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PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS. A. L KIMBRO, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 81'BSEON, Office, Southeast Corner Main Mid Union Streets, MEMPHIS. TfiNN. Office Hour- -, i: .ion :. m anil 1 to 4 and I to lu p.m. HH tlr-H- I success during lb. past 2n yeare. epl4 m Ir. 1. Ij. BUTT, office, to. 21 Madison Street. Memphis, - - Tonnessoe. Rai hi,.-.- N.. vwi Monroe street, mtii'.' 'ni DR G.' W. LAWRENCE, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, Hot Springs, - Arkansas. mh!9 Smn DR 0. J. O'REILLY, l.ate of Louisville, y ..) f AV1NU deieriniue.l lo locate permanent ,y .r..leslonal 11 In this city, leude.-- n Office can the clllieu. J ehle'e store, west aid. of sei to oi between Madison and Court pka over Sji MRS D. C. EVAN& of Louurrtlle, Ry.. more Teawntly FiRMF.RLY Institute. New Albany ,lnu.. aawstted by ber husband. Dr. J. M. K VAN'S, to lnionu ber friends and pub ic aba baa taaeu BOOMS AT TUK OVERTON HOTEL. And b; prepared to diagnose and cure a 11 kinds wpeciallr those of a sjnron ic cbar-Z- Mi- - K VaNh will dUgTose 111 ca,c wltboat making Inquiry of the patten u . glviuy symptoms, cause and effect. In a ma oner so aetnvactory as to leave no doabt in tbe mind of the applicant. In the Irealiaaent of dm saa she discards tbe uae of all mineral median es, using onlv which la purely Botanic, together w'tn Maanetiaiu, Electricity and Ooid Water. Mrs K. civns special attention uLi .dies and dise-iae- a to whicu me are Cant. Wm Holcroft. steamer Louisiana; Cant. John 8. Bictaey, New Albaa y John Loogbmlller. New Albany: W J Jobusou, wnarf-boe- l, Memphis, Tenn.. J. B- - Martin. Eminence, Ky: t Got brie Cropper's Depot. Kv J. K. Parker, emoe L. r.. A 4 C K. h John llaueock. county eomaVstoncr, Klovd county Col Wm. BuJd, New i.Ibsuy; John Tie, office L. N. A. A K. K: C crane hardware merchant. Ne w ' W K-- Grove, Bently A Grove). N ew n ' Mrs. Judge Laird, K.ekport. Ind.- - Jotin WCliild. Oreenoaatle. Ind.;J. H. Burto n, Eliz- abeth Harrison oouuly. lud.; Jonathan M. Msv Bioominglcn, lnd. feb2T-2- H DENTISTS. S. HINSON, 3D E3NTIST, AB Removed his Office and Residence No 225 Main Street, Near the Worsham apt. DR. A. WESSON, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 254 Second Street, g Blax-k- . febl If , a aa i ia D. LAWYERS. JAMES T. Atiorne) FKIAKS RUCKS. OSwsSSBgsr at Lan, I'OINT, MISS. DCNI ARMISTEAD & DUNCAN, 4TTORKY8 AT LAW . vKFICE No. IS West Court (between Main I ) m..I Front sireeu.. Memplr... api'l IM JUMH HITUX K. AN.naK.K. BULLOCK & ANDERSON, a TTORNKVS AT LAW, 4 street, A .,...!e ilreenlaw Onei a House, Mem ftifrl phis, i enn. a lsui riaa a Little Bock, Ark. AOAata, Memphis. L. 11. PIKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AKO Solicitor Chancery, little Rock. Arkansas. Wm practice the Federal and Colic ions ptompUy tended mm Bora laawaj A House. dorwly and Hecond M. to a jyo - - lu a to. ., - ha i'. LEWIS & CRAIC, rroKNFVs Block, Madlaun, O. C. CUMMINGS, L W Y ER, Bear of No. Second Street, o court IVace. lei.' am of Memphis, Tenn. B W. VIM' H EST KB, BOBtBT MATCHKB. IHI af laattalia laletuMlawun. WINCHETEK A HATCMKK, if AT LAW and lie tiers AIHJBB S7 Seooud iMjeet. Teanessee. awJi r. b oisoa. A. rati. DIXON a PERCY, a rlUUII AT LAW, Oreeuvlllc Miss. A Will aeaetuw in ibe Courts of Tuuni, OaaaaMns, Bolivar, Waabitigtou and laaquenns IVssnll deels JohB Lien I i 7 2 MaJibon Street, PKAOTICLAL HOI SR. SltiN PAINTKR OEAINER. Us . FRED. WEBBER House and Steamboat Roofer W r lot the tttat Ua dvri' ,traa.l mjkc lamp the vli toe 27.. Main in State WlbUAM CKA1U. T ba the A. lenn. Mesa- - pbis. saa Me Lai Kiiofn for yeara comer Market .niv gas THE I'A'J'ENT AURORA OIL! K want men everywhere to study their ourl Lota the ttoe .No. feari the mat Hill. man will Tin jiic ngni u manu tan the mating power ot the uuwrior the Coal Oil low candle. An oal oil burn the weranuot rue ail. and even more, have Ktalsvi- A finale Coiinty laaainail fortn fee the iun or enterpntM', and tbe to Htat is untold worth, r or further in formation, or addreu U. V. or.uiTT a to., hi Madkmn street, corner Main, apll im Memphis. Tenn I H 1 ants. LAW. street. North found above. 27S one-hai- r price tallow right MTOICE. mot the estate of Maiooe j notified that have ausjgeated the ineoiveni-- 01 wuu sssw u, rue lera tbe Oountr ' oarUsf Tipton county, Tenneejee. and the of estate are notlOec to file toatr claim s. duly authenticated, within six uoatbs from date hereof, notice will be tiled In - of the aaine. VAL BANrOBL, Adminlalrator. April lat-la-a. apmr la Trust Sale. nance of the provisoos nie exeooted by Htxt em ber, 1?0, and Beeister. office nhe panes tT... and lu puraua made by the Bon. tba Chancery I which thenoi I'opisr Meul'l l". the ock, eed high liljder, raentioued, in fol lnd.bsTetlj-rtU- l situated Meiupul see, B.lnt! uisf Mel- lows: BeKinnlug at us. Inters, not running Uteuce Wm t be r.i fee'. to :.r! i.d H With Wad side ic trtl leiuplilh. vis mi. st- -, tf 1 k also of lTwurioen Find ... trustee ii to candle, la iro U. I v. ot creditor or ar . A. v ia of o. u. i I w i iu z, o e M . I io. I st u in ,,a oi I esl - ; , B AN w. at w. IT- - t u hc- - on 8. Dl V. nd Mly of Trust et on 17: & dnly regis. by coutitv. rner of t and rted and rUoii and and will liian call said tills l"art Streets, n ua, at u ubllc anctlou to lerms here.i; after Lots o: .vementa thereon. at DC Ol ralle. Uieni-- - w.lll of the le- -t to ,. bow- ed and Is k by any, t Heeoiid street; then e North. of Hrond street js leet. i". s point iil mih 1. west Sllle street is intersected by m Una fiugh trie cenior of the middle from East to West, of three story ig. embracing two tenemeuts now lielj 'r-.- ssld piinl of Westward y Its. leet to the Kaet irst alley, West of second street ; tlie tjun aide of said last . 2s feet e or lesa, o: intersect lou of tl.a last side of itiouej alley, with the orlh side v "' "tfet-ea- id being tbe eouthwe eor- - Jti9; tlieuce eastwsxdly with the lie ,.;iid iaevsaentioued alley ' i, sginnlng. T jid wo. sjiu o me joii,.;I1, .1TT.,.,-fourtJ- i cf the nurehase ,,..... l ... Of. - v iuui SHU cr; -- .snlli. for which Ihe purchaser, will bt give notes with si. proved psraocs) ril!r laid a den Use wise to be retain.; - ava. , a X. J. WJt-KB- , Truiiea. HARDWARE. Charter Stove Emporium EBTA.B1.ISI11 IN ,85.1 ltl Main Street, Corner of Washington., .gi. of Big Coffee roil, Memphis. Tenn. JOHN L. EICHBi: RG Wholesale and Dealer in Stoves, Urates, Hollow Hare, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, Hontekrepers' Good! and Tinners' Btoek Manufacturer of Tin. Cornier anil aeet iron Ware, Hoofi ng Lowest Casn Pri.-- , Guttering, at me AGENCY FOR SIHOOLEYS PATKM SELF 'aaanatta?- yy.S . iutiL'4 YE.TILAT1U REFRWEBATOBS n'HK oudemiKned :ntrme his friends and the I mihlic tiiat ihe Imnu-Uh- buecatse. 1 he above nameti Refr:seraUr meet with m this market, iLKlucwi the mauuiacttirer to RrDUCK THEM IN PUICK. to enable everv family to the com- fort of Frehh Meats and'Vlctualis during the hot ateaaon. Seud for circular, ud call and examine my extrnalve stock at manufacturer's JSSSS freutht only added, at the CHARTKK t, tMPoKlUM, iyi Main street, com-- r Washing- ton. JOHN 1 EK HBtsliU. apIT Im WM. A. ROBINSON & CO., FOUNDERS MACHINISTS, Oppostile tsayosM, Pel B, Mr-mplii- : : : : : Tenn, apti :tm YV WESTERS EOl MRY. ry. anursctnrln- g- and Scrapers. for Bull Tonsues and cthovels. Mitcbel .Tsper Bars, Teaejue s. rsier Burs. Bolivar Plow OastinRS. CVtton Planter Castinirs. Uio Seanieut., Piniona etc. etc. W M A BOB1 NB IN A ( I , ( ippoaite Uayoo House, Meinptu. Tenn. tip7 1 mo Agency for Stfaub's Mills IrK have been appointed Agents V ISTRA.LB'b celeoiaied ' uneen of the Eolith " WHEAT AND CORN MILLS, Both IIOl'BLB ANI BlaTOtsa tiEAKKI), aud sr. prepare-- i to funusti them iromptly to "IcCOMB!C0, jleqlers tn Hardware, mhn tm Its Main at. BESCHER, SCHULTZ & CO., Wholesale Dealers in HARDWARE, FORSYTH & :ttis 'S SCALES, llrlill IttiiiuinitH A( Fire and Burglar-Pro- of Safts, Mem pbii4 lull 14 lars for for i;l S1 Main Street, a POST, Memiihir isssc Slrauh Watch Agent-- CO o.'s Tt'imeHrieo, PEaallt, MYlMiSTO Main .Street Bl-A- I MACHINERY Heavy Hardware. Exclusive Agents for of ft feb!2 tm for : V EH II. Tenn. Wood ft Mann's Portable KnuMncs. "Queen Mill. Lane Bodlej's Knirlnett. Co.'s Olebrated the bouiti M (ofn Saw Mills and WATCHES JEWELRY. LADIES' GOLD WATCHES! Of Swiss, Kn'jlith, 1'r. iirli and America! 33tl.r. Oiainond Backs, Enanipled. EnKravd, f n,:i I it null. L4DIIS' 60LDIARD ( HAKS. lutu laiuK. We have ft and very ment ( oral Jew el r, uew and rich paloriin, arlttini le and (ariM't Jewelry, And all other fnnhioiiaalr style. MERRIMAN, bTrd & CO., 275 MAIN STREET. 08ERH COODM AN J E E LK V, NO. plows U8 fePECTACLEM, H S'l'KEE lliepalrinic Dose and Warranted Baaaajwaa MAIN tfort'LtX'K RKPlltlNU will! ba aud returned Jree cbarga. ais. .iu A. A. MOLET. IU. B mJI POOLEY, BARNUM & CO., -- DE A i.lKS :un of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, aT o "W olry, SILTBSWABl, SAICT wOODB, STi ., KTl'., MO. 265 MAIM STREET, Cor. (5ourt, MEMPHIS. TKNN. Watchmaker and Optician. K. L. M1CH0T.UI l- -l Sain Street, TACTICAL. WATCH MAKKJt, haa for sale 1 Materia., w looaa, and hpscta-le- a of mm m COTTON' THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SATURDAY, MAY 4,1867. -- COIffMTSLilON. Formerly of the Brm 1 .ataof olive Bran. !,, of Dean A Brown , ""fj?'0. 7. Richmond, Va. Mjaaleatppl. JAMBS K. Late with Crowder & Co., Memphle. BUOWN, OILLARD A CO., COTTON FACTORS VIBOINIA AD WH8TERN Tobaooo Agents, AJKB General CommtMilon Mercbants, 214 Front Street, Cor. Adams, PnI8, Teun. Will give strict attention MEM the sale of all coeslgumeut" enl rusled to their care. Uberal Cash AdTanoes made on i bcs tnmeiits in. hand. Remittances promptly mwie nn ..II sales ajsW dawain W. !JMDhTlT W. T. aoui.iao. BOLLINC LIND8TEDT, QROOEKSi OMMItS0 MERCHAKTS, SUD j.F A l.KK.s IK Family and Plantation Sapplies, 832 Second Street, Nesr the corner of Union, MEMPHIS, TENK. apl4 1m . E. D. COBB, Cotton Brolter, AGENT Jtaltimore and Ohio Railroad and all it connection. Office, Q08 Front street. IHROUUH BILLS VF LAD1&U UlYEN TO ALL RASTERS CITIES. U. R BLANCH ABD, General Freight Ageat, BMltiroore. B. P. HECKKRT, and Transfer A lent, Otoatanatl. a' T. B NoitauNT, Oen-- J D. Ruftin, alemphla. Late of DeKoto Co., Mlae. T. I". ElKHKf, Mcmphla. N0S1ENT, BIFFIN k FINNEf, successors to T. B. Norment A Co.,) Cotton Factors GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS o. Mi Front Street, t p Stlr, In Mosby Block, HEHPli IS, TENN. 1ARTIClLAR attention paid to the sale and I .rjteaireol cottan and other con- - tlaned 10 ua Orders irom the country will be pieaiptty auepnaa to. name g iil i! BELL Ml TON A CO., (Formerly of Jlemphls), PROVISION DEALERS -- in- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Xo. T S. Commercial Street, 8T. LOUIS, MO. I ft I K BB for ProvlJlons. floor, Oralo J filled pronipily. cfianls generally. etc Kefer to Memphis Mer mh2u COX a HUMPHREY. Prodoce A Commission Merchants, Ao. 1 Howard's Bow, mV .im MEMPHIS. TENN. E. U. l.AU'HENn. C. B. CAKTEK, Memphis, 'JV1.U. with Halllday Broa.Calra. LAWRENCE & CARTER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchauls, iVo. 22S front St.'ect, l'p Stairs), hl aw MEMPHIS. TENN. LEE CRANDALL & CO., COTTON FACTORS Commission Merchants, 198 O ravier Street, SEW OKLEAX.V M'COMBIE A CHILD, .o. til Broad Street, NEW YORK. feblf 6m r. M. White, Pres't Mln. and Tenn. Johk Ktiik, Formerly Augusta. .a Oeo. F. Bootes, late Gordon it Bootes, t. Louis. WHITE, KERR & ROOTES, COTTON FACTORS A NlMieueral Comml,-sior- and Forwarding J. .Merchants, No. s4 Main street, Uayoso Block, Memphis, Tenn. i ouMlKiiments of Cotton, Provisions, Pro- duce, Kic. solicited, and all orders promtlv rilled. mh8 3tn iroi;tit, foKH AituiSa iosmissio. J. C. FORBES tc CO., H. 47 Front it. and 46 A 48 Folton &U NEW ORLEANS, IaA.v Crtneral Commission Merchants laHJK Uie aale or Cotton, Kiour. Wblaky. Corn, Totaifco,atid all alndsol Wefttern rroduce. Having an iuuruai tievenuA Bonded Ware-boua- e, are prepared to handle " Whisky" and ' Manufactured Tobacco " In bond, tnus otfefiug Hupeiior inducement to shippera of thcae ui!iclta. T.lterKl advaucea all conslgumeuta. THOB. CRILO. UI.KT CHILD, DUDLEY & CO., F.i crrial wo Wholesale Commission Merchants, NO. 361 KBONT BTRBjjT, I KM I'll ' S, ":i. R. R of we on V- H P.etweu I'ulon aud Uayoeo, 1I TSXSKSfiKK. SjrwtaVM attention to all business en- trusted to us. rebjJti tf N. k J. HOFFHEIMER, COMMISSION Forwarding Merchants, Wholesale Dealers In IinjMtrtetl and Vomestie WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS ToLucoo, Etc., Etc., No. 276 Front Street, SinPHIB, TIHH. Always on hand, a large supply of (lid Bourbon and Bye Whiskies. Also, the Celebrated BA VARIAJT BITTERS. HJ a GKO. MACEET. B. B. HAWLTT. K J H L. WlfTM. CEORCE MACKEY&CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors General Commission Merchants Dealers in OR OCERI PLANTATION SUPPLIES. WINES, LIQUORS. ETC., No. 279 Front Street, Hetweeu t otan and Madison, Memphis, mh" an : Tennessee. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! WE AKE RBCKIVINO OUR Sft?Jj N a GOODS rt i New York, and will eel! CHEAP FOR CASH! Smith's N H Three-pla- it Shirts! Fancy Full Bosom II ii Wbicb are the Beit Fitting Shirts made. T. W. CHAP1M CO., 30S 1-- Second street, near Monroe. api:i 8tn SELIIKX. WILLIAMS ft CO., DEALKR8. 174 Madison street, on ITMBKR Commission Merchants and i on tractors will find It te tr.eb interest to clve us a call. We keen sli kinds of Lumber, sthin-i- Lalhs, Kio., Etc. spU on, SE1RFDIS APPEAL There much cult-'- ! BY JOH.K G. AAXK. 'h a game lu euchre. fashion. I think U'k Though I've never played It for pleasure or lucre. In whirl:, when the aanln are in certain The playera appear to have changed their poaitioaa. And one of them ciien, In a coa0dent (one, i iblnk 1 might venture to go It eione." While watching the gaaae, 'tie a whim of the hanl'e, A moral to draw from the aklrmltih In carda. And fancy he find in the trivial Nirife, Home excellent hints for tbe battle of life, where, whether Ui- - priae be ribbon or throne. The winner In he who can "go It Hlone." When great Galileo proclaimed that tbe world J na regular orbit trai caMMeletwlj whirled, Ami got not a convert- for all o( hit palna, tiut ontv (Uiiion. Mod nri-.- , u nnl chalna " It morin for all thai," whm bbt auNwetiug tone, Kor be knew, like thu earth, he could "go it alone." Wheit Kepler, with Intellect piercing afar, Discovered the laws of ear h planet and tttar, Auddoctora who ought to have landed his name Derided bis learning and blackened hla Iivme -- "X can wait," he replied," till the truth yon shall own," For he ftlt in hla heart bo coold " go it alone." Alaa for the player who ldlr dnpemlH in the at niggle of life upon kloured aud friendK. Whatverthe value of hbiwlngaMke tbee, They can never atoue for Inglorious oaaa. Nor comfort the coward who flndttwlth a groan That his crutch, have left him to "go It alone." There la something, no doubt, in the band you muv aoia, H.wnh familv. culture, wit. and irold. The fortmiate owner may fairly regard k eacli in iU way a raoti excel seni cam Yet th game may be lout wit h all these for your own, t'nlewt you've the courage to go it alone." In battle or bnalueaa, whatever tbe game, In lnw or In love It Is ever the same. In the struggle for power or scramble for pelf, lt thi be your motto" Kely on yooraelr!" Kor. whether the prize ho a rmnen or tnrone, The victor is who can " go It alone. RIVER MATTERS. WEATHEI AND ltl HIM SS Wecontiuae to have beautiful weather, but business is dull. The river at this point is still falling. The decline, however, i very light, be- ing not over 1 J inches in all. We look for it to go down rapidly within the next few daAmp Tbe Ohio is rising slowly at Louisville, caused by the late rain, but the rise is only temporary. The Missls-sip- i at St. Louis is rising very slowly, but the Missouri is falling rapidly. The Arkansas, St. Francis and White rivers are all falling. Arrivals. Hteamer Phil Sheridan, St. Louis. " Victor, Osceola. " Marble City, St. Louis. " M. 6. Mepham, New Orleans. " John Kilgour, New Orleans. Departures. Steamer Phil. Sheridan, Vicksburg. 11 Cora B., Louisville. " Netoma, St. Fr. river. " M. S. Mepham, Louisville. " City of Cairo, St. Louis. " John Kilgour, St. Louis. Bonis ID Purl. Sam. Hale, Gleaner, Des Arc, Dan Able. Marble City. M ISt'E I.I. A MM The (leaner, Capt. King, will depart for Arkansas river this day at 5 p.m. Jas. T. Bourne & Co. and Larry Harm-Hta- d A Co., agents. The Saw. J. Hale, of s Dean line, will leave for Cincinnati this day at fi o'clock p.m. Capt, Walker is in com- mand. James T. Bourne A Co. are her agents. The H. M. Shreve, for St. Louis, will go out this morning at 10 o'clock. Larry Harmstad A Co., agents. Th) magnificent and regular packet R. E. Lee, will leave tpe wharf st 10 o'clock this morniBg. All who have seen 4iiis model steamer are loud in their praises of her comforts antl those who have traveled under the guardianship of Capt. itirlmrdspn, proclaim him an as well as etftcient com- mander. Messrs. Smith, McVay and Dinwiddie will do their utmost in pro- motion of tbe comfort aud happiness of passengers. The Lee goes to Cairo. W. J. Johnson, agent. Glen. Frank B'air went down to his plantation, on the Sheridan. The votes polled at the fair for the set of colors and cane will be found in our local columns. All way freights for Vicksburg and the bends will be received y at the City wbarfboat for shipment un the Welcome, which is the next Vicksburg packet. Our shippers will bear this in mind. Bills lading will be signed on the wharf-boa- t. The new steamer Pubuijue was pre- sented on her arrival at that city with a pairof elk horns, flag, etc. Capt. Tom. Levins, an old steainioatmau, was chosen to make a few remarks lu baud-in- g the horns to Capt. Parker. Capt. Tom. has an impediment in his speech which doubtless added xest to the follow- ing remarks. Said he, addressing the captain ; " You see them horns, they are a nice pair, and have got the North star stuck right between them. They are a horny set of fellows, and carry a good number of points. Captain, those horns were once worn by the proudest animal that the conquest of a hunter, and it is proper that they should hereafter be borne l:v the proudest craft, that walks these waters the steamer Dubuque. Great applause, and cries of louder. Ij ain't much, captain, on 8peech-makin&;- but I always try to do my duty, and en- trust these autlera to your keeping, hoping that you will always cherish them. Iu conclusion, captain, in of a distinguished friend of mine, Take your d d oi i liorna.' H S. W. Gard, barkeeper or steamer Rowena, was up before the recorder at Nashville, the other day, charged with unceremoniously oustiug a colored man from the cabin to the forecastle of that stately craft, He was lined twenty-fiv- e dollars for the ofl'ense; and was after- wards nned for contempt of court and sentenced to forty-eig- ht days' imprison- ment in the county jail. His friends however, interceded for him, and a good character being proven, and affidavit made that no contempt of court was in- tended, he was released on paying the fine at first imposed. Tbe New Orleans Credent learns from the assistant assessor of the third Louis iana district, who recently arrived from tbe overflowed districts, that all planta tions on the Black and Ouachita as far as Columbia, are under water. Families are living in the upper stories of their houses and scouring the country with skills for fuel. Our steamboat agents are complaining that the telegraph company at this point hold dispatches received at night until the next morning. This we know to be a fact. The Phil. Sheridan telegraphed from Cairo on Thursday afternoon. Her dispatch, as usual, was received that evening but retained until next day The consequence was that the boat could not be advertised. We hope that the telegraph officers at this point will at tend to this matter. "Would the Bostons be permitted to lay alongside either one of the other wharfboaU at our landing ss long ss she hss sgainst the Star wharf boat Would a natboat be permitted to lay against the St. Louis wharf boat until she had sold out her cargo of hsy ? " The above questions were propounded to us yesterdsy, but W""ould not reply. We rsther think nothowever. The board of mayor and aldermen passed s resolution in Februsry Isst or- dering the removsl of tbe snack and coffee stsnds on the levee. Notice has been served on those parties to leave to- day. This resolution is about as sensible as the one which removed tbe sisters of charity from our hospitals. We had thought that the new board would be an improvement on the old one, but so far we have no reason to compliment our citizens. Those stands are not an eye. sore, they are not in the way ; on tbe contrary they are a convenience to the laborers engaged on our landing who have not the time of some of our alder- men to go to the suburbs for their meals ; but the laboring man has no rights, weJ presume, and whether tin y eat or not, makes little difference. The Democrat says of tbe sale of A. & M. S. steamer Swon, Atlantic and For- syth, which were sold on the 1st inst : According to announcement, three old steamers, owned by the Atlantic A Mis- sissippi steamship company, were dis- posed of yesterday at auction, at the foot ... . ,, u vtr a, : . of uuerry siiws, io.. uouij ,, . outnu of tbe Memphis packet company, acting as auctioneer. The attendance of river men was good, the familiar countenances of Doaiers, Yores, Dills, Daggetts, Ro-blr- Stillwells, Copelins, etc., etc., being visible in tbe assemblage. Bid- ding on the Edward Walsh began at $3000, and she was knocked down to Fred. Sebastian, of the Union dock com-s- v for Mnoo. She was built iu IS55. and cost $45,800. Riley, the wrecker, j started the Atlantic at $3000, andSam'l Stillwell got her for $7800. Capt. Oeo Brown stated while the bidding was icoine on, that six weeks aao he had re fused $17,000 for her from parties who wanted to take her to the Ohio. She was built March, 150, and cost $75,000. The first bid on the Mary Forsyth was $6000. She seemed to be somewhat of a favorite, and bids, including a few from Capt. Dopier, were active up to eleven thousand dollars, when it was Intimated that the ooat required no docking, un outfitting, nothing ; was ready to under take a voyage. She soon slid into S Stillwell's possession, the successful bit) twing ilo.OOO. The Mary JS. Forsyth was built November, 1802, and cost $5o,-00- 0. Tbe purchasers of these stesmers pay one-thir- d cash. Capt Oby Robirds was an earnest bidder for a while on the Walsh, and we are sorry he didn't get her. Her machinery is worth more titan the whole boat sold for. The result of these sales is evidence of a great depre- ciation iu steamboat stock. FINANCIAL. OFFICE OF THE DAILY APPEAL,) Memphis. May . 1887. f We learn that several suits were insti- tuted against tbe city by Mr. Thos. Fisher amounting in the aggregate to some $25,000. They were disposed of yesterday by Esquire Hall, who gave judgement ia favor of the plaintiff. The sheriff has therefore levied on the Mis- sissippi and Tennessee railroad stock to tbe amount or held by the city and not turned over to Mr. Greenlaw ih the late assignment. It is also claimed that such assignment is illegal, as it was done without the consent of the board of aldermen. Gold ruled steady at 34c buyiug. Sales of $5000 took place at that figure. There are no Important sales of silver to note. Buying at 24c. City scrip is in moderate demand at 53c buying ; selling at 00c. There are very few County warrants of the old issue offered for sale. Such as are presented are bought readily at 90 to 91c, and sold at 93 to 94c. There was lit- tle of the new issue offered Hold- ers are awaiting the decision of the court. Police scrip is dull at 70c buying. There is a large margin between the buying and selling rate, which latter is from 71 to 85c. Eastern exchange is not active. Buy- ing at par to off, and selling at I to 1 premium. Sight bills on rew Orleans are becoming scarce. Buying at off, and selling at j to ; premium. Uncurrent money is unchanged with little doing. In bonds we could learn of no sales, and our quotations ar- - nominal. Memphis and Ohio railroad bonds, 25 to 30c; Memphis and Little Rock first mortgage 'bonds, 70 to 80c ; Memphis and Charleston railroad lionds, 65 to 70c; Tennessee bonds with coupons, 40 to 60c; Tennessee bonds, new, 55 totiOc; Mobile and Ohio railroad bonds, 50 to 55c ; Memphis city coupons, 60torrc; Memphis city railroad -- t;., . 30 to aso. The Constitution sailed from Ran Fran- cisco on Tuesday last for Panama with $759,49 in treasure, $55,iV) of which goes to New York, and over 11, iKJti bar- rels of flour. The St. Charles sailed on the same day with 33,000 sacks of wheat. The assets of Orray, Tsft & Co., of Providence, R. I., who failed recently, are said to amount to ninety-thre- e cents on the dollar of all liabilities, aud a sat- isfactory settlement with their creditors will be soou map. Tlie act of the last congress providing for tbe Issue of 3 per cent, certificates, has so nrnvided fr the nivtimtit of th compound interest notes, that the secre- - tary of the treasury anticipates that they can be retired without making tiy disturbance i: tbe (nonpy market. The act in uueatjon authorised the issue of temporary loijn certificates foribe pur- pose of retiring compound, interns: Boles, and gave hanks the privilege of holding these in their reserve to the extent of three-fifth- s of their whole reserve. Only fifty millions of these '! per cent, certifi- cates can be outstanding at any one iim. The failure of J. ft. Moretn, hanker of Cmoinnati, created no little excite- ment in that city. Losses made by tbe reverses iu stocks last winter are credited as the cause of his misfortune. No statement as to the condition of his af- fairs has as yet been placed in t'.. i of his assignee, 5Jr. joh. tv. Gibbons, but it is being prepared, and the creditors will in a few days learn the situation. Bullion was arriving in San Francisco at last advices more plentifully than far eorfle rflnt previcue, and It was thought that from this time forward the receipts will be unusually large. A writer in the New Ysat Timet calls attention to an adverfnwment in the New York Jfrrad, which is addressed to those who propose to take the benefit, of the bankrupt act. This advertisement sets forth as " for sale, very low for cash,'' "lands iu all parts of the coun- try, couuty mortgages, stocks aud other securities, suitable for assets." Wt4U-les- s titles, fictitious vahies, mortgages and certiflciates of stock not worth the paper they are printed on, are the com- modities here offered as "suitable for assets, " and there can be no dcuht thai there are saouudrpU euough ready to avail themselves of so cheap a materia! for the manufacture of a -- h ;. dis- honest balance sheet. The gold values of the import entries of foreign merohandise at New York since July 1, 8M1, the beginning of the current fiscal year, as officially (to April 1 i and since: reported as follows, the entries of foreign specie g omitted : Total sln-- Jnly I ?.fr..:.f Against same lliue i: .. Deereaas ataee Joly I The currency value of the ex)Krts of demestlo produoe ami luiaoellaneou.-good- s from New York, including foreign articles re exported, since July 1, 1888, are as follows, the figures being official v reported to April 1, by months, aud since by weeks : Total since July S'r.i.W.i.- - Anainst same ume last year itii.iaVBV Decrease since Jn tiolil, iprii 1st, : ;iuu.iasl per rent. G .ld, April 2s,lSt O1, p,- - tut Tbe exports of Kolti and silver from .New York, nave Im- as follows since July 1 : Total since July 1 Against same time last year 1X.16H.14U Increase since July 1 f i .iiis.Tii Tbe deliveries of California gold at New York since July 1 : Total alnce July SM,aSl."T AuAlnst same time last year zurw.taV lucreaae since Jnly ...fU,lllS Tbe followint; are tbe customs receipts in sold at New York and tbe sums ef gold interest on tbe public debt paid out at tbe New York office of the treasury of the United .States since July 1, lSe; : Customs recevleil. Gold Interest paid. Total tlul.lTals; Total. ....ST.7I To date, 1S08.. Ill.ttl9.7x7 To date.lWB .T2,3r, COMMERCIAL. fJfKlCE OF THE DAILY APPEAL, Memphis, May :i, iSUT, p.m. i ueheRaL ih i.m:ss. We have but little change to report in our local markets, and business remains only moderately active. Our merchants are not alive to their interests iu tbe bends below, or they would not through apathy permit tbe valuable trade of that region to pass by our city and makes its way to 8t. Louis. That it ia doing so cannot be denied. We need a packet line between thi9 city and Vicksburg, one that will accommodate the planter and not be governed by the same, nar- row policy which seems to imbue tbe present line. We would earnestly call n our merchants to look into this mat- ter, and to strain every effort to preserve thi patronage which of right belongs to this city. COTTON The market opened with a fair inquiry on the part of buyers, aud aalee at 24 to 25c for middling, at which figure some 235 bales changed hands, but tbe adviftes received after midday re- ported a decline which put a stop to transactions, and the market closed heavy at our quototiona. Receipts for tbe day, 278 ta!es ; hipruents, none. Ordinary .... Good Ordinary Low Middling Middling - Strict Middling...., Good MlddUng l:.v: is mm an.' zi n (aVt 26 2" The New York Economist reiterates the flattering prospects of the coming crops : There is an unusual iiniformit y about the character of the reports from all parts of trie country, respecting them. Everywhere, the extent of wheat and corn planted is represented as unusually large, and the condition of the crops as highly promising, tbe lands flooded through the breach of the Mississippi leveea beine the onlv exceptions. The season has been favorable for fleld opera tions, and the seed has been very gene rally got into the ground in good condi- tion. Winter wheat appears to be look- ing well in all sectiona; and altogether the prospect, so far, appears to promise one of the most abuudant harvests ever known in the country, me late nign nriee nt hrfindstufls nas naturally en couraged liberal preparations among the farmers; and, more recently, tbe pros pect or a great war iu nuiupr, u, ope rated in the same direction, n is oi especial importance that all reports from the south represent the probability of a much larirer crop of corn aud wheat iu that section than last year. The planters have found R a costly poller to have to rely upon the west for their food pro- ducts, and are not likely this year to re- peat the error of neglecting the grain crops. The cotton factors are very gene- rally making it a condition of their ad van'ces to the planters that tbey raise sufficient grain and pork at least for their own consumption. It is very much ow- ing to the snort supplies of grain in tbe south that breads tuffs have ruled at such extraordinary prices during tbe last six months; and the obviation of this source of drain upon tbe western market must tend very materially to reduce the prices of flour and graiu. It may not be generally known that mure cotton is manufactured in Augusta, fJa., than in any other place in the United States. We learn from our that they run over five hundred thousand spindles. The Connecticut farmers are turning their attention tills spring to the culti- vation of sorghum in place of tobacco, as the latter is very slow of sale. Only oue-thi- rd as many dry and fancy grxais have passed through the Boston customhouse so far this year as during the same period of last. APPLES There is a fair stock, but prices are firm. Selling at $4 to $i per barrel. Receipts, none. BitAN There is little in market, and no accurate quotations can given. Receipts, none. BUTTER -- There is vry little choice on hand. It sells at 28 to 3St: good tub, 2o to 27c ; common, from 18 to 20c. Receipts, 20 tubs and 0 kegs. CORN Receipts very fair, and prices are firm. Helling on levee at $1 2o to $1 30; from store at $1 28 to $1 32. Re- ceipts. Hi t sacks. ( (iil.VMKAI.-lhe- re is a good supply and demand. Kiludried sells at $0 to $o 25 en levee ; fresh ground, $5 to $5 50. From store about 25c per bbl. higher. I?cejpts, 137 sacks. COFFEK There is a good stock and demand. Prices are firm. Rio, 2C tn 29c ; Laguayra, 36 to 38c ; Java, 43 to 45c. Receipts, none. CHEESE There is a good demand aud light stock. Prices are steady. English dairy, 20 to 21c ; western re serve, ls,tolsc; factory, there is but little in the market selling at 19 to 20c. Receipts, none. rAiUrs- - Are becoming scarce, h resh sell at 20 to 2;ki. Receipts, 25 packaees. FLOUR The market is well supplied with every grade. The demand is irood and prices firm. We quote common at $9 to $10 : superfine, $1 1 to $12 ; X, $12i loH , a., AAA, and all fancy hraftas from $15 to $18 per barrel; Harrison. $19 per barrel. Receipts, 1 lit barrels. HAY lhere is a fair local demand for frime, and very large stock ; sells on $25 to $26 ; common, $22 to $24. Receipts, none. HIDES There is a good demand at 7 to 8c for green ; green salted, 8 to 9c ; flint, 16c; salt flint, 14c. Receipts, 35. LARD There is a large stock on hand. Prices are firm at 13 to 131c in tierces ; and 14 to 14;.c iu kegs. Receipts none. MOLASSES There Is a fair stock on hand price nrni. Fair to good, 75 to 95c ; choice, $1 to$l U6; syrups, $1 10to$l 50. Receipts, 5 barrels. MACKEREL There is a good, stock on hand. Prices are steady at $24 to $25 lor No. 1 ; $23 to $24 for No. 2 ; $20 for No. 3. Half barrels and kits in pro- portion. IRON TIES The demand has ceased. Held at 11 to 12c per lb. OATS Th? ivoeipts are good, and prices ur,.i. We quote on levee at 4 to s."e. Receipts, none. ONIONS -- Market not well supplied. We quote at $5 r barrel. Receipts 1 barrel. OILS-The- ire Is a fair stock of all kinds on hand, with good demand. Coal oil, 51 to title; lard oil, $1 10 to 1 'SO; linseed oil, $1 65 to $1 75 ; train oil, $1 to$l 25. PROVISIONS-The- re is a good sup- ply on hand, and prices are flnu. Mess pork is selling at to $24 50; prime mesa, $-- to Hi ; clear sides, 13 to 13c ; euaiu sugar cured bams, 14 to 15c ; break- fast bacon, 16 to 18c; bulk meats out of market. Receipts, bacon, 38 casks aud 2 tierces; pork, 12bbls. POULTRY the market is weak. We quote chickens at $ l to $5. and tur- - kies at from ;pi to $24 per dozen. P4ITATOKS -- There is a fair demand for good eating potatoes, with large Stock. Helling at $2 75 to $3 25 on levee, aud $3 to $3 75 from store. Re- ceipts, none. ROPE A light stock with no de- mand. Prices are steady. We quote tor machine made 12 to 13c ; hand made 10 to 11c. Receipts, none. SUGAR The receipts are very fair, and prices are firm. The stock on hand is good. Crushed and powdered, 19 to 20c ; A coffee, 18c ; R, 17c ; C, 16jc. Receipts, none. SAirV'Tr is a good stock on band ftiKi demand active. Sacks, $2 20 to $2 60 ; barrels, $3 to $3 30. Receipts, none. TOBACCO There is a good demand for all grades and prices are unchanged. A. fine stock is on hand and new sup- plies are received daily. We quote natural leaf at $1 20 to $P 30 ; fancy Virginia, new work, $1 to $i 25 ; line bright, pouiids, $1 to $1 W; medium da., pounds, 75 to 85c ; common bright. is, 60 to 75c ; finamnd fancy hg, 75 to $1 60. WHISKY The market fa Btiu but quiet. Common. $1 S5 to $2 ; imitation Boun.u,$2 26. to is ; Bourbon, $3 25 to $5. Receipts, .' barrels. Wacaa. kimI w.rrlar Mrinl. Corrected Daily by WomibarB, Hruith t Co.. No aud lib .:.-:- street, at. a mis. Bu&ty vhwN .fli 00.J15 00 Qlfiy wbefl. Rrv-n- ' parrot SS US W.ufun wheel m 18 00 Wmfgf bubs, pei-se-t ,u, , Wagon huoti, Huyx pkc, Uo W HJaOUCv, .i BUt felloes, tl Mivetl felloes. ii Bumtjy shafts, per p:iir , Buggy pole, .tch Wagon slngletreflRta(. N.Vtkw,dos Plow handles, per doeen. KUKKY bftsawt, each ..,.,' . IF YOU WANT ANY SADDLES OR HARNESS .tm UO TO S. FRED. HAILMAN, TVo. f UHis M .'.Ha JEFFERSON STREET. If Yon Don't Believe It, Ho and See. ap25 DIRECT IMPORTERS FBANCISCO & WIGGIN, 309 Main Slreot, 1 IAVK Just received, direct from China, the 1 1 celebrated (IIHESE SOLAR PITH HAT, manufactured by Tt'NG CHEOKti HON AM. Lanion, China. eintr'ic nil ihe styles, vIe Hinle Hound, Doable Round, Toadstool and Helmet- - Tbetwe Hate are) beyond ail question tlie most comfortable ever Invented. Call and jmrrhaae If you would keep a cool head and vmii nun mroam aaytawi REUBEN DAILEY, 1MTEI) STATES COMMISSIONER, No. 350 Second Street, a- - Depoaitlonfi in Admiralty ca-e- fl taken Short-han- d and transcribed. No extra charge. ap4 Yin S. B. WILLIAMSON, JR., & HI., Storage and Commission House AO. 200 FRONT STREET, Store a pit Sr, and S-l- l on Commbusiou LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN EDl'C.tTHIXAL I ST i Tl T 1 0 S. Rev. C. F. P. BANCROFT, Principal Tn R HdMMRR SKR8ION will begin May KV.n close October 1st. lSb7. Hoard and Tuition aion oo, pavable. half on euteriHc and half the - J of Julv. a - llriiwil.s, Miisir and Books and Washing furuilie.l ou terms. Kor circaittr.. with tun parti.-uiHrs- address, Bev. C V. CARHKNTKR, SnrT, apK lm Chattanooga. Tenn. Attachment Suit. liefore W. 8. Waluiu. Justice of the Peace of Hhelhy county, lenn. J. c Jacshl ts. H. U. Hag an. M 17 in the above entitled case A'MK p. ease lake notice that an aftm-bnie- has i.Mi-- sued out sg.slui.1 Iuui. anil levied noon one mare mule, upon the ground that he rs about to remove (fraadulently. himself or hie property ont of the Conniy and State, and is fraudulently dispo-ln- of the same, and to so concealing himself that tbe ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him : and that the said cause is set for triai at my office in the ulty of Memphis, on the ;m day of May. 18b7, when aud where hecan appear and defend said suit or the same will be proceeded with ex parte, and that a coy of ibis order be pub- lished once a week lor four weeks in the Mem- phis Appeal. WM. . WALTON, J. P. April IU ISsT. apia law.w Attachment Suit. John W. Ham. vs. George T. Norvell. for Attachment having been AFFIDAVIT rase and attachment having been issued against the estateof thadefendant G. T. NorveU. upon the ground of hla privately' removing himself irom iheoounty, and it hav- ing been retarued levied, etc.. It Is therefore ordered, that said defendant enter air appearan.-- on or before the 26lh day of May, 187, to plead, answer or demur to the said plaintiff'! complaint, or the same will be taken tor confessed and tba case set for trial ex parte , and that a copy of ibis order be published ouoe a week for four consecutive weeks lu the Memphis ArPaAh. JOHN T. DOUGLAS, J. P. April lap. ap!7 lawlw MISCELLANEOUS MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. of Rata on Freight from Memphis to n'nts on the MIMSIne.Il'PI CENTRAL RAILKOAI' has recently been Is sued, to which we invite yourat. ention. irie rates are the NAME a via Uraad Junction, and tne diitaaca beiUK FI5TY TWO MILES SHORTER, we tbe Frolaht can be de llvered promptly and to the satisfaction of ali concerned. We respectfully solicit a share of thla busi- ness. Meri'halits-.iasapi.lle- with copies of tbe Tariff be furnished by setoiinrf to the Hti perintemleut's ffflce. Main street. Room o. Jackson Block. A. 8 LIVERMOORE. C. P. Oaelet, Ueneral Superintendent. tie ne rat Freight Agent. Ledger copy. apa iw REMOVAL. Is. M E V E If, Wholemale Dry Gotl COMMISSION MERCHANT, RKMOf ED TO No. 302 Mam St., Eat Side, Between Kadiion Menroe Sts., OLD ST AMD OF H. MYERS & CO Where he will be plenaed t isee all his frlendH from tbe ity iiiid Country. (rand Opening ol Spring Hud Summer Clood at PrU-e- beyond Competition. ap26 im CALVARY CEMETERY FOR dow INTERMENTS Purchase of j o t s . sKFICB Houthweal corner of Linden Desoto streets from h! to :t p. m. la ami s lu a.ui., and tr ttCACKEXBI SH A WABKE V Wo. 57 Madison Street, the largest aud assort ment of bHS8.PlTTV.SASU.U00BNBI,INS MOULDINGS, Door and t indow Frames, IN THE CITY. T I'SIT the place to get your orders filled honse bunil. NEW Tarltt- - tbink and open in the city. (lla?.ed asaal Have Sash always apl4'w HIDES, HIDES, HIDES ! WATF1, WATKi. NAVTM). Will pay Ihe high?! Mark-- ! Price, at the Memphis Tannery, In Chelsea, or at M. 4PP A CO. S, o. :trtO Front stn-el- . FEARN PENN, United States Commissioner Commissioner of Deeds, Etc. Oflioe, 33 South Court Street. A l TIIORIZKP to -- wlmiiiwter Oaths ami Affi Depot-itioo- j to ue tueU lo all Oka rtia. IE l" M E I.jf ll GUILDERS will find at my Yard, on ln- H D isrner of Adams and Promenail?, tbeMJ jBt'st Assorted ntorE lu the City of Ij Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Doors, jjj Sash, Blinds,! Ijr.t.- - , which will be sold at lowest pi .. II ... CASH. I zva j mi n Wounti-f- i Order Soliritcd.a 1 Un hid, will l filleil with ornmrltiess smlB :Jt J -- -' Ifldellty. THiis. .1. k. h H '. I Hfii.t 'i ilaiaa t treat, betwaea roa I "g garni I evee, Me inptiK. apL'l Im H : SALES EXTRAORDINARY! The (luest. mit varied and compleia slock of CLOTHING Formerly owned hy J. H. WAGQENER, Is now retarded KKLOW Eastern cost, by WOL I R A Mi E. ARMSTB0(j, Ag.ntof Pnrehasera. Tiie whole of Inla Im- mense and varied slocB-ofth- ('UtCAPUT GOODS KVEK BROUGHT TO MEMPHIS Must be Sold within Sixty Days Those who call flrU will have the first choice. PoMMlon of the honae must be eiveii within HLzty dayt. CALL AT ONCK! t'ity and Country Trade Supplied, Wholesale antl Retail. ap20 tf WHEELER. PICKENS & CO., -- 0E.V1.I RS IN- - to WOOD AND WILLOW BRUSHES, BROOMS Cord flChildrens' age , Carriages, Bird Cages, Etc., Etc., Etc. Purchasing of Manuf&ctUH rers in large quantities, wd are able to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS! TO DEALERS, And compete successfully! with Cincinnati and St Louis markets. L3:JO lain Sti oetJ Bet. Union and Monroe sts aplO mam !m II I I SSBSSSSS WOOD, WOOD, WOOD ! would respectfnl.'y Inform oer friends We and the public that we base opened a LARGE WOOD YARL at the corner of Second and Colon streets, ami will lake pleasure in snppiying tne poouc wish good dry wood at aa reasonable priaea aa it car. be bad elsewhere, and all o?8 promptly filled. J H. OAIULAKD A N fi Brick barners wiU an It to their give ua a call Lfire parohasing elae-i.-.. i at lm WILLIAM ORUILL. EDMCKD OBUILL. O L. DERXBOH. A. S. MclTZAJs OBGILL BROS. & CO., SOLE AGENTS IN MEMPHIB FOR THE Peoria, Moline, Jetrett or Car?, Premium and Brinley Steel PIoich, m Mile hell's Patent Cotton temper, Cotton Planter, Marvin & Co.'s greatly celebrated Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. If OS. 310 AND 312 FRONT STREET, Memphis, : t : : : : : Tennessee. "'-- f Twenty-On- e Years in Memphis WALKER BROS, . ell. H, M WALKER BROS. CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, NOTION8, FURNISHINC COOD3, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, AT WO. Mv MAI.f STREET, Announce to tbe numerous Friends ani Patrons of this House and the public generally, that we have received AN CNC8UAL LARGE STOCK comprising ALL CLASHES OF GOODS in our line otTrade for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR Our Goods having been purchased since the R KCK T jO E C JLi I IV J. We are prepare to famish to MERCHANTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY at price, which defy competition. ap7 lmo TUP. 3P9 MA ITT STREET. CLAY BUILDIHG. CHEAP SADDLERY HOUSE J. F. SCHIF.FF.R, Jt. Ixiuis. Manufactory Virginia Hotel Hnlldlng.. R. v. J. F. SCHEIFER & CO., 19f aiiiifaoturer!, and Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In SADDLERY HARDWARE AND LEATHER, BRIDLES. HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, CHAINS, And Plantation Saddlery, M 229 SECOND STREET, Jeffermn sBtxA, MEMPHIS, TENN. HOLLEIMBERG OERTEL, Architects and Builders' Supplies, Maoiiractnrerai of Galvanized Iron Cornices. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers, 346 Second street, aud ( Union street bet. Howard') Bow laj mm street. AI.VAM7.f- - ii IKON CORNICKM. Monldlnee. Brackets, Window Cape, Tanaa, etc , made lo Jf ordsr. Mtatic Roofing and Muttering aoua at low Marble, Marbleized Slate and Marbleized Iron Mantles, con.tanllv nn hand at all price. FIRE USATEH AND BASKETS, a large assortment. Min- ion "s Enic'isa Mosaic Kloor Tl 's and Marl i Moor Tllsa; Plaster Paris. R,wndai? and Roman Cemt-o- l I" : re Ryc au.t oa itonc Pump. Well and Cistern Pumps, all stz.w Knglish snd Arrt!can Hough and Polished Plate Ulav. Window Glass and Htalneil Glass ot a.' tleacrlptlnus- - IifLB're and Brewerj Work; Soda Generators and Eonntalns made lo order und repiureit tsa- - Castings. Steamboat Age duns! Work Iron ' Iron prom otTer for Hi Done emelerv Its rnnnu-n- . and 'CI of Ornanintsl Iron Work WORSHAM HOUSE, Corner Main and Adams Streets, Mempliit,, Tennessee. UNDERTAKERS. J. C. HOL8T & CO., At the Htane, NO.8Q0 STREET tm MKMPHIS. TKNN. W. . Wholesale and Retail Dealer In METAUC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, No. 70 St.. Memphis Tenn. In the cities and towns con TTNDERTAKER8 1!1 alwavs a tcis all styles of aitirfes in this line. In as great as can be fonnd in the city, and AT THK LOWEST PRICKS. mh9 tf B- McC A FVK aty . W & OF THE No. 317 Second Street, Near Monroe. W variety - - Cases and Caaketa and Wooden eonstantly on band feb.f & CO J1H Main (Hi-ee-t, ST. fj : MO. j. o pobjj a ua. hfemphis. Tenn. mhiv fsbll) -- AND- SA V PL A Orleans, I. W. K, ivRTRAir PAINTER, can be fonnd at his r Stndio. Jackaon Blix-k- . until June. when he leave for Chicago .Northern oltiea. Those wishing Portraiu. soap. KE, I'M CO. new No. will and johat s. a co., aad Dealers la Metals, roa sal. Tin Plates, Tin, Slteet Iron, Russia. Ii Covper. oris. Pi COKNKI.IUa. lm. should jrall orrsa Block Tin, Lead, Wire, j5,ne, etc, etc9, U 31 CLIFF ST., Corner feuu n, NEW H. J I'D OF oprietor. UNDERTAKERS MAIN SMITH, Monroe establishment McOAFFfiEY CORNELIUS GENERAL UNDERTAKERS EMBALMESS DEAD, Memphis. TonneHHee. METALIC FORD. DIXON WHOLESALE SADDLERY Soddlery Hardware, LOUIS, dickebson importers Roofing Fulton, VOKK. C. YEB8. J. Arvri Memphis. Tenne ratea For-.- French Promptly ! Lighting public and pr.vate buildings. Agents for P. Kannon's Louisville Terra Cost a msrij ww w rerot'. Phlladeiphta urnamenta! ledger dt Co.'s New York Arrhiteemral Iron Works Unsa. Orders filled and Work of all kinds Wood A Co., of Philadelphia, we are enableil ta estimates for Verandahs Kalrinss use. sorta : : : : Old fehH find J. m R. tu B 39 Gas pro- - Job and S H J. ISA. RAILROADS. Memphis am iHABLEsnm RAILROAD. TRAJNK leave a. follows city time): Express. Sundays excepted, 7 am.; Through Mail. OZ40 p.m., Soraerville at :i:o p m. Express connects at Grand Junction with afternoon train on the Mississippi Central Railroad for Holly Springs, Water Valley. Ureuada, Jackson, Vicksburg. Miss., New tir ieans. La., etc. At Corinth, for Oksloaa, Columbus, Miss., Mobile. Ala, etc. At Decatur, for Colombia, Nashville, Lom-vl- lie, Cincinnati, et.- At Chattanooga, for all place. In Eastern Alsbama, Georgia. North and South Carolina. Virginia, Waahlngton, Baltimore. Philadelphia New York, etc. Through Mall connects at Grand function with trains for Bolivar and Jackson, Tenn. At Decatur, for Athena, Pulaakl, AUk, Colom- bia, Na.bvtlle, -- tc Al ' liattan'Kisa trains connect for aame points ss Express traina baggage checked through. Kor tickets and further information, apply at the office. No. 13 Court street. W. J. Ross, Genl Snp'L A. A. BARN'FS, Gen'l Ticket Agent. apl4 tf s. H SHOCK. Passenger Agent. I i 3i niond Line. r I ROUGH Receipta givrn for COTTON via Cincinnati by rail or river. Tim. gnaran-tee- d Cars sealed no change from Cincinnati to Mew York. W. JAY JOHNHOF, mh5 tf star Wharf beat. MILLINERY. LATEST SPBING STYLES MILLINERY, Cor. Main and Jefferson Streets. THE MISSES QUI N LAN ARE just In receipt of a large and careful aasortanent of the moat elegant ILl,I!tIRT GOODS A3D K0VXLTIK8 Of tbe season, vefcleb tbey are de ermined offer cheaper than any hocse in the ci.j. A LSO Particular aU d Dres8 VARINO. milMss F. Glassick & Co., ItlRTKRS, Mannfactnrers and Dealers In IM Rifles, Pisto la. Gun Material for use. Gun Implements, Sporting Apps-ratu- s, Klshing Tackle, etc. No. Main street, under Odd Feliowa' Hall, llemphia, Tenn. Keoairlncdons and warranted. mhw Em N. CORONNA. Commission Merchant AVstB COTTOIST FACTOR Des. 156 156 Kicaauge BoUduis, Front street. MEMPHIS, IUI. fane 3m To Shipper of Cotton. completed arrangements with my HAVING in New Orleans, New Vora. Philadelphia. Bostonand Baltimore, I am pre- pared to inak liberal cash advance on con signments , M lv. - ; .WWWMS.W tage. affordeil by my New Orleans conneelion. woold lm lie especial attaaUon. CORONNA. commission Merchant and Cotton Factor, Nea. u and 150J4 Front street, apMlns Mempbla. Tenn L AWKIMCI ft ST. JOIN No. 2 New Street, New York. We offer oar Servian for the Purchase or Sale of Stocks. GOLD, UOVERASKST, RAILWAY SECURITIES Only oa Commission, and transact a saaneral Banking sad Brokerage Business ou the moat 11 bare)

Library of Congress · PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS. A. L KIMBRO, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 81'BSEON, Office, Southeast Corner Main Mid Union Streets, MEMPHIS. TfiNN. Office Hour--, i:

Aug 25, 2020



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Page 1: Library of Congress · PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS. A. L KIMBRO, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 81'BSEON, Office, Southeast Corner Main Mid Union Streets, MEMPHIS. TfiNN. Office Hour--, i:





Office, Southeast Corner Main MidUnion Streets,

MEMPHIS. TfiNN.Office Hour- -, i: .ion :. m anil 1 to 4 and

I to lu p.m.HH tlr-H- I success during lb. past 2n

yeare. epl4 m

Ir. 1. Ij. BUTT,office, to. 21 Madison Street.

Memphis, - - Tonnessoe.Rai hi,.-.- N.. vwi Monroe street, mtii'.' 'ni


Hot Springs, -!9 Smn

DR 0. J. O'REILLY,l.ate of Louisville, y ..)

f AV1NU deieriniue.l lo locate permanent ,y.r..leslonal11 In this city, leude.-- n

Officecan the clllieu.J ehle'e store, west aid. of

seito oi

between Madison and Court pka


MRS D. C. EVAN&of Louurrtlle, Ry.. more Teawntly

FiRMF.RLY Institute. New Albany ,lnu..aawstted by ber husband. Dr. J. M. K VAN'S,

to lnionu ber friends and pub icaba baa taaeu

BOOMS AT TUK OVERTON HOTEL.And b; prepared to diagnose and cure a 11 kinds

wpeciallr those of a sjnron ic cbar-Z-

Mi- - K VaNh will dUgTose 111 ca,cwltboat making Inquiry of the patten u . glviuysymptoms, cause and effect. In a ma oner soaetnvactory as to leave no doabt in tbe mind ofthe applicant. In the Irealiaaent of dm saa shediscards tbe uae of all mineral median es, usingonlv which la purely Botanic, togetherw'tn Maanetiaiu, Electricity and Ooid Water.

Mrs K. civns special attention uLi .dies anddise-iae- a to whicu me are

Cant. Wm Holcroft. steamer Louisiana;Cant. John 8. Bictaey, New Albaa y JohnLoogbmlller. New Albany: W J Jobusou,wnarf-boe- l, Memphis, Tenn.. J. B-- Martin.Eminence, Ky: t Got brie Cropper's Depot.Kv J. K. Parker, emoe L. r.. A 4 C K.h John llaueock. county eomaVstoncr,Klovd county Col Wm. BuJd, New i.Ibsuy;John Tie, office L. N. A. A K. K:C crane hardware merchant. Ne w

' W K-- Grove, Bently A Grove). N ew n'

Mrs. Judge Laird, K.ekport. Ind.- - JotinWCliild. Oreenoaatle. Ind.;J. H. Burto n, Eliz-

abeth Harrison oouuly. lud.; Jonathan M.

Msv Bioominglcn, lnd. feb2T-2-




AB Removed his Office and Residence

No 225 Main Street,Near the Worsham



SURGEON DENTIST,No. 254 Second Street,

g Blax-k-.

febl If ,

a aa i i a D.


JAMES T.Atiorne)


RUCKS.OSwsSSBgsr at Lan,




vKFICE No. IS West Court (between MainI ) m..I Front sireeu.. Memplr... api'l IM


BULLOCK & ANDERSON,a TTORNKVS AT LAW, 4 street,A .,...!e ilreenlaw Onei a House, Mem

ftifrlphis, i enn.a lsui riaa a

Little Bock, Ark.AOAata,




Solicitor Chancery,

little Rock. Arkansas.Wm practice the Federal and

Colic ions ptompUy tendedmm

Bora laawaj









- -

lua to.., -

ha i'.




Bear of No. Second Street,o court IVace.

lei.' am



IHI af laattalia laletuMlawun.


if AT LAW and lie tiersAIHJBB S7 Seooud iMjeet.Teanessee. awJi

r. b oisoa. A. rati.DIXON a PERCY,

a rlUUII AT LAW, Oreeuvlllc Miss.

A Will aeaetuw in ibe Courts of Tuuni,OaaaaMns, Bolivar, Waabitigtou and laaquennsIVssnll deels

JohB Lien I i7 2 MaJibon Street,



FRED. WEBBERHouse and Steamboat Roofer

Wrlot thetttat Ua











ba the



Mesa- -

pbis. saa

Me Lai Kiiofnfor yeara

comer Market.niv gas



K want men everywhere to study their






the mat

Hill. man



jiic ngni u manu

tan themating power ot the

uuwrior the Coal Oillow

candle. Anoal oil burn the

weranuot rue ail. and even more,have Ktalsvi- A finale Coiinty laaainail fortnfee the iun or enterpntM', and tbe toHtat is untold worth,

r or further in formation, or addreuU. V. or.uiTT a to.,

hi Madkmn street, corner Main,apll im Memphis. Tenn

I H 1


LAW.street. North

found above.


one-hai- r price



MTOICE.mot the estate of Maiooej notified that have ausjgeated

the ineoiveni-- 01 wuu sssw u, rue lera tbeOountr ' oarUsf Tipton county, Tenneejee. andthe of estate are notlOec to filetoatr claim s. duly authenticated, within sixuoatbs from date hereof, notice will be

tiled In - of the aaine.VAL BANrOBL, Adminlalrator.

April lat-la-a. apmr


Trust Sale.nance of the provisoosnie exeooted by Htxtem ber, 1?0, andBeeister. office nhe

panes tT...

and lu purauamade by the Bon.tba Chancery




Meul'l l". theock, eedhigh liljder,

raentioued, in follnd.bsTetlj-rtU- l

situated Meiupulsee, B.lnt!

uisf Mel-lows: BeKinnlug atus. Inters, notrunning Uteuce Wm

t be r.i




With Wad side




vis -,









candle, la iro


v. ot




A.via ofo. u. i I


iu z,o e M . I io. I

st u


,,a oi










IT- -

t u

hc- -






of Trustet on 17: &

dnly coutitv.

rner of t











Streets, nua, at uubllc anctlou to

lerms here.i; afterLots o:

.vementa thereon.

atDC Olralle.

Uieni--- w.lll

of thele- -t to,. bow-

ed andIs k byany, t

Heeoiid street; then e North.of Hrond street js leet.

i". s point iil mih 1. west Slllestreet is intersected by m Unafiugh trie cenior of the middlefrom East to West, of three storyig. embracing two tenemeuts now

lielj 'r-.- ssld piinl ofWestward y Its. leet to the Kaetirst alley, West of second street ;

tlie tjun aide of said last. 2s feet e or lesa,

o: intersect lou of tl.a last side ofitiouej alley, with the orlh sidev "' "tfet-ea- idbeing tbe eouthwe eor- -

Jti9; tlieuce eastwsxdly with thelie ,.;iid iaevsaentioued alley ' i,sginnlng. Tjid wo. sjiu o me joii,.;I1,.1TT.,.,-fourtJ- i cf the nurehase ,,.....l ... Of. - v iuui SHUcr; -- .snlli. for which Ihe purchaser, will btgive notes with si. proved psraocs)ril!r laid a den Use wise to be retain.;

- ava.



X. J. WJt-KB-,



Charter Stove EmporiumEBTA.B1.ISI11 IN ,85.1

ltl Main Street, Corner of Washington.,

.gi. of Big Coffee roil, Memphis. Tenn.


Wholesale and Dealer in

Stoves, Urates, Hollow Hare,CUTLERY, HARDWARE,

Hontekrepers' Good! and Tinners' BtoekManufacturer of Tin. Cornier anil aeet

iron Ware, Hoofi ngLowest Casn Pri.-- ,

Guttering, at me


'aaanatta?- yy.S .



n'HK oudemiKned :ntrme his friends and theI mihlic tiiat ihe Imnu-Uh- buecatse. 1 he above

nameti Refr:seraUr meet with m this market,iLKlucwi the mauuiacttirer to RrDUCK THEMIN PUICK. to enable everv family to the com-fort of Frehh Meats and'Vlctualis during thehot ateaaon.

Seud for circular, ud call and examine myextrnalve stock at manufacturer's JSSSSfreutht only added, at the CHARTKK t,tMPoKlUM, iyi Main street, com-- r Washing-ton. JOHN 1 EK HBtsliU.

apIT Im



Oppostile tsayosM, Pel B,

Mr-mplii- : : : : : Tenn,apti :tm



ry. anursctnrln- g-and Scrapers.

for Bull Tonsues and cthovels.Mitcbel .Tsper Bars,Teaejue s. rsier Burs.Bolivar Plow OastinRS.CVtton Planter Castinirs.Uio Seanieut., Piniona etc. etc.

W M A BOB1 NB IN A ( I ,( ippoaite Uayoo House, Meinptu. Tenn.

tip7 1 mo

Agency for Stfaub's Mills

IrK have been appointed AgentsV ISTRA.LB'b celeoiaied ' uneen of the

Eolith "

WHEAT AND CORN MILLS,Both IIOl'BLB ANI BlaTOtsa tiEAKKI), audsr. prepare-- i to funusti them iromptly to

"IcCOMB!C0,jleqlers tn Hardware,

mhn tm Its Main at.


Wholesale Dealers in




llrlill IttiiiuinitH A (

Fire and Burglar-Pro- of Safts,

Mem pbii4lull 14

lars for



S1 Main Street,



isssc Slrauh






PEaallt, MYlMiSTO

Main .Street


MACHINERYHeavy Hardware.

Exclusive Agents for



feb!2 tm





Wood ft Mann's Portable KnuMncs.


Lane Bodlej'sKnirlnett.

Co.'s Olebratedthe bouiti M (ofn

Saw Mills and



Of Swiss, Kn'jlith, 1'r. iirli andAmerica! 33tl.r.

Oiainond Backs,Enanipled.

EnKravd,f n,:i I it null.


lutu laiuK.We have


and veryment

( oral Jew elr,uew and rich paloriin,

arlttini le and(ariM't Jewelry,

And all other fnnhioiiaalr style.








lliepalrinic Dose and Warranted



tfort'LtX'K RKPlltlNU will!ba aud returned Jree cbarga.

ais. .iu









Watchmaker and Optician.K. L. M1CH0T.UI l- -l Sain Street,

TACTICAL. WATCH MAKKJt, haa for sale1 Materia.,


looaa, and hpscta-le- a ofmm m



Formerly of the Brm 1 .ataof olive Bran. !,,of Dean A Brown , ""fj?'0. 7.

Richmond, Va. Mjaaleatppl.JAMBS K.

Late with Crowder & Co., Memphle.



Tobaooo Agents,AJKB

General CommtMilon Mercbants,214 Front Street, Cor. Adams,

PnI8, Teun. Will give strict attentionMEM the sale of all coeslgumeut" enl rusledto their care. Uberal Cash AdTanoes made oni bcs tnmeiits in. hand. Remittances promptlymwie nn ..II sales ajsW dawain



SUD j.F A l.KK.s IK

Family and Plantation Sapplies,832 Second Street,

Nesr the corner of Union, MEMPHIS, TENK.

apl4 1m .


Cotton Brolter,AGENT

Jtaltimore and Ohio Railroad andall it connection.

Office, Q08 Front street.IHROUUH BILLS VF LAD1&U UlYEN TO


U. R BLANCH ABD, General Freight Ageat,BMltiroore.

B. P. HECKKRT, and Transfer A lent,Otoatanatl. a'

T. B NoitauNT, Oen-- J D. Ruftin,alemphla. Late of DeKoto Co., Mlae.

T. I". ElKHKf, Mcmphla.


successors to T. B. Norment A Co.,)


o. Mi Front Street, t p Stlr,In Mosby Block, HEHPli IS, TENN.1ARTIClLAR attention paid to the sale andI .rjteaireol cottan and other con- -

tlaned 10 ua Orders irom the country will bepieaiptty auepnaa to. name g

iil i! BELL Ml TON A CO.,

(Formerly of Jlemphls),



Xo. T S. Commercial Street,


I ft I K BB for ProvlJlons. floor, OraloJ filled pronipily.

cfianls generally.

etcKefer to Memphis Mer


COX a HUMPHREY.Prodoce A Commission Merchants,

Ao. 1 Howard's Bow,mV .im MEMPHIS. TENN.

E. U. l.AU'HENn. C. B. CAKTEK,Memphis, 'JV1.U. with

Halllday Broa.Calra.



Forwarding Merchauls,iVo. 22S front St.'ect, l'p Stairs),




Commission Merchants,198 O ravier Street,


M'COMBIE A CHILD,.o. til Broad Street,

NEW YORK.feblf 6m

r. M. White, Pres't Mln. and Tenn.Johk Ktiik, Formerly Augusta. .aOeo. F. Bootes, late Gordon it Bootes, t. Louis.


COTTON FACTORSA NlMieueral Comml,-sior- and ForwardingJ. .Merchants, No. s4 Main street, Uayoso

Block, Memphis, Tenn.i ouMlKiiments of Cotton, Provisions, Pro-

duce, Kic. solicited, and all orders promtlvrilled. mh8 3tn

iroi;tit, foKH AituiSa iosmissio.J. C. FORBES tc CO.,

H. 47 Front it. and 46 A 48 Folton &U


Crtneral Commission Merchants

laHJK Uie aale or Cotton, Kiour. Wblaky. Corn,Totaifco,atid all alndsol Wefttern rroduce.

Having an iuuruai tievenuA Bonded Ware-boua- e,

are prepared to handle " Whisky"and ' Manufactured Tobacco " In bond, tnusotfefiug Hupeiior inducement to shippera ofthcae ui!iclta.

T.lterKl advaucea all conslgumeuta.



F.i crrial wo Wholesale

Commission Merchants,


I KM I'll ' S,


R. Rof



V- H

P.etweu I'ulon aud Uayoeo,



SjrwtaVM attention to all business en-trusted to us.

rebjJti tf


COMMISSIONForwarding Merchants,

Wholesale Dealers In

IinjMtrtetl and Vomestie


ToLucoo, Etc., Etc.,No. 276 Front Street,


Always on hand, a large supply of

(lid Bourbon and Bye Whiskies.Also, the Celebrated




Cotton FactorsGeneral Commission Merchants

Dealers in



No. 279 Front Street,Hetweeu t otan and Madison,

Memphis,mh" an

: Tennessee.





Sft?Jj N a GOODSrt i New York, and will eel!




Three-pla- it Shirts!Fancy

Full Bosom



Wbicb are the Beit Fitting Shirts made.

T. W. CHAP1M CO.,30S 1-- Second street, near Monroe.

api:i 8tn

SELIIKX. WILLIAMS ft CO.,DEALKR8. 174 Madison street, onITMBKR Commission Merchants and

i on tractors will find It te tr.eb interest to clveus a call. We keen sli kinds of Lumber, sthin-i-

Lalhs, Kio., Etc. spU on,


There muchcult-'- !


'h a game lueuchre.

fashion. I think U'k

Though I've never played It for pleasure orlucre.

In whirl:, when the aanln are in certain

The playera appear to have changed theirpoaitioaa.

And one of them ciien, In a coa0dent (one,i iblnk 1 might venture to go It eione."

While watching the gaaae, 'tie a whim of thehanl'e,

A moral to draw from the aklrmltih In carda.And fancy he find in the trivial Nirife,Home excellent hints for tbe battle of life,where, whether Ui- - priae be ribbon or throne.The winner In he who can "go It Hlone."

When great Galileo proclaimed that tbe worldJ n a regular orbit trai caMMeletwlj whirled,Ami got not a convert- for all o( hit palna,tiut ontv (Uiiion. Mod nri-.- , u nnl chalna" It morin for all thai," whm bbt auNwetiug tone,Kor be knew, like thu earth, he could "go it


Wheit Kepler, with Intellect piercing afar,Discovered the laws of ear h planet and tttar,Auddoctora who ought to have landed his

nameDerided bis learning and blackened hla Iivme --

"X can wait," he replied," till the truth yonshall own,"

For he ftlt in hla heart bo coold " go it alone."

Alaa for the player who ldlr dnpemlHin the at niggle of life upon kloured aud friendK.Whatverthe value of hbiwlngaMke tbee,They can never atoue for Inglorious oaaa.Nor comfort the coward who flndttwlth a groanThat his crutch, have left him to "go It alone."

There la something, no doubt, in the band youmuv aoia,

H.wnh familv. culture, wit. and irold.The fortmiate owner may fairly regard

k eacli in iU way a raoti excel seni camYet th game may be lout wit h all these for

your own,t'nlewt you've the courage to go it alone."

In battle or bnalueaa, whatever tbe game,In lnw or In love It Is ever the same.In the struggle for power or scramble for pelf,

lt thi be your motto" Kely on yooraelr!"Kor. whether the prize ho a rmnen or tnrone,The victor is who can " go It alone.


Wecontiuae to have beautiful weather,but business is dull.

The river at this point is still falling.The decline, however, i very light, be-

ing not over 1 J inches in all. We lookfor it to go down rapidly within the nextfew daAmp Tbe Ohio is rising slowly atLouisville, caused by the late rain, butthe rise is only temporary. The Missls-sip- i

at St. Louis is rising very slowly,but the Missouri is falling rapidly. TheArkansas, St. Francis and White riversare all falling.

Arrivals.Hteamer Phil Sheridan, St. Louis.

" Victor, Osceola." Marble City, St. Louis." M. 6. Mepham, New Orleans." John Kilgour, New Orleans.

Departures.Steamer Phil. Sheridan, Vicksburg.

11 Cora B., Louisville." Netoma, St. Fr. river." M. S. Mepham, Louisville." City of Cairo, St. Louis." John Kilgour, St. Louis.

Bonis ID Purl.Sam. Hale, Gleaner, Des Arc, Dan

Able. Marble City.M ISt'E I.I.A MM

The (leaner, Capt. King, will departfor Arkansas river this day at 5 p.m.Jas. T. Bourne & Co. and Larry Harm-Hta- d

A Co., agents.The Saw. J. Hale, of s Dean line,

will leave for Cincinnati this day atfi o'clock p.m. Capt, Walker is in com-

mand. James T. Bourne A Co. are heragents.

The H. M. Shreve, for St. Louis, willgo out this morning at 10 o'clock. LarryHarmstad A Co., agents.

Th) magnificent and regular packetR. E. Lee, will leave tpe wharf st 10

o'clock this morniBg. All who haveseen 4iiis model steamer are loud in theirpraises of her comforts antl those whohave traveled under the guardianship ofCapt. itirlmrdspn, proclaim him an

as well as etftcient com-

mander. Messrs. Smith, McVay andDinwiddie will do their utmost in pro-

motion of tbe comfort aud happiness ofpassengers. The Lee goes to Cairo. W.J. Johnson, agent.

Glen. Frank B'air went down to hisplantation, on the Sheridan.

The votes polled at the fair for the setof colors and cane will be found in ourlocal columns.

All way freights for Vicksburg and thebends will be received y at the Citywbarfboat for shipment un the Welcome,which is the next Vicksburg packet.Our shippers will bear this in mind.Bills lading will be signed on the wharf-boa- t.

The new steamer Pubuijue was pre-

sented on her arrival at that city with apairof elk horns, flag, etc. Capt. Tom.Levins, an old steainioatmau, waschosen to make a few remarks lu baud-in- g

the horns to Capt. Parker. Capt.Tom. has an impediment in his speechwhich doubtless added xest to the follow-

ing remarks. Said he, addressing thecaptain ;

" You see them horns, they are a nicepair, and have got the North star stuckright between them. They are a hornyset of fellows, and carry a good numberof points. Captain, those horns wereonce worn by the proudest animal that

the conquest of a hunter, and itis proper that they should hereafter beborne l:v the proudest craft, that walksthese waters the steamer Dubuque.Great applause, and cries of louder. Ij

ain't much, captain, on 8peech-makin&;-

but I always try to do my duty, and en-trust these autlera to your keeping,hoping that you will always cherishthem. Iu conclusion, captain, in

of a distinguished friend of mine,Take your d d oi i liorna.' H

S. W. Gard, barkeeper or steamerRowena, was up before the recorder atNashville, the other day, charged withunceremoniously oustiug a colored manfrom the cabin to the forecastle of thatstately craft, He was lined twenty-fiv- e

dollars for the ofl'ense; and was after-wards nned for contempt of court andsentenced to forty-eig- ht days' imprison-ment in the county jail. His friendshowever, interceded for him, and a goodcharacter being proven, and affidavitmade that no contempt of court was in-

tended, he was released on paying thefine at first imposed.

Tbe New Orleans Credent learns fromthe assistant assessor of the third Louisiana district, who recently arrived fromtbe overflowed districts, that all plantations on the Black and Ouachita as faras Columbia, are under water. Familiesare living in the upper stories of theirhouses and scouring the country withskills for fuel.

Our steamboat agents are complainingthat the telegraph company at this pointhold dispatches received at night untilthe next morning. This we know to bea fact. The Phil. Sheridan telegraphedfrom Cairo on Thursday afternoon. Herdispatch, as usual, was received thatevening but retained until next dayThe consequence was that the boat couldnot be advertised. We hope that thetelegraph officers at this point will attend to this matter.

"Would the Bostons be permitted tolay alongside either one of the otherwharfboaU at our landing ss long ss shehss sgainst the Star wharfboatWould a natboat be permitted to layagainst the St. Louis wharf boat until shehad sold out her cargo of hsy ? " Theabove questions were propounded to usyesterdsy, but W""ould not reply. Wersther think nothowever.

The board of mayor and aldermenpassed s resolution in Februsry Isst or-

dering the removsl of tbe snack andcoffee stsnds on the levee. Notice hasbeen served on those parties to leave to-

day. This resolution is about as sensibleas the one which removed tbe sisters ofcharity from our hospitals. We hadthought that the new board would be animprovement on the old one, but so farwe have no reason to compliment ourcitizens. Those stands are not an eye.sore, they are not in the way ; on tbecontrary they are a convenience to thelaborers engaged on our landing whohave not the time of some of our alder-

men to go to the suburbs for their meals ;

but the laboring man has no rights, weJpresume, and whether tin y eat or not,makes little difference.

The Democrat says of tbe sale of A. &

M. S. steamer Swon, Atlantic and For-

syth, which were sold on the 1st inst :

According to announcement, three oldsteamers, owned by the Atlantic A Mis-sissippi steamship company, were dis-

posed of yesterday at auction, at the foot... . ,, u vtr a, : .of uuerry siiws, io.. uouij ,, . outnuof tbe Memphis packet company, actingas auctioneer. The attendance of rivermen was good, the familiar countenancesof Doaiers, Yores, Dills, Daggetts, Ro-blr-

Stillwells, Copelins, etc., etc.,being visible in tbe assemblage. Bid-

ding on the Edward Walsh began at$3000, and she was knocked down toFred. Sebastian, of the Union dock com-s- v

for Mnoo. She was built iu IS55.and cost $45,800. Riley, the wrecker, j

started the Atlantic at $3000, andSam'lStillwell got her for $7800. Capt. OeoBrown stated while the bidding wasicoine on, that six weeks aao he had refused $17,000 for her from parties whowanted to take her to the Ohio. Shewas built March, 150, and cost $75,000.The first bid on the Mary Forsyth was$6000. She seemed to be somewhat of afavorite, and bids, including a few fromCapt. Dopier, were active up to eleventhousand dollars, when it was Intimatedthat the ooat required no docking, unoutfitting, nothing ; was ready to undertake a voyage. She soon slid into SStillwell's possession, the successful bit)twing ilo.OOO. The Mary JS. Forsythwas built November, 1802, and cost $5o,-00- 0.

Tbe purchasers of these stesmerspay one-thir- d cash. Capt Oby Robirdswas an earnest bidder for a while on theWalsh, and we are sorry he didn't gether. Her machinery is worth more titanthe whole boat sold for. The result ofthese sales is evidence of a great depre-ciation iu steamboat stock.


Memphis. May . 1887. fWe learn that several suits were insti-

tuted against tbe city by Mr. Thos.Fisher amounting in the aggregate tosome $25,000. They were disposed ofyesterday by Esquire Hall, who gavejudgement ia favor of the plaintiff. Thesheriff has therefore levied on the Mis-

sissippi and Tennessee railroad stock totbe amount or held by the cityand not turned over to Mr. Greenlaw ihthe late assignment. It is also claimedthat such assignment is illegal, as it wasdone without the consent of the board ofaldermen.

Gold ruled steady at 34c buyiug.Sales of $5000 took place at that figure.

There are no Important sales of silverto note. Buying at 24c.

City scrip is in moderate demand at53c buying ; selling at 00c.

There are very few County warrantsof the old issue offered for sale. Such asare presented are bought readily at 90 to91c, and sold at 93 to 94c. There was lit-

tle of the new issue offered Hold-

ers are awaiting the decision of thecourt.

Police scrip is dull at 70c buying. Thereis a large margin between the buyingand selling rate, which latter is from 71

to 85c.Eastern exchange is not active. Buy-

ing at par to off, and selling at I to 1

premium. Sight bills on rew Orleansare becoming scarce. Buying at off,and selling at j to ; premium.

Uncurrent money is unchanged withlittle doing.

In bonds we could learn of no sales,and our quotations ar- - nominal.Memphis and Ohio railroad bonds,25 to 30c; Memphis and LittleRock first mortgage 'bonds, 70to 80c ; Memphis and Charleston railroadlionds, 65 to 70c; Tennessee bonds withcoupons, 40 to 60c; Tennessee bonds,new, 55 totiOc; Mobile and Ohio railroadbonds, 50 to 55c ; Memphis city coupons,60torrc; Memphis city railroad -- t;., .

30 to aso.The Constitution sailed from Ran Fran-

cisco on Tuesday last for Panama with$759,49 in treasure, $55,iV) of whichgoes to New York, and over 11, iKJti bar-rels of flour. The St. Charles sailed onthe same day with 33,000 sacks of wheat.

The assets of Orray, Tsft & Co., ofProvidence, R. I., who failed recently,are said to amount to ninety-thre- e centson the dollar of all liabilities, aud a sat-isfactory settlement with their creditorswill be soou map.

Tlie act of the last congress providingfor tbe Issue of 3 per cent, certificates,has so nrnvided fr the nivtimtit of thcompound interest notes, that the secre- -tary of the treasury anticipates thatthey can be retired without making tiydisturbance i: tbe (nonpy market. Theact in uueatjon authorised the issue oftemporary loijn certificates foribe pur-pose of retiring compound, interns: Boles,and gave hanks the privilege of holdingthese in their reserve to the extent ofthree-fifth- s of their whole reserve. Onlyfifty millions of these '! per cent, certifi-cates can be outstanding at any one iim.

The failure of J. ft. Moretn, hankerof Cmoinnati, created no little excite-ment in that city. Losses made by tbereverses iu stocks last winter are creditedas the cause of his misfortune. Nostatement as to the condition of his af-fairs has as yet been placed in t'.. i

of his assignee, 5Jr. joh. tv. Gibbons, butit is being prepared, and the creditorswill in a few days learn the situation.

Bullion was arriving in San Franciscoat last advices more plentifully than fareorfle rflnt previcue, and It was thoughtthat from this time forward the receiptswill be unusually large.

A writer in the New Ysat Timet callsattention to an adverfnwment in theNew York Jfrrad, which is addressed tothose who propose to take the benefit, ofthe bankrupt act. This advertisementsets forth as " for sale, very low forcash,'' "lands iu all parts of the coun-try, couuty mortgages, stocks aud othersecurities, suitable for assets." Wt4U-les- s

titles, fictitious vahies, mortgagesand certiflciates of stock not worth thepaper they are printed on, are the com-modities here offered as "suitable forassets, " and there can be no dcuht thaithere are saouudrpU euough ready toavail themselves of so cheap a materia!for the manufacture of a -- h ;. dis-honest balance sheet.

The gold values of the import entriesof foreign merohandise at New Yorksince July 1, 8M1, the beginning of thecurrent fiscal year, as officially (to April1 i and since: reported asfollows, the entries of foreign specie g

omitted :

Total sln-- Jnly I ?.fr..:.fAgainst same lliue i: ..

Deereaas ataee Joly I

The currency value of the ex)Krts ofdemestlo produoe ami luiaoellaneou.-good- s

from New York, including foreignarticles re exported, since July 1, 1888,are as follows, the figures being official v

reported to April 1, by months, audsince by weeks :

Total since July S'r.i.W.i.- -

Anainst same ume last year itii.iaVBV

Decrease since Jntiolil, iprii 1st,

: ;iuu.iaslper rent.

G .ld, April 2s,lSt O1, p,- - tutTbe exports of Kolti and silver from

.New York, nave Im- as follows sinceJuly 1 :

Total since July 1 AS.69l.nlAgainst same time last year 1X.16H.14U

Increase since July 1 f i .iiis.Tii

Tbe deliveries of California gold atNew York since July 1 :

Total alnce July SM,aSl."TAuAlnst same time last year zurw.taV

lucreaae since Jnly ...fU,lllSTbe followint; are tbe customs receipts

in sold at New York and tbe sums efgold interest on tbe public debt paid outat tbe New York office of the treasuryof the United .States since July 1, lSe; :

Customs recevleil. Gold Interest paid.Total tlul.lTals; Total. ....ST.7ITo date, 1S08.. Ill.ttl9.7x7 To date.lWB .T2,3r,


Memphis, May :i, iSUT, p.m. iueheRaL ih i.m:ss.

We have but little change to report inour local markets, and business remainsonly moderately active. Our merchantsare not alive to their interests iu tbebends below, or they would not throughapathy permit tbe valuable trade of thatregion to pass by our city and makes itsway to 8t. Louis. That it ia doing so

cannot be denied. We need a packetline between thi9 city and Vicksburg,one that will accommodate the planterand not be governed by the same, nar-

row policy which seems to imbue tbepresent line. We would earnestly call

n our merchants to look into this mat-

ter, and to strain every effort to preserve

thi patronage which of right belongs to

this city.COTTON The market opened with a

fair inquiry on the part of buyers, audaalee at 24 to 25c for middling, at whichfigure some 235 bales changed hands, but

tbe adviftes received after midday re-

ported a decline which put a stop totransactions, and the market closedheavy at our quototiona. Receipts fortbe day, 278 ta!es ; hipruents, none.Ordinary ....Good OrdinaryLow MiddlingMiddling -Strict Middling....,Good MlddUng


is mman.'

zin (aVt26 2"

The New York Economist reiteratesthe flattering prospects of the comingcrops : There is an unusual iiniformit yabout the character of the reports fromall parts of trie country, respecting them.Everywhere, the extent of wheat andcorn planted is represented as unusuallylarge, and the condition of the crops ashighly promising, tbe lands floodedthrough the breach of the Mississippileveea beine the onlv exceptions. Theseason has been favorable for fleld operations, and the seed has been very generally got into the ground in good condi-

tion. Winter wheat appears to be look-

ing well in all sectiona; and altogetherthe prospect, so far, appears to promiseone of the most abuudant harvests everknown in the country, me late nignnriee nt hrfindstufls nas naturally encouraged liberal preparations among thefarmers; and, more recently, tbe prospect or a great war iu nuiupr, u, operated in the same direction, n is oiespecial importance that all reports fromthe south represent the probability of amuch larirer crop of corn aud wheat iu

that section than last year. The planters

have found R a costly poller to have torely upon the west for their food pro-ducts, and are not likely this year to re-peat the error of neglecting the graincrops. The cotton factors are very gene-rally making it a condition of their advan'ces to the planters that tbey raisesufficient grain and pork at least for theirown consumption. It is very much ow-ing to the snort supplies of grain in tbesouth that breads tuffs have ruled at suchextraordinary prices during tbe last sixmonths; and the obviation of this sourceof drain upon tbe western market musttend very materially to reduce the pricesof flour and graiu.

It may not be generally known thatmure cotton is manufactured in Augusta,fJa., than in any other place in theUnited States. We learn from our

that they run over five hundredthousand spindles.

The Connecticut farmers are turningtheir attention tills spring to the culti-vation of sorghum in place of tobacco,as the latter is very slow of sale.

Only oue-thi- rd as many dry and fancygrxais have passed through the Bostoncustomhouse so far this year as duringthe same period of last.

APPLES There is a fair stock, butprices are firm. Selling at $4 to $i perbarrel. Receipts, none.

BitAN There is little in market, andno accurate quotations can given.Receipts, none.

BUTTER --There is vry little choiceon hand. It sells at 28 to 3St: goodtub, 2o to 27c ; common, from 18 to 20c.Receipts, 20 tubs and 0 kegs.

CORN Receipts very fair, and pricesare firm. Helling on levee at $1 2o to$1 30; from store at $1 28 to $1 32. Re-ceipts. Hi t sacks.

( (iil.VMKAI.-lhe- re is a good supplyand demand. Kiludried sells at $0 to$o 25 en levee ; fresh ground, $5 to$5 50. From store about 25c per bbl.higher. I?cejpts, 137 sacks.

COFFEK There is a good stock anddemand. Prices are firm. Rio, 2C tn29c ; Laguayra, 36 to 38c ; Java, 43 to 45c.Receipts, none.

CHEESE There is a good demandaud light stock. Prices are steady.English dairy, 20 to 21c ; western reserve, ls,tolsc; factory, there is butlittle in the market selling at 19 to 20c.Receipts, none.

rAiUrs- - Are becoming scarce, h reshsell at 20 to 2;ki. Receipts, 25 packaees.

FLOUR The market is well suppliedwith every grade. The demand is iroodand prices firm. We quote common at$9 to $10 : superfine, $1 1 to $12 ; X, $12iloH , a., AAA, and all fancy hraftasfrom $15 to $18 per barrel; Harrison.$19 per barrel. Receipts, 1 lit barrels.

HAY lhere is a fair local demand for

frime, and very large stock ; sells on$25 to $26 ; common, $22 to $24.

Receipts, none.HIDES There is a good demand at

7 to 8c for green ; green salted, 8 to 9c ;

flint, 16c; salt flint, 14c. Receipts, 35.LARD There is a large stock on

hand. Prices are firm at 13 to 131c intierces ; and 14 to 14;.c iu kegs. Receiptsnone.

MOLASSES There Is a fair stock onhand price nrni. Fair to good, 75 to 95c ;choice, $1 to$l U6; syrups, $1 10to$l 50.Receipts, 5 barrels.

MACKEREL There is a good, stockon hand. Prices are steady at $24to $25 lor No. 1 ; $23 to $24 for No. 2 ; $20for No. 3. Half barrels and kits in pro-portion.

IRON TIES The demand has ceased.Held at 11 to 12c per lb.

OATS Th? ivoeipts are good, andprices ur,.i. We quote on levee at

4 to s."e. Receipts, none.ONIONS -- Market not well supplied.

We quote at $5 r barrel. Receipts1 barrel.

OILS-The- ire Is a fair stock of allkinds on hand, with good demand.Coal oil, 51 to title; lard oil, $1 10 to 1 'SO;linseed oil, $1 65 to $1 75 ; train oil, $1to$l 25.

PROVISIONS-The- re is a good sup-ply on hand, and prices are flnu. Messpork is selling at to $24 50; primemesa, $-- to Hi ; clear sides, 13 to 13c ;

euaiu sugar cured bams, 14 to 15c ; break-fast bacon, 16 to 18c; bulk meats out ofmarket. Receipts, bacon, 38 casks aud2 tierces; pork, 12bbls.

POULTRY the market is weak.We quote chickens at $ l to $5. and tur- -

kies at from ;pi to $24 per dozen.P4ITATOKS --There is a fair demand

for good eating potatoes, with largeStock. Helling at $2 75 to $3 25 onlevee, aud $3 to $3 75 from store. Re-ceipts, none.

ROPE A light stock with no de-mand. Prices are steady. We quote tormachine made 12 to 13c ; handmade 10 to 11c. Receipts, none.

SUGAR The receipts are very fair,and prices are firm. The stockon hand is good. Crushed and powdered,19 to 20c ; A coffee, 18c ; R, 17c ; C, 16jc.Receipts, none.

SAirV'Tr is a good stock on bandftiKi demand active. Sacks, $2 20 to$2 60 ; barrels, $3 to $3 30. Receipts,none.

TOBACCO There is a good demandfor all grades and prices are unchanged.A. fine stock is on hand and new sup-plies are received daily. We quotenatural leaf at $1 20 to $P 30 ;

fancy Virginia, new work, $1 to$i 25 ; line bright, pouiids, $1 to $1 W;medium da., pounds, 75 to 85c ; commonbright. is, 60 to 75c ; finamnd fancy

hg, 75 to $1 60.WHISKY The market fa Btiu but

quiet. Common. $1 S5 to $2 ; imitationBoun.u,$2 26. to is ; Bourbon, $3 25 to $5.Receipts, .' barrels.

Wacaa. kimI w.rrlar Mrinl.Corrected Daily by WomibarB, Hruith t Co..

No aud lib .:.-:- street, at. a mis.Bu&ty vhwN .fli 00.J15 00Qlfiy wbefl. Rrv-n- ' parrot SS US

W.ufun wheel m 18 00Wmfgf bubs, pei-se-t ,u, ,

Wagon huoti,Huyx pkc, UoW HJaOUCv, .iBUt felloes, tlMivetl felloes. iiBumtjy shafts, per p:iir ,Buggy pole, .tchWagon slngletreflRta(. N.Vtkw,dosPlow handles, per doeen.KUKKY bftsawt, each ..,.,' .






TVo. f

UHisM .'.Ha


If Yon Don't Believe It, Ho and See.ap25


FBANCISCO & WIGGIN,309 Main Slreot,

1 IAVK Just received, direct from China, the1 1 celebrated


manufactured by Tt'NG CHEOKti HON AM.Lanion, China. eintr'ic nil ihe styles, vIeHinle Hound, Doable Round, Toadstool andHelmet- - Tbetwe Hate are) beyond ail questiontlie most comfortable ever Invented. Call andjmrrhaae If you would keep a cool head and

vmii nun mroam aaytawi


No. 350 Second Street,a- - Depoaitlonfi in Admiralty ca-e- fl taken

Short-han- d and transcribed. No extra charge.ap4 Yin


Storage and Commission House


Storea pit Sr,

and S-l- l on Commbusiou


EDl'C.tTHIXAL I S T i Tl T 1 0 S.

Rev. C. F. P. BANCROFT, Principal

Tn R HdMMRR SKR8ION will begin May KV.n

close October 1st. lSb7.Hoard and Tuition aion oo, pavable. half

on euteriHc and half the - J of Julv.

a -

llriiwil.s, Miisir and Booksand Washing furuilie.l ou terms.

Kor circaittr.. with tun parti.-uiHrs- address,Bev. C V. CARHKNTKR, SnrT,

apK lm Chattanooga. Tenn.

Attachment Suit.liefore W. 8. Waluiu. Justice of the Peace of

Hhelhy county, lenn.J. c Jacshl ts. H. U. Hag an.


in the above entitled caseA'MK p. ease lake notice that an aftm-bnie-

has i.Mi-- sued out sg.slui.1 Iuui. anil levied noonone mare mule, upon the ground that he rsabout to remove (fraadulently. himself or hieproperty ont of the Conniy and State, and isfraudulently dispo-ln- of the same, and to soconcealing himself that tbe ordinary processof law cannot be served upon him : and thatthe said cause is set for triai at my office in theulty of Memphis, on the ;m day of May. 18b7,when aud where hecan appear and defend saidsuit or the same will be proceeded with exparte, and that a coy of ibis order be pub-lished once a week lor four weeks in the Mem-phis Appeal.

WM. . WALTON, J. P.April IU ISsT. apia law.w

Attachment Suit.John W. Ham. vs. George T. Norvell.

for Attachment having beenAFFIDAVIT rase and attachment havingbeen issued against the estateof thadefendantG. T. NorveU. upon the ground of hla privately'removing himself irom iheoounty, and it hav-ing been retarued levied, etc..

It Is therefore ordered, that said defendantenter air appearan.-- on or before the 26lh dayof May, 187, to plead, answer or demur to thesaid plaintiff'! complaint, or the same will betaken tor confessed and tba case set for trialex parte , and that a copy of ibis order bepublished ouoe a week for four consecutiveweeks lu the Memphis ArPaAh.

JOHN T. DOUGLAS, J. P.April lap. ap!7 lawlw




of Rata on Freight fromMemphis to n'nts on the MIMSIne.Il'PI

CENTRAL RAILKOAI' has recently been Issued, to which we invite yourat. ention. irierates are the NAME a via Uraad Junction,and tne diitaaca beiUK FI5TY TWO MILESSHORTER, we tbe Frolaht can be dellvered promptly and to the satisfaction of aliconcerned.

We respectfully solicit a share of thla busi-ness. Meri'halits-.iasapi.lle- with copies of tbeTariff be furnished by setoiinrf to the Htiperintemleut's ffflce. Main street. Room o.Jackson Block.

A. 8 LIVERMOORE.C. P. Oaelet, Ueneral Superintendent.

tie ne rat Freight Agent.Ledger copy. apa iw


Is. M E V E If,

Wholemale Dry Gotl



No. 302 Mam St., Eat Side,

Between Kadiion Menroe Sts.,


Where he will be plenaed t

isee all his frlendH from tbe ity

iiiid Country.

(rand Opening ol Spring Hud

Summer Clood at PrU-e- beyond

Competition.ap26 im





Purchase of j o t s .

sKFICB Houthweal corner of LindenDesoto streets

from h! to :t p. m.


amis lu a.ui., and


ttCACKEXBI SH A WABKE VWo. 57 Madison Street,

the largest aud assort ment of


MOULDINGS,Door and t indow Frames,


T I'SIT the place to get your orders filled


NEW Tarltt- -




in the city. (lla?.ed



Sash alwaysapl4'w



Will pay Ihe high?! Mark-- !

Price, at the Memphis Tannery,In Chelsea, or at

M. 4PP A CO. S,

o. :trtO Front stn-el- .

FEARN PENN,United States Commissioner

Commissioner of Deeds, Etc.Oflioe, 33 South Court Street.

A l TIIORIZKP to --wlmiiiwter Oaths ami Affi

Depot-itioo- j to ue tueU lo allOka rtia.

IE l" M E I.jfll GUILDERS will find at my Yard, on ln- H

D isrner of Adams and Promenail?, tbeMJjBt'st Assorted ntorE lu the City of

IjLumber, Shingles,Laths, Doors, jjj

Sash, Blinds,!Ijr.t.- -

, which will be sold at lowest pi ..II ... CASH.

I zva j mi nWounti-f- i Order Soliritcd.a

1 Un hid, will l filleil with ornmrltiess smlB:Jt J -- -' Ifldellty. THiis. .1. k. h H

'. I Hfii.t 'i ilaiaa t treat, betwaea roa I"g garni I evee, Me inptiK. apL'l Im H



The (luest. mit varied and compleia slock of

CLOTHINGFormerly owned hy

J. H. WAGQENER,Is now retarded KKLOW Eastern cost, by


Ag.ntof Pnrehasera. Tiie whole of Inla Im-mense and varied slocB-ofth- ('UtCAPUTGOODS KVEK BROUGHT TO MEMPHIS

Must be Sold within Sixty Days

Those who call flrU will have the first choice.PoMMlon of the honae must be eiveii withinHLzty dayt.

CALL AT ONCK!t'ity and Country Trade Supplied,

Wholesale antl Retail.ap20 tf


-- 0E.V1.I RS IN- -





age ,


Bird Cages, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Purchasing of Manuf&ctUHrers in large quantities, wdare able to offer



And compete successfully!with Cincinnati and StLouis markets.

L3:JO lain Sti oetJBet. Union and Monroe sts

aplO mam !m



would respectfnl.'y Inform oer friendsWeand the public that we base opened a

LARGE WOOD YARLat the corner of Second and Colon streets, amiwill lake pleasure in snppiying tne poouc wishgood dry wood at aa reasonable priaea aa it bad elsewhere, and all o?8promptly filled. J H. OAIULAKD A

N fi Brick barners wiU an It to theirgive ua a call Lfire parohasing elae-i.-..

i at lm



Peoria, Moline, Jetrett or Car?, Premium andBrinley Steel PIoich, m

Mile hell's Patent Cotton temper, Cotton Planter,Marvin & Co.'s greatly celebrated Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.

IfOS. 310 AND 312 FRONT STREET,Memphis, : t : : : : : Tennessee.


Twenty-On- e Years in MemphisWALKER BROS, . ell. H, M




Announce to tbe numerous Friends ani Patrons of this House and the publicgenerally, that we have received AN CNC8UAL LARGE STOCK

comprising ALL CLASHES OF GOODS inour line otTrade for

SPRING AND SUMMER WEAROur Goods having been purchased since the

R K C K T jO E C JLi I IV J.We are prepare to famish to

MERCHANTS AND DEALERS GENERALLYat price, which defy competition.



J. F. SCHIF.FF.R,Jt. Ixiuis.

Manufactory VirginiaHotel Hnlldlng..

R. v.

J. F. SCHEIFER & CO.,19f aiiiifaoturer!, and Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In


And Plantation Saddlery,M 229 SECOND STREET, Jeffermn sBtxA, MEMPHIS, TENN.

HOLLEIMBERG OERTEL,Architects and Builders' Supplies,

Maoiiractnrerai ofGalvanized Iron Cornices. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers,

346 Second street, aud ( Union street bet. Howard') Bow laj mm street.AI.VAM7.f- - ii IKON CORNICKM. Monldlnee. Brackets, Window Cape, Tanaa, etc , made lo

Jf ordsr. Mtatic Roofing and Muttering aoua at low

Marble, Marbleized Slate and Marbleized Iron Mantles,con.tanllv nn hand at all price. FIRE USATEH AND BASKETS, a large assortment. Min-ion "s Enic'isa Mosaic Kloor Tl 's and Marl i Moor Tllsa; Plaster Paris. R,wndai? and RomanCemt-o- l I" : re Ryc au.t oa itonc Pump. Well and Cistern Pumps, all stz.wKnglish snd Arrt!can Hough and Polished Plate Ulav. Window Glass and Htalneil Glass ot a.'tleacrlptlnus- - IifLB're and Brewerj Work; Soda Generators and Eonntalns made lo orderund repiureit tsa- - Castings.


duns!WorkIron '

IronpromotTerfor Hi


emelerv Its rnnnu-n- . and 'CI of Ornanintsl Iron Work

WORSHAM HOUSE,Corner Main and Adams Streets,

Mempliit,, Tennessee.


J. C. HOL8T & CO.,

At the Htane,


W. .Wholesale and Retail Dealer In


AND CASKETS,No. 70 St.. Memphis Tenn.

In the cities and towns conTTNDERTAKER8 1!1 alwavs atcis all styles of aitirfes in thisline. In as great as can be fonnd in thecity, and


B- McC A FVK aty . W



No. 317 Second Street,Near Monroe.



- -

Cases and Caaketa and Woodeneonstantly on band feb.f

& CO

J1H Main (Hi-ee- t,

ST. fj : MO.j. o pobjj a ua.

hfemphis. Tenn.mhiv fsbll)


SA V PL AOrleans,

I. W. K,ivRTRAir PAINTER, can be fonnd at hisr Stndio. Jackaon Blix-k- . until June.when he leave for Chicago .Northernoltiea. Those wishing Portraiu.soap.


No.will and

johat s. a co.,aad Dealers la Metals,

roa sal.Tin Plates,

Tin,Slteet Iron,

Russia. IiCovper.





should jrall


Block Tin,Lead,

Wire,j5,ne, etc, etc9,

U 31 CLIFF ST., Cornerfeuu n, NEW

H. J I'D










Memphis. TonneHHee.METALIC


SADDLERYSoddlery Hardware,





C. YEB8.

J. ArvriMemphis. Tenne


For-.- French

Promptly !Lighting public and pr.vate buildings.Agents for P. Kannon's Louisville Terra Cost a

msrij ww w rerot'. Phlladeiphta urnamenta!ledger dt Co.'s New York Arrhiteemral Iron WorksUnsa. Orders filled and Work of all kinds

Wood A Co., of Philadelphia, we are enableil taestimates for Verandahs Kalrinssuse. sorta

: : : :










Gas pro- -



RAILROADS.Memphis am iHABLEsnm

RAILROAD.TRAJNK leave a. follows city time):

Express. Sundays excepted, 7am.; Through Mail. OZ40 p.m., Soraerville

at :i:o p m.Express connects at Grand Junction with

afternoon train on the Mississippi CentralRailroad for Holly Springs, Water Valley.Ureuada, Jackson, Vicksburg. Miss., New tirieans. La., etc.

At Corinth, for Oksloaa, Columbus, Miss.,Mobile. Ala, etc.

At Decatur, for Colombia, Nashville, Lom-vl- lie,

Cincinnati, et.-At Chattanooga, for all place. In Eastern

Alsbama, Georgia. North and South Carolina.Virginia, Waahlngton, Baltimore. PhiladelphiaNew York, etc.

Through Mall connects at Grand functionwith trains for Bolivar and Jackson, Tenn.

At Decatur, for Athena, Pulaakl, AUk, Colom-bia, Na.bvtlle, -- tc

Al ' liattan'Kisa trains connect for aamepoints ss Express traina

baggage checked through.Kor tickets and further information, apply at

the office. No. 13 Court street.W. J. Ross, Genl Snp'L

A. A. BARN'FS, Gen'l Ticket Agent.apl4 tf s. H SHOCK. Passenger Agent.

I i 3i niond Line.rI ROUGH Receipta givrn for COTTON viaCincinnati by rail or river. Tim. gnaran-tee- d

Cars sealed no change from Cincinnatito Mew York. W. JAY JOHNHOF,

mh5 tf star Wharf beat.



MILLINERY,Cor. Main and Jefferson Streets.

THE MISSES QUI N LANARE just In receipt of a large and careful

aasortanent of the moat elegant


Of tbe season, vefcleb tbey are de erminedoffer cheaper than any hocse in the ci.j.

A LSO Particular aU d Dres8VARINO. milMss

F. Glassick & Co.,

ItlRTKRS, Mannfactnrers and Dealers InIM Rifles, Pisto la. Gun Material for

use. Gun Implements, Sporting Apps-ratu- s,

Klshing Tackle, etc. No. Main street,under Odd Feliowa' Hall, llemphia, Tenn.

Keoairlncdons and warranted. mhw Em

N. CORONNA.Commission Merchant


COTTOIST FACTORDes. 156 156 Kicaauge BoUduis,

Front street. MEMPHIS, IUI.fane 3m

To Shipper of Cotton.completed arrangements with my

HAVING in New Orleans, New Vora.Philadelphia. Bostonand Baltimore, I am pre-pared to inak liberal cash advance on consignments , M lv. - ; .WWWMS.Wtage. affordeil by my New Orleans conneelion.

woold lm lie especial attaaUon.CORONNA.

commission Merchant and Cotton Factor,Nea. u and 150J4 Front street,

apMlns Mempbla. Tenn

L AWKIMCI ft ST. JOINNo. 2 New Street, New York.

We offer oar Servian for the

Purchase or Sale of Stocks.


RAILWAY SECURITIESOnly oa Commission, and transact a saaneral

Banking sad Brokerage Businessou the moat 11 bare)