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ABB SACE T.M.S. Manual Instruction manual 649209/002 ro-en 9-1999 Instructiuni de instalare, exploatare si mentenanta Installation, service and maintenance instructions UniAir

LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,

Feb 25, 2021



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Page 1: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


ManualInstruction manual

649209/002 ro-en9-1999

Instructiuni de instalare,exploatare si mentenanta

Installation, serviceand maintenance instructions


Page 2: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Pentru siguranta dumneavoastra !

• Verificati ca locul de instalare este corespunzator pentruaparate electrice.

• Verificati ca toate operatiile de montaj, punere in functi-une si intretinere sunt executate de personal calificat.

• Verificati ca sunt respectate standardele si prescriptiilelegale in timpul operatiilor de montaj, punere infunctiune si intretinere.

• Respectati cu strictete instructiunile din acest manual.

• Verificati ca valorile nominale ale aparatajului nu sunt depasite in timpul functionarii.

• Acordati o atentie speciala notelor de avertizareindicate in acest manual de simbolul:

• Verificati ca personalul de exploatare are la indemanaacest manual de instructiuni ca si cunostiintele necesarepentru a interveni in mod corect.


Un comportament responsabil salveazaviata dumneavoastra si a celor din jur!

Pentru orice informatii, luati legatura cuServiciul de Asistenta ABB SACE T.M.S.

For your safety!

• Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisionsand ambient) are suitable for the electrical apparatus.

• Check that all the installation, putting into service andmaintenance operations are carried out by qualifiedpersonnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus.

• Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions arecomplied with during installation, putting into serviceand maintenance, so that installations according to therules of good working practice and safety in the workplace are constructed.

• Strictly follow the information given in this instructionmanual.

• Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is notexceeded during service.

• Pay special attention to the danger notes indicated inthe manual by the following symbol:

• Check that the personnel operating the apparatus havethis instruction manual to hand as well as the necessaryinformation for correct intervention.


Responsible behavioursafeguards your own and others’ safety!

For any requests, place contact theABB SACE T.M.S. Assistance Service.

Page 3: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,



Instructiunile din acest manual se refera la celulele stan-dardizate de MT tip UniAir.Pentru utilizarea corecta a cestui produs cititi acest manualcu atentie.Pentru montajul corect al accesoriilor si/sau al pieselor de rezervaconsultati instructiunile din KIT-ul respectiv.Celulele UniAir sunt proiectate pentru o larga varietate deconfiguratii de instalare. Ele permit totusi si alte modificari tehnico-constructive - la cere-rea clientului. Din acest motiv, informatiile de mai jos pot uneori sa nu acopere unele aspecte ale configuratiilor cerute de client. Este deci necesar ca in afara acestui manual sa se consultecea mai recenta documentatie tehnica (scheme, desene defundatie, studii de coordonare a protectiilor, etc.) mai ales in legatura cu eventualele variante diferite de configuratiilestandard.

Toate operatiile privind montajul, punerea in functiuneexploatarea si intretinerea trebuie executate decat depersonal avand calificarea necesara.

Pentru operatiile de intretinere utilizati decat piese de rezervaoriginale.Pentru alte informatii, consultati va rog catalogul tehnic,cod 649223.



The instructions given in this manual refer to standardisedUniAir type MV switchboards.For correct use of the product, please read this manual carefully.Please refer to the relative Kit sheets for correct assembly ofaccessories and/or spare parts.Like all the switchboards manufactured by us, the UniAir switch-boards are designed for a large number of installation configu-rations.They do, however, allow further technical-construction varia-tions (at the customer’s request) to suit special installationrequirements.For this reason, the information given below may sometimes notcover the instructions regarding special configurations re-quested by the customer.Apart from this manual, it is therefore always necessary to referto the latest technical documentation (circuit diagram, wiringdiagrams, foundation drawing, any protection co-ordinationstudies, etc.), especially with regard to any variations requestedin relation to standardised configurations.

All the operations regarding installation, putting intoservice, service and maintenance must be carriedout by suitably qualified personnel with in-depthknowledge of the apparatus.

Only use original spare parts for maintenance operations.For further information, please also see the technical catalogue,code 649223.


Page 4: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,



1. Ambalaj si transport Pag. 42. Controlul la receptie « 43. Depozitare « 84. Manipulare « 85. Descriere « 95.1 Generalitati 95.2 Caracteristici constructive « 9

5.2.1 Celule UniAir « 95.2.2 Componente principale « 9

5.3 Standarde de referinta « 125.4 Interblocaje « 13

5.4.1 Interblocaj intre separator de linie siseparator de legare la pamant « 13

5.4.2 Interblocaj intre separator de legare lapamant si usa « 13

5.4.3 Interblocaj intre intreruptor si separatorde linie « 13

5.4.4 Blocaje la cerere « 136. Instructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor si

secvente de manevrare « 146.1 Instructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor « 14

6.1.1 Separatoare de linie AM - AS - A « 146.1.2. Separatoare de legare la pamant (fig.4) « 146.1.3. Interventii pentru repunerea in functiune

a separatorului de sarcina « 166.1.4. Intreruptoare debrosabile HAD « 16

6.2 Instructiuni pentru secvente de manevrare « 186.2.1 Unitati in versiune standard « 186.2.2 Unitati in versiune Enel « 296.2.3 Unitati in versiune Aem-MI « 31

7. Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuireasigurantelor « 37

8. Dispositive de verificare prezenta tensiune « 399. Instalare « 409.1 Generalitati « 409.2 Conditii normale de instalare « 409.3 Camera in care se instaleaza « 409.4 Fundatia si suprafata de fixare « 419.5 Cuplarea dulapurilor « 449.6 Panouri de terminare sir celule « 449.7 Panouri de separare canal de bare « 459.8 Executia conexiunilor « 46

9.8.1 Circuitul de putere « 479.8.2 Bare de legare la pamant « 489.8.3 Legarea circuitelor secundare « 48

10 . Verificarea cablelor « 4911. Punerea in functiune « 4912. Verificari periodice « 5212.1 Generalitati « 5212.2 Programul de verificari « 5313. Operatiuni de intretinere « 5413.1 Generalitati « 5413.2 Structura metalica « 5513.3 Dispozitive de actionare mecanice « 5514. Piese de schimb si accesorii « 5714.1 Piese de schimb « 5714.2 Accesorii si dispozitive « 57


1. Packing and transport Page 42. Checking on receipt « 43. Storage « 84. Handling « 85. Description « 95.1 General « 95.2 Construction characteristics « 9

5.2.1 UniAir switchboard « 95.2.2 Main components « 9

5.3 Reference Standards « 125.4 Interlocks « 13

5.4.1 Interlock between line-side isolatorand earthing switch « 13

5.4.2 Interlock between earthing switchand door « 13

5.4.3 Interlock between circuit-breakerand line-side isolator « 13

5.4.4 Locks on request « 136. Instructions for operating the apparatus

and operation sequence of the units « 146.1 Instructions for operating the apparatus « 14

6.1.1 AM – AS – AR line-side isolators « 146.1.2. Earthing switch (fig. 4) « 146.1.3. Interventions to restore switch-

disconnector service « 166.1.4. HAD plug-in and withdrawable

circuit-breakers « 166.2 Instructions for the operation sequence

of the units « 186.2.1 Standard version units « 186.2.2 Enel version units « 296.2.3 Aem-MI version units « 31

7. Instructions for dismantling and replacingthe fuses « 37

8. Voltage present checking device « 399. Installation « 409.1 General « 409.2 Normal installation conditions « 409.3 Installation room « 409.4 Foundations and fixing surface « 419.5 Cubicle coupling « 449.6 End sheets « 449.7 Busbar duct segregation sheets « 459.8 Making the connections « 46

9.8.1 Power circuit « 479.8.2 Earthing busbars « 489.8.3 Connection of the auxiliary circuits « 48

10 . Cable tests « 4911. Putting into service « 4912. Periodic checks « 5212.1 General « 5212.2 Checking programme « 5313. Maintenance operations « 5413.1 General « 5413.2 Metal structure « 5513.3 Mechanical activating devices « 5514. Spare parts and accessories « 5714.1 Spare parts « 5714.2 Accessories and tools for operations « 57

Page 5: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


1. Ambalaj si transport

Respectati cu rigurozitate simbolurile siindicatiile de pe ambalaj

Fiecare sectiune (sau grup de unitati) este ambalat conformcerintelor de transport si depozitare, exceptand cazurile in careclientul are cerinte specifice.Fiecare grup este protejat cu o folie de plastic pentru a preveniinfiltrarile de apa in timpul operatiunilor de incarcare descarcaresi pentru indeparta praful in timpul depozitarii.Celulele sunt deobicei inaltate cu suporti de lemn fixati sub cele patru colturi.Celule sunt de obicei livrate cu carucioarele (intrerupatoare, transformatoare de masura) brosate, exceptand situatiile cand clientul nu doreste asta. Camionul care urmeaza sa transportecelulele trebuie sa aiba platforma la maximum 1,5 m inaltimepentru a nu se depasi inaltimea maxima de 4 m. Platforma de transport trebuie sa prezinte un coeficient ridi-cat de frictiune pentru a preveni alunecarea.Grupurile de celule trebuie plasate pe platforma spate in spate,transversal, cu materiale absorbante de presiune intre ele.Trebuie evitat contactul intre suprafetele diferitelor grupuri. Pe platforma trebuie plasate piese speciale pentru a distantagrupurile intre ele si pentru a preveni deplasarea longitudinalasau transversala.Diferitele grupuri trebuie ancorate de platforma cu franghii, astfelincat sa nu fie cauzate deformari sau rasturnarea la curbe sau franari bruste.Camionul de transport trebuie sa aibe platforma acoperita.

2. Controlul la receptie

• Nu solicitati partile izolante ale aparatelorin timpul manipularii celulelor.

• Inainte de executarea oricarei operatii verificati caresoartele de actionare sunt descarcate si caaparatele sunt in pozitie deschisa.

Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grijamaxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4.La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii, starea aparatelor si corespondenta datelor nominale ale acestora(vezi fig. 1) cu cele specificate in confirmarea de comandatrimisa de ABB SACE T.M.S. si in nota de livrare insotitoare. Deschideti ambalajul, avand grija sa nu afectati materialele siverificand ca acestea nu au suferit in timpul tarnsportului. Daca se descopera vatamari sau lipsa de corespondenta cu documentatia de livrare in timpul acestor verificari, anuntati imediat ABB SACE T.M.S. (direct sau prin agentul de vanzari) sideasemenea transportatorul.Aparatele sunt furnizate numai cu accesoriile specificate la momentul comenzii si confirmate in confirmarea de primiretrimisa de ABB SACE T.M.S.





1. Packing and transport

Strictly follow the symbols and instructions indicatedon the packing

Each section of the switchboard (or group of units) is packedaccording to shipping and storage requirements, except incases of specific requests from the customer.Each group is protected by a plastic cover to prevent anyinfiltration of water during the loading and unloading stages incase of rain, and to keep the dust off during storage.The switchboards are normally raised off the ground by woodensupports fixed under the base in the four corners.The switchboards are generally shipped complete with trucks(circuit-breakers, instrument transformers) inserted in the rela-tive compartments, except in the case of different agreementsmade with the customer. The truck for transporting the unitswhich make up the groups must have its loading platform notmore than 1.5 m above ground so as to fall within the maximumoutline of 4 m.The loading platform must be slip-proof with a high frictioncoefficient.The layout of the groups on the loading platform must be madeby placing them back to back transversely, placing materials toabsorb compression and prevent any direct contact betweenthe surfaces of the various groups between them.Special side members must be placed on the loading platformso that each group is spaced out and to prevent both longitudi-nal and transverse movement.The various groups must be anchored to the structure of thevehicle by ropes, so that no deformation is caused and tilting onbends or during violent stops is prevented.The transport truck must have a tarpaulin cover.

2. Checking on receipt

• Take care not to stress the insulating parts of theapparatus during handling of the cubicles.

• Before carrying out any operation, always checkthat the operating mechanism springs aredischarged and that the apparatus is in the openposition.

The sections of switchboard must be unloaded from the truckwith maximum care as described under chapter 4.On receipt, immediately check that the packing is intact, the stateof the apparatus and correspondence of the nameplate data(see fig. 1) with what is specified in the order acknowledgementsent by ABB SACE T.M.S. and in the accompanying deliverynote.Open the packing, taking care not to damage the material andcheck that it has not been damaged during transport.If any damage or non-compliance with the documents accom-panying the supply is discovered during the check, notify ABBSACE T.M.S. immediately (directly or through the agent orsupplier), as well as the shipper who delivered the goods.The apparatus is only supplied with the accessories specifiedat the time of order and confirmed in the order acknowledge-ment sent by ABB SACE T.M.S.

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Placuta cu date nominale a celulelor1 Marca producatorului2 Tipul celulelor3 Numarul confirmarii comenzii /anul de

fabricatie4 Date electrice5 Versiunea celulelor6 Norme de referinta

Switchboard characteristics nameplate1 Trade mark2 Type of switchboard3 Order confirmation number / year of

construction4 Electrical data5 Switchboard version6 Reference Standards

CEI EN 602986IEC 298


Placuta cu date nominale Nameplate data


1 Marca producatorului2 Tipul aparatului3 Norme de referinta4 Serie5 Date nominale

Caption1 Trade mark2 Type of apparatus3 Reference Standards4 Serial number5 Rated data



Tip Nr. An

Tensione nominala

Curent nominal

Curent de scurtcircuit de scurta durata

Putere de ruperesarcina activa

Putere de ruperetrasformator in gol

Putere de ruperelinii in gol












kA varf

Frecventa nominala

Putere de inchiderela scurtcircuit


Putere de rupereretea buclata

Putere de ruperebaterie condensatori

Putere de ruperecabluri in gol


Type No. Year

Rated voltage

Rated normal current

Rated short-timecurrent

Rated breakingcapacity for mainlyactive load

Rated breakingcapacity of no-loadtransformer

Rated breakingcapacity of no-loadlines







CEI 17-9 file 357 IEC 265 STANDARDS


Rated frequency

Rated short-circuitmaking capacity


Rated breakingcapacity of ring circuit

Rated breakingcapacity of singlecapacitor bank

Rated breakingcapacity of no-loadcables






NORMA CEI 17-9 fascicol 357 IEC 265

Documentele care insotesc produsele aflate in pachetele detransport sunt:– etichete adezive pe pachete indicand adresa si tipul

produsului.– prezentul manual– buletine de verificare– scheme electrice– documente de trasport

Placuta cu date nominale a separatorului de sarcina tip AM

AM type switch-disconnector nameplate









Fig. 1a

The documents inside the shipping packing which accompanythe product are as follows:– adhesive labels on the pack indicating the addressee and the

type of product– this instruction manual– test certificate– wiring diagram– transport documents


Page 7: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Placuta cu date nominale separatoare rotative tip AS

Placuta cu date nominale separator de legare la pamant tip MAT

Fig. 1b


Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S.


NR. ML 000000



Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S.


NR. ML 000000


Characteristics nameplate for AS type rotary isolators


Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S.


Tip Nr. An

Tensiune nominala kV Curent de scurta kAdurata

Durata sec

CEI EN 60129

Characteristics nameplate for MAT type rotary isolators


Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S.


Type No. Year

Rated voltage kV Short-time kAcurrent

Time sec

CEI EN 60129

Page 8: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Fig. 1c

LegendaA Placa date nominale intreruptorB Placa date nominale a mecanismului de actionare1 Tip aparat2 Simboluri de corespondenta cu Standardele3 Serie4 Caracteristici intreruptor5 Caracteristici ale accesoriilor mecanismului de actionare

CaptionA Circuit-breaker nameplateB Operating mechanism nameplate1 Type of apparatus2 Symbols of compliance with Standards3 Serial number4 Circuit-breaker characteristics5 Characteristics of the operating mechanism accessories

INTRERUPTOR IEC 56HAD .............. CEI EN 60298



NR. . . . . .YC . . . V —YU . . . V —YO1 . . . V —

H . . . V —

M . . . V —

Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S.






1 2

CIRCUIT-BREAKER IEC 56HAD .............. CEI EN 60298



No. . . . . .YC 125 V —YU 125 V —YO1 125 V —

H 125 V —

M 125 V —

Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S.






1 2

Placuta cu date nominale intreruptor HAD HAD circuit-breaker nameplate

Page 9: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


3. Depozitare

Cand este prevazuta o perioada de depozitare inainte deasamblare, la cerere se poate furniza o ambalare specifica con-ditiilor respective. La receptie, celulele trebuie sa fie despachetate si verificate cuatentie conform capitolului 2, si reimpachetate, utilizandmaterialele originale.Celulele UniAir trebuie sa fie depozitate in conditii de mediuuscate, fara praf, necorozive, la o temperatura cuprinsa intre5 °C si +45 ° si fara variatii mari.In pachete sunt prevazute pungi higroscopice care trebuie inlocuite la fiecare 6 luni.Pentru cerinte speciale, va rugam sa ne contactati.

4. Manipulare

• In timpul manipularii nu solicitati partileizolante ale aparatelor.

• Inainte de executarea oricarei operatii, verificati ca resoartele mecanismelor de actionare sunt descarcate iar aparatele in pozitie deschisa.

• In timpul manipularii cu motostivuitoare,mentineti celulele in pozitie verticala.

CeluleIe UniAir sunt fixate in mod normal pe un palet de lemnsau pe suporti de lemn fixati la cele patru colturi. Pot fi manipulate cu o macara, ridicate cu franghii prevazute cu carabiniere respectand normele de protectia muncii prinsein ochiurile de prindere de pe acoperisul celulelor (fig. 2).Este posibila manipularea utilizand motostivuitoare. In acestcaz, furca trebuie introdusa pe partea corecta pentru aasigura o stabilitate mai buna in timpul manipularii.

Fig. 2


Latura de introducerea furcii motostivuitorului

Side for inserting the forksof the fork lift truck

Lifting cubiclesRidicarea dulapurilor


3. Storage

When a period of storage is foreseen before assembly, onrequest packing suitable for the specified storage conditionscan be provided.On receipt, the switchboard must be carefully unpacked andchecked as described in ‘Checking on receipt’ (chapter 2), andthen the packing replaced, using the original material provided.The UniAir switchboards must be stored in ambients which aredry, free of dust, non-corrosive, without great heat changes andat a temperature between -5°C and +45°C. There are bagscontaining hygroscopic material in the packing and these mustbe replaced every six months.For any special requirements, please contact us.

4. Handling

• During handling of the cubicles, do not stress theinsulating parts of the apparatus.

• Before carrying out any operation, always checkthat the operating mechanism springs aredischarged and that the apparatus is in the openposition.

• During handling with fork lift trucks, keep thecubicles in the vertical position.

The UniAir switchboards are normally fixed onto a woodenpallet or wooden supports fixed under the base in the fourcorners. They can be handled with a crane, lifting them withropes fitted with spring catches in compliance with safetystandards and inserted in the lifting eyebolts on the roof (fig. 2).It is also possible to handle the cubicles using fork lift trucks. Inthis case, the forks must only be inserted on the coupling sidesof the cubicle for greater stability during handling.

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5. Descriere

5.1. Generalitati

Celulele UniAir sunt de tip cu izolatie in aer, in dulapuri metalice,in variante normala sau cu protectie la arc intern, potrivite pentru scheme de distributie.Pot avea diferite configuratii conform cerintelor clientului.Va rugam sa consultati manualele respective si catalogultehnic 649211 pentru instructiuni privind aparatajul si protectia electronica.

5.2. Caracteristici constructive

5.2.1. Celule UniAir

Structura metalica, care este similara pentru diferite tipuride celule consta in doua compartimente a caror separare esteobtinuta prin intermediul separatoarelor rotative montate intr-un sertar debrosabil.Barele sunt montate in compartimentul superior.In compartimentul inferior, functie de tipul celulei se monteaza:terminale, sigurante de MT, separator de legare la pamant, intreruptor si transformatoare de masura.Versiunea cu protectie la arc intern a fost testata conform cerin-telor IEC 298 - App. AA cu clasa de acces limitata la personalautorizat (Clasa A) in conformitate cu toate criteriile (de la 1 la 6)prevazute in standard.

Celule UniAir in versiune cu protectie la arc internsunt garantate numai cu panourile montate si usileinchise cu suruburile stranse.

Grad de protectie

Celulele UniAir in versiune standard sunt protejate cu urmatoarelegrade de protectie:

Grad de protectie in celule(cu capac de fund) IP2X

Grad de protectie al suprafetei exterioare IP3X

Grad de protectie al suprafetei exterioare(la cerere) IP4X

5.2.2. Componente principale

Separatoare de linie

Separatoarele de linie care pot fi montate in celulele UniAirsunt de tip rotativ in cutie separata. Ele garanteaza un gradde separare intre compartimentul de bare si cel al intreruptoruluide IP2X. Cutia poate fi debrosata si permite inlocuirea sepa-ratoarelor cu celulele asamblate.Separatoarele sunt disponibile in doua versiuni:– Separatoare de sarcina rotative tip AM cu comanda manuala

si operare independenta de operator (fig. 2a). Pot fi prevazutecu mecanisme de actionare cu energie acumulata AM/Y saucu depasirea punctului mort AM/X.

– Separatoare rotative AS cu manevrare dependenta de operatorfig. 2b. Pot fi utilizate in combinatie cu sigurante pentru protectiatransformatoarelor de masura sau cu intreruptor HAD pentruprotectia transformatoarelor.

! !

5. Description

5.1. General

The UniAir switchboards are of the metal-enclosed type, eitherin the normal or internally arc proof version, suitable for second-ary distribution requirements.They can have different configurations according to customerrequirements. Please see the relative manuals and technicalcatalogue 649211 for instructions regarding the apparatus andthe electronic release.

5.2. Construction characteristics

5.2.1. UniAir switchboard

The metal structure, which is similar for the different cubicles,generally consists of 2 compartments whose segregation isobtained by means of rotary isolators mounted on a withdraw-able drawer.The main busbars are mounted in the upper compartment.On the other hand, according to the type of cubicle, the followingare installed in the lower compartment: terminals, MV fuses,earthing switch, circuit-breaker and instrument transformers.The internally arc proof version cubicles have been testedaccording to the prescriptions of the IEC 298 - App. AA Stand-ards with class of access limited to authorised personnel only(Class A) in compliance with all the criteria (from 1 to 6) foreseenby the Standard.

The internally arc proof version UniAir switchboardsare only guaranteed with the panels mounted and thedoors closed with screws and/or tight knurls.

Degrees of protection

The standard version of the UniAir switchboard is designed withthe following degrees of protection:

Degree of protection inside the switchboard(with bottom closure) IP2X

Degree of protection on the external housing IP3X

Degree of protection on the external housing(on request) IP4X

5.2.2. Main components

Line-side isolatorsThe line-side isolators which can be mounted in the UniAirswitchboards are of the rotary type with a box frame. Theyguarantee IP2X degree of segregation between the busbarcompartment and the circuit-breaker compartment. The boxframe can slide out and allow replacement of the line-sideisolators with the switchboard assembled.The line-side isolators are available in two versions:– AM rotary switch-disconnectors with manual operating

mechanism and operation independent of the operator (fig.2a). They can either be with a stored energy AM/Y or exceedingdead centre AM/X operating mechanism.

– AS rotary isolators with operation dependent on the operator(fig. 2b). They can be used in combination with the fuses forprotection of instrument transformers and with HAD circuit-breaker for protection of the transformers.

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Separator de legare la pamant

Separatorul de legare la pamant (fig. 2c) poate fi livratmontat direct pe cadrul metalic al cutiei separatorului de liniesau pe traverse cu posibilitatea montarii sigurantelor de MT.

Intreruptor HAD

Intreruptorul HAD (fig. 2d) poate fi fix sau debrosabil. Poate fi prevazut cu un releu de protectie tip PR521 sitransformatoarele de curent respective.

Separator de sarcina AM

Detaliu cu partea inferioara a unui polDetail of the lower part of a pole

Legenda1 Terminal superior2 Contact principal fix superior 3 Monobloc izolator tripolar4 Cadru5 Izolator cu suflaj6 Terminal inferior7 Cutit de punere la pamant8 Separare9 Suport izolator

10 Contact mobil de rupere arc12 Contact principal fix inferior13 Cutite ale contactului principal mobil14 Piston

Caption1 Upper terminal2 Upper fixed main contact3 Three-pole insulating monoblock4 Frame5 Blast insulator6 Lower terminal7 Earthing pliers8 Segregation9 Post insulator

10 Moving arcing contact12 Lower main fixed contact13 Main moving contact pliers14 Piston

Pozitie deschisOpen position

Pozitie inchisClosed position

Sectiune printr-un polCross-section of a pole

Fig. 2a







13 8







Earthing switch

Th earthing switches (fig. 2c) can be supplied mounted directlyon the frame or on spaced crosspieces with the possibility ofmounting medium voltage fuses.

HAD circuit-breaker

The HAD circuit-breaker (fig. 2d) can be either the plug-in orwithdrawable version.It can be fitted with a PR 521 self-supplied protection releaseand relative current sensors.

AM switch-disconnector

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Fig. 2b

Fig. 2c

Separatoare rotative AS

Separatoare de legare la pamant MAT

Standard Versiune EnelEnel version

Versiune AEM (MI)AEM (MI) version

AS rotary isolators

MAT earthing switch

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Fig. 2d

Legenda1 Releu de protectie PR521 (la cerere)2 Placa cu date nominale3 Contacte izolante4 Pol intreruptor5 Senzori de curent pentru releul PR521

la cerere6 Roti7 Dispozitiv de semnalare presiune SF6 (la cerere - numai pentru

intreruptoare cu presostat)8 Buton de deschidere9 Protectie motor de antrenare (la cerere)

10 Dispozitiv semnalizare stare resoarte de inchidere (galben-armat)11 Semnalizare intreruptor inchis/deschis12 Buton de inchidere13 Mecanism de actionare ES14 Sir de cleme pentru circuitele de comanda intreruptor15 Fanta pentru armarea manuala a intreruptorului16 Grup contacte auxiliare17 Blocaj cu cheie (la cerere)18 Contor actionari (la cerere)

19 Parghie de deblocare 20 Carucior (la cerere)

Caption1 PR521 overcurrent release (on request)2 Nameplate3 Isolating contacts4 Circuit-breaker pole5 Current sensors for PR521 overcurrent release (on request)6 Wheels7 SF6 gas pressure control device (on request - for circuit-

breakers with pressure switch only)8 Opening knob9 Geared motor protection (on request)

10 Closing springs charged (yellow) and discharged (white) sig-nalling device

11 Circuit-breaker open/closed signalling device12 Closing knob13 ES operating mechanism14 Back-up terminal board for circuit-breaker control circuit15 Shaft for manual operating mechanism spring charging16 Set of auxiliary contacts17 Key lock (on request)18 Operation counter (on request)

19 Release lever 20 Truck (on request)








Intreruptor HAD












HAD circuit-breaker

5.3. Norme de referinte

CEI EN60298 Celule prefabricate in anvelopa metalicapentru tensiuni intre 1 si 52 kV

CEI 17-1 IntreruptoareCEI EN 60447 Interfete om-masina.

Principii de actionareCEI 17-4 Separatoare si separatoare de legare la

pamant pentru tensiuni peste 1 kVCEI 70.1 Grade de protectie a carcaselor.

Clasificare.CEI 17-9/1-2 Separatoare de sarcinaCEI EN60694 Specificatii comune pentru aparatele

de comutatie si de comanda.

5.3. Reference Standards

IEC 298 Prefabricated switchboards with metalhousing for voltages from 1 to 52 kV

IEC 56 Circuit-breakersCEI EN 60447 Man-machine interface.

Operating principlesIEC 129 Isolators and earthing switches for

voltages over 1 kVIEC 529 Degrees of protection of the housings.

ClassificationIEC 265-1-2 Switch-disconnectors.IEC 694 Common specifications for high-voltage

switchgear and controlgear.

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5.4. Interblocaje

• Manevrele trebuie executate folosind o fortanormala (< 200 Nm ). Daca nu sunt permise,nu trebuie fortate interblocajele ci trebuie verificatacorectitudinea secventei de manevre.

• Blocajele sunt dimensionate sa reziste la o forta de 750 Nm fara deformari permanente sau fara a s e rupe.

Aparatele prevazute a fi folosite in celule folosesc dispozitivede interblocare mecanica.Acestea sunt definite astfel:– blocaje de forta– blocaje preventive – blocaje de siguranta (lacate si chei).

5.4.1. Interblocaj separator de linie - CLP

Este vorba de un blocaj mecanic care nu permite insertia manivelei de actionare decat daca sunt indeplinite conditiile corecte.Separatorul de legare la pamant poate fi inchis daca separatorulde linie este deschis.Se poate inchide separatorul de linie daca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis.

5.4.2. Interblocaj intre CLP si usa.

Este vorba de un blocaj mecanic de forta care previne deschi- derea usii daca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis.Pe de alta parte, nu este permisa deschiderea separatorului de legare la pamant daca usa este inchisa.

5.4.3. Interblocaj intre intreruptor si separatorul de linie

E vorba de un blocaj de siguranta cu chei.Este impiedicata deschiderea separatorului de bara dacaintreruptorul nu a fost deschis. Invers, intai trebuie inchisseparatorul de linie si apoi intreruptorul.

5.4.4. Blocaje la cerere

La cerere, pot fi montate urmatoarele blocaje pe separa-toare:– blocaje cu cheie– blocaje electromecanice.


5.4. Interlocks

• Operations must be carried out using normalactivating force ( < 200 Nm). Should they beprevented, do not force the mechanical interlocksand check that the operation sequence is correct.

• The locks are sized to resist a maximum activationforce of 750 Nm without any permanent deforma-tion or breakage.

The standardised apparatus foreseen on the switchboard widelyuses mechanical interlocking devices.These are defined as:– force locks– prevention locks– safety locks (padlocks/keys).

5.4.1. Interlock line-side isolator - earthing switch

This is a mechanical prevention lock which does not allow theoperating lever to be inserted unless the conditions are correct.The earthing switch can only be closed if the line-side isolatoris open.The line-side isolator can only be closed if the earthing switchis open.

5.4.2. Interlock earthing switch - door

This is a mechanical force lock which prevents the door beingopened if the earthing switch is open.On the other hand, it is not possible to open the earthing switchunless the door is closed.

5.4.3. Interlock circuit-breaker - line-side isolator

This is a safety interlock with key.It prevents the busbar isolator from being opened unless thecircuit-breaker has previously been opened. In reverse order,the busbar isolator must first be closed and then the circuit-breaker.

5.4.4. Locks on request

On request, the following can be mounted on the operatingseats of the isolators:– key locks– electromechanical locks.


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6. Instructiuni pentru manevrarea apa-ratelor si secventa de operare a unitatilor

• In timpul manevrelor de inchidere deschidere aleaparatelor cu protectii lipsa, mentineti o distantade siguranta pentru a evita contactul cu piesele in miscare

• Toate manevrele, odata incepute , trebuie terminatesi manivela indepartata din fanta de introducere.

• Manevrele trebuie efectuate utilizand o forta de actionare normala (< 200 Nm.). Daca nu sunt permise,nu fortati interblocajele, ci verificati corectitudineasecventei de manevrare.

• Blocajele sunt dimensionate sa reziste la o fortade actionare de 750 Nm fara a suferi deformari permanente sau ruperi.

6.1. Istructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor

6.1.1 Separatoare de linie AM - AS - AR

Manevre de inchidere (fig. 4)

– Verificati ca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis siusa este inchisa si deschisa.

– Inserati pana la capat manivela (6) in cuplajul (1), potrivindprotuberanta (7) cu slotul (1L)

– Rotiti in sens orar manivela (6) pana cand este terminatamanevra

– Extrageti manivela (6) cu protuberanta potrivita fata de slotul (2L).

– Controlati ca indicatorul (3) confirma inchiderea indicand litera C pe un fond rosu. Verificati deasemenea pozitiacorecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie.

Nota: in cazul mecanismului de actionare de tip 2, daca separatorul desarcina s-a deschis datorita actionarii bobinei de declansare sau ainterventiei sigurantelor, secventa de manevre pentru accesul in celula trebui executata conform indicatiilor de pe placuta cu date nominale.

Manevre de deschidere (fig. 4)– Introduceti complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (1), facand sa

coincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul (2L)– Rotiti in sens antiorar manivela (6) pana in pozitia de complet

deschis– Extrageti manivela (6) utilizand slotul (1L)– Verificati ca indicatorul (3) indica pozitia deschis, aratand

litera A pe fond verde. Verificati de asemenea pozitia corectaa pieselor in miscare (fig. 2a) prin fereastra de inspectie.

6.1.2. Separator de legare la pamant (fig. 4)

Manevre de inchidere– Controlati ca separatorul de sarcina este deschis– Introduceti complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (2) facand sa

coincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul (1T)– Rotiti in sens antiorar manivela (6) pana in pozitia de

inchidere completa

! !

6. Instructions for operating the appa-ratus and operation sequence ofthe units

• During the opening and closing operations of theapparatus with the protections missing, keep asafe distance away to avoid contact with movingparts.

• Once started, all the operations must be completedand the lever removed from the operating seat.

• The operations must be carried out using a normalactivation force (£ 200 Nm). If they are prevented,do not force the mechanical interlocks and checkthat the operation sequence is correct.

• The locks are sized to resist a maximum activationforce of 750 Nm without any permanent deforma-tion or breakage.

6.1. Instructions for operating the apparatus

6.1.1. AM – AS – AR line-side isolators

Closing operation (fig. 4)

– Check that the earthing switch is open and the cubicle doorclosed and locked

– Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (1), making theprojecting part (7) coincide with the slot (1L)

– Turn the lever (6) clockwise until the operation is completed– Withdraw the lever (6) with the projecting part in correspon-

dence with the slot (2L)– Check that the indicator (3) confirms that closing has taken

place by showing the letter C in black on a red background.Also checking correct positioning of the moving parts (fig. 2)through the inspection window.

Note: in the case of type 2 operating mechanism, should the switch-disconnector have opened due to the shunt opening release or fuseintervention, the operation sequence for access to the cubicle must becarried out in compliance with the indications given on the nameplate.

Opening operation (fig. 4)– Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (1), making the

projecting part (7) coincide with the slot (2L)– Turn the lever (6) anti-clockwise as far as the position of fully

open– Withdraw the lever (6) using the slot (1L)– Check that the indicator (3) indicates the open position by

showing the letter A in black on a green background. Alsochecking correct positioning of the moving parts (fig. 2a)through the inspection window.

6.1.2. Earthing switch (fig. 4)

Closing operation– Check that the switch-disconnector is open– Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (2), making the

projecting part (7) coincide with the slot (1T)– Turn the lever (6) anti-clockwise as far as the fully closed


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Fig. 4

Dispozitive de manevra si control

Operation and control devices

Legenda1 Locas de manevra pentru separatorul de sarcina

2 Locas de manevra pentru separatorul de legare la pamant3 Indicatoare pozitie separator de sarcina4 Indicatoare pozitie separatoare de legare la pamant5 Indicator mecanic de deschidere separator de sarcina

datorita actionarii sigurantelor fuzibile (numai pentru AM/YFB - AM/YU)6 Manivela de actionare7 Protuberantax Blocaj al introducerii manivelei

Caption1 Operating seat for switch-disconnector operation2 Operating seat for earthing switch operation3 Open-closed indicator for switch-disconnectors4 Open-closed indicator for earthing switches5 Mechanical indicator for switch-disconnector opening due to

fuseintervention (only for AM/YFB - AM/YU)

6 Operating lever7 Projecting partx Lock for handle insertion

– Extrageti manivela (6) utilizand slotul (2T)

– Verificati ca indicatorul (4) arata pozitia inchis, prezentandlitera C in negru pe fond galben. De asemenea verificatipozitia corecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie.

Manevre de deschidere (fig. 4)

– Verificati ca usa celulei este inchisa– Trageti manual de manerul (8) a dispozitivului de blocare

a introducerii manivelei pana in pozitia "deblocat", in acelasitimp introducand complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (2), facand sacoincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul inferior (2T).

– Rotiti in sens orar manivela (6) pana in pozitia deschis

– Extrageti manivela din cuplaj utilizand slotul (1T)– Verificati ca indicatorul (4) arata pozitia deschis prezentand

litera A in negru pe fond gri. De asemenea verificati pozitiacorecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie.

Nota: in aceste conditii trebuie sa nu fie posibila deschiderea usii.





1 Linea 2 TerraEarth







– Withdraw the lever (6) using the slot (2T)– Check that the indicator (4) indicates the closed position by

showing the letter C in black on a yellow background. Alsochecking correct positioning of the moving parts through theinspection window.

Opening operation (fig. 4)

– Check that the cubicle door is closed– Manually take and hold the knob (8) of the handle insertion

locking device positioned on the operating mechanism in the“released” position, at the same time fully inserting theoperating lever (6) in the coupling (2), making the projectingpart (7) of the lever coincide with the lower slot (2T)

– Turn the lever (6) clockwise as far as the fully open position– Withdraw the operating lever from the coupling using the slot

(1T)– Check that the indicator (4) indicates the open position by

showing the letter A in black on a grey background. Alsochecking correct positioning of the moving parts through theinspection window.

Note: in this condition, door opening must be prevented.

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6.1.3 Interventii pentru repunerea in functiunea separatorului de sarcina

Operatii care trebuie executate in cazul:

– Actionare sigurante (AM/YFB - AM/YU)– Actionare bobina declansare (AM/YB - AM/YFB - AM/YU).

In cazul in care separatorul de sarcina se deschide automat datorita actionarii dispozitivelor de mai sus, repuneti in functiunedupa cum urmeaza:

– Verficati pozitia deschisa a separatorului prin fereastra de inspectie

– Introduceti manivela de actionare in locas si resetati meca-nismul de deschidere urmand directia indicata pe placutade pa fata celulei, si executai secventa de manevre indicatain paragraful 6.1.1.

Nota: in cazul actionarii sigurantelor fuzibile, procedati conform indicatiilor din paragraful 8.

6.1.4. Intreruptor debrosabil tip HAD

Intreruptoarele debrosabile de tip plug-in (vezi fig. 5), disponibilepentru celulele UniAir, sunt derivate dintr-un intreruptor fix caruia iisunt adaugate roti, contacte de izolare si parghie de deblocare. In celulele tip UniAir P1/E, sunt folosite intreruptoare de tipplug-in, in timp ce in celulele de tip P1E/2R sunt utilizate intre-ruptoare debrosabile cu trei pozitii. Extragerea intreruptorului poate avea loc numai in conditii de siguranta, adica atunci cand separatoarele de bara suntdeschise, iar cele de legare al pamant inchise.Atat versiunea plug-in cat si versiunea debrosabile sunt prevazute cu parghie de deblocare care previne debrosareacu intreruptorul inchis.Pentru a facilita debrosarea intreruptoarelor, este disponibilun carucior special.

Intreruptorul debrosabil HAD de tip plug-in poate avea urmatoarele pozitii:Introdus: Circuite de forta si auxiliare intregiteDebrosat: Circuite de forta si circuite auxiliare deconectate

Intreruptor complet debrosat.

Intreruptorul HAD UniAir/2R debrosabil poate avea urmatoarele pozitii:Introdus: Circuite primare si secundare intregiteIzolat: Circuite primare deconectate - circuite secundare

intregite (Pozitie de proba) Circuite primare deconectate - circuite secundare deconectate (Total izolat)

Debrosat Circuite primare si secundare deconectate. Intreruptor complet retras din celula.

Intreruptorul poate fi actionat manual sau electric

Armarea manuala a resoartelor de inchidere a mecanismelorde actionare.Introduceti complet manivela de armare in fanta de armare (3)si rotiti-o in sens orar pana cand nu mai intampinati rezistentasi pana cand semnalul Resort armat (galben) apare in fereastra (9).Forta normal aplicata manivelei furnizate este de 160 N. In orice caz forta maxima aplicabila este 300 N.

6.1.3. Interventions to restore switch-disconnectorservice

Operations to be carried out in the case of:

– Fuse intervention (AM/YFB – AM/YU)– Shunt opening release trip (AM/YB – AM/YFB – AM/YU).

Should the switch-disconnector open automatically due tointervention of the above-mentioned devices, proceed torestore service as follows:

– Check correct open position of the moving parts of the switch-disconnector through the special inspection window on thecubicle.

– Insert the operating lever in the seat of the line shaft and resetopening of the operating mechanism following the directionindicated on the operating nameplate placed on the cover,and carry out the operation sequence as indicated inparagraph 6.1.1.

Note: in the case of fuse intervention, replace the fuses as indicatedin paragraph 8.

6.1.4. HAD plug-in and withdrawable circuit-breakers

The plug-in circuit-breakers (see fig. 5) available for UniAirswitchboards, are basically derived from a fixed circuit-breakerto which the wheels, isolating contacts and release lever areapplied. In the UniAir P1/E type cubicles, HAD-UniAir plug-inversion circuit-breakers are used, whereas in the P1E/2R typecubicles an HAD-UniAir/2R withdrawable circuit-breaker isused.Withdrawal of the circuit-breakers can only take place undersafe conditions, i.e. with the busbar isolators open and theearthing switches closed.Both the plug-in and withdrawable circuit-breaker are fitted withrelease lever which prevents withdrawal with the circuit-breakerclosed.To facilitate withdrawal of the circuit-breakers, a special circuit-breaker withdrawal truck is available.

The HAD-UniAir plug-in version circuit-breaker can take up thefollowing positions:Connected: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits connectedWithdrawn: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits disconnected.

Circuit-breaker completely withdrawn from thecompartment.

The HAD-UniAir/2R withdrawable version circuit-breaker cantake up the following positions:Connected: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits connectedIsolated: Main circuits disconnected – auxiliary circuits

connected (Test position)Main circuits disconnected – auxiliary circuitsdisconnected (Completely isolated)

Withdrawn: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits disconnected.Circuit-breaker completely withdrawn from thecompartment.

Circuit-breaker operation can be either manual orelectric

Closing spring charging in the operating mechanisms withmanual charging.Make the coupling position of the lever (supplied) coincide withthe charging shaft (3). Fully insert it onto the shaft and turn itclockwise until it idles and then the springs charged signal(yellow) appears in the window (9). The force normally appliedto the charging lever supplied is 160 N. In any case, the

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Fig. 5

Armarea automata a resortului de inchidere

Cand este prezenta tensiunea de alimentare mecanismulde actionare incarca automat resoartele de inchidere, semnalizand terminarea operatiei prin aparitia semnaluluigalben in fereastra (9). Pentru a evita consumul mare de curentin cazul unei instalatii cu multe motoare de armare, se recomanda armarea acestora unul cate unul.

Armarea manuala a mecanismelor cu armare automata

Cand se introduce manivela, armarea automata esteintrerupta: se poate executa armarea ca mai sus. In final, indepartati manivela.

Daca in timpul operatiei de armare manuala pornestemotorul de armare, continuati totusi operatia panacand resortul este armat. Cand armarea esteterminata motorul se opreste. Nu introduceti sauscoateti manivela cand motorul lucreaza. Daca motoruls-a oprit datorita declansarii intreruptorului propriu deprotectie, continuati armarea manual, inainte de a inchide din nou intreruptorul.

Legenda1 Protectie PR521 (la cerere)2 Dispozitiv semnalizare presiune gaz (la cerere)3 Fanta pentru armarea resortului de inchidere4 Maneta de inchidere5 Buton de resetare al intreruptorului de protectie

al motorului de armare (la cerere)6 Dispozitiv de semnalizare al pozitiei intreruptorului7 Maneta de deschidere8 Blocaj cu cheie (la cerere)9 Dispozitiv semnalizare stare armare resort

10 Contor de actionari (la cerere)

Caption1 PR521 release (on request)2 Signalling device for state of gas (on request)3 Shaft for manual closing spring charging4 Closing knob5 Resetting button for protection circuit-breaker of geared motor

(on request)6 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed7 Opening knob8 Key lock (on request)9 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged

10 Operation counter (on request)












de la distanta.Butonul de inchidere nu este disponibilpentru intreruptoare HAD de tip plug-incare nu sunt prevazute cu protectie PR 521.

Manevre de deschidere

Rotiti maneta de actionare (7) in sensantiorar.Deschiderea este ssemnalizatade litera “O” pe fond galben in fereastra (6).

Manevra de inchidere

Controlati ca resortul de inchidere este armat [semnalizaregalbena in fereastra (9)].Rotiti butonul de inchidere (4) in sens orar. Pozitia inchiseste evidentiata de aparitia literei "I" in fereastra (6). In prezenta bobinei de anclansare, operatia poate fi realizata

maximum force applicable is 300 N.Automatic closing spring charging

When connected to the power supply, the operating mecha-nism automatically charges the closing springs, signallingcompletion of the operation with the appearance of the yellowsignal in the window (9). To avoid excessive current absorptionin the case of an installation with several motor operators, it isadvisable to charge one operating mechanism at a time.

Manual charging of operating mechanisms withautomatic charging

When the lever is inserted, the automatic charging movementis released: charging as indicated previously can then becarried out.On completion of charging, remove the lever.

Should the motor start during the manual chargingoperation, continue the operation in any case,completing it manually. When charging is completedthe motor stops. Do not withdraw or insert the leverif the motor is working. If the motor has stopped dueto tripping of the protection circuit-breaker, comple-te the charging manually before closing the circuit-breaker again.

Closing operation

Check that the operating mechanism springs are charged[yellow flag in the window (9)].Turn the closing knob (4) clockwise. Closing is indicated by theletter “I” appearing in the red field in the window (6).When there is a shunt closing release, the operation can be


The closing knob is not available forplug-in circuit-breakers (HAD-UniAir) without a PR 521 protectionrelease fitted.

Opening operation

Turn the opening knob (7) anti-clock-wise.Opening is indicated by the letter “O”appearing in the green field in thewindow (6).

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6.2 Instructiuni pentru secventa de manevrarea celulelor

• Inainte de deschiderea usii, verificati totdeaunapozitiile aparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, care necesita,din motive de instalare, interblocaje care inter-actioneaza, clientul trebuie sa prinda cheilepe inele sudate, pentru a garanta secventa manevrelor.

• Procedura pentru a obtine accesul in compartimentulcablelor intra in grija clientului, deoarece depinde de tipul circuitului electric construit.

• Toate operatiile trebuie duse la capat.

6.2.1. Celule in versiuni standard

Celule tip P2, P3, ASR, M, M1/A (fig. 6a)Celule tip P2/A, P3/A, P3/A-M (fig. 6b)

Accesul in celula

1) Deschideti separatorul de sarcina rotind manivela in sensantiorar (1)

2) Inchideti separatorul de punere la pamant rotind manivelain sens orar (2).

3) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra (3)

4) Deschideti usa (4).

Punerea in functiune

1) Inchideti usa (4).2) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant rotind

manivela in sens orar (2)3) Inchideti separatorul de sarcina rotind manivela in sens

orar (1)4) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra (3).

Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelor de MT

Pentru instructiuni vezi paragraful 8.

In cazul deschiderii separatorului de sarcina cauzatade actionarea bobinei de declansare sau a sigurantelor,pentru inchiderea acestuia este necesara resetarea mecanismului de actionare prin rotirea manivelei deactionare in sens antiorar pana la agatarea resor-tului de inchidere. Inchiderea separatorului se faceprin rotirea manivelei in sens orar.


! !

6.2 Instructions for the operation sequence ofthe units

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to thecable housing where the power supply is headedmust be carried out by the customer since itdepends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

• The operations must be completed.

6.2.1. Standard version units

P2, P3, ASR, M, M1/A type units (fig. 6a)P2/A, P3/A, P3/A-M type units (fig. 6b)

Access to the cubicle

1) Open the switch-disconnector by turning the operating leveranti-clockwise (1)

2) Close the earthing switch by turning the operating leverclockwise (2)

3) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspectionwindows (3)

4) Open the door (4).

Putting into service

1) Close the door (4)2) Open the earthing switch by turning the operating lever

clockwise (2)3) Close the switch-disconnector by turning the operating

lever clockwise (1)4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection

windows (3).

Instructions for dismantling and replacing the fuses

For the instructions, see para. 8.

Should switch-disconnector opening be caused byintervention of the shunt opening release or thefuses, to close the switch-disconnector it isnecessary to reset the operating mechanism byturning the operating lever anti-clockwise until theclosing spring is hooked up, and close it by turningclockwise.


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Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle

M M1/A

Fig. 6b

P3/AP2/A P3/A-M

Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle






Fig. 6b






Page 21: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Fig. 8

Fronte dello scompartoFront of the cubicle

Celule tip R (fig.7)

Celula de tip R (celula cupla) nu este prevazuta cu dispozi-tive de actionare. Inainte de deschiderea usii, trebuie pusepartile de instalatie la care urmeaza sa se lucreze in conditiide siguranta. Este o practica buna verificarea absenteitensiunii inainte de as intra in contact cu circuitul primar.

Fig. 7

Celula tip A (fig. 8)

Pentru a accesa compartimentul de cable, separatorul de legarela pamant (fara capacitate de inchidere) trebuie interblocatpe partea cu alimentare si inchis numai in absenta tensiunii.In apropierea locasului de actionare a CLP, ABB T.M.S. furni-zeaza o cheie de blocare (T), unde cheia poate fi scoasa numaicu separatorul deschis (la cerere poate fi furnizata o cheie care poate fi extrasa numai cu separatorul inchis). Aceasta constituieinterblocajul cu sursa de tensiune.

Accesul in celula

– Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin rotireamanivelei in sens orar (2)

– Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3)– Deschideti usa (4).

Punerea in functiune

– Inchideti usa (4)– Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin

rotirea manivelei in sens orar (2)– Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3).

Fronte dello scompartoFront of the cubicle

RRisalita destraRight bus riser

RRisalita sinistra

Left bus riser






R type unit (fig. 7)

The R bus riser unit does not have operating apparatus. Beforeopening the closure panels, put the part of the installation to beworked on under safe conditions.It is good practice to check that the power is off before makingcontact with live parts.

A type unit (fig. 8)

To access the cable compartment, the earthing switch (withoutmaking capacity) must be interlocked on the supply side andonly closed when the power supply has been turned off.Near the operating seat of the earthing switch of the cablecompartment, ABB T.M.S. provides a key lock (T), where the keycan only be removed with the isolator open (on request a keywhich is removed with the earthing switch closed can besupplied). This makes up the interlock with the power supply.

Access to the cubicle

– Close the earthing switch by turning the operating leverclockwise (2)

– Check the position of the moving parts through the inspectionwindows (3)

– Open the door (4).

Putting into service

– Close the door (4)– Open the earthing switch by turning the operating lever

clockwise (2)– Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection

windows (3)

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Celula tip P1/E (HAD) fig. 9

• Daca executati operatii cu intreruptorul debro-sat, acordati atentie partilor in miscare.

• Intreruptorul trebuie brosat numai in pozitie deschis.Brosarea sau debrosarea trebuie executate progre-siv pentru a preveni loviri ce ar putea deforma me-canismele de interblocare.

• Inainte de a deschide separatorul de legare la pamantsi de a inchide separatorul de bara, asigurati-vaca este introdus conectorul cu circuite auxiliareal intreruptorului.

• Inainte de a deschide usa celulei verificati pozitiileaparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cu care, din cerintede instalatie, sunt necesare interblocaje, clientultrebuie sa puna cheile pe inele sudate astfel incatsa garanteze o secventa de manevrare sigura.

Accesul in celula si debrosarea intreruptorului

Accesul in celula (fig.9)

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din broasca intreruptorului si folositi a

doua cheie de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatoruluide linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)5) Verificati pozitia partilor in miscare prin fereastra de

inspectie (3)6) Deschideti usa celulei (4)

Debrosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

7) Desfaceti conectorul (3) al circuitelor auxiliare din priza (4)

8) Agatati caruciorul (1) la structura (2) a celulei folosindparghia (7)

9) Extrageti cheia (T) din broasca separatorului de legarela pamant si introduceti a doua cheie de pe inel (C) in blocajul de debrosare al intreruptorului pentru a-l debloca.

10) Deblocati intreruptorul utilizand maneta (5)11) Extrageti intreruptorul, pozitionandu-l pe caruciorul (1)

Brosarea si punerea in functiune a intreruptorului

Brosarea intreruptorului (fig. 10)

1) Deschideti usa celulei2) Pozitionati intreruptorul pe caruciorul de debrosare (1)3) Agatati caruciorul la structura (2) a celulei utilizand

manet (7)4) Deblocati intreruptorul de pe carucior utilizand maneta (5)5) Introduceti progresiv intreruptorul in celula pana la conectare

si agatare6) Introduceti conectorul circuitelor auxiliare (3) in priza (4)7) Deblocati caruciorul (1) utilizand maneta (7)

! !

P1/E (HAD) type unit (fig. 9)

• Should any operations be carried out with thecircuit-breaker withdrawn from the switchboard,pay maximum attention to moving parts.

• The circuit-breaker must only be connected in theunit in the open position. Connection and withdrawalmust be gradual to prevent any impacts whichmight deform the mechanical interlocks.

• Before opening the earthing switch and closingthe busbar isolator, make sure that the circuit-breaker connector has been connected to thesocket of the switchboard auxiliaries.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to thecable housing where the power supply is headedmust be carried out by the customer since itdepends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

Access to the cubicle and withdrawal of the circuit-breaker

Access to the cubicle (fig. 9)

1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolator3) Open the line-side isolator (L)4) Close the earthing switch (T)5) Check the position of the moving parts throughout the

inspection windows (3)6) Open the feeder compartment door (4)

Circuit-breaker withdrawal (fig. 10)

7) Disconnect the connector (3) of the auxiliary circuits from thesocket (4)

8) Hook up the truck (1) to the structure (2) of the feedercompartment, using the lever (7)

9) Remove the key (T) from the earthing switch lock and insertthe second ringed key (C) in the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock to release it

10)Release the circuit-breaker by using the lever (5)11)Slide the circuit-breaker out, positioning it on the truck (1)

Circuit-breaker connection and putting into service

Circuit-breaker connection (fig. 10)

1) Open the feeder compartment door2) Position the circuit-breaker on the withdrawal truck (1)3) Hook the truck up to the structure (2) of the feeder compart-

ment using the lever (7)4) Release the circuit-breaker from the truck by using the lever

(5)5) Gradually insert the circuit-breaker in the compartment to

obtain complete connection and hooking up6) Connect the auxiliary circuit connector (3) to the socket (4)7) Use the lever (7) and release the truck (1)

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Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle

Fig. 9

Celula P1/E pentru HADP1/E unit for HAD

Fata intreruptorCircuit-breaker front

Fata separatorde sarcina tip AM

AM switch-disconnector front

Cheia I

I key

Fata separator rotativ ARAR rotary isolator front

Sensori de curent pe caruciorintreruptorCurrent sensors on circuit-breaker truck

TC in montaj fixFixed C.T. on switchboard


Cheia TT key




Cheia LL key

Cheia II key

8) Extrageti cheia din blocajul de brosare/ debrosare a intreruptorului (C)

9) Inchideti usa celulei.

Punerea in functiune (fig. 9)

10) Utilizati cea de a doua cheie de pe inel (T) si utilizati-opentru deblocarea separatorul de legare la pamant (T)

11) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)12) Inchideti separatorul de linie (L)13) Extrageti cheia (L) din blocajul separatorului de linie

si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (I) pentru deblocareaintreruptorului.

14) Inchideti intreruptorul15) Verificati pozitia pieselor in miscare prin fereastra (3).

8) Remove the key from the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock (C)

9) Close the feeder compartment door.

Putting into service (fig. 9)

10)Use the second key (T) ringed with the one for the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock (C) and use it to releasethe earthing switch (T)

11)Close the earthing switch (T)12)Close the line-side isolator (L)13)Remove the key (L) from the line-side isolator lock and use

the second ringed key (I) to release the circuit-breaker14)Close the circuit-breaker15)Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).

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Instructiuni pentru brosarea/debrosarea intreruptorului.

Fig. 10






7 2

Cheia CC key

Instructions for the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal operation.

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Celula tip P1E/2R (HAD) fig.11

• Cand se efectueaza manevre cu intreruptorul debrosat acordati atentie partilor in miscare.

• Intreruptorul trebuie brosat numai in pozitie deschisBrosarea si debrosarea trebuie sa fie gradata pentrua preveni loviri ale interblocajelor care ar puteacauza deformari.

• Inainte de deschiderea separatorului de legare lapamant si inchiderea celui de bara, asigurati-vaca intreruptorul are conectorul de circuite auxiliareintrodus.

• Inainte de deschiderea usii, verificati pozitia apara-telor prin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cand din motive de cerinte ale instalatiei, sunt necesare interblocaje,cade in grija clientului sa uneasca cheile pe inelesudate astfel incat sa asigure o secventa corecta de manevrare.

Accesul in celula si debrosarea intreruptorului

Accesul in celula (fig.11)

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati a

doua cheie de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatoruluide linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Verificati pozitia pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de

inspectie (3)5) Deschideti usa compartimentului intreruptorului (4)

Debrosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

6) Scoateti conectorul circuitelor auxiliare (3) din priza (4)

7) Fixati caruciorul (1) de structura (2) a compartimentuluiintreruptorului utilizand manivela (7)

8) Extrageti cheia (L) din blocajul separatorului de linie si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (C) a blocajuluide brosare/debrosare intreruptor pentru a-l debloca

9) Deblocati intreruptorul actionand maneta (5)10) Extrageti intreruptorul, pozitionandu-l pe caruciorul (1).

Brosarea intreruptorului si punerea in functiune

Brosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

1) Deschideti usa compartimentului intreruptorului2) Positionati intreruptorul pe caruciorul (1)3) Fixati caruciorul (1) pe structura (2) a compartimentului

intreruptorului actionand maneta (7)4) Deblocati intreruptorul de pe carucior utilizand maneta (7)5) Introduceti progresiv intreruptorul in celula

6) Introduceti conectorul (3) in priza (4)7) Actionati maneta (7) si deblocati caruciorul (1)8) Extrageti cheia din blocajul de brosare-debrosare a

intreruptorului (C)9) Inchideti usa celulei.

! !

P1E/2R (HAD) type unit (fig. 11)

• Should any operations be carried out with thecircuit-breaker withdrawn from the switchboard,pay maximum attention to moving parts.

• The circuit-breaker must only be connected in theunit in the open position. Connection and withdrawalmust be gradual to prevent any impacts whichmight deform the mechanical interlocks.

• Before opening the earthing switch and closingthe busbar isolator, make sure that the circuit-breaker connector has been connected to thesocket of the switchboard auxiliaries.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to thecable housing where the power supply is headedmust be carried out by the customer since itdepends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

Access to the cubicle and circuit-breaker withdrawal

Access to the cubicle (fig. 11)

1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolators (L)4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection

windows (3)5) Open the circuit-breaker compartment door (4)

Circuit-breaker withdrawal (fig. 10)

6) Disconnect the connector (3) of the auxiliary circuits from thesocket (4)

7) Hook up the truck (1) to the structure (2) of the circuit-breakercompartment, using the lever (7)

8) Remove the key (L) from the line-side isolator lock and usethe second ringed key (C) of the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock to release it

9) Release the circuit-breaker by using the lever (5)10)Slide the circuit-breaker out, positioning it on the truck (1).

Circuit-breaker connection and putting into service

Circuit-breaker connection (fig. 10)

1) Open the circuit-breaker compartment door2) Position the circuit-breaker on the truck (1)3) Hook the truck up tot he structure (2) of the circuit-breaker

compartment using the lever (7)4) Release the circuit-breaker from the truck by using the lever

(5)5) Gradually insert the circuit-breaker in the compartment until

it is fully connected6) Connect the auxiliary circuit connector (3) in the socket (4)7) Use the lever (7) and release the truck (1)8) Remove the key from the circuit-breaker connection/with-

drawal lock (C)9) Close the circuit-breaker compartment door.

Page 26: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Putting into service

10)Use the key (L) of the line-side isolator ringed with that of thecircuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock (C) and use it torelease the line-side isolators

11)Close the line-side isolators (L)12)Remove the key (L) from the line-side isolator lock and use

the second ringed key (I) to release the circuit-breaker13)Close the circuit-breaker14)Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).

Access to the cable compartment (fig. 11)

Power supply from the busbar compartment

1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolators (L)4) Close the earthing switch (T)5) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).6) Unscrew the sealable screws (5) of the cable compartment

and open the door.

Power supply on the earthing switch side

To access the cable compartment, the earthing switch (withoutmaking capacity) must be interlocked on the supply side andonly closed when the power supply has been turned off.Near the operating seat of the earthing switch of the cablecompartment, ABB SACE T.M.S. provides a key lock (T) wherethe key can only be removed with the isolator open (a key whichis removed with the earthing switch closed can be supplied onrequest). This makes up the interlock with the power supply.1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolators (L)4) Turn the power of on the supply side of the unit, insert the

key (T) and release the earthing switch5) Close the earthing switch (T)6) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).7) Unscrew the socket head sealable screws (5) of the cable

compartment and open the door.

Access to the busbar compartment with power supplyon the earthing switch side

1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolators (1)4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).5) Check that the power supply is off by means of the voltage

present lamps (off)6) Unscrew the screws (6) of the busbar compartment, remove

the closure panel, check that the power supply is off andconnect the work earthing (when the instrument compart-ment is provided, access is only from the roof)

Punerea in functiune

10) Utilizati cheia separatorului de linie (L) de pe inelul cu ceade la blocajul de brosare/debrosare a intreruptorului (C) siutilizati-o pentru deblocarea separatorului de linie.

11) Inchideti separatorul de linie (L)12) Extrageti cheia (L) din blocajul separatorului de linie si

utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (I) pentru a debloca intreruptorul

13) Inchideti intreruptorul14) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra (3).

Accesul la compartimentul de cable (fig. 11)

Alimentare din compartimentul de bare

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati cea

de a doua cheie (L) de pe inel pentru deblocarea separa-torului de linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)5) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie

(3)6) Desurubati suruburile sigilabile (5) si deschideti usa compartimentului

Alimentare de pe partea separatorului de legare la pamant

Pentru accesul la compartimentul de cable, separatorul de legarela pamant trebuie interblocat pe partea alimentarii si inchisnumai cand alimentarea este intrerupta.In apropierea locasului de actionare a CLP , exista un blocaj cucheie (T) la care cheia nu poate fi extrasa numai cu separatoruldeschis (la cerere, se poate furniza o cheie care poate fiextrasa cu separatorul inchis). Aceste chei constituie inter-blocajul cu sursa de alimentare.

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati cea

de a doua cheie de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separa-torului de linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Opriti alimentarea cu tensiune a celulei pe partea sursei,

deblocati CLP utilizand cheia (T)5) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)6) Verificati pozitia pieselo mobile prin fereastra de inspectie

(3)7) Desurubati suruburile desigilabile (5) ale compartimentului

de cable si deschideti usa.

Accesul la compartimentul de bare cu sursa pe parteaseparatorului de legare la pamant

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati cea

de a doua cheie de inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatoruluide linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (1)4) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra (3)5) Verificati ca nu este prezenta tensiunea cu ajutorul indi-

catoarelor de prezenta tensiune6) Desfaceti suruburile campartimentului de bare (6), inde-

partati panoul , verificati absenta tensiunii si montati impaman-tarea de lucru (in cazul celulei de masura, accesul este posibil numai de pe acoperis).

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Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle

Fig. 11

P1E/2Rpentru HAD / for HAD

Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle

Fig. 12

P1/Apentru HAD / for HAD




Compartiment intreruptor


Compartiment bare

Busbar compartment

5 •


6 •


Cheia I

I key

Compartiment intreruptor


Compartiment bare

Busbar compartment

Compartiment cabluri

Cable cell




35 •


6 •

Cheia L

L key

Cheia L

L key

6 •

5 •

Cheia I

I key

Compartiment cabluri

Cable cell

6 •

Cheia L

L key

Cheia T

T key

Accesul in compartimentul barelor cand sursa este pepartea barelorProcedura de a obtine accesul este de responsabilitateaclientului deoarece depinde de configuratia instalatiei.

Access to the busbar compartment with power supplyon the busbar compartment side

The procedure for gaining access must be carried out by thecustomer since it depends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

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Celula tip P1/A (HAD)

• Daca efectuati manevre cu intreruptorul debrosatacordati atentie pieselor mobile din celula.

• Intreruptorul trebuie introdus in celula numai in pozitie deschis, brosarea si debrosarea trebuie sa fie progresive pentru a nu se produce deformatiiale interblocajelor.

• Inainte de a deschide separatorul de legare la pamantsi de a inchide separatorul de linie, asigurati-va ca intreruptorul are conectata fisa circuitelor auxiliare.

• Inainte de a deschide usa , verificati pozitia aparatelorprin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cu care, din motivede instalatie, sunt necesare interblocaje, cade in sarcina clientului sa uneasca cheile respective pe inele sudate pentru a garanta secventa corecta de manevrare.

• Procedura de obtinere a accesului la compartimentulde cable in conditii de siguranta pe parte sursei dede alimentare cade in sarcina clientului datoritadependentei de configuratia statiei.

Accesul in celula si debrosarea intreruptorului

Accesul in elula (fig.12)

1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati a

doua cheie de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatorului de linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)5) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3)6) Deschideti usa compartimentului intreruptorului (4)

Debrosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

6) Scoateti fisa (3) a circuitelor auxiliare din priza (4)

7) Fixati caruciorul (1) de structura (2) a compartimentuluiintreruptorului actionand maneta (7)

8) Extrageti cheia (T) din blocajul separatorului de legarela pamant si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (C) ablocajului de brosare-debrosare pentru deblocare

9) Deblocati intreruptorul utilzand maneta (5)10) Extrageti intreruptorul, pozitionandu-l pe caruciorul (1)

Brosarea intreruptorului si punerea in functiune

Brosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

1) Deschideti usa compartimentului intreruptorului2) Pozitionati intreruptorul pe caruciorul (1)3) Fixati caruciorul (1) de structura (2) a compartimentului

intreruptorului actionand maneta (7)4) Eliberati intreruptorul de pe carucior utilizand maneta (5)5) Introduceti progresiv intreruptorul in compartiment pana

cand este complet brosat6) Introduceti fisa (3) a circuitelor auxiliare in priza (4)7) Actionati maneta (7) si deblocati caruciorul (1)8) Extrageti cheia din blocajul de brosare-debrosare (C) care

este pe acelasi inel cu cheia (T) a blocajului separa-torului de legare la pamant

9) Inchideti usa compartimentului intreruptorului

! !

P1/A (HAD) type unit

• Should any operations be carried out with thecircuit-breaker withdrawn from the switchboard,pay maximum attention to moving parts.

• The circuit-breaker must only be connected in theunit in the open position. Connection and withdrawalmust be gradual to prevent any impacts whichmight deform the mechanical interlocks.

• Before opening the earthing switch and closingthe busbar isolator, make sure that the circuit-breaker connector has been connected to thesocket of the switchboard auxiliaries.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to thecable housing where the power supply is headedmust be carried out by the customer since itdepends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

Access to the cubicle and circuit-breaker withdrawal

Access to the cubicle (fig. 12)

1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolator3) Open the line-side isolator (L)4) Close the earthing switch (T)5) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3)6) Open the circuit-breaker compartment door (4)

Circuit-breaker withdrawal (fig. 10)

7) Disconnect the connector (3) of the auxiliary circuits from thesocket (4)

8) Hook up the truck (1) to the structure (2) of the circuit-breakercompartment, using the lever (7)

9) Remove the key (T) from the earthing switch lock and usethe second ringed key (C) of the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock to release it

10)Release the circuit-breaker by using the lever (5)11)Slide the circuit-breaker out, positioning it on the truck (1).

Circuit-breaker connection and putting into service

Circuit-breaker connection (fig. 10)

1) Open the circuit-breaker compartment door2) Position the circuit-breaker on the truck (1)3) Hook the truck (1) up to the structure (2) of the circuit-breaker

compartment using the lever (7)4) Release the circuit-breaker from the truck by using the lever

(5)5) Gradually insert the circuit-breaker in the compartment until

it is fully connected and hooked up6) Connect the auxiliary circuit connector (3) in the socket (4)7) Use the lever (7) and release the truck (1)8) Remove the key from the circuit-breaker connection/with-

drawal lock (C) ringed with the key (T) of the earthing switchlock

9) Close the circuit-breaker compartment door.

Page 29: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Punere in functiune (fig.12)

10) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)11) Inchideti separatorul de linie (L)12) Extrageti cheia (L) din blocajul separatorului de legare la

pamant si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (I) pentrudeblocarea intreruptorului

13) Inchideti intreruptorul14) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra (3)

Alimentare dinspre cable (fig.12)


Procedura de acces intra in sarcina clientului deoarece aceastadepinde de schema electrica realizata.1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si utilizati a

doua cheia de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatoruluide linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)5) Intrerupeti alimentarea pe partea sursei si asigurati zona de

instalatie unde urmeaza a se lucra6) Verificati pozitia pieselor mobile prin fereastra (3)7) Desfaceti suruburile sigilabile (5) si scoateti capacul

compartimentului de cabluri.

Alimentare dinspre bare (fig. 12)


Procedura de acces cade in sarcina clientului deoarecedepinde de configuratia schemei electrice.1) Deschideti intreruptorul2) Extrageti cheia (I) din blocajul intreruptorului si folositi a

doua cheie (L) de pe inel pentru deblocarea separatoruluide linie

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T)5) Intrerupeti alimentarea cu tensiune pe partea sursei si

asigurati zona de instalatie unde urmeaza a se lucra6) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin ferestra (3)7) Desfaceti suruburile sigilabile (6) si scoateti capacul

compartimentului de cablu.

Putting into service (fig. 12)

10)Open the earthing switch (T)11)Close the line-side isolator (L)12)Remove the key (L) from the earthing switch lock and use

the second ringed key (I) to release the circuit-breaker13)Close the circuit-breaker14)Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).

Access to the cable compartment (fig. 12)


The procedure for access must be carried out by the customersince it depends on the type of electrical circuit constructed.1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolator (L)4) Close the earthing switch (T)5) Turn the power supply on the supply side of the unit off and

make the part of the installation to be worked on safe6) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).7) Unscrew the socket head sealable screws (5) of the cable

compartment and remove the closure panel.

Power supply in the busbar compartment (fig. 12)

AccessThe procedure for access must be carried out by the customersince it depends on the type of electrical circuit constructed.1) Open the circuit-breaker2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the

second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolators3) Open the line-side isolator (L)4) Close the earthing switch (T)5) Turn the power supply on the supply side of the unit off and

make the part of the installation to be worked on safe6) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3).7) Unscrew the socket head sealable screws (5) of the cable

compartment and remove the closure panel.

Page 30: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


6.2.2. Celula tip Enel

• Inainte de a deschide usa, verificati pozitiaaparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cand, din cerintede instalatie, sunt necesare interblocaje cu acestea,intra in sarcina clientului sa puna cheile pe inelesudate astfel incat s asigura o secventa corecta de manevrare.

• Procedura de acces sigur la compartimentul de cablepe partea sursei intra in sarcina clientului deoarecedepinde de configuratia schemei electrice.

Celula tip I, IM, TM, U, UA (fig.13)

Accesul in celula

1) Deschideti separatorul de sarcina IMS prin rotirea manivelei in sens antiorar (l)

2) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin rotirea manivelei in sens orar (T)

3) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie(3)

4) Deschiderea usii (4).

Punerea in functiune

1) Inchideti usa (4).2) Deschideti separatorul ST de legare la pamant prin

rotirea manivelei in sens orar (T)3) Inchideti separatorul de sarcina IMS prin rotirea

manivelei in sens orar (L)4) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3)

Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelor de MT

Pentru instructiuni vezi paragraful 8

Cand separatorul de sarcina IMS este deschis datoritaactionarii unei sigurante, pentru a inchide aparatulmanual este necesara resetarea mecanismului deactionare prin rotirea manivelei in sens antiorar pana cand resortul de inchidere este prins si apoi inchideti-lrotind manivela in sens orar.

Accesul in compartimentul de bare cu sursa pe parteabarelor

Procedura de acces cade in sarcina clientului deoarecedepinde de configuratia schemei electrice.





6.2.2. Enel version units

• Before opening the door, always check the posi-tion of the apparatus through the inspection win-dows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, need inter-locks which interact, the customer must join thekeys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to the cablehousing where the power supply is headed must becarried out by the customer since it depends on thetype of electrical circuit constructed.

I, IM, TM, U and UA type units (fig. 13)

Access to the cubicle

1) Open the IMS switch-disconnector by turning the operatinglever anti-clockwise (I)

2) Close the ST earthing switch by turning the operating leverclockwise (T)

3) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-tion windows (3)

4) Open the door (4).

Putting into service

1) Close the door (4).2) Open the ST earthing switch turning the operating lever

clockwise (T)3) Close the IMS switch-disconnector by turning the operating

lever clockwise (L)4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3)

Instructions for dismantling and replacing the fuses

For the instructions, see para. 8

When the switch-disconnector (IMS) is opened due tointervention of a fuse, to close the apparatus manuallyit is necessary to reset the operating mechanism byturning the operating lever anti-clockwise until theclosing spring is hooked up and then close it byturning the operating lever clockwise.

Access to the busbar compartment with power supply on thebusbar compartment side

The procedure for gaining access must be carried out by thecustomer since it depends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

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Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle

Fig. 13a


Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle













Page 32: LI AIR IE 01 - ABB...Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii,


Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle


Fig. 13b






6.2.3. Celula tip Aem-MI

• Inainte de a deschide usa, verificati pozitia apara-telor prin fereastra de inspectie.

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cand din motivede cerinte ale instalatiei, sunt necesare interblocajecu acestea, cade in grija clientului sa uneasca cheile respective pe inele astfel incat sa asigure o secventade operare corecta.

• Procedura de acces in siguranta la compartimentulde cable pe partea sursei cade in sarcina clientuluideoarece depinde de configuratia schemei elctrice.

Celula tip L - F (fig. 14)

Accesul in compartiment

1) Deschideti separatorul de sarcina prin rotirea mani-velei in sens antiorar (L)

2) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin rotirea manivelei in sens orar (T)

3) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie4) Deschideti usa (4).

Punerea in functiune

1) Inchideti usa (4).2) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant rotind

manivela in sens orar (T)3) Inchideti separatorul de sarcina rotind manivela in sens

orar (L)4) Verificati pozitia pieselor mobile prin fereastra (3)

Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelorPentru instructiuni vezi para.8

! !

6.2.3. Aem-MI version units

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The procedure for gaining safe access to thecable housing where the power supply is headedmust be carried out by the customer since itdepends on the type of electrical circuitconstructed.

L – F type units (fig. 14)

Access to the cubicle

1) Open the switch-disconnector by turning the operating leveranti-clockwise (L)

2) Close the earthing switch by turning the operating leverclockwise (T)

2) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-tion windows (3)

3) Open the door (4).

Putting into service

1) Close the door (4).2) Open the earthing switch turning the operating lever clock-

wise (T)3) Close the switch-disconnector by turning the operating

lever clockwise (L)4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspec-

tion windows (3)

Instructions for dismantling and replacing the fusesFor the instructions, see para. 8

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! Cand separatorul de sarcina (IMS) este deschis datorita interventiei unei sigurante, pentru inchiderea luimanuala este necesara resetarea mecanismului deactionare prin rotirea manivelei in sens antiorar panala prinderea resortului de inchidere . Apoi separatorulse inchide rotind manivela in sens orar.

Fig. 14

Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle






Celula tip I

• Daca se executa manevre cu intreruptorul scosdin celula , acordati maxima atentie pieselor mobile.

• Intreruptorul trebuie brosat numai in pozitie deschisa, brosarea si debrosarea trebuie sa fie progresive pentru a preveni loviri care ar putea cauza deformarea interblocajelor mecanice.

• Inainte de deschiderea separatorului de legare la pamant si de inchiderea separatorului de bara, asi-gurati-va ca fisa de circuite auxiliare este introdusa.

• Inainte de deschiderea usii, verificati pozitia aparatelorprin fereastra de inspectie

• In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cand, din motive decerinte ale instalatiei, sunt necesare interblocajecu acestea, clientul trebuie su aseze cheile pe inelesudate pentru a garanta o secventa corecta de manevrare

• Operatiile trebuie totdeauna terminate.


! When the switch-disconnector (IMS) is opened due tointervention of a fuse, to close the apparatus manuallyit is necessary to reset the operating mechanism byturning the operating lever anti-clockwise until theclosing spring is hooked up and then close it byturning the operating lever clockwise.

I type units

• Should any operations be carried out with thecircuit-breaker withdrawn from the switchboard,pay maximum attention to moving parts.

• The circuit-breaker must only be connected in theunit in the open position. Connection and withdrawalmust be gradual to prevent any impacts whichmight deform the mechanical interlocks.

• Before opening the earthing switch and closingthe busbar isolator, make sure that the circuit-breaker connector has been connected to thesocket of the switchboard auxiliaries.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

• In the case of coupling with other units, which,because of installation requirements, needinterlocks which interact, the customer must jointhe keys together with a welded ring to guaranteesafety of the operation sequence.

• The operations must be completed.

! !

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Accesul in celula si debrosarea intreruptorului

Accesul in celula (fig. 15)

1) Deschideti intreruptorul (I)2) Extrageti cheia din blocajul intreruptorului (I) si utilizati

a doua cheie de pe inel pentru deblocarea separatorului de linie (SBI)

3) Deschideti separatorul de linie (SBI)4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (STI)5) Verificati pozitia pieselor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3)6) Deschideti usa celulei (4)

Debrosarea intreruptorului (fig.10)

7) Deconectati fisa (3) a circuitelor auxiliare din priza (4) fig.10

8) Fixati caruciorul (1) de structura (2) a celulei actionandmaneta (7)

9) Extrageti cheia albastra din blocajul separatorului de legare la pamant si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (C)a blocajului de brosare/debrosare pentru a-l debloca

10) Deblocati intreruptorul actionand maneta (5)11) Extrageti intreruptorul, pozitionandu-l pe caruciorul (1)

Brosarea intreruptorului si punerea in functiune

Brosarea intreruptorului (fig. 10)

1) Deschideti usa celulei2) Pozitionati intreruptorul pe caruciorul (1)3) Fixati caruciorul (1) de structura (2) a celulei utilizand

maneta (7)4) Eliberati intreruptorul de pe carucior utilizand maneta (5)5) Introduceti progresiv intreruptorul in celula pana cand

este complet brosat6) Introduceti fisa (3) a circuitelor auxiliare in priza (4)7) Actionati maneta (7) pentru deblocarea caruciorului8) Extrageti cheia din blocajul de brosare/debrosare

intreruptor (C)9) Inchideti usa celulei de linie

Punerea in functiune

10) Utilizati a doua cheia albastra de pe inelul cu cheia blocajuluide brosare/debrosare intreruptor (C) si utilizati-o pentru deblocarea si deschiderea separatorului de legare la pamant (STI)

11) Inchideti separatorul de linie (SBI)

12) Extrageti cheia alba din blocajul separatorului de linie si utilizati a doua cheie galbena de pe inel pentru deblocarea intreruptorului (I)

13) Inchideti intreruptorul (I)

14) Verificati pozitia pieselor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (3)

Access to the cubicle and circuit-breaker withdrawal

Access to the cubicle (fig. 15)

1) Open the circuit-breaker (I)2) Remove the yellow key from the circuit-breaker lock (I) and

use the second white ringed key to release the line-sideisolator (SBI)

3) Open the line-side isolator (SBI)4) Close the earthing switch (STI)5) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection

windows (3)6) Open the feeder compartment door (4)

Circuit-breaker withdrawal (fig. 10)

7) Disconnect the connector (3) of the auxiliary circuits from thesocket (4) (fig. 10)

8) Hook up the truck (1) to the structure (2) of the feedercompartment, using the lever (7)

9) Remove the blue key from the earthing switch lock and usethe second ringed key (C) of the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock to release it

10)Release the circuit-breaker by using the lever (5)11)Slide the circuit-breaker out, positioning it on the truck (1).

Circuit-breaker connection and putting into service

Circuit-breaker connection (fig. 10)

1) Open the feeder compartment door2) Position the circuit-breaker on the truck (1)3) Hook the truck up to the structure (2) of the feeder compartment

using the lever (7)4) Release the circuit-breaker from the truck by using the lever

(5)5) Gradually insert the circuit-breaker in the compartment until

it is fully connected6) Connect the auxiliary circuit connector (3) in the socket (4)7) Use the lever (7) and release the truck8) Remove the key from the circuit-breaker connection/

withdrawal lock (C)9) Close the feeder compartment door.

Putting into service

10)Use the second blue key ringed with the one of the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal lock (C) and use it to openthe earthing switch (STI)

11) Close the line-side isolator (SBI)

12)Remove the white key from the line-side isolator lock anduse the second yellow ringed key to release the circuit-breaker (I)

13)Close the circuit-breaker (I)

14)Check the position of the moving parts through the inspectionwindows (3).

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Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle


Fig. 15

Celula tip M

• Celula de masura de MT este prevazuta pentru afi utilizata impreuna cu celule tip F and I. Cheileinterblocajelor trebuie sa fie puse pe inele astfelincat sa asigure o secventa corecta de manevrare

• Manevrele trebuie terminate• Brosarea si debrosarea caruciorului cu transfor-

matoarele de masura trebuie sa fie graduala pentru a preveni lovire ce pot produce deformari ale blocajelormecanice.

• Inainte de deschiderea usii verificati pozitia aparatelorprin fereastra de inspectie.

Cuplarea celulelor de tip I si M (fig. 16)

Accesul in celula

1) Deschideti intreruptorul (I)2) Extrageti cheia galbena de pe inelul cu cheia alba3) Introduceti cheia alba in mecanismul de actionare a SBI4) Deblocati separatorulde bara SBI (lasand introdusa cheia

alba)5) Deschideti separatorul de bara SBI6) Extrageti cheia rosie de pe inelul cu cheia verde7) Introduceti cheia verde in mecanismul de actionare SBM8) Deblocati separatorul de bara SBM9) Deschideti separatorul de bara SBM10) Eliberati cheia de pe inelul cu cea albastra11) Introduceti cheia albastra in mecanismul de actionare STI12) Deblocati separatorul de legare la pamant STI13) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant STI14) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant STM15) Deschideti usa actionand manerul (4).


Puneti pe acelasi inel cheia C si cheia albastrasi pe cea alba cu cea galbena.!






Ring the key C with the blue one and the white keywith the yellow one.!

M type units

• The M.V. user measurement cubicle is providedto be coupled with the F and I units. The keys of theinterlocks must be ringed to guarantee the correctoperation sequence.

• The operations must be completed• Insertion and withdrawal of the instrument

transformer truck must be gradual to prevent anyimpacts which might deform the mechanicalinterlocks.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

Coupling I and M units (fig. 16)

Access to the cubicle

1) Open the circuit-breaker (I)2) Release the yellow key ringed with the white one3) Insert the white key in the SBI operating mechanism4) Release the SBI busbar isolator (leaving the white key

inserted)5) Open the SBI busbar isolator6) Release the red key ringed with the green one7) Insert the green key in the SBM operating mechanism8) Release the SBM busbar isolator9) Open the SBM isolator10) Release the black key ringed with the blue one11) Insert the blue key in the STI operating mechanism12) Release the STI earthing switch13) Close the STI earthing switch14) Close the STM earthing switch15) Open the door using the handle (4)


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Punerea in functiune

1) Inchideti usa actionand manerul (4)2) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant STM3) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant STI4) Extrageti cheia albastra de pe inelul cu cea neagra5) Introduceti cheia neagra in mecanismul de actionare STM6) Deblocati separatorul de bara SBM7) Inchideti separatorul SBM8) Extrageti cheia verde de pe inelul cu cea rosie9) Introduceti cheia rosie in mecanismul de actionare SBI10) Deblocati separatorul de bare SBI11) Inchideti separatorul de bara SBI12) Extrageti cheia alba de pe inelul cu cea galbena13) Introduceti cheia galbena in mecanismul intreruptorului I14) Deblocati intreruptorul I15) Inchideti intreruptorul I.

Brosarea si debrosarea intreruptorului

Urmati instructiunile din compartimentul intreruptorului.

Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle


Fig. 16










3 3

Putting into service

1) Close the doors using the handle (4)2) Open the STM earthing switch3) Open the STI earthing switch4) Release the blue key ringed with the black one5) Insert the black key in the STM operating mechanism6) Release the SBM busbar isolator7) Close the SBM isolator8) Release the green key ringed with the red one9) Insert the red key in the SBI operating mechanism10) Release the SBI busbar isolator11) Close the SBI busbar isolator12) Release the white key ringed with the yellow one13) Insert the yellow key in the circuit-breaker operating

mechanism I14) Release circuit-breaker I15) Close circuit-breaker I.

Truck withdrawal and insertion

Follow the instructions indicated in the circuit-breaker cubicle.

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Fig. 17

Fata celuleiFront of the cubicle








Cuplarea celulelor F si M (fig. 17)

• Celula de masura de MT este prevazuta pentrua functiona impreuna cu celule tip F si I, cheileinterblocajelor trebuie puse pe inele astfel incat sa se asigure o secventa de manevrare corecta

• Manevrele trebuie terminate• Introducerea si extragerea caruciorului transforma-

toarelor de masura trebuie sa fie gradata pentru a preveniloviri ce ar putea produce deformari ale blocajelormecanice

• Inainte de deschiderea usii verificati pozitia corecta a aparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie

Accesul in celula

1) Deschideti separtorul de sarcina IMS2) Extrageti cheia rosie de pe inel cu cea verde3) Introduceti cheia verde in mecanismul de actionare SBM4) Deblocati separatorul de bara SBM5) Deschideti separatorul de bara SBM6) Extrageti cheia neagra de pe inel cu cea albastra7) Introduceti cheia albastra in mecanismul de actionare ST8) Deblocati separatorul de legare la pamant ST9) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant ST10) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant STM11) Deschideti usa actionand manerul (4).

Punerea in functiune

1) Deschideti usa actionand manerul (4)2) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant STM3) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant ST4) Extrageti cheia albastara de pe inel cu cea neagra5) Introduceti cheia neagra in mecanismul de actionare SBM6) Deblocati separatorul de bara SBM7) Inchideti sepratorul de bara SBM8) Extrageti cheia verde de pe inel cu cu cea rosie9) Introduceti cheia rosie in mecanismul de actionare IMS10) Deblocati separatorul de sarcina IMS11) Inchideti separatorul de sarcina IMS.







Coupling F and M units (fig. 17)

• The M.V. user measurement cubicle is provided tobe coupled with the F and I units. The keys of theinterlocks must be ringed to guarantee the correctoperation sequence.

• The operations must be completed• Insertion and withdrawal of the instrument

transformer truck must be gradual to prevent anyimpacts which might deform the mechanicalinterlocks.

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows.

Access to the cubicle

1) Open the IMS switch-disconnector2) Release the red key ringed with the green one3) Insert the green key in the SBM operating mechanism4) Release the SBM busbar isolator5) Open the SBM busbar isolator6) Release the black key ringed with the blue one7) Insert the blue key in the ST operating mechanism8) Release the ST earthing switch9) Close the ST earthing switch10) Close the STM earthing switch11) Open the door using the handle (4)

Putting into service

1) Close the door using the handle (4)2) Open the STM earthing switch3) Open the ST earthing switch4) Release the blue key ringed with the black one5) Insert the black key in the SBM operating mechanism6) Release the SBM busbar isolator7) Close the SBM busbar isolator8) Release the green key ringed with the red one9) Insert the red key in the IMS operating mechanism10) Release the IMS switch-disconnector11) Close the IMS switch-disconnector

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7. Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelor

• Toate operatiile descrise mai jos trebuie executate de personal calificat care cunoastebine aparatajul.

• Inainte de a deschide usa celulei verificati pozitiaaparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie

• Verificati corespondenta dintre curentul nominalal sigurantelor si cel inscriptionat pe placa cu date nominale.

Separatoarele de sarcina AM/YFB - AM/YU sunt derivatedin versiunea de baza AM/YB cu adaugarea unei traverse inpartea inferioara care are rol de suport pentru sigurante, conectate in serie cu separatorul , si separatorul de legarela pamant.Suportul sigurantelor este pregatit pentru instalarea de sigurantecu dimensiuni medii si percutor in conformitate cu normele DIN 43625 (1983) si caracteristici electrice conform IEC 282-1(1974). In momentul in care actioneaza fie si o singurasiguranta, separatorul de sarcina este deschis automat prinintermediul unei parghii care actioneaza pe mecanismul de declansare. In acelasi timp se insereaza un blocaj mecanic care,cand actioneaza siguranta, impiedica inchiderea separatoruluide sarcina (fig. 18).

Blocajul mecanic care impiedica inchiderea aparatului dupa actionarea sigurantei se mentine pana cand mica parghie de deblocare (3) ia pozitiaindicata in detaliul “A” fig. 18.

Ele sunt totdeauna dotate cu sistem electric automat de deschidere la actionarea sigurantelor. Acelasi dispozitiv previneinchiderea contactorului cand lipseste chiar si o singurasiguranta.

Accesul in celula

– Deschiderea separatorului de sarcina IMS– Inchiderea separatorului de punere la pamant ST– Verificati semnalizarea mecanica de linie cu usa si separatorul

de legare la pamant inchise– Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie

– Deschideti usaNota: in cazul in care actioneaza o siguranta, executati proce-durile descrise la paragraful 7.1.5.

Procedura de inlocuire

– Desfaceti colierele de fixare superior si inferior (detaliileA si B din fig. 18)

– Extrageti sigurantele fuzibile– Introduceti noile sigurante (cu percutorul in sus)– Reatasati colierele de fixare – Verificati ca lama de declansare este pozitionata

corect– Verificati ca fuzibilul, odata asezat pe suportul inferior are

o distanta intre partea superioara a colierului sigurantei sisuprafata inferioara a suportului de maxim 1 mm.

Daca este necesar, actionati asupra traversei inferioarepentru a obtine aceasta distanta.





7. Instructions for dismantling andreplacing the fuses

• All the operations described below must be carriedout by suitably qualified personnel with in-depthknowledge of the apparatus

• Before opening the door, always check the positionof the apparatus through the inspection windows

• Checked that the rated normal current of thefuses to be installed corresponds with the valueindicated on the nameplate.

The AM/YFB – AM/YU switch-disconnectors are derived fromthe basic AM/YB version with the addition of a crosspiece in thelower part which carries out the dual function of support for thefuses, connected in series with the switch-disconnector, andearthing switch.The fuse holder is prepared for installation of fuses with averagedimensions and striker in accordance with DIN 43625 (1983)standards and with electrical characteristics according to IEC282-1 (1974) standards.At the moment even a single fuse intevenes, there is automaticopening of the switch-disconnector by means of an insulationrod which acts on the release shaft. At the same time there isinsertion of a mechanical lock, which when a fuse has inter-vened, prevents closure of the switch-disconnector (fig. 18).

The mechanical lock which prevents closure of theapparatus with a fuse intervened remains until thesmall release lever (3) takes up the position indicatedin detail “A” of fig. 18.

They are always fitted with an automatic electrical openingdevice for a fuse blowing. The same device prevents closure ofthe contactor when even a single fuse is missing.

Access to the cubicle

– Open the IMS switch-disconnector– Close the ST earthing switch– Check the mechanical line signal with the door and earth

closed– Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection

windows– Open the door.Note: when a fuse has intervened, proceed with the reinstatementoperations indicated in paragraph 7.1.5.

Replacement procedure

– Release the upper and lower collar seals (details A and B infig. 18)

– Proceed to remove the fuses– Insert the new fuses (with the striker upwards)– Reattach the upper and lower collar seals– Check that the release blade is positioned correctly– Check that the fuse, once resting on the lower pliers, has a

distance on its upper part between the fuse collar and lowersurface of the pliers of 1 mm or less.If necessary, work on the lower crosspiece to obtain thisdistance.

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Fig. 18

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Legenda1 Priza capacitiva derivata de la izolatorul cu divizor capacitiv

ori de la TC cu priza capacitiva2 Led luminos pentru indicare prezenta tensiune 3 Priza de tensiune

Caption1 Capacitive socket derived from an insulator with voltage divider

or from a CT with capacitive socket2 Luminous LED for signalling voltage present3 Voltage valve

Fig. 19

8. Dispozitiv de verificare prezentatensiune

Acesta consta din divizori de tensiune realizati din condensatoare incorporate intr-un suport izolant sau intr-un TC cu priza capacitiva. Ei sunt conectati la dispozitivulde indicare prezenta tensiune VIS.La cerere, prizele sondei de masura tensiune pot fi legatefie la baza izolatorului care contine condensatoarele sau la terminalele TC. Concordanta de faze intre compartimenteapropiate poate fi verificata utilizand dispozitivul de concordanta.

Dispozitiv pentru verificarea concordantei fazelor

Device for checking phase concordance

Semnalizator prezenta tensiune

Voltage present signalling device

Schema electrica

Wiring diagram




8. Voltage present checking device

This consists of voltage dividers made of capacitors incorpo-rated in an insulator post or of a CT with capacitive socket. Theyare connected to the VIS voltage present signalling device.On request, the voltage valves are branched at the base of theinsulators containing the capacitors or at the terminals of theCTs.Phase concordance between adjacent compartments can bechecked using the phase concordance device.

LEDPinPin (4mm)

PinPin (4mm)

1,5 m




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9. Instalare

9.1. Generalitati

• O instalare corecta este de cea mai mare importanta.Instructiunile fabricantului trebuie studiate si urmarite cu atentie.

• Este recomandabil ca in timpul manipularii pieselorsa se poarte manusi.

• Eventualele aparatori si distribuitoare de camp trebuie repuse in conditiile initiale, daca au fost indepartate temporar.

• In cazul celulelor in versiune cu protectie la arc intern,nu intrati in zona de evacuare a gazelor cu sistemul decelule energizat si nu instalati aparate in zona de evacuare gaz.

9.2. Conditii normale de instalare

Temperatura maxima aer + 40 °C

Temperatura minima aer – 5 °C

Umiditate relativa % < 95

Altitudine < 1000

Pentru alte caracteristici ale ambientului, respectati indicatiiledin standardele produselor. Pentru cerinte speciale de instalare, va rugam contactati ABB SACE T.M.S.Zonele de trecere ale cablelor primare sau secundare trebuie protejate impotriva accesului oricaror animale care ar putea cauza vatamari sau defectiuni.

9.3. Camera de instalare

Camera de instalare trebuie sa fie pregatita conform cudimensiunile si versiunea celulelor. Respectarea distantelor indicate garanteaza functionarea corecta a aparatelor.

Pentru celulele cu protectie la arc intern, suprafata de deasupra conductelor de evacuare gaz, localizate in partea posterioara a celulelor , trebuie sa nu contineobstacole si sa respecte distanta pana la tavan indicata in fig. 20.

Nota in standardul CEI EN 60298 art. 5.101.4

Trebuie considerata suprapresiunea dintr-o cladire provocata de un arc intern in aparataj cu carcasa metalica, de asemeneasi efectele gazelor eliberate in atmosfera prin dispozitivelemenite sa limiteze presiunea in interiorul celulelor.





9. Installation

9.1. General

• Correct installation is of utmost importance. Themanufacturer’s instructions must be carefullystudied and followed.

• It is good practice to use gloves to handle thepieces during installation.

• Any shields and the field distributors must be putback in their original places, if they have beentemporarily removed.

• In the internally arc proof version units, do not gointo the gas exhaust area with the switchboardpowered and do not install apparatus in the gasexhaust area.

9.2. Normal installation conditions

Maximum ambient air temperature + 40°C

Minimum ambient air temperature – 5°C

Relative humidity % < 95

Altitude < 1000

For other installation ambient characteristics, follow what isindicated by the product standards. For special installationrequirements, please contact ABB SACE T.M.S..The power and auxiliary circuit cable passage areas must beprotected against access of any animals which could causedamage or malfunctions.

9.3. Installation room

The installation room must be prepared according to the dimen-sions and version of the switchboard. Compliance with thedistances indicated ensures correct operation of the apparatus.

For the internally arc proof version switchboards,the area above the gas exhaust stacks, located in therear part of the cubicles, must be free of any obstaclesand the distance from the ceiling indicated in fig. 20must be respected.

Note in the CEI EN 60298 standard art. 5.101.4

The overpressure inside the building caused by an arc due toa fault inside the apparatus with metal housing should be takeninto account, as well as the effects of the gases which arereleased into the ambient through the devices used to limit thepressure inside the apparatus.

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Fig. 20

Camera de instalare

Camera de instalare trebuie pregatita conform dimensiunilorsi versiuniii celulelor. Respectarea distantelor indicate asigurafunctionarea corecta a aparatelor.Pentru celule cu protectiee la arc intern, asigurati spatiu pentruevacuarea gazelor in camera de instalare.

(1) Latura inaccesibila.(2) Pentru celule P1E si P1E/2R, D = 1400 mm.

(1) Inaccessible side.(2) For P1E e P1E/2R units, D = 1400 mm.






Celula A B C DSwitchboard [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

Standard > 50 > 50 > 50 > 800 (2)

Arc intern > 600 > 50 (1) > 800 (2)Internally arc-proof

9.4. Fundatii si suprafata de fixare

In mod normal, celulele sunt pregatite pentru conectarea atata circuitelor primare cat si secundare de mai jos. Utilizarea cuti-ei (AC) permite sosirea cablelor de MT de sus.Inainte de instalarea celulelor, trebuie pregatite canale de trecerepe sub acestea. Dimensiunile totale ale fundatiilor suntaratate in fig. 21.

Fixarea celulelor (fig. 22) poate fi executata direct pe podeasau poate fi facuta pe bare speciale de fier livrate la cerere.

• Pentru fixarea direct pe podea, folositi bolturi cu ancorarecorespunzator gaurilor de fixare.

• Pentru fixarea cu bare, sunt livrate blocuri speciale cu bolturi.Barele trebuie sa fie fixate si ingropate in cimentul podelei.

In orice caz, suprafata de fixare trebuie sa fie orizontala sinivelata cu o toleranta de 2 x 1000.

Nota: dupa confirmarea comenzii, scheme speciale sunt pregatite sitrimise prompt de ABB SACE T.M.S. pentru fundatii si fixarea celulelor,permitand prgatirea camerei de instalare.

Installation room

The installation room must be prepared according to the dimen-sions and version of the switchboard. Compliance with thedistances indicated ensures correct operation of the apparatus.For internally arc proof switchboards, provide a space for thegas exhaust duct in the installation room.

9.4. Foundations and fixing surface

The switchboard is normally prepared for connection of both themedium voltage circuit and the auxiliary circuits from below. Theuse of the box (AC) allows incoming MV cables from above.Before installation of the switchboard, special passage holesunder each cubicle must be prepared. The overall drawing ofthe foundations is shown in fig. 21.Switchboard fixing (fig. 22) can be carried out directly on thefloor or it can be placed on special base irons (supplied onrequest).• For direct fixing to the floor, use expansion anchoring bolts in

correspondence with the fixing holes.• For fixing with base irons, special blocks with bolts are

provided. The base irons must be fixed and embedded in theconcrete slab surface.

In any case, the fixing surface must be horizontal and welllevelled with a level tolerance of 2 x 1000.

Note: after issue of the order confirmation, special drawings arepromptly prepared and sent by ABB SACE T.M.S. for the foundationsand for fixing the switchboard, to allow the installation site to be prepared.

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Gaurirea podelei pentru fixarea celulelor cu protectiela arc intern

Slab drilling for internally arc-proof switchboard fixing

A - ASR - P2 - P3 -P2/AP3/A - Rac


Garirea podelei pentru fixarea celulelor cu IP3X Slab drilling for IP3X switchboard fixing

M - M1/A - MV - R P1E/2R - P1/A

Fig. 21a

A - ASR - P2 - P3 - P2/AP3/A - Rac

P1/E M - M1/A - MV - R P1E/2R - P1/A

Fig. 21b

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Versiune cu bolturi de ancorareVersion with expansion anchoring bolts

Versiune cu bare de fundatieVersion with base irons

Legenda1 Bolt de ancorare2 Placa3 Surub4 Piulita5 Blocaj6 Profil de otel7 Nivelul podelei

Caption1 Expansion bolt2 Plate3 Screw4 Washer5 Block6 Steel profile7 Floor level

Sisteme de fixare Fixing systems

Fig. 22

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9.5. Cuplarea celulelor

Celulele trebuie cuplate utilizand toate gaurile de pe laturi.In particular, pentru celulele cu protectie la arc intern, cuplareatrebuie executata utilizand suruburi de otel de 8.8 stranse cuun cuplu de 2 kgm.Dupa cuplare, reasezati toate capacele acordand o atentiespeciala placilor pentru evacuarea gazului fig. 22Daca cosul posterior este livrat separat sau demontat in timpul instalarii, trebuie remontat cu atentie folosind suruburilelivrate.

Fig. 22

9.5. Cubicle coupling

The cubicles must be coupled using all the holes on the sides.In particular, for internally arc-proofed switchboards, couplingmust be carried out using the 8.8 steel screws and tighteningthem with a 2 kgm torque.After coupling, reposition all the covers taking special care withthe gas exhaust sheets (see drawing).Should the rear chimney be shipped loose or be dismantledduring installation, it must be remounted carefully using all thescrews provided.

Nituri termoplastice

Thermoplastic rivets

Nituri termoplastice

Thermoplastic rivets

9.6. Capace de capat

Celule normale

Pentru celule in versiune normla, sunt livrate numai capacelede capat care inchid canalul barelor si sunt fixate cu 4 suruburi indicate in fig. 23

Fig. 23

9.6. End sheets

Standard switchboards

For standard version switchboards, the end sheets providedare only those which close the busbar duct and are fixed withthe 4 screws shown on the drawing.

Aplicarea capacelor de capatEnd sheet application

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Aplicarea capacelor de capat pentru celulele cu protectie la arc intern

Fig. 24

Celule cu protectie la arc intern

Celulele UniAir in versiune cu protectie la arcintern sunt garantate numai cu panourile montatesi usile inchise cu suruburile stranse.

Pentru comportarea corecta in eventualitatea unui arc intern, este important ca in montarea capacelor de capat sa fie respectate indicatiile din fig. 24.

Application of end sheets for internally arc-proofed switchboards


9.7. Table de separare canal de bare

Cand canalul de bare trebuie intrerupt si separat, tablelesunt montate conform desenelor din fig. 25.

Celule normale

Fig. 25

Intrerupere si separare canal bare

9.7. Busbar duct segregation sheets

When the busbar duct has to be interrupted and segregated,the sheets are mounted as shown in the drawings below.

Standard switchboard

Busbar duct interruption and segregation

Tabla de separare

Segregation sheet

Internally arc proof switchboards

The internally arc proof UniAir version switchboardsare only guaranteed with the panels mounted and thedoors closed with screws and/or tight knurls.

For correct tightness in the presence of a possible internal arc,it is indispensable for the end sheets to be mounted followingthe indications in fig. 24.


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Celule cu protectie la arc intern

Montati doau table conform desenului, utilizand toatesuruburile furnizate.

Intreruperea si separarea canalului de cable la celulele cu protectie la arc intern.

Fig. 26

Internally arc-proof switchboard

Mount two sheets as shown, using all the screws provided.

Busbar duct interruption and segregation for internally arc-proofedswitchboard.

Table de separare

Segregation sheet

9.8. Executarea conexiunilor

Recomandari generale

– Verificati ca in celula cu intreruptor contactele alunecatoaresi cele fixe sunt curate si nu au suferit deformari cauzatede loviri in timpul transportului sau a depozitarii.

– Alegeti sectiunea conductoarelor conform cu valoarea curentului de sarcina si de scurtcircuit a instalatiei.

Procedura de montaj

– Controlati ca suprafetele de contact sunt perfect plate,nu au bavuri, urme de oxidare sau deformatii datorateimpactelor suferite.

– Conform cu materialul conductorului si cu tipul de tratament alsuprafetei folosit, executati operatiile date in tabelul de mai jos asupra suprafetelor de contact.

CupruBare copper

– Curatati cu smirghel sau pila fine

– Strangeti

– Clean with a fine file oremery cloth.

– Tighten fully

Cupru sau aluminiu argintatSilver-plated copper or aluminium

– Curatati cu o carpa aspra uscata– Numai in cazul unor urme puternice de

oxidare folositi un smirghel foarte fin, cuatentie pentru a nu indeparta stratul superficial

– Daca este necesar, refaceti tratamentul desuprafata (consultati ABB SACE T.M.S.).

– Clean with a rough dry rag.– In case of tough oxidation traces only, clean

with a very fine emery cloth, taking care not toremove the surface layer.

– If necessary, recondition the surface treatment(please consult ABB SACE T.M.S.).

AluminiuBare aluminium

– Curatati cu o perie metalica sau cu smirghel– Interpuneti bimetalul Cu-Al cu suprafetele curatate

intre conectorul de aluminiu si borna de cupru (partea de cupru in contact cu borna, partea de aluminiu in contact cu conectorul).

– Clean with a metallic brush or emery cloth.– Interpose the copper-aluminium bi-metal with restored

surfaces between the aluminium connection and thecopper terminal (copper side in contact with the terminal;aluminium side in contact with the connection).

9.8. Making the connections

General recommendations

– Check that the sliding contacts (circuit-breaker unit) and thefixed switchboard connections are clean and free of anydeformation caused by impact during transport or duringstorage.

– Select the cross-section of the conductors according to theservice current and the short-circuit current of the installation.

Assembly procedure

– Check that the contact surfaces of the connections are perfectlyflat, have no burrs, traces of oxidation or deformations due toimpacts received.

– According to the conductor material used and the surfacetreatment given, carry out the operations indicated in the tableon the contact surface of the conductor.

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Fig. 27

9.8.1 Circuit de forta

Bare principale

Controlati ca zona de contact intre bare si izolatoarele suporteste bine curatata si degresata.Fixati barele conform fig. 27.

6 Kgm6 Kgm

Versiune Standard si ENELStandard and ENEL version

Versiune AEMAEM Version

Detail of main busbar assemblyDetalii de montaj a barelor principale

Fig. 28

Legarea cablelor de MT

• Pentru conectarea cablelor, urmati indicatiilefabricantului terminalelor.

• Eventualele ecrane si distribuitoare de camptrebuie remontate, daca au fost indepartatetemporar.


Exemple de conectareConnection examples

Legarea cablelor la bornele pregatite in celula trebuie executata intotdeauna conform indicatiilor din fig. 28, utilizand suruburi M12 avand cuplu de strangere de 62 Nm.Fixati cablele pentru a evita cafortele electrodinamice la scurtcircuite sa forteze lateral conectorii si sa puna scutulla pamant.

9.8.1. Power circuit

Main busbars

Check that the contact area of the busbars and post insulator areclean and degreased.Fix the busbars as shown in fig. 27.

MV cable connection

• For cable connections, follow the terminalmanufacturer’s indications.

• Any shields and the field distributors must be putback in their original places, if they have beentemporarily removed.


Connection of the cables to theconnections prepared in theswitchboard must always bemade as shown in fig. 28, bymeans of the M12 screws with atightening torque of 62 Nm.Bracket the cables to prevent theelectrodynamic forces derivingfrom the short-circuit current ofthe installation from laterallystressing the connections andconnect the shield to earth.

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9.8.2. Bare de legare la pamant

Bara de legare la pamant este plasata longitudinal in parteainferioara a celulelor: gaurile pentru conectarea la centura de impamantare a instalatiei se afla la capete.Suruburile si bolturile trebuie stranse la valoare prescrisa a cuplului pentru a se evita slabirea acestora din cauza vibratiilordin timpul functionarii.Conductorul de legare la pamant trebuie dimensionat pentru asuporta curentul maxim de defect prevazut. In principiu, acestconductor nu trebuie sa aiba o sectiune mai mica decataceea a barei de impamantare a celulelor. Toate celule suntprevazute in mod normal cu o bara care garanteaza o densitatede curent < 200 A/mm2.Legarea barei de impamantare a celulelor trebuie facutacorespunzator gruparii acestora, dupa ce anterior s-au indepartatorice urme de oxidare, utilizand un smirghel fin.

Blocati conexiunile barei de impamantare cu ajutorul surubu-rilor, saibelor plate si Grover si piulitelor proprii.Fixati barele conform fig.29Legarea la pamant a intreruptorului si a caruciorului cutransformatoare de masura se face prin intermediul contactuluidintre rotile caruciorului si structura metalica a celulei.

Detaliu de montaj al barei de legare la pamant Detail of earthing busbar assembly

Fig. 29

Cuplu de strangere 6 Kgm

Tigthening torque 6 Kgm

9.8.3. Conectarea circuitelor secundare

Pentru conectarea circuitelor secundare, consultati schemele secundare ale fiecarei celule si cea mai recenta documentatietehnica inclusa in furnitura.Verificati de asemenea tipul de automatizare ales pentru presostatul (daca este cerut) intreruptorului HAD.Celulele sunt prevazute cu cutii terminale (localizate in compar-timentul circuitelor secundare sau in cutia mecanismuluide actionare). Pentru versiunea AEM, conectarea se face printr-un conector tata fixat pe carcasa, cu exceptia celulelorM prevazute cu cutii terminale.

9.8.2. Earthing busbars

The earthing busbar runs longitudinally in the lower part of theswitchboard: the holes for connection with the installationearthing network are on its ends.The screws and bolts must be securely tightened to the pre-scribed torque value to avoid any loosening due to vibrationsduring operation.The earthing conductor must be sized to withstand the maxi-mum earth fault current foreseen. In general, this conductormust not have a cross-section smaller than that of the switch-board earthing busbar. All the switchboard cubicles are nor-mally fitted with an earthing busbar with a cross-section whichguarantees a current density of < 200 A/mm2.The earthing busbar joint must be made in correspondence withthe coupling points of the groups of switchboard cubicles, afterpreviously removing any traces of oxidation from the contactsurface of the busbars with an emery cloth.Lock the joint of the earthing busbar by means of its screws, flatand spring washers and with the nut and relative washer.Fix the busbars as shown in fig. 29.Circuit-breaker and instrument truck earthing is made by meansof contact of the metal wheels of the truck with the cubiclestructure.

9.8.3. Connection of the auxiliary circuits

To connect the auxiliary circuits, refer to the key diagram of eachcubicle and to the latest technical documentation enclosed withthe supply.Also check the type of automatism selected for the pressureswitch intervention (if requested) of the HAD circuit-breaker.The cubicles are fitted with terminal boxes (located in auxiliarycompartment or in the operating mechanism box). For the AEMversion, connection is made by means of a male connector fixedonto the casing, except for the M cubicle which is fitted withterminal boxes.

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Sunt prevazute canale metalice pentru adapostirea cablelorcare sosesc din instalatie.Cu exceptia cerintelor speciale, cablele ce trebuie utilizatepentru conectarea circuitelor secundare trebuie sa aiba otensiune nominala Uo/U de 450/750 V, cu o sectiune minimade 1,5 mm2, cu exceptia circuitelor de legare la secundarele transformatoarelor de curent care trebuie sa fie de 2,5 mm2.

10. Verificarea cablelor

• Inainte de inceperea lucrarilor, asigurati conditiisigure in zona unde se va lucra.

• Conectarea cablurilor de testare (aplicare tensiune si localizare defecte), modifica carac-teristicile celulelor. Personalul care exploateaza instalatia trebuie sa asigure siguranta personaluluide exploatare.

Verificati ca distantele de siguranta fata de partile aflate subtensiunesunt respectate, tinand cont de tensiunea de testaplicata.Tensiunea maxima de test aplicabila din punctul de vedereal bornelor de sosire a cablelor in celule este de 60 kV c.c.Pentru versiunile Enel si AEM, testele pot fi executate cu usainchisa, trecand cablurile prin mica usa de pe usa de accesin celula.

11. Punerea in functiune

• Toate operatiile aferente punerii in functiunetrebuie executate de personalul ABB SACEsau de personalul clientului avand o calificaresuficienta si o cunoastere buna a aparatajuluisi instalatiei.

• Daca manevrele sunt impiedicate, nu fortati blocajele mecanice ci verificati ca secventa deoperare este corecta.

• Pentru celulele in versiune cu protectie la arc intern,bolturile usilor trebuie stranse la terminarea oricarei interventii.

• Inainte de deschiderea usii, verificati pozitia aparatajului prin fereastra de inspectie.

Inainte de punerea in functiune a celulelor, efectuati verificariledin tabelul urmator.La terminarea operatiilor indicate, verifcati ca totul s-a repus in starea initiala.

• Verificarile au un rezultat pozitiv numai daca toate probele indicate au un rezultat pozitiv.

• Alimentati celulel numai cu intreruptorul deschis,usile inchise si suruburile stranse.

• Daca rezultatele sunt negative, nu puneti aparatajulin functiune, si, daca este necesar, contactati Service-ul ABB SACE T.M.S.





Metal wiring ducts are provided to house the cables comingfrom the field.Except for special requirements, the cables to be used forconnecting the auxiliary circuits must have a rated voltage Uo/U of 450/750 V, with a minimum cross-section of 1.5 mm2, exceptfor the connections to the secondary windings of the currenttransformers which must be 2.5 mm2.

10. Cable tests

• Before intervening, put the part of the installationto be worked on under safe conditions.

• Connection of the cables for tests (voltage appliedand trouble shooting), modifies the characteristicsof the switchboards. The personnel running theinstallation must carry out any necessaryinterventions to guarantee operator safety.

Make sure that the safety distances from live parts are re-spected, taking into account the test voltage value to be applied.The maximum voltage applicable at the connection point of thecables to the cubicles is 60 kV d.c.For the Enel and AEM versions, the tests can be carried out withthe door closed, making the cables pass through the small frontdoor placed on the access door.

11. Putting into service

• All the operations regarding putting into servicemust be carried out by ABB SACE personnel or bythe customer’s personnel with sufficientqualification and with in-depth knowledge of theapparatus and of the installation.

• Should the operations be prevented, do not forcethe mechanical interlocks and check that theoperation sequence is correct.

• In the internally arc proof version switchboards,the bolts and knurls of the doors must be tightenedon completion of each intervention.

• Before opening the door, check the position of theisolation and earthing apparatus through theinspection windows.

Before putting the switchboard into service, carry out the checksindicated in the following table.On completion of the operations indicated, check that every-thing has been put back into its original condition.

• The check only has a positive outcome if all thetests indicated have given a positive result.

• Only supply the switchboard with the circuit-breakers open, the doors closed and the knurlstightened.

• Should the check be negative, do not put theapparatus into service and, if necessary, contactABB SACE T.M.S. Service.

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Conexiuni ale circuitelor de forta

Bara de legare la pamant si conexiunile aferente



Separator de sarcina si separatorde legare la pamant


Verificati eficienta impamantarii conform normelorde prevenire a accidentelor

– Valoarea rezistentei de izolatie poate fi influentatade conditiile de mediu.

– Daca valorile scazute ale rezistentei de izolatiesunt imputabile umiditatii, utilizati dispozitivetemporare de incalzire.Deconectati cablele de MT in timpul masuratorilor.

Exemplu:– Tensiune nominala a celulei 24 kV– Tensiune de proba ceruta 50 kV per 1 min c.a.

(efectuata in fabrica)– Tensiune de proba dupa instalare 0.8 x 50 =

40 kV per 1 min.

Cheia de rezerva a fiecarui blocaj trebuie plasata intr-un loc inaccesibil personalului de exploatare.


– Controlati visual interiorul si exteriorul celulelor, verificandca nu apar defecte vizibile. Indepartati orice corpuristraine (cum ar fi scule, conectori de test, etc) uitateeventual din etapa de montaj.

– Curatati cu o carpa uscata partile izolante, indepartandorice urma de umiditate sau praf.

– Controlati ca toate suruburile sunt stranse corect.– Controlati ca toate capacele de capat si cele prevazute in

configuratia realizata sunt montate corespunzator.

– Verificati instalarea corecta a tuturor panourilor de separare contra eventualelor contacte accidentale.

– Verificati functionalitatea interblocajelor si asezareacorecta a cheilor (daca exista) pe inele conform ordiniide manevrare dorite.

– Pentru celulele cu protectie la arc intern, verificati ca deschiderile si cosul de evacuare a gazelor (canal bare,compartiment de iesire) au fost fixate cu suruburi si nituri.

– Controlati ca operatiile de de manevrare mecanica seefectueaza cu forta normala de actionare maxim 200 N.

– Controlati pozitia corecta a separatoarelor prin fereastra de inspectie.

– Verificati ca ecranele si distribuitoarele de camp sunt montate corect.

Interblocajele de forta rezista la o solicitare de maxim 750 N.

Verificati strangerea

Verificati strangerea si continuitatea

– Masurati cu un Megger de 2500 V rezistenta de izolatie acircuitelor de forta faza-faza si faza-masa si cu unMegger de 500 V rezistenta secundara a circuitelorsecundare:Pentru fiecare celula valoarea determinata trebuie sa fie de cel putin 5000 MΩ pentru circuitele primare si decativa MΩ pentru circuitele secundare.Rezistenta secundara trebuie sa ramana constanta intimp, chiar dupa efectuarea unor eventuale probe de tensiune.

Probele cu tensiune dupa instalarea celulelornu sunt cerute in Normele CEI 17-6.Daca utilizatorul considera necesar, ele trebuie executatecu o valoare de 80% din valoarea indicata la punctul 7.1.din Norma IEC 694 si numai in curent alternativ.

– Executati operatiunile prevazute in manual asupra tuturor aparatelor inainte de punerea in functiune.

– Verificati prezenta dispozitivelor de actionare si aaccesoriilor prevazute pentru functionarea normala.

– Introduceti aparatele in compartimentele destinate si conectati mufa circuitelor secundare.

– Inchideti usile celulelor

– Executati asupra fiecarui aparat operatiile descrise inmanualul de intructiuni inainte de punerea in functiune.

– Controlati prezenta dispozitivelor de actionare si a accesoriilor prevazute pentru functionarea normala.

Circuite secundare de comanda Inainte de aceasta proba, verificati reglajeletuturor releelor instalate in celule.

Conform schemelor celulelor, verificati functionalitateaautomatizarilor si a releelor auxiliare.

Cheia de rezerva a fiecarui blocaj trebuie plasataintr-un loc inaccesibil personalului de exploatare.


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Connections of the power circuit

Earthing busbar and relative con-nections



Switch-disconnector and earth-ing switch

Auxiliary service and control cir-cuits


Check efficiency of the earthing according to theaccident prevention Standards

– The value of the insulation resistance cam beaffected by ambient conditions.

– If the low insulation resistance value is due toambient humidity, use temporary pre-heatingdevices.Disconnect the MV cables during measurement.

Example:– Rated voltage of the switchboard: 24 kV– Required test voltage: 50 kV for 1 min. a.c.

(carried out in the factory)– Test voltage after installation: 0.8 x 50 = 40 kV

for 1 min.

The spare key to each lock must be placedsomewhere inaccessible to the personnel run-ning the installation.

The spare key to each lock must be placedsomewhere inaccessible to the personnel run-ning the installation.

Before this control, check the settings of all thevarious relays installed in the switchboard.


– Visually check both the inside and outside, making surethere is no obvious damage. Remove any foreign bodies(such as tools or test connections which may have beenforgotten during the installation stage).

– Carefully clean the insulating parts, removing any traceof humidity or dust with a clean dry cloth.

– Check that all the screws are tightened correctly.– Check that all the end sheets and those foreseen in the

configuration constructed are mounted correctly.– Check correct installation of all the segregation sheets

against any accidental contacts.– Check operation of the interlocks and that the keys (if

present) are correctly joined together with the ringwelded according to the nameplate operation sequence.

– For internally arc proof version switchboards, check thatthe stack and gas exhaust openings (busbar duct,outgoing compartment) are fixed with screws andthermoplastic rivets.

– Check that the mechanical service operations can becarried out using normal activating force (≤ 200 N).

– Check correct positioning of the isolators through theinspection windows.

– Check that the shields and field distributors are mountedcorrectly.

The force interlocks resist a maximum stressof 750 N.

Check tightness

Check tightness and continuity

– Using a 2500 V Megger, measure the insulation resist-ance of the power circuits (phase-phase and phases-earth) and with a 500 V Megger, the insulation resistanceof the auxiliary circuits.For each cubicle the value determined must be at least5000 MΩ for the power circuits and more than a few MΩfor the auxiliary circuits.The insulation resistance must remain constant overtime even after any voltage tests

The test voltage applied after installation is not required bythe CEI 17-6 Standards.If the user thinks it necessary, it must be carried out at avalue equal to 80% of the value indicated under point 7.1.of the IEC 694 Standard and only in alternating current.

– Carry out the operations prescribed in the instructionmanual on each piece of apparatus before putting intoservice.

– Check presence of the operating devices andaccessories provided for normal operation.

– Insert the apparatus in the relative compartments andconnect the plugs of the auxiliary circuits.

– Close the compartment doors.

– Carry out the operations prescribed in the instructionmanual on each piece of apparatus before putting intoservice.

– Check presence of the operating devices and accesso-ries provided for normal operation.

According to the switchboard key diagram, check function-ality and service sequence of the automatisms of all theauxiliary relays


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12. Controale periodice

• Controalele periodice trebuie executate de personal ABB SACE T.M.S. sau de personal calificat al clientului avand o buna cunoastere aaparatajului (IEC 694, CEI EN 60694 par 10.4.2).Daca verificarile sunt efectuate de personalul clientului, responsabilitatea asupra lucrarilorrevine clientului.

• Inainte de efectuarea oricarei operatii, verificatica aparatele sunt in pozitie deschisa cu resoartele nearmate.

• Inainte de a deschide usa, verificati pozitia separa-toarelor prin fereastra de inspectie.

12.1. Generalitati

In timpul functionarii normale, celulele nu necesita intretinere.In orice caz, orice interventie este asociata cu conditii grele defunctionare, adica combinatia de diferiti factori, cum ar fi frecventa manevrerlor, valoarea curentilor intrerupti, factorul de putere si conditiile de mediu.In paragraful de mai jos, ca masura de precautie, sunt date verificarile periodice si intervalele de executie.Pentru ultimele, este recomandabil ceea ce este specificat intabele, cel putin pentru verificarea initiala.Pe baza rezultatelor obtinute in timpul verificarilor periodice,stabiliti cele mai bune intervale pentru operatiile urmatoare.Este o buna practica, tinerea unui jurnal de service unde sa fie notate toate operatiile in detaliu, cu data, descrierea anomaliei si datele de referinta pentru identificarea aparatului (vezi cap. 2), etc.

In caz de necesitate si pentru detalii suplimentare, consultatiprescrierile din articolul 10 din Norma IEC 694.In orice caz, pentru eventuale probleme, nu ezitati sa ne contactati.In plus, experienta capatata in utilizarea aparatelor va permitestabilirea celor mai bune intervale de lucrari.Totusi, este preferabila inspectarea aparatajului in cel mult un an de la punerea in functiune.Tabela urmatoare da indicatii privind intervalele pentru operatiileulterioare.


12. Periodic checks

• The periodic checks must be carried out by ABBSACE T.M.S. personnel or by suitably qualifiedpersonnel of the customer with in-depth knowledgeof the apparatus (IEC 694, CEI EN 60694 para.10.4.2). Should the checks be carried out by thecustomer’s personnel, responsibility for theinterventions lies with the customer.

• Before carrying out any operation, always checkthat the apparatus is in the open position with thesprings discharged.

• Before opening the door, check the position of theisolation and earthing apparatus through theinspection windows.

12.1. General

During normal service, the switchboards are maintenance-free.In any case, any interventions are associated with severity ofservice, i.e. the combination of various factors, such as thefrequency of operations, the value of the interrupted currents,the power factor and ambient conditions.As a precaution, the paragraph below gives the table of thechecking programme with the periodic intervals.For the latter, it is advisable to follow what is specified in the table,at least for the initial check.According to the results obtained during the periodic checks,establish the best intervals for subsequent operations.It is good practice to keep a maintenance card and a servicebook where all the operations carried out can be noted down indetail, complete with the date, description of the abnormality,and the reference data required to identify the piece of appara-tus (see chapter 2), etc.In case of need and for further details, refer to what is prescribedin article 10 of the IEC 694 standard.In any case, please do not hesitate to contact us should anyproblems arise.Moreover, the experience acquired in using the apparatus willallow the best intervals for interventions to be established.However, it is advisable to inspect the apparatus no more thanone year after it has been put into service.The table below gives an indication regarding the intervals forsubsequent maintenance.


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12.2 Programul de control


Piesa supusa inspectieiPart inspected

PeriodicitateTime interval

Operatie de executatOperation to be carried out

Executati doua manevre mecanice de inchideredeschidere a aparatelor

Carry out two mechanicalclosing and opening opera-tions of the apparatus

3 ani.

3 years

Verificati functionarea corecta. Aparatele trebuie sa functioneze normalfara sa se opreasca in pozitii intermediare iar cuplul aplicat nu trebuiesa depaseasca 20 Kgm.

Check correct function of the operations and transmissions. The apparatusmust operate normally without stopping in intermediate positions and the torqueapplied must not exceed 20 kg.

2 Examinarea vizuala a izolatoarelor.

Visual examination of theinsulating parts.

3 ani dar in relatie cunivelul de poluare

3 years and in any case inrelation to ambient pollution

Izolatoarele trebuie sa nu prezinte praf, murdarie, crapaturi, urme de descarcari superficiale sau avarii.Indepartati praful si murdaria cu un aspirator si carpe curate.

The insulating parts must be free of accumulation of dust, dirt, cracks, tracesof surface discharges or damage.Remove the dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner and with clean dry rags.

3 Contacte auxiliare.

Auxiliary contacts

3 ani.

3 years

Verificati functionarea corecta si semnalele.

Check correct operation and signals.

Conductorii circuitelor secundare

Auxiliary circuit conductors

4 5 ani.

5 years

Controlati ca nu exista eclise slabite sau rupte si ca firele sunt bine stranse.

Check whether any straps on the cabling are loose or broken and checktightness of the connections.

7 Resoartele aparatelor

Apparatus springs

5 ani.

5 years

Verificati integritatea sigiliului pus pe contorul resortului.

Check the seal placed on the spring register is intact.



5 3 ani.

3 years

Verificati functionarea corecta a dispozitivelor existente.

Check correct operation of the existing devices.

Verificarea vizuala a con-tactelor separatoarelor.

Visual examination of thecontacts of the switch-disconnector and of thebusbar isolator and earth-ing switch

6 5 ani.

5 years

Verificati ca nu apar deformari sau urme de eroziune sau oxidare.Lubrifiati elementele de contact cu vaselina sau unsoare tip Molydal EL/5 (pentru industrie).

Check that the contacts are free of any deformations, erosion or oxidation.Lubricate the contact elements with Molydal EL/5 (Industrial Service) typegrease or with vaseline.

8 Conexiuni de forta

Power connections

3 ani.

3 years

Controlati strangerea si urmele de oxidare sau supraincalzire:boltul M8 = 19 Nm; boltul M10 = 33 Nm.

Check tightness and absence of any traces of overheating or oxidation: M8 bolt= 19 Nm; M10 bolt = 33 Nm.

9 Masura rezistentei de izolatie.

Measurement of the insula-tion resistance

3 ani.

3 years

Vezi paragraful 11 (tabela)

See para. 11 (table)

Pentru controalele periodice si intretinerea aparatelor si dispozitivelor de protectie, consul-tai respectivele manuale furnizate impreuna cu

! For the periodic checks and maintenance of theapparatus and protection devices, please see therelative instruction manuals supplied with theswitchboards.


12.2 Checking programme


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13. Operatii de intretinere

• Intretinerea trebuie executata de catre personalul ABB SACE T.M.S. sau de personal calificat alclientului care poseda cunostiinte ale aparatajului(IEC 694, CEI eN 60694 par. 10.4.2). Daca operatiile de intretinere sunt executate de personalul clientului,responsabilitatea asupra operatiilor executate revineclientului.

• Opriti alimentarea cu tensiune si efectuatipunerile la pamant necesare pentru lucrari.

• Pentru celulele cu protectie la arc intern, opritialimentarea inainte de executarea oricaror operatiideasupra celulelor (vopsirea camerei, a usilor si ferestrelor, intretinere asupra corpurilor de iluminat,etc.).

• Suruburile usilor trebuie stranse dupa terminareafiecarei interventii.

• In timpul efectuarii verificarilor si intretinerii periodiceintrerupeti alimentarea oricaror parti ale celulelor.

13.1. Generalitati

Datorita simplicitatii lor, celulele UniAir nu necesita o intretineredeosebita, cu exceptia verificarilor periodice prevazute la capitolul 12.Pentru evitarea deteriorarii izolatiei la nivele periculoase,este de dorit efectuarea unei inspectii initiale la 6 luni dupapunerea in functiune, pentru definirea intervalelor si a fisei de intretinere.Trebuie avute in vedere si eventualele instructiunile individualeale aparatelor furnizate impreuna cu celulele. Este o practica buna sa se tina o fisa de intretinere si un jurnalde functionare in care sa fie notate toate operatiile efectuate, cu inregistrarea datei, a anomaliei si a datelor de referinta necesarepentru identificarea aparatului respectiv (vezi cap.2).

In caz de necesitate si pentru detalii suplimentare, consultatiprescriptiile articolului 10 din norma IEC 694.In orice caz, pentru eventuale probleme, nu ezitati sa ne consultati.Aparatele electrice sunt sensibile la conditiile de mediu sise deterioreaza usor in conditii anormale de functionare.

Praful, caldura, umiditatea, o atmosfera coroziva, reziduurichimice, fumul, vibratiile si alte conditii pot influenta performantasi durata de viata a aparatelor electrice.Aceste conditii, mai ales combinate, produc inevitabil defectepremature.Regulile de urmat cele mai importante sunt:– tineti curat– tineti uscat– strangeti bolturile si conexiunile– Preveniti frecarile excesive ale pieselor mecanice.Mai jos sunt date instructiuni privind operatiile ce trebuie executate asupra diferitelor componente ale celulelor, cu exceptia aparatelor pentru care exista instructiuni specifice.


13. Maintenance operations

• Maintenance must be carried out by ABB SACET.M.S. personnel or by suitably qualified personnelof the customer with in-depth knowledge of theapparatus (IEC 694, CEI EN 60694 para. 10.4.2).Should the checks be carried out by the customer’spersonnel, responsibility for the interventions lieswith the customer.

• Turn the power off and carry out earthing for theworks.

• For internally arc proof switchboards, turn thepower off before carrying out any work in the areaabove the switchboard (painting the room, paintingthe doors and windows, maintenance of the lightingsystem, etc.).

• The bolts and knurls of the doors must be tightenedon completion of each intervention.

• During the periodic checks and maintenance,turn the power off to all parts of the switchboard.

13.1. General

Thanks to their simplicity of design, the UniAir cubicles do notrequire any particular maintenance, except for the “Periodicchecks” foreseen under para. 12.To prevent deterioration of the insulation to hazardous levels,it is advisable to carry out an initial inspection 6 months afterputting into service, to define the intervals and the maintenancecard.The prescriptions for the single pieces of apparatus given in therelative instruction manuals supplied with the switchboard mustalso be taken into account.It is good practice to keep a maintenance card and a servicebook where all the operations carried out can be noted downin detail, complete with the date, description of the abnormality,and the reference data required to identify the piece of appara-tus (see chapter 2).In case of need and for further details, refer to what is prescribedin article 10 of the IEC 694 standard.In any case, should any problems arise, please do not hesitateto consult us.Electrical apparatus is sensitive to ambient conditions and iseasily damaged by abnormal operating conditions.Dust, heat, humidity, a corrosive atmosphere, chemical residues,fumes, vibrations and other conditions can influence the per-formance and life of electrical apparatus.These conditions, particularly when combined, necessarilycause premature faults.The most important rules to follow are:– keep clean– keep dry– tighten bolts and connections– prevent excessive friction of mechanical parts.Instructions regarding operations to be carried out on variousparts of the switchboard are given below, excluding the piecesof apparatus for which the relative instruction manuals shouldbe consulted.

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13.2. Structura metalica

Prin structura metalica, se intelege toata structura: panouri de-montabile, panouri de separare verticale si orizontale, balamale,usi si incuietoare.Aceste piese pot fi fie galvanizate, fie vopsite.

Piese vopsite

Usile celulelor sunt vopsite cu vopsea pe baza de pulberiepoxidice cu o grosime minima de 40 µm.


In furnitura celulelor este inclusa o cantitate de vopseasuficienta pentru efectuarea eventualelor retusuri. Daca esteposibil, urmati instructiunile fabricantului. In lipsa acestora,procedati astfel:– curatati zona care urmeaza sa fie retusata cu smirghel

umed si neteziti marginile acesteia;– preparati cantitatea de vopsea necesara;– pentru verificarea aspectului, incercati vopseaua pe o

bucata alba de hartie.


Pentru eventuala curatare pieselor vopsite, se poate folosi ocarpa cu apa si sapun, iar in cazuri mai dificile cu solvent. Inultima situatie, este preferabil sa se testeze solventul peo zona care nu este la vedere pentru a se verifica ca nu indeparteaza stratul de vopsea.

Componente zincate

Toate piesele zincate si pasivizate pot fi curatate cu o carpauscata.Uleiul sau unsoarea pot fi indepartate utilizand un solvent potrivit.Pentru a reface lustrul suprafetei, repetati operatia precedenta.


Tipul de incuietori utilizat depinde de tipul de protectiecerut. Incuietorile sunt de tip maner cu sau fara cheie.

Piesele in miscare nu trebuie lubrifiate niciodata.

13.3. Actionari mecanice

Prin actionari mecanice se inteleg toate piesele mecanice dindulap care executa manevre, blocaje si dispozitive de siguranta. Urmatoarele sunt considerate dispozitive de actionare:blocaje de forta, preventive si de siguranta. In mod normal aceste dispozitive sunt galvanizate printr-un proces electro-litic.Piesele in miscare sunt lubrifiate si testate in timpul montajului celulelor.Pentru orice lubrifiere in cazul unor celule deja montate, va rugam sa cereti interventia personalului nostru.

Interblocajele mecanice nu trebuie ignorate, ci corect utilizate pentru a nu da nastere unor situatii periculoase.

Interblocajele mecanice trebuie sa atinga pozitiile finale de blocat sau deblocat fara opriri intermediare. Pentru aceasta,verificati distantele si reglajele, urmarind strict instructiunile.

! !

13.2. Metal structure

By metal structure, the overall structure itself is intended: remov-able panels, vertical and horizontal segregation sheets, hinges,doors and locks.These parts can be either galvanised or painted.

Painted parts

The switchboard doors are painted with epoxy powder paintswith a minimum thickness of more than 40 mm.

Touching up

A supply of paint sufficient for any touching up after installationis included in the switchboard shipment. If possible, follow thepaint manufacturer’s instructions. If these are unavailable,proceed as follows:– clean the part to be touched up with damp emery paper and

smooth the edges around the damaged area;– prepare the amount of paint required for touching up;– to check the appearance, carry out a test by touching up a

piece of sheet.


A rag with soap and water or, in more difficult cases, commonsolvent for paints, can be used to clean any painted parts. In thelatter case, it is advisable to carry out a test on a surface out ofsight and check that the solvent does not remove the layer ofpaint.

Galvanised components

All the galvanised and passivated parts can be cleaned with adry cloth.Any oil or grease can be removed using a cloth soaked inappropriate solvent. To restore the polish to the surface, repeatthe previous operation.


The type of lock used depends on the degree and type ofprotection required. The locks are of the type with a handle withor without key.The moving parts must never be lubricated.

13.3. Mechanical activating devices

By mechanical activating devices, all the mechanical parts ofthe cubicle for carrying out operations, locks and safety devicesare intended. The following are considered mechanical activat-ing devices: force locks, prevention locks and safety locks.These devices are normally galvanised using an electrolyticprocess.The moving parts are lubricated and tested during assembly ofthe switchboard .For any application to a switchboard which is already installed,please ask for intervention by our personnel.

The mechanical interlocks must not be ignored, butcorrectly used so as not to give rise to hazardoussituations.

The mechanical interlocks must reach the final positions oflocked or released without any intermediate stops. For thispurpose, check the distances and adjustments, strictly follow-ing the instructions.

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Interblocajele mecanice trebuie testate de mai multe ori pentrupentru a fi siguri ca miscarea acestora este libera, verificandsi forta necesara pentru executia acestor operatii.In toate situatiile, trebuie verificata corespondenta pozitie inter-blocajelor mecanice cu pozitia pieselor controlate si cu ceaa aparatelor interblocate.Daca se observa ca este necesara o forta excesiva cand seactioneaza dispozitivul, insemna ca acesta este blocat.Pentru testarea dispozitivului, procedati dupa cum urmeaza:– indepartati piesa mobila, daca este prevazuta; curatati-o, si,

daca este necesar, lubrifiati piesele supuse frictiunii;

– testati eficienta dispozitivului de actionare si, daca este necesar, curatati si lubrificati piesele supuse frictiunii;

– testati eficienta tuturor dispozitivelor care participa la actionare:stiftuti, parghii, conectori, suruburi, piulite si saibe, etc. si, dacaeste necesar, curatati-le si lubrifiati-le.

– reglati dispozitivul, verificand forta necesara pentru actionare.

The mechanical interlocks must be tested several times to makesure that the movement is free, also checking the force neededto carry out the operations.In all cases, the correspondence of the position of the mechani-cal interlock with the position of the part controlled and with theinterlocked apparatus must be checked.If excessive force is noted when activating the device, it meansthat the device is prevented in its movement.To test the device, proceed as follows:– remove the moving part, if provided; clean it and, if necessary,

lubricate all the parts subjected to movement or friction;– test efficiency of the activation device and, if necessary, clean

and lubricate the parts subjected to movement or friction;– test efficiency of all the devices making up activation: pins,

levers, plugs, screws, nuts and washers, etc. and, if necessary,clean and lubricate them;

– adjust the device, checking the force required for its movement.

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14. Piese de schimb si accesorii

• Orice operatie de montaj a pieselor de schimbtrebuie executata de catre personal ABB SACET.M.S. sau de catre personalul clientului avandcalificarea necesara si cunoscand in detaliu aparatajul (IEC 694, CEI EN 60694 par.10.4.2.),

• Daca montajul pieselor de schimb / accesoriilorpermis de ABB SACE T.M.S. este executat de personalul clientului, responsabilitatea pentru lucrarile executate revine clientului.

• Inainte de a executa orice operatie, verificati ca aparatele sunt deschise si ca circuitele primare si secundare nu sunt alimentate.

Pentru a comanda piese de schimb/accesorii pentru contactor,consultati codurile de comanda date in catalogul tehnic649223.Pentru disponibilitate si pentru a comanda piese de schimb contactati ABB SACE T.M.S. Service.

14.1 Piese de schimb

Dispozitive de semnalizare prezenta tensiune.Pentru piesele de schimb ale paratelor (intreruptor, separatoare, etc.) consultati respectivele manuale de

14.2. Accesorii si dispozitive

– Manivela de actionare separatoare– Manivela de armare resort intreruptor HAD– Dispositiv de verificare concordanta fazei (la cerere)– Carucior pentru debrosare intreruptor– Carucior pentru debrosare transformatoare de masura


14. Spare parts and accessories

• All assembly operations of spare parts must becarried out, by ABB SACE T.M.S. personnel or bysuitably qualified personnel of the customer within-depth knowledge of the apparatus (IEC 694, CEIEN 60694 para. 10.4.2), following the instructionsenclosed with the accessories/spare partsthemselves.

• Should application of the accessories / spareparts allowed by ABB SACE T.M.S. be carried outby the customer’s personnel, responsibility forthe interventions lies with the customer.

• Before carrying out any operation, check that theapparatus is open and that the high voltage andauxiliary circuits are not powered.

To order spare parts/accessories for the contactor, refer to thesales ordering codes given in the 649223 technical catalogue.For availability and to order spare parts, please contact ABBSACE T.M.S. Service.

14.1. Spare parts

Voltage present signalling device lamps.For the spare parts of the apparatus (circuit-breaker, isolators,etc.), please consult the relative instruction manuals.

14.2. Accessories and tools for operations

– Isolator operating lever– Spring charging lever for HAD circuit-breaker– Device for checking phase concordance (optional accessory)– Circuit-breaker handling truck– Instrument unit handling truck.

urmand instructiunile care insotesc piesele deschimb.


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Datorita continuei evolutii a Standardelor si materialelor, specificatiile sidimensiunile din acest catalog pot fi considerate sigure numai dupaconfirmarea din partea ABB SACE T.M.S.

Due to the continuous development of Standards and materials, the specifica-tions and dimensions in this catalogue may only be considered binding upon onconfirmation by ABB SACE T.M.S.

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ABB SACE T.M.S. S.p.A.Head Office: Via Friuli, 424044 Dalmine (BG) - ItalyTel: +39 035 395111Fax: +39 035 395874P.O. Box 88 Dalmine (BG) - Italye-mail: [email protected]