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CAROL L. LEAR PEPE^HAZARD^ LAW OFFICES GOODWIN SQUARE HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06103-4302 203/522-5175 FACSIMILE 203/522-2796 August 5, 1992 SDMS DocID Mr. Edward Parker Connecticut DEP Assistant Director Hazardous Materials Division 122 Washington Street - Room 9 Hartford, Connecticut 06106 Re: Old Southington Landfill Superfund Site - Investigations Re: Gases Present at the Study Site Dear Ed: This document is written confirmation which the Respondents for the Administrative Order by Consent for the Old Southington Landfill Superfund Site (the Respondents) are providing the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of the work Respondents are performing or will perform at the Old Southington Landfill Superfund Study Site (Study) to assess the ability of methane, and commingled gases, to impact air quality at the Site. The five focuses of this work are discussed individually below. RETAINING A CONSULTANT ON LANDFILL GAS GENERATION Respondents have retained Dr. Robert K. Ham to assist Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE), Respondents consultant, with issues relating to landfill gas. Dr. Ham, whose curriculum vitae is attached, is a preeminent researcher in this field and is currently Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Ham has been supplied documentation from work previously underway or completed and has provided expertise for and input into the remaining facets of the work described below. METHANE In addition to the ongoing tasks described in the Methane Monitoring Plan (see below), data on methane concentration has been collected during the Task II Post-Screening Field Investigations. As part of the screening soil gas survey for VOCs, measurements of methane 284077


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203/522-5175 FACSIMILE 203/522-2796

August 5, 1992


Mr. Edward Parker Connecticut DEP Assistant Director Hazardous Materials Division 122 Washington Street - Room 9 Hartford, Connecticut 06106

Re: Old Southington Landfill Superfund Site ­ Investigations Re: Gases Present at the Study Site

Dear Ed:

This document is written confirmation which the Respondents for the Administrative Order by Consent for the Old Southington Landfill Superfund Site (the Respondents) are providing the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of the work Respondents are performing or will perform at the Old Southington Landfill Superfund Study Site (Study) to assess the ability of methane, and commingled gases, to impact air quality at the Site. The five focuses of this work are discussed individually below.


Respondents have retained Dr. Robert K. Ham to assist Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE), Respondents consultant, with issues relating to landfill gas. Dr. Ham, whose curriculum vitae is attached, is a preeminent researcher in this field and is currently Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Ham has been supplied documentation from work previously underway or completed and has provided expertise for and input into the remaining facets of the work described below.


In addition to the ongoing tasks described in the Methane Monitoring Plan (see below), data on methane concentration has been collected during the Task II Post-Screening Field Investigations. As part of the screening soil gas survey for VOCs, measurements of methane



Edward Parker August 5, 1992 Page 2

concentration were collected at each of sixty (60) survey locations around buildings on the Study Site. An additional twenty-nine (29) samples for methane were collected from other locations, covering an approximate 100 foot grid across the Study Site. The data from the eighty-nine (89) methane measurement locations provides a good understanding of the distribution of methane in the vadose zone across the Study Site. The first attached figure shows sampling locations.

The methane soil gas data is consistent with the findings of methane in cracks at three of the buildings (SMF1, SMF2, and Parks & Recreation). The most methane detects were located in the southern end of the Study Site, the highest levels being at locations around those three buildings. See the attached table of Soil Gas Survey Results. The second figure provides a mapping of those data.


The potential for the presence of other gases at the Study Site is being addressed as part of the RI/FS. The development of the Task II Post-Screening Field Investigations included considerable discussion between EPA, DEP, and Respondents relative to a field program suitable to assess the migration of gases, if any, into ambient air or into buildings on the Study Site.

A screening soil gas survey has been completed around each building and residence on the Study Site. This screening survey measured selected VOC, using field gas chromatography, and methane. Based upon the results of the screening soil gas survey, locations for collection of soil gas for laboratory analysis will be selected which correspond to areas of highest concentration of VOC at each building or residence. At buildings or residences where no VOC were detected on any side, at least one location will be selected to verify the absence of VOC.

Samples of soil gas for laboratory VOC analysis will be collected and analyzed using the approved EPA Method T-02, at a data quality objective of Level 4. The data will undergo full data validation, per EPA requirements for data to be used for risk assessment purposes.

Data obtained from the Method T-02 analyses will be used to estimate concentrations of VOC in ambient air and in buildings/residences on the Study Site. EPA/DEP approved modelling techniques will be employed to calculate worst-case air emissions levels. The risk assessment will use the calculated estimates derived from the modeling to determine risk to human health.


The potential for the intrusion by methane and/or commingled gases into buildings located on the Study Site was addressed by Respondents in the Methane Monitoring Plan submitted to Almerinda Silva and copied to DEP on June 26, 1992. The tasks included in this


Edward Parker August 5, 1992 Page 3

plan, all of which have been initiated and many of which are ongoing, include provision of methane monitors to persons located on the Study Site, education of occupants of the Study Site regarding the use of those monitors, inspection and calibration of the monitors, monitoring of those buildings by the Southington Fire Department, recording the results of the inspection and monitoring programs, and responding by the Southington Fire Department to alarms.

Methane monitors were made available to owners and occupants of buildings on the Study Site in October, 1991. The Southington Fire Department continues to inspect the monitors, their placement, and their operational status. In addition, the Town has installed a methane detection system in the Parks and Recreation building.


Respondents will provide venting of floor cracks to the exterior ambient air for the Parks and Recreation building and Southington Metal Fabricators Buildings I and III (the two most southerly buildings). This will necessitate sealing of the cracks in the floors of these buildings. This system would be put in place immediately to minimize the intrusion or potential intrusion into these buildings of methane and/or any commingled gases.

In addition, Respondents will install methane recovery wells at optimal locations, based upon the methane measurements collected around the buildings, as a pilot venting program. The purpose of the pilot venting program is to provide data regarding the generation and migration of methane at the Site. Pumps will be installed on each recovery well to create an active gas system. Soil gas probes will be placed to measure gas flow, pressure, and gas composition.

Methane gas levels near the Barnes and Simone residences will continue to be measured. Initial measurements at two locations near these residences indicated the presence of methane gas; however, subsequent measurements did not confirm the levels found. A thorough review of the presence of util i ty conduits across the Study Site and of their potential to provide a migration pathway will also be performed. This information will be reviewed, in conjunction with additional methane measurement data from the two residences, to develop an understanding of the isolated occurrence of methane at those locations.

As part of their work at the Study Site, Respondents will proceed as described above. In order to expedite the process, data when validated can be provided to the agencies and meetings can be scheduled to discuss those data. In this way, the necessity to modify or augment any of the work can be ascertained. This would also allow for expeditious remediation of any problem areas.

We appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to both EPA and DEP. I look forward to a cooperative resolution of issues arising out of the potential for generation of gases



Edward Parker August 5, 1992 Page 4

at the Study Site. Please feel free to call either Dave Montany or me if you have any questions regarding any of the above.


Carol L. Lear

cc: Bob Argazzi, Esq. Dennis Gagne Ira Leighton Dave Montany Bob Moore Dave Nash Tom O'Connor Mike Powers Andrew Raubvogel, Esq. Almerinda Silva John Weichsel Charles Taylor






f^8/05/92 OLD SOUTHINCTON LANDFILL Environmental SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT Science &N.T.S. SCREENING SOIL GAS LOCATIONS » Engineering, Inc. JULY 1992 ROB KRUY 5*rr EBc-F­ 4925534.0030 °" SOUTHB2.DWG / w /


SOIL GAS SURVEY RESULTS Old Southington Landfill

Southington, Connecticut

Sample Sample Number Location

SG1 Parks & Rec SG2 Parks & Rec SG3 Parks & Rec SG4 Parks & Rec SG5 Parks & Rec SG6 Parks & Rec SG7 Parks & Rec SG8 Parks & Rec SG9 NE Machine SG10 NE Machine SG11 NE Machine SG12 NE Machine SG13 RV & Son SG14 RV & Son SG15 RV& Son SG16 RV & Son SG17 Pallatto SG18 Pallatto SG19 Pallatto SG20 Pallatto SG21 Sliker SG22 Sliker SG23 Sliker SG24 Sliker SG25 Barnes SG26 Barnes SG27 Barnes SG28 Barnes SG29 SMF1 SG30 SMF1 SG31 SMF1 SG32 SMF1 SG33 SMF1 SG34 SMF1 SG35 SMF1 SG36 SMF1 SG37 SMF1 SG38 Simone SG39 Simone SG40 • Simone SG41 jr^\ti t olfllwH^^*


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Sample Date

7/8/92 7/8/92 7/8/92 7/8/92 7/8/92 7/9/92 7/9/92 7/9/92 7/9/92 7/10/92 7/10/92 7/10/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/13/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/14/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/15/92 7/16/92 7/16/92 7/16/92 7/16/92 7/16/92 7/21/92 7/21/92 7/21/92

Probe Depth (feet)

8 Refusal

6.5 8

7.5 8 8 6

4.5 4.9 8 8 5 4 4

3.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 5

2.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8

6.5 3.5 4 4 8 8 8 8 8

7.5 5.2 8


>100 —

>100 94

>100 >100 >100 >100

2 0 0 2 0 50 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

>100 6

>190 >200

10 >1000 >1000 >1000 1050

7 510

>1000 2 2 3 1 1 3

>2000 0 9 4


SOIL GAS SURVEY RESULTS Old Southington Landfill

Southington, Connecticut

Sample Sample Sample Probe Depth LEC% Number Location Date (feet)

SG49 SMF2 7/21/92 8 600 SG50 SMF2 7/21/92 2.5 500 SG51 SMF2 7/21/92 8 1080 SG52 SMF2 7/21/92 3 68 SG53 SMF2 7/21/92 8 360 SG54 SMF2 7/21/92 8 250 SG55 SMF2 7/21/92 8 240 SG56 SMF3 7/21/92 8 1060 SG57 SMF3 7/21/92 8 420 SG58 SMF3 7/21/92 8 600 SG59 SMF3 7/21/92 8 96 SG60 SMF2 7/21/92 Refusal ~ SG61 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 110 SG62 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 256 SG63 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 1140 SG64 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 620 SG65 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 740 SG66 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 680 SG67 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 780 SG68 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 6 SG69 100' Grid 7/22/92 5 480 SG70 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 1100 SG71 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 300 SG72 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 340 SG73 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 37 SG74 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 0 SG75 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 140 SG76 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 340 SG77 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 800 SG78 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 540 SG79 100' Grid 7/24/92 5 520 SG80 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 10 SG81 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 1 SG82 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 80 SG83 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 14 SG84 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 100 SG85 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 1 SG86 100' Grid 7/27/92 5 100 SG87 Simone 7/27/92 2 1 SG88 Simone 7/27/92 2 1 SG89 Barnes 7/27/92 1.5 1

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4925534.0030 "SCCONCI.DWC 1 ~ 1



NAME: Robert K. Ham SOCIAL SECURITY NO: 475-38-4619

Present Position and Address: Residence: Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2130 Chadboume Avenue 3232 Engineering Building University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 (608) 262-7249

Madison, WI 53705 (608) 238-4527

1. Education


Undergraduate Graduate

B.Ch.E. M.Ch.E Ph.D.

1960 1965 1967 Civil (Sanitary)


Uriv. of Minnesota, Minneapolis Univ. of Washington, Seattle

Univ. of Washington, Seattle

2. Academic Experience and Service

1967, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Professor Qvil & Environmental Engineering 1971, Associate Professor, 1975 Professor

3. Professional Positions Held

Full or iSSJ Rank or Title Part Time Name & Location of Firm or College

1960-63 Process Engineer F Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. St. Paul, MN

1967 Assistant Professor F University of Wisconsin Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering

1971 Assoc. Professor F University of Wisconsin Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering

1975 Professor F University of Wisconsin Dept ol Civil & Environmental Engineering

4. University of Wisconsin Service

a. Teaching

CEE 327, CEE 621, CEE 424, CEE 822, CEE 320

b. Research

Solid and hazardous wastes emphasizing leachate and gas production during landfill decomposition, leachate treatment, gas control, landfilling of shredded solid wastes, leachate production from industrial wastes, assessment of leaching potential of industrial wastes, energy recovery from refuse by RDF or incineration, resource recovery/recycling.


c. Committee Service

Normal practice is two departmental committee assignments each year. Have served on Department Administrative, Curriculum & Programs, Space Utilization, Chemistry, Public Relations, Student-Faculty, and Fellowships Committees, and chaired Environmental Engineering group.

d. Extension Activities

Numerous presentations on Solid Waste Engineering. Founder and continuing steering committee member of Madison Waste Conference, held

yearly since 1977.

5. Record of Leave of Absence from the UW

1973-1974, on leave to Dubendorf, Switzerland, to do research on landfill decomposition. 1981, on leave to Harwell Laboratories, Oxfordshire, England, to do research on landfill

decomposition. 1990-1991, on leave to various locations in U.S. and England, Germany and Holland

regarding local approaches to integrated solid waste management, including the most recent technologies.

6. Patents and Inventions

Two patent applications at 3M. Two patents regarding landfill testing to GSF, Inc. (Numbers 4,159,893 and 4,276,778).

7. Professional Activities

a. Professional Society Memberships

Editorial Board Member, "Waste Management and Research," an international journal with editorial offices in Copenhagen, Denmark (1982-present).

Editorial Board Member, "Resources, Conservation and Recycling," an international journal with

editorial offices in Amsterdam, Holland (1980-present). Member, International Solid Wastes Association Working Group on Hazardous Wastes

(1985-present) Member, Executive Committee, Wis Air Pollution Control &nd Harzardous Waste


b. Consulting


Gas generation and utilization from landfills Landfill decomposition (municipal, industrial, and both intermixed) Landfill design Landfill monitoring Hazardous wastes Resource recovery/recycling Waste treatment



Representative clients include U.S. EPA, Government of Indonesia, Government of India (through WHO), States of New York and Illinois, Waste Management Inc., Browning Ferris Inc., GSF Inc., Exxon, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, and numerous consulting firms.

Major recent consulting projects:

Assessment of landfill gas collection and utilization potential for major landfill in U.S., including financial aspects. Private owner/operator.

Assessment of gas generation potential and water contamination potential for very large landfill in an arid area (less than 5 inches precipitation per year). Private developer.

Expert witness on case involving gas generation from old landfill (completed over 20 years ago) and potential for continued gas generation. Site being used for commercial structures. Retained by defendent, a consulting company.

Expert witness on case regarding whether hot materials which burned a person at a landfill couid arise from decomposition processes including spontaneous combustion, or from dumping of supposedly cooled ash from an industrial combustion process. Retained by attorney representing injured person.

Se: . - comprehensive FML and auxiliary materials leachate compatibility testing program fcr £ major hazardous waste landfill Private company through consulting engineering company.

Designed FML - incinerator ash leachate compatibility testing program using defensible literature and experience to predict leachate composition from proposed landfill. Private company through consulting engineering company.

Advisor to a private company regarding potential business in solid waste management equipment and to major national laboratory regarding research and high-tech innovation needs in solid waste management

8. Awards and Honors

Cover photo and cover story, Public Works Magazine (May 1989).

Profiled in Business Wf^k (March 5,1990).

Profiled in Milwaukee Journal Business Section (April 2,1990).


9. Contributions to profession

a. Publications

Thesis: Ham, R.K. The Rheology of Concentrated Suspensions," M.Ch.E. Thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle (1965).

Thesis: Ham, R.K., "A Study of Particle Size Changes During Coagulation," Ph.D. Thesis, DepL of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle (1967).

Ham, R.K. and R.F. Christman, "Particle Size Changes During Coagulation," Journ. San. Enp. Div.. AS££, 9_5_, SA 3,481 (June 1969).

Ham, R.K., "The Relative Attractiveness of Milled Versus Nonmilled Refuse to Rats and Flies," Public Works, p. 74 (July 1969).

Ham, R.K., "The Application of Some Fundamental Chemical Equilibrium Concepts to Water Systems," Water and Sewage Works. 116. R-90 (Nov. 28,1969).

TeKippe, R J. and R.K. Ham, "Apparatus to Examine Floe-Forming Processes," Journ. American Water Works Association. £2,4,260 (April 1970).

Ham, R.K., "Large Elevation Landfilling for Refuse Disposal," Public Works, p. 92 (Jan. 1970).

TeKippe, R J. and R.K. Ham, "Coagulation Testing: A Comparison of Techniques ­Part I," Journ. American Water Works Association. £2,594 (Sept 1970).

TeKippe, RJ. and R.K. Ham, "Coagulation Testing: A Comparison of Techniques ­Pan n," Joum. of American Waterworks Association. £2,10,620 (Oct. 1970).

Ham, R.K. and R.F. Christman, "Particle Size Changes in Coagulation-Closure." (An extensive closure using data not available at the time of publication of the paper itself.) Joum. San. Eng. Div.. AS££, 9_& SA 5, 1268 (Oct. 1970).

Ham, R.K., "Mountains of Trash," Wisconsin Engineer. 7JL 2,14 (Nov. 1970).

Ham, R.K., "The Costs of Large Elevation Landfilling of Refuse," Public Works, p. 77 (May 1971).

Ham, R.K., "No Problems from Milled Municipal Refuse," Compost Science. 12, p. 6 (Jan.-Feb. 1971).

TeKippe, RJ. and R.K. Ham, "Velocity Gradient Paths in Coagulation," Journ. American Water Works Assoc.. £1 7, 439 (July 1971).

Ham, R.K., W. Porter, and J. Reinhardt, "Refuse Milling for Landfill Disposal," Public Works, p. 42-47 (Dec. 1971), p. 70-72 (Jan. 1972), and p. 49-54 (Feb. 1972).

Boyle, W.C. and R.K. Ham, "Treatability of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills," Purdue Industrial Waste Conference (presented May 3,1972).


Boyle, W.C. and R.K. Ham, Treatability of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills," Engineering Foundation Conference on Sanitary Landfills, Saxtons River, Vermont (Aug. 1972).

Ham, R.K., W.K. Porter, JJ. Reinhardt, "Refuse Milling for Landfill Disposal," Solid Waste Demonstration Projects Symposium - Proceedings. Cincinnati, Ohio (May 4-6, 1971). Published by Environmental Protection Agency as Publication SW-4p (1972).

Ham, R.K., "Evaluation of Sanitary Landfill Design and Operating Practices," Waste , p. 14 (Nov.-Dec. 1972).

Ham, R.K. and JJ. Reinhardt, "Refuse Milling in Europe - A Study of 22 Sites," National Center for Resource Recovery Bulletin. 2, pp. 2-1 1 (Winter 1973).

McGauhey, P.HL, E.A. Glysson, and R.K. Ham, "Sanitary Landfills: The Latest Thinking," Civil Engineering, pp. 69-72 (March 1973).

Gawalpanchi, R.R., P.M. Berthouex, and R.K. Ham, "Particle Size Distribution of Milled Refuse," Waste Age, p. 34 (Sept/Oct 1973).

Ham, R.K., "Landfilling of Milled Refuse" in Sanitary Landfilling. report of a joint conference on sanitary landfilling held by EPA and NSWMA, Kansas City (Nov. 15-16, 1972). Published by EPA as document SW-5p (1973).

Boyle, W.C. and R.K. Ham, "Biological Treatability of Landfill Leachate," Joum. Water Polln. Control Fed.. 4$, 5, 860 (May 1974).

Ho, S., W.C. Boyle, and R.K. Ham, "Chemical Treatment of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills," Joum. Water Polln. Control Fed.. 4& 7, 1776 (July 1974).

Caffrey, R.P. and R.K. Ham, "The Role of Evaporation in Determining Leachate Production from Milled Refuse Landfills," Compost Science, p. 11 (March/April 1974).

Ham, R.K., "Research into the Decomposition of Pulverized Refuse." Presented at 76th Annual Conference, Institute of Solid Wastes Management, Scarborough, England, June 17-20, 1974. Published in Solid Wastes Management. Vol. LXTV, No. 8, p. 412-422 (Aug. 1974).

Anderson, C.R. and R.K. Ham, "Pollutant Production from Milled and Unprocessed Refuse-Olin Avenue Studies," Waste Ape. 5, No. 3, p. 38 (May/June 1974).

National Center for Resource Recovery, Inc., Sanitary Landfill. Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts (1974). R.K. Ham was and is cited as principal author.

Anderson, C.R. and R.K. Ham, "Lysimeter Studies on the Decomposition of Refuse," Pan 1, Waste Age. 5_, 9, p. 33 (Dec. 1974); Part 2, Waste Age. £, 1, p. 30 (Jan. 1975); Part 3, Waste Age. £, 2, p. 38 (Feb. 1975).

Caffrey, R.P., David, M., and R.K. Ham, "Evaluation of Environmental Impact of Landfills," Joum. Env. Eng. Div.. AS£E, 1QJ, EE1, pp. 55-69 (Feb. 1975).

Kamauskas, R. and R.K. Ham, "Solid Waste Degradation in Test Lysimeter Beds," International Solid Wastes Association Bulletin. No. 14/15, pp. 3-17 (Dec. 1974).


Ham, R.K., "The Generation Movement and Attenuation of Leachate from Solid Waste Disposal Sites," Waste Age. & 7, p. 50 (June 1975).

Ham, R.K., J J. Reinhardt, and G.W. Sevick, "Density of Milled and Unprocessed Refuse," Journ. Env. Eng. Div.. ASCE. 104. EE1, 109-125 (Feb. 1978).

Ham, R.K., "Solid Waste Degradation Due to Shredding and Sludge Addition." Proceedings, Research Symposium co-sponsored by EPA and Rutgers University on "Gas and Leachate from Landfills: Formation, Collection, and Treatment," Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ (March 25-26, 1975). EPA Publication, EPA-600/9-7 6-004 (March 1976).

Ham, R.K. and W.C. Boyle, "Leachate Generation from Solid Waste Disposal," Association of Environmental Engineering Professors Workshop on Environmental Impact and Linkages, Charleston, SC (Dec. 1974).

Ham, R.K. and W.C. Boyle, The Application of Laboratory Treatability Studies to On-Site Treatment of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills." Proceedings of ASCE Specialty Conference. Env. Eng. Div., Gainesville, FL (July 1975).

Ham, R.K., The Role of Processed Refuse in Landfilling." Proceedings National Congress on Waste Management Technology and Resources and Energy Recovery. Atlanta, GA (Nov. 1975). Republished as "The Role of Shredded Refuse in Landfilling: Yesterday's Experience, Today's Status, Tomorrow's Forecast," Waste Age. & 12, p. 25 (Dec. 1975) and in Waste Management Technology and Energy Recovery - U.S. EPA Pub. SW-8p, Sup. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (1976).

Ham, R.K., M. Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanfprth, The Development of a Leaching Test for Industrial Wastes." Given and published in Proceedings of the 1 st Annual Conference of Applied Research & Practice on Municipal and Industrial Waste. Madison, WI (Sept. 1978).

Anderson, M., R. Ham, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, Test Factors Affecting the Release of Materials from Industrial Wastes in Leaching Tests." In Stabilization Solidification Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal. Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor, MI (1979).

Ham, R.K. and R.H. Collins, "Use of Gas from Landfills for Energy Recovery: Operating Experience at Palos Verdes." Given at and in the Proceedings of the International Recycling Congress. Berlin, W. Germany, Ed. Prof. Thom'e-Kozmiensky, Kaiserin-Augusta Alice 5, D-1000, Berlin 21 (Oct 1-3, 1979).

Ham, R.K., "Gas Production in Sanitary Landfills." Given at and in the Proceedings of Abfallwirtschaffsseminar-AktuelleDeponietechnik. Prof. Jager, Chr., Tech. Univ. Berlin, W. Germany (Oct. 3-5, 1979).

Ham, R.K., "Sanitary Landfill Practice in the U.S.A." Given at and in the Proceedings of Abfallwirtschaffsseminar-AktuelleDeponietechnik. Prof. Jager, Chr., Tech. Univ. Berlin, W. Germany (Oct 3-5, 1979).


Ham, R.K., "Lcachate Treatment Practice in the U.S A.." Given at and in the Proceedings of Abfallwirtschaffsseminar-Aktuelle Deponietechnik. Prof. Jager, Chr., Tech. Univ. Berlin, W. Germany (Oct 3-5,1979).

Ham, R.K., M Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, "Comparison of Three Leaching Test Procedures." Given at and in the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Applied Research and Practice on Municipal and Industrial Waste. Madison, WI (Sept. 19-21,1979).

Stanforth, R., R.K. Ham, M. Anderson, and R. Stegmann, "Development of a Synthetic Municipal Landfill Leachate," Journ. Water Polln. Control Fed.. 51.7, p. 1965-75 (July 1979).

Ham, R.K., "Predicting Gas Generation from Landfills," Waste Age. J£, 11, p. 50 (Nov. 1979).

Ham, R.K.. M.A. Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, "Die Entwicklung eines Auslaugtesis fur Industrieabfalle," Mull and Abfall. 12, No. 7,212-220 (July 1980).

Hartz, K.E. and R.K. Ham, "Determining the Optimum Number of Receiving Bays for a Solid Waste Facility," Conservation & Recycling. 4, No. 1, p. 39-46 (1981).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and T.P. Kunes, "Leachability of Foundry Process Wastes," J. Env. Eng. Div.. AS££, 107. EE1, 155-170 (Feb. 1981).

Gupta, K.B. and R.K. Ham, "The Application of a Statistical Design and Analysis Methodology to a Water Quality Control Process." Given at and in Proceedings of EnvironmetricsSl. Alexandria, VA (April 1981).

Boyle, W.C., R.K. Ham, R. Stanforth, and J. Pastene, "Leachate Quality from Foundry Cupola Dusts, Sludges, and Mixed Wastes." Given at and in Proceedings of 36th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. Lafayette, Indiana, Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor, MI (May 12,1981). A preliminary version was given at 85th Casting Congress, American Foundryrnen's Society, Cincinnati, OH (April 27-May 1,1981).

Gupta, K.B. and R.K. Ham, "Process Design Considerations in Recycling Preformed Floes to Coagulation-Flocculation Process." Given at and in Proceedings 1981 Annual Conference, American Water Works Assoc.. St. Louis, MO (June 7-11,1981).

Klink, R.E. and R.K. Ham, "Effects of Moisture Movement on Methane Production in Solid Waste Landfill Samples," Resources & Conservation. & 1, pp. 29-41 (March 1982). Given at 2nd International Gas Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA (Sept. 28-Oct 1,1981). Sponsored by Gas Res. Inst, Chicago, IL.

Bookter, T. and R.K. Ham, "Analysis for Landfill Stability." Given at and in Proceedings of International Solid Wastes Association Conference. Munich, W. Germany (June 29,1981).

Boyle, W.C., R.K. Ham, R. Stanforth, and J. Pastene, "Leach Testing of Foundry Emission Control Dusts and Sludges." Given at and in Proceedings of Second Annual Symposium on Testing of Hazardous and Industrial Wastes. Lake Buena Vista, FL (Jan. 1982).



Hartz, K., R. Klink, and R.K. Ham, Temperature Effects: Methane Generation from Landfill Samples," Journ. Env. Eng. Div.. ASCE. lfl&, EE4,629-638 (Aug. 1982).

Boyle, W.C., R.K. Ham, R. Stanforth, and J. Pastene, "Leachate Tests on Selected Foundry Cupola Dusts and Sludges," American Foundrymen's Society Transactions. 81­149. p. 767-786 (1982).

Ham, R.K., "Results from Decomposition of Solid Waste in Test Cells at Madison." Given at and in Proceedings of International Seminar Gas und Wasserhaushalt von Mulldeponien. Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, W. Germany (Sept 29-OcL 1,1982).

Ham, R.K., "Variables Affecting Gas Generation Rates in Landfill Samples." Given at and in Proceedings of International Seminar Gas und Wasserhaushalt von Mulldeponien. Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, W. Germany (Sept 29-Oct 1, 1982).

Hartz, K.E. and R.K. Ham, "Gas Generation Rates of Landfill Samples," Conservation & Recycling. 5 2/3.133-147 (1982).

Stegmann, R., V. Franzius, and R.K. Ham, "Deponiegasnutzing in den U.S.A.," Mull und Abfall. 14, 1, pp. 13-22 (Jan. 1982).

Ham, R.K. and T.J. Bookter, "Decomposition of Solid Waste in Test Lysimeters," Journ. Env. Eng. Div.. ASCE. 108. EE6, pp. 1147-1170 (Dec. 1982).

Bookter, T.J. and R.K. Ham, "Stabilization of Solid Waste in Landfills," Journ. Env. Eng. Div.. ASCJE, 108. EE6, pp. 1089-1100 (Dec. 1982).

Gupta, K.B. and R.K. Ham, "An Evaluation of Effects and Interactions of Variables on a Solids-Liquid Separation Process With and Without Using Recycled Floes." Given at 94th National Meeting, Am. Inst. of Chem. Engrs., Houston, TX (Mar. 27-31,1983).

Hartz, K.E. and R.K. Ham, "Moisture Level and Movement Effects on Methane Production Rates in Landfill Samples," Waste Management and Research. 1, pp. 139­145 (1983).

Ham, R.K., "Gas Production Modelling." Presented at and published in Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion, pp. 203-15, Boston, MA (Aug. 14-20, 1983). Available from 99 Erie Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. *

Ragland, K.W., R.P. Madding, R.K. Ham, R.J. Vetter, and M.L. Smith, "Refuse Derived Fuel Evaluation in an Industrial Spreader-Stoker Boiler," Transactions, ASME, Journ. of Engrg. for Gas Turbines and Power. 106.782-8 (Oct. 1984).

Ham, R.K., "Recent University of Wisconsin Studies on the Leaching Characteristics of Ferrous Foundry Wastes." Proceedings of Foundry Solid Waste Disposal Conference. c/o Dr. John Davis, Penn State University, University Park, PA (Dec. 5,1984).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and F J. Blaha, "Comparison of Leachate Quality in Foundry Waste Landfills to Leach Test Extracts." Given at and in Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Industrial and H37flrtlous Wa^te,, Alexandria University, Egypt (June 24­27, 1985).


Barlaz, MA., M.W. Milke, and R.K. Ham, "Investigation of Parameters Affecting the Production of Methane in Sanitary Landfills." Given at and in Proceedings of 8th Annual Madison Waste Conference. University of Wisconsin-Extension (Sept 18-19,1985).

Vondracek, JJ3. and R.K. Ham, "Use of Foundry Quenched Slag as a Drainage Medium." Given at and in Proceedings of 9th Annual Madison Waste Conference. University of Wisconsin, Department of Professional Development, Madison, WI (Sept. 9-10, 1986).

Barlaz, MA., M.W. Milke, and R.K. Ham, "Parameters Affecting Refuse Methanogenesis and the Solids Composition of Anaerobically Degraded Refuse." Given at and in Proceedings of 9th Annual Madison Waste Conference. University of Wisconsin, Department of Professional Development, Madison, WI (Sept 9-10,1986).

Stolzenburg, T.R., L.D. Tickanen, B.E. Dudzik, J.E. Vondracek, T.F. De Pierquet, J.T. Radia, M.L. Holcomb, W.A. Stephens, and R.K. Ham, "Analysis and Treatment of Reactive Waste: A Case Study in the Ductile Iron Foundry Industry." Given at and in Proceedings of 40th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference. West Lafayette, Indiana (May 14-16,1985).

Barlaz, MA., MW. Milke, and R.K. Ham, "Up With Methane!", Waste Age, p. 82 (Dec. 1986).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, F.J. Blaha, D. Oman, D. Trainor, TJ. Kunes, D.G. Nichols, and R.R. Stanforth, "Leachate Groundwater Quality In and Around Ferrous Foundry Landfills and Comparison to Leach Test Results," AFS Transactions, pp. 86-174 (1986).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and FJ. Blaha, "Comparison of Leachate Quality in Foundry Waste to Leach Test Abstracts," Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Testing and Disposal: 6th Volume. ASTM STP 933, D. Lorenzen et al.. editors, ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, pp. 28-44 (1986).

Barlaz, M.A., M.W. Milke, and R.K. Ham, "Gas Production Parameters in Sanitary Landfill Simulators, Waste Management and Research. 5., 1, pp. 27-39 (1987).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and R.L. Fero, "Evaluation of Organic Compounds in Groundwater at Ferrous Foundry Waste Landfills," AFS Transactions. 87-150, pp. 693­4 (1987).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and R.C. Krueger, "The Variability of Leaching Characteristics of Ferrous Foundry Waste and Comparison to Landfill Unsarurated Zone Leachate Quality." Given at and in Proceedings of World Conference on Hazardous Waste. Budapest, Hungary (Oct. 25-31, 1987).

Boyle, W.C. and R.K. Ham, "Evaluation of Organic Compounds in Groundwater at Ferrous Foundry Waste Landfills." Given at 60th Annual Meeting, Central States Water Pollution Control Association, St. Paul, MN (May 12-15,1987

Ham, R.K. and MA. Barlaz, "Measurement and Prediction of Landfill Gas Quality and Quantity," International Solid Waste Association Symposium on Process, Technology, and Environmental Impact of Sanitary Landfills, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (Oct. 20-23, 1987); published in Sanitary Lanfilling. T. Christensen, R. Cossu and R. Stegmann, Eds, Academic Press, Orlando, FL (1989).



Krueger, R.C., R.K. Ham, and W.C Boyle, "The Variability of Ferrous Foundry Waste Leaching Characteristics and Comparison to Landfill Unsaturated Zone Leachate Quality." Given at and in Proceedings of 43rd Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, pp. 605-616, West Lafayette, IN (May 10-12,1988).

Barlaz, MA., D.M. Schaefer, and R.K. Ham, "Characterization of Municipal Refuse Decomposition in Laboratory-Scale Lysimeters." Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, Miami Beach, FL (May 8-13,1988).

O'Leary, P.R., P.W. Walsh, and R.K. Ham, "Managing Solid Waste," Scientific American. 259. 6, pp. 36-42 (Dec. 1988).

Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham, and D.M. Schaefer, "Inhibition of Methane Formation from Municipal Refuse in Laboratory-Scale Lysimeters." Presented at the Tenth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Gatlinburg, TN (May 16-20,1988) and published in Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 20/21. pp. 181-205 (1989).

Barlaz, MA., D.M. Schaefer, and R.K. Ham, "Effects of Prechilling and Sequential Washing on Enumeration of Microorganisms in Refuse," Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 55., No. 1, pp. 50-54 (Jan. 1989).

Barlaz, MA., D.M. Schaefer, and R.K. Ham, "Bacterial Population Development and Chemical Characteristics of Refuse Decomposition in a Simulated Sanitary Landfill," Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 5^, No. 1, pp. 55-65 (Jan. 1989).

Ham, R.K. and J J. Noble, "The Future of Landfills: An Agenda for Fundamental Research." Given at and in Proceedings of U.S. EPA Conference on Municipal Solid Waste Technology, San Diego, CA (Feb. 1,1989).

Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham, and D.M. Schaefer, "Mass Balance Analysis of Decomposed Refuse in Laboratory Scale Lysimeters," J. Environ. Eng. Div., ASCE, H5_, 6, p. 1088 (1989).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, E.C. Engroff, and R.L. Fero, "Determining the Presence of Organic Compounds in Foundry Waste Leachates,"

Part I, Modern Casting, 22, No. 7, p. 27-31 (July, 1989); Part n, Modern Casting, 22, No. 8, p. 34-38 (Aug., 1989).

Stanfonh, R., D. Nichols, T., D. Oman, D. Trainor, R. Ham, W. Boyle, and F. Blaha, "Foundry Waste Landfills and Ground Water Quality," AFS Transactions, 88­219, p. 873-880(1989)

Ham, R.K., "Sanitary Landfill State-of-the-Art," Given at and in Proceedings, Sardinia 1989, Second International Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (Oct. 1989).

Ham, R.K., "Scarico Controllato," Rifiuti Solidi, 4, 3, p. 177-180 (Maggio-Giugno, 1990) (Italian).

Matsuto, T. and R.K. Ham, "Residential Solid Waste Generation and Recycling in the USA and Japan," Waste Management & Research, fi, p. 229-242 (1990)

Ham, R.K., and W.C. Boyle, "Research Reveals Characteristics of Ferrous Foundry Wastes," Modern Casting, £Q, 2, 37-41 (Feb. 1990),



Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham, and D.M Shaefer, "Methane Producdon from Municipal Refuse: A Review of Enhancement Techniques and Microbial Dynamics," Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 12,6, p. 557-584 (1990).

Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham and D. M. Schaefer, "Microbiological, Chemical and Methane Producing Characteristics of Refuse With and Without Leachate Recycle," submitted.

Major Reports:

1. Third Year Progress Report, Solid Waste Reduction/Salvage Plant" Submitted to U.S.P.H.S. (March 1969).

2. "A Report on the Demonstration of the Gondard Grinding Mill for Pulverizing Refuse and Landfilling Milled Refuse Without Daily Cover." Submitted to U.S.P.H.S. (June 1970).

3. The First Interim Report on a Continuation of a Project on Milling Refuse for Landfill Without Daily Cover." Submitted to Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Solid Waste Management (Nov. 1970).

4. A Reconnaissance Survey of Solid Wastes Practices and Problems in Wisconsin." Submitted to Department of Local Affairs and Development, State of Wisconsin (Nov. 1970). Printed for distribution (statewide).

5. The Treatability of Leachate from Sanitary Landfills." First Year Progress Report, Environmental Protection Agency, OSWM Project 5-R01-EC-0041 (Oct. 1971).

6. Reinhardt, JJ. and R.K.Ham, "Final Report on a Demonstration Project at Madison, Wisconsin, to Investigate Milling of Solid Wastes Between 1966 and 1972," Vol. 1, EPA Report 530/SW-62d.l, NTIS Report PB 234 930; Vol. H, EPA Report 530/SW62d.2, NTIS Report PB 234 931 (1974).

7. "Improving Efficiency of Agglomeration Processes." Final Report on OWRR Project (1973).

8. Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, and D J. Hantz, "Pilot Plant Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Leachate." Final Report on Grant No. R801814 to EPA, SHWRL, Cincinnati, OH (March 1976).

9. Kunes, T.P., R.K. Ham, and W.C. Boyle, "Preliminary Studies on Leachate from Foundry Process Solid Wastes." Final Report on Phase One of Project to American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, IL (Dec. 1975).

10. Ham, R.K. and E. Carlson, "A Study of Landfill Gas Migration in Madison, Wisconsin." Submitted to City of Madison (1977).

11. Boyle, W.C. and R.K. Ham, "The Leaching Potential of Foundry Sand Wastes." Submitted to American Foundrymen's Society (1977).

12. Ham, R.K., "Continued Lysimeter Monitoring at Madison, Wisconsin - Final Report." Submitted to EPA (1977).

13. Ham, R.K., M. Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, "Background Study on The Development of a Standard Leaching Test" Final Report on Grant R­



804773010 published as EPA-600/2-79-109 (May 1979). Distributed by EPA Municipal Environmental Research Lab, Cincinnati, OH (Fall 1978).

14. Ham, R.K., M. Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, "Comparison of Three Waste Leaching Tests." Final Report submitted to EPA on Grant R-804773-01 published as EPA-600/2-79-071 (July 1979). Distributed by EPA Municipal Environmental Research Lab, Cincinnati, OH (Fall 1978).

15. As #14 above but revised, condensed, and published under the title, "Comparison of Three Waste Leaching Tests - Executive Summary" (Fall 1978). Published as EPA-600/8-79-001 (May 1979). Distributed by EPA Municipal Environmental Research Lab, Cincinnati, OH (Fall 1978).

16. Boyle, W.C., R.K. Ham et al., "Foundry Landfill-Leachates from Solid Wastes." Report to American Foundrymen's Society. Distributed by American Foundrymen's Society, Golf & Wolf Roads, Des Plaines, IL 60016 (1978).

17. Lockman & Associates, "Recovery, Processing, and Utilization of Gas from Sanitary Landfills." Final Report to EPA on Contract No. 68-03-2536, EPA Solid & Hazardous Waste Research Division, U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, OH (1978). R.K. Ham wrote one of the chapters.

18. Ham, R.K., "Decomposition of Residential and Light Commercial Solid Waste in Test Lysimeters." EPA Report No. SW-190c, U.S. EPA, Office of Water & Waste Management, Washington, D.C. 20460 (Oct. 1980).

19. Ham, R.K., "Gas Generation from Landfills." Final Report to U.S. DOE, Argonne National Lab, Contract 71-109-38-5980 (1982).

20. Kraemer, T. and R.K. Ham, "A Study of the Early Stages in Decomposition of Municipal Solid Wastes in Sanitary Landfill." Report to Getty Synthetic Fuels, Inc., Signal Hill, CA (Feb. 1983).

21. Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, F. Blaha, T.P. Kunes, and R. Stanforth, "A Comparison of Leachate Quality from Laboratory Extraction Procedures and Groundwater Quality Adjacent to Foundry Waste Disposal Sites." Submitted to American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, IL (Jan. 1984).

72. Bartez, M., M. Milke, R.K. Ham, "Studies on the Gas Generation Processes in Sanitary Landfills." Final Report submitted to Getty Synthetic Fuels, Inc., Signal Hill, CA (April 1985).

23. Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, F.J. Blaha, T.P. Kunes, D.G. Nichols, and R. Stanforth, "Leachate and Groundwater Quality In and Around Ferrous Foundry Landfills and Comparisons to Leach Test Results." Submitted to the American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, IL (Jan. 1985).

24. Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, F.J. Blaha, D. Oman, D. Trainor, T. Kunes, D.G. Nichols, and R. Stanforth, "Leachate and Groundwater Quality In and Around Ferrous Foundry Landfills and Comparisons to Leach Test Results- Summary Report" Submitted to American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, IL (Feb. 1986).



25. Ham, RJC., R.C. Knieger, and W.C Boyle, "Estimation of Variance Components in Leach Testing Three Types of Ferrous Foundry Waste." Submitted to American Foundrymen's Society, Golf and Wolf Roads, DCS Plaines, IL (Jan. 1987).

26. Engroff, E.C., R.L. Fero, R.K. Ham, and W.C. Boyle, "Laboratory Leaching of Organic Compounds in Ferrous Foundry Process Waste." Final report, published and distributed by American Foundrymen's Society, Des Plaines, IL (Feb. 1989).

27. Ham, R.K. and V.A. Hammer, "Elemental Composition and Partitioning of Metals at the Madison and Hartford Resource Recovery Plants," Submitted to Combustion Engrg. Co. (1990).

28. Wake, S., D. Wehnnan, R, Ham, P. Oljeary, and P. Walsh, "Wisconsin State Agency Recycling Guidance Manual," Submitted to and to be published by Wis. Dept. of Administration, Madison, WI (Dec. 1990).

b. invited Papers and Lectures

"Current Methods of Solid Wastes Disposal," American Public Works Association Convention, Wisconsin Chapter, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin (May 1970).

"Vectors," Engineering Foundation Research Conference, Deerfield, Massachusetts (Aug. 1970).

"Alternative Methods Available for the Disposal of Solid Wastes," 72nd Annual Conference, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Madison, Wisconsin (Oct. 1970).

"Refuse Milling for Landfill Disposal," Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste Management Office, Demonstration Project Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio (May 1971).

"Trends in Solid Waste Disposal," A.P.W.A. Tri-State Public Works Conference, Dubuque, Iowa (May 1971).

"Refuse Milling and Recycling," National Association of Counties, National Association of County Planning Directors, Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (July 1971).

"Possible Solutions to Solid Waste Disposal," Solid Waste Seminar for Government Officials, Board of Supervisors, Milwaukee County and U.W. Extension, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Sept. 11,1972).

"Refus; Milling & Systems Design for Area Solid Waste Management Systems," 2nd Colorado Solid Wastes Workshop, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Oct. 30-Nov. 1,1973).

"The Degradation of Solid Wastes in Landfills." Presented February 1974 to EAWAG (Technical University of Switzerland) Zurich and to the Danish Engineering Association and the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen (May 1974).

"Principles of Leachate Production and Control." Presented at the Sanitary Landfill Workshop, sponsored by the University of Washington, Seattle (Nov. 1974).

"Landfilling - The State of the Art." Lecture sponsored by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Solid Waste Professionals in Minnesota (June 1975).



"The Role of Processed Refuse in Landfilling. Yesterday's Experience; Today's Status; Tomorrow's Forecast: Shredding." Presented at 4th National Congress on Waste Management Technology & Resource and Energy Recovery, Atlanta, Georgia (Nov. 12­14, 1975).

"Sanitary Landfilling Practice," University of Trondheim, Norway, September, 1976.

"Composting and Landfilling - Influence on Ground and Surface Waters." Presented at International Trade Fair, Jonkoping, Sweden (Sept 29,1976). Published in three languages in Proceedings.

"Refuse Shredding at Madison," Affula, Israel; "The State-of-the-Art of Sanitary Landfilling," Tel-Aviv, Israel; and "Solid Waste Disposal in the U.S.," Tel-Aviv, Israel (all Oct. 1976).

"Experiences and Developments in Sanitary Landfilling." Presented at Pro-Aqua-Pro Vita 77 International Conference, Basle, Switzerland (June 16,1977). Published in three languages in Proceedings.

Ham, R.K., M. Anderson, R. Stegmann, and R. Stanforth, "The Development of a Leaching Test for Industrial Wastes." Presented at Fourth Annual Research Symposium on the Land Disposal of Hazardous Wastes, U.S. EPA, San Antonio, Texas (March 6-8, 1978). Proceedings published as EPA Report EPA 600/9-78-016 (Aug. 1978).

"Shredding of Solid Waste at Madison, Wisconsin - A Case Study," Engineering Foundation Research Conference on Resource Recovery, Rindge, NH (July 1978).

"Decomposition of Solid Waste in Landfills" and "Gas Generation and Use from Solid Waste Landfills." Given at EAWAG (Technical University of Zurich), Switzerland (1979).

"Solid Waste Management in the U.S." Given at Harwell Laboratory, Oxfordshire, England (1981).

"Leachate Treatment Technologies and Practices." Given at and in Proceedings of Gov. Refuse Coll. & Disp. Association Annual Seminar, Dallas, Texas. Available from GRCDA, P.O. Box 7219, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (Aug. 17-19,1982).

Ham, R.K., W.C. Boyle, F. Blaha, "The Effects on Groundwater Quality from Land Disposal of Foundry Wastes." Given at American Foundrymen's Society Casting Congress, St. Louis, Missouri (April 1984).

Ham, R.K., "Sponsored Research on Foundry Waste Disposal." Given at Foundry Waste Disposal Conference, Perm State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (Dec. 5, 1984).

Ham, R.K., "Solid Waste Engineering." Seminars given at University of Washington and Seattle University, Departments of Civil Engineering (Nov. 1984).

Ham, R.K., "Groundwater Quality In and Adjacent to Foundry Waste Landfills." Seminar at Technical University, Zurich, Switzerland (June 7,1985).



Boyle, W.C, R.K. Ham, and F. Blaha, "Leachate Characteristics of Selected Solid Waste." Given at 3rd International Symposium on Industrial and Hazardous Waste, Alexandria, Egypt (June 24-27,1985).

Ham, RJC, W.C. Boyle, and R. Fero, "The Presence of Organic Compounds in Leachates and Groundwaters In and Adjacent to Foundry Waste Landfills." Given at 89th Casting Congress, American Foundrymen's Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (April 29-May 3,1985).

Ham, R.K., W.C Boyle, TP. Kunes, "Foundry Solid Waste Disposal." Given at 19th Canadian Foundrymen's Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Sept 25-27,1985).

Ham, R.K., "Keynote Address on Solid Waste Management," 2nd World Congress on Engineering and Environment, New Delhi, India (Nov. 7-9,1985).

Ham, R.K., "Leach Testing of Foundry Wastes." Invited seminars given at Universities of Rome (March 23) and L'AquUla (March 24,1987).

Ham, R.K., "Experience and Views of EPA Demonstration Projects in Solid Waste Management" Given at and in Proceedings of APWA/U.S. EPA Workshop on Structuring Demonstration Projects of New Technologies, Washington, D.C. (Aug. 3, 1987).

Ham, R.K. and W.C. Boyle, "Development on Use of Foundry Waste in Highway Construction," and "The Leaching of Organics from Ferrous Foundry Wastes." Given at American Foundrymen's Society Casting Congress, St Louis, Missouri (April 6-8, 1987).

Barlaz, M.A., D.M. Schaefer, R.K. Ham, "Anaerobic Microbial Populations in a Simulated Sanitary Landfill," KA. Raper Symposium for Microbiological Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (Sept 1987).

Ham, R.K., "The Future of Sanitary Landfilling." Keynote presentation at 11th Annual Madison Waste Conference, Madison, WI (Sept 1988).

Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham, and D.M.Schaefer, "Chemical and Microbial Dynamics of Refuse Decomposition in a Simulated Sanitary Landfill," Am. Inst of Chem. Eng. Summer Meeting, Denver, CO (Aug. 22-25,1988).

Ham, R.K., "Landfill Research Needs," Conference on Solid Waste Research, University of Illinois and Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL (April 18-19,1989).

Ham, R., W. Boyle, E. Engroff, and R. Fero, "The Presence of Organic Compounds in Ferrous Foundry Process Waste Leachates." Given at 93rd Casting Congress, American Foundrymen's Society, San Antonio, TX (May 7-11,1989).

Ham, R. and W. Boyle, "Summary of Ferrous Foundry Process Waste Disposal Research Carried Out at the University of Wisconsin." Given at 93rd Casting Congress, American Foundrymen's Society, San Antonio, TX (May 7-11,1989).

Ham, R.K., "Integrated Waste Management - Prospectives for the Future." Presented at Conference on "Outlook on Wisconsin's Solid Waste Dilemma," Madison, WI (May 17, 1989).



Ham, R.K. and W.C Boyle, "Use of Selected Foundry Waste in Highway Construction." Given at AFS Recycling conference, Milwaukee, WI (Aug. 1989).

Ham, R.K., "New Approaches to Technology - Landfills." Given at and in Proceedings of the 4th National Conference. Solid Waste Management. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, p. 75-85, Philadelphia, PA (Jan. 16-17,1990).

Barlaz, MA., R.K. Ham, and D.MSchaefer, "Mass Balance Analysis of Decomposed Refuse in Laboratory Scale Lysimeters," Am. Soc. Civil Eng. National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Austin, TX (July 10-12,1989).

Ham, R.K., "The Solid Waste Problem and Landfills." Given at and in Proceedings, National Assoc. of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners Update Session on The Environment and Solid Waste Problem, San Francisco, CA (March, 1990).


1. "Assessment of State-of-the-Art of Solid Waste Decomposition in Landfills." Cc-Chairman with J.J. Reinhardt, DNR, of 2-day conference with 15 invited experts from around the U.S. and Canada (Jan. 1975).

2. Chairman, Engineering Foundation Conference on Sanitary Landfilling, Saxtons River, Vermont (1972).

3. Invited to attend and participate as discusser at conferences on ground water monitoring, Canadian Department of Environment, Ottawa, 1975; on Gas Migration, Montreal, 1977; on Leachate Control, Halifax, 1978.

4. Chairman, 1st Technical Symposium, NSWMA National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (1975).

5. Organizer and Conference Committee Member, "Annual Conference of Applied Research and Practice on Municipal & Industrial Waste," Madison, WI (1978­present).

6. International Recycling Congress, Berlin, W. Germany, one of three members of committee from U.S.A., Chairman of Session on Technical Aspects of Materials Recycling (October 1979).

7. Commissioner, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, 1972-1978.

8. Organized Technology Transfer Seminar on Land Disposal (October 1984), University of Wisconsin College of Engineering, and gave presentation on Hazardous Waste Disposal.

9. Consultant to WHO, assigned to National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, solid waste research, Nagpur, India (November 1985).

10. Consultant to WHO, assigned to Jakarta, Government of Indonesia, solid waste management (May, June 1987).



11. Organized, chaired, and wrote report on session on "The Landfill as a Reactor" at Swiss Conference on Landfill Technology, Gerzensee, Switzerland (March 14-18, 1988). Published in The Landfill. P. Baccini, ed., Springer-Verlag Press (1989).

12. Invited lecture and comments, Plastics Industry recycling Conference, Madison, WI (Sept 31.1989); Wis. Consumer Packaging Council, Madison, WI (May 17, 1989).

13. National Press Conference, National Solid Waste Management Assoc., invited as participant, Philadelphia, PA (Sept 20,1989).

14. Invited participant, LaFollette Institute discussion with legislators, Madison, WI (1989)