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TUE WOKD OK < 111 1 K. IS It a kind word ii.-.i ie ? l.lse leave it still unsaid. The world la thick with thorns for lilooms. Wllh atones where should lie bread. The hrartnehes are so many, The hurts tint men must bear) And >l.. > -i tiring heavy burdens Of heavy ..:. \ . m t ar.. It may with fancy sparkle. Hr(In im h - .:i nne, Aid those « Uo I!-: may cheer you \s nilprals.o as sweet as wmc. Hut lias it aught of comfort— This wortl *\u25a0! i en or tongue— ot hel]' tor iiti>-L- « liv stlll^Kll', Ol hope for those » ho ioiiu ? The world needs sunshine, dearie, Sweet words that tall IIKei.ll— Ha in for its wouad :i-blee>liug, its . souls bespent witbtoiL Tim world needs courage, darling, lir.tvi- words of faith a:.'l cheer, A Cordial [or Its ratullug, Like music to tlie oar. Oh, Rive such In full measure; AllJoy, all Kindness, bring: lint leave unsaid Hj tongue or pen \u25a0lhe word thai liulil*a suns. \u25a0 I.i i. > Thomas, In Harper l Bazar. MY TYPE-WRITER. f^iOU the last few days I have been a much- t*r\jlujuied last few days 1 have man. much- £j lujuied aud much-enduring man. Some I^** persons, when ciusbed beneath a mass of -^ circumstantial evlaence, readily accepted by ihe tiibuual which iv more senses than one Is silting upon them, take a pilde in knowing that they an' innocent, and, vlrtute sua luvolutl. await the future acquittal or free pardon, of which they feel certain, with tiauqullminds, act- ually In some casts findingenjoyment in the bcu- ..l ion ul martyrdom. lam not one of them; for I have not felt alan] lime sure of my acquittal; aud even now, when It should be practically »e- --euied, It is possible that 1 shall not leave the dock altogether without a stalu on my character. Be- su.e« which even lunoceuca may be a matter ol regie t to one who has sulleicJ tor a ciline, or, lei me Bay, at act ol indiscretion, without bavlng enjoyed the pleasure 01 committing it. It happened in this way. Some few months ai;o 1 had occasion 10 require In my business the unices ol a type-writer, and I made my wants known. As a CLnsequeuce 1was visited by no fewer tii.'.u forty-seven candidates In person, iioutcoun ing the hundred and odd who ap- plied by letter, ut the forty-seven tliiitysix wire of the weaker sex, and, as ihese di manded a slightly lower wage than their male couipell- i*.,-. 1 liiciotd— lor that rensou, aud that only— to employ one ot tliein. Now, the ibuty-»ii had mi bioi.^i.t sample:) ol then work; and, us all possessed the needful qualiDcallous, aud one lyre-wilier Ie lei is pieciseiy like auulher, 1 did viui every other man wuuld have dime uuder v.c icumslauces aiid chose tue best-looKluE me. She was a very handsome girl,and a very cnaiming i.ue. 100. 1 say it 111 splto of the in üble she bronchi me. For a tune she was a complete success. Apart f loui Hie fact thai 1 had to dictate to her Coutiu- uai.y. II was obviously undesirable that she M.v"..d sit with my male cleiks. mji:i- ol ihem 1 kuuw are tiivolou't, aud, is .1 married man, 1 bad a siu.-ett icstiMisibiiiiy; so 1 allotted a coruer In my own room, and she set up her machine theie. It was pleasant to have some one to talk to wbeu one was nut busy, and .>\u25a0 Ms Kill!;,being til a livelydisposition, luleiested me much with ac counts of her experienced as a beam \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' and u<ei itoiiuus young woman hauling ihe battle of i. it- Mi 1.i'li. ..'h. ijruie of hei adventures weie almost louiauite enough to have Interested the re ..dels, of Uie Family Herald— to which. indeed, 1 1 believe -..\u25a0 bad contributed, Oineis might have amused siudtnts la more fitvuluus cl«ss ol iiuratuie; but, except lo account lor the lu- letest i -tin leel inher, they have uothlngiodo with the | le-eui narrative, 1 ant not in the habit or, "tat Hie office borne wiUi me" iind worry- Uii!my wile wllli "shop"; so, natural :\u25a0 . i never Uieutmiifd BiJ type-wrilei iv the domestic ciicie. i hat simple \u25a0 omlutloa has been tnruwu in my term nuiiy huudreda Ol times during t!ie past two days. I beglu to fear it always will be. M\ ivie-wniei, as l have said, woiked admit- ably until v. iiniuabout a loitui;;hi ago, wbeu she l- cunt- lesllesS, melancholy and abstracted in luauner. For it lime 1 took i.o notice of it; but lasl s.iiuiilay. bu^iuess helut dull, 1 called her lv me as I sat at my table, and placing her near (it- window looking over old Bioad street far be- low, wljeie 1 cuui'i pet the light ou her face and obseive hei expiessiou, I began to interrogate her in a kindly way, as an employer always tliouid iniei locale his cleiKS if he thinks they •in.' inneed of tils help or advice. While 1 was doing so the 1 o'clock post came in. 1 did uot look ai my letieis for a moment, as 1 was saying to my -»n:er: •\u25a0 " (I make a rule of calling my youugei clerks by men Übiistlao names, aud, a* a ru:e lv my is a lule, 1 was resolved ft»m the ru>t i"make no exception lv her favor)— •\u25a0 (iertiude,* 1 1 said, " u.eie is something on your iqlud; you are auxmua and distressed." •\u25a0 1. is. Loihing," - ausweied. " Nothing," 1 said, in my friendly way-. "Nuth- Ing does nut make a glil pale and absent and silent lot iru c.iy> at a time. 1simply do not 1 I V c e aur;'he.p.t." •• l c ... I : elp n." "My d>ar Ueilrude," 1 fald (I am not sure that 1 ever calied young Bob smitheis, m \u25a0 Juii- lur . rk, "Myd: ai Uobeil," but ciicunuiaiictM alter cases), '• 1 waul you to try aud let me help v. or help you, iv any way 1 can." •\u25a0 Vuu are very ku.u," she bald. \u25a0• lien tell me what Is the mailer?" " You have not opened your ieaeis. There is one walked ' linmed " I km she wai oniy living to put me off, as myclriksas a rule do iiot dictrte lo me iv inch inaners. However, as 1 could see the glil bad teats iv her tyes, 1 look up the envelope she spube of and opened It, to cive her lime 10 ie- Cover from her evident einutlnu. At a glance 1 saw, to my surprise, that the letter was a vote from my wife, whom 1 had leit at home lvthe inu.Heii road at U:3O o'clock that morulug. It ran as follows: IHnr LtMrici: 1 want to take you to the shop In tlie city wht-le I saw the BeailSK ii i was telling yon :.ii. »;. 1 li.ivc decided 1 must have II at once, as Mis. Carrntliers lias just got a new .'lit. 1 kuow the stiop c.oscs at '2 o'clock ou Saturday, but if you can leave your otlK-e wi:ti me when 1call lor you, a i-tt- tic bollirfl 1:3O o'c.utii, wo can do i:. Vuur u:rt-t.- tluuarc wife. Eliza Johnson. y. a.— nave your check-book In your pocntt. Now why, In the name ot fortune, Mrs. Charles John sou. who, as tier letter suowe, is a woman of decided purpu«e wlieu Ii suits her, could Dot Live H....H- up her mind to have the seals In be- fo:e i it-it home that morning, aud why the bboiilu have giudgea sixpence lot a telegiaui, I do out ..low. i have spoken to her about It, and all she says is that In future she will visit me witboul .my warning at all. 1 lead i ci vow and at once grasped the fact that my wife might come in at any moment. The l>ie;cnce ot a sUanger, even of my wife, who Is really, iv bei way, a very kind woman, would, of Ci. insi", have been unwelcome to my type-writer lv I ci distress; so 1said, without looking up: "1 will not press you further today, Gertrude; but on Monday 1 shall expect to be Heated with mote confidence. lam expecting some one hen: vi. impoituulpiivale business, so you may go at OLCe." -be m de no answer, and 1 could hear her l) coining lv short, quick rants. I turned to look ill tier. She was standing with parted lips .i.l widely slating eyes, her tear-stained lace iiyhllv piessed against the diucy windoj^- pane. 1 took her by ihe hand; ILeii sh£,-fnrTit.d utierlngaciy— -Chat lie, Charlie, ni£fl*jl!iflj'r' At tl.e moment »he !*m bo— lv fact, before the words left tier _ .. c— i was couscious of the door J?i>u.:ii; and \u25a0\u25a0'hatmy wife was there and must have in aJtd her with as much surprise as myself anj. evt:: moie horror. But before another word - Could be said mere was a rush across the room, an Ink-pot, a pen or two, a sheaf ol letters aud a J)»ie-wiiler (ibe machine) were lying overturned upon me l!o'.:r, and a type-writer (the operator) dashed into .i tuiail closet, where she kept lit-i hat and cloak, Bt Ized them, and, almost iu>- si-i'.ini: my wife in L<ftriight, vanished (lowu- \u25batiius, her Mule heels CTTUleiliig in a wild- laltoo cv the stcue-flagged «tali». 'iheu a seen* took Llace which was only the prelude to the ordeal 1 have spoken of. li was useless, for me to .tigue auu avei that 1 was Innocent myself and as un- awaie of aiy passion for me Indulged lo by my typewriter (a mere clerk, as 1 repeatedly said) M1 was of any insanity In her family or in her Individual constitution. Now I suppose ihe wont or my misery lias been practically put an end to by the following letter— type-written— winch 1 nave just received at the office and am taking home to show my wife: lfi Mr. Johnson: 1nope you did not think me quite crazy when 1 left you mi abruptly on Satur- day, especially after your very kind conversation withme. Tue reason or my anxiety and sadness was that tho mm ] have been engaged to tot two jear« was coming home from Australia, and his ship was much ivc-rnuo, owing to the gales. He sever let me Know liehad arrived, but went straight to my home and followed me to the city t<> llnd your office, w'icre 1 saw him from the window, wDlcli was th- cause of my hurried exit. 1 shall not have to type-wrlta an more, and 1 dare say you nave discharged me, but you have beeu so very kind to me thai 1 must come, with him, that we may both mans j-i/ti uersonally, and also remove the re- mains of the type-writer I think 1 shattered In my lliclit. .vwiru Ido como I thai! lie Airs. Charles vteij»ifr. ?hanklnft you airain and again for your great kindness and syuipathy, yours very truly. Ukutjiuiik Kino. Well, there is her letter; It speaks for Itself, and 1 must show It to my wife aud convince her of my innocence. nut Ido wish It said a little less about my kindness; lv this censorious world natural humanity Is liable lo misconstruction. fct. James Budget. = = >VUKLU'S FAU. The Delegates to the Convention Will Number Sritral Tboasi>a<l(. The World's Fair Convention, which will meet In this city on September 11th, willprobably be composed of from two to three thousand dele- gales. All county boaids of Supervisors and legislative bodies representing cities and towns will have live delegate's each; likewise Slate or- ganizations; all local organizations, two, and all newspapers one delegate. Invitations willbe sent to "all commercial and Industrial organizations; all art, eclrnlilic aud educational iuslttutions; all chambers of com- merce and boa i di or trade, State and local; all societies of California Pioneers; all pailois of the Native Sous and Native Daughters of the Golden West; the State Hoard of Horticulture and county horticultural societies; the State Horticultural. the Stale Board of Vlll- euliurai Commissioners, and all local vltlcultural societies; the State Minlug Bureau; all mining eou. rauies; the l'airous of Husbandly; all world Fair a>soclatlons which may be now or hereafter formed; all comity boards of Super- visors; all leulslailve bodies repiesenting cities »ud towns in the State. «ud to all dally and towed? uewsuapeis." No proxies will be al- The Amendment 8011, Assessor Nvalon and his deputies are working flay and nigh; to coin], lets me seventeen vol- umes of peisoual proiieity assessments so that they can be lurned over to [tie Board of Kqu.ill- ralion oo Monday moiulug. Assessor Nealoo believes Dial this year's assessments willexceed last yew's by about $1,000,000. Object to an EiicJnr-Hougn. A petition is being circulated by tlie sau Fiau- elseo Ail Association fur presentation to tbe Board ol Buiiei visors requettlflg ii to lecall lUe order locating Hie house for the chemical eimlue »nd water-tower \u25a0\u25a0; n \u25a0\u25a0 luucllob of Batiary, liu-ii and Mmket stieeis. 'I he assoelailoa do-lrous of saving ihe clly from dlslitiiiieuicnt whr-u atloi iiintiilIs possible. James Meivyu DooabOfl, in his will, dliicted Uiat 120,000 of 1:1s estate be used In erecting a monument at this lolut. The petition is being numerously klgaed. FRATERNAL INDEX. Entertainment Given by Franklin Lodge, No. 44, A. 0. U. W. tin orderdo secure Insertion a',l matter In- tended for this column should be handed 111 addressed toIbe '* Fraternal Kditor." Allcom- munications most bear i tie name and adiiie»» of the sender; IIuot, the mailer will uol be pub- lished.] N.I ASSESSMENTS. There will be no assessments for May In the Champions ol the Bed Cross. To the present writ lug1111111" will be levied In the Young Ladies' Institute, Order ot the Beacon Light aud the Ordet ol Hit) Golden Shore. . Vcrba liuena Lodge of Perfection. No. C, An- cient and Accepted Scottish Kite Freemasonry, at lit ii'iiiiui meeting last evening had work la the filth degiee. Franklin L »l;;e, No. 41. A. O. U. W.. had a very suceesstul aim entertaining social last evening. There was a large attendance and the exercises were mucu enjoyed. Oakland Legion, No. 3, Loyal Knights, A. O. V. W., Is one of the most active of [be legions in [lilt State, a:id at the present time Hie larg- est membership. 1[ will be the lies! 10 Initiate a candidate- under the new ritual on next Wednes- day evening. The grand officers have bean In vited to be present, also :s.ui FianeiMMaud Up- church legions, and after m,' ceremony refresh- ments willbe served and the event c lebrated in good style. IJII'IsOVED OKDSB RED MEN. Committee Appointed to Entertain the Great Council. On Monday evening I'obonaclieo Tribe, No. 10. adopted a paleface autt had second nominations lor chiefs for the ensuing term. Solano Chieftains' League, No. 2, was orgnn. Izea at Vallejo ou Monday evening last, with twenty-seven chatter members. This league is composed ol the members ot Samoset Tribe, No. 22, ValleJ >. Wednesday evening Manzanlta Tilbe, No. 4, received applications for membership and next council iilnlit will elect ofiichitlni; chiefs for the ensuing let in. At the council on Wednesday evening a coiiimlilee consisting of Adi in Smith, !'.'\u25a0. I.;John O. Scott. 1". 8., and Henry A. Chase, I*. G. s.. were appointed to comer with like commute-* (rom the sister tribes to arrange tor the reception and entertainment of the mem- bers of the Giand Council during the session lv August. Seuilnole Tribe, No. 54, conferred the chief's degree upon several Initiates ou Wednesday euiug. Dm ing the coming week elections will be held Inme various tribes throughout the Slate for officiating chiefs for in- ensuing term. The dep- uties will be busy examining the brothers who may b: elected as to their proficiency in the work. The regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Endowment Fund willbe held ou Tuesday evecuig next. THE KOVAI. AUGUST. Larkspur Lodge Cell l>inte» Its Annlver- \u2666. B ' irj '' * TliFSupreme I'resldent visited Myrtle Lodge, No. 15, and the district meeting of lodges Nos. 11 and 20 on Tuesday evening. The Supreme Secretary visited Ivy Lodge, No. 123, ou Iuesday eveuiug and Installed J. J. Kern as Kite U \u25a0--, as Secretary and Mrs. Kiause as Accountant Much enthusiasm was manifested. Addresses weie made by the Su- preme Secretary and Mr. Bery ol No. 5. Fidelity Lodge, No. 6, Golden Fie -ce, No. 11, Kirn lie. No. 29, Auclior, No. 8, had initiations lift week. The Supreme President will visit Victory Lodge, -No. 7. this eveuiu;; and Hie Oakland lodge* on Fiiday evening. June next Larksiur Lodge, No. 22, celebrated its first anniversary a literary anil musical enter- tainment dance ou Ihur.-Klay evening. Ad- a reuses weie ddiveed by J. c. Hail, S. V. 1., and C. 1). Coon, & S.. and me o:her exercises proved quite enjoyable. Tueie was a Urge at- lendauoe ol members and friends and the auui- veisary was a success In every respect. LEIiION OF THE WEST. Offlclal ViHitnriou to Its .11 iilo br the Grand Officer*. A large delegation ot Grand Lodge officers has arranged to pay an official visit to Enter- prise Lodge. No. 27, of Oakland, on Friday even- Ing n. xt. A considerable representation of members from the city lodges have stgnitied their intention to accompany the delegation. Golden West Lodge, No. 2'!. has been doing some lively business lately in the way of initia- tion, and Ifthe lodge keeps up Ha present vim in that kind or work it will, no doubt, bi able to make a handsome showing of membership for the term. The Urand Commander Is still confined to his room through sickness, but is reported as Im- proving. Alia Lodge, No. 14. will hold a pound party or. Monday evening, June "Jtli. Elaborate n_r,au*£ar=" lions ate being made to make a succes/i' of the attair. This lodge had ivi \u25a0 i:-.i [•-\u25a0 -. ,\u25a0 ,1 received four applications at Its \ask'tn4iiiug. Social Lodgf._N.a.a'f, Holds Us regular cpen meeting .M.,.-,,iay eveniug next r.l I'owers Hall, cociwr iVrierce ai.d Steiaer streets. A pleasaut Time Is anticipated. A delegation of Urand Lodce officers will pay an official visit to Zeuobia Lodge, No. 13, Tues- day evening next. Nominal lous and elections of officers for the teim ending December 31st will keep the lodges busy liming the month ol Juue. Assessment 15, levied uuaer date ot the Ist of June, Is the mum assessment levied in the order since the Ist of September, 1889. The tenth will be called July Ist. There will be none lv August. ST. PATBICK'S SLiIUOL. Military Precision of Bojt In the Clog- ing l*la*>g KacerelMSa The closing exercises of the toys' class of St. l'atikk'n School were held yesterday afternoon In St. Vincent* HalL About 300 boys, mostly under 12 years el age, were ranged along the east side of I tie large ball In a sines of ascending tier*. They were all brlgbt looking little fellows and seemed to enjoy (be occasion as much as d.d Hie large audience pie«ent. Kenny all Hi" iininbeis of the programme were exeicUes by classes ol from twenty to forty boys. The latter tiled down troni their elevated percbes and upon a lares iilatlomi, there to go tlnougli wnii their performance. The precision and unity with which they dirt their woik, whether to recite or ding, astonished all present and elicited loundi of applause. The patience and tact or whoever tiained ihem must have ueui gieat. The programme wai as follows: Entrance march, violin class, W. Wood, J. Paten- anile, C.Clarke. C. Began, J. .M0ra1.,.). Laydon J Kurgan: opening address, -Welcome," 11. Jeiiiniiiri:' Hay lijimi,'iiai;, vuein or lltavcn," 6lnsiue class: recitation "The Trials of a Hoy," James Cusicn; chorus, ••lieautirul Banner," by tliirty-rlatit boys; concert recitation, "Never Say 1 Can't "by class; chorus, ",Sw..rd or lsuukcr Hill." by twenty boys: Ylulin, popalmr airs, W. Wood J. l'atenaude ami C. Clarke; sona and recltailon. "What I will lie," little boys- recitation. " lie Old Ways and the New," J. Oiiu- sey; chorus, \u25a0• Dou't Give lp the Ship," by forty boys; recitation, "A lioy's Thoiißins," uormac Qleacon; recitation. "Over the II 111 to the Poor* bouse," E. liraay; little alpnabetesß, seventy little boys; recitation, "A Watermelon Story," W. Man- niiii;; military drill; concert recitation, " Memorial Kay," class; violin solo, Donald O'llare, a brignt little live-year-old boy: chorus, "Uoodby," by forty-flvo boys; closing address, K. Fitzgerald; "Exit March." Violin class— w. Wood, J. I'uU-uaudij, c. Clarke, C. ltc|{an,J. Moran, J. Laydon, J. Uorgau. FELL DUWNSTAIUS. Sadden End of \u25a0> Wouinn Suffering From Neuraleln. Mary Vale, a woman about 311 ars of ace, fell down the stall « ay of Hie Lawrence Home, at 704 Howard stieet, early yesterday morning, and when picked up was dead. The body was then unioved to the Moignc. 'Ihe Coroner learned that the deceased had isufferlug horn neuralgia of the heart, and had left the room while under the Influence or pain. Her fall was a slight one, and Is not thought sufficient to have caused death. The pain ».:t: Buffered sometimes rendered her de- lirious, and sue had tetu drinking heavily to ou- taln ease. .».» ' \u25a0 . \u25a0- *\u0084, It Is thought that death resulted more from heart disease than from the fall. 1 lie deceased \u25a0eparainl some lime ago from her husband 1-iank Vale, who resides la Anuoch, Contra Costa Couuty. - l.oprony Statistics. There have been 124 cases of leprosy treated at the Twenty-sixth street Hospital during the last nineteen yearn. The white patients nun \u25a0 beied la and the Chinese 111. Ten deaths from the disease have occurred in t lie time memlODed. Six nude lepers are now in \u25a0 lie hospital. a:id 108 Chinese victims were shipped to their native country at au expense of $00 each, or $'J4UO la «ul. I'icnlc (<> I or. m Urnvr. To-moirow lie tlist annual iilcnic o[ tlio Al- caldes, composed of members ot Alcalde l'arlor No. 104, ;». 8. G. W., will be Held at Forest Uiuvr. The iiruceeds <jI Hie plculc will be de- volta to tui- Buuuei tuna ol the pat lor. EVENTS IN THE SOCIAL WORLD. Miss Blair's Tng Tarty to Mr. Herman Oclriclis and Miss Fair. A VERY DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR, The Woodbridge Church Entertain- ment at the Mission- Court Pride Social— Defiance Circle Gather- ing Haggin Bay Excursion To- Day— Franklin Lodge Entertain- ment and Dance. Itis seldom that nature and art can joinhand* In so singularly happy a fasblon as on the occa- sion of the Day excursion (riven yesterday by Mlsa Blair in compliment to Miss Fair and Mi. Herman O< Irlcbs. As Ibere is uo more beautiful scene ou the continent lor au expedition of this kind, so theie could not bavo been a more brilliant party of guests. The varied beauty ol the hai bur wiihlu our Golden (jate formed a flu lug aud unique selling for ibis cbarming en- tertainment of our Jeiine-se dorec. All*s Blair Is lo be complimented on having oigaui/ed the most delightful as well as thu most brilliant sail lug party that has been held heic for many a lout day. The tug steamer Relief was lyingat the Wash- ington-street Wharf and presented an attractive appearance. Ithad just come oil the dry-dock, where It had been newly painted, a large awn- ing was stretched over the deck and along the sides, which was to protect the quests from the winds which generally prevail at this season of the year. Tue guests began to arrive shoitly after lv o'clock and soon the deck of the steamer was well covered with beautiful young ladies and ihelr escoils. It was a select, and jolly party and a representation of the youth and beauty ol oui four hundred. lie toilets ol the ladies weie particularly noticeable tor their elegance, aud e.ich one appeared to have been sell cud by all ai list to show oil the beauty of the we.ner. It was a collection, of young people 01 which San Francisco could wed leel proud. The favors were, I ike all other arrangements, in perfect keeping with the surroundings. Largo bouaueta of sweet peas forme ladies and bou- lounaiits for Hit- gentlemen were Lauded around. To eacn was also given a long band of black silk iit>i. mi upon winch was hand-iiainled "He- lief, May 30, lsuo." lhese weie worn on the hi ms by in-: ladles and on the hats by the gentle- men. An immense bouquet was made specially lor the young lady in whose bouor the paily was given as will as a coisa^e uf wuito lionets to be worn ou hoi costume. Ibe party was cuaperoued by Mrs. Blair and was composed as follows: .Miss Fair, Miss Blair, Miss Nellie Jullllle, Miss Lillle Brush, Miss Lll- lieO'Counoi, .Miss Jennie llaucheit. Miss Klise Kelley, Miss Moilie Toi belt. Miss Belli Smith, Miss Minnie lltiuitulun, Miss Dulcte Bolado, Miss Mane Vourbles, Miss Kate Vuorhles. Miss Edltli Clark, Miss Bl.iucno C.iitie, Miss Maigu- rite Wallace, Mrs. ilium of Meudociuo, Miss Theresa Hisscll, Miss Julia Bissell, Miss Pbelan, Miss E. Clark, Mis* Mary Boweu. Ine following-named gentlemen were also present: Mr. J. &1. Oelrlcus, Mr. David Barnes of New York, Mr. E. M. Green way, Mr. Frank Carolaii, Mi. A. 11. Lludell, Mr. Waller Dean, .Mr. David Murphy, Mr. J. H. Stokes, .Mr. a. St. J. i.uwie, Mr. 1). V. Giabatn, Mi. George E. Hall, .Mr. Uauon Ashe, .Mr. Blchard lobm. Mr. Allied TuLbs, Mr. William It. Sherwood, Mr. tieorge 11. Lent, Mr. it. li.llotallng, Mr. 11. 1). Holiglitou, Mr. » ililain S. Blair, Dr. Hamburger, U. S. N., .Mr. ShtlJon. Mr. W. A. Douglass, Mr. J. (j. Fair Jr., Mr. Charles Fair, Air. James D. l'helau, Mr. l'jer, Lieutenant C. G. Lymau. Mr. Cutter l'alge, .Mr. Uarty Uurbrow, Air. Otis Kelly. All the company being 011 boa id Ihe lines were cast oil at 11 o'clock, ana while the baud played a lively an the slauucb tug steamed out into the bay. ihe course tiikeu was down the haibji i a>[ Black Point h'nl the Presidio, under the walls of lull Wlufleld Scott, and then through the Uulueu dale out in the faclnc Alter steam lug lv the ueiguboihoud i>l the Old House and gelling a Hue view ot t..e seal loch--, the Uellei was turned back, through the G.Lle and headed forAicatraz and Angefl.-laud. Jhrough Uacoou Allans the merry rxeuisloulsu adiiiuca the sct-ueiy, and then the Captain tan the bow of ihe vessel iv Ihe eon mud ou the .Matin County Shore. Wnile the guests were being entertained with music by the band and otherwise paoalug the time, Ihe caieiei aud his assistants weie prepar- ing the lUUCUeon. A number of tele a-tete tables weie placed on the deck and covered with while tablecloibs, upon which were placed me leiupllnjj viand! served with the eleguuee of au nun lalumeut 111 a pilrate home. The guests were toon seated and a jolly lima was -pent dis- cussing the terrapins, oysters, sauu*, cold meals, etc. Allbeial supply "f cbauii was al-o 011 hand and the health of the young couple toasted frequently. The luncheon over the tables and chairs were lemuved and Ihe steamer buou stalled in the di- rection of Maie Island. The trip up was a de- lightlul one In eveiy way and was enlivened with dancing mid vocal and Instrumental music lur- uisiicd on Ihe guitar and banjo by some of the guests. Mare Islaud was reached about 4 o'clock and the pa 1ly weie ho.ipiublyreceived by the otlk'ei* and the ladies ot me uavyyard. A couple of houis weie most delightfullyspent ou the Island and prior to departure the company were pholo- giaptied inlout groups. 'Die guests auain embarked on the Relief and Mailed t or home. I lie eiiilre Ulp down the bay was one rouud of pleasing dlvcrliseuienls, the time being paused in dancing aud music. aud at 8 o'ciock the whaif was leached and each aud every one appeared reluctant to leave the vessel, so delightfully pleasant had the whole day been pasted. All weie loud :u their praises ol the whole i;i:,.ir, which wits undoubtedly the |'le.isante«i of the kind ever given on lheJL<av_ I and will long lluger in the recollecU^'ot' Hie paruclpanis. I'aniculiiily we'^t-^iiie vUllois 110111 New Vuik lnip,e«siLHfTrh i ua ttLole enui- lainiutiuu " Nules. Mr.Ilagghi^vlll entertain 150 friends to-day wlili a^y^paity. ihe Kelief will carry the J^tfesTs aiouud the bay and lunch Will be served on Au^el Island. The weeding of Air. Wakcfield Baker and Miss Cora Thomas will take place on Thursday, the 1- .; pi ox., at ihe home ot the bride's parents. A dinner parly will be given nils evening by Mi. Spaldlng ol the Bella Vista lv honor of Air. Oelitchs aud .Miss Fair. The engagement is announced of Mr. Isaac Lasarof hau LuisOdislo ana .Miss aallie Mains a sister if Mrs, Mark Lasar. 'Hie euLasieineut Is auiiiiiiiiceil of Miss Sellua Nawmau ot Victoria, li. C, to Mr. C. li. Lludeu- bladt ol silockluu. ihe engagement is announced of Mr. I". M. liatchelder v! iteuo, -\cv., to -Mis. Wax Schoen- lelti ol .San frauclsco. The eogagemeul ii announced of Mr. Theodore Tliomer lo Miss Ceiia Jacobs, daughter of the late Manbelni Jacobs, both of mis ciiy. Tun Woodhrltlge Church Obaeart. A pleasant mnstcale was given last evening at Alias Opera Hall, iv aid of Woodbridge Church, by the ladles' society attached 10 ihe or- ganization. Koine 400 tickets were disposed of, aud ihe hall was well filled with theli chailiablo purchasers. All who came were more than lepald by the rendition ol me lulluwiiii; programme; fan 1— Overture (selected), Amateur Banjo club; bari- tone solo, "lhe Watcher" ((iabel), Mr. C. L. U.ige; vocal solo, •\u25a0f/Kstan" (Ardltl), Mrs. Holmes; bone solo, "Medley," Air. Crackbon: vocal duet, "I Know a Hank," oMrs\ Gerge Cen- ter and Mr. Alilchell; tenor solo, "Queen of the Earth," Mi, Waldemar; vocal solo, "Ureaiu»" (Stielezkl), Mrs. eicliuulioil; vocal tiio, '•Aiilla," Airs. T. J. Curtis, Mr. Walde- mar, Mr. a. F. Woodbriuge; ziiher duet, Mi'» Uereke, Miss lteynuliis. intei mission. l'art ll—Banjo sr-lectlous, H.mjo Club; vocal solo, "Sin?, sweet hud," by desue lUanz), Mm. T. J. Cuilis; *o«iil Hint, \u25a0• When a LI. lie Farm We Keep," Dr. ami Airs. Tariant; vocal solo. ".My Lady's bowel" (Hope Temple), Allss Mason; vocal solo, •\u25a0 1lie 1-iKirof Older* Gray" (Shield), Mr. 1. W. Wliyiuu; •Solo," ou a v. \u25a0\u25a0\u0084, ili.sliuiiieul. Durlug the Intermission Ice-cream was avail- able, and Mime time was aflerwaid agreeably -!\u25a0'. I.i social converse. The Uev. T. J. Curtli ably wesiuiMl tJiioui;hout the evening. Tim Court Pride Knlortalnuient. The members of Junioi Court I'rlde of Califor- nia, No. 5, A. O. F. A., held their second open meeting last evening at St. George's Hall, on Market street The court, which has tuci eased Its membership in the last four mouths from veiny to one hundred and ten. was well repre. eiited, and a lame number of strangers were present. The members are all between the ages of 12 aud in. aim these excellent opju meetings lire lor the puipo>e of iiileie.slliij; patents to bring in tin children, who will thus bo con- genially luiiod'iced into the senior courts. 'iue lollowlug attractive programme was ren- deied: Overture, U. .Mei7.l-.ich; opening address Chief JUutier Henry Kuttuer; leinarks, I>r. Sam- uels; piauo solo, •'! ' he Blind .Man's Uieam," I'r (.lessor Ueoige Wedel: souk, Miss Zelda Lewis; lecilaliuu, George Bran; vocal duel, the Mlsies Eva Lew aud kiln Kniper: comic say- Ings, H. Glick; song, Miss Annie Harris; Chi- nese Impersonations, George I'arker; recitation, George Alexander; presentation or a handsome badge of the order to J. Kasser by. last Chief ltjuger William (iurflnKel; recitation, Nathan Coheu: comic »oug», 11" my Glassmaii; recita- tion, Milton G. Davis; recitation, Miss Dora Levy. Dancing was afterward Indulged In until mld- uUht under the dliectlou of Sub-Chief Kauger William Bei liner. The Committee of Arrange- ments consisted of Henry Kattuer, C. It.; W. Berliner, S. c. It.; .Max Moses, Treasurer; Ben- J.iniin Gurien, Financial secretary ; Italph Davis, liecordlugSecretaiy; Henry Glasiinan, I lie lit !i iiM Uirda UntrriaiuTiieut. The second eutcilaiumeiit and. social of De- fiance Circle, No. 38, Companions of \u25a0 the Forest of America, took place last eveuiug at St. George's Hall. The following programme . was presented: Oveiture, Miss Uultle Bernard; opening address, (J. A. Douglass, G. C. C; song. Miss Bertha Hockel; specialties George I'urker; i lano duet, Mrs. Kalz and Master Katz: comic sonz, S. Woods; recitation. Miss Meta Brown; mandolin mid piano duet, Miss Hatlie Berumd and Mr. George Galllck; Germao songs, Mi.John Mokes* Dlano duel,: Miss Julia it.^enbeig and Miss Jennie Sleruberg; citation, Miss Blanche Brown; mi.i!, Louis Joseph. There was a capu..l attendance and all ap- peared to enjoy the various numbers. , Dancing wan afterward enjoyed for several hours, 1.. Kultuer being floor manager. The nuccess of the iillatr was largely due to tho effoilfiof the followingcommittees: Uecepllon— Mr«. H. Katz, Allss K. Allman, 1.. ('. Levy, Miss K. Colin. Floor —I. Mink-. Leo Green, Miss J. Hosenberg, Miss At. Kolb, MlssC. stt-riibcig, (jcotge Keochel. Tim Frnnkllu I. mien I'^utert liimeiit. The members of Franklin Lodge, No. 44, A. O. U. gave a vciy pleasant entertainment kit evening In Laurel Hall, Khlolx llulldlue. A largo and select audience early assembled, Tn-! programme of the enterlalntneut embraced the following numbers: Address, Judgo 1) J. Tooliy; Insliumental duet, Ueurs. Cunnz and Woods; recitation, Samuel llonth; vocal solo Miss Eliza .linn's; Professor McCarthy. Union piper: vocal solo, Hroiher Katbiuiooi iecll«- lion, il. L. i. lick, vocal duet, K. ,1. Waldrou and Allss Al. K. (ioiuiiin; cornet solo, 0. N. rnysou; vocal duet, Mr. Nnthauson mid Miss Jones; union piper, Prolessor AlcCailliy. Dancing aiteiward leuiiinnled tho successful off air. The Commitice of A 1 1 .uiut-iii- ins consisted of: Messrs. F. Williams, .1. J. Floieuce, M, .Nulli.iu- Mm, Frank Bean, M, 8. Cox and Jndgo li J. Toohy, who ably pieslded during the euleilaiu- in en I. Ill" Calirornla l.tnl^'i- I'nrtv. The members of California Lodge, No. C, U. E. A., were tendered a parly by Mrs, M. C. Feu- nessy and Air. George W. ii. Patterson, they haviug drawn their coupons recently. The af- fair was unusually pleasant aud look place on Monday evening. The hall was bedecked wllh llowi'is, and Ihe many friends of the lodge turned oul in force. Giaud Secretary T. N. .Mount de- livered (he opening address and was followed by Messrs. A. K. Hollis, George W. 11. Patterson and otneiH. Kclieslimt-nls were then nerved by Mist Ida Fosberg, Miss Annie. Welse, Airs. Ada W'eldou, Airs. I. Ha .Mullet, Airs. George i'atler \u25a0on, Mis. M. 0, Fennessy and Miss K. Dunn. l'ancliii: was thru Indulged In, and auother one of iho pteasaul lodge panics of the season was over. Party «»n FolHnin street. A parly was given m 610 Folsom street re Ceutly inhonor of Air. A. G. Webber. Tlie time was spent by the thesis in dancing, which was kept up tillinduing. I h- Golden G4t« Clinnter KntertKiument. The Golden Gale Chapter, Older of the East- ern Mar, gave Us regular monthly sociable on Monday eveuing last. The programme was as follows: Overture, "La I'aloma," wltb varia- tions, I'rolessor Vanke; songs, (i) "Dreams," (6) "The Lights Mir Out at Sea," Miss Gussle llohe; souks, "i.iiileSerenade, " it>) "Sing on, Sweetheart." Miss Schmllz; lecllatiuns (a) ••Trouble in the Amen Coiner," (6) '-Coining llirougli the liye," Miss Bei tba Maria Farce. All were beai llly encored. Miss Parce, who is a recent graduate from the Chicago School of Oratory, impressed ail pieseut with the masterly manner iv which she rendered her selections. The affair, which was an Invitation one con- tinued until 12 o'clock, the remainder of the evening being devoted to dancing. The al.entl- nuce was laige ami select. All pionouuced the enter lainmeut a decided success. Personals. Messrs. Milton S. Eisner, the attorney, M. F. Wolf and Edward J. Oliver, all of this city, ar- rived In Washington, D. C, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. .McDonald left yester- day for Alaska. Airs. 11. It. ("», of San Francisco will be the guest of her 1 other, Mr.11. J. lianelieite, in Los Angeles next month. Alia. Chown, as Miss Estelle Hancbeite, was one of Liszt's brightest pupils and was accordc ' Ibe distinction of play- ingat his musical receptions during the gieat pianist's last season at Weimar. Miss Flora Spencer of Napa is the guest of Mrs. J. Unit of this city. Mr. and Airs. Alexander Boyle left ou the steamer for Alaska yesterday. Miss Lena Devuie leaves here shortly for the Kast mid Europe, where she Is under engage- ment lo appear in concerts. Mr. George Pollock, who accompanied Mr. Oelrichs to this Coast, captuicd a locomotive cin- der iv bis eye on Tbursday and has beeu con- lined to his hotel in consequence. Mi. and .Mis. E. P. Held staited for Alaska on the steamer yesterday. Mr.J. C. llendiyis spending a few weeks at Mount Pleasaut Farm, near Glenwood. Air. and Mis. S. It. I'iciillss Will gy tO.Moute- icy tor the Miinmei . Major aud Airs. .Moiile will spend August at Mouterey. Mr-. N. Myer anil Miss Henriette Myerof 2C6 Guldru Gate avmua are HOjouiuing'at liyiou Sprlugs lor a couple of wees. CLOSING EXERCISES. Held by (he Classes of the Bart- t lett Primary. In connection with Hie closiuc exercises of the vailous classes of tlie Durtleli l"i unary School l he following programmes were rendered: First Until Class i>ong, " The Bed, Whits and Blue"; recitations, Jesse Cordes, Florence Dunn, John Bell; sung, "Merry Sunahlne," Bessie Rolph; recitations, Habel Rancher, Lola Ureen, Andrew UcNab, Lottie Clarice; long, "Mrs. Foxy," live girls; recitations, Mullle Jackson. Ethel Sims, islanche Weymuuth; da * song, "All tlie Birds'; recitations, Bessie Rolpb, Viola Adams, Flossie Wyatl: song, "The Pustinan," flTe boys; reclta- tious, Grace Thomson, John Aldrlcn, KittyMurphy, Joo Rtdgeway, Edith. Woeat; class song, "Amer- ica." hirst Grade— M. Phillips, teacher. Son?, "Come, Cheerlul . Companions." class; recitations, "To Bead, to Spell and to Sew." Stella l.rd: "On Time," II hi Braolgau; son::, "fairy Moonlight," Lottie Edwards; dialogue, "The Seasons," J. soHt- ran, B. Much, J. Kay and H. Dtetterle; song, "llie Strawberries, class; recitation, "Have You Any Sim* at Beaf'V. Bteluao: clarionet solo, "Annie Booney," Arthur Smith; song, "The Postman," D. '•> ah..!, A. Siuttl*. E. Castelhun, 11. Beaumont. J, Carles, 11. Drews; recitation, "Hunting Mignonette," Era Wright; dialogue, "our Mai;," ."...-in.i Me- Arron, J.rwlft Castelhun; Song, "Bed, White and Bine," class; recitations, "A Little Hero," Ella Ki-.iiic; "Little Jim," Hens. Roche: song, '-The turds and the Bottle,"] lie Weldon: recitation, "The Harbor of Shadow Town." Sallie Smith; song, "The Birds," N. McArron, E. Wllcoi, M. Code, A. Davis M. Hoone. s. Fold; recitation, "the Flowers," Emma Robinson; 101 , ' sirs, Pus.-.y," class; recitations, "ill**Bird," Florence Cpbani; "Lluie Tim," liorilon Clark; "Disconte 1. class: song. "Evening," Alice Davis: recltatli is, "The Disappointed Visitor," A. Smith; "The lintterll LUzla '•> Ider; calisthenics; " lie oi.l Oaken liuiket," six girls; iiihtiuiuental solo, Charlie j;art- lett; recitation, "Closing Remarks," Lottie Ed- wards; 1 .ilk-. "America," i lass, Second i.ia.le -VI Honlgsberger, teach dan song, "America"; recltMlon, "You I'm Nn Flowers .11 .My l>ap«"s Grave, 1 Uwtle MeArdle; class song. "Cherish Kindly heelings": song, "in the Tree Top," Jennie Williams; recitation, •\u25a0 i-HAn^, I.evee," l.iov.i Coinegys: clai? sung, JSi^riiiot ions. "How ::..• Com (irowVi re^MonT "Somebody's .Mi>tUer,"Edna JyeSu: s: Ja/n7e 3e piece In ci , Si U: ,,e, l »i£^ D ><lH>son»r**l»uoUasthe Whitest Lamb- —"recitation, "A Little Boy's Troubles." Bam- uel Culln; sewing song, LllUe Lee,Eliza Wright, Myrtle Holje. Alice Hulse, Josie O'Connor; recita- tion, "Three Little Chicks," Robert Urant; dialogue. "What They say." J'ercle Comegys, Ellsj Dochcui and Susie nan. cli song, with motions, "The Cooper"; recitation, ' Crooked Spectacles," Minnie Madden; recitation,*'^ )lib Is Best,"! . i ; . \u25a0 Willey; class sonir.with fnotli»ns,"ltoy and lie Cuckoo;* 1 reci- tation, "Where Do You Live?' James Williamson; Bag drill.Lloyd Comegys, Frank Johnson, Joseph Lenhart, Helena Hi/.tarrle \Mlley, Urete Langer, lleunle straudh, Kd Dassonvllle, Arthur Hackctt, Alice Dwyer, Flora McShane, Lulu Donning; class song, "Bed. Wnite and Blue." Second urade A. M. Josselyn,te.ieher. Classsonfr, "Cherish Kindly Feelings"; -Harry's Mistake," Arthur Sobey; "Never uut of Bight," Blanche Uoajie; dialogue, Bdna Bagnell and Alice Hageman; cla-» song, "The Lambkins": "The Spiders That Danced," Annie Monroe; "A Hundred Yenrs to Come," Fred Harry; "Baby's Sash," Ethel Hendy; "Mother's Rnles, 1 Helen Lindsay: class song, "The Corn"; "The Night Before Christmas," Matco (jauie; "buzz, Uuzz," BMenTlne; "The Ant«," Howard Trull; elasa song, "The Window"; "Politeness" Bertha 7.wleg: class recitation, "The Children's Hour": "AllThings Bright and BeauUfoi " Ira llotihs; class song, "The Hammer"; "The Tea Tarty," Edith Curry; "The Clumsy Boy, "Walter Chase; "Beautiful iiilngv Allen Jardlue; "Five Little White Heads," Emlile Wrestefeld: class soug, "Kcd, White and nine." Second urade— M. A. Kjan. teacher. Class song, " Flag or the Union"; recitations, " Frowns or Snilicsr" Mary Deerlaeb: "Supper," Rose Thomp- son; song, Lottie Liiiierhill; song, Alice Patrldge; recitation, " Brand New l'arasol," Alice Adamson; dialogue, Kose Thompson and liertie Arthur: class song, " Cricket un tne Hearth; recitation, " The sioicu Custard," Uuslav Heuer; dialogue "Spring Time," MajrxieByan and Martha WleSoldt; a cor- \u25a0iliiii solo, John Wlesc: retitatloo, " Something to See," Harry Bowe: song, Lottie Underbill. Martha Wieholdt; recitation. Hose Asbcroft; class souj. •\u25a0 li.. t. White and Blue"; recitations, \u25a0• I'tcKlnz I lowers." Qertle Arthur: " The Brook," Matte .Nel- son; Ming, \u25a0\u25a0 My Little Dolly."Kosl i Uhcroft; reci- tations, " bat Became ol our Uauj "' Vera itliey •• rheuld House Clock," Morris stinsou; dialogue, Ethel Krauu and Mary Oroth; closiag sous by the class, "America." ... ' Third Urade— •• America," class; " Winter Jewels," Louisa Oroth; "The Beggar's Home" \ irgnila Potter; " The .Nightmare," Hairy Hughes: "Writing to<iraudtna,"MlnuleSchmltz; »in,. "Urst Violets," class: \u25a0• Naugnty Little olrl" 1 Alice Norman ; " The Mite's Bong," Halsy Lee: •\u25a0 a l'oein Postponed," I'.crtle. Kllpatrlck; son?, "The Dust- uiau." class; "Our Work," mx gins " sixty Years Ago." Anna Munro: song, "I'm a Merry GirL"K.or:i King; •\u25a0 Papa Says So Too." Agnes Uninliart; " 1 ho OwlaiiU the Mouse," John Ellis; instrumental solo, Freddie 2lpp; •\u25a0 A Little Maid's Amen," Ml,,* Coeh- ran: song, "Fairy Moonlight," "John .lan- ken's Sermon." Willie Munlson; calisthenics; \u25a0• old Oaken Bucket." an plrls; " Sufi ebi.dy's Mother," Norman Henderson; •\u25a0 .My Darling, Becky ureen; song, "Cherish Kindly 1-eoilhKs," class- •• A Do- mestic Tempest." (irace Knowltoo; " Naming the Kittens" Carrie Oakley: The Bugle 8ong?!»&nde Hoi slander; "Violets." Joseph Schinlts; song "Bed, White ami Blue," class: •• Pride 01 (lattery li "Alice McArdie: - The Two Squirrels." May Baker: vale- dictory, Bertie Maxwell: song, '• Farewell," ciai* liereiving '-America," class song; -This Bound Kcd Hall," class recitation; -The Fust Speech," * red lllnj; ; "Little Moment.," Alice Bell- inaii:"The Wind-mill," class song; -The Merry Lit- tle Men. class citation: "1 be little Pulal Sear," Henry Nichols; "Mamma's Coronation " I,'i.sie Far- ley; "The Story .iBaby's cm,."- Joseph lievtlock- way; "Mrs. I'ussy," class song; "Toiumv's Story " -«? l ; cC T t if' o i i: V,", 0 , w , "'"' g W««P." reciutloil; "What They Say," Lilly Lorn: '-How We learn." Jerome White; "Spring Birds." class Kong- "The (at and the Trap," class recitation ; "The Innocent Lamb." Herman Bewelcke; "The Story of Baby's 1mow," dare Downey; "Ibe Cat's Lament ""label Cues "Summer Is Klgh," Blanche Taber: "Up. Up In the **?< claiußoiig: "The Young Driver " Alex- ander Kinsey: "Dainty Little Marguerite." iKhtin.n ; "Margery'ii Dolly." Caroline Alti»nter' "\u25a0lhe Nightingale" el.s, sing: •• The" o d V fie ?ry Tower," class: "A tarewe.l," Ueorge Ualc- "The Wue.-'c'l^sm"""*" 01 " The & »- ™« » nd llecelviug Class-Miss S. Strauss, teacher. Song, class "Good Morning, Merry Sunshine"- recitation, ••The Thoughtless M:l "'" Kuby Hamberger- water' drill, May Wortliliigt.m. Adelaide Carles Katie Mayer, Lottie Davidson, Mattle Gibbons: Nellie Acton; recitation, "The Truthful Boy" wilier Strawbrldge; song l.y the class, "Here's a Hall tor Baby"; Each Day's Untie*— Monday, Nancy Lassen- Tuesday, Eva Wllcox; Wednesday (ira<-lo 1 % «\u25a0 Thursday, Ethel Sears; Friday, Unce Webb-Bltu> day. Alice Busch; Sunday. Helen Mcsbane- cuts piece, "Four Little Balls"; -rue Ntehtinaale" Aiilla Calvin. Nancy Ijissen. Gertrude Soul" Xiiiie Scbiuldt, Mabel Williams. Clara Adler, Flossie James, Myrtle slins; recitation -A Little Word." Mabel Williams; sash drill, Chester Dermini Byron Nelson, Freddie Oogglns, Toddle (iago Willie B.!,rh g M M iK Wo ;""," Xt0 "' '-"tie Da?!d%n, A ice liiiirh, -M. Sims. N. Lassen: recitation, "The Tern- StTl'l \u25a0 *'"" KlnU; " U " g " y lhe cliw »' •'«»»». Be Yiiudk Men's Institute i'lcnlr. ihe fifth annual picnic of the Young Men's In- stitute, No. 7, was held nl Shell Mound I'ark yesteiday. A long and tmerestlue pmgianime of games had been miauled, which were wit- nessed by au eiuliuslaMlc crowd. Some TaluaUle prizes weie ollered and hotly coutesnd lor which turulsbed the most luteiestiuc featuie of REAL ESTATE. The Past Week's Doings-A Lively Time Under the Hammer. Private Business Equally Bright-Pleajantly Hannod Country Excnriioni-City Sales Aht&d. The past week's private business In real es- tate has been pretly merely put to the tent with the big competitive utlerings— iho heaviest yet of the '1)0 season— under Hie hammer. That Ii has no bravely mood the ordeal goes more and more to demonstrate the Inhcient ItrsngUl of the \u25a0r.aiktt, prices being always well considered. In mailers of finance money shows no appre- ciable change, except It be to a still welcome easing tendency. Of the week's loans there is nothing extra large to record, the biggest being a 160,000 loan to the Archbishop on church property by the llibeiula Bank for two years at C per com, on the lit. in. vi Catholic Cathedral at the corner of an Ness avenue and O'h'ariell street, others varying from $10,000 to $20,000. The extent of tlie May business— and tho mouih may, with present holidays, now be con- sidered as closed— according to the Ci net lon. amouuts to 703 sales, representing an aggregate value of $3,284,267, thus lopping the list for four years, In mis connection the largest score la placed opposite the Western Addition, which claims outot the total mentioned 103 sales of a money value of (1,297,780, outside lands taking secuud rank with a total of (281,266, repre- sented by the incoming from 15U sales. U-NDICIi 188 HAMMER. The week just closing has more t ban main- tained the reputation of ihe season lv the busi- ness done aud the values obtained In the auction- room. On Monday, at liovee. Toy & Co.'s sale of city property, three building lots, 24:9x150, f, outing on Seventeenth street, west of Castio, sold fin $2200 to (2300. with three lear lots ol same dimensions fronting on Stale street, fetching 51275 lo £1400. An. 1820 1-ost meet, a good house on lot 26x137:6, near Webster, was knocked down for 4CUUO. A T-shaped lot, with 25 leet frontage ou Fourteenth street, west of Valencia, 70 lect deep, with lot at back and lv rear 70x220, brought $7000, No. us Uuilaud street, on lot 25:6x115, cottage property, fetched $3070. The southeast corner ol Octavia and Chestnut streets, 236:7x206:3, unimproved, sold for $5200. A 24x80 lot uu the south side of Kolsoui street, 147 Icet east of ihliteentli, letcheu S2USO. The total amount told looted up $35,250. ihe Mime, day also witnessed U. 11. Umbsen &Lo.'s succestlul sale ol apoitiouof the l)ou- ithtie estate at living Hail. 'ilia one -mini In- terest In the foui-stoiy buck and Iron bunding at 418 to 430 Montgomery siieet, subject lo a i4BOO Ire inteiest iucome, starting at a $21,000 bid, climbed ahead till it. 11. bprague as an- nounced the puichaser for »2S,oOocash. Block 847, iv South San Francisco, uud block 844, bounded by liMitj-secoud and lhiillelh ave- nues aud C and 1) streets, were knocked down to T. J. Moyoahau for $1125 and *12i>0 respect- ively,spot cash. L.I;. 1-ultla, I'lesiueut of the Callloiuia Alhieuc Club, was the purchasex of the coiner lot, :!7:CxllO feet, ou .-seventh, a venue and D street, loi : <Juu. Of the lots on .-seventh avenue doiUi, $11(76, $1050, (1600, 51550, $13^5, Jl2lO, (1210, $1060, $1030 lor two, $U2O, ;-;•(.> and (876 lor two weie Ihe prices obtaiind lor louiieen, three adjoining lots 25x115 fetching tiuin $a4O to fJIO. The 25x115 comer on Seventh avenue and C stiect sold tor (1670, while that ou Hit) coiuei of C -Heel aud sixth avenue, 25x1u0, realized 1425. The 101l adjacent on the west, each 25x100, bold for (076 to $l-."iU. On Sixth ave- nue, suuth ot C stieet, eleteu lots, each 25x110, letched >>,"."., $845, (U26, tUIS, t'MV iui tbtee each, (92b foi two eacn, and (1026, west to an adjoiuiLg lot 30x120, bringing (2600. Tbe total amount realized ai the sale was $87,070. On iuisday Ea»tou & Kldiidgo tcoied a big success, some $2u3,000 woilh ol property being lepoiled as changing hands under Ihe hiimiuei. Ihe lot, B0:8xluU, on llowmd slieel, running buck to iin.i, with four stores on it, fetched SCU,9OO. For the coitbeast corner of \.u,<j,, and tiansoiur, unimproved, 187:0xl2S:6, SOU was obtained, The brick buuuiug on la clno slieet, on a lot 47:V)x137:0, wall name building iv leal, runiiiugback toChanes slieet, was knocked down foe (18,600. For lhe 43:3 x 127 lesiaeuce lot on the souib side of Jackson street, east it *n,iiiih, t.->4.',0 was paid. For the 43i73 lot, southwest coinei of I'acitic and Me- Cuiiiuck streets, with sloie lliereou and tene- ment, $10,850 was paid, with $4700 paid for the southeast corner. 43:'J.\58iU, ol Jones aud Valle- jo streets, with improvements, The two-story name house on lot 22x08 00 the east side ul Siocktuu Mitel, jiisl south ol (.lay, brought $4050. A 120x3u0 lot uu Sau Hi uiio avenue, uotlh of Eve, Ultough to Callfoiuia avtuu -, fetched (7300. A lot. 00x127:0. ou the nuith side ot Union street, 137:0 west of Leaveuworlh, brought J2U6O, while a two-stoiy frame build- ingon Folk, south of Broadway, ou v U>l34x 100. leaiized {87UO. The northeast corner of Keainy and l.nn.ii streets, 27:6x67:6, letcned <j..m.>. The 30x00 lot. Improved, on me nuith side of oitgou slieel, and east ot Flout, was sold for (7860. Auoihoi lot of same size, with teuemeuts, ou the east aide of Stockton stieet, noilh of California, bioucut (6UOO. The Do- Vaia uonheast coiuer of Joues anu Nof.h l'olut was sold fin $7600. ou Wtduosuay McAfee, Baldwin & Hammond held au liupoitani sale, ottering ten lots in the block bounded by Page, Ociavia ami Lily sheen, ail ol which teallzed satisfactory prices. The 4Ox'Js lot on the cornel ol Oclaviaaud I'age stieets was bougbl by Ibomas Dillon lor $10,- --200, Ibe 3UXB6 lot un Oetavik aud Lily lliug t0r(7460. Ihe two liuermediajc, lots," 25x'J5, fronting ou Octavia street, biought respectively s,',uuo and $I'JSO. l-oi the six lots ou I'age bacn lo Lily avi-nur, each 26x120, prices ranged lioiu . (4460 to $4500. The net lesults ot i:.u salo : lot, ed up «."<4,385. / Ou Tuursday the Ornall-Flz bugb-AM^tii Company succe-jfully olleied _*--t4ialo.-ue ol lesiaeiicsloislo Block 76^js»B sun Ueicbts. the J2:bxlOO^coitie CD N|lltt -, >llllH and >lice^i.-, ; ,-^u C |( t .( 1 down lor j1370, llltJ -,".,.. i 1 vi Llghlb avenue and J 6tieei fetching (1860. For me intermediate lots, eacn 26xiou feet, fioutlug on J slieu, prices paid ranged from (885 to £1145. ihe 32:6x100 cornet uu X and Ninth streets sold tor (1360, tie cornel of X and Eighth streets, of equal dimensions, bunging (1325. Ihe sixteen lots, liuuiluk Hlglilb avenue, ench 25x120. sold at from £85u to .;1145, ihe corresponding lots ou Ninth avenue averaging about £850 ni lace. At Yon Itheln & Co.'s auction sale on the same day a large crowd was present. At the begin- ning Mr. yon liheiii announced to Ihe gatheilng that the hist tour paces weie subject to ap- pioval, one owner beitig absent, two being sold under older of court and oue owned by a Cuugre- cation. Ihese conditions 1 elug announced ihe lullowint: piIces were realized: Lot 67:6x120, on the east line of Mission slice!, between Filth and Sixth, 52,000; lot 77:0x107:0, ou the north Hue of McAllister snret, 247:0 west ul Lehveuworlh, 1,000; lot 20xnl):G, 20'J Coinmeiiial slieet, near Kearny $U400; lot 00x100, with L 48x37:6, 218 Lom- bard street, between Keaiuy and Dupoui, (GUOO; for the southeast corner of Castro ami Hill streets, 20:0x80, $1850 was paid, and six ad- joiulug lots ii'.;;-.i.i from f 1205 51475; lot 25x80, 30 Gilbert street, brought J2D75; a lot t;uxlll!:(i, ou Howard and Nineteenth streets, went with au "if" at $11,750. The salo of Week 1060, Sunset Heights, on Wednesday, by W. Hutterfleld, said block being bounded by Thirty Hi and Thirty-fifth ave- nues and Itand O. streets, offered In fiftysubdi- visions, brought from $100 to $145 lor Inside lots, with coiner) commanding from $170 to $310, that an O, and Thiny-fotiith streets benn; evidently the buyers' pick, from a standpoint of values. TODAY'S OFFEIUXGS. A specially tempting bill of fare, or rather hi Is ol laic, aie sprsad before the eyes ol me real c-iale gourmand lo day, The much tail ed-of, lone expected Wellnsley Paik sale Is on the cards lor out: Ullog, and a Jolly i lenic Is ezoected. Adjuiuing liedwood try, and Wltb splendid naiiiial advantages Of climate, location and shoit distance- from ihe city, the chance to i.ick up villa sues. Judging lion, ; !»• apillcatlou tor tickets, is likely lo be availed of beyond ixpectation. Anoiher pleasant excursion will be that to l.os (iat'is. where Mlddleton A snaion have a sur- prise v slore for those who imagine itpossible loexaggeiato tho claims of lhaidislilct. Three miles beyond Snr.ituna and ten miles from San Jose, l.os Oato-i to-uay has reaeaetf a pitch ol prosperity that is of iiself a sufficient guaran- tee lor the Investor, leaving out of consideration Iho desirableness ot ih neighborhood. millvai.i.kv PBOntBTT. A very Important event Tor Mario County has lately occuried In the dale of ihe ThiocKinortou ranch, ol 14. (too acres, to Joseph (i. kuMlaii'J, A 1 11 Miller, I.uvell While, Thomas M:i<;ee, Wlllinin (.olinian. ('resident of the uaiiow- gau>;e railroad, mid «iliicis. Ihi-se men have built one shoit railroad and are now building wau'on roads through Ihe ranch. They intend to build both wauou roadi aiul railroads thratiirli the lauch, Mpeclallj a railroad, to Bulinas. They bave w:iter enouuli at Mill Valley, three miles from BaUMlttO, to supply 8000 people without further drvelotunent aud with an ex- liendiiiiie of iSout) they will have enough to supply 50.000 people. They have ahead} built road! some seven miles in extent, nim veiyeasy grades, aud thiy proi oso to butid many inoie in and around Jlill Valley— one o! the finest aud most sheleicd spots in the state, fifty iniuuies from the C'.ly by feny and lail. Three hundred acres of ilili laud tv Mill Valley are to be sold at aucilun on Saturday next lv acres aud lots. Then a new town will be made and uew life will be Infused Into one ot our best couuties, which has been kept lv a neatly uuprogresMve state by larue ranches. Then William J. Dlngee Is to the fore with a laklttf list of building-101l on Oakland Hel"hts— Rl/eiempiory sale— said lon, overlooking Laku Meriltl and ihe surrounding country, are guile handy to the uew Piedmont Cable Koad. The hind adjoins the Adams I'oint properly, the Oak- land Homestead and tho Standfoid Tract, aud Is only toity minutes' distance from San Frauchco. AUCTION SALKB AHEAD. Apart from the catalogues listed for to-day, and lookliiK ahead Into Ihe fixtuiea of the next few days, Easton & Eldild ne on their regular sales- day, Tue'diiy, will offer some twenty-four choice residence lou fron'Hig on Van Mess avenue, M.iukliu and Fiauclsco streets, only half a block from the (ioveinmeut (Black l'uinl)Ueseivallon I'ai k. The lols, w hlch comuiand a capital marine view, are all fenced mid graded, aud preseut qime a chance lo luvesiors and speculators lv the shape of a radical advance lv values ere love, when, with the driveway opened to tbe North Bay, the district will probably assume lue lui- puriance II Is entitled to, Ou Wednesday li. H. Umbsen & Co. hold a special auction sale of bustuets, residence. In- vestment mid unimproved iroieitles located at 1145 Mission strict, west ot Seventh; «outh- west corner of Castro and Twenly-Dlth sliects; souheast cmuer of Fourth uud Clemeiiilua streets; 1312 aud 1314 Jackson stieet, near Leaveuworlh: 512 and f>l4 Hyde stieet, near Ueary; uoithwest coruei of Kolsom aud Ecker Rlrreu, near First; Sacranifnto street, west ol I.utuua: TUeresa street, uear Mission; besides property on Henry street, near Market; 725 Hush street, between l'owell and Masuu, and others. On the •nine day, nt Oakland, Rli,ilnwnlil, Ktickliec &Co., by older ot the heirs of tin- lalo l'eter Uonalitie ami the executors Ol the estate of the late James Muivyn Donahue, will tell urn reiiialuliig property of iho ejtaie, consist of id) one-acre anil halt-acre villa lots In the Vornon I'nrk Tract, fronting on Clare- motit avenue, College avenue, llrniidway and Vermin sheet, with a Frontage nt 70 to 270 feel and a depth of 100 to 2311:11 (ret. The term*, 100, ire unusually easy, being one- third cash, with the balance payable In one and iwoyenrs, Him luierest at 7 per coin. Ten per cent of the piinh.i-r money in requited un the fall of the liaiiiini'r. llio remainder to he paid on coiiliimallon ol Ilia unlit by me Sin ci lot Court, the California Title Insurance and Trust Com- I'Uiivfurnishing a policy ot Insuiiiiicu liiiiiilng the Hint for a nominal mini,; On Thursday, Juue r.ih, McAfee, llaldwlu Si llHinmoud are going lo teiuil Ihn public wllh a catalogue of 170 residence lota on Clarendon lie, I-, the lots fit, i. iii, Si.niynn, Alum, lilvoll, Keveuleentli, Eighteenth and llt'lgrave streets' and Clarendon avenue. The growth of the fash- i, popular taste for marine views in ihu city fur lesidence sites, as no largely illustrated this season, especially nt millions where nlich opporluulties have presented themselves, Hiu*aks as loudly us It can In suupnit of the belief that very much enhanced values aie aboilly coming for theae slies. On Wednesday David Sti-rn * Sons willhold a fraud credit sab-, when they will dispose of forty-four choice business and residence lots In the "waim bell" at the Mission. The property fronts on I'olsom, Twoulietu, Treat aveuue aud Iwenly-hist streets. PALO ALTO. Quite a special lnieie»t attaches to the auction sale of lots) InUniversity Park at the I'aio Alto Station by the Arthur R. Bungs company tills day week, June 7th. No other lots can ever be ottered to Iho public nearer to the University I ban these are, each subsequent subdivision be- ing ot necessity further and further distant from tin- coveted neighborhood at the seat ot learning. Aside from all other reasons Ihe Leland Stanford University is destined to carve out for itself such a niche lv the temple of California successes that adjacent piopeity is bound to acquit large added values, and so sliaie, in a small way per- haps, in the t'nlveii-lly's reputation. The easy nature of the term?. 25 per cent cash, with bal- ance payable at $10 per month on each lot, with- out any iniere-t. 10 per cent deposit being re- quired at lime of purchase. Is mi additional at- traction. The special excursion tiaiu leaves cor- ner ol 'ihiid and Tuwuseud streets at 10 o'clock' next Saluiduy mot mug. 2H ASHIiURY HBIOBTB. What has been designated the "cream resi- dence location of the city," commanding, as It dt es, a view of ami iv the immediate vicinity of the main attractions of Golden Gate Par*. Is to be put up at auction on Monday next by O'Far- iell & Lung In the guise of sixty-live residence lots ou Ashbuiy Heights, the sale being a per- emptory one. 'lhe loin fiont un Frederick, Six- teenth aud Clayton stieets and Tremout avenue, only two blocks south of Ualght stieet and lying beiweeu Bueua Vista Park and th Golden i.ale Park. The sit eels are sewered, graded and macadamized, wltb a cement sidewalk on Tie- motii avenue. The terms of the sale will be one- third cash, wit'i balance in two and three years at 7 per cent. SANTA BOSA. In connection with the winding up of affairs In tho Donahue estate still another opportunity lor lhe Investing public Is ottered at G. U. I"nib sen & Co.'a salt- I his day week, at the Atliemiuin Theater, Santa Kosa. Ou that occasion leu shares of me Santa Rosa Athenxum '1heater building slock will be submitted lv public bid- dings, as well as lots 1, 2, 10 and 11, In Block 1 of ft. J. Johnson's addition to Santa Rosa, be- sides lots 353, 35-1 and 355, Id Block 4 In the city. At the same time lots 22,23.24,25, 20, 27 and 28, In Green's addition, as well as one half acre adjoining lhe above lots, will be ottered for public competition, the whole being known as the "Hospital Property." Further, lots 82 and 88, and the south hail of- lot 84, all In Block loof Clark's addition, together with a 20 aero farm, formerly known as IHo '-.Mii.dock Farm," beluga portion oi the Bancbo Cabeza. de Santa Rosa, as well as lot 25, in Bleck 12, at Clark's addition, will be offered for balo. Then there is a 31.16-acre farm, au 80-acie faun, oue and a half miles lroin Windsor, on the l-'ladsbui|jh and Santa Kosaroad: lhe 272.68-acte farm, kuown as the Wright Farm, about two miles from ib« Court- house, with other lots, and a third Interest lv the LaktrVillH Lauding pioperly, containing four acres, and being a portion of Petaluma Kancno, as welt as an undivided third interest in a strip of laud adjoining the above tract, running along- side the couuty road to Uiaish lauds aud i'eta- luma Creek. PRIVATE BUSINESS. Dining Ihe week. Shalnwald, liuckbee & Co. have sold a lot 27:0x100 on the east side of Hydestieel. close to Green, for $3200, and have also placed another ou the north side ot \ ullejo, li tween Oc'.avla and i.agtiu.i, 30x125, tor $10,500, with Improvements. What is known as the Hurling properly has also been sold by 15. M. Guun & Co. to A. L. Rhodes ot San Jose— a properly consisting of four residences, for $70,000. i lie properly In question lies on the soulh side of Tu:k street, onlya short distauce from Taylor/and stands on a lot 87:6x137:6. An uuluipioved lot, size 30x120, has also changed hands t hrough the same him during the week, lor the amount of JOOOO, on the west side of Scott street, uortU of I'.icllic. The Carnall-Fllzbugb-Bopklus Company re- port sales of twenty-four loin in the Excelsior Homestead, for $5500. Also the northeast cor- tiei «l Eighth avniueand X street, 57x100, for $2050, and one 50x120, east side Eighthaveuue, for i2OOO. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, KTC. The number of transfers Bled at the Hall of Records lor the week is 103, the number ot mortgages 721, and that of releases let. bi tLDixa CONTRACTS. If the month of May shows a diminution In build lnicoutiacts, it must be remembered that engagements have freely made ahead as to leave little room lor additions, II any. Con- tractors and builders have their bauds just about as lullas they'll stick Just now. and me appar- ent decline in me mouth's tiguies is traceable moie to this than any oilier cause, For the month of .May contracts have been let for some 150 uew buildings, running Into a tola] of $784,- OOJ, or thereabouts, as against only $409,000 iv loiind numbers for a corresponding period last year, the hist live months of the year, as alieudy set luith in The Call, showing over a mllliou dollars la uulldlug contracts lo the cieuit of iss'.M:. as compared with a like tune in 1888. For the week— broken one, ueiiher a whole nor a ball, be It remembered— the .n.i mi: contracts are represented by a money value ut $133,000. OAKLAND OH I ItINUS. IHf :MniH>olh sale of large building lots -and"" tills lesideuce gnJu'naV 3t "Wremptory "auction to-day, at '_' o'clock, on the grouud, O.i .laud Helght.s, adjacent to tho I'ledmont cable rail- road, w ill be one of the piomiueut offerlugs of the season. Aiieeude Is uuuoiiuced lor the pur- pose of conveying parlies to the sale. Timmag- uihceut tract is ou me direct line of the Improve- ment and on elevated ground, allortliue a hue view of Lake Meuilt, Oakland, Alaiueda, the bay, ban Francisco and suirottudtiig country, and not far from lots thai are vow selling at $30 per front fool. Only one-fifth in cash is required and (lie balance lv equal Installments in one, two, three ana four years at 7 per cent per an- num interest. The sale will be conducted by VVllllam .1. Ulngee of Oakland anil Euslou, Eldridge & Co. ol this city. ISI POUTAST AX.VOISCEMF.XT. E. W. Woodward & Co., successors to Wood- ward & Merrill, will sell tills evening at their salesroom, 002 Hroadway, Oakland, by the di- rccliou ol Sherman & l'tnney. 468 Mull)street, sixty-two desirable lots In tin- well-known I'ied- nioud Villa tract on the most liberal terms, 10 wit,only $100 cash lor each lot sold and ilia balance uu easy terms and low rate o( Interest. Tilts property is only 15 minutes' walK from the center o[ Oakland and is situated on l'lcdmout or Webster avenue, tne Washington-street ears uassih*! every few minutes and the new I'led- moDl cable running oulyone block distant. It Is a sacrifice s.ilu ami each lot will be sold without reserve. FUTURE SALES. William .1. Dlngee, Oakland, Is preparing a catalogue lor a Ills sale of real estate, wlncli will lake place on (tie 11111 day ol June. Tim advertisement willappear la in; usual columns next week. K. W. Woodward & Co. will offer at public auction on Saturday, 1 lili June, a! '_' o'clock, on the ground*. 400 acres lii 1110 celebrated Kelt liancli, situated near tl;e new (own of I'iuitUnd and toe town <\u25a0[ l)e;oto. The block has been divided Into live, ten, Ulleen and twenty acre paieels, ami will be sold on liberal [Tins of pay- mem. The usual announcement will appear la Hie adveitliliiK columns next week. on June Tin, William J. DiiiKei',Oakland, and Kid r lda's & Co., Ban Francisco, will dts- po«e of a portion of Ihu Hlasdel tract at auction, ob the grounds, Twenty-third avenue and K;ist Tnrnty-fourtlistieet, fronting on Twenty-: and Oranse avenues and I 1-1 Twenty-fourth, lv.nity-tiltli and Twenty-sixth streets, ami ad- juluiiiK lili:h!.;u.l lark on the east. -c,~- Tliere nretlility-nlne subdivisions of from 30 to 50 feet front by 121 to Id) feet In depth. These choice lots arc situated on the elevated laud uloni: the upper portion of Twenty-third iivrnu •• and command a haudsoine view the bay and the sun oundlug country. The iniprovemeni!! In the Immediate vicinity aie exceptlotully line. On account of the eleva- tion this I s ml is unusually well drained. Twenty-third avenue is graded, curbed, sew- ered and macadamized within two blocks of this properly. The soil is a rich, black loam, and the entire tract is planted In choice llowers. shrubs, shade, ornamental and fruit trees In fullbearing, Including forty omiiKe and lemon trees, apricots, cherries, plums, peaches, pilines, el_\, all of which crow luxuriantly In this charming spot. Almost all of Hie lots have bearing trees on them and me surrounded by cypress hedges. It Is desired thai an Inspection of tills land be made before the day of sale, as no section of Oakland oilers belter Inducements to the home- seeker. Terms— Only one-fifth cash, balance In four yearly payments, at ouly 7 per cent Interest. STKAV JJOTKS AMIOOBSIP. Bnvee. Toy & Co. will Mtuitly be out with a catalogue on .Mine. "Jih o( properly adjaceut to (ioldeii Uat« I'ark. The Carnall-Mlzhugh-llopklns Company are each .Saturday now taking out from nevtiitv to eighty people lv Inspect the location at tho Uni- versity liekbls, each week ghowiui; au Increase lv vmtora. The liupland ranch, so Itis said, has been pur- chafed In i>imiiiii-iy by A. \v\ Foster from Me- Afre, Baldwin & ilaiuuiond, tor tbe gum ol $:t7,uou. The hist meeting of the Bay City Loan Association w;ii held hist Monday, sliowuii: the assets of the eoinp.tny to be $7i>,i is, with J('»r>,- Ci») lent on nioilg.iges durum the year. The electlou of oltlcers letulted In me follow ing selec- tions: President, Geoiife Bastoo; Vlcel'resl- dent. \V. li. Allen; Secretary. L. 1.. Deumiiv; Treamuer, 11. Wadswortb, aud Atioiu ey. v. il. Klxford, Woik on the new armory on I'aciflc avenue la rteaUily golui: ahead. Defttti Fn.m ItliHiil-I'olsnn iillj. Bernard # Frclks, a Herman, 32 years of age, died at the City and County Hospital yesterday, having beeu admitted three days ago for a wound in the hand. While employed at Tracy in unloading cask*, about two weeks ago, one of them fell upon him. The autopsy made yester- day showed that death resulted from blood-pol- aouluc. which is supposed to hare beeu luduced by the rust of tue banel-hoop which cm-lied his hand. Fuom the Crocker Tucbt.— Mrs. E. E. Cas- well has received on behalf of the Free Ward and Building Fund of the llahnemaii Hospital Association tho sum of $500 through Mrs. Alexandsr Iroui the Mary Ci octet Trust Fund. SEA AND SHORE. One of tho Crew of the Mary E. Anderson Drowned. Report of tho Ship A. J. Fuller- A Quick Pat- lace by the Steamsr Normani»-The ZjalandU'i Cargo, The schooner Mary E. Anderson, Captain Ilobbs, arrived yesterday, fourteen hours from Newhaven. wall a cargo of bark for Heyman & Slayer. The captain reports tli.u ou Tuesday morning, while making lines fust at Newhaven.a bout eapslied and a iteamuu named M. Slinouseu was drowned. The British foil r-iii ship Bhutan HIM ar- rived yesterday, eighty day from Newcastle, Australia, with a cargo of 3325 ions or coal. Tills Is one of the largest cargoes of coal ever brought to this port. The UidstouUm is a slater ship to the Tliito Hill, now m port. The weather was hazy at I'oiut Lobos yester- day. Early In the morning the wind was light ' from the southwest, at v o'clock bauled to the uoilhwest and kept from that quarter the rest of the day, increasing to 24 miles an hour: .8 o'clock A.ii.29.87, uoou 2'J.OS, 5 o'clock P. M. 2y.90. REPORT OF THE A. J. FULLER. The ship A. J. tuller arrived yesteiday, 135 day-, from New York, with a general' cargo cou- slgued to button &Ueebee. Captain Coleord re- ports : Sailed on January nth and experienced fresh Kales and rough sea for ten days. Crossed equator February Bth In 2!)° So' west. Took souiheast trades in 30' somu and had good run to 50° south. I'assed Slaten ou the flfty- lifihday out and sighted the tape ou March 12th; thence io3s° south experienced a contin- uation of noriuwesl ami northerly gales. Was lSda.vsfiom oU° to 50°. Ciossed equator In l'acidc on April BOlli. Had good northeast trades; past livedays fresh wluus fromnorth to uoithwest, with rough, squally weather. Ihe steamer has been on the Mer- chants' Dry-docK to ue cleaned and Tainted. She came oil yesteid,.y and ducked at l-'remout street. The schooner Novelty arrived yesterday, after a good passage of four days from Port Kia^eley. The whaling bark 1bonus l"ope is having her rudder repaired at Hatiiaway's Wharf. A FAST FLIER. A dispatch received yesterday from New York says thai the (iermau steamer Kormanla, the laie^ addition to the Hamburg-American Packet Comuauj's fleet, arrived In me morning, making the best time o.irecora for am iiden voyage- six days live hours. On the trip she barely escaped destruction in a collision with an Ice- berg on May 27th, but had forty feet of her plhies smashed. TlieO. S. Company's steamer Zealandia will sail to-day for Honolulu and Sydney with a very valuable cargo. Among her freight for Sydney ar« 4iir,u inuuds beans, 1000 cases perinea, 44514 pounds collee. 10,500 pounds lioub, 1000 bundles shooks and 47' JO gallous whale oil; for Mel- bourne, 02.140 pounds broom coin; for Bris- bane. 15,43 'J pounds cuffee; for Fort Chalmers, 2007 pounds broom Cora and for Honolulu, 40 packages lish. 48 bundles machinery, 20 bucks onions and 2800 pounds tobacco. An Italian Hibernian yesteiday afternoon picked up limb -is lrom a ship's ways floating out to sea, and towed them to Fishermen's barf, where they now await an owner. The steamer Cella arrived yesterday lumber laueu from lluuiboldt aud went up river direct. FAIIILV UKTAIL M.VItKKT. Fruits are steadily cheapening. Apricots, Green Apple) and Raspberries aie still la light supply, but tii \u25a0 market Is plentifullysupplied with Cherries and Strawberries which are about as cheap as they ever get. Some California Black Figs, growu 1:1 Yuma, have sold at 7Sc©*l p box. Vegetables show uo particular change, being in good supply as a rule. Poultry is mure abundant, several car-loads hav- ing arrived from the East. Real good young Koos- ters, however, comluue scarce. {•utter and Cheese are plentifuland cheap. Eggs are considerably dearer at*wholesale, but the retail price has not yet advanced. Meals show no change. Following la Hit; Call's regular weekly retail price list: fnu.-PF.R TOY. Cedar River. 80U@ a Seattle 8 50-a 00 caunci 14 l'U'i» .Coos Bay 7503* 800 Diamond aoo-^ | cherry Valley 7 Boa) 800 New Welling- (Mlmau s»«.j 800 ton, %i ton.lo 50311 CO 1 Cuke, bbl.. 75,0 90 Wellington..10 ou| DAIRY PRODUCE, Era Butter, choice B. ...20(325 Cheese. Swiss, ...25^30 do. good 17& jEggs, fildoz 2U(<£2s Ordinary, go 15<s> | do, .em 17V : >r<»'-0 Cheese, Uai log; 12 i Honey, comb \u25a0$( 1t..17<s I Cheese, Eastern 20026°! do, extracted lo^l'.' KEATS— PER roVSB. Bacon 1201S Purk, salt ln.a Beef, choice <g>2o I'ork Chops 18(520 Corned lieef l».al'J:itib Chops I_'.uls Ham, Cat 13^15 Kound .sum:; ... 10.* 1:! \u25a0 do, Eastern Multi Sirloin Steak 15®17 Lard, '\u25a0?. Ib (aid Porterhouse, do •.'O(5» Muttou 10rg)12 Smoked Beat. 15W20 Lamb 12<al(> Veal lUuj/i» l'uik, 1rush JO j FOCLTRY AND OAME. Broiler*, each. 50$ 87 Ducks. each . 75\u25a0•si 00 liens, each. ... t^j, B7ieeese.eaeh....l 60<s2 60 loung Kuust- Pigeons, pair ouui 65 ers. each 1 00.JJ1 25 Kabbits, f* pair 37<^ 50 \u25a0Old Roosters, -.; Squirrels, each lOigi 12 each 60® 75 Hare, 25© Turkeys, ~f. Ib.. 25rsi —I 1 KTITS AND MTq. Apricots, ¥ Id.. 15 Limes, V doz.. ® 16 Apples, f! 1&... 35(a> 20 Lemons, %>.<lO2. 20@» SO New Apples, IB .'•'* BlOranges. doz. 15<sJ 30 Almonds, ft ID. 'JU.j; 261Navel oranges, i. anas, > doi 20-.& 40 r ft ilo* 25® 50 Cnerries. f< Ib.. s<& 12IPlneappies,ea. 40\a> 60 Currants. 1t... - (<A 10 1Raspberries, % Chestnuts,)) Q>.. aSigj SO La-h#. 15® 20 Cocoanuts. ea. lu^i 12 Raisins, ¥< ID.. _J*<B' lS" Figs, Smyr' li<<j> 2i(Uicuv>axlJ*«~ Gooseberries, '' : drawer....... :!o<a> 60 . _!LJ' *-**\u25a0•'*\u2666*=**\u2666\u25a0' S| Walnuts, V- n>. 20(3) 25 VEGETABLES. Asparagus, »i . I New Onions, 13 n> „3@ 8, Ib 3@ 4 Artichokes. i* Okra, dry, Vln '-'6(0 40 doz 20-3 26 1 oyster rint.bli -M 10 Beets, ?!<loz.... 15^5 Peppers, green, Beans, White, »m.... -13 50 ,^*l r ' 5 Parsnips,'* doi (is 25 Do, rink, t* Id. 63) t Potatoes, ? in.. 2'-rr» 3Vk Ho, Lima, dry, 1 do, new, %< 16 y<3 i %*»> —9 I°; Radishes, «Oi Cabbages, ea... S-a 10) chs. 15-a 20 CauiiHuwers.ea Sg) lOJKhubarb, -a 16 1i» 6 IVk-ry, ¥> bch. Sage,? IB SO® 35 Cucumbers, ft Sprouts, » Ib.. -% 8 doi 25® 75 Spinach, V-».. s'<s B Cress, 1 ?, bchs 15* 20 String lieans.lD Sm 10 6ar11c,»n>.... 20,i> 'iuimiiLTSqiiasn Gr'n Peas, t». to it 6 ft ib .. Sa 10 Green Corn, )l iMarTt Squash. doz 503 75 1 %}&.. ....... —a Li-nills H(g> : Thyme, ? m... § 37 Lettuce, doz.. 2O# 251Turnips,!* <ioz. 6.'S 8 Mushr'ius, j! IB 60S* | Tomatoes, V 2) 4U(.j BO J-ISlC—ran POI'ND. Barracuda m 16 -Smelts 10® 12 Carp 10 Soles iiivA 10 Codfish SCd> 10 English Soles.. «4 15 Flounders lo.i) 12ISkates, each... 2O<* 25 Halibut ® 25|Sturi;eon B<ai 10 Herrine «$ |Tomcod (a) 15 Klngnsh. B(i4 10,Turbot m 15 Mackerel, each. 20® Clams, ft gall.. (gl 75 Do, Horse, Ib.. 10® 19 Do, hard shell, Percn , go> 10 ft 100 40^ 50 Pompano ;<HI 50ICrabs,each.... <g) 15 Rocknsn «$ 10 Do, soft shell, Salmon, smKd. (at l'_'l '$ doz 37® 50 Salmon, tresh.. 10*4 15 Crawfish 4is 6 Shrimps 12® 16, Mussels, art, 1^ 15 Do, picked & 60IOysters, Cal %4 Shad..-. 8(4 12| 100 60® 75 Speckled Trout 25 , Do, Eastern, •» bealiass 15 1 doz 25® 50 A SUPPOSED SUICIDE. Fred V. Rftthhoiio Found Dead in the St. David's IliiiTgn. While the clerk of the St. David's Dome, on Howard street, near Third, was making hit rounds early yesterday morning he discovered gas escaping from a room occupied byFrrdV. ltallibone. The door was at once broken open, but the occupant was dead, liathbmie was a bar-tender and Mad worked In til city for nearly twenty years. tie last ulace In which be was employed was 1" till McUoveiu'g old saloon ou the corner or Market and Ueary streets. In recent years he Dad been ailing with a com- plication ot complaint?, and in O(der to Indued sleep lie became addicted to the use of morphine. It Is nut known whether he turned the gas on in- tentionally or not, but tome of his friends sup- pose that after taking bis usual dose of mor- phine his condition became such that he could not perform ordinary actions properly and In mining on the gas only succeeded iv turning ii half off. Others are Inclined to believe that be com- muted Milcide, for of late ltathbone has been liv- ing oft the generosity of friends, having been well known alone Market streot. Owini: to Hie death of Ills former employer and many of ills old friends Hathbone found It a very difficult affair In obtaining a Hvlehood. lie was Ivvery lllheatll), being afflicted with rheumatism aud asthma. The opinion Is divided as to whether be com- mitted suicide or died while under the infill- £ once of morphine, He wan entirely without; means, his last money having been used to Day bis room rent. - . _ . . \u25a0 IN ISUD.IN. HIS IJOOII. Congelton ICalti-rntnn ilm Btnrv of the Att'irlc M.idn Upon Him. ' Oiborn C'ODRrlton, the young fninpurnnon lect- urer whose story oi an attach by perioni un- known to him on Thursday ul|;lu. Lan near the liimber-iilieils on Broadway, Oakland, after which lih was (lint and thrown Into the water, was publlilied In jmbii'iil iy'.i Cam., passed iiiohC of yesterday In bud In his loom at the Unit House In this c 1 I v . To ii Call reporter ho stated In the afternoon that he had no furihflr facts about the onto to add to the already published HmH . Ho re- Pealed that all had liapp'iictl ** he had de- scilbed on hi' return to this oily on Thursday night, excepting 006 or two minor detail*. It was on the Aiauitiili iiuryth.u lie oroiied, and not on the Oakland boat. He took Ilia narrow- gauge to Alamed.i. mid, again iiiiMiiinx Ills un known RsaaliHiit, miitr the call upon Dr. llronson at the latter* residence close to the I'jrk-slieet inn row-gauge d pot, went to Oakl.iud wltu tha ilraimei on the bnmd-g.iuge, Uounelton »ay» that wheu he and the stranger lift lint cars at Kiuadway, Oakland, I hey walked down towaid the luiiiber-y.uds, and he was siculilly m advance when struck dowu from be- hind. To the best of his recollection when he revived he was tailed by two un aud thrown by them into t lie water. While feeling still very shaky from the rough treatment received, Congelton mm*, mi no notice- able mmks of violence yesterday. 1lie contusion un In- foiehead has gone dowu and mere Is only a sight scratch left. The mark on the breast, cau,.d by the pl-toi bullet forcing the sus- penders' clasp Inui the flesh Is also hardly visible. tonne lion, however, slated that lie had been spitting up a little blood all day, and believes he has been injured Internally. Yesteidav Detective Kollln of Oakland' and Detective John Coltey of the local force were closeted with him for some time, but beyond fully describing bis assailant, gave them no fur- ther clew to work on. The police decline to ex- preas any opinion about the case until they have made fuilher mvesUsailons. Ral<w>jr >!..i Cbmir«<. The followlui; change* and appointments in tin- Railway Mull Service are aanouueea: a. l. McCully, postal clerk on the line between l'ort- l.ind, (Jiegon, and An lie, trausfened to the Una between Uunllaeton, Oiecon, and I'onland. W. J. Hall of Salem, Oregon, appointed to the Una beiWMn PocUand and Anile, vice McUuliy, tran«feiifd. K. A. VMniinj; of C.ilf.ix, Wasb., •iPI "ted to the Spokane Falls and I'ortlaud Hue, vice V. M. Blwell, ilecliued. T,» Bet*re Tn-dny« It is reported lhat Jlliu Mctiord, Superlntend- eul of the Bdttei-sireet liailroad Company, will resign his position 10-day as bis many oilier busi- ness Inteiests demand liis imiividual atieuilou. Either Eugene Noriisor F. Sweit, she present Assistant Superintendents, willpossibly succeed Mr AlcCord. SIN AMI TIDE 1 k.i! i.. In Facinc Btaadard Time. Compnti>.l by Thokal Tk.vnknt, Chronometer mid Instrument Maker, i* Market stre \u25a0\u25a0 SHiri-lN'.; UnCKZiLIOaSNCK. tor Lou 8/Upptng InteUrjenrs. KB agtaA /\ija Arrived. F»ii>ay. May 30. Stmr Westport, Jacobs, 19 hours from WestDort: lumber, etc., to Pollard A Dodge. Stmr Record. Jensen, 25 hours from Rock- port; 150 cordit bark. to order. Stmr Lacuna, Dodge, 2<S hours from lluinuoldt; lumber, to Chad Melsuii. Stmr Celia, Johnson, from Humboldt. For up river direct. Stinr Mexico, Alexander. 45 hours from San Diego, etc; pass and mdse, to Uoodall, Perkins A Oa Stmr .N.iy.i. Erlcksen, 40 hours from Coos Bay; 3GO M ft lumber, to John L Howard. M:nr Navarro. Anderson, :id' . boors from Cres- cent City; 'MO Mft lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co. Ship A J Fuller, Colcord, 135 days Iroia New York; mdse. to button &Bee bee. Hr ship Bldston Hill, Mal;an<lalne. 87 days from Newcastle, NSW; 8328 tons coal, J D Sprec»el3 Si Bros. Scbr -Mary E Anderson, Ilobbs, 14 hours from -Now Haven ; bark, to lleyinau i Mayer. Sobr NoTelty. Lewis, 4 days from Port Blakeley: 720 M ft lumber, to Keuton, Holmes a Co. Schr Helen Merrlam, JUndbridge, 20 hours from Albion; 116 M ft lumber, to Ulythe i Trott. Schr Mill the Batcher, Johnson, 12 hours from Bowens Landing; liv Mit lumber, to CLDlu^ley & Co. Schr Compeer, Peterson, days from Port Town- sen.i: 480 Mftlumber, to X M Uerrick, Schr Ivy, Eugebretlson, 30 hours/rom Humboidt; lumber to Preston Ji .McKinuon. *- . ciemxed*. ' FniDAY. May 30. ' Stmr Iliii.ibofflfrJfrfien, Eureka: Beanaa * Stone. Schr Anna, Williams, Kahului; J II Sprockets 4 Bros. Sailed. , Friday. May 30. SiTnr Santa Cruz, Trlbble, Lompoc. I —^-Stmr North Fork, Nielsen. Eureka. Stmr Ulpsy. Plummer. Santa Cruz, etc: Stmr Haytian Republic, Brown, Port Townsend. Stmr LoaAagelea. Leland, Wiimiu^tja Stmr City of Puebla, Debuey. Victoria, etc. Me bark Don Adulfo, Colly, .Melbourne. Schr C 1' Hill, Morteusen. llumholdt. Schr (julde, Johnson, Seattle. \u25a0 Schr Anna, Williams, KahuluL Schr Chas E Falk, Anderson, Port Gamble. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— May 30 10 p. m. Weather hazy; wind W, velocity 28 miles. Spoken. Per A .1 Fuller-Jan 27-Lat 26 X. lon 3S W, Ger- man ship showing letters O.FtiL, from lquique for Hamburg. Star 11—Lat 68 8, lon 65 10 W, Br ship Borrow- dale, from Liverpool for Honolulu. .Mar 11—Lat 15 20 N. 123 -.'0 w, bark Guy C Goss. fromPort Blakelcv for Boston, bound south; all well. Memoranda! Per schr Mary E Anderson— On Tncsdiy mnm'ntf, while making lines fast, a boat capsiz.-d anil as -a- \u25a0uau named M Slmonsou nrasdrowueo. Oouieslio Ports. GREENWOOD— ArrivedMay 30 S::nr White*- boro, hence May 89, AS l'OßlA—Arrived May 30—Stmr Columbia, hca May 28. Sailed May Stmr Oregon, for San Francisco ; ship lsell of Bath, for Australia. i;ow LAM>INU - Sailed May 30-Schr Bar- bara ilernster, for San Francisco. CASl'Ali— May "-".>—atmr Jewel, for San Francisco. WES Sailed May 20— Stmr Westpon, for San Francisco. . Importations. SAN" DIEGO—Per Mexico- 319 cs honey, 29 sit asbestos, 205 tks potatoes, 13S bxs lemons. 1 bx limes, ocs eg£S, 27 bis oranges, 1 wagon, 42 bales flsb. San Pedro— l6 bxs lemons. 10 bxs oranges. 71 c* cum il goods, 483 sis corn, 2 crts peppers, 1 coops fowls. Santa Barbara— ls r*ecus, 2 bis butter, 21ski crawfish, 38 sks beans, 30 bxs oranges. Port Hurfor.l -s coops chickens, 2515 bxs butter, 7 kgs 23 cs eggs, 60 cs hooey, 1 bx beeswax, Ml cs cheese, 1 sk potatoes, 1 dried hides, 2 livfresb nsn, ii i>iiL;s express, 632 sks coin. Bants M.irla— sks wheat. Nlpomo— lt) lS sks beans. Los olivos—3-5 sks barley. WE3TPOKT— Per Westport— 26B M ft lumber, 55 hides. 7 bdis tatf skins, 1 sk tails, 4 bJlspelti, vi hi bis wool. Consign Per Mexico—J F English; W W Montague* Co; Murphy. Grant * Co: In. re i Co: M r Preltas -v Co: Heeler * Johuson; Hills Bros: OB8n»Ub*Co; M. Armer&Co; Standard Soap Co: Sherman, Way & Co;Marshall, Teßart&Broecswi; Cam 4 Co: M T Caual ; Porter Bros 4 Co; A Ua.lll * Co: 1) ii Camir- inosJcCo; IS i'o:er: ltuss, Sanders A c.i: Alles A Uilmore: Goodyear Rubber Co; liregury *Co; A (ialll Fruit C ; Smith's Cash Store; Brns; Ij Dlnkelspeil; Baker A Hamilton: Bothlu M.'.' ('.): 1: Levy .V Son;NowmarkA Ernest; WlsealiMi A Li:lir.s: C II Platt; Dodge, Sweeney A Co: Ueti Uros .* Oo; - Brlgham.Boppe «Co; C E Whitney 4 Co; Lenor- maud Bros: Roger Bros Hardware Co: lultan mer- chants; II Dutard: Heckman i Co; XX an; It>iiso, Anderson .v Co; Norton, Teller A: Co; w It Koyso Ss Co; l'.lsdon, c'ahen A Co; Shattuck, Kowalsky &Co; Robert H.l.iit i Co; Whcaton A- Luhrs: J P Thom- as; Chas Harley * Co; Hills Bros; II Dutard: Col 1- Derg. Howeu * Co: W II Rouse * Co: .1 J Dully.t Co: lie Bernard! ft Wcstphal; 1) Tiedemau A- Co; Kruse * Euler; Vervalln A Uowe;ll N Tilden -v Co; Felling,Henry 4 Co; Wells. Fargo * Co; Phelpa, Butler A Co; Blum, Baldwin 4- ulrvln; Uassett * Bunker. Per Westport— Pollard * Dodee; Lowry4 Stellar, Christy a; Wise; Smith's Cash Store. OCfcA.N STEAMtIiS. I»:ir<'-; of Deiiartnr** From San Franci*"O. TIIE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, SATtiIDAY, MAY 31, 1800-KIGHT PAGES. 6 'J7 si iT 3 £\u25a0*• **SS F> ; ut o 5 o .. o . £ _ •* a = s : cr a. Lor ii V L. of 11.. A.O. U. W rt'orkmen'stiuar.K.A'n Knights or Honor (nights of Honor Knights and 1.. 0111... Kulghts and 1. or H. Urder Chosen Friends. rder Choseu Friends. I. O. B. It I. O. B. B Royal Arcanum Royal Arcanum Eud. Ben.F'd.A.O.F.A. End. Beu.l 'd A.0.1. a. Legiou of West, S. 11.. l.egion of West. S. 8.. i'acitlc End. League. Pacific End. l.c;igue,.. £qal table Aid Uulon.. fraternal Guild Kra ernal Guild United Und. Asso'tes.. R -\u0084: Argosy if. M.Institute Jruer Beacon Light .. i 177-178lMay l|Junel-15 170-1.-0 June 1July lib 14-15 June 1-8 Jane 28 8-9 June 2 June 28 277-278 May 1 May 31 275-WO-V- June 2 June 30 260-270 May 1 May 31 271-272 June 2 Juno 30 171 May 1May LSI 172 i June 1 June LSI) 0-10 May 1 May 31 111-' June 1 June 30 ISO May 1 May 31 136 June 2iJtily 2 167 May l'Juue 1 168 May 20 ;. Mine 20 14 May 1 May 31 15 June llJu ie 30 W.May ll.May 31 6 June lUuue 30 170-171 May 1 June 11 \u25a01 May 1 : June 1 IS June 1 July I 89-40 Hay 1 May 31 7 May 10 June » '22 May la June 15 5 June lLJuly 1 Li TV n.w. l.w. j n.w Small. Small. I Larg n.w. Small. I I.W. Large. L.W. Large. : *? ' I 1 I 10.11 AM 3-04 pm, 9 19 11.08 am 3.45 PM 9.54 0.04 PM 4.29 fm 10.28 1.00 PM 6.14 nt 11.04 1.56 PM 6.01 111 1 1 2.52 pm 6.51 PM 0.0 i , i 3.48 PM 7.59 ra 0.29 4.12 a: 4.56 a 5.4 1 A 6.25 a 7.13 a 8.03 » . 1.4 L * (.: Stkakeb. I Destination*. I Sails. I Wnnr Zealandia. .. . Australia \u25a0 MayLil, 12m \u25a0 uceanio Humboldt., Humboldt nay.. May3l, 9am Wash to. State or Cal. PotUmul lane I,loam Spear Mexico San Diego. Juno I.llam , naw'y 2 Acapulco l'anama June 3.12 m I'M iii'ieic China -Japan.. June:', l'pm|l' MSS Eureka San Pedro June 3. tiaiclßdiff*y9 Umatilla Vie - Pitt Sound June 4, 9am Hdw'y I Corona Humboldt Bay.. June 4. Bam Hdw'y I Pomona San Diego June 5,11 am I Hdw'y 2 Oregon j Claud I June 5,10am, Spear Departure of Australian steamer depend* on Cue English mails. I Kingsfords I j! I ; \ \u25a0 Oswego 1 1 f \ ' Ef S^ liUlll uldjlull I uif i s Makes most delicious ;Rl %\ ICE CREAMS, PUDDINGS, BLANC MANGE, s \ \u25a0 %\ \u25a0 SOUPS, CUSTARDS, GRAVIES, Etc. \K I f/' s: Prof. AItTHFR H. HASSALL of London, "England, author of S Dj mi \ "Food and Ha Adulterations," especially recommends Kings- > M I, \ lonrs Corn Starch as (i pure, nourishing and wiiolu=-jinoluod, <; [^ sfM^. "ell adapted for Infants, Children ami Invalids. g J^j ;J T. KIKGSFOHD .t SON', Oswego, X.Y. !s M, ,i(ill-MO-!.yiUi. Jli-.BCA.NTII K. Co.; San Francisco,' Sole AgenU. mrK Ijl 6p ..It.

Library of Congress · TUE WOKD OK < 111 1 K. ISIt akind word ii.-.iie ? l.lse leave itstillunsaid. The worldla thick withthorns for lilooms. Wllhatones where should liebread. The

Aug 03, 2020



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Page 1: Library of Congress · TUE WOKD OK < 111 1 K. ISIt akind word ii.-.iie ? l.lse leave itstillunsaid. The worldla thick withthorns for lilooms. Wllhatones where should liebread. The

TUE WOKD OK < 111 1 K.

ISIt akind word ii.-.iie ?l.lse leave it still unsaid.

The world la thick withthorns for lilooms.Wllhatones where should lie bread.

The hrartnehes are so many,The hurts tintmen must bear)

And >l..> -i tiringheavy burdensOf heavy ..:.\ . m t ar..

It may with fancy sparkle.Hr(In im h

-.:i nne,

Aid those «Uo I!-: may cheer you\s nilprals.o as sweet as wmc.

Hut lias it aught of comfort—This wortl *\u25a0! ien or tongue—

ot hel]' tor iiti>-L-«liv stlll^Kll',Ol hope for those »hoioiiu ?

The world needs sunshine, dearie,Sweet words that tall IIKei.ll—

Ha in for its wouad :i-blee>liug,its.souls bespent witbtoiL

Tim world needs courage, darling,lir.tvi-words of faith a:.'l cheer,

A Cordial [or Its ratullug,Like music to tlie oar.

Oh, Rive such In fullmeasure;AllJoy, all Kindness, bring:

lint leave unsaid Hj tongue or pen\u25a0lhe word thai liulil*a suns. \u25a0

I.ii.> Thomas, In HarperlBazar.

MY TYPE-WRITER.f^iOUthe last few days Ihave been a much-t*r\jlujuied

last few days 1 haveman.

much-£j lujuied aud much-enduring man. Some

I^**persons, when ciusbed beneath a mass of-^ circumstantial evlaence, readily accepted

by ihe tiibuual which iv more senses than one Issilting upon them, take a pilde in knowing thatthey an' innocent, and, vlrtute sua luvolutl.await the future acquittal or free pardon, ofwhich they feel certain, with tiauqullminds, act-uallyIn some casts findingenjoyment in the bcu-

..l ion ulmartyrdom. lam not one of them; forIhave not felt alan] lime sure of my acquittal;aud even now, when Itshould be practically »e---euied, It is possible that 1 shall not leave the dockaltogether without a stalu on my character. Be-su.e« which even lunoceuca may be a matter olregie t to one who has sulleicJ tor a ciline, or,

lei me Bay, at act ol indiscretion, without bavlng

enjoyed the pleasure 01 committing it.

It happened in this way. Some few monthsai;o 1 had occasion 10 require In my business theunices ol a type-writer, and Imade my wantsknown. As a CLnsequeuce 1was visited by nofewer tii.'.u forty-seven candidates In person,

iioutcoun ing the hundred and odd who ap-plied by letter, ut the forty-seven tliiitysix

wireof the weaker sex, and, as ihese di mandeda slightly lower wage than their male couipell-i*.,-.1 liiciotd—lor that rensou, aud that only—

to employ one ot tliein. Now, the ibuty-»iihadmi bioi.^i.t sample:) ol then work;and, us allpossessed the needful qualiDcallous, aud onelyre-wilier Ie lei is pieciseiy like auulher, 1 didviui every other man wuuld have dime uuderv.c icumslauces aiid chose tue best-looKluEme. She was a very handsome girl,and a verycnaiming i.ue. 100. 1 say it 111 splto of theinüble she bronchi me.

For a tune she was a complete success. ApartflouiHie fact thai 1 had to dictate to her Coutiu-

uai.y. II was obviously undesirable that she

M.v"..d sit withmy male cleiks. mji:i-ol ihem 1kuuw are tiivolou't, aud, is .1 married man, 1 bada siu.-ett icstiMisibiiiiy;so 1allotted a coruerIn my own room, and she set up her machinetheie.Itwas pleasant to have some one to talk to

wbeu one was nut busy, and .>\u25a0 Ms Kill!;,being til

a livelydisposition, luleiested me much with accounts of her experienced as a beam \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' andu<ei itoiiuus young woman hauling ihe battle Mi 1.i'li...'h. ijruie of hei adventures weie

almost louiauite enough to have Interested there..dels, of Uie Family Herald— to which. indeed,1 1believe -..\u25a0 bad contributed, Oineis mighthave amused siudtnts la more fitvuluus cl«ssol iiuratuie; but, except loaccount lor the lu-letest i-tin leel inher, they have uothlngiodowith the |le-eui narrative, 1 ant not in the habitor,"tat Hie office borne wiUime" iind worry-Uii!my wile wllli"shop"; so, natural :\u25a0 . ineverUieutmiifd BiJ type-wrilei iv the domestic ciicie.ihat simple \u25a0 omlutloa has been tnruwu in myterm nuiiy huudreda Ol times during t!ie pasttwo days. Ibeglu to fear it always willbe.

M\ ivie-wniei, as lhave said, woiked admit-ably until v. iiniuabout a loitui;;hi ago, wbeu shel- cunt- lesllesS, melancholy and abstracted inluauner. For it lime 1 took i.o notice of it; butlasl s.iiuiilay. bu^iuess helut dull, 1 called herlv me as Isat at my table, and placing her near(it- window looking over old Bioad street far be-

low, wljeie1 cuui'i pet the lightou her face andobseive hei expiessiou, Ibegan to interrogateher in a kindly way, as an employer alwaystliouid inieilocale his cleiKS if he thinks they•in.' inneed of tils help or advice. While 1wasdoing so the 1 o'clock post came in. 1did uot

look aimy letieis for amoment, as 1 was sayingto my -»n:er:


(I make a rule of calling myyouugei clerks by men Übiistlao names, aud, a*a ru:e lv my is a lule, 1 was resolved ft»mthe ru>t i"make no exception lv her favor)—

•\u25a0 (iertiude,*11 said,"

u.eie is something on youriqlud;you are auxmua and distressed."

•\u25a0 1. is. Loihing,"-

ausweied."Nothing," 1said, in my friendly way-. "Nuth-

Ingdoes nut make a glil pale and absent andsilent lot iru c.iy> at a time. 1simply do not


lc... I:elp n.""My d>ar Ueilrude," 1 fald (Iam not sure

that 1 ever calied young Bob smitheis, m \u25a0 Juii-lur . rk,"Myd:ai Uobeil," but ciicunuiaiictMalter cases), '• 1 waul you to try aud let me helpv. or help you, ivany way 1 can."

•\u25a0 Vuu are very ku.u," she bald.\u25a0• lien tell me what Is the mailer?""

You have not opened your ieaeis. There isone walked


"Ikm she wai oniy living toput me off,as

myclriksas a rule do iiot dictrte lo me ivinchinaners. However, as 1could see the glilbadteats iv her tyes, 1 look up the envelope shespube of and opened It,to cive her lime 10 ie-Cover from her evident einutlnu. At a glance 1saw, to my surprise, that the letter was a votefrom my wife, whom 1 had leit at home lvtheinu.Heii road at U:3O o'clock that morulug. Itran as follows:

IHnrLtMrici: 1 want to take you to the shop Intliecity wht-le Isaw the BeailSK iiiwas telling yon:.ii. »;. 1 li.ivc decided 1 must have IIat once, asMis. Carrntliers lias justgot anew .'lit. 1kuow thestiop c.oscs at '2 o'clock ou Saturday, but if you canleave your otlK-e wi:time when 1callloryou, a i-tt-tic bollirfl1:3O o'c.utii, wo can do i:. Vuur u:rt-t.-tluuarc wife. Eliza Johnson.y. a.— nave your check-book Inyour pocntt.

Now why,In the name ot fortune, Mrs. CharlesJohn sou. who, as tier letter suowe, is a woman ofdecided purpu«e wlieu Iisuits her, could DotLive H....H- up her mind to have the seals In be-fo:e iit-it home that morning, aud why thebboiilu have giudgea sixpence lot a telegiaui, Ido out ..low. ihave spoken to her about It, andall she says is that In future she will visit mewitboul .my warning at all.

1 lead ici vow and at once grasped the factthat my wife might come in at any moment. Thel>ie;cnce ot a sUanger, even of my wife, who Isreally, ivbei way, a very kind woman, would, ofCi. insi", have been unwelcome tomy type-writerlvIci distress; so 1said, without lookingup:

"1willnot press you further today, Gertrude;but on Monday 1shall expect to be Heated withmote confidence. lam expecting some one hen:vi.impoituulpiivale business, so you may go atOLCe."

-be m de no answer, and 1 could hear herl) coining lvshort, quick rants. Iturnedto look ill tier. She was standing with partedlips .i.l widely slating eyes, her tear-stainedlace iiyhllvpiessed against the diucy windoj^-pane. 1 took her by ihe hand; ILeii sh£,-fnrTit.dutierlngaciy— •

-Chat lie, Charlie, ni£fl*jl!iflj'r'At tl.e moment »he !*mbo—lv fact, before the

words left tier_.. c—iwas couscious of the door

J?i>u.:ii; and \u25a0\u25a0'hatmy wife was there and musthave inaJtd her with as much surprise as myselfanj. evt:: moie horror. But before another word-Could be said mere was a rush across the room,an Ink-pot, a pen or two, a sheaf olletters aud aJ)»ie-wiiler (ibe machine) were lying overturnedupon me l!o'.:r, and a type-writer (the operator) dashed into .ituiail closet, where she keptlit-ihat and cloak, Bt Ized them, and, almost iu>-si-i'.ini: my wife in L<ftriight, vanished (lowu-\u25batiius, her Mule heels CTTUleiliigin a wild- laltoocv the stcue-flagged «tali». 'iheu a seen* tookLlace which was only the prelude to the ordeal1have spoken of. liwas useless, for me to .tigueauu avei that 1 was Innocent myself and as un-awaie of aiy passion for me Indulged lo by mytypewriter (a mere clerk, as 1 repeatedly said)M1 was of any insanity In her family or in herIndividual constitution. Now Isuppose ihewont or my misery lias been practically put anend toby the following letter— type-written—winch 1 nave just received at the office and amtaking home to show my wife:lfiMr. Johnson: 1nope you didnot think mequite crazy when 1left you mi abruptly on Satur-day, especially after your very kind conversationwithme. Tue reason or my anxiety and sadnesswas that tho mm ] have been engaged to tot twojear« was coming home from Australia, and hisship was much ivc-rnuo, owing to the gales. Hesever let me Know liehad arrived, but went straighttomy home and followed me to the city t<> llndyour office, w'icre 1 saw him from the window,wDlcliwas th- cause of my hurried exit. 1 shall nothave to type-wrltaan more, and 1 dare say younave discharged me, but youhave beeu so verykindto me thai 1must come, with him, that we may bothmans j-i/ti uersonally, and also remove the re-mains of the type-writer Ithink 1shattered Inmy lliclit. .vwiruIdo comoIthai! lie Airs. Charlesvteij»ifr. ?hanklnft you airain and again for yourgreat kindness and syuipathy, yours very truly.

UkutjiuiikKino.• Well, there is her letter; It speaks for Itself,and 1 must show It to my wife aud convince herof my innocence. nut Ido wish It said a littleless about my kindness; lv this censorious worldnatural humanity Is liable lo misconstruction.—

fct. James Budget.= =>VUKLU'S FAU.

The Delegates to the Convention WillNumber Sritral Tboasi>a<l(.

The World's Fair Convention, which willmeetIn this city on September 11th, willprobably becomposed of from two to three thousand dele-gales. Allcounty boaids of Supervisors andlegislative bodies representing cities and townswillhave live delegate's each; likewise Slate or-ganizations; all local organizations, two, and allnewspapers one delegate.

Invitations willbe sent to "allcommercial andIndustrial organizations; all art, eclrnlilic audeducational iuslttutions; all chambers of com-merce and boa idi or trade, State and local; allsocieties of California Pioneers; all pailois ofthe Native Sous and Native Daughters of theGolden West; the State Hoard of Horticultureand county horticultural societies; the StateHorticultural. the Stale Board of Vlll-euliurai Commissioners, and all local vltlculturalsocieties; the State Minlug Bureau; all miningeou. rauies; the l'airous of Husbandly; allworld Fair a>soclatlons which may be now orhereafter formed; all comity boards of Super-visors; all leulslailve bodies repiesenting cities»ud towns in the State. «ud to all dally and

towed? uewsuapeis." No proxies will be al-

The Amendment 8011,Assessor Nvalon and his deputies are working

flay and nigh; to coin],lets me seventeen vol-umes of peisoual proiieity assessments so thatthey can be lurned over to [tieBoard of Kqu.ill-ralion oo Monday moiulug. Assessor Nealoobelieves Dial this year's assessments willexceedlast yew's by about $1,000,000.

Object to an EiicJnr-Hougn.

A petition is being circulated by tlie sau Fiau-elseo AilAssociation fur presentation to tbeBoard ol Buiieivisors requettlflg iito lecall lUe

order locating Hie house for the chemical eimlue»nd water-tower \u25a0\u25a0; n \u25a0\u25a0 luucllob of Batiary, liu-iiand Mmket stieeis. 'Ihe assoelailoa i«do-lrousof saving ihe clly from dlslitiiiieuicnt whr-uatloiiiintiilIs possible. James Meivyu DooabOfl,inhis will,dliicted Uiat 120,000 of 1:1s estatebe used In erecting a monument at this lolut.The petition is being numerously klgaed.

FRATERNAL INDEX.Entertainment Given by Franklin

Lodge, No. 44, A.0. U. W.

tin orderdo secure Insertion a',l matter In-tended for this column should be handed 111addressed toIbe

'*Fraternal Kditor." Allcom-munications most bear itie name and adiiie»» ofthe sender; IIuot, the mailer willuol be pub-lished.]

N.IASSESSMENTS.There will be no assessments for May In the

Champions ol the Bed Cross. To the presentwritlug1111111" will be levied In the Young Ladies'Institute, Order ot the Beacon Light aud theOrdet olHit) Golden Shore. .

Vcrba liuena Lodge of Perfection. No. C, An-cient and Accepted Scottish Kite Freemasonry,at litii'iiiiuimeeting last evening had work lathe filth degiee.

Franklin L »l;;e, No. 41. A.O. U. W.. had avery suceesstul aim entertaining social lastevening. There was a large attendance and theexercises were mucu enjoyed.

Oakland Legion, No.3,Loyal Knights, A. O.V. W., Is one of the most active of [be legions in[liltState, a:id at the present time Hie larg-est membership. 1[ willbe the lies! 10 Initiate acandidate- under the new ritual on next Wednes-day evening. The grand officers have bean Invited to be present, also :s.ui FianeiMMaud Up-church legions, and after m,' ceremony refresh-ments willbe served and the event c lebrated ingood style.


Committee Appointed to Entertain theGreat Council.

On Monday evening I'obonaclieo Tribe, No. 10.adopted a paleface autt had second nominationslor chiefs for the ensuing term.

Solano Chieftains' League, No.2, was orgnn.Izea at Vallejo ou Monday evening last, withtwenty-seven chatter members. This league is

composed ol the members ot Samoset Tribe, No.22, ValleJ >.

Wednesday evening Manzanlta Tilbe, No. 4,received applications for membership and nextcouncil iilnlit will elect ofiichitlni;chiefs for theensuing let in. At the council on Wednesdayevening a coiiimlilee consisting of Adiin Smith,!'.'\u25a0. I.;John O. Scott. 1". 8., and Henry A.Chase, I*.G. s.. were appointed to comer withlike commute-* (rom the sister tribes to arrangetor the reception and entertainment of the mem-bers of the Giand Council during the session lvAugust.

Seuilnole Tribe, No. 54, conferred the chief'sdegree upon several Initiates ou Wednesday

euiug.Dm ing the coming week elections willbe held

Inme various tribes throughout the Slate forofficiating chiefs for in- ensuing term. The dep-uties will be busy examining the brothers whomay b: elected as to their proficiency in thework.

The regular monthly meeting of the Hoard ofDirectors of the Endowment Fund willbe heldou Tuesday evecuig next.


Larkspur Lodge Cell l>inte» ItsAnnlver-

\u2666. B'irj

'' *TliFSupreme I'resldent visited Myrtle Lodge,

No. 15, and the district meeting of lodges Nos.11 and 20 on Tuesday evening.

The Supreme Secretary visited IvyLodge, No.123, ou Iuesday eveuiug and Installed J. J. Kernas U \u25a0--, as Secretary and Mrs.Kiause as Accountant Much enthusiasm wasmanifested. Addresses weie made by the Su-preme Secretary and Mr.Bery ol No. 5.Fidelity Lodge, No. 6, Golden Fie -ce, No. 11,Kirnlie. No. 29, Auclior, No. 8, had initiationslift week.

The Supreme President will visit VictoryLodge, -No. 7. this eveuiu;; and Hie Oaklandlodge* on Fiiday evening. June next

Larksiur Lodge, No. 22, celebrated its firstanniversary a literary anil musical enter-tainment dance ou Ihur.-Klay evening. Ad-a reuses weie ddiveed by J. c. Hail,S. V. 1.,and C. 1). Coon, & S.. and me o:her exercisesproved quite enjoyable. Tueie was a Urge at-lendauoe ol members and friends and the auui-veisary was a success In every respect.


Offlclal ViHitnriou to Its .11 iilo br theGrand Officer*.

Alarge delegation ot Grand Lodge officershas arranged to pay an officialvisit to Enter-prise Lodge. No. 27, of Oakland, on Friday even-Ing n. xt. A considerable representation ofmembers from the city lodges have stgnitiedtheir intention to accompany the delegation.

Golden West Lodge, No. 2'!. has been doingsome livelybusiness lately in the way of initia-tion, and Ifthe lodge keeps up Ha present viminthat kind or work itwill,no doubt, bi able tomake a handsome showing of membership forthe term.

The Urand Commander Is still confined to hisroom through sickness, but is reported as Im-proving.

Alia Lodge, No.14. willhold a pound party or.Monday evening, June "Jtli. Elaborate n_r,au*£ar="lions ate being made to make a succes/i' of theattair. This lodge had ivi\u25a0 i:-.i[•-\u25a0 -. ,\u25a0 ,1 receivedfour applications at Its \ask'tn4iiiug.

Social Lodgf._N.a.a'f, Holds Us regular cpenmeeting .M.,.-,,iay eveniug next r.l I'owers Hall,cociwr iVrierce ai.d Steiaer streets. ApleasautTime Is anticipated.

Adelegation of Urand Lodce officers will payan official visit to Zeuobia Lodge, No. 13, Tues-day evening next.

Nominal lous and elections of officers for theteim ending December 31st will keep the lodgesbusy limingthe month ol Juue.

Assessment 15, levied uuaer date ot the Ist ofJune, Is the mum assessment levied in the ordersince the Ist ofSeptember, 1889. The tenth willbe called July Ist. There willbe none lvAugust.

ST. PATBICK'S SLiIUOL.Military Precision of Bojt In the Clog-

ing l*la*>g KacerelMSaThe closing exercises of the toys' class of St.

l'atikk'n School were held yesterday afternoonIn St. Vincent* HalL About 300 boys, mostlyunder 12 years el age, were ranged along theeast side ofItie large ball Ina sines of ascendingtier*. They were all brlgbt lookinglittle fellowsand seemed to enjoy (be occasion as much as d.dHie large audience pie«ent.

Kenny all Hi"iininbeis of the programme wereexeicUes by classes ol from twenty to forty boys.The latter tiled down troni their elevated percbesand upon a lares iilatlomi, there to go tlnougliwnii their performance. The precision andunity with which they dirt their woik,whetherto recite or ding, astonished all present andelicited loundi of applause. The patience andtact or whoever tiained ihem must have ueuigieat. The programme wai as follows:

Entrance march, violin class, W. Wood, J. Paten-anile, C.Clarke. C. Began, J. .M0ra1.,.). Laydon JKurgan: opening address, -Welcome," 11. Jeiiiniiiri:'Hay lijimi,'iiai;, vuein or lltavcn," 6lnsiueclass: recitation "The Trials of a Hoy," JamesCusicn; chorus, ••lieautirul Banner," by tliirty-rlatitboys; concert recitation, "Never Say 1Can't "byclass; chorus, ",Sw..rd or lsuukcr Hill." bytwenty boys: Ylulin, popalmr airs, W. WoodJ. l'atenaude ami C. Clarke; sona andrecltailon. "What Iwill lie," little boys-recitation.

"lie Old Ways and the New," J.Oiiu-sey; chorus, \u25a0• Dou't Give lpthe Ship," by forty

boys; recitation, "A lioy's Thoiißins," uormacQleacon; recitation. "Over the II111 to the Poor*bouse," E. liraay; little alpnabetesß, seventy littleboys; recitation, "A Watermelon Story," W. Man-niiii;; militarydrill;concert recitation,"

MemorialKay," class; violin solo, Donald O'llare, a brigntlittle live-year-old boy: chorus, "Uoodby," byforty-flvo boys; closing address, K.Fitzgerald; "ExitMarch." Violin class— w. Wood, J. I'uU-uaudij, c.Clarke, C. ltc|{an,J. Moran,J. Laydon, J. Uorgau.

FELL DUWNSTAIUS.Sadden End of \u25a0> Wouinn Suffering From

Neuraleln.Mary Vale, a woman about 311 ars of ace,

felldown the stall « ay of Hie Lawrence Home,at 704 Howard stieet, early yesterday morning,and when picked up was dead. The body wasthen unioved to the Moignc.

'Ihe Coroner learned that the deceased hadisufferlug horn neuralgia of the heart, andhad left the room while under the Influence or

pain. Her fall was a slight one, and Is notthought sufficient to have caused death. Thepain ».:t: Buffered sometimes rendered her de-lirious, and sue had tetu drinking heavily to ou-taln ease. .».» '\u25a0 .\u25a0- *\u0084,

It Is thought that death resulted more fromheart disease than from the fall. 1lie deceased\u25a0eparainl some lime ago from her husband1-iank Vale, who resides la Anuoch, ContraCosta Couuty. -

l.oprony Statistics.There have been 124 cases of leprosy treated

at the Twenty-sixth street Hospital during thelast nineteen yearn. The white patients nun \u25a0

beied la and the Chinese 111. Ten deaths fromthe disease have occurred in tlie time memlODed.Six nude lepers are now in \u25a0 lie hospital. a:id 108Chinese victims were shipped to their nativecountry at au expense of $00 each, or $'J4UO la«ul.

I'icnlc (<> Ior. m Urnvr.To-moirow lie tlist annual iilcnic o[ tlio Al-

caldes, composed of members ot Alcalde l'arlorNo. 104, ;». 8. G. W., will be Held at ForestUiuvr. The iiruceeds <jI Hie plculcwillbe de-volta to tui- Buuuei tuna ol the pat lor.


Miss Blair's Tng Tarty to Mr.

Herman Oclriclis and

Miss Fair.


The Woodbridge Church Entertain-ment at the Mission- Court PrideSocial— Defiance Circle Gather-ing—Haggin Bay Excursion To-

Day— Franklin Lodge Entertain-ment and Dance.

Itis seldom that nature and art can joinhand*In so singularly happy a fasblon as on the occa-sion of the Day excursion (riven yesterday byMlsa Blair incompliment to Miss Fair and Mi.Herman O< Irlcbs. As Ibere is uo more beautifulscene ou the continent lor au expedition of thiskind, so theie could not bavo been a morebrilliant party of guests. The varied beautyol the hai bur wiihlu our Golden (jate formed aflulug aud unique selling for ibis cbarming en-tertainment of our Jeiine-se dorec. All*s Blair Islo be complimented on having oigaui/ed themost delightful as well as thu most brilliant saillug party that has been held heic for many alout day.

The tug steamer Relief was lyingat the Wash-ington-street Wharf and presented an attractiveappearance. Ithad just come oil the dry-dock,where Ithad been newly painted, a large awn-ing was stretched over the deck and along thesides, which was to protect the quests from thewinds which generally prevail at this season ofthe year. Tue guests began to arrive shoitlyafter lvo'clock and soon the deck of thesteamer was well covered with beautiful youngladies and ihelr escoils. It was a select, andjollyparty and a representation of the youthand beauty ol oui four hundred. lie toilets olthe ladies weie particularly noticeable tor theirelegance, aud e.ich one appeared to have beensell cud by all ai list to show oil the beauty ofthe we.ner. Itwas a collection, of young people01 which San Francisco could wed leel proud.

The favors were,Iike all other arrangements, inperfect keeping with the surroundings. Largobouaueta of sweet peas forme ladies and bou-lounaiits for Hit- gentlemen were Lauded around.Toeacn was also given a long band of blacksilk iit>i.miupon winch was hand-iiainled "He-lief, May 30, lsuo." lhese weie worn on thehims by in-: ladles and on the hats by the gentle-men. Animmense bouquet was made speciallylor the young lady in whose bouor the paily wasgiven as willas a coisa^e uf wuitolionets to beworn ou hoi costume.

Ibe party was cuaperoued by Mrs. Blair andwas composed as follows: .Miss Fair, Miss Blair,Miss Nellie Jullllle, Miss Lillle Brush, Miss Lll-lieO'Counoi, .Miss Jennie llaucheit. Miss KliseKelley, Miss Moilie Toibelt. Miss Belli Smith,Miss Minnie lltiuitulun, Miss Dulcte Bolado,Miss Mane Vourbles, Miss Kate Vuorhles. MissEdltliClark, Miss Bl.iucno C.iitie,Miss Maigu-rite Wallace, Mrs. iliumof Meudociuo, MissTheresa Hisscll, Miss Julia Bissell, Miss Pbelan,Miss E. Clark, Mis* Mary Boweu.

Ine following-named gentlemen were alsopresent: Mr.J. &1. Oelrlcus, Mr. David Barnesof New York, Mr. E.M. Green way, Mr. FrankCarolaii, Mi.A. 11. Lludell, Mr. Waller Dean,.Mr. David Murphy, Mr. J. H. Stokes, .Mr. a. St.J. i.uwie, Mr. 1). V. Giabatn, Mi. George E.Hall, .Mr.Uauon Ashe, .Mr. Blchard lobm. Mr.AlliedTuLbs, Mr.William It. Sherwood, Mr.tieorge 11. Lent, Mr. it. li.llotallng,Mr. 11. 1).Holiglitou, Mr.» ililainS. Blair, Dr. Hamburger,U. S. N., .Mr. ShtlJon. Mr. W. A. Douglass,Mr. J. (j.Fair Jr., Mr. Charles Fair, Air.JamesD.l'helau, Mr.l'jer, Lieutenant C. G. Lymau.Mr. Cutter l'alge, .Mr. Uarty Uurbrow, Air. OtisKelly.

All the company being 011 boa id Ihe lines werecast oil at 11o'clock, ana while the baud playeda livelyan the slauucb tugsteamed out into thebay. ihe course tiikeu was down the haibji

ia>[ Black Point h'nl the Presidio, under thewalls of lull Wlufleld Scott, and then throughthe Uulueu dale out in the faclnc Alter steamlug lv the ueiguboihoud i>l the Old House andgellinga Hue view ot t..e seal loch--, the Uelleiwas turned back, through the G.Lle and headedforAicatraz and Angefl.-laud. Jhrough UacoouAllans the merry rxeuisloulsu adiiiuca thesct-ueiy, and then the Captain tan the bow of ihevessel iv Ihe eon mud ou the .Matin CountyShore.

Wnile the guests were being entertained withmusic by the band and otherwise paoalug thetime, Ihe caieiei aud his assistants weie prepar-ing the lUUCUeon. A number of tele a-tetetables weie placed on the deck and covered withwhile tablecloibs, upon which were placed meleiupllnjjviand! served with the eleguuee of aunun lalumeut 111 a pilrate home. The guestswere toon seated and a jollylima was -pent dis-cussing the terrapins, oysters, sauu*, coldmeals, etc. Allbeial supply "f cbauii wasal-o 011 hand and the health of the young coupletoasted frequently.

The luncheon over the tables and chairs werelemuved and Ihe steamer buou stalled in the di-rection of Maie Island. The tripup was a de-lightlulone In eveiy way and was enlivened withdancing mid vocal and Instrumental music lur-uisiicd on Ihe guitar and banjo by some of theguests.

Mare Islaud was reached about 4 o'clock andthe pa 1lyweie ho.ipiublyreceived by the otlk'ei*and the ladies ot me uavyyard. A couple ofhouis weie most delightfullyspent ou the Islandand prior to departure the company were pholo-giaptied inlout groups.

'Die guests auain embarked on the Relief andMailed tor home. Ilie eiiilreUlpdown the baywas one rouud of pleasing dlvcrliseuienls, thetime being paused indancing aud music. aud at 8o'ciock the whaif was leached and each audevery one appeared reluctant toleave the vessel,so delightfully pleasant had the whole day beenpasted. All weie loud :u their praises ol thewhole i;i:,.ir, which wits undoubtedly the|'le.isante«i of the kind ever given on lheJL<av_ Iand will long lluger in the recollecU^'ot' Hieparuclpanis. I'aniculiiily we'^t-^iiie vUllois110111 New Vuik lnip,e«siLHfTrh iua ttLole enui-lainiutiuu


Nules.Mr.Ilagghi^vlll entertain 150 friends to-day

wlili a^y^paity. ihe Kelief will carry theJ^tfesTs aiouud the bay and lunch Will be servedon Au^el Island.

The weeding of Air. Wakcfield Baker and MissCora Thomas will take place on Thursday, the1- .;piox., at ihe home ot the bride's parents.

Adinner parly willbe given nils evening byMi. Spaldlng ol the Bella Vista lv honor of Air.Oelitchs aud .Miss Fair.

The engagement is announced of Mr. IsaacLasarof hau LuisOdislo ana .Miss aallie Mainsa sister if Mrs, Mark Lasar.

'Hie euLasieineut Is auiiiiiiiiceil of Miss SelluaNawmau ot Victoria, li.C, to Mr.C. li.Lludeu-bladt ol silockluu.

ihe engagement is announced of Mr.I". M.liatchelder v! iteuo, -\cv., to -Mis. Wax Schoen-lelti ol .San frauclsco.

The eogagemeul iiannounced of Mr. TheodoreTliomer lo Miss Ceiia Jacobs, daughter of thelate Manbelni Jacobs, both of mis ciiy.

Tun Woodhrltlge Church Obaeart.A pleasant mnstcale was given last evening at

Alias Opera Hall, iv aid of WoodbridgeChurch, by the ladles' society attached 10 ihe or-ganization. Koine 400 tickets were disposed of,aud ihe hall was well filled with theli chailiablopurchasers.

All who came were more than lepald by therendition olme lulluwiiii;programme; fan 1—Overture (selected), Amateur Banjo club; bari-tone solo, "lhe Watcher" ((iabel), Mr. C. L.U.ige; vocal solo, •\u25a0f/Kstan" (Ardltl), Mrs.Holmes; bone solo, "Medley," Air. Crackbon:vocal duet, "IKnow a Hank," oMrs\ Gerge Cen-ter and Mr. Alilchell; tenor solo, "Queen of theEarth," Mi, Waldemar; vocal solo, "Ureaiu»"(Stielezkl), Mrs. eicliuulioil; vocal tiio,'•Aiilla," Airs. T. J. Curtis, Mr. Walde-mar, Mr. a. F. Woodbriuge; ziiher duet,Mi'» Uereke, Miss lteynuliis. inteimission.l'art ll—Banjo sr-lectlous, H.mjo Club; vocalsolo, "Sin?, sweet hud," by desue lUanz), Mm.T. J. Cuilis; *o«iil Hint, \u25a0• When a LI.lieFarmWe Keep," Dr. ami Airs. Tariant; vocal solo.".My Lady's bowel" (Hope Temple), AllssMason; vocal solo, •\u25a0 1lie 1-iKirof Older* Gray"

(Shield), Mr.1. W. Wliyiuu; •Solo," ou a v. \u25a0\u25a0\u0084,

ili.sliuiiieul.Durlug the Intermission Ice-cream was avail-able, and Mime time was aflerwaid agreeably

-!\u25a0'. I.i social converse. The Uev. T. J. Curtliably wesiuiMl tJiioui;hout the evening.

Tim Court Pride Knlortalnuient.The members of Junioi Court I'rlde of Califor-

nia, No. 5, A.O. F. A., held their second openmeeting last evening at St. George's Hall, onMarket street The court, which has tuci easedIts membership in the last four mouths from

veiny to one hundred and ten. was well repre.eiited, and a lame number of strangers werepresent. The members are all between the agesof 12 aud in. aim these excellent opju meetingslire lor the puipo>e of iiileie.slliij; patents tobring in tin children, who will thus bo con-genially luiiod'iced into the senior courts.

'iue lollowlugattractive programme was ren-deied: Overture, U. .Mei7.l-.ich; opening addressChief JUutier Henry Kuttuer; leinarks, I>r. Sam-uels; piauo solo, •'!

'he Blind .Man's Uieam,"

I'r(.lessor Ueoige Wedel: souk, Miss ZeldaLewis; lecilaliuu, George Bran; vocal duel, theMlsies Eva Lew aud kiln Kniper: comic say-Ings, H.Glick; song, Miss Annie Harris; Chi-nese Impersonations, George I'arker; recitation,George Alexander; presentation or a handsomebadge of the order toJ. Kasser by. last Chiefltjuger William (iurflnKel; recitation, NathanCoheu: comic »oug», 11"my Glassmaii; recita-tion, Milton G. Davis; recitation, Miss DoraLevy.

Dancing was afterward Indulged Inuntil mld-uUht under the dliectlou of Sub-Chief KaugerWilliam Bei liner. The Committee of Arrange-ments consisted of Henry Kattuer, C. It.; W.Berliner, S. c. It.; .Max Moses, Treasurer; Ben-J.iniin Gurien, Financial secretary ;Italph Davis,liecordlugSecretaiy; Henry Glasiinan,

Ilie lit!iiiM Uirda UntrriaiuTiieut.The second eutcilaiumeiit and. social of De-

fiance Circle, No. 38, Companions of \u25a0 the Forestof America, took place last eveuiug at St.George's Hall.

The following programme . was presented:Oveiture, Miss UultleBernard; opening address,(J. A. Douglass, G. C.C;song. Miss BerthaHockel; specialties George I'urker; ilano duet,Mrs. Kalz and Master Katz: comic sonz, S.Woods; recitation. Miss Meta Brown; mandolinmid piano duet, Miss Hatlie Berumd and Mr.George Galllck; Germao songs, Mi.John Mokes*Dlano duel,: Miss Julia it.^enbeig and MissJennie Sleruberg; citation, Miss BlancheBrown; mi.i!, Louis Joseph.

There was a capu..l attendance and all ap-peared to enjoy the various numbers. ,Dancing

wan afterward enjoyed for several hours, 1..Kultuer being floor manager. The nuccess ofthe iillatr was largely due to tho effoilfiof thefollowingcommittees: Uecepllon— Mr«. H. Katz,Allss K. Allman, 1.. ('. Levy,Miss K. Colin. Floor—I.Mink-. Leo Green, Miss J. Hosenberg, MissAt. Kolb, MlssC. stt-riibcig, (jcotge Keochel.

Tim Frnnkllu I.mien I'^utert liimeiit.The members of Franklin Lodge, No. 44, A. O.

U. gave a vciy pleasant entertainment kitevening In Laurel Hall, Khlolx llulldlue. Alargo and select audience early assembled,

Tn-!programme of the enterlalntneut embracedthe following numbers: Address, Judgo 1) J.Tooliy; Insliumental duet, Ueurs. Cunnz andWoods; recitation, Samuel llonth; vocal soloMiss Eliza .linn's; Professor McCarthy. Unionpiper: vocal solo, Hroiher Katbiuiooi iecll«-lion, il.L. i.lick, vocal duet, K. ,1. Waldrou andAllss Al. K. (ioiuiiin; cornet solo, 0. N. rnysou;vocal duet, Mr. Nnthauson mid Miss Jones;union piper, Prolessor AlcCailliy. Dancingaiteiward leuiiinnled tho successful offair.

The Commitice of A11.uiut-iii-ins consisted of:Messrs. F. Williams, .1. J. Floieuce, M, .Nulli.iu-Mm, Frank Bean, M, 8. Cox and Jndgo li J.Toohy, who ably pieslded during the euleilaiu-inenI.

Ill"Calirornla l.tnl^'i- I'nrtv.The members of California Lodge, No. C, U.

E. A., were tendered a parly by Mrs, M. C. Feu-nessy and Air. George W. ii. Patterson, theyhaviug drawn their coupons recently. The af-fair was unusually pleasant aud look place onMonday evening. The hall was bedecked wllhllowi'is,and Ihe many friends of the lodge turnedoul in force. Giaud Secretary T.N..Mount de-livered (he opening address and was followed byMessrs. A. K.Hollis, George W. 11. Pattersonand otneiH. Kclieslimt-nls were then nerved byMist IdaFosberg, Miss Annie. Welse, Airs. AdaW'eldou, Airs. I.Ha .Mullet, Airs. George i'atler\u25a0on, Mis. M. 0, Fennessy and Miss K. Dunn.l'ancliii: was thru Indulged In, and auother oneof iho pteasaul lodge panics of the season wasover.

Party «»n FolHnin street.A parly was given m 610 Folsom street re

Ceutly inhonor of Air.A. G. Webber. Tlie timewas spent by the thesis in dancing, which waskept up tillinduing.Ih- Golden G4t« Clinnter KntertKiument.

The Golden Gale Chapter, Older of the East-ern Mar, gave Us regular monthly sociable onMonday eveuing last. The programme was asfollows: Overture, "La I'aloma," wltb varia-tions, I'rolessor Vanke; songs, (i) "Dreams,"(6) "The Lights Mir Out at Sea," Miss Gusslellohe; souks, "i.iiileSerenade,

"it>) "Singon,

Sweetheart." Miss Schmllz; lecllatiuns (a)••Trouble in the Amen Coiner," (6) '-Coiningllirouglithe liye," Miss Bei tba Maria Farce.Allwere beai lllyencored. Miss Parce, who isa recent graduate from the Chicago School ofOratory, impressed ail pieseut with the masterlymanner iv which she rendered her selections.The affair, which was an Invitation one con-tinued until 12 o'clock, the remainder of theevening being devoted to dancing. The al.entl-nuce was laige ami select. All pionouuced theenter lainmeut a decided success.

Personals.Messrs. MiltonS. Eisner, the attorney, M. F.

Wolf and Edward J. Oliver, all of this city,ar-rived In Washington, D. C, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. .McDonald left yester-day forAlaska.

Airs. 11. It. ("», of San Francisco willbe theguest of her 1 other, Mr.11. J. lianelieite, in LosAngeles next month. Alia. Chown, as MissEstelle Hancbeite, was one of Liszt's brightestpupils and was accordc

'Ibe distinction of play-

ingat his musical receptions during the gieatpianist's last season at Weimar.

Miss Flora Spencer of Napa is the guest ofMrs. J. Unit of this city.

Mr. and Airs. Alexander Boyle left ou thesteamer for Alaska yesterday.

Miss Lena Devuie leaves here shortly for theKast mid Europe, where she Is under engage-ment lo appear inconcerts.

Mr. George Pollock, who accompanied Mr.Oelrichs to this Coast, captuicd a locomotive cin-der ivbis eye on Tbursday and has beeu con-lined to his hotel in consequence.

Mi.and .Mis. E. P. Held staited for Alaska onthe steamer yesterday.

Mr.J. C. llendiyis spending a few weeks atMount Pleasaut Farm, near Glenwood.

Air. and Mis. S. It.I'iciillss Will gy tO.Moute-icy tor the Miinmei.

Major aud Airs. .Moiile will spend August atMouterey.Mr-. N. Myer anil Miss Henriette Myerof 2C6

Guldru Gate avmua are HOjouiuing'at liyiouSprlugs lor a couple of wees.


Held by (he Classes of the Bart-t lett Primary.

In connection with Hie closiuc exercises of thevailous classes of tlie Durtleli l"iunary Schoollhe followingprogrammes were rendered:

First Until Class i>ong,"

The Bed, Whits andBlue"; recitations, Jesse Cordes, Florence Dunn,John Bell; sung, "Merry Sunahlne," Bessie Rolph;recitations, Habel Rancher, Lola Ureen, AndrewUcNab, Lottie Clarice; long, "Mrs. Foxy," livegirls; recitations, Mullle Jackson. Ethel Sims,islanche Weymuuth; da * song, "Alltlie Birds';recitations, Bessie Rolpb, Viola Adams, FlossieWyatl: song, "The Pustinan," flTe boys; reclta-tious, Grace Thomson, John Aldrlcn, KittyMurphy,Joo Rtdgeway, Edith. Woeat; class song, "Amer-ica."

hirst Grade— M. Phillips, teacher. Son?, "Come,Cheerlul . Companions." class; recitations, "ToBead, to Spell and to Sew." Stella l.rd: "OnTime," IIhi Braolgau; son::, "fairy Moonlight,"Lottie Edwards; dialogue, "The Seasons," J. soHt-ran, B. Much, J. Kay and H.Dtetterle; song, "llieStrawberries, class; recitation, "Have You AnySim* at Beaf'V. Bteluao: clarionet solo, "AnnieBooney," Arthur Smith; song, "The Postman," D.'•> ah..!, A. Siuttl*.E. Castelhun, 11. Beaumont. J,Carles, 11. Drews; recitation, "Hunting Mignonette,"Era Wright; dialogue, "our Mai;," ."...-in.i Me-Arron, J.rwlft Castelhun; Song, "Bed, White andBine," class; recitations, "A Little Hero," EllaKi-.iiic; "Little Jim," Hens. Roche: song, '-Theturds and the Bottle,"] lie Weldon: recitation,"The Harbor of Shadow Town." Sallie Smith; song,"The Birds," N. McArron, E. Wllcoi, M. Code, A.Davis M. Hoone. s. Fold; recitation, "theFlowers," Emma Robinson; 101 , 'sirs, Pus.-.y,"class; recitations, "ill**Bird," Florence Cpbani;"Lluie Tim," liorilon Clark; "Disconte 1. class:song. "Evening," Alice Davis: recltatli is, "TheDisappointed Visitor," A. Smith; "The lintterllLUzla '•> Ider; calisthenics; "

lie oi.l Oakenliuiket," six girls; iiihtiuiuental solo, Charlie j;art-lett; recitation, "Closing Remarks," Lottie Ed-wards; 1.ilk-."America," i lass,

Second i.ia.le -VI Honlgsberger, teach dansong, "America"; recltMlon, "You I'm Nn Flowers.11 .My l>ap«"s Grave,1Uwtle MeArdle; class song."Cherish Kindly heelings": song, "in the TreeTop," Jennie Williams; recitation, •\u25a0 i-HAn^,I.evee," l.iov.i Coinegys: clai? sung,JSi^riiiotions."How ::..• Com (irowVi re^MonT "Somebody's.Mi>tUer,"Edna JyeSu: s: Ja/n7e 3e piece In ci,SiU:,,e,l»i£ D̂><lH>son»r**l»uoUasthe Whitest Lamb-

—"recitation, "A Little Boy's Troubles." Bam-uel Culln;sewing song, LllUe Lee,Eliza Wright,MyrtleHolje.Alice Hulse, Josie O'Connor; recita-tion, "Three Little Chicks," Robert Urant; dialogue."What They say." J'ercle Comegys, Ellsj Dochcuiand Susie nan. cli song, with motions, "TheCooper"; recitation,

'Crooked Spectacles," Minnie

Madden; recitation,*'^ )libIs Best,"! . i;. \u25a0 Willey;class sonir.with fnotli»ns,"ltoy and lie Cuckoo;*1reci-tation, "Where Do You Live?'James Williamson;Bag drill.Lloyd Comegys, Frank Johnson, JosephLenhart, Helena Hi/.tarrle \Mlley,Urete Langer,lleunle straudh, Kd Dassonvllle, Arthur Hackctt,Alice Dwyer, Flora McShane, Lulu Donning; classsong, "Bed. Wnite and Blue."

Second urade—

A.M.Josselyn,te.ieher. Classsonfr,"Cherish Kindly Feelings"; -Harry's Mistake,"Arthur Sobey; "Never uut of Bight," BlancheUoajie; dialogue, Bdna Bagnelland Alice Hageman;cla-» song, "The Lambkins": "The Spiders ThatDanced," Annie Monroe; "A Hundred Yenrs toCome," Fred Harry; "Baby's Sash," Ethel Hendy;"Mother's Rnles,1Helen Lindsay: class song, "TheCorn";"The Night Before Christmas," Matco (jauie;"buzz, Uuzz," BMenTlne; "The Ant«," HowardTrull; elasa song, "The Window"; "Politeness"Bertha 7.wleg: class recitation, "The Children'sHour": "AllThings Bright and BeauUfoi


llotihs; class song, "The Hammer"; "The TeaTarty," Edith Curry; "The Clumsy Boy, "WalterChase; "Beautiful iiilngvAllen Jardlue; "FiveLittle White Heads," Emlile Wrestefeld: classsoug, "Kcd, White and nine."

Second urade— M.A. Kjan.teacher. Class song,"Flag or the Union"; recitations, "

Frowns orSnilicsr" Mary Deerlaeb: "Supper," Rose Thomp-son; song, Lottie Liiiierhill;song, Alice Patrldge;recitation,

"Brand New l'arasol," Alice Adamson;

dialogue, Kose Thompson and liertie Arthur: classsong, "Cricket un tne Hearth; recitation, "

Thesioicu Custard," Uuslav Heuer; dialogue "SpringTime," MajrxieByan and Martha WleSoldt; a cor-\u25a0iliiiisolo, John Wlesc: retitatloo, "Something toSee," Harry Bowe: song, Lottie Underbill. MarthaWieholdt; recitation. Hose Asbcroft; class souj.

•\u25a0 li..t. White and Blue"; recitations, \u25a0• I'tcKlnzIlowers." Qertle Arthur: "

The Brook," Matte .Nel-son; Ming, \u25a0\u25a0 My LittleDolly."Kosl i Uhcroft; reci-tations, " bat Became ol our Uauj"'

Vera itliey•• rheuld House Clock," Morris stinsou; dialogue,Ethel Krauu and Mary Oroth; closiag sous by theclass, "America." ... '

Third Urade— ••America," class; "

WinterJewels," Louisa Oroth; "The Beggar's Home"\ irgnilaPotter; " The .Nightmare," Hairy Hughes:"Writingto<iraudtna,"MlnuleSchmltz; »in,. "UrstViolets," class: \u25a0• Naugnty Littleolrl"1 AliceNorman ;

"The Mite's Bong," Halsy Lee: •\u25a0 a l'oeinPostponed," I'.crtle. Kllpatrlck; son?, "The Dust-uiau." class; "Our Work," mx gins

"sixty YearsAgo." Anna Munro: song, "I'ma Merry GirL"K.or:iKing; •\u25a0 Papa Says So Too." Agnes Uninliart; " 1hoOwlaiiU the Mouse," John Ellis; instrumental solo,Freddie 2lpp; •\u25a0 A LittleMaid's Amen," Ml,,*Coeh-ran: song, "Fairy Moonlight," "John .lan-

ken's Sermon." Willie Munlson; calisthenics; \u25a0• oldOaken Bucket." an plrls; "Sufi ebi.dy's Mother,"

Norman Henderson; •\u25a0 .My Darling, Becky ureen;song, "Cherish Kindly1-eoilhKs," class- ••A Do-mestic Tempest." (irace Knowltoo; "

Naming theKittens" Carrie Oakley: The Bugle 8ong?!»&ndeHoi slander; "Violets." Joseph Schinlts; song "Bed,White ami Blue," class: ••

Pride 01 (lattery li "AliceMcArdie:-

The Two Squirrels." May Baker: vale-dictory, Bertie Maxwell: song, '•Farewell," ciai*liereiving '-America," class song; -ThisBound Kcd Hall," class recitation; -The FustSpeech," *red lllnj;; "LittleMoment.," Alice Bell-inaii:"The Wind-mill," class song; -The Merry Lit-tle Men. class citation: "1be littlePulal Sear,"Henry Nichols; "Mamma's Coronation "

I,'i.sie Far-ley; "The Story .iBaby's cm,."- Joseph lievtlock-way; "Mrs. I'ussy," class song; "Toiumv's Story"

-«? l;cCT

tif'oii: V,",0,w,"'"'g W««P." reciutloil;

"What They Say," LillyLorn: '-How We learn."Jerome White; "Spring Birds." class Kong- "The(at and the Trap," class recitation ; "The InnocentLamb." Herman Bewelcke; "The Story of Baby's1mow," dare Downey; "IbeCat's Lament ""labelCues "Summer IsKlgh," Blanche Taber: "Up. UpIn the **?< claiußoiig: "The Young Driver

"Alex-ander Kinsey: "Dainty Little Marguerite."

iKhtin.n ; "Margery'ii Dolly."Caroline Alti»nter'"\u25a0lhe Nightingale" el.s, sing: •• The" o d

Vfie ?ryTower," class: "Atarewe.l," Ueorge Ualc- "TheWue.-'c'l^sm"""*"01

" The &»- ™«»ndllecelviug Class-Miss S. Strauss, teacher. Song,class "Good Morning,Merry Sunshine"- recitation,••The Thoughtless •M:l

"'"Kuby Hamberger- water'drill, May Wortliliigt.m. Adelaide Carles KatieMayer, Lottie Davidson, Mattle Gibbons: NellieActon; recitation, "The Truthful Boy" wilierStrawbrldge; song l.y the class, "Here's a Hall torBaby";Each Day's Untie*—Monday, Nancy Lassen-Tuesday, Eva Wllcox; Wednesday (ira<-lo 1% «\u25a0Thursday, Ethel Sears; Friday, Unce Webb-Bltu>day. Alice Busch; Sunday. Helen Mcsbane- cutspiece, "Four Little Balls"; -rue Ntehtinaale"AiillaCalvin. Nancy Ijissen. Gertrude Soul" XiiiieScbiuldt, Mabel Williams. Clara Adler, FlossieJames, Myrtle slins; recitation -A Little Word."Mabel Williams; sash drill,Chester Dermini ByronNelson, Freddie Oogglns, Toddle (iago Willie


MiK Wo;"","Xt0"' '-"tie Da?!d%n, A iceliiiirh,-M. Sims. N. Lassen: recitation, "The Tern-StTl'l \u25a0

*'""KlnU; "U"g "

y lhe cliw»' •'«»»». Be

YiiudkMen's Institute i'lcnlr.ihe fifthannual picnic of the Young Men's In-stitute, No. 7, was held nl Shell Mound I'arkyesteiday. A long and tmerestlue pmgianime

of games had been miauled, which were wit-nessed by au eiuliuslaMlc crowd. Some TaluaUleprizes weie ollered and hotly coutesnd lorwhich turulsbed the most luteiestiuc featuie of


The Past Week's Doings-A Lively

Time Under the Hammer.

Private Business Equally Bright-PleajantlyHannod Country Excnriioni-City

Sales Aht&d.

The past week's private business In real es-tate has been pretly merely put to the tentwith the big competitive utlerings— iho heaviestyet of the '1)0 season— under Hie hammer. ThatIihas no bravely mood the ordeal goes more andmore to demonstrate the Inhcient ItrsngUl of the\u25a0r.aiktt, prices being always well considered.

Inmailers of finance money shows no appre-ciable change, except It be to a still welcomeeasing tendency.

Of the week's loans there is nothing extralarge to record, the biggest being a 160,000 loanto the Archbishop on church property by thellibeiula Bank for two years at C per com, onthe Catholic Cathedral at the corner of

an Ness avenue and O'h'ariell street, othersvarying from $10,000 to $20,000.

The extent of tlie May business— and thomouih may, with present holidays, now be con-sidered as closed— according to the Cinet lon.amouuts to703 sales, representing an aggregatevalue of $3,284,267, thus lopping the list forfour years, Inmis connection the largest scorela placed opposite the Western Addition, whichclaims outot the total mentioned 103 sales of amoney value of (1,297,780, outside lands takingsecuud rank with a total of (281,266, repre-

sented by the incoming from 15U sales.U-NDICIi188 HAMMER.

The week just closing has moretban main-tained the reputation of ihe season lvthe busi-ness done aud the values obtained In the auction-room.

On Monday, at liovee. Toy& Co.'s sale of cityproperty, three building lots, 24:9x150, f,outingon Seventeenth street, west of Castio, sold fin$2200 to (2300. with three lear lots ol samedimensions fronting on Stale street, fetching51275 lo £1400. An.1820 1-ost meet, a goodhouse on lot 26x137:6, near Webster, wasknocked down for 4CUUO. A T-shaped lot, with25 leet frontage ou Fourteenth street, west ofValencia, 70 lect deep, with lot at back and lvrear 70x220, brought $7000, No. us Uuilaudstreet, on lot 25:6x115, cottage property, fetched$3070. The southeast corner ol Octavia andChestnut streets, 236:7x206:3, unimproved, soldfor$5200. A 24x80 lot uu the south side ofKolsoui street, 147 Icet east of ihliteentli,letcheu S2USO. The total amount told lootedup $35,250.

ihe Mime, day also witnessed U. 11. Umbsen&Lo.'s succestlul sale ol apoitiouof the l)ou-ithtie estate at living Hail. 'ilia one -mini In-terest In the foui-stoiy buck and Iron bundingat 418 to 430 Montgomery siieet, subject lo ai4BOO Ire inteiest iucome, starting at a $21,000bid, climbed ahead till it. 11. bprague as an-nounced the puichaser for »2S,oOocash. Block847, iv South San Francisco, uud block 844,bounded by liMitj-secoud and lhiillelh ave-nues aud C and 1) streets, were knocked down toT. J. Moyoahau for $1125 and *12i>0 respect-ively,spot cash. L.I;. 1-ultla, I'lesiueut of theCallloiuia Alhieuc Club, was the purchasex ofthe coiner lot, :!7:CxllO feet, ou .-seventh, avenueand D street, loi :<Juu. Of the lots on .-seventhavenue doiUi, $11(76, $1050, (1600, 51550,$13^5, Jl2lO, (1210, $1060, $1030 lor two,$U2O, ;-;•(.> and (876 lor two weie Ihe pricesobtaiind lor louiieen, three adjoining lots25x115 fetching tiuin $a4O to fJIO. The25x115 comer on Seventh avenue and C stiectsold tor (1670, while that ou Hit) coiuei of C-Heel aud sixth avenue, 25x1u0, realized1425. The 101ladjacent on the west, each25x100, bold for (076 to $l-."iU. On Sixth ave-

nue, suuth ot C stieet, eleteu lots, each 25x110,letched >>,"."., $845, (U26, tUIS, t'MViui tbteeeach, (92b foi two eacn, and (1026, west to anadjoiuiLg lot 30x120, bringing (2600. Tbetotal amount realized ai the sale was $87,070.

On iuisday Ea»tou & Kldiidgo tcoied a bigsuccess, some $2u3,000 woilh ol property beinglepoiled as changing hands under Ihe hiimiuei.Ihe lot, B0:8xluU, on llowmd slieel, runningbuck to iin.i, with four stores on it, fetchedSCU,9OO. For the coitbeast corner of \.u,<j,,and tiansoiur, unimproved, 187:0xl2S:6,SOU was obtained, The brick buuuiug on laclno slieet, on a lot 47:V)x137:0, wall namebuilding ivleal, runiiiugback toChanes slieet,was knocked down foe (18,600. For lhe 43:3 x127 lesiaeuce lot on the souib side of Jacksonstreet, east it *n,iiiih, t.->4.',0 was paid. For the43i73 lot, southwest coinei of I'acitic and Me-Cuiiiuck streets, with sloie lliereou and tene-ment, $10,850 was paid, with $4700 paid for thesoutheast corner. 43:'J.\58iU, ol Jones aud Valle-jo streets, with improvements, The two-storyname house on lot 22x08 00 the east side ulSiocktuu Mitel, jiisl south ol (.lay, brought$4050. A 120x3u0 lot uu Sau Hiuiioavenue,uotlh of Eve, Ultough to Callfoiuia avtuu-,fetched (7300. A lot. 00x127:0. ou the nuithside ot Union street, 137:0 west of Leaveuworlh,brought J2U6O, while a two-stoiy frame build-ingon Folk, south of Broadway, ou v U>l34x100. leaiized {87UO. The northeast corner ofKeainy and l.nn.ii streets, 27:6x67:6, letcned<j..m.>. The 30x00 lot. Improved, on me nuithside of oitgou slieel, and east ot Flout, wassold for (7860. Auoihoi lot of same size, withteuemeuts, ou the east aide of Stockton stieet,noilh of California, bioucut (6UOO. The Do-Vaia uonheast coiuer of Joues anu Nof.h l'olutwas sold fin $7600.

ou Wtduosuay McAfee, Baldwin & Hammondheld au liupoitani sale, ottering ten lots inthe block bounded by Page, Ociavia ami Lilysheen, ail ol which teallzed satisfactory prices.The 4Ox'Js lot on the cornel ol Oclaviaaud I'agestieets was bougbl by Ibomas Dillon lor $10,---200, Ibe 3UXB6 lot un Oetavik aud Lily lliugt0r(7460. Ihe two liuermediajc, lots," 25x'J5,fronting ou Octavia street, biought respectivelys,',uuo and $I'JSO. l-oi the six lots ou I'age bacnlo Lilyavi-nur, each 26x120, prices ranged lioiu.(4460 to$4500. The net lesults ot i:.u salo :lot,ed up «."<4,385. /

Ou Tuursday the Ornall-Flz bugb-AM^tiiCompany succe-jfully olleied _*--t4ialo.-ue ollesiaeiicsloislo Block 76^js»B sun Ueicbts.the J2:bxlOO^coitie CD N|lltt -,>llllHand >lice^i.-,;,-^uC|( t.(1 down lor j1370, llltJ-,".,.. i


vi Llghlb avenue and J 6tieei fetching(1860. For me intermediate lots, eacn 26xioufeet, fioutlug on J slieu, prices paid rangedfrom (885 to £1145. ihe 32:6x100 cornet uuX and Ninth streets sold tor (1360, tie cornel

of X and Eighth streets, of equal dimensions,bunging (1325. Ihe sixteen lots, liuuilukHlglilbavenue, ench 25x120. sold at from £85uto .;1145, ihe corresponding lots ou Ninthavenueaveraging about £850 ni lace.

At Yon Itheln & Co.'s auction sale on the sameday a large crowd was present. At the begin-ning Mr. yon liheiii announced to Ihe gatheilngthat the hist tour paces weie subject to ap-pioval, one owner beitig absent, two being soldunder older of court and oue owned by a Cuugre-cation. Ihese conditions 1elug announced ihelullowint: piIces were realized:

Lot 67:6x120, on the east line of Missionslice!, between Filth and Sixth, 52,000; lot77:0x107:0, ou the north Hue of McAllistersnret, 247:0 west ul Lehveuworlh, 1,000; lot20xnl):G, 20'J Coinmeiiial slieet, near Kearny$U400; lot 00x100, with L48x37:6, 218 Lom-bard street, between Keaiuy and Dupoui, (GUOO;for the southeast corner of Castro ami Hillstreets, 20:0x80, $1850 was paid, and six ad-joiulug lots ii'.;;-.i.i from f1205 51475; lot25x80, 30 Gilbert street, brought J2D75; alot t;uxlll!:(i,ou Howard and Nineteenth streets,went with au "if"at $11,750.

The salo of Week 1060, Sunset Heights, onWednesday, by W. Hutterfleld, said block beingbounded by Thirty Hi and Thirty-fifth ave-nues and Itand O. streets, offered Infiftysubdi-visions, brought from $100 to $145 lor Insidelots, with coiner) commanding from $170 to$310, that an O, and Thiny-fotiith streets benn;evidently the buyers' pick, from a standpoint ofvalues.

TODAY'S OFFEIUXGS.A specially tempting bill of fare, or rather

hi Is ol laic, aie sprsad before the eyes ol mereal c-iale gourmand lo day,

The much tail ed-of, lone expected WellnsleyPaik sale Is on the cards lor out: Ullog,and aJolly ilenic Is ezoected. Adjuiuing liedwoodtry, and Wltb splendid naiiiial advantages Ofclimate, location and shoit distance- from ihecity, the chance to i.ick up villa sues. Judginglion, ;!»• apillcatlou tor tickets, is likely lo beavailed of beyond ixpectation.

Anoiher pleasant excursion willbe that to l.os(iat'is. where Mlddleton A snaion have a sur-prise v slore for those who imagine itpossibleloexaggeiato tho claims of lhaidislilct. Threemiles beyond Snr.ituna and ten miles fromSan Jose, l.os Oato-i to-uay has reaeaetf a pitchol prosperity that is of iiself a sufficient guaran-tee lor the Investor, leaving out of considerationIho desirableness ot ih neighborhood.

millvai.i.kv PBOntBTT.A very Important event Tor Mario County has

lately occuried In the dale of ihe ThiocKinortouranch, ol 14. (too acres, to Joseph (i. kuMlaii'J,A111 Miller, I.uvell While, Thomas M:i<;ee,Wlllinin (.olinian. ('resident of the uaiiow-gau>;e railroad, mid «iliicis. Ihi-se men havebuilt one shoit railroad and are now buildingwau'on roads through Ihe ranch. They intend tobuild both wauou roadi aiul railroads thratiirlithe lauch, Mpeclallj a railroad, to Bulinas.They bave w:iter enouuli at Mill Valley, threemiles from BaUMlttO, to supply 8000 peoplewithout further drvelotunent aud with an ex-liendiiiiie of iSout) they will have enough tosupply 50.000 people. They have ahead} builtroad! some seven miles inextent, nim veiyeasygrades, aud thiy proioso to butid many inoie inand around Jlill Valley—one o! the finest audmost sheleicd spots in the state, fifty iniuuiesfrom the C'.ly by feny and lail. Three hundredacres of ilililaud tv MillValley are to be sold ataucilun on Saturday next lv acres aud lots.Then a new town willbe made and uew life willbe Infused Into one ot our best couuties, whichhas been kept lv a neatly uuprogresMve state bylarue ranches.

Then William J. Dlngee Is to the fore with alaklttf list of building-101l on Oakland Hel"hts—Rl/eiempiory sale— said lon, overlooking LakuMeriltl and ihe surrounding country, are guilehandy to the uew Piedmont Cable Koad. Thehind adjoins the Adams I'oint properly, the Oak-land Homestead and tho Standfoid Tract, aud Isonly toity minutes' distance from San Frauchco.

AUCTION SALKB AHEAD.Apart from the catalogues listed for to-day, and

lookliiK ahead Into Ihe fixtuiea of the next fewdays, Easton & Eldildne on their regular sales-day, Tue'diiy, will offer some twenty-four choiceresidence lou fron'Hig on Van Mess avenue,M.iukliuand Fiauclsco streets, only half a blockfrom the (ioveinmeut (Black l'uinl)UeseivallonI'aik. The lols, w hlch comuiand a capital marineview, are all fenced mid graded, aud preseutqime a chance lo luvesiors and speculators lvthe shape of a radical advance lvvalues ere love,when, with the driveway opened to tbe NorthBay, the district will probably assume lue lui-puriance IIIsentitled to,

Ou Wednesday li.H. Umbsen & Co. hold aspecial auction sale of bustuets, residence. In-vestment mid unimproved iroieitles located at1145 Mission strict, west ot Seventh; «outh-west corner of Castro and Twenly-Dlth sliects;souheast cmuer of Fourth uud Clemeiiiluastreets; 1312 aud 1314 Jackson stieet, nearLeaveuworlh: 512 and f>l4 Hyde stieet, nearUeary; uoithwest coruei of Kolsom aud EckerRlrreu, near First; Sacranifnto street, west olI.utuua: TUeresa street, uear Mission; besides

property on Henry street, near Market; 725Hush street, between l'owell and Masuu, andothers.

On the •nine day, nt Oakland, Rli,ilnwnlil,Ktickliec&Co., by older ot the heirs of tin- lalol'eter Uonalitie ami the executors Ol the estateof the late James MuivynDonahue, willtell urnreiiialuliigproperty of iho ejtaie, consist ofid) one-acre anil halt-acre villa lots In theVornon I'nrk Tract, fronting on Clare-motit avenue, College avenue, llrniidwayand Vermin sheet, with a Frontage nt70 to 270 feel and a depth of 100 to 2311:11 (ret.The term*, 100, ire unusually easy, being one-third cash, with the balance payable Inone andiwoyenrs, Him luierest at 7 per coin. Ten percent of the piinh.i-r money in requited un thefall of the liaiiiini'r. llio remainder to he paid oncoiiliimallon ol Ilia unlit by me Sin cilot Court,the California Title Insurance and Trust Com-I'Uiivfurnishing a policy ot Insuiiiiicu liiiiiilngthe Hint for a nominal mini,;

On Thursday, Juue r.ih, McAfee, llaldwlu SillHinmoud are going lo teiuil Ihn public wllh acatalogue of 170 residence lota on Clarendonlie, I-, the lots fit,i.iii, Si.niynn,Alum, lilvoll,Keveuleentli, Eighteenth and llt'lgrave streets'and Clarendon avenue. The growth of the fash-i, popular taste for marine views in ihucity fur lesidence sites, as no largely illustratedthis season, especially nt millions where nlichopporluulties have presented themselves, Hiu*aksas loudly us Itcan Insuupnit of the belief thatvery much enhanced values aie aboilly comingfor theae slies.

On Wednesday David Sti-rn *Sons willhold afraud credit sab-, when they will dispose offorty-four choice business and residence lots Inthe "waim bell" at the Mission. The propertyfronts on I'olsom, Twoulietu, Treat aveuue audIwenly-hist streets.

PALO ALTO.Quite a special lnieie»t attaches to the auction

sale of lots) InUniversity Park at the I'aio AltoStation by the Arthur R. Bungs company tillsday week, June 7th. No other lots can ever beottered to Iho public nearer to the UniversityIban these are, each subsequent subdivision be-ing ot necessity further and further distant fromtin- coveted neighborhood at the seat ot learning.Aside from all other reasons Ihe Leland StanfordUniversity is destined to carve out for itself sucha niche lvthe temple of California successes thatadjacent piopeity is bound to acquit largeadded values, and so sliaie, in a small way per-haps, in the t'nlveii-lly's reputation. The easynature of the term?. 25 per cent cash, withbal-ance payable at $10 per month on each lot, with-out any iniere-t. 10 per cent deposit being re-quired at lime of purchase. Is mi additional at-traction. The special excursion tiaiu leaves cor-ner ol 'ihiid and Tuwuseud streets at 10 o'clock'next Saluiduy motmug. 2H

ASHIiURY HBIOBTB.What has been designated the "cream resi-

dence location of the city," commanding, as Itdt es, a view of ami iv the immediate vicinityofthe main attractions of Golden Gate Par*. Is tobe put up at auction on Monday next by O'Far-iell & Lung In the guise of sixty-liveresidencelots ou Ashbuiy Heights, the sale being a per-emptory one. 'lhe loin fiont un Frederick, Six-teenth aud Clayton stieets and Tremout avenue,only two blocks south of Ualght stieet and lyingbeiweeu Bueua Vista Park and th Golden i.alePark. The sit eels are sewered, graded andmacadamized, wltb a cement sidewalk on Tie-motii avenue. The terms of the sale willbe one-third cash, wit'i balance in two and three yearsat 7 per cent.

SANTA BOSA.Inconnection with the winding up of affairs

In tho Donahue estate still another opportunitylor lhe Investing public Is ottered at G. U. I"nibsen & Co.'a salt- Ihis day week, at the AtliemiuinTheater, Santa Kosa. Ou that occasion leushares of me Santa Rosa Athenxum '1heaterbuilding slock will be submitted lv public bid-dings, as well as lots 1, 2, 10 and 11, In Block 1of ft.J. Johnson's addition to Santa Rosa, be-sides lots 353, 35-1 and 355, Id Block 4 In thecity. Atthe same time lots 22,23.24,25, 20,27 and 28, In Green's addition, as well as onehalf acre adjoining lhe above lots, willbe otteredfor public competition, the whole being knownas the "Hospital Property." Further, lots 82and 88, and the south hail of- lot 84, all In Blockloof Clark's addition, together with a 20 aerofarm, formerly known as IHo '-.Mii.dock Farm,"beluga portion oi the Bancbo Cabeza. de SantaRosa, as well as lot 25, in Bleck 12, at Clark'saddition, willbe offered for balo. Then there is a31.16-acre farm, au 80-acie faun, oue and a halfmiles lroin Windsor, on the l-'ladsbui|jh and SantaKosaroad: lhe 272.68-acte farm, kuown as theWright Farm, about two miles from ib« Court-house, with other lots, and a third Interest lv theLaktrVillH Lauding pioperly, containing fouracres, and being a portion ofPetaluma Kancno, aswelt as an undivided third interest in a strip oflaud adjoining the above tract, running along-side the couuty road to Uiaish lauds aud i'eta-luma Creek.

PRIVATE BUSINESS.Dining Ihe week. Shalnwald, liuckbee & Co.

have sold a lot 27:0x100 on the east side ofHydestieel. close to Green, for $3200, andhave also placed another ou the north side ot\ ullejo,li tween Oc'.avla and i.agtiu.i, 30x125,tor $10,500, with Improvements.

What is known as the Hurling properly hasalso been sold by 15. M. Guun & Co. to A. L.Rhodes ot San Jose— a properly consisting offour residences, for $70,000. ilie properly Inquestion lies on the soulh side of Tu:k street,onlya short distauce from Taylor/and stands ona lot 87:6x137:6. An uuluipioved lot, size30x120, has also changed hands t hrough thesame him during the week, lor the amount ofJOOOO, on the west side of Scott street, uortU ofI'.icllic.

The Carnall-Fllzbugb-Bopklus Company re-port sales of twenty-four loin in the ExcelsiorHomestead, for $5500. Also the northeast cor-tiei «l Eighth avniueand X street, 57x100, for$2050, and one 50x120, east side Eighthaveuue,for i2OOO.

DEEDS, MORTGAGES, KTC.The number of transfers Bled at the Hall of

Records lor the week is 103, the number otmortgages 721, and that of releases let.

bi tLDixa CONTRACTS.If the month of May shows a diminution In

buildlnicoutiacts, it must be remembered thatengagements have freely made ahead asto leave little room lor additions, IIany. Con-tractors and builders have their bauds just aboutas lullas they'llstick Just now. and me appar-ent decline in me mouth's tiguies is traceablemoie to this than any oilier cause, For themonth of .May contracts have been let for some150 uew buildings, running Into a tola] of $784,-OOJ, or thereabouts, as against only $409,000iv loiind numbers for a corresponding periodlast year, the hist live months of the year, asalieudy set luith in The Call, showing over amllliou dollars la uulldlug contracts lo thecieuit of iss'.M:. as compared with a like tune in1888. For the week— broken one, ueiiher awhole nor a ball, be It remembered— the .n.imi: contracts are represented by a money valueut $133,000.

OAKLAND OHIItINUS.IHf:MniH>olh sale of large building lots -and""

tills lesideuce gnJu'naV 3t "Wremptory "auctionto-day, at '_' o'clock, on the grouud, O.i .laudHelght.s, adjacent to tho I'ledmont cable rail-road, w illbe one of the piomiueut offerlugs of theseason. Aiieeude Is uuuoiiuced lor the pur-pose of conveying parlies to the sale. Timmag-uihceut tract is ou me direct line of the Improve-ment and on elevated ground, allortliue a hueview of Lake Meuilt, Oakland, Alaiueda, thebay, ban Francisco and suirottudtiig country,and not far from lots thai are vow selling at $30per front fool. Only one-fifth in cash is requiredand (lie balance lv equal Installments in one,two, three ana four years at 7 per cent per an-num interest. The sale will be conducted byVVllllam .1. Ulngee of Oakland anil Euslou,Eldridge &Co. ol this city.

ISIPOUTAST AX.VOISCEMF.XT.E. W. Woodward & Co., successors to Wood-

ward & Merrill, will sell tills evening at theirsalesroom, 002 Hroadway, Oakland, by the di-rccliou ol Sherman &l'tnney. 468 Mull)street,sixty-two desirable lots In tin- well-known I'ied-nioud Villa tract on the most liberal terms, 10wit,only $100 cash lor each lot sold and iliabalance uu easy terms and low rate o( Interest.Tilts property is only 15 minutes' walK from thecenter o[ Oakland and is situated on l'lcdmoutor Webster avenue, tne Washington-street earsuassih*! every few minutes and the new I'led-moDl cable running oulyone block distant. ItIsa sacrifice s.ilu ami each lot will be sold withoutreserve.

FUTURE SALES.William .1. Dlngee, Oakland, Is preparing a

catalogue lor a Ills sale of real estate, wlncliwill lake place on (tie 11111 day ol June. Timadvertisement willappear la in; usual columnsnext week.

K. W. Woodward & Co. will offer at publicauction on Saturday, 1liliJune, a! '_' o'clock, onthe ground*. 400 acres lii1110 celebrated Keltliancli, situated near tl;e new (own of I'iuitUndand toe town <\u25a0[ l)e;oto. The block has beendivided Into live, ten, Ulleen and twenty acrepaieels, ami willbe sold on liberal [Tinsof pay-mem. The usual announcement will appear laHie adveitliliiK columns next week.

on June Tin, William J. DiiiKei',Oakland, andKidrlda's &Co., Ban Francisco, will dts-

po«e of a portion of Ihu Hlasdel tract at auction,ob the grounds, Twenty-third avenue and K;istTnrnty-fourtlistieet, fronting on Twenty-:and Oranse avenues and I1-1 Twenty-fourth,lv.nity-tiltliand Twenty-sixth streets, ami ad-juluiiiK lili:h!.;u.l lark on the east. -c,~-

Tliere nretlility-nlne subdivisions of from 30to 50 feet front by 121 to Id) feet Indepth.

These choice lots arc situated on the elevatedlaud uloni: the upper portion of Twenty-thirdiivrnu

•• and command a haudsoine view thebay and the sun oundlug country.

The iniprovemeni!! In the Immediate vicinityaie exceptlotully line. On account of the eleva-tion this Is ml is unusually well drained.

Twenty-third avenue is graded, curbed, sew-ered and macadamized within two blocks of thisproperly. The soil is a rich, black loam, and theentire tract is planted Inchoice llowers. shrubs,shade, ornamental and fruit trees In fullbearing,Including forty omiiKe and lemon trees, apricots,cherries, plums, peaches, pilines, el_\, all ofwhich crow luxuriantlyIn this charming spot.

Almost all of Hie lots have bearing trees onthem and me surrounded by cypress hedges.ItIs desired thai an Inspection of tills land be

made before the day of sale, as no section ofOakland oilers belter Inducements to the home-seeker.

Terms— Only one-fifth cash, balance In fouryearly payments, at ouly 7 per cent Interest.

STKAV JJOTKS AMIOOBSIP.Bnvee. Toy & Co. will Mtuitly be out with a

catalogue on .Mine. "Jih o( properly adjaceut to(ioldeii Uat« I'ark.

The Carnall-Mlzhugh-llopklns Company areeach .Saturday now taking out from nevtiitv toeighty people lv Inspect the location at tho Uni-versity liekbls, each week ghowiui; au Increaselv vmtora.

The liupland ranch, so Itis said, has been pur-chafed In i>imiiiii-iyby A. \v\ Foster from Me-Afre, Baldwin & ilaiuuiond, tor tbe gum ol$:t7,uou.

The hist meeting of the Bay City LoanAssociation w;iiheld hist Monday, sliowuii: theassets of the eoinp.tny to be $7i>,iis, with J('»r>,-Ci») lent on nioilg.iges durum the year. Theelectlou of oltlcers letulted Inme follow ing selec-tions: President, Geoiife Bastoo; Vlcel'resl-dent. \V. li. Allen; Secretary. L. 1.. Deumiiv;Treamuer, 11. Wadswortb, aud Atioiuey. v. il.Klxford,

Woik on the new armory on I'aciflc avenue larteaUily golui:ahead.

Defttti Fn.m ItliHiil-I'olsnniillj.Bernard #

Frclks, a Herman, 32 years of age,died at the Cityand County Hospital yesterday,having beeu admitted three days ago for awound in the hand. While employed at Tracyinunloading cask*, about two weeks ago, one ofthem fell upon him. The autopsy made yester-day showed that death resulted from blood-pol-aouluc. which is supposed to hare beeu luducedby the rust of tue banel-hoop which cm-lied hishand.

Fuom the Crocker Tucbt.— Mrs. E. E. Cas-well has received on behalf of the Free Wardand Building Fund of the llahnemaii HospitalAssociation tho sum of $500 through Mrs.Alexandsr Iroui the Mary Cioctet Trust Fund.


One of tho Crew of the Mary E.Anderson Drowned.

Report of tho Ship A. J. Fuller- A Quick Pat-lace by the Steamsr Normani»-The

ZjalandU'i Cargo,

The schooner Mary E. Anderson, CaptainIlobbs, arrived yesterday, fourteen hours fromNewhaven. wall a cargo of bark for Heyman &Slayer. The captain reports tli.u ou Tuesdaymorning, while making lines fust at Newhaven.about eapslied and a iteamuu named M. Slinouseuwas drowned.

The British foilr-iii ship Bhutan HIM ar-rived yesterday, eighty day from Newcastle,Australia, with a cargo of 3325 ions or coal.Tills Is one of the largest cargoes of coal everbrought to this port. The UidstouUm is a slatership to the Tliito Hill,now m port.

The weather was hazy at I'oiut Lobos yester-day. Early In the morning the wind was light'from the southwest, at v o'clock bauled to theuoilhwest and kept from that quarter the rest ofthe day, increasing to 24 miles an hour: .8o'clock A.ii.29.87, uoou 2'J.OS, 5 o'clock P. M.2y.90.

REPORT OF THE A. J. FULLER.The ship A. J. tuller arrived yesteiday, 135

day-, from New York, with a general' cargo cou-slgued to button &Ueebee. Captain Coleord re-ports : Sailed on January nth and experiencedfresh Kales and rough sea for ten days. Crossedequator February Bth In 2!)° So' west. Tooksouiheast trades in2° 30' somu and had good runto 50° south. I'assed Slaten ou the flfty-lifihday out and sighted the tape ou March12th; thence io3s° south experienced a contin-uation of noriuwesl ami northerly gales. WaslSda.vsfiom oU° to 50°. Ciossed equator Inl'acidc on April BOlli. Had good northeasttrades; past livedays fresh wluus fromnorth touoithwest, with rough, squally weather.

Ihe steamer has been on the Mer-chants' Dry-docK to ue cleaned and Tainted. Shecame oil yesteid,.y and ducked at l-'remoutstreet.

The schooner Novelty arrived yesterday, aftera good passage of four days from Port Kia^eley.The whalingbark 1bonus l"ope ishaving her

rudder repaired at Hatiiaway's Wharf.A FAST FLIER.

Adispatch received yesterday from New Yorksays thai the (iermau steamer Kormanla, thelaie^ addition to the Hamburg-American PacketComuauj's fleet, arrived In me morning, makingthe best time o.irecora for a m iiden voyage-six days live hours. On the trip she barelyescaped destruction in a collision with an Ice-berg on May 27th, but had forty feet of herplhies smashed.

TlieO. S. Company's steamer Zealandia willsail to-day for Honolulu and Sydney with a veryvaluable cargo. Among her freight for Sydneyar« 4iir,u inuuds beans, 1000 cases perinea, 44514pounds collee. 10,500 pounds lioub, 1000 bundlesshooks and 47'JO gallous whale oil; for Mel-bourne, 02.140 pounds broom coin; for Bris-bane. 15,43 'J pounds cuffee; for Fort Chalmers,2007 pounds broom Cora and for Honolulu, 40packages lish. 48 bundles machinery, 20 bucksonions and 2800 pounds tobacco.

An Italian Hibernian yesteiday afternoonpicked up limb -is lrom a ship's ways floatingout to sea, and towed them to Fishermen's

barf, where they now await an owner.The steamer Cella arrived yesterday lumber

laueu from lluuiboldt aud went up river direct.


Fruits are steadily cheapening. Apricots, GreenApple) and Raspberries aie stillla lightsupply, buttii\u25a0 market Is plentifullysupplied withCherries andStrawberries which are about as cheap as they everget. Some California Black Figs, growu 1:1 Yuma,have sold at 7Sc©*l p box.

Vegetables show uo particular change, beingingood supply as a rule.

Poultry is mure abundant, several car-loads hav-ing arrived from the East. Real good young Koos-ters, however, comluue scarce.

{•utter and Cheese are plentifuland cheap. Eggsare considerably dearer at*wholesale, but the retailprice has not yet advanced.

Meals show no change.Following la Hit;Call's regular weekly retail

pricelist:fnu.-PF.R TOY.

Cedar River. 80U@ a Seattle 8 50-a 00caunci 14 l'U'i»

—.Coos Bay 7503* 800

Diamond aoo-^—|cherry Valley 7 Boa) 800

New Welling- (Mlmau s»«.j 800ton, %i ton.lo 50311 CO1Cuke, bbl.. 75,0 90Wellington..10 ou|

DAIRY PRODUCE, EraButter,choice B....20(325 Cheese. Swiss, ...25^30

do. good 17&—

jEggs, fildoz 2U(<£2sOrdinary, go 15<s>

—| do, .em 17V:>r<»'-0Cheese, Uai log;12iHoney, comb \u25a0$( 1t..17<s ICheese, Eastern 20026°! do, extracted lo^l'.'

KEATS— PER roVSB.Bacon 1201S Purk, salt ln.a

—Beef, choice

—<g>2o I'orkChops 18(520

Corned lieef l».al'J:itib Chops I_'.ulsHam, Cat 13^15 Kound .sum:; ... 10.*1:!

\u25a0 do, Eastern Multi Sirloin Steak 15®17Lard, '\u25a0?. Ib—

(aid Porterhouse, do •.'O(5» —Muttou 10rg)12 Smoked Beat. 15W20Lamb 12<al(> Veal lUuj/i»l'uik,1rush JO j

FOCLTRY AND OAME.Broiler*,each. 50$ 87 Ducks. each . 75\u25a0•si 00liens, each. ... t^j, B7ieeese.eaeh....l 60<s2 60loung Kuust- Pigeons, pair ouui 65

ers. each 100.JJ1 25 Kabbits, f*pair 37<^ 50\u25a0Old Roosters, -.;Squirrels, each lOigi 12each 60® 75 Hare, 25©

—Turkeys, ~f.Ib.. 25rsi —I


Apricots, ¥ Id.. S® 15 Limes, V doz..—

® 16Apples, f!1&... 35(a> 20 Lemons, %>.<lO2. 20@» SONew Apples, IB .'•'* BlOranges. doz. 15<sJ 30Almonds, ftID. 'JU.j; 261Navel oranges,

i.anas, > doi 20-.& 40 r ftilo* 25® 50Cnerries. f<Ib.. s<& 12IPlneappies,ea. 40\a> 60Currants. 1t...

-(<A 101Raspberries, %

Chestnuts,)) Q>.. aSigj SO La-h#. 15® 20Cocoanuts. ea. lu^i 12 Raisins, ¥< ID.. _J*<B' lS"Figs, Smyr' li<<j> 2i(Uicuv>axlJ*«~Gooseberries,

—'' : drawer....... :!o<a> 60. _!LJ'*-**\u25a0•'*\u2666*=**\u2666\u25a0' S| Walnuts, V- n>. 20(3) 25VEGETABLES.

Asparagus, »i . INew Onions, 13n> „3@ 8, Ib 3@ 4

Artichokes. i* Okra, dry, Vln '-'6(0 40doz 20-3 261oyster rint.bli -M 10

Beets, ?!<loz.... 15^5—

Peppers, green,Beans, White, »m.... -13 50,^*lr' —

5 Parsnips,'* doi •—

(is 25Do, rink, t*Id. 63) t Potatoes, ? in.. 2'-rr» 3VkHo, Lima, dry, 1 do, new, %< 16 y<3 i%*»> —9 I°;Radishes, «OiCabbages, ea... S-a 10) chs. 15-a 20CauiiHuwers.ea Sg) lOJKhubarb, -a 16 1i» 6IVk-ry,¥> bch.

—Sage,? IB SO® 35Cucumbers, ft Sprouts, » Ib.. -% 8

doi 25® 75 Spinach, V-».. s'<s BCress, 1?, bchs 15* 20 String lieans.lD Sm 106ar11c,»n>.... 20,i> —'iuimiiLTSqiiasn

Gr'nPeas, t». to it 6 ft ib .. Sa 10Green Corn, )l iMarTt Squash.

doz 503 751 %}&......... —a—

Li-nills H(g> :Thyme, ? m...—§ 37Lettuce, doz.. 2O# 251Turnips,!* <ioz. 6.'S 8Mushr'ius, j!IB 60S*

—|Tomatoes, V2) 4U(.j BO

J-ISlC—ran POI'ND.Barracuda

—m 16 -Smelts 10® 12Carp

—10 Soles iiivA 10

Codfish SCd> 10 English Soles..—

«4 15Flounders lo.i) 12ISkates, each... 2O<* 25Halibut ® 25|Sturi;eon B<ai 10Herrine «$


—(a) 15Klngnsh. B(i4 10,Turbot —m 15

Mackerel, each. 20® Clams, ftgall..—

(gl 75Do, Horse, Ib.. 10® 19 Do, hard shell,Percn , go> 10 ft 100 40^ 50Pompano

—;<HI 50ICrabs,each....

—<g) 15


«$ 10 Do, soft shell,Salmon, smKd.

—(at l'_'l '$doz 37® 50Salmon, tresh.. 10*4 15 Crawfish 4is 6

Shrimps 12® 16,Mussels, art, 1^ 15Do, picked—& 60IOysters, Cal %4Shad..-. 8(4 12| 100 60® 75

Speckled Trout—

d» 25 ,Do, Eastern, •»bealiass

—151 doz 25® 50

A SUPPOSED SUICIDE.Fred V.Rftthhoiio Found Dead in the St.

David's IliiiTgn.

While the clerk of the St. David's Dome, onHoward street, near Third, was making hitrounds early yesterday morning he discoveredgas escaping from a room occupied byFrrdV.ltallibone. The door was at once broken open,but the occupant was dead, liathbmie was abar-tender and Mad worked In til city for nearlytwenty years. tie last ulace In which be wasemployed was 1" till McUoveiu'g old saloon outhe corner or Market and Ueary streets.

Inrecent years he Dad been ailing with a com-plication ot complaint?, and in O(der to Induedsleep lie became addicted to the use of morphine.ItIs nut known whether he turned the gas on in-tentionally or not, but tome of his friends sup-pose that after taking bis usual dose of mor-phine his condition became such that he couldnot perform ordinary actions properly and Inmining on the gas only succeeded iv turning iihalf off.

Others are Inclined to believe that be com-muted Milcide, forof late ltathbone has been liv-ing oft the generosity of friends, having beenwell known alone Market streot. Owini: to Hiedeath of Ills former employer and many of illsold friends Hathbone found It a very difficultaffairIn obtaining a Hvlehood. lie was Ivverylllheatll), being afflicted with rheumatism audasthma.

The opinion Is divided as to whether be com-

mitted suicide or died while under the infill- £once of morphine, He wan entirely without;means, his last money having been used to Daybis room rent.

-. _ . . \u25a0

IN ISUD.IN. HIS IJOOII.Congelton ICalti-rntnn ilm Btnrv of the

Att'irlc M.idn Upon Him.'

Oiborn C'ODRrlton, the young fninpurnnon lect-urer whose story oi an attach by perioni un-known to him on Thursday ul|;lu. Lan near theliimber-iilieils on Broadway, Oakland, afterwhich lih was (lint and thrown Into the water,was publlilied In jmbii'iiliy'.iCam., passed iiiohCof yesterday In bud In his loom at the UnitHouse In this c1Iv.

To iiCall reporter ho stated In the afternoonthat he had no furihflr facts about the onto toadd to the already published HmH . Ho re-Pealed that all had liapp'iictl **he had de-scilbed on hi' return to this oily on Thursdaynight, excepting 006 or two minor detail*. Itwas on the Aiauitiili iiuryth.u lie oroiied, andnot on the Oakland boat. He took Ilia narrow-gauge to Alamed.i. mid, again iiiiMiiinx Ills unknown RsaaliHiit, miitr the call upon Dr.llronsonat the latter* residence close to the I'jrk-slieetinnrow-gauge d pot, went to Oakl.iud wltu thailraimei on the bnmd-g.iuge,

Uounelton »ay» that wheu he and the strangerliftlint cars at Kiuadway, Oakland, Ihey walkeddown towaid the luiiiber-y.uds, and he wassiculillym advance when struck dowu from be-hind. To the best of his recollection when herevived he was tailed by two un aud thrownby them into tlie water.

While feeling still very shaky from the roughtreatment received, Congelton mm*,mi no notice-able mmks of violence yesterday. 1lie contusionun In- foiehead has gone dowu and mere Is onlya sight scratch left. The mark on the breast,cau,.d by the pl-toi bullet forcing the sus-penders' clasp Inui the flesh Is also hardly visible.tonne lion, however, slated that lie had beenspitting up a little blood all day, and believes hehas been injured Internally.

Yesteidav Detective Kollln of Oakland' andDetective John Coltey of the local force werecloseted with him for some time, but beyondfully describing bis assailant, gave them no fur-ther clew to work on. The police decline to ex-preas any opinion about the case until they havemade fuilher mvesUsailons.

Ral<w>jr >!..i Cbmir«<.The followlui; change* and appointments in

tin- Railway MullService are aanouueea: a. l.McCully, postal clerk on the line between l'ort-l.ind, (Jiegon, and Anlie, trausfened to the Unabetween Uunllaeton, Oiecon, and I'onland. W.J. Hall of Salem, Oregon, appointed to the UnabeiWMn PocUand and Anile, vice McUuliy,tran«feiifd. K. A. VMniinj; of C.ilf.ix, Wasb.,•iPI "ted to the Spokane Falls and I'ortlaudHue, vice V. M. Blwell, ilecliued.

T,» Bet*re Tn-dny«It is reported lhat Jlliu Mctiord, Superlntend-

eul of the Bdttei-sireet liailroad Company, willresign his position 10-day as bis many oilier busi-ness Inteiests demand liis imiividual atieuilou.Either Eugene Noriisor F. Sweit, she presentAssistant Superintendents, willpossibly succeedMr AlcCord.

SIN AMI TIDE 1 k.i! i..

In Facinc Btaadard Time. Compnti>.l by ThokalTk.vnknt, Chronometer mid Instrument

Maker, i*Market stre \u25a0\u25a0

SHiri-lN'.; UnCKZiLIOaSNCK.tor Lou 8/Upptng InteUrjenrs. KB agtaA /\ija

Arrived. F»ii>ay. May 30.Stmr Westport, Jacobs, 19 hours from WestDort:

lumber, etc., to Pollard A Dodge.Stmr Record. Jensen, 25 hours from Rock-

port; 150 cordit bark. to order.Stmr Lacuna, Dodge, 2<S hours from lluinuoldt;

lumber, to Chad Melsuii.Stmr Celia, Johnson, from Humboldt. For up

riverdirect.Stinr Mexico, Alexander. 45 hours from San

Diego, etc; pass and mdse, to Uoodall, Perkins A OaStmr .N.iy.i. Erlcksen, 40 hours from Coos Bay;

3GO Mft lumber, to John LHoward.M:nr Navarro. Anderson, :id'. boors from Cres-

cent City; 'MO Mft lumber, to Simpson Lumber Co.Ship A J Fuller, Colcord, 135 days Iroia New

York;mdse. to button &Bee bee.Hr ship Bldston Hill,Mal;an<lalne. 87 days fromNewcastle, NSW; 8328 tons coal, J D Sprec»el3 SiBros.Scbr -Mary E Anderson, Ilobbs, 14 hours from

-Now Haven ;bark, to lleyinauiMayer.Sobr NoTelty. Lewis, 4 days from Port Blakeley:

720 M ft lumber, to Keuton, Holmes a Co.Schr Helen Merrlam, JUndbridge, 20 hours from

Albion; 116 Mftlumber, to UlytheiTrott.Schr Mill the Batcher, Johnson, 12 hours from

Bowens Landing; livMit lumber, to CLDlu^ley&Co.

Schr Compeer, Peterson, —days from Port Town-

sen.i: 480 Mftlumber, to X M Uerrick,Schr Ivy, Eugebretlson, 30 hours/rom Humboidt;

lumber to Preston Ji .McKinuon. *-.ciemxed*.•'

FniDAY. May 30.'

Stmr Iliii.ibofflfrJfrfien,Eureka: Beanaa *Stone.Schr Anna, Williams, Kahului; J IISprockets 4

Bros. —Sailed., Friday. May 30.

SiTnr Santa Cruz, Trlbble, Lompoc.I—^-Stmr North Fork, Nielsen. Eureka.

Stmr Ulpsy. Plummer. Santa Cruz, etc:Stmr Haytian Republic, Brown,Port Townsend.Stmr LoaAagelea. Leland, Wiimiu^tjaStmr City of Puebla, Debuey. Victoria, etc.Me bark Don Adulfo, Colly,.Melbourne.Schr C 1' Hill,Morteusen. llumholdt.Schr (julde, Johnson, Seattle. \u25a0

Schr Anna, Williams, KahuluLSchr Chas E Falk, Anderson, Port Gamble.

Telegraphic.POINT LOBOS—May 30

—10 p. m.


hazy; wind W, velocity 28 miles.Spoken.

Per A.1Fuller-Jan 27-Lat 26 X. lon 3S W, Ger-man ship showing letters O.FtiL, from lquique forHamburg.

Star 11—Lat 68 8, lon 65 10 W, Brship Borrow-dale, from Liverpool for Honolulu.

.Mar 11—Lat 15 20 N. 123 -.'0 w, bark Guy C Goss.fromPort Blakelcv for Boston, bound south; allwell.

Memoranda!Per schr Mary E Anderson— On Tncsdiy mnm'ntf,

while making lines fast, a boat capsiz.-d anil as -a-\u25a0uau named MSlmonsou nrasdrowueo.

Oouieslio Ports.GREENWOOD— ArrivedMay 30

—S::nr White*-

boro, hence May 89,AS l'OßlA—ArrivedMay 30—Stmr Columbia, hca

May28.Sailed May Stmr Oregon, for San Francisco ;

ship lsell of Bath, for Australia.i;ow LAM>INU-Sailed May 30-Schr Bar-

bara ilernster, forSan Francisco.CASl'Ali— May "-".>—atmr Jewel, for San

Francisco. •WES Sailed May 20— Stmr Westpon, for

San Francisco.. Importations.

SAN" DIEGO—Per Mexico- 319 cs honey, 29 sitasbestos, 205 tks potatoes, 13S bxs lemons. 1 bxlimes, ocs eg£S, 27 bis oranges, 1 wagon, 42 balesflsb.

San Pedro— l6 bxs lemons. 10 bxs oranges. 71 c*cum ilgoods, 483 sis corn, 2 crts peppers, 1 coopsfowls.

Santa Barbara— ls r*ecus, 2 bis butter, 21skicrawfish, 38 sks beans, 30 bxs oranges.

Port Hurfor.l -s coops chickens, 2515 bxs butter, 7kgs 23 cs eggs, 60 cs hooey, 1 bx beeswax, Ml cscheese, 1sk potatoes, dried hides, 2 livfresbnsn, iii>iiL;sexpress, 632 sks coin.

Bants M.irla— sks wheat.Nlpomo—lt)lS sks beans.Los olivos—3-5 sks barley.WE3TPOKT— Per Westport— 26B M ft lumber, 55

hides. 7 bdis tatf skins, 1sk tails, 4 bJlspelti, vihibis wool.

ConsignPer Mexico—J F English; W W Montague* Co;

Murphy.Grant *Co: iCo: M r Preltas -v Co:Heeler *Johuson; Hills Bros: OB8n»Ub*Co; M.Armer&Co; Standard Soap Co: Sherman, Way &Co;Marshall, Teßart&Broecswi; Cam 4 Co: M TCaual ;Porter Bros 4 Co; A Ua.lll*Co: 1)iiCamir-inosJcCo; IS i'o:er: ltuss, Sanders A c.i: Alles AUilmore: Goodyear Rubber Co; liregury *Co; A(ialll Fruit C ; Smith's Cash Store; Brns; IjDlnkelspeil; Baker A Hamilton: Bothlu M.'.' ('.): 1:Levy .V Son;NowmarkA Ernest; WlsealiMi A Li:lir.s:C IIPlatt; Dodge, Sweeney A Co: Ueti Uros .* Oo; -Brlgham.Boppe «Co; C E Whitney 4 Co; Lenor-maud Bros: Roger Bros Hardware Co: lultan mer-chants; IIDutard: Heckman iCo; X X an; It>iiso,Anderson .v Co; Norton, Teller A: Co; w It Koyso SsCo; l'.lsdon, c'ahen ACo; Shattuck, Kowalsky &Co;Robert H.l.iitiCo; Whcaton A- Luhrs: J P Thom-as; Chas Harley *Co; Hills Bros; IIDutard: Col1-Derg. Howeu *Co: W IIRouse *Co: .1 J Dully.tCo: lieBernard! ft Wcstphal; 1) Tiedemau A- Co;Kruse *Euler; Vervalln A Uowe;ll N Tilden -v Co;Felling,Henry 4 Co; Wells. Fargo *Co; Phelpa,Butler A Co; Blum,Baldwin 4- ulrvln; Uassett *Bunker.

Per Westport— Pollard *Dodee; Lowry4 Stellar,Christy a; Wise; Smith's Cash Store.

OCfcA.N STEAMtIiS.I»:ir<'-; of Deiiartnr** From San Franci*"O.


'J7siiT 3£\u25a0*•**•SSF>;ut

os»5o..o. £_ •*



a. Lor iiV L.of 11..„A.O. U. Wrt'orkmen'stiuar.K.A'nKnights or Honor(nights of HonorKnights and 1.. 0111...Kulghts and 1. or H.Urder Chosen Friends.rder Choseu Friends.

I. O. B. ItI. O. B. BRoyal ArcanumRoyal ArcanumEud. Ben.F'd.A.O.F.A.End. Beu.l 'd A.0.1.a.Legiou of West, S. 11..l.egion of West. S. 8..i'acitlc End. League.Pacific End. l.c;igue,..£qal table Aid Uulon..fraternal GuildKra ernal GuildUnited Und. Asso'tes..R -\u0084: Argosyif. M.InstituteJruer Beacon Light..

i 177-178lMay l|Junel-15170-1.-0 June 1July lib

14-15 June 1-8 Jane 288-9 June 2 June 28

277-278 May 1May 31275-WO-V- June 2 June 30

260-270 May 1 May 31271-272 June 2 Juno 30

171 May 1May LSI172 iJune 1 June LSI)

0-10 May 1 May 31111-' June 1June 30

ISO May 1 May 31136 June 2iJtily 2167 May l'Juue 1168 May 20;.Mine 20

14 May 1 May 3115 June llJu ie 30

W.May ll.May 316 June lUuue 30

170-171 May 1June 11\u25a01 May 1:June 1IS June 1July I

89-40 Hay 1 May 317 May 10 June »

'22 May la June 155 June lLJuly 1

LiTV n.w. l.w. j n.w

Small. Small. I Largn.w.Small.




'I 1 I10.11 AM 3-04 pm, 9 1911.08 am 3.45 PM 9.540.04 PM 4.29 fm 10.281.00 PM 6.14 nt 11.041.56 PM 6.01 111

11 2.52 pm 6.51 PM 0.0 i,i 3.48 PM 7.59 ra 0.29

4.12 a:4.56 a5.4 1 A

6.25 a7.13 a8.03 »



Stkakeb. IDestination*. I Sails. IWnnr

Zealandia. ...Australia \u25a0 MayLil, 12m \u25a0 uceanioHumboldt., Humboldt nay.. May3l, 9am Wash to.State orCal. PotUmul lane I,loam SpearMexico San Diego. Juno I.llam,naw'y 2Acapulco l'anama June 3.12 m I'M

—iii'ieic China -Japan.. June:', l'pm|l' MSSEureka San Pedro June 3. tiaiclßdiff*y9Umatilla Vie- Pitt Sound June 4, 9am Hdw'yICorona Humboldt Bay.. June 4. Bam Hdw'yIPomona San Diego June 5,11amIHdw'y 2Oregon j Claud IJune 5,10am, Spear

Departure of Australian steamer depend* onCueEnglish mails.

I Kingsfords Ij!I;\ \u25a0 Oswego 11

f \' Ef

S^ liUllluldjlull Iuifi s Makes most delicious ;Rl

%\ ICE CREAMS, PUDDINGS, BLANCMANGE, s \\u25a0 %\ \u25a0

SOUPS, CUSTARDS, GRAVIES, Etc. \KIf/' s: Prof. AItTHFR H. HASSALL of London, "England, author of S Dj

mi \ "Food and Ha Adulterations," especially recommends Kings- > MI, \ lonrs Corn Starch as (ipure, nourishing and wiiolu=-jinoluod, <; [^sfM^. "ell adapted for Infants, Children ami Invalids. gJ^j ;J T. KIKGSFOHD .t SON', Oswego, X.Y. !s M,

,i(ill-MO-!.yiUi.Jli-.BCA.NTII K. Co.; San Francisco,' Sole AgenU.mrK IjlS» 6p ..It.