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Lessin Enki Speaks

Jun 01, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks



    Dr. Sasha (le!" #essin (a $%# nthropology &h.D."' guides you

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    though echaria Sitchin)s revolutionary proo*s (and their implications

    *or us" o* the history o* our solar system and on Earth *rom +00'000

    years ago until 202, -.%.

    -EE E #D: &art 33' nunnai Studies5

    1 he %elestial -attle: 6i7iru 8eets Solaris and iamat ( &roto Earth"

    2 lalu 9ills 6i7iru)s 9ing #ahma' ives Daughter to Ea *or eality rom


    , lalu' Deposed 7y nu' 6ues to Earth' hreatens 6i7iru

    4 6i7iru %ouncil Sends Ea' 6ot Enlil' to Earth

    + Ea -lasts to Earth with ;ater' ides lalu)s 6ues' Sends n nu Sends Enlil to ule Earth' ?eri*y old

    @ nu' Enlil = Ea Draw #ots *or 6i7iru' Earth' Seas = 8ining

    A nu De*eats lalu' -anishes him = n

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     hreaten Enlilites

    20 Eni -egats 6oah (iusudra"

    21 al Enlilites Send 6inurta to -uild Second Spaceport in South merica

    2@ 8ardu *oils marriage o* Enlillite 3nanna = Eniite Dumu

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    ,A 3nanna = 8ardu gain ight' 6ow' to ule the Earth

    5 &art 3' nunnai Series' will deal with 6i7iru' 7e*ore it sent itsmission

    to Earth. &art 333 will deal with Earth)s history *rom the lood till the

    6uclear olocaust' 202, -%. &art 3?' when 3 get to it' will chronicle

    Earth)s history *rom 202, to +1> -%.

    1 E %E#ES3# -#E: 63-3$ 8EES S#3S 6D 38

    (& E"

    FEssay 1 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    Si! thousand years ago' astronaut/pioneers *rom the planet 6i7iru

    dictated Enuma elishthe %reation Epicto the Sumerians. he

    Sumerians wrote on clay ta7lets what the 6i7irans told them how our

    solar system *ormed. he %reation Epic says Solaris' our Sun' then a

    solitary star' Hrst created a planet the 6i7irans called iamat. iamat

    was the protoEarth. 3t or7ited Solaris counterclocwise.

      6e!t' Solaris' called psu' created 8ercury and propelled 8ercurywith water and gold to iamat. &lanetpairs *ormed: ?enus with 8ars'

     Iupiter with Saturn' $ranus with 6eptune. hese planetary partners'

    say the Enuma elish' or7ited the Sun counterclocwise' the same

    direction iamat *ollowed. iamat laced a partnerplanet' 7ut one o*

    her moons' 9ingu' enlarged. 9ingu prepared to partner with iamat.

     hen 9ingu could or7it the Sun' rather than iamat. -ut' *our 7illion

    years ago' 7e*ore 9ingu could attain planetary or7it around Solaris'

    6i7iru invaded the Solar System clocwise.

     he gravitational pull o* 6i7iru pulled a piece o* 6eptune into space.

     hatJs how we got 6eptuneJs moon' riton. riton' unlie other moons

    in the System' or7its its planet clocwise.

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    s 6i7iru pierced the System' it lost three moons. -ut 6i7iru gained

    *our. 6i7iru tore *our moons *rom $ranus. 6ot only that' 7ut the

    invader tilted poor $ranusJ or7it.

    6i7iru pulled Gaga, Saturn’s largest moon' into clocwise or7it

    (7etween 6eptune and $ranus". ;e call aga &luto.

    3n the %reation Epic' the Sumerians new and wrote o* an advanced


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    lived omo Sapiens' the humans o* 6i7iru.

     he 6i7irans *ought disastrous nuclear wars' 7ut then uniHed under a

    single' planetwide ingship. he 9ing o* 6i7iru' +00'000 years ago'

    9ing #ahma' con*ronted environmental disaster. 6i7iru was losing its

    atmosphere' critical to heat regulation and survival.

    9ing #ahma vacillated. Should he nue the volcanoes to renew the

    atmosphereM r send miners to Solaris) steroids' where pro7es

    showed goldM is scientists told him that they could powder and

    spread gold to hold 6i7iruJs atmosphere. #ahma spent centuries

    pondering options while the planet)s precious o!ygen 7led into space.

    FSitchin' .' he #ost -oo o* Eni pages ,2 ,,G

    &rince lalu' e!asperated 7y #ahmaJs inaction and desperate to save

    6i7iru' pushed #ahma oK a tower.

    #ahma)s heir' nu' agreed at Hrst to laluJs rule. lalu and nu sealed

    their alliance when nu)s Hrst7orn son' Ea/Eni (whose auto7iography'compiled 7y Sitchin' is the principal authority *or our tale"' married

    Damina' lalu)s Daughter.

    nu had earlier denied Ea his 7rideto7e. nu had decreed 6inmah'

    another o* his children' 7etrothed to her hal*7rother Ea. -ut 6inmah

    deHed nu and 7ore a child to still another o* nu)s royal children' her

    7rother Enlil. nu angrily *or7ade her marriage to Ea or anyone else

    ever. nu wed son Ea' instead' to Damina.


    Sitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 1B@>' he 12th &lanetC1BA0'

     he Stairway to eavenC 1BA+'

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


     he ;ars o* ods and 8enC 1BB0' enesis evisitedC 1BB0' he #ost

    ealmsC 1BB,' ;hen ime -eganC 1BB+' Divine EncountersC 1BBA' he

    %osmic %odeC 2004' he Earth %hronicles E!peditionsC reer' 6.' 2000'

    -reaing the odspell.

    EnkiEa is the !ibiran "ho #$, %%% years ago& dictated his

    autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu.

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin)s translation o* Eni)s tale(augmented a

    7it 7y my imagination"is the sourceNwith many o* Eni)s slantso* most

    o* the account in these essays. he #ost -oo o* Eni itsel* is historical

    Hction' wherein Sitchin has woven in*ormation meticulously

    documented in his Earth %hronicles.

    , ##$' DE&SED -L 6$' 6$9ES E' 36DS #D'

     EE6S 63-3$

    FEssay , 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

     he story so *arClalu' who murdered 9ing #ahma *or his *ailure to solve the

    environmental crisis o* the Solar System)s tenth planet' 6i7iruloss o*

    its atmospherepaciHed #ahma)s heir' nu' marrying his Daughter'

    Damina to nu)s heir' Ea (Eni" to 7reed the ne!t 9ing o* 6i7iru.

    6arrative resumes

    lalu nued the volcanoes' 7ut this *ailed to reesta7lish 6i7iruJs

    atmosphere. e also *ailed to get gold *or an atmospheric shield *rom

    the steroidsC en route' the rocet o* goldminers he sent crashed

    without survivors. or nine more 6i7iran years (nine or7its o* 6i7iru

    around Solaris N ,2'400 Earth years"' laluJs rule *ailed to stop 6i7iruJs

    air loss.

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    nu' right*ul ing 7y 6i7iran tradition' raged at lalu)s *ailure to protect

    and replenish 6i7iru)s atmosphere. e challenged lalu.

    Onu gave 7attle to lalu. o handtohand com7at' with 7odies naed'

    lalu he challenged. lalu in com7at was de*eatedC 7y acclaim nu

    was hailed as ing.O FSitchin' .' he #ost -oo o* Eni pages 24 ,BG

    lalu stole a rocet loaded with missiles his men had used in their

    *ailed attempt to stimulate 6i7iru)s volcanoes to regenerate an

    atmospheric shield *or the planet. lalu launched the stolen rocet *or

    Earth. e 7lasted his way through the stones o* the steroid -elt'

    nuing them *rom his path with some o* the missiles e landed in the

    &ersian ul*' anchored his rocet' and made his way to shore.

    lalu conHrmed gold in the ul*. rom Earth' he controlled the gold

    6i7iru needed to survive. he gold gave him power over the home

    planet. 3n addition' lalu positioned his nues to 7last 6i7iru on its ne!t

    pass 7y Earth. lalu thus dangled gold as a carrot and menacedmissiles as a stic. o nu on 6i7iru he 7eamed'O On another world 3

    am' the gold o* salvation 3 have *ound. he *ate o* 6i7iru is in my

    hands. o my conditions you must give heedP eturn my throneO

    FSitchin' he #ost -oo o* Eni page >0G

    -ac on 6i7iru' the %ouncil heard lalu)s demands. Enlil' 9ing nu)s

    oremost Son' 7eamed lalu 7ac' &rove there)s ample gold on Earth.

    lalu transmitted his data to 6i7iru. Enlil impugned lalu)s data. e

    and the %ouncil 7egged nu to resist lalu)s attempt to regain rule.

    5 Ohe Speaero*;ords he stirred upC toward 6i7iru the words to

    carry.O FSitchin' he #ost -oo o* Eni page >0G

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    4 63-36 %$6%3# SE6DS E' 6 E6#3# E

    FEssay 4 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    Story so *ar

     lalu stole a missilearmed rocet and 7lasted *rom 6i7iru to Earth.

    rom Earth' he controlled the gold 6i7iru needed to survive. e

    positioned his nues to 7last 6i7iru on its ne!t pass 7y Earth. lalu

    dangled gold as a carrot and menaced missiles as a stic. o nu on

    6i7iru he 7eamed' On another world 3 am' the gold o* salvation 3 have

    *ound. he *ate o* 6i7iru is in my hands. o my conditions you must

    give heedPO FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni op.cit. page >0G

    Oeturn my throne'O lalu demanded. -ut nu)s oremost Son' Enlil'

    demanded proo* o* gold on Earth. So lalu documented his proo* and

    transmitted it to the home planet. Enlil distrusted the proo*. e ased

    nu to convene the 6i7iru %ouncil. 3n the %ouncil' Enlil and the

    counselors implored nu to eep his ingship.

    6arrative esumes

     he scientist Ea' irst7orn Son o* nu' addressed the %ouncil. Ea'

    though nu)s irst7orn Son' was second in succession to nuJs throne.

    Enlil' the oremost Son' was ing nu)s legal successor. Enlil was Hrst

    in succession 7ecause his mother' nuJs oyal Spouse' ntu' was nu)s

    hal*sister. his made Enlil' not Ea' nu)s oremost Son 7y 6i7iru

    succession rules.

    emem7er Ea' though only irst7ornNnot oremostSon' married

    Damina' laluJs Daughter. s laluJs soninlaw as well as nuJs

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    irst7orn' Ea could mediate 7etween nu and lalu. hus all in the

    %ouncil listened intently to Ea address the threat and promise lalu

    oKered them.

    Ea proposed that he' in person' veri*y gold on Earth. 3* *rom gold dust

    o* Earth' a shield *or 6i7iru its atmosphere to save' said Ea' let lalu

    Earth rule as 9ing. or ingship on 6i7iru' let him wrestle nu.

    #et me in a chariot FrocetG to Earth Qourney' a path through the

    -racelet FsteroidsG with water' not Hre Flalu used nuclear missiles to

    get through the steroidsG 3 shall *ashion. n Earth' *rom the waters let

    me the precious gold to o7tainC to 6i7iru 7ac it will 7e sent. FSitchin'

    .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni op.cit. page: >>G

    nu endorsed EaJs plan and sent him with lalu)s insman' pilot n

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    nu)s 7ehal*.

    6arrative esumes

    Ea roceted *rom 6i7iru toward Earth. e shot' with water *rom his

    ship' steroid-elt rocs in his path. &ilot n

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    seem immortal 7y our standardsG did the *ashioning last' a Shar did the

    testing continue. ;ith rocets was the dust heavenward carried' 7y

    crystalsJ 7eams was it dispersed.

    F-utG when 6i7iru near the Sun came' the golden dust was 7y its rays

    distur7edC the healing in the atmosphere was dwindled' the 7reach to

    7igness returned.O FSitchin' .' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page A>G

    nu sent 7gal 7ac to Earth *or more gold.

     n Earth again' 7gal *ound only a small gold yield' all Ea could mine

    *rom the ul* so *ar. Ea sent 7gal to 6i7iru again with this

    disappointing yield o* gold.

     hen Ea *ound gold' huge veins o* it' in southeast *rica (7

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    6e!t: nu' Enlil = Ea Draw #ots *or 6i7iru' Earth' Seas = 8ining

    @ 6$' E6#3# = E D; 63-3$' E' SES = 83636

    FEssay @ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on . Sitchin)s #ost -oo o* Eni (historical Hction"' in turn 7ased

    on Sitchin)s Earth %hronicles' meticulously documented empirical


    Story So ar

    9ing nu o* 6i7iru sent his dynastic heir' Enlil' to Earth to rule it and

    chec Ea)s claim o* vast gold to send 7ac to 6i7iru to save that

    planet)s atmosphere.

    6arrative esumes

    )ather nu') Enlil 7eamed *rom Earth to 6i7iru' )aUrm' 7y the law o*

    succession' that 3' your son 7y your own hal*sister ntu' precede and

    have authority over Ea' though' he' your eldest son' 7e.

    )%ome' Enlil implored' to Earth in person and deal with lalu' too' who

    thins he rules here and should rule 6i7iru as well.

    So' 41>' 000 years ago' nu ew to Earth and drew lots with Ea and


    t the drawing nu decreed' one lot would 7estow rule over 6i7iruC

    another lot would give its holder rule o* Earth and control the &ersian

    ul* headTuartersC the last lot would give responsi7ility *or *rican

    mining operations and sea transport.

    O-y their lots the tass they dividedC nu to 6i7iru to return' its ruler on

    the throne to remain.

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    Ohe Edin F8esopotamiaG to Enlil was allotted' to 7e #ord o* %ommand'

    more settlements to esta7lish' o* the syships and their heros charge

    to tae. * all the lands until they the 7ar o* the seas encounter' the

    leader to 7e.

    Oo Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted' lands

    7eyond the 7ar o* the waters 7y him to 7e governed' in the 7

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    announcedP 6or have 3 the claim to 6i7iruJs throne *orsaen.JO FSitchin'

    .' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page B,G

    nu wrestled lalu. hey grappled. FSitchin' he ;ars o* ods and

    8en' page A>G

    Onu on the chest o* lalu with his *oot pressed down' victory in the

    wrestling there7y declaring' V3 am 9ingJO

    -ut when nu li*ted his *oot *rom lalu' Oswi*tly he the manhood o* nu

    7it oK' the malehood o* nu lalu did swallow.PO FSitchin' he ;ars o*

    ods and 8en' page B4G

    Enlil tied lalu up while Ea gave nu Hrstaid. Olalu'O nu groaned'

    Owill slowly die *rom my seed.O 5

    nu condemned the sicened and doomed lalu to spend his last days

    on 8ars.

    nu condemned lalu to spend his last days on 8ars. nu' on hisreturn to 6i7iru' dropped lalu on 8ars' with *ood and tools. nu also

    le*t lalu)s insman' n

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    9ing nu sent his daughter 6inmah with *emale health oUcers to

    Earth. Stop' said the 9ing' on the way' at 8ars. 3* n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    and 9um7ari 7ac to Earth.

    9um7ari returned to 8ars -ase and agitated among the 3gigi

    (astronauts". hey attaced Enlil and his people on Earth. Seventy o*

    Enlil)s men ew aircra*t against 9umar7i and the 3gigi. hey de*eated

    9umar7i 7ut $lliumi' 9umar7i)s son 7y one o* the *emale astronauts'

    rallied the 3gigi again. ,A0'00 years ago' $lliumi (illing the role o*


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    -acground: Ea says how he sees his love' his sister 6inmah' %hie*

    8edical Ucer *or the Earth 8ission. e reveals his perception o* his

    rival' their 7rother Enlil' %ommander o* the Earth proQect.

    OEni and Enlil and 6inmah...Kspring o* nu the three leaders were'

    7y diKerent mothers....

    OEni was the irst7orn SonC a concu7ine o* nu)s was his mother.

    OEnlil 7y ntu' the spouse o* nu' was 7ornC the #egal eir he thus


    O6inmah 7y another concu7ine was mothered' a hal* sister o* the two

    hal* 7rothers she was....reatly 7eauti*ul she was' *ull o* wisdom' one

    Tuic to learn.

    OEa' as Eni was then named' 7y nu to espouse 6inmah was chosen'

    there7y their oKspring son the legal successor therea*ter to 7ecome.6inmah o* Enlil' dashing commander' was enamoredC 7y him she was

    seduced.... OO FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' pages 11211,G

    Ea dictates to his scri7e. (he rivalry 7etween Ea and Enlilthe critical

    competition that aKects Earth' to this day' shows here' as Ea re*ers to

    the se!ual connection 7etween his HancW 6inmah and their hal*

    7rother' %ommander Enlil' as Oseduction.O"

    O son *rom Enlil)s seed 6inmah 7ore' 6inurta.... nu angeredC as

    punishment he 6inmah ever to 7e a spouse *or7adeP Ea his 7rideto

    7e 7y nu)s decree a7andonedC a princess named Damina Flalu)s

    daughterG he instead espousedC a son' an heir to them was 7orn'

    8ardu.O FS3tichin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' pages 11211,G

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    ;e return *rom our genealogical segue to 6inmahJs Qourney to Earth.

    ;e le*t her on 8ars.

    6inmah and n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Rrom Eridu' %ommander Enlil ew 6inmah (who was his sister'

    mother o* their son' 6inurta" to his home in #e7anon to plant eli!ir

    seeds sheJd 7rought. Enlil courted 7ut *ailed to seduce 6inmah' he)d

    promised her he)d send 6inurta to Earth *rom 6i7iru. Enlil also

    promised to 7uild a health sciences center in 8esopotamia *or

    6inmah)s health oUcers.

    6arrative esumes

      hough Enlil promised 6inmah a healing city and said he)ll 7ring

    6inurta to Earth' 6inmah remained se!ually aloo* *rom Enlil.

    urt when 6inmahJs reQected him se!ually' Enlil mooned a7out his

    gardens at the #anding &lat*orm. e watched Sud' 6inmahJs gorgeous

    ssistant ealth Ucer there' 7athing in his stream with other young

    women *rom the medical team.

    Enlil invited Sud to get high on eli!ir made *rom seeds 6inmah 7rought

    *rom 6i7iru and planted in his garden. OSud dran' Enlil dran tooC toher Enlil o* intercourse was speaing.

    O$nwilling was the lass....Enlil laughed and em7raced her' issed her.

    is semen into her wom7 he poured.

    Oo 6inmah' SudJs commander' the immoral deed was reported. Enlil'

    immoral one. or your deed Qudgement you shall *ace. So did 6inmah

    to Enlil in anger say.

    3n the presence o* H*ty nunnai' Seven ;ho Iudge were assem7led.

    n Enlil a punishment decreed: #et Enlil *rom all cities 7e 7anished...

    #et him e!iled 7e. 3n a sycham7er they made Enlil leave the #anding

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    &lace F#e7anonGC 7gal was his pilot.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo

    o* Eni' pages 11,114G

     7gal' remem7er' had helped Eni hide lalu)s nuclear missiles.

    7gal ew Enlil' ostensi7ly' to e!ile in *rica. -ut in *rica' in what he

    Seven had decreed must 7e Oa #and o* 6o eturnO' 7gal showed Enlil

    the cave where he)d helped Eni hide the nues. 7gal thus secretly

    7etrayed Ea/Eni' his old patron and aligned with Enlil against Eni.

    7gal told Enlil he)d chosen Enlil)s 7anishment site near the missiles so

    Enlil could regain rule o* Earth. e could intimidate all rivals with the

    missiles Ea 7elieved securely hidden. 7gal told Enlil' Oae the

    weapons into your possession' with the weapons your *reedom o7tainPO

    FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page114G

      8eanwhile' Sud)s wom7 swelled *rom Enlil)s rape. Eni and the

    tri7unal ased Sud i* she)d marry Enlil i* she were his oUcial spouse.

    She agreed to marry Enlil only i* she were his oyal ;i*e. Enlilconsented.

    So the tri7unal and even 6inmah pardoned Enlil and he and Sud

    married. Enlil returned to #e7anon and his command o* the 6i7irans

    on Earth without having to disclose his nowledge o* the missles) locale

    in *rica. Sud reigned with EnlilC she was given the title 6inti and 7ore

    6annar/Sin' the Hrst 6i7iran oyal 7orn on Earth.

    or visual depictions o* some o* Sitchin)s documenting evidence see,laluDeposed-ynu6ues2Earthhreat


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    Sitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 1B@>' he 12th &lanetC 1BA0'

     he Stairway to eavenC 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8enC 1BB0'

    enesis evisitedC 1BB0' he #ost ealmsC 1BB,' ;hen ime -eganC

    1BB+' Divine EncountersC 1BBA' he %osmic %odeC 2004' he Earth

    %hronicles E!peditionsC reer' 6.' 2000' -reaing the odspell. Eni/Ea

    is the 6i7iran who (4'000 years ago" dictated his auto7iography to his

    scri7e' Endu7scar o* Endu.

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin)s translation o* Eni)s tale (augmented a

    7it 7y my imagination" is the sourceNwith many o* Eni)s slantso*

    most o* the account in these essays. he #ost -oo o* Eni itsel* is

    historical Hction' wherein Sitchin has woven in*ormation meticulously

    documented in his Earth %hronicles

    %ontact Dr. Sasha #essin:

    8E6$ Y ESSLS 11 to 20

    %opyright 6otice

    11 E693 = 6368 -EED 3#S 3## SE %$SES

    FEssay 11 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on echaria Sitchin)s 2002 epic

     he #S -9 E693: 8emoirs and &rophecies o* an E!traterrestrial


    ur story

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      %hie* ealth Ucer' &rincess 6inmah' reQected the se!ual

    advances o* %ommander Enlil' *ather o* her son' 6inurta. rustrated'

    Enlil raped 6inmah)s ssistant' Sud. he Seven ;ho Iudge sentenced

    Enlil to e!ile in *rica. -ut when Sud' pregnant' agreed to a royalname' 6intiand marriage to Enlil' the ri7unal pardoned Enlil and had

    pilot 7gal return Enlil *rom E!ile. Since Enlil)d lost 6inmah already

    and lusted *or 6inti anyway' he returned to Edin with renewed power.

    ll he had to do was marry the the woman he wanted and he)d resume

    command o* Earth operations. e didn)t even have to reveal he new

    where Eni)d hidden the nuclear missiles. ll he had to do was marry


    6arrative esumes

    6inmah spurned %ommander Enlil. 6ow she could e!plore her relation

    with Eni' her *ormer Hancee.

    Eni told 6inmah' O%ome with me in the 7

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Oo distance himsel* *rom 6immah)s vulva Eni 7y raised arm sworeC

    *rom her curse Eni was *reed. o the Edin 6inmah returned.O Fhe

    #ost -oo o* Eni' page 11>G

    E6#3# = E693 -EED %8&E36 #36EES ;336 6$)S %#6

    Eni)s #ineage: ;hen 6inmah stopped Eni *rom conceiving again with

    her again' Eni sent to 6i7iru *or his wi*e' Damina (6ini"' and their

    son' 8D$9. ;ith them' and with the children Damina 7ore him on

    Earth' Eni 7uilt his clan8ardu)s Earth7orn hal*7rothers6E#'

    3-3#' 6363S3DD/ and D$8$3and their progeny.

    Eni)s eldest son' 8ardu' recall' was grandson o* lalu. ;hen lalu


  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    FEssay 12 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

    ur story

     he two sons o* 9ing nu o* 6i7iru' Enlil (%ommander o* Earth

    perations" and Eni (#ord o* Earth)s Seas and 8ines" 7uild rival

    lineages on Earth as astronauts mine gold in SE *rica

    6arrative esumes

    -y some 400'000 years ago' Enlil had 7uilt seven 8ission %enters in

    8esopotamia. he centers: Sippar the SpaceportC 6ippur' 8ission

    %ontrolC -adti7ira' 8etalurgical %enterC Shurrupa' 8ed %enter.


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    insisted henot n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    11@ 121G was actually the role o* 6annar' Enlil)s #egal eir (Enlil)s Hrst

    son 7y his legal spouse"' as part o* his (6annar)s" dynastic challenge to

    his hal*7rother 6inurta (Enlil)s irst7orn" *or %ommand o* Earth.

    &erhaps 6annar was the power 7ehind n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Sitchin' in he 12th &lanet had earlier said the role o* n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    stronaut %orps coup led 7y n

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    the miners. Eni secretly coached the miners to trap %ommander Enlil

    and manipulate him to accept a plan he (Eni" had *or the apemen.

     he miners *ollowed Eni)s plan. irst' they drastically reduced theirshipments o* gold to 6inurta in -adti7ira.

    Enlil sent 6inurta to investigate and Eni returned to the mines. t the

    mines' 6inurta and Ennugi heard minercomplaints. he miners Owere

    7ac7iting and lamenting' in the e!cavations they were grum7ling.

    )$n7eara7le is the toil.)O

    3nvite Enlil to the mines' Eni suggested to 6inurta' #et the

    %ommander see how the miners suKer.

    ;hen Enlil and his ?i

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    essence Fie' our genesG' there7y a #ulu' a &rimitive ;orer shall 7e

    createdPO Fhe #ost -oo o* Eni' pages 124 12@G

    Eni showed the apemen to Enlil and 6inurta' O6ingish

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Eni' Earth)s #ord' showed the apemen to Enlil' Earth)s %ommander

    and 6inurta' Enlil)s oremost ;arrior' says' O6ingish

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    saved.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page 1,2G

    Eni' 6inmah and 6ingish

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    Fur ancestor were' 7y Eni)s account' the result o* 7oth evolution

    (Erectus had evolved in a million years *rom ustralopithecinae" andcreation 7y Eni' 6inmah and 6ingish

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    clay)s admi!ture' Earthling with nunnai shall 7e 7ound. o a unity

    shall the two essences' one o* eaven' one o* Earth' together 7e

    7rought.) 3n the wom7s o* the 7irthgiving heroines the *ertili

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    ;hen 6ingish

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    Ohen let them 7e where they are needed'O Enlil with anger said. Oo

    the 7+


    1+ 63-3$ 6E36 8E6S %#38E %3S3S = D SE 6

    E' 8S-SE %#S36

    FEssay 1+ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

    Story So ar:

    Spurred 7y mutiny o* 6i7irans toiling in the goldmines o* im7a7we'

    6i7iruJs 9ing nu and his %ouncil allowed Eni' 6inmah and


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    resultant seven hy7rids were male.


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    hy7rid males 7ac to im7a7we to 7reed as miners.

    6arrative esumes

      3n ima7awe' Eni settled damu and imat in a *orest

    enclosure. here imat 7ore the twins she)d conceived with damu.

    She 7ore other children who inter7red and multiplied till they too over

    the wor in the goldmines.

    3n a *ew thousand years' Othe Earthlings were proli*erating....o 7e with

    the nunnai F6i7iran astronautsG they were eager' *or *ood rationsthey toiled well. * heat and dust they did not complain' o*

    7ac7reaing they did not grum7le. * hardships o* wor the nunnai

    were relieved. he vital gold to 6i7iru was coming' 6i7iruJs

    atmosphere was slowly healing.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o*

    Eni' page 1+1G

    6i7iru' recall' revolves around the Sun every ,'>00 years in a long

    elliptical clocwise or7it. ;hen 6i7iru was closest to the Sun (perigee"'

    6i7iru was close enough to Earth *or her rocets to easily visit Earth.

    -ut also at perigee' 6i7iru )s net*orce sometimes distur7ed the planets

    o* the inner solar system.

    So it was that one o* 6i7iru)s or7ital nearings to the Sun distur7ed the

    atmosphere' volcanoes and earthTuaes on Earth and 8ars. 9ing nu

    visited Earth *rom 6i7iru and inspected damage.

     he 9ing decided to end transshipment o* gold *rom 8ars. is decision

    *avored the Enlil lineagesons o* Enlil and their childrenover the Eni

    lineage. nu suspected Eni o* a7etting revolts 7y lalu)s insman


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    Eni)s eldest son and heir' o* his power 7ase on 8ars.

    urther *avoring Enlil)s lineage' 9ing nu awarded rule o* new

    spaceport (*rom which the gold was to 7e directly roceted to 6i7iru" atSippar to EnlilJs son)s son $tu (the Hrst Earth7orn 6i7iran".


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    the 6i7irans as well.

    Enlil' already angry at Eni *or creating the *ertile hy7rids' demanded

    Eni do something to solve the *ood crisis his genetic meddlingproduced.

    3n response' Eni said he)d introduce plants and domestic animals *or

    the Earthlings to tend. -ut Eni ept to himsel* a plan he)d concocted

    to upgrade hy7rid intelligence with his own genes.

    6e!t: :Eni #oves y7rids Descended *rom damu = imatC y7rids-are Son dapa = irl iti

    1> E693 = L-3DS -E 33 (*emale = E63$S D& (male"

    FEssay 1> 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

    Story So ar

      y7rid 6i7iran/Earthling damite slaves (cloned *rom dam"

    proli*erated in Eni)s *rica. s slave num7ers grew' 6i7iran #ords re

    introduced the damites to 8esopotamia' there to serve and plant


    ne o* 6i7iru)s approaches' however' devasted Earth)s climate and

    decimated crops. he Earthlings *oraged widely *or *ood' so they

    e!acer7ated *ood shortages. Eni planned *un *or himsel* that would

    uplevel the damites) intelligence so they could hus7and animals and

    tend plants 7etter. ;ith 7easts and e!panded agriculture' shortages

    would end.

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    6arrative esumes

     3n his *rican reserve' OEni in the marshlands looed a7out. ;ith himwas only 3smud' his visier' who secrets ept.

    On the river)s 7an' *rolicing Earthlings he noticedC two *emales

    among them were wild with 7eauty' Hrm were their 7reasts. heir

    sight the phallus o* Eni caused to water' a 7urning desire he had.

    O young one to him Eni called' a tree *ruit she oKered him. Eni 7entdown' the young one he em7raced' on her lips he issed her. Sweet

    were her lips' Hrm with ripeness were her 7reasts. 3nto her wom7 she

    too the holy semen' 7y the semen o* the Eni she was impregnated.O

    Eni then made love with the second young hy7rid FSitchin' .' 2002

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' pages 1>@ 1>AG.

    ne o* the damite girls 7ore a 7oy' dapaC the other' a girliti. Eni

    hid his paternity o* dapa and iti. Eni)s wi*e' Damina (6ini" Oto ititoo a liingC all manner o* cra*ts was she teaching.

    Oo dapa' Eni himsel* teachings gave' how to eep records he was

    him instructing.O Eni 7oasted' O %ivili

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    FEssay 1@ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

     he Story

     Eni secretly impregnated two o* his Erectus/6i7iran descendants.

    ne o* these 7ore a 7oy' dapaC the other' a girliti. Eni hid his

    paternity o* dapa and iti.

    6arrative esumes

    D&' E693)S -3##36 S6' ?ESEES E#36S

    dapa and iti' Eni)s son and daughter' mated. iti 7ore twins' 9ain

    and 7ael' the Hrst D&ite humans' humans with *ar moreNdue to

    EniJs genetic in*usion6i7iran genes relative to Erectus genes thantheir mothers' the D8ite girls Eni impregnated.

    Eni raised dapaC he educated him as the son he was (al7eit

    clandestine". Eni taught dapa to manage and teach Earthlings to

    manage plantations' herds and estates. hen Eni 7rought more

    Earthlings *rom *rica to 8esopotamia and had dapa train them to

    serve the 6i7iran colonists.

    dapa 7ecame Oa 7usy7ody' in charge o* the services *or which the

    primitive worers were 7rought over to the EdinOC he supervised the

    7aers' assured water supplies' oversaw the Hshing *or Eridu FEniJs

    estate on the &ersian ul*G and tended oKeringsO FSitchin' .' 1BB+'

    Divine Encounters' page +1G.

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    dapa 7egged Eni to give him the su7stances o* 6i7iru to allow him'

    lie the 6i7irans' to live *or hundreds o* thousands o* years.

    Eni used a machine Fa device similar to the $.S.Js & laser7atteriesG to halt the wind that 7lows up the ul* *rom the South so

    dapa could' on a southsailing vessel' voyage secretly down the

    &ersian ul*.

    6 63-3$' 6$ DE63ES D& 388#3L

     ales o* dapaJs 7rilliance had already reached 9ing nu on 6i7iru.;hen nu heard that Eni manipulated ul* weather to send dapa on

    his mysterious voyage' the 9ing sent his vi

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    dam and dapa were his descendants as well. is D6' donated 7y

    Eni and hoth and mi!ed with D6 o* omo Erectus had unlaw*ully

    created a new civili

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Earthlings' damites' descended *rom damu and imat. hese

    damite lasses 7ore dapa and iti.

    Eni)s ta7let ased that nu deny dapa immortality. eturn himinstead to Earth. n Earth' dapa would 7reed a more intelligent

    servant race' the da&ites' the %ivili

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    Eni lineage ran livestoc *or 8ission Earth.

     o 7alance Eniite control o* livestoc' Enlil insisted that his own eldest

    son and oremost ;arrior' 6inurta' tutor 9ain in *arming. gricultureon Earth' augmented 7y the grain seeds 6ingish

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    Eni 7rought his grandson' 9ain' to Eridu to 7e Qudged 7y he Seven

    ;ho Iudge (Enlil' 6ini' 6inurta and 6annar *rom Enlil)s #ineage'

    6inmah' and Eni' 6inti and 8ardu *rom Eni)s".

    8ardu' 7ael)s mentor' demanded the Iudges order 9ainprotege o*

    his rival 6inurtae!ecuted. -ut 8ardu)s *ather Eni told 8ardu that

    he' Eni' was 9ain)s grand*ather' so 9ain was 8ardu)s grandnephew.

    Eni told 8ardu that 9ain)s survival was critical to generate

    genetically superior Earthling la7orers *or Held' pasture and mines O3*

    9ain too shall 7e e!tinguished' satiation Fo* *ood suppliesG to an end

    would come' mutinies will 7e repeated.O

     he Seven ruled OEastward to a land o* wandering *or his evil deed 9a

    in must depart.O 9ain and Ohis generations shall 7e distinguished.

    O-y 6ingish 1A@G. hey wandered in the

    wilderness to the east.

    ;hen dapa was on his death7ed' 6inurta' in his rocetship *etched

    9ain to Edin. Ohe eyesight o* dapa having *ailed' or recognition o*

    his sons) *aces he touched. he *ace o* 9ain was 7eardlessO dapa told

    9ain' Oor your sin o* your 7irthright you are deprived' 7ut o* your

    seed seven nations will come. 3n a realm set apart they shall thrive'

    distant lands they shall inha7it. -ut having your 7rother

    with a stone illed' 7y a stone will 7e your end.O

    6inurta returned 9ain to the wilds east o* Edin where Oin a distant

    realm 9ain had sons and daughtersO 6inurta' O*or them a city 7uilt'

    and as he was 7uilding' 7y a *alling stone was he F9ainG illed.O

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    (Sitchin' .' 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8en page 112G suggests this

    might have 7een a murder rather than accident."

    9ain)s survivors planted grainC they *ounded and ruled the city o* 6udFalso called Dun' Dunnu and 6u.dunG. 9ain)s successors *or the ne!t

    *our generations were murdered 7y their sons. or the ne!t three

    generations a*ter that' each ruler o* 6ud ascended to rule a*ter

    marrying his sister and murdering his parents.

    9ain)s son)s son)s son (great grandson"' Enoch' who succeeded 9ain

    in the *ourth generation o* 9ain)s descendants' married two o* his own

    sisters' dah and illah. ne o* dah)s sons' Ia7al' and his *ollowers

    lived in tents and raised cattle. Ia7al)s 7rother Iu7al' 7egat a line o*

    musicans who played lyre and ute music.

    #amech)s other wi*e' illah' 7ore u7al%ain' who was a smith' Oan

    artiHcer o* gold' copper and iron.O FSitchin' .' 1AA+' he ;ars o* ods

    and 8en pages 111 112C 2002'he #ost -oo o* Eni:' pages 1A1


    D& 6D 33)S E &E6L 6D E3 3SS$E

    dapa le*t 7ehind the descendants o* thirty sons and thirty daughters

    he and iti 7egat. he 6i7iran colonists divided these genetic

    descendants o* Eni among them as proteges and taught them writing'

    mathematics' welldigging' 7ody oil preparation' harp and ute

    mastery and the preparation o* eli!ir o* the 3n7u *ruits. he dapite

    y7rids whom the 6i7irans taught each identiHed with their respective

    6i7iran teachers.

    dapa)s descendants were also taught how to use 7itumens *or

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    *urnaces *or gold smelting and reHning.

    Enlil)s son' 6annar' taught the y7rids ceremonies to worship their

    6i7iran lords. O* the rites o* worship o* the nunnai Fhose who *romSy Descended' i.e.' 6i7iransG that the 7eginning was.O

    Eni taught astronomy to one o* his hy7rid descendants' Enime.

    Eni)s son 8ardu roceted Enime to the 8oon and 8ars7ase' then

    sent him to the spaceport at Sippar' to 7e &rince o* Earthlings under

    6annar)s son' $tu/Shamash' who was in charge there.

    #u8ach' a descendant o* Enime' was appointed wormaster o* the

    Earthlings in Edin' Othe Tuotas to en*orce' the rations to reduce.O -ut

    Oin his days conditions on Earth 7ecame harsherC the toilers in Held and

    meadow raised complaintsO FSitchin' .' 1AA+' he ;ars o* ods and

    8en pages 111 112C 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni:' pages 1AA1B,G.

    1B 8D$9 = S6$ %&S SE3E L-3D -3DES

    = S&%E&' EE6 E6#3#3ES

    FEssay 1B 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

    Story So ar

      he Seven ;ho Iudge 7anished 9ain' hy7rid dapa)s eldest son' and

    9ain)s 7eardless descendants east o* Edin' to 6od. here' 6inurta

    taught them metallurgy' cattle herding' lyre' ute. he 6i7iran no7les

    in 3raT/Summer taught dapa)s other' 7earded' descendants

    administration' writing' math' welldigging' 7rewing' harping' healing

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    oil preparation. 6inurta taught them goldsmelting and reHning. e

    also taught them to ceremonially venerate the #ords.

    6arrative esumes%limatic' magnetic and astronomical disruptions damaged 8ars7ase'

    where sronauts reHned and transshipped Earth)s gold to 6i7iru. he

    nunnai leaders on EarthEni' 6inmah and Enlilmet to deal with

    the crisis.

    aceto*ace' they saw each other)s wrinling visages and worried that

    they' unlie the other colonists who rotated 7ac and *orth 7etween

    Earth and 6i7iru' had aged drastically. Eni o7served' Old on Earth we

    7ecame' 7ut those on Earth 7orn are even older sooner.O

     o deal with the crisis caused 7y the astronomical disruptions' the

    leaders sent 6inurta' the son o* Enlil and 6inmah Oto the #and -eyond

    the Seas Fhe ndes 8ountains o* South mericaG in the mountainland

    a -ond eavenEarth Ftransmission towerG to esta7lish.O hey sent

    6inurta)s rival' Eni)s son 8ardu' to evaluate damage at 8ars7ase.

     he leaders told the rulers o* South *rica' Eni)s son 6ergal and

    6ergal)s wi*e Ereshigal (Enlil)s son 6annar/Sin)s daughter" to run new

    instruments at *rica)s south tip F%ape gulhasG to monitor the spaceand Earth distur7ances. FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 1B+G

    8ardu told his parents he wanted to marry an Earthling' Sarpanit'

    daughter o* 8ardu)s Earthling protWgW' Enime (a descendant o*

    Eni)s partEarthling son' dapa". 8ardu)s mother' 6ini (Damina"'

    warned 8ardu that i* he married Sarpanit Oto 6i7iru with his spouse

    he would never go. is princely rights on 6i7iru he *orever will *orsae.

     o this 8ardu with a 7itter laugh responded: 8y rights on 6i7iru are

    none!istent. Even on Earth my rights as Hrst7orn have 7een trampledO

    F7y Enlil and his heir' 6inurta' who were given Earth commandsG.

    8ardu vowed to 7ecome master o* Earth.

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      urious at 8ardu *or seeing a hy7rid 7ride' Enlil 7eamed 9ing nu

    on 6i7iru. e ased he 9ing to stop 8ardu and Sarpanit *rom

    marrying her. -ut nu and his counselors ruled' On 6i7iru dapa' the

    maiden)s progenitor' could not stay. here*ore to return to 6i7iru withher' 8ardu must *orever 7e 7e 7arred. 8ardu marry can' 7ut on

    6i7iru a prince he shall no more 7e.O

    Enlil let 8ardu and Sarpanit announce their wedding at Eridu'

    Eni)s place on the &ersian ul*. owever' Enlil also ordered that

    8ardu and Sarpanit' a*ter their wedding' 7anished to Egypt (which

    would hence*orth 7e 8arduJs own domain"' within Eni)s sphere o*

    inuence (7

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    issued...)he dapite daughters to marry we wish. Lour 7lessing to this

    you must give' else 7y Hre all on Earth destroy we will.) O FSitchin' .'

    2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 201G

      8ardu' who commanded the 3gigi' championed their a7duction

    marriages. Enlil *umedC O3n his heart things against 8ardu and his

    Earthlings was Enlil plotting.O 8ardu settled some o* the 3gigi and

    their hal*6i7iran' hal*dapite issue (O%hildren o* the ocetships they

    were calledO" in -a7ylonC he and Sarpanit stayed with others in


    -y 100'000 years ago' some o* these O%hildren o* the ocetships'O

    allied with 8ardu' settled in Othe *ar eastlands' lands o* high

    mountains.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 202C 1BA+' he

    ;ars o* ods and 8en: ,4>G

    Enlil ordered his successor 6inurta to counter the spread o* 8ardu)s

    Earthlings. O)he Earth 7y Earthlings inherited will 7e') Enlil to 6inurta

    said. )o' the oKspring o* 9ain Hnd' with them a domain o* your own


     o counter 8ardu)s threat' 6inurta recruited the descendants o* 9ain.

    e showed them how to 7uild 7alsam ra*ts. hey crossed the seas to

    South merica. here' 6inurta taught them tin and gold mining'

    smelting and reHning. FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 20,G

    -y 100'000 years ago' some o* these \%hildren o* the ocetships]

    settled in Othe *ar eastlands' lands o* high mountains.O FSitchin' .'

    2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 202C 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8en:


    Enlil ordered his successor 6inurta to counter the spread o*

    8ardu)s Earthlings. O)he Earth 7y Earthlings inherited will 7e') Enlil to

    6inurta said. )o' the oKspring o* 9ain Hnd' with them a domain o*

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    your own prepare)O

     o counter 8ardu)s threat' 6inurta recruited the descendents o*

    9ain. e showed them how to 7uild 7alsam ra*ts. hey crossed theseas to the ;estern emisphere' where 6inurta taught them tin and

    gold mining' smelting and reHning. FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o*

    Eni: 20,G

    20 E693 -ES 6 (3$S$D"

    FEssay 20 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G-ased on echeria Sitchin)s #ost -oo o* Eni

    Story So ar

      8ardu and 6inurta' patrilateral parallel cousins (*ather)s 7rother)s

    sons"' cultivated clients *rom among the dapitesthe y7rid

    Earthlings descended *rom dapa. he cousins' each the apparent ne!tleader o* the Eniite and Enlilite lineages (respectively"' recruited these

    clients to rule large num7ers o* Earthlings who could supply armies and

    e!ert *orce against the *ollowers o* each others) lineages.

    s his son recruited among the descendants o* 9ain' Enlil planned to

    let climate changes ill all the y7rids in the lowlands.

    6arrative esumes

    Eni lusted *or -atanash' wi*e o* his son dapa)s descendant' #u8ach'

    ;ormaster o* Earthlings in Edin. Enlil had ordered #u8ach to en*orce

    wor Tuotas and reduce rations *or the Earthlings he directed. he

    Earthlings grum7led and threatened #u8ach.

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    So' ostensi7ly to protect #u8arch and his wi*e' Eni sent him to

    8ardu in -a7ylon to learn city7uilding and sent -atanash to 6inmah

    at the 8edical/Science comple! o* Shuru7a' O*rom the angry Earthling

    masses protected and sa*e to 7e. herea*ter Eni his sister 6inmah inShuru7a was Tuic to visit.

    n the roo* o* a dwelling where -atanash was 7athing Eni 7y her loins

    too hold' he issed her' his semen into her wom7 he poured.O

    FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 204 G rom this encounter'

    she 7ore iusudra (6oah".

    ;hen #u8ach returned to Edin' Oto him -atanash the son showed.

    ;hite as the snow his sin was.... #ie the sies were his eyes' in a

    7rilliance his eyes were shining.O #u8ach complained' O son unlie

    an Earthling to -atanash was 7orn.... 3s one o* the 3gigi FastronautsG his

    *atherMO -atanash swore O6one o* the 3gigi is the 7oy)s *ather.O

    FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 204 G #u8ach)s *ather

    8atushal assured him iusudra was destined to help Earhlings survive

    the 3ce ge Earth was entering.

    6inmah loved and cared *or iusudraC Eni taught him to read dapa)s


    -ut drought' plague and starvation staled the Earthlings FSitchin' .'

    2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 204 20+G. Eni and 6inmah proposed

    teaching Earthlings medicine *or plague' seaHshing as well as pond

    and canal7uilding *or drought and *amine.

    Enlil (Lahweh"' however' was still enraged at Eni *or creating the

    Earthling hy7rids. Enlil was also *urious at Eni)s son 8ardu' who was

    recruiting the hy7rid line descended *rom the daughters o* dapa

    whom the astronauts had a7ducted at 8ardu)s wedding to the

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    Earthling Sarpanit.

    8ardu was conditioning this hy7rid population to serve him *or the

    time when he and the astronauts who had taen hy7rid women mustremain on Earth' the time when enough gold had 7een sent to 6i7iru to

    shield the homeplanet)s atmosphere and the other 6i7irans would

    return home.

    So Enlil *or7ade any help *or the Earthlings. O#et the Earthlings 7y

    hunger and pestilence perish'O decreed Enlil. o speed the demise o*

    the Earthlings' Enlil speciHcally ordered Eni to 7loc Earthlings) access

    to ocean Hsh.

     he Earthlings at Shuru7a' where iusudra lived under Eni)s and

    6inmah)s tutilage' sent iusudra to Eni at Edin *or help. Eni

    suggested the Earthlings protest Enlil)s antiEarthling policy and

    7oycott worship o* and service to their 6i7iran lords. e said' however'

    he couldn)t openly ignore Enlil)s order and help the Earthlings.

    %overtly' Eni *ed Earthlings *rom his corn stores. e trained them in

    sea Hshing and gave them access to the sea. ;hen Enlil accused Eni

    o* de*ying his decree that humans 7e allowed to perish' Eni lied. e

    said the humans acted without his nowledge. rustrated' Enlil

    planned *or the Hnal destruction o* Earthlings and the end to 6i7iran

    occupation o* Earth FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 20>C

    1B@A' he 12th &lanet' pages 2B2 2B4G.

    Each ,'>00 year revolution o* 6i7iru to the region o* Solaris createdever more violent distur7ances on 6i7iru' the sun (huge solar ares"

    8ars (#ahmu" and Earth. n Earth' Eni)s son 6ergal reported *rom the

    south tip o* *rica that the ntarctic ice sheet was sliding to the ocean

    and would' ne!t approach o* 6i7iru' slide into the sea and cause wave

    rever7erations that would engul* most o* Earth.

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    or visual depictions o* some o* Sitchin)s documenting evidence see' he 12th &lanetC 1BA0'

     he Stairway to eavenC 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8enC 1BB0'

    enesis evisitedC 1BB0' he #ost ealmsC 1BB,' ;hen ime -eganC1BB+' Divine EncountersC 1BBA' he %osmic %odeC 2004' he Earth

    %hronicles E!peditionsC reer' 6.' 2000' -reaing the odspell. Eni/Ea

    is the 6i7iran who (4'000 years ago" dictated his auto7iography to his

    scri7e' Endu7scar o* Endu.

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin)s translation o* Eni)s tale (augmented a

    7it 7y my imagination" is the sourceNwith many o* Eni)s slantso*

    most o* the account in these essays. he #ost -oo o* Eni itsel* is

    historical Hction' wherein Sitchin has woven in*ormation meticulously

    documented in his Earth %hronicles

    %ontact Dr. Sasha #essin:

    21 #$ 9EE&S 63-36 #EDES 6 83SS36 E

    FEssay 21 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

     he Story

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      he damite and dapite y7rid Erectus/6i7iran Earthlings were

    7oth part o* a species Eni' 6ingish

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    Ohe three o* you on Earth will remainC only to die to 6i7iru you will

    return.O 6inmah and her 7rothers must or7it Earth in their rocets

    when the antarctic icesheet slipped into the ocean and waves washed

    over the planet. ;hen the waters calmed' the #eaders were to return

    to Earth' the only place they could survive.

    9ing nu)s order continued' Oo each o* the other nunnai' a choice to

    leave or the calamity outwait must 7e given. he 3gigi FastronautsG

    who Earthlings espoused must 7etween departure and spouses

    choose. 6o Earthling' 8ardu)s Sarpanit included' to 6i7iru to Qourney

    is allowed. or all who stay and what happens see' in celestial chariots

    they sa*ety must see.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni: 20B


    Enlil convened the nunnai %ouncil' which consisted o* the #eaders)

    sons and grandchildren and the 3gigi commanders. e said he decided

    the Earthlings must drown in the deluge.

    Eni protested' O) wonderous -eing 7y us was created' 7y us saved it

    must 7e') Eni to Enlil shouted.O

    Enlil roared 7ac'O)o &rimitive ;orers you gave to them nowing you

    endowed. he powers o* the %reator o* ll into your hands you have

    taen. ;ith *ornication dapa you conceived ' $nderstanding to his line

    you gave. is oKspring to the heavens you have taen' our wisdom

    with them you shared. Every rule you have 7roen' decisions and

    commands you ignored. -ecause o* you a %ivili

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    Eni: 212 214G.

    Enlil 7rought the %ouncil 7ac to order. stronauts with dapite wives

    and children' he decreed' must move to the peas a7ove wave level.;hen the deluge engul*ed Earth' repatriating colonists would rocet to

    6i7iru' Eni' 6inmah' and 3as well as our sons' daughters and their

    descendantswill or7it Earth till the Earthlings drown and the waters

    recede. 8ardu was to shelter on 8ars7aseC Enlil)s son 6annar would

    wait out Earth)s ood on the moon. FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* 

    Eni: 2,0G.

    Eni and 6inmah 7uried their records and computer programs deep in

    the 3raTi soil. hey prepared genetic 7ans o* Earth)s creatures to save

    *rom coming ood. O8ale and *emale essences and li*eeggs they

    collected' o* each ind two 7y two ... they collected *or sa*eeeping

    while in Earth circuit to 7e taen' therea*ter the living inds to

    recom7ine. he day o* the deluge they waited.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he

    #ost -oo o* Eni: 21>G.

    22 #$ E#&S E693 S?E 3$S$D = E#36S

    FEssay 22 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

     he Story

    Enlil' Earth)s 6i7iran %ommander' convened the nunnai %ouncil' the

    leaders) sons and grandchildren and the 3gigi astronaut commanders.

    e ordered all to hide news o* the coming ood *rom the Earthlings

    who' he ruled' must drown. stronauts with dapite wives and

    descendants must ee to peas a7ove the waters. %olonists repatriate

    to 6i7iru. Eni' 6inmah FEnlil)s hal*si7lingsG shall or7it Earth with me

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    and our children and grandchildren.

    6arrative esumes

    Eni dreamed al

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    shall the seed o* %ivili

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    Eni' Qoined 7y 6inmah and 6inurta' told Enlil that al

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    %ommander Enlil and Eni descended to 8t rarat as the ood

    su7sided. Enlil saw iusudra with his descendants' *ollowers' genetic

    starts *or ora and *auna and 6ingal with the su7mersi7le. Enlil was so

    angry he challenged Eni to Hght hand to hand to the death. -ut when

    Eni admitted that he)d *athered iasudra' 6inmah' 6inurta and Eni

    convinced Enlil that al

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    6$6693 EE63S E)S %&S 6D #3?ES%9 

     he survivors opened the vault 7eneath the #anding &lat*orm' unloced

    the diorite chests there' and *ound intact the grain seeds 6i7iru had

    sent to introduce to Earth.

    Enlil put his heir and champion' 6inurta in charge o* creating an

    irrigation system in 8esopotamia *or the grain. Eni' in his genetics

    la7' dou7led' tripled and Tuadrupled the chromosomes o* the grain*rom 6i7iru they)d 7een using on Earth FSitchin' .' 1BA+ he ;ars o*

    ods = 8en' p124G. Enlil assigned iasudra)s son as 6inurta)s *oreman

    to supervise the y7rid Earthling survivors dam and terrace 7uilding as

    well as provision o* 7read.

    Enlil charged dad/3shur' his youngest son' with surveying the *ruit

    trees that survived the ood. dad *ound the grapes 7rought 7y

    6inmah *rom 6i7iru had survived' and the y7rids resumed grape

    growing *or 7oth white and red wine.

    Eni)s son 6inagal' who)d piloted iusudra)s su7mersi7le' revealed the

    genetic starts Eni and 6inmah had stowed a7oard. 6inagal said' Ohe

    li*e essences and li*e eggs' in the *ourlegged animals *rom iusudra)s

    7oat can 7e com7ined. Sheep *or wool and meat will multiply' cattle

    *or mil and hides will all have.O FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o*

    Eni' pages 22B 2,4G Eni 7ade his son Dumu

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    Enlil selected the Saudi ra7ian &eninsula *or a new interplanetary

    *reighter rocet terminal site to *erry the gold to the homeplanet.

     he passage o* 6i7iru through the 3nner Solar system not onlydamaged Earth and 8arsC it also ripped away the shield o* gold dust

    around the planet 6i7iru' gold the astronauts had struggled *or

    millennia to ship to the mother planet. 6i7iru)s atmosphere was again

    dwindling. he mother planet desperately needed EarthJs gold.

    -ut mud covered the *rican mines. he hundreds o* 6i7iran miners

    had repatriated to 6i7iru. he thousands o* y7rid miners had

    drowned. he gold reHnery at -adi7ira had washed away. ;aters

    had swept away the rocet terminal at Sippar in 8esopotamia.

    6inurta came to the rescue.

    6inurta prospected huge gold Hnds o* pure gold' needing no reHning' in

    &eru. igh in the ndes' he also *ound 7eardless descendants o* 9ain

    who)d survived the ood on ra*ts and now lived on an island in #ae

     iticaca. South merica had the gold 6i7iru needed as well as

    potential miners.

    Rrom the ndes (southeast modern #a &a< and east o* #ae &oopo in

    alluvium o* rivers running into the east coast o* #ae iticaca" also

    6inurta could o7tain copper and pure' unsmelted tin (rather than have

    to mine cassiterite and smelt the tin *rom it with %2 and limestone"

    to com7ine with si! parts copper and cast into 7ron

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    7uilding material. ard 7ron

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    astronavigational eTuipment in the reat &yramid

      Eni got Enlil to order a monument' the sphin!' to 6ingish

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      Eni)s other sons as well as Eni)s %hampion' 6inurta' and his

    7rothers in the Enlil #ineage also demanded Olands *or themselves and

    devoted Earthlings.O

    6368 6E3ES &E%E' 3S ;DED S363

      6inmah' ever the peacemaer' proposed all these oyals 7e given

    lands and Earthling *ollowers. 6inmah' as daughter o* 6i7iru)s 9ing

    nu' mother o* 6inurta and mother o* Eni)s daughters as well' was

    awarded control o* the entire Sinaiilmun (#and o* 8issiles"' as it was

    called' as neutral ground 7etween the two lineages.

    %ommander Enlil allotted lands east o* Sinai to his lineal

    descendants' supported 7y iusudra)s sons Shem and Iapheth and

    their descendants. he %ommander awarded *rica to Eni and his

    lineage' supported 7y iasudra)s son am and his descendants. Eni

    in turn appointed 8ardu ruler o* Egypt' with Earthling supporters too.

    6inurta 7uilt 6inmah a palace on 8t 8oriah. Enlil and Eni installed

    6inmah in the palace' awarding her the title O6inharsag' 8istress o* the


    6i7iran whirl7irds 7egan lo*ting &eru)s gold nuggets to the Sinai *or

    transport to 6i7uru to resume shielding the home planet)s atmosphere

    with gold dust.

    2+ 8D$9)S S6 S$ 93##S -E' SC S)S S6'

    6 DEES S$' $63ES EL&

    FEssay 2+ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

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    Story So ar

    Eni got Enlil to authori

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    Earlier' during the reat Deluge o* 1,' 000 years ago' 8ardu' his

    dapite wi*e' Sarpanit' and their sons' sar (siris" and Satu (Seth"

    sheltered on 8ars7ase with the 3gigi %ommander' Shamga

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    Earthlings toward *rom #e7anon all the way to the 7orders o* 6inmah)s

    neutral Ierusalem region. he 3gigi advanced toward the 3nterplanetary

    #anding one' he &lace o* %elestial %hariots.

    8eanwhile' in $pper Egypt' 8ardu)s 7rother i7il tutored oron to

    manhood. i7il taught oron how to pilot aircra*t and *ashioned multi

    headed missiles *or him and taught him and his Earthlings how to

    smelt iron and mae iron weapons *or his Earthling armyNall to ready

    oron to de*eat Satu. ully armed' oron)s army marched on Sinai.

    ather than *ace oron)s 7etterweaponed army' Satu challenged

    oron to a onetoone areal 7attle. s oron ew his Hghter toward

    Satu' Satu struc him with a poisoned dart. 6ingish

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    Story So arhe principals o* Eni)s lineage' in their competition among

    themselves' trans*erred much advanced technology to their Earthling

    minions. 8ardu' Eni)s eldest son' married to the dapite Earthling

    Sarpanit' *orged an alliance with the stronaut %orps (3gigi". ollowing

    8ardu)s e!ample' the 3gigi too Earthling women and captured the

    #anding &lace in #e7anon' and in AB@0 -.%.' in the name o* 8ardu)s

    son Satu' were advancing on the Spaceport in Sinai. i7il' another o*

    Eni)s sons' taught Earthlings commanded 7y 8ardu)s grandson

    oron to mae iron weapons.

    6arrative (Essay 2>" esumes:

    Enlil and his sons' 6inurta' 6annar and dad' saw the command o* the

    gold mining e!pedition and control o* Earth' which they *elt should 7e

    theirs alone' threatened 7y Earthlings led 7y the descendants o* Eni'

    particularly 8ardu' and 8ardu)s sons and his grandsons.

    Enlil and sons *eared Eniites would control Earth)s space *acilities.

    Eniites would determine how much gold owed *rom Earth to 6i7iru.

     hey)d rule Earth and 6i7iru. Enlil and his lineage couldn)t even

    escape Earth when the mining there was done i* 8ardu and his alliescontrolled space travel and communication with the home planet.

     o counter this' Enlil sent 6inurta to secretly 7uild a communications

    center ne!t to #ae iticaca. 6inurta 7uilt also a spaceport on the

    plains ne!t to the ndes. Orom thereO 6inurta reported' Ogold

    shipments to 6i7iru can continue' *rom there in need we too can

    ascendO FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 1B@>' he 12th

    &lanet' pages 24A 24BG

    2@ 8D$9 3#S E6#3#3 3666 = D38$3)S $636

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    FEssay 2@ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

     he Story

      Enlil and his sons' 6inurta' 6annar and dad' saw the command o* 

    the gold mining e!pedition and control o* Earth' which they *elt should

    7e theirs alone' threatened 7y 8ardu and the Earthlings led 7y the

    descendants o* Eni' particularly 8ardu' his sons and his grandsons.

    Enlil and his sons *eared the Enlilites would control Earth)s space

    *acilities and thus the ow o* gold *rom Earth to 6i7iru. 3* 8ardu and

    his allies had such control' they would 7e a7le to hold 7oth Earth and6i7iru in their power. Enlil and his clan would not even 7e a7le to

    escape Earth when the mining there was done' i* 8ardu and his allies

    controlled space travel and communication with the home planet. o

    counter this' they sent 6inurta to secretly 7uild a communications

    center ne!t to #ae iticaca. 6inurta 7uilt also a spaceport on the

    plains ne!t to the ndes. rom there' 6inurta reported' gold shipments

    to 6i7iru can continue' *rom there in need we too can ascend.

    3nto this intense and 7uilding rivalry' darlings o* the two opposed

    lineages *all in love.

    6arrative esumes

    O*ter the Deluge' on the #anding &lat*orm F#e7anonG' Dumu

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    pampered 3nanna' who' as a child' was called 3rnini. 9nown in later

    years as 3shtar' shtoreth' nnutitum' phrodite' thena' ?enus'

    Eshdar' 3nnin' 6inni' 9ali and Shati' 3nanna was %ommander Enlil)s

    son)s daughtera royal mem7er o* the Enlil #ineage.

      O3nanna 7y her parents 6annar and 6ingal was 7eloved. Enlil

    Fer rand*atherG 7y her cradle sat. -eauti*ul 7eyond descri7ing she

    was' in martial arts with nunnai heros F6i7irans on EarthG she

    competed. syship o* her own' to roam EarthJs sies' to her the

    nunnai presented.O Fhe #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin' 2002:2+0G

    3nanna and 7rother $te' twins o* 6annar (EnlilJs second son"' were 7oth

    6i7irans 7orn on Earth.

    3nanna and her twin were longlived lie homeplanet 6i7irans.

    -ut the Earth7orns matured *aster. O;ho on 6i7iuru in diapers would

    still 7e' on Earth 7ecame a childC ;ho on 6i7iru 7egan to crawl' when

    on Earth 7orn was running around.O FSitchin 2002' he #ost -oo o*

    Eni' p1+2G


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    visions o* rulership and glory 7y eshtinanna to her 7rother 8ardu

    were reported. -y 3nannaJs am7itions 8ardu was greatly distur7edC to

    eshtinanna a secret plan he said.] FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo

    o* Eni' :2+1G

      8ardu had eshtinanna seduce Dumu@0 -%' a marriage 7etween 3nanna' Enlil)s son)s daughter

    and Eni)s son Dumu

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    6arrative (Essay 2A" esumes


  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


      3nanna 7rought DumuG.

    3666 = E6#3#3ES DEE E6933ES' & 8D$9 36 &L83D

      3nanna led the Enlilites to war against 8ardu *or instigating


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      Eni 7rought Sarpanit' 8ardu)s y7rid wi*eNtheir young son

    6a7u in hand' and 3nanna)s *ather 6annar and her 7rother $tu to plead

    *or 8ardu)s li*e. Sarpanit prostrated hersel* 7e*ore 3nanna' 7egging

    her to spare 8ardu. Oppeased not was 3nanna. )or the death o* my7eloved Dumu

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    6arrative esumes

      3n the pyramid' Enlilite %hampion 6inurta and his men e!plored

    the Eniites) astronavigational guidance systems and secret weapons. he %hampion threw away eTuipment wreced 7y the Hghting. e

    destroyed weapons he couldn)t use 7ut salvaged the interplanetary

    landing 7eacon. nd he saved Othe ug Stone that directions

    determined.O F Sitchin' .'he #ost -oo o* Eni' 2002:2>2.G


  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    Enlil gave 3shur the #anding &lace and the lands to the 6orth' South

    and East o* #e7anonthe lands the re7ellious astronauts and their

    hy7rid children had occupied.

    Enlil awarded 6annar Ohe peninsula wherein the &lace o* the %hariots

    Fhe rocet 7ase at SinaiG was' in 6annar)s lands was included' $tu

    F6annarJs sonG as commander o* the &lace o* the 6avel o* the Earth

    was conHrmed.O F Sitchin' .'he #ost -oo o* Eni' 2002:2>4G.

    ;hen Enlil let Eni choose 6ingish

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    heir to the $pper 6ile. 8ardu caused Dumu

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    nu and his wi*e ntu landed at ilmun. Eni' Enlil and 6inharsag

    nu)s three childrengreeted them. Ot each other they looed' aging

    to e!amine: though greater in Shars were the parents' younger than

    the children they looed. he two sons FEni and EnlilG looed old and

    7eardedC 6inharsag' once a 7eauty' was 7ent and wrinled.O FSitchin'

    .' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 2002:2>AG.

    6$ $6%?ES #$)S $SES 9EE& E 6$6693 SE36

    63-36E#36 L-3DS

    Eni told his *ather and si7lings the dream he had o* al

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


     he will o* the %reator o* ll is: on Earth and *or Earthlings' only

    emissaries are we. he Earth to the Earthlings 7elong' to preserve and

    advance them we were intended.

    O;hatever Destiny *or the Earth and Earthlings' let it so 7e. 3* 8an'

    not nunnai to inherit the Earth is destined' let us destiny help.

    Oive 8anind nowledge...secrets o* heaven and Earth them teach.

    #aws o* Qustice and righteousness teach them then depart and #E?E.O

    FSitchin' .' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 2002:2@1' 2@+G.


    Sitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 1B@>' he 12th &lanetC 1BA0'

     he Stairway to eavenC 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8enC 1BB0'

    enesis evisitedC 1BB0' he #ost ealmsC 1BB,' ;hen ime -eganC

    1BB+' Divine EncountersC 1BBA' he %osmic %odeC 2004' he Earth

    %hronicles E!peditionsC reer' 6.' 2000' -reaing the odspell. Eni/Ea

    is the 6i7iran who (4'000 years ago" dictated his auto7iography to his

    scri7e' Endu7scar o* Endu.

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin)s translation o* Eni)s tale (augmented a

    7it 7y my imagination" is the sourceNwith many o* Eni)s slantso*

    most o* the account in these essays. he #ost -oo o* Eni itsel* is

    historical Hction' wherein Sitchin has woven in*ormation meticulously

    documented in his Earth %hronicles

    %ontact Dr. Sasha #essin:

    ESSLS 11 to 20 Y 8E6$ Y ESSLS ,1 to 40

    ,1 E#36 &3ES/936S $#E %33ES 6$6693

    FEssay ,1 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

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    4 egions: , *or umans' including 3nnana)s 3ndiaC Sinai *or 6i7irans =

     heir amilies nly

    Story So ar

    9ing nu o* 6i7iru' called to Earth to settle claims o* greatgranddaughter 3nanna' reali

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    with the dapite hy7rid -atanash (wi*e o* his son dapa)s descendant'

    #u8ach' ;ormaster o* Earthlings in Edin".

    egion 1: Enlil)s lineage)s domain: Enlil and his lineage' decreed the9ing' rule 8esopotamia through their designated ings' descendants o* 

    iasudra)s sons' Shem and Iaphet the air. iasudra)s eldest son'

    Shem' and his descendents' rule the nations *rom the highlands

    running *rom the &ersian ul* to the 8editerranean. round @400 -.%.

    round ,A00 -.%.' Shem)s descendents settle the e!spaceport area o*

    3raT and the #anding &lace at #e7anon. Shem)s 7rother Iaphet rules

    *or the Enlilites *rom the highlands o* sia 8inor' the -lac and %aspian

    Seas' as well as the near7y coasts and islands' as they recover *rom

    the ood.

    egion 2: Eni)s lineage)s domain: 9ing nu orders Eni and his

    descendents rule Egypt and *rica though the descendants o*

    iasudra)s son am the Dar. am)s line rules %aanan' %ush' 8i

  • 8/9/2019 Lessin Enki Speaks


    FEssay ,2 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    ,, 6$ &D6S 8D$9' DE&S 3$6%$ 63-3$

    FEssay ,, 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni' pages 124 12@

    Story So ar

    9ing nu o* 6i7iru visits Earth around ,A00 -.%. to settle 3nanna)s

    domain claims. e claims her as his Earth %onsort at $ru. Sheseduces Eni *or &rograms *or $ru.

    6arrative (Essay ,," esumes

    nu and _ueen ntu ew (3n the syship he was leaving to 3nanna"

    with Enlil)s sons 6inurta and 3shur/dad to the iahuanancu temple'

    o7servatory and metallurgy (tin" wors 6inurta 7uilt at #ae iticaca. hey viewed the spaceport 6inurta 7uilt as an alternative to -aal7e

    when 8ardu and the 3gigi too over in #e7anon. n the runway o*

    the new *acility' Onu and ntu)s celestial chariot stood ready' with

    gold to the 7rim it was loaded.O FSitchin' .' 1BB0' he #ost ealms

    page 2++' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 2002'page 2@2 2@+G

    nu summonsed his grandson' 8ardu' who was in e!ile in 6orth

    merica' to the new Spaceport 6inurta and the Enlilites had 7uilt atopthe ndes. 8ardu had once 7een heir to the throne o* 6i7iru itsel*.

    8ardu)s mother' Damina' daughter o* lalu' nu)s predecessor' had

    married Eni and 7ore 8ardu' who was supposed to succeed lalu.

    -ut nu deposed lalau and 8ardu married y7rid Earthling'

    Sarpanit. or his marriage and the su7seTuent sei

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    the 6i7iran %ouncil 7anned 8ardu *rom 6i7iru and succession there.

    nu 7lamed himsel* *or adding to 8ardu)s hurt pride 7y *avoring

    8ardu)s younger 7rothers when he invited them' 7ut not 8ardu' tothe homeplanet. \nu wondered i* 7y Dumu

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    7rother' Dumu

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    programmed them to diKerent languages and scripts.

    ,+ 8D$9/ DE&SES 6363S3DD/ 36 EL&

    FEssay ,+ 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Sitchin' .' 2002 he #ost -oo o* Eni

    Story So ar

    8ardu)s allies' 3gigi' ruled estates in #e7anon and Sumer. 6a7u'

    8ardu)s son' summoned these 3gigi communities to 8arduJs city'-a7ylon' to 7uild a launch tower *rom which 8ardu could challenge

    the Enlilite spaceport on the Sinai. Enlil ased 8ardu to stop 7ut he

    ept 7uilding his tower.

    O8ardu an unpermitted ateway to eaven is 7uilding' to Earthlings

    he is entrusting'] Enlil told his clan' the Enlilites. hey 7om7ed the

    launch tower and the 6a7uJs camp at -a7ylon. he Enlilites scattered

    8ardu)s servants and programmed them to diKerent languages andscripts.

    8ardu ed to Eni)s region' the 6ile.

    6arrative (Essay ,+" esumes

    \;hen 8ardu Fnow called aG' a*ter a long a7sence' to the #and o* the

     wo 6arrows FEgyptG returned' 6ingish

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    or the ne!t ,+0 years' the armies o* 7rothers 8ardu/a and


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    \3n the eastern lands' 7eyond even seven mountain ranges' was the

     hird egion' amush' #and o* Si!ty &recious Stones' was its highland

    called. ratta FarappaG the ;ooded ealm' was in the valley o* a

    meandering great river F3ndusG located. 3n the great plain did the

    people cultivate crops o* grains and horned cattle herd. here too two

    cities with mud 7rics they 7uilt' with granaries they were

    Hlled.]FSitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page 2A> 2A@G.

    3nanna appointed an dapite y7rid Shepard%hie* (descended *rom

    her deceased HancW Dumu

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    -anda' however' died o* illness on the return Qourney to $ru and the

    peace message never reached Enmerar' so O3n the hird egion'


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    3nanna now ruled two ingdoms' ratta on the 3ndus and $ru in

    Sumer. She ruled' 7ut she hallucinated Dumu

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    ilgamesh and his guardandroid' Enidu' sought the launchpad at

    -aal7e' #e7anon' hoping to get transported to 6i7iru to get the

    immortality his mother and the nunnai all apparently enQoyed. 3n

    #e7anon' near 3nanna)s home' they *ound the tracs o* the securityro7ot and *ollowed them to the launchpad.

    s ilgamesh and E6idu watched a rocet launch' 3nanna watched

    them *rom her sycham7er. She saw them 7rea Enlil)s security ro7ot.

    Ot the entrance to the %edar orest its Hre7elching monster their way

    7loced....o pieces it they 7roe.O

    O;atching ilgamesh tae oK his clothes' 7athe and groom himsel*

    ...glorious 3shtar F3nannaG raised an eye at the 7eauty o* ilgamesh.

    O%ome' ilgamesh' 7e thou my lover. rant me the *ruit o* thy lovePO

    -ut when he declined her oKer' 3nanna' enraged' demanded nu

    release the gurard7ull at the launchpad. nu complied. he 7ull

    charged ilgamesh and Enidu 7ut ilgamesh sta77ed it while Enidu

    held it.

    ilgamesh then pursued longevity 7y plant means. e Qourneyed all

    the way to the Spaceport in Sinai.

    3n a tunnel in Sinai he met Eni)s son' iusudra/6oah' still alive all

    these centuries a*ter the Deluge. Oiusudra to ilgamesh the secret o*

    longliving he revealed. a plant in the garden)s well was growing'iusudra and his spouse *rom getting old it prevented.O Eni' with

    Enlil)s permission' said iusudra' granted ilgamesh this plant too. -ut

    when ilgamesh had the plant a snae Fthis is usually a sym7olic way

    o* saying Eni or someone o* his patrilineageG snatched it *rom him and

    so ilgamesh' lie most o* the hy7rids' eventually died. FSitchin' .'

    1BB+' Divine Encounters' pages 1,2 1@2G.

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    ,A 3666 = 8D$9 36 3' 6;' $#E E

    FEssay ,A 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    -ased on Study o* echaria Sitchin)s 2002 epiche #S -9

    E693: 8emoirs and &rophecies o* an E!traterrestrialod

    Story So ar:

    3nanna/3shtar ruled Sumer and the 3ndus. She)d proclaimed 6i7iransto

    7e immortal Ogods.O

    8ardu/a pondered 3nanna)s proclamation o* immortality o*nunnai

    Ogods.O e contemplated the human longing *or immortalitythat

    motivated ilgamesh)s *ailed attempts to live *orever. 8arducould use

    this yearning *or immortality to thwart 3nanna)s am7itionso* world

    domination as well as her speciHc claim to the #and o* the6arrows

    now under 8ardu)s control land 3nanna would have ruledwith


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    *ather'6annar' in control o* the Sinai spaceport. o 3nanna' he

    %ounciltrans*erred the energy source nown as Ohe eavenly -right


    3nanna with her weapons' armies and powers o* immortality held

    theingship o* Sumer' the irst egion' *or 1000 years. ere she and

    herlineagethe Enliliteswho controlled the citystates tri7utary

    to3nanna' encouraged the hy7rid Earthlings to worship and servethem.

    EL&: 8D$9/' D E6E36 ## ES' ES



    -ut in Egypt (Second egion"' where 8ardu had retreated and

    deposed hoth' 8ardu allowed worship o* one supreme deity: the god

    a aa8ardu' OSo did 8ardu' as a' a7ove all other gods himsel*

    emplace'their powers and attri7utes he to himsel* assigned. ));hat has

    you overpoweredM) Eni to his son 8ardu said. )$nheard o* are your


    O)he heavens my supremacy 7espea') 8ardu answered.O FSitchin'

    .'2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' page 2BAG. he 6i7irans and their

    Earthlings e!amined the heavens and *ound sun still rose in the

    constellation the -ull' maring Enlil)s ruleC not the am' 8ardu)s

    constellation. 8ardu and his son 6a7u nevertheless' mo7ili

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    #ost -oo o* Eni' page ,00G.

    3n 2400 -.%.' 3nanna chose her gardener' Sargon' the adian warrior

    ing the to lead her Earthling armies and rule all Sumer *or her. e rose*rom gardener to ing 7ecause he raped her and she enQoyed it.

    Sargon 7egan his rise when he saw 3nanna snoo

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     he nunnai %ouncil ased 8ardu)s 7rother' 6ergal o* 9uth' to

    disarm 8ardu and -a7ylon. 6ergal and his retinue o* -lac Earthlings

    le*t south *rica *or -a7ylon.

    En route to -a7ylon' 6ergal visited 3nanna in $ru. hough she was

    Enlilite' 6ergal (an Eniite" allied himsel* with her against his 7rother'

    8ardu (also o* Eni)s lineage". 6ergal and 3nanna 7ecame lovers'

    planned 8ardu)s de*eat and conTuest o* all Earth.

    6E# -ELS 8D$9 

    ;hen 6ergal le*t 3nanna' he and his men continued to -a7ylon' where

    8ardu greeted them. 6ergal promised 8ardu' i* he would leave

    -a7ylon immediately' that he could secure weapons and computers

    hidden in South *rica since the Deluge . 8ardu too the 7ait. e le*t

    *or South *rica.

    s soon as 8ardu le*t -a7ylon *or South *rica' 6ergal 7roe into8ardu)s control room and snatched his O7rillianceO (energy radiation

    source"' which controlled the irrigation system *or all 8esopotamia.

    Eni' 6ergal)s *ather' 7anished 6ergal 7ac to *rica' 7ut 6ergal le*t a

    garrison o* his men near -a7ylon' where they could aid 3nanna.

    3nanna and 6ergal (married to 3nanna)s sister' Ereshigal' who tried toill her"she an Enlilite' he an Eniiteplanned to together rule Earth.

    3n an ancient te!t' _ueen o* all the 8Es' it is written' 3nanna Odecided

    to de*y the authority o* nu and Enlil' a7rogate their rules and

    regulations and declare hersel* Supreme _ueen.O

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    3n 22B1 -.%.' O3n the irst egion' Enlil and 6inurta a7sent were' to the

    lands 7eyond the oceans 3nanna and 6ergal wentC 3n the Second

    egion' a was away' as 8ardu in other lands he traveledC er chance

    in her hands to sei

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    6inurta and the utians conTuered all o* 8esopotamia' and ushered in

    the a ninetyone year period o* agriculture Sitchin calls the Era o*

    6inurta. FSitchin' .' 1BB+' Divine Encounters' pages 1,2 1@2G.

    ,B E6#3# SE6DS 3-$$8 S& 8D$9

    FEssay ,B 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    8essages rom Eni: umanity)s ather

    %reated 7y Sasha #essin' &h. D. and 7ased on Study o* echaria

    Sitchin)s 2002 epiche #S -9 E693: 8emoirs and &rophecies o* 

    an E!traterrestrial od

    Story So ar:

     he utians su7dued 3nanna)s re7ellion o* 22++ -.%. and utiancalvary supported 6inurta)s re7uilding o* 8esopotamia. he utians

    returned to the agros 8ountains 21>0-.%.. and 6inurta)s 7rother

    6annar ruled Sumer *or ninetyone years. his Era o* 6inurta

    agricultural develpment. FSitchin' .' 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8en'

    pages 2>22>4G' *ollowed 7y a period where 6annar' no longer eclipsed

    7y daughter 3nanna' ruled Sumer. . 6annar appointed $r 6ammu' son

    o* the the OgoddessO 6insun' as Supreme 9ing. $r6ammu

    was illed in 7attle 7ut his son Shulgi succeeded him and the Era o*6annar continued in Sumer until 202, -.%..

    6arrative (Essay ,B" esumes

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    Shulgi was so eKective and power*ul that 3nanna invited him to visit

    her in $ru. She again 7ecame lovers with an alpha dapiteC she

    announced Shulgi was Othe man chosen *or the vulva o* 3nanna.O hey

    were ceremonially Qoined in the temple where nu had once elevated

    her in tantric ritual. She again 7ecame lovers with an alpha dapite

    FSitchin' .' 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8en' page 2@> 2@BG'

    #$ ?3S36 #EDS E6#3# %SE -8 -#%9 8D$9 

    Enlil' at this time' had a dream visitation *rom the mysterious al

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    40 DS 6$9E S363 S&%E& -EE #E?36 E

    8D$9FEssay 40 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    Story So ar

     he nunnai *rom 6i7iru and their direct descendents (OgodsOas they

    had the dapite y7rid omo Sapiens call them"' new they)d soon

    have enough o* Earth)s gold to shield 6i7iru)s atmosphere. hen they

    could go home to 6i7iru. hey)d leave the y7rids to *end *orthemselves.

    So the nunnai let the y7rids proli*erate and slave *or them. y7rids

    wored *or nunnai leaders as well as *or lesser' more local nunnai

    OgodsOlesser no7ility and astronauts (3gigi" *rom 6i7iru. 8any gods

    ordered y7rids to war against armies o* rival gods. ods lesser and

    greater loosed laser' e!plosive and 7iological weapons against their

    rivals) y7rids.

    nunnai %ommander Enlil and Enlil)s son and %hampion' 6inurta'

    used y7rid armies and 6i7iran weapons in 8esopotamia to su7due

    3nanna and her 9ings $r6ammu and Shulgi when they invaded the

    nunnai reserve in the Spaceport area. 8ardu/a proclaimed divine

    right' as heir o* Eni and Damina (Daughter o* 9ing lalu" to rule


    #ong ago' the 6i7iran %ounsel and then 9ing' lalu' declared the son o* 

    &rince nu)s son Ea/Eni with lalu)s daughter' Damina' would 7e

    lalu)s Successor. he son Damina 7ore as Eni)s wi*e was

    8ardu/a. 8ardu was a legitimate successor to the throne o* 6i7iru.

    #ater' however' 8ardu)s greatgrand*ather nu deposed lalu. 8ardu

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    migrated to Earth.

    9ing nu and the %ouncil 7anned 8ardu *rom 6i7iru *or marrying the

    y7rid Sarpanit. he %ouncil would not ris the return o* 8ardu aspotential claimant to rule. he 6i7irans re*used to have a pretender

    with sons 7egat with a hy7rid wi*e he too *rom an illegally 7red slave

    speciesa species proving *ar too intelligent to introduce as migrants

    to 6i7iru.

    8ardu)s proclamation that the time had come *or him to rule the Earth

    resonated with Enlil)s vision. 3n Enlil)s vision al

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    Sinai. 20>4 -%' 6inurta attaced the Sinai descri7es the attac 7y

    Enlil)s son' 6inurta' on Sinai: Ohe Hrst terror weapon Fa missile called

    ne ;ithout ivalG *rom the sys 6inurta let looseC the top o* 8ount

    8ashu Fwhere the controlling eTuipment was housedG with a ash it

    sliced oK' the mount)s innards in an instant it melted. 7ove the &lace

    o* the %elestial %hariots FrocetshipsG the second weapon

    Fcalled -la

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    area)s vegetation' rocs called tephera. ephera are O7urntthrough

    pieces o* 7lacened gravellie rocO usually associated with volcanos.

     ephera still cover Sinaiwhich lacs volcanos. Sinai)s tephera result

    *rom 6inurta)s 7om7ing o* the spaceport. he 7om7ing le*t a huge

    7lac scar on the Sinai plain (where the shuttlecra*t runway and launch

    plat*orm had 7een" so large it can only 7e seen *rom satellite. 8illions

    o* 7lac7lasted rocs' north northeast o* the scar in an area where all

    other color rocsno 7lacare *ound. FSee photos' he ;ars o* ods

    and 8en' 1BA+' pages ,,2,,4G


    Sitchin' .' 2002' he #ost -oo o* Eni' 1B@>' he 12th &lanetC 1BA0'

     he Stairway to eavenC 1BA+' he ;ars o* ods and 8enC 1BB0'enesis evisitedC 1BB0' he #ost ealmsC 1BB,' ;hen ime -eganC

    1BB+' Divine EncountersC 1BBA' he %osmic %odeC 2004' he Earth

    %hronicles E!peditionsC reer' 6.' 2000' -reaing the odspell. Eni/Ea

    is the 6i7iran who (4'000 years ago" dictated his auto7iography to his

    scri7e' Endu7scar o* Endu.

     he #ost -oo o* Eni' Sitchin)s translation o* Eni)s tale (augmented a

    7it 7y my imagination" is the sourceNwith many o* Eni)s slantso*

    most o* the account in these essays. he #ost -oo o* Eni itsel* is

    historical Hction' wherein Sitchin has woven in*ormation meticulously

    documented in his Earth %hronicles

    %ontact Dr. Sasha #essin:

    ,1 E#36 &3ES/936S $#E %33ES 6$6693

    FEssay ,1 7y Sasha #essin' &h.D.G

    4 egions: , *or umans' including 3nnana)s 3ndiaC Sinai *or 6i7irans =

     heir amilies nly

    Story So ar

    9ing nu o* 6i7iru' called to Earth to settle claims o* great

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    granddaughter 3nanna' reali

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    9ing' rule 8esopotamia through their designated ings' descendants o* 

    iasudra)s sons' Shem and Iaphet the air. iasudra)s eldest son'

    Shem' and his descendents' rule the nations *rom the highlands

    running *rom the &ersian ul* to the 8editerranean. round @400 -.%.

    round ,A00 -.%.' Shem)s descendents settle the e!spaceport area o*

    3raT and the #anding &lace at #e7anon. Shem)s 7rother Iaphet rules

    *or the Enlilites *rom the highlands o* sia 8inor' the -lac and %aspian

    Seas' as well as the near7y coasts and islands' as they recover *rom

    the ood.

    egion 2: Eni)s lineage)s domain: 9ing nu orders Eni and his

    descendents rule Egypt and *rica though the descendants o*

    iasudra)s son am the Dar. am)s line rules %aanan' %ush' 8i

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     E %E#ES3# -#E: 63-3$ 8EES S#3S 6D 38 (&


    Si! thousand years ago' astronaut/pioneers *rom the planet 6i7iru

    dictated Enuma elishthe %reation Epicto the Sumerians. he

    Sumerians wrote on clay ta7lets what the 6i7irans told

    them how our solar system *ormed. he %reation Epic says Solaris'