 20 minutes, appliquez un linge trempé dans cette décoction sur la zone à traiter.

4. Frictionnez votre peau

Après la douche, frictionnez la peau mouillée avec du gros sel. Rincez à l’eau tiède. Le massage, matin et soir, avec un gant en sisal, reste le b.a.-ba du traitement contre la cellulite!

5. Faites-vous un gommage

Le gommage à la fraise revitalise les zones sujettes à la cellulite. Mixez 50 grammes de fraises, 50 grammes de concombre non pelé, 2 c. à soupe de babeurre, 1.c à soupe de yogourt, 1 jaune d’œuf et 50 gramme poudre d’amande. Transvasez le mélange dans un récipient à couvercle hermétique. Ce gommage se conserve trois jours maximum au réfrigérateur.

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Cellulite Free in 24 Days… GUARANTEED!

By Joey Atlas �– �‘The Woman�’s Trainer�’M.S., Exercise Physiology

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READ FIRST: Important Notes for NAKED BEAUTY Clients Going through these 8 cellulite reduction exercises one time through should only take you about 15 minutes with little rest between sets (10 seconds or so). As you make progress – you may want to go through the sequence a second time – depending on your schedule. If you do wish to go through it a second time – you can scale back on the number of repetitions to still finish the routine in about 22 minutes. For example, the second time through – you can do 5 or 6 repetitions of each exercise and still get amazing results. HOW TO MODIFY THESE EXERCISES FOR YOUR ABILITY LEVEL Some women can’t go full-range on some of these exercises. If that’s the case with you – NO WORRIES – you can still adjust them AND still get rid of your cellulite. Here’s how you do it… You simply adjust the range of the exercise you wish to modify. For example, if you can’t go all the way down into a full squat position – then you just go down ¾ of the way, ½ of the way – or ¼ of the way. In other words – start with a range that works for your body – and then slowly build up to a more challenging range of motion. You’re simply taking a logical approach to enhancing your body – based on a time tested and laboratory proven principle of exercise physiology called ‘gradual progression’. ****ONE LAST THING…

If you follow this simple, yet laser targeted program as I outlined for you in your personal cellulite reduction schedule – IT WILL WORK FOR YOU – all I ask is that you share your success story of defeating cellulite, with me. Also, I understand some women prefer not to share their “before and after” photos – but it would mean the world to me to actually see how I’ve helped you get rid of the cellulite… so, if you’re not extremely modest and you are OK with photographing your before and after story and sending it to me – It would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated. VERY IMPORTANT – As with all exercise programs – check with your physician before starting this program, as not all exercises are suited for everyone. Your personal abilities and conditions, if any, will dictate what you can or can’t do.

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NAKED BEAUTY: Cellulite Reduction - Floor Exercises 1) From your hand and knees. Put your left leg back letting your toes touch the ground. Lift the left leg straight up (concentrate on moving from the butt/glutes and pause slightly at the top for about 2 seconds). Bring the leg back down let the toes touch. Note Point the toes towards you or in a neutral position. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly.

2) Start position shown below, on left. Lift your left knee off the ground and move it toward the chest. Then extend the leg straight back and up. Focus on the muscles that you are using, pausing slightly at the top. Return to the start/finish. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly.

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3) Start/Finish position shown below left. Extend your arms out for support. Raise your hips (below right) and contract your glutes/butt while pausing at the top. Return to the starting position. Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly.

4) Start/Finish position shown below (top). Raise your right leg, hips and butt off the ground together. Return to the start/finish position. At the top position your body should form a straight line as shown below (bottom). Do 8 – 10 reps on each side. IMPORTANT – Move Slowly.

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If you follow this simple, yet laser targeted program as I outlined for you in your personal cellulite reduction schedule – IT WILL WORK FOR YOU – all I ask is that you share your success story of defeating cellulite, with me. Also, I understand some women prefer not to share their “before and after” photos – but it would mean the world to me to actually see how I’ve helped you get rid of the cellulite… so, if you’re not extremely modest and you are OK with photographing your before and after story and sending it to me – It would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated. VERY IMPORTANT – As with all exercise programs – check with your physician before starting this program, as not all exercises are suited for everyone. Your personal abilities and conditions, if any, will dictate what you can or can’t do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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