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Leukemia By: Kalpana Ganeshan

Leukemia By: Kalpana Ganeshan WHAT IS LEUKEMIA?

Dec 24, 2015



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  • Leukemia By: Kalpana Ganeshan
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  • Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells.
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  • The word Leukemia comes from the Greek word leukos which means "white" and aima which means "blood".
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  • It is also the most common type of blood cancer.
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  • What are the different types of Leukemia?
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  • Acute Leukemia- rapidly growing Chronic Leukemia- Slowly developing
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  • How does Leukemia harm you?
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  • Leukemia starts in the bone marrow
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  • So to get a better understanding of leukemia, let's talk about the bone marrow first.
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  • The Bone Marrow is soft material in the center of most bones where blood cells are formed (white and red blood cells, platelets).
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  • Red Blood cells help carry oxygen to the rest of the body White Blood Cells help your body fight infections Platelets help with clotting (when you bleed)
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  • So what happens when you have Leukemia?
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  • In Leukemia, the Bone Marrow produces large numbers of abnormal blood cells.
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  • These abnormal cells look different, and don't function properly.
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  • This causes lots of problems: - difficulty fighting infection - bleed and bruise easily - bleed a lot when injured - tiredness (due to decrease in oxygen supply)
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  • It may also affect the liver and spleen.
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  • Symptoms of Leukemia
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  • Chronic Leukemia-no symptoms. Usually detected during a routine blood test. Acute Leukemia- may have one or more of the following Symptoms: sickness, headaches, vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, or seizures.
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  • Treatment for Leukemia (treatment may vary by type and severity)
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  • Watchful waiting: - Only available for people with Chronic Leukemias who haven't experienced symptoms yet - you have regular checkups and wait it out
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  • Chemotherapy - Uses high doses of drugs to destroy leukemia - Has many side effects and may kill normal cells as well
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  • Biological therapy: - The usage of drugs that improve bodys natural defense against the disease
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  • Radiation therapy - Uses high-energy rays to kill leukemia cells - Lots of side affects and may kill normal cells as well
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  • Stem cell transplant - After destroying cancer cells, infuse blood-forming stem cells into the body (either from yourself or a matching donor)
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  • Survival rates
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  • Children: ALL- 90% AML- less than 40% CLL- Not available CML- 70%
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  • Adults: AML-40% ALL-35% CML-90% CLL- 82%
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  • Sources: -"KidsHealth." Leukemia. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Aug. 2013. -Nordqvist, Christian. "What Is Leukemia? What Causes Leukemia?" Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 17 Mar. 2009. Web. 111 Aug. 2013 - "National Cancer Institute." Leukemia Home Page -. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Aug. 2013.
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  • The End Thank you for watching!