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Leveraging Your Visitors with Twitter.

Leveraging Your Visitors With Twitter

Sep 18, 2014



How to use Twitter to leveraging your visitors and go popular on other social sites.
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  • Leveraging Your Visitors with Twitter.

  • Twitter Users = Savvy Social Users

  • Twitter Users Share from Blogs & Social News Sites

  • Twitter Users Share News & Opinion More than Humor

  • Match Avatars & NamesYour SiteSocial SitesTwitter

  • Find Social News TweetersSearch.Twitter.comFollow power users.Digg Sphinn

  • Make Friends People talk to you.And you talk back.

  • Listen and Respond Shut up and listen, then do something with what you hear.

  • Link to TwitterWWSGD PluginAutoRespondersSidebar

  • Use a Tweet This Button it easy for your readers to Tweet your content.Plugin

  • Post Social Links to Twitter Site: Title: Link to Story on Social SiteShortened URLs are blind links, so give them a reason to click.

  • ReTweeting

  • Ask for the ReTweet Dont annoy your followers; save this for the important links.

  • Dan Zarrella

    @[email protected]://