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' . ' I I ,, ' ,-. . . ' . , .. , . . ' ' . ' •• . ' ' . ' ... ,, ' .. .. . t, ., ; " 'I.·.' ./ r ' / < . l" ' >. . . ' ' . . ' .. ' ' 1-, ' ' ' ' ' ' . ,-). ' . ' t .' . . . . ' ' 1 1 • " ,I ',. • . .. .. '.• .,.,,,, •:.(.• \ I, . .' ) • " • . ' >! ' . ' '' ,• . 1 ' ' ' <i '" ·.': .. ;, ',. "'' ' ' . •, ,' ' • I. • ' •' ' ... . .. < ., t •• ' ' ,,,J''",c'· I \ lj, 0 f• ', (' I '\ .. . I' •· .. ' ' ' . ' . ' . . Ne- April : ·, n·AA .. '. ·' .. ·.(,··. ""' •. c . ,, '. ) . . <' , r < Conventions AN .·Of· · roQXalf ... ,:"; .. .... , .,. authorttl• ot oc:cupnUon llnvo · _. ·- . 'LATE THE EVjCHANG·E o·••K· !.::·.· .. , .. f . . . ; . ' '" . ' .. Olovel!Uld la now. In tho ,rlni fbr tho hOD!m oi· tho dty chosEn tor tho next D!ltlonnl convenUoD!I of tbe l>emocrnrJc nne! ncputlliCOD LJlarUI!& Tho picture· , · · tho new Clevelnnd Pnbllc: . hnll, whlc:b biUI a ecntlng <apedty ot 12,000, Tbo bullillng c:J)st •o.OOO.OOO 1w.s 16 front ontronc:c3. Leviathan Real Americati Craft Manufacturers Forgot Proflta and Laber Its Rules In "Nat· uralizlna" Blo \lesseL - Nc't7 Yor!t-Tho Amortcon llner Levf- ethnn, once tho BQIJlburg-AJDorlc:nn'e Vntcrlond, mil olll.l from Now York tor Goutbampton on bllr mnl•len Vfl1- cgo In our t:rnnonUantlc pru:::cngcr ¢rnda within tbo next four montbA .luld 'l'l'bl'n llho clrom Snndy Boo!t on lbot firut t'CI!ltwnr1l Jouruoy abo \lW bo l!l .over)' ccneo an Amorlc:nn chip, o ah1p to tho rcconrrt.rucUan nn4 roeoniUUon- tng of nblch OVCl"f atntQ In tho union hnD bnd 11 chnro. 'tbo uortx of rocondiUonlllg lho i!J'C:lte!lt tmlp tbnt llaD OVCJ' oo.Jlcd UD• c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho moo,ooo and S9r ()()0.000. \.1:-tTo )'c:ud agO tbo t.m'totbnn. wblcb hod l:nUll:pOrtcd mom than uo,. ()()0 Amertenn 11o!di1:I11 to tho war sumo. wn.a alowl1 lntQ tho Hoboken l!llud. Then tho I!OVcrnmcnt dccldcd lhnt It mlzbt bo good bunlneJC OB well n.a n fino CClltlmcnt to eavo thlD ahlp tor tho .Amorlcan overccn.a trodo. So tho L<rrlothan WOB tO't"lcd to tho ynrds « tho Neva SblplnJlldlna & l>rydoch comp:my, nn4 tho tronllfornlll- tJou WllD tmdcr W111· Tbero w1U bo motblne on tho ceoo moro complcte)J Amorll.'llD tbon thlD 02.IJOO.ton p:w- ..,ngor ahlp. and tboro wUl bo no ehlp und.or 11111 flna In tho awolDt- monts lli'Q mora lU%llJ'loDS or tho com- forts and c:ttcauordo moro noml!tOUll. tho typo of tnrnlturo, tho pnltno nnd -bot bonco plnntll complot· lng. tho lllu!lon. rentnunmt 1!1 Joined to tbo palm court by n abort ata!l't'l'ey, jUGt tbroo tcot above tho court. Tho t\'lo, wblcll In fact nrc on.o, hnvo a combined floor epaco ot 6,000 cqunro foot. All In tho court a domo of otlltned glllC:l. tho cC11tcr ot nn nncaonc:ot Oguro, 1o tbo crowninG Tho wnlln nro ot mnboan.tiy. Non In or(%c:t lD tho STC3t dlnloa ll:lloop trlth a floor area of 11,550 toot, tho c:clllns b7 a domo of £)D.M, llO reot abo\'o 1l:o 4«k. JQVt). lt.'tU- czt cctUng lltt:' bllijt So.tu shlp. Ionic pUinrs Wpport · tbo Gomo and vntnttnco 1Dddcnts 1n tbo pioneer hlatory ot tho United Stotcu oro prominent. 'Xho coto: sctlcmo throtljtbout lb ci.OlJ !told. Kalaor'1 Picture Gone. Tho llbrt1J7 Ill OnJnMd In Ugbt sroon. Tho 'I'I'OVCn CliJ'l)llto nro ot bloo ond aJUD a.nd tho cm1lliil.o of aroon and diver. Over tbo cpleollld montcl Ill tbla room onco bUDB n portrait of tho or·lto1= In tho nnlfonn of n Ocrmon mambol. Tbnt plctnro Ions ngn di.Dap- Over tb1.a mantel bo tho HommS Chandler Chrlnty pol'tnllt ot Pralldent HllJ'd.lns. Tho aulten and ctotcrooma mll allow n eomplotn choDll"! from tho Q(!TD)QI) to tho .ll.mertcon Btnlldord.. Wbcn tho Ocnnon.a bod tho ahlp tho prlvato Uv· lnlt qunrtcra tTcnl tho mo:1l profuccl1 docomted ot Cl;) llD1 ohJp In tho 'tVorld. In tho ncu ablp lllmpllclty rull.'.:l. Tbcro nra Ovo elmplo COlor cc:bmnca, BTU1. light. bull, llltbt crccn !Uld h7o bnr(lwood etlct!tA. IncJ. de!lltqlly thl'm llJ"Cl moro prtvato bath roomo ln Ulo ow LoviLltbnn thnn on DDJ other abJp. oU-,J.. Forwnrd ot tho mll.ln rntronco ot the dlnlog fiOioon 111 tho Pompellon ITI7lmm!ng bn th. Tbo bad.n, 01' pool, boll nn nren or 780 cqlUll'Q tcm ood a vnry· InS depth of from 9 teet 0 lnch£11 to about 0 foot. Tho bolb con bo mrp. pl!ed 120 tom! of trilla In 25 mlnutea Tbl!ro nrc dromilna rooms tor b:lthern, and adJil1DJnu tho mntn room lllltl tho lltll· ll!i'f thero 11ro QtClm, TorldAb ant'l bnthn. Onrnardly tho Lovt11thon Ill tho Vo- ttlrland at 1914, but that Ia about aU rn:;nmbi.Dnc:a Under tho Garmon flna. and Dll tho bocltb9oo of tho A. E. Ii', tranaport fioot. allo wii!J a con! burner. In tho Amorlcon merehont IIQn'lco olio mil bo tho arrotem tlurner on tho ac:::w. Tho Interior dl!corotfoiUI hovo boon cntlrel.y c!hanaect Under the OermlUlll £he tnl&d to tho lllllt \iOrd tho Oer- lllllil ldro ot tho decoroUve nrt. Tho room WllD n.a anud)r a eom- Cl!l could bo fotmd on tbo CZ'JD.. Tbe mn.lnod glol:!l M.ndowa tttolloo tho glorteg, on tond and ll2ll. d tho old German emplre. In tbe tile>r Lovtatbnn nrtltitfc remlndl!t'll <lf lhCJ Fotherlond hnvo betn mptarcl bJ tltlllned gl= J):loel.o, 43 of thmD, Qlc f01' each otntn In tho unUm. and In tbo ot tbem nil tbo great crol of tba antton Itself. Luxury Everywhere. Throo grrot poblll! antllertng oOD tho promenodo dedt arc tbo ont· iltDDdlna featurcJ In tho orc:bltecturnl QlTilllge.ment of tljo nau Ltavlnthnn. <.rhs::;o lll'll tho oodnl hnll, lbe p:1tm court ond ro1ltnnro.nt and the main c'llnlnu Mloon. Tho Lovtnthan IQ to mntro 14 round trlP!l of tho AtlantJe In 12 mo!lthD, and In tbo of ths::;o her pom;eng-ero nnd nc:- to tbo Olt1IllatclJ ct tho Qhfpo ptnu bc:mL conmuno 1.120,000 llllg!J, 210.000 pounds Of bUtter. 200.000 of Jams and 2,004,.- 000 ponndll of menta, '1'04,000 J:,IOliildll of flllh. IJ4,000 tiOllnllll ot ltlifu6 birds, 1.000,000 potnjds of drt::sl!d lJOtit- try, smooo potmc!a ct pctAtOOl. 200,.. 000 pmmdll of cnbbogu ond olhor vctto- tnb!w In pJ'()portfonom. nmolltltu, 224,• 000 votmdD of GDgnr, quarts Of mlflt. 42 tons of co@o nod 29,000 pt>lmdll ot hnm nn4 Jba tanlo numlnlr ot poundo of arDPC3. lG,OOO bOltCII of orongee, nppleo nnd other trults; man7 tontt of leo l!l'()nms und lc:ea, ohnost 1.000,000 ponntl!l ot Dour, toDB upon tQns of breo!ItOJJt tooda. 80,000 pount18 111 omoldns. and · oth¢r tQbac:eo.!l, and more than 8.000,000 clgtl!B tmd cJiar- ._. When Rear Admlrnl Benaon. ablp- plng bonrd commloolouer, at Q.D omclnt ln.upectton llf Lov1nthnn n couplo or wc(!lta aso c:lld thnt tho olll1 c:rlt1· dom be could t?OJJ that poo- dbly tl)ID iuceod l.(lf'll(!at ohlp n1lont bod m!Uio .too IUJ:tpioou. ho mlaht bn vo gono u atop turtber ond tl'ld potrloUc workmen ond bnd vied with encb other In accom· pllchlna 1llt\t cud. Tho Uner, l!l n> rrumtna her JJJ(Ico OJJ tbo In11rnot vn• cengcr clltJ) f11111u tho AmcrJron Ooa. will reflect credit on 2.000 ubi p worh· oro of tho Newport Nowo Sblpbulldlna nnd Dr)' Dock comP:UlJ nod 1,000 man· ufocturoru wbo p:lrtlclpoted In n:DtUo11 bcr. Everybody Helped Out. Romer ot tho compllllf, t::lld thnt tho uaun1 rolca of lnbq.r !jod boon folW1ttca f};r btl cc· t'lorccs.' 'l'bo tltibl or dn hnmmcrtog a J!Jl11 or n enrpentor OJio lllatJDll Ill 11 nlrtnlf Job, n plumbu old- Ina t:1 wood enrver or o prunwr bon· dllng noylblns but n brt1llh. would mnlro tJw nvorogo contrnctl1r belltrlo tho mU· lennlum bad orrlvcd. Bnt tbla hap. I)CDed reaulorly durtna tbc mootho thnt tho LcvlnthlUl 't1 n.a modo over. "I connot ll:l1 too much In prulco of Dl1 2,900 n=claroo In thin Job," Mr. Fei'JrU!l('ll "Re:illl!.lns thot U' tho VI"Sllt(!l \l'DD to bo of ony ln our oll'ort to put tho Amertenn flnu on tho aroa uho hod to bo nm.dy for tho cvrtns oxoduo to Europe. tho 'l'l'orh· men bent their brot dlortn to tho tnllll. When they wore tllr'ough tor tho dey, bnndrcdll of thlltll 'Would trool) bock to tho ohlp and volnntoor to ltc<!p at It dnrtng tho ovenlng bOIII'Il. th01 <;JOUid not ndmtt lt. It JOU queo- tlonetl Ulem, tlll'J wcm nctunted ·by 11 pntrlotlc demro to umko tho alilp tbo bst nflont. "It thiD oplendld gplrlt bnd oct c1lllplnyed tho vell1lcl n ner would hovo blleil rMdy In tbo time nllotted. Tho public llttlo reollroo como of tho dlffi. cultiCll we faced. You mum romem- bcr that the Germano <;Jbo bnllt ber wl'Uid not turnlab uD vlth tho plllllll.. For thl!l'O 'llfl!l'Q ten mD· lion vtreg vhlcb wo bod to troco ont. nnd thlll tonlt \l eelra nnd weelur ot Uro- oomg In thlll portJculor phnoo every man 1rt11pped In and belJX!d oat. "Tbo WOOd c:nrvertl, for l!lmmple,. naotna;t o bard proposiUon In dupllt'nttna plllnrll, tooled Jpather lllgng and lll'J"Oll m>rn. IIPet'lnltJro of 0t!1'1Dnn nrtlc:mo who often bad most of a yror en o nlnalo job. It me:mt ronlltllllt mJrk to do theca tblngD tn Ume o:n4 the e1,;ht-bour rnl11 did nat flStJre." Londen Pcpulatlon Growa. Lotldlln.-Tbo popolotloo of Lcr.l· clon, whldl fDelUt11lll the mnny 1111burbg bUt not thO "'health nrro." wna 0.001 •• on t. according to tbo bt tho wnwr blt:IJ'd. Tho hall hns IUl area or 4,oM qtllll'll rem, llll £!1'«lt dmno ot glnss an aNa ot 2,400 cqullt'9 teet. Through· .out tbla Qp:lrtment. o.s fino Dll DD1 eve- troUt llb a ilb!p, fltllGMd to ook smnel wor:t. frOm aoor to centng. The tlgbtlng c:tl'\llltll an concooletl' In tho .eilltng, ond em thO wt1II8 wlll bo tam' ott w t1n lthttan anm ot nn .eatlkr cetlttnT. Tb$SO fbtlt p::dntfngi .oro among thd tow ic:ltul"dt n;tntnad ·miD tlid ttmo tmt'IIlr' Oer)Dmi cor'\trot. ' the Wortd Moto.r Wll® tho n!i.Vlf the 1n 1011 .dlM tendertr. Tlint wctil t'Olfett 1\lid .Ill somo, llonkod wltb Wl\11 lit lll'ft . toou · 'iin ']J '. . ,,UilJ'IIltUlY'B floating debt lli dlcc:ount• . AI 1 ··: · ;' · ' · 1 cd trcusuey blllo ut thQ end ot 1\lmh . . · · \VIlfl mnrtt!). represent· ESTABLISHED 1892 IllS' un lncrense ot soo,o®,ooo mnrlte during the laut ten dnya of mcntb. CONDENSED R E Q;p R D OF THB PROGRESS AT .ft: FROM ALL SAVINGS, DOl N&\8, ACHIEVE· ;' MENTO, SUFPE$1NGS, HOPES AND FEARS OF MANKIND. WESTERN ' " Tho nneembly bocfi ot the Colltomlo Legtlllnture tnblt!d o. bill Cor the nboll· tlon of cnpltw pun(nbment. One of tbo openltero tor tho but WWI \VIll'dcn Jdbnoton of Bill) Qocntln prlwu. who llllld ho did not bellovo In pun· Wbment. lllnroboll Kent, ruipo Kent lllnrahnU, alleged to be tbo ·b()o.d ot n nnUonnl orgunlz:nUon of confidence mon. Ia un· der llrretlt In Loa .lul,Gelea on n fedllrnl c:blll'gtl of u!lloa tbo mnlla to dctro.ud. !tent Willi nrretStcd at tho requoot ot fcdernl ButborltlCD In Now Yorll, wbo otntcd tbut ho WU!I wunted In Jock· oonvllle, Fla. . Hpoltnne, Wtl$,. J)J)liCO o mo.n whoeo ndvoncC!l c:nueud n youns slrl to from car, nnd wbo, when pumucd, clJ,ot und wounded tho motor<'yclo oftlcer punm.lng lllm. Tho glrl, Ulndyo Homer, Ia In a boo- pltul with n trncta"'d Dllull, poC!IIblf dylnu. Tl1o officer, J, lL Cuohntt, Ia In anotber bo6Pita1, n bullet In ll1tl I ong. Actual co!Ultruc.tlon on tho f1rut holt milo ot arndo tor tho new Mootnno· W)'omlng ltnllmnd Comp11.11y hno 11tnrt· ad. Tbo <'t'OB!I ctcUoDll ot the loen· UuD!I bo vo bll\.'tl coD;Jpletcd tor a cllo- tpncc oX two mllc.; tmd worh In atcad· Jly proarcO!ltni- 'l'bc contrucl«IJ11 all expect to be t10rhlng within two wtlC:'kD between Mlle!! City, Mont., unci .Anblund. Twt!Dlf·throq hundred wlll be covered b:y .tllo reprellt•otnthl'll ot Omnbn wboleaallni. Jobbllltr nnll rc- tulllng tlrmo who vUI wotlc tho trade oxten.aton tour oou b!!lns plunnod. Tbo boo=ti!I"D 1'1'111 len vc Olllllha 011 11111 20 ,9Dd vllllt nlnetJ wcatcro Nebrnalta and 'Vyomlna ell· hn Prlnt'lpnl clllca l!l \V.fOtnlnn wblcb will be vloltcd ore l'bCJ<'ano, lloch Sprlll8ll. Lnr1U11IC. llowliDllD nnl.l Urccn Wvcr. W A.BBINGTON It Ia rt)ported from Uuc.r tbnt tbnt town b11B been fined 110,000,000 mnrlto and tbnt nil stroot trnfCic ut night 111 torbl<\dan on of tho blowing up of tllo mllltnrlzed rnllwuy between Bucr nnd Recldlngbnusen. Membem ot the Drltlub ndrPlrnlty bonrd told blternutfonai NI!W.f! fler\'ICO tbey belleved tile aplrlt ot tbo Wnsb· tngton conference trnnUes UmlUng nnv· nl urmnn1ent6 prevented elcvu:tloo oJ gun turretG on wnrsblpa to ln<·renue firing runge. Tile cllpturo Dublin ot Auotln Stuclt, · chlet c:olleugue ot Eamon de Vnlcrn, wbllc lmvortnnt In ltuetr, It ovlll'llllndowed by the dttsce • bla pei'!IOn of u document In cnllng tbnt tbe com&'lete uurrendcr o the lrrec;u· lam to nt, IJ,nnd. Somowbero Ill tho monntnlntl pt Bcotlund, Mujor nod Mrs. MllX Oacr, tbc Iutter Corrncrly Mloo Mntbllde Mc- Cormlcii. 18 yeum old, uranddnusbtcl ot Jobn D. Rockefeller, ure l'njoy1nG a brlet hnneymoon before returning ta Bwltl!erlund, whcru tJ1ey will Uve. Stunloy llnldwtn. chuncellor of U1t exchequer ot Enslund, mnldng blo bud- set atntoment before n crewdt.'il cbtUn· ber In thll llouuo of Oommollll, uuhl tbo pnat yenr'o survluo ut UOl.OOO.OOC: bud gone to reducUon ot tho debt. Tbt nnunclnl year jUDt cloaod bud bcwm• utcadlly bettor IIIJ It proce1.-ded, trndt ut homo and 11broud hnd Improved and unomploymcnt lind dlmlniDlu•d coWlld ernbty, A UoWltnnUnople dlapatcb to the Lontloa Dally Mull ouya tbut E. Uroot'Cio:w, an Anu•rlcun rcUor •vorll· or, bua thut dty ti'Olll Tttllt where, he be apt:nt clshtcen duya In oolltnl'y conOnoauunt In u oovtcf prloou un n cbursu or cpyiDg. Th4 charge wno bnu•'d on the dlllo('()VCI'J nmolljC Ilia t•uvcru oC an llwurnnl'll pol· 1<'7, whkb tho em lilt polh"ll mllltooll for nn ln<·rtwloutlng d()(·umcut. Howard l'nrter, tluJ Amorl<'1lll wbo =lalec.l Lon! l "• on In flnc.llng tht tomb or KJn11 'futuohhnwa.•n uotl "bu wuu auld to btJ Ill, "WI n.•portcd hn· pron'd In c.llopulcltea ud lJ1 LQo· dun trom Cairo. Lord Cornunoo·a n> aoniDll will bo lntcrrt•d on tbu top of a bla bill on bla ond not lJ1 tbo fuallly v nul t, QC(.'Oratns tu one or b1.l lu.ot wlahco, C!lJ'D an an· DtiUDl'eliiCDt In I.A.ondon. 'l'bc COITCllVUDclcJU ot tbo HundllJ Exl•n:lll) at \\'cli"Cll!icn. 0vnnoJ17, ato ll'll Uwt lbcro oro tocreanina loiU· cnUun.a tbot tho former l'J"'\Ttl pnoco of OcrmllDJ' Ia becomlna ln.Dnno. Tbo l'OI"nl1J11atlc1cnt dl'('IUI'\!:1 lbnt two ol Ucrun·o moot tumuWI ullcnll>tn r.:cvllt• IJ vlllltod W clrt"Dil"D nnd found lhCI former l'row u pnnl't! aul!'ttorlna trom prosf'l'm1ho douwnllu. Tho cornopood- cnt 11ddo : "The turmur l'niW11 prtnco tum turned rcllgluUJI llliodt>d und tho wrvantll to llatcn Cur lwura to n> VIYnlJI t'Onduc:Wd b,J tolw Oil II \tbt'Clll' Ofl>OD." AJI.houah polDIIna out thnt ltl como cJUCUl there WilD &ro•nt need ot Dim' cmmcnt bnlldlni!B. fJccrctnrJ Mellon atntod In Q Iotta I 0 v'hnlrmnn MuddeD ol Lllo Houco OJ•t·roprtnUona commit· u:e tbllt It mtsb 1 IJo ucll to coDal dar tho advlll!lb1Ul1 .. r I'C!ltrlcttne liOYcm· ment coo11trucUon no mtlcll n.a blo ln vlow or t h" prc=ont boom or bomo bulldlnii- Bbnlnl!ll!l condllmua oro llteadiiJ cot· GENERAL t1na better. tw<·r• 1ury of Labor Vnvlll J. M. lJnvlla. clllct of lrnmlarntlau to nnnount'Cd n:centl) Ho biD ob- Junr<!Jl, biiJI Ml'ln:d tlD ••rdo•r rrom aenutlotw on r<'tn•rtc to tbo Vcvort· MC11co v'll1 llllltrut'th•ll him to bur nil mcnt of Labor rr .. tu G.4Ii3 monuructur- Amllrlt'llDJI from l'Dtorlns J nncz Ina eatnbliDlnnPat• Cor nhowtna 6 o'clock l'V"-l'J nl&ht unlcllll on'I"J form an lnt'r'C!WO n1 :.! 1 V<'r In nomtx:r of anmbllnB ntopvod. of men cmploJ<'<I. ll per cent lnerco&e Autowobllo ncc:ldi!ntJJ .ktlloo 14,000 In totol WUBCO. und 2.8 per t'Cnt In· pen:oou ltl tho Vnltcd KtntCll In 111'.!2, CJ'C:l!IC In n .-erase "oohl,y comiD&PJ. 1111 lncruw:o ot 1,600, or t:.! por cr>Dt, npplt.-nUonn tor tho jab over urn, acrordlns to tlgurCll lauod Cl!l pmhtbiUoo c.lln><'tor tor Colornllo bJ tho NnUonw Burc:lu of (.'Wionll1 bnTo bti!D I!Cllt to lbo United StotCll and Burell Ooderwrltcrn cu Now r oris Tre:l.DurJ Dt>partUII!Dt Qt Wn.allfnatall, CltJ, Tho ottlce wu l.,n vacont when tho lmptClJ::Ilvo by tbt'lr "lm- l'l!lllgn.uUon of Emmett H. Mc:CieruJ..o pllcl17 ucro conducted ot tbe tuncrnl bnn Willi accepted by D<1Yid A. Dlnlr, ot tbo IUgbt lln. Donie\ 8. Tuttll', pro- rommtlllllnfler of lnrorru:t.l roTeD1lO LD bl®op o1: th.o Eplllrolt'll c.burc.b \Vn.alllogtoo. lt.ecoommcrloUoa bJ In Amcrtro. who tllcd at tall 1'1!1114enco Cnltad !:ltot('!l Ln\Tieilco C. ot IlL Lolllo, Mo. In neconlnnrn wltb Phlppo wUl bo nwnltcd bofore an ap- tho wtJlh of the pn>latc, oo pclntment Ill mndc. provlll1on \TOD modo fm' n a:!rmon. 'l'ho tlmt coc1a1 tllDdJon of llll1 Im- portnnco lllnce Mm Bardllll(a llloo&ll loat tun Willi bcld n fo>t dayo ago ot tho Whlte Douce. tho Prellldent and Mrn. IIardlng ent('Molnlns lntormatly 100 trtmdll In offidol ODd unotnclnl lltc. 'l'ho anem lndac!od lbo mcmbcn o1 tho c:nblnet and Supremo Court, s:ov· crn1 membenl of tbe &motQ und How:a IUll1 o f(f"-s of tho dlplo- mntlc: rorpn. Stnto Department ar;enlll to mvestlJgnoo cblll'ie& that Tnrltll!b soltUom had mutlla«:d tho body und dctltl'o:Vcd tho cotfln 0% Oeor&e Dllbof, a.n Amerlenn coldler to whom n ron· Cl'tsl:iolllll medol ot lienor wilD award· «i ntter he met blo de;1tb In tbo World Ulm at Berry Ii'. 81Dclaln:· llorlCO< cao Bto.blo nt Jobatowo, N. J., dc- lltr'ofro property and vwuoo ot more tbon Gl.IJOO.OOO. Tha tiro ttWI ln tho breedlns atoblf'11 and tbo hon:ea wcro brontl morel3 end tha ctnllloo Incllcapc., tor whlcll Blnclnll pnta tbo record pdco of GlllO,OOO IIJI o 2-tcar-old. Sheriff J. n. Janca of TnlabolllU.'O modo a vroflt ot approxlmnte- 1)' (123 on cmch by Leon eount7 to I•utnnm Lumber Comp11oy. bo tenUf1Gil beforo tho com· mlttoo lnvCiltJanUna prl!:DD rondlttom In Florida nll tho outarowtll of tha death of Mnrttn 'l'lllK!rt of North Dn· !totn• wLU', hnvo contlrmed tllom. 1n o pro- llmlnnt;' report tho ll:lld Kencmu M. Lnndla, bacebwl colD' rC:;pOnslblo tor Uao p:ofanoUon W4e!'tl mll::l1ooor, appnrenU1 hno no tnvorltco ot!tunted bl,l' cnpldlty· rnther In tbc 1023 lcoguo roco, bot be tbnn by mnllco or Ol1$' lntoltlolllll Bet tor n .. great rear tor tho tnn11." '01· "li'or ro23 t.hcro In ovety lndlcntton ol 'l'llo grnJn tuturea net tlllll o excelleJlt GCDGOn," COmmtllll!oh· dccltu"cd vclld 111ld C()n:otltllrJonnl bt <ll' Lnndla llllld ln Cblcn(to. "Appnr- tbtl tluvretno pourr. lt woo tho tccontl t't!.tly 111 mo11t h:ar:ues, Wlll ,bo o ttlno thO court hod pn£.Wd 011 010 vnl• broodenlpu ot tho tle!ld 6t 01n1 'of a fmlln futuro tfndlllg 11 lll'G up ln tho mcc. Vcey J, statuto on tho trudng tha tt'auttn of ovrtna training oro llhtb· I · of tho federal hn>J· ty ltlUotactorr, nnd l looll: tor n stcnt been hbld unclrtl.!JUtuuonllL Tho y()Ut tot thO ftiJiil." npbcttl was batlld on thO right to Berman · ot Los Angcl\lSo konttol tnUlrstotc romuid'ce. . throagb lUll tlltbcr, ;t, t«lt, han filed a CARRIZOZO, NEW MEXICO ' lntacst a& .j per cent., etc:., paid on Time nnd Sa'fbl8 Dcpodtt. 4coouuta SolldtccL INQUIRIES PROMPTLY ANSWERED Just One Change ••• Between Your Door and Los An· gelea. And when you take the WHITE UNE you have the moat enjoyable part trip first e e Dked Couediona at Carrizozo for El Paso, Arizona and California Capitan Mercantile Co. General Merchandise Groceries, Hardware, Ford Parts Fresh Fruits and Vegetables It Pleases Us to Please Yon Capitan Mercantile Co. Seven Point• of Supremacy ... with ' They help p:1y the tA•et. keep up lho eehQolfJi, buttlt .mlinlty WCrtltWlille.• \'oa ' . will Gilt! 1h•114vett!abl• ol -' I the beat ones to this paper. .JNK, ' __ - -.-- -_- -- > ' . ' . ' ' ,l> ' . ' f:!stobllsbment (Jt tlltilll!!M lll!lll ken• ault ogatnst. o (OilGy MWng too Now OmcwJ and Pllot· do.C:llllt<m ot $2,1)00 01'1 tbo alltr;nuon bo t.a.. 'Mll fk-{ltl Otln®nced bS' tho Mll'.l 6lat'1Siitcil lito "WtlCD lid broka .. thlp .tm· a tront t¢otll ®. a rmll In a J,J1Gct"J o1 l(;O nmU tot for€Xgn' tillilltrli!!i will corul1 ho n$SCl'tOt1 had b'-'tell mac1o liS 110· Jilac.ild .otf :outr:cfilS lrtenuii!@, nt Ulp d®ln(bb.t C!bmpnny. l ' J . . ' . '. ' . . . . - ' ' .. , •' .. ' . . 0 I Pllcl '.t'oWD; 100 tnlleli' ®rot tho Mia- "Jn®stdlll life'ffil1erncll!lf' 1n Ulo bts . Hal. Your Veta Orut W14 <lthln' p-o!Xltf. .to l!W.ooO Siill1lc.t $t\"VJCO Mi tl'ectl tho 10 pa th6tt t.'tiS<lll wblcli . th4f: •=unl?'iJlant tctlk · £-;cnir•d? n;: .. . , WJ1l " , ·:- . , · · J:' •, .'If . ·• ·'· ' c, "" •""'--"""' •• ,_ __ ,, r< ,. ••• , • ......., •• , __ I . ' . _, .

Leviathan Real Americati Craft - Lincoln County · c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~

Jul 20, 2019



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Page 1: Leviathan Real Americati Craft - Lincoln County · c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~


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.. Olovel!Uld la now. In tho ,rlni fbr tho hOD!m oi· tho dty chosEn tor tho next D!ltlonnl convenUoD!I of tbe

l>emocrnrJc nne! ncputlliCOD LJlarUI!& Tho picture· , · · tho new Clevelnnd Pnbllc: . hnll, whlc:b biUI a ecntlng <apedty ot 12,000, Tbo bullillng c:J)st •o.OOO.OOO 1w.s 16 front ontronc:c3.

Leviathan Real Americati Craft

Manufacturers Forgot Proflta and Laber Its Rules In "Nat·

uralizlna" Blo \lesseL -Nc't7 Yor!t-Tho Amortcon llner Levf­

ethnn, once tho BQIJlburg-AJDorlc:nn'e Vntcrlond, mil olll.l from Now York tor Goutbampton on bllr mnl•len Vfl1-cgo In our t:rnnonUantlc pru:::cngcr ¢rnda within tbo next four montbA .luld 'l'l'bl'n llho clrom Snndy Boo!t on lbot firut t'CI!ltwnr1l Jouruoy abo \lW bo l!l .over)' ccneo an Amorlc:nn chip, o ah1p to tho rcconrrt.rucUan nn4 roeoniUUon­tng of nblch OVCl"f atntQ In tho union hnD bnd 11 chnro.

'tbo uortx of rocondiUonlllg lho i!J'C:lte!lt tmlp tbnt llaD OVCJ' oo.Jlcd UD• c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~ moo,ooo and S9r ()()0.000. \.1:-tTo )'c:ud agO tbo t.m'totbnn. wblcb hod l:nUll:pOrtcd mom than uo,. ()()0 Amertenn 11o!di1:I11 to tho war sumo. wn.a alowl1 ~t:Wng lntQ tho Hoboken l!llud.

Then tho I!OVcrnmcnt dccldcd lhnt It mlzbt bo good bunlneJC OB well n.a n fino CClltlmcnt to eavo thlD ahlp tor tho .Amorlcan overccn.a p023Cll~tcr trodo. So tho L<rrlothan WOB tO't"lcd to tho ynrds « tho N~nrt Neva SblplnJlldlna & l>rydoch comp:my, nn4 tho tronllfornlll­tJou WllD tmdcr W111· Tbero w1U bo motblne on tho ceoo moro complcte)J Amorll.'llD tbon thlD 02.IJOO.ton p:w­..,ngor ahlp. and tboro wUl bo no ehlp und.or 11111 flna In ~hlc:b tho awolDt­monts lli'Q mora lU%llJ'loDS or tho com­forts and c:ttcauordo moro noml!tOUll.

tho out«~o01 typo of tnrnlturo, tho pnltno nnd -bot bonco plnntll complot· lng. tho lllu!lon. ~Q rentnunmt 1!1 Joined to tbo palm

court by n abort ata!l't'l'ey, jUGt tbroo tcot above tho court. Tho t\'lo, wblcll In fact nrc on.o, hnvo a combined floor epaco ot ntm~ 6,000 cqunro foot. All In tho court a domo of otlltned glllC:l. tho cC11tcr ot nn nncaonc:ot Oguro, 1o tbo crowninG fc:~turo.. Tho wnlln nro ot mnboan.tiy.

Non In or(%c:t lD tho STC3t dlnloa ll:lloop trlth a floor area of 11,550 toot, tho c:clllns p!~ b7 a domo of £)D.M, llO reot abo\'o 1l:o 4«k. JQVt). .~o lt.'tU­czt cctUng lltt:' bllijt So.tu ~ shlp. Ionic pUinrs Wpport · tbo Gomo and vntnttnco utustratln~ 1Dddcnts 1n tbo pioneer hlatory ot tho United Stotcu oro prominent. 'Xho coto: sctlcmo throtljtbout lb llutlrT~zy ci.OlJ !told.

Kalaor'1 Picture Gone.

Tho llbrt1J7 Ill OnJnMd In Ugbt sroon. Tho 'I'I'OVCn CliJ'l)llto nro ot bloo ond aJUD a.nd tho cm1lliil.o of aroon and diver. Over tbo cpleollld montcl Ill tbla room onco bUDB n portrait of tho or·lto1= In tho nnlfonn of n Ocrmon mambol. Tbnt plctnro Ions ngn di.Dap­~ Over tb1.a mantel ~m bo tho HommS Chandler Chrlnty pol'tnllt ot Pralldent HllJ'd.lns.

Tho aulten and ctotcrooma mll allow n eomplotn choDll"! from tho Q(!TD)QI) to tho .ll.mertcon Btnlldord.. Wbcn tho Ocnnon.a bod tho ahlp tho prlvato Uv· lnlt qunrtcra ~rhop:~ tTcnl tho mo:1l profuccl1 docomted ot tho~ Cl;) llD1 ohJp In tho 'tVorld. In tho ncu ablp lllmpllclty rull.'.:l. Tbcro nra Ovo elmplo COlor cc:bmnca, BTU1. light. bull, llltbt crccn !Uld h7o bnr(lwood etlct!tA. IncJ. de!lltqlly thl'm llJ"Cl moro prtvato bath roomo ln Ulo ow LoviLltbnn thnn on DDJ other abJp.

oU-,J.. Forwnrd ot tho mll.ln rntronco ot the dlnlog fiOioon 111 tho Pompellon ITI7lmm!ng bn th. Tbo bad.n, 01' pool, boll nn nren or 780 cqlUll'Q tcm ood a vnry· InS depth of from 9 teet 0 lnch£11 to about 0 foot. Tho bolb con bo mrp. pl!ed ~lth 120 tom! of ~ trilla In 25 mlnutea Tbl!ro nrc dromilna rooms tor b:lthern, and adJil1DJnu tho mntn room lllltl b'el~ tho Q~C.."'tntnru' lltll· ll!i'f thero 11ro ~ QtClm, TorldAb ant'l ~cctrlc bnthn.

Onrnardly tho Lovt11thon Ill tho Vo­ttlrland at 1914, but that Ia about aU -tbt~ rn:;nmbi.Dnc:a Under tho Garmon flna. and Dll tho bocltb9oo of tho A. E. Ii', tranaport fioot. allo wii!J a con! burner. In tho Amorlcon merehont IIQn'lco olio mil bo tho arrotem tlurner on tho ac:::w.

Tho Interior dl!corotfoiUI hovo boon cntlrel.y c!hanaect Under the OermlUlll £he tnl&d to tho lllllt \iOrd tho Oer­lllllil ldro ot tho decoroUve nrt. Tho l!lDoldn~t room WllD n.a anud)r a eom­p:~rtinrnt Cl!l could bo fotmd on tbo e~~ven CZ'JD.. Tbe mn.lnod glol:!l M.ndowa tttolloo tho glorteg, on tond and ll2ll. d tho old German emplre. In tbe tile>r Lovtatbnn tb~ nrtltitfc remlndl!t'll <lf lhCJ Fotherlond hnvo betn mptarcl bJ tltlllned gl= J):loel.o, 43 of thmD, Qlc f01' each otntn In tho unUm. and • In tbo ca~w ot tbem nil tbo great crol of tba antton Itself.

Luxury Everywhere. Throo grrot poblll! antllertng piLl~

oOD tho promenodo dedt arc tbo ont· iltDDdlna featurcJ In tho orc:bltecturnl QlTilllge.ment of tljo nau Ltavlnthnn. <.rhs::;o lll'll tho oodnl hnll, lbe p:1tm court ond ro1ltnnro.nt and the main c'llnlnu Mloon.

Tho Lovtnthan IQ ~c-d to mntro 14 round trlP!l of tho AtlantJe In 12 mo!lthD, and In tbo ~n::. of ths::;o v~ her pom;eng-ero nnd ~. to tbo Olt1IllatclJ ct tho Qhfpo ptnu bc:mL ~ conmuno 1.120,000 llllg!J, 210.000 pounds Of bUtter. 200.000 ~ of Jams and p~rvcs, 2,004,.-000 ponndll of ~ menta, '1'04,000 J:,IOliildll of flllh. IJ4,000 tiOllnllll ot ltlifu6 birds, 1.000,000 potnjds of drt::sl!d lJOtit­try, smooo potmc!a ct pctAtOOl. 200,.. 000 pmmdll of cnbbogu ond olhor vctto­tnb!w In pJ'()portfonom. nmolltltu, 224,• 000 votmdD of GDgnr, quarts Of mlflt. 42 tons of co@o nod ·'t~ 29,000 pt>lmdll ot hnm nn4 Jba tanlo numlnlr

ot poundo of arDPC3. lG,OOO bOltCII of orongee, nppleo nnd other trults; man7 tontt of leo l!l'()nms und lc:ea, ohnost 1.000,000 ponntl!l ot Dour, toDB upon tQns of breo!ItOJJt tooda. 80,000 pount18 111 omoldns. and · oth¢r tQbac:eo.!l, and more than 8.000,000 clgtl!B tmd cJiar-ott~ ._.

When Rear Admlrnl Benaon. ablp­plng bonrd commloolouer, at Q.D omclnt ln.upectton llf ~o Lov1nthnn n couplo or wc(!lta aso c:lld thnt tho olll1 c:rlt1· dom be could cxprc:::~ t?OJJ that poo­dbly tl)ID iuceod l.(lf'll(!at ohlp n1lont bod b~lJ, m!Uio .too IUJ:tpioou. ho mlaht bn vo gono u atop turtber ond tl'ld bo~ potrloUc workmen ond manutn~ro bnd vied with encb other In accom· pllchlna 1llt\t cud. Tho Uner, l!l n> rrumtna her JJJ(Ico OJJ tbo In11rnot vn• cengcr clltJ) f11111u tho AmcrJron Ooa. will reflect credit on 2.000 ubi p worh· oro of tho Newport Nowo Sblpbulldlna nnd Dr)' Dock comP:UlJ nod 1,000 man· ufocturoru wbo p:lrtlclpoted In n:DtUo11 bcr.

Everybody Helped Out. Romer ~ ~cnt ot tho

compllllf, t::lld thnt tho uaun1 rolca of lnbq.r !jod boon folW1ttca f};r btl cc· t'lorccs.' 'l'bo tltibl or dn ~loctne1tul hnmmcrtog a J!Jl11 or n enrpentor OJio lllatJDll Ill 11 nlrtnlf Job, n plumbu old­Ina t:1 wood enrver or o prunwr bon· dllng noylblns but n brt1llh. would mnlro tJw nvorogo contrnctl1r belltrlo tho mU· lennlum bad orrlvcd. Bnt tbla hap. I)CDed reaulorly durtna tbc mootho thnt tho LcvlnthlUl 't1 n.a modo over.

"I connot ll:l1 too much In prulco of Dl1 2,900 n=claroo In thin Job," Mr. Fei'JrU!l('ll c:~ld.. "Re:illl!.lns thot U' tho VI"Sllt(!l \l'DD to bo of ony ~ ln our oll'ort to put tho Amertenn flnu on tho aroa uho hod to bo nm.dy for tho cvrtns oxoduo to Europe. tho 'l'l'orh· men bent their brot dlortn to tho tnllll. When they wore tllr'ough tor tho dey, bnndrcdll of thlltll 'Would trool) bock to tho ohlp and volnntoor to ltc<!p at It dnrtng tho ovenlng bOIII'Il. Althat:~lfb th01 <;JOUid not ndmtt lt. It JOU queo­tlonetl Ulem, tlll'J wcm nctunted ·by 11 pntrlotlc demro to umko tho alilp tbo bst nflont.

"It thiD oplendld gplrlt bnd oct ~ c1lllplnyed tho vell1lcl n ner would hovo blleil rMdy In tbo time nllotted. Tho public llttlo reollroo como of tho dlffi. cultiCll we faced. You mum romem­bcr that the Germano <;Jbo bnllt ber wl'Uid not turnlab uD vlth tho plllllll.. For ~ttample, thl!l'O 'llfl!l'Q ~me ten mD· lion vtreg vhlcb wo bod to troco ont. nnd thlll tonlt \l eelra nnd weelur ot Uro­oomg ~r!t. In thlll portJculor phnoo every man 1rt11pped In and belJX!d oat.

"Tbo WOOd c:nrvertl, for l!lmmple,. ~(i1"Q·np naotna;t o bard proposiUon In dupllt'nttna plllnrll, tooled Jpather d~ lllgng and lll'J"Oll m>rn. IIPet'lnltJro of 0t!1'1Dnn nrtlc:mo who often bad ~t most of a yror en o nlnalo job. It me:mt ronlltllllt mJrk to do theca tblngD tn Ume o:n4 the e1,;ht-bour rnl11 did nat flStJre."

Londen Pcpulatlon Growa. Lotldlln.-Tbo popolotloo of Lcr.l·

clon, whldl fDelUt11lll the mnny 1111burbg bUt not thO "'health nrro." wna 0.001 •• 41~ on D~mbor t. according to tbo Cllltl!Dll~ bt tho m~pollton wnwr blt:IJ'd.

Tho ~c:1ol hall hns IUl area or 4,oM qtllll'll rem, llll £!1'«lt dmno ot glnss an aNa ot 2,400 cqullt'9 teet. Through· .out tbla Qp:lrtment. o.s fino Dll DD1 eve­troUt llb a ilb!p, ~ fltllGMd to ook smnel wor:t. frOm aoor to centng. The tlgbtlng c:tl'\llltll an concooletl' In tho .eilltng, ond em thO wt1II8 wlll bo tam' ott po.lntlp~ w t1n lthttan anm ot nn .eatlkr cetlttnT. Tb$SO fbtlt p::dntfngi .oro among thd tow do~tt~ ic:ltul"dt n;tntnad ·miD tlid ttmo ~hi!# lib~ ~P! tmt'IIlr' Oer)Dmi cor'\trot. ' •

~und the Wortd ~Y Moto.r

Wll® tho n!i.Vlf tot~k· the ·~· 1n 1011 \h~ pt~ \V~ .dlM tendertr. Tlint wctil t'Olfett 1\lid .Ill somo, ~ llonkod wltb Wl\11 lit lll'ft . toou · ~QIJ',


• ']J

'. . ,,UilJ'IIltUlY'B floating debt lli dlcc:ount• . ~ AI 1 ··: · ;' · ' · 1,

cd trcusuey blllo ut thQ end ot 1\lmh . . ~· .~ · · · \VIlfl mnrtt!). represent· ESTABLISHED 1892 ~ IllS' un lncrense ot soo,o®,ooo mnrlte during the laut ten dnya of tJ~& mcntb. CONDENSED R E Q;p R D OF THB








' "

Tho nneembly bocfi ot the Colltomlo Legtlllnture tnblt!d o. bill Cor the nboll· tlon of cnpltw pun(nbment. One of tbo openltero tor tho but WWI \VIll'dcn Jdbnoton of Bill) Qocntln prlwu. who llllld ho did not bellovo In c~tpltnl pun· Wbment.

lllnroboll Kent, ruipo Kent lllnrahnU, alleged to be tbo ·b()o.d ot n nnUonnl orgunlz:nUon of confidence mon. Ia un· der llrretlt In Loa .lul,Gelea on n fedllrnl c:blll'gtl of u!lloa tbo mnlla to dctro.ud. !tent Willi nrretStcd at tho requoot ot fcdernl ButborltlCD In Now Yorll, wbo otntcd tbut ho WU!I wunted In Jock· oonvllle, Fla. .

Hpoltnne, Wtl$,. J)J)liCO ~ ~ng o mo.n whoeo ndvoncC!l c:nueud n youns slrl to l~p from ~B fll~dlns car, nnd wbo, when pumucd, clJ,ot und wounded tho motor<'yclo oftlcer punm.lng lllm. Tho glrl, Ulndyo Homer, Ia In a boo­pltul with n trncta"'d Dllull, poC!IIblf dylnu. Tl1o mot9~3clo officer, J, lL Cuohntt, Ia In anotber bo6Pita1, 1t~ltb n bullet In ll1tl rtgh~ I ong.

Actual co!Ultruc.tlon on tho f1rut holt milo ot arndo tor tho new Mootnno· W)'omlng ltnllmnd Comp11.11y hno 11tnrt· ad. Tbo <'t'OB!I ctcUoDll ot the loen· UuD!I bo vo bll\.'tl coD;Jpletcd tor a cllo­tpncc oX two mllc.; tmd worh In atcad· Jly proarcO!ltni- • 'l'bc contrucl«IJ11 all expect to be t10rhlng within two wtlC:'kD between Mlle!! City, Mont., unci .Anblund.

Twt!Dlf·throq hundred mllet~ wlll be covered b:y .tllo reprellt•otnthl'll ot Omnbn wboleaallni. Jobbllltr nnll rc­tulllng tlrmo who vUI wotlc tho ~ trade oxten.aton tour oou b!!lns plunnod. Tbo boo=ti!I"D 1'1'111 len vc Olllllha 011 11111 20 ,9Dd vllllt nlnetJ wcatcro Nebrnalta and 'Vyomlna ell· hn Prlnt'lpnl clllca l!l \V.fOtnlnn wblcb will be vloltcd ore l'bCJ<'ano, lloch Sprlll8ll. Lnr1U11IC. llowliDllD nnl.l Urccn Wvcr.


It Ia rt)ported from Uuc.r tbnt tbnt town b11B been fined 110,000,000 mnrlto and tbnt nil stroot trnfCic ut night 111 torbl<\dan on u~nnt of tho blowing up of tllo mllltnrlzed rnllwuy between Bucr nnd Recldlngbnusen.

Membem ot the Drltlub ndrPlrnlty bonrd told blternutfonai NI!W.f! fler\'ICO tbey belleved tile aplrlt ot tbo Wnsb· tngton conference trnnUes UmlUng nnv· nl urmnn1ent6 prevented elcvu:tloo oJ gun turretG on wnrsblpa to ln<·renue firing runge.

Tile cllpturo ne~~r Dublin ot Auotln Stuclt, · chlet c:olleugue ot Eamon de Vnlcrn, wbllc lmvortnnt In ltuetr, It ovlll'llllndowed by the dttsce • ~n bla pei'!IOn of u document In cnllng tbnt tbe com&'lete uurrendcr o the lrrec;u· lam to nt, IJ,nnd.

• Somowbero Ill tho monntnlntl pt Bcotlund, Mujor nod Mrs. MllX Oacr, tbc Iutter Corrncrly Mloo Mntbllde Mc-Cormlcii. 18 yeum old, uranddnusbtcl ot Jobn D. Rockefeller, ure l'njoy1nG a brlet hnneymoon before returning ta Bwltl!erlund, whcru tJ1ey will Uve.

Stunloy llnldwtn. chuncellor of U1t exchequer ot Enslund, mnldng blo bud­set atntoment before n crewdt.'il cbtUn· ber In thll llouuo of Oommollll, uuhl tbo pnat yenr'o survluo ut UOl.OOO.OOC: bud gone to reducUon ot tho debt. Tbt nnunclnl year jUDt cloaod bud bcwm• utcadlly bettor IIIJ It proce1.-ded, trndt ut homo and 11broud hnd Improved and unomploymcnt lind dlmlniDlu•d coWlld ernbty,

A UoWltnnUnople dlapatcb to the Lontloa Dally Mull ouya tbut El~o'in E. Uroot'Cio:w, an Anu•rlcun rcUor •vorll· or, bua arrlv~ln thut dty ti'Olll Tttllt where, he ant~ be apt:nt clshtcen duya In oolltnl'y conOnoauunt In u oovtcf prloou un n cbursu or cpyiDg. Th4 charge wno bnu•'d on the dlllo('()VCI'J nmolljC Ilia t•uvcru oC an llwurnnl'll pol· 1<'7, whkb tho em lilt polh"ll mllltooll for nn ln<·rtwloutlng d()(·umcut.

Howard l'nrter, tluJ Amorl<'1lll wbo ~ =lalec.l Lon! l "• on In flnc.llng tht tomb or KJn11 'futuohhnwa.•n uotl "bu wuu auld to btJ Ill, "WI n.•portcd hn· pron'd In c.llopulcltea "'~d' ud lJ1 LQo· dun trom Cairo. Lord Cornunoo·a n> aoniDll will bo lntcrrt•d on tbu top of a bla bill on bla c:~tntc ond not lJ1 tbo fuallly v nul t, QC(.'Oratns tu one or b1.l lu.ot cxpra>:~od wlahco, C!lJ'D an an· DtiUDl'eliiCDt In I.A.ondon.

'l'bc COITCllVUDclcJU ot tbo HundllJ Exl•n:lll) at \\'cli"Cll!icn. 0vnnoJ17, a to ll'll Uwt lbcro oro tocreanina loiU· cnUun.a tbot tho former l'J"'\Ttl pnoco of OcrmllDJ' Ia becomlna ln.Dnno. Tbo l'OI"nl1J11atlc1cnt dl'('IUI'\!:1 lbnt two ol Ucrun·o moot tumuWI ullcnll>tn r.:cvllt• IJ vlllltod W clrt"Dil"D nnd found lhCI former l'row u pnnl't! aul!'ttorlna trom prosf'l'm1ho douwnllu. Tho cornopood­cnt 11ddo : "The turmur l'niW11 prtnco tum turned rcllgluUJI llliodt>d und ton:c:~ tho wrvantll to llatcn Cur lwura to n> VIYnlJI t'Onduc:Wd b,J tolw Oil II \tbt'Clll' Ofl>OD."

AJI.houah polDIIna out thnt ltl como cJUCUl there WilD &ro•nt need ot Dim' ~row· cmmcnt bnlldlni!B. fJccrctnrJ Mellon atntod In Q Iotta I 0 v'hnlrmnn MuddeD ol Lllo Houco OJ•t·roprtnUona commit· u:e tbllt It mtsb 1 IJo ucll to coDal dar tho advlll!lb1Ul1 .. r I'C!ltrlcttne liOYcm· ment coo11trucUon no mtlcll n.a pt~l!lll· blo ln vlow or t h" prc=ont boom or bomo bulldlnii-

Bbnlnl!ll!l condllmua oro llteadiiJ cot· GENERAL t1na better. tw<·r• 1ury of Labor Vnvlll J. M. lJnvlla. clllct of lrnmlarntlau to nnnount'Cd n:centl) Ho bo~ biD ob- Junr<!Jl, biiJI Ml'ln:d tlD ••rdo•r rrom aenutlotw on r<'tn•rtc to tbo Vcvort· MC11co v'll1 llllltrut'th•ll him to bur nil mcnt of Labor rr .. tu G.4Ii3 monuructur- Amllrlt'llDJI from l'Dtorlns J uorM~ nncz Ina eatnbliDlnnPat• Cor Mn~h. nhowtna 6 o'clock l'V"-l'J nl&ht unlcllll on'I"J form an lnt'r'C!WO n1 :.! 1 V<'r eet~t In nomtx:r of anmbllnB ~n.a ntopvod. of men cmploJ<'<I. ll per cent lnerco&e Autowobllo ncc:ldi!ntJJ .ktlloo 14,000 In totol WUBCO. und 2.8 per t'Cnt In· pen:oou ltl tho Vnltcd KtntCll In 111'.!2, CJ'C:l!IC In n .-erase "oohl,y comiD&PJ. 1111 lncruw:o ot 1,600, or t:.! por cr>Dt,

Num~rou11 npplt.-nUonn tor tho jab over urn, acrordlns to tlgurCll lauod Cl!l pmhtbiUoo c.lln><'tor tor Colornllo bJ tho NnUonw Burc:lu of (.'Wionll1 bnTo bti!D I!Cllt to lbo United StotCll and Burell Ooderwrltcrn cu Now r oris Tre:l.DurJ Dt>partUII!Dt Qt Wn.allfnatall, CltJ, Tho ottlce wu l.,n vacont when tho Cclromanlct~ lmptClJ::Ilvo by tbt'lr "lm­l'l!lllgn.uUon of Emmett H. Mc:CieruJ..o pllcl17 ucro conducted ot tbe tuncrnl bnn Willi accepted by D<1Yid A. Dlnlr, ot tbo IUgbt lln. Donie\ 8. Tuttll', pro- • rommtlllllnfler of lnrorru:t.l roTeD1lO LD bl®op o1: th.o Eplllrolt'll c.burc.b \Vn.alllogtoo. lt.ecoommcrloUoa bJ In Amcrtro. who tllcd at tall 1'1!1114enco Cnltad !:ltot('!l s~nntor Ln\Tieilco C. ot IlL Lolllo, Mo. In neconlnnrn wltb Phlppo wUl bo nwnltcd bofore an ap- tho wtJlh of the d~ pn>latc, oo pclntment Ill mndc. provlll1on \TOD modo fm' n a:!rmon.

'l'ho tlmt coc1a1 tllDdJon of llll1 Im­portnnco lllnce Mm Bardllll(a llloo&ll loat tun Willi bcld n fo>t dayo ago ot tho Whlte Douce. tho Prellldent and Mrn. IIardlng ent('Molnlns lntormatly 100 trtmdll In offidol ODd unotnclnl lltc. 'l'ho anem lndac!od lbo mcmbcn o1 tho c:nblnet and Supremo Court, s:ov· crn1 membenl of tbe &motQ und How:a IUll1 o f(f"-s rcyre~~entnUVCD of tho dlplo­mntlc: rorpn.

Stnto Department ar;enlll ~gn.utQd to mvestlJgnoo cblll'ie& that Tnrltll!b soltUom had mutlla«:d tho body und dctltl'o:Vcd tho cotfln 0% Oeor&e Dllbof, a.n Amerlenn coldler to whom n ron· Cl'tsl:iolllll medol ot lienor wilD award· «i ntter he met blo de;1tb In tbo World

Ulm at Berry Ii'. 81Dclaln:· llorlCO< cao Bto.blo nt Jobatowo, N. J., dc­lltr'ofro property and Ilona~ vwuoo ot more tbon Gl.IJOO.OOO. Tha tiro ttWI ln tho breedlns atoblf'11 and tbo hon:ea drultro7~ wcro brontl morel3 end tha ctnllloo Incllcapc., tor whlcll Blnclnll pnta tbo record pdco of GlllO,OOO IIJI o 2-tcar-old.

Sheriff J. n. Janca of TnlabolllU.'O modo a ~nwnnl vroflt ot approxlmnte-1)' (123 on cmch prlr:ot~er lens:«~ by Leon eount7 to I•utnnm Lumber Comp11oy. bo tenUf1Gil beforo tho l~ntJvo com· mlttoo lnvCiltJanUna prl!:DD rondlttom In Florida nll tho outarowtll of tha death of Mnrttn 'l'lllK!rt of North Dn· !totn •

wLU', hnvo contlrmed tllom. 1n o pro­llmlnnt;' report tho o.~nUI ll:lld "tho~ Kencmu M. Lnndla, bacebwl colD' rC:;pOnslblo tor Uao p:ofanoUon W4e!'tl mll::l1ooor, appnrenU1 hno no tnvorltco nPl)~tlJ ot!tunted bl,l' cnpldlty· rnther In tbc 1023 ~ajor lcoguo roco, bot be tbnn by mnllco or Ol1$' lntoltlolllll Bet loo~ tor n .. great rear tor tho tnn11." '01· dl~spoct." "li'or ro23 t.hcro In ovety lndlcntton ol

'l'llo grnJn tuturea tro~ net tlllll o mc~t excelleJlt GCDGOn," COmmtllll!oh· dccltu"cd vclld 111ld C()n:otltllrJonnl bt <ll' Lnndla llllld ln Cblcn(to. "Appnr­tbtl tluvretno pourr. lt woo tho tccontl t't!.tly 111 mo11t h:ar:ues, thcrt~ Wlll ,bo o ttlno thO court hod pn£.Wd 011 010 vnl• broodenlpu ot tho tle!ld 6t clulie~ 01n1

'of a fmlln futuro tfndlllg lor~, 11 lll'G up ln tho mcc. Vcey ~,Cencrnlly, J, ~!:~~~ statuto brt~d. on tho trudng tha tt'auttn of ovrtna training oro llhtb· I · of tho federal ~6\'MUnebt hn>J· ty ltlUotactorr, nnd l looll: tor n stcnt

been hbld unclrtl.!JUtuuonllL Tho y()Ut tot thO ftiJiil." lti~ npbcttl was batlld on thO right to Berman · ~at ot Los Angcl\lSo konttol tnUlrstotc romuid'ce. . throagb lUll tlltbcr, ;t, t«lt, han filed a


' ~

lntacst a& .j per cent., etc:., paid on Time nnd Sa'fbl8 Dcpodtt.

4coouuta SolldtccL


Just One Change


Between Your Door and Los An· gelea. And when you take the WHITE UNE you have the moat enjoyable part trip first

• • e e Dked Couediona at Carrizozo for

El Paso, Arizona and California

Capitan Mercantile Co. General Merchandise

Groceries, Hardware, Ford Parts Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

It Pleases Us to Please Yon

Capitan Mercantile Co.

Seven Point• of Supremacy

_l~ ~ ...

with rcurhomomerdlln~ ' They help p:1y the tA•et.

keep up lho eehQolfJi, buttlt tcwts,~mtlci!t~ 4.~m­.mlinlty WCrtltWlille.• \'oa

' . ~ will Gilt! 1h•114vett!abl• ol

-' I

the beat ones to this paper.


__ - ~- -.-- _----~ -_- -- > -~-=-

' . ' . '

• ' ,l> ' •

. '

f:!stobllsbment (Jt tlltilll!!M lll!lll ken• ault ogatnst. o (OilGy ~m~ny MWng too bot.w~ Now OmcwJ and Pllot· do.C:llllt<m ot $2,1)00 01'1 tbo alltr;nuon bo ~wu, t.a.. 'Mll fk-{ltl Otln®nced bS' tho Mll'.l 6lat'1Siitcil ~~or lito "WtlCD lid broka

.. t>~oftieo ~nttmcnt. ~t thlp .tm· a tront t¢otll ®. a rmll In a J,J1Gct"J o1 l(;O Ia~ nmU tot for€Xgn' tillilltrli!!i will corul1 ho n$SCl'tOt1 had b'-'tell mac1o liS 110· Jilac.ild .otf :outr:cfilS lrtenuii!@, nt Ulp d®ln(bb.t C!bmpnny.


' J

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• • . .

. . - ' •

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Pllcl '.t'oWD; 100 tnlleli' ®rot tho Mia- "Jn®stdlll life'ffil1erncll!lf' 1n Ulo bts .

~S:~!~~,~=:..a~~ub~ ~;oPr:!:l~tto~oo>::~ Hal. Your t'tW~ Veta Orut W14 <lthln' p-o!Xltf. ~at14 Jn!Urt~Y .to l!W.ooO m~ C1.:.'L.-..l....!i\a:M~o Siill1lc.t $t\"VJCO Mi tl'ectl nc~utullr· tho 10 pa ~t· <~l th6tt t.'tiS<lll wblcli . ~lr'ftiK· ~lJetatca ti<ltl!'*d).IJ~af~ a® ·v~ th4f: •=unl?'iJlant Ie~ttl!C$ tctlk ·~ · £-;cnir•d? n;: to:Hw~ 1tat~. .. . , llt"1fovenlb~· WJ1l " , ~ ·:- . , · · J:' •, .'If .


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Page 2: Leviathan Real Americati Craft - Lincoln County · c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~

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Cotton Seed_ Cake · ·~ Cotton Seed Me.ah Corn Chops. Corn Oits


Mill Run Brian & Etc:.'::

Jlp ••. 'l


J A FVA ~tl LLF!R. \ Pr,; 1 ·- lU ny PJ llt>allltcr

Strnyed. Notice For Publkation •

:- <>fl~ fD1' Publicntion, (141 !lH

''••tnr·lmc>nl orju.11 tatAJrlor t·. M. lAnd omc-a

l·'ml HumMr, New M~t<'O.

Mnrcb 00\'~:'!a.

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j::'_a.~(ht I.U.I,~.• .. ~9!r';:',t:~ j • ~ ' . '

tbi~ . il. mou~ .. · . The, WPQ®n.ware .ComPMY.·lll<;\o;;;~~t'~ , old -est!lblfshe(lftr.m Q'U(l ba!J· a.w~ . ways dontlr. "' lBl."Q'e · burtlne~~Jw.:r.~ . " .. ~_ ' •i. ! .·,~ ~ .

rtnis part of tb~H~Ou~t~Y~ ·

4Jf:. Nowt Keinpls llP~ rond Q\'.CJ~ • . D~ fleer for this-'i<llstriQt, ,ll!nd->~1--~. f!ft, · :Coree of men grading the Nurol:t>~ \&1-. • !Jtn just nortb of ·town .

} Witt Scars ·made a. trip t&'tlnt..'lt'·~. Ruidoso, to· visit &ieud\s. ...

Wm. Myers •. of ... the Ml\eri'b,~~, : . w.)ls her~ ;Monaay making· n~ . plio:otlon t-o make> 1\ual proof 4ffia.-. · ·~

' · ~t;e to bis land. . . . ..... •

· . Mr. and Mrs. Fred PMgston:u ... . . . . wm·e visllling ln C.a:pitan Mo~·~· .


fi.'()m Llu'i!Olo. •• .. ----------·!'·

. '1!:d. Pfingsten nnd Wil~y Dlt:vftJ'i.O• · .wEh-e down from tbe Nogal Me~ .fr!ondny.

' Jud~e George K.iml>rell, tli~J"?"-

sage of Plca.cbo, was o.lllong his . • Oapitll.n friends Mond&}?J>"~he-J udgo reported fl'Ult t>rospectsw.. gocd:\Dn-the Hondo .

Leopoldo Gonzales, of · 81\IU'.': PatriciO', waa hero this weole-. . H<1 'teports £COod rain~' on tbEJ • Ruidoso, &Qd th•· prospects fo11· • · nfroi~ .crop good-. He WI}S )de""' companied by \L; W. Adnxhd' the:..,. . n!lrserv ··man··16Dd strawberry·,, ro.tsor, of Gleneoo.

Report has reached here thatr ••·. William Brady, of Ca.rrlzClZ())(;. . died this : weel11 of npoplt>x~~n Mr. Brody wll9 the son of MnJor>' ·· Brady. an eo.rl¥ Sborifl of tiler-~

' county, IUld wruv<l~Ued Uy "Billy , •. 'BetKld" wbilo In office. - Wllto ;r Uaro Brady Wll!l boo-n In Llncolilit.o• nnd hM lived here o.ll of his liioWt. .

A Good Move.·

> .

,, '

" " ,; • ••

' , . . j ·! t • . i ,.

Page 3: Leviathan Real Americati Craft - Lincoln County · c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~

' ' ..

' . ' , ... ·· ' .. :. Tlle-.Hl!ilh,Ct~cb...

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Wufle l',V<.\11'1 fn1· cu1t~rol of mox l(h~u.fqtldS llrl\ 111{.1Jti{lg f)Ut

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' .. '

-- 'J,hcir qutt.r~L.,. ill,Gt'orgiilo cottdt~{ , "\.~./), anche:~ of Ul!l oi'Clet• in Louis·

•· qu!etiy bJ:~nlrins up·t\ll!I,J


' ;· '

· .ctl:~ IJMldiu a;. · At tw·o tow~. in tlla· PQlfMQ

:~t.ttd\ Kla.n~muu .. Pt·,qw~~n.qt.ulifu· . · i~''H':-.uJld Kuigj}\.-t of ColumblleJ . cU,_. lc ~ oJu b:f;Ot~.$Pli:fJ lt'l'ies ts IH\'11.0 1uo~ :i •ounq c;o"-A~d ~abLe::;, q.x · ··h•tnred, vhnv:t audt published ••;;t.eru(.Hlt~ ~ueQip~ tbQ UL:.OOfl:!ll ~dh\1' l.{I~J,u'/11 dl:Ssolub,UQ•

• H1· ,.\Uy, Llla.~c l!ltatuqu:ntR con, .

. " .

General Merchandise· ' '

' •

CASH We must either have the cash

• • .. ,

~· '


t>Js t vl ue~;lllol'l~hou II Q)' l'lutU\IllCil

~ba~ hboy joln~d tbu or.U1u1 flU' }mtt'J..Jtlc pu q>o~~s o.nd ''iUuntt. Jli'OjU.iJi~ I~QIIl!it. c.Ja.~UOJ.k; J.,ws, aml. of ussur.,:~ '-1~.

O~thullcs uud Pl'otcsltu~~ ulll'e 1hot lhe:w ~pwuls t~bould be uc· c<Jptcli in good f,Lit.b IJy tbll cc_~m· :Q\ ml t.y. 'l:ho JJrononuc.~lJHlll Lt~

close wilh.eJ, Rl'llCalfor all good dt.iz.~nt< lo f.tH·get. the ~lu>t uuli · uniw uu ~· old grouiWl or a dtlztmt~hlp free of rcJ.;gious or raclnl in tolel'llncc.

or keep our goods, Our finaces are limited, which makes it impossible to do any extensive credit business and the small amount we have at­tempted to do, has been a source of weary to our selves and of very lit­tle assistance to the people whom we have attempted to help,

' .

l::ilgot3 like lhot~e iu!licate lhnt !he ond of t)le Ku KJux Klan i11 :QOL {4\I'.Oll.

l•'I'Um the outset The Cou~r· Jonl·ut~l -!lOti not doubted. Ulol tho orgnnr .. :alion wouht wc.u it· self out. o.g(\inst l~ iJlgl·uiucd oon scl'VJI tis m of Awcrlcn~: cha1·· nctel':l '}jhe ordor'!i llJI!!!fUhJod Jp1m. bcl'n uro •·ecognhdug lhul tlu~Qa·dcr ha~ no rightful pln.ce iu American lito. T.he \'\"Onder i:l thai It C\cr ~~~~nod o. foot. hold in tho cun!i"rvntivc "'her·o llltOI'·rotnlioll!i o( J•nv~>t € ~tholia uwJ Prot!lslrult btl boeu exemplary (Q~ muzo ncentury.-l•'rom tho Louisvlllc (il.m rlcr-J ou rnal. ------/· ,

1 ' I


~ I

On and after March 15th there will be no more credit to any one.. Our tE'rm\Q will be strictly cash.



~ oooooooooooooooooOOooo oooooooooooo~ oooooooooooo

. ~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~.~-~-~-~""-~-~-~-~·~=~.~~-.~---5~ NOTICE FOR PUBLIOATION Notice For Publication. I Nau· ce of Contest. Notil:e for Publication.

Dapart.meat oHhe Intorio»- 044431 04471:1-1-0~tro:?U U. 8. land Omco 0150179 DBpartmcul of lbo Interior,

Res ell Kew~xlco Dcp~rtmcnt of the In.tezlor, Dopartnwnt of tho l~>torlor, u.s. l.Bnrl o1llco, · w ' ' U. S. Land Office Un\t,!!d SttltruJ L~nd Omco, Ho II N M Aprll12, :023. Rc3wcll, New Mcxtoo. owe , , . ESSEX COACH No\lce Is horob~ glv1.1n thn& ., ~well, New M<'Xico. April 17th, 192lt.

Anno Julian. 'Wells. formerly AprllOth, 10


3· Oontost 10,78ll N~tJco is lu•rohy given lha' $1145 F • bt d E t T '

Anne Jullnu, of, N. M., Notice). w hereby given that AdrlllB 10211 Emory D. l~OblllSOn, of Capl&nn, . relg an X ra . ~ who, on JAnuary ·2.11.. l.Ul9, made WU!IUillbzelwood, of En.cinos6, ' ' N. M., wbo, on Sept. 15, 1910,

News F oli' Sportsme~ ~

Orlff!nal Homestead Entry, No. N. M., wbe, on May 15th. 1020, To Guo Uealt, of unknown, ro· Homo-ttoad Entr)·, No. 0-11'128 and on Augugt.6, 1020. mn.dcAddltlonnlHomeu.w~d l!:n cord Address Roswell, N. M., 0447~. tor Lot. a, Nl-;lSWt, Nb m£l!dc1ddltlonnl Homestond En- try No. O-H481, for NYf!, Sec· Oonh"lca: ' SEt fll.'ct.ion 31. Town11hlp 9-o, \rV, No. 046046, for E!N\V-! a.nd \ion 27, Townsblp 7-S, &Qge You nre hereby notified \hal lt!ln~N U·ewH and. Addition~ NisWt, Sco U, ~tul N:6SE!.See. 16·E. N. M. P. Merldla.u, hc.\5 Leon I J !,).•ppura, who gimn Stoekrnl~tUIIJ Howe:Jtcn:l Entry, 15, Townnblp fl S, Rtlnge l4-E, filed notice of inwntioolo malre IJ Plcscbu, Now Mexico, WI hilJ No. O{fi629, on Jan. 2ll, Hl2l, for N. M.P. Moridl!ln, bon. Qled no- year proof to eslabUsh cullm lo ptl!lt. offico a.ddreli!l, did uu E!NWi llbntlon 11; Lol!l 1. 2. U. tlca of lntontJon lo matte final tho land nbovo descrlbcd be lore Mnrch lot, 1U23, lllo Ill &his ti&tN ~! oocLion 8, To•nul!lp three YQtlr proof to. G!ltabllsb E. a. G.Doda.ll, u. a UomWI!I· otlloe his duly c.p· 10-eouth, Rani!'C llJ-OO.'l\. N. M. clntm to tho land nbo11e de<Jerlb· sllln«n-, o.t Ca.plt:ltt. ."{. .M., ou pllc~Uou lo cooLest nod HCcuro p. Merldlnn, hnR f\lcd uot.lce! of cd, before E.~. GoodnH, U. 8. tbe 5th duy of June, 1023. lho cnncQilatlon of your Orlglnnl int.cnUon mnlw lln,~l three yc>ar Commissioner, at Capi\Q,N.M., Swckr:uning Homcstend Entry proof to e~lablbt'l claim to lhc on the 12th doy of JmU!, lg2l), Olnlmtmt nnmea D.!l witnesses: No, o;,Ot7U, Serial No, 050170, lo.JJd nbcvo dc~crlbcd bofor·e Olnlmtmt nnmes na witnesses: Franlt Doolter~. Boward L:lt.h· mnde May 8th, 192~ for t;Wt K H. Goodall, U. B. Commi:t l


• . ~ t-

-. -... •'-J~~ ...

L. 0 tb f am, O.C Capitan, N. M.; Charlie S'~~. E!BWt, section 22. 1llonor, a.t Capltnn. N. M., oo lhc 0. &ott., Wm. n · ory o Tboratmon, Frank Ellis, tbesc or Ni. sed• ~7 .BEtNEt, Section JOt.b do)' of J11nc, 1923. AJJ These h ·

Robenton N. M., Snm Well:J of Enclnoso, N. M. ~. To~nR!'i p 9 s, Runge 19-M, OlnJmant names !1.9 wltnCMIICS: at t e Capitan, N. M •• CbarletJ Wullfcr N M p Morldlan ond a.a 6 of Enclnoso, N. M. JAFFA MILLER. · ·d 1· bl '.ft L h 1• 0. L. Robinnon, J. 8. Balh•X•_



ecm.lnand aao •btu cnr Rr.:dngtc:D Gamo Lcc1a­ln the famotll "t:U&I<O"'b" , W•tproof a!:le!!s..


... \


JAFFA!4ilLLER, grouo ~ o~ 8 con ... s 0 B of Capitan N. M., Ja.mea N C t f 0 C

i. 4·18-S-10 lncl llegister. lege!l thnt Entrymc.n, Guo Book, Jones. of Noga.l, N. M., w. H. OS 0 . an pen ar Regisler. bas 'fhollv !l!anndoned the saiddo· Copeland, ofCapHao, N. M.

------------ ncrlbAlrl laodtJ lot more than alx J A C'IFA MIL' .r.m To nll flhe noted Q~lltleo trf Essex ch:u;;:;Ja.. Notice For PubUCalion. NOlllCE FOR :PUBL10ATON. months nnd o. do~ loot pa.:lt; and. uz .....,..., ... tbal lbo 11nld Entrymo.n. Gus 4·25-!.-2a Ragistor. the Coaeh oddn cloned cat utility, comrort

Department ofthe lnt1!rlor, (!3Bl2a-041027 Beck, s&iU continues to nb:lndan Bod dlstlbrotion. Tho coot 13 little more U .. B. land Ofiloo Department of the lnterlor, tho oaid lnnds f1croin described.. ~~dee for Public a lion.~ than for open cars.

Rmliellt New Ue'Jlcoo. U. L3wl Oruce, Con,ostant maltoa tblll allega· The Coach Is o fomll" e&r. It lg G car rOl" 9"o n- 11 N M"-'""' lion !row peraonnl uuowlod~ Dcprutnwnl of tho lnterlo:-, .. April 9th. 1 ~. ~!)WO .. ew cru....... bogfne!ID tmd prorcnsforr.::rr ooo. Pt is 11

u onro U, S. Land Office, Nottca lo hereby ntPon. tbut ..... arch 20, l=u. You ~e 1 thcroforo, further • detrnbt to drive. It 19 e:wy to nnndle Bnd James s. !fule1 or Cap\t:m, lf. Notloo in given. tbnt notified tbat tho s:ll'.i oUeantlons &s noll, Now Mel!.lco, com!ort.at1t'a &a rid'a in. ~mtfn;r cost f3 M who on Mny 12th 1922, f c btM will be tah.on ns con.fossed, and. April L7,.19'23, low .

• Tonrin~ • Cabriolet • Co:ach • • Frelgbtl and



S10t.; 1145 11-15 T~

Ford Tou1ing or Rnnnbont ~9 Ho~cste!ldOrlgln~iBtook· QnltJinoOhnvez,o ntntnn, ·• your said entry will.. be canceled , C T b icJ ed muotbe ~. ln Ent No 0'"0377 torall who.,oGJnne 13,1917, nndl De· wilhoat fnrt.tbcr rlRbt to be Notice as hereby given thNat I'.Iorothcn-m,GOOCEieetw9 ero fo~

ar. o a cons er. ..-s g ey, T " ibi 58 eembet 13, 1D19; mnde Addi· h d ellMr before· this office or James W. Yat-es, of Cnpltnn, .. Hudson Col!.Cb $1G'25

in good nbape-no JUDlr-Prlce o1 Seotton. 21~ owns P. • • tional Stock raising Homestend 0

:11! ' 1 if 00 fa!l to fllo in M •• who, an Due. 28, tU20, m£Wc- Freight nnd

'l'u Extra ~ust be right. Leave word nt &.t;i~ ~¥Et,l:i, ~i ~~t~~t~~~ EntrlCSt Nos. 038123 and 041027, this P~ ~thin twenty dayo Homestead Entry. No. 03Sl54. · the Monntainear OffiM. lmlilk ~ ~othrtb Y~tlt' PtoOf to forE!SW!, 8l!BE1, Sec~lon 20; aftar tlw FOURTii publication. for EiSE!NWt~ W&BWlN~.;; B D aJ

CLAUDE: J. N-=J·s· :ia:llshll 'claim to tho lAnd ~U!ll-.NA 8Ei. NlNWl. ,~lon of this no~lce. G9 shown below, £iNEitiW~; \VtNWi~E!; £SU ' SEARS ROS, e ers,· L L . bove I descrlbed . b.c!ore ... 8, 'Rownsblp (1.8, Range a E. your onower, under oath, spa· BEi.8W!; Wtt3\ViSEl Sec. 21,.

"t.Lo.rn.n.v At ~.,~ ~ H Sooclalt. \:!'~. s. Conunis· N. M· P. Merldta.n, bus tlled clflcn.Uy r~ttponding to theee To~ne~lp 9;8, Rang~ 17·E, ond' A .,. u~ .· • t Ca it.a.u N: . ).t on notlco et intention to malta tl}U'l nllegetl.nos of contest, together NWt.NEi Sectl~?,n u, TownshiP,

:!tt .utmucAN SECUJUTJES •loner. 0 ... PJ ' io . • · \broo year . ..,.roof to establish ith duo rcof that ycu ho.vo· 10·8, Range t1·E, N. M. p, Me·

BUILDING tbJe 12t~ d')' of . tUm, ___ 23• . . . .. clatm to t_he land nbove desorlb· ~rvod. B cJpy of your a.nawer on ridlnn, has filed notice of In t.on~ Roswell, Neyt Me~co Olalmt!nt U(ltnes t1!.Jo'Wlttle~ •. ed, b~loro E. H. Gcodull, U. S. the snld contestant ellhol" in lon to tn&lt0 finnl three y&or

'D'r· """'cl ... ~rbe. 'o. retb. q~de. ra1 -n. M .. ltea!l s. W. Rate, Cbmmlsslon~l-.n.fl Co.plbn. N.M .. pcrsou or blf rogist~rcdt mnll proof to eaf4bllsb clahn to Lbo ~ ..... .., .. e ,.. .ri~~;t..r~0·· u"""to·.· ~~ ·s..,t•·o· 'ft.i,"'[n.. o"' the 20th dt\"' Ql19!3, y h '-~ . 4~~~ i tnnd a.bove dcscrlbod befor.o E. nitd State Co\irt!~ .rtntlFed• u~""'o~"" ·3N~ ¥.:" "'"'wa..., ·~ .. . '4'. on a ott~ s~LA:; n your llll· B. Goodall U.S. Commlsruoner

.. cru.t iuul State wnd oiii~s. alt.<>t apl~ . • .··. . . . . .. . Oia.hnnnflntuneli as wlt.uesscs: nwer ~he ofthe po9toffice· nt CGpltnn: N. M., on tho lOth · ..;. t · Cb•r-- · · J~Al\flt.LER,.'. ·· Yf'ldtu · Metanlo"' . Dtctorlo to which Ydtl dC!Jiro futuro no- day of June. 1923. , ' For bllltlY vea... n . .. 0 "" o• • "~ . n(! l lief 41 , ... _ . .n . . . tleet ta bo t:l(lhf.\.~~n I

. . n , ot00N1JES~S " · - 4-~.-.. ·...a. . . . . . . •...• · .. ir,S . ll mllrtlnct,.·.&l!ndoro:lt'nrmor A pol• ·· r.rt~~ M1, . It OJI\itllo.nb' t)Qmos cs wltneMes: · ·~ . . · S . d 0~ . · ·· · .. ·. oilto Romero,. aU of Qilpitan, JA1HJ A ~LE-• Tboma!l B. y 11009 of Oaplt:lnr


Just Received • • ' · ... ~ill~tl t~t~s U\n •. · . t~'' • Fut LcartUJt Rent:. . . NawMc~IJ. . . " Rbglator. N. M.; Enseno bow, Honrlt ' . . f\11 l~qulries c~ncem tc it,. 1001tcrc$0tl~ucl4tnllew.uortltt' . JIAFFA MlLu;m, 1st pal)~lca~iml>~.Pl'll 25, 19~. Mortis. Charles R. Donn, those.' A C'-*r of barbed wire, nans, staple$

·.· . liinil tn3tt~rs. pblts, e •t . . ·.··· ,, .· .. ·· ta ' i!n . .. . . I' . . . . . . . 2nd I ·M&y G, 19'21 r of Lincoln, N; M. . " ~ ~·~~~w .. ~~~~~!:~*' '•r•: ':P ,,,_., ~t~~6tt~1111itrt~ ,10 =~~ 4~1.9~5!18 incl : " ~egin~er. . :~: :: ~: \~. ~~x;n. . . . . JAlrFA MILLE~ and bale tiet. Get our prices. '

.... · Whl!n;$ott ;u~id. ~edi~~.{)t Stijdet. "l'eiu; , ·,., · · .. · .. :"• :Ffilo BW.e~ Seea, lor . Sale. ~.~~ .. 23 . , ..... ,, . ...Iktf!ls~~~ ..

' . ·. ··. f:fo~';o%;:o~;:.~::~4~~f!J '~ w~·~;i·~lr~~"b;~~P--~b)fi, .. t h~v~toqJ}aittlttd~ilr;t·e!Ms PbOnottt~pb lleeotd~t ~DY, .. hJitin.Jl~ Chockolat:CSr IL~ SunJ ··~.A w. B. PAYNE. ;, " . ' · ~~e .. snt~: thllt ~ott !ll'O .got\UJI .Et.g!Jt. ltt'-4' ,,~l~atn:~ . ·~.w .. ~ ,ba}'iE~t ~OOllif.,r aatent DiY plflco tbtn~ l1nn wa11.~, sQl) 1:·utl gun~ o M~ ... ,,a.rmo.cr4

· . : -~11nd tro$b G!)(>ds. · . , · · · ~o~e~li.Kndle~~~~~b~~op"'~ mx tMlttlid()Sb; ·. S(il ilt w~ shluo Vhnf!lba6~ ·.. . ! · ·,: ~q · . · ~ !l;b~~n~ll~l!l,~tm~ ~~~oi'Wt~~~Snnsht~ r::~~Cbei· StU~~ t?attl~, , · ! . •... ,, . 'i ' > ~ ' . • • '. ' • . . • ' . • ' . • '·.~: .:,,. ,~.., ' 1 ,.. . .· '

I!· .. ·.:, ... , . ·. !·.'',;··.-~.. - ·--- .. ..;. . -.,_ -, --... ~ - - ~, ., - ':.. ~ . . :·_A.

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Page 4: Leviathan Real Americati Craft - Lincoln County · c1cr tllo StMJ e.n4 Strli)C:l cOst tho 5QVOmm~t be~

'>. . ~-· '•. . •. '> ·:, ,"

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i .,.






' . '

'' ,_

. I . ' '

. "' .

·whlell the Sun·or.a

The sun is the largest but you can bold the cent so close to your eye that you'll lose sight of the sun. Don't let a cheap price or a ~g can baking powder make you lose si~ut of quality. ,



NewMe~co State ItetrlS

!l'lla Sblpr~~ ou Compan;v Is c¥'C~;t­tnz buJJc1lnss (»l th<> P~Jiln$pl4 ~· Jl'tiJ'IDlngton. Tho .b011$es wlU bo em sldds so th(ly can bo moved to lUll now locatJon.

Tho Aztec OU S.YDdlcato ot Aztec, reporto tbo tlndlDS ot n goQtl ebowblg ot oJI In ·tho bnlor at tbo No. 1 welL 'l'ho oll lltiiJ tnctcascd elneo 4111lLoit bllS been SUSpencled.

Development work nt tJJo Chlorldo mlnlns camp Ia aolns alletu1 ropldly CUJIJ tho camp lo rapidly coming to tho front 111 one of tlUJ .. bllllf~et' 1n tho southern part ot tbe atate.

Tlw worlt ot exenvaUng for tho ~.ow Metbodlat church In Mountalnnlr b!UI been 11tarted by o lnrGII crew o1 men 11J1d halt n dozen wamo. Tho n11r1 atrueturo will bo l'i3x63 teot In DI!.O.

Ftre which broke out In the old leo

Is the ~tY leav­ener--forrealecon­omy in the kitchen, alwaysuseCalumet, • one trial will con-

• vmce you. The sale of Calu­met is over 150% greater than that of any other baking powd.f!r.

' house .near Flocrnholm lllercnntllo Company at Springer tor n Umo iliroat .. nod tho entire busiMII!l section ot tbo city. Prompt work on thq, pllrt ot tho nrc depurtm~;nt oxtlnuulllhed tbe tlamea

Dft U' 'I'UI' •

TilE WORLD~ GRBATBST IJAlUNG POWDB& -------- - " - - -

F amouo Pur1t.Dn W rttor. Hlr 1'h.,mna l:ruwno ( ltlUrt 10/1~) WIUI

D flltynldult or I '-<rlll'r nf tho l'Ur1tun ftJI'I' IJUII.,J (.,f tho RtflllliiDI'Dft UOd

rh11 hrn r>f Ida •t > lc. Ill• lmtdlnll work Ia "l'n• llrJrlul"

Look..for the Cross andCi1·cle

-Koopa Oft Rust.

A tow llropD of lJDillled oU nppllcd with u cloth to the outJSldo ot tho ltll8 atovo or tho lnaldo of I he oven \7111 koop the atovo trom ruatlna and wtU makv It C!UIIer to cnro tor.

Primed m Red on Packqe of Gena AlUutile

Gtror O•to of W•lldom 1 In nntum. It Ia round that tbu prcd-"··•· ·.I " ·' • .•nil" .. r ",, . h e>tor}' atnrr ~:~nlmala nro of no uco to Dll7"

r .. nh~n. ,, "l'"'" ··q •1f!1 l'·•ll,tu uf a llt?D~! t:ody. 1 1tnt<t ' 1 '""' rca r. ~\ o, a JHUUitlhU lhP

Q p ••••

n q,·t. ·r 1 \"

your 1rwn.-- Ot>t o JlbrnJ7 of oorcr 1.000 bnoho on" lJ'Ou'll tlo'lot mon-o.

- -----~~ -- -

Utility Express Truck •

At the rl'l,"tllnr monthly dinner ot Uto llouwell Chamber ol Commerce, lt wuo decided to ntnse Ute unnunJ cotton enr­nl val Oct. 10, 11, 12 and 13. TJJo ear­Ill vul lo to bo made tbo blgiOOt celo­brntlon ot Ute yeur unll u comrnltteo hao been appointed to worll out tho dotnlla and got up the program tor tho ovent.

Excellomt progreeo lo belns made with tho flnanclnl arrangemento for tho erection of tho new Ellw' homo at SUvor City, nnd It Ia hoped to hnvo the bulldlna under wny In tho next ~It woeku. F.:xclWllvo Qt tho elto tho pro­powd building will coot over $00,000 llJ14 will be one ot Uto flneot 111 tho aouthem pnrt of tho atnto.

L!out. Thomaa Tbompnon, ret:Orvo of· Deer In tho nlr aorvlce, held n rocord ot Clylng from m l'uoo, 'fexn1, to AI· buqucrque. N. M., 200 mlleu, In l honr and 05 udnutcll. '!'hompaon mado tho filabt n week ngo, llo Ia n otudent or tbo Vnl to rally of Now Mexico and euma hto way throuuh ochool by glv· lng ulr "Joy rldt'a" In blo plano.

'l'ho Oullup !Juo nnd 011 Company, toruwd ut Uullup uomo limo ngo, will ooon blurt on liD rtl'llt U!llt (n•ll !Jl Kun Junn o·ounty on t>Oo1lun 10, townablp 23 nonh, rnn11u II "'''"I In tho "uutlll!rtJ part 11f t!nn Juun o•ounty. 'l'bln lent will Ito drlllotl on u Kmnll but very prowlul Dlof Dl rur·t uro nnd tho rhuneuu of sufllnK oil oro \cry nntwrlng.

At tho W~>t•kly hml'!won of Ute Albu­qunquu Uutury t 'tub, Kenuorb Unld· rtdgo, who hua but•n \ ll"ll l•realdent or Uto dub fur tho lJDtst )·cur, woo cloctcd prc:altlont tor th•• cnoulns ycur. Uurry lltrona wnG elet'lrd 'h'o lll'ellh11'1lt nnt1 Clinton Anllcraun accrotary and tretaa· UNlr. Ro,·crul Hantn Fo rnllroud otcl· <'IDin, who Wl'l'c In AlbuqucrtiUO \Yero l:tJC>nlll of ul() rlub.

\\lilt tho ••nn•llrnC>nt alrt'ntly over lbo 100 :nork tiUl tniiDOifOIDt'nl OC tho hi& lJonteiiUDW ( 'et) h•lfO at I .rut \'I! Sail Jo mnltlns plunn r .. r 11 I"IUIIJ:I ot over 300 at udcnt11 to I bo aumml'r Cl'J:!Ilon. Lot· !era and pcrounnl 'laUD frotn all purta ot tho atate ohu" tho lneronatns lnter­~ot In tho btu ru·houl and !hero Ia OV·

•·rr lndlnltlun that In tho nrnt 7"'"' or two the lna!Uutlon wlll btl Oiled to c:a· !>D<'It7.

Wltb the nlllllatonco of tbo oounty ascot tho tonnera of San l\lluuel cvun· ty Q·lll aoon otart n l"nmpai(I'Il to l:tlll ott tho JI<'IIID of the fnrtnlJ with pol· aonrtJ c;rruln. l'rulrto dolfll, (lopbcra, ~rroond IOQUirrl'IO and kunsoroo ruto nro roport<-t! to bo doing l!lrtlat damnao to tho t'1'opa of tho l'tiUnt y nnd tho form· aro will mak11 n AI•odul effort to rtt1 tho lond or th(>llo IWDlll dartos tho com• tnu rrummor,

Fruit arowcra of tho Ban Juno tul­loy h~>ld a btu mootlna nt Fonntnston to ~tart o rompullltl on U1o Snn Joao C<'Oltl on tbo ordmnla of that llCctlon of tho atatr 'l'ltr work will bo rort1ct1 out undt•r tho tllrl't'tlon of tho ctJunty Dl>"lll.

'l'ho approprtaUon baD bcCJn modo ond uo,~rmncnt uurvcrora wW otnrt coon on tho aun ey for tho bla dnm cmd ~lr on tho Penallt'O rtvor wc:rt of Hope. It tho preJco~:t aoCD lhrousb ll wUI ml!:lD that moat ot tho land betwoon llopo oDd U10 Poroa rlv· a: will bo lrrlgntoo trom tho btu ator­aso n:a!llrvolr. Mut'b ot thla land In cald to bo 1'Q unl to tho be-at In tho ~· rtc:ulturo DCt'tlona of tho Poco11 vall~. and tlto only thlnll It nood!J 111 tvatcr.

Uovl!tllor Hlnh!G btu! artmted a fltll'­clnn to W. D. Alutoo, wbo WDD cen­tt'nl'Clt to aorvo four montha tc tbo eount:J Jnll of Oroct rount:J In Septc:n· bcr, l!J'll, but tooh dn appeal to tho !Unto Supremo <.'uurt wblcll boo uWI­tlllnctl tho lowor eonrt. Tho pardon Ia Gmnt<ld bOrow:o of tba ll{ltiUon ot 0\'Mt roJmlY dUl!tnJ (It promJn<!nco dt$111S tr. and bc.cou¢0 thQro tlpl)(:ara rotleun to doubt tho t~UUt of tho do­tcMrua. tho ljo~otnnr atntca In btu lW" d~ On10l"o

flnnrord ll.leotn, on mlllUC)yea t1t tM Bcmta 1lO clul~3 nt 1\atcn. \VAll ~::crtou• tv lo3u.rctl wbon tbo. :whCQ1s ot a ICIIliO trock tmdor whldt b$;. \VIlll '\1l>ftlns V.M!;;td ovt'!r his· botl1. Jio tllll ~!1mbl2 to tho umco ot Dr. Elllott oa .11 G~tch ct lind stv~ fltat tltd tl1ld th'cu taktl4 to tM Mt»Uo.t, . . -

, Wodi In ·tbll cit · Arte-. ~t\ !s tihct\11: tbtl

'-'u• lllVII' · . ... >.1 ....

' ....... - .··· ., ·-. . ,··,." ' ' ' . ', I :

• \ • > J, . '. . ' . • ' '·' ' ··' . ' . . ~ _, ' ,,~·

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. '


. I' ... >J..-..• ..... ;.1ddtf Wltla WJUG~· .·....,ceeu.. • ..-. •J!H#t• -·~ IQ·~ ·---··JIUCII .. , .......... '

' ' W•JiiiL~Y·S ·- •

ll•J••r ••· •II •••• wor--• ••••••••• llalddal ......... . . .

Mothers/ I Write for 3Z­

. Page Booklet. "Mothers of

the World"

tf~ .................. ··---

8~·····--·-········"· ....... ·-----!!tala. ... _ Oan1lblo Chap.

Thoro Willi n man who never wroto an acceptance to nu ln~ltntlon without nddlna w. P. Ilia trlenda noll:cd him whnt tlte lottero m•'llnt-lt they lltood tor "woa thor permit tinct

"No," waa hlo reply : tlic:r Dtnnd tor ""'lfo vonnlttlng."-Booton Even!~ TrtiDDerlpt.

Try a pipeful

or two direct

from the factory Not thnt It t7lll bo o.ny bettor tbon

tha Edgowarth you buy In a st7Jro, but wo mnt :;ou to hnvo rour first Edio­wortb omoho at our ~.

You may repay U!l by flndlng that EdiOWortb Just cults your t:wto. And U It doan't-for thoro ato 101!10 tow man to whom Edgeworth Ia not Just tho tbing-thero'o no harm dono.

Wo oro glo.d onouah to ~m~d f.rco lilmplc:.t In tho cmo spirit thot we'd band you our pouch U clrcumot:meca ponnlttcd. Wo mob It= pdblo to onvo you oven tho lJttlo troubla of wriUng for Ed~orth.

Edioworth ID o lllrnbla cmoho. Men who bovo tried It and found lt to bo tho right tobocro for tbCim navcr think of cmoldng other tobacec:l. Thoy'll tcll you tbc::o uo mo.ny iood tobllceo:I-Qlld thcro And whon you of!cr them your pouch ~ttb "GtluniiQr" tobt~Ceo In lt. they mny wo up o pipeful Just to bo !rlcndll.

But noUeo bow quickly thoy iCt bnek to tbclr bolovcl Edgcmorthl

Day nftor day Edgot;o~ fiUlll tvr!to to U!l. Thoy tell WI htmlllD Uttlo ator!c, friendly cmc.:dotc ccntcrlni around Edgoworth. Often It lD tho n~r o1 :vc=o thoy lu1vo amohcd Edgowcrtb thot promptOO them to wrlto.

RDowlni ho~ hnrd It b 10'1 tho avw­liO trum to Vi'rito lot~ \70 W"..s!dwr

'thcao uoooUcftod Sc::zlitll tho (!I'C:lt­est tn'boto to Edio­worth wo could pcnlbly h11vo­SiQta Ovtlll than ttom~wes. lt alvts tho btm.

• r.t:!l of maldna tc~ap!cas­uro- tbat runs tbrourb tbo •ll.okl aamut­trom lactol7 ex­teUtlva to the

llllobt- lD tho. ba~oolU.

. . . . .

..... .,. ..... d

13J)o~ cotton pflce• decJtncd Sll polnU, ...!!fillS tho weclt,. Now TCirk May futuro .,...n.racta dOQllne4 86 poll)t&

EIPlll cotton cJo;od at liS. 'l!IIJ por f3.~~:- Now York MAy futUteD "

Ql'lda. . llta.rkoC etrong tl!rougl)ou~ woolt t:md

· alCbllBrnln• mAde atmrp prtco- 4dvancoa. ca.g!) May WhC!lt UP 81iOl ChiC~I>

'Hay com UP B"c. Bullish (a.ctoria wQro conttnnQd l,lntavornbto crop ncwe, eo• v,lobr(l _fOld weathor ~ J;il)rtbwea't aud

or,.. QJ:Port oaloo. Olool!l&' PriCOI Jil Oblco.go cnah ~I'·

llko~! 4No. 3 red Winter when!1 fl,D6: No.

.... r wlntqr Wheat. fl.ll1: ~o. ll mtxod ~om, Bllc; No. a yellow corn. 8llo; N-o. • Wblto onto, nc.

Avorns:o to.rm PtiCOEU No 2 mll;od com In contra! lowe. 60o\i o. ll hllrd winter wheat In central 110na, J1.07.

Clo•tns tuturo prlcoa: 0 Mn:v whcnt, Jl.llli% : Chl.catro JllAY corn, f~a~~:a., Mlanel\polla May whent, IIU41i:

I City .May whent, f1.16%: Wln·

n PciJ Ma:r whoat. 11.28. 11117·

bf:;ntorn luly mc.rkota pru.ctlcnlly un· c trod. Recolpbs ot a.ll luly conUnuoo only moderate but bulk of ArTlvnla or lowor lrrlldoo wb~cb are ln poor doma.nd and aolt a.t boa.vy dlacounbs. Prlcca ot b10ttor !fl' etca.d;r. Control Woatern mc.rkoUI report an ACUvo dom~d tor tbo limited recolpta, Quoted: No. 1 :rtmothy, Now Y ~trk, 826.60. Pblla.dcl• pbl4 fllbl Plttaburl\'1.. 8ll0.60, Cincinnati UU6, 8 Loula, f3~60.

Jree4. Food dom11nd show• sllrrht lmprovo­

mont, Quoted: Drau, ;20.60, mlddllnr;t>

f2G. T6A flour mlddllntro ;28, Mlnno,:r· Ia;; uO per cent cottonoecd meal, Bt

.Mempblo, U0.50 AU~ta;, wblto bo y toed. UP Bt. Louie, h0.60 CbiCil(fo; ll'luton toed. U().66 Chlt:a4o; 33 por cent llnnocd meai. f41 M!nnoapolle. UO.GO Cblc.alfO.

ll'nllta aa4 Ve•etablea, Prtoca raportcd: I!lMt<lrn enckod

roWld wbltoa, fli.1G to ·~~ por 100 poundo In city ~rltoto: no otoC>k, t8 to f2.10 a.t ablpplng polntD, North· om round wbltea ln butli. IU6 to f1,40 In Chlcll-6'0 cc.rlot 11111rkot; oaoko4 atock. fl.llll to fl.OO In othor cltlea, 11.05 to at ahlpplns polnto. Go11tb Carolina Wckotlold cabbllSo, U.llO to 15.60 par barral erato ln cnalom mar­kola, roAching • ., ln Booton. Alabama And Loulalana tlat Duto~ tUG ·to 111.75. .VIorldll colo17l ID to 3 per fn loa.41nrs oiUoa, U.<~5 to f 60 t, o. b. ahlpplnlf polnta Now 'rorh &tdwln apploa, moaU:v h to 15.60 por bnrrol. Nortbwcatcrn extra. t=a:v .wlnoaapo, 18.50 to U por box.

Toltlln llavo:v oplD!I.Clhlu.Ol to U.TO por bWihol bDDkot. Vlr!rlll otocli, U.36 to aa per bnrrol In Olllltorn mnrltoi.D, 08.60 to 04 t~ Booton. ~torn )'allow awoot pototooo mo11Ur GOo to ;1.10 per buabel lulmpcr roncbtns 01.'16 In Now York nnd CblcA!fo. 'l'oiUicUoo Nancy HAlla, ll.lO to OUt!.

Lho Otoelll Dl>4 lleala. All cloaooa ot llvo atock on tho Chi·

caao mc.rkot abowod decllnco tor tho WClalt. Cblcatro prlcoo: Hoaa. top, 06.60; bUll< of onloa. 00 to fB-46, mo41Uill •nd !>OOd boot atcora, e , 76 1.0 OD.I!G; butcher cowo 1\Dd hclfera. 0..40 to $0.6(11 tnodor otoora. tl!.l6 to oa.Go. ll11bt ana molllum w olo-b veal ca I voo, t1 to U; fAt lnmba. fU.76 to U4.GO )'Cl11'11ntl'a, 00.75 to JU.M; f<>t owca, h to tO.lU!.

P11cc.o aood arndo mcai.D: Boot (11.8 to 016, .-cal OU to 116, lnmb U3 to flltl1 mutton 0 U to fl T, lla'nt porlt loiJul Olt to 0111, hcGY7 lolll.ll 1111 to .UI.

Dall7 Pro4nria. Duttor lnQJ'koto Ull40ttlod Utroutrh

weals, prlceo lowor. CIOD!ns prlcCJt, 02 oeqro buttar: Notr York 67c. l'bltlldol· pbln 40o, Donon 41lo, Chl~<!.lfO •s ~"' CbcoDo market. WCGh a11d u~ulotL Prtcoa at WlDcoDZJin prlman clloello marltoi.D: li'lntD ao~c. twlllD llO'*o, aln!Jio dalDl<:D :o \)c. 4oublo dlllAJl<>D ao ~C. fOWlS AmortCAG l!0\1,~, luUfl'barn. 10 ~o, aqunro prllli.D l:O Y,c. •

DDl'ifvml LJVD I!JTOCliC 111AJ1UC'J', CGtUo.

Tho 1::0111 llalca Ill tho CGtUo dtvlalon contoroc1 around tho boltor occUon. whore aov.arnl lo~A aold abovo 01. Tba boot prJ co wo.a '1.60, tWd nol<.t a>a~o 11.40 and U.ll6 tor carlo~ll. Ono 14rlfC lood of «Cl bCl~ bnruabt U.lltl, TbClAo prlcCD woro enllod ato4dy for q11411fy, ~mo tm:4ll buncboo ot boltol'll wont (lo.,.n to tG, ttbllo othol'll oold tor $1!.0!1. Cooa -rroro not GG atronu a.a borotoforo, but wbon tho naturo ot tho oUorlntfa wero a.ccountoa tor, tbo prtc:oa t1L f4 All4 tG.OO, aA well 0.0 fii,GQ,l '17Cll'll con• olc:lorcO atC>lld7 Oomo ord nDI'7 otock btouabt 14 IUI(i OUG. CUUont !Wid Cor 8l!.7&. nnd <:nnlloro tor U <>nd Oll.llt>.

VOlU calvco como nco.ror brtnelna tho top prtco thtul tor como Umo. Qllo C4l:t oold tor Ull.IIO, w,lthlo U c:onlll ef tho top tor t.llo oe4llon. A tru' bunch wont fer Ull. '17bllo I r drove. brouata tU.IlO do\7D to t .llO. Vullo roacbo4. ttl.llG, ond WO'Ilt down to 82.00. Doot otoon a,oltl for 811.10 ADO 17.116. QuotoUona tor tnooy tttoek '\7C.D Uato(l a.a bl~h lUI 41).26 and 8D. Cbnlco UndOD \'fould aoll tor u. TG to 1)1!.60.

Foadora and atocltorv oro tn doClllnd \71th lho top llJ'OUllO $1.80.

uo ... SovontlJ'·OIIibt ouao.r-bcot boaa nvor­

aalnli na pouoda aoiO to ~ loc:U pnclur cor iho tcp prtco ot 118.80. &vonu· nlco cbolc:o boat~ lc tha DU·pound clnoll brouabt tho nol<.t blslloat prlco of 1111.10. Tbo prtCCl of J8.05 't? paid Cor ono lool1 of GO ooao ~t nco poullOa !\PICCO. Other co.lca rnna(ld from II to 1)7.8G, wbleb prt~o oovorC\1 Uto bulk at at= Tbo do=O for ltsbt bairD trom 1210 to uo poundo 111 llmltod. cwd hoM to clio• poao of to tho P'l"horo. Ptao 110td otcoOy ot 'O.'IG Cor otoch crru<1ca. ;'I for tAt PlaD ltnd G (OW fancy plifA 111:>1(1 Gt Gf.ll~1 l'Ackor IIOWD <mel atcaa aold ota>.aY.

IIII"Po · Cholco l&aht lnmba \7olall1oa 79

poundD cold fo1' 'l!l.CG flat. Vrolt>,lit palO prtcco rtUlt:od trom OUI.'IG to 1Jl8.Gll. .Veo::Jor l!Ullbq wolahloc 40 poundD broUGht Ull.60, trotabt l)!lld. l:::WClO ~oro ctrongor tblln uounl, como brtoalos tO:I\0. 'l'bo datumc1 hna t:oon aood for QUAlllY tacba end owoa.

• • !;' '

XI l'W haw novct ~fA Edaowc:th, let '111 ~~ our o4't:, ~•'l'Jt • plpt!ul <Jr t*'Q diied frGm tho !ado~:· AlL )'(lilh~V.todots to write ''tchnetry • plpctUl cr two'' cu • postcard,-~ }'<)Ut l)atiio and &If~ atld .end the. ~catd to us. Thi il.tdre!! {I tuna & lJrofh~ Co.. m ~th a Sltett. JUcllm,®tl, v-. u vott. mt to adll·

. \thel\t,~Ut~tll'tobieeOtl~ti~~'ll .. u~ avGAR ~'00'.\'A.-tiol'ta!'• ::1~~t z.& Mii~O!g;; ra. -• .._ .... "~~tiact:•.'· · "-

., . . - nett ....... ,. ......... Ui._,..,, ·····-~~t.;Jl;OJln· m,..,""!"...:''"""":"Jio. ..... .., ..... t. ... -~1.~ •• ~,. • •••••• •••••••·~••·•·•·····~ lOdO.

M)tli~ "'""--·" AI~·"'""··~~ Wllelesatcn• Q•tllti(U.. "4'"' . ' b"c.61 .:_.;-:-~ 'f.;:t~J"-ti'lf .• ;;. ... , .... ~ ;.~ ........... } •. ~&'!

COin• c::ac, ~ ~ *"' t:-. ........... .- '• ·><.'• .. • • •• • ~ •• .... • • •. M1li:\-'Jt)~·pre~. ilit_lJ;t ,~ ·: ·!

~tl1t<4· tr~~~;~t~l)ttW()od~·.~

'!tr-:!C,]!: . '" ..•

' -,

Jl[t" .i~j J&t$NII if H lP 'i" f \ . . ·'"- ·- ' . . -- . I . . ' "' ., ,.._. t ....• J\._ .L.t; n;p'alr_-lt.(_z{;Tr"lfdttit~i{'-ir;J:rqftteU,ffil\·

' ' ' ' .


• ' '


. 't'

• ' . . :> . ' • (!•

Tho Fat and tho Lean. Fat Olrl-"1 have qn appetite lllte o

cnnnry." Thin Olrl...:.''Yes, :Vou 1 You eat o peck at n ttme... · '

Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never A(JpUcanta for Insurance '9ftto


h . I '

... '


Judging from ttpOrtll from dnJigllta who oro constantly In dlrcct tpacb 'lritb tho public, thl!nl Ia ono p~uatian that bu been very ~fal In OTcrcomhls theco condltlono. Tho Jlllld Blld ln1lncn.."' of Dr. K.llmer'a Swnmp.lloot 11 1100n l'alliud. It ct.tlndo tho hlsht.t for Ita n=rlmblo record of mcc:a8.

Sure Relief-An eumlninB pbyeiclan for ono ol tba

pramlocnt Lifo Innrunco Compal:l!e-. In an lnt«!niew on tbo aubject. mado tho -tonbbllliJ aUitoment tllllt ono ~ wlr.1 eo IJl!l!IY 11pplleanta for l=na~ aro rcr jee~d la be=o lddll01 troublo b Ill> common to tho Amerle=.n people, 1111d. tho brtte mAJority ef thoeo who.., appllcatlona ore dcdln~ do 11ot oven ~t tllllt they httva tho dh:w:e. Dr. IUimcr'o 8Wlmlp­lloot Ill on ~ Ill all droa atore:~ In bott!CI of t~o o!:e~~, mcdlam o.nd 14rtro.

lllmevu, If 100 .,.lab tlrat to kat thla rrrmt p~tllm C4'1ld U!l emta to Dr. Kflmer & Co., Dlnaht~mton, N. Y ., lar ll cmpla bottla. Wbcn \TriUnr bQ 11uro llDd cu:ntllm thla pcpc:r.-Adrm~~t. -

VloWI of Ono. "I don't lllto thcco motor liotwL" "J.'c:lli.'Zitrtnllll wquJio n ~llrnfna." "'t n001ln't oound co lrunlltltlg."

• Cutlc:ura Gootheo Itching Oca1p.

On rctfrlns «U~tlY rub CJWto ot dan· dru1l and ltchtnu wllh CntJcurn. Oint· mcnt. Nrntt momlna aliQJIIpoo with CuUcura Boo.p tllld hot \7ntcr. Unko th~ your every!lny toUct. preptu'CUono and hnvo n clror chin Cllld rott. whlto luulda.-AdvertJ~mmt.

lnaulud. Bba (11rromlly)-"Do 700 tnro for

chlldralT' -Dt>-"'No; \7bqt do ~ou thlnlt I am, o DW'lleuu.lld ?"

Chance for Vit·gin Far~s



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