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Acção de Formação “As TIC no ensino do Inglês” 5 – 10 Julho 2010

Lesson Plans

Mar 09, 2016



Lesson plans created during a teacher training course
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Page 1: Lesson Plans

Acção de Formação “As TIC no ensino do Inglês”

5 – 10 Julho 2010

Page 2: Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan (Select appropriate tools) Describing your house/ flat

Aim: get students speaking and to practice “home” related vocabulary and prepositions of place. Warm up: quizzing students about prepositions. Teacher brings a ball and shows it to pupils: he/she places it around a cube/ box. Asks “Where is the ball?”

1. In pairs, in front of a computer, pupils practice the flashcards. Web 2.0 tool: proprofs/

2. Voice Thread: Pupils already know the rooms. Teacher shows them a typical living room. Teacher asks them to go to the following link and write sentences/ comments about the place where the objects are in the living room)

3. Goanimate. Teacher shows a new tool called goanimate. He/ she shows how to work with it. The teacher creates the first two scenes and asks them to create more scenes in groups. Then they show the final work to all class.

4. Classroom Game To check if pupils understood the grammar item, the teacher asks them to answer a classroom game, where students answer questions to win billions. Review prepositions of place(in, on, behind, under, next to) in this billionaire game

5. Homework (Wall wisher):

Pupils go to Wallwisher and they describe where things are in their flat/ house.

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Acção de formação: “As TIC no ensino do Inglês”

Escola 2º e 3º Ciclos dos Louros

Formadora: Alexandra Francisco

Formanda: Teresa Fernandes

Year:8 level: 4

Lesson Plan (2h)

Topic: Extreme Sports Grammar: second conditional

Aim: get students speaking and practicing vocabulary related to Extreme Sports, using the second conditional.

1. The Teacher shows Students several

Warm up:

pictures.( Glogster)

Students have to identify the topic of the lesson: EXTREME SPORTS

2. Teacher asks Students to do a word search in order to memorize some vocabulary. word search

3. Teacher asks Students: Voice thread

- If you had the opportunity to practice an extreme sport, which one would you choose and why?

- Answers can be written or presented orally.

4. Teacher shows a video – Goanimate - Teacher asks students to identify the grammar item – Second Conditional. - Teacher elicits from students the use and rules of the second conditional.

5. Teacher shows a video slideshow containing the use and rules of the second conditional.

- There is one example: If I had a helicopter, I would fly- Students have to complete a sentence orally: If he won the lottery, he ______________

to school.

6. Teacher asks students to listen to Vocaroo. - Students have to write 5 sentences with Live typing using the second conditional.

7. For homework students will practice grammar exercises and they are going to create

an animation with Goanimate like the one the teacher used in class. Students have to write at least one sentence with the second conditional.

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Lesson Plan

Nível de Ensino – Inglês, Nível VII

Ano: 11º

Unidade 2: “It’s a Consuming Society”

Tópicos – esta unidade versa sobre o tópico a sociedade de consumo, como

se constrói e mantém, os vícios que alimenta, etc… Este set é dedicado ao

sucesso, à fama e à popularidade, marcas da sociedade consumista em que

vivemos, a qual busca a atenção dos media, do público e até mesmo dos seus


Desenvolvimento da aula:

Set 1 – The Hall of Fame

Através do Glogster “The Hall of Fame” mostram-se fotografias de

personalidades muito conhecidas do mundo da cultura e da política. Os alunos

devem reconhecê-las e emitir opiniões sobre o seu sucesso (se este é

merecido ou não), sobre o modo como os media as projectam e sobre as suas

atitudes. O vídeo no glog servirá para estimular a discussão acerca do conceito

“sucesso” e qual o melhor caminho para o obter.

Go to (

Set 2 – Brainstorming “José Mourinho”

Utilizando o Wordle, cria-se uma nuvem de palavras de um texto biográfico

sobre José Mourinho, um português, profissional do desporto, que tem mantido

um certo carisma, tanto em Portugal, como no resto da Europa. Nesta

actividade, os alunos tentam adivinhar de quem se vai falar através das

palavras deste Wordle.

Go to (

Set 3 – Mourinho’s Personality. Usando o VoiceThread, os alunos têm a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o

treinador português através da visualização de um vídeo sobre Mourinho e

audição de algumas das suas frases mais conhecidas. O objectivo desta

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actividade será escrever um comentário/descrição, no VoiceThread, sobre o

homem por detrás das imagens e citações.

Go to (

Set 4 – “The Special One”

Em vez de se fazer uma leitura de um texto, apresenta-se uma animação,

realizada no site Xtranormal ou GoAnimate, que apresenta um diálogo que

lhe fornece dados biográficos de José Mourinho, até 2005, para que os alunos

tenham que pesquisar a restante informação, como trabalho para casa. O

objectivo final é uma redacção individual da biografia desta personalidade

usando os dados fornecidos na animação.

Go to for Xtranormal ( )

Go to for GoAnimate (

Após escreverem a biografia de José Mourinho, os alunos podem verificar

no manual se têm todos os dados mencionados. Para tal, têm de ordenar os

parágrafos do texto segundo as datas registadas.

Set 5 – Vocabulary Study

No final da aula, os alunos realizam dois exercícios de vocabulário no site, Wordsearch e Fill in the Gaps. O exercício de Fill in the

Gaps é feito com as palavras encontradas no Wordseach.

Go to for Wordsearch (

Go to for Gap Filling (

Set 6 - Na parte final da aula será proposto aos alunos continuar a biografia de

José Mourinho, de 2005 até aos dias de hoje. Os dados biográficos

pesquisados devem ser apresentados utilizando Vocaroo/AudioPal ou


Exemplos de exercícios que os alunos podem apresentar:

Livetyping (


Em alternativa, podem usar o Audio Pal

( ou (

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Lesson Plan

Class description

11th form - upper-intermediate

Class size: 20

Age group: 16 – 17 year olds

Time required: 90minutes

Materials needed

:PC lab with internet access

Text book – Easy Biz 11º ano


Module 1 The world around us

Unit 2 – Making a difference

Sociocultural contents – Alternative lifestyles : Veganism

Lesson Procedure

1. Warm-up activity.

Assumption: Students are already familiar with some alternative lifestyles.

T shows several famous people in Animoto. They are expected to identify some of these celebrities and speculate about what they might have in common. (They are all vegetarian)

Discussion about healthy eating may follow.

2. Students view a cartoon about unhealthy eating in Goanimate..

In pairs, they draw a list of reasons why people should change their eating habits and go vegetarian/vegan.

Eg: to stay healthy; to protect the environment; to reduce pollution from factory farms;

to morally oppose the exploitation of animals;

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3.A glog about vegetarianism/veganism is presented to the students. Pictures from the glog may be described/commented by the students,

In pairs, students create different slogans related to the topic. They will have to use them in a glog of their own.

4. Follow-up activity

Team work will follow in titanpad.. Prompts for collaborative writing are provided.

This last activity will be finished at home.

Another follow-up activity could be to write a short informative text (individual work) in livetyping with similar guidelines provided by the teacher.

Homework: Students do ex A on p.48 of the course textbook (Easy Biz 11ºano) and finish the joint task.

A professora de Inglês

Isabel Mendes Gomes Correia

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Training Course

Lesson plan: Family 7th grade Level 3

Warm up

Speaking activity.

Students watch the video and try to remember all the words they´ve learned in the previous lesson about the topic “family”. (Adjectives and nouns)

The Teacher and students view the video on animoto.


Afterwards the teacher elicits the information from the students and asks two students to write the vocabulary on the blackboard.

Students listen to the poem on

Listening activity.

vocaroo and answer the questions on livetyping.

Writing activity.

Students use voicethread to do the following activity. They can either type or comment.

Describe your dad or your mum as well as you can.

You may follow these topics or guidelines:

*positive and negative qualities your dad/mum show at home

*qualities he/she shows outside to friends, clients, workers, people in general.

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*habits, customs, routines he/she has.

e.g. he/she loves reading

he/she likes cooking

*your own opinion about him/ her, your feelings about him/ her

*the importance you give to his/her presence at home.

Students begin the above activity in class and then finish it for homework.

(The poem appears for teachers to use or see because the recording isn’t very good at the beginning.)

That's What Family Is All About © Anisha R. Patel When you've got a family like mine, You surely would not mind They would cheer you on at any game, All the way until you walk through the hall of fame. They make you feel better when you are blue And whisper in your ear, I love you They would teach you something new everyday And help you find success in everyway They attend to your everyday needs Whether it is buying pencils or beads They make sure you are comfortable where you are Whether you are in a house or a car They would not let obstacles keep you down And create a smile from your frown They teach you wrong from right And encourage you to keep your dreams in sight They wipe your tears away when you are sad And calm you down when you get mad Thank you family for all that you do I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you

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ACÇÃO DE FORMAÇÃO: “As TIC no ensino do Inglês” (Julho/2010)

Formadora: Alexandra Francisco

Formanda: Enaltina Vieira

Tarefa final

Step 1: (skills: reading and speaking)

LESSON PLAN (90-minute class)

a. Students go to wordle and identify the topic by reading and analyzing a set of jumbled words. (tool: wordle)

b. Teacher elicits from sts the key words that helped them identify the topic.

Step 2: (skills: speaking, listening and writing)

a. Students are asked to name some of the problems affecting their teenage years. b. Sts complete a poster with the inscription of different titles referring to those

problems (each student writes three or four titles. (tool: glogster) Feedback: Students’ posters are projected in order to discuss the most important titles (the problem, the causes, the risks, etc)

c. Sts go back to the same poster and listen to the video tape on it and note down the issues presented by the young boy. Feedback: T elicits sts’ notes and corrects what is wrong or not mentioned.

d. The teenager in the video is advised by a “devil” and by an “angel”, but the words aren’t clear enough. Sts work in pairs and insert a speech balloon for each advisor. Feedback: Comparing sts’ suggestions and choosing the most creative and appropriate texts.

Step 3: (skills: listening, writing, speaking)

a. Sts go to voicethread and watch some pictures while they listen to short comments by the teacher. (tool: voicethread)

b. In four groups sts discuss and type a text on voicethread , commenting on the pictures and the issues ( each group is given one issue: drug addiction, teen violence, career choice and teen gangs). Feedback: projecting and reading the sts’ comments.

c. Follow up activity: Class debate: Each group puts forward its own ideas about their classmates’ comments, agreeing, disagreeing and arguing for or against any comment.

Step 4: (if there is time left)

a. Sts do a word search with words related to the topic of our lesson.

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Acção de Formação “As TIC no Ensino do Inglês” Local: Escola Básica dos 2.º e 3.º Ciclos dos Louros

Data: 5 a 10 de Julho de 2010 (9h-14h)

Formadora: Maria Alexandra Gouveia Francisco Formanda: Emília Oliveira

Lesson Plan - 8th grade Materials required: student’s textbooks (Step Ahead); PC lab with internet access

Topic: Personalities


improve students’ knowledge on the topic Personalities;

reading for specific information (a text about Albert Einstein);

to use web tools in the classroom.

1- Teacher invites students to go to this link

Teacher draws students’ attention to the picture and invites them to answer the question “What is a genius?” Teacher follows up with a short class discussion, considering different possible answers.

2- Animoto

Teacher asks students “Do you know any geniuses?” Then, directs students’ attention to this presentation

Teacher elicits information about the presentation.

3- Teacher invites students to do a crossword puzzle to check their answers/predictions on the previous presentation.

Teacher checks answers with the class.

4- Students read and listen to the text about Albert Einstein. Teacher explains/elicits any unknown words in the True/False sentences and explains the task. Students do the task individually. Teacher checks answers with the class and asks them to justify their answers by referring to the text.

Project idea: writing about “geniuses” from the past.

Teacher explains the task - glogster

(Teacher monitors the activity, providing assistance where necessary).

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Acção de Formação: Data: 5 a 10 de Julho de 2010

As TIC no Ensino do Inglês

Formadora: Alexandra Francisco Formanda: Paula Ramos

Lesson Plan Title

Life in the City and in the Countryside


Paula Ramos

Class Description

Year 7

25 students

12-13 year-old

90 minute-lesson

Topic / Course Book

Welcome Home – Cool Zone 7, Zone 2, Task C


1. Ss view the glog presentation...

1.1. the video (Empire State of Mind)...

1.2. ...and listen to the song (Country House).

2. Quick brainstorming: identify keywords in the songs that

have to do with city or countryside.

3. Ss list positive and negative aspects of both city and

countryside (orally).

4. Ss read the texts on pages 108/109 and do the

corresponding activities.

3.1. Correction.

5. Final Assignment: View it... (Ss imagine what their lives

would be like if they lived either in the city or in the

countryside. They can choose which web tool they would

like to use.)

6. Homework: Ss log in to Voicethread and give their

opinion (orally).

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Acção de Formação : As TIC no ensino do Inglês

Escola Básica 2, 3 dos Louros

5 – 10 Junho 2010

Formadora – Alexandra Francisco

Formando: Margarida Cardoso

A LESSON PLAN – 5th grade




1- A visual exercise

– Get students looking, speaking, reading and listening on describing themselves when they where babies.

Students look at their baby photos. These were first handed to the teacher (days before) to elaborate the video.

2- A speaking/reading and listening exercise The students, for homework, have recorded their voice. They had to describe verbally their baby photos.

In class , the teacher will pick out some students and the class will hear them speaking on the vocaroo.

The others will hear their work in the English Club.

3 – A writing exercise

Students will create a game (hangman) with the adjectives ( on description) and the verb to be in the past simple.

Then they will change their game with another friend from class and do it.

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Escola Básica dos Louros

Acção de Formação : As TIC no ensino do Inglês

5 a 10 de Junho

Formadora: Alexandra Francisco

Formanda: Susana Bettencourt

Lesson plan: Grammar item: Reported Speech- Present Simple/ Reported questions

Topic: Fashion

Level: IV

Aim: Developing reported speech grammar in the present simple/ reported questions and productions skills.

Warm up: Teacher introduces reported speech by making simple statements with a dialogue between a journalist and a celebrity using the tool Goanimate

1st step – Teacher asks students to report what they have said, e.g. Where was Paris? What did the journalist say about Paris Hilton´s look? What did she say about her own line ?

Teacher makes sure to emphasize reporting in the past, e.g. Paris said she was wearing herself.

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2nd step – Students have to identify the grammar item and mention the words that changed.

3rd step – The changes ( tense; expressions and pronouns/determiners ) are given in the following tool: authorstream and students take notes.

4th step – In order to practice the grammatical content they do a reported speech quiz.

5th step – Finally, students listen to a dialogue but this time between a famous singer, Lady Gaga and a journalist in vocaroo . Then in pairs they report what they have just heard in livetyping. ( If there`s no time, pupils will do it at home ).

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Plano de Aula

The world of work (11ºano)

Professora: Alzira Mendes Duração: 90 min

Aula de introdução à unidade “The World of Work”

1º momento: “The world of work”

Os alunos vêem o vídeo, criado no animoto. (ver video aqui)

2º momento: Debate.

Após a visualização do vídeo, e tendo como ponto de partida as ideias lá expressas (empregos em ascensão e empregos em extinção), os alunos debatem a actual situação do mundo do trabalho, fazendo uma comparação com a situação em Portugal e no resto da Europa.

3º momento: When I grow up I want to be… because…

Os alunos reflectem acerca da profissão que querem ter no futuro, colocando um post no wallwisher com a profissão e o porquê de querem ter essa mesma profissão. (ver wall aqui)

4º momento: I don’t know what to do!

Os alunos ouvem, através do audiopal, o depoimento de uma adolescente que fala das suas qualidades e aptidões, mas que não sabe que profissão escolher. (ouvir aqui)

5º momento: I think you should…

Após a audição do problema colocado pela adolescente, os alunos, utilizando o livetyping, vão aconselhá-la relativamente à profissão que, na opinião de cada um, e tendo em conta as suas qualidades e aptidões, deve seguir. (exemplo)

6º momento: My dream Job

Finalmente, é pedido aos alunos que, como trabalho de casa e utilizando o glogster, criem um glog acerca do seu emprego de sonho. (exemplo)

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Lesson Plan

The world of English - 10th Year

Teacher: Ana Isabel Pereira No of lessons: 2

Aim: The pupils are expected to become aware of the importance of improving their English, to enlarge their knowledge about the countries where English is spoken and recall some differences between British and American English.

1. Wallwisher The importance of English

The students write on Wallwisher at least 3 reasons why people learn English.

2. Goanimate

The pupils watch a video

After watching the Animation, the pupils will create another one showing the usefulness of English.

3. Where is English spoken as mother language and as an official language?

Homework: The pupils select a country where English is spoken as an official language and after seeing an example, they create their Glog.

In the following lesson, they will present their work to the class and develop their speaking skills.

4. British and American English

To recall what they have learnt in previous years, the pupils complete a quiz. Then, using Proprofs , they will create a quiz with the words they didn’t remember and send to a classmate’s (mail or blog)

Homework: Using Voicethread, the pupils comment on the activity they most enjoyed doing.

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Acção de Formação

“ As TIC no ensino do Inglês ” 5 a 10 de Junho de 2010

Escola Básica 2+3 dos Louros Formadora: Alexandra Francisco Formando: Ivo Eduardo Correia

Lesson Plan

: The importance of learning foreign languages ( English ). Ss of Ciências and Tecnologias use Laptops with Internet.

Aim(s): make students, using different tools and practising language skills, come to the conclusion that learning a foreign language is essential.

HOMEWORK : Ss are expected to show and discuss in class the dialogues they created at home online, concerning different situation in which characters depict lack of communication ( because they speak different languages) GO ANIMATE

BRAINSTORM: Ss using OAMOS search for languages spoken around the world. AIM: they realise there is a diversity of them.

QUIZ: Ss play a game ( Englishes ). They find out in the Quiz several Englishes that are spoken around the world. PROPROFS ( Search Words game link is on )

LISTENING: Ss listen to the text ( page 49 course book ) and identify the variety of English described ( Canadian, West Indian, South African, American, Indian, Australian and New Zealand English ) VOICETHREAD

They write the correct answer on key sheet.

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TEXT ANALYSIS: Ss open their course books on page 30 and do exercise 4 ( page 31 )

GIVING OPINIONS: Ss now give their opinions on the importance of learning a foreign language (English).WALLWISHER , ver actividade no

HOMEWORK: Ss create a text telling the importance of learning ENGLISH.


Lesson Plan Title “Teenagers’ problems”- Introduction to the topic Author Tânia Jesus Class description 9th form

+/- 14 year old Duration 45 minutes Materials required

Students’ text books Computers, data show projector and speakers

Procedures The teacher shows a video created in “animoto” (View here) as motivation for the topic: “Being a teenager”. Students are asked to answer the question that appear in the video which is “ Is being a teenager always easy or sometimes difficult?” and make notes of the “ positive and positive feelings” they could identify in the pictures. The answers are discussed in class and then the teacher asks about the reasons for the negative feelings. The students’ knowledge about the topic “Teenagers’ problems” is elicited. The teacher asks the students to view and explore the glogster created for this purpose view here (Glogster-published in my blog, in case the other link doesn’t work). The students’ task is to choose one of the problems presented or others of their choice and create a glogster alerting teenagers for this problem.

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Lesson Plan

8th Form 90 Minutes

1st Step: In order to introduce the topic, pupils watch the Animoto Video and the teacher asks: What are we going to talk about?

2nd Step: Then they watch the Goanimate Video and describe the scene in their own words.

3rd Step: Each pupil thinks about his/ her New Year’s Resolutions and has to post them in the Wallwisher. There is a class discussion about their answers afterwards.

4th Step: After a brief explanation of the grammar topics will/ be going to, the pupils are asked to answer a Quiz in order to test their knowledge on this subject.